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RCR Course for PhD students

Based on Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity by the Danish Ministry of Research, the library and the PhD schools at SDU have developed the course 'Responsible Conduct of Research' (RCR). The course is offered regularly to PhD students at all SDU faculties.

 Each course is organized and taught by the combined efforts of both library and faculty staff. The course comprises four modules:

Module 1: Introduction to responsible conduct of research Module 2: Laws and regulations Module 3: Research data management Module 4: Publication, authorship, and peer reviewing

Upcoming RCR courses are announced by the PhD schools. For announcements and enrolment, see:

  • Faculty of Health  (course catalogue)
  • Faculty of Science – the PhD School contacts PhD students eligible for the course in due time.
  • Faculty of Engineering – the PhD School contacts PhD students eligible for the course in due time.
  • Faculty of Humanities  (course catalogue)
  • Faculty of Social Science  (course catalogue; the RCR course is separately listed in the right-hand menu on the link page)

For further information, please contact Coordinator of RCR Lone Bredahl, e-mail . If you are a PhD student, you may also want to contact your PhD school directly.

Course descriptions and dates for courses

Read more here

Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

Last Updated 14.12.2023

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PhD courses offered by the Faculty of Science

Find descriptions of PhD courses currently offered at the Faculty of Science.

The courses listed below can all be taken by full degree students. If you are an exchange or guest student, please go to the list of courses offered for exchange and guest students .

  • All courses taught in English
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy
  • Health Sciences
  • Interdisciplinary courses
  • Lifelong learning
  • PhD courses
  • Summer courses

Courses offered in previous semesters

  • Courses offered in Spring 2024
  • Courses offered in Autumn 2023
  • Courses offered in Spring 2023
  • Courses offered in Autumn 2022
  • Courses offered in Spring 2022
  • Courses offered in Autumn 2021
  • Courses offered in Spring 2021
  • Courses offered in Autumn 2020
  • Courses offered in Spring 2020
  • Courses offered in Autumn 2019
  • Courses offered in Spring 2019
  • Courses offered in Autumn 2018
  • Courses offered from Autumn 2009 up to and including Spring 2018
  • Transitional arrangements for all courses (external link, available only in Danish)

Course codes

Each course has has a course code referring to the academic level of the course.

  • Bachelor-level courses: 5xx codes
  • Master-level courses: 8xx codes
  • Lifelong learning courses: 1xx codes
  • PhD-level courses: 2xx codes (can also be taken by Master's degree students)

Degree programme secretaries

Degree Programme Secretary Pia Mosdal

Office hours: Monday-Friday from 8.00 to 14.00

Find the department's degree programme secretariat

Degree Programme Secretary Hanne Algot Nielsen

Degree Programme Secretary Inger Rose Hansen – for enquiries concerning teaching or projects

Secretary Tina H. Pedersen – for enquiries concerning exams or teaching assistant/instructors

Degree Programme Secretary Inge Huus

Office hours:

  • Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Fridays from 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

Secretary for SU501 and SU502: Rigmor Jepsen

Secretary for SU504, SU508, SU509, and SU513: Bodil Theilade

Secretaries for SU510, SU511, and SU515: Inger Rose Hansen (teaching) and Tina H. Pedersen (exams)

Secretary for SU503, SU516, SU517,SU518, SU519, SU802, SU803, SU809 and, SU810: Stine Carstensen

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Last Updated 24.06.2022

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Preapproved courses

PhD students at the Faculty of Science can get a number of courses registered without applying for approval.

The PhD Committee at the Faculty of Science has preapproved a number of courses. Preapproval means that you do not  need to apply the PhD Committee for approval. When you have passed the course, please send the diploma to the PhD secretary and the course will be registrered as part of your PhD programme of approx. 30 ECTS.

The courses are:

  • Academic Writing (2 ECTS)
  • Advanced Presentation Techniques (2 ECTS)
  • Danish language course (3 ECTS)
  • Design and manage your projects (3 ECTS)
  • Getting started on your teaching (2 ECTS)
  • Intellectual Property Rights (5 ECTS)
  • PhD Development course - tools and methods for the good PhD Education (2,5 ECTS)
  • Project management (2 ECTS)
  • Projektstyring, ph.d.-studerende (3 ECTS)
  • Research grant proposal (2 ECTS)
  • Writing Scientific Papers in English (5 ECTS)

