Written Samples

10 student council speech samples.

Running for a position on the Student Council is a commendable endeavor that requires courage, planning, and a clear vision. Student Council serves as the voice of the student body, advocating for changes, planning events, and representing student interests.

A strong, compelling speech can significantly impact your campaign, resonating with peers and motivating them to vote for you. This article provides 10 distinct student council speech samples tailored for various roles and personalities.

Student Council Speech Samples

Whether you’re running for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or a specific committee, these speeches are designed to inspire and guide you in crafting your unique message.

Speech 1: The Visionary Leader

“building a brighter future together”.

Fellow students, today marks a significant moment in our journey together. I stand before you, not as an individual, but as a representative of the collective dreams and aspirations we all share for our school. As a candidate for your Student Council President, I am committed to making those dreams a reality.

Our school is more than just a building; it’s a vibrant community where each of us has the opportunity to grow, learn, and succeed. However, like any community, we face our share of challenges. Whether it’s improving school lunches, increasing club funding, or ensuring that every student’s voice is heard, there is always work to be done.

My vision is to create a more inclusive, supportive, and dynamic school environment. This means establishing open forums where every student can voice their concerns, working closely with administration to implement sustainable changes, and building a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.

I bring to this position my experience as class representative, my passion for student involvement, and my unwavering commitment to our school’s welfare. Together, we can build a brighter future for all students. Let’s make it happen!

Speech 2: The Approachable Vice President

“uniting for a stronger community”.

Hello, fellow students! I am thrilled to stand before you as a candidate for Vice President of the Student Council. My goal is clear: to work alongside the president in creating a united, empowered student body ready to tackle the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come our way.

As Vice President, I will focus on enhancing communication between the council and you, the students. I plan to set up a suggestions box, hold regular meet-ups, and ensure your ideas and concerns don’t just stay heard but acted upon. I understand the importance of teamwork, and I promise to be an accessible, friendly face you can always turn to.

My dedication to our school community stems from my own experiences as an active member of several clubs and organizations. These experiences have taught me the value of listening, the importance of action, and the transformative power of community spirit. Let’s work together to make our school not just a place of learning, but a home of lasting memories and achievements!

Speech 3: The Meticulous Treasurer

“investing in our future”.

Good day, students! As a candidate for the position of Treasurer, I want to talk about an essential aspect of our student council: fiscal responsibility. The role of Treasurer is more than just handling funds; it’s about ensuring that every dollar you entrust to the council is spent wisely and benefits as many students as possible.

I come to you with a strong background in mathematics and a keen eye for detail, qualities that are crucial for managing our budget effectively. I plan to introduce transparent budget reports, seek your input on spending priorities, and negotiate for better deals on our events and supplies.

Investing in our future means more than just saving money; it means funding initiatives that build our skills, enhance our school spirit, and create lasting memories. With your trust, I promise to be a responsible steward of our resources, always seeking ways to improve our collective experience while maintaining fiscal prudence.

Speech 4: The Organized Secretary

“keeping us connected”.

Hello, everyone! As your prospective Student Council Secretary, I understand the significance of organization and clear communication in making our council effective. My mission is to keep us connected and informed, ensuring that every meeting, every event, and every decision is recorded and communicated to you promptly and clearly.

My approach involves not just meticulous note-taking and organizing but also harnessing technology to streamline our communication. This means regular updates through our school’s website and social media, creating a digital archive of minutes and decisions, and ensuring you’re always in the loop.

By keeping our council’s work transparent and accessible, I aim to build trust and encourage greater participation from all of you. Let’s work together to create a well-informed student body capable of making a difference!

Speech 5: The Dedicated Committee Member

“every voice matters”.

Hi, everyone! Running for a specific committee might seem like a small role, but it’s roles like these that make our student council function effectively. As a candidate for the [Insert Committee Name] committee, I am passionate about [Insert Committee Focus, e.g., environmental issues, school spirit, academic improvement].

My commitment is to bring fresh ideas, boundless energy, and a listening ear to this position. I want to ensure that every student who shares a passion for [Committee Focus] has a platform to express their ideas and see them come to life. Whether it’s organizing events, leading campaigns, or working on improvements, I am ready to dedicate my time and effort to make a real impact.

Your vote means not just support for me but an investment in the area we’re passionate about. Let’s join hands and make [Insert School Name] a beacon of [Committee Focus] excellence!

Speech 6: The Inspirational President

“leading with heart and vision”.

Dear students, as I stand before you, aspiring to be your next Student Council President, I am filled with a sense of purpose and determination. This school is not just an institution but a vibrant community where each of us has the potential to thrive and contribute. As your president, I aim to lead not just with decisions, but with vision, empathy, and unwavering dedication.

My vision for us is a school where every student feels valued and empowered. A place where we tackle challenges head-on, celebrate our diversity, and work collectively towards innovative solutions. I plan to initiate regular student-led forums, champion inclusive policies, and ensure that our activities and decisions reflect the rich tapestry of our student body.

My commitment to you is rooted in a deep belief in teamwork, respect, and perseverance. I have learned through various leadership roles that the key to effective leadership is listening, adapting, and inspiring. Together, we can elevate our school to new heights, create a nurturing environment, and build a legacy of positivity and progress.

Speech 7: The Dynamic Vice President

“collaboration and action”.

Greetings, fellow students! As candidates for Vice President of the Student Council, I am excited about the prospect of working closely with the president to amplify your voices and bring your ideas to fruition. I understand that this role is pivotal in facilitating smooth operations and fostering a spirit of unity and collaboration among us.

My focus will be on bridging the gap between students and the council, ensuring that we are not just a body making decisions but a dynamic team working in sync with the student community. I plan to introduce innovative collaboration tools and platforms where every suggestion is considered, and every voice is heard.

With my experience in organizing school events and managing teams, I bring a set of skills that are crucial for the effective execution of our shared goals. I promise to be proactive, resourceful, and most importantly, accessible to each one of you. Let’s work together to make our school a hub of vibrant student activity and shared success.

Speech 8: The Strategic Treasurer

“fiscal responsibility, our collective commitment”.

Hello to all! As your candidate for Treasurer, I am aware of the significant responsibility that comes with managing our student council’s finances. It’s not just about keeping books; it’s about strategic planning, transparency, and making every penny count towards improving our school life.

I bring to this position my experience with budgeting and finance, coupled with a deep commitment to serve each one of you. My plan includes introducing a participatory budgeting process where you get to have a say in our financial priorities, regular financial updates to keep everyone informed, and innovative fundraising ideas to boost our resources.

Investing in our collective future means making smart, ethical, and impactful financial decisions. With a keen eye on our goals and a strict adherence to transparency, I will ensure that our council’s financial health is robust and that our resources are aligned with our shared vision.

Speech 9: The Efficient Secretary

“the backbone of our council”.

Dear students, as a hopeful Secretary for our Student Council, I recognize the immense responsibility of being the link between you and the council’s activities. This role is more than just taking minutes; it’s about ensuring that every decision, every event, and every initiative is documented, communicated, and archived effectively.

My vision is to make our council’s workings as transparent and accessible as possible. This means not only meticulous record-keeping but also innovative communication strategies to keep everyone informed and engaged. I plan to utilize digital platforms to disseminate information, organize feedback sessions, and ensure that our council is always accountable to you.

With a commitment to organization and a passion for communication, I am ready to be the reliable backbone of our council, ensuring that as we move forward, every step is recorded, every voice is heard, and every achievement is shared.

Speech 10: The Passionate Committee Leader

“spearheading change, one initiative at a time”.

Greetings, peers! As a candidate for the [Insert Committee Name, e.g., Environmental Committee] leader, I am here not just to lead a committee but to ignite a movement. Whether it’s enhancing our school’s green initiatives, boosting academic resources, or strengthening our sports programs, each committee plays a crucial role in our student council’s mission.

I am passionate about [Committee Focus] and have spent my time at school actively involved in related projects and initiatives. As a leader, I plan to bring this passion to the forefront, driving innovative programs, rallying student support, and ensuring that our activities have a lasting impact.

Your support means empowering a dedicated leader focused on making tangible changes in our school. Together, we can champion causes close to our hearts, bring about meaningful change, and leave a legacy that future students will be proud of.

In crafting your speech, remember the importance of authenticity, clarity, and enthusiasm. Your fellow students are looking for leaders who not only promise but also inspire and enact real change. Use these samples as inspiration, but ensure your personal story and vision shine through. Good luck!

how to write a good speech for class representative

Student Council Speech Ideas & Tips to Help You Win

Whether you want to be president or head up PR, we've got you covered with tips and example student council speeches.

Lori personal and professional experiences have helped her cultivate a broad writing portfolio, spanning publications on subjects like education and parenting.

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Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

Getting involved in student council is an amazing way to have a little extra influence in your school, but you have to win an election to get that influence. If you want to convince people to vote for you, you'll need a great student council speech that they'll remember on election day.

Serving on your school's student council gives you a say in student activities and a voice with the school administration, and that's a pretty big deal. It also looks good on college applications. However, to make it onto the student council, you'll first need to give a speech and gather votes from the other students. We've got you covered with writing tips, examples, and ideas to give you tons of extra confidence (and hopefully that win you want).

Winning Student Council Speech Ideas

You've probably done a little (or a lot) of persuasive writing in your classes, and you can totally build on that to write a great speech. You'll also want to make your speech memorable and fun to listen to since you need these kids to think of you when it's time to vote.

  • Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You
  • Tips for a Winning Student Council Speech for Treasurer
  • Self-Introduction Speech Examples & Tips to Help You Be Confident & Calm

Use these suggestions to help you craft a speech they'll never forget. It's important that you make sure your speech suits your school and position.

Open With a Humorous Story

Start your speech with something that will make everyone laugh . That can be a joke or a hilarious anecdote — there are no wrong answers as long as you amuse people and don't offend them.

  • Funny Intro Ideas for Student Council Speeches

Tell What You've Done Already

Next, you need to establish your credibility. Why should people vote for you? Why are you awesome at this role already? Show off your leadership experience and your connections to people in the school or community.

Explain the Role You're Running For

At this point in the speech, you want to clearly state what you want people to do. Tell them what student council role you're hoping to get and that you will do well in this position.

Keep your speech short and to the point and be honest about why you'd like the position regardless of whether it's a big or smaller role. For smaller roles, such as sergeant-at-arms, auditors, or public relations, hone in on what qualifications you have and use vivid examples to keep your audience interested.

Clearly Ask for Their Vote

Finally, you need to make sure you clearly ask people to vote for you. Mention the election day specifically. It's also nice if you offer to answer any questions or chat with people one-on-one.

Make Your Student Council Speech Stand Out

While there are certain traits and promises the student body expects from every candidate's speech, they want to choose one person who stands out from the crowd. Even if you're running for a smaller position, such as a PR officer or sergeant-at-arms, you may need to make a great speech as well in order to get elected. Make your speech the most memorable one in the room.

  • Grab a thesaurus and look for synonyms of common words used to describe the position you're running for. When all the other secretarial candidates talk about their attention to detail, you can use words like "meticulous" or "assiduous" to sound different.
  • Include visuals like props, a themed outfit, or specific hand gestures to give your speech a multidimensional feel.
  • Choose a speech theme to structure your presentation like a specific social media platform, a historical event, or a particular sport. Look for a theme that relates well to the role you want.
  • Invent a catchphrase that captures the spirit of your speech to keep the student body talking about it all the way to the polls.
  • Add sound effects, song lyrics, or music to give the speech more life.

Student Council Speech Examples for Each Role

Get inspired to write the perfect speech with these examples for each major role. Whether you're hoping to be president or secretary, these samples can help you get started writing your own speech.

Sample Speech for President

Hello, my name is John Doe and I'm a junior. I'm not the type of student who will lead a senior prank or skip class with you, but that probably isn't what you want in a class president anyway. What I do offer is steadfastness, hard work, and the ability to work with others even during difficult circumstances while still keeping a sense of humor.

Last year, when the cafeteria stopped serving the salad bar, I was able to get it reinstated by starting a petition, having many of you sign it, and taking it to Principal Smith. Because we worked together, we were able to bring the salad bar back, and now it's better than ever.

During the last three years at Sample High School, I've been involved in many activities. I've played basketball, spent a short time in the school band, worked on various committees, and helped tutor students after school. Last year, I was adopted into the National Honor Society and started an after school club for airplane enthusiasts that meets once a week.

As your student council president, I vow to end all homework. Just kidding. I can't do that, but what I can do is be your voice with the school administration and work to make this the best year Sample High has ever had. I will introduce ideas for events, such as dances after high school basketball games, and we'll work together to help the community through volunteer work and showing them just how dedicated the students at Sample High are.

I would appreciate your vote for president. If elected, I will continue to fight for the things that are important to students, no matter how big or small they might be. Let's work together to make our stamp on this community and on the world.

