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  • International Yoga Day Essay


An Introduction to Yoga

Yoga is the ancient way to attain physical, mental, and spiritual practice. Primarily originating in India, the word 'yoga' is derived from Sanskrit, meaning to unite. This unity signifies the ultimate union of the body with consciousness and thus attaining definitive peace.

Recognizing the universal appeal of Yoga, on December 11 2014, the United Nations proclaimed June 21 to be marked as the International Day of Yoga.

It was first started by our present Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. He celebrated Yoga Day for the first time on June 21 in 2015, after which Yoga Day started being celebrated all over the world on June 15, and it turned into International Yoga Day. Since then, Yoga Day has been celebrated every year by the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) in India.

As per the calendar, this date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest in the Southern Hemisphere. Also, from the Yoga's perspective, this summer solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayana. Dakshinayana is the six-month tenure for the sun to travel to the south on the celestial sphere in between the Summer and the Winter solstice.

In today's times, this is practised in various forms across different parts of the world and is growing more and more popular. The main aim of celebrating International Day of Yoga is to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits of Yoga. However, Yoga is much more than just a mere physical activity.

As per one of the famous Yoga practitioners, late B. K. S. Iyengar, Yoga is the best way to cultivate and maintain a balanced attitude in daily life while bequeathing the best of performance skills in every action being made.

History of International Yoga Day

Yoga is a centuries-old practice that originated somewhere around 5,000 years ago in India. This was looked up as a process and technique to interconnect the mind, body and soul together and take a step closer to enlightenment. As this practice gained popularity in the West, this started to be termed an exercise and relaxation method. This was also associated with the claims to alleviate any existing physical injuries and chronic pains.

The idea to mark June 21 as International Yoga Day was first proposed by India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 27, 2014. It was during his UN General Assembly speech where the resolution was introduced by India's Ambassador, Asoke Kumar Mukerji, to June 21 as International Yoga Day.

On June 21, 2015, i.e., when this day was first celebrated, more than 36,000 people from all over India joined Prime Minister Modi to perform 21 yoga postures, also called asanas, for 35 minutes at Rajpath, New Delhi. Shri Narendra Modi was further joined by other high-profile political and famous leaders across the globe.  

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a process in which man tries to bring his mind, body and soul together. Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning to meet or be united. Yoga originates from Indian culture. People have been practising Yoga since about 5000 years ago. Yoga does not have physical fitness primarily; in Yoga, people try to control their body and mind through mental focus and breathing methods.

If men teach Yoga, then they are called yogis, and if women teach, they are called yoginis. Yoga Sutra is a 2000-year-old book. This is the only book in which written evidence of Yoga has been found. This book is the oldest book about Yoga. Yogic philosophy is described in this book. A lot of methods have been conveyed about how someone can control their mind, their emotion, and merge into spirituality.

Yoga is divided into six branches, namely Hatha Yoga, Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Tantra yoga. There are also seven chakras of yoga styles namely Sahasram chakra, Ajna chakra, Vishuddha chakra, Anahata chakra, Manipura chakra, Svadhishthana chakra, Muladhara chakra.

There are total 13 types of Yoga: Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Power Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Acro Yoga.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is the only process in which you can exercise without any equipment. Not only that but in Yoga, you can drive away your diseases without any medicine.

With Yoga, you can increase the flexibility of your body. If there is flexibility in one's body, then the pain is much less in that body. Doing Yoga can relieve your pain.

If a person does Yoga for 20 to 30 minutes daily, then his body does not get tired throughout the day.

Yoga is very beneficial for children. Yoga is also helpful in calming the mind, and it is also helpful in showing the right attitude. Doing Yoga produces positive thoughts, and it also takes the mind to do the right thing

Muscles get strong by doing Yoga. By going to the gym, doing weight exercises also strengthen muscles, but when you do Yoga, your muscles become strong, and at the same time, it becomes flexible also, so there is no arthritis and back pain.

Doing Yoga keeps the mind calm. By doing this, anxiety does not come. Diseases like mental stress and hypertension remain away from the body.

Doing Yoga improves human posture.

Yoga helps bones remain strong, and there is no joint pain. Blood flow remains good by doing Yoga. It also improves the heart rate of the body and also boosts immunity. Not only this, but Yoga also helps in controlling blood pressure and controls blood sugar levels.

Weight loss is also very quick and easy due to Yoga. Yoga makes the person happy all the time. It enhances peace of mind which leads to good sleep.

Role of India to promote Yoga

Yoga originated in India. Yoga has been practised in India for about 5000 years; every person in India knows about Yoga very much in advance, people know its benefits, and it has been done before it became popular in the world. In his speech given in the UN, the current Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, gave the idea of making International Yoga important.

He said in his speech," Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but discovering the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness can help in well-being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day."

With this, the UN Assembly accepted this proposal and decided to celebrate International Yoga Day on June 21 every year. Also, there are several exercises being organized in the schools like writing International Yoga Day Essays for students in English and other vernacular languages.

Significance of Yoga

Shiva, also known as Adiyogi, is considered the originator and creator of Yoga. This was further brought to the masses by the Saptarishis. As per the Indian mythological story, Shiva sat in a meditating position for years. Then, seven people were impressed by his level of determination, so they decided to learn from him, and they sat still for more than 84 years.

After this, Lord Shiva noticed these 7 beings on the summer solstice day and transmitted the science of meditation to the Saptarishis (7 rishis).

International Yoga Day 2021: List of suggested Activities in India

To reach out to the people and induct them into the delightful world of Yoga, some of the activities suggested this year were:

Internal guidelines issuance within the offices with the background of the observation of the then International Day of Yoga. This can also be mentioned or displayed on the respective websites for awareness.

With social media platforms, cover the latest updates and details about International Yoga Day.

Preach the staff with Common Yoga Protocol and organize the online training programmes for these protocols

Ensure maximum participation for the Common Yoga Protocol in a COVID-19 compliant manner.

Circulate the relevant materials to all employees and associates to further share the awareness.

Organize related activities like online lectures sessions and workshops for Yoga experts.

Circulation of Yoga costumes, mats, and other related goodies to motivate all for Yoga practising and adoption.

Publish Yoga and specific articles across organizations with official e-newsletters, bulletins, magazines, and other publishings.

International Yoga Day Objectives

The main objective to adopt International Yoga Day is as mentioned below.

Promote enhanced mental and physical health advantages amongst the people.

Aware the public of Yoga's holistic advantages.

Promote awareness among people about Yoga's natural and amazing results.

Assist people to connect with nature while practising Yoga daily.

Reduction in the rate of fatal diseases across nations.

Unification of communities while devoting quality time for health from monotonous work routines.

Growth enhancement and development together to bring peace.

Encouraging people to eliminate negativity and embrace yoga asanas.

Triumph over bad mental and physical health.

Promote healthy living habits amongst the masses.

International Yoga Day is celebrated every June 21. It was introduced by our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. It aims to provide mental health fitness, physical health fitness of mind, body and soul. It also rejuvenates our body and keeps us calm. On this day there are many activities that take place in school along with parents.


FAQs on International Yoga Day Essay

1. What is Yoga?

Yoga is a process in which man tries to bring his mind, body and soul together. Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning to meet or be united. Yoga originates from Indian culture.

2. When was the first time International Yoga Day was celebrated?

It was first started by our present Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, who celebrated Yoga Day for the first time on June 21 in 2015, after which Yoga Day started being celebrated all over the world on June 15.

3. How Yoga is beneficial for children?

Yoga is very beneficial for children. Yoga helps calm the mind, and it is also helpful in showing the right attitude. Doing Yoga produces positive thoughts, and it also takes the mind to do the right things. That is why doing Yoga can improve the concentration of children in studies. It helps in focusing on the right path. Yoga improves mood swings and reduces stress levels. It also helps improve memory and helps them focus on what they are doing, along with improved sleep levels.

4. How can Yoga benefit our Body Physically?

With Yoga, the bones remain stronger than others, and there would be no joint pain. Yoga enables good blood flow to all the organs and improves heart functioning. Not only this, but Yoga also helps control blood pressure and blood sugar level along with boosting immunity. Yoga also helps weight loss quickly and strengthen muscles. Strengthening muscles is also done with the weight exercises at the gym, but with Yoga, the muscles become flexible at the same time with no further arthritis and back pain.

5. What is the best time to Practice Yoga?

Mornings are the best time to practice Yoga. When you start your day with Yoga, you will experience that you are staying more energetic and focused throughout the day. The prime reason is the fresh air in the morning. It helps you get mentally and physically prepared for the challenges awaiting the rest of the day. Also, after you awake, the muscles stay stiff in the morning. So, practising Yoga in the morning time would stretch your stiff muscles while adding flexibility.

6. What is the frequency of Yoga practice?

Depending on your availability and schedule, you can either join any yoga classes nearby or online, weekly or daily. Yoga practice daily for 15 minutes also would be very beneficial. The best thing about Yoga is that one can take up yoga classes as frequent as one needs. If anyone does not have time to attend classes, online yoga sessions are readily available for them. Just to ensure that while practising yoga at home, you have an appropriate atmosphere to breathe.

7. Which Yoga Style should one follow?

To start with beginners, one needs to be well- aware that there are various forms of Yoga to practice like meditative, fast-paced, slow-paced and restorative forms. These are some of the forms commonly used, and there are other forms as well. Each yoga style is different from others and so as to benefits. Choosing the right yoga style is dependent on factors like age, fitness goals, activity level, current activity level, temperament, time, and more. The beginners might need a lot more time to experiment with different yoga styles to decide the one meeting their needs.

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Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of  Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from the play store.


Essay on International Yoga Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on International Yoga Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on International Yoga Day


International Yoga Day, celebrated on June 21, is a special day dedicated to the ancient practice of Yoga. It was declared by the United Nations in 2014.


This day emphasizes the importance of Yoga in our lives. Yoga helps us maintain physical fitness, mental peace, and emotional stability.


On this day, people across the globe participate in mass Yoga sessions. Various events and workshops are also organized to promote the benefits of Yoga.

International Yoga Day reminds us to incorporate Yoga into our daily routine for a healthier and happier life.

250 Words Essay on International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21, is a global event aimed at raising awareness about the numerous benefits of practicing yoga, a physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day in 2014, recognizing its universal appeal and its potential to promote health and well-being.

Significance of the Date

The choice of June 21, the Summer Solstice, as International Yoga Day is significant. This day, the longest of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, is considered sacred in many cultures. It symbolizes the transition from the physical to the spiritual, aligning with the transformative nature of yoga.

The Global Impact of Yoga

Yoga transcends geographical boundaries. Its universal applicability lies in promoting harmony between mind, body, and spirit. It helps individuals manage stress, improve physical health, and enhance mental clarity. Amidst the fast-paced modern lifestyle, yoga offers a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Role of International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day plays a vital role in popularizing yoga globally. It provides a platform for yoga enthusiasts to share their experiences, learn from each other, and spread awareness about the benefits of yoga. It also encourages research in the field of yoga, leading to scientific validation of its health benefits.