Courses taught in the autumn semester

  • BB201: Aquatic Microbial and Molecular Ecology (10 ECTS)
  • BB804: Biology Experiments – Communicating Biology (5 ECTS)
  • BB807: Molecular Toxicology (5 ECTS)
  • BB820: Risk assessment of chemicals (5 ECTS)
  • BB832: Marine Ecosystems (5 ECTS)
  • BB836: Geographical Information systems (GIS) in Environmental monitoring and Climate adaption (10 ECTS)
  • BB844: Field Course in Terrestrial or Marine Biology (5 ECTS)
  • BB852: Data handling, visualization and statistics (5 ECTS) *
  • ST813: Statistical modelling (10 ECTS)

* BB852 is identical to the previously offered BB839 .

Courses taught in the spring semester

  • BB801: Natural Resource Economics and Management (5 ECTS)
  • BB822: Mathematical environmental modelling 1 (5 ECTS)
  • BB824: An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Mammals (5 ECTS)
  • BB825: Environmental quality and assessment of pollution in streams (5 ECTS)
  • BB838: Basic bioacoustics using Matlab (5 ECTS)
  • BB849: Drone applications in nature, environment, climate and environmental technology (10 ECTS)
  • BB854: Species Conservation - a key element to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (5 ECTS)
  • BB857: Terrestrial and Marine Bioacoustics (5 ECTS)
  • BMB207: Biophotonics (5 ECTS)
  • DS805: Multivariate statistical analysis (5 ECTS) ***
  • ST816: Computational statistics (10 ECTS)
  • Graduate summer course in Bioacoustics

** BB854 is identical to the previously offered BB837 as recards academic level and subject matter.

*** DS805 is similar to the previously offered ST811 as regards academic level and subject matter.

  • BMB209: Workshops in applied bioinformatics (2.5 ECTS)
  • BMB210: Advanced methods in protein mass spectrometry and proteomics (5 ECTS)
  • BMB806: Infectious disease immunology (5 ECTS)
  • BMB830: Biostatistics in R I (5 ECTS)
  • BMB831: Biostatistics in R II (5 ECTS)
  • SU809: Laboratory Animal Science (5 ECTS)
  • Data Science: Visualization (1 ECTS)
  • Cross-institutional PhD course in Bioimaging (10 ECTS)

* BMB210 is similar to the previously offered BMB205 as regards academic level and subject matter.

  • BMB201: Autoimmunology (5 ECTS)
  • BMB208: Cancer immunology (5 ECTS)
  • BMB836: Application of CRISPR Genome Engineering in Cell Biology and Biomedicine (5 ECTS)
  • Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity Related - University of Copenhagen (3.8 ECTS)

Other activities

  • DDEA Summer School on Diabetes, Metabolism & Endocrinology for PhD Students  – Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (3.2 ECTS)
  • Introductory course on reproducible research in R – Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (2 ECTS)
  • PhD Summer School on Nucleic Acid Chemical Biology (NACB). The amount of ECTS is not fixed because the course is offered every two years with different subject matters. You will be granted the number of ECTS corresponding to the course contents at the time when you follow the course.
  • School in Fluorescence and Photonics (5 ECTS)
  • Visualize your science (4 ECTS)

Previously offered courses

  • Mouse Surgery (3.6 ECTS)
  • Basal metabolism and molecular mechanisms in the metabolic syndrome (4 ECTS)
  • Beta-cell Biology – University of Copenhagen (3 ECTS)
  • Developmental programming of metabolism – Steno Diabetes Center (3 ECTS)
  • Inflammation and Metabolism – University of Copenhagen (3.5 ECTS)
  • Molecular genetics in metabolic diseases – University of Copenhagen (3 ECTS)
  • DM817: Network Programming: Theory and Applications (10 ECTS)
  • DM819: Computational Geometry (10 ECTS)
  • DM840: Algorithms in Cheminformatics (10 ECTS)
  • DM841: Heuristics and Constraint Programming for Discrete Optimization (10 ECTS)
  • DM854: Cryptology (10 ECTS)
  • DM860: Online Algorithms (10 ECTS)
  • DM864: Advanced Data Mining (5 ECTS)
  • DM885: Microservices and Dev(Sec)Ops (10 ECTS)
  • DM887: Reinforcement learning (10 ECTS)
  • MM802: Stochastic Differential Equations I (10 ECTS)
  • MM810: Graph Theory I (5 ECTS)
  • MM819: Introduction to Operator Algebras (5 ECTS)
  • MM834: Partial differential equations: theory, modelling and simulation (10 ECTS)
  • MM855: Introduction to Graph Theory (5 ECTS)
  • MM865: Riemannian Geometry (10 ECTS)
  • Advanced topics in geometry and topology (5 ECTS)
  • Advanced topics in quantum mathematics (5 ECTS)
  • PhD course in Collaborative research and participatory methodologies in educational practices (1 ECTS)
  • DM803: Advanced Data Structures (10 ECTS)
  • DM846: Logic for Computer Science (10 ECTS)
  • DM852: Introduction to Generic Programming (5 ECTS)
  • DM861: Concurrency Theory (10 ECTS)
  • DM867: Combinatorial Optimization (10 ECTS)
  • DM872: Mathematical Optimization at Work (5 ECTS)
  • DM881: Theory of Science for Informatics (5 ECTS)
  • DM891: Algorithms under Stochastic Uncertainty (5 ECTS)
  • DS805: Multivariate Statistical Analysis (5 ECTS) *
  • MM838: Selected topics in modern analysis (5 ECTS)
  • MM839: Numerical analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws (10 ECTS)
  • MM849: Selected topics in modern analysis (10 ECTS)
  • MM862: Selected topics in numerical anlysis II
  • MM864: Introduction to algebraic topology (5 ECTS)
  • ST803: Extreme Value Statistics (5 ECTS)
  • ST817: Mathematical Statistics II (5 ECTS)
  • PhD Seminar on Mathematics and Science Education (4 ECTS)

* DS805 is similar to the previously offered ST811 as regards academic level and subject matter.

Summer courses

  • PhD Course in Practice-Based Research (3 ECTS)
  • KE803: Molecular modelling (5 ECTS)
  • KE805: Supramolecular and nanochemistry (5 ECTS)
  • KE810: Bioinorganic Chemistry (5 ECTS)
  • KE820: Computational Quantum Chemistry (5 ECTS)
  • FY803: Quantum Physics (10 ECTS)
  • FY828: Advanced statistical physics (10 ECTS)
  • BMB207: Biphotonics (5 ECTS)
  • DS805: Multivariate statistical analysis (5 ECTS)
  • KE811: Advanced NMR Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
  • KE824: Biomolecular Simulations (5 ECTS)
  • KE825: Nucleic acids in medicinal chemistry and nanobiotechnology (5 ECTS)
  • KE830: Characterization of Materials (5 ECTS)
  • KE837: Hands-on approach to early-stage drug discovery (10 ECTS)
  • Participation in six official colloquiums at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy within one year (1 ECTS)
  • Cross-institutional PhD course in Molecular Biophysics (10 ECTS)

The same rules apply if you are an Industrial PhD student, with one exemption: The Industrial PhD course organised by Innovation Fund Denmark is compulsory. Participation in the course is included in your working hours and amounts to 5 ECTS. You will be invited to the course during the first year of the programme.

Read more about the compulsory Industrial PhD course.

For courses offered by other Danish universities, please consult .

For courses offered by GlobalDenmark, please consult . If you wish to register for courses from GlobalDenmark, you must have approved funding from your department in advance.

Last Updated 01.09.2023

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phd course sdu

English Taught Program-PhD Program of Law

What is the program about?

The program is to prepare for students who interest in the fields of Chinese law , human rights, comparative law, intellectual property, WTO law under the background of globalization. A variety of English taught courses offer to students , including Public International Law , Private International Law, International Trade Law , International Economic Law, Comparative Public Law, Comparative Private Law, International Human Rights, International Criminal Law, Chinese Commercial Law, Chinese Intellectual Property Law etc., which will also cover knowledge based on comparative studies .

How long does the program last?

The  four-year PhD program s will be fully taught in English and provid ing several different research area s, such as Public International Law , Private International Law, International Trade Law , International Economic Law, The Law of the Sea, Human Rights, Intellectual Property Law, International Criminal Law. Upon the completion of the program, graduates will earn a degree certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

Who is eligible to apply?

Applicants should have a Master’s degree in political science, economics, law, education, history, or linguistics. Admission of candidates who do not meet this criterion  may be approved if satisfactory evidence of postgraduate study, research or professional experience can be provided.

How to Graduate?

Credit Requirements

The total credits for the program are no less than 13 , of which no less than 11 credits are for compulsory (core) courses.

Thesis Requirements

T he students are required to complete their degree thesis and successfully defend their thesis .  The students are required to work closely with their supervisor to define a focused topic and conduct detailed research. Graduates should also be bold and actively engaged in research activities, and strive to publish papers in academic journals. 

Program Courses:

Core Courses:

3 credits for each course

l Public International Law

Based on the needs of foreign relations, this course focuses on the introduction of the basic principles and systems of international law. The content including the nature and development of international law, sources, international law and municipal law, the international protection of human rights, individual criminal responsibility in international law, recognition, territory, the law of the sea, jurisdiction, immunity from jurisdiction, state responsibility, international environmental law, state succession, the settlement of disputes by peaceful means, the International Court of Justice, international law and the use of force by states, i nternational institutions.

l International Economic Law

Based on the needs of international trading, this course comprehensively introduces international trade law, international investment law, international financial law, international tax law and international economic dispute settlement. Focus also been paid on international purchase, international goods transportation law, international goods insurance, international trading payment and WTO law .

l Private International Law

Based on the classical cases, this course covers the “ Law A pplicable to C ivil R elations with F oreigners ” and the most recent judicial explanations. Comprehensively introducing the law choosing rules and dispute settlement rules while involving foreigners. The content covers the law of conflicts, international civil procedure law, international commercial arbitration.

l International Trade Law

This course based on the process of international trade, using flexible teaching approaches such as seminars, case analysis. The content covers international treading, international business agent, international transportation, international trading payment and international goods transport insurance. In addition, t his course comprehensively introduces 8 rounds of trade negotiation under GATT and the establishment of WTO, the basic principles of WTO, the organization and its decision-making process, legal system as well as basic principles, multilateral trading agreements under the GATT 1994, GATS, TRIPS, the China ’ s commitment while entering the WTO and other trading measures.

l International Criminal Law

This course introduces the current international criminal rules and systematically d iscusses the basic theory. The content including the source of international criminal law, the principles of international criminal jurisdiction, the elements of international crimes and their categories, the adoption of international criminal law and the cooperation in international crime investigation. This course also focuses on the recent development of criminal act, basic theory of criminal law and related cases in Japan, Germany and U.S. Attention has been paid on the significant criminal act launched by foreign countries that worthy of reference, discussion the historical development of different theories, the ideas behind basic thoughts and theories, the reasons behind each case.

Optional Courses:

2 credits for each course

l International Civil and Commercial Litigation and Arbitration

This course based on the theory of the procedure law, using typical cases to introduce international civil procedure law and arbitration legal mechanism. The discussion also covers the jurisprudence behind this special area and rules. The content covers the relevant domestic law and relevant international treaties. The aim is to foster students ability to solve civil and business disputes that involving foreign affairs.

l The Law of the Sea

This course aims to introduce the basic framework, principles and mechanism in relation to the law of the sea. It is also important to adopt law as a tool to protect rights over oceans. The main content will be divided into three parts “ The Introduction of the Law of the Sea ” , “ The Implementation of the Law of the Sea ” and “ Dispute Settlement Regime ” . By adopting a multimedia approach, the purpose is leading students to understand the basic forms of the law of the sea and real cases in practice. In addition, t his course based on the maritime disputes relating to China. The content covers the legal status of the internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, high seas. The discussion also covers marine environmental protection, dispute settlement and marine law making in China .

l Maritime Procedure and Arbitration Laws

This course based on the principles of the civil procedure law, comprehensively introduces special rules used in maritime litigation. The content covers the maritime case jurisdiction, maritime attachment system, maritime security, judicial proceedings, the establishment of a maritime limitation of liability fund program, the maritime lien notice procedure. In terms of maritime arbitration, this course intend to explore the legal mechanism behind maritime arbitration. Emphasizing the “ Arbitration Rules of the Maritime Arbitration Commission in China ” and covering the scope of maritime arbitration, maritime arbitration agreement, the reorganization and enforcement of maritime arbitration.


A list of scholarships for prospective and current students can be found at .

Highlights of the Program

Law School of Shandong University, located in Jinan City in northeast China, is well-acclaimed as one of the top law schools in China. Shandong Law School is unique among law schools in that, we take great pride in providing student-friendly legal education in a stimulating intellectual atmosphere.  Our community is now home to 75 devoting and dedicated faculties, 90% of whom have been abroad for degrees or research work. Our faculty, with innovative and aspiring ideas, make Law School an ideal place to explore and master the law. Among the various courses we conduct, 11 are taught in English and another 12 bilingually (in Chinese and English), in a continuous effort to better prepare our students for overseas experience. 

