Art of Presentations

Can I do a PowerPoint presentation using an iPad?

By: Author Shrot Katewa

Can I do a PowerPoint presentation using an iPad?

I love my iPad, and If you are like me, you would want to carry it wherever you go. It is compact, light and allows me to get things done that can’t be done using my phone due to its small size! In fact, it is so convenient that it makes me wonder if I could replace my laptop with an iPad even for my client meetings? 

But, can I create a PowerPoint presentation using an iPad? Yes, you can create a PowerPoint presentation using an iPad. In fact, iPad has a bunch of different apps that allow you to run PowerPoint presentations on it. iPad’s built-in Keynote presentation software also allows you to view the PPT files. You can also install Microsoft PowerPoint to run, edit and create a PowerPoint presentations from scratch on iPad just as you run it on a laptop!

Running a PowerPoint presentation on your iPad is actually a lot easier than you think. There are, however, a few things you should be aware of. Let’s get into the details of the workings of a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad.

How to put a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad?

Sometimes, you may already have a PPT file that was shared by your colleague or a client. However, many a times, it is you who has to create a PowerPoint presentation that dazzles your audience! Creating a presentation that holds our audiences’ attention is hard. We wrote a post that covers the steps that you should be taking while creating a PowerPoint presentation. We’ve broken it down to a step-by-step process that is designed to help you with creating a presentation. (Link – )

If you have already created a presentation using a laptop or any other computer, you’ll first need to transfer it to your iPad. There are multiple ways you could do this. I would like to share my top 3 favourite method as they are free, doesn’t take too much time, and are easy to carry out as it doesn’t require any technical expertise.

1. Transfer the PPT file to your iPad using your email

This is probably the easiest of all the three options. In all likelihood, you may already have received a PPT file from your colleagues through an email. In this case, all you need to do is simply open your email account on your iPad, click on the email that contains the PowerPoint file, and download it.

2. Transfer the PPT file to your iPad using a cloud storage service

Another quick and easy option is using a cloud storage services. There are plenty of cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and even iCloud. Most of these services offer at least a few GBs of free data storage. Simply upload your PPT file from your computer. Then, login to your cloud storage service on your iPad and download the PPT file on your iPad.

3. Transfer the PPT file to your iPad using WhatsApp

Video on how to login to WhatsApp on your iPad

Another great way to download the file directly to your iPad is by using WhatsApp. While WhatsApp is a great way to stay in touch with you friends, it is also great to share files. You can ask your colleague to send the file to you over WhatsApp. All you need to do is simply log in to your WhatsApp account on your iPad, open your colleague’s chat message, and download the file.

What is the best app for PowerPoint presentation on iPad?

In our experience, Microsoft PowerPoint is by far one of the best apps to work with PPT presentations on iPad. You can easily download and use, and if you have an Office365 subscription, it allows you access to additional functionalities which come in handy especially if you plan to edit files on-the-go on your iPad. PowerPoint presentation has been the brainchild of Microsoft, and it has been the leader by a long stretch when it comes to the presentation software.

With Microsoft PowerPoint, not only do you resolve the compatibility issues of the PPT files with software, you also get an interface you are familiar with. You can be absolutely sure that PPT file will look exactly as it is intended to when using Microsoft PowerPoint on iPad.

You can download the Microsoft PowerPoint app for your iPad from the App Store.

Is Microsoft PowerPoint app FREE for iPad?

Microsoft PowerPoint Image

Microsoft PowerPoint app is FREE to download and use on an iPad. Microsoft realise that the future of technology is more towards smartphones and tablets. Thus, they have a strong focus on providing access to user files on-the-go. Although you can edit PowerPoint presentations on-the-go, if you wish to get advanced functionalities, you may want to get an Office365 subscription. Having said that, most of your basic editing needs are covered in the base version of the app.

Are there any other apps for PowerPoint presentation on iPad?

Absolutely! There are several other applications that you can use to open and edit a PowerPoint presentation on iPad. All the other applications have their pros and cons. We have listed down the top 3 alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint on iPad. They are in no order to preference.

Keynote is the native software that offers an office suite on Mac and iOS devices including iPad. It has been built from the ground up for iPad and iPhone devices. Needless to say, it is one of the most powerful software when working with presentations.

While Keynote allows you to view, open and edit a PowerPoint file, the overall functionalities are different. We’ve also seen that the look and feel of the PPT file does change when using it on Keynote. However, the changes are not major and if you are only planning to view the major contents of the PPT file on your iPad, Keynote is effective.

2. Google Slides

The best part about Google Slides is that it allows real-time collaboration on projects with its online office suite. This is great especially when your team is not based in the same location as you are.

Google Slides is also compatible with PPT files. It allows you or open, view and edit PowerPoint files on your iPad. Google Slides is FREE . All you need is a Google account to start using it.

3. WPS Office

WPS office to open PPT files without PowerPoint

Image credit – Mr. Phone

WPS stands for Writer (W), Presentation (P), Spreadsheets (S). It is our favourite alternative to Microsoft Office suite. It has been designed with Microsoft Office users in mind. Thus, the look and feel of WPS Office has striking similarities to that of MIcrosoft Office. For all the Microsoft Office users, WPS Office makes you surprisingly feel just at home.

If you are looking to a cheaper/free alternative to Microsoft Office suite that looks and feels just like MS Office, in our experience WPS Office by far the best option for you. It was designed with Microsoft Office users in mind. It was originally launched for Windows, however, WPS Office suite 2019 version has been expanded to both Linux and Mac users as well.

WPS Office is now also available for Mac and iOS users. You can download WPS Office directly from the App Store or visit the download section on their website . WPS Office is FREE to use although simply signing up for an account with them gives you access to premium feature for 1 year.

What equipment will I need to do a PowerPoint presentation using an iPad?

What makes the iPad really powerful is that it allows you to connect to a projector and project the presentation on a bigger screen. This comes in really handy as this negates the need to carry any laptop. Alternatively, if you consider laptop to be your first choice, instead of carrying an additional spare laptop, you can keep an iPad device as a backup just in case your laptop fails to work.

Video on how you can connect your iPad to a projector

There are multiple ways to connect your iPad to a Projector. Two of the most common ways are – 

  • HDMI connection
  • VGA connection 

For both the connections, you will need to buy an additional connector cable that allows you to connect the two devices.

Our personal preference is to use the VGA connector. Main reason for this is the fact that a VGA connector allows the sound to be played from the iPad itself as opposed to a HDMI connector. In an HDMI connection for an iPad, the sound is played through your projector. Another reason for preference of a VGA connector over an HDMI connector is that it is more widely available as a default connection option to the projector in most corporate offices. However, connector preference comes down to a personal choice.

So, is it worth it???

We started this article wondering whether we could do a PowerPoint presentation using an iPad, and whether we could carry an iPad to our meetings instead of a laptop. With the availability of Microsoft PowerPoint application for iPad and several other alternatives to open a PPT file on iPad, as well as the possibility to connect the iPad to a projector, we can safely conclude that an iPad can be used as a replacement to a laptop while meeting clients!

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8 Things I’ve Learned Using an iPad for Presentations

I love using my iPad for travel to conferences, and not just because it’s so lightweight and its battery lasts all day. For one thing, with the LTE version I’m not beholden to conference Wi-Fi; while some conferences have good connectivity, I never want to count on it. With the iPad I can nearly always get online.

But the iPad isn’t convenient only for attending conferences. It’s a good tool for presentations, too-or at least an excellent backup for a dedicated computer. I can easily be ready to present if I have a last-minute computer replacement.

Still, I had some things to learn the hard way about using an iPad for presentations. Perhaps I can save you a few steps.

The Basics of Getting Started

Learn the differences between “desktop” keynote and the ipad version.

While I present nearly exclusively from an iPad, I usually build my initial presentation on a Mac. I build all of my presentations in Keynote, and store them in iCloud. I can (and do) make tweaks to a presentation on-site via the iPad version of Keynote, but it always feels as though I’m slightly fighting with the software.

Keynote supports a customizable presenter display in both versions. On the Mac desktop version, you can pick three ways to give yourself that during-the-talk cheat sheet, instructing it to show you the current slide, next slide, and presenter notes. On the iPad, the presenter display options only give you a “two out of three” option, between current slide, next slide, and presenter notes. I begrudgingly pick Next Slide and Presenter Notes, and then I hope the venue has a confidence monitor that shows me what’s on the projector behind me.

Some folks prefer to use Powerpoint or Google Slides. This distills down to religion, and I can confidently state that those people are wrong. Both tools offer iPad versions as well, but I’m not well versed in them. Deckset doesn’t offer an iPad version, and I’ve not had much patience for the swath of custom JavaScript-based presentation tools that render Markdown inside of browsers. I want to like them, but I can’t quite get there yet. As a result, use Keynote; you’ll be happier. As an added bonus, the presentations live in iCloud; with a bit of notice you can grab a copy on someone’s Mac, iPhone, or iPad and be back in business should calamity befall your iPad.

Do be aware that this means that if your presentation requires a demo in a terminal or a web browser, you either get to do some awkward transitions—or accept that presenting from an iPad isn’t right for this talk. I still haven’t found a good way to give my “Terrible Ideas in Git” talk from an iPad due to its live demos…

Invest in a presentation remote

A presentation remote is a necessity, unless you enjoy being trapped behind the podium. I treated myself to a little luxury with the  Logitech Spotlight .

This device does it all. It speaks its own wireless protocol via a USB-A dongle that plugs into most laptops, but the Spotlight also speaks Bluetooth with a great range. Its battery charges using a built-in USB-C port that hides behind the dongle, and a single charge lasts for months.

I freely accept that most folks find the idea of paying $129 for a single-purpose device a bit nutty. Those folks generally don’t give double-digit numbers of presentations a year. A word of caution: Don’t leave it behind at the podium after your talk. It’s expensive enough to buy the first time. Please don’t ask me how I know.

Pay attention to fonts and typefaces

I have a condition I jokingly refer to as “typeface blindness.” I can’t tell the difference between most fonts unless I stare at them and actively work out what I’m seeing. I’m told this is atypical, and whenever I forget this fact I get reminded on Twitter. “Well, that’s the fifth talk so far today that uses Helvetica (the system default)” always makes me facepalm. As a result, I make it a point to not use system default fonts.

Contrary to what many folks believe, you can use custom fonts on iOS, but the process is a bit arcane. Do yourself a favor and drop the $2 for  AnyFont . This magic app streamlines an otherwise incredibly painful process.

Lessons I’ve Learned

I’m conservative here; while you can save money by buying third party adapters, I find that minimizing the risk of screwing up a presentation in front of 400 people is worth the extortionate rate that Apple charges for first party adapters. You’ll want both HDMI and VGA adapters. Both of these are available in Lightning and USB-C flavors, depending upon which generation of iPad you’re using. Note that this is less of a concern with USB-C than it is with Lightning adapters—just make certain you test all of your adapters before you leave home.