In essence, International Yoga Day serves as a beacon, guiding individuals towards a healthier lifestyle and a more balanced existence. It underscores the importance of incorporating yoga into daily life, promoting physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. As we mark this day, we are reminded of the timeless wisdom of our ancestors and the universal applicability of yoga.

500 Words Essay on International Yoga Day

Origins and significance.

The idea of International Yoga Day was proposed by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, during his speech at the UNGA in 2014. He suggested June 21 for this observance as it is the Summer Solstice and holds special significance in many parts of the world. The day was officially declared by the UNGA on December 11, 2014, with an overwhelming majority. The resolution was co-sponsored by a record 177 countries, reflecting the global consensus on the importance of yoga.

The day aims to underscore the role of holistic wellness in our lives, encouraging individuals to discover the sense of oneness with themselves, society, and nature.

The Practice of Yoga

Benefits of yoga, international yoga day celebrations.

Each year, the day is marked with mass yoga demonstrations, workshops, and cultural performances globally. The first International Yoga Day in 2015 set two Guinness World Records: one for the largest yoga lesson, featuring 35,985 participants, and another for the most nationalities participating in a single yoga lesson.

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Essay on International Yoga Day | International Yoga Day Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on International Yoga Day: The International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June and was established in 2014. Mr. Narendra Modi introduced it for the benefit of the citizens of India and everyone in the world.

Yoga helps in keeping the mind and body fresh. And to understand the importance of International Yoga Day, we have compiled some long and short essays on International Yoga Day for the use of the readers.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on International Yoga Day for Students and Kids in English

Given below is a long essay on international yoga day of 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of about international yoga day nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on International Yoga Day 500 Words in English

The International Yoga Day is celebrated by the whole world on 21st June every year starting from 2015 and was initiated by the prime minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi. International Yoga Day has been an enormous success since its launching, and huge programs are organized every year with a massive number of presents in the programs. On the first yoga day, that is, 21st June 2015, around 35,985 people, including the prime minister himself, gathered on Rajpath, New Delhi, and practiced near about 21 yoga poses for over 35 minutes.

The Second International Yoga Day was held in Chandigarh, where Mr. NArendra Modi, the prime minister of India, made people aware of the benefits of yoga. Thousands of people practiced yoga postures, including the prime minister. To encourage the mass, Mr. Narendra Modi gave a marvelous and inspiring introductory speech on how yoga makes life better. In 2016, many big and small programs took place all over the country where the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guards, and Indian Army gathered to practice yoga. And International Yoga Day is celebrated with the same zeal all over the world.

On the third International Yoga Day, the PM along with around 51 thousand people gathered in Lucknow, in the Ramabai Ambedkar Stadium to celebrate the International Yoga Day in a grand manner. Till then, many people had started incorporating yoga in their daily lives and were more enthusiastic about practicing yoga daily, and they had begun inspiring other people who did not practice yoga. In the third International Yoga Day, the president of India had himself also celebrated Yoga Day with great zeal.

The fourth International Yoga Day saw great success and was celebrated grandly in many parts of the country, and the grandest amongst them was held in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The clock tower of Dehradun was the spot of practicing yoga for that day and thousands of people along with Shri Narendra Modi.

Yoga Is vital in an individual’s life to make his life organized and help him to keep his body fit and mind in peace. Taking pills and health supplements does not have the same effect on the body as yoga does, and that is why yoga practitioners encourage others to avail yoga as a part of their daily routine. The International Yoga Day has helped in promoting the idea and the benefits of practicing yoga and has encouraged thousands of people and is continuing to do the same.

Short Essay on International Yoga Day 150 Words in English

The United Nations declared on 21st December 2014 that 21st June every year will be observed as International Yoga Day. The initiative was first started by the prime minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Many parts of the world celebrate International Yoga Day with great zeal, but India celebrates it in the grandest manner possible.

Various yoga programs are held all over the country where yoga enthusiasts participate and encourage others to have a healthy lifestyle by doing yoga. On the first International Yoga Day, the prime minister of India practiced 21 poses for over 35 minutes under expert guidance and gathered thousands of people from all across the country. The International Yoga Day was a successful initiative which is inspiring the youths to practice yoga in their daily life to become healthy actively.

10 Lines on International Yoga Day in English

  • The concept of International Yoga Day was proposed by the respected Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi.
  • The initiative was established in 2014, and the United Nations declared in December 204 that 21st June would be celebrated as the International Yoga Day.
  • The first International Yoga Day was held in Rajpath, New Delhi.
  • The second International Yoga Day was celebrated in the city of Chandigarh.
  • The third International Yoga Day was celebrated in the city of Lucknow.
  • Yoga is an ancient practice that used to be one’s mind healthy and body fit.
  • Yoga is a form of meditation and exercise which makes people’s lives better.
  • Not only is the physical body benefited by the poses and postures of yoga, but it also gives one spiritual peace and calmness.
  • The different branches of yoga symbolize various unique forms belonging to varying characteristics of yoga.
  • As the years are passing by, the International Yoga Day is proving itself more and more successful.

FAQ’s on International Yoga Day in English

Question 1. What should one do on International Yoga Day?

Answer: One should obviously practice yoga and meditate to compose oneself. One can even attend programs held by yoga enthusiasts to learn more about yoga and imply it more efficiently.

Question 2. Is there any importance in celebrating International Yoga Day?

Answer: Celebrating International Yoga Day helps in spreading awareness about yoga and its benefits and healing and curing properties and helps to encourage others to make their lifestyle healthy.

Question 3. How can one celebrate International Yoga Day?

Answer: One can visit social gatherings to learn about yoga and learn new techniques from the professionals and pay an homage of gratitude to the transformative power of yoga.

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On International Yoga Day, UN spotlights power of ancient practice to help ease COVID stress

Jon Witt, a yoga teacher, practicing therapeutic yoga postures in Jersey City, USA.

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The UN celebrates the sixth annual International Day of Yoga on 21 June, recognizing the ancient practice as a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, and a powerful tool for dealing with the myriad stresses brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India and is now practiced in various forms around the world. The word “yoga” derives from Sanskrit and means “to join or unite”, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.

Countering depression, anxiety

As the global outbreak of COVID-19 has upended lives across the world, a rise in conditions including depression and anxiety have been seen as people adapt to lifestyle changes.

This year’s observance - organized as an online celebration on 19 June by the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations - will be held under the theme, "Yoga for Health - Yoga at Home”, as precautions taken during the fight against COVID-19 have shut down yoga studios and other communal spaces. Practitioners have turned to home practice and online yoga resources.

“During my missions and the ongoing confinement, yoga has really helped me to stay calm, balanced and focused,” said Silke Von Brockhausen, who is currently based in New York at the UN Children’s Fund ( UNICEF ) and has a career in helping the UN respond to global emergencies.

‘A unique discovery’

Parents may also find it helpful for keeping their children relaxed and physically active while schools and summer break activities are cancelled. “Yoga is a unique discovery,” says Nagaraj Naidu, Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations. “I have seen it transform me, my family. Yoga has got tremendous benefits to offer.”

The United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the annual International Day of Yoga in 2014 with the adoption of General Assembly resolution 69/131 , endorsing a vision set out by India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. “Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, through and action…a holistic approach [that] is valuable to our health and wellbeing,” he told the sixty-ninth session.

Tips for living well in quarantine

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) has stressed the benefits of yoga from the earliest days of the COVID crisis, recommending the practice as a way to look after physical and mental wellbeing at home. Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cited it among his tips for living well while in quarantine, during his 20 March media briefing. Yoga also features prominently in WHO ’s Global Action plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030, which makes a link between investment in policy actions to increase physical activity and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals , particularly Goal 3 (good health and wellbeing).

Global health a ‘long term objective’

“Health no longer applies to the condition of not being sick”, said President of the General Assembly Tijani Muhammad-Bande (Nigeria) in opening remarks during the virtual celebration. It also involves staying well. “Global health is a long-term objective.”

T. S. Tirumurti, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, agreed, emphasizing that the 2020 celebration is a testament to yoga’s global appeal - and to the substantial medical and scientific evidence that acknowledges its efficacy in promoting healthy lifestyles.

The nature of yoga techniques, combined with breathing and meditation, have been shown to easy the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and boost energy, he said.

“This year, our effort has been put together simple yoga modules that can be practiced at home by all individuals,” he said. “Please join us to celebrate this unique gift of India to the world.”

Coronavirus Portal & News Updates

Humanity ‘back on track’.

Sadhguru, Founder of Isha Foundation, led participants through a practice of Simha Kriya to boost lung capacity. Especially during a crisis, “it is most important that we, as human beings, function at our best,” he said.

“You cannot afford to create a crisis within you.” Yogic practices have the power to liberate people from this mindset and enhance the immune system. “It is very important that we stay alive and stay physically, mentally healthy,” he said, and that humanity “gets back on track” as soon as possible.

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Essay On International Day Of Yoga

essay on international yoga day

Table of Contents

Short Essay On International Day Of Yoga

The International Day of Yoga is a special day celebrated annually on June 21st, since its inception by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. This day is celebrated to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga, which is a traditional Indian practice that has been around for thousands of years.

Yoga is a holistic form of exercise that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, to promote physical and mental well-being. The practice of yoga has been proven to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance, as well as to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and boost the immune system.

The International Day of Yoga is celebrated around the world with a variety of events and activities, including mass yoga sessions, workshops, and demonstrations, to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga and encourage people to incorporate it into their daily lives. On this day, people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds come together to celebrate the practice of yoga, and to share its benefits with others.

In India, the International Day of Yoga is celebrated with great enthusiasm and is marked by mass yoga demonstrations, cultural events, and public lectures on the benefits of yoga. In other countries, the day is celebrated with community events, such as yoga classes in parks and public squares, and workshops and demonstrations in schools, universities, and community centers.

The International Day of Yoga is a powerful reminder of the importance of incorporating physical activity and mindfulness into our daily lives, and of the role that yoga can play in promoting physical and mental well-being. By celebrating this day, we can raise awareness about the benefits of yoga and encourage more people to incorporate this ancient practice into their daily lives.

In conclusion, the International Day of Yoga is a special day that is celebrated around the world to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga. Through this day, we can raise awareness about the importance of physical activity and mindfulness in promoting well-being, and encourage more people to incorporate yoga into their daily lives

Long Essay On International Day Of Yoga

Yoga has been around for centuries, but it is only in recent years that it has gained popularity across the world. This International Day of Yoga, we take a look at how this ancient practice of physical and mental well-being can bring us closer to our goals, both personal and professional. From the physical benefits of yoga to the spiritual connection that it brings, find out why millions of people have taken up yoga as part of their daily routine.