If you're running for the highest role in your class or school, your speech really needs to stand out. This is the most competitive race, so make sure you leave people with a clear idea of who you are and what you want to do.

Vice President Speech Example

Instead of starting with my name and what I'm running for, at which point you'll tune me out and start looking at the smudge on your left shoe, I am going to tell you my favorite memory so far from high school. On my first day at Sample High School, I had no idea how to get to my classes. This school is big, and I was lost.

On top of that, I was rushing around trying to find my class and tripped and fell flat on the floor in front of the cutest guy I'd ever seen. Not only was he nice enough to help me up, but several other students rushed to help me, got me to my classroom, and made me feel better about how goofy I was. That was the moment I fell in love with Sample High School. We all help each other and you don't find that just anywhere.

One of the reasons I'm running for Vice President of the student council is that I want to give back to the high school I love so much. I want to be that friendly face for new students coming in and a defender for students already here.

During the last two years, I've prepared myself to serve as Vice President by taking on extra work organizing a fan club for our football players to cheer them on when they play at home and make sure our school is represented in the stands at every away game. I've spent time as an office aid, learning about the everyday running of the school and silently taking notes on what we as students can do to improve things and how we can work with the administration.

As your Vice President, I will stand beside your president, offering support and stepping in when she is not able to be here or asks for some extra help. I'll sit on the student council and get actively involved in planning prom , graduation, and homecoming. I will always be here to listen to your concerns or to help you off the floor should you fall flat on your face like I did.

I am asking for your vote for VP of the student council. I love this school. I want to be helpful, and I want us all to build memories we'll remember and treasure forever. Now, if I can just get off this stage without falling on my face, I'll be in good shape.

A vice presidential speech needs to be highly effective to gain student confidence. This means you need to grab their attention and keep it throughout the speech, as well as clearly telling your audience what you want to accomplish.

Secretary Election Speech Sample

Today, I want to tell you something about me that you might not know. From the time I was five years old, I've been taking guitar lessons. I don't play in a band and I don't take music classes at school, but every night when I get home, I pick up my Fender and I relieve any stress from the day by playing a few of my favorite classic rock songs.

Learning to play a musical instrument takes a lot of time and stubbornness. There are times when I just wanted to quit because my fingers were raw from trying to learn a new chord or that song just didn't sound right. However, I stuck with it until I overcame the challenge and that is exactly what I'll do as your secretary. If there is an issue that needs to be solved, I won't quit until we figure out a solution. I will bring your concerns to the other council members, and like learning a new chord, I will stick with that concern until we figure it out.

I would like your vote for secretary of the student council. You never know, I may even bring my guitar to a student council meeting or two and just set it by my side as a reminder of why we need to work hard to achieve worthwhile things.

In your secretary speech, explain why you are perfect for the role. Highlight your organizational skills, perseverance, and ability to get along with everyone.

Treasurer Election Speech Example

Those of you who already know me probably know that math is my favorite subject. I'm proud of my inner geek, and I think it makes me perfect for the job of Treasurer. The student council treasurer is in charge of keeping track of money and numbers, so this role is a perfect fit for me and I've decided to run for the position.

I've been a member of Jackson High's Mathletes for the last two years. In case you're not familiar with this group, we are a group of students who love math and go out and compete in events. We've won state twice in the last three years. I also am a member of the orchestra. We perform throughout the school year and at school basketball games.

The student council treasurer has to be good at math to keep track of all those numbers. Vote for me, and I'll make sure our numbers add up. I'll also have fun doing it because I'm just crazy enough to love numbers.

  • Example Student Council Speech for Treasurer & Tips to Write Yours

A class treasurer needs to show his or her trustworthiness and math abilities during the speech.

Example Speech for Any Student Council Role

Many of you probably know me best for tripping over my feet and falling face-first off the stage during prom. Once I got over that embarrassment, I decided I could face you here today.

From the first day I arrived at Sample High School, I knew I wanted to become more involved. From serving on the school newspaper as the Features Editor to helping plan prom last year, I consistently spend time in leadership roles and try to make this school an even better place than it already is. Many of you probably know me from my work with Key Club and the volunteer time I've spent at Sunnyvale Nursing Home and cleaning up our community park.

It probably won't surprise you that I have decided to run for student council for the role of ___________. As student council _________ (role), I will strive to continue to make improvements in the school for every student here at Sample High. The student council works side-by-side with the student body and the administration to ensure student events throughout the year are successful. As _______, I will ensure that you have a memorable year.

Today, I am asking for your vote for me on election day. Should you elect me, I will listen to your concerns and work hard for you. I'm happy to chat with anyone after this event to answer any questions you might have.

  • 9 Science-Backed Ways to Stay Focused on Your Schoolwork

Ways to Add Humor to Your Speech

One of the best election speech ideas for students is to work some humor into your speech. Infusing a bit of humor into your speech can help you better connect with your audience while making your speech really stand out. You can try using silly jokes, sarcasm, or inside jokes that only those who attend your school would get. These ideas might help. 

  • Say in a serious tone, "Settle in, I've got about three hours' worth of material to get through."
  • After your speech, say, "Okay, now for my speech."
  • Use a teacher or principal as a funny example, such as, "I'm as passionate about our school as (insert teacher) and as energetic as (insert teacher) after he/she's finished his/her coffee."
  • Say, "I care about this position as much as (teacher) cares about (insert book, movie, or learning principle that teacher speaks about a lot)."
  • Say, "I was really nervous to give this speech, so I've been practicing a lot in front of my (insert pet). He/she/they said it could use some work, so I guess I'll just give this my best shot."
  • Use self-deprecating humor by saying, "My annoying need to be organized and scheduled would make me a great fit for this position."
  • 65+ "Anything But a Backpack" Day Ideas That’ll Make You a School Legend

Deliver the Speech With Confidence

Once you've prepared your speech, practicing a few times alone and in front of an audience can help you get ready to deliver your speech with confidence. Whether your speech is lighthearted and funny or serious and to the point, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Make eye contact with those you are speaking to and don't focus too heavily on one person.
  • If you make a mistake, keep going. No one knows what your speech is supposed to sound like.
  • Practice some deep breathing exercises or mindfulness beforehand to calm nerves. Remember to take deep breaths throughout your speech and speak a bit slower than you normally would, as nerves can cause you to speak more rapidly.
  • Visualize yourself doing your speech well the morning of it.

Make Your Election Speech Memorable

Whether you use one of the samples listed here or write an entirely new speech, be sure to put a personal touch on the speech. By focusing on what makes you unique, your passions, and your skills, you will show confidence in front of your classmates and let them see a side of you they may not have seen before. Whether you win or lose the election, you can hold your head high and know you gave the speech your best.

  • Games, topic printables & more
  • The 4 main speech types
  • Example speeches
  • Commemorative
  • Declamation
  • Demonstration
  • Informative


  • Student Council
  • Speech topics
  • Poems to read aloud
  • How to write a speech
  • Using props/visual aids
  • Acute anxiety help
  • Breathing exercises
  • Letting go - free e-course
  • Using self-hypnosis
  • Delivery overview
  • 4 modes of delivery
  • How to make cue cards
  • How to read a speech
  • 9 vocal aspects
  • Vocal variety
  • Diction/articulation
  • Pronunciation
  • Speaking rate
  • How to use pauses
  • Eye contact
  • Body language
  • Voice image
  • Voice health
  • Public speaking activities and games
  • About me/contact
  • Speech examples
  • Student Council speeches

Student Council Speeches

By:  Susan Dugdale  

How to write a winning speech: a template, guidelines, plus example speeches

Student Council Speeches mark the end of an election campaign.

Will yours be successful?

The final answer is in the hands of your fellow students. It's entirely their decision.

However, up until they mark their voting papers 'yes' or 'no' you have the potential to make their choice of candidate for the upcoming year 'you'.

How to write a great student council speech 

Use the quick links below to find what you need to write a great student council speech, whether it's the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer role you're after.

Image - colored hands waving in affirmation. The word "YES" superimposed over image.

  • the primary purpose of your speech
  • a template that includes all the necessary elements of a good Student Council speech
  • points to consider carefully before you write
  • an example Student Council President speech
  • an example Student Council Vice President speech
  • an example Student Council Secretary speech
  • an example Student Council Treasurer speech
  • a printable speech planner and outline to download
  • vital tips for rehearsal . These make the difference between looking and sounding polished and bumbling.
  • a link to a collection of videoed student council speeches
  • how to manage anxiety about speaking in front of others

Understanding your speech purpose

Understanding the nature or purpose of your speech could make all the difference between winning and losing.

Student Council speeches are persuasive speeches . Their ultimate goal is to get you the YES vote.

To help you achieve that use the template, (framework or pattern), below to cover all the essential elements you need to pull together.

In addition, it will structure your speech logically, and effectively, from its opening through to its close.

(I've turned the template into a printable enabling you to plan and outline your speech efficiently and easily. You can download it from the link further down the page.)

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Student Council speeches template

Round button - colored hands waving in affirmation - YES.

  • Greeting - Attention Getter - The Hook You'll need an opening statement or rhetorical  question to sit your audience up with open ears and minds. For more see: How to write a speech introduction: 12 of the best ways to start.  
  • Who you are - your name, your place or grade in the school, and maybe, your hobbies or interests, and the clubs or teams you're a member of. For example, Amnesty International, the speech and debate club, cross-country and basketball. And if you've used a campaign slogan work it in. It'll jog people's memories. 'Ah, yes, that person!', they'll think. Being known and familiar gives you a head start.
  • What you want - the role you are campaigning for: President, Vice President,  Treasurer, Secretary, Historian...
  • What you are going to do for the audience - benefits to them in exchange for their vote. (Brief summary -you will expand this in the body of your speech.)
  • Credibility - your qualification or expertise establishing your fitness for the role you want. (Brief summary - you will expand this in the body of your speech.)
  • Transition leading to...
  • Your Main Idea 1 - For example: your goal for the role, what you want to achieve, how you plan to do it, the benefits to your audience - what painful problem(s) will you solve for them, your fitness for the job, transition to...
  • Main Idea 2 - Supporting ideas - details and examples - transition to...
  • Main Idea 3 - Supporting ideas - details and examples - transition to...

NB. Only include a second and third idea if you have time to expand on them. If not, move through to the conclusion.

  • Summary of main points
  • Re-statement of what you want - to be elected to the role you're running for
  • Re-statement of the benefits to the audience
  • Closer, clincher, call for action

Points to consider BEFORE you write your speech

Image: various colored hands waving. Text: - vote me.

You'll make a better job of completing the printable student council speech template if you  take the time to go through the points below.

And then, read the student council speech examples, before you start to write.

Research the role

Think about your audience, what tone or choice of vocabulary is best suited to them.

Avoid trying to impress with either 'big' words or use of slang. Both are traps! Be yourself. Authentic. Real.

Keep your language conversational rather than overly formal and use smaller rather than large sentences.

Try using active rather than passive words. These convey enthusiasm. For examples, see this page on using action verbs . You'll discover how to go from boring bla bla bland to dynamic excitement.

What 'hook' will you use to get them to listen? Humor? Humor is good if it is relevant and inclusive rather than exclusive. (No 'in' jokes!).

Your goal in the role you want

Avoid setting up expectations that you will deliver beyond your capability. :-)

It might be very tempting, but can you really reduce school hours, increase academic standards, introduce a range of exciting new extracurricular activities, as well as have a 'green day' and a movie night every month? Please keep it real!

Your credibility or qualifications

Now is not the time either to be shy or arrogantly big-headed! Let the audience know how right you are for the role you want.

Set yourself apart from other candidates by sharing compelling personal stories or anecdotes that both support your pitch, and show you understand the key issues that matter to your fellow students.

Your school's requirements

If your speech does not meet pre- established criteria in any way you may find it is returned to you edited. It's safer to find out what those criteria are BEFORE writing to avoid having to re-write or worse, being disqualified entirely.

Mockery and personal insults are not clever. They boomerang back on you, letting your audience know you're not to be trusted and neither are you ready for leadership.

Readily acknowledging the skill and expertise of your fellow candidates sincerely in a way that doesn't demean yourself, or them, shows an open mind and maturity.

Aim to have your speech ready BEFORE the deadline.

Give yourself time to prepare thoroughly, including time to review of your opponents' campaigns. That can be very useful for seeing their strengths as well as their weaknesses, which you can then respond to in your own material.

Student Council President speech example 

Here's a sample student council speech. I've written it from the perspective of someone running for President.

As you read it, imagine it said aloud. That will help you get the rhythm and flow of language. The speech is between 3 - 4 minutes long, depending on how quickly you speak.

Vote Sophia Clarke for Student Council President

Image: multi-colored hands waving. Text: YES! Sophia Clarke for President Student Council.

