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Unlock Reading & Writing 3 Student's Book

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Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Carolyn Westbrook and Lida Baker with Chris Sowton, Jennifer Farmer and Janet Gokay Second Edition Reading, Writing 3 & Critical Thinking STUDENT’S BOOK

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org University Printing House, Cambridge cb2 8bs, United Kingdom One Liberty Plaza, 20th Floor, New York, ny 10006, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, vic 3207, Australia 314–321, 3rd Floor, Plot 3, Splendor Forum, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi – 110025, India 79 Anson Road, #06–04/06, Singapore 079906 Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781108686013 © Cambridge University Press 2019 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2014 Second Edition 2019 Printed in A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-108-68601-3 Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mobile App & Online Workbook 3 with Downloadable Video Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org CONTENTS Map of the book 4 Your guide to Unlock 8 UNIT 1 Animals 14 UNIT 2 The environment 36 UNIT 3 Transport 58 UNIT 4 Customs and traditions 80 UNIT 5 Health and fitness 102 UNIT 6 Discovery and invention 124 UNIT 7 Fashion 146 UNIT 8 Economics 168 Glossary 190 Video scripts 202 Acknowledgements 207 Unlock Second Edition Advisory Panel 208

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org 4 MAP OF THE BOOK MAP OF THE BOOK UNIT VIDEO READING VOCABULARY 1 ANIMALS Reading 1: Endangered species (Ecology / Zoology) Reading 2: Losing the battle for survival (Ecology / Zoology) Great egret and dolphin fishing Key reading skill: Reading for main ideas in academic texts Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Using your knowledge Reading for detail Working out meaning from context Predicting content using visuals Summarizing Making inferences Synthesizing Academic verbs 2 THE ENVIRONMENT Reading 1: Our changing planet (Environmental science / Natural science) Reading 2: The causes and effects of deforestation (Environmental science / Natural science) Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Yosemite Key reading skills: Reading for detail Identifying purpose and audience Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Predicting content using visuals Previewing Reading for main ideas Scanning to find information Summarizing Making inferences Synthesizing Academic vocabulary Environment collocations 3 TRANSPORT Reading 1: Masdar: City of the future (Transport management / Urban planning) Reading 2: An essay about traffic congestion (Transport management / Urban planning) The jumbo jet Key reading skill: Predicting content using visuals Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Reading for main ideas Reading for detail Making inferences Synthesizing Transport collocations Synonyms for verbs 4 CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Reading 1: Customs around the world (Cultural studies / Sociology) Reading 2: Protecting our intangible cultural heritage (Cultural studies / Sociology / Anthropology) South Korean Coming of Age Day Key reading skills: Annotating a text Previewing a text Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Using your knowledge Reading for main ideas Reading for detail Making inferences Synthesizing Synonyms to avoid repetition

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org MAP OF THE BOOK 5 GRAMMAR CRITICAL THINKING WRITING Comparative adjectives Grammar for writing: Word order Combining sentences with and, or, but, whereas, both, neither Comparing and contrasting facts Academic writing skill: Writing topic sentences Writing task: Complete a comparison-and-contrast essay. Grammar for writing: Verbs of cause and effect Because and because of Analyzing cause and effect Academic writing skills: Understanding paragraph unity Writing supporting sentences and details Giving examples Writing task: Complete a cause-and-effect essay. Making suggestions Grammar for writing: First conditional If … not and unless Evaluating solutions to a problem Academic writing skill: Writing a concluding sentence Writing task: Complete a problem–solution essay. Avoiding generalizations Adverbs of frequency to avoid generalizations Grammar for writing: Paraphrasing Responding to an author’s ideas Academic writing skill: Writing a summary and a personal response Writing task: Write a summary paragraph and a response paragraph.

