Essay on "I Wish I Had Known..."

Essay on “I Wish I Had Known…”

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“I Wish I Had Known…”


Hindsight is often referred to as 20/20 vision, and with good reason. It’s not uncommon for people to look back on their lives and think, “I wish I had known…” This sentiment arises from the realization that life’s lessons are often learned through experience, and sometimes, we only truly understand their significance in retrospect. In this essay, we will explore the notion of “I wish I had known…” and delve into some of the valuable insights that might have changed our actions or perspectives had we possessed them earlier.

The Value of Time:

One common theme in “I wish I had known…” reflections is the value of time. Many people wish they had understood just how fleeting and precious time can be. In our busy lives, we often prioritize the urgent over the important, only to later regret not spending more time with loved ones, pursuing our passions, or taking chances on new experiences. Understanding the true value of time can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

The Power of Resilience:

Another aspect often lamented in such reflections is the power of resilience. Life can be challenging, and setbacks are inevitable. Many people wish they had known earlier that adversity doesn’t define them but can, in fact, be a catalyst for growth. Embracing resilience early on can help individuals navigate difficulties with greater strength and perspective.

The Impact of Choices:

“I wish I had known…” also frequently pertains to choices and their consequences. We make decisions daily, ranging from trivial to life-altering. Understanding that choices have far-reaching effects can prompt individuals to make more considered decisions. Whether in matters of education, career, relationships, or health, recognizing the importance of choices can lead to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

The Importance of Self-Compassion:

Self-compassion is a lesson often learned later in life. Many individuals wish they had known the importance of treating themselves with the same kindness and understanding they extend to others. Self-compassion can alleviate unnecessary self-criticism, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

The Significance of Authenticity:

Living authentically, true to one’s values and aspirations, is another insight often discovered later in life. “I wish I had known…” here often refers to the realization that societal expectations or the pursuit of external validation can lead to a sense of emptiness. Understanding the importance of being true to oneself can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


“I wish I had known…” is a sentiment that reflects the universal human experience of growth and self-discovery. While we cannot turn back time, we can use these reflections as a guide for our future. These insights can serve as a source of motivation to live more intentionally, cherish time with loved ones, embrace resilience, make informed choices, practice self-compassion, and live authentically. In doing so, we can turn the lessons of the past into the wisdom of the present and future, enriching our lives and the lives of those around us.

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I Wish I Had Known Essay

Photo of Shama Nathoo

How to answer “I Wish I Had Known Essay” correctly?

Let us look at the magic term: Essay . When a question asks a student to write an “essay,” they (students) are expected to provide a structured and well-organised piece of writing that presents and supports a main idea or a position. The essay should have an introduction that introduces the topic and states the position or a side of the writer, body paragraphs that support the thesis or position with evidence and examples based on their country of South Africa, and a conclusion that summarises the main points and restates the position (good/bad). For higher marks, the essay should demonstrate critical thinking, a paragraph with history or background of the topic, and all should be written with clarity and simple english for better understanding.

Photo of Shama Nathoo

Shama Nathoo

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Daily Writing Tips

If only i had known.

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Have you ever noticed how many websites offer lists of things their authors wish they had done differently in the past?

The Workplace Tips I Wish I’d Known From the Start Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married 67 Things I Wish I Had Known At 18 What I Wish I’d Known Before Starting My Business

Unfortunately, not all the bloggers who express their regrets and offer the fruit of their experience do it grammatically. For every one who writes, “I wish I had known…,” another five write, “I wish I would have known…”

Oh, the things I wish I would have known then that I know now… 30 things I wish I would have known about life Things I wish I would have known when I got started in software development

Would does not belong in the subordinate clause of the lament.

The verb wish is followed by the past perfect: I wish I had known then what I know now.

A similar error occurs with the use of “if” clauses.

If I Would Have Known Then What I Know Now- 29 Business Owners Speak Out

Again, the would is unnecessary: If I Had Known Then What I Know Now.

Because hindsight is universal, we all need to know how to wish things hadn’t happened, so while we’re at it, we may as well look at how to make wishes about the present and future.

Use past tense to wish regarding the present :

I don’t like this neighborhood. I wish I lived in Bellaire. My car is a wreck. I wish I had the money to buy a new one. My husband works all the time. I wish he were not so busy.

Note: “If I were” is the older way of expressing a wish in the subjunctive mood. Like the use of “whom,” the subjunctive in English is dying out. I think most authorities see the take-over of “if I was” as inevitable, but some still feel it should not be used in formal written English.

Use past tense modals would and could to wish regarding the future :

I don’t like this neighborhood. I wish I could move to Bellaire. My car is a wreck. I wish I could buy a new one. My husband works all the time. I wish he would quit that job.

And, as already mentioned, to wish the past had been different, use the past perfect:

I wish I had majored in computer engineering instead of literature. Jack wishes he hadn’t run with a bad crowd in high school. We all wish we hadn’t eaten so much at the picnic.

Happy wishing.

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english essay i wish i had known

5 thoughts on “If Only I Had Known”

Happy “Thanks-wishing” to you too! I am sure that later we will all be wishing we hadn’t eaten so much at our Menurkey dinners LOL…happy Thanksgivukkah to all 🙂

That use of the word “would” when it is not needed is indeed dreadful! There is not any logic to it.

Also dreadful is the use of the word “would” to refer to events that happened e.g. 200 years ago. “Would” is a verb in the subjunctive mood for future possibilities. (It is the subjunctive of “will”.) Events that are part of verifiable history are not subjunctive at all. They did happen.

Reprentatives of the United States and the United Kingdom did sign the Treaty of Ghent in December 1814. (“would sign” doesn’t have anything to do with it). That was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812, a war that was in action 200 years ago as I write this. D.A.W.

On the subject of giving thanks… I say thank heavens I grew up hearing and of course reading English spoken correctly. I don’t think there’s any way I otherwise could have learned and applied the rules for wishing and if-onlying in the past, present, and future.

“If I was” just grates. It is my red flag. Some say that proper grammar is the main determinate of status in the United States. “If I was” is the litmus test.

“Some say that proper grammar is the main determinate of status in the United States.”

Or main determinant, maybe. You see, there are these litmus tests…(j/k):)

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english essay i wish i had known

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In the last lesson we talked about using the verb WISH to talk about unreal situations in the present. Things that we would like to change now, but we can’t. In this lesson, we’re going to look at the difference between a wish in the present and a wish in the past. What’s the difference? How does the sentence change?

Let’s use the example I WISH I KNEW from the verb TO KNOW. So as you remember from the last lesson, to make a wish about the present, we need to use the verb in the past, because this is not a real situation. It’s what we call a hypothetical situation, which means unreal. We are imagining this situation. I WISH I KNEW. For example, I WISH I KNEW the answer, I WISH I KNEW the answer. This means I don’t know the answer now, but I really want to know now! Maybe I’m doing an exam and it’s very hard, so I think to myself I WISH I KNEW the answer! Unfortunately I don’t, and I can’t change this situation, because I’m doing the exam now and I can’t check!

Now, imagine the exam is now finished and I’m worried that I did very badly. I think I probably failed the exam because I didn’t know the answer during the exam. I’m now making a wish about the past. So if we use the verb in the past to talk about a present wish, we use the verb in the past perfect to talk about a past wish, like this: I WISH I HAD KNOWN the answer, I WISH I HAD KNOWN the answer. This is now a wish about the past and the past is finished so there is nothing we can do to change the past (unless you have a time machine!) so I say to myself: I WISH I HAD KNOWN the answer. That’s WISH followed by the past perfect, in this case HAD KNOWN.

So, I WISH I KNEW the answer (a wish about the present) and I WISH I HAD KNOWN the answer (a wish about the past). And just a quick point about pronunciation. To make it quicker and easier to pronounce, we often say: I WISH I’D KNOWN, I WISH I’D KNOWN, so HAD is a weak sound.

