1. (PDF) Attempting rigour and replicability in thematic analysis of

    rigour in qualitative case study research pdf

  2. Assessment of case study rigour and quality

    rigour in qualitative case study research pdf

  3. (PDF) Rigour in Qualitative Studies: Are we on track?

    rigour in qualitative case study research pdf

  4. (PDF) Using the TACT Framework to Learn the Principles of Rigour in

    rigour in qualitative case study research pdf

  5. (PDF) Ensuring Rigor in Qualitative Research

    rigour in qualitative case study research pdf

  6. (PDF) Establishing methodological rigour in international qualitative

    rigour in qualitative case study research pdf



  2. WHAT IS CASE STUDY RESEARCH? (Qualitative Research)

  3. Lecture 50: Qualitative Resarch


  5. Lecture 48: Qualitative Resarch

  6. 14 Cases in RQDA


  1. PDF rigour in qualitative case-study research

    interested in conducting rigorous case study research. Conclusion While the flexible nature of qualitative research should be embraced, strategies to ensure rigour must be in place. Keywords Multiple case study research, rigour Correspondence to Catherine Houghton [email protected] Catherine Houghton RGN, MHSc, PhD is a lecturer ...

  2. Rigour in qualitative case-study research

    Discussion: Strategies to ensure the rigour of this research were prolonged engagement and persistent observation, triangulation, peer debriefing, member checking, audit trail, reflexivity, and thick descriptions. Practical examples of how these strategies can be implemented are provided to guide researchers interested in conducting rigorous ...

  3. Rigour in qualitative case-study research

    Keywords Multiple case study research, rigour THERE IS increasing recognition of the valuable contribution qualitative research can make to nursing knowledge. Furthermore, qualitative research is being valued for its differences to quantitative research, rather than being perceived as having methodological shortcomings in comparison.

  4. [PDF] Rigour in qualitative case-study research.

    Establishing rigour in qualitative research: the decision trail. The aim of this paper is to show the way in which the decision trail of a qualitative research process can be maintained and the researcher's participation in making the data as part of an existential phenomenological research process. Expand.

  5. Rigour in qualitative case-study research

    To provide examples of a qualitative multiple case study to illustrate the specific strategies that can be used to ensure the credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability of a study.

  6. PDF Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis: The Role of Active

    To pre-empt skepticism about qualitative rigor, scholars have articulated broad guidelines on how to conduct qualitative research properly by calling on scholars to develop "a coding scheme and, insofar as possible, provide a sample of likely coding categories" (Lamont & White, 2008: 143), yet they have been less explicit about how to do so.

  7. A Review of the Quality Indicators of Rigor in Qualitative Research

    Abstract. Attributes of rigor and quality and suggested best practices for qualitative research design as they relate to the steps of designing, conducting, and reporting qualitative research in health professions educational scholarship are presented. A research question must be clear and focused and supported by a strong conceptual framework ...

  8. Rigour in qualitative case-study research

    Background There is increasing recognition of the valuable contribution qualitative research can make to nursing knowledge. However, it is important that the research is conducted in a rigorous manner and that this is demonstrated in the final research report. Data sources A multiple case study that explored the role of the clinical skills ...

  9. Rigour in qualitative case-study research.

    A multiple case study that explored the role of the clinical skills laboratory in preparing students for the real world of practice. Multiple sources of evidence were collected: semi-structured interviews (n=58), non-participant observations at five sites and documentary sources.

  10. Attempting rigour and replicability in thematic analysis of qualitative

    In qualitative research replication of thematic analysis methods can be challenging given that many articles omit a detailed overview of qualitative process; this makes it difficult for a novice researcher to effectively mirror analysis strategies and processes and for experienced researchers to fully understand the rigour of the study.

  11. Checklists for improving rigour in qualitative research: a case of the

    Reducing qualitative research to a list of technical procedures (such as purposive sampling, grounded theory, multiple coding, triangulation, and respondent validation) is overly prescriptive and results in "the tail wagging the dog". None of these "technical fixes" in itself confers rigour; they can strengthen the rigour of qualitative ...

  12. PDF Attempting rigour and replicability in thematic analysis of qualitative

    necessary in qualitative research. It then continues this conversation by showing the process of a codebook de-velopment and its use as a means of analysing interview data, using a case study and real world data. It also aims to clearly discuss the approach to determining rigour and validly within thematic analysis as part of a research project.

  13. PDF Ensuring rigour in qualitative research

    The issues of reliability and validity in qualitative research are not as readily codified as has been the case for quantitative research. However, a variety of methods do exist and are reviewed here. This general review is followed by a detailed illustration of selected techniques, including the use of counting in qualitative research, the ...

  14. Rigour in qualitative case-study research.

    TL;DR: Examples of a qualitative multiple case study to illustrate the specific strategies that can be used to ensure the credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability of a study to guide researchers interested in conducting rigorous case study research.

  15. (PDF) Using the TACT Framework to Learn the Principles of Rigour in

    The framework enables them to explore the key dimensions necessary for assessing the rigour of qualitative research studies and checklist questions against each of the dimensions. TACT was offered through 10 workshops, attended by 64 participants.

  16. [PDF] Ensuring rigour in qualitative research

    Ensuring rigour in qualitative research. A general review is followed by a detailed illustration of selected techniques, including the use of counting in qualitative research, the development of systematic coding schemes with the aid of computer programmes, searching for deviant cases and the useof the transcription techniques of conversation ...

  17. PDF Methodological rigour within a qualitative framework

    This paper discusses the literature on establishing rigour in research studies. It describes the methodological trinity of reliability, validity and generalization and ... qualitative research is a scientific process that has a valued contribution to make to the advancement of knowledge.

  18. Rigour in qualitative case-study research

    Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.

  19. Application of four-dimension criteria to assess rigour of qualitative

    The main objective of this methodological manuscript was to illustrate the role of using qualitative research in emergency settings. We outline rigorous criteria applied to a qualitative study assessing perceptions and experiences of staff working in ...

  20. (PDF) Application of Rigour and Credibility in Qualitative Document

    This paper probes functions and processes of qualitative document analysis (QDA), a method widely used in case study research. It firstly demonstrates the application of a QDA framework to inform a case study of women entrepreneurs in rural Australia; and provides insights into the lessons learnt, including strengths and limitations of QDA.

  21. Rigour in qualitative case-study research. .pdf

    Discussion Strategies to ensure the rigour of this research were prolonged engagement and persistent observation, triangulation, peer debriefing, member checking, audit trail, reflexivity, and thick descriptions. Practical examples of how these strategies can be implemented are provided to guide researchers interested in conducting rigorous case study research.

  22. [PDF] Application of Rigour and Credibility in Qualitative Document

    This paper probes functions and processes of qualitative document analysis (QDA), a method widely used in case study research. It firstly demonstrates the application of a QDA framework to inform a case study of women entrepreneurs in rural Australia; and provides insights into the lessons learnt, including strengths and limitations of QDA.

  23. Qualitative vs Quantitative Research: What's the Difference?

    The main difference between quantitative and qualitative research is the type of data they collect and analyze. ... types of qualitative research methods, including diary accounts, in-depth interviews, documents, focus groups, case study research, and ... Checklists for improving rigour in qualitative research: a case of the tail wagging the ...

  24. Case Study Research Method in Psychology

    Case study research involves an in-depth, detailed examination of a single case, such as a person, group, event, organization, or location, to explore causation in order to find underlying principles and gain insight for further research.

  25. Application of four-dimension criteria to assess rigour of qualitative

    Background The main objective of this methodological manuscript was to illustrate the role of using qualitative research in emergency settings. We outline rigorous criteria applied to a qualitative study assessing perceptions and experiences of staff working in Australian emergency departments. Methods We used an integrated mixed-methodology framework to identify different perspectives and ...

  26. "The genie is out of the bottle": a qualitative study on the impact of

    This qualitative study discusses the impact of the pandemic on the field of CPD and leaders' vision for the future. Despite innumerable challenges, the pandemic created opportunities to reform design and delivery.

  27. PDF Analysis of the Strategies Used by High School Students in Solving Area

    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the activities in the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methodology among high school students when solving problems related to the field of plane figures, both in extra-mathematical and intra-mathematical environments. The research was qualitative and constituted a case study.