Access to AI and science

  • AI for everyone
  • Scholarships

We work to make AI more accessible to the next generation. From supporting young people to better understand AI and the role it will play in their future to extending opportunities for underrepresented groups to enter the exciting fields of AI and science, we collaborate with a number of organisations to expand AI literacy and increase access to educational and research opportunities.

Man planting lettuce

Postdoctoral fellowships

Our academic fellowship funding supports recipient universities’ efforts to help early-career researchers in the fields of AI and Computer Science to pursue postdoctoral study, and build the experiences and research profile that will enable them to progress to full academic or other research leadership roles in future.

Alongside financial support from their university, these fellowships provide opportunities for fellows to be mentored by senior Google DeepMind researchers. Google DeepMind does not direct their research and fellows are free to pursue any research direction they wish.

Fellowships are open to early-career researchers who have completed a PhD in Machine Learning, Computer Science, Statistics, or another relevant field by the time they start their postdoc. We particularly encourage candidates who identify as Black to apply due to this group being currently underrepresented in AI research.

So far, seven universities in the UK have launched fellowship programs. For details, refer to the relevant university websites:

2022/23 Academic Fellows:

  • Queen Mary University of London - Fellow in Machine Learning
  • University of Cambridge - Fellow in Computer Science
  • University College London - Fellow in Sustainable Artificial Intelligence

2023/24 Academic Fellows:

  • University of Birmingham
  • Imperial College London
  • University of Edinburgh

2024/25 Academic Fellows will be announced at the following universities:

  • University of Oxford
  • University College London (UCL) - applications will open later in 2024

Postgraduate scholarships

Google DeepMind has given scholarship funding to universities since 2017 to help support their efforts to bring a wider range of experiences to the fields of AI and Computer Science. The scholarships funding allows recipient universities to provide financial support to students from underrepresented groups seeking to study graduate courses relating to AI and adjacent fields. Scholars are also offered support from a Google DeepMind mentor, and have opportunities to attend leading AI academic conferences and Google DeepMind events.

Learn more about the scholarships

Pan-African 'AI for Science' Masters program

We have partnered with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) to create a pan-African ‘AI for Science’ Masters program. The program gives talented students from across the region a chance to pursue advanced studies at AIMS South Africa and connect with Google DeepMind researchers and engineers for support.

The program curriculum explores how AI can be used to better understand the world around us and accelerate progress on some of today’s most fundamental and fascinating scientific challenges. It has been developed by AIMS, with input from Google DeepMind and four world-leading local scientific groups:

  • Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO) and its South African partner, the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) an international effort to build the world's largest radio telescope; ‍
  • Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) a leading epidemic and pandemic preparedness and response institute; ‍
  • South African Centre for Epidemiological Modeling and Analysis (SACEMA) , Department of Science and Innovation - National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence with a mission to improve health in Africa through epidemiological modeling and analysis.

Our funding will help AIMS provide full scholarships, equipment and compute, with the goal of supporting 160 African students by July 2027.

Applications and more information

Undergraduate Research Ready

We have provided funding to six universities since 2023 to help them build programs that provide undergraduate students in the UK and US with opportunities to gain summer research experience in AI and adjacent fields. As part of these Research Ready programs, universities offer workshops and skills days to students and provide them with financial support and accommodation for the duration of their research placements.

Each university managed its own program, award processes and recruitment timelines. For further information, please consult the relevant university websites.

  • University of Cambridge
  • New York University
  • Queen Mary University of London

In 2025, the Royal Academy of Engineering, Google DeepMind and The Hg Foundation will fund Research Ready placements to help widen participation in AI research. For more information visit the Royal Academy of Engineering website.

School-age AI and teacher training programs

We work with a number of education charities and social enterprises to support AI and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education in the UK and beyond.

In 2022, we partnered with the Raspberry Pi Foundation to co-create Experience AI , a learning programme with lesson plans, slide decks, videos and more, to help address the gaps in AI education and support teachers in engaging secondary school students in the subject of AI. Created to be culturally relevant and accessible to all students aged 11-14, the resources are designed to help young people to better understand AI and the role it will play in their future.

Through partnering with Chess in Schools and Communities , we are piloting the delivery of a bespoke 30-week course in AI and chess at UCL Academy that aims to increase the number and diversity of students pursuing AI-related subjects in higher education.

We have also teamed up with STEM Learning to support the creation and delivery of eight ENTHUSE partnerships across the UK. STEM learning brings schools and colleges together to develop a programme that aims to raise aspiration and achievement in STEM subjects among young people. Each project is made up of a group of 6-10 schools and colleges, providing access to free resources, immersion in industry or university through teacher placements, STEM Ambassadors, and enrichment activities.

Teaching & learning resources

Many of our team hold university professorships and teach or supervise students at Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, Imperial, and elsewhere. We also partner with many world-leading academic institutions to extend research and teaching capacity. So far, we’ve established academic chairs in machine learning at the University of Alberta , University of Cambridge , the University of Oxford and University College London .

Community support

We believe that everyone should feel able to participate in AI and science, and we are committed to supporting organizations that create community and advance diversity within these sectors. Our team members regularly dedicate their time and expertise to advancing discussions about AI in their communities and we are proud partners of the Anita Borg Foundation , Black in AI , Women in Machine Learning , and more.

We are also founding partners of the Deep Learning Indaba , the Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School , and the AI4Good Summer Lab .

AI for everyone needs AI by you

Meet the scholars reimagining the future with AI.

google phd scholarship 2023

Watch "AI for everyone needs AI by you"

google phd scholarship 2023

Can AI help to unlock the mysteries of the mind?

google phd scholarship 2023

How can AI help us fight climate change?

google phd scholarship 2023

Using machine learning to optimise agriculture in Brazil

google phd scholarship 2023

Using AI to manage resources in Africa

google phd scholarship 2023

Transforming medicine with AI

The scholarship program

Increasing representation in AI offers a huge opportunity for bringing diverse values, hopes, and concerns into conversations about the design and deployment of AI. This is critical for making sure AI technologies are built to benefit everyone – and an essential part of realizing AI’s potential to become one of the most important technologies ever invented.

google phd scholarship 2023

Watch "Benedetta's story"

Support for all

Our scholarship funding aims to help universities’ efforts to build a stronger and more inclusive AI community, helping bring a wider range of experiences to the fields of AI and computer science. This fundings offers universities the ability to provide scholarships to students from underrepresented groups, who are seeking graduate studies in AI and adjacent fields. Scholars are also offered support from a Google DeepMind mentor, and have opportunities to attend AI academic conferences and Google DeepMind events.

Find your scholarship

Universities around the world have received funding from Google DeepMind to offer scholarships to AI graduate applicants. Find information on these institutions below.

‍South Africa

  • Stellenbosch University - Masters
  • The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) - Masters
  • University of Witwatersrand - Masters ‍
  • Makerere University - Masters
  • Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski) - Masters
  • Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (INSAIT) - PhD
  • École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay - Masters
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Masters
  • University of Warsaw - Masters
  • Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Masters

‍United Kingdom

  • University of Birmingham - Masters
  • University of Cambridge - Masters
  • University of Cambridge - PhD
  • Imperial College London - Masters (Computing and AI)
  • University of Oxford - Masters
  • University of Oxford - PhD
  • Queen Mary University of London - Masters
  • University College London - Masters (Neuroscience)
  • University College London - Masters (Computer Science)
  • University of Edinburgh - Masters

Middle East

  • Istanbul Technical University - Masters

North America

  • McGill University - Masters
  • University of Alberta - Masters
  • University of Toronto - Masters

United States

  • New York University - Masters
  • University of California, Los Angeles - Masters
  • University of California, San Diego - Masters

South America

  • UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Masters
  • Universidad de Los Andes - Masters

Still have questions? Find answers to some of the most common questions about the Google DeepMind-funded scholarship program.

Where are scholarships available?

Google DeepMind-funded scholarships have been offered internationally, including by universities in Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, France, Greece, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Turkey, Uganda, the UK, and the USA. For more information, visit university websites.

Who can apply for a scholarship?

The universities offering these scholarships in a given year aim to support talented students from groups currently underrepresented in AI by removing barriers to access as they progress from undergraduate to postgraduate study.

Scholarships are available to eligible offer holders on specific graduate courses at universities receiving Google DeepMind scholarship funding. Each university runs its own application and recruitment process both for their Google DeepMind-funded scholarships and relevant graduate courses, so consult university websites for details on the required qualifications to apply to these courses and, where relevant, any separate application process for the scholarships.

To find out eligibility for the scholarships, we recommend consulting university websites for more details, as this can vary from university to university.

Finally, as the program is international, at any point in the year some university deadlines will have already closed for intake, whereas others will not yet be open - and not all universities participate in every year. Please check details carefully and watch for announcements.

Can currently enrolled students apply?

Scholars are generally supported financially for the duration of their degree from the year they begin their studies. These scholarships aim to support students from their point of entry into a graduate program through graduation, rather than partway through an existing course.

Are the scholarships only offered in AI?

These scholarships support graduate study in AI and related fields, including some cross-disciplinary courses. Check university websites for details.

Do all universities offer both Masters and PhD scholarships?

All of the universities offer Masters-level funding for specific courses. Some also offer a limited number of PhD scholarships in AI and related fields. Check participating universities' websites for details.

What financial support does the scholarship offer?

The universities offering scholarships aim to ensure that scholars receive full financial support (tuition, stipend or living costs, and a grant for necessary equipment and attendance at an academic conference). Scholars are generally supported financially for the duration of their study, from the year they join their course until graduation.

In a few cases, where graduate funding is already available through the university or department, Google DeepMind-funded scholarships serve to enhance the existing funding, allowing universities to support the educational experience and giving the scholar the opportunity to focus more fully on their studies.

