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Essays About Celebration: Top 6 Examples Plus Prompts

Life provides us with many reasons to celebrate. Read this article for helpful essay examples and writing prompts you can use to write essays about celebration. 

From honoring people on their birthdays, commemorating historical events, and holding family gatherings for the holidays, there seems to be a near-endless number of occasions to celebrate.  Celebrations help us feel good about ourselves and the milestones we have achieved. We commemorate things essential to us, whether joyful events like a birthday or Christmas or a sad event like a loved one’s death anniversary. They are also essential to our culture, as they help us stay connected to our roots and heritage and preserve longstanding traditions. Without a doubt, celebration plays an important role in everyone’s life. 

If you’re having trouble writing essays about celebration, read the essay examples featured below.

Top 6 Essay Examples

1. festivals by everett smith, 2. i hate christmas. here’s why i’m celebrating it for the next 2 months. by elisabeth ovesen, 3. a birthday reflection by chava gal-or, 4.  why a pandemic christmas is the best damn holiday on the planet by reuben salsa.

  • 5. ​​The Importance of Family Traditions by Lisa Cossey
  • 6. ​​What is celebration? by Julian Baggini

5 Writing Prompts For Essays About Celebration

1. why do we celebrate, 2. different ways people celebrate, 3. are celebrations a waste of money, 4. the cultural importance of preserving celebrations, 5. my most memorable celebration.

“Festivals are part of one’s custom, culture and tradition. They are there for us to celebrate. It helps us forget our routine. It gives us some momentary, mental and physical relaxation and thus frees us from die shackles of monotonous work. It is a celebration, entertainment or series of performances of a certain kind, often held periodically.”

Smith writes about why celebrating festivals is so enjoyable, particularly in his native Kuwait. The month is filled with festivities, special events, and prayer. Smith also describes New Year’s Eve in Kuwait: it is celebrated with fireworks, friends, and family as in other countries. Festivals connect us to our traditions and allow us to relax, have fun, and celebrate. 

Check out these essays about being grateful .

“This year, Christmas is self-care and a means of survival. This year, I will not allow my mother’s slight to dictate my joy or the absence thereof. This year, she doesn’t win. I will break the chains created by her malfeasance, and I will celebrate this Christmas. I will celebrate the New Year even though, for many of us, it will most likely be as tragic as the one before.”

Ovesen recounts a Christmas experience in which her mother gave gifts to all the children but her, after which she never celebrated Christmas again. For decades, she did not celebrate Christmas; however, this year, she says, she will make up for all the missed celebrations. She does not want her mother’s mistreatment to control her happiness, so she chooses to celebrate life, family, and missed time. 

“One family even brought me a gift basket that literally brought tears to my eyes.  Another friend made me a gluten free cake which has now ruined my sons ever making me cake again; hers was too good!!!!  One gift that I always treasure is the phone call I receive each year from my brother; this year was no exception.  Finally, I was also able to hang with one friend in the morning and another friend in the evening.  Life is and was truly good!”

In her short essay, Gal-Or reflects on her birthday that year and what she has realized about life. She lists a few lessons she has learned, including the importance of having a voice, quality time, family, and friends. Her birthday celebration is simple; she only mentions meeting up with two friends, which makes her extremely happy. Gal-Or’s essay is an excellent example of how different people like to celebrate in different ways; some are content with the simplest celebrations.

“I’m thrilled that this year I have no obligation to visit. That finally, I have a legitimate excuse not to plaster on a fake smile, hold my tongue, and pretend that we all get along. This Christmas promises to be one of the merriest ever, knowing it’ll just be me, my wife, and the kids. Simpler times. No extravagance. No kowtowing. No begging and pleading in-laws to stay even though you want them to leave. No emotional regret for ruining yet another Christmas.”

Salsa remembers the Christmas celebrations before the COVID-19 pandemic and all the stress, squabbling, and discomfort that came with them. He recalls the chaos at previous Christmases with his in-laws and is relieved that the times keep them apart. Since the pandemic keeps the extended family from celebrating, he is relieved that their celebration will be relaxed, with just him, his wife, and the kids. 

5. ​​ The Importance of Family Traditions by Lisa Cossey

“No matter what your family tradition is or what your family chooses to create, just having something for all family members to look forward to each year is important. Traditions help create warm, positive memories that can be recalled fondly and draw family members back to one another year after year.”

Cossey’s essay simply describes how her family celebrates Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, they have several traditions, including camping trips, baking pies, and video calling other family members. These traditions strengthen familial bonds and create memories to cherish. Cossey also gives examples of other family traditions,  including movie nights, reading books, talent shows, and cooking. 

6. ​​ What is celebration? by Julian Baggini

“Perhaps on reflection, the best thing to do would be to curl up with a good book. The case is, as ever, inconclusive. But in a world where dogmatism is increasingly the greatest threat, perhaps the tentative nature of philosophical discourse is precisely what we should be celebrating, quietly.”

This essay about celebrating World Philosophy Day opens with a philosophical question. How exactly should such an eccentric occasion be celebrated? Baggini proposes having a philosophical discussion in a cafe, as many great philosophers once did, and a Greek-style party with philosophical exchanges. However, in typical philosophy fashion, the answer is inconclusive. Baggini suggests instead celebrating the “tentative nature of philosophical discourse.”

We all know the types of occasions that people celebrate, but why do people continue to celebrate? In your essay, look into the different reasons people celebrate, whether superstitious, cultural, sentimental, or entirely different. Don’t just give examples of occasions to celebrate; explain why people celebrate them. 

Essays about celebration

Think of an occasion such as a birthday, holiday, or religious festival and write about how people typically celebrate it- What do they eat? Who do they celebrate with? What are other traditions connected to it? You may include information from the internet, but your essay can be based entirely on your opinions and experiences. 

Some say that celebrating is a waste of money, particularly for occasions like Christmas, as it takes away the holiday’s true meaning. People spend so much on a celebration just to have a “superficial” understanding of the occasion. For an engaging argumentative essay, write about whether you think these sorts of celebrations are wasteful. Be sure to include perspectives from both sides of the argument, and have a strong rebuttal to the opposing viewpoint

Celebrations reflect one’s culture and heritage, familial, regional, religious, or national. Are festivities and celebrations essential to keeping a culture alive, or are there other ways to do this? You do not need to have a solid “yes” or “no” argument in your essay; it can be more nuanced as long as it is explained well.

An easy way to write an engaging essay is by reflecting on a celebration you found particularly memorable. Write about the celebration in detail- Who was there? When was it? How did you celebrate? How has it impacted you today? From a childhood Christmas to a loved one’s funeral, this essay has many possibilities. 

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Birthday Essay

500 words essay on birthday.