The International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21st. It was first celebrated in 2015, and is now recognized by the United Nations. The day is commemorated to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being around the world.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that dates back over 5,000 years. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga is a holistic approach to life that seeks to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.

There are many different styles of yoga, but all share the same goal of promoting self-awareness and inner peace. Some of the more popular styles include Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Bikram yoga, and Iyengar yoga.

No matter what your fitness level or experience with yoga may be, there is a style of yoga that is right for you. The International Day of Yoga provides an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to come together and celebrate the benefits of this ancient practice.

Definition of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient physical and mental discipline that originated in India. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to bind, join, or yoke together.” Yoga is a system of practices designed to integrate the body, mind, and spirit.

The practice of yoga can be traced back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions; however, the earliest clear references to yoga appear in the Vedas. The Vedas are a collection of sacred texts that were composed between 1500 and 1000 BCE. In the Vedas, yoga is presented as a system of knowledge that includes ethical and moral precepts, metaphysical speculation, as well as various Yogic practices.

One of the most important figures in the history of yoga is Patanjali, who authored the Yoga Sutras – a key text on yoga philosophy and practice. Patanjali lived in the 2nd century CE, and his work represents an attempt to synthesize different strands of Yogic thought.

Yoga has undergone a number of significant changes over the centuries, but its core principles remain unchanged. Today, yoga is practiced by millions of people around the world as a means to promote physical health and wellbeing, as well as mental and spiritual development.

History of International Day of Yoga

June 21st is celebrated as International Day of Yoga every year. The idea of celebrating International Day of Yoga was first proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, during his address to the United Nations General Assembly on 27 September 2014. He stated that “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. This tradition is 5,000 years old.”

The date of 21 June was chosen for the International Day of Yoga because it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.

In 2015, 193 member countries of United Nations co-sponsored a resolution declaring 21 June as International Day of Yoga. The Resolution was passed unanimously with a record 177 co-sponsoring countries. On 11 December 2014, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 69/131 tabled by India entitled “International Day of Yoga”.

The text of the Resolution 69/131 reads as follows: “The General Assembly, recognizing that yoga can contribute to enhancing physical and mental well-being”, decided to adopt 21 June as International Day of Yoga.

The resolution received support from all religions and cultures. It reflects the understanding that yoga is not just a system or philosophy from one culture but a universal phenomenon rooted in nature and open to all.”

Benefits of Practicing Yoga

When it comes to the benefits of practicing yoga, there are many. Yoga can help improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, yoga can help improve your breathing and heart health.

Different Types Of Yoga Poses

There are many different types of yoga poses that can be practiced to improve one’s health and well-being. Some of the most popular yoga poses include the following:

1. The Warrior Pose – This pose is excellent for building strength and stamina in the legs and arms. It also helps to improve balance and coordination.

2. The Tree Pose – This pose helps to improve flexibility and mobility in the legs and hips. It also helps to strengthen the core muscles of the body.

3. The Cobra Pose – This pose is great for strengthening the back muscles and improving flexibility in the spine. It also helps to stimulate blood circulation throughout the body.

4. The Triangle Pose – This pose is beneficial for stretching the muscles in the sides of the body and improving digestion. It also helps to reduce stress levels in the mind and body.

5. The Corpse Pose – This pose is traditionally used as a relaxation technique at the end of a yoga session. It allows the body and mind to completely relax, helping to reduce stress levels and promoting better sleep quality.

Special Events On International Day Of Yoga

Yoga has been gaining popularity all over the world as a means of promoting physical and mental well-being. International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21st and is a great opportunity to get involved in yoga and learn about its many benefits. There are often special events held on this day to promote yoga and its practice.

One such event is the International Day of Yoga Celebration at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, which is open to the public. This event typically features speeches by dignitaries, as well as performances by yoga instructors and students. There are also booths set up where people can learn more about yoga and its benefits.

Another popular event is the Worldwide Yoga Festival, which is held in Rishikesh, India. This festival attracts yogis from all over the world and features a variety of workshops, lectures, and classes on different aspects of yoga. There is also plenty of time for participants to explore Rishikesh and its many temples and ashrams.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just getting started, there’s sure to be an event that’s perfect for you on International Day of Yoga!

International Day of Yoga is an annual event celebrated all over the world to commemorate the importance of yoga in our lives. It serves as a reminder that physical and mental wellbeing are essential for creating a healthy society. This day should be celebrated with enthusiasm to help us understand its various benefits, such as increasing flexibility, calming the mind and body, reducing stress, improving overall health, and much more. Let’s celebrate International Day of Yoga every year to share its true values with others!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on International Yoga Day in English (1000 Words)

In this article, you will read an essay on International Yoga Day in English for students and children in 1000 Words. It includes an Introduction, date, history, importance, celebration, and 10 lines about World Yoga Day.

Also read: Speech on International Yoga Day for Students

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Essay on International Yoga Day for Students and Children in 1000 Words

A huge number of years back, on the banks of Kanti Sarovar Lake in the Himalayas, Adiyogi shared his insight among the incredible seven sages, as it was hard to keep all their insight and information in one individual.

Why Yoga is Promoted on World Yoga Day?

Customary contemplation and pranayama discharge the vibe of great hormone in the cerebrum which keeps the individual cheerful.

This is additionally a sort of yoga. Make progress in your capacity, thoughts, and flawlessness of your work. To arrive at the totality or flawlessness of any work is additionally yoga. So, people promote Yoga all over the world on International Yoga Day.

History and Celebration of International Yoga Day

Executive Narendra Modi turned into a piece of the occasion alongside numerous famous people from various pieces of the world and rehearsed yoga asanas here.

When International Yoga Day Started?

Who founded international yoga day.

The draft resolution proposed by India was then endorsed by a record 177 member states. After that, on June 21 every year people all over the globe start celebrating World Yoga Day.

Importance of International Yoga Day

Yoga turns around the impacts of negative behaviour patterns. The speciality of doing yoga helps in controlling one’s psyche, entire body and soul.

Also read: International Day of Forests

Know The Benefits of Yoga & Celebrate International Day of Yoga

10 lines on international yoga day.

I hope you liked this informative Essay on International Yoga Day in English for Students and Children.

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Essay on International Yoga Day

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  • The Origin of Yoga?
  • Reason Why International Yoga Day Celebrated on 21 st June?
  • When Was The First International Yoga Day?

International Yoga Day is celebrated on the 21 st of June each year. It was Prime Minister Narendra Modi who gave the proposal to observe this day as International Yoga Day. Practicing yoga is one of the ways to grow into a better human being with a sharp mind, a good heart and a relaxed soul.

Yoga is known for its amazing health benefits . International Yoga Day, celebrated on the 21 st of June each year ever since its inception in 2015, is a great effort to emphasize the importance of inculcating this ancient Indian art in our lives. Here are essays on International Yoga Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any International Yoga Day essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on International Yoga Day in English

We are providing below short and ling essay on International Yoga Day in English.

After going through these International Yoga Day essay you will know when is International yoga Day celebrated, Which India Prime Minister recommended the observation of yoga day in his UN address, what are the benefits of practicing yoga, how many countries have formally consented for observing International Yoga Day, how was the first International Yoga Day celebrated, how was the yoga day celebrated in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 etc.

These essays will prove helpful in your school programs on International Yoga Day like essay writing, speech giving and others.

Also Read: Yoga Day Speech

International Yoga Day Essay 1 (200 words)

The proposal to celebrate International Yoga Day was put forward by the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi in September 2014. It was supported by various yoga practitioners and spiritual leaders around the world. The United Nations declared 21 st June as International Yoga Day in December 2014.

The 1 st International Yoga Day was celebrated with gusto around the globe but the site at Rajpath, Delhi was one-of-its-kind. Thousands of people gathered at this place to celebrate this day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with several renowned people from different parts of the world also formed a part of the event and practiced yoga asanas here.

The yoga fever continued and the second and third International Yoga Day also saw people participating in large numbers. A big event was organized in Chandigarh on the occasion of the second International Yoga Day. An equally big event was organized in Lucknow on the third International Yoga Day. Numerous events are held in various parts of India as well as around the world to rejoice the day each year.

There are numerous yoga asanas that work on different levels to help us live a wholesome life. We must try all these and pick the ones that are truly meant for us. The chosen ones must be practiced regularly to develop a healthy lifestyle. The whole idea behind dedicating a day to Yoga is to help the world recognize the wonders it can do if practiced regularly.

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International Yoga Day Essay 2 (300 words)


Yoga enables the unity of mind, body and soul. Different forms of yoga benefit our physical and mental health in different ways. International Yoga Day is celebrated to rejoice this unique art.

International Yoga Day – The Initiative

The idea of establishing a special day to celebrate the art of yoga was proposed by Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. By way of this initiative, the Indian prime minister wanted to bring this unique gift given to us by our ancestors to limelight. He proposed this suggestion during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2014. During his UN address he also suggested that the day should be celebrated on the 21 st of June since it is the longest day of the year.

The UNGA members mulled over the proposal given by Mr. Modi and soon gave a positive nod to it. 21 st June 2015 was celebrated as the first International Yoga day. A grand event was organized on this day in India. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Modi and many other political leaders along with the general public gathered at Rajpath to celebrate the day with enthusiasm.

Several big and small yoga camps were also organized in different parts of the country on this day. People poured in large numbers to be a part of these camps to practice this soulful art. Not just in India, such camps were organized in other parts of the world too and people enthusiastically took part in these. Since then, the International Yoga Day is celebrated with immense zeal every year.

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International Yoga Day, celebrated on the 21 st of June, is an ode to the ancient Indian art of yoga. Inculcating yoga in our daily lives can bring about a positive change in our life. It offers a great relief to our otherwise stressful lives.

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International Yoga Day Essay 3 (400 words)

It is the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi who came up with the idea of celebrating International Yoga Day. By way of this he wanted to share this holistic approach of living that originated in India with the whole wide world. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) liked the proposal and 21 st June was recognized as the International Yoga Day. It was celebrated for the first time in the year 2015.

The Origin of Yoga

Yoga is believed to find its roots in the Indian mythological era. It is said that it was Lord Shiva who gave birth to this art. Also known as Adi Yogi, Shiva is known to be the inspiration for all the yoga gurus around the world.

More commonly, it is believed that it was the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in the Northen India that initiated this brilliant art as many as 5,000 years ago. It is the Rig Veda that is said to have mentioned this term for the first time. However, the first systematic presentation of yoga is said to be done by Pantanjali in the classical period.

Reason Why International Yoga Day Celebrated on 21 st June

Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, who proposed the idea of celebrating Yoga Day also suggested that it should be celebrated on the 21 st June. This was not just a random date suggested by him. There are certain reasons why this date was proposed to celebrate this occasion.