Why do you offer Google DeepMind mentors to scholars?

Google DeepMind mentoring is focused on personal development and growth. Scholars can choose to be matched with a personal Google DeepMind mentor, who will support them in building their confidence and pursuing their goals for up to one academic year.

Mentors are not supervisors or academic advisors, and don’t provide support with research topics or directions, but aim to help the mentee to build skills that will help them succeed in their graduate course and beyond.

How are the scholars selected?

Each university offering Google DeepMind-funded scholarships manages its own application process and recruitment timelines, so further information, such as eligibility or relevant course deadlines, should be explored via university websites. Eligible scholarship recipients are selected from the individual university’s offer-holder pool for qualifying courses; Google DeepMind does not select scholarship recipients.

google phd scholarship 2023

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  • TUM Graduate School
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Google PhD Fellowship 2023

Aktuelles | 30.08.2022

The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellows will receive a yearly bursary towards his*her stipend/salary, health care, social benefits, tuition and fees (if applicable), conference travel and personal computing equipment. The funds will be given directly to the university to be distributed to cover the fellow’s expenses and stipend as appropriate. The bursary varies by country and may be granted for up to 3 years. In addition, the fellow will be matched with a Google Research Mentor. There is no employee relationship between the fellow and Google as a result of receiving the fellowship. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. 

Further information on the Fellowship, as well as on the eligibility criteria, application FAQ etc. can be found at

How to apply?

Nomination by TUM Graduate School only . 

In order to apply, please submit the complete application documents in a single PDF file to Mrs Zizheng Zhang, [email protected], until 18 September, 2022 .  Applications must be submitted by the primary thesis supervisor .

After the application deadline, the TUM Graduate School Prize Committee shall nominate the 3 most promising candidates for the Google PhD Fellowship 2023.  

Application documents

  • Applicant CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (1-page) CV of the candidate's primary thesis supervisor 
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis supervisor)
  • Research / dissertation proposal including references (maximum 8 pages)
  • Applicant essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Applicant essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. (A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?)
  • Transcripts of current and previous academic records (Bachelor, Masters) 


Please note, in order to be eligible

  • Applicant must be fully registered on the doctoral candidacy list of his*her department/school (in DocGS) and be a full member in the TUM Graduate School at the time of application.
  • Applicant must remain registered on the doctoral candidacy list of his*her department/school (in DocGS) for the entire duration of the fellowship.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Doctoral candidates who are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.

Contact:  Mrs Zizheng Zhang | zhang(at) | 089 289 10631, TUM Graduate School, Boltzmannstr. 17, 85748 Garching b. München

PhD Graduate Education at Northeastern University logo

2023 Google PhD Fellowship Program – Student Announcement

Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Google PhD Fellowship students are a select group recognized by Google researchers and their institutions as some of the most promising young academics in the world. The Fellowships are awarded to students who represent the future of research in the following fields:

  • Algorithms, Optimizations and Markets
  • Computational Neural and Cognitive Sciences
  • Health Research
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Perception, Speech Technology and Computer Vision
  • Mobile Computing
  • Natural Language Processing (including Information Retrieval and Extraction)
  • Privacy and Security
  • Programming Languages and Software Engineering
  • Quantum Computing
  • Recommender Systems
  • Structured Data and Database Management
  • Systems and Networking

Research should align with  Google AI Principles .

For more information on nomination guidelines, see Frequently asked questions page .


Doctoral students are eligible to request their advisors to submit a nomination on their behalf by August 10, 2022 using the form located here (password has been sent to advisors in a separate email). Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominated students will receive request to provide additional information by August 24, 2022 :

  • Self-identification as member of an underrepresented minority (if applicable)
  • Confirmation that they will be full time students during the upcoming academic year
  • Expected graduation term
  • Remaining coursework
  • Other sources of funding
  • Relationship to Google
  • Names and emails of two references
  • CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Research/dissertation proposal, including references (maximum 8 pages) (1 page for internal nomination)

An internal evaluation committee will select four students to be nominated by Northeastern University to the Google PhD Fellowship. Selected students, once approved for nomination to the Google PhD Fellowship, please work with your college Research Admin team and NU-RES Pre-award support to complete the nomination process.

See Eligibility below for more details.

Up to 3 years

  • Full tuition and fees (enrollment fees, health insurance, books) plus a stipend to be used for living expenses, travel and personal equipment
  • Google Research Mentor

Doctoral students are eligible to request their advisors to submit a nomination on their behalf.

Universities should only nominate students that meet the following requirements:

  • Full-time graduate students pursuing a PhD and enrolled in an institution in one of the regions listed above.
  • Completed graduate coursework by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins.
  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.

Questions about nomination process: [email protected] .

Questions about application materials: contact your College Research Administration support team.

The State University Of Zanzibar


The State University Of Zanzibar - SUZA           


BSU IV PhD Scholarship on Marine Ecosystems Restoration

google phd scholarship 2023

Call for One PhD Scholarship position on marine coastal ecosystem restoration (seagrasses) using integrated approach under the Building Stronger Universities Project (BSU-IV) at The State University of Zanzibar

Re-advertised, project outline.

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has granted full support to the fourth phase of the Building Stronger Universities project (BSU-IV) at the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). The project is a partnership between SUZA and a consortium of Danish Universities led by University of Copenhagen The aim of BSUIV is to strengthen SUZA’s capacity to co-create and conduct participatory intervention studies that can identify effective and context-specific solutions to societal challenges of Zanzibar within environmental public health (EPH), and marine ecosystems health and services (MaCES). This PhD opportunity support includes participatory approaches to marine ecosystem restoration (1 position). Successful candidates will be offered a full-time academic position at SUZA following completion of the PhD.

PhD Research Position Description

In this call, we offer 1 PhD position on Marine coastal ecosystem restoration (seagrasses). The PhD position will focus on a) assessing the need for restoration; b) identifying suitable areas for restoration c) testing different restoration approaches and d) documenting and quantifying the success of restoration efforts. The PhD student will combine field studies of water quality with drone and underwater video-based mapping of habitats before and after restoration. Screening for suitable restoration areas will include GIS modelling and test plantations. Different restoration techniques will be investigated, and the project will include collaboration with local communities and stakeholders. The outcomes of this PhD project will be a recommendation of optimal marine restoration efforts and an assessment of their suitability for restoration of degraded marine coastal ecosystems around Zanzibar.

Eligibility criteria

Phd enrolment, duration, supervision, and evaluation.

Successful candidates will be enrolled at an institution recognized by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) within Tanzania or alternatively, the African region. The PhD program is scheduled to commence during the academic year of 2024/25. The duration of the PhD scholarship is full-time for three (3) to four (4) years, subject to the requirement of the enrolling university. The PhD supervision will be a joint effort between faculty at the University of enrolment, SUZA, and Aarhus University (AU). Evaluation of the progress of the PhD activities will be done according to current regulations at the University of enrolment.

PhD scholarships

Application procedure, application deadline.

The closing date for this call is 02.09.2024. Applications received later than this date will not be considered.

Selection interview Please note that all shortlisted candidates will be required to attend a selection interview and to give a 10 min. presentation of their concept notes as part of this interview. If necessary, the interview may be conducted online via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Skype. The date of the interview will be communicated for successful candidates one week of the application deadline. The final selection of the candidate will be determined by the interview committee and communicated to candidates directly via email. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Center For Networked Systems

Center For Networked Systems

A Research Center within the Computer Science and Engineering Department at UC San Diego

Computer Science Students Garner 2023 Google PhD Fellowships

google phd scholarship 2023

The Google PhD Fellowship program recognizes a select group of exemplary PhD candidates worldwide who seek to influence the future of technology. CSE’s 2023 fellows are already garnering attention for the reach of their technology research – in healthcare for Sun and the environment for Switzer.

Harnessing IoT Technology to Enable Senior Healthcare

For Ke Sun, the future of technology lies in ambient intelligence (AmI). In contrast to Internet of Things (IoT) which relies on explicit devices, AmI embeds sensors and processors into everyday devices enabling adjustments within the environment to meet individual needs and preferences.

Imagine a home environment where facial recognition detects you at your doorstep and allows you access. Lighting adjusts to suit specific family members. Window treatments respond to heat and glare. Phone messages are played automatically. The system scans for your calendared events and favorite TV programming and delivers timely reminders.

Sun’s research focuses on delivering an accurate, robust, private, and affordable representation of AmI through the use of multi-modal sensors. This includes input from conventional human sensory data, such as audio and visual inputs, fused with unconventional non-human sensory data such as motion and wireless sensors, GPS, and biometric and ultrasound sensors, among others.

“The potential impact of my research could revolutionize independent living for the elderly, offering precise healthcare insights into behavior and cognition,” said Sun. “Additionally, the research could enable automated in-home monitoring of life-threatening conditions, detect chronic diseases, identify environmental hazards, and provide insights into human cognitive psychology.”

Sun’s research also addresses one of IoT’s most perplexing problems: privacy. Since voice assistants (VAs) were first introduced, consumers have been concerned that VAs record and send information to the cloud. Sun has designed MicShield, a companion device, which selectively jams unintended private speech while passing intended voice command.

“I am enthusiastic about collaborating with Google’s exceptional talents to explore the seamless integration of my research into an expanded array of IoT and consumer electronic devices, effectively harnessing technology to enable human healthcare and enhance human experiences,” said Sun, who is advised by Associate Professor Xinyu Zhang in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Repurposing Phone Processors for a Smaller Carbon Footprint

CSE/CNS Ph.D. student Jennifer Switzer along with her coauthors, CSE professor Ryan Kastner, CSE/CNS professor Pat Pannuto and PhD student Gabriel Marcano, is studying smartphone waste. The scale of the problem – an estimated 1.5 billion decommissioned smartphones annually – is nearly incomprehensible and demands a more nuanced solution than consumer recycling.