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org 6 MAP OF THE BOOK UNIT VIDEO READING VOCABULARY 5 HEALTH AND FITNESS Reading 1: An article about exercise and keeping fit (Health science) Reading 2: An essay about whose responsibility it is to fight obesity (Nutrition) Sugar survey supports labelling on food and drinks Key reading skill: Making inferences Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Predicting content using visuals Using your knowledge Skimming Reading for main ideas Reading for detail Scanning to predict content Synthesizing Health and fitness collocations 6 DISCOVERY AND INVENTION Reading 1: The magic of mimicry (Mechanical engineering / Industrial design) Reading 2: The world of tomorrow (Mechanical engineering / Industrial design) China’s manmade river Key reading skill: Scanning to find information Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Using your knowledge Reading for main ideas Annotating Making inferences Reading for detail Synthesizing Prefixes 7 FASHION Reading 1: Is fast fashion taking over? (Fashion design / Retail management / Business) Reading 2: Offshore production (Fashion design / Retail management / Business) Savile Row’s first female Master Tailor Key reading skill: Distinguishing fact from opinion Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Using your knowledge Reading for main ideas Reading for detail Making inferences Skimming Scanning to find information Synthesizing Vocabulary for the fashion business 8 ECONOMICS Reading 1: How should you invest your money? (Business / Economics) Reading 2: Falling income, rising expenditure (Business / Economics) The stock market crash of 1929 Key reading skill: Skimming for general ideas Additional skills: Understanding key vocabulary Using your knowledge Reading for main ideas Reading for detail Making inferences Annotating Synthesizing Vocabulary for economics and economic trends

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Frontmatter More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org MAP OF THE BOOK 7 GRAMMAR CRITICAL THINKING WRITING Verb and noun forms Grammar for writing: Stating opinions Stating a purpose Linking contrasting sentences Supporting an argument Academic writing skill: Structuring an essay (introductory, body and concluding paragraphs) Writing task: Write a balanced opinion essay. Making predictions with modals and adverbs of certainty Grammar for writing: Relative clauses Prepositional phrases with advantages and disadvantages Analyzing advantages and disadvantages Academic writing skill: Writing an introductory paragraph (hook, background information, thesis statement) Writing task: Write an explanatory essay. Grammar for writing: Multi-word prepositions to combine information Identifying strong arguments Academic writing skills: Using body paragraphs in point–counterpoint essays Using counter-arguments Using cohesion Writing task: Write a point–counterpoint essay. Grammar for writing: Describing graphs using noun and verb phrases Prepositions and conjunctions to add data Using approximations Understanding and interpreting line graphs Academic writing skills: Writing a description of a graph Writing a concluding paragraph Writing task: Write an analysis essay.

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Table of Contents More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org CONTENTS Map of the book 4 Your guide to Unlock 8 UNIT 1 Animals 14 UNIT 2 The environment 36 UNIT 3 Transport 58 UNIT 4 Customs and traditions 80 UNIT 5 Health and fitness 102 UNIT 6 Discovery and invention 124 UNIT 7 Fashion 146 UNIT 8 Economics 168 Glossary 190 Video scripts 202 Acknowledgements 207 Unlock Second Edition Advisory Panel 208

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org YOUR KNOWLEDGE Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 Do you believe it is important for people to be informed about economics? Why / Why not? 2 What causes some countries to be rich and other countries to be poor? Why do you think there is such a big gap between the rich and the poor in some countries? 3 How has the economy of your country changed in recent years? UNIT 8 ECONOMICS 169 ECONOMICS

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org PREPARING TO WATCH 1 Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 What cities in the world today are centres of money and banking? 2 What happens during an economic depression? 3 How healthy is the economy of your country? 2 You are going to watch a video about a very bad day for the world economy. Before you watch, work with a partner and use the photos from the video and your own knowledge to answer the questions. 1 What do you think happened? 2 Where did it happen? 3 Did it happen recently or a long time ago? GLOSSARY stock market (n) a system for buying and selling parts of companies; the total value of all the investments that are traded in this system crash (v) to fall or lose value suddenly and completely investor (n) someone who puts money in a bank, business, etc. in order to make a profit depression (n) a period in which there is very little business activity and little employment replica (n) a copy of an object ticker tape (n) a long, thin strip of paper, used in the past for printing changing information on, for example, the prices of stocks WHILE WATCHING 3 Watch the video. Check your answers to Exercise 2. ACTIVATING YOUR KNOWLEDGE PREDICTING CONTENT WATCH AND LISTEN 170 UNIT 8

