A3 Problem Solving - A Step by Step Guide - Feature Image - Learnleansigma

A Step-by-Step Guide to A3 Problem Solving Methodology

Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Problem-solving is an important component of any business or organization. It entails identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems in order to improve processes, drive results, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. A3 Problem solving is one of the most effective problem-solving methodologies.

A3 Problem solving is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving that originated with the lean manufacturing methodology. It visualizes the problem-solving process using a one-page document known as an A3 report. The A3 report provides an overview of the problem, data analysis, root causes, solutions, and results in a clear and concise manner.

A3 Problem Solving has numerous advantages, including improved communication, better decision-making, increased efficiency, and reduced waste. It is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and industries, and it is especially useful for solving complex and multi-faceted problems.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the A3 Problem Solving methodology step by step. Whether you are new to A3 Problem Solving or simply want to improve your skills, this guide will help you understand and apply the process in your workplace.

What is A3 Problem Solving?

A3 Problem Solving is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving that makes use of a one-page document called an A3 report to visually represent the process. The A3 report provides an overview of the problem, data analysis, root causes, solutions, and results in a clear and concise manner. The method was created within the framework of the Lean manufacturing methodology and is based on the principles of continuous improvement and visual management.

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Origin and History of A3 Problem Solving

A3 Problem Solving was developed by Toyota Motor Corporation and was first used in the manufacture of automobiles. The term “A3” refers to the size of the paper used to create the report, which is an ISO standard known as “A3”. The goal of the A3 report is to provide a visual representation of the problem-solving process that all members of the organisation can easily understand and share. A3 Problem Solving has been adopted by organisations in a variety of industries over the years, and it has become a widely used and recognised method for problem-solving.

Key Principles of A3 Problem Solving

The following are the key principles of A3 Problem Solving:

  • Define the problem clearly and concisely
  • Gather and analyze data to gain a deep understanding of the problem
  • Identify the root causes of the problem
  • Develop and implement effective solutions
  • Evaluate results and continuously improve

These principles serve as the foundation of the A3 Problem Solving methodology and are intended to assist organisations in continuously improving and achieving their objectives. Organizations can effectively solve problems, identify areas for improvement, and drive results by adhering to these principles.

Step 1: Define the Problem

Importance of clearly defining the problem.

The first step in the A3 Problem Solving process is critical because it lays the groundwork for the remaining steps. To define the problem clearly and accurately, you must first understand the problem and identify the underlying root cause. This step is critical because if the problem is not correctly defined, the rest of the process will be based on incorrect information, and the solution developed may not address the issue effectively.

The significance of defining the problem clearly cannot be overstated. It aids in the collection and analysis of relevant data, which is critical for developing effective solutions. When the problem is clearly defined, the data gathered is more relevant and targeted, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of the issue. This will enable the development of solutions that are more likely to be effective because they are founded on a thorough and accurate understanding of the problem.

However, if the problem is not clearly defined, the data gathered may be irrelevant or incorrect, resulting in incorrect conclusions and ineffective solutions. Furthermore, the process of collecting and analysing data can become time-consuming and inefficient, resulting in resource waste. Furthermore, if the problem is not accurately defined, the solutions developed may fail to address the root cause of the problem, resulting in ongoing issues and a lack of improvement.

Techniques for Defining the Problem

The first step in the A3 Problem Solving process is to clearly and accurately define the problem. This is an important step because a clearly defined problem will help to ensure that the appropriate data is collected and solutions are developed. If the problem is not clearly defined, incorrect data may be collected, solutions that do not address the root cause of the problem, and time and resources may be wasted.

A problem can be defined using a variety of techniques, including brainstorming , root cause analysis , process mapping , and Ishikawa diagrams . Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages and can be used in a variety of situations depending on the nature of the problem.

Best Practice for Defining the Problem

In addition to brainstorming, root cause analysis, process mapping, and Ishikawa diagram s, best practices should be followed when defining a problem in A3 Problem Solving. Among these best practices are:

  • Define the issue in a specific and quantifiable way: It is critical to be specific and concise when defining the problem, as well as to quantify the problem in terms of its impact. This will help to ensure that all stakeholders understand the problem and that data collection is focused on the right areas.
  • Focus on the problem’s root cause: The A3 Problem Solving methodology is intended to assist organisations in identifying and addressing the root cause of a problem, rather than just the symptoms. Organizations can ensure that their solutions are effective and long-lasting by focusing on the root cause of the problem.
  • Ascertain that all stakeholders agree on the problem’s definition: All stakeholders must agree on the definition of the problem for the A3 Problem Solving process to be effective. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal and that the solutions developed are relevant and appropriate.
  • Consider the problem’s impact on the organisation and its stakeholders: It is critical to consider the impact of the problem on the organisation and its stakeholders when defining it. This will assist in ensuring that the appropriate data is gathered and that the solutions developed are relevant and appropriate.

Organizations can ensure that their problem is defined in a way that allows for effective data collection, analysis, and solution development by following these best practices. This will aid in the development of appropriate solutions and the effective resolution of the problem, resulting in improvements in the organization’s processes and outcomes.

Step 2: Gather Data

Gathering data in a3 problem solving.

Data collection is an important step in the A3 Problem Solving process because it allows organisations to gain a thorough understanding of the problem they are attempting to solve. This step entails gathering pertinent information about the problem, such as data on its origin, impact, and any related factors. This information is then used to help identify root causes and develop effective solutions.

One of the most important advantages of data collection in A3 Problem Solving is that it allows organisations to identify patterns and trends in data, which can be useful in determining the root cause of the problem. This information can then be used to create effective solutions that address the problem’s root cause rather than just its symptoms.

In A3 Problem Solving, data collection is a collaborative effort involving all stakeholders, including those directly impacted by the problem and those with relevant expertise or experience. Stakeholders can ensure that all relevant information is collected and that the data is accurate and complete by working together.

Overall, data collection is an important step in the A3 Problem Solving process because it serves as the foundation for effective problem-solving. Organizations can gain a deep understanding of the problem they are attempting to solve and develop effective solutions that address its root cause by collecting and analysing relevant data.

Data Collection Methods

In A3 Problem Solving, several data collection methods are available, including:

  • Observations
  • Process diagrams

The best data collection method will be determined by the problem being solved and the type of data required. To gain a complete understanding of the problem, it is critical to use multiple data collection methods.

Tools for Data Analysis and Visualization

Once the data has been collected, it must be analysed and visualised in order to gain insights into the problem. This process can be aided by the following tools:

  • Excel Spreadsheets
  • Flow diagrams
  • Pareto diagrams
  • Scatter Plots
  • Control diagrams

These tools can assist in organising data and making it easier to understand. They can also be used to generate visual representations of data, such as graphs and charts, to communicate the findings to others.

Finally, the data collection and analysis step is an important part of the A3 Problem Solving process. Organizations can gain a better understanding of the problem and develop effective solutions by collecting and analysing relevant data.

Step 3: Identify Root Causes

Identifying the root causes of the problem is the third step in the A3 Problem Solving process. This step is critical because it assists organisations in understanding the root causes of a problem rather than just its symptoms. Once the underlying cause of the problem is identified, it can be addressed more effectively, leading to more long-term solutions.

Overview of the Root Cause Analysis Process

The process of determining the underlying causes of a problem is known as root cause analysis. This process can assist organisations in determining why a problem is occurring and what can be done to prevent it from recurring in the future. The goal of root cause analysis is to identify the underlying cause of a problem rather than just its symptoms, allowing it to be addressed more effectively.

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Techniques for Identifying Root Causes

There are several techniques for determining the root causes of a problem, including:

  • Brainstorming
  • Ishikawa diagrams (also known as fishbone diagrams)
  • Root Cause Tree Analysis

These methods can be used to investigate the issue in-depth and identify potential root causes. Organizations can gain a deeper understanding of the problem and identify the underlying causes that must be addressed by using these techniques.

Best Practices for Conducting Root Cause Analysis

It is critical to follow these best practices when conducting root cause analysis in A3 Problem Solving:

  • Make certain that all stakeholders participate in the root cause analysis process.
  • Concentrate on determining the root cause of the problem rather than just its symptoms.
  • Take into account all potential root causes, not just the most obvious ones.
  • To identify root causes, use a systematic approach, such as the 5 Whys or root cause tree analysis.

Organizations can ensure that root cause analysis is carried out effectively and that the root cause of the problem is identified by adhering to these best practises. This will aid in the development of appropriate solutions and the effective resolution of the problem.

Step 4: Develop Solutions

Developing solutions is the fourth step in the A3 Problem Solving process. This entails generating ideas and options for dealing with the problem, followed by selecting the best solution. The goal is to develop a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem and prevents it from recurring.

Solution Development in A3 Problem Solving

A3 solution development Problem solving is an iterative process in which options are generated and evaluated. The data gathered in the previous steps, as well as the insights and understanding gained from the root cause analysis, guide this process. The solution should be based on a thorough understanding of the problem and address the underlying cause.