Smartphones begin life as copper, silver, gold, palladium and other raw materials. A carbon-devouring manufacturing process transforms these and other materials into components for assembly. After packaging and transportation, the devices begin their brief lifespan, an average of 2.5 years from purchase to deactivation.

Recycling these “junked” phones, so named because outdated models often languish in household junk drawers, dictates a second carbon intensive process to extract raw materials. It also ignores the reality that manufacturing smartphones leaves a larger carbon footprint than mining the materials. That’s precisely why Switzer’s novel strategy holds such promise.

Switzer’s proposal hinges on the impressive functional lifespan of smartphone processors. These processors are built to last, running faultlessly for 10 years or more, well beyond the truncated 2.5-year lifespan of most smartphones. Switzer and her coauthors hope to recover the unspent 75% of these processors’ usability, redeploying them for non-consumer applications.

“This award will make it easier for me to continue to pursue my interests in sustainable computing. I also think it’s great that an industry leader like Google is interested in funding this sort of sustainability research,” said Switzer.

Earlier this year, Switzer and her coauthors earned a Distinguished Paper Award at the 2023 Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) conference. Since then, their paper has had over 50,000 downloads.

Students interested in applying for the fellowship can visit here .

By: Kimberley Clementi – [email protected]

Media Contact: Katie E. Ismael – [email protected]

  • ← Summer Interns 2023
  • Two Students Awarded Alan Turing Memorial Scholarships for Support of LGBTQIA+ Community →

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Graduate College

Google phd fellowship.

The limited competition (up to four nominees from UIC) closed May 1st

April 2024 Update:

The competition is open! The campus deadline is May 1st. Should there be more than four applications, the Dean of the Graduate College will determine the university's final slate of nominees.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourages people of diverse backgrounds to apply. We currently offer Fellowships in Africa, Australia and New Zealand, East Asia, Europe, India, the United States and Canada.

The information below pertains to applications from US institutions. There does not seem to be a citizenship requirement.

Students receive named Fellowships which include a monetary award. The funds are given directly to the university to be distributed to cover the student’s expenses and stipend as appropriate. The funds are given as an unrestricted gift, and it is Google’s policy not to pay for overhead [F&A]. In addition, the student will be matched with a Google Research Mentor who we hope will become a valuable resource to the student. There is no employee relationship between the student and Google as a result of receiving the fellowship. Fellowship recipients are not subject to intellectual property restrictions unless they complete an internship at Google. Fellowship recipients serving an internship are subject to the same intellectual property and other contractual obligations as any other Google intern. If a Fellowship student is interested, an internship at Google is encouraged, but not guaranteed or required. Awardees will be notified in August.

Benefits include:

  • Up to 3 years of Fellowship
  • Full tuition and fees (enrollment fees, health insurance, books) plus a stipend to be used for living expenses, travel and personal equipment [amount not specified]
  • Google Research Mentor

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Since UIC can nominate only a finite number of students, the Graduate College is running a limited competition. If UIC nominates more than two individuals, Google encourages the nomination of students with diverse backgrounds especially those from historically marginalized groups in the field of computing. If more than two students are nominated then we strongly encourage additional nominees who self-identify as a woman, Black / African descent, Hispanic / Latino / Latinx, Indigenous, and/or a person with a disability


Students must:

  • Be enrolled full-time and pursuing a PhD in computer science or related program*;
  • have completed graduate coursework by the Fall of the award year, when the Fellowship begins. This is usually the 3rd year for US and Canadian students;
  • remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award;
  • Not be Google employees, and their spouses, children, and or members of a Google employee household;
  • Not be already supported by a comparable industry award.
  • Conduct research that aligns with Google AI Principles .

* Fields include:

  • Algorithms, Optimizations and Markets
  • Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
  • Health and Bioscience
  • Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Machine Perception
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Quantum Computing
  • Security, Privacy, and Abuse Prevention
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Systems
  • Speech Processing

For more information on research foci, visit:

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, student academic achievements, and leadership potential. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. Proposals should include the direction and any plans of where your work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research you are pursuing.

In the United States, Canada, and Europe, essay responses are evaluated in addition to application materials to determine an overall recommendation.

A nominee’s status as a member of a historically marginalized group is not considered in the selection of award recipients.

Nomination Procedures


For each student nomination, the university will be asked to submit the following material in a single PDF file. Thus, it is the student’s and their program’s responsibility to furnish the following as a single PDF:

  • Cover sheet signed by the Department Chair/Head confirming the student passes eligibility requirements. This paragraph should include the student’s UIN, semester of PhD matriculation, anticipated graduation term, when coursework was completed, current funding, and Google employment.  (See FAQ “What are the eligibility requirements for students?”); [no form is provided]
  • Student CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (1-page) CV of the student’s primary advisor
  • Two to three (2-3) letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee’s work (at least one from the thesis advisor)
  • Research / dissertation proposal including references (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. (A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?)
  • Transcripts of current and previous academic records


Given that the application includes confidential letters of recommendation, the head/chair, DGS, mentor, or a grad staff member is expected to submit the nomination file. Nominations must be sent as an email attachment (with all the materials in a single file) to the Graduate College’s Limited Competition folder in Box (a FERPA-compliant cloud storage service): [email protected]  

File naming convention: 

The PDF files should be saved using the following naming convention: Google2024_ DepartmentName_NomineeLastNameFirstInitial.pdf

Example of Chuck Baudelaire’s application from Computer Science without using spaces in the file name: Google2024_CS_BaudelaireC.pdf

Deadline: 4 p.m. (CT), May 1, 2024.

After a hiatus, the competition has returned and the restriction on the number of nominations per university necessitates the limited campus competition.

Graduate College contact: Benn Williams, Fellowships and Awards Coordinator ([email protected])

  • External information
  • Research areas
  • Review criteria

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  • Envelope icon Submit here
  • Phone icon UIC questions
  • Matrix icon Google questions

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gc logo

DEADLINE: May 1, 2024.

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

  • 2023-​2024 Google PhD Fellowship
  • Our Students
  • Current Students
  • Student Awards & Funding Opportunities
  • Current Award Competitions

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023-2024 Google PhD Fellowship competition.

August 9, 2022
3 years of funding: Full tuition and fees (enrolment fees, health insurance, books), stipend (living, travel & personal) and matched with a Google Research Mentor
Domestic or International
January 2023

The Google PhD Fellowship Program recognizes outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourages people of diverse backgrounds to apply.

Value & Duration

Recipients will:

  • Receive full tuition and fees for up to 3 years (includes enrollment fees, health insurance, books), plus a stipend to be used for living expenses, travel and personal equipment; and
  • Be matched with a Google Research Mentor.

Eligibility to Apply

Applicants must:

  • Be full-time graduate students pursuing a PhD (normally in 2 nd year) in one of the research areas listed below; and
  • Not be Google employees, their spouses, children, or members of their household.

Recipients must:

  • Have completed all graduate coursework by the time the Fellowship begins (usually 3 rd year for Canadian students);
  • Remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award; and
  • Not be already supported by a comparable industry award (government or non-profit organization funding is exempt).

Research areas

  • Algorithms, Optimizations and Markets
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Computational Health Research
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Perception, Speech Technology and Computer Vision
  • Mobile Computing
  • Natural Language Processing (including Information Retrieval and Extraction)
  • Privacy and Security
  • Programming Languages and Software Engineering
  • Quantum Computing
  • Structured Data and Database Management
  • Systems and Networking

Underrepresented groups

At least two out of the four U of T nominees for this award must self-identify as a woman, Black/African descent, Hispanic/Latino/Latinx, Indigenous, and/or person with a disability.

Selection Criteria

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, student academic achievements, and leadership potential. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. The proposal should include the direction and any plans for where the applicant’s work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research they are pursuing.

In the United States, Canada, and Europe, essay responses are evaluated in addition to application materials to determine an overall recommendation.

Research should align with Google AI Principles .

Application Process

Applicants must submit an electronic copy of their completed application as a single PDF file via email by the application deadline. The email must have the subject title “Google 2023 – NAME OF APPLICANT”.

Students applying for both Google and Apple fellowships must submit two separate applications as the required list of items are different for each competition.

Application Package

A complete application package will include all of the following items in the order listed:

  • Cover sheet signed by the Department Chair or designate confirming that the student passes the eligibility requirements, as stated above (to be supplied by GDPHS before forwarding to SGS);
  • Student CV with links to website and publications (if available);
  • Short (1-page) CV of the student’s primary supervisor;
  • Research / dissertation proposal including references ( maximum 8 pages );
  • Student (research) essay response ( maximum 350 words ) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests;
  • Student (leadership) essay response ( maximum 350 words ) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time (A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?);
  • Transcripts of current and previous academic records. Scans of official transcript are preferred but unofficial and web-based transcripts are accepted; and
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee’s work (at least one from the thesis advisor). Letters must be emailed by each referee as a PDF attachment to with the subject title “ Google 2023 Ref – NAME OF APPLICANT” by the application deadline.

Underrepresented group applicants only : please indicate within the body of the submission email if you self-identify as a member of an underrepresented group. Your underrepresented group status will not be disclosed during SGS Committee review, and applications will be reviewed based solely on the strength of the submitted materials.

The University competition results will be communicated by the SGS Graduate Awards Office in late September. The results of the international competition are communicated in January 2023.

For questions, please email

google phd scholarship 2023

Frequently asked questions

Questions about our outreach? Here are some answers.

