essay on public transport in urdu

Traffic Problems Essay ٹریفک کے مسائل

Traffic Problems

یورپین ٹریفک:-

دنیا کے ہر ملک کے رقبہ میں ایک سینٹی میٹر تک کا اضافہ نہیں ہوااور نہ ہی ہونے کا امکان ہے۔کوئی بھی ملک اپنی حدود میں اضافہ کو خوش آمدید کہہ لے گا مگر اس میں کمی کو برداشت نہیں کر سکتا۔تمام دنیا نے اپنی سرحدوں کی حفاظت کیلے فوجیں تعینات کر رکھی ہیں۔ملکوں کی زمین کا رقبہ نہ کم ہو سکتا ہے نہ بڑھ سکتا ہے۔مگر تمام دنیا میں آبادی کی شرح میں اضافہ ہو رہا ہے۔دنیا میں سب سے آبادی والا ملک چین ہے ' اسکے بعد بھارت ہے۔میکسیکو سٹی اور جاپان کا ٹوکیو دنیا کی آبادی کے بڑے شہر ہیں۔ٹوکیو میں تقریباًہر فرد کے پا س کار ہے شہر کی بڑی شہراوں پر بعض اوقات گزرنے کیلیے بہت وقت درکار ہوتا ہے۔مصروف ترین زندگی کے دور میں ہر شخص کے پاس اتنا وقت نہیں کہ وہ پیدل چل کر کام کرے۔گاڑیاں 'بسیں 'ٹیکسیاں ' موٹر سا ئیکلیں 'ٹرک ٹرالے اور سائیکلیں سڑکوں پر جال پھیلائے نظر آتی ہیں۔

بڑے شہروں میں کار پارکنگ کا بڑا مسئلہ ہے۔جاپان میں اخباری رپوٹر کسی ہنگامی صورتحال کی رپورٹنگ کے لئے ہیلی کاپٹراستعمال کرتے ہیں۔یورپ میں اور کئی ترقی یافتہ ممالک میں ٹریفک کے کنٹرول کرنے کے لئے زمین دوز ریل گاڑیوں کا نظام قا ئم ہے۔جہاں شہرکی آبادی کا بڑا ہجوم ان گاڑیوں میں سفر کرتا ہے۔پیرس اور فرینکفرٹ میں ہر دو منٹ بعد زمین دوز ریل گاڑی ہر علاقے سے چلائی جاتی ہے۔دیگر علا قوں میں 4 منٹ کے وقفہ سے کم وقفہ کے بعد زمین دوز گاڑیاں وقت کی پابندی سے چلتی ہیں۔پیدل چلنے والوں کا ہجوم سڑکوں پر بس سٹاپوں پر وقت ضائع نہیں کرتا۔

ان بڑے شہروں میں رہنے والے افراد کے پاس شہر میں چلنے والی زمین دوز گاڑیوں کا ٹائم ٹیبل اور راستوں کے روٹ کا نقشہ ہوتا ہے۔حکومت نے سہولتوں کے لئے ماہانہ ریل پاس یا ہفتہ وار ٹکٹ کارڈ جاری کئے ہوئے ہوتے ہیں۔جس میں سفر کرنے والے کی تصویر بھی چسپاں کی ہو تی ہے۔جلدی میں ٹکٹ نہ خریدنے پر یہ سہولت فراہم کی گئی ہے۔بڑے شہر وں میں بسیں اور زمین دوز گاڑیاں 24 گھنٹے دن رات بغیر کسی وقفہ کے چلتی رہتی ہیں۔

مغربی ممالک میں اور خاص طور پر جرمنی میں بچوں کی کلاسوں میں ابتدائی سالوں میں ہی ٹریفک کے قوانین پڑھانا ان کے تعلیمی سلیبس کا حصہ ہوتے ہیں 'کیونکہ حکومت کو علم ہے کہ ہر بچے نے کار ضرور رکھنی ہے۔وہاں کاریں بنتی ہیں جس کی وجہ سے سستی بھی ہیں۔ان ممالک میں فیکٹری کا ہر مزدور کار پر کا م کرنے آتا ہے۔تعلیمی اداروں میں جہاں ہمارے ہا ں سائنس روم ہوتا ہے وہا ں سائنس روم کے علاوہ ٹریفک روم بھی ہوتا ہے۔سکول کے ٹریفک روم میں ایک چھوٹی سی کار کا ڈھانچہ رکھا ہوتا ہے۔مزید یہ کہ ملک کے ٹریفک کے نئے قوانین سے بھی آگاہ کیا جاتا ہے۔جب بچے ہائی سکول میں پہنچتے ہیں تو تقریباً مکمل ڈرائیور بن گئے ہوتے ہیں۔

جرمنی میں گاڑی کا لائسنس حاصل کرنا بہت مشکل کام ہے۔یہ لائسنس وہاں کی ٹریفک پولیس جاری کرتی ہے۔لائسنس جاری کرنے سے پہلے ہر گاڑی کی مکمل چیکنگ ہوتی ہے جسے ٹریفک پولیس کا عملہ چیک کرتا ہے۔برف باری کے دنوں میں گاڑی کے ٹائروں پر لوہے کے سنگل چڑھا ئے جاتے ہیں تاکہ برف سے گاڑی پھسل نہ جائے۔اگر گاڑی میں کوئی خرابی پائی جائے تو لائسنس جاری نہیں کیا جاتا۔گاڑی کی چیکنگ کے بعد ٖڈرائیور کا امتحان ہوتا ہے۔اس سے ٹریفک کے اصولوں کے بارے میں پوچھا جاتا ہے۔گاڑی کے درست ہونے اور سوالات کے صحیح جوابات دینے کے بعد گاڑی کا لائسنس جاری ہوتا ہے۔لائسنس کی مدت پوری ہو نے کے بعدگاڑی کی چیکنگ ہوتی ہے۔

ٹیکسی ڈرائیور کے لیے بھی یہی قانون ہے مگر اسے لائسنس جاری کرنے سے پہلے اس کی سابقہ زندگی کے بارے میں جانچ پڑتال کی جا تی ہے اگر کوئی ڈرائیور کسی خطرناک جرم میں ملوث رہا ہے تو اسے بھی لائسنس نہیں دیا جاتا۔ٹیکسی ڈرائیور کو اخلاقیات کا کورس کرنا ہوتا ہے'جس کی مدت 3 ہفتہ ہوتی ہے۔جس میں مسافروں سے خوش خلقی سے پیش آنے کے طریقے اور کسی مسافر کودور یا نزدیک جانے پر انکار نہ کرنے کا بھی درس دیا جاتا ہے۔گاڑیوں میں میٹر لگے ہوتے ہیں جو درست حالت میں ہوتے ہیں 'جس سے کسی مسافر کو شکات نہیں ہوتی۔ویسے لوگ بھی تعلیم یافتہ ہیں ہر ایک کو جہاں جا نا ہو تا ہے اس جگہ کے فاصلے کا پتہ ہوتا ہے راستوں پر بجلی کے کھمبوں پر نمبر لگے ہوتے ہیں جن کا فاصلہ مقرر ہوتا ہے مسافر جب بیٹھتا ہے تو کئی دفعہ پول کا نمبر یاد رکھتا ہے۔اترنے پر مقررہ پیسے دے دیتا ہے۔

