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A nonprofit business plan ensures your organization’s fundraising and activities align with your core mission.

 Four people wearing green T-shirts and high-visibility yellow vests stand at a table outside a building, packing cardboard boxes. The two people on the left, both women with long curly hair, are packing a box with cans of food. The two people on the right, both men, are speaking to each other while the shorter man on the left looks down at a long, flat box.

Every nonprofit needs a mission statement that demonstrates how the organization will support a social cause and provide a public benefit. A nonprofit business plan fleshes out this mission statement in greater detail. These plans include many of the same elements as a for-profit business plan, with a focus on fundraising, creating a board of directors, raising awareness, and staying compliant with IRS regulations. A nonprofit business plan can be instrumental in getting your organization off the ground successfully.

Start with your mission statement

The mission statement is foundational for your nonprofit organization. The IRS will review your mission statement in determining whether to grant you tax-exempt status. This statement also helps you recruit volunteers and staff, fundraise, and plan activities for the year.

[Read more: Writing a Mission Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide ]

Therefore, you should start your business plan with a clear mission statement in the executive summary. The executive summary can also cover, at a high level, the goals, vision, and unique strengths of your nonprofit organization. Keep this section brief, since you will be going into greater detail in later sections.

Identify a board of directors

Many business plans include a section identifying the people behind the operation: your key leaders, volunteers, and full-time employees. For nonprofits, it’s also important to identify your board of directors. The board of directors is ultimately responsible for hiring and managing the CEO of your nonprofit.

“Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission,” wrote the Council of Nonprofits.

As such, identify members of your board in your business plan to give potential donors confidence in the management of your nonprofit.

Be as realistic as possible about the impact you can make with the funding you hope to gain.

Describe your organization’s activities

In this section, provide more information about what your nonprofit does on a day-to-day basis. What products, training, education, or other services do you provide? What does your organization do to benefit the constituents identified in your mission statement? Here’s an example from the American Red Cross, courtesy of DonorBox :

“The American Red Cross carries out their mission to prevent and relieve suffering with five key services: disaster relief, supporting America’s military families, lifesaving blood, health and safety services, and international service.”

This section should be detailed and get into the operational weeds of how your business delivers on its mission statement. Explain the strategies your team will take to service clients, including outreach and marketing, inventory and equipment needs, a hiring plan, and other key elements.

Write a fundraising plan

This part is the most important element of your business plan. In addition to providing required financial statements (e.g., the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement), identify potential sources of funding for your nonprofit. These may include individual donors, corporate donors, grants, or in-kind support. If you are planning to host a fundraising event, put together a budget for that event and demonstrate the anticipated impact that event will have on your budget.

Create an impact plan

An impact plan ties everything together. It demonstrates how your fundraising and day-to-day activities will further your mission. For potential donors, it can make a very convincing case for why they should invest in your nonprofit.

“This section turns your purpose and motivation into concrete accomplishments your nonprofit wants to make and sets specific goals and objectives,” wrote DonorBox . “These define the real bottom line of your nonprofit, so they’re the key to unlocking support. Funders want to know for whom, in what way, and exactly how you’ll measure your impact.”

Be as realistic as possible about the impact you can make with the funding you hope to gain. Revisit your business plan as your organization grows to make sure the goals you’ve set both align with your mission and continue to be within reach.

[Read more: 8 Signs It's Time to Update Your Business Plan ]

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How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan

Female entrepreneur speaking with an employee of a nonprofit at their computer. Chatting about planning for nonprofit donors.

Angelique O'Rourke

13 min. read

Updated May 10, 2024

Believe it or not, creating a business plan for a nonprofit organization is not that different from planning for a traditional business. 

Nonprofits sometimes shy away from using the words “business planning,” preferring to use terms like “strategic plan” or “operating plan.” But, the fact is that preparing a plan for a for-profit business and a nonprofit organization are actually pretty similar processes. Both types of organizations need to create forecasts for revenue and plan how they’re going to spend the money they bring in. They also need to manage their cash and ensure that they can stay solvent to accomplish their goals.

In this guide, I’ll explain how to create a plan for your organization that will impress your board of directors, facilitate fundraising, and ensures that you deliver on your mission.

  • Why does a nonprofit need a business plan?

Good business planning is about setting goals, getting everyone on the same page, tracking performance metrics, and improving over time. Even when your goal isn’t to increase profits, you still need to be able to run a fiscally healthy organization.

Business planning creates an opportunity to examine the heart of your mission , the financing you’ll need to bring that mission to fruition, and your plan to sustain your operations into the future.

Nonprofits are also responsible for meeting regularly with a board of directors and reporting on your organization’s finances is a critical part of that meeting. As part of your regular financial review with the board, you can compare your actual results to your financial forecast in your business plan. Are you meeting fundraising goals and keeping spending on track? Is the financial position of the organization where you wanted it to be?

In addition to internal use, a solid business plan can help you court major donors who will be interested in having a deeper understanding of how your organization works and your fiscal health and accountability. And you’ll definitely need a formal business plan if you intend to seek outside funding for capital expenses—it’s required by lenders.

Creating a business plan for your organization is a great way to get your management team or board to connect over your vision, goals, and trajectory. Even just going through the planning process with your colleagues will help you take a step back and get some high-level perspective .

  • A nonprofit business plan outline

Keep in mind that developing a business plan is an ongoing process. It isn’t about just writing a physical document that is static, but a continually evolving strategy and action plan as your organization progresses over time. It’s essential that you run regular plan review meetings to track your progress against your plan. For most nonprofits, this will coincide with regular reports and meetings with the board of directors.

A nonprofit business plan will include many of the same sections of a standard business plan outline . If you’d like to start simple, you can download our free business plan template as a Word document, and adjust it according to the nonprofit plan outline below.

Executive summary

The executive summary of a nonprofit business plan is typically the first section of the plan to be read, but the last to be written. That’s because this section is a general overview of everything else in the business plan – the overall snapshot of what your vision is for the organization.

Write it as though you might share with a prospective donor, or someone unfamiliar with your organization: avoid internal jargon or acronyms, and write it so that someone who has never heard of you would understand what you’re doing.

Your executive summary should provide a very brief overview of your organization’s mission. It should describe who you serve, how you provide the services that you offer, and how you fundraise. 

If you are putting together a plan to share with potential donors, you should include an overview of what you are asking for and how you intend to use the funds raised.

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Start this section of your nonprofit plan by describing the problem that you are solving for your clients or your community at large. Then say how your organization solves the problem.

A great way to present your opportunity is with a positioning statement . Here’s a formula you can use to define your positioning:

For [target market description] who [target market need], [this product] [how it meets the need]. Unlike [key competition], it [most important distinguishing feature].

And here’s an example of a positioning statement using the formula:

For children, ages five to 12 (target market) who are struggling with reading (their need), Tutors Changing Lives (your organization or program name) helps them get up to grade-level reading through a once a week class (your solution).

Unlike the school district’s general after-school homework lab (your state-funded competition), our program specifically helps children learn to read within six months (how you’re different).

Your organization is special or you wouldn’t spend so much time devoted to it. Layout some of the nuts and bolts about what makes it great in this opening section of your business plan. Your nonprofit probably changes lives, changes your community, or maybe even changes the world. Explain how it does this.

This is where you really go into detail about the programs you’re offering. You’ll want to describe how many people you serve and how you serve them.

Target audience

In a for-profit business plan, this section would be used to define your target market . For nonprofit organizations, it’s basically the same thing but framed as who you’re serving with your organization. Who benefits from your services?

Not all organizations have clients that they serve directly, so you might exclude this section if that’s the case. For example, an environmental preservation organization might have a goal of acquiring land to preserve natural habitats. The organization isn’t directly serving individual groups of people and is instead trying to benefit the environment as a whole. 

Similar organizations

Everyone has competition —nonprofits, too. You’re competing with other nonprofits for donor attention and support, and you’re competing with other organizations serving your target population. Even if your program is the only one in your area providing a specific service, you still have competition.

Think about what your prospective clients were doing about their problem (the one your organization is solving) before you came on this scene. If you’re running an after-school tutoring organization, you might be competing with after school sports programs for clients. Even though your organizations have fundamentally different missions.

For many nonprofit organizations, competing for funding is an important issue. You’ll want to use this section of your plan to explain who donors would choose your organization instead of similar organizations for their donations.

Future services and programs

If you’re running a regional nonprofit, do you want to be national in five years? If you’re currently serving children ages two to four, do you want to expand to ages five to 12? Use this section to talk about your long-term goals. 

Just like a traditional business, you’ll benefit by laying out a long-term plan. Not only does it help guide your nonprofit, but it also provides a roadmap for the board as well as potential investors. 

Promotion and outreach strategies

In a for-profit business plan, this section would be about marketing and sales strategies. For nonprofits, you’re going to talk about how you’re going to reach your target client population.

You’ll probably do some combination of:

  • Advertising: print and direct mail, television, radio, and so on.
  • Public relations: press releases, activities to promote brand awareness, and so on.
  • Digital marketing: website, email, blog, social media, and so on.

Similar to the “target audience” section above, you may remove this section if you don’t promote your organization to clients and others who use your services.

Costs and fees

Instead of including a pricing section, a nonprofit business plan should include a costs or fees section.

Talk about how your program is funded, and whether the costs your clients pay are the same for everyone, or based on income level, or something else. If your clients pay less for your service than it costs to run the program, how will you make up the difference?

If you don’t charge for your services and programs, you can state that here or remove this section.

Fundraising sources

Fundraising is critical for most nonprofit organizations. This portion of your business plan will detail who your key fundraising sources are. 

Similar to understanding who your target audience for your services is, you’ll also want to know who your target market is for fundraising. Who are your supporters? What kind of person donates to your organization? Creating a “donor persona” could be a useful exercise to help you reflect on this subject and streamline your fundraising approach. 

You’ll also want to define different tiers of prospective donors and how you plan on connecting with them. You’re probably going to include information about your annual giving program (usually lower-tier donors) and your major gifts program (folks who give larger amounts).

If you’re a private school, for example, you might think of your main target market as alumni who graduated during a certain year, at a certain income level. If you’re building a bequest program to build your endowment, your target market might be a specific population with interest in your cause who is at retirement age.

Do some research. The key here is not to report your target donors as everyone in a 3,000-mile radius with a wallet. The more specific you can be about your prospective donors —their demographics, income level, and interests, the more targeted (and less costly) your outreach can be.

Fundraising activities

How will you reach your donors with your message? Use this section of your business plan to explain how you will market your organization to potential donors and generate revenue.

You might use a combination of direct mail, advertising, and fundraising events. Detail the key activities and programs that you’ll use to reach your donors and raise money.

Strategic alliances and partnerships

Use this section to talk about how you’ll work with other organizations. Maybe you need to use a room in the local public library to run your program for the first year. Maybe your organization provides mental health counselors in local schools, so you partner with your school district.

In some instances, you might also be relying on public health programs like Medicaid to fund your program costs. Mention all those strategic partnerships here, especially if your program would have trouble existing without the partnership.

Milestones and metrics

Without milestones and metrics for your nonprofit, it will be more difficult to execute on your mission. Milestones and metrics are guideposts along the way that are indicators that your program is working and that your organization is healthy.

They might include elements of your fundraising goals—like monthly or quarterly donation goals, or it might be more about your participation metrics. Since most nonprofits working with foundations for grants do complex reporting on some of these, don’t feel like you have to re-write every single goal and metric for your organization here. Think about your bigger goals, and if you need to, include more information in your business plan’s appendix.

If you’re revisiting your plan on a monthly basis, and we recommend that you do, the items here might speak directly to the questions you know your board will ask in your monthly trustee meeting. The point is to avoid surprises by having eyes on your organization’s performance. Having these goals, and being able to change course if you’re not meeting them, will help your organization avoid falling into a budget deficit.

Key assumptions and risks

Your nonprofit exists to serve a particular population or cause. Before you designed your key programs or services, you probably did some research to validate that there’s a need for what you’re offering.

But you probably are also taking some calculated risks. In this section, talk about the unknowns for your organization. If you name them, you can address them.

For example, if you think there’s a need for a children’s literacy program, maybe you surveyed teachers or parents in your area to verify the need. But because you haven’t launched the program yet, one of your unknowns might be whether the kids will actually show up.

Management team and company

Who is going to be involved and what are their duties? What do these individuals bring to the table?

Include both the management team of the day-to-day aspects of your nonprofit as well as board members and mention those who may overlap between the two roles. Highlight their qualifications: titles, degrees, relevant past accomplishments, and designated responsibilities should be included in this section. It adds a personal touch to mention team members who are especially qualified because they’re close to the cause or have special first-hand experience with or knowledge of the population you’re serving.

There are probably some amazing, dedicated people with stellar qualifications on your team—this is the place to feature them (and don’t forget to include yourself!).

Financial plan

The financial plan is essential to any organization that’s seeking funding, but also incredibly useful internally to keep track of what you’ve done so far financially and where you’d like to see the organization go in the future.

The financial section of your business plan should include a long-term budget and cash flow statement with a three to five-year forecast. This will allow you to see that the organization has its basic financial needs covered. Any nonprofit has its standard level of funding required to stay operational, so it’s essential to make sure your organization will consistently maintain at least that much in the coffers.

From that point, it’s all about future planning: If you exceed your fundraising goals, what will be done with the surplus? What will you do if you don’t meet your fundraising goals? Are you accounting for appropriate amounts going to payroll and administrative costs over time? Thinking through a forecast of your financial plan over the next several years will help ensure that your organization is sustainable.

Money management skills are just as important in a nonprofit as they are in a for-profit business. Knowing the financial details of your organization is incredibly important in a world where the public is ranking the credibility of charities based on what percentage of donations makes it to the programs and services. As a nonprofit, people are interested in the details of how money is being dispersed within organizations, with this information often being posted online on sites like Charity Navigator, so the public can make informed decisions about donating.

Potential contributors will do their research—so make sure you do too. No matter who your donors are, they will want to know they can trust your organization with their money. A robust financial plan is a solid foundation for reference that your nonprofit is on the right track.

  • Business planning is ongoing

It’s important to remember that a business plan doesn’t have to be set in stone. It acts as a roadmap, something that you can come back to as a guide, then revise and edit to suit your purpose at a given time.

I recommend that you review your financial plan once a month to see if your organization is on track, and then revise your plan as necessary .

Content Author: Angelique O'Rourke

Angelique is a skilled writer, editor, and social media specialist, as well as an actor and model with a demonstrated history of theater, film, commercial and print work.

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Get your nonprofit set up for success with a nonprofit business plan

How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan in 12 Steps (+ Free Template!)

The first step in starting a nonprofit is figuring out how to bring your vision into reality. If there’s any tool that can really help you hit the ground running, it’s a nonprofit business plan!

With a plan in place, you not only have a clear direction for growth, but you can also access valuable funding opportunities. 

Here, we’ll explore:

  • Why a business plan is so important
  • The components of a business plan
  • How to write a business plan for a nonprofit specifically

We also have a few great examples, as well as a free nonprofit business plan template.

Let’s get planning!

What Is a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan is the roadmap to your organization’s future. It lays out where your nonprofit currently stands in terms of organizational structure, finances and programs. Most importantly, it highlights your goals and how you aim to achieve them!

These goals should be reachable within the next 3-5 years—and flexible! Your nonprofit business plan is a living document, and should be regularly updated as priorities shift. The point of your plan is to remind you and your supporters what your organization is all about.

This document can be as short as one page if you’re just starting out, or much longer as your organization grows. As long as you have all the core elements of a business plan (which we’ll get into below!), you’re golden.

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Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Business Plan

While some people might argue that a nonprofit business plan isn’t strictly necessary, it’s well worth your time to make!

Here are 5 benefits of writing a business plan:

Secure funding and grants

Did you know that businesses with a plan are far more likely to get funding than those that don’t have a plan? It’s true!

When donors, investors, foundations, granting bodies and volunteers see you have a clear plan, they’re more likely to trust you with their time and money. Plus, as you achieve the goals laid out in your plan, that trust will only grow.

Solidify your mission

In order to sell your mission, you have to know what it is. That might sound simple, but when you have big dreams and ideas, it’s easy to get lost in all of the possibilities!

Writing your business plan pushes you to express your mission in the most straightforward way possible. As the years go on and new opportunities and ideas arise, your business plan will guide you back to your original mission.

From there, you can figure out if you’ve lost the plot—or if it’s time to change the mission itself!

Set goals and milestones 

The first step in achieving your goals is knowing exactly what they are. By highlighting your goals for the next 3-5 years—and naming their key milestones!—you can consistently check if you’re on track.

Nonprofit work is tough, and there will be points along the way where you wonder if you’re actually making a difference. With a nonprofit business plan in place, you can actually see how much you’ve achieved over the years.

Attract a board and volunteers

Getting volunteers and filling nonprofit board positions is essential to building out your organization’s team. Like we said before, a business plan builds trust and shows that your organization is legitimate. In fact, some boards of directors actually require a business plan in order for an organization to run!

An unfortunate truth is that many volunteers get taken advantage of . With a business plan in place, you can show that you’re coming from a place of professionalism.

Research and find opportunities

Writing a business plan requires some research!

Along the way, you’ll likely dig into information like:

  • Who your ideal donor might be
  • Where to find potential partners
  • What your competitors are up to
  • Which mentorships or grants are available for your organization
  • What is the best business model for a nonprofit like yours

With this information in place, not only will you have a better nonprofit business model created—you’ll also have a more stable organization!

Free Nonprofit Business Plan Template

If you’re feeling uncertain about building a business plan from scratch, we’ve got you covered!

Here is a quick and simple free nonprofit business plan template.

Basic Format and Parts of a Business Plan

Now that you know what a business plan can do for your organization, let’s talk about what it actually contains!

Here are some key elements of a business plan:

First of all, you want to make sure your business plan follows best practices for formatting. After all, it’ll be available to your team, donors, board of directors, funding bodies and more!

Your nonprofit business plan should:

  • Be consistent formatted
  • Have standard margins
  • Use a good sized font
  • Keep the document to-the-point
  • Include a page break after each section
  • Be proofread

Curious about what each section of the document should look like?

Here are the essential parts of a business plan:

  • Executive Summary: This is your nonprofit’s story—it’ll include your goals, as well as your mission, vision and values.
  • Products, programs and services: This is where you show exactly what it is you’re doing. Highlight the programs and services you offer, and how they will benefit your community.
  • Operations: This section describes your team, partnerships and all activities and requirements your day-to-day operations will include.
  • Marketing : Your marketing plan will cover your market, market analyses and specific plans for how you will carry out your business plan with the public.
  • Finances: This section covers an overview of your financial operations. It will include documents like your financial projections, fundraising plan , grants and more
  • Appendix: Any additional useful information will be attached here.

We’ll get into these sections in more detail below!

How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan in 12 Steps

Feeling ready to put your plan into action? Here’s how to write a business plan for a nonprofit in 12 simple steps!

1. Research the market

Take a look at what’s going on in your corner of the nonprofit sector. After all, you’re not the first organization to write a business plan!

  • How your competitors’ business plans are structured
  • What your beneficiaries are asking for
  • Potential partners you’d like to reach
  • Your target donors
  • What information granting bodies and loan providers require

All of this information will show you what parts of your business plan should be given extra care. Sending out donor surveys, contacting financial institutions and connecting with your beneficiaries are a few tips to get your research going.

If you’re just getting started out, this can help guide you in naming your nonprofit something relevant, eye-catching and unique!

2. Write to your audience

Your business plan will be available for a whole bunch of people, including:

  • Granting bodies
  • Loan providers
  • Prospective and current board members

Each of these audiences will be coming from different backgrounds, and looking at your business plan for different reasons. If you keep your nonprofit business plan accessible (minimal acronyms and industry jargon), you’ll be more likely to reach everyone.

If you’d like, it’s always possible to create a one page business plan AND a more detailed one. Then, you can provide the one that feels most useful to each audience!

3. Write your mission statement

Your mission statement defines how your organization aims to make a difference in the world. In one sentence, lay out why your nonprofit exists.

Here are a few examples of nonprofit mission statements:

  • Watts of Love is a global solar lighting nonprofit bringing people the power to raise themselves out of the darkness of poverty.
  • CoachArt creates a transformative arts and athletics community for families impacted by childhood chronic illness.
  • The Trevor Project fights to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning young people.

In a single sentence, each of these nonprofits defines exactly what it is their organization is doing, and who their work reaches. Offering this information at a glance is how you immediately hook your readers!

4. Describe your nonprofit 

Now that your mission is laid out, show a little bit more about who you are and how you aim to carry out your mission. Expanding your mission statement to include your vision and values is a great way to kick this off!

