The MIT thesis template in LaTeX

The latex template.

The current MIT thesis template was developed in 2023, using up-to-date LaTeX coding, to meet the current formatting requirements of the MIT Libraries. The title and abstract pages are automatically laid out from information provided by the user. This template includes options to use a variety of fonts, and it is compatible with either pdfTeX or unicode engines such as luaLaTeX. When using LaTeX formats dated November 2022 or later, the resulting pdf file meets the PDF/A-2b archivability standard. A standard TeX Live installation includes all other packages required by the template.

  • Download The most current LaTeX files for this template are distributed through the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN):
  • Documentation Documentation for the template in pdf format Documentation: here . -->
  • Gallery of fonts Sample theses in the font sets defined by the template. Gallery of fonts: here . -->
  • Sample title pages Sample title pages for various combinations of authors and degrees. Sample title pages: are here . -->
  • Overleaf The template is also in's template gallery. , here .--> Learn more about Overleaf at MIT .

This template was written by John Lienhard at the request of the MIT Libraries.

Specifications for MIT theses

The formatting requirements for MIT theses are set by the MIT Libraries, as described at this url: . Questions regarding these specifications should be directed to [email protected] .

The original LaTeX 2.09 template was written by Stephen Gildea in the late 1980s (also in CTAN, here ). That template was edited by many later students, leading to the files archived here.

LaTeX has changed greatly since the original MIT thesis template was written. LaTeX 2.09 was replaced by LaTeX2e in 1994. New engines were developed, particularly pdfTeX during the 1990s and Unicode-aware engines in the decades that followed. Many packages and fonts were developed to accompany the original platform, particularly after 2000; and major updates to the LaTeX kernel began in 2018. Over the years, the MIT Libraries have changed the required format several times, especially as electronic thesis submission has become the norm. The original template served MIT well; but by the early 2020s, it was substantially out of date. That situation motivated the creation of this new template.

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Cumulative dissertations

What’s a cumulative dissertation and what are the rules to consider.

A cumulative dissertation combines different publications in well-respected scientific journals into one doctoral thesis. You do not have to request a specific permission for a cumulative dissertation at the Faculty of Medicine at the LMU. However, you have to fulfill a number of criteria listed below. Most importantly, you have to have at least 2 publications of which at least one is a first-author publication. Both have to be at least accepted for publication. In addition, both papers have to be published in journals, which belong to the top 80% in their field .

Important: The foundation on which a cumulative dissertation is graded are not the papers themselves but the doctoral candidate's contribution to these publications! Thus, it is crucial to give a detailed explanation about the candidate’s contribution to the papers . This is best done in a separate chapter. The candidate should outline in detail, what his or her contribution was as this is the only way to evaluate the dissertation. Such an explanation has to be provided for each paper contributing to the cumulative dissertation, whenever there was more than one author. This means the explanation about the candidate’s contribution is also necessary for papers where the candidate is the first author.

Shared first authorship is also permitted but has to be explained clearly.

Since publications that are to be part of a cumulative dissertation must have been demonstrably produced as part of the doctoral project, the supervisor or at least one of the TAC members must be a co-author of these publications.

All the important information about the cumulative dissertation is summarized in our guidelines .

The information in these guidelines can be found in the corresponding Examination Regulations or was decided upon by the Doctoral Committees.