"I’ve got a question for you. I’m not asking you to shout your answer out, or raise your hand. All I’m asking is that you give it room in your mind. Let it sit for a bit, and have a think about it.

My question is – do you believe like I do, that all of us deserve the opportunity to make the best of ourselves? Not second best, 3 rd , or even, highly commended. The BEST.

I’m Sophia Clarke. I’m in the 12 th  grade, and I’m running for president. My vision is that each student is enabled to develop the skills and confidence to become the bigger, better version of themselves. The best they can be.  Regardless of who they are, and what they need to achieve that.

It’s an audacious goal. Some would say an idealistic, rather than a realistic, one.

However I say it’s awesome. And that you’re intelligent people who realize that reaching any goal starts with taking the first step.

So let me remind you why choosing me, Sophia Clarke, for president, is also choosing a better chance for yourself, and everyone else to grow.

I know you, and I know your needs well. I’ve served on your behalf in multiple roles through my years here; secretary, auditor, public relations officer, and have successfully taken on multiple issues. You’ll know some of those through directly benefiting from them.

It was me who was behind the push to get a regular anti-bullying program running throughout the school. That was two years ago, and now the  Teens Against Bullying  message underpins what we expect and strive for in our every day dealings with each other.

We know incidents of bullying are far fewer as a result. As our orange tee shirts say we ‘choose kindness, acceptance and inclusion’ for each other, and our selves.

Who has been involved in our mentoring-homework program? Either as a buddy-tutor or as a student getting a helping hand? And who, like me, is passionate about making sure that everybody gets a fair go?

In the past year, under my watch that program has escalated. We have over 50% more tutors across more subject areas and more students taking up the offer of help. That is a fabulous outcome for everybody. Truly win-win.

A tick in the box alongside my name is a tick for the continued growth of those programs. Their value is proven. They allow each of us to grow and experience the strength and confidence that comes from knowing that we can make a positive difference in other people’s lives as well as our own.

When you vote me for President you get my capacity to organize, to liaise, to listen and to speak, working for the benefit of everybody.

A 'yes' for me is a 'yes' for appreciating and celebrating diversity.

A 'yes' for me, Sophia Clarke for President, is 'yes' to a better you.

And together that is a 'yes' to a better life, and a better school, for all of us."

Student Council Vice President speech example

Like the speech above, this one runs to approximately 4 minutes when said aloud. Try it and see.

Image: poster for student council election. Text: YES! Jason Hull for Vice President, Student Council

Nod your head if you've heard of the phrase '2nd fiddle' or '2IC'.

What about 'sidekick'?

Not booting a ball in from a sideline but a trusty partner to whoever it is who has the leading role. Like Robin is for Batman.

Or like, {name of your country's Vice President or Prime Minister} is for {name of country's President or Prime Minister} or {name of your school's Vice Principal} is for {name of your school's Principal}!

Well, that's what I aspire to - to become the trusty, tried and true sidekick to the President on our student council.

My name is Jason Hull. I'm in Grade 12 and proudly standing in front of you today as a candidate for the role of Vice President. Yes, I am asking you to give me something of immense value - your vote.

I know what the issues, here at {name of school} are. As part of my campaign, I've interviewed you, and listened. I promise your ideas will be acted on.

Afterall I've trained for this role, put in the time. You know, I know how to get things done.

Last year I served as Secretary and the year before that I was a representative for the committee - proof that I'm committed to bettering our school environment not just for you, but for everybody!

With your support, I'll be your go-to guy when you want to make sure that your opinions and feedback reach the decision-makers.

One of my main goals as your Vice President is to champion your initiatives: amongst others, that's the library extensions you told me about, the desire for healthier food choices in our cafeteria, and the urgent need to increase and diversify the workforce and out-reach opportunities that so many of you mentioned.

Whether you're passionate about improving our school facilities, or enhancing our community involvement, I'll be there to guide and help you. 

In the role of Vice President, I will work alongside the President fulfilling my duties to the best of my ability. 

Together, we'll make sure that your concerns, and hopes are not just heard but actively pursued. Not 'I' will make sure, but 'we'.

There is no 'I' in we, and that too, is a prerequisite of the Vice President's position: the capacity to put aside ego and to work productively for the good of all.

Because together, we, the Vice President, the President and the other council members, are stronger and can achieve more.

The Vice President role may be a support act but it's a vital one.  To succeed in it, collaboration is key. I promise to work hand in hand not only with the President but also with the entire student council team, our teachers, and our administration on your behalf.

Unity is strength. More than ever, we need to nurture understanding, kindness and respect for each other. Regardless of your grade, interests, or background, I want every one of you to feel valued and heard.

That's a goal many would say is impossible.

However, I say, we need to be the difference we want to see in the world. And to borrow those famous words of Helen Keller's: "Alone we can do so little. Together we can so much."

It would be an honor to be your voice, your eyes and your ears as Vice President.

So, I ask you, will you trust me to have your best interests at heart? Will you enable me to work on your behalf?

And are you willing to give me, Jason Hull, your vote for best sidekick, aka. Vice President?

I'll take those smiles, as a 'Yes'.

Example Student Council speeches for Secretary and Treasurer

Click the link to read an:

  • example Student Council speech for the role of Secretary . Plus, an overview of the Secretary's main tasks and responsibilities.
  • example Student Council speech for the role of Treasurer . Plus, an overview of the Secretary's main tasks and responsibilities.

(This page was getting far too long to include them both here. ☺)

Get the printable student council speech outline

Click on the image below to open a downloadable printable student council speech planner and outline pdf. (Please note it will open in a new window.)

Image: a row of multicolored hands waving. Text: Click to download a printable student council speech outline.

Your completed outline will provide both the structure and the content you need to efficiently write your speech.  

After you've finished writing your speech

Now that you've finished writing, you're ready to begin work on your delivery: how you present the speech to your audience.

The first step in that process is making sure your speech fits comfortably into whatever time you've been allocated.

After that comes rehearsal. The information you need for both steps is below.

Timing and word count

Student Council Speeches are generally brief: around 1-4 minutes long which isn't a lot of time! That's between approximately 150 - 600 words at an average speaking rate of 150 words per minute.

To be safe say your speech out loud as if you were delivering it for real and time it. In some schools going overtime can result in being disqualified.

Going faster to fit everything in

Please do not be tempted to say it faster to get everything you planned said. As a strategy it doesn't work. You'll end up gabbling: speaking far too quickly and people won't be able to understand what you're saying.

Cutting out extra material

If you have got too much material for the time limit, cut it. Choose the least important ideas to let go of first. Then move on to rephrasing to reduce the number of words used to express a point.

When you think it's done, repeat the test. Say it out loud as if you were actually giving it, and time it.

If you're now within the allotted time, you are ready for rehearsal.

For more about word count see: how many words per minute in a speech

How to rehearse your speech

Round button -multi-colored hands waving in affirmation - the word "rehearse" across image.

Please, please  rehearse your speech ! Do not be tempted to wing it. The more you rehearse the easier it will be to deliver it well.

Remember it is only 1 to 4 minutes long! In that time your goal is to have your audience ready to vote for you.

You can help them make that decision by being confident and prepared. You will show that through:

  • your speaking style  - natural, sincere, fluent, understandable (clear and able to be heard without straining)
  • your body language  - relaxed, open gestures, good eye contact and smiling
  • your personal grooming or presentation  because how you look 'speaks' too. Make sure that your clothing and general grooming supports your speech because, like it or not, you will be judged on both!

Go to: how to rehearse a speech properly .

Image: cross legged girl with large pair of wings, levitating. Text: How to rehearse a speech properly and do so much more than wing it.

 Videoed Student Council speech examples  

How do other people handle a Student Council speech? What's their content and delivery like?

Are they funny? Formal? Too hurried? Confident? Familiar with the audience?

It can help to look at what others have done. Even if it's only to decide their way will not be your way!

Image: Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, PA. USA, candidates for Student Council 2018

Click the link to access a collection ten videoed student council campaign speeches from the 2018 student council executive board candidates for Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA. 

At the foot of the article you'll find links to the videos of the school's 2015, 2016 and 2017 student council campaign speeches.

A word of warning

Ps. panic not.

Round button - Image -multi-colored hands waving in affirmation with the word "Help" superimposed on top.

If you find yourself getting anxious over the thought of delivering your speech, please check this page for help.

  • How to deal with acute public speaking anxiety: 14 ways that will help

Yellow banner. Text: You're most welcome to use this content in your online learning program. Please make it a do follow link.

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Frantically Speaking

The Ultimate Go-To Guide to Prepare for Your Student Council Speech

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics

Empower voices, spark change! Together, let's shape our school's future. I'm committed to listening and acting for all. Thank you for your trust

Delivering a compelling student council speech is a crucial opportunity for students to make their voices heard and leave a lasting impact on their school community. The role of the student council is not only to represent the interests of fellow students but also to initiate positive change and contribute towards the overall development of the school.

Crafting an effective student council speech requires careful thought, preparation, and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. In this section, we will explore the importance of a student council speech and provide valuable insights on how to make a lasting impression that captures the attention and support of your peers.

Whether you are running for class president, vice president, treasurer, or any other position within the student council, your speech serves as an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills, articulate your vision for improvement, and inspire others to rally behind you. It is not just about winning votes but about demonstrating your dedication to serving the needs and aspirations of your fellow students.

Throughout this section, we will delve into strategies that can help you deliver a powerful student council speech that stands out from the rest. From crafting a strong opening statement to highlighting relevant experiences and outlining actionable plans for change, we will guide you through each step of the process.

Remember that every word you speak has the potential to influence opinions and shape perceptions. By mastering the art of delivering an impactful student council speech, you can become an agent of positive change within your school community. So let’s dive in and discover how you can make a lasting impact through your words!

  • 1. Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals
  • 2. Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly
  • 3. Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone
  • 4. Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details
  • 5. Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence
  • 6. Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

Step 1: Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals

In order to deliver an impactful student council speech, it is crucial to first understand the role of the student council and identify your goals. By doing so, you can effectively communicate your vision and aspirations to your fellow students.

The student council plays a vital role in representing the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. It is a platform where students can voice their concerns, propose ideas for improvement, and contribute to the overall development of the school community.

When preparing your speech, take some time to reflect on what you hope to achieve as a member of the student council. Identify specific goals that align with your values and address issues that are important to your peers. This could range from improving school facilities and promoting extracurricular activities- to fostering inclusivity and enhancing communication between students and faculty.

By clearly defining your goals, you will be able to convey a sense of purpose and passion in your speech. Your fellow students will be more likely to connect with your message if they see that you have a genuine desire to make positive changes within the school community.

Remember, being part of the student council is not just about holding a position or gaining recognition – it is about making a difference. So take this opportunity to inspire others with your ideas, motivate them with your enthusiasm, and demonstrate how you can contribute positively towards creating an inclusive and thriving school environment.

Step 2: Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly

When preparing a student council speech, it is crucial to understand your audience and tailor your message accordingly. By conducting thorough research on the interests, concerns, and aspirations of your fellow students, you can create a speech that resonates with them and effectively communicates your ideas and goals.

Understanding your audience allows you to speak directly to their needs and desires. Are they looking for more extracurricular activities? Do they want improvements in school facilities or policies? By delving into these questions, you can craft a message that addresses their specific concerns, making it more compelling and persuasive.

Additionally, tailoring your speech to the interests of your audience helps establish a connection with them. When students feel that you genuinely understand their challenges and aspirations, they are more likely to trust you as a candidate and support your ideas.

Researching the audience also enables you to anticipate any potential objections or counterarguments. By addressing these concerns proactively in your speech, you show that you have taken the time to consider different perspectives and are prepared to address them thoughtfully.

In conclusion, researching the audience is an essential step in crafting an impactful student council speech. By understanding their needs, tailoring your message accordingly, and addressing potential objections, you can deliver a compelling speech that resonates with your fellow students and increases your chances of success.

Step 3: Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone

The opening of your student council speech is your chance to capture your audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation. A strong and compelling opening will make a lasting impression and encourage your listeners to pay attention to what you have to say.

Consider starting with a captivating anecdote or a thought-provoking question that relates to the issues you will address in your speech. This will immediately grab your audience’s attention and pique their curiosity. You can also use a powerful quote or statistic to emphasize the importance of your campaign and the changes you hope to bring about.

In addition to capturing attention, the opening of your speech should also establish a rapport with your audience. Share a personal story or experience that demonstrates your understanding of their concerns and shows them that you are genuinely invested in making a difference. This will help create a connection between you and your listeners, making them more receptive to your message.

Step 4: Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details

A well-structured speech is essential for conveying your ideas effectively and ensuring that your audience can follow your train of thought. To achieve this, it is crucial to organize your speech into clear main points and support them with relevant details and examples.

Start by outlining the main ideas or goals you want to communicate in your speech. These could be specific initiatives you plan to implement or broader themes you want to address. Once you have identified your main points, arrange them in a logical order that allows for a smooth flow of information.