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org 4 Watch again. Match the sentence halves. 1 The stock market 2 On Black Tuesday, investors 3 Millions of people 4 The Great Depression 5 Ticker tape machines a was the worst economic period in modern history. b were used to print the prices of stocks and shares. c crashed in 1929. d lost their jobs. e lost billions of dollars. 5 Watch again. Answer the questions. 1 When exactly did Black Tuesday happen? 2 What happened to stock prices after Black Tuesday? 3 What happened to many banks and companies? 4 Where is the Museum of Financial History? 5 What does the stock exchange use now to report stock prices? 6 Work with a partner. Discuss the questions and give reasons for your answers. 1 Were most financial experts surprised by Black Tuesday? 2 Why did people in other countries lose their jobs during the Depression? 3 How have computers changed stock markets? DISCUSSION 7 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. 1 What are the biggest economic problems in the world today? 2 How do changes in the economy affect your daily life? 3 Do you think the economy will be better or worse in ten years? Why? UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS UNDERSTANDING DETAIL MAKING INFERENCES WATCH AND LISTEN 171

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org READING 1 PREPARING TO READ 1 You are going to read an article about investments. Before you read the article, read the sentences (1–7) and write the words in bold next to the definitions (a–g). 1 During the recession of 2007–2009, people all over the world lost their jobs and were forced to sell their homes. 2 At my bank, the interest rate on a loan to buy a car is about 4.5%. 3 Since Apple Computer company stocks and shares went on sale in 1976, their value has increased by more than 28,000%. 4 Real estate, that is land or buildings, is an excellent investment in large cities like Los Angeles or Tokyo. 5 My father is a careful investor. He buys assets, like buildings and cars, that increase slowly over time. 6 After a natural disaster, such as a tsunami or fire, the homes and businesses in an area usually go down in value. 7 If you buy gold, you can probably expect to get a high rate of return on your investment. a (n) the percentage amount that you pay when you borrow money, or receive when you lend money, for a period of time b (n) profit on money you have invested c (n) parts of a publicly-owned business which can be bought and sold as investments d (n) someone who puts money in a bank, business, etc. to make a profit e (n) how much money something could be sold for f (n) a period when the economy of a country is not doing well, but not as bad as a depression g (n) something such as stocks or property which you buy in order to make a profit 2 Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 Can you think of some usual and unusual ways to invest money? What are they? 2 Can you give an example of a safe investment? What investments are risky? 3 Two possible investments are gold and classic cars. Do you think they are safe, risky or somewhere in-between? Which do you think has been more profitable recently? UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE 172 UNIT 8 READING

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org How should you invest your money? 1 In a recession, interest rates are low. This means that keeping your money in a bank may not be the best way of making money. Stocks and shares are also risky when the economy takes a dive1 . So where should you invest to make the most of your money? For the brave investor, there is a range of alternative investments. Gold and classic cars are two popular investments because their market value tends to go up with time. 2 Over time, gold has been a very good investment, though the price has fluctuated2 in recent years, as the graph below shows. Between 2009 and 2012, for example, the price rose from $1,087 an ounce to a peak of $1,664 an ounce. Then, by the end of 2015, it had fallen to $1,161. In 2016, it rose slightly again to $1,249. Forecasters expect it to stay in this range until 2025. If you are thinking about investing in gold, you may want to consider one famous investor’s advice. Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world, dislikes gold as an investment. He points out that historically, the stock market has brought in significantly higher returns than gold. He also says it is better for society if you use your money for something productive, rather than have it sitting in a bank. 3 While gold and stocks are both excellent investment options in the long term, some people prefer investments that they can use and enjoy. For these people, classic cars are one way to have fun and make lots of money. In fact, over the last 30 or 40 years, the value of some classic cars has risen far more than that of gold or other investments like houses. As an example, a 1972 Ferrari Dino 246 GT cost around $13,000 in 1980 but was worth as much as $450,000 in 2016. A 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL cost about $36,000 in 1980 but is worth about $1 million now. But neither of these cars compares to what is perhaps the best investment ever: a man in Tennessee bought the Aston Martin DB5 which was used in two of the James Bond films. This car cost just $7,000 in 1980 but sold in 2010 for an incredible $4.1 million! That is an incredible 20,000% increase! 4 In sum, the prospect of making lots of money through investing is very exciting, but one must never forget that investing is a risky business. Gold prices rise, but they also fall. Classic cars need to be kept in excellent condition to increase in value and, because fashions change, investors have to guess which car to invest in. If you are clever and lucky, you may make a big profit – but remember, there are no guarantees. Car values (USD) 2009 2012 2015 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2000 2003 2006 Price history: Gold (USD) 1 take a dive (v) If a value or price takes a dive, it suddenly becomes less. 2 fluctuate (v) to keep changing, especially in level or amount READING 1 173

