Speech on Discipline

3 minutes speech on discipline.

Good morning everyone presents here. I stand before you to deliver a speech on discipline. Jim Rohan has beautifully quoted that discipline is the link between goals and success. Discipline is an act of rules and regulation which we follow from our childhood till the end of our life. A well-disciplined people perform their work in the right way and in a given time.

Speech on discipline

Source: pixabay.com

Discipline is something that keeps every person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life. Everybody follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Although, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some person considers it a part of their life and some don’t. The temporary pleasure that gives is not the real pleasure of freedom.

Importance and Types of Discipline

Without discipline, the life of an individual will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined individual can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not. Besides, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life. Then you need discipline. It makes things easy for you to handle. It ultimately brings success to your life.

If we talk about the types of discipline, there are two types. The first type is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline. Induced discipline is something that others impart us or we learn by seeing others. While self- discipline derives from within. We learn it on our own self. Self-discipline needs a lot of motivation and support from others.

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The Need for Discipline

We want discipline in almost everywhere in life. So, it is good to practice discipline from the early stages of our life. Self-discipline means different things to different persons. For students, its meaning is different. For an employee its meaning is different. And for children its meaning is different.

Furthermore, the meaning of discipline changes with the phases of life and priority. Not everybody can be disciplined because it involves a lot of hard work and dedication. Also, it needs a positive mind and a healthy body. One has to be strict with discipline. So that he or she can successfully complete the road of success.

Advantages of Discipline

The disciple is a staircase by which the person can achieve success. It helps a person to concentrate on his/her goals in life. Also, it does not allow him/her derivate from the goal. Moreover, it brings perfection in a person’s life by training and educating the mind and body of the person. So that he or she can respond to the rules and regulations.

If we talk about professional life, then disciplined persons are always getting more opportunities than the undisciplined person. Also, it adds an exceptional element to the personality of the individual. Besides, the individual leaves a positive impact on the mind of people wherever she or he goes.

In conclusion, I may say that discipline is one of the key elements of our life. An individual can only be successful if she or he strictly live a healthy and disciplined life. Besides, the discipline also helps us in many ways. It motivates the person around us to be disciplined. Above all, discipline helps the individual to achieve the success that he or she wants in life.

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Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

Points to Remember for Preparing a Speech on Discipline

10 line speech on discipline, short speech on discipline, long speech on discipline.

Discipline, often perceived as a set of rules, is indeed a ladder to reach the zenith of our potential. It’s a trait that not only shapes our academic journey but also our character. As students of life, you may come across opportunities to study discipline in detail and discuss it. To make learning easier, we have drafted some of the top speech examples on discipline for children. These speeches for school students aim to shed light on the significance of discipline and how it can be a guiding star in your journey of life. Let’s explore together, understanding why discipline is the silent force behind many success stories.

Delivering a speech on discipline is not just about sharing information; it’s about inspiring and motivating your audience. Whether you’re addressing students, educators, or a broader audience, the essence of your message should ignite a desire for self-improvement and a deeper understanding of discipline. Let’s explore some key points to consider while preparing your speech.

1. Define Discipline in a Relatable Context

Start by defining discipline in a way that resonates with your audience. Explain how it’s more than just following rules; it’s about self-regulation, commitment, and the pursuit of excellence. Use examples or stories to illustrate its importance in everyday life.

2. Highlight the Benefits of Discipline

Discuss the numerous benefits of being disciplined, such as improved academic performance, better time management, enhanced self-esteem, and greater life satisfaction. Make these benefits tangible and relatable to your audience.

3. Use Inspirational Examples

Incorporate stories or anecdotes of individuals who have achieved success through discipline. These can be historical figures, contemporary personalities, or even personal experiences. Such examples can serve as powerful motivators.

4. Address Common Challenges

Acknowledge the challenges in maintaining discipline, such as distractions, procrastination, and lack of motivation. Offer practical solutions or strategies to overcome these challenges, showing empathy and understanding.

5. Incorporate Interactive Elements

Engage your audience with questions, hypothetical scenarios, or quick exercises. This interaction makes your speech more engaging and helps in driving the point home more effectively.

6. Emphasize the Role of Discipline in Personal Growth

Discuss how discipline aids in personal development, character building, and the achievement of long-term goals. Highlight its role in shaping one’s future and its positive impact on various aspects of life.

7. Conclude With a Call to Action

End your speech with a compelling call to action. Encourage your audience to reflect on their personal discipline level and take steps towards improving it. Your conclusion should inspire and motivate them to make a positive change.

Crafting a concise yet impactful speech can be a challenging task. For young learners, especially those in classes 1, 2, and 3, it’s essential to keep the message simple and relatable. Here’s a 10-line speech, ideal as a 1-minute speech on discipline, tailored for young minds to grasp the essence of this vital attribute.

  • Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about something very important – discipline.
  • Discipline is like a magic key that can help us be better at school and at home.
  • It means listening to our teachers and parents and doing our tasks on time.
  • When we are disciplined, we finish our homework, eat healthily, and go to bed on time.
  • It also means we are polite, don’t talk when others are talking, and wait for our turn.
  • Being disciplined helps us learn better and make good friends.
  • It’s not always easy, but when we try hard, we can do it!
  • Discipline is not just about rules; it’s about taking care of ourselves and respecting others.
  • Remember, even superheroes need discipline to be strong and kind!
  • Let’s all try to be a little more disciplined every day and see how it makes our lives better!

This short speech on Discipline for classes 1, 2, and 3 is designed to be engaging and easy for young students to understand, emphasizing the positive aspects of discipline in a fun and relatable manner.

In crafting a short speech on discipline, particularly for primary class students, it’s vital to strike a balance between simplicity and inspiration. The aim is to convey the message effectively within a limited timeframe. Here, we present two samples of speeches, each tailored for a duration of 2 to 3 minutes, perfect for engaging young minds in the concept of discipline.

Good morning, respected teachers and dear friends. Today, I want to share a few thoughts on a very special word – ‘discipline’. Discipline is the secret ingredient to doing well in school and life. It means doing our homework on time, listening to our teachers, and following the rules at school and home. But it’s not just about rules. It’s about setting a good routine, like going to bed early, eating healthy food, and keeping our things organized.

When we are disciplined, we find more time to play, study, and do fun activities. It helps us become better learners and friends. We feel proud and happy when we are disciplined. So, let’s promise to be disciplined, not just because we have to, but because it helps us grow into wonderful people. Thank you for listening, and let’s make discipline our best friend!

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends. Today, I am here to talk about something that helps us every day – discipline. Discipline is not just about following rules; it’s about self-control and responsibility. It means doing our schoolwork with care, being kind to our friends, and helping at home.

Imagine discipline as a magic tool that helps us do our best in everything. When we are disciplined, we wake up on time, finish our tasks, and even have time for playing and exploring new things. It makes us feel confident and proud. Being disciplined also means respecting others, waiting for our turn, and listening when others speak.

It’s like being the captain of a ship; we guide ourselves in the right direction. Sometimes, it can be hard, but remember, every great person we read about in books was disciplined. So, let’s try every day to be a little more disciplined. Let’s make it our superpower to achieve our dreams and be our best. Thank you for your attention, and let’s embark on this journey of discipline together!

These speeches, tailored as a 2 to 3-minute speech on discipline, are designed to be engaging and informative for primary class students, highlighting the importance of discipline in a manner that is both accessible and motivating.

Discipline Habits in kids

Delving into a long speech on discipline allows for a comprehensive exploration of this vital life skill. Such speeches are informative and transformative, providing insights and inspiring change. Whether addressing a student assembly or a broader audience, these speeches aim to illuminate the various dimensions of discipline. Below are two samples, each delving into different aspects of discipline, ideal for a detailed 5-minute speech on discipline.

Good morning to all. Today, I have the privilege of speaking about a topic that is fundamental to our success and personal development – discipline. Discipline is often perceived as a set of rules or restrictions, but in reality, it is the propellant that drives us towards our goals. The inner strength helps us overcome obstacles, maintain focus, and pursue excellence in all walks of life.

In the realm of education, discipline is the backbone of learning. It’s not just about adhering to school rules; it’s about cultivating a mindset of perseverance and commitment to your studies. Discipline is about setting goals, managing time effectively, and maintaining a balance between work and play.

However, the role of discipline extends far beyond the classroom. It’s a key ingredient in shaping one’s character. A disciplined individual exhibits qualities like punctuality, reliability, and self-control. These traits are essential in building a respectable persona and succeeding in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional endeavours.

Moreover, discipline is crucial in maintaining physical and mental well-being. It guides us to lead a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or adequate rest. It also fosters mental resilience, enabling us to stay positive and steady even in challenging situations.

Before concluding, I would like to say that discipline is not about restrictions; it’s about liberation. It frees us from the shackles of procrastination, disorganization, and aimlessness. By embracing discipline, we open doors to endless possibilities and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful life. Thank you.

Good morning, everyone. I’m here to delve into a topic that shapes our lives in more ways than we often recognise – discipline. Today, we will explore various facets of discipline and how it profoundly impacts our personal, academic, and professional lives.

The Foundation of Academic Excellence

Discipline in academics is more than just about following school rules. It’s about creating a structured approach to learning, where you set goals, adhere to a study schedule, and actively engage in the learning process. This disciplined approach not only leads to academic success but also fosters a love for lifelong learning.

Building Character and Personal Growth

Discipline is instrumental in character building. It teaches us the value of hard work, persistence, and integrity. A disciplined individual is often seen as reliable and trustworthy, qualities that are highly valued in all spheres of life. It’s through discipline that we learn to control our impulses, make informed decisions, and act responsibly.

Enhancing Professional Skills

In the professional world, discipline is synonymous with efficiency and productivity. It involves meeting deadlines, maintaining a strong work ethic, and continuously striving for improvement. A disciplined professional is often a role model, inspiring others with their dedication and commitment.

Discipline as a Way of Life

In conclusion, discipline is more than just a set of rules; it’s a way of life. It molds us into better learners, professionals, and human beings. By embracing discipline, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary for success and fulfillment. Let’s all strive to incorporate discipline into our daily lives and witness its transformative power. Thank you for your attentive listening.

Please note. Both versions of the speech, while differing in length, effectively communicate the essence of discipline, highlighting its significance in various aspects of life and encouraging the audience to adopt a disciplined approach for personal and professional betterment.

1. What is the True Meaning of Discipline?

Discipline is the practice of training the inner self in obedience, self-control, and skill, guided by a set of rules or a code of behaviour, to achieve personal or professional goals.

2. How Does Discipline Affect Success in Life?

Discipline directly impacts success by fostering consistency, focus, and perseverance, which are crucial for achieving goals and overcoming challenges in various aspects of life.

3. Can Discipline Be Learned, or Is It an Inherent Trait?

Discipline can certainly be learned and developed over time. It involves cultivating habits and mindsets that promote self-control and orderliness, and it is not solely an inherent trait.

We must all remember that discipline is pivotal in shaping an individual’s journey towards success and personal fulfilment. It transcends mere adherence to rules, evolving into a lifestyle that enhances focus, perseverance, and self-improvement. Embracing discipline in various aspects of life leads to achieving goals and builds character and resilience, indispensable traits for a rewarding life.

Positive Discipline Techniques

speech on role of discipline in school


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Speech on Importance of Discipline

Discipline is like a magic key that opens doors to success. It helps you stay focused, manage your time, and reach your goals. Without it, life can become a jumbled mess.

Think about a well-oiled machine. That’s what your life can be with discipline. It’s not about harsh rules, but about creating a smooth path towards your dreams.

1-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline

Good morning everyone!

Today, I would like to talk about an essential key to success that we sometimes overlook – Discipline. It is the bridge between our goals and our achievements. It is the glue that binds inspiration with achievement, dreams with reality, and capabilities with results.

Discipline is the habit of acting according to certain rules. It ensures that we respond to life in ways that prioritize our highest values and goals. One might have all the resources, ideas, and plans, but without discipline, it is almost impossible to bring any of them to life.

In school, discipline helps us acquire knowledge and grow as individuals. It motivates us to stay focused on our studies, complete assignments on time, and interact respectfully with teachers and classmates. In the workplace, discipline is equally important. It helps us meet deadlines, build a career, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

To conclude, discipline is a critical component of success. It fuels our motivation and keeps us on the right pathway. It is a quality that helps us lead our lives in a productive, meaningful, and fulfilling way. So, let’s embrace discipline, let it guide our actions, and watch how it brings us closer to our dreams.

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2-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline

Good morning everyone, I am here today to talk about a topic that is fundamental to our success in both personal and professional life. The topic for today’s discussion is ‘Importance of Discipline’.

In our personal life, discipline plays a crucial role in shaping our character and attitude towards life. It curbs our impulses and reminds us to stay grounded. It helps us make the right decisions even when faced with adversity. It is discipline that helps us stick to our routines, to exercise regularly, eat healthily, wake up early, and live an organized life.