I hope that’s clear. Good luck and see you in the next class!

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Speaking English – “I wish I had…”

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Excellent quiz! 9/10

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Expressing regrets in the past is not that easy due mainly to the grammar tenses involved and the ideas they conveyed.

Well-designed quiz and understandable lesson.

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Regino, you are always so explanatory in your comments! I love <3

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Thanks for your comment Carol, I do really appreciate it.

Have a nice day!!!

Regino, you are getting quite popular with our viewers because you are so helpful. Thank you, my friend.

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Hi Region, Would you like to speak with me voice?? If yes , please add me in skype marmar.mmm

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hi Maryam Zaky I’d like to find somebody to communicate with in English. this will be helpful. If you don’t mind lets start skype talks.

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You’re a good person!!!

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Please .. Regino ,hamid,mickica,carol. Add me , tango or whatsup 00866536980079

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Please add me too. Skype Name: alexycarter watsup : +639271236675

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Well Maryam, if only you had posted this message at the end of last year, I would’ve been able to help you out.

However, at this moment, I’m working all around the clock.

All the best with your English Maryam.

Regino,that is a good reason to say “NO”!

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And working in Global Warming, etc. Or bla, bla, bla. Fucking clown. Don’t answer.

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god lesson !

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Good* Keep be teached with this teacher you will be better soon.

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Nice Lesson

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very well and usefull quiz!!! greetings

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Thanks for the lesson. I learned a lot with you.

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Hi Robsontex,would you like to speak with me? If yes please add me on skype (marmar.mmm).Have a nice day!!!

good I got it!

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Thanks for the lesson. 10/10…. Excellent!!!

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Great lesson Rebecca but I would have liked you to explain I wish + subject + would + verb structure as well to understand the difference between them but either way thanks so much for your help.

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Very good! I wish I have found this website before! : ) Congrats for your explanations and the way you teach! Thank you!

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Good use of the expression! All the best to you.

9/10 :) Maybe it is just lucky. My daughter forgot to bring masks to her school trip. I wish she wouldn’t have felt worse, because she has house-dust allergy and feel worse easily :( My sentence is correct? I don’t have self-confidence. Thank you, Rebecca :)

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I wish you had explained I + wish + she/he + would. :), since I get confused, there are many ways to use wish :c

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Hi 9coque,Would you like to speak with me voice?? if yes, please add me in skype (marmar.mmm)

Thank you Rebecca I got 7 correct out of 10 score. please add me skype id ukrit_2011 for teach me English language.

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Now I see. They use “wish” for the past time and “would” for future.

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Thank you. Rebecca.:)

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I’m got 8/10 maybe lucky huhuhuhu

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I got 100 ,thank you very much

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Thank you Ms Rebecca, got 70%. Some tricky and logical lesson.

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thank you .

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This is the first lesson for Rebecca I have seen and her way of teach was pretty good also I have got 10 out 10 ;) in fact, it was so easy . Now I will find out of her lessons. Good luck for everyone :) <3

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Can anyone talk english with me everyday 30 min. I really want to be better- because it is my last year in college and i need to talk more english.

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I would love talking to you

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Hey Sally :) Are you serious :) So do you have skype, so we can communicate :)

I just saw your reply :) add me: sally.learner (I’m from Brazil)

Okaay. Great I did.

You don’t want someone to talk to… You’re not interested in meeting people of other cultures, you just want a private English teacher for free. I am tired of people like you.

LOL! Why do you say like that. You said that tou cannot speak english and your english was bad. And my message is to people who can speak english fluently, because i need to a better accent. So dear Sally, please relax – And yes, i am not interested in meeting people of other cultures and just write with them, i dont have the time. I only want to talk with people who can speak fluently english and that is it!. And yes i need a english teacher for free!.

I didn’t say I cannot speak English and my English is bad. I said it was not so good and your were so rude saying you have no time to lose with me. I am very sorry that you can not have time to enjoy life and good conversations, because I am graduated in languages and have plenty of time to meet people all over the world and it has been an wonderful experience. I hope someday you can afford this, just like me. Good luck.

Thanks alot! Dear Sally. And have a nice time.

Sally plz Add me to talk by tango or whatsup .. 00966536980079

The problem with me is, I can only communicate in written. I can’t be online on video or audio chats due to non-availability of devices. So, that won’t be good for you.

best wishes abhi

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Dear Abhi Thanks for you answer and your kindness. But as you say that only chatting won’t be good for me, because i need to talk english :) But thanks a lot :) Have a nice time.

And yes : I can speak urdo (Hindi as you said)

Rana. .. Add me plz to talk 00966536980079 tango or line

i got 100 thank you Rebecca the lesson was veru easy and you are a good teacher.

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you’re an excellent teacher i’ve ever seen in my life.

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thanks Rebecca. 100 at the quiz and what about “go away” option in the 7th question!!! my boss would fired me if I only say that lol!

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Hello everybody, I got 10/10 Thanks for these exercises

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many thanks

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Great lesson Rebecca! Thank you very much.

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Hi everybody.In the last question. What is the difference between three sentences below? 1: I wish I cancelled my reservasion. 2: I wish I made the cancellation my reservation. 3: I wish I had cancelled my reservation.

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The last one is the best option. The first is okay, but not perfect. The word order in the second one is completely wrong. All the best to you.

can you help on skype?

I scored 8 out of 10, I wish I had scored all. Thanks Rebecca.

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Madam,very good lesson.Thank you very much

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Wow So good , I will learn more and work hard to improve my English. thanks

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thank you for this lesson ^^

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9/10 good lesson

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Thank you Rebecca! I got 9 out of 10! I made a easy mistake. I wish I had read the question more carefully.

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The main point is that you understood your mistake. Good for you and all the best!

Thanks so much for your effective & awesome lesson. You are great. please provide a lesson for the English teaching method or how to Teach English better and easier so that our students get it. thank you so much

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Very good usage of ‘i wish i had’, in your comment :)

Rebecca, thank you so much to reply my comment.

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10/10 Very helpful quiz

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Hi Joni, would you like to speak voice with me to improve my English? if yes please add me in skype (marmar.mmm)

10/10 :D thanks!

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7/10 thank you so much !

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Amazing lesson! Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca. I’ve got a question though. I’d like to know whether “wish” has other usages refering to other meanings or not. I’ll be looking forward to your answer teacher Rebecca. Thanks a lot once again!

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Yes, you could say:

I wish you a very Happy Birthday. or I wished him a Happy New Year.

The word has that meaning too. In this lesson, I wanted to show how it can be used to express regret. All the best to you.

Hi Rebecca Great lesson really, so i appreciate for video to help me. actually Engvid web i interest to watch, lessening, download their videos and also i loved their teachers in the way of teaching us, repeatedly so many thanks my teacher Rebecca you and your Friends engvid Warm regards Asha

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Excellent lesson, thank you much Rebecca. I wish I had found out your awesome website earlier :)

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Better late than never! All the best to you, Hassan, and welcome to engvVid!

Thank you so much Rebecca :)

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Good!!! Thanks Rebecca

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thank you very much rebecca you are a great techer … keep going :)

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Excellent lesson as you ever make Rebecca. Thank alot.

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Thanks a lot.

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video is not working :(

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All our videos are on Youtube, which is blocked in Pakistan. You may need to use a VPN/anti-filter or the Tor browser.

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thanks, very good :) If only i had joined this site sooner , i would have learned lots of interesting n’ useful stuff here. ha ha

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Well said! You really learned the lesson well! All the best to you.

Rebecca, I’m your fan! .. Your lessons are always useful for me. Thanks.

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Thank you for your kind comments. So glad to be able to help you. My best wishes to you.

