daily task assignment template

How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel: Free Template

daily task assignment template

Checking tasks off your to-do list feels pretty awesome, right? If only everything in life gave you that instant sense of accomplishment!

A task list earns its keep by helping you schedule, assign, and track all the work that needs to be done for a project. You can also use it to give stakeholders and team members at-a-glance updates on project progress.

With our free Excel task checklist template, you can keep up with all the to-dos you need to knock out—whether you’re focused on an important work assignment or just want to finish up a few projects around the house. We’ve done all the hard work so you can have all the fun marking things done.

Ready to get started? We’ll show you just how easy it is to take your task list from to-do to ta-da! Here’s what we'll cover:

How to create a task tracker in Excel

How to customize your task list template, how to create an online task tracker in teamgantt.

Let’s start with a simple tutorial on how to keep track of tasks at work using Excel.

1. Download our free Excel task tracker template

At TeamGantt, we know how important it is to ensure projects get done on time and on budget. That's why we created this Excel task list template to make tracking project progress a breeze.

Make this task tracker template your own by adding to-do list items and tasks, assigning task owners, and tracking task status, budgets, and costs.

Download your free Excel task tracker template

2. Add to-do list items and tasks

First, find the T ask Name column on your worksheet, and enter a descriptive name for each task you want to track for a particular day of the week.

3. Indicate the status of each task

This sample to-do list template features four different status options—with icons as easy visual cues—so you can see where each task is at a glance: Not Started , In Progress , Complete , and On Hold .

To assign a status to a task, click on the status dropdown menu in that task’s row, and choose the status that applies to the task you’re working on.

daily task assignment template

4. Set task due dates

Set clear expectations for your team by entering the deadline for each task in the Due Date column.

daily task assignment template

5. Assign task owners

Start by specifying which team or department will carry out the work using the Task Type column. Then pair each task with its rightful owner by entering the team member’s name into the Assigned to column.

daily task assignment template

6. Include task budgets and costs

Use the Hours Budgeted column to let team members know how much time has been budgeted for each task.  

‍Once a task is complete, log the time spent on it in the Actual Hours column.

daily task assignment template

Tracking daily and monthly tasks in Excel

We’ve designed this task tracker template to track your weekly to-do list. But you can create additional task lists for monitoring daily and monthly to-dos.

Click Insert > Sheet > Blank Sheet to add a new worksheet. Then give each row and column a header label, and use the formatting tools to design your own daily or monthly task tracker.

daily task assignment template

Once you’ve got the basics squared away, feel free to customize your Excel task list template to ensure it fits your project needs. You can add a title, switch up the colors, add or delete new rows and columns, or even dress your to-do list up with your company logo.

Adding titles

We’ve titled this checklist template “Weekly Task List.” As exciting as that moniker may be, we bet you’ll want to give your to-do checklist your own snazzy (and specific) name.

1. To add or edit the title of your project task list template, double-click your cursor into cell A-2.

2. Enter a new title for your task list. Feel free to include the project name and date range in your title so there’s no doubt what this task tracker covers.

daily task assignment template

3. Format the header text using the same formatting tools you’d use to format any other text in the worksheet.

Changing colors

Want to apply your own brand colors to your task list? Or make it easy to tell Tom’s tasks from Bill’s? No problem!

1. Click to highlight the cell, row, or column you want to change.

2. Go to Format > Cells , and select the Fill tab.

3. Click on the Background Color dropdown, and choose the new color you want to apply to the cell, row or column you’ve highlighted.

daily task assignment template

Adding rows/columns

We’ve outlined a few basic to-do list categories to get you started. But there may be other details you need to track along the way. For example, you might want to add a priority column. Or maybe your Monday has a lot more to-dos than the other days of the week.

1. To insert a new row, click Insert > Rows . A new row will be added above the one you currently have selected, using the same formulas and formatting of the row above.

daily task assignment template

2. To insert a new column, go to Insert > Columns . A new column will be added to the left of the one you currently have selected, using the same formulas and formatting of the column to the left.

daily task assignment template

Removing rows/columns

We may have included details you simply don’t need to track. That’s okay! Deleting extra info won’t hurt our feelings a bit.

1. To delete an existing row, click on the row you want to remove. Go to Edit > Delete , and choose Entire Row .

daily task assignment template

2. To delete an existing column, click on the column you want to remove. Go to Edit > Delete , and choose Entire Column .

daily task assignment template

Adding a company logo

Want to give your project task list template some more flair? Add your company logo to the worksheet.

1. Right-click on the TeamGantt logo/header image in row 1, and select Change Picture .

daily task assignment template

2. Choose the image file you want to add to the worksheet, and click the Insert button.

Printing the to-do list template

By the time you finish customizing your to-do list template, it’ll be so pretty you just might want to print it out and pin it to the wall—and we don’t blame you.

1. First, let’s set the print area. Simply click and drag your cursor to highlight all the cells you want to print out. Then go to File > Print Area > Set Print Area.

daily task assignment template

2. If you want to adjust the scale of the checklist to fit on a single page, click on the Page Layout tab. Then go to Margins > Custom Margins and select the Page tab.

daily task assignment template

3. Once you’ve set the print area and adjusted the scale of your checklist, you’re ready to send your task list to the printer. Click File > Print.

daily task assignment template

Additional resources

  • Project management template library : Use these simple templates in any industry to plan and manage projects, identify and mitigate risk, and communicate effectively at every project step.
  • ‍ Gantt chart Excel template : Save time organizing your project plan with our premade Excel gantt chart template! Simply plug in your tasks and dates, and you'll have a presentation-quality Excel gantt chart.

Want to take the tedium out of task lists? Give TeamGantt’s online gantt chart software a try , and create a customized task tracker in minutes.

With TeamGantt, it’s easy to collaborate on work and streamline workflows. Here are just a few of the handy features you—and your team—will have at your fingertips:

  • Drag-and-drop simplicity
  • Reusable project plan templates
  • Project dependencies
  • File storage
  • Time tracking
  • Resource management
  • Planned vs. actual timelines

And because TeamGantt is all online, everyone on the team can update tasks in real-time. No more juggling a million different spreadsheets or scrambling to capture last-minute updates before a big meeting!

Sign up for your free account and get started. (No strings attached, we promise!) Once you’re in, here’s a sneak peek at just how easy it is to create and manage task lists in TeamGantt.

Setting up your task list project

Before you can set up tasks, you’ll need to answer a few quick onboarding questions and then create a new project.

daily task assignment template

1. Start by entering a descriptive name for your project on the project setup page. We called our example project “Weekly Task List.”

daily task assignment template

2. Then, choose a new Start Date , if you want your list to begin on a day other than today.

daily task assignment template

3. Next, decide whether you want to start from scratch with a blank project or choose a template from our handy library of pre-built options . To make things super easy for you, we created a Weekly Task List template .

Simply click on the Preview templates icon, expand the Admin & Personal category, and select Weekly Task List to preview the template. If you’d like to use it, select Use Template in the bottom right corner of the window.

daily task assignment template

4. If not, feel free to choose a different template option or click anywhere outside of the preview window to return to the Create a new project page.

5. Next, select which days of the week you want to assign and track work for this project. The default is Monday through Friday, but you can choose any configuration of days that make sense for your work schedule.

daily task assignment template

6. Finally, select Create new project to save your changes and get to work.

Adding and editing task lists

Now that you have a project, it’s time to set up your task list! We chose the Weekly Task List template for our example, which gives us a labeled task group for each day of the week.

daily task assignment template

1. Simply click on each task group field, if you want to rename it.

daily task assignment template

2. If you need to add more task groups, click +Group of Tasks , and enter the name of your new task group in the blank field that appears below.

daily task assignment template

3. To add a new task, click +Task and enter a name in the blank that appears below. Then, use the drag-and-drop features to adjust the timelines for each task .

daily task assignment template

4. To delete a task, hover over it and select the trashcan icon that appears to the right of the task name.

daily task assignment template

Assigning team members

To invite other users to your project, select the People tab in the top navigation bar of your project. Then, select Invite People to add new users by name and email address.

daily task assignment template

Once a user has been added to your project, designate them to a task by clicking assign in the Assigned column and selecting the checkbox next to their name.

daily task assignment template

Here’s an in-depth tutorial on how to invite users and assign them to tasks .

Creating dependencies

Dependencies enable you to control the order of tasks in your project. If one task has to wait for another to get done before it can begin, the dependency will account for that. For example, a designer may not be able to design a landing page until the content’s been written.

1. To add a dependency, click on the gray dot to the right of the first task in the gantt chart.

daily task assignment template

2. Then drag the dependency line to connect it to the dependent task below.

daily task assignment template

Changing task colors

To change the color of a task, hover over the task, and choose a new color by clicking on the colored square that appears to the right of the task.

daily task assignment template

Ready to discover just how easy and fast task tracking can be?

This is just a preview of all the fun you can have with task lists on TeamGantt—but there’s so much more to see!

Sign up for your free TeamGantt account today to learn all about the project management possibilities you could have at your fingertips.

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  • Free Employee Task List Template...

Free Employee Task List Template and Actionable Guide for 2024

Lost hours due to procrastination and constant interruptions? Employee task lists can revolutionize productivity. Discover how HR can craft effective task templates to enhance performance management and keep teams focused on organizational goals.

A conceptual idea of an employee task list.

What is an employee task list?

  • 28 minutes per day on their phones
  • 20 minutes daydreaming
  • 18 minutes gossiping.

Why should HR recommend employee task lists?

Comparing the advantages of employee task lists for managers and employees.

The advantages of employee task lists for managers

  • Clear objective setting: A well-crafted task list allows managers to set clear, actionable objectives for team members. This aligns individual roles with organizational goals and offers a concrete method for evaluating employee performance.
  • Efficient resource allocation: Task lists are an excellent tool for determining how to best utilize resources, including staff time. Managers can quickly identify bottlenecks, reallocate tasks, and ensure that no employee is either overburdened or underutilized.
  • Accountability: The task list encourages a culture of accountability. When tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities are clearly outlined, there’s no room for ambiguity, making it easier for managers to hold team members accountable for their performance.
  • Performance metrics : Managers have a built-in performance measurement tool that provides insights into employee efficiency and efficacy, streamlining the evaluation process.
  • Dynamic adjustments: One of the best things about using an employee task list template is that the task lists are not static documents; they can be updated to reflect job or project scopes, timelines, or objectives changes. This allows managers to adapt swiftly to internal and external organizational changes.

The advantages of employee task lists for employees

  • Clear expectations: An employee task list eliminates the guesswork. Team members understand what is expected of them, how their contributions align with team objectives, and what timelines they need to meet.
  • Enhanced productivity: Individuals who work with a task list are more likely to prioritize effectively, increasing their productivity levels.
  • Work-life balance: Well-structured task lists can help employees manage their time more efficiently, allowing for a healthier work-life balance. They can plan their work schedules better and avoid unnecessary stress.
  • Career development: When used correctly, task lists can help identify areas where an employee excels or needs improvement. This insight can be crucial for career development plans, mentorship programs, and training initiatives.
  • Increased autonomy: When expectations are clearly laid out, employees feel more empowered to manage their tasks autonomously, which often leads to increased job satisfaction.

HR’s role in designing and implementing employee task lists

How to implement employee task lists in the performance management process.

  • Planning and goal setting: At this stage, HR professionals can collaborate with managers to create comprehensive employee task lists that align with team and organizational objectives. The task list serves as a tactical implementation of strategic goals.
  • Monitoring and tracking: Task lists, particularly those enabled with real-time tracking, can offer invaluable metrics for performance monitoring. This data can also be useful for HR analytics and future resource planning.
  • Evaluation and feedback: The task list can act as a baseline for performance reviews , offering concrete evidence of tasks completed, deadlines met, and areas for improvement.
  • Development and improvement: At this stage, employee task lists can help identify skill gaps or areas where further training is needed, facilitating targeted development efforts.

Getting started: Top tips for HR professionals when creating employee task lists

  • Ensure that the tasks on the list are aligned with broader organizational goals. This alignment is crucial for maintaining the task list’s relevance and effectiveness.
  • Create a standardized method for prioritizing tasks, such as categorizing them as urgent, important, or optional. This method aids both managers and employees in focusing their efforts effectively.
  • Invest in task management software that integrates seamlessly with existing HR and performance management systems. This allows for more effective tracking and analytics.
  • Roll out a comprehensive training program to educate managers and employees on how to use task lists effectively. This can include workshops, webinars, and easy-to-access online resources.
  • Provide the option for customization to accommodate the unique requirements of different departments or job roles.
  • Ensure that the task lists and any monitoring procedures comply with relevant laws and ethical standards, including privacy regulations and data protection policies.
Top tips for getting started with employee task lists Tasks should be SMART, that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Adhering to these criteria ensures that each task is actionable and results-oriented. Managers should review task lists with employees regularly. Employees, too, should proactively update their lists to reflect completed tasks and any new assignments. Maintain open lines of communication to discuss challenges or adjustments that may need to be made to the task list. Utilize the task list as a time management tool. Employees can allocate specific blocks of time to different tasks, helping them to manage their workday more efficiently.