Use this section to highlight:

  • Your ideal vision for your community 
  • The guiding philosophy and values of your organization
  • The purpose you were established to achieve

Don’t worry too much about the specifics here—we’ll get into those below! This description is simply meant to demonstrate the heart of your organization.

5. Outline management and organization

When you put together your business plan, you’ll want to describe the structure of your organization in the Operations section.

This will include information like:

  • Team members (staff, board of directors , etc.)
  • The specific type of nonprofit you’re running

If you’re already established, make a section for how you got started! This includes your origin story, your growth and the impressive nonprofit talent you’ve brought on over the years.

6. Describe programs, products and services

This information will have its own section in your nonprofit business plan—and for good reason!

It gives readers vital information about how you operate, including:

  • The specifics of the work you do
  • How that work helps your beneficiaries
  • The resources that support the work (partnerships, facilities, volunteers, etc!)
  • If you have a membership base or a subscription business model

Above all, highlight what needs your nonprofit meets and how it plans to continue meeting those needs. Really get into the details here! Emphasize the work of each and every program, and if you’re already established, note the real impact you’ve made. 

Try including pictures and graphic design elements so people can feel your impact even if they’re simply skimming.

7. Create an Executive Summary

Your Executive Summary will sit right at the top of your business plan—in many ways, it’s the shining star of the document! This section serves as a concise and compelling telling of your nonprofit’s story. If it can capture your readers’ attention, they’re more likely to read through the rest of the plan.

Your Executive Summary should include:

  • Your mission, vision and values
  • Your goals (and their timelines!)
  • Your organization’s history
  • Your primary programs, products and services
  • Your financing plan
  • How you intend on using your funding

This section will summarize the basics of everything else in your plan. While it comes first part of your plan, we suggest writing it last! That way, you’ll already have the information on hand.

You can also edit your Executive Summary depending on your audience. For example, if you’re sending your nonprofit business plan to a loan provider, you can really focus on where the money will be going. If you’re trying to recruit a new board member, you might want to highlight goals and impact, instead.

8. Write a marketing plan

Having a nonprofit marketing plan is essential to making sure your mission reaches people—and that’s especially true for your business plan.

If your nonprofit is already up and running, detail the work you’re currently doing, as well as the specific results you’ve seen so far. If you’re new, you’ll mostly be working with projections—so make sure your data is sound!

No matter what, your Marketing Plan section should market research such as:

  • Beneficiary information
  • Information on your target audience/donor base
  • Information on your competitors
  • Names of potential partners

Data is your friend here! Make note of market analyses and tests you’ve run. Be sure to also document any outreach and campaigns you’ve previously done, as well as your outcomes.

Finally, be sure to list all past and future marketing strategies you’re planning for. This can include promotion, advertising, online marketing plans and more.

9. Create a logistics and operations plan

The Operations section of your business plan will take the organizational information you’ve gathered so far and expand the details! Highlight what the day-to-day will look like for your nonprofit, and how your funds and resources will make it possible.

Be sure to make note of:

  • The titles and responsibilities of your core team
  • The partners and suppliers you work with
  • Insurance you will need
  • Necessary licenses or certifications you’ll maintain
  • The cost of services and programs

This is the what and how of your business plan. Lean into those details, and show exactly how you’ll accomplish those goals you’ve been talking about!

10. Write an Impact Plan

Your Impact Plan is a deep dive into your organization’s goals. It grounds your dreams in reality, which brings both idealists and more practically-minded folks into your corner!

Where your Executive Summary lays out your ambitions on a broader level, this plan:

  • Clarifies your goals in detail
  • Highlights specific objectives and their timelines
  • Breaks down how you will achieve them
  • Shows how you will measure your success

Your Impact Plan will have quite a few goals in it, so be sure to emphasize which ones are the most impactful on your cause. After all, social impact is just as important as financial impact!

Speaking of…

11. Outline the Financial Plan

One of the main reasons people want to know how to write a nonprofit business plan is because of how essential it is to receiving funding. Loan providers, donors and granting bodies will want to see your numbers—and that’s where your Financial Plan comes in.

This plan should clearly lay out where your money is coming from and where it will go. If you’re just getting started, check out what similar nonprofits are doing in order to get realistic numbers. Even if you’re starting a nonprofit on a tight budget , every bit of financial information counts!

First, map out your projected (or actual) nonprofit revenue streams , such as:

  • Expected membership contributions
  • Significant donations
  • In-kind support
  • Fundraising plan

Then, do the same with your expenses:

  • Startup costs
  • Typical bills
  • Web hosting
  • Membership management software
  • Subscription
  • Costs of programs

If your nonprofit is already up and running, include your past accounting information. Otherwise, keep working with those grounded projections!

To make sure you have all of your information set, include documents like:

  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet

This information comes together to show that your nonprofit can stay above water financially. Highlighting that you can comfortably cover your operational costs is essential. Plus, building this plan might help your team find funding gaps or opportunities!

12. Include an Appendix

Your appendix is for any extra pieces of useful information for your readers.

This could be documents such as:

  • Academic papers about your beneficiaries
  • Publications on your nonprofit’s previous success
  • Board member bios
  • Organizational flow chart
  • Your IRS status letter

Make sure your additions contribute to your nonprofit’s story!

Examples of Business Plans for Nonprofits

Here are two great examples of nonprofit business plans. Notice how they’re different depending on the size of the organization!

Nonprofit Recording Co-op Business Plan

This sample nonprofit business plan shows what a basic plan could look like for a hobbyists’ co-op. If your nonprofit is on the smaller, more local side, this is a great reference!

What we like:

  • Details on running a basic membership model
  • Emphasis on what it means to specifically be a sustainable cooperative
  • A list of early milestones, such as hitting their 100th member
  • Clarification that all recordings will be legal

Nonprofit Youth Services Business Plan

This sample nonprofit business plan is for a much larger organization. Instead of focusing on the details of a membership model, it gets deeper into programs and services provided.

What we like

  • The mission is broken down by values
  • A detailed look at what each program provides
  • A thorough sales plan
  • Key assumptions are included for the financial plan

How to Create a Nonprofit Business Plan With Confidence

We hope this sheds some light on how creating a nonprofit business plan can help your organization moving forward! Remember: you know what you want for your organization. A business plan is simply a tool for making those dreams a reality.

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How to Write a Business Plan For a Nonprofit Organization + Template


Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for nonprofits. A nonprofit business plan allows you to set goals and track progress over time. It can also help you secure funding from investors or grant-making organizations.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines your vision for the organization but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article will provide an overview of the key elements that every nonprofit founder should include in their business plan.

Download the Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template

What is a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan is a formal written document that describes your organization’s purpose, structure, and operations. It is used to communicate your vision to potential investors or donors and convince them to support your cause.

The business plan should include information about your target market, financial projections, and marketing strategy. It should also outline the organization’s mission statement and goals.

Why Write a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan is required if you want to secure funding from grant-making organizations or investors.

A well-crafted business plan will help you:

  • Define your organization’s purpose and goals
  • Articulate your vision for the future
  • Develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals
  • Secure funding from investors or donors
  • Convince potential supporters to invest in your cause

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting your new nonprofit organization, especially if you are inexperienced in starting a nonprofit.

Writing an Effective Nonprofit Business Plan

The key is to tailor your business plan to the specific needs of your nonprofit. Here’s a quick overview of what to include:

Executive Summary

Organization overview, products, programs, and services, industry analysis, customer analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team.

  • Financial Plan

The executive summary of a nonprofit business plan is a one-to-two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your nonprofit organization
  • Provide a short summary of the key points of each section of your business plan.
  • Organize your thoughts in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow.
  • Include information about your organization’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast.

This section should include a brief history of your nonprofit organization. Include a short description of how and why you started it and provide a timeline of milestones the organization has achieved.

If you are just starting your nonprofit, you may not have a long history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in the industry and how and why you conceived your new nonprofit idea. If you have worked for a similar organization before or have been involved in a nonprofit before starting your own, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen n onprofit business model and how it is different from other nonprofits in your target market.

This section is all about what your nonprofit organization offers. Include information about your programs, services, and any products you may sell.

Describe the products or services you offer and how they benefit your target market. Examples might include:

  • A food bank that provides healthy meals to low-income families
  • A job training program that helps unemployed adults find jobs
  • An after-school program that helps kids stay out of gangs
  • An adult literacy program that helps adults learn to read and write

Include information about your pricing strategy and any discounts or promotions you offer. Examples might include membership benefits, free shipping, or volume discounts.

If you offer more than one product or service, describe each one in detail. Include information about who uses each product or service and how it helps them achieve their goals.

If you offer any programs, describe them in detail. Include information about how often they are offered and the eligibility requirements for participants. For example, if you offer a job training program, you might include information about how often the program is offered, how long it lasts, and what kinds of jobs participants can expect to find after completing the program.

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a nonprofit business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends, identify your potential customers, and the potential size of this market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the nonprofit industry are you targeting?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now?

You should also include information about your research methodology and sources of information, including company reports and expert opinions.

As an example, if you are starting a food bank, your industry analysis might include information about the number of people in your community who are considered “food insecure” (they don’t have regular access to enough nutritious food). You would also include information about other food banks in your area, how they are funded, and the services they offer.

For each of your competitors, you should include a brief description of their organization, their target market, and their competitive advantage. To do this, you should complete a SWOT analysis.

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a helpful tool to assess your nonprofit’s current position and identify areas where you can improve.

Some questions to consider when conducting a SWOT analysis include:

  • Strengths : What does your nonprofit do well?
  • Weaknesses : What areas could your nonprofit improve?
  • Opportunities : What trends or changes in the industry could you take advantage of?
  • Threats : What trends or changes in the industry could hurt your nonprofit’s chances of success?

After you have identified your nonprofit’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you can develop strategies to improve your organization.

For example, if you are starting a food bank, your SWOT analysis might reveal that there is a need for more food banks in your community. You could use this information to develop a marketing strategy to reach potential donors who might be interested in supporting your organization.

If you are starting a job training program, your SWOT analysis might reveal that there is a need for more programs like yours in the community. You could use this information to develop a business plan and marketing strategy to reach potential participants who might be interested in enrolling in your program.

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, if you are starting a job training program for unemployed adults, your target audience might be low-income adults between the ages of 18 and 35. Your customer analysis would include information about their needs (e.g., transportation, childcare, job readiness skills) and wants (e.g., good pay, flexible hours, benefits).

If you have more than one target audience, you will need to provide a separate customer analysis for each one.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy your product or use your service. For example, if you are starting an after-school program, you might include information about how parents research and compare programs before making a decision.

You should also include information about your marketing strategy and how you plan to reach your target market. For example, if you are starting a food bank, you might include information about how you will promote the food bank to the community and how you will get the word out about your services.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to use your program, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or nonprofit services with the right marketing.

This part of the business plan is where you determine how you are going to reach your target market. This section of your nonprofit business plan should include information about your marketing goals, strategies, and tactics.

  • What are your marketing goals? Include information about what you hope to achieve with your marketing efforts, as well as when and how you will achieve it.
  • What marketing strategies will you use? Include information about public relations, advertising, social media, and other marketing tactics you will use to reach your target market.
  • What tactics will you use? Include information about specific actions you will take to execute your marketing strategy. For example, if you are using social media to reach your target market, include information about which platforms you will use and how often you will post.

Your marketing strategy should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Make sure your product, service, and/or program offering is clearly defined and differentiated from your competitors, including the benefits of using your service.
  • Price : How do you determine the price for your product, services, and/or programs? You should also include a pricing strategy that takes into account what your target market will be willing to pay and how much the competition within your market charges.
  • Place : Where will your target market find you? What channels of distribution will you use to reach them?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target market? You can use social media or write a blog, create an email marketing campaign, post flyers, pay for advertising, launch a direct mail campaign, etc.

For example, if you are starting a job training program for unemployed adults, your marketing strategy might include partnering with local job centers and adult education programs to reach potential participants. You might also promote the program through local media outlets and community organizations.

Your marketing plan should also include a sales strategy, which includes information about how you will generate leads and convert them into customers.

You should also include information about your paid advertising budget, including an estimate of expenses and sales projections.

This part of your nonprofit business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your products, services and/or programs to your target market? For example, if you are starting a food bank, you will need to develop a system for collecting and storing food donations, as well as distributing them to the community.
  • How will your nonprofit be structured? For example, will you have paid staff or volunteers? How many employees will you need? What skills and experience will they need to have?
  • What kind of facilities and equipment will you need to operate your nonprofit? For example, if you are starting a job training program, you will need space to hold classes, as well as computers and other office equipment.
  • What are the day-to-day operations of your nonprofit? For example, if you are starting a food bank, you will need to develop a system for accepting and sorting food donations, as well as distributing them to the community.
  • Who will be responsible for each task? For example, if you are starting a job training program, you will need to identify who will be responsible for recruiting participants, teaching classes, and placing graduates in jobs.
  • What are your policies and procedures? You will want to establish policies related to everything from employee conduct to how you will handle donations.
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is the section of the business plan where you elaborate on the day-to-day execution of your nonprofit. This is where you really get into the nitty-gritty of how your organization will function on a day-to-day basis.

This section of your nonprofit business plan should include information about the individuals who will be running your organization.

  • Who is on your team? Include biographies of your executive director, board of directors, and key staff members.
  • What are their qualifications? Include information about their education, work experience, and skills.
  • What are their roles and responsibilities? Include information about what each team member will be responsible for, as well as their decision-making authority.
  • What is their experience in the nonprofit sector? Include information about their work with other nonprofits, as well as their volunteer experiences.

This section of your plan is important because it shows that you have a team of qualified individuals who are committed to the success of your nonprofit.

Nonprofit Financial Plan

This section of your nonprofit business plan should include the following information:

  • Your budget. Include information about your income and expenses, as well as your fundraising goals.
  • Your sources of funding. Include information about your grants, donations, and other sources of income.
  • Use of funds. Include information about how you will use your income to support your programs and operations.

This section of your business plan is important because it shows that you have a clear understanding of your organization’s finances. It also shows that you have a plan for raising and managing your funds.

Now, include a complete and detailed financial plan. This is where you will need to break down your expenses and revenue projections for the first 5 years of operation. This includes the following financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how will you generate revenue?
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, what is the net income or loss? 

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Nonprofit Organization

Balance sheet.

Include a balance sheet that shows what you have in terms of assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Nonprofit Organization

Cash flow statement.

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Income : All of the revenue coming in from clients.
  • Expenses : All of your monthly bills and expenses. Include operating, marketing and capital expenditures.
  • Net Cash Flow : The difference between income and expenses for each month after they are totaled and deducted from each other. This number is the net cash flow for each month.

Using your total income and expenses, you can project an annual cash flow statement. Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup nonprofit.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Nonprofit Organization

Fundraising plan.

This section of your nonprofit business plan should include information about your fundraising goals, strategies, and tactics.

  • What are your fundraising goals? Include information about how much money you hope to raise, as well as when and how you will raise it.
  • What fundraising strategies will you use? Include information about special events, direct mail campaigns, online giving, and grant writing.
  • What fundraising tactics will you use? Include information about volunteer recruitment, donor cultivation, and stewardship.

Now include specific fundraising goals, strategies, and tactics. These could be annual or multi-year goals. Below are some examples:

Goal : To raise $50,000 in the next 12 months.

Strategy : Direct mail campaign

  • Create a mailing list of potential donors
  • Develop a direct mail piece
  • Mail the direct mail piece to potential donors

Goal : To raise $100,000 in the next 24 months.

Strategy : Special event

  • Identify potential special event sponsors
  • Recruit volunteers to help with the event
  • Plan and execute the special event

Goal : To raise $250,000 in the next 36 months.

Strategy : Grant writing

  • Research potential grant opportunities
  • Write and submit grant proposals
  • Follow up on submitted grants

This section of your business plan is important because it shows that you have a clear understanding of your fundraising goals and how you will achieve them.

You will also want to include an appendix section which may include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your nonprofit’s policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • A list of your hard assets and equipment with purchase dates, prices paid and any other relevant information
  • A list of your soft assets with purchase dates, prices paid and any other relevant information
  • Biographies and/or resumes of the key members of your organization
  • Your nonprofit’s bylaws
  • Your nonprofit’s articles of incorporation
  • Your nonprofit’s most recent IRS Form 990
  • Any other relevant information that may be helpful in understanding your organization

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and grow your nonprofit organization. It not only outlines your vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it. Sometimes it may be difficult to get started, but once you get the hang of it, writing a business plan becomes easier and will give you a sense of direction and clarity about your nonprofit organization.  

Finish Your Nonprofit Business Plan in 1 Day!

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How to Write a Grant Proposal for Your Nonprofit Organization + Template & Examples

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Nonprofit Business Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

  • by Jess Convocar on February 21, 2024
  • last update on May 06, 2024
  • Reading Time: 7 minutes

Nonprofit Business Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

Like any other business, nonprofit organizations need careful, structured planning to ensure sustainable growth. This is possible by creating a business plan that not only serves as a roadmap but also helps in attracting donors and volunteers needed to bring the organization’s vision to fruition.

Crafting the perfect business plan involves many things, but the most important part is understanding what it should look like and how it can help the organization forward its mission. This guide simplifies the process, breaks down its unique components, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to write a nonprofit business plan.

What is a business plan for nonprofits?

A business plan for nonprofits is a strategic document that outlines a nonprofit organization’s goals and operational approach. While similar to for-profit business plans, the focus here is on achieving social impact rather than financial profit.

Projects implemented by nonprofit organizations typically revolve around fostering social welfare, advocacy, education, or humanitarian aid. For instance, a nonprofit working to address homelessness might outline projects such as providing shelter and meals, offering job training programs, and collaborating with local agencies to advocate for affordable housing policies.

A typical business plan for nonprofits includes:

  • The nonprofit’s mission, which sets the foundation for the entire plan;
  • Specific objectives,
  • Fundraising strategies,
  • Resource allocation,
  • And how it plans to measure success in terms of societal or community benefit.

But one thing to note is that there is no one-size-fits-all plan. Every little detail incorporated into the plan must be tailored to the organization’s needs, where it currently stands, and how it can contribute to its primary purpose – guiding the nonprofit to success.

Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Business Plan

A good plan does not only help attract external support but also benefits the organization internally. Listed below are the key reasons why your nonprofit needs a business plan:

Clarity of Mission, Vision, and Strategic Direction

Running a nonprofit organization isn’t the easiest task, and there may be times when you question whether you’re truly making an impact. Having a business plan gives you a perspective of the progress you’ve made and provides a distinct path moving forward.

This clear-cut framework ensures that the mission, vision, and strategic direction remain focused, helping the nonprofit make informed decisions and navigate challenges with purpose.

Proper Resource Planning and Financial Management

Poor financial management can lead to many problems, especially in nonprofits. With a business plan, this can easily be taken care of.

Since nonprofit organizations rely on various external funds, there should be an emphasis on resource planning and management. This involves forecasting the organization’s needs, such as financial, human, and technological resources, and strategically allocating them to support the mission and vision. Doing so also demonstrates fiscal responsibility to donors and stakeholders.

Strategic Fundraising and Sustainability

One of the most common and effective ways nonprofits gain support is through fundraising activities. A business plan helps you develop a targeted fundraising strategy that aligns with the organization’s goals. Clearly outlining the fundraising objectives, target audiences, and specific tactics provides a roadmap for effective resource mobilization.

Additionally, a structured plan attracts and retains donors by instilling confidence in them about the tangible impact their contributions can make.

Risk Management

A business plan is vital for developing strategies to handle risks and potential challenges. This proactive approach helps minimize the impact of unforeseen events, like economic recessions or natural disasters, on the nonprofit’s operations.

A robust risk management strategy not only saves time and money but also improves decision-making, avoids surprises, and, most importantly, prevents harm to the people your nonprofit serves.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Because the business plan already lays out how the organization works, it’s easier to understand and adhere to nonprofit laws like tax exemption and revenue regulations.

Dealing with these things from the start helps prevent potential problems, maintains transparency, and builds trust with stakeholders. This allows you to focus on carrying out the mission without legal conflicts.

How to Create a Business Plan Strategy

steps to create a business plan strategy

When gearing up to create a business plan for your nonprofit organization, it’s important to begin by thoroughly understanding the unique aspects of your mission. This solid foundation will guide you through the next steps of crafting a well-thought-out plan, which includes:

1. Create a strategy

Before anything else, you must identify your why .

Ask yourself what you want to happen. What does the organization stand for? Who does it serve? What do you hope for it to become?

If your long-term goal is to create a lasting impact and expand the community you serve, establish a strategy that mirrors your mission. Begin by assessing your organization’s current position, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Based on your assessment, leverage the strengths and address weaknesses that may hinder progress.

Next, clearly define who your target audience is. Understand their specific needs and preferences to tailor your approach effectively.

Once the key factors have been determined and written down, it will serve as the starting point for the strategy.