Thanks Rebecca. It was interesting lesson. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time without improving my English. <>…..

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Nice comment! All the best! Glad you’re here with us now!

I wish I had found out this amazing site before!

Now you have, Carlos! Thanks for sharing your perfect comment. My best to you.

You should probably say:

I wish I had found this amazing site before…

“Found out” is used in a different way, and usually refers to bad or unpleasant news. All the best!

Thank you So much ^^ , My companions who wants sharing me to practice his English please feel free to be in touch with me “”

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Good lesson! I wish I had watched this lesson a long time ago! thank you!

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100% !!! I wish I had found ENGVID while I was in college.

thank you Rebecca!

thanks a lot, you are always doing best

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hi mam.i hv one doubt.. MOST MEMMORABLE PERSON I HV EVER MET. can u plz explain these sentence?

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If someone said that to you, it was a big compliment. It means you made a very good impression on them and they cannot forget you! All the best!

9/10 but this grammar every small ,in my lesson not small ?

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I wish I had learnt english when I was young. Adults have a little bit more difficult to learn than children, don’t You thing colleagues? Greeting to everyone!!

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I think adults with motivation can do anything so we don’t have to worry about our age! Just go forward with confidence and energy and we can reach our goals. My best wishes to you.

Definitely is easier to learn when you are young.But maybe, when you are older, you have more patience.At least, this is my case.In my youth each time I tried to learn English, I gave up early. Now, there are two years since I learn English almost every day and I am never bored.Maybe because I learn it only for fun.

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It certainly helps to be more relaxed when you are learning something as stress is not good for our brain. So watching online videos is a good, smart way to learn. Also, you have such a good attitude now.

10/10. Oh, If only I had learned English when I was in school. Now it’s so much more difficult.

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But now you are so much more in control and have so much more motivation! I’m sure you can do it. All the best.

I got 9/10. Thank you for your wonderful lesson. I wish I had known you and this website earlier.

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thanx rebecca but some time i can undrstand your question that’s why i misstake in 2 answers.

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Do not worry! Making mistakes is an essential part of learning.

Take your time to read and understand the quiz questions and only then choose the correct answers.

Hope it helps Gannupriya.

Regards and good luck with your English.

We learn a lot from our mistakes so don’t worry! Great that you want to learn and improve, and that’s the important part! All the best!

9/10 Thanks for your good lesson if only I had subscribe website earlier I will be good in English lol

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yeah 10 10 thats perfect thank my my teacherrr

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Hi everyone, 10/10, thanks for your classes

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great Rebecca. I had 10 out of 10 after your lesson ;-) Wish I had found you earlier (your YT channel) :-)

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thank you so moch Rebecca-san i got 9/10

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9/10. Great job!

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good lesson

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Thank-you very much, Rebecca. Interesting lesson as usual.

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thank you so much :)

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Many thanks.

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i got 60. nice lesson

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Thank you! I will keep going to learn more and more. I like this lesson!

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Thank you:)

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10 out of 10

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9/10 lovely

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I wish I had studied that lesson before!! good lesson, congratulation Teacher!

10/10 Nice lesson.

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Good lesson, but it was hard for me to do the answers in quiz. It’s really hard to understand.

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my skype (eng.hussein) you can add me to improve our langhuage thank you so match

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This video is very useful for me. By this video so my knowledge is increasing, and also I can understand catch up your words easily. Thanks Mrs. Rebecca :D

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8/10 thank you! :D

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Thank you mam :) I got all of them correct. Well designed quiz (y)

You have the makings of a diplomat! All the best to you.

Thank you mam :)

I am proud of all those who used the newly-learnt expressions in their comments. Each new expression you learn takes you one step forward in mastering English. Good for you! Thanks for all your feedback. Please tell your friends if you find our website useful so we can continue to add new lessons. Thanks!

Thank you Professor ! actually i want to thank you about all of these awesome videos , i could touch like the wisdom in your soul thank you again from one of your loyal audience “students”

Wow, thank you, Anwar. So glad to hear that the lessons are helping you. You seem quite determined to improve and I am sure you will go far. My best wishes to you, my friend.

“I wish” actually I heard these words many times before but now ı understood these meaning. you’re really good at teaching thanks once again

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If I had only known your videos I wolud be better in English now .

hi, i got 7 out of 10. thanks for the wonderful quiz. its more useful. thank you.

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Thanks a lot miss Rebecca I had 9/10 in a quiz ,but could I ask you what the difference between I Wish I had and second conditional tense because I see the both use for imagine situation . With my Respect.

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thanks Rebecca 9\10 n’ i was knew the the right answer but i marked on another one (my bad)

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Thanks a lot, great quiz

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Hi Mrs. Rebecca, I really like this website. I wish I had found it before. If only I had

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Good use of the expression! Thanks for your comments and all the best, my friend.


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i got 100 thanks…

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Many thanks mrs.rebecca for this lesson I got 9/10

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Thank you for this lesson! 10/10

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Thank you very much. Great video and explanations. Thanks Rebecca!

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My pleasure. How wonderful that you can speak so many languages. My best wishes to you.

hi mam! hoe are you? i got 60% in this lesson thanks mam.

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hi mam! how are you? i got 60% in this lesson thanks mam.

Very useful lesson, thanks :-)

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got 10 correct out of 10. i like this site i feel its positive and i wish i had subscribed earlier :)

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good evening rebecca well i want to tell you about my grammar i am still nervous about these words what whose whom does whatever basically my fluency is too weak please help me… thanks and best regards….

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We have hundreds of lessons on engvid. I’m sure many of them can help you. All the best to you.

yeah! 100% Thanks for this great lesson!

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” The person who got 10/10, what will be his bonus? Jaweed Amini

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I wish I had taught English earlier!!!! I’ve lost so much time!!! So sad!

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same here unfortunalitty

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It would be ok, if I could tick the video which I’ve already watched!!! I’m sorry for my grammar mistakes!

Really helps. Thank you.

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10/10 I appreciate it. Thanx a lot.

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good lesson!

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Thanks Rebecca

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Thanks to engVid.

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now we learn it in school and it’s such a difficult topic

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Yep!!! I agree with you DaryMar, but practice makes the difference.

Have a great day!

very interesting, thanks a lot

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may god bless you for this wonderfull job well done

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Very useful video and teach me how to use them. thanks.

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thank you… it help me a lot to understand how to use the words.. 10 point.. i’m happy.. hehe

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6/10 i thing i need to learn more

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learn again and now good , thank

It’s my first time in this website and I love it!! I have been studing English for almost 8 months and I still having problems with my grammar. Dear Rebeca Thanks a lot for your helpfull explication!!

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Thanks for your comments and I’m glad the explanation helped you. All the best.

Good Lesson..! Thanks…

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Happy 10/10,thanks a lot

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great lesson! well, I have a doubt,the structure ” If only I have…” we can use always changing a sentence back, as we do in subjunctive form. All the best to you, Rebeca.

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VERY NICE! I got it easily fantastic now its very easy for me like a peace of cake

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hii rebecca you are a wonderful teacher will you please teach the use of been and being

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Thanks for your suggestion, Megha, and for your kind comments. My best wishes to you.

8/10 not bad at all.

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10/10, thanks rebecca

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10/10 :) Thank you Rebeca !

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I made it. 10/10

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Excellent 10/10

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I got all of them correct :D That was really helpful! Thank you !

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Yeahhh 100!!

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thank you :)

It was really easy short and sweet thanks dear Robeca

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10/10! Thank you teacher. I wish I had found your lessons before

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Exellent your classes are amazing

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thank you for this lesson, teacher Rebeca.the way of your explanation is very clear and I also challenge to listen out how you use English sentence in your explanation part.I really enjoyed your lessons.

