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Boston University

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Essay samples for every taste and need

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Choose samples by essay type

The font type, compare and contrast, how to craft a good essay writing sample.

Additionally, it's important to understand the essay prompt and requirements before starting to write. Brainstorming, creating an outline, and conducting research are also crucial steps. Once these steps are completed, you can begin writing your essay by following the outline and incorporating your research. Finally, proofread and edit your essay to ensure it is error-free and flows well.If you need more guidance, you can always seek the help of a professional writer from a custom essay writing service. Alternatively, you can find inspiration and guidance by looking for high school sample essays that cover a similar topic to the one you're working on. These can provide you with ideas on how to structure your essay, what to include, and how to approach your argument. So, if you're struggling to write an essay , don't hesitate to find a great sample essay or ask a professional writer to write an essay for you!

  • Choose both an essay type and its format
  • Brainstorm to find a topic
  • Develop a thesis statement
  • Make an essay outline
  • Write the first draft
  • Expand on the drafts
  • Edit and proofread

Regular new academic essay sample

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Think of the essays on this website as inspirational research. They are not meant to be presented as your own work. Any sample of essay writing found here is intended to be a tool to help students further understand the topic and develop their own ideas. Copying sections of an essay sample for college would be considered plagiarism and would violate the honor code and may result in disciplinary action. Please think of the material as an additional study aid, but we strongly recommend that students develop their own ideas and write their own words.

Writing is challenging, so use our samples as a basis for new viewpoints, how to structure your essay, and as a source of inspiration.

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Essay samples have a proven track record of improving a students academic performance. Many high-schools and higher education institutes give essay examples as study materials, especially to explore a topic more deeply. Many academic institutions don't have access to a diverse range of high quality essay samples though, and that's where Studyfy steps in! Our samples cover a huge variety of topics and will be invaluable in helping you to study.

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Having trouble with finding the right sample for your topic? Don't worry! The first thing you should do is reach out to a member of our support team and ask them if they can source the right sample. If they can't, then you can always order an essay sample from one of our professional writers. We are committed to helping students with the assignments that they find challenging!

No more struggle

Over the course of your higher education, you will be asked to write papers on a wide variety of topics. While certain topics might be of interest to you, others won't be. It's often these papers that students struggle with the most. Maybe you're not a fan of classic literature, maybe the dreaded foundation or general education courses have forced you to take a science class. Don't let a single course affect your grades! Essay samples, your creativity, Studyfy homework help, online proofreading and essay editing service, custom essay , admission essay writing service , and " write paper for me " services are the perfect tools to give you inspiration and help you with unpleasant essays!

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The whole purpose of writing tools is to make monotonous, tedious, and routine tasks obsolete.

Why do the same thing over and over again when you can easily automate the whole process, giving you tons of free time, less stress, and notably better results? After all, it’s not like you’re learning anything new by doing the same time-consuming tasks!

Writing tools allow students to spend their time focusing on things that really matter.

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Have you ever thought to yourself that you could’ve done so much more if it weren’t for a certain writing assignment and all the many subtasks required to complete it?

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And that’s just to name a few things! The actual possibilities are endless.

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Writing assignments tend to pile up, along with many other tasks. And unfortunately there’s no way to add more hours to the day to complete everything on time.

An approaching deadline brings nothing but stress, resulting in even lower productivity, which can make your mental state even worse. Not to mention the feeling of failure after receiving a bad grade.

With the help of writing tools, this nightmare is easy to avoid. You’ll be able to deal with all your routines more effectively and even meet multiple deadlines at once.

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Needless to say, no matter how much time you’ve devoted to completing your writing assignment, if it contains mistakes — you won’t receive the grade you were hoping for.

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Long story short—these writing tools are here to make your academic life easier and your studying smarter. It’s worthwhile to try them at least once. After seeing the results, you’ll surely come back for more!

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IvyPanda® is a student success hub designed to improve the educational outcomes and learning capabilities of students around the world by connecting them with academic experts and by providing highly-efficient self-study services and online tools.

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AI Essay Writer

To use AI Essay Writer simply add your topic in the input box with essay length and click on the "Write Essay" button.

Essay Topic

  • Descriptive
  • Comparative

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Generating essays on harmful, dangerous or illegal topics not allowed, we tried our best to prevent these topics,if you find any essay topic that is generating any of these types of content, email us at aiessaywriter.com contact us

How to use AI Essay Writer?

AI Essay Writer make it easy for you to write a effective and informative essay in seconds. The whole writing process takes a few seconds to complete. All you need to do is provide your topic or prompt of your essay.

Essay Topic: Type or paste the essay topic you need to write about. It can be anything. It can be a short descriptive topic or a long narrative topic.

Type of Essay: Choose the type of essay, such as argumentative, expository, narrative, or descriptive, to clarify our essay generator of your need.

Essay Length: Select your essay length to define how many words you want to generate according to your requirements.

Features of our Essay Maker ✍️

Our free essay maker has many useful unique features that set it apart from other essay writers and make it an excellent choice for students.

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Our essay maker is free for students to help them enhance their learning and writing experience to write competitive essays in their academic career.

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AI for Essay Writing

AI Essay Writer trained with advanced state-of-the-art technology to write unique, well-structured, and coherent essays with no plagiarism issues.

Our essay typer is programmed with a special feature called "Bypass AI". Using this feature will help you remove AI detection and provide value to human readers.

Provides References

Our essay typer offers an option that you can select to get references and citations at the end of the essay with the provided information.

Types of Essays

This feature can help you generate different types of essays such as argumentative, expository, narrative, descriptive, etc., so that you can choose the type according to your requirements.

Why our Essay Generator?

Our essay generator uses advanced machine learning algorithms, especially deep learning models to understand and generate essays the way humans write.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to use ai for essays.

YES! It is perfectly okay to use AI for essays as long as you don't violate any guidelines. If there are no restrictions on using AI for essay writing, you can use it without any problems.

Is there an AI that writes essays?

AI Essay Writer uses modern NLP algorithms to provide valuable information to humans and turn it into an AI that writes essays for you in seconds.

How do you write an AI essay without getting caught?

To avoid having your essay getting caught as AI, be sure to add some content of your own and also use our “Bypass AI” feature to make the AI undetectable.

How students can write essays online for free?

Our essay maker is 100% free for students to help them improve their writing skills more effectively and to engage them more deeply with their subjects.

Top 24 Writing Tools for Students in 2023 (Unbiased)

Top 24 Writing Tools for Students in 2023 (Unbiased)

Table of contents

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As students, we have a lot going on. Back-to-school season means more assignments, research, essays, papers, and reports. Generally, more writing, and writing takes a lot of time. 

But hey - it’s the 21st century. Despite the lack of time, we cannot complain about the lack of tools and apps that help us do everything we need to do - better, faster, and cheaper.

The best AI tool for students in 2023 > The best AI tool for students in 2023 >

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The essay writing process

The essay writing process

By utilizing the latest writing tools for students, we can greatly improve our processes and grades.

The right tools can help students in various ways:

  • They can help you manage your time more efficiently.
  • You'll be able to automate tasks such as checking grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • They can improve more advanced aspects of writing essays like language, structure and tone, for better overall readability.

The writing process can be broken down into three main stages: conceptualize, create, and check.

Let's examine each stage, and see how to optimize each one to save us time and get the job done efficiently. 

Stage 1: Conceptualize

First, we must conceptualize what we intend to write about. Are you having trouble getting started on your writing assignment? These tools can help.

Essay Topic Generator

Choosing the right topic and title is crucial to your success. Are you familiar with first impressions? That's what your paper's title and topic do.

Using a free tool like EssayTopicGenerator , which takes in keywords and generates topic ideas in seconds, gave me lots of ideas.

Essay Topics Generator

These are just rough ideas or thought starters, as you can see from the screenshot. Take a look at these titles and try to turn them into something. 

I would choose option 23. Aside from being clearly worded, it also gives me a fascinating new angle to study: how capitalism can develop within communist states.

To write a successful paper, you will need a strong position or perspective. For many students, writing a thesis can be a challenge.

By using Wordtune , I was able to turn my thoughts into more carefully considered words and make my final thesis statement as compelling as possible. In addition, I selected the option for it to generate suggestions with a more formal tone, which made them sound more academic.


You could benefit from services such as ThesisStatementWriter if you only have disconnected ideas and need help formulating a basic thesis. 

In academic writing, you need to gather and analyze existing research. This is not only to build your knowledge, but also to ensure your own work adds a unique angle without repeating others. Zotero and ReadCube can be really useful assistants to collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research easily and quickly; and Pockt and Memonic can help larger teams easily access all the curated and collated research painlessly.

Your arguments will be more persuasive if you use high-quality references. Organizing them smartly is not enough. It's difficult to read, comprehend, connect, write, and build upon several GBs of research documents. How do you do it without missing your deadline?

While speed reading and skimming may help you get through your reference research, they do not guarantee comprehension.  Wordtune Read promises to read and summarize complex research papers, reports, and essays tirelessly.

I pasted a link to a 5,000-word essay into the panel, and within seconds it summarized all the key ideas and concepts. The Spotlight option, on the right side of the screen, highlighted all the keywords that needed my attention. 

Wordtune Read

Rather than spending weeks reading through mountains of information, I could focus on the real challenge - making a strong argument based on what's already out there. The ability to analyze more papers with Wordtune Read added to my perspective. This made my own research and arguments much stronger than they would have been if I had only read a few.

Stage 2: Create

Putting a mere idea into 2,000 words or more is the heart of the assignment. Smart writing tools can really make a difference here.

All your research and ideas are in place - now it's time to create the frame that will hold your essay. Bubbl.us , MindMeister , Miro, and MindMup are all virtual mind mapping tools that help you brainstorm, get ideas flowing, and build your own outline by connecting logical ideas in the research.

Mind Map

It's not everyone's cup of tea to write, and it's even harder to write well. Your job as a student is to come up with a compelling, evidence-based argument that proves or disproves your thesis. It's time to flesh out the outline. 

Wordtune made my sentences sharper, smarter, and tighter. While I wrote, it was like having my favorite English teacher improving my writing, sentence construction, and rephrasing my thoughts on a one-to-one basis.

Writing for academic purposes is not creative writing. It should be properly organized and argued, usually in the third person, in a formal tone. You should also use the most appropriate vocabulary, especially subject-specific terms and jargon. By using Wordtune, you can improve your tone and style, as well as choose the most appropriate words.

