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37 Cool Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home

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General Education


Are you looking for cool science experiments for kids at home or for class? We've got you covered! We've compiled a list of 37 of the best science experiments for kids that cover areas of science ranging from outer space to dinosaurs to chemical reactions. By doing these easy science experiments, kids will make their own blubber and see how polar bears stay warm, make a rain cloud in a jar to observe how weather changes, create a potato battery that'll really power a lightbulb, and more.

Below are 37 of the best science projects for kids to try. For each one we include a description of the experiment, which area(s) of science it teaches kids about, how difficult it is (easy/medium/hard), how messy it is (low/medium/high), and the materials you need to do the project. Note that experiments labelled "hard" are definitely still doable; they just require more materials or time than most of these other science experiments for kids.

#1: Insect Hotels

  • Teaches Kids About: Zoology
  • Difficulty Level: Medium
  • Messiness Level: Medium

Insect hotels can be as simple (just a few sticks wrapped in a bundle) or as elaborate as you'd like, and they're a great way for kids to get creative making the hotel and then get rewarded by seeing who has moved into the home they built. After creating a hotel with hiding places for bugs, place it outside (near a garden is often a good spot), wait a few days, then check it to see who has occupied the "rooms." You can also use a bug ID book or app to try and identify the visitors.

  • Materials Needed
  • Shadow box or other box with multiple compartments
  • Hot glue gun with glue
  • Sticks, bark, small rocks, dried leaves, bits of yarn/wool, etc.

insect hotel

#2: DIY Lava Lamp

  • Teaches Kids About: Chemical reactions
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

In this quick and fun science experiment, kids will mix water, oil, food coloring, and antacid tablets to create their own (temporary) lava lamp . Oil and water don't mix easily, and the antacid tablets will cause the oil to form little globules that are dyed by the food coloring. Just add the ingredients together and you'll end up with a homemade lava lamp!

  • Vegetable oil
  • Food coloring
  • Antacid tablets

#3: Magnetic Slime

  • Teaches Kids About: Magnets
  • Messiness Level: High (The slime is black and will slightly dye your fingers when you play with it, but it washes off easily.)

A step up from silly putty and Play-Doh, magnetic slime is fun to play with but also teaches kids about magnets and how they attract and repel each other. Some of the ingredients you aren't likely to have around the house, but they can all be purchased online. After mixing the ingredients together, you can use the neodymium magnet (regular magnets won't be strong enough) to make the magnetic slime move without touching it!

  • Liquid starch
  • Adhesive glue
  • Iron oxide powder
  • Neodymium (rare earth) magnet

#4: Baking Soda Volcanoes

  • Teaches Kids About: Chemical reactions, earth science
  • Difficulty Level: Easy-medium
  • Messiness Level: High

Baking soda volcanoes are one of the classic science projects for kids, and they're also one of the most popular. It's hard to top the excitement of a volcano erupting inside your home. This experiment can also be as simple or in-depth as you like. For the eruption, all you need is baking soda and vinegar (dishwashing detergent adds some extra power to the eruption), but you can make the "volcano" as elaborate and lifelike as you wish.

  • Baking soda
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Large mason jar or soda bottle
  • Playdough or aluminum foil to make the "volcano"
  • Additional items to place around the volcano (optional)
  • Food coloring (optional)

#5: Tornado in a Jar

  • Teaches Kids About: Weather
  • Messiness Level: Low

This is one of the quick and easy and science experiments for kids to teach them about weather. It only takes about five minutes and a few materials to set up, but once you have it ready you and your kids can create your own miniature tornado whose vortex you can see and the strength of which you can change depending on how quickly you swirl the jar.

  • Glitter (optional)

#6: Colored Celery Experiment

  • Teaches Kids About: Plants

This celery science experiment is another classic science experiment that parents and teachers like because it's easy to do and gives kids a great visual understanding of how transpiration works and how plants get water and nutrients. Just place celery stalks in cups of colored water, wait at least a day, and you'll see the celery leaves take on the color of the water. This happens because celery stalks (like other plants) contain small capillaries that they use to transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.

  • Celery stalks (can also use white flowers or pale-colored cabbage)

#7: Rain Cloud in a Jar

This experiment teaches kids about weather and lets them learn how clouds form by making their own rain cloud . This is definitely a science project that requires adult supervision since it uses boiling water as one of the ingredients, but once you pour the water into a glass jar, the experiment is fast and easy, and you'll be rewarded with a little cloud forming in the jar due to condensation.

  • Glass jar with a lid
  • Boiling water
  • Aerosol hairspray


#8: Edible Rock Candy

  • Teaches Kids About: Crystal formation

It takes about a week for the crystals of this rock candy experiment to form, but once they have you'll be able to eat the results! After creating a sugar solution, you'll fill jars with it and dangle strings in them that'll slowly become covered with the crystals. This experiment involves heating and pouring boiling water, so adult supervision is necessary, once that step is complete, even very young kids will be excited to watch crystals slowly form.

  • Large saucepan
  • Clothespins
  • String or small skewers
  • Candy flavoring (optional)

#9: Water Xylophone

  • Teaches Kids About: Sound waves

With just some basic materials you can create your own musical instrument to teach kids about sound waves. In this water xylophone experiment , you'll fill glass jars with varying levels of water. Once they're all lined up, kids can hit the sides with wooden sticks and see how the itch differs depending on how much water is in the jar (more water=lower pitch, less water=higher pitch). This is because sound waves travel differently depending on how full the jars are with water.

  • Wooden sticks/skewers

#10: Blood Model in a Jar

  • Teaches Kids About: Human biology

This blood model experiment is a great way to get kids to visual what their blood looks like and how complicated it really is. Each ingredient represents a different component of blood (plasma, platelets, red blood cells, etc.), so you just add a certain amount of each to the jar, swirl it around a bit, and you have a model of what your blood looks like.

  • Empty jar or bottle
  • Red cinnamon candies
  • Marshmallows or dry white lima beans
  • White sprinkles

#11: Potato Battery

  • Teaches Kids About: Electricity
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

Did you know that a simple potato can produce enough energy to keep a light bulb lit for over a month? You can create a simple potato battery to show kids. There are kits that provide all the necessary materials and how to set it up, but if you don't purchase one of these it can be a bit trickier to gather everything you need and assemble it correctly. Once it's set though, you'll have your own farm grown battery!

  • Fresh potato
  • Galvanized nail
  • Copper coin


#12: Homemade Pulley

  • Teaches Kids About: Simple machines

This science activity requires some materials you may not already have, but once you've gotten them, the homemade pulley takes only a few minutes to set up, and you can leave the pulley up for your kids to play with all year round. This pulley is best set up outside, but can also be done indoors.

  • Clothesline
  • 2 clothesline pulleys

#13: Light Refraction

  • Teaches Kids About: Light

This light refraction experiment takes only a few minutes to set up and uses basic materials, but it's a great way to show kids how light travels. You'll draw two arrows on a sticky note, stick it to the wall, then fill a clear water bottle with water. As you move the water bottle in front of the arrows, the arrows will appear to change the direction they're pointing. This is because of the refraction that occurs when light passes through materials like water and plastic.

  • Sticky note
  • Transparent water bottle

#14: Nature Journaling

  • Teaches Kids About: Ecology, scientific observation

A nature journal is a great way to encourage kids to be creative and really pay attention to what's going on around them. All you need is a blank journal (you can buy one or make your own) along with something to write with. Then just go outside and encourage your children to write or draw what they notice. This could include descriptions of animals they see, tracings of leaves, a drawing of a beautiful flower, etc. Encourage your kids to ask questions about what they observe (Why do birds need to build nests? Why is this flower so brightly colored?) and explain to them that scientists collect research by doing exactly what they're doing now.

  • Blank journal or notebook
  • Pens/pencils/crayons/markers
  • Tape or glue for adding items to the journal

#15: DIY Solar Oven

  • Teaches Kids About: Solar energy

This homemade solar oven definitely requires some adult help to set up, but after it's ready you'll have your own mini oven that uses energy from the sun to make s'mores or melt cheese on pizza. While the food is cooking, you can explain to kids how the oven uses the sun's rays to heat the food.

  • Aluminum foil
  • Knife or box cutter
  • Permanent marker
  • Plastic cling wrap
  • Black construction paper


#16: Animal Blubber Simulation

  • Teaches Kids About: Ecology, zoology

If your kids are curious about how animals like polar bears and seals stay warm in polar climates, you can go beyond just explaining it to them; you can actually have them make some of their own blubber and test it out. After you've filled up a large bowl with ice water and let it sit for a few minutes to get really cold, have your kids dip a bare hand in and see how many seconds they can last before their hand gets too cold. Next, coat one of their fingers in shortening and repeat the experiment. Your child will notice that, with the shortening acting like a protective layer of blubber, they don't feel the cold water nearly as much.

  • Bowl of ice water

#17: Static Electricity Butterfly

This experiment is a great way for young kids to learn about static electricity, and it's more fun and visual than just having them rub balloons against their heads. First you'll create a butterfly, using thick paper (such as cardstock) for the body and tissue paper for the wings. Then, blow up the balloon, have the kids rub it against their head for a few seconds, then move the balloon to just above the butterfly's wings. The wings will move towards the balloon due to static electricity, and it'll look like the butterfly is flying.

  • Tissue paper
  • Thick paper
  • Glue stick/glue

#18: Edible Double Helix

  • Teaches Kids About: Genetics

If your kids are learning about genetics, you can do this edible double helix craft to show them how DNA is formed, what its different parts are, and what it looks like. The licorice will form the sides or backbone of the DNA and each color of marshmallow will represent one of the four chemical bases. Kids will be able to see that only certain chemical bases pair with each other.

  • 2 pieces of licorice
  • 12 toothpicks
  • Small marshmallows in 4 colors (9 of each color)
  • 5 paperclips

#19: Leak-Proof Bag

  • Teaches Kids About: Molecules, plastics

This is an easy experiment that'll appeal to kids of a variety of ages. Just take a zip-lock bag, fill it about ⅔ of the way with water, and close the top. Next, poke a few sharp objects (like bamboo skewers or sharp pencils) through one end and out the other. At this point you may want to dangle the bag above your child's head, but no need to worry about spills because the bag won't leak? Why not? It's because the plastic used to make zip-lock bags is made of polymers, or long chains of molecules that'll quickly join back together when they're forced apart.

  • Zip-lock bags
  • Objects with sharp ends (pencils, bamboo skewers, etc.)


#20: How Do Leaves Breathe?

  • Teaches Kids About: Plant science

It takes a few hours to see the results of this leaf experiment , but it couldn't be easier to set up, and kids will love to see a leaf actually "breathing." Just get a large-ish leaf, place it in a bowl (glass works best so you can see everything) filled with water, place a small rock on the leaf to weigh it down, and leave it somewhere sunny. Come back in a few hours and you'll see little bubbles in the water created when the leaf releases the oxygen it created during photosynthesis.

  • Large bowl (preferably glass)
  • Magnifying glass (optional)

#21: Popsicle Stick Catapults

Kids will love shooting pom poms out of these homemade popsicle stick catapults . After assembling the catapults out of popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and plastic spoons, they're ready to launch pom poms or other lightweight objects. To teach kids about simple machines, you can ask them about how they think the catapults work, what they should do to make the pom poms go a farther/shorter distance, and how the catapult could be made more powerful.

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Rubber bands
  • Plastic spoons
  • Paint (optional)

#22: Elephant Toothpaste

You won't want to do this experiment near anything that's difficult to clean (outside may be best), but kids will love seeing this " elephant toothpaste " crazily overflowing the bottle and oozing everywhere. Pour the hydrogen peroxide, food coloring, and dishwashing soap into the bottle, and in the cup mix the yeast packet with some warm water for about 30 seconds. Then, add the yeast mixture to the bottle, stand back, and watch the solution become a massive foamy mixture that pours out of the bottle! The "toothpaste" is formed when the yeast removed the oxygen bubbles from the hydrogen peroxide which created foam. This is an exothermic reaction, and it creates heat as well as foam (you can have kids notice that the bottle became warm as the reaction occurred).

  • Clean 16-oz soda bottle
  • 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 packet of dry yeast
  • Dishwashing soap

#23: How Do Penguins Stay Dry?

Penguins, and many other birds, have special oil-producing glands that coat their feathers with a protective layer that causes water to slide right off them, keeping them warm and dry. You can demonstrate this to kids with this penguin craft by having them color a picture of a penguin with crayons, then spraying the picture with water. The wax from the crayons will have created a protective layer like the oil actual birds coat themselves with, and the paper won't absorb the water.

  • Penguin image (included in link)
  • Spray bottle
  • Blue food coloring (optional)


#24: Rock Weathering Experiment

  • Teaches Kids About: Geology

This mechanical weathering experiment teaches kids why and how rocks break down or erode. Take two pieces of clay, form them into balls, and wrap them in plastic wrap. Then, leave one out while placing the other in the freezer overnight. The next day, unwrap and compare them. You can repeat freezing the one piece of clay every night for several days to see how much more cracked and weathered it gets than the piece of clay that wasn't frozen. It may even begin to crumble. This weathering also happens to rocks when they are subjected to extreme temperatures, and it's one of the causes of erosion.

  • Plastic wrap

#25: Saltwater Density

  • Teaches Kids About: Water density

For this saltwater density experiment , you'll fill four clear glasses with water, then add salt to one glass, sugar to one glass, and baking soda to one glass, leaving one glass with just water. Then, float small plastic pieces or grapes in each of the glasses and observe whether they float or not. Saltwater is denser than freshwater, which means some objects may float in saltwater that would sink in freshwater. You can use this experiment to teach kids about the ocean and other bodies of saltwater, such as the Dead Sea, which is so salty people can easily float on top of it.

  • Four clear glasses
  • Lightweight plastic objects or small grapes

#26: Starburst Rock Cycle

With just a package of Starbursts and a few other materials, you can create models of each of the three rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Sedimentary "rocks" will be created by pressing thin layers of Starbursts together, metamorphic by heating and pressing Starbursts, and igneous by applying high levels of heat to the Starbursts. Kids will learn how different types of rocks are forms and how the three rock types look different from each other.

  • Toaster oven

#27: Inertia Wagon Experiment

  • Teaches Kids About: Inertia

This simple experiment teaches kids about inertia (as well as the importance of seatbelts!). Take a small wagon, fill it with a tall stack of books, then have one of your children pull it around then stop abruptly. They won't be able to suddenly stop the wagon without the stack of books falling. You can have the kids predict which direction they think the books will fall and explain that this happens because of inertia, or Newton's first law.

  • Stack of books

#28: Dinosaur Tracks

  • Teaches Kids About: Paleontology

How are some dinosaur tracks still visible millions of years later? By mixing together several ingredients, you'll get a claylike mixture you can press your hands/feet or dinosaur models into to make dinosaur track imprints . The mixture will harden and the imprints will remain, showing kids how dinosaur (and early human) tracks can stay in rock for such a long period of time.

  • Used coffee grounds
  • Wooden spoon
  • Rolling pin

#29: Sidewalk Constellations

  • Teaches Kids About: Astronomy

If you do this sidewalk constellation craft , you'll be able to see the Big Dipper and Orion's Belt in the daylight. On the sidewalk, have kids draw the lines of constellations (using constellation diagrams for guidance) and place stones where the stars are. You can then look at astronomy charts to see where the constellations they drew will be in the sky.

  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Small stones
  • Diagrams of constellations

#30: Lung Model

By building a lung model , you can teach kids about respiration and how their lungs work. After cutting off the bottom of a plastic bottle, you'll stretch a balloon around the opened end and insert another balloon through the mouth of the bottle. You'll then push a straw through the neck of the bottle and secure it with a rubber band and play dough. By blowing into the straw, the balloons will inflate then deflate, similar to how our lungs work.

  • Plastic bottle
  • Rubber band


#31: Homemade Dinosaur Bones

By mixing just flour, salt, and water, you'll create a basic salt dough that'll harden when baked. You can use this dough to make homemade dinosaur bones and teach kids about paleontology. You can use books or diagrams to learn how different dinosaur bones were shaped, and you can even bury the bones in a sandpit or something similar and then excavate them the way real paleontologists do.

  • Images of dinosaur bones

#32: Clay and Toothpick Molecules

There are many variations on homemade molecule science crafts . This one uses clay and toothpicks, although gumdrops or even small pieces of fruit like grapes can be used in place of clay. Roll the clay into balls and use molecule diagrams to attach the clay to toothpicks in the shape of the molecules. Kids can make numerous types of molecules and learn how atoms bond together to form molecules.

  • Clay or gumdrops (in four colors)
  • Diagrams of molecules

#33: Articulated Hand Model

By creating an articulated hand model , you can teach kids about bones, joints, and how our hands are able to move in many ways and accomplish so many different tasks. After creating a hand out of thin foam, kids will cut straws to represent the different bones in the hand and glue them to the fingers of the hand models. You'll then thread yarn (which represents tendons) through the straws, stabilize the model with a chopstick or other small stick, and end up with a hand model that moves and bends the way actual human hands do.

  • Straws (paper work best)
  • Twine or yarn

#34: Solar Energy Experiment

  • Teaches Kids About: Solar energy, light rays

This solar energy science experiment will teach kids about solar energy and how different colors absorb different amounts of energy. In a sunny spot outside, place six colored pieces of paper next to each other, and place an ice cube in the middle of each paper. Then, observe how quickly each of the ice cubes melt. The ice cube on the black piece of paper will melt fastest since black absorbs the most light (all the light ray colors), while the ice cube on the white paper will melt slowest since white absorbs the least light (it instead reflects light). You can then explain why certain colors look the way they do. (Colors besides black and white absorb all light except for the one ray color they reflect; this is the color they appear to us.)

  • 6 squares of differently colored paper/cardstock (must include black paper and white paper)

#35: How to Make Lightning

  • Teaches Kids About: Electricity, weather

You don't need a storm to see lightning; you can actually create your own lightning at home . For younger kids this experiment requires adult help and supervision. You'll stick a thumbtack through the bottom of an aluminum tray, then stick the pencil eraser to the pushpin. You'll then rub the piece of wool over the aluminum tray, and then set the tray on the Styrofoam, where it'll create a small spark/tiny bolt of lightning!

  • Pencil with eraser
  • Aluminum tray or pie tin
  • Styrofoam tray

#36: Tie-Dyed Milk

  • Teaches Kids About: Surface tension

For this magic milk experiment , partly fill a shallow dish with milk, then add a one drop of each food coloring color to different parts of the milk. The food coloring will mostly stay where you placed it. Next, carefully add one drop of dish soap to the middle of the milk. It'll cause the food coloring to stream through the milk and away from the dish soap. This is because the dish soap breaks up the surface tension of the milk by dissolving the milk's fat molecules.

  • Shallow dish
  • Milk (high-fat works best)


#37: How Do Stalactites Form?

Have you ever gone into a cave and seen huge stalactites hanging from the top of the cave? Stalactites are formed by dripping water. The water is filled with particles which slowly accumulate and harden over the years, forming stalactites. You can recreate that process with this stalactite experiment . By mixing a baking soda solution, dipping a piece of wool yarn in the jar and running it to another jar, you'll be able to observe baking soda particles forming and hardening along the yarn, similar to how stalactites grow.

  • Safety pins
  • 2 glass jars

Summary: Cool Science Experiments for Kids

Any one of these simple science experiments for kids can get children learning and excited about science. You can choose a science experiment based on your child's specific interest or what they're currently learning about, or you can do an experiment on an entirely new topic to expand their learning and teach them about a new area of science. From easy science experiments for kids to the more challenging ones, these will all help kids have fun and learn more about science.

What's Next?

Are you also interested in pipe cleaner crafts for kids? We have a guide to some of the best pipe cleaner crafts to try!

Looking for multiple different slime recipes? We tell you how to make slimes without borax and without glue as well as how to craft the ultimate super slime .

Want to learn more about clouds? Learn how to identify every cloud in the sky with our guide to the 10 types of clouds .

Want to know the fastest and easiest ways to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius? We've got you covered! Check out our guide to the best ways to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa) .

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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32 Cool Science Experiments for Kids (that are Fun AND Easy!)

fun little kid science experiments

Do you ever want to do science experiments at home with your kids, but you’re not quite sure what to do? Not just any old kitchen science experiment will do – you want something cooler than vinegar + bicarb soda! But, you also want something simple and easy to do – because no-one wants a huge mess from their kids doing crazy science experiments at home!

We understand, and that’s why the writing team here at STEM Geek has put our heads together to come up with the most awesome at-home science experiments for kids! As science enthusiasts and educators, we also wanted to make sure that these are genuine science learning opportunities. So not only are they captivating for the kids, but we also emphasize what questions can be asked as kids explore and apply the scientific method! Plus, we’ve arranged them according to how much time they take: up to 1 hour, 1 to several hours, and long-term.

Related Post: Ultimate Boredom Buster: 101 Things To Do When Kids Are Bored

Science Experiments at Home that take Less than 1 Hour

1. tie-dye milk.

Sounds delicious, right? You’re not actually drinking it, but instead watching science magic happens when you combine dish soap with milk and food coloring. This is a very pretty experiment that draws the focus and mind into what’s happening on the plate, and all because of a little chemistry with everyday items. Well, food dye may not be an everyday item, but it might be after your kids get a hold of this!

So, what’s going on here, scientifically-speaking? Milk is made up of two major ingredients: water and fat. When you add a little dish soap, it bonds with the fat in the milk so strongly that it literally pushes the food coloring and water away from the cotton ball. On a microscopic level, the dish soap is wandering around the milk, which causes the colors to swirl and swirl.

Questions to ask beforehand:

  • Before knowing what will happen to the food coloring, ask the kids what they think will happen when dish soap mixes with milk.
  • Since the major catalyst is fat in the milk, what would happen if you used other types of milk: Skim milk, soy milk, coconut milk?

You’ll need:

  • Round cake pan or plate with high edges
  • Cotton ball (some tutorials show cotton swabs)
  • Dish detergent
  • Different colors of food dye (three or four should do)


  • Fill the pan halfway with milk.
  • Drip one color of food dye in one section of the plate away from the center. Four to five drops works and later you can play around with more or less. Do the same for the rest of the colors around the plate.
  • Soak the cotton ball in dish detergent, and when you’re ready for action, place the cotton ball into the center of the pan.
  • Watch the colors racing around, creating a psychedelic tie-dye effect!
  • You can add more cotton balls throughout the dish to see more action.
  • If some food coloring hugs the wall of the plate, take a cotton swab dipped in dish detergent and place it into the food coloring. It will move away!

2. Saturn’s Glowing Rings

using a flashlight for a Saturn’s Glowing Rings experiment

I don’t know about you, but I love everything about space. This experiment shows you how Saturn’s rings are made of rocks and ice chunks even though they look so smooth in pictures. You’ll also see why there are big gaps in the rings. Younger kids take delight in using a flashlight and sprinkling powder, while older kids can get more specific with questions about Saturn and how the rocks and ice stay in orbit.

  • Do Saturn’s rings give off their own light?
  • Why are some rocks and ice chunks more lit up than others?
  • Compare the results of light sprinkles to thicker sprinkles.
  • Strong flashlight
  • Powder (flour, baby powder, etc) in a shaker
  • Very dark room
  • Darken a room and set the flashlight on the edge of a table or counter, pointing it at a blank wall. Lay the newspaper on the floor between the flashlight and the wall.
  • Turn on the flashlight and notice where the light comes from the flashlight and where it hits the wall. You should only see the light from these two places and not from the space between them. This shows you that the light travels through the air without being seen until it hits the wall. The light represents the sun’s light.
  • Now to see how Saturn’s rings glow: Hold the powder shaker and sprinkle some powder over the beam of light where you know the light is traveling. You’ll notice the powder lights up and sparkles in the beam of light. The powder shows in glowing clumps, just like in Saturn’s rings.

3. Breaking Down Colors

We all know that the fun, vibrant colors we see in our lives are created by mixing the basic red, yellow, and blue. In this experiment, you and your child will learn which colors make up those fun shades they have in their art supplies. This also teaches some basic chemistry and uses materials you already have at home. It can be done very simply and expanded to create a large-scale investigation if you love it.

  • Which colors separate out first?
  • Is the same order for each test?
  • Which colors make up the original shade?
  • Do the different types of color (pen, pencil, paint) separate in the same way or differently?
  • Are some separated in a shorter space are the colors the same mixture?
  • Coffee filters
  • Color sources (markers, colored pencils, paint, etc.)
  • A plain pencil
  • To complete this experiment, cut the coffee filters into strips, mark one end with a line the same distance from the bottom on each strip.
  • Color in each strip (between the bottom and line) with your colors, and write at the top what the color and source are (e.g., purple marker).
  • Place each strip in a glass and help it to stand up by folding the top over a pencil (a chopstick, table knife, or any long narrow object will also work) so that it stands up in the glass.
  • Fill the glass up to the top of your colored block, and wait. The water will move up the filter, and the colors will separate out as it goes.
  • Remove the strip once the water gets near the top of the strip to stop the experiment. 

To make this a true experiment, we recommend testing multiple colors and using markers, colored pencils, and paint (as some starting examples). You could test the same colors from each type of art supply to investigate whether they all use the same mix of basic colors to create the same end product.

This post has a nice full description of the methods if you need more detail.

4. Water Xylophone

Water Xylophone - let kids experiment with sound and liquids

This simple experiment will teach your child about sound and pitch using glasses, water, and something to act as a mallet. Don’t let the simplicity deceive you, there are a lot of ways to experiment and learn through this process, and it also brings in an element of music that makes it interesting and engaging.

  • Do you think more water makes the sound higher or lower in pitch?
  • How do you think the shape or size of the glass will affect the sound?
  • How should we arrange the glasses to play a simple song?
  • Do you think this will work with a plastic cup, why or why not?
  • Some glasses
  • Something wood to act as a mallet (we recommend wood so you don’t break the glasses!)
  • A great way to start is with glasses that are the same size, shape, and material, and filling them with different amounts of water.
  • Have your child use the mallet to test how the amount of water affects the sound.
  • From there, it’s a really simple extension to use different sized and shaped glasses (or any glass vessel like jars and bowls) to experiment with how the shape, size, and amount of water in the glass affect the tone. 

To take this one further and really bring in the musical component, you and your child could work out a simple song and create the right tones to play it. If you or your child are musical, you could get very elaborate and creative (try googling harry potter or star wars theme songs on glasses, there are so many options that I couldn’t even choose one)!

5. Ultimate Bottle Flipping

Ah, bottle flipping. The fad that kids can’t get enough of, but parents are well and truly over. The constant thud of semi-filled water bottles being tossed (and hopefully landing upright) is guaranteed to send parents around the twist!

If you can stand it for a bit longer though, there’s a lot of STEM knowledge to be gained in this bottle flipping experiment. As we know, the aim of bottle flipping is to flip a partially filled water bottle underhand and get it to land upright.

In this experiment, kids will learn the importance of observing a result multiple times before changing a variable (the amount of water in the bottle).

  • How much water should you put in the bottle?
  • What is the ideal amount of liquid to get the perfect flip?
  • What should be the ideal amount of water?
  • Was their prediction correct?
  • Why do they think the amount of water affects the chances of landing the bottle?
  • A plastic water bottle
  • Measuring jug
  • Paper to record results
  • Get the kids to start by flipping their bottle with no water in it at all. Kidspot recommends flipping it 50 times for each step, but you could do less if you need to.
  • Try it again with 50ml of water.
  • Keep adding more water until the bottle is full.

If they’re keen, you could try other types or sizes of bottles, or even try different liquids to see if that affects the results!

6. Rainbow in a Jar

Rainbow in a Jar - a kitchen chemistry experiment for kids

This simple science experiment is not only very visually appealing, but it’s also a great way to learn about the density of liquids. Warning though, this one could get messy so make sure kids are in some old clothes and you might want to take it outside! I like this experiment because you’ll probably have most of the materials in your kitchen already!

  • Which liquids they think will be heaviest?
  • Which ones will be lightest?
  • Why do they think that?
  • A glass jar
  • Food coloring
  • Various liquids like honey, corn syrup, dishwashing liquid, olive oil, rubbing alcohol and water.
  • Use the food coloring to make all your liquids a different color. A dropper comes in handy here, but if you don’t have one you can manage without.
  • Slowly add each liquid to the jar (pouring into the middle of the jar is best).
  • Soon, you’ll have different layers of colored liquid forming your very own rainbow in a jar.

You might even get them to draw a diagram of what they think the jar will look like at the end. They can compare this with the experiment results to see if their prediction was correct.

It might also help to talk to your kids first about what density is and how materials are all made of different amounts of molecules. The more molecules a liquid has, the heavier it will be. Playdough to Plato demonstrates a great way of introducing this concept using marbles. 

7. Write Your Own Secret Messages! 

We love science experiments that are made up primarily of supplies that you likely already have in your home.

  • Why do you think this will work?
  • Which liquid do you think will make the best secret message?
  • Why do people write secret messages?
  • Juice (eg. Lemon)
  • Lamp (or anything else that can be used as a heat source)
  • In order to complete this experiment, you’ll need to gather all of your supplies along with a piece of paper, some q-tips, and a lamp or other item that you can use as a heat source.
  • Next, you’ll mix your lemon juice with a slight amount of water. 
  • Using your q-tip, use the mixture you’ve created to begin writing your message. 
  • Allow it to dry. 
  • Once dry, apply heat to it in order to get your message to appear.

Extend this project by attempting to write with a juice and water mixture, a milk and water mixture, or any other variation of the liquids we listed as necessary supplies!

8. Create Your Own Butterfly

Create Your Own Butterfly and learn about capillary action

Your little ones will love practicing their color mixing by creating their very own coffee filter butterflies. Hang them in the windows of your home to spread some cheer and to watch the sun flow through their beautiful wings! 

