how to share a presentation with sound on teams

How to Share Audio on Teams [Step by Step]

  • Updated May 4, 2024
  • No Comments

Microsoft Teams is a big player in the way we communicate today, especially with the rise of remote work. An important part of its functionality is the ability to share audio quickly and effectively. In this article, we’ll discuss the various methods and best practices for sharing audio on Microsoft Teams.

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Setting Up Your Device

  • Checking Your Device Compatibility:

Make sure your computer or mobile device meets the minimum system requirements for using the audio sharing feature in Microsoft Teams. Check Microsoft’s documentation for the latest compatibility details based on your OS version and hardware specifications.

  • Updating Teams to the Latest Version: Open the Microsoft Teams app or browser and check if you have the most recent version installed. Teams is frequently updated with new features and bug fixes, so using the latest version ensures optimal performance for audio sharing. If a newer version is available, update Teams through the app’s settings or browser plugin options.

C. Ensuring Your Audio Device is Properly Connected

  • Connect your microphone, headset or speakers to your computer/mobile device using the appropriate ports or Bluetooth if wireless.
  • Open your device’s audio settings and select the connected microphone and speakers/headphones as the default audio input and output devices.
  • In the Teams app, go to Settings > Devices and make sure the correct microphone and speakers are selected.
  • Do an audio test by unmuting yourself on a Teams call and speaking into the microphone to ensure it’s working properly.

Preparing to Share Audio

A. Selecting the Right Environment for Clear Audio Sharing

  • Choose a quiet room with minimal background noise for best audio clarity
  • Minimize potential audio interruptions by closing doors/windows
  • Use a headset or headphones in noisy environments to reduce echo/feedback
  • Position yourself close to the microphone for optimal audio pickup

B. Using External Microphones for Enhanced Audio Quality

  • Consider using an external USB microphone instead of your device’s built-in mic
  • External mics often provide better audio quality and noise cancellation
  • Make sure to select the external mic in Teams audio settings
  • Popular options include Blue Yeti, Audio-Technica AT2020, Rode NT-USB etc.

C. Adjusting Your System’s Audio Settings for Optimal Sharing

  • Check your operating system’s audio control panel/settings
  • Set the microphone volume and boost levels appropriately
  • Enable any noise suppression or echo cancellation features
  • In Teams, adjust the microphone sensitivity and speaker volumes

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  • Use the real-time audio indicators to check and modify levels

Sharing Audio During a Teams Meeting

  • Open the Teams app and start a new meeting or join an existing one

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  • Once in the meeting, locate the Share Tray at the top of the window
  • Navigate to the Share icon (rectangle with an arrow pointing upwards)

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  • You’ll see different options to share content like screens, windows, PowerPoint etc.
  • If you want to share your entire screen, Select the “Desktop” option to share your entire screen 
  • Check the box for “Include System Audio” to share sound playing on your computer

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  • If you want to share only an application window, choose the specific application window you want to share from the list 
  • Ensure the “Share audio” option is enabled for that application

Sharing Audio from a Video or Presentation

By embedding audio and video into your PowerPoint file first, you can seamlessly present it via screen sharing in Microsoft Teams, with the media playing back for all participants

 Embedding Audio or Video Files in PowerPoint Presentations

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation file
  • Insert > Media > Audio/Video to embed multimedia files on the desired slides
  • Make sure audio/video files are properly linked and not just temporary files

Sharing the Presentation via Teams

  • In the Teams meeting window, click the Share icon
  • Navigate to the PowerPoint file you want to present
  • Select the file, which will load the presentation in present mode
  • Advance through your slides normally
  • When you reach a slide with embedded audio/video, it should play automatically
  • Use the playback controls to pause/resume the media as needed

Tips for Smooth Playback During the Meeting

  • Close any unnecessary applications to free up system resources
  • Have the presentation file locally accessible for best performance
  • Use the PowerPoint Presenter View to see your notes
  • Mute notifications that could interrupt or make noise during playback
  • Ask participants to mute themselves to prevent audio interference

Troubleshooting Common Audio Sharing Issues

Audio Not Sharing

  • Check the “Include System Audio” Option
  • Ensure the “Include System Audio” or audio sharing option is enabled when sharing your screen or window
  • This setting allows Teams to capture and share any audio playing on your device
  • Verify Application Window Selection
  • If sharing just one application window, double-check that you selected the correct one with audio
  • Some apps may have multiple windows, so ensure you picked the right window to share audio from

Poor Audio Quality

  • Adjusting Audio Settings on Your Device
  • Check your device’s microphone, speaker and audio settings
  • Increase microphone boost levels or enable noise cancellation if available
  • In Teams, adjust microphone sensitivity and speaker volume controls
  • Ensuring a Stable Internet Connection
  • A poor network connection can degrade audio quality significantly
  • Check if you have a strong, stable WiFi or wired internet connection
  • Try restarting your router or disconnecting other bandwidth hogs

Participants Unable to Hear Shared Audio

  • Confirming Participant Volume Settings
  • Ask participants to check if their speaker volume is turned up
  • They may have their device muted or set to low volume
  • Recommending Rejoining the Meeting for Participants
  • If some participants still can’t hear, suggest they leave and rejoin the meeting
  • Rejoining can resolve audio routing issues in some cases

Best Practices for Sharing Audio on Teams

  •  Pre-testing Audio Sharing Before the Meeting
  • Test your audio settings and sharing capabilities ahead of any important meetings
  • Share a test screen or window with audio playing to identify any issues beforehand
  • This allows you to troubleshoot and make adjustments prior to the actual meeting
  •  Keeping Your Microphone Muted When Not Speaking
  • Mute your microphone when you aren’t actively presenting or talking
  • This prevents any unwanted background noise from disrupting the meeting
  • Use the push-to-talk feature or temporarily unmute when you need to speak
  •  Using the Chat Feature to Share Additional Information or Troubleshoot
  • Leverage the Teams chat to provide supplementary information like links, files, etc.
  • If participants can’t hear audio, use chat to troubleshoot and give instructions
  • The chat serves as a helpful side channel during meetings for smooth communication

Q : Can I Share Audio Without Sharing My Screen on Teams?

A : Yes, you can share audio without sharing your screen on Microsoft Teams. When you’re in a meeting, you can click on the “Share” button at the bottom of the meeting window, then select “Browse” and choose the audio file you want to share. This allows participants to hear the audio while still seeing the meeting interface, without having to share your entire screen.

Q : Why Can’t Participants Hear the Audio I’m Sharing?

A : There could be several reasons why participants can’t hear the audio you’re sharing:

  • Ensure that you’ve selected the correct audio source to share. Sometimes, if you have multiple audio devices connected, Teams may default to the wrong one.
  • Check your audio settings to make sure your microphone and speakers are properly configured and not muted.
  • Ensure that the audio file you’re sharing is not corrupted or in a format that Teams doesn’t support.
  • Participants may also need to adjust their own audio settings or unmute their speakers to hear the shared audio.

Q . How Do I Ensure High-Quality Audio When Sharing?

A : To ensure high-quality audio when sharing in Microsoft Teams, consider the following:

  • Use a reliable internet connection to prevent audio lag or distortion.
  • Choose audio files with good sound quality and in supported formats (such as MP3 or WAV).
  • Close any unnecessary applications or browser tabs that may be consuming bandwidth and affecting audio quality.
  • Use a high-quality microphone and adjust your audio settings to optimize sound levels.

Q : Is There a Way to Share Audio from a Mobile Device?

A : Yes, you can share audio from a mobile device in Microsoft Teams. During a meeting, tap the “…” (More options) button at the bottom of the screen, then select “Share content.” Choose “Share audio,” and you’ll be able to share audio files directly from your mobile device. Make sure to grant the necessary permissions for Teams to access your audio files.

  • Audio , share , Teams

John Doe

I am John, a tech enthusiast with a knack for breaking down complex camera, audio, and video technology. My expertise extends to social media and electronic gadgets, and I thrive on making the latest tech trends understandable and exciting for everyone. Sharing my knowledge through engaging content, I aim to connect with fellow tech lovers and novices alike, bringing the fascinating world of technology to life.

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how to share a presentation with sound on teams

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Mastering the Art of Sharing Computer Audio on Teams: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering the Art of Sharing Computer Audio on Teams: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of struggling with sharing computer audio on Teams? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the ins and outs of sharing computer audio seamlessly on Teams. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this article will equip you with the necessary knowledge and techniques to effortlessly share audio during your Teams meetings. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of sharing computer audio on Teams!

