School Counselor Stephanie

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Presenting Your School Counseling Program

in Uncategorized on 08/26/18

Happy Back-to-School Season! I don’t know about you, but the Back-to-School wave is crashing all around me as I write this post!  It started hitting me in early August and it hasn’t stopped yet. But… the overwhelming Back-to-School season is also one of the most exciting times of the school year. After all, it is when we get to meet all our students and families and find out just what they need from us! So, for this post, I have lots of tips and tricks on one of the most crucial Back-to-School counselor tasks: presenting your school counseling program through sharing and implementing all the amazing ways you support students!

Presenting Your school Counseling Program

Did you know that most staff members do not know all that we do during the work day? And they need to know- so they can support and encourage our crucial work with students! It is through educating staff about your program that they learn what we do and how we help kids! It is important to teach everyone about our appropriate role based on the American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) model . Of course we know that our school counseling duties are based on the four components of a comprehensive school counseling program- guidance curriculum, responsive services, individual planning, and system support; and we know that our program is also based on standards in academic, career and social/emotional development,  However, your staff, students, and community members also need an abridged, engaging, and user-friendly version of this same program information!

Presenting your school counseling program to staff

For staff, I present my counseling program, combined with all the ways I support them, at the beginning of the school year. Here is a link to an editable version of my presentation if you’d like to save time and download it to use at your school.

In case you want to completely start from scratch and design your own presentation, here are the topics I cover in a beginning-of-year staff presentation:

  • My role in the school (per the ASCA Model and the Texas Model since I work in Texas). Sometimes, I also reference The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning .
  • How I support students and also teachers in their work with students
  • Suicide prevention information
  • Procedures for reporting child abuse
  • Our district and campus protocol for student crises
  • Procedures for how staff and students can utilize my services

Presenting your school counseling program TO STUDENTS

I actually do this every week in my guidance lessons to students. I start off all guidance lessons with a reminder to students of how I can support them through request forms (for non-emergencies) and when they have an emergency. Here is a link to my “3 Hurts” posterette which I use as I teach students what constitutes an actual emergency.  Then, as we get into the guidance lesson topic, such as study skills or stress management, I remind them that this is one of the program areas that I can help them with. Here is a link to my Meet the Counselor lesson which includes all these elements that I teach students.  I also present my role to students every week in the cafeteria when I sit at my Counselor Corner table while they eat lunch; this gives them the opportunity to come up and get to know how I can support them better!

Promoting your school counseling program to students.

Presenting your school counseling program TO PARENTS/COMMUNITY

Educating parents and community members about the appropriate duties of an effective school counseling program should also be a big part of our job in the beginning of the school year. I do this mainly through my campus school counselor website and a monthly newsletter that I send out to parents which always includes information about my program. If you would like to see an example of my newsletter, click on this link and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the September 2017 Newsletter; we don’t yet have our September 2018 newsletter published at the time of this posting.

Additionally, I present to parents at school events whenever I can- this includes Meet the Teacher, Back to School night, etc. My parent presentations are usually just 10-20 minutes at the beginning of the schoolwide event. I try to time my presentation slot right after the principal speaks because this is when all the parents are in one place as a captive audience. I cover much of the same information that I mentioned in my staff presentation above. Here is a link to an editable parent presentation that I’ve created if you’d like to download it.


Join me at this fabulous Texas conference on mental health!

  • I’m honored to be presenting on trauma-informed counseling groups at the Mental Health Conference preconference session on Oct 8. If you are in town, come see me (link above in image).
  • A free healthy coping skills guidance lesson is coming in my September newsletter, so s ign up here to get the newsletter and my freebie healthy coping skills guidance lesson!
  • Exciting news! I just signed a contract with Youthlight Publishing , to create Middle School Smart Guidance 6Pak , which is a set of 6 interactive guidance lessons designed for computers, laptops, and interactive whiteboards. These lessons will focus on various topics such as anxiety, substance abuse prevention, and more! I am so excited about this product- look for it in early 2019!!!
  • Remember to check our Facebook group, Mental Health Marketplace, on Fridays when we tell you about the latest and greatest free counseling resource available! Join our group at this link to take advantage of our Freebie Fridays and to advocate for mental health ! Together we can de-stigmatize this important topic!

Join our Mental Health Marketplace group to take advantage of Freebie Friday:


That brings me to the end of this September Back-to-School post.  Please leave a comment because I’d love to hear about how you communicate with staff, students, or community about your counseling program. Catch up with me again in October for my monthly counseling post that I share during the first weekend of every month!

In the meantime, you can find out about my latest promotions, free stuff, or counseling adventures by following me on my School Counselor Stephanie Instagram , Facebook , or Pinterest pages!


