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The power of melodic tunes to enhance focus and creativity during the essay writing process.

Essay writing music

When it comes to the realm of crafty penmanship, the significance of tune harmonizing with writing is often underestimated. However, by unlocking the potential of a melodious backdrop, authors can tap into a wholly different level of creativity. The amalgamation of mind-wandering melodies and thought-provoking words provides an unparalleled medium for unleashing one’s inner writer.

By marrying the artistry of music with the finesse of essay composition, a symphony of inspiration is born. As the rhythm flows from ear to mind, it ignites a fire within, setting ablaze the dormant embers of imagination. The harmonious duet of music and writing has the uncanny ability to transport us to seemingly distant realms, where ideas unfurl like unfathomable constellations, waiting to be explored.

Music has the incredible capability to influence our mood, thoughts, and emotions. With every beat, a gateway to new possibilities is unveiled. A propelling anthem can uplift the spirits and propel the writer forward on a wave of determination. Conversely, a gentle melody can provide solace and serenity, setting the stage for introspection and bringing forth the depths of one’s introspective musings.

The Science Behind the Connection: How Music Affects the Brain

Understanding how music affects the brain is a fascinating area of study that delves into the intricate workings of our minds. The connection between music and the brain has been explored by scientists for decades, revealing the profound impact that music can have on our emotions, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being.

When we listen to music, our brains are activated in various ways. Neurologists have discovered that different regions of the brain are engaged, depending on the type of music being listened to. For instance, upbeat and fast-paced music stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation. This explains why listening to energetic music can make us feel more invigorated and motivated to take action.

Moreover, studies have shown that music has the power to evoke strong emotions and memories. Certain melodies or lyrics can trigger a flood of emotions, reminding us of past experiences or even transporting us to a different time and place. This emotional connection to music is facilitated by the limbic system, a part of the brain that controls emotions and memory. By activating this system, music has the ability to evoke powerful feelings and create lasting memories.

Additionally, music has a profound impact on our cognitive abilities. Research has demonstrated that listening to certain types of music can enhance our focus, concentration, and creativity. Classical music, in particular, has been found to stimulate brain activity and improve cognitive performance. This phenomenon, known as the “Mozart effect,” suggests that music can enhance our cognitive abilities, making us more alert and receptive to information.

Furthermore, the therapeutic benefits of music cannot be overlooked. Studies have shown that music therapy can be beneficial for individuals suffering from various mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Listening to calming and soothing music has been found to reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and promote relaxation. The rhythmic and melodic elements of music have a profound effect on our physiological state, helping to regulate our emotions and promote overall well-being.

In conclusion, the science behind the connection between music and the brain is a captivating field of research that highlights the profound impact of music on our emotions, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being. By understanding how music affects the brain, we can harness its power to boost productivity and enhance our essay writing experience.

Finding the Right Genre for Focus and Creativity

Exploring different genres of music can be a powerful way to enhance focus and creativity while writing. By selecting the right genre, you can create an atmosphere that nurtures concentration and stimulates your cognitive processes. The right choice of genre can inspire imagination, boost productivity, and help you tap into your creative potential.

Genre for Focus:

When it comes to finding a genre that promotes focus, instrumental music often takes the lead. With its absence of lyrics, instrumental genres such as classical, ambient, or electronic music can provide a background that minimizes distractions. The soothing melodies and repetitive patterns can help you maintain concentration for extended periods, allowing you to immerse yourself in the writing process.

Alternatively, you might find that low-tempo genres, like downtempo or chill-hop, can also facilitate a focus-oriented mindset. The relaxed beats and atmospheric textures often associated with these genres can create a tranquil ambiance, fostering a sense of calmness and enabling you to concentrate on the task at hand.

Genre for Creativity:

If your goal is to enhance your creative thinking and encourage inspiration, exploring diverse genres can be beneficial. Upbeat and energetic music, like pop, rock, or hip-hop, can elicit strong emotions and make you feel more motivated and enthusiastic. This genre choice can help break through writer’s block and generate fresh ideas.

On the other hand, genres that focus on introspection and introspection, like folk, indie, or singer-songwriter, can evoke a sense of introspection and deep thought. The raw emotions and personal narratives found in these genres can lead to a reflective and introspective state of mind, allowing you to explore and express your thoughts and emotions in a more profound and meaningful way.

Experimenting with Different Genres:

Everyone’s preferences and writing processes are unique, so it’s essential to experiment with different genres to find what works best for you. Depending on the task at hand, you may find that a combination of genres or even genre-specific playlists can be more effective in enhancing your focus and creativity.

Remember, the aim is to find the right balance that helps you stay engaged, motivated, and inspired. By exploring a variety of genres, you can create a personalized soundtrack that harnesses the power of music to enhance your essay writing and boost productivity.

Using Music as a Motivational Tool: Creating a Playlist that Energizes

Using Music as a Motivational Tool: Creating a Playlist that Energizes

When it comes to finding the perfect playlist to boost motivation and productivity, music can be a powerful tool. The right selection of songs can energize and inspire, helping you to stay focused and motivated while writing your essay. However, creating a playlist that truly energizes and motivates is not as simple as adding a few upbeat tracks. It requires careful consideration of the tempo, lyrics, and overall mood of the music.

To start off, consider the tempo of the songs you choose for your playlist. Upbeat and fast-paced songs with a high tempo can help increase your energy levels and keep you engaged. Look for tracks with a strong rhythm and lively beat that will get your heart rate up and your feet tapping. These types of songs can help you maintain a steady pace while writing, preventing any potential lulls in your productivity.

Lyrics also play an important role in creating a motivational playlist. Look for songs with inspiring and positive lyrics that resonate with you personally. The right lyrics can help instill a sense of confidence and determination as you tackle your essay. Whether it’s motivational anthems or personal empowerment songs, find tracks that make you feel uplifted and ready to conquer any challenges that come your way.

In addition to the tempo and lyrics, consider the overall mood of the music. While fast-paced and upbeat songs can be beneficial for maintaining energy levels, it’s also important to include moments of relaxation and calm. Including a variety of musical genres and styles in your playlist can help create a balanced atmosphere that keeps you engaged without overwhelming your senses. From uplifting pop songs to soothing instrumental tracks, a mix of different moods can help you stay focused and motivated throughout your writing process.

Remember that creating a motivational playlist is a personal endeavor. Experiment with different songs and genres to find what works best for you. Pay attention to how certain songs make you feel and make adjustments as needed. The power of music lies in its ability to evoke emotions and enhance your mood, so choose songs that align with your personal preferences and goals.

In conclusion, music can serve as a powerful motivator when it comes to essay writing. By creating a playlist that energizes and inspires, you can boost your productivity and stay focused throughout the writing process. Consider the tempo, lyrics, and overall mood of the music to create a playlist that resonates with you personally. Harness the power of music and let it fuel your essay writing journey!

The Impact of Lyrics on Writing: Choosing Songs with Inspiring Words

The Impact of Lyrics on Writing: Choosing Songs with Inspiring Words

When it comes to the influence of music on our writing, we often think about melodies, rhythms, and harmonies. However, the impact of lyrics should not be underestimated. The words in a song can have a profound effect on our creative output and productivity. By carefully selecting songs with inspiring and meaningful lyrics, we can enhance our writing experience and tap into new ideas and perspectives.

Words have the power to evoke emotions, stimulate our imagination, and convey complex thoughts and ideas. When we listen to songs with lyrics that resonate with us, it can trigger a range of emotions that can fuel our writing process. Whether it’s a heartfelt ballad that touches our soul or an empowering anthem that fills us with motivation, the right lyrics can provide the emotional backdrop we need to dive deep into our writing and express ourselves fully.

In addition to emotional impact, lyrics can also influence the way we think and inspire us to explore different topics and themes in our writing. Songs with thought-provoking lyrics can challenge our perspectives and push us beyond our comfort zones. They can introduce us to new ideas and expand our horizons, allowing us to approach our writing from fresh and unique angles. By actively seeking out songs with inspiring words, we can invite a broader range of thoughts and concepts into our writing and enrich our overall message.

It’s important to note that the impact of lyrics on writing is a highly personal experience. What resonates with one writer may not have the same effect on another. It’s essential to be in tune with our own preferences and emotions when choosing the songs we write to. Some writers may find solace in introspective and introspective lyrics, while others may thrive on uplifting and motivational messages. By curating a personalized playlist of songs with lyrics that align with our writing intentions, we can create an atmosphere of inspiration and creativity that supports our unique style and voice.

In conclusion, lyrics play a significant role in the impact of music on our writing. By selecting songs with inspiring words, we can tap into the emotional, intellectual, and creative aspects of our writing process. The right lyrics have the power to fuel our imagination, challenge our thinking, and elevate our writing to new heights.

Creating a Distraction-Free Environment: Tips for Using Music Effectively

When it comes to essay writing, having a distraction-free environment is essential for focusing and improving productivity. Music can be a powerful tool in creating such an environment, helping to boost concentration and inspire creativity. By carefully selecting the right music and following a few key tips, you can maximize the benefits of using music while minimizing potential distractions.

  • Choose instrumental music: Instead of lyrics that may compete for your attention, opt for instrumental music. This type of music provides a soothing ambiance and eliminates the potential distraction of following along with lyrics.
  • Experiment with different genres: Various genres of music can evoke different emotions and moods. By exploring different genres, you can find the right music that complements your writing style and helps you get into the flow.
  • Create a playlist: Curating a playlist specifically for writing purposes can help set the tone and provide a consistent background noise. Start by selecting a few essential tracks that promote focus, and gradually expand your playlist based on what works best for you.
  • Use ambient sounds: In addition to music, ambient sounds can also be effective in creating a distraction-free environment. Rainfall, nature sounds, or white noise can help block out external noises and increase your concentration.
  • Adjust the volume: Finding the right volume is crucial for using music effectively. Too loud, and it can become distracting; too low, and it may not be effective in creating a productive environment. Experiment with different volumes to find the perfect balance.
  • Minimize interruptions: Ensure that your music setup doesn’t interrupt your writing process. Choose a music streaming platform or app that allows for seamless playback without ads or interruptions. This way, you can maintain focus without being interrupted by unrelated content.
  • Match the music to the task: Different writing tasks may require varying levels of focus and energy. Consider selecting music that aligns with the specific task at hand. For brainstorming or creative writing, choose upbeat or uplifting music, while for editing or proofreading, opt for more relaxed and calming tunes.