Every year, we all become eager to celebrate our birthday. It is special as it comes only once every year and we get to celebrate it with great joy and happiness . Usually, a lot of wishes of people come true on this day and they enjoy the day with their loved ones. This birthday essay will tell us why it is a special day.

birthday essay

A Special Day

Birthdays are a very special day for everyone who celebrates it. Firstly, it makes the person feel loved when their close one does special things for them. Being loved is one of the most special feelings in the world.

Secondly, it makes the person mature. We all wait for our birthday every day as we get older and gain a sense of maturity every year. Our birthday marks the occasion for the very same thing. Moreover, it helps you gain special privileges as well.

After that, birthdays are also an eye-opener for many as they feel gratitude. When you see many people going out of their way to make you feel special, you feel gratitude for being blessed with so many things.

Most importantly, birthdays call for celebration. It is one day where we get to see all our loved ones in one place. No one can make an excuse and you get to spend time with everyone you love under one roof, it is nothing sort of magical.

My Birthday Celebration

Just like everyone else, I also look forward to my birthday every year. It happens on 9 th March which makes March a special month for me. Ever since my childhood, my parents have a birthday tradition.

Every year, we go to have ice cream late at night to mark the beginning of my birthday. It is a very small thing but it means a lot to me. So far, we have never missed doing this together and I hope we can continue it forever.

On my birthday, I usually throw a birthday party inviting all my close friends. It is a fun-filled day where all my friends partake in exciting activities. My mother makes my favourite dish which I enjoy eating on my birthday.

Moreover, the special part about my celebration is that my siblings prepare a dance performance for me every year on my favourite song. It is hilarious as they include funny steps deliberately to make me laugh.

The most exciting part about my birthday celebration is opening gifts when everyone leaves. I cherish every gift of mine dearly no matter how big or small. My favourite gift till date is the huge teddy bear my father got for me when I was six years old.

Therefore, each year, I wait eagerly for my birthday to arrive so that I can spend a great time with my friends and family. Moreover, it makes me realize how blessed I am to have all this.

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Conclusion of Birthday Essay

All in all, birthdays play an essential role in everyone’s life. It helps people feel special on that day and makes them more grateful. Moreover, they also turn more mature on each birthday. Thus, birthdays must be celebrated with one and all.

FAQ of Birthday Essay

Question 1: Why is a birthday important?

Answer 1: Birthdays are important as they are momentous occasions that commemorate a person’s birth anniversary. It helps people feel grateful for everything they have and reflect on everything they have been blessed with to celebrate.

Question 2: How do people usually celebrate birthdays?

Answer 2: People usually celebrate birthdays with their friends and family. Their loved ones bring a cake for them and they blow candles and eat it with everyone. Everybody sings the ‘Happy Birthday’ song for them and have a great time together.

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122 Festival Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

A festival is a celebration of some holiday, achievements, or other occasions for one or several days. Festivals can be religious, national, seasonal; they can be dedicated to arts, food, fashion, sports, etc. When working on a festival essay, it is essential to consider several aspects. For example, research the history and cultural meaning of an event.

In our compilation of festival topics, we included many topics about festivals (Woodstock, Richmond Folk Festival, Film Festivals, and others). You will also find broad issues about festivals’ cultural heritage and history.

🏆 Best Festival Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

🥇 most interesting festival topics to write about, 📌 simple & easy festival essay titles, 👍 good essay topics on festival, ❓ essay questions about festivals.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 122 Festival Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"122 Festival Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '122 Festival Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "122 Festival Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

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IvyPanda . "122 Festival Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

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Celebration - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

A celebration is an event or occasion that marks a special moment or achievement. It is a time to recognize and honor the accomplishments of individuals or groups and share joy and happiness with others. Celebrations can take many forms, from elaborate ceremonies and social gatherings to simple moments of shared happiness. They are an important way of bringing people together and building strong connections within communities or families. Celebrations often involve music, dancing, food, and other joyful activities, and can create lasting memories for everyone involved.

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Describe a Traditional Celebration in Your Country - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample Answer

Describe a traditional celebration in your country..

You should say:

when it is held

how it is celebrated

and explain how you feel about this celebration.

Describe a Traditional Celebration in Your Country - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample Answer

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Model Answer 1

One of the most vibrant and heartwarming celebrations in my country is the Diwali festival, also known as the Festival of Lights. Diwali, an emblematic cultural festivity, typically falls between mid-October and mid-November, aligning with the Hindu lunar calendar. This festival, deeply rooted in mythological tales and cultural traditions, symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

The celebration of Diwali is a spectacle of lights and colors. Streets and homes shimmer with the warm glow of diyas, which are small clay lamps, and vibrant rangolis—artistic patterns created on the floor using colored powders or flowers—adorn the entrances of houses, inviting prosperity and good fortune. The air is filled with the aroma of sumptuous foods and sweets, as families and friends gather to feast, share gifts, and enjoy fireworks that light up the night sky. The sound of crackers, laughter, and music makes the atmosphere electric and joyous.

Beyond the dazzle and merriment, Diwali holds a special place in my heart. It's a time of reflection, a moment to cherish the warmth of family and the joy of togetherness. The festival's emphasis on light conquering darkness resonates deeply with me, reminding us all to embrace the brighter side of life, to spread kindness and positivity. The unity and collective spirit of Diwali, where people of all ages and backgrounds come together in celebration, is particularly moving.

Experiencing Diwali is to witness a tapestry of cultural richness and communal harmony. It's a festival that transcends mere aesthetic delight, offering a profound sense of belonging and a reminder of our shared human values. The way Diwali brings people together, igniting hearts with joy and streets with lights, is truly a testament to its enduring charm and significance in our cultural heritage.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

The provided sample answer for "Describe a traditional celebration in your country" is a high-scoring response for several reasons, each aligning with the IELTS Speaking test's assessment criteria.

1.    Fluency and Coherence: The response is exceptionally fluent and coherent. The narrative flows smoothly, transitioning seamlessly from one idea to the next. For example, the description starts by setting the context of Diwali, then moves on to detailing the festivities, and finally reflects on personal sentiments. This progression showcases an ability to articulate thoughts in a well-structured and logical manner, a key aspect of high-scoring responses.

2.    Lexical Resource: The vocabulary used is both varied and contextually appropriate, incorporating phrases like “emblematic cultural festivity,” “tapestry of cultural richness,” and “communal harmony.” These terms not only enrich the narrative but also demonstrate a wide lexical range, essential for scoring high in the IELTS Speaking section.

3.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response exhibits a broad range of grammatical structures used accurately. Sentences vary in complexity, showcasing both compound and complex forms, which illustrates a strong grasp of English grammar. For instance, the use of clauses in sentences like “Diwali, an emblematic cultural festivity, typically falls between mid-October and mid-November” displays grammatical precision.

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Model Answer 2

In the tapestry of cultural celebrations that define my country, Thanksgiving stands out as a particularly cherished event. Held annually on the fourth Thursday of November, this festivity is deeply embedded in the history and traditions of the United States, symbolizing gratitude and familial bonds.