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Thank you i got to understand how to express my feeling to what i supposed to do and what i had done and what i hadn’t done?

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Life is like that…it may happen again….so the phrases may be useful in the future! All the best!

i got 10 out of 10 while testing.but i want me to do speak correctly.i hope i can do it because you are with me.i wish i had come earlier.however i got u

HI Rebecca amazing lesson, Thank you very much

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thanks teacher! :)

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madam i got 6/10 and i study in english language.advanced one class.this is my skype id ihtesham rosham.please add me.

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This lesson was very good, Rebecca is the best teacher of

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10/10 this is my first time doing this quiz. thanks a lot.

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10/10. Perfect!

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9/10 not bad

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8 out of 10……………..tq

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I enjoy your lesson, Rebecca. Thank you!

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I’ve got it on third time, but I’ve got it and 100% as conclusion

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Good job to all of you who did well on the quiz and those of you who went back to improve your score. My best wishes to you all.

I want to know also

I get 9 out of 10

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what’s the difference of “if only”and “only if”

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It’s useful. got 10/10

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I got 8 correct out of 10

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i got 9 correct out of 10, good lesson ))))

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Hello, I am from Brasil and I am learning English. Today was my first time that I knew this web site, I loved it! I did exercices and watched some lessons.

Thank you for your help!!

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I got 9/10!!!! Uhuuuu!!!

This is my first lesson here. Thank you for the great explanation!

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yepeee i got 100 i feel so god

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thank you for ur excellent classes

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Hi Robecca nice lesson great work I learn a new grammar rule thanks a lot

This is my first lesson greaaaaaat

I wish I had known this site before robecca

I got 9 out of 10.Thanks for ur lesson

I got 100 % Thank you for this lesson!

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This website is wonderful. I got 100%, thank you for this lesson!

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I got 10/10 waww thanks my teacher.

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hi rebecca, thanks for your nice lesson. even though it’s really a tough to get it well,i got 10/10. but could you pls give a explanation when we use must have,might have ,could have,would have or in relation to past regret. again thnx a lot. can i get your reply through my email?

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Thank you, very mach for lesson, but i think the question 9 can have two variants of answer, as 1 or 4.)))))

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hello. my english is not good. can you help me please. my skype id is abdullah_rti

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I wish I had watched this earlier. Thanks..

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100% correct! Proud of myself!

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hi beetlejuice can you practics me.please my skype id is “abdullah_rti”

mantab 10/10

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which one is true? A:”If only I had accepted the job with the insurance company, I wouldn’t have to worry about this.” B:”If only I had accepted the job with the insurance company, I wouldn’t have worried about this.”

move on your quez 6. I guess “B” is correct. please explain me why “A” is right.thanks

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9/10~~ If only I had studied harder;I could have got all correct..!!

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thank you very much mam Rebecca.

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thanks for you teacher . you are the best . i like the way u teach .

eg. for lesson i which i hadn`t met rude people in my old work.

Hello, Rebecca ! It was cold shower for me. I got only 5 from 10. Shame upon me ! That’s real mind-crashing quiz (and very useful). Thanks ! My intention is to go through the quiz over and over again. Regards!

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hello I dont understand eny thing about this class ,sory and iwish learn me more

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I f only I had stumbled upon engvid earlier, I would have been better.

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9/10 excellent video. thnak you Rebecca

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That’s great. Thanks for the lesson!

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I got 10 out of 10. If only I had seen this video before, I would had understood perfectly. Thanks, professor Rebecca

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i wish i had more tips that can understand bu using had hadn’t, To determined what most appropriate use by had or hadn’t. Thank you

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Thanks again for such useful lesson.

You are a wonderful teacher, Rebecca.

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Thanks Rebecca.

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wow I got 10 out of 10… I am so happy.. it is my first time here… I must say it is a good website to learn english…I could see that there are other teachers here I hope that they are clever like you.. anyway I will share it with my classmate…. thanks Rebbecaaa.. I will watch all your videos when I finish it.. I will start with other teacher from this website :)

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thank you so much Rebecca, your lesson help me so much :)

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thanks to you

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Thanks a lot))

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I am an international student in USA . If you want to practice with me,you can join my skype

skype: mrthartford

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please can you email me cause i dont have skype and i need to practice :( do you have another way to make practice please :)

[email protected]

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hi, I’m looking for friends for practice my English)

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I wish I had knowen Engvid since long time, Thank you so much

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yes i agree with you >> i wish i had known engvid before long time

8/10 not so bad…. if there is something that want practise english with me, please add me on Skype. daniele.english1 Bye!!!

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i got 9/10 thanks teacher so much it was very useful and difficult in the same time :) but i do it thanks sooo much << love you

Dear Rebecca, If only I had found your website early, I would have spoken English more fluently. Your lessons are valuable. Best regards.

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Great lesson,thank you teacher REBECCA

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Thank’s veru much. Your lessons are veru important for me. Thank you once more/

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GREAT I wish i had known the Engvid eralier…

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think that u mean “earlier”

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Thank you for the explanation :)

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I got 9 correct out of 10 thank you rebacca

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I missed the last one. I wish I had gotten all correct. Thank u Rebecca n the person discover this great web.

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my quiz rebecca: 90 You got 9 correct out of 10. :)

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I got 100/100 ^^

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thanks dear rebbeca

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i wish i had more time to checkout all your videos and learn more about English .in this video i score 8/10 best luck for me next time ,,,and thanks dear Rebecca for doing such a great job …i wish i had enough luck to have a face to face conversation with you

I have Any problems in this lesson .if someone want help me :skype : aymene-super-b-boy .thank you rebecca <3

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Excellent lesson Mam. Thanks. Scored 9/10. Mam, can we use feel instead of wish?. Advance thanks.

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Excellent lesson. Thank you.

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I got 90% I wish I had 100%

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10/10 nicelesson and the test :)

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I got 10 correct out of 10. Can’t wait for the other lessons. If only I had been with Engvid earlier, I wouldn’t have to worry about my test.

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YEEEEEEES thank you so much i did it; i well get a great mark if i learning every time in Engvid

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Very good quiz. Thanks ENGVID!

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Thank you ! :-)

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Hi Rebecca It was a great job by you..!! Generally, this kind of phrases used by native speakers more often. Could you please also teach us on “I wish I could” and “I wish I would”. Because they cause great confusion to me.

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I really like the quiz, but i didn’t understand why number 8 is if only and no just if, can u help me?

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I love you Rebecca! Anyway, 100% ok. Fantastic the answer: GO AWAY!!! buhahaha

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got 10 out of 10.. Yeeeyy

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This is a good lesson, however i have a doubt regarding this; Is there any differences between I WISH I HAD/HADN’T & SHOULD HAVE/HAVEN’T ? 1. I wish i hadn’t slapped him. 2. I shouldn’t have slapped him.

The above examples have the same meaning?

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good lesson welldone for you

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10/10 it is very easy with perfect teaching

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Nice Lesson, I made 100 I wish I had met the EngVid before, so I would not have lost so much time with bad lessons

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Hi Mrs Rebecca! I really enjoyed myself to watch your lessons it helping me.Thank you so mush

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Perfect way to learning, If only i had found it earlier, I had changed improve my english early. Congratulation!

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Hi Rebecca. Really like your lesson. I like the way you teach which is slow and steady. May I confirm with you whether item no. 2 is also correct?

1. If only I had studied harder…(as per video) 2. If only I studied harder…

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thanks Rebecca the lesson is very good and I will use it in my situations.

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Super! I like your lessons!!!Thank you!!!

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I wish I had bought an apartment. I live in ShenZhen China. It’s home prices had increased by 60%+ in one year.

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I wish I had known engvid earlyer,

i’m new here , and really it’s quite wonderfuL ; what a perfectway to learn english Thank You Teacher for your effort : i’m so gratefull

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Thank you :)

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thank you rebecca!