Moreover, discipline is not just about leading a well-structured life, it’s about self-control. It’s about being able to control our desires, our actions, and our reactions. A disciplined person doesn’t react impulsively; instead, he or she evaluates the situation and then responds in the best possible manner.

In the professional domain, discipline is equally, if not more, important. It is the backbone of any organization. It helps us to deliver our work on time, meet deadlines, abide by the rules, and maintain the decorum of the workplace. In the corporate world, discipline differentiates a leader from a follower. It is what drives innovation and growth.

Discipline is not just for personal benefit, it’s also for the good of society. A disciplined society is a harmonious society. When people abide by rules and regulations, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity.

In conclusion, discipline is not a restriction but a tool for liberation. It frees us from the shackles of unproductive habits and impulsive behaviors. It’s the key to unlock the door to success and happiness. It is not something that restricts us, rather it is something that guides us towards a productive path, helping us make the most of our lives.

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Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. Discipline is important in all stages of life and if implemented properly could be the formula for success. It is important that students should learn discipline as early as possible in their lives.

Below two discipline speeches in English are given - a long speech on the discipline and a short speech on discipline. These speeches on discipline will help the students to understand the importance of discipline in life.

Long Discipline Speech in English

Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone present over here and I want to thank all of you for giving me this opportunity to speak a few words about discipline in a student’s life.

Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. It’s a word which we often hear every once in a while and many times we fail to understand its importance. Discipline is a practice of self-control that is reflected in a person’s actions. These controls cannot be forced on an individual but they should be cultivated from within. Hence discipline is considered to be spontaneous and not mere submissive to authorities in an obedient manner.

As early as possible children should incorporate discipline in their lives and parents should teach them self-discipline and self-control. Discipline will help them to resist temptations, delay gratification, and help them to tolerate the discomfort needed to achieve goals in their lives.

As we know, children learn things quickly as they observe them whether it’s good or bad. Children can learn self-discipline by observing their parents. So, if you are a parent who watches television continuously, procrastinate on doing things, and are lazy in life then you cannot expect your children to be self-disciplined in life. Parents should be a good example and teach their children about the value of discipline in life.

In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline. The first thing students can do to be disciplined on school premises is to follow rules and regulations properly. Being disciplined at school is not complicated as it consists of doing small acts like wearing a clean uniform, respecting teachers, completing the task without delaying it, wearing poolish shoes, and so on.

Students who have been disciplined in their lives from an early age will help to be always organized which in turn will help them to succeed in life. If a student is indisciplined in completing his task and as a teacher, if you think punishing and imposing a strict penalty on him will help in cultivating discipline, then you are wrong.

If a child is having discipline in his life it does not mean it’s completely his fault. Sometimes it could be the fault of parents and teachers as well. Children learn by observing their surroundings whether it’s good or bad. So, the first step involves all the parents following discipline. The second step involves the parents to know their child’s daily activities or routine. It means to know if the child is going to school, doing his homework properly and if enjoying his life this will, in turn, help the parents to understand their child in a better way.

To conclude, I would like to say that it is important for students to be self-disciplined in life. It is considered to be the first step in being successful in life and if the students develop the habit of self-discipline and self-control it would help them to plan their life accordingly and succeed.

Short Speech on Discipline

Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. It’s a word which we often hear every once in a while and many times we fail to understand its importance. It is important for everyone to learn discipline as it helps in organizing tasks properly. Discipline is a practice of self-control and it is reflected in a person’s actions. Hence discipline is spontaneous and should be cultivated from within.

It is most important for children to learn discipline. Parents play an important role in helping children learn self-control and self-discipline as it will help them to resist temptations and tolerate the discomforts needed to achieve goals in their lives. Children learn everything quickly by observing so it’s important that the parents should be disciplined.

In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline. It is important for the student to be disciplined on school premises which include doing small acts like wearing clean clothes, polishing shoes properly, respecting teaching, and completing the assignments regularly. Students who have been disciplined in their lives from an early age will help to be always organized which in turn will help them to succeed in life.

10 Lines on Speech on Discipline

Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life.

Discipline is a practice of self-control that is reflected in a person’s actions.

Discipline is considered to be spontaneous and not mere submissive to authorities in an obedient manner. 

Discipline will help children to resist temptations, delay gratification, and help them to tolerate the discomfort needed to achieve goals in their lives. 

If a parent watches television continuously, procrastinates on doing things, and is lazy in life then don’t expect your children to be self-disciplined in life.

Parents should be a good example and teach their children about the value of discipline in life. 

In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline.

Being disciplined at school is not complicated as it consists of doing small acts like wearing a clean uniform, respecting teachers, completing the task without delaying it, wearing poolish shoes, and so on.

Students who have been disciplined in their lives from an early age will help to be always organized which in turn will help them to succeed in life.

If the students develop the habit of self-discipline and self-control, it would help them to plan their life accordingly and succeed.


FAQs on Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life

1. How does discipline help in the Academic Performance of Students?

Students who are chastened tend to get much better scores & get further benefit from their classes as well. In a pupil's life, discipline is veritably important for better education. Education becomes deficient without learning discipline. Classroom discipline helps students to hear the school teacher well. There are colourful other advantages of being chastened in life, i.e. coming to the academy on time, waking up beforehand in the morning, having a bath and breakfast on time. 

Discipline in Education is veritably important for better education. A disciplined pupil can achieve success. Likewise, an undisciplined school teacher can not be an ideal school teacher.

2. How does discipline help with time management in Student’s Life?

A disciplined person always takes out time to do redundant chores. It becomes hard to stay motivated in studies if one isn't chastened. Good discipline is important for students to complete their assigned tasks in time. 

Still, also everything piles over, and it becomes harder to perform the coming task If we miss work. So, it's easier to stay disciplined later on by staying chastened right from the launch of our studies.

There are colourful ways to bring discipline to the life of students. A disciplined person always sets a good example for others. 

It becomes delicate to live a happy & secure life without proper discipline. However, there will be indiscipline and chaos, If we try to live in our way.

3. Can discipline help to lead a stress-free life?

Yes, discipline will lead to a stress-free life. It becomes easier to stay in control of studies & particular lives as well. A well-chastened person always remains happy by relieving stress one faces pressure during examinations or diurnal routine work. This is inner pressure or unknown fear about the result of the work. 

Staying chastened helps to study well ahead of time and not just before examinations, so he remains stress-free. Because of discipline in a plant, the work is planned well and executed in time. Discipline helps one stay stress-free and also get out of depression.

4. Why is discipline important?

In the lifetime of a private, practice gives harmony and order. It teaches an individual to take responsibility and to display respect. Keeping well-defined laws is the foundation of civilization. However, people would do whatever they wished and commit crimes without first and foremost study, If the structure weren't developed. It facilitates positive mortal conduct to enhance humanity and make it a more straightforward place for us to work.

The capacity for a person to be tone- confined enables them to serve faithfully, strictly, and regulated. An absence of this capacity may cause catastrophe.

Suppose ethics medication is the critical element of doing sports, the rules of the game need to be followed by any platoon. That's why there are arbitraries and judges. Anyone who doesn't meet these instructions will be fined for violating the sport’s laws.

Largely professed individualities must regularly show healthy discipline situations; they can't only sputter; still, they believe they're set. A wise leader understands when to talk and when to hold his lingo. Tone- constitution and the exercise of discipline are supported to develop the mind and heart of a mortal.

5. Why is self-discipline the key to success?

You can’t achieve your pretensions without discipline, so condense your thing list with a tone- discipline list; it'll keep you concentrated on the actions and tasks demanded to achieve what you want.

School Life Diaries

The Importance of Discipline in Students’ Life

Importance of Discipline in Students’ Life

Discipline plays a vital role in shaping the lives of students. It is essential for their personal growth, academic success, and overall well-being. Without discipline, students may struggle to stay focused, manage their time effectively, and develop the necessary skills to navigate through life’s challenges.

The Importance of Discipline in Students’ Life cannot be overstated. It provides a solid foundation for their future endeavors and helps them become responsible and productive individuals.

Examples of Self-Discipline For Students

The importance of Discipline in Students’ Life can manifest in various ways in a student’s life. Here are some examples:

1. Consistent Study Habits :

Students who practice self-discipline allocate regular time for studying, avoid distractions, and maintain a focused mindset to enhance their learning .

2. Time Management :

Discipline enables students to prioritize their tasks, set realistic goals, and allocate time efficiently, ensuring they meet deadlines and achieve academic success .

3. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle:

Self-discipline promotes habits such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, ensuring students have the physical and mental energy to perform well in their studies.

4. Setting Priorities :

Discipline helps students identify their goals, differentiate between important and trivial tasks, and make informed decisions regarding their academic and personal lives.

5. Respecting Rules and Authority : Discipline instills a sense of respect for rules, regulations, and authority figures, enabling students to navigate social environments and maintain harmonious relationships.

How To Build Self-Discipline?

Building self-discipline is a gradual process that requires conscious effort and practice.  Here are some strategies to develop self-discipline in students:

1. Set Clear Goals :

Students should identify their short-term and long-term goals to stay motivated and focused. Breaking down these goals into smaller, manageable tasks can make them more attainable.

2. Create a Routine:

Establishing a consistent daily routine helps students develop good habits and ensures they allocate time for studying recreation, and personal growth.

3. Eliminate Distractions :

Minimizing distractions, such as social media notifications or excessive noise, can enhance students’ concentration and allow them to fully engage in their tasks.

4. Practice Time Management:

Learning to prioritize tasks, create schedules, and allocate time effectively empowers students to manage their responsibilities and avoid procrastination.

5. Seek Support :

Encouraging students to seek support from mentors, teachers, or peers can provide guidance, accountability, and motivation on their journey to developing self-discipline.

How Does Discipline Affect Learning?

Discipline has a profound on students’ learning experiences. Here’s how it influences their academic journey Importance of Discipline in Students’ Life:

1. Improved Focus:

Discipline helps students stay focused on their studies, minimizing distractions and enabling them to absorb information more effectively.

2. Enhanced Time Management:

With discipline, students can allocate time appropriately for studying, homework, and extracurricular activities, ensuring a balanced approach to their education.

3. Better Academic Performance :

Discipline fosters consistent study habits, perseverance, and a strong work ethic, leading to improved grades and academic achievements.

4. Development of Self-Control :

Through discipline, students learn self-control and the ability to resist immediate gratification, which is crucial for long-term academic success.

5. Reduced Stress :

Discipline allows students to stay organized, manage their workload efficiently, and alleviate the stress associated with last-minute deadlines or incomplete assignments.

Benefits and Advantages of Discipline In Students’ Life

The discipline offers numerous benefits and advantages that contribute to the holistic development of students.  Here are some key advantages of the Importance of Discipline in Students’ Life:

1. Time Management:

Discipline equips students with the skills to manage their time effectively, ensuring they can balance academics, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments.

2. Staying Active :

By practicing discipline, students are more likely to engage in physical activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which enhances their overall well-being.

3. Being Focused:

Discipline helps students maintain a focused mindset, allowing them to concentrate on their studies and absorb knowledge more efficiently.

4. Self-Control :

Discipline cultivates self-control, empowering students to make responsible decisions, resist temptations, and overcome challenges.

5. Relieve Stress :

The structured nature of discipline reduces stress by providing students with a clear roadmap for managing their tasks and responsibilities.

6. Better Academic Performance :

Students who embrace discipline often experience improved academic performance due to consistent study habits, effective time management, and a strong work ethic.

7. Healthy and Active:

Discipline encourages students to prioritize their physical and mental well-being , leading to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

8. Role Model for Others :

Students who demonstrate discipline become role models for their peers, inspiring them to adopt similar behaviors and habits.

9. Limits Negativity :

Discipline helps students avoid negative influences, such as procrastination or peer pressure, which can hinder their personal and academic growth.

10. Creates a Safe Space for Students :

Discipline fosters an environment of structure and accountability, ensuring students feel safe, supported, and motivated to succeed.

Are There Any Potential Challenges Or Barriers To Implementing Discipline In Students’ Daily Routines?

While discipline is highly beneficial, some challenges and barriers may hinder its implementation in students’ daily routines. These challenges include:

1. Lack of Motivation :

Students may struggle with maintaining motivation, especially when faced with challenging tasks or subjects that they find less interesting.

2. Procrastination :

Students may be tempted to delay tasks, resulting in last-minute cramming or incomplete assignments.

3. Distractions:

The abundance of digital distractions, such as social media or online gaming, can divert students’ attention away from their studies.

4. Peer Influence :

Students may be influenced by peers who prioritize socializing or engaging in activities that are not conducive to their academic progress.

5. Overwhelming Workload :

An excessive workload, combined with multiple responsibilities, can make it challenging for students to allocate time effectively and maintain a disciplined approach.

6. Lack of Support:

Insufficient support from parents, teachers, or mentors may hinder students’ ability to develop and maintain discipline.

How Can Parents And Teachers Collaborate To Reinforce Discipline In Students’ Lives?