Prerequisites for a cumulative dissertation

  • You do not need to apply for submitting a cumulative dissertation. However, only original work published in the top 80% of the subject-related journals will be accepted for cumulative dissertations.
  • A minimum of 2 articles must be accepted or published in peer-reviewed, international journals. At least one of these articles must be published as first author. A shared first-author is possible and will be accepted as a regular first-author publication. Please note that as with co-authors, your own contribution must be shown in great detail. Further, you must submit an explanation as to how a shared first-authorship came to be. For dissertations in human medicine and dentistry that were registered after October 1, 2018 , a publication-based dissertation can be submitted even if only a very high-quality publication is available. The prerequisite is that the doctoral candidate is the sole first author of the publication and that it has been published in a journal which, based on its impact factor, is among the best 30% in the respective field .
  • The publications must be original work .
  • For all dissertations in human medicine, dentistry and human biology (aiming for an Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum.) that have been registered before October 1, 2018 (under the “old study regulations”) publications used in the cumulative dissertation are not allowed to be part of another cumulative (current or completed) dissertation.
  • The following publication forms are not allowed to or can only be used in certain cases for a cumulative dissertation:
  • Short Report – if it corresponds to a publication on original work in form and content, then it can be used. Subject to decision on a by-case basis by the Doctoral Committee.
  • Letter – if it is published in a journal with a double-digit impact factor and the data presented is equivalent to that of original work, then it can be used. Subject to decision on a by-case basis by the Doctoral Committee
  • Methodological Publications . Subject to decision on a by-case basis by the Doctoral Committee.
  • Meta-Analysis – you can submit a maximum of one meta-analysis for your cumulative dissertation. The second publication must be based on original work. Cochrane reviews and comparable systematic reviews are treated as equivalent to a meta-analysis.
  • The following publication forms may not be used: review-articles, case studies.
  • Unpublished manuscripts, review-articles and case studies; as well as short reports, letters and methodological publications, were not found sufficient after case-by-case evaluation by the Doctoral Committee, may nevertheless be included additionally in the dissertation if they are necessary for the understanding of the work, but must be clearly marked as additional contributions and are to be placed as an appendix at the end of the dissertation. These additional contributions can in no case replace the two main articles required under section A2. Additional contributions can only help to provide better scientific context and a more complete picture about the candidate’s scientific work. Please note that the Apendix of the dissertation is not a "collection point" for manuscripts and articles.

Formal composition of a cumulative dissertation

  • The dissertation can be submitted either in German or English. Please note: only dissertations written in English are accepted for the PhD!
  • Cover page (title, name, place of birth, year)
  • Table of contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Publication list
  • Confirmation of co-authors The contribution of all co-authors must be confirmed and submitted separately . This is applies also to additional contributions as outlined by section 6A. The forms for the confirmation of co-authors, will be generated for you in your Campus Portal account. Please use these templates. Please do not include the signed lists into your bound thesis but hand them in together with all other documents when you submit your dissertation.
  • Introduction The publications must be preceded by an introduction (5 – 10 pages, German or English), which describes the research project, as well as showing which higher problem connects the publications and which aspects are highlighted by the individual papers. In case of co-authorship, your own contribution must be described in detail for every original work (section A2) and all additional contributions (section A6). This also holds true for your first-author publications. For publication-based dissertations with only one very high-quality publication (see A2), the introduction must be very detailed and integrate the work into the scientific context (about 10 pages) . It is highly recommended, to explain your own contribution in a separate chapter.
  • Summary The summary must be submitted in both German and English. Please note: for the PhD, points 8 and 9 are combined in an “introductory summary”, which is to be written in English. For publication-based dissertations with only one very high-quality publication (see A2) a detailed summary in your own words must be written (usually 2 pages). This summary must clearly explain the doctoral student's own contribution (ideally in a separate chapter).
  • Publication I (including full details on title, authors, journal, year, issue. The publication must be included in your dissertation which you submit for the evaluation, the link to the publication is not sufficient at this point!)
  • Publication II (including full details on title, authors, journal, year, issue. The publication must be included in your dissertation which you submit for the evaluation, the link to the publication is not sufficient at this point!) (You are, of course, allowed to submit more than 2 publications for a cumulative dissertation, as long as these fulfil the criteria mentioned under (A.).
  • Acknowledgements
  • Curriculum vitae

Style templates for cumulative dissertations

We prepared style templates for cumulative dissertations for you, which are optional for you to use. You find each template under "thesis submission" for your respective title.