Currently, there are 1,700 enterprising and striving students, 700 of whom study in Bachelor’s program, and another 1,000 in Master’s and Doctor’s program. Students are encouraged to interact, collaborate and share with others through hands-on experience in pro-bono services, cultural and sports activities, moot court competitions, and domestic and overseas exchanging. 

Last, big news to share. Our Law School is to be removed back to Qingdao, (Tsingtau), where historical impact was made during Shandong University’s development. Faced with this unparalleled opportunity, we are welcoming you to join us in building Law School into an opening and global-minded community!

Highlights of Master’s Programs Dual-degree Program with overseas universities, enable our students to obtain both MA from Shandong and LL.M from overseas partners. Among our partner universities are University of Arizona from U.S., University of Dundee from U.K., University of Aberdeen from U.K.  Highlights of Doctor’s Program Co-supervising by a domestic and another overseas supervisor, enhances PhD candidates’ research skills and results.  

In recent years, there is a growing need for global exchange from our faculties and students alike. In response to this demanding, we have been striving to build and widen our international networks,through international academic conference, faculty and student exchange, co-researching and etc.

Up till now, our partner universities from overseas include: (by order of final signature)

University of Aberdeen, UK. (201 5 )

Shimane Universtiy, Japan (renewed in 2014) University of Dundee, UK. (2014) Soochow University, Taiwan Region (2014)

Unviersity of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law, U.S. (2014) Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea (2013) National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan Region (2013)

Lai, Corsini & Lapus, LLC, U.S. (2013) Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France (2013) Law School of Algiers University, Algeria (2012)

Korea University, Korea (2012) Kyushu University Japan (renewed in 2011) Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan Region (2011)

Bangor University, UK. (2008) Tiburg University Law School, Netherlands (2008) Maastricht University School of Law, Netherlands (2007) Among the cooperation pathways are:

joint-degree collaboration; semester-based students exchange; visiting scholars;

seminars and workshop; co-supervision; scholarships.

Registration Fee: 400 RMB   Tuition: 32,000  RMB/year  

Medical Insurance: 800RMB/year

Online Application

“Online Application System” is available for prospective international students, and please enter for submitting application and tracking application status.

Contact Information

International Admission Office               S chool of Law, Associate Dean, Jiang Feng

Department of International Affairs       Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]             Tel: +86-531-88377201

Tel: +86-(0)531 88364854                   Website :  


phd course sdu


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  1. Upcoming PhD courses

    The aim of the course is to increase the PhD students' competences when giving lectures within complex medical fields. Primary focus is to make the contents easy to understand for relevant audiences and simple to present. Course dates: 13/8 + 20-21/8 + 27/8 2024. Clinical Research. Course description.

  2. PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark

    As a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, you will get: A PhD programme at the highest international level. Broad contact interface with national and international research environments. Opportunities for overseas study visits or courses at recognised universities. A good research environment with close links to experienced ...

  3. Our PhD courses

    Our PhD courses. The graduate programmes at the Faculty of Health Sciences offer a range of graduate courses at the highest international level. Some courses are broad and provide skills that will be useful both within and outside the individual student's particular area of research. Other courses are highly specialized and focus on specific ...

  4. PhD Courses

    PhD Courses. PhD students must complete courses totaling 30 ECTS during the PhD programme. 1 ECTS point equals 27 hours work load. The courses are approved individually for each student in the research and study plan. For students admitted to the PhD School the following course structure and rules for study progression apply: Title. ECTS credits.

  5. PhD courses offered by the Faculty of Science

    Transitional arrangements for all courses (external link, available only in Danish) Course codes. Each course has has a course code referring to the academic level of the course. Bachelor-level courses: 5xx codes; Master-level courses: 8xx codes; Lifelong learning courses: 1xx codes; PhD-level courses: 2xx codes (can also be taken by Master's ...

  6. PhD Student Process

    PhD courses Each faculty at SDU offer graduate courses at the highest international level. Some courses are broad and provide skills that will be useful both within and outside the individual student's particular area of research. Other courses are highly specialized and focus on specific aspects of research.

  7. PhD Postdoc Hub

    PhD schools. It's the PhD schools within each faculty that provide the structure for PhD programmes at SDU. Each PhD programme operates under one of the university's more than 40 research education programmes. Find information about admission requirements, supervision, courses, and other practical details on each PhD school's website.

  8. Public Health

    Responsible Conduct of Research. The course introduces PhD students from the health sciences to basic concepts, principles, and norms concerning responsible conduct of research. Course dates: 11/12 & 18/12 - 2024. Public Health. Course description and registration. Here you will find a list of our upcoming PhD courses.

  9. PhD courses offered by the Faculty of Science

    Thank you for taking the Study Environment Survey 2021; Response rate SES 2021; Competitions SES21

  10. PhD Course: From Dissertation to Book

    Search by expertise, name or affiliation. PhD Course: From Dissertation to Book. Anders Engberg-Pedersen

  11. Search results

    Odense M. February 2024. 5 ECTS. The PhD School at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Southern Denmark. Model-driven Software Development (MSD) The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, Odense Teaching activity id: RP-MSD-U2. Teaching language: English - ECTS / weighting: 5 ECTS Teacher: Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya - mica.

  12. PhD Schools

    PhD Schools. The PhD programme is handled by the PhD Schools at the separate faculties, here you can be informed about admission requirements, supervision, courses and other practicalities: The PhD programme at the Faculty of Science. The PhD programme at the Faculty of Humanities. The PhD programme at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

  13. RCR Course for PhD students

    The course is offered regularly to PhD students at all SDU faculties. Each course is organized and taught by the combined efforts of both library and faculty staff. The course comprises four modules: Module 1: Introduction to responsible conduct of research. Module 2: Laws and regulations. Module 3: Research data management.

  14. Writing Scientific Papers in English (WSP)

    The PhD School at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Southern Denmark. Writing Scientific Papers in English (WSP) Teaching language: English - ECTS / weighting: 5 ECTS / 0.083 full-time equivalent. Teacher: Bridget Hallam. Please notice change will come in Autumn. Enough results to write about, written into a reasonably good, complete ...

  15. PhD course: Getting started on your teaching

    Description. The aim of this course is to substantiate the quality of the teaching and the educations at SDU. The course is organized as workshops, where the participants will actively work with planning teaching sessions based on formulating learning objectives and applying and developing learning actives. The participants will be introduced ...

  16. PhD courses offered by the Faculty of Science

    All courses taught in English. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Biology. Mathematics and Computer Science. Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy. Health Sciences. Interdisciplinary courses. Lifelong learning. PhD courses.

  17. Advanced methods in protein mass spectrometry and proteomics

    Please notice that this is a PhD course and thus the level is very high. Participant limit. 18. Course introduction. ... Active participation is expected from the students and teaching tools available on the e-learning platform used by SDU will be used during the course. The students are also expected to read articles listed by the teachers.

  18. Ph.D. Course Academic Writing in English

    Search by expertise, name or affiliation. Ph.D. Course Academic Writing in English. Cindie A. Aaen Maagaard

  19. Preapproved courses

    The PhD Committee at the Faculty of Science has preapproved a number of courses. Preapproval means that you do not need to apply the PhD Committee for approval. When you have passed the course, please send the diploma to the PhD secretary and the course will be registrered as part of your PhD programme of approx. 30 ECTS. The courses are: The ...

  20. PHD, doctoral student

    PHD, doctoral student. Maria Elo; Department of Business & Management (DBM) International Business & Entrepreneurship (IBE) Supervision. Description Supervision of a doctoral student . Period: 30/09/2022 → 01/06/2023: Target group: Ph.D: ECTS credits: Other:

  21. PhD courses in Denmark

    Open market for PhD courses The Danish universities have entered into an agreement that allows PhD students at a Danish university (except Copenhagen Business School) the opportunity to free of charge take a subject-specific course at another Danish university. Further information + Cookie consent ...

  22. English Taught Program-PhD Program of Law

    Our faculty, with innovative and aspiring ideas, make Law School an ideal place to explore and master the law. Among the various courses we conduct, 11 are taught in English and another 12 bilingually (in Chinese and English), in a continuous effort to better prepare our students for overseas experience.

  23. Cross Institutional Bioimaging PhD Course

    Level: PhD course Time: September ?? to November ??, 2024 Locations: Copenhagen, Odense, Århus, Kng. Lyngby. Language: English Number of contact hours: 80 Capacity limits: 20. Download and print the 2023 Cross-Uni-Bioimaging PhD Course Flyer. Course description. The Cross Institutional Bioimaging Ph.D. course will be given by a series of ...