By following these tips, you can create a distraction-free environment that harnesses the power of music to enhance your essay writing experience. Experiment, adapt, and find the perfect music that helps you stay focused, motivated, and creative throughout the writing process.

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Essay on Music for Students and Children

500+ words essay on music.

Music is a vital part of different moments of human life. It spreads happiness and joy in a person’s life. Music is the soul of life and gives immense peace to us. In the words of William Shakespeare, “If music is the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Thus, Music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self.

Essay on Music

What is Music?

Music is a pleasant sound which is a combination of melodies and harmony and which soothes you. Music may also refer to the art of composing such pleasant sounds with the help of the various musical instruments. A person who knows music is a Musician.

The music consists of Sargam, Ragas, Taals, etc. Music is not only what is composed of men but also which exists in nature. Have you ever heard the sound of a waterfall or a flowing river ? Could you hear music there? Thus, everything in harmony has music. Here, I would like to quote a line by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest musicians, “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

Importance of Music:

Music has great qualities of healing a person emotionally and mentally. Music is a form of meditation. While composing or listening music ones tends to forget all his worries, sorrows and pains. But, in order to appreciate good music, we need to cultivate our musical taste. It can be cited that in the Dwapar Yug, the Gopis would get mesmerized with the music that flowed from Lord Krishna’s flute. They would surrender themselves to Him. Also, the research has proved that the plants which hear the Music grow at a faster rate in comparison to the others.

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Magical Powers of Music:

It has the power to cure diseases such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. The power of Music can be testified by the legends about Tansen of his bringing the rains by singing Raag Megh Malhar and lighting lamps by Raga Deepak. It also helps in improving the concentration and is thus of great help to the students.


Music is the essence of life. Everything that has rhythm has music. Our breathing also has a rhythm. Thus, we can say that there is music in every human being or a living creature. Music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions to people. Music is also a very powerful means to connect with God. We can conclude that Music is the purest form of worship of God and to connect with our soul.

FAQs on Essay on Music:

Q.1. Why is Music known as the Universal Language?

Ans.1. Music is known as the Universal language because it knows no boundaries. It flows freely beyond the barriers of language, religion, country, etc. Anybody can enjoy music irrespective of his age.

Q.2. What are the various styles of Music in India?

Ans.2. India is a country of diversities. Thus, it has numerous styles of music. Some of them are Classical, Pop, Ghazals, Bhajans, Carnatic, Folk, Khyal, Thumri, Qawwali, Bhangra, Drupad, Dadra, Dhamar, Bandish, Baithak Gana, Sufi, Indo Jazz, Odissi, Tarana, Sugama Sangeet, Bhavageet, etc.

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Music and Its Impact on Our Lives Essay (Critical Writing)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

No one can even imagine our life without music. For centuries it was an integral part of our everyday life, our traditions and culture. Listening to the charming sounds of nature, man could not help trying to reproduce it in order to enjoy music at any time. That was the reason for the first primitive musical instruments to appear. Since that time music and mankind were never torn apart. With the development of the society the instruments and the whole music changed. The mankind and music were always at the same stage of development. Starting with the mysterious melodies of the ancient cults and ending with the energetic military marches. Music follows humanity step by step, working its magic on it, showing its power. The ability of music to influence human consciousness was known from the earliest stages of development of the society.

Relaxing and calming at the beginning, it can become energetic and aggressive just in a moment, causing great changes in your mood. “Without even thinking about it, we use music to create desired moods- to make us happy, to enjoy movement and dance, to energize, to bring back powerful memories, to help us relax and focus. Music is a powerful tool for our personal expression within our daily lives– it helps “set the scene” for many important experiences” (Brewer, n.d., para. 2). Music can even serve as a basis for peoples segregation, dividing them into the different social groups according to their preferences or abilities to understand a certain type of music. Nothing could create the appropriate atmosphere better than music. The church music can serve as an ideal example of it. Religions all over the world use the music in the rituals in order to maximize the influence on people and help them to achieve eupathy and humility. Nowadays, with an unrestricted access to the sources, music has conquered the world, sounding from everywhere, suggesting the great variety of genres for any demands. Everyone could find something up to his or her taste.

Talking about my life it is impossible not to mention music. It is a huge part of my everyday routine. My day starts and ends with it. Early in the morning it is quite vital for me to listen to a portion of a good energetic music in order to get up and have a charge for a long day. But it is not enough of course. Like a real melomaniac, I always take my player with me. I have noticed the great growth of my productivity if I do something with music in background. The type of chosen music depends on the type of the job I have to do. If there is some kind of a physical activity I need some fast and energetic music. However, when some sort of mental activity is demanded, I need some calm, not very loud music playing somewhere in the background. This is by no means a panacea for everyone who wants to raise their productivity , but I cannot imagine me working without music

Having come home late at evening, it is just necessary for me to listen to another portion of music in order to relax and forget about all the stresses of the outside world. I even go to bed with the headphones in my ears, listening to my special “good night” song.

Taking into account the fact that I am a great admirer of rock music, it is not difficult to guess that all my friends are great admirers of it to. I am more than sure that common tastes in music are the good basis for friendly relations. This is not only the question of having something to discuss or to listen to together. If a person has the same preferences in music that means that he has something in common with your inner world and with your soul. Of course, there is that type of music that you will never listen with your friends. It is that kind of music which affects the deepest parts of your soul and you can only listen to it while keeping to yourself. At that moments no one is allowed to trouble you.

Music also has a great impact on the way we communicate within our company. The excessive tension or some miscommunication in relations can be easily dispersed by means of music. The sounds of the familiar song cool heads and return friendly atmosphere.

There is one more aspect of music which is worth mentioning. It is its lyrics. Being not less ancient part of our culture than music, the word has even more influence on peoples hearts and minds. The combination of such powerful remedies gives a marvelous results. This combination of sounds and words affects all your senses, penetrating deep inside your soul. Looking through the lyrics of my favorite songs, I can say that the text is of the same importance as music in the song. While listening to it for the first time you pay special attention to lyrics, especially if it resonates with your mood. The song runs in your head and you repeat it over and over, enjoining the harmony of the words and your soul.

The most common topic for all songs is, of course, relations of any kind. It is the basis of human life and music, as an integral part of it, cannot stand off. Love and hatred, faith and betrayal, and all others shades of human feelings are praised in thousands of songs. The mans attempts to find his reason to live should also be mentioned. The great number of songs is devoted to that problem, making people think or helping them to find an answer. One of my favorite songs “ The Show Must Go On ” by Queen (Queen 1990) is also one of the best compositions touching the problem of self-determination. While listening to it you cannot but feel the great suffering of a man who realizes the duality of his inner world and necessity of playing the annoying part. The Freddie Mercurys heart cry makes the great effect on the listener, making you think about your own place in the world, the way you live and spend your lifetime and reconsider your values and priorities.

The love theme is also one of the especially beloved by lyrics authors. Everyone on this planet has its own favorite love song and I am not an exception. The great song “ Not Strong Enough ” by Apocalyptica (Warren 2010) tells us about the pangs of the love-crossed man who cannot be with his darling. The most dramatic moments of the lyrics are wonderfully emphasized by music, the most powerful beats comes with the most bitter worlds, projecting the singers and the authors mood on you, making you feel the same. That great interplay of words and music makes you shiver. Especially strong effect is achieved if the song correlates with your mood or life experience. In that case the song becomes a some kind of an anchor, which evokes certain memories and feelings connected with a certain life period. No matter where you are and what your feel, from the first beats of the song you will remember the first time you have listened to it and your emotions at that moment.

The love theme is a part of a bigger theme of gender relations, which is also quite popular in music. According to the generally accepted tradition there is some stereotypical pattern of behavior for both genders which is praised in the songs. Historically, man always strives for womens love, trying to overcome all the obstacles on his way. He fights the injustice, erases the boundaries of social or race segregation just to reunite with his beloved one. Music is a reflection of the mans thoughts that is why all this issues are blended in it, The artists want to share their feelings and experience with us, to warn and protect from the mistakes they made, to show that all the prejudices are only in our heads and we have to overcome it.

Summing it up, we should say that music is not just part of our lives, it is something bigger, and that determines our mood and emotions. It helps us to forget everything and enjoy one of the greatest gifts of nature – the sound.

Reference List

Brewer, B. (n.d.). Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom . Web.

Queen, (1990). The show must go on [Reordered by Queen]. Innuendo [7″, 12″, CD]. London, England: Metropolis Studios.

Warren, D. (2010). Not strong enough [Reordered by Apocalyptica]. 7th Symphony [CD]. Germany: Sony Music.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 24). Music and Its Impact on Our Lives.

"Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." IvyPanda , 24 Jan. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Music and Its Impact on Our Lives'. 24 January.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022.

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Practice makes perfect: The power of music and academic study.

cassette tape on a blank backdrop

I am a chartered librarian by profession, a lapsed musician, and at Arden University a manager of all things related to Academic Skills – a somewhat eclectic combination! Some 28 years ago when I graduated with a BA (hons) in Music, I would never have dreamt that I would be doing what I do now. I entered Higher Education as a nervous, naïve undergraduate having only written essays during my A-Levels. Back then in the early 1990’s there was little support available – let alone technology to help – so it amounted to a steep learning curve. Little did I know that extreme exposure to music, of all genres, would be my saviour, my friend, and my inspiration. Most of all, due to the nature of the course, it was also somewhere to find solace and flow in parallel with all my academic assignments.

I learned to read music at the age of 5 – at the same time I learned to read – and I’ve always seen the two skills as very similar. For as long as I can remember, both have been part of my everyday life. Music has seen me through the highs and lows of life and through a lot of writing - including two dissertations (I’m currently listening to an eclectic mix of classical, pop, rock and ephemera whilst writing this!).