Ludwig is another writing assistant that helps you write better while on the go. With its multiple contextual options, it describes itself as a 'sentence search engine'.

Collaborative assignments are common among students. Google Docs is a helpful tool for writing with a team. Tutors, experts, and even parents can be granted read, comment, or edit access to it, and version control is maintained. 

Similarly, Miro helps larger teams collaborate and brainstorm visually, allowing complex ideas and perspectives to come to life. This is particularly useful for distributed and remote teams, since everyone can work on weekends or even during breaks.


For more complex or advanced assignments, distributed teams may have different roles assigned to them. A student working on a product launch assignment at a business school may assign one member to research, another to design, and another to conduct market research.

Depending on the team, a collaboration tool like Trello can keep the project on track, flagging bottlenecks, delays, and upcoming deadlines as they arise.


Wordtune Read

Once you've written all your words, check the flow. Do all the sections, heads, and subheads follow the right themes? Is it possible to group and consolidate themes that repeat themselves? A friend can give you feedback on whether they understand the gist of your argument by skimming the flow. 

You can check whether all the key points of your argument are covered with a tool like Wordtune Read , which will summarize and highlight key points from your essay (remember we used it to summarize and distill our research material as well?).

If you want to improve the visual side, then tools such as Canva , Book Creator , and Storybird can help you with format and design, visual illustrations, or any specific format and template.

Stage 3: Check

Now that all your thoughts and ideas are on paper, it's time to tidy up. Smart editing tools are more than capable of helping you, and you need an objective third party:

The use of tools like Hemingway editor ensures you won't overlook anything when it comes to editing your content for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. In addition, sentences that are too long, too short, too complex, too passive, too repetitive, or just the wrong tone will be highlighted.

With Wordtune , you can flesh out short sentences and fill in content-thin paragraphs, as well as shorten long or complex sentences without losing meaning. Use Wordtune if you get a low readability score - which measures how easy or difficult it is for someone to comprehend your content - to tweak and rephrase your sentences, and improve sentence variety and paragraph transitions.

Bottom line: smart tools enhance the quality of your content, not just speed up the editing process.

  • Copy and plagiarism checks: like millions of others, you can quite comfortably trust tools such as Wordtune and Hemingway to ensure there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in your copy. Use Plagscan to ensure you don't inadvertently copy existing material into your essay.
  • Citations and biblio : following any writing convention, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago style, and writing bibliographies and citations of your references, will make the rest of your assignment process a breeze. It's easier than ever to source and cite research with apps like BibMe , Citavi , EndNote, and Citethisforme . 

Write essays with confidence, speed and style!

You can find the right task and tool with this handy chart.

The smart writing tools checklist

As long as you have these tools at your disposal, you will be able to ace this school year.

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Frequently asked questions

Why does GradesFixer.com provide free essays?

We strive to improve the education process for every student and make it clear and affordable to everyone. It’s always easier to study with a good example at your hand.

How high is the plagiarism percentage in the papers?

Essay samples are donated to us by students and are free for any user. It’s quite likely they have been used before. You can always order a totally unique and plagiarism-free paper on any topic from our experts.

Is using free essay papers cheating?

Using free papers as examples and a source for inspiration is not considered cheating. We strongly ask you not to submit free samples as your own though.

Can I submit essays published on your website?

Submitting an essay from a free database will most likely be considered plagiarism and cheating by your professor or teacher. GradesFixer stands for academic integrity. We ask you to be honest and not to submit free papers found here as your own.

Do you offer an essay writing service?

Yes, our experts can handle any academic paper and write you a unique plagiarism-free essay that will fit your instructions.

I didn't receive the sample via email.

You should check your spam folder or simply try requesting the sample again (if it doesn't help, then make sure to contact our support team).

Can I insert a picture in the plagiarism checker?

No, the plagiarism checker only supports text content or uploading of a file that contains the text.

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Unfortunately, our writing service is not free. Our writers still have to eat. Using our writing service, you’re paying for quality and expertise. You’re paying to be sure your paper turns out exactly the way you need it.

Will my paper writer revise my paper if needed?

Our service offers an unlimited amount of free revisions. We will polish your paper until you find it perfect.

Do I need to pay for an essay before or after?

Money on your account stays with you. The sum is frozen until you receive a finished paper and confirm it was written according to your instructions.

Can you find an expert for any essay subjects?

Over 200 PhD experts work with GradesFixer to provide the best expertise on any topic. You can look through the writers yourself, check their experience and reviews or even chat with them to make the right choice. Feel lost with all the offers? Our support team will gladly help you find the best writer for your paper.

It does not let me check my text, what should I do?

You should check the file format and ensure you do not exceed the limit (it should be no more than 19900 symbols).

Why can't I simply copy the sample?

Our policy prohibits direct copying. Still, you can receive any sample via email after you specify your address.

I need to make my paper single-spaced, how do I make it (cannot find how to do it in the ordering form)?

If you already know the word count, you can choose a specific number of pages with one page being 275 words to cover your needs. Mention it in your instructions and tell that it should be a single-spaced paper.

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Final Thoughts

StudyMoose believes that learning should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we’ve created a database of completely free essays online that learners may use to improve their ‘penmanship’ skills. With it, they may find inspiration for writing. StudyMoose reviews show that the presented instruments make the process of studying easier.

Our platform should be a valuable resource for you! We encourage everyone to explore the database of all kinds of papers, including short essays examples, and use the instruments we offer. Contact our team of experts if you need additional help. They are always there for you!

Free essay database for inspiration

Most popular essay topics.

In this section, you can find free samples of some of the most popular essay topics. The papers are written by English-speaking students from a variety of backgrounds.

Recent Essays Samples

The black codes: resistance to reconstruction’s progress.

Introduction During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which freed enslaved African Americans. Following…

Production Items, Expenses, and Capital Items

Each company that is engaged in production has a number of articles that need to be tracked. These include production items, expenditure items, and capital,…

Customer Relationship Management at Southwest Airlines

Introduction The modern airline industry is a highly competitive business environment that requires maximum process optimization, efficient implementation of cutting-edge technologies, and new management and…

Customer Knowledge and the Internet

Introduction A business must leverage the World Wide Web in advertising since millions of customers use the web for product inquiries. The biggest beverage corporation…

National Basketball Association’s Sales and Promotion

Sports companies should attach great importance to their sales and promotions approaches, as they imply working with a large audience whose interest determines the success…

Interdisciplinary Thinking Approach

Interdisciplinary thinking is a useful viewpoint characterized by the capacity to synthesize ideas from other academic fields and integrate them into one’s expertise in an…

Playing the Guitar: Experience Analysis

The Structure of Intentionality My experience is that in my free time, I play the guitar. I play the songs I like now and try…

Black Feminism: Marches in Support of Black Women

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Human Resources as a Profit Center

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The Future of Healthcare Informatics with Use of Innovations

Introduction Since its early years, nursing has continuously been at the forefront of healthcare, with technologies heavily impacting it. Nurses are directly involved in practically…

Childhood Obesity: Causes and Implications

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Serial Killers’ Psychology: Aileen’s Case

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Partner Violence: The Impact on Children and Society

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The C-Steel Project Implementation

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Nurses’ Role in Fullfillment of Patients’ Wishes

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The Walmart Firm’s Fraud and Ethical Violations

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Karl Marx’s Critique of Capitalism

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The Disaronno Originale Brand’s History and Culture

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Unilever: The Impact of Covid-19

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Employee Training and Development

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A Comparative Analysis of Dave Saunders and Harriet Jacobs

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Book Review on “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” by David Mura

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Society’s Dynamics from Sociological Perspectives

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Contemporary Couples Diversity

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Love and Hate: Relationships in Shakespearian Othello and Life

Introduction The chapter titled “Love and Hate” criticizes the idealistic portrayal of love that exists in some media. It typically displays love as two people…

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where does studycorgi get their essay samples.

These essays are submitted voluntarily to StudyCorgi by high-achieving students who wish to help others succeed academically in high school and university.

Do you really provide 100% free essays? No hidden paywalls?

Yes, the examples that StudyCorgi delivers are completely free. Keep in mind, though, that these papers are meant for research purposes only.

Can I submit one of the essays as my own?

Absolutely not. This would be considered academic dishonesty. We’re strictly against it, and won’t support it in any way or form.

Is there a way to get an essay sample on a specific topic? Do you take requests?

We don’t take requests, but our database is quite large. Consider reviewing our selection every once in a while, as we post new essay examples regularly. You might just find what you need.

Can I send you an essay?

Yes, you can. There’s a page on our website you can visit and fill out a form to donate your paper. We’ll review it, and if it fits our requirements, the work will be published shortly.

How do you ensure the quality of these papers?

We have a team of editors who check all the papers that get submitted and make sure they contain a minimum of grammatical, stylistic, and factual errors. They also see whether those essays adhere to a particular citation style.

What topics do your papers cover?

It’s easier to say what topics we do not cover. Our database is huge, with tens of thousands of works, covering almost every study-related topic imaginable - from the simplest essays describing life experiences and points of view, to works on genetic engineering and microbiology.

How do I properly use the examples you provide?

You can use our samples as a source of inspiration or as part of your investigation into a topic. You can utilize the references in each sample as a starting point for your own research. If you want to use information from the essay itself, you should properly cite it in accordance with your citation style requirements. There’s a useful citation tool at the bottom of each essay sample page to do just that.

Writing Help

The Resource Center is a free service offered by GradeSaver. Each resource has been written and compiled by Adam Kissel, a Harvard-educated GradeSaver editor, in response to questions and editing problems.

The GradeSaver Resource Center is always looking to expand its offerings. If you have any suggestions for new resources, please let GradeSaver know!

What Makes a Good Essay?

Writing a good essay may sound like an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. Adam Kissel's article on What Makes a Good Essay gives you the advice you need to win over your reader and improve your chances of writing a successful essay. Whether you need to write an admission or scholarship essay or an academic essay for a high school,...

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Academic essays require a specific topic, writing style, and essay structure. In this article, Adam Kissel shows you step-by-step how to write a successful high school or college essay that will help you create a logical, compelling argument with detailed supporting evidence. It's easy to become a better academic writer by learning how to pick...

Admission Essays

Writing a successful college admission essay can be stressful. After all, it's your one chance to make a first impression to the college or university of your choice. It can be the deciding factor in your admission status. Don't let poor writing skills stop you from getting into your first choice school. Learn the art of writing a successful...