Save time; don’t bother looking for DVI adapters. The iPad officially doesn’t support it, Apple doesn’t sell them for Lightning, and I’ve only ever encountered it on the speaking circuit once. Your test a few hours before your talk will validate that you’ll be okay.

You can never be too rich, too thin, or have a big enough battery pack

Grab a beefy battery pack, and you can go days without finding a power outlet. You don’t want to discover that the podium power strip is full, the extension cord is a trip hazard, or that you don’t have the right adapter for the country you’re in when it’s time to give a talk. Having a battery pack that can borderline jump-start a car means you’re fine so long as your iPad battery level is anywhere about roughly 3%. (Too much lower and the tablet won’t boot at all.)

I like Anker products for this, but your mileage may vary. I soundly endorse finding reputable brands. Saving a few bucks on chargers, cables, or batteries that (a) plug into a very expensive electronic device and (b) have a propensity to include “sets the building on fire” in their list of failure modes just never seemed worth the trade-off to me.

Note: If you need to give away something at a booth, don’t use branded USB battery packs or chargers, as swag. At best, they’re cheap and feel flimsy. At worst, something with your logo on it started a fire.

Spend extra for an LTE connection

You can tether your iPad to a mobile device or ride on conference Wi-Fi. However, if you’re presenting frequently it’s worth the extra money to get an iPad version that can speak to the cell networks. Suddenly you no longer care what the conference Wi-Fi password is, whether you remembered to charge your phone, or if the captive portal login page is going to expire and pop up again mid-presentation.

Speaking of which…

Before the presentation, turn on both “Do Not Disturb” and “Airplane Mode”

In presentation mode, Keynote swears that it blocks pop-ups, reminders, incoming calls, and other distractions. To its credit, I’ve never seen it do otherwise.

That said, I always enable Do Not Disturb on my iPad. I put the device in airplane mode. And only then do I plug in the projector. Perhaps I’m paranoid, but you’re also not seeing horrible screenshots from my talks that feature embarrassing notifications, either.

Update nothing before your presentation

If a new iOS version or a Keynote update comes out the same week as your presentation, fine. But resist the upgrade. It can wait a day.

There have been enough regressions in software over the years that I’m extremely hesitant to trust that everything will “just work” an hour before I go on stage.

These are the sometimes-hard-won lessons I’ve learned after spending a year giving talks solely from an iPad.

Corey Quinn Headshot

Corey is the Chief Cloud Economist at The Duckbill Group, where he specializes in helping companies improve their AWS bills by making them smaller and less horrifying. He also hosts the "Screaming in the Cloud" and "AWS Morning Brief" podcasts; and curates "Last Week in AWS," a weekly newsletter summarizing the latest in AWS news, blogs, and tools, sprinkled with snark and thoughtful analysis in roughly equal measure.

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A Beginner’s Guide to PowerPoint on the iPad

can you make presentations on ipad

This is the third in our series of articles about Microsoft Office for the iPad, and the results so far have been decidedly mixed. We found Word to be surprisingly powerful and a good alternative to the desktop version for all but the most hardcore word processors out there. Excel was more of a let down with lots more functionality missing, including many elements that would be notable to even light spreadsheet users. We’re happy to report that PowerPoint is much closer to Word than Excel, and even more than either of those apps, you could use PowerPoint perfectly well on your iPad and never touch the desktop version. In fact, some of the design decisions Microsoft have made might even make you put together better presentations than if you had the complete desktop app at your disposal.

overall design

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PowerPoint for iOS is free from the App Store and allows you to view PowerPoint files from anywhere. If you want to edit or create presentations from the iPad though, you’re going to need to subscribe to Office 365 , which runs $6.99/month or $70/year for individuals on up to 5 devices. An Office 365 subscription comes with the full Microsoft Office suite of apps as well was 1TB of OneDrive storage, so there is quite a bit of value there.

Whether this is a fair price is a matter we can only leave to you, but the software package on offer, and especially the 1TB of cloud storage that works across iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux, makes this a pretty compelling subscription in our eyes.

Of note, Microsoft only requires iPads over 10.1” to pay up to get editing functionality. If you have a 9.7” iPad, iPad Mini, or even an iPhone, then you can use the full version of PowerPoint (and all other Office apps) without an Office 365 subscription. Apparently productivity starts at 10.1” in Microsoft’s world — not that we’re complaining.

Out of the Box Experience

If you start with PowerPoint on the iPad and want to begin building presentations from scratch, the iPad version gives you everything you need to start creating right away.


There are 25 built-in templates you can start with. While not all of them are great, ones like Parcel, Celestial, Ion, and Mesh are all really nice templates that you can use to create professional-looking presentations. Some of them are more fun and offer a more distinct look, but for many people, simplicity is king and the options here are more than capable of making you look good at your next speaking gig.

As you would expect, each of these 25 templates have an assortment of slide types so you can move between titles, lists, and giant images with a consistent experience for your audience.

And if you were worried about getting your content into these slides, fear not because PowerPoint for iPad has tons of tools around adding animations to elements on your slides, transitions between slides, drawing on and marking up content, and adding things like tables, images, icons, and videos into your slides.

Basically, if you work entirely from the iPad, you’ll have more than enough control over everything to put together a presentation that you can be proud of.

Adding Some Flair

PowerPoint has quite a few tools for customizing the feel of your presentations, and while I’d contend that adding too many effects and transitions to a slide deck can be detrimental, these can of course be used well and the fact that so much is here should allow most people to create exactly what they want.


There are 35 ways you can have items on a slide appear or disappear and 17 different ways you can emphasize specific elements on a slide. And if you like transitions, there are a sweeping 49 options for how you move from one slide to another. Should you use all of these? God no. Does this level of flexibility enable a bunch of cool one-off effects? Oh yes!

And then there are a bunch of different drawing tools you can use to add a little panache. Similar to most markup apps you know and love , there are several drawing tools like pencils, markers, and highlighters, as well as a cool cosmic pen that is just fun. You can make this animate into the slide so you can have custom-looking animations that call out something specific on your slides.

Another thing I really like is a feature called Design Ideas. This is found under the Design tab and you can use it on any slide in your presentation. PowerPoint will look at the content of the slide and give you a few suggestions for alternative styling. For example, I had a basic bulleted list and it suggested this nicer layout for a short list:

nicer list - design tab

One of the things I love about how this is set up in the PowerPoint UI is that none of these effects are visible from the main tabs you’ll use when creating your slides. This breaks up the workflow between content and style. You’ll likely find yourself putting together all your content together across however many slides you need and then going back through it all to add whatever animations and transitions you think you need. Again, since the content of a slide deck is far more important than the flair on top of it, this behavioral encouragement is spot on.


As with Microsoft’s other Office apps, the collaboration features from the desktop and web versions are here and they work great. You can work in real time with anyone else whom you’ve shared the document. You can see their edits in real time and they’ll see yours, no matter the platform they are on.

Comments are supported as well, and you or others can leave comments on certain points of the presentation, and there is even version control so you can go back to potentially dozens of versions of the presentation and restore them (or save them as a new copy).

Giving Your Presentation

The presentation itself is the whole reason for making a slide deck — that experience is rock solid — but might be limited compared to what you have on the desktop.

First off, you can present a presentation you created on the iPad on any device that runs PowerPoint, but if you want to present from an iPad, the easiest way to do so is to plug into the screen you are going to be using via a DisplayPort/HDMI/DVI cable that uses Lightning or USB-C (depending on your iPad). After you’re connected to an external display, you’ll see your slides in all their glory on the external display and the presenter view will appear on the iPad itself.

If you happen to be somewhere that has an AirPlay compatible screen (most likely through an Apple TV), then you can also mirror your screen to the AirPlay device and you’ll get the same effect where the slides show on the AirPlay receiver and the presenter view shows on the iPad.

laser pointer feature

Whether using wired or wireless connections for the presentation, you can always tap and hold on your iPad screen to bring up a virtual laser pointer to point out whatever you want to highlight on a particular slide. It’s actually pretty slick and more useful than I expected it to be.

PowerPoint as a Good iOS Citizen

some features

Unlike some other companies who take forever to support iOS’s latest and greatest features, Microsoft has done a pretty decent job of keeping up with the times. Using PowerPoint in late 2019 feels like using an app built to use most of iOS’s (and iPadOS’s) latest features.

Pretty much all the main contenders are here: drag and drop works well and lets you drag in your own media straight from things like Files, Photos, or even Safari and drop them into your slides with ease. The UI for this is rather limited, and you don’t quite know what will happen when you drop something like a photo onto a slide, but you can of course resize and reorient objects once they’re on the slide.

PowerPoint also supports split screen, which is very useful for this sort of app as it allows you to have your research on one side of the iPad and your presentation on the other. I constantly find myself bouncing back and forth when putting together a PowerPoint presentation, and this would be a near deal-breaker for me personally.

The one major iPadOS feature this doesn’t currently support is multi-window. iPadOS 13 enabled apps to have multiple documents open at once and PowerPoint does not support this at all. This is a less egregious omission since most people tend to work on one presentation at a time, but sometimes you might want to reference another presentation that you’ve created or are comparing your slides to ones someone else made.

Overall, PowerPoint strikes a good balance of being unmistakably Microsoft without feeling like a Windows app on the iPad.

Apple Keynote and Google Slides

Apple Keynote vs MS PowerPoint

While PowerPoint is the undisputed standard for presentations, the options from Apple and Google are also compelling and have the distinct advantage of each being completely free. Without getting too much into the weeds here, the short overviews of each of these competitors are:

Apple Keynote lets you more easily create great-looking slides with modern, elegant templates. The app also feels more finely tuned to iPadOS’s UI is a very smooth experience from start to finish. Collaboration is a big issue though if you are not working with others on iPads or Macs. And even if you are, the collaborative editing capabilities are far less robust than what Microsoft has in PowerPoint.

Google Slides is a very minimal presentation tool, but it gets the job done. If your needs are very basic and you value a cloud-based solution with great real-time collaborate editing, then Slides can serve your needs very well. But if you want to have a little more style in your deck, then you’re going to be left wanting here. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s certainly not the best in class.

In short, if you value compatibility and collaboration, PowerPoint is the clear winner. If you value great design in your slides and a delightful iPadOS experience, Keynote is king. And if you just want what is on the web and included in your Google account, then Slides will be okay for you, but you’re probably not going to fall in love with it.