Thanksgiving is celebrated with a blend of age-old customs and modern practices. The centerpiece of this day is the Thanksgiving dinner, a sumptuous feast that brings families and friends together around the dining table. The traditional fare includes roasted turkey, a culinary icon of the celebration, accompanied by a variety of dishes like stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. The aroma of these delicacies, rich and inviting, fills homes, evoking a sense of warmth and togetherness.

What makes Thanksgiving particularly meaningful to me is its emphasis on gratitude. It's a time to pause and reflect on the blessings of the past year, to appreciate the simple joys of life, and to acknowledge the love and support of those around us. This reflection often extends beyond the family circle, as many participate in community service, offering meals and support to those in need, embodying the spirit of giving and thankfulness.

Another vibrant aspect of Thanksgiving is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a spectacular event that captivates audiences with its massive floats, live performances, and the iconic giant helium balloons. This parade, a feast for the eyes, symbolizes the jubilant and communal nature of the holiday.

Thanksgiving, to me, is more than just a holiday; it's a heartfelt reminder of the power of gratitude and the importance of community. It's a day when the fast-paced rhythm of life slows down, allowing us to reconnect with our roots, cherish our loved ones, and embrace the simple, yet profound, act of giving thanks.

The provided response on Thanksgiving as a traditional celebration in the United States is an exemplary high-scoring answer for the IELTS Speaking test for several reasons.

1.    Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic: The response effectively addresses the topic, "Describe a traditional celebration in your country," by delving into various aspects of Thanksgiving. It not only describes what Thanksgiving is and when it is held but also paints a vivid picture of how it is celebrated and the personal feelings associated with it. This comprehensive coverage demonstrates the candidate's ability to understand and respond to the topic thoroughly.

2.    Rich and Varied Vocabulary: The response is replete with a rich array of vocabulary, effectively describing the nuances of Thanksgiving. Phrases like “culinary icon,” “vibrant aspect,” and “heartfelt reminder” exhibit a high level of language proficiency. This varied use of language helps in articulating complex ideas clearly and precisely, a key aspect in scoring high in the IELTS Speaking section.

3.    Cohesion and Coherence: The answer is well-structured, with a clear introduction, development of ideas, and a conclusion that ties back to the personal significance of the festival. The smooth transitions between points, such as moving from the description of the dinner to the broader significance of gratitude and community, demonstrate excellent cohesion and coherence.

4.    Personal Reflection and Engagement: The response goes beyond mere description by reflecting on the personal significance of Thanksgiving, making the answer engaging and thoughtful. This level of personal engagement shows the candidate's ability to use the language expressively and convincingly, an important criterion in the IELTS Speaking test.

In enhancing your preparation for the IELTS, it's crucial to have access to the right resources. Our exclusive IELTS eBooks , tailored to your needs, provide comprehensive strategies and insights to navigate each module successfully. They are designed to resonate with you, offering practical tips and practices that boost your confidence and proficiency.

Model Answer 3

Among the myriad of cultural festivities that enrich my country, Holi, the Festival of Colors, holds a special place. Celebrated with zest across India in early spring, Holi is a vivid expression of joy and a celebration of the triumph of good over evil.

Holi is a festival that paints the streets and hearts of people with vibrant colors. It's traditionally observed over two days. The first evening, known as Holika Dahan, involves lighting bonfires to symbolize the burning away of evil spirits. The following day, the air is awash with a kaleidoscope of colors as people playfully throw colored powder and water at each other. This act, a hallmark of Holi, brings communities together, dissolving social barriers in a carnival of hues.

What resonates with me the most about Holi is its spirit of inclusivity and forgiveness. It's a time when old grievances are forgotten, and people embrace each other in a shared celebration. The festival's message of unity and renewal is profoundly inspiring, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness among diverse groups.

Moreover, Holi is accompanied by the enjoyment of traditional sweets like gujiya and thandai, adding a flavor of indulgence to the festivities. The melodic rhythms of folk songs and dances further enliven the atmosphere, making Holi a multisensory experience.

To me, Holi is not just a festival; it's a vibrant testament to India's rich cultural tapestry. It's an occasion that transcends the mere act of throwing colors; it's about spreading love, joy, and peace. The festival's ability to bring people from all walks of life together, celebrating in a unified spirit, is a powerful reminder of the joy and beauty inherent in diversity.

This response to "Describe a traditional celebration in your country," focusing on Holi, the Festival of Colors, is an excellent example of a high-scoring answer in the IELTS Speaking section. Here's why:

1.    Detailed and Vivid Description: The answer provides a rich, detailed description of Holi. Phrases like "a kaleidoscope of colors" and "vibrant expression of joy" paint a vivid picture of the festival. This detailed imagery shows a strong command of language, essential for a high score.

2.    Cultural Depth and Personal Insight: The response delves into the cultural significance of Holi, discussing traditions like Holika Dahan and the communal throwing of colors. It also reflects on personal feelings about the festival's inclusivity and spirit of renewal. This depth of cultural understanding and personal reflection demonstrates the candidate's ability to think critically and express ideas clearly.

3.    Use of Advanced Vocabulary: The language used is varied and sophisticated. Terms such as "multisensory experience" and "vibrant testament" showcase a high level of vocabulary, crucial for scoring well in the lexical resource criterion.

4.    Coherence and Fluency: The answer flows logically from the introduction of the festival, through its celebration, to its personal and cultural significance. This coherent structure, combined with the fluid expression of ideas, ticks important boxes for the fluency and coherence assessment criteria.

If you're looking to further enhance your IELTS preparation, our specially crafted IELTS eBooks are an invaluable resource. Tailored to your needs, they provide in-depth strategies and tips to help you navigate each section of the exam with confidence. These eBooks are a must-have in your journey towards IELTS success, offering you personalized guidance and support.

In the context of the IELTS Speaking test, it's crucial to engage in a conversational manner with the examiner. This response exemplifies how to effectively communicate ideas in a structured and engaging way, addressing all aspects of the given topic comprehensively and thoughtfully.

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Essay on Annual Day Celebration – Short & Long Essay Examples

Short Essay on Annual Day Celebration

Essay on Annual Day Celebration: Annual day celebrations are a time for joy, excitement, and camaraderie as students, teachers, and parents come together to celebrate the achievements and talents of the school community. This essay will delve into the significance of annual day celebrations, exploring the various activities, performances, and speeches that make the event memorable. From cultural performances to academic awards, the annual day celebration is a time to reflect on the past year’s successes and look forward to the future with optimism and enthusiasm.

Table of Contents

Annual Day Celebration Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of annual day celebration and its significance. Mention that annual day celebrations are an important part of school or college culture, where students showcase their talents and skills.

2. Describe the preparations: Discuss the various preparations that go into organizing an annual day celebration. This may include rehearsals, decorations, stage setup, inviting guests, and arranging for food and refreshments.