For each main point, provide supporting details that substantiate your claims and add credibility to your speech. These could be statistics, personal anecdotes , or expert opinions that illustrate the importance and feasibility of your proposals. Remember to present this information in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to your audience.

Additionally, consider using visual aids such as graphs, charts, or images to enhance your presentation. Visuals can help reinforce your main points and make complex information more digestible for your audience. However, use them sparingly and ensure they complement rather than distract from your speech.

Step 5: Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence

Persuasion is a key element of any successful student council speech. To persuade your audience effectively, you need to develop persuasive arguments and present them with confidence and conviction.

When developing your arguments, consider the needs and concerns of your audience. What solutions can you offer to address these issues? How will your ideas benefit the student body as a whole? By focusing on the needs of your audience and presenting practical and achievable solutions, you can make a compelling case for your candidacy.

To present your arguments with confidence, it is essential to practice your speech thoroughly. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with friends and family, paying attention to your body language, tone of voice, and overall delivery. This will help build your confidence and ensure that you come across as poised and prepared on the day of your speech.

Remember to maintain eye contact with your audience and speak clearly and audibly. Use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize key points and show enthusiasm for your ideas. By exuding confidence and passion, you will inspire trust and captivate your listeners, increasing your chances of winning their support.

Step 6: Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

No matter how well-prepared you are, delivering a student council speech can be nerve-wracking. However, practicing your speech can help alleviate anxiety and build the confidence you need to deliver a compelling and impactful presentation.

Start by memorizing the key points of your speech. This will allow you to maintain a natural flow of information and engage with your audience more effectively. However, avoid memorizing your speech word-for-word, as this can make you sound robotic and less authentic.

Instead, focus on understanding the overall structure and flow of your speech. Practice delivering it in a conversational manner, using your notes as a reference rather than a script. This will help you adapt to different situations and respond to audience reactions, making your speech more dynamic and engaging.

Additionally, consider recording yourself during practice sessions. This will allow you to evaluate your delivery, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. Pay attention to your pacing, intonation, and body language, and make conscious efforts to improve these aspects.

Lastly, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers or mentors, who can provide constructive criticism and help you refine your speech. Incorporate their suggestions and continue to practice until you feel confident and well-prepared.

Sample Speech:

“Good morning everyone! I am absolutely thrilled to be standing before you today as a candidate for the student council. This is an incredible opportunity to make a difference in our school, and I am excited to share my vision with all of you. As a student, I have always been passionate about creating a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. I believe that the student council plays a crucial role in representing the voice of the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. Through my involvement in various extracurricular activities and my dedication to academic excellence, I have developed the skills necessary to be an effective leader in this role.

One of my main goals as a member of the student council is to promote student engagement and participation. I want to ensure that every student’s voice is heard and that they feel empowered to contribute their ideas and opinions. By organizing regular town hall meetings and creating platforms for open dialogue, we can foster a sense of unity and collaboration within our school community.

Together, we can work towards making our school an even better place for everyone.”

Another area that I am very passionate about is enhancing the overall student experience. I believe that education goes beyond the classroom, and it is important to provide students with opportunities for personal growth and development. Through organizing workshops, seminars, and events that focus on various aspects of personal development, such as leadership, communication skills, and mental health, we can empower our fellow students to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, I am truly excited about the possibility of representing you all on the student council. With your support, I am confident that we can create a more inclusive, engaging, and supportive environment for every student in our school. Let’s work together to make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Preparing for your student council speech is a crucial step in your campaign journey. By understanding the importance of your speech, tailoring your message to your audience, crafting a compelling opening, structuring your speech effectively, developing persuasive arguments, and practicing your delivery, you can increase your chances of delivering a memorable and impactful presentation.

Remember, your student council speech is not only an opportunity to showcase your leadership qualities but also a chance to connect with your peers and inspire change. By following these steps and putting in the necessary effort, you can confidently deliver a speech that resonates with your audience and convinces them to vote for you. Check out our communication coaching for more tips!

Now, it’s time to put your preparation into action. Take a deep breath, step onto the stage, and deliver a speech that will make a lasting impression on your fellow students. Good luck!

Hrideep Barot

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Student Council Speech Ideas: How to Craft the Perfect Speech


Now that you’ve decided to take on the challenge of running for student council, it’s time to consider how to craft that all-important speech that will make your candidacy stand out from the rest.

It goes without saying that writing the perfect speech requires some preparation and a variety of creative approaches. This post will provide you with student council speech ideas that will help you put together a memorable and persuasive talk that will propel your candidacy.

Here, we will look at ways to structure your speech, as well as techniques for convincing the student body that you’re the right person for the job. With the following tips, you’ll have the winning speech that gets you elected!

Understand the Position and Responsibilities

When crafting the perfect student council speech, it is important to understand the position and responsibilities associated with a student council leader.

Student council leaders are elected by fellow students to represent their class or school in governance-related decisions. In addition to seeking input from peers, they often work with faculty members, administrators, and other key stakeholders when making major decisions.

Being a student council leader requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to think critically. It is important to understand the roles and responsibilities of other student leaders, staff, and faculty members alike so that collaboration can be fostered under one’s leadership.

Not only is it essential to maintain positive relationships but also to demonstrate proficiency in areas such as problem solving, communication, and decision-making.

While some may view the role of a student council leader as administrative paperwork and organizational tasks, a leader should have an understanding of more than just policymaking. They must be able to promote good citizenship among peers and create an atmosphere that encourages engagement.

Drafting the perfect student council speech should not be done without regard for the objectives of a student council leader.

When speaking on behalf of peers it is essential to remember that both knowledge of positions and values are required for successful leadership. With this in mind we can move forward into the next section where we explore “What Does a Student Council Leader Do?”

What Does a Student Council Leader Do?

Being a student council leader requires more than just giving a speech .

The responsibilities of leading the student council consist of building productive relationships, setting ambitious goals and executing plans, communicating effectively, listening to peers and understanding their concerns, advocating for students’ rights in the school and community, and organizing events to benefit the student body.

Leaders must possess both soft skills such as being organized and hard skills like public speaking . With both sets of skills, these leaders are able to skillfully manage a team or individual volunteers and create a focus on important goals that the council wants to accomplish.

A successful student council leader should have a strong sense of responsibility and accountability while also displaying enthusiasm towards achieving collective goals.

The debate can be seen as to whether or not student council leaders should participate more in decision-making power or serve more as figureheads for their group goals.

Advocates for more decision-making authority argue that student councils can be valuable partners with school administrative teams by providing insight into issues that face students directly and providing perspective into how policies are playing out in the student body.

Opposing sides argue that although student councils can provide insight into certain issues, they cannot be expected to make major decisions regarding school policies given their lack of experience with those matters.

No matter the opinion on this debate, all agree that student council leaders play an integral role in school culture and environment by representing their peers. Those seeking election to a leadership role must demonstrate their commitment to furthering the mission of their student body.

This is done through crafting speeches that elucidate why they’re qualified for the position as well as show evidence of previous service accomplishments. To learn how to do this properly, it is useful to understand how to craft the perfect speech by demonstrating your experience.

Demonstrate Your Experience

When crafting your student council speech, it is important to demonstrate your experience and expertise.

Being able to speak confidently about your qualifications and previous accomplishments will help convince your audience of your ability to take on a leadership role.

Start off with a statement that introduces yourself and the reasons why you are qualified for the position. Use specific examples of projects or responsibilities that you have undertaken in the past, as well as how you were successful in completing them.

You may want to describe any volunteer or organizational activities that you are involved in or any educational qualifications or awards that you may have earned.

It is also worthwhile debating the various pros and cons of your candidacy. This will demonstrate your ability to think analytically, as well as showcase your knowledge on the subject matter. However, be warned to not make any personal attacks or remarks, which could alienate portions of your audience if they disagree with your viewpoint.

The next section will discuss how to talk about your leadership skills and convince your audience of their importance in making an impactful student council member.

Most Important Summary Points

When crafting a student council speech, it is important to demonstrate experience and qualifications to ensure an effective appeal to the audience. Talking about past achievements and providing specific examples will help make a case for why you are the best fit for the position.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to provide an analytical debate stating both the pros and cons of your candidacy; however, it should be done without making any personal attacks on opponents. Finally, discussing leadership skills and their relevance to the role may also work in favor of your candidacy.

Talk About Your Leadership Skills

When crafting a student council speech, it is important to talk about one’s qualifications in order to demonstrate leadership.

Before doing so, it is beneficial to list tangible accomplishments, such as working on a particular project or volunteering for an organization. It is also important to discuss any awards won or leadership roles held prior to speaking in front of the student council.

Being able to communicate one’s importance and impact helps prove why one is the best candidate for the role and can potentially sway the audience in their favor.

On the other hand, discussing past and current leadership roles does not always need to include tangible accomplishments.

Talking about oneself in terms of what they have learned and how they plan on using it moving forward can also be very powerful. For example, talking about mistakes made, lessons learned, and how one plans on incorporating that knowledge into their candidacy can show wisdom beyond their years.

It can also serve as proof that even though they may be young, they are still capable of making a great contribution to the student council if elected.

Ultimately, striking a balance between tangible accomplishments and experiences learned will ensure that your leadership speaks for itself during your student council speech.

By combining both sides of the argument and effectively conveying them to your audience, you will be best positioned for success when discussing your leadership skills with potential voting members of the student council. Now, let’s move on to discussing our ideas and goals for being on the council if given the opportunity.

Discuss Your Ideas and Goals

When discussing your ideas and goals, it is important to be direct and succinct. Start by introducing yourself and briefly outlining why you are running for Student Council in the first place.

Explain what inspired you to run and what you hope to bring to the table. Being clear and concise while still providing tangible examples will help voters better understand both your dedication and drive.

Once your motivation has been made clear, detail the specific things you plan to change or implement as a representative of the student body if elected.

Speak from the heart and talk about what issues are most important to you. During this time, it is crucial that you have done research on the particular problems that may be faced by the student council at their respective school. Then, use this information to inform your ideas, goals, and propositions on any particular issue.

In addition to thoroughly preparing for your speech in advance, it is also a good idea to practice beforehand. Students should train themselves not only in speaking but also in presenting facts throughout speech so that they can defend their ideas if someone questions them.

To ensure success during a presentation, test yourself with hard questions, rehearse extensively and get comfortable with the material ahead of time.

Lastly, students should remember that their goal is to deliver an effective speech which can influence enough people’s desire to make a difference within their school and community.

Debating both sides when discussing your ideas and goals is a great way to both show your understanding of a particular subject and present yourself as an engaged student looking to truly make a change.

Showing awareness of how opposing views affect policy changes can demonstrate your analytical skills while making sure everyone hears all sides of an argument allows for more informed decision-making among fellow students.

With this understanding in place, students can then start considering proposed changes or improvements for their respective student councils with confidence.

Explain Proposed Changes and Improvements

When proposing changes and improvements in a student council speech, it is important to explain why the proposed changes are necessary.

In order to effectively discuss both sides of the argument, craft your speech so that you first suggest why the changes are needed, followed by possible counterarguments and how you plan on addressing them.

Explain the current problems and deficiencies within your community or organization, as this can help emphasize why the suggested changes are needed.

For example, if you are suggesting increasing funding for student sports teams, you could draw attention to their lack of proper equipment and uniforms due to not enough money.

Offering solutions on how to acquire more funds is also important; brainstorm with other student council members to come up with ideas like requesting donations from teachers or local businesses.

In addition, anticipate and address any doubts that your peers may have about the suggested changes. Be aware of other perspectives surrounding the issue at hand and discuss every angle in detail in your speech.

If some students feel as though certain aspects of the changes will cost too much for their comfort, propose ways that costs can be kept low without sacrificing results.

Additionally, point out positive aspects of the proposed changes from multiple points of view, such as how they benefit various groups within the school or organization.

Explaining proposed changes and improvements is a key tool in crafting an effective student council speech. It’s important to detail why each change is necessary and offer solutions on how to make it happen while also standing firm on your viewpoint.

By showing dedication and commitment towards these ideas through a comprehensive analysis of both sides of each argument , you’ll be able to give an impactful speech that resonates with your peers.

Show Dedication and Commitment

When crafting a student council speech, showing dedication and commitment is key. This is important to discuss with students as they prepare to give their speeches because it will help them to sound confident in their ability to carry out the tasks of being on student council.

This can be done through highlighting past accomplishments that demonstrate a commitment to projects, as well as pledging to continue to work hard on future initiatives. It is also beneficial for speakers to emphasize the importance of making an impact both on campus and within the broader community.

It is important to highlight both sides of the argument when discussing dedication and commitment. For example, it can also be beneficial to discuss how there are many challenges in achieving objectives, but if one is motivated and determined, goals can still be realized.