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty details, let’s first understand the importance of sharing computer audio on Teams. Whether you want to play a video, share audio from a presentation, or simply collaborate using sound, being able to seamlessly share computer audio can significantly enhance your Teams experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to share audio effortlessly, ensuring a smooth and productive virtual collaboration environment.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics: Enabling Audio Sharing on Teams

In this section, we will explore the fundamental steps required to enable audio sharing on Teams. We will guide you through the settings and configurations necessary to ensure a hassle-free audio sharing experience. From checking your audio settings to adjusting permissions, we’ll cover it all.

Checking Audio Settings

Before you can start sharing computer audio on Teams, it’s crucial to ensure that your audio settings are properly configured. Head to the settings menu in Teams and navigate to the “Devices” section. Here, you can select your preferred audio devices, such as speakers and microphones. Make sure the correct audio devices are selected to avoid any issues during audio sharing.

Adjusting Permissions

Teams offers various permission settings that control who can share computer audio during meetings. By default, only the meeting organizer has the ability to share audio. However, if you want other participants to share audio as well, you can adjust the permissions accordingly. In the meeting options, locate the “Who can present?” setting and choose the appropriate option that suits your needs.

Sharing Audio Files: Playing Sound during Teams Meetings

In this session, we will delve into the process of sharing audio files during Teams meetings. We’ll explore the different methods to play sound, including screen sharing, PowerPoint presentations, and third-party applications. Follow our step-by-step instructions to effectively share audio files without any glitches.

Screen Sharing

One of the simplest ways to share audio during a Teams meeting is by screen sharing. Start by opening the audio file you want to share on your computer. Then, initiate screen sharing in Teams and choose the “Share Screen” option. Make sure to select the window or application that contains the audio you want to share. Once the screen sharing session starts, the audio from your computer will be broadcasted to all meeting participants.

PowerPoint Presentations

If you have audio embedded in a PowerPoint presentation, sharing it on Teams is a breeze. Open your presentation and navigate to the slide with the audio. Start screen sharing in Teams and select the PowerPoint window. Make sure to check the “Include computer sound” option in the screen sharing settings. Now, when you play the slide with the audio, it will be shared with everyone in the meeting, ensuring a synchronized audio experience.

Third-Party Applications

In some cases, you might need to share audio from a specific application, such as a media player or video conferencing software. To do this, open the desired application and start screen sharing in Teams. Select the application window that contains the audio and make sure to include computer sound in the screen sharing settings. This way, the audio from the specific application will be shared with all meeting participants, allowing everyone to hear it.

Sharing System Audio: Broadcasting Sound from your Computer

Want to share the audio from a video or audio clip playing on your computer? In this section, we will walk you through the process of sharing system audio on Teams. Whether you’re using Windows or Mac, our guide will provide you with the necessary instructions to share system audio effortlessly.

If you’re using a Windows computer, sharing system audio on Teams is relatively straightforward. Start by opening the application or website that contains the audio you want to share. Then, initiate screen sharing in Teams and select the window that corresponds to the audio source. Before sharing, make sure to check the “Include computer sound” option in the screen sharing settings. Now, when you play the audio on your computer, it will be shared with all meeting participants.

Sharing system audio on a Mac requires a slightly different approach. Begin by opening the application or website that has the audio you want to share. Next, start screen sharing in Teams and select the window that contains the audio source. In the screen sharing settings, make sure to check the “Share computer sound” option. Now, any audio playing on your Mac will be shared during the meeting, allowing all participants to hear it.

Troubleshooting Common Audio Sharing Issues

Encountering audio sharing problems can be frustrating. But worry not! In this session, we will address common audio sharing issues and provide you with effective troubleshooting techniques. From audio not playing to distorted sound, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to audio sharing headaches!

Audio Not Playing

If you’re experiencing issues with audio not playing during a Teams meeting, there are a few things you can try. First, ensure that the correct audio device is selected in the Teams settings. Additionally, check if the volume is turned up and not muted on your computer. If the issue persists, try restarting your computer and rejoining the meeting. This often resolves any temporary glitches that may be affecting the audio playback.

Distorted Sound

Distorted sound can be a result of various factors. To address this issue, start by checking your internet connection. A weak or unstable connection can cause audio distortion. If the problem persists, try adjusting the audio settings in Teams. Lowering the volume or changing the audio device might help improve the sound quality. Additionally, closing any unnecessary applications or processes that might be consuming system resources can also help reduce audio distortion.

Enhancing Audio Quality: Tips and Tricks

Are you looking to improve the audio quality during your Teams meetings? Look no further! In this section, we will share valuable tips and tricks to enhance the audio quality of your shared content. From adjusting audio settings to using external devices, we’ll help you achieve crystal-clear sound.

Optimizing Audio Settings

Optimizing your audio settings in Teams can significantly impact the quality of the shared audio. Experiment with different microphone and speaker configurations to find the optimal setup for your environment. Adjust the microphone sensitivity to eliminate background noise, and fine-tune the speaker volume to a level that ensures clear and audible sound for all meeting participants.

Using External Audio Devices

If you’re looking for top-notch audio quality, consider using external audio devices. Invest in a high-quality microphone and speakers that are specifically designed for professional audio. These devices often offer superior sound reproduction, noise cancellation, and advanced audio processing capabilities, resulting in an immersive audio experience for everyone in the meeting.

Optimizing Audio for Different Scenarios

Sharing audio on Teams can vary depending on the scenario. In this session, we will guide you on how to optimize audio sharing for different scenarios, such as online presentations, training sessions, and team collaborations. Gain insights into tailoring your audio sharing techniques to suit specific situations.

Online Presentations

When conducting online presentations, it’s essential to ensure that your shared audio is clear and synchronized with your content. Pay attention to the volume levels of your audio files, making sure they are audible without overpowering your voice. Practice your presentation beforehand to ensure a smooth transition between slides and audio cues. Additionally, consider using a dedicated audio device, such as a USB microphone, to further enhance the audio quality.

Training Sessions

In training sessions, audio plays a crucial role in conveying information effectively. To optimize audio sharing in training sessions, use a combination of screen sharing and audio files to provide clear instructions and explanations. Incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes or discussions, to engage participants and ensure their understanding. Consider using a headset with a built-in microphone to minimize background noise and provide a more focused audio experience.

Team Collaborations

When collaborating with your team, audio sharing should facilitate seamless communication and idea exchange. Encourage active participation by allowing team members to share their audio during discussions and brainstorming sessions. Ensure that everyone’s audio is clear and balanced to avoid miscommunication. Leveraging features like “raise hand” or “mute all” can help maintain a structured and productive audio sharing environment.

Exploring Advanced Audio Sharing Features

Did you know Teams offers advanced audio sharing features to take your collaboration to the next level? In this section, we will introduce you to some of the lesser-known features, such as sharing audio from specific applications and using multiple audio sources. Expand your audio sharing capabilities with these advanced techniques.

Sharing Audio from Specific Applications

Teams allows you to share audio from specific applications, rather than sharing your entire screen. This feature is particularly useful when you only want toshare audio from a specific application while keeping the rest of your screen private. To utilize this feature, start by initiating screen sharing in Teams. Instead of selecting the option to share your entire screen, choose the option to share a specific window or application. This way, only the audio from the selected application will be shared, ensuring a focused and secure audio sharing experience.

Using Multiple Audio Sources

Teams also provides the flexibility to use multiple audio sources during meetings. This feature is beneficial when you want to share audio from different applications or devices simultaneously. To utilize multiple audio sources, start by connecting the desired devices, such as external microphones or speakers, to your computer. In the Teams settings, navigate to the audio section and select the appropriate devices for your microphone and speaker. Now, during meetings, you can choose which audio source to share, providing a versatile and customized audio sharing experience.

Best Practices for Audio Sharing on Teams

In this session, we will discuss the best practices for sharing audio on Teams. From etiquette tips to optimizing your hardware, we’ll provide you with valuable insights to ensure a seamless audio sharing experience. Follow these best practices to impress your colleagues and enhance your virtual communication skills.

Mute Yourself When Not Speaking

When participating in a Teams meeting, it’s important to be mindful of background noise that can disrupt the audio sharing experience. To avoid distracting other participants, make sure to mute yourself when you’re not speaking. This helps maintain a clear and focused audio environment, allowing everyone to hear the shared audio without any interference.