Ultimately, many of us don’t have a choice in the apps we use to give presentations. These usually happen at work and the company has some standard in place for creating presentations, so the choice has been made for you already. If you have any say at all in what presentation software to use, then we think PowerPoint is a great way to make them on the iPad.

can you make presentations on ipad

With a rich set of tools to make everything from basic to wild and flashy presentations possible, it’s bolstered by a robust set of collaboration features as well as the simple fact that it’s the de-facto standard across most of the business world. You’ll probably have little-to-no friction in making this work for you and your business.

If you are working solo or there really isn’t any need to use one app or another, then Keynote is a very compelling alternative, and is the feather in iWork’s cap. it’s an excellent app that makes is dead simple to create professional-looking presentations with very little effort. Oh yeah, and it’s completely free! Not everyone will love this, but it’s definitely something to consider using if you’re not totally sold on PowerPoint.

Can You Make a Powerpoint on iPad? Here’s How To Do It

Are you familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint on your laptop or desktop computer, but don’t know how to use it on your iPad? You’re not alone.

With the popularity of tablets and iPads, many people are looking to make the switch and take advantage of the portability of their device.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to create a presentation on your iPad.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to create a presentation on your iPad with ease.

So let’s get started!

Short Answer

You can also create and edit presentations online with PowerPoint for the web.

If you have an Office 365 subscription, you can also use the desktop version of PowerPoint on an iPad with the Office app.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad?

It is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that allows users to create professional-looking presentations with the help of the iPads touchscreen and Apple Pencil.

The app also allows users to use the iPads touchscreen to navigate between slides and add shapes, arrows, and other elements to their presentation.

Additionally, the app allows users to use the Apple Pencil to draw directly on the slides.

Additionally, the iPads portability and HD display make it the perfect device for creating and sharing presentations with ease.

How to Create a Presentation on iPad

With the help of Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad apps, you can create a presentation, add text, images, charts, and more to create a professional-looking presentation.

The first step in creating a presentation on an iPad is to download the Microsoft PowerPoint app.

Once you have downloaded the app, you can open it and begin creating your presentation.

Once you have added all of the necessary elements to your presentation, you can preview it on your iPad before sharing it with others.

Finally, you can export your presentation to a variety of formats, such as PDF, PowerPoint, and more.

In conclusion, creating a presentation on an iPad is easy and convenient.

With the iPads portability and HD display, you can create and share presentations with ease.

Adding Text, Images, and Charts to the Presentation

Adding text, images, and charts to your PowerPoint presentation on an iPad is a great way to make it look professional and engaging.

You can also use the iPads built-in dictation feature to quickly add text to your slides, or you can use the iPads on-screen keyboard to type out your text.

You can upload images from your iPads photo library or from an online source, such as Google Images, to add to your presentation.

Similarly, you can also add charts to your presentation by using the chart feature in the PowerPoint app.

This allows you to add arrows, shapes, and other elements to your presentation that would be difficult to add with the mouse or touchscreen.

Using the Apple Pencil to Draw on the Slides

With the Apple Pencil, users can draw directly onto slides with precision and detail, as well as directly write text and add shapes.

Additionally, the Apple Pencil can be used to easily add diagrams and other graphical elements, such as arrows and circles, to the slides.

Navigating Between Slides on the iPad

With a few taps, you can quickly move between slides in your presentation.

Additionally, you can select a specific slide from the Slide Navigator, which can be accessed by tapping the three dots icon in the bottom left corner of the PowerPoint app.

With the iPad’s portability and HD display, you can create and share presentations with ease, making it a great tool for creating professional presentations.

Adding Shapes, Arrows, and Other Elements

You can use the Apple pencil to draw directly on the slides, allowing you to add intricate details to the presentation quickly and easily.

Sharing the Presentation on iPad

With the help of Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad apps, you can easily share your presentation with others from anywhere in the world.

Additionally, you can share your presentation as a read-only or a full-editable version, which allows others to make changes to the presentation if necessary.

The PowerPoint for iPad app allows you to easily send your presentation in an email, post it on social media, or even share it with a link.

The iPad also has a variety of other features that can help you share your presentation.

Additionally, you can use an HDMI or VGA adapter to connect your iPad directly to a projector or monitor.

These services also make it easy to collaborate on a presentation, as multiple users can access the same presentation and make changes and additions to it.

With the iPad’s portability and HD display, you can create and share presentations with ease.

Whether you’re giving a presentation to a large group of people or collaborating on a project with colleagues, the iPad provides an easy and efficient way to create and share presentations.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to make a PowerPoint on iPad, why not give it a try? You’ll be surprised at what your creative mind can come up with.

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How to Make a PowerPoint on iPad: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Making a PowerPoint presentation on your iPad can be a convenient way to create and present slideshows on the go. As someone who has used an iPad to create several presentations, I can attest that it’s a straightforward process that doesn’t require much technical know-how. Whether you’re a student, a business professional, or just someone who needs to create a presentation, this article will guide you through the process of making a PowerPoint presentation on your iPad.

An iPad with a stylus on a desk, showing a blank PowerPoint slide. The iPad is connected to a keyboard and a mouse

To create a PowerPoint presentation on your iPad, you’ll need to download the PowerPoint app from the App Store. The app is free, but you may need an Office 365 subscription to access all of its features. Once you have the app installed, you can start creating your presentation. The app is user-friendly, and you can easily add text, images, and other multimedia elements to your slides. You can also customize the design of your presentation by choosing from a variety of themes and templates.

One of the benefits of making a PowerPoint presentation on your iPad is that you can work on it from anywhere. Whether you’re on the train, at the park, or in a coffee shop, you can easily open the app and start working on your presentation. Additionally, the iPad’s touch screen makes it easy to navigate through your presentation during a live presentation. With a few simple taps, you can move from slide to slide, highlight key points, and interact with your audience.


Using PowerPoint for iPad

Design and layout tools, saving and accessing files, cloud storage and collaboration, running a slideshow, exporting and sharing options, keyboard shortcuts, design ideas, animations and transitions, presenter view, creating and editing presentations on ipad.

An iPad with a stylus on a desk, showing a presentation being created and edited using the PowerPoint app. The screen displays a slide with text and graphics

As someone who frequently creates presentations on my iPad, I can confidently say that the PowerPoint app is a game-changer. With the app, I can create, edit, and present my slides all from one device. To get started, simply download the PowerPoint app from the App Store. The app is free, but to access all of its features, you may need an Office 365 subscription.

Once you have the app, creating a presentation is simple. You can start from scratch or choose from a variety of pre-made templates to get your creative juices flowing. The app also has a drag and drop feature that makes it easy to add text, images, and other elements to your slides.

One of the best things about using PowerPoint for iPad is the design and layout tools. With the app, you can create professional-looking presentations that are sure to impress your audience. The PowerPoint Designer feature helps you create professional slide layouts with ease. You can also add pictures, videos, and audio to your presentation to make it more engaging.

Another great feature of PowerPoint for iPad is the ability to apply animation effects to your slides. This can help keep your audience engaged and interested in your presentation. The app also allows you to delete slides and apply a slide layout to your presentation.

In conclusion, creating and editing presentations on iPad is easier than ever with the PowerPoint app. Whether you’re a student, business professional, or just someone who enjoys creating presentations, the app has everything you need to create professional-looking slides. With its design and layout tools, drag and drop feature, and animation effects, PowerPoint for iPad is the perfect tool for creating engaging and informative presentations.

Managing Presentations

Creating a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad is a great way to work on the go. However, it’s important to know how to manage your presentations to ensure that you can access them when you need to. Here are some tips for managing your presentations on an iPad.

One of the most important things to do when working on a presentation is to save it regularly. Luckily, PowerPoint for iPad makes it easy to save your work. To save a presentation, simply tap the “Save” button in the top left corner of the screen. You can also access your saved presentations by tapping the “Open” button in the top left corner of the screen.

Cloud storage is a great way to ensure that your presentations are always accessible, no matter where you are. OneDrive and iCloud are two popular cloud storage services that work well with PowerPoint for iPad. With OneDrive or iCloud, you can save your presentations to the cloud and access them from any device with an internet connection.

Collaborating on presentations is also easy with cloud services. You can share your presentations with others and work on them together in real-time. Dropbox is another popular cloud service that works well with PowerPoint for iPad. With Dropbox, you can share your presentations with others and collaborate on them in real-time.

In conclusion, managing your presentations on an iPad is easy with PowerPoint. By saving your work regularly and using cloud storage services like OneDrive, iCloud, and Dropbox, you can ensure that your presentations are always accessible and up-to-date.

Presenting and Sharing

When it comes to presenting your slideshow on your iPad, PowerPoint provides several options. You can run your slideshow directly from your iPad, or you can connect your iPad to a larger screen or projector for a bigger audience. To run a slideshow on your iPad, simply tap the “Present” button in the top-right corner of your screen. From here, you can use finger gestures to advance, go back, and end your slideshow. You can even use a laser pointer and ink pen, with the touch of your finger.

If you want to present your slideshow to a larger audience, you can use AirPlay or HDMI to connect your iPad to a TV or projector. To do this, you’ll need an Apple TV or an HDMI adapter. Once you’ve connected your iPad to the external display, you can run your slideshow as normal.

When it comes to exporting and sharing your PowerPoint presentation on your iPad, you have several options. You can export your presentation as a PDF, which is a great option if you want to share your slides with someone who doesn’t have PowerPoint. To do this, simply tap the “Export” button in the top-right corner of your screen, and then select “PDF.”

If you want to share your presentation with others, you can do so via email or by using a cloud storage service like OneDrive or Dropbox. To do this, simply tap the “Share” button in the top-right corner of your screen, and then select your preferred sharing method. You can also choose to share your presentation in “Presentation Mode,” which is a great option if you want to give someone else the ability to run your slideshow.

Overall, PowerPoint for iPad provides a great set of tools for creating, presenting, and sharing your presentations on the go. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, it’s a must-have app for anyone who needs to create and share presentations on the go.

PowerPoint on iPad Tips and Tricks

PowerPoint is a powerful tool for creating dynamic presentations. With the iPad, you can create and edit presentations on the go. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of PowerPoint on your iPad.

Keyboard shortcuts can save you time and make it easier to navigate through your presentation. To access the keyboard shortcuts, press and hold the Command key on your keyboard. The shortcuts will appear on the screen. Some commonly used keyboard shortcuts include:

  • Command + C: Copy
  • Command + V: Paste
  • Command + Z: Undo
  • Command + Y: Redo
  • Command + B: Bold
  • Command + I: Italic
  • Command + U: Underline

PowerPoint has a variety of pre-designed templates to help you create a professional-looking presentation. To access the templates, tap the New Presentation button and select a template. You can also customize the template by changing the font, color, and background.

Animations and transitions can add visual interest to your presentation. To add an animation, select the object you want to animate and tap the Animations tab. Choose an animation from the list. To add a transition between slides, tap the Transitions tab and choose a transition.