Also, considering how student council represents a wide array of points of view and perspectives, it is essential for speakers to commit to being open-minded when discussing issues. Acknowledging opposing views with respect shows dedication and commitment not only to staying civil but also representing everyone in student council effectively.

Ultimately, dedicating time, energy and effort and remaining committed throughout this process is essential for success when it comes to executing student council duties.

By showcasing these qualities during a speech, speakers have the opportunity to demonstrate determination and initiative that fellow students should admire and stand behind. With that in mind, addressing the student body appropriately will help ensure an effective presentation overall.

Address the Student Body Appropriately

When addressing the student body, an important consideration for any Student Council speech should be to consider the audience.

After all, this is ultimately who the message is intended for. You want to make sure that you craft a message that speaks to and resonates with your peers.

This can be as simple as mentioning a common interest or having a connection with something they can relate to, such as pop culture.

However, it is also important to remember to maintain a certain level of professionalism in your speech throughout so as not to alienate members of the student body or allow the tone and atmosphere of the occasion to become unwelcoming.

It is also important to address different members including teachers involved in helping put together the council, staff members and other bodies involved in school activities.

It can also be beneficial to openly thank those involved for their hard work and dedication regardless of opinion or stance during preparations for the council meeting and election process.

This shows respect from one side as well as appreciation from you—to endear yourself more towards the wider student body.

Regardless of the approach when addressing fellow students, no matter how persuasive or heartfelt they may be, you will want to make sure that your words are not viewed as inflammatory or disrespectful.

Consideration must be taken into account when making statements that highlight potential issues within a school or resident authority because these can cast a negative light on you as well as them.

A balanced approach where both sides are heard endorses fairness towards each viewpoint and encourages healthy debate among members of the student body.

Having established what’s appropriate when talking directly to fellow students, it is now time to explore ways of creating a powerful speech to ensure that your message hits all the right notes. The next section will discuss ways in which you can prepare a speech that has maximum impact on the student body.

Prepare a Speech that Hits All the Right Notes

Preparing a speech for student council can be an intimidating process. It is important to make sure that you hit all the right notes within your speech. Through careful planning, practice and consideration of your audience, it is possible to construct an impactful, memorable speech.

When writing your speech, begin by recognizing the qualities that make you a great candidate. Detail the goals of your platform by articulating the various ways in which you will serve your constituents and their needs.

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the real issues facing students and illustrate how you understand their perspectives on them. Showcase your character by outlining concrete actions that demonstrate why you are uniquely qualified for the position.

The most important part of any speech is having a strong conclusion . Your conclusion should restate the core message and summarize some of the key points from throughout the entirety of the address.

Additionally, include a call to action that encourages students to get involved – whether simply by voting or actively campaigning on behalf of your candidacy.

Make sure to end on an inspiring note that reinforces your leadership skills and offers an optimistic outlook for the future of the student body with you as their representative.

Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts on Your Student Council Speech

When crafting your closing remarks, the most important thing to remember is to keep it brief and to the point. Try not to repeat yourself and instead emphasize key points that you want your audience to remember. Here are some tips on how to close your student council speech with impact:

1. Summarize Your Ideas: After spending time talking about your ideas and plans, briefly summarize your message in a few sentences. If you have raised any specific issues, make sure to include any solutions or opinions that you have presented in the course of your speech.

2. Express Gratitude: Show your appreciation towards all those who voted for you and stuck around to listen, thanking them for their time and energy spent affirming their belief in you as a capable leader.

3. Leave On A High Note: End on a high note by expressing optimism about the future outcomes of the initiatives you raised during your speech, no matter what the results may be. Take this opportunity to give the audience a feeling of immense hope and excitement, ensuring they depart with a positive outlook on all that can be achieved through leadership.

4. Keep It Short And Simple: Above all, ensure that whatever final words you choose express confidence in yourself and remember that overthinking can derail your performance. Do not give too much information but rather provide powerful points that will ensure everyone knows where you stand—then step down!

In conclusion, taking into consideration the tips outlined above when creating your closing remarks will ensure dramatic effect when delivering a successful student council speech. Keep it short, sweet, memorable and sincere—the perfect recipe for an effective finish!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important elements to include in a student council speech.

One of the most important elements to include in a student council speech is the audience. When crafting the perfect speech, it is important for the speaker to consider who their audience is, and how their topic will be received. It’s best to tailor the content to fit the interests of the particular audience, so that they can relate more directly to what you’re saying.

Another key element would be credibility. The speaker should provide solid evidence and facts behind their ideas, in order to gain trust from their audience and prove that their points are valid and reliable. This includes anticipating any questions or counterarguments and being prepared with justifications for any potential criticism.

Additionally, the organization of the speech should be a priority. The speaker should have an outline or plan in place beforehand, so as not to get lost or overwhelmed in the middle of their address. Having an organized structure helps maintain unity throughout the speech, while promoting a professional presentation overall.

Finally, an effective student council speech should also tell a story . Incorporating personal anecdotes or experiences related to your topic can help make your words more memorable and meaningful to your audience. Doing this can also create a more intimate connection between yourself and whoever is listening.

How should a student council speech be structured?

A student council speech should be structured in such a way as to effectively communicate the speaker’s ideas while keeping their audience engaged .

The speech should generally start with an attention-grabbing introduction , followed by a statement of purpose or goal that outlines the speaker’s main argument. The body of the speech should then provide evidence and reasoning for why the argument is valid. Finally, the conclusion of the speech should reiterate the key points, summarize the overall message and close with a memorable quote or call to action.

In order for a student council speech to be effective, it must be well organized and cohesive. To ensure this, each point should be supported by clear examples and logical evidence .

Additionally, arguments and information should be presented in chronological order, making it easy for listeners to follow the flow of thought being presented. Visual aids can also be extremely helpful in breaking up sections of longer speeches while providing supporting images and facts.

Overall, crafting the perfect student council speech involves organizing information into an understandable format while creating an engaging story throughout. By highlighting key arguments and providing persuasive evidence along the way, presenters have a better chance of having their message heard and remembered.

What are some effective techniques for delivering a student council speech?

When delivering a student council speech, there are a few key techniques that can help make it more effective.

1. A Clear Starting Point: Start your speech by introducing yourself and briefly explain why you are running for office. Make sure to be extremely clear with your audience so they understand where you stand.

2. Speak Intentionally: Speak slowly and intentionally so your points come across clearly without stuttering or stumbling over words. Pause in order to better make your point, gather your thoughts, and allow the audience to digest what you’ve said.

3. Use Audience Engagement: Ask the audience questions and provide them with opportunities to show their support or contribute to the conversation. This is an effective way of getting the audience involved while also allowing you to gauge their interests or lack thereof, thus providing feedback that can inform your future decisions if elected.

4. Establish Goals: Provide realistic and achievable goals that you plan to accomplish during your time in office, should you be elected. Showing a desire for change and progress will ensure that the audience understands what you are striving for and hopefully motivate them to support you in achieving it.

5. Rehearse: Rehearase tiyour speech multiple times beforehand in front of friends, family members, or even teachers, in order to become comfortable with every aspect of it – from its content to its delivery – as this helps create an easier flow throughout your delivery when done live.

Above all else, it is important that you remain confident in what you are saying and who you are as a person – this will give the audience assurance that they are voting for the right candidate who is able to fulfill their goals and expectations as student council president!

how to write a good speech for class representative

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Student Council Speech Sample

Student Council Speech Sample

Writing a student council speech may seem daunting, but having an example to look at can help inspire you.

Use the speech on this page to help you think about what you might like to say to the students voting for you.

Following the example below, you will learn how to prepare the following parts of the Student Council Speech:

  • Introduction

If you need more guidance after reading this page, visit  Twelve Vital Tips for Student Council Speeches and see another Sample Speech by "Charlie" that follows a twelve step process from knowing your audience to ending with a call-to-action.

Student Council Speech - Sample with Checklist

The speech below was sent in by Stephanie who was running for student council President of her high school. 

Thanks for sharing your speech, Steph, and for helping other students get an idea of what to say!

After reviewing Steph's speech, check out another  student council speech sample  for additional inspiration.

Also, the book   Student Council Campaign: Winning Strategies, Speeches, Poster, and Slogans  reviewed below can help you take your entire campaign to a whole different level, not only your speech. 

Beginning of the student council speech

  • Introduce yourself
  • Set your audience at ease
  • Use a quick attention getter or theme
  • Provide a brief foreshadowing of your call to action 

Good afternoon, students and staff members! My name is Stephanie, and I'm running for student body president. I'll keep this quick as I'm sure you are ready to get out of here.

You might be saying to yourself, "Should Stephanie really be the student body president? After all, she's only been at our school for two years."

Body of the student council speech

  • Organize around just 2-3 main ideas
  • Provide 2-3 supporting details for each claim
  • Points should solve for a pain your audience (your fellow students) feels

It's true that I am fairly new to Jefferson Anderson High School. At first glance, this may seem like a disadvantage. I didn't attend this school for my freshman and sophomore years, and I've only known most of you for a couple of years.

When you think about it though, there is actually a benefit in choosing someone who is coming into the school from somewhere else. I have new ideas that I can bring in from the school I was at before.

Are you tired of doing the same old things year after year? Are you ready to do something different?

One thing I noticed about this school when I came last year is that most of the students didn't really get to make any of the decisions here at the school.

Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to do for a fundraiser? Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to buy with the money we raised? Who makes these decisions?

Those types of decisions are left up to student council. The person you choose to represent you as president will speak for the entire senior class. Do you want to choose someone who will make those decisions for you without knowing what you want?

If you vote for me as student council president, I promise to always get your opinions before making any decisions. You should have a say in the actions that will affect you.

Every single one of you can come to me with your ideas, and I promise to listen and speak for you.

Listen to this speech

Conclusion of the student council speech

  • Briefly summarize your main points
  • Weave in your theme
  • Include a clincher and call to action

I may not be the most well-known person running for student council president, but I promise to listen to each and every one of you.

You matter. Your opinion matters. Don't choose someone who will make all of the decisions for you. Don't vote for the person who will pick whatever their friends want them to choose.

Choose someone who wants to be your spokesperson. Choose someone who cares about what you want.

Choose me, Stephanie, for your student council president.

End of Speech

When writing a student council speech, you need to remember to research what the student body NEEDS and WANTS . Connecting with the audience is key. Let them know how you will serve them!

You can interview students, teachers, administrators, etc. to find out what would help your school grow and develop in a positive direction, then incorporate those ideas into your presentation.

This advice is useful whether you're running for student council president, treasurer or secretary. Do your due diligence and know what it is your target audience wants to hear before you write your speech!

Continue reading  Twelve Vital Tips for Student Council Speeches  and see another Sample Speech.

Or, check out the student council speech in the video below for more ideas on how to present the best address ever. This guy has charisma and is funny as well!

Winning Strategies for a Student Council Campaign eBook:

Amazon Student Council Campaign Book

According to Isaac Myhrum, a winner of student council seats beginning in the 6th grade, you can develop the confidence and skills to lead. Isaac rose above the typical popularity contest to win on merit and credibility. His book  Student Council Campaign: Winning Strategies, Speeches, Poster, and Slogans  will guide you to improve your overall strategy and your student council speeches. 

Some of the lessons to help you win election include:

  • developing campaign speech ideas and topics
  • voter audience analysis
  • forming a campaign team
  • examples of successful posters
  • and more advice for appealing to student voters.

You can order on  Amazon  for reading with the free Kindle App and support Best Speech Topics with a small commission. 

[Full disclosure: Best Speech Topics is a compensated affiliate of Amazon.]