Collaboration between parents and teachers is crucial in reinforcing discipline in students’ lives.  Here are some strategies they can employ:

1. Establish Open Communication:

Parents and teachers should maintain open lines of communication to discuss students’ progress , behavior, and areas that require improvement.

2. Consistent Expectations :

Parents and teachers should set clear and consistent expectations regarding students’ behavior, academic performance, and adherence to rules.

3. Lead by Example:

Adults should model disciplined behavior, demonstrating the values and habits they expect students to adopt.

4. Provide Structure :

Establishing routines, schedules, and systems within the home and classroom environment can help students develop discipline and time management skills.

5. Collaborate on Reinforcement Strategies :

Parents and teachers can collaborate to develop consistent reinforcement strategies, such as rewards for positive behavior or consequences for non-compliance.

6. Regular Progress Monitoring:

Periodic assessments and progress reports allow parents and teachers to identify areas where students may require additional support or intervention.

Q: How does discipline benefit students academically?

A: Discipline improves study habits, time management, focus, and self-control, resulting in better academic performance and achievements.

Q: Can discipline help students in other areas of life besides academics?

 A: Absolutely! Discipline instills valuable life skills such as time management, self-control, and goal setting, which are beneficial in all aspects of life.

Q: Is it possible to develop discipline later in life if it was lacking during childhood?

A: Yes, discipline can be developed at any stage of life with conscious effort, self-reflection, and the adoption of strategies that promote discipline.

Q: How can parents support the development of discipline in their children?

A: Parents can set clear expectations, establish routines, provide guidance and support, and serve as role models for disciplined behavior.

Q: Are there any long-term benefits of discipline beyond the student years?

 A: Yes, discipline contributes to personal and professional success, as it cultivates skills such as self-control, time management, and perseverance.

Q: Can discipline be seen as restrictive or inhibiting for students?

A: While discipline may have boundaries, it provides structure and guidance that ultimately empowers students to achieve their goals and succeed.


Discipline is of utmost importance in students’ lives. It shapes their character, enhances academic performance, and prepares them for future challenges. By embracing discipline, students can develop self-control, time management skills, and a strong work ethic, setting them on a path to success. 

Collaborative efforts between parents and teachers play a vital role in reinforcing discipline and ensuring students thrive both academically and personally.

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Discipline Speech | Speech on Discipline for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Discipline Speech: An essential part of life is Discipline. If you want to achieve anything in life, you need to be disciplined in every aspect. It’s a value that you learn right from childhood. Without Discipline, it will difficult for anyone to achieve much.

Right from when a person is a child, his family and teachers, teach him or her the art of Discipline. Everyone has to learn this lesson. A well-disciplined person will complete their work periodically and follow a particular schedule of their goals. If you discipline in your life, it becomes easier to navigate through it.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speechs on Discipline for Students and Kids in English

Given below are two speeches- a long one or extended on Discipline of 500 words.  The second one is a short speech on Discipline, which is in 200 words. Both the addresses given below are in English. Additionally, both expressions are simple and easy to understand. The terms used in the statements are impactful and straightforward to comprehend.

Discipline Speech

Long Speech on Discipline 500 Words

One of the first lessons that we learn as children are the lesson of Discipline. Discipline is when you follow a timetable or a schedule to complete all your goals. With the help of Discipline, you can achieve everything that you want to make. If they gain anything, you have to have the Discipline to do it. When your actions lack Discipline, you won’t be able to achieve much.

The stepping stone to success is sheer Discipline. It helps a person have active control of the things happening in their lives. You will feel more motivated to complete your tasks. Everyone is different, and so are how they follow Discipline. No-one follows the same Discipline. This is mainly because different things work for different people. No one thinks in the same way and makes the same choices. Therefore, the Discipline that people want to follow is different and unique to their own needs.

Some people consider Discipline as a part of their life, and they don’t feel like that it is different from them. However, some people think of Discipline in the opposite sense. They believe that Discipline is something that hinders their freedom. They believe that Discipline gives people a temporary satisfaction. Therefore, it is not pure and real joy and pleasure of life.

If you remove the aspect of Discipline from your life, you will realize that it is inactive and dull without it. Without it, you won’t have a specific set of goals, and you would follow the notion of going with the wind. However, it will prove how disorganized you are in your life. You will start living your life with absolutely no control over it. However, if you add Discipline in your life, something quite different will happen.

When you have Discipline in your life, you have control over your dreams and aspirations. Your Discipline will make you work hard to achieve all your goals and expectations. When life becomes uncertain, and you have no idea where to go, the Discipline you have inside, you will help you. Training will make view the situation in a different aspect, and you will use it to control the situation.

When you have a plan, you will need to make sure that you have Discipline too. If you want the program to work, you will need the Discipline to achieve it. It’s going to bring a sense of stability and success to your life. It will be the one thing that you can depend on when other things are uncertain, and you need an assurance of stability. Discipline is of two types, and they are quite different from each other. The first type of Discipline is self-discipline. You channel your inner self and learn the art of Discipline. You don’t need anyone’s help to learn the art of self-discipline. Two important things that you need for strong self-discipline are motivation and encouragement. The second type of Discipline is induced by Discipline. It is something that we learn from others and then uses it in our lives. Induced Discipline is teaching that someone else leaves with you.

Short Speech on Discipline 200 Words

Discipline is a value that is taught to everyone early in life. Everyone learns this lesson from when they were children. Training is a value we use in every aspect of life, and it’s beneficial in all these aspects.

You cannot lead a life without Discipline, you will be lost and clueless. If you have a plan and want the program to work, you need the Discipline to accomplish it. Discipline is the backbone of all the things you want to achieve in your life.

There are mainly two types of disciplines, self-discipline and induced Discipline. You will need a lot of motivation and encouragement from the people around you to achieve self-discipline. One of the keys to learning self-discipline is practicing it from the time you start understanding things. When you start assuming things, you will begin to understand the importance of self-discipline.

Self-discipline changes as we grow up because our lives are continually changing. When you are studying, you will need a different aspect of self-discipline. Things will change when you start working because your priorities will change.

It would be best if you were positive, and your body needs to be healthy to be disciplined. If you are cynical about things in your life, you will not believe in your plans’ backbone. You need to make sure that you are positive you lead a disciplined life.

FAQ’s On Discipline Speech

Question 1. Define Discipline.

Answer: Discipline is a value that motivates us to follow a schedule to work hard and achieve all the things that we want to accomplish in life.

Question 2. What are the kinds of disciplines?

Answer: There are two kinds of disciplines- self-discipline and induced Discipline. Self-discipline is a value that we learn to channel from within yourself. Induced Discipline is a value you learn from someone else.

Question 3. Do you consistently follow the same kind of Discipline?

Answer: How you follow discipline changes over time. When you are studying, the way you follow Discipline is different from the way you will follow Discipline when you are working. The main reason for that is our priorities keep changing as time passes.

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Short Speech

Short Speech

Long And Short Speech For Everyone

Speech On Discipline

In the pursuit of personal development, discipline emerges as a powerful but often underestimated force. This article highlights the importance of discipline and how it impacts our journey towards self-improvement. Be it setting goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or honing new skills, discipline plays a vital role in achieving success.

Discipline involves a series of habits and behaviors, including consistency, focus, and self-control. It requires a willingness to make sacrifices, overcome obstacles, and face challenges. By adopting discipline, we gain the power to break free from procrastination, eliminate distractions, and prioritize what really matters.

Studies have shown that discipline has a profound impact on personal development. It increases our ability to learn and retain information, builds resilience, and promotes a strong work ethic. Furthermore, discipline promotes a sense of responsibility, self-confidence, and inner strength. It empowers us to make positive choices, stay committed to our goals, and ultimately live a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Speech No.1: Speech On Discipline For Students

  • Speaker: School And College Student, Teacher
  • Audience: Students, Teachers, General Publi c

Good morning

Respected principal, teachers, and my dear school fellows

Although we are aware of what discipline is, do we understand what it actually means?

The definition of discipline goes well beyond simply respecting authority figures. Everyone, including non-living things and animals, should be disciplined. Every day’s sunrise in the east and every night’s sunset in the west are likewise forms of discipline.

In practically every aspect of life, including schools, homes, places of worship, playgrounds, and, in today’s world, even online, discipline is required. Being disciplined is essential for success. You need self-assurance and a high level of attention in order to thrive in life. And the only way to achieve these things is through discipline. Being punctual is the first indication of the subsequent discipline in life, which brings about a lot of changes in our daily lives.

You all are in uniform and sitting quietly and listening to me; isn’t that also a part of discipline?

Discipline is essential in all aspects of life. Life will be in shambles without it. In colleges and universities, discipline is really essential. Results won’t improve if students disregard the regulations set out by the headmaster and teachers for the benefit of all students. The students will eventually suffer. Such education, in my opinion, is pointless if it does not instill discipline.

Any country’s future is in its students, and discipline is essential to their growth and success. In order to develop a student’s character, demeanor, and behavior, discipline is crucial. It assists kids in developing into capable, accountable, well-organized, and goal-oriented people. Students who are disciplined also learn to respect authority, rules, and regulations.

In extracurricular activities like athletics, music, and drama, discipline is also crucial. Disciplined students are more likely to practice frequently, put in extra effort, and advance their abilities. This improves success in contests and events and fosters the growth of kids’ sense of leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Following rules and regulations is only one aspect of discipline; another is forming positive habits and values. Disciplined students acquire traits like honesty, diligence, and timeliness.

However, there are so many people who are undisciplined. Our nation’s most urgent issue is indiscipline. When there is no discipline, corruption occurs.

In the words of Aristotle, “Discipline is the obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all.”

Therefore, it is the practice of following rules. It is prompt compliance with the ruling party’s instructions. We have to abide by certain rules everywhere we go. Man exists in society; it is only through society that he can advance. Therefore, the good of an individual must be for the benefit of society. An individual occasionally needs to put the interests of the community ahead of their own. Discipline achieves this.

In the end, discipline is necessary for success in both the personal and professional spheres of life. We can uncover hidden potential and achieve more than we ever imagined by fostering this characteristic within ourselves.

How do I maintain it?

By establishing specific objectives and developing a plan to reach them, one may maintain discipline. You’ll be able to focus and stay motivated by using this. Maintaining your regimen even when you don’t feel like it requires consistency. Distractions frequently cause our efforts to maintain discipline to fail. Distractions should be minimized or avoided altogether to prevent this.

Therefore, discipline is a crucial quality of life that aids people in achieving their objectives and leading successful lives. Disciplined students are more likely to succeed academically, form positive habits and values, and grow into mature, responsible adults.

As a result, it’s critical that children develop discipline in their lives from a young age and incorporate it into their daily routines.

Thank you for being disciplined.

Customize Speech on Discipline

Title for your speech.

  • The Power of Discipline: How It Shapes Successful Individuals
  • Mastering Self-Discipline: Key Strategies for Improved Performance
  • Why Discipline Matters: Unraveling Its Impact on Personal Growth
  • Unleashing the Benefits of Discipline: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals
  • The Psychology of Discipline: Understanding Its Importance in Modern Life

Sample of The Flow of Speech

  • Defining discipline: Understanding what discipline entails
  • The benefits of discipline: How discipline positively impacts personal growth
  • The role of discipline in achieving goals: How discipline helps in goal setting and achievement
  • Developing discipline: Strategies and techniques for cultivating discipline
  • Overcoming challenges in maintaining discipline: Common obstacles and how to overcome them
  • Discipline in different areas of life: Exploring discipline in relationships, health, and finances
  • Discipline and self-care: Balancing discipline with self-compassion and self-care
  • Discipline and long-term success: How discipline contributes to long-term personal growth and success
  • Conclusion: Emphasizing the importance of discipline as a catalyst for personal growth
  • The importance of discipline in personal growth
  • Discipline and goal achievement
  • Developing discipline in daily routines
  • The role of discipline in self-control and willpower
  • Overcoming challenges and maintaining discipline
  • The impact of discipline on time management
  • Discipline as a mindset for success
  • Cultivating discipline through habits and accountability
  • Conclusion: Harnessing the power of discipline for personal growth.
  • Understanding the concept of discipline
  • Discipline and goal-setting
  • Developing discipline through habits and routines
  • Discipline in different areas of life – work, relationships, health, etc.
  • Discipline vs. motivation – finding the balance
  • Tools and techniques for cultivating discipline
  • Conclusion: Embracing discipline for personal growth

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How to Write a Speech on Discipline?

speech on role of discipline in school

  • Updated on  
  • Dec 1, 2020

speech on discipline

The content for Speech writing varies for each topic. There are various kinds of speech like motivating speech, informative speech, entertaining speech, achievement speech and many more. Every type requires a unique and different structure and are used on different occasions. In this blog, we shall guide you through writing a speech on discipline which comes under the category of motivational speech.