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org WHILE READING SKILLS Skimming for general ideas Skimming is the opposite of reading in depth. To skim a text, read it quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Don’t read every word. It is enough to read the title, the introductory paragraph, the concluding paragraph and perhaps the first sentence of each main body paragraph. It is also useful to look at any photos or diagrams in the text. Skimming is a particularly useful skill in academic reading. 3 Skim the article and the graphs on page 173. Tick the topics that the article discusses. causes of a recession two popular investments the price of gold over time the stock market in 2016 classic cars as an investment the risks of investing 4 Look at your answers to Exercise 3. Find the main ideas and write them in the order that they appear in the reading. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 5 Read the article. Answer the questions using information from the article. Remember that you can annotate the text as you read. 1 Approximately how much did gold cost per ounce in 2009? 2 In which year was the price of gold the highest? How much did it cost per ounce? 3 According to forecasters, what will happen to the price of gold between now and 2025? 4 How much did a Ferrari Dino 246 GT cost in 1980? 5 What is a 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL worth now? 6 How much did the Aston Martin used in the James Bond films sell for in 2010? READING BETWEEN THE LINES 6 Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 If you followed Warren Buffett’s advice, would you invest in the stock market or in gold? Why? 2 Are classic cars a risky investment? Why / Why not? 3 As far as you know, what is the safest investment in general? Which investments do you think are the safest during a recession? SKIMMING READING FOR MAIN IDEAS READING FOR DETAIL MAKING INFERENCES 174 UNIT 8

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org DISCUSSION 7 Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 Imagine that you and your partner have one million pounds to invest. How would you invest the money? Why? 2 Are there any investments that you definitely would not make? Why would you choose not to invest your money in this way? 3 If you could afford it, would you buy an Aston Martin DB5? Why / Why not? READING 2 PREPARING TO READ 1 You are going to read an article about income and expenditure. Before you read the article, read the sentences (1–6) below and write the words in bold next to the definitions (a–f). 1 My family has a comfortable standard of living. We have enough money to pay for everything we need, and we are able to save a little bit of money every month. 2 People who go to university usually have a higher income than people with only a secondary-school education. 3 Housing is the biggest expenditure for most people. For instance, many Europeans pay 40% or more of their income in rent or house payments. 4 The weather is one factor which influences the price of food. For example, if there is not enough rain, crops are smaller and the price of food goes up. 5 Families with many children must spend a large percentage of their income on food and clothing. 6 It is a good idea for workers to put some money into savings every month. Even putting a little aside each month can result in a large amount over time. a (n pl) money that you put away, usually in a bank, for a later date b (n) how much money and comfort someone has c (n) one of the things that has an effect on a particular situation, decision, event, etc. d (n) the total amount of money that a government or person spends on something e (n) money that you earn by working, investing or producing goods f (n) an amount of something, expressed as a number out of 100 UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY READING 2 175