3. Highlight the performances: Talk about the different performances that take place during the annual day celebration. This may include dance performances, skits, music performances, speeches, and other cultural activities.

4. Discuss the theme: If there is a theme for the annual day celebration, mention it in your essay. Explain how the theme is incorporated into the performances and decorations to create a cohesive and memorable event.

5. Talk about the excitement: Describe the excitement and anticipation that builds up leading to the annual day celebration. Students and teachers alike look forward to showcasing their talents and enjoying a day of fun and entertainment.

6. Mention the guests of honor: If there are any special guests invited to the annual day celebration, mention them in your essay. These guests may include school alumni, local dignitaries, or other prominent figures who add prestige to the event.

7. Reflect on the memories: Share your personal experiences and memories of past annual day celebrations. Talk about the friendships made, the lessons learned, and the joy of participating in such a special event.

8. Conclusion: Summarize your essay by emphasizing the importance of annual day celebrations in fostering creativity, teamwork, and school spirit. Mention how these events bring the school community together and create lasting memories for everyone involved.

In conclusion, annual day celebrations are a time-honored tradition that brings students, teachers, and parents together to celebrate the achievements and talents of the school community. By following these writing tips, you can create a well-rounded essay that captures the essence of this special event.

Essay on Annual Day Celebration in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Annual Day Celebration is a special event held once a year to showcase the talents and achievements of students. 2. It is a day filled with various performances, cultural activities, and awards ceremonies. 3. The event is usually organized by the school or college to bring together students, teachers, and parents. 4. Students prepare for weeks in advance to participate in dance, music, drama, and other activities. 5. The Annual Day Celebration is a platform for students to exhibit their creativity and skills. 6. It is also an opportunity for students to bond with their peers and create lasting memories. 7. The event typically includes speeches, presentations, and displays of artwork and projects. 8. Parents and guests are invited to attend the Annual Day Celebration to support and encourage the students. 9. The event is a way to promote school spirit and unity among the student body. 10. Overall, Annual Day Celebration is a joyous occasion that celebrates the hard work and dedication of students throughout the year.

Sample Essay on Annual Day Celebration in 100-180 Words

Annual day celebrations are a common event in schools and colleges. It is a day when students showcase their talents and skills through various performances like dance, music, drama, and speeches. The event is usually organized by the school or college administration to mark the end of the academic year and to celebrate the achievements of the students.

The annual day celebration is a much-awaited event for students as it gives them an opportunity to showcase their talents and creativity in front of their teachers, parents, and peers. It also helps in boosting their confidence and self-esteem. The event is usually filled with fun, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment.

Overall, annual day celebrations are a great way to bring the entire school or college community together and create lasting memories. It is a day to celebrate the hard work and dedication of students and teachers throughout the year.

Short Essay on Annual Day Celebration in 200-500 Words

Annual day celebrations are an integral part of any educational institution’s calendar. It is a day when students, teachers, and parents come together to celebrate the achievements and talents of the students. The annual day celebration is a grand event that showcases the cultural diversity and talent of the students.

The annual day celebration usually begins with a formal ceremony where the school principal addresses the audience and highlights the achievements of the students in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. This is followed by cultural performances by the students, including dance, music, drama, and skits. The performances are a reflection of the students’ creativity and talent, and they never fail to impress the audience.

The annual day celebration is also an opportunity for the students to showcase their talents in various fields. There are competitions held in various categories such as singing, dancing, painting, and elocution. The winners of these competitions are awarded prizes and certificates, which serve as a motivation for the students to excel in their respective fields.

Apart from the cultural performances and competitions, the annual day celebration also includes other activities such as games, food stalls, and fun activities for the students and parents. It is a day filled with joy, laughter, and excitement, and everyone looks forward to it eagerly.

The annual day celebration is not just a day of fun and entertainment; it is also a day of reflection and gratitude. It is a day when the students, teachers, and parents come together to appreciate and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the students. It is a day when the students are encouraged to dream big and aim high, and the teachers and parents pledge their support and guidance to help the students achieve their goals.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is a day of celebration, appreciation, and reflection. It is a day when the entire school community comes together to celebrate the achievements and talents of the students. It is a day when the students are encouraged to dream big and aim high, and the teachers and parents pledge their support and guidance to help the students achieve their goals. The annual day celebration is a grand event that showcases the cultural diversity and talent of the students, and it is a day that is eagerly awaited by everyone in the school.

Essay on Annual Day Celebration in 1000-1500 Words

Annual day celebrations are an integral part of any educational institution. It is a day when students, teachers, and parents come together to celebrate the achievements and successes of the academic year. It is a day filled with joy, laughter, and a sense of accomplishment. The annual day celebration is a time to reflect on the hard work and dedication that has gone into making the school year a success.

The annual day celebration usually takes place towards the end of the academic year. It is a day when students showcase their talents and skills through various performances such as dances, skits, songs, and speeches. It is a day when students are recognized for their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and overall contribution to the school community.

The annual day celebration is also a time for teachers to be appreciated for their hard work and dedication. It is a day when teachers are recognized for their efforts in shaping the minds of the students and helping them achieve their full potential. It is a day when teachers are celebrated for their commitment to excellence and their passion for teaching.

Parents play a crucial role in the annual day celebration as well. It is a day when parents come together to support their children and celebrate their accomplishments. It is a day when parents are able to see firsthand the progress and growth that their children have made throughout the academic year. It is a day when parents can feel proud of their children and their achievements.

The annual day celebration is a time for the entire school community to come together and celebrate as one. It is a day when students, teachers, and parents can bond over shared experiences and memories. It is a day when everyone can come together to celebrate the spirit of unity and togetherness that defines the school community.

The annual day celebration is usually a grand affair, with elaborate decorations, performances, and ceremonies. It is a day when the school campus is transformed into a festive and vibrant space, filled with colors, lights, and music. It is a day when everyone dresses up in their best attire and comes together to celebrate in style.

The annual day celebration typically begins with a formal ceremony, where the school principal delivers a speech highlighting the achievements of the academic year. This is followed by various performances by students, showcasing their talents and skills. There are usually dance performances, skits, songs, and speeches that entertain and inspire the audience.

One of the highlights of the annual day celebration is the award ceremony, where students are recognized for their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and overall contribution to the school community. Awards are given out for academic excellence, sports achievements, leadership qualities, and other categories. This is a time when students feel proud of their accomplishments and are motivated to continue striving for excellence.

The annual day celebration is also a time for cultural exchange and learning. It is a day when students from different backgrounds and cultures come together to showcase their traditions and customs. There are usually performances that highlight the diversity and richness of the school community, celebrating the various cultures and traditions that make up the school.