Test Your Audio Setup Before Meetings

Prior to joining a Teams meeting, take a few moments to test your audio setup. Ensure that your microphone and speakers are functioning properly and that the volume levels are appropriately adjusted. This helps prevent any last-minute audio issues and allows you to confidently share audio during the meeting without interruptions or technical glitches.

Use a Quiet and Controlled Environment

When sharing audio on Teams, it’s important to choose a quiet and controlled environment for your meetings. Find a space where background noise and distractions are minimized, ensuring that the shared audio can be heard clearly. If necessary, use headphones or a headset with noise-canceling capabilities to further isolate yourself from external noise and create a more immersive audio experience.

Staying Up-to-Date: Exploring Future Audio Sharing Updates

As technology evolves, so does Teams. In this final section, we will explore the future of audio sharing on Teams. Discover upcoming updates and features that will revolutionize the way you share computer audio during Teams meetings. Stay ahead of the curve and get ready for the exciting advancements in audio sharing!

Improved Audio Compression Algorithms

In the future, Teams is expected to introduce improved audio compression algorithms that will enhance the quality of shared audio. These advancements will allow for better fidelity and clarity, making the audio sharing experience even more immersive and engaging. Stay tuned for updates and take advantage of these enhanced audio capabilities.

Integration with Voice Recognition Technology

Teams may also integrate with voice recognition technology, enabling more advanced audio sharing features. This integration could allow for automatic transcription of shared audio, making it easier to search and reference specific parts of a meeting. Additionally, voice commands and voice-controlled features may be introduced, further streamlining the audio sharing process and enhancing the overall user experience.

In conclusion, sharing computer audio on Teams doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can confidently share audio during your Teams meetings, enhancing collaboration and productivity. Remember to enable audio sharing, explore various methods, troubleshoot issues, and optimize audio quality. With these techniques at your disposal, you’ll become a master of sharing computer audio on Teams. So, what are you waiting for? Start sharing audio seamlessly and take your virtual collaboration to new heights!

Rian Suryadi

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How to share audio in a Teams meeting

  • By Belinda Anderson
  • 30 July 2021
  • Updated: 6 May 2024
  • One Comment

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Why are participants unable to hear audio when sharing a video in a Teams meeting?

When conducting a Teams meeting and sharing a video you may run into the issue of participants not being able to hear the audio of your video. If you are conducting a meeting and use screen share so that others can watch you demonstrate or you would like everyone to watch a video as a group, you will find that the sound from the video is not automatically broadcast with the screen share to meeting participants.

This is not a default setting which is enabled so you will need to ensure you include your computer sound as part of the screen share process.

See how to include computer sound when screen sharing:

  • Open Microsoft Teams (I’m using the desktop app).
  • Start a meeting as you normally would.
  • Once you have started the meeting, click the Screen content button:

Click the Share content button.

  • The Share content panel will open.
  • Enable the Include computer sound button:

Enable the include computer sound button.

  • Now choose a Screen or individual program window to share with other meeting participants.
  • If you display and play a video such as YouTube, the sound will be shared with meeting participants.

That’s it folks, a short and simple process here allowing participants to hear the audio you have running during a screen share.

  • Audio , Collaboration , Teams Meeting
  • Microsoft Teams

One Response

Hello! This is really helpful – I am able share sounds on my work ‘teams’ account , but do not have this option available when using the free Teams app for use with family etc. Is this because I need to upgrade to access this feature?

Many thanks!

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation on Microsoft Teams

How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation on Microsoft Teams

How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation on Microsoft Teams

In recent years many remote meeting tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom have become the norm for regular remote meetings. If you’re new to Microsoft Teams, the chances are you are still finding your way around various options. One of the most common questions a Microsoft Teams newbie might ask is how to share PowerPoint on Teams.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a messaging app by Microsoft for online collaboration and remote meetings that comes integrated with Microsoft 365. It provides a real-time workspace where end users can collaborate via chat, Teams Channels, Live calls, etc. Microsoft Teams also integrates with other Microsoft products like PowerPoint and OneDrive, enabling instant file sharing via the cloud.

Why use Microsoft Teams to Present Your PowerPoint Presentations?

Many organizations use Microsoft Teams for online collaboration and remote meetings. Organizations with integrated Microsoft products like its Windows operating system, Microsoft Office, and Azure Active Directory prefer Teams as the primary internal and external communication app. Organizations use Microsoft Teams to provide secure accounts to employees, with two-factor authentication and data encryption. These accounts are integrated into the Active Directory, providing scalability and control for IT administrators to offer people within an organization an online collaboration platform that can be securely used within the limits of the organization’s data protection policies.

While there are many alternatives to Microsoft teams, such as Zoom and Google Meet, the integration of teams with other Microsoft products, such as Azure, Microsoft Office apps, and OneDrive, makes it attractive within a secure enterprise environment.

How to Present PowerPoint in Teams?

How to present your PowerPoint slides on Microsoft Teams, let us tell you there are at least two methods for sharing presentations. This includes sharing a PowerPoint file directly and presenting your slide deck before one or more meeting participants, or perhaps PowerPoint templates or Google Slides templates to help a colleague design a slide deck.

How to Attach and Share Your PowerPoint Slides on Teams

To share a PowerPoint file on teams, go to an ongoing conversation or meeting window and click Attach files . This will provide you with the option to either fetch a file via OneDrive or from your device. This option can be used for sharing PowerPoint files and other types of files, such as documents, spreadsheets, videos, compressed files, etc.

Upload a PowerPoint file to a Microsoft Teams chat

When sharing a file, you can add a message optionally before hitting Send .

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation to Microsoft Teams via chat

The recipient and the sender can download the file, open it in a browser, or copy the file link for further sharing.

Opening a shared PowerPoint file via Microsoft Teams chat

How to Present Your PowerPoint Slides on Teams

Method #1: use the share button in powerpoint.

You can also directly present your slide deck via Microsoft Teams by sharing your screen to start a Live presentation during a remote meeting instantly. Suppose your organization uses Microsoft Teams regularly. In that case, the chances are you will be using it for presentations during remote meetings; therefore, it’s essential to know how to use the screen-sharing option to present online.

Locating the share screen button for Microsoft Teams videocalls

Method #2: Share Screen to Present a PowerPoint Presentation

Another way to present a PowerPoint presentation on Teams is by sharing the screen with your audience. If you share your screen, this will show the audience whatever is visible on the entire screen on your device.

Sharing a Screen in Microsoft Teams call to show a PowerPoint presentation

Pros of sharing your screen with the audience to present a presentation:

  • It is easier to activate
  • You can easily switch to other windows besides the PowerPoint presentation and also share them with the audience

Cons of sharing your entire screen on Teams for presenting:

  • If you have confidential data in other windows, you may want to avoid switching the windows and keep only the Slideshow window in front.
  • You may accidentally switch to other windows, and your audience can lose focus of the presentation.

Method #3: Share PowerPoint Window to Present Your Slides

If you intend to hide parts of your screen, you can simply share the relevant PowerPoint window so that your audience can only view the presentation. During a Live call, click the Share button and select your screen or window to share.

Selecting window to share in Microsoft Teams

5 Features to Make the Most from Your Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Sharing in Teams

Microsoft Teams offers a wide array of features that make it a robust remote meeting and online collaboration app since it leverages the full force of Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft products.

1. Translate Slides into a Different Language

This is a private feature that individuals can use to translate slides in their language instantly. As a presenter, you can ask your audience to use this feature if they deem it convenient to help bridge a gap that might exist due to a language barrier.

Slides can be viewed in a different language via More actions > Translate Slides . From the drop-down list, you can pick a preferred language.

Translating PowerPoint slides from English to Spanish during a Microsoft Teams call

2. Use Live Captions

Microsoft Teams supports Live Captions / Closed Captions (CC) to help persons with disabilities, including those suffering from hearing impairment. Closed Captions can also be helpful for people to translate or view text in a preferred language.

Turn on Live Captions: To enable Live Captions on Teams, go to More options > Turn on live captions . Translate Spoken Language: To translate Live Captions, go to Captions settings > Change spoken language .

Turning on Live Captions in Microsoft Teams call

Turn Off Live Captions: You can turn off Live captions anytime via More actions > Turn off live captions .