So how can music relate to academic writing? When approaching this blog, I reflected on how music has aided my academic studies. Obviously, there was a lot of listening involved, and we were often asked to listen to and analyse the music we were studying, then discuss and present our thoughts in the form of an essay. Listening to music 28 years ago wasn’t quite as easy as it is today – back then, I had to trek to the music library to borrow worn out cassettes and scratched CDs. However, music and academic writing both use a similar structure. We can think of both as a journey with a beginning, middle and an end – plus all the important elements in between.

As we know, all academic essays have a structure. This is just as true for narrative essays as it is for reflective pieces. Like an essay, most pieces of music also have a structure, regardless of genre. For example, pop music is usually based on the verse, chorus, verse structure and any piece of music will also have various rules relating to key, tempo and rhythm. Structure is particularly important in symphonies and concertos written in the Baroque, Classical and Romantic genres. Like essays, symphonies and concertos always have an introduction - in the case of a symphony, the main theme is introduced in the first movement, which is known as the exposition. This is then developed and reworked throughout the piece. Similarly, in an essay, the introduction is where you draw the reader in, giving them a taste of what is to come.

Essays also feature paragraphs, statements, arguments, and themes weaving in and out. This is also the case in music, where the themes of a symphony are explored using different phrasing, key changes, time changes and dynamics, all of which add variety and meaning to the music. This is comparable to research and supporting citations in an essay. Juxtaposition is also important both in music and in essay writing. In essays, we develop an argument by piecing together information from different perspectives, leading to a critical conclusion. In a symphony, the first movement introduces the themes, the second movement develops them (usually in a slow and lyrical way), leading to a third and forth movement, which sees the themes grow in intensity. In both cases we see information – data in essays, melodies in music – develop and change in a logical way.

Another comparison with academic skills and music is that “practice makes perfect” in both cases. I have played various instruments since the age of 5, and I soon learned that to get better I had to practice! Throughout my childhood and teens I wasn’t always keen to do this, but with parental nagging I soon realised the importance of it. Likewise, it is important to draft, redraft, edit, and check your work before you submit it. As a naïve undergraduate, this was something I was unaccustomed to, but by the end of the three years at University drafting became second nature and my grades improved. As there was a large practical element in a music degree, I continued to do lots of practice!

Two other incredibly useful skills which I’ve learnt from being a musician are discipline and timekeeping. The need to concentrate in orchestras, watch the conductor, ensure you’re playing in sync with everyone else, counting the bars when you’re not playing, and watching out for key changes and accidentals have all enabled me to concentrate, apply myself and become an efficient multitasker! It’s important to make time to practice and to learn when to ask for help if you’re struggling – this is true regardless of your subject.

Finally, there is a profound link between music and the brain. Between 1993 and 1998 Rauscher, et al. (1993, cited in Jausovec, et al.) investigated the effect of listening to the music of Mozart on spatial reasoning, and found a positive correlation – this became known as the became known as the “Mozart Effect”. These studies have been subsequently examined and scrutinised by various researchers, and the debate over the experiment’s validity will likely continue for many years to come (Shi, 2020).

What is true, however, is that music can help with concentration and motivation – your choice of study music will depend on your personal tastes! Personally, when I need to concentrate, I like to listen to ambient, minimalistic music with no lyrics, and if I have a deadline I like to listen to upbeat, fast moving music that motivates and inspires me to complete not only a piece of academic writing but any task that I am doing. Over the past six months, I have worked from home and have had the pleasure of being able to do this more often. I enjoy the ability of “losing” myself in my music, being able to shut out the world and get on with the task in hand.

Overall, listening to music is very much part of my life, and is one of life’s pleasures. With streaming services, you can discover a whole world of new music plus the chance to revisit music you may have forgotten about - always a delight. Music for everyone of any age has huge benefits and is a multipurpose entity – an aid to motivate, relax, read, write, and above all to enjoy, wherever and whenever you wish.

J ausovec N, Jausovec K, Gerlic I.  (2006) ‘The influence of Mozart's music on brain activity in the process of learning’, Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(12), pp. 2703-14. Available at: Jausovec_mozarteffect2006-with-cover-page-v2.pdf ( (Accessed: 13 December 2021).

Shi, W. Y. (2020) ‘Re-Examining the Mozart Effect: The Sonata in D Major, K.448 and the Influence of Rhythm on Spatial Intelligence’,  Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 12(2), p. 121. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2021).

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Blog > Essay Advice , Personal Statement > How to Write a Great College Essay About Music (with examples)

How to Write a Great College Essay About Music (with examples)

Admissions officer reviewed by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University

Written by Alex McNeil, MA Admissions Consultant

Key Takeaway

Ask any admissions officer if they’ve read a college essay about music, and they’ll definitely say yes. Between music extracurriculars and academic interests in music, it’s is one of the most common college essay topics.

So does that mean that you shouldn’t write your college essay about music?

Not necessarily. But as with any common college essay topic, some approaches are better than others.

Let’s get into it.

Why you should (and shouldn’t) write your Common App essay about music

As we explained in our Stanford Items exercise , writing your college essay on a common topic isn’t off-limits. In fact, most college essays share common topics and themes. Trying to find a completely unique, never-been-done-before topic is almost impossible. And writing about a quirky topic in hopes of coming across as unique usually backfires.

In other words, it’s likely that you’ll write about the same topic as someone else.

The problem arises, however, when you write about a common topic in a cliche way . Cliches are always a danger in college essays, but in especially college essay topics that tend to surface again and again.

To avoid cliches, your college essay about music needs to be deeply personal, specific, and meaningful. You’ll want to let go of any over-generalizations or truisms and focus on the details of your own story.

Because you’ll need to write meaningfully and vulnerably, you should only write your college essay about music if you have something genuine and significant to say.

The Best Ways to Approach Your College Essay about Music

College essays about music aren’t off the table, but you should be thoughtful in how you write about them. The following two approaches will help you avoid cliches and find an authentic, meaningful story that fulfills all the requirements of a personal statement .

Writing about music as an academic interest

If you’re interested in studying music in college, then you can consider writing your college essay about music as an academic interest. A college essay about your academic interest in music can show fantastic intellectual fit with a school.

Let’s say you want to study music theory or composition. You might write about a topic you find compelling, a problem you’ve solved, or even a recounting of your journey becoming interested in the subject.

Or maybe you’re an aspiring performer planning on studying music performance. As an admissions officer, I read outstanding essays about students performing their favorite pieces, creating emotional music projects, and teaching lessons to young children.

No matter your topic, your goal with this approach is to show an intellectual spark, a curiosity and passion that will demonstrate to your admissions officers that you’ll be a great addition to the music community on their campuses.

Writing poignantly about a deeply meaningful extracurricular

The previous approach is great if you want to study music, but what if music is just an extracurricular passion of yours? Don’t worry—you can still write about it.

In that case, the best way is to focus on meaning. Remember: personal statements should be deeply-meaningful reflections on your personal strengths.

To start, reflect on your music extracurricular. Is it playing guitar in a band? Playing trombone in your school’s symphony? Learning piano from your grandma? How your love of poetry turned into a love of songwriting?

Next, think about what strengths you have to showcase. If you play guitar in a band, maybe you want to highlight your collaborative spirit. If you love poetry and songwriting, perhaps you focus on your creativity.

Writing about your love of music in a way that draws upon your strengths will make sure that your Common App essay avoids the following two approaches and gives admissions officers a reason to admit you.

Approaches to Avoid

While the following two approaches aren’t necessarily bad, they are the most cliche ways of approaching a college essay about music. You might want to consider avoiding them.

An inauthentic tale of triumph

Let me tell you a cliche story.

When I was in fourth grade, I decided to join the school orchestra. I found it exceedingly difficult at first. No matter how hard I tried, I never could seem to place my fingers correctly on the fingerboard. Every sound I made mimicked a screeching cat. But I decided not to give up. I practiced every day after school and on the weekends. By the time I was in ninth grade, I had made it into my high school’s top orchestra.

Is that a lovely story? Yes, absolutely. Is it hearty enough for a college essay? No. While it tells a good narrative of growth and progress, it remains on the surface of the writer’s life. It comes across as a convenient way to brag about your strengths instead of exploring them in a genuine way. In this example, the story also focuses on events that happened way too far in the past.

A song that changed your life

This approach is by far the most common cliche in college essays about music. We’ve all been there: a favorite song that transports you to a moment in your life whenever you hear it. It makes sense that you’d want to write about yours.

But there’s a problem with this approach. Too often, it reads as trite or unoriginal, and the end result usually doesn’t say much about the writer. And when it does, the message an admissions officer gets doesn’t typically give them any more reason to admit you. Since you want your college essay to be meaningful, even vulnerable, and strengths-based, you’re better off choosing another topic that better speaks to who you are.

Key Takeaways + Examples

College essays about music aren’t for everyone. But when you get it right, you can strike the perfect chord with admissions officers (you’re welcome for the pun).

As you go, dig deep, find something genuinely personal, and try to avoid the most common and cliche ways of approaching the topic.

Want to see some examples of college essays about music before you get started? Check out our examples, The Time Machine and The Band .

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power of music essay writing

Guide on How to Write a Music Essay: Topics and Examples

power of music essay writing

Let's Understand What is Music Essay

You know how some school assignments are fun to write by default, right? When students see them on the course syllabus, they feel less like a burden and more like a guaranteed pleasure. They are about our interests and hobbies and therefore feel innate and intuitive to write. They are easy to navigate, and interesting topic ideas just pop into your head without much trouble.


Music essays belong to the category of fun essay writing. What is music essay? Anything from in-depth analysis to personal thoughts put into words and then to paper can fall into a music essay category. An essay about music can cover a wide range of topics, including music history, theory, social impact, significance, and musical review. It can be an analytical essay about any music genre, musical instruments, or today's music industry.

Don't get us wrong, you will still need to do extensive research to connect your opinions to a broader context, and you can't step out of academic writing standards, but the essay writing process will be fun.

In this article, our custom essay writing service is going to guide you through every step of writing an excellent music essay. You can draw inspiration from the list of music essay topics that our team prepared, and later on, you will learn what an outstanding essay on music is by an example of a music review essay.