  • Award for inclusion research program
  • Computer science education research awards
  • CS research mentorship program
  • General university FAQs
  • PhD fellowships
  • Research scholar program
  • Trust & Safety research awards
  • Visiting Researcher Program

I am employed full-time at a university, but I am not a professor. Can I apply?

The program is open to active professors at degree-granting institutions who are advising students and conducting research.

What is the proper format for an Award for Inclusion Research proposal?

Below is an example of what a proposal may look like (though the relative length of each section may differ by proposal). The full proposal should be a maximum of 5 pages:

  • [Maximum 3 Pages] The proposal overview, proposal body, and data policy.
  • [Maximum 2 Pages] The CV of the primary Principal Investigator, which is required for all applications.
  • We would prefer proposals to respect a minimum 10pt font size and 1-inch (2.5-cm) margins. Our reviewers value readability.
  • Proposal Title
  • Principal Investigator full name, contact information (postal address, email address, phone), affiliation (university, school, college and/or department)
  • Research goals and problem statement
  • Description of the work you'd like to do, and expected outcomes and results.
  • How will your research impact an underrepresented group?
  • How does your research relate to prior work in the area (including your own, if relevant)? What makes you qualified to do this research work?
  • References, where applicable.
  • Our goal is to support work where the output will be made available to the broader research community. To that end, we ask that you provide us with a few sentences sharing what you intend to do with the output of your project (e.g. open sourcing code, making data sets public, etc.). Please note that the awards are structured as unrestricted gifts, so there are no legal requirements once a project is selected for funding. This is simply a statement of your current intentions.
  • We require a CV for at least the primary Principal Investigator on the proposal. We will accept CVs from each of the Principal Investigators listed on the proposal (up to two are allowed). Each CV must be limited to two pages. Any submitted CV that is longer than 2 pages may be cut off at 2 pages before the proposal review process begins.

Please do not add a budget section on your proposal since it will not be considered.

Can I speak to someone from the team to understand if my research is eligible?

Yes. Please review former recipient proposals to see examples of eligible research previously funded by the program. Contact [email protected] if you have unanswered questions.

Can I submit a proposal outside of the featured research areas on the main webpage?

Yes, we have a miscellaneous area in the application. Feel free to submit a proposal in any research area, in computing and technology, that addresses the needs of historically marginalized groups globally.

Does the co-PI need to meet the same eligibility criteria as the primary PI?

Yes, the co-PI must meet the same eligibility criteria as the primary PI. We are providing an exception if the co-PI is a postdoctoral researcher.

Can I submit a proposal around pre college research efforts?

No, proposals should only be focused on higher education.

Can I submit a proposal around funding a larger program?

This is not applicable for the AIR program unless the proposal studies the efficacy and applies research to the larger program.

Open advice to Google Research Awards proposal writers

As a part of the group of engineers that review proposals for this program, we read a lot of proposals. We'd like to read more good proposals. Here's some advice on how you can improve the content of your short proposal and make reviewing it easier.

A good research grant proposal:

  • Clearly specifies a problem. Good research is driven by a great problem or question, and a good proposal starts with a clearly specified one.
  • Describes a specific, credible, relevant outcome. Try to identify a specific and appropriately sized outcome, to give us a clear notion of what the research award would be enabling. What will likely come to be that might otherwise not happen? While this outcome should be a decisive step towards achieving your vision, it generally won't be adequate to completely achieve it. It often helps to describe both the minimum that is likely to be accomplished and a potential best-case. Since picking the right datasets and test cases is often important, tell us which ones you plan to use.
  • Crisply differentiates the proposed contribution from prior work. Please apply normal practices (citations, etc.) for documenting how your work will materially advance the state of the art. Make it clear how your work will be changing the state of the art, and not simply trying to match it.
  • Tells us how the research challenge(s) will be addressed. Successful research projects combine a great problem with ideas for solutions, too. We recognize that all the answers won't be known yet, but we'd like to feel that the direction has been established, and a plausible path has been identified. (Try to avoid proposals of the form "We want to look at problem X".) It's hard to have a big impact without taking risks, but please identify what the difficulties are likely to be and how you plan to mitigate them. It may help to explain how you succeeded in addressing analogous problems in other projects.
  • Puts the proposed work in context. Most projects we fund also have support from other sources. To help us understand the expected impact of Google support, please explain what funding you already have for this area of research and how the proposed work relates to your existing plans. Do you plan to build a capability for other research, provide a tool, reproduce a prior result, collaborate with others to try something out, follow up on a promising idea, or explore a new one? All are potentially of interest; we just want to know.
  • Makes the case to a non-expert. While we try to have your proposal reviewed by a Google expert in your field, it will also be read by non-experts, so please make at least the motivation and outcomes broadly accessible.
  • Tells us how this research impacts an underserved community and why you are qualified to do this research. It can be through social, cultural, or regional expertise, specifically related to the research to conduct successful work.
  • The proposal should show promise that it will benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes.

What research areas do the CS-ER Awards support?

Priority research areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Developmental readiness: What are effective instructional strategies for identifying whether a student is developmentally ready to learn particular CS concepts?
  • Engagement: How does early CS experience impact future interest in CS?
  • Equity: What interventions, supports, approaches or materials are most effective for increasing engagement and success for students from historically marginalized groups?
  • Implementation: How can districts and states verify the effectiveness of their CS education implementations?
  • Preservice education: What exemplary and scalable models exist for incorporating CS learning into teacher preparation programs?
  • Professional development: What are the best practices for CS PD in terms of positively impacting student learning?
  • Teaching CS: What models of CS content delivery provide the largest impact on students learning (after school, in school discrete courses, in school integrated into other disciplines)? How do we measure effective CS teaching?

Are students attending institutions outside the United States and Canada eligible?

No, students attending institutions outside the United States and Canada are not eligible for CSRMP at this time. We hope to expand to other regions/countries in future academic years.

What is considered an adjacent field for computer science?

CSRMP supports students from historically marginalized groups in their pursuit of computing research pathways. In order for students to have a beneficial experience in the program, students should be enrolled in a degree-granting program in Computer Science, an adjacent field (e.g., Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Science, Information Systems, Information Technology), or a field that includes a programming/computer science foundation.

Will feedback be provided on the proposal that we submit?

No, applicants will not receive feedback on the proposal submitted.

Is it possible to receive an extension?

No, all applications must be submitted by 11:59:59pm on the day of the application deadline. Late submissions are not reviewed, and extensions are not granted.

What is considered a “historically marginalized group"?

The definition of who is historically marginalized is responsive to a specific region, context, and its nuances; the proposal should define the students from groups historically marginalized in computing research that the initiative aims to impact, and how the initiative will address their needs.

What opportunities do you have for university students?

You can find information on our programs for students on the Student Page of Google’s job site.

How can I find more information about recruiting, on-campus events, or other non-research topics?

You can visit our student site at .

How can I submit an idea to

For information on philanthropic initiatives at Google, visit the site.

Does Google have a program to supply professors with Android phones or Chrome OS devices for research or teaching purposes?

If a professor needs phones, tablets, or Chromebooks for research purposes, he or she can submit an application to our Faculty Research Awards program requesting the budget needed to purchase the devices. Google does not currently have a program to provide Android phones or other hardware to be used for teaching or classroom purposes.

I have a question I need additional help with. Who can I contact?

Please look through the entire FAQ above before writing in; we will not be able to respond to questions whose answers are contained in this document. For questions about students, recruiting, on-campus events, or other non-research topics regarding universities in North America, please email [email protected] . If you have questions specific to your region, you may send questions to [email protected] for universities in Europe, Africa, or the Middle East, or to [email protected] for universities in China. Please note that due to the high volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions or requests that don't fall into one of the categories listed above.

What does the Google PhD Fellowship include?

Students receive named Fellowships which include a monetary award. The funds are given directly to the university to be distributed to cover the student’s expenses and stipend as appropriate. In addition, the student will be matched with a Google Research Mentor. There is no employee relationship between the student and Google as a result of receiving the fellowship. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. If students wish to apply for a job at Google, they are welcome to apply for jobs and go through the same hiring process as any other person.

  • Up to 3 year Fellowship
  • US $12K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Google Research Mentor

Australia and New Zealand

  • 1 year Fellowship
  • AUD $15K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Canada and the United States

  • Up to 2 year Fellowship (effective from 2024 for new recipients)
  • Full tuition and fees (enrollment fees, health insurance, books) plus a stipend to be used for living expenses, travel and personal equipment
  • US $10K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Yearly bursary towards stipend / salary, health care, social benefits, tuition and fees, conference travel and personal computing equipment. The bursary varies by country.

Early-stage PhD students

  • Up to 4 year Fellowship
  • US $50K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Late-stage PhD students

  • US $10K to recognise research contributions, cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Latin America

  • US $15K per year to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Southeast Asia

  • US $10K per year for up to 3 years (or up to graduation, whichever is earlier) to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Is my university eligible for the PhD Fellowship Program?

Africa, Australia/New Zealand , Canada, East Asia, Europe and the United States : universities must be an accredited research institution that awards research degrees to PhD students in computer science (or an adjacent field).

India, Latin America and Southeast Asia : applications are open to universities/institutes in India, Latin America (excluding Cuba), and in eligible Southeast Asian countries/regions (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam).

Restrictions : All award payments and recipients will be reviewed for compliance with relevant US and international laws, regulations and policies. Google reserves the right to withhold funding that may violate laws, regulations or our policies.

What are the eligibility requirements for students?