Presenter View allows you to view your notes and upcoming slides while presenting. To access Presenter View, tap the More button and select Presenter View. You can also use the laser pointer to highlight important points on your slides.

In conclusion, PowerPoint on iPad is a powerful tool for creating dynamic presentations. With these tips and tricks, you can create professional-looking presentations that engage your audience. Whether you’re presenting to a small group or a large audience, PowerPoint on iPad has everything you need to create a successful presentation.

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  • PowerPoint for iPad: 10 top tips

Want to host or create presentations on your iPad? We've got handy tricks to help you get going

can you make presentations on ipad

Despite a phalanx of competitors emerging in recent years, PowerPoint remains the industry standard for delivering presentations, and the emergence of the iPad app cements its position in the boardroom.

However, the iPad app is a different beast from the desktop software, and has its own strengths and weaknesses. Our top 10 tips will show you how to get the most from PowerPoint on the iPad.

1. Create on the PC, refine on the iPad

If at all possible, avoid creating presentations on the iPad itself. The iPad app has only 20 presentation templates to choose from, compared to the thousands available to download from the PC and Mac version, and some of those 20 are mundane. Any template that you download on the PC/Mac is editable on the iPad, even if it's not one of those preloaded in the app.

can you make presentations on ipad

If you do decide to create a presentation on the tablet, be wary of the same fonts issue that afflicts the Microsoft Word app. If you choose iOS fonts, they won't be displayed properly when you open the presentation on the PC, and you may experience problems with text running out of boxes or wrapping around images erratically.

2. Beam the presentation wirelessly

The iPad is better suited to delivering, rather than creating, presentations. You can beam your presentation wirelessly to a big display or projector using Apple's AirPlay technology, and use the iPad to flick through slides and more.

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To do this, you'll either need an Apple TV or Mac (2011 onwards) connected to your large display, or a PC running AirPlay compatible software such as AirServer ( Both iPad and the receiving Apple TV/Mac/PC must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

can you make presentations on ipad

Once connected, you can mirror the iPad's display on the big screen, but when you open your presentation on the iPad you should put it into Presenter View, by clicking the Slide Show tab and selecting the relevant option. Now your iPad will display any presenter notes you've made and forthcoming slides, while the viewers of the big screen display will only see the presentation itself.

If you hold your finger down on the main window showing the current slide, you'll activate the virtual laser pointer, allowing you to highlight key points on the slide. The pen tools in the top right of the screen let you draw on or use a highlighter pen on your slides.

3. Learn the gestures

You'll need to be familiar with a few gesture controls to get the most out of PowerPoint for iPad, some of which aren't obvious.

For example, if you're in full-screen slideshow view activated by pressing the Play button in the top right-hand corner you can use a closed pinch gesture to return to the editing view, which is quicker than tapping at the top of the screen and selecting End Slide Show.

can you make presentations on ipad

If you want to move a slide to a new position in the deck, simply tap on its thumbnail in the edit view and drag it to the desired position.

4. Importing old-format presentations

PowerPoint for iPad can work with presentations created in either the latest Office formats (.pptx files) or the older PowerPoint 97-2003 formats (.ppt and .pps). However, any files opened in the older formats will need to be converted to .pptx before you can edit them. PowerPoint for iPad will give you the option to convert the old-style presentations when you first open them.

can you make presentations on ipad

5. Transferring Keynote presentations

Given that PowerPoint for iPad only launched earlier this year, it's likely that you might have some presentations stored in Apple's own presentation app, Keynote. The good news is you can import these into PowerPoint without much hassle.

Open the presentation in Keynote, then click the icon showing a page with an up arrow and select Open in Another App. Choose the PowerPoint format from the pop-up that appears, and after Keynote has crunched through the slides select the Choose App button and Open in PowerPoint. Once it's opened in PowerPoint, you'll need to save a copy if you want to edit the slides.

can you make presentations on ipad

The bad news is that some of Keynote's slide transitions, animations and fonts won't be carried across perfectly into PowerPoint, so make sure to review and edit your slideshow (if necessary) before presenting to an audience.

You can also go the other way, and import slideshows created in the PowerPoint app to Keynote. The easiest way to do this is to open the presentation in PowerPoint, click the little person and + sign icon in the top-right corner and email a copy of the presentation to yourself.

Open the Mail app, download the attachment, then hold down on the attachment's icon and select Open in PowerPoint. You'll once again find that many transitions, animations and fonts don't survive the move, however.

Current page: PowerPoint for iPad: 10 top tips

Barry Collins is an experienced IT journalist who specialises in Windows, Mac, broadband and more. He's a former editor of PC Pro magazine, and has contributed to many national newspapers, magazines and websites in a career that has spanned over 20 years. You may have seen Barry as a tech pundit on television and radio, including BBC Newsnight, the Chris Evans Show and ITN News at Ten.

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can you make presentations on ipad

Keynote User Guide for iPad

  • What’s new in Keynote 14.1
  • Intro to Keynote
  • Intro to images, charts, and other objects
  • Create a presentation
  • Choose how to navigate your presentation
  • Open a presentation
  • Save and name a presentation
  • Find a presentation
  • Print a presentation
  • Prevent accidental editing
  • Undo or redo changes
  • Quick navigation
  • Change the working view
  • Customize the toolbar
  • Copy text and objects between apps
  • Basic touchscreen gestures
  • Use Apple Pencil with Keynote
  • Create a presentation using VoiceOver
  • Add or delete slides
  • Add and view presenter notes
  • Reorder slides
  • Group or ungroup slides
  • Skip or unskip a slide
  • Change the slide size
  • Change a slide background
  • Add a border around a slide
  • Show or hide text placeholders
  • Show or hide slide numbers
  • Apply a slide layout
  • Add and edit slide layouts
  • Change a theme
  • Add an image
  • Add an image gallery
  • Edit an image
  • Add and edit a shape
  • Combine or break apart shapes
  • Save a shape to the shapes library
  • Add and align text inside a shape
  • Add 3D objects
  • Add lines and arrows
  • Add and edit drawings
  • Add video and audio
  • Record video and audio
  • Edit video and audio
  • Add live video
  • Set the movie and image formats
  • Position and align objects
  • Use alignment guides
  • Place objects inside a text box or shape
  • Layer, group, and lock objects
  • Change object transparency
  • Fill shapes and text boxes with color or an image
  • Add a border to an object
  • Add a caption or title
  • Add a reflection or shadow
  • Use object styles
  • Resize, rotate, and flip objects
  • Add linked objects to make your presentation interactive
  • Select text
  • Copy and paste text
  • Format a presentation for another language
  • Use phonetic guides
  • Use bidirectional text
  • Use vertical text
  • Change the look of text
  • Use text styles
  • Change text capitalization
  • Add drop caps
  • Make characters superscript or subscript
  • Format fractions automatically
  • Format dashes and quotation marks
  • Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text
  • Set tab stops
  • Format text into columns
  • Adjust line spacing
  • Format lists
  • Add mathematical equations
  • Add borders and rules (lines) to separate text
  • Add or delete a table
  • Select tables, cells, rows, and columns
  • Add or remove rows and columns
  • Move rows and columns
  • Resize rows and columns
  • Merge or unmerge cells
  • Change the look of table text
  • Show, hide, or edit a table title
  • Change table gridlines and colors
  • Use table styles
  • Resize, move, or lock a table
  • Add and edit cell content
  • Format dates, currency, and more
  • Highlight cells conditionally
  • Format tables for bidirectional text
  • Alphabetize or sort table data
  • Add or delete a chart
  • Change a chart from one type to another
  • Modify chart data
  • Move, resize, and rotate a chart
  • Change the look of data series
  • Add a legend, gridlines, and other markings
  • Change the look of chart text and labels
  • Add a chart border and background
  • Use chart styles
  • Animate objects onto and off a slide
  • Animate objects on a slide
  • Change build order and timing
  • Add transitions
  • Present on your iPad
  • Present on a separate display
  • Present on iPad over the internet
  • Use a remote
  • Make a presentation advance automatically
  • Play a slideshow with multiple presenters
  • Rehearse on your device
  • Play a recorded presentation
  • Check spelling
  • Look up words
  • Find and replace text
  • Replace text automatically
  • Set your author name for comments
  • Highlight text
  • Add and print comments
  • Send a presentation
  • Intro to collaboration
  • Invite others to collaborate
  • Collaborate on a shared presentation
  • See the latest activity in a shared presentation
  • Change a shared presentation’s settings
  • Stop sharing a presentation
  • Shared folders and collaboration
  • Use Box to collaborate
  • Create an animated GIF
  • Post your presentation in a blog
  • Use iCloud Drive with Keynote
  • Export to PowerPoint or another file format
  • Restore an earlier version of a presentation
  • Move a presentation
  • Delete a presentation
  • Password-protect a presentation
  • Create and manage custom themes
  • Transfer files with AirDrop
  • Transfer presentations with Handoff
  • Transfer presentations with the Finder
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Keyboard shortcut symbols

can you make presentations on ipad

Create a presentation in Keynote on iPad

To create a new presentation, you first choose a theme to use as a starting point. Themes use coordinated fonts and colors for a unified look and often include placeholders that you can replace with your own content.

Create a presentation from a theme

the Add button

In the theme chooser, tap the category names at the top of the screen to view different themes, then tap a theme to open it.

Some themes aren’t downloaded to your device until you choose them or open a presentation that uses one. If your connection is slow or you’re offline when this happens, placeholder images and slide backgrounds in the presentation may appear at a lower resolution until you’re online again or the theme finishes downloading.

the Format button

Each slide layout offers a different arrangement of text and images that you use as a starting point for your content.

Do any of the following to build your presentation:

the Add Slide button

Add text: Double-tap placeholder text to add your own.

the Replace Image button

To end the presentation, pinch closed anywhere on the screen. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your iPhone or iPad .

the Back button

Keynote automatically saves your changes as you work, so you don't need to worry about consistently saving your presentation manually. However, it's a good idea to rename your presentation so you can easily find it the next time you want to work on it. You can change the name of the presentation or change where it’s saved at any time.

Create a presentation outline

You can create a text outline of a new presentation in outline view in Keynote. Outline view displays your slides as a hierarchical series of titles, subtitles, points, and media placeholders. You can add and edit text, place images and videos, and change the format of slides in outline view. This is useful for creating an initial draft, taking notes, or focusing on the structure of a new presentation.

Outline view with the text outline on the left side of the screen, and the vertical slide navigator on the right side.

Do any of the following:

To quickly add a slide while typing in the last row of a slide, tap Return twice.

the drag handle

Reorder slides: In the slide navigator, touch and hold the slide until the slide appears to lift up, then drag it to a new location.

Add text: Tap a row in the text outline, then type.

the single image placeholder

Your presentation is saved automatically as you work, so you don’t lose your work when you close the presentation. Closing the presentation doesn’t quit Keynote.