2. Plan programs

The planning step is where you delve into the how. What are your plans to sustain and amplify the impact you aim to create?

Since you are not selling products or providing services to generate revenue, you’ll need to rely on fundraising events to support your cause. To do this effectively, create detailed program plans covering goals, activities, timelines, and expected outcomes. As always, ensure these plans align with your organization’s mission.

After establishing the programs, set up a monitoring system that tracks their effectiveness and evaluates them regularly. This helps you make informed changes as the nonprofit or the community’s needs evolve.

3. Ensure financial sustainability

Nonprofits receive financial support from various channels, such as individual donations, grants, sponsorships, and fundraising events. To ensure economic sustainability, building relationships with potential donors, individuals, institutions, and various funding sources is important to avoid relying too much on a single avenue.

In this sense, a well-thought-out budget is crucial for financial stability. Make sure to allocate resources carefully, considering program costs, administration expenses, and other needs. A clear and transparent budget not only aids in financial planning but also boosts trust with supporters.

4. Prioritize legal considerations

Even though dealing with changing rules might seem to lead to more paperwork than focusing on your mission, remember that compliance is as important as pursuing your organization’s goals. Some vital legal considerations include:

  • Legal structure and registration
  • Tax exemption (if applicable)
  • Fundraising compliance
  • Financial accountability
  • Intellectual property (such as logos, trademarks, and copyrights)
  • Data protection and privacy

Maintaining a good standing is crucial for obtaining licenses, securing grants and funding, protecting your organization’s reputation, and keeping the right to solicit support.

If you don’t have an in-house legal counsel, it’s a good idea to seek advice from experts who know nonprofit laws in your area when planning your business.

How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan

nonprofit business plan components

Now that you’ve covered all the essential details, the next step is to create the business plan outline. There’s no strict format to follow, as it all depends on your organization’s specifics. However, make sure not to exclude these essential components when creating a nonprofit business plan:

1. Executive Summary

This part is a quick overview of the whole document. Since it’s the first thing people see in the business plan, it’s crucial to make it clear and interesting enough to grab their attention and encourage them to read the entire plan. Include the organization’s fundamentals – its history, objectives, and financing plans.

2. Organizational Overview

Provide a gist of who you are and who you serve. Here, express the organization’s mission, vision, and specific short-term and long-term goals.

3. Products, Programs, or Services Rendered

In this section, you must provide a detailed description of all the products and services mentioned in the executive summary. Highlight any unique aspects, such as innovative features and distinct advantages, that set you apart. State how instrumental these are to the success of your initiatives and how each one addresses the industry need.

4. Operational Plan

This is where you detail how your nonprofit will function on a day-to-day basis. Outline each team member’s daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, specifying responsibilities, timelines, and collaboration points to ensure a cohesive and efficient operation.

Additionally, spotlight any key processes, workflows, or systems necessary to achieve your mission.

5. Marketing Plan

The marketing plan should reflect the mission of the organization. Under this section, outline the strategies and channels to get your nonprofit out there. Include details about your target audience, methods for reaching them, and any promotional activities. This section may also cover partnerships, collaborations, and outreach efforts.

6. Financial Plan

The financial plan provides a comprehensive overview of your nonprofit’s financial health and projections. Include a budget, funding sources, and a breakdown of how funds will be allocated to support your operations and programs. This part is vital for demonstrating sustainability and helping make better-informed decisions.

7. Appendix

In the appendix, incorporate all the additional documents and information supporting the business plan’s main body. This may include resumes of key personnel, detailed financial statements, legal documents, or any other relevant materials.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to write a business plan:

  • Start by outlining the executive summary providing a concise overview of the plan.
  • Develop the organizational overview, which includes the mission and vision of the nonprofit.
  • Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to identify and address internal and external factors.
  • Clearly articulate short-term and long-term goals and objectives.
  • Describe the programs and activities that will help achieve these goals.
  • Develop a marketing and outreach strategy to engage the community and attract support.
  • Create a detailed financial plan, including budgets, revenue streams, and financial projections.
  • Outline the governance and management structure, including roles and responsibilities.
  • Detail monitoring and evaluation processes to assess program effectiveness.

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Once you have a clear grasp of your organizational goals and strategies, here’s a sample nonprofit business plan template to get you started:

create a non profit business plan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Nonprofit Business Plan

Q: how often should a non-profit business plan be updated.

Although nonprofit plans usually set up a roadmap for at least three to five years, they should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the organization’s purpose and changing external factors. For younger companies, an annual update with six monthly reviews may be sufficient, while more established nonprofits might opt for an annual review with quarterly check-ins.

Q: What role does evaluation play in a non-profit business plan?

Smaller nonprofits often conduct formal evaluations because their funders require it, but the benefits extend in both directions. Internally, evaluations help the organization assess its performance, impact, and effectiveness. In doing so, the nonprofit meets funder expectations and gains valuable insights for improvement, ensuring transparency and better alignment with its mission.

Q: How can a non-profit maintain adaptability in its strategies?

To stay adaptable, a nonprofit can follow three basic practices. First, keep the business plan up-to-date to align with the changing goals and environment. Second, stay on top of current industry trends to anticipate shifts in the landscape and prepare ahead of time. Lastly, revamp tools and approaches to ensure strategies remain innovative and effective.

Plan for Nonprofit Success with Convene

man and woman writing a nonprofit business plan

A well-crafted nonprofit business plan is crucial for success. To achieve this, cooperation is necessary within the internal teams and partners. However, communication can be a common roadblock, especially in a remote workplace.

This is where Convene comes into play.

Convene is a reliable board portal for nonprofits that facilitates effective planning through its interactive and secure features. Easily collaborate with everyone in the organization by leveraging Convene’s live meeting capabilities, such as annotations and digital sign-offs. Also, keep track of the updates and reports with its secure document management features.

Check out this page to learn more about Convene and how it can benefit your nonprofit organizations.

Jess Convocar

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Statistics from the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) show that there are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations currently operating in the U.S. alone. Many of these organizations are hard at work helping people in need and addressing the great issues of our time. However, doing good work doesn’t necessarily translate into long-term success and financial stability. Other information has shown that around 12% of non-profits don’t make it past the 5-year mark, and this number expands to 17% at the 10-year mark.

12% of non-profits don’t make it past the 5-year mark and 17% at the 10-year mark

There are a variety of challenges behind these sobering statistics. In many cases, a nonprofit can be sunk before it starts due to a lack of a strong nonprofit business plan. Below is a complete guide to understanding why a nonprofit needs a business plan in place, and how to construct one, piece by piece.

The purpose of a nonprofit business plan

A business plan for a nonprofit is similar to that of a for-profit business plan, in that you want it to serve as a clear, complete roadmap for your organization. When your plan is complete, questions such as "what goals are we trying to accomplish?" or "what is the true purpose of our organization?" should be clear and simple to answer.

create a non profit business plan

Your nonprofit business plan should provide answers to the following questions:

1. What activities do you plan to pursue in order to meet the organization’s high level goals?

2. What's your plan on getting revenue to fund these activities?

3. What are your operating costs and specifically how do these break down?

Note that there’s a difference between a business plan and a strategic plan, though there may be some overlap. A strategic plan is more conceptual, with different ideas you have in place to try and meet the organization’s greater vision (such as fighting homelessness or raising climate change awareness). A business plan serves as an action plan because it provides, in as much detail as possible, the specifics on how you’re going to execute your strategy.

More Reading

  • What is the Difference Between a Business Plan and a Strategic Plan?
  • Business Planning for Nonprofits

Creating a nonprofit business plan

With this in mind, it’s important to discuss the individual sections of a nonprofit business plan. Having a proper plan in a recognizable format is essential for a variety of reasons. On your business’s end, it makes sure that as many issues or questions you may encounter are addressed up front. For outside entities, such as potential volunteers or donors, it shows that their time and energy will be managed well and put to good use. So, how do you go from conceptual to concrete?

Step 1: Write a mission statement

‍ Having a mission statement is essential for any company, but even more so for nonprofits. Your markers of success are not just how the organization performs financially, but the impact it makes for your cause.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating a mission statement. A strong mission statement clarifies why your organization exists and determines the direction of activities.

create a non profit business plan

At the head of their ethics page , NPR has a mission statement that clearly and concisely explains why they exist. From this you learn:

  • The key point of their mission: creating a more informed public that understands new ideas and cultures
  • Their mechanism of executing that vision: providing and reporting news/info that meets top journalistic standards
  • Other essential details: their partnership with their membership statement

You should aim for the same level of clarity and brevity in your own mission statement.

The goal of a mission statement isn’t just about being able to showcase things externally, but also giving your internal team something to realign them if they get off track.

For example, if you're considering a new program or services, you can always check the idea against the mission statement. Does it align with your higher level goal and what your organization is ultimately trying to achieve? A mission statement is a compass to guide your team and keep the organization aligned and focused.

Step 2: Collect the data

‍ You can’t prepare for the future without some data from the past and present. This can range from financial data if you’re already in operation to secured funding if you’re getting ready to start.

Data related to operations and finances (such as revenue, expenses, taxes, etc.) is crucial for budgeting and organizational decisions.

You'll also want to collect data about your target donor. Who are they in terms of their income, demographics, location, etc. and what is the best way to reach them? Every business needs to market, and answering these demographic questions are crucial to targeting the right audience in a marketing campaign. You'll also need data about marketing costs collected from your fundraising, marketing, and CRM software and tools. This data can be extremely important for demonstrating the effectiveness of a given fundraising campaign or the organization as a whole.  

Then there is data that nonprofits collect from third-party sources as to how to effectively address their cause, such as shared data from other nonprofits and data from governments.

By properly collecting and interpreting the above data, you can build your nonprofit to not only make an impact, but also ensure the organization is financially sustainable.

Step 3: Create an outline

Before you begin writing your plan, it’s important to have an outline of the  sections of your plan. Just like an academic essay, it’s easier to make sure all the points are addressed by taking inventory of high level topics first. If you create an outline and find you don’t have all the materials you need to fill it, you may need to go back to the data collection stage.

Writing an outline gives you something simple to read that can easily be circulated to your team for input. Maybe some of your partners will want to emphasize an area that you missed or an area that needs more substance.

Having an outline makes it easier for you to create an organized, well-flowing piece. Each section needs to be clear on its own, but you also don’t want to be overly repetitive. 

As a side-note, one area where a lot of business novices  stall in terms of getting their plans off the ground is not knowing what format to choose or start with. The good news is there are a lot of resources available online for you to draw templates for from your plan, or just inspire one of your own.

Using a business plan template

You may want to use a template as a starting point for your business plan. The major benefit here is that a lot of the outlining work that we mentioned is already done for you. However, you may not want to follow the template word for word. A nonprofit business plan may require additional sections or parts that aren’t included in a conventional business plan template.

The best way to go about this is to try and focus less on copying the template, and more about copying the spirit of the template. For example, if you see a template that you like, you can keep the outline, but you may want to change the color scheme and font to better reflect your brand. And of course, all your text should be unique.

When it comes to adding a new section to a business plan template, for the most part, you can use your judgment. We will get into specific sections in a bit, but generally, you just want to pair your new section with the existing section that makes the most sense. For example, if your non-profit has retail sales as a part of a financial plan, you can include that along with the products, services and programs section.

  • Free Nonprofit Sample Business Plans - Bplans
  • Non-Profit Business Plan Template - Growthink
  • Sample Nonprofit Business Plans - Bridgespan
  • Nonprofit Business Plan Template - Slidebean
  • 23+ Non Profit Business Plan Templates - Template.net

Nonprofit business plan sections

The exact content is going to vary based on the size, purpose, and nature of your nonprofit. However, there are certain sections that every business plan will need to have for investors, donors, and lenders to take you seriously. Generally, your outline will be built around the following main sections:

1. Executive summary

Many people write this last, even though it comes first in a business plan. This is because the executive summary is designed to be a general summary of the business plan as a whole. Naturally, it may be easier to write this after the rest of the business plan has been completed.

After reading your executive summary a person should ideally have a general idea of what the entire plan covers. Sometimes, a person may be interested in learning about your non-profit, but doesn’t have time to read a 20+ page document. In this case, the executive summary could be the difference between whether or not you land a major donor. 

As a start, you want to cover the basic need your nonprofit services, why that need exists, and the way you plan to address that need. The goal here is to tell the story as clearly and and concisely as possible. If the person is sold and wants more details, they can read through the rest of your business plan. 

2. Products/Services/Programs

This is the space where you can clarify exactly what your non-profit does. Think of it as explaining the way your nonprofit addresses that base need you laid out earlier. This can vary a lot based on what type of non-profit you’re running. 

create a non profit business plan

This page gives us some insight into the mechanisms Bucks County Historical Society uses to further their mission, which is “to educate and engage its many audiences in appreciating the past and to help people find stories and meanings relevant to their lives—both today and in the future.”

They accomplish this goal through putting together both permanent exhibits as well as regular events at their primary museum. However, in a non-profit business plan, you need to go further. 

It’s important here not only to clearly explain who benefits from your services, but also the specific details how those services are provided. For example, saying you “help inner-city school children” isn’t specific enough. Are you providing education or material support? Your non-profit business plan readers need as much detail as possible using simple and clear language. 

3. Marketing

For a non-profit to succeed, it needs to have a steady stream of both donors and volunteers. Marketing plays a key role here as it does in a conventional business. This section should outline who your target audience is, and what you’ve already done/plan on doing to reach this audience. How you explain this is going to vary based on what stage your non-profit is in. We’ll split this section to make it more clear.

Nonprofits not in operation

‍ Obviously, it’s difficult to market an idea effectively if you’re not in operation, but you still need to have a marketing plan in place. People who want to support your non-profit need to understand your marketing plan to attract donors. You need to profile all the data you have about your target market and outline how you plan to reach this audience.

Nonprofits already in operation

‍ Marketing plans differ greatly for nonprofits already in operation. If your nonprofit is off the ground, you want to include data about your target market as well, along with other key details.  Describe all your current marketing efforts, from events to general outreach, to conventional types of marketing like advertisements and email plans. Specific details are important. By the end of this, the reader should know:

  • What type of marketing methods your organization prefers
  • Why you’ve chosen these methods
  • The track record of success using these methods
  • What the costs and ROI of a marketing campaign

4. Operations

This is designed to serve as the “how” of your Products/Services/Programs section.

For example, if your goal is to provide school supplies for inner-city schoolchildren, you’ll need to explain how you will procure the supplies and distribute them to kids in need. Again, detail is essential. A reader should be able to understand not only how your non-profit operates on a daily basis, but also how it executes any task in the rest of the plan.

If your marketing plan says that you hold community events monthly to drum up interest. Who is in charge of the event? How are they run? How much do they cost?  What personnel or volunteers are needed for each event?  Where are the venues?

This is also a good place to cover additional certifications or insurance that your non-profit needs in order to execute these operations, and your current progress towards obtaining them. 

Your operations section should also have a space dedicated to your team. The reason for this is, just like any other business plan, is that the strength of an organization lies in the people running it.

create a non profit business plan

For example, let’s look at this profile from The Nature Conservancy . The main points of the biography are to showcase Chief Development Officer Jim Asp’s work history as it is relevant to his job. You’ll want to do something similar in your business plan’s team section.

Equally important is making sure that you cover any staff changes that you plan to implement in the near future in your business plan. The reason for this is that investors/partners may not want to sign on assuming that one leadership team is in place, only for it to change when the business reaches a certain stage. 

The sections we’ve been talking about would also be in a traditional for profit business plan. We start to deviate a bit at this point. The impact section is designed to outline the social change you plan to make with your organization, and how your choices factor into those goals.

Remember the thoughts that go into that mission statement we mentioned before? This is your chance to show how you plan to address that mission with your actions, and how you plan to track your progress.

Let’s revisit the idea of helping inner-city school children by providing school supplies. What exactly is the metric you’re going to use to determine your success? For-profit businesses can have their finances as their primary KPI, but it’s not that easy for non-profits. Let’s say that your mission is to provide 1,000 schoolchildren in an underserved school district supplies for their classes. Your impact plan could cover two metrics:

  • How many supplies are distributed
  • Secondary impact (improved grades, classwork completed, etc).

The primary goal of this section is to transform that vision into concrete, measurable goals and objectives. A great acronym to help you create these are S.M.A.R.T. goals which stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. ‍

create a non profit business plan

Vitamin Angels does a good job of showing how their action supports the mission. Their goal of providing vitamins to mothers and children in developing countries has a concrete impact when we look at the numbers of how many children they service as well as how many countries they deliver to. As a non-profit business plan, it’s a good idea to include statistics like these to show exactly how close you are to your planned goals. 

6. Finances

Every non-profit needs funding to operate, and this all-important section details exactly how you plan to cover these financial needs. Your business plan can be strong in every other section, but if your financial planning is flimsy, it’s going to prove difficult to gather believers to your cause.

It's important to paint a complete, positive picture of your fundraising plans and ambitions. Generally, this entails the following parts:

  • Current financial status, such as current assets, cash on hand, liabilities
  • Projections based off of your existing financial data and forms
  • Key financial documents, such as a balance sheet, income statements, and cash flow sheet
  • Any grants or major contributions received
  • Your plan for fundraising (this may overlap with your marketing section which is okay)
  • Potential issues and hurdles to your funding plan
  • Your plans to address those issues
  • How you'll utilize surplus donations
  • Startup costs (if your non-profit is not established yet)

In general, if you see something else that isn’t accounted for here, it’s better to be safe than sorry, and put the relevant information in. It’s better to have too much information than too little when it comes to finances, especially since there is usually a clear preference for transparent business culture.

  • ‍ How to Make a Five-Year Budget Plan for a Nonprofit ‍
  • Financial Transparency - National Council of Nonprofits

7. Appendix

Generally, this serves as a space to attach additional documents and elements that you may find useful for your business plan. This can include things like supplementary charts or a list of your board of directors. 

This is also a good place to put text or technical information that you think may be relevant to your business plan, but might be long-winded or difficult to read. A lot of the flow and structure concerns you have for a plan don’t really apply with an appendix.

In summary, while a non-profit may have very different goals than your average business, the ways that they reach those goals do have a lot of similarities with for-profit businesses. The best way to ensure your success is to have a clear, concrete vision and path to different milestones along the way. A solid, in-depth business plan also gives you something to refer back to when you are struggling and not sure where to turn.

Alongside your business plan, you also want to use tools and resources that promote efficiency at all levels. For example, every non-profit needs a consistent stream of donations to survive, so consider using a program like GiveForms that creates simple, accessible forms for your donors to easily make donations. Accounting and budgeting for these in your plans can pay dividends later on.

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How to write a nonprofit business plan

While a nonprofit business plan is similar to that of a for-profit company, it has a few important differences, including the need for a fundraising section.

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create a non profit business plan

by   Sandra Beckwith

Sandra Beckwith has been writing for traditional and online publications since she sold her first magazine article wh...


Updated on: June 20, 2023 · 3 min read

Nonprofit business plan elements

Fundraising section is essential, keep it real.

While nonprofit organizations are purpose-driven rather than profit-driven, they have a great deal in common with their for-profit counterparts.

"We may be governed by a different part of the tax code and exempt from some—but not all—taxes, but we are businesses, too," says Rick Cohen, chief operating officer at the National Council of Nonprofits.

Like other types of businesses, successful nonprofits outline their goals and how they will achieve them in a written document known as a business plan.

A nonprofit's business plan is similar to that used by a for-profit entity but has key differences. Here's what you need to know about how to write a nonprofit business plan.

volunteers-with-clipboards-in-park sitting in the grass

For-profit business plans detail what a company does, how it does it, who does it, and how it pays for it. A nonprofit business plan outlines that as well but approaches parts of the process differently.

The biggest difference is that nonprofit organizations focus on the problem they want to solve and how to fund programs and activities that help do that.

"Nonprofits have the added burden and opportunity of impact in their business plan," says Sara Gibson, co-founder and CEO of 20 Degrees, a consulting firm serving nonprofits. "The sector doesn't measure worth in profit—it is measured in lives and in change created. That has to be part of the plan."

Typical nonprofit business plans feature many of the following elements:

  • Executive summary
  • Mission and goals
  • Community impact
  • Products, services, and programs
  • Organizational structure and staffing
  • Market and competitive analysis
  • Fundraising and development
  • Financial plan

For-profit businesses might be funded initially by owners or outside investors, but the ultimate goal is usually self-sufficiency through sales. Many nonprofit organizations aren't structured or created to generate income to support their community services, so fundraising is key.

"It is critical for the sustainability of nonprofits that they are constantly being connected with grants and funders who will provide the financial resources needed for these nonprofits to continue offering quality and valuable assistance to the communities they serve," says Fernando Urbina, director of outreach for ImmigrationHelp.org.