Turning off Live Captions during Microsoft Teams call

3. View Slides in High Contrast

Viewing slides in high contrast on Teams can have several benefits. For example, it helps you focus on the content and is also helpful for people with visual impairment. To configure your slides to appear in high contrast, follow the steps below:

1. Launch your PowerPoint presentation.

2. Click on the Present tab at the top of the window.3. Go to More action > View slides in high contrast .

High Contrast mode in Microsoft Teams

4. Annotate your Slides in Real Time

Like any standard remote meeting app, Microsoft Teams also provides a number of handy annotation options to help you make the most out of your PowerPoint presentations. You can click on Start annotation when sharing your full screen during presentations to start annotating slides.

Powered by Microsoft Whiteboard, this powerful feature enables one or more meeting participants or the presenter to annotate presentations. It can also be a helpful feature when you’re looking to collaborate online during a Live presentation.

5. Pop Out the Window

You can separate the presentation window from the Teams window to make it easier to work with the two. This feature can be handy when working with multiple monitors or separating the two windows from uncluttering your screen. You can use this option by clicking on the Pop-out option from the toolbar during a screen-sharing session.

Pop-out windows mode in Microsoft Teams

How to Stop Presenting on Teams

When presenting your slide deck, you can also present your PowerPoint presentation using any view, be it as a SlideShow or in Normal view. Once you’re done presenting, click Stop Presenting to conclude your session. Furthermore, you can also choose to enable or disable your camera and computer sound when presenting your slides.

How to share a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft Teams using PowerPoint web edition

To turn off screen sharing during a remote meeting, you can click Stop Sharing .

Locating the Stop Sharing button in Microsoft Teams

Present in Teams Button in PowerPoint is Missing. How to Fix it?

Some users might have used the Present in Teams option to share a PowerPoint presentation during a meeting. Suppose you are wondering why the Present in Teams button in PowerPoint Presentations is missing. In that case, this option isn’t available for anyone using the free version of Teams, as only users with a paid subscription, such as a Business Standard or Business Premium Plan. Furthermore, you must share your PowerPoint presentation with OneDrive to use this option. To use the Present in Teams option, upload your PowerPoint presentation to OneDrive. You can do this via File > Save As > OneDrive .

Upload a presentation to OneDrive via PowerPoint

Once done, the Present in Teams button will become available to instantly launch your presentation for sharing during a Teams call.

Present in Teams button available in PowerPoint

5 Tips to Make your Presentation a Success on Microsoft Teams

Presenting PowerPoint in Teams can require being mindful of a number of things. This includes accounting for brevity to ensure your presentation does not take more than its designated time, using slides that are suitable for remote meetings. Below is a list of 5 tips to make your presentation successful using Microsoft Teams.

1. Check Your Audio and Video Settings

One of the most annoying problems faced during remote meetings is technical failures such as no or low audio quality. This becomes even more annoying when the meeting organizer or a presenter during their session faces the issue, wasting precious time. This is why you must check your audio and video settings beforehand to ensure everything works correctly. If you need to play a video during your session, make a test call with a colleague and get feedback if the sound and video quality are up to the mark.

2. Make Sure Your Slides are Clear and Concise

Presentations delivered via Microsoft Teams will often take place during scheduled remote meetings. This means that you will have to account for the designated time given for your session, which is why you must ensure that your slides are clear and concise.

3. Use Animations and Transitions Sparingly

Since remote meetings will be attended by participants using different types of computers and mobile devices, some animations and transitions might not be suitable. This is because they can cause Teams to slow down, or the slides might not display appropriately via screen sharing. For example, 3D animations , GIF animations , and objects with elaborate PowerPoint animated sequences might cause issues when displayed via Teams. 

4. Keep Your Slides on Topic

One of the banes of remote meetings is how a discussion can go off-topic very quickly. This is why it’s best to ensure that your slides remain focused on the topic and additional discussions are discouraged during the presentation session.

5. Use Team Members’ Names Sparingly to Call Out Specific Points

Calling out team members for their opinion or advice during a remote meeting can quickly lead to a very lengthy and off-topic discussion. This is why it’s best to call out team members’ sparingly. If you have been using Teams or other remote meeting apps long enough, you would have learned by now that for some topics, it’s best to ask participants to schedule a separate meeting so that the ongoing discussion remains on track.

Other Issues to Troubleshoot while presenting a PowerPoint presentation on Microsoft Teams

Someone has already set up Teams for your organization’s error

If you’re using a premium subscription for Microsoft Teams managed by your organization’s IT team, you might get an error when logging in to Teams. In such a case, you might get the following error:

“Someone has already set up Teams for your organization.”  

If you see the error message mentioned above, this means that your account isn’t ready yet, and you need to contact your organization’s IT team to ask when your account might be ready for use.

We’re sorry–we’ve run into an issue error.

Another prevalent issue is when the following error message appears:

“We’re sorry–we’ve run into an issue.”

This is a generic message, and usually, it can be resolved by clicking the Restart button that appears below the error. In case the issue isn’t resolved after restarting the Teams app, ensure your Internet connection is working. More often than not, the issue is associated with the Internet connection. If the issue persists, you can clear your cache , reinstall Teams or contact your IT support team. The error can also occur if there is an outage affecting Microsoft products or if there is a configuration issue for Microsoft 365 accounts associated with your organization.

Final Words

Using Microsoft Teams to share a presentation file is easy enough. However, when presenting a PowerPoint presentation in Teams, you must decide how to present your slide deck. If you need to switch back and forth between your slides and another document, spreadsheet, or browser window, it might be best to share your entire screen. However, if you wish to focus only on the slide deck, sharing your Window can help you avoid sharing the rest of your screen with the audience.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

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how to share a presentation with sound on teams

  • Web Conferencing
  • Microsoft teams share audio

Microsoft Teams: share audio from the computer during a meeting

  • User by Fatima Wahab
  • Calendar May 8, 2021
  • Comment No Comments

Microsoft Teams has a screen sharing feature and a presentation mode for meetings. Both make it simple to share content from your local system with other users. The feature isn’t limited to sharing a screen or file but also extends to audio. If you’re in a Microsoft Teams meeting, you can share audio from the computer instead of the mic.

Microsoft Teams: share audio from computer

When a user joins a meeting, they have the option to choose which audio to use. The audio can come from the mic on your system (or the headphones), or it can come from your computer however, it is limited to audio from the input/output devices on your system and does not extend to apps that can play audio.

Share computer audio in Microsoft Teams

To share computer audio in Microsoft Teams, you must also share the screen or an app, the choice is yours but entering screen sharing mode is imperative if you want to do this as simply as possible.

  • Open Microsoft Teams.
  • Start or join a meeting .
  • Once the meeting has started, click the share screen button at the top right.
  • Select an app or the desktop to share.
  • Turn the ‘Include computer sound’ switch on.
  • Audio from your computer , regardless of which app is playing it, will be streamed to everyone in the meeting.

Note: you can also share audio from the computer if you’re presenting a PowerPoint.


Audio sharing in Microsoft Teams has limitations if you stick to the app’s built-in tools.

  • You cannot selectively share audio; once audio has been shared, all audio from your computer will be heard in the meeting.
  • Outside of screen sharing, there is no way to share audio from the computer.
  • You cannot share audio from the computer if you are using the Whiteboard app.

If you want to share audio from your computer, but do not want to use screen sharing, you will need to route audio from an app so it can be heard through the mic. Use an app like Synchronous Audio Router which is free and open-source. Setting it up will take a little time and you must set it up before you join a meeting.

When you join a meeting, Microsoft Teams gives you the option to choose which audio you want to use and one of the options is Computer. This option is misleading since it suggests that you’re sharing your computer’s audio when you are, in fact, choosing to use the speakers and mic on your system for the call. The option to share audio from the computer is hidden.

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Fatima has been writing for AddictiveTips for six years. She began as a junior writer and has been working as the Editor in Chief since 2014. Fatima gets an adrenaline rush from figuring out how technology works, and how to manipulate it. A well-designed app, something that solves a common everyday problem and looks

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How to share a presentation on microsoft teams.

Do you want to share a presentation on Microsoft Teams ? We’ll take you through the steps of sharing your PowerPoint slides with ease!

  • Log into Teams and locate the channel or chat .
  • In the message box, click the “Attach” button .
  • Select “File” from the drop-down menu and upload the presentation.
  • Now everyone can access it.

There’s more! Did you know you can present your slides directly in a meeting?

  • Navigate to the meeting or start a new one.
  • Click the “Share” button and select “PowerPoint” .
  • Present in a window or share a file. This helps participants follow along.

Make your presentations more engaging by using live captions . This is helpful for those with hearing difficulty and those in noisy environments.