  • What colors can mix together to make other colors?
  • How do butterflies fly?
  • What do you think will happen when we add water to the markers?
  • Water spray bottle
  • Allow your child to draw on the coffee filter to their heart’s content.
  • Spray it with water and allow the colors to mix together.
  • Allow it to dry thoroughly.
  • Once dry, fold it like a fan and then clip it in the middle.

Ta-da, you’ve created a beautiful butterfly! 

9. Make A Duck Call

Give your family an excuse to head outdoors by allowing your children to craft their own duck calls. Test them out at a local pond and see if you can get the ducks to come closer to you for a healthy veggie snack! 

  • Do you think ducks will be able to hear us with this?
  • What other materials do you think could make this noise?
  • How is what we have created similar to a duck’s beak?
  • Plastic straw
  • Push down on the straw to flatten one end and then cut the flattened end into a point.
  • Flatten out your straw and then blow into it.
  • Feel free to experiment with different amounts of flattening and different point shapes to see how you can adjust the sound.
  • When finished, take your duck call into the wild to test it out.

10. Make Ivory Soap Boats

Make Ivory Soap Boats - a home science experiment that is fun

Did you ever carve items out of soap at camp when you were a child? Give your child the same opportunity. Soap can be carved using safe items, like plastic knives. 

  • Why are we able to carve soap so easily?
  • Do you think our boats float?
  • Why do you think they float or sink?
  • Carving tools (for kids)
  • Allow your child to express their creative side by carving their boat out of soap. 
  • Once they have finished carving it, allow them to test them out in the bathtub. . Extend their learning by discussing density with them–the soap floats because it is less dense than the water.

11. Make Your Own Quicksand 

As John Mullaney famously said, “I thought quicksand would be a much bigger problem in my adult life than it would have turned out.” For some reason, quicksand permeates children’s adventure stories – and their imaginations! 

  • Where can we find quicksand in real life?
  • How do you think quicksand works?
  • What do you think we will need to make our own quicksand?
  • Cornflower (one cup)
  • Water (half cup)
  • A container
  • To make your quicksand, you’ll need to mix the cornflour and water. 
  • Be sure to stir slowly in order to demonstrate – if you stir too quickly, it will become hard and you won’t be able to see it function the way it should!

12. Make Your Own Lava Lamp

Make Your Own Lava Lamp - a cool science experiment

We’ve tried this one in our classrooms, and trust us, our kids go wild year after year. Kids love making something that they can use as home decoration, and they love how easy it is to show new people – this is the experiment that lives on and on! 

  • How do you think density is involved in this experiment?
  • Why don’t the water and oil mix?
  • Why can’t we shake our lava lamps?
  • Clear Plastic Bottle
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Food Coloring
  • Alka-Seltzer
  • Pour water into the plastic bottle until it is approximately one quarter full. 
  • Then pour vegetable oil in until the bottle is almost completely filled. 
  • Allow some time for the oil and water to separate. 
  • It is important that your children do not shake the bottle in this step. It will extend the experiment for no other reason than you waiting for the bubbles to dissipate. 
  • Add as much food coloring as your child deems fit and then drop a piece of Alka-seltzer tablet into the bottle for the lava lamp fun to begin.

13. Guess the Smell

This one will take a little more prep work, but it’s a great touchstone for your children to begin discussing one of their five senses: the sense of smell! 

  • What are examples of times we use our sense of smell?
  • What other senses do we have?
  • If you could only use one sense for the rest of your life, which one?
  • Plastic Cups
  • Smells (eg. coffee, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon juice)
  • Place a variety of common smells in small plastic cups. We like to use coffee, cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon juice. 
  • Pour these in and place tin foil securely over the top of the cup. 
  • Poke small holes in the top of the foil. 
  • Secure the foil with tape (on the sides, not over the holes). 
  • Allow your children to guess the smells and record their findings on paper.

Home Science Experiments that take 1 to Several Hours

14. mangrove bioshield  .

Ecologists and conservationists are pushing for more regulations in building and saving mangrove forests around coastal areas. The reason is represented in this STEM activity. The trees act as a mangrove BioShield (bio = life, shield = protection), showing how natural obstacles can prevent critical damage from marine natural disasters such as tsunamis.

The mangrove BioShield can be for older elementary kids through to high school. Obviously, the younger they are, the more parent involvement. This experiment is done twice to show the effects of having and not having a BioShield. The first part uses little to no trees, and the second uses a forest of trees and rocks.

  • What will happen in a tsunami if the village is without a BioShield? And the village with a BioShield?
  • Would a BioShield help with hurricanes?
  • Would you want to encourage people to save manatee forests if they are beneficial?
  • Medium to large clear, plastic container
  • Newspaper – wad into balls, then cover half of the bottom container – this help to keep the ground sturdy
  • Mud – cover the newspaper and press it in to form a slope down to the empty side of the container. The top side should be flattened for the cardboard houses, then it slopes down into the empty half of the container.
  • Cardboard houses (use the bottoms of milk cartons for the house and popsicle sticks for the roofs, place houses on the mud towards the top of the high slope
  • Model trees or leafy stems from plants – Different amounts for activity 1 and activity 2
  • Several small rocks
  • Cardboard – long enough to fit across the container and tall enough to hold it from out of the water
  • Water – enough to go halfway up the slope

A tsunami without the mangrove forest – insert only one or two trees down the slope. Place the cardboard piece into the water end of the container and move back and forth to create waves. Notice how easy it is for the water to destroy the village you’ve created.

Repeat the process of constructing the village, but this time insert a lot of trees down the slope to where the water meets the mud. They need to be deeply rooted like mangroves, and I’ve found that aquarium plants work well for this reason. Place the rocks within the mangrove forest and in front of the trees. Add a little bit more water. Insert the cardboard again and move it back and forth to create waves.  

15. A Greater Crater

When you look at the night sky and see the moon, one of the first things you notice is its craters. The moon is completely covered in them, and some are so large we can see them from Earth. Meteorites often make the craters that we see when they hit the surface, but it makes us wonder why some craters are so much bigger than others.

This experiment will help you to investigate one of the main reasons why craters come in different sizes.

  • What causes craters?
  • How big do the meteorites have to be to make a crater?
  • What is it about the meteorite that causes the size of the crater?
  • Paper to record your results
  • Flat floor surface for the experiment, large enough for the newspaper to cover
  • Shallow metal pan at least 2 inches deep
  • Flour to fill 2 inches of the pan
  • ¼ cup hot chocolate powder
  • Mesh strainer or flour sifter
  • Large marble (and others of varying sizes if comparing results)
  • Metric ruler
  • Tongs or long tweezers
  • Pour the flour into the pan until it reaches 2 inches. Place the pan on top of the newspaper on a level surface.
  • Sift a layer of hot chocolate powder over the flour (this is so you can better see the rays and other features of the craters).
  • You will be dropping your marble from three different heights, then comparing the sizes of the craters. Measure the diameter (side to side) of the marble and record this on your paper as Marble 1. Hypothesize how large the crater will be and write that next to the diameter of Marble 1.
  • Stand next to your pan and hold the marble at knee height above the flour. Drop the marble (do not throw it, just let it fall from your fingers) into the flour and study the shape of the crater. Look for a rim around the crater or any rays coming from the edges.
  • Measure across the widest part of your crater, from rim to rim and record on your data sheet as Marble 1 – Knee Height – Width or something similar. You can also draw a picture of your results.
  • Very gently use the tongs or long tweezers to remove the marble without destroying the crater.
  • Repeat this procedure from waist height, shoulder height, top of head height. Make sure you aim in different parts of the flour so you don’t land on top of another crater. Record all of your results as the different heights you’re using.
  • Compare your results.
  • You can try again with a different sized marble as “Marble 2” to compare those results with each height as done with Marble 1.

Perhaps now, you’ll look at the moon a little differently!

16. Rube Goldberg Chain Reaction Machine

We’ve all seen them, some pretty far-out there chain reaction machines to complete simple tasks, usually in movies. But they are real , and are becoming even more popular now that we’re all stuck at home for a while. This is a fun way to explore physics with stuff you have at home.

Ask your child to decide what the end goal is (e.g. get the ball into the cup), and ask them to think about creative ways to make it get there. Working together, you can start with small pieces of a circuit to find out how your ball reacts to the set-up, and grow it from there. You can even refer to this video for more ideas:

  • What will happen when the ball bounces off of this wall?
  • How will these dominoes change the speed of the ball?
  • What can we use to make sure that the ball goes in the direction we want it to at this point?
  • What should we put here to get the best bounce? 
  • Paper towel
  • Toilet paper tubes
  • Fixed objects like walls or furniture
  • Any other toys and materials that can be used to build your circuit

To make this a true experiment, it needs to include more than a one-off demonstration, and there are a lot of ways to accomplish this.

  • Set up parallel courses and use different sized or weighted balls to go through the circuit.
  • Set up one elaborate circuit and use different objects one at a time.
  • Set up circuits in different ways to see how different set-ups affect your end goal.

Another experimental component is the process used to create a circuit that reaches your end goal ( like this video about getting the ball into the cup, but you could come up with lots of other endpoints!). Along the way, you and your child get a lot of time to learn about momentum, velocity, friction, energy transfer, and interference (e.g., the cat). 

17. Melting

Melting ice - a very easy kitchen science experiment for kids

This is a simple and fun experiment that can be set up in a short time and then fill-up your day with observations and new experiments. Using only things you already have at home, you can set-up an engaging experiment with your kids!

Ice melts at different rates depending on a variety of factors including temperature, pressure, and if there are impurities (think salt, sugar, dirt) in the ice or touching the ice. There is a lot of opportunities to get creative and do the experiment in multiple ways, keeping your kids engaged and developing their investigative, experimental, and critical thinking skills.

  • Which ice melts the fastest, slowest, and if they have any guesses about why?
  • What other ice-melting experiments they think would be fun: Using different temperature liquids? Using different amounts of ice? Different sized cups?
  • Lots of ice
  • Several matching cups (i.e., they are the same size, shape, and color)
  • Measuring cups
  • A variety of liquids for the test
  • Paper for writing down observations
  • Measure the same amount of ice and place it in each cup.
  • M easure equal amounts of each liquid and place them in the cups: try to complete this part quickly so that the ice in each cup is in liquid for as close the same amount of time as possible.
  • Set up your cups in a place that is easy for your child to watch and observe.
  • Ask them to check in at regular intervals (every 15 minutes, every hour) and record or talk to you about their observations.

Other potential experimental examples:

  • Using different liquids to test if they affect melting time;
  • Using the same liquid and placing ice in different locations to test what conditions throughout your home affect melting;
  • Test if different amounts of ice melt at different rates;
  • Test if different kinds of cups change melting time.

There are endless possibilities for you to come up with new ways to complete these simple experiments. You get the idea. Explore more!

18. Breathing Leaves

Science experiments don’t get much more simple than this one!  It’s effective though and kids will enjoy watching their leaf ‘breathe’. Learning about plant science is often tricky because it can seem a bit abstract. This experiment allows kids to see the process of plants making oxygen right before their eyes!

A question to ask beforehand:

  • What do you think will happen if we leave it for a few hours?
  • A fresh leaf from a tree
  • A bowl of water
  • Pluck a fresh leaf from a tree and place it in a bowl of water.
  • Use a rock to weigh it down and leave the experiment out in the sun.
  • Have your kids predict what they think they will see when they come back in a few hours (they can write their prediction down or draw a diagram if that’s more their style).
  • After a few hours, your kids will see lots of tiny little bubbles on the edge of the leaf and in the glass bowl of water (use a magnifying glass to get a closer look if you have one).

So, what’s happening here? Leaves take in carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen during photosynthesis. The bubbles you can see are the leaf releasing the oxygen it’s created. You could explain to your kids how trees and plants make the oxygen we need to breathe. Kids Fun Science explains this experiment in more detail and suggests taking it further by leaving the plant for a longer period of time (do you see more or fewer bubbles?) or placing a leaf in a dark area to see what difference that makes!

19. How Does Sunscreen Work?

Scientific Method - How Does Sunscreen Work?

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that kids hate wearing sunscreen! Trying to get it on them is like wrestling a crocodile. Maybe if they knew how sunscreen worked they’d understand how important it is to wear it when they’re out in the sun (and be slightly more cooperative when we’re lathering it over their little faces). This is a simple experiment that shows kids the difference wearing sunscreen will make to their skin.

  • What do they observe when they come back?
  • Why do they think one side faded and the other not?
  • A piece of colored cardboard (a dark color would be best)
  • Your usual bottle of sunscreen
  • Have your kids smear the sunscreen over one part of the cardboard and leave the other part clear.
  • Kids can then predict what they think will happen when they return to the experiment after a few hours.
  • Talk to them about how the sun’s UV radiation is absorbed by the sunscreen so it can’t get through to damage the cardboard.

You could even take it further by trying different kinds of sunscreen or leaving your cardboard out during different times of the day.

20. Make A Rubber Egg

Imagine a world in which eggs can be used like bouncy balls. Well, with a couple of home supplies and a little bit of science, you can live in that world. Your child will be dazzled as they remove eggshells from eggs while leaving the insides intact. 

  • Is vinegar an acid or a base?
  • Is there another substance that could do this?
  • Simply leave the egg in the vinegar for a few hours and wait to see what happens. Because of the transformative nature of this experiment, it lends itself to science journaling. 
  • Consider having your kiddos draw before and after pictures of the eggs in order to track their journeys. 

21. Flying Tea Bags

Flying Tea Bags is an easy kitchen science experiment

Nothing will get your kids’ attention faster than telling them that you are going to spend some time creating something that will fly. However, because this experiment will involve fire, please ensure that you select a time in which you will be able to provide ample adult supervision. 

  • How do we stay safe with fire?
  • How do we make sure we don’t damage the surface we are working on?
  • Why do you think the tea bag will fly?
  • Single Serving Tea Bags
  • A Small Bowl
  • A Non-Flammable Work Surface
  • First, open the tea bags and unfold them. 
  • Empty the leaves from the bag. 
  • Stand the tea bags up on your surface and light the top of each bag on fire. 

As they begin to burn, they will float into the sky! 

22. Make Wax Paper Lanterns

Your children will love the chance to display their fantastic art skills by creating these paper lanterns. If you want to add a culture lesson, have your children research German’s St. Martin’s Day and learn about why children parade through the streets with lanterns. We promise there’s a good moral story involved here! 

  • When could we use lanterns?
  • What safety considerations do we need to use in this project?
  • Why can we see the light through the wax paper?
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • To begin, tear a ten-inch piece of wax paper off of the roll and cut it in half. 
  • After that, fold each piece in half. 
  • Allow your child to color their image on top of the wax paper. (This is a great place for an impromptu lesson in color mixing). 
  • Fold the wax paper and iron it (consider something in between the crayon mess and the iron you use on your clothes). 
  • Finally, glue the craft sticks into squares, add the wax paper, and turn it into a cube.

Voila, you’ve created your own lantern!

23. Create an Insect Habitat

Alright, this one isn’t for the faint of heart. Draw up your courage and send your child into the backyard to collect all of the creepy crawlies they’d like to.

Create an Insect Habitat at Home

Now you have a home for them. Better yet, you can keep your child entertained for hours as they track the growth of their bug friends.

  • What do bugs need to survive?
  • What do bugs eat?
  • What is the difference between a need and a want?
  • Imagination
  • Find something that you’re willing to sacrifice to the bugs in order to create a habitat for them – we recommend a shadowbox so that your child can see inside, but a cardboard box will do just fine as well. 
  • Ensure that there is breathing room for the bugs. 
  • Create a habitat with sticks, bark, small rocks, dried leaves, and whatever else you can find.
  • If you’re willing to hang onto the habitat long enough, use it as an opportunity to talk about decomposition as the bugs begin to break down the twigs.

Long-Term Science Experiments at Home

24. crystal kingdom.

This is the oldest trick in the book, but it’s popular because it’s so effective, fun, and has great results. The only drawback to most crystal-growing recipes is that they take ages to grow, and to be quite honest this one is no exception. In fact, these crystals will take several days to grow but the end result is worth it. The reason is that this experiment involves growing a whole landscape of beautifully colored salt and bluing crystals. Here’s a video for visual reference: 

A few things to keep in mind: Allow for plenty of air circulation, preferably inside rather than outside. Ammonia is not necessary but does help in the process.

  • What will happen when you add ammonia?
  • Why does more salt and less liquid create faster crystallization?
  • What part does the bluing solution have in crystal growing?

(Answers can be found here )

  • Two bottles of bluing solution
  • Large tray/cookie sheets with sides
  • Measuring cup
  • Liquid watercolors
  • Eye droppers
  • Cut sponges into large pieces. Spread them out on the tray.
  • Measure out 1 cup of each of salt, water, and bluing and then gently mix together.
  • Evenly coat or sprinkle the mix over the sponges.
  • Add 1 cup of ammonia to the sponges.
  • Coat an extra 1 cup of salt on to the sponges.
  • By now you’ll see some crystals growing . Sprinkle the magic mix again: 1 cup each of salt, water, and bluing. You can pour the ingredients onto the tray instead of on top of the crystals to keep them from breaking. Don’t worry, more will grow!
  • Take an eyedropper, and drop a tablespoon of each liquid watercolor (undiluted) in different patterns over the sponges and crystals.
  • Take note of your garden and what the crystal formations look like. You can make a sketch in your notebook as a before and after. Ask questions and observe!
  • Observe how the crystals are bigger than before, and notice the colors aren’t as vibrant. Compare the differences in shapes, sizes, and colors.
  • If you want more crystals to grow, add a little more water, bluing, and salt.

25. Blow up a Balloon with Yeast

We are surrounded by science in action, but sometimes it is really difficult to see what is happening, especially when it is on a small-scale. When we make bread, yeast ‘eats’ the sugars in the food and creates CO2, giving bread its airy texture. This experiment lets you both visualize what happens when yeast consumes sugar and is a great set-up for an experiment that can be observed throughout the day.

Depending on your supplies and time, you could start with a demonstration and use that to think of other tests, or you could set up several parallel tests at the same time.

  • How quickly does the balloon filled with air?
  • When does it stop filling (at some point the yeast will run out of food and will stop making gas)?
  • Does the starting temperature affect the experiment?
  • Does the balloon fill faster in different places in your home (try especially for different air-temperatures, you could include an outside location)?
  • Some balloons
  • Blow up the balloon a few times before starting so that it’s loosened up a bit.
  • Fill the bottle with about 1 inch of warm water (heat is required to activate the yeast, but you could experiment with different temperatures), add the yeast and swirl to dissolve.
  • Add the sugar and swirl more.
  • Place the balloon over the opening to the bottle and wait. You should expect to see the balloon begin to inflate after around 20 minutes.
  • Continue checking and observing how much the balloon inflates throughout the day.

More example experimental setups include:

  • Do different temperatures – either with the water you start with or the air the yeast lives in – affect how quickly the balloon blows-up?
  • Does using 2x the yeast result in a balloon that is 2x bigger, or blows-up 2x faster?
  • Do different types of sugar (e.g., white sugar, honey, syrup, flour) affect how quickly the balloon blows up or how big it gets?

A sk your child to think of new experiments (you could prompt with some of the examples above, or ideas from this post ). 

26. Seed Germination

A really simple but fun multi-day experiment is germinating seeds under different conditions. This means finding some quick-sprouting seeds such as beans and putting them in different conditions to see how that affects germination (sprouting leaves and roots) and growth.

Seed Germination is an easy science experiment for kids

I love using seed experiments because they are inexpensive, simple, and leave a ton of room for creating your own unique experiment.

  • Which seed will sprout fastest?
  • Seeds (Beans, radishes, squashes, and many flowers sprout quickly from large seeds, making them good choices.)
  • Small pots or paper cups
  • Potting soil
  • Cloth or paper towel
  • Somewhere with good light
  • To get started, you’ll need some seeds – feel free to choose something you already have, if you’re a gardener you might have some seeds ready for the coming season and could spare a few – or find something online or at your local nursery.
  • Use small pots or paper cups and fill each with your growth material (we recommend a minimum of 3 for a useful comparison).
  • Fill one with potting soil, one with sand, and one with a cloth or paper towel.
  • Place them somewhere with good light, and add water.
  • Ask your child to predict which seed will sprout fastest, and make observations every day. If possible, make them around the same time each day.
  • Once you see growth, you can ask your child what they think caused any differences, and you can use that as a jumping-off point for more experiments

Additionally, you could:

  • Use one type of seed and different types of growth media: soil, paper towel, gravel, sand, water, etc.
  • You could use different seeds (beans, flowers, grass, herbs) and grow them under the same conditions (soil, water, sun exposure) to see how different plants grow differently.
  • You could see how different light conditions (by a window, in the basement, in a bright room away from a window, etc.) affect germination.

You could also extend each experiment by simply continuing to grow each seed to learn whether the different germination time affects long-term growth (you may want to re-pot everything in the soil for this to be effective, depending on the specifics of your initial experiment).

27. Colored Celery

Colored Celery is a simple science experiment for kids

It’s hard to imagine plants having little capillaries inside them that transport water and nutrients, but this experiment shows that in action. It’s easy to set up, but you’ll have to wait at least a day to see some results. Your kids will be able to see how transpiration takes place and plants absorb water from the soil all the way up into their leaves.

  • A few stalks of celery (celery works best for this because it’s a bit more visible, but you could also use flower stems)
  • Different food coloring
  • Place each stalk in a cup of colored water and make your predictions about what will happen.
  • After a day or so you’ll see the celery leaves becoming the color of the water they’re standing in.
  • Have your kids describe their observations (they can write down what they see or draw it if they prefer).
  • If you look at the base of the stem you’ll also see tiny little holes that the colored water is traveling through.

When you’re done with the experiment, make sure you snap the celery and look inside – you should be able to see the capillaries in action. For more ideas, Little Bins for Little Hands has got some great hints and tips for this experiment.

28. Moldy Bread

This experiment is an oldie, but a goodie! Kids love looking at disgusting things and this one will certainly come up with the goods. Not only will kids learn about how mold grows, but they might also take on some lessons about the importance of washing their hands!

You might want to check out the results of this experiment at Science Alert before you start to see if your stomach is up to it.

  • A few slices of bread
  • Some ziplock bags
  • Sticky little hands. 
  • Get a few slices of bread and lay them out on your kitchen bench.
  • Have your kids touch one piece of bread with dirty, unwashed hands.
  • They can wash their hands with soap and water and touch another slice, then do the same using hand sanitizer.
  • Leave one piece of bread untouched.
  • Place them all in clear, labeled ziplock bags and predict which one will grow the most mold.
  • Leave your bread slices for at least a week (it may take a bit longer, depending on the conditions where you live) and get the kids to record their observations.

You can also try wiping your bread slices on other surfaces to see what moldy results you get (their laptop or tablet is a great place to start)!

29. Sprouting Beans

Sprouting Beans experiment

Give your household a real survivalist feel by beginning an indoor garden. We recommend planting your beans in a clear cup so that your children can be privy to all of the processes during the plant’s journey.

  • How does a plant grow?
  • What does germination mean?
  • What is in season to grow in our area now?
  • Unprocessed Beans
  • If you’d like your child to see every step of the process, consider placing the beans inside of a damp paper towel inside of a ziplock. 
  • You can wait, see the germinated seed together, and then plant it inside of a small cup.
  • Once inside the cup, watch it grow.

Extend your work by planting various beans and altering the growth conditions in order see what makes your beans grow best! 

30. Begin Composting

Begin your “go green” resolutions by teaching your child the value of composting! Best of all, once the science experiment is done, your family will have a recycling process that will last your entire lifetimes. 

  • Why is composting important?
  • How else can our household go green?
  • Why do we need a foundation layer for compost?
  • Compost Bin
  • Organic Material
  • First, create a compost bin. You can purchase one or build one out of wood. 
  • To begin your composting, you’ll need even amounts of brown materials (think shredded paper, dryer lint, etc.) and green materials (think fruit and vegetable waste, lawn clippings, etc.). 
  • If you’re really feeling fancy, throw some earthworms in there.

For days to come, your family will be able to discuss what can and cannot be broken down by the decomposers inside of the compost bin. Never-ending science! 

31. Turn Grapes Into Raisins

Turn Grapes Into Raisins for an at-home science experiment

Your kids may or may not eat raising – but we can guarantee you, they’ve likely never considered the option of creating their own! 

  • What other snacks can we make with science?
  • Should we ever eat our experiments?
  • How does this work?
  • For this experiment, you’ll need grapes. (Really, that’s it!) 

Leave your grapes somewhere where they will not be disturbed and use this as an opportunity for your children to journal the changes in the grapes from day to day. Believe it or not, this type of sequential journaling is a valuable literacy skill! 

32. DIY Science Experiment

The best science experiment your child can engage in is the one they create themselves! Begin brainstorming a list of questions and let the world be their oyster as they plan and carry out their own experiments. Some of our favorite brainstorming questions, from Scholastic’s Science-Fair Project Guide, are listed below:

  • What is the effect of toothpaste brand on teeth-cleaning power?
  • What brand of trash bag can withstand the most weight before ripping?
  • How does the type of material affect how long a shirt takes to dry?

Written by Miranda Altice, Kaitlin Anselmo, Mark Coster, Allison Ebbets, and Jodie Magrath.

fun little kid science experiments

Mark is the driving force behind STEM Geek. With 20 years of experience in chemistry education and research, and 3 willing children as guinea pigs, Mark has a passion for inspiring kids and adults to combine fun and learning with STEM Toys!

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72 Easy Science Experiments Using Materials You Already Have On Hand

Because science doesn’t have to be complicated.

Easy science experiments including a "naked" egg and "leakproof" bag

If there is one thing that is guaranteed to get your students excited, it’s a good science experiment! While some experiments require expensive lab equipment or dangerous chemicals, there are plenty of cool projects you can do with regular household items. We’ve rounded up a big collection of easy science experiments that anybody can try, and kids are going to love them!

Easy Chemistry Science Experiments

Easy physics science experiments, easy biology and environmental science experiments, easy engineering experiments and stem challenges.

Skittles form a circle around a plate. The colors are bleeding toward the center of the plate. (easy science experiments)

1. Taste the Rainbow

Teach your students about diffusion while creating a beautiful and tasty rainbow! Tip: Have extra Skittles on hand so your class can eat a few!

Learn more: Skittles Diffusion

Colorful rock candy on wooden sticks

2. Crystallize sweet treats

Crystal science experiments teach kids about supersaturated solutions. This one is easy to do at home, and the results are absolutely delicious!

Learn more: Candy Crystals

3. Make a volcano erupt

This classic experiment demonstrates a chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid), which produces carbon dioxide gas, water, and sodium acetate.

Learn more: Best Volcano Experiments

4. Make elephant toothpaste

This fun project uses yeast and a hydrogen peroxide solution to create overflowing “elephant toothpaste.” Tip: Add an extra fun layer by having kids create toothpaste wrappers for plastic bottles.

Girl making an enormous bubble with string and wire

5. Blow the biggest bubbles you can

Add a few simple ingredients to dish soap solution to create the largest bubbles you’ve ever seen! Kids learn about surface tension as they engineer these bubble-blowing wands.

Learn more: Giant Soap Bubbles

Plastic bag full of water with pencils stuck through it

6. Demonstrate the “magic” leakproof bag

All you need is a zip-top plastic bag, sharp pencils, and water to blow your kids’ minds. Once they’re suitably impressed, teach them how the “trick” works by explaining the chemistry of polymers.

Learn more: Leakproof Bag

Several apple slices are shown on a clear plate. There are cards that label what they have been immersed in (including salt water, sugar water, etc.) (easy science experiments)

7. Use apple slices to learn about oxidation

Have students make predictions about what will happen to apple slices when immersed in different liquids, then put those predictions to the test. Have them record their observations.

Learn more: Apple Oxidation

8. Float a marker man

Their eyes will pop out of their heads when you “levitate” a stick figure right off the table! This experiment works due to the insolubility of dry-erase marker ink in water, combined with the lighter density of the ink.

Learn more: Floating Marker Man

Mason jars stacked with their mouths together, with one color of water on the bottom and another color on top

9. Discover density with hot and cold water

There are a lot of easy science experiments you can do with density. This one is extremely simple, involving only hot and cold water and food coloring, but the visuals make it appealing and fun.

Learn more: Layered Water

Clear cylinder layered with various liquids in different colors

10. Layer more liquids

This density demo is a little more complicated, but the effects are spectacular. Slowly layer liquids like honey, dish soap, water, and rubbing alcohol in a glass. Kids will be amazed when the liquids float one on top of the other like magic (except it is really science).

Learn more: Layered Liquids

Giant carbon snake growing out of a tin pan full of sand

11. Grow a carbon sugar snake

Easy science experiments can still have impressive results! This eye-popping chemical reaction demonstration only requires simple supplies like sugar, baking soda, and sand.

Learn more: Carbon Sugar Snake

12. Mix up some slime

Tell kids you’re going to make slime at home, and watch their eyes light up! There are a variety of ways to make slime, so try a few different recipes to find the one you like best.

Two children are shown (without faces) bouncing balls on a white table

13. Make homemade bouncy balls

These homemade bouncy balls are easy to make since all you need is glue, food coloring, borax powder, cornstarch, and warm water. You’ll want to store them inside a container like a plastic egg because they will flatten out over time.

Learn more: Make Your Own Bouncy Balls

Pink sidewalk chalk stick sitting on a paper towel

14. Create eggshell chalk

Eggshells contain calcium, the same material that makes chalk. Grind them up and mix them with flour, water, and food coloring to make your very own sidewalk chalk.

Learn more: Eggshell Chalk

Science student holding a raw egg without a shell

15. Make naked eggs

This is so cool! Use vinegar to dissolve the calcium carbonate in an eggshell to discover the membrane underneath that holds the egg together. Then, use the “naked” egg for another easy science experiment that demonstrates osmosis .

Learn more: Naked Egg Experiment

16. Turn milk into plastic

This sounds a lot more complicated than it is, but don’t be afraid to give it a try. Use simple kitchen supplies to create plastic polymers from plain old milk. Sculpt them into cool shapes when you’re done!

Student using a series of test tubes filled with pink liquid

17. Test pH using cabbage

Teach kids about acids and bases without needing pH test strips! Simply boil some red cabbage and use the resulting water to test various substances—acids turn red and bases turn green.

Learn more: Cabbage pH

Pennies in small cups of liquid labeled coca cola, vinegar + salt, apple juice, water, catsup, and vinegar. Text reads Cleaning Coins Science Experiment. Step by step procedure and explanation.

18. Clean some old coins

Use common household items to make old oxidized coins clean and shiny again in this simple chemistry experiment. Ask kids to predict (hypothesize) which will work best, then expand the learning by doing some research to explain the results.

Learn more: Cleaning Coins

Glass bottle with bowl holding three eggs, small glass with matches sitting on a box of matches, and a yellow plastic straw, against a blue background

19. Pull an egg into a bottle

This classic easy science experiment never fails to delight. Use the power of air pressure to suck a hard-boiled egg into a jar, no hands required.

Learn more: Egg in a Bottle

20. Blow up a balloon (without blowing)

Chances are good you probably did easy science experiments like this when you were in school. The baking soda and vinegar balloon experiment demonstrates the reactions between acids and bases when you fill a bottle with vinegar and a balloon with baking soda.

21 Assemble a DIY lava lamp

This 1970s trend is back—as an easy science experiment! This activity combines acid-base reactions with density for a totally groovy result.

Four colored cups containing different liquids, with an egg in each

22. Explore how sugary drinks affect teeth

The calcium content of eggshells makes them a great stand-in for teeth. Use eggs to explore how soda and juice can stain teeth and wear down the enamel. Expand your learning by trying different toothpaste-and-toothbrush combinations to see how effective they are.

Learn more: Sugar and Teeth Experiment

23. Mummify a hot dog

If your kids are fascinated by the Egyptians, they’ll love learning to mummify a hot dog! No need for canopic jars , just grab some baking soda and get started.

24. Extinguish flames with carbon dioxide

This is a fiery twist on acid-base experiments. Light a candle and talk about what fire needs in order to survive. Then, create an acid-base reaction and “pour” the carbon dioxide to extinguish the flame. The CO2 gas acts like a liquid, suffocating the fire.

I Love You written in lemon juice on a piece of white paper, with lemon half and cotton swabs

25. Send secret messages with invisible ink

Turn your kids into secret agents! Write messages with a paintbrush dipped in lemon juice, then hold the paper over a heat source and watch the invisible become visible as oxidation goes to work.

Learn more: Invisible Ink

26. Create dancing popcorn

This is a fun version of the classic baking soda and vinegar experiment, perfect for the younger crowd. The bubbly mixture causes popcorn to dance around in the water.

Students looking surprised as foamy liquid shoots up out of diet soda bottles

27. Shoot a soda geyser sky-high

You’ve always wondered if this really works, so it’s time to find out for yourself! Kids will marvel at the chemical reaction that sends diet soda shooting high in the air when Mentos are added.

Learn more: Soda Explosion

Empty tea bags burning into ashes

28. Send a teabag flying

Hot air rises, and this experiment can prove it! You’ll want to supervise kids with fire, of course. For more safety, try this one outside.

Learn more: Flying Tea Bags

Magic Milk Experiment How to Plus Free Worksheet

29. Create magic milk

This fun and easy science experiment demonstrates principles related to surface tension, molecular interactions, and fluid dynamics.

Learn more: Magic Milk Experiment

Two side-by-side shots of an upside-down glass over a candle in a bowl of water, with water pulled up into the glass in the second picture

30. Watch the water rise

Learn about Charles’s Law with this simple experiment. As the candle burns, using up oxygen and heating the air in the glass, the water rises as if by magic.

Learn more: Rising Water

Glasses filled with colored water, with paper towels running from one to the next

31. Learn about capillary action

Kids will be amazed as they watch the colored water move from glass to glass, and you’ll love the easy and inexpensive setup. Gather some water, paper towels, and food coloring to teach the scientific magic of capillary action.

Learn more: Capillary Action

A pink balloon has a face drawn on it. It is hovering over a plate with salt and pepper on it

32. Give a balloon a beard

Equally educational and fun, this experiment will teach kids about static electricity using everyday materials. Kids will undoubtedly get a kick out of creating beards on their balloon person!

Learn more: Static Electricity

DIY compass made from a needle floating in water

33. Find your way with a DIY compass

Here’s an old classic that never fails to impress. Magnetize a needle, float it on the water’s surface, and it will always point north.

Learn more: DIY Compass

34. Crush a can using air pressure

Sure, it’s easy to crush a soda can with your bare hands, but what if you could do it without touching it at all? That’s the power of air pressure!

A large piece of cardboard has a white circle in the center with a pencil standing upright in the middle of the circle. Rocks are on all four corners holding it down.

35. Tell time using the sun

While people use clocks or even phones to tell time today, there was a time when a sundial was the best means to do that. Kids will certainly get a kick out of creating their own sundials using everyday materials like cardboard and pencils.

Learn more: Make Your Own Sundial

36. Launch a balloon rocket

Grab balloons, string, straws, and tape, and launch rockets to learn about the laws of motion.

Steel wool sitting in an aluminum tray. The steel wool appears to be on fire.

37. Make sparks with steel wool

All you need is steel wool and a 9-volt battery to perform this science demo that’s bound to make their eyes light up! Kids learn about chain reactions, chemical changes, and more.

Learn more: Steel Wool Electricity

38. Levitate a Ping-Pong ball

Kids will get a kick out of this experiment, which is really all about Bernoulli’s principle. You only need plastic bottles, bendy straws, and Ping-Pong balls to make the science magic happen.

Colored water in a vortex in a plastic bottle

39. Whip up a tornado in a bottle

There are plenty of versions of this classic experiment out there, but we love this one because it sparkles! Kids learn about a vortex and what it takes to create one.

Learn more: Tornado in a Bottle

Homemade barometer using a tin can, rubber band, and ruler

40. Monitor air pressure with a DIY barometer

This simple but effective DIY science project teaches kids about air pressure and meteorology. They’ll have fun tracking and predicting the weather with their very own barometer.

Learn more: DIY Barometer

A child holds up a pice of ice to their eye as if it is a magnifying glass. (easy science experiments)

41. Peer through an ice magnifying glass

Students will certainly get a thrill out of seeing how an everyday object like a piece of ice can be used as a magnifying glass. Be sure to use purified or distilled water since tap water will have impurities in it that will cause distortion.

Learn more: Ice Magnifying Glass

Piece of twine stuck to an ice cube

42. String up some sticky ice

Can you lift an ice cube using just a piece of string? This quick experiment teaches you how. Use a little salt to melt the ice and then refreeze the ice with the string attached.

Learn more: Sticky Ice

Drawing of a hand with the thumb up and a glass of water

43. “Flip” a drawing with water

Light refraction causes some really cool effects, and there are multiple easy science experiments you can do with it. This one uses refraction to “flip” a drawing; you can also try the famous “disappearing penny” trick .

Learn more: Light Refraction With Water

44. Color some flowers

We love how simple this project is to re-create since all you’ll need are some white carnations, food coloring, glasses, and water. The end result is just so beautiful!

Square dish filled with water and glitter, showing how a drop of dish soap repels the glitter

45. Use glitter to fight germs

Everyone knows that glitter is just like germs—it gets everywhere and is so hard to get rid of! Use that to your advantage and show kids how soap fights glitter and germs.

Learn more: Glitter Germs

Plastic bag with clouds and sun drawn on it, with a small amount of blue liquid at the bottom

46. Re-create the water cycle in a bag

You can do so many easy science experiments with a simple zip-top bag. Fill one partway with water and set it on a sunny windowsill to see how the water evaporates up and eventually “rains” down.

Learn more: Water Cycle

Plastic zipper bag tied around leaves on a tree

47. Learn about plant transpiration

Your backyard is a terrific place for easy science experiments. Grab a plastic bag and rubber band to learn how plants get rid of excess water they don’t need, a process known as transpiration.

Learn more: Plant Transpiration

Students sit around a table that has a tin pan filled with blue liquid wiht a feather floating in it (easy science experiments)

48. Clean up an oil spill

Before conducting this experiment, teach your students about engineers who solve environmental problems like oil spills. Then, have your students use provided materials to clean the oil spill from their oceans.

Learn more: Oil Spill

Sixth grade student holding model lungs and diaphragm made from a plastic bottle, duct tape, and balloons

49. Construct a pair of model lungs

Kids get a better understanding of the respiratory system when they build model lungs using a plastic water bottle and some balloons. You can modify the experiment to demonstrate the effects of smoking too.

Learn more: Model Lungs

Child pouring vinegar over a large rock in a bowl

50. Experiment with limestone rocks

Kids  love to collect rocks, and there are plenty of easy science experiments you can do with them. In this one, pour vinegar over a rock to see if it bubbles. If it does, you’ve found limestone!

Learn more: Limestone Experiments

Plastic bottle converted to a homemade rain gauge

51. Turn a bottle into a rain gauge

All you need is a plastic bottle, a ruler, and a permanent marker to make your own rain gauge. Monitor your measurements and see how they stack up against meteorology reports in your area.

Learn more: DIY Rain Gauge

Pile of different colored towels pushed together to create folds like mountains

52. Build up towel mountains

This clever demonstration helps kids understand how some landforms are created. Use layers of towels to represent rock layers and boxes for continents. Then pu-u-u-sh and see what happens!

Learn more: Towel Mountains

Layers of differently colored playdough with straw holes punched throughout all the layers

53. Take a play dough core sample

Learn about the layers of the earth by building them out of Play-Doh, then take a core sample with a straw. ( Love Play-Doh? Get more learning ideas here. )

Learn more: Play Dough Core Sampling

Science student poking holes in the bottom of a paper cup in the shape of a constellation

54. Project the stars on your ceiling

Use the video lesson in the link below to learn why stars are only visible at night. Then create a DIY star projector to explore the concept hands-on.

Learn more: DIY Star Projector

Glass jar of water with shaving cream floating on top, with blue food coloring dripping through, next to a can of shaving cream

55. Make it rain

Use shaving cream and food coloring to simulate clouds and rain. This is an easy science experiment little ones will beg to do over and over.

Learn more: Shaving Cream Rain

56. Blow up your fingerprint

This is such a cool (and easy!) way to look at fingerprint patterns. Inflate a balloon a bit, use some ink to put a fingerprint on it, then blow it up big to see your fingerprint in detail.

Edible DNA model made with Twizzlers, gumdrops, and toothpicks

57. Snack on a DNA model

Twizzlers, gumdrops, and a few toothpicks are all you need to make this super-fun (and yummy!) DNA model.

Learn more: Edible DNA Model

58. Dissect a flower

Take a nature walk and find a flower or two. Then bring them home and take them apart to discover all the different parts of flowers.

DIY smartphone amplifier made from paper cups

59. Craft smartphone speakers

No Bluetooth speaker? No problem! Put together your own from paper cups and toilet paper tubes.

Learn more: Smartphone Speakers

Car made from cardboard with bottlecap wheels and powered by a blue balloon

60. Race a balloon-powered car

Kids will be amazed when they learn they can put together this awesome racer using cardboard and bottle-cap wheels. The balloon-powered “engine” is so much fun too.

Learn more: Balloon-Powered Car

Miniature Ferris Wheel built out of colorful wood craft sticks

61. Build a Ferris wheel

You’ve probably ridden on a Ferris wheel, but can you build one? Stock up on wood craft sticks and find out! Play around with different designs to see which one works best.

Learn more: Craft Stick Ferris Wheel

62. Design a phone stand

There are lots of ways to craft a DIY phone stand, which makes this a perfect creative-thinking STEM challenge.

63. Conduct an egg drop

Put all their engineering skills to the test with an egg drop! Challenge kids to build a container from stuff they find around the house that will protect an egg from a long fall (this is especially fun to do from upper-story windows).

Learn more: Egg Drop Challenge Ideas

Student building a roller coaster of drinking straws for a ping pong ball (Fourth Grade Science)

64. Engineer a drinking-straw roller coaster

STEM challenges are always a hit with kids. We love this one, which only requires basic supplies like drinking straws.

Learn more: Straw Roller Coaster

Outside Science Solar Oven Desert Chica

65. Build a solar oven

Explore the power of the sun when you build your own solar ovens and use them to cook some yummy treats. This experiment takes a little more time and effort, but the results are always impressive. The link below has complete instructions.

Learn more: Solar Oven

Mini Da Vinci bridge made of pencils and rubber bands

66. Build a Da Vinci bridge

There are plenty of bridge-building experiments out there, but this one is unique. It’s inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s 500-year-old self-supporting wooden bridge. Learn how to build it at the link, and expand your learning by exploring more about Da Vinci himself.

Learn more: Da Vinci Bridge

67. Step through an index card

This is one easy science experiment that never fails to astonish. With carefully placed scissor cuts on an index card, you can make a loop large enough to fit a (small) human body through! Kids will be wowed as they learn about surface area.

Student standing on top of a structure built from cardboard sheets and paper cups

68. Stand on a pile of paper cups

Combine physics and engineering and challenge kids to create a paper cup structure that can support their weight. This is a cool project for aspiring architects.

Learn more: Paper Cup Stack

Child standing on a stepladder dropping a toy attached to a paper parachute

69. Test out parachutes

Gather a variety of materials (try tissues, handkerchiefs, plastic bags, etc.) and see which ones make the best parachutes. You can also find out how they’re affected by windy days or find out which ones work in the rain.

Learn more: Parachute Drop

Students balancing a textbook on top of a pyramid of rolled up newspaper

70. Recycle newspapers into an engineering challenge

It’s amazing how a stack of newspapers can spark such creative engineering. Challenge kids to build a tower, support a book, or even build a chair using only newspaper and tape!

Learn more: Newspaper STEM Challenge

Plastic cup with rubber bands stretched across the opening

71. Use rubber bands to sound out acoustics

Explore the ways that sound waves are affected by what’s around them using a simple rubber band “guitar.” (Kids absolutely love playing with these!)

Learn more: Rubber Band Guitar

Science student pouring water over a cupcake wrapper propped on wood craft sticks

72. Assemble a better umbrella

Challenge students to engineer the best possible umbrella from various household supplies. Encourage them to plan, draw blueprints, and test their creations using the scientific method.

Learn more: Umbrella STEM Challenge

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Science doesn't have to be complicated! Try these easy science experiments using items you already have around the house or classroom.

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Magic Milk Experiment How to Plus Free Worksheet

43 Science Experiments to BLOW Your Kid’s Mind!

August 2, 2024 by Sarah 2 Comments

Science is really cool. There are so many amazing things in this world of ours. So many science experiments for kids that just make me stop and say, “whoa” … or “wow” … or “What the …!!” (depending, of course, on my company).

Children, as we know, are naturally curious. They naturally want to learn all about the world around them. This is part of the reason I adore doing science experiments with young children. Hearing the “whoas” and the “wows” (but not “what the…” thankfully) from my little ones is just awesome.

These are easy science experiments for kids that will do just that.

But before we get started, I think you’ll love this fun science experiment where we turn milk into… plastic?! Grab the step-by-step instructions delivered to your inbox so you can start on this fun activity right now:

43 Easy Science Experiments for Kids that Will BLOW Your Kid’s Mind

Simple but AMAZING science experiments for kids! These are awesome and easy science projects. #science #experiments #preschool #kids

Ready? Let’s get right to them …

How Wee Learn Science Experiments for Kids

Science experiments for kids - walking water

Super Cool Walking Water Experiment – A simple and beautiful look into absorption and color mixing. What a fun way to capture children’s natural curiosity.

Science experiments for preschoolers - leaves

Why Do Leaves Change Color? – This experiment answers a question that most kids ask during the fall! What a super cool, but super simple way for them to experiment and get the answer themselves.

Science experiments for preschoolers - how-do-stalagmites-form

How are Stalactites Formed? – Help children answer this question with a simple, hands-on science experiment! Kids will learn about saturation and mineral deposits along the way.

Messy (but Awesome!) Science Experiments

Science experiments for preschoolers - dancing oobleck

Dancing Oobleck by Housing a Forest – This delightfully messy experiment explores how oobleck interacts with sound waves. There is even a video of the oobleck “dancing” and moving all around!

science experiments for kids - exploding baggies

Exploding Baggies by Inspiration Laboratories – A few simple ingredients and kids can make these exploding baggies! Add some paint and they can create art at the same time.

Science experiments for kids - how are craters formed

Why Are There Craters on the Moon by I Can Teach My Child – A super hands-on way to determine why the moon has craters. So easy to set up, but packed with meaningful information to answer kids’ questions.

science experiments for preschoolers - flower science

Fun Flower Science Experiment by Happily Ever Mom – Let the kids pick some flowers, then bring out the hammers to explore the concept of pigments.

Science experiments for preschoolers - fizzing rainbow

Scented Rainbow Science by Fun-A-Day – Grab a few ingredients from the kitchen to set up this colorful, and deliciously-scented, easy science experiment for kids. The kids will “ooooh!” and “aaaah!” as they jump right into testing chemical reactions.

Science experiments for preschoolers - expanding soap

Expanding Ivory Soap by Happy Hooligans – Explore what happens when you place Ivory soap in the microwave! This experiment always leads to wide-eyed, excited children, and they’re learning about how air molecules expand in heat.

science experiments for kids - salt and color ice

Melting Ice Science Experiment with Salt and Color by The Artful Parent – Experiment with how salt melts ice, then watch as the colorful liquid highlights the process even more. A beautiful mix of art and science!

Science Experiments for All of the “WHY?” Kids

Science experiments for preschoolers - balloons lifting bag

How Many Balloons Can Lift a Bag? by Mess for Less – Grab some helium-filled balloons to answer this question. Perfect for a birthday party or any day!

Science experiments for kids - quicksand sink or float

Easy “Quicksand” Density Experiments  by LalyMom – Have you ever wondered what would happen to Hexbugs in quicksand? A rather funny premise to an experiment, with really interesting results!

Science experiments for kids - earthquakes

Simple Earthquake Science by The Chaos and The Clutter – If your house is like mine, you have Lego bricks and building blocks accessible. This experiment turns those materials into an exploration of tectonic plates in a super easy and fun way.

Science experiments for preschoolers - tornado in a jar

Tornado in a Jar by Coffee Cups and Crayons – Show the kids how to wield the forces of nature in a pickle jar! I love how simple this experiment is, and how captivating it is to children.

Science experiments for kids - water and refraction

Physics for Kids: Water, Mirrors, and Reflections by My Nearest and Dearest (link no longer available) – Encourage kids to find out how moving water distorts images.

Science experiments for kids - air drag test

Experiments with Air Drag and Streamlined Shapes by Sugar Aunts – Test out air drag using toy cars, a blow dryer, and paper!

Science experiments for preschoolers - sound in water

Underwater Sound Experiment for Kids by Still Playing School – Little ones learn how sounds change underwater with this simple but engaging experiment.

Classic Science Experiments 

Science experiments for kids - growing ice

Making Ice Grow by Teach Preschool – Whoa, this experiment is seriously cool ( cool , teehee). Children can create their own mini ice towers.

Science experiments for kids - crystal garden

DIY Crystal Landscapes by Babble Dabble Doo – Create gorgeous, delicate crystals using a few household ingredients. This experiment touches on the concepts of crystallization and evaporation, and it is just a cool process to watch!

science experiments for kids - bubble gum science

Chewing Gum Science by Meet Penny – What kid wouldn’t want to grab some gum for a science experiment? This one is sure to engage any reluctant learners. 

Science experiments for kids - lifting ice

Ice Cube Experiment by Mess for Less – Can you pick up an ice cube with a piece of thread? Super simple kitchen science that is sure to wow.

Science experiments for preschoolers - rainbow jar

Coloring Wild Carrot by Fireflies and Mud Pies – Test out evaporation and capillary action while creating beautifully colored plants. This science experiment for kids is so EASY and absolutely stunning too.

Science Experiments for Kids - Balloon Science

Balloon Experiments with Candy by Learn~Play~Imagine – Mix candies with soda to blow up balloons! Which candy will create the biggest reaction?

Science Experiments You Might Not Have Seen Before

Science experiments for kids - fire

Visual Science Experiment for Kids – Fire Needs Oxygen by Mama Smiles – In addition to being an easy, engaging experiment, it also touches on fire safety.

Science experiments for preschoolers - lava lamp

Make a Lava Lamp Science Experiment by Hands On As We Grow – The kids are sure to love this colorful, bubbling chemical reaction! We just did this one today at a friend’s birthday party and boy was it a hit!

Science experiments for preschoolers - pepper science

Pepper Science for Kids by Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails – The materials for this experiment are found right in the kitchen! Explore surface tension using pepper and dish soap.

Science experiments for kids - hopping corn

Hopping Corn Science by One Time Through – Make corn “hop” using a simple chemical reaction. Kids will love measuring, pouring, and observing!

Science experiments for kids - rainbow paper

Rainbow Paper from Science Kiddo – Explore color theory while making some seriously cool art! Just a few ingredients are needed for this project, which is even better.

Science experiments for preschoolers - exploring friction

Easy Friction Experiment by Carrots Are Orange – Can a jar of rice be picked up using just a chopstick? Children explore the concept of friction as they answer that question!

Science experiments for kids - prisms

Rainbow Science for Kids: Exploring Prisms by Buggy and Buddy – Grab some prisms and set about learning about light refraction. This science exploration is perfect for even very little scientists!

Science experiments for preschoolers - invisible ink

Homemade Invisible Ink by Fun-A-Day – Test different liquids and see which works best as invisible ink. A simple experiment that uses household items and pulls the kids into scientific thinking.

science experiments for kids - make an egg bounce

Make an Egg Bounce by Science Sparks – Children know that eggs crack when dropped, but do they know how to make an egg bounce? They can find out in this kitchen science experiment.

Even More Ideas!

Science experiments for preschoolers - apple experiment

Apple Science Experiment by Pre-K Pages – What happens to apples when they come into contact with different liquids? Let kids discover the answer using items on-hand in the house.

Science experiments for preschoolers - pine cones

Pine Cone Experiment for Kids by Lemon Lime Adventures – Experiment with how pine cones open and close! What a fun way to find out more about nature.

Science experiments for preschoolers - elephant toothpaste

Elephant Toothpaste by Fun at Home with Kids – A foamy exothermic reaction that is sure to impress the kids!

Science experiments for kids - salt water density

Salt Water Density Science Experiment by Little Bins for Little Hands – Children try to make items that had previously sunk in water float using a simple ingredient from the kitchen.

Science experiments for kids - sun print shirts

Make a Sun Print Shirt by KCEdventures – Test the effect of the sun while creating wearable art.

Science experiments for kids - blubber

Blubber Experiment by Gift of Curiosity – Kids can experiment with how arctic animals stay warm in the winter!

Science experiments for kids - dry ice bubbles

Dry Ice Bubbles by Not Just Cute – This amazing experiment lets children explore dry ice to make bubbles. They can try the bubbles on different surfaces to see what keeps them stable and what makes them pop.

Science experiments for preschoolers - ice cream in a bag

Ice Cream in a Bag by I Can Teach My Child – The kids will love this science experiment that ends in a tasty treat.

Science experiments for kids - colored ants

Colored Ants by Life With Moore Babies – This is definitely an amazing experiment to share with the kids! Use food coloring in sugar water, then test to see if the ants’ stomachs show the coloring!

There you have it! 43 “Wows” or “Whoas” to engage and inspire those little curious minds (and the bigger minds too!).

Science is SO cool. I hope you found a few science experiments that are nice and easy, yet still amazingly cool for your kids!

I also encourage you to check out some of my family unit studies for hands-on fun that is all planned out for you! My family unit studies use an integrated approach, so you will cover science, but also literacy, math, history, geography, and so much more—all through hands-on fun.

And the best part? My unit studies work for children ages 4 to 12, so the whole family can learn together.

Browse through the ever-growing library, peruse a sample or two, and find your next adventure right here:

How Wee Learn Family Unit Studies

Thank you so much for reading, sweet friend,

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August 20, 2015 at 9:36 am

Awesome collection!!! Thank you fro including mine, I’m so glad to have this resource!

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August 23, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Thank you Laura – very glad you find it helpful. Love you post!

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50 Amazingly Simple Science Experiments for Kids at Home

Science Kindergartners Preschoolers Experiment Resources 30 Comments

Kids love experimenting , and these 50 simple science experiments for kids at home from Brigitte are perfect for all ages! Plus, you probably already have the basic supplies at home.

My daughters and I have had a lot of fun doing science experiments. Each year when we create our spring and summer list , we make sure to include “science days” which are days filled with science experiments.

Sometimes our science experiments don’t work according to plan, but I have been told that all scientists have failures with experiments from time to time.

It’s okay if they aren’t all successes.

Get the FREE Science Experiments Download

50 Simple Science Experiments with Supplies You Already Have

Try these 50 simple science experiments for kids that use supplies you already have at home!

I love these 50 simple science experiments for you to try with your little scientists. They all use basic household supplies that you probably already have at home!

Most of these are experiments my daughters and I have done together. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

Get little ones involved with these easy toddler-friendly science experiment ideas!

Sink or Float Simple Science Experiment for Kids to try at home, fine 50 easy science experiments for kids!

Simple Science Experiments with Water

Not only can water  be a blast to play in, but water plus a few basic supplies equals a lot of science fun!

  • Make an orange sink and float with an orange buoyancy experiment from Playdough to Plato.
  • Compare the amount of salt in different types of water with this salty egg experiment  as seen on Uplifting Mayhem.
  • Do a little more sinking or floating with a fun sink or float experiment  even toddlers can do from Hands On As We Grow.
  • Use the free printable to record what sinks or floats in an outdoor experiment from Buggy and Buddy.
  • Create some beautiful pieces of paper with this rainbow paper experiment from Science Kiddo.
  • Talk about solutions as you try the “what dissolves in water” experiment  as seen on Hands On As We Grow.
  • Learn about water absorption with this simple experiment from Little Bins for Little Hands.
  • Mix some fun colors with this oil and water experiment  from Fun Learning for Kids.
  • Make your own lava lamp , just like on  Hands On As We Grow.
  • Can you keep all the water in the bag? Try it with a  leak-proof bag experiment  as seen on Hands On As We Grow.
  • Learn about surface tension with this  magic finger pepper experiment  found on Hands On As We Grow.
  • Make your own  water cycle in a bottle  as seen on A Dab of Glue Will Do.

Colored Baking Soda & Vinegar Simple Science Experiment for Kids to try at home, fine 50 easy science experiments for kids!

Simple Science Experiments with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda + vinegar = a great chemical reaction! This fizzy reaction can fuel a variety of simple science experiments at home.

First of all, we have tested and found out the absolute best combination of baking soda and vinegar to get the best reaction possible. It makes a difference if you add vinegar to baking soda or vice versa! And how much you use!

  • Inflate a balloon without blowing into it with a baking soda and vinegar balloon experiment  as seen on Little Bins for Little Hands.
  • Practice colors as you do a baking soda and vinegar with color experiment as seen on Hands On As We Grow.
  • Have fun outside with an outdoor volcano eruption  as seen on Preschool Inspirations.
  • Have more volcano fun by making apple volcanoes as seen on The Resourceful Mama.
  • Learn about acids and bases and the chemical reaction that occurs when you make apple seeds dance with a   jumping apple seeds experiment  as seen on JDaniel4s Mom.
  • Watch some rice dance with a   dancing rice experiment as seen on Green Kid Crafts.
  • Continue your dance party by making raisins dance with a dancing raisin experiment  as seen on 123 Homeschool 4 Me. What other items can you get to dance?
  • Learn more about acids and bases by dissolving a sea shell as seen on Teach Beside Me.
  • Make an egg shell disappear with this disappearing egg activity  as seen on Premeditated Leftovers.
  • See how far you can launch a soda bottle with this baking soda powered boat as seen on Science Sparks.
  • Make your own rocks (or eggs) with this fizzy treasure rocks experiment as seen on Living Life and Learning.
  • Have some fun this summer with this frozen vinegar experiment as seen on Inspiration Laboratories.

Plant Themed Simple Science Experiments

Enjoy learning about seeds, plant parts, and how plants grow with these simple science experiments.

  • Learn about how plants soak up water through their stems with a flower experiment for kids  from Growing A Jeweled Rose.
  • Watch seeds sprout as you grow seeds in a jar  as seen on Teaching Mama.
  • Learn about the parts of the seed with a seed coat experiment as seen on Gift of Curiosity.
  • Build a house out of sponges and then watch it sprout with this sprout house as seen on The Stem Laboratory.
  • Learn what liquids allow seeds to grow the best with this seed experiment  as seen on Gift of Curiosity.
  • Explore how plants grow towards the light with this shoe-box maze experiment from Plants for Kids.

Try these 50 simple science experiments for kids that use supplies you already have at home!

Animal Themed Simple Science Experiments

Learning about animals can be even more fun with some simple hands-on simple science experiments.

  • Find out more about giraffes and create some giraffe spots  as seen on Preschool Powol Packets.
  • Learn about how animals in the Arctic keep warm by making an arctic glove  as seen on Steve Spangler Science.
  • Discover how penguins stay dry with a penguin feather experiment as seen on Raising Little Superheroes.
  • Learn about different bird beaks with a bird beak experiment as seen on Blessed Beyond a Doubt.
  • Explore how fish (and hermit crabs) breathe with this gill experiment  as seen on Preschool Powol Packets.
  • Learn about sharks with a   shark buoyancy experiment as seen on Little Bins for Little Hands.

Color Changing Milk Simple Science Experiment for Kids to try at home, fine 50 easy science experiments for kids!

Even More Simple Science Experiment for Kids at Home!

If you are still looking for more science fun, you may enjoy the following simple science experiments.

  • Find out how sugary drinks hurt teeth with an  eggs-periment  as seen on Feels Like Home Blog.
  • Discover geodes (the state rock of Iowa) with this eggshell geode crystal experiment  as seen on Science Bob.
  • Learn about air pressure with an egg and bottle experiment  as seen on Science Sparks.
  • Find out what causes an apple to brown with this apple science experiment  as seen on Teach Beside Me.
  • Make an  edible bubble apple with an experiment as seen on Preschool Powol Packet.
  • Learn more about surface tension with a penny and water experiment  as seen on Artful Parent.
  • Mix colors like magic with this color changing milk experiment  from Hands On As We Grow.
  • Blow up a balloon with this soda and balloon experiment from Learn Play Imagine.
  • Practice letters by making beautiful crystal letters as seen on Books and Giggles.
  • Make your own indoor hovercraft  as seen on Living Life and Learning.
  • Learn about colors with this beautiful butterfly chromatography craft  as seen on Buggy and Buddy.
  • Make soap souffle  as seen on Steve Spangler Science.
  • After talking about liquids and solids (and finding them in your own home), create oobleck  as seen on Babble Dabble Do. Is it a liquid, or is it a solid?
  • Learn about frost by making some indoor frost as seen on Little Bin for Little Hands.
  • Make your own homemade butter in a jar as seen on Happy Hooligans.

What scientific experiment will you try first?

Try these 50 simple science experiments for kids that use supplies you already have at home!

About Brigitte Brulz

Brigitte Brulz is a homeschooling mom of two daughters, wife of her high school sweetheart, and author of Jobs of a Preschooler and Pickles, Pickles, I Like Pickles. She offers free coloring pages and activity ideas on her website at .

More Hands on Kids Activities to Try

fun little kid science experiments

Reader Interactions


college brawl says

March 13, 2024 at 1:05 am

Wow, these experiments look like so much fun! I can’t wait to try them out with my kids. We’re always looking for new and creative ways to learn about science at home, and these experiments look like they’ll be perfect for us. Thanks for sharing! 😊

threadsBay says

August 31, 2023 at 3:13 am

I love science experiments! This one is really simple and easy to do.

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STEAM Powered Family

Easy Science Experiments for Kids

Looking for some easy experiments to do with the kids? We’ve got you covered with all of our favourite, easy science experiments for kids. The best part about all of these ideas is that they may be simple, but the lessons are powerful! Plus they can be adapted for a wide variety of ages and learning environments.

100+ Genius Easy Science Experiments for Kids

100+ Easy Science Experiment for Kids

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Fun Science Experiments

First let’s kick things off with a list of easy science experiments for kids that we have done many times over and are a favourite of STEAM Powered Family readers around the world. Almost all of these projects use common household items and are tested by kids and teachers. We have science experiments for all ages, from preschool to middle school, even adults love to do these. The best part is that you can use these ideas to help students gain comfort and eventually mastery of the Scientific Method . This list is also a fantastic place to find ideas for your science fair projects.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiments

It is incredible the number of cool science experiments you can create from this one simple chemical reaction between Baking Soda and Vinegar . This endothermic reaction, is a classic acid and base chemical reaction.

Here is the chemical formula of this reaction

C 2 H 4 O 2  + NaHCO 3  -> NaC 2 H 3 O 2  + H 2 O + CO 2 vinegar + sodium bicarbonate -> sodium acetate + water + carbon dioxide

Some of our favourite baking soda and vinegar science activities of all time include Bottle Rockets , Fireworks Experiment , Baking Soda Oobleck , and Hatching Dinosaur Eggs . No matter which one you pick, you must try at least one vinegar and baking soda experiment when little scientists are first learning about chemistry.

Bottle Rockets - Backyard Science Launching Young STEM Minds

Balloon Races – Physics Science Experiment

This fast paced, exciting science experiment explores the principles of physics and Newton’s Laws of Motion. It is so simple, kids won’t believe how much they are learning while having fun! Balloon Races make a fantastic activity for the classroom, camp, after school program or at home when the kids need to burn off some energy while learning!

Exciting, hands on physics activities that explore Newton's Laws of Motion. An inquiry based lesson plan to facilitate deeper learning and retention.

Build a Compass – A Magnetism Science Experiment

Did you know it is actually very easy to build a compass ? All you need is a bowl of water, a needle and a cork! Have your children explore the same magnetic forces that inspired Einstein as a child in this fun science experiment.

DIY compass

Lollipop Layers Density Experiment

Density is such a fun phenomenon to explore, and in this version of a density experiment we are using candy! Lollipop layers is so simple, all you need is a bunch of lollipops or hard candies, water, and a patient hand. The result… GORGEOUS!

Layered Lollipops uses candy in a beautiful candy stem challenge

Greenhouse Effect Science Experiment

Climate change experiments are so important for helping foster a deep understanding in our students. In this Greenhouse Effect Science Experiment we learn how gas are changing the atmosphere and affecting global temperatures.

Greenhouse Effect Science Experiment

Volcano Experiment

A classic science project for kids, making a volcano can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it. The goal of the exercise, a big, bubbly reaction that is sure to WOW students. Here are some of our favourite Volcano Experiments we have done.

Lemon science experiment creating a beautiful, sensory rich exploding lemon volcano

Have you ever made a Lava Lamp at home? This sensory science experiment is mesmerizing! Watching those bubbles bounce and dance and play is sure to capture students of all ages. Best of all, we have 5 different ways you can make a Lava Lamp (including the old favourite with alka seltzer), so no matter what supplies you have available, we have a Lava Lamp experiment you can do.

Against a white background a mason jar has dark and light green liquids with bubbles in dark green going through the light green layer in a lava lamp style. Overlay text says How to Make a Lava Lamp

Make Milk Plastic

While teaching elementary science I was always on the hunt for cool science experiments that would impress my kids and really stretch their interests and foster their curiosity. One of the biggest hits of all time was a surprisingly simple experiment, that we never really considered as possible… making plastics. Specifically making bioplastics out of milk . With this concept you can create a lesson that is a powerful way to explore polymers with kids. This easy science experiment is a sure fire hit with students and gives them a wonderful keepsake of their studies.

Make Plastic Toys From Milk - A chemistry STEM STEAM activity that is sure to delight

Bouncy Naked Egg in Vinegar Experiment

Have you ever tried to shell a raw egg? Impossible you say? Challenge your hypothesis in this egg in vinegar science experiment ! Not only will you remove the shell from a raw egg, but the result is a bouncy, rubbery, raw egg. An incredibly simple science experiment, it can also be used to teach higher level concepts in osmosis and biology for students learning about the parts of the cell.

Bouncy rubber egg in vinegar experiment

Making Water Rise Experiment Magic

When we did this water experiment the kids jaws hit the floor! It is so simple, but the results shock the kids. This is one very easy science experiment that is also incredibly memorable. It teaches the science of creating a vacuum in a very simple approach with just a jar, water and a candle. Learn how to make water rise and wow your students!

Why Does Water Rise? Best Science Experiments for Kids!

Elephant Toothpaste

You have probably seen the Elephant Toothpaste Science Experiment done on TV or at the Science Center where they create a massive gusher that goes many feet into the air, but did you know there is a very simple and easy way you can do this experiment yourself with items you already have available? This classic science experiment is one every student should experience.

Elephant Toothpaste

Frozen Bubbles

If you live where it gets well below freezing, one of our favourite winter science experiments is to freeze bubbles . There are some specific science principles you need to understand to ensure this experiment is a beautiful success!

The secret behind making frozen bubbles

Growing Crystals

As a crystal lover and passionate family of rock hounds, the idea of growing crystals is something that we love! Over the years we have found all the ways to simplify and perfect the process so you can easily grow gorgeous crystals and learn the science behind crystallization. We have made crystals from borax, alum and sugar. We even have edible crystals called Rock Candy … yum!!

The secret to growing really big crystals

Explore Surface Tension with Glitter (or Pepper) and Soap

Surface tension is the focus of this simple science experiment that provides a powerful demonstration of the effect soap has on surface tension. Do this easy experiment, all you need is a plate, water, glitter or pepper and dish soap. Such an easy science experiment for kids!

Magic Glitter Handwashing Demonstration

Bottle Crush – Simple Heat Transfer Experiment

Got a soda pop bottle, some hot water and a cold winter day (or a bucket of ice)? Then you have all the makings of a cool science experiment! This this Bottle Crush science experiment , kids feel like all powerful magicians as they crush plastic bottles without touching them.

Bottle Crush - Crush a bottle with your mind, and a little science. Inspired by Mythbusters, a science experiment that seems like magic!

pH Testing Lab

Have you ever done a pH lab ex periment? In this simple version, you can use items from the kitchen to create a science lab that allows students to explore pH and learn more about acids and bases.

Using items from the kitchen this fascinating experiment explores Acids and Bases and pH Levels. Kids will love digging through the pantry to test out whether items are an acid or a base, and explore pH levels of every day items. An excellent elementary experiment for hands on with science with lots of further studies.

Gummy Mummies – Gummy Bear Mummification Experiment

Gummy Bear Science Experiments are always a hit with kids and in this easy science experiment we explore how the mummification process works. Add an extra fun comparison by also placing some of the gummy bears in liquid.

Lego Gummy Mummies are a unique experiment exploring desiccation. An excellent activity linking science and ancient historical cultures like the Egyptians.

Walking Rainbow

Want a beautiful rainbow science experiment that is soooo easy it all happens without you even needing to do anything? Simply set it up, walk away, and come back to a beautiful rainbow of colours. In the Walking Rainbow Science Experiment kids learn about capillary action and color mixing. All you need is jars, paper towels, water and food coloring.

The Walking Rainbow science experiment should have been easy, but due to a mistake we discovered a fascinating capillary action and natural balance project.

Rainbow Rain

On a rainy day, why not make Rainbow Rain in this simple science experiment for kids. The results are beautiful and will brighten a dreary day. All you need is water, shaving cream and a few drops of food colouring.

Rainbow Rain Shaving Cream Cloud in a Jar Experiment

Skittles Experiment

It doesn’t get any easier than the simple Skittles Experiment . All you need is a plate, some Skittles and water. Soon you will have a spectacular science experiment the kids will beg to do again and again.

Skittles Experiment for the Science Fair inspired by Starry Night

It’s been all the rage for a few years, and whether you love it or hate it, making slime can actually be a fantastic science experiment for kids.

Cornstarch slime

Ready to do one of the most simple science experiments, but also the most fun? It’s time to make non-Newtonian Fluids! Known as Oobleck , it turns sold under pressure and liquifies when you remove pressure. And it will keep kids learning hands on and exploring for hours! The best part is all the different science experiments you can do with Oobleck.

Finding the perfect oobleck recipe science fair project

Now when you think of Moon Dough , you don’t immediately think of easy science experiments for kids, but that’s because you have never made Moon Dough the way we make Moon Dough! In our recipes we learn about emulsifiers, glow in the dark science, chemical reactions, heat transfer, all while having so much fun exploring science and sensory play with kids of all ages.

Moon Dough Recipe

Making playdough with your kids is a great way to teach them about mixtures, solutions, substances, and chemical changes. It is also teaches about the importance of formulas and the role each ingredient plays in creating one of the all time most popular sensory play items, playdough!

A bright yellow playdough flower is decorated with seeds and craft items. Overlay text says Sunflower Playdough Recipe and STEAM Activity

Magic Milk Experiment

Ready for some serious wow factor in a really easy science experiment? Magic Milk is a classic experiment that always mesmerizes kids. Over the years we have used it to learn about surface tension, space, pollution on Earth Day, and so much more. All you need is milk, dish soap and a drop of food colouring… and watch the magic colour explosion happen!

magic milk in 33% cream with color fractal explosions

Simple Snow and Ice Experiment

Is it winter where you live? This is a fantastic, very simple and easy experiment to do with young students. All you need is some jars, snow, ice cubes and water… and watch the melting magic !

Snow Ice Simple Science is an experiment all ages can do and teaches valuable lessons about the molecular structure of water in ice form versus snowflake.

Heat Transfer Experiment – Slurpee Making

Kids love this simple slurpee science experiment where they get a cold, sweet treat at the end in the form of a homemade slurpee! Using the science of heat transfer, kids will make their very own slurpee out of juice. A great experiment for learning about temperature, heat and heat transfer.

Sweet slurpee science is a fantastic activity for kids, with a tasty result they will love. This simple heat transfer experiment is perfect for all ages.

Flying Ghosts Tea Bag Experiment

Obviously this easy science experiment is perfect for Halloween, but don’t let that stop you from doing it at any time during the year. The results of the flying tea bag experiment are always a hit with kids and all you need is fire and a tea bag to set flight to curiosity!

Flying Tea Bag Ghosts Halloween Science Experiment

Ice Fishing

Inspire your little ones to learn more about how salt and water react in this fun ice fishing science experiment .

Salt and Ice Experiment - Ice fishing experiment

Water and Oil Experiment

Demonstrate how oil and water don’t mix in this colourful oil and water experiment. All you need is a few simple ingredients: water, oil and food colouring. When it comes to easy science experiments for kids, it doesn’t get easier than this!

oil and water experiment

Magnet Science – Harry Potter Inspired Wingardium Leviosa

Use the magic of science to wow students, or teach students this experiment so they can wow their friends with their new found magical abilities. You can also use this science to make ghosts fly! Who knew magnet science was so cool?

Wingardium Leviosa Science Experiment Make A Feather Levitate

Marshmallow Science

Marshmallows are the secret to easy science experiments that you never knew existed in your pantry! Learn how to teach concepts around heat, molecules, expansion and more in this marshmallow science experiment .

This simple marshmallow science experiment is an engaging STEAM activity for elementary. Learn a little science and a little art, then eat the results!

Sky Science

Kids wondering why the sky changes colour during sunrise and sunsets? Or the always famous, why is the sky blue, question? Explore the science of the sky colours in this easy experiment .

Sky Science is a simple experiment that answers one of childhoods biggest questions - Why is the sky blue and why does the sky change colors at sunset?

Easy STEM Challenges

Why not combine Science with some Technology, Engineering and Math in these easy STEM Projects for kids.

Build a Popsicle Stick Catapult

One of the original STEM projects kids have been building for generations is the simple catapult. There are lots of different ways you can build a catapult, but here we are making the always easy and popular Popsicle Stick Catapult .

Catapults engineered from popsicle sticks

Build a Water Clock

This easy STEM project has some significant historical context that your history loving students will go wild over. Plus building a water clock is surprisingly easy but packs a powerful learning punch.

Water Clock STEM Activity

Make a Glow Salt Circuit

Before you start to worry, building a circuit doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, once your students master the basics of electricity and circuits, they will want to start adding circuits to everything. To get started, one of the most simple circuit projects you can make is our Glow Salt Circuit . Don’t worry, we provide all the detailed instructions to ensure your project is a hit.

Glow Salt Circuit STEAM Activity

Build a Battery

Another great way to explore electricity science is to build a simple battery out of food. We have built Lemon Batteries , Pumpkin Batteries and even Potato Batteries . Kids love capturing the energy in our foods and using it to light up!

Learn all about electricity, batteries, power and more by building a Lemon Battery in this science experiment

Build a Bridge

A bridge building challenge is a great way to challenge a class either in school, at camp or in an after school program. Kids get to let their innovation, creativity, and understanding of science and engineering go wild as they build their creations. Then test them out against other designs to see which concepts come out on top.

Rainbow Bridge STEM Activity

Rube Goldberg Machine

Building simple machines is an incredible STEM project for all ages. With a Rube Goldberg Machine you are linking simple machines into a chain reaction to achieve an end goal. The best part about a Rube Goldberg Machine project is that it challenges students to work together and apply critical thinking and problem skills as they develop their STEM literacy. Check out the Rube Goldberg Machine we built as a Leprechaun Trap .

Leprechaun Trap - Rube Goldberg Machine

Build a Catapult Cannon

Catapults may be fun, but as kids get older, they want bigger challenges, bigger launches and bigger fun with their learning. Enter the Catapult Cannon , a Catapult design that launches harder and farther than your regular catapults, and challenges students to apply more advanced engineering and physics concepts.

Catapult Cannon STEM Activity and Game Launching

Build a Confetti Cannon or Seed Bomb Launcher

For a smaller scale challenge with mini cannons, try making this Confetti Cannon , which includes two different designs, one for little learners and one more complex design for older kids. Plus you can use a similar design concept to make a Seed Bomb Launcher for homemade Seed Bombs.

Confetti Cannons are so much fun to use and build. Here we have 2 levels of difficulty, a simple design and a STEM challenge powered by imagination.

Tower Construction Challenge

A very easy STEM Project is to challenge kids to build a tower. Now you can do this with blocks or LEGO, but up the challenge by having kids build with candy , marshmallows , paper, pasta or even frozen bubbles . Add a time limit to turn this into a one minute STEM challenge.

Candy Construction STEM Challenge

Make a Thaumatrope

Optical illusions are always a fun experiment for kids. For a quick and easy optical illusion for kids, try building Thaumatropes . It is so easy, especially with our ideas and templates.

Thaumatrope Project for Kids

Build a Balloon Car

This is a STEM build that is perfect for a classroom or after school group. Build a Balloon Car that is powered by air. For younger kids, challenge them with the Make It Move STEM Challenge .

Recycled Materials Balloon Car

Biology Science Building Models

Turn a boring Biology lesson into a fun science class with a STEM project inspired by the human body. Build functioning models of The Lungs , The Heart or The Hand .

Build a lung model project

Science Projects and STEM Activities for the Holidays

Need something specific to celebrate the seasons or holidays? Check out all of these resources featuring the best in easy science experiments for kids with a special theme!

Spring Activities

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simple science experiments for kids

50 simple science experiments for kids

We’ve compiled all of our favorite (and fun) science experiments for kids below. With a few simple ingredients or materials, your children can create cool projects and practice the scientific method with these easy science experiments.

Make sure there is always adult supervision when experimenting! Oh, and this is totally optional, but you may want to head over to my TpT store and download the  Scientific Method   worksheet for free. This way, you can emphasize key learning moments while introducing your children to the scientific method. By practicing this, they will become confident in their ability to hypothesize, test, and evaluate experiments!

simple science experiments for kids 1

If you’re looking for pre-school-appropriate science experiments, check out this post !

Easy science experiments: Grade K-2

First, earn why we think science for kids is so important in this post.

These super easy science experiments are great to teach simple science concepts to young learners! They’re grouped here because they require little adult support, but can also be done with older students. It all depends on how in-depth you want to get with the science!

And, many of them can be done with pre-k kids, too, as long as they are carefully supervised! They may not get the science behind it, but fostering a love of STEM is important, too.

1. Oobleck : Explore states of matter by creating this Non-newtonian fluid .

2. String telephone: This classic science experiment by Raising Lifelong Learners teaches how sound waves travel.

3. DIY dam: Think like a beaver and create your own dam as you explore environmental science with the PA Game Commission.

4. Popsicle stick catapult: Teach kids about STEM with Little Bins for Little Hands . All you need is popsicle sticks, a rubber band or two, a plastic spoon, and something to launch!

5. Walking water experiment: The science of color theory and capillary action meet to create your own rainbow in this classic experiment for kids.

6. Grow a windowsill garden: Prep seedlings before spring planting (or just grow plants indoors!). All you need is an empty bottle or some egg cartons for this activity by GrowVeg.

7. Learn about seed germination: Or, skip the dirt and watch the seeds germinate in this activity by Scholastic !

8. Make your own rock candy: Science and a snack? Nice! We Are Not Martha shows how to watch the crystalization process over the few days it takes to make this cool treat.

9. Pepper and soap experiment: I’ve used this as a way to demonstrate how dish soap (or hand soap) repels germs and as an explanation for surface tension. Starhop uses it to demonstrate the hydrophobic nature of pepper. *See #19 for more surface tension experiments!

10. DIY volcano: A baking soda volcano is one of my favorite science experiments (and the kid’s, too!). See how we made ours with paper maché here.

11. Ice cream in a bag: Kitchen science experiments have never been this fun! Watch states of matter change before your eyes as you make your own ice cream with Delish .

12. Write secret messages: Science Buddies shows us how to create invisible ink using basic supplies like lemon juice, turmeric, and baking soda.

13. Static electricity butterflies: Explore static electricity in this super easy science experiment by following along with our tutorial here.

14. Homemade sundial: Demonstrate how the sun moves throughout the day by tracking it as you build this super easy sundial with The Winkle.

15. Shadow drawing: This is another really easy way to teach your child about shadows. Plus it’s a fun art project! See how we did it here.

16. Float or sink: All you have to do for this is gather supplies and fill a tub with water… Then test what sinks or floats! This is an easy way to practice hypothesizing, observing, and testing.

17. Buoyancy testing : See if you can make a fresh egg float by increasing the density of water with salt. Simply place the egg in a glass of water and keep adding – Track how much. Can you make other things float that would usually sink? ( if you put an egg in water and it floats without salt… It’s bad!)

18. Color-changing flowers: Gather some flowers and leaves from the garden and see if you can change their color over a few hours by adding food coloring to their water. This shows how plants drink via capillary action… But be sure to gather a variety, because not all will change color!

19. Surface tension with soap: This video by the Science Factory gives 8 experiments for teaching kids about surface tension using basic materials.

20. Disappearing egg shell: Create a bouncing egg with just eggs and vinegar! The Indianapolis Public Library suggests you test three different eggs to see which bounces best… Just make sure to test outside…

21. Coffee ground fossils: These cute no-bake fossils by Crafts by Amanda are a fun entry-level activity for learning about fossilization… And you can make them into cute ornaments, too.

22. Melting rates with colors: See how different colors affect the melting rate of ice with this easy science experiment. Curiodyssey has a quick tutorial here!

23. DIY anemometer: Learn about wind speed and pressure with this easy DIY Project !

24. Ice excavation: Need a science activity for a hot summer’s day? Freeze some objects into a block of ice and challenge your children to uncover them in this simple experiment.

25. Candy engineering: Put your child’s engineering skills to the test as they design, build, and test structures built with toothpicks and candy… Then enjoy a yummy treat at the end!

26. Soap soufflé: If you’ve got Ivory soap on hand, you can microwave it to watch it expand as the soap melts and the air bubbles expand! Plus, you can use it after (and soap soufflé is way more fun than regular soap…). Da Vinci Kids shows you how to c r e a t e it here.

27. Regrow food clippings: Learn about a plant’s life cycle by seeing if you can regrow kitchen cuttings. Most of us know you can regrow green onions… But what else can you grow?

28. DIY lava lamp : Watch chemical reactions happen as carbon dioxide is created by Alka-seltzer and water interacting together. A few drops of color and some vegetable oil turn the reaction into a homemade lava lamp! Learn how here.

29. Homemade rain gauge: Teach your kiddos about the water cycle with this fun science experiment. I’ll teach you how to make your own rain gauge here.

Fun science experiments: Grade 3-6

These experiments either require more abstract concepts or require more precise measuring and designing. While some could probably be done with younger kids, students in grades 3-6 will better understand the science behind what’s happening! Just be sure to carefully supervise and modify the experiments if you choose to use them for a different age range of children.

30. Self-inflating balloon: shows us what happens when you mix an acid and a base in this easy science experiment for kids. Such simple chemistry!

31. Make your own fossil: The no-bake fossils above are cool, but this one by Planet Science uses plaster of Paris to create a life-like looking fossil. I’ve also heard that if you brush it with cold coffee when it’s dry that it looks even more realistic.

32. Backward ice melt race: Design your own insulator (and test it) to see who can keep the ice cube from melting the longest with the Lunar and Planetary Institute .

33. Egg drop challenge: Calling all engineers! Can you design something that would have saved Humpty Dumpty back in the day? MSI will guide you through this cool project.

34. Experiment with plant filtration: Demonstrate the importance of plants in water filtration with this easy experiment by Edmonton & Area Land Trust .

35. Build your own Rube Goldberg machine: Because why simply ring a bell when you can create an overly-complicated machine to do it for you? Use Joseph Herscher ‘s wild inventions as inspiration and see if you can create your own!

36. DIY pendulum painting: So, this one could get messy… But if you’ve got an artsy engineer like J Mo Painting , then they will love this! It’s a beautiful way to explore inertia and motion.

37. DIY Water wheel: Looking for a fun science project? Try making this water wheel with Million Gears.

38. DIY handmade paper: Create your own paper for journaling or drawing with Vijayta Sharma . This tutorial doesn’t require the frame, either!

39. Balloon rockets: The Dad Lab has a quick tutorial for making balloon rockets. These are definitely easy enough to make with young children, but it’s great for teaching older students about Newton’s laws of motion and air pressure.

40. Slime: Same as #39… Littles will enjoy this too, and you could use it in a states of matter lesson, but you can also use it to teach about polymers and viscosity, like Slimy Science! suggests.

41. Vibrating molecules: This Generation Genius tutorial is a great hook lesson for thermal energy. Plus, all you need is food coloring and water.

42. Solar oven: Use solar power to create delicious S’mores treats by creating this fun solar oven by  Little Passports .

43. DIY seismograph: A real-life seismograph is not cheap… So next time you’re teaching earth science, get the kids to create their own! Science World has an awesome tutorial.

44. Paper plane challenge: Are your kids learning about aerodynamics? Challenge them to design and test a paper plane!

45. DIY paper plane launcher: Launch your paper airplane even farther with this cool DIY from Frugal Fun .

46. Extract iron from cereal: We all need iron in our bodies to help transport oxygen from our lungs. But did you know that you can actually see it if you hold a magnet to it? Science Focus shows you how!

47. Thermal energy transfer with balloons: Try blowing up a balloon and holding it over a candle flame. It probably won’t take long to pop, right? But what happens when you put water into it? The water can hold thermal energy – Preventing the balloon from popping! Give it a try.

48. Simple motor DIY: With just a few materials, Generation Genius shows you how to create a self-propelling simple motor.

49. Saltwater density layers: Different liquids have different densities… But did you know that you can add salt to colored water to create a layered water effect? Whiz Kid Science shows you how to make a density tower (they also do one with different liquids).

50. Grow your own mineral crystals : Teach your students about recrystallization, saturated solutions, and solubility with Little Bins for Little Hands . Since children should not ingest Borax, I put it on the list for older ones. With careful supervision, you could probably do this with younger kids though.

What are your favorite science experiments for kids? We would love to see what you’ve created!

Science experiments like the ones listed in this article are a great way to teach kids about the scientific method while learning essential STEM-related skills. Plus, what better way to explore and understand the world around us than testing a cool experiment?!

Young kids will love the easy experiments we listed in the first half, whereas older kids can explore cool science experiments in more depth.

More science posts

Searching for more science experiments and science-related activities to do with your little ones? Check out this category to see all of our posts about science for kids!

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45 Easy Science Experiments for Kids

Hello, STEM! These simple DIY activities can be done at home or in school.

at home water cycle science experiment for kids

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Imagine blowing the biggest bubbles imaginable — or even making bubbles within bubbles. Or sending vessels — rockets, tea bags, airplanes — soaring through the sky for impossible distances. Now imagine making things explode, or change colors, or reveal hidden messages with just a few simple mixtures.

First off, it's good to start them off with the scientific method. Give them a journal to record their observations, questions, hypotheses, experiments, results and conclusions. As always, safety counts: wear goggles and coats or aprons if need be (sometimes kids get a kick out of how scientific the protective gear makes them look), and always make sure that the kids are supervised when doing them. (Warning: Some of these are messy!)

These experiments are mostly designed for preschoolers through elementary schoolers — with a couple that are either demonstrations or better for older kids — but if you have a younger one, you can check out these 1-year-old learning activities , toddler learning activities and preschool/kindergarten learning activities , some of which also cover STEM subjects.

Floating Fish

dryerase fish float in a shallow dish of water as part of an athome science experiment for kids

Here's another one that deals with solubility and density.

  • Draw the outline of a fish on the bottom of a glass plate or tray in dry-erase marker. Retrace your drawing to make sure all the lines are connected. Let dry for a minute or two.
  • Fill the measuring cup with tap water. Place the pour spout just inside the corner of the dish and add water very slowly until it just covers the bottom. Be careful not to pour water directly onto your drawing or make splashes near it. The water will move toward your drawing, eventually surrounding it. Observe what happens. If the water splashes or it doesn’t work on your first try, empty the dish, erase the drawing with a paper towel, dry off the dish, and try again.
  • Tilt the dish slightly from side to side. What happens? Jot it down.

The ink in dry erase markers is engineered to be slippery. It’s made with a chemical that causes it to easily release from surfaces. (Permanent markers are made with a chemical that makes the ink stick to surfaces, so be sure not to use these in your experiment!)

The easy-release ink lets go from a surface, but why does it float? There are two reasons. First, dry erase ink isn’t soluble, which means it won’t dissolve in water. Second, dry erase ink is less dense than the water, so it becomes buoyant, meaning it can float. When you tilt the dish, the fish moves around on the water’s surface.

From Good Housekeeping Amazing Science: 83 Hands-on S.T.E.A.M Experiments for Curious Kids! See more in the book »

Brush, Brush!

eggs, toothbrushes and different kinds of liquids form the materials for this at home science experiment for kids

This one will really get them into brushing their teeth once they scientifically prove all the good things that toothpaste can do.

  • Write on sticky notes: Soda 1, Soda 2, Juice 1, and Juice 2. Place them in a row on a counter.
  • Fill two glasses halfway with brown soda and place behind the Soda 1 and Soda 2 sticky notes. Fill two glasses halfway with lemon juice and place behind the Juice 1 and Juice 2 sticky notes.
  • Carefully place one egg in the bowl. Squeeze a big dollop — about one tablespoon — of toothpaste on top of the egg and gently rub the toothpaste all around with your hands until the egg is completely covered in a thick layer of toothpaste. Repeat with a second egg.
  • Gently submerge the toothpaste-covered eggs into the liquids: one egg in the glass labeled Soda 1 and the other egg in the glass labeled Juice 1. Wash and dry your hands.
  • Gently submerge the remaining eggs, without toothpaste on them, in the remaining glasses: one in the glass labeled Soda 2 and the other in the glass of juice labeled Juice 2. Wash and dry your hands. Leave the eggs in the glasses for 12 hours.
  • After 12 hours, remove the eggs from the glasses of soda one at a time. Rinse them in cool water and pat them dry with the towel. Place each egg by the sticky note of the glass it was in. Are the eggs the same or different colors?
  • Remove the eggs from the glasses of juice one at a time. Rinse them under the faucet and pat them dry. Place each egg by the sticky note of the glass it was in. Feel the eggs gently. Does one feel stronger or weaker than the other?
  • Write down your observations in your science notebook.

The eggshells in this experiment represent the enamel (outer coating) on your teeth. Toothpaste cleans your teeth and prevents stains: it removes food and drink particles that are stuck on your teeth. Teeth can be stained easily by dark-colored liquids like cola, coffee or tea. The egg without toothpaste will be brown and discolored. The egg covered in toothpaste was protected from turning brown.

Toothpaste also protects your pearly whites from decay (breaking down). The egg without toothpaste left in the lemon juice was worn down and soft to the touch, while the egg that was protected with toothpaste is stronger. The lemon juice is acidic, and those acids broke down the shell just as acidic drinks can wear away your tooth enamel. When a tooth is worn down, a cavity can form more easily. But the fluoride in toothpaste mixes with your saliva to create a protective coating around your tooth enamel. It helps keep your teeth strong and cavity-free.

Grow an Avocado Tree

an avocado tree grows from a pit as part of this at home science experiment for kids

For an easy lesson in Earth Science, your family can grow an avocado tree from a pit. You can buy an AvoSeedo kit , or just peel the seed and suspend it over water with toothpicks.

Get the tutorial »

Milk Bottle Xylophone

milk bottle xylophone consisting of seven bottles of varying amounts of coloured water and a metal spoon, in a row, as part of an at home science experiment

No for an experiment in sound!

  • Arrange six glass jars or bottles, all the same size with no lids, in a line. What will each jar sound like when you tap it with a spoon? Make a prediction, then tap each jar. Record your observations.
  • Next, put water in each of the jars. Pour 1⁄4 cup (60 ml) of water into the first jar. Add 1⁄2 cup (120 ml) of water to the second jar. Continue in 1⁄4-cup increments, adding 3⁄4 cup (180 ml) of water to the third jar, 1 cup (240 ml) of water to the fourth jar, 11⁄4 cups (300 ml) of water to the fifth jar, and 11⁄2 cups (360 ml) to the sixth jar. Add a couple of drops of food coloring to each jar.
  • What will each jar sound like? Will they sound the same or different than when the container was empty? Will they sound the same or different from one another? Record your predictions.
  • Tap each jar with a metal spoon. Write down your observations about each jar’s pitch (how high or low a sound is) in your notebook.

Sound waves are created by vibrations, which are back-and-forth movements that are repeated again and again. Pitch depends on the frequency of the waves — how many are created each second. A high pitch is created by high-frequency sound waves, and can sound squeaky. A low pitch is created by low-frequency sound waves, and sounds deep and booming.

When you tapped the jar, it vibrated. The vibrations traveled from the jar to the water to the air and eventually to your ears. The jars with more water had a low pitch. The sound waves vibrated more slowly because they had more water to travel through. The jars with less water had higher pitches. The sound waves vibrated faster because they had less water to travel through. A jar with no water in it makes the highest pitch because it has the least substance to travel through.

"Elephant Toothpaste"

foamy striped elephant toothpaste overflows from a bottle in this science experiment for kids

Okay, elephants don't really brush with this stuff, which is made from a chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide, yeast, dish soap and a few other simple ingredients. But this experiment has a big "wow" factor since, when the substances are mixed, the "toothpaste" foams out of the bottle. You can use it to teach kids about catalysts and exothermic reactions.

Get the tutorial at Babble Dabble Do »

DIY Compass

a diy compass, made as a science experiment for kids, floats in a bowl next to a digital compass pointing in the same direction

Explore the way magnetism works, and how it affects everyday objects, by magnetizing a needle and making a DIY compass. You can even spin the compass in the water, and it'll end up pointing the right way again.

Get the tutorial at STEAM Powered Family »

Craft Stick Chain Reaction

colored craft sticks with pom poms on top are lined up on grass as part of a science experiments for kids about chain reactions and potential and kinetic energy

Kids can learn about the differences between potential and kinetic energy with this chain reaction. It makes a big impact: Once the tension is released, the pom poms go flying through the air!

Get the the tutorial at Science Sparks »

Color-Changing Invisible Ink

different messages and pictures are written in different substances to test out different color changing invisible inks as part of a science experiment for kids

Kids will feel like super-spies when they use this heatless method to reveal pictures or colors written with "invisible ink." You can try different acid/base combinations to see which one makes the most dramatic result.

Get the tutorial at Research Parent »

Paper Bridge

pennies sit on a construction paper bridge that spans two red solo cups in this science experiment for kids

Get the engineering back into STEM with this activity, which challenges kids to create a paper bridge that's strong enough to hold as many pennies as possible. How can they manipulate the paper to make it sturdier? (Hint: Fold it!)

See the paper bridge tutorial at »

an ice cube is suspended on a string above a bowl of ice in this science experiment for kids

Challenge your little scientist to lift up an ice cube with just a piece of string. It's possible ... with a little salt to help. Salt melts the ice and lowers the freezing point of the ice cube, which absorbs the heat from the water around it, making the water cold enough to re-freeze around the string.

Get the tutorial at Playdough to Plato »

Marshmallow Catapult

a marshmallow catapult made from craft sticks and a wooden spoon is a great science experiment for kids

Another lesson in potential and kinetic energy, kids will love sending mini marshmallows flying in the name of science. Change some of the variables and see how that affects the marshmallow's trajectory.

Get the tutorial at Hello, Wonderful »

Leaf Breathing

bubbles form on a leaf under water as part of a leaf breathing science experiment for kids

It's hard for kids to picture how plants and trees "breathe" through their leaves — until they see the bubbles appear on a leaf that's submerged in water. You can also teach them about photosynthesis by putting different leaves in different spots with varying levels of sunlight.

Get the tutorial at KC EDventures »

Hoop-and-Straw Airplane

a hoop and straw airplane, created as part of a science experiment for kids, sits on a black background

We all remember how to fold those classic, triangular paper airplanes, but these hoop-and-straw airplanes fly way better (and straighter). Experiment by changing the length of the straw and the size of the hoops and see how it affects the flight.

Get the tutorial at Mombrite »

Film Canister Rocket

a diy rocket takes off from a table, where another rocket waits, in this science experiment for kids

Blast off! You don't need jet fuel to make these rockets go, just Alka-Seltzer tablets and baking soda, but they'll be amazed when they achieve lift-off! (Note: If you can't find old film canisters, tubes of Airborne work, too.)

Get the tutorial at Raising Lifelong Learners »

Coin Inertia

a stack of coins sits on a piece of cardboard on top of a glass of water as part of a science experiment for kids about inertia

Stack up about five or so coins on a piece of cardboard and place it over a glass of water. Then, flick the cardboard out from on top of the glass. Do the coins drop into the water, or ride with the cardboard? Due to inertia, they drop into the water — a very visual (and fun!) demonstration of Newton's First Law of Motion.

Get the tutorial at Engineering Emily »

Apple Oxidation

science experiments for kids   apple oxidation

What works best for keeping an apple from turning brown? Test to find out! Slice up an apple, and let each slice soak in a different liquid. Then take them out, lay them on a tray, and check the brownness after three minutes, six minutes and so on. Not only does this test the properties of different liquids, it also helps students practice the scientific method if they create hypotheses about which liquids would be most effective.

Get the tutorial at Jennifer Findley »

RELATED: 50 Fun Activities for Kids Will Keep Them Entertained for Hours

Coffee Ground Fossils

a salt dough circle "fossil" with dinosaur footprints, made as part of an athome science experiment for kids

By making a salt dough with coffee grounds and pressing various shapes into it (toy dinosaur feet, seashells), kids can get a better understanding of how fossils are made. If you poke a hole in the top before it dries, the kids can hang their "fossils" up in their rooms.

Get the tutorial at Crafts by Amanda »

Chromatography Flowers

a coffee filter flower with an led in the center is decorated with swirls of color as part of this at home science experiment for kids

Chromatography is the process of separating a solution into different parts — like the pigments in the ink used in markers. If you draw stripes around a coffee filter, then fold it up and dip the tip in water, the water will travel up the filter and separate the marker ink into its different pigments (in cool patterns that you can display as a craft project). This family made the end-result even brighter by adding an LED circuit to the center.

Get the tutorial at Steam Powered Family »

Water Walking

five cups with different colored liquid in them are connected by paper towel bridges as part of this at home science experiment for kids

You'll need six containers of water for this one: three with clear water, one with red food coloring, one with blue coloring, and one with yellow coloring. Arrange them in a circle, alternating colored and clear containers, and make bridges between the containers with folded paper towels. Your kids will be amazed to see the colored water "walk" over the bridges and into the clear containers, mixing colors, and giving them a first-hand look at the magic of capillarity.

Get the tutorial at Fun Learning for Kids »

Sunscreen Test

colorful construction paper painted with different sunscreens, as part of an athome science experiment for kids

This experiment puts the A (art) in STEAM: Paint different designs on construction paper with different sunscreens, leave the papers out in the sun and compare the results. Then, hang your "conclusions" on your fridge.

Get the tutorial at Tonya Staab »

Headshot of Marisa LaScala

Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother . She lives with her husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found dominating the audio round at her local bar trivia night or tweeting about movies.

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21 Easy Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home

Looking for fun and educational activities to keep your kids engaged at home? How about diving into the world of science with some exciting science experiments that are easy to set up and guaranteed to spark curiosity?

These simple science experiments use everyday household items and turn them into magical learning experiences that will amaze your little ones and teach them the wonders of the scientific world.

From walking rainbows to growing gummy bears, these hands-on activities are perfect for exploring basic scientific concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Whether your kids are interested in chemistry, physics, or biology, there’s something here to captivate their imaginations and keep them asking, “Why?” and “How?”

So, gather your supplies and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery right in your own kitchen or backyard.

fun little kid science experiments

Easy Science Experiments for Kids

Walking rainbow science experiment for kids.

fun little kid science experiments

Create a walking rainbow in this fun and easy science experiment for kids! This experiment teaches kids about capillary action, the process by which liquid moves through a material against gravity, illustrating how water travels through plants and other porous materials.

Rain Cloud in a Jar STEM Experiment for Kids

fun little kid science experiments

With this raincloud in a jar experiment, kids will learn about the science principle of precipitation, observing how clouds accumulate moisture until they become heavy enough to release rain.

Watch as the color seeps through the shaving cream and “rains” into the jar, demonstrating how real clouds release rain when they become saturated.

Magic Milk Science Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Kids will love seeing chemistry in action with this fun magic milk science experiment! This is a great opportunity to learn about surface tension and the interaction of different kinds of molecules as you watch colors swirl and create beautiful patterns.

Bouncy Egg Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Learn about chemical reactions with this bouncy egg experiment for kids. Your kids will be fascinated watching their egg’s structure change over the course of this experiment, leaving them with an egg that actually bounces!

Easy Paper Helicopter DIY STEM Activity

fun little kid science experiments

Kids will have a blast creating simple helicopters from paper and watching them twirl to the ground when dropped in this DIY STEM activity!

This hands-on activity teaches children about the forces of gravity, lift, and air resistance. By experimenting with different variables in their design, kids can also explore how these factors affect the way the helicopter flies, providing insights into the principles of flight and aerodynamics in a fun and interactive way.

Jell-O and Vinegar Experiment for Scented Science Fun

fun little kid science experiments

In this Jell-O and vinegar experiment, kids can learn about chemical reactions in a fun and visual way! Adding vinegar to the Jell-O and baking soda mixture will create a fizzy, colorful eruption that will leave kids wanting to do this experiment over and over again.

Growing Gummy Bears Experiment for Kids

fun little kid science experiments

In this easy experiment, kids place gummy bears in different solutions like water, saltwater, and vinegar to observe how they change in size. This experiment is a fun way to help children learn about osmosis, the process by which water moves through a semi-permeable membrane.

Skittles Rainbow Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

With this experiment, kids can create their own colorful rainbow at home using Skittles! This is a great way for kids to learn about the concept of diffusion, demonstrating how colors and substances mix and move through water.

Make an Ant Farm Science Experiment for Kids

fun little kid science experiments

Create a miniature habitat in a jar with this ant farm science experiment!

This experiment helps children learn about the fascinating world of ant biology, including their social structures, tunneling behaviors, and how they work together to create and maintain their underground homes.

How to Make a Lava Lamp Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Kids can make a mesmerizing lava lamp at home using a few simple ingredients, transforming ordinary items into a exciting science project.

This experiment is a fun and interactive way to explore concepts of liquid density and gas production, plus it’s so colorful and fun to look at!

Make Your Own Water Compass Science Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

In this fun experiment kids can make their own water compass and learn to magnetize a paper clip! This experiment helps children understand the principles of magnetism and how the Earth’s magnetic field can be used for navigation.

Hot and Cool Colors Outdoor Science Experiment for Summer

fun little kid science experiments

In this hot and cool colors experiment, kids see how color affects temperature and learn about the concept of heat absorption.

It’s a hands-on way to explore the relationship between color and temperature in a fun, summer-friendly activity.

Growing Rock Candy Sticks

What kid wouldn’t love to grow their own rock candy? That’s exactly what they’ll learn to do in this fun experiment!

fun little kid science experiments

This experiment helps children learn about the process of crystallization, demonstrating how saturated solutions deposit solids as they cool and evaporate. It’s a sweet and educational way to explore the principles of solubility, saturation, and crystal growth.

Magic Paint Potions: A DIY Process Art Lab for Kids

fun little kid science experiments

Use common household ingredients to make your own magic paint potions- and some pretty awesome art in the process!

This is an engaging, hands-on way for kids to learn about chemical reactions as they experiment with the different art their “potions” can create.

How to Make a Papier Mache Erupting Volcano

fun little kid science experiments

Kids will love making their own bubbling, erupting volcano with this fun activity!

This classic experiment helps children learn about chemical reactions and the dynamic nature of volcanic eruptions. And what kid wouldn’t love to see a mini volcano that actually erupts?!

Heart STEM Activity for Kids

fun little kid science experiments

In this fun science activity, an invisible ink solution is used to paint a simple diagram of the human cardiovascular system on a paper outline of the human body. By using a special reagent to reveal the hidden ink, kids will be delighted to see the heart, veins, and arteries “magically” appear.

This engaging experiment teaches children about the cardiovascular system, while also demonstrating the chemical reaction between the invisible ink and the reagent that makes the hidden illustration come to life.

Leaf Chromatography Science Experiment For Kids

fun little kid science experiments

In this leaf chromatography science experiment, kids explore the hidden pigments in leaves by separating their colors using a simple chromatography technique.

This fascinating activity helps children learn about leaf pigmentation, revealing the different chemicals like chlorophyll and carotenoids that give leaves their vibrant green, yellow, and orange hues.

Underwater Volcano Experiment for Kids

fun little kid science experiments

This underwater volcano experiment teaches children about the principles of density and convection currents, demonstrating how warm water, being less dense, moves upwards through colder, denser water. It mimics the way underwater volcanic eruptions release hot magma, creating dynamic movement and mixing in the ocean.

How to Make a Mini Balloon Racecar

fun little kid science experiments

In this fun project, kids create a small racecar powered by the force of a deflating balloon.

As the air rushes out of the balloon, it propels the car forward, providing a hands-on way to learn about Newton’s Third Law of Motion: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Working Indoor Water Cycle Experiment

Learn all about the water cycle with this working indoor water cycle experiment!

fun little kid science experiments

This experiment helps children understand the stages of the water cycle by observing how water vapor rises, condenses into droplets on the cling wrap, and then falls back into the bowl, mimicking rain.

It’s a hands-on way to explore the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in a contained environment.

Fun Bouncing Bubbles Activity

fun little kid science experiments

In this bouncing bubbles experiment, kids create a special bubble solution that allows them to make bubbles that can bounce without popping easily.

This fun activity helps children learn about surface tension, which is the force that holds the surface of a liquid together. Kids explore how surface tension works to keep the bubbles intact, providing a fascinating look at the properties of liquids and the science behind bubbles.

Final Thoughts

Exploring these easy and engaging science experiments is a fantastic way to spark curiosity and excitement in young minds.

Each activity, from making a raincloud in a jar to growing rock candy sticks, provides a hands-on opportunity for kids to discover fundamental scientific principles.

These experiments transform everyday materials into tools for learning, making complex concepts like density, osmosis, and the water cycle both accessible and fun.

I hope these experiments inspire your children to ask questions, make observations, and see the world around them through the lens of a budding scientist.

Keep experimenting and enjoy the journey of discovery together!

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Science Fun

Science Fun

New Science Experiments For Kids

Enjoy brand new science experiments posted every week. 

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Mentos Launcher:

fun little kid science experiments

Mini Marshmallow Launcher:

Send Mini Marshmallows Flying

fun little kid science experiments

Super Sound Popper:

fun little kid science experiments

World’s Easiest Bird Feeder:

fun little kid science experiments

Glowing Lava Lamp:

fun little kid science experiments

Make Fun Snow That Glows

fun little kid science experiments

Bubbling Blizzard:

fun little kid science experiments

Friction Fun:

fun little kid science experiments

How To Cast An Animal Track:

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Homemade Handwarmer:

Awesome Exothermic Reaction Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Panicked Pepper:

fun little kid science experiments

Cold Air Balloon:

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Homemade Cold Pack:

fun little kid science experiments

Scared Cinnamon:

Cinnamon And Soap Don’t Mix

fun little kid science experiments

Giant Fingerprints:

fun little kid science experiments

Crazy Cocoa Powder:

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Easy Film Canister Rocket:

fun little kid science experiments

Easiest Way To Break Your Own Geode:

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Build Your Own Balance Buddy:

fun little kid science experiments

Super Easy Pan Flute:

fun little kid science experiments

Jumbo Water Bead Balloon:

fun little kid science experiments

Bug On A Leash:

fun little kid science experiments

Crazy Kazoo:

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Duck In A Cup:

fun little kid science experiments

DIY Hydrophobic Sand:

fun little kid science experiments

Collect And Study Real Animal Tracks

fun little kid science experiments

Real Glowing Rocks:

fun little kid science experiments

Little Birdie Snack Bar:

fun little kid science experiments

Burp In A Bag:

fun little kid science experiments

Fabulous Floating Rocks:

Can Rocks Really Float?

fun little kid science experiments

Looney Lodestone:

fun little kid science experiments

Cloud In A Bottle:

fun little kid science experiments

Outrageously Easy Oobleck:

fun little kid science experiments

Rip Roaring Balloon:

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Easy Oobleck Excavation:

fun little kid science experiments

Rocket Blast Balloon:

fun little kid science experiments

Exploding Baggie:

fun little kid science experiments

Flameproof Balloon:

Make A Balloon Resistant To Flames

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Magic Firefighter:

fun little kid science experiments

Ice Fishing Adventure:

fun little kid science experiments

Discover Your Own DNA:

Find Out What You’re Really Made Of

fun little kid science experiments

Eating Iron For Breakfast:

Feeling A Little Rusty This Morning?

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Snot Slime:

Explore Amazing Mucus And Spectacular Snot

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Sunscreen And Skin:

Catching Rays… And Blocking Them

fun little kid science experiments

Does Land Heat Up Faster Than Water?

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Wind Vane:

fun little kid science experiments

DIY Barometer:

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Rock In A Cup:

Super Sedimentary Science Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

How Are Fold Mountains Formed?:

Mimic The Making Of Mountains

fun little kid science experiments

Rock Acid Test:

Identify Minerals With Sizzling Science

fun little kid science experiments

Understanding The Rock Cycle:

The Rock Cycle Rocks!

fun little kid science experiments

Super Seed Jar:

Examine What Seeds Do Underground

fun little kid science experiments

Making Oxygen:

Watch Plants Make The Air You Breath

fun little kid science experiments

Plant Trap:

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Sprouting Seeds:

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Easy Constellation Projector:

fun little kid science experiments

Is Your House Moving?:

Watch Stars Travel Across The Night Sky

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Revolution Versus Rotation:

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Make A Sundial:

fun little kid science experiments

Water In The Air:

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Make A Rain Gauge:

Create A Device To Measure Precipitation

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Cutting String With The Sun:

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The Greenhouse Effect:

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Flatulence Fun:

Have Fun Learning About Farts

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Measure Lung Capacity:

See How Much Air Your Lungs Hold

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Sweet Tooth:

This Experiment Will Make You Want To Brush Your Teeth

fun little kid science experiments

Baffling Balance:

Can You Balance Blindfolded?

fun little kid science experiments

Disappearing Reflection:

fun little kid science experiments

Leakproof Baggie:

Poke Pencils Through A Baggie Of Water

fun little kid science experiments

Magic Water Cup:

fun little kid science experiments

Egg In A Bottle:

fun little kid science experiments

Cup Of Lava:

fun little kid science experiments

Baby Elephant’s Toothpaste:

Create A Foamy Chemical Reaction

fun little kid science experiments

Easy Invisible Ink:

fun little kid science experiments

Awesome Eruption:

fun little kid science experiments

Glowing Constellations:

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How Are Craters Formed:

Explore Craters On The Moon’s Surface

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Erupting Moon Rocks:

fun little kid science experiments

Eat Like An Astronaut:

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Strength Test:

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Magic Ball:

Observe Centrifugal Force In Action

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Can A Light Weight Lift A Heavy Weight?:

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Coin In A Cup:

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Observing Inertia:

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Coin Flick:

Magically Remove The Bottom Coin

fun little kid science experiments

Hammer Head:

Seemingly Defy Gravity

fun little kid science experiments

Galileo’s Swinging Strings:

fun little kid science experiments

Smog In A Jar:

Explore And Observe Air Pollution 

fun little kid science experiments

Compost In A Bottle:

Turn Trash Into Fertile Soil

fun little kid science experiments

Investigate Pollution And Precipitation

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Paper Straw:

Alternatives To One Time Use Plastics

fun little kid science experiments

Do Earthworms Like Light:

fun little kid science experiments

How Do Animals Hide:

Learn How Animals Use Camouflage To Survive

fun little kid science experiments

Why Are Eggs Egg Shaped:

fun little kid science experiments

Make An Animal Track Station:

fun little kid science experiments

Crazy Chalk:

fun little kid science experiments

Dancing Rice:

These Grains Of Rice Have Some Moves

fun little kid science experiments

Bubbling Slime:

fun little kid science experiments

Rubber Egg:

fun little kid science experiments

Cotton Ball Catapult:

fun little kid science experiments

Rapid Rubber Band Launcher:

Send A Bunch Of Rubber Bands Flying

fun little kid science experiments

Water Balloon Physics:

fun little kid science experiments

Centrifugal Force: 

fun little kid science experiments

Rainbow Crystals:

fun little kid science experiments

Grow Rock Candy Crystals:

This Crystal Science Experiment Is Sweet

fun little kid science experiments

Salt Crystals:

fun little kid science experiments

Grow Your Own Crystal Garden:

fun little kid science experiments

Use Straws To Reduce Friction:

fun little kid science experiments

Find A Hard Boiled Egg:

Use Spinning Science In This Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Unbreakable Thread:

fun little kid science experiments

Magic Napkin:

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Marshmallow Popper:

fun little kid science experiments

Mentos And Soda Eruption:

A Crazy Candy Reaction That Erupts

fun little kid science experiments

DIY Science Soda:

fun little kid science experiments

Candy Container Popper:

fun little kid science experiments

Dancing Corn:

fun little kid science experiments

Non-Newtonian Goo:

Easy Oobleck Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Lemon Penny Polish:

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Big Stick Balance:

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Color Changing Slime:

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Create Colorful Super Absorbent Crystals 

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Which Is Hotter?:

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Rainbow Celery:

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Bending Straw Illusion:

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Walk On Water:

Explore An Awesome Non-Newtonian Material

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Magnetic Wand:

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Diving Egg:

fun little kid science experiments

Stab A Potato:

fun little kid science experiments

Traveling Toothpicks:

Surface Tension And Toothpicks Do Mix

fun little kid science experiments

Balance A House On Your Finger:

fun little kid science experiments

Ruler Race:

fun little kid science experiments

Catch An Ice Cube:

Frozen Water Is A Lot Of Fun

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Rainbow:

Refract Water And Make A Mini Rainbow

fun little kid science experiments

Which Water Leaks Faster?:

See If Hot Or Cold Water Drips Faster

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Water Filter:

Can You Make Clean Water With Sand And Pebbles? 

fun little kid science experiments

Secret Message:

fun little kid science experiments

Turn A Penny Green:

Make A Blueish-Green Compound

fun little kid science experiments

Rocket Boat:

fun little kid science experiments

Shiny Stuff:

fun little kid science experiments

Upside Down Reflection:

fun little kid science experiments

What Things Rust:

Explore Rust And Things That Rust

fun little kid science experiments

Bag Full Of States Of Matter:

fun little kid science experiments

Cork Challenge:

fun little kid science experiments

Underwater Volcanos:

Explore Ocean Currents And Underwater Geography

fun little kid science experiments

Coastal Erosion:

Examine Shifting Shorelines

fun little kid science experiments

Seashells And Vinegar:

Making Waves With Chemical Reactions

fun little kid science experiments

Frozen Ocean:

Can The Ocean Freeze?

fun little kid science experiments

Stop A Strainer:

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Simple Sundial:

Use The Sun To Tell Time

fun little kid science experiments

Googly Eye Slime:

fun little kid science experiments

Snow On The Pond:

fun little kid science experiments

Jumping Pepper:

Use Static Electricity To Make Pepper Pop

fun little kid science experiments

Magic Bending Water:

fun little kid science experiments

Make An Electromagnetic Train:

fun little kid science experiments

Electrical Goo:

Use Static Electricity To Control Goo

fun little kid science experiments

Sugar Rush:

fun little kid science experiments

Red Cabbage Litmus Paper:

Make Litmus Paper In Your Kitchen

fun little kid science experiments

Lemon Electricity:

fun little kid science experiments

Create Curds And Whey:

fun little kid science experiments

Balloon In A Bottle:

fun little kid science experiments

Balloon Speakers:

Rock Out With This Balloon Sound System

fun little kid science experiments

Balloon Powered Lightbulb:

fun little kid science experiments

Tabletop Balloon Water Fountain:

fun little kid science experiments

Mystical Mustard Packet:

fun little kid science experiments

Walking On Eggs:

Don’t Scramble These Eggs

fun little kid science experiments

Quarter Catch:

fun little kid science experiments

Make An Anemometer:

fun little kid science experiments

Observing Air Pressure:

See The Power Of Air Pressure In This Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Why Do We Have Seasons?:

fun little kid science experiments

Why Is Winter Colder Than Summer?:

fun little kid science experiments

Understanding Air Pressure:

fun little kid science experiments

Build A Barometer:

Make A Meteorological Instrument To Measure Air Pressure

fun little kid science experiments

Cold Front:

fun little kid science experiments

How Far Away Is Lightning?:

fun little kid science experiments

Bowl Of Life:

You May Not Expect What These Grow Into

fun little kid science experiments

Sprout A Lemon Seed:

Become A Budding Botanist

fun little kid science experiments

Grow A Colony Of Mold:

fun little kid science experiments

Check Your Pulse:

fun little kid science experiments

Walking Rainbow:

fun little kid science experiments

Pulling Colors Apart:

Use Science To Separate Colors

fun little kid science experiments

Colorful Crystals:

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Rainbow Skittles:

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Make A Bridge Collapse:

Create An Engineering Failure

fun little kid science experiments

Can Paper Hold Your Weight?:

Test Material Strength And Load Bearing

fun little kid science experiments

Homemade Kaleidoscope:

Build A Contraption To “See” Science In Action

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Marble Run:

Use Engineering To Explore Gravity And Friction

fun little kid science experiments

Exploding Stomach:

Is That Your Tummy Rumbling?

fun little kid science experiments

Bad Taste In Your Mouth:

Things That Make You Go “Yuck!”

fun little kid science experiments

How Does An Eye Work?

Use Science To See Upside Down

fun little kid science experiments

What Do Taste Buds Taste?:

Oh, That’s Yummy… Or Is It?

fun little kid science experiments

Squishy Slime Balloon:

fun little kid science experiments

States Of Matter Balloon:

The Gas In This Balloon “Matters”

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Mini Hovercraft:

fun little kid science experiments

Expanding Air Balloon:

fun little kid science experiments

Pet Tornado:

fun little kid science experiments

Crazy Quicksand:

Make Quicksand With Cornstarch

fun little kid science experiments

CD Hovercraft:

fun little kid science experiments

Bean In A Bag:

fun little kid science experiments

Clucking Chicken In A Cup:

fun little kid science experiments

Talking String:

Teach A String To Talk

fun little kid science experiments

Trombone Straw:

fun little kid science experiments

Noisy Paper:

fun little kid science experiments

Compass Challenge:

Explore Magnetism With This Cool Challenge

fun little kid science experiments

Mystical Magnetic Field:

See Invisible Magnetic Fields

fun little kid science experiments

Can You Trick A Vending Machine?:

fun little kid science experiments

Magnetic Slime:

fun little kid science experiments

Rain In A Jar:

fun little kid science experiments

Reverse Water Spout:

Explore This Bizarre Weather Phenomenon

fun little kid science experiments

Winter At The Beach:

fun little kid science experiments

Why Is Summer So Hot?:

fun little kid science experiments

Crystal Garden:

fun little kid science experiments

Baking Soda Balloon:

Inflate A Balloon With A Chemical Reaction

fun little kid science experiments

Train Horn:

fun little kid science experiments

Really Rusty:

fun little kid science experiments

Turn Milk Into Plastic:

fun little kid science experiments

Orange Splash:

Explore High Diving Fruit And Physics

fun little kid science experiments

Rotten Banana:

fun little kid science experiments

Dirty Pennies:

fun little kid science experiments

Baking Soda And Vinegar Volcano:

fun little kid science experiments

Apples And Lemons:

How Do You Like Them Apples?

fun little kid science experiments

Smashing Seashells:

fun little kid science experiments

Foam At The Mouth:

fun little kid science experiments

Lemon Science Soda:

fun little kid science experiments

Can An Egg Float?:

Use Science To Float An Egg

fun little kid science experiments

Fat Food Test:

fun little kid science experiments

Secret Code On An Egg:

fun little kid science experiments

Why Does A Boat Float?:

fun little kid science experiments

Sugar Water Density Test:

Use Density To Make A Water Rainbow

fun little kid science experiments

Floating Grapes:

fun little kid science experiments

Can An Egg Float In The Ocean?:

fun little kid science experiments

Lava Lamp #2:

fun little kid science experiments

Disco Dancing Raisins:

These Raisins Know How To Boogie

fun little kid science experiments

Crazy Ketchup:

fun little kid science experiments

Pop Rocket:

fun little kid science experiments

Make A Model Back Bone:

Explore The Human Spine

fun little kid science experiments

Invisible Images:

What You See Is Not Always What You Get

fun little kid science experiments

Lung Capacity:

How Much Air Can You Hold?

fun little kid science experiments

Reaction Time:

Are You Quick Enough For This Experiment?

fun little kid science experiments

Liquid Sandwich:

fun little kid science experiments

Oil And Water Flip:

This Experiment Will Flip Your Opinion Of Density

fun little kid science experiments

Do Oil And Water Mix?:

fun little kid science experiments

Floating Water:

fun little kid science experiments

Blow A Bubble Inside A Bubble:

fun little kid science experiments

Lost At Sea:

Learn How To Trick A Compass

fun little kid science experiments

Trap A Tornado:

fun little kid science experiments

Snow Slime:

fun little kid science experiments

Copper Plated Nails:

fun little kid science experiments

Explore Physics With This Experiment

fun little kid science experiments

Super Bubble Solution:

fun little kid science experiments

Bubbling Buttons:

fun little kid science experiments

Film Canister Popper:

fun little kid science experiments

Styrofoam Slime:

Make Science Slime Even Better

fun little kid science experiments

Blow Up A Balloon With A Lemon:

fun little kid science experiments

Easy Science Experiments For Kids:

fun little kid science experiments

Kitchen Chemistry:

Cook Up Some Crazy Chemistry In Your Kitchen

fun little kid science experiments

Cool And Crazy Concoctions:

fun little kid science experiments

Electricity And Magnetism:

Shockingly Easy Electricity And Magnetism Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Magic Science Experiments :

Seemingly Magical Science Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Force And Motion:

Fun Force And Motion Science Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Balloon Science Experiments:

fun little kid science experiments

Color Science Experiments:

fun little kid science experiments

Chemical Reactions:

Create Awesome Chemical Reactions

fun little kid science experiments

Amazing Animal Activities:

Learn About Animals Aquariums And More

fun little kid science experiments

Weather And Air Experiments:

fun little kid science experiments

Easy Density Experiments:

Sink Or Swim With These Awesome Density Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Light And Sound Science Experiments:

These Science Experiments Look And Sound Amazing

fun little kid science experiments

Dinosaur And Fossil Fun:

Enter A Wonderful World Of Dinosaur Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Rocket Science And Space Experiments:

Blast Off With The Cool Space Science Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Candy Science Experiments:

Sweet Science Experiments To Explore And Enjoy

fun little kid science experiments

Crazy Crystals:

Crystal Growing Science Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Botany And Biology:

Explore Living Things With These Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Geology Rocks:

Dig Into Fun And Exciting Geological Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

Human Body:

Learn About The Human Body And How It Works

fun little kid science experiments

Ocean And Marine Animals:

Dive Into The Deep With These Ocean Experiments

fun little kid science experiments

STEM And Engineering Activities:

Design And Build Amazing Creations

fun little kid science experiments

Ecology Science Experiments:

Learn About The World Around You

fun little kid science experiments

Wacky Water Experiments:

Weird And Wonderful Water Experiments

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100+ Easy Science Experiments for Kids To Do at Home (Using Materials You Already Have!)

kids looking at science experiment reaction

  • Pinterest 1.1K

Easy Science Experiments for Kids | Use household materials and ingredients for these fun science projects that cover experiments with chemistry, candy, water, weather, life science, physics and states of matter. The best list!

Looking for fun science experiments to do at home with your kids? We’ve compiled the ultimate list of cool science experiments for kids – most of which can be done with materials you already have on hand!

Children are naturally curious about the world around them, but explaining scientific concepts without a physical demonstration can be confusing, and well, just not fun! We’ve found the best way to teach science is with simple science experiments that provide hands-on learning opportunities – making concepts more accessible, and most importantly, extremely fun and memorable for kids.

We’ve scoured the web to pull together an epic list of the best easy science experiments you can do at home with your kids. Whether you have preschoolers starting at square one, or tweens or teens looking for the ultimate Science Fair project idea, this list has it all – ranging from weather, water and physics experiments, to chemical reactions and explosions (always a kid favorite!).

And you won’t have to make a special trip to the craft or hardware store – almost all of these fun science experiments use common household ingredients that you probably already have at home. Score!

So what are you waiting for – dive right in and have some science fun!

PIN for when you’re ready to perform a fun science experiment:

fun little kid science experiments

Science Experiments using Chemistry (Hello, Explosions!)

Your kids will have a blast watching how different materials react and change with these simple chemistry experiments – there’s tons of bubbly explosions, fizzy reactions and rainbow creations to choose from!

fun little kid science experiments

(1) These Oozing Pumpkins are sure to bring lots of laughs from your young scientists as you create overflowing reactions from baking soda and white vinegar. (via Little Bins for Little Hands)

(2) Or swap the pumpkin for a lemon to create a miniature volcano right in your kitchen with this Lemon Volcano . (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(3) Go big or go home with this incredible Watermelon Volcano experiment where you just need a few simple materials including baking soda, dish soap, vinegar and a little bit of food coloring. (via Preschool Play & Learn)

(4) We love this colorful twist on the classic Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction . It just never gets old! (via Crafts by Amanda)

(5) Grab a baking sheet and try this Fizzing Colors activity to make a bubbly piece of art! (via Mom Wife Busy Life)

(6) A fun Rainbow variation on the classic Baking Soda and Vinegar experiment that is sure to make kids smile. (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(7) Make these amazing Magical Color Changing Unicorn Noodles with cabbage and then squeeze on some lemon to watch the noodles change color! (via Left Brain Craft Brain)

(8) Learn about reactions on a large scale and turn milk into a work of art with this interactive Giant Magic Milk experiment . (via Hello Wonderful)

fun little kid science experiments

(9) Up the ante and make this Vinegar & Baking Soda Rocket – the chemical reaction can make it fly 30-50 feet into the air! (via 123 Homeschool for 4)

(10) Or try this super cool Chemical Reaction Car – it gets a boost from a fizzy reaction from a base (sodium bicarbonate, aka baking soda) and an acid (vinegar) which mix together and release carbon dioxide. (via Left Brain Craft Brain)

(11) Kids love this simple experiment about Apple Oxidation where they can predict which liquid will keep the apple slices from browning, then test their hypothesis. (via Jennifer Findley)

(12) Ever wonder why the Statue of Liberty is green? Get the answer to that question and learn a little bit about a famous US landmark with this cool Penny Science Experiment . (via The Keele Deal)

(13) Wow your kids by making raisins dance! This Dancing Raisins chemical experiment requires minimal ingredients (water + baking soda) but gets maximum results. (via 123 Homeschool 4 ME)

(14) What happens if you drop an egg? It cracks, right? But what if you drop a bouncy egg?!  Learn how to make Bouncing Eggs with this fun kitchen experiment. (via 123 Homeschool 4 ME)

(15) It’s an old classic, but it’s still fun to do – try to fit a hardboiled egg into a glass jar with this Egg in a Bottle experiment. (via Left Brain Craft Brain)

(16) Practice fire safety while learning about the relationship between oxygen and fire with this incredibly simple Fire Safety Experiment . (via Mama Smiles)

(17) Impress your kids with this cool Smoking Fingers Trick that makes it look like your fingers are on fire as smoke rises from them! And yes, it’s best to leave this one to the grown-ups for demonstration. (via Left Brain Craft Brain)

(18) Kids will enjoy watching these balloons inflate “on their own” in this fun Balloon experiment . (via All for the Boys)

fun little kid science experiments

(19) With a few ingredients from your pantry, you can head outside and try this Exploding Sidewalk Chalk , because who doesn’t love messy explosions?! (via Hess Un-Academy)

(20) How do elephants keep their teeth clean? With Elephant Toothpaste of course! This is one of the best science experiments for kids of all ages – from preschoolers to teens. All it takes is hydrogen peroxide, dry yeast, dish soap and food coloring to make this super cool foamy reaction. (via Teach Beside Me)

(21) Kids (and parents) will enjoy seeing the “lava” flowing in this fun experiment where you can Take a Look Inside of a Volcano ! (via 123 Homeschool 4 Me)

(22) How pretty are these Crystal Flowers ? They’re a craft and science experiment all in one! (via Preschool Play & Learn)

(23) Make your own sweet treat, with this Fizzy Sherbet and learn the science behind why it tickles your tongue. (via Go Science Kids)

(24) Grab all your dull pennies and task your little scientists to try different solutions to determine How to Clean Pennies , then learn why some solutions work better than others. (via Gally Kids)

Weather Science Experiments for Kids

Why is it rainy one day and sunny the next? What causes thunder and lightning? How do clouds form? 

The weather is always changing and easily observable by kids. That makes weather experiments not only super fun, but incredibly relevant for children of all ages. Explore weather-related science with these easy experiments:

fun little kid science experiments

(1) Have fun creating your very own rain clouds using shaving cream and food coloring with this Rain Cloud in a Jar activity. (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(2) If you’ve got a marker and a plastic zipper bag, your kids will love getting to watch the water cycle in action by creating their very own Water Cycle in a Bag . (via Playdough to Plato)

(3) Or simply use a glass bowl and some ice cubes for a Water Cycle Experiment on the kitchen counter! (via Taming Little Monsters)

(4) Alternatively, reuse plastic bottles for a hands-on Water Cycle Experiment . (via 123 Homeschool 4 ME)

(5) Now that you know all about the water cycle, why not Build Your Own Rain Gauge ? (via Nurture Store)

(6) Learn what happens when warm air rises and cool air sinks with this colorful simple experiment. (via Mom Brite)

(7) Kids will love watching a cloud form and escape when you Create a Cloud in a Water Bottle . (via Playing with Rain)

(8) If you don’t have an empty water bottle lying around, you can check out this post to create another billowing cloud using a mason jar . It is so exciting to watch the clouds roll out of the jars! (via Little Bins for Little Hands)

fun little kid science experiments

(9) This Tornado in a Jar is one of the most classic science experiments and is always a hit with kids. (via Natural Beach Living)

(10) Light a fire and learn about how heat moves from the Earth in this Observing Conduction experiment. (via Learn, Play, Imagine)

(11) If it’s too cold to go out and play, make the most of your time inside with this Snowstorm in a Jar . (via Taming Little Monsters)

(12) You can create your own lightning spark at home with static electricity by using just a balloon and a metal spoon! (via Learn, Play, Imagine)

(13) Have you ever wondered how hail forms? Well, you’re in luck! Grab your hair dryer for this Understanding Hail activity . (via Playing with Rain)

(14) Watch wind create energy by Making a Pinwheel.  (via Science Sparks)

(15) Your kids will love learning about ice caps and polar regions with this fun sensory Melting Polar Ice Caps science activity. (via Science Sparks)

(16) And if that’s not enough snow, you can kick it up a notch with this Avalanche Experiment . (via A Dab of Glue Will Do)

(17) Grab some sidewalk chalk on a sunny day for a Human Sundial Experiment . (via Rhythms of Play)

(18) Make your own Rainbow and learn about refraction and dispersion of light. (via Rookie Parenting)

Easy Science Experiments with Candy

Adding candy makes anything more exciting for kids (or at least more sweet!), and these cool candy science experiments are no exception.

These experiments are easy, fun, and a great way to use up any extra candy that might be hanging around after the holidays! 

fun little kid science experiments

(1) Create a rainbow on your plate with this stunning Easy Skittles Experiment . (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(2) Now this is an experiment that kids will get excited about! Make your own Homemade Rock Candy while learning about the crystallization process. (via Better Life Blog)

(3) Explore chromatography, a technique for separating difference substances (in this case, candy and dye), with this cool Candy Chromatography kid-friendly experiment. (via Mama Miss)

(4) Learn about osmosis and watch gummy candy magically grow with this simple Gummy Bear Science Experiment . (via Playdough to Plato)

(5) Does your child like to collect rocks? Why not let them dig deeper by making these Edible Sedimentary Rocks . (via Rainy Day Mum)

(6) Watch your kids get excited as you make Pop Rocks blow up a balloon in this epic Pop Rock Science Experiment . (via 123 Homeschool 4 ME)

(7) While many people either love or do not love bright marshmallow Peeps, everyone will love learning what makes them dissolve in this Dissolving Peeps experiment. (via A Dab of Glue Will Do)

fun little kid science experiments

(8) If your candy has transparent colored wrappers, you can save them to learn about color mixing in with this fun color science project . (via Kids’ Craft Room)

(9) There are many ways to learn about the human body, but we’re pretty sure that the sweetest way is with candy. Kids of all ages will love making this Candy DNA Model . (via Science Sparks)

(10) Your kids won’t be the only wiggle worms in the house with these fun Dancing Frankenworms . (via Playdough to Plato)

(11) Learn how powerful the sun can be with these DIY Solar Oven S’mores . We bet you can’t eat just one! (via Desert Chica)

(12) Your little scientists will LOVE this Mentos Geyser which will teach them what happens when carbon dioxide in Soda meets a Mentos candy, while putting on quite the display! (via I Can Teach My Child)

(13) Usually we’d advise that kids stay far away from broken glass – unless, this is, it’s this yummy Edible Glass ! (via Go Science Kids)

(14) This is a simple science experiment and a magic trick! Find out what happens to sugar when emerged in warm water with this cool Disappearing Candy Cane Stripes experiment. (via Playdough to Plato)

Science Experiments Using Water

If there is anything that is almost universally fun for kids, it’s playing with water. Try one of these fun water science experiments that are perfect for a rainy day indoors, or for keeping cool on a sunny day!

fun little kid science experiments

(1) If your little one enjoys all things colorful, they will love this incredible Walking Water Science Experiment – and all you need are paper towels, water and food coloring to get started. (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(2) Your kids won’t believe their eyes when they see cabbage changing colors in this fun Rainbow Cabbage experiment . (via Growing a Jeweled Rose)

(3) Discover how different liquids react together with this easy experiment that creates a colorful Layered Density Column . (via Steve Spangler Science)

(4) Or learn how water travels upward through vines and stems all while creating a beautiful bouquet with these Color Changing Flowers . (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(5) Observe how different liquids do or do not mix by creating Fireworks in a Jar . (via Hands on Teaching Ideas)

(6) Find out how temperature affects the density of water with this colorful Hot and Cold Water Density experiment. (via STEAMsational)

(7) “Grow” your own Rainbow with this colorful science experiment that highlights chromatography. (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

fun little kid science experiments

(8) Keep exploring the concept of absorption, diffusion and solubility while bringing out your creative side with this Coffee Filter Process Art . (via Babble Dabble Do)

(9) See how quickly you can move water from one container to the next using sponges in this fun Water Transfer Activity.  (via Live Well Play Together)

(10) Play with water and Bubbles while learning about surface tension and evaporation. (via Hello Wonderful)

(11) Who else had a lava lamp growing up? This DIY Frozen Lava Lamp experiment is not only simple and fun, but brings back the lava lamp nostalgia! (via Hello Wonderful)

(12) Explore the relationship between gas, pressure, and volume in this easy Rising Water Experiment . (via Team Cartwright)

(13) Explore the power of water pressure with this low-prep, big fun Water Suspension Science activity. (via A Mothership Down)

(14) If you are looking for an activity that you can do almost anywhere, take a couple of minutes for this Water Light Refraction Experiment . (via Go Science Kids)

(15) Learn about absorption and expansion by Measuring Water Beads. (via Blue Bear Wood)

(16) Kids will love watching their drawings come to life with these Floating Dry Erase Figures . So cool! (via Go Science Girls)

(17) What will happen if you poke a hole in a bag full of water? Will it leak? Not with this Leak Proof Bag experiment. (via Montessori from the Heart)

Life Science Experiments for Kids

One of our favorite things to learn about is how living things (ourselves included) work. These life science experiments and activities will spark your child’s curiosity about the world around them!

fun little kid science experiments

Life Science Experiments about the Human Body:

(1) Learn how our heart pumps blood to our bodies with this Heart Pump Model . (via Science Sparks)

(2) Your child can learn how our lungs work by making a Model Lung with simple materials you probably have around the house: a plastic bottle, straw, elastic band, balloons and play dough! (via Science Sparks)

(3) These printable life-sized organs allow kids to study their body anatomy in a hands-on way. (via Adventure in a Box)

(4) Learn all about scabs – what causes them (and why they’re so important not to pick!) by making a Fake Jelly Scab that can then be eaten! (via Science Sparks)

(5) If you’re willing to brave glitter, this Glitter Germs Hand Washing Activity teaches children the importance of thorough hand washing while talking about how germs spread. (via The Soccer Mom Blog)

(6) Or, try this Growing Germs easy science experiment which uses an apple and your own child’s germs to not only teach kids to wash their hands, but all about controls and variables too! (via Playdough to Plato)

(7) Demonstrate how tooth decay happens and how to prevent it by soaking eggshells in various liquids in this Tooth Decay experiment. Is sugar a culprit? A great lesson for kids. (via Sciencing)

(8) This super easy Heart Rate Investigation will teach your kids about their heart, blood circulation and pulse, but also get them moving! (via Science Sparks)

(9) Your budding artists will love this Magic Heart Painting activity. Watch the cardiovascular system appear before their eyes! (via Taming Little Monsters)

fun little kid science experiments

Life Science Experiments with Plants:

(10) How do different liquids affect plant growth? Find out with this Plant Growth experiment – it’s one of our favorite science experiments and makes a great Science Fair Project! (via Lemon Lime Adventures)

(11) Discuss how plants grow and what they need to thrive by growing a Bean in a Jar . (via Growling a Jeweled Rose)

(12) Or use a plastic bag instead! All you need is a Ziploc baggie, a few beans and a damp paper towel to Grow Beans in a Bag . (via Community Playthings)

(13) Combine engineering and science while learning all about germination with this DIY Sprout House . (via The STEM Laboratory)

(14) Observe plant growth both above and beneath the “ground” by planting bulbs in a clear cup . (via Buggy and Buddy)

(15) Watch how plants respond to sunlight in this super easy Plant and Sunlight Experiment . (via Mama Smiles)

(16) Kids will love learning How Leaves Breathe with this simple plant experiment. (via Edventures with Kids)

(17) Did you know that you can grow vegetables with scraps? Watch your scrap veggies grow new life with a Scrap Garden . (via Hess UnAcademy)

Easy Physics Science Experiments for Kids

Learn how things move with these simple physics experiments for kids. Physics is the branch of science that studies matter, how it moves, and how it interacts – it encompasses the study of motion, light, electricity, magnetism, aerodynamics, and sound.

We’ve found that the best way to explain physics to kids is to skip the explanation and do a hands-on demonstration instead. Use these fun experiments to jump feet first into the world of Physics:

fun little kid science experiments

(1) First off, a classic Craft Stick Catapult ! This simple activity is a great way to teach about energy cause and effect, as well as simple machines…and you thought you were just going to be launching marshmallows across the room! (via Team Cartwright)

(2) Explore physics and play at the same time with these awesome Pom Pom Shooters . (via Left Brain Craft Brain)

(3) This classic science fair project will teach your kids how to use chemistry to generate an electric current by making a Lemon/Lime Battery ! (via Babble Dabble Do)

(4) Explore the science of sound with this pretty Rainbow Water Xylophone . (via Mama Papa Bubba)

(5) Make a simple Newton’s Cradle out of popsicle sticks, string and marbles to demonstration the conservation of momentum – kids loooove this one! (via Babble Dabble Do)

(6) Send a balloon blasting off and introduce simple physics with these neat Balloon Straw Rockets . (via Preschool Play & Learn)

(7) Grab some plastic bottles and string to make this fun Inertia Zoom Ball – a project kids can learn and play with! (via What Do We Do All Day)

(8) Popsicle sticks, rubber bands and some blocks are all you need to make a Stixplosion – demonstrating chain reactions which you can use to teach about kinetic and potential energy. (via Babble Dabble Do)

fun little kid science experiments

(9) Make a Salty Circuit to introduce your kids to electricity and how it moves from a battery through a circuit to power an LED. (via Babble Dabble Do)

(10) Demonstrate work and energy with this super cool Paper Airplane Launcher . (via Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls)

(11) Visually show the concept of gravity with this easy Gravity Activity with Paperclips . (via Buggy and Buddy)

(12) If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you can create your own Light Bulb Experiment to see how electricity travels through a circuit. (via 123 Homeschool for Me)

(13) Discover what things are magnetic and vice versa with this fun Magnet Fishing Game . Great for preschoolers! (via Rhythms of Play)

(14) Baseball fans will enjoy this Frozen Baseball Experiment to observe how temperature affects how a baseball travels. (via Our Family Code)

(15) Learn more about inertia with these easy Inertia Science Experiments with Pennies . (via Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls)

(16) This awesome Rollback Can is a simple physics project that will amaze your kids and demonstrate potential and kinetic energy. (via Babble Dabble Do)

(17) These 4 Magical Magnet Projects will teach your kids about magnetism, and they’ll be mesmerized by its power! (via Babble Dabble Do)

States of Matter Science Experiments for Kids

All matter is either a solid, liquid, or gas, right? Or is it? And what happens to make some matter change states more easily than others? Kids will love these easy States of Matter science activities where they will get to learn the answers to those questions and more! 

fun little kid science experiments

(1) This Simple Balloon experiment will teach young kids all about the 3 states of matter with a Hands-on Density test. (via 123 Homeschool 4 ME)

(2) Watch as liquid cream becomes a solid by making your own Homemade Butter . Make sure you taste test it too! (via Playdough to Plato)

(3) And because it’s always a good time for ice cream, see how simple ingredients come together and change state when you make this Ice Cream in a Bag . It’s also a great activity to discuss an exothermic reaction, a chemical reaction that releases light or heat. In this instance, heat is released from the shaking, yet it freezes the cream – science sure is amazing! (via House of Nash Eats)

(4) Fill up balloons with different types of liquid in this fun Water Balloon Science Experiment and then try and predict if they will float or sink in water. (via 123 Homeschool 4 ME)

(5) A messy project that is universally loved by kids – Oobleck ! This Non-Newtonian fluid can act like a solid and a liquid. And you can make it at home as long as you’ve got cornstarch in your pantry. (via The Best Ideas for Kids)

(6) Task your kids to create an insulated box for an ice cube using materials from around the house in this Don’t Melt the Ice experiment. (via Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls)

We hope this list of easy science experiments for kids proves that science doesn’t have to be complicated…or boring! With materials you already have at home, you can create a memorable learning experience, and you definitely don’t need a lab coat to watch science come alive!

RELATED: Looking for more fun indoor activities to keep your kids busy? Check out 87 Energy-Busting Indoor Games & Activities for Kids (because cabin fever is no joke!)

What’s your favorite science experiment? Let us know your favorites in the comments below!

Mary Leigh - what moms love

Mary Leigh is a stay-at-home mom to 3 fun and active boys. She started her blog,  Live Well Play Together , as a creative way to encourage moms to celebrate the simple, everyday moments in motherhood.  You can most often find her writing about kids’ activities, thoughts on motherhood, and simple ideas for family fun.  Follow her on  Pinterest ,  Instagram ,  Facebook , and  Twitter for fun ideas to bring a little fun to your everyday!

Mary Leigh

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10 of the BEST Science Experiments for Kids

May 28, 2021 By Emma Vanstone 1 Comment

Here at Science Sparks, we’ve tried a lot of science experiments over the years; some have been brilliant on the first go, some have taken a LOT of tweaking, and some have been a complete disaster! Most have been great fun, whatever the outcome. To save you and your budding scientist the disasters, I’ve put together a list of the BEST science experiments for kids !

The BEST Science Experiments for Kids

1. mini baking soda rocket.

Up first is my mini baking soda powered rocket . A fun way to do this activity is to split it into two parts.

Design the Rocket

It needs to stand up with a gap between where the cork fits and the floor. Remember not to add too many decorations or it will be too heavy.

Launch the Rocket

Experiment with different amounts of baking soda and vinegar to find the best rocket fuel !

The rocket must be placed on a hard surface to launch.

upside down plastic bottle with three straws attached and a cork in the bit you drink from. Baking soda and vinegar are added to make the rocket fly.

2. Skittles Experiment

If you haven’t tried the good old skittles experiment, where HAVE you been?

Pour water over Skittles on a plate and watch as the colours dissolve from the candy into the water.

Investigate using different temperatures of water and even different types of sweets. If you have any Skittles left over at the end, another idea is to try some candy chromatography .

Skittles Experiment - skittles in water, showing the colours spreading out into the water

3. Elephants Toothpaste

Babble Dabble Do has the most amazing version of this explosive science activity. Elephant toothpaste is always fun!

toothpaste coloured elephant toothpaste explosion

4. Colour Changing Potions

Everyone loves a fizzy potion, but it’s even better if you can get it to change colour!

If you use red cabbage indicator juice as the base liquid for a traditional baking soda and vinegar potion , it will change colour as it reacts.

colour changing potions

5. Chromatography

Chromatography is a visual way to separate the different dyes in inks. All you need is some non-washable felt tip pens, filter paper and water. It’s a brilliant colourful science investigation for kids .

A fun twist on this activity is to use candy instead of felt-tip pens. Watch as the candy colours separate as they travel up the filter paper.

Candy chromatography experiment

6. Create a Chain Reaction or Rube Goldberg Machine

A Rube Goldberg machine uses the principle of a chain reaction to achieve an end goal. Examples are popping a balloon or delivering an item to someone.

Chain Reaction set up with dominoes and a half pipe

7. Lolly Stick Explosion

A craft or lolly stick explosion is a fantastic group activity or science demonstration.

They take some time to set up but are worth the effort.

craft stick chain reaction - cool science for kids

Oobleck is made from cornflour and water . It’s called a Non-Newtonian liquid as it feels solid when you squish it between your fingers but turns back into a liquid when the pressure is released.

cornflour oobleck in a tray with a sieve and superhero toys

9. Absorbing with Sugar Cubes

This activity uses sugar cubes to learn about absorption and properties of materials , especially whether they are waterproof or not.

The idea is to build a tower of sugar cubes and test different materials to see which can save the higher cubes. It’s a lovely visual, hands-on experiment.

sugar cubes experiment - waterproof materials

10. Bouncy Egg

Do you know how to make an egg bounce ?

First, you need to remove the shell by soaking the egg in vinegar. This leaves just the membrane behind. Once you’ve washed off the shell, you can bounce the egg.

Take care with this one, as eventually, the egg will break!

bouncy egg with no shell coloured

What do you think? Have I missed any? What would you add to the list? Perhaps a mento geyser ?

Coke and Mento reaction

More of the best science experiments for kids

Make dry erase pictures float with The Best Ideas for Kids.

Create a lens with jello and Science Fun.

Make a bouncy ball with The 36th Avenue , and then find out why balls bounce !

Set up a colourful fizzy rainbow with Messy Little Monster.

Make water travel down a string with Rookie Parenting.

collage of science experiments including oobleck and a lollystick chain reaction

Last Updated on April 9, 2024 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

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November 09, 2022 at 4:15 pm

Love the experiments! I really want to try one!

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65 Science Experiments for Kids: Have a Blast at Home

Is your kid bored at the weekends or while on school vacation? Are they couch potato-ing in front of the TV again? I know a brilliant way to keep your child entertained and engage their brain: science experiments.

Whether your child is intrigued by the thought of Imploding Cans or a Lemon Volcano, I’ve put together a list of 65 dazzling science experiments for kids! No need for a fancy science lab — you can do these all from the comfort of your home.

I’ll let you know exactly how to carry out each experiment. Gone are the days when there was nothing to do. Now you have 65 theories to test out!

Easy Science Experiments Kids Will Enjoy

Safety tips, faqs about science experiments for kids.

From making a cloud in a bottle to homemade bouncy balls, here are 65 easy science projects for kids to try. Plus, most use household items, making this a cheap way to pass the time.

1. Cloud in a Bottle

Tightly secure the lid on an empty plastic water bottle. Twist the bottom of the water bottle as tightly as possible. This will compress the air and push all the molecules inside together.

When you open the water bottle, the molecules expand, releasing the pressure and creating an instant cloud.

2. Floating Fish

Learn about solubility and density with this fun experiment. On the bottom of a glass plate, draw the outline of a fish with a dry-erase marker.

After a couple of minutes, slowly pour tap water into the corner of the dish until it covers the plate. The water will move towards the fish drawing, surrounding it. Tilt the plate from side to side and watch as the fish drawing starts to float!

3. Lava Lamp

Learn about density and make a lava lamp at home. Add two inches of baking soda to the bottom of a jar, then fill the rest with vegetable oil until full. These two ingredients won’t mix.

Combine ¼ cup of vinegar with a bit of food coloring in a separate cup. Mix together before pouring the solution into the jar with oil and baking soda.

Turn off the lights and shine a flashlight on your lava lamp!

4. Foamy Fountain (Elephant’s Toothpaste)

In this experiment, kids will make foam with a few household ingredients. In scientific terms, this is called an Exothermic Reaction.

Pour ¾ cup of hydrogen peroxide into a bottle. Add 10 drops of food coloring and one tablespoon of dish soap. Swirl it around to mix.

Combine three tablespoons of warm water and one tablespoon of dry yeast in a separate cup. Mix for 30 seconds.

Use a funnel to pour the yeast-water combination into the bottle and watch it fantastically foam!

Don’t touch the foam. We know it’s tempting, but it contains peroxide, which can irritate your skin and eyes.

5. Magic Milk

Pour whole milk into a shallow pie dish with a flat surface. Add a few drops of food coloring to different parts of the dish. You can use tons of different colors!

In a separate bowl, pour some dish soap. Dip a cotton swab into the dish soap and gently touch the surface of the milk with the swab.

The soap will lower the surface tension of the milk, and the colors will burst and swim around.

6. Egg in a Bottle

Did you know you can fit an egg in a bottle without breaking it? Firstly, boil and peel your egg. Then grab a glass bottle (no plastic!) and ensure that the opening is smaller than the diameter of the egg.

With an adult’s help, light three matches and drop them into the bottle. Place the egg at the bottle’s opening with the wide end pointing up. The egg will slowly squeeze into the bottle as the fire goes out!

7. Floating Ping Pong Ball

Levitate a ping pong ball with Bernoulli’s Principle! Make a paper funnel using thick card. With a grown-up’s help, cut a small hole in the bottom of the funnel.

Insert a straw into the bottom of the funnel and secure it in place with putty or tape.

Add a ping pong ball (or DIY foil ball) into the funnel and put the long end of the straw in your mouth. Blow into the straw and watch the ball levitate because of the high speed and low-pressure air.

8. Imploding Cans

Imploding Cans

Fill up a few empty soda cans with a bit of water. Then, fill up a large bowl with ice cubes and water.

Heat a flat frying pan on the stove and carefully stand your cans on the frying pan until they are hot. Using tongs, transfer the hot cans one at a time into the ice water.

When the cans drastically change temperature, they implode on themselves and crush inwards.

This is one for parents to do and kids to watch. It’s not safe for kids to do on their own.

9. Eggs and Toothpaste

Learn about the power of toothpaste in this shocking science project for kids. Fill up four glasses, two with soda and two with lemon juice. Then cover two eggs in toothpaste and pop one into a soda glass and another into the lemon juice glass.

Next, place two more eggs into the remaining glasses. This time, they’re not covered in toothpaste. Leave all the eggs in the glasses for 12 hours.

Once the time is up, remove the eggs, rinse under cool water, and pat dry. You’ll notice that the eggs covered in toothpaste feel and look different than those without. This emphasizes the significance and protective abilities of toothpaste.

10. Black Pepper Trick

Teach kids about surface tension and the power of soap in this fun and easy experiment. Pour a thin layer of water onto a plate. Pour a bit of ground pepper all over the water’s surface.

Then pour a tiny amount of dish soap onto your finger. Dip your finger into the water, and you’ll notice the pepper quickly zoom away from your finger.

Need something for your science fair project? People will love watching this one in action!

11. Ice Cream in a Bag

Have fun and try something yum! Pour four ounces of milk and cream, ¼ teaspoon of vanilla, two tablespoons of sugar, two teaspoons of vanilla, and food coloring (optional) into a zip-bag and ensure it’s securely closed.

Place the bag into a larger zip-bag and fill it with ice and a small handful of salt to surround the smaller bag. Zip it shut and hold either side while shaking back and forward for about five to eight minutes.

Yes, your arms will be tired. But in the end, you’ll have ice cream! Open the large bag and remove the smaller bag. Rinse off salt from the bag and open it up. It’s ice cream time!

12. Magic Melting Skittles

Grab a plate and line up Skittles around the edge of the bowl. Pour a little bit of boiling water into the plate to surround the bottom. Watch as the colors from the Skittles slowly melt off and swirl together on the plate.

This experiment has endless possibilities. Try it with different colors and shapes on the plate!

13. Bouncy Egg

Turn a raw egg into a bouncy egg! Simply place the raw egg (uncracked) into a glass. Cover it completely with distilled white vinegar and leave for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you can gently scrape off the eggshell, and you’re left with a squishy, bouncy egg.

14. Grow an Avocado Tree

Wash an avocado pit and insert four toothpicks halfway up the side, on all sides. Suspend the pit over a jar and fill the container with enough water to submerge the lower third of the seed. Make sure the broad side of the pit is facing down.

Keep the jar in a warm place out of direct sunlight and change the water every few days. After a few weeks, roots and sprouts should start appearing.

When the sprouts are about six inches, cut it back three inches. This will encourage more growth. When the stem has grown back again, plant the avocado pit in a 10-inch pot with soil, and voila! Your avocado tree will grow.

15. Make Slime

This exciting experiment will provide days of fun! Mix together ¼ of water and ¼ cup of white school glue in a bowl. Add a few drops of food coloring.

In a separate bowl, combine ½ tablespoon of Borax and another ½ cup of water. Stir to combine. Add the solution to the glue mixture, and enjoy playing with the slime!

16. DIY Rock Candy

On the stove, combine a 1:3 ratio of water and sugar. Bring it to the boil.

Let it cool for 10 minutes before transferring to a large glass or jar. If you want colorful rock candy, add food coloring to the solution and stir.

Pour half a cup of sugar onto a plate. Dampen a wooden skewer in water and roll it around in the sugar. Then place the skewer into the glass jar and secure it in place with a clothespin so it stays in the middle of the jar.

After five days, your rock candy will have formed. Use a skewer to break the piece of rock candy out of the water. Place it inside an empty jar to dry, and yum! You have your own rock candy.

Ask for an adult’s help for this one since you’ll be using high heat.

17. Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloon

Baking soda and vinegar can blow up a balloon without any help from your lungs. Using a funnel, pour about ¼ cup of vinegar into a bottle (with an opening small enough to stretch the mouth of a balloon over).

Put the mouth of the balloon over the funnel and add one tablespoon of baking soda to the balloon. Stretch the balloon over the bottle’s mouth and empty the baking soda into the bottle.

Watch as the balloon fills up with air. More technically, it’s carbon dioxide because that’s what happens when you combine baking soda and vinegar.

18. Frozen Bubbles

Blowing bubbles can be even more fun when the temperatures are below freezing. The bubble solution can freeze on the spot! You can do this with a bubble solution and a bubble wand — wave it around to produce bubbles.

The bubbles will either freeze mid-air, once they fall to the ground, or even while they are still attached to the wand.

Another option is to pour the bubble solution onto a plate or shallow bowl. Use a straw to blow a bubble into the solution. The bubble will slowly freeze, forming ice crystals.

You can pop the bubble and notice how it shatters and crumples rather than disappears like a normal bubble.

19. DIY Phone Speaker

When you don’t have your own Bluetooth speaker, you can easily make one with paper cups and toilet roll tubes. On the toilet roll tube, cut out an opening on one side that will fit the bottom of your phone.

On the paper cups, cut out a small opening to fit the end of the toilet roll tube through. Connect the pieces together, choose your favorite song, and insert your phone speaker into the toilet roll tube.

The system will naturally amplify the sound from the phone! Dancy party time.

20. Invisible Ink

Reveal hidden messages with this science project for kids. Pour ⅓ cup of baking soda and ⅓ cup of water into a bowl. Mix together before adding a cotton swab into the solution and writing a secret message onto a card.

Pour 100 percent grape juice into a cup. Dip in a paintbrush and paint over the secret message to reveal it. This is a great way to teach about acids and bases.

21. Milk Bottle Xylophone

Make music with items you already have in the house. Line up six glass bottles and pour a different amount of water into each jar.

Make music by tapping a metal spoon on each jar. Notice how the amount of liquid in each jar changes the sound waves and vibrations, resulting in a higher and lower pitch.

22. Dancing Raisins

Fill a clear glass with clear soda and fill another glass with water. Place a few raisins in each glass and notice how the raisins dance in the soda liquid but not in water. This is because the gas bubbles carry the raisins up, and when the bubbles pop, the raisins sink again.

23. Exploding Lunch Bag

This chemistry test is a great way to add excitement to a dull Saturday morning!

Fill a zippable lunch bag with ¼ cup of warm water. Add ½ cup of distilled white vinegar. Zip the bag shut.

Place a piece of tissue or paper towel down and pour three teaspoons of baking soda onto the middle. Fold the tissue over itself.

It’s time to be speedy! Open the zippable bag enough to add the baking soda tissue.

Once you’ve added it, quickly shut the bag, put it on the ground and step back. The bag will begin to expand and eventually… BOOM!

Do this experiment outside. You don’t want a mess on your living room floor!

24. Lemon Volcano

Let’s make citrus volcanos! This is a great one for science fair projects.

Cut the top and bottom off a lemon and carve out the insides. Add food coloring to the inside and fill the lemon with baking soda. Mix with a knife and watch as the baking soda starts to fizz out.

You can also try this with different citrus fruits, like an orange or grapefruit. Make it with different colors to have a rainbow volcano collection.

25. Walking Water Rainbow

Place seven identical jars or glasses in a row or a circle. Fill every second jar ¾ full with water, so jars #1, #3, #5, and #7 have water.

Then add a big squirt of red food coloring to jars #1 and #7, yellow to jar #3, and blue to jar #5. Jar #2, #4, and #6 will remain empty.

Fold six paper towels in half (hot-dog style), then in half again, making long, thin pieces of paper towels. Fold each paper towel in half (hamburger-style), so they make a tent shape.

Then place one end of the paper towel in the first cup and the other half in the second cup. Repeat with each paper towel.

Each cup should have two paper towel ends inside unless your cups are in a row. In that case, the first and last cups will only have one paper towel end inside.

After a couple of hours, the paper towels will have soaked up the food coloring using a capillary action. The colors mix together to create the shades of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

26. Rising Water

Fill a shallow bowl with enough water to cover the bottom. You can add food coloring for more fun!

Place a tealight candle in the middle of the water and light it. Quickly place an empty glass over the candle.

The candle will gently burn out while water rises into the glass. This is a great way to teach Charles’s Law, which conveys how when temperature decreases, the volume does, too, allowing water to rise and fill the empty space.

Get an adult to help with the Rising Water experiment, since it involves fire.

27. Bend Water

Run your kitchen or bathroom tap with a very thin stream of water. Blow up a balloon and create static by rubbing it against a towel or your hair. Hold the balloon close to the water and watch as the water bends towards the balloon.

28. Citrus Pops Balloons

Citrus Pops Balloons

Limonene, a component in citrus, has the ability to dissolve rubber, which is a component of balloons (1) . Therefore, when you squirt citrus onto a balloon, it pops!

Blow up a few balloons. Peel an orange, ensuring you have large pieces of the peel to hold.

Hold the peel a few inches from the balloon, with the rind side facing the rubber. Quickly squeeze the peel so the liquid squirts onto the balloon, and it should pop!

Something To Note

Not all balloons will pop through this experiment. If the balloons are made from natural rubber, they will most likely pop easily. But if the rubber is vulcanized, it’s more durable and harder to dissolve.

29. DIY Compass

Never get lost again! To make a compass, stroke a strong magnet down one length of a sewing needle 50 times. Then flip the magnet and the needle, and repeat on the other side.

Cut a cork so it’s about 1.5 centimeters thick. Push the needle through the cork — you may need to use pliers, so ask a parent for help.

Next, fill a bowl with a few inches of water. Place the cork into the water, and it should point North.

30. Sink or Float

Sink or Float

Take note of which ones sink and which ones float. Can you determine why?

31. Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

Optical illusions are an incredible way to confuse your brain using your eyes. Why not get a book of optical illusions for your kids to flick through all summer? This will keep them entertained — and amazed.

32. Pumpkin Volcano

Cut a hole in the top of a pumpkin and clean out the insides. Pour ¼ cup of baking soda into the pumpkin with a squirt of dish soap and watch the pumpkin start to foam from the top!

33. Create a Marshmallow Catapult

Stack up six popsicle sticks and tie them together with a rubber band on either end. Then tie a wooden spoon and another popsicle stick together at the bottom end of the spoon. Push the large stack of popsicle sticks between the spoon and the second stick until it’s halfway down.

Secure it together by making an “X” with a rubber band where the two sticks meet. Then put a mini marshmallow on the spoon and pull it back slightly.

The marshmallow should fly through the air! If not, adjust your mechanism until it can catapult the marshmallows.

34. Make Ginormous Bubbles

Make Ginormous Bubbles

Make the biggest bubbles your eyes have ever seen! Mix together six cups of distilled or purified water with ½ cup of cornstarch.

Add one tablespoon of baking powder, one tablespoon of glycerine, and ½ cup of dish soap. I recommend Blue Dawn dish soap .

Use it with a giant bubble wand. If you need to make your own giant bubble wand, do this beforehand so you can use the bubbles immediately.

35. Magnet Experiment

Fill a glass with water and add a few tablespoons of magnetic fine iron filings . Run magnets up and down the side of the glass and watch the iron fillings move around.

36. Paper Bridge

All you need for this are pieces of paper, two plastic cups, and a bunch of pennies. Create different types of bridges by trying out different designs with the paper. Add one penny at a time to the bridges to discover the strongest bridge design.

37. Shine Up Pennies

Shine Up Pennies

Discover how to clean copper pennies using household items. Fill different cups with different liquids, including white vinegar, soapy water, ketchup, and soda. You can fill up the other cups with any liquid you please!

Put a penny in each cup and wait 10 minutes. Then rinse the pennies with water and rub with a paper towel. Which liquid cleans the pennies best?

38. Egg Drop Challenge

The aim here is to drop the egg into the glass of water. So fill a glass full of water (make sure it’s big enough for the egg) and place a piece of cardboard or a small tray on top of the glass. Then place a toilet paper tube on top of the tray before balancing the egg horizontally on the tube.

When you’re ready, strike the tray or cardboard away with your hand, making sure to send it flying away without knocking over the water. The egg will hang in the air for a split second before dropping into the water.

39. Green Pennies

Above, I taught you how to polish pennies. Did you know you can turn pennies green using a very similar method?

Fill up two bowls with ¼ cup of vinegar and one teaspoon of salt. Mix well. Add a few pennies to each bowl.

After 10 minutes, remove the pennies from one bowl, rinse them, and lay them flat to dry on a paper towel.

Take the other pennies from the second bowl and place them onto the paper towel. Don’t rinse! Wait and see what happens.

The pennies that you rinsed will be polished. But the pennies you didn’t rinse will be green. This is called a patina — a layer caused by the weathering chemical process you just carried out.

40. Homemade Butter

Homemade Butter

Pour heavy cream into a jar and put the lid on tight. And start shaking! This is a great one for siblings so they can take turns because it can take up to half an hour for the cream to turn to butter!

As the cream solidifies, it separates from the buttermilk. When you remove the lid, pour the buttermilk away; underneath, you’ll have butter. Spread it on your toast, and enjoy!

41. Neon Flowers

Fill up a few glasses with water and five drops of food coloring. Mix well before adding white daisies or carnations to each glass. The next day, your flowers should be bright and colorful!

42. Expanding Soap

Watch what ivory soap does when you microwave it. Submerge a bar of ivory soap into water before cutting it into quarters and placing it on a plate. Pop it in the microwave for two minutes and watch as it expands into a pile of fluff!

43. Sticky Ice

Fill a container with water and ice cubes. Lay a piece of string across the container, ensuring the string is in contact with one or some ice cubes. Sprinkle salt over the string.

One minute later, gently submerge the ice cube slightly under the water to wash the salt off. Pick up the string, and you’ll notice that the ice cube comes with it!

This is because the salt melts the ice a little, and when you wash the salt away, the ice cube refreezes, attaching the string to it.

44. Density Jar

This is what I did my 5th grade science experiment on. Learn all about density with this cool and easy experiment.

Pour some honey into a jar, followed by corn syrup, dish soap, water, oil, and alcohol. The layers of liquid will sit on top of one another rather than mixing together!

45. Soap Boat

Cut out a mini boat about one-inch long using card or paper. Fill up a large tray or container with water. Dip a cotton swab into dish soap and place a tiny amount on the back of the paper boat.

Watch as it starts zooming around the water! This works because the soap breaks the surface tension of the water and creates a force strong enough to push the paper through the liquid.

46. Dancing Sprinkles

Place plastic wrap tightly over a bowl and secure it with a rubber band. Make sure there aren’t any wrinkles.

Pour a few sprinkles over the plastic wrap. Lean closely and hum songs near the bowl. The louder or higher you sing, the different sound waves you’ll create.

You can also try placing a speaker into the bowl before you place the plastic wrap over it. Once you’ve poured on your sprinkles, play a song and watch the sprinkles boogy!

47. Eggs and Salt Water

Fill a glass full of water. Fill a second glass all the way with water and add a bunch of salt. And finally, fill a third halfway with water.

Place an egg in the plain, full glass of water and watch as it sinks. In the salty glass of water, the egg floats. Finally, add salt to the third glass of water, allowing it to dissolve slightly before placing the egg inside.

What does the egg do? It floats. But if you pour water on top of it so the glass is full, the egg stays in the middle. This is a great science lesson to teach density to kids.

48. Leakproof Bag

Fill a plastic zippable bag half full with water and seal it shut. Stab a sharp pencil through the bag until it comes out the other side. Repeat with a few more pencils. Notice how the bag doesn’t leak water when you stab the pencils through!

50. Frozen Baking Soda

Fill a freezable tray with one cup of baking soda. Add three cups of water and food coloring. Mix well.

Add some figurine toys to the mixture and freeze the mixture overnight. Start pouring vinegar into the mixture as you try and rescue the figurine toys. The vinegar will slowly break down the baking soda with a fizzing reaction until you can break free the figurines.

51. Leaf Breathing

Fill three bowls with warm water. Place one freshly picked leaf in each bowl and hold the leaf down with a small rock. After a few hours, check back, and you’ll notice little oxygen bubbles all over the leaves.

These bubbles convey the oxygen coming out of the leaves. This highlights that plants breathe! They take in carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen, which goes back into the air we breathe.

52. Exploding Colors

Fill a tray with baking soda. Fill an ice cube tray with distilled white vinegar. Add food coloring to the vinegar. Use an eyedropper to transfer the colored vinegar to the baking soda, and watch the colors explode!

53. Floating Paperclip

When you drop a paperclip into water, it will sink because it has a bigger density than water. But with this experiment, you can make it float!

Bend a paperclip to create an “L” shape. Balance another paperclip on the bottom end of the “L” shaped paperclip.

Gently lower the paperclips into the water, sliding out the “L” shaped one from beneath the second paperclip. The second paperclip will now float!

54. Viscosity Experiment

Fill three glasses with different liquids like water, olive oil, and honey. Place a ruler over the top of the glasses with a marble balancing above each glass.

At the same time, tip the marbles into the cups and watch which one reaches the bottom first. This is a great science lesson on viscosity.

55. Plastic Milk

Create your own plastic using milk. Pour one cup of fat-free milk into a saucepan with four teaspoons of white vinegar. Stir gently to combine.

Set the heat to a high temperature. Don’t stir. After a couple of minutes, the milk will start separating.

Gently stir the solution, and the milk will form a big curd called a casing. Voila! You’ve made plastic out of milk. You can mold and cut it into anything you want.

Adults should help set the heat to a high temperature and stir the milk. Don’t leave your child unattended with this experiment.

56. Oxidation With Apples

Learn about oxidation with this fun and fruity experiment.

Get 10 plastic cups and pour ½ cup of water in all but one cup. Then add ½ teaspoon of ingredients to each water-filled cup, including vinegar, honey, salt, sugar, baking soda, and anything else you’d like to try.

With the help of an adult, cut up 10 apple slices. Place one apple slice in each solution for 10 minutes.

Remove them from the solution and wait another 10 minutes. Notice how the oxidation process varies depending on what solution the apple slice was exposed to.

57. Sunscreen Science

Using bright construction paper, fold each sheet in half and open it back up. Squeeze sunscreen onto a paper plate and use a paintbrush to draw a picture on one half of the construction paper.

On the other half of the paper, apply a spray-on sunscreen. Leave the paper outside in the sun for a few hours, ideally all day.

Notice how the sunscreen bleaches the part of the paper that doesn’t have sunscreen on it. But the sunscreen portion is protected! This is a great way to enforce the importance of sunscreen.

58. Static Electricity Hair

Static Electricity Hair

Teach your kids about electrons and negative vs. positive charge with this silly balloon experiment! Rub the surface of a balloon with a cloth for around one minute. Hold it slightly above your head and watch your hair move upwards towards the balloon.

59. Chicken in a Cup

Punch a hole in the bottom of a plastic cup. Attach a paperclip to the end of the ribbon and weave the other side through the hole so the paperclip is inside the cup. Dampen the dangling part of the ribbon slightly.

Hold the cup tightly in one hand and use your other hand to squeeze the ribbon and pull it down in sharp, short movements. All going well, it should make chicken noises!

60. Gummy Bear Osmosis

Pour water, coke, salt water, and white vinegar into four separate cups. Add one gummy bear into each cup and wait 24 hours. Remove the gummy bears and notice how they expand or stay the same depending on the liquid they rested in.

Weigh and measure the gummy bears before and after the experiment to track exactly how much they changed.

61. Make a Sundial

Make your own sundial to help you tell time! Start by poking a stick in the ground. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, tilt the stick at a bit of an angle to the North. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, angle it slightly to the South.

Every hour, take note of where the stick’s shadow is pointing on the ground. So, at 7 a.m., head outside and mark the shadow with a rock. Repeat at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., and so forth. As long as the sun is in the sky, you can use your sundial to tell the time.

62. Homemade Bouncy Balls

Combine ½ teaspoon of Borax with two tablespoons of warm water. Add a few drops of food coloring (optional). Then add one tablespoon of school glue to a separate bowl. Add glitter if you’d like.

Now add ½ teaspoon of the Borax solution into your glue, followed by one tablespoon of cornstarch. Stir well.

Once the solution has hardened, pick it up and mold it into a ball. Leave it to dry for 10 minutes. Watch it bounce!

63. Instant Ice

Fill a plastic bottle with water and place it in the freezer for two hours. Carefully remove it from the freezer.

Place a bowl or cup upside down and set an ice cube on top of it. Then, slowly pour the cold water onto the ice cube and watch instant ice form!

As an extra step, you can pour the cold water into a glass. Then hold an ice cube slightly into the water’s surface and watch as the water slowly freezes beneath it.

64. Mystery Smell

Get an adult or friend to fill up various opaque containers with different objects, such as chocolate, milk, vanilla, and other fragranced items. The children should put a blindfold on and sniff the different containers, trying to guess what is inside.

65. What Dissolves in Water?

What Dissolves in Water

This experiment is fantastic for learning what dissolves in water and what doesn’t. Drop some ingredients into various cups — oil, sugar, pepper, flour, and more. Then add warm water and stir.

Make it more fun by guessing beforehand which ingredients will dissolve and which won’t. Were your theories correct?

It’s essential to stay safe during your science fair projects and experiments. Here are five tips for ensuring your child is safe while they meddle with science.

  • Stay nearby: Don’t leave your child unattended while they perform science experiments. Stay nearby without distractions to keep an eye on what your child tries out.
  • Wear protective clothing: It’s a good idea to wear a lab coat, glasses, and goggles while conducting experiments. Many ingredients, even natural ones, can irritate the skin and eyes.
  • Provide clear instructions: Before your child attempts a science experiment, ensure you have given them clear instructions, and they have a good understanding of what to do.
  • Only do approved experiments: The experiments on this list have been tried and tested many times. I urge you to stick with approved experiments. Don’t make up your own experiments, as many mixtures and chemical combinations can make toxic gasses.
  • Work in a well-ventilated spot: Some ingredients might cause nausea, dizziness, and headaches. So always work in a well-ventilated spot near an air purifier or open window.

What Are the Most Popular Science Experiments? Icon

What Are the Most Popular Science Experiments?

The most well-known science project experiment is definitely the baking soda and vinegar volcano. It has a beloved place in school fairs, movies, and TV shows.

Other popular projects include invisible ink, growing crystals, making a vegetable battery, making a baking soda rocket, and elephant’s toothpaste.

What Are Some Simple Science Experiments? Icon

What Are Some Simple Science Experiments?

Your science experiment doesn’t need to be super complicated.

Keep it nice and simple with these easy experiments:

  • Magic Milk.
  • Black Pepper Trick.
  • Dancing Raisins.
  • Sink or Float.
  • Eggs and Salt Water.

Headshot of Beth McCallum

About the Author

Beth McCallum

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35 Easy Science Experiments for Kids That'll Blow Their Minds

As a fomer educator and mom blogger who's a mother of four, Kristin shares helpful tips and advice on a variety of topics.

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If you have a young Einstein on your hands who's eager to explore scientific theories, these science experiments for kids are designed to keep curious future Curies happy, engaged, and learning (while keeping messes and required materials to a minimum). From making raisins dance to bending water, the following mind-blowing experiments will excite and delight kids of all ages.

Food-Based Science Experiments for Kids

If you really want to get the kids involved in science at home, then pair learning with food! These simple experiments offer interesting ways to explore various themes in science, and the best part is, everyone is left with a snack at the end of the activity.

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Growing Rock Candy

Growing rock candy is a fun and simple science experiment that pays off if kids are patient enough to allow the crystals to grow and set. All you need to explore crystallization and supersaturation processes at home is water, sugar, skewers, a glass jar, a large saucepan, a few clothespins, and about a week's time. After an initial setup, kids can check each day to see if their crystals have started forming. When the rock candy is set (it takes about a week to fully develop the skewers of sugar crystals), they can celebrate their success by eating the sugar candy.

Make Glow-in-the-Dark Jello

What is more fun than making jello? Making glow-in-the-dark jello ! This experiment with food takes some patience, as the jello needs time to set up, so it might be better suited for older children. (It also requires heating a carbonated substance over a stove, so even with older children, adult supervision is suggested). As far as the ingredient list goes, the items needed for this experiment are easily found in most homes. The one thing necessary for this experiment that families might have to go to a store to purchase is a fluorescent light. Save the finished product for an evening snack, since this is best when eaten in the dark!

Create Chemical Reactions in Lemonade

Create a chemical reaction out of baking soda and lemon juice. The base and acid combination will produce a fizzy lemon mixture , and if you add some sweetener to it, then you will end up with a cold drink to enjoy after the science experiment. Creating carbonation is a simple experiment that kids of all ages can perform. The ingredient list and the instructions are pretty basic, making this a go-to activity for families looking to get their science on.

Make a Solar S'more Oven

Kids will be surprised (and pretty pumped) to learn that they do not need an open flame to make their favorite camping snack. Together, create a solar s'mores oven . You'll need basic craft supplies, s'mores ingredients, and sunshine to try this experiment out. Kids can get creative designing their ovens and learn key lessons regarding heat absorption. The payoff to the experiment working is a delicious snack at the end.

Observe Apples Under Oxidization

When an apple is sliced, it begins to brown, thanks to the process of oxidization. Encourage kids to take apple slices and coat them with various liquids (including lemon juice). Do any of the liquids slow the oxidization process?

Make Edible Glass

This experiment helps children understand the process of making glass (but instead of heating and cooling sand at high temperatures, you are heating and cooling sugar at manageable temperatures). Sugar glass won't be suitable for building materials, but it will make a fun treat to nibble on, and the process for edible glass simulates the actual process of how sand is turned into glass.

Heat sugar until it melts (an adult is likely the best person to man the heating aspect of the experiment). Cool it to form a glass-like appearance. Peel it from the baking paper and break off a piece!

Make Plastic With Milk

It might seem like an impossible task, but kids can turn everyday milk into a plastic-like substance using only a few key ingredients like milk, white vinegar, and a few standard items likely sitting around your kitchen. When vinegar is mixed with hot milk, curds will form. Liquid can be extracted from the curds, leaving kids with a material that resembles a casein polymer. This substance can then be kneaded and molded into a shape to set out and dry.

Note: While this experiment does use food-based ingredients, you won't want to gobble it up at the end of the activity.

Whip Up Ice Cream

Making ice cream is a great way to introduce or further explore chemical reactions and compounds. Chemistry can be so fun when you get to eat the results with a spoon.

Science Experiments With Plants

Use various plants and items found in nature to help kids understand certain scientific concepts occurring in the world. These activities are simple, entertaining, and easy enough for families to do at home with kids ranging in age from young to old.

Flavored Salad Leaves

Can you change the taste of your salad leaves? Immerse the stems of salad leaves into a salt solution and a sugar solution and see. Set up a bowl of sugar water and a bowl of salt water. Place the stem of each salad leaf in the solutions and set aside for five to six hours. Taste the leaves. Do they taste salty or sweet? If you notice a differing taste to the leaves, then osmosis might be at work here.

Create Color Changing Flowers

Another fun plant-based experiment that highlights the process of osmosis is done with colored watered solutions and white carnations. Set up several glasses of water, each tinted with food coloring. Place the stem of a white carnation into each glass and observe over the next several days. Are your flowers taking on the tinted color of the water?

Discover: Do Seeds Need Light?

School-aged children likely know that plants need sunlight to grow, but how much sunlight is required, and do plants grow at different rates when the sunlight variable is altered ? Plant seeds in cups of dirt (be sure to use the same seed type in each cup). Set each seed up in a place that receives different quantities of sunlight. Put one up on a window sill, another in a dark closet, one more under artificial light, and a fourth in a dimly lit space in your home. Be sure to water the plants each day with the same amount of water so that the only variable that gets altered is the light the plant receives.

Have kids make predictions about what they think will happen. They might be surprised at what grows and what does not.

Inspect a Pine Cone in Water

Seeds, flowers, and stems are fun to experiment with, but try this pine cone experiment for something a little different. This activity looks to answer the question, why do pine cones open and close? Head outside and find a pine cone or two. Once back inside, sink a pine cone in warm water and another in cold water. What do you observe?

The pine cone in cold water likely closed up quickly. This is because the scales move in response to humidity. If you dry the cones off in open air, they will probably open right back up.

Regrow Leftovers

Kids often think that growing plants starts with dirt, water, and a seed, but see what happens when they take a crack at regrowing plants from leftovers. Try this experiment with several "leftovers" from common vegetables like green onions, carrots, romaine lettuce, celery, onions, garlic, or potatoes. Following simple growing instructions, see if kids can regrow the plants using the leftovers of veggies used in meals.

Bringing Dead Leaves Back to Life

Have kids head outside to collect dried-up leaves. Explore the texture of the leaves. Can kids crumble them in their hands? What do they feel like? Ask the question: can we reverse what we see?

Place a dried leaf in a dish of water so the leaf is totally immersed in the liquid. Remove it after several hours. Does it feel the same as the dried, crumbling leaf? Does it appear that the leaf has had new life breathed back into it? Kids will think it's pretty cool to explore the transformative power of water.

Science Experiments for Young Children

Little kids don't have to fully understand the scientific concepts at work to explore and enjoy science. These activities are simple enough for young children to do, and parents can begin introducing some scientific phenomenon to kids as they play and create through the experiments listed.

Look at How Static Electricity Works With Butterflies

Start with craft time and make a tissue paper butterfly and attach it to cardboard (except for the wings). Blow up a balloon and rub the balloon on your child's hair (they will probably find this hysterical, especially if they look in the mirror afterward)! Now hover the balloon over the butterfly's wings. Does the butterfly begin to move and take flight? The wings should lift off of the cardboard, highlighting the principles of static electricity.

Write With Invisible Ink

Young kids are just beginning to learn how to write, spell and master their fine motor skills. Work some science into their daily writing session by adding in an invisible ink activity . You will need half a lemon and a few household items that you likely already have in the home to create writing magic. Have kids write messages in their secret ink solution, and then read them once the messages are put to a heat source (like a lamp).

Have Fun With Frozen Bubbles

Take your child's love of bubbles to a new level by performing an experiment called frozen bubbles. All you need to witness the magic of frozen bubbles is bubble solution and wands and an outside temperature that is really, really cold (think below ten degrees cold).

Do Objects Sink or Float?

Little kids love spending an afternoon playing in the water, and you can work some science into this sensory play easily with the sink or float activity . Kids gather up objects that can be immersed in water without getting destroyed. They then simply predict if they will sink or if they will float. Extend the activity by asking children why they think something might sink or float. Next, drop objects into the water and observe. Which float and which sink? Do the ones that float have a property in common?

Dancing Raisins

Try this dancing raisins experiment at home with your little kids. All you need is club soda and raisins. Fill a glass with club soda and have kids drop the raisins into the glass. The raisins will begin to move after a few minutes. What makes these raisins do a jig? Well, it is the carbon dioxide bubbles that attach themselves to the raisins that act as floaties for the food. The gas helps the raisins float around and appear as if they are dancing about.

Oceans in a Bottle

Oceans in a bottle is another science activity that explores the density in liquids, but this one is simple enough for very young children to explore. You will need cooking oil, water, and a few other simple ingredients to do this activity. The oil and the water will not mix together, and kids can observe the relationship of the different liquids in the same bottle.

See What Sticky Ice Is

This science activity is perfect for young children and busy parents. The sticky ice experiment is safe and requires only ice and warm and cold water. First, the child places their hand in the bowl with ice water. They then reach into the bowl with ice. The ice will stick to their hands. Next, have them immerse their hands in a bowl of warm water. Again, have them reach for the ice. Does the ice stick to them as it did before? It likely does not. Is it magic? Nope. It's science!

Make a Speed Boat Fueled by Baking Soda and Vinegar

This experiment combines art and science to create a fun activity that will keep kids busy creating and learning. First, they design their boat using Sharpie markers and a clean and empty soda bottle. Next, they explore chemical reactions by fueling the boat with baking soda and vinegar. Watch those speed boats take off!

Discover How Color Affects Melting Rates

Kids learn their colors early on, and you can extend learning with colors by applying color to scientific principles, such as heat and melting. Different colors will conduct heat at varying rates, with black leading the pack as the color that melts ice fastest. Have kids put construction paper on the sidewalk on a warm day. Place an ice cube on each piece of paper. Observe which ice cube melts the quickest. Which color of paper was it on?

Make a Sundial

Talk to kids about what a sundial is and what it is used for. After some discussion, head outside and make a family sundial. Learn the basics of telling time using the natural environment.

Make a Magic Bag

Is it magic? Is it science? Either way, it is really fun! Fill a plastic baggie with water. Carefully insert pencils through the bag so that the pencil penetrates the bag and goes through the other end. Do this with several pencils. What do the kids observe? No water should leak out of the baggie, and kids should have saucer-sized eyeballs as they watch this activity take place.

Make a Rainbow Jar

Make a rainbow in a jar using different liquids with varying densities. Each liquid needs to be colored differently to see the layers of the rainbow in the jar. Discuss with little kids that some liquids you used were heavier than others, and heavy stuff falls or sinks.

Teach Kids About Animal Blubber

Young children begin learning about animal adaptations, and you can help them understand the phenomenon of animal blubber with an experiment using shortening and ice. Discuss what blubber is, what it does, and which animals have it as part of their bodies.

To model and explore how blubber keeps animals warm, have kids dip their fingers in the water containing ice cubes. It won't be long before they must extract their freezing cold fingers. Next, have them coat one finger in shortening. They again place their hand in the freezing water and will surely notice that the coated finger stays warmer in the ice water.

Construct a Water Xylophone

Young kids may not fully understand the concept of sound and sound waves, but they will have a blast experimenting with sounds using mason jars and water . Fill jars with water, but be sure that each jar contains a different quantity of liquid. Line the jars up and tap the sides. They make different sounds. Why is that?

Science Experiments Teenagers Will Love

Older kids are often found in their rooms, staring at their phones. Lure them out of their caves and get them into some science fun with these interesting experiments that are so cool even the teens will try them.

Create Silver Eggs

Because this experiment requires teens to hold an egg over a flame, covering the egg with soot, it is suitable for teens, but even so, there should be adult supervision. Once the egg is covered in soot, place it in water. The egg will appear to have a silvery coating like mercury on it.

Make a pH Indicator

By using red cabbage, teens can e xplore the pH levels of various solutions . The experiment requires teens to make a solution out of boiled cabbage. The solution will be a pH 7. Divide the liquid into several jars of water. Add baking soda to one jar, lemon juice to another, and washing powder to a third. The color of each jar will change depending on the solution. If the solution in a jar is red, the pH level is 2. If it is purple, the solution is a pH 4. If it is blue-green, it is a pH 10.

Learn to Bend Water

Teens can learn to bend water using only cold water, their hair, and a comb. By employing static electricity, older kids can explore how water is attracted to the materials (the comb) that are charged up.

Does your teen need something to occupy quite a bit of their time? Have them try their hand at making a metal ball. With only four items, teens can create metal out of tin foil. If they take their time, the result is pretty cool.

Explore Expanding Soap

Who knew microwaving soap would result in something so cool? Teens should get permission before they pop bars of ivory soap in their parents' microwave, but if they get the green light, the activity is pretty neat to behold. The air pockets in the soap and the heat turn a bar of soap into something that looks like it fell from outer space!

Try Walking on Eggshells

No way! Teens will definitely be up to the challenge of attempting to walk across raw eggs. Can they walk across a carton or two of eggs without getting covered in yoke? Probably! Have them see for themselves and discuss why this is possible. Hint: it has to do with even weight distribution and the domed shape of the egg.

Make Magnetic Slime

Slime is a fun activity for kids of all ages, but older children might especially enjoy playing around with magnetic slime . You'll need a few key ingredients to make magnetic slime, including iron oxide powder, but once the slime is created, kids can explore magnetic properties till their heart's content.

Science Is Everywhere

The wonderful thing about science is, it's all around us. These simple science experiments highlight just how easy it is to explore various scientific theories right from the comfort of home. Children young and old can have fun with experiments of all sorts. With a list like this, parents will never have to hear the grumbles, " I'm bored ," again!

Littlescholars Daycare

TOP 30 Easy DIY Science Experiments for Kids

Why diy science experiments, toddlers science fun, preschool scientists, general safety guidelines for diy science experiments at home, easy level: introduction to basic concepts.

  • Intermediate Level: Building on Basics 

How to engage kids throughout the experiment process:

Resources on experiments for kids.

Kids engaged in a DIY science experiment mixing colors in a preschool classroom setting

Science education lays the foundation for developing children’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills from a young age. Through DIY science experiments, Little Scholars Daycare offers an exciting avenue for children to explore and learn fundamental scientific principles. These activities not only make learning more engaging but also accessible, allowing children to continue their exploration of science both at daycare and at home. This hands-on approach encourages curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning, fostering a positive attitude towards science that lasts a lifetime.

Discover 30 easy DIY science experiments designed for toddlers and preschoolers to learn and have fun. Dive in now and see how science can be a delightful adventure for your little one!

Why DIY Science Experiments are a must-try? DIY science experiments are a gateway to unlocking your child’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. They transform abstract concepts into tangible, memorable experiences, making the wonders of science accessible and relatable. Through these interactive activities, children not only grasp scientific principles but also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a playful, engaging manner. Embracing these experiments at home encourages a collaborative learning environment, where children and parents explore, discover, and learn together, fostering a lifelong love for science and inquiry.

DIY Science Experiments for Different Age Groups

Young child adding blue food coloring to water for a simple color mixing science experiment

Here are 10 simple DIY science experiments suitable for toddlers, designed to spark curiosity and encourage exploration:

1. Color Mixing

Teach toddlers about primary colours (red, yellow, blue) by mixing them in different combinations to create secondary colours (green, orange, purple). This can be done with watercolours, food colouring, or transparent-coloured plastic sheets.

2. Sink or Float

Gather various household objects and a bowl of water. Have toddlers predict whether each item will sink or float before testing their hypotheses, introducing basic principles of density and buoyancy.

3. Magnetic Attraction

Use a variety of objects, including some that are magnetic, to explore magnetic attraction. Show how magnets can attract or repel each other and attract magnetic objects, introducing the concept of magnetic fields.

4. Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano

Mix baking soda and vinegar in a container to create a simple, erupting volcano. This experiment demonstrates chemical reactions and gas production in an exciting, visual way.

5. Bubble Science

Create a homemade bubble solution with water, dish soap, and glycerin. Experiment with making bubbles using different tools, exploring concepts of surface tension and elasticity.

6. Plant Growth

Plant seeds in a transparent cup filled with soil to observe germination and root development. This introduces toddlers to plant biology and the conditions necessary for growth, such as water, light, and soil.

7. Ice Melting

Place ice cubes in different environments (inside, outside, in water) and observe how they melt at different rates. This experiment helps toddlers understand states of matter (solid, liquid) and the effects of temperature.

8. Shadow Play

Use a flashlight and toys to create shadows on a wall. This activity teaches toddlers about light sources, opaque objects, and how shadows are formed and change size.

9. Balloon Rocket

Attach a balloon to a piece of string and let it go to see it zoom across the room. This demonstrates the principles of propulsion and air pressure in a fun and tangible way.

10. Water Cycle Bag

Draw the water cycle on a sealable plastic bag and add a bit of water. Hang it in a sunny window to observe evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, visually explaining the water cycle.

Each experiment is designed to be safe and engaging, using simple materials to introduce scientific concepts to toddlers in a fun and interactive way.

Preschool children attentively watching a vinegar and baking soda experiment at a classroom table

For preschoolers ready to take on slightly more complex experiments, here are some engaging ideas that introduce new scientific concepts while still being fun and manageable:

1. Lemon Volcanoes

A fascinating way for kids to see chemical reactions up close. By adding baking soda to the lemon, children can watch as the mixture fizzes and bubbles, simulating a volcanic eruption. This experiment introduces basic concepts of acid-base reactions in a visually engaging manner.

2. Homemade Lava Lamps

This experiment is a fun way to explore the principles of density and chemical reactions. By combining oil, water, food colouring, and Alka-Seltzer, children can observe how the coloured bubbles move through the oil, creating a lava lamp effect.

3. Crystal Growing

Children can grow their own sparkling crystals using borax, water, and pipe cleaners. This experiment teaches the principles of solutions and crystallization, allowing kids to observe how crystals form over time.

4. Static Electricity Butterflies

Using simple materials like tissue paper and a balloon, this experiment demonstrates how static electricity works. Kids can see firsthand how rubbing the balloon creates static that can make the butterfly wings move.

5. DIY Rain Gauge

An excellent way for children to learn about weather and measurements. By creating their own rain gauge, they can track rainfall over time and understand how weather is measured.

6. Water Xylophone

This musical experiment teaches kids about sound waves and vibration. By filling glasses with varying amounts of water and tapping them, children can explore how the pitch changes with the water level.

7. Walking Water

A visually striking experiment that demonstrates capillary action and color mixing. Children can watch as coloured water “walks” across paper towels, blending colours and showing how water can move through materials.

8. Simple Circuit

Introduces basic electrical concepts by creating a circuit with a battery, wire, and light bulb. This hands-on activity helps children understand how electricity flows and lights up a bulb.

9. Solar Oven

Using everyday materials, children can build a simple solar oven. This experiment teaches about solar energy and the greenhouse effect, showing how the sun’s energy can be harnessed to heat and cook.

10. Glow-in-the-Dark Slime

By adding glow-in-the-dark paint to slime, children can explore the properties of materials and light. This experiment is not only fun but also illuminates the science behind phosphorescence and chemical reactions.

These experiments provide a fantastic opportunity for preschoolers to delve deeper into science with projects that are a bit more challenging but still loads of fun and highly educational.

Safety First

Ensuring safety is paramount when engaging in DIY science experiments, especially with young learners. Adult supervision is crucial to oversee all activities, ensuring that experiments are conducted safely and appropriately. It’s essential to follow general safety guidelines. 

  • Wear Protective Gear: Use safety goggles, gloves, and aprons as needed to protect from spills or splashes.
  • Read Instructions First: Always understand the experiment’s steps and safety warnings before starting.
  • Keep a Clean Workspace: Ensure the area is tidy and free from unnecessary items to prevent accidents.
  • Use Materials Properly: Follow guidelines for each substance used; do not mix chemicals unless instructed.
  • Supervise Children: Adults should always be present to oversee the experiment and assist when needed.
  • Dispose of Materials Safely: Follow proper disposal methods for any chemicals or experiment leftovers.
  • First Aid Kit : Keep a first aid kit nearby in case of minor injuries or spills.
  • Know Emergency Procedures: Be familiar with how to handle emergencies, such as chemical spills or burns.

These practices help create a safe learning environment, allowing children to explore and discover without risk, fostering a positive and educational experience in science exploration at home.

Children in awe as they watch a balloon experiment in a classroom

DIY Experiment List

Here’s a curated list of DIY science experiments, categorized by difficulty level and the science concepts they demonstrate. Each experiment is tailored for children up to 5 years old, with a brief description, materials needed, and the educational takeaway.

1. Cloud in a Jar

  • Objective: To demonstrate how clouds form through condensation.
  • Materials: Glass jar, hot water, ice, hairspray.
  • Pour hot water into the jar, filling it about one-third of the way.
  • Quickly spray a small amount of hairspray into the jar.
  • Place the lid upside down on top of the jar and immediately put several ice cubes on the lid.
  • Watch as a cloud begins to form inside the jar. After a few minutes, lift the lid slightly to let the cloud escape.
  • Educational Takeaway: Kids learn about condensation and the role temperature and particles play in cloud formation.

2. Dancing Raisins

  • Objective: To observe buoyancy and gas bubble formation.
  • Materials: Clear glass, carbonated water, raisins.
  • Fill the glass with carbonated water.
  • Drop a few raisins into the water.
  • Observe as the raisins begin to move up and down in the glass.
  • Educational Takeaway: Demonstrates how gas bubbles can attach to objects, making them buoyant enough to move in a fluid.

3. Static Magic

  • Objective: To explore static electricity and its effects.
  • Materials: Balloons, small paper pieces or pepper.
  • Inflate the balloon and tie it off.
  • Rub the balloon against your hair or a woolen fabric for a few seconds.
  • Hold the balloon close to the small paper pieces or pepper without touching them.
  • Watch as the static charge built up on the balloon attracts the paper or pepper.
  • Educational Takeaway: Introduces the concept of static electricity and how it can attract objects.

4. Colorful Milk Art

  • Objective: To illustrate chemical reactions and fluid dynamics.
  • Materials: Whole milk (for better results), food coloring, dish soap, cotton swabs.
  • Pour milk into a shallow dish to just cover the bottom.
  • Add a few drops of different colored food coloring to the milk.
  • Dip a cotton swab into dish soap and then lightly touch the center of the milk dish with the soapy swab.
  • Observe the burst of color as the soap disperses through the milk.
  • Educational Takeaway: Kids see how soap molecules interact with fat in the milk, causing movement and color mixing.

5. Air Pressure Bag

  • Objective: To demonstrate the principles of air pressure.
  • Materials: Ziplock bag, straws, tape.
  • Make small holes along one side of the ziplock bag and insert straws into each hole, sealing them with tape to ensure air can’t escape around the straws.
  • Close the ziplock bag, leaving one straw sticking out to blow into.
  • Blow into the straw to inflate the bag and demonstrate how air pressure can fill a space.
  • Educational Takeaway: Children learn about air pressure and its capacity to inflate objects, illustrating the concept in a tangible way.

Intermediate Level: Building on Basics 

1. diy sundial.

  • Objective: To understand how the position of the sun affects shadows and to introduce the concept of solar time.
  • Materials: Plate, playdough, straw, marker.
  • Place a lump of playdough in the center of the plate.
  • Stick a straw vertically into the playdough—this acts as the gnomon of the sundial.
  • On a sunny day, place the plate outside where it will receive unobstructed sunlight.
  • Use the marker to mark the shadow’s position at the start of the hour, and label it with the time.
  • Check back every hour to mark and label the shadow’s position. Observe how the shadow moves around the plate.
  • Educational Takeaway: This experiment teaches children about the Earth’s rotation, how it affects the position of shadows, and the concept of telling time using the sun.

2. Ice Fishing

  • Objective: To demonstrate how salt affects the freezing point of water.
  • Materials: Ice cubes, string, salt, water.
  • Place an ice cube in a glass of water.
  • Lay the string across the ice cube and sprinkle salt on the ice cube where the string lies.
  • Wait about a minute for the ice to partially melt and then refreeze around the string.
  • Gently pull the string to lift the ice cube out of the water.
  • Educational Takeaway: Kids learn about freezing point depression, demonstrating how adding salt changes the physical properties of ice and water.

3. Sound Sandwich

  • Objective: To explore how vibration creates sound.
  • Materials: Two craft sticks, two rubber bands, a small piece of straw, and a strip of paper.
  • Wrap a rubber band lengthwise around one craft stick.
  • Place the strip of paper over the craft stick, covering the rubber band.
  • Put the small piece of straw under the rubber band at one end of the stick.
  • Place the second craft stick on top and secure both ends with the second rubber band, creating a “sandwich”.
  • Blow into the space where the straw creates an opening and listen to the sound produced.
  • Educational Takeaway: This experiment shows how sound is produced through vibrations and how altering the dimensions of the vibrating body changes the sound.

4. Magic Milk Explosion

  • Objective: To demonstrate the reaction of dish soap with fat molecules in milk.
  • Materials: Whole milk, food coloring, dish soap, cotton swabs.
  • Pour milk into a shallow dish to cover the bottom.
  • Add several drops of different colored food coloring to the milk but do not mix.
  • Dip a cotton swab in dish soap, then gently touch the surface of the milk with the soapy swab.
  • Watch as the colors explosively spread out across the milk’s surface.
  • Educational Takeaway: Kids learn about the chemical properties of soap and fat and how they interact to create movement and color patterns in the milk.

5. Egg Drop Parachute

  • Objective: To understand the principles of gravity and air resistance by safely landing an egg.
  • Materials: Eggs, plastic bags, strings, tape.
  • Cut the plastic bag into a large square to act as the parachute canopy.
  • Attach strings at each corner of the square and tie them together at the other ends.
  • Secure the egg by making a small tape harness or using a small bag tied to the center of the string.
  • Find a safe height to drop the parachute and observe how the plastic bag slows down the fall, allowing the egg to land safely.
  • Educational Takeaway: Demonstrates how air resistance (drag) works against gravity to slow down the fall of an object, introducing basic principles of physics in a tangible way.

Making science fun is about sparking curiosity and encouraging exploration. Engage kids by turning experiments into storytelling adventures, where each step is part of a grand exploration. Incorporate the scientific method by asking children to predict outcomes (hypothesis), observe what happens (observation), and discuss why it happened (conclusion). Use real-world connections to make concepts relatable and celebrate every discovery, fostering a love for learning and inquiry.

For kids who are eager to dive deeper into the world of science, the internet and bookstores are treasure troves of knowledge. Websites like the National Geographic Kids , Science Kids , and the NASA Kids’ Club offer a wealth of interactive games, experiments, and educational articles. 

Books such as “The Everything Kids’ Science Experiments Book” by Tom Robinson and “National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Why” by Amy Shields provide engaging explanations and activities. These resources can significantly enrich a child’s understanding and enjoyment of science.

As we conclude our journey through the TOP 30 Easy DIY Science Experiments for Kids, it’s important to recognise the power of integrating science into everyday activities at home. Parents and educators alike have a fantastic opportunity to nurture a child’s curiosity and critical thinking skills through these fun, educational experiments. Each experiment, carefully selected and designed for young learners, provides a unique opportunity to explore the wonders of science in an engaging and hands-on manner. 

Let’s make science a regular part of children’s lives, celebrating each discovery and encouraging a lifelong passion for learning. Explore Little Scholars Daycare Programs to inspire further and cultivate your little one’s love for science, paving the way for a future where they continue to question, explore, and discover.

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Water Evaporation Experiment

Let’s conduct a simple science experiment to demonstrate how evaporation works. This activity is perfect for elementary-aged kids and helps them observe and measure the effects of various conditions on water evaporation .

fun little kid science experiments

Evaporation (a liquid changes to a gas) is a fascinating process we experience daily, from puddles drying up after a rainstorm to clothes drying on a line. Understanding how different factors like temperature, airflow, and surface area affect the evaporation rate is a fantastic Earth Science related experiment for kids.

💡 Explore the water cycle [here] .

Watch the Video:

  • 5 containers of equal size and shape
  • Thermometer
  • Measuring tools (ruler, measuring cup)
  • Notebook and pen for recording results

💡 Make sure to grab the free printable instructions for this experiment, along with the journal sheets below!


STEP 1: Fill 5 containers with the same amount of water. Once filled, use a ruler to measure the water level in each container and record it in your notebook.

STEP 2: Place the containers in different environments to observe how various factors affect water evaporation:

  • Container 1: Place in a warm environment (eg. outside in the sun).
  • Container 2: Place in a cool environment (eg. inside a refrigerator).
  • Container 3: Place in a controlled room temperature environment.
  • Container 4: Place in an area with increased airflow (eg. near a fan).
  • Container 5: Increase the surface area of the water by pouring it into a shallow dish.

💡 Younger Grade Levels: Keep it simple by choosing one condition to experiment with, such as in the shade versus in the sun.

STEP 3: Observe the containers over a set period (eg. three days), and record the water level at regular intervals (eg. morning and evening each day). Use a ruler each time to measure the amount of water in each container and record your findings in a chart.

STEP 4: After completing the observations, compare the water levels across different containers. Which container had the most water evaporated? Which had the least?

💡 Discuss how temperature, airflow, and surface area influenced the evaporation rate.

fun little kid science experiments

Extension Activities:

  • Graphing the Results: Have students create a graph to compare the evaporation rates under different conditions visually.
  • Further Investigation: Encourage students to change variables like the type of liquid (e.g., saltwater vs. freshwater) or container size and see how these changes affect evaporation.
  • Weather Connections: Discuss how evaporation plays a role in the water cycle and weather patterns, such as how puddles dry up or how sweat cools the body.

💡 Learn how to incorporate the scientific method into these extension activities.

How Does Evaporation Work?

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid changes to a gas. Various factors, such as temperature, airflow, humidity, and surface area, can influence the evaporation rate of water.

Higher temperatures increase the energy for water molecules to escape into the air, leading to faster evaporation.

Increased airflow can also speed up evaporation by moving moist air away from the surface, allowing more water to evaporate. A larger surface area allows more water molecules to escape, increasing the evaporation rate.

Free Printable Water Experiment Instructions [here] .

This experiment is ideal for kids in grades 3-6. It allows them to practice measuring, recording data, and drawing conclusions based on their observations.

fun little kid science experiments

More Fun Science Experiments To Try

Explore states of matter , phase changes and the water cycle with these activities below…

  • Water Cycle In A Bag
  • Separating Mixtures
  • What Makes Ice Melt Faster?
  • Solid, Liquid, Gas Experiment
  • Freezing Water Experiment
  • Frost on a Can Experiment (Condensation)
  • Water Cycle In A Bottle

fun little kid science experiments

Helpful Science Resources

Here are a few resources to help you introduce science more effectively to your kiddos or students and feel confident when presenting materials. You’ll find helpful free printables throughout.

  • Best Science Practices (as it relates to the scientific method)
  • Science Vocabulary
  • All About Scientists
  • Free Science Worksheets
  • DIY Science Kits
  • Science Tools for Kids
  • Scientific Method for Kids
  • Citizen Science Guide
  • Join us in the Club

Printable Science Projects For Kids

If you’re looking to grab all of our printable science projects in one convenient place plus exclusive worksheets and bonuses like a STEAM Project pack, our Science Project Pack is what you need! Over 300+ Pages!

  • 90+ classic science activities  with journal pages, supply lists, set up and process, and science information.  NEW! Activity-specific observation pages!
  • Best science practices posters  and our original science method process folders for extra alternatives!
  • Be a Collector activities pack  introduces kids to the world of making collections through the eyes of a scientist. What will they collect first?
  • Know the Words Science vocabulary pack  includes flashcards, crosswords, and word searches that illuminate keywords in the experiments!
  • My science journal writing prompts  explore what it means to be a scientist!!
  • Bonus STEAM Project Pack:  Art meets science with doable projects!
  • Bonus Quick Grab Packs for Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics

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  19. 10 of the BEST Science Experiments for Kids

    Most have been great fun, whatever the outcome. To save you and your budding scientist the disasters, I've put together a list of the BEST science experiments for kids! The BEST Science Experiments for Kids 1. Mini Baking Soda Rocket. Up first is my mini baking soda powered rocket. A fun way to do this activity is to split it into two parts.

  20. 65 Science Experiments for Kids: Have a Blast at Home

    9. Eggs and Toothpaste. Learn about the power of toothpaste in this shocking science project for kids. Fill up four glasses, two with soda and two with lemon juice. Then cover two eggs in toothpaste and pop one into a soda glass and another into the lemon juice glass. Next, place two more eggs into the remaining glasses.

  21. 35 Easy Science Experiments for Kids That'll Blow Their Minds

    Growing Rock Candy. Growing rock candy is a fun and simple science experiment that pays off if kids are patient enough to allow the crystals to grow and set. All you need to explore crystallization and supersaturation processes at home is water, sugar, skewers, a glass jar, a large saucepan, a few clothespins, and about a week's time.

  22. Science Experiments

    Make some really cool experiments and learn something in the process. See how science applies to our daily lives at home. You can learn about weather, gravity, earth science and chemistry from your own kitchen. You don't need a science lab to see science in action! Try these science experiments at home using simple supplies and materials. 1. 2. 3.

  23. TOP 30 Easy DIY Science Experiments for Kids

    Preschool Scientists. For preschoolers ready to take on slightly more complex experiments, here are some engaging ideas that introduce new scientific concepts while still being fun and manageable:. 1. Lemon Volcanoes. A fascinating way for kids to see chemical reactions up close. By adding baking soda to the lemon, children can watch as the mixture fizzes and bubbles, simulating a volcanic ...

  24. Water Evaporation Experiment

    DIY Science Kits; Science Tools for Kids; Scientific Method for Kids; Citizen Science Guide; Join us in the Club; Printable Science Projects For Kids. If you're looking to grab all of our printable science projects in one convenient place plus exclusive worksheets and bonuses like a STEAM Project pack, our Science Project Pack is what you need!

  25. 19 Easy Halloween Science Experiments for Kids

    Put your magic skills to test with this fun science experiment that can blow-up as well as shrink gummy bears. This candy science experiment for kids studying osmosis and a great way to utilise some of the Halloween candy. 13. Rising Water Experiment. This is a fantastic way to amaze your little scientists on Halloween.