All regions

  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.
  • Past awardees from the PhD Fellowship program are not eligible to apply again.
  • Grant of the Fellowship does not mean admission to a PhD program. The awardee must separately apply and be accepted to a PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) at an eligible institution.
  • Grant of the Fellowship will be subject to the rules and guidelines applicable in the institution where the awardee registers for the PhD program.

Nominated students in Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Canada and the United States, East Asia and Europe.

Universities should only nominate students that meet the following requirements:

  • Africa: Incoming PhD students are eligible to apply, but the Fellowship award shall be contingent on the awardee registering for a full-time PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) within the academic award year of the Fellowship award, or the award shall be forfeited.
  • Australia and New Zealand : early-stage students enrolled in the first or second year of their PhD (no requirement for completion of graduate coursework by the academic award year).
  • Canada and the United States : students who have completed graduate coursework in their PhD by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins.
  • East Asia: students who have completed most of graduate coursework in their PhD by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins. Students should have sufficient time for research projects after receiving a fellowship.
  • Europe: Students enrolled at any stage of their PhD are eligible to apply.

Direct applicant students in India, Latin America and Southeast Asia

  • Latin America : incoming or early stage-students enrolled in the first or second year of their PhD (no requirement for completion of graduate coursework by the academic award year).

What should be included in an application? What language should the application be in?

All application materials should be submitted in English.

For each student nomination, the university will be asked to submit the following material in a single, flat (not portfolio) PDF file:

  • Student CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (1-page) resume/CV of the student's primary PhD program advisor
  • Available transcripts (mark sheets) starting from first year/semester of Bachelor's degree to date
  • Research proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee''s work (at least one from the thesis advisor for current PhD students)
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: What impact would receiving this Fellowship have on your education? Describe any circumstances affecting your need for a Fellowship and what educational goals this Fellowship will enable you to accomplish.
  • Transcripts of current and previous academic records
  • 1-2 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis advisor)

Canada, East Asia, the United States

  • Cover sheet signed by the Department Chair confirming the student passes eligibility requirements. (See FAQ "What are the eligibility requirements for students?")
  • Short (1-page) CV of the student's primary advisor
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis advisor)
  • Research / dissertation proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. (A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?)

India and Southeast Asia

Students will need the following documents in a single, flat (not portfolio) PDF file in order to complete an application (in English only):

  • Student applicant’s resume with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (one-page) resume/CV of the student applicant's primary PhD program advisor
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the applicant's work (at least one from the thesis advisor for current PhD students)
  • Applicant's essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Applicant's essay response (350-word limit) to: What are your long-term goals for your pathway in computing research, and how would receiving the Google PhD Fellowship help you progress toward those goals in the short-term?

How do I apply for the PhD Fellowship Program? Who should submit the applications? Can students apply directly for a Fellowship?

Check the FAQ for details on eligibility and application requirements in your region before applying. Submission forms are available on the main Google PhD Fellowship Program page when the application period begins.

India, Latin America and Southeast Asia: students may apply directly during the application period.

Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States : students cannot apply directly to the program; they must be nominated by an eligible university during the application period.

How many students may each university nominate?

India, Latin America and Southeast Asia : applications are open directly to students with no limit to the number of students that can apply from a university.

Australia and New Zealand : universities may nominate up to two eligible students.

Canada and the United States : Universities may nominate up to four eligible students. We encourage nominating students with diverse backgrounds especially those from historically marginalized groups in the field of computing. If more than two students are nominated then we strongly encourage additional nominees who self-identify as a woman, Black / African descent, Hispanic / Latino / Latinx, Indigenous, and/or a person with a disability.

Africa, East Asia and Europe : Universities may nominate up to three eligible students. We encourage nominating students with diverse backgrounds especially those from historically marginalized groups in the field of computing. If more than two students are nominated then we strongly encourage the additional nominee who self-identifies as a woman.

*Applications are evaluated on merit. Please see FAQ for details on how applications are evaluated.

How are applications evaluated?

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, student academic achievements, and leadership potential. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. Proposals should include the direction and any plans of where your work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research you are pursuing.

In Canada and the United State, East Asia and Latin America, essay responses are evaluated in addition to application materials to determine an overall recommendation.

A nominee's status as a member of a historically marginalized group is not considered in the selection of award recipients.

Research should align with Google AI Principles .

Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

How are Google PhD Fellowships given?

Any monetary awards will be paid directly to the Fellow's university for distribution. No overhead should be assessed against them.

What are the intellectual property implications of a Google PhD Fellowship?

Fellowship recipients are not subject to intellectual property restrictions unless they complete an internship at Google. If that is the case, they are subject to the same intellectual property restrictions as any other Google intern.

Will the Fellowship recipients become employees of Google?

No, Fellowship recipients do not become employees of Google due to receiving the award. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. If they are interested in working at Google, they are welcome to apply for jobs and go through the same hiring process as any other person.

Can Fellowship recipients also be considered for other Google scholarships?

Yes, Fellowship recipients are eligible for these scholarships .

After award notification, when do the Google PhD Fellowships begin?

After Google PhD Fellowship recipients are notified, the Fellowship is effective starting the following school year.

What is the program application time period?

Applications for the 2024 program will open in March 2024 and close in May 2024 for all regions. Refer to the main Google PhD Fellowship Program page for each region’s application details.

A global awards announcement will be made in September on the Google Research Blog publicly announcing all award recipients.

How can I ask additional questions?

Due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions where the answer is available on the website. If your question has not been answered by a FAQ, email:

Africa: [email protected]

Australia and New Zealand: [email protected]

Canada and the United States: [email protected]

East Asia: [email protected]

Europe: [email protected]

India: [email protected]

Latin America: [email protected]

Southeast Asia: [email protected]

What is the evaluation criteria when assessing proposals?

To ensure fairness, we use a scoring rubric for consistency across reviews. We look at the criteria below to assess proposals. Proposals must comply with the required format and other Research Scholar Program guidelines.

  • Faculty Merit : Faculty is accomplished in research, community engagement, and open source contributions, with potential to contribute to responsible innovation.
  • Research Merit : Faculty's proposed research is aligned with Google Research interests, innovative, and likely to have a significant impact on the field.
  • Proposal Quality : The research proposal is clear, focused, and well-organized, and it demonstrates the team's ability to successfully execute the research and achieve a significant impact.
  • Broadening Participation : Faculty is committed to broadening participation in computing through their work on a variety of initiatives, including, for example, designing and deploying programs, and training and mentoring students from historically marginalized groups.
  • AI Ethics Principles : The research proposal strongly aligns with Google's AI Principles .

What are the steps for the selection process?

  • November: Applications open
  • December/January: Proposal reviews and scoring
  • February: Committee reviews proposals, scoring and make selections
  • March: Approval process for selected proposals
  • April: Applicants are notified of decision

We completely understand the desire to receive feedback and do our best to meet this request. However, due to the high volume of applications received, you may not receive feedback on your proposal. To ensure fairness, we use a scoring rubric for consistency across reviews.

How many times can I apply for the Research Scholar program?

Faculty may apply up to a maximum of 3 times within the 7 years they received their PhD.

Can I receive this award more than once?

Faculty can receive a Research Scholar award only once. Previous Faculty Research Award recipients are still eligible to receive a Research Scholar award.

Who is eligible to apply for the Research Scholar Program?


  • We accept applications from full-time faculty at universities around the world. Funding is focused on supporting the faculty’s research. We do not allow applications from non-degree-granting research institutions.
  • Since our funding is structured as unrestricted gifts to degree-granting Universities, we cannot process awards to other institutions (e.g. not-for-profits institutions, hospitals, non-degree-granting research institutes, etc) even if they are affiliated with a University. A Principal Investigator must apply in his or her capacity as a university professor and must be able to accept an award through that University.

Principal Investigator Requirements:

  • Global faculty who have received their PhD less than 7 years from submission from degree-granting institutions who are doing research within fields relevant to Google.
  • An applicant may only serve as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on one proposal per round, they cannot be listed on two separate proposals.
  • We understand that titles may differ globally. In order for someone without the title of professor to apply, he or she must be a full-time faculty member at an eligible institution and serve as a formal advisor to masters or PhD students. We may, at our discretion, provide funding for Principal Investigators who advise undergraduate students at colleges that do not award advanced degrees.

Past Applicants:

  • If an applicant’s proposal was not selected for funding the previous round, they are welcome to apply with a new proposal (or substantively revised proposal) the following round. A Principal Investigator can apply a maximum of 3 times within the 7 years post-PhD.

How do I apply for the Research Scholar Program?

The application process includes filling out an online form requesting basic information and uploading a PDF proposal via the form. As part of the online form, you will be asked to select a topic area. Please select carefully, as this will help us in ensuring your proposal is read by the appropriate reviewers. Do not send any confidential or proprietary information in your proposal. Any information you send us as part of your application will be considered not confidential regardless of any markings or designations on it.

I have a social science background, can I still apply?

Yes. We focus on funding social science research that looks at technology's implications and impacts on individuals and society. We typically review submissions from fields like human-computer interaction, psychology, and science and technology studies, as well as research in computer science fields with a strong emphasis on the human experience.

What is the proper format for a Research Scholar proposal?

  • The proposal should be a maximum of 5 pages if you are a sole Principal Investigator.
  • If you choose not to include the co-Principal Investigator’s CV then your proposal should only be 5 pages.
  • The extra 2 pages will only accommodate for an additional CV, not for additional proposal content.
  • The maximum page limit includes the 2-page CV of the primary Principal Investigator, which is required for all applications (again a 2-page CV for a co-Principal Investigator is optional).
  • To be fair to you and others, we do not consider proposals longer than the maximum page limit.
  • We request a Google Scholar profile link as part of the online application form. Our reviewers find it helpful to be able to easily reference a Principal Investigator's publication history to see how the current proposal relates to past work the Principal Investigator has done in relevant fields. The Google Scholar profile complements, but does not replace, the Principal Investigator's 2-page CV.
  • We do not require a budget breakdown since we have flat funding amounts we will grant based on region.
  • Below is an example of what a proposal may look like (though the relative length of each section may differ by proposal).