Promote active participation from your audience. Use features like annotations and highlighting tools which emphasize key points and gather feedback. This encourages teamwork and productivity.

Overview of Microsoft Teams presentation sharing

Sharing presentations on Microsoft Teams ? It’s a breeze! Just select the file you want to share & who you want to share it with – and you’re good to go. Plus, real-time editing capabilities enable multiple users to work on the same presentation simultaneously. You can even present slides directly from Teams, making collaboration faster and easier. To optimize viewing quality, make sure to adjust resolution settings. There you have it – seamless information exchange and team productivity in no time!

Step 1: Accessing the Microsoft Teams platform

To share a presentation on Microsoft Teams, you must access the platform first. It is key for successful collaboration and communication between your team. Follow these simple steps to easily access Microsoft Teams and begin sharing presentations!

  • Go to the Teams website in your web browser.
  • Enter your email address and password.
  • Click “Sign In”.
  • On the dashboard, click “Join or create a team” on the left.
  • Choose a team from the list or enter a code from your team leader.
  • To create a new team, click “Create Team” and follow the prompts.
  • After joining/creating a team, you have access to Teams’ features.
  • Use different channels and tabs to interact with your team and locate files.
  • To share a presentation, go to the “Files” tab in a channel and upload the PowerPoint.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with your team using Microsoft Teams. Communicate, exchange ideas and share presentations quickly and easily. Start sharing now!

Step 2: Starting a presentation sharing session

  • Log into your account with the Teams app.
  • Pick the channel you’ll share your presentation to.
  • Look for the “Share” button at the bottom of the chat window.
  • Select the presentation file you wish to share with “Browse teams and channels”.
  • Once you’ve chosen the file, click “Share” to start the sesh.
  • Navigate your slides with the provided controls.

Make sure everyone has access to the presentation. Plus, Teams offers collaboration features like annotating and questioning through chat.

Pro Tip: Check your internet connection’s stable before you start the presentation sharing session. No interruptions!

Step 3: Choosing the sharing options

When it comes to sharing presentations on Microsoft Teams, choosing the right option is key. Here’s how to do it:

  • Click the “Share” button at the bottom of the meeting screen.
  • A pop-up window will appear with several options – select “PowerPoint” to share a presentation.
  • Next, decide whether you want to share your entire desktop or just a single window. This lets you control what the participants see.
  • Finally, click “Share” to start sharing your presentation.

Remember to double-check that your presentation looks good before you continue with the meeting.

Furthermore, Microsoft Teams offers extra features such as annotation tools and letting people edit documents simultaneously – this boosts collaboration and involvement during presentations.

Did you know that Microsoft Teams is now one of the most popular collaboration tools for businesses? Its easy-to-use interface and many features make it great for remote working.

Step 4: Sharing the presentation

Sharing a presentation on Microsoft Teams is crucial for efficient collaboration with your team. Follow these steps to easily share and engage your audience:

  • Get Ready: Make sure your presentation has all the content and visuals you need. This helps others understand your message.
  • Open Teams: Launch the Teams app on your computer or use the web version. Sign in with your details to access the workspace.
  • Join/Start Meeting: Join an existing meeting or start a new one. Sharing presentations is usually done in meetings with discussion and collaboration.
  • To share the entire PowerPoint, select “PowerPoint”.
  • To share slides or other documents, choose “Browse”.
  • Teams has extra options like Slide Show mode or sharing single application windows.
  • Engage Participants: Choose the sharing method, file, or slides. Click “Share” to start presenting. Participants view your presentation in real-time. They can ask questions or give feedback via chat or audio.

Follow these steps for successful collaboration on Microsoft Teams. Be prepared, use appropriate sharing methods, and engage your audience.

Step 5: Navigating and presenting the slides

Want to know how to smoothly move through slides on Microsoft Teams? Here’s the step-by-step guide:

  • Press the “Share” button at the bottom of your screen to start presenting.
  • Use the arrows on your keyboard or click the navigation buttons to go back and forth between slides.
  • If you need to jump to a specific slide, select the “Go to slide” option and enter the number.
  • To end presentation mode, click the “Stop presenting” button at the top of your screen.

Plus, use shortcuts like “B” to black out your screen and “W” to display a whiteboard. This helps keep the presentation on track.

A funny thing happened to a colleague presenting slides on Teams. Instead of advancing to the next slide, they clicked an emoji reaction. This caused a lot of laughter. It’s a great reminder to double-check actions when navigating virtual slides.

Step 6: Ending the presentation sharing session

To finish the Microsoft Teams presentation-sharing session, do these steps:

  • Click on the presentation screen to go to the meeting controls.
  • Find the ‘Stop Presenting’ button at the top of the screen. Then click it.
  • A pop-up will appear. It’ll ask if you want to stop presenting. Click ‘Stop Presenting’ again to confirm.
  • The presentation sharing session will end. You’ll go back to your regular view of the meeting.
  • You can stay in the meeting or leave.

Remember, ending the presentation-sharing session doesn’t mean you have to leave the meeting. You can still talk with others and contribute to discussions before you finish.

Pro Tip: Before you finish the presentation-sharing session, make sure all the points are covered and all questions or concerns are answered. This will help everyone finish the session on a good note.

Share presentations on Microsoft Teams for simple, efficient results! Just follow the steps outlined in this article. Showcase your work, collaborate, and ensure everyone’s on the same page.

  • First, upload the file to the platform. Select “Share” and choose the presentation from your files. You can share your entire screen or just a specific window. This lets you control what participants see.
  • Navigate through slides smoothly. Make sure participants see each slide clearly. Use presenter view and annotations. Use laser pointer tools for clearer communication.
  • Microsoft Teams also offers a recording feature. If you want to share with those who weren’t able to attend or review later, you can record the meeting. Everyone will have access to the presentation.

Start sharing today and experience seamless communication!

Additional tips and troubleshooting guidelines

  • Double check the sharing settings. Ensure you enabled the right permissions on Microsoft Teams before the presentation. It will let everyone view and interact with it without issues.
  • Optimize your internet connection. Stable and reliable internet is needed for successful presentation sharing. Use a wired network or strong Wi-Fi to avoid interruptions.
  • Be mindful when sharing your screen. Close any unnecessary applications or tabs. This will reduce distractions and maintain a professional atmosphere.
  • Remember, attention to detail is key when presenting on Microsoft Teams. Consider the tips and troubleshooting guidelines. This will help you deliver a seamless and engaging presentation.
  • Technical issues may occur despite preparation. Remain calm and try restarting the app or checking compatibility. If nothing works, contact the support team for assistance.

Let me tell you a story. A colleague had a crucial sales pitch through Teams. His PowerPoint slides didn’t display properly. He had taken our tips into account and switched to screen sharing mode. He was able to deliver his pitch using alternative tools within seconds. This shows the value of flexibility and quick thinking in overcoming challenges while presenting on Microsoft Teams.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

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How to share computer audio in a teams meeting ?

I wish to share computer audio in a teams meeting (want to play a recording for my students to listen to), but, cannot find any settings to do this. So, I have to disconnect my headphones, then play the audio loud through the speakers, so that the mic pics up the audio just like I'm speaking. Surely, there must be a way to share the audio without the need to keep disconnecting my headphones, just like you can with Zoom. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

@Richard Fletcher ,

To share sound from your computer, select Share content in your meeting controls and then Include computer sound .

When you share, all audio from your computer, including notifications, will be included in the meeting.

For more details, please refer to this article: .

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@Richard Fletcher , Do you have any update on this question now?

Dear SharonZhao-MSF :

Unfortunately, there is NO "Include computer sount" option to select. I'm using Microsoft Teams downloaded directly from Microsoft on my MAC. I've tried to update it, but, it says it's already up to date. Any ideas ???

This feature isn’t yet available on Mac devices, but it’s coming soon.

How about MS Teams browser version? How can I share computer sound on that?

  • PC & Mobile
  • Microsoft Teams

How to Share a Video With Audio in Microsoft Teams

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Lee Stanton Lee Stanton is a versatile writer with a concentration on the software landscape, covering both mobile and desktop applications as well as online technologies. Read more August 12, 2022

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Are you preparing for a Microsoft Teams meeting but don’t know how to share a video with audio on your device? If so, there’s no need to worry. In this article, we’ll answer all your questions and more.

Learn how to share a video with audio on a plethora of devices, such as a Windows PC, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad, and Chromebook. We’ll also show you how to share video without audio.

How to Share a Video With Audio on Microsoft Teams on a Windows PC?

