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Research Topics & Ideas: Journalism

50 Topic Ideas To Kickstart Your Research Project

Research topics and ideas about journalism

If you’re just starting out exploring journalism-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of journalism-related research ideas , including examples from recent studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . These topic ideas provided here are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to develop them further. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Journalism-Related Research Topics

  • Analyzing the impact of social media on news consumption patterns among millennials.
  • Investigating the role of investigative journalism in combating political corruption.
  • The impact of digital transformation on traditional print media business models.
  • Examining the ethical challenges of undercover reporting in investigative journalism.
  • The role of citizen journalism in shaping public opinion during major political events.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of fact-checking platforms in combating fake news.
  • The impact of smartphone journalism on the quality of news reporting.
  • Investigating the representation of minority groups in mainstream media.
  • The role of photojournalism in humanizing the impacts of climate change.
  • Analyzing the challenges of maintaining journalistic objectivity in conflict zones.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on newsroom operations and reporting.
  • Investigating the influence of media ownership on editorial independence.
  • The role of journalism in shaping public policy on environmental issues.
  • Analyzing the portrayal of mental health issues in news media.
  • The impact of live streaming technology on broadcast journalism.
  • Investigating the challenges faced by freelance journalists in the digital era.
  • The role of journalism in promoting government accountability in emerging democracies.
  • Analyzing the effects of sensationalism in news reporting on public trust.
  • The impact of virtual reality technology on immersive journalism.
  • Investigating the role of press freedom in protecting human rights.
  • The challenges of reporting on science and technology in mainstream media.
  • Analyzing gender representation in sports journalism.
  • The impact of media consolidation on diversity of perspectives in news.
  • Investigating the ethical implications of drone journalism.
  • The role of independent media in fostering democratic processes.

Research topic evaluator

Journalism-Related Research Ideas (Continued)

  • Analyzing the portrayal of immigration in national news outlets.
  • The impact of censorship and media regulation on journalistic practices.
  • Investigating the role of podcasts in the future of journalism.
  • The challenges and opportunities of bilingual reporting in multicultural societies.
  • Analyzing the dynamics of news reporting in authoritarian regimes.
  • The impact of audience analytics on news content and presentation.
  • Investigating the implications of deepfake technology for journalistic integrity.
  • The role of local journalism in community engagement and development.
  • Analyzing the effects of journalism on public health awareness campaigns.
  • The impact of economic pressures on investigative journalism.
  • Investigating the challenges of reporting in a polarized political climate.
  • The role of media literacy in fostering critical thinking among audiences.
  • Analyzing the influence of celebrity journalism on cultural values.
  • The impact of cross-platform journalism on audience reach and engagement.
  • Investigating the effects of social media algorithms on news distribution.
  • The role of data journalism in enhancing transparency and public understanding.
  • Analyzing the impact of crowd-sourced journalism on news authenticity.
  • The challenges of balancing speed and accuracy in digital news reporting.
  • Investigating the role of international correspondents in the digital age.
  • The impact of public relations practices on journalistic independence.
  • Analyzing the representation of LGBTQ+ issues in mainstream journalism.
  • The role of journalism in addressing societal issues like homelessness and poverty.
  • Investigating the effects of editorial bias in shaping public perception.
  • The impact of journalism on political activism and social movements.
  • Analyzing the challenges of maintaining journalistic standards in entertainment reporting.

Recent Journalism-Related Studies

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the journalism space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Imagination, Algorithms and News: Developing AI Literacy for Journalism (Deuze & Beckett, 2022)
  • Evaluation of the Effect of a Live Interview in Journalism Students on Salivary Stress Biomarkers and Conventional Stress Scales (Roca et al., 2022)
  • Professional and Personal Identity, Precarity and Discrimination in Global Arts Journalism (Sharp & Vodanovic, 2022)
  • The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Journalism in the Digital Ara A Descriptive and Critical Approach (Chettah et al., 2022)
  • Women in Mass Communication (Creedon & Wackwitz, 2022)
  • Newsgames: Experiential Reality, Ludenic News Reading, Conflict of Purposes and Norms (Cengi̇z & Kaya, 2022)
  • Deep Journalism and DeepJournal V1.0: A Data-Driven Deep Learning Approach to Discover Parameters for Transportation (Ahmad et al., 2022)
  • A View From the Trenches: Interviews With Journalists About Reporting Science News (Anderson & Dudo, 2023)
  • Understanding Journalisms: From Information to Entertainment by Persuasion and Promotion (Bernier, 2022)
  • Role of educational institutions in promoting medical research and publications in Pakistan (Aslam, 2022)
  • Ethics for Journalists (Keeble, 2022)
  • “I Felt I Got to Know Everyone”: How News on Stage Combines Theatre and Journalism for a Live Audience (Adams & Cooper, 2022)
  • Newsafety: Infrastructures, Practices and Consequences (Westlund et al., 2022)
  • The Golden Age of American Journalism (Alent’eva et al., 2022)
  • Advancing a Radical Audience Turn in Journalism. Fundamental Dilemmas for Journalism Studies (Swart et al., 2022)
  • Mcluhan’s Theories and Convergence of Online and Papers’ Newsrooms (Barceló-Sánchez et al., 2022)
  • Scientific communication after the COVID-19 crisis: TikTok publishing strategies on the transmedia board (Neira et al., 2023)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Journalism Dissertation Topics – Get a Research Based Topic

Published by Owen Ingram at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On August 11, 2023

Coming up with original journalism dissertation topics for your undergraduate, Master or PhD degree can be a very frustrating experience . In contrast to other disciplines, journalism dissertations are judged based on the interviewee’s quality of information.

A journalism dissertation must be more than just a statement of theoretical knowledge; it must be genuine and applicable.

Are you trying to find the ideal subjects for journalism research? Improve your grade in the dissertation project by using these journalistic research questions and topics.

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Unique Journalism Topics

  • By depicting women as materialistic things, how does the media help perpetuate stereotyped depictions of women?
  • Discuss how powerful individuals influence the freedom of media and journalist
  • Talk about the main issues that journalists face when performing their jobs
  • What impact has advances in science and technology had on journalism?
  • How many journalists alter the idea that women are materialistic?
  • Can journalism be utilized to advance disadvantaged groups in society?
  • What impact do online media outlets have on journalism today?
  • Do you think social media is displacing print media?
  • How has technology changed the methods through which journalists communicate with their audience?
  • How do well-known people affect the freedom of the press and journalists?
  • Describe the difficulties faced daily by journalists working in a variety of geographical settings
  • How can journalists better inform the public about current events?
  • What part does the media play in lowering crime?
  • Talk about how the media has a bad impact on violence
  • What connection is there between media and the expansion of the fashion sector?
  • What is the media’s subsequent effect on the expansion of an economy?
  • What do you think about denying political media outlets a license to operate?
  • Consider the effects of media on your life during the past 10 years
  • Describe how media violence could be advantageous compared to the violence that is affected by society
  • Examine how the media sector has changed as a result of technological development

Best Journalism Topics

  • Examine the arguments against headlines employing metaphors by media outlets
  • How media psychology relates to communication
  • Describe how the media has influenced the music industry’s expansion
  • Examine how the media has influenced advancements
  • Describe the effects of biased media and why it could be harmful to society
  • Examine how the media has violated people’s rights and freedoms
  • Look at the Black Lives Matter movement and how the media has contributed to its growth
  • Consider the impact of media on the dwindling of traditions and culture
  • Why does political antagonism between political subjects and classes need to be promoted through the media?
  • What part does the media play in encouraging educational activities?
  • What part does the media play in raising awareness?
  • Describe how readers may check the accuracy and legitimacy of news stories.
  • Discuss the role of the media in a nation’s development
  • Describe the influence that social media has had on how police brutality instances are reported
  • What effect did the media have on the size of the Vietnam War?
  • Identify if governments should have the only authority to censor journalists and news reporters
  • Describe the key problems that journalism faces
  • Examines if media outlets are to blame for the dissemination of unfounded rumours

Investigative Journalism Topics

  • How reporters may continue to produce high-quality work without necessarily spending more
  • Nigeria is a case study of how the media is assisting in the rebranding of some nations
  • How powerful politicians influence some media outlets’ important choices
  • An evaluation of the issues limiting information freedom in emerging nations
  • How is sexual material used on the front pages of health publications to draw readers?
  • How to utilise magazine covers to increase sales
  • What moral distinctions exist between the invasion of privacy and investigative journalism?
  • An examination of the major players in modern media organisations
  • How do politicians in developing nations continue to seduce the populace with nebulous assurances about the quality of the educational system and the development of jobs?
  • How call centres are using the media to fill employment and aid the unemployed in society
  • Politicians lack the ideological motivation they formerly did. A careful examination of the way political parties promote their views
  • Can Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan repair their unfavourable reputations in the world?

Hot Journalism Topics

  • Consider some of the most major upcoming shifts in journalism.
  • Describe the many advantages that commercials and product promotions have for media sources.
  • Why is it inappropriate for superstars and celebrities to go through media trials?
  • Define stylised writing and explain if it is appropriate in the internet-dependent world of today.
  • Talk about the potentially harmful effects that media may have on pupils.
  • Explain why sexual stuff should no longer be broadcasted on television.
  • Consider how the media shapes how social issues like racism are expressed.
  • Examine the effect of new media on spending for digital learning.
  • Ask if it’s possible to pursue the truth in journalism without violating the journalistic code.
  • Discuss how the media affects a person’s emotional and psychological health.
  • Talk about the primary difficulties that journalists face when carrying out their duties.
  • What effect has science and technological progress had on journalism?
  • What can reporters do to disprove the notion that women are materialistic?
  • Describe how foreign enemies and rivals are presented in American media
  • Do people read less about current affairs now that there’s the internet?
  • Why has news reporting altered as a result of the internet?
  • Examine some of the most important and expected impending advancements in journalism
  • Nigeria serves as a case study for how the media helps some countries rebrand.
  • A case study on the societal problem of pollution and the role of the media in addressing
  • Look into the effects of the fear caused by crime reporting in the media
  • Talk about how the media is used to set the agenda
  • Describe the issues with how black women are portrayed in the media
  • Talk about how women and their sexuality are used in advertising in the media

Journalism & Freedom of Expressions Topics

  • Journalists depend on sources for their work. Should these sources be shielded from situations that can lead to a breach of confidence by the laws protecting freedom of expression?
  • A principle of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution encourages a highly balanced approach to media and freedom of expression. Should the UK follow their example?
  • Exist any reasons for restricting a journalist’s freedom of expression in the name of a democratic society?
  • Some contend that a democratic society’s cornerstones are freedom of speech and the press. A comparison of how people in the US and the UK feel about press freedom
  • Do tabloids and broadsheets have varying degrees of freedom of speech? The Times against The News of the World
  • The common law grants people of the UK a restricted right to free speech. What effect does this have on journalism in the nation?
  • How courts trample on journalists’ right to free speech is highlighted by the Sunday Times v. UK case. How can courts protect journalists more fully?
  • Article 10 of the Human Rights Convention guarantees the right to freedom of speech. Can journalists use this law to their advantage?

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You can choose any topic from the list of excellent journalism dissertation topics and ideas. Place your order with us if you are unsure of what to write about or how to create a research paper on journalism.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find journalism dissertation topic.

To discover a journalism dissertation topic:

  • Analyse media landscape changes.
  • Investigate journalistic ethics.
  • Examine media’s societal role.
  • Explore digital innovations.
  • Focus on niche interests.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and career aspirations.

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journalism dissertation topics

Journalism Dissertation Topics (29 Examples) For Research

Mark Aug 20, 2021 Aug 12, 2021 Journalism No Comments

Journalism is all about gathering information and distributing it through different media channels. Many students pursuing their degree in journalism and mass communication seek journalism dissertation topics and project topics on journalism. Before worrying about writing, the students are advised to determine and find out the best journalism dissertation topics. Here, we have presented a […]


A list Of Journalism Dissertation Topics

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Home > USC Columbia > College of Information and Communications > Journalism & Mass Communications > Journalism & Mass Communications Theses and Dissertations

Journalism & Mass Communications Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

The Impact of Follower-Influencer Relationship Stages on Consumers’ Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions in the Context of Influencer Marketing , Khalid Obaid Alharbi

The Effect of Social Media (Instagram) Use Patterns on The Cultural and Athletic Identity of Black Female Collegiate Athletes’ Body Image Dissatisfaction , Shelbretta Kar’Anna Ball

Contextualizing Search: An Analysis of the Impacts of Construal Level Theory, Mood, and Product Type on Search Engine Activity , Jackson Everitt Carter

Words Evaporate, the Images Remain: Testing Visual Warnings in the Context of Intentions to Vape Among U.S. Adults as an Expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) , Carl Arland Ciccarelli

Risk Propensity in Journalists: An Analysis of Journalists’ Personality Traits and How They Direct Behavior in the Field , Ellen Katherine Dunn

Online Information-Seeking and Cancer Screening Intention: An Analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey 2022 , Rachel Aileen Ford

Always on Display: South Carolina Civil Rights Lawyer Matthew J. Perry Jr. Expanding the Civil Sphere Through the Courts and the News Media, 1954-1963 , Christopher G. Frear

Exploring the Agenda-Setting Dynamics Between Traditional Newspapers and Twitter During Mass Shooting Event , Yujin Heo

Extreme Persuasion: Analyzing Meaning Creation and Persuasive Strategies Within Extreme Discourse on Alternative Social Media , Naomi Kathryn Lawrence

Framing Police Brutality: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Walter Scott’s Murder , Shamira S. McCray

Understanding Podcast Advertising Processing and Outcomes: An Analysis of Podcast Ad Types, Message Types, and Media Context on Consumer Responses , Colin Piacentine

The Unsung Heroes for Intercollegiate Athletics: Examining the Dialogic Principles of Communication in Community College Athletic Departments , Matthew Alan Stilwell

Exploring Trustworthiness Issues About Disaster-related Information Generated by Artificial Intelligence , Xin Tao

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Effect of Emotional Intensity, Arousal, and Valence On Online Video Ad Sharing , Chang Won Choi

“Power, Poison, Pain & Joy”: Applying a Critical Race Conceptual Model of Implicit Racial Bias to Narratives Framing Blackness in Black Sports Columns, Black Music, and Black Journalism , Christina Lauren Myers

Gatekeeping Blackness: Roles, Relationships, and Pressures of Black Television Journalists at a Time of Racial Reckoning , Denetra Walker

The Binge Viewing Index: Creating and Testing a New Measure , Larry J. Webster Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Portion of Profit Donations: CSR as Public Relations Strategy and its Relationships with Trust and Purchase Intentions , Branden Dylan Cameron Birmingham

The Role of Sexting in the Development of Romantic Relationships , Max Bretscher

Let’s Be Friends: Examining Consumer Brand Relationships Through the Lens Of Brand Personality, Engagement, and Reciprocal Altruism , Daniel D. Haun

Go with The Flow: Testing the Effects of Emotional Flow on Psychophysiological, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Changes , Chris R. Noland

Brand New: How Visual Context Shapes Initial Response To Logos and Corporate Visual Identity Systems , Robert A. Wertz

Inoculating the Public Against Misinformation: Testing The Effectiveness of “Pre-bunking” Techniques in the Context of Mental Illness and Violence , Nanlan Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Gun Violence and Advocacy Communication , Minhee Choi

The Role of Third-person Perceptions in Predicting the Public’s Support for Electronic Cigarette Advertising Regulations , Joon Kyoung Kim

Conservative Media’s Coverage of Coronavirus on YouTube: A Qualitative Analysis of Media Effects on Consumers , Michael J. Layer

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Problem Chain Recognition Effect and CSR Communication: Examining the Impact of Issue Salience and Proximity on Environmental Communication Behaviors , Nandini Bhalla

The Games Behind the Scenes: Newspaper Framing of Female African American Olympic Athletes , Martin Reece Funderburk

Effectiveness of a Brand’s Paid, Owned, and Earned Media in a Social Media Environment , Anan Wan

Providing Prevention Education About Child Sexual Abuse to Parents: Testing Media Effects on Knowledge, Behavioral Intentions and Outcomes , Jane Long Weatherred

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Creating an Online Social Movement in Socially Conservative Societies: A Case Study of Manshoor Blog Using Frame Alignment Process , Noura Abdullah Al-Duaijani

How S. C. Daily Newspapers Framed the Removal of the Confederate Flag from the State House Grounds in 2015 Through Letters to the Editor and Editorials , Thomas Craig Anderson

Breaking The Silence: Extending Theory To Address The Underutilization Of Mental Health Services Among Chinese Immigrants In The United States , Jo-Yun Queenie Li

Fandom In Politics: Scale Development And Validation , Won-Ki Moon

Fatal Force: A Conversation With Journalists Who Cover Deadly, Highly-Publicized Police Shootings , Denetra Walker

Domestic Extension Of Public Diplomacy: Media Competition For Credibility, Dependency And Activation Of Publics , Yicheng Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Hydraulic Fracturing In the United States: A Framing Analysis , Kenneth Stephen Cardell Jr.