Scholarship and Award Essays

A college scholarship essay is different than an academic or admission essay. First, you must understand what the sponsoring institution or organization values, then you need to write your essay to conform to those values while meeting the strict scholarship essay requirements. In this article, we'll help you understand and follow the rules of...

Essay Writing: First-Person and Third-Person Points of View

People approach essay writing in so many different ways. Some spend a long time worrying about how to set about writing an informative piece, which will educate, or even entertain, the readers. But it is not just the content that's the issue; it is also the way the content is - or ought to be - written. More may have asked the question: what...

Elements of a Successful Research Paper

Writing a successful research paper is not easy work. There are no shortcuts to be taken as one sits down to choose a topic, conduct research, determine methodology, organize (and outline) thoughts, form arguments or interpretations, cite sources, write the first draft, and, finally, apply the necessary revisions.

But there's no need to be...

Removing Redundancy: Writing Clearly and Concisely

There will sometimes be a strong tendency for most of us to clutter up our writing, with a host of unnecessary words or phrases in the text. This is especially true when writing to a set word count perhaps, in which sometimes a little "padding" will assist. It doesn't change the negative impact that the clutter of redundant words and phrases...

Avoiding Commonly Misused Words

When we talk to other people, they get to hear the tone and inflection of our voice. We are also able to judge their body language, their facial expressions and their hand gestures, and therefore we normally get the correct understanding of the intended message from that person.

The written word, however, can often leave us with no idea of the...

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

What are the differences between passive and active voice? When do you use them? Is there an advantage in using one over the other?

Choosing the "voice" of verb for a research paper – or for any form of writing – can be a tricky task. Voice in grammar, after all, can affect the way the verbs inflect, as well as where points of emphasis,...

Choosing an Effective Essay Topic

The choice of essay topic is crucial to the end result of any form of essay writing. While it is great to be able to choose a topic that one cares passionately about, there won't always be freedom to do so. It doesn't mean, however, that one cannot choose an effective essay topic when specific instructions have to be followed.

Remember that...

An Overview of Literary Genres

What are the main literary genres? Under which genre does your literary composition fall? Before answering these questions, it is important to clarify the meaning of the word "genre". "Genre" comes from an old French word, "gender" – or "gender" as we know it. "Genre" has since been used to describe the style or category of art, literature,...

What Makes Classic Literature Classic?

According to Dictionary.com, the definition of the adjective classic is "an author or literary work of the first rank, especially one of demonstrably enduring quality."

How many times have you finished a great new book and told your friends that it was classic ? How many times have you sat down with them to discuss Shakespeare only to have them...

Determining Your Writing Style

Writing style can refer to many things: the pace at which a written story is told, the imagination – or the pragmatism – inspired by a piece of text, the choice of verbs, the preferred narrative point of view or the even the vocabulary range used by a writer. All these combine to make a unique writerly voice, one that can effectively...

APA vs. MLA: What Style Guide Do I Use?

APA versus MLA: what style guide do you use?

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is, originally, a set of rules that authors use when submitting papers for publications in the journals of the APA. Established in 1929, the style has since been used to guide research writers and help them achieve – through the use of established...

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  • 10 Best English Grammar Courses to Take in 2024
  • 7 Best Email Marketing Courses to Take in 2024
  • 7 Best Content Marketing Courses to Take in 2024
  • 11 Best Copywriting Courses to Take in 2024
  • 10 Best Creative Writing Courses to Take in 2024

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Free Grammar Courses

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Verb Tenses and Passives University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you will review the verb tenses that you learned in beginning English classes and learn about a few tenses you may not know very well. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you will learn about a lot of different ways to join ideas to make more complex and interesting sentences.

Grammar and Punctuation University of California, Irvine via Coursera After completing this course, you will be able to: – identify the correct verb tenses to use – use commas effectively – utilize several different sentence types – write more effectively in English ★★★★☆ ( 33 ratings )

Adjectives and Adjective Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in English, so students need to be able to understand them when they see them or hear them. ★★★☆☆ ( 4 ratings )

Perfect Tenses and Modals University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you will learn about important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about common modal verbs used in English. ★★★★★ ( 6 ratings )

Tricky English Grammar University of California, Irvine via Coursera While it’s easy for non-native speakers to get overwhelmed by confusing grammar rules, in this course, we’ll provide you with tips that will help you understand the rules more easily and give you lots of practice with the tricky grammar of everyday English. ★★★★☆ ( 2 ratings )

Noun Clauses and Conditionals University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this class, you will learn about the advanced grammar concepts of noun clauses and conditionals.

Just Reading and Writing English 1 Tsinghua University via Coursera Do you want to communicate with English speakers fluently? The course consists of 6 units with different topics: feelings, staying healthy, learning, university, cultural differences, and cities. From this course, you will have a good knowledge of primary English reading and writing skills in your daily life.

Just Reading and Writing English 2 Tsinghua University via Coursera Do you want to read and write better in English? The course consists of 6 units with different topics: education, manners, personal communication, purpose of living, cultural studies, life science. From this course, you will have a good knowledge of intermediate English reading and writing skills.

Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写 Tsinghua University via edX Learn how to read and write in English in the context of lectures and academic texts. 以读促写,以写辅读!掌握正确的阅读技巧和写作技巧,让你实现一次英语读写的飞跃! ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order University of Michigan via Coursera This course will teach you how to use your written words to become more persuasive. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

Writing and Editing: Drafting University of Michigan via Coursera This third course in the “Good with Words: Writing and Editing” series will give you a number of strategies to help with what is often the most intimidating, even paralyzing part of the writing process: getting started.

Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization University of Michigan via Coursera This second course in the Good with Words: Writing and Editing series will help you become an effective architect of information, both with your sentences and with your paragraphs. You’ll learn that the traditional advice to “Show, don’t tell” is incomplete and that skilled writers actually switch back and forth between showing and telling.

Writing and Editing: Revising University of Michigan via Coursera This fourth and final course in the “Good with Words: Writing and Editing” series will help you master perhaps the most important step in the writing process: revising. You’ll learn about the difference between editing and proofreading.

Effective Writing Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee via Swayam The purpose of this writing course is to familiarise students with the nuances of effective writing so that they can better understand the subtle art of writing. It allows them to write with clarity, precision, and subtlety to express their ideas on various occasions while considering the concepts of appropriateness and accuracy. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

English Grammar and Style University of Queensland via edX Learn key concepts and strategies in grammar and style to help enhance your writing and confidently respond to the demand of high levels of literacy in the 21st century. ★★★★☆ ( 32 ratings )

Enhance your Writing with Adverb Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera In the first part of the course, you’ll learn some basic information about adverb clauses. Then, we’ll dive into the categories of ideas that adverb clauses express, and you’ll practice using subordinating conjunctions–the many grammar words that start adverb clauses.

Enhance your Writing with Adjective Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera Do you have a hard time describing things, people, and places in English? This course will show you how to be more descriptive in your writing by incorporating adjective clauses in complex sentences.

Enhance your Writing with Noun Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera This course is designed to hold your hand step-by-step through the most basic concepts of noun clauses all the way to the end goal of writing a paragraph with varied noun clauses.

A Beginner’s Guide to Writing in English for University Study University of Reading via FutureLearn Learn how to use English for study at university or college and develop your writing skills, vocabulary and grammar. ★★★★☆ ( 23 ratings )

Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them–Sampler via Udemy Master Your Grammar Errors, Master Commonly Confused Words and Phrases, and Achieve Success and Credibility as a Writer

English Grammar and Speaking Course: Essential Verb Tenses! via Udemy Practice using Essential Verb Tenses in Conversation!

English Foundation Course 2023: Grammar and Speaking Upgrade via Udemy Become fluent by improving all your English Skills. Build a strong English foundation in grammar, speaking, and more!

English Grammar via Udemy Learn the English grammar you need to understand and use English today!

Basic English Grammar Course in Hindi via Udemy Level 1 for beginners

Grammar via Independent Grammar is the collection of rules and conventions that make languages go. This section is about Standard American English, but there’s something here for everyone.

Grammar matters The Open University via OpenLearn Grammar matters because, combined with vocabulary choice, it is our main way of making meaning. This free course introduces you to one approach used to understand how meanings relate systematically…

Vocabulary, Phrases, Idioms, Grammar via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

Free Essay Writing Courses

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Getting Started with Essay Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera By introducing you to three types of academic essays, this course will especially help prepare you for work in college classes, but anyone who wants to improve his or her writing skills can benefit from this course. ★★★★☆ ( 18 ratings )

How to Write an Essay University of California, Berkeley via edX An introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. ★★★★☆ ( 28 ratings )

Advanced Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera After completing this course, you will be able to plan and write a more sophisticated argument essay. ★★★★☆ ( 7 ratings )

Writing a Personal Essay Wesleyan University via Coursera This class is the chance to create your personal essay or extend into a full memoir — from planning and structure to bold narrative brushstrokes to the layering of significant detail.

Memoir and Personal Essay: Managing Your Relationship with the Reader Wesleyan University via Coursera The blank page can be the most daunting obstacle in writing. In this course, aspiring writers will assemble a “starter kit” for approaching the blank page by developing constructive ways to think about the writing process as a whole. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Writing your World: Finding yourself in the academic space University of Cape Town via Coursera In this course, we provide practical insights into how to write an academic essay. We show you how to develop the academic skills needed to be a competent academic writer. ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

Developing Your Research Project University of Southampton via FutureLearn Undertaking an Extended Project Qualification, IB extended essay or any other scholarly research? This guides you step-by-step. ★★★★☆ ( 6 ratings )

Writing Skills for University Success University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you’ll learn how to write effectively in different academic formats, especially essays and longer research papers. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Essay Writing Course via YouTube

Essay Writing via YouTube

Introduction to Research for Essay Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera This is the last course in the Academic Writing specialization before the capstone project. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete all the steps in planning a research paper. ★★★★★ ( 7 ratings )

Essay and report writing skills The Open University via OpenLearn Writing reports and assignments can be a daunting prospect. Learn how to interpret questions and how to plan, structure and write your assignment or report. This free course, Essay and report …

The PTE 85+ Academic Essay Writing Course via Udemy Mastering the Writing Exam

Free Journalism Courses

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English for Journalism University of Pennsylvania via Coursera This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in developing the skills needed for a career in modern journalism. ★★★★☆ ( 15 ratings )

Digital Culture and Writing University of Burgundy via EMMA Born from the desire to support a wide public facing the emergence of digital technology, the team of teachers from the university of Burgundy (uB), accompanied by colleagues from other universities, offers its MOOC DCW (Digital culture and Writing) publish and share on the web.” It provides an overview of the potentialities of digital writing and culture, for publish, share and communicate.

