1. SOLUTION: The Designs Act 2000 Presentation Slide

    case study on design act 2000

  2. The Design Act, 2000 by PDF Download & eBook

    case study on design act 2000

  3. The Designs Act, 2000

    case study on design act 2000

  4. Prior Protection of Designs under Design Act, 2000

    case study on design act 2000

  5. case study on design act 2000

    case study on design act 2000

  6. The Designs Act 2000

    case study on design act 2000


  1. Case study: Design for Grab |TechHRSG'19|

  2. Cyber Wrong or Cyber Torts or Civil Liabilities

  3. Definition of Design a/c The Design Act 2000


  5. Lecture 32: IC Layout Design Registration

  6. Yolkk Case Study: Design/ Branding Agency


  1. Case study of Landmark Judgments of Design Infringement

    The court ruled that prior publication of a design in a foreign country did not automatically render a registered design in India invalid. The court stressed that the Designs Act of 2000 was intended to safeguard distinctive and original designs, regardless of whether they had previously been disclosed in other countries.

  2. A Comparative Analysis of the Designs Act 1911 and the ...

    From the above case studies, and from the criteria on which the judgment has been passed in each case, the difference between the Act of 1911 and the Act of 2000 can be brought forward. The main aim of passing the Designs Act of 2000 was to cope up with the increase in the registration of designs and to encourage the progress in industrial growth.

  3. Critical Analysis of Design Laws in India with Provisions of ...

    Critical Analysis of Design Laws in India with Provisions of Design Act, 2000 Abstract: Designs, or Industrial Design which is been first introduce in the British era in the year 1872 as passed by the British Parliament for India "The Patterns and Designs Act, 1872" for the

  4. The Designs Act, 2000 | PPT - SlideShare

    The Designs Act, 2000 governs design protection law in India, replacing the earlier Designs Act of 1911. The 2000 Act aims to encourage design activity, protect registered designs, and reward innovators for developing new and original designs.

  5. Industrial design in IPR - iPleaders

    The article seeks to give an overview of protection of industrial designs in India, including important provisions such as registration of designs and piracy of designs under the Designs Act, 2000, as well as landmark cases related to industrial designs. It has been published by Rachit Garg.

  6. Recap 2021 - Indian Design Case Laws - BananaIP

    The Court analyzed the case at hand from the purview of Sections 2, 4, 5, 19, 22 of the Designs Act, 2000 and various cases. It noted that mere registration of the design would not entitle a registrant of the design to claim protection.

  7. Supreme Court delivers judgment in a case under the Designs Act

    In this case of Bharat Glass Tubes Ltd. v. Gopal Glass Works Ltd. the Supreme Court upheld the decision of the single judge of the Calcutta High Court to reverse an order passed by the Asst. Controller of Patents canceling the registration of a design by the respondent under the Designs Act.

  8. The Designs Act, 2000: A Fashion Faux Pas - SSRN

    As reflected in the title, this paper seeks to highlight the deficiency of an industrial law, the Designs Act, 2000, in serving an industry it strives to protect - the fashion apparel industry in India. The trends in the fashion world evolve and change, literally, at the drop of a hat.

  9. Critical Analysis of Design Law in India with reference to ...

    Designs Act 2000 is a prominent legislation in the field of Intellectual Property, which has got a long strong legacy and history when it comes to effectiveness. This act along with other related rules efficiently controls the matters related to Industrial Design.

  10. Intellectual Property Fundamentals of the Law Pertaining to ...

    This module aims to familiarize students with the Design Act 2000, and traverse the interesting concepts pertaining to protection of design as an intellectual property. The content comprises of the following: Justification for protecting designs, the subject matter of design law, definition of design under the Design Act 2000,