To learn more about working in outline view, see View slides as text outlines .

the View Options button

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Blog / Presentation Delivery / PowerPoint on iPad

can you make presentations on ipad

PowerPoint on iPad: create presentations anytime, anywhere.

Multi-tasking at its finest: update, amend or even create a PowerPoint presentation on the go with PowerPoint’s mobile app for iPad. 

The “digital revolution” has transformed the way we live our lives. We expect global connectivity at our fingertips, no matter where we are or what time it is. The use and development of mobile technology continues to grow in response to this demand. With new technology comes flexibility and the power to respond rapidly to any situation, not only in our personal lives, but in the workplace as well. 

Flexible and mobile working isn’t just a differentiator for companies now, it’s a necessity. Modern businesses are feeling the pull from both clients and employees to embrace this new world of work, and stay relevant, regardless of the industry. While this doesn’t only include mobile technology, it is a significant element of this change.

Professionals who find themselves continuously on the go, travelling from place to place and covering all corners of the globe, can’t be weighed down by inflexible technology. Apple’s iPad was created for just this reason. To give people all the connectivity and functionality of a desktop, on the move. And the PowerPoint for iPad app has opened up a world of mobile possibilities for those people who rely on presentations to share their big ideas.  

PowerPoint on app store

Can you really create a PowerPoint presentation on iPad?

Yes. But that doesn’t mean you should. Let’s make this clear: the PowerPoint for iPad app is a distilled version of the desktop app. Apple has streamlined the functions down to those deemed most important. As well as this, controlling placement, size and direction of elements to the exact pixel is just going to be a lot harder with a touchscreen than with a mouse. You may not have complete control, or the full suite of tools and options, but you can create a PowerPoint presentation that most clients will think looks pretty good. Especially, if you follow our design tips .

We understand that the world of work can be unpredictable. Sometimes, you get a call from that dream client and you just have to drop everything and head for the nearest airport. We also understand that, regardless of how much time you have to prepare for a presentation,  24% of you  still don’t start building until there’s less than a week left. You guys eat danger for breakfast.

If this sounds like you, PowerPoint for iPad may save your butt. You can jump on that plane, hand luggage only, get your iPad out and start building. By the time you land, you’ll have a persuasive presentation that will fool your potential client into thinking you’ve been prepping for months. And, in a way, you have by being an avid  Buffalo 7 blog  reader, naturally. 

Outright Games Thank You Presentation Slide

What if I’m in the 76%?

Firstly, congratulations: you’re our kind of person. Secondly, PowerPoint for iPad is still an effective tool to have in your arsenal. 

Clients can be fickle creatures, constantly updating and changing their demands. And they don’t care for your travel schedule, they expect you to be adaptable to their needs. Even if you’ve created the perfect presentation, weeks in advance, what if they throw you a curveball at the last minute? If all you’ve come armed with is a USB, you’re in trouble.

However, if you’ve got your trusty iPad, with the PowerPoint app installed, and your presentation uploaded to  iCloud , you can update the PowerPoint to reflect their change of heart. 

PowerPoint for iPad is great for delivery

There are numerous unknowns to navigate when it comes to relying on someone else’s tech to deliver your presentation. Perhaps it won’t be powerful enough to run your animations smoothly, even though you’ve  reduced the file size right down . Or they  won’t have the font installed , and your beautiful slides end up looking like a headache-inducing letter orgy. Or their screen configuration might leave your brand yellow looking like a sickly green. No matter how detailed you go with the tech spec questions in advance, there’s always a chance something will go wrong. 

By taking your own iPad to present your slides, you remove all these issues. Ok, this won’t work if you’re presenting to a massive room, but in a small group, iPad presentations can be more effective than a traditional stand and deliver method.

PowerPoint has an option under the  Slide Show  tab, titled  Set Up Slide Show . Under  Show type:  select  Browsed at kiosk (full screen) . This ‘kiosk mode’ allows users to interact with your presentation, similar to a website. 

If you set your presentation up with kiosk mode in mind, you can create a fully-interactive experience for your meeting. This means that you can pass control over to the client, and they can navigate around the slides however they want. Not only will this prove you know your stuff, being able to adapt your script to match the slide they move to, but it will also open up a conversation rather than a monologue.

To use kiosk mode, you need to make sure all your slides have hyperlinked navigation and all your animations are automated, as there’s no ‘click’ function.

If you’ve got the budget, and the space in your suitcase, you could even set the same presentation up on multiple iPads and let everyone in the room have a go. 

Use your iPad as the controller for your presentation

If you are delivering your presentation to a large crowd, you can still control your slides from your iPad. The old-school way to do this is by physically connecting your iPad to the big screen using VGA or HDMI. Alternatively, if the presentation screen is set up with AirPlay, you can project your slides wirelessly.

If you’re using your iPad as a means to control your slides, it’s best practice to set  Auto-lock  to  Never , so it doesn’t go to sleep mid-presentation.

Set auto-lock on ipad to never

Sold. What do I need to know?

There are so many iPads on the market, and they all have the capability to utilise the PowerPoint for iPad app. However, if you want a decent screen size and good power, you’re going to be looking at iPad Pro for the best results, and ease of use. 

The PowerPoint for iPad app is free to install and, if you just want to view presentations, that’s all you’ll need. However, if you want the option to create and edit your presentations on your iPad, you’ll need an Office 365 subscription .

How do I get my PowerPoint presentation on my iPad?

If you don’t have iCloud, there are other ways you can get your mitts on the presentation you so-lovingly crafted on your PC or Mac.

You can use your OneDrive account:

  • Upload your chosen presentation to your OneDrive account from your computer.
  • On the iPad, sign in to your Microsoft account in PowerPoint.
  • Select  Open , then  OneDrive  and drag down the pane to refresh.
  • Select your file and it will download onto the iPad. How long this takes is dependent on file size and wi-fi connection.

Or you can use iTunes:

  • Plug the iPad into the computer and open iTunes.
  • Select the iPad in the top navigation and then go to  Apps  in the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll down to the bottom, where you will find a list of apps that you can add files to.
  • Select  PowerPoint  on the left.
  • You can add files through the iTunes buttons, or drag and drop a file into the space from your computer.
  • Once it has completed copying the file, eject the iPad and you will be able to open the file through the PowerPoint app.

Great, now I know this is an option, I’ll just go back to sleep until it’s time for my flight.

We can’t fight human nature. If you want to use PowerPoint for iPad to create all your presentations moving forward, you do you. We’re only here to advise. How you choose to use this fountain of knowledge is your call. 


Work Can wait

Put off writing that email just a little longer. Send your incoming calls to voicemail. Put your feet up, grab a brew and explore more presentation insight in the Buffalo 7 Library

Byte Bite Bit

How to Use PowerPoint on iPad: A Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating PowerPoint on the iPad has transformed my workflow, allowing me the freedom to craft and present slides without being chained to my desk. By using the iOS version of PowerPoint, I can create, edit, and present dynamic presentations directly from my iPad . This flexibility means no more lugging around a heavy laptop for every meeting or presentation.

How to Use PowerPoint on iPad: A Step-by-Step Guide

When I first discovered PowerPoint for iPad, I was skeptical of its capabilities compared to the desktop version. To my delight, I found that many of the powerful desktop features are seamlessly integrated into the iOS app. Whether it’s designing professional slide layouts, adding rich media like pictures and videos, or utilizing interactive elements, the app is both user-friendly and robust.

Subscription costs can be a downside, but the convenience and power offered make it worthwhile. The iPad version of PowerPoint allows me to make quick edits on the go and present without any hitches, ensuring I’m always prepared for any impromptu meeting or client presentation.

  • 1.1 Getting Started with PowerPoint on iPad
  • 1.2 PowerPoint App Features
  • 1.3 Integrations and Cloud Storage
  • 2.1 Crafting Slide Content
  • 2.2 Incorporating Media and Effects
  • 3.1 Real-Time Cooperation
  • 3.2 Presentation Sharing and Accessibility Options
  • 4.1 Efficiency Hacks and Shortcuts
  • 4.2 Leveraging PowerPoint’s Full Potential

Maximizing PowerPoint for iPad Usage

Here’s everything you need to know about using PowerPoint on your iPad to its fullest potential. From the initial setup to leveraging various app features, and tapping into integrations and cloud storage.

Getting Started with PowerPoint on iPad

First things first, you’ll want to download the PowerPoint app from the Apple App Store. It’s free, but for full functionality, an Office 365 subscription will be necessary. Once downloaded, log in with your Microsoft account to sync your work effortlessly across devices.

To load files, either open them directly from the app or from cloud storage like Dropbox or OneDrive . Navigating the app is simple, with intuitive touch controls for easy-use on your mobile. If you’re familiar with the desktop version, the transition is pretty seamless.

PowerPoint App Features

PowerPoint on iPad shines with its robust features designed for on-the-go use. Templates are customizable and follow the “click to add text” method. This aids in quickly setting up new presentations. Also, the app supports advanced elements like animations and transitions .

A big bonus is the inclusion of features like speaker notes and slide show views, giving you a more comprehensive toolset. While it lacks some desktop functionalities, it caters well to most needs. Being able to easily edit slides and add media like images or videos keeps your presentations dynamic.

Integrations and Cloud Storage

One of the strengths of PowerPoint on iPad is seamless integration with cloud services. Using OneDrive or Dropbox , you can save your presentations and access them from any device. This is especially helpful for those who might switch between an iPad and a laptop or desktop.

The PowerPoint app also integrates with other Office apps like Excel for iPad, making it easier to insert charts and data directly into your slides. Collaboration is straightforward as well—simply share your presentation link via email or messaging apps, and your team can view or edit as needed.

**Feature** **Description** **Availability**
Templates Pre-set designs for easy slide creation iPad, Desktop
Cloud Storage Save to OneDrive or Dropbox for access anywhere iPad, Desktop
Animations Add motion to your slides iPad, Desktop

Designing Engaging Presentations

Creating an engaging PowerPoint presentation on an iPad involves careful attention to slide content and the incorporation of various media and effects. Here are the key aspects to focus on:

Crafting Slide Content

When creating slides, clarity and conciseness are paramount. I always start by structuring my content into bite-sized chunks. Each slide should contain one main idea or point. Instead of bulky paragraphs, use bullet points to make the text digestible.

Choosing visually appealing templates can enhance the overall design. Microsoft PowerPoint offers numerous designs, but custom templates from platforms like Keynote or Photoshop add a unique touch. Design Ideas in PowerPoint automatically suggest layouts, saving time and effort.

Slide layouts should be balanced. Avoid clutter by limiting the amount of text and spacing elements evenly. Consistent use of fonts, colors, and sizes keeps your presentation cohesive. I’ve found that large, bold headlines capture attention, while smaller, readable fonts provide detail.