English for Journalists, Part 1 University of California, Berkeley via edX Improve your English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills through exciting topics in journalism and world news.

Writing and Disseminating Grey Literature Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) via Coursera If you are a researcher, academic, student, development sector professional or a practitioner who is keen to reach the research-based knowledge you have created to a wider audience, this course is for you. Using formats such as data stories, photo narratives, opinion pieces and infographics, digital, print, and multimedia channels can help researchers reach a much wider audience when they adopt newer writing techniques.

What is news? Michigan State University via Coursera This course will guide you through the basic elements of professional journalism and the news values and ethics of covering real-world issues and events. The overview and examples of the types of news coverage helps introduce the different types of journalism, such as social media, multimedia, print, visual and broadcast, and how professional journalists effectively use each format. ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

Effectively delivering the news to your audience Michigan State University via Coursera You will learn the process, planning, requirements of how journalists develop their news reports. There are many ways to report news reports, and you will learn different forms of how to perform reporting and writing to serve different audiences.

Journalism 101 via YouTube This series covers topics such as Newswriting, finding story ideas, interviewing sources and quoting sources, leading a lead and organising news stories, covering breaking news and ethics in journalism. ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

English for Journalism via YouTube

Journalism, the future, and you! Michigan State University via Coursera You will explore areas such as being an international correspondent, self-publishing in journalism, as well as how to freelance in the field. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

Investigative Journalism for the Digital Age Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent We are now making the content free and available to students who took the course and anyone else who’s interested in investigative reporting and data journalism basics, including experienced investigators who seek to deepen their skills on complex investigations, collaborations and data journalism. ★★★★☆ ( 4 ratings )

Equity & ethics in data journalism: Hands-on approaches to getting your data right Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent During this four-week course, you will learn about tools and techniques that will help you tell data stories fairly and ethically. Specifically, this course will guide you hands-on through the process of learning to identify inequity and hidden bias at seven key stages of the data journalism lifecycle. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent This resource page features course content from the Knight Center for Journalism in the America’s massive open online course (MOOC) titled “Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools.”. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Journalism in a pandemic: Covering COVID-19 now and in the future Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent Produced in collaboration with the W.H.O., UNESCO and UNDP, this course helps journalists to improve their coverage of the pandemic. It’s also offered in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Introduction to Journalism and Reporting University of Kent via FutureLearn Explore what makes good journalism as you learn about its origins and where news reporting stands today.

English for Journalists, Part 2 University of California, Berkeley via edX Improve your English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills through topics in journalism including free speech, sports, humor and broadcast writing.

Teaching Writing Process Johns Hopkins University via Coursera Half a century ago, a revolution took place in the teaching of writing. Educators asked, “What if we were to study how professional writers wrote, as a way to learn how we might teach writing more effectively?”

Free Creative Writing Courses

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Start Writing Fiction The Open University via FutureLearn Get started with your own fiction writing, focusing on the central skill of creating characters, with this hands-on course. ★★★★☆ ( 21 ratings )

Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest Commonwealth Education Trust via Coursera This course is for curious students and aspiring authors with a passion for writing for young readers. This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned children’s authors. ★★★★☆ ( 13 ratings )

Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot Wesleyan University via Coursera In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to perhaps the most elemental and often the most challenging element of story: plot. We will learn what keeps it moving, how it manipulates our feelings, expectations, and desires. We will learn how to outline and structure a plot, discuss narrative arc, pacing and reversals and reveal the inevitable surprise: connecting the beginning, middle and end. ★★★★☆ ( 15 ratings )

Creative Writing: The Craft of Style Wesleyan University via Coursera Your style is as unique and distinctive as your face, your voice, except that you can choose it, you can can work on it, enhance it. In this course we will introduce aspiring writers to the art of putting pressure on written language. We will study the use of metaphor and imagery, and demonstrate how clarity, grace, and inventiveness in word choice are imperative to a story’s success. ★★★★☆ ( 8 ratings )

Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course) Michigan State University via Coursera In this project-centered course, you will design a series bible and write a complete pilot episode for your own unique television or web series, be it drama or comedy or something in between. You’ll learn to break down the creative process into components, and you’ll discover a structured process that allows you to produce a polished and pitch-ready script in just a few weeks. ★★★★☆ ( 3 ratings )

Transmedia Writing Michigan State University via Coursera In this project-centered course you will develop your own, original, intellectual property (IP) into a transmedia project containing written versions of your IP on various platforms. You will begin your novel, adapt the first chapters of your novel into the opening scenes of a film or TV show and create a game design concept of your IP.

Writing in First Person Point of View Wesleyan University via Coursera If you have always wanted to tell your own story—in a memoir, first-person essay, or any other form of autobiographical non-fiction—but felt you lacked the tools or the framework, this is the class for you.

Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description Wesleyan University via Coursera In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to the techniques that masters of fiction use to ground a story in a concrete world. From the most realist settings to the most fantastical, writers will learn how to describe the physical world in sharp, sensory detail. ★★★★☆ ( 12 ratings )

Writing Stories About Ourselves Wesleyan University via Coursera In this course, creative nonfiction writers will explore traditional storytelling methods, especially those which overlap between fiction and memoir.

Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop California Institute of the Arts via Coursera Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. ★★★★☆ ( 19 ratings )

Writing successfully for the Stage University of Cambridge via edX Learn to structure your dramatic writing to a professional standard, as well as develop professionally transferable communication skills. This course will broaden your understanding of how to write engaging and interesting stories in order to attract producers and directors to your work. You will understand how to write effective dialogue, and how to edit your work.

Stand Up!; Comedy Writing and Performance Poetry University of Cambridge via edX Prepare to perform your comic writing and/or poetry to a live audience, as well as develop transferable writing skills and communication expertise that will be relevant in any profession. This course will broaden your understanding how to structure a stand-up comedy set, as well as allow you to understand how to use narrative form in your performance poetry texts.

Finding your voice as a playwright University of Cambridge via edX Learn to deepen your creative practice as a playwright, as well as develop professionally transferable writing skills and communication expertise. This course will broaden your understanding of how to start a career successfully as a professional dramatist, as well as offer you insights in how to maximise and enjoy the processes of your personal creativity.

Write Your First Novel Michigan State University via Coursera Write your first novel.

Creative Writing Brigham Young University via YouTube I’m Brandon Sanderson, and I write stories of the fantastic: fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers. Learn about plot, wordbuilding, short stories, character, and publishing. ★★★★★ ( 6 ratings )

Video Game Writing Essentials The University of British Columbia via edX Learn the essentials of writing for video games, from how games are developed and what game writers do, to the ways game stories differ from other kinds of stories.

Writing Video Game Characters The University of British Columbia via edX Learn how to make effective, memorable video game characters, from protagonists and antagonists to NPCs.

Writing Video Game Scenes and Dialogue The University of British Columbia via edX Learn the fundamentals of writing cinematics, cutscenes, and in-game dialogue.

Working as a Game Writer The University of British Columbia via edX Learn what it takes to work as a video game writer: from resumes to writing tests to contracts and NDAs.

Interactive Narrative The University of British Columbia via edX Learn how to use player choice and interactivity to create compelling game experiences

Building your Screenplay University of Cambridge via edX Learn to strengthen you skills as a screenwriter, while diversifying your knowledge and understanding of the demands of global film and TV production. Find out how to become a powerful visual story-teller; understand how to build effective structure within your screenplay; develop professionally transferable writing skills and communication expertise.

How to Write Your First Song The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn Get a practical introduction to the mechanics of songwriting and meet established songwriters with this free online course ★★★★★ ( 166 ratings )

Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics Berklee College of Music via Coursera There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling at the view. ★★★★★ ( 24 ratings )

Creative Writing: The Craft of Character Wesleyan University via Coursera At the center of a good story are the characters in it. In this course aspiring writers will discover how to build and bring to life complex, vivid and unforgettable characters. ★★★★☆ ( 7 ratings )

Creative writing and critical reading The Open University via OpenLearn This free course, Creative writing and critical reading, explores the importance of reading as part of a creative writer’s development at the postgraduate level. You will gain inspiration and ideas…

Creative Writing – Writer’s Block Workbook Volume 1 Month 1 via Udemy Five weeks’ worth of beginnings to create 100+ new pieces with tips to help your writing ongoing. Plus bonus content.

Creative Writing – Writer’s Block Workbook Volume 2 Month 1 via Udemy Five weeks’ worth of keywords to create 100+ new pieces with tips to help your writing ongoing. Plus bonus content.

Start writing fiction: characters and stories The Open University via OpenLearn Start writing fiction is a free course that helps you to get started with your own fiction writing, focusing on the central skill of creating characters. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Playing with Poetry: Creative Writing and Poetics University of Newcastle via FutureLearn Have fun writing poetry as you explore and create various forms of poetry and experiment with different poetic ideas.

Start writing fiction The Open University via OpenLearn Have you always wanted to write, but never quite had the courage to start? This free course, Start writing fiction, will give you an insight into how authors create their characters and settings. … ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Free Copywriting Courses

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Copywriting: Improve User Experience One Word at a Time via openSAP In this course, you’ll learn why copy is so important for your users’ experience and how copywriting fits into the design-led development process. Domain experts provide insights and best practices, and by participating in the exercises, you’ll get practical experience in writing copy. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Copywriting Foundations: Sell Using Your Words In 2020 via Udemy How To Listen To Your Target Market & Focus Your Message To Make Your Copywriting 10x As Effective

155 Years of Copywriting Insights Taught In 1.5 Hour Course! via Udemy “This is the most refreshing, clear, straight forward and useful course on copywriting you could wish for.” – Eva ★★★★★ ( 5 ratings )

Copywriting Secrets via YouTube Get tips on how to start your career as a copywriter, write better emails and increase your income as a copywriter ★★★★★ ( 14 ratings )

Learn Copywriting via YouTube

The Science of Copywriting via YouTube ★★★★☆ ( 3 ratings )

Copywriting for Beginners and Pros With Exercises via YouTube Copywriting is the practice of composing persuading texts. Copywriting is used to sell products, ideas, ideologies, etc. Copywriting is an important component on web pages, in blog posts, advertisements, social media posts, videos, and podcasts. This video series is the first one in the free online copywriting course Professional Copywriting Made Easy. ★★★★☆ ( 42 ratings )

Copywriting Course via YouTube This playlist covers everything you need to know to start a freelance copywriting business in 2021. ★★★★☆ ( 6 ratings )

Copywriting 101 – Training Sessions for Freelance Writers via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Copywriting Persuasion Challenge via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 11 ratings )

Copywriting para Iniciantes via Udemy Descubra o que é Copy, como funciona, para que serve e de que forma utilizar para aumentar suas vendas com persuasão

Free Academic Writing Courses

Academic Writing Courses Illustrated Banner

Writing in English at University Lund University via Coursera This course aims to give you an understanding of the conventions of academic writing in English and to teach you the components and benefits of what is called process writing.