Speech Writing Format 

The basic structure to write any speech includes 3 parts:

  • Introduction : Greet the audience and briefly describe your topic- discipline, by giving a quote or a story. Continue relating the story or quote you mentioned, and emphasize the importance of the soft skill. Add rhetorical questions to encourage proactive thinking among the audience. 
  • Body : In this part, mention how can you acquire discipline? How the manifestation of the skill varies from each individual. Further, describe how the people listening can begin implementing the soft skill. How can they work on their schedules and make their lives more organized? Give them reality-checks and examples that help them feel motivated towards being more disciplined in life.
  • Conclusion : In this part state why being disciplined is essential. Persuade the audience towards a collective decision of beginning with small steps for a disciplined life. Appreciate their active listening and conclude your speech.

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Points to Mention in a Speech on Discipline

While writing a speech on topics like discipline, it is important to keep these things in mind:

  • Since a topic like a discipline is often discussed by elders and teachers,  make sure you don’t use repetitive or mainstream information. 
  • Add interesting factual points.
  • Give realistic examples and procedures. Do not straight away tell your audience to be disciplined. Give them positive small goals that can add up to acquiring the soft skill. 
  • While writing a speech on any soft skill, add psychological angles and consequences to help them understand the cognitive functions of the skill.

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Sample Speech on Discipline

Good morning/afternoon respected professors and my fellow friends. Today I’ll be vocalizing on the very common, yet essential topic of Discipline. One of the greatest philosophers- Aristotle said, “Through self-discipline comes freedom.” 

It makes people wonder how an act which is often used to draw boundaries, gives humans freedom. Despite being perceived as a penalizing treatment, discipline is the name of the game in any field for people of any age. Everything in nature has a definite cycle at a given time. The sun rises at dawn and sets at dusk. Any action by nature that takes the place bar of their specific times is deemed as odd. In the same manner, humans must work according to their circadian rhythm and work on a specific schedule. Does a shabby and disorderly person ever come off as appealing? 

Discipline can be developed by various means. Induced discipline means developing the skill by extrinsic factors like watching or following the disciplined nature of your parents, teachers, or an ideal model.  Self-discipline comes from the intrinsic will to structure your days and work in an orderly manner. Both methods require a high level of patience and self-control. If we pick up any successful and celebrated individual, we’ll notice the amount of discipline they follow in their lives. From abstaining from procrastination to making productive use of your free time; your skill reflects greatly on your future self. However, being disciplined doesn’t mean you miss out on great gatherings and parties. Prioritize your work and time yourself for each task. Once you practice discipline, you’ll be surprised at how much free time you have left in the end. The process and methods of discipline can be different for each individual. One can never understand the external factors in anyone’s lives unless we’ve lived in their shoes. 

A disciplined person isn’t formed overnight. It requires a considerable amount of effort and motivation to become a better person than you were yesterday. You can start by simply writing what you do each day and then timing each task. Make a realistic plan that you believe will work for you. Reward yourself often for positive reinforcement and develop intrinsic motivation. Be consistent in your practice. There will surely come days where we all feel like skipping every task which is alright. But, make sure you keep a watch and don’t let momentary fatigue ruin your schedule. Read and educate yourself about great leaders and global personalities that have achieved greatness due to this simple skill. Practice and complete the tasks on the given time, and soon you will notice how your efforts brightly change into habits. 

Being disciplined means having a sense of control of your consciousness and desires. It helps you become more concentrated on your ambitions. These skills can help you polish your attitudes and be calmer and composed in difficult or risky situations. It also helps you think clearer and be better and efficient decision-makers. Uncertain events can cause deeper levels of stress and cognitive load. Having a disciplined lifestyle can also benefit you psychologically by reducing anxiety and stress. To conclude, let’s all make our minds to follow this valuable skill and build successful futures for ourselves. Thank you for lending me your time and ears. 

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Speech on Discipline for Students in 600 Words

Here on this page, you will read a speech on discipline for students in 600 words. This is a small speech for school and college students.

Table of Contents

Discipline Speech for Students (600 Words)

If we see a successful person, we will know at the first meeting how disciplined they are in their life. Discipline must always go with a person; It helps them live a happy and fulfilling life.

In a student’s life, discipline plays a vital role in student life. It teaches students how to behave and act. Due to a lack of control, no one in the world can be educated . If a student has good discipline from school days, he will succeed in his life. The regulation reflects the attitude of the individual. What kind of mentality they have. Control also provides inner strength when we face a crisis in life.

Discipline brings the right structure in a person’s life.

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Blogs | Heritage Girls School

Role of Discipline in Student Life| It’s Benefits & Learning Affects

In today’s fast-paced world, discipline plays a vital role in achieving success, especially for students navigating the challenges of the post-pandemic era. The value of discipline lies in guiding students to make clear decisions and stay focused on their goals amidst numerous distractions. An essential aspect of discipline is adhering to rules, values, and cultural norms, which not only enhances academic performance but also positively impacts overall well-being.

Table of Contents

Schools, teachers, and parents often stress the importance of leading a disciplined life, emphasizing qualities such as punctuality and honesty. A disciplined student is one who conducts themselves with integrity, working diligently towards their aspirations. Cultivating discipline is crucial as it serves as a roadmap to realizing one’s dreams and aspirations, guiding individuals through the distractions of daily life towards meaningful achievements.

role and benefits of discpline in students life_heritage_girls_school

Discipline forms the cornerstone of a student’s life, dictating their actions and decisions. It is not merely a set of rules but a valuable tool for personal growth and goal attainment. By cultivating discipline, individuals can navigate distractions and stay focused on their aspirations. The practice of discipline in educational institutions like residential schools is crucial for effective learning and skill development. Through self-control and adherence to values, students learn the art of purposeful living, time management, and productivity, essential for success in any field.

This blog post dives deep into the role of discipline in student life . We’ll explore not only what discipline is, but also how it empowers students to make sound decisions, manage their time effectively, and ultimately, achieve their full potential. By the end, you’ll understand why discipline isn’t just about following rules – it’s about building a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling future.

What is Discipline?

Discipline is the essential practice of gaining control to ensure adherence to rules, playing a vital role in determining our happiness and success. Developing a disciplined approach involves making lifestyle changes, adjusting working patterns, and implementing effective planning strategies. Despite the challenges, it is achievable and crucial for achieving goals in academics, health, and personal growth. In a student’s life, discipline is key to success and must be cultivated early on. Upholding school rules and maintaining punctuality are important aspects of instilling discipline in students. By aligning oneself with a plan and committing to daily actions, students can enhance their learning capabilities and achieve their objectives in a fixed time. Discipline in student life fosters success, efficiency, and better time management, guiding individuals towards achieving their goals. Embracing discipline is essential for students to excel in various aspects of their lives, ultimately leading to overall growth and success.

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Why is Discipline Important for Students?

Discipline and punctuality are crucial virtues for students, enabling them to steer clear of distractions and stay focused on both short-term and long-term goals. Upholding discipline not only impacts academic success but also enriches life by allowing time for hobbies and extracurricular activities. As Senior IPS Officer Ingit Pratap Singh emphasizes, success is shaped by traits like discipline, perseverance, hard work, and focus.

The recent National Education Policy 2020 recognizes the value of discipline in students’ lives, advocating for sports integration to foster teamwork, self-discipline, and responsibility. Schools play a pivotal role in instilling discipline early on, shaping students into well-rounded individuals. Embracing discipline fosters physical and mental well-being, setting the stage for a flourishing future.

Discipline is the cornerstone of a harmonious society, promoting respect and responsibility. Cultivating discipline not only enhances personal conduct but also contributes to societal order. In various fields, adherence to rules and regulations is paramount, ensuring smooth operations and progress. Effective leaders exhibit disciplined behavior, knowing when to speak and when to listen. Upholding discipline nurtures the mind and heart, shaping individuals into pillars of strength and integrity.

The Role of Discipline in School

In a school setting, a diverse mix of students necessitates a range of teaching strategies to effectively engage all individuals. Maintaining discipline within the school environment is a crucial and multifaceted process that requires a well-structured framework to uphold behavioral standards. When discipline falters, the frequency of suspensions and expulsions rises, leading to challenges in managing classroom dynamics and diminishing the overall quality of education. This deterioration not only disrupts the learning environment but also impacts the morale of dedicated students and teachers. Discipline issues in schools can have lasting academic repercussions for students, a situation further exacerbated by the challenges posed in the post-pandemic landscape. By addressing the critical role of discipline in schools, we aim to shed light on its significance in fostering a conducive learning environment and ensuring academic success for all students.

How has the Pandemic Affected Discipline in Schools?

The pandemic has significantly impacted discipline in Indian schools, with the sudden shift to online learning causing challenges in maintaining focus and engagement among students. The struggle to adapt to virtual teaching methods has been evident, leading to difficulties in re-establishing discipline in offline classes post-pandemic. Teachers faced various challenges in engaging students virtually, highlighting the importance of instilling a disciplined attitude in students’ lives. Exploring ways to foster discipline is crucial in navigating these changes effectively. This article delves into the repercussions of the pandemic on school discipline, offering insights on overcoming these challenges.

Benefits of Discipline in Students’ Life

Time management: paving path to success.

Effective time management hinges on a structured and disciplined approach. By cultivating self-discipline, students can navigate their tasks with precision and timeliness. Conversely, neglecting discipline leads to wasted hours on unproductive pursuits. Crafting a well-planned schedule and adhering to it diligently is crucial for success.

Stress Reduction: Clear Mind, Bright Future

Adhering to rules in school helps students focus on their studies and responsibilities. Failing to comply leads to procrastination and stress. By prioritizing discipline, students can alleviate distress and pave the way for a successful future. Stay on track for a clear mind and a promising tomorrow!

Focus & Distraction-Free Learning: A Student’s Key

Create an optimal learning space for increased productivity and focus. A well-organized study area with minimal distractions boosts student discipline and concentration. Keep it clutter-free, with essential tools handy and technology out of sight. Cultivate a disciplined approach for effective learning outcomes.

Single Tasking: Enhancing Concentration Levels

In a world where multitasking prevails, embracing single-tasking is key. Focusing on one task at a time boosts productivity and quality, leading to a happier, stress-free life. Let’s cultivate self-discipline by prioritizing single-tasking. Make the shift for improved efficiency and overall well-being. 

Self control & Build the Right Mindset

In accordance with ‘Forbes’, fostering the right mindset is key to personal growth and success. Our beliefs about self-discipline and willpower shape our level of determination. As educators/parents, it is crucial to empower students to embrace a growth mindset, nurture a positive self-perception, and enhance their drive to overcome hidden barriers. This approach can lead to transformative outcomes in their personal and academic lives.

Motivation & Activity: Fueling Progress Together

Maintaining a disciplined routine is crucial for student motivation. ‘Motivation & Activity: Fueling Progress Together’ emphasizes how a structured approach helps students stay determined and focused amid their hectic schedules.

Follow Shcedule to Achieving goals 

Encorage students to reach their goals by setting realistic objectives and mastering task prioritization. Emphasize the importance of adhering to guidelines consistently and fostering a collaborative environment among parents and teachers. Encourage everyday diligence and cultivate a proactive mindset to eliminate procrastination. Utilize calendars, planners, or apps to facilitate goal planning and maintain focus. By following a structured schedule diligently, students can pave their path to success effortlessly.

Research shows that individuals who effectively manage their time through structured scheduling are more likely to achieve their goals successfully.

Role Model for Others

Exemplifying discipline in various aspects of life can elevate a student as a role model, inspiring others. A disciplined individual radiates a strong and admirable persona, becoming a beacon of inspiration for all.

Academic Excellence: Discipline’s Reward

Establishing a consistent study routine enhances academic success. Students benefit from identifying and correcting mistakes to improve grades. Self-discipline plays a key role in steering students towards better performance. 

Confidence Boost: Empowering Student Voices

Students develop the discipline to follow their routines diligently, prioritizing their long-term growth over temporary distractions. Their unwavering focus on their goals keeps them motivated and committed to their path, ensuring steady progress towards success.

Safe Decision-Making Spaces: Encouraging Growth

Students are guided by self-discipline to wisely manage their time, recognizing the impact of their choices on their future. This forward-thinking approach helps them stay focused and avoid the need to make up for lost study opportunities later on.

How to Build Self Discipline in Students?

Developing self-discipline is key to enhancing one’s quality of life. Mastering self-leadership can completely transform your outlook. Authentic discipline goes beyond mere words, profoundly shaping your lifestyle. Positive feelings like joy, enthusiasm, and achievement are all rooted in self-discipline and self-control.

To cultivate self-discipline effectively, consider the following strategies:

Recognize Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses empowers you to overcome them. Embracing self-control is the initial step towards building self-discipline.

Remove Temptations

The array of temptations in life is vast, but yielding to them is a grave error. By following the adage “out of sight, out of mind,” eliminating major distractions or temptations can boost your self-discipline.

Establish New Habits and Routines

Forming fresh habits and routines facilitates the abandonment of old ones. Embracing new habits may seem challenging, but staying positive throughout the process will bring you closer to attaining self-discipline.