21 st June is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and is referred to as summer solstice. It marks a transition to Dakshinaya which is believed to be a period that supports the spiritual practices. It is thus considered a good period to practice the spiritual art of yoga.

Besides, legend has it that it was during this transition period that Lord Shiva enlightened the spiritual gurus by sharing knowledge about the art of yoga with them.

All these points were considered by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and 21 st June was finally recognized as International Yoga Day.

The good part is that Mr. Modi and UNGA did not only mark 21 st June as International Yoga Day but also made efforts to make this day a success when it finally arrived. The first yoga day was celebrated at a large scale in India. Many notable personalities from around the world participated in it. Since then it is celebrated with equal zeal and enthusiasm in the country as well as in other parts of the world.

International Yoga Day Essay 4 (500 words)

The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on the 21 st of June 2015. A big event was organized in India to rejoice this day. It was a great sight to see people participating in large number in this event. There was immense joy and excitement among the crowd. The enthusiasm has not faded away with time. It has rather only grown over the years in India as well as in other parts of the world.

International Yoga Day 2016

Just as the first International Yoga Day in 2015, the second one held in the year 2016 also saw people gathering with huge enthusiasm. The main event to celebrate the second International Yoga Day was held in the Capitol Complex in Chandigarh. Prime Minister, Narendra Modi attended the event to cheer up the crowd. Along with thousands of people gathered to perform yoga asanas, Mr. Modi also practiced the yoga asanas during this event. He also gave an inspiring speech on the occasion to encourage the youth of the country to lead a wholesome life by way of adopting Yoga in their daily lives.

Likewise, many big and small events were organized in various parts of the country on the occasion of international yoga day. The India army troops, Indian navy and Indian coast guard also participated in the yoga day events celebrated in different parts. Our neighbouring countries and other countries around the world also celebrated the day with equal zeal.

International Yoga Day 2017

The third International Yoga Day was celebrated with even more fervour around the world. With more and more people understanding the importance of yoga and inculcating it in their lives, the number of yoga camps and participation in the same is growing by the year.

Like each year, a big event was organized in India on the third International Yoga Day too. This time the city of Nawabs, Lucknow was chosen for the same. Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi flew to Lucknow to celebrate the day with the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath. The city saw rain showers on the very onset of the day but this did not dither people from participating in the Yoga Day event. Around 51,000 people gathered in Lucknow’s Ramabhai Ambedkar Sabha Sthal to celebrate this special day. People were all excited and thrilled to be a part of the event and performed the yoga asanas with dedication.

The Indian President along with numerous people gathered in Delhi’s Central Park to celebrate the day. Besides, several events were organized in different parts of the country to celebrate the day.

International Yoga Day 2018

Numerous events are being planned for the fourth International Yoga Day all across the globe. In India, one of the biggest events on the occasion is expected to be organized on the banks of river Ganga in Rishikesh, UttaraKhand. Large number of people from around the world is expected to gather for the event.

It is amazing how this age old way of healing mind, body and soul still works. Yoga practitioners around the world advocate people to inculcate yoga in their routine life. The reason behind recognizing a particular day as International Yoga Day is also to emphasize the importance of embedding it in our life.

International Yoga Day Essay 5 (600 words)

In the year 2014, the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi gave the proposal to celebrate 21 st June as International Yoga Day. The proposal was liked by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and 21 st June 2015 marked the first International Yoga Day. The proposal placed by Mr. Modi and the subsequent decision taken by the U.N. was appreciated and supported by spiritual leaders and yoga practitioners from around the world. Indian spiritual leader and the founder of the Art of Living, Sri Ravi Shankar said that Yoga was like an orphan earlier but not anymore. After its recognition by the United Nations, this art has received the stature it truly deserved.

The First International Yoga Day

Though the first International Yoga Day was celebrated with great zeal in various parts of the world, it was particularly a special day for India. This is because Yoga was originated in India in the ancient times and having received recognition at this level was a matter of pride for us. The day was thus celebrated on a large scale in the country.

A big event was organized at Rajpath, Delhi in the honour of this day. The event was attended by Mr. Modi and notable people from as many as 84 nations. Apart from this, the general public gathered in large numbers for this first-ever Yoga Day celebration. 21 yoga asanas were performed during this mass yoga session. Trained yoga instructors guided people to perform these asanas and people followed them enthusiastically. This event set two Guinness World Records. The records were made for the biggest yoga class that included as many as 35,985 participants and for the greatest number of participating nations. The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) had arranged for the event. AYUSH minister Shripad Yesso Naik received award for the same.

Besides numerous yoga camps were organized at different places in the country. People gathered around in parks, community halls and other places to practice different yoga asanas. Yoga trainers volunteered to lead the people to make these yoga sessions a success. The enthusiasm shown by the general public was immense. Not just the people living in the metropolitans, those residing in small towns and villages also organized and participated in yoga sessions. It was a great sight. One of the reasons why such large participation could be achieved was because 21 st June 2015 coincidently fell on a Sunday.

On the same day NCC cadets also entered the Limca Book of Records for the “largest yoga performance simultaneously by single uniformed youth organisation”.

So, all in all it was a great start. People did not only come out in large numbers to participate on the 1 st International Yoga Day but were also motivated to embed yoga in their daily routine. Yoga training centres saw large number of people enrolling for different yoga sessions post the Yoga Day. People in India already knew about the importance of Yoga but the initiation of the Yoga Day emphasized it further. It inspired them to stop procrastinating and turn towards a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, for many people around the world it was a new concept. They felt blessed to have been introduced to such a great art. Hence, this also marked the establishment of many new yoga centres in India as well as abroad.

It is a matter of pride for Indians that our ancient art of keeping the mind and body fit has been accepted and appreciated worldwide. India is a land of several such treasures and we are glad to have shared one of the best among them with the world.

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Essay on International Yoga Day for Students | 500 Words Essay

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

International Yoga Day Essay: International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June every year. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise to keep the mind and body healthy. It originated in Northern-India, during Indus Civilization. The word Yoga was born from the Sanskrit language, which means union. It was practised by Rishis in ancient times and have been mentioned in Vedic literature. Yoga is divided into- Raja, Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Mantra and Hath yoga. The postures and poses in yoga benefit the body mentally and physically. The meditation and breathing exercises assist in warding off negative energy. ‘Surya Namaskar’ or Sun Salutation is a form of complete yoga which helps in entire growth and development of the body. Patanjali is well-known as the father of modern yoga.

Below we have provided International Yoga Day Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Essay on International Yoga Day 500 Words in English

Below we have provided an extended essay on International Yoga Day, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June. The idea was proposed by Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi with the objective of promoting the holistic benefits of yoga among the people worldwide. Hence the United Nations declared International Yoga Day in 2015. Around 35,985 people, including Narendra Modi and notable dignitaries from 84 nations celebrated the event by performing 21 different yoga asana in New Delhi. Many people and spiritual gurus took the initiative to promote development.

The program gained recognition in the Guinness World Records for the largest yoga class and a more significant number of people’s involvement. Moreover, it received popularity across the world and was acknowledged globally. The word yoga originated from the Sanskrit word, ‘Yuj’ meaning to join or to unite. As per the yogic scriptures, yoga is a spiritual and aesthetic discipline which includes breath control, meditation and adopting certain bodily postures.

The ultimate goal of the exercise is to attain salvation(moksha). Moreover, its roots are present since the Vedic period and have been mentioned in the Rig Veda. The asana are not only physical exercise but hold significance in terms of spiritual connection. As stated by Amit Ray, “Yoga means addition-addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.” The first Hindu person to propagate and disseminate aspects of yoga to the western audience was Swami Vivekanand.

The International Yoga Day was adopted to fulfil the below-mentioned objectives.

  • To promote better mental and physical health benefits among the masses.
  • To draw the attention of people towards holistic advantages of yoga.
  • To promote awareness about the natural and amazing results among the people.
  • To help people connect with nature by practising yoga on a daily basis.
  • To reduce the rate of fatal diseases all over the world.
  • To unify communities through spending time for health from a busy schedule.
  • To enhance growth and development and bring peace.
  • To encourage people to eliminate negativity by embracing meditation and yoga asanas.
  • To win over bad mental and physical health.
  • To promote healthy living habits among the people.

Yoga is considered to be the most constructive and fruitful way of connecting our soul to God. It brings a balance and an alignment between our body and mind. Through meditation and breathing exercise, one can connect with nature and find bliss in the world. It opens our mind to appreciate the good in life and form peace. Moreover, a person develops a bond with the Supreme and the spiritual world.

It increases our thinking capacity and helps us to make better decisions. Also, one experiences immense serenity which further helps in fighting struggles in life. Furthermore, the essence of yoga revolves around elevating the life force known as Kundalini, which lies at the base of the spine. It is believed that yoga is an invaluable gift in India’s tradition passed down by our ancestors towards healthy living.

Regular practice improves flexibility among the muscles, which strain the knee due to improper alignment and creates good posture. It prevents the body from arthritis and severe back pain by strengthening the muscles. The spine is well protected by practising several backbend, front bends and twists. It is known as the natural immunity booster and increases the blood flow.

The most prominent feature it displays is focusing on the present. According to studies, yoga improves coordination, memory and IQ. People do not deviate from their course and concentrate on their goals. Also, it relaxes the entire system and makes us happier. The day commenced by practising yoga proves to be fruitful and cheerful. Lastly, it maintains our nervous system and helps us to fight stress. It adds years to your life and life to your years.

Short Essay on International Yoga Day in 250 Words

Yoga is a word descended from the Sanskrit language, which means ‘union’, the union of mind, body and soul. It focuses on structured body movements and breathing exercises which helps in alignment of the body and mind in place. Due to its principals and no side effect quality, it gained international recognition from the United Nations, and hence 21st June was declared as the International Yoga Day since 2015.

It is believed that yoga is the best medicine for any diseases and has the power to heal the entire body through consistent practice. To promote this day, schools and colleges conduct activities like essay competition, debate, elocution and quiz. Moreover, various yoga camps are organized at different places where the Prime Minister of India actively participates along with some notable personalities.

The people gather in parks and gardens to perform yoga postures under the supervision of the trained instructors. Not only metropolitan cities but villages and small towns conduct several activities. This presents a great view when a large number of people participate in wholeheartedly. The main objective of the day is to inculcate the habit of asana among the masses and make it a permanent lifestyle.

To draw the attention of the people to its holistic benefits, Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated this declaration. More than 70 countries participated and celebrated this event in 2015. It was celebrated on an international level. Thus, it is evident that meditation or Dhyana teaches us to follow discipline in life. Through the systematic practice of yoga, one can eliminate negative energy from their lives and focus on positive aspects.

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The International Day of Yoga recognizes the ancient practice’s unmatched power to deliver healing, inner peace and physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing. 

With roots in India but now embraced worldwide by people of all faiths and cultures, yoga unites people with its values of balance, mindfulness and peace with people and planet alike.