Discovering Your PhD Potential: Writing a Research Proposal via FutureLearn Learn how to research and write a high-quality research proposal for postgraduate applications.

An Intermediate Guide to Writing in English for University Study University of Reading via FutureLearn Improve your academic English skills further, learning about critical analysis, using sources, avoiding plagiarism and more. ★★★★☆ ( 1 rating )

Project: Writing a Research Paper University of California, Irvine via Coursera Welcome to the capstone project for the Academic English: Writing Specialization! This project lets you apply everything you’ve learned and gives you the practice you need for college classes by having you write a research paper.

College Composition Modern States via Independent This course will prepare you to pass the College Board’s CLEP College Composition exam

Writing in the Disciplines Professional Development Course (HE) Excelsior College via Canvas Network This course on Writing in the Disciplines offers a modular curriculum that explores the meaning of genre, why and how to develop genre-based writing assignments, and effective techniques for using writing to enhance learning.

Academic Writing in English for ESL Learners University College London via FutureLearn Develop your academic writing skills in English as a second language (ESL) learner and advance your English writing at university.

论文写作初阶(Academic Writing and Research) Peking University via Coursera 本课面向有志于学术研究和具有论文写作需求的高年级本科生和研究生同学,适合人文社会科学、特别是法学专业的学生学习,也欢迎理工科学生选修。教学内容主要集中于学术研究的基本方法与一般理念,既包括学术论文的提问、选题、谋篇、布局和实际写作,也包括学术资源特别是综合性与专业性数据库的检索和使用。

La recherche documentaire École Polytechnique via Coursera Ce cours vise principalement à permettre aux étudiants d’identifier les sources pertinentes dans un domaine donné, leur apprendre à construire un état de l’art et à évaluer les sources, en particulier celles en accès libre sur Internet.

Academic English: How to Write an Essay University of Queensland via edX A practical and introductory course to build your skills in academic writing. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

College Foundations for English Composition University System of Georgia via Desire2Learn English Learning Support Course is an English preparatory course focusing on the skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.

English Composition I Duke University via Coursera You will gain a foundation for college-level writing valuable for nearly any field.

Academic Writing Made Easy Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) via edX Struggling with writing an academic text? This MOOC will ease the pain – and make your writing shine. ★★★★★ ( 48 ratings )

Academic Writing H.N.B Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar Garhwal via Swayam This course aims to fill this gap by providing the fundamental knowledge required for effective and result oriented academic writing. It is a foundation course and the application of this knowledge completely depends on an individual learner and his or her area of research. ★★★★★ ( 1707 ratings )

Academic Writing University of Adelaide via edX The academic writing course targets individuals transitioning from non-academic backgrounds, catering to school leavers and professionals re-entering higher education.

Introduction to Academic Writing O.P. Jindal Global University via Coursera Welcome to the Introduction to Academic Writing course! By the end of this course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of reading and writing as essential skills to conduct robust and critical research.

Teaching Writing Final Project Johns Hopkins University via Coursera One of the goals of the Teaching Writing specialization has been to help every learner consider ways to adapt what they are learning and apply it to their specific situation, needs and interests.

Free Business Writing Courses

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High-Impact Business Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera Effective writing is a powerful tool in the business environment. Learn how to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner that will allow your ideas to be better understood by your readers. ★★★☆☆ ( 8 ratings )

Writing Professional Email and Memos (Project-Centered Course) University System of Georgia via Coursera Want your workplace writing to make a positive impression? At the end of this course, you will be a more confident writer, able to create higher quality professional documents more quickly. ★★★★☆ ( 12 ratings )

Better Business Writing in English Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera Do you need to write more easily and effectively in English? This course will provide the tools to help you do just that.

English for Effective Business Writing The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera This course aims to improve your Business English writing skills by developing your use of vocabulary, grammar, understanding of different business writing genres, and your ability to write professional business documents. ★★★★☆ ( 1 rating )

Business Writing University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera This course will teach you how to apply the top ten principles of good business writing to your work, how to deploy simple tools to dramatically improve your writing, and how to execute organization, structure, and revision to communicate more masterfully than ever. ★★★★☆ ( 5 ratings )

Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera This is a course to help you write effective business emails in English. ★★★★☆ ( 5 ratings )

Business Writing Techniques Doane University via edX Business Writing Techniques, will expand on the different communication styles and discuss the best practices of business writing by providing real-world scenarios and applications.

Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking Harvard University via edX Gain critical communication skills in writing and public speaking with this introduction to American political rhetoric. ★★★★★ ( 5 ratings )

English for Doing Business in Asia – Writing The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via edX Introducing strategies for developing your written English communication skills in the context of doing business in Asia.

Redacción de documentos empresariales de gran impacto University of California, Irvine via Coursera En el ambiente empresarial, el saber escribir con eficacia es una poderosa herramienta. Aprende a expresar tus pensamientos de una manera clara y concisa para que las personas que lean lo que escribes capten mejor tus ideas. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

(Business Writing) الكتابة في مجال الأعمال University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera لا شك أن إتقان الكتابة من أهم المهارات التي يمكنك تعلمها بُغية تحقيق النجاح في مجال الأعمال. وقد استخدمت أكثر من سبعين شركة وعشرين ألف طالب – من الكتاب المحترفين والموظفين الجدد والمتحدثين باللغة الإنجليزية لغير الناطقين بها وحتى المديرين المتمرسين – الأساليب المستخدمة في الكتابة في مجال الأعمال لتعزيز قدرتهم على التواصل وإطلاق أفكارهم. ستعلمك هذه الدورة التدريبية كيفية تطبيق المبادئ العشرة الأفضل للكتابة الجيدة في مجال الأعمال على عملك وكيفية نشر أدوات بسيطة لتحسين كتابتك بشكل كبير وكيفية تنفيذ التنظيم والبنية والمراجعة للتواصل بشكل أكثر براعة من أي وقت مضى.

English for Business and Entrepreneurship University of Pennsylvania via Coursera This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in learning more about the global business economy. ★★★★★ ( 7 ratings )

Using Email for Networking in English University of Washington via edX Improve your writing skills. Write effective emails including great subject lines, greetings, and closings. You’ll be more confident as you communicate for business, send messages, expand your network, and search for jobs in English. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Smart English Basics for Professionals – Spoken English – Communication Skills Great Learning via YouTube Great Learning brings you this video on “Smart English Basics For Professionals”. This course will help you improve your business communication in a professional environment.

Learn Business English Great Learning via YouTube

Academic and Business Writing University of California, Berkeley via edX An introduction to academic and business writing for English Language Learners, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, structure, editing, and publication. ★★★★☆ ( 18 ratings )

Writing for Business Advanced University of Glasgow via Coursera This course will teach you how to apply advanced principles and strategies to produce successful business writing.

Free Technical Writing Courses

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Writing in the Sciences Stanford University via Coursera This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific publication, and writing for general audiences. ★★★★★ ( 14 ratings )

Discovering Science: Science Writing University of Leeds via FutureLearn What science discoveries will you choose to write about? ★★★★☆ ( 28 ratings )

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Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders Rice University via Coursera In this course, you’ll learn essential writing skills that you can apply in your daily activities on the job as an engineering leader.

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Requirements Writing University of New South Wales via Coursera Welcome to “Requirements Writing”. As the title indicates, over the next four weeks, we will be looking at the important task of writing of text-based requirement statements.

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Writing Case Studies: Science of Delivery Princeton University via edX Learn how to write “science of delivery” case studies, which help us understand how practitioners implement complex policies or programs.

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How to Succeed at: Writing Applications The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn This free three week course will help you produce a perfect CV, application and online profile when applying for a job or course. ★★★★★ ( 440 ratings )

How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course) State University of New York via Coursera In this project-centered course, you will craft an essential cornerstone of the modern-day job or internship search: the resume. When you complete the course, you’ll have an eye-catching resume that lets your professional strengths shine. ★★★★☆ ( 15 ratings )

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Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television Michigan State University via Coursera Write a Full Length Feature Film Script.

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An Introduction to Screenwriting University of East Anglia via FutureLearn This online course explores the key concepts and fundamental principles involved in the process of screenwriting. ★★★★★ ( 6 ratings )

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Free Grant Writing Courses

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Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries University of Michigan via edX Learn how to increase your impact, innovate, and overcome often static funding through various fundraising and grant writing approaches.

Grant Writing Texas Instruments via YouTube ★★★★☆ ( 4 ratings )

Grant Writing for Beginners via YouTube Grant Writing For Beginners playlist provides you with insight to help you write winning grant proposals that get funded! These videos help you to learn grant writing quickly. ★★★★☆ ( 4 ratings )

Grant Writing for Nonprofits via YouTube We’ve included some videos on various Grant tips like Walmart Community 1 HR Grants, Grants in a Box and Grant Templates. Other helpful topics revolve around Program Officers, Letters of Inquiry (LOI), Unsolicited Proposals and various other Grant processes. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Amazing People Share Nonprofit & Grant Writing Advice via YouTube

Comments 40

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Sabihe Tavakoli 11/2/2014 at 11:26pm

I would like to write children books and I am interested in taking a course to help me with that.

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Kiki 4/29/2019 at 10:07pm

Have you ever found any learning resources for that? I would also love to improve my children-book writing skills.

Looking forward to your reply!

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Venu 11/12/2019 at 10:18pm

I really enjoyed this course. https://www.coursera.org/learn/writing-for-children

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Purushottam Tamang 12/8/2014 at 10:20pm

I would like to improve my English writing skills that helps me for report writing and I am very interested in taking report writing course. please help me with that.

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Augustine Kastherody 6/27/2015 at 1:44am

I enrolled already and want to do my master of Science in Infection Prevention and Control through online and I am interested in taking a course to assist me in managing my study.