Mikko Sperber, managing partner and founder of Fundamental Strategy, recommends taking on a for-profit business mindset when writing the fundraising section of the nonprofit business plan.

"If you build your plan to have a budget surplus at the end of your year, you then have the capital to reinvest in growing your organization and furthering your mission," he says.

The organization's communication and marketing strategy feeds fundraising goals, so be thoughtful about that piece when writing a nonprofit business plan.

"If no one knows who you are, then no one will be donating to your cause," says Mike McKnight, director of operations at Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome.

When outlining your business plan, be realistic about fundraising and other revenue streams, then match your budget to your fundraising goal, not the other way around. "In worst-case scenarios, fundraising numbers are plugged into a budget after the programmatic expenses are figured to just offset them without a realistic plan," Sperber says.

Matching your budget to your fundraising goal is especially important because of the organization's impact on the community served, says Cohen, whose organization offers nonprofit business plan resources on its website.

"The worst thing a nonprofit can do is get to a place where people are counting on their services, but then need to close their doors, leaving those people in the lurch," he says.

To ensure your organization's business plan properly supports your mission, consider consulting with professionals such as nonprofit advisers and attorneys specializing in this sector.

Keep your nonprofit business plan handy, too. It's your organizational blueprint, but you'll also need to update it as circumstances or market conditions change.

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Free Nonprofit Business Plan Templates

By Joe Weller | September 18, 2020

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In this article, we’ve rounded up the most useful list of nonprofit business plan templates, all free to download in Word, PDF, and Excel formats.

Included on this page, you’ll find a one-page nonprofit business plan template , a fill-in-the-blank nonprofit business plan template , a startup nonprofit business planning timeline template , and more. Plus, we provide helpful tips for creating your nonprofit business plan .

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this customizable nonprofit business plan template to organize your nonprofit organization’s mission and goals and convey them to stakeholders. This template includes space for information about your nonprofit’s background, objectives, management team, program offerings, market analysis, promotional activities, funding sources, fundraising methods, and much more. 

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template

One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Template

One Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organizations Template

This one-page nonprofit business plan template has a simple and scannable design to outline the key details of your organization’s strategy. This template includes space to detail your mission, vision, and purpose statements, as well as the problems you aim to solve in your community, the people who benefit from your program offerings, your key marketing activities, your financial goals, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Template

Excel | Word | PDF

For additional resources, including an example of a one-page business plan , visit “ One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide .”

Fill-In-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Fill-in-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this fill-in-the-blank template as the basis for building a thorough business plan for a nonprofit organization. This template includes space to describe your organization’s background, purpose, and main objectives, as well as key personnel, program and service offerings, market analysis, promotional activities, fundraising methods, and more. 

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

For additional resources that cater to a wide variety of organizations, visit “ Free Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Templates .”

Startup Nonprofit Business Planning Template with Timeline

Startup Nonprofit Business Planning Template with Timeline

Use this business planning template to organize and schedule key activities for your business. Fill in the cells according to the due dates, and color-code the cells by phase, owner, or category to provide a visual timeline of progress.

Download Startup Nonprofit Business Planning Template with Timeline

Excel | Smartsheet

Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program

Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program Template

Use this template as a foundation for building a powerful and attractive nonprofit business plan for youth programs and services. This template has all the core components of a nonprofit business plan. It includes room to detail the organization’s background, management team key personnel, current and future youth program offerings, promotional activities, operations plan, financial statements, and much more.

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program

Word | PDF  | Google Doc

Sample Nonprofit Business Plan Outline Template

Sample Nonprofit Business Plan Outline Template

You can customize this sample nonprofit business plan outline to fit the specific needs of your organization. To ensure that you don’t miss any essential details, use this outline to help you prepare and organize the elements of your plan before filling in each section.

Download Sample Nonprofit Business Plan Outline Template

Nonprofit Startup Business Planning Checklist Template

Nonprofit Startup Business Planning Checklist Template

Use this customizable business planning checklist as the basis for outlining the necessary steps to get your nonprofit organization up and running. You can customize this checklist to fit your individual needs. It includes essential steps, such as conducting a SWOT analysis , fulfilling the research requirements specific to your state, conducting a risk assessment , defining roles and responsibilities, creating a portal for board members, and other tasks to keep your plan on track.

Download Nonprofit Startup Business Planning Checklist Template

Tips to Create Your Nonprofit Business Plan

Your nonprofit business plan should provide your donors, volunteers, and other key stakeholders with a clear picture of your overarching mission and objectives. Below, we share our top tips for ensuring that your plan is attractive and thorough.

  • Develop a Strategy First: You must aim before you fire if you want to be effective. In other words, develop a strategic plan for your nonprofit in order to provide your team with direction and a roadmap before you build your business plan.
  • Save Time with a Template: No need to start from scratch when you can use a customizable nonprofit business plan template to get started. (Download one of the options above.)
  • Start with What You Have: With the exception of completing the executive summary, which you must do last, you aren’t obligated to fill in each section of the plan in order. Use the information you have on hand to begin filling in the various parts of your business plan, then conduct additional research to fill in the gaps.
  • Ensure Your Information Is Credible: Back up all the details in your plan with reputable sources that stakeholders can easily reference.
  • Be Realistic: Use realistic assumptions and numbers in your financial statements and forecasts. Avoid the use of overly lofty or low-lying projections, so stakeholders feel more confident about your plan. 
  • Strive for Scannability: Keep each section clear and concise. Use bullet points where appropriate, and avoid large walls of text. 
  • Use Visuals: Add tables, charts, and other graphics to draw the eye and support key points in the plan.
  • Be Consistent: Keep the voice and formatting (e.g., font style and size) consistent throughout the plan to maintain a sense of continuity.
  • Stay True to Your Brand: Make sure that the tone, colors, and overall style of the business plan are a true reflection of your organization’s brand.
  • Proofread Before Distribution: Prior to distributing the plan to stakeholders, have a colleague proofread the rough version to check for errors and ensure that the plan is polished.
  • Don’t Set It and Forget It: You should treat your nonprofit business plan as a living document that you need to review and update on a regular basis — as objectives change and your organization grows.
  • Use an Effective Collaboration Tool: Use an online tool to accomplish the following: collaborate with key personnel on all components of the business plan; enable version control for all documents; and keep resources in one accessible place.

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How do I write a business plan for a nonprofit organization?

Like for-profit business ventures, nonprofits can create a business plan to describe how they will turn their mission into reality.

The business planning process involves the following steps:

  • Researching the market, using a resource such as GuideStar , to see who else might be doing what the nonprofit plans to offer
  • Investigating the resources the nonprofit will need to provide the service
  • Devising marketing and communication strategies
  • Assessing risk
  • Determining ways to evaluate success - IssueLab Results  is a place for foundations and nonprofits to share funded evaluations and to access the lessons of their peers and colleagues.

You can also use a business plan for a specific project or venture for a nonprofit.

To help diversify their revenue sources, for example, many nonprofits explore ways to earn income by developing their own business ventures. A classic example is Girl Scout cookies. Each year Girl Scout troops sell cookies, and the money they earn goes toward Girl Scout programs. Providing goods or services for a fee can be an important way for a nonprofit to bring in revenue to supplement its fundraising activities.

Selected resources below can help you learn more about creating an overall business plan for a nonprofit organization or specifically for an earned income venture.

Still have questions about starting a nonprofit, finding grants or other fundraising and management queries? Chat with or email Candid's experts to get answers. Ask Us Now!

If you're thinking about starting a nonprofit, take Candid's course, Is Starting a Nonprofit Right for You?  Take the course in person or watch the video.

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Explore resources curated by our staff for this topic:, staff-recommended websites, how to write a nonprofit business plan.

This article provides a brief overview of the steps involved in creating a nonprofit business plan.

Nonprofit Business Plan Development: From Vision, Mission and Values to Implementation

This guide provides an overview of the steps in the planning process, (including SWOT analysis), vision and mission statement development, and goal setting.

Nonprofit Incorporating

This full-text article by Donald A. Griesman goes into detail on the process of starting a nonprofit organization. Beginning on page 10, he describes the elements of a business plan for a new nonprofit.

Nonprofit vs. Traditional Business Plans

Entrepreneur.com offers some information on the differences between a nonprofit and traditional business plan.

Social Enterprise Business Plan

This outline was developed for nonprofit organizations wishing to embark on earned income ventures with a business model.

Business Planning (for nonprofits or for-profits)

This site provides an overview of business planning, with a special section focusing on nonprofits. Includes sample nonprofit business plans.

Free Nonprofit Sample Business Plans

Foundation Center does not endorse the business planning software sold on this site, but the sample nonprofit business plans provided are helpful and quite comprehensive.

Sample Nonprofit Business Plans

Along with a link to its full-text article titled “Business Planning for Nonprofits: What It Is and Why It Matters,” the Bridgespan Group gives links to 3 sample nonprofit business plans.

Business Planning for Nonprofits

Provides a listing of suggested resources on business and strategic planning for nonprofit organizations.

Business Planning Tools for Non-Profit Organizations

Offers advice on strategic plans, business plans & feasibility studies, as well as information on financial options, assessing funding sources. Extensive information on planning volunteer programs as well.

Write Your Business Plan

Though not geared specifically to nonprofits, these resources from the SBA cover in detail the elements that should be included in any kind of business plan.

Staff-recommended books

The Nonprofit Business Plan

The Nonprofit Business Plan

Find: Amazon | Free eBook

Business Plans Handbook: Non-Profit

Business Plans Handbook: Non-Profit

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Nonprofit business plan template

Success doesn’t just happen—it’s planned. Stay focused on the work that supports your nonprofit’s mission with a business plan template.

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Like any business, nonprofits rely on business plans to get funding and stay on mission. But even though they often operate like a traditional for-profit organization, nonprofits need their business plans to highlight slightly different aspects of their organization. Showing cash spend becomes very important when you’re a nonprofit, so donors, board members, and government agencies recognize that you’re putting your money where your mission is. Here, we’ll show you what to include in your own custom nonprofit template, and how to use it to move your mission forward. 

[Product ui] Nonprofit business plan project in Asana, spreadsheet-style project view (List)

What is a nonprofit business plan template

A nonprofit business plan template provides a strategic overview of your nonprofit. It’s a breakdown of all higher-level information about your organization, such as the board of directors and your core mission. Use your nonprofit business plan template to give your staff, the board, potential donors, and government funding agencies an overview of your mission and strategies.

Nonprofit business plan vs. strategic plan template

Both business and strategic plan templates share certain sections, such as your core mission. However, your nonprofit business plan template should also include relevant action plans , such as your fundraising plan and marketing strategy. Normally, you share your business plan with internal and partner stakeholders as opposed to the general public. Think of your nonprofit business plan as a roadmap or higher-level operational plan—it tells you what you’re currently doing to pursue your mission, and the steps you’re taking to go even further.

Why nonprofit business plan templates are important 

Nonprofits know how to do more with less—a nonprofit business plan template will outline how. There are many benefits to creating your own, including:

Transparency. Visibility is a crucial piece of engaging with donors and board members. Nonprofit business plans showcase the work you’re doing and why others should care.

Reduce work about work . Nonprofits don’t always have the same resources as for-profit companies. As a result, freeing up time for your employees to work on their highest-impact tasks is critical—not just for your bottom line, but for your overall mission. 

One source of truth. As a nonprofit, you’re constantly fielding requests for information about your finances, mission, and structure. When compiled with project management software , you can create and share your nonprofit business plan template with anyone who asks, without any additional work on your end.

Save 50% on Asana

Partner with Asana to put more resources toward your mission. The Asana for Nonprofits program helps nonprofits do more mission-critical work. Qualified organizations can save 50% on a one-year subscription, plus get numerous free Asana resources.

How to create your non-profit business plan template

Your nonprofit business plan template should include all relevant information about how your organization operates. If you’re using a digital tool, such as project management software , be sure to attach relevant documents and projects. Your template is essentially your nonprofit business plan outline that you’ll fill in during your planning process. 

As you’re going through your nonprofit business plan template, make sure to include the following sections so you can get the most from your template.

Non-profit description

Describe the basics of your organizational structure. Include:

Executive summary

Mission and vision statement

Community benefit

Staff and management team

Board of directors


List any items related to what you do as an organization, including reports that demonstrate results. For example, you can include: 

Core problem we solve

Demographics we reach

Past results

Business model

Marketing plan

This is a space for your marketing strategy (the methods you'll use to reach your target audience) and the analyses you used to build that strategy. Here, you can attach: 

Target market research 

Target audience and social media messaging 

Market analysis (including a competitive analysis)

Your positioning (on hot button issues related to your mission)

Outreach plan

Financial plan

Nonprofits need to be very clear with how they spend money. Being transparent with your financial statements restores confidence for potential donors, so you can hit your fundraising goals and boost financial projections. Here’s what to include in this section:

Income statements

Cash flow statements

Grant management plan

Fundraising plan and projections

Integrated features

List View . List View is a grid-style view that makes it easy to see all of your project’s information at a glance. Like a to-do list or a spreadsheet, List View displays all of your tasks at once so you can not only see task titles and due dates, but also view any relevant custom fields like Priority, Status, or more. Unlock effortless collaboration by giving your entire team visibility into who’s doing what by when.

Goals . Goals in Asana directly connect to the work you’re doing to hit them, making it easy for team members to see what they’re working towards. More often than not, our goals live separate from the work that goes into achieving them. By connecting your team and company goals to the work that supports them, team members have real-time insight and clarity into how their work directly contributes to your team—and company—success. As a result, team members can make better decisions. If necessary, they can identify the projects that support the company’s strategy and prioritize work that delivers measurable results.

Milestones . Milestones represent important project checkpoints. By setting milestones throughout your project, you can let your team members and project stakeholders know how you’re pacing towards your goal. Use milestones as a chance to celebrate the little wins on the path towards the big project goal.

Custom fields . Custom fields are the best way to tag, sort, and filter work. Create unique custom fields for any information you need to track—from priority and status to email or phone number. Use custom fields to sort and schedule your to-dos so you know what to work on first. Plus, share custom fields across tasks and projects to ensure consistency across your organization.

Google Workplace . Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Google Workplace file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane. Easily attach any My Drive file with just a few clicks.

OneDrive . Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Microsoft OneDrive file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane. Easily attach files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.

Dropbox . Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Dropbox file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane.

Slack . Turn ideas, work requests, and action items from Slack into trackable tasks and comments in Asana. Go from quick questions and action items to tasks with assignees and due dates. Easily capture work so requests and to-dos don’t get lost in Slack.

How do you write a nonprofit business plan template? .css-i4fobf{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 200ms ease-in-out;transition:transform 200ms ease-in-out;-webkit-transform:rotateZ(0);-moz-transform:rotateZ(0);-ms-transform:rotateZ(0);transform:rotateZ(0);}

First, create your template including sections for your executive summary, mission statement and purpose, marketing plans, and finances. Then when you’re ready to write your nonprofit business plan, fill in the blanks and customize it to fit your organization.

Do nonprofits have business plans?

Yes, nonprofits often have business plans. Nonprofit business plans provide a structured overview of your nonprofit strategies, and can be used to share your accomplishments and goals with stakeholders . You only have to create your nonprofit business plan template once—then you can reuse it every time you need to create a new nonprofit business plan.

How do nonprofit business plans help corporations get involved in nonprofit organizations?

Nonprofit business plans show corporations your organization’s impact, including how you’re spending any potential money they donate to you. Often, corporations want to see the numbers before they decide to invest in a nonprofit, and a nonprofit business plan can help you share that information.

What should be in a nonprofit business plan template?

Include all higher-level summaries of your nonprofit, plus actionable plans like your executive summary, mission and purpose, marketing strategy, and financial plans.

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The best nonprofit business plan template

create a non profit business plan

If you’re looking to start a new charity but don’t know where to start, a nonprofit business plan template can help. There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations registered in the US. While it’s awesome that there are so many charitable orgs, unfortunately, many of them struggle to keep their doors open.

Like any other business, a nonprofit needs to prepare for the unexpected. Even without a global pandemic, strategic planning is crucial for a nonprofit to succeed.

In this article, we’ll look at why a business plan is important for nonprofit organizations and what details to include in your business plan. To get you started, our versatile nonprofit business plan template is ready for you to download to turn your nonprofit dreams into a reality.

Get the template

What is a nonprofit business plan template?

A nonprofit business plan template is not that different from a regular, profit-oriented business plan template. It can even focus on financial gain — as long as it specifies how to use that excess for the greater good.

A nonprofit business plan template includes fields that cover the foundational elements of a business plan, including:

  • The overarching purpose of your nonprofit
  • Its long and short-term goals
  • An outline of how you’ll achieve these goals

The template also controls the general layout of the business plan, like recommended headings, sub-headings, and questions. But what’s the point? Let’s dive into the benefits a business plan template offers nonprofits.

Download Excel template

Why use a nonprofit business plan template?

To get your nonprofit business plans in motion, templates can:

Provide direction

If you’ve decided to start a nonprofit, you’re likely driven by passion and purpose. Although nonprofits are generally mission-driven, they’re still businesses. And that means you need to have a working business model. A template will give your ideas direction and encourage you to put your strategic thinking cap on.

Help you secure funding

One of the biggest reasons for writing a nonprofit business plan is to attract investment. After all, without enough funding , it’s nearly impossible to get your business off the ground. There’s simply no business without capital investment, and that’s even more true for nonprofits that rarely sell products.

Stakeholders and potential investors will need to assess the feasibility of your nonprofit business. You can encourage them to invest by presenting them with a well-written, well-thought-out business plan with all the necessary details — and a template lays the right foundation.

Facilitate clear messaging

One of the essential characteristics of any business plan — nonprofits included — is transparency around what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. A nebulous statement with grandiose aspirations but no practical plan won’t inspire confidence.

Instead, you should create a clear and concise purpose statement that sums up your goals and planned action steps. A good template will help you maintain a strong purpose statement and use clear messaging throughout.

Of course, there are different types of nonprofit plan templates you can use, depending on the kind of business plan you want to draw up.

What are some examples of a nonprofit business plan template?

From summary nonprofit plans to all encompassing strategies, check out a few sample business plan templates for different nonprofit use cases.

Summary nonprofit business plan template

New nonprofit ventures in the early stages of development can use this business plan template. It’s created to put out feelers to see if investors are interested in your idea. For example, you may want to start an animal shelter in your community, but aren’t sure if it’s a viable option due to a lack of funds. You’d use a summary business plan template to gauge interest in your nonprofit.

Full nonprofit business plan template

In this scenario, you have already laid the foundations for your nonprofit. You’re now at a point where you need financing to get your nonprofit off the ground.

This template is much longer than a summary and includes all the sections of a nonprofit business plan including the:

Executive summary

  • Nonprofit description
  • Needs analysis
  • Product/service
  • Marketing strategy
  • Management team & board
  • Human resource needs

It also typically includes a variety of documents that back up your market research and financial situation.

Operational nonprofit business plan template

This type of business plan template is extremely detail-oriented and outlines your nonprofit’s daily operations. It acts as an in-depth guide for who does what, how they should do it, and when they should do it.

An operational nonprofit business plan is written for your internal team rather than external parties like investors or board members.

Convinced to give a business plan template a go? Lucky for you, our team has created the perfect option for nonprofits.

monday.com’s nonprofit business plan template

At monday.com, we understand that starting a nonprofit business can feel overwhelming — scrambling to line up investors, arranging fundraising events, filing federal forms, and more. Because we want you and your nonprofit to succeed, we’ve created a customizable template to get you started. It’s right inside our Work OS , a digital platform that helps you effectively manage every aspect of your work — from budgets and high-level plans to individual to-do lists.

create a non profit business plan

Here’s what you can do on our template:

Access all your documents from one central location

Besides a business plan, starting a nonprofit requires a lot of other documentation. Supporting documents include a cash flow statement or a general financial statement, resumes of founders, and letters of support.

monday.com’s Work OS lets you store all these essential documents in one centralized location. That means you don’t need to open several tabs or run multiple programs to view your information. On monday.com, you can quickly and easily access documents and share them with potential investors and donors. Security features also help you control access to any board or document, only letting invited people or employees view or edit them. By keeping everything in one place, you save time on tracking down rogue files or statements and can focus on what really matters, such as running your nonprofit.

Turn your business plan into action

With monday.com’s nonprofit business plan template, you can seamlessly transform your plan into actionable tasks. After all, it’s going to take more than some sound strategic planning to bring your nonprofit to life.

create a non profit business plan

Based on your business plan, you have the power to create interactive vision boards, calendars, timelines, cards, charts, and more. Because delegation is key, assign tasks to any of your team members from your main board. You can even set up notification automations so that everyone stays up to date with their responsibilities. Plus, to make sure the team stays on track, you can use the Progress Tracking Column that shows you the percent to completion of tasks based on the different status columns of your board.