Incorporating Media and Effects

Including media elements like images, videos, and animations transforms a dull presentation into an engaging one. High-quality pictures and videos are essential. I prefer using images that are relevant and add value, avoiding generic stock photos when possible.

Animations and transitions should be used sparingly. Subtle transitions between slides maintain a professional look, whereas flashy effects can distract. Animations on individual elements, like text or shapes, can emphasize key points if used judiciously.

Incorporating shapes and interactive elements such as tables or charts can illustrate complex data efficiently. For media-heavy presentations, balance is crucial to prevent overwhelming the audience. When I incorporate media, I ensure that it complements rather than overshadows the main message.

Enhance visual appeal Use high-resolution and relevant pictures
Explain concepts visually Keep them short and to the point
Emphasize key points Use sparingly for professionalism

By following these steps, you can craft engaging and effective presentations using PowerPoint on your iPad.

Collaboration and Sharing

Using PowerPoint on an iPad provides multiple ways to work together and distribute presentations efficiently. Key features include real-time collaboration and diverse sharing options.

Real-Time Cooperation

When working on a PowerPoint presentation, real-time collaboration is a game-changer. With Microsoft Office 365 , I can access the Share button and invite colleagues to edit a file simultaneously. By saving the presentation on OneDrive or SharePoint , everyone sees changes in real time.

To start collaborating, follow these steps:

  • Open the presentation.
  • Tap the Share button.
  • Select Invite People .

This helps in avoiding version conflicts, and it keeps everyone on the same page.

I find it really convenient to track changes and comments made by others. The ability to see who’s editing and what they’re working on improves transparency and speeds up the review process.

Presentation Sharing and Accessibility Options

Sharing is simple and flexible in PowerPoint’s iPad app. You can send a link via Email or generate a Shareable Link . Here’s a quick step-by-step:

  • Tap Share .
  • Choose Send a Copy or Copy Link .
  • Set permissions for View Only or Edit Access .

The key is storing your files on a cloud service like OneDrive . This ensures recipients have easy access from any device. Not to overlook, PowerPoint supports iCloud Drive , enhancing collaboration for those using Apple ecosystems.

**OneDrive** **iCloud Drive**
Microsoft Ecosystem Apple Ecosystem

Options for accessibility are essential. I often use Office 365 settings to adjust permissions, ensuring everyone from team members to clients can easily view and interact with the presentation.

By taking advantage of these collaborative and sharing capabilities, I maintain productivity and seamless communication across all my projects.

Advanced PowerPoint Techniques and Tips

Maximizing your efficiency and leveraging the full potential of PowerPoint on an iPad can elevate your presentations significantly. This involves mastering certain shortcuts and utilizing all available features effectively.

Efficiency Hacks and Shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts can save a considerable amount of time. For instance, “Command + Z” to undo and “Command + Y” to redo actions are priceless during intense editing sessions.

If you have a subscription, you can sync your work across devices, ensuring that your edits show up on both your iPad and desktop. For subscription benefits , it’s key to sign in to your PowerPoint account to access autosave, version control, and advanced font options.

Typing on the iPad can be cumbersome, so I often use a Bluetooth keyboard. It makes text entry faster and smoother.

Pro Tip : Tap and hold on text to precisely place the cursor or to select a range of text. It’s much more convenient than using the touchscreen alone.

Leveraging PowerPoint’s Full Potential

Using PowerPoint on an iPad offers unique features like drawing and highlighting with a stylus. This is especially useful during presentation mode to emphasize points dynamically.

I’m a fan of the portability that comes with the iPad version. Carrying an HDMI or lightning adapter lets me connect to projectors or monitors easily. The app also supports AirPrint for quick printouts.

For more in-depth learning, check out online tutorials and training videos. These resources teach advanced techniques, such as using Google Apps for importing data or how to utilize third-party communities for expert tips.

Remember to explore app settings to customize your experience. Adjust account settings to tailor notifications and sync preferences to your workflow. Following these tips can significantly enhance your use of PowerPoint on an iPad, whether for personal or business presentations.

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Can You Create a PowerPoint on an iPad?

Apple's iPad is capable a wide range of tasks, including building presentations for Microsoft's PowerPoint presentation software. To create a compelling PowerPoint presentation, you'll need an editing app that can handle the format. Apple offers an in-house developed app to fill this need: Keynote for iOS. Based on Apple's OS X Keynote presentation software, this app can build, edit and view PowerPoint presentations, as well as a number of other formats like Apple's KEY presentation format.

can you make presentations on ipad

Keynote Features

Keynote for iOS is compatible with all iOS platforms, including the iPad. Keynote for iOS enables you to build fully-featured PowerPoint-compatible presentations, including pictures, videos and sound. It also features over 30 transitions and effects for both objects and text to help give your presentations some panache. The program was designed with multi-touch interfaces in mind and so features many tools that play into this interface like one-touch edits and rulers to guide image placement. Keynote for iOS also has a number of chart and graphing tools to enhance the presentation of data.


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Keynote not only makes presentations in its proprietary KEY format but also in the widely used Microsoft PowerPoint PPT format. These presentations can be viewed on PowerPoint-compatible software on any platform, making Keynote a useful app if you need to compose a presentation on the go. Keynote can also import PowerPoint presentations and edit them, although some data like fonts and transitions not available on the iPad or in Keynote may be lost.

ICloud and Sharing With Keynote

With support for iCloud in Keynote for iOS, the presentation file is pushed to all iCloud-enabled devices set to receive. Updates made to the files are also pushed to other devices, with changes saved automatically as you work to preserve your progress should something go awry. Keynote also features numerous sharing options to help distribute your presentation to everyone who needs it. A link can be shared via email, iTunes, WebDAV and AirDrop.

Keynote Drawbacks

Keynote for iOS isn't a perfect app for PowerPoint creation or editing. Any formatting details not available on Keynote for iOS or the iPad, like fonts, transitions or other effects, won't carry over during importing and editing. While Keynote has a good set of features, this lack of compatibility with other features in the OS X version of Keynote and PowerPoint leaves the app somewhat limited.


If Keynote isn't a viable or appealing option, there are a few other PowerPoint builders available for the iPad. Macworld lists Documents To Go Premium, Office 2 HD, Polaris Office, Quickoffice Pro HD and Smart Office 2 as viable third-party alternatives. Macworld also lists a virtual copy of Microsoft PowerPoint as an option, by using a cloud-based Windows server from an app like CloudOn, Nivio or OnLive desktop. You can also connect to a virtual version of the PowerPoint-compatible in a similar fashion through AlwaysOnPC Personal Cloud Desktop.

  • Apple: Keynote for iOS
  • Macworld: Editing PowerPoint Documents on an iPad

How to Play a PowerPoint Presentation on an iPad: A Step-by-Step Guide

Playing a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad is simple and straightforward. Just ensure you have the Microsoft PowerPoint app installed, and you’re good to go. You’ll be presenting in no time!

After following the steps, your PowerPoint presentation will be up and running on your iPad. Whether it’s for a business meeting or a classroom presentation, you’ll be able to engage your audience effectively.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Play a PowerPoint Presentation on an iPad

Playing a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad involves a few simple steps that will get your slides up and ready for viewing. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Download the PowerPoint app

First thing’s first – download the PowerPoint app from the Apple App Store.

The PowerPoint app is free to download but may require a Microsoft Office 365 subscription for full functionality. Make sure you’re signed in to your Microsoft account after downloading the app.

Step 2: Open the app and find your presentation

Open the app and locate the presentation you want to play.

You can access your presentations from cloud storage services like OneDrive or Dropbox, or you can transfer files directly to your iPad using iTunes or email.

Step 3: Open your presentation

Once you’ve found your presentation, tap to open it.

Your PowerPoint slides will appear just as they would on a computer. At this point, you can make any last-minute edits or go straight to presenting.

Step 4: Play your presentation

To start your presentation, tap the “Play” icon.

Your iPad will switch to presentation mode, displaying your slides full-screen. Swipe left or right to navigate through the slides.

Step 5: Use additional features as needed

Take advantage of PowerPoint’s features like highlighting or drawing on slides during your presentation.

These features can be accessed by tapping the pen icon on the screen. They add an interactive element to your presentation and can help emphasize key points.

Tips for Playing a PowerPoint Presentation on an iPad

  • Make sure your iPad is charged or plugged in; you don’t want it dying mid-presentation!
  • Familiarize yourself with the app’s interface before the presentation to avoid any hiccups.
  • Use a stylus for more precise highlighting or drawing on slides.
  • If you’re presenting to a group, connect your iPad to a larger screen using AirPlay or an adapter.
  • Practice navigating through your slides on the iPad to ensure a smooth presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i edit my powerpoint presentation on the ipad.

Yes, the PowerPoint app allows you to edit presentations directly on your iPad.

Can I play a presentation without an internet connection?

Yes, once the presentation is downloaded to your device, you do not need an internet connection to play it.

Can I use my iPad as a remote for the presentation?

Yes, with the right setup, you can use your iPad as a remote control to navigate through your slides.

Are animations and transitions supported on the iPad?

Most animations and transitions in PowerPoint are supported on the iPad app.

Can I add notes to my presentation on the iPad?

Yes, you can add and view presenter notes in the PowerPoint iPad app.

  • Download the PowerPoint app from the Apple App Store.
  • Open the app and locate your presentation.
  • Open your presentation.
  • Play your presentation using the “Play” icon.
  • Use additional features like highlighting or drawing as needed.

Playing a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad is a breeze once you know the steps. With the portability and convenience of the iPad, you’re no longer tethered to your laptop for presentations. The ability to edit on the go, use interactive features, and present without a hitch makes the iPad a powerful tool for anyone needing to share information visually.

Remember to download the PowerPoint app, familiarize yourself with its features, and practice beforehand to ensure your presentation goes smoothly. And don’t forget, a well-charged iPad is a happy iPad! So, the next time you need to play a PowerPoint presentation, consider using your iPad and impress your audience with your tech-savviness.

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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9 best apps for building presentations in iOS

You can create presentations from an iPhone or iPad, with nearly all the bells and whistles to make them more visual and less boring.

can you make presentations on ipad

Slideshow presentations can be notoriously snooze-worthy. Nearly all of us can remember sitting patiently while someone flipped through a seemingly endless stream of slides. Most people have realized that when it comes to presentations, less is more and being visual is better than putting all of our bullet points in each slide.

Our tools for creating presentations have also taken a big leap forward, and we can even create top-notch slideshows on iPhones and iPads, including the use of effects, transitions, video clips , background music, narration and captions.