Techniques for Developing Solutions

There are several techniques that can be used to develop solutions in A3 Problem Solving, including:

  • Brainwriting
  • Solution matrix
  • Multi voting
  • Force field analysis

These techniques can help to generate a range of options and to select the best solution.

Best Practice for Developing Solutions

It is critical to follow the following best practices when developing solutions in A3 Problem Solving:

  • Participate in the solution development process with all stakeholders.
  • Make certain that the solution addresses the underlying cause of the problem.
  • Make certain that the solution is feasible and achievable.
  • Consider the solution’s impact on the organisation and its stakeholders.

Organizations can ensure that the solutions they develop are effective and sustainable by adhering to these best practises. This will help to ensure that the problem is addressed effectively and that it does not reoccur.

Step 5: Implement Solutions

The final and most important step in the A3 Problem Solving methodology is solution implementation. This is the stage at which the identified and developed solutions are put into action to address the problem. This step’s goal is to ensure that the solutions are effective, efficient, and long-lasting.

The implementation Process

The implementation process entails putting the solutions developed in the previous step into action. This could include changes to processes, procedures, and systems, as well as employee training and education. To ensure that the solutions are effective, the implementation process should be well-planned and meticulously executed.

Techniques for Implementing Solutions

A3 Problem Solving solutions can be implemented using a variety of techniques, including:

  • Piloting the solution on a small scale before broadening its application
  • Participating in the implementation process with all relevant stakeholders
  • ensuring that the solution is in line with the goals and objectives of the organisation
  • Monitoring the solution to determine its effectiveness and make any necessary changes

Best Practice for Implementing Solutions

It is critical to follow these best practices when implementing solutions in A3 Problem Solving:

Make certain that all relevant stakeholders are involved and supportive of the solution. Have a clear implementation plan that outlines the steps, timeline, and resources required. Continuously monitor and evaluate the solution to determine its efficacy and make any necessary changes. Encourage all stakeholders to communicate and collaborate openly. Organizations can ensure that solutions are effectively implemented and problems are effectively addressed by adhering to these best practices. The ultimate goal is to find a long-term solution to the problem and improve the organization’s overall performance.

In conclusion, A3 Problem Solving is a comprehensive and structured methodology for problem-solving that can be applied in various industries and organisations. The A3 Problem Solving process’s five steps – Define the Problem, Gather Data, Identify Root Causes, Develop Solutions, and Implement Solutions – provide a road map for effectively addressing problems and making long-term improvements.

Organizations can improve their problem-solving skills and achieve better results by following the key principles, techniques, and best practices outlined in this guide. As a result, both the organisation and its stakeholders will benefit from increased efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction. So, whether you’re an experienced problem solver or just getting started, consider incorporating the A3 Problem Solving methodology into your work and start reaping the benefits right away.

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Daniel croft.

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website www.learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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A Deep Dive into the A3 Problem-Solving Approach

  • 11 mins to read
  • June 20, 2023
  • By Reagan Pannell

In today’s fast-paced and fiercely competitive business world, organisations must find ways to continuously adapt, evolve, and excel. Amidst the myriad methods and techniques for achieving improvements and driving continuous improvement, few have proven as profound and transformative as Toyota’s A3 problem-solving approach. 

A significant driving force behind the company’s rise to global prominence, the A3 process fosters a culture where problems are embraced as opportunities for growth and learning. In this article, we’ll explore the origins and underlying principles of the A3 approach and uncover the secrets to its success in unlocking the power of improvements.

Understanding the A3 Approach

The A3 methodology is an integral part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), a set of principles and practices that have shaped the company’s approach to manufacturing, management, and continuous improvement over the years. Named after the A3 sheet of paper that was historically used to capture the plan, analysis, and follow-up on a single page, the A3 process represents a simple, yet powerful, tool for addressing complex challenges and discovering lasting solutions.

At its core, the A3 approach is rooted in three key elements:

1. Thorough problem analysis: The foundation of the A3 process lies in digging deep to diagnose the true nature and root cause of an issue, rather than jumping to hastily devised fixes that merely address symptoms.

2. Structured documentation: The A3 report serves as both a communication tool and an iterative planning device, with each section building on the previous ones to guide problem solvers through a comprehensive analysis, solution development, and execution process. It’s the foundation of good continuous improvement.

3. Cyclical learning and improvement: Leadership and employees alike are encouraged to commit to hypothesis-driven inquiry, observation, experimentation, and reflection, leading to a culture that actively seeks and leverages opportunities for growth by solving problems.

How to Implement the A3 Process in Your Organisation

The Lean Thinking A3 approach can be distilled into seven essential steps:

1. Identify the problem: 

Clearly articulate and define the issue at hand, avoiding the temptation to jump to solutions or assume important facts to be self-evident..

When identifying the problem, it is important to ensure that all relevant stakeholders in the organisation are consulted. This helps to ensure that the issue is accurately described and understood from multiple perspectives. A thorough problem analysis should also include conducting research into possible causes or root issues, and clearly documenting any observed symptoms of the problem. Additionally, it is essential to identify any major risks associated with not finding a solution and recognise any constraints (both external and internal) that may exist which could limit potential solutions. Lastly, it is important to consider any potential opportunities which may arise from addressing the issue that may have been overlooked at first glance. This is the problem statement part which is a critical component that identifies the difference between the current condition and the target condition.

At this stage, we are not looking at how to solve problems being faced or at the potential solution to solving problems. It’s about developing a good understanding of how the actual results differ from the expected results and providing an in-depth systematic approach to process improvement and developing problem-solving skills.

2. Establish the context and background: 

Provide a high-level overview of the problem, describing the stakeholders involved, relevant data, and the broader organisational context in which the challenge has arisen..

It is important to ensure that all stakeholders are properly considered when identifying any potential solutions as their perspectives can play a vital role in determining an effective solution. All related data should be thoroughly analysed to understand the full scope of potential solutions. This includes resources, costs, timelines, and any legal or regulatory issues that may need to be considered. Additionally, it is important to consider how well-proposed solutions fit within existing organisational policies and procedures as this could impact implementation success. Finally, understanding how proposed solutions would interact with other initiatives or processes currently taking place in the organisation can help inform decisions about whether or not they are viable options. It may include conducting some value stream mapping to dig deeper into the current state.

It is important to fully explore any underlying factors that may be contributing to the issue at hand and ensure in-depth problem analysis. This includes looking deeper into existing systems, structures, and processes related to the problem in order to identify potential areas of improvement or optimisation. Additionally, it is essential to consider any relevant industry trends or external influences that could impact how the problem manifests within the organisation.

When analysing a problem, collecting data from various sources is important to get a more comprehensive understanding of how a particular issue can be addressed. This includes mapping the current process using the VSM, SIPOC, Process Mapping or Flowcharting techniques. Additionally, interviews and surveys can be conducted with stakeholders to gain insights into how they perceive the issue and their perspectives on potential solutions. Lastly, it is important to observe any real-world activities related to the problem to uncover key areas where time, effort, resources, money etc is being wasted. This is the time improvement that may not have been identified otherwise.


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Get 3-days free access to our green belt course, accelerate your career, 3. set a goal:, now that you have identified the problem and outlined the relevant context, it is time to set a project goal or outcome..

This involves clearly articulating the desired state of affairs and any key deliverables of the proposed solution. Whether it is reducing operational costs, increasing efficiency, improving customer experience, or something else entirely – defining specific objectives with measurable metrics can help ensure that project teams stay focused and remain aligned on their ultimate destination.

At this stage, it is also important to consider how long it will take to reach the desired outcome. Establishing an implementation timeline will help safeguard progress and provide a framework for tracking results along the way. Setting milestones for achieving particular goals at certain points in time can be especially helpful in keeping teams accountable throughout the process. Additionally, having a plan for evaluating success after reaching the end target will allow stakeholders to gain further insights into how effective their approach has been in addressing underlying problems, as well as how well-proposed solutions have fared once implemented.

4. Investigate root causes:

Use a variety of techniques (e.g., the 5 whys, fishbone diagrams, pareto charts) to probe the problem’s underlying causes and avoid settling on proximate reasons..

The process of identifying root causes is essential when using data-driven tools. We always want to find the simplest root cause approach.

One of the most widely used methods for root cause analysis is the ‘5 Whys’ technique. This method involves asking a series of ‘why’ questions to determine the underlying cause of a particular symptom or issue. The goal is to keep asking “Why?” until you reach an answer that can provide insight into how to address the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Another commonly used tool for root cause analysis is the fishbone diagram (also known as Ishikawa diagrams). This approach involves visualising all potential causes which could be causing a symptom or issue in a logical format, allowing users to identify patterns and uncover links between root causes and their respective effects. This technique can be helpful in identifying and focusing on key areas for improvement, as well as helping to identify interdependencies between components within an organisation’s systems.

Finally, Pareto Charts are useful for analysing data collected from surveys, interviews, observations, etc., concerning the severity or frequency of occurrence. This type of chart helps users quickly identify which factors are contributing most significantly towards an issue, allowing them to focus resources towards addressing those areas first and foremost. Additionally, Pareto charts can also be used to prioritise different solutions based on their estimated effectiveness in addressing an issue.