Keep your finger on the pulse

From budgets to customer satisfaction, you need to maintain a high-level overview of your nonprofit’s key metrics.

monday.com keeps you well-informed on the status of your nonprofit’s progress, all on one platform. With customizable dashboards — for example, a real-time overview of donations received and projects completed — and visually appealing views, you can make confident decisions on how to take your nonprofit business forward.

Now that you have the template, let’s cover each section and how to fill it out correctly.

Essential sections of a nonprofit business plan template

So what exactly goes into a nonprofit business plan? Let’s take a look at the different sections you’ll find in most templates.

This is a concise summary of your business at the beginning of your plan. It should be both inspired and to the point. The executive summary is typically two pages long and dedicates about two sentences to each section of the plan.

Organization overview

This section gives some background on your company and summarizes the goal of your business. At the same time, it should touch on other important factors like your action plan for attracting potential external stakeholders. You can think of an organization overview as a mission statement and company description rolled into one.

Products, programs, and services

Any business exists to provide products, programs, and services — perhaps with a focus on the latter two for nonprofits. Your business plan should outline what you are bringing to your community. This will influence your target market , potential investors, and marketing strategies.

Marketing plan

An effective marketing strategy is the cornerstone of any successful business. Your marketing plan will identify your target audience and how you plan to reach them. It deals with pricing structures while also assessing customer engagement levels.

Operational plan

The operational plan describes the steps a company will take over a certain period. It focuses on the day-to-day aspects of the business, like what tasks need to be done and who is responsible for what. The operational section of a business plan works closely with strategic planning.

Competitive analysis

Even nonprofits face competition from other nonprofits with similar business profiles. A market analysis looks at the strengths and weaknesses of competing businesses and where you fit in. This section should include a strategy to overtake competitors in the market. There are many formats and templates you can use here, for example, a SWOT analysis .

Financial plan

Your financial plan should be a holistic image of your company’s financial status and financial goals. As well as your fundraising plan , make sure to include details like cash flow, investments, insurance, debt, and savings.

Before we wrap up, we’ll address some commonly asked questions about nonprofit business plan templates.

FAQs about nonprofit business plan templates

How do you write a business plan for a nonprofit.

The best way to write a nonprofit business plan is with a template so that you don’t leave anything out. Our template has all the sections ready for you to fill in, combined with features of a cutting-edge Work OS.

For some extra tips, take a look at our advice on how to write a business plan . We’ve detailed the various elements involved in business planning processes and how these should be structured.

How many pages should a nonprofit business plan be?

Business plans don’t have to be excessively long. Remember that concise communication is optimal. As a rule of thumb — and this will vary depending on the complexity and size of your business plan — a nonprofit business plan is typically between seven and thirty pages long.

What is a nonprofit business plan called?

A nonprofit business plan is called just that — a ‘nonprofit business plan.’ You may think that its nonprofit element makes it very different from a profit-oriented plan. But it is essentially the same type of document.

What is the best business structure for a nonprofit?

The consensus is that a corporation is the most appropriate and effective structure for a nonprofit business.

How do you start a nonprofit with no money?

Creating a business plan and approaching potential investors, aka donators, is the best way to start a nonprofit business if you don’t have the funds yourself.

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How to Write a Non Profit Business Plan: Step by Step Guide

create a non profit business plan

July 6, 2023

Adam Hoeksema

Does a non profit really need a business plan?  Your organization isn’t a “normal” business after all, you are pursuing a mission, so shouldn’t the business plan just be to pursue the mission of the organization?  

Also, is there really such a thing as a “non profit business plan”?  Non profit organizations are so diverse in their business models.  For example, the financial model for a church based on donations is quite different than a non profit healthcare provider financial model based on provided health care services.  

Since the only common attribute among non profits is that they are pursuing a mission rather than a profit for shareholders, the size, scope and type of a business plan that your non profit might need can vary dramatically.  

In this article I hope to cover the following:

  • Why write a business plan for a non-profit?
  • What should be included in a non-profit business plan?
  • Non-profit business plan outline
  • Do non-profits have competitors?
  • How to analyze the competition for a non-profit?
  • How big is the market for my non-profit?
  • How to market a non-profit?
  • How to structure a non-profit board?
  • How to create financial projections for a non-profit?
  • Non-profit business plan example
  • Non-profit business plan FAQs

With that in mind as the path forward, let’s dive in. 

Why write a business plan for a non profit? 

Writing a business plan for a non-profit organization has several important benefits and can serve as a key tool in achieving the organization's goals. Here are a few reasons why writing a business plan for a non-profit is essential:

  • Clarity and Direction: A business plan helps define the mission, vision, and values of the organization. It provides a clear roadmap outlining the steps to be taken to achieve these goals, and the strategies and tactics to be used.
  • Operational Planning: A business plan includes operational details, including organizational structure, staffing needs, resource allocation, and day-to-day operations. This information is essential for the smooth and efficient running of the organization.
  • Financial Planning: Non-profits need financial management and planning as much as for-profit businesses. A business plan outlines the financial needs of the organization, budgeting, funding sources, and expenditure, which helps in ensuring financial sustainability.
  • Fundraising Tool: A well-structured business plan can be a crucial tool when seeking funding from donors, grantmakers, or sponsors. It demonstrates to potential funders that the organization is well-organized, has a clear mission, and is likely to be successful in its endeavours.
  • Performance Measurement: The business plan sets clear objectives, goals, and milestones that enable the organization to measure its progress. This information can be used to make necessary adjustments to strategies or operations to improve performance.
  • Stakeholder Communication: A business plan is a formal document that communicates the organization's purpose, strategies, and financial plans to various stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, board members, donors, and beneficiaries.

What should be included in a non profit business plan? 

It is difficult to give you a one size fits all answer for what should be included in a non profit business plan because as we have mentioned every non profit has a different model.  So you really need to customize your business plan to your non profit’s unique situation.  That being said, we did put together an outline of a generic non profit business plan which should at least give you a good head start. 

Non profit business plan outline

1. executive summary.

1.1 Organization Overview

1.2. Objectives

1.3. Mission Statement

2. Organization Description

2.1. Organization History

2.2. Legal Structure

2.3. Unique Value Proposition

2.4. Target Beneficiaries

3. Market Analysis

3.1. industry overview, 3.2. collaborator and competitor identification.

3.3. Target Beneficiaries

Key Point  1

4. marketing and fundraising, 4.1. strategic plan.

4.2. Program or Service Offerings:

4.4. Distribution Channels

4.5. promotions and fundraising, key point  2, 5. organizational structure and management, 5.1. organization’s facility & location, 5.2. staffing plan and volunteer management.

5.3. Governance, Financial Management, and Accountability

Key Point  3

6. financial plan.

6.1. Startup Costs

6.3. Expense Projections

6.4. profit and loss statement, 6.5. cash flow projections, 6.6. break-even analysis, 7. appendix.

7.1. Supporting Documents

7.2. Glossary of Term

7.3. References and Resources

Key Point  5

Do non profits have competitors .

You might be tempted to think that non profit organizations don’t have competition because you are just all out to support the mission.  Although you can certainly work toward the same goal, as an organization you still have competition.  A non profit church may be competing for church members in a sense, a non profit university is competing for students, and a non profit health care system is competing to recruit the best doctors and employees.  

How to analyze the competition for a non profit?

One way to analyze your competition might be to use a tool like Ahrefs.com which allows you to input an organizations website and see roughly how much website traffic they get and what keywords are driving traffic to their website.  My alma mater is Taylor University.  Ahrefs shows that their website receives roughly 25,000 visitors per month from organic search results.  

A screenshot of a graphDescription automatically generated

Furthermore I can do a keyword report and see that they are ranking first for a competitive keyword like “Christian University Indiana” which sends them roughly 34 organic website visitors per month.

create a non profit business plan

How big is the market for my a non profit?

Ahrefs is also a great tool to understand how big the market might be for your particular non profit.  For example, we can see that there are only 350 people searching for “Christian colleges in Indiana” per month, so the total market of people searching for an organization like Taylor University is relatively small.  If you are starting a church you could run a report for keywords like “church in XYZ city” which would help you understand that number of people searching for a church in your area.  

How to market a non profit?

By doing competitor and keyword research for your market on Ahrefs, you should now have a good idea of how your competitors are attracting customers / beneficiaries and you can look for opportunities to compete in that market.  You can then advertise for certain keywords, write content or blog posts related to the keywords that your target market is searching for, and you can try to replicate or improve upon strategies that appear to be working for your competitors. 

How to structure a non profit board?

Structuring a nonprofit board involves considering a number of elements, including board size, member composition, board officer roles, committees, and member terms. Here are some guidelines for how you can structure a nonprofit board:

  • Board Size : The size of a board should be dictated by the needs and capacity of the organization. Smaller nonprofits may only need a board of five to seven people, while larger organizations may require 20 or more. As a general rule, a board should be large enough to carry out its duties, but small enough for effective discussions and decision-making.
  • Member Composition : The board should consist of individuals who bring a variety of skills and perspectives to the organization. This can include people with financial, legal, and managerial expertise, as well as those with knowledge of the organization's mission and community. It can also be beneficial to include individuals who reflect the demographics of the community the nonprofit serves.
  • Board Officer Roles : Nonprofit boards typically have at least three officers: a Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Chair presides over meetings and guides the direction of the board. The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of board actions, and the Treasurer oversees the financial management of the organization. Some boards may also have a Vice Chair to support the Chair in their duties.
  • Committees : Committees can be useful for handling specific aspects of board governance. Common nonprofit board committees include the Executive Committee (made up of board officers), the Finance Committee, the Governance or Board Development Committee (which handles board recruitment and training), and the Fundraising or Development Committee. There may also be ad hoc committees set up to handle specific projects or initiatives.
  • Member Terms : Board members usually serve for specific terms, which can range from one to four years. Some organizations use staggered terms, where a portion of the board is up for re-election each year, to ensure continuity. There may also be term limits, which can help to ensure fresh perspectives on the board.
  • Board Member Roles and Responsibilities : It's important to establish clear roles and responsibilities for board members. This can include setting strategic direction, ensuring financial oversight, hiring and evaluating the executive director, fundraising, and acting as ambassadors for the organization.
  • Board Meetings : Regular board meetings are crucial for decision-making and governance. The frequency of these meetings will depend on the organization's needs, but many boards meet quarterly. The board may also meet in special sessions as needed.
  • Board Evaluation and Training : Regular evaluations can help ensure that the board is functioning effectively and meeting its responsibilities. This can include individual self-assessments as well as full board evaluations. In addition, ongoing board training can help to ensure that members understand their roles and responsibilities.

Remember, each nonprofit organization is unique and may have different needs and requirements when it comes to board structure. It's important to create a structure that works best for your particular organization, in compliance with any applicable local, state, or national laws.

How to Create Financial Projections for a Nonprofit Business Plan

Just like in any industry, the non-profit sector has its own unique factors that impact financial projections, such as fundraising efforts, grant opportunities, and donor contributions. Utilizing a non-profit financial projection template can simplify the process and boost your confidence. Creating precise financial projections goes beyond demonstrating your organization's ability to secure funding; it's about showcasing the financial path that will enable you to achieve your mission and make a positive impact. To develop accurate projections, consider the following key steps:

  • Estimate startup costs for your non-profit, including administrative expenses, program development, and marketing efforts.
  • Forecast revenue sources such as grants, donations, fundraising events, and membership fees.
  • Project program costs
  • Estimate operating expenses like office rent, utilities, insurance, and professional services.
  • Calculate the amount of funding needed to launch and sustain your non-profit's activities.

While financial projections are vital for your non-profit business plan, remember to seek guidance from experienced professionals who understand the non-profit landscape. Adapt your projections based on real-world insights and leverage industry resources to refine your financial plan, ensuring you can effectively execute your organization's mission and achieve your desired outcomes.

Example Non Profit Business Plan

Below is the content of our sample non profit business plan . A Google Doc version of this nonprofit business plan template is available here for you to modify and personalize. There's also a video walkthrough available to guide you in tailoring the business plan to your specific nonprofit organization's needs.

Table of Contents

1. organization overview.

Briefly introduce the organization's background,  programs, and target market.

      -  Example: Safe Haven is a non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and providing accessible counseling services to underserved communities

   1.2. Objectives

Outlines the organization's short-term and long-term goals.

        - Example:  Increase the number of counseling sessions offered by 25% within the next six months to meet the growing demand for accessible mental health services in underserved communities.

        - Example: Long-term: Establish satellite centers in neighboring cities within three years to expand the reach of Save Haven's mental health programs and services to a wider population.

  1.3. Mission Statement

 Describes the organization's purpose and core values.

        - Example:  Empowering underserved communities by promoting mental health awareness and providing accessible counseling services for all.

   2.1. Organization History

Provides context on the organization's background and founding story.

        - Example: Established in 2010 by Andy Mitchell and a group of passionate professionals and activists, Safe Haven is a mental health organization dedicated to providing accessible counseling services. Through community partnerships and continuous growth, we have made a lasting impact on mental health awareness and support.

   2.2. Legal Structure

 Describes the organization's legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation).

        - Example: Safe Haven operates as a non-profit organization registered as a 501(c)(3).

 2.3. Unique Value Proposition

  Emphasizes the organization's competitive advantage or unique values.

        - Example: Safe Haven stands out by offering collaborative mental health care, bringing together a multidisciplinary team of professionals who work together to foster holistic well-being and resilience in individuals and communities.

  2.4. Target Beneficiaries

Defines the organization's ideal beneficiary base.

        - Example: Safe Haven aims to serve underserved communities, including individuals from low-income backgrounds, marginalized groups, and those facing barriers to mental health services. 

  Presents a general overview of the industry, its trends, and growth potential.

        - Example: The mental health industry is experiencing significant growth and increased awareness due to a growing recognition of the importance of mental well-being. Safe Haven aims to leverage this trend and contribute to the industry by providing accessible counseling services and promoting mental health awareness in underserved communities.

 Identification of similar non-profit organizations and potential collaborators

        - Example: Direct competitors: Compassionate Minds: A non-profit organization providing mental health services and counseling operating in the same region as Safe Haven.

        - Example: Indirect competitors: Mental Health Foundation: A national non-profit organization focusing on advocacy and awareness, partnering with various stakeholders to promote mental well-being.

3.3. Target Beneficiaries 

Explores the organization's target beneficiaries, demographics, preferences, and pain points.

        - Example: Our programs and services primarily target low-income families and individuals residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with a focus on marginalized communities, such as homeless individuals, domestic violence survivors, and immigrant populations.

create a non profit business plan

  • Example 1: Localized research findings reveal a significant increase in mental health awareness and a growing demand for accessible and affordable mental health services in the community.
  • Example 2: Analysis of demographic data indicates a high prevalence of mental health concerns among underserved populations, highlighting the urgent need for targeted intervention programs.

Describes the action plans, timelines, and key milestones for your organization

Describes the organization's programs or services in detail.

        - Example: Secure sustainable funding through grant applications, fundraising events, and community partnerships 

Key Milestone: Raise a minimum of $100,000 in grant funding within the first year.

        - Example: Develop and implement mental health awareness campaigns in collaboration with local community organizations within the first year of operation, starting from Month 1.

Key Milestone: Launch the first mental health awareness campaign within 6 months.

        - Example: Recruit and train a team of licensed mental health professionals to offer counseling services within the first year of operation, starting from Month 1.

4.2. Program or Service Offerings: 

        - Example: Save Haven offers a comprehensive range of services including individual counseling, group therapy, group therapy, crisis intervention, and support groups.

 Describes the methods through which the organization will deliver its programs or services to beneficiaries.

        - Example: Safe Haven employs a multi-channel distribution approach, utilizing remote counseling, and community partnerships with schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities.

 Details of the organization's promotional efforts and advertising strategies.

        - Example: Safe Haven employs a comprehensive promotional strategy encompassing online presence through its website and social media platforms, active community outreach at events and health fairs, partnerships with local media outlets, and collaborations with healthcare professionals and community organizations to ensure a continuous flow of individuals seeking mental health support.

create a non profit business plan

  • Example 1: Safe Haven plans to collaborate with local schools to provide mental health education programs and workshops to students, empowering them with essential skills and knowledge for mental well-being.
  • Example 2: The organization aims to establish partnerships with community centers and faith-based organizations to create safe spaces for support groups, fostering a sense of belonging and social connection among individuals facing mental health challenges.
  • Example 3: Organize a grand opening event offering free washes and dryer credits, attracting over 200 local residents and generating buzz through word-of-mouth referrals.

 Specify the organization's premises used to carry out its activities, programs, and services. I

        - Example: Save Haven operates from a welcoming and serene facility located in the heart of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The facility comprises modern counseling rooms, a comfortable waiting area, and administrative offices, creating a safe and supportive environment for individuals seeking mental health services.

  Involves the systematic approach of recruiting, coordinating, and supporting volunteers and staff

        - Example: Safe Haven implements a comprehensive staffing plan that includes recruiting, training, and retaining qualified staff members to ensure the effective delivery of programs and services. Additionally, the organization establishes a volunteer management system to engage and support volunteers in their roles, providing them with meaningful opportunities to contribute to the mission.

5.3. Governance, Financial Management, and Accountability:

 Involves the effective and responsible management of financial resources to support the organization's operations 

        - Example: Safe Haven upholds strong policies and procedures to ensure responsible governance, financial management, and accountability, including clear guidelines for board members, transparent financial reporting, and performance evaluations to continually improve its impact and stakeholder satisfaction.

create a non profit business plan

  • The team at Safe Haven comprises licensed mental health professionals with extensive experience in trauma-informed care, ensuring high-quality and compassionate support for individuals affected by adverse life experiences.
  • Our board members bring diverse backgrounds in psychology, social work, and public health, offering a comprehensive perspective on addressing mental health disparities and promoting holistic well-being.

All of the unique Non-Profit projections you see here were generated using ProjectionHub’s Non-Profit Financial Projection Template . Use PH20BP to enjoy a 20% discount on the template. 

   6.1. Startup Costs

  Provide a detailed breakdown of the total startup costs requirements, and where you plan for those funds to come from. You will also want to break down how the startup costs will be used including working capital to cover losses before the business breaks even.

        - Example: Save Haven's total startup costs are estimated at $150,000. The organization has raised $125,000 through fundraising and donations, and they are seeking an additional $25,000 to cover the remaining expenses.

create a non profit business plan

Watch how to create financial projections for your Non-Profit

create a non profit business plan

6.2. Revenue Projections

Provide an estimate of the organization's future revenue based on market research and assumptions.

        - Example:  Save Haven projects a steady increase in revenue over the next five years, with anticipated amounts of $509,060 in 2023,  in the first year.

create a non profit business plan

 Estimates the organization's future expenses, including fixed and variable costs.

        - Example: Save Haven has estimated its operating expenses, including direct expenses, fundraising costs, sales and marketing expenses, general and administrative costs, research and development expenses, programming costs, salaries, interest and taxes, loan principal, and leasehold improvements.

create a non profit business plan

Summarizes the organization's financial position and expenses, over a specific period.

        - Example: Save Haven anticipates an initial net loss in 2023 due to startup expenses and infrastructure investments. However, the organization projects a positive net income in the following years, demonstrating a consistent and promising financial growth trajectory.

create a non profit business plan

 Outlines the organization's projected cash inflows and outflows.

        - Example: Save Haven's cash flow projections factor in expected fluctuations in cash inflows and outflows, ensuring effective financial management and stability.

create a non profit business plan

  Determines the point at which the organization's revenue equals its expenses.

        - Example: Save Haven's break-even analysis indicates that the organization is expected to reach a point of revenue equaling expenses within a relatively short timeframe, highlighting its potential for early profitability.

create a non profit business plan

Key Point 4

create a non profit business plan

  • Example 1: Safe Haven's financial projections align with industry benchmarks, with operating costs accounting for a realistic percentage of total revenue based on similar non-profit mental health organizations.
  • Example 2: The organization conducts thorough market research to identify potential revenue streams, such as government grants, corporate partnerships, and individual donations, ensuring a diversified and sustainable funding base.

   7.1. Supporting Documents

 Includes any relevant documentation that supports the information presented in the business plan, such as resumes, financial projections, market research data, and permits or licenses.

   7.2. Glossary of Term

 Provides definitions for industry-specific terms used throughout the business plan to ensure reader comprehension.

   7.3. References and Resources

Lists any sources or resources referenced during the preparation of the business plan, including industry reports, market research data, and relevant publications.

create a non profit business plan

  • Example 1: The founders of Safe Haven have personally invested their own resources and time into establishing the organization, demonstrating a strong commitment to its mission and the community it serves.
  • Example 2: Safe Haven's leadership team actively participates in mental health advocacy initiatives and professional development opportunities, continuously enhancing their expertise and dedication to improving mental health outcomes.