Network vs. Netflix: A Comparative Content Analysis of Demographics Across Prime-Time Television and Netflix Original Programming , James Corfield

Framing Marijuana: A Study of How us Newspapers Frame Marijuana Legalization Stories and Framing Effects of Marijuana Stories , Hwalbin Kim

The Allure of Isis: Examining the Underlying Mechanisms that Helped the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria , Alexander Luchsinger

International Twitter Comments About 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates Trump And Clinton: Agenda-Building Analysis In The U.S., U.K., Brazil, Russia, India and China , Jane O’Boyle

Is That Online Review Fake News? How Sponsorship Disclosure Influences Reader Credibility , Mark W. Tatge

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Measuring Strategic Communications , Jeffrey A. Ranta

Public Perceptions Of Genetically Modified Food On Social Media: A Content Analysis Of Youtube Comments On Videos , Nanlan Zhang

Toward A Situational Technology Acceptance Model: Combining the Situational Theory of Problem Solving and Technology Acceptance Model to Promote Mobile Donations for Nonprofit Organizations , Yue Zheng

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Promoting HPV Vaccination for Male Young Adults: Effects of Social Influence , Wan Chi Leung

Redneckaissance: Honey Boo Boo, Tumblr, and the Stereotype of Poor White Trash , Ashley F. Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Conflicted Union: Culture, Economics and European Union Media Policy , Daphney Pernola Barr

Beating Down the Fear: The Civil Sphere and Political Change in South Carolina, 1940-1962 , Sid Bedingfield

The State v. Perry: Comparative Newspaper Coverage of South Carolina's Most Prominent Civil Rights Lawyer , Christopher G. Frear


Innovation Among Georgian Journalism Educators: A Network Analysis Perspective , Ana Keshelashvili

Emotional Bond between the Creator and the Avatar: Changes in Behavioral Intentions to Engage in Alcohol-Related Traffic Risk Behaviors , Hokyung Kim

Handcuffing Speech: Federal Fraud Statutes and the Criminalization of Advertising , Carmen Maye

Social Movements, Media, and Democratization in Georgia , Maia Mikashavidze

Am I in Danger? : Predictors and Behavioral Outcomes of Public Perception of Risk Associated with Food Hazards , Sang-Hwa Oh

Parental Mediation of Adolescent Movie Viewing , Larry James Webster Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Political Advertising In Kuwait - A Functional Discourse Analysis , Jasem Alqaseer

The Westernization of Advertisements Published In Kuwaiti Newspapers From 1992 to 2012; A Content Analysis , Farah Taleb Alrefai

What Can Reader Comments to News Online Contribute to Engagement and Interactivity? A Quantitative Approach , Brett A. Borton

Exploring a paradigm shift: The New York Times' framing of sub-Saharan Africa in stories of conflict, war and development during the Cold War and post-Cold War eras, 1945-2009 , Zadok Opero Ekimwere

Mental Health On Youtube: Exploring the Potential of Interactive Media to Change Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors About Mental Health , Caroline Belser Foster

That's News to Me: An Exploratory Study of the Uses and Gratifications of Current Events On Social Media of 18-24 Year-Olds , John Vincent Karlis

Making Stewardship Meaningful For Nonprofits: Stakeholder Motivations, Attitudes, Loyalty and Behaviors , Geah N. Pressgrove

An Alternative Path: The Intellectual Legacy of James W. Carey , Matthew Ross

The Corporation in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Law and Economics of Corporate Political Speech , Matthew W. Telleen

Child Sexual Abuse In the Media: Is Institutional Failure to Blame? , Jane Long Weatherred

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Relationship Between Facebook Use and Religiosity Among Emerging Adults , Heidi D. Campbell

Attribute Agenda Setting, Attribtue Priming, and The Public's Evaluation of Genetically Modified (GM) Food in South Korea , Soo Yun Kim

What's Mine is Yours: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Conceptions About Online Personal Privacy In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam , Patrick Sharbaugh

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

How Journalists Perceive Internal and External Influence: A Qualitative Assessment of Local Television Reporters' Ethical Decision-Making , Beth Eckard Concepcion

Collective Memory of the War In Iraq: An Analysis of Letters to the Editor and Public Opinion Polls, 2003-2008 , Lisa Cash Luedeman

A Framing Analysis and Model of Barack Obama in Political Cartoons , Anthony Palmer

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Breaking Down the Fear' -- John H. Mccray, Accommodationism and theFraming of the Civil Rights Struggle in South Carolina, 1940-1948 , Sid Bedingfield

Do You See What I See?: A Comparative Content Analysis of Iraq War Photographs As Published In the New York Times and the Tehran Times , Garen Cansler

Exploring Intention to Adopt Mobile Tv Services In the U.S.: Toward A New Model With Cognitive-Based and Emotional-Based Constructs , Seoyoon Choi

Media Representations and Implications For Collective Memory: A Grounded Theory Analysis of TV News Broadcasts of Hillary Clinton From 1993-2008 , Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin

Resonance and Elaboration: the Framing Effect of Chinese Product Safety Issue Coverage , Ji Pan

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Top 100 journalism topics for research.

journalism topics

When pursuing communication or media studies, students are asked to write academic papers and essays about unique journalism topics. Journalism entails gathering and distributing information to different media channels. These channels include radio, TV, social media, and newspaper. As such, journalism is a broad field.

When looking for journalism research topics, learners have many ideas to explore. But, students should avoid too broad ideas that may need a lot of time and resources to research and write about. Instead, they should narrow the available ideas into specific research questions. This will give them an easier time when it comes to research. It will also enable them to focus more on key issues that readers want to know about specific issues that relate to journalism.

However, this is not easy for most learners. Some students pick journalist project topics and eventually realize that they can’t get the information required to complete the task. Others get bored after choosing the wrong ideas for their projects. Unfortunately, writing a paper or essay about a topic that you can’t find adequate information for or feel bored about will only earn you a poor grade. That’s why learners need ideas to inspire them when choosing the topics to write about. Here are some of the best ideas to consider when choosing your journalism topic for a research paper or an essay.

Fresh and Unique Journalism Topics

Do you want to spend your time researching and writing about something unique in the journalism field? If yes, work with one of the ideas presented by these journalism topics for students.

  • A journalist should be well-versed in different topics about local and international news- Explain
  • Explain how the role of professional is seen in the media
  • Are modern journalists more inclined towards glamour instead of providing better authentic news?
  • How has COVID-19 revealed about the role of journalists at a global level?
  • Have journalists played any role in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How does the media facilitate the stereotypical representations of females by portraying them as materialistic objects?
  • Discuss how influential people control the freedom of journalists and the media
  • Discuss the major problems that are experienced by journalists as they discharge their duties
  • How have technological and scientific developments affected journalism?
  • How has social media affected modern journalism?
  • Are social media websites making third-persons journalists?
  • What are the duties and roles of a professional journalist?
  • How can journalists change the perception of women as being materialistic?
  • Can journalism be used to help improve marginalized sections in society?
  • How can journalists help the masses understand topical issues better?
  • How are electronic media channels shaping modern-day journalism?
  • Is social media making print media obsolete?
  • How has technology affected the mediums that journalists used to reach people?
  • How do high-profile personalities interfere with the freedom of journalists and the media?
  • Explain the challenges that journalists in varying topographical situations face every day.

This category has some of the best literary journalism topics to research and then write about. However, students should be ready to conduct in-depth research before they start writing. They should introduce new information that readers will find interesting.

Investigative Journalism Topics

This category comprises journalism research paper topics that allow the author to investigate an issue deeply. When writing a paper or essay on these ideas, students must identify visual arguments, research about the issues or problems, and then draw conclusions based on their findings. Here are examples of investigative research topics in mass communication and journalism.

  • How politicians in developing countries continue to lure the masses with vague promises about the education systems and job creation.
  • How the media is helping call centers to create jobs and help the unemployed members of society.
  • Politicians no longer have the ideological drive- A keen look into how political parties market their ideas
  • Can the negative global image of Pakistan/Iraq/Afghanistan be improved? How the mass media fosters stereotypes and establish images
  • How the media makes the USA look like the ultimate ruler
  • How corruption has become synonymous with modern politics
  • A critical analysis of how the UPA government functions
  • The Italian roots of Sonia Gandhi
  • How mainstream media is promoting the upsurge of public misinformation and fake news
  • How journalists can maintain high-quality reporting without necessarily spending more
  • How the media is helping rebrand some countries- Case study of Nigeria
  • How influential politicians make key decisions for some media houses
  • An assessment of the challenges facing information freedom in developing countries
  • How the front covers for health magazines use sexual content to attract readers
  • How magazine covers are used to get more sales
  • What are moral lines that separate investigative journalism from the violation of people’s privacy?
  • An investigation into the key stakeholders of modern media houses
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to affect the Chinese economy
  • How the government continues to censor the media
  • How some governments silence investigative journalists

Some of these topics are also great for debates and speeches. However, extensive research is required to come up with quality and relevant content that readers will find interesting.

Interesting Journalism Thesis Topics

Journalism studies require learners to choose considerate topics that allow them an easy time to research and write quality papers. Essentially, students should enjoy working on their topics. Here are some of the most interesting thesis topics for journalism students.

  • How significant is the media in the war against crimes?
  • A look into democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression
  • Media use by kids and adolescents
  • Technology versus modern media
  • How the media influence political patterns
  • Use of media and subsequent effects
  • How the media portrays popular culture and identity
  • Use of mainstream media in strategic communication
  • Media censorship and propaganda
  • Media psychology- How it applies to communication
  • Mainstream media versus art-house
  • How the media affects a country’s socio-economic dimension
  • Do video games form a part of the media?
  • How the media influences violence
  • Influence of the media on socio-economic sanity
  • Scare strategies that the media use to accomplish goals
  • A qualitative evaluation of modern media outlets
  • Mass media implications to the ethical well-being of a society
  • How the media influences immorality
  • How society benefits from a free media

These topics to consider when writing a journalism thesis. That’s because most students will enjoy researching and writing about them. What’s more, most people will enjoy reading papers on these topics.

Great Journalism Essay Topics

Many students struggle to choose topics when it comes to journalistic essay writing. But, this shouldn’t be the case because there are many ideas that learners can explore. Here are some of the ideas that you can explore when asked to write a journalism essay.

  • The role of mass media in society
  • Who is a good mass media personality?
  • What is the effect of mass media on the economy?
  • How media houses benefit from advertising
  • Modern society can’t do without mass media
  • Influence of mass media on technological advancements
  • How the media influences rivalry in politics
  • How the media affects the political class in a country
  • How important are reliable advertisements to the media
  • How does the media spread awareness?
  • What makes reliable media?
  • How does partisan media affect society?
  • What makes a non-partisan media?
  • How media violence can lead to social violence
  • Key stakeholders of modern media
  • How does a society benefit from the media
  • How the media has evolved over the years
  • How the media influences the articulation of major social matters
  • How media addiction affects the economy
  • How the media pre-empt situations

Good Journalism Topics for Students in High School

High school students and those joining colleges are sometimes asked to write essays on their preferred topics. Those interested in mass media studies can opt to write about journalism. Here are great journalism topics for high school to consider.

  • How media can foster education
  • Hidden messages that are passed through the media
  • How media images represent different entities
  • Why radio remains popular
  • The Disney phenomenon- New mythology or the media?
  • Types and styles of media
  • How politics and media are intertwined
  • Could virtual reality be the future of modern media?
  • Does the media create or react to events?
  • How does the internet influence the development of the media?
  • Media regulation and policy in different countries
  • What is a media campaign?
  • What is an international journalism
  • Role of the media during wartime
  • Does the media enhance or prevent panic during disasters?
  • Does the media censor or promote controversial topics?
  • Origin of the media
  • How speech freedom impacts the media
  • What are the main aspects of the media?
  • How the media use the hype phenomenon

Students have many journalism thesis ideas to consider. However, every learner should be keen to pick a narrow and interesting idea to explore when researching and writing an essay or dissertation on journalism. If you need assistance, hire our paper writer and get assistance today.

Child Development Research Paper Topics


180 Powerful Journalism Research Topics To Focus On

Table of Contents

Finding a unique journalism research topic is one of the tricky tasks that require a lot of innovation. If you are a student who is pursuing a degree in communication or media studies, then you will often be asked to write essays or research papers on interesting journalism topics. Right now, do you want to write an informative journalism research paper? Are you searching for the best journalism research topics? Go through this blog post and get the top powerful journalism research topics and ideas that will help you boost your grades.

Tips for Selecting a Good Journalism Research Topic

Journalism is a broad field of study that mainly deals with the gathering and distribution of information to various media channels such as radio, TV, newspaper, and social media. In order to complete graduation, mainly, as a part of the final year academic project, the students who are pursuing media studies must submit a research paper or thesis on journalism topics.

When you are assigned a task to prepare a journalism research paper, topic selection is the first step that you can’t skip. Remember, you can impress your professor and score high grades only if you have a unique topic.

 Journalism Research Topics

In general, there are endless unique journalism research topics and ideas available, but the real challenge lies in identifying one specific journalism topic out of them all. Hence, to help you all, here we have shared a few important tips that you can follow during the topic selection.

  • The topic you choose should match your interest.
  • The topic should be exciting and informative for the readers.
  • Avoid choosing too broad topics because they may require a lot of time to complete.
  • If your topic is too broad, narrow it down to a specific research question that is easy to write about before the deadline.
  • Instead of picking the frequently discussed research topics, go with the topic that focuses on unique issues that are fresh for the readers to learn and understand.
  • The research topic you choose should support extensive research and contain relevant sources for reference.

Additionally, check whether the research topic you have selected stands in line with your professor’s instructions. Also, before finalizing the journalism research topic you have selected, make sure it satisfies all the above-mentioned tips. The journalism research topic is said to be good only if it meets the requirements shared above.

List of Journalism Research Paper Topics and Ideas

When it comes to writing a journalism research paper, you need to invest a lot of effort and time to search and find the best journalism research topic. Hence, to make your topic selection process easier, here, we have composed a list of exclusive journalism research topics and ideas.

 List of Journalism Research Topics

Explore the complete list of ideas and pick a powerful journalism research topic of your preference.

Top Research Topics on Journalism

  • What are the duties and roles of a professional journalist?
  • How have technological and scientific developments affected journalism?
  • Discuss how influential people control the freedom of journalists and the media.
  • How has social media affected modern journalism?
  • Explain the challenges that journalists in varying topographical situations face every day.
  • How can journalists change the perception of women as being materialistic?
  • A journalist should be well-versed in different topics about local and international news- Explain.
  • How do the media facilitate the stereotypical representations of females by portraying them as materialistic objects?
  • How has technology affected the mediums that journalists used to reach people?
  • Discuss the major problems that are experienced by journalists as they discharge their duties.
  • Are social media websites making third-person journalists?
  • Is social media making print media obsolete?
  • Can journalism be used to help improve marginalized sections in society?
  • How has COVID-19 revealed the role of journalists at a global level?
  • How are electronic media channels shaping modern-day journalism?
  • Discuss the impact of Yellow journalism on the sports and entertainment industry
  • How do power-hungry politicians misuse media houses and journalists?
  • Discuss the dangers of investigative journalism
  • Impact of fake journalism on people and society as a whole
  • Political scandals cause media introspection.
  • How are women journalists treated in the world?
  • What are the challenges faced by women journalists in Middle-East countries?
  • Discuss the role of journalism during World War I and World War II
  • Impact of journalism on the lifestyle change of Henry Meghan
  • Is it good to consider, social media and blogging as the future of journalism? Explain with justifications
  • What is communication?
  • Media, Censorship, and Propaganda.
  • The freedom of speech and its impact on the media.
  • The main aspects of communication.
  • The triggering topics.
  • The phenomenon of hype and its usage of the media.

Journalism Research Topics

Best Journalism Research Topics

  • How can journalists help the masses understand topical issues better?
  • What is the role of the media in reducing crime?
  • Discuss the negative implications of media in influencing violence.
  • What is the link between media and the growth of the fashion industry?
  • What is the subsequent impact of media on the growth of an economy?
  • Discuss the likely implications of partisan advertisement outlets.
  • What are your thoughts on denying an operational license to partisan media outlets?
  • Examine how media has impacted your living over the last ten years.
  • Elaborate on the potential beneficiaries of media versus society-influenced violence.
  • Investigate how the media industry has evolved because of technological advancement.
  • How has journalism contributed to political turmoil in Kenya?

Read more: Excellent Communication Research Topics To Consider

Excellent Journalism Research Paper Topics

  • How significant is the media in the war against crimes?
  • Use of mainstream media in strategic communication
  • How the media influence political patterns
  • Media use by kids and adolescents
  • How society benefits from a free media
  • Scare strategies that the media use to accomplish goals
  • How do the media influence immorality?
  • Do video games form a part of the media?
  • Media censorship and propaganda
  • How the media portrays popular culture and identity

Research Paper Topics in Mass Communication and Journalism

  • What are the benefits of international journalism ?
  • How effective are social media marketing campaigns
  • Explain how journalists altered the coverage of news relating to World War II.
  • Define media downshifting and discuss why people are reverting to newspapers again.
  • Discuss mass communication laws in the U.S.
  • Define journalism ethics and highlight its importance in news coverage.
  • Investigate why radio still commands a huge following.
  • Explain different types of media and differ according to the audience.
  • Investigate terrorism in media and highlight examples in the world today.
  • Highlight some relevant media disasters and explain how to prevent them.

Journalism Thesis Topics

  • How media houses benefit from advertising
  • Explain why video blogs are the new diaries.
  • How effective are media companies as compared to single bloggers with regard to news coverage?
  • Define fan fiction and fandom in the media.
  • Explain the critical attributes of communication.
  • Discuss the peculiarities of children’s media.
  • How do the media affect the political class in a country?
  • Key stakeholders of modern media
  • How the media influences the articulation of major social matters
  • How the media preempt situations

Unique Journalism Research Topics

  • Investigate how the government regulates the media.
  • What is the role of mass media in spreading awareness?
  • Explain how readers can confirm the truth and credibility of news articles.
  • Discuss the relevance of media in the growth of a steadfast country.
  • Explain how social media has impacted the reporting of police brutality cases.
  • What was the impact of mass media on the scope of the Vietnam War
  • Determine whether governments should have exclusive power to censor news reporters and journalists.
  • Elaborate on the main drawbacks facing journalism.
  • Discuss whether media outlets are responsible for the spread of unverified stories.
  • Analyze why media agencies should cease using metaphors in headlines.
  • Media psychology- How it applies to communication.
  • Explain the role of media in the growth of the music industry.
  • Analyze the influence of media on innovations.
  • Explain the implications of a one-sided media and why it might be dangerous to society.
  • Analyze the media violations of a person’s freedom and rights.
  • Investigate the Black Lives Matter movement and analyze the role of media in advancing it.
  • Examine how media affects the diminishing of traditions and culture.
  • Why is the press essential in spreading political rivalry among the political subject and class?
  • What role does mass media play in promoting learning activities?
  • Examine the role of mass media on the political class of America in the 18th century.

Investigative Journalism Research Topics

  • What is the role of transculturation in media translation
  • Discuss the objectification of women and its adverse psychological impacts.
  • Discuss whether politicians depend on media to retain their power.
  • Explain why mass media is more of a propaganda tool for the government.
  • Explain why the media should not include graphic images depicting violence or war brutality.
  • What are the historical development and cultural impact of media in the U.S.?
  • How some governments silence investigative journalists
  • An investigation into the key stakeholders of modern media houses.
  • How magazine covers are used to get more sales
  • How journalists can maintain high-quality reporting without necessarily spending more
  • What are the negative impacts of television advertisements on children?
  • How the media is helping call centers to create jobs and help the unemployed members of society.
  • Examine how the image of the Arab woman appears in Arab media.
  • How the media makes the USA look like the ultimate ruler
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of news reports between FOX and BBC News.
  • How mainstream media is promoting the upsurge of public misinformation and fake news
  • How influential politicians make key decisions for some media houses
  • What are the moral lines that separate investigative journalism from the violation of people’s privacy?
  • How the media is helping rebrand some countries- Case study of Nigeria.

Read more: Best Visual Analysis Essay Topics and Writing Guidelines for Students to Focus On

Interesting Journalism Thesis Topics

  • Examine some of the most significant anticipated changes to journalism in days to come
  • Is it true that the internet makes people read less about current events?
  • Elaborate on different ways by which mass media outlets benefit from advertisements and product promotions.
  • Discuss why it is not appropriate for celebrities and superstars to undergo trials by the media.
  • Define stylized writing and elaborate on whether it is acceptable in today’s internet-reliant world.
  • Discuss the critical negative influence mass media may have on students.
  • Elaborate why televisions need to stop showing sexual content.
  • Examine media and its influence in the articulation of social matters like racism.
  • Investigate the impact of new media on digital learning budgets.
  • Examine if journalism can seek the truth without breaking the journalism code.
  • What are the causes and impacts of media addiction
  • Discuss the effect of mass media on one’s emotional and psychological wellbeing.
  • Highlight how disabled people are represented by the media today
  • Discuss why we should trust the media to deliver accurate news.

Engaging Journalism Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the representation of women journalists in the media fraternity.
  • Describe ways to regulate mass media to guarantee that students are only minimally exposed to inappropriate content
  • Discuss the reasons that make the United States of America considered a global superpower from media perspectives
  • The imperativeness of journalism for disadvantaged social groups
  • A Critical review of the methodological trends and controversies surrounding the Use of opinion poll
  • Critically analyze how the British journalists try to win over the royals
  • Homophobia in modern sports and the role of media channels in increasing such negativism Homophobia
  • Discuss the role of media in promoting same-sex marriage
  • Evaluate the role played by media in helping GenZ athletes to seek their ‘authentic voice’
  • Describe the impact of replacing sports journalism with mindless gossip columnists
  • What were the restrictions on journalists for covering the FIFA World Cup 2022?

Great Journalism Research Paper Topics

  • What is the effect of media on diplomacy
  • A case study of pollution as a social issue and the media’s role in combating it.
  • Investigate the impact of fear created by media reporting crimes.
  • Hidden messages are passed through the media.
  • Discuss the role of media as an agenda-setting tool.
  • Elaborate on the flaws representation of black women in media.
  • Discuss the use of women and their sexuality in mass media advertisements.
  • How media images represent different entities
  • Could virtual reality be the future of modern media?
  • Do the media create or react to events?
  • What moral distinctions exist between the invasion of privacy and investigative journalism?
  • Are journalists nowadays more focused on attractiveness than on delivering more accurate news?
  • Discuss the main issues that journalists face when performing their responsibilities.
  • What impact have advances in science and technology had on journalism?
  • What can journalists do to combat the idea that women are materialistic?

Captivating Journalism Research Ideas

  • Is it possible for the media to serve society’s underprivileged groups?
  • Describe how the American media presents adversaries and rivals from throughout the world
  • Does the internet really cause individuals to read less about current events?
  • Why has the internet changed the way news is reported?
  • Examine some of the key upcoming developments in journalism that are most anticipated.
  •  Can journalists continue to report on high-quality stories without spending more?
  •  Nigeria is a case study of how the media is assisting in the rebranding of some nations
  •  How powerful politicians affect some media outlets’ ability to make important judgments
  •  A description of the difficulties emerging nations face when it comes to information freedom
  • How sexual material is used on the front pages of health publications to draw readers
  •  Does the media influence events or just report on them?
  •  What impact does the internet have on how the media evolves?
  •  Why is radio still a vital type of media in the twenty-first century?
  •  Describe ways to control the media to limit the exposure of pupils to inappropriate information
  •  Do powerful and influential big media firms have too much sway?
  • Do they have to be broken up into smaller pieces?

Latest Journalism Research Topics

  • Describe the Part of the Media in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis.
  • Discuss the popular media tactics of political parties in the United States
  • Consider the necessity for real-life tales in the media of today.
  • Write about literary journalism in recent times.
  • Investigative reporting on the Brazilian drug trade
  • Mass media censorship in North Korea
  • FIFA world cup 2022: restrictions on journalists for covering the event
  • Critical analysis of how the British journalists try to win over the royals
  • Describe the effects of media misdirection and misinformation.

From the list of outstanding journalism research topics and ideas suggested above, you can use any idea as an inspiration for writing a research paper. We have a team of professional academic writers who have good knowledge of mass media and communication to craft a research paper on the best journalism topics.

Quickly avail of our writing service and get a top-quality, plagiarism-free research paper as per your requirements on time at an affordable rate.

journalism dissertation topics

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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The Study Blog : Research topics

Journalism and mass media research topics for your dissertation.

Journalism is basically getting information and distributing it to various media channels such as TV, Radio, newspaper, and social media. This is the reason why journalism is quite a wide field. This means that when you are looking for a journalism research topic for your undergraduate projects, master’s thesis or a dissertation, you have access to a limitless list. However, it is important not to choose a very broad subject as it may lead to confusion. When considering a dissertation topic, narrow it down to a specific question. This will give you more focus and an easier time when carrying out the research. Ensure your research topic is also not very narrow as that would give you a hard time looking for relevant information.

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Unlike other fields, a dissertation in journalism is considered to be of good quality if the information received from the interviewee is of good quality. A dissertation in journalism is more than an expression of theoretical knowledge, it has to be more practical and real. Here are just some subjects that one may choose to focus on when working on a journalism dissertation:

Research topics in journalism/news

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journalism dissertation topics

News is the most common aspect of journalism. This is basically the most straight-forward aspect of journalism. News journalists basically have to distribute facts just the way they are. There are several research topics that can be very appropriate for this journalism aspect:

1. The future of journalism. Is true journalism dead? Is social media, paparazzi, blogging the future of journalism?

2. Propaganda models. Which propaganda models do the media houses follow? How do different countries differ in how they practice journalism?

3. Privacy and journalism. A look at the relationship between British journalism and royal family. How has journalism contributed to Henry and Meghan’s change of lifestyle?

4. Journalism and business. Where do media people draw the line? Is the main goal to inform the public or to make money? How do different media houses compromise (in terms of quality) in a bid to attract and keep investors (advertisers).

5. Political instability in African countries. How has journalism contributed to political turmoil in Kenya?

6. Women journalists in media. How are women journalists treated in the world? What are the limitations faced by women journalists? Are there places that women journalists shouldn’t be sent to?

Dissertation topics on political and investigative reporting

Investigative journalism is an aspect of journalism that aims at uncovering the truth concerning an issue, an event, or even a person. For investigative and political journalism to be effective, information distributed must be factual.

1. Media and image. How does media help establish a country’s image? How can media help change Afghanistan’s negative image in the eyes of the world?

2. Media and power hungry politicians. What role does the media play in ensuring that such politicians are kept in check?

3. Dangers of investigative journalism. A look at several journalists who have suffered while doing investigative journalism. What steps can media houses take to keep their investigative journalists safe?

4. Media in the developing countries. How have politics shaped the developing countries? Why do politicians in developing countries keep giving empty promises that are never fulfilled?

5. What has made USA to be the superpower that it is? The competition between USA and China for the top seat, what role does the media play in this?

6. Corruption and politics. A look at Kenyan government and corruption. Why do the two co-exist so efficiently? How has corruption wounded Kenyan economy?

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Dissertation topics on film and animation

Film and animation involves concepts such as film making, screen writing, editing, and camera work. Film and animation is very broad and often studied separate from journalism. Here are several topics you can choose from:

1. Role of race and religion in Hollywood. How are Arabic men depicted in Hollywood cinema?

2. Hollywood and Bollywood. How can the two be compared? How have they affected the world economy? How have they changed cultures in the world?

3. Place of Nollywood on the film market. How can Nollywood filmmakers improve their industry?

4. Bollywood. How has Bollywood grown over time? How has its growth affected Indian economy?

5. Hollywood and violence. Has Hollywood led to increased cases of violence especially among the youths?

6. Television or cinema? Is television becoming more popular than cinema?

Dissertation topics on advertising/corporate communication

Corporate communication is an important aspect of mass media. Every organization needs a communication department to help in managing all communications in and out of the organization. Corporate communication helps make efficient communication between an organization with its suppliers, investors, customers, employees among others.

Advertising on the other hand involves promoting a product or a service using the known media channels. It is very popular with big corporations since it is one way you’re assured that your message will reach your audience.

So what can you cover on your dissertation?

7. What is the importance of advertising on the media? Can media exist without advertising?

8. Media is highly dependent on advertising as a means of earning an income. Does this compromise its standards?

9. Can large corporations that are doing perfectly well stay without advertising?

Research topics on business reporting

Business reporting helps analyze and report commercial activities that affect the economy. Business reporting is usually more detailed than some other aspects. It is also very factual, and requires the business reporters to make complex business reports simple for everyone to understand. There are lots of topics you can choose from when it comes to business reporting. They include:

1. Pandemics and economy. A look at different pandemics that have happened worldwide and their effect on the economy. What is the impact of Coronavirus on economy? How is it likely to cause the greatest recession to have ever been experienced?

2. Chinese economy. How has Chinese economy risen so steadily over the years? Will Covid-19 cause a halt on this steady rise?

3. Economy and social networking. How has social networking changed the way business is done? Is ecommerce the future of business?

Research topics on developmental journalism

Development is an essential part of our world. Development journalism deals with ideologies, policies, or events that help improve life. Development journalism is quite wide since it covers almost everything and anything that is meant to improve human life. Here are some topics you can choose from if you want to do a dissertation of developmental journalism:

1. Education still a distant dream for most children in poor countries. How can media handle the rising cases of illiteracy in undeveloped and developing countries?

2. FGM, rape and defilement, and domestic violence cases are still on the rise in many countries. How can media help in reducing these cases?

3. Poverty levels still alarming in developing countries. How can the media help in coming up with solutions for this?

Writing a dissertation on a journalism subject can be quite interesting. However, it is important to understand the nature of journalistic writing. Journalistic writing requires a more practical approach as compared to other fields. It is therefore important to use interviews, surveys, and other practical methods to collect data.

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175 Journalism Topics And Excellent Writing Ideas

journalism topics

As a student of mass communication or journalism, you may need journalism research paper topics to fulfill your undergraduate degree requirements. As you already know, journalism involves profound investigative reports centered on an issue affecting the public. It’s all about public life, and this is why you may need different journalism thesis topics and ideas.

If you’re also a college student who needs good journalism topics to write your assignment or essay, there are numerous topics and ideas across different journalism categories in this content. See the following topics for journalism class that can inform your paper or project.

Investigative Journalism Topics

Investive journalism is that category of journalism that embeds profound investigation into a particular subject of interest. This could be political corruption, bank fraud, murder, and other serious crimes in society. These are journalism research topics that could help you develop brilliant ideas:

  • Investigate the role of the US government under Trump in the mismanagement and ignorance of the COVID-19 reality
  • Investigate the part of the radio and newspapers in spreading fake news in the 2020 US election
  • Investigate one of the biggest scams in the history of England
  • Examine the role of the Peaky Blinders gangster in the making of contemporary gangs
  • Account for the activities of the Yakuza gang in Japan within three decades
  • Report for the struggle of the Taliban and Afghanistan in the two-decade war
  • Examine the relativity of the Afghan War and the Vietnam War based on the U.S. involvement
  • Examine the fraud of US officials in the Iraq War
  • Investigate the complexities around US involvement in military and humanitarian aid in the Middle East
  • Assess the role of communist leaders in the creation of personality cult taking clues from Chairman Mao of China and Stalin of the USSR
  • The public believes that Afghan women will suffer in the Taliban government; however, some believe that it is peace and tranquility for the rural men and women who have been plagued by war. Investigate the bitter and sweet side of the war
  • Account for any child abuse scandal involving a government official in recent time in any country of your choice
  • Examine the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and relate it to the growth of the Ebola virus
  • Assess how governments violently quell peaceful protests in any country of your choice
  • Assess the cover-up of the Vatican in the sexual scandal of officials in the Holy Seal
  • Account for the influence of drug use in Mexico and how it influence or affect youths
  • Examine the shows with sexual appeal and how they affect the population
  • Give an account for the influence of extremity in the spread of the gospel of hatred in America
  • Study any corruption scandal of your choice and examine the fault of regulatory bodies
  • Give a comparative analysis of the 2008 economic crisis and the OPEC Oil Price Shock of 1973
  • Investigate the conspiracies in the government of Donald Trump
  • Investigate the bloody situation in Libya before Gaddafi’s death
  • Investigate the challenges facing India’s minority
  • Investigate the crisis in Turkey
  • Account for the political crisis between NATO-Ukraine and Russia

Journalism Topics for High School

You may have been asked to create journalism topics for your essay or contribute to your school’s magazine. There are different custom topics you could write about. You can consider these exciting and easy journalism topics:

  • An assessment of societal Influence of corruption and unaccountability
  • Assess the societal impact of the unaccountable judiciary in the US courts
  • What do you think about the role of the big five countries in rural community development?
  • What do you think the Biden Administration can do better about student loans and mortgages?
  • Assess the impact of mass media in reducing corruption
  • What do you know about drug abuse in the US, and how does it affect kids?
  • Evaluate how drama can be used to promote sensitization of sexual differences
  • Give an overview of how literature can be used to promote sexual orientation for high school kids
  • Why do you think your school needs a radio broadcast channel
  • What are your thoughts on unrestricted access to the internet for college students?
  • Do you think that social media is a good or bad innovation for society?
  • Assess how social media is responsible for depression and anxiety about beauty amongst youths
  • What do you believe are the impact of America Got Talent shows on kids
  • Because of social media, do you think mass media outlets like newspapers, televisions, and radios are no longer needed?
  • What do you understand about climate change and why everyone is scared?
  • What do you understand about Environmental changes and why everyone is scared?
  • Do you think women should take up top leadership roles anywhere in the world?
  • Do you think working from home is the best thing that could ever happen to working-class people?
  • What do you think makes a government legitimate according to your knowledge of Political Science, History, and Philosophy?
  • What do you think are the consequences of choosing entertainment above education and vice versa amongst youths
  • How can your school’s staff improve their relationship with students?
  • What are your ideas about humanitarian aid to Africa?
  • What do you think is the role of science and technology in the contemporary world?
  • Do you think high school students should have an intimate relationship too?
  • What do you believe is the most significant influence on youths and why?
  • What do you think about racism and Semitism in America?
  • What do you think about bullying in schools and the consequences of bullying on academic performance?
  • Do you think newspapers do an excellent job of promoting political sensitization?
  • Do you believe America is the best country in the world, and why?
  • Human and sex trafficking is the cruelest sin in the world: discuss
  • Assess the challenges of pregnancy
  • What do you think are the roles of women in Achieving gender equality in America?
  • Why do people idolize celebrities?
  • What do you think about the imprisonment of R Kelly?
  • Give a review of three songs by Rihanna.

Journalism Research Topics

Your professor may have asked you to develop good journalism research paper topics for your university degree requirements. There are different topics here that could guide you into choosing the perfect subject. Consider:

  • Analyze the failure of CNN in reporting unbiased news
  • Examine the importance of the media in advertising the need for economic development in rural communities
  • Assess the social media as the space to mobilize community support
  • Examine the significance of social media over the mass media like television, radio, and newspapers
  • Examine the campaign for sexual liberty in America
  • Examine the movement for gender equality in any Arab country of your choice
  • Examine the role of social media in the campaign for anti-racial sentiments
  • Account for the sexualizing of women in adverts
  • Account for president Trump’s innate desire to censor information in the media
  • Account for the role of journalists as gatekeepers in any free society
  • Account for the significance of international Journalist groups in protecting Journalists around the world
  • Examine America during the civil wars
  • Account for the sexual behaviors of porn addicts
  • What are the challenges facing three television Companies in the US?
  • Give an appraisal of Aljazeera and its news
  • Rationalize the death of Reuters’ Journalist, Danish Siddiqui, while in Afghanistan
  • Examine the consequences of the Trump administration on America’s domestic policies
  • Account for the consequences of Trump’s Administration on America’s foreign policy
  • Examine the effect of racial discrimination and employability in America
  • What is the role of America in developing ISIS?
  • Is America really the watchdog of the world?
  • Assess China and its rise to global dominance
  • Assess the significance of the Atlantic in world trade
  • Assess the political differences affecting Germany’s Nord Dam construction
  • Examine the need for entrepreneurs in America
  • Has capitalism favored the world so far?
  • Are Trump supporters patriotic or merely loyal to him?
  • Examine how education has promoted liberty in Afghanistan before US withdrawal
  • Assess for the role of journalist brands in reporting terrorism
  • What is the impact of the George Bush administration?
  • What are the impacts of the Obama administration on Libya politics
  • Assess the Israeli alliance with Saudi Arabia and the evil or good involved
  • Assess political or cultural propaganda of your choice
  • Account for the activities of any fraternity in a US campus
  • Consider Iraq’s needs for nuclear weapons as a balance of power or balance or threats

Literary Journalism Topics

As a form of nonfiction writing published in newspapers or magazines, it could cover interviews, research, or any other form of essay of your choice. If you’re required to choose controversial yet good journalism topics, you may want to consider:

  • Thoughts about Chimamanda Adichie’s “Danger of a Single Story” and how it could shape the literary scene
  • How fake news convince people about COVID-19 myths
  • The ethical challenges of journalism in any media company of your choice
  • The impact of photojournalists in the Afghan war
  • The scam in humanitarian intervention in any conflict of your choice
  • How French imperialism guides its role in French West African countries
  • The murder of Patrice Lumumba: thoughts on why America wants him dead
  • Philosophize on the brutality of King Leopold II.
  • How contestants arouse public sympathy in getting votes on America’s Got Talent
  • How pop culture ruin actual cultural developments
  • How journalism has evolved into business for financial gains
  • How journalism has evolved into a means of entertainment
  • Why does Aljazeera only tell sad, sad stories
  • Write a story about a mysterious heist of your choice
  • Attempt a short biography of Danish Siddiqui
  • Attempt a 7000 essay on everything about Vatican City and the politics
  • Document the invention of Isaac Newton and its Influence on technology
  • Lessons from the exploration of Amerigo Vespucci
  • Key points and lessons from Richard Nixon’s scandal
  • The mistakes of communism and capitalism in today’s world
  • What could be considered the impacts of Toni Morrison on literature?
  • Evaluate the works of Chinua Achebe in African literature
  • Evaluate the outcomes of Garcia Marquez in fiction and journalism
  • Opinions on the results of the Paris Review on literature
  • Opinions on the role of Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic in the media
  • Ideas on the death of democracy during Trump
  • A comparative analysis of presidents Trump and Richard Nixon
  • A comparative study of Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama
  • An overview of Trump’s economic policies
  • An overview of Trump’s businesses’ economic scandals

Research Topics in Mass Communication and Journalism Topics

As a journalism section that deals with exchanging information through the media, different topics can be developed to wow your professor. With interest in advertisement and dissemination of information, these are various journalism topics for you:

  • Embark on a comparative analysis of two media companies in the US
  • Account for the scandals of corruption in the practice of journalism
  • Assess the role of the media in the proceedings of Donald Trump’s impeachment
  • Report on the use of social media in triggering the White House protest on Trump’s behalf
  • Report on the use of Twitter during Trump’s Administration
  • What could be said to be good communication habits in Journalism?
  • Local newspapers and their usefulness in American public life
  • Has the use of radio negated modernity in America?
  • What are the challenges and prospects of smartphones during environmental disasters?
  • How has social media propagated the cancel culture?
  • How can the mass media be used for effective social change?
  • Drawing from the Watergate Scandal, what is the role of the mass media?
  • How do music choices influence the promotion of morality in traditional media?
  • Account for a radio show and its influence on the American public
  • Assess the consequences of airing extreme conservative ideas on radio
  • Social media and censorship: does it make sense?
  • How does the mass media contribute to racial disintegration?
  • Account for the radio show that promotes cultural diversity in America
  • Assess the subject of television addiction amongst youths
  • Evaluate the role of reporters and reporting highly sensitive cases
  • Identify how social media is wielded to propagate fake news
  • How Chairman Mao authored his propaganda with the media
  • The part of information dissemination before the Bolshevik Revolution
  • The role of the press in silencing threats in Russia
  • The thin line between truth and conspiracy in journalism

Middle School Journalism Topics

You may have been told to contribute to your school’s magazine or submit an essay in school. It would be best if you had easy and enjoyable journalism essay topics for your level. You can ask intriguing questions in your articles or essay through these journalism topics:

  • What are the powers you’ll execute if you have magical powers?
  • Who would you say are the best characters you’ve ever enjoyed?
  • What are your favorite movies, and why?
  • If you were an actor, which role would you never take?
  • Peer pressure and alcohol, do you think you can be influenced into social vices?
  • What are the campus secrets you think everyone should know about?
  • Review the last album of Beyonce
  • Review three songs of Kendrick Lamar and their Influence on the Black community
  • Review any book of your choice and its influence on people
  • Review any movie of your choice
  • Examine the need for active sport representations in school
  • Account for the need for Political student activists
  • Which of the school policies do you think must change?
  • If you’ll do anything to bullies, what would it be?
  • What are your thoughts about the foods in your cafeteria?
  • Would you attend a protest against the school authorities, and why?
  • Do you think everyone should like sports in school, and why?
  • Do you think school elections should be as competitive as senatorial or gubernatorial elections?
  • Do you think rivalries are suitable for school elections?
  • Who is your favorite philosopher, and why should everyone read Philosophy?
  • Which event of history should be told over and over again?
  • What are the achievements of your school’s basketball team?
  • What are the achievements of your school’s gymnastic team?
  • What are your opinions on Biden’s academic loans?
  • What are your opinions on racial diversity in classrooms?

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Journalism Research Topics: 120+ Ideas to Consider

Journalism Research Topics

Journalism is quite a broad industry that entails enumerating helpful information and showing it on different media channels, including television, social media, radio, and beyond.

For framing an outstanding research paper, your topic must enable your audience to focus on the key issues and make them keen to know more about your topic. However, finding the perfect topic isn’t easy.

Students often select their topic in haste and later realize that there needs to be more information or evidence to prove their hypothesis. Others get bored with their research after choosing a tedious journalism topic.

Journalism is an excellent subject that can open up many exciting ideas for students. However, this blog is genuinely written for you if you’re facing difficulty. Here are some unique journalism research topics you can use as inspiration.

Table of Contents

How to Choose Your Journalism Research Topic:

Finding a unique journalism topic is complex and requires extensive research and clever work. Generally, the internet is stuffed with thousands of journalism topics to write about, but the real struggle lies in identifying your “perfect” topic within that.

We have compiled a few suggestions that might help you create brilliant topics:

  • Students must refrain from any extravagantly broad topic, as it can be time-consuming and lead to confusion among students.
  • Choose a subject or topic that sparks your interest and curiosity level.
  • Students need to narrow their research into essential research questions.
  • Avoid providing a research paper based on goofy journalism topics to avoid misinterpretation or negative impact on your audience. Instead, ensure that your chosen topic will be informative for your readers.
  • Choose a novel topic that emphasizes distinct issues so readers can understand the fundamental research.

Thus, if you are about to research your journalism topic, ensure it stands in line with your university guidelines. Furthermore, ensure that your topic adheres to all the above-mentioned suggestions.

120+ Journalism Research Topics

As intended professional journalists, brilliant journalism ideas will always be welcomed and appreciated by your professors.

As mentioned, journalism is compiling, collecting, and assessing unique data and information on major on-going events. Along with writing on special journalism topics, one should also be open to writing about innovative discoveries about a pre-existing event.

We have thoroughly compiled a list of some contemplated journalism research topics that you can use as inspiration to get started with the writing business right away:

Journalism Research Topics for High School Students

  • Celebrities’ rights to privacy: How far should the paparazzi be allowed to infringe?
  • Examining the impact of racism in the media, both positive and negative
  • How do electronic media outlets influence journalism in the present era?
  • The influence of famous personalities on the independence of the media and journalists.
  • Challenges and opportunities for journalism in the 21st century
  • Impact of the media on diplomacy
  • Explain why it is inappropriate for famous people and idols to be subjected to media trials.
  • Why is radio still a crucial medium of communication in the twenty-first century?
  • Televisions must stop broadcasting sexual content.
  • Investigating journalism as a dangerous profession
  • Comment on the sexualization of women in media advertisements
  • Describe the effects of media misdirection and misinformation.
  • Describe ways to regulate mass media to guarantee that students are only minimally exposed to inappropriate content.
  • Why is the United States of America considered a global superpower?
  • The role of media outlets during the pandemic
  • Imperativeness of journalism for disadvantaged social groups
  • Is print media no longer necessary in the age of social media?
  • How has technology altered media

Brilliant Mass Communication and Journalism Research Topics

Read Also – 400+ Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • The credibility of online journalism
  • The role of journalism in war zones
  • Current Changes in Journalism in the United States
  • Theoretical and methodological trends in journalism
  • The history of journalism
  • Journalism and the construction of police brutality
  • Media’s role in curbing corruption
  • Political women in media culture
  • A critical review of the methodological trends and controversies surrounding the use of opinion polls
  • Media’s role in exposing corrupted politicians
  • Government-sanctioned journalism in China
  • News workers, technology, and journalism history
  • Trends in fake news in the modern media space
  • Media censorship in China
  • The future of blogging and journalism in the United States
  • Critical analysis of how the British journalists try to win over the royals
  • Bridging media psychology and cognitive neuroscience

Sports Journalism Research Topics

  • Empirical research on racial discrimination in sports
  • The journey of a sportsperson: researching the importance of storytelling for sports persons
  • A qualitative investigation into the lives of sportswomen
  • Impact of sports journalism on the construction of “body image” in the mind of a younger generation
  • Homophobia in modern sports and the role of media channels in increasing such negativism
  • Ethics in sports journalism
  • Protecting brand through media and journalism channels
  • Trans journalist association for sports: opportunities and challenges
  • TVG Network in sports reporting
  • What happened to Adriano: investigating the Dark Story Behind the Retirement of “Next Door” Ronaldo
  • Evaluating media’s role in helping GenZ athletes to seek their “authentic voice.”
  • The challenges of sports media during Covid19 outbreak
  • The part of sports journalism in entertaining the masses
  • Richie Benaud, the voice of cricket and an influential broadcaster
  • James Hird’s suspected drug overdose: invasive reporting violates the right to privacy
  • Sports journalism as strategic sports marketing
  • The dangers of sports journalism
  • FIFA world cup 2022: restrictions on journalists for covering the event
  • The harsh truth of replacing sports journalism with “mindless gossip columnists.”

Investigative Journalism and Media Topics for Research

Read Also – 40 Architecture Thesis Topics

  • Examining the impact of television advertising on the moral behaviors of young minds
  • Representation of Muslim women and Islam by journalists
  • The evolution of the media in the United States
  • Sports journalism: Why is it challenging for sports journalists to succeed in sports broadcasting?
  • Compare and contrast FOX and BBC news reports.
  • Countering the false image of Arab women in the Arab media
  • The influence of print media on the advancement of pop culture
  • Transculturation in media translation
  • Why do celebrity rumors frequently dominate media outlets as opposed to important news?
  • The life and works of Eric Eyre
  • Justify the lack of explicit depictions of atrocity in the media.
  • Describe why the Government primarily uses the media as a propaganda tool.
  • Examine whether politicians rely on the media to maintain their power.
  • A critical analysis of freedom and the press.
  • Money has corrupted the media: an overview.
  • The life and works of Dean Banquet
  • The correlation of media and Government
  • Media bias in investigative journalism

Electronic Media Topics for Research

  • Media Education in the Age of Disruptive Media
  • Evaluating the future of broadcasting from a global perspective
  • The internet explosion
  • Is print media dead?
  • Broadcasting in the era of electronic media
  • Communication through electronic media platforms
  • Analyzing the role of electronic media channels in shaping modern-day journalism
  • The impact of electronic media on social behavior

Journalism Topics Straight From the Experts

  • Describe the effects of biased journalism and why it could harm society.
  • An in-depth look at international journalism
  • Compare and contrast the Obama and Trump administrations’ treatment of the media.
  • Research the “Black Lives Matter” movement and examine how the media contributed to its growth.
  • The connection between politics and the media: Are there any media organizations that are politically apolitical?
  • Does media coverage of conflict have any beneficial or adverse effects?
  • Understanding journalism as a dangerous profession
  • The influence of journalism and its impact on army operations
  • Mass media censorship in North Korea
  • Crisis of Credibility in Journalism and the Media in an Era of Radical Nationalism
  • The business of journalism: fake news, but real money!
  • How media channels are spreading hatred and violence
  • Investigative reporting on the Brazilian drug trade

Literary Journalism Topics to Write About

Read Also – History of Modern Literature

  • Literary journalism in the twentieth century
  • Employing metaphors in headlines.
  • Justify the need for social media platforms to outlaw fake news.
  • Are American enemies treated correctly by the media?
  • How has journalism been affected by scientific and technological advances?
  • American literary journalism
  • Literary journalism and the drama of civic life
  • Understanding the rise of literary journalism in the eighteenth century
  • Researching Tesla’s unique business model
  • The evolving ethics of journalism in the 21st century
  • Consider the necessity for real-life tales in the media of today.
  • A theoretical analysis of the theory of the social responsibility of journalism
  • Communication theory in journalism: are journalists the new peacekeeping force?

Political Journalism and Mass Media Topics for Research

Read Also – 200 Political Science Research Topics

  • Propaganda in the mass media
  • Understanding the psychology of media and politics
  • Evaluating the credibility of public media organizations
  • New complexities and practices in political journalism
  • Popular political media tactics of political parties in the United States
  • Can the media influence election outcomes?
  • Investigations into the lives of prominent American politicians
  • Political scandals cause media introspection.
  • Evaluating the impact of politics on mass media
  • The politics of public journalism

Unique Journalism Research Topics

  • Look into the Government’s media regulation policies.
  • Examining the media’s role in eradicating poverty
  • Describe how readers may verify the accuracy and reliability of news reports.
  • Part of the Media in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
  • How did the Vietnam War’s coverage in the media change over time?
  • The authoritarian theory of the press
  • Describe the fundamental problems that journalism faces.
  • Examines the question of whether media outlets are to blame for the dissemination of dubious news.
  • Comprehending the media’s role in eradicating illiteracy rates in developing and under-developed nations
  • Contributions and the roles of journalists in COVID-19 pandemic management
  • Transculturation’s significance in media translation
  • Investigation into famous American politicians

Winding Up!!

Know that each research topic mentioned above has been carefully selected to help you with your research.

We understand coming up with the best topic will be something other than a walk in the park. It would be a challenging journey, mainly because no amount of diligent work can fully guarantee your expected results.

The above topics will allow you to efficiently conduct extensive research, interviews, and other practical methods of collecting relevant data for your research. Last but not least, remember this is your one shot, so give it your best effort. Good luck with your future endeavors!

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By Alex Brown

I'm an ambitious, seasoned, and versatile author. I am experienced in proposing, outlining, and writing engaging assignments. Developing contagious academic work is always my top priority. I have a keen eye for detail and diligence in producing exceptional academic writing work. I work hard daily to help students with their assignments and projects. Experimenting with creative writing styles while maintaining a solid and informative voice is what I enjoy the most.


Top 140+ Research Topics for Journalism Students


Team Desklib

Published: 2022-08-24


An Introduction to Journalism

Journalism is the form of communication in which a journalist communicates with the audience in different modes and makes people aware of what is happening around the world.

There are different modes in which a journalist can establish communication with the audience:

Based on the Medium of Delivery, There are Three Types of Journalism:

  • Cyber, Online, and Digital
  • Print Journalism
  • Broadcast, TV, and Radio Communication

The above listed are a few mediums in which a communicator or a journalist can spread awareness amongst the audience/viewers.  All these mentioned mediums have their own space and significance.

  • Cyber/online/digital modes of communication are the newly invented medium of journalism as this medium can connect several audiences of all ages and communities and it covers a larger range than any other medium of journalism. This has become more compliant for a large number of audiences due to the availability of good internet and easy accessibility.
  • The second medium is print journalism which is the oldest and the traditional medium of journalism. Newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, etc are gradually losing their value though they are still delivering good and informational content this is because the information available on the internet is more viable than that of print journalism hence this medium is losing its significance gradually.
  • The third medium of journalism is television and radio which is the most popular and interesting way of delivering a message to the audience. This is becoming popular as it offers both visual and audio characteristics to the content. 

How to Choose Powerful Research Topics for Journalism to Write?

Before choosing a powerful research topic for journalism to write, one must find out their interest in a particular type of journalism.

As your interest will refine your knowledge in a particular niche of journalism and you will be able to choose and write a good research topic of journalism.

So here in the next step, we are describing all the types of journalism read them thoroughly then understand the task of a journalist related to these different kinds of fields of journalism then find out which type of journalism suits your temperament the most then select the topic accordingly and then you will be able to write a really good and powerful research paper of journalism. 

According to the nature of the content, the news is of two types- Hard news and Soft news , and according to the nature of news, journalism has many categories and sub-categories.

Here are the Top 8 Most Popular Types of Journalisms:

  • Political Journalism

This niche provides hard news content. So a journalist having an interest in this niche must have a good knowledge of both international and national politics. And he/she must enhance this knowledge on daily basis by adding on more crucial information.

Along with this, political journalism requires a great amount of awareness about the political events and entities every step taken by the politician should be in count of a political journalist. Political journalism is a good niche to be chosen as one may get subjective but as its content is hard a journalist must be careful while presenting any political as it may hurt someone’s emotions.

  • Investigative Journalism

This niche of journalism requires a lot of patience, persistence, and perseverance. The content of this niche is also hard as it is hard to investigate and display what you being a journalist have investigated. Investigative journalism provides journalists with the scope to investigate any case on their behalf and to reveal the truth.

Hence maintaining persistency in this niche is difficult as it is hard to stand by the truth. But one must always remember that revealing the truth is the sole purpose of investigative journalism.

  • Crime Journalism

The content of this journalism also falls in the category of hard news. As it is hard to talk with a criminal face to face. In this niche of journalism, the major role of the journalist is to reveal the crime that has been accidentally or deliberately committed by some person or by an organization, the crime could be any like rape, murder, manipulation, etc.

So, in this case, it becomes important for a journalist to be unbiased as the final decision would be that of the court and the court only will declare a suspect if h/she is a criminal or not. And making prejudice by journalists could not work in this field.

  • Business Journalism:

The content of business journalism could be both hard and soft. The main purpose of the business journalist is to interlink a country's economy with the business of the particular country and make a concept and then run this content as a piece of news on television or radio or to write as an article in the newspaper. The business news mainly involves updates from the stock market, the central bank of the country, and how they will impact the country’s economy.

  • Arts Journalism:

Arts journalism has soft news content as it deals in all forms of art like music, craft, dance, literature, painting, architecture, etc. Art has always been a subject of softness and symbolizes the contemporary feel of a particular era or time.

It promotes peace and happiness so this field of journalism becomes the most important field of journalism to promote peace and integrity there should be an existence of good art and creativity. A journalist working in this niche basically makes the audience aware of new and old forms of art and their significance.

  • Celebrity Journalism:

This niche is definitely a good choice for those who have an interest in movies and the lifestyle of actors. The word paparazzi is becoming popular these days as paparazzi are those journalists who cover everything about an actor and trace all his/her movements. In this camera-specific world, everyone has an eye on the latest fashion trend and the outfit worn by his/her favorite actor and actress, and the number of these such kind viewers is increasing day by day. So in this contemporary world, the demand for celebrity journalists is increasing to make people aware of their favorite stars’ activities and the clothing trend they are following.

  • Sports Journalism:

Sports journalism is a very enthusiastic niche, it is especially for those who are inclined towards sports and games. The niche perfectly suits the temperament of those people who have an interest in outings and sports and willing to cover all the sports events by watching them. Sports writing is not that difficult it just requires a good amount of knowledge of a particular sport or a game to give his/ her own opinion while discussing it on television or writing an article on that.

  • Tour/Travel Journalism:

A soft news niche requires lots of research on travels and tours the journalists connecting with this niche basically suggest to the viewers a good place to visit and the reason why a person should visit a particular place they also suggest some really good food to taste at a particular destination. The main work of the journalist in this field is to make people aware of destinations that are within budget and a way to reach there easily. This kind of journalism requires a good amount of energy as exploring something is not that easy.

Every field of journalism has different characteristics but all these niches stand on the pillars of truth. Whatsoever you choose as a journalist to write about, your sole purpose should be one is to show what is true. 

Here are the Most Popular and Powerful 140+ Research Topics for Journalism:

Now as you are familiar with all the types of journalism, we expect that you have already found your interest in one of these types. As you are ready with your interest you can find some really important research topics for journalism to write. Some topics suggested by us are mentioned below:

Top 40 Research Topics on Journalism

  • The Role and Responsibility of a Journalist.
  • Journalism and the Contemporary World.
  • What Will Be the Future of Journalism?
  • Journalism Then Vs Now.
  • Role of Media in Shaping the Political Structure of a Country.
  • Can Media and Privacy Lie on the Same Plane?
  • Politics in Media or Media in Politics.
  • Is Media Nowadays Biased or Unbiased?
  • The Quality of Media in Developing Countries and in Developed Counties.
  • Does Corruption Lie in Media or Not?
  • A Friendship Between the Media and the Party in Power.
  • Media is a Mirror of the Contemporary World.
  • Art and Art of Living.
  • Monuments Represent the Ancestral Beauty of the Country.
  • Monuments Then Vs Now
  • An Eye-opener Architecture of the Country.
  • Embellished Dance Forms.
  • Musical Instruments That Are Hard to Play.
  • Peace in the Different Forms of Art.
  • Heart Lost in the Art Made by Nature.
  • Crime Comes in the Face of a Friend or a Friend is an Enemy.
  • Prima Facie of the Crime.
  • Modus Operandi of the Criminal.
  • The Psyche of the Criminal While Committing a Crime.
  • Envy is the Major Pillar of Crime.
  • Ease of Doing Business.
  • The Role of the Stock Market in the Economy of a Country.
  • Is the Stock Market Affected by Slr and Crr?
  • Steps Taken by the Central Bank to Control Inflation.
  • The Role of the Imf is Different From the World Bank.
  • Business and New Start-ups Are Creating Employment or Finishing the Scope of Employment.
  • Business Strategic Management.
  • The Impact of a Pandemic on a Business.
  • Foreign Direct Investment Vs Foreign Portfolio Investment.
  • New Influencers Are the Actors or Actors Are the Influencers.
  • Celebrities’ Gym Wear Costs More Than Normal Casual Wear.
  • Paparazzi’s Role in the Lives of Celebrities.
  • Bollywood/Hollywood is Maintaining Nepotism or Not.
  • The Importance of Promotions of the Movie at the Time of Its Release.
  • Loss Faced by the Movie Industry at the time of a Pandemic.

Top 40 Great Journalism Research Topics

  • Best Hilly Places to Visit and Why.
  • Best Beach Places to Visit.
  • Places Having Historical Significance.
  • Places Where You Can Get Traditional Food.
  • Places to Visit With the Family.
  • Places to Visit With Friends.
  • Buildings Are the Memories.
  • Ancient Culture and Habits.
  • Cheapest Way to Travel Anywhere in the World.
  • How to Write a Travelogue.
  • Sports for Health and Sports for Wealth.
  • Sports in Which You Can Earn a Handsome Amount of Money.
  • Commonwealth Games Versus Olympics.
  • Football is a Good Start for Any Sport.
  • Strategies of Players While Playing Cricket for the World Cup and Strategies of Players While Playing Nationally.
  • Freedom of Journalists is Controlled by Some Influential People in Society.
  • The Power of a Local News Channel and Newspaper.
  • Women as Journalists.
  • Track the Changes Come in Journalism in the Last 5 Decades.
  • Is Social Media News Spread Obsoleting the Value of Journalism?
  • What is the Role Played by the Media in Reducing Crime?
  • The Impact of Media on the Psyche of Laymen.
  • How the New Technology Helped Media to Evolve?
  • Does the Media Make Political Views of a Person?
  • Does Media Provoke Violence?
  • Media as a Medium of Communication Between Two Entities.
  • What Was the Role Played by Media at the Time of the Independence Struggle?
  • Limits and Rights of Media Personnel or a Journalist.
  • Media Portrays a Contemporary Culture and Language.
  • Media Runs Social Media Marketing Campaigns.
  • Entry of Podcasts in the Field of Journalism.
  • Broadcasts Are Different From Live News.
  • In This Digital World Newspaper Still Has Value.
  • In This Digital World Radio Still Holds a Space.
  • Media Censorship.
  • Media Propaganda.
  • Mass and Communication Laws in Major World Economies.
  • Does the Media Alter the News?
  • How Do Media Houses Get Benefits From Advertisements?
  • What is Fan-fiction in Media?

 A List of 40 Excellent Journalism Research Paper Topics

  • What is Fandom in Media?
  • Does the Media Lit the Fire of Riots?
  • Is the Media More Inclined Towards Making Trp?
  • The monopoly of Few News Channels.
  • Does the Party in Power Regulate the Media?
  • The Role of Media in International Politics.
  • Media Gives Prejudgment.
  • Is Media Still With Truth or With Power?
  • How to Make Your Article More Credible?
  • Can the Media Make a Police Cop’s Image?
  • Media Headlines Ended With an Unquestionable Question Mark. Explain.
  • Does Media Violate the Privacy of a Person?
  • Media Chooses a Political Topic to Debate.
  • The Role of Media at the Time of Elections.
  • How Does the Media Promote the New Schemes of Government?
  • What is the Status of Media in Different Countries?
  • Does Media Help a Person in Taking His/her Rights Back?
  • Status of Media in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.
  • The Role Played by Media in the Ongoing War Between Ukraine and Russia.
  • Media Psychology.
  • Status of an Investigative Journalist in Today’s World.
  • How the Magazines' Covers Are Important for the Media to Get More Sales?
  • How Can Journalists Produce High-quality News Without Spending So Much Time on It?
  • Is the USA the Only Powerful State in the Whole World? What is the Media’s Opinion?
  • Is Media Conservative in a Few Countries?
  • Why Should There Be Trust in the Media?
  • Is the Media Focused on the Environment?
  • Fear Created by Media While Showing a Criminal.
  • Does Media Spoil the Image of a Person?
  • Media Has Magic of Voice.
  • Hidden Messages Media Gets.
  • Is Media Also Becoming a Clothing Brand?
  • Nowadays Media is More Focused on Style Rather Than Delivering Accurate News.
  • Problems Faced by Journalists Working on-field.
  • Journalists Sometimes Become the Victim of Mob Lynching.
  • Is Journalism a Safe Field to Work in?
  • Are People Really Interested in Watching the News on Television Even if They Have Social Media?
  • Which is More Authentic Traditional Media or Social Media?
  • Is Media Working Like a Court?
  • Are the Journalists Nowadays Becoming Judges?

List of 18 Unique Journalism Research Topics

  • Is Media a Voice for Underprivileged People Also?
  • Is Media Confined Only to the Upper-class People of the Society?
  • Does the Class System Sway the Media Also?
  • Inappropriate Information Spread by Social Media.
  • Investigative Journalism Creates a Hindrance to Privacy.
  • How Media Use Images to Make the News More Colorful?
  • Using Pictures or Images Good for an Article?
  • Who Are the Key Stakeholders of Modern Media?
  • Does Media Create an Impact on the Country’s Economy?
  • Can the Media Help Police Find a Criminal?
  • Why Do People Revert to Newspapers Again and Prevent Watching News Channels on Television?
  • Is Society Benefitted From Free Media?
  • Media Fights a War Against Crime?
  • Influence of Media on Human Life.
  • How Dangerous is the Work of a Journalist?
  • Journalists Became the Victim of the Corona.
  • What Are the Few Characteristics of a Professional Journalist?
  • How to Choose the Right Title for an Arti


Those mentioned above were a few topics that are suggested by us and could be chosen by you to write an effective research paper for journalism. But before writing select a topic and do research on it and then make some bulleted points to highlight and then start writing. Remember, truth should not be missed from your research and your point of view should also be added to your research paper. These two points will make your research paper more interesting for the reader as well as for the checker. So choose the topic, do research, pick the pen and start writing choose the most appropriate shade of word to make your research paper more colorful.

Some More Related Resources:

  • 120 Hot Research Topics for Nursing Students
  • Top 50+ Research Topics for High School Students in 2022
  • A Thorough Analysis of Market Research
  • Research for Psychology and Personality Disorder
  • Mental Health Research Topics for Students in 2022
  • 4 Tips on How to Find Homework Answers Quickly
  • How to Write Different Types of Research Paper ?

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Journalism and communication theses and dissertations.

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  • The Problem of Publishing an Agricultural and Home Journal in India  Raj, Kummar Sri Mohan V. ( University of Oregon , 1935-06 )
  • Power Considerations as Invisible Filters of Local Involvement in Participatory Climate Adaptation: The Case of Ghana's Effutu Municipality  Koomson, Paul ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-10 ) The rising incidence and severity of environmental disasters associated with climate change and the acknowledged failure of adaptation projects to address the priority needs of marginalized and most vulnerable social groups ...
  • Voting Behind Bars: Policy and Predictions of Total Enfranchisement for Incarcerated Voters in the United States  Tabor, Courtney ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Nearly five million Americans remain disenfranchised because of their incarceration or felon status. Through this dissertation project, I study two legislative campaigns and conduct a nationwide experiment to better ...
  • Representation and Exploitation of War and Conflict: Publicly Appropriable Media as Low Hanging Fruit  McLaughlin, Andrew ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) This dissertation examines the phenomenon of War Porn, a term that describes the visual destruction of bodies in conflict to elicit a visceral reaction in viewers for the purposes of titillation and entertainment. I examine ...
  • A MEDIA GENEALOGY OF THE JAPANESE MOBILE PHONE, 1997–2007  St. Louis, Christopher ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The mobile phone—in its present form, the smartphone—has become a ubiquitous part of everyday life. We use it to facilitate personal and professional communications, access entertainment media, and purchase goods and ...
  • Filtered Morality: Theatrical Film Sanitization in Utah County, Utah, 1960s-1980s  Cowley, Brent ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) This dissertation examines a history of theatrical film sanitization in Utah County, Utah, primarily from the 1960s to the 1980s. Regional censorship boards throughout the Hollywood Production Code era labored to ensure ...
  • Uncovering Vocational Rehabilitation Online: How the Standardization of State and Federal Government Information Can Empower the Deaf and Hard of Hearing  Deering, Charlotte Chère ( University of Oregon , 2023-06 ) Resources are often lacking or difficult to find for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) in the United States. The DHH fall behind in mainstream schools without assistive services and often turn to State Vocational ...
  • Actualization through Activism: Transgender Media Making in Central Appalachia  Banks, Beck ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Using ethnographic methods, this dissertation explores transgender media makers and their works in Central Appalachia. It employs audience studies, queer/trans migration, and queer rurality to understand the drive of these ...
  • Who's In?: A Political Economic Analysis of the College Football Playoff  Eichner, Matthew ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the CFP and its media presence through a political economic lens. For the political economic scholar, the CFP as an entry point into studying media and sport is a natural ...
  • Life Among the Ruins: An Examination of Monument and Power in the Abandoned Game Star Wars: Galaxies  Hansen, Jared ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) In the genre of Massively Multiplayer Online video games are titles that have been abandoned by their developers. These cloud-based games are inaccessible and disappear when shut down unless new servers are launched. Such ...
  • Gender-Power Relations in International Development Discourse and Practice: The Case of USAID in Post-Ebola Liberia  Amevor, Elinam ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Liberia became the United States’ priority in the fight against the Ebola epidemic in West Africa between 2014 and 2015. After the epidemic was officially declared over in May 2015, the U.S. Agency for International ...
  • Twitch Streamers and the Platformization of Cultural Production: Understanding Complementary Labor in the Creative Economy  Harris, Brandon ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Twitch and other social media platforms allow a handful of content creators to act as social media influencers who perform complementary labor that advances their careers while also creating monetary and social value for ...
  • Never the Twain Shall Mix: AIDS Patients’ Rejection of Antiretroviral Drugs in Favor of Christian Holy Water in Ethiopia  Beyene, Gubae ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) The laity in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church have always tapped into holy water as a therapeutic for health issues. A fundamental article of faith within the Church, this treatment necessitates total devotion on the part of ...
  • Political News as a Cultural Repository: A Comparative Study of Political Reporting in South Korea and the United States  Moon, Young Eun ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) This dissertation explores how the journalistic, political, and organizational cultures of the United States and South Korea have moderated press/politics relationship in these two countries with regard to the practice of ...
  • Silence and Banalization: An Analysis of History Writing About Computing  Hamid, Sarah ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Myth, hype, and industry-captured historiography depict this moment as a unique and unprecedented confrontation with computational power and the devastating effects it has on vulnerablized communities. But automated decision ...
  • Journalists Doing Video: Evolving Professional Values in Response to Video Work  Nicolosi, Michelle ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Much of the research examining how newspaper journalists respond to changing labor practices finds that journalists are terrible at change. Ryfe’s influential study of newsrooms undergoing change found that journalists ...
  • The Effects of Narrative- Versus Science-oriented Messages on Parents’ Attitude Towards MMR Vaccine: The Moderation of Conspiracy Beliefs in Vaccination  Wongphotiphan, Thipkanok ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Research background: Vaccine hesitancy is ranked as a top ten global health threat by the WHO. One of the most skeptical childhood vaccines is MMR vaccine. Having a high level of conspiracy beliefs is one of the strongest ...
  • Whose Future? Whose Facts?: A Critical Case Study of News Literacy Education in the United States  Guldin, Rachel ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) In the wake of the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections and the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing public attention has been paid to the ability of citizens to use and understand news media, information, and digital ...
  • ShakeAlert in Oregon: Applying the Situational Theory of Publics to Understand Earthquake-Related Beliefs, Communication Behaviors, and the Formation of Stakeholders  Morgoch, Meredith ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Common regional hazards in Oregon include wildfires and earthquakes. These hazards vary in severity and have the potential to cause damage to persons or communities in the state. Earthquakes range from small to significant ...
  • Chinese State Ideology and Filmmakers Since the Cultural Revolution: 1966-1999 Revolution: 1966-1999  An, Dong ( University of Oregon , 1999-12 ) Chinese film stands as a cinematic barometer for the country's ideological vicissitudes. This research studies the relationship between Chinese film and changing government political philosophy. This interaction is ...

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Online Dissertation Resources

Dissertations, useful links to online dissertations and theses, university of roehampton theses & masters dissertations, using a thesis held in the roehampton repository in your own work, academic writing style guides.

  • Postgraduates & Researchers This link opens in a new window
  • Open Access Resources This link opens in a new window

We have a range of online resources to help plan, write and finish your dissertation. Although this is aimed primarily at 3rd Year Undergraduates and Postgraduate Taught students, it contains information that can be useful to Postgraduate Research Students.

  • Sage Research Methods (Library Database) Provides a range of useful tools including a Project Planner, which breaks down each stage of your research from defining your topic, reviewing the literature to summarising and writing up.
  • Literature Reviews Checklist - Handout
  • Components of a Dissertation (document) A useful guide to the central components of a dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Understand the core elements that should be in your dissertation --Understand the structure and progression of a strong dissertation
  • Dissertation Workshop - Handouts Includes a planning template and outline
  • Dissertation Workshop Slides
  • Writing Your Dissertation Guide - Handout

Other Resources

  • Reading Strategies (PDF document) An interactive document on reading at university.
  • How To Write A Literature Review Video - Queen's University Belfast 10 minute video
  • Start to Finish Dissertations Online Webinar from Manchester
  • A to Z of Literature Reviews - University of Manchester 20 minute tutorial
  • Appendices A short example of how to use and cite appendices in your dissertations, essays or projects

Check out these recordings to help you through your Dissertation writing process, from start to finish. 

Dissertation Planning and Writing Series

  • Starting Your Dissertation (Video) 46 minutes This webinar recording will help you with the early stages of planning, researching and writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Understand the challenges and opportunities of writing a dissertation --Move towards refining your subject and title --Know what steps to take to progress with your dissertation
  • Writing Your Dissertation (Video) 52 minutes This webinar recording will help guide you through the middle stages of writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Identify the key parts of a high quality dissertation --Understand how to structure your dissertation effectively --Know how to increase the fluency and strength of your argument across an extended piece of writing 
  • Finishing Your Dissertation (Video) 59 minutes This webinar recording aims to guide you through the final stages of writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Identify key features that should be included in your dissertation --Know how to ensure your dissertation has a strong and cohesive structure --Proofread your work.
  • Using Word to Format Long Documents (Video) 1 hour and 22 minutes A video tutorial on how to format long documents such as Essays and Dissertations using Word. By the end you should be able to: --Create a Table of Contents --Know how to insert page numbers --Be familiar with how to use the various auto-formatting and styles functions to manage longer documents

A selection of external sources that would be of particular use to 3rd Year Undergraduate students and Postgraduate students. 

Please note that the Library does not hold Undergraduate or Masters Dissertations. For information on print and online doctoral theses please see below information on University of Roehampton Thesis Collection


National thesis service provided by the British Library which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK's doctoral theses. NOTE: EthOS is currently unavailable due to ongoing issues following a serious cyber security incident at the BL (January 2024). 

Help using this resource

EBSCO Open Dissertations is an online thesis and dissertation database with access to over 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations worldwide.

  • DART-Europe E-theses Portal Free access to nearly 800,000 open access research theses from 615 universities in 28 European countries.
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 5,153,410 theses and dissertations.

The university holds a selection of theses and master dissertations awarded by the University of Roehampton.

2013 onwards, Digital Theses

Roehampton Research Explorer - Student Theses

Theses subject to an embargo are not accessible digitally or in hard copy until the embargo period elapses. Embargoes may be applied to protect the rights of the author whilst they explore opportunities for publication, or where sensitive information is held within the thesis.

Please note  that there is a short delay in recently submitted theses appearing on our repository. If you cannot find the thesis you are looking for, please  contact the Research Office .

2004-2013, Print Theses & Masters Dissertations

The University holds a print Theses Collection (including some Masters dissertations) on the 2 nd Floor of the Library. The holdings are not complete as the criteria for inclusion was set by academic departments, and threshold varied between department. Not all student work would be made available to view. The selected works were intended to provide examples of work for students. Some examples were kept in-house, used for teaching purposes, and not available within the library.  Library print holdings were usually kept for up to 10 years and reviewed for relevance.

To search for print theses and masters dissertations use UR Library Search to search for a title or topic and filter by Format > Book > Theses, Dissertation.

1985-2004, Roehampton Institute of Higher Education (RIHE)

Dissertations and theses published between 1985-2004 were awarded by the University of Surrey. The holdings are not complete as the criteria for inclusion was set by academic departments, and threshold varied between department. Not all student work would be made available to view. The selected works were intended to provide examples of work for students.

To search for digitised copies of RHIE theses go to the University of Surrey’s Open Research repository .

You may re-use material from a thesis in the same way you would any other source, i.e. by providing a full citation to the thesis in question, and by not re-using material in a way that may breach the rights of the author.

If you feel your own copyright has been affected by content held in the University of Roehampton repository, please refer to our take down policy and contact us immediately.

  • Government Guidance on exceptions to copyright Details of the exceptions to copyright that allow limited use of copyright works without the permission of the copyright owner.
  • Academic Style Guides Resource List See the style guides available in the Library for a variety of disciplines
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JMS 710: Graduate Journalism and Media Studies (Burroughs): Fall 2020 Thesis Topics

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  • Fall 2020 Thesis Topics
  • Fall 2019 Thesis Topics
  • Fall 2023 Thesis Topics

Gabi: Cause-related marketing and philanthro-journalism position and create messaging for profit in often unethical/untruthful ways. I would like to learn more about how messaging affects profit for organizations, how messages are framed, and how vulnerab

Possible keywords: cause-related marketing




framed messages

  • Cause-Related Marketing: A Coalignment of Marketing Strategy and Corporate Philanthropy
  • Cause-Related Marketing Ads in the Light of Negative News
  • Cause-related marketing: More buck than bang?
  • Can the Overcommercialization of Cause-Related Marketing Harm Society?
  • What's Wrong with Philanthrojounalism?

Cristal: Pandemics

how pandemics have affected the different mass media outlets such as radio, news, televisions and other sorts of that nature. I want to also propose the question if pandemics is something the world should have been more prepared for since everything we do is now through media and online sources. I don’t know if this makes my thesis sound too busy, but this seemed the most appropriate for my research. If you have any resources that may be helpful for my research I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance! 

Kewords: covid-19 and "mass media" and "united states"

covid-19 and "social media" and "united states"

pandemic and "mass media"

pandemic and "mass media" and "united states"

pandemic and media

  • News coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic: Missed opportunities to promote health sustaining behaviors  
  • Impact of rumors or misinformation on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in social media


Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) within media and why it shy-rocketed into the popular media such as magazines (W magazine), super bowl commercials, and even on other social media platforms. I’d like to study how people (those who have and have not heard about it) view it and if the media has damaged the image of what ASMR is used for. Is it sexualized? How is it affecting our interpersonal relationships? What was ASMR before it was ASMR and did people know about it? 

Keywords: ASMR and magazines

ASMR and social media

ASMR and sexualization

ASMR and interpersonal relationships

  • Digital intimacy and ambient embodied copresence in YouTube videos: construing visual and aural perspective in ASMR role play videos
  • An examination of the default mode network in individuals with autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)
  • So Far Away, Yet So Close A Study on How Intimacy Is Attempted to Be Produced in Girlfriend Roleplay ASMR Videos on YouTube

Naomi-Various Topics

1. Minority women/women in Sports Journalism (treatment, pay)  

Keywords: women and sportscasting and minorities

women and sportscasting and treatment

women and sportscasting and equality

2. The spread of misinformation on social media during BLM and the pandemic (being able to spread wrong information with ease and its effects) 

social media AND "black lives matter" and misinformation

social media and pandemic (or COVID-19) and misinformation

3. The medias attitude toward Colin Kaepernick before and after the death of George Floyd (BLM movement) 

Colin Kaepernick and George Floyd and Black Lives Matter

  • Google Scholar: Colin Kaepernick and George Floyd and Black Lives Matter
  • Google Scholar: misinformation AND "social media" AND covid-19
  • Google Scholar: women and minorities and sportscasting

Sean-Various Topics

One topic that I am interested in pursuing is how Las Vegas is going to be affected by COVID-19 in terms of the entertainment industry. I read an article recently that confirmed the show "Le Reve" is permanently closed due to the ongoing pandemic. I found this both fascinating and scary, as I knew that the landscape of entertainment shows on the Las Vegas strip is going to vastly change. I would want to know what type of people visit Las Vegas to see performances on the strip, what casinos are hurting the most due to the closure of shows, and how Las Vegas will rebrand itself once it becomes more safe for people to visit. 

Another topic that I am interested in pursuing is the idea of physical media dying. More specifically, since more and more people are streaming media, how long is it going to take before DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, vinyl records, and even video game discs become a thing of the past? While I am aware that this is an extremely broad topic, I want to focus on both the current sales trend of physical media, as well as survey people who consume media. 

  • Implications of COVID-19 on Gaming, Leisure and Entertainment Industry **Need to order via interlibrary loan
  • When Will The Show Go On For Las Vegas' Entertainment Venues? (KNPR)
  • Traditional media & streaming media (Google Scholar search)

Alexa: dating apps

Having dating apps increased the amount of successful relationships, and what do people define as successful? (Marriage, longterm relationship, casual encounter, or date?) Have dating apps increased impulsivity when making choices/ taking risks? How do dating apps affect one’s self-presentation and self-esteem? How have dating apps affected the LGTBQ community? What impact has Covid-19 created for dating culture and how have dating apps responded to that?

Keywords: dating apps

mobile dating

internet dating dating culture

online dating

online dating services

dating apps and choices (and risks and impulsivity_

dating apps and self-presentation

dating apps and self-esteem

dating apps and LGBTQ

dating apps and Covid-19

  • Online Dating-Pew Research Center
  • Best dating apps of 2020
  • The Impact of Mobile Dating Apps on Sexual Behavior and Self-esteem in Young Women (Dissertation)
  • "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" Gendered Interactions in Online Dating

Charles: earning for students via online using zoom. Grades 1-12.

Possible keywords: ZOOM

remote learning 

online education

Combining the above keywords, such as: Zoom AND remote learning AND K-12 AND COVID-19

Adding keywords/synonyms after you decide on how you might want to narrow your search.

  • As schools close due to the coronavirus, some U.S. students face a digital ‘homework gap’-Pew Research Center
  • COVID-19 School Closure-Related Changes to the Professional Life of a K–12 Teacher
  • The Transition From Classroom to Zoom and How it Has Changed Education
  • Remote Learning Guidance From State Education Agencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A First Look
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  • Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic | Criteria & Tips

Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic | Criteria & Tips

Published on November 14, 2022 by Sarah Vinz . Revised on May 31, 2023.

A relevant dissertation topic means that your research will contribute something worthwhile to your field in a scientific, social, or practical way.

As you plan out your dissertation process , make sure that you’re writing something that is important and interesting to you personally, as well as appropriate within your field.

If you’re a bit stuck on where to begin, consider framing your questions in terms of their relevance: scientifically to your discipline, socially to the world at large, or practically to an industry or organization.

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Table of contents

Scientific relevance, social and practical relevance, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about relevant topics.

If you are studying hard or social sciences, the scientific relevance of your dissertation is crucial. Your research should fill a gap in existing scientific knowledge, something that hasn’t been extensively studied before.

One way to find a relevant topic is to look at the recommendations for follow-up studies that are made in existing scientific articles and the works they cite. From there, you can pursue quantitative research , statistical analyses , or the relevant methodology for the type of research you choose to undertake.

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Most theses are required to have social relevance, which basically means that they help us to better understand society. These can use ethnographies , interviews , or other types of field work to collect data

However, in some disciplines it may be more important that a dissertation have practical relevance. Research that has practical relevance adds value. For instance, it could make a recommendation for a particular industry or suggest ways to improve certain processes within an organization.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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Vinz, S. (2023, May 31). Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic | Criteria & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

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Dissertation Help UK : Online Dissertation Help

Best Journalism Dissertation Topics | 49 Examples

February 26, 2020

Dr Jana Martiskova

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Comprehension of different types of journalism to write a good journalism dissertation topics

If you want to have thorough information about investigative, sports, science, or people/ celebrity journalism, nothing to worry about.

The following article on journalism dissertation titles is going to give you all the information that you want to know, as well as provide some of the dissertation topics and ideas on journalism, useful for the journalism dissertation so that you surely get the lead among your class fellows.

1) Sports Journalism Dissertation Topics:

This area mostly covers athletic competitions and events related to sports. Commercially, it is an essential section in most newspapers, and magazines, as well as in radio and television news broadcasts, though it is considered soft news. Below are some of the ideas for writing a dissertation on sports journalism , they are:

  • The impact of social media on sports journalism and how it has changed the way events are covered.
  • The role of sports journalism in shaping public opinion on controversial issues in sports.
  • A comparative study of sports coverage in traditional print media versus online media.
  • An examination of the ethical considerations and challenges faced by sports journalists.
  • The representation of women and minorities in sports journalism and the media’s influence on the portrayal of these groups in sports.
  • The influence of big money on sports journalism and how it affects the integrity of coverage.
  • A study of how fans perceive and consume sports news in the digital age.
  • An analysis of how sports journalism has changed with the adoption of advanced analytics in sports.
  • A study on how sports journalism has been affected by the rise of citizen journalism and user-generated content.
  • A case study of a specific sports team or athlete and the media coverage they receive.
  • Exploring new ways of covering sports events
  • How to stay neutral when giving your view on sports news?
  • Why sports journalism isn’t considered mainstream journalism?
  • How Sports Journalism is viewed in Digital Age?
  • Sports journalism is gendered based or not
  • How the sports journalist is viewed from the perspective of the journalism field?

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2) Investigative Journalism Dissertation Topics:

It mainly deals with the exposing of unethical or illegal behavior or actions by individuals or organizations In this kind of journalism, one digs out for the truth and identifies lapses in whatever media is available. This type of journalism is very confrontational in nature, hence tact is always required. Some of the ideas for a dissertation on investigative journalism can be:

  • An investigation into political corruption and the role of big money in elections.
  • An examination of police misconduct and use of force.
  • A study of the impact of corporate influence on government policy and regulation.
  • An investigation into the environmental impact of industry and corporations.
  • An examination of the role of the media in shaping public opinion on controversial issues.
  • An investigation into the financial practices of large banks and financial institutions.
  • A study of the treatment of workers in low-wage industries such as fast food and retail.
  • An examination of the effects of the gig economy on workers’ rights and benefits.
  • An investigation into the healthcare industry, including issues such as rising costs and access to care.
  • A study of the impact of technology on privacy and civil liberties.
  • Considering the outcomes of investigative journalism. Will it bring a good or bad Impact?
  • Is it better to report on every matter or at times, one should let it pass by without making any noise?
  • .How the social media play role in investigative journalism?

Significance of investigative journalism as a media watchdog in the context of political reformation These factors can also make a great discussion topic for your investigative journalism dissertation.

3) Science journalism Dissertation Topics:

Science journalism is basically reporting science news and its related topics to the public. In this kind of journalism, the importance of delivering a report like a story is essential; because it engages the readers’ attention. Therefore the best idea for the dissertation that I can give you on this particular subject is to make sure that you include all the scientific details without going too much into detail. Be sure that a layman can grasp what you have written.

  • An examination of the role of science journalism in communicating complex scientific concepts to the general public.
  • A comparative study of science coverage in traditional media versus online media.
  • An investigation into the use of science in public policy decision-making and the impact of science journalism on policy formation.
  • A study of the representation of women and minorities in science journalism and the media’s influence on the portrayal of these groups in science.
  • An analysis of the coverage of climate change in the media and how it shapes public perceptions and responses.
  • A study of the impact of science journalism on public understanding of emerging technologies such as AI, gene editing, and biotechnology.
  • An examination of the ethical considerations and challenges faced by science journalists.
  • A study of the impact of social media on science journalism and how it shapes the way science is covered.
  • An investigation into the relationship between science journalism and scientific institutions such as universities and research centers.
  • A case study of a specific scientific topic or issue and the media coverage it receives.

4) Celebrity Journalism Dissertation Topics:

Running after celebrities and digging into their lives is basically celebrity journalism. It has been made famous by all the paparazzi running around these days. Great journalism dissertation ideas can be:

  • Is harassment the right way in dealing with celebrities? Does it comply with media ethics?
  • An examination of the impact of social media on celebrity journalism and how it has changed the way celebrities are covered.
  • A study of the representation of women and minorities in celebrity journalism and the media’s influence on the portrayal of these groups.
  • An investigation into the relationship between celebrities and the media, including the role of publicists and media management.
  • A comparative study of celebrity coverage in traditional media versus online media.
  • An analysis of the role of celebrity gossip in shaping public opinion and perceptions.
  • A study of the influence of big money on celebrity journalism and how it affects the integrity of coverage.
  • An examination of the ethical considerations and challenges faced by celebrity journalists.
  • A study of the impact of celebrity journalism on the entertainment industry and the way it shapes the careers of celebrities.
  • An investigation into the relationship between celebrity journalism and the fashion industry.
  • A case study of a specific celebrity or group of celebrities and the media coverage they receive.

In my opinion, ethics should be followed in journalism, and also one should always tell truth without any biases. It is significant that your journalism dissertation topics should stick to this principle because it reflects the true essence of professional journalism.

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Media Dissertation Topics

The aim of writing a dissertation or thesis is to create an original piece of research work on a clearly defined topic. However, writing a dissertation can be very difficult, especially if the student fails to have a concise research topic. Therefore, the first step to writing a successful dissertation is to identify the area that the student wants to research and then, after a little study of this area, form a clearly-defined topic. A concise research question is very important as it ensures that the dissertation is focused and flowing, and enables students to demonstrate how their research area is relevant. It is also important that the student chooses media dissertation topics that are of interest and bring new insight into the topic. However, the media dissertation topic should have enough literature for the student to form their unique argument, because a dissertation is not a PhD, and does not aim to change the field of research; rather, dissertations are focused on providing a different and unique viewpoint on the existing research and literature. The following article looks at a variety of different and relevant dissertation topics on media, including journalism, mass communication and music, and then identifies several good media dissertation topics and research questions to help the student to identify an area of interest, as well as how to form a good research question. Selecting media dissertation topics can be a challenging task, and therefore this article suggests a wide range of topics within the subject areas of freedom of expression, censorship, culture, communication, government monitoring and social networks.

Journalism and Privacy Dissertation Topics

Journalism and freedom of expression dissertation topics, the artist, censorship and media dissertation topics, cultures in media dissertation topics, music, culture, the artist and intellectual property, communication in the digital age dissertation topics, communication and government monitoring dissertation topics, communication and social networks dissertation topics.

Journalism and privacy have become very hot media-related dissertation topics, especially in the growing world of celebrities and in the developing era of everyone keeping up-to-date about happenings in the world. However, journalism has also brought the concern of privacy to the forefront, as questions are raised about privacy versus transparent journalism. Certain media dissertation topics consider how far a journalist can venture into an individual’s private life without breaching the individual’s fundamental right to privacy (Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights), and consider whether there are some different criteria applied for private individuals or popular celebrities. Some topics within journalism and privacy that you could cover within your media dissertation include:

  • Although English law does not provide a specific law for privacy, does the common law system provide adequate protection of an individual’s private life from journalists?
  • The European Convention of Human Rights has introduced the concept of proportionality; does the United Kingdom’s legal regulations and precedent adopt proportionality towards privacy of individuals and journalists?
  • The case of Princess Diana has called into question the ethics of journalism and their invasion into the private life of the public. Should there be stricter regulations?
  • The European Law of Human Rights has called for a specific law of privacy to protect individuals from journalists: Does the UK need to adopt this approach?
  • A case law approach to Journalism and show-business: Do celebrities, by nature of their career, have a reduced right to privacy?
  • The economics of journalism are very important. If there is a stricter approach to protecting the private life of the public, will journalists still be able to engage and maintain their readership?
  • The legal case of Naomi Campbell in the UK has highlighted the issue of celebrities being afforded full privacy rights like other citizens. How can the right balance be achieved by journalists?
  • Judges in the UK and the USA have argued that celebrities who court the media, by their personal actions and economic gains, should not use privacy laws when and as they wish. Discuss.
  • Across Europe there are varying approaches by the courts to protecting privacy. With the European Court of Human Rights and the EU do we need one consistent approach?
  • The case of Yahoo v Licra has brought into question the very strict protection of privacy in France. Does the French approach comply with the European Convention of Human rights under the principles of margin of appreciation?
  • Data Protection and Journalism. How does the Data Protection Act 1998 influence the issue of peoples’ privacy in journalism?
  • The UK currently has a privacy statute set out in the Human Rights Act 1998. However, does journalism operate in the public’s interest?
  • Considering privacy in journalism, two major conducts are considered offensive – publication of private facts and intrusion. How can these conducts be regulated?

Journalism and the press offer a platform for various voices to be heard. However, the flipside of protecting the privacy of individuals is the important role of the media as the public watchdog. Indeed, at the international, regional and national level, journalists serve as the public’s watchdog, activist and custodian. These roles are protected by the fundamental human right of freedom of expression. This area discusses the extent to which courts can extend their protection over journalists, and how journalists can avoid court cases. Specific topics for your media dissertation could include:

  • Reynolds v Time Newspapers is the key case for recognising the role of press as the public’s watchdog. What are the implications of this case on the courts’ approach to journalists?
  • Sources are essential to journalists. Should the freedom of expression laws be used to protect these sources from cases that can result in breach of confidence?
  • The First Amendment of the United States Constitution has a tenet that supports a very balanced approach to freedom of expression and journalism. Should the UK adopt their approach?
  • Are there any justifications for the journalist’s right of freedom of expression to be breached in the interests of a democratic society?
  • Some argue that freedom of expression and the free press is the cornerstone of a democratic society. A comparison of citizens’ attitudes to a free press in the UK and US.
  • Journalism relies on the right of freedom of expression; however, should this give journalists the license to destroy the lives of individuals? A discussion of the balance between journalism and responsible reporting.
  • The “name and shame” approaches adopted by many newspapers have been questioned as unethical, Is this so, or does this strategy confirm their status as the public’s watchdog?
  • Watchdog is a very important consumer protection programme. Is this an example of responsible journalism?
  • Breach of confidence is a major factor that contradicts Data Protection laws and regulations; how far can the journalist’s right to freedom of expression be used as a defence of such a breach?
  • Is there a different level of freedom of expression for tabloids and broadsheets? The News of the World versus The Times.
  • UK citizens have a negative right to freedom of expression under the common law. How does this impact the country’s journalism?
  • The Sunday Times vs UK case highlights how courts infringe on journalists’ freedom of expression. How can courts extend their protection over journalists?
  • Freedom of expression is protected under Article 10 of the Human Rights Convention. Can journalists leverage on this legislation?

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public messages, and other similar information, that can be provided by journalists, based on the assumption that such material can be offensive, detrimental, delicate, politically incorrect or problematic as determined by government establishments or by public consensus. Therefore, censorship can be referred to as the government’s approach to controlling the media for the good of the society. The question is how far can the government go to protect society and is it really justified or merely a form of citizen control? There are two forms of censorship; the first is direct censorship, which is the banning of certain mediums and topics, while the second form is propaganda censorship, where the media and artists feed the government viewpoint. This is a controversial area, which offers various unique media dissertation topics, including:

  • Direct censorship is a direct breach of an individual’s human right to a free press. Discuss in relation to UNDHR
  • Journalists have a moral right to provide a balanced approach to the news; however, it is argued that the media is highly politicised. The case study of Fox News in the US.
  • Iran currently has a strict censorship programme in relation to its media. Does this approach protect the integrity of the country or is it a form of state control?
  • Were the dossiers released by the UK and US government prior to the Iraq war an example of the state using the media for propaganda?
  • A review of the differing viewpoints about banning pornography within an independent or democratic society: Is this a form of censorship??
  • The Spycatcher Case illustrates that the English courts will allow censorship if there is a threat to national security; however, should there be a limitation to the extent of legitimate whistleblowing, and when does whistleblowing constitute a crime?
  • Art has been an object of censorship over the years to protect the morals of the community. Some would argue that certain artistries, such as the BODYWORX art show, is immoral, but has not been censored. How does this compare to the display of foetuses and other controversial artistries?
  • Censorship, through propaganda, appears to be more subversive in a democratic society because it is hidden behind supposed legitimate laws. Case Study: The war on terror.
  • Political correctness is the new form of censorship in a democracy. Has the liberal view on tolerance caused a breach of the rights that they aim to protect?
  • The recent cases on the right of an individual to wear religious symbols have brought into question whether the UK is now censoring the right of religious association. Can this and other similar cases be classed as examples of censorship?
  • Censorship of controversial topics (violence, scandals, etc.) – Is there a balance between censorship and the ability to portray the true version of events?
  • A review of strict censorship regulations: Does censorship form a barrier to wide-ranging dissemination of creative works in the Arab world?
  • Implicit theories of censorship: Has the United States and U.K. Government institutions implemented censorship regulations that have created adverse conditions whereby journalists have to carry out personal-censorship to avoid prosecution?

Media, as a means of communication, has the potential to stretch and strengthen the human capacity for the transmission and exchange of information. The cultural value of media is dependent on those who control the mechanisms of media. For example, mass media, such as television, can produce significant cultural effects. Concerns about threats to media democracy have generated an exciting area for comparative research. Here are some media dissertation topics and case studies that you could research for your media dissertation:

  • What is the role of cybernationalism in China?
  • Facebook and Fears – A consideration of the ways in which social media networks have been implicated in digital terrorism.
  • Celebritisation and class conflict – A critical analysis of British ‘structured reality’ programming and its impact on class identity.
  • What is cyberviolence and how can it be regulated?
  • Following terror attacks in France, social media has been used to disseminate information in emergency situations. What are public expectations in relation to media messages and crisis management?
  • How does individualism-collectivism influence media use? A cross-cultural comparison between the USA and China.
  • Can the media be used to breach cultural divides and erase stereotypical images? An argument for responsible journalism.
  • Is the growth of media and film making, outside of Hollywood, important to ensure that all cultures are represented? The case of Bollywood.
  • In the UK do the British media fail the North/South cultural divide? A comparison of BBC news broadcasting.
  • Technological developments have influenced contemporary journalism and news culture. What is the fate of the modern newsroom?
  • Considering the ‘multicultural question’, discuss the extent to which the Hall/Morely model of audience reception remains relevant.
  • Examine postmodern views of media representation of significant cultural events.
  • Identify key debates about how media influences questions of sexual difference and the performativity of gender.

Intellectual property is a key feature of a new idea that an artist puts into practice. In the past, copyright, patents and trademarks have limited the ability to reproduce the work of the artist. However, in the current age of advanced technology, there are less effective regulations and restrictions governing whether individuals can download pirated music and films. Debate about control, ownership, and the values of the artist lead to the question of whether using the work of an artist is, in fact, stealing. This is becoming a more prominent issue within an increasingly globalised and digitised media industry, and the subject would make for interesting media dissertation topics.

  • The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is the most important intellectual agreement of the 20th century. Discuss.
  • There are legitimate situations in the name of education where breaching an artist’s intellectual property rights is permitted. Discuss.
  • Intellectual property law fails minority cultural groups, their tribal music and art because it fails to understand communitarian ownership and prioritises the individual. Discuss.
  • Copyright law is far more interested in the owner of the copyright, such as record labels, than the artists. Discuss.
  • Using The X-Factor as a case study, present reasons why economics, rather than musical style, shapes the role of the music industry in popular culture.
  • It is argued that in the UK there is no real choice in music, because there is a monopoly on record labels in the market. A comparison of the UK and Canada’s music markets.
  • Music throughout the centuries has been linked to culture. However, in the UK there seems to be a distinct lack of cultural mainstream music. Does there need to be a promotion of British music culture?
  • Do the beliefs and attitudes of consumers in the music market need to change to stop music pirating?
  • Artists are changing the music market by allowing consumers to choose their price for music purchases. How will this change the face of the music market?
  • The Americanisation of the music industry is destroying traditional musical forms. Debate whether cultural imperialism is evident in the context of music censorship in Iran.
  • At the turn of the century, 80% of global publishing and recording revenues are appropriated by only five companies: EMI (UK), Bertelsmann (Germany), Warner (US), Sony (Japan) and Universal (Canada). Debate whether this monopolisation will continue.
  • Evaluate the role of cultural intermediaries (Bourdieu, 1984) in relation to the active role that personnel in the music industry undertake in relation to the production of particular styles of music.
  • The greater control that technology affords has led to more complex patterns of everyday music usage. Discuss.

Communication in the digital age has caused fears that individual privacy will be breached. For instance, different digital technologies have different conceptualisations of privacy. As with any broad social change, as well as fear come new forms of knowledge. The digital age has provided improved access to learning and education. Further to this, advances in communication technologies have supported activism and furthered freedom of expression. Here are some media dissertation topics within this area that you could research on.

  • The Data Protection Act (DPA) is soon to be replaced by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Evaluate this change in data protection regulation.
  • France, Germany and the UK have different approaches to Data Protection. Are any sufficient to deal with digital communications?
  • Identity fraud and hacking behaviour has grown with the evolution of digital communications. Evaluate research into cybercrime perpetration by adolescents and young adults.
  • Education has been improved in the digital age with faster communication and exchanging of ideas. Has this made traditional teaching methods less important?
  • In light of the influence of micro-blogging on political campaigning, discuss the effectiveness of e-campaigning on Twitter as a more participatory process.
  • Higher education in the digital era – discuss the impact of online forums on distance learning.
  • Digital inequality may compound the existing rural-urban disparity in developing countries. Discuss.
  • How has the use of the Internet in local economies kick-started sustainable development? A comparison of rural South Africa and rural India.
  • Digital communication has been an important tool for human rights campaigners. A case study of Amnesty International’s email petitions.
  • In the past, governments have tried to censor information as a form of control. With the emergence of projects such as WikiLeaks, examine whether the Internet has brought about democratic change.
  • Does use of the internet stimulate political unrest in the Middle East?
  • Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoP) is a useful analytic frame for examining the professional identity and status of media workers. Discuss.
  • The individual has the power to design their own information environment. Evaluate Harper’s (1997) notion of the ‘Daily Me’.
  • Large corporations and governments have developed new methods with which to analyse social media data. Discuss the implications that dominant uses of data mining and analytics may have for the public.

The growth of mass communication and the technology to enable this communication has brought many benefits. Technological advancement provides the individual with information at the touch of a button, as well as allowing them to participate in politics. The advancements have also provided cheaper and easier formats for communication. However, there are some significant problems, enabling governments to access individual’s private communications with greater ease. Thus, privacy of the individual is threatened. This includes ISP addresses asking for personal information on access and Internet providers allowing government access. Does this mean that although mass communication has benefits it also has significant problems? An important issue to many would mean any of the following topics could create a useful and well-read media dissertation.

  • Is it ethical for Internet providers to allow government agencies to access private, individual, personal communications in the interests of justice?
  • How does the UK government justify using mass communication interceptors, such as ISP address recording, to access private individual’s personal information?
  • What are the implications of governments using the private individual’s access of mass communication as reason to investigate their personal communications?
  • How are the boundaries blurring between mass and personal communication with the advent of blogs and social networking sites?
  • Privacy is a key factor to limit journalists accessing personal information. How can the government justify breaching the same rights of an individual’s personal information?
  • What is the nature of the participatory culture of politics and how has social media encouraged this to individuals and government?
  • In enabling governments to access the private information of the individual, what implications has this for society and freedoms for the individual?
  • Communication is key to the democratic process; how can individuals be assured of their rights and freedoms?

Digital communications are constantly changing and moving the goal posts at a rapid speed. Social networks, such as Facebook, are changing the way that many people use the Internet and are changing the face of the distinction of private and mass communication. Information is readily available, allowing the individual to participate in a virtual world. Communication is being enabled through the various platforms and mediums available to the user, such as blogs etc. The socialising processes are being updated in link with how social media is operated by connecting individuals. Social media also has its critics who accuse it of damaging personal communication and dumbing down the latest generations. It has also become the site of cyber bullying which on the internet cannot be fully governed. If the area of communication and social networks interests you, you could write about any of the following topics for your media dissertation.

  • Social networks are the new form of mass communication, where blogs and ideas are exchanged; however, as technological processes are dynamic this is not the final product of social media. Discuss
  • What are the effects of social networking sites on the economics of mass communication?
  • Can social networking sites be used as a form of mass communication to trigger sustainable development and trading outside the ambits of corporations, such as eBay.
  • Do social networks play an important role in mass communication, advertising and the economic growth of trading over the Internet?
  • Are social networks more persuasive than traditional forms of communication, especially in regards to changing attitudes of individuals towards key debates?
  • Can we use social networks and blogs as a platform of mass communication to change attitudes to consumers and companies? Social networks and consumer boycotting.
  • Social media has been described as the digitalisation of word of mouth; how effective has this format been for marketing business?
  • Cyber bullying has become a greater problem using social media. How can this be regulated?
  • How true is it that social media can have an adverse effect on social interaction and the dumbing down of the English language?

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Choosing a PhD Dissertation Topic in Journalism and Mass Communication

Are you a student who studies journalism, media, & mass communication and looking to make a carrier in the media field? Is it mandatory for you to choose a dissertation or thesis work related to mass media, journalism, etc.? And are you confused on which Dissertation / Thesis to be chosen? Here in this section, we will take a look at journalism and Mass Communication, so according to your interest, you shall select your Dissertation in PhD with the help of CaseStudyHelp.Com.

PhD Dissertation Topic in Journalism and Mass Communication

What is Journalism and Mass Communication?

A project or task to get and spread information with the help of recent evolution in TV, filming, advertising, social media (public relations), theatre, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc., is considered Journalism. And so, Journalism Ethics is considered as an extensive field to study or work on, and that becomes the major reason to have access to a limited list while doing research or project while studying during UG and masters. The study that covers information spreading to huge spectators using several methods to communicate is Mass Communication. Journalism and mass communication has countless options and is huge. And so, it is advised for students to choose a simple subject rather than choosing a wide topic to avoid confusion.

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However, when considering a dissertation topic, narrow it down to a specific question. Such a process makes you focused, easier, and flexible while doing the research, thesis, or Dissertation. Also, it would help if you assured that the PhD Dissertation   Topics in Mass Communication are not to be very narrow so that it consumes more time for research on related aspects or scenarios.

Course Structure

Journalism mostly includes economics, journalism, research methodology, political science, journalism history and theory of communication. Journalism focuses on social facts, media role as an agency of mediating and theoretical frameworks. Mass communication involves writing work that has a huge social impact on features & pieces of opinions that writers or journalists provide. The Mass Communication Project Topics communication is like the largest umbrella with vital choices to write about.

Course Offering

During journalism graduation (while pursuing UG or masters), it involves digital, print or electronic, approaches, which can be selected as the specialization. Out of different aspects, writing about current affairs and news in several media is mostly used in Mass Communication Ethics. This course contains the studies of human communication and how it can be publicized the information to a group of people. There are vast options of PhD Research Paper Writing in Journalism   for the students who will pick mass communication and journalism in their academic.

Best Dissertation Ideas for Journalism and Mass Communication 

As technology improves, there are more developments and differences in today’s mass communication compared with the olden days. Those days there was no printing press, so it took more time and became very challenging to convey news or information or communicate to a huge set of people. Nowadays, it has become very easy to convey messages or news or information to people, and that has become possible through media and social media on the spot when it happens.

Here is the list of Mass Communication Dissertation Topics:

Dissertation Topics Related To the Current Scenario:

  • Research on impacts of media and other entertainment industries due to COVID pandemic
  • Research on mass media role during Covid-19
  • Research on media that it is showing the actual information or just working to advertising.
  • Research about journalists and their role during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Research about the people working in media and their safety measurement

Likewise, we do have more journalism-related PhD dissertation topics around the world in various fields to do research or Dissertation; they are as follows:

  • Journalism and Privacy Dissertation Topics
  • Journalism and Freedom of Expression Dissertation Topics
  • Media, the Artist and Censorship Dissertation Topics
  • Media across Cultures Dissertation Topics
  • Music, Culture, the Artist and Intellectual property
  • Media in the Digital Age Dissertation Topics
  • Media and Politics Dissertation Topics

Under these topics, there are so many titles to do the Dissertation for the journalism and mass communication students. Get more information on the above topic from CaseStudyHelp.Com!

Also Check Out :  The Most Relevant Controversial Topics for Essay and Debate

Choosing the Right Journalism and Mass Communication Research Topics with the Help of Casestudyhelp.Com

Selecting the journalism and mass communication topics will be the challenging part or task for the student to give their best research and need to be clear enough to convey correctly. Case Study Help provides you with the easiest way to organize your thought process. The research work needs to be not very broad as well as not too narrow; it should be moderate so that this can save your time and at the same time leaves a way to perfect completing of your project or thesis or Dissertation that leads to scoring high mark in your academic.

It would help if you were more confident and clearer enough about the selected topic so that the thesis or research comes out well with the best quality. Every student needs to keep in mind that the PhD dissertation on Journalism and mass communication doesn’t hold any theoretical knowledge limitations. The thesis needs to be more perfect with the exact information that happens in real-time.

Here are some interesting topics under the Journalism thesis from CaseStudyHelp.Com:

  • What are the futures of Journalism?
  • Whether the true journalism stage ended?
  • Will you decide social media and blogging can be journalism’s future?
  • Do you think do the media focus on publicity?
  • Practicing various counties journalism culture.
  • Exploring the league between British journalism and the royal family.
  • Causes of journalism with the lifestyle changes of Henry Meghan
  • Journalism and business – limitation of media
  • Journalism purpose – notifying people on money-making.
  • With shareholders interest, how is media losing its quality?
  • Examine the woman journalist’s role and aspects as a media person and its drawbacks.
  • Do woman journalists need to progress to particular places?

Investigative and Political Research Topics under Journalism and Mass Communication

The name investigation makes everyone’s attention and curious on it. While selecting such investigative research topics, you need to be more focused on what accurately happened and think twice before choosing the topics. Will it be that much easy to write a dissertation on investigative topics?

Firstly, you must thoroughly understand the exact purpose of investigative journalism and later figure out whether to process with investigative research or not.

Some of the Investigative Research Topics for PhD Dissertation Writing:

  • Powerful politicians and media
  • Image and media – how did media transform negative images of a particular country before the world?
  • The media’s role is to keep an eye on politicians.
  • Journalists case study – Causes of investigative journalism
  • Investigative journalism’s drawback
  • What are the steps taken by the media to maintain investigative journalists’ safety?
  • Effects of media in the countries development.
  • Impact of politics in the countries development.
  • Corruption and politics – How to create a link connecting both?
  • Research topics on Animation and Film Journalism

Read More:  Choose the Best Case Study Topic to Impress Your Professor

What Film Journalism is?

Film journalism is all about characterizing news and articles about movies. Also, it involves the people in the film industry and writing reviews about movies.

Here Are Some Interesting Topics on Film Journalism:

  • Study of Hollywood violence – what are the effects created on youth?
  • What are the race role and Hollywood religion?
  • How do Arabic men show Hollywood movies?
  • Bollywood versus Hollywood – effects of culture and economy.
  • Do televisions popular than movies?

Structuring the Journalism and Mass Communication Thesis Topics Examples Dissertation

Though the topic plays the main role for a student to achieve score more, a perfectly structured thesis sounds good and also the research that is arranged in a good manner will give more scope for the students. Below mentioned show the structure of the Dissertation that can be presented perfectly.

  • Title of the page
  • Acknowledgement
  • Declaration
  • Abstract – summary of the research
  • Content Table
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Finding and Analysis

Also Read: How to Write Dissertation Writing? A Step by Step Guide

Career Prospects under Journalism and Mass Communication

By walking through the escalation of trending media, there are more chances and opportunities for the students who graduated in Journalism and Mass Communication. There are various fields in Journalism and mass communication like publishing, public relations, research institution and news media.

Those who pick PhD Dissertation Topics on journalism   as their discipline can shine in any following field.

  • News agencies
  • News channels
  • News portals

Those who selected PhD Dissertation Topics on Mass Communication   during their academic can pursue their career in one of the following:

  • Advertising agencies
  • Public relations
  • Corporate communication
  • UN organization
  • Media academics
  • Communication solution Organization

Specialization Offered In Journalism and Mass Communication

There are a huge number of uncountable specializations and topics offered in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Time to know more about Journalism and Mass communication dissertation ideas:

  • Broadcasting
  • Public Relations
  • Event Management
  • Advertising

Since Journalism is a worldwide field that leaves a way to explore more with countless research topics and, it is open to selecting the opt research dissertation topics for PhD from the team of  CaseStudyHelp.Com  experts. The student needs to be stable enough to process with selected topics to achieve their goal.

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Dissertations on Journalism

Journalism is a term that originally applied to the reporting of current affairs in printed form, specifically newspapers. Today journalism includes all printed and electronic communication of news including radio, TV, and websites.

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Latest Journalism Dissertations

Including full dissertations, proposals, individual dissertation chapters, and study guides for students working on their undergraduate or masters dissertation.

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The Collection Of 13 Dissertation Topics On Journalism To Write About

When writing dissertations on the subject of journalism, there are various different topics that you can use as a basis for any title. For a start, you may wish to consider what form of journalism you wish to write about. It may be that you wish to write about television journalism, radio journalism, newspaper journalism, or even online journalism.

Another thing that you may wish to consider is what category of information you wish to be concerned with. For example, you may look at journalism in war zones, or you may wish to write about business journalism, or you can even write about the way journalists cover celebrity news.

Getting further ideas for your journalism dissertation

One of the best ways of finding inspiration when trying to think of topics and titles to use for your dissertation is to simply read what other people have written. For example, if you can get hold of them, then you can look over the past papers written by students who used to study at the same institution as you.

Alternatively, if you are unable to find any work that has been written by your peers, then you may wish to look online instead. In fact, you can find a wide range of different academic papers on the Internet. You may look for work that is available for free from websites that specialise in providing academic content or you may wish to pay for it instead. Alternatively, you may look for samples on other websites, such as those of various universities.

Before you start looking for samples, you may wish to look at the list of ideas below.

  • Should the media regulate journalistic standards?
  • How do journalists obtain information?
  • Should journalists be required to divulge their sources in the event of crimes occurring?
  • How much danger are war journalists in when reporting from the front line?
  • How has journalism changed since the rise of the Internet?
  • Are newspapers still relevant in the 21st Century?
  • Does the press deserve its reputation?
  • How have modern communication methods impacted upon the way in which journalists report the news?
  • How to people become freelance journalists?
  • How has the journalist profession changed over the past two decades?
  • What influence do journalists have on politics?
  • An analysis of how a journalist solved a major crime
  • An analysis of modern journalism techniques

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100 best journalism essay topics for you.

December 24, 2020

Journalism Essay Topics

If you find yourself struggling to come up with a good idea for a journalistic essay you might be suffering from a type of writer’s block. However, there is no need to worry because we’ve culled a list of journalism thesis topics that can be used for a wide range of assignments and class levels. Here are 100 of our best ideas:

Best Journalism Research Topics for 2022

  • What impact will President Biden’s policies have on the economy?
  • To what extent will the Covid-19 pandemic damage the global economy?
  • How does the media impact the way we look at dictatorships?
  • Will a vaccine for Covid-19 be made available to lower-income people?
  • Will the U.S. economy recover after the major shutdowns of 2020?
  • In what way does the IOC feel compelled to hold Olympic events?

Research Topics in Mass Communication and Journalism

  • Does race impact the way news is reported in different parts of the United States?
  • What does President-elect Joe Biden’s victory mean for international politics?
  • How does Covid-19 affect the way students make choices about their majors?
  • How has mass communication changed in the last decade?
  • How did social media impact the way people voted for the Presidential Election?
  • In what ways has social media affected the way news is reported?
  • Can President Biden effectively use the media to unite the country?

Ideas for a Dissertation on Journalism

  • Does accurate journalism impact people’s privacy rights?
  • How has music and film from the last decade impacted how society acts today?
  • Does the attention afforded to crime in the media harm society?
  • Are personal bios still important enough to publish online?
  • Is social media replacing traditional journalism in first world countries?
  • Is journalism education in high school an important subject?
  • In what ways have sports changed the way we look at international politics?

Thesis Topics for Journalism Students

  • How does President Trump’s reaction to election results affect the transition between administrations?
  • How important is it for news outlets to report human interest stories?
  • How did the world react to President Trump’s loss of both the popular and electoral votes?
  • In what ways does the sports world impact the way people view domestic politics?
  • How have the peaceful protests of police brutality in the U.S. affected the world?
  • How does the internet affect the way people view domestic politics?
  • Does the White House Press Team need to be more transparent?

Journalism Research Paper Topics

  • How do politicians prepare major announcements based on media feedback?
  • Does the media help or harm the way people react to Covid-19?
  • Is it possible for journalists to sway the 2022 mid-term elections ahead of time?
  • What can we say is the start of modern journalism?
  • Should the personal lives of athletes be reported in sports journalism?
  • How important is transparency in modern journalism?
  • The methods of disseminating information have changed in what ways?

Journalism Topics for a College-Level Course

  • How is popular culture affected by the media? Check out more popular culture topics .
  • What are the major aspects of communication in the modern world?
  • In what ways do popular films affect the way teenagers view media?
  • Does the media do enough to report on obesity rates in the U.S.?
  • What is the most effective way of disseminating important information?
  • What role does the media have in preventing religious conflicts?
  • In what ways does media hype affect social movements in the U.S.?

Good Journalism Topics on Modern Issues

  • What does the future of journalism hold as the number of independent bloggers increases?
  • What responsibilities do sensationalist journalists have?
  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected how journalists report on health news?
  • How do health organizations utilize the media to spread warnings?
  • Is the media responsible for reporting health rates in the U.S.?
  • How can the international media impact how the U.S. is viewed around the world?
  • In what ways do politicians use the media to gain public favor?

Journalism Thesis Topics for a Capstone Project

  • How have political races been affected by the use of music?
  • In what ways does the media impact psychology?
  • Can video games be viewed as a type of media?
  • Should the media cover reality show stars?
  • How have social movements in the U.S. sparked changes around the world?
  • Are journalists compromised by corporate funding of media outlets?
  • Does social media have a greater influence on today’s public than traditional news outlets?

Controversial Investigative Journalism Topics

  • How do journalists develop interesting news stories?
  • Does the media impact how we view health issues?
  • How do podcasts and radio shows impact truth-telling?
  • Are people viewing more or less local news programs?
  • What does one have to study to become an investigative journalist?
  • Should news outlets like Fox News and MSNBC refrain from reporting controvertible facts?
  • How does investigative journalism violate people’s rights to privacy?

Great Journalism Topics for Students

  • Is music being used as a propaganda tool in political elections?
  • Can school elections be rigged by a dominant group?
  • How important is it to keep students informed of local government policies?
  • Does the media treat celebrities unfairly when reporting stories?
  • How important is it for journalists to protect their sources?
  • If students had the chance to grade their teachers, what would the results be?
  • What would happen if colleges and universities allowed pets in dorms?

Journalism Topics for High School

  • How does media influence what we think of as high and low culture?
  • Do social media sites like Facebook and Twitter ever make you feel depressed?
  • Do cell phones lead to too many distractions in school?
  • Should the media pay less attention to celebrity news?
  • Does television advertising unfairly favor large corporations?
  • Are war journalists put at greater risk today than they were a decade ago?
  • Is there enough evidence to support an investigation on voter fraud?

Journalism Essay Topics for a Short Project

  • In what ways have video games impacted cultural movements globally?
  • How do professional athletes impact social awareness?
  • What is the most effective way to interview a witness?
  • Are people being influenced by what is being reported on celebrities?
  • Why is it important to have firsthand accounts in news stories?
  • Is it unethical for journalists to make suppositions?

Journalism Thesis Ideas for a Long Project

  • Does reality television present an accurate view of modern society?
  • Is it important for different news organizations to share information?
  • What is meant by “message distortion” in article writing?
  • In what ways do journalists impact voting in presidential elections?
  • Does the media cover presidential candidates equally?
  • Does the media support major candidates more so than populist candidates?

Interesting Journalism Project Topics

  • What are the biggest anticipated changes to the future of journalism?
  • In what ways has the internet impacted how the news is reported?
  • How does the U.S. media portray adversaries from around the world?
  • Does the internet make people read less about current events?
  • Is stylized writing acceptable in today’s internet-heavy world?
  • What are the challenges and limitations of the Bennett news model?

Controversial Literary Journalism Topics

  • Should fake news be banned from social media sites?
  • Are media outlets responsible for the spread of unverified stories?
  • Should media agencies stop using metaphors in headlines?
  • Do you think the U.S. media treats its global enemies fairly?
  • What are the biggest challenges facing journalism?
  • Will Trumpism disappear as soon as he leaves office?

Journalism thesis ideas don’t just fall from trees and this means that students often struggle to develop research topics that make for a great journalism essay. We are a professional academic writing and editing agency that understands what it takes to write a great assignment. Our team of experts provide best writing services and they can give you journalism topics that will impress the strictest readers. Give us a call, email us, or send us a message by chat. We will put you in contact with one of our academic professionals to help you find an ideal journalism topic for your next assignment.

journalism dissertation topics

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    JMS 710: Graduate Journalism and Media Studies (Burroughs): Fall 2021 Thesis Topics. Resources in JMS for new graduate students. Welcome JMS Grad Students! Fall 2022 Research Topics; Fall 2021 Thesis Topics; Fall 2020 Thesis Topics; ... A Gatekeeping Analysis of How News Managers are Overseeing the Process of Citizen Journalism (Thesis, 2018)

  14. Dissertations & Theses

    To search for print theses and masters dissertations use UR Library Search to search for a title or topic and filter by Format > Book > Theses, Dissertation. 1985-2004, Roehampton Institute of Higher Education (RIHE) Dissertations and theses published between 1985-2004 were awarded by the University of Surrey.

  15. Fall 2020 Thesis Topics

    Fall 2023 Thesis Topics; Gabi: Cause-related marketing and philanthro-journalism position and create messaging for profit in often unethical/untruthful ways. I would like to learn more about how messaging affects profit for organizations, how messages are framed, and how vulnerab ... Minority women/women in Sports Journalism (treatment, pay ...

  16. Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic

    Revised on May 31, 2023. A relevant dissertation topic means that your research will contribute something worthwhile to your field in a scientific, social, or practical way. As you plan out your dissertation process, make sure that you're writing something that is important and interesting to you personally, as well as appropriate within your ...

  17. Journalism Dissertation Topics

    Students are now enrolling in journalism courses at an increasing rate. Thus, students must look for exciting journalism dissertation topics for their dissertation modules. Find Out Quality Politics Dissertation Examples. Premier Dissertations has drafted a list of the new journalism research topics and ideas for 2024.

  18. Best Journalism Dissertation Topics

    Significance of investigative journalism as a media watchdog in the context of political reformation These factors can also make a great discussion topic for your investigative journalism dissertation. 3) Science journalism Dissertation Topics: Science journalism is basically reporting science news and its related topics to the public.

  19. Media Dissertation Topics for FREE

    Journalism and Freedom of Expression Dissertation Topics. Journalism and the press offer a platform for various voices to be heard. However, the flipside of protecting the privacy of individuals is the important role of the media as the public watchdog. Indeed, at the international, regional and national level, journalists serve as the public ...

  20. Choosing a PhD Dissertation Topic in Journalism and Mass Communication

    Since Journalism is a worldwide field that leaves a way to explore more with countless research topics and, it is open to selecting the opt research dissertation topics for PhD from the team of CaseStudyHelp.Com experts. The student needs to be stable enough to process with selected topics to achieve their goal.

  21. Journalism Dissertations

    Dissertations on Journalism. Journalism is a term that originally applied to the reporting of current affairs in printed form, specifically newspapers. Today journalism includes all printed and electronic communication of news including radio, TV, and websites. View All Dissertation Examples.

  22. Dissertation Topics On Journalism: Top 13 Unique Suggestions

    The Collection Of 13 Dissertation Topics On Journalism To Write About. When writing dissertations on the subject of journalism, there are various different topics that you can use as a basis for any title. For a start, you may wish to consider what form of journalism you wish to write about. It may be that you wish to write about television ...

  23. Top 100 Journalism Essay Topics

    100 Best Journalism Essay Topics For You! If you find yourself struggling to come up with a good idea for a journalistic essay you might be suffering from a type of writer's block. However, there is no need to worry because we've culled a list of journalism thesis topics that can be used for a wide range of assignments and class levels.

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  26. College Essay Format: Top Writing and Editing Tips for 2024

    That's because knowing the fundamental principles of writing is important to college success. Show that you understand the structure of an essay and proper use of the English language. 3. Stay on topic. If you're using a specific question as your writing prompt, answer the question directly in the opening paragraph.

  27. 10 Best Journalism Internships for High School Students

    Journalism internships allow you to explore your passion for storytelling and current events. An internship provides a platform to experiment and see if journalism aligns with your interests. ... The program covers a wide range of topics, from current events (including the pandemic's ongoing impact) to education and entertainment. Best of all ...