In conclusion, understanding the root cause of an issue through rigorous techniques such as 5 Whys, fishbone diagrams, and Pareto charts provides invaluable insight into how best to address it effectively while preventing it from reoccurring in the future. By leveraging these tools along with other data-led approaches such as process mapping and flowcharting, organisations can ensure that any proposed solutions are well-informed by both qualitative and quantitative data sources as well as ensure they are building consensus across the entire organisation.

5. Countermeasures:

Identify the right countermeasures (corrective actions) to implement that will directly impact the root causes identified..

Brainstorming is a useful tool for identifying potential improvements. It involves coming up with ideas and solutions in an open and collaborative manner, without judgement or criticism. By allowing team members to share their thoughts freely, brainstorming can help uncover innovative solutions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Additionally, looking at how waste reduction, flow and pull can be used to improve processes can also provide valuable insights into where improvement opportunities lie.

Brainstorm potential solutions that directly target the root causes and create detailed action plans for implementation, complete with assigned roles, responsibilities, and timelines.

Once the countermeasures are identified, it is important to design an implementation plan and assign roles & responsibilities. This will help ensure that all stakeholders understand their part in the implementation and can work together to achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, it is important to track progress along the way – setting measurable milestones that can be tracked against goals established during the initial problem-solving phase will help keep teams accountable and allow for course corrections if needed.

By utilising A3 Problem Solving Tools such as a template, organisations can easily document and share their analyses with relevant stakeholders throughout each stage of the project. Having detailed record-keeping like this also helps teams stay on target over time while providing insights into how proposed solutions may need to be re-evaluated down the line. This implementation plan provides the entire organisation with a clear project status on a one-page report.

6. Evaluate the results:

Measure the impact of your countermeasures against the problem, using well-defined success criteria, key performance indicators, or other relevant metrics..

Once the countermeasures have been implemented, it is essential to measure and evaluate their success. This can be done by tracking performance against the initial objectives established during the goal phase, as well as establishing key performance indicators to gauge how well the proposed solutions have fared.

Additionally, stakeholders should also consider conducting a post-implementation evaluation in order to assess how successful their approach has been in addressing underlying issues and determining what lessons can be learned from the experience. This will enable teams to identify strengths and weaknesses within their existing processes and make any necessary adjustments going forward. By understanding the outcomes of their improvements, organisations are able to gain valuable insights into how well they’ve succeeded in achieving their goals and ensure continued success moving forward.

Once the countermeasures have been implemented and their success measured, it is important to compare the results against the initial objective. This can be done in a variety of ways, including graphical analysis such as charts, process maps or flow diagrams. Graphical analysis helps to visualise the differences between results achieved before and after the implementation of new measures in a meaningful way. It also provides an increased level of clarity when assessing whether the desired outcomes have been achieved or not.

Process maps can be useful in understanding how changes made during the improvement phase have impacted processes within an organisation. By mapping out existing processes and then comparing them against those following implementation of countermeasures, teams can easily pinpoint where improvements were made and analyse how they led to improved performance overall.

Charts, on the other hand, enable users to quickly identify trends that may have emerged from data collected during the project. For example, if performance metrics are tracked before and after countermeasures are implemented, users can use charts and graphs to more clearly observe any patterns that may indicate an improvement or regression in performance over time – providing further insights into which areas need further attention or adjustment moving forward.

Finally, dashboard views provide an effective means of displaying results at a glance while highlighting any anomalies that might warrant further investigation. Dashboards allow stakeholders to gain access to important information quickly and easily while also helping them keep track of progress towards goals set out during initial problem-solving phases. Additionally, because dashboards support data visualisation capabilities they offer a highly interactive user experience which can help teams understand underlying trends with greater clarity and precision.

7. Standardise and share:

If a countermeasure proves successful, integrate it into the organisation’s standard operating procedures and share it with other teams as a best practice..

Once the countermeasures have been successfully implemented and measured against the initial objectives, these changes need to be integrated into the organisation’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) and shared with other teams as best practices. This will ensure that any improvements made during the problem-solving phase are consistently applied across all teams within the organisation.

In order to ensure that these improvements become part of the organisation’s long-term strategy, process maps should be updated to reflect the new improved way of working. Process maps provide a visual representation of how workflows are structured within an organisation, and by updating them in line with newly-implemented countermeasures, organisations can ensure that their processes continue to remain up-to-date and efficient moving forward. It may also be necessary to build a follow-up plan if not all tasks are fully completed as well as develop a Lean-focused PDCA cycle to ensure long-term effective collaboration on the solutions that were implemented.

Process documentation should also be updated in order to keep track of changes made during problem-solving. By documenting not just the solutions that were proposed but also why they were proposed, teams can gain valuable insights into their decision-making process which they can leverage for similar future problems.

Furthermore, it is important to update key performance indicators (KPIs) to accurately reflect any progress made during problem-solving. By tracking performance against objectives established before and after countermeasures were implemented, organisations will be able to identify any areas that may still need improvement or require further adjustment going forward. Additionally, tracking KPIs over time will help teams understand whether or not their current strategies are leading them towards meeting their goals in a timely manner or if additional measures may need to be taken in order to achieve desired results more quickly.

Finally, organisations should share successful solutions with other teams in order to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders throughout different parts of the business. This will allow for ideas generated through one team’s problem-solving efforts to benefit multiple departments – helping foster creativity and innovation while ensuring that everyone is on board with necessary changes being made throughout the organisation. The last step is key to Toyota’s PDCA management system designed for the entire organisation.

By breaking down the problem-solving process into these seven discrete stages, the A3 method offers practitioners a comprehensive, end-to-end framework for tackling complex challenges and driving improvements in any organisation.

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Training the team on A3

To get A3 started, everyone in the entire organisation needs to learn how to use this single-sheet or single-page document. This means training people across all parts of the company so that everyone knows how to use the A3 Problem Solving Tool and A3 template. Training will help make sure that everyone follows a structured approach when using A3.

Getting the organisation fully onboard with A3 Problem Solving is not an easy task and will require a dedicated effort to ensure its successful implementation. To this end, it is important to start with specific areas of the business – whether it be operations, finance or marketing – by setting up targeted training sessions for both operational teams and senior managers. This will help everyone understand how and why A3 is used, as well as the potential benefits it can bring to their business.

Once everyone has mastered the basics of working with an A3 template, companies should look to regularly review and evaluate its effectiveness. This could include setting up quarterly reviews or running workshops where teams discuss successes and areas for improvement when using the A3 tool. Doing this will ensure that any issues are identified early on, allowing the team to quickly adjust accordingly.

At Leanscape, we understand that transitioning to A3 Problem Solving can be a daunting task. With our team of specialists, we can provide your teams with the necessary training and coaching to ensure that they are able to adapt quickly and efficiently. Our comprehensive approach to A3 will equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully use this powerful tool for improving performance in all areas of your business.

We are committed to helping you develop a culture of continuous improvement within your organisation by teaching best practices and providing guidance through every step of the problem-solving process. Through our specialised training programs, we will help your teams learn how to use the A3 template more effectively, as well as how to interpret data visualisations quickly and accurately – enabling them to take action swiftly when required. Our experienced coaches will also share insights from industry experts on how best to integrate countermeasures into standard operating procedures (SOPs) and process maps, keeping up-to-date with industry trends in order to stay ahead of the competition.

By leveraging Leanscape’s expertise in A3 Problem Solving, you can rest assured knowing that your team is in good hands. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the support needed for successful implementation so that you can achieve sustained performance improvements over time.

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The implementation of A3 Problem Solving provides a comprehensive framework for organisations looking to successfully address complex problems in an efficient and cost-effective manner. By breaking down the problem-solving process into seven distinct stages, users can structure their approach and track the progress of their countermeasures over time.

In order to ensure successful implementation, organisations should dedicate time towards training their teams on how to use the A3 Problem Solving Tool and A3 template. This will give everyone a solid foundation for carrying out future problem-solving activities more effectively, as well as provide insights into the effectiveness of certain countermeasures over time.

Through Leanscape’s specialised training programs, you can ensure that your team is fully equipped with the necessary skills to successfully adopt and incorporate A3 Problem Solving into all areas of your business. Our experienced coaches are committed to helping you develop a culture of continuous improvement within your organisation – providing guidance through every step of the process

Final Thoughts

The A3 approach is an invaluable tool for unlocking the power of improvements within any organisation. By leveraging its structured framework and cyclical learning approach, businesses can remain agile and responsive to ever-changing conditions, allowing them to navigate change more successfully and emerge stronger than ever before. Ultimately, this makes Toyota’s A3 problem-solving process one of the most effective ways to ensure long-term success in today’s fast-paced and competitive market.

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Reagan pannell.

Reagan Pannell is a highly accomplished professional with 15 years of experience in building lean management programs for corporate companies. With his expertise in strategy execution, he has established himself as a trusted advisor for numerous organisations seeking to improve their operational efficiency.