Running for student council is an admirable pursuit. Use our student council speech guidance to become a representative of your council for the right reasons - to make positive change and help fellow students. Winning provides an opportunity to improve your school and make meaningful change. (Owens, E. (2015, August 11). Viewpoint: 4 reasons to run for student government . Retrieved December 2, 2018, from https://www.usatoday.com/story/college/2015/08/11/viewpoint-4-reasons-to-run-for-student-government/37405191/)

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Student Council Speech [Topics and Tips]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

student council speech

  • A simple welcome to all interested/hesitating voters is the kick-off when you’re running for representative. This is good: Hello all, Good morning, or afternoon or evening!
  • Introduce yourself briefly. I’m … from class …  .Nothing more, nothing less for now. Blend more about you naturally in the flow of the oral presentation.
  • Then immediately focus their attention on the main goal you are standing for. Use an understatement everybody will recognize, a sticky situation suitable for improvement. Solutions will be initiated by you in special committees.Sidebar: The student council election speech or student council campaign speech is a short public address about 1 to 2 minutes long presented in front of voters. You can apply this pattern of arrangement also when you write a speech for student council president or secretary. <
  • And make a pay-off:  That’s why I’m running for … fill in the position you want to achieve. So, be clear, and take position: I want to become president / vice president / secretary / treasurer. How to work out these student council speech ideas? Well:If it is your first real-life election campaign, use an easy-to-remember oneline message to tell what your thoughts and views are on the position you want.
  • in one catchy phrase what your mission statement has been the past years and how you will continue your work;
  • The benifits of your plans.
  • Now tell your audience what you think are common needs at campus that ought to be fulfilled right away.
  • Present the solution, draw the contours of the positive outcomes of the strides you want to take for them. Keep in mind that this is a brief and triggering summary of your objectives, most wanted achievements, plans, views and solutions in relation to to the needs of the voters. Consider them as the most important student council speech ideas you can think of.
  • Educational qualifications.
  • Outstanding personal qualities.
  • Main accomplishments or special activities in high school, college or university.
  • And the specific qualifications you can think of related to the position you strive for. E.g. Proven leadership in community volunteering is the right ticket to become president of the representative administrative body.
  • Conclude with a remarkable personal invitation: invite all to communicate ideas the coming years. Just like you say: My door is always open. I will be in office to fight for your needs. I am always open to suggestions. Mail me or look me up on Facebook. I am looking forward to meeting you! Encourage the voters to visit your webpage – if you have one – and further inform theirselves as to why they should vote for you.
  • Refer to your introduction statement, conclude that you are suitable, just in one teasing slogan. Of course in such a way that they will remember your core student council speech idea.

And: before you jump to other student council speech idea sources, do not forget to sneakpeak in my broader convincing subdivision top left. Look and listen how your competitors are doing. Copy their success parts in your own words, improve them. That is on of my secret bonus hints!

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Student Council Speech for Class Representative

Ai generator.


Good morning/afternoon everyone,

My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to stand before you today as a candidate for Class Representative. I believe I have the skills, enthusiasm, and dedication to represent our class effectively.

Why I Want to Be Your Class Representative

I am running for Class Representative because I care deeply about our school community and want to make our school experience as positive and productive as possible. I believe that every student’s voice matters, and I want to be the person who ensures that your ideas, concerns, and suggestions are heard and acted upon.

My Qualifications

  • Leadership Experience: I have served as a team leader in several group projects and extracurricular activities. This has taught me how to manage responsibilities, delegate tasks, and work collaboratively with others.
  • Communication Skills: I am a good listener and communicator. I believe in open, honest, and respectful dialogue, and I am committed to making sure everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts with me.
  • Dedication to Our Class: I am passionate about our class and committed to making it the best it can be. Whether it’s organizing events, addressing issues, or helping classmates, I am always ready to step up and contribute.

My Goals as Class Representative

  • Enhance Communication: I will establish regular class meetings and surveys to gather your feedback and keep everyone informed about important decisions and events.
  • Promote Inclusivity: I will work to ensure that every student feels included and valued. This includes creating opportunities for everyone to participate in school activities and making sure diverse perspectives are represented.
  • Improve School Experience: I will advocate for initiatives that enhance our school environment, such as better facilities, more extracurricular opportunities, and addressing any concerns you may have about our school.

In conclusion, I am committed to representing you with integrity, enthusiasm, and dedication. I believe that together, we can make our school an even better place. I hope to earn your trust and your vote as your Class Representative.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]


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How to Write a Speech for the Fourth Grade Student Council

Lori furgerson.

When writing a speech for the fourth grade student council, consider what people want to hear.

Having a speech that gives your fellow classmates a reason to vote for you is important when writing a speech for fourth grade student council. With some research on what fellow students want and some planning, you are on your way to writing a speech that may get you elected to student council. If you find yourself needing to write a speech, following a few simple steps may lead you to success.

Begin your speech by welcoming your fellow classmates. Tell the audience your name, grade and the position you are running for.

Share with the audience the reasons you are running, what you want to accomplish while you are in office and how you will do it. For example, maybe you want to convince the principal and teachers that fourth graders should have more independence lining up outside from recess and coming into the classroom.

Provide the reasons why you will do well in this position. Give information about your personal background. State your educational qualifications, such as if you are on the honor roll. Share what activities you have been involved with in fourth grade.

Conclude your speech by recapping what you said and why you are the candidate that should be in office. End your speech with a catchy, memorable slogan.

About the Author

Lori Furgerson began writing for an educational company in 2005. She was a classroom teacher for 12 years and became a national literacy consultant, traveling the country to work with state departments, school districts and at the school level to improve literacy instruction. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies from California State University at Northridge.

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Tips for Writing Better Class Officer Speeches

Table of Contents

To win your class leadership election or get unanimously chosen, you need to talk to your audience and win them to your side.

Writing a memorable class leadership speech can be daunting and challenging. There are many thoughts in your head. You want to make a good first impression on fellow students and show your capability. But it is possible to deliver an effective and impactful address with the right strategies and techniques in mind.

This article shows you how to write a class office speech that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

How to Write a Class Office Speech

A class office speech is an essential part of a student’s journey in gaining leadership and inspiring others .

Knowing how to write a class office speech can be the difference between having a lasting impression on your peers or being forgotten quickly. To ensure that you deliver a speech that has an impact, below are five steps for writing a powerful class office speech. 

1. Introduce Yourself

First, start by introducing yourself and why you want to be a leader. It’s important to explain what sets you apart from other candidates and highlight your skills and qualifications. Don’t forget to include any experience relevant to the role.

Make sure to include why you’re passionate about leading the class and have clear goals in mind that will help develop the school environment. This introduction should capture the audience’s attention; use interesting and captivating language while conveying enthusiasm.

2. Connect With the Audience

Focus on connecting with your audience through stories, facts, and emotion. Showing genuine interest in them and understanding their experiences is key.

Illustrate ideas with examples that they can relate to and make them feel like you are speaking directly to them. Use simple language to explain complex concepts without overwhelming listeners, and keep your sentences concise for easy comprehension. 

3. Show Energy and Enthusiasm

Third, build excitement within your speech. Your content needs to flow naturally and reflect enthusiasm.

Use uplifting phrases such as “I’m excited to work together and achieve our goals!” and generate buzz by building suspense into your address. Additionally, avoid using jargon which may confuse your audience.

4. Express Your Gratitude to Stakeholders

Thank everyone who helped you along your campaign journey-from teachers and friends to family members and voters.

Demonstrate gratitude towards those around you and take the time to recognize volunteers and other leaders in the school community. Also, express appreciation for all students presents and acknowledge their support in choosing you as their leader.

5. Proofread

Like any other written piece, read your speech again to make sure there is no mistake. If you only have one person to read it to, that’s all the more important. While it may sound easy to write a speech, especially with the outline, the speech needs to be practiced over and over again.

Examples of Class Office Speech

man and woman sitting on chairs

Below are some examples of well-written class office speeches generated with the Hey INK tool.

Greetings students, 

I’m sure you all remember me from the student council last year. I am here again today to canvass for your votes to become your class leader. With my extensive experience in problem-solving and organizing school events, I believe I have the best qualities to become your class leader. 

I’ve been active in our school’s community since freshman year, where I gained invaluable knowledge about how to lead with humility and confidence. My time on the student council has provided me with a platform to be heard and amplify other people’s voices. As your class leader, I promise to continue being an advocate for those who feel unheard or discouraged by the current system of representation. 

I also recognize that we need to take tangible steps toward meaningful change. That is why, if chosen as your class leader, I will prioritize formulating policies that are both inclusive and equitable. We should strive to make our school environment more welcoming, safe, and respectful of all backgrounds. This means holding ourselves accountable when necessary and proactively creating measures that ensure fairness across the board. 

In conclusion, I ask you to please consider voting for me as your next class leader. My combination of enthusiasm, practicality, and leadership skills makes me the ideal candidate for this role. With every vote cast for me, you would be investing in making our school a better place for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to hear out my candidacy!

Greetings, everyone. I hope this day finds you all well! My name is [Name], and I’m running for class president. As we look to the future, there are a few things that stand out to me as integral components of our successful path forward. 

I have spent a lot of time considering how best to run and manage our school efficiently and effectively. After much deliberation, I believe it’s essential for us to emphasize developing strong leadership skills and building meaningful connections between students and faculty. 

I plan on leveraging my past experiences in order to bring forth initiatives to ensure an enriching environment for every student. Specifically, I will work to increase student participation in clubs and raise awareness about mental health issues. In addition, I plan to develop strategies to reduce bullying in the classrooms. 

As your class president, I can promise to always try to understand your needs and make decisions with those needs in mind. To me, success is only achieved when each individual has had their voice heard. With that being said, if elected, I will actively listen to the concerns and opinions of fellow classmates before making any important decisions. 

Overall, I am ready to take on the challenge of leading our class together toward a better tomorrow. It would be an honor and privilege to serve as your class president. Thank you for taking the time to hear my thoughts — let’s end this off by working together, so we can reach our full potential!

Greetings everyone! I’m standing here today with a question that needs an answer: who should be the class president? Let me tell you why it should be me. 

I have great experience in this field, having been a student leader for multiple years and serving as treasurer of our class last year. My tenure has allowed me to gain invaluable knowledge about how things work around here and how best we can propel our school forward. I think it’s important for any potential leader to have insight into the structure and dynamics of their position – something I am well-acquainted with. 

I’m also a personable individual, eager to help out my peers whenever they are in need. It is clear that there are certain problems that our school is facing which require immediate attention. Problems like low graduation rates and bullying in the hallways must be solved. I know these issues inside and out, so I can provide solutions that would not only benefit our community but also make tangible change. Plus, I’m committed to making sure everyone feels heard, respected, and valued regardless of race, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

I believe I have all the necessary qualities to be a successful class president: expertise, empathy, and ambition. That’s why I invite you to join me in this endeavor. Together, we can find a way to create a brighter future for our beloved school. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Final Thoughts

If you are planning on giving a class election speech, you should follow our tips on  how to write a class office speech . The most important tip is to make a good case for your candidacy.

The speech should be enthusiastic, and you should show appropriate amounts of energy . Revising and proofreading your speech is crucial to making it as professional looking as possible.

Be creative when it comes to delivering your speech. Employ various methods of engagement, such as body movements, facial expressions, vocal variations, pauses, and hand gestures.

Vary the speed at which you speak and occasionally pause to emphasize key points in your speech. Doing this creates intrigue throughout your presentation and adds character to the words you say.

With a good speech, you can go into the election feeling confident about your chances of winning the election.

Tips for Writing Better Class Officer Speeches

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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A Guide to Writing School Speeches: Structure, Delivery, & More

Last Updated: September 19, 2023 Fact Checked

  • Brainstorming
  • Writing & Structure

Sample Speeches

This article was written by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Finn Kobler . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,081,621 times.

If you’re running for office in school elections, delivering your candidate speech can be one of the most important parts of the whole process. And you can’t deliver a good speech without writing a good speech. Sure, there are templates online that you can just paste in your name into, but a speech written by you, that represents you, holds a much better chance of making an impact on your classmates/voters. In this article, we’ll walk you through expert advice on crafting a speech that’s clear and concise, as well as some public speaking tips to help you resonate with your audience. The true power of your speech will come from how you personalize it, but consider this a comprehensive blueprint to help you get started. This article is based on an interview with our professional public speaker, Lynn Kirkham, founder of Yes You Can Speak. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Begin your speech by stating who you are, the position you’re running for, and a catchy slogan that reminds the audience what you’re working towards.
  • Use the middle of your speech to explain your goals, if elected, and give a few specific steps on how you plan to achieve those goals.
  • Keep your speech short and sweet; most school election speeches are only about 150-250 words.

Crafting Your Message

Step 1 Brainstorm your main points.

  • For example, you might begin your brainstorming sesh with goals like “outlaw homework” and “allow skateboarding on campus.” Then, as you condense your ideas, you’ll become more realistic with plans like adding healthy food options at lunch, expanding a tutoring program, or working to reduce bullying.

Step 2 Create a slogan.

  • Your slogan can be lighthearted (“The Right Manuel for the Job”) or serious (“Your Voice for Change”).
  • It can be focused on one specific issue (“Save the Spring Formal”) or aimed more broadly (“Let’s Fly Higher Together”). Most importantly, the slogan should make people think of you when they hear or see it, and give them an idea of how you’ll serve their interests.
  • When writing a slogan , avoid negative language. You want to sound confident in yourself, rather than unconfident in your opponents.
  • For example, if you’re trying to come up with a treasurer campaign slogan, you might say “A Vote for Maggie Makes Cents” or “Bank on Hank” rather than “Lyle Can’t Be Trusted With Money” or “Vote Hank, Not Celia.”

Step 3 Write down why you’re qualified for this position.

  • A great way to show your qualifications and personalize your speech (without sounding like you’re blowing your own horn) is to tell a story. Talk about what made you want to run for office.
  • For example, if you’re looking for FFA (Future Farmers of America) speech ideas, you might write “I’ve been working with animals since I was a kid and it taught me so much about life. I want to inspire other young people to do the same.”