Proposal Format

  • Research goals, including a problem statement.
  • Description of the work you'd like to do, as well as the expected outcomes and results.
  • How this relates to prior work in the area (including your own, if relevant)
  • The maximum length of a Principal Investigator CV is two pages. Any submitted CV that is longer than 2 pages may be cut off at two pages before the proposal review process begins.
  • We require a CV for at least the primary Principal Investigator on the proposal. We will accept CVs from each of the Principal Investigators listed on the proposal (up to two are allowed). Each CV must be limited to two pages.

Should I add a budget breakdown in my proposal?

Please do not include budget details in your proposal. We will be providing flat funding amounts based on the cost of student tuition on a regional basis.

How much funds will I get if I am awarded?

We provide support up to $60,000 USD depending on the cost of student tuition on a regional basis.

I am not eligible for this program, how can I apply to other programs?

Our website is consistently updated with new programs we offer. We encourage you to connect with our Google researchers at conferences to build more opportunities for applying to research grants.

Are Research Scholar Awards eligible for extensions?

The program is designed to support one year of work. If you are selected as a recipient of a Research Scholar award, we will partner you with a Google sponsor who can navigate the potential of an extension.

Can I speak to someone from the Research Scholar team to ask additional questions?

We will be providing limited email support via [email protected] . Due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions where the answer is available on the website.

What is the timeline?

  • September 20, 2023: Applications close
  • October 2023: Notification of proposal decisions

The program is open to active faculty members at degree-granting institutions who are advising students and conducting research and Principal Investigators employed at universities and academic research institutions.

What is the disclosure policy for the proposals?

Our goal is to support work where the output will be made available to the broader research community. To that end, we ask that you provide us with a few sentences sharing what you intend to do with the output of your project (e.g., publications, open sourcing code, making data sets public, etc.).

Can I submit a proposal outside of the areas of interest outlined above?

Yes, proposals directly applicable to Trust & Safety in technology research will be accepted.

Reviewers will do their best to provide limited feedback on submitted proposals.

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, feasibility, and responsible research. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. Proposals should include the direction and any plans of where your work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research you are pursuing.

Do countries in the United Kingdom/Great Britain meet the grant preference for “projects that work within an EU context”?

While preference will be given to proposals addressing trust & safety issues in European Union (EU) member states, we are accepting and will consider proposals from all countries listed on the list of eligible countries in the application form.

No, all applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm PST, Wednesday, September 20. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

We will be providing limited email support via [email protected] . Due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions quickly.

Open advice to proposal writers

Here's some guidance on how you strengthen your short proposal. A good research grant proposal:

How many times can I express interest in the Visiting Researcher Program?

Faculty and PhD graduates can express interest multiple times, but will only be contacted if a role becomes available. We expect there to be a high amount of interest for these positions.

I have a social science background, can I still express interest?

Yes. Google is actively focused on social science research that looks at technology's implications and impacts on individuals and society. We engage faculty and PhD graduates from fields like human-computer interaction, psychology, and science and technology studies, as well as research in computer science fields with a strong emphasis on the human experience.

We will be providing limited email support via [email protected] . Due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions where the answer is available on the website.

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Google PhD Fellowship Program

Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourage people of diverse backgrounds to apply.

How to apply

PhD students in Japan, Korea and Taiwan must be nominated by their university. After the university's nomination is completed, either an official representative of the university or the nominated students can submit applications during the application window. Please see the FAQ for more information.

Applications are currently closed. Decisions for the 2024 application cycle will be announced via email in July 2024. Please check back in 2025 for details on future application cycles.

Research areas

  • Health & Bioscience
  • Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Machine Perception
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Quantum Computing
  • Speech Processing
  • Silicon Research (Algorithms, Architecture, Open Source Tooling)

What does the Google PhD Fellowship include?

Students receive named Fellowships which include a monetary award. The funds are given directly to the university to be distributed to cover the student’s expenses and stipend as appropriate. In addition, the student will be matched with a Google Research Mentor. There is no employee relationship between the student and Google as a result of receiving the fellowship. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. If students wish to apply for a job at Google, they are welcome to apply for jobs and go through the same hiring process as any other person.

  • 1 year Fellowship
  • 10,000 USD to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Google Research Mentor

Is my university eligible for the PhD Fellowship Program?

Universities must be an accredited research institution that awards research degrees to PhD students in computer science (or an adjacent field).

Restrictions: All award payments and recipients will be reviewed for compliance with relevant US and international laws, regulations and policies. Google reserves the right to withhold funding that may violate laws, regulations or our policies.

What are the eligibility requirements for students?

  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.
  • Past awardees from the PhD Fellowship program are not eligible to apply again
  • Students who have completed most of graduate coursework in their PhD by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins. Students should have sufficient time for research projects after receiving a fellowship.

What should be included in an application? What language should the application be in?

All application materials should be submitted in English.

For each student nomination, the university will be asked to submit the following material in a single, flat (not portfolio) PDF file:

  • Student CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (1-page) CV of the student's primary advisor
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis advisor)
  • Research / dissertation proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. (A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?)
  • Transcripts of current and previous academic records

How do I apply for the PhD Fellowship Program? Can students apply directly for a Fellowship?

In Japan, Korea and Taiwan, students cannot apply directly to the program; they must be nominated by an eligible university during the application period. Note to students: If there's no information about the nomination process from your university, students can submit applications via the online form. But we may ask your university to make a selection from all submitted applications from your university and then nominate up to 3 students within 2 weeks after the application window is closed.

How many students may each university nominate?

Universities in Japan, Korea and Taiwan may nominate up to three eligible students. We encourage nominating students with diverse backgrounds especially those from historically marginalized groups in the field of computing. If more than two students are nominated then we strongly encourage the additional nominee who self-identifies as a woman.

*Applications are evaluated on merit. Please see FAQ for details on how applications are evaluated.

Who should submit the applications?

PhD students in Japan, Korea and Taiwan must be nominated by their university. After the university's nomination is completed, either an official representative of the university or the nominated students can submit applications during the application window.

How are applications evaluated?

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, student academic achievements, and leadership potential. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. Proposals should include the direction and any plans of where your work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research you are pursuing.

Essay responses are evaluated in addition to application materials to determine an overall recommendation.

A nominee's status as a member of a historically marginalized group is not considered in the selection of award recipients.

Research should align with Google AI Principles.

Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

How are Google PhD Fellowships given?

Any monetary awards will be paid directly to the Fellow's university for distribution. No overhead should be assessed against them.

What are the intellectual property implications of a Google PhD Fellowship?

Fellowship recipients are not subject to intellectual property restrictions unless they complete an internship at Google. If that is the case, they are subject to the same intellectual property restrictions as any other Google intern.

Will the Fellowship recipients become employees of Google?

No, Fellowship recipients do not become employees of Google due to receiving the award. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. If they are interested in working at Google, they are welcome to apply for jobs and go through the same hiring process as any other person.

Can Fellowship recipients also be considered for other Google scholarships?

Yes, Fellowship recipients are eligible for these Scholarship .

After award notification, when do the Google PhD Fellowships begin?

After Google PhD Fellowship recipients are notified, the Fellowship is effective starting the following school year.

What is the application time period?

Applications for the 2024 program will open in March 2024 and close in May 2024 for all regions. Refer to the main Google PhD Fellowship Program page for each region’s application details

A global awards announcement will be made in September on the Google Research Blog

I have received a fellowship from the local government, can I apply for Google's PhD Fellowship program?

Yes, you can apply for the program.

How can I ask additional questions?

If your question has not been answered by a FAQ, please email [email protected] .

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Google PhD Fellowship India Program

Megha Sharma Image

Megha Sharma ,

Jun 23, 2023

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Google PhD Fellowship India Program Highlights

Students pursuing undergraduate and PhD programmes
Upto USD 50,000 (INR 38,31,342)
May 18 ,2022

The Google Ph.D. Fellowship India program 2023 is an initiative of Google to encourage and financially support bright Ph.D. candidates from all backgrounds who wish to build up their careers in science and technology. The applicants should be enrolled in a Ph.D. program at an Indian University and must have secured an undergraduate/master's degree. Interested applicants can apply for the scholarship scheme. The applicants who fulfill the scholarship's eligibility criteria can apply for the fellowship India program 2023 within the last date.

Note: Google Ph.D. Fellowship India program application for 2023 still needs to be updated. However, the expected date for 2023 will be declared soon.

Table of Contents

Eligibility Criteria

  • Documents Required

How to Apply?

Contact details.

The Google PhD. Fellowship India Program is launched basically to benefit PhD scholars. The eligibility criteria for the same are briefly mentioned below:

  • The candidates should have enrolled in a PhD program at any affiliated Indian University.
  • They should hold an undergraduate/master's degree from an Indian University to be eligible for the Google PhD fellowship in India program.
  • The candidates must be professionals and associated with a registered association in India. 

The Google Ph.D. scholarship encourages meritorious candidates to apply for the scholarship and aim for higher studies. There are multiple rewards and various benefits included in the Google Ph.D. scholarship. The rewards for the eligible candidates cover upto USD 50,000 and other benefits.

The interested applicants can apply for the scholarship by filling out an online Google Ph.D. fellowship India program application form on the official website. The steps to apply for this scholarship scheme are given underneath.