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P. Davis, Sr 5/21/2021 at 8:17am

I am a retired senior citizen [85 years] who enjoys writing. I have a Bachelors’s Degree and plan to enroll in a graduate humanities course that requires heavy writing. My plan is to refresh my writing skills and I am searching for an online [graduate level] academic writing refresher course. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. My e-mail address is [email protected] .

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roV83 1/22/2015 at 8:55am

I am interested in non-fiction writing and want to learn the basics

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J Sheen 5/27/2016 at 8:08pm

Have you found a creative nonfiction course online by chance you’d want to recommend?

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mir shaukat ali 2/9/2015 at 2:43pm

Dear sir, I am engineer , i job iptv company but my writing English knowledge is very poor ,please tell me how to improve writing skill such as email writing, mag writing etc, please any body help me

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Fatima Camelo 11/26/2018 at 12:39pm

My name is Fátima and I’m also an engineer but my friend you should read more and more because this way you’re going to write beter and will develop your english.

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SH 4/27/2015 at 12:07am

This is a great collection. Thank you very much Mr Dhawal.

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Nathanel TEGAYOMBI 4/28/2015 at 12:48pm

Dear sir,I appreciate your programs which help a big number of people from different corners of the world.So as a student of school of journalism,I would like to improve my English in terms of writing skills,and I wish you to help me become a future storyteller.Thanks

Yours faithfully

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Cathy Johns 6/10/2015 at 5:32am

Am very intrested in this.

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kakar 8/6/2015 at 3:32am

sir we have a lot of problem in English understanding as well as in writing so sir tell us the perfect way that help in all skill of english.

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Arvind Ramanujam 8/9/2015 at 11:56pm

Thanks for the info.

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Jaylee M Wayne 9/26/2015 at 8:49am

I would like to write a novel and I am also interested in taking coures

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Alexiaga 9/28/2015 at 2:07pm

Whatever kind of English you want to write, mastering essential English grammar is essential. Here is a good site wher you can check out the main topics of English grammar, including points not always dealt with in grammars, such as style and sentence-structure. http://linguapress.com/grammar/

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jaspreet singh 11/3/2015 at 9:51am

The one which i need to recommend is http://www.pariswritersretreat.com/online-courses.html this is not free but this can help you to enhance your skills

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berna gurning 5/30/2016 at 8:41pm

Dear Disqus, i am interested in writing essays so i can write excellent journals, articles, and assignments as well

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Mark Sandel 7/8/2016 at 4:43am

Thanks that an awesome course list. I was looking for “how to write better” courses for a long time until finding this one. The list looks reasonable and much longer than I have expected. However, I still have doubts, is it possible to learn how to write better, just interacting with a tutor online (and this is the best option) or watching the video? Well right now, I am pretty concerned with the quality of my writing and readers experience. Starting from the winter, I started to user style checkers http://www.paragraphchecker.com/ . They are a bit unusual for me but undoubtedly helpful.

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kilopko 8/27/2016 at 5:12am

Free online courses are the best as well as sometimes it’s very much worthy way out to learn something innovative as well as profession in proper manner. in order to make the move precise as well as professional each stated way out is the key factors to do well in writing the essay part in proper manner so that anyone could get the possible approaches in precise manner.

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Alexis 1/12/2017 at 6:22pm

If you’re looking how to make money online as a freelance writer, I highly recommend http:/ecareers.online. It’s a free e-course that teaches you how to get started as a freelance writer online. So far, it’s been amazing and membership is free!

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Elisheva Reynolds 2/21/2017 at 7:52pm

I would like to write fantasy/romance/adventure type fiction novels…I would like to be an author, one whose books I would even read.

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Damien Clarke 3/1/2017 at 9:12am

I am currently working on developing my writing skills, so as to tackle the various hot topics in my niche, which is technology. Can anyone advise if there are good topics, which work on this specifically ?

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Susie Bell 4/30/2017 at 6:39am

I am writing stories for young people and adults. I have a learning difficulty so I can’t do any courses. I am a new writer who is an unsolicited writer, can’t find a literary agent. Susie Bell.

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ellaalex 5/10/2017 at 1:30am

Article Snipper Online tool is a one-click article rewriter that requires no signup or registration if you want to use the free version. All you need to do is enter human readable text and you will get human readable text out. check our free article spinner tool: http://www.articlespinneronline.com

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Wan Smith 1/7/2018 at 11:00pm

Surely one would be suggested with these online courses to develop a clear sense of writing and develop great story telling vibes in one self. if you lack the major ideas than you should take online classes as above mentioned that these classes provides well information and intense thinking skills.

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homework doer 4/2/2018 at 5:05am

Firstly you have to know some basic tips for writer. They are pretty simple but forget about the. Reread on the next day. Many errors don`t come up right away. Re-reading the text immediately after writing will help cross out a couple of errors, but it’s best to do it after a while, ideally – the next day. So you can come up with a fresh mind to check your creativity, and I assure you that you will want to correct and remake a lot.

In the book “”American Psycho”” extensive descriptions of how the main character shaves, applies gel on the body and dresses in a suit from Brioni and shoes from Prada are an artistic feature. You’d better get rid of excess water. Don`t write as much as possible. Short sentences is only what is really needed. There is too much information on the Internet, and nobody will read meaningless paragraphs of the text. To write interesting, you should have interesting life. I came to this conclusion after spending five days at home, not going anywhere and doing nothing. I had no idea in my head, and there was no question of writing anything. You have to try something new, to leave the comfort zone, because without it you will be the same as everyone else. And you don`t want to, do you? Write every day

At least something. Don`t tell yourself that you have no ideas. They are always:

What you dreamed about today. What interesting things did you learn today / yesterday / this week. What would you do if you got a million dollars (you can even dream about a billion). Why this day was good. How could one live this day better. What would you like to change in today’s day. Why do you have no inspiration and what needs to be done to make it appear. What is useful you have done. What would you teach a stranger. Why do we need an appendix

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Kathy Bretz 4/12/2018 at 10:13pm

I would like to learn technical writing, can I do this without a certificate or degree? thanks.

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Author Thison Schultz 4/29/2018 at 7:12pm

I can’t afford a writing class, is this free? I want to follow my passion to become a writer. I need your advice how to write a novel. I really want to do this. I love to read mystery novels. I can’t do anything else, Except to become a writer. I can’t succeed if I don’t take this writing course. This is my only chance to become a writer. If don’t I will fail of my future. I can’t take this anymore. I really want to become a great writer. I don’t have the money to do it.

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Isla 12/12/2018 at 3:03pm

i love to write and i wanna be a writer too

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TB 1/10/2019 at 2:39pm

@ Dhawal Shah

I just wanted to point out that not all of these courses are actually free. For example the two UBCx How to Write courses are $295 each with no option, that I could find, to audit or even to take a limited version.

https://www.classcentral.com/course/edx-how-to-write-a-novel-edit-revise-10018 https://www.classcentral.com/course/edx-how-to-write-a-novel-writing-the-draft-3938

I’m sure there are others from this list as well, particular those on EdX as they (EdX) have been moving away from offering their courses for free.

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mamta prasad 2/12/2019 at 11:20pm

great resources keep it up! ! !

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Nihal Singh 3/22/2019 at 5:20am

Nice Article, Your article helps to improve the writing skills for all the thesis writers and the students and the online courses are helped to gain knowledge from home itself. Thanks for sharing.

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Corpely.com 8/21/2019 at 3:51am

Learning how to write a good essay with a powerful introduction, clear arguments and well-crafted conclusion is a great way to build a foundation of writing skills. This 8-week course starts with the basics of grammar and sentence construction and quickly advances to thesis development and essay writing with tools for creating outlines and editing your work. Dr. Maggie Sokolik of the College Writing Programs at the University of California, Berkeley guides students through this excellent introductory writing course in which participants can get a great deal of practice writing and interact with other students from around the world. Links to optional online textbooks are provided.

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David Walker 5/10/2020 at 3:28pm

I’m looking for a writing course that teaches you how to hand write smoothly and legibly. To have flow in writing , that looks elegant on the sheet of paper. Were all the letters are easily read by anyone. The art of writing.

DSW David Walker

David Walker 5/14/2020 at 2:22pm

Do you have a penmanship course?

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Andrew Ralphs 7/12/2023 at 5:00pm

FutureLearn is NOT FREE – I hate the way these types of sites either deliberately mislead or do not get their facts right !!!

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BRIAN LOPEZ 5/7/2024 at 2:42pm

This feels a bit outdated and the ratings are awkward so I have no idea how efficient some of these are. Having Technical Writing/Business writing in your pocket is not a bad thing! I forgot the other one…

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Danielle Wright 6/29/2024 at 7:03pm

This was advertised that it is for free. But it is not

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Editpad AI Essay Writer only generates essays to help you educate the way of writing. We strictly do not allow users to generate sexual, self-harm, violence, and other NSFW (not safe for work) content.

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AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds.

How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad?

To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.
  • Select the required essay length and writing tone.
  • You can also select the " Add References " option if required.
  • Click on " Write My Essay " button.
  • After that, our essay generator will automatically generate your essay and provide results in the output box.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
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  • Invisible Character
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  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
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  • Glitch Text Generator
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  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
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  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Product Description Generator
  • Meta Description Generator
  • Acronym Generator
  • AI Sentence Generator
  • Review Generator
  • Humanize AI Text
  • AI Translator
  • Excel Formula Generator
  • AI Prompt Generator
  • Sentence Rewriter
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • Paragraph Rewriter

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Terms and Conditions


Welcome to our AI Writing Generator. By using our AI writing assistants such as AI Essay Writer, AI Story Generator, AI Poem Generator, AI Paragraph Generator, AI Sentence Generator or AI Email Writer, etc., you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our service.

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Our AI Writing Generator does not allow users to generate content that contain Sexual, Self-Harm, Violence, and other NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users and will take necessary steps to prevent the generation of such content.

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We are continuously working to improve our AI Writing Generator to ensure that it does not generate prohibited content. Despite our efforts, there may be instances where such content is generated due to the nature of AI and its learning processes.

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Our AI Writing Generator utilizes third-party APIs, including but not limited to OpenAI ChatGPT , Gemini , and Claude , to generate AI content. As a result, the content generated by the tool is not entirely within our control. We rely on these third-party services to provide the best possible experience, but we cannot guarantee that prohibited content will never be generated.

User Responsibilities

As a user of our AI Writing Generator, you are responsible for ensuring that the content you generate complies with these terms and conditions. You agree not to use the tool to generate any content that is Sexual, Self-Harm, Violent, or otherwise NSFW.