Here are nine presentation apps for iOS that can get the job done. Best to-do list apps of 2018 for managing tasks on iOS

Microsoft PowerPoint

Practically synonymous with presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint ( download on iOS ) is a great tool for photo slideshows. Create a new presentation, then add a title and as many slides as you need. Then import your images to PowerPoint and add them to their respective slides. You can then edit and arrange them, add transitions, backgrounds and music. Then play from your device, broadcast to your TV or share via the cloud.

PowerPoint for iOS

Google Slides

The Google Slides app ( download on iOS ) lets you make, tweak, collaborate with colleagues and finally share or present slideshows directly from your phone. Make beautiful slides instantly or customize them to your heart's content. You can also work with PowerPoint slides in Google Slides.

Google Slides for iOS

Apple's Keynote app ( download on iOS ) helps you create beautiful slideshow presentations. Start by choosing one of 30 Apple-designed themes and then replace the dummy text and graphics with your own. Add pictures, videos, interactive charts, cinematic animations and elegant transitions. Collaborate with colleagues in real time over iCloud and when you're ready, present in person or remotely using Keynote Live.

Keynote for iOS

Haiku Deck ( download on iOS ) allows you to easily create wow-worthy presentations on your iPhone or iPad . Get access to more than 40 million free-to-use photos; cool fonts, text templates and layouts; and the ability to create professional-looking charts with basic touch controls.

Work on your presentations across your devices or the web or collaborate with others using real-time syncing. Then present on your iPhone or on the big screen using your iPhone as a clicker.

Haiku Deck for iOS

Adobe Spark Video

Adobe Spark Video ( download on iOS ) lets anyone -- from novices to experts -- create video presentations. Easily splice together video clips, photos, text overlays, music and even your own narration, and the app will handle the rest. Then present your video or share it on your blog or social media account.

Adobe Spark Video for iOS

WPS Presentation, a part of WPS Office ( download on iOS ), lets you create, open and save Microsoft PowerPoint-compatible presentations.

Choose a template, upload your images, video and audio, and add cool font styles, shapes, text effects, columns and tables, advanced animation and slide transitions. After saving, you'll be ready to present via a monitor or a projector.

WPS Office for iOS

Make cool videos with Animoto ( download on iOS ) using clips and pictures from your gallery. Choose from 50 video styles, add music from the built-in music library, photo captions and intro and outro cards, and then share.

Animoto for iOS

RealTimes ( download on iOS ) takes the guesswork out of presentation-making by locating the best parts from your pictures and videos, arranging them, adding transitions and music, and making them easily shareable with the touch of a button. You can also customize your collages, montages and movies with filters, captions and your own music.

Realitimes for iOS

Prezi Viewer

Prezi Viewer ( download on iOS ), the companion to the Prezi web app , lets you practice and present your presentation from wherever you are. Share via emailed or messaged link, or present on your Mac's monitor using Bluetooth . While you won't create the presentation in the iOS app itself in this case, Prezi is such a powerful and unique tool for creating presentations that it still deserved a place on this list.

Prezi Viewer for iOS

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  • 10 easy ways to punch up your presentations (TechRepublic)
  • Want to ditch PowerPoint? Here are 3 alternative tools for creating presentations (TechRepublic)

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Using your iphone/ipad for powerpoint presentations on the go.

can you make presentations on ipad

I am on the go frequently and am asked to make short (and long) presentations. I have become very comfortable with Microsoft PowerPoint and built up a repertoire of reusable content that I update. I know those who have all their devices in the Apple world like to use Keynote which has its own set of benefits.

If you want to display your presentation on an external device (such as a monitor, TV, or projector), you need to purchase a Lightning Digital AV Adapter (AV = Audio Visual). This adapter plugs into your modern iPhone or iPad device through the lightning port and provides 2 connections: an HDMI connection which is used to connect to an external display and a lightning port which can be used to charge your device while in use during the presentation.

can you make presentations on ipad

It is optional to connect the AC power adapter to your AV Adapter lightning port. If your presentation is short and you have enough battery remaining, you can opt to not need the extra cable and finding an available power outlet.

can you make presentations on ipad

Note you also need a regular HDMI cable if one is not provided at the facility where you are presenting. I highly recommend you purchase a long Redmere HDMI cable from Monoprice. They are ultra slim and very portable. I also use these for the majority of all my home theater cabling. It makes things very clean and helps reduce cable clutter due to bulky cables. As an aside, I highly recommend Monoprice where I buy most of my cabling and their prices are great.

can you make presentations on ipad

Download the free Microsoft PowerPoint app onto your iPhone/iPad.

can you make presentations on ipad

In order to access your PowerPoint files , you have several available options. Currently you can have your files located in:

  • OneDrive for Business
  • SharePoint Site
  • iCloud Drive

I already make use of Dropbox and it is my preferred choice. Dropbox is also free.

can you make presentations on ipad

Dropbox offers a feature that I really love: Make Available Offline . If you have Dropbox installed on your workstation, create a folder called “Presentations” and copy your PowerPoint files there. You can also do this using a web browser on their website. Next open the Dropbox app on your iPhone/iPad and find your PowerPoint files you will be using. To the right of each filename is an arrow pointing down indicating extra actions for that file, one of them is Make Available Offline. By selecting that option on the files you require, you will have these files available to you even without a data connection. No need to have a reliable WiFi or cell connection to ensure your presentation works, one less thing that can go wrong.

You have all of the above ready and you should test it out . Set your mobile device to airplane mode, open PowerPoint on your iPhone/iPad, select the “Open” menu option, select “Add a place” to connect to your Dropbox files, find the Presentations folder, select your PowerPoint file and there is a Play button near the top right. You should be able to see everything on your external display as soon as you connect the Lightning Digital AV Adapter to the HDMI port. Ensure you have selected on your TV/Projector the correct HDMI source/input port.

If you have an Apple Watch, PowerPoint for iPhone allows you to control your presentations from your wrist with the ability to navigate between slides and also see the elapsed time or total number of slides in your deck.

Being a road warrior and carrying these small extra cables with you wherever you go, will enable you to give presentations on the fly with minimal preparation required. If you make a habit of copying your presentations to your Dropbox folder (or working directly within), you will always have what you need at your fingertips. There are also many handheld portable projectors in the market over the past few years, commonly called Pico Projectors. These allow you to easily project onto many surfaces such as a blank wall for quick on the go presentations using a projector that fits in your hand. Here is a list of the top 10 Pico Projectors .

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5 thoughts on “using your iphone/ipad for powerpoint presentations on the go”.

We currently use lightening cables with all of our iPads (1200+) but are starting to roll out Apple TV to our meeting venues. When it works, it is brilliant but it does have it’s glitchy moments.

Our main hurdle we’ve experiences now is the bandwidth usage over our LAN, something that of course a wired lightening cable negates LAN limitations

Whenever I need to make a presentation with my iPad, I just prefer to take an Apple TV box with me. The set-up is usually painless, and I don’t need to have long winded discussions with the IT team. Of course, sometimes I can have issues when the Wi-Fi signal is not strong, in which case I set up a local Wi-Fi hotspot.

Because I’m a programmer/IT guy I always have a backpack with all kinds of cables, external hard drives, my laptop and tools that are useful for these types of situations. Nowadays I only use Powerpoint on my phone, it’s basically the same thing but it’s much more convenient to use it on my LG G4. Always make sure to have a pluggable memory stick handy, you never know when stuff happens.

I tend to do a lot of Power Point presentations on school and I’ve really thought about buying one of this adapters, because sometimes is not that practical to carry the laptop all the way to my school, it’s kind of heavy and sometimes it seems a little bit useless to use it just for those 15 minutes. I just ended this semester but I’m pretty sure that I’m going to buy one of those when summer it’s over.

Thanks for sharing!

Is there any way to actually make power points on an iphone? Based on this article, it seems like you can only use your iphone to show a powerpoint. Obviously, a phone isn’t the ideal way to put together a presentation due to the screen size touch controle, but I feel like it could be a great tool in a bind or if you want to get some extra work done on a long train or bus commute.

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can you make presentations on ipad

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Best presentation apps for iPad and iPhone in 2024

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Presentations are a handy tool for students,  teachers , and professionals. Moreover, you can also use them at parties and events because gone are the days of boring slides that fail to retain your audience’s attention. Today, you can quickly create captivating slideshows that communicate your message effectively and engagingly. So, check out these best presentation apps for iPad and iPhone, no matter what kind of project you’re working on in the classroom or the boardroom.

canva iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

Although Canva is well-known as a graphic design app , it can also help you create spectacular slides for a presentation that will wow your audience. There are tons of professionally designed templates that you can customize according to your needs.

Moreover, you can add your own brand elements like logos and images to create a unified look. The best part is that it is incredibly easy to use, yet gives you impeccable results. You can add your original pictures, illustrations, and text, or choose from the extensive database of design elements that it offers.

Price : Free (In-app Purchases start from $0.99)

2. Google Slides

google slides iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

Creating top-notch presentations with Google Slides is a breeze. It has a highly intuitive user-interface that makes your work easy. Further, the real-time collaboration feature lets you work with your friends and colleagues. You can add and rearrange slides, format text, and shapes with ease.

Further, you can also open and edit PowerPoint slides right from this app. Another notable feature is that it lets you work even offline. So, if you ever find yourself without an internet connection, your work won’t hit a roadblock. Lastly, Google Slides supports several languages, such as English, German, Italian, Japanese, and more.

Price:  Free

3. Microsoft PowerPoint

microsoft powerpoint iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

Across the world, PowerPoint has been synonymous with presentations for decades. In recent years, this tool has come a long way. So what better way to get creative than with this official app from Microsoft. It features a range of powerful and customizable slides and templates that will make you stand out.

Moreover, you can use a new AI tool called Presenter Coach that will help you practice your presentation and get real-time suggestions to adjust your pacing, avoid “umms” and speak confidently. Finally, there is seamless syncing with OneDrive that ensures your projects stay consistent across devices.

Price:  Free (In-app Purchases start from $6.99)

4. Notability

notability iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

This is a renowned note-taking app for your iPad , but it doubles up as an excellent way to share presentations with others and keep your audience engaged. It has a lot of useful tools like ink, highlighter, text, and audio. If you’re working on a compatible iPad, you can even handwrite and sketch with Apple Pencil to bring your projects to life.

Further, the laser pointer makes it easy to direct attention to specific parts of your work. There’s also a multi-note feature that lets you view another note on your device that stays hidden from the audience whom you are presenting to. Not surprisingly, this is a bestselling paid app on the iPad App Store

Price : $8.99

5. Slideshow Creator

slideshow creator iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

If you want to make a more casual presentation for family gatherings or parties, check out this easy-to-use iPad and iPhone presentation app. It offers various slideshow styles for everything from birthdays and graduation to sports events, invitations, and more.

You simply have to select the style you want, select the photos, videos, and music you want to collate, add text and captions, and then export it into a video that you can share through social media or project on a big screen.