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org 2 Work with a partner. Answer the questions. 1 Do you think the standard of living in most developed countries has improved, got worse or stayed the same in the last 20 years? 2 What factor or factors play an important role in people’s standard of living? 3 Scan the article and check your answers. WHILE READING 4 Read and annotate the article opposite. Look at page 85 for what to annotate. 5 Choose the sentence which best summarizes the article. a The article compares income and expenditure in the United States with the same factors in other developed countries. b The article explains how falling incomes and rising expenditure has affected people’s standard of living in recent years. c The article describes five categories of expenditure which play a key role in determining people’s standard of living. d The article discusses how the so-called ‘economic miracle’ became a reality for Japanese people in the years during and following the Second World War. 6 Read the article again and choose the correct statement from each pair. 1 a Incomes in the United States rose quickly in the 1970s, and have been increasing slowly since then. b Incomes in the United States fell from the 1980s to the 2000s and have been increasing slowly since then. 2 a Between 1999 and 2016, median income in the US stayed about the same. b Between 1999 and 2016, median income fell by about 7%. 3 a Between 2000 and 2016, Americans spent more on transport than they did on food. b Between 2000 and 2016, Americans’ biggest expenditure was housing. 4 a Healthcare costs have stayed approximately the same in spite of rising hospital costs. b Because of higher prices for prescription drugs and hospital stays, healthcare costs have increased. 5 a Over the past two decades, people in developed countries have had less money to spend on entertainment and small luxuries like eating in restaurants. b Over the past two decades, people in developed countries have been able to spend more money on entertainment and small luxuries like eating in restaurants. USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE ANNOTATING READING FOR MAIN IDEAS READING FOR DETAIL 176 UNIT 8

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org 1 In almost every country and every culture, parents work hard to try to give their children a richer, more successful and more comfortable life than they had. For decades following the Second World War, this dream became a reality in many countries around the world. Possibly the best example is the Japanese ‘economic miracle’, when Japan, thanks to an extremely high rate of economic growth from the 1960s to the 1980s, developed into one of the world’s strongest economies. Yet in Japan, as in other developed nations, many people today are not able to enjoy the same standard of living as their parents before them. This is because in recent years, incomes have declined while expenditure has risen. In effect, this means many people are actually poorer than they were 10 or 20 years ago. 2 Falling incomes are the first cause of a declining standard of living. In the United States, for instance, incomes rose during the 1970s, began falling in the 1980s, and reached their low point during the Great Recession of 2007–2009. The years since then have seen a slow recovery; yet according to the US Census Bureau, the median1 income in 2016 was $59,039 – nearly the same as in 1999. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, the average household income of £25,700 in 2016 was nearly the same as that in 2007. 3 The other key factor which influences people’s standard of living is expenditure. Worldwide, prices for necessities such as rent and food have been rising. As an example, Figure 1 shows the percentage of their income that Americans spent on five key categories between 2000 and 2016: housing, food, transport, entertainment and health. Until 2015, the costs in these five categories remained more or less stable. That is, Americans spent approximately 20% of their incomes on housing, about 10% on food, about 8% on transport, and around 3% each on entertainment and health. As the graph shows, most of these costs jumped in 2015 and have continued to rise. 4 In the United States and in many other countries, the most important cause of rising expenditure over time is the high cost of housing. In many cities worldwide there is a critical shortage of houses and apartments to buy and rent. This has driven up costs. Also, healthcare costs continue to rise as prescription drugs and hospital costs have become more and more expensive. Transport and food prices have also increased significantly in recent years. 5 In conclusion, the combination of rising prices and falling incomes has left many people with less spending power than they had in previous decades. Because consumers must pay more for essentials like food, healthcare and especially housing, they have less money for education, investment, savings and small luxuries like eating in restaurants. For many people, the dream of living in greater comfort and security than their parents must seem very distant indeed. FALLING INCOME, RISING EXPENDITURE 1median (adj) having a value that is exactly in the middle of a set of values arranged from largest to smallest 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30% Housing and related Food Transport Entertainment Health Figure 1 READING 2 177