اگر کسی ٹیکسی ڈرائیورنے دور کا طویل سفر کرنا ہوتو ڈرائیور ٹیکسی میں لگے ہوئے موبائل سے اپنے گھر اور ٹیکسی سٹینڈ پر اطلاع دے دیتا ہے۔ہر دو یا تین کلو میٹر کی مسافت کے بعد پول نمبر کا حوالہ دے کر بتاتا رہتا ہے کہ میں یہا ں سے گزر رہا ہو ں اس لیے کہ حادثہ ہو جائے تووارثوں کو اور پولیس کو ڈرائیو ر کے بتائیے ہوئے کھمبے کے نمبر سے اس کو تلاش کر نا آسان ہو۔اگر علاقہ اس ڈرائیور کی رہائشی جگہ سے بہت دور ہواور وہ دوسرے پولیس سٹیشن کے علا قہ میں ہو تو اس کے علاقے کی پولیس جائے حادثہ کے علاقے کی پولیس کو اطلاع کر دیتی ہے۔جو چند لمحوں میں پہنچ جاتی ہے۔جن ملکو ں میں شرح خواندگی 100 فیصد اور بچپن سے تعلیمی ادارورں میں ڈرائیونگ کی تعلیم پڑھی اور سیکھی جا تی ہو' وہا ں حادثات بہت کم ہو تے ہیں ۔ٹریفک میں نئے قانون یا تبدیلی کی اطلاع شہریوں کو ہر ذرائع ابلاغ واظہار سے کر دی جا تی ہے۔ایسے ملکوں میں نوجوان لڑکیا ں بھی ٹیکسی ڈرائیور ہیں۔آپ اپنے گھر یا کسی مارکیٹ سے ٹیکسی سٹینڈ پر فون کر دیں۔ڈرائیور ٹیکسی لے کر فوراً آ جا ئے گا۔کسی بھی جگہ جانے کے لیے انکار نہیں کرے گا۔

پاکستان کی ٹریفک:-

پاکستان کی آبادی کا 65 فیصد حصہ دیہاتوں میں آباد ہے۔اس لیے ٹریفک کا بہاؤدیہاتوں سے شہروں کی جانب زیادہ ہوتا ہے ۔غلے سے بھرے ٹرک روزانہ سبزیاں اور پھل شہروں میں لاتے ہیں۔شہروں سے دوسرے شہروں میں آمدورفت کے لیے ہر قسم کی ٹریفک چلتی ہے۔پنجاب کی 7 کروڑ 50 لاکھ آبادی کے لیے صرف 28 ہزار بسیں ہیں۔ 3 لاکھ 87 ہزار افراد کے پاس اپنی کاریں ہیں۔ 9 لاکھ 85 ہزار افراد موٹر سائیکل کے مالک ہیں۔ 12 ہزار 807 ٹیکسیاں ' 19 ہزار 358 رکشے اور 23 ہزار 337 ویگنیں چل رہی ہیں۔ پنجاب میں 37 ہزار ٹرک '25 ہزار 882 ڈلیوری وین اور 4 لاکھ 8 ہزار 296 آٹو موبائیل رجسڑ ہیں۔

لاہور ہر قسم کی گاڑیو ں کی تعداد کے لحاظ سے پہلے نمبر پر ہے۔لاہور میں ایک لاکھ 89 ہزار 967 کاریں' 2 لاکھ 63 ہزار 13 موٹر سائیکلیں' 8 ہزار آٹو رکشہ ایک ہزار 861 ٹیکسیاں جبکہ 2 ہزار 310 بسیں ' 7 ہزار 519 ویگنیں اور 4 ہزار ٹرک موجود ہیں۔راولپنڈی میں 46 ہزار کاریں' 68 ہزار مو ٹر سائیکلیں' 5 ہزار ٹرک ' 6 ہزار ڈلیوری ویگنیں' 5 ہزار مسا فر ویگنیں ' 2 ہزار بسیں ' 4 ہزار ٹیکسیاں 'اور 389 آٹو رکشہ ہیں۔ملتان گاڑیوں کے لحاظ سے تیسرے نمبر پر ہے۔چوتھے نمبر پر فیصل آ باد آتا ہے۔گوجرانوالہ میں کل 72197 گاڑیاں رجسڑ ہیں۔اس طرح یہ شہر پانچویں نمبر پر آتا ہے۔

لاہور میں 92 ٹریفک سگنلز ہیں جن میں سے 34 مکمل خراب ہیں۔ا ن پوائنٹس پر اہلکار ڈیوٹی بھی کم دیتے ہیں۔صوبائی دارالحکومت کو ٹر یفک کنٹرول کر نے کے لئے 26 سیکٹروں میں تقسیم کر کے 432 پوائنٹس قائم کیے گئے ہیں۔مگر کم نفری کے باعث 242 پوائنٹس پر ڈیوٹی ہوتی ہے۔ٹریفک پولیس لاہور میں 250 سارجنٹس کام کر رہے ہیں۔جن میں 42 انسپیکٹر ' 64 سب انسپیکٹر اور 144 اے ایس آئی شامل ہیں۔ان 250 اہلکاروں کے لیے صرف 99 موٹر سائیکلیں ہیں۔جبکہ 79 موٹر سائیکلیں خراب ہو چکی ہیں۔اس طرح سیکٹرز پر 250 سارجنٹس 99 موٹر سائیکلوں پر ڈیوٹی دیتے ہیں۔لاہور ٹریفک پو لیس کا عملہ 1602 کی تعداد میں منظور شدہ ہے مگر حاضر ڈیوٹی بہت کم رہتے ہیں۔

خراب سڑکیں:-

شہروں میں عمارتی سامان سے بھرے بڑے بڑے ٹرک سڑکوں کو خراب کر دیتے ہیں۔اینٹوں اور بجری سے لوڈ وزنی ٹرکوں کا بوجھ سڑکیں برداشت نہیں کر سکتیں جو آئے دن ٹوٹتی رہتی ہیں۔با رش کے دنوں میں سڑکو ں پر پانی جمع رہتا ہے۔شہروں میں ریڑے ' گدھے 'تانگے اور دیگر تیز رفتار گاڑیاں ایک ہی سڑک پرچلتی ہیں جس سے اکثر ٹریفک بند ہو جاتی ہے۔شہروں کے جن علاقوں کی سڑکیں خراب ہیں واہا ں رکشہ اور ٹیکسی والے بھی نہیں جا تے۔اگر سالوں بعد کہیں سڑکوں کی مرمت کرائی جاتی ہے تو چند دنوں کے بعد ٹرکوں کی بھاری ٹریفک سے سڑکیں پھر ٹوٹ جاتی ہیں۔

essay on public transport in urdu

ماحولیاتی آلودگی:۔

ڈیزل اور پٹرول کی گا ڑیوں سے نکلنے والا زہریلا دھواں عام لوگو ں کو کھانسی اور بے شمار بیماریوں میں مبتلا کر دیتا ہے۔گلے 'ناک کان 'اور جلد کی بیماریاں لگ جاتی ہیں۔شہروں میں تو تازی ہوا بھی میسر نہیںآتی۔بڑی بڑی عمارتیں اور ٹریفک کا دھواں شہر یوں کی صحت برباد کر دیتا ہے۔ٹریفک کا شور انسان کی قوت سماعت کو کم کر دیتا ہے۔محکمہ ماحولیات اس سلسلہ میں بڑی کو شش کر رہا ہے کہ مخصوص علاقوں میں مثلاًسکول' ہسپتال 'اور رہا ئشی جگہوں پرگاڑی کے ہارن بہت کم آوازمیں استعمال کریں۔گاڑیوں اورٹرکوں میں تیز اور زیادہ آواز والے جدید ہارن لگائے گئے ہیں جو تکلیف کا باعث بنتے ہیں۔

حادثات میں اضافہ:۔

تیز رفتار ی ہر حال میں نقصان دہ ہے۔گاڑیاں سہولت کے لیے بنائی گئی ہیں۔انسان کو ان سے فائدہ کم اور نقصان زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔لاپرواہی سے تیز رفتاری میں کئی لوگ اپنی جانیں ضائع کر ابیٹھتے ہیں۔کئی راہ گیران حادثات کا شکار ہو جا تے ہیں۔ٹریفک سگنلز کا اشارہ کھلنے سے پہلے گاڑیاں چلا دیتے ہیں'کئی مسافر گر کر زخمی ہو جاتے ہیں۔

ڈرائیور ز کیلئے تربیت: ۔

ترقی یافتہ ممالک میں ہر کام کے لئے تر بیت دی جا تی ۔وہاں کوئی فرد ہوٹل یا حجام کی دکان پر اس وقت تک کام نہیں کر سکتاجب تک وہ کسی تربیتی ادارے سے سند یافتہ نہ ہو۔ہو ٹل میں کام کرنے سے پہلے اسے ہوٹل کے ہر شعبے کی تربیت لینی ضروری ہے۔کام کے علاوہ لباس 'خوش اخلاقی اور دھمے پن سے بات کرنے کے اصول سمجھائے جاتے ہیں۔تربیت کے بعد اس کو سند ملتی ہے 'اس طرح یورپ میں کئی جوانو ں کو انسانی مجسمہ پر بال لگاتے تراشتے دیکھا ہے جو اپنے گھروں میں بھی مشق کرتے ہیں۔ڈرائیورز کو تربیت تو جیسے پہلے بتائی گئی ہے ابتدائی سکول کے دوران ہی دی جاتی ہے۔

ٹریفک پولیس نے ڈرائیورز کے لئے ہدایت پر مبنی کتابچہ شائع کیا ہے جس میں پاکستانی ڈرائیورز کو ضروری ہدایات دی گئی ہیں مگر اسے بہت کم لوگ پڑھتے ہیں۔بسوں اور ویگنوں 'رکشہ اور ٹیکسیوں کے ڈرائیور ز اکثر غیر تعلیم یافتہ ہوتے ہیں'کسی واقف ڈرائیور سے چند دن گاڑی چلانے کی تربیت حاصل کر کے ڈرائیور بن جاتے ہیں۔حادثات پر کنٹرول کرنے کیلئے یہ لازم ہے کہ ڈرائیونگ ادارے کھولے جائیں۔ڈرائیور زکو ان اداروں میں تربیت دی جائے۔نئے ڈرائیورزکو اس وقت تک لائسنس نہ دیا جائے جب تک اپنی تربیت حاصل کر کے سند یا فتہ نہ ہو جائے۔ہوتا یہی ہے کہ چند دن کی معمولی پرائیویٹ تربیت سے گاڑی چلا کر لائسنس حاصل کر لیتے ہیں۔ڈرائیوروں کے لئے ضروری ہے کہ:

  • سڑکوں کو اس وقت تک استعمال نہ کریں جب تک وہ جسمانی اور دماغی طور پر صحیح حالت میں نہ ہوں'کسی قسم کے نشہ سے یکسوئی ختم ہو جاتی ہے۔
  • گاڑی چلانے سے پہلے اس کو اچھی طرح چیک کر لیں'بریک 'سڑینگ 'ٹا ئر اور سمت بتا نے والی بتیوں پر توجہ دیں 'کھڑکیا اور شیشے ہمیشہ صاف رکھیں۔
  • گا ڑی پر حد سے زیادہ بوجھ نہ ڈالا جائے۔
  • مو ٹر سائیکل یا سکوٹر پر سوار ہو نے سے پہلے حفا ظتی خول پہنے۔
  • سکول ' ہسپتال اور مسجدوں کے نزدیک آہستہ چلائیں اور ہارن نہ بجائیں 'ضرورت پڑنے پر آہستہ بجائیں۔
  • گاڑی کے پچھلے شیشوں کو پردوں یا کسی دوسری چیز سے نا ڈھانپیں۔
  • جب آپ کے سامنے گاڑیاں رک جائیں تو قطار سے ہٹ کر دائیں یا بائیں طرف سے آگے نکلنے کی کوشش نہ کریں۔
  • ایمر جنسی گاڑیوں یعنی ایمبولینس 'فائر بریگیڈ کی گاڑیاں 'پولیس کی گاڑیا ں جو سائرن دے کر چلیں اور جنازوں کو راستہ دیں۔
  • نابینا ' محتاج ' اپاہیج اور بوڑھوں کو آرام سے سڑک پار کرنے دیں۔
  • جانوروں کے پاس سے گزرتے وقت آہستہ چلیں ' انہیں کافی جگہ دیں ' انجن کو زور سے چلا کر ہارن بجا کر انہیں مت ڈرائیں۔
  • ٹریفک پولیس کے دئیے ہوئے نشانات کو بخوبی یا د رکھیں اور ان پر عمل کریں۔
  • گاڑیوں میں میوزک اور کسی قسم کی ٹیپ ریکارڈر نہ چلائیں۔

پاکستان میں کسی بھی ملازمت کے لئے پرائیویٹ اداروں میں خصوصی طور پر تجربہ مانگا جاتا ہے۔لوگ فرضی اور جعلی تجر بہ کے سر ٹیفیکیٹ دکھا دیتے ہیں یا غیر معیاری اداروں کی سند دکھا کر کام چلا لیتے ہیں یا چند دنوں کے تجربہ کو سالوں کا بتا کر کام کرا لیتے ہیں مگر کسی تربیتی ادارہ کا کو ئی سر ٹیفیکیٹ نہیں دکھا سکتے کیونکہ ایسے ادارے قائم ہی نہیں ہیں۔تر قی یا فتہ ممالک میں ہر کام کے لئے تر بیتی ادارے موجود ہیں۔ان اداروں کے سرٹیفیکیٹ ہی تجربہ کا ثبوت ہوتے ہیں۔

ٹریفک کے حادثات کو روکنے کے لئے ٹریفک پولیس اپنی نگرانی میں سرکاری طور پر ڈرائیونگ سکول قائم کر کے ان کو مقرر وقت پر تربیت دیں۔ڈرائیونگ سیکھنے کے لئے تعلیم کی حد مقرر کرے۔امیدوار کم ازکم میٹرک پاس ہو جو تربیت میں پڑھنے لکھنے کا کام بھی کر سکے اور تربیت بھی احسن طریقے سے حا صل کر سکے ۔بغیر تربیتی کورس اور سند حاصل کرنے کے ڈرائیونگ لا ئسنس نہ دیا جائے۔

Did you ever get stuck up in a traffic jam?

What do you think is the primary cause of traffic jams?

Why do residents in Singapore prefer public transport over private vehicles?

All the people on the road want to enjoy a very comfortable journey and reach their destination as fast as possible. People prefer using their own vehicle over public transport for the sake of saving time.

The traffic jams and long tailbacks in cities in Pakistan have become a routine matter, forcing people to take longer alternative routes, which entail more costs. Who do you think is responsible for causing regular roadblocks? Only a few research projects have been launched and completed until now to identify the factors behind the road blockades.

The main problem of traffic jams is the influx of so many more vehicles on the roads every year, or rather every month. Many new vehicles being registered daily make their way to the roads with no extra capacity to accommodate them.

The Singaporean government provides the public with a variety of transportation modes, including buses, rail routes, and taxis. This is to promote the use of public transport over the private one. About 5,308 million trips are made on daily basis on the public transport system! Another reason why residents in Singapore use public transport is that the government charges a high amount on private vehicles.

Broken roads can be regarded as the second major cause of roadblocks. The roads wanting repair also lead to accidents.

An under-construction road also hinders the normal flow of traffic. It is unfortunate that roads are frequently dug up for only replacing faulty sewerage lines with somewhat better ones that too are faulty and have insufficient capacity. That is why the city routes can usually be seen as being constructed and reconstructed.

The fourth major cause of traffic problems in cities is the inappropriate parking of vehicles. People show irresponsible attitude while parking their vehicles outside the mosques, schools, offices, shopping malls, and other public places. It shows that they least care for the other motorists, pedestrians and people on the sidewalk.

Traffic jams can be overcome by increasing the capacity of roads, improve the road quality, and discouraging the entry of new vehicles.

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{Urdu} Essay on public transport

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AoA, anybody got any ideas , or essays on public transport. - Second Language (3248)/3248_w11_qp_1.pdf Its in this paper, and thanks alot!  


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></center></p><ul><li>November 30, 2023</li></ul><h2>Traffic Issues in Pakistani Cities: A Brief Analysis and Solutions</h2><p><center><img style=

Malik Abdul Latif

Pakistan’s urban landscape is marred by a pervasive traffic problem, a challenge that plagues major cities across the country. The root causes of this congestion are multifaceted, stemming from a combination of infrastructural deficiencies, poor traffic management, and behavioral factors. Addressing this issue requires a multi-pronged approach that encompasses both short-term measures and long-term strategies.

Root Causes of Traffic Congestion:

  • Rapid Urbanization: Pakistan has witnessed an exponential growth in urbanization, with cities expanding at an unprecedented rate. This influx of population has outpaced the development of infrastructure, leading to overcrowded roads and strained transportation systems.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: The existing road network is often inadequate to handle the volume of traffic, particularly in densely populated areas. Narrow roads, insufficient lanes, and a lack of proper signage contribute to congestion and accidents.
  • Poor Traffic Management: Ineffective traffic management practices exacerbate the problem. Inconsistent traffic signal timings, a lack of designated lanes for public transport, and the absence of dedicated enforcement personnel all contribute to chaos on the roads.
  • Behavioral Factors: A disregard for traffic rules and regulations among drivers, including reckless driving, lane-swerving, and non-adherence to signals, further compounds the issue.
  • Vehicular Congestion: The increasing number of vehicles on the roads, particularly private cars and motorcycles, puts immense pressure on the transportation system.
  • Public Transport Inefficiency: An inadequate and unreliable public transport system forces many individuals to rely on private vehicles, further exacerbating congestion.

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Republic Policy Magazine November 2023

Recommendations for Traffic Congestion Resolution:

  • Infrastructure Development: Expanding and improving the road network is crucial to accommodate the growing traffic volume. This includes widening roads, constructing flyovers and underpasses, and creating dedicated lanes for public transport.
  • Enhancing Traffic Management: Implementing effective traffic management practices is essential. This involves synchronizing traffic signals, enforcing traffic rules strictly, and deploying traffic personnel to manage congestion at critical junctions.
  • Promoting Public Transport: Enhancing the efficiency and attractiveness of public transport will encourage more people to use it, reducing reliance on private vehicles. This includes investing in modern buses, expanding routes, and improving punctuality.
  • Vehicle Management: Implementing measures to control the number of vehicles on the road, such as congestion pricing and vehicle registration restrictions, can help alleviate congestion.
  • Behavioral Change Campaigns: Public awareness campaigns promoting road safety and encouraging responsible driving habits can play a significant role in reducing accidents and improving traffic flow.
  • Technology Integration: Utilizing intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can optimize traffic management, providing real-time traffic data and enabling dynamic signal adjustments.
  • Urban Planning: Incorporating traffic management considerations into urban planning can help prevent congestion in the long run. This includes developing mixed-use neighborhoods, promoting pedestrian-friendly spaces, and encouraging non-motorized transportation.
  • Strict Enforcement: Ensuring strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulations is essential to deter violators and promote a culture of responsible driving.
  • Inter-departmental Coordination: Effective collaboration between various stakeholders, including traffic police, municipal authorities, and urban planning departments, is crucial for implementing and sustaining traffic management strategies.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging local communities in traffic management initiatives can foster ownership and encourage compliance with traffic regulations.

Addressing Pakistan’s traffic congestion requires a comprehensive approach that tackles both infrastructural and behavioral aspects. By implementing a combination of short-term measures and long-term strategies, Pakistan can transform its cities into more efficient and livable spaces.

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Problems of Karachi Essay

Problems of Karachi Essay | 200 & 500 Words

by Pakiology | Jul 22, 2024 | Essay | 0 comments

Explore the multifaceted challenges faced by Karachi in this comprehensive essay. From overpopulation to traffic congestion, and water scarcity to political instability, discover the key issues affecting this bustling metropolis in our “Problems of Karachi Essay | 200 & 500 Words.”

Problems of Karachi Essay 200 Words

Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, grapples with a myriad of complex issues that impact its diverse population, including students. Overpopulation, a pressing concern, strains resources, and infrastructure, leading to housing shortages and traffic congestion. The latter not only wastes valuable time but also contributes to air pollution and economic disruptions.

The city’s infrastructure is in decay, with potholed roads and inadequate public transport hindering students’ daily commute. Moreover, a severe water crisis, unequal water distribution, and contamination pose health risks, particularly for children. Energy shortages disrupt students’ study routines and hamper economic growth.

Political instability, ethnic tensions, and corruption further compound Karachi’s problems. Crime and security concerns, from street crimes to extortion threats, disrupt daily life and education. Environmental degradation, including air pollution and coastal erosion, jeopardizes the city’s future.

Educational challenges, such as limited access and varying educational quality, add to the city’s woes. The digital divide, highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, has exacerbated educational disparities.

In conclusion, Karachi faces a complex web of problems that affect students and residents alike, ranging from overpopulation and traffic congestion to water scarcity, political instability, and educational challenges. Addressing these issues requires collective efforts to ensure a better and more livable future for all in this vibrant metropolis.

Problems of Karachi Essay 500 Words


Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan and its economic hub, is a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant culture, diverse population, and economic opportunities. However, beneath its surface lies a myriad of complex and pressing problems that impact the daily lives of its residents. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the problems faced by Karachi, catering to all types of students, ranging from school to college levels.

I. Overpopulation

One of the most glaring issues plaguing Karachi is overpopulation. With a population of over 14 million (as of my last knowledge update in September 2021), Karachi is Pakistan’s most populous city. This rapid population growth has resulted in various challenges:

A. Housing Shortage: The city lacks adequate housing facilities to accommodate its ever-growing population. This has led to the emergence of informal settlements, commonly known as katchi abadis, characterized by substandard living conditions and a lack of basic amenities.

B. Strain on Infrastructure: Overpopulation places immense stress on infrastructure, including roads, public transport, and utilities. Traffic congestion is a daily ordeal for residents, leading to time wastage and increased air pollution.

C. Resource Scarcity: Overpopulation exacerbates the scarcity of essential resources such as water and electricity, leading to frequent shortages and increased prices.

II. Traffic Congestion

Karachi’s traffic congestion is a problem that affects everyone, from schoolchildren to working professionals. The city’s road infrastructure is inadequate to support its population’s vehicular needs, resulting in numerous issues:

A. Time Wastage: Commuters in Karachi often spend hours stuck in traffic, leading to productivity losses and stressful daily routines.

B. Air Pollution: Prolonged traffic congestion contributes to air pollution, which poses serious health risks to residents, particularly children and the elderly.

C. Economic Impact: Traffic congestion has a negative impact on the city’s economy as it disrupts the movement of goods and services, increasing costs for businesses and consumers.

III. Infrastructure Decay

The deteriorating state of Karachi’s infrastructure is a critical issue that affects students and the general population alike:

A. Poor Road Conditions: Many of Karachi’s roads are in disrepair, riddled with potholes and cracks, which not only cause traffic congestion but also pose safety hazards for commuters.

B. Inadequate Public Transport: The city’s public transportation system is outdated and inefficient, making it challenging for students to commute to schools and colleges.

C. Sanitation Problems: Karachi faces sanitation issues due to inadequate waste management infrastructure. This leads to unhygienic conditions that can contribute to the spread of diseases.

IV. Water Crisis

Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental right, but Karachi faces a severe water crisis:

A. Unequal Distribution: Water is distributed inequitably across the city, with some areas receiving a more consistent supply than others. This disparity affects students’ ability to study and maintain good hygiene.

B. Contamination: Contaminated water sources in some parts of Karachi pose health risks, especially for children, who are more susceptible to waterborne diseases.

C. Groundwater Depletion: The over-extraction of groundwater has led to a decline in the water table, further exacerbating the water crisis.

V. Energy Shortages

Karachi, like many parts of Pakistan, grapples with energy shortages:

A. Frequent Load Shedding: Unplanned load shedding disrupts students’ study routines, making it difficult to rely on consistent electricity for lighting and electronic devices.

B. Economic Impact: Energy shortages also have a significant economic impact, affecting businesses and industries in Karachi, which, in turn, affects job opportunities for college graduates.

VI. Political Instability

Political instability has a far-reaching impact on Karachi’s problems:

A. Governance Challenges: Frequent changes in local and provincial governments have hindered long-term planning and the implementation of sustainable solutions to the city’s problems.

B. Ethnic Tensions: Karachi is known for its ethnic diversity, but political instability has sometimes fueled ethnic tensions, leading to violence and disruptions in daily life.

C. Corruption: Corruption within the bureaucracy can hinder development projects and the equitable distribution of resources.

VII. Crime and Security

Crime and security issues in Karachi are a concern for students and residents alike:

A. Street Crimes: Incidents of street crimes, such as theft and muggings, can make students and their families anxious about their safety.

B. Extortion: Some businesses and individuals face extortion threats, impacting their ability to operate freely.

C. Impact on Education: Security concerns can disrupt education, making it difficult for students to attend school or college regularly.

VIII. Environmental Degradation

Karachi’s environment is deteriorating rapidly, which can have long-term consequences for students:

A. Air Pollution: High levels of air pollution can lead to respiratory problems, affecting students’ health and concentration in school.

B. Coastal Degradation: Karachi’s coastline is under threat due to industrial pollution and unplanned development, impacting its natural beauty and ecosystem.

C. Climate Change: Karachi is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and sea-level rise, which can have far-reaching consequences for students’ lives.

IX. Educational Challenges

Finally, Karachi faces unique educational challenges:

A. Limited Access: Many children in the city, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, struggle to access quality education due to a lack of schools and resources.

B. Quality of Education: Even when schools are available, the quality of education varies widely, affecting students’ academic development.

C. Digital Divide: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the digital divide in Karachi, where many students lacked access to online learning resources.

In conclusion, Karachi, Pakistan’s largest and most populous city, faces a multitude of interconnected problems that affect students and residents of all ages. These problems include overpopulation, traffic congestion, infrastructure decay, water and energy shortages, political instability, crime and security issues, environmental degradation, and educational challenges. Solving these issues requires concerted efforts from government authorities, civil society, and citizens. It is crucial for students to be aware of these problems and actively engage in finding solutions, as they represent the city’s future. Karachi’s challenges are immense, but with the right approach and commitment, they can be overcome to create a better and more livable city for all its residents.

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Essay on Public Transport | Long Essay on Public Transport for Students and Children in English

October 21, 2021 by Prasanna

Essay on Public Transport: Whenever you walk or drive by a road you see various other vehicles running besides you, carrying numerous passengers at a time. These vehicles constitute the public transport of a city or any locality.

As the name itself, Public Transport is easily accessible to the general public. It includes vehicles like, autos, taxis, buses, trams, metro rails, trains etc. These public transport facilities are shared by everyone without any discrimination. It can carry numerous people from one point to the other, at a time.

Public transport existed from the old time. Public transport is usually managed by the government or by private organisations. In some countries public transport is managed by private organisations and at some places it is government-owned. In countries like India public transport is owned and managed by the government and charged minimally so that it is affordable to the common people.

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Transportation has become a necessary part of life today. Living without any transportation is very difficult as the world has changed to a global village.

Today in the modern era with the advent of new technologies and newer vehicles are introduced with higher speeds which take less time to reach the destination. People are always in search of faster and easy means of travelling to their destination. They want a transportation medium consuming less time at low costs. To achieve this people own vehicles to travel on, but there is a large majority of people who can’t afford to buy their own vehicle, for such people, public transport proves to be a boon.

Encouraging people to use public transport is a good way to reduce pollution and other traffic problems. If better public transport facilities will be made available it will discourage use of individual vehicles. That will also help in saving time, energy, money and other resources.

Long Essay on Public Transport

From the olden days, transport was the necessity for human beings to travel from one place to another. Man has greatly evolved from simply walking followed by using animals as mode of transportation to the moment when vehicles were created.

But today in the modern era, people usually opt for private vehicles, which leads to more vehicles on the road that leads to heavy traffic jams and air pollution. These are the major problems especially in the cities. The only way to solve this problem is to encourage people to use public transportation instead of using private vehicles as it is the best and easiest way that people can opt for.

Public transportation has become a necessary part of today’s modernisation and growing technologies. Public transport is defined as a transport made available for common people. Public transport is the cheapest mode of transport which is affordable by the common people.One major benefit of using public transport is that it reduces the number of vehicles running on roads and gradually slows down pollution.

When use of public transport will increase , there will be fewer private vehicles on the road. Some means of public transport such as high-speed trains, metro trains, trams cause zero pollution because they run on electricity. Another advantage is that people can do anything while taking public transportation as you can finish an assignment, read a book or do any type of work.

Also using public transportation saves a lot of money. People do not have to buy their own vehicles. The fare for buses or taxis are cheaper than private vehicles when compared to the diesel prices. Also, people do not have to spend lots of money on the maintenance of their vehicles or have to worry about parking as well.

But every aspect has its down side too. Taking public transport can be an uncomfortable experience when it is overcrowded. Getting stuck in an overcrowded bus or train for hours is an unpleasant experience for anyone. Also public transport lacks hygiene. They are very annoying sometimes. Also when you are in a hurry to reach the destination, public transport cannot help you to achieve your goal as they have run on their fixed timings.

The modes of public transport play an important role in the development of the country’s economy too. The better means of transport, the faster the growth rate of the economy would be. Also there should be a proper network of means of public transport in villages, thereby increasing economic activity there, automatically.

Public transport is the easiest mode of transport. Public awareness must be increased to use public transport at a greater extent. It will in turn reduce the pollution, traffic jams and also lower the rates of accidents as public transport has to undergo many safety measures. And public transport is always cheaper than the private ones. To make use of public transport, governments and organisations must try to provide more and more facilities to the public.

Public Transport Essay

FAQ’s on Public Transport Essay

Question 1. What are the benefits of using public transport?

Answer: Public transport is beneficial to your overall health and also has positive effects on the environment.

  • Walking to and from public transport is a great form of extra physical activity into your routine.
  • Public transport is cheaper than travelling in your own vehicle. It can also reduce the cost of maintaining your vehicles.
  • As Public transport will increase, private vehicles will reduce and thus it will control the pollution caused by the number of individual vehicles.

Question 2. Why do people nowadays opt for their own vehicle?

Answer: Public Transport offers a number of facilities and are the easiest way to travel though people usually prefer private ones because of the following reasons.

  • Public transport systems do not maintain proper hygiene.
  • Public transport can be slower than the private one because of the prescribed speed limits.
  • Public transportation stops at a fixed destination so the passenger has to look for additional means to reach their destination.
  • Public transport has fixed schedules which is inconvenient for some travellers.
  • Public transport is crowded and personal space may not be available.
  • Most vehicles are not modified to suit people with disabilities and also for senior citizens.
  • Long waiting hours.
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Public Transport Terms in Urdu

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When traveling in Pakistan or interacting with Urdu-speaking communities, understanding the terms related to public transport can be incredibly useful. This article is designed to help you familiarize yourself with essential Urdu vocabulary and phrases related to public transportation, such as buses, trains, and taxis. We’ll cover everything from asking for directions to buying tickets, ensuring you can navigate through Urdu-speaking regions with ease.

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Basic Terms for Public Transport

To begin, it’s essential to know some basic terms related to public transport. The word for “transport” in Urdu is ٹرانسپورٹ (Transport) . When talking about public transport, you can use the term عوامی ٹرانسپورٹ (Awami Transport) .

بس (Bus) and ٹرین (Train) mean bus and train, respectively. Another commonly used term is ٹیکسی (Taxi) , which refers to a taxi.

کرایہ (Kiraya) means fare, and is an important term when discussing the cost of travel. If you need to ask about the fare, you could say: “اس بس کا کرایہ کیا ہے؟ (Is bus ka kiraya kya hai?)”, which translates to “What is the fare for this bus?”

Getting Around

When navigating through cities or towns, you may need to ask for directions or specific locations where you can catch a bus or train.

بس اسٹاپ (Bus Stop) is the term for a bus stop. If you need to locate the nearest bus stop, you might ask: “قریبی بس اسٹاپ کہاں ہے؟ (Qareebi bus stop kahan hai?)”, meaning “Where is the nearest bus stop?”

Similarly, ٹرین اسٹیشن (Train Station) refers to a train station. To find a train station, you could inquire: “ٹرین اسٹیشن کہاں ہے؟ (Train station kahan hai?)”, which means “Where is the train station?”

Buying Tickets

When using public transport, you will often need to purchase a ticket. ٹکٹ (Ticket) is the Urdu word for ticket. To buy a ticket, you might say: “براہ کرم ایک ٹکٹ دیں (Barah Karam aik ticket dein)”, which translates to “Please give me one ticket.”

In some cases, you may need to specify your destination when buying a ticket. For instance: “مجھے لاہور جانے کے لئے ٹکٹ چاہیے (Mujhe Lahore jane ke liye ticket chahiye)”, meaning “I need a ticket to go to Lahore.”

Traveling by Bus or Train

While traveling by bus or train, you might need to know terms such as سیٹ (Seat) for seat, خالی (Khali) for available, and مصروف (Masroof) for busy. If you want to ask if a seat is available, you could say: “کیا یہ سیٹ خالی ہے؟ (Kya yeh seat khali hai?)”, meaning “Is this seat available?”

وقت (Waqt) means time, and it’s useful when asking about the departure or arrival times. For example: “یہ بس کس وقت روانہ ہوگی؟ (Yeh bus kis waqt rawana hogi?)”, translates as “What time will this bus depart?”

Emergency Situations

In case of emergencies or unexpected situations, it’s good to know some related terms. مدد (Madad) means help, which can be crucial in urgent situations. You might need to shout: “براہ کرم میری مدد کریں! (Barah karam meri madad karein!)”, which means “Please help me!”

پولیس (Police) is the same as in English, and knowing how to call for police assistance can be vital. You might say: “براہ کرم پولیس کو بلائیں (Barah karam police ko bulain)”, meaning “Please call the police.”

Mastering these public transport terms and phrases in Urdu will not only enhance your travel experience but also help you connect with locals and navigate your way through Urdu-speaking regions more effectively. With practice, you’ll find that managing public transport in a new language adds an enriching layer to your adventures.

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Essay on Public Transportation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Public Transportation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Public Transportation


Public transportation refers to vehicles like buses and trains, used by the public to travel. It is a shared system, meaning it carries multiple passengers at once.

Public transportation is important because it helps decrease traffic congestion. It also reduces air pollution by lessening the number of cars on the road.

Using public transportation can save money as it’s cheaper than maintaining a car. It also promotes social interaction and provides mobility to those who can’t drive.

In conclusion, public transportation is beneficial for the environment, economy, and society. Therefore, we should consider using it more frequently.

250 Words Essay on Public Transportation

Role in urban mobility.

Public transportation plays a pivotal role in facilitating urban mobility. It reduces congestion by transporting a larger number of people in a single vehicle, compared to private cars. This efficiency aids in reducing travel time, enhancing productivity, and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.

Economic Impact

Public transportation is a significant economic driver. It creates job opportunities, both directly and indirectly, and stimulates local economies by enhancing accessibility to businesses. It also plays a crucial role in reducing the economic burden of transportation for individuals, particularly those from lower-income groups.

Environmental Implications

Public transportation contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint. It minimizes the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower emissions and reduced energy consumption. It also aids in mitigating climate change by fostering a transition towards a low-carbon urban transport system.

Social Equity

Public transportation promotes social equity by providing affordable and accessible transportation options to all, irrespective of socio-economic status. It ensures that everyone can access essential services, job opportunities, and social activities, thereby reducing social exclusion.

In conclusion, public transportation is a cornerstone of sustainable urban development. It is instrumental in promoting economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity. Therefore, investing in public transportation is not just a matter of urban policy, but a key to achieving sustainable and inclusive cities.

500 Words Essay on Public Transportation

The role of public transportation.

Public transportation serves as the backbone of urban mobility, providing a sustainable alternative to private vehicle use. It mitigates the environmental impact of transport by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Public transit systems like buses, trams, and metros are designed to accommodate large passenger volumes, thereby decreasing the number of vehicles on the road and reducing traffic congestion.

Moreover, public transportation fosters social inclusion. It provides access to employment, education, healthcare, and recreational activities for all segments of the population, including low-income groups, the elderly, and people with disabilities. By offering a reliable and affordable means of travel, public transportation can bridge socio-economic disparities and facilitate social cohesion.

Challenges in Public Transportation

Despite its numerous benefits, public transportation faces several challenges. These include inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funding, and a lack of integrated planning. Many cities struggle with aging infrastructure and overcrowded transit systems, which can lead to service delays and reduced passenger comfort.

Funding issues are another significant hurdle. Public transportation is often heavily subsidized, relying on government funding to maintain operations. However, budget constraints can limit the capacity for system improvements and expansions.

Lastly, a lack of integrated planning can lead to inefficient transit systems. To maximize efficiency and user convenience, public transportation should be coordinated with other urban services such as housing, land use, and pedestrian infrastructure.

The Future of Public Transportation

The future of public transportation lies in smart, interconnected, and sustainable systems. Technological advancements like autonomous vehicles, real-time tracking apps, and contactless payments can improve service efficiency and passenger experience.

Furthermore, the integration of public transportation with other modes of travel, such as bike-sharing and ride-hailing services, can create a seamless and flexible mobility network. This concept, known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), represents a paradigm shift in urban transport, moving from vehicle ownership to shared mobility.

Sustainability is another key aspect of the future of public transportation. As cities strive to achieve carbon neutrality, electric buses, hydrogen-powered trains, and other forms of green public transit will play a crucial role in reducing transport-related emissions.

Public transportation is more than just a means of getting from one place to another. It is a tool for urban development, social equity, and environmental sustainability. Despite the challenges it faces, with proper planning, sufficient funding, and the integration of advanced technologies, public transportation can continue to serve as a vital component of urban life, shaping our cities for the better.

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, sustainable urban transport in pakistan: threats and opportunities.

Management of Environmental Quality

ISSN : 1477-7835

Article publication date: 1 October 2005

The purpose of the paper is to explore this phenomenon, how initial choice in the history of transport policy in Pakistan became “locked into” suboptimal transport policies biased towards private vehicles and roads and now resisting change to a more sustainable transport policy.


The methodology was designed by applying the concept of “path dependence” on a case study of Pakistan. This approach helped to locate the “critical juncture” for explaining how transport decision has been made over time and on which basis.

Pakistan transport development, including urban transport planning, has become both “resource dependent” and “path dependent” upon international agencies which shapes the outcomes and limits the application of sustainable solutions in transport in ways that could be consistent with the local situation.

Research limitations/implications

The paper is a part of a research project, “identifying the institutional barriers to sustainable urban transport in Pakistan” which is in progress. Therefore, the paper may develop its findings at the end of the research project.

Practical implications

The paper provides valuable information to getting insight into urban transport politics of Pakistan.


The research paper has implied the concept of “path dependence” to explain the difference between reality and ideal in urban transport planning of Pakistan by the interventions of global agencies.

  • Land transport
  • Process planning
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Imran, M. and Low, N. (2005), "Sustainable urban transport in Pakistan: threats and opportunities", Management of Environmental Quality , Vol. 16 No. 5, pp. 505-529.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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20+ Amazing List For Basic Urdu Vocabulary About Transportation

Picture of Amnah Khan

  • , September 10, 2021

essay on public transport in urdu

Whatever your reason for visiting the Land of Smiles, knowing at least some of the Urdu vocabulary about transportation can significantly make the journey hassle-free on your part. After all, you never want to be branded as the “lost” tourist by the locals, right?

To help you get started, use this comprehensive phrase guide and start learning what جہاز (pronounced as jahaaz ) and بس (pronounced as bus ) mean today. If you are game for that, then let’s start learning Urdu !

essay on public transport in urdu

Basic Urdu Vocabulary About Transportation And Useful Phrases For Traveling

Means of transportation in urdu.

(Roman Urdu)
TrainTrainٹرین، ریل گاڑی
Train StationTrain Stationسٹیشن
Bus StationBus Stationبس کا اڈا
Bus StopBus Stopبس سٹاپ
Auto RickshawAuto Rickshawاٹو
CarCarگاڑی، کار
AirplaneAirplaneہوائ جہاز
AirportAirportہوائی اڈ

Now that you have the basic Urdu vocabulary about transportation, what do you do next? Learn it daily and practice with native Urdu speakers. But, if you don’t have the means to do that now (but eventually you should), then try practicing with a language learning app like Ling . It contains 200+ topics that will help you remember when to use these words correctly. Download it now on the Play Store or App Store !

The Five Most Essential Urdu Vocabulary About Transportation

1. thank you – shukria شکریہ.

As a tourist, you will rely on the kindness of strangers to tide over difficulties. Thank them for their kindness and generosity, and know how to say thank you in Urdu . Trust us, saying thanks will go a long way in this country!

2. Is there a bus from the airport to the city? – Kia Airport sai shehar ki taraf koi bus jati hai? کیا ایرپورٹ سے شہر کی طرف کوئی بس جاتی ہے؟

Public transportation is usually cheaper than taking a taxi or hiring a car, but it is slower. Use this phrase to see if you can get where you want to go in a pinch or when you want to follow a scenic route into the city !

3. I have an appointment – Meri appointment hai میری ریزرویشن ہے

You can expect to use it at least a few times during the entire trip unless you are the person who sits down and travels and only goes to any available hotel , motel, or inn.

4. Is this the correct bus to the airport? – Kia yeh hawai aday ky liye sahih bus hai? کیا یہ ہوائی اڈے کے لئے صحیح بس ہے؟

Likewise, if you are the kind of a person who can let yourself move early (or you might have a delayed flight), maybe you want to take a bus instead of a taxi. So, make sure that your direction is correct! You don’t want to watch a flight departing from a distance from a lookout point half an hour away, do you?

5. Do you accept credit cards? – Kia aap credit card letay hain? / کیا آپ کریڈٹ کارڈ لیتے ہیں؟

This is another travel phrase that can significantly simplify your currency transactions.

Useful Words For Asking Directions In Urdu

(Roman Urdu)
Straight aheadBilkul siddhaبالکل سیدھا
Towards…Ki tarafکی طرف …
It’s close byYe qareeb haiیہ قریب ہے
Across (to the other side of)Dusri tarafدوسری طرف
AroundIrd girdارد گرد

Other Important Urdu Words And Phrases About Transporation

(Roman Urdu)
Transportednaqal o hamalنقل و حمل
Transportingnaqal o hamalنقل و حمل
Do you understand English?Kya ap English samjty ho?کیا آپ انگریزی سمجھتے ہیں؟
Pardon me/Excuse  me/SorryMujhy Maaf karain / Maaf kijiye gaمجھے معاف کردیں/معاف کیجئے گا۔
 I am pleased to meet you.Tum sy mil kar Khushi hui  تم سے مل کے خوشی ہوی.
How much is this?Ais kay kitnai hua?یہ کتنا ہے؟
Can you help me please?Kya ap mere madad kar saktay hain?کیا آپ میری مدد کر سکتے ہیں؟
I want to go backMai wapas jana jata honمیں واپس جانا چاہتا ہوں
Please bring the billBara e karam bill lay ayeبراہ کرم بل لائیں۔
Could I get a map?  Kya mujhy naqsha mil sakta hy.کیا مجھے نقشہ مل سکتا ہے؟
I don’t understandMujhy samajh nahi ataمجھے سمجھ نہیں آتا
Yes/no/ maybeHan/Nahi/ shayedہاں / نہیں / شاید
Where is …? (Singular)Kahan hai…?کہاں ہے …؟
Where are…? (pural)Kahan hain…?کہاں ہیں؟…
Where is the toilet?Bait al khala kahan hai?بیت الخلا کہاں ہے؟
How do I get to…Mai kaise hasil karunمیں کیسے حاصل کروں گا …
How much is the fare?Kiraya kitna hai?کرایہ کتنا ہے؟
Please stop here (to a taxi driver)Bara e karam yaha rukoبراہ کرم یہاں رکو

As we reach this part of the post, we hope that you were able to find all the words, phrases, and expressions you’ll ever need to travel to Pakistan with style! If you enjoyed this post, we highly recommend that you read our other blog posts like the critical information about greetings in Urdu and the common words and phrases. But if you are someone who is interested in something more motivating, you should check out the Ling app !

Benefits Of Learning Urdu Vocabulary About Transportation

Traveling abroad is almost always a rewarding, rich, and exciting experience. It allows us to see the world from a different perspective, and it helps us connect better with other people from across the globe. One of the Southeast Asian places you should try traveling to is Pakistan. Pakistan is home to jaw-dropping attractions, including the Multan, Tharparkar, Makran Coast, and Kalash Valleys.

It is a safe place to visit, especially for backpackers, since most of the spots can be reached by simply using the public transportation system. And since you might find yourself taking the same route, we will arm you with the basic Urdu vocabulary and phrases so that you can focus on enjoying your trip while speaking confidently with the locals.

Use Ling App To Master Urdu Today

If you are tired of simply relying on translators, paying subscriptions for language courses, or generally have poor speaking skills in a specific language, why not try the  Ling app today? The Ling app is a revolutionary language-learning application designed to support your goal of mastering Urdu and 60+ other foreign languages. It can be accessed through its web platform or downloaded for free so that you can learn anytime, anywhere. Download the  Ling app   now and start your learning journey!

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Transport meaning in Urdu

Transport sentence, transport synonyms, transport definitions.

1 of 5) Transport , Conveyance : وسیلہ , کسی چیز کی نقل و حمل کرنا , ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ لے جانا : (noun) something that serves as a means of transportation.

2 of 5) Transport , Carry : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ لے جانا , اٹھا کر لے جانا : (verb) move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one`s hands or on one`s body.

3 of 5) Transport , Ecstasy , Exaltation , Rapture , Raptus : حال , بیخودی , بے خودی : (noun) a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion.

4 of 5) Transport , Channel , Channelise , Channelize , Transfer , Transmit : بھیجنا , ترسیل کرنا : (verb) send from one person or place to another.

5 of 5) Transport , Conveyance , Transfer , Transferral , Transportation : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ تبدیل کرنے کا عمل , کسی چیز کو ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ لے جانے کا عمل : (noun) the act of moving something from one location to another.

Useful Words

Highway System : شاہراہوں کا نظام , Air-Freight : ہوائی جہاز سے سامان بھیجنا , Air Mail : ہوائی ڈاک , Haul : نقل و حمل کرنا , Black Maria : پولیس کی گاڑی جس میں قیدیوں کو لے کر جایا جاتا ہے , Carry Over : منتقل کرنا , Express : تیز ترسیل , Line : زمین میں ڈالی جانے والی وغیرہ , Autobus : بس , Bale : گٹھا , Highway : شاہراہ , Depot : گودام , Hospital Train : زخمی فوجیوں کی ٹرین , Apc : بکتربند , Raft : بیڑا , Express : پبلک ٹرانسپورٹ , Railroad Train : ریل , Active Transport : دوا یا غذا کی جسم میں ترسیل , Haemoglobin : آکسیجن کو خون میں ملانے والا ایک مادہ , Local : لوکل , Container : ڈبہ , Atomic Number 26 : لوہے کی کیمیائی علامت , Police Headquarters : کسی مرکز یا صدر مقام کے طور پر کام آنے والی عمارت , Transshipment : جہاز بدلی , Vehicle : گاڑی , Fare : سواری کا کرایہ , Horsebox : گھوڑے منتقل کرنے کی گاڑی , Conductor : وہ آدمی جو کرایہ جمع کرے , Litter : ڈولی , Cargo Ships : تجارتی بحری بیڑا , Arrival Time : پہنچنے کا وقت

Useful Words Definitions

Highway System: a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport.

Air-Freight: transport (cargo) by air.

Air Mail: mail that is sent by air transport.

Haul: transport in a vehicle.

Black Maria: van used by police to transport prisoners.

Carry Over: transport from one place or state to another.

Express: rapid transport of goods.

Line: a pipe used to transport liquids or gases.

Autobus: a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport.

Bale: a large bundle bound for storage or transport.

Highway: a major road for any form of motor transport.

Depot: station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods.

Hospital Train: a military train built to transport wounded troops to a hospital.

Apc: (military) an armored vehicle (usually equipped with caterpillar treads) that is used to transport infantry.

Raft: a flat float (usually made of logs or planks) that can be used for transport or as a platform for swimmers.

Express: public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops.

Railroad Train: public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive.

Active Transport: transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy.

Haemoglobin: a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color; function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.

Local: public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops.

Container: any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another).

Atomic Number 26: a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood.

Police Headquarters: a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district; serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought.

Transshipment: the transfer from one conveyance to another for shipment.

Vehicle: a conveyance that transports people or objects.

Fare: the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance.

Horsebox: a conveyance (railroad car or trailer) for transporting racehorses.

Conductor: the person who collects fares on a public conveyance.

Litter: conveyance consisting of a chair or bed carried on two poles by bearers.

Cargo Ships: conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry.

Arrival Time: the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to arrive at a given destination.

Related Words

Airlift : ہوائی جہاز کے ذریعے لے جانا , Bringing : دینا , Drive : جانور ہکانا , Relocation : رہائش کے لیے مقام کی تبدیلی کا عمل , Sidecar : موٹر سائیکل کے ساتھ جوڑی ہوئی ایک بغلی گاڑی , Emotional State : جذبہ , Bear : لے کر چلنا , Bring : لادینا , Propagate : پھیلانا , Release : نکالنا , Send : بھجوانا , Porter : مزدور , Displace : چیز کو ایک جگہ سے ہٹانا

Transport in Book Titles

Transport Technology. White Paper on Transport Policy. Transport and Environment: In Search of Sustainable SolutionsWe Get to Carry Each Other: The Gospel according to U2.

Next of Transport

Transport Ship : a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment.

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Transparentness : the quality of being clear and transparent.

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