Nonprofit Business Plan FAQs

How do i start a non-profit organization.

To start a non-profit organization, you'll need to define your mission, create a board of directors, file the necessary paperwork with the government, develop a fundraising strategy, and establish policies and procedures for your organization's operations.

How can I fundraise for my non-profit?

You can fundraise for your non-profit by organizing events, applying for grants, seeking corporate sponsorships, launching online crowdfunding campaigns, cultivating individual donor relationships, and exploring partnerships with other organizations.

What are the key elements of a successful non-profit strategic plan?

A successful non-profit strategic plan should include a clear mission and vision, goals and objectives, an analysis of the target community or cause, strategies for fundraising and program implementation, and a monitoring and evaluation framework.

How can I measure the impact of my non-profit's programs?

To measure the impact of your non-profit's programs, establish specific metrics and evaluation methods, conduct surveys or interviews with beneficiaries, track outcomes and outputs, and use data to inform program improvements and report to stakeholders.

What legal requirements do I need to comply with as a non-profit?

Legal requirements for non-profits may include obtaining tax-exempt status, filing annual reports, adhering to accounting and financial regulations, ensuring transparency in governance, and complying with any specific regulations related to your non-profit's activities.

About the Author

Adam is the Co-founder of ProjectionHub which helps entrepreneurs create financial projections for potential investors, lenders and internal business planning. Since 2012, over 50,000 entrepreneurs from around the world have used ProjectionHub to help create financial projections.

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3 Sample Nonprofit Business Plans For Inspiration

sample nonprofit business plans

Download our Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template here

Below are sample plans to help guide you in writing a nonprofit business plan.

  • Example #1 – Kids Are Our First Priority (KAOFP) – a Nonprofit Youth Organization based in Chicago, IL
  • Example #2 – Church of the Sacred Heart – a Nonprofit Church based in St. Louis, MO
  • Example #3 – Finally Home – a Nonprofit Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles, CA

Sample Nonprofit Business Plan #1 – Kids Are Our First Priority (KAOFP) – a Nonprofit Youth Organization based in Chicago, IL

Executive summary.

Kids Are Our First Priority (KAOFP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit youth organization that seeks to provide opportunities for students who might otherwise not have access to the arts and humanities. We believe all students should have the opportunity to discover and develop their interests and talents, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location. We offer completely free after-school programming in music production, digital photography, creative writing, and leadership development to 12-18-year-olds at risk of dropping out of high school.

Our organization has been active for over five years and has run highly successful programs at two schools in the city of Chicago. We have been awarded an active grant from a local foundation for this coming year, but we will need to cover all costs on our own after that point. Nonprofit administrators have seen a lot of turnovers, leaving the organization without a sustainable plan for reaching its goals.

Organization Overview

The Kids Are Our First Priority (KAOFP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit youth organization with a mission to provide opportunities for development and self-expression to students who might otherwise not have access. Audiences include at-risk, low-income students from elementary through high school in the Chicago area.

Our programs are built around creative learning with two goals: firstly, creating a space for learning and growth; secondly, encouraging students to share their work with the world.

KAOFP runs three different programs in partnership with closely related nonprofit organizations, providing after-school programming for elementary, middle, and high school-aged children. Programs take place twice a week at different schools around Chicago. While each program is unique in its goals and activities, all programs focus on creative development in the arts and humanities.

Products, Programs, and Services

The three programs offered by KAOFP are Leadership Development (LD), Creative Writing (CW), and Music Production (MP). Students learn in small groups led by skilled instructors. All activities are designed to encourage student engagement, creativity, expression, and community building. Instructors encourage students to share their work with the world through presentations on- and off-site.

Leadership Development (LD)

The Leadership Development program is designed to provide leadership opportunities for high school students who might not otherwise have access to these experiences. Students learn about facilitation, collaboration, communication, and organizational skills as they plan and run projects of their own design. The program’s goal is to provide a structured environment that encourages students to become more confident and comfortable being leaders in their schools, communities, and future careers.

Creative Writing (CW)

Students learn how to use writing creatively as a tool for expression, discovery, and communication. In small groups led by skilled instructors, students write poetry, short stories, and essays of their own design. They also learn about the publishing industry, read each others’ work, and share their writing with the community.

Music Production (MP)

Students learn how to use digital media as a tool for expression, discovery, and communication. In weekly sessions led by skilled instructors, students explore music production through computer software and recording equipment. Students produce their own music and write about their experiences in weekly journals. Industry professionals in the community often volunteer to lead special workshops and seminars.

Industry Analysis

The youth arts and humanities field is extremely competitive. There are many different types of nonprofit organizations doing similar work, but few credible providers with long-term commitments to their communities. KAOFP’s greatest strengths and competitive advantages are our stable and qualified staff, a strong foundation of funding and community support, and a diverse set of programs.

Our biggest competitors include national non-profits with large budgets for advertising and marketing as well as commercial programs that offer music lessons and creative writing courses which may be more cost-effective than our programs. We feel that by focusing on specific areas of creative expression, KAOFP can better serve its communities and differentiate itself from other nonprofit organizations effectively.

Customer Analysis

KAOFP serves elementary, middle, and high school-aged students with programs that include both after-school and summer programming.

Our focus is on low-income neighborhoods with a high population of at-risk youth. In these areas, KAOFP fills a void in the education system by providing opportunities for creative expression and leadership development to students who would not otherwise have access to these resources.

The demographics of our current students are as follows:

  • 91% African-American/Black
  • 6% Hispanic/Latino
  • 5% Multiracial
  • 3.9% Low Income
  • 4.9% Not Identified

Our main target is low-income African American and Latino youth in Chicago Public Schools. We would like to expand our outreach to include other communities in need of creative enrichment opportunities.

Marketing Plan

KAOFP’s marketing program is designed to support student, parent, and staff recruitment by promoting the organization’s goals and programs. Our main target audience consists of parents seeking after-school enrichment opportunities for their children that emphasize creativity and the arts.

To reach this audience, we advertise in public schools as well as on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We intend to begin marketing online through a company-sponsored blog, which will feature regular updates about KAOFP events and activities. We also intend to use word of mouth as a form of marketing.

Strategic partnerships with local schools and community centers will provide us with additional exposure as well as additional resources to secure funding.  

Operations Plan

KAOFP’s day-to-day operation is structured around its programs on Tuesdays from 4 pm to 8 pm.

Administrative offices are located in the same space as each program, allowing instructors to closely monitor their students and provide support as needed. The administrative offices serve the essential function of fundraising, communications, record-keeping, and volunteer coordination. KAOFP’s Board of Directors meets bi-monthly to provide further leadership, guidance, and oversight to our board members and volunteers.

Customer service is conducted by phone and email during our regular business hours of Monday – Friday 9 am to 12 pm.  We are not open on weekends or holidays.

Management Team

KAOFP’s organizational structure includes a Board of Directors, an Executive Director, and Program Directors. The Board of Directors provides guidance and oversight to the organization, while the Executive Director manages day-to-day operations. The Program Directors oversee each of KAOFP’s programs.

KAOFP has a small but dedicated staff that is committed to our students and our mission. Our team has a wide range of experience in the arts, education, and nonprofit sector.

Executive Director

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management of KAOFP. This includes supervising staff, developing and implementing programs, overseeing finances, and representing the organization to the public.

Our Executive Director, Susie Brown, has been with KAOFP since its inception in 2010. She has a B.A. in Fine Arts from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago. Susie is responsible for the overall management of KAOFP, including supervising staff, developing and implementing programs, overseeing finances, and representing the organization to the public.

Program Directors

Each of KAOFP’s programs is overseen by a Program Director. The Program Directors are responsible for developing and implementing the program curricula, recruiting and training program instructors, and evaluating student progress.

Art Program Director

The Art Program Director, Rachel Smith, has a B.A. in Fine Arts from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is responsible for developing and implementing the program curricula, recruiting and training program instructors, and evaluating student progress.

Music Program Director

The Music Program Director, John Jones, has a B.A. in Music Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is responsible for developing and implementing the program curricula, recruiting and training program instructors, and evaluating student progress.

Theatre Program Director

The Theatre Program Director, Jane Doe, has a B.A. in Theatre Arts from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is responsible for developing and implementing the program curricula, recruiting and training program instructors, and evaluating student progress.

Board of Directors

KAOFP’s Board of Directors provides guidance and oversight to the organization. The Board consists of community leaders, educators, artists, and parents. Board members serve three-year terms and can be renewed for one additional term.

Financial Plan

KAOFP’s annual operating budget is approximately $60,000 per year, with an additional one-time cost of about $10,000 for the purchase of equipment and materials. The agency makes very efficient use of its resources by maintaining low overhead costs. Our biggest expense is instructor salaries, which are approximately 75% of total expenses.

Pro Forma Income Statement

Pro forma balance sheet, pro forma cash flow statement, nonprofit business plan example #2 – church of the sacred heart – a nonprofit church based in st. louis, mo.

The Church of Sacred Heart is a nonprofit organization located in St. Louis, Missouri that provides educational opportunities for low-income families. We provide the best quality of education for young children with tuition rates significantly lower than public schools. It has been voted Best Catholic Elementary School by the St Louis Post Dispatch for four years running, and it has maintained consistently high ratings of 4.5 out of 5 stars on Google Reviews since its opening in 1914.

The Church of Sacred Heart strives to build strong relationships with our community by making an impact locally but not forgetting that we operate on global principles. As such, our school commits 10% of its profits to charitable organizations throughout the world every year, while also conducting fundraisers throughout the year to keep tuition rates affordable.

We are currently transitioning from a safe, high-quality learning environment to an even more attractive facility with state-of-the-art technology and modern materials that will appeal to young students and their families. New facilities, such as additional classrooms and teachers’ lounges would allow us not only to accommodate new students but also attract current families by having more places within the school where they can spend time between classes.

By taking full advantage of available opportunities to invest in our teachers, students, and facilities, we will be able to achieve steady revenue growth at 4% per year until 20XX.

The Church of Sacred Heart provides a safe learning environment with an emphasis on strong academics and a nurturing environment that meets the needs of its young students and their families. Investing in new facilities will allow us to provide even better care for our children as we continue to grow as a school.

Mission Statement: “We will strive diligently to create a safe, respectful environment where students are encouraged and inspired to learn through faith.”

Vision Statement: “Sacred Heart believes education gives every child the opportunity to achieve their full potential.”

The Church of the Sacred Heart was built in 1914 and is located in the Old North St. Louis neighborhood, an area with a high concentration of poverty, crime, unemployment, and abandoned buildings.

The church houses the only Catholic school for low-income families in the north city; together they formed Sacred Heart’s educational center (SCE). SCE has strived to provide academic excellence to children from low-income families by providing a small, nurturing environment as well as high academic standards.

The facility is in need of renovations and new equipment to continue its mission.

The Church of the Sacred Heart is a small nonprofit organization that provides a variety of educational and community services.

The services provided by Sacred Heart represent a $5 billion industry, with nonprofit organizations accounting for $258.8 billion of that total.

The health care and social assistance sector is the largest among nonprofits, representing 32 percent of revenues, followed by educational services (18 percent), and human and other social service providers (16 percent).

The key customers for the Church of the Sacred Heart are families in need of affordable education. The number of students in the school has increased from 500 when it opened in 1914 to 1,100 at its peak during 20XX-20XX but has since declined due to various reasons.

The children at Sacred Heart are from low-income families and 91 percent qualify for free or reduced lunches. Most parents work or have a family member who works full-time, while others don’t work due to child care restraints. The number of children enrolled in Sacred Heart is stable at 1,075 students because there is a lack of affordable alternatives to Catholic education in the area.

SCE offers K-5th grade students a unique learning experience in small groups with individualized instruction.

Sacred Heart has an established brand and is well known for its high standards of academic excellence, which include a 100 percent graduation rate.

Sacred Heart attracts prospective students through promotional materials such as weekly bulletins, mailers to homes that are located in the area served, and local churches.

Parents and guardians of children enrolled in Sacred Heart are mainly referrals from current families, word-of-mouth, and parishioners who learn about the school by attending Mass at Sacred Heart.

The Church of Sacred Heart does not currently advertise; however, it is one of the few Catholic schools that serve low-income families in St. Louis, MO, and therefore uses word of mouth to attract new students to its school.

The Church of Sacred Heart has an established brand awareness within the target audience despite not having direct marketing plans or materials.

The operations section for the Church of the Sacred Heart consists of expanding its after-school program as well as revamping its facility to meet the growing demand for affordable educational services.

Sacred Heart is located in an area where more than one-third of children live below the poverty line, which helps Sacred Heart stand out among other schools that are more upscale. Expansion into after-school programs will allow it to capture a larger market share by providing additional services to its target audience.

In order to expand, Sacred Heart will have to hire additional personnel as well as invest in new equipment and supplies for both the school and the after-school program.

The Church of Sacred Heart’s financial plan includes a fundraising plan that would help renovate the building as well as acquire new equipment and supplies for the school.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, Catholic elementary schools across all grade levels spend an average of $6,910 per pupil on operating expenses. A fundraising initiative would help Sacred Heart acquire additional revenue while expanding its services to low-income families in St Louis, MO.

Financial Overview

The Church of the Sacred Heart expects to generate revenues of about $1.2 million in fiscal year 20XX, representing a growth rate of 2 percent from its 20XX revenue level. For 20XX, the church expects revenues to decrease by 4 percent due to a decline in enrollment and the lack of new students. The Church of Sacred Heart has experienced steady revenue growth since its opening in 1914.

  • Revenue stream 1: Tuition – 22%
  • Revenue stream 2: Investment income – 1%

Despite being located in a poverty-stricken area, the Church of Sacred Heart has a stable revenue growth at 4 percent per year. Therefore, Sacred Heart should be able to attain its 20XX revenue goal of $1.2 million by investing in new facilities and increasing tuition fees for students enrolled in its after-school program.

Income Statement f or the fiscal year ending December 31, 20XX

Revenue: $1.2 million

Total Expenses: $910,000

Net Income Before Taxes: $302,000

Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 20XX 

Cash and Cash Equivalents: $25,000

Receivables: $335,000

Property and Equipment: $1.2 million

Intangible Assets: $0

Total Assets: $1.5 million

Balance Statement

The board of directors has approved the 20XX fiscal year budget for Sacred Heart Catholic Church, which is estimated at $1.3 million in revenues and $920,000 in expenditures.

Cash Flow Statement f or the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 20XX

Operating Activities: Income Before Taxes -$302,000

Investing Activities: New equipment and supplies -$100,000

Financing Activities: Fundraising campaign $200,000

Net Change in Cash: $25,000

According to the 20XX fiscal year financial statements for Sacred Heart Catholic Church, it expects its investments to decrease by 4 percent and expects to generate $1.3 million in revenues. Its total assets are valued at $1.5 million, which consists of equipment and property worth approximately 1.2 million dollars.

The Church of Sacred Heart’s financial statements demonstrate its long-term potential for strong revenue growth due to its steady market share held with low-income families in St. Louis, MO.

Nonprofit Business Plan Example #3 – Finally Home – a Nonprofit Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles, CA

Finally Home is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide low-income single-parent families with affordable housing. The management team has a strong background in the social service industry and deep ties in the communities they plan to serve. In addition, Finally Home’s CEO has a background in real estate development, which will help the organization as they begin developing its operations.

Finally Home’s mission is to reinvent affordable housing for low-income single-parent families and make it more sustainable and accessible. They will accomplish this by buying homes from families and renting them out at an affordable price. Finally Home expects its model of affordable housing to become more sustainable and accessible than any other model currently available on the market today. Finally Home’s competitive advantage over similar organizations is that it will purchase land and buildings from which to build affordable housing. This gives them a greater amount of ownership over their communities and the properties in which the homes are located, as well as freedom when financing these projects.

Finally Home plans on accomplishing this by buying real estate in areas with high concentrations of low-income families who are ready to become homeowners. These homes will be used as affordable housing units until they are purchased by Finally Home’s target demographic, at which point the organizations will begin renting them out at a base rate of 30% of the family’s monthly household income.

Finally Home plans on financing its operations through both private donations and contributions from foundations, corporations, and government organizations.

Finally Home’s management team has strong backgrounds in the social service industry, with deep ties to families that will be prepared to take advantage of Finally Home’s affordable housing opportunities. The CEO of Finally Home also brings extensive real estate development experience to the organization, an asset that will be especially helpful as Finally Home begins its operations.

Finally Home is a nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of California, whose mission is to help homeless families by providing them with housing and support services. The centerpiece of our program, which will be replicated nationwide if successful, is an apartment complex that offers supportive living for single parents and their children.

The apartments are fully furnished, and all utilities are paid.

All the single parents have jobs, but they don’t earn enough to pay market-rate rent while still paying for other necessities such as food and transportation.

The organization was founded in 20XX by Henry Cisneros, a former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development who served under President Bill Clinton. Cisneros is the chairman of Finally Home’s board of directors, which includes leaders with experience in banking, nonprofit management, and housing professions.

The core values are family unity, compassion for the poor, and respect for our clients. They are the values that guide our employees and volunteers at Finally Home from start to finish.

According to the United States Conference of Mayors’ Task Force on Hunger and Homelessness 20XX Report, “Hunger & Homelessness Survey: A Status Report on Hunger & Homelessness in America’s Cities,” almost half (48%) of all homeless people are members of families with children. Of this number, over one quarter (26%) are under the age of 18.

In 20XX, there were 9.5 million poor adults living in poverty in a family with children and no spouse present. The majority of these families (63%) have only one earner, while 44% have zero earners because the person is not old enough or does not work for other reasons.

The total number of people in poverty in 20XX was 46.5 million, the largest number since Census began publishing these statistics 52 years ago.

Finally Home’s goal is to help single parents escape this cycle of poverty through providing affordable housing and case management services to support them long term.

Unique Market Position

Finally Home creates unique value for its potential customers by creating housing where it does not yet exist.

By helping single parents escape poverty and become self-sufficient, Finally Home will drive demand among low-income families nationwide who are experiencing homelessness. The high level of need among this demographic is significant nationwide. However, there are no other organizations with the same market position as Finally Home.

Finally Home’s target customers are low-income families who are experiencing homelessness in the Los Angeles area. The organization will actively seek out these families through national networks of other social service providers to whom they refer their clients regularly.

Finally Home expects to have a waiting list of families that are interested in the program before they even open their doors.

This customer analysis is based on the assumption that these particular demographic groups are already active users of other social service programs, so referrals will be natural and easy for Finally Home.

Industry Capacity

This information is based on the assumption that these particular demographic groups are already active users of other social service programs, so referrals will be natural and easy for Finally Home.

There is a growing demand for low-income single-parent housing nationwide, yet there is no one organization currently providing these services on a national level like Finally Home.

Thus, Finally Home has a competitive advantage and market niche here because it will be the only nonprofit organization of its kind in the country.

Finally Home’s marketing strategies will focus on attracting potential customers through national networks of other social service providers. They will advertise to their referral sources using materials developed by the organization.  Finally Home will also advertise its services online, targeting low-income families using Google AdWords.

Finally Home will be reinventing affordable housing to make it more accessible and sustainable for low-income single parents. In this new model, Finally Home will own the land and buildings on which its housing units are built, as well as the properties in which they are located.

When a family is ready to move into an affordable housing unit, Finally Home will buy the home they currently live in. This way, families can take advantage of homeownership services like property tax assistance and financial literacy courses that help them manage their newfound wealth.

Finally Home has already partnered with local real estate agents to identify properties for purchase. The organization expects this to result in homes that are at least 30% cheaper than market value.

Finally Home will finance its operational plan through the use of private contributions and donations from public and private foundations, as well as corporate sponsorships.

Finally Home’s management team consists of:

  • Veronica Jones, CEO, and Founder
  • Mark MacDonald, COO
  • Scott Bader, CFO

Management Summary

The management team has a strong history of social service advocacy and deep ties in the communities they plan to serve. In addition, the organization’s CEO has a background in real estate development that will be helpful as Finally Home begins operations.

  • Year 1: Operation startup costs to launch first five houses ($621,865)
  • Year 2: Deliver on market offer and complete first capital raise ($4,753,000)
  • Year 3: Deliver on market offer and complete $5 million capital raise ($7,950,000)
  • Year 4+: Continue to grow market share with a national network of social services providers ($15,350,000).

This nonprofit business plan will serve as an effective road map for Finally Home in its efforts to create a new model for affordable housing.

Nonprofit Business Plan Example PDF

Download our non-profit business plan pdf here. This is a free nonprofit business plan example to help you get started on your own nonprofit plan.