  • Doctor of medicine, doctor of dental medicine and doctor of human biology (old examination rules)
  • Doctor of medicine, doctor of dental medicine and doctor of human biology (new examination rules)
  • Doctor of natural sciences
  • Ph.D. in Medical Research
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Tips and tools for writing your LaTeX thesis or dissertation in Overleaf, including templates, managing references , and getting started guides.

Managing References

BibTeX is a file format used for lists of references for LaTeX documents. Many citation management tools support the ability to export and import lists of references in .bib format. Some reference management tools can generate BibTeX files of your library or folders for use in your LaTeX documents.

LaTeX on Wikibooks has a Bibliography Management page.

Find list of BibTeX styles available on Overleaf here

View a video tutorial on how to include a bibliography using BibTeX  here

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How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it - nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced pdf, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard thesis template from the Overleaf Gallery .

You can upload your own thesis template to the Overleaf Gallery if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files or you may find your university's thesis template already in the Overleaf Gallery.

This video assumes you've used LaTeX before and are familiar with the standard commands (see our other tutorial videos  if not), and focuses on how to work with a large project split over multiple files.

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5-part Guide on How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX

5-part LaTeX Thesis Writing Guide

Part 1: Basic Structure corresponding  video

Part 2: Page Layout corresponding  video

Part 3: Figures, Subfigures and Tables   corresponding video

Part 4: Bibliographies with Biblatex corresponding video

Part 5: Customizing Your Title Page and Abstract corresponding video

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Unofficial LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at University of Stuttgart, Germany


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University of Stuttgart PhD Thesis Template

Unofficial LaTeX template for PhD theses at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.

For a template for master, bachelor and other thesis, please head to the scientific thesis template .

Example PDFs

Prerequisites, renaming the template, ltex tips and tricks, initialization, merging updates from the template.

  • UTF-8 files
  • output format is A5
  • nice chapter headings
  • important LaTeX packages are enabled
  • TeX4ht conversion enabled by make html
  • biblatex + biber instead of plain bibtex
  • Thesis: thesis-example.pdf
  • Book cover: cover.pdf
  • Spine of the book cover: spine.pdf
  • Windows: Recent MiKTeX
  • Mac OS X: Recent TeX Live (e.g. through MacTeX ) - Try sudo tlmgr update --all if you encounter issues with biblatex
  • Linux: Recent TeX Live distribution
  • thesis-example.tex is the main document
  • make or latexmk for compilation
  • make clean or latexmk -C for cleaning up

You probably don't want your document to be named example . In order to change this, replace the term thesis-example by e. g. thesis-musterfrau in the following locations:

location occurrence
cover-print/cover.tex \includegraphics{../thesis-example.pdf}
.gitignore thesis-example.pdf
.gitignore thesis-example*.png
Makefile MASTER_TEX = thesis-example.tex

VSCode configuration

To use the setup in VSCode, install

  • LaTeX Workshop to support LaTeX in VSCode and
  • LTeX to have a nice spell cheker that also identifies grammar issues

Then, change the setting of LaTeX Workshop to use biber. Therefore, update the following lines in the VSCode settings.json to contain:

The following settings are additionally recommended:

Alternatively, just copy and paste the contents of the vscode.settings.json file to your VSCode settings file.

LTeX is an offline grammar and spell checker with support for LaTeX and Markdown.

Add a magic comment to your files to tell LTeX which language to use:

If you want to use different langauges in the text, use the \foreignlanguage{language}{text}} command. LTeX will detect these elements and automatically switch the spell checker's lanaguge. For example:

Using with your git repository

This howto assumes that you have not a git repository for your thesis. If you have, just add as upstream and merge the branch upstream/main into your main branch.

  • Open command line
  • git clone
  • cd uni-stuttgart-dissertation-template
  • git remote rename origin github
  • git checkout -b main

Now, you are on the main branch, where you can write your thesis and push it to your (remote) origin repository, in case you have one.