Step 1:  The interested candidates should register themselves on the official page Google Ph.D. Fellowship India Program to obtain the Google Ph.D. fellowship India program login. 

Step 2:  They would be taken to the application page after the registration.

Step 3:  The candidates should click on the start application button.

Step 4:  Then, the candidate must upload essential Google Ph.D. fellowship India program documents. 

Step 5:  The candidates must accept the terms and conditions and hit the preview button.

Step 6:  After reviewing all the details, the applicants can now submit the application form to complete the application process.

Documents Required                                                                           

The students aspiring for the fellowship must submit the Google PhD fellowship India program documents and must ensure that the documents are authentic and valid. A list of vital documents is given below.

  • ID proof (PAN card, Aadhar card, Voter ID card, etc.)
  • Admission proof (fee receipt/ admission letter/ institution identity card)
  • Reference letters from the head of the institution.
  • Bank details

The students who are applying for Google PhD. Fellowship India program can reach out to  [email protected]  in case of any queries. 

For more details, visit our  Scholarships 2023  Directory.

google phd scholarship 2023

Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Holocaust and Museum Education

Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$40,109 p.a. (up to 3.5 years) 2 September 2024 30 September 2024

How to apply

Apply here .

This scholarship will provide an annual stipend allowance equivalent to the University of Sydney RTP rate ($40,109, indexed on 1 January each year) for up to three years and six months, subject to satisfactory academic performance.

Who's eligible

  • be a domestic or international student
  • have an unconditional offer of admission in a full-time PhD at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • hold an honours degree (first class), first class equivalent or a master's degree with a substantial research component (ie 25% of one year full time study load)
  • have a background in neuroscience, psychology, medicine, engineering or related health field
  • must be willing to undertake research in Holocaust education, preferably with a focus on museum education under the supervision of Associate Professor Avril Alba.

An applicant without an unconditional offer of admission may apply and be selected, however, no scholarship offer will be sent until the applicant has an unconditional offer of admission

The Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Holocaust and Museum Education has been developed to support an outstanding postgraduate research student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney to undertake research in Holocaust education, preferably with a focus on museum education.

This scholarship is supported by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) University of Sydney.

Terms and conditions

1. Background

a. The Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Holocaust and Museum Education has been developed to support an outstanding postgraduate research student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney to undertake research in Holocaust education, preferably with a focus on museum education.

b. This scholarship is supported by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) University of Sydney.

2. Eligibility

a. The Scholarship is offered subject to the applicant having an unconditional offer of admission to undertake PhD on a full-time basis at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney.

b. An applicant without an unconditional offer of admission may apply and be selected, however, no scholarship offer will be sent until the applicant has an unconditional offer of admission.

c. Applicants must hold an Honours degree (First Class) or a First Class Honours Equivalent Degree or a Master's degree with a substantial research component.

d. Applicants must be willing to undertake research in Holocaust education, preferably with a focus on museum education under the supervision of Associate Professor Avril Alba. 3. Selection Criteria

a. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the basis of: I. demonstrated academic achievement, II. demonstrated research experience, III. curriculum vitae, IV. area of study and/or research proposal, V. personal statement demonstrating interest in the research project VI. interview.

e. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) on the recommendation of Associate Professor Avril Alba.

a. The Scholarship provides a living allowance equivalent to the University of Sydney’s Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend rate (indexed on 1st January each year) for up to 3.5 years for PhD candidates subject to meeting academic progression requirements. The University may approve a part-time Stipend Scholarship* where the University is satisfied that there are special circumstances beyond the student’s control (for example medical conditions, financial hardship, carer’s responsibilities).

*A part-time scholarship may have tax implications and student should seek tax advice from registered tax agents.

b. No extension is possible

c. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship, will be deducted from the maximum duration of the Scholarship. d. The Scholarship cannot be deferred or transferred to another area of research.

e. No other amount is payable.

f. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funding.

5. Eligibility for Progression

a. Progression is subject to passing the annual progress evaluations and maintaining satisfactory progress in coursework.

6. Leave Arrangements

a. Holders of the Scholarship receive up to 20 working days recreation leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued. Any unused leave when the Scholarship is terminated or completed will be forfeited. Recreation leave does not attract a leave loading. The supervisor's agreement must be obtained before leave is taken.

b. Holders of the Scholarship may take up to 10 working days sick leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued over the tenure of the Scholarship. Students with carer responsibility may convert up to five days of their annual sick leave entitlement to carers leave on presentation of medical certificate/s. Students taking sick leave must inform their supervisor as soon as practicable.

c. Holders of the Scholarship may receive additional paid sick leave of up to a total of twelve weeks during their scholarship for medically substantiated periods of illness where the student has insufficient sick leave entitlements available under Clause 6b above. Students applying for additional paid sick leave must do so at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of additional paid sick leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship.

d. Once holders of the Scholarship have completed twelve months of their award, they are entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks paid parental leave during the tenure of the Scholarship. Students applying for paid parental leave should do so at least four weeks prior leave commencement date. Periods of paid parental leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship. Holders of the Scholarship who have not completed twelve months of their award may access unpaid parental leave through the suspension provisions. When applying for parental leave, applicant should include at least one of the following documents:

I. letter from medical professional related to pregnancy, II. a surrogacy agreement, III. birth certificate of the child, IV. adoption documents, or V. documentation that substantiates the application.

7. Research Overseas

a. The Scholarship recipient may not normally conduct research overseas within the first six months of award.

b. The Scholarship holder may conduct up to 12 months of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the student's supervisor, Head of School and the Faculty via application to the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC) and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. All periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards a student's candidature. Students must remain enrolled full-time at the University and receive approval to count time away.

8. Suspension

a. Holders of the Scholarship cannot suspend their award within the first six months.

b. Holders of the Scholarship may apply for up to 4 research periods suspension for any reason during the tenure of their award. Periods of suspension are cumulative and failure to resume study after suspension will result in the award being terminated. Approval to suspend must be given by the Head of the Department/School concerned. Periods of study towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

9. Changes in Enrolment

a. The Scholarship recipient must notify HDRAC and their supervisor promptly of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature upgrade or downgrade. If the award holder does not provide notice of the changes identified above, the University may require repayment of any overpaid stipend.

10. Termination

a. Unless terminated according to provisions specified in earlier clauses, the Scholarship will be terminated:

I. upon submission of the thesis or at the end of the award; II. on resignation or withdrawal of the student from their HDR program; III. if the student ceases to be a full-time student and prior approval has not been obtained to hold the Scholarship on a part-time basis; IV. upon the student having completed 14 research periods full-time study for a PhD, V. if the recipient receives an alternative stipend scholarship whose value exceeds 75% of the stipend value of this scholarship. VI. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave, or; VII. if the student ceases to meet the eligibility requirements specified for this Scholarship, (other than during a period in which the Scholarship has been suspended or during a period of approved leave).

b. The Scholarship may also be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University:

I. the course of study is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the terms of this offer; II. the student fails to maintain satisfactory progress, or; III. the student has committed misconduct or other inappropriate conduct.

c. Stipend payments will be suspended throughout the duration of any enquiry/appeal process.

d. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error.

11. Misconduct

a. Where during the Scholarship a student engages in misconduct, or other inappropriate conduct (either during the Scholarship or in connection with the student’s application and eligibility for the Scholarship), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds paid to the student, the University may require the student to repay stipend amounts and any other payments made to the student in connection with the Scholarship. Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the results of research, or failure to declare or manage a serious conflict of interests), breach of the Code of Conduct for Students and misrepresentation in the application materials or other documentation associated with the Scholarship.

b. The University may require such repayment at any time during or after the Scholarship period. In addition, by accepting this Scholarship, the student consents to all aspects of any investigation into misconduct in connection with this Scholarship being disclosed by the University to the funding body and/or any relevant professional body.

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University of South Florida

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Elizabeth Bews at Syedra Archaeological Site in Alanya, Turkey in 2023. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Bews)

Elizabeth Bews at Syedra Archaeological Site in Alanya, Turkey in 2023. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Bews)

Empowering future discoveries: PhD candidate receives John S. Freeman Scholarship in Public Archaeology to advance bioarcheological research

  • Dakota Galvin, USF College of Arts and Sciences
  • July 29, 2024

Accomplishments , Research

Elizabeth Bews, a USF Presidential Fellow and PhD student in the Department of Anthropology , has received the John S. Freeman Scholarship in Public Archaeology to further her bioarcheological research in southwest Turkey. The scholarship, which was established by the department in 2014, is awarded to deserving students in memory of John S. Freeman, a student who received his MA posthumously after his battle with cancer. 


Bews and group in the field at a dig site. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Bews)

“I am touched that I was selected for this opportunity, and I hope to use this money to contribute to the archaeological community in a way that John would have appreciated,” Bews said.

In the last three years, along with her continued work in Turkey, Bews co-founded the International Congress on Roman Bioarcheology (ICORB) in 2021 – an annual conference bringing together researchers working on sites across the Roman Empire to collaborate and share ongoing research. In addition, her first edited volume “Roman Bioarcheology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World,” will be published through University Press Florida in February 2025.

“Because of the Presidential Fellowship I received from USF, I was able to devote innumerable hours to ICORB and this new publication, both of which bring together scholars in Roman bioarcheology in a way that has not been possible until now,” Bews explained.

“My time at USF has been invaluable in allowing me to grow as an archaeologist and explore my interests within the wider scholarly community.”

Bews, however, wasn’t always a champion for bioarcheology. Starting as a double major in history and French at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, it was when a history professor provided the opportunity for Bews to travel to Turkey for an archaeological dig where she discovered her passion for the field. Since then, she has pursued every chance she has received to gain experience outside of the classroom by finding scholarships to participate in digs in Turkey, Bulgaria, and the U.S.