How to Finish Your Nonprofit Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your nonprofit business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Other Helpful Nonprofit Business Planning Articles

  • Non-Profit Business Plan
  • How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan
  • 10 Tips to Make Your Nonprofit’s Business Plan Stand Out
  • How to Write a Mission Statement for Your Nonprofit Organization
  • Strategic Planning for a Nonprofit Organization
  • How to Write a Marketing Plan for Your Nonprofit Business
  • 4 Top Funding Sources for a Nonprofit Organization
  • What is a Nonprofit Organization?
  • 20 Nonprofit Organization Ideas For Your Community

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“Once the investor saw the plan, he believed in it. The interface was fresh and lively. The program gave wonderful examples of what should be in the different sections. I was able to take bits and pieces of those examples, but when I finished each section it sounded like I had written it. “I could just plug in information without having to do any of the math. That saved a lot of work. It made it very easy to get the business plan done. Once the investor saw my business plan on LivePlan, he immediately got back to me and said, ‘I'm in.’”

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Rachid Tajiouti

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“I've raised $3M so far with LivePlan! I needed to write a business plan for my investors. I was going nuts trying to create charts and properly format them. Then a friend recommended LivePlan! The financials were so easy to use and I liked knowing the calculations were all correct. It helped me create a precise plan to confidently share with investors, and I've raised $3M so far!”

Our customers give LivePlan 5 out of 5 stars

Software is professional and user-friendly. Highly recommend to any Entrepreneur. Would not be where I am today without LivePlan.

Mar. 15, 2024

I've been using LivePlan to help me write top-tier business plans over the last 2 years. A prominent business plan writing company referred me to this site to help me produce the best business plans, to collaboratively support their clients. I've consistently had the best customer service, whether by email or live chat. Rapid responses that are helpful and this is one of the "hand-down" best platforms if you're looking for high-quality products and services - and AMAZING customer service. The price of the plan subscription is a tiny drop in the ocean compared to the results I've had with business plans created through LivePlan. Thank you for the products and services here that help me present well

Feb. 29, 2024

I've used Liveplan for two projects and I have been happy with both experiences. I've needed support twice and both experiences were quickly resolved using the chat function. I'd highly recommend Liveplan to anyone wanting to get serious about new projects. They have great customer support, and it can be a vital tool to anyone wanting to build something from the ground up.

Feb. 20, 2024

I needed a business plan for a government grant and the platform helped me tremendously. It was super organized with all the touchpoints I had to fill and the AI for improving the texts was also amazing. I did a finance plan a well and I had no clue beforehand in how to do it and that was excellent and everything I needed to submit a full case! I finished my plan and submitted it. I will definitely use it again for when i need another business plan. Thank you

Feb. 3, 2024

Extremely user friendly. I appreciated how intuitive it was and useful when I got stuck or when wanting to rephrase sections - AI was a true support for me then

Sep. 26, 2023

LivePlan helps put your ideas and beliefs on paper in a professional & organized manner. It guides you through planning, organizing, and monitoring your plan.

Sep. 2, 2023

I didn't only get value for the money paid but also got the best customer service experience as well. And of course, I'm sticking to LivePlan forever.


Aug. 14, 2023

Using LivePlan since March 2015, I've created precise financial plans and business strategies for ventures of all sizes. It's the perfect tool for rapid evaluation, eliminating the risk of spreadsheet errors.

Jul. 7, 2023

It's a great Financial planning software. It can also sync with Xero and Quickbooks.

Jun. 17, 2023

If you are looking to create a Business Plan then don't waste any time, buy LivePlan as it will make your life so much easier and save you days of work!

Jun. 28, 2022

A great tool for entrepreneurs with non-finance backgrounds. We all have business ideas but long-term planning is a challenge. LivePlan makes it simple and easy.

Jun. 24, 2022

I had put off writing a plan because I dreaded the research and didn't really know what I was doing. Because of you, I now have a comprehensive, professional-looking business plan.

May 24, 2022

Overall experience with LivePlan is awesome. Very informative and easy to read. Plans come with templates and other examples you can use to build your plan.

Deonta from Texas

May 11, 2022

The best part for me is the feeling of confidence it gave me. It really made me feel like my goals and even dreams were actually possible to reach.

Mar. 29, 2022

LivePlan was a lifesaver when starting our business! It helped us make a business plan and financial projections to show others, and everyone was blown away.

The Silver Fern Shop

Jan. 27, 2022

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Transforming Nonprofits: A Live Demo of Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Program & Case Management

With nimbus tech, may 8th @ 1:00 pm est.

Join the co-founders of Nimbus Tech, a Salesforce implementation partner dedicated to providing nonprofits with tech solutions on the Salesforce platform, as they introduce Salesforce’s newest product available to nonprofits: Nonprofit Cloud..

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How to write a business plan? (2024 Guide)

How to write a business plan? (2024 Guide)

Crafting a compelling business plan is a crucial step for any aspiring entrepreneur. It's more than just a document; it's a roadmap for your business's future. A well-structured business plan can help secure funding, clarify your strategy, and set realistic goals. But how do you write one that stands out?

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of business plan writing. We'll cover everything from defining your value proposition to financial planning. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, you'll find practical tips and insights here. This guide is designed to help you create a business plan that's not only informative but also persuasive.

So, are you ready to take your business idea from concept to reality? Let's dive into the world of business plan writing.

create a non profit business plan

Understanding the Purpose of Your Business Plan

A business plan serves multiple purposes. It's a tool to help you articulate your business idea, identify potential challenges, and set out your strategy for growth.More than that, it's a document that can attract investors and lenders.

A well-crafted business plan demonstrates your understanding of the market, your unique value proposition, and your financial projections. It shows potential stakeholders that you have a clear vision for your business and a plan to make it a reality.

Key Components of a Business Plan

create a non profit business plan

A business plan is composed of several key sections. Each section serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall picture of your business.

The main components of a business plan are:

Executive Summary

Company description, market analysis, organization and management, products or services offered, marketing and sales strategy, financial planning and projections, appendix and supporting documents.

The executive summary is the first section of your business plan. It provides a high-level overview of your business and your plans for success.

This section should be concise and compelling. It's your chance to grab the reader's attention and make them want to learn more about your business.

The company description provides detailed information about your business. It should clearly articulate your business idea, your mission and vision, and your unique value proposition.

This section should also include information about the legal structure of your business. Whether you're a sole proprietor, a partnership, or a corporation, this information is crucial for potential investors and lenders.

The market analysis section is where you demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and the specific market your business will operate in. It should include information about your target audience, your competition, and the overall market trends.

This section should also include a SWOT analysis. This analysis identifies your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, providing a comprehensive view of your business's position in the market.

The organization and management section outlines your business's organizational structure and the management team. It should detail the roles and responsibilities of each team member and their relevant experience.

This section should also include an organizational chart. This visual representation of your business structure can help potential investors and lenders understand your business better.

The products or services section describes what your business offers. It should detail the benefits of your products or services, how they meet the needs of your target market, and how they stand out from the competition.

This section should also include information about your product's life cycle and any intellectual property rights you may have.

The marketing and sales strategy section outlines how you plan to attract and retain customers. It should detail your marketing plan, your sales strategy, and your customer retention plan.

This section should also include information about your pricing strategy. This strategy should be based on your market analysis and should align with your overall business goals.

The financial planning and projections section is one of the most important parts of your business plan. It should include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

This section should also include financial projections for the next three to five years. These projections should be realistic and based on your market analysis and sales strategy.

The appendix and supporting documents section is where you include any additional information that supports your business plan. This could include market research data, letters of support from key partners, or detailed financial calculations.

This section is optional, but it can be a valuable addition to your business plan. It provides concrete evidence to support your claims and demonstrates your thoroughness and attention to detail.

Business Plan Writing Tips for Success

create a non profit business plan

Writing a business plan can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach, you can create a compelling document that effectively communicates your business idea and strategy.

Here are some tips for success:

  • Understand your audience and tailor your plan accordingly
  • Use clear and persuasive language
  • Enhance your plan with visuals and data presentation
  • Regularly update and revise your plan

Tailoring Your Plan to the Audience

Your business plan should be tailored to its intended audience. Whether you're presenting to investors, lenders, or potential partners, each group has different interests and concerns.

For instance, investors might be more interested in your growth strategy and financial projections, while lenders might focus on your creditworthiness and cash flow.

Using Clear and Persuasive Language

The language you use in your business plan should be clear and persuasive. Avoid jargon and complex language that could confuse your readers.

Instead, use simple and straightforward language that communicates your ideas effectively. Remember, your goal is to convince your audience that your business is a worthwhile investment.

Visual Enhancements and Data Presentation

Visuals can greatly enhance your business plan. Charts, graphs, and infographics can help illustrate your points and make complex data easier to understand.

Use visuals to highlight key information, such as market trends, financial projections, or your organizational structure. Just make sure they are clear, relevant, and properly labeled.

Regular Updates and Revisions

A business plan is not a static document. It should be regularly updated and revised to reflect changes in your business or the market.

Regular updates show that you are actively managing your business and adapting to changes. It also ensures that your plan remains a useful tool for decision-making and strategy development.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Business Plan Writing

When writing a business plan, there are common pitfalls you should avoid. One of these is being overly optimistic about your projections. While it's important to show confidence in your business, unrealistic forecasts can damage your credibility.

Another common mistake is being vague or unclear in your descriptions. Your business plan should provide detailed and specific information about your business, market, and strategy. Avoid general statements that don't provide valuable insights.

Lastly, don't overlook the importance of proofreading. Spelling and grammar mistakes can give the impression of carelessness and lack of attention to detail. Always double-check your work for errors.

Leveraging Tools and Resources

In the digital age, there are numerous tools and resources available to assist with business plan writing. These can simplify the process and ensure you're covering all necessary aspects.

Business Plan Software and Templates

Business plan software and templates can provide a helpful starting point. They offer structured formats and prompts to guide your writing. However, remember to customize these templates to fit your unique business needs.

Seeking Feedback and Expert Advice

Don't hesitate to seek feedback on your business plan. Mentors, business advisors, or experienced peers can provide valuable insights. They can spot potential issues, suggest improvements, and help refine your plan.

Conclusion: The Impact of a Well-Crafted Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan can be a game-changer for your business. It not only provides a roadmap for your business growth but also helps attract potential investors and partners.

Moreover, the process of business plan writing itself is invaluable. It forces you to think through every aspect of your business, anticipate challenges, and devise strategies.

In conclusion, investing time and effort in writing a comprehensive, clear, and compelling business plan can set the foundation for your business success. It's a step you can't afford to skip in your entrepreneurial journey.

Additional Resources and Next Steps

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Hubbell Environmental Law Initiative


HELI supports experiential learning for Iowa Law students

Preparing students for future success.

Through the Hubbell Environmental Law Initiative, Iowa Law has the unique ability to support law students by providing summer stipends to assist students pursuing public interest or public service careers in environmental law.

Summer internships, a staple of the law school experience, offer students the opportunity to explore legal career options, obtain practical legal skills, and begin developing a network. Student recipients of the HELI summer funding use the funding to support unpaid summer positions after their first and second years of law school. What they learn through these practical legal experiences shape their career trajectories and expand their professional networks. 

During the 2023-2024 academic year, the HELI team worked closely with the Career Services team to identify students as well as internship opportunities in the Midwest, in an effort to match students with open opportunities. 

As a result of this coordinating effort, HELI is proud to support 12 Iowa Law students who are embarking on professional experiences this summer. 67% of the students receiving this support will be working at organizations within Iowa. 92% of the students receiving this support will be remaining in the Midwest, working in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.  

Students are working in positions at the following organizations: 

  • Clean Wisconsin 
  • Driftless Water Defenders 
  • Environmental Enforcement Section of the Environment & Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice
  • Environmental Law and Policy Center 
  • Iowa Attorney General's Office Environmental Law Division 
  • Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
  • Iowa Environmental Council 
  • Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy 

Meet the summer student interns

Below are profiles of each student selected for summer support by the HELI and Career Services teams. 


Noah Gaber, Class of 2026 Hometown : Dubuque, Iowa Summer position: The Driftless Water Defenders nonprofit in Iowa City, Iowa. I will be creating an Iowa specific environmental law handbook meant to aid attorneys and other professionals in their efforts related to protecting Iowa's environment. I will be assisting in starting a non-profit focused on assessing the water quality in the driftless region in Northeastern Iowa in an effort to protect Iowa's water and potentially aid in litigating Iowa's water safety.

How do you plan to use this position or experience to create change?  I have worked for environmental initiatives in the past but none of what I did will be as impactful as this Summer project will be. As cancer rates in Iowa rise, regulations are rolled back and more factory farms end up in the state, water quality is becoming a crisis. We're hoping to make real strides towards protecting water in Iowa by educating the public, providing resources for professionals and preparing for potential litigation in the future. Having been born and raised in Iowa, I am very excited to have the opportunity to work on this project and help protect the environment of my home.

mackenzie holmes headshot

Mackenzie Holmes, Class of 2026 Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa Summer position: I will be working for the Iowa Attorney General's Office on an agricultural reporting project.

How will this funding support make a difference in your education and professional goals? This summer funding will make a huge difference in my professional goals, specifically broadening my knowledge of law. I think it's important to get to experience the law from a governmental perspective to really understand how bills get made and what occurs after they pass. This isn't always sustainable for law students however due to monetary considerations, so the ability to have this grant will further my drive for more experience.

Mateen Karimi headshot

Mateen Karimi, Class of 2026  Hometown: Iowa City, Iowa Summer position: I will be working as a Summer Law Clerk at the Iowa Environmental Council in Des Moines, Iowa. 

Why is environmental or public interest work important to you?  Environmental work is important to me because we must meet our climate goals that have been set by national and international governments around the world. The clock is ticking. I also think environmental law is a fascinating, rapidly growing field that involves engagement with multiple disciplines, including business, science, and the legal profession. Tackling lofty goals of achieving net zero emissions is going to require an “all-hands-on-deck” approach, and one of the best ways to do that is to get involved at the local level. Environmental work is important to me because, well, it is important. I need to learn more about what environmental law looks like in the context of Iowa, especially in regards to what work still needs to be done. However, thinking about what is possible in Iowa excites me very much. I think it is really important that I learn from this experience to familiarize myself with what environmental attorneys do. Thus, in order to use this position to create change, I first need to educate myself on what that change could look like, and then we can get to work!


Nina Marquardt, Class of 2026 Hometown : Cedar Rapids, Iowa  Summer position: I will be working as a clerk at the nonprofit Driftless Water Defenders in Iowa City. 

Why is environmental or public interest work important to you?   As someone who has always loved being outdoors and learning about nature, I try to be a steward of the environment, not just a consumer. Environmental and public interest work aligns with my values and passions for preserving the environment and establishing a foundation for my community to be sustainable and resilient. I see environmental and public interest work as a fundamental responsibility to create a sustainable and equitable society as environmental issues intersect with social justice concerns. By advocating and working for environmental protection and responsible practices, we can address systemic inequalities and ensure a better future for generations to come. This funding will significantly improve my education and professional goals by allowing me to focus on my upcoming summer clerkship position without having to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. I plan to use this clerkship as an opportunity to grow my legal research and writing skills. Specifically, I would like to become more acquainted with environmental law, specifically in Iowa. I would like to learn more about how it functions and what I need to do to succeed as an environmental lawyer in the state.


Sonia Mehra, Class of 2025 Hometown : Eden Prairie, Minnesota Summer position : Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. I will be working on providing grants to counties for water maintenance and development, working on projects revolving around the usage of wells, and there is an ongoing project with FEMA on creating disaster plans for spills that could have a radiological impact on human health. How will this HELI summer grant make a difference in your education and professional goals? I am so excited to be able to pursue my interest in the intersection of Healthcare Law and Environmental Law at the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services this summer. The funding that HELI has given me makes a huge difference in my educational goals.  Thanks to that funding, I can afford to get experiential credits for the work that I am doing this summer and has helped fund my housing in Des Moines. Without this grant, I don’t think it would have been financially possible for me to accept this internship.


Bryce Merges, Class of 2026 Hometown: Ames, IA   Summer position : I will be working at the Des Moines office of the Environmental Law and Policy Center under Senior Attorney Josh Mandelbaum. I will be researching and writing memos about environmental issues affecting Iowa such as clean water access, clean energy usage, zoning, and other related issues.  

  How will this funding support make a difference in your education and professional goals? Receiving this funding allowed me to pursue a position doing important work for our state that I wouldn't have been able to do without receiving the funding. I will be able to save money for the upcoming semester while exploring an area that I am interested in, and I am very thankful for the support to be able to do it.  


Kristjan Nixon, Class of 2026 Hometown : Pierre, South Dakota Summer position: I will be working at the Driftless Water Defenders. Our project for the summer is the first section of a handbook that will help lawyers in Iowa access environmental law.   

Why is environmental or public interest work important to you?  Environmental work is important to me because I've grown up with the climate crisis. Watching winters get shorter and weather get more erratic is a surreal experience that has reinforced the value of the world we have. Environmental advocacy moves our society toward a balance with nature, and I hope to help however I can.


Kegan Peters, Class of 2025 Hometown: Ames, Iowa Summer position: This summer I will be interning in Washington D.C. in the Environmental Enforcement Section of the Environment & Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. After graduation, I hope to practice environmental law for either the government or a non-profit. Post-graduation I also look forward to continuing to explore my interest in academic research and writing. 

How has funding support made a difference in your education and professional goals: Without HELI funding I would never have traveled to the ABA SEER conference in Chicago. I'm so glad I did, though, as I met some fabulous environmental attorneys at the conference who I'm sure will be my mentors for years to come.


Charles Petersen, Class of 2026 Hometown: Marion, Iowa Summer position: I am working as a legal intern for Clean Wisconsin assisting them in environmental issues involving water quality, air quality, and climate.   

How will this funding support make a difference in your education and professional goals: This funding will make a difference in my education and professional goals by providing the necessary support for me to take this opportunity in another state. Working for an organization involved with environmental legal issues, scientific research, and public policy will be a unique experience and learning opportunity. I will get valuable hands-on experience with attorneys working in this critical field of law. As a student traversing law school on a limited budget, I really appreciate HELI’s funding support in allowing me to get this experience.  


Mark Prihoda, Class of 2026 Hometown : Brookfield, Wisconsin Summer position: I will be working at the Driftless Water Defenders. The project for the summer is the first section of a handbook that will help lawyers in Iowa access environmental law.

How do you plan to use this position or experience to create change? My work at the Driftless Water Defenders will serve a non-partisan interest in providing legal theories for victims of water pollution. I am very excited to be working under the guidance of Mr. Larew to help develop this environmental law framework for the public! There are few things more important—to everyone—than clean water.  

Nate Spinder-Krage headshot

Nate Spindler-Krage, Class of 2026 Hometown: Rochester, Minnesota   Summer position: I will be working as a Summer Law Clerk at the Iowa Environmental Council in Des Moines, where I will advocate for justice in our water quality and utility regulation, from both policy and legal perspectives. It is critical that Iowa has effective, forward-thinking laws and that Iowa agencies base their decisions on science and community input from all stakeholders.  

Why is environmental or public interest work important to you? Environmental work has spoken to me since I was a child, from fishing in the driftless, to tree planting and cutting buckthorn, to my first controlled burn at my grandparents' farm- I love it all: having my hands in the soil, paddling lakes, seeking out new birds or plants, hiking new places, and studying the world around me. Following education and a job in soil and water conservation, I know that people love their land but often fail to treat it well. As individuals, it often feels impossible to change the course of our society. In Iowa and much of the Midwest, we face soil loss, water quality degradation, and a quickly changing climate. We need to halt environmental destruction while adapting to what we change—and that requires everyone.   Public interest work is critical because it bridges the gap between individuals and society. We may (1) build connections within our communities and (2) leverage the law to codify and enforce expectations—our hopes and dreams. Now, too often, we see our communities struggling alongside our environment. Public interest work may help us reverse course so that we, our children, and our children's children are able to connect with a safe and beautiful Iowa.


Samuel William, Class of 2026 Hometown: Shoreview, Minnesota

Where are you working this summer, and what will you be working on: I will work at the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) as a Summer Clerk. MCEA's mission is to use the law to protect Minnesota's environment, natural resources, and the health of its citizens. I will support this mission over the summer by offering research, legal analysis, and summarized findings on identified legal issues; document review, contact with administrative agencies, and pleadings drafting; analyzing potential cases and developing legal strategies; and attending client and administrative hearings.

How do you plan to use this position or experience to create change?  I plan on using this experience to further the preservation of Minnesota's beautiful environment. Organizations like MCEA are vital to ensuring that other entities comply with their obligations to avoid pollution and take responsible measures to remedy any environmental damage. Every case that MCEA wins for the environment contributes to awareness of these issues and the problems that lurk behind the scenes. I am thrilled to be a contributor to the change that this position engages within. 