If you want to merge updates from github, do the following:

  • git fetch github
  • git merge github/main

Contributors 10

  • Shell 16.3%
  • VBScript 4.1%
  • Makefile 1.9%
  • Dockerfile 0.6%
  • Batchfile 0.2%

Cumulative Dissertation Template

A cumulative dissertation is in its nature a different document in comparison to a standard monogram dissertation. Unfortunately, the university guide-lines sometimes do not provide a LaTeX template or do not exactly specify the structure of such a document. Therefore, to make the final document as readable as possible, we might want to structure it more than the standard thesis templates (e.g. adding multiple bibliographies, multiple tables of contents, etc.). Unfortunately, this process is not always straight forward and the interplay between additional packages can cause troubles. I encountered multiple problems while preparing the template for my thesis, which are solved in this template and I hope this document will save some time to anybody wishing to structure their thesis similarly.

Cumulative Dissertation Template


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Masters/Doctoral Thesis

This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page(s), list of figures, list of tables, abbreviations, physical constants, symbols, dedication, example chapter, example appendix and bibliography.


This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page(s), list of figures, list of tables, abbreviations, physical constants, symbols, dedication, example chapter, example appendix and bibliography. An example chapter is included which explains the basics of LaTeX and this template. It contains everything you need to know to begin writing your academic thesis using this template. Important note: this template comes as a zip file with multiple files and folders within it. It is worth reading the Chapter 1 introduction to the thesis to get an idea of what they do.

cumulative dissertation latex template

This second major version of this template was made by Vel . The thesis style was originally created by Steve R. Gunn and modified into a template by Sunil Patel .

Current Version

v2.5 (August 27, 2017)

This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

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This page last updated on: August 27, 2017

cumulative dissertation latex template

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Most templates licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

LaTeX Templates is developed in New Zealand

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Cumulative Dissertation Template

A cumulative dissertation is in its nature a different document in comparison to a standard monogram dissertation. Unfortunately, the university guide-lines sometimes do not provide a LaTeX template or do not exactly specify the structure of such a document. Therefore, to make the final document as readable as possible, we might want to structure it more than the standard thesis templates (e.g. adding multiple bibliographies, multiple tables of contents, etc.). Unfortunately, this process is not always straight forward and the interplay between additional packages can cause troubles. I encountered multiple problems while preparing the template for my thesis, which are solved in this template and I hope this document will save some time to anybody wishing to structure their thesis similarly.

Cumulative Dissertation Template

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Examples of simple beautiful PhD theses

Please share the simplest, most beautiful PhD / master's theses you've ever seen. Looking for ideas for layout (medicine). Source code appreciated.

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  • 2 Should this be community-wiki? –  Sean Allred Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 3:11
  • 4 You can find some theses between answers to Showcase of beautiful ... –  Ignasi Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 6:58
  • 6 IMHO beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :) I strongly believe this question would be better off merged in the showcase thread indicated by Ignasi than standing as a question on its own. Note that many universities have strict policies on how a thesis should look, so at the end of the day you are stuck with their requirements. –  Paulo Cereda Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 11:56

3 Answers 3

Aaron Turon created a beautiful thesis . His colophon:

This document was typeset using LATEX, with a mixture of classicthesis developed by André Miede and tufte-latex, which is based on Edward Tufte’s Beautiful Evidence. The bibliography was processed by Biblatex. Robert Slimbach’s Minion Pro acts as both the text and display type-face. Sans-serif text is typeset in Slimbach and Carol Twombly’s Myriad Pro; monospaced text uses Jim Lyles’s Bitstream Vera Mono (“Bera Mono”). Donald Knuth’s Computer Modern is used throughout, but I’m not saying where.