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The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach: A Better Way To Solve Team Problems

The A3 thinking problem solving approach is a lean based, structured approach to problem solving. It has seven distinct stages: problem statement, current state, future goal, root cause, immediate solution, long term solution and action plan. Summary by The World of Work Project

The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach

There are many different approaches to problem solving. The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach is one of the most helpful. It was developed by Toyota and fits well with their approach to management.

This seven step model ensures you focus first on fully understanding the wider situation, where you would like to end up, and the root-causes of your problem before thinking about solutions.

The belief underlying the model is that it is much better to address the real root-cause of the problem than to try and overcome it in any other way. To help make sure you do this, the model is divided into two halves. The first (stages 1-4) focuses on developing understanding, and the second (stages 5-7) focuses on developing a solution.

It’s essential that you don’t jump to solutions when solving problems or working to address opportunities. Whenever you choose a solution too quickly, you close down a myriad of other options that could be far better. You also close down conversations about what the current situation is like and why things are the way they are. These conversations can broaden knowledge and be the base for much more informed and creative solutions. So in short, follow the steps in order and don’t jump to solutions!

Someone jumping, representing "jumping to solutions", something you shouldn't do in The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach

The A3 Thinking model can be completed in one problem solving session of about 60-90 minutes when problems are simple. However, when they are complicated you may require two, three or even four sessions of that length to complete the process.

Stage 1: What is the Problem? Why is it Worth Spending Time on?

The first stage of the A3 thinking problem solving approach is to define the problem.

The purpose of this stage is to agree a problem statement. Often each person involved in problem solving starts with a different understanding of what the problem is.

In this stage you go around the attendees and ask each one to define the problem. Capture definitions as you go. Once everyone has spoken, pull the problem statements together until you have a single statement the room agrees on.

You may need to return to this stage several times as you progress through the A3 process.

Stage 2: What is the Current State?

The purpose of this stage is to document the current state of the problem and the factors that influence it. You could document your discussions in this stage as a list of bullet points, through diagrams, through process flows, though paragraphs, or whatever you think best. Whatever approach you use, try and ensure a fairly comprehensive summary of the current situation.

A blackboard saying "knowledge is power", which is reflected in the The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach

Asking questions of the room can be hugely helpful in this section. Questions to consider could include: What happens next? Who’s involved? Where is it? When does it happen? Who inputs? How many failures are there? And whatever other questions you think will help draw out the what is happening in the current state.

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Stage 3: Desired Future State

The third stage of the A3 thinking problem solving approach is to define the desired future state.

Having captured an informed view of the current state of the problem, the next step is to capture an informed view of what a good future state would look like. This should be simple and high level. It could be just a sentence or two long. It’s important that the attendees are agreed on it. They should also feel it addresses the challenges raised in the problem statement.

It’s often advisable to re-validate your problem statement at this stage. In many situations, a deeper understanding of the current situation and the act of framing a future state leads participants to re-assess what the problem actually is.

Stage 4: Root Cause Analysis

Having understood what the problem is, what the current situation is and what would constitute a good future, it’s time to really dig into the problem and understand why it’s happening. This is the most important part of the A3 thinking process. Two tools most commonly used to support this process are the “ 5 Whys ” and “ Fishbone Analysis “.

Someone brainstorming with post-it notes, a key part of The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach

Silent Brainstorming

Start the process by having all attendees silently brainstorm why the problem is happening. What do they think the root causes of the problem are. They should capture each root cause on a separate post it note. For each root case they think of, they should challenge it further. To do this they should use the 5 Whys approach (basically, just keep asking why).

Sort and Group

Once all attendees have finished their silent brainstorming, the next stage is to discuss and thematically group all of the identified root causes. One attendee starts the process by reading out one of their root causes and placing it on a wall. The facilitator then asks if anyone else in the room has something similar. Once all the similar post its are placed, begin again with another person reading out a different root cause. The process continues until all root causes have been considered and grouped.

Someone brainstorming with post-it notes, a key part of The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach

As this stage, the root causes are considered and their grouping assessed. If the room is happy with the grouping, the next activity is to give a name to each of the categories of root causes that have been created. These names might be as high level as “People” or “Systems”. We would expect there to be in the order of 4-8 high level groups of this nature. This grouping exercise can be captured in a “fish-bone template” (AKA Ishikawa template) for later reference.

a3 problem solving problem statement

Understanding and documenting root causes of the problem is the last stage in the first half of the A3 process. Remember, this is the half that focuses on broadening understanding of the problem.

Once this has been completed and everyone has a better understanding of the problem, it’s time to move on to trying to find a solution.

Stage 5: Short Term Solution

The fifth stage of the A3 thinking problem solving approach is to find any needed short term solutions.

The first step in looking for a solution focuses on solving any urgent issues. If the problem you are working on has resulted in critical operational issues, then you’ll need to develop a short term fix to manage them until you can implement a longer term solution. In many instances though, it’s possible to skip this stage and move directly to stage 6.

If you do need to focus on a short term solution then the participants in the room should work towards that now. Individuals should propose and discuss temporary measures to overcome the problem and the room should consider them to ensure they meet requirements. Their cost and difficulty should also be assessed before the room decides on which one to implement as a short term, immediate fix.

Stage 6: Long Term Solution

a3 problem solving problem statement

Even if you are implementing a short-term solution to your problem, it’s important to focus on and create a lasting, long-term solution to all problems.

Usually long term solutions will include a range of activities designed to permanently address the different root causes that have been identified. They will typically require a portfolio of activities to ensure that they are comprehensive and sustainable.

In this part of the conversation the participants in the room should propose and discuss longer term solutions. You may wish to ask the participants to think about each of the high level root-cause groups that have been identified. It may be your longer term solution is really a combination of solutions to those higher level root-causes.

Whatever process you adopt here, it’s important to compare your proposed solution or portfolio of solutions to your fish-bone diagram to ensure that the solution addresses all of the identified root causes (or at least enough of them that the problem no longer exists).

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Stage 7: Action Plan

The last stage of the A3 thinking problem solving approach is to plan actions.

This stage is all about translating the solution into a step by step action plan. It’s only once you’ve broken the proposed solution down into the steps required to create it that you have a real pathway toward implementing it.

a3 problem solving problem statement

At this stage the participants should consider the various aspects of the proposed solution and determine the schedule of actions required to implement them. These actions should be sequenced, they should have due-dates assigned to them and each one should also have an owners assigned to it. In short, a project plan should be created to help govern the implementation of the proposed solution.

Implementing Your Plan

Once you’ve completed your plan it might feel like you’ve nearly solved your problem, but you’re only really at the starting line! The process of delivering on your action plan is hugely important to the actual addressing of your problem.

a3 problem solving problem statement

To ensure you actually implement your solution, you should assign an overall project manager. This may simply be a named person in your team. They should be responsible for ensuring that the individuals who were identified as action owners in stage 7 of the A3 thinking model progress their actions in line with their target dates. To further ensure that the solution is implemented, you should hold weekly problem solving meetings at which you reflect on progress.

One of the most important things to remember when looking to implement a solution like this is time. People need to have time set aside and free of other work to focus on their actions. If they don’t, then your problems won’t get solved.

Learning More

Thinking about what we do from different perspectives and with others is very helpful for decision making. Tools like the reframing matrix process or hackathons can help us do this.

Part of the reason we’re not great at problem solving is that we all have thinking habits and cognitive biases that restrict our creativity. In particular, these decision making biases often lead us towards bad (or irrational) decisions. And sometimes we make decisions just because ISLAGIATT …

Similarly, Drilling into issues with the 5 Whys helps us understand root causes more and creating an ease/benefit matrix helps us decide what to focus on in the first place. When we are actually working on things like this in groups it’s useful to use techniques like silent brainstorming to get the best results.

To learn more about creativity, innovation and problem solving, you might enjoy the third of our three podcasts specifically on these topics. It focuses mainly on cognitive processes:

The World of Work Project View

A huge amount of time and effort is spent ineffectively trying to solve problems within organizations. There are many different reasons for this, but one of the causes is that people don’t know how to solve problems well. This is something the A3 Thinking approach can help overcome.

Based on our experience, we think that this model is effective for a wide range of problems, provided it’s used well. To be used well it usually requires a dedicated facilitator, and it can be helpful if they are experienced.

It’s very possible though to over-complicate the approach to problem solving. While this model is great for use with more complex problems, there are many, simpler problems which should be solved without using it.

Our Podcast . 

Our Podcast is a great way to learn more about hundreds of fascinating topics from around the world of work.

The contents of this post have been based on our own experience of delivering A3 Thinking programs in the world of work, but you can learn more about these approaches through the book: “Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor and Lead” . 

The World of Work Project: The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach: A Better Way To Solve Team Problems

We’re a small organization who know we make mistakes and want to improve them. Please contact us with any feedback you have on this post. We’ll usually reply within 72 hours. 

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Column Image

As I introduced A3 problem solving in my last column, I will now discuss in detail the steps involved with this problem solving approach. Background of A3 Problem Solving A3 problem solving is quite similar to other problem solving approaches which mirror Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The comparison between A3 problem solving and PDCA is depicted in Table 1. Table 1

Background Plan
Problem Statement
Goal Statement
Root Cause Analysis
Countermeasures Do
Effect Confirmation Check
Follow Up Actions Act

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  • How Do I Use an A3 Template?