This year’s theme — “Yoga for Self and Society” — reminds us of yoga’s important role in enhancing people’s lives and the wider community.

On this important day, let us all be inspired by yoga’s timeless values and its call for a more peaceful and harmonious future.

On this important day, let us all be inspired by yoga’s timeless values and its call for a more peaceful and harmonious future. António Guterres

Essay on Yoga Day in English | 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 + Words

Essay on yoga day- 100 words.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Yoga day is celebrated on June 21st and is a day to promote the benefits of yoga. Yoga can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga is all about uniting the body, mind, and spirit. There are many benefits of yoga, including improved flexibility , increased strength and stamina, improved breathing, and reduced stress. Yoga can also help improve your concentration and focus.

Essay on Yoga Day- 150 Words

International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21st. It was first celebrated in 2015. This day is a great opportunity to start practicing yoga or to deepen your existing practice. The purpose of the day is to promote yoga and its benefits. Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India . It involves physical and mental exercises. Yoga has many benefits, including reducing stress, improving flexibility, and increasing strength and stamina. Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has been shown to have many benefits for both the mind and body. Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21st to encourage people to incorporate yoga into their daily lives.

The benefits of yoga include improved flexibility, increased strength, improved breathing, and reduced stress. Practicing yoga can also help to improve overall mental well-being. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, there is a yoga practice that can benefit you. So make sure to celebrate Yoga Day by getting on your mat and enjoying some time for yourself!

Yoga Day in English

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Essay on Yoga Day- 200 Words

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga is often seen as a way to unite the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga day is celebrated on June 21st every year to mark the solstice. The day celebrates the practice of yoga and its importance in daily life. Yoga is a system of physical and mental exercises that originated in India. Yoga is designed to promote health and well-being. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga is often described as a union of the body, mind, and spirit.

The practice of yoga can help to improve physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional stability. Yoga can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. There are many different types of yoga, each with its own focus and benefits. Yoga is a system of physical and mental practices that originated in India. Yoga is designed to promote physical and mental well-being. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” The goal of yoga is to yoke or unite the body, mind, and spirit.

Essay on Yoga Day- 300 Words

Yoga day is celebrated on 21st June every year to mark the International Day of Yoga. The date was chosen because it is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Yoga day was first celebrated in 2015.  The celebration of yoga day aims to spread awareness about the importance of yoga and its many benefits. Yoga can help improve our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Yoga is a practice that can be beneficial for both the mind and body. Yoga day is an opportunity to celebrate this ancient practice and to promote its benefits to the wider public. Yoga can help to improve flexibility, strength, and posture. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Practicing yoga regularly can have a positive impact on overall health and wellbeing. Yoga is an ancient practice that can benefit both the mind and body. Today, yoga is practiced by people of all ages and backgrounds as a way to improve physical and mental health. Yoga Day is a great opportunity to try yoga for yourself and see how it can help you achieve a sense of peace and well-being. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, there’s something for everyone on Yoga Day. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at just how much you enjoy it. It’s clear that yoga has a lot of benefits, both physically and mentally. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your health and wellbeing, yoga is definitely worth considering. And, with International Yoga Day coming up on June 21st, there’s no better time to start practicing! On this Yoga Day, we encourage you to try out yoga for yourself and see how it can benefit your mind, body, and soul. Yoga is an ancient practice with a wealth of benefits, and there is no better time to start than now. So roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and let yoga change your life for the better.

International Yoga Day

Essay on Yoga Day- 400 Words


On June 21st, we celebrate International Yoga Day. A day to acknowledge the power of this practice and to unite people from all corners of the world in its celebration. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, come join us in this special occasion and learn more about the benefits of yoga!

History of International Yoga Day

Since its inception in 2015, International Yoga Day has been celebrated annually on June 21st. The idea for the holiday was first proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, during his address to the United Nations General Assembly. In his speech, Modi spoke about the need for a more holistic approach to wellness and how yoga could be a key part of that. Since then, International Yoga Day has been celebrated all over the world. In India, where it originated, there are often large-scale events held to mark the occasion. These events usually involve demonstrations of various yoga poses and breathing exercises, as well as talks on the philosophy and benefits of yoga. Many people see International Yoga Day as a way to promote physical and mental health, and to bring people together in peace and harmony.

What are the benefits of practicing yoga?

There are many benefits to practicing yoga, including improved flexibility and strength, increased balance and coordination, improved breathing, and more. Additionally, yoga can help to improve your mental well-being by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Tips for beginners

Assuming you would like tips for beginners on practicing yoga:

1. Start by finding a comfortable place to practice. This could be in your living room, bedroom, or even outdoors in a park. Make sure you have enough space to move around and stretch out. 2. Then, begin to explore different yoga poses. There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you learn about the different types of yoga poses. Start with basic poses and work your way up to more challenging ones. 3. Don’t forget to breathe! While yoga is all about movement and stretching, it’s also important to focus on your breath. This will help you relax and clear your mind. 4. Lastly, listen to your body. Yoga should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. If you start to feel pain or discomfort, stop what you’re doing and take a break.

International Yoga Day

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. It is a practice that can be used to improve physical and mental health. Yoga has many benefits, including improved flexibility, increased strength, improved circulation, and improved mental clarity. Yoga is perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels. There are many different types of yoga, so there is sure to be a style that is perfect for you. If you have never tried yoga before, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. International Yoga Day is a great opportunity to try yoga for the first time or to deepen your practice. There are events being held all around the world on June 21st. Find an event near you and come experience the benefits of yoga!

It is clear that yoga has many benefits for both the mind and body. International Yoga Day is a great opportunity to start incorporating yoga into your life, or to deepen your practice. Whether you attend a class, do a home practice, or simply spend a few minutes each day doing some basic stretches, you will likely notice a difference in how you feel. Give yoga a try and see how it can improve your life!

1.Who is the founder of International Yoga Day? Ans : The founder of International Yoga Day is Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. He proposed the idea of celebrating International Yoga Day during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014

2. When is “International Day of Yoga”? Ans : The International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21st. It was first observed on June 21, 2015, following the United Nations General Assembly’s declaration on December 11, 2014, to establish this day as a global celebration of yoga. What are the best yoga quotes and yoga slogans for the International Yoga Day?

Yoga Quotes:

  • “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – The Bhagavad Gita
  • “Yoga is the art of uniting the body, mind, and soul.”
  • “The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.” – Jason Crandell
  • “Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.” – Judith Hanson Lasater
  • “Inhale the future, exhale the past.”
  • “Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” – B.K.S. Iyengar
  • “Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.” – Jason Crandell
  • “Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.” – Bob Harper
  • “The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.” – B.K.S. Iyengar
  • “Yoga is the dance between control and surrender.”

Yoga Slogans:

1.”Unite your body, mind, and soul through yoga.” 2.”Discover inner peace and harmony through yoga.” 3.”Embrace the power of yoga for a balanced life.” 4.”Yoga: Strengthen your body, calm your mind, uplift your spirit.” 5.”Inhale. Exhale. Find your yoga flow.” 6.”Awaken your inner strength with yoga.” 7.”Nurture your body, mind, and soul with yoga.” 8.”Yoga: Connect with yourself and the world around you.” 9.”Practice yoga, radiate positive energy.” 10.”Yoga: Where health and happiness meet.”

Is International yoga day, a tool for projecting India’s softpower? Ans : International Yoga Day, initiated by India, serves as a means to project the country’s soft power. Soft power refers to a nation’s ability to influence others through attraction and persuasion. By promoting International Yoga Day, India showcases its cultural heritage and traditions to the world. The event has gained global recognition and participation, allowing India to share its ancient wisdom and philosophy with people from diverse backgrounds. It creates awareness about the physical and mental benefits of yoga while fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding. Overall, International Yoga Day serves as a platform for projecting India’s soft power on a global scale.

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Essay On International Yoga Day – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

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Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On International Yoga Day For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on international yoga day for kids, a paragraph on international yoga day for children, short essay on yoga day in english for children, long essay on international yoga day for kids, what will your child learn from the essay on international yoga day.

Children are introduced to yoga in school at a very young age. They are also expected to write essays on topics that are a part of their daily life, and International Yoga Day is one such topic. An essay on International Yoga Day in English for classes 1, 2 and 3 is not very difficult to write, but kids may need some assistance to structure it. International Yoga Day is observed annually on the 21st of June. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a moving speech on yoga at the UN General Assembly in 2014 to inform all the members about its ancient roots, benefits to our physical and mental health and its relevance in today’s world. Owing to this, it was recognised that Yoga as a spiritual practice must be encouraged globally. Yoga is known for its benefits not just for the body but also for mental health. By observing Yoga day, people will understand the importance of yoga and its benefits to one’s general well-being. Read on to learn how to help children write an essay on International Yoga Day.

Children in lower primary classes need to know some basics about the given topic. A few pointers that will help structure the essay on International Yoga Day are listed below:

  • An introduction to yoga, its benefits, and its growing popularity.
  • Details about International Yoga Day and how it all began.
  • How the International Yoga Day is observed.
  • A conclusion about how International Yoga Day can change one’s life.

If you are training your child to write an essay for classes 1 and 2, you would need a sample for the same. When the topic is a tough one like International Yoga Day, then the below lines will be a good start:

  • The concept of observing International Yoga Day was initiated by our Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi.
  • In the year 2014, June 21 was declared by the United Nations as International Yoga Day.
  • The first International Yoga Day was celebrated with gusto in Rajpath, New Delhi.
  • Over 36,000 people attended the event, and our Prime Minister showcased 21 yoga asanas in a session of about 35 minutes.
  • In the consecutive years, National-level events for Yoga Day were held at Chandigarh and Lucknow respectively.
  • Several programmes are conducted globally to acknowledge the benefits of yoga.
  • Yoga helps balance the body and mind and is extremely beneficial for one’s holistic health.
  • Yoga constitutes various asanas and breathing techniques that help calm and relax the body and muscles.
  • Yoga is practised by youth, adults and seniors alike.
  • The International Yoga Day has spread awareness about yoga worldwide and has revived the spirit of yoga as a physically, mentally and spiritually essential practice.

Writing an essay on International Yoga Day in 100 words is a common writing assignment for children in classes 1 and 2. Children are expected to write a short paragraph to display their understanding of yoga. Below is a sample of the same:

In 2014, the UN recognised the need to spread awareness about the benefits of yoga. As a result, on 21 June every year, International Yoga Day is observed throughout the world. In the first year, a grand event on International Yoga Day was held at Rajpath, New Delhi. With over 35,000 people as an audience, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed 21 asanas for 35 minutes. On this day, all over the country, various programs and events are held for people to participate and encourage them to practice yoga. This day is recognised worldwide, with people practising yoga daily and embracing it as their lifestyle.