What are Some Music Topics to Write About

There are so many exciting music topics to write about. We would have trouble choosing one. You can write about various music genres, be it country music or classical music; you can research music therapy or how music production happens.

Okay, forgive us for getting carried away; music makes us enthusiastic. Below you will find a list of various music essay topics prepared from our thesis writing service . Choose one and write a memorable essay about everyone's favorite art form.

Music Argumentative Essay Topics

Music essays can be written about an infinite number of themes. You can even write about performance or media comparison.

Here is a list of music argumentative essay topics. These edge-cutting topics will challenge your readers and get you an easy A+.

  • Exploring the evolution of modern music styles of the 21st century
  • Is it ethical to own and play rare musical instruments?
  • Is music therapy an effective mental health treatment?
  • Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity in electronic music
  • The Relevance of traditional music theory in modern music production
  • The Role of musical pieces in the Transmission of cultural identity
  • The value of historical analysis in understanding the significance of music in society
  • How does exposing listeners to different genres of music break down barriers
  • Exploring the cognitive effects of music on human brain development
  • The therapeutic potential of music in treating mental disorders

Why is Music Important Essay Topics

Do you know which essay thrills our team the most? The importance of music in life essay. We put our minds together and came up with a list of topics about why music is so central to human life. Start writing why is music important essay, and we guarantee you that you will be surprised by how much fun you had crafting it.  

  • Popular Music and its Role in shaping cultural trends
  • Music as a metaphorical language for expressing emotions and thoughts
  • How music changes and influences social and political movements
  • How the music of different countries translates their history to outsiders
  • The innate connection between music and human beings
  • How music helps us understand feelings we have never experienced
  • Does music affect our everyday life and the way we think?
  • Examining the cross-cultural significance of music in society
  • How rock music influenced 70's political ideologies
  • How rap music closes gaps between different racial groups in the US

Consider delegating your ' write my essay ' request to our expert writers for crafting a perfect paper on any music topic!

Why I Love Music Essay Topics

We want to know what is music to you, and the best way to tell us is to write a why I love music essay. Below you will find a list of music essay topics that will help you express your love for music.

  • I love how certain songs and artists evoke Memories and Emotions
  • I love the diversity of music genres and how different styles enrich my love for music
  • I love how music connects me with people of different backgrounds
  • How the music of Linkin Park helped me through life's toughest challenges
  • What does my love for popular music say about me?
  • How the unique sounds of string instruments fuel my love for music
  • How music provides a temporary Release from the stresses of daily life
  • How music motivates me to chase my dreams
  • How the raw energy of rock music gets me through my daily life
  • Why my favorite song is more than just music to me

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Music Therapy Essay Topics

One of the most interesting topics about music for an essay is music therapy. We are sure you have heard all the stories of how music cures not only mental but also physical pains. Below you can find a list of topics that will help you craft a compelling music therapy essay. And don't forget that you can always rely on our assistance for fulfilling your ' write my paper ' requests!

  • The effectiveness of music therapy in reducing stress and pain for cancer patients
  • Does pop music have the same effects on music therapy as classical music?
  • Exploring the benefits of music therapy with other genres beyond classical music
  • The potential of music therapy in aiding substance abuse treatment and recovery
  • The Role of music therapy in Addressing PTSD and Trauma in military veterans
  • The impact of music therapy on enhancing social interaction and emotional expression in individuals with developmental disabilities
  • The use of music therapy in managing chronic pain
  • Does musical therapy help depression?
  • Does music reduce anxiety levels?
  • Is music therapy better than traditional medicine?

History of Music Essay Topics

If you love analytical essays and prefer to see the bigger picture, you can always write a music description essay. Below you can find some of the most interesting topics for the history of music essay.

  • The Significance of natural instruments in music production and performance
  • Tracing the historical development of Western music theory
  • How electronic music traces its roots back to classical music
  • How the music industry evolved from sheet music to streaming services
  • How modern producers relate to classical composers
  • The Origins and Influence of Jazz Music
  • How folk music saved the Stories of unnamed heroes
  • Do we know what the music of ancient civilizations sounded like?
  • Where does your favorite bandstand in the line of music evolve?
  • The Influence of African American Music on modern pop culture

Benefits of Music Essay Topics

If you are someone who wonders what are some of the values that music brings to our daily life, you should write the benefits of music essay. The music essay titles below can inspire you to write a captivating essay:

  • How music can be used to promote cultural awareness and understanding
  • The benefits of music education in promoting creativity and innovation
  • The social benefits of participating in music groups
  • The Impact of Music on Memory and Learning
  • The cognitive benefits of music education in early childhood development
  • The effects of music on mood and behavior
  • How learning to play an instrument improves cognitive functions.
  • How music connects people distanced by thousands of miles
  • The benefits of listening to music while exercising
  • How music can express the feelings words fail to do so 

Music Analysis Essay Example

Reading other people's papers is a great way to scale yours. There are many music essay examples, but the one crafted by our expert writers stands out in every possible way. You can learn what a great thesis statement looks like, how to write an engaging introduction, and what comprehensive body paragraphs should look like. 

Click on the sample below to see the music analysis essay example. 

How to Write a Music Essay with Steps

Writing music essays is definitely not rocket science, so don't be afraid. It's just like writing any other paper, and a music essay outline looks like any other essay structure.

music steps

  • Start by choosing a music essay topic. You can use our list above to get inspired. Choose a topic about music that feels more relevant and less researched so you can add brand-new insights. As we discussed, your music essay can be just about anything; it can be a concert report or an analytical paper about the evolution of music.
  • Continue by researching the topic. Gather all the relevant materials and information for your essay on music and start taking notes. You can use these notes as building blocks for the paper. Be prepared; even for short essays, you may need to read books and long articles.
  • Once you have all the necessary information, the ideas in your head will start to take shape. The next step is to develop a thesis statement out of all the ideas you have in your head. A thesis statement is a must as it informs readers what the entire music essay is about. Don't be afraid to be bold in your statement; new outlooks are always appreciated.
  • Next, you'll need a music essay introduction. Here you introduce the readers to the context and background information about the research topic. It should be clear, brief, and engaging. You should set the tone of your essay from the very beginning. Don't forget the introduction is where the thesis statement goes.
  • One of the most important parts of essay writing is crafting a central body paragraph about music. This is where you elaborate on your thesis, make main points, and support them with the evidence you gathered beforehand. Remember, your music essay should be well structured and depict a clear picture of your ideas.
  • Next, you will need to come up with an ideal closing paragraph. Here you will need to once again revisit the main points in your music essay, restate them in a logical manner and give the readers your final thoughts.
  • Don't forget to proofread your college essay. Whether you write a long or short essay on music, there will be grammatical and factual errors. Revise and look through your writing with a critical mind. You may find that some parts need rewriting.

Key Takeaways

Music essays are a pleasure to write and read. There are so many topics and themes to choose from, and if you follow our How to Write a Music Essay guide, you are guaranteed to craft a top-notch essay every time.

Be bold when selecting a subject even when unsure what is research essay topic on music, take the writing process easy, follow the academic standards, and you are good to go. Use our music essay sample to challenge yourself and write a professional paper. 

If you feel stuck and have no time our team of expert writers is always ready to give you help from all subject ( medical school personal statement school help ). Visit our website, submit your ' write my research paper ' request and a guaranteed A+ essay will be on your way in just one click.

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FAQs on Writing a Music Essay

Though music essay writing is not the hardest job on the planet, there are still some questions that often pop up. Now that you have a writing guide and a list of essay topics about music, it's time to address the remaining inquiries. Keep reading to find the answers to the frequently asked questions. 

Should Artists' Music be Used in Advertising?

What type of music is best for writing an essay, why do people love music.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

power of music essay writing

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Essay About Music for Any Student

Our extensive article will walk you through the complex process of writing an essay about music. We’ll present you with a step-by-step guide on conveying the subtleties of music through writing, from picking an exciting topic and doing extensive research to dissecting musical aspects and adding personal observations.

Whether you’re analyzing the historical significance of a musical era, assessing the influence of a particular musician or band, or investigating the cultural and emotional aspects of music, our guide seeks to provide you with the fundamental knowledge and abilities required to write a well-reasoned essay. Come along on this journey with us as we explore the skill of turning music’s profound message into an engaging story.

Essays about Music: Importance and Impact

Music is a profound expression of human creativity, emotion, and culture that transcends cultural boundaries. It serves as a companion, providing solace and amplifying the human experience. Its influence extends beyond individuals, shaping the collective identity of communities and contributing to global culture.

To effectively explore the world of writing about music, one must first understand the fundamental elements that constitute this universal language. The music encompasses a vast array of sounds organized in a structured manner, from classical symphonies to contemporary pop hits, traditional folk tunes, and avant-garde experimental compositions. The diversity of musical forms reflects the kaleidoscope of human creativity, and understanding this diversity lays the groundwork for appreciating the nuanced aspects of different genres and styles.

Music’s emotional and cultural impact is remarkable, as it evokes feelings ranging from joy to sorrow, nostalgia to anticipation. It is a vessel for cultural narratives, preserving traditions and reflecting the spirit of an era. Exploring music’s emotional and cultural dimensions provides writers with a rich tapestry of motifs to weave into their essays about music, allowing for a more profound exploration of the human experience through the lens of musical expression.

Choose Essay Topics About Music

The essay-writing process involves selecting a topic that shapes the narrative and allows the writer to explore the intricacies of musical expression, history, and cultural impact. There are three main ways to choose essay topics about music:

  • Selecting a specific genre or style: Each genre has unique characteristics, histories, and cultural contexts. For example, the evolution of hip-hop can be explored by examining its roots in African and African-American communities, its socio-political impact, and the artistic innovations that have shaped its trajectory over the decades.
  • Exploring the historical significance of a musical era: Music has reflected societal changes, political movements, and cultural shifts throughout history. Writers can focus on a specific period, such as the Renaissance, the Roaring Twenties, or the counterculture movements of the 1960s, and analyze how the music of that era influenced and was affected by the broader socio-political landscape. For example, an essay could explore the impact of the Beatles during the tumultuous 1960s, examining how their music mirrored the cultural upheavals of the time and influenced popular music.
  • Analyzing the impact of a particular artist or band: Focusing on the life and work of a specific artist or band allows for a detailed examination of their contributions to the musical landscape, unique style, artistic evolution, and lasting impact on music and society. For example, an essay focused on Bob Dylan’s impact could explore his role as a poet-prophet during the folk revival of the 1960s, his transition to electronic music, and his enduring influence on subsequent generations of musicians.

Understanding the background of the chosen topic is essential for providing readers with a comprehensive view of its development and significance. That’s what we are going to analyze further.

Understanding Music Essay Examples

In crafting an insightful essay about music, it is crucial to conduct thorough research. This involves using credible sources such as scholarly articles, books, academic journals, and reputable websites dedicated to music history, theory, and criticism. By drawing on authoritative sources, writers can ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information in their essays.

This involves delving into the historical evolution of the genre, key milestones, and cultural influences that shaped its trajectory. By studying the background, writers can contextualize the music within a broader historical narrative, unraveling the threads that connect artistic expression to the time’s social, political, and cultural landscapes. For example, if the essay focuses on the development of blues music, researching the historical roots in African American communities, migration patterns that spread the genre, and its evolution through different regions and eras would be integral to providing a nuanced understanding.

Understanding the cultural context of the music adds depth and richness to the narrative. Culture shapes and is shaped by music, and understanding this symbiotic relationship is crucial for a comprehensive analysis. Writers should explore the societal norms, values, and movements that influenced the creation and reception of the music they are examining. They should consider the cultural milieu, social dynamics, and even geographical influences that contributed to forming a particular musical style.

In conclusion, the research and information-gathering phase lays the groundwork for a well-informed and insightful exploration of the chosen music essay examples. By utilizing credible sources, studying the background, and understanding the cultural context, writers can embark on a journey that informs, captivates, and enriches the reader’s understanding of music in its multifaceted dimensions.

How to Write an Essay About Music – Valuable Insights

A well-structured essay about music is essential for capturing the reader’s attention and understanding of the subject matter. The essay should follow a structured approach, starting with an introduction about music essay that captures the reader’s attention with a compelling hook. This can be a thought-provoking question, anecdote, quote, or surprising fact. The thesis statement should clearly articulate the central argument or perspective of the essay, outlining the central theme and key points to be explored in subsequent sections.

The body paragraphs should be divided into distinct paragraphs dedicated to a specific aspect or point related to the thesis. Evidence and examples should be provided to support arguments, such as quoting lyrics, citing critical reviews, or referencing historical events. This helps provide a comprehensive understanding of the chosen topic.

Maintaining a logical flow between paragraphs is crucial, as it helps readers follow the logical progression of the essay and understand the relationships between different aspects of the topic. Transitional phrases and explicit connections between ideas help readers follow the logical progression of the essay.

In the conclusion, summarize critical points discussed in the body paragraphs, reinforcing the thesis statement and emphasizing how the evidence presented throughout the essay supports the overarching argument. This reinforces the central theme and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. In the Beatles essay, the conclusion might reiterate how their innovative approach to music defined a generation and left a significant mark on popular music history.

Lastly, the argumentative essay about music should leave a lasting impression on the reader by connecting the themes to broader cultural or societal implications or posing a thought-provoking question that encourages further reflection. In the case of the Beatles essay, the conclusion might invite readers to consider the ongoing impact of their music on contemporary artists or encourage reflection on the timeless nature of artistic innovation.


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Write a Strong Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement is vital for a music essay, providing a clear roadmap for the writer and the reader. It defines the central argument or perspective, ensures clarity and relevance, and sets the tone for music essays. A concise and focused articulation of the central argument or perspective is essential, such as analyzing the cultural impact of a genre, the artist’s style evolution, or the societal resonance of a musical movement.

Clarity is paramount in a thesis statement, as it should convey the essay’s main idea in a way that the reader quickly understands. Avoiding vague or overly broad statements enhances clarity and relevance.

The thesis statement serves as the introductory handshake between the writer and the reader, setting the tone for the essay. Depending on the essay’s nature, it can range from analytical and objective to passionate and subjective. For example, if the essay explores the emotional impact of a specific genre, the thesis might set a tone of subjective reflection.

Incorporating Analysis and Critique

An essay about my favorite music requires a nuanced analysis and critique that delves into the intricacies of musical elements, assesses the impact on the audience, and allows the music writer to offer personal insights and interpretations. The music essay writing should evaluate the musical elements such as lyrics, melody, harmony, and rhythm, focusing on their poetic qualities, thematic depth, and storytelling capacity. It should also explore the symbiotic relationship between the music and its audience, exploring how the chosen music resonates with listeners, triggers emotional responses, and influences societal attitudes.

This may involve examining historical reactions, critical reviews, or audience testimonials. When you write an essay about music, you should also offer personal insights and interpretations, allowing the writer to inject their voice into the narrative and share their views of the music’s meaning. This multifaceted approach to analysis and critique enriches the narrative and encourages readers to engage with the music more profoundly, resulting in a lasting impact.

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Power of Music: How Music Can Reduce Stress

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Words: 637 |

Published: Aug 31, 2023

Words: 637 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

The mind-body connection, rhythmic resonance and heart rate, stress hormone regulation, distraction and mood enhancement, personalized therapy and mindfulness, conclusion: a harmonious approach to stress reduction.

Image of Alex Wood

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power of music essay writing


Essay on Healing Power Of Music

Students are often asked to write an essay on Healing Power Of Music in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Healing Power Of Music


Music is a universal language that has the ability to touch hearts. It can make us feel happy, sad, relaxed, or energized. But did you know that music also has healing powers? It’s true! Music can help us heal both physically and emotionally.

The Science Behind Music Healing

Music therapy.

Music therapy is a special kind of treatment where music is used to help people heal. It can help people who are sick, injured, or dealing with emotional problems. Music therapists use different kinds of music to help people feel better.

Music and Emotions

Music can also help us deal with our feelings. When we listen to happy music, we feel happier. When we listen to sad music, it can help us understand our own sadness. This can be very healing, especially when we are going through tough times.

250 Words Essay on Healing Power Of Music

Music is a universal language that speaks to the soul. It has the power to lift our spirits, soothe our minds, and heal our hearts. This essay explores the healing power of music.

The Healing Power of Music

Music can make a big difference in our mood. When we are sad, a cheerful song can help us feel better. This is because music can change the way our brain works. It can increase the release of happy hormones, like dopamine, in our brain.

Music therapy is a special type of treatment where music is used to help people heal. It can help people who are sick, stressed, or have mental health problems. Music therapy can include listening to music, singing, or playing a musical instrument.

Music and Stress

Listening to calm and soothing music can reduce stress. It slows down our heart rate and makes us feel relaxed. This is why many people listen to music before they go to sleep.

In conclusion, music is a powerful tool for healing. It can help us feel better when we are sad, reduce stress, and even help in treating certain health problems. So, the next time you are feeling down, try listening to your favorite song. It might just be the medicine you need.

500 Words Essay on Healing Power Of Music

The power of music on the mind.

Music has a strong impact on our mind. It can change our mood in an instant. When we are feeling sad or upset, a cheerful song can lift our spirits. On the other hand, a soft and slow tune can help us relax when we are feeling stressed. Studies have shown that music can even improve our memory and attention. It can help students do better in school. That’s why many people listen to music while studying.

Music and the Body

Music doesn’t only affect our mind, but also our body. It can change our heart rate and breathing. Fast music can make our heart beat faster, and slow music can slow it down. This can be very helpful for people with heart problems. Music can also help reduce pain. Doctors often play soothing music in hospitals to help patients feel less pain.

Music is a great tool for expressing emotions. It can help us express feelings that we can’t put into words. When we listen to music, we often feel a connection with the song. It’s as if the song understands exactly how we are feeling. This can be very comforting, especially during tough times.

In conclusion, music is a powerful tool for healing. It can heal our mind, body, and soul. It can change our mood, help us express our emotions, improve our memory, reduce pain, and even help us recover from serious health problems. So, the next time you listen to your favorite song, remember that you are not just enjoying the tune. You are also healing yourself with the power of music.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Watch CBS News

Lionel Richie on the continuing power of "We Are the World"

By Tracy Smith

Updated on: June 9, 2024 / 10:05 AM EDT / CBS News

In the universe of pop music from the 1980s, there's one song that's especially hard to shake. In 1985, "We Are the World" was made to raise money for food aid to Africa. The song, and the saga of recording it, are now the subject of a Netflix documentary, "The Greatest Night in Pop."

Lionel Richie co-wrote the song, and he's the man who helped 46 of the biggest music stars on Earth record it in one crazy, all-night session in January 1985.

How did he do it? " Naiveté, number one," he replied. "And number two, we didn't have any distractions. There was no internet. There was no cell phone. There was nothing but purity of a thought, an idea, and how to get it done."

It all started with "Do They Know It's Christmas," the British charity single meant to raise awareness (and open wallets) for food aid to famine-ravaged Africa. Singer and philanthropist Harry Belafonte thought American artists could do the same, so he called super-agent Ken Kragen to help round up talent, and Kragen got Richie and Michael Jackson to write a song. "At the beginning, there was no terror at all, because we had no deadline – Whenever you could write it, we can write it. There's no problem ," said Richie.

They wrote at Jackson's house, with all of his pets, including a large snake, which rattled Richie: "I'm trying to write the lyrics to this song, and I'm screaming, and he's going, ''He wants to play with you, Lionel.'"

But Kragen kept calling more big names to join in, and the project started to snowball. "And next thing I know, Kragen calls on the phone and says, 'Ah, Bruce is in. Dylan's in.' 'Dylan, you mean, Bob Dylan? What are you talkin' about?' 'Well, Ray's coming.' 'Ray?' 'Charles. Ray is coming.' So, all of a sudden we went from just la-la-la to panic!"


Finally, with the song written, they made a plan to record it the night of the American Music Awards in January 1985, when all the big names in music were in Los Angeles. Richie hosted the three-hour show that night, but his main event started afterward, when the mega-stars started arriving for a recording session for the ages: Diana Ross, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and so many more.

Richie described it as "a room full of five-year-olds, and we're all amazed that we're there with each other, and getting used to each other. I call it the first day of first grade. So, you're all in the room without your parents, and we don't know exactly what we're doing. And Quincy's the parent. And he pulled it off."

So how did Quincy Jones keep the big talent, and all of those big egos, in line? Peer pressure. "I kept saying to Quincy, 'Is everyone going to go in a booth and sing their part?'" Richie recalled. "He said, 'No, we're gonna put them in a circle, and they'll be perfect every time we sing.' Why? 'Cause you're standing and looking into the rest of the class. You're gonna be perfect every time. And it was true. A little intimidating. In fact, did I say a little intimidating? I mean, now that I talk about now, it was terrifying! "

But the best moments of the night were when the immortals in the room let their guard down a bit, like when Diana Ross asked Daryl Hall for an autograph. "You just couldn't get enough of that," said Richie. "And then just to sit around and, 'Hey, man, I just want to tell you I'm a big fan,' and then we just melted into this family."

The session lasted well into the next morning, and for those in the room it was trying, and triumphant.

Asked if there was a moment he thought they wouldn't pull it off, Richie replied, "Several times. It was just fatigue at one point, once you get to four o'clock in the morning, and we're now putting on individual parts. Springsteen left the building on the last thing we put on this record at eight o'clock. So, around 7:30, 8:00 was his last la-la."

The single was released in March 1985. It went straight to #1, and raised tens of millions of dollars.

For one brief moment in time the world seemed to unite, just a little. "We actually thought we were going to wipe out hunger around the world," Richie said. "All we needed to do was just tell a few people, and the rest of the world would take over, and the whole world will run next door and save their next-door neighbors in their cities and their communities. And then, about three years later, the world went back to sleep."

But since the documentary premiered in January, there's been a renewed interest. The song "We Are the World" was back on the Billboard charts, and donations started flowing again – in the past six months, more than $600,000 and counting.

To Lionel Richie, it's not so much a song but a gift, and one that keeps on giving. "We raised a lotta money, yes," Richie said. "We kept thinking, Okay, we're gonna give away $5 million. Okay, hopefully we'll raise ten. Once you get to be 40 and 50? Whoa. What the heck just happened?

"But I remember calling Quincy on the phone. I said, 'Did we say we were giving away half the money or all the money?' He said, 'Don't try it. Lionel, don't try it. Don't try it. We're committing all the money.' I said, 'Oh, oh, yeah, I just wanted to make sure!' But then you realize we kept trying to stop 'We Are the World.' Okay, we're winding it down now. And the next thing we know, $2 million comes in. It's still breathing."

To watch a trailer for "The Greatest Night in Pop" click on the video player below:

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  • "The Greatest Night in Pop"  is streaming on Netflix
  • USA for Africa

      Story produced by John D'Amelio. Editor: Steven Tyler. 

  • Lionel Richie


Tracy Smith is a correspondent for "CBS News Sunday Morning" and "48 Hours." Smith is a versatile correspondent who is equally adept at interviewing actor and comic Billy Crystal as she is going head-to-head with outspoken New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Her work on "CBS News Sunday Morning" has included covering news, the arts, pop culture and celebrity interviews.

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Student essays will be featured during the ‘Levy County Flag Day Ceremony’

BRONSON, Fla. (WCJB) - Schools out, but Levy County leaders are ready to feature some essays during a Flag Day ceremony.

They’re challenging students to write an essay in 100 words or less under the prompt “What the American Flag means to me.”

The winning submission will be read aloud at the ‘Levy County Flag Day Ceremony’ on June. 14.

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Jonathan Swan

By Jonathan Swan ,  Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

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February 02, 2024 Feature

2023 eli writing competition winning essay: tickets to ride: nfts and the future of concert ticketing, by aron lichtschein, i. introduction.

As laid bare by both the recent Taylor Swift Eras Tour ticket sale fiasco (which found millions of fans waiting for hours in virtual Ticketmaster queues, only to be met with “no more tickets available” prompts), as well as a Bad Bunny concert earlier this month in Mexico City (slated to be one of the largest concerts ever to take place in the city, but which quickly descended into a scene of pandemonium as thousands of ticket holders mistakenly had their tickets rejected at the doors by malfunctioning scanning machines), the case can be made for NFTs to be used to help address the ills currently plaguing ticketing in the live music sphere. Specifically, NFTs offer much utility to the concert ticketing space as they can help combat the prevalence of fake tickets in the market, deter scalpers from buying up tickets and reselling them for exorbitant prices and enable artists to gain control over secondary sales.

II. NFT Primer

For those who have somehow managed to steer clear of the NFT space, a brief primer is in order. NFTs are immutable digital records that link to digital or physical objects in order to provide clear and unalterable proof of ownership. 1 Each NFT is unique and distinct (by dint of the unique line of code each is composed of) and is hence designated as non-fungible. They are created through a process called minting, in which information about the NFT is published on a blockchain (that is, a decentralized, transparent online ledger) and which results in the creation of a tradable asset. Through such minting, the newly created NFT becomes a unique token linked to a blockchain address that possesses publicly accessible metadata, such as the wallet address that owns the token in question, as well as the unbroken chain of the token’s provenance and historical sales prices. 2 And perhaps most novel, NFTs stored on a blockchain network ensure authenticity and that ownership is secure and easily verifiable, as they are virtually etched in time, unchanging and readily accessible.

Additionally, NFTs minted on a blockchain take the form of smart contracts. Such embedded contracts can be designed to automatically control or document events and execute actions according to predefined terms. 3 For example, smart contracts can be utilized to automatically assign ownership (once an NFT is purchased) and manage the transferability of the token in question to a different owner (once it is resold). They can also be constructed to creatively perform operations such as providing royalties to the individual who initially sold the NFT upon subsequent resales. The smart contracts underlying NFTs also provide a means of security, mandating that such tokens cannot be divided and that they are truly non-replicable. 4 Such smart contract programmability and bespoke tailoring represent significant forms of innovation readily applicable to the ticketing space.

III. Concert Ticket Market Woes

The concert ticket marketplace is currently beset by a number of infrastructural woes. For starters, the marketplace is flooded with fraudulent and fake tickets. These scams can take the form of the same digital e-ticket being photoshopped and sold many times over (though such a ticket can only be scanned once) or the manipulation and mass creation of fake e-tickets. This issue of counterfeit tickets is so widespread in fact, that nearly one in ten people purchasing a concert ticket online falls prey to a scam (which is estimated to result in yearly loss of roughly $2bn). 5 This woeful 10% figure is currently all but inevitable, as there are no central, trustworthy resources by which a ticket’s validity can be confirmed.

Perhaps even more harmful to unsuspecting ticket seekers are the scalpers who proliferate in the space. Such scalpers run amok and frequently utilize sophisticated software bots to snap up tickets on the primary market mere milliseconds after they go on sale. 6 While such bot-usage is a federal crime, 7 bots continue to wreak havoc on the ticketing landscape. In fact, it has been estimated that bots make up a whopping 40% or so of all activity taking place on primary ticketing platforms. 8 Likewise, they assuredly make up nearly all of the activity taking place on the secondary ticketing platforms.

Taylor Swift’s previously mentioned Eras Tour ticket sale meltdown profoundly crystallizes just how out-of-hand secondary market ticket prices can get. Despite Ticketmaster’s ostensible introduction of measures to aid fans in landing primary market tickets (at prices ranging from $49 - $449), endless Swift fans were left empty handed once the tickets quickly sold out. More vexing to fans was secondary ticket sites almost immediately inundated with the tickets they sought priced at gallingly high figures (some listed for a dizzying $30k). 9 Though the stratospheric heights of such resale prices are uniquely off the charts as a result of Swift’s singularly rabid fan base, they nonetheless help lay bare the ubiquitous price gouging that occurs for nearly every sought-after concert. In fact, it is estimated that the global secondary ticket market will reach nearly $15bn dollars by 2025, most of which stands to be pocketed by scalpers. 10

Tellingly, consumers aren’t the only ones fed up with obscenely high secondary market ticket prices. In fact, a number of prominent artists have been scathingly forthright in voicing similar frustration with the status quo. Earlier this year, for instance, Bruce Springsteen explained that a portion of tickets to his highly anticipated 2023 U.S. tour hit the primary market at shockingly high prices (upwards of $5k per ticket in some cases), as “...[t]he ticket broker or someone is going to be taking that money,” and Springsteen thus contending, “...why shouldn’t that money go to the guys that are going to be up there sweating three hours a night for it?”. 11 Springsteen further expounded that his team were compelled to greenlight the exorbitant ticket prices as a result of “…ticket buying [getting] very confusing, not just for the fans, but for the artists also…Those tickets…are going to go for that [higher] price somewhere anyway”. 12 Whereas Springsteen doesn’t exactly require sympathy, espousing these views shortly after his music catalog was purchased for a figure north of $500mm, 13 the point he makes certainly has merit. How it must be exasperating for artists to see tickets to their shows resold at significant premiums, of which they see no profit. Such an occurrence is a manifestation of the market inefficiency that benefits scalpers at the expense of the artist and the audience member.

Other musicians have attempted to counter this untenable price gouging situation in compelling but ultimately imperfect ways. For example, Seattle grunge stalwarts, Pearl Jam, designated all tickets for a recent tour of theirs as mobile-only and non-transferable at a price other than face. 14 Despite being a laudable step to cutting out scalpers, the shortcomings of this approach include the transfer of tickets only allowed to take place in the preordained transfer app, thereby limiting the potential base of consumers who may have wanted to buy such resale tickets but couldn’t find the app. Additionally, the strict requirement that all concert attendees may only enter with the ticket purchaser is less than ideal as it likely leads to ticket holders having to huddle together in the cold (and to possibly even miss some of the show) in order to wait for a friend running late for one reason or another.