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  • 24 It would be nice to have the sources. –  Heiko Oberdiek Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 19:55
  • 1 Is the .tex file anywhere? –  Damian Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 23:20
  • I wrote him an email asking for it, but did not get an answer. Thus, I tried to rebuild his thesis template for my own and will make it available, once I finished writing (hopefully soonish). –  asante Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 17:38
  • 2 @burningfuses I'm not finished with writing my thesis, but an (almost finished) draft is available here: -- disclaimer: the template is most certainly not well written and can use some improvements, but I'm not experienced with writing latex packages at all. So I'm happy about all feedback. –  asante Commented Aug 7, 2019 at 17:11
  • 1 @asante Thanks a lot! I'll try to fix any problems I might encounter. –  burningfuses Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 18:09

The Maggi Memoir Thesis Template is very nice, originally by Federico Maggi. It is a double sided, thin layout that includes index, acronyms, and custom picked fonts.

There seem to be relatively few truly beautiful templates for theses out there, probably because the formatting requirements that most are created to follow simply weren't designed with good looks in mind. I know that was true of my school's requirements. Many are simply Word templates that have been transitioned to LaTeX.

Maggi Memoir Thesis Title Page:

Maggi Memoir Thesis Title Page

  • is maggi memori thesis for book printing? if so what size book could be printed based on the template? –  Strangelove Commented Dec 30, 2014 at 17:04

Just to add to cslstr 's answer, you might want to take a look to the other templates found on LaTeX Templates (besides the Maggi Memoir Thesis Template).

Other good resources with ready-made templates include:

  • ShareLaTeX , which has a "mixed bag" of templates.
  • Thesis-Template , which has various templates from Universities worldwide.
  • UK-TUG , which has templates from some UK Universities.

A lot of contributions can also be found on CTAN .

I agree that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so probably you should pick one you like by yourself. Besides, as it has been mentioned, at the end of the day you'll have to abide to your University's standard.

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cumulative dissertation latex template

Templates — Thesis

Templates tagged Thesis

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Your thesis or dissertation is often the most important single piece of work you’ll produce as a student (whether it be your final year undergraduate research project or your complete Masters / PhD thesis). These templates, many provided by the university themselves as official layout guidelines, include sections for you to add all the relevant author information (your university, department, supervisor, year, etc) along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references and appendices.

smu_lyle_dissertation_template_9.5 update Aug 2022

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  1. Cumulative Dissertation Template

    Cumulative Dissertation Template. A cumulative dissertation is in its nature a different document in comparison to a standard monogram dissertation. Unfortunately, the university guide-lines sometimes do not provide a LaTeX template or do not exactly specify the structure of such a document. Therefore, to make the final document as readable as ...

  2. PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard ...

    Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above. It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.

  3. The MIT thesis template in LaTeX

    The current MIT thesis template was developed in 2023, using up-to-date LaTeX coding, to meet the current formatting requirements of the MIT Libraries. The title and abstract pages are automatically laid out from information provided by the user. This template includes options to use a variety of fonts, and it is compatible with either pdfTeX ...

  4. GitHub

    Enter Dissertate. Dissertate is a set of beautiful LaTeX templates for a thesis or dissertation. To date, the software provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, NYU, and UC Berkeley, though it will be adapted to meet the requirements of other schools — eventually all of them.

  5. Dissertation Template

    Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. UKY Mathematics. Tags. University Thesis University of Kentucky. Find More Templates. UKY Mathematics.

  6. LaTeX templates for writing a thesis

    The thesis template site mostly just links to available external sites with templates. It provides links to ready-to-go thesis templates of various universities worldwide. There's even a google map for viewing the templates origins on the world map. Besides LaTeX templates there are also LyX thesis templates.

  7. Using Templates on Overleaf

    (If your University has an official thesis template published on Overleaf, you can customize this box accordingly with a link to the template) Write your thesis using the official 'Name of University goes here' thesis template Find your University's template on Overleaf here (insert link to official LaTeX thesis template on Overleaf Gallery or custom Overleaf institutional portal template page).

  8. cumulative dissertations

    A cumulative dissertation combines different publications in well-respected scientific journals into one doctoral thesis. You do not have to request a specific permission for a cumulative dissertation at the Faculty of Medicine at the LMU. However, you have to fulfill a number of criteria listed below. Most importantly, you have to have at ...

  9. GitHub

    A dissertation template in LaTeX approved by the UGA Graduate School. The goal of this repository is to cut out all of the hard work of using LaTeX so that one could easily write their dissertation/thesis using this. Here is a list as to why this template is useful: Produces really nice footnotes and sidenotes

  10. LibGuides: Overleaf for LaTeX Theses & Dissertations: Home

    BibTeX is a file format used for lists of references for LaTeX documents. Many citation management tools support the ability to export and import lists of references in .bib format. Some reference management tools can generate BibTeX files of your library or folders for use in your LaTeX documents. LaTeX on Wikibooks has a Bibliography ...

  11. Writing a cumulative thesis in LaTeX

    When I was writing my PhD thesis I came across this question and I was very sad I have not found any suitable cumulative dissertation template in LaTeX. So I made one. I wish it was so simple as Ruixi Zhang mentioned :) The collisions between packages that handle multiple bibliographies etc. were not nice at all. I hope it helps someone.

  12. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing ...

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  14. LaTeX Templates

    This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look ...

  15. Unofficial LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at University of Stuttgart

    Unofficial LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at University of Stuttgart, Germany Topics. latex-template phd-thesis-template Resources. Readme License. MIT license Activity. Custom properties. Stars. 33 stars Watchers. 8 watching Forks. 21 forks Report repository Releases No releases published.

  16. Beautiful Ph.D thesis themes

    7. all your specs add up to reading memoir or KOMA manuals and coming up with a custom thesis template. - percusse. Nov 30, 2013 at 0:24. 7. Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis by Nicola Talbot demoed with scrreprt class part of koma-script is an excellent start point for Master or Ph.D Thesis writing. Off-topic: Beauty is already in the TeX ...

  17. Cumulative Dissertation Template

    Cumulative Dissertation Template. A cumulative dissertation is in its nature a different document in comparison to a standard monogram dissertation. Unfortunately, the university guide-lines sometimes do not provide a LaTeX template or do not exactly specify the structure of such a document. Therefore, to make the final document as readable as ...

  18. University of Michigan Dissertation Template (Unofficial)

    % University of Michigan Dissertation LaTeX Template for 2023 % Created by John Meluso and Shreyas Kousik % 9 Jul 2020 % Use the University of Michigan thesis class. \documentclass[thesis]{thesis-umich} \input{packages} %--- Set the font styles ----- % As of this writing, Rackham does not have strict font requirements, but they % suggest "standard fonts" such as Times, Arial, or Times New Roman.

  19. LaTeX Templates

    Masters/Doctoral Thesis. This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page (s), list of figures, list ...

  20. Cumulative Dissertation Template

    A cumulative dissertation is in its nature a different document in comparison to a standard monogram dissertation. Unfortunately, the university guide-lines sometimes do not provide a LaTeX template or do not exactly specify the structure of such a document. Therefore, to make the final document as readable as possible, we might want to ...

  21. memoir

    31. Aaron Turon created a beautiful thesis. His colophon: This document was typeset using LATEX, with a mixture of classicthesis developed by André Miede and tufte-latex, which is based on Edward Tufte's Beautiful Evidence. The bibliography was processed by Biblatex. Robert Slimbach's Minion Pro acts as both the text and display type-face.

  22. Basic thesis template

    This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a dedication, and example chapters and sections. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019. This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for ...

  23. Templates

    Virginia Tech ETD template. This is the official Virginia Tech LaTeX template for theses and dissertations. For more information on preparing your thesis or dissertation for submission, please see the ETD LibGuide on the VT Libraries website. Alan Lattimer & Erich L. Foster. Modified by Carrie Cross, Robert Browder & LianTze Lim.