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Excerpt More Information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org READING BETWEEN THE LINES 7 Work with a partner. Answer the questions. 1 What are some examples of countries that became richer in the decades following the Second World War? 2 What are some causes of the shortage of housing in cities worldwide? 3 If the average American earned around $59,000 in 2016, about how much did that person spend on housing? DISCUSSION 8 Work with a partner. Use ideas from Reading 1 and Reading 2 to answer the following questions. 1 Do people in most developed countries probably have more, less or about the same amount of money to invest as they did before the Great Recession of 2007–2009? Why? 2 If someone’s income is falling and expenditure is rising, is it a good idea to try to make more money by investing in the stock market, gold, etc.? Why / Why not? 3 What has happened to income and expenditure in your country since 1996? Why? LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES FOR ECONOMICS 1 Use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words in the table and write the definitions. noun adjective 1 economy economic 2 finance financial 3 wealth wealthy 4 poverty poor 5 value valuable 6 employment employed 7 profession professional 8 expense expensive MAKING INFERENCES SYNTHESIZING 178 UNIT 8

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unlock 3 reading writing and critical thinking answer


Unlock 3 Reading and Writing Skills Teacher’s Book

Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education(TM) with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlock Listening and Speaking Skills 2 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM is ideal for use in the classroom and encourages 'heads-up teaching'. The software can be used on an interactive whiteboard, portable interactive software technology, or with a computer and a projector. With Presentation Plus, teachers can present the Student's Book, play the Class Audio, view the videos, and display scripts and answer keys. Presentation Plus tools allow teachers to mark up and add links to the components whilst also allowing them to save their sessions. In addition, teachers can also connect to Cambridge Dictionaries Online for additional reference and language support. - Every unit of Unlock opens with a visually stunning and inspiring Discovery EducationTM video (supplied on the Teacher's DVD that is packaged with the Teacher's Book). These are used in every unit to introduce original angles on a range of academic topics. The videos promote discussion, motivate and engage learners, and help to ensure that you are working with materials which lead to real achievements in the classroom. - The critical thinking sections in Unlock are based on Benjamin Bloom’s classification of learning objectives (Bloom’s Taxonomy). These sections allow your learners to develop the lower and higher order thinking skills that are essential for success in an academic context. - Unlock has been developed using the Cambridge Learner Corpus, Cambridge Academic Corpus, and the English Vocabulary Profile. This guarantees that the language presented to your learners in Unlock is both up-to-date and relevant as it means our authors can see how English is used, identify common mistakes made by learners at a given level, and get additional information on the vocabulary that should be covered at each CEFR level.

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    978-1-108-68601-3 — Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student's Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video Carolyn Westbrook , Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton Table of Contents More Information

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    The pack is a single manual for levels 1-5 so that every answer key and additional activity are conveniently in one book. ... Unlock 3 Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking Student's Book 2nd Edition Unlock 1 2nd Edition Series Unlock 2 2nd Edition Series Unlock 4 2nd Edition Series.

  6. Unlock Second Edition

    A single manual for levels 1-5 so that every answer key and additional activity are conveniently in one book. Teacher development material in every unit entitled Developing critical thinking skills in your students, including teacher development objectives, in-practice activities and opportunities for review and self-evaluation.

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  8. Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking Student's Book

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  9. Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student's Book

    Unlock Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking is a six-level, research-informed, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies. It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% new, inspiring video ...

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  11. Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking Student's Book

    Unlock your academic potential with this six-level, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies (CEFR Pre-A1 to C1). It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% n

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  13. Unlock Reading & Writing 3 (B1)

    Downloadable Video Press Cambridge University Carolyn Westbrook ,—Lida Baker , With Chris Sowton 978-1-108-68601-3 Unlock Level 3 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student's Book, Mob ...

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  16. Cambridge University Press & Assessment

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  22. Resources

    Unlock B1 Level 3 Listening and Speaking Classroom Audio (Unlock Level 3 Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking Student's Book with Digital Pack) Audio, 154mb. Download. ... Unlock Unit Structure - Reading And Writing Sample Content (Unlock Middle East Edition) Download. Writing Extra Book Sample Content (Writing Extra Book) PDF, 151kb.