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Thank you for useful lessons.

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I wish I had been your student, Rebecca.

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I got 100% again. I really understand well.

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I wish I had seen your website before. Thx a lot

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I wish I had study In Canada.

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Great job! 10/10 Thanks Rebecca!

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I got a 9/10 :) Thank you, Rebecca.

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excellent quiz 9/10..

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i wish i had studied hard to get TOEFL exam

I wish I had started to study English long time ago. Thank you kindly!

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I wish I had followed you earlier….. thanks my teacher REBBECA

i wish i hadn’t logged in,i’m obsessed now :D Good job Rebeca

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Its very nice class.I learn how express the words.

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I wish i had seen this site before … thanks for you Rebeca

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I wish I had watched your videos in the past. If only I subscribed to your You Tube channel.

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Hi. Thank you.

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I wish I lived in your country (canada).

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7/10 But I will try again

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Thank you Rebecca. Your lessons great.

If only I hadn’t joined that meeting. I wish I hadn’t accepted that their proposal. I wish I had studied harder English when I was child. I wsh I had gone to my town before my brother’s wedding.

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I cant believe it if i can studied very well about it.gud job.thanks

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90 thanks allots

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I wish I had learnt Enligh better If only i have bene in London with My brother. I got 9/10. Thanks a lot Rebeca.

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I got 100. Thank you for teaching us !

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rebeccaaa is really good person. I wish you had live in Turkey :))

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You are an amazing teacher and I m understand everything

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feeling glad after did this :U

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Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 90.

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thanks for 90

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thanks for the lesson.. excellent

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hello teacher Rebecca, i love your lesson and i fell i get better every day. have an excellent day and please never stop to record videos.

Best regards

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Rebecca lets face it, you are just good!

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answers and your score at the end of the quiz. 100. You got 10 correct out of 10.

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Thanks Rebecca for a good lesson.

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I scored 100 percent :) Thank you Rebecca I love your lessons rock !!! :)

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I got 7/10 not bad, thanks rebecca

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Thank you Rebecca !! is there anyone who want talk to me in English. Thank you in advance.

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9/10 If only I had started learning English earlier. Thank You.

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Hello how are you

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I am back with a perfect score 100%. It feels good to restart my english lessons at!

Hope everybody have a good semester! Thanks Rebecca!

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my name is Nyota waciba I am form Tanzania I speak Swahili a little bit of English

I need to speak English Because i can help my family

thank you Rebecca

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Wow! I got 100 % for a quiz. Thank you, Teacher Rebecca, for this useful and wonderful lesson.

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i wish, i could to study faster English. But i can’t.

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I wish I had studied English harder when I was a student, I wouldn’t have to struggle this way.

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Thanks a lot. It`s very useful quiz)))

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Thanks a lot, I am happy I got 100p

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very useful!!!!loved this video!!!! thanks Rebecca!!!!

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what a great exercises ,,, I appreciate you ,

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Great teaching method! I am planning to complete all of your lessons to brush up my English. Good work indeed! Thank you so much!

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Thanks a lot for this lesson, it’s useful to help me to understand how is the use of “I wish” and “If only”

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if i had started watching your videos before,i could have improved my English rapidly.

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I wish I had lived in UK more time! I wouldn’t have any problem to speak English now! 10/10 wow!

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I wish I had more practice in English. Thanks a lot for this lesson.

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Thanks Rebecca. Nice explanation.

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i got 10 out of 10 really happy..thank you so much Rebecca

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this is useful lesson

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I would like to improve my speaking skill with native speaker, please share your contact details if here anyone

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Wow . Thank you very much

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I watched this video twice on July 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.

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9/10 Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 08Sept2021); such amazing way of learning

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I watched this video twice again on December 17, 2021.

100% out of 10 thank you ma’am Rebecca!

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Thank you Rebecca. You are excellent teacher.if only I had watched your amazing videos earlier I could have learnt much better. I am too late.

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I got 8/10.

Thank you! :)

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10/10 Thanks teacher.

10/10 thanks a lot

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Tiny Teaching Stories: ‘I Wish I Had Known’

english essay i wish i had known

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The Powerful Moments of Your Lives, Distilled

We invite teachers to share their triumphs and frustrations, the hilarious or absurd moments of their lives, in no more than 100 words.

For more Tiny Teaching Stories, click here .

To submit your own story, click here .


‘I Wish I Had Known’


I didn’t know that when I told you to take a shower more often, your mom had told you never when you were home alone with dad. I didn’t know that when you went home you had to hide sometimes.

I didn’t know that you cried on the last day of school because you were scared to go home while your mom was at work. Even after you told me what your dad did, and that you were glad he was in jail, I didn’t know that you still loved him and worried about him.

I wish I had known.

Sarah Yannett 3rd grade Madison, Wis.

‘She Was Finally Free’


Her father disapproved of her transition and made it clear that we were not to use the female name or pronouns she’d chosen.

Her entire freshman year I called her Jacob and used male pronouns. She said using her given name was necessary to placate her father.

The next year, she was in my class again. I’d heard that her father pushed her down the stairs and she’d left home. I called her Jacob, and she jerked her heard toward me, glared. I immediately knew: She was finally free. From then on, it was only Nikki.

Kristen English 9th grade English Baltimore

‘Giggles From the Front-Row Girls’


Seven months pregnant but energetic enough to read Mercutio with enthusiasm, I paced before the board, gesturing wildly. Giggles from the front-row girls began just before “her long spinners’ legs,” small and polite. I paused curiously. The sweet one demurely pointed downward, a hand veiling her mouth. Thirty sets of eyes followed my own to the white polyester lace-trimmed circle on the floor. I lifted one foot, then another. I bent to lift the slipped slip, while laughs grew fat and round.

“Guess I don’t need that anymore,” I said, tossing it onto my desk. “Where were we?”

Angie Johnson 8th grade English/language arts Stevensville, Mich.

‘He Would Not Graduate’


I had a senior who slept a lot and missed a number of days. He worked after school until 11:00 p.m. daily. He missed his last test and would not graduate. The cutoff date was close.

With the help of my special education coordinator, I arranged to get him to school to take his test. He came back to show me the tickets to his graduation. He was so excited. This simple gesture made my job worthwhile.

Melvin Williams Statesboro, Ga. Paraprofessional, 11th and 12th grade U.S. history

‘Pure Love’


One of my students brought me a gift today, wrapped in the same bag and tissue paper as the one I gave to him at Christmas. Inside was a homemade card, which said: “I love you. I love you. You’re the best teacher.” The gift: a picture he colored; two green popsicle sticks, glued into a letter F; two coupons for eggs and milk, and $1.

He made me crafts! And the $1—which to him is like a million dollars—he could’ve used to buy popcorn!

Pure love. Generosity. Beautiful.

I’m so glad to be a teacher.

Kathleen Ferguson 2nd grade Schenectady, N.Y.

About This Project

Teachers’ lives are packed with powerful moments: moments of triumph, frustration, absurdity, joy, revelation, and hilarity. We want to hear about them.

Submit your Tiny Teaching Story, in no more than 100 words, here .

Edited by Catherine Gewertz

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  • Aug 31, 2015

If I Had Known: An Essay from a Dyslexic

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

A student of mine wrote this essay for an English assignment. I was almost brought to tears as I read. "If I Had Known" is a thought on my mind almost every day. If I would have known I was dyslexic... If I had gotten the help I needed as a young child... The wounds are deep. The wounds are real.

Please enjoy this essay written by Carson. He has given me permission to post it. Let's give him a huge pat on the back for his words and bravery.