While writing an essay for classes 1, 2 and 3, kids are expected to draft short paragraphs. Children may need some help with information on the given topic and paragraph structuring. The below template could serve as a guide:

Yoga means to unite the soul with the almighty. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”. Yoga comprises asanas or poses that focus on structured body movements and breathing techniques that help align the body and mind. Due to its purity’s a lifestyle, yoga has gained international prominence, and the United Nations recognised 21 June as International Yoga Day.

Yoga is believed to be the nucleus of pristine health and has prevention and cure for many diseases. Through regular practice, one can overcome several lifestyle ailments. Workshops, events, and activities are conducted in schools and colleges, and many camps are organised across India to promote the benefits of yoga. The initiative of taking yoga to the international platform was taken by our Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi.

He regularly practices yoga as part of his lifestyle and has been hosting events every year to ensure that people wake up to the benefits of yoga.

Since its inception, more than 70 countries have celebrated International Yoga Day. The day has got people across the globe to realise the holistic benefits of yoga. From asanas to meditation and breathing techniques, yoga has a remedy for every ailment. One can eradicate the adverse effects and energy in life with systematic yoga practice.

Children in classes 3 and above will be expected to know about various topics and write long essays. While writing an essay for class 3 on any topic, students first need to learn how to write a long composition.  Getting children to organise their thoughts and present them in a readable format is important. A long essay must be divided into paragraphs and structured to engage the reader. The essay must begin with an introduction about yoga, its benefits, and the inception of International Yoga Day. To assist your child with writing an essay in 500 words about International Yoga Day, read through the sample below to get a rough idea of how to draft their essay.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that originated in India and was practised by rishis, kings, and nobles. With time, yoga lost its importance as people started getting immersed in a hectic and unorganised lifestyle. However, in recent times, it has been realised that this healthy practice is important for the mind, body and soul. Yoga as an exercise has now gained prominence worldwide.

What Is International Yoga Day?

The United Nations recognised 21 June as International Yoga Day after our Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, proposed as an essential practice for the body and soul. He hosted the first event for Yoga Day in Delhi at Rajpath, which over 35,000 people attended. He performed over 21 asanas for 35 minutes. The main aim was to make people realise the benefits of yoga as an exercise and its advantages to physical and mental health. Since its inception, the day has been observed with zeal across various parts of India. The western world has also realised the benefits of yoga, and various yoga workshops are held worldwide today.

History And Significance Of The Yoga Day

A centuries-old practice, yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It was a structured and strict discipline to create a balance between the body, mind, and soul. Practised by sadhus and rishis, it was a method of balancing physical and mental fitness. Many gurus in recent times have popularised the concept of yoga in the West. Yoga is believed to cure human beings of several lifestyle ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases, and even cancer. It is also known to alleviate stress, anxiety, tension, and depression symptoms.

Lord Shiva is considered to be an ancient yogi. On the summer solstice day, it is believed that Lord Shiva transferred the science of meditation to these Saptarishis who continues its practise.

Objectives Of International Yoga Day

Objectives of International Yoga Day are:

  • Awareness of holistic benefits of yoga
  • Create harmony between inner energies, mind, and body
  • Assist people with practising yoga every day
  • Reduce the rate of illnesses through natural cure
  • Bringing communities together and removing negativity, and promoting positivity

Celebration Of World Yoga Day

Since its inception, International Yoga Day has been observed in various ways. With the advent of social media and other platforms, it has become easier to promote the benefits of yoga. Schools, colleges, offices, and other institutions have information on display boards and websites for people to participate in various events and workshops. Online sessions also help people participate in virtual sessions when they cannot attend live events.

Children will learn about the history, significance, benefits, and importance of yoga while learning to write about International Yoga Day. Children need to learn about yoga and its benefits to create a healthy society for the future.

1. What Is Yoga?

Yoga is a structured exercise that brings harmony to the body, mind, and soul. With combinations of asanas and breathing techniques, yoga helps to establish mental focus and balance.

2. How Is Yoga Beneficial For Kids?

Kids can overcome a lot of hurdles by practising yoga. Apart from maintaining good health, it helps calm the mind and develop a positive attitude.

3. When Was The First International Yoga Day Celebrated In India?

The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21 June 2015.

International Yoga Day is aimed at encouraging people to make Yoga a part of their lifestyle to lead a healthy and balanced life. It was introduced for people to rejuvenate their bodies and mind. We hope the above samples help your child with lots of facts about International Yoga Day while inspiring them to embrace the benefits of Yoga in their lives too. 

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Essay: Yoga and the healthy mind in a healthy body

On the international day of yoga, a look at the yogic arts of ancient india and their modern applications.

While yoga has become immensely popular across the globe, most of us – whether in India or abroad – think of it in terms of a series of asanas designed primarily to make us more flexible. We think of it as a practice that confers dexterity and physical well-being. However, Patanjali, the compiler of the foundational text on yoga, the Yoga Sutra , was at least as interested in mental wellness as in physical health. In fact, King Bhoja, who wrote a commentary on the Yoga Sutra , thanks Patanjali for using yoga to “remove the impurities of the mind”.

The ancients recognised that yoga was also effective in removing “impurities of the mind”. (Shutterstock)

Patanjali defined yoga as suppressing the tendency of the mind to wander, when one wants instead to concentrate ( yogah chitta-vritti-nirodhah ). In the types of mental distraction he discusses, he mentions getting lost in past memories, or daydreaming about the future, instead of focusing on the task at hand. Current day psychologists and counsellors and countless TED talks advocate living in the present moment, not in the past or the future. Apparently, Patanjali had the same idea a very long time ago (scholars disagree on his actual date, estimates range from the 5th century BC to a few hundred years later). In fact, Patanjali even lays down mindfulness as one of the ways to train the mind for intense concentration. This involved fully savouring a sensory experience of one’s choice – without letting any other thoughts or acts detract from the experience. Mindful meditation is, of course, a buzzword now, but most of us have no idea of it being initially discussed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra . Interestingly, Patanjali mentions several other meditation techniques that are popular in modern times, including visualization and focusing on the breath. He also advocated training the mind to remember dreams. Dream analysis is a crucial tool used by modern day psychoanalysts as well.

Statue of Patanjali at Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. (Alok Prasad via Wikimedia Commons)

For Patanjali, the ultimate goal was being able to concentrate so intensely that one immerses oneself fully in the subject, losing all sense of being separate from the topic of one’s focus. He recommends a sequence of steps for getting to this goal, one of which entails cultivating contentment. Patanjali advocates achieving contentment in two ways. The first involves consciously feeling gratitude for the gift of being alive, while the second involves acceptance of oneself and one’s circumstances. Both these methods – gratitude and self-acceptance – are emphasized repeatedly by modern day psychologists. For instance, Robert Emmons, regarded as the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude, has authored books detailing the benefits of expressing gratitude, especially in the form of a sense of awe and wonder at the miracle of simply being alive. (Empirical studies on this mainly focused on the positive effects of gratitude on health and productivity). Self-acceptance is also commonly seen by modern psychologists as being a key component of happiness and mental health. In Patanjali’s opinion, feeling grateful and accepting oneself would make one contented, and a contented person has a relatively untroubled mind, making concentration easier for such a person.

Coming to yet another remarkable similarity between Patanjali’s way of thinking and current day psychological thought requires us to talk about Patanjali’s prohibition against murder. This was one of the chief prohibitions that, according to Patanjali, needed to be observed if one wanted to develop powers of intense concentration; a murderer could not become a yogi. Interestingly, Patanjali was completely non-judgmental of the fact that a person might feel like killing someone else. He even explains what one can do in such a situation to avoid actually acting on the impulse. In this, Patanjali was very like modern psychologists, for whom censoring thoughts is completely unnecessary (they only restrict actions, which ought not to hurt oneself or others). This is also in sharp contrast with a lot of philosophies which condemn “sinful thoughts”.

Yoga was actually much older even than Patanjali, who simply compiled existing theories on yoga into a high-quality text. For instance, the physician Charaka mentions quite another form of yoga in his ancient medical text the Charaka-samhita , thought to be even older than Patanjali. Perhaps to help aspiring medical students, Charaka’s yoga simply aimed at making people better at memorising facts! It, too, emphasised mindfulness.

The best known of the Mohenjo-daro seals is the “Pashupati” seal, which shows a three-faced figure seated in a yogic posture. (Mohenjodaro archaeological site via Wikimedia Commons)

Even more intriguingly, as described by archaeologist Rita Wright in her 2010 book on the Indus valley civilization (IVC), many seals found in IVC sites depict figures in what seem to be yogic postures. One shows a seated figure immersed in a yogic trance, paying no attention at all to the wild animals surrounding him, or to the fact that a man next to him is spearing a water buffalo! The yogi remains in his inner world, tranquil and undisturbed. In another seal, two kneeling people present an offering to a figure seated in a yogic stance. The best known of the Mohenjodaro seals is the “Pashupati” seal, which shows a three-faced figure seated in a yogic posture, surrounded by Indus animals such as lions, elephants, and buffaloes. Pashupati is associated with Rudra, an early version of Shiva, the ultimate yogi.

The figures in the seals show utmost concentration, of the sort described much later by Patanjali. They are not distracted by all the hunting going on around them, or by the various humans or animals approaching them. So, it is unlikely that the people who made the seals were beginners exploring and experimenting with yoga – yogic practitioners seem to .have already attained a very high degree of proficiency by the time of the Indus valley civilization (which itself was at its height in the third millennium BC). They evidently commanded reverence and were known for their powers of deep concentration. While Mesopotamian and Persian seals from the time of the IVC exist, that also show narrative imagery, they lack figures in yogic poses, suggesting the unlikeliness of foreign influences. Archaeological evidence suggests that yoga was most likely even older than the seals in the IVC.

Arjuna receives the Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva. Painting by Raja Ravi Varma, 19th century. (Raja Ravi Varma via Wikimedia Commons)

The regard in which yoga was held is evident in ancient Sanskrit literature. For example, in Bharavi’s sixth century epic poem, the Kiratarjuniya , Arjuna is a hero not because of his prowess in battle, but because of his yogic abilities. He was able to still all contemplation and meditate. (The sixth canto of the poem describes how Arjuna’s meditation made even wild beasts in the forests on the hill feel more tranquil, by the power of influence).