Another creative attempt to neutralize scalper’s grip on the secondary market has been proffered by the country music superstar, Garth Brooks. Brooks’ strategy takes the form of inundating the market with concerts in order to meet fans’ demand for tickets (in some instances he has played 10+ consecutive shows in a given city). Such bloated scheduling is effective, as it blunts the traditionally mismatched supply and demand exploited by scalpers. Yet, it is far from scalable. Many artists don’t have the luxury of, as Brooks puts it “[ing] to a half [empty] house” 15 , and, unlike Brooks, don’t have a plethora of sold-out shows on their docket to help mitigate the financial loss from sparsely attended shows. Furthermore, the stamina required and simple desire to play such a volume of concerts (which may lead to feelings of monotony and stasis) is far from a given for most performers. As such, this approach to neutralizing scalpers and ticket price gouging is interesting but ultimately not the answer.

IV. NFT Tickets: The Bane of Scalpers and Price Gougers Everywhere

As detailed thus far, rampant fake tickets, scalper hegemony and altogether abject price gouging are part and parcel of the current ticket market. These hurdles beset just about anyone attempting to buy concert tickets, a stain on the touring industry. A stain that serves few and critically, is largely not the fault of artists, labels or concert venues. Instead, the locus of the lackluster status quo is largely the outdated technology used to represent tickets. Especially with paper tickets largely obsolete, the digital tickets that currently run the concert space are easily gamable and untraceable. NFTs very much can and should be integrated into the concert ticketing world as a means of ameliorating such shortcomings.

A foundational, essential argument for NFTs to be introduced as concert tickets en masse is the ability of NFTs to effectively eradicate fake tickets overnight. Scams proliferating flourish largely because the current ticket landscape has no widespread, readily accessible mode of asserting a ticket’s provenance (which could be used to trace a particular ticket back to its issuance by a primary source). As such, unless a third-party ticket is bought through an authorized, verified third party (such as StubHub, who charges sizable fees for verification and hosting services), the purchaser is in some way rolling the dice whenever they buy tickets on the secondary market.

NFTs almost by definition solve this issue as they are one-of-a-kind tokens stored on a specific blockchain, transferable directly from the tickets’ issuer to the buyer’s wallet with no intermediary required. 16 Such NFT tickets can feature unique and unfalsifiable QR codes enabling access to an event, and crucially, bar entry to unauthorized parties using falsified tickets. 17 They also cannot be duplicated or altered and only can be transferred via blockchain transactions. Ticketing integrity is accordingly insured as all transacting activity can be scrutinized and confirmed. The most profound breakthrough NFTs present is the facilitation of transactions in a trustless system that enables parties to verify the authenticity of the transaction and thus confidently interact and trade without personally knowing or needing to vet each other. 18

Blockchain immutability similarly enables a near-immediate way of verifying veracity and tracing a given ticket’s historical path, from its minting through all subsequent resales. It also ensures that forgeries cannot exist. Prior to purchasing such a ticket, secondary market purchasers can gain ironclad confidence of authenticity by scanning the blockchain the ticket is native to, in order to determine its ownership history, via the use of Blockchain explorer tools. 19 With all of the preceding noted, it becomes abundantly clear that the digital access credentials NFTs possess can provide much needed transparency to the concert ticket space.

Another potentially powerful blow to the prevailing presence of scalpers and price gouging in the ticket market is rooted in the smart contracts programmable within NFTs. Scalpers currently have completely free, unadulterated reign to charge as much as they want for tickets on the secondary market. They are, in fact, even incentivized to post tickets at exorbitant prices so that consumers either feel forced to splurge on such tickets, or, peg their expectations of what they’ll need to pay to go to the show at such price levels. So, if ticket prices are subsequently lowered, they will think they are getting a good deal, which they are not. The pot is further sweetened for scalpers by the fact that they are currently able to retain 100% of the profit generated by secondary sales (as previously detailed, artists don’t currently receive any further revenue from tickets after they are sold on the primary market).

NFT tickets incorporating smart contracts can help throw a wrench directly into this lackluster status quo. First, programmable into such smart contracts are features such as predetermined secondary sales price-caps (that is, resale price maximum limits). 20 In such use cases, NFT smart contracts can be programmed to disallow a sale’s execution if the price being paid exceeds a specific, predefined price. Such price-caps can serve as an effective means of deterrence to scalpers, swiftly foreclosing them from price gouging on the secondary market.

Artists and tour promoters can go even further and program NFT tickets to be either fully non-transferable under any circumstances (that is, completely immovable to another digital wallet), or transferable to other wallets only at tickets’ initial minting price. 21 In doing so, artists can decisively insure that those purchasing concert tickets are individuals genuinely seeking to catch some live music (instead of those simply pursuing profits). Such transfers occurring on the immediately accessible, widely available blockchain can be distinguished from the aforementioned Pearl Jam transfer-conditions that were limited to a discreet, potentially inaccessible app and thus not as appealing nor user-friendly.

Another breakthrough component of NFT tickets is that they can be programmed to automatically share revenue from future transactions with its creators, initial owners, or even third parties. 22 A percentage of profits generated from secondary sales of NFT tickets can be hardcoded into the smart contract to be sent in an automated fashion to preassigned parties. The artist has complete discretion as to the amount of profit they can opt to receive from secondary sales, as well as to whom such money is sent. Such royalties can crucially help cure the current ticket market’s failure to have artists benefit from the resale market. In fact, introducing this revenue share will finally enable artists to participate in the full economic lifespan of the ticket. 23

Taken together, NFT tickets’ ability to come with preset secondary sales price caps as well as provide royalties made off of such sales to primary artists, may truly come to represent a silver bullet that provides a death knell to the scalping industry. To illustrate this, consider the following hypothetical: whereas a scalper can currently deploy bots on the primary market to secure the best seats in the house to a Bob Dylan show on his Never Ending Tour for $300 each and shortly thereafter resell them for $5k a piece (pocketing the entirety of the outsized profit of $4.7k per ticket), Dylan’s team could instead use NFT ticket smart contracts to program the very same tickets to have a resale cap of say 25% of the original purchase price (so, a $375 max resale price per ticket in this example) of which, 25% of the profit ($18.75 per ticket) is preprogrammed to be sent to Dylan, leaving the scalper to pocket the negligible remaining 75% of the profit ($56.25 per ticket). Clearly, the magnitude of profit potential is immensely different in these two instances, thus establishing that smart contract mechanisms can be extremely effective in decisively diminishing the ability of third parties to profit on the secondary market. Such newly minted returns can be counted on to quickly disincentivize scalpers from making the investment of time and money currently needed to engage in the resale racket, and thus return power to artists and consumers alike.

V. Legal Considerations

The utilization of NFTs as tickets is a further alluring prospect as few legal hurdles currently abound. Of course, as with all other digital ephemera, the creator of such NFT tickets must ensure that any artworks accompanying tickets comply with general intellectual property laws (things such as trademark, copyright, etc.). 24 Crucially, however, one would be hard-pressed to assert that the Supreme Court’s Howey test, which looms large over many other NFT use-cases, applies to NFT tickets. Howey and subsequent case law suggest that an investment contract exists (and thus, onerous SEC oversight applies) in instances involving money invested into a common enterprise with ensuing reasonable expectation of profits derived from others’ efforts. 25 The only “profits” NFT concert ticket buyers stand to make are those ineffable feelings of elation provided by live music, a lackluster (if not endearing) argument to say the least. For this reason (among others), the Howey test is likely outside of the scope of ticket NFTs. Further confidence in the smart contract technology underlying such NFTs was voiced in a recent Senate Joint Economic Committee report which noted that smart contracts are “rooted in basic contract law” and effectively serve the same purpose as judicial or arbitration enforcement, only with the nuance of “...a program enforc[ing] the contract built into the code.” 26 In short, the legal and congressional landscape bode well for the potential flourishing of NFT tickets, significant factors underscoring their attractiveness.

VI. Conclusion

As has been explored in this paper, the legacy concert ticket industry is ripe for innovation. Accordingly, NFT tickets appear destined to shake up the space and revolutionize the way such tickets are currently sold, resold and more generally, regarded. In fact, some in the industry have bullishly speculated that the NFT ticketing market is poised to comprise 25% of the total ticketing market by 2027. 27 Time will tell if this seismic change in ticketing indeed occurs in that timeframe. If it has not, it will nonetheless likely only be a matter of “when”, not “if”, NFT tickets are ubiquitous and the new normal.

The benefits and selling points of NFTs as concert tickets are incontrovertible: they can utilize blockchain technology to assure authenticity of tickets (to the chagrin of fraudsters) and they enable an artist to control the secondary market sales of tickets to their shows (while also providing them a royalty upon such secondary sales). Such factors, considered altogether, can help control returns to artists and ultimately stand to mark a powerful innovation for the touring music industry establishment.

1 . Jolene Creighton and Scott Summers, NFTs Explained: A Must-Read Guide to Everything Non-Fungible , nftnow (Oct. 6, 2022), .

3 . Jake Frankenfield, What Are Smart Contracts on the Blockchain and How They Work , Investopedia (Mar. 24, 2022), .

4 . Gretchen Andrew, NFTs Use ‘Smart’ Contracts—But What Exactly Are They? , The Art Newspaper (Aug. 17, 2022), .

5 . Ferdinand Regner, André Schweizer & Nils Urbach, NFTs in Practice – Non-Fungible Tokens as Core Component of a Blockchain-based Event Ticketing Application , ResearchGate (Dec. 2019), .

6 . Jonathan Greig, Ticketmaster Blames ‘Bot Attacks’ for Taylor Swift Ticket Fiasco , The Record (Nov. 21, 2022), .

7 . Allison Considine, The Battle Between Bots and the Ticket Industry Continues , Western Arts Alliance , :~:text=In%20December%20of%202016%2C%20President,ticketing%20rules%20a%20federal%20offense, (last visited Nov. 19, 2022).

8 . Oisin Lunny, Battle For $15.19 Billion Secondary Ticket Market Heats Up With First Europe-Wide Anti Touting Law , Forbes (Jun. 24, 2019), .

9 . Jennifer Murphy, How NFTs Could Have Saved The Taylor Swift Tour Presale , QIC’s Blog (Nov. 17, 2022), .

10 . Gareth Jenkinson, NFT Utility to Remedy Ticketing Dilemmas? Experts Weigh In , Cointelegraph (Jul. 25, 2022), .