How Do I Use an A3 Template?

A3 is a versatile problem-solving method and continuous improvement tool. It’s called A3 because it fits on a standard sheet of paper. Download our free A3 template and you’ll have everything you need to get started.  Why to Use A3 A3 is a step-by-step approach for applying plan-do-check-act, also known as PDCA or the Deming cycle. PDCA is a Lean technique that has proven effective in driving productivity and efficiency across industries and around the world. With PDCA, you identify the problem, assess the current state, and create a Plan to solve the problem and gauge success. In the Do phase, you test the plan by running an implementation pilot. Next, you Check and analyze the results of the pilot against the objectives identified in the plan. If things didn’t turn out as you hoped, you cycle back to the plan phase and adjust your approach. If everything looks good, you Act by implementing the plan on a larger scale.  As you can imagine, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by PDCA. The model itself is simple enough, but teams are often unsure when to move from one step to the next (or, back to a prior step). PDCA can also generate a ton of data and analysis that teams struggle to sift through.  A3 streamlines and visualizes PDCA, which makes it a lot easier for teams to make quick decisions. It’s hard to get lost or confused when everything is on one sheet of paper.   When to Use an A3 A3 is a good fit for:

  • complex problems,
  • cross-functional improvement initiatives (e.g., end-to-end process improvement),
  • strategy development,
  • communicating project status reports, and
  • building the critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities of a team.

Not all business problems require an A3. If you’re faced with a simple problem that has a known cause, just go solve it! But if you have a more challenging issue to tackle, pull out the A3. How to Fill Out an A3 For best results, the A3 should be filled out collaboratively in a workshop format. The amount of time required depends on the scope of the problem and stakeholders’ schedules, but the process of filling out an A3 can generally be done in a series of three workshops. Gather stakeholders together and provide each with their own copy of page 2 of APQC’s A3 template . Replicate page 1 of the template on a whiteboard. To get participants into a Lean mindset, open the session by walking through the eight types of waste on page 3. Now, you are ready to begin filling out the template together.

  • Define the problem statement. Collaboratively determine what problem needs to be solved and how it impacts the business and its customers. At this stage, the problem statement will be a bit “fuzzy,” and that’s OK.
  • Understand the current state. Explore the current state around the problem to assess its impact and potential causes (including the eight types of waste). Bring data into the discussion where possible, but don’t go too far into the weeds just yet.   
  • Identify an improvement opportunity and business benefits. Write down how solving the problem would help in achieving business goals and KPIs. Be as specific as possible.  
  • Determine the root cause. Now, it’s time to really dig into the data around the problem. Look closely at all potential causes as well as upstream and downstream relationships that could impact potential solutions.  
  • Identify solutions and a future-state vision. Discuss potential solutions and what the future might look like if they were implemented.   
  • Build an implementation plan. Define what needs to happen, who will do it (resources), and how they will do it (training, if necessary).   
  • Verify results. Examine the results of implementation to determine whether desired results were achieved.  
  • Did you miss some aspects of the current state (e.g., undocumented variations, exceptions, or workarounds)?
  • Did you misinterpret the root cause?
  • Do you need to do a better job of articulating business benefits and a future state vision build buy-in?

Making A3 Work for Your Company You can purchase A3 modeling software, but it’s not necessary and it’s definitely not a silver bullet. The keys to success with A3 are training, facilitation, and data availability. You get the best results when participants have a foundational understanding of Lean, are supported by a strong facilitator, and have easy access to relevant information. For more templates like this, see APQC’s collection of Benchmarking and Improvement Tools.  

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What is A3 Problem Solving?

A3 Problem Solving

A3 problem solving is a Lean approach to reporting issues and presenting ways of addressing them. The simple method, developed by Toyota, bases on documenting a problem, together with its current outcome and a suggested change, on a single sheet of A3 paper (420x297mm), giving it the name. You can use it to make a process change proposal, report on project status, or solve a problem.

A3 takes from the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle . Though it appears to be a step-by-step process, the method tends to be used iteratively, with the problem and solution sections being cyclically updated.

Taiichi Ōno of Toyota was known for not appreciating reports longer than one page, which helped the proliferation of the A3 approach within the automotive giant’s offices. A3 is similar to the 8D report also widespread in the automotive industry, though typically for complaints management. Furthermore, the ability to quickly discern a problem and understand its solution is innate to Lean values.

Lean emphasizes visualization, with examples in value stream mapping and Kanban’s visual workflows. That made a single-page report presenting what is going on was a welcome addition to a Lean operation.

Through shared use of A3s to solve all problems and plan initiatives, companies can start to operate an A3 system thinking methodology: address difficulties, suggest change, innovate, and curate logical reasoning rooted in the current needs.

Why use the A3 approach to solving problems?

Lean provides a competitive advantage, strategic and operational benefits through its objective to increase the value delivered to the customer and to reduce waste. Engaging in a process that allows the team to find the correct, best solution in the shortest possible time is highly beneficial.

Understandably, some reports and proposals must contain extensive amounts of data, and they have their place in a business environment. But imagine the value and advantage that distilling this information to 1 page has. Consider how much faster decisions can be made based on that. Besides the time savings, the opportunity to use the systematic approach of PDCA supplements the problem-solving skills required to propose accurate solutions.

In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. Dwight Eisenhower

It’s the act of planning that is important, as it spells out all known obstacles, visualizes the action plan, and helps to foresee potential outcomes and issues along the way. While documenting your problem on an A3 piece of paper may or may not yield benefits, the act of implementing A3 thinking is what makes the difference.

The benefits of using A3 thinking are:

  • Quicker problem solving through logical reasoning and application of a step-by-step, visual process. Demanding a root cause identification ensures that difficulties are dealt with, not just temporarily masked.
  • Easier planning thanks to the application of objective, critical thinking promoted by the A3’s structure.
  • Team development through repeated use of a structural tool to find root causes of problems and their best solutions. The use of one tool across all company levels also promotes cross-department collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Company growth A3 reports help maintain and keep company knowledge on record, helping to sustain good operating policies and build a strong growth culture rooted in solving a company’s actual problems, not abstract ideas.

How to create an A3 report?

A3 Report template

Step 1: The title

It should focus on the problem you are trying to solve and not the solution you want to convey. Examples of titles are: “Decrease Team Misunderstanding of Task Instructions” or “Reduce Customer Complaints with Product XYZ” .

Step 2: Background

According to the authors of “Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System” , one of the main strengths of Toyota is that they place importance on understanding a problem. Rather than rush onto a solution, Toyota takes the time to precisely understand what is going on. The principle of going on a Gemba walk attests to this need to perceive problems first-hand.

The report’s background section conveys important related facts and how the problem aligns with the company’s strategic objectives. Presenting this right there on the page helps minimize the cost that a board of highly paid executives would need to spend looking at a problem, without a guarantee of them understanding it, nor coming up with the right solution. Consider this checklist for your background section:

  • Do I know the needs of my report’s audience?
  • Have I provided enough context?
  • Does what it presents align with the audience’s strategic goals?
  • Can the background be explained in 30 seconds?

Step 3: Current condition

A correct definition and a good understanding of the problem is your path to finding the right solution. That makes working on defining the current condition 90 % of the A3 effort.

The objective here is to make sure everyone is aware of the problem, whether the report documents it appropriately, and whether anyone questions the report’s findings. The use of graphs, charts, or other visual aids is beneficial.

Step 4: Goal

Your target - if you hit it, you know that your problem-solving effort has been a success. But you need to know what metrics will measure success and what the definition of success is. An example could be “reducing customer complaints by 15%, as measured by call center statistics” .

Step 5: The root cause

The focus of the root cause section should be to differentiate between facts and opinions regarding a problem’s cause and effect. You can include your findings from 5 Whys exercises , an Ishikawa diagram , or any other result of your RCA efforts . If the root cause is not defined correctly, the problem will likely resurface, causing waste and negating the Lean principles.

Step 6: Countermeasures

The countermeasures should be the corrective actions to take for the root cause of the problem to be resolved. If not possible - without a process overhaul - you can use containment actions instead to stop the issue from directly impacting the customer. It is OK to address complex problems iteratively, along with the values of continuous improvement .

The section may include a table of the problem causes, actions taken, action owners, and the achieved results.

Step 7: Effect confirmation

Since the A3 exercise bases on the PDCA cycle, this section of your report should show the effort you expended to confirm your findings. The proof that you have indeed solved the problem. For example, software engineers include samples that replicate the bugs and verify they are no longer present after a fix.

If the exercise has not taken place yet, i.e., when you’re presenting a plan to gain approval, you should outline what exercises you will conduct to check if the aim is successful.

Step 8: Follow up actions

The final section should include any other actions that you might want to consider. A principle worth adhering to here is the “Shitsuke - sustain” step of the 5S plan . Consider what you should do to ensure the benefits of this exercise are maintained. And could they possibly be translated to other areas of the company?