Step 4 Find ways to incorporate your personality into your speech.

  • It can help to write down some key traits you possess and build your speech from there. For example, if you write “hardworking,” you could use your speech to talk about the countless hours of effort you plan to put into this job.
  • If you write down “empathetic,” you can talk about how you understand people’s point-of-view and, if you’re elected, you’ll make sure everyone feels listened to.
  • It can be difficult knowing how you come across. If you don’t know what your key traits are, ask your friends how they see you. They’ll be positive yet realistic.

Step 5 Write your speech to be heard, not read.

  • Avoid complicated sentences, jargon, or unnecessary asides. While your skill with language may work well in essays, now is the time to connect with an audience in words they can easily understand.
  • As you draft your speech, read each sentence aloud after writing it. If it sounds awkward, clunky, or overly complex, revise it in simpler terms.

Structuring Your Speech

Step 1 Begin your speech by introducing yourself and your message.

  • Something simple like “Hi. I’m Jane Thomas, and I want to be your class president because I am dedicated to Making Butler High Better Together” is a highly effective way to begin.
  • Try to tweak your introduction to match your personality. You could say “Some people say that Leon Lawson is too wild and not serious enough to be vice-president. Well, I’m Leon Lawson, and I say that I’m Seriously Wild about shaking things up in Key Club.”

Step 2 Identify your goals and the main issue(s) you hope to target in office.

  • For instance, you might say “Bullying is an epidemic at Adams High School. Odds are that you have been bullied, seen someone being bullied, or even been a bully yourself. We can all do better.”
  • Asking the audience can be a helpful tactic to connect over an issue. You might say “Raise your hand if you’ve been grossed out by the condition of our school bathrooms.”
  • When stating the issue, avoid negative comments, or blaming a particular person or group. Instead of “Principal Stevens has done nothing to help with school lunches,” you might say “I hope to work with Principal Stevens to develop a plan so all our students are fed.”

Step 3 Outline how you plan to achieve your goals.

  • Be as precise as you can when explaining how you plan on accomplishing your mission. Instead of “I will unite the student body” (which is vague and unrealistic), you might say “I will create an open forum for students that meets every Friday at lunch so we can all share our ideas as a team.”
  • Use active verbs to describe what you have done/will do. Some examples include: “pursue,” “follow,” “take up,” “initiate,” “present,” “represent,” “create,” “build,” and “lead.”
  • If you’re running for re-election or have held a different office, talk about a few things you have done and a few you will do. Make it clear how they all link together. For example, you might say "As my work as President of Spanish Club shows, I can manage a team of people to achieve common goals. I will use this experience to pursue change in Student Government, too."

Step 4 Try to strike a balance between ethos, pathos, and logos.

  • To improve the ethos of your speech, find ways to connect yourself to the position you’re running for. Market yourself by listing your relevant experience and how you’ve prepared. For example, you might say “I’m secretary of 2 other clubs, so I can easily transition to secretary of Bible Club.”
  • To improve the pathos of your speech, find moments to show off your personality. Are you goofy, fun-loving, sincere? Let that shine through in your language. You might add a joke or use some vivid adjectives.
  • To improve the logos of your speech, make sure your goals are well-connected and realistic. Clearly explain why it’s reasonable for you to achieve each of your plans during your time in office.

Step 5 Keep your speech clear, short, and sweet.

  • Even if you don’t have a short time limit, people rarely complain that speeches are too short. Don’t waste time on unreasonable promises or unnecessary details.

Step 6 Summarize your main points in your conclusion.

  • For example: “We all know that there are too many cliques and factions that divide us as students here at West Branch High. This Friday, please consider voting for me, Ben Davis, for student council. I’ll make it my number one job to bring all West Branch Eagles together so we can Fly High as One.”

Step 7 Leave the audience wanting more.

  • For example, you might say “I have several additional ideas for ways to bring back Tiger pride to our school. I would love to hear your ideas too after class.”

Rehearsing Your Speech

Step 1 Practice your speech as much as possible.

  • If you’re allowed to, practice giving your speech in the location where you’ll actually be presenting it. Get a feel for the room and the podium, so you’ll be that much more comfortable come speech day.

Step 2 Be ready to speak, not read.

  • If you can memorize your speech, great, but you don’t want it to sound like you’re just regurgitating words from a page. Know the speech by heart, so that you can seamlessly adjust to a misstated phrase or an unexpected opportunity to connect with the crowd.

Step 3 Relax and visualize a positive outcome.

  • It can help to meditate before your speech and picture yourself getting a standing ovation (or whatever the best possible scenario is for you).
  • Rely on whatever relaxation techniques work for you to get ready for your performance. If that means employing the old trick of imagining the audience naked, go for it — maybe just watch who you tell about having used it!

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Look professional and presentable.

  • Smiling throughout the entirety of your speech is an easy way to appear warm and confident without much effort.
  • If you use hand gestures while you speak, be sure they’re not excessively distracting and keep your use of them limited. Appropriate hand gestures can help you engage your audience.

Step 2 Maintain eye contact and speak at a conversational pace.

  • You don’t necessarily have to make direct eye contact with any specific person. Just make it clear you’re trying to connect with your audience.

Step 3 Try to have fun with your speech.

  • If you make a mistake while giving your speech, don't panic. Laugh it off and move on. This will show that you are flexible and adaptable, and will encourage others to see you as someone who can meet challenges without losing her cool.

how to write a good speech for class representative

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you're very nervous before presenting the speech, try looking just above the heads of the audience or focus on a person that does not make you nervous, like a friend. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1
  • If you don't win, it's okay! Know you gave it your all and tried your hardest. There's tons of other opportunities to showing great leadership. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1

how to write a good speech for class representative

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  • ↑ https://hbr.org/2013/10/the-power-of-restraint-always-leave-them-wanting-more

About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

If you need to write a speech for school elections, think about what you would like to accomplish while you’re in office, then narrow that down to 1 or 2 goals. Next, come up with a catchy election slogan. Open your speech by introducing yourself and your message, giving a few details about why you’re the right person for the position. Include your slogan early in the speech, then identify your main goal and outline your clear, realistic plan for accomplishing those goals. End with a strong statement that tells the other students why they should vote for you. Keep reading for tips from our reviewer on delivering your election speech! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Be a Good Class Representative: Tips and Strategies

Being a class representative is an important role that comes with its fair share of responsibilities and challenges. whether you’ve been elected or volunteered for the position, there are certain strategies and tips you can follow to be an effective and successful class representative. in this article, we’ll outline some key points to help you excel in your role..

How to Be a Good Class Representative: Tips and Strategies

What does a class representative do?

As a class representative, your primary responsibility is to serve as the voice of your classmates. You act as a liaison between your peers and the teaching staff, advocating for their needs and concerns. Additionally, you may be involved in organizing class events, facilitating communication, and addressing issues that arise within the class.

Strategies for being a good class representative:

  • 1. Effective communication: Maintaining open and effective communication with your classmates is essential. Listen to their suggestions, concerns, and ideas, and make sure to convey them to the appropriate parties. Regularly update your classmates on important information and be accessible to address any questions or issues they may have.
  • 2. Strong organizational skills: Being organized is key to successfully managing your responsibilities. Keep track of important dates, deadlines, and meetings. Prepare an agenda for class meetings or discussions, so you can cover all relevant topics efficiently. This will not only help you stay on top of your tasks but also enhance your credibility and reliability.
  • 3. Active participation: Actively participate in class meetings, group discussions, and activities. Contribute your ideas, ask questions, and encourage your classmates to do the same. Your engagement will show your dedication to improving the class environment and will inspire others to get involved as well.
  • 4. Problem-solving skills: It’s inevitable that issues or conflicts may arise during your term. A good class representative should possess strong problem-solving skills. Approach problems objectively, listen to all perspectives, and work towards finding effective solutions that benefit the majority of the class.
  • 5. Collaborative mindset: Being a class representative involves working with various stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, and fellow students. Foster a collaborative environment by seeking input from all parties involved and promoting cooperation. This will help build strong relationships and create a positive class community.
  • 6. Time management: Balancing your responsibilities as a class representative with your academic workload can be challenging. Develop good time management techniques to ensure you meet deadlines, attend meetings, and complete tasks efficiently. Prioritize your commitments and delegate tasks when necessary.

Tips for success:

  • 1. Build relationships: Take the time to build relationships with your classmates, teachers, and other representatives. Being approachable and friendly will make it easier for others to come to you with any concerns or ideas they may have.
  • 2. Stay informed: Stay updated on school policies, events, and important announcements. Regularly check your school’s website, bulletin boards, and social media platforms to ensure you are well-informed and can provide accurate information to your classmates.
  • 3. Seek feedback: Periodically seek feedback from your classmates to assess your performance and identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback constructively to enhance your effectiveness as a class representative.
  • 4. Be proactive: Don’t wait for issues to arise before taking action. Take a proactive approach by identifying potential problems or areas where improvements can be made. Address these proactively, seek input, and work towards implementing positive changes for your class.
  • 5. Stay positive: As a class representative, you may face challenges or criticisms. Maintain a positive attitude and don’t let setbacks deter you. Stay focused on your goals and continue working towards creating a better class environment.

By following these strategies and tips, you can become a good class representative who effectively represents your classmates and contributes to a positive and productive class environment.

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Speech for CR Before Election | Class Representative Speech

What is a class representative speech or CR speech ? What do you write in a Class Representative Speech? Who is a class CR and what does he/she do? How would you prepare a class representative speech for college or school? Who can become a class CR? How do CRs feel ? All these questions are answered below. Here you can prepare your own speech for student election in school / college. The speech below will tell you what you say in a class representative speech. Scroll down to read the probable questions for the class representative interview with their answers.

Who is a CR (Class Representative)

A class representative can be understood as a student leader. He/she is elected from the whole class to present students’ points of view before the teachers and the principal. A class representative is often termed a ‘Prefect’ or ‘Monitor’ in schools.

What are the qualities of a class representative?

A class representative must have certain qualities that qualify him/her for the seat of a class representative. They must be ready to take the initiative and responsibility whenever a situation arises. Besides, a CR should be confident enough to participate in meetings with the principal, teachers and parents. Keeping these points in mind a student can stand to join in the post of class representative.

If you are unsure about what you say in a class representative speech , then this speech might prove helpful to you.

Student Councillor Speech by a US Student

2-minute Class Representative Speech (CR)

Short Speech for Class Representative Election (class 6-12)

Hello, my dear fellow students and respected opponents. Today, I am here not to introduce myself, but I will tell you why you should choose me for the student council elections. I am not that much popular in the school as my competitors because I joined this school last year only due to my father’s job transfer. But you must know that I was the student council president in my earlier school and I can help my classmates with my previous experience. By now you would have understood that I am a good communicator. Besides, I can help my class by bringing in innovative ideas. If you are hesitant to talk to the teacher you can always stay assured to share your problem with me. I will always place my council duties over my personal matters. On the last note, Your vote is your right as well as your responsibility. So, choose the right person. Thanks for your patience and time.

Class Representative Speech

Good morning teachers and my dear friends. My name is Vaishnav. I think I am a perfect candidate to become a class representative of class 10th B. I consider myself to be an apt person to represent my class. I am confident enough to discuss my classmates’ problems in the principal room.

I am good at studies so I can handle my studies simultaneously. My family supports me in this decision and does not mind if I hold meetings even at odd hours.

My father is the president of the Residents Welfare Society and my mother is a women’s activist who presides over many meetings. I feel leadership is in my genes. Being a language lover I can express my thoughts through words in a much better way.

I live within walking distance from the school so I can visit the school even on holidays. Therefore, I assure you that I am a perfect person to rely upon in case of any emergency. I have good relations with all my teachers and student leaders. Have faith in me and vote for me. Thanks 😊

I became head boy after delivering this speech An Inspiring School Head Girl Speech Thanks Giving Speech by Class Prefect Head Girl/HeadBoy Hindi Speech

Can you spare some time to tell us how this student representative speech for school prefect elections helped you for your purpose? It feels great to read about others’ experiences.

If you still want to write a speech of your own, these Student Election Speech Opening Lines can prove useful.

Probable Questions for a Class Representative Interview

  • Why do you want to be a Class Representative? I want to be popular in my school. It will also help me in driving away public speaking fear .
  • How would you help your class teacher after getting selected as a class representative? I can bridge away the gap between teachers and students by disseminating correct information.
  • What can your classmates expect from you? I can become their best confidant.
  • What are the duties of a class representative? To maintain a cordial relationship between teachers and students.
  • How would you maintain a balance between your studies and other class issues? I study in a disciplined way so I can easily spare time for my duties.