The annual day celebration is a time for fun and enjoyment. It is a day when students can let loose and have a good time with their friends and classmates. There are usually games, activities, and food stalls that add to the festive atmosphere of the day. It is a day when everyone can relax and enjoy themselves, celebrating the end of another successful academic year.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is a time to celebrate the achievements and successes of the academic year. It is a day when students, teachers, and parents come together to recognize and appreciate each other’s efforts. It is a day when the entire school community can come together to celebrate as one, bonding over shared experiences and memories. The annual day celebration is a time for joy, laughter, and a sense of accomplishment, marking the end of another successful academic year.

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How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay | Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The How I Celebrate My Birthday essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Short Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

I was born on 24th January, eleven years ago. For me, it is the day when I am made to feel very important. I am busy sending invitation cards, arranging games and decorating the drawing room, on my birthday. I have left certain things entirely to my sister. For example, it is for her to decorate the cards and write addresses in a very beautiful handwriting. She also invites her friends to join the party. My father has a very different notion about the celebration of my birthday. Last year, he had taken me to an orphanage and had made me contribute money to their welfare fund. This year, he intends to take me to the school for the blind.

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay

My friends start arriving around 5 p.m. I welcome each one of them with warmth and make them sit comfortably in the drawing room that is beautifully decorated. They bring gifts for me, nicely packed in coloured wrappers. My uncle who lives abroad sends me a nice set of pens or a pair of nice jeans. This year again, I hope to get something wonderful from him.

When all the friends have come, my mother brings the cake to the drawing-room. The candles are lit on it. As my friends sing “Happy Birthday,” I blow out the candles and use a knife to carve out small pieces of the cake. Everyone wishes me a prosperous future. Some snacks are also served. The gifts are piled up in one corner and we all get ready to play the games. Every game seems to be full of fun. They all roar with laughter.

The lengthening shadows of the evening remind us that we have to wind up. Those friends who come from far- off places, start taking leave. It is the turn of my father to drive me to a charity home, school for the disabled or a hospital in the city. He wants me to remember all those people as my brothers and sisters and help them in their hour of need. I always look forward to my birthday as I feel very happy and important on this day.

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IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of celebrating family events from the real IELTS general training exam.

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Some people spend a lot of money celebrating personal family events, such as weddings and birthdays.

How important is it to celebrate such events?

Do you think people spend too much money on these events?

It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events. In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases.

Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised, are closer to both their immediate and extended family. The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice, lend a helping hand, and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health.

Generally, for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford. There are rare exceptions, such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control. A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions, family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators. A less affluent family, on the other hand, will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing.

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate. Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

1. It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events. 2. In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. 2. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. 3. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. 4. Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised, are closer to both their immediate and extended family. 5. The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice, lend a helping hand, and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Stay focused on the same main idea.

1. Generally, for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford. 2. There are rare exceptions, such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. 3. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control. 4. A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions, family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators. 5. A less affluent family, on the other hand, will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. 6. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Continue developing it…
  • as fully as possible!
  • Here I add an extra example to make it more specific.

1. In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate. 2. Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events . In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases .

Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings . These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality . Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised , are closer to both their immediate and extended family . The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice , lend a helping hand , and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health .

Generally , for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford . There are rare exceptions , such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control . A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions , family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators . A less affluent family, on the other hand , will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing .

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate . Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

common pervasive

invest heavily put a lot of money into

celebrating important family events birthdays, weddings, family reunions, etc.

vital really important

healthy family life good relationships in families

associated costs related expenses

reasonable not excessive

in most cases generally

bring together make closer

whole family everyone in the family

encourage foster

best illustrated clearest illustrations

counter-example example showing the opposite

rarely not often

large social gatherings big get-togethers

grow distant become like strangers

remain family members continue to be family

in name not in reality

rather than instead of

actuality reality

familial bonds relationships between family members

prioritised considered more important

immediate and extended family parents/siblings and then more distant family members like cousins

result outcome

closeness how close your are

advice suggestions

lend a helping hand give help

unconditional support no strings attached support

essential vital

mental health your mental state, emotions, etc.

generally overall

reasonably afford able to pay for

rare exceptions some different instances

newly married just married

excessively too strong

abide by stick to

internal calculus calculator in your head

keeps their spending under control stops them from spending too much money

stage lavish reunions put on big celebrations

appear excessive seem to be too much

perspective viewpoint

less privileged spectators poorer people

affluent rich

on the other hand however

tend to hold more modest events usually have less expensive celebrations

recoup get back

substantial proportion large percentage

envelope paper for letters

solid financial footing have enough money

strengthening bonds making relationships better

justifiable reasonable

moderate within reasonable limits

strive try hard

maintain sustain

traditions customs

insular isolated and alone


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈkɒmən   ɪnˈvɛst ˈhɛvɪli   ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪŋ ɪmˈpɔːtənt ˈfæmɪli ɪˈvɛnts ˈvaɪtl   ˈhɛlθi ˈfæmɪli laɪf   əˈsəʊʃɪeɪtɪd kɒsts   ˈriːznəbl   ɪn məʊst ˈkeɪsɪz brɪŋ təˈgɛðə   həʊl ˈfæmɪli   ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ   bɛst ˈɪləstreɪtɪd   ˈkaʊntər-ɪgˈzɑːmpl   ˈreəli   lɑːʤ ˈsəʊʃəl ˈgæðərɪŋz grəʊ ˈdɪstənt   rɪˈmeɪn ˈfæmɪli ˈmɛmbəz   ɪn neɪm   ˈrɑːðə ðæn   ˌækʧʊˈælɪti ˈfæmɪliəl bɒndz   praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪzd ɪˈmiːdiət ænd ɪksˈtɛndɪd ˈfæmɪli rɪˈzʌlt   ˈkləʊsnɪs   ədˈvaɪs lɛnd ə ˈhɛlpɪŋ hænd ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənl səˈpɔːt   ɪˈsɛnʃəl   ˈmɛntl hɛlθ ˈʤɛnərəli ˈriːznəbli əˈfɔːd reər ɪkˈsɛpʃənz ˈnjuːli ˈmærɪd   ɪkˈsɛsɪvli   əˈbaɪd baɪ   ɪnˈtɜːnl ˈkælkjʊləs   kiːps ðeə ˈspɛndɪŋ ˈʌndə kənˈtrəʊl steɪʤ ˈlævɪʃ riːˈjuːnjənz əˈpɪər ɪkˈsɛsɪv   pəˈspɛktɪv   lɛs ˈprɪvɪlɪʤd spɛkˈteɪtəz ˈæflʊənt   ɒn ði ˈʌðə hænd tɛnd tuː həʊld mɔː ˈmɒdɪst ɪˈvɛnts   rɪˈkuːp   səbˈstænʃəl prəˈpɔːʃən   ˈɛnvələʊp   ˈsɒlɪd faɪˈnænʃəl ˈfʊtɪŋ ˈstrɛŋθənɪŋ bɒndz   ˈʤʌstɪfaɪəbl   ˈmɒdərɪt straɪv   meɪnˈteɪn   trəˈdɪʃənz   ˈɪnsjʊlə  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

It is c___________n for individuals to i______________y in c________________________________s . In my opinion, such celebrations are v_____l to h___________________e and the a_________________s are r______________________________s .