Self-discipline benefits and importance

Self-discipline is crucial for achieving success in all aspects of life. It helps individuals stay focused, organized, and motivated to reach their goals. By practicing self-discipline, individuals can develop healthy habits, improve time management skills, and enhance productivity. Ultimately, self-discipline leads to greater achievements, better health, and increased self-confidence. Embracing self-discipline is a key ingredient for personal growth and success.

How Does Discipline Affect Learning?

A disciplined student embodies confidence through the ability to maintain control over their life, leading to a profound sense of relief and satisfaction that nurtures self-assurance. This self-assurance significantly impacts the student’s learning journey, allowing them ample time and focus to enhance their educational experience.

Moreover, a disciplined student embraces new challenges and routines with enthusiasm, paving the way for a more dynamic approach to learning. By fostering a mindset open to exploration and growth, disciplined students unlock a world of possibilities that positively influence their learning patterns.

In essence, the correlation between discipline and confidence in students is a powerful synergy that propels them towards academic excellence. By instilling a sense of control and readiness for new experiences, students can harness their full potential, making strides in their educational pursuits and personal development.

Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life

It is crucial for children to learn discipline early on in their lives, with parents guiding them in developing self-discipline and self-control. Discipline enables children to resist temptations, delay gratification, and endure discomfort to achieve their goals successfully.

Children are quick learners and often emulate the behavior they observe, whether positive or negative. Parents serve as role models for their children in cultivating self-discipline. Therefore, parents who exhibit traits like procrastination and laziness cannot expect their children to be self-disciplined. Setting a good example and emphasizing the importance of discipline in life are key responsibilities for parents.

In the school environment, the principal and teachers play a vital role in fostering discipline. Students can practice discipline by adhering to school rules such as wearing a clean uniform, showing respect to teachers, completing tasks promptly, and maintaining a neat appearance. Cultivating discipline from a young age helps students stay organized and ultimately leads to success in various aspects of life.

Addressing indiscipline in students should not solely rely on punishment or strict penalties. Discipline is a learned behavior influenced by the environment, including parental and educational guidance. Parents must instill discipline by being disciplined themselves and monitoring their child’s activities to understand their needs better.

In conclusion, self-discipline is a fundamental trait for student success. Developing self-discipline and self-control early in life empowers students to plan effectively and achieve their goals. By fostering these habits, students can navigate life’s challenges and increase their chances of success in the future.

what is the importance of discipline in students life in 10 lines

  • Discipline entails training oneself to adhere to rules and maintain systematic habits.
  • It reflects self-control and manifests in an individual’s actions.
  • Genuine discipline isn’t just about obedience to authority; it’s spontaneous and independent.
  • Discipline empowers children to resist temptations, delay gratification, and endure discomfort to achieve their goals.
  • Parents who model discipline instill its value in their children’s lives.
  • In schools, both the principal and teachers play pivotal roles in fostering discipline.
  • School discipline encompasses simple acts like wearing clean uniforms and respecting teachers.
  • Early exposure to discipline helps students stay organized, paving the path for success.
  • Self-discipline fosters the ability to plan effectively and achieve goals.
  • Developing self-discipline from a young age empowers students to navigate life’s challenges effectively.

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Speech on Discipline [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

Speech on Discipline

1, 2 Minutes Speech on Discipline

My dear class fellows and my school Teacher! Welcome to all of you.

Today, I want to discuss with you about discipline and its role in shaping our characters and success. Discipline is the commitment to a set of values, the practice of self-control, and the ability to adhere to rules and principles. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to obey the defined rules.

Teaching oneself to behave consistently and under control is a key component of self-discipline.

Discipline is an important quality in a man or women that is helpful for us to reach our goals and to find success in life.

Discipline makes us more focused and organized. Students who follow disciplin always got higher grades in the class.

Our country defence forces are able to defend our country just due to a standards set of rules and policy.

Discipline helps us to focus on our goals and to overcome distractions of surrounding environment, which can frequently prevent us from achieving our goals.

By keeping our promise and achieving our goals, we are able to demonstrate to ourselves that we are able and reliable. This boosts our confidence and sense of worth.

Discipline is the driving force behind achievement. It is the key that unlocks the door to success.

Developing habits that are good for our success are very nearly belongs to discipline.  Let me tell you that there are many occasions where we need discipline like to  follow study time, getting regular exercise on time and following school assembly timings.

A disciplined student is always aware about the value of time, the importance of focus, and the need for consistency. With a disciplined approach to learning, students can overcome challenges, stay organized, and make the most of their academic achievements.

At last, I want to conclude my speech with this last statement that “Without discipline you can’t  your desired success.

Quotes for Speech about Discipline

  • “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
  • “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
  • “The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline.”
  • “Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”
  • “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
  • “Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to do the things you want to do when you want to do them.”
  • “The undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites, and passions.”
  • “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
  • “I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.”
  • “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
  • “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”

3 Minutes Speech on Discipline

Greetings to all.

I want to discuss the value of discipline in our lives today. To thrive in any aspect of life, discipline is a crucial attribute that we all need to possess. It is the cornerstone of excellent character and aids in our accomplishment of objectives, development into dependable people, and maximisation of potential.

We can better manage our ideas, feelings, and behaviours with discipline. Even when it’s challenging, it enables us to withstand temptation and make wise decisions. We can be more organised, focused, and productive when we practise discipline.

Additionally, discipline aids in the formation of virtues like timeliness, regular exercise, and wholesome food. These behaviours support our achievement and general well-being.

The practise of discipline takes work and dedication, and it is not simple. We must set objectives and make sacrifices in order to reach them. But being disciplined has many benefits. It enables us to live happy, purposeful lives and to have a beneficial influence on the world.

Therefore, let’s all work to develop discipline in our lives and allow it lead us to success. I’m grateful.

  • Vince Lombardi : “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”
  • Bruce Lee : “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
  • Albert Einstein : “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
  • Jocko Willink : “Discipline equals freedom.”
  • Maya Angelou : “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
  • Warren Buffett : “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”
  • Jim Rohn : “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
  • Elon Musk : “Work like hell. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week.”
  • Stephen Covey : “The undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites, and passions.”
  • Alexander Graham Bell : “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

5 Minutes Speech on Discipline

Good evening to all. I want to talk to you today about the value of discipline.

Our lives are not complete without discipline, which aids us in achieving both personal and professional objectives. It enables us to exercise control over our behaviour and arrive at wiser conclusions. Without discipline, it is challenging to complete anything significant because we lack the drive and concentration required to complete tasks.

Being disciplined has a lot of advantages. One benefit is that it enables us to live a more ordered and organised existence. It supports effective time management and work prioritisation, which boosts output and efficiency. Having discipline in our life also enables us to make better decisions regarding our relationships, diet, and exercise.

Discipline, though, is more than just abiding by the law; it’s also about exercising restraint and respect for oneself. It entails standing up for what we believe in and making choices that reflect who we are, even if they may not be straightforward or widely accepted.

In conclusion, discipline is a vital component of our lives that enables us to accomplish our objectives and live a happy, meaningful life. To become more skilled, it takes time and work, but the benefits are well worth it. I’m grateful.

Examples of sentences that can be used in starting of this speech

Examples of sentences that can be used in closing of this speech, more speeches.

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Speech on Discipline in English for Students

August 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Speech on Discipline: One of the essential traits in life is to develop discipline. Discipline builds a successful individual and helps us to achieve our goals. Learning discipline right from childhood days is extremely important. Families and teachers have to work hard to help children learn discipline in their everyday activities. A well-disciplined individual shows punctuality and impactful traits in his work. Smart planning, combined with a disciplined approach brings success on our doorsteps.

Speech on Discipline in 500 Words

Below we have provided discipline speech in English, written in easy and simple words, suitable for class 7, 8, 9, and 10 school students.

Self-Discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable ~ Dan Kennedy.

With this beautiful quote, I welcome you all to the session where I am going to deliver a speech on discipline. It is a ubiquitous word which we come across often. In simple words, it means to keep orderliness of your life. It is an art to control behaviour, etiquette & habits. It is imperative & one of the factors for a successful life. Discipline is equally essential at all phases of life, let it be for students, working professionals, at home or out.

Without discipline, life becomes dull & inactive. Controlling & handling situations in day to day life becomes difficult. There are generally two types of discipline, i.e. induced discipline & self-discipline. Induced discipline is something which we learn from others by observing them while self-discipline is derived from within, which learn by our self. The self-discipline has a different definition for a person. For a student, discipline is reaching school & finishing the homework on time. For working professionals, discipline is meeting all the targets in stipulated time.

Discipline involves a lot of hard work & dedication. We all must practise it from the early stages of life. It needs a positive mind & lots of motivation. It helps the person to climb the stairs of success. Discipline teaches us the value of time & its importance in everyone’s life. Respect for a person comes from the discipline he poses in this society. It is a tool to construct character & develop unity among people.

Man is a social animal who knows the discipline of life, which makes us very different from the other animals. If we stop practising discipline, our lives will be full of chaos; we will not be less than like the other animals around. It is often quoted that discipline mind leads to happiness, whereas indiscipline leads to suffering. Indiscipline leads to distraction from the goal of life & makes our lives miserable.

We become lazy & every course of action of ours is delayed. It results in unplanned life, goals & problems. Discipline is the key to honesty, commitment, dedication, sincerity, punctuality, hard work, determined life. It reminds us of our roles & responsibility of this social world. In conclusion, I would like to stress on the fact that discipline is like any other component of our life, which can never be ignored. So let us practice it from the very beginning with lots of hardship & dedication, which will lead us in the path of success.

Short Speech on Discipline in 200 Words

Hello everyone. My name is …………, today I am going to speak on the topic Discipline. I think we all know what discipline is & we all do practice discipline. It is an inevitable part of our life. Discipline refers to the set of rules we all set for our lives. It varies for all of us according to the priority. Be it a teacher, student or any other profession everyone needs to follow discipline. Today I would like to focus on the discipline of a student’s life, as it is one of the most important aspects of a student’s life.

A student has a set of rules & orders which is bound to be followed—starting from waking up in the morning on time so that he/she can attend school on time to complete all the homework on time so that it can be submitted on time. A student must obey all the rules & regulations of the school. Students must listen to their teachers so that they will not end up in any hardship. A disciplined student gets different attention from teachers as well as fellow students.

Discipline builds up a good character & positive attitude in students which is very crucial. It also results in an excellent performance in academics & other activities. Discipline also teaches the students about the optimum utilization of time, punctuality, efficiency & dedication. Every student must be conscious of the discipline he/she must poses as it leads to a healthy & prosperous life. It is often quoted that discipline turns into the ability to achievement.

Education is the other name for discipline. So we all must start practising from now onwards to achieve happiness & success in our lives.

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Speech on Discipline in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Discipline: Needless to mention, discipline in life is very important for each one of us. It’s the tradition of training people to follow rules or a code of conduct. Without having a disciplined life, we cannot work towards our goals. This is the reason why its importance is taught right since our childhood. Self-discipline is the compass guiding our actions toward success and personal growth

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Long and Short Speech on Discipline in English

In fact, many schools and colleges ask students to prepare a short speech on discipline or a long speech on discipline in order to understand the essence of discipline or deliver speech at any occasion.

We present here sample speech on discipline covering the comprehensive meaning of the topic. Organizations have the code of conduct policy, ideally to inculcate discipline in the employees.

Our sample discipline speech is highly impactful which can be used at organizational levels too.

3 Minutes Speech on Discipline

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Discipline—this singular word encapsulates the essence of success and achievement . It’s not merely a set of rules or routines; it’s the cornerstone upon which our accomplishments stand. Jim Rohn’s words resonate profoundly: discipline acts as the bridge linking our aspirations to reality.

From our earliest days to the very fabric of our existence, discipline molds our character. It’s the compass guiding us through life’s complexities, steering us toward our goals with unwavering focus and dedication. A disciplined individual doesn’t just work; they excel, delivering their best in everything they do.

Yet, discipline isn’t a monolithic concept. It wears different faces in different lives, shaping itself to fit personal beliefs and perceptions. Some see it as a guiding principle, while others may not accord it the same reverence.

However, at its core, discipline teaches us an invaluable lesson: the pursuit of immediate pleasure seldom leads to lasting freedom. True freedom arises from the conscious choices we make, aligning with our long-term ambitions.

Embracing discipline isn’t about constraint; it’s liberation. It empowers us to forge ahead, staying committed when obstacles loom large, and consistently striving to surpass our own limits.

Let us harness the transformative power of discipline, steering our lives toward success and fulfillment. May it guide our actions, shape our destinies, and pave the way for a future where achievements aren’t just dreams but tangible realities.

Also Read: Speech on Virat Kohli

Short Speech on Discipline

Respected Professors and Dear Juniors!