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Our AI Writing Generator is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the performance or reliability of the tool. We do not guarantee that the tool will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted or error-free.

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To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our AI Writing Generator. This includes, but is not limited to, any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, regardless of the basis of the claim.

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We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Your continued use of the AI Writing Generator following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us at [email protected] .

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  • Essay Editor

How To Humanize AI-Generated Text?

How To Humanize AI-Generated Text?

Writing with AI tools has become quite common for many writers and students. While these tools can give you a good start, they often lack that special touch that makes writing really interesting. Let's talk about some smart ways to make AI-written text sound more like a real person wrote it so your readers can connect with it better.

1. Use AI Text Humanizer Tools

Interestingly, one good way to humanize AI-written text is to use special AI tools made for this purpose. These AI essay humanizers are pretty clever - they're designed to copy the little things that make our writing sound natural.

These tools can help improve your AI-written content, making it feel more friendly and normal. They usually look at how you put your sentences together, the words you pick, and the overall feeling of your writing. Then, they suggest changes to make your writing sound more like a real person wrote it.

2. Add Personal Touches

One of the best ways to humanize essay content is to add some of your own stories or experiences. This helps you connect with your reader, making your writing feel more natural and easy to relate to.

For example, if you're writing about how social media affects people's feelings, you could share a quick story about your own experiences. This not only makes your writing more interesting, but it also gives readers real-life examples they can understand, keeping them interested in what you're saying.

3. Use Idioms

Adding some common sayings to your writing is a great way to make it sound more natural and human. Idioms help us express feelings and thoughts in ways that normal language often can't quite do.

For instance, instead of saying, "It's very rare," you might say, "It's as rare as a hen's teeth." Or instead of "to start a conversation," you could say "to break the ice." These little phrases add some flavor to your writing and show cultural aspects that readers can easily connect with.

4. Give Your Writing Character

To really humanize AI-written text, add some personality to your writing. This could be by using a bit of humor, looking at things in a unique way, or writing in a style that feels like it's really you.

Let's say you're writing an essay about saving the environment. You might write in a way that shows how much you care about the topic. This helps make your text different from the robot-like stuff AI often creates and makes it stick in readers' minds.

5. Mix Up Your Sentence Structure

Sometimes, text created by AI can feel a bit dull. To make it more lively, try changing how long your sentences are and how you put them together. This gives your writing a nice rhythm, making it more enjoyable to read.

Use short, snappy sentences to highlight key ideas. Then, follow up with longer, more detailed ones to provide more information. This mix of different sentence types sounds more natural and keeps readers engaged.

Let's look at an example:

Our planet is changing. We can see it happening now. For years, researchers have been telling us about this, and we're starting to notice the effects everywhere. The ocean levels are rising, and the weather is getting more extreme. These are clear signs that our Earth needs help. But don't worry, there's hope. Each one of us can do something to help. By making small changes in our daily lives, like choosing paper bags instead of plastic and reusing water bottles, we can start to make things better.

Why Bother to Humanize AI-Written Text?

You might be wondering why it's worth trying to make AI-written text sound more human. Well, there are some good reasons:

  • Emotional Connection: Readers want to feel connected to what they're reading. Making AI-generated text sound more human helps create that connection, making it easier for people to understand and care about your ideas.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Search engines like content that keeps people interested. By making your AI-written content sound more human, you might help more people find your work online.
  • Academic Honesty: In school, it's important that your work shows your own thoughts and understanding. A humanizer for essays can help make sure your AI-generated content still sounds like you while following school rules.
  • Creative Flair: When you humanize ai generated text, you're adding your own creative touch. This lets you bring new, original ideas that stand out from boring, robot-like writing.
  • Clear Communication: Content that sounds more human often explains things more clearly and convincingly. It can help you explain complex ideas better, which is especially useful in school or work.

While AI has changed how we approach writing and research, there's still nothing quite like the human touch. These strategies on how to make ai text more human can help you create writing that's not just informative but also interesting, relatable, and uniquely yours.

Final Thoughts

Making your writing sound more human is actually pretty easy. We've talked about some good tricks to make your essays more interesting and personal, from adding your own stories to changing how you structure your sentences. These small changes can really make your essays come to life.

Now, if you're looking for a tool that already sounds human and doesn't need extra work, Aithor might be just what you need. Aithor writes essays that feel natural and personal from the start, whether you're working on a creative story or a research paper.

Give Aithor a try today. You might be surprised at how well it captures your voice and makes writing essays easier.

Happy writing, everyone!

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Montana Tech instructors release third free, open textbook, saving students $30,000 a year

by NBC Montana Staff

Advanced-Level Writing in the University Classroom and Beyond: Mindful Practices for Technical, Business, and Scientific Communication was authored by Dawn Atkinson and Stacey Corbitt. Photo: Montana Tech{p}{/p}

MISSOULA, Mont. — Two Montana Tech instructors have released a third free, open textbook.

Advanced-Level Writing in the University Classroom and Beyond: Mindful Practices for Technical, Business, and Scientific Communication was authored by Dawn Atkinson and Stacey Corbitt.

The University says utilizing the textbook will save a full cohort of students enrolled in upper-division writing courses nearly $30,000 per year versus the commercial textbooks previously used at Montana Tech.

Full release:

Writing instructors Dawn Atkinson and Stacey Corbitt have penned their third textbook, Advanced-Level Writing in the University Classroom and Beyond: Mindful Practices for Technical, Business, and Scientific Communication, which is available for download from the Open Textbook Library and OER Commons. Acknowledging gaps in existing commercial and open textbook catalogs, Atkinson and Corbitt set out to develop a comprehensive product that can be used in all upper-division writing courses taught at Montana Technological University—technical writing, business writing, scientific writing, and technical editing—and is freely available to students, instructors, and members of the public as a quality learning tool. The open-source textbook can be adopted as is or customized for learners and teachers in various classes and contexts thanks to its copyright permissions.

Textbook costs can be a crippling burden for students seeking the opportunities that higher education can bring, and Atkinson and Corbitt have sought to reduce such barriers by producing open textbooks that combine writing instruction with practical opportunities to build reading, notetaking, collaborating, editing, and researching skills—all vital to success in classrooms and workplaces. Their first two textbooks, Mindful Technical Writing: An Introduction to the Fundamentals and Intermediate College Writing: Building and Practicing Mindful Writing Skills, are already being used in Montana Tech writing courses, and the authors’ latest offering will see inaugural use at the institution in Fall 2024. It will save a full cohort of students enrolled in upper-division writing courses nearly $30,000 per year versus the commercial textbooks previously used at Montana Tech. Like Atkinson and Corbitt’s first two textbooks, which have been adopted at various institutions in the U.S. and abroad, it also has the potential for more widespread use since it is free of paywalls and can be found on popular sites for sourcing open educational resources.

Though Atkinson and Corbitt’s textbooks all emphasize hands-on skill-building work, the latest one also delves, in some detail, into the areas of document design, editing workflows, and research methods. Experiential learning is built into the chapters through team and individual projects, peer-review sessions, and chances to collect and analyze original research data. And the authors strived to make content and tasks approachable and applicable for undergraduate students pursuing STEM and other degree paths.

Atkinson and Corbitt are pleased to be able to make learning more affordable and accessible for Montana Tech students and are grateful for the support of Chancellor Les Cook and deans Michele Hardy and Ken Lee who helped to make the upper-division textbook a reality.

Montana Technological University is a premier STEM-focused university in Butte, Montana. As the special focus university in the state of Montana, Montana Tech offers transformational opportunities for all students through hands-on, applied, and experiential learning. Montana Tech has evolved into a dynamic institution which connects focused students to a network of people, opportunities, and experiences that empower them to change the world. Montana Tech offers world-class opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, and business. For more information, go to www.mtech.edu.

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Free, Downloadable Educational Templates for Students

Published on June 16, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 23, 2023.

We have designed several free templates to help you get started on a variety of academic topics. These range from formatting your thesis   or   dissertation to writing a table of contents or a list of abbreviations .

We also have templates for various citation styles , including APA (6 and 7), MLA , and Chicago .

The templates are loosely grouped by topic below.

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  • Header: Word | Google Doc
  • Title: Word | Google Doc
  • Author-date style
  • Notes and bibliography style
  • Research proposal outline: Word
  • Research schedule template: Word
  • Literature review outline: Word | Google Doc
  • Evaluating your sources for a literature review: Word | Google Doc
  • Dissertation or thesis outline: Word | Google Doc

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  • List of abbreviations: Word | Google Doc
  • Acknowledgments: Word | Google Doc
  • Glossary: Word | Google Doc

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The Scribbr Knowledge Base is a collection of free resources to help you succeed in academic research, writing, and citation. Every week, we publish helpful step-by-step guides, clear examples, simple templates, engaging videos, and more.

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George, T. (2023, July 23). Free, Downloadable Educational Templates for Students. Scribbr. Retrieved July 30, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-writing/free-educational-templates/

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Act online testing.

Embrace the flexibility of choosing a testing format that aligns with your comfort zone and showcases your true potential.

What’s next? Scroll for additional helpful information and FAQs . 

What do student's get with online testing?

  • Choice . A choice between testing on a computer or with paper and pencil so students can maximize their performance and confidence by taking the ACT in the way that feels best for them. 
  • Enhanced accessibility . An online option allows us to provide additional accessibility features, including support for screen reader users, text-to-speech functionality, zoom, and answer masking. These are not "features" for many of our students, but necessities for equal access.  By offering an online option, we can help more students meet their academic and career success goals.  
  • Test prep and testing can align . Many of our test prep options, including free practice exams, offer online components, so sitting down with a computer at a test center on test day will feel like preparing at home.
  • Similar to school-day testing. If a student has taken the ACT during the school day, they will experience many similarities if they take the national online test option.  
  • Test day enhancements . Students have noticed enhancements like seamless pacing, improved efficiency, and streamlined essay writing with the online option. 

ACT Online Testing FAQs

When is the act test being offered as an online test.

Starting February 2024, ACT will offer an online testing option at select locations nationwide. Explore online test availability in your region and register today.

How will I take an online ACT test?

If you select “Computer” during registration, you will be able to find test centers that are offering the online ACT test. These centers will provide the devices for you to test with; you will not be able to bring or use your personal device to take the ACT.

Will you still offer a paper ACT test?

Yes. ACT wants to ensure you have options when it comes to your preferred test format.

Can I switch from online to paper once I have registered, or vice versa?

Yes. You will have until the late registration deadline to make changes to your test format, for a fee. You will not be able to change your desired test format at the test center on test day.

