
Creative Writing: Everything You Need to Know

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors


In the heart of every storyteller lies the vibrant pulse of creative writing, a world where imagination reigns and where emotions, thoughts, and ideas find their voice. But what exactly is creative writing? At its core, creative writing is an art form that revolves around expressing oneself through narratives, poetry, scripts, and other forms of literature. It’s not just about stringing words together, but about crafting worlds, moulding characters, and eliciting emotions, all from the power of the pen (or keyboard).

The importance of creative writing stretches beyond the pages of a novel or the verses of a poem. Creative writing cultivates cognitive development , fosters empathy, and offers a therapeutic escape. Whether you’re penning an epic tale, jotting down a heartfelt poem, or expressing your thoughts in a personal diary, you’re delving into a form of self-exploration. Additionally, in the academic world, initiatives like the 11+ creative writing and A-level creative writing emphasise the pivotal role this skill plays in shaping young minds, boosting their analytical thinking, and enhancing their linguistic abilities.

With this guide, we hope to unravel the many facets of creative writing, from its foundational elements to the benefits it offers and how you can master it. Whether you’re a budding writer a seasoned author, or simply a student looking to learn, there’s always something to discover in this expansive world of creativity. 

The Foundations of Creative Writing

Creative writing, much like any art form, has its foundational principles that guide and enrich the craft. Whether you’re preparing for 11+ creative writing or diving into A-levels, understanding these foundations is crucial.

The 4 Types of Creative Writing

    1. narrative fiction.

This involves storytelling, and it’s what most people think of when they hear “creative writing.” Examples include novels, short stories, and novellas.

    2. Poetry

A rhythmic and metaphorical form of writing, poetry allows writers to express feelings, thoughts, and stories in a condensed and poignant manner.

    3. Drama

 Written to be performed, drama includes scripts for movies, plays, and television shows.

    4. Creative Non-Fiction

 This merges the truth and the artistic flair. Memoirs, biographies, and personal essays fall under this category. 

The 5 Genres of Creative Writing-Breaking down the Differences

    1. fantasy.

A genre that uses magic and other supernatural elements as main plot elements, themes, or settings.

    2. Mystery

 This centres on a mysterious event, often a crime, exploring the solution and the circumstances around it.

    3. Romance

A narrative driven by a relationship, exploring the nuances of love and connection.

    4. Horror

Aimed at evoking fear and excitement in the reader, it often delves into the supernatural and unknown.

    5. Science Fiction

 Utilising futuristic settings, advanced technology, space exploration, and often commenting on the state and direction of society.

The 6 elements of creative writing: What makes a story resonate?

    1. plot.

 The sequence of events or the main story arc.

    2. Characters

The individuals who move through the narrative, driving and being affected by the plot.

    3. Setting

 The time and place where the story unfolds.

    4. Theme

The central idea, message, or lesson that’s conveyed.

    5. Point of View

 Through whose eyes or perspective we understand the narrative.

    6. Style/Tone

 The manner in which a story is told can dramatically affect its reception and impact.

Whether for GCSE creative writing exercises or other creative writing courses, always remember the power and impact of these foundational principles. They serve as the backbone of compelling narratives and resonate deeply with readers.

Education and Creative Writing

Creative writing, while inherently artistic, is also deeply rooted in the educational fabric. Through structured courses and examinations, students are offered an avenue to hone their skills, understand key techniques, and showcase their abilities. Two critical facets in the UK’s education system that emphasise creative writing are the GCSEs and 11+ exams .

GCSE Creative Writing Learning from Real-world Samples.

Many students often wonder how to write creative writing in English for the GCSE or how to get an A in English GCSE creative writing. One of the best ways to grasp the expectations is to analyse real-world samples. By understanding the structure, tone, and content of top-scoring pieces, students can identify the qualities that examiners look for. 

    How to Get an A in English GCSE Creative Writing

 Achieving a top grade requires a combination of factors:

        1. Understanding the Prompt

Ensure you’ve fully grasped the theme or topic.

        2. Planning

 Before diving into writing, structure your thoughts, plot, and character arcs.

        3. Using Varied Vocabulary

 Showcase your linguistic prowess without overcomplicating the narrative.

        4. Engaging the Reader

The opening should hook the reader, and the narrative should maintain interest throughout.

        5. Editing and Refining

Always review and revise. It’s at this stage that good writing often becomes great.

11+ Creative Writing

The 11+ examination , aimed at students transitioning to secondary education, places a significant emphasis on creative writing. The 11+ creative writing segment tests a student’s ability to construct a coherent narrative, use varied vocabulary, and demonstrate grammatical prowess. 

Why is it Essential?

The 11+ creative writing not only evaluates a student’s writing capabilities but also their cognitive abilities like imagination, logical structuring, and time management . High-quality 11-plus creative writing examples showcase a blend of creativity and structured thinking, essential skills for further education and life in general.

Incorporating the educational aspects into your creative writing journey can seem challenging, but remember, every exam and grade is merely a stepping stone. What truly matters is the continuous growth, learning, and love for the craft.

The Career of a Creative Writer

Choosing a career path often involves aligning one’s passion with practicality. For those drawn to the art of storytelling and expression through words, creative writing emerges as a captivating choice. But is it a viable profession? What does the day-to-day life of a creative writer look like? Let’s delve into these queries.

Is Creative Writing a Good Major? The Pros and Cons


       1. Passion for Profession

For those who have an innate love for writing, this major allows them to pursue what they genuinely love.

       2. Versatility

 A degree in creative writing isn’t just limited to penning novels or poetry. Graduates can venture into journalism, content creation, advertising, scriptwriting, and more.

       3. Skill Development

Beyond writing, this major hones skills like critical thinking, communication, research, and more, which are valuable in numerous professions.

       4. Networking

 University programs often provide opportunities to meet authors, agents, publishers, and other industry professionals.


       1. Job Market Competition

While there are opportunities, the writing domain can be competitive, with many vying for the same positions.

      2. Income Variability

Unlike some professions, writing may not always offer a stable monthly income, especially for those freelancing or looking to publish.

       3. Subjectivity

 Writing is subjective. What one editor or publisher loves, another might reject. This can be challenging for emerging writers to navigate.

What Do Creative Writers Do? An Overview of the Profession

At the core, creative writers craft stories, narratives, poems, articles, and content that resonate with readers. Their days might be spent:

      Brainstorming Ideas

This is where every piece begins—finding a theme, message, or story worth sharing.


Especially crucial for genres like historical fiction or specific articles. Research ensures accuracy.

      Writing and Re-writing

Crafting the initial draft and then refining it multiple times to ensure it aligns with the desired quality.

      Pitching and Submitting

For those looking to publish, a significant time might be spent pitching to agents, editors, or publishers.

      Continuous Learning

Like any profession, trends and techniques in writing evolve. Writers often attend workshops, seminars, or courses (like online creative writing courses) to enhance their skills.

In conclusion, the life of a creative writer is multifaceted. It’s a blend of creativity, determination, continuous learning, and, at times, resilience in the face of rejection. But for those truly passionate, the joy of creating worlds with words and impacting readers is unparalleled.

Starting with Creative Writing

Diving into the vast ocean of creative writing might seem overwhelming at first, especially for those new to the craft. It’s like staring at a blank canvas, waiting for that first brushstroke of inspiration. But fear not, every writer, renowned or budding, has been there. With the right guidance and techniques, that daunting blank page can turn into a canvas filled with words, stories, and imagination.

Creative Writing Ideas-Where They Come From and How to Cultivate Them


Everyday life is brimming with stories. Observe people, places, and situations. Ask yourself, “What if?”.


Books , articles, blogs – they all can spark an idea. Notice what intrigues you in others’ writings.


Our subconscious mind can be a treasure trove of bizarre, exciting, and unique ideas.

    Mind Maps

Start with a central theme and branch out with related concepts, characters, conflicts, and backgrounds.

  Current Events

News stories can provide a backdrop for a timely and relevant narrative.

Creative Writing Exercises

   free writing.

Set a timer (maybe 10 minutes) and write without stopping or editing. Let your thoughts flow onto the page.

   Word Association

Begin with a word and jot down everything it makes you think of. It can lead to unexpected connections and ideas.

   Character Development

Invent a character from scratch. Consider their background, fears, dreams, and quirks, and then place them in a situation.

   Image Inspiration

 Look at a photograph or artwork and craft a story around it.

   Story Prompts

There are countless prompts available online. They give a starting point, and you take it from there.

There will be moments of uncertainty, thrill, discovery, and enlightenment. But with the right tools and mindset, the process can be incredibly rewarding. So, grab your pen or keyboard and let the stories unfold.

Benefits of Creative Writing

Creative writing, often viewed as a whimsical hobby or a tool for academic enhancement, harbours a depth of benefits that many overlook. Its impact resonates not just in the literary world but also in our cognitive and emotional development.

Does Creative Writing Make You Smarter?

Contrary to the isolated image of a writer lost in their imagination, creative writing demands a lot from our brains. It sharpens our cognitive abilities, enhancing analytical thinking, vocabulary, and understanding of complex concepts. Storytelling requires a blend of logic and imagination, thus exercising both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. So, while it might not raise your IQ overnight, it undeniably sharpens your mind and hones your critical thinking skills.

How Creative Writing Helps Students: Academic and Personal Advantages

Beyond the realms of grades and classroom performance, creative writing offers students a unique set of advantages:

  Academic Growth

It improves vocabulary, grammar, and writing structure, which are vital across various subjects.

  Enhanced Empathy

Crafting stories allows students to step into different characters’ shoes, fostering a deeper understanding of human emotions and perspectives.

   Boosted Creativity and Imagination

Regular writing can expand a student’s horizon, encouraging them to think outside the box.

   Problem-Solving Skills

Developing plots and resolving story conflicts cultivate a student’s ability to tackle real-life challenges.

   Self-expression and Confidence

Creative writing provides an outlet for emotions, ideas, and opinions, boosting self-worth and confidence.

Creative Writing and Mental Health

The intertwining of pen, paper, and emotions runs deep. Creative writing is more than an art form; for many, it’s a lifeline.

Does Creative Writing Help Depression?

While creative writing isn’t a replacement for professional treatment, many individuals battling depression have found solace in the written word. Writing allows a release of pent-up emotions, creating a safe space for expression without judgment. Narrating their experiences provides a form of self-reflection and understanding, offering a means to navigate their feelings and potentially find a path towards healing.

How Creative Writing Helps Mental Health and Provides Therapeutic Value?


Writing about traumatic or emotional events can serve as a release, helping individuals process their feelings.


The act of writing focuses the mind, keeping it in the present moment, similar to meditation.

   Sense of Accomplishment

Completing a piece, regardless of its length, provides a boost of self-worth and achievement.

   Reduction in Stress

Translating thoughts into words has been shown to lower anxiety levels, promoting a state of calm.

   Enhanced Self-awareness

It offers insights into one’s own emotions, behaviours, and triggers, promoting personal growth.

In conclusion, creative writing is a multifaceted tool that enriches our minds, enhances academic prowess, and offers therapeutic value. Whether pursued as a profession, hobby, or therapy, its benefits are profound and far-reaching.

11-Plus Student Practicing Creative Writing

Online and Traditional Creative Writing Courses

Creative writing in education has seen a significant transformation in recent years. With the rise of digital platforms and the ever-evolving nature of traditional institutions, aspiring writers are now spoilt for choice. Let’s delve into the contrasts and benefits of both.

Where to Learn Creative Writing: Physical Institutions vs. Online Platforms

Traditionally, universities and colleges have been the primary source for structured creative writing programs. These institutions offer comprehensive curriculums, renowned faculties, and the immersive experience of a classroom setting. Engaging directly with professors and peers can be invaluable, fostering a sense of community and providing hands-on feedback.

On the flip side, the digital era ushered in online learning platforms that break geographical boundaries. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and often at a fraction of the cost of traditional programs. Whether you’re a working professional, a parent, or someone who resides in a remote location, online platforms can make learning accessible.

Online Creative Writing Courses: The Digital Learning Revolution

The proliferation of online courses has revolutionised how we perceive education. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and MasterClass, among others, have democratised access to top-tier instructors and curriculums from around the world. From beginner workshops to advanced storytelling techniques, there’s a digital course for every level of writer.

Another advantage is the myriad of formats available: video lectures, webinars, interactive assignments, peer reviews, and more, catering to diverse learning styles.

Advantages of Online Learning and Where to Find the Best Courses

    Flexibility and Convenience

Study anytime, anywhere. This adaptability is especially beneficial for those juggling multiple responsibilities.

    Diverse Course Offerings

With no physical constraints, online platforms can offer a broader range of courses, from niche genres to unique writing techniques.


Without the overheads associated with physical institutions, online courses often come at a reduced price.


Engage with a global community of writers. Online forums and discussion boards allow for networking opportunities that span continents.

    Up-to-date Material

Online platforms can quickly update their content, ensuring that courses remain current with evolving literary trends and technologies.

As for finding the best courses, thorough research is essential. Check for reviews, curriculum details, instructor qualifications, and any available trial periods or sample lessons. Edumentors is a great platform when it comes to online tutoring. They offer assistance from tutors from UK’s top universities-weather you’re a GCSE, A-level or 11-plus student looking for some guidance. With individually fitted assistance, you can be sure of a positive teaching experience.

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In conclusion, whether you’re drawn to the allure of a traditional classroom or the flexibility of online platforms, the options for creative writing education are diverse and expansive. It’s a golden era for aspiring writers, with quality education just a click or a campus away.

Debates in Creative Writing

As with any art form or discipline, creative writing isn’t without its controversies and debates. At the heart of these discussions lie questions about the teachability of the craft and its influence on cognitive processes. Let’s delve into these topics.

Can Creative Writing Be Taught? Exploring Both Sides of the Argument

   the affirmative side.

Proponents of creative writing courses argue that while innate talent can’t be instilled, the skills and techniques that refine this talent can be imparted. They point to the structured environment of a class or workshop where students learn about plot development, character arc, pacing, and other foundational elements. Further, a guided environment can provide feedback, enabling budding writers to identify their strengths and areas of improvement.

  The Skeptical Side

 Detractors, on the other hand, believe that writing, especially its creative facet, springs from personal experiences, innate talent, and individual interpretation of the world. They assert that while techniques can be learned, genuine creativity cannot be taught. Moreover, they warn against the risk of homogenising voices, where students might end up emulating the style of their instructors or popular trends rather than finding their unique voice.

Regardless of where one stands on this debate, the surge in creative writing courses, both online and offline, suggests a significant demand and belief in the merits of guided learning.

For many, creative writing becomes a sanctuary—a space free from the confines of reality, where thoughts, emotions, and experiences metamorphose into stories, characters, and worlds. It provides a canvas for our deepest fears, joys, dreams, and hopes. As writers shape narratives, they’re not just building stories; they’re often reconstructing their understanding of life and their place in it. This continuous process of introspection and externalisation fosters personal growth, making creative writing an invaluable tool for self-awareness and development.

With the plethora of resources available today, from online courses to local workshops, there’s a platform for everyone. But the most crucial tool in your arsenal will always be your unique perspective and voice. Nurture it, believe in it, and let it resonate.

In the final reckoning, creative writing isn’t just about producing literary masterpieces. It’s about evolution, both personal and societal. It’s about finding clarity amidst chaos and deriving meaning from the mundane. So, as you close this blog and ponder over the world of creative writing, remember it’s a journey, and like all journeys, it’s best enjoyed one step, or in this case, one word at a time.

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Online Courses

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Stanford Continuing Studies' online creative writing courses make it easy to take courses taught by instructors from Stanford’s writing community. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime—a plus for students who lead busy lives or for whom regular travel to the Stanford campus is not possible. These courses are open to all adults, and we encourage all levels of writers to enroll.

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is there an a level in creative writing

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is there an a level in creative writing

on NAWE's behalf and we urge you to sign it. 

Our press release is also here on this page in the right hand column. 

NAWE will be part of a joint response with other English subject governing bodies. Thank you to all NAWE members who helped try and save the qualification this year. 

Here is a link from the English and Media Centre blog who are featuring a posting by a current English A level student in their own response. 

The student explains why it's such a brilliant course and what it offers that makes it so valuable, not only in terms of the experiences it provides but also in relation to GCSE and future life.


Anne Caldwell
© National Association of Writers in Education 2010-2023
Registered Charity Number 1190424

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Home › Study Tips › Creative Writing Resources For Secondary School Students

308 Creative Writing Prompts To Unlock Your Writing Skills

  • Published November 23, 2022

A yellow typewriter that emphasizes 'Stay Creative'.

You want to start creative writing but how? It’s hard to be creative on demand. Most people need some inspiration or a push in the right direction. That’s why we teach our creative writing summer courses with various techniques to conquer your fear of the blank page. 

And we’ve put together a stimulating list of Creative Writing prompts to get those creative wheels turning! But, if you want to niche down then feel free to check out our high school writing prompts .

General Writing Prompts

  • An envelope from a passing plane falls out of the sky and lands on your character. What would the contents of the envelope be?
  • You’re invulnerable except for one weakness. What’s your weakness?
  • Create a character that abhors your favourite hobby, and explain why.
  • Create a story that revolves around the main character, “the girl with the red balloon.”
  • What’s the most boring job you can imagine? Write a sports commentary on a person doing it. 
  • Describe a character’s morning routine as if you’re writing an inspiring script for a personal development Youtube channel. 
  • Your character is dancing in the rain. What’s the backstory?
  • Write a story beginning with the climax, then proceed to give flashbacks. 
  • Who is your least favourite person? What do you dislike most about them? Write a backstory on how they may have developed these negative traits.
  • Two characters are talking about a topic. Write the same dialogue twice, each from two different perspectives.
  • You have 7 days to complete a mission. Should you fail, the world ends. What’s the mission about?
  • Think about a person you want to be with. What do you wish they’d tell you? Write the scenario.
  • Your character is making a magic potion that steals 5 years of life from the maker. Why are they willing to give up their time for the potion?
  • Is there a moment in your life you wish would last forever? Capture it with your writing.
  • Write a story that begins with a tribal ritual. What’s the ritual about? How is it performed?
  • Choose a random holiday on the calendar, and write a greeting card about it. 
  • Rewrite the lyrics to a song with a good beat. 
  • Write a pokemon battle from the pokemon’s perspective.
  • Write about a character suffering from a disease without mentioning the disease.
  • If you had 1 hour left to live, what would you do?

Before moving on, creative writing examples can also help you conquer the fear of the blank page. We highly recommend reading through our resource, as well as our tips for creative writers like you.

Mythical Creatures/Places Prompts

  • You meet a dragon. How would the story go? Describe the dragon as much as you can.
  • Your character is running away from a perilous situation. Suddenly, a pegasus and their rider swoop down from the sky to their rescue.Who is the rider?
  • Losing your way while travelling, you accidentally stumbled on a golden city. You think it’s El Dorado! Before you take one more step, large soldiers materialise, golden spears pointed at your throat. How do you escape?
  • Write a poem about a mythical place that has always fascinated you.
  • If you could choose one mythical creature to meet in real life, who would it be?
  • You heard a beautiful melody while walking through a forest on a guided tour. You wandered off on your own and found a group of fairies singing a ritual song. Suddenly, they all turn to you and say in unison, “We have been waiting for you.” What’s happening?
  • You’re in a submarine on the ocean floor. When a mermaid approaches you with open curiosity. Describe the mermaid in as much detail as you can.
  • Describe the underworld from Cerberus’ perspective.
  • Your character went island hopping on vacation. When they encounter the irresistible song of the sirens. What happens next?
  • Write about Hades from Zeus’ perspective.
  • You just found out you’re a reincarnated Egyptian god/goddess. How do you react?

Superpower Writing Prompts

  • If you could choose any superpower, what would it be? Why?
  • You just discovered you have the power of invisibility. What would you do with this power?
  • What responsibilities come with having superpowers?
  • How would the world be different if everyone had superpowers?
  • You’re at a party, and you can read everyone’s mind. How will the scene go?
  • Write about what it would be like to have the power of flight.

Tired yet? Keep going or take a break by reading through the top UK universities for creative writing – maybe that will provide some extra motivation to keep you racing through these prompts.

“For the First Time” Prompts

  • A tourist from a tropical country encounters snow for the first time. How would they react?
  • Write about a person who grew up in a desert and saw the sea for the first time. 
  • What was the most crucial decision you made? Write a story of what would’ve happened if you chose differently. 
  • A colourblind person sees colour for the first time. How did the experience go?
  • Write about a deaf toddler who hears their mommy for the first time. 
  • Write a romantic story about first-time lovers.
  • How was your experience riding the boat for the first time?
  • You eat a foreign fruit for the first time. Describe the taste in a way that makes the reader’s mouth water.
  • Write about a character who skydives for the first time. 
  • What would Christopher Columbus have felt seeing America for the first time? 
  • Write about a character who experiences the death of an immediate family member for the first time. 
  • It was your first time seeing a Kangaroo. Write the experience from the Kangaroo’s perspective. 
  • Write about a character who gets caught up in a riptide for the first time. 

Creative writing has, and always will be, a popular university course. Knowing exactly what the a-level requirements for creative writing are helps ensure you have the best chance of getting into a top university of your choice.

Unfortunate Events

  •  Write a story wherein a character experiences 3 unfortunate events in quick succession within 24 hours. 
  • A businessman loses all his money in one day. What happens next?
  • Burglars break into your home 4 consecutive times in one month. Write a thrilling narrative.
  • You wake up to your empty garage. Someone stole your car. The carnapper happens to be the leader of an infamous gang, and you happen to be a CIA agent. Write an action-packed story.
  • Write about an innocent character framed to be the murderer. 
  • You entered the class with all your classmates glaring at you with anger and indignation, except one. Who smiles at you in evil triumph. What happened?
  • A character starts the day wrong and ends up ruining the rest of the day because of a bad mood. They go to bed screaming in frustration, “THE WORST DAY EVER!” Write what transpired in a way that’ll make your readers laugh. 
  • Your protagonist has a goal. But every time they try to achieve it, something bad happens. Is it a coincidence, or is someone sabotaging their efforts?

Alternate Ending/Path

  • Write an alternate ending to a movie or story you wished ended differently.
  • Write a character who’s born into a military family, and who is expected to follow their father’s footsteps. But they feel called to a different path. 
  • Who would you be if you could be anyone you want to be?
  • Julius Caesar survived his assassination. How will his story continue after the betrayal?
  • An heir to the throne chose to run away and travel the world in disguise. Write about their journey. 
  • Romeo and Juliet didn’t die. So how will their romance continue?
  • Harry Potter ended up marrying Hermione. Write the alternate ending.
  • Augustus didn’t die in the Fault in Our Stars. Write a happy ending. 
  • How would you have wanted the Game of Thrones to end instead? Write the script.
  • Gatsby was discovered to be innocent, and his life was spared. What happens next? 
  • If Jack didn’t die, how would his romance with Rose continue?

From the Object’s Perspective

  • Your character is an expert samurai. Write about the samurai from the sword’s perspective. 
  • Write a story with art materials as the main characters.
  • What is your most prized possession? Write from its perspective about how it thinks and feels about you.
  • Write about a family’s history from an heirloom’s perspective.
  • Write a scene from Dr Strange from his cape’s perspective.
  • Write about the Elder Wand’s previous masters before it became Dumbledore’s, from the wand’s perspective.
  • Narrate a Percy Jackson scene from Riptide’s perspective.
  • Write a scene from Dr. Strange from his cape’s perspective.
  • If Gandalf’s staff could talk, what legendary tales would it tell you? 
  • A castle houses multiple generations of nobles. What secrets does it know?

Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?

  • Write a story about two characters who wish they live the other person’s life without the other knowing. 
  • A character believes the grass is greener on the other side. Turns out it isn’t. How did the story go?
  • Write about a little girl who wanted to be a mermaid, and her wish was granted.
  • A character thought having instant millions could make them happy. It didn’t. Write about their inner monologue on their deathbed. 
  • You had the opportunity to live the life of your favourite Hollywood star in a day. How will it go?
  • Do you think abundant money can buy happiness? Why or why not?
  • If you could shift into any career in the world, what would it be? Why? 
  • Your character’s best friend just got engaged. They’re happy for them, but they can’t help feeling a little jealous. Write about the internal struggle. 

Time Travel/History

  • Choose a historical event, and insert a fictional character who experiences it and has no idea how significant it is in human history. 
  • If you could travel back in time as a mere observer, what 3 historical events would you want to witness in person?
  • What would you tell your younger self from 10 years ago?
  • If you could change one event in human history, what would it be? Why?
  • What would you tell a parent if you could meet them before they had you?
  • You travel back in time but can’t return to your own time. What happens next?
  • If you could save one person from dying at their appointed time, who would it be? Why?
  • What would you tell your great-grandchild if you could travel to the future?
  • If you could relive an event that happened in the past without changing it, what would it be? Why?
  • Choose one decision you wouldn’t make if you could go back in time. How will your life change?
  • Your character travels through time, but they keep getting stuck in the same year. What year is it, and what’s happening?
  • You’re travelling back in time, but you accidentally go too far and land in the middle of a prehistoric jungle. Describe your experience.

Describe ___ To A Blind Person

If you were to describe the:

  • Northern Lights
  • Empire State Building
  • Mona Lisa Painting
  • Pyramids of Giza
  • Most beautiful person you met

How would you go about it?

The Villain/Wrongdoing

  • Write about a bully who undergoes a change of heart after being bullied. 
  • A mad scientist concocted a deadly solution in their lab to eradicate a huge percentage of the human race. What events pushed them to such measures?
  • Write a story about a manipulative character who always found a way to escape problems unscathed. Until they meet their match.
  • An important event is going on. A biassed journalist creates fake news. What events made the journalist regret what they did?
  • Write about a character who is falling in love with the villain.
  • Write a scene from Narnia from the White Witch’s perspective.
  • What would the final Lord of the Rings battle look like from Sauron’s perspective? Write the scene.
  • Write a Star Wars scene from Darth Vader’s perspective. 

Inner Monologue

  • You’re waiting in line to buy pizza. And you see a person reading the menu. What would their inner monologue be?
  • What goes on in the mind of a traitor?
  • Write a character who’s about to end their life. But they changed their mind at the last minute. Why?
  • Write the inner monologue of a genius taking a maths exam.
  • What goes on inside a gamer’s mind while playing Mobile Legends? 
  • Write about what Martin Luther must have been thinking while writing his momentous speech “I Have A Dream.”
  • What do you think were the thoughts of Julius Caesar during his assassination?
  • Write about what Taylor Swift’s inner monologue must have been while she wrote her famous song “All Too Well.”
  • Write about a character’s internal monologue while on a blind date.
  • What went on in the mind of the Titanic’s captain as they sunk?

Family and Friendship

  • Think about your top 5 friends. Make them characters in your story with you as the antagonist. 
  • You want to give a favourite book to a friend. Write the dedication note.
  • Recall a favourite moment you had with your best friend. Write the event from their perspective.
  • A family was eating dinner as usual. But something happened that changed their lives forever. What was the life-changing event?
  • Write a story about a hero who gave their lives to protect their loved ones against a powerful foe.
  • If a friend were to introduce you in an essay, what would they write?
  • Write an essay convincing your close friends to watch a movie they haven’t watched before. 
  • If you and your family were the main characters of an alien invasion story, how would it go? 
  • Two friends have been debating a topic for years. One dies first at a young age. How does the remaining person live his remaining life in reaction to his friend’s untimely death?
  • Write about a character who looks back on their life and discovers how they’ve hurt the people closest to them. How will they try to repair these relationships?
  • What’s your favourite bread? Describe its deliciousness without using the word delicious or any of its synonyms.
  • What’s your favourite dish? Narrate a chef preparing it in a suspenseful way.
  • Start your story with someone drinking their usual morning coffee at a local coffee shop.
  • How would the dialogue go if you were to instruct a younger sibling on how to prepare a dish through the phone?
  • Write a romantic story about food lovers who met at a restaurant. 
  • Describe how a stew smells so tasty as to make your readers’ mouths water. 
  • Brewed vs 3-in-1-Coffee, why is one better than the other?
  • You watch a person eating food with such satisfaction that it makes you hungry. Describe how they ate the food. 
  • Describe a dish without revealing its name.
  • Write about a character suffering from depression, then they taste food that reminds them of happy childhood days. 
  • What’s a vegetable you hate? Write an inner monologue from its perspective, detailing how it hates you back.
  • A mother receives the last letter from her son before he dies in the war. What does the letter say?
  • A couple parts ways. A year later, one of them decides to win back the relationship and proceeds to search. Only to discover the other died a week ago. What happens next? 
  • In a snap, your young character’s life takes a cruel turn because every family member dies in one day. What will they do in the aftermath of the tragedy?
  • A superhero shines bright. But what about the normal person who lost a loved one because of the superhero’s rash action in saving the world? Write a story about the normal person.
  • Your character is dying, and their life is flashing before their eyes. What are they seeing?
  • Write a character who has to let go of a loved one who recently passed away. 
  • What would you say if you could talk to someone you desperately want to talk to, but can’t?
  • Write about a character who goes through the motions but is frozen in the past. What situation forces them to move on?
  • Write about a war veteran struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • A young student suffers from bullying. What development do they go through that allows them to stand up for themselves later in the story?
  • You stumbled upon a mostly empty house with a picture frame hanging on a wall. Who’s in the picture?
  • An old woman walks by every 3pm in the afternoon. Where is she going?
  • You look out and see a couple fighting behind a closed window. What are they arguing about?
  • Who do you find most mysterious? Imagine what their inner monologue sounds like. Write it down. 
  • Someone gave you a key necklace. You later discovered it’s an actual key to a secret door. What happens next?
  • Write a story about a character surfing on the beach. When they stumbled upon a message in a bottle. The very next day, they leave everything behind to go someplace else. What’s the message?
  • A locket has been passed down multiple generations and ended up with you. Little did you know it was hiding a secret yet to be discovered. What is the secret? How did you find out?
  • You sit at a playground and notice a young girl looking sullen and withdrawn. What do you think is her story?
  • Someone played the public piano at the airport. Your character watched as a tear ran down their face. Why?
  • Choose a painting of a deceased painter. What are they trying to tell you?
  • Your great-grandchild went back in time to meet you. Why?
  • There’s a secret room that’s been walled off. Why?
  • You find a hidden door in your apartment. Where does it lead to? 
  • “With his last breath, he uttered a name.” Continue the story.
  • You’re walking down a street, and you see someone who looks exactly like you. Your eyes meet, and both freeze in astonishment. What happens next?
  • Every year, a character dreads June 13th. Why?
  • What’s your most hated insect? Describe the expression of disgust on your face from the insect’s perspective.
  • Your character lands in a new world, and they encounter an animal they never saw before. How would you describe the animal?
  • The wolves sing to the moon. Write a song about it. 
  • Write the inner monologue of a cat intent on world domination.
  • Two cats are playing a mock fight. What would their dialogue be?
  • Write the inner monologue of a dog waiting for its owners to return.
  • A dog jumped on you. And you hear a voice say, “Sorry, sorry!” Who is it?
  • Write from the perspective of a porcupine. What does it feel like to have a soft body covered with spikes?
  • Write a war scene from the horse’s perspective. 
  • A male bird is courting a female bird. Write a dialogue. 
  • An ocean diver gets surrounded by a hundred squids. What happens next? 
  • Write what blood tastes like to a female mosquito. 
  • What’s the daily life of an ant in a colony like? Write a story. 
  • Ravens have a mourning ritual for their dead. Write about the ritual from a raven’s perspective. 
  • A male lion searches for his brother and finds him right before he’s about to be killed by hyenas. Write the suspenseful scene from the searching lion’s perspective.


  • You pass by a restaurant and see two people laughing their heads off. What is making them laugh?
  • Write a comedy with your neighbour as the main character.
  • A character tries a new hobby but is really bad at it. What is their hobby, and how do they fail?
  • Your character goes on a date with someone who has a strange quirk. Describe the quirk and the date.
  • You’re at a job interview, and the interviewer asks you an absurd question. How do you answer it?
  • Write a funny story about a man who is either always early or always late. 
  • Your character is in a meeting, but they keep dozing off. What’s the meeting about, and how do they stay awake?
  • You’re at a party, but you’re really bored. How do you entertain yourself?
  • Write about a character explaining that the dog ate their homework, with the line “true story.”
  • A man discovered an unknown bird species. It happens to be a parrot. And it scared the man senseless when it heard the bird talk. Write about the details of the horrifying encounter. 
  • You’re stuck in traffic, but you must hit the loo quickly. What do you do?
  • Write a detailed essay that makes a mundane object sound massively life-changing. 
  • You’re about to eat food you abhor, but you must act like it’s the best thing ever. What is the food, and how do you react?
  • Write about a character who can read minds and cannot help but answer unspoken thoughts, garnering horrified and bewildered glances. 
  • Your character falls in love. But they had no clue it was the child of their sworn enemy! How do they untangle the mess?  

New/Parallel World 

  • Create a world where the currency is food. 
  • You see a planet at night that glows especially bright. If it housed living creatures, what would it be like?
  • Who’s your favourite fictional character? Imagine they came to life in the real world. How would they adjust? What would their reaction be to the modern world? 
  • You stumbled upon a parallel universe. What happens next?
  • A portal opens up and transports you to another world. What is the world like, and how do you get back home now that the portal’s closed? 
  • Write Snow White’s story from the Evil Queen’s perspective. 
  • What would you ask if you had access to the Evil Queen’s Mirror on the Wall?
  • Write Mulan’s story from her father’s perspective.
  • Write Ariel’s story from King Triton’s perspective. 
  • If the Prince in Sleeping Beauty wrote a poem for Princess Aurora, how would it go?
  • Write Cinderella’s story from the lost shoe’s perspective.
  • Narrate Cinderella’s story from the Evil Stepmother’s perspective. 
  • Write Simba’s story from Scar’s point of view.
  • Write Elsa’s story from Olaf’s perspective.
  • A war broke out in an ancient era, and a runner bolts out, carrying a crucial message. Write a story about the journey. 
  • You woke up to people screaming, “Invasion! RUN!” What will you do next?
  • Your character is a soldier who’s captured by the enemy. How do they escape?
  • You find a wounded soldier on the battlefield. What happens next?
  • People are falling sick with a new, unknown disease. A doctor tries to find a cure amidst all the chaos. Did the doctor succeed?


  • Your character encounters a monster in an alley. Write the scene. 
  • You open your door, and there’s a note on the floor that says, “I’m watching you.” What happens next?
  • Write a character that stumbled upon a human corpse while exploring a cave. Who is it?
  • You live in a new home, and you discover it’s haunted. By whom?
  • You watch a beautiful lady receive a bouquet of roses. She reads the attached note and drops it in an expression of utter horror. What did she read?
  • Write a story about an attractive man with a dark secret. 
  • You’re riding the train. Suddenly, someone who looks familiar approaches you and says with alarm, “Quick, we have to get off this train now .” What happens next?
  • Write a horror story about a character going to the grocery store. 
  • Someone shares a secret with you that has a huge impact on your circle of friends. You promise to keep it. But the owner of the secret dies the next day. Unable to carry the burden, you reveal the secret. Only to end up being haunted by the owner’s ghost. How does the story resolve itself?
  • You had a nightmare about a character chasing you. You wake up remembering only one detail: a tattoo. As you go about your day, you notice a stranger with the same tattoo. What happens next?
  • A series of events led to you receiving a cursed package. Why did it choose you? How do you get rid of it?
  • Write a story about a character who wakes up with someone shaking their shoulders and looking into their eyes, asking frantically, “What happened?!”
  • If a zombie apocalypse broke out right now, what are the first 3 things you would do? Why?
  • A character in your story wants to confess to someone they fell in love with by sending them a text message. How would the message go?
  • Write about a character looking for love on a dating site…and finding it. 
  • Write a story about two people falling in love, only to discover they are closely related. 
  • Two characters meet on a pilgrimage together. Write about how they fell in love.
  • “Wherever you are in the world, I will find you.” Write a romantic story starting with this sentence.
  • Two lovers are separated by war. They swore to get married after, but they both died before they could reunite. Write their story via the letters they exchanged with each other. 
  • You held the hand of someone you’re attracted to for the first time. What does it feel like?
  • Write about two characters who like each other in secret. Did they end up confessing their mutual attraction?
  • A character goes on a journey to understand what love means. How did it go? 
  • What’s your favourite poem? Write a poem responding to it. 
  • Compose a poem about falling for someone who doesn’t return your affections.
  • Write a short poem about your name.
  • A sailor is wrestling against a stormy ocean. Write a poem from the ocean’s perspective.
  • Write a poem about an object or a place you once had access to when you were a child. But it’s no longer there today. 
  • Planet Earth has many beautiful places. Choose one and write a poem praising its beauty.
  • What is the most beautiful building you’ve ever laid eyes on? Write a poem about it. 
  • What does your favourite perfume smell like? Describe the scent in a poem.
  • Use lots of onomatopoeia in a poem. 
  • Write a poem about the colour green.
  • Who’s the most attractive person you met in your life? Write a poem about them.
  • What are you most afraid of? Why? 
  • Someone is trying to convince you to try something you’re scared of. How would the dialogue go?
  • A character is afraid of public speaking. But they end up being a world-renowned public speaker. Write a story about the journey. 
  • Write about a character who’s terrified of the deep ocean. 
  • Your character is afraid of aliens. But they proceed to fight them anyway to protect others. Write the story from the first-person point of view.

General Personal Essay

  • What is the greatest regret of your life? Write an essay about it. 
  • How would you define “love”?
  • Who do you admire the most today? Why?
  • How would your day go if you were someone’s shadow for a day?
  • What is your happy place? Why?
  • What do you feel, hear, smell, or see right now? Describe it in as much detail as you can.
  • Write about your favourite hobby and how it affects your life.
  • If you could create a national holiday, what would it be? How would the country celebrate it?
  • What’s your favourite season? Why?
  • What makes you happy? Write the answer from the perspective of a very young person or a very old person.
  • What are three personal weaknesses you want to improve on? How do you plan on improving?
  • What are the top 3 words that describe you best? Why?
  • Write a story about a character falling for a narcissist, then finding a way out. 
  • What are your 3 greatest achievements in life? Write an essay about it.  
  • You’re nominated for an award. The host reads out the winner’s name, and it’s you! Write your 1-minute speech. 
  • What’s your favourite piece of clothing? What are the memories you’ve made while wearing it?
  • What’s your favourite mode of transportation? Write an essay convincing the readers why it’s the best option. 
  • If you could invent anything, what would it be? Why?
  • If you had wings, how would you take care of them? Write an essay entitled “Top 10 Tips for Wing-care.”
  • If you were the president of the country, what 3 policies would you reinforce first? Why?

A Line in the Story

  • Include this line in your story: “It wasn’t…what I wanted.” 
  • Write about a character who lives their life according to this statement by Nelson Mandela, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
  • Write a short story that begins with “My life was never the same since.”
  • What’s your favourite song? Write a story that begins with the first verse. 
  • Write a story that ends with “she never looked back.”
  • “Practice makes perfect,” the common saying goes. Write a thriller story with the line repeated at least 3 times throughout. 
  • “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” Write a story from the perspective of someone who lives by this quote.
  • Start your story with this quote by Michael Jordan, “I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
  • You meet someone who wants to lose weight but easily gets discouraged. Write 5 inspiring letters to motivate them to keep going. 
  • You see “Reach out to a friend” posters hanging everywhere to advocate for mental health. Write a letter to someone who is lonely and desperately needs a friend. 
  • What would you write if you could send a letter to a renowned historical person?
  • If you could send a letter to a politician, what would you write?
  • Write a letter to your younger self, convincing them not to give up on their dreams.
  • Your character finds an old love letter from a previous relationship. What do they do with it?
  • A Gratitude Letter: You’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, and you’re going through chemotherapy. Write a letter to your body, thanking it for everything it’s been through.
  • Create an essay around the theme, “It’s not about how much you earn, but how much you spend.”
  • A character undergoing a financial crisis wins the lottery. Did their life improve? Or did it become worse?
  • Write an orphan character who rises through the ranks and becomes a millionaire. What’s their motivation?
  • A rich man gives away all his money and lives a life of poverty. Why?
  • A carefree couple racks up a large amount of debt, and they have to face the consequences. How do they go about reforming their lives?
  • Your character has to choose between love and money. Which do they choose and why?

Out of This World

  • You’re on a space mission when you suddenly find yourself stranded on an unknown planet. Describe the planet and your experience.
  • You’re a space shuttle pilot, and you encounter a black hole. What happens next?
  • Your character is the first human to make contact with aliens. How does the meeting go?
  • You’ve been chosen to be the first human to live on Mars. Describe your experience.
  • You wake up one day to find that you’ve been turned into an alien. What happens next?
  • You’re an alien who is observing humans for the first time. Write your observation notes.

There you have it! A wealth of writing prompts to help get you started. Whether you’re aiming to write a story, poem, or personal essay, we’ve got you covered.

And if you’re looking to go deeper into honing your skills then try out some creative writing exercises to get the brain juices flowing.

Don’t forget to bookmark this post for future reference!

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List of All U.S. Colleges with a Creative Writing Major

Writing has been my passion practically since I learned to read in kindergarten. I would write stories about princesses and my family dog, Gansett. When it came time to look at colleges, I was set on attending one with a strong creative writing program. Ultimately, I graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a B.A. in Writing Seminars.

Today, colleges across the country offer creative writing as a major. Because writing skills are essential for a wide range of careers, and because most curricula emphasize broad liberal arts competencies, a degree in creative writing can set you up for success in numerous fields, whether you want to be an editor or a lawyer.

Interested in majoring in creative writing? Learn which schools offer the major and what to look for in a program.

Overview of the Creative Writing Major

Creative writing is about more than spinning tales. For your major, you’ll generally need to pursue a curriculum grounded in literature, history, foreign language, and other humanities courses, along with distribution courses, if the college requires them.

Most creative writing majors must participate in workshops, in which students present their work and listen to peer critiques, usually with a certain number of advanced courses in the mix. In some cases, colleges will ask you to specialize in a particular genre, such as fiction, poetry, or playwriting. 

To succeed in creative writing, you’ll need to have a tough spine, in order to open yourself up to feedback from your classmates and instructors. You may need to give readings in public — if not as an undergraduate, certainly during your career. Of course, a passion for creating is essential, too, as is a willingness to revise your work and learn from the greats and your peers.

A creative writing major opens up doors to many careers, including journalism, content marketing, copywriting, teaching, and others. Even careers that don’t center around writing often have a strong writing component: you’ll need to write reports, deliver presentations, and so on.

Some writers go on to earn an MFA, which will help you hone your craft. It’s also often a prerequisite for teaching creative writing at the college level.

What to Look for in a College as a Creative Writing Major

Published authors on faculty.

Many world-renowned authors have another claim to fame: professorships. Writers who have taught their craft include (among many others):

  • Maya Angelou (Wake Forest University)
  • Colson Whitehead (many colleges, including Vassar College and Columbia University)
  • Stephen Dixon (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Viet Thanh Nguyen (University of Southern California)
  • Eula Biss (Northwestern University)
  • Toni Morrison (Princeton University)

Be aware that as an undergraduate, you may not be able to learn from the greats. That’s why it’s important to look into which courses these faculty teach before you have dreams of being mentored by Salman Rushdie — who is a Distinguished Writer in Residence at NYU.

Genres Offered

While many schools that have creative writing majors offer fiction and poetry courses and tracks, there are some niche genres that could be more difficult to find. If you’re interested in playwriting, for example, you won’t find that at every school. Before you decide on a program, be sure it includes the genres you’d like to explore further, whether that’s flash fiction, creative nonfiction, or something else.

Workshopping Opportunities

The core of most quality creative writing curriculum is workshopping. This means sharing your work in your classes and listening to your peers discuss and critique it. While this may sound intimidating, it can do a lot to help you hone your work and become a better writer. Look for colleges that make this the bedrock of their curriculum.

Showcasing Opportunities

Are there opportunities to present your work, such as college-sponsored readings where undergraduates can participate? Or, perhaps the school has a great literary journal. At my school, students could submit their plays and have them performed by fellow students. 

List of All U.S. Colleges With a Creative Writing Major

Agnes Scott College Decatur Georgia
Ashland University Ashland Ohio
Augustana College Rock Island Illinois
Austin College Sherman Texas
Baldwin Wallace University | BW Berea Ohio
Beloit College Beloit Wisconsin
Bennington College Bennington Vermont
Berry College Mount Berry Georgia
Bowling Green State University | BGSU Bowling Green Ohio
Bradley University Peoria Illinois
Brandeis University Waltham Massachusetts
Brooklyn College Brooklyn New York
Brown University Providence Rhode Island
Bucknell University Lewisburg Pennsylvania
Butler University Indianapolis Indiana
California College of the Arts | CCA San Francisco California
Capital University Columbus Ohio
Carnegie Mellon University | CMU Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Catawba College Salisbury North Carolina
Central Michigan University | CMU Mount Pleasant Michigan
Central Washington University | CWU Ellensburg Washington
Chapman University Orange California
Coe College Cedar Rapids Iowa
Colby College Waterville Maine
College of the Holy Cross | Holy Cross Worcester Massachusetts
Colorado College Colorado Springs Colorado
Columbia College Chicago Chicago Illinois
Columbia University New York New York
Dartmouth College Hanover New Hampshire
Eastern Michigan University | EMU Ypsilanti Michigan
Eckerd College Saint Petersburg Florida
Emerson College Boston Massachusetts
Emory University Atlanta Georgia
Fitchburg State University Fitchburg Massachusetts
Franklin and Marshall College | F&M Lancaster Pennsylvania
George Mason University Fairfax Virginia
George Washington University | GW Washington Washington DC
Hamilton College Clinton New York
Huntingdon College Montgomery Alabama
Ithaca College Ithaca New York
Johns Hopkins University | JHU Baltimore Maryland
Knox College Galesburg Illinois
Laguna College of Art and Design | LCAD Laguna Beach California
Lesley University Cambridge Massachusetts
Lindenwood University Saint Charles Missouri
Linfield College McMinnville Oregon
Loyola University Maryland Baltimore Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans New Orleans Louisiana
Macalester College Saint Paul Minnesota
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MIT Cambridge Massachusetts
Mercer University Macon Georgia
Miami University Oxford Ohio
Millikin University Decatur Illinois
Millsaps College Jackson Mississippi
New School New York New York
Northwestern University Evanston Illinois
Oakland University Rochester Hills Michigan
Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio
Ohio Northern University | ONU Ada Ohio
Ohio University Athens Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio
Oklahoma Baptist University | OBU Shawnee Oklahoma
Otterbein University Westerville Ohio
Pacific University Forest Grove Oregon
Pepperdine University Malibu California
Portland State University | PSU Portland Oregon
Pratt Institute Brooklyn New York
Principia College Elsah Illinois
Providence College Providence Rhode Island
Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana
Rhode Island College | RIC Providence Rhode Island
Rocky Mountain College | RMC Billings Montana
Roger Williams University | RWU Bristol Rhode Island
Saint Mary’s College (Indiana) Notre Dame Indiana
School of the Art Institute of Chicago | SAIC Chicago Illinois
Seattle University Seattle Washington
Seton Hall University South Orange New Jersey
Simmons College Boston Massachusetts
Southern Methodist University | SMU Dallas Texas
Southern Oregon University | SOU Ashland Oregon
Spalding University Louisville Kentucky
State University of New York at Purchase | SUNY Purchase Purchase New York
Stephens College Columbia Missouri
Suffolk University Boston Massachusetts
Texas Christian University | TCU Fort Worth Texas
Texas Wesleyan University Fort Worth Texas
The State University of New York at Binghamton | SUNY Binghamton Vestal New York
The State University of New York at Buffalo | SUNY Buffalo Buffalo New York
The State University of New York at Stony Brook | SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook New York
Truman State University | TSU Kirksville Missouri
University of Arizona Tucson Arizona
University of California, Riverside | UC Riverside Riverside California
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati Ohio
University of Evansville Evansville Indiana
University of Houston Houston Texas
University of Idaho Moscow Idaho
University of La Verne La Verne California
University of Maine at Farmington | UMF Farmington Maine
University of Miami Coral Gables Florida
University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan
University of Nebraska Omaha | UNO Omaha Nebraska
University of New Mexico | UNM Albuquerque New Mexico
University of North Carolina at Wilmington | UNC Wilmington Wilmington North Carolina
University of Pittsburgh | Pitt Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
University of Puget Sound Tacoma Washington
University of Redlands Redlands California
University of Rochester Rochester New York
University of Southern California | USC Los Angeles California
University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) Saint Paul Minnesota
University of Texas at El Paso | UTEP El Paso Texas
University of the Arts | UArts Philadelphia Pennsylvania
University of Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma
University of Washington Seattle Washington
Valparaiso University | Valpo Valparaiso Indiana
Washington University in St. Louis | WashU Saint Louis Missouri
Wellesley College Wellesley Massachusetts
Western Michigan University | WMU Kalamazoo Michigan
Western New England University | WNE Springfield Massachusetts
Western Washington University | WWU Bellingham Washington
Wheaton College (Massachusetts) Norton Massachusetts
Wichita State University | WSