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Rorschach review: రివ్యూ: రోషాక్‌.. మమ్ముట్టి నటించిన సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే?

ప్రముఖ నటుడు మమ్ముట్టి నటించిన సైకలాజికల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ సినిమా ‘రోషాక్‌’ ఎలా ఉందంటే..?

Rorschach Review చిత్రం: రోషాక్‌, నటీనటులు: మమ్ముట్టి, జగదీష్‌, గ్రేస్‌ ఆంటోనీ, కొట్టాయం నజీర్‌ తదితరులు, రచన: సమీర్‌ అబ్దుల్‌, ఛాయాగ్రహణం: నిమిష్‌ రవి, సంగీతం: మిథున్‌ ముకుందన్‌, కూర్పు: కిరణ్‌ దాస్‌, నిర్మాణ సంస్థ: మమ్ముట్టి కంపెనీ, దర్శకత్వం : నిషమ్‌ బషీర్‌, ఓటీటీ వేదిక: డిస్నీ+ హాట్‌స్టార్‌.

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ఓ భాషలో తెరకెక్కి విజయం అందుకున్న కొన్ని చిత్రాలు ఇతర భాషల్లోకి డబ్‌ అయి మరోసారి థియేటర్లలో విడుదవుతుంటాయి. మరికొన్ని.. ఓటీటీ వేదికగా పలు భాషల్లో ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకొస్తుంటాయి. అలా అక్టోబరు 7న మలయాళంలో థియేటర్లలో విడుదలైన ‘రోషాక్‌’ (Rorschash) చిత్రం నవంబరు 11 నుంచి ‘డిస్నీ+ హాట్‌స్టార్‌’ (Disney+hotstar)లో స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ అవుతోంది. మమ్ముట్టి (Mammootty) ప్రధాన పాత్ర పోషించిన సినిమా ఇది. మలయాళ ప్రేక్షకులను మెప్పించిన ఈ సినిమా కథేంటంటే?

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ఇదీ కథ: లూక్‌ ఆంటోనీ (మమ్ముట్టి) ఓ ఎన్‌. ఆర్‌. ఐ. విహారయాత్రలో భాగంగా భార్యతో కలిసి కేరళకు వస్తాడు. అడవి మార్గంలో వాళ్ల కారు ప్రమాదానికి గురవుతుంది. కాసేపటికి స్పృహలోకి వచ్చిన ఆంటోనీకి తన భార్య ఎక్కడుందో కనిపించదు. దాంతో ఆయన పోలీసులకు ఫిర్యాదు చేస్తాడు. కేసు విచారణలో పోలీసులకు ఎలాంటి ఆధారాలూ లభించవు. వాళ్ల ప్రయత్నం విఫలంకావడంతో స్వయంగా ఆంటోనీనే తన భార్య ఆచూకీ వెతికేందుకు నిర్ణయించుకుంటాడు. అడవి నుంచి బయటకు రానని భీష్మించుకుని కూర్చొంటాడు. అతడి ప్రవర్తనపై పోలీసులకూ అనుమానం కలుగుతుంది. ఆంటోనీ రాకతో సమీప గ్రామంలో ఎన్నో ఘాతుకాలు జరిగాయని చాలామంది భావిస్తారు. అసలు అతనికి భార్య ఉందా? అనే ఆలోచనకు వస్తారు. మరి, ఆంటోనీ కేరళ ఎందుకు వచ్చాడు? అంతా అనుకున్నట్టు ఆయనకు భార్య లేదా? అనే విషయాలను తెరపై చూసి తెలుసుకుంటేనే మజా వస్తుంది.

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ఎలా ఉందంటే: ఇదొక సైకలాజికల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌. భార్య కనిపించడంలేదంటూ హీరో పోలీసు స్టేషన్‌లో ఫిర్యాదు చేసే సన్నివేశంతో సినిమా ప్రారంభవుతుంది. ఫస్ట్‌ షాట్‌ ఆసక్తిగా అనిపించినా అసలు కథను చెప్పేందుకు దర్శకుడు చాలా సమయం తీసుకున్నారు. ఈ క్రమంలో వచ్చే సీక్వెన్స్‌ బోరింగ్‌గా అనిపిస్తుంది. మనిషి తనకు బాగా కావాల్సిన దాన్ని కోల్పోతే ఎంత బాధపడతాడో, దానికి కారణమైన వారిపై ఎంతటి పగ పెంచుకుంటాడో ఈ కథ ద్వారా చూపించే ప్రయత్నం చేశారు సమీర్‌ అబ్దుల్. దాన్ని తెరపైకి తీసుకురావడంలో దర్శకుడు కాస్త తడబడ్డారు. కథానాయకుడిలోని పలు పార్శ్వాలను చూపించే క్రమంలో కథలో స్పష్టతలోపించింది.

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అడవిలోని ఓ ఇల్లును హీరో కొనుక్కుంటాడు. ఆ ఇంటి యజమాని డబ్బు తీసుకుని వెళ్తుండగా హత్యకు గురవుతాడు. హీరోనే ఆ హత్య చేశాడా? అని ప్రేక్షకుడు భావించేలోపు హీరో కాదా? ఇంకెవరో ఆ మర్డర్‌ చేశారా? అనే ఉత్కంఠ కలుగుతుంది. ఇలాంటి సన్నివేశాలు సినిమాలో చాలానే ఉన్నాయి. అయితే, జరిగిన దాన్ని రెండు కోణాల్లో ఆవిష్కరించడం వల్ల ఆయా సీన్లు అందరికీ అర్థంకావు. ప్రథమార్ధం, ద్వితీయార్ధంలోనూ ప్రేక్షకుల ప్రశ్నలకు సమాధానాలు దొరకవు. క్లైమాక్స్‌ విషయంలోనూ అంతగా సంతృప్తి ఉండదు. సీక్వెల్‌ ప్లాన్‌ చేసే క్రమంలో పలు చిక్కులు ముడులను ఈ సినిమాలో విప్పలేదనుకోవచ్చు. 1950ల్లో ప్రముఖ సైకో అనలిస్ట్‌ హెర్మన్‌ రోషాన్‌.. మనుషులు ఎలా ఆలోచిస్తారు? ఎలా ప్రభావితం అవుతారు? అనే అంశాలపై పరీక్ష చేశారు. దాన్ని ఆధారంగా చేసుకుని సినిమాని తీయడమంటే అంత సులువైన విషయం కాదు. ఈ విషయంలో దర్శకరచయితలకు మంచి మార్కులు పడతాయి.

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ఎవరెలా చేశారంటే: ఇది మమ్ముట్టి వన్‌మ్యాన్‌ షో. స్టార్‌ హీరో ఇలాంటి పాత్రలో కనిపించడం విశేషం. లూక్‌ ఆంటోనీ పాత్రలో ఒదిగిపోయారు. ఇన్‌స్పెక్టర్‌ ఇన్‌ష్రాఫ్‌గా జగదీష్‌, భర్తను కోల్పోయిన సుజాత పాత్రలో గ్రేస్‌ ఆంటోనీ, ఇల్లు అమ్మే వ్యక్తి.. బాలన్‌ పాత్రలో మణి షార్నుర్‌ చక్కగా నటించారు. సందర్భానుసారం వచ్చే కానిస్టేబుల్‌, నర్సు, బాలన్‌ కుటుంబ సభ్యుల పాత్రలూ ఆకట్టుకుంటాయి. మిథున్‌ అందించిన నేపథ్య సంగీతం సినిమాకు ప్రధాన బలం. బీజీఎంతో ఆయా సన్నివేశాలను ఆయన మరోస్థాయికి తీసుకెళ్లారు. నిమిష్‌ రవి సినిమాటోగ్రఫీ మెప్పిస్తుంది. కిరణ్‌ దాస్‌ ఈ చిత్రాన్ని ఇంకా ఎడిట్‌ చేస్తే బాగుండేది. బషీర్‌ టేకింగ్‌ కొత్తగా ఉంది.

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+ మమ్ముట్టి నటన

+ సినిమాటోగ్రఫీ, నేపథ్య సంగీతం

- కథలో వేగంలేకపోవడం

- తికమక పెట్టే మలుపులు

చివరగా: రోషాక్‌.. కొందరికి మాత్రమే నచ్చే ‘సైకలాజికల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్’

గమనిక: ఈ సమీక్ష సమీక్షకుడి దృష్టి కోణానికి సంబంధించింది. ఇది సమీక్షకుడి వ్యక్తిగత అభిప్రాయం మాత్రమే!

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గమనిక: ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారస్తులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచిననుసరించి కృత్రిమ మేధస్సుతో పంపబడతాయి. పాఠకులు తగిన జాగ్రత్త వహించి, ఉత్పత్తులు లేదా సేవల గురించి సముచిత విచారణ చేసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలి. ఆయా ఉత్పత్తులు / సేవల నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలకు ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యం బాధ్యత వహించదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకి తావు లేదు.

రివ్యూ సెక్టార్‌ 36.. ఆ వరుస హత్యల వెనక ఏం జరిగింది?

రివ్యూ సెక్టార్‌ 36.. ఆ వరుస హత్యల వెనక ఏం జరిగింది?

రివ్యూ: రఘుతాత.. కీర్తి సురేశ్‌ మూవీ నవ్వులు పంచిందా?

రివ్యూ: రఘుతాత.. కీర్తి సురేశ్‌ మూవీ నవ్వులు పంచిందా?

రివ్యూ: మత్తు వదలరా 2.. శ్రీసింహా, సత్యల క్రైమ్‌, కామెడీ సీక్వెల్‌ హిట్టయిందా?

రివ్యూ: మత్తు వదలరా 2.. శ్రీసింహా, సత్యల క్రైమ్‌, కామెడీ సీక్వెల్‌ హిట్టయిందా?

రివ్యూ: భలే ఉన్నాడే.. రాజ్‌ తరుణ్‌ ఖాతాలో హిట్‌ పడిందా?

రివ్యూ: భలే ఉన్నాడే.. రాజ్‌ తరుణ్‌ ఖాతాలో హిట్‌ పడిందా?

రివ్యూ: ‘బెంచ్‌లైఫ్‌’.. నిహారిక నిర్మించిన వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: ‘బెంచ్‌లైఫ్‌’.. నిహారిక నిర్మించిన వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: ఎ.ఆర్‌.ఎం. టొవినో థామస్‌ యాక్షన్‌ అడ్వెంచర్‌ ఫిల్మ్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ఎ.ఆర్‌.ఎం. టొవినో థామస్‌ యాక్షన్‌ అడ్వెంచర్‌ ఫిల్మ్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: తలవన్‌.. రీసెంట్‌ సూపర్‌హిట్‌ మలయాళ క్రైమ్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: తలవన్‌.. రీసెంట్‌ సూపర్‌హిట్‌ మలయాళ క్రైమ్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సూపర్‌హిట్‌ యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ‘కిల్‌’.. ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: సూపర్‌హిట్‌ యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ‘కిల్‌’.. ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: నింద.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ విభిన్న ప్రయత్నం మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: నింద.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ విభిన్న ప్రయత్నం మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: ది గోట్‌.. విజయ్‌-వెంకట్‌ ప్రభుల యాక్షన్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ది గోట్‌.. విజయ్‌-వెంకట్‌ ప్రభుల యాక్షన్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

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రివ్యూ: 35 చిన్న క‌థ కాదు.. నివేదాథామస్‌ నటించిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే..?

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'Rorschach' movie review: Mammootty captivates in a refreshingly twisted gothic revenge thriller

A still from the newly released psychological thriller, 'Rorschach' featuring Mammootty in the lead role.

A few months before the release of Rorschach , I had heard little whispers of its plot from a couple of industry insiders. I found the concept interesting, and I was curious not only to see how director Nisam Basheer -- who made his debut with the polarising Kettyolaanu Ente Malakha -- would pull it off but also how Kerala audiences would react to it. Now, I'm not someone who looks at the initial reactions on social media before writing a review -- because I don't want anyone else's opinions colouring my own -- so I'm not aware of others' Rorschach experience. I'm only sure of mine: fulfilling, not only because it tickled the film buff in me that loves an unconventional genre fusion but also because the makers have pulled it off without making it seem too inaccessible. Oh, and I promise not to spill any spoilers.

What is Rorschach? Well, many things. Off the top of my head -- part revenge thriller, part gothic ghost story, part dysfunctional family drama, part dark comedy, and part crime noir... I might find more on a revisit. Anyway, it's incredible how all of these elements come well together in this film; but look beneath the veneer of genre-blending, and we see three different families with ideological and temperamental differences and an astonishing capacity for evil. By the time we get to the finale, most of these characters evolve into people they were not at the story's beginning.

In the opening scene, when Mammootty's Luke Antony walks into a police station and reports being in an accident and his wife missing, we and every character who comes into contact with him believe him. But we'll soon learn there is a much larger story behind it. Luke isn't hasty to tell it, and neither is the film. It wants to go at the same pace as him. It throws at us disparate images that at first glance seem disjointed, but if you're patient and attentive enough -- don't look at the phone and complain later -- everything will begin to make sense. You'll see the significance of some juxtaposition choices or why some scenes were so brief and sparse with the revelation of information.

I mentioned earlier about Rorschach being a portrait of families. The film gives us more information about them than it does about Luke, and I don't mean this in a negative way. The title also makes sense once the end credits roll. Luke was on a mission, but his arrival also brought out the distasteful facets in some individuals. In that sense, its behaviour is similar to that of a Western. You know, the story of that lone mysterious stranger arriving at a small town to shake things up?

In this film, we learn about a family with a devilish streak running through them for generations. They carry it around like a curse. At one point, a mother declares that her children are her carbon copies and they are capable of everything she is. As this mother, Bindu Panicker gives us a profoundly unsettling performance that eerily recalls Jacki Weaver from the Australian crime drama Animal Kingdom. And there is Jagadish as a quietly functioning police constable whose true intentions, once evident, gives his character a whole new dimension. It takes a while for him to say something, but when he does, he makes you more curious. It's the most impressive I've seen the actor in a long time.

The film's storytelling, too, reflects the idiosyncratic nature of its protagonist. Rorschach reveals information about Luke in an incremental fashion. Sometimes the film catches us off guard by simultaneously running past and present events from his life. There are films where this approach -- where no title card informs us which event is past or present -- failed miserably, but in Rorschach , it works perfectly. It's a classic case of relying more on visual storytelling than exposition. That said, the film has its share of moments where the characters say things that guide us, but at the same time, the script is careful not to say it all at once and ruin the fun. Just as he does with every character he meets, Luke taunts us until it's time for him to tell us what happened in his life and his plans.

The only information we know about Luke initially is that something tragic has befallen him. And then we ask: Who is he? How can he fight so well? What's his interest in two particular families? Why does he want to live in a haunted house? Why is he using someone's skull as an ashtray? We get the answers, all in good time, but it also doesn't forget to keep some things open-ended. That's where the fun is, right?

Speaking of fun, for a film about unlikeable characters and tragic events, Rorschach is not overwhelmingly depressing -- at least, not for me. It seems to relish its dark energy and revel in its gothic environment, just like its leading man. And Mammootty plays Luke with a measure of mischief, creepiness, and daring that you begin to remember some moments from Vidheyan , Thaniyavarthanam , Bhoothakkandi , or Munnariyippu .

Cinematographer Nimish Ravi, who has already proved himself adept at working comfortably with dark subjects ( Luca, Kurup ), once again demonstrates his supreme abilities in Rorschach with a work that's remarkably not repetitive. He bathes characters in enough shadows and amber to make them seem like they are Satan's children. Blacks and greys dominate the colour palette, starting with Luke's luxury car. His residence resembles more of a grim mausoleum than a home -- like a sort of 'limbo' in which 'the man in black' can pronounce his judgement.

I also found the choice of using English songs in the soundtrack -- by Midhun Mukundan, who recently worked on the brilliant Kannada gangster drama Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana -- refreshing. The makers' attempt at ignoring the usual tendency of having music "relatable" for Malayali/Indian audiences is admirable. Perhaps this choice suggests a character trait of Luke. What if these are his favourite songs? After all, we are in his world, aren't we?

Director: Nisam Basheer

Casting: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Jagadish, Sharafudheen

Rating: 4/5 stars

(This story originally appeared on Cinema Express)

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‘Rorschach’ movie review: Mammootty’s psychological thriller is intriguing but imperfect

‘rorschach’ is an effective psychological thriller that has its imperfections, just like the test that it draws its name from, but it is nevertheless an intriguing experience.

Published - October 07, 2022 04:41 pm IST

S R  Praveen

A still from the movie | Photo Credit: Mammootty Kampany

Putting the characters in Rorschach through the Rorschach test, to study their personality traits and mental make-up could be a fascinating exercise, for quite a few of them have a few twisted nodes in their brain. On the surface though, Luke Antony (Mammootty) is the obviously deranged one, seeing visions and fighting against imaginary enemies. The man's arrival in the village bordering a forest is clouded in mystery, which is only compounded by his actions.

Luke walks into the police station and reports that his wife has gone missing after their car got into an accident near the forest. But, as the search operation progresses, doubts crop up on whether the woman has actually gone missing or even whether she is a figment of his imagination. This also strengthens the feeling that the rich man from Dubai had reached this nondescript village with other intentions in mind.

Director Nissam Basheer, who debuted with Kettiyolaanu Ente Maalakha , makes good use of the mystery surrounding Luke and his actions, to further a plot which goes into some unfamiliar territories. But the script by Sameer Abdul does not stick to Luke alone. It flows through a set of characters who all have their own intentions, from a man who senses an opportunity and uses it when he sees the rich man on an extended stay to search for his wife, to the policeman who dreams of a share in the pie when he unearths some murky dealings, and Sujatha (Grace Antony), who has an immense ability of self-preservation.

At the halfway point, when the picture becomes clearer, things are not what they seem to be. We do get clues about Luke’s mental state. But for someone who has undergone white room torture, which is supposed to lead to disorientation and a loss of personal identity, he never strays from his aim. Sameer’s script is woven around a revenge story, but the weaving is so deft and novel that the revenge part is hidden underneath some interesting layers.

The film slackens its pace a bit after Luke’s intentions are revealed, with some of the scenes becoming repetitive; A tighter treatment could have made it a more potent film. Midhun Mukundan’s music gels well with the eerie atmosphere that pervades the film. After Puzhu , Mammootty has yet again chosen an unconventional script, which provides him ample opportunities to perform. But in the end, it is Bindu Panicker, as Seetha, who walks away with much applause, with her menacing portrayal of a mother who would go to any extent to protect her sons and their name.

Rorschach is an effective psychological thriller that has its imperfections, just like the test that it draws its name from, but it is nevertheless an intriguing experience.

Rorschach is currently running in theatres.

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Rorschach movie review: Revenge redefined with Mammootty v Grace Antony v Bindhu Panicker leading the charge

How do you punish a dead person who ruined your happiness? Rorschach challenges our notion of life itself with a tale of an unprecedented, seething desire for payback.

Rorschach movie review: Revenge redefined with Mammootty v Grace Antony v Bindhu Panicker leading the charge

Language: Malayalam

Cast: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Bindhu Panicker, Jagadish, Sanju Sivram, Kottayam Nazeer, Sharafudheen, Ira Noor, Cameo: Asif Ali

Director: Nisam Basheer

Star rating: 3.5/5

There’s something not quite right about Luke Antony ( Mammootty ). In the opening chapter of Rorschach , when this wealthy NRI walks into a rural police station to report his wife Sofiya’s disappearance, the situation smells dubious. Not surprisingly, Luke’s claim that they were in a car accident and she was gone by the time he regained consciousness, does not sit well with at least one perceptive observer, the policeman Ashraf (Jagadish).

When Luke refuses to leave the place till Sofiya is found, speculation about his intentions runs rife among the villagers. His indefatigable quest for his missing spouse turns out to be nothing that anyone could have predicted – not Ashraf, not the local factory owner Sujatha ( Grace Antony ), nor her mother-in-law Seetha (Bindhu Panicker). Rorschach – written by Sameer Abdul and directed by Nisam Basheer – is unpredictable in more ways than anyone could guess.

The spark for the events in this film is an individual who destroys another’s happiness, but does not live to suffer a vendetta. How do you punish the dead? Rorschach redefines revenge and challenges our definition of life itself as it tells a tale of excruciating loss and an iron will deployed to satisfy an unprecedented, seething desire for payback.

Rorschach takes its name from the Rorschach Test that – to explain it with a layperson’s understanding – assesses a subject’s psychology based on their perceptions of visual patterns created by inkblots. The title refers as much to Luke’s tortured and possibly broken mind as to his notions of living, dying and when exactly a human being is truly finished, and our own perception of who is who, who is dead and who alive by the end of this saga.

Though Rorschach is eerie and evokes curiosity from the beginning, I took a while to get fully immersed in it, partly because I was torn between finding the pace tedious and intriguing, partly because the music and sound design sometimes get overbearing, and partly because the use of English for the song accompanying the narrative is a misfit in this rustic Kerala setting. There is a tendency in a certain kind of Malayalam cinema to feature English and Hindi where they are out of place, thus detracting from a film’s rootedness. The awe in which some Malayalam filmmakers hold these two languages is one undesirable extreme of a spectrum at the other extreme of which is the Hindi supremacism that enables most Hindi filmmakers to ignore India’s language diversity in all locations, including when they set their plots outside the Hindi belt. Thankfully, Rorschach ’s lyricist does better than the writers of the cringeworthy English lines sung in the likes of 12th Man and Love Action Drama , and the tunes, their occasional unnecessary volume notwithstanding, match the mood of the film.

Besides, Rorschach is as unrelenting as Luke, and is designed to chip away at a viewer’s skepticism bit by bit until she succumbs to its lure. I can pinpoint the moment when my antennae shot up and I got hooked. It came about 40 minutes into the 150 minutes running time when I realised that what seemed like a sound artificially stuffed into the film’s audioscape was in fact an actual memory from Luke’s past. This revelation comes in a flashback slipped so seamlessly into the narrative that it made me sit up.

Rorschach swoops from the past to the present, into Luke’s imagination and out into the real world, with a smoothness that does the screenplay proud and should put Kiran Das in contention for several Best Editing trophies when the next awards season rolls around. Equally laudable is Nimish Ravi’s cinematography capturing the interiors of gloomy homes, troubled faces, the giant mountains and lonely forests where Rorschach roams, and the production design team’s construction of an intimidatingly spacious, half-built home.

There are few joys in life as great as the joy of watching Mammootty submit himself fully to a script. The star who risked his macho reputation by playing a hesitant policeman in Khalidh Rahman’s Unda (2019) and starred as a despicable casteist bigot in Ratheena P.T’s Puzhu earlier this year, here takes up a grey character. Mammukka’s weakness for the past couple of decades has been an unwillingness to acknowledge his real-life age on screen. In Rorschach though, both camera and makeup are employed to let fatigue show on his skin and gracefully portray Luke as an elderly man – not the 71 that Mammootty is in real life, but certainly much older than the pretending-to-be-young boyfriend of young women that he has been in many of his low-brow commercial films. Mammukka lets tiredness seep into every line of Luke’s frame, while his eyes are by turns vacant, weary, sorrowful, determined and burning with anger.

Predictably though, an artiste who looks young enough to be his (grand)daughter acts as Sofiya. I have a dream, that one day, the director of a Mammootty starrer will recognise the ageism that leads to the casting of only 20/30-somethings as his sister, lover and wife, will abjure the patriarchal, damaging view that women of Mammootty’s age are unworthy of these roles, and will put her/his foot down on seeing the absurdity in the resultant pairings. I have a dream…

As it happens, the snatches of conversations between Sofiya and Luke are the only ordinarily written dialogues in Rorschach .

That apart, it is a measure of Mammootty’s respect for the writing and the director of Rorschach that, despite being the megastar of this project and its producer, he does not monopolise screen time here. Every member of the cast is outstanding, and half a dozen are given plenty of space with Mammootty nowhere in the frame. In fact, though Rorschach is Mammukka’s film, it belongs too to the formidable performances by Grace Antony as a gritty woman trying to figure Luke out and Bindhu Panicker as a mother who will go to any lengths to preserve her family’s social standing. The film is nothing without their Sujatha and Seetha, both roles written with a keen eye for detail.

The treatment of women in Rorschach is a vast improvement on Nisam’s earlier directorial work, Kettiyollaanu Ente Maalakha (2019). That film was a milestone in the sense that it recognised the existence of marital rape and clearly described it as a crime, which is rare not just in Indian cinema but in the overall public discourse, but it messed up by giving the man’s journey primacy over the woman in a storyline that called for both to be given equal room.

Malayalam cinema has already given us a couple of solid revenge dramas in 2022, Puzhu and Innale Vare . Rorschach is different from them in the way it resists genre boundaries with its paranormal elements and existential questions in a psychological thriller. This film teases the brain from the moment Luke enters that police station. It is not scary in a conventional way, yet presents a terrifying vision of the depths of a vengeful, probably fractured psyche. The director is so confident of the written material he’s working with, that he does not speed up matters at any point to heighten the excitement. Instead he moulds Rorschach into a slow burn that initially tested my patience but paid incremental dividends as each minute went by.

Early in Rorschach when a search party walks across a rocky river bed, Nimish Ravi’s camera pulls out, rising higher and higher until those human beings are no longer visible. The image mirrors the theme of the film: if I can’t see you, does that mean you do not exist? Conversely, like the human faces we imagine when we look up at the moon, the people we spot staring at us from mosaic tiles or the figures we perceive in ink stains, just because I see you, does it mean you do exist? These questions linger long after the credits roll away, much like Rorschach itself, which is not playing on a screen before me as I write this but is still playing in my head.

Rating: 3.5 (out of 5 stars)  

This review was first published when Rorschach was released in theatres. The film is now streaming on Disney+Hotstar.

Anna M.M. Vetticad is an award-winning journalist and author of The Adventures of an Intrepid Film Critic. She specialises in the intersection of cinema with feminist and other socio-political concerns. Twitter: @annavetticad, Instagram: @annammvetticad, Facebook: AnnaMMVetticadOfficial

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Rorschach Movie Review: 'రోషాక్' – మలయాళం థ్రిల్లర్ రివ్యూ

Mammootty's rorschach movie review: తాజా ప్రయోగాత్మకం ‘రోషాక్’ (సైకలాజికల్ టెస్ట్) నవంబర్ 11 నా డిస్నీ ప్లస్ హాట్ స్టార్ లో వివిధ భాషల్లో విడుదలైంది..

Rorschach Movie Review: ‘రోషాక్’ – మలయాళం థ్రిల్లర్ రివ్యూ

Rorschach Movie Review: ‘రోషాక్’ – మలయాళం థ్రిల్లర్ రివ్యూ

ఐదు దశాబ్దాలుగా మలయాళ సినిమా లతో మెగాస్టార్ గా ఎదిగిన మమ్ముట్టి, 70 ఏళ్ళు దాటిన వయస్సులో ప్రయోగాత్మక సినిమాలు నటిస్తున్నాడు. తాజా ప్రయోగాత్మకం ' రోషాక్ ' (సైకలాజికల్ టెస్ట్) నవంబర్ 11 నా డిస్నీ ప్లస్ హాట్ స్టార్ లో వివిధ భాషల్లో విడుదలైంది. ఇది ఫారెస్ట్ నేపథ్యంలో సైకలాజికల్ సస్పెన్స్ థ్రిల్లర్. దీన్ని ఓపికగా చూస్తే దీన్లోని అర్ధం, థ్రిల్ ఆకట్టుకునే విధంగా వుంటాయి. సమీర్ అబ్దుల్ రాసిన కథతో నిసాం బషీర్ దర్శకత్వం వహించాడు. సంగీతం మిథున్ ముకుందన్ అందిస్తే, ఛాయాగ్రహణాన్ని నిమీష్ రవి సమకూర్చాడు. మమ్ముట్టి కంపెనీ బ్యానర్ పై మమ్ముట్టి స్వయంగా నిర్మించిన ఈ డార్క్ థ్రిల్లర్ కేరళ నేటివిటీని ప్రతిబింబిస్తుంది. పూర్తిగా ఫారెస్ట్- రూరల్ వాతావరణంలో హార్రర్ ఎలిమెంట్స్ ని కూడా కలుపుకుని ఉత్కంఠ భరితంగా కథ సాగుతుంది.

ఆంటోనీ ఎందుకొచ్చాడు?

ఆంటోనీ ( ముమ్ముట్టి ) దుబాయ్ కి చెందిన ఎన్నారై. విహారయాత్రకి కేరళ వస్తాడు. పోలీస్ స్టేషన్ కెళ్ళి తన భార్య సోఫియా కనిపించడం లేదని కంప్లెయింట్ ఇస్తాడు. అడవిలో కారు యాక్సిడెంట్ అయి స్పృహ తప్పానని, కళ్ళు తెరిచి చూస్తే సోఫియా లేదనీ, అంతటా వెతికి వచ్చాననీ చెప్తాడు. పోలీసులు అడవిలో అన్వేషణ మొదలు పెదరారు. ఆమె చెప్పులు దొరుకుతాయి గానీ ఆమె దొరకదు. కొన్ని రోజులు గాలించి ఇక లాభంలేదని, అడవి జంతువేదో తినేసి వుంటుందనీ భావిస్తారు.

అయితే ఆంటోనీ భార్య దొరికేదాకా వెళ్ళనని, ఇక్కడే వుండి వెతుక్కుంటాననీ చెప్పి, అమ్మకానికున్న ఒక ఇల్లు కొనుక్కుంటాడు. ఆ ఇల్లు అమ్మి డబ్బు తీసుకుని వెళ్ళిన వ్యక్తి హత్యకి గురవుతాడు. డబ్బు మాయమవుతుంది. అందరూ ఆంటోనీనే అనుమానిస్తారు. తర్వాత మరికొన్ని అనూహ్య సంఘటనలు జరుగుతాయి. ఇవన్నీ ఆంటోనీ వల్లే జరుగుతున్నాయని నమ్మడం ప్రారంభిస్తారు. అసలు ఆంటోనీ భార్యతో వచ్చింది నిజమేనా అన్న ప్రశ్న కూడా తలెత్తుతుంది. ఆంటోనీకి భార్య వుందా? లేకపోతే ఎందుకొచ్చాడు? ఇక్కడేం చేస్తున్నాడు? ఇదంతా అంతు చిక్కని మిస్టరీగా వుంటుంది అందరికీ.

మిస్టరీ వీడేది ముగింపులోనే

1950 లలో స్విట్జర్లాండుకి చెందిన హెర్మన్ రోషాన్ అనే మనో వైజ్ఞానికుడు అసలు మనుషులు ఎలా ఆలోచిస్తారు, ఆలోచనలకి ఎలా ప్రభావితమవుతారు, భావోద్వేగాల సంచలనా లెలా వుంటాయీ తెలుసుకునేందుకు మనుషుల మీద ఇంక్ బ్లాట్ అనే పరీక్షలు జరిపాడు. దీన్ని ఆధారంగా తీసుకుని ఈ సైకలాజికల్ థ్రిల్లర్ తీశారు.

కథాంశం పురోగమిస్తున్న కొద్దీ, ఆంటోనీ అసలు ఉద్దేశం వెల్లడవుతూ వుంటుంది. పూర్తిగా చివర్లో మాత్రమే కథేమిటో అర్ధమవుతుంది. కథాక్రమంలో తలెత్తే ప్రశ్నలకి జవాబులు చివర్లోనే. ఇల్లు కొన్న తర్వాత ఆంటోనీ చుట్టూ వున్న పాత్రల నిజస్వరూపాలు ఒకటొకటే బయటపెడుతూ పోతాడు ఆంటోనీ. తన భార్యతో సంబంధమున్న నిజస్వరూ

పాలు. ఇందులో బిజినెస్ యాంగిల్, షేర్ల అమ్మకం వ్యవహారం కూడా వుంటాయి. అతీంద్రి

య శక్తుల హార్రర్ కోణంలో ఆత్మలేమిటి, మోక్షమేమిటి- అన్నవి కూడా ముగింపులో కథని వివరిస్తాయి. ఒక కుటుంబంలో మరుగున పడిన రహస్యాలు థ్రిల్లింగ్ డ్రామాతో వెల్లడయ్యే ఈ కథకి పొరలు చాలా వున్నాయి.

మమ్ముట్టి షో ఓన్లీ

ఇది పూర్తిగా మమ్ముట్టి వన్ మాన్ షో. తనలాంటి కమర్షియల్ స్టార్ ఇలాటి పాత్రలో కనిపించడం విశేషమే. దీన్ని అక్కడి ప్రేక్షకులు ఆమోదిస్తారు. కొన్ని యాక్షన్ సీన్స్ కూడా చేశాడు మమ్ముట్టి. ఒక సైకలాజికల్- ఎమోషనల్ బలమున్న ఆంటోనీ పాత్రని వంక పెట్ట లేనివిధంగా పోషించాడు. మమ్ముట్టి పలికే డైలాగులు, డబ్బింగ్ చెప్పిన వాయిస్ అత్యుత్తమంగా వున్నాయి.

ఇన్స్ పెక్టర్ పాత్రలో జగదీష్, ఇల్లమ్మిన బాలన్ పాత్రలో మణి, ఇతడ్ని కోల్పోయిన భార్య సుజాత పాత్రలో గ్రేస్ నటించారు. సాంకేతికంగా సౌండ్ ఎఫెక్ట్స్ కట్టి పడేస్తాయి. మిథున్ ముకుందన్ నేపథ్య సంగీతం ప్రత్యేకాకర్షణ. అలాగే నిమీష్ రవి ఛాయాగ్రహణం.

సమీర్ అబ్దుల్ రచన, నిసాం బషీర్ దర్శకత్వం- వీటితో మొదటి అరగంట నెమ్మదిగా సాగే బోరు కొట్టే వ్యవహారమే. తర్వాత నుంచి సస్పెన్స్ ప్రారంభమై పరుగులు పెడుతుంది. ఇది ఎండ్ సస్పెన్స్ కథయినా పూర్తి కథ ఎండ్ లో విప్పే సస్పెన్స్ కాకుండా, క్లూస్ అందిస్తూ పోతూ చివర్లో వాటిని కలిపి ముక్తాయించే కథ కావడంతో ఫ్లాప్ కాలేదు.

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Home » Review » Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience »

Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience

The makers of Mammootty's Rorschach seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist

Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience

  • Sanjith Sidhardhan

Last Updated: 08.59 AM, Oct 09, 2022

Story: UK citizen Luke Antony drags himself to the police station in a village and claims that his pregnant wife has been missing after his car met with an accident. What follows is a few weeks of futile search with him being the only person who believes that she is still alive. Luke decides to stay on and his path crosses with another family, whose members might have a connection with his past and his current ordeal, a cop, who is out to seek the truth behind Luke’s presence, and a youngster, who doesn’t believe a word Luke says.

Review: A scene in director Nisam Basheer’s sophomore venture has the protagonist Luke Antony (Mammootty) listening to the plight of a woman, who has to take care of her ailing husband. She complains that her husband had never given her peace after their marriage and continues to push her to the edge. Luke asks her about considering divorce, to which she replies that that was never an option for financially-backward women, who are considered a burden by the families. Luke then suggests why not let him get married to her daughter. In a split second, she entertains this and approaches her daughter, a widow, with the request of a stranger who she has met for the first time. This is probably one of the many dramatic sequences where the writing shines in a movie, which sets the bar high in terms of its storytelling, visuals, sound and performances – all making for a riveting and novel theatrical experience in recent times.

Mammootty in Rorschach | Pic credit: Sreenath N Unnikrishnan

Nisam keeps a tight grip on the proceedings of the film, which begins with a mystery and then slowly reveals its cards. Sure, by the end of the first half, audiences can figure out the why and who in Luke’s past, but it’s about how he goes about his revenge and core purpose that makes it entertaining. The reasons for each action here are about the mind – be it the manipulation within a family, the quest for something more or just lack of control over thoughts. The greatest challenge for the writer, Samir Abdul, and the filmmaker here was to showcase this on screen and also make the audience connect the subtle dots, and Rorschach succeeds this past without a blot or blemish.

Mammootty in a still from the film

Huge credit to this goes to the casting department as well as some superlative performances. Mammootty, as Luke Antony, brings the intensity as well as keeps the mystery behind his purpose alive. It’s a character that needed to be consistent and the star once again shows why he is a master at playing conflicted protagonists. 

Also read: Exclusive! Mammootty’s Rorschach demands the audience’s undivided attention to be engaging: Nisam Basheer  

While a riveting performance is expected from Mammootty every time, the surprise packages in Rorschach are Bindu Panicker, Jagadeesh and Kottayam Nazir. All three veteran actors put on an acting workshop on restrained performances while showing the two ends of the emotional spectrum. Bindu Panicker, in particular, has some great moments. Actors Sharafudheen, Grace Antony and Sanju Sivram do their parts well in taking the story forward. In fact, all the characters in Rorschach are grey – and within that some of them serve as moral compasses.

A still from Rorschach

Considering that Luke, a stranger with a haunted past, is often grappling with his mind and most of his scenes are set inside a house that is half-constructed and half in ruins, the movie is a visual experience. It takes the audience for a ride right from the first scene. Nimish Ravi’s frames are cool and grey, mirroring its deceptive characters and the village. Midhun Mukundan’s English tracks and thrilling background score also adds a different layer to the movie, which stands out due to its tone and compelling storytelling. The makers of the movie seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist.


Verdict: This year seems to be the megastar’s as he looks set to continue his winning run and that too by being part of new-age thrillers that bank on setting a high benchmark. Rorschach is slick and smart, and is technically superlative. It’s a must watch in theatres just for the unique experience and great performances from each member of the cast.


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Rorschach Is A Focused, Compelling Genre-bender That Is Rewarding In Spite of Issues

Rorschach Is A Focused, Compelling Genre-bender That Is Rewarding In Spite of Issues

Director: Nisam Basheer

Writer: Sameer Abdul

Stars: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Sharafudheen

Mammootty , after Puzhu from earlier this year, is assuredly back with another character who invites strong contempt from the viewer. Luke Antony is a man engulfed by the idea of vengeance. He’ll go to unimaginable, twisted lengths to fulfill his idea of avenging his wife’s murder. This might sound like a simple revenge story, but Nisam Basheer’s film is a genre-shifting, layered, and technically ambitious attempt at the same. It has obvious nudges towards being a psychological study, veers into supernatural territory, and also has good reasons to identify as a family drama.

Luke Antony is a complex human, but a one-note protagonist. It’s his arrival to a new place that affects those around him, and not the other way round. It’s the classic story of an outsider wreaking havoc on a tranquil place. He is on a self-anointed mission to bring a man down, and he won’t stop until he achieves it. There’s no change waiting to happen in him, no catharsis that he finds. But the film peels into him gradually. Whenever it delves into his past, it only gives us flashes. He has received white room torture. He was framed and maybe a fugitive. He might have driven all the way from Dubai to Kerala. All these pieces of information don’t get dumped on us in one large chunk of flashback, but are rather sprinkled through the narrative. This lends a level of complexity to the character that might not actually be in the writing.

If there’s one thing that comes across prominently, it’s the makers’ aesthetic sensibilities. All of Midhun Mukundan’s alluringly gloomy tracks have English lyrics. The editing feels composed. The cinematography is a lot about style but it never gets in the way of the storytelling. I particularly love the way they indicate the arrival of a ghost. It’s a familiar situation but is made out to be visually appealing, with the delicate change in colour grade and swift camera work. Even the choice of colours and props makes for a very memorable visual experience, one that is minimal and tastefully stylised. The grey car, the unfinished grey house, and the pronounced costumes, are solid contributions on this front. One element that is a mismatch from this sensibility is Luke’s dead wife, whose presence I found to be a tad bit melodramatic and slightly dumbed-down in tone, in an otherwise realistic film.

We start the film with Luke’s perspective, and the structure then begins to adopt the perspectives of the villagers with their voiceovers. This behaviour isn’t consistent throughout the film, and I wish a couple of characters would’ve gotten more weightage for their narration. After the whole deal about Luke’s motives is revealed at the interval, where the film announces that it is functioning in a supernatural space, the thread starts to get stagnant. There’s no substantial progress in Luke’s attempts at taunting Dileep. Even the bits of action, though unique, get tedious because of how absorbing the psychological exploration has been until then.

But post such instances, there are other threads that begin to shine. The drama between the characters surrounding Luke take the lead and are far more compelling than the primary tale of revenge. The corrupt cop, the local guy who runs on instinct, the guilty brother-in-law, they’re all etched with enough heft. But it’s the women who stand out distinctly in the latter half of the film. Bindu Panicker’s Seetha is a well-conceived character. We see her going from an archetypal mother to a lethal parent who has sculpted both her sons to her worldview. It’s a powerful role filled with surprises, delivered in an impressively engaging manner by the actor.

Grace Antony’s Sujatha is also notable for her refusal to accommodate or take things lightly in spite of conforming to certain proposals that will get her what she wants. The actor is amazing in conveying decisions economically. Sujatha, who is a widower trying to hold together her late husband’s dwindling factory, faces a moment where she’s looked down upon by her mother-in-law for even considering the idea of a second marriage. A realisation hits her that she’s going to receive absolutely no validation from her in-laws for taking care of their son’s legacy. In that moment, she’s slightly bewildered due to being under the impression that she doesn’t owe them anything. On sensing that they’re feeling entitled to her actions and decisions, something snaps in her. In the next scene, we see her married - An almost repulsive decision, considering the man she is marrying has made her physically uncomfortable on multiple occasions. Though this can be seen coming, all this decision-making is held together in that single shot of Grace Antony overhearing her mother-in-law’s rant. It’s a terrific performance, to say the least.

Mammootty pitches Luke on a casual note, without any idiosyncrasies. He’s essaying a character with a god complex, for how Luke thinks he deserves his own judgement even after god has, very apparently, delivered his. But he sells the character’s unhinged nature with an unceremonious and remarkably controlled demeanour. It’s also not a very surprising performance coming after the slightly more complex Puzhu , where an inhuman Kuttan operates far closer to reality.

The final moment that the film ends with, is a classic winking-at-the-audience situation where the story reveals that it might not be over yet, and that the events we just followed to an end, have the potential to continue. Whenever a film does this, I’ve always considered it to be an unwarranted cheap thrill, and it isn’t any different in this film. In the penultimate scene, Sharafudeen’s character addresses a certain ambiguity about Luke’s actions in a voiceover, and this feels like a stronger moment to end on, as opposed to the attempt at a cliffhanger.

The idea of the film, about how obsession can consume a human, comes across effectively. The story justifies the title, with Luke’s entry to the village resulting in a lot being revealed about its people than the actual case he is supposedly there for – a missing wife, to be read as a Rorschach inkblot test to the villagers. This is a convincing genre-bender that has issues, but it’s a film that is ultimately rewarding for its unwavering focus and sincerity in presenting an uncommon aesthetic.

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Mammootty in Rorschach (2022)

The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply

  • Nissam Basheer
  • Sameer Abdul
  • Grace Antony
  • 61 User reviews
  • 7 Critic reviews
  • 1 nomination

Rorschach Official Trailer

Top cast 31


  • Luke Antony

Grace Antony

  • Head Cost. Ashraf

Bindu Panikkar

  • Seetha Balan


  • Dileep Balan

Mani Shornur

  • Sophia Luke

Sreeja Ravi

  • Sujatha's Mother

Keerikkadan Jose

  • Sujatha's Father


  • Satheeshan's Mother
  • Rasheed - Robber's Father

Nilambur Ayisha

  • Sainaba - Robber's Mother

Jordi Poonjar

  • Insp. George

Babu Annur

  • SI P. Pisharody
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Did you know

  • Trivia Lead cast Luke (Mammootty) reel surname and his reel wife Sujatha (Grace) real surname are same: Antony.
  • Alternate versions The UK release was cut, the distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence, injury detail and threat in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
  • Soundtracks In My Arms Written by Sameer Abdul Produced by Midhun Mukundan Performed by Sameer Abdul

User reviews 61

  • Nov 11, 2022
  • How long is Rorschach? Powered by Alexa
  • October 7, 2022 (India)
  • Official Facebook
  • Mammootty Kampany
  • Wayfarer Films
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  • ₹120,000,000 (estimated)

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos

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Rorschach review: Mammootty attempts to shift genre, and the team comes together to help him!