It feels excellent to welcome our juniors in our esteemed ABC College. All our juniors look surprised at this speech ceremony and must be curiously awaiting your Fresher’s Party. But let me tell you that our English Department has organized this small ceremony to help you and us know each other well and declare the day of the freshers party as well.

As one of your seniors, I am here to hold an interactive session with you all and also to deliver a speech on discipline. There is reason behind choosing the topic called ‘Discipline’. You have successfully accomplished a benchmark by completing your higher secondary studies and now are geared up to live your college life to the fullest. It’s a very fancy world as I am sure; you all know this somehow – no restrictions, no dress code, etc. But behind this glossy picture – there is one lurking reality too. Do you know what is it? Well, these 3 years of your college life are going to dictate your future. Either in these 3 years you can make your future or break it.

So the bottom line is, enjoy your college life to the most as this time won’t come back, but also inculcate that essential ingredient in your life called Discipline, so that your studies are not affected.

Now, may I ask you what discipline is? Discipline can be defined as a set of rules and regulations, which one must abide. Discipline is extremely important in our lives as a social being to maintain a rhythm in the society that we live in by laying down certain code of conduct so that we can evolve ourselves as a good human being. Discipline is taught to us both at home and in our school. In school, we maintain a time table for covering our respective subjects and also for behaving in an appropriate manner.

It goes without saying that discipline is required in every walk of life and is the very foundation of a civilized society. It not only helps us in becoming a responsible human being, but also in achieving our goals. So if you are again going to practice discipline in life, you will not find yourself in a chaos. You would be able to manage your studies and enjoy at the same time.

While you are free bird now, the college still expects from its students to ensure to a high standard of discipline within the premise and inculcate a right attitude towards your studies. Please remember that discipline will help you in excelling your college studies as well like you all must have excelled during your school days. Wherever you go and whatever profession you choose, say teacher, doctor, lawyer, sports – discipline is required everywhere and in all walks of life.

This is observed as one of the most important quality in an individual. So discipline your college life too and streamline your study methodology so that amidst your parties and hang out plans, you still have the time to deliver your roles and responsibilities as a student. Isn’t it?

Now, let me reveal the day of fresher’s party, which you all must be getting impatient to hear – on Wednesday in the coming week.

Also Read: English Speech Topics

Long Speech on Discipline

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends!

First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to the annual day of our school. Every year we celebrate this day with a lot of enthusiasm and fervor. While at one side, students are excited to get promoted to the next class, there is also a regret of leaving the memories of the previous class.

It’s a great pleasure to be given this opportunity to host the programme and deliver welcome speech . The topic that I chose this year is ‘Discipline’.

Even though, we all are aware of the dictionary meaning of this term, but how many of us actually follow our inner instinct?

Discipline means ‘doing the things in the moral and ethical manner’. School is the second place after our home, where we learn discipline. Discipline is basically the suppression of base desires and is often understood to be similar to self – restraint and control. Disciplined person determines the best course of action irrespective of one’s wishes. Honest behavior is another form of discipline; it can be described as when one’s values and aims are aligned with each other.

School discipline has a very important role to play in an individual’s life. It is a necessary set of actions adopted by a teacher towards a student or group of students, if the ongoing educational activity has been disrupted due to the student’s behavior or if the student breaks any particular rule created by the school authority. Discipline basically guides the children’s behavior, sets limits and ultimately helps them learn to care for themselves and others.

Discipline can come in several forms. School systems make rules and regulations and if any student breaks these rules, they are subject to punishment; which ultimately is aimed to teach discipline to the student. The school rules may include defining the expected clothing standards, social conduct, timekeeping and work ethic.

While discipline is necessary to condition the students; teachers should be mindful not to beat students to the extent that they get badly hurt. It is also called corporal punishment. Several reports indicate that some teachers get violent in the name of discipline harming students physically and mentally. Thus, the focus of discipline is now shifting and substitute approaches are evolving due to all these incidents.

Many schools now-a-days focuses on ‘Positive Discipline’; it’s a discipline model that emphasizes on the positive aspects of behavior, found on the concept that there are no bad students, just bad and good behaviors. Accordingly, you can reinforce the good behaviors through counseling and examples without hurting the child. People promoting positive disciplines don’t ignore the problems rather tackle the problem peacefully.

Discipline is also required in our professional life and thus it is all the more important. Like a company cannot be successful without a proper strategy, we also can’t succeed without certain rules and discipline in our life. Inculcating good habits like waking up early, doing regular exercise, eating healthy food, not indulging into bad habits like smoking, drinking, etc would keep us healthy and fit.

Thus, it is important that we remain disciplined in every aspect of our life.

Good morning everybody!

My topic for today’s session is on explaining as to what ‘Discipline’ means and how important it is for all of us to adhere to it.

What do you all think that discipline means? Alright, till the time that you people collate your thoughts I would share my views on this.

Discipline is a very basic necessity for one’s progress. Being disciplined does not mean that you follow every rule that you are asked to. It means having self control and ability to adjust yourself as per the changing trends and instructions. Being disciplined will always give you the genuine pleasure of freedom. Ask yourselves, isn’t it that the student or the employee who is disciplined never ever kept at doubt. That person is always given the freedom for their actions, as everybody knows that they have complete control on themselves and are mature enough for decision implementation.

Discipline is extremely necessary in all spheres of our life. Just imagine, is it ever possible for an army to fight without strict discipline? Is there any educational institution to run without discipline? No, right! So, this proves that being disciplined is very crucial and important element of everybody’s life.

We all need to have a destined disciplinary routine in order to work well in our personal and professional life. We should monitor each and every small action of ours. From eating on time and in right quantity to sleep at right time for sufficient hours. Everything needs to be taken care of for living a healthy and wise life. One must practice self control in order to position themselves in terms of their health, wealth and overall society that they live in.

We inherit discipline in us by seeing others. Since our childhood it is our parents and grandparents seeing whom we build our daily routine and do day to day activities. I have observed this many a times that people following due discipline get a high end support from others during the times when needed. To have a progressive and stable life we must make sure that we follow a disciplined life. We should act as a motivation for all those who are around us. Seeing us stable, peaceful, happy and determined towards our actions due to our specific disciplined flow of life we will attract good people towards us. Our in built gestures towards dedication help us move forward towards our achievements as the disciplined person is way too planned in their actions and task executions. Punctuality and discipline are intertwined threads weaving a tapestry of reliability, responsibility, and success in every facet of life

There is no stage of life that offers you a healthy happy life if you are not disciplined. Practice discipline everyday and I assure you as per my personal experience that everything that you wish for will come your way. Things that seem difficult will be just so easy and convenient for each one of you when you mould your life in discipline. Leadership forged through discipline not only steers with vision but also sets the standard, fostering a culture of accountability and excellence.

Thank you for taking out your time and listening to this most important topic. Hope you implement it now itself in your life. Take care and good luck!

Good evening friends and my dear colleagues,

This is a special workshop organized by your company to improve our inherited value of discipline in it. Thank you all for taking out time and being a part of this session.

For many of you, this word discipline means something you practice and preach daily and for a few of you it might seem something that is ignored or not scrupulously followed as I know I am right on addressing this part. When we come to maturity, we have to learn self-discipline: how to govern and rule ourselves. This is the hardest task of all. Discipline is not only desirable but also indispensable. Discipline should be the first criterion of the family.

As per my experience, I address discipline as the act of executing well planned tasks in order to get the best results for ourselves. These results not necessarily mean monetary or tangible benefits, but also along with these it caters to the healthy living and progressive life. Self actualization about self control is discipline to me. This all depends on the values inherited in us since our childhood.

It is one of the very necessary tools for everyone in every stage or phase of life whether at home, office, playground or other places. Our daily lives would become unorganized and mismanaged if we do not follow and practice discipline in life.

Everything in this world is expected to follow certain discipline. Sun always rises in the morning and sets at evening every day. Isn’t it? It never happens to be vice versa. Morning and evening come daily without getting late, river always run, and many more.

Being disciplined automatically helps a person in being motivated. Following a dedicated routine of planned actions with self control helps in executions that are more progressive for us and make us walk the path that best routes us for our well being. There is no specific age bar for having discipline in our life, from students to teachers and from children to parents; everybody should follow discipline.

In the easiest way, I would address that discipline is one’s ability to adjust oneself to the given situation. Discipline is to making priorities. The one who is planned is the one whose life goes on track and faces less number of hurdles. Being disciplined helps in maintaining the flow of life and ensures the better progress for future. Freedom and success comes with responsibility and the one who has complete control on himself has the ability to manage the greatest success and freedom with utmost responsibility.

To happily and successfully lead and maintain an authentic lifestyle one has to have control on avoiding distractions. So, my dear friends learn to adjust yourself on the given situations in life. Discipline yourself and leave behind an inspiring legacy of success!

I hope that after this session of ours, you have been able to actually lighten up your thought on how important is it for each one of us to be disciplined and focused in our lives.

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Speech on Discipline FAQ’s

What is discipline short speech.

Discipline is the key to success. It involves consistency, self-control, and dedication. It shapes character and paves the way for achievement in every aspect of life.

What is discipline for students?

Discipline for students means following rules, managing time effectively, staying focused on studies, being responsible, and showing respect towards others.

What is a short note about discipline?

Discipline molds individuals, fostering self-control, respect, and commitment. It is the cornerstone of success, guiding one towards their goals with determination.

What is the value of discipline in a student's life?

Discipline instills habits crucial for academic success, time management, responsibility, and fosters a strong work ethic essential for future achievements.

How do you start a discipline speech?

Begin a discipline speech by acknowledging its significance in personal growth and success. Introduce the importance of self-control, adherence to rules, and its impact on various aspects of life.

How does discipline benefit students?

Discipline equips students with skills like time management, focus, and responsibility, essential for academic excellence, personal development, and future success in all endeavors.

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech On Discipline In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I’ll be giving a small speech on the topic of discipline.

But, to a school-going child, the term discipline holds a different meaning. For a child, discipline is to be punctual and never be late for school. It is to follow the stipulated rules and regulations without any qualms obediently. It is to finish the assigned homework, projects, and other assignments without fail and more importantly, on time. 

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Strike in Israeli-controlled Golan Heights kills at least 12 and threatens to spark a wider war

A rocket strike on Saturday which hit a soccer field in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights killed at least 11 children and teens, Israeli authorities said. Israel blamed Hezbollah for the strike but Hezbollah rushed to deny any role. The strike raised fears of a broader regional war (AP video shot by: Leo Correa).


An Israeli rescue official said 10 people were killed by a rocket strike on a town in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights on Saturday, in what would be the deadliest attack on an Israeli target since the fighting with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah began.


A rocket attack on a soccer field in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights on Saturday killed at least 10 people and wounded several others, including children, hours after an Israeli airstrike on south Lebanon killed three members of the militant Hezbollah group.


Residents rush to help injured children moments after a rocket attack hit a soccer field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Shams)

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Israeli police officers and firefighters work at the site of a rocket attack in Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Gil Eliyahu)

Destroyed children’s bicycles at the site of a rocket attack in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Gil Eliyahu)

Residence and paramedics rush to help children moments after a rocket attack hit a soccer field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan of Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Shams)

Bicycles sit next to the area that was hit by a rocket that killed multiple children and teenagers at a soccer field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Residents gather with authorities at a soccer field that was hit by a rocket, killing multiple children and teenagers, in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Residents and authorities stand at a soccer field that was hit by a rocket, killing multiple children and teenagers, in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

A boy walks past bicycles left next to the area that was hit by a rocket, killing multiple children and teenagers, on a soccer field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Israeli soldiers check a shelter damaged from shrapnel at a soccer field that was hit by a rocket, killing multiple children and teenagers, in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Youth walk next to a shelter damaged from shrapnel at a soccer field that was hit by a rocket, killing multiple children and teenagers, in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Saturday, July 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A rocket strike Saturday at a soccer field killed at least 12 children and teens, Israeli authorities said, in the deadliest strike on an Israeli target along the country’s northern border since the fighting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah began. It raised fears of a broader regional war .

Israel blamed Hezbollah for the strike in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, but Hezbollah rushed to deny any role. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Hezbollah “will pay a heavy price for this attack, one that it has not paid so far.”

The Israeli military’s chief spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, called it the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 that sparked the war in Gaza. He said 20 others were wounded.

“There is no doubt that Hezbollah has crossed all the red lines here, and the response will reflect that,” Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Israeli Channel 12. “We are nearing the moment in which we face an all-out war.”

Hezbollah chief spokesman Mohammed Afif told The Associated Press that the group “categorically denies carrying out an attack” on the town of Majdal Shams.” It is unusual for Hezbollah to deny an attack.


The office of Netanyahu , who was on a visit to the United States, said he would cut short his trip by several hours, without specifying when he would return. It said he will convene the security Cabinet after arriving.

Far-right members of Netanyahu’s government called for a harsh response against Hezbollah. But an all-out war with a militant group with far superior firepower to Hamas would be trying for Israel’s military after nearly 10 months of fighting in Gaza.