An A3 problem-solving report will help you deliver information in a way that provides instant value and can quickly reduce waste.

The most important thing to remember is that the act of Lean problem solving is more important than creating an A3 document that may contain no valid data and be simply a tick on some corporate checklist.

The same is true of all Lean methods and tools - their application alone will not make your company Lean. To truly implement Lean principles, your company culture, thinking, and planning all have to transform.

Did you know?

A low-risk, tiny step in attempting a culture change in a company could be getting the teams to collaborate on digital Kanban Tool ® boards. Their WIP limits monitoring and process visualization stand a chance to slowly change people’s way of thinking towards more Lean patterns. Please enter valid URL This name is not available Please enter valid email address

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Further reading

  • Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System (BOOK)
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A3 Problem Solving Template

A3 Problem Solving Template

A3 thinking is a logical and structured approach to problem solving adopted by Lean organizations around the world. It can be used for most kinds of problems and in any part of the business. This A3 template uses a four stages model that is based on the PDCA management philosophy. It makes the problem-solving progress visible to the entire team while allowing the lessons to be learned by others.

This template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can use and modify to meet your specific requirements. For example, you may expand the implementation or follow-up plans by increasing the number of rows. The template is available in two variations: a user-friendly straightforward version, and a more detailed one that requires providing in-depth information.

A3 Template (32 KB)

A3 Template – Simple (216 KB)

A3 Template – Detailed (340 KB)

Related Templates

Gemba Walk Template

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A3 Problem Solving: What It Is ... and What It Isn't

A3 refers to a European paper size that is roughly equivalent to an American 11-inch by 17-inch tabloid-sized paper. The A3 format is used by Toyota as the template for three different types of reports:

  • Status   
  • Problem solving

There is no “magic” in the steps through which the structured A3 Problem Solving template takes a team. These steps are basically:

  • Identify the problem or need
  • Understand the current situation/state
  • Develop the goal statement – develop the target state
  • Perform root cause analysis
  • Brainstorm/determine countermeasures
  • Create a countermeasures implementation plan
  • Check results – confirm the effect
  • Update standard work

These steps follow the Deming Plant-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, with steps 1 through 5 being the ”Plan”, Step 6 being the “Do”, Step 7 being the “Check” and Step 8 being the “Act”.

 On the A3 template, the steps are typically laid out like this:

Surprisingly, the steps and the format look very much like templates created by U.S. companies in the 1980s and 1990s.

Ford Motor Company created an 8.5-inch by 11-inch 8D Problem Solving template:

a3 problem solving problem statement

Johnson Controls Inc. created a Problem Solving Document (PSD) that uses both sides of a form that folds to an 8.5-inch by 11-inch size, but it is larger than tabloid size unfolded.

a3 problem solving problem statement

If U.S. companies had the templates and knowledge of the problem-solving tools, why aren’t U.S. companies better problem-solvers?

The answer is that when most organizations start their lean implementation , they jump to using the lean tools. However, there are four components of a lean implementation: lean planning, lean concepts , Lean tools and lean culture . All four of these components must be implemented in parallel. The lean tools are ineffective without the support of a developing lean culture.

a3 problem solving problem statement

The Four Components of Lean

This supporting lean culture is highlighted by how Toyota views problems:

  • Problems are seen as opportunities to improve their processes and, ultimately, their products.
  • The people assigned to solve the problem view the assignment as an opportunity to improve their problem-solving skills. They understand that they learn more and become a better problem-solver each time they perform the process.  

In Toyota, no problem is a problem!

Compare this to how a typical U.S. company associate views problem-solving. We view it as a burden or maybe even a punishment. We get through it so we can check it off our to-do list.

A3 is a structured and very useful problem-solving template. To be successful, this template must be supported by a lean culture that changes how we view problems. Otherwise, A3 Problem Solving will just join the list of “programs of the month”.

Read more on lean manufacturing best practices:

Eight Easy Steps to Creating a Pareto Chart

How to Reduce Manufacturing Waste

Kaizen Events: When and How to Use Them

About the author: Larry Rubrich is the president of WCM Associates LLC. For more information, visit www.wcmfg.com  or call 260-637-8064.

Subscribe to Machinery Lubrication

Larry Rubrich is the president of WCM Associates LLC. For more information, visit www.wcmfg.com or call 260-637-8064.

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  • Patient safety and quality improvement
  • Patient safety and CQI resources
  • A3 problem solving tools

Guide to an A3 problem solving report

An A3 problem solving report is usually structured as follows:


State the problem you want to address in one or two sentences. Address the problem from a service user point of view. Only include details that can be observed and quantified from the current situation. 


Determine your current state by answering the following questions: What is the problem? Why are you trying to resolve it? Support your answers with evidence. It is useful to express your answers visually through mapping or charting your information (e.g. value stream map, statistical process control chart ,   spaghetti map , pareto chart,  process flowchart ).

a3 problem solving problem statement


Provide a statement that represents the situation you envision achieving as a result of the improvement. From this, create SMART goals for your intervention (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bounded).

a3 problem solving problem statement


In order to improve the situation, you need to know why the problem exists. Identify contributory causes and root causes using tools such as  ‘5 whys’  or  fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram .

a3 problem solving problem statement


Define and list the actions needed to achieve your planned improvement, taking into account their anticipated effectiveness, cost and time requirements. Each action should contribute to your envisioned future state. 


Make an action plan (use a  Gantt chart  or other project management system) to document how the improvements will be made, by whom and by when. In this way, you will be able to track progress and maintain accountability for each action. 


Provide details of the improvements achieved, using quantitative data if possible (e.g.  run chart ). Record reflections on your team’s learning from the process.


Make an action plan to record the effectiveness of the changes. Be specific: what will be measured, by whom and for how long? Think about how you will disseminate the information. Set a date for review of implementation. Additional actions to sustain or refine the improvement are identified here.

Action plan structure

1. 1a.    
2. 2a.    

What is the 3-body problem, and is it really unsolvable?

The three-body problem is a physics conundrum that has boggled scientists since Isaac Newton's day. But what is it, why is it so hard to solve and is the sci-fi series of the same name really possible?

An artist's rendering of Kepler 16-b and its two suns

A rocket launch. Our nearest stellar neighbor. A Netflix show. All of these things have something in common: They must contend with the "three-body problem." But exactly what is this thorny physics conundrum?

The three-body problem describes a system containing three bodies that exert gravitational forces on one another. While it may sound simple, it's a notoriously tricky problem and "the first real worry of Newton," Billy Quarles , a planetary dynamicist at Valdosta State University in Georgia, told Live Science.

In a system of only two bodies, like a planet and a star, calculating how they'll move around each other is fairly straightforward: Most of the time, those two objects will orbit roughly in a circle around their center of mass, and they'll come back to where they started each time. But add a third body, like another star, and things get a lot more complicated. The third body attracts the two orbiting each other, pulling them out of their predictable paths .

The motion of the three bodies depends on their starting state — their positions, velocities and masses. If even one of those variables changes, the resulting motion could be completely different. 

"I think of it as if you're walking on a mountain ridge," Shane Ross , an applied mathematician at Virginia Tech, told Live Science. "With one small change, you could either fall to the right or you could fall to the left. Those are two very close initial positions, and they could lead to very different states."  

There aren't enough constraints on the motions of the bodies to solve the three-body problem with equations, Ross said. 

Related: Cosmic 'superbubbles' might be throwing entire galaxies into chaos, theoretical study hints

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But some solutions to the three-body problem have been found. For example, if the starting conditions are just right, three bodies of equal mass could chase one another in a figure-eight pattern. Such tidy solutions are the exception, however, when it comes to real systems in space.

Certain conditions can make the three-body problem easier to parse. Consider Tatooine , Luke Skywalker's fictional home world from "Star Wars" — a single planet orbiting two suns. Those two stars and the planet make up a three-body system. But if the planet is far enough away and orbiting both stars together, it's possible to simplify the problem. 

An artist's rendering of Kepler 16-b and its two suns

"When it's the Tatooine case, as long as you're far enough away from the central binary, then you think of this object as just being a really fat star," Quarles said. The planet doesn't exert much force on the stars because it's so much less massive, so the system becomes similar to the more easily solvable two-body problem. So far, scientists have found more than a dozen Tatooine-like exoplanets , Quarles told Live Science.

But often, the orbits of the three bodies never truly stabilize, and the three-body problem gets "solved" with a bang. The gravitational forces could cause two of the three bodies to collide, or they could fling one of the bodies out of the system forever — a possible source of "rogue planets" that don't orbit any star , Quarles said. In fact, three-body chaos may be so common in space that scientists estimate there may be 20 times as many rogue planets as there are stars in our galaxy.

When all else fails, scientists can use computers to approximate the motions of bodies in an individual three-body system. That makes it possible to predict the motion of a rocket launched into orbit around Earth, or to predict the fate of a planet in a system with multiple stars.

— 'Mathematically perfect' star system being investigated for potential alien technology

— How common are Tatooine worlds?