One important thing to know is that Microsoft Teams doesn’t play videos with audio by default on a Windows PC. Here’s how to change that:

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

  • Access the online meeting.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Note: Even if the audio on your PC is muted, other members on the call will be able to hear your audio once you complete these steps.

How to Share a Video With Audio on Microsoft Teams on a Mac?

Simply follow these steps:

  • Log in to Microsoft Teams .

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

  • Once turned on, all audio from your computer will be shared with the meeting members, including your computer notifications.
  • The first time you want to include the computer sound in your meeting, you will encounter a wizard that will ask you to install the driver.
  • Click on the Install button.
  • Once you click this, you will see a spinner next to the Include computer sound button. Don’t worry; this will only take a few seconds.
  • You will receive a notification when the installation is finished.
  • After installing the driver for the first time, you will need to pause the video you were playing in your meeting and play it again. This is so the driver can start working.
  • If the driver doesn’t install, which is a rare occurrence, just turn off the Include computer sound button and turn it back on again.
  • Try installing the driver again by clicking on the Install button.
  • You can start sharing your screen even before this installation is completed. Once it’s finished, you will receive a notification, and your audio will be shared, too.

How to Share a Video With Audio on Microsoft Teams on a Chromebook?

Here’s how:

  • In the online meeting, click on the Share icon.
  • In the meeting controls, you will see Include system audio with a little box next to it.
  • Click on the box to turn on the system audio.

How to Share a Video With Audio on Microsoft Teams on an iPhone?

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to share system audio on an iPhone directly from Microsoft Teams. However, Microsoft is working on incorporating that feature in the later versions of the Microsoft Teams app.

However, there is another way to share your video with audio through screen mirroring. Here’s how to do that:

  • First, you need to install a mirroring app on your computer and phone. For the purposes of this article, we will explain how to share a video with audio using the Reflector app. You can use different mirroring apps if you prefer since the process is similar.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

  • Find the name of your phone and select it.
  • Make sure to have the system audio on in your Microsoft Teams so that you can share the sound from your phone.

How to Share a Video With Audio on Microsoft Teams on an Android Phone?

Same as with the iPhone, it is not yet possible to share system audio on an Android phone directly from Microsoft Teams. However, there is a similar workaround.

Here are the steps:

  • In the Quick settings dropdown, select the Screencast or Cast option.
  • From the list that shows up on your phone, choose the name of your computer.
  • You have to turn off the features Fullscreen and Always on Top in the Reflector app on your phone. This is important for the app to work well in Microsoft Teams.
  • Make sure to have the system audio on in your Microsoft Teams so you can share the sound from your phone.

How to Share a Video With Audio on Microsoft Teams on an iPad?

As with the iPhone and Android devices, the system audio option isn’t yet available in Microsoft Teams directly. However, there is a similar workaround.

Just follow these steps:

  • First, you need to install a mirroring app on your computer and iPad. For this article, we will explain how to share a video with audio using the Reflector app . You can use different mirroring apps if you prefer since the process is similar.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

  • Open the Reflector app on your iPad.
  • Access Control center on your iPad.
  • Select Screen mirroring .
  • Browse through the receivers list and find your computer’s name.
  • You have to turn off the features Fullscreen and Always on Top in the Reflector app on your iPad. This is important for the app to work well in Microsoft Teams.
  • In Microsoft Teams, click on the Share icon.
  • Find the name of your iPad and select it.
  • Make sure to have the system audio on in your Microsoft Teams so you can share the sound from your iPad.
  • Additionally, in the Settings of your iPad, make sure to turn the System audio option on so you can share your audio correctly.

Additional FAQ

Here are more answers to your questions about Microsoft teams.

How Do I Share Video Without Audio in Microsoft Teams?

It’s simple; just follow the steps:

Sharing Video Without Audio on Windows PC:

1. Log in to Microsoft Teams .

2. Access the online meeting.

3. Click on the Share icon in the online meeting.

4. Choose Share screen from the options.

5. Choose Microsoft Teams from the pop-up menu.

Sharing Video Without Audio on a Mac:

4. Choose Share screen from the options on the screen.

Sharing Video Without Audio on a Chromebook:

Sharing Video Without Audio on an iPhone:

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Sharing Video Without Audio on an Android phone:

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Sharing Video Without Audio on an iPad:

Happy Meeting!

You’re now ready for your online meetings. Like a real pro, you know how to share your video with and without audio and on different devices, too. You can also share your knowledge with your colleagues or refer them to this article if you don’t feel like explaining the steps yourself.

Were you successful in navigating through Microsoft teams? Did you manage to turn on your video and system audio easily? Let us know down in the comments section below.

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how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Lee Stanton August 3, 2023

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how to share a presentation with sound on teams

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How to share your screen in microsoft teams.


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How i use copilot to easily create powerpoint presentations in minutes, the playstation 2 had more 60fps games than consoles do now. what happened, quick links, table of contents, how to screen share in microsoft teams on desktop, how to screen share in microsoft teams on mobile.

Microsoft Teams makes it easy to share your desktop or mobile device's screen in your online meetings. You can even choose between sharing your device's entire screen or just a specific app window. Here's how.

Related: What Is Microsoft Teams, and Is It Right for My Business?

  • Share Your Screen in Microsoft Teams on Desktop
  • Share Your Screen in Microsoft Teams on Mobile

On a Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook computer, you can use Teams web version or the app to share your screen in a meeting.

To start, first, launch Microsoft Teams on your computer and join a meeting.

In the meeting, at the top of the Teams interface, click the "Share Content" option (an up-arrow icon).

Click "Share Content" in Teams on desktop.

You will see a "Share Content" section to the right of the Teams interface. To share your computer's entire screen, then in this section, click "Screen." To share a specific app's window, click the "Window" option instead.

Select "Screen" or "Window" in Teams on desktop.

If you select the "Screen" option, Teams will start presenting your desktop's screen in the meeting. You will see a red border around your screen indicating the screen is being shared.

On Linux, you will not see the red border around your screen when it's shared. You also can't share a specific app's window on Linux.

Entire screen sharing in Teams on desktop.

If you choose the "Window" option, select the app window that you'd like to share.

Select an app window in Teams on desktop.

When you've finished your meeting and you want to stop screen sharing, then at the top of the Teams interface, click "Stop Presenting."

Click "Stop Presenting" in Teams on desktop.

And that's all there is to screen-sharing in Teams on desktop. Very useful!

Like Teams, you can also share your screen in Zoom and Google Meet meetings .

Related: How to Share Your Screen in a Zoom Meeting

On an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone, you can use the official Teams app to share your phone's screen in your online meetings, similar to sharing mobile screens in Skype .

To do so, first, launch the Microsoft Teams app on your phone. In the app, join the meeting where you'd like to present your phone's screen.

In the meeting, from the bottom bar of the Teams app, select the three dots.

Tap the three dots at the bottom of Teams on mobile.

From the three-dots menu, select "Share."

Tap "Share" in the three-dots menu in Teams on mobile.

Choose the "Share Screen" option. To include the audio in your screen share, toggle on the "Audio" option.

Select "Share Screen" in Teams on mobile.

If you're on Android, you will see a "Display Over Other Apps" page. Here, find "Teams" and tap it. Then enable the "Allow Display Over Other Apps" option.

Enable "Allow Display Over Other Apps" for Teams on Android.

If you're on an iPhone or iPad, tap the "Start Broadcast" option.

Tap "Start Broadcast" for Teams on iPhone.

Tap the back button to get back to the Teams screen. There, in the prompt that opens, select "Start Now."

Tap "Start Now" in Teams on mobile.

A red border will appear around your phone's screen, which indicates your screen is currently being shared. To stop sharing your screen, tap "Stop Presenting."

Tap "Stop Presenting" in Teams on mobile.

And that's how you make explaining various concepts and ideas easier by sharing your screen with Microsoft Teams!

Did you know you can use a whiteboard in a Teams meeting ?

Related: How to Use a Whiteboard in a Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Teams

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

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Guiding Tech

How to Add Voice-Overs to Canva Presentations

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Namrata Gogoi is an author covering Buying Guides and device-related tips and tricks. She loves learning and writing about gadgets and accessories that are functional, innovative, and have a positive impact on people's lives. Since 2016, she has covered smartphones, computer accessories, household electric appliances, and any product that helps bring convenience to one's life. Previously, she worked as an IT Analyst at TCS but found her calling at Guiding Tech.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Ashish, Computer Engineer by profession, has been writing about tech for 16 years, with a primary focus on Windows and Smartphones. He has a keen interest in writing about social media, as it constantly evolves, introducing new features to explore.