Footage aired on Israeli Channel 12 showed a large blast in one of the valleys in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Golan Heights, which Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war and annexed in 1981. Some Druze have Israeli citizenship. Many still have sympathies for Syria and rejected Israeli annexation, but their ties with Israeli society have grown over the years.

Video showed paramedics rushing stretchers off the soccer field toward waiting ambulances.

Ha’il Mahmoud, a resident, told Channel 12 that children were playing soccer when the rocket hit the field. He said a siren was heard seconds before the rocket hit, but there was no time to take shelter.

Jihan Sfadi, the principal of an elementary school, told Channel 12 that five students were among the dead: “The situation here is very difficult. Parents are crying, people are screaming outside. No one can digest what has happened.”

Israel’s military said its analysis showed that the rocket was launched from an area north of the village of Chebaa in southern Lebanon.

The Israeli military said early Sunday that it struck targets deep inside Lebanon as well as in southern Lebanon. There were no reports of casualties and the strikes were no more intense than what has become routine over the past 10 months.

The strike at the soccer field, just before sunset, followed earlier cross-border violence on Saturday, when Hezbollah said three of its fighters were killed, without specifying where. Israel’s military said its air force targeted a Hezbollah arms depot in the border village of Kfar Kila, adding that militants were inside at the time.

Hezbollah said its fighters carried out 10 different attacks using rockets and explosive drones against Israeli military posts, the last of which targeted the army command of the Haramoun Brigade in Maaleh Golani with Katyusha rockets. In a separate statement, Hezbollah said it hit the same army post with a short-range Falaq rocket. It said the attacks were in response to Israeli airstrikes on villages in southern Lebanon.

U.S. intelligence officials have no doubts that Hezbollah carried out the attack on the Golan Heights, but it was not clear if the militant group intended the target or misfired, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to comment publicly.

The White House National Security Council in a statement said the U.S. “will continue to support efforts to end these terrible attacks along the Blue Line, which must be a top priority. Our support for Israel’s security is iron-clad and unwavering against all Iranian-backed terrorist groups, including Lebanese Hezbollah.”

Lebanon’s government, in a statement that didn’t mention Majdal Shams, urged an “immediate cessation of hostilities on all fronts” and condemned all attacks on civilians.

Israel and Hezbollah have been trading fire since Oct. 8, a day after Hamas militants stormed into southern Israel. In recent weeks, the exchange of fire along the Lebanon-Israel border has intensified, with Israeli airstrikes and rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah striking deeper and farther away from the border .

Majdal Shams had not been among border communities ordered to evacuate as tensions rose, Israel’s military said, without saying why. The town doesn’t sit directly on the border with Lebanon.

Officials from countries including the United States and France have visited Lebanon to try to ease the tensions but failed to make progress. Hezbollah has refused to cease firing as long as Israel’s offensive in Gaza continues. Israel and Hezbollah fought an inconclusive war in 2006.

Saturday’s violence comes as Israel and Hamas are weighing a cease-fire proposal that would wind down the nearly 10-month war in Gaza and free the roughly 110 hostages who remain captive there. Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed some 1,200 people and took 250 others hostage. Israel’s offensive has killed more than 39,000 people, according to local health authorities.

Since early October, Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon have killed more than 450 people, mostly Hezbollah members, but also around 90 civilians and non-combatants. On the Israeli side, 45 have been killed, at least 21 of them soldiers.

Mroue reported from Beirut. Associated Press writer Aamer Madhani in Washington contributed.


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Recap: Kamala Harris holds first presidential campaign rally in West Allis

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Vice President Kamala Harris held her first presidential campaign rally in Milwaukee Tuesday, backed by top Wisconsin Democrats, after President Joe Biden exited the race Sunday.

Harris has visited the battleground state four other times this year, and eight times as vice president. But her Tuesday trip had newfound importance:

Instead of rallying for Biden's reelection, she's now campaigning as the presumptive Democratic nominee against the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump.

Harris spoke at West Allis Central High School , about eight miles southwest of downtown Milwaukee. The Journal Sentinel shared live updates on Harris' trip, her campaign speech and how Wisconsin politicians responded.

More: 5 takeaways from Kamala Harris' first presidential rally before packed crowd at West Allis Central High School in Wisconsin

Watch a replay of the Journal Sentinel's livestream of Kamala Harris' speech in West Allis

'Kamalanomenon!' and Beyonce: Kamala Harris rally has heavy pop culture references

There was no shortage of pop culture references — or Beyonce songs — during the rally.

At one point, Harris asked what type of country the crowd wanted to live in. Someone in the bleachers yelled, "A Kamalanomenon!"

That's a reference to the Chappell Roan song "Femininomenon," a song that young social media users have connected to Harris. Gen Z has also created viral video edits of Harris with songs from Charli XCX's album "brat" playing in the background.

The rally was packed with pop songs, especially by female artists. Beyonce’s “Break My Soul” played as the crowd filled the gym, and her song "Freedom" blasted out at the end.

— Mary Spicuzza and Hope Karnopp

speech on role of discipline in school

Harris paints contrast with Trump: 'What kind of country do we want to live in?'

As she ended her 17-minute speech, Harris again sought to contrast her vision with what she said is Trump's.

“Ultimately, in this election, we each face a question: What kind of country do we want to live in?" she said. “Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear and hate?"

"We each have the power to answer that question," she added. "The power is with the people."

Harris touches on gun violence, abortion rights

Harris said "every person in our nation should have the freedom to live safe from the terror of gun violence. We'll finally pass red-flag laws, universal background checks and an assault weapons ban."

And she said, "We who believe in reproductive freedom will stop Donald Trump's extreme abortion bans because we trust women to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do."

Harris says she's focused on building up the middle class

Harris said the campaign is about "two different visions for our nation: One where we are focused on the future. The other focused on the past."

Citing affordable health care, affordable child care, paid family leave and the freedom to join a union as beliefs, Harris said, "Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency."

Harris: 'I took on perpetrators of all kinds'

Harris sought to contrast herself with Trump, the first former president to be convicted on felony charges. She pointed to her background as California's attorney general and as district attorney in San Francisco.

“In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds," Harris said to loud chants of "Lock him up!" from the crowd. "So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type."

— Lawrence Andrea and Mary Spicuzza

Trump commits to at least one debate, calls Harris more 'radical' than Biden

As Harris  rallied voters  in West Allis, Trump committed to at least one debate with the Democratic vice president.

The Republican former president also pledged to visit the U.S.-Mexico border as many times as “necessary” during his campaign, characterizing Harris as the country’s “border czar” and depicting her record as one of failures.

“She's the same as Biden, but much more radical. She's a radical left person, and this country doesn't want a radical left person today,” Trump said. “She's far more radical than he is.”

— Jessie Opoien

Harris acknowledges delegate count, pledges party unity

Harris told the crowd that she knows she now has secured enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination.

"I am so very honored and I will pledge to you I will spend the coming weeks continuing to unite our party so that we are ready to win in November."

Harris notes importance of Wisconsin to campaign

Harris said Wisconsin has been and will continue to be important in winning elections.

"The path through the White House goes through Wisconsin," she said. "And to win in Wisconsin, we are counting on you right here in Milwaukee. And you all helped us win in 2020. And in 2024, we will win again."

Harris promotes Sen. Tammy Baldwin's campaign

Early in her speech, Harris put in a plug for Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who's running for reelection against Republican Eric Hovde and had spoken to the crowd earlier.

"I had the privilege of serving with Tammy when I was in the United States Senate," Harris said, "and she is always fighting for the people of this state and I know that the folks that are here are going to make sure you return her to Washington, D.C., in November."

Madison school district administrator introduces Harris

speech on role of discipline in school

Dr. Leia Esser, the executive director of student & staff supports at the Madison Metropolitan School District, introduced Harris.

"If it were not for the Biden-Harris administration, I would still be obligated to student-loan debt and unable to unconditionally serve the scholars I love," Esser said.

"But thanks to the Biden-Harris administration's commitment to public service, I had almost all of my student-loan debt forgiven, giving me the opportunity to serve the scholars I love without being burdened by debt."

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley heralds Biden's decades of service, says Harris' run is a 'shot in the arm'

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley called for acknowledging Biden’s contributions over decades in public service.

He said he saw Democrats across the country rallying around Harris’ presidential bid.

“Those policies that we’ve been working on at the federal level under the leadership of Joe Biden, they have been working,” Crowley said. “But, unfortunately, we just couldn’t get over him as the candidate. People couldn’t see past that.”

Crowley described Harris’ run as a “shot in the arm” that would help Democrats reinvigorate the party’s base and refocus the campaign on issues that draw voters to the party’s candidates.

Many young people, he said, are excited about the opportunity to elect the first woman to the presidency.

“She’s the perfect choice moving forward and making sure that we can focus on women’s rights, we can focus on issues that directly affect young people and people of color because that’s what makes us great as America. That’s what our strength is,” he said.

That Biden left the race just weeks before the convention “gives us an opportunity to rally our troops,” Crowley said.

— Alison Dirr

Gov. Tony Evers says he's 'jazzed as hell' ahead of Harris' arrival

Ahead of her arrival, top Wisconsin Democrats rallied the crowd. They included Gov. Tony Evers, Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Ben Wikler, Attorney General Josh Kaul and Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski.

"I am jazzed as hell to be here," Evers said.

He went on to say that "we're going to deliver Wisconsin for a woman who has never forgotten where she came from or the state that helped raise her."

— Alison Dirr and Mary Spicuzza

New friends meet in line at Kamala Harris rally in West Allis

Terell Thomas, 48, of West Allis and Carolyn Gohr, 63, of Kendall, looked like longtime friends when they walked into the gym Tuesday morning.

In reality, the two women had known each other just minutes and bonded in line as they waited to enter the rally.

“We have the same mission: to support her,” Thomas said.

She said she wanted to be at the rally because of her kids and because “it’s history.”

Biden did “an amazing thing by supporting her,” Thomas said.

Both expressed a sense of urgency to be present to witness this moment, having missed rallies in past elections for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who ran for president in 2016, and former President Barack Obama.

And, they hailed Harris’ history as a prosecutor as she prepares to challenge Trump, who was convicted in May of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records .

Among the things they wanted to hear from Harris Tuesday:

“I just really want to hear how she’s going to run circles around Mr. Cheeto,” Thomas said.

“I’m just here to celebrate her,” said Gohr.

speech on role of discipline in school

Wisconsin officials gather at AV Flight tarmac to greet Harris

After a rainy morning in Milwaukee, the sun peaked through the clouds just as Air Force 2 landed in the city Tuesday afternoon.

Gov. Tony Evers was joined by Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and his wife and children Dominique Johnson, Bella Johnson and Madison Johnson to greet the Vice President.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin exited Air Force 2 ahead of Harris and spoke with officials at the base of the plane’s steps.

Harris didn't make comments to press at the airport but spent several minutes speaking to Wisconsin officials and Johnson’s daughters.

— Tamia Fowlkes

'Kamala' signs and cheers at beginning of rally

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Speakers have begun the rally at West Allis Central High School, including Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Ben Wikler, state Superintendent Jill Underly and Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski.

The gymnasium's floor and bleachers are packed with supporters waving dark blue-and-white signs with "KAMALA" in simple text. At one point during Wikler's speech, crowds shouted "Kam-a-la!"

Godlewski focused on Trump's involvement in Foxconn and taking credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, prompting the most boos from the crowd.

— Hope Karnopp

Daughter brings father to Harris rally for his birthday

Dana Thome’s phone rang immediately when Biden endorsed Harris to run in his stead.

On the other end was her father, Dean Thome, who was so excited, he was standing up.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” Dean Thome said.

On Tuesday, he said, he wanted to be part of welcoming Harris and said it’s important that people vote.

So Dana Thome, 55, of Milwaukee brought her father to Tuesday’s rally as part of his 90 th birthday present. She held her father’s hand as she said he has always been one to take a stand, dating to his time as a high school teacher.

"I love how excited he is and how much optimism he has,” she said when asked what it meant to be at the rally together.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson offers comments on Harris ahead of arrival

speech on role of discipline in school

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson arrived at the AVFlight in Milwaukee around 10:50 a.m. Tuesday.

Ahead of heading to the tarmac to greet Harris, Johnson spoke to reporters about the importance of the vice president’s visit to Milwaukee as she kicks off her presidential campaign.

With Harris at the top of the ticket, he said, the Democratic Party can encourage and re-engage young people and women leading into November.

“She has been the administration’s and the campaign’s number one when it comes to talking about abortion rights and some of Donald Trump’s agenda like Project 2025,” Johnson said.

“I think there is no better person to prosecute the case against Donald Trump.”

Wisconsin Democrats welcome Kamala Harris, kick off ‘104-day sprint’ to Election Day

For Wisconsin Democrats racing toward Election Day, it’s a sprint, not a marathon.