— Mathematicians find 12,000 new solutions to 'unsolvable' 3-body problem

With all this tumult, you might wonder if anything could survive on a planet like the one featured in Netflix's "3 Body Problem," which — spoiler alert — is trapped in a chaotic orbit around three stars in the Alpha Centauri system , our solar system 's nearest neighbor. 

"I don't think in that type of situation, that's a stable environment for life to evolve," Ross said. That's one aspect of the show that remains firmly in the realm of science fiction.

Skyler Ware is a freelance science journalist covering chemistry, biology, paleontology and Earth science. She was a 2023 AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellow at Science News. Her work has also appeared in Science News Explores, ZME Science and Chembites, among others. Skyler has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Caltech.

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a3 problem solving problem statement

a3 problem solving problem statement

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Programs 2024 TechSprint: Generative AI in Housing Finance

Generative AI in Housing Finance

Register to Livestream FHFA’s Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Housing Finance TechSprint

Register here  to livestream Opening Day and Demo Day of FHFA’s Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint.

  • Opening Day, beginning at 10:30 am EST on Monday, July 22, will feature remarks from FHFA leadership and keynote speakers.
  • Demo Day, beginning at 9:00 am EST on Thursday, July 25, will feature remarks from FHFA leadership and keynote speakers and presentation​s from the TechSprint teams.

About th​e FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint

The FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be an in-person, team-based problem-solving event hosted by the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) Office of Financial Technology (OFT). The TechSprint will bring together technology, regulatory, housing, and consumer finance experts to identify use cases and associated control measures to support the responsible use of generative AI in housing finance.​

Partici​pants are organized into TechSprint teams and work over a three-day period to solve for problem statements centered around the question:

“How might the responsible use of generative AI promote a transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive housing finance system, while fostering sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities?”

The TechSprint culminates in a Demo Day where each team will present its ideas to an independent panel of judges drawn from subject matter experts in government, industry, nonprofits, and academia.

The Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be held at FHFA’s Constitution Center headquarters in Washington, DC, and will run from July 22 to July 25, 2024. The application period to participate in-person at the TechSprint was open from March 20 through May 24, 2024.

FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint: Problem Statements

Umbrella Stateme​​nt​

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination and interest of a diverse set of stakeholders, including industry, government, and consumers. For the housing finance system, the transformative potential of generative AI extends beyond technological advancement. Generative AI presents an opportunity to promote a housing finance system that is transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive and fosters sustainable homeownership. Realizing this potential, however, is contingent on a commitment to responsible innovation and ensuring that the development and use of generative AI is supported by ethical considerations and safety and soundness.

FHFA’s Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint challenges participants to address the question,  “How might the responsible use of generative AI promote a transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive housing finance system while fostering sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities?”​

TechSprint participants will demonstrate:

  • A key  use case  for generative AI in one of the four areas of focus provided below; and
  • Recommended  control measures , incorporating​ careful consideration of the associated risks.

Focused Statements ​

The four areas of focus are as follows:

  • Consumer Experience:  How might generative AI be used to further educate and empower prospective homebuyers in evaluating, comparing, and obtaining a mortgage loan and in sustaining their homeownership over time?
  • Assessing Creditworthiness:  How might generative AI be used to improve the evaluation of homebuyer credit, as well as the fairness of the credit decisions related to mortgage loans, particularly for homebuyers from underserved communities?
  • Operations:  How might generative AI be used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of operational processes within the housing finance system, from origination to servicing and secondary market activities?
  • Risk Management and Compliance:  How might generative AI be used to enhance the effectiveness of risk management and compliance processes within the housing finance system?

Have additional questions about the 2024 TechSprint?  Please contact OFT at  [email protected] . To learn more about OFT, please visit  the OFT home page . And to learn more about FHFA’s inaugural TechSprint held in 2023, please visit the  Velocity TechSprint webpage .​​

Page Last Updated: May 28​​, 2024​​​​​

Lean Events and Training / Events / Managing to Learn

Managing to Learn

An introduction to a3 leadership and problem-solving..

Available Dates

Online August 5, 2024 - September 16, 2024: 12:00pm - 2:00pm ET

In-Person October 2, 2024 - October 3, 2024: 8:00am - 4:00pm ET

Coach-Led Online Course and Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan

Why you should attend

Learn how to use the A3 Methodology to solve important business problems. An optional one-on-one coaching package is also available for online course only.

In-Person 2-Day Course Oct 2-3: $1,599 Early bird price* $1,999 Regular price *Early bird expires August 23 for October session.

Select from available dates

  • August 5, 2024 - September 16, 2024
  • October 2, 2024 - October 3, 2024

Today’s unprecedented challenges require superior problem-solving skills not only from you as a leader but everyone you manage.

We’ve taken the unmatched A3 problem-solving process described in  Managing to Learn , the award-winning, best-selling workbook by management expert and former CEO John Shook, and put it online with live instruction.

This comprehensive training will teach you how to use the potent A3 methodology, based on the proven scientific method of plan-do-check-act (PDCA), to address an important business problem within your organization.

A3 template

Learning Objectives

What makes the A3 problem-solving approach so powerful is that it is a complete process — a way of thinking, leading, communicating, learning, getting things done, and developing an entire organization of problem solvers.

  • Select, define, clarify and investigate a real problem from work.
  • Clarify problem situations and define problems as gaps in performance.
  • Visualize work processes and focus on the problems in work methods that are affecting performance.
  • Investigate and confirm underlying causes and analyze barriers to improvement
  • Identify, evaluate, and lead in the selection of countermeasures.
  • Lead planning for implementation of countermeasures and follow-up to resolve problems in execution for organizational learning.

What’s Included?

  • 14 hours of live, online interaction or 16 hours of hands-on, in-person interaction
  • Feedback from facilitators and peers.
  • Assignments between live sessions to begin applying the lessons and complete your A3.
  • Opportunities to practice discrete skills with live feedback.

Optional One-on-One Coaching Sessions for Online Course

Achieve an even deeper level of learning by taking personal coaching sessions with the class instructor.

These optional, half-hour sessions happen at three critical points as you create an A3 in the workshop:

  • completion of the problem situation/current situation section;
  • completion of the analysis section and whole left side;
  • creation of recommended countermeasures and an implementation plan at the start of the right side.

Personal coaching gives you individual “just-in-time” assistance on your challenges in a private, completely safe online space to share and ask questions.

One-on-one coaching with the instructor will increase your professional skills and value to the company. And all three sessions are only $499.

Buy One-on-One Coaching »

Download ebook: How Lean Leaders Lead

Who Should Attend

  • Managers, supervisors or executives who want to develop the structured problem-solving, hypothesis-testing, and fact-based, decision-making skills of teams
  • Continuous improvement or change management professionals involved in leading major change improvement initiatives
  • HR professionals who wish to develop a curriculum and teach introduce structured problem solving and fact-based decision-making skills within their organization

Group Discounts

Register three or more students from your organization and save 12.5% off every registration. This discount will be automatically applied at checkout when you register your group.

Technology Used 

  • Communication Channel:   All our documents and assignments will be hosted on a browser-based platform. By logging onto our e-learning website, you will be able to view all related materials, announcements, and zoom links.  
  • Zoom : We will host our live meetings on zoom. You will receive an invitation with the meeting link.  

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your registration for online/live-streaming workshops two weeks before the course’s start date for a full refund. A cancellation occurring within two weeks of the workshop dates will be subject to a $350 fee. Once you have attended a workshop session, you cannot cancel your registration. If you need to cancel, you can do so through your confirmation email from ‘The LEI Events Team’ or email  [email protected]

You can cancel your registration for in-person workshops four weeks before the course start date for a full refund. A cancellation occurring within four weeks of the workshop dates will be subject to a $350 fee. Cancelling less than two weeks prior to workshop start is subject to no refund. To cancel, please call LEI at (617) 871-2900 or email [email protected].

Schedule Overview – Remotely

The 7 sessions are hosted over 7 weeks with one to two hours of assignments in between. There are optional coaching sessions available for online courses for an additional $499 (email [email protected] to inquire).