Employee task list examples

1. employee task list template.

  • It can be customized to fit each employee’s needs and job roles.
  • Easy to update and adjust as tasks are completed or new tasks arise.
  • Generally straightforward, requiring minimal training for effective utilization.


  • Geared toward individual work, potentially neglecting team-oriented tasks.
  • It may not offer comprehensive analytics features for performance tracking.
  • It requires consistent attention and manual updating, which can be time-consuming.

2. Team task list template

  • Facilitates team communication and collaborative efforts.
  • Clearly designates roles and responsibilities within the team.
  • Makes it easier for managers to identify bottlenecks and hold team members accountable.
  • Can become cluttered or complicated with too many tasks or team members.
  • May not give adequate attention to individual tasks or contributions.

A preview of the team task list template in Excel.

3. Gantt chart task list

  • Offers a visual timeline that makes understanding project flow and dependencies easier.
  • Enables advanced tracking and analytics, offering deeper insights into task and project status.
  • Helps in effective resource allocation by visualizing task timelines.
  • May require some time to learn how to read and update effectively.
  • Difficult to make quick adjustments or modifications.

A preview of the Gantt chart task list template in Excel.

4. Daily task list template

  • Encourages concentrated focus on immediate tasks.
  • Facilitates effective time management for busy days.
  • Allows for rapid completion and the psychological benefits of checking off tasks frequently.
  • May neglect long-term goals or projects in favor of immediate tasks.
  • Risks become overwhelming if too many tasks are listed.

A preview of the daily task list template in Excel.

5. Project task list template

  • Allows for a full, end-to-end view of project tasks.
  • Makes it easy to track progress toward key milestones.
  • Helps in aligning the entire team towards project goals.
  • Can be daunting due to its comprehensive nature.
  • Initial setup and ongoing updates can be time-consuming.

A preview of the project task list template in Excel.

Nadine von Moltke

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WTO / Business / Tracking / Free Task List Templates for Employees (Excel | Word)

Free Task List Templates for Employees (Excel | Word)

Project managers and leaders must assign tasks to the right team members to ensure their teams are organised and productive. It is a comprehensive checklist that helps individuals or teams stay organised, track progress, and manage their workload effectively.  It is a tool that outlines all of the tasks required for a project from start to finish.

By using a task list, project managers can identify, categorise, and assign tasks to employees or team members in a systematic way. Its contents vary depending on the nature of the project. It typically includes details such as the name of the tasks, descriptions, due dates, assigned individuals or teams, and status updates, provides a clear overview of the work that needs to be accomplished, and helps ensure that nothing is overlooked or forgotten.

This article highlights the significance of task lists in ensuring efficient project management and provides practical guidance on customising an Excel template to create a tailored list that meets specific project needs.

What is a Template for a Task List? 

A template for a task list serves as a versatile document that enables efficient organisation, tracking, and management of project activities.

It provides a structured format with various categories of information essential for effective project management . These categories typically include activity descriptions, assigned employees, status updates, priorities, and deadlines. However, the template can be tailored to meet specific task specifications and project requirements by adding or removing relevant entries. 

Using a template is useful as it provides a standardised format for organising and managing the activities of the project. This ensures that consistent information is recorded for each assignment. It also allows managers to formulate their own convenient system of listing activities, assigning duties to team members, setting deadlines, and tracking progress. 

A popular tool for creating templates in Microsoft Excel. It is a convenient program because of its user-friendly interface, which makes it simple to use. You can easily navigate through its features and commands. This allows for easy and quick customization.

Also, it has features to simplify various uses of the template, such as calculating task completion times to track progress. It is also easily accessible and compatible with multiple devices. This allows easy collaboration with team members when utilising the template. 

Free Templates

Downloadable Task List Template for Excel Format

Benefits of Using a Task List

Project managers can benefit in many ways when using a task list to manage their teams. This is because they are an effective way to launch projects quickly and ensure activities are identified, prioritised, and assigned to the most suitable employees under each step. 

Here are different ways team leaders can benefit from one:

Increase productivity and efficiency

With this list, employee responsibilities can be clearly defined, ensuring the team remains focused as everyone knows what is expected. This increases productivity. Also, duties can be delegated so that capable members or teams can work on different tasks simultaneously. This ensures goals and deadlines are met due to reduced downtime. This results in faster delivery and the optimization of time and resources, thus completing projects efficiently.    

Prioritise tasks

Tasks can be listed in order of importance, priority, or urgency. Additionally, by displaying the dependencies between tasks in this order, the team is better able to prioritise its efforts and avoid bottlenecks. 

Tracks progress and recurring tasks

The document lists the activity’s status, which can be either completed, ongoing, or pending. This information is needed to track the team’s progress over time. It can also be shared with team members, stakeholders, and clients to ensure they are updated on the project’s progress. 

A list of repeating activities can be duplicated and reused for the corresponding period, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, using a premade template. 

Allows delegation

Listing activities simplifies the delegation of work among the team members. You can identify the strengths of each member and assign them to duties they are suitable for. Additionally, you can more effectively and fairly distribute the workload and responsibilities among the employees to prevent overworking some of them at the expense of others. 

Better time management

You can divide large tasks into smaller, manageable activities with a list. Listing activities allows you to manage them effectively and allocate realistic deadlines.   

Reduced stress

Task lists offer a valuable solution to alleviate the mental burden of remembering every task. By providing a clear structure and a sense of control, they effectively reduce stress and create more mental space for focusing on the current task.

Improved communication

A task list informs team members, stakeholders, and clients about activities, the assigned employee, and the completion timeline. This promotes alignment and fosters collaboration among all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone shares a common understanding and can work together efficiently to successfully meet project deadlines.

Greater accountability 

Task lists establish accountability by clearly assigning tasks to specific team members. Each individual knows their responsibilities and can track their progress against the tasks assigned to them.

How to Make a Task List for Your Team

Understanding how to create a functional and effective activity list for your project is important. This is because a well-prepared document is easy to use and eliminates the risk of any errors due to missed or forgotten tasks or steps. 

Below is the detailed process for making such lists for a project:

Consider the scope of the project

It is important to consider the scope of the project, which is determined by its size and nature. Define the specific deliverables, the number of tasks involved, and the expected final product. This information will guide you in identifying the necessary activities that need to be completed. Subsequently, based on that, you can determine the appropriate format and layout for your document, ensuring its effectiveness and organisation.

Determine the priority of each task based on its importance, urgency, and dependencies. Identify critical tasks that need to be completed first or those that may impact the overall project timeline.

Determine the project’s timeline

Then, determine the timeline by identifying when different activities should be completed and the order in which they should be prioritised. Use this information to set realistic and achievable deadlines for each activity. 

Divide the project into sections

The project should be divided into smaller, manageable tasks. Begin by identifying the significant milestones or phases and subsequently dividing them into more specific action items.

Assign responsibilities

Next, assign the activities to the appropriate employees. Assign tasks to specific team members or stakeholders responsible for their completion. Clearly communicate the assignments and ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

Organise and structure

Determine the most suitable format for your list. It could be a simple checklist, a spreadsheet, project management software, or any other tool that works best for you and your team.

Regularly review and update

Continuously review and update the list as the project progresses. Add new tasks, modify deadlines if needed, and ensure that completed tasks are checked off or marked as complete.

Communicate and collaborate

Share the list with the relevant team members and stakeholders. Encourage open communication and collaboration to address any questions, provide support, and ensure everyone is aligned.This infographic is about tips for using task list templates.

This infographic is about tips for using task list template.

How to Customise a Task List Template in Excel

A template is simply a pre-made outline to guide you on what information to include in your list and the appropriate format and layout to use. Therefore, templates will normally offer you a customization option that allows you to create a document that is specific to your project and fulfils your requirements.

Below is a complete procedure on how to create one using Excel:

Launch excel

Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer by clicking on the Excel icon or finding it in your applications folder. Once Excel is open, you will see a blank workbook. This is where you will create your list. If you have a specific project file, you can open it instead.

Select a task list template

Choose a pre-designed task list template from the available options. You can find templates by selecting “File” > “New” and searching for “task list” in the template search bar. Alternatively, you can also browse online for templates compatible with Excel and download them.

Review the template structure

Take a moment to review the structure and layout of the template. Familiarise yourself with the columns, headers, and data fields already included.

Create column headers 

Then, modify the headers and sections of the template in Excel to match the project steps or workflow. Determine the categories or information you want to have. Common column headers may include task name, description, assigned to, status, deadline, priority, and notes. Enter these column headers in the first row of your worksheet. 

Enter details of the tasks

Starting from the second row, enter the relevant details for each task in the corresponding columns. For example, under “Task Name,” enter the name or title of the task. Add appropriate information for each activity in the other columns, such as descriptions, assigned individuals, due dates, status updates, and any additional notes. 

Add or remove columns

Add or remove columns based on the information you want to track for your tasks. Right-click on the column header and select “Insert” or “Delete” to add or remove columns, respectively.

Adjust column widths

Resize the column widths to accommodate the content in each column. Hover your cursor between the column letters, click, and drag to expand or shrink the width as needed.

Format the cells

Apply formatting options such as font style, size, and colour to enhance the visual appeal and readability of the list. You can also add borders, shading, or cell highlighting to draw attention to important information.

Customise data validation

If your list template includes data validation, customise it to fit your specific needs. Data validation can help ensure that entered data meets certain criteria, such as selecting options from a drop-down list for task status or priority.

Add formulas or conditional formatting

Utilize Excel’s formulas and conditional formatting features to automate calculations and visually highlight specific data based on certain conditions. For example, you can create a formula to calculate task completion percentages or use conditional formatting to highlight overdue tasks.

Save and use the customized template

Once you have made the desired changes and customizations, save the file as a template for future use. Select “File” > “Save As” and choose the file format “.xltx” or “.xlsx” to save it as an Excel template.

By following these steps, you can effectively customise a task list template in Excel to align with your project or personal task management requirements. This flexibility allows you to create a task list that suits your specific needs and enhances your productivity and organisation.

Types of Task List Templates 

You can access different types of templates for listing your project tasks. Below are examples of common types of such templates. They vary in complexity and application:

Simple task list 

This blank template outlines tasks in a straightforward format. It has sections for recording a brief task description, due date, and status. It is meant for small projects with a few team members that do not require extensive planning. This template is simple in design and easy to use when creating lists and managing employees.

Project task list 

It is a generic template designed to organise, track, and manage activities in different projects. The template has sections to indicate the project tasks, deadlines, assignees, priority, and deliverables. It is more detailed and can be used for personal and business projects. This template can also outline potential issues and risks that ought to be mitigated throughout the project.

Daily task list 

The tasks that must be accomplished each day in order to advance the project toward its objectives are recorded on a daily task list. It indicates the starting time for each day and task interval and, as such, can be segmented into hours. It should be flexible to accommodate changes or unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the project. Regularly update and communicate the list with relevant team members to ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the project’s objectives.

Weekly task list 

It helps individuals or teams plan and organise their tasks for the entire week. It typically includes tasks that need to be accomplished within that specific week. It has sections for the day, date, task description, due date, status, and keynotes. It can be synced with the calendar to optimise scheduling. This document is an effective time management instrument that helps plan and prioritise weekly activities to ensure they are completed before the deadline at the end of the week.

In conclusion, task lists are indispensable tools for effective task management and productivity. Individuals and teams can stay organised, prioritise their work, and monitor progress toward their objectives by using them. To make task management even easier, there are various free templates available on this website that can be customised to fit specific needs and preferences. Thus, project managers and team leaders must use them to increase employee productivity and manage time and resources effectively. This leads to easier and faster delivery of project goals.  Templates can be significantly helpful in making effective and professional task lists. They record information such as activity description, deadline, and status to organise and manage project activities accurately. Also, they are reusable and can be customised using tools like Excel to ensure they align with your management style and specific project needs.     

About This Article

Joshua Wilson

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  • Daily Planner Templates
  • Daily Task List Templates


Check out our selection of printable Daily Task List Templates to help you prioritize, manage your time properly, and achieve your goals effectively. Create a personal schedule of tasks for every day, plan and track action items, and set deadlines for the completion of particular assignments. Begin to tackle your duties easily, whether it's work, chores, starting a new project, business development process, or any other affair. 

Competent task management will allow you to organize yourself, be productive regardless of your daily routine, and get things done successfully. Easily assign a to-do list for the upcoming day, view reminders so you don't forget about important things, track progress, and mark completed tasks.

Choose the layouts you like, download them in PDF format and print the required number of sheets. Enjoy using these helpful Task Lists, be a successful person, and achieve your goals, regardless of the sphere of activity.  

daily task assignment template

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daily task assignment template

Task List Templates

The Excel task list templates on this page demonstrate some of the many ways that you can track tasks using a spreadsheet, from simple to do lists to more advanced Gantt charts. These templates demonstrate using icon sets to display priorities, using conditional formatting to display a progress bar, creating a gantt using using a stacked bar chart, and using a check mark to cross out tasks when they've been completed.