A key component in achieving concentration in Patanjali’s system was the state of dhyana = which became known as zen in East Asian Buddhism, where it was taken by a fifth century South Indian prince, Bodhidharma. Documentary evidence about Bodhidharma comes not from India, but from other countries – primarily China, but also Indonesia, Tibet and Japan. The oldest Chinese source about him dates from the early sixth century. He is first mentioned by Tanlin (506-574), followed by other Chinese sources like Jingjue‘s(683-750) The Chronicles of the Lankavatara masters , Daoxuan’s seventh century Further biographies of Eminent Monks , and the tenth century Record of the Patriarchal Hall . Japanese and Indonesian sources also mention him (according to the modern Japanese scholar Tsutomu Kambe, who studied the manuscripts about him, Bodhidharma was from a Brahmin royal dynasty (a rarity) and was probably from Kanchipuram.) All these sources recount how Bodhidharma, a practitioner of yoga, travelled to China via a harrowing voyage by sea, had a spectacularly unsuccessful interview with the Chinese emperor, whom he managed to offend, and then made his way to the Shaolin monastery. His reputation as an eccentric having probably preceded him, Bodhidharma was refused admittance into the monastery by the Shaolin monks, but remained completely unperturbed. He literally settled down next to the monastery and spent the next nine years gazing at a wall. There were plenty of wild animals in the area surrounding the Shaolin temple, but they did not attack Bodhidharma. One is reminded of the Indus valley yogis meditating undisturbed by dangerous animals nearby, or of Arjuna’s calming influence on the animals of the forest during his penance in the Kiratarjuniya .

Bodhidharma depicted in a Ukiyo-e woodblock print by Japanese artist Yoshitoshi, 1887. (Yoshitoshi-Wikimedia Commons)

Gradually, the Shaolin monks, who had started bringing Bodhidharma food and water, grew curious and in awe of his mental discipline, his perseverance and physical hardiness. After nine years, Bodhidharma was finally given a room in the monastery, and taught the monks – at their behest – dhyana or Zen meditation. With its emphasis on meditation, quieting the mind and focusing on the breath, the popularity of Zen subsequently spread from East and South-East Asia to the West and is finally making its presence felt in the homeland of Buddhism, India.

From the intrepid yogis of the Indus valley civilization, to scholars like Patanjali, who sought to harness its powers for mental concentration and contentment, to Buddhists like Bodhidharma who spread it worldwide, yoga has gone through many avatars. On International Yoga Day, aficionados can rejoice in the enduring legacy of yoga across the globe, and in its holistic approach to both mental health and physical endurance.

Brishti Guha has a PhD in economics from Princeton and is currently an associate professor at the School of International Studies, JNU

The views expressed are personal

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Global Yoga Therapy Day (GYTD) 2024 is an opportunity to honor and engage with the yoga therapy profession! Join us online on August 14 for a day of practice, learning, and community as we celebrate this beloved profession.

IAYT is proud to uphold the tradition of Global Yoga Therapy Day, which began in 2019, to elevate the visibility of yoga therapy worldwide. In 2024, our theme is "Embracing Diversity: Exploring Access and Belonging in Yoga Therapy." We'll feature professional development sessions and practices shared by C-IAYTs from around the globe and across time zones. Recordings will be available for registrants to access for a short time after the event. C-IAYTs can earn 2 continuing education credits.

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In celebration of Global Yoga Therapy Day 2024, we will consider how best to welcome and support those who access the practices as well as professionals in the field itself. Program directors and key faculty from IAYT-accredited yoga therapy training programs around the world will delve into the importance of creating safe, inclusive spaces where all individuals feel seen, heard, and valued.

As the day unfolds, anticipate a profound exchange of ideas, experiences, and perspectives that will uplift spirits and invigorate hearts. Together, we will emerge strengthened by our collective commitment to embracing diversity and nurturing true belonging within the transformational domain of yoga therapy.

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Essay on International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is celebrated on the 21 st of June each year. It was Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who gave the proposal to observe this day as International Yoga Day. Practicing yoga is one of the ways to grow into a better human being with a sharp mind, a good heart and a relaxed soul.

Yoga is known for its amazing health benefits. International Yoga Day, celebrated on the 21 st of June each year ever since its inception in 2015, is a great effort to emphasize the importance of inculcating this ancient Indian art in our lives. Here are essays on International Yoga Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any International Yoga Day essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on International Yoga Day in English

We are providing below short and ling essay on International Yoga Day in English.

After going through these International Yoga Day essay you will know when is International yoga Day celebrated, Which India Prime Minister recommended the observation of yoga day in his UN address, what are the benefits of practicing yoga, how many countries have formally consented for observing International Yoga Day, how was the first International Yoga Day celebrated, how was the yoga day celebrated in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 etc.

These essays will prove helpful in your school programs on International Yoga Day like essay writing, speech giving and others.

International Yoga Day Essay 1 (200 words)

The proposal to celebrate International Yoga Day was put forward by the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi in September 2014. It was supported by various yoga practitioners and spiritual leaders around the world. The United Nations declared 21 st June as International Yoga Day in December 2014.

The 1 st International Yoga Day was celebrated with gusto around the globe but the site at Rajpath, Delhi was one-of-its-kind. Thousands of people gathered at this place to celebrate this day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with several renowned people from different parts of the world also formed a part of the event and practiced yoga asanas here.

The yoga fever continued and the second and third International Yoga Day also saw people participating in large numbers. A big event was organized in Chandigarh on the occasion of the second International Yoga Day. An equally big event was organized in Lucknow on the third International Yoga Day. Numerous events are held in various parts of India as well as around the world to rejoice the day each year.

There are numerous yoga asanas that work on different levels to help us live a wholesome life. We must try all these and pick the ones that are truly meant for us. The chosen ones must be practiced regularly to develop a healthy lifestyle. The whole idea behind dedicating a day to Yoga is to help the world recognize the wonders it can do if practiced regularly.

International Yoga Day Essay 2 (300 words)


Yoga enables the unity of mind, body and soul. Different forms of yoga benefit our physical and mental health in different ways. International Yoga Day is celebrated to rejoice this unique art.

International Yoga Day – The Initiative

The idea of establishing a special day to celebrate the art of yoga was proposed by Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. By way of this initiative, the Indian prime minister wanted to bring this unique gift given to us by our ancestors to limelight. He proposed this suggestion during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2014.  During his UN address he also suggested that the day should be celebrated on the 21 st of June since it is the longest day of the year.

The UNGA members mulled over the proposal given by Mr. Modi and soon gave a positive nod to it. 21 st June 2015 was celebrated as the first International Yoga day. A grand event was organized on this day in India. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Modi and many other political leaders along with the general public gathered at Rajpath to celebrate the day with enthusiasm.

Several big and small yoga camps were also organized in different parts of the country on this day. People poured in large numbers to be a part of these camps to practice this soulful art. Not just in India, such camps were organized in other parts of the world too and people enthusiastically took part in these. Since then, the International Yoga Day is celebrated with immense zeal every year.

International Yoga Day, celebrated on the 21 st of June, is an ode to the ancient Indian art of yoga. Inculcating yoga in our daily lives can bring about a positive change in our life. It offers a great relief to our otherwise stressful lives.

International Yoga Day Essay 3 (400 words)

It is the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi who came up with the idea of celebrating International Yoga Day. By way of this he wanted to share this holistic approach of living that originated in India with the whole wide world. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) liked the proposal and 21 st June was recognized as the International Yoga Day. It was celebrated for the first time in the year 2015.

The Origin of Yoga

Yoga is believed to find its roots in the Indian mythological era. It is said that it was Lord Shiva who gave birth to this art. Also known as Adi Yogi, Shiva is known to be the inspiration for all the yoga gurus around the world.

More commonly, it is believed that it was the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in the Northen India that initiated this brilliant art as many as 5,000 years ago. It is the Rig Veda that is said to have mentioned this term for the first time. However, the first systematic presentation of yoga is said to be done by Pantanjali in the classical period.

Reason Why International Yoga Day Celebrated on 21 st June

Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, who proposed the idea of celebrating Yoga Day also suggested that it should be celebrated on the 21 st June. This was not just a random date suggested by him. There are certain reasons why this date was proposed to celebrate this occasion.

21 st June is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and is referred to as summer solstice. It marks a transition to Dakshinaya which is believed to be a period that supports the spiritual practices. It is thus considered a good period to practice the spiritual art of yoga.

Besides, legend has it that it was during this transition period that Lord Shiva enlightened the spiritual gurus by sharing knowledge about the art of yoga with them.

All these points were considered by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and 21 st June was finally recognized as International Yoga Day.

The good part is that Mr. Modi and UNGA did not only mark 21 st June as International Yoga Day but also made efforts to make this day a success when it finally arrived. The first yoga day was celebrated at a large scale in India. Many notable personalities from around the world participated in it. Since then it is celebrated with equal zeal and enthusiasm in the country as well as in other parts of the world.

International Yoga Day Essay 4 (500 words)

The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on the 21 st of June 2015. A big event was organized in India to rejoice this day. It was a great sight to see people participating in large number in this event. There was immense joy and excitement among the crowd. The enthusiasm has not faded away with time. It has rather only grown over the years in India as well as in other parts of the world.

International Yoga Day 2016

Just as the first International Yoga Day in 2015, the second one held in the year 2016 also saw people gathering with huge enthusiasm. The main event to celebrate the second International Yoga Day was held in the Capitol Complex in Chandigarh. Prime Minister, Narendra Modi attended the event to cheer up the crowd. Along with thousands of people gathered to perform yoga asanas, Mr. Modi also practiced the yoga asanas during this event. He also gave an inspiring speech on the occasion to encourage the youth of the country to lead a wholesome life by way of adopting Yoga in their daily lives.

Likewise, many big and small events were organized in various parts of the country on the occasion of international yoga day. The India army troops, Indian navy and Indian coast guard also participated in the yoga day events celebrated in different parts. Our neighbouring countries and other countries around the world also celebrated the day with equal zeal.

International Yoga Day 2017

The third International Yoga Day was celebrated with even more fervour around the world. With more and more people understanding the importance of yoga and inculcating it in their lives, the number of yoga camps and participation in the same is growing by the year.

Like each year, a big event was organized in India on the third International Yoga Day too. This time the city of Nawabs, Lucknow was chosen for the same. Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi flew to Lucknow to celebrate the day with the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath. The city saw rain showers on the very onset of the day but this did not dither people from participating in the Yoga Day event. Around 51,000 people gathered in Lucknow’s Ramabhai Ambedkar Sabha Sthal to celebrate this special day. People were all excited and thrilled to be a part of the event and performed the yoga asanas with dedication.

The Indian President along with numerous people gathered in Delhi’s Central Park to celebrate the day. Besides, several events were organized in different parts of the country to celebrate the day.

International Yoga Day 2018

Numerous events are being planned for the fourth International Yoga Day all across the globe. In India, one of the biggest events on the occasion is expected to be organized on the banks of river Ganga in Rishikesh, UttaraKhand. Large number of people from around the world is expected to gather for the event.

It is amazing how this age old way of healing mind, body and soul still works. Yoga practitioners around the world advocate people to inculcate yoga in their routine life. The reason behind recognizing a particular day as International Yoga Day is also to emphasize the importance of embedding it in our life.