  • You cannot edit uploaded audio files in Canva.
  • Present and Record may be unavailable in every country.
  • AI Voice-over apps will have limitations on the number of minutes in the free version.

Method 1: Add Audio Files

Since Canva has limited customization options, you must ensure the audio files are trimmed before uploading. Also, all your files must be appropriately named and uploaded to avoid confusion later.

Step 1: Open the presentation and select the slide where you want to add the voice-over.

Step 2: Click the Uploads section on the left and switch to the Audio tab to reveal all the audio files.

Step 3: Drag and drop the audio at the bottom of the selected slide, and position it appropriately using drag.

Add Audio File Presentation

Repeat the above steps for all the slides. Once everything is in place, tap the Play button to view and hear your voice-overs. If you have missed uploading an audio file, you can manually do it when editing the presentation.

This method comes in handy when you cannot access the Present and Record option, which we have explained next.

Method 2: Present and Record

Canva has a built-in method—Present and Record—for adding voice-overs to already-made presentations. One of the most significant drawbacks is that you need a quiet room and don’t have the option to trim the recorded audio.

Step 1 : Open the presentation and click on the three-dot menu at the extreme right corner.

Step 2 : Select Present and Record from the list of options > Start Recording.

Select Present and Record option

Step 3: It will prompt you to allow access to the camera and microphone. Since you only need to perform a voice-over, skip the camera permission and give access to your microphone. Once done, click on the Start recording button.

Allow access to Microphone, and start recording.

Step 4: Now, record your voice for all the slides. The slides with recorded audio are marked in red. Remember to move along the slides as the presentation asks.

Pause Button to temporarily stop audio recording.

When you need to pause, click on Pause . This way, you can also skip a few slides where you do not want any voice-overs.

Step 5 : Once the recording is complete, click on Done at the top right corner.

Click on done to complete the recording process.

Depending on the length of the audio and the presentation’s content, the download might take time.

Download ands share recording

In addition to the direct download, Canva allows you to copy and share the link to the presentation directly.

Method 3: Using AI 

Many voice-over AI apps can connect to Canva and help you convert text to voice using multiple voice profiles. Here, we are using Murf AI.

Step 1: Open Canva, go to Apps , and search for Murf AI .

Step 2: Click on it, sign in using your existing account, or sign up.

Step 3: Once done, it will prompt you to use it in the existing or new design .

Select Presentation for Voiceover

Step 4: In the Canva presentation editor, you will have access to Murif AI on the left , where you can select language , a voice profile , and a text box where you can type the text and choose style , speed , and pitch.

Generate Voiceover for Presentation

Step 5: Select the slide where you want to add the voice-over, click on Generate voiceover , and Add to the design .

Add Voiceover to Canva Design

It’s easy to add voice-over using AI apps, but there are limitations when using a free account. For example, Murf AI limits voice-over time to 12-15 minutes.

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Last updated on 29 April, 2024

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Game presentation coordinator.

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  • Dedication to the team
  • Be adaptable
  • Passion for work 
  • Win with integrity
  • Own the outcome 
  • Work with other members of the Game Presentation department to support, research, and develop overall Game Presentation plans, concepts, and theme specific elements for all Houston Texans home games.
  • Coordinate production and stage management at Texans signature events as assigned, including Draft Party, Training Camp, Season Premiere, Taste of the Texans, etc.    
  • Research, book, schedule and create a positive experience for gameday entertainment, including but not limited to Color Guards, Flag Holders, in-game promotions and performances, on-field presentations and other Game Presentation needs.
  • Book, schedule and oversee Color Guard, flag holder groups, and specialty flags. 
  • Run point on operational needs for back of house, locker room allocations and staff and entertainment meals for all home games and Texans signature events.
  • Create and oversee gameday equipment lists and shot lists for home games and Texans signature events. 
  • Oversee and manage all field props, inventory, and equipment needs in storage for gameday and Texans signature events.
  • Co-manage Deep Steel Thunder drumline. This includes but is not limited to, booking appearances, ordering equipment and uniforms, collaborating with Social Media department on concepts for Deep Steel Thunder social media platform, and coordinating other gameday and rehearsal logistics. Coordinate and execute Deep Steel Thunder Auditions.
  • Oversee in-stadium emcees including communication, timelines, logistics for gamedays and Texans signature events.
  • Lead all Texans gameday parade operations, logistics, and execution in collaboration with stadium partners, the Operations department and Events Experience department. 
  • Serve as Field Manager and coordinate Game Presentation elements for Texas Bowl and provide support for other Lone Star Sports and Entertainment (“LSSE”) games and events. 
  • Work in partnership with internal departments to find creative and entertaining ways to execute a cohesive and memorable gameday experience while fulfilling contractual obligations.
  • Assist the Game Presentation Manager in the development and management of yearly budgets for the department.
  • Monitor the Entertainment inbox and respond to fan inquiries.
  • Perform various other tasks that may be assigned from time to time by Game Presentation Manager or other departmental personnel. 
  • Strong organizational and time management skills with ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks in a high-energy environment.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to create and maintain solid working relationships at all levels across the organization and externally. 
  • Excellent attention to detail and an ability to produce high-quality, accurate work within designated deadlines. 
  • Ability to maintain confidential and/or proprietary information.
  • Ability and desire to demonstrate a positive, winning attitude and a strong work ethic in the performance of all job responsibilities.
  • Ability to apply sound decision-making skills in routine matters including event logistics, budget development and allocation, resource expenditure and event staffing. 
  • Ability to self-motivate and to adapt to leadership and direction.
  • Bachelor’s degree from a four-year accredited college or university preferred.
  • 1-2 years of full-time work experience in sports, entertainment, game presentation or related field required. 
  • Proficiency in use of Microsoft Office software applications. 

Job Questions:

What are your salary expectations?

Do you have experience in professional or collegiate sports as it pertains to Game Presentation? If so, briefly explain.

Have you worked with any notable figures in sports and entertainment? If so, please list.

Have you worked with any entertainment groups such as drumlines, cheerleaders, etc.?

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

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  • SportsbookWire

After years of setbacks and adversity, Indy diver Sarah Bacon finally gets Olympic spot

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Sarah Bacon was going to quit diving three years ago. Except she did not make the U.S. team for the Tokyo Olympics.

Now, after years of injury and disappointment, the Indianapolis diver is an Olympian.

Next up? Maybe a medal in Paris .

Bacon teamed with Kassidy Cook to win synchronized 3-meter springboard Monday on night 1 of the Olympic Trials at Knoxville, Tenn.

More: 5 swimmers out of Indiana have made Olympic team so far, including Carmel siblings

“We faced a lot of obstacles over the last couple of months together, years honestly,” Bacon told USA Diving. “Injuries and all that kind of stuff, so just coming through all of that and making my first Olympic and her second Olympic team. I don’t have any words right now for it.”

The Bacon/Cook team scored 629.82 points over two rounds of five dives each. They were comfortably ahead of Alison Gibson and Krysta Palmer, 599.49. Gibson/Palmer had beaten Bacon/Cook to secure the 2021 synchro berth.

Bacon and Cook led through every round of the final. They closed it out with 70.20 points on their last dive, a front 2 ½ somersault with one twist, earning mostly 7.5s and 8s. Once they hit the water, they were Olympians.

“They’ve done it! That was tremendous,” said NBC analyst Cynthia Potter, an Indiana University graduate who was a three-time Olympian and 1976 bronze medalist.

Cook, 29, a 2016 Olympian, became the first female diver to make non-consecutive U.S. Olympic teams. To celebrate the occasion, she slipped an Olympic ring on Bacon’s finger.

“To be able to share this Olympics with Sarah, and do synchro, means everything in the world to me,” Cook said.

The duo finished fourth at last year’s World Championships, less than one point from a bronze medal.

Bacon was third in the 2021 trials on individual 3-meter at Indianapolis, and top two made it.

“The last Olympics were bittersweet. It was over COVID, and I was one of the favorites to make that team — I would say in both synchro and individual,” she said.

 "It just lit a fire underneath me. Honestly, I was planning on retiring after that Olympics, so it kept me diving. I wanted to make an Olympic team.”

She has prelims and semifinals on 3-meter Thursday and the final Saturday.