Tell me what you think about these templates: Leave a comment on the related blog article " Add Cool Features to Your To Do Lists ."

This Page (contents):

  • Project Task List
  • Simple Task Tracker
  • Task List with Gantt Chart

Task Checklist Template

Printable task list templates, project task list template.

Project Task List Template

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)


This spreadsheet demonstrates the use of conditional formatting to highlight the Priority column, to add a progress bar to the % Complete column, and to create a functioning check box via data validation. It also includes columns for entering budget and hours spent on each task.

Update 9/23/2019: Added the Google Sheets version - replaced the icon sets with in-cell checkboxes. Google Sheets does not yet have in-cell data bars (for the % Complete column).

Simple Task Tracker Template

Screenshot of the Task Tracker Template in Excel

This task tracker template demonstrates the use of custom icon sets via conditional formatting to show a priority rating of 1-4 with different color circles. It uses a similar technique for the checkbox in the Done column.

Project Task List with Gantt Chart

Project Task List Template with Gantt Chart

A gantt chart can be created from a task list using a stacked bar chart in Excel. This is a functional template that can be used for real project management tasks, but the primary purpose is to demonstrate how the data table is set up to create the gantt chart.

Screenshot of the Task Checklist in Excel

This task list template demonstrates how to create a checkbox using a data validation drop-down and how to use simple conditional formatting conditions to display HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW priority values. It also uses conditional formatting to change fonts to a gray strike-through when the checkbox is checked.

► How to Insert a Check Mark in Excel (on youtube)!

More Templates For Tracking Tasks

Thumbnail - Action Items Template

  • How to Use Conditional Formatting in Excel at vertex42.com
  • Create a Drop Down List in Excel at vertex42.com

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Thumbnail - Personal Planner Template

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Easy-to-use daily work schedule template

daily task assignment template

What’s on your work to-do list today? For most of us, that list is long. We have multiple concurrent projects, deadlines, and meetings to attend.

Managing time effectively is no small task!

Creating — and following — a daily work schedule can help keep track of daily tasks and use time more efficiently.

This article will share how to create a daily work schedule and even provide a customizable template that makes it much more manageable.

Get the template

What is a daily work schedule template?

Ever missed an appointment or forgotten to take care of something important? We all have. Writing down a daily schedule helps lessen the chance of a bad outcome.

While scribbling your plan on a notepad is better than nothing, it’s not a very structured or organized way to handle daily tasks. A daily work schedule template provides an easy method for planning tasks and managing time effectively.

Screenshot of monday.com's daily work schedule template

A schedule template can be as simple as a paper planner with space to write your to-do list for each day. But daily work schedule templates can also get a lot more sophisticated, with colorized labels for different tasks, due dates, notifications, etc.

Customized schedules and automated sections are par for the course… when using the right platform . We’re not talking about Excel here.

Why use a daily work schedule template?

The biggest reason to use a daily work schedule template is it helps keep track of and remember everything. Whether using this template to stay on top of essential work deadlines or avoid missing meetings, a daily work schedule keeps all to-dos in one place.


It helps with time management: A template can help schedule work most efficiently and productively. Some are even designed for particular time management systems , like the Pomodoro Technique or Bullet Journaling.

Shared templates let the whole team plan a daily schedule together: Daily schedule templates can also be used by teams to coordinate everybody’s work. They’re an excellent way to manage the day-to-day details of large projects.

What are some examples of daily work schedule templates?

A daily work schedule template is a flexible tool that can be used in various situations — from outlining ongoing tasks to planning a project for an entire department.

Here are several variations of a daily work schedule template:

1. To-do list templates

The most basic form of a daily work schedule is a to-do list .

This template can track daily and weekly work assignments, schedule appointments, or keep a family calendar.

To-do list template

( Image Source )

2. Time blocking template

One of the most popular time management methods is time blocking .

Time blocking is the opposite of multitasking. Instead of trying to focus on several tasks at once, large chunks of time are scheduled to work on a single item. 

Use a daily schedule template to block off specific times to work on each task.

Using a template for time blocking

Other time management methods can also use a schedule. For example, a template based on the Eisenhower Matrix involves sorting tasks by importance and urgency.

3. Project task tracking template

Project management is a complex process that requires high-level planning and detailed execution.

Daily schedule template for project management

The daily task tracker template helps teams plan and schedule day-to-day tasks to keep projects on track. The whole team can share the template so everyone can see who’s doing what and how it fits into the big picture.

monday.com’s daily work schedule template

monday.com offers an interactive schedule template designed to help you manage everyday tasks more effectively. The daily work schedule template is fully customizable, meaning you can tweak it to match your needs. Bonus: Change the color scheme to match your corporate logo or personal style.

This template — like all monday.com templates — is easy to set up and edit. Accessing it from any device means you are never without a daily planner . In addition, the fact that it’s shareable makes it simple to assign takes to multiple team members and/or stakeholders.

And since it’s part of the monday.com Work OS , you can take advantage of real-time time tracking, conditional notifications, color-coded task priorities, Google Calendar integration, etc. You can even set up custom visual dashboards that show you the status of your workload in real-time.

Visual dashboard on monday.com's daily work schedule template

Bonus: Already a monday.com user? Your daily work schedule will now be in the same place as the rest of your work. Double Bonus: Link your daily schedule to another board, like a project planning overview or a monthly calendar.

Related monday.com templates

If you’re interested in managing your schedule, the free daily work schedule template is a great place to start, but that’s just the tip of the template iceberg. At monday.com, we also have…

Weekly schedule template

Sometimes scheduling your day won’t suffice; a high-level overview of the entire week is required.

The weekly to-do list template helps keep track of weekly tasks. Set a priority status for each task, assign it to an owner, or discuss it with the team.

Weekly to-do template from monday.com

Team tasks template

The team tasks template is designed to help teams see all tasks in one place.

Use color-coded labels to label the status and priority of each task so team members can quickly scan the board and see what needs to be done.

Bullet journal template

Bullet journals are a popular personal organization system that usually involves a paper-and-pen dot grid journal. The bullet journaling template offers the time management principles of a bullet journal — with the flexibility of an online planning board.

Bullet journal template from monday.com

FAQs about daily work schedule templates

How do i make a daily work schedule.

Creating a daily schedule using a customizable template is easy.

Start by thinking about what you want to track with each task — like time to completion, due dates, etc. If anything is missing from the template, add it! You can also remove any unnecessary columns or sections. A sample daily work schedule may include:

  • List of tasks
  • Status of each task
  • Categories of tasks (work, school, home, etc.)
  • The task owner
  • Time allotted for the task
  • Time spent on the task so far

Once you’ve tweaked the template to perfection, dive in and start using it!

Shared template? Ensure everyone has proper access — full access, view-only, etc., depending on their roles. Our easily customizable work schedule template is a great place to start.

Take a few minutes each day to review your schedule and add new tasks if necessary. Budget enough time as it can take a while to build a habit.

Can I make a daily work schedule with Excel?

Of course! Both Google Sheets and Excel offer several calendars and to-do list templates.

However, Sheets and Excel templates lack most of the features and flexibility of a Work OS like monday.com. For example, you can’t assign tasks to team members or integrate a daily schedule with the rest of your digital workspace.

Is there a daily work schedule app?

There’s no shortage of scheduler apps and time management tools for smartphones.

Want to boost your task management ? Look for a daily work schedule template — like monday.com’s — that can be used from desktop and mobile. You don’t want to be locked into managing your whole schedule with an app that only lives on your phone.

Send this article to someone who’d like it.

Develop Good Habits

27 Printable Daily Checklist (and To Do List) Templates

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If you want to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity, a checklist can be one of your strongest allies.

The simplicity of a checklist is what makes it one of the best tools for managing your daily routine and helping you get things done. Many professionals are encouraged to use checklists to accomplish tasks and minimize errors .

Today’s article features some of the best examples of daily checklist templates to organize your day.

First, let’s quickly discuss some of the advantages of using a checklist or to-do list.

Table of Contents

The Importance of a Checklist

These are a number of the things that you’ll likely appreciate when you start using a checklist or to-do list for managing your day-to-day tasks:

  • Minimizes mistakes when you’re doing repetitive tasks.
  • Makes it easier to determine activities or tasks you can delegate.
  • Increases your productivity.
  • Keeps you motivated. Nothing beats the sense of satisfaction after you’ve crossed an item off your checklist. This usually encourages you to accomplish even more.
  • Increases creativity by clearing up headspace to allow you to focus on the more important stuff.

Here are the examples we’ve collected for you. These printables are free to download. Some are editable, and all are designed to help you accomplish more each day.

1. Daily Routine Checklist

daily checklist template | daily checklist template word | daily checklist template excel

Download the PDF

We’ve designed this checklist to make it easy for you to keep track of your daily routine and other to-dos. It has space for writing up to 12 tasks or activities.

Tick boxes are found at the beginning of each line, and a “notes” box at the bottom of the page allows you to write down important reminders or even unexpected insights.

2. Daily To-Do List

daily checklist template free | daily checklist template free printable | daily checklist template pdf

This bulleted to-do list is quite useful for listing and keeping track of all your tasks for the day. In case you need a reminder of the day’s priorities, there is a dedicated space for writing down the goals of the day.

The images of the sun and coffee cup found at the top of the page are visual reminders to keep a cheerful attitude while attending to your daily tasks.

3. Daily Routine Checklist

to do list printable | to do list meaning | to do list ideas

via Maple Planners .

This template features a section for writing the activities in your daily routine, as well as stuff you need to take care of. The schedule is divided into three main sections: morning, afternoon, and evening.

There are columns for each day of the week, and you can put a checkmark in the appropriate box to signify that you’ve accomplished a certain task.

Spaces are also allocated for writing your weekly routine and keeping notes available at a glance.

4. Get Things Done Checklist

system administrator daily checklist template excel | caregiver daily checklist template | retail store daily checklist template

via Puffin Pages Co.

Looking for a no-frills checklist? If so, you might be interested in the example above from Puffin Pages Co.

This minimalistic template helps you focus on the things you’re meant to get done for the day.

Because it is unlabeled, this can serve as an all-purpose checklist. Monitor your daily routines, use it for creating a streamline process for your work, or use it as a habit tracker .

5. To Do List for the Girl on the Go

daily checklist template word | free checklist template word | free editable checklist template word

via Positivity Is Pretty .

A checklist ensures that you get things done in a timely manner, regardless of how busy your day is going. This next example is ideal for those who want a straightforward template that allows them to write down everything they need to do in stream-of-consciousness form.

The template comes with pink checkboxes so you can tick off items from your list when they are done. You might also want to celebrate this accomplishment by rewarding yourself accordingly. ( Here are some reward suggestions for completing your tasks. )

6. Things to Do

daily checklist template google docs | blank daily checklist template | weekly checklist template

via Organise My House .

With a checklist such as this one, you can easily take note of everything you need to accomplish for the day. It has a minimalist design that you can embellish or customize according to your preferences.

7. Daily Docket

to do list examples | to do list free | printable daily checklist template

via Saturday Gift .

This charming template has space for listing down your schedule for the day in one-hour blocks.

In addition, it features a slot for writing down three daily goals. A block of space is also reserved for “things to do.”

Finally, there is a space for writing down dinner plans.

8. Editable Routine Checklist

This printable routine checklist is great for those looking for an editable template. It gives you complete control of the management of the information that you keep in your checklist.

In addition to being editable, in can be downloaded in three different sizes:

These different sizes can fit as an insert into your daily planner or be printed out and placed on the fridge door.

9. My Daily Routines

If the tasks or routines you do each day need to be categorized based on when you do them, then this colorful template may be perfect for you.

This template has provisions for listing your morning and evening routines. Similar to the two previous examples, it also has boxes representing each day of the week. This makes it easier to monitor the tasks you’ve already accomplished and those that still need your attention.

10. It's All in the Details To Do List

This template has provisions for different categories of tasks and activities that you might do throughout the day.

There are spaces provided where the user of this checklist can easily identify:

  • What to do today
  • Where they need to go
  • What to pick up
  • Which appointments they have and at what time
  • What groceries to buy
  • What to clean
  • What to cook
  • Whom to email, call, and/or text

This template is incredibly detailed, so you will feel super productive when you check off all the items on the list.

11. Pastel Themed Daily To Do

If you are looking for something colorful, this pastel-themed checklist might be the call.

It has spaces for priorities and other daily tasks. It also has spaces where you can list down calls you need to make, appointments for the day, and morning and pre-bedtime tasks.

This template stands out because of a couple of unique features, including the water tracker (ensures you are meeting the day’s quota for water intake ) and the “I’m Thankful For” section (encourages a habit of gratitude despite your hectic schedule).

12. 4-Section To-Do List

This template for your daily routine checklist is divided into four blocks. It allows you to assign each of your tasks to a specific category (e.g., shopping, work, chores, self, etc.).

As a template from On:Planners, you can print this template in several sizes, including A4, Letter, A5 Filofax, and Happy Planner Mini.