August 30, 2018 at 5:18 pm

Thank you so much this is all so helpful!

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The Counseling Geek

Public Speaking Tips for School Counselors: Tools for Totally Awesome School Counselor Presentations - Chapter 2

Fiery school counselor presentations: from blah to blazing, this post is designed to accompany a presentation from asca 2015 in phoenix presented by paul smith, stephanie smith and i. click the button below to head to the post containing the slides., aesthetics are important – don’t deliver ugly presentations., finding the right images, free resource #1, “visual imagery is a powerful mnemonic tool that helps learning and increases retention compared to, say, witnessing someone read words off a screen..

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (2nd Edition)

“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works.”

Founder and CEO , Apple

Break out of the PowerPoint Box.

Throughout the last decade – Microsoft PowerPoint has cornered the market on the presentation game. PowerPoint is a great tool and has lots of features to use. However, there is a new sheriff in town when I need to make a slideshow. I found that I needed a presentation tool that allowed me to easily create, access, edit and share presentations from multiple computers. I wanted to not have to worry about needing to download any YouTube video I wanted to show. I needed to be able to embed a copy of my presentations on my website or in an email to colleagues. Some of these actions, while possible in many cases, takes many steps and occasionally some advanced understanding of coding or design-work to actually make happen with PowerPoint.

The New Solution: Google Slides

Nearly all my presentations now are designed solely on Google Slides. Even if I use a PowerPoint file – I still upload those files to my Google Drive and make any edits via Slides. There are a few reasons that I have ditched PowerPoint.

1 – It is free and many districts are ditching Microsoft. My district has “gone Google” and it is a direction that a lot of districts or schools are headed. With the many tools available and at a much lower cost than licensing the same number of Microsoft licenses.

2 – Slides is accessible from any internet-connected device. Just like with Google Drive – Google Slides is only a login away from any where you may be in the world with an internet connection. What is nice about this is you are not tied to your device. You also don’t have to worry about formatting issues from not saving the correct files to take with you. You can leave your flash drive at home.

3 – Native YouTube embedding is simple and easy. Have you ever wanted to embed a video in a PowerPoint presentation? Ya – me too. It sucks. You have to pray that it works and download the video if it doesn’t work. With Slides – you just search for the video you want and it links directly to YouTube within the slide.

4 – You can embed, download and share the presentation with ease. Does someone still require a file in a .ppt format? You can still download the file in that format. You can download the presentation as a PDF, PNG and share the presentation with collaborators or your audience just like other Google Drive. Finally you can embed a fully functioning copy of your presentation on any website you have access to post on.

“Were these slides the visual support for a live oral presentation? If so, I sympathized with the audience. Since when can an audience read and listen to someone talk at the same time (even if they could actually see the 12-point text on the screen well enough to read it)? Were the slides used merely as a kind of document printed in PowerPoint? If so, I pitied both the author and the reader because PowerPoint is not a tool for document creation. Boxes of bullet points and logos do not make for a good handout or report.

Kiss: keep it simple stupid – keys for quality presentation design.

When you are in the actual design process of your presentation, I consistently think back to presentations that I have sat in as an audience member – both good and bad. If you look back – I am sure you can think about horrible and awesome presentations. Use these as inspiration. When I go to hear people speak – I come primed to get two pieces of information. First is the content of their presentation. Second is the delivery, design and strategies of the speaker.

A few major points to keep in mind when starting:

1 – Don’t stick to the pre-formatted templates. You can add a blank slide and different images and textboxes where ever you want. Just like with a resume – templates are all easily recognizable and boring. Jazz it up with your own layout.

2 – Limit the information on the slide to 2 – 3 key points. In presentation design – less is more. Your presentation is not meant to be a handout with every piece of information you want to give your audience (make another handout for that!). The worst presentation you can give is one where your audience can read everything you plan on saying. Limit the info on each slide to keywords, powerful images and 3 total points. Fill in the remainder of the information with your words.

3 – Pick colors like you would for your house or a car. You wouldn’t pick a black wall paint with lime green or pink accents for you living room right? Why would you do that for your presentation? Typically – a light background with darker text is going to be the easiest to read and design. When selecting a background – a texture or non-busy image is the best way to go.

4 – Fonts matter. Please do NOT use script fonts in a presentation —- ever. That said – readability is key. Both in font selection and size of the information on the slide. Depending on the room, audience members may be way in the back and reading really tiny text is frustrating. Think about your audience when designing your presentation.

Where else to look for inspiration:

There is a plethora of examples and tips available for presentation design out there on the web. Simply search for “Presentation Design Tips” or “Presentation Design Essentials”. You can also check out the image search for colors, layout, etc to use as inspiration.

Here are a few helpful links to get you started:

20 Best PowerPoint Designs for Inspiration

20 Great Examples of Presentation Design

25 of the Best PowerPoint Presentations

20 Best PowerPoint Designs

Embedding a Presentation

Embedding a google slides presentation on a website is pretty simple. the only main pre-reqs are having access to the back end of the site or access to the person that does. (i have found a coffee or treat every now and again with it staff works wonders and i am always the first person to have things fixed)., when you are ready to embed your presentation – simply go to the “file” menu at the top of the screen (not your browser file menu – the google drive/slides file menu) and select “publish to the web”. a pop up will appear with an option to link, which is great for sharing with audience members, and there is another tab to embed. select embed and then setup your options correctly. you can select the size of the embed (sticking with medium is typically safe) as well as whether it should auto-advance slides. i always select no for this option. hit publish and then you will see a box with the embed code in it. you don’t need to change any of it but you do need to copy it and paste it to the html (or source) entry method on the page you want it to appear on. save that page and wa-la. it should appear and any edits you make on the slides after publishing it will be live., *freebie tip – this is the same method you can use with adding youtube pages to a website – you just need to grab the appropriate embed code from the share menu underneath a youtube video., “if you need to put eight-point or ten-point fonts up there, it’s because you do not know your material. if you start reading your material because you do not know your material, the audience is very quickly going to think that you are a bozo. they are going to say to themselves ‘this bozo is reading his slides. i can read faster than this bozo can speak. i will just read ahead.”, friends don’t let friends give lame presentations..

Only you can prevent sucky school counselor presentations. By taking these tips and sharing them with your friends and colleagues – you can save your audience from an hour or more of boredom, texting and lack of retention. I hope you take some time to look around the inter-webs at all the other great tips for developing great presentations and soon – educators won’t have to sit through boring presentations any longer. Thanks for reading!

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Ways to Introduce the School Counselor’s Role to Students and Staff

by  Confident Counselors

Read Time:  min |   Class Lessons , Teachers , Your Program

We asked Stephanie of School Counselor Stephanie and Brandy of The Counseling Teacher to share how they introduce the school counselor's role each year. Stephanie discusses how she communicates with students at the beginning of the year. Brandy shares how she explains her program to faculty and staff during the back to school season. Share your approach in the comments below.

Introduce the School Counselor's Role to Students

There is so much to do at the beginning of the school year! This is definitely the time of year to prioritize school counseling tasks since there are only so many hours in the day. One of your top priorities as a school counselor during Back to School season is to introduce yourself and introduce the school counselor's role to students.

There are three main ways to do this.

Introduce Yourself

First, give a brief introduction of yourself to students during the opening week of school, preferably on day one or two. This is important because some of them will need you before they know you! You can do this by taking just 5-10 minutes to talk to the entire grade level during lunchtime or even hit all the classes in a quick rotation first thing in the morning.

At my school, my admin team talks to all grade levels the first week to set consistent behavior and academic expectations for the entire campus. My co-counselor and I join in this talk, giving us an easy way to speak to the entire student body. During your brief introduction, address three points:

  • Your name, physical office or classroom location, and grade level or alpha assignment
  • A sentence or two about how you support students
  • How students should get to you if they have an emergency (i.e., someone threatens them) versus a non-emergency (i.e., schedule change request).

First Guidance Lesson

Second, plan your first guidance lesson to teach students exactly what your role is in the school and how you can support them. This may come in the form of a Meet the Counselor interactive activity if you work with littles, or a Meet the Counselor PowerPoint in the computer lab with a Kahoot follow-up if you work with the older kids.

I create a Meet the Counselor Booklet that I give to each student as a part of my Meet the Counselor September guidance lesson. We discuss each part of the booklet together in the lesson. You can check out this Meet the Counselor guidance lesson with the accompanying booklet here .

School Counselors introducing their role to students

I briefly explain the four aspects of school counseling (guidance curriculum, responsive services, individual planning, and system support) in terms or with activities that they can understand. Then, I explain how I support them in each aspect. During this lesson, I also give them a needs assessment to see what topics they want me to cover in their guidance lessons throughout the year.

I explain to them that one of my roles is to help them discover ways to learn more about whatever they are most interested in. Here is a link to my website resources page where you can download this student needs assessment .

Third, spend some time in the cafeteria during lunches in the first month of school. At my school, we run a “Counselor Corner” all year long where each counselor takes a day of the week to sit through all three lunch shifts. This gives students a great opportunity to informally come up and chat with us about whatever is on their mind.

Introducing the role of the school counselor

Doing these activities to introduce the school counselor's role to students will pay off in spades when they have a problem and they know exactly how to get help from you!

school counselor staff presentation

I am a bilingual school counselor in a Central Texas public school system. When I’m not counseling, writing, or presenting, I enjoy ranch life with my husband and our menagerie of pets. Visit my TPT Store , follow her on Instagram , and read her blog .

Stephanie >> School Counselor Stephanie

Introduce the school counselor's role to staff.

Teachers are so focused on getting their rooms ready for the school year that I find it difficult to keep their attention at the very beginning of the year. Therefore, we do a quick intro at the first faculty meeting and leave the formal introduction for later. We send them with a FAQ sheet and student referral forms. After teachers have had a few weeks to settle in, we will do a detailed  powerpoint presentation explaining our role to staff in more detail.

school counselor's role

What is the School Counselor's Role?

The answer to this question can vary quite a bit depending on your school, your district, or state. It's important to be sure that administrators and teachers know your specific role as defined by the American School Counseling Association from the very beginning, so that you do not find yourself becoming the disciplinarian, substitute teacher, or hallway monitor.

Because our role with students is to be their advocate and to develop an authentic, trusting relationship with them, we don't want to jeopardize that by being seen as the disciplinarian. The teachers and admin are supposed to be the first line of defense in discipline. Counselors are more like the grandparents of the school.

We are there to nurture, protect, help modify behavior, and give treats when needed. We try very hard at the beginning of the year to make it clear that students are never "in trouble" if they get called to the counselors' office. We are there to solve problems and help students become the best version of themselves. We want all visitors to our office to feel unconditional acceptance. This becomes critical when students need an adult in the school that they know they can trust if they are self harming or having negative thought processes.

We give out referral forms to all staff with a list of reasons that are appropriate for sending a student to the counseling office. Not that they always remember to use it, but we try. This form acts as a guide and a reminder of the reasons why a student may need to see us. It also has a reminder that we are not the first course of action for discipline.

You can come up with any process for your school, but we prefer a form that teachers fill out ahead of time. If they forget and come charging into the office with a student, we will usually talk to the student if we are able and put the form in the teacher's box later as a reminder. The form is then filed away in the student's counseling file.

We also remind teachers that in our state, we are allowed to see students only one time without parent permission, so it is critical that we follow procedure. In my last school, we sent home a parent permission form to every student at the beginning of the school year. At my current school, we only send the form home after an initial referral from a teacher, peer, or the student. Check with your state for specific laws.

Research Based Program

Getting support for your program can be just as easy as 1, 2... data.  The numbers will tell the story. Turn your program goals and statistics into colorful graphs and tables to show your school leaders and staff why you do what you do. While I'm not opposed to covering a classroom when needed, we all know that it's not the best use of our time. Once stakeholders realize that our methodology makes a real impact on student personal and academic growth, you will find that others begin to value your time more and more.

Let us know how you introduce your program to students and staff!

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​ Introducing Your Counseling Program and Role to Staff

School Counselor: Advocating for Your Role

school counselor staff presentation

Teacher turned school counselor working to help students be their best versions. For school counseling ideas, visit her TPT Store , follow her on Instagram , and read her blog .

Brandy >> The Counseling Teacher

Introducing your role as school counselor to students and staff

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school counselor staff presentation

School Counseling Faculty and Staff Presentation

school counselor staff presentation

* Open the preview for more details! *


Need to present to your faculty about the role of the school counselor? Want to educate staff about school counseling? I’ve done all the work for you with this school counseling presentation for faculty and staff!

All the slides are complete and ready for your edits to make it the perfect fit for your school.

⭐30 slides

⭐ All text fully editable

⭐ Covers the role and services of the counselor plus relevant policies and procedures

⭐  Recommended for use in PowerPoint, only. Fonts will all change to defaults in Google Slides which will significantly alter the look and format.

Here’s the outline:

  • SC Definition
  • Tier 1 – (including a slide about lessons)
  • Tier 2 – (including slides about groups and consultation)
  • Tier 3 – (including a slide about short-term counseling)
  • School Counselor vs. SW
  • School Counselor vs. psych
  • School Counselor vs. therapist
  • Other Duties
  • Suicide Ideation
  • Child Study
  • Confidentiality
  • When to call nurse vs. counselor
  • When to call admin vs. counselor
  • When teacher can handle vs. counselor

➡️  Open the preview for more details!

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The Counseling Teacher Brandy

Meet the School Counselor Presentation for Students, Parents and Staff

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Show your parents, students and staff this presentation at the beginning of the school year. I have included more information than you need so you can technically make multiple versions of this presentation depending on your audience.

Remind students how to find your office, the role of the counselor and how to ask to see you.

Show parents the ways that you support students. 

Make it yours by replacing the photos with your photos and editing the titles and bullet points as needed.

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Former Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School counselor pleads no contest to sexual assault of a student

Christopher bondioli pleaded no contest to child enticement and sexual assault of a student by school staff. two other felony charges were dismissed..

WISCONSIN RAPIDS − A former Lincoln High School counselor accused of having sexual contact with a student entered no contest pleas Tuesday morning to two felony charges.

Christopher Bondioli, 53, of Wisconsin Rapids, pleaded no contest to child enticement and sexual assault of a student by school staff. No contest means Bondioli is not saying he did it, but is saying he thinks there is enough evidence to convict him. As part of a plea agreement, additional charges of child enticement, sexual assault of a student by staff and conspiracy to commit obstructing an officer were dismissed but will be considered during sentencing.

According to the criminal complaint, Bondioli met with a 16-year-old girl twice during Lincoln High School's 2021 Christmas break. Bondioli had the girl come to a home belonging to a relative in Wisconsin Rapids that was empty. Bondioli inappropriately touched the girl during the visit, according to the complaint.

About a week after the first contact, Bondioli had the girl meet him in a parking lot, according to the complaint. He picked her up at the parking lot and took her to the same empty home where he inappropriately touched her again, according to the complaint.

The 16-year-old girl told a friend about what happened and later told Bondioli she had told the friend. Bondioli called the friend to his office at Lincoln High School, asked what the 16-year-old has said and told the friend he trusted her not to say anything to anyone, according to the complaint.

More local news: Miss Wisconsin Rapids Aleigh Weight balances graduating from Lincoln and Mid-State, a new career and preparing for state contest

More local news: Your guide to the 2024 Cranberry Blossom Festival in Wisconsin Rapids

Bondioli admitted to the friend that he had kissed the 16-year-old girl, but he said nothing else happened, according to the complaint. The friend said she did not let Bondioli know the 16-year-old had talked about the inappropriate touching, according to the complaint.

The 16-year-old told a detective that she had feelings for Bondioli and wanted to have a sexual relationship with him, but nothing happened, according to the complaint. When the detective showed the girl messages on a phone they had gotten from her friend, she admitted she had been at the home with Bondioli.

The 16-year-old girl said Bondioli had contacted her shortly before the Wisconsin Rapids Public School District started its investigation and told her to delete everything on her phone as well as the backups to the phone, according to the complaint. He met with the 16-year-old girl and her friend at the same relative's home and told them to "forget about it" and "act like nothing happened," according to the complaint.

The Wisconsin Rapids Public School District was made aware of the allegations against Bondioli in late January 2022. The district immediately notified Wood County Human Services, who contacted police, according to the Wisconsin Rapids Police Department.

Bondioli was placed on administrative leave effective Jan. 25, 2022, and the Wisconsin Rapids School Board accepted his resignation Feb. 14, 2022.

Portage County Circuit Judge Louis Molepske Jr., who is acting as a substitute judge in the Wood County case, ordered a presentence investigation at Defense Attorney Kevin Musolf's request. Molepske scheduled the sentencing for Aug. 20. Bondioli faces a maximum of 18 years in prison and 13 years extended supervision.

Contact Karen Madden at 715-345-2245 or  [email protected] . Follow her on Twitter @KMadden715, Instagram @kmadden715 or Facebook at .

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Senior Admissions Counselor

Salem campus - salem , ohio.

  • Salem Campus - Salem
  • Staff/Unclassified
  • Closing on: Jun 30 2024
  • Student Services Administration - Salem Campus [500058]

 Senior Admissions Counselor (Salem and East Liverpool Campus)

 Position will report to Salem and East Liverpool Campuses 

 salary commensurate with background/experience

Basic Function:

Responsible for representing Kent State University to prospective students, their families, and school/community contacts. Develops and implements recruiting initiatives that support application and enrollment goals, as well as conducts holistic review of first-year student applications. Responsible for planning and implementing recruitment activities including high school visits, area receptions, and individual meetings.  Reports to Senior Assistant Director of Admissions or designated administrator.

Additional Basic Function – if applicable:

Examples of Duties:

Duties/essential functions may include, but not be limited to, the following:  

Work directly with students/families, high school and independent counselors, community colleges, and community-based organizations to expand and build Kent State’s national outreach.

Manage recruitment territory by creating and executing a territory strategic plan that includes recruitment strategies, tactics, resource requests, external messaging, events/programs that will help to achieve overall enrollment goals.

Provide individual and group presentations to prospective students, parents, high school guidance counselors, and community college partners, on the admissions processes, policies, financial aid/scholarship options, campus housing, academic, and co-curricular experiences.

Develop and implement recruiting initiatives and follow-up to meet application and enrollment goals, as well as conduct holistic review of first-year student applications.

Serve as a primary point of contact for financial aid processes, support, and understanding for prospective students and families.

Perform work on various special projects and assignments, including, but not limited to, admission publications, customer relationship management (CRM) software, communications, reporting, functions of application processing, and admission file review.

Develop and maintain professional relationships with high school counselors and community college counselors in the region.

Coordinate and partner with Kent State Alumni on strategies for recruitment and outreach to prospective students and families.

May supervise students and provide functional guidance to Admissions Counselors, support staff, and other employees who work on a project or assignment on a temporary or intermittent basis.

Perform related duties as assigned.

Additional Examples of Duties – if applicable:

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree and two years of related experience.


Knowledge Of:

Standard university recruiting and admissions practices  Sales and/or territory management techniques Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Verbal and written communications and interpersonal skills * Personal computer applications, including Microsoft Office Suite

Ability To:

Work in a collaborative and effective manner with students, alumni, diverse families, administrators, and faculty Work and communicate effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures Manage a complicated daily, weekly, and monthly schedule with recurring important professional commitments on and off-campus Exercise independent judgment and autonomy regarding work planning Travel regionally and/or nationally * Work nontraditional hours, including evenings and weekends *

Preferred Qualifications – if applicable:


Asterisk (*) indicates knowledge, skills, abilities which require assessments

Working Conditions / Physical Requirements:

Light work – Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently to move objects. Incumbent must be able to communicate with others. May require occasional travel on and off-campus.

Working Schedule:

 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm; evenings and weekends 

Additional Information:


The intent of this description is to illustrate the types of duties and responsibilities that will be required of positions given this title and should not be interpreted to describe all the specific duties and responsibilities that may be required in any particular position. Directly related experience/education beyond the minimum stated may be substituted where appropriate at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. Kent State University reserves the right to revise or change job duties, job hours, and responsibilities.

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  • Career Services
  • Health & Wellness Services
  • Register for Classes
  • Dates & Deadlines
  • Financial Aid
  • Sustainable Solutions
  • U of I Library

A mother and son stand on the practice field of the P1FCU-Kibbie Activity Center.

  • Upcoming Events

Review the events calendar.

Stay Connected

  • Vandal Family Newsletter
  • Here We Have Idaho Magazine
  • Living on Campus
  • Campus Safety
  • About Moscow

The homecoming fireworks

The largest Vandal Family reunion of the year. Check dates.

Benefits and Services

  • Vandal Voyagers Program
  • Vandal License Plate
  • Submit Class Notes
  • Make a Gift
  • View Events
  • Alumni Chapters
  • University Magazine
  • Alumni Newsletter

A student works at a computer

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to VandalStar.

Common Tools

  • Administrative Procedures Manual (APM)
  • Class Schedule
  • OIT Tech Support
  • Academic Dates & Deadlines
  • U of I Retirees Association
  • Faculty Senate
  • Staff Council

Counselor Resources

  • Schedule a Group Visit
  • Connect with Admissions Representative
  • Ask a Question

Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Bruce M. Pitman Center 709 Deakin Avenue Rm 135  Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4253  Moscow, ID 83844-4253

Phone: 208-885-6326

Email: [email protected]

Web: Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Boise 322 E. Front St Boise, ID 83702

Email: [email protected]

Web: Boise Center

Coeur d'Alene

Physical Address: University of Idaho Coeur d'Alene 1031 N Academic Way Suite 242 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Web: Coeur d'Alene Center

Idaho Falls

Physical Address: University of Idaho, Idaho Falls 1776 Science Center Dr. Suite 306 Idaho Falls, ID 83840

Web: Idaho Falls Center

Group of diverse students studying in bright room.

Idaho High School Counselor Conference

Nov. 1-3, 2023 at the University of Idaho Moscow Campus Register now to get a feel for the culture and history of the University of Idaho. Discover why so many students are choosing the U of I to pursue their education. See you this fall!

  • Student-Led Campus Tours. Immerse yourself in our campus culture with guided tours led by passionate students.
  • Financial Aid Updates. Learn about the new Student Aid Index (SAI) from our Financial Aid experts.
  • Professional Growth. Elevate your career with professional development credits earned during the conference.
  • Networking and Collaboration. Connect with counselors from across the state, fostering collaboration and sharing best practices to benefit your students' futures.

Questions? Email us at [email protected] .

Welcome to the counselor resource page. We hope you find this site useful.

We've compiled information about applying to U of I, important dates, websites, frequently called numbers and much more.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have suggestions on how we can improve this site or be of service. Contact the U of I Office of Admissions anytime at 208-885-6326.

Important Dates and Events

  • January-February  |  Meet the Vandals Your students get the opportunity to with Vandal alumni, current students and faculty in their own town, and learn about the options they have for furthering their education.
  • March-August  | UIdaho Bound This is our signature event for admitted students. They can register for classes, sign up for housing, review their financial aid award package with staff, get their VandalCard, find friends and make connections while learning more about campus living. UIdaho Bound starts in March and continues throughout the summer. Students can pick the date that works best for them!
  • October  | College App Month College Application Month is a Next Steps Idaho program to help every Idaho high school student apply for a post-secondary degree.
  • October and November  | Envision Idaho Encourage your students to tour campus and explore their options as a student at U of I by personally experiencing our learning environments during these special open-house style events.
  • November | Avanza Multicultural students get to meet Vandal alumni, current students and faculty in their own town. Learn about the days and locations this event is happening.
  • December | FAFSA Opens Students may begin filling out the FAFSA for the following academic year. Remind them that there are many scholarships and types of aid available through U of I. To qualify, they simply need to submit their FAFSA and application for admission. U of I doesn't have a separate scholarship application process.

Frequently Used Numbers

  • Admissions: 208-885-6326
  • Campus Visits: 208-885-6163
  • Financial Aid: 208-885-6312
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life: 208-885-1114
  • Help Desk: 1-888-884-3246
  • Housing: 208-885-7379
  • Student Accounts: 208-885-7447
  • Online Admission Application
  • Honors Program
  • Academic Catalog
  • Degree Finder
  • Career Finder
  • Dual Enrollment
  • Find an Advisor
  • Admitted To-Do List
  • First-year Admission Requirements
  • Transfer Admission Requirements
  • Next Steps Idaho


  1. How to Present Your Counseling Program and Role to Staff

    Present Your Counseling Program to Staff. Once I have taken care of the mini-introductions, I gear up for my big counseling program presentation to staff. At my school, we ask for 30-45 minutes during a professional development day, and then we present our program to staff through a PowerPoint with handouts.

  2. Presenting Your School Counseling Program

    For staff, I present my counseling program, combined with all the ways I support them, at the beginning of the school year. Here is a link to an editable version of my presentation if you'd like to save time and download it to use at your school. In case you want to completely start from scratch and design your own presentation, here are the ...

  3. Tools for Totally Awesome School Counselor Presentations

    Parent events, staff meetings, school board presentations and PD conferences. These are wonderful opportunities to grow, advocate and deliver all the great things about your school counseling program. But you have to do it right to be most effective. Check out Chapter 2 of the Public Speaking Tips for School Counselors series. This chapter is titled "Tools for Totally Awesome School Counselor ...

  4. PDF PowerPoint Meet Your School Counselor Presentation

    A school counselor is a highly trained educator and mental health professional that supports students' academic, personal-social, and career development. School counselors collaborate with stakeholders to implement responsive, preventative services that meet the needs of ALL students and ensure that they reach their highest potential.

  5. School Counselor Staff Presentation by Samantha Eskew on Prezi

    School Counseling Program Overview Ms. Eskew and Dr. Bennett SY 20-21 Mission and Vision Statements The Yargo Counseling Department supports student learning through facilitating, creating, and modeling growth-fostering relationships that allows students to embrace a growth Yargo

  6. Ways to Introduce the School Counselor's Role to Students and Staff

    Introduce Yourself. First, give a brief introduction of yourself to students during the opening week of school, preferably on day one or two. This is important because some of them will need you before they know you! You can do this by taking just 5-10 minutes to talk to the entire grade level during lunchtime or even hit all the classes in a ...

  7. PDF The Role of the School Counselor

    chool counselors design and deliver school counseling programs that improve student outcomes. They lead, advocate and collaborate to promote equity and access for all students by connecting their school counseling program to the school's academic mission and school improvement plan.

  8. School Counseling Faculty and Staff Presentation

    School Counseling Faculty and Staff Presentation. $ 3.50. School Counseling Faculty and Staff Presentation quantity. Add to cart. * Open the preview for more details! Made for: School Counselors. Grade: Not Grade Level Specific. Category: Counseling. File Formats: PDF, PowerPoint, Zip Folder.

  9. Role of the School Counselor Presentation & Powerpoint

    15 editable and fun slides including: 1. Explanation of Definition of the Counselor role and links to ASCA mindsets &. ethical standards. 2. Explanation of Management of the School Counseling program and what. that entails. 3. Explanation of Delivery of School Counseling program.

  10. PDF Presentation School Counseling

    Elementary school years set the tone for developing the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for children to become healthy, competent and confident learners. The School Counselor works on a team with the school staff, parents and the community to create a caring climate and atmosphere. By providing education,

  11. The School Counselor and School Counseling Programs

    School counselors focus their skills, time, and energy on direct and indirect services to all students as well as program planning and school support. To achieve maximum program effectiveness, ASCA recommends a student-to-school-counselor ratio of 250:1. Although ratios vary across states, school districts and even grade levels, the growing ...

  12. Role of the School Counselor Faculty and Staff Presentation

    I've done all the work for you with this school counseling presentation/training for faculty and staff! All the slides are complete and ready for your edits to make it the perfect fit for your school. ⭐30 slides. ⭐ All text fully editable. ⭐ Covers the role and services of the counselor plus relevant policies and procedures.

  13. School Counselor Roles & Ratios

    Feel free to use any of the following resources supporting the roles of school counselors at back-to-school nights, school board presentations, etc. School Counselor Roles. The Role of the School ... and 351-450 (24%) students per school counselor. Many students lack sufficient access to school counselors and other support staff. In fact, ...

  14. Counselor Presentation To Staff Teaching Resources

    This presentation welcomes admin, parents and staff to become an integral part of the Comprehensive School Counseling Program. You can use this to explain the role of a School Counselor at the beginning of the school year, parent night, or any time you want to clear up any miscommunication about your duties.

  15. School Counseling Staff Presentation by Maria Lemus on Prezi

    The mission of the school counseling department is to provide all students with a comprehensive counseling program through guidance curriculum and services that foster the highest level of achievement and personal/social growth. The school counselor collaborates with other educators, parents, the community, and students to cultivate and support ...

  16. Meet the School Counselor Presentation for Students, Parents and Staff

    Show your parents, students and staff this presentation at the beginning of the school year. I have included more information than you need so you can technically make multiple versions of this presentation depending on your audience. Remind students how to find your office, the role of the counselor and how to ask to

  17. Counseling Center

    Campus Visits. If your college/institute wants to arrange a visit at the Moscow High School, please contact Renae Bafus via email at [email protected] or call the school at 208-882-2591 and ask for the Career Center. The mission of the Moscow High School counseling program is to help each of our students make the best possible choices for ...

  18. The School Counselor and Student Mental Health

    The School Counselor's Role. School counselors focus their efforts on designing and implementing school counseling programs that promote academic, career and social/emotional success for all students. School counselors acknowledge they may be the only counseling professional available to students and their families.

  19. Former Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School counselor pleads no contest

    WISCONSIN RAPIDS − A former Lincoln High School counselor accused of having sexual contact with a student entered no contest pleas Tuesday morning to two felony charges.. Christopher Bondioli ...

  20. 2024 Windham High School Graduation

    Staff Directory . Academics Show submenu for Academics Athletics Show submenu for Athletics . Students Show submenu for Students . Families ... Windham High School 355 High Street Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-2460 Fax: 860-465-2463. Schools . Windham Public Schools ; Windham Early Childhood Center ;

  21. School Counseling Faculty and Staff Presentation

    Need to present to your faculty about the role of the school counselor? Want to educate staff about school counseling? I've done all the work for you with this school counseling presentation for faculty and staff! All the slides are complete and ready for your edits to make it the perfect fit for your school. ⭐30 slides. ⭐ All text fully ...

  22. Senior Admissions Counselor

    Job Title: Senior Admissions Counselor (Salem and East Liverpool Campus) Physical Location: Position will report to Salem and East Liverpool Campuses Salary: salary commensurate with background/experience Basic Function: Responsible for representing Kent State University to prospective students, their families, and school/community contacts. Develops and implements recruiting initiatives that ...

  23. PDF The Essential Role of Elementary School Counselors

    become healthy, competent and confident learners. Elementary school counselors have an impact on these years by imple-menting a school counseling program and collaborating with school staff, parents and the community to create a safe and respectful learning environment.

  24. Counseling Center

    Counseling Center. All Moscow Middle School students have access to a comprehensive guidance and counseling program, which includes two full-time, certified school counselors. Each counselor "follows" their assigned classes through 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grade.

  25. High School Counselor Resources

    Idaho High School Counselor Conference. Nov. 1-3, 2023 at the University of Idaho Moscow Campus. Register now to get a feel for the culture and history of the University of Idaho. Discover why so many students are choosing the U of I to pursue their education. See you this fall!

  26. Staff

    Staff Search. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Select Departments ... (620) 598-2250, Ext. 147 Send Message to Cory Bixler. Marcie Knoll K-12 Counselor/11-12 English Jr/High School (620) 598-2250, Ext. 147 Send Message to Marcie Knoll. ... Grade School (620) 598-2224 Send Message to Jaylen Sunderland. Ginny Titus