Expanding professional networks

The Hubbell Initiative was created by the vision and generosity of alumni Charlotte Beyer Hubbell (76JD) and Fred Hubbell (76JD) and provides an active forum for interdisciplinary engagement on important environmental issues, supports law students and curriculum, and ultimately raises the environmental bar in Iowa.

The HELI team will continue to expand the network of partner organizations to establish relationships for future internship placements. If you are a member of an organization that would like to host summer interns, contact HELI at [email protected]

Join us in wishing our summer interns good luck in their endeavors. 

Learn More about the Hubbell Environmental Law Initiative

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How To Open A Thrift Store: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

by ThriftCart | May 17, 2024

If you’re looking to open a thrift store, now is the perfect time — it’s a business model that’s rapidly gaining popularity.  According to the National Association of Resale Professionals, there are   over 25,000   resale, consignment, and nonprofit resale shops in the United States. But that doesn’t mean there’s no space for you in the industry — after all, online retailer ThredUp estimates that the global secondhand market will reach   $350 billion by 2028 , growing three times faster than the overall apparel market.

Although you want to strike while the iron is hot, opening a thrift store is a complex process. Whether you’re an individual thinking about starting a small business or a nonprofit looking to supplement your fundraising efforts, following these steps will help you confidently start the process of opening your thrift store.

Click to book a demo of ThriftCart, the top software built specifically for thrift stores.

What is a thrift store?

A thrift store is a retailer that sells used or secondhand items, usually at a lower price than new items. Some thrift stores focus on a single type of item, whereas others offer a variety. Here are a few examples of the items thrift stores usually sell:

  • Accessories
  • Household items
  • Toys and games
  • Collectibles and antiques
  • Electronics

Why should you open a thrift store?

Many people shop at thrift stores because of their relatively inexpensive goods. Others shop there in search of vintage items that are no longer produced. Regardless of the reason, shopping at thrift stores is incredibly popular. Just consider these   statistics from Capital One :

  • 16 to 18% of Americans shop at thrift stores each year.
  • 93% of Americans shop online for secondhand items.
  • 1.4 billion secondhand apparel items were purchased in the U.S. in 2022, up 40% from 2021.

Opening a thrift store allows you, as a business owner or nonprofit professional, to capitalize on the popularity of secondhand shopping — and see an increase in profits.

Plus, thrift stores support sustainability by empowering consumers to reuse items. Every year,   92 million tons of textile waste   end up in landfills, yet much of that is recyclable. The thrift store business model keeps textiles and other items out of landfills by encouraging individuals to  donate their items to these stores to be resold. Through thrift stores, old items are given new life, contributing to a more eco-friendly and sustainable future.

9 Steps to Opening a Thrift Store

Now that you know what a thrift store is and why you should consider opening one, let’s take a look at the steps to do so.

The steps to opening a thrift store, covered in more detail in the text below.

  • Create a business plan.
  • Register your business.
  • Obtain your licenses and permits.
  • Secure funding for your thrift store.
  • Find your retail space.
  • Source your inventory.
  • Invest in thrift store technology.
  • Hire necessary staff members.
  • Promote your thrift store.

1. Create a business plan.

The first step to opening a thrift store is to select your niche. For thrift stores, this usually means choosing to either focus on a specific type of item or accept items of all kinds. For example, you could select books as your thrift store’s niche. In that case, you’d source popular or valuable secondhand books to sell in your store.

After you’ve selected your niche, you’ll build a business plan based on it. Your business plan should include the following:

Information that your thrift store’s business plan should include, also covered in the text below.

  • Executive summary: I nclude your store’s mission statement along with descriptions of your business, goals, core values, products, and   target market .
  • Market analysis: Research the thrift store market in your area, including your target customer’s demographics, needs, and preferences. Additionally, consider any competitors in the location, including what they offer, the cost of their items, and their customers’ demographics.
  • Staffing plan: Determine the number of employees your thrift store will need, what roles they will fulfill, and your hiring plan. For instance, when you're first starting, you may need cashiers, retail assistants, and inventory sorters.
  • Financial projections:   Outline the financial details of opening your thrift store, such as funding requirements, sales projections, and  profit margins .

If your store is part of a nonprofit or all proceeds will go toward a nonprofit cause, you can still benefit from creating a business plan. While you’ll run your store differently than you would a for-profit business, the contents of your business plan will help you identify if opening your store is feasible and which steps you need to get up and running.

After creating your business plan, gauge how realistic it is. If necessary, bring it to your organization’s leaders for approval. Based on your judgment and your stakeholders’ approval, you can start the process of opening your thrift store.

2. Register your business.

Once you’ve decided to open a thrift store, you need to register it by:

  • Choosing and trademarking your thrift store name
  • Obtaining your employee identification number (EIN)
  • Registering for taxes

If you’re a business, then you’ll also need to determine your business structure and whether your thrift store will be a:

  • Sole proprietorship , where there is no legal distinction between business and owner. In this case, the owner will receive all the profits but will be responsible for any losses.
  • Partnership , which is similar to a sole proprietorship except with multiple owners or partners.
  • Limited liability company   (LLC), which is a business structure that protects its owners from personal liability and is regulated differently depending on the state. Many thrift stores fall under this structure.
  • Corporation , which is a legal entity that is owned by its shareholders. Profits are shared among owners and the general corporation.

If your thrift store is part of a nonprofit, then you won’t need to worry about deciding your business structure. However, there may be regulations you need to follow to ensure that your thrift store follows all the legal requirements of a 501(c)(3) organization .

Regardless of whether your thrift store is a for-profit business or part of a nonprofit, we encourage you to consult a lawyer to help you navigate the rules and regulations of registering your store. They’ll ensure you comply with federal, state, and local requirements and protect you from legal liabilities.

3. Obtain your licenses and permits.

After declaring your thrift store as a legal entity, you need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits required for you to operate and sell your products. Generally, these include:

  • General business license:  This is required to operate a business in almost every state in the U.S.
  • Sales permits: A sales permit is a license that allows you to collect sales tax on retail transactions. It also goes by a few other names, such as resale license, sales tax permit, seller’s permit, and reseller permit.
  • Wholesale license:   If you intend to purchase inventory in bulk, a wholesale license is required to buy items at wholesale prices. However, if you plan to source your inventory another way, then you may not need this permit.
  • Zoning and sign permits: If your thrift store will operate as an in-person storefront, then you need to obtain a zoning permit, which allows a parcel of land to be used for a specified purpose. You’ll also need a sign permit, which allows you to display signage for your physical location, such as the name of your store.

Required licenses and permits will vary from state to state, and even county to county. Be sure to check your local regulations and don’t hesitate to contact a lawyer to determine if you’ve obtained all the licenses you need.

At this stage, you may also want to purchase insurance for your thrift store to protect you from any issues that may occur. For instance, you may want liability insurance, commercial property insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance.

4. Secure funding for your thrift store.

If you don’t already have the funds needed to open a thrift store, then you’ll need to obtain them. For individuals or small groups, this means that you may need to request a loan from a bank. You can also try crowdfunding , asking friends and family to support your thrift store by contributing a small amount.

If your thrift store is part of a larger business or corporation, you may be able to request funds from the company to support it.

For nonprofits, you can put your donations toward opening your store. You can even host a capital campaign or create a specific fundraising program, letting donors know that you’re planning to open a thrift store to garner more funds for your beneficiaries. Your loyal supporters will likely be thrilled to help you in this new fundraising venture.

Click to download the Triangle ReStore case study to see how this thrift store increased donations by using ThriftCart.

5. Find your retail space.

Now that you’ve taken care of the legal requirements and obtained the necessary funding, it’s time to look for a retail space. Most thrift stores that are just starting out will need to lease an existing space and customize the inside to fit their needs. Start by inquiring at local malls or shopping centers, as those areas usually guarantee foot traffic and ensure that your store will have customers.

After you’ve obtained your storefront, create a floor plan. This means deciding on:

  • The overall layout of the store
  • The location of checkout counters
  • The type of merchandise you’ll sell in each area
  • What type of display fixtures you’ll need
  • Where the fitting rooms will be
  • The location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, security cameras, and other safety information

Focus on creating a well-organized and inviting thrift store space that maximizes sales. For example, fitting rooms are usually in the back of stores to avoid taking space away from displays. They’re also there so customers must walk through the store to reach the fitting rooms, resulting in customers discovering more items they want to try on.

If a physical space is not an option, you may consider opening an online thrift store. There are plenty of e-commerce platforms that you can host your store on. However, you will not have the benefit of an attention-grabbing storefront , which means that you may need to put more effort into marketing and promotions to gain visibility.

6. Source your inventory.

Next, obtain the initial items and products your thrift store will sell. Thrift stores can obtain inventory from:

A few ways thrift stores can source inventory, also covered in the text below.

  • Wholesalers: If you have a wholesale license, you can receive discounts by purchasing inventory items wholesale or in bulk. You can contact manufacturers directly or look for secondhand wholesale sellers for this option. For example, Goodwill outlets sell clothing cheaply and by the pound.
  • Storage unit auctions: When individuals stop paying rent on their storage units, the owner is allowed to liquidate the items contained within the unit. In a storage unit auction, bidders usually make an offer on the contents of the entire storage unit, making it a great place for you to find unique secondhand pieces at low prices.
  • Yard and estate sales: Generally, individuals hosting yard or estate sales are trying to liquidate as many items as possible in a short time frame. These individuals may be willing to allow you to purchase many items for a large discount.

In addition to these options, you can also source inventory through   donations . This option is best suited to nonprofit thrift stores, as in-kind donations (also known as non-monetary donations) to nonprofits are tax-deductible, making   donation drop-offs a more attractive option for those looking to get rid of items . However, if you’re a for-profit business, you can incentivize them by offering a $5 or $10 coupon for every acceptable bag of items.

7. Invest in thrift store technology.

Keeping track of your sold inventory and finances, and managing your thrift store overall, can be very time-consuming. To mitigate that, invest in robust thrift store software that will help you automate and streamline your processes.

In particular, look for software with the following features:

Features you should look out for in thrift store software, also covered in the text below.

  • Inventory management:  Easily   track your inventory   to ensure that you keep it moving and stay on top of sourcing before you get low on inventory.
  • Discounting:   Discount specific departments and color code your price tags to reflect deals. Plus, offer sales for specific groups, such as employees, seniors, or volunteers.
  • Point of sale (POS) and receipts: Accept various payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, cash, and more. Plus, provide customers with print or email receipts.
  • Donations: Research solutions with donation capabilities if you run a nonprofit thrift store. The right software will encourage customers to donate by rounding up their purchase to the nearest dollar and will track in-kind donations to help you maximize revenue and inventory. Plus, you can send thank-yous to your kind donors!
  • Reporting and analytics: Stay on top of your data with reporting and analytics features that will help you improve your store operations to generate more revenue .

If you’re looking for a thrift store solution,  take a demo of ThriftCart . Our cloud-based software is built specifically for thrift stores, making it the best choice for meeting unique thrift shop needs. ThriftCart has all the features above and more, and the software is incredibly easy to use.

Click to book a demo of ThriftCart, the top software built specifically for thrift stores.

8. Hire necessary staff members.

Before you open your store to the public, make sure that you have the help you need to ensure everything runs smoothly. That means hiring staff members, which may include:

  • Store manager: This individual will oversee the day-to-day store operations. They’re in charge of ensuring that your thrift store runs efficiently and smoothly and meets its goals.
  • Sales associates: These staff members work on the frontline assisting customers,   processing payments , restocking inventory, and maintaining the organization of the store.
  • Inventory manager: This staff member will work in the back of the store to   manage inventory levels   and coordinate restocking activities. They may also be in charge of pricing items.
  • Donation coordinator: Thrift stores that accept donations can greatly benefit from a dedicated donation coordinator, who will accept donations, sort through them, and determine which items can be sold. When you’re first starting out, your inventory manager may be able to handle these responsibilities — but as your store grows, you’ll need an individual dedicated to these tasks.

Depending on your store’s unique needs and growth, you may need additional staff members. For instance, if your thrift store has a large furniture selection, you may want to hire a staff member with expertise in furniture repair or refurbishment. Or, if your thrift store rapidly gains popularity online and you want to create an online storefront, you may need a dedicated e-commerce manager.

9. Promote your thrift store.

Now that you’re all set up, it’s time to promote your store and gather customers. To maximize your visibility, market your thrift store through various channels. This way, individuals who only pay attention to one specific marketing channel can still learn about your shop.

Use the following channels to market your thrift store:

The different marketing channels thrift stores should use to market their products, also covered in the text below.

  • Your website: Your website is the first place most individuals will go if they want to learn about your thrift store. Ensure that it contains all necessary information, such as your address, hours, and contact information. It should also be mobile-optimized so interested individuals can learn about your store from any type of device.
  • Local business listings: If you have a physical store, you can benefit greatly from adding your thrift store to local business directories such as Yelp or search engines like Google. Since these sites have a great deal of traffic (there are   over 5 million Google searches per minute !), having your business listed on them will greatly increase visibility.
  • Social media: With   over 5 billion individuals   using social media platforms, this marketing channel has become one of the best for free advertising. Popular platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • Paid advertising:  If your thrift store has the revenue to spare, you may consider paid advertising, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
  • Email and SMS: Email and SMS marketing allows you to target individuals who have previously engaged with your thrift store, whether they’ve purchased products from your store or donated some of their items. Send emails and texts about new discounts, promotions, or inventory drops to generate excitement and get customers in the door.

Additionally, don’t miss out on using your grand opening as a marketing tool. Give away promotional items to entice people to attend, such as discount coupons or branded merchandise. Make sure to promote your grand opening several weeks in advance to ensure a good customer turnout.

Additional Thrift Shop Opening Resources

Opening a thrift store is a complicated process, but with the help of this guide, you’ll be well on your way to successfully starting your store. With the tips here, you’ll be generating revenue for your business or nonprofit in no time.

If you’re interested in learning more about running a thrift store, take a look at these resources:

  • Understanding the Target Market for Your Thrift Store: Tips for Success.   The thrift store market can be competitive. This guide will cover our tips for identifying and catering to your target audience.
  • Creative Ways To Organize a Small Space for Your Thrift Store.   Struggling to organize the floor plan of your thrift store? Check out our ideas for ways to make your space work for you.
  • Modernizing Thrift Stores: Enhancing Operations With a POS Terminal.   Point of sale software is crucial for any retailer. Learn more about how a POS terminal will help your thrift store.

Click to book a demo of ThriftCart, the top software built specifically for thrift stores.


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  3. How To Write A Business Plan In 10 Simple Steps!

  4. How to Start a Nonprofit Organization With No Money

  5. Paying Guest

  6. Creating a Business Plan for a Non-Profit Organization


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    Step 3: Outline. Create an outline of your nonprofit business plan. Write out everything you want your plan to include (e.g. sections such as marketing, fundraising, human resources, and budgets). An outline helps you focus your attention. It gives you a roadmap from the start, through the middle, and to the end.

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    Components of transforming nonprofit business models (Propel Nonprofits) The matrix map: a powerful tool for nonprofit sustainability (Nonprofit Quarterly) The Nonprofit Business Plan: A Leader's Guide to Creating a Successful Business Model (David La Piana, Heather Gowdy, Lester Olmstead-Rose, and Brent Copen, Turner Publishing)

  3. How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan (with Examples)

    Avoid using jargon, acronyms, or any unfamiliar terms. Write for a general audience, and you'll be more likely to keep the reader engaged. 2. Outline your plan. Make a nonprofit business plan outline. Once you know what information will be put into the plan, you'll understand what data you need to source to write it.

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    A nonprofit business plan fleshes out this mission statement in greater detail. These plans include many of the same elements as a for-profit business plan, with a focus on fundraising, creating a board of directors, raising awareness, and staying compliant with IRS regulations.

  5. The 6-Step Guide to Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan in 2023

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    Step 1: Write a mission statement. ‍. Having a mission statement is essential for any company, but even more so for nonprofits. Your markers of success are not just how the organization performs financially, but the impact it makes for your cause. One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating a mission statement.

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    That has to be part of the plan." Typical nonprofit business plans feature many of the following elements: Executive summary. Mission and goals. Community impact. Products, services, and programs. Organizational structure and staffing. Audiences. Market and competitive analysis.

  13. Nonprofit Business Plan Template & Guide [Updated 2024]

    Growthink's nonprofit business plan template below is the result of 20+ years of research into the types of business plans that help nonprofit organizations (NPOs) to attract funding and achieve their goals. Follow the links to each section of our nonprofit business plan template: 1. Executive Summary.

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    Executive Summary. Start your nonprofit business plan by clearly stating your organization's mission and describing how it plans on reaching its goals. Include a concise description of what makes your organization stand out among competitors (e.g., "We are the only non-profit animal welfare organization in XYZ county" or "Our college ...

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    Like for-profit business ventures, nonprofits can create a business plan to describe how they will turn their mission into reality. The business planning process involves the following steps: Determining ways to evaluate success - IssueLab Results is a place for foundations and nonprofits to share funded evaluations and to access the lessons of ...

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    A nonprofit business plan template includes fields that cover the foundational elements of a business plan, including: The overarching purpose of your nonprofit. Its long and short-term goals. An outline of how you'll achieve these goals. The template also controls the general layout of the business plan, like recommended headings, sub ...

  19. How to Write a Non Profit Business Plan: Step by Step Guide

    6.1. Startup Costs. Provide a detailed breakdown of the total startup costs requirements, and where you plan for those funds to come from. You will also want to break down how the startup costs will be used including working capital to cover losses before the business breaks even.

  20. 3 Sample Nonprofit Business Plans For Inspiration

    Download our Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template here. Below are sample plans to help guide you in writing a nonprofit business plan. Example #1 - Kids Are Our First Priority (KAOFP) - a Nonprofit Youth Organization based in Chicago, IL. Example #2 - Church of the Sacred Heart - a Nonprofit Church based in St. Louis, MO.

  21. How To Start A Nonprofit In 5 Steps (2024 Guide)

    Below is a closer look at the five steps you need to take to start a nonprofit. 1. Research Feasibility and Need. Before committing to starting a nonprofit, it is essential to research whether you ...

  22. How to Start a Nonprofit Organization [10-Step Guide]

    3. Create a Detailed Business Plan. Some nonprofit founders choose to hire or recruit volunteers before writing up a plan, but we'd recommend going the other way around. Only when you have created a nonprofit business plan will you be able to estimate income, costs, and the talent that you will need and can afford.

  23. Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan Is Easier Than You Think

    Most LivePlan users are able to breeze through their first business plan. But if you ever have a question, there are 3 ways to get advice: Call a LivePlan expert at 1-888-498-6136. Start a chat with our advocacy team. Click here to try it. Or refer to more than 550 sample plans and tutorial videos built into LivePlan.

  24. Nonprofit Hub Home

    Nonprofit Hub is your place for free nonprofit resources, including advice, stories, and insights from around the globe. We bring together a variety of experts to tell their stories and share wisdom on how to propel nonprofits from doing good to growing! Donor Retention Nonprofit Hub Radio Podcast Nonprofit Management Nonprofit Marketing ...

  25. Running a Nonprofit

    Operating a nonprofit is not easy. The National Council of Nonprofits provides nonprofits with the tools, research, and resources needed to operate more effectively, efficiently, and ethically. To advance equity, we make these materials available for free to all nonprofits. Our trusted resources in the categories listed below can help you grow ...

  26. How Do Nonprofits Get Startup Grants

    Nonprofit mission and vision. Organization history. Background info for nonprofit founders. Program information. Major accomplishments. Strategic plan and budget. You can also write a few statements on how your nonprofit's programs stand out and help the community. Collecting a few testimonials at this point can help.

  27. How to write a business plan? (2024 Guide)

    The main components of a business plan are: Executive Summary. Company Description. Market Analysis. Organization and Management. Products or Services Offered. Marketing and Sales Strategy. Financial Planning and Projections. Appendix and Supporting Documents.

  28. HELI supports experiential learning for Iowa Law students

    Kegan Peters, Class of 2025Hometown: Ames, IowaSummer position: This summer I will be interning in Washington D.C. in the Environmental Enforcement Section of the Environment & Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. After graduation, I hope to practice environmental law for either the government or a non-profit.

  29. How To Open A Thrift Store: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

    Promote your thrift store. 1. Create a business plan. The first step to opening a thrift store is to select your niche. For thrift stores, this usually means choosing to either focus on a specific type of item or accept items of all kinds. For example, you could select books as your thrift store's niche.

  30. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

    Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, also known as BCBS, BCBSA, or The Blues, is a United States-based federation with 34 independent and locally-operated BCBSA companies that provide health insurance in the United States to more than 115 million people as of 2022.. It was formed in 1982 from the merger of its two namesake organizations: Blue Cross was founded in 1929 and became the Blue Cross ...