Will I be able to test at home on my own device or from another location?

No. The online ACT is not available as a “remote” exam and must be taken on a test center-managed device at your chosen test center. If an accommodation is needed for an alternate location (i.e. hospital, etc.), please review our accommodations policies . 

Will the two ACT test formats cost the same?

Yes. Whether you choose to test online or using the paper version, your cost will be the same.

Can I register for the online format with a fee waiver?

Yes. Students who also qualify for a fee waiver for paper-based testing will qualify for, and be able to use, the same fee waiver for the online format.

Can I use scratch paper even though I am taking the test on a computer?

Can i bring a calculator or use the calculator app on the computer.

You will still be able to bring your own  permitted calculator  to the test center regardless of your test format. A built-in calculator application is also available.

How should I prepare for taking the ACT?

We offer many online test prep options that will help you simulate taking the ACT on a computer. These options are available within MyACT.org. If you are interested in more robust test prep, you’ll also be able to download a tutorial video that will walk you through the online testing platform. Don’t forget other essential tips like getting a good night’s sleep and eating breakfast before your test.

Can I still request accommodations for the online ACT?

Yes. To learn more about our testing accommodations, please review our accommodations policies . There will also be accessibility tools built into the software to help with your online testing experience. The following accessibility supports will be available to all students:

  • Choice of colors and color contrast 
  • Magnification 
  • Line reader tool (mimics straight edge used in paper testing for visual tracking) 
  • Highlight text or parts of an item 
  • Answer-masking or custom masking 
  • Mark an item for review 
  • Option eliminator 
  • Indicator of time remaining 
  • Online calculator 

If you are a person with a disability or an English Learner who needs additional supports, please respond “Yes” during registration in MyACT.org when asked if you need accommodations or language supports to access the test. Then work with your school official to request authorization from ACT.

What if there are technical difficulties while I am testing?

If the computer you are on experiences difficulties on test day that cannot be easily or quickly resolved by the testing staff, they may be able to move you to a new testing device. If a new device is unable to resolve the issue, your test center will let ACT know, and ACT will work with your test center for rescheduled testing .

What devices will be supported at test centers?

Chromebooks and Windows desktops and laptops will be supported first. We are investigating support for other platforms, such as Apple devices, in the future.

Will I need to print my admission ticket or ID?

The admission ticket policy is not changing. We recommend bringing your ticket , because it will contain critical information that will help you log in to the test platform on test day. While you won’t be turned away for not bringing your ticket, you will still need to bring an acceptable form of identification .

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Desert Dialogues contest: Vote for the best response to this week's question

Desert dialogues is a weekly short-answer writing contest that allows local students to share their perspective on a variety of local issues..

Now that our high school students from Coachella Valley Unified, Desert Sands Unified and Palm Springs Unified school districts have returned from spring break, the next installment of Desert Dialogues is also back for our readers' voting consideration.

"I love this project," said reader Kathy Blessing in a recent email. "It’s wonderful to give young people a voice. Not (to) be cliché but they are the future!"

Every Monday, through the end of the school year, we'll continue to publish several students' responses to our weekly Desert Dialogues prompt. Just as we do with our Athlete of the Week, readers get to vote in a poll (found at the bottom of this story) for the response that resonated with them the most. To maintain an even playing field, we will initially keep the identities of the participating students anonymous. The student who receives the most votes will be "revealed" in a story the following Monday.

More: Desert Mirage High student wins Desert Dialogues for writing about health of field workers

Read on for this week's responses — which have been edited for clarity — and vote for the one that resonated with you the most by noon on Friday (extended this week due to some delays on our end — oh, music festival season!).

If you wish to provide feedback or more detail about your choice of vote, please feel free to reach out: [email protected] .

This week's prompt comes from Cristian Miguel, a junior at Desert Mirage High School in Thermal: How has growing up in the Coachella Valley shaped who you are and what you want to do in the future?

The Coachella Valley has not always been my home; in fact, New York used to be what I called home. However, within the past year-and-a-half, that has changed. I'm now honored to call the Coachella Valley my new home. As a Mexican American, I have been introduced to the different cultures that Coachella offers and have even met people who were from the same region as my parents.

As a student, I have had the opportunity to learn from different schools (three, in fact), and I even got the opportunity to take a variety of art classes, ranging from hand ceramics to painting. Additionally, through intramural programs, I got to expand the range of sports that I could play. The community that I am now in is absolutely amazing as well. What I have always wanted to do was become a doctor. Being in Coachella, I have been fortunate enough to meet people who could advise me — including my cousin who works in that field — so being here has definitely made me a different person, and that has definitely helped me.

Growing up in the Coachella Valley has shaped me in many ways, including how I define hard work. My parents are farmworkers who have dedicated over 22 years of their lives providing fresh organic products to the Coachella Valley and other parts of the United States. Through their hard work and dedication in pushing forward in life, they have taught me what true humble hard work is and have sacrificed many things to provide for me and my brother. Living in the Coachella Valley has given me the opportunity to have helped my parents in the fields and showed me that that back-breaking job is not the kind of job I would like for the rest of my life.

This has allowed me to get involved in many extracurricular activities — from Youth Advisory Council, FIND Food Bank's Youth Advisory Council, Migrant Leadership Club and its migrant education program, National Honor Society, Upward Bound and dance. During the summer of 2023, I had the honor to do an internship with the office of Supervisor V. Manuel Perez, which opened up many opportunities to know more about my community and ways I could help and get involved. This inspired me to grow up and attend a four-year school within the University of California system, as well as to become more politically active in my community and create organizations where I can help farmworkers, provide transportation for the workers, help disadvantaged communities, bring medical centers and more opportunities to the valley. I hope to accomplish this and more through my dedication.

Growing up in the Coachella Valley has definitely shaped who I am today and who I aspire to become in the future. I have met incredible people in our valley who have been an inspiration for me. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, and growing up in the valley is one of those reasons. My dream career path is in journalism and TV news, and the connections I've made in the valley have brought me closer to that goal. My interest in news began around fifth grade.

During the pandemic, I had the opportunity, thanks to Ms. Bossi — whom I am very grateful to have met — to participate in school broadcasts, which led me to be a part of it and creating my show, RNN. This opportunity allowed me to meet and interview Bianca Rae. I also met various reporters and anchors when I was interviewed on TV multiple times. Now in high school, I am able to continue broadcasting my show and participate in the Palm Springs International Film Festival. Overall, I am very grateful to be a part of the valley, as it has shaped me into the person I am today and the person I hope to be in the future.

Growing up in the Coachella Valley has shown me a different view of life. I grew up on the eastern side of the Coachella Valley. That’s where all the farmworkers are from, like my parents — who have been working in the fields ever since they came to the United States. From a young age, I saw my parents wake up at 5 a.m. to go to work in the fields to be able to have food at the table. Seeing my dad’s dirty hands and my mom’s tired eyes really opened my mind. They work every day to give me a better life — a life where I get to be someone more. My parents always tell me to do well in school and to have good grades. I always felt pressured by that, but over time, it showed me that they don’t want me to end up like them. They want me to glow, grow and succeed in life. They want me to live that American dream that they couldn’t live. I have always valued hard work due to my parents. Farmworkers don’t have it easy, but they never give up. Growing up and seeing the conditions they endure has taught me determination and hard work. It has impacted me to always do my best.

Because of this, when I grow up, I want to be able to help people in any kind of way or form. I want to be an ultrasound technician and open my own business to help the pregnant women in my community who might not be able to afford a check-up. Moreover, the eastern Coachella Valley has taught me determination and hard work that I will always take into account for and help out my community.

Growing up in the Coachella Valley has exposed me to a lot of differences when I compare it to different places. I’ve had discussions with other youth about these differences, but one in particular that has stood out to me has always been infrastructure.

When I visit other cities across the valley, the differences become more apparent: from smoother roads to newer homes. These factors eventually made me realize what I wanted to pursue and contribute to our valley. Because I am someone who enjoys math, what I can hopefully contribute in the near future would be thanks to an engineering or architecture degree. So, being able to find a passion due to concerns I've had, and hopefully being part of a solution, has truly shaped what growing up in the Coachella Valley means to me.

Jennifer Cortez covers education in the Coachella Valley. Reach her at [email protected] .

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Our 2024-25 Student Contest Calendar

Ten challenges that invite teenagers to engage, experiment, reflect and create — via writing, photography, audio, video and more.

Six photos including of a boy wearing an animal headdress, two football players, two boys doing planks, a group of girls dancing with their arms around one another, a girl drinking out of a tumbler, a group of children skipping rocks.

By The Learning Network

Our annual Contest Calendar is probably the single most powerful thing we publish all year. Teachers tell us they plan their classes around our challenges, and tens of thousands of teenagers around the globe participate by creating narratives, reviews, videos, opinion pieces, podcasts, illustrations, photo essays and more.

For us, these contests are an honor and a joy to host. We love learning from young people — about what moves them and makes them mad, what intrigues and confuses and delights and defines them.

This year, we are bringing back some recent and longtime favorites, as well as introducing a few new challenges.

To begin, we have two options this fall in response to the U.S. election, though students around the globe are welcome. In September, we open with a series of special forums that invite teenagers to have thoughtful conversations about their civic and political identities, values and beliefs. Then, if they choose, they can work alone or with others to make something in response — whether in writing, video, audio or visual art. (Students can participate in one or both challenges, and we have a related invitation for educators .)

In the spring, we’re offering “My List,” a twist on our long-running review contest. This time, students can choose any collection of three to five works of art or culture to group in some way and then tell us why we should — or shouldn’t — check them out.

We’ll be posting the full rules and guidelines for each contest here when it opens. but for now you can look at the related resources we’ve provided, as well as last year’s rules, which will largely remain the same for our returning contests.

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    Prompt overlap, allowing you to write one essay for similar prompts; You can build your own essay tracker using our free Google Sheets template. College essay tracker template. Choose a unique topic. Ideally, you should start brainstorming college essay topics the summer before your senior year. Keep in mind that it's easier to write a ...

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    The University says utilizing the textbook will save a full cohort of students enrolled in upper-division writing courses nearly $30,000 per year versus the commercial textbooks previously used at ...

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  27. Vote for the best response to this week's Desert Dialogues question

    More:Desert Mirage High student wins Desert Dialogues for writing about health of field workers Read on for this week's responses — which have been edited for clarity — and vote for the one ...

  28. Our 2024-25 Student Contest Calendar

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