Much like the DC comic-book character Rorschach, here is a masked man who appears as a sort of corrective force or an inner voice.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Oct 10, 2022

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Mammootty in a scene from Rorschach. (Supplied)

Mammootty makes a powerful genre shift!

Rorschach (Malayalam)

  • Producers: Mammootty
  • Director: Nissam Basheer
  • Writer: Sameer Abdul
  • Runtime: 2 hr 30 min
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Rorschach is yet another film that shows Mammootty the actor is capable of many genres he has not explored: an actor with a commercial tag who will not avoid such a role.

On one hand, Tollywood megastars are vying for the remake rights for the blockbuster Bhisma Parvam , and here is the Bhishma Parvam lead actor in a role that makes you forget that this is the same performer!

The name of this Malayalam film refers to the inkblot test that psychologists use to diagnose mental illnesses.

Named after Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach, the test has an accuracy rate that is said to be perfect.

To this writer, who is an avid comic-book reader, Rorschach is the fictional antihero in the Watchmen of DC Comics.

Much like that Rorschach, here is a masked man who appears as a sort of corrective force or an inner voice.

Mammootty in a scene from Rorschach.

The plot is simple. Luke, an NRI, tells the cops to look for his missing wife in the forest after they have a car accident. He stays back to continue his search after the police give up.

He buys an unfinished house from a man who has a disturbing family background. The seller turns up dead.

What follows is a series of events that one is led to believe is masterminded by Luke.

The screenplay keeps you guessing throughout, right till the climax.

Imagine Mammootty in stylish designer coats, neckbands, gloves, and boots, and driving a Mustang through a remote village in Kerala hills, where the entire story unfolds.

All other characters are in lungis and local dress, and speak the local dialect.

In any other film, the criticism would be: “This is how a superstar spoils a film.”

However, at no point in Rorschach are the local clothing or the Mustang a sore spot.

The execution

Next, take the action scenes: Neatly done, but not “heroic”. There is no camera angle or dialogue that elevates Luke.

The screenplay at no point bores you. More importantly, the predictability factor is absent.

As for the other actors, all of them have a part to play and they give their best. Out of them, Jagadish as a cop lets his appearance do the talking.

Bindu Panicker’s role is fleshed-out, and the screenplay towards the climax gives her space, which she utilises to the hilt. Her character Sheela is a key takeaway from the film.

Grace Antony holds her own in scenes with Mammootty.

The technical side

The camerawork by Nimish Ravi, music by Midhun Narayanan, and editing by Kiran Das combine well to translate what Sameer wrote and what director Nissam wanted on the screen.

Of the three departments, I would rate Kiran to be the best, thanks, especially, to the montage tracks in the climax.

The BGM is powerful enough to change the mood, and the cameraman’s colour palette and tilted shots convey the nature of the scene.

In my opinion, Midhun’s English song was out of place in a film set in far-flung, rustic Kerala. It did not fall into place like Mammootty’s costumes or the Mustang.

Midhun’s English score in a Kannada film was a big hit, and it was probably Nissam’s idea to give Rorschach an international touch.

Next, the edits. The nonlinear approach is a good way to tell a story, but it works against the sensibilities of the common moviegoer when overdone.

As it is a theatre release and not just for OTT and film festivals, such things do matter.

Above all, Rorschach’s producer Mammootty Kompany deserves a huge hug. They are doing the Malayalam film industry proud.

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The Review Geek

Rorschach (2022) Movie Review – A simple psychological thriller that attacks your psyche

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A well-executed experiment in the Neo-noir genre of films

When it comes to releasing movies with an intense plot and a bankable storyline, the Malayalam film industry can be considered one of the most superior companies in India. Over the last few years, given the pandemic, fans of cinema have been flocking to different movie industries all over the world which explains the boom of the Malayalam film industry.

After being known for his massy roles over the last five decades, mega-star Mammootty has now started growing more experimental with the stories he chooses to deliver, and his 2022 releases are a testament to this fact.

Throughout its 150-minute runtime, Rorschach narrates the story of an NRI man named Luke Antony who has recently returned from Dubai. After meeting with an unexplained accident, Luke’s wife, Sofia goes missing. Just to add to the stakes, Sofia was pregnant when she disappeared.

Worried about his wife’s sudden disappearance, Luke reports the incident to the police. Since there is no trace of Sofia whatsoever, the cops conclude that Luke’s wife was attacked by an animal and suggest he simply move on.

Luke decides to try and find Sofia himself and befriends a villager named Balan. However, it is evident that Luke has more going on under the hood than he’s initially letting on. The story of Rorschach is not extremely complicated to decipher and off the bat, you know that his true motives are much more sinister than what he is leading us to believe.

As the plot progresses, Luke’s true intent is revealed and viewers finally get to understand what the story is all about. Aside from a revenge-addled Luke, the characters of Seetha and Dileep (despite his limited appearance) make a lasting impact.

The concept of legacy and how important it is for souls to attain salvation (moksha) after their death may be alien to most young and modern viewers, but Rorschach attempts to move past that gap and presents a linear plot of revenge.

Luke does nothing to harm the living and every single death or accident in the movie is only a result of different human vices like greed and fear, among others. The story of the movie is strong and its execution definitely takes the cake.

Just like the psychological test, Rorschach can be perceived differently by different viewers, which gives the movie some depth. The movie has a decent pace too, and it does not conceal any plot points from the viewer which makes it a simple watch. However, the ending is something that leaves one shocked and wanting more.

If there is one thing about the movie that really stands out though, it’s the cinematography. In particular the camera work, which is beyond perfect. The cinematic long shots as well as the limited jump scares are enough to keep viewers conflicted between calm and chaos. One scene in particular had a butterfly appear and enter the scene, and we know that Dileep will be making an appearance.

The Rorschach psychological test is represented by a butterfly and it was one moment that made it seem like the writer was starting to poke the minds of the viewers. The OST of Rorschach is unique for a movie of any regional language I have seen in a while.

With all-English sombre tracks playing in the background in the first half of the movie, the songs pick up speed during the chase or fight scenes making one feel the intensity that the characters are feeling. The dialogues were stable throughout the movie and it was Mammootty’s character, Luke’s witty and sarcastic sense of humour, that made me cackle once in a while.

Rorschach is definitely a deep dive into one’s psyche and theorists are already making various assumptions about the way the movie ended. The story is linear but it aims to make the viewer think, which is great for this day and age. Rorshach is currently enjoying global success and it certainly deserves it. This one is well worth a watch!

Read More: Rorschach Ending Explained

Feel free to check out more of our movie reviews here!

  • Verdict - 9/10 9/10

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Rorschach: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

  • Release Date 7 October 2022
  • Language Malayalam
  • Genre Action, Thriller
  • Duration 2h 30min
  • Cast Mammootty, Asif Ali, Sharafudheen, Jagadeesh, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Kottayam Nazeer, Sanju Sivram, George Abraham, Priyamvada Krishnan, Ira Noor, Riyas Narmakala, Mani Shornur, Jordi Poonjar, Jimmi Joseph, Sreeja Ravi, Mohan Raj, Zeenath, Geethi Sangeetha, Gilu Joseph, Babu Annur
  • Director Nissam Basheer
  • Writer Sameer Abdul
  • Cinematography Nimish Ravi
  • Music Midhun Mukundan
  • Producer Mammootty
  • Production Mammootty Kampany
  • Certificate 16+

About Rorschach Movie (2022)

Luke Antony (Mammootty), an NRI who travels to Kerala with his pregnant wife, Sofia (Ira Noor), runs into trouble when she goes missing. Unsatisfied with the police action, he decides to find her on his own.

Rorschach Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings

Rorschach Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings


Rorschach Movie Trailer

Rorschach movie songs.

1. The Search Midhun Mukundan 2:02
2. In My Arms Midhun Mukundan 3:30
3. Balan's Theme Midhun Mukundan 1:20
4. Ride to Heaven Midhun Mukundan 0:38
5. Call from Heaven Midhun Mukundan 1:40
6. Ashraf's Theme Midhun Mukundan 1:58
7. Don't Go Midhun Mukundan 2:19
8. Stone Cold Heart Midhun Mukundan 1:16
9. One Day Stand Midhun Mukundan 1:19
10. Self Destruction Midhun Mukundan, Prakash Alex 2:54
11. Welcome Back Midhun Mukundan 1:24
12. Mistakes Midhun Mukundan 0:52
13. Mother of Honour Midhun Mukundan 2:44
14. Last Words Midhun Mukundan 5:25
15. Closure Midhun Mukundan 2:42

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Rorschach Malayalam Movie Review

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Rorschach Malayalam Movie

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Director Nissam Basheer's Rorschach is an unusual Malayalam thriller, and I mean that in a good way. Right from the title to the music by Midhun Mukundan to the visual grammar of the film, Rorschach is unconventional for Malayalam cinema. Some may call it genre-bending cinema for the twists and turns in the plot that subvert cliches.

The protagonist of Rorschach is Luke Antony, played by Mammootty. Luke walks into a police station on a rainy night in a village and files a missing complaint for his wife. However, this is a man shrouded in mystery. The villagers wonder where he is from and whether he even has a wife. It does not take us long to realize that Luke is in the village with some ulterior motive.

Basheer explains how and why Luke is there through a series of flashbacks instead of an info dump, which makes the character that much more intriguing. We learn that Luke has been through white torture and that he is experiencing a deep sense of loss. He is a man on a mission who descends into madness slowly, yet steadily.

Most revenge thrillers focus a lot on the protagonist and the antagonist and include a lot of mano-a-mano moments between them, but some are more complex. Take a movie like Thazhvaram, for instance. In Thazhvaram, Mohanlal's character goes to a hill station to find the man responsible for his wife's death and kill him. The plot seems quite straightforward, but the execution is complex. Rorschach is similar in that it is straightforward in its plotting but complex with regard to its narration.

This means that the supporting characters here have a lot of depth and satisfying arcs. Sameer Abdul's layered script packs in potent themes, such as people with greed and single-mindedness who go to great lengths to achieve what they want. You have to pay careful attention to know why some people survive here while others fall by the wayside after the mayhem that follows the arrival of a stranger in the village.

As suggested earlier in the review, Rorschach has a visual language that is so out-there for Malayalam cinema. Rorschach is sometimes a bit showy in terms of how it is presented visually, but the overall output is fascinating. Take, for instance, the scene where a character puts a cigarette into a dead man's skull. Nimish Ravi's camera splendidly captures the eeriness of the moment and gives us a constant sense of foreboding that permeates the remote house at the heart of the plot. Even the scenes with a man in the mask have a visual grammar that gives an extra dimension to the idiom, "a ghost from the past".

If Rorschach has some holes as a thriller, it is probably because the aim here is to be as unconventional as possible. What makes the film more compelling is the performances. As Luke Antony, Mammootty is flawless in how he portrays a man consumed by obsession who slowly descends into madness. Kottayam Nazeer gets to showcase his acting chops as he aces the role of an elder brother with a sense of conscience. Grace Antony again excels in the role of a strong-willed woman who gets to make a lot of big calls. But the one who walks away with the film is Bindu Panicker, who is terrific as the mother in a family who molds her children into human beings with a similar thought process to hers.

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Rorschach UA

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Rorschach Movie Review : A layered psychological-philosophical thriller

  • Times Of India

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Rorschach - Official Teaser

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Sanju Pb 558 days ago

What a movie

Sunil Nambiar 616 days ago

It's out and out copy of Anil kapoor's and Harshwardhan's web series "THAR"....I seriously amused that, no one Talking on that part might be coz, it's in Hindi and Marwari language..!! but This particular malayalam film isn't a novelty thing. It's complate copy...!!

User RAGHU 673 days ago

A Mind Bending Nio-noir Psychological Thriller.

rorschach movie review telugu 123

Sylent Screamer 674 days ago

Amazing movie , Mammoka carry the movie on his shoulder along with all the supporting characters of the movie, the direction , storytelling, camera work and location was worth watching

sahadtp 674 days ago

Its like an foriegn movie there have an improvement in malayalam industry and i like it

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Where to watch

Directed by Nissam Basheer

Luke Anthony comes to a village in search of his wife Sophia, who got lost in a nearby forest while traveling through the countryside. But, as the search operation progresses, doubts crop up on whether the woman has actually gone missing or even whether she is a figment of his imagination.

Mammootty Grace Antony Sharafudheen Asif Ali Jagadish Bindu Panicker Kottayam Nazeer Sanju Sivaram Annoor Babu Riyas Narmakala Jordi Poonjar Geethi Sangeetha Zeenath Mohan Raj Sreeja Ravi Mani Shornur Priyamvada Krishna Pasupathi Raj

Director Director

Nissam Basheer

Producers Producers

Mammootty Badusha

Writer Writer

Sameer Abdul

Editor Editor

Cinematography cinematography.

Nimish Ravi

Art Direction Art Direction

Shajie Naduvil

Composer Composer

Midhun Mukundan

Sound Sound

Sinoy Joseph Nixon George

Costume Design Costume Design

Sameera Saneesh

Makeup Makeup

S. George Ronex Xavier

Mammootty Kampany

Action Thriller

Thrillers and murder mysteries Twisted dark psychological thriller Terrifying, haunted, and supernatural horror Suspenseful crime thrillers Noir and dark crime dramas Intriguing and suspenseful murder mysteries Show All…

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Popular reviews

Michael James

Review by Michael James ★★★

A slow burn psychological revenge thriller, one that’s neatly executed with top performances and technical values. When looking at the storyline, it’s pretty much simple, but the complexly structured narrative evokes enough curiosity and makes it a worthy stimulating experience. It carries a sinister tone right through with well timed effective twists. The cinematography and editing deserve special mention. Also, the English songs with situational lyrics adds an interesting touch. Mammootty and rest of cast deliver strong performances. The disturbing experimental drama does have a few glitches and demands your patience at times, but once you buy in, it definitely ends up a rewarding watch.


Review by NimmUwU ★★★½

Oh the inner demons scare you? well i scare my inner demons. An interesting take on the age old genre by having good characters and drama. Padam kandu irikan nice anu, it has an unsettling vibe to it. Padatilea most aspects okke nallatha, especially cinematography okke, but overall edukumbol eniku atinte oru totality kitunilla. Ikka pinne slaying it as usual and baki ullavarum nice, chilarde okke nalla nice stone cold delivery okke undayirunu. Also surprisingly the humour in the film worked quite well for me. Also movie is very stylised for some reason but mostly on ikka, it makes for some really cool scenes but also sometimes its akward and out of place. Padatinu music composerine hire cheytu enu vechu 24 manikoorum chevi adichupona pole vekanam enilla.

Rahul Radhakrishnan

Review by Rahul Radhakrishnan

ചത്തിട്ട് revenge അടിക്കാൻ വരണ stereotyped പ്രേത വാണങ്ങളുടെ അണ്ണാക്കിൽ...


Review by arsheeza ★★★½ 3

When this movie's first poster released, I had nothing but doubtful of how the movie comes out (which needs to be said in every posters they released). Of course, it's a Mammootty film but you have to know that every great actors have duds in their career. So, obviously you have to go in the mind headed space to go to the theaters and turns out to my absolute surprise that I enjoyed the film.

Malayalam films has a fair share amount of thriller movies in their catalogue. Some are great and some are bad but when it comes to bad category, it might not turn out to be a good one as you guess it would be because of…


Review by oru_dude

RIP Shashankan’s mental health 🙏


Review by ShadowMan ★★½ 2

Shashankan: Ithu nthu family anu?

The movie is kinda mid and overrated af. But I kinda like it…it gives me that right kinda investigation, eerie plus action vibes.

Ikkade character felt kinda dumb…idk I didn’t really root for him, neither did I hate him. It’s kinda the right amount to get entertained. Aa dark humor um performance um kidu ayirunu. The movie is pretty good at keeping that rhythm of going down with the vibes and then introducing a nice situation. 

The whole OMG look he is mentally ill and society made him like this- thing didn’t really work for me. The whole mental illness part is just there to justify his actions. I would have liked it more if we…

Arun George

Review by Arun George ★★★½ 2

Rorschach is the kind of experience that will divide viewers into two: ones who believe this revenge story doesn't need such a detailed storytelling and ones who revel in studying the finer, more minute details à la slow-burn Korean revenge dramas. It reimagines a film like The Chaser or I Saw The Devil , psychologically turns it on its head, and weaves an engaging yarn around it. The level of grey shades differ in each character, and you wouldn't believe how the script accommodates this texturing. A collaboration of the finest order between director Nissam Basheer and writer Sameer Abdul, you'll be left wholly intrigued at how each character, the protagonist included, evolves with every passing scene. The closest attempt in…


Review by Vishvajith_Jr ★★★★

A Multi Layered Psychological Mystery Thriller

The movie begins with the protagonist, Luke awakening in his crashed car and finding his wife missing after the crash in the woods near a rural village. He sets out to search for her, and as the movie progresses Luke's true intentions and hidden agendas are revealed through several intricate layers of psychological and mystery elements.

Although the movie plot is intense, it occasionally lacks the right pace. The overall performance of the cast deserves praise and adds a crucial depth to the movie's thriller aspect. The cinematography and background score perfectly match, immersing the viewer in the atmospheric tone of the world depicted in the film.


Review by din ★★½ 1

me and the bad bitch I pulled from not taking my schizophrenia medication


Review by baazimm ★★★½

this walks on a thin line between a great movie and priest (2021)💀💀💀

i genuinely need more films where its just ikka dripping and being based, literally me thanne 😎😎🙏🙏

Mystic River

Review by Mystic River ★★½ 1

An exceptionally atmospheric first half (hate splitting and judging films by halves but sorry) followed by a second half that slowly starts faltering, but eventually picks itself up by the third act only to fall prey to the overweighing expectations set by the writing in the first half. Honestly, I'm slightly underwhelmed by that predictable revelation.Nevertheless, great cast, acting, score, cinematography, expositions and writing(for the most part). I wish they used Mammootty the actor better. Bindu Panickar, Jagadish and Kottayam Naseer truly shined through.

Akshay Kannan

Review by Akshay Kannan ★★★★ 7

Rorschach is clever at manipulating the audience most of the times, but at rate occasions it does lead to some plot holes and logical questions. It relies heavily on Mammokka's performance to deliver the punch or elevation and he does it with a sheer elegance.

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స్కీమ్ జగన్‌ది- పేరు చంద్రబాబుది

Kalinga Review: కళింగ సినిమా రివ్యూ అండ్ రేటింగ్

Rating: 2.5 /5

నటీనటులు: ధ్రువ వాయు, ప్రగ్యా నయన్, ఆడుకాలమ్ నరేన్, లక్ష్మీణ్ మీసాల, తనికెళ్ల భరణి, మురళీధర్ గౌడ్, బలగం సుధాకర్ తదితరులు దర్శకత్వం: ధ్రువ వాయు నిర్మాతలు: దీప్తి కొండవీటి, పృథ్వీ యాదవ్ మ్యూజిక్ డైరెక్టర్: విష్ణు శేఖర, అనంత నారాయణ్ ఏజీ సినిమాటోగ్రఫి: అక్షయ్ రామ్ పొడిశెట్టి బ్యాక్ గ్రౌండ్ స్కోర్: విష్ణు శేఖర ఎడిటర్: నరేష్ వేణువంక బ్యానర్: బిగ్‌హిట్ ప్రొడక్షన్స్, హానీ బ్యాడ్జర్ రిలీజ్ డేట్: 2024-09-13

కళింగ సంస్థానంలోని ఓ గ్రామ పొలిమేర దాటిన వ్యక్తులు ఎవరూ తిరిగి ఊర్లోకి రాని చరిత్ర ఉంటుంది. ఆ ఊరికి చెందిన లింగ (ధ్రువ వాయు) జలాయిగా తిరుగుతూ ఎలాంటి బాధ్యతలు లేకుండా మద్యం మత్తులో బతుకుంటాడు. పద్మావతి అలియాస్ పద్దు అనే యువతిని ప్రేమించి పెళ్లి చేసుకొంటాడు. లింగ కుటుంబానికి చెందిన భూమి ఆ గ్రామ పెద్ద (ఆడుకాలమ్ నరేన్) ఆధీనంలో ఉంటుంది. లింగకు వారి భూమికి బదులు సంస్థాన పొలిమేరలో భూమి కేటాయిస్తాడు. తన భూమి కోసం పొలిమేర దాటి వెళ్తాడు.

Kalinga Movie Review in Telugu  Dhruva Vaayu show is mark with Thriller elements

ఆ పొలిమేర దాటిన వారికి ప్రాణాలు ఎందుకు గాలిలో కలిసిపోతున్నాయి? కళింగ సామ్రాజ్యానికి చెందిన సంపద అక్కడే ఎందుకు పెట్టారు? ఆ సంపద కోసం ఎలాంటి సంఘటనలు చోటు చేసుకొన్నాయి? పొలిమేర దాటిన లింగకు ఎలాంటి అనుభవాలు ఎదురయ్యాయి? సంస్థానంలోని సంపదను లింగ చేజిక్కించుకొన్నాడా? అనే ప్రశ్నలకు సమాధానమే కళింగ సినిమా కథ.

కళింగ సినిమా ఆరంభంలో హిరణ్య కశ్యపుడు, నరసింహ స్వామి ఎపిసోడ్‌తో మూవీ గ్రాండ్‌గా ఎలా ఉంటుందో చెప్పేందుకు చేసిన ప్రయత్నం బాగుంది. ఆ ఎపిసోడ్‌తో అంచనాల బార్‌ను భారీగా పెంచేశాడు. కానీ కథలో సన్నివేశాలను ఒక ఫ్లోగా చెప్పకుండా.. బిట్స్.. బిట్స్‌గా చెప్పడం వల్ల ఎమోషనల్ కనెక్టవిటీ మిస్ అయిందనే ఫీల్ కలుగుతుంది. కానీ ప్రతీ ఎపిసోడ్ దేనికదే బాగుంది.

దర్శకుడిగా, హీరోగా ధ్రువ వాయు సినిమా రూపొందించిన విధానం బాగుంది. యాక్టర్‌గా ఆకట్టుకొన్నాడు. అలాగే దర్శకుడిగా అతడి విజన్ ఎక్సలెంట్‌గా ఉంది. కానీ కథను పర్‌ఫెక్ట్‌గా చేసుకొని ఉంటే.. ఇలాంటి జోనర్‌లో ట్రెండ్ సెట్ చేసి ఉండేవాడేమో అనిపిస్తుంది. డైరెక్టర్, యాక్టర్‌గా తనకు తాను మంచి మార్కులు కొట్టేశారు.

ఈ మూవీలో నటించిన హీరోయిన్ ప్రగ్యా నయన్ తనకు వచ్చిన అవకాశాన్ని పూర్తిగా సద్వినియోగం చేసుకొన్నారనే చెప్పాలి. ఎమోషనల్, రొమాంటిక్ సీన్లలో ఫెర్ఫార్మెన్స్ బాగుంది. నరేన్, మీసాల లక్ష్మణ్, మురళీధర్ గౌడ్ తదితరులు తమ పాత్రల పరిధి మేరకు మెప్పించారు.

Kalinga Movie Review in Telugu  Dhruva Vaayu show is mark with Thriller elements

కళింగ సినిమా అత్యంత బలం సాంకేతిక అంశాలు. ముఖ్యంగా ఈ సినిమా లొకేషన్లు అద్బుతంగా ఉన్నాయి. ఇప్పటి వరకు ఎన్నడూ చూడని లొకేషన్లలో అద్బుతంగా చిత్రకీరించారు. అక్షయ్ రామ్ పొడిశెట్టి చిత్రీకరించిన సన్నివేశాలు చాలా రిచ్‌గా ఉన్నాయి. విష్ణు శేఖర్ అందించిన బీజీఎం సన్నివేశాలను భారీగా ఎలివేట్ చేసింది. నరేష్ వేణువంక ఎడిటింగ్ సినిమాను పరుగులు పెట్టించింది. దీప్తి కొండవీటి, పృథ్వీ యాదవ్ అనుసరించిన నిర్మాణ విలువలు హై స్టాండర్డ్‌లో ఉన్నాయి.

హిస్టరీ, పురాణాల బ్యాక్ డ్రాప్‌తో ట్రెజర్ హంట్ నేపథ్యంగా సాగే థ్రిల్లర్ కళింగ. డైరెక్షన్, నటీనటుల పెర్ఫార్మెన్స్, టెక్నికల్ వ్యాల్యూస్ ఈ సినిమాకు పాజిటివ్. ఓ మంచి పాయింట్‌ను పూర్తిస్థాయి కథగా విస్తరించలేకపోవడం చిన్న లోపంగా కనిపిస్తుంది. హారర్, థ్రిల్లర్, సస్పెన్స్ జోనర్లను ఇష్టపడేవారికి కళింగ నచ్చడానికి చాలా అంశాలు ఉన్నాయి. వీలుంటే ఈ వారం ఈ సినిమాపై ఓ లుక్కేయండి..

బాలీవుడ్ పాపులర్ షోకి లాంచింగ్‌కి గెస్ట్‌గా ఎన్టీఆర్‌ .. రోహిత్ శర్మతో ఒకే వేదికపై యంగ్ టైగర్!

బాలీవుడ్ పాపులర్ షోకి లాంచింగ్‌కి గెస్ట్‌గా ఎన్టీఆర్‌ .. రోహిత్ శర్మతో ఒకే వేదికపై యంగ్ టైగర్!

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Nunakkuzhi Review: నునాక్కుజి రివ్యూ- క్లైమాక్స్ ట్విస్ట్ అదుర్స్- దృశ్యం డైరెక్టర్ ఓటీటీ డార్క్ కామెడీ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

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Nunakkuzhi Review In Telugu: దృశ్యం డైరెక్టర్ జీతు జోసెఫ్ దర్శకత్వం రీసెంట్ సూపర్ హిట్ మలయాళ డార్క్ కామెడీ మూవీ నునాక్కుజి జీ5 ఓటీటీలో స్ట్రీమింగ్ అవుతోంది. థియేటర్లలో మంచి హిట్ అందుకున్న ఈ సినిమా ఇటీవలే ఓటీటీలోకి వచ్చింది. మరి ఈ డార్క్ కామెడీ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందో నునాక్కుజి రివ్యూలో తెలుసుకుందాం.

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టైటిల్: నునాక్కుజి

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Nunakkuzhi Movie Review In Telugu: మలయాళ డైరెక్టర్ జీతు జోసెఫ్‌కు తెలుగులోను మంచి క్రేజ్ ఉంది. ఆయన నుంచి వచ్చిన దృశ్యం, దృశ్యం 2, నెరు, 12th మ్యాన్ సినిమాలు మంచి సక్సెస్ సాధించాయి. అయితే ఇవన్ని క్రైమ్ అండ్ ఇన్వెస్టిగేషన్‌ జానర్‌లో సాగుతుంటాయి. కానీ, తన స్టైల్‌కు విభిన్నంగా కామెడీ జానర్‌లో జీతు జోసెఫ్ తెరకెక్కించిన సినిమానే నునాక్కుజి.

ఆగస్ట్ 15న మలయాళం మంచి హిట్ కొట్టిన నునాక్కుజి మూవీ సెప్టెంబర్ 13 నుంచి జీ5 ఓటీటీ లో మలయాళంతోపాటు తెలుగు, కన్నడ, తమిళం, హిందీ భాషల్లో స్ట్రీమింగ్ అవుతోంది. ఐఎమ్‌డీబీ నుంచి 10కి 7 రేటింగ్ అందుకున్న ఈ డార్క్ కామెడీ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందో నునాక్కుజి రివ్యూ లో తెలుసుకుందాం.

తండ్రి మరణించడంతో ఎండీగా కంపెనీ బాధ్యతలు తీసుకుంటాడు ఎబీ జకారియా (బసిల్ జోసెఫ్). పెళ్లై మూడు నెలలు అయిన ఎబీకి కంపెనీ వ్యవహారాలను పెద్దగా పట్టించుకోడు. భార్యతోనే మాట్లాడుతుంటాడు. ఈ సమయంలోనే ఇన్‌కమ్ ట్యాక్స్ ఆఫీసర్స్ వచ్చి కొన్ని లెక్కలు సరిగా లేవని ఎబీ ల్యాప్‌టాప్‌తో సహా కొన్ని వస్తువులు సీజ్ చేసి పట్టుకుపోతారు. అయితే, ఆ ల్యాప్‌ట్యాప్‌లో తన భార్యతో ఇంటిమేట్ అయిన వీడియో ఉంటుంది.

ఇన్‌కమ్ ట్యాక్స్ ఆఫీసర్‌ను కలిసి తన ల్యాప్‌ట్యాప్ తెచ్చుకునేందుకు ఎబీ ప్రయత్నిస్తుంటాడు. ఈ క్రమంలో రష్మిత రంజిత్ (గ్రేస్ ఆంటోనీ) ప్లాట్‌లోకి దూరుతాడు. ఆ తర్వాత ఏమైంది? రష్మిత ప్లాట్‌లో ఎబీకి దూరాల్సిన అవసరం ఏమొచ్చింది? అసలు రష్మిత రంజిత్ ఎవరు? ఆమె కథ ఏంటీ తనకు తెలియకుండా ఎబీ పురుగుల మందు ఎందుకు తాగాల్సి వచ్చింది? డెంటిస్ట్ జయదేవన్ ఎవరు? అతని కథేంటీ? స్టార్ హీరో సుందర్ నాథ్ కహానీ ఏంటీ? వీళ్లంతా ఒక్కచోటికి ఎందుకు చేరారు? అసలు ఎబీకి తన ల్యాప్‌ట్యాప్ దొరికిందా? అనే విషయాలు తెలియాలంటే నునాక్కుజి చూడాల్సిందే.

అర్థరాత్రి ఇద్దరు వ్యక్తులు ఓ హోటల్‌కు వెళ్లడం, అక్కడ పెద్ద గొడవ జరగడంతో సినిమా స్టార్ట్ అవుతుంది. ఈ ఇద్దరిని బైక్‌పై చూపిస్తూ వచ్చే పాటతో సినిమా కథను చెప్పి చెప్పినట్లుగా దాదాపుగా రివీల్ చేశారు. కానీ, క్లైమాక్స్ వస్తేకానీ అది అర్థం కాదు. ఎబీ కంపెనీ బాధ్యతలు తీసుకోవడం, ఇన్‌కమ్ ట్యాక్స్ రైడ్ జరగడం, ల్యాప్‌ట్యాప్ సీజ్ చేయడం, అందులో భార్యతో కలిసి ఉన్న ప్రైవేట్ వీడియో ఉండటం అంతా ఫాస్ట్‌గా సాగిపోతుంది.

మరోవైపు రష్మిత రంజిత్ డివోర్స్, డెంటిస్ట్‌పై రివేంజ్ తీర్చుకోవడం వంటివి చూపిస్తూ కథలోని లీనమయ్యేలా చేశారు. ఆ తర్వాత ల్యాప్‌ట్యాప్‌ను దక్కించుకునేందుకు ఎబీ చేసే ప్రయత్నాలు, పురుగుల మందు తాగిన ఎబీని కాపాడేక్రమంలో రష్మిత ఇరుక్కోవడం, వారిని ఎస్సై ఇంట్రాగేట్ చేయడం, మరోవైపు హీరో సుందర్ స్వామినాథన్‌కు ఇన్‌కమ్ ట్యాక్స్ ఆఫీసర్ మేనల్లుడు సినిమా కథ చెప్పడం సన్నివేశాలతో బోర్ కొట్టకుండా అలా సాగిపోతుంది.

క్లైమాక్స్ ట్విస్ట్

అయితే, ఆద్యం కామెడీ, నవ్వు తెప్పించే డైలాగ్స్‌తో సినిమా బోర్ కొట్టకుండా ఎంగేజింగ్‌గా సాగుతుంది. కానీ, మధ్యలో ఎక్కడా కూడా ఇంట్రెస్టింగ్‌ గా, థ్రిల్‌కు గురయ్యే ట్విస్టులు ఏం రావు. అదొక్కటే మైనస్. అయితే, క్లైమాక్స్‌లో వచ్చే ఒక్క ట్విస్ట్ మాత్రం చాలా బాగుంటుంది. అలాగే షాక్‌కు గురయ్యేలా చేసి, ఆ వెంటనే నవ్వుతెప్పిస్తుంది. కోర్ట్ సీన్స్ చాలా కామెడీగా సాగుతుంది. కోర్ట్ వ్యవహారాలు, పోలీసుల ఇంట్రాగేషన్, హీరోల కథలపై జడ్జ్‌మెంట్, ఫ్యాన్స్ వంటివాటని డార్క్ కామెడీతో చాలా బాగా చూపించారు.

బ్యాక్ గ్రౌండ్ మ్యూజిక్, సినిమాటోగ్రఫీ బాగుంది. ఇక డైరెక్టర్ కమ్ యాక్టర్ బసిల్ జోసెఫ్ నటనతో ఇరగదీశాడు. అతని నటన సినిమాకే మెయిన్ హైలెట్. అలాగే, ప్రతి ఒక్కరు నటనతో చాలా బాగా చేశారు. అందుకే పెద్దగా స్టోరీ లేకున్నా వారి నటనతో ఎంగేజ్ అవుతాం. అయితే, ఊహించని ట్విస్టులతో క్రైమ్ థ్రిల్లర్స్ తెరకెక్కించే జీతూ జోసెఫ్ అంచనాలను అందుకోలేడనే చెప్పాలి. తన జానర్ వదిలేసి డార్క్ కామెడీ అనే ఫ్రెష్ జానర్‌ను తన స్థాయిలో కాకున్నా బాగానే రక్తికట్టించారు.

రేటింగ్: 2.5/5

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  • Poll : Among this week’s re-releases, which film are you excited for?

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  1. Rorschach review: రివ్యూ: రోషాక్‌.. మమ్ముట్టి నటించిన సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే?

    ప్రముఖ నటుడు మమ్ముట్టి నటించిన సైకలాజికల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ సినిమా 'రోషాక్‌' ఎలా ఉందంటే..? Rorschach review: రివ్యూ: రోషాక్‌.. మమ్ముట్టి నటించిన సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే ...

  2. Rorschach Movie Review Telugu

    Here is the Review of Rorschach telugu movie starring Mammootty, Asif Ali, Sharaf U Dheen.. streaming in telugu on Disney Plus Hotstar...We Movie Matters in ...

  3. Mammootty Rorschach Movie Review: రోర్‌షాచ్ మూవీ రివ్యూ

    Mammootty Rorschach Movie Review: మ‌ల‌యాళ అగ్ర న‌టుడు మ‌మ్ముట్టి హీరోగా న‌టిస్తూ నిర్మించిన రోర్‌షాచ్ సినిమా ఇటీవ‌ల డిస్నీ ప్ల‌స్ హాట్ స్టార్‌లో రిలీజైంది.

  4. 'Rorschach' movie review: Mammootty captivates in a refreshingly

    Director: Nisam Basheer. Casting: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Jagadish, Sharafudheen. Rating: 4/5 stars. (This story originally appeared on Cinema Express) Rorschach is not ...

  5. Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's terrific performance finds a match

    How can one review a film like Rorschach without spoiling certain aspects of the movie? Screenwriter Sameer Abdul has pieced together such a delicious puzzle in a way that a small revelation could just unravel the whole plot. Wait, no scratch that. Even if I tell you the whole story right now, you would still be surprised by how it all plays out.

  6. 'Rorschach' movie review: Mammootty's psychological thriller is

    The film slackens its pace a bit after Luke's intentions are revealed, with some of the scenes becoming repetitive; A tighter treatment could have made it a more potent film. Midhun Mukundan's ...

  7. Rorschach movie review: Revenge redefined with Mammootty v ...

    Rorschach takes its name from the Rorschach Test that - to explain it with a layperson's understanding - assesses a subject's psychology based on their perceptions of visual patterns created by inkblots. The title refers as much to Luke's tortured and possibly broken mind as to his notions of living, dying and when exactly a human being is truly finished, and our own perception of ...

  8. Rorschach Movie Review: 'రోషాక్'

    Rorschach Movie Review: 'రోషాక్' - మలయాళం థ్రిల్లర్ రివ్యూ Telugu Global Updated On: 14 Nov 2022 10:18 AM GMT

  9. Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's slick psychological revenge

    Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience. The makers of Mammootty's Rorschach seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist ...

  10. Rorschach Is A Focused, Compelling Genre-bender That Is Rewarding In

    Writer: Sameer Abdul. Stars: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Sharafudheen. Mammootty, after Puzhu from earlier this year, is assuredly back with another character who invites strong contempt from the viewer. Luke Antony is a man engulfed by the idea of vengeance. He'll go to unimaginable, twisted lengths to fulfill his idea of avenging his wife's ...

  11. Rorschach Review: Mammootty's Performance in This ...

    Rorschach Movie: Review, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Release Date - All You Need to Know About Mammootty's Film. 'Mass' #Rorschach is exactly the kind of out-of-the-box genre-blending film that gives me a big kick. One of Mammootty's most delightfully wicked performances, with ample space for dark humour and little 'mass' moments. Also, it's ...

  12. Rorschach (2022)

    Rorschach: Directed by Nissam Basheer. With Mammootty, Grace Antony, Jagadish, Bindu Panikkar. The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply

  13. Rorschach review: Mammootty attempts to shift genre, and the team comes

    On one hand, Tollywood megastars are vying for the remake rights for the blockbuster Bhisma Parvam, and here is the Bhishma Parvam lead actor in a role that makes you forget that this is the same performer!. The name of this Malayalam film refers to the inkblot test that psychologists use to diagnose mental illnesses.

  14. Rorschach (2022) Movie Review

    Rorschach is definitely a deep dive into one's psyche and theorists are already making various assumptions about the way the movie ended. The story is linear but it aims to make the viewer think, which is great for this day and age. Rorshach is currently enjoying global success and it certainly deserves it. This one is well worth a watch!

  15. Rorschach Movie (2022)

    Rorschach Movie: Find Rorschach movie release date, cast, trailer, review, critics rating, duration on Gadgets 360

  16. This Man Is 71

    This offering from Malayalam cinema really has to be one of the most unique! #rorschach starring #mammootty in the lead role really is a combination of new t...

  17. Latest: Megastar's new film locks its OTT release date

    Now, the movie is all set for a grand digital debut. Leading OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar took to its official profiles and announced that the movie will be premiered on November 11, 2022. Rorschach is a psychological action thriller directed by Nissam Basheer. It has Sharafudheen, Jagadish, Grace Antony, and others in key roles.

  18. Rorschach Review: Rorschach is an unusual thriller in a good way

    Oct 8, 2022 By Sreejith Mullappilly. Director Nissam Basheer's Rorschach is an unusual Malayalam thriller, and I mean that in a good way. Right from the title to the music by Midhun Mukundan to the visual grammar of the film, Rorschach is unconventional for Malayalam cinema. Some may call it genre-bending cinema for the twists and turns in the ...

  19. Rorschach Movie Review: A layered psychological-philosophical thriller

    Rorschach Movie Review: Critics Rating: 4.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,A big kudos to Sameer Abdul who came up with an interesting screenplay based on a psychological test

  20. ‎Rorschach (2022) directed by Nissam Basheer • Reviews, film + cast

    Mammootty Grace Antony Sharafudheen Asif Ali Jagadish Bindu Panicker Kottayam Nazeer Sanju Sivaram Annoor Babu Riyas Narmakala Jordi Poonjar Geethi Sangeetha Zeenath Mohan Raj Sreeja Ravi Mani Shornur Priyamvada Krishna Pasupathi Raj. 150 mins More at IMDb TMDb. Sign in to log, rate or review. Share. Ratings. 10 fans 3.3. ★. 47 half ...

  21. Rorschach Movie Review Telugu

    #rorschachmovieReviewTelugu#moviegeeks #rorschachmovieReviewinTelugu#rorschachReview#Mammootty#DisneyPlusHotstar #RorschachReview To get more updates visit t...

  22. Telugu Movie Reviews

    Telugu Movie Reviews. Review : Uruku Patela - Boring and silly romantic drama. Review : 35 Chinna Katha Kaadu - A touching tale of education and life. Review : Thalapathy Vijay's The GOAT - Fails to live up to its title. Review: Aho Vikramarka - A disappointing outcome.

  23. Shocking budget for Mokshagnya's debut film?

    While fans eagerly await updates, a fresh rumour circulating on social media claims that the makers are investing a massive Rs. 100 crore in the film. This is a huge budget for a debut actor's movie, showcasing the confidence the producers have in the subject Prasanth Varma has prepared for Mokshagnya.

  24. #RORSCHACH Telugu Full Movie Story Explained| Mammotty

    RORSCHACH Malayalam Movie Explained in Telugu 2022 | Rorschach Telugu Official Trailer | Mammotty | Nisam Basheer| Mammotty Kampany| rosrchach Malayalam M...

  25. Mathu Vadalara 2 Telugu Movie Review, Sri Simha, Satya

    Movie Name : Mathu Vadalara 2 Release Date : September 13, 2024 123telugu.com Rating : 3/5 . Starring : Sri Simha Koduri, Satya, Sunil, Vennela Kishore, Faria Abdullah, Ajay, Jhansi, and others Director : Ritesh Rana Producers : Chiranjeevi (Cherry) Pedamallu, Hemalatha Pedamallu Music Director:Kaala Bhairava Cinematographer: Suresh Sarangam Editor: Karthika Srinivas

  26. Kalinga Review: కళింగ సినిమా రివ్యూ అండ్ రేటింగ్

    Kalinga Movie Review in Telugu: Dhruva Vaayu show is mark with Thriller elements Story first published: Friday, September 13, 2024, 18:11 [IST] Other articles published on Sep 13, 2024 Photos; Videos; Wallpapers; Bigg Boss Telugu 8 Fame Vishnu Priya Bhimeneni stunning photos ...

  27. Tovino Thomas ARM movie review

    Tovino Thomas' ARM Review, Tovino Thomas ARM movie review, ARM Telugu Movie Review, Ajayante Randam Moshanam (A.R.M) Movie Review, Tovino Thomas, Basil Joseph, Krithi Shetty, Aishwarya Rajesh, Surabhi Laxmi, Rohini Molleti, ARM movie review, ARM review and ratings

  28. Nunakkuzhi Review: నునాక్కుజి రివ్యూ- క్లైమాక్స్ ట్విస్ట్ అదుర్స్

    Nunakkuzhi Movie Review In Telugu: మలయాళ డైరెక్టర్ జీతు జోసెఫ్‌కు తెలుగులోను మంచి క్రేజ్ ఉంది. ఆయన నుంచి వచ్చిన దృశ్యం, దృశ్యం 2, నెరు, 12th మ్యాన్ సినిమాలు ...

  29. Interesting buzz on Devara's 1 AM shows

    Star actor Jr NTR is gearing up for the grand release of his next big pan-Indian movie, Devara: Part 1. Directed by Siva Koratala, the film is already generating sky-high expectations. Bollywood beauty Janhvi Kapoor stars as the female lead. According to the latest buzz, more than 15 midnight shows (1 AM) are planned in Telangana.

  30. Triptii Dimri hikes her fee

    Fresh from the success of Bad Newz, the stunning Triptii Dimri is making headlines once again. The Animal star has quickly become one of the busiest actresses in Bollywood. Reports suggest that Triptii has now raised her fee to Rs. 10 crore, a significant jump from her previous Rs. 6 crore. This ...