Events that b_______________r the w______________y e_____________e stronger internal cohesion. This is b_________________d through the c__________________e of families that r________y meet for l______________________s . These families are likely to g______________t and r_______________________s i__________e r____________n a____________y . Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where f_________________s are p___________d , are closer to both their i______________________________y . The r________t of such c__________s is they can ask for a_________e , l________________d , and feel the u_______________________t and love that is e___________l for m______________h .

G__________y , for these events families spend only as much as they can r___________________d . There are r__________________s , such as when a n__________________d couple spends e_______________y on the wedding. However, most families a_________y an i____________________s that k_________________________________l . A wealthy family may s_______________________s , family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only a___________________e from the p_____________e of l___________________________s . A less a__________t family, o__________________d , will t_______________________________s and, in the case of weddings, may be able to r_______p a s__________________________n of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an e___________e containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on s_____________________________g .

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in s_____________________s and their cost is j____________e and m___________e . Families should therefore s_______e to m_____________n their t_____________s in an increasinly i_________r society.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

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Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • What kind of celebrations are common in your country?
  • How much do people typically spend on their wedding?
  • Are there big differences between the way that young and old people celebrate their birthdays?
  • Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations?
  • What is the importance of national holiday?

Writing Practice

Practice with the same basic topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others think they should stay at home with the family.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Family and the Home

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Hi Dave, would you please take a look at my essay? 🙂

It is true that some invest heavily in the celebration of family events. In my opinion, these events have a crucial role to play in both strengthening relationships between family members and giving individuals opportunities to cherish important moments in their lives, and I opine that an excessive amount of money is spent on these events.  Family events may bring the whole family closer together. Indeed, individuals these days have been exceedingly occupied themselves with responsibilities such as raising children and working, possibly oblivious of interacting with their family. Therefore, family events may provide a chance for them to gather together and update each other’s personal or professional developments, potentially improving family bonds. Additionally, personal events also help to highlight special moments in ones’ life. For example, marriage is often considered to occur only once, thus couples usually allocate a large amount of time and effort to rendering their weddings memorable, while some families hold a party to honor a recent graduate, encouraging him or her to strive harder to achieve greater future accomplishments. Nevertheless, I claim that an exceeding amount of money is spent on holding family events. For example, since weddings are regarded as a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity, people are willing to squander a hefty amount of money on hiring luxurious hotels, offering gourmet meals, or buying stunning decorations. The situation is made worse when the newly-weds’ expenditures on these events are beyond their financial capabilities, often leading to them facing future financial problems. Furthermore, these occasions are also prohibitively expensive for the guests. This means that when attending these lavish family events, those who are invited to partake feel obliged to buy the host sumptuous gifts. This is compounded by the fact that there are some who have to buy flight tickets to be able to participate in these events. Clearly, these family events cost a great deal of money not only for the host but also for the guests. In conclusion, family events are of paramount importance to solidifying the relationships between family members and offering a chance to enjoy special moments in one’s life, and I am strongly convinced that too much money has been spent on these events.


Really accurate vocabulary and grammar! Careful sometimes with your present perfect verbs and over-use of linkers in paragraphs as well as the occassional collocation.

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English Compositions

Essay on How I Celebrated My Birthday [PDF]

Hello readers, today this essay presentation is on how I celebrated my birthday. A birthday is the most exciting day of everyone’s life, a special day which is your own. So let’s dive into today’s essay on My Birthday Celebration.

Essay on How I Celebrated My Birthday feature image

What can be the most exciting and favorite day of my life than my birthday? I have celebrated my birthday last week on Saturday. I invited all my friends and dear ones at my place.

I have been really excited about my birthday last month. My relatives were also there to celebrate my birthday with me. As it was the day of the weekend hence my grandmother arranged a small pooja where my relatives and neighbours came to bless me for a better future.

I was really happy as I got so many wishes and blessings. Then after the pooja was over, I and my mother went shopping for buying me a gift. My father joined up for shopping too.

I got a really pretty dress as a present for my birthday. I wore the same dress for my birthday party. As the shopping was over I came back to my house and found that the house was decorated by my brother with balloons and frills all along. I also found that there was nobody in the hall.

As I entered the house and my parents were busy getting other gifts from the car. As soon as I stepped into the house, all my friends, family members, and relatives jumped out and wish me “Happy Birthday”. I was really shocked but then surprised by the same that happened.

My parents came along and kissed me on my forehead. I was in tears as I was really happy and overwhelmed. I feel they have done everything to make my birthday the most memorable one. Being it my 10th birthday, I got ten different small and big gifts from my parents.

As everyone was enjoying in the hall I went upstairs and got dressed in the same dress my parents gifted to me. I came downstairs to enjoy the party. As soon as I reached downstairs I saw my school friends waiting for me.

I played with them for a while and then my father came up with the cake. The cake was very beautiful as it was my favorite flavor. I like chocolate truffle the most and my dad always takes care of my wishes.

He put the cake on the table and everybody exclaimed that it is so beautiful. Delighted by the site, I saw that the cake was two-storey and that is what I was planning for so long.

I hugged my dad and then I proceeded further. Everyone was cheering me up for the birthday as I blew the candle and cut the cake. The taste of the cake was really delicious.

After I cut the cake I gave it to all the loved ones by myself. Everyone gave me the gifts that they have brought for me. I was really happy about receiving all the gifts and blessings.

My parents also have surprised something else too; as everybody was enjoying the great party my brother who is 2 years older than me recited a poem for me. That was really cute and simple. That melted my heart and I felt that I am the luckiest girl on this planet.

I ate and then enjoyed dancing and playing with my friends and brother. We danced a lot for a lot of time. I still remember how we all were celebrating my birthday with so much excitement. Then the food was served and everyone ate it happily.

I also ate noodles and pizzas as they are of my most liking. Everybody seemed happy. All my friends played with me and my cousins like musical chairs, hide and seek, Jaenga were some games that we played. The winner got some return gifts too.

That time was really fun and everybody enjoyed it a lot. I also received calls from all the people and relatives who couldn’t show up at the party. They were also really happy for me. My best friend, Kavya also sang a song for me that showed that she considers me the best of friends.

She has been with me since my childhood. When everybody has enjoyed themselves completely, then all my friends and relatives started to go as it was really late. Everybody departed by giving me good luck and prosperity for my studies and life.

Then I helped everyone in winding up the mess. As we all were free and changed for our night suits, I asked my grandmother to unpack the birthday gifts. I was really excited about that part of the day. As soon as mom and dad bring gifts to my room I started opening them.