Bacon, 27, was a high school state champion for Cardinal Ritter in 2013 and 2014. She endured so many stress fractures in her back throughout teenage years that she was honored by USA Diving in 2014 with the Wendy Wyland Award for overcoming adversity. While in college, she had shoulder surgery.

She became one of the most decorated college divers ever. She won two NCAA titles on 3-meter and three on 1-meter while at Minnesota. Bacon was the Big Ten’s female athlete of the year in 2021, winning two NCAA titles and a World Cup silver medal.

She has two World Championships silver medals on 1-meter, which is not an Olympic event. In 2019, Bacon became the first female American diver to win a world or Olympic individual medal since Laura Wilkinson was world champion on 10-meter platform in 2005.

Contact IndyStar correspondent at [email protected] . Follow him on Twitter: @DavidWoods007.


NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study

On June 9, 2022, NASA announced that the agency is commissioning a study team to examine unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) – that is, observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena – from a scientific perspective. The study will focus on identifying available data, how best to collect future data, and how NASA can use that data to move the scientific understanding of UAPs forward. This webpage is designed as a resource to provide updates on the UAP Independent Study.

NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Study - Frequently Asked Questions

Final Report

The northern hemisphere of the earth is highlighted with the rest fading to a black background. Title text reads "NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team Report"

On September 14, 2023, the NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team published its final report containing a series of recommendations for how the agency could help to move our understanding of UAP forward. 

Download the UAP Independent Study Team Final Report

Media Briefing: Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report  (YouTube)

Notice of Public Meeting: May 31, 2023

In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, NASA announces a Public Meeting of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team (UAPIST). This meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 31, 10:30am-2:30pm ET. The meeting will be broadcast live at , and public participation is available by submitting and upvoting questions at  starting on Friday, May 12. The presentations and other materials will also be available on this web page.

  • Media advisory
  • Federal Register Notice
  • Sean Kirkpatrick May 31 Presentation
  • Mike Freie May 31 Presentation
  • Josh Semeter May 31 Presentation
  • Nicola Fox Remarks UAP Independent Study Meeting May 31
  • Daniel Evans Remarks - May 31
  • Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick Remarks for NASA Public Meeting on UAP May 31
  • Telecon  (YouTube)
  • Meeting  (YouTube)

Public Briefings and Presentations

On June 9, 2022, Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen presented an update on NASA’s Science Program to a joint meeting of the National Academies Space Studies Board and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, which included an outline of NASA’s UAP Independent Study.

NASA leads the world in exploration and is committed to rigorous scientific inquiry. Consistent with NASA’s principles of openness, transparency, and scientific integrity, NASA is establishing the UAP Independent Study as a means to secure the counsel of community experts across diverse areas on matters relevant to potential methods of study of unidentified anomalous phenomena. The UAP Independent Study serves as a community-based, interdisciplinary forum for soliciting and coordinating community analysis and input and providing advice.

Statement of Task

The UAP Independent Study shall report on the following questions:

  • What types of scientific data currently collected and archived by NASA or other civilian government entities should be synthesized and analyzed to potentially shed light on the nature and origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)?
  • What types of scientific data currently collected and held by non-profits and companies should be synthesized and analyzed to potentially shed light on the nature and origins of UAP?
  • What other types of scientific data should be collected by NASA to enhance the potential for developing an understanding of the nature and origins of UAP?
  • Which scientific analysis techniques currently in production could be employed to assess the nature and origins of UAP? Which types of analysis techniques should be developed?
  • In considering the factors above, what basic physical constraints can be placed on the nature and origins of UAP?
  • What civilian airspace data related to UAPs have been collected by government agencies and are available for analysis to a) inform efforts to better understand the nature and origins of UAPs, and b) determine the risk of UAPs to the National Air Space (NAS)?
  • What current reporting protocols and air traffic management (ATM) data acquisition systems can be modified to acquire additional data on past and future UAPs?
  • What potential enhancements to future ATM development efforts can be recommended to acquire data concerning future reported UAPs to assist in the effort to better understand the nature and origin of the UAPs?

Appointment of Members

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, in consultation with NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, will appoint the Chair and members of the UAP Independent Study for terms of up to one year. Diversity of thought shall be a factor in determining the composition of the UAP Independent Study. The UAP Independent Study will have approximately eight to twelve members chosen with an appropriately broad range of expertise; experience; employer types and sizes; and individual demographics. The membership will consist of experts drawn from U.S. academic, independent, and commercial institutions. Members of the UAP Independent Study who are not Regular Government Employees (RGE) will be designated Special Government Employees (SGE) or Representatives. A NASA civil servant will be appointed as the Designated Federal Officer and Executive Secretary of the UAP Independent Study.

Terms of Reference

Full Copy of the Terms of Reference

Questions about UAP should be directed to Daniel A. Evans ( [email protected] ).

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James Webb Space Telescope

The image is divided horizontally by an undulating line between a cloudscape forming a nebula along the bottom portion and a comparatively clear upper portion. Speckled across both portions is a starfield, showing innumerable stars of many sizes. The smallest of these are small, distant, and faint points of light. The largest of these appear larger, closer, brighter, and more fully resolved with 8-point diffraction spikes. The upper portion of the image is blueish, and has wispy translucent cloud-like streaks rising from the nebula below. The orangish cloudy formation in the bottom half varies in density and ranges from translucent to opaque. The stars vary in color, the majority of which have a blue or orange hue. The cloud-like structure of the nebula contains ridges, peaks, and valleys – an appearance very similar to a mountain range. Three long diffraction spikes from the top right edge of the image suggest the presence of a large star just out of view.

Perseverance Rover

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Parker Solar Probe

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how to share a presentation with sound on teams

Engage your audience with presenter modes in Microsoft Teams

Meeting participants tend to be more focused and have a better experience when they see a presenter along with a presentation. An interactive presenter also helps guide an audience along with visual cues while reducing information overload.  By using a presenter mode such as Standout , Side-by-side , or Reporter in a Teams meeting instead of sharing screen or window content only, you become a more engaging and integral part of your presentation. The following examples show how each presenter mode appears to an audience:

Standout presenter mode

Use a presenter mode

Teams share screen icon

Under Presenter mode , choose the mode that you want. Also, be sure that your camera is turned on.

how to share a presentation with sound on teams

To start your presentation, choose to share your  S creen or Window on your PC or device.

Note:  Using interactive presenter modes with PowerPoint Live will soon be available.

Presenter toolbar

Note:  Presenter mode customization is available as part of the public preview program and might undergo further changes before being released publicly. To get access to this and other upcoming features, switch to  Teams public preview . 

Presenter modes also allow presenters to customize how their content will be oriented on screen and adjust the size of the video to better fit the presentation.  

Customize video display 

1. Use the  Position buttons in the preview window to direct where videos will appear in relation to the content.  

Image showing the position buttons at the top of the meeting screen.

2. Enlarge or reduce video size using the Size slider. Slide the circle to the left to reduce the size of a video, or to the right to enlarge the size of a video. 

Image showing the size slider at the top of the page in presenter mode.

More things to know

Interactive presenter modes are only available for the desktop version of Teams.

Meeting attendees using the mobile or online versions of Teams will see a shared window or screen and presenter video separately.

When you use an interactive presenter mode, a small, moveable picture-in-picture window pops up to show you what your audience sees. If you close this window and need it again, restart the presenter mode.

Related links

Meetings in Teams Schedule a meeting in Teams Share content in a meeting Introducing PowerPoint Live in Teams


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  24. How to Add Voice-Overs to Canva Presentations

    Step 2: Click the Uploads section on the left and switch to the Audio tab to reveal all the audio files. Step 3: Drag and drop the audio at the bottom of the selected slide, and position it ...

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    More:5 swimmers out of Indiana have made Olympic team so far, including Carmel siblings. Bacon and Cook finished fourth at last year's World Championships, less than one point from a bronze medal.

  29. UAP

    NASA leads the world in exploration and is committed to rigorous scientific inquiry. Consistent with NASA's principles of openness, transparency, and scientific integrity, NASA is establishing the UAP Independent Study as a means to secure the counsel of community experts across diverse areas on matters relevant to potential methods of study of unidentified anomalous phenomena.

  30. Engage your audience with presenter modes in Microsoft Teams

    Use a presenter mode. After your meeting starts, at the upper-right corner of Teams, select Share content to choose a Presenter mode and other options. Meeting presenter modes and options. Under Presenter mode, choose the mode that you want. Also, be sure that your camera is turned on. Before starting the presentation, select Customize and ...