International Yoga Day Essay 5 (600 words)

In the year 2014, the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi gave the proposal to celebrate 21 st June as International Yoga Day. The proposal was liked by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and 21 st June 2015 marked the first International Yoga Day. The proposal placed by Mr. Modi and the subsequent decision taken by the U.N. was appreciated and supported by spiritual leaders and yoga practitioners from around the world. Indian spiritual leader and the founder of the Art of Living, Sri Ravi Shankar said that Yoga was like an orphan earlier but not anymore. After its recognition by the United Nations, this art has received the stature it truly deserved.

The First International Yoga Day

Though the first International Yoga Day was celebrated with great zeal in various parts of the world, it was particularly a special day for India. This is because Yoga was originated in India in the ancient times and having received recognition at this level was a matter of pride for us. The day was thus celebrated on a large scale in the country.

A big event was organized at Rajpath, Delhi in the honour of this day. The event was attended by Mr. Modi and notable people from as many as 84 nations. Apart from this, the general public gathered in large numbers for this first-ever Yoga Day celebration. 21 yoga asanas were performed during this mass yoga session. Trained yoga instructors guided people to perform these asanas and people followed them enthusiastically. This event set two Guinness World Records. The records were made for the biggest yoga class that included as many as 35,985 participants and for the greatest number of participating nations. The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) had arranged for the event. AYUSH minister Shripad Yesso Naik received award for the same.

Besides numerous yoga camps were organized at different places in the country. People gathered around in parks, community halls and other places to practice different yoga asanas. Yoga trainers volunteered to lead the people to make these yoga sessions a success. The enthusiasm shown by the general public was immense. Not just the people living in the metropolitans, those residing in small towns and villages also organized and participated in yoga sessions. It was a great sight. One of the reasons why such large participation could be achieved was because 21 st June 2015 coincidently fell on a Sunday.

On the same day NCC cadets also entered the Limca Book of Records for the “largest yoga performance simultaneously by single uniformed youth organisation”.

So, all in all it was a great start. People did not only come out in large numbers to participate on the 1 st International Yoga Day but were also motivated to embed yoga in their daily routine. Yoga training centres saw large number of people enrolling for different yoga sessions post the Yoga Day. People in India already knew about the importance of Yoga but the initiation of the Yoga Day emphasized it further. It inspired them to stop procrastinating and turn towards a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, for many people around the world it was a new concept. They felt blessed to have been introduced to such a great art. Hence, this also marked the establishment of many new yoga centres in India as well as abroad.

It is a matter of pride for Indians that our ancient art of keeping the mind and body fit has been accepted and appreciated worldwide. India is a land of several such treasures and we are glad to have shared one of the best among them with the world.

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Town on the Don River; administrative center of the Rostov province of Russia . In 1761, the Rostov fortress and settlement were founded, and the town gained official status in 1796.

By 1811, there were 20 Jewish families living in Rostov, a number that rose successively: in 1836, there were 73 Jews (less than 1% of the population); in 1846, there were 289; and by 1853, Jews numbered approximately 500. In 1820, a Jewish cemetery was established on the left bank of the Temernik River (the site was closed in 1871, later built upon), and Jewish businesses and entrepreneurship played a leading role in the development of trade , industry , banking , and transport . ( Table: Jewish Population of Rostov-on-Don )

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By the end of the 1840s, the Jewish community had a prayer house, and from 1855 a synagogue, on whose site the Main Choral Synagogue was built in 1868. Attached to it were a public library and a school. From 1863 to 1888, the community was led by Fabian O. Gnesin, a rabbi and public figure (father of the composer Mikhail Gnesin). A Jewish hospital was founded in 1881, followed by an almshouse with a prayer house in 1894 (destroyed in the 1990s). In 1888, when Rostov was made part of the Don military region, it was detached from the Pale of Settlement and thus was closed to Jewish residence. However, Jews who had settled there prior to 19 May 1887 were allowed to remain.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Jewish organizations maintained a children’s shelter, a day nursery, an eating hall, and other charitable institutions. Many of Rostov’s Jewish children attended general schools: in 1883–1885 Jews constituted 34 percent of pupils in the gymnasium (after 1887 within the limits of numerus clausus ). In 1910, Rostov had three Talmud Torahs, a Jewish school for women, and a school attached to the main synagogue.

The Ḥoveve Tsiyon movement was popular in the 1880s, followed at the turn of the century by other Zionist organizations. Among those advocating Zionism was Moisei Aizenshtadt, a figure active in public life who served as crown rabbi of the town from 1889 to 1910. In 1907, the Tse‘ire Tsiyon group opened a library; in 1917, Zionists published the periodical Mir evreistva (World of Jewry); and in 1919 they issued Biulleten’ vremennogo merkaza sionistskoi organizatsii (Bulletin of the Provisional Center of the Zionist Organization).

On 18–20 October 1905, a pogrom raged in Rostov with the participation of Cossack units. More then 150 Jews were murdered, some 500 were wounded, and Jewish shops, stores, warehouses, and mills were damaged. A small Jewish self-defense detachment, organized by the Po‘ale Tsiyon organization, resisted the attackers. Measured by the number of victims, this pogrom was the second largest after that of Odessa in the same year.

During World War I, many Jewish refugees from the battlefront came to Rostov. In 1916, the rebbe of the Lubavitch Hasidic movement, Sholem (Shalom) Dov Ber Shneerson, settled there with his family; in 1920, his son, Yosef Yitsḥak Shneerson, moved the Tomkhe Temimim yeshiva to Rostov. The town remained a center of Lubavitch activity until 1924.

At the beginning of the civil war in 1918, the Jewish industrial and social elite supported the Whites. In 1918–1919, several Jewish organizations were founded, including the Jewish Cultural and Educational Society (which opened a private Jewish gymnasium), the Kultur-lige , the student Zionist organization He-Ḥaver, the Union of Jewish Refugees, and the Relief Society for Jewish Victims of the Civil War.

With the establishment of Soviet authority, the local Evsektsiia in the 1920s promoted the closure of Jewish institutions; it also persecuted Zionist and religious leaders, above all, Yosef Yitsḥak Shneerson. The Tomkhe Temimim yeshiva, initially closed in 1921, survived clandestinely until May 1924, when Yosef Yitsḥak was compelled to move to Leningrad . In the 1920s, nonetheless, a Jewish Third International Club sponsored political education circles and a theater studio; a club with amateur Yiddish agitprop theater was supported by the artisans’ savings and loan society; and there were classes in Yiddish at the school for working youth. Eight synagogues and prayer houses were operating in 1929, but in 1936 only the former Artisans’ synagogue remained (it was blown up in 1942). In the 1930s, however, all Jewish social, cultural, and educational institutions were closed.

In 1939, there were 27,039 Jews living in Rostov (totaling 5.4% of the population). In the summer and fall of 1941 the town was inundated with refugees; about 20,000 Jews were able to evacuate. The German army occupied the town twice, in November 1941 and from July 1942 to February 1943. The Nazis murdered 13,000 Jews on 11 August 1942. A few days later, another 2,000–5,000 Jews in the town and its vicinity were shot to death in the Jewish cemetery (in 1975, a memorial was placed in the Zmievka ravine at the site of the shootings, but the monument failed to mention that the victims were Jews).

After Rostov’s liberation from the Germans, the Jewish community was given use of the building of the former Soldiers’ Synagogue. Shaia-Meier Aronovich served as rabbi from 1944 to 1960. During those years, the Anticosmopolitan Campaign targeted the city’s most prominent Jewish scientific and cultural figures, and approximately one dozen prominent Jewish medical workers were arrested in connection with the Doctors’ Plot .

In 1959, there were 16,341 Jews living in Rostov (2.7% of the population). These numbers fell each decade: in 1970, there were 14,397 (1.8%); in 1979, 12,165 (1.3%); in 1989, 8,272 (0.8%), and in 2002 fewer than 5,000. In the late 1980s, Jewish cultural and religious life began to revive, although it did so against a background of mass emigration that peaked in 1996, when 782 Jews departed. In 1990, the Rostov Association to Aid Jewish Culture (RASEA) was created. In 1991, a secular Sunday school and a religious school, Or Menaḥem, with a kindergarten, were opened; by 1999, it had an enrollment of more than 100 pupils.

In 1993, the community received full ownership of both the former Soldiers’ Synagogue building and the former home of the Shneerson family, where a yeshiva was subsequently opened. In 1997, burials were renewed at the “New” Jewish cemetery (the third in number; it had functioned from 1922 to 1971). The Lubavitch movement established a cultural center. In 1996 the Holocaust Scientific and Educational Center was created. The Joint Distribution Committee , apart from extensive charitable projects, also promoted cultural and educational activities.

Jewish publications have been renewed as well. In 1995–1996, RASEA, supported by the Jewish Agency, issued the Rostovskaia evreiskaia gazeta (five issues), supplemented in 1995 with the information bulletin Rega (three issues). In December 1996 a newspaper, Iakhad (6–7 issues per year), began to appear, and in 1998 the Rostov Jewish Religious Community began publishing the monthly newspaper, Shema‘.

Oleg V. Budnitskii, “The Jews in Rostov-on-Don in 1918–1919,” in Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 19 (1992): 16–29; Evgenii Movshovich, “Evrei Rostova-na-Donu,” Shma-Slushai: Gazeta Rostovskoi religioznoi obschiny 12 (30 September 1999): 1, 4; 13 (30 October 1999): 3; Evgenii Malakhovskii and Evgenii Movshovich, “Iudeiskie molitvennye doma i sinagogi Rostova-na-Donu,” Donskoi vremennik: God 1999-i (1998): 102–104; Evgenii Movshovich, “Evrei na Donu,” Iakhad: Gazeta Evreiskogo agenstva Iuga-Rossii 11 (September 1998): 4; 13 (November 1998): 4; 15 (February 1999): 4; 17 (April 1999): 4; 18 (May 1999): 4; 19 (June 1999): 4; 20 (August 1999): 4; Evgenii Movshovich, “Khasidy na Donu,” Donskoi vremennik: God 2000-i (1999): 122–125.

Benyamin Lukin

Translated from Russian by I. Michael Aronson

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    The International Day of Yoga, celebrated annually on June 21st, is a momentous occasion that promotes the practice and benefits of Yoga worldwide. Established by the United Nations in 2014, this day serves as a reminder of the ancient Indian tradition that has gained global recognition for its holistic approach to health and well-being. Yoga ... <a title="Essay on International Day of Yoga ...

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    International Yoga Day Essay 5 (600 words) Introduction. In the year 2014, the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi gave the proposal to celebrate 21 st June as International Yoga Day. The proposal was liked by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and 21 st June 2015 marked the first International Yoga Day.

  21. YIVO

    In 1939, there were 27,039 Jews living in Rostov (totaling 5.4% of the population). In the summer and fall of 1941 the town was inundated with refugees; about 20,000 Jews were able to evacuate. The German army occupied the town twice, in November 1941 and from July 1942 to February 1943. The Nazis murdered 13,000 Jews on 11 August 1942.

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