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Speech for School Election in English - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

An election is one of the essential pillars of democracy, and it is through this democratic system that people can choose the representatives of their choice who they feel have the capability to become leaders. Here are some speeches for the school election.

10 Lines Speech for School Election

"Somewhere inside us is the power to change the world."

1. A pleasant morning to all my friends who are present here. As we are aware, today is school election day. The fact that you are here shows that I have your support.

2. The decision to contest the student council election was challenging. But If you aspire to help the people around you, solve their problems and work for their interests.

3. A school provides the first opportunity to give wings to your dreams.

4. We all are fortunate to study in this excellent school where students have ample opportunities to explore, expand and excel.

5. Being a student takes work; becoming a school leader will take a lot of work.

6. But I assure you, if I win the election, I will work for the benefit of all of us.

7. If you would like the school to introduce an introductory Artificial Intelligence course as a vocational subject or provide excellent quality food in the canteen, I will vouch for that.

8. Friends, I believe in working as a team. No leader can survive alone, and the best results are obtained when the interests of everyone are taken care of.

9. I stand for justice and won't let you down if you choose me.

10. As I conclude my speech, I urge all of you to vote for me and give me a chance to take this school to greater heights.

Short Speech for School Election

"If there was one thing you could change about this school, what would it be!"

A pleasant morning to everyone present here. I am so happy to see all of you in active mode, and this points to your support for me.

Once Abraham Lincoln said, "Of the people, by the people, for the people." This describes the essence of democracy; in a democratic country, people can choose their government by themselves without any pressure.

Elections are the best tool if they are used relatively and no malpractice is allowed. Candidates should remember this if people have the right to choose them and will enable them to run the government, and if they don't, then they can be overthrown as well by the people. They are free to vote for any candidate according to their preferences.

Election gives us the power to choose the best leader in every session. If one is not performing up to the mark, he can be replaced in the next voting session. An election is an excellent opportunity for people to voice their dissatisfaction. People can replace undesirable leadership with a better alternative through the election.

With my experience and passion, I could be a great leader. I promise to do my best to curb bullying, increase student interest in school and increase overall academic achievement.

Long Speech for School Election

"Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves and one another."

Firstly, let me thank you all for your presence here today. As you all know that I am running for the Presidential post in the upcoming school council election, I would like to use this opportunity to share my views about the kind of work I would love to do for the welfare of the school and the students.

"Of the people, by the people, for the people," stated Abraham Lincoln once. This sums up democracy in its most basic terms; citizens make their own, pressure-free decisions about their government. Same way, students can make these decisions to elect a candidate for the presidential post for the school student council.

As a student, I feel that education is not just the pillar of success for us. We all need good services, be it infrastructure, adequate counseling, focus on extracurricular activities, and vocational courses on personality development. Being a student takes work; becoming a student leader is challenging. Today, I am feeling the same while addressing you and asking for your support in the election.

If I Get Elected

It is rightly said, “with great power comes great responsibility”.

If I get elected, my first work would be to improve the sanitation and hygiene of the students. I shall ensure that our playground and the parking lot are appropriately maintained and sanitized. I am also considering seeking confirmation from the administration to allow two game periods a day, considering the workload we have.

We are thinking of implementing a photography course and piano classes as vocational subjects in the coming days, and our team is working hard to achieve all these goals. If given this opportunity, I shall fight for equality, justice, and transparency for our student council, where every student gets a chance to raise their voice.

Sadhguru once said, "Integrity, Insight, and Inclusiveness are the three essential leadership qualities". We also believe in the same principle of leading an organization or a system, where our sole aim is to take care of the interests of the students of our school so that they get the best education, health, and hygiene facilities. All these factors are essential for their overall development, as well as for the school's progress too.

Our focus is not just on academic progress, but we also have our priorities set on co-curricular activities and sports. We plan to allocate more coaches in games like volleyball, cricket, football, badminton etc to all sports enthusiasts who want to pursue a career in this field.

With my experience and passion, I think I could be a great leader. Friends, I also believe in working as a team, and fighting for justice, whenever the need arises. Together with me, let us work for the well-being of the student and the school. Choose your vote wisely, and may the best person win.

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What are some speeches for a class representative?

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Just some ideas: Hi good morning in case you didn't know my name is (person) and I'm running to be your student council representative. The reason I want to be your student council representative is because I think I can make a good difference. If I got elected I wouldn't be the only student representative for the class. We would all be because I would be very willing to take ideas from you guys. The other reason I would be a good representative is that I'm not afraid to voice my opinions or stand up for what I believe in. I have some really cool ideas for mixers and field trips that would be fun and cheap. One of my ideas was that we could start saving up money now for the class of 2011 which is us as eighth graders. The more money we save the cooler a graduation party we'll have! I hope that I have convinced you to vote for me as your student council rep.

I wrote a quick 1-minute speech for middle school class representative for student council. This is just a rough so bear with me, I know it's not the best. :)

As you already know, I'm running for class representative for room 121 in *******'s student council. Before I start, I would like to say good luck to my fellow candidates for class representative, though not only am I running against them but also the clock right now, so it's due time I got started.

I would like to represent all of you this year and contribute my strongest dedication to our student council. As your class representative, I will voice your ideas and insight to the council as well as make my own contributions to the school.

I believe I qualify for this responsibility for a few reasons. First of all, I am an extremely dedicated person, and am willing to cut out whatever time it takes, whenever it is, to make ******* a better place. I am also organized and responsible, and I can say in complete veracity that I will convey your opinions and my own to the council as well as inform you of anything you should know.

Ultimately, my goal is to help ******* live up to its motto by being a part of student council, however small that part may be.

Your school - your voice.

Only CONSTRUCTIVE critisism please. :Dthat we are)

Include things like the way you operate, your ethics (honesty, self-discipline, really care about the students etc.), things about yourself, what you'll do to contribute to student council, and especially include that you care about having fun. Because come on... Pizza after school! How cool is that!

You're going to do awesome. And for a fifth grader, I might add, you have great typesmanship (Good typist). That is going to take you places. Student council is a great way to start on your future. You definatley have great sucess ahead of you.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is _____. As you are informed, I was class representative last year and have gained valuable experience for Student Council. As your Rep, i am willing to sacrifice my valuable lunchtime minutes multiple times during the year to make ______ a better place to come to every Monday-Friday. I believe that i am qualified for this role because I am a Take Charge kind of person. I will be ready and willing to listen to the ideas of others and am not afraid to voice my opinion and stand up for what be believe in. Although i cannot promise you extended weekends, I can promise you that I will work my hardest to be the best class representative that I can be!

Good morning/afternoon fellow classmates and Mrs. Morava. As you probally already know I want to be your 2009-2010 class representative. Before I begin to go into the details of this speech I would like to say good luck to my other classmates who are running against me. Ok let's start… In case you guys don't know what class reps. do, let me explain. First of all they listen to our classmates and convey ideas, complaints, requests, and suggestions to the StuCo (aka Student Council) to make our school better. They also help with raising money for our school through fundraisers and other things like that. That money goes into various things like playgrounds, maintenance, and charity. For instance we might be able to buy a new playground toy if everyone was organized and participating in the fundraisers this year. Like last year when we raise a couple thousand dollars. StuCo plays a part in this, so you would need a good class rep. to pass on ideas. If I were to win this election then I would have to make sacrifices like taking time out of my personal hobbys, and getting to events when I have other things to tend to. Which I am perfectly able to do. I think I am the person for that job because I am neat, organized, and able to be calm under pressure. Ultimately my goal is to make this school a better place, have a fun school year, and plus live up to ***land ****** motto by being the best class rep. I can be, however small my part may be. Thank you and I hope you vote for me.

This year has been one of traditions ended. The fruit sale, fortunately to many of you, has come to an end. Seniors will no longer attend prom for free after this year. Omnium Gatherum was not organized this year. This year's senior class leaves a legacy of broken tradition. If elected, I will ensure that our class leaves a legacy of new and exciting traditions begun.

Here are a few of my objectives for our senior year. For the past two years I have offered to create a website for the Student Council to interact with the student body, and for two years my offer was disregarded. As president I would make this concept a reality, providing students with a better avenue of communication not only with student council, but with other students as well. I want to create a place where students can share their concerns and comments with other students via a message board, and also voice their opinions by way of email directly to student council and class officers. Through the creation of this website, I also hope to forge a closer and lasting affiliation between the class president and the student council president. When other students considered running for this position and wondered what their potential duties would be, the most common answers were the semi-formal, speeches at assemblies, and leading the Pledge of Allegiance. If elected I will make this office more than just a formality. This year's president told potential candidates that the job comes with many other duties that often remain unspecified until elected. I am not only eager to pursue these ventures, I will create more for myself because I truly want this year to be special for us, and I want to set precedents that will make the senior year distinctive for every future class.

I played a vital part in making this year's prom a success as part of the advertising, music, and decorating committees. Many of you told me that you enjoyed my daily pleas for strings of white lights at announcements, and I will let you know that I enjoyed making them. I want people to be interested and involved, and I'm willing to go the distance to motivate our class, and the entire senior school, to be active, whether I must make humorous announcements or personally design posters to catch students' eyes about upcoming events. My experience in planning this year's prom will help me to plan a winter semi-formal that outshines the success of A Midsummer Night's Dream . I would like the whole student body to be more involved in the process, so I will distribute surveys asking students what they liked or disliked about the previous year's event and any proposals they have for the planning committee. As for our final prom at Sewickley Academy, I would like to create the position of a senior representative to the prom committee next year to help guide the juniors through the planning process and any difficulties they encounter, as well as to share the desires of senior students for their final celebration as students of Sewickley Academy. I would like to brainstorm with next year's juniors to create a new fundraising plan so that at the very least seniors could attend prom with discounted ticket prices.

Many of you may have noticed that Omnium Gatherum, our traditional talent showcase, never occurred this year. I want to bring Omnium Gatherum back, and revamp it as a bigger, more eclectic, more entertaining, and more structured event in which more of our talented students will want to participate and everyone will want to see. I want to organize more events like this, including more dances and pep rallies on our yearly calendar.

Many of you go through the school year with hidden distresses and complaints about classes or teachers. Most people don't feel comfortable going to a teacher and voicing their concerns, and very few teachers make use of year-end or semester-end evaluations, which is why I want to create a uniform evaluation system, where students can share their problems, and praises, about particular classes or teachers, and have confidence that their comments are acknowledged and not put aside in some file cabinet.

I know a few of you rue the day you began attending this school, and many of you can't wait until graduation day. I don't want our final year to be a constant longing for the end. I want people to be excited for dances the way we were in middle school. I want everyone to cheer like true fans at our pep rallies, which will occur more often if I am elected. I want students of the arts at Sewickley Academy to feel more appreciated, more recognized, and more supported by the school. And I want to plan more things for the students, so that Sewickley Academy isn't just a place where we have to work hard and plan for the future, but also a place where we can have fun, enjoy the moment, and share a little school spirit.

Good morning/afternoon class and Mr. ****. As you all know, my name is ****, and if you didn't already know, you know now. This is my (number) year at ***** school and although I haven't been here for a long time, it's been long enough for me to feel part of our community. And as being a part of our community, I would like to help out around the school and help change some things to make *****school a better and safer place to be in. That is why I am applying for a position in SRC. Not convinced? Well listen on. I do not want to be an SRC to be popular, get out of school work or receive publicity - I am genuinely willing to give up my time to help you! I will listen to what you have to say and will take all your ideas and requests seriously, hopefully making them a reality. I am an honest person - I always tell the truth. Leave me in a classroom by myself and nothing would be missing or out of place.
I am kind to all people whether or not they are in my friendship group - never excluding anybody for any reason.
I am organized - I have everything neat, tidy and ready for action, never forgetting anything. I am resilient - if something I do doesn't turn out right, I don't give up, I keep strong and try harder. I have a passion for becoming an SRC - to help. I am not lazy and I will try my hardest to help our school in every way I possibly can.
I am patient - listening to other people rather than myself. I do not interrupt and I am relevantly well mannered. I am confident and stand up for what I believe in and I am not afraid to speak to a large crowd. I treat others and their property with respect. I do not break anything or use anything without permission. I am nice to all people no matter what skin colour they have, country they're from or their beliefs. We are all different but equal.
I am really determined of getting this job as an SRC and putting 100% into the work I do. With your help I can receive this honour and promise to use it wisely. Remember - you will be the one who benefits so remember the name! Thank you for listening to my speech and I hope you may consider voting for me, ****.

Becoming student body (or student council) president in middle school is easy if you're prepared to put in the work it takes to become qualified and get yourself noticed. You always want to be funny and able to relate with others. Everyone wants someone who is fun to be with and personable as their president.You always want to be funny and able to relate with others. You also have to convince them by saying that you will change the school verbally, physically, and


I'm pretty shure its like any other speech just have your thanks to the people who nominated you and have that you will be a good rep. good luck, ZAK

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