I was surprised that I got such lovely, precious, and great gifts or my birthday. I got an amazing wristwatch from my grandmother and my brother gifted me a diary which had such a beautiful cover. I was very happy seeing such gifts.

My friends gave me really nice gifts as there were stuff toys, books, crayons, paint colours, photo frames and several dresses for me. I liked all the gifts a lot. But one I received from my family will always be the most special to me. I celebrated my 10th birthday with a lot of surprises and gifts. My birthday was really memorable and I hope I celebrate many more birthdays like this.

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The Joy of Celebration: 8 Unique Ways to Mark Special Moments in Life

joy of celebration

If there’s one surefire way to increase your joy in life, it’s this: celebrate the good things that happen to you. Life hands us a lot of lumps, and it’s easy sometimes to lose the joy amidst the juggle of work, family, and community responsibilities. During stressful times, celebration can feel frivolous or indulgent, but there are good reasons not to skip out on marking life’s special moments.

From a scientific perspective, sharing our joy with others (or capitalization, as psychologists call it), helps intensify our joy in the moment, while also increasing our long-term happiness and life satisfaction. As Charlotte Brontë once wrote in a letter, “Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.”

Many of the ways that we celebrate can also have positive side effects. Celebratory gatherings serve as a form of release that dissolves tension and promotes more egalitarian behavior. Celebrations involving music or dance can also promote synchrony , a phenomenon wherein moving or singing together causes people to be more altruistic, generous, and community-minded. They can also deepen relationships between individuals. Celebrations can create a sense of shared identity and common purpose. They can highlight values you care about, such as kindness or playfulness, making others aspire to these ideals.

For more research on the joy of celebration, see Chapter 9 of my book Joyful: the Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness .

The Joy of Celebration: 8 Unique Ways To Mark Special Moments In Life

Celebrations are powerful, and yet sometimes it can be hard to think of how to celebrate life other than throwing a party or going out for a nice dinner. In this post I want to share some unique ideas for ways to celebrate to inspire you to come up with your own celebratory traditions and rituals.

Among these ideas you’ll find tips for small celebrations and big ones, for introverts as well as extraverts, and for finding things to celebrate even when life isn’t exactly going your way.

make your joy visible

celebratory ritual in college

I immediately loved this celebratory ritual practiced by college students during final exams. At the start of finals, students blow up one balloon for each exam they have, and then pop one each time they finish a test. While the balloons are festive, they’re also an important signal for a community that is going through a time of both stress and celebration. When someone has a lot of balloons outside their door, it’s a sign they could use some support and quiet. No balloons? It’s time to party!

I loved reading that students cheer for each other when they hear the sound of a balloon popping. Celebration helps to amplify joy and cultivate a sense of unity, even among people who are not normally close. Joining in scattered cheers around the dorm creates the feeling that one person’s joy is everyone’s joy, and fosters a collective spirit among students.

put a spotlight on good news

Reader Patty Clark emailed to share her family’s festive ritual:

One way that my family celebrates joy is with a special red plate. When anyone in the family has some good news or accomplishment or success, that person gets to use the red plate for dinner. A simple way for the whole family to share the celebration!

What’s great about this is that it makes a celebration tangible. Giving high fives and congrats are great, but fleeting. Having something physical that makes your loved one the center of attention serves as a reminder throughout the evening that this dinner is special, that your family and friends have something to be joyful about. Your special plate or glass or whatever you choose becomes a part of your personal lore, and can be something to look forward to over time.

indulge in an Everyday luxury

Not everyone loves being the center of attention. But even if parties aren’t your speed, there are still ways to celebrate. Author Katherine May ( who I recently interviewed here ) celebrates the publication of a new book with a bottle of fancy hand soap. She says :

It’s extravagant, but not too much. What I like most of all is the way it keys with the mundane: every time I wash my hands, I’m reminded that something really good happened. No need to make a song and dance about it. Just a nice scent rising from the sink and a little smile to myself.

Celebrating with an everyday luxury extends the celebration out, sometimes for months. This feels especially appropriate for the completion of a long project — you worked on it for many days and nights, and now you get to have many reminders of the joy you created. This kind of celebration can also help to thwart arrival fallacy, which is the paradoxical tendency to feel let down after a big achievement, and to immediately start to look toward the next milestone in the belief that will finally be the one to make us happy.

When you extend out the celebration, you give yourself a chance to dwell in the joy of your achievement, rather than immediately moving on to what’s next.

get dressed up

Japanese students in costumes | The Joy of Celebration

Festive clothing can be a tangible reminder of our joy. That might mean donning a costume, like these Kanazawa College of Art students who are allowed to accept their diploma in whatever costume they choose. Or it might just mean wearing sparkly shoes as you go about your errands on a day when you have something to celebrate.

Festive clothing puts your joy on display and invites others to ask what you’re celebrating, and join in the good vibes. And if others get dressed up with you, it creates a sense of visual harmony that reinforces your bond — and your collective joy.

Do a happy dance

It might sound silly, but there’s science to suggest that a happy dance can help heighten your joy in celebratory moments. That’s because happy dances amplify your natural expressions of joy: opening up your posture, lifting up your arms, and making energetic movements. These exaggerated expressions create a kind of feedback loop, telling your brain that you feel good and increasing the flow of neurotransmitters that signal positive emotion.

My husband Albert and I have a tradition of doing a happy dance on Friday evenings, but we also do them whenever we have good news to share.

distinguish between celebrating and bragging

Sometimes we hesitate to share good news because we worry others might think we’re bragging. But this is a shame, since sharing our joy with others not only increases the joy we gain from the experience , but also deepens our relationships with others. Reader Marlene Gallagher shared a clever way that she and her friends have gotten around this problem: sending a “joy text” to the group, marked by a special emoji.

Unique Ways to Mark Special Moments in Life

Knowing that everyone’s on the same page about the intention behind a festive share enrolls your group in your celebration, and makes it safe to share good news without worrying people might assume the worst.

Celebrate the unlikely

Most of the time, we celebrate good news. But sometimes, there are good reasons to celebrate the not-so-great moments in daily life. I found this tip via writer Jessica Grose’s New York Times newsletter , which used to be exclusively parenting-focused but now has a broader beat. She shared this story from her reader Joe Quam, in Lombard, Illinois:

At the family dinner table each day, inevitably someone would spill something — a beverage, the contents of a large serving spoon, etc. Instead of gritting our teeth in dismay and crying “not again,” we instituted a new rule that a spill required a celebratory shout of “Spill of the day!” that focused our attention and usually avoided a second spill.

One of the remarkable things about celebration is that it defuses tension. You can see this in the celebratory behavior of chimpanzees, who become markedly less hierarchical and more affectionate toward each other after celebrating. (See Franz de Waal’s work on chimpanzees for more on this.) Proactively turning moments that typically cause tension into celebrations can help prevent small conflicts from turning into big ones.

always be prepared to celebrate

confetti in pocket tweet

This extremely viral tweet is a delightful reminder of the way that children are always on the lookout for joy. While adults often get jaded and absorbed by the weight of our responsibilities, for kids, celebration might be just around the corner.

Emergency confetti is a tangible reminder to keep your eyes open for joy. It brings your attention into the present, focuses you on living life in the moment . As the saying goes, “chance favors the prepared mind” (attributed to Louis Pasteur). When you’re ready for joy to happen, you’re more likely to notice and experience it.

Do you have any unique ways to celebrate? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.

  • Abundance ,
  • anticipation ,
  • Celebration ,
  • happy dance ,

essay about a celebration

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Discussion (4 Comments)

Hi Ingrid, Love this article and you work in general!

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the hospital having a heart procedure, an ablation, to fix the arrhythmia I’ve lived with for 10 yrs. This was my 5th procedure & there have been lots of challenges over the years. Every single staff member was sweet, kind, helpful. It was such a wonderful, safe, environment that I found myself focusing on joy.

My specialist & I had discussed music for the procedure in our initial appt & he was up for playing Motown (native Detroiter here). So at the end of the “time out” he did w/staff before the procedure in the lab, I asked about the Motown. He played my fav song, we talked Motown & the Beatles a bit, & I was out.

I came out of the procedure still in the arrhythmia for most of the 6+ hrs I had to lie still. But then a sweet staff person came to take an EKG, which showed what I’d felt, that I was back in normal rhythm! I insisted we celebrate. She grabbed 2 apple juice boxes for a toast and I played Celebration, by Kool & the Gang, from my Fun playlist on my phone. It was a blast.

Watching Mamma Mia! has proven to be good medicine as my heart heals. If my heart does flip out of rhythm, I celebrate with Dancing Queen once it’s back to normal. 

Grace, I remember you sharing this story with me about the Motown music and I love it so much. Now I’m so happy to hear about your juice box toast and Celebration celebration. Your stories are a reminder that we celebrate with what we have where we can, and that those kinds of celebrations are all the more memorable because ot it.

Everyone in my family has a celebratory “secret handshake.” We each have one for each family member so that any given pairing is ready to celebrate at any given time. We use them as a “ritual of connection” as the Gottmans say, and also to mark good moments, both large and small. There’s something special about looking at someone you love and having a little celebration right there and then about how happy you are to see them.

Amy, this is such a wonderful tradition – thank you so much for sharing your custom! I’m curious how this arose. Was it spontaneous between two of you, and it spread, or did someone once have the idea to do it intentionally?

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Essay on Teacher’s Day Celebration in School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Teacher’s Day Celebration in School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Teacher’s Day Celebration in School


Teacher’s Day is a special occasion celebrated in schools worldwide to honor and appreciate teachers. It is a day filled with joy, respect, and gratitude.

Celebration in School

The celebration begins with a school assembly. Students perform skits, dances, and songs to express their love for teachers.

Role of Students

On this day, students take on the role of teachers. They manage classes, showcasing their understanding of the teaching profession.

Teacher’s Day is a memorable day in school. It strengthens the bond between teachers and students, making it a celebration to cherish.

250 Words Essay on Teacher’s Day Celebration in School

Significance of teacher’s day, preparations for the celebration.

In schools, preparations for Teacher’s Day commence well in advance. Students organize various cultural programs, skits, and debates that reflect their admiration for their teachers. The school environment is imbued with a festive fervor, and the anticipation of the special day sparks creativity and enthusiasm among the students.

The Day of the Celebration

On the day itself, the school is adorned with colorful decorations. Students present their prepared performances, and the day is filled with laughter, cheer, and heartfelt tributes. Some students dress up as their teachers, mimicking their mannerisms humorously, yet respectfully, to show their affection.

Role of Teachers

This celebration is a reminder of the pivotal role teachers play in our lives. They not only impart knowledge but also instill values, build character, and inspire us to reach our potential. The celebration of Teacher’s Day is a small token of gratitude for their ceaseless efforts.

In conclusion, Teacher’s Day celebration in schools is a beautiful tradition that acknowledges the tireless efforts of educators. It is a day filled with joy, respect, and gratitude, reflecting the unique bond between teachers and students.

500 Words Essay on Teacher’s Day Celebration in School

Teacher’s Day is a significant event celebrated all over the world, honouring the dedication and contribution of teachers towards shaping the minds of the future. This day is marked with joy and enthusiasm in schools, where students and teachers alike share a day of respect, appreciation, and mutual learning.

The Significance of Teacher’s Day

Preparation for the celebration.

The celebration of Teacher’s Day in schools is often a student-led initiative. Weeks before the event, students start planning various activities, including cultural performances, games, speeches, and gift presentations. The preparation phase is an exciting time, fostering teamwork and leadership skills among students. It also allows them to express their creativity and organisational abilities.

On Teacher’s Day, the atmosphere in schools is filled with excitement and anticipation. The day usually begins with a formal assembly where the head student delivers a speech expressing gratitude towards the teachers. This is followed by cultural performances, such as dances, skits, and songs, prepared by the students as a tribute to their teachers.

Engaging Activities

Another highlight of the day is the presentation of gifts and cards to the teachers. These tokens of appreciation, often handmade, are a way for students to express their gratitude and respect for their teachers.

Reflection and Gratitude

The celebration of Teacher’s Day is not just about fun and games; it is also a day of reflection and gratitude. It allows students to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of their teachers, and it gives teachers a chance to feel appreciated and valued. This mutual exchange of respect and admiration strengthens the bond between teachers and students, promoting a healthy learning environment.

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    1. Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. 2. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. 3. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. 4.

  20. Essay on How I Celebrated My Birthday [PDF ...

    Hello readers, today this essay presentation is on how I celebrated my birthday. A birthday is the most exciting day of everyone's life, a special day which is your own. So let's dive into today's essay on My Birthday Celebration. This Essay is Formatted For Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Class 10 | Class 11 | Class 12

  21. Essay on Annual Day Celebration

    500 Words Essay on Annual Day Celebration Introduction. Annual Day Celebration forms the heart and soul of an institution's cultural ethos. It is a day that brings together the entire institution, celebrating the spirit of learning, creativity, and camaraderie. This day is not only about cultural performances and accolades but also a ...

  22. The Joy of Celebration: 8 Ways to Mark Special Moments in Life

    Celebrations involving music or dance can also promote , a phenomenon wherein moving or singing together causes people to be more altruistic, generous, and community-minded. They can also deepen relationships between individuals. Celebrations can create a sense of shared identity and common purpose.

  23. Essay on Teacher's Day Celebration in School

    500 Words Essay on Teacher's Day Celebration in School Introduction. Teacher's Day is a significant event celebrated all over the world, honouring the dedication and contribution of teachers towards shaping the minds of the future. This day is marked with joy and enthusiasm in schools, where students and teachers alike share a day of ...