June 10 – July 22, 2024 Course All sessions hosted 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET and instructed by Karen Gaudet

  • Monday, June 10
  • Monday, June. 17
  • Monday, June 24
  • Monday, July 1
  • Monday, July 8
  • Monday, July 15
  • Monday, July 22

August 5 – September 16, 2024 Course All sessions hosted 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET and instructed by Lavon Medlock

  • Monday, August 5
  • Monday, August 12
  • Monday, August 19
  • Monday, August 26
  • Monday, September 2
  • Monday, September 9
  • Monday, September 16

Schedule Overview – In-Person

October 2-3, 2024 In-Person Course All sessions hosted 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET and instructed by Eric Ethington

Eric Ethington portrait

Eric Ethington

Senior Coach and Chief Engineer Product and Process Development Lean Enterprise Institute President, Lean Shift Consulting

Eric has distilled his passion for and knowledge of lean thinking and practice in product and process development, nurtured over 30 years of work experience, into The Power of Process: A Story of Innovative Lean Process Development (2022). Before founding Lean Shift Consulting and becoming a coach and program manager at LEI in 2016, he […]

Lavon Medlock

Lavon Medlock

Lavon Medlock has spent over two decades enhancing leaders’ skills in problem-solving and coaching. Skilled in a variety of continuous improvement methods, she has trained leaders in creating effective daily management systems, deployed an integrated facility design approach to new construction projects like a 90,000-square-foot patient tower, and enhanced operations across different sectors.  With a […]

Karen Gaudet Headshot

Karen Gaudet

Senior Coach, Lean Enterprise Institute

Karen has over 30 years of experience leading, training, and developing the capability of team members and executives in rapid-growth environments. Most recently, she’s coached clients in various industries as they adopt lean thinking and practices. They include Microsoft (data center construction), Legal Seafood (hospitality); TriMark (distribution); Abiomed (medical research and device manufacturing), and the […]

Mark Reich Headshot

Senior Coach and Chief Engineer, Strategy Lean Enterprise Institute

During his extensive career, Mark has led lean transformations and coached executives in various companies and business sectors. Clients include GE Appliances and Ingersoll Rand (manufacturers); Michigan Medicine and Mt. Sinai (healthcare systems); Turner Construction; Kroger (retail); Legal Seafood (hospitality); and Microsoft (software).   As LEI’s chief engineer, strategy, Mark leads the development of new learning […]

David Verble

David Verble

Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Institute Partner, Lean Transformations Group

A performance improvement consultant and leadership coach since 2000, David has been an LEI faculty member for 17 years. Recognized as one of the first Toyota-trained managers to bring A3 thinking from Japan to the United States, he has conducted A3 problem-solving and leadership programs for 30 years. Overall, his work focuses on supporting clients […]

Location: Oakland University 318 Meadow Brook Rd Rochester, MI 48309  

Suggested Nearby Hotels:  

  • Embassy Suites by Hilton Auburn Hills 2300 Featherstone Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 This hotel is located approximately 3 miles from Oakland University (~7 minute drive).     
  • SpringHill Suites Detroit Auburn Hills 4919 Interpark Dr., Orion Township, MI 48359 This hotel is located approximately 4 miles from Oakland University (~10 minute drive).     
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites: Auburn Hills 3990 Baldwin Road, Auburn Hills, MI This hotel is located approximately 6 miles from Oakland University (~7 minute drive).     

Nearest Airports:  

  • Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW) ~46 miles to Oakland University, Rochester, MI  

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Related events.

June 25, 2024 | Coach-Led Online Course

Understanding Lean Transformation

July 18, 2024 | Detroit, Michigan

The Future of People at Work Symposium 

September 06, 2024 | Coach-Led Online Course

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    Problem-solving is an important component of any business or organization. It entails identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems in order to improve processes, drive results, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. A3 Problem solving is one of the most effective problem-solving methodologies. A3 Problem solving is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving that ...

  2. A Deep Dive into the A3 Problem-Solving Approach

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  3. A3 Problem-Solving

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  4. PDF 6 Step Problem Solving Using the A3 as a Guide

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  5. The A3 Thinking Problem Solving Approach: A Better Way To Solve Team

    The A3 thinking problem solving approach is a lean based, structured approach to problem solving. It has seven distinct stages: problem statement, current state, future goal, root cause, immediate solution, long term solution and action plan.

  6. A3 problem solving

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  8. The Seven A3 Problem Solving Steps in Detail

    Using a very simple approach, A3 problem solving is composed of the following seven steps shown below. Step 1: Background. In this step, you make the business case for selecting a particular problem for resolution. Upon your selection, clearly state how the problem impacts the strategic business objectives around customers, process, financials ...

  9. A3 Thinking in Action: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Problem Solving

    A3 Thinking in Action. In the dynamic landscape of business and continuous improvement, A3 thinking has emerged as a powerful tool, providing a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving.

  10. Problem Solving Starts with a Good Problem Statement

    January 7, 2015. "Let's solve world peace" or "let's state our predetermined solution as a problem" aren't real problem statements, says Dave LaHote. Read why a good problem statement is so important, why it's harder than you think to come up with one, and learn how to write a better one. "Hey everybody, let's ' A3 '!".

  11. PDF Quick Guide to A3 Problem Solving

    The term "A3" derives from the paper size used for the report, which is the metric equivalent to 11" x 17" (or B-sized) paper. Toyota actually uses several styles of A3 reports--for solving problems, for reporting project status, and for proposing policy changes--each having its own "storyline." We have focused on the problem-solving

  12. How Do I Use an A3 Template?

    A3 is a versatile problem-solving method and continuous improvement tool. It's called A3 because it fits on a standard sheet of paper. Download our free A3 template and you'll have everything you need to get started. Why to Use A3 A3 is a step-by-step approach for applying plan-do-check-act, also known as PDCA or the Deming cycle.

  13. What Is A3 Problem-Solving? (Plus Roles and Examples)

    Employees can use A3 problem-solving to process a proposal, report on project statuses and solve production errors. The A3 method relies on visual aspects rather than written summaries, using only a few statements and possibly graphs or charts to illustrate the problem. The A3 method also uses the following cycle:

  14. A3 Process and Problem Solving

    The A3 process is a problem solving tool Toyota developed to foster learning, collaboration, and personal growth in employees. The term "A3" is derived from the particular size of paper used to outline ideas, plans, and goals throughout the A3 process (A3 paper is also known as 11" x 17" or B-sized paper). Toyota uses A3 reports for ...

  15. What is A3 Problem Solving?

    A3 problem solving is a Lean approach to reporting issues and presenting ways of addressing them. The simple method, developed by Toyota, bases on documenting a problem, together with its current outcome and a suggested change, on a single sheet of A3 paper (420x297mm), giving it the name. You can use it to make a process change proposal ...

  16. A3 Problem Solving Template

    Simple | Detailed. A3 thinking is a logical and structured approach to problem solving adopted by Lean organizations around the world. It can be used for most kinds of problems and in any part of the business. This A3 template uses a four stages model that is based on the PDCA management philosophy. It makes the problem-solving progress visible to the entire team while allowing the lessons to ...

  17. How to Define Problem Statement in A3 Method

    A3 problem solving is a structured method for continuous improvement that originated from Toyota. It is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and uses a single sheet of paper to document the ...

  18. PDF HMS Lean Yellow Belt Training A3 Thinking

    The Lean coach is a Lean expert accountable for supporting, teaching, coaching, and mentoring the process owner, A3 owner, A3 team members and staff. Ensure the problem statement is specific. Ensure the problem statement does not include an implied solution. Ensure the problem statement states "what" not "why".

  19. A3 Problem Solving: What It Is ... and What It Isn't

    There is no "magic" in the steps through which the structured A3 Problem Solving template takes a team. These steps are basically: These steps follow the Deming Plant-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, with steps 1 through 5 being the "Plan", Step 6 being the "Do", Step 7 being the "Check" and Step 8 being the "Act".

  20. PDF A3 problem solving

    Look at the Problem Solving Flowchart. 8 Step Problem Solving. Problem Solving Flow Chart. Step 1: Framing the Problem. Theme. Step 2: Narrowing Down the Problem Step 3: Target Setting. Name: Company. Step 4: Root Cause Analysis.

  21. Guide to an A3 problem solving report

    An A3 problem solving report is usually structured as follows: PROBLEM STATEMENT. State the problem you want to address in one or two sentences. Address the problem from a service user point of view. Only include details that can be observed and quantified from the current situation. CURRENT STATE. Determine your current state by answering the ...

  22. Clinical Problem-Solving

    M.K. Finta and OthersN Engl J Med 2024;390:456-462. A 43-year-old woman presented with a 1-week history of dysuria and lower abdominal pressure but no fevers, hematuria, or flank pain. She had had several urinary tract infections in the past 2 years. Clinical Problem-Solving. VOL. 390 NO. 1.

  23. What is the 3-body problem, and is it really unsolvable?

    The three-body problem describes a system containing three bodies that exert gravitational forces on one another. While it may sound simple, it's a notoriously tricky problem and "the first real ...

  24. AT&T resolves outage that left some customers without service ...

    AT&T says it has resolved an outage that left some customers in the dark on Tuesday. Earlier, the company said a problem prevented many AT&T customers from completing calls between carriers ...

  25. How to Breakdown a Complex Challenge for A3 Problem-solving

    At some point, every lean practitioner struggles with a problem that seems too complex to put the problem statement, analysis, and corrective actions on the single 11-by-17 inch sheet of paper that is the hallmark of the A3 problem-solving process. The solution is to tackle the social side of problem-solving before the technical side. Here's what you need to know from David Verble, who has 30 ...

  26. 2024 TechSprint: Generative AI in Housing Finance

    The FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be an in-person, team-based problem-solving event hosted by the Federal Housing Finance Agency's (FHFA) Office of Financial Technology (OFT). The TechSprint will bring together technology, regulatory, housing, and consumer finance experts to identify use cases and associated control ...

  27. Managing to Learn

    What makes the A3 problem-solving approach so powerful is that it is a complete process — a way of thinking, leading, communicating, learning, getting things done, and developing an entire organization of problem solvers. Select, define, clarify and investigate a real problem from work.