After graduating with her bachelor’s from St. Olaf College, taking a year abroad for a Fulbright scholarship, and earning her master’s from Cornell University, it was attending a bioarcheology field school in Romania that led her to pursue her doctorate at USF after meeting anthropology associate professor Dr. Jon Bethard, who now serves as her advisor.

Bews’ primary research focuses on demographic and paleopathological data from human remains found in southwest Turkey to understand how differential approaches to Roman rule predicated disparate health outcomes among local populations in the Eastern Roman Empire. The isotope testing funded by the Freeman scholarship will provide Bews with a record of the food consumed by an individual when they were alive, giving her an idea of what the Romans’ diets consisted of, which can lead to a better understanding of that person’s place in society – their status, the types of resources they had access to, and changes in cultural practices between childhood and adulthood.

“I have identified significant changes in the incidence of biological stress that individuals were experiencing between the Hellenistic and the Roman periods in southwest Turkey. However, it is impossible to tell from the bones alone what caused these stress responses in the skeleton. All I can say is that people in the Roman period experienced significantly more physiological stress than in the Hellenistic period,” Bews said.

Cover of Roman Bioarchaeology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World, Edited by Elizabeth A. Bess and Kathryn E. Marklein

Cover of Roman Bioarchaeology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World , Edited by Elizabeth A. Bess and Kathryn E. Marklein

Bews in the Proteomic Core Facility at USF extracting protein from tooth enamel for sex estimation. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Bews)

Bews in the Proteomic Core Facility at USF extracting protein from tooth enamel for sex estimation. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Bews)

“Isotope analysis will help me to determine if changes in dietary patterns (dietary preferences, famine, sex or status-based differences in nutritional intake) from the Hellenistic to the Roman period are correlated with some of the pathological trends I am seeing.”

Bews’ advice for students pursuing the field of archaeology is based on her years of experience: the work is a labor of love.   “Get as much experience as early as you can. Archaeology is often romanticized in movies and the reality is much different than what you see on the screen. Archaeological work often involves long hours in the hot sun with limited access to the outside world during the field season – you truly have to love the work to pursue archaeology as a career.”

Learn more about field school opportunities available through the Department of Anthropology. 

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CAS Chronicles is the monthly newsletter for the University of South Florida's College of Arts and Sciences, your source for the latest news, research, and events at CAS.

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IIT Bombay hosts 62nd convocation, DDAF; 3,303 degrees awarded to 3,019 students

IIT-B Convocation: The President of India gold medal was bestowed on Vedang Dhirendra Asgaonkar, a BTech student from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

IIT Bombay convocation 2024 was held on two days on August 24 and 25. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Anu Parthiban | August 26, 2024 | 09:22 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) hosted the 62nd convocation and departmental degree award function (DDAF) on two consecutive days August 24 and 25. A total of 3,303 degrees were awarded to 3,019 students. IIT-B director Shireesh Kedare congratulated students and conferred medals to the recipients.

Degrees awarded this year include 951 BTech along with 358 dual degree (BTech+MTech) and 100 interdisciplinary dual degrees (BTech/ BS+MTech/ MSc), 64 four-year BS, along with 10 dual Degree (BS+MSc), 20 BDesign along with 18 dual degree (BDes+MDes), and 31 three-year BS.

Additionally, 635 MTech, 46 MS by research, 15 MA by research, 4 dual degree (MTech/ MSc+MS by research), 69 MDesign, 1 MA, 2 MPhil, 290 two-year MSc, and 110 MBA, 44 EMBA, 12 MPP, and 25 PGDIIT were the postgraduate degrees awarded during the academic year 2023-24.

Further, 498 PhD, including dual degree of MTech, MPhil+PhD, dual degree of MSc+PhD, and joint PhDs along with Monash University and NTU were also awarded during the academic year 2023-24.

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“The total 498 PhD degrees awarded during the academic year 2023-24 include 191 female and 307 male students,” it added.

Gold and silver medals were distributed to recognise excellence in academic performance. The President of India gold medal was bestowed on Vedang Dhirendra Asgaonkar, a BTech student from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma gold medal was conferred on Kaivalya Sanjay Daga, a BTech student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

IIT Bombay was ranked number 3 under the overall category in National Institutional Ranking Framework ( NIRF 2024 ) and obtained a score of 81.37.

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Google PhD Fellowship Southeast Asia program 2023

Published: 01 Jan 1970 1,892 views

Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourages people of diverse backgrounds to apply. We currently offer Fellowships in Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, India, Latin America, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the United States.

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About Google

Google phd fellowship southeast asia program, aim and benefits of google phd fellowship southeast asia program, requirements for google phd fellowship southeast asia program qualification, interview date, process and venue for google phd fellowship southeast asia program, application deadline, how to apply.

Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Four technology companies, alongside Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. Google was founded in September 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. The company's rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond Google's core se... continue reading


Application Deadline
  • Up to 3 year Fellowship
  • US $10K per year for up to 3 years (or up to graduation, whichever is earlier) to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Google Research Mentor

All regions

  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.
  • Past awardees from Australia and New Zealand, East Asia, India and Southeast Asia PhD Fellowship programs are not eligible to apply again.

Direct applicant students in Africa, India, Latin America and Southeast Asia

Incoming PhD students are eligible to apply, but the Fellowship award shall be contingent on the awardee registering for a full-time PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) within the academic award year of the Fellowship award, or the award shall be forfeited.

  • Latin America:  incoming or early stage-students enrolled in the first or second year of their PhD (no requirement for completion of graduate coursework by the academic award year).

Grant of the Fellowship does not mean admission to a PhD program. The awardee must separately apply and be accepted to a PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) at an eligible institution.

  • Grant of the Fellowship will be subject to the rules and guidelines applicable in the institution where the awardee registers for the PhD program.

Africa, India, Latin America, and Southeast Asia:  applications are open to universities/institutes in Africa, India, Latin America (excluding Cuba), and in eligible Southeast Asian countries/regions (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam).

Restrictions:  All award payments and recipients will be reviewed for compliance with relevant US and international laws, regulations and policies. Google reserves the right to withhold funding that may violate laws, regulations or our policies.

The Google PhD Fellowship Southeast Asia program application window is now open. Submit by 11:59:59pm UTC-12 (AOE) April 18, 2023. Notification of decisions will be made in July 2023.  

The details of each Fellowship vary by region. Please see our  FAQ  for eligibility requirements and application instructions.

For more details visit: Google website .

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Google phd fellowship program for graduate students, 2023.

The new Google PhD Fellowship Program is now available on offer and directly supports graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor. Google is currently offering awards for students from India and Africa.

User Review

Brief description, eligibility , application procedure.

Africa and India

You’ll need the following documents in order to complete an application (in English only):

Up to 3-year Fellowship US $30K to cover stipend and other research-related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel Google Research Mentor

1-year Fellowship US $10K to cover stipend and other research-related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel Google Research Mentor


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  2. Google PhD fellowship program 2023/24

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  3. Google Scholarship 2023: गूगल दे रहा है पूरे $2,500 USD की स्कॉलरशिप

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  4. Google PhD Fellowship 2023 for International Applicants

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  5. Google PhD Fellowship for International Students 2023/2024

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  6. Google Scholarship 2023 Online Application Form, Eligibility, Last Date

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  1. Google PhD fellowship program

    The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google's mission is to foster inclusive ...

  2. Research scholar program

    The Research Scholar Program aims to support early-career professors who are pursuing research in fields relevant to Google. Jump to Content. Research. Research. Who we are ... Decisions for the November 2023 application will be announced via email by April 2024. Please check back in Fall 2024 for details on future application cycles ...

  3. PhD Fellowship Award recipients

    The Google PhD Fellowship Program recognizes outstanding graduate students doing exceptional work in computer science, related disciplines, or promising research areas. ... 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017 ...

  4. Scholarships

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  5. Google Scholar

    Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions.

  6. Build your future with Google

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  7. Education

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  8. Generation Google Scholarship (APAC)

    The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science was established to help students pursuing computer science degrees excel in technology and become leaders in the field. Selected students will receive $2,500 USD for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science will be awarded based ...

  9. Google PhD Fellowship 2023

    Google PhD Fellowship 2023. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellows will receive a yearly bursary towards his*her stipend/salary, health care, social benefits, tuition and fees (if ...

  10. 2023 Google PhD Fellowship Program

    Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology.

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  13. Google PhD Fellowship

    The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google's mission is to foster inclusive ...

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  15. Frequently asked questions

    Global faculty who have received their PhD less than 7 years from submission from degree-granting institutions who are doing research within fields relevant to Google. An applicant may only serve as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on one proposal per round, they cannot be listed on two separate proposals.

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    Google Africa PhD Fellowship program 2023. Published: 01 Jan 1970 1,871 views. Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor. Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google.

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  23. Build your future with Google

    Whether you've just started in university or getting your PhD, we have programs, events, and more. Programs Internships Scholarships Events . Early and mid-career professionals. ... Generation Google Scholarship (APAC) Designed to help students pursuing computer science degrees excel in technology and become leaders in the field. We strongly ...

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  25. Google PhD Fellowship Southeast Asia program 2023

    Interview date, Process and Venue for Google PhD Fellowship Southeast Asia program. The Google PhD Fellowship Southeast Asia program application window is now open. Submit by 11:59:59pm UTC-12 (AOE) April 18, 2023. Notification of decisions will be made in July 2023.

  26. Google PhD Fellowship Program, 2023

    Google PhD Fellowship Program for Graduate Students, 2023. The new Google PhD Fellowship Program is now available on offer and directly supports graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor. Google is currently offering awards for students from India and Africa.