If I Had Known

All seventeen years of my life I've never once picked up a book outside of the classroom. No matter how bored I was, no matter who asked me to read, my lack of reading skills discouraged me of ever being fond of reading. Realizing that my eighteenth year is coming up and that I’ll be attending college soon, I’m starting to see just how important having a solid foundation of reading really is. Reading teaches skills in ways that no other subjects can such as analyzing. Because I want to be a computer engineer, I need to be an all around good reader and be able to retain the information I read. I haven't had the chance to be exceptional at reading because of the amount of judgement I received as a child.

The first grade is when I can first recall ever having to read a book. The classroom was full of young minds ready to learn to read. Our teacher was going over some words in the book as the students said them aloud. I can remember having a immense amount of trouble pronouncing the words, so after school I went home to ask my parents for help. When I arrived at my front door I was greeted with hugs and kisses, like always, but to my dissatisfaction, I noticed that my parents had no motive to help me with my reading. I begged them all night to listen to me; I wanted to be able to go back to school and read like all the other students. I felt alone and deeply angered, trying to find other means of help, but there were none.

In the third grade I faced a challenge. At my school we had a reading system called ‘AR reading’. There were a variety of books with many different colored dots on the spines, each color being a different skill level. The only books I wanted to read were fantasies because they gave me an escape from the real world. The books I craved most were marked at a level much higher than mine, and once again my lack of skill and experience in reading angered me. The kids in my class were going through the reading levels like normal, but I wasn’t. I struggled to find books that I could get sucked into and enjoy, but the books I was capable of reading were childish and meant to entertain a mind much younger than mine. I couldn't ever get into reading these books because although I was maturing along with everyone else, my reading abilities were not improving. Instead of trying to get better, I quit.

A year later, in the fourth grade, I learned to hate reading the most. Everyday in language class my classmates and I would read small passages from our school books in a “popcorn reading” style; the kids would read a small section then pass it to a different student to read. I would sit in the back, dreading the thought of my teacher even possibly uttering the words “pull out your books!” but every day, around the same time, she would say it. I knew what would happen if I was called upon to read; embarrassment to the highest degree. I’d never felt more discouraged in my life than when I had to read in front of people, the whispers of classmates behind me as I stumbled over words and ravaged pronunciations; I could feel them judging me. I never wanted to read. Knowing that people were making fun of me killed my drive to be an exceedingly good reader. I was so confused on why I couldn't get what I was saying in my head while reading, out of my mouth. I practiced and practiced, but could never get it right, and still no one would help me. That whole year my classmates would call on me and then laugh at me as I fumbled over my words. The teacher did not stop them, and I could not defend myself against their cruelty.

Throughout my childhood I struggled with reading. In this past year I finally decided to reach out for help for one last time, and to my surprise, help was given. For the past 12 years of school I had struggled, and now in my senior year, I found the reason why. I had dyslexia. Having had no idea what was wrong with me until my last year of high school, I was bothered. No one had reached out to try and help, and here I was with a large obstacle I could have overcome years ago. Now, as I sit here at the end of my primary educational career, I am thankful. I spent years struggling, but now I am equipped with the tools to push hard through tough battles. Reading did not teach me to find deeper meanings or to be a literary expert. Reading taught me to be hardworking, persistent, and to never lose sight of a goal that you really want, because every goal is achievable.

#dyslexiatutoring #popcornreading #teenagerswithdyslexia #dyslexiastories

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“What I wish I’d known when I started my career”: 11 innovators tell us

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english essay i wish i had known

Everyone likes to talk about their victories. But what about the hurdles they overcame to achieve them? Below, 11 TED Fellows open up.

When we see CEOs, founders, influencers and other people highlighted in our daily scrolls on our devices, the individuals almost always look polished. They’re poised and confident, and they most surely achieve inbox zero at the end of every day. Yet what is rarely captured is the less photogenic stuff — the steady grind, the setbacks and sacrifices — that come on the way to success.

Whether you’re a recent grad navigating the job search or you’ve already earned an office (or, at least, a corner cubicle), rest assured that everyone deals with uncertainty and difficulty. And that includes the TED Fellows , who are innovators and emerging leaders in their respective disciplines. Here, they open up about the fumbles and stumbles we usually don’t see — and find out what they wish they knew when they were starting out.

1. Think about your next project or idea now — not later.

“Well, I wish I knew more about how to build a space telescope [ laughs ]. So I’m a professor now, and as a professor, you can set your own agenda and work on your own projects. I wish I had spent time earlier in my career thinking more about what projects I wanted to do and what I liked.

Previously, I was working on stuff that I liked but were other people’s ideas. The process of coming up with your own questions about the universe happens, but it takes time to get it to that way of thinking. Doing it earlier would’ve been better, which is now the advice I give to post-docs: ‘Start thinking about what it is you want to do next.’“ — Erika Hamden , astrophysicist (TED Talk: What it takes to launch a telescope )

2. Don’t be scared to fail or ask questions.

“ I wish knew that it was OK to ask questions and that it’s OK to fail. By failing and asking questions — that’s actually exactly what you’re supposed to be doing in grad school. Your professors are waiting for you to come to them with questions or to say that you’re not doing well. I think things would be a lot easier if I knew that up front.

We all have this idea that we’re the only ones who feel that way. And that is literally part of the training in grad school, to overcome your fear that maybe you don’t belong there or you’re afraid to ask questions. But that’s what scientists do. They ask each other questions, and they don’t know the answers. It’s OK to fail, but you can short-circuit failure by asking for help.” — Lauren Sallan , paleobiologist (TED Talk: How to win at evolution and survive a mass extinction )

3. Negotiation is power.

“I wish I knew about negotiation — that between saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to something in my career, there will be room to explore and arrive at an ideal outcome through negotiation. I wish I knew that learning to negotiate is not an inherent talent, but it’s about accessing and receiving tools that build personal capability. I wish I knew more about owning ‘yes’s and ‘no’s and that ‘yes’ comes with responsibility and knowing your limits. I wish I knew that I might have to say ‘no’ to things in my career, too, and make choices, and that might come with experiencing loss.

Negotiation is agency. It’s about gently stepping into my own power. I am still learning this. It takes time and it’s based on life experiences, but I do wish I had the seeds for it when I was first starting out.” — Jasmeen Patheja , artist and activist (TED Talk: Everyone deserves to be safe )

4. Find an advocate.

“I thought if I worked really, really hard and proved myself that I would be rewarded. That’s not really how things work. It’s usually who you know and who is advocating for you. In my experience, it’s usually not a meritocracy.

People will push back and say, ‘You’ve reached the height of your career as a deputy chief,’ but I did it by jumping through way more hoops than way less qualified men did. I believe if my gender were different, I would’ve had a much easier time in my career. I’m advocating for women to become police officers, but I never want to lie to them. It will be difficult, but it’s worth it because the more women that come into policing, we can change the culture.” — Ivonne Roman , police captain

5. Although you may look different from your peers, you have just as much value.

“I wish I had known how difficult this was going to be. Mine is a profession without many indigenous people. In Zimbabwe and in most countries in Africa, the conservation field — especially wildlife conservation — is predominantly white. You’ll go to a meeting about lions or something like that, and you’re the only black person there or there are just a few of you. Sometimes you just feel so alone. Whenever this happens, I always remind myself that the reason I am in the meeting is because I have an important role to play and I will do my best to contribute.

I would say to someone who is starting a career in whatever field and experiencing something similar that they should focus on why they are there and the bigger picture, not on how they look — including the color of their skin — relative to other people around them. It is crucial to focus on the similarities and the goal that brought you together, and not on the differences. We should always keep in mind the contributions we can make and the impact and difference we can bring. And, most importantly, we should never be afraid of speaking up.” — Moreangels Mbizah , lion conservationist

6. Look past your doubts.

“It’s tempting to say a lot of things, but I know it’s not true. Because if I knew how challenging it is, I wouldn’t have started. In a way, it’s better not to know. I wish I knew I could lean on myself and my capabilities to grow and learn, to go beyond the doubts of myself and others, [to believe] that I can lead my own company.

The other day my company was meeting with these examiners for a grant that I was applying for. It was a four-hour presentation that I did for someone who has supported us for a few years. At the end, an examiner — in front of the entire team — doubted if I should be the CEO of the company. This is something that wouldn’t have been said if I weren’t a woman. It’s important to support women like me and others in order to grow. Anything that can be done to support female-headed start-ups and help women succeed is really valuable.” — Adital Ela , sustainability designer (TED Talk: Design innovation in Israel )

7. You need to come up with your own definition of success.

“It’s hard for me to think of myself as a ‘successful woman in the workplace.’ But then I realize that’s what I wish I knew: You define your success. There are no accomplishments that will satisfy you and make you feel like you’ve arrived.

I always strive for more, because that’s how my brain is wired. You need to learn to look at what you have accomplished and perceive it as a success, even if you still feel the same impulse to do better and do more. The measure of your success is you . It’s not the recognition you may get, a position you may hold, or how much money you might make.” — Federica Bianco , urban astrophysicist

8. Success will come and go, and that’s OK.

“I wish I knew that success isn’t a goal; it’s more of a stage or a feeling. You become successful, then you don’t. Then you do again.

It’s not permanent, and there’s no shame in it fizzling away, then making a reappearance. In fact, that is the norm. My career did change, but what impacts my vision more is how much my understanding and awareness of the surrounding elements shapes how I perceive it.” — Eman Mohammed , photojournalist (TED Talk: The courage to tell a hidden story )

9. It’s not just the big leaps that count.

“I wish I knew about the power of small steps making big changes. Any ambitious goal is broken down into small steps, and sometimes you need to take the first step to see the next step.

Sometimes you even need to take a step back — for example, taking a lesser paying job that will help you grow as a professional and have more opportunities.” — Olga Yurkova , journalist and editor (TED Talk: Inside the fight against Russia’s fake news empire )

10. Dreams take their own time.

“Dreams fuelled by a desire to do good have a way of breaking through, like a seed bursting out and finding cracks in the concrete to reach the light. There are no deadlines to materialize dreams. They take their own time and shape, so relax and focus only on doing the deep work. Nothing else.

Also, you cannot see the wider possibilities of your work yet. There is so much to discover. Do not limit yourself by having concrete goals. Enjoy the process of discovery.” — Anita Doron , filmmaker

11. You can always start a new journey.

“I started [working in film] so late. I was 26. It’s a career that in developed countries, kids who were in elementary school, middle school, high school had more experience than a person like me [who grew up in China]. I didn’t know how to use a camera when I was 26, and a 6-year-old or a 16-year-old was more tech savvy than me. For a while, I had a sense of not knowing if this was even possible to be a career. I wish I knew that it is possible.

If there’s someone like me who is intimidated to pursue [a career like mine], I would tell them that it’s not too late to start . My hope is to always remind myself that. If one day I don’t want to do this anymore and I want to quit, that I’ll have the courage to start something new again whether I’m 50 or 60 — to take a new journey if I find something else that I like.” — Nanfu Wang , documentary filmmaker

Learn more about the TED Fellows program here . Applications to become a TED Fellow are now open . 

About the author

Taylor Trudon is Senior Editorial Manager of the TED Fellows program.

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Essay on I wish I had known earlier

Photo of author

January 21, 2023

There are many things that I wish I had known earlier in life. Looking back, there are so many things that I wish I had known when I was younger that would have made my life easier or more fulfilling. Here are just a few of the things that I wish I had known earlier:

Things that I wish I had known earlier

The importance of self-care.

When I was younger, I always put the needs of others before my own and neglected my own self-care. I wish I had known earlier the importance of taking care of myself, both physically and mentally. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking breaks when needed. Taking care of myself has helped me to be more productive, more resilient, and overall happier.

The value of hard work

I often took things for granted and didn’t fully appreciate the value of hard work. I wish I had known earlier that hard work is the key to achieving my goals and making progress in life. Hard work requires discipline, dedication, and persistence, but it pays off in the long run.

The power of positive thinking

When I was younger, I was often negative and pessimistic, and this had a negative impact on my life. I wish I had known earlier the power of positive thinking and the ways in which it can change my perspective and my circumstances. By focusing on the positive, I have been able to overcome challenges and achieve my goals.

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The importance of relationships

At younger ages, it is almost the same for every so I often took my relationships for granted and didn’t prioritize them as I should have. I wish I had known earlier the importance of maintaining strong and healthy relationships with my friends, family, and loved ones. These relationships provide support, love, and meaning in life, and they are worth investing in.

The value of saving and budgeting

When I was younger, I often spent money impulsively and didn’t think about the long-term consequences of my spending habits. I wish I had known earlier the value of saving and budgeting and the importance of being financially responsible. By saving and budgeting, I can ensure that I have the resources I need to achieve my goals and live a comfortable and secure life.

The importance of education

When I was younger, I often took my education for granted and didn’t fully appreciate the value of learning. I wish I had known earlier the importance of education and the ways in which it can open doors and provide opportunities. Education is not just about getting good grades or earning a degree, but it is also about developing critical thinking skills, gaining knowledge, and growing as a person.

The power of forgiveness

When I was younger, I often held grudges and didn’t understand the importance of forgiveness. I wish I had known earlier the power of forgiveness and the ways in which it can heal relationships and bring peace to my life. Forgiveness is not about excusing someone’s behavior or letting them off the hook, but it is about letting go of anger and resentment and moving forward.

The importance of taking risks

When I was younger, I often played it safe and avoided taking risks. I wish I had known earlier the importance of taking risks and stepping outside of my comfort zone. Taking risks can be scary, but it can also lead to growth and new opportunities. By taking risks, I can push myself to be better and achieve things that I never thought possible.

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In conclusion, there are many things that I wish I had known earlier in life. While I cannot change the past, I can use these lessons to make positive changes in my present and future. By learning from my mistakes and taking these lessons to heart, I can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Essay on I wish I had known earlier

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Is wish "I would have" grammatically correct?

I've been constantly hearing some people say stuff like this:

I wish I would've listened to him.

While I can't seem to understand the structure.

Isn't it supposed to be:

I wish I had listened to him.

Are these the same? What type lf grammar is the first sentence?

gotube's user avatar

  • 1 No, it isn't but not everybody has "educated speech". I wish you would listen to me. Conditional and said in the present. –  Lambie Commented Oct 6, 2022 at 17:27
  • 2 Does this answer your question? I wish time would stop now or I wish time stopped now –  Lambie Commented Oct 6, 2022 at 17:31

2 Answers 2

Using conditional perfect 'I would have' in this way instead of past perfect (e.g. 'I had') is US regional informal or uneducated speech, and regarded by many as an error.

Correct: I wish I had known. Incorrect: I wish I would have known. Correct: I wish she had told me. Incorrect: I wish she would have told me. Correct: We wish they had been on time. Incorrect: We wish they would have been on time.

Mistake: If I would have… (Lawless English)

Michael Harvey's user avatar

" I wish I would have... " is a relatively new structure in English. It means the same as " I wish I had... ". It has become increasingly common roughly since the 1980s, to the point where it's about 10% as common as "I wish I had" according to Google Ngrams . That's a very significant portion, which means many native speakers of English use this structure naturally. It's even in the title of at least one book: " The Marriage Advice I Wish I Would Have Had "

However, many still consider this form bad to be grammar, and the people who use it to be "uneducated". So, I recommend you learn it so you can understand it, but I don't recommend using it unless you're living among people use it naturally.

  • I think your second paragraph is a fair compromise. –  Michael Harvey Commented Oct 6, 2022 at 19:37
  • @MichaelHarvey I'm a dyed-in-the-wool descriptivist, so it's no compromise for me to say it's correct –  gotube ♦ Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 2:56

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english essay i wish i had known



In the heartfelt essay collection, “What I Wish I Had Known,” bestselling author K. Tolnoe shares a genuine and introspective journey of self-discovery. Through personal experiences and reflections, she offers valuable insights into love and relations, letting go, achieving success, detaching from the uncontrollable, and finding inner peace.

It is a tender exploration of the human experience, leaving readers with a renewed sense of understanding and self-awareness.

The IB Diploma – What I Wish I Had Known

IBDP > The IB Diploma – What I Wish I Had Known

By Milly Vaughan > LAST MODIFIED DATE: 14 November 2023 > In IBDP


As an IB graduate, reflecting back on my journey there are a few things that I wish I had been made aware of before I started. In this article I will share my personal experiences and insights for future IBDP students, in the hope of preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead. 

Balancing Academics and Personal Life 

There is a common misconception about the IB that you will need to say farewell to your social life and hello to bad sleeping habits and rigorous study hours. One of the most important aspects of the IBDP that I didn’t quite understand until my second year of the IBDP is the need for a healthy balance between academics and personal life. The IB program is a very demanding one in terms of the time and effort needed to succeed.  However, it is equally important that you also take time for activities outside of school. In my case, this was being a part of the Varsity cross country team and making time to see my friends in a non school setting. Additionally, your CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) hours ensure you do get to keep a social life.  Setting aside time for activities outside of school such as sport and socializing helps to combat burnout and enhance your overall well-being so it is crucial you don’t get sucked into studying 24/7. 

Extended Essay Preparation 

Throughout your IB journey, one topic of hot debate amongst your peers will be your Extended Essay. If you don’t know already, the Extended Essay is an independent self-directed research project that is required for IB students to complete under the supervision of an IB advisor. Choosing a topic that you are genuinely passionate about can make the process a lot more enjoyable and can look great on your college applications! It can even help you decide what you would like to major in at university. Trying to finish your EE a month before its due is not ideal! Please take your pre-deadlines seriously so that teachers can review your work before it is officially submitted. It’s also important to keep in mind that when choosing an IB advisor for your EE that you choose someone who specializes in your area of study and will be someone who you can rely on to guide and motivate you. Your advisor’s assessment also makes up a part of your final EE grade so it’s much more beneficial to choose an advisor who knows you well and pushes you to do better than someone who doesn’t know you well and isn’t involved in your research. 

Internal Assessments 

In my first few months of doing the IB I didn’t realize the importance of your Internal Assessments (IA). Each IB subject will have an Internal Assessment (IA) which will play a big role in your final IB grades. The IA’s can be challenging but also valuable components of the IBDP in preparing you for university. They are in depth projects or assignments completed within each subject throughout the program. One of the main characteristics to keep in mind for the IA’s is that they are internally assessed by the subject teacher. Your teacher will play a crucial role in guiding you through the process, providing feedback and determining your final grade, so be engaged with your teacher and they will be there to support you. Additionally, depending on the subject, IA’s can take various forms. For example, in English it could be a written task or oral presentation and for Science it might involve a lab report or experiment. It may seem like you have all the time in the world to complete your IA but you do not  want to be that person scrambling to get it finished over a one month period. Summer period, although it may seem like a time for relaxing, is also a great time to get started on your projects such as your IA’s to be ahead in the final year of IB. Try to embrace your IA’s with openness and creativity to showcase your strengths, areas of expertise and ability to apply theoretical concepts to real world situations! 

CAS Activities 

Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) is one of the components that makes IB different from other curricula. It helps students develop skills outside of their academic skills such as developing their leadership and communication skills while also sharing their knowledge. As an ex IB student, I can understand how CAS can be seen as a burden! Today, I’m thankful for the hours I spent volunteering and taking up activities I wouldn’t usually participate in. CAS was a vital and enriching aspect of the IB which fostered my personal growth, encouraged me to explore new interests and promoted my community involvement. It can be a little overwhelming to fulfill your CAS requirements while also managing your academic commitments. However, if you find suitable activities that align with your interests and passions I can assure you that it won’t feel so overwhelming anymore. 

The Internet is Your Friend 

To do well in the IB, your exams are important. And with that comes mastering the exam technique. A lot of the time, the students scoring a perfect 45 in IB are not the smartest in the room but they do understand the exam technique well. They have it down to a T. In order to really understand the exam technique for each subject you need to practice with past papers. You will be able to find most of the IB past papers for each subject online through different IB resources. In my experience, the more past papers you do the more confident you will feel going into your final exams. Everything you need to know is in the IB guides for you to explore. They will be your best friend throughout the IB. Don’t forget to check out the question banks too as they can be a great resource for testing your knowledge and finding your weak areas to improve on. 

Don’t forget your Language B 

Every IB student has to take a Language B subject, don’t make the mistake of not keeping up with your Language B option over the summer break. Try to find interesting and engaging ways to practice your language. This could be watching your favorite movies in that language or spending time with a native speaker. If you really want to go all out, I had a friend taking Spanish Ab Initio for the first time with no previous Spanish experience and wanted to find an enjoyable way of learning it. Thus she spent 3 weeks over the summer in Barcelona doing a Spanish exchange program. Immersed in the culture and language, she was able to get a 6 in her final year exams! 


If you do feel overwhelmed and need some extra support, remember that there is always support around the corner. It could be your teachers, IB advisor, older peers who have been through the IB or specialized IB tutors. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You also have the option of many Pre-IB Programs that you can take in the summer to help understand the fundamentals and skills required of the IB Program and get that head start you might need to excel in your first year. 

Embarking on the IB program is an exciting yet demanding journey that requires preparation and perseverance. Reflecting on my own experience, I have highlighted the key areas I wish I had known before starting. As long as you are maintaining a balance between academics and personal life, preparing for the EE and IA’s, you should be able to succeed! Remember that not all IB students are academically inclined, just smart with their time management and exam technique! 

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When they saw us, the sangak in my arms like a newborn, my father said, " I wish I had known you were in the bread line".

I wish I had known how much I owed her.

But now I wish I had known him.

I wish I had known to freeze my eggs".

I wish I had known then what I know now".

I wish I had known about the vaccine.

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  14. i wish i had known

    AI Feedback. The sentence "I wish I had known" is correct and usable in written English. This phrase is most commonly used to reflect regret over something that has already happened. For example, you could say, "I wish I had known that the exam was to be held on a different day; I would've been better prepared." exact ( 60 ) I wish I had known.

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  16. grammar

    Correct: I wish I had known. Incorrect: I wish I would have known. Correct: I wish she had told me. Incorrect: I wish she would have told me. Correct: We wish they had been on time. Incorrect: We wish they would have been on time. Mistake: If I would have…. (Lawless English) Share.

  17. what i wish i had known

    In the heartfelt essay collection, "What I Wish I Had Known," bestselling author K. Tolnoe shares a genuine and introspective journey of self-discovery. Through personal experiences and reflections, she offers valuable insights into love and relations, letting go, achieving success, detaching from the uncontrollable, and finding inner peace.

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    High quality example sentences with "I wish i had known the importance" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English

  19. The IB Diploma

    Extended Essay Preparation . Throughout your IB journey, one topic of hot debate amongst your peers will be your Extended Essay. If you don't know already, the Extended Essay is an independent self-directed research project that is required for IB students to complete under the supervision of an IB advisor.

  20. i wish i had known that

    High quality example sentences with "i wish i had known that" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English ... Sentence examples for i wish i had known that from inspiring English sources. AI Feedback. Is your sentence correct in English? Login and get your AI feedback ...

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