13. Daily Self-Care Checklist

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a daily self-care routine. This checklist template ensures that you’re carving out time to care for yourself every day.

It has a pre-filled list of activities or habits that comprise your self-care routine. The template also features checkboxes for every day of the week. All you have to do is put a check by an activity or habit if you’ve done it for the day.

Some of the self-care habits listed on this template include:

  • Practice positive affirmation
  • Wake up early
  • Get a good night’s sleep

14. Stylish To-Do List

If you’re looking for a stylish template to keep track of your daily activities, here’s one from Birkley Lane Interiors. This pink template has two styles, one of which features a list template with checkboxes for each list item. The template has provisions for up to 28 items or daily to-dos.

15. Floral Day Planner

This template is from a set of printables inspired by the month of September. It features a floral theme and several sections meant to organize your daily tasks and keep track of what needs to be done for the day.

16. You Shall Not Cram To-Do List

Here is a collection of cute templates for your daily routines and to-dos. You can choose from several eye-catching color schemes, such as lavender, pumpkin, and sky blue.

This template allows you to note up to 13 items. A funny motivational quote is found at the bottom of the page, which says, “You shall not cram.”

17. Simple Daily Planners

This set of printables was designed to help you stay productive and organized even on the busiest days.

There are different layouts to choose from, but each printable template allows you to list down your daily tasks or to-dos and easily access them for quick reference.

18. A Very Simple Template

Keep track of your activities, tasks, and appointments for the day with this simple template. You can also use it to set your daily priorities, plan out a project, and keep life organized.

The template has check-off boxes next to each blank. It lets you list up to 16 different items in a single page.

19. Everything To-Do List

This template, with the header My Everlasting Non-Stop Eternal Never Ending To Do List ,is ideal for those who love making lists for everything.

It has two columns, allowing you to list down 32 things that need your attention for the day. Instead of regular checkboxes, there are stars before each blank for you to keep track of your daily tasks.

20. Colorful Checklist

This colorful template gives off cheery vibes, even when you’re faced with challenging tasks on your daily checklist.

You can choose between a single-page check-off sheet (26 items) and a 2-column checklist (52 items). Checkboxes are located before each blank.

21. Lined To-Do List

This lined checklist allows you to keep track of your daily tasks quite easily. Lines are provided for listing up to 24 tasks.

Next to every line is a check-off space for you to mark the task as “Done.” The template is available in green, blue, purple, and pink.

22. Master Checklist Template

This template is ideal if you need a checklist where you can write practically every task you need to take care of. It’s quite useful if you are organizing or planning on a large-scale basis.

You can use this template to group tasks according to category or priority. Your list provides an at-a-glance view of what you need to take care of, eliminating the hassle of flipping through a number of pages.

23. Goal To-Do List

This template provides a consolidated place for writing your plans for achieving a specific goal. It has a spot where you can write the exact goal you want to achieve.

There are 27 blank spaces for writing specific tasks and short-term goals that bring you closer to fulfilling your main goal.

24. The Packing List

Traveling soon? Here’s a checklist to make sure that you’ve got everything you need for a trip.

You can write your travel info and the date of travel near the upper portion of the page.

The template is divided into 4 sections, allowing you to organize your list according to categories. You can list down 10 items in each section. Checkboxes ensure that progress of tasks and items to bring can be easily tracked.

25. A Straightforward Checklist

Here’s another template with a simple design to help keep your day running smoothly. This template has 33 spaces, with respective checkboxes by every line.

With this checklist, you can increase your productivity, streamline your work process, or simply keep track of items and tasks you need to accomplish toward a bigger long-term goal.

26. Cleaning Checklist

Keeping your house or personal space clean can be a challenge, but there’s hope with this template.

It gives you the opportunity to create a routine for de-cluttering and deep cleaning your space. This checklist helps you plan the cleaning tasks you need to accomplish on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

The template comes in several designs, such as a basic black-and-white and a pink-and-blue theme.

27. The Ultimate List

If you constantly have a busy schedule or days filled with different activities and commitments, you might want to try this template, which helps you stay on top of your schedule.

The template provides prompts for managing your day, keeping you on top of the following:

  • What you need to do
  • Where you must go (and what to pick up/do there)
  • Appointments to keep
  • Things you need (whether to get or buy)
  • Stuff to fix

Final Thoughts on Daily Checklist Templates

There you have it—27 examples of a daily routine template that helps you stay organized and productive.

We hope you enjoyed browsing through this collection of daily checklists, and that you’ve found a great template that will work for the purpose you have in mind.

For more information about time-management and productivity tools, you might want to visit the following posts:

  • Free Printable Habit Tracker
  • 31 Free Printable Habit Tracker Templates for Your Goals
  • 11 Printable Morning Routine Checklists for Adults & Students
  • Morning Routine Checklist for Kids
  • 11 Best Productivity Apps for Your Android or iOS Device

Finally, if you want to level up your productivity and time management skills, then watch this free video about the 9 productivity habits you can build at work .

daily checklist template | daily checklist template free printable | free editable checklist template

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Daily Assignment Checklist

Daily Assignment Checklist Template

Keep your students on track with a Daily Assignment Checklist. View in spreadsheet, card, or calendar format. Easy to customize and update on any device.

  • Checklist Templates

No matter the size of your classroom, easily keep track of students’ daily assignments in a professional spreadsheet with Jotform’s free Daily Assignment Checklist! To get started, fill out the attached form with student and assignment information — then update the spreadsheet as you go, monitoring completion dates, assignment descriptions, and even including file uploads of finished assignments straight to your spreadsheet.

With Jotform’s easy-to-use interface, you can quickly add new rows and columns, include extra tabs to separate information for different classrooms, or update label names and colors for a personalized touch. You can even download your checklist as a PDF, CSV, or Excel file in a single click, or automatically sync your spreadsheet with other accounts like Google Drive, Dropbox, and more. Better manage student assignments and due dates online with a free Daily Assignment Checklist — and enjoy more time to focus on teaching your students.

Construction Checklist Template

Construction Checklist

Keep track of construction projects and tasks in a free spreadsheet. Easy to customize, download, and share. Great for managers or independent contractors.

Employee Training Checklist Template

Employee Training Checklist Template

Keep track of employee training and progress. Free online checklist for employers. Easy to customize, download, and share. Works on all devices. No coding.

Donation List Template

Donation List Template

Streamline your online donation process with an all-in-one donation management solution. Collect and store donations, donor info, and leads online. Easy to customize.

Furnished Rental Inventory Checklist Template

Furnished Rental Inventory Checklist

Keep track of items in your rental properties with a free Furnished Rental Inventory Checklist. Great for real estate agencies and landlords. Easy to customize.

Task Checklist Template

Task Checklist Template

Keep track of your tasks with this free task checklist template. Easy to customize and share. Works great on any device. No coding required.

Bill Pay Checklist Template

Bill Pay Checklist

Keep track of bill payments with this free online checklist template. Easy to customize, download, and print. Works on all devices. No coding required.

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Try Free Edition today.

  • Task Management
  • Task Management Templates

Free Task Management Templates

Use free task tracker templates for Excel and PowerPoint to simplify your work and manage project tasks more efficiently.

Free Task Management Templates

Using templates for task management and tracking

Project managers and team leaders working on small to mid-size projects can use pre-built templates to manage their team's tasks manage their team's tasks more easily. Task management templates provide a starting point that can be used again and again, saving you from having to reinvent the wheel every time you need to create a plan, track task progress, or report status to clients and execs.

On this page, we have collected a series of free task tracker templates for Excel and PowerPoint to help professionals get started faster. Browse through all of them or use the links below to jump straight to the template category that suits your needs best.

  • A) Free task management templates for Excel
  • B) Free task management templates for PowerPoint

Free task management templates for Excel

With its handy grid format, formulas, and data filters, Excel is commonly used for making schedules, analyzing data, and tracking task status. Although not ideal for advanced project management, task management spreadsheets provide a good framework for planning and monitoring small projects. They're compatible with other applications outside the Microsoft Office suite, which makes them easy to share and synchronize across task manager apps .

Below you can find a few Excel task tracker templates, from simple list-type spreadsheets to more complex visual tracking frameworks.

Project Management Task List Template

With so many variables in a project, a simple task list such as the one below can help professionals organize their work, prioritize it, and see at a glance when each individual task is due. The free project management task list template allows users to assign a status to each task, sort assignments into multiple categories, and see exactly who's responsible for what. It also calculates the tasks' planned and actual durations automatically, enabling teams to easily make comparisons and see if work is progressing as scheduled.

Project Management Task List in Excel

Excel Task Tracker Template

This Excel task tracker template was designed for project or task managers who wish to apply Scrum principles when planning and monitoring their team's tasks. The free task tracker spreadsheet splits tasks into short sprints for easier management and allows users to define priorities, see task status at a glance, and track assignments as they are completed. It also includes a simple  Gantt chart  that auto-updates whenever the data in the task list changes.

Excel Task Tracker Template

Task Management Spreadsheet Template

Effective task management requires precise knowledge of all assignments and the time remaining for completing them. A task management spreadsheet like the one below can help teams track their tasks by the hour and organize their work more efficiently. The template automatically calculates the hours left for finishing each task, shows the percentage of work already completed, and highlights the tasks that are overdue. In addition, this task tracker spreadsheet also estimates the assignments' start and end dates and displays them on a Gantt chart, providing an overview of the whole project.

Task Management Spreadsheet in Excel

Free task management templates for PowerPoint

Excel task tracker spreadsheets are good for ensuring clarity and alignment within the team, but, when communicating to high-level audiences such as clients or upper management, professionals may find that they need something more graphical. In such cases, PowerPoint task management templates might prove more efficient, as they can show summarized data on a single visual slide, in a manner that's easy to digest. Below you can find a few such templates to get you started.

Free Task Planner Template

This free task planner was built for professionals who need create an executive-level view of their project tasks for client meetings or project proposals. Designed as a simple Plan-on-a-Page, it is a  Gantt chart   that uses color codes to group tasks by categories or departments, making it easy to see key data at a glance. Download the free task planner template file and edit it manually in PowerPoint or use the Office Timeline PowerPoint add-in to automate the process and update it effortlessly.

Free Task Planner

PowerPoint Task Tracker Template

Clients and execs usually don't have the time to read lengthy documents or untangle complicated task management spreadsheets to see how a project is progressing. To efficiently communicate task status to high-level audiences, project managers and team leaders can use a more familiar PowerPoint slide such as the one below. This task tracker template keeps things simple by providing only essential tracking information such as the due dates of key tasks, percentage complete, or important events along the way. The free task tracker can be downloaded and edited in PowerPoint and updated easily as plans change.

Task Tracker Template

Agile Task Management Template

Agile task management is an iterative, incremental approach to managing projects, often used in software development. The methodology focuses on delivering work fast and in small increments, while incorporating feedback from customers in each iteration. This allows the team to easily adapt to changing requirements and ultimately deliver higher quality products that satisfy customers’ needs better. This agile task management template is ideal for team and client communications, allowing you to effortlessly keep track of your project’s tasks. Built directly in Microsoft PowerPoint, the template can be edited and shared easily with anyone who has the popular presentation tool installed.

Agile task management Template

PowerPoint Task Manager App

For client and executive communications, managers and team leaders can use a free task tracker to manage their plans and schedules as PowerPoint visuals. The Office Timeline PowerPoint add-in integrates with Excel to import existing task data and convert it into easy-to-understand timeline and Gantt chart slides.

Free Task Manager App

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11 Free Task Management Templates in ClickUp & Excel

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

June 21, 2024

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Project management is a complicated business. You need to assemble the right team, plan out a killer strategy, and find the right tools for the job. 

However, even if you have all of these elements in place, everything could still go wrong.

The culprit? Poor task management. Without proper organization at the task level, even the best plans can fail to live up to expectations. 

That’s where task management templates come in. They provide an easy way to organize and prioritize tasks , ensuring that nothing gets between you and project management perfection. 

From simple daily task planners to comprehensive kanban boards , there’s a template out there that fits you or your team’s workflow perfectly. In this article, we’ll walk you through 11 of our favorite free task management templates to help streamline your workflow and optimize productivity. So let’s get started!

What is a Task Management Template?

What makes a good task management template, 1. clickup task management template, 2. clickup task management by department template, 3. clickup task management by priority template, 4. clickup task management board template, 5. clickup task management calendar template, 6. clickup simple task management template, 7. clickup status task management template, 8. clickup daily task management template, 9. clickup project task list template, 10. microsoft excel task organizer template, 11. excel daily task manager template, manage project tasks with task tracker templates.

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A task management template is a document that enables individuals or teams to plan, prioritize, and track specific tasks. Templates typically include features like due dates, assignees, and completion percentages to help you stay organized and on track with your projects.

Task management templates also usually include multiple views. For example, they might include a kanban board view so teams can easily visualize how far along in the workflow each task is. Additionally, they might include a Gantt chart so teams can see upcoming completion dates and plan their days and weeks accordingly.

Unlike a project management template , which focuses on wider business outcomes and goals, a task management template is laser-focused on specific tasks that make up these larger projects. For this reason, task management templates are designed to ultimately help teams complete whatever task they’ve been assigned to do.

A good task management template is organized and allows people to quickly find what they need without getting distracted by clutter. This can be accomplished through smart design and multiple view options that emphasize different parts of the document.

It should also be flexible and allow people to adjust the document to their own individual needs. This means that regardless of whether you’re planning a company-wide project or just your most productive Tuesday, this template can help you meet your goals.

Finally, it should be convenient. No one wants to spend oodles of time filling out a planning document. A good template should allow for smart data importation from whatever task management software you use. 

This way, you can spend less time optimizing your template and more time working, relaxing, or just being you.

11 Free Task Management Templates

If you’re looking for a free and perfect way to keep track of all your tasks and projects, check out these 11 free task management templates from ClickUp and Excel.

Keep all of your tasks organized in one place with this template

Better task management is something that every team could use. Even if you think your team is already doing a good job, there’s always room for better teamwork, synergy, and time management.

For teams that want to take their task management to the next level, the ClickUp Task Management Template is a perfect solution. This template has all the features you need to stay organized and on top of the tasks that’ll help you complete whatever project goals you’re working toward.

This template includes pre-built custom fields so that you see at a glance who’s in charge of that task and when they expect it to be done. Plus, it organizes project tasks into three main lists— Action Items , Ideas, and Backlog—so you can flexibly find the info you’re looking for.

But the real power of this template lies in its multiple views. Take the data you plug into this template and automatically organize it by priority, department, or task status. This way, you can easily use this document in whichever way is most useful for you and your team.

The ClickUp Task Management Template is perfect for teams of all sizes who want to stay organized while tackling their workloads . Get started today at the link below!

See what each team is currently working on easily

Are you struggling to stay organized when it comes to cross-department initiatives? 

When working with multiple departments or teams on a single goal, it can take a lot of work to stay organized, but our Task Management by Department Template by ClickUp can help you do just that.

This template organizes all your tasks based on the department in charge of getting them done. Not only can you see what tasks are in progress, but you also can get information like end dates, priority levels , or completion percentages.

Never again will you get messages asking who’s in charge of what task and when to expect it. This document gives everyone a bird’s-eye view of what’s happening across your entire project team.

Isn’t it time your department got some much-needed organizational help? Download this template today to get started. 

Sort all your tasks in the List view by priority to know where every tasks sits and what needs attention first

At any one organization, there are hundreds or thousands of tasks on the go at once. 

Some will inevitably be more important than others. For instance, adding employee bios to your website might be a nice touch, but it’s less important than finalizing your new product launch.

If you want to ensure that your team is working on the tasks that matter most, grab a copy of ClickUp’s Task Management by Priority Template . This template allows you to see all open tasks for your team organized by their priority level.

With this view, you can ensure that team members always prioritize the most mission-critical tasks first. This way, you or your team members can proactively avoid bottlenecks and get important projects across the finish line on time.

Easily manage tasks across the team and use custom views like Board view to delegate work more efficiently

Do you find that many of your tasks require a lot of collaboration? 

If so, the ClickUp Task Management Board Template was made for you. This template features a classic kanban board design, making it easy for teams to visualize how far along in a workflow each task truly is.

The board view also makes it much easier to collaborate with other stakeholders and add notes or descriptions for each task. Plus, it’s fully customizable, so you can adapt it to your workflow. 

With only a few keystrokes, add due dates, assignees, and descriptions to each task to keep projects organized and moving forward.

You can also add expected time to completion so that people can pick up tasks based on the time they still have left in their day. This helps you move projects along faster and keep everyone on task.

View your tasks in a monthly calendar view to schedule out your priorities

Do you struggle to remember what day certain tasks are due? Is time management a skill that you just can’t get a grasp on? 

If so, then you need the ClickUp Task Management Calendar Template . This template allows you to plan out your tasks in a calendar format so that you can easily see when each task is due.

This view makes managing team members’ workloads and deliverables much easier, allowing for faster project completion times. It also helps managers spot potential bottlenecks early on, like if several major tasks are all due on the same day.

The calendar view also allows you to plan your own schedule more effectively. If you know Project A is scheduled to finish at the end of the month, then you can ensure everything is in place so that Project B can get going when it’s complete. 

The best part is that if you’re already in the ClickUp ecosystem, your information can be automatically imported into this handy calendar form. 

Keep things simple with this perfect task management template

For many of us, staying on top of our tasks is a full-time chore that takes up far more time than we’d probably like.

This isn’t just about work. We all have to remember appointments, birthdays, and so much more. 

If you spend way too much time remembering what you’re supposed to be doing today, then you should consider trying out the ClickUp Simple Task Management Template . 

This template makes it easy to build a comprehensive and intuitive organizational system that keeps track of your daily tasks and goals .

It features a variety of views, such as list view, board view, and doc view, to give you the flexibility to structure your tasks in the way that best fits your workflow.

This template also includes powerful customization options that allow you to add fields, prioritize tasks, and even set up reminders. With the ClickUp Task Management Template, you can easily structure your day and stay on top of what needs to be done—no matter how big or small it may be.

Sort out your day in this simple status task management template

Picture this: You have a laundry list of tasks to do, but you don’t know what’s been done and what still needs to get done. To make matters worse, it seems like the list is always growing, no matter how hard you try to limit it.

If this sounds familiar, then you need the Status Task Management Template by ClickUp . This template keeps your daily tasks in an easy-to-view kanban board. You’ll easily see what you’ve started, what you’ve finished, and what still needs to get done.

To make it even better, if you already have tasks set up in ClickUp, this template won’t require you to input data all over again. Simply add the view, and ClickUp will import all the data from your existing tasks.

With this template, you can easily differentiate between have-to-do and want-to-do tasks so that you never forget anything that absolutely has to happen today. Download this template today and make disorganization a thing of the past.

Staying organized and productive with a focused everyday plan using the ClickUp Task Management Template

Do you ever wish that you could plan your days and weeks more effectively? The ClickUp Daily Task Management Template was designed specifically with this in mind.

Instead of constantly running back and forth between your paper planner, to-do notes, and calendar, you can centralize everything in this easy-to-use daily scheduler. Use it to keep your hours planned and coordinated with spots for each new task, event, or appointment in your day.

Plus, with its easy-to-view format, you can critically examine your time commitments and decide whether you’ve got too much going on to meet all your obligations. This planner is also essential for helping you remember all those little things on your mind.

Never again lose sleep over missing a doctor’s appointment or forgetting a friend’s birthday. With these events already logged, you can wake up, check your planner, and finish everything you need to on time. Your planner can also keep track of the other documents that keep your life organized.

For example, you could include a link to your email task management document so you can click over there during the time block you’ve set aside to respond to emails. Also, your planner doesn’t just have to be for serious tasks and appointments.

It can also help you make time for the hobbies and habits you enjoy doing. For instance, use your planner to include time for daily exercise, meditation practices, or just a therapeutic soak in the tub.

This template also includes powerful customization options like recurring tasks and specific due dates, allowing you to plan your day with ease. That means less time planning and more time doing. So if you want to squeeze more out of each day, this template is exactly what you need. Get started at the link below.

ClickUp list view of tasks that roll up to the North Star metric

The ClickUp Task List Template provides an organized platform for tracking all your tasks in one place. Easily customizable to fit your specific workflow, this template not only displays a comprehensive list of your tasks, but also your progress on each one.

Understand at a glance who is responsible for what task, and when it is expected to be finished. This template categorizes tasks into Action Items, Ideas, and Backlog, facilitating easy navigation through your tasks. The template also provides multiple viewing options, allowing you to organize tasks by priority, department, or task status.

This template is ideal for teams and individuals aiming for efficiency and organized task management. Its integration with ClickUp means no duplicated data entry, saving you precious time. The ClickUp Task List Template is a perfect tool for keeping track of tasks and achieving project goals effectively.

Microsoft Excel Task Tracker Template

Some people need to stay organized but don’t want to incorporate a whole new system into their lives. They already use ten different platforms and aren’t interested in an 11th.

For these people, this Microsoft Task Tracking Template from Excel is a great option. It allows you to create a comprehensive list of the tasks you need to do, all within the familiar confines of Excel. 

This Excel template is a great option for anyone comfortable with Excel who does not want to invest time in a more comprehensive task management system. It may not be pretty, but it includes all the basics, like a customizable list of tasks, due dates, and percentage completion. There’s even a spot for notes where you can drop important links, start dates, or your project budget.

What’s more, you can easily customize this task tracker template to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re tracking tasks for a single project or an entire organization, this document can help you stay one step ahead.

So if you want to manage your tasks within the Office ecosystem, then Excel’s Task Tracking Template is the perfect solution for you.

daily task assignment template

Keeping yourself on track every day is a skill in and of itself. Many of us have tons of ongoing tasks that need our attention, so tracking them all and getting them done in time takes a little bit of organization.

If you’re simply looking for an easy way to keep your days organized, look no further than the Daily Task Management Template from Microsoft Excel . This project task list template lets you view and organize your daily tasks in a simple, easy-to-read format. This way, you can track deadlines and prioritize your to-do list so that nothing slips through the cracks.

Another handy trick this free template has is that it will automatically highlight any tasks that are due today. These highlighted entries are simple to spot, so you never miss anything that needs to get done ASAP. This feature may not mean much if your life is fairly relaxed (lucky you), but it can be a lifesaver if your number of tasks only seems to grow.

Not sure Excel templates for task management are right for you? Then check out our guide to Excel alternatives to find something more your speed.

Task management templates are a great way to stay organized and ensure you complete your tasks well ahead of schedule. No matter what type of project team you have, there’s likely a task management template out there that can help streamline your workflow, manage project tasks, and optimize your productivity.

If your business is looking for an easy way to improve task management in their workflows, look no further than ClickUp. Our task management features allow you to do more than just access our pre-built templates. 

You can also use ClickApps to customize your experience, add tags and subtasks, or even boost collaboration with real-time comment threads.  

With ClickUp, task management doesn’t need to be quite so…tasking. See what a difference a little organization can do for your business by signing up for a free account today. 

Happy organizing! 🎉

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The Free Google Sheets Task List Template [Easy Guide]

  • Last updated January 12, 2024

There are so many paid to-do list apps out there. But why use them when you can just use the Google Sheets task list template? In this article, we’ll show you how to use the template, a few cool ways to customize it, and how to start from scratch. Read on to learn more.

Table of Contents

How to Make a To-Do List in Google Sheets With the Template

When creating a to-do list , you can start from scratch and make your own, or use a Google Sheet checklist template. In this first lot of examples, we’ll use the built-in daily to-do list template and customize it to improve it.

Related: Google Sheets Grocery List Template

Here are the steps you will need to follow to create a Google Sheets to-do list template :

daily task assignment template

  • Go to Google Sheets and click on Template Gallery  in the top right part of the screen. This will open a list of templates built by Google.
  • Scroll down to the Personal  section and find the template names To-do list . Click on it to open the spreadsheet template in a new spreadsheet.

Adding Extra Columns

You will now be presented will a basic to-do list. Now let’s look at how you can add columns to it. Here are the steps you need to follow to do this:

  • Right-click on the column bar. This will open a drop-down menu.

daily task assignment template

  • Click on either Insert 1 column left  or Insert 1 column right, depending on your preferences. This will add another column in the desired location.
  • After the column is added, add a name for that column in the naming cells. In this case, we named our column Notes  and assigned the name in cell D3 .

Apply Conditional Formatting

Now that we have the names assigned, let’s use conditional formatting so that if our notes contain a specific word, the cell is highlighted. For this example, we’ll highlight cells with “Urgent” in red. To do this:

  • Select the cells on which you want to apply the conditional formatting. In this case, it is the cell range D4:D50 .

daily task assignment template

  • Click on Format  in the top main bar of the spreadsheet. This will show a drop-down menu.
  • Click on Conditional formatting . This will open a sidebar on the right side of the screen.
  • There, click on Add another rule . This will open a new section where you can specify the requirements and the effect that takes place when those requirements are fulfilled. We want to make the cell turn red if it contains the word “Urgent.”
  • To do this, we select the Text contains  an option in the Format cells if  section.
  • Under Formatting style , we can select the color we wish to fill the cell with.

daily task assignment template

  • Click on Done  to add the rule to the conditional formatting list.

daily task assignment template

Add a Progress Bar to the Template

  • Right-click on the row 3 header and click Add 1 row below
  • Type Progress  into cell B4
  • Put the following sparkline formula into cell C4 =SPARKLINE(COUNTIF(A5:A,TRUE),{"CHARTTYPE","BAR" ; "MAX",COUNTA(C5:C) ; "COLOR1","Orange"})

daily task assignment template

Make Your Own To-Do List From Scratch

  • Open a new blank spreadsheet.
  • Merge calls A1 and A2 and give your to-do list a title, then center the text.
  • Highlight the cells you wish to have checkmarks in column A.

daily task assignment template

  • Optional: You can add conditional formatting, extra columns, and a progress bar if needed, as we demonstrated with the template.

Note:  You can add the strikethrough conditional formatting to your custom to-do list with the following settings from the menu under Format > Conditional formatting . Just change B2:B14  to the range that your list lies within.

daily task assignment template

More Tips to Format Your To-Do List on Google Sheets

The best part about utilizing Google Sheets as a to-do list is that many formatting options allow you to make your own personalized list. Not only that, you can add and remove columns and rows depending on your needs. You could even add drop-down menus .

Let’s say you wish to add a column that allows you to indicate tasks of higher priority. You have full creative freedom on how you could do this. You can simply add a text in the heading and bold it, or you can use conditional formatting to color-code it so you and your team will instantly know what to look for as we showed you above.

Here are a few more tips for formatting your to-do list:

Freezing Particular Rows and Columns

Often, we wish to keep certain data in view at all times. The freezing option in Google Sheets allows you to do this. Using this option, you could freeze certain rows  and/or columns so that the data always stays in your view even when you scroll.

The most common use case is freezing the spreadsheet’s top row so that the labels can still be seen when you scroll to see the tasks. This way, you won’t have to scroll up again if you forget the data’s label in a particular cell.

Here are the steps you need to follow to do this:

daily task assignment template

  • Click and drag to select the cells you wish to freeze. The selected cells are indicated using a blue outline and shading around the cells.
  • Click on View in the top toolbar on the spreadsheet page.
  • Click on Freeze in the drop-down menu that shows up.
  • Here, you can select the number of columns or row you wish to freeze. Note that if you want to freeze both columns and rows, you have to freeze a column or row first, then the other.

The freeze drop-down allows you to freeze up to two columns and rows. If you’re looking to freeze two or more columns, then click the cell on the column or row to which you want to freeze. Now, head over to the freeze option, and there you can either select the Up to Current Column (X)  or Up to Current Row (X).

Hiding Particular Rows and Columns

We often don’t need some of the data in our spreadsheet for some time. Deleting these cells would mean that the data is gone forever unless you revert to an older version using the version history .

Thankfully, Google Sheets has a feature that allows you to hide the data for as long as you want. This method follows similar steps to how we froze the cells in the previous section.

Here are the steps you need to follow to hide rows and columns :

daily task assignment template

  • Click and select the rows and columns you wish to hide. Ensure the column/row indicator is grey; otherwise, you won’t have an option to hide the rows and columns.
  • Once selected, right-click your mouse. This will open a drop-down menu.
  • Here, click on Hide . You might see a slight variation of this option depending on the context, which means if you’re hiding rows, you might see something like Hide rows X-Y.

Note that although similar, hiding rows and columns differ from deleting them. When a row is hidden, it will disappear from your view, but the data is still in the spreadsheet. If you hide row 4, you will see the rows as 1,2,3,5,6. However, if you delete row 4, the rows will still be shown as 1,2,3,4,5,6, but the data in row 5 will be moved up to where the data for row 4 was.

Google Sheets Checklist Template Best Practices

Collaboration on a to-do list spreadsheet.

One huge reason for using Google Sheets instead of other software is that it allows you to share your spreadsheet with your team seamlessly. You can give access to specific people by entering their emails or creating a link that can provide access to anyone with it.

You can do this by clicking on the screen’s green Share button on the top-right side.

After giving access to someone, you can also set the amount of control you wish to give that user. Here are the three permission levels you can assign to a user:

  • Editor:  This permission level allows anyone to view and edit your spreadsheet. They can also add comments to the to-do list.
  • Viewer:  This permission only allows you to view the spreadsheet. You can not make any changes or add comments with this permission.
  • Commenter:  This permission allows you to view the spreadsheet and leave comments. However, you can not make changes to the spreadsheet. This permission is sort of a middle ground between the Viewer and Editor permissions.

Another way to do this is by sharing a link. Although you can still assign the same permissions over links, we recommend only giving viewer access to keep your privacy and stop unauthorized people from making changes to the spreadsheet.

Once the spreadsheet is shared, the team members and collaborators can view the sheet, add comments, and make changes depending on your permissions.

Adding Comments to a Checklist Google Sheets Template

You and your team can make comments to the data in the spreadsheet. You can even add notes on each task. To add comments,

  • Right-click on a cell and click on Comment  in the drop-down menu. A small window will show up.
  • There, you can type the comment in the text box . You can even @mention people, so they know the comment is for them.

People can also reply to a comment. This can be done by simply clicking the comment and then on reply underneath it. If a comment is not needed anymore, you can simply click on the tick, and it will be marked as resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i create a task list in google sheets.

When creating a to-do list, you can start from scratch and make your own, or you can use a Google Sheet checklist template. You can start by using the built-in daily to-do list template and customizing it to make it your own. To open it, just click To-do list from the Template gallery . Once loaded, you can add extra columns and conditional formatting to fulfill your needs.

How Do I Track Tasks in Google Sheets?

You can add the tasks you want to keep track of using a to-do list. You can also assign dates to the specific tasks, and you can track them by using checkmarks. You can also add a progress bar to know exactly how much progress your team has made while performing a large set of tasks.

Can You Link Google Sheets to Tasks?

There are several third-party solutions, as well as the Google Tasks API that allows you to connect your Google Sheet spreadsheet to your Google Tasks. However, beware that using API integrations does require advanced knowledge. We’d recommend using a third-party app like Zapier to make it easier.

Is There a Google Checklist Template?

You can download a to-do list from the Template gallery. Alternatively, you can create custom checklists by adding checkmarks to your spreadsheet and saving them as templates. Saving the sheet as a template will allow you to save it for future use.

How Do I Manage Tasks in Google Sheets?

A to-do list template in Google Sheets is a good way to manage a project . You can add the tasks you need to do alongside their status, date, and other information. To create one, you can either start from scratch or use the template provided by Google in the Template gallery on the main page of Google Sheets.

Wrapping Up

Now that you can customize the Google Sheets Task List Template, nothing can stop you from getting stuff done. All that’s left is to actually do it. Get cracking!

Related Reading:

  • Free Social Media Calendar Template in Google Sheets
  • 5 Useful Google Sheets Project Management Templates [Free]
  • Google Sheets Invoice Template [Free Download]
  • Free OKR Template for Google Sheets (and How to Use It To Hit Your Targets)
  • How to Make a Schedule on Google Sheets + 3 Easy Templates
  • How to Create a Dashboard in Google Sheets [Easy Steps + Template]
  • Google Sheets Expense Tracker: Free Template & How to Use

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Free Task Tracker And List Template

Mubashra Naeem

By Mubashra Naeem -

Sep 04, 2024 - 5 mins Read

With digitized project management on the rise, it is natural to migrate important information to computers and online databases. Effectively keeping track of this information is just as important. Having a well-organized task-tracking system in place streamlines workflows and lets teams juggle multiple projects simultaneously. A task tracker template, therefore, is an indispensable tool to have when starting your project management process . In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using a task-tracking list and the essential components to include. Additionally, we'll provide you with a free task template to give you a head start on your project management process. 

  • What Is A Task Tracker Template?

A task tracker or task list template is a standardized format for recording, organizing, and monitoring all undertaken tasks. Their complexity can vary from simple to-do lists to detailed tracking systems. These templates can be designed using Excel or task management software that provides pre-made task-tracking spreadsheets. Using a task tracker Excel template prevents tasks from being overlooked and helps deliver them on time. Examples of other software that offer task tracker templates include Jira softwar e, ProjectManager, and Smartsheet software. 

  • Why Do You Need A List To Track Tasks?

Organizing data is only one benefit of task-tracking lists. They have multiple functions and are critical components for productivity and accountability. Making a task tracking spreadsheet allows a comprehensive overview of all ongoing, completed, or yet-to-start tasks. The following benefits are why you need a list to track tasks: 

  • Enhances Visibility – A well-made list enhances the visibility of all tasks pending and allows for more data-driven decision-making
  • Increases Accountability – A task tracking list keeps all project team members aware of their duties and allows the assignment of tasks and responsibilities. This visibility of workload promotes accountability
  • Monitors Progress – Tasks are accompanied by their real-time status to give updates on the project's progress. This feature helps keep objectives on track and ensure they are met in a timely manner
  • Optimizes Resource Allocation – Allocating resources becomes easier when documentation exists as to where it is being used. Task trackers assist in this allocation and prevent bottlenecks from hindering the project process 
  • Task Tracker Template Components

Your task tracker should ideally reflect your project management approach and workflow schedule. Depending on that structure, a task list can be categorized by the tasks themselves or by the days of the week. Regardless of the organization of information, an effective task-tracking spreadsheet is one that contains the following components: 

1. Task Name 

Use this column to clearly state the name or title of each task. It should be concise and indicate the main objective of the task without going into detail. Ensure that the names are specific and easy to identify. Instead of just titling a task as ‘Report’, use determining features in the name like ‘Q1 Financial Report.’ 

2. Description 

Use this column to provide a detailed explanation of your task, where you outline its scope, outcomes, and special instructions. Ideally, your description should include any pertinent information that would make it easier for the person responsible to understand the task. For instance, for a financial report, one may add, "Compile financial data for the first sales quarter (from January to March) and prepare a report that includes detailed analysis and insights." 

3. Assigned To 

This column highlights the individuals responsible for completing the task at hand. Adding it to your task tracker list helps increase visibility and ensures accountability. In the case of multiple people working on the same thing, list all their names and assign a team lead for clarity. 

4. Start And Due Date 

Make separate columns to indicate when a task is scheduled to begin and when it is expected to be completed. The former is critical for the planning and proper task initiation, whereas the latter helps maintain the project timeline and ensures everything is completed within the given timeframe. Due dates should be realistic, and task dependencies should be considered when setting them. 

5. Priority 

Create a column that categorizes all tasks based on their urgency and importance in the project process. Priorities are typically categorized into three levels: 'High,' 'Medium,' and 'Low.' Having a priority column helps members focus on critical activities more and divide their time and efforts accordingly. High priority tasks ideally should be catered to first while low priority tasks can be scheduled for later in the sprint. 

Assigning a 'Status' column helps teams track the current state of every task. This column also has different categories depending on your workflow type but is usually labeled as 'Yet to Start', 'In Progress', or 'Completed.' It is important that this column is regularly updated to have real-time tracking set in place. Statuses also help members or project managers know what might be hindering the process and what task requires more resources.


The ‘Comments’ column is for any additional information or updates regarding the task. This section can include notes on the progress, feedback, potential challenges, or any changes in the task’s scope. 

The template can be customized to further cater to your specific needs. This base structure provides a clear and organized method of tracking and managing tasks. The tasks can be further divided with respect to the days of the week. 

  • How To Create A Task Tracker In Excel?

Excel is a straightforward but highly customizable tool that can be used to make a task tracker tailored to your specific needs. The following is how you can develop your own task tracker template in Excel: 

  • Open Excel Sheet – Open a new workbook in Excel 
  • Create Headers – Create separate columns for all relevant information such as task name, its description, assignments, start and due dates, status, priority etc. 
  • Input Data – Enter the details under all headers 
  • Formatting – Excel allows conditional formatting for easy sorting and custom task views based on criteria such as due date or status 
  • Monitor Progress – Update the status column in real-time to reflect project progress and the status of each task 

Your template in Excel can be saved as a reusable task template for all future projects. It can also be shared with all team members to maintain a consistent approach to task management and keep everyone up to date. 

  • Signing Off

A task tracker template is a great addition to your project management artillery and helps keep productivity high. Maintaining order within a workflow becomes easier and managing complex projects with multiple functions becomes an efficient job. Implementing such a tool in your daily operations will yield tangible results in your project execution . 

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🚀 11 Employee Task List Templates to Boost Productivity in 2024

Human Resources (HR) departments and team managers are constantly seeking innovative strategies to boost productivity and support their workforce effectively.

One such strategy is the integration of employee task list templates into their management toolbox. These templates are not just organizational tools but a catalyst for enhancing team efficiency, online collaboration , and clarity in task delegation.

By employing task list templates, managers can streamline workflows, ensure consistency in task assignments, and foster a more organized and transparent working environment.

A well-implemented employee task list template can significantly reduce the time spent managing daily tasks and increase focus on strategic work planning and employee development.

This is especially crucial in today’s fast-paced business world, where agility and effective communication are essential for success.

daily task assignment template

Remember, the right template can transform the way your team operates. As you explore the best employee task list templates in this article, consider how each might align with your team’s unique needs and work culture.

Embrace the change and watch your team’s productivity soar!

Page Contents (Click To Jump)

What Is an Employee Task List Template?

An employee task list template is a structured document or digital tool designed to outline and organize employee tasks.

It serves as an action plan roadmap for daily duties, helping team members prioritize their workload and manage their time effectively.

These templates are used during one-on-one employee check-ins and typically include key elements such as task descriptions, deadlines, priorities, and responsible parties. By providing a clear overview of individual and team responsibilities, employee task list templates facilitate better planning, tracking, and execution of tasks, enhancing overall team efficiency and employee productivity .

Benefits of Employee Task List Templates

Utilizing an employee task list template is a strategic approach that benefits any HR department or team. These templates not only streamline task management but also foster a more organized, transparent, and productive work environment . By implementing these tools, managers can significantly enhance team coordination and efficiency.

✅ Enhanced Organization and Clarity

Task list templates provide a clear and detailed overview of all tasks, ensuring every team member knows what is expected.

✅ Improved Time Management

With structured task lists, employees can prioritize their work more effectively, leading to better time management and productivity.

✅ Easier Tracking and Accountability

These templates allow for easy tracking of task progress and completion as part of team meeting agendas , promoting accountability among team members.

✅ Facilitated Team Collaboration

With a centralized task system, team members collaborate more efficiently, understanding their roles in relation to others.

✅ Reduction in Overlooked Tasks

A well-organized task list ensures no important tasks are missed, reducing the likelihood of oversight or duplication of work.

Each of these benefits contributes to a smoother, more effective workflow, making employee task list templates an invaluable asset for any HR department or management team.

Best Employee Task List Templates

 1  task management template.

 ✅ Available on: ClickUp

daily task assignment template

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: It’s highly adaptable to various project plans and offers a balance between detailed task management and user-friendly design.

 2  Task & Progress Monitor Template

 ✅ Available on: Smartsheet

daily task assignment template

Managers use templates like this one from Smartsheet as a great productivity tool geared toward detailed project management. It offers comprehensive features for tracking tasks, deadlines, and individual contributions that can be looped into meeting minutes .

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: It provides a high level of detail and drop-down customization, making it excellent for teams that handle complex projects with multiple moving parts.

 3  Checklist Template

 ✅ Available on: Miro

daily task assignment template

Miro’s Checklist Template is a straightforward tool for creating and managing daily task lists. Simplicity is its strength, offering an uncluttered and clear task view, each with a checkbox. Managers can use this printable checklist as part of an office procedures manual , or conduct real-time collaboration through Google Docs when onboarding new hires.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Perfect for quick task tracking and simple projects, there’s also a PDF format that helps offline teams stay focused without overwhelming details.

 4  Team Task List Template

 ✅ Available on: monday.com

daily task assignment template

The Team Task List Template on monday.com is designed to enhance team collaboration and efficiency. It allows for easy brainstorming , tracking of tasks, setting priorities, and offers a visual overview of project progress.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This template is ideal for its user-friendly interface and customizable features, making it suitable for diverse team sizes and project types.

 5  Weekly To-Do Template

daily task assignment template

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Ideal for short-term planning and weekly task cycles, it helps teams stay on track with weekly SMART goals and priorities.

 6  Project Task List Template

daily task assignment template

This template from Smartsheet is tailored for enterprise project management . It offers robust features for task scheduling and delegation, progress tracking, as well as deadline reminders.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Its strength lies in its ability to handle complex projects with multiple stakeholders, providing clarity of task status,  accountability, and the ability to integrate into existing Kanban tools .

 7  To-Do List Template

daily task assignment template

Miro’s To-Do List Template is a minimalist tool designed for individual task tracking. The weekly task list is simple, visually appealing, and easy to use on all workdays.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Best for personal task management and small teams, this worksheet offers a no-frills approach to staying organized.

 8  Project Portfolio Management

daily task assignment template

The Project Portfolio Management template on monday.com is crafted for overseeing multiple projects. It provides a high-level view of all ongoing projects, their dependencies, and their status, making it easily transferable to a visual Gantt chart .

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This is one of the easy-to-use project management templates for managers needing an overview of various projects, helping in decision-making and resource allocation.

 9  Daily Task Management Template

daily task assignment template

Smartsheet’s Daily Task Management Template is designed for detailed day-to-day task tracking. It features comprehensive tools for daily planning and progress monitoring.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This template is ideal for teams that require meticulous daily task management and close monitoring of task completion.

 10  List Template

daily task assignment template

ClickUp’s List Template provides a straightforward list format for task management. It’s versatile, easy to customize, and suitable for various types of projects.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Its simplicity and flexibility make it a great choice for teams that prefer a no-nonsense, easily adaptable task management approach.

 11  Daily Checklist

daily task assignment template

Miro’s Daily Checklist is all about focusing on the day ahead. It’s designed to help individuals and teams quickly list and track daily tasks, ensuring nothing gets missed in the hustle of daily operations.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This template is excellent for those who need a straightforward, easy-to-use tool for daily task management, promoting productivity and focus.

Each of these HR templates offers unique features and benefits, catering to different needs and management styles. From detailed project management tools to simple daily checklists, there are strategies for every HR department and team to enhance their productivity and organizational skills.

Tips for Using Employee Task List Templates Effectively

✅ clarify priorities.

Clearly define and highlight the priorities in the task list. Ensure employees understand the importance and urgency of tasks to manage their workload effectively.

✅ Keep it Updated

Regularly update the task list to reflect new information, completed tasks, or changing priorities. This ensures that the list remains a relevant and useful tool for employees.

✅ Set Realistic Deadlines

Assign realistic deadlines to tasks. Consider the complexity and effort required for each task and set deadlines accordingly to maintain a balanced workload.

✅ Break Down Tasks

Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks. This helps in tracking progress more effectively and makes large projects less daunting.

✅ Customize for the Role

Customize the template to fit the specific needs and responsibilities of different roles within the organization. Different roles may require different types of task management.

✅ Incorporate Flexibility

Allow some flexibility in how tasks are completed. Employees often have their own effective ways of completing tasks, so provide guidelines but allow for individual working styles.

✅ Use Clear, Actionable Language

Write tasks in clear, actionable language. Be specific about what needs to be done to avoid ambiguity and ensure that employees understand their responsibilities.

✅ Integrate with Other Tools

If possible, integrate the task list with other project management and productivity tools used in your organization. This can help streamline processes and keep all information centralized.

✅ Encourage Regular Review

Encourage employees to review and reflect on their task list regularly. This helps them stay on track and prioritize their work effectively.

People Also Ask These Questions About Employee Task List Templates

Q: how do i create an effective employee task list template.

  • A: To create an effective employee task list template, start by identifying the key components that reflect your team’s workflow. These include task names, descriptions, deadlines, priorities, and assignees. Utilize a clear, easy-to-read format and categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Consider including sections for notes or progress updates. It’s essential to keep the template flexible for adjustments and ensure it’s accessible to all team members. Regularly review and update the template to match evolving project needs and feedback from the team to maintain its effectiveness.

Q: Are there different types of employee task list templates available?

  • A: Yes, there are various types of employee task list templates available, catering to different project needs and management styles. Common types include daily to-do lists, weekly task planners, project-specific task lists, team collaboration templates, and progress-tracking templates. Each type varies in complexity and detail level, from simple checklists to comprehensive project management tools. Some focus on individual productivity, while others are designed to collaborate and track large projects. The template choice depends on the work’s nature, team size, and specific project requirements.

Q: How can I customize an employee task list template for my specific needs?

  • A: Customizing an employee task list template involves tailoring it to fit your specific project needs and team dynamics. Start by selecting a template that closely aligns with your workflow. Then, modify elements like task categories, priority indicators, and deadline formats to suit your project’s complexity. Add or remove sections based on relevance, such as project milestones, team member assignments, or status updates. Utilize your team’s input for further customization, ensuring the template addresses their workflow and communication preferences. Remember, making the template intuitive and user-friendly for everyone involved is key.

Q: Can I use employee task list templates for team projects?

  • A: Yes, employee task list templates are highly beneficial for team projects. They help organize tasks, set clear responsibilities, and track progress. When used in team settings, these templates foster collaboration, ensure everyone knows their tasks and deadlines, and facilitate more accessible communication regarding project updates. Opt for templates that allow sharing and simultaneous editing if your team works remotely or in a hybrid setting. This collaborative approach ensures that all team members are on the same page and can contribute effectively to the project’s success.

Q: Are there mobile apps for managing employee task lists?

  • A: Yes, there are numerous mobile apps designed for managing employee task lists. These apps offer convenience and flexibility, allowing users to access and update their tasks on the go. Many apps sync across devices and integrate with web or desktop versions for seamless task management. Features often include task creation, setting reminders, prioritizing tasks, and collaborating with team members. Popular apps like Asana, Trello, Monday.com , and Todoist cater to different needs, from individual task tracking to comprehensive project management. These mobile solutions are ideal for dynamic work environments and remote teams.

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Free Work Timetable Templates

By Andy Marker | August 26, 2024

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We’ve gathered the most useful free Agile epic templates in Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF,  Google Docs, and Google Sheets formats.

Included in this article, you’ll find the following:

  • Weekly work timetable template
  • Hourly work timetable template
  • Monthly employee work shift timetable template
  • 24-hour work timetable template
  • Work meeting timetable template
  • Work event timetable template  

Basic Work Schedule Timetable Template

Basic Work Schedule Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Basic Work Schedule Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Basic Work Schedule Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Teams or managers can use this basic work schedule timetable template to allocate daily tasks or projects and to monitor employee hours efficiently. Available with or without data, this template ensures accurate tracking of work assignments and time spent across the week.

Notable Template Features : This template auto-tallies daily hours, providing a clear overview of work distribution and time management and making it easy to track employee productivity and adjust workloads as necessary.

To manage your time and enhance your productivity with a versatile tool, check out these  free weekly schedule templates in Excel .

Hourly Work Timetable Template

Hourly Work Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Hourly Work Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Hourly Work Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Use this hourly work timetable template to organize tasks that require precise scheduling throughout the day. This template, available with or without data, enables detailed planning and tracking of hourly activities, along with important notes.

Notable Template Features : Featuring a dedicated to-do list and a section for notes, this template offers a comprehensive view of daily tasks and essential reminders, so it’s ideal for maintaining productivity and capturing critical details throughout the workday.

Discover a variety of  free work schedule templates for Microsoft Word and Excel to suit your specific needs.

Work Meeting Timetable Template

Work Meeting Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Work Meeting Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Work Meeting Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Available with or without data, this work meeting timetable template is ideal for planning and organizing meetings that require detailed scheduling and clear communication of objectives. It ensures that you account for all aspects of the meeting, from location to agenda, to promote efficiency and thorough preparation.

Notable Template Features : This template includes sections for key details such as meeting location, start time and end time, and topics of discussion; this provides a structured format for comprehensive planning. The template also features areas for refreshments and notes, ensuring you consider every element of the meeting and making it easier to facilitate productive and well-coordinated sessions. 

Meeting Room Timetable Template

Meeting Room Timetable Template

Download the Meeting Room Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : This meeting room timetable template is ideal for scheduling and managing room bookings across the week, especially bookings that require precise time allocations in half-hour increments. It helps avoid conflicts and ensures that you utilize meeting spaces efficiently.

Notable Template Features : The template includes a clear layout with sections for room identification and weekly scheduling, so that it’s easy to track and organize room usage. The half-hour time slots allow for detailed scheduling, ensuring that meeting times are planned with precision.

Monthly Employee Work Shift Timetable Template

Monthly Employee Work Shift Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Monthly Employee Work Shift Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Monthly Employee Work Shift Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Use this monthly employee work shift timetable template to manage and visualize employee work shifts over the course of a month, with working days, absences, PTO, and holidays clearly identified. Available with or without sample data, this template is ideal for teams that require organized tracking of employee availability using a simple color-coded system.

Notable Template Features : This template includes an employee ID number for easy reference and a legend that clearly defines W for Work, A for Absence, H for Holiday, etc. The color-coded system ensures quick and accurate interpretation of each employee’s monthly schedule, aiding in efficient workforce management.

Enhance your scheduling efficiency with these  free Google Sheets schedule templates that offer real-time collaboration and easy accessibility across devices.

Employee Shift Timetable Template

Employee Shift Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Employee Shift Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Employee Shift Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Select this employee shift timetable template to manage and track employee shifts on an hour-by-hour basis and ensure comprehensive coverage of work hours throughout the day. This template, available with or without sample data, is ideal for operations that require precise scheduling and monitoring of staff across various shifts.

Notable Template Features : This template provides a detailed view of employee shifts with hour-by-hour breakdowns, making it easy to refer to and adjust if required. Its structure enables you to efficiently plan shifts and prevent overlaps or gaps in coverage to ensure smooth workflow management.

Find the best options for your scheduling needs with these  free Excel schedule templates designed to simplify your workflow. 

24-Hour Work Timetable Template

24 Hour Work Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank 24-Hour Work Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample 24-Hour Work Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Use this 24-hour work timetable template to efficiently manage round-the-clock operations and ensure that all shifts are covered every day of the week. Available with or without sample data, the template is perfect for businesses requiring continuous staffing and allows for precise and consistent scheduling.

Notable Template Features : This template provides a clear, hour-by-hour breakdown for each day of the week, offering a comprehensive view of 24-hour coverage. It’s designed to streamline scheduling across all shifts to make it easier to organize and manage uninterrupted work cycles.

For daily planning, take a look at these  free daily schedule templates that can help you stay organized. 

Weekly Work Timetable Template

Weekly Work Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Weekly Work Timetable Template for Excel  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Weekly Work Timetable Template for Excel  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Choose this weekly work timetable template to efficiently schedule and track employee work hours throughout the week and ensure accurate calculations. This template is ideal for managers who need a clear overview of employee work patterns and total hours logged.

Notable Template Features : Available with or without sample data, this template includes sections for employee ID numbers and automatically calculates the hours worked by each employee, providing a streamlined approach to weekly time management. It’s designed to facilitate easy tracking and adjustment of work schedules, promoting efficient workforce oversight.

If you’re looking to streamline your weekly planning, explore these  free weekly calendar templates for more options.

Work Event Timetable Template

Work Event Timetable Template Example

Download a Blank Work Event Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

Download a Sample Work Event Timetable Template for Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template : Use this work event timetable template with or without sample data to organize and track work-related events in precise half-hour increments and ensure smooth coordination throughout the day. This template is perfect for detailed planning and execution, including scheduling activities and managing event locations.

Notable Template Features : This template provides sections for both location and activity, offering a structured format for planning events with specific time slots. Its half-hour increments allow for granular scheduling, making it easy to manage even the most detailed event timelines.

To manage construction projects effectively, consider using these  free construction schedule templates that help you streamline timelines and improve construction project coordination.

Plan Your Work in Real Time with Timeline View for Smartsheet

Timeline view in Smartsheet empowers users to plan, visualize, and collaborate on date-based work in real-time, enabling you to effortlessly organize tasks, track progress, and communicate status.

In just a few clicks, launch your project’s timeline on any sheet to visualize your work, understand the details, and adjust information, making it easy to track project progress, detect blockers, and communicate statuses.

Discover how timeline view in Smartsheet can help your team visualize date-based work and achieve greater efficiency and transparency across projects.

Learn more about timeline view in Smartsheet .

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

Key Features

  • GPS Time Clock Accurate time tracking made easy for workers
  • Scheduling Ensure your crew always knows where to be and what to do
  • Job Tracking Effortlessly monitor and oversee job progress
  • Job Costing Accurately capture exact labor costs for each job
  • Reporting Get key insights on how to optimize your workforce
  • Labor Compliance Protect your business from costly labor disputes
  • Integrations Integrate your key systems & workflows in minutes
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Tools + Guides

  • Employee Time Tracking Guide
  • Free Construction Templates
  • Construction Management Guide
  • Field Service Management Guide
  • Contractor Business Software Reviews
  • Contact Sales
  • Contact sales
  • Published : March 17, 2023

Employee Task List Templates: Download & Print for Free!

Track and manage your teams work with free employee task list templates.

When properly utilized, employee task lists can increase productivity, communication, accountability and more. 

Here, we’ve provided three useful employee task lists templates that can be downloaded and customized to your team’s needs. We’ve also included answers to common questions about task lists to help you achieve the benefits that come with using them effectively.  

Employee Task List Template

Daily employee task list template, project task list template.

Employee Task List Template

This employee task list template includes space for project managers to assign tasks, add task descriptions, set completion dates, approve work, and more. 

Download a digital copy for easy sharing, or print and fill in. Available in Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, and PDF.

Employee Task List Template PDF

Google Sheet

Daily Employee Task List Template

Daily task list templates are best used for employees who work on various projects or tasks throughout their workday. Here, employers can assign tasks and set their priority status, and employees can log task completion and the amount of time spent on each task.

Download and customize your daily task list template here. Choose from Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, and PDF formats.

Daily Employee Task List Template PDF

Easily manage all parts of your project with this project task list template. This task list includes space for filling in task descriptions and categories, start and end dates, completion status, and more.

Download your free template here. Available in Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, and PDF.

Project Task List Template PDF

Easily Schedule & Track Employee Tasks With Workyard

Ditch the paper. Save time, money & headaches with mobile task scheduling software by Workyard.

  • Increase Crew Efficiency
  • Understand Your Job Costs
  • Ensure Payroll Is Correct

daily task assignment template

Quick & Easy Mobile Task Management

Workyard’s employee task list software makes it easy to schedule the right employee, at the right times, with our simple calendar based organizer. Organize daily or weekly schedules by employee and/or job. Communicate exactly what needs to be done with notes, checklists, and attachments that your employee's can access from our mobile app.

daily task assignment template

Track Project Labor Costs 

Workyard’s construction job costing software makes it easy for your crew to tag their hours to projects and tasks, providing you with real-time data you need to increase the accuracy of client invoices and improve profitability on every project.

daily task assignment template

GPS Time Tracker That Ensures Accuracy

Eliminate excessive payroll expenses caused by inaccurate time cards. Workyard’s construction time sheet app provides employee arrival times, departure times, and precise addresses using the most accurate GPS technology in construction. To make auditing timesheets even easier, Workyard uses smart alerts to surface potential time card mistakes.

Top Questions About Employee Task Lists

What is an employee task list, and why is it important, how do i prioritize tasks on an employee task list, how can i share an employee task list with my team, what tools or software can i use to manage employee task lists, how do i make sure employees are completing their tasks on time.

Employee task lists are forms that are used to inform employees of which tasks they are responsible for completing over a certain period of time. In the construction industry, task lists are often created at the start of a project, or throughout various stages of larger-scale projects.

Task lists are important because they provide workers with a clear outline of what is expected of them. This can help them know how they should be utilizing their time at work to finish projects and tasks more efficiently. Task lists also help employers stay on top of managing time and resources. They can see who is occupied with tasks, and who is able to take on additional work as they complete items on their lists.

Effectively prioritizing employee tasks can make all the difference in improving efficiency and ensuring deadlines are met. When prioritizing tasks, managers should assess:

Total tasks that need to be completed: The first step in prioritizing tasks is creating a list of all tasks that must be completed for a project. This makes checking off work that has been completed easier, and lets managers see a full overview of the tasks that need to be assigned.

Which tasks are most important: There’s no question that certain tasks need to be completed before others. For example, a building construction project will need to prioritize site work tasks well before internal building tasks. Managers must also consider factors like safety and local laws when prioritizing certain tasks.

Tasks with upcoming deadlines: When multiple projects or tasks are being worked on simultaneously, managers must be aware of deadlines. If a deadline is approaching for one project, management may switch the priority of other projects to “low” so that they can allocate more time to completing the project.

With traditional task lists, managers will typically provide a printed or digital copy to their teams. Employees can then view the tasks that they have been assigned, and fill in the required fields. 

While manual task lists are easily accessible, they can be difficult to manage. For example with printed forms, employees must bring them to and from job sites, which often results in them being lost. Digital copies of manual task lists also have their downsides. As anyone with access can make edits, there exists the possibility of fields being accidentally deleted or tampered with. 

One great alternative to traditional methods is digital task lists . Not only are they more secure, they also provide a more accurate overview of project progress and employee tasks. Through platforms that offer digital task lists, project managers can assign tasks, set priority statuses, and more in just a few clicks. These lists are then shared with employees where they can share updates on the completion of their tasks instantaneously.

Today, there are many great tools and software available for managing employee task lists . Depending on the nature of your business however, you will get more use out of some tools than others.

For small businesses in industries like food and beverage service, hospitality, or retail, manual task lists are likely to satisfy employers needs. In creative, finance, and tech industries, there are also many popular solutions that help teams manage tasks digitally. 

For construction, home services, or property maintenance businesses, solutions that cater specifically to these industries are likely to be the best fit. Workforce management apps like Workyard , for example, let employers manage all components of employee task lists.

Making sure employees complete all of their tasks on time is an important duty for project managers. Failure to complete tasks before their deadlines can lead to project delays, lower productivity, and a damaged company reputation.

To ensure employees are completing tasks on time, employers should:

Clearly communicate expectations: Ensure employees are aware of their responsibility to complete tasks by a specific date and time.

Offer support: If an employee is consistently late on delivering work, they may require additional training or support from other team members. 

Utilize management tools: Task management tools such as digital task lists can help employees keep track of what tasks need to be worked on, and when they need to be completed by.

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Get Things Done With An Employee Task List App Built For The Field

More on this, construction daily report templates: download & print for free .

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Workyard provides leading workforce management solutions to construction, service, and property maintenance companies of all sizes.

daily task assignment template


  1. Daily Assignment

    daily task assignment template

  2. Project Checklist Assignments Template

    daily task assignment template

  3. Employee Daily Task

    daily task assignment template

  4. Task List Templates

    daily task assignment template

  5. Printable Daily Task Schedule for Homeschooling and Chores

    daily task assignment template

  6. Printable Daily Task Schedule for Homeschooling and Chores

    daily task assignment template


  1. Personal Assignment English Professional

  2. Task: Assignment

  3. Personal Assignment English Professional

  4. Task Management System for Project, Team Managers and Business Owners #shortsvideo

  5. SAP Account Assignment Template

  6. Homework Help: Module 4/Week 4-SNHU 107 Learning Community Webinar C-4


  1. 30+ Free Task and Checklist Templates

    30 Free Task and Checklist Templates

  2. Free Microsoft Word Task List Templates, Planners & Checklists

    Free Microsoft Word Task List Templates ...

  3. Free Excel Task Tracker Template & To-Do List

    Free Excel Task Tracker Template & To-Do List

  4. 11 Free Task List & Assignment Templates in Excel & ClickUp

    They're also easy to use, customizable, and completely free. 🆓. 1. ClickUp Daily Task List Template. ClickUp Daily Task Template is perfect for managing daily tasks and keeping track of your entire day. The ClickUp Daily Task List Template is your partner in organizing everyday tasks, from the most routine to critical.

  5. Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

    This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date, which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.) The second is the (2) Tags field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject.

  6. Free Employee Task List Template and Actionable Guide for 2024

    Free Employee Task List Template and Actionable ...

  7. Free Task List Templates for Employees (Excel

    What is a Template for a Task List? A template for a task list serves as a versatile document that enables efficient organisation, tracking, and management of project activities.. It provides a structured format with various categories of information essential for effective project management.These categories typically include activity descriptions, assigned employees, status updates ...

  8. Daily task list templates

    Daily task list templates - Download PDF

  9. Free Task List Templates for Excel

    Free Task List Templates for Excel

  10. Easy-to-use daily work schedule template

    A daily work schedule template is a flexible tool that can be used in various situations — from outlining ongoing tasks to planning a project for an entire department. Here are several variations of a daily work schedule template: 1. To-do list templates. The most basic form of a daily work schedule is a to-do list.

  11. 27 Printable Daily Checklist (and To Do List) Templates

    Keep track of your activities, tasks, and appointments for the day with this simple template. You can also use it to set your daily priorities, plan out a project, and keep life organized. The template has check-off boxes next to each blank. It lets you list up to 16 different items in a single page.

  12. Free Daily Work Schedule Templates

    Free Daily Work Schedule Templates

  13. Daily Task List Template

    Customizing your Daily Task List Template only takes a few minutes. No coding required — just drag and drop to add new tasks, rows and columns, color-coded labels, and tabs to help you stay better organized and keep track of each and every task. With a custom online Daily Task LIst Template, you'll stay on top of your to-do list and meet ...

  14. Daily Assignment Checklist Template

    Better manage student assignments and due dates online with a free Daily Assignment Checklist — and enjoy more time to focus on teaching your students. Keep your students on track with a Daily Assignment Checklist. View in spreadsheet, card, or calendar format. Easy to customize and update on any device.

  15. Free Task Management Templates for Project Managers

    This Excel task tracker template was designed for project or task managers who wish to apply Scrum principles when planning and monitoring their team's tasks. The free task tracker spreadsheet splits tasks into short sprints for easier management and allows users to define priorities, see task status at a glance, and track assignments as they ...

  16. 11 Free Task Management Templates in ClickUp & Excel

    11 Free Task Management Templates. If you're looking for a free and perfect way to keep track of all your tasks and projects, check out these 11 free task management templates from ClickUp and Excel. 1. ClickUp Task Management Template. Keep all of your tasks organized in one place with this template.

  17. The Free Google Sheets Task List Template [Easy Guide]

    The Free Google Sheets Task List Template [Easy Guide]

  18. Free Task Tracker Template And Why You Need One

    A task tracker template, therefore, is an indispensable tool to have when starting your project management process. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using a task-tracking list and the essential components to include. Additionally, we'll provide you with a free task template to give you a head start on your project management process.

  19. 11 Employee Task List Templates For 2024

    An employee task list template is a structured document or digital tool designed to outline and organize employee tasks. It serves as an action plan roadmap for daily duties, helping team members prioritize their workload and manage their time effectively. These templates are used during one-on-one employee check-ins and typically include key ...

  20. Free Work TimeTable Templates: Shift, Meeting, Event & More

    When to Use This Template: Teams or managers can use this basic work schedule timetable template to allocate daily tasks or projects and to monitor employee hours efficiently. Available with or without data, this template ensures accurate tracking of work assignments and time spent across the week.

  21. Employee Task List Templates: Download & Print for Free!

    Daily Employee Task List Template. Daily task list templates are best used for employees who work on various projects or tasks throughout their workday. Here, employers can assign tasks and set their priority status, and employees can log task completion and the amount of time spent on each task. Download and customize your daily task list ...