Price : Free (In-app Purchases start from $4.99)

keynote iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

Here’s the app that Apple itself uses to present brilliant creations to the world. It’s the most powerful app to present your ideas on an iPhone or iPad. In addition to all the basic features, there are advanced options like animated charts and cinematic transitions to add that extra flair with ease.

Further, Keynote Live allows you to present a slideshow that your audience can follow on their Apple devices or online on Finally, with the built-in real-time collaboration feature, it lets you work with your team seamlessly. Thanks to the Keynote for iCloud, even Windows PC users can collaborate.

7. Adobe Spark Video

adobe spark video iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

This one’s a video editor app that also lets you create professional presentations. Within minutes, you can put together compelling video stories replete with professional images that highlight your message. You can even select the soundtrack that you like best, and the app will compile everything with beautiful cinematic motion.

Whether you want to inform, persuade, or inspire, your presentations can make an impact with this app. You can even access, edit, and share your video from a browser using Adobe Spark. All this functionality for free is a pretty sweet deal.

Price:  Free (Spark Subscription Monthly – $9.99)

8. Prezi Viewer

prezi viewer iphone and ipad presentation app screenshot

This iOS presentation app makes sure that you outshine everyone else. It’s intuitive and innovative, with stunning animations that draw your audience’s attention to precisely where you want it. You can even access and showcase your work offline if you need to.

When presenting, you don’t need to keep looking behind you because you can see your work on your phone screen too. Moreover, your iPhone or iPad acts as a clicker too! This neat app also supports multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, and Japanese.

Summing Up!

So, when are you making your next presentation with one of these apps? Let us know your favorite in the comments below.

You may also like to read these:

  • Best Document Scanner Apps
  • How to convert Keynote Presentation to PowerPoint on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
  • Document Creation Apps
  • Best Project Management Apps

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How to Create a Slideshow on iPad

Last Updated: February 28, 2023 Tested

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls . Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 67,202 times. Learn more...

This wikiHow teaches you how to create a slideshow on iPad. You can create a slideshow of an album in the Photos app on iPhone and iPad.

Step 1 Open Photos.

  • Click here to read how to create an album in Photos.

Step 3 Tap Slideshow.

  • Tap the Play button in the same location to resume the slideshow.

Step 6 Tap Options.

  • Tap Theme to change the say the slideshow is presented.
  • Tap Music to change the music of the slideshow, or turn it off.

iPhone Switch On Icon

  • Use the slider bar at the bottom of the options menu to change the speed of the slide show.

Step 7 Tap Done.

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1. Open Photos . 2. Tap the Albums tabs. 3. Tap Slideshow . 4. Tap the center of the screen. 5. Tap Done . Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Record PowerPoint Presentations using an iPad or iPhone

Using PowerPoint for iPad or iPhone, it is possible to make a recording of your slide show. You can include voiceover/narration, and point to and draw things on the screen.

Recordings can be published to a Canvas course using Kaltura in one of the following ways:

  • Canvas: Add Media from Kaltura Using the Rich Content Editor
  • Canvas: Add Kaltura Videos to Media Galleries

In this article:

Preparing to Record

Adding screen recording to control center.

  • Presenting and Recording Your Slideshow

Cropping Your Screen Recording

Uploading your recording to kaltura in canvas.

  • On an iPad, you can lock the screen to be in landscape mode.
  • If using an iPhone, be careful not to rotate your phone and thus rotate the screen into portrait mode.
  • For voiceover/narration, use an external microphone . Apple headphones or Airpods are sufficient.
  • Enable Do Not Disturb on your device to prevent unexpected notifications.
  • Consider dividing your slide show into topics that are not longer than 10 minutes or so. You can group recordings together later.

To record your slideshow you will need to enable and then use the Screen Recording feature built into iPadOS and iOS. If you don't already have screen recording available, complete the following steps:

can you make presentations on ipad

  • Select Control Center .
  • Select Customize Controls .

can you make presentations on ipad

Presenting and Recording Your Slide Show

Use the following steps to set up your iPhone or iPad to record your slideshow.

Background recording: iPad Screen Recording with PowerPoint

  • In PowerPoint , go to the slide you wish to begin presenting.
  • Tap the Play  button.
  • From the top right of the screen, slide your finger down . The Control Center appears.
  • Tap and hold the Record  button to show Screen Recording options.
  • The button will turn red, and the text will change to say Microphone On .
  • Tap Start Recording . There will be a three-second countdown .
  • Tap the background (outside of the Screen Recording box) to return to Control Center .
  • Note : Each time you start or pause a recording, the Control Center appears.
  • To point things out on your slides:  Tap and hold on the screen.   A red dot appears that you can drag around. When you lift your finger off the screen, the dot will disappear.
  • To annotate on your slides:  Tap towards the top of the screen, then tap the Pencil icon ; when this button is highlighted, you can draw on the screen.
  • For more options:  To the right of the screen, tap the pen with the gear .
  • When you are done, from the top right of the screen, slide your finger down . The Control Center appears. 
  • Tap the flashing Record  button. Your recording will save to the Photos app.

When recording a slideshow from your iPad/iOS device's screen using the method described in this article, the resulting recording will be surrounded by black bars. You may want to crop out those black bars before uploading the video from your device.

Background recording: How to Crop a Screen Recording in iOS .

Review the following screen recordings to understand cropping rationale:

  • PowerPoint Screen Recording in PowerPoint on iPhone X 16:9
  • PowerPoint Screen Recording in PowerPoint on iPhone X 16:9 cropped

Note: Cropping screen recordings appears to result in reduced image quality that is noticeable but not severe.

Background recording: Adding Video to Canvas Media Gallery on iPad

We recommend splitting a longer presentation (such as a 50-minute lecture) into multiple shorter recordings/topics. 

To group recordings together, such as having four parts of one lecture for a specific date, you can use Media Gallery Playlists in Canvas. Playlists appear in the Canvas Media Gallery , or can be embedded on a Canvas page using the Rich Content Editor . 

Note: It appears that when in Safari on iPad and iPhone, users cannot access the Settings button in Media Galleries to set up playlists. We have a ticket open with the vendor requesting such functions for iPad.

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How to play a PowerPoint presentation on iPad

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How to play a PowerPoint presentation on iPad

Would you like to play your PowerPoint presentations on iPads? It’s well known that Microsoft PowerPoint presentations are not supported on iPads or other Apple devices. However, you can still make your PowerPoint projects available on these devices. Your clients, colleagues, students and all other Apple users will certainly appreciate it! In this article we will demonstrate how to view PowerPoint presentations on iPad.

1. Convert PowerPoint to HTML5 

The majority of mobile devices, including iPads, can seamlessly play HTML5 presentations. You can convert PowerPoint presentations to HTML5 using a third-party tool, for example iSpring Converter Pro . iSpring Converter is PowerPoint to HTML5 converter that preserves all PowerPoint functionality and appearance.

  • Crystal-clear images and text: iSpring takes care of adapting hi-res images for the best performance on retina displays. Text is saved in a vector format which keeps the edges razor-sharp even if you magnify.
  • Support of all PowerPoint features: Converted to HTML5 with iSpring, presentations still keep all animations and transition effects, embedded audio, video and interactivity. You can see an example below.
  • Sharing PowerPoint content via mobile devices and iPads: Presentations in HTML5 can be easily placed on a webpage and delivered to a wider audience via iPads and other iOS and Android mobile devices.
  • Normally, HTML5 files offer a low level of content protection, as viewers can access the project’s source code in their browsers. In response to this, HTML5 files generated with iSpring have built-in protection options which effectively prevent content from unauthorized copying.

Download fully functional iSpring Converter Pro free trial

2. Convert PowerPoint to video to play it on iPads

With iSpring Converter Pro, you also can convert PowerPoint to MP4 video and play it on any device. It’s good for simple linear presentations that don’t have any interactivity and that might be shared on YouTube.

  • PowerPoint-like playback: Converted into a video file, your presentation will keep the animation effects and slide transitions. However, on-click animations will be played automatically because the video format doesn’t support PowerPoint’s interactivity.
  • Easy sharing: You can upload your video file to YouTube to make it available for viewing on iPads anytime.
  • A Presentation’s interactivity is not supported: After the conversion to video, all animations of your presentation will play on the slide all right, while all trigger animations and hyperlinks will be lost.
  • Loss of custom navigation scenarios: Video performance is only suitable for simple linear presentations. If you use PowerPoint custom shows or hyperlinks to advance slides in regard to viewers’ choices or feedback, all these sophisticated features will be lost when converted to video.
  • Increased file size: Video format usually takes up more memory than a .ppt file, so be prepared for your presentation to be a larger size after it’s converted to video.
  • Lower resolution: While attempting to reduce the size of a video, screen-capturing software tends to “downgrade” the quality of your slides.

Download iSpring Converter Pro free trial

3. Turn your slides into pictures

The most popular presentation service SlideShare converts your PPT presentations into set of pictures. iPads can easily display images. This set up is great if your presentation is mostly charts, tables, or photos.

  • Slides that are crystal clear: You get perfect quality of the graphics of your slides.
  • Control slideshow pace: You can control your slideshow flow by pausing at the important slides and moving through others faster.
  • No animation, no hyperlinks, no audio, no video: Your presentation is turned into a set of static pictures of your slides. It shouldn’t be a problem if you’re only concerned about the graphic content in your presentation.
  • Many separate files: Instead of having all of your slides as a single .ppt file, you will have a bunch of separate images as per the number of slides in your presentation.
  • The presentation can be navigated only slide by slide in a fixed sequence. Custom navigation scenarios are not supported.

4. Create a .PDF file

iPad supports .pdf format just fine. Again, if you only care about the graphic content of your presentation, it can be a great way to view your PPT on iPad.

To convert your presentation to .pdf, you can use special software, available in both free and paid versions. You can even use PowerPoint in the latest versions (PPT 2007 with SP2, PPT 2010, PPT 2013) to create a .pdf copy of your slides.

Depending on your requirements, you can choose any of the above methods. However, when comparing all methods, conversion to HTML5 is the best option to view PowerPoint on iPads while keeping its interactivity and original look. Besides, it’s an excellent option for professional PowerPoint authoring enhanced with extra features like a responsive player, built-in audio narrations, direct-to-YouTube publishing, and more.

Useful Resources on PowerPoint

Are you a PowerPoint lover? If so, here are some other helpful articles for you:

  • How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation Online
  • How to Protect PowerPoint Presentations
  • How to Add Narration to a PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Add YouTube Video Into PPT Presentation
  • How to Structure a PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Convert PowerPoint Presentation to an eLearning Module  

iSpring Converter

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can you make presentations on ipad

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Paulina Fox

Passionate about design and tech, Paulina crafts content that helps customers delve deeper into iSpring products.

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