“Wisconsin Democrats are thrilled to welcome Vice President Kamala Harris to Milwaukee for the first stop of her campaign, kicking off our 104-day sprint to victory in November,” said Ben Wikler, chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

In his statement, Wikler noted the Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee last week, saying it highlighted the “dark and divisive vision” Trump and vice presidential candidate JD Vance have for the country.

— Mary Spicuzza

Kamala Harris to speak at West Allis Central High School

Around 10 a.m. Tuesday, supporters, staff and members of the press began filing into the gym of West Allis Central High School, where Harris will speak. 

Rally attendees are standing on the gym floor and in the bleachers. The American and Wisconsin flags are standing near the podium, but no signs for Harris' days-old campaign were seen yet in the gym. 

Biden's exit, Harris' rise scrambles race in Wisconsin

Harris’ apparent ascension to the top of the Democratic ticket has scrambled the playbook, especially in Wisconsin. 

Democrats in the battleground state have largely coalesced around Harris as Republicans grapple with the idea they will not face Biden on the ballot in November. And while the last 48 hours have upended much of the previous two years, exactly what that means will play out in the coming months. 

“There’s nothing in modern history that I can think of where you have a situation like this,” said Mark Graul, a longtime Republican strategist in Wisconsin. “It’s just entirely unprecedented.” 

— Lawrence Andrea and Jessie Opoien

Wisconsin Republicans link Harris to Biden ahead of VP's visit

Democrats’ 11th-hour presidential ticket change has forced Republicans to wrestle with the idea they will not face Biden on the ballot this November. 

But Wisconsin Republicans ahead of Harris’ visit Tuesday sought to downplay that pivot, suggesting Harris is inextricably linked to the president.

“Vice President Harris is Joe Biden, the sequel,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman Brian Schimming, using a phrase he’s frequently repeated over the last two days.

Republican Senate candidate Eric Hovde, who has spent the majority of his campaign trying to tie Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin to Biden, similarly suggested Biden and Harris are one and the same. Harris “owns the Biden record,” Hovde said, calling the vice president “one of the most extreme liberals.”

“Senator Baldwin has to own what the Biden and Harris record has done,” Hovde said. “As far as I’m concerned — Biden, Baldwin and Harris, and now Harris, Baldwin and Biden — it’s going to be the same thing.”

Asked whether the party saw Harris as more difficult to defeat than Biden in Wisconsin, Schimming said the outlook was “likely the same, perhaps for different reasons,” saying Harris owns Biden’s record but also has her own Senate record, which Republicans cast as left-wing.

“We’ll know more about her as we go through the coming weeks and months,” Schimming said, adding at another point, “There’s issue after issue after issue where Kamala Harris is not in sync with the people of Wisconsin or the people of America.”

Still, the Wisconsin Republicans on Tuesday appeared to push back on Biden’s move to drop out. They’ve noted Biden, not Harris, was selected as the party nominee by voters in state primaries. And they painted the weekend’s events as “rigged” and “a coup within the Democratic Party.”

“The elites and the insiders of the Democratic Party have chosen Vice President Harris to be the new figurehead,” U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil said. “But the policies remain the same.”

— Lawrence Andrea

Who will be Kamala Harris' vice president? Leading candidates for her running mate

Harris'  presidential campaign  has requested vetting materials from at least seven Democrats under consideration to be her vice presidential running mate, USA TODAY has learned from a source familiar with the process.

Those being vetted for the job include North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper; Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer; Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro; U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz.; Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz; and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

The Harris campaign has also requested vetting materials from one Democrat whose name has received much less speculation as a vice-presidential contender: Cedric Richmond, a former congressman from Louisiana who served as a top aide in the Biden White House and on his campaign.


How many times has Kamala Harris visited Wisconsin, and where?

Harris' visit Tuesday will be the fifth time she's campaigned in Wisconsin in 2024. It'll be her ninth time in Wisconsin since becoming vice president.

Harris' last stop in Wisconsin was in May, when she visited Discovery World in Milwaukee to talk about disparities for Black homeowners and businessowners. She went to La Crosse in April, Madison in March and Waukesha County in January.

What do the latest polls show about Kamala Harris in Wisconsin?

The Marquette University Law School, considered one of the highest-quality polls in the country, hasn't yet surveyed Wisconsin voters on a matchup between Harris and former President Donald Trump. The poll also hasn't tracked Harris' favorability ratings since 2022.

Marquette poll director Charles Franklin plans to begin a new survey of voters in Wisconsin and throughout the nation Wednesday, asking voters about a Harris-Trump matchup, among other topics. The results of that survey will be closely watched for indications of how Harris could perform against Trump in Wisconsin, a key swing state.

More: Voters, some hearing for the first time, discuss Biden stepping down, Harris stepping up

Will Wisconsin's DNC delegates vote for Harris?

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Ben Wikler told reporters that all but six of  Wisconsin's 95 DNC delegates  had pledged their support to Harris as of mid-afternoon Monday .

He said the party had either not been in contact with the remaining delegates or those who had not yet pledged were "thinking through the timeline to make a public decision."

The state party endorsed Harris as Wikler proclaimed that the "level of unity and energy is through the roof" with Democrats.

Top Democratic officials in the state have endorsed Harris, including Gov. Tony Evers, U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Reps. Mark Pocan and Gwen Moore, and Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson.

More: What Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race means for Wisconsin's DNC delegates


  1. Speech on Discipline for Students and Children

    The first type is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline. Induced discipline is something that others impart us or we learn by seeing others. While self- discipline derives from within. We learn it on our own self. Self-discipline needs a lot of motivation and support from others. Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here

  2. Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

    Sample 1. Good morning, respected teachers and dear friends. Today, I want to share a few thoughts on a very special word - 'discipline'. Discipline is the secret ingredient to doing well in school and life. It means doing our homework on time, listening to our teachers, and following the rules at school and home.

  3. Speech on Importance of Discipline

    1-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline. Good morning everyone! Today, I would like to talk about an essential key to success that we sometimes overlook - Discipline. It is the bridge between our goals and our achievements. It is the glue that binds inspiration with achievement, dreams with reality, and capabilities with results.

  4. Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life

    In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline. It is important for the student to be disciplined on school premises which include doing small acts like wearing clean clothes, polishing shoes properly, respecting teaching, and completing the assignments regularly.

  5. Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life for Students and Children

    Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life: Discipline is very important in all stages of life. When we talk about school life, discipline plays a key role in developing the character of the person. It teaches a person how to manage his work effectively and efficiently. One cannot imagine having success without having discipline in life.

  6. Sudha Murty: Discipline and Success • English Speeches

    Through personal anecdotes and stories, Mrs. Murty emphasizes the significance of hard work, the beauty of innocent curiosity, and the critical role of discipline in shaping one's future. Her speech is a treasure trove of wisdom for students, educators, and parents alike, encouraging a deep appreciation for lifelong learning and ethical living.

  7. Speech on Discipline in English

    Here are some sample speeches on the topic "discipline". 10 Lines Speech on Discipline. Discipline is an essential skill everyone should acquire in their life. It is tough to learn to be disciplined but once learned, it is a significant asset. A disciplined person succeeds in any field he/she chooses. Discipline also motivates a person to ...

  8. The Importance of Discipline in Students' Life

    Here are some key advantages of the Importance of Discipline in Students' Life: 1. Time Management: Discipline equips students with the skills to manage their time effectively, ensuring they can balance academics, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. 2.

  9. Speech On Discipline With Its Importance For Students And Children

    Short Speech on Discipline in English for Students. Discipline is one of the most important qualities a person should have to live a life with dignity. Lack of discipline creates chaos and a mess that becomes to deal with as we progress. Discipline is the most essential virtue in a human being's life, without it there would be no rule and order.

  10. Discipline Speech

    Long Speech on Discipline 500 Words. One of the first lessons that we learn as children are the lesson of Discipline. Discipline is when you follow a timetable or a schedule to complete all your goals. With the help of Discipline, you can achieve everything that you want to make. If they gain anything, you have to have the Discipline to do it.

  11. Speech On Discipline

    When there is no discipline, corruption occurs. In the words of Aristotle, "Discipline is the obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all.". Therefore, it is the practice of following rules. It is prompt compliance with the ruling party's instructions. We have to abide by certain rules everywhere we go.

  12. Speech on Value Discipline for Students and Children

    Value of Discipline in Student Life Speech - 1. Respected Principal, Chairman, Committee Members, Teachers and Dear Fellow Students - Warm Greetings to everyone! First of all, let's just express our gratitude towards the Almighty for gifting us yet another day to enjoy the morning sunshine and the beauty of our school.

  13. 3 Minute Speech on Importance of Discipline in English for Students

    It helps us to stay focused and complete our tasks within the time limit. Discipline is important in all the tasks of life whether it's a school going child or an adult. In other words we can say that it is the practice of training your mind and body to control your actions and obey rules. Discipline in a student's life plays a crucial role ...

  14. 5 Minute Speech on Importance of Discipline in English for Students

    5 Minute Speech on Importance of Discipline in English for Students. The importance of discipline in a student goes a long way through life. This is very important for parents to engrave this habit of discipline in a child. Or else, the person will face difficulty in the aftermath of life. When a student is disciplined, he/she is more productive.

  15. Speech on Discipline: Format, Important Points & Sample

    Speech Writing Format. The basic structure to write any speech includes 3 parts: Introduction: Greet the audience and briefly describe your topic- discipline, by giving a quote or a story. Continue relating the story or quote you mentioned, and emphasize the importance of the soft skill. Add rhetorical questions to encourage proactive thinking ...

  16. Speech on Discipline for Students in 600 Words • ReadingJunction

    In a student's life, discipline plays a vital role in student life. It teaches students how to behave and act. Due to a lack of control, no one in the world can be educated. If a student has good discipline from school days, he will succeed in his life. The regulation reflects the attitude of the individual.

  17. Role of Discipline in Student Life| It's Benefits and Effects

    The Role of Discipline in School In a school setting, a diverse mix of students necessitates a range of teaching strategies to effectively engage all individuals. Maintaining discipline within the school environment is a crucial and multifaceted process that requires a well-structured framework to uphold behavioral standards.

  18. Speech on Discipline [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

    Speech on Discipline 1, 2 Minutes Speech on Discipline. My dear class fellows and my school Teacher! Welcome to all of you. Today, I want to discuss with you about discipline and its role in shaping our characters and success. Discipline is the commitment to a set of values, the practice of self-control, and the ability to adhere to rules and ...

  19. Speech on Discipline for Students in English [3 Mins Speech*]

    Below we have provided discipline speech in English, written in easy and simple words, suitable for class 7, 8, 9, and 10 school students. Self-Discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable ~ Dan Kennedy. With this beautiful quote, I welcome you all to the session where I am going to deliver a speech on discipline.

  20. (Speech on Discipline) in simple and easy words

    School discipline has a very important role to play in an individual's life. It is a necessary set of actions adopted by a teacher towards a student or group of students, if the ongoing educational activity has been disrupted due to the student's behavior or if the student breaks any particular rule created by the school authority.

  21. Speech For Discipline Incharge In School

    200-Word Speech For Discipline Incharge In School. Being in the discipline has several advantages. I have always been a disciplined student since my childhood. My father instilled the skill of discipline in me. He taught me the benefits of waking up early and doing all my chores on time. At first, being in discipline was hard, but then I got ...

  22. The Dimensions of School Discipline: Toward a Comprehensive Framework

    School discipline is an issue of utmost importance to educational policymakers, researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders because of long-standing disparities in who receives punishment and experiences the impact of exclusionary discipline on education and long-term life outcomes. Students with disabilities, non-heterosexual youth, low-socioeconomic-status students, low-performing students ...

  23. 1 Minute Speech On Discipline In English

    What is discipline? To be disciplined is to have an orderly routine and follow some basic principles without fail. But, to a school-going child, the term discipline holds a different meaning. For a child, discipline is to be punctual and never be late for school. It is to follow the stipulated rules and regulations without any qualms obediently.

  24. Harris Attacks Trump, Saying 'We Are Not Going Back'

    Meeting with staffers, Kamala Harris framed her campaign against Donald J. Trump as a choice between the future and a dark past. Democrats said they would select a nominee by Aug. 7 in an online vote.

  25. Trump Hones His Attacks on Harris in Speech in Florida

    Former President Donald J. Trump spoke to a group of hard-right conservatives in Florida, accusing Vice President Kamala Harris of wanting to use left-wing values to transform the United States.

  26. Strike in Israeli-controlled Golan Heights kills at least 12 and

    A rocket strike on Saturday which hit a soccer field in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights killed at least 11 children and teens, Israeli authorities said. Israel blamed Hezbollah for the strike but Hezbollah rushed to deny any role. The strike raised fears of a broader regional war (AP video shot by: Leo Correa).

  27. Kamala Harris holds first presidential campaign rally in Milwaukee

    Watch a replay of the Journal Sentinel's livestream of Kamala Harris' speech in West Allis 'Kamalanomenon!' and Beyonce: Kamala Harris rally has heavy pop culture references