11 . Andy Greene, Bruce Springsteen Breaks Down His R&B Covers LP — and Responds to Fan Outrage Over Ticket Prices , Rolling Stone (Nov. 18, 2022), .

13 . Ben Sisario, Bruce Springsteen Sells Music Catalog in Massive Deal , New York Times (Dec. 15, 2021), .

14 . Olivia Perreault, Pearl Jam, Ticketmaster End Feud To Combat Ticket Resale , Ticket News (Jan. 16, 2020), .

15 . Briar Stewart & Terry Reith, Meeting Demand Helps Beat Ticket Scalpers, Garth Brooks Says , CBC (Feb. 18, 2017), .

16 . The Complete Guide to NFT Tickets , SupraOracles (Aug. 16, 2022), .

17 . Josh Katz, Why We Need NFT Ticketing for Sports Events , CoinDesk (Jul. 29, 2022), .

18 . All You Need to Know About NFT Smart Contracts , Binance Blog (Aug. 4, 2022), .

19 . Diego Geroni, List Of 7 Best Blockchain Explorers , 101 Blockchains (May 17, 2021), https://101 .

20 . Jennifer Murphy, How NFTs Could Have Saved The Taylor Swift Tour Presale , QIC’s Blog (Nov. 17, 2022), .

21 . Cathy Breed, NFTs Are Ready to Disrupt the Ticketing World! , Medium (May 23, 2021), .

22 . NFT Tickets - So Much More Than Just Pretty Pictures , Oveit, , (last visited Nov. 3, 2022).

23 . Bradley J. Baker, Anthony D. Pizzo & Yiran Su, Non-Fungible Tokens: A Research Primer and Implications for Sport Management , Sports Innovation Journal , 2022, 1, 1–15 (Mar. 23, 2022), .

24 . Your NFT Playbook , National Law Review (Jul. 1, 2021), .

25 . SEC v. W.J. Howey Co., 328 U.S. 293 (1946).

26 . Benjamin Kazenoff, NFTs, Blockchain Technology, and Copyrights: How the Future of the Music Industry Will Be Decentralized , Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Journal (2021), .

27 . Prashant Jha, Beyond Collectibles: How NFTs Are Revamping the Ticketing Industry , Cointelegraph (Apr. 23, 2022), .

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Aron Lichtshein was a 3L student at NYU Law School when he wrote this article. He recently passed the New York Bar and will be starting at as an Associate at Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLP in the firm’s Technology and Intellectual Property Transactions Group.


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    The right lyrics have the power to fuel our imagination, challenge our thinking, and elevate our writing to new heights. Creating a Distraction-Free Environment: Tips for Using Music Effectively. When it comes to essay writing, having a distraction-free environment is essential for focusing and improving productivity.

  2. Essay on Music for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Music. Music is a vital part of different moments of human life. It spreads happiness and joy in a person's life. Music is the soul of life and gives immense peace to us. In the words of William Shakespeare, "If music is the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die

  3. Role of Music in Our Life

    Role of Music in Our Life Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda®. Music is one of the greatest and most mysterious spheres of art, which is worth admiring. It is music that speaking to our heart makes people laughing and crying. Music is one of the strongest means of a persons inspiration and one of the most important part of our life.

  4. Music and Its Impact on Our Lives Essay (Critical Writing)

    The ability of music to influence human consciousness was known from the earliest stages of development of the society. Get a custom Critical Writing on Music and Its Impact on Our Lives. Relaxing and calming at the beginning, it can become energetic and aggressive just in a moment, causing great changes in your mood.

  5. Practice makes perfect: The power of music and academic study

    Juxtaposition is also important both in music and in essay writing. In essays, we develop an argument by piecing together information from different perspectives, leading to a critical conclusion. In a symphony, the first movement introduces the themes, the second movement develops them (usually in a slow and lyrical way), leading to a third ...

  6. PDF How to Write an Essay in Music Planning, materials, analysis

    How to Write an Essay in Music _____ 5 The Writing Centre, University of Adelaide March 2021 Comparative essays In comparative essays, you examine specific aspects of two or more works or artists to provide a comparison. In these essays, avoid merely describing the two works and expecting the reader to make the connections and comparisons.

  7. The Power of Music Essay

    The Power of Music Essay. "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.". These were the words of Sergei Rachmaninoff, a Russian composer and pianist who was very influential in the twentieth century. Sergei's perception of music was accurate because he understood the impact and significance music can have.

  8. How to Write a Great College Essay About Music (with examples)

    Key Takeaway. When writing a college essay about music, it's important to avoid cliches and approach the topic in a deeply personal and meaningful way. Whether you focus on music as an academic interest or a significant extracurricular, you should show off your intellectual spark or personal strengths. Ask any admissions officer if they've ...

  9. How to Write a Music Essay: Topics and Examples

    The music essay titles below can inspire you to write a captivating essay: How music can be used to promote cultural awareness and understanding. The benefits of music education in promoting creativity and innovation. The social benefits of participating in music groups. The Impact of Music on Memory and Learning.

  10. The Transformative Power of Music: Argumentative Paper

    Music has always been an integral part of human existence, from primitive societies to modern civilization. The enjoyment of music is universal, and its impact on human psychology and well-being is profound. Many researchers have explored the cognitive and emotional impact of music, indicating its transformative power on individuals and society ...

  11. Essay on Importance of Music

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Music in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... The Emotional Impact of Music. Music has the power to evoke deep emotions, making us feel happy, sad, excited, or peaceful. It's a ...

  12. Writing Essay About Music ― Everything You Need to Know ️

    Essays about Music: Importance and Impact. Music is a profound expression of human creativity, emotion, and culture that transcends cultural boundaries. It serves as a companion, providing solace and amplifying the human experience. Its influence extends beyond individuals, shaping the collective identity of communities and contributing to ...

  13. The Influence of Music on Me and My Life: [Essay Example], 757 words

    The piano, guitar, bass, and specifically vocal performance have all contributed to my deep, emotional connection for music. Listening to and playing music has made me a happier, healthier and more productive person. It brings me hope, power, and puts me in more control of my life. It feeds and enhances my soul, filling my life with riches I ...

  14. Power of Music: How Music Can Reduce Stress

    Informative On Music Therapy Essay. Music therapy is a powerful and effective form of treatment that harnesses the healing power of music. It has a rich history, with roots in ancient civilizations, and has evolved into a recognized profession in the 20th century.

  15. The power of music

    The power of music. Music surrounds us in our everyday lives. We hear it when we are in the car, at work, when we are shopping, at restaurants, at doctor's offices, and many more places. The music serves a purpose other than entertainment at many of these places. Music has the power to influence mood and behavior in people and it is no secret ...

  16. The Power of Music Essay

    The Power of Music. Music is the expression of emotion through the medium of sound. From the very first moment a human heard a songbird and endeavored to recreate that beauty, or beat on a hollow log and found the rhythm compelling, music has become the most powerful freedom given by God. Music, in itself, is a characteristic common and unique ...

  17. The power of music

    The power of music How music can so powerfully impact our bodies and minds defies rational explanation. Through our senses, music can mysteriously reach our deepest emotions without using lan-guage or images. Even if we do not understand it intellectu-ally, music speaks to us, and can transform our experience. Music is often a communal experience.

  18. Essay on Music Has the Power to Heal

    250 Words Essay on Music Has the Power to Heal The Healing Power of Music. Music, an art form that transcends boundaries and cultures, has a profound influence on our emotions and body. It is an omnipresent force, often overlooked for its therapeutic potential. The healing power of music is a topic of increasing interest within the scientific ...

  19. Music Essay: Importance of Music Essay for Students in English

    10 Pointers to Write the Importance of Music Essay. Music is the abyss of our deepest emotions. Its magic is an unexplained mystery that has enormous power to conquer human minds. The literal meaning of music is the combination of pleasant sounds that soothes us when we hear it. Music is the art of combining and tuning the combination of sounds ...

  20. Essay on Healing Power Of Music

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Healing Power Of Music in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... 500 Words Essay on Healing Power Of Music Introduction. Music is a universal language that touches the soul. It can make us feel ...

  21. Free Essay: The Power of Music

    English 135. Essay # 1. The Power of Music The high pitched sound of a violin, the deep thump of a bass drum, the sultry voice of a singer, or the powerful words of a lyricist - all of these show the power of music. Music can cheer you up when you are sad or calm you down when you are excited or anxious.

  22. The Healing Power of Music Essay

    The Healing Power of Music Essay. Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to take over-the-counter drugs or prescribed medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod.

  23. Music Essay Writing

    The Healing Power of Music Essay. Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to take over-the-counter drugs or prescribed medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod.

  24. Lionel Richie on the continuing power of "We Are the World"

    Four decades ago, Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson teamed up to write a charity song to raise funds to fight famine in Africa - and they got the biggest stars of the music world in the same ...

  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out ...

  26. Opinion

    America's Military Is Not Prepared for War — or Peace. Mr. Wicker, a Republican, is the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. "To be prepared for war," George ...

  27. Nigeria nationwide strike: Union workers shut down national grid in

    A nationwide strike in Nigeria brought air travel to a standstill and plunged the country into darkness on Monday as union workers forcibly removed operators at the national grid, the nation's ...

  28. Student essays will be featured during the 'Levy County ...

    BRONSON, Fla. (WCJB) - Schools out, but Levy County leaders are ready to feature some essays during a Flag Day ceremony. They're challenging students to write an essay in 100 words or less under the prompt "What the American Flag means to me.". The winning submission will be read aloud at the 'Levy County Flag Day Ceremony' on June.

  29. Trump Plans to Expand Presidential Power Over Agencies in 2025

    Doug Mills/The New York Times. Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in ...

  30. 2023 ELI Writing Competition Winning Essay: Tickets to Ride: NFTs and

    II. NFT Primer . For those who have somehow managed to steer clear of the NFT space, a brief primer is in order. NFTs are immutable digital records that link to digital or physical objects in order to provide clear and unalterable proof of ownership. 1 Each NFT is unique and distinct (by dint of the unique line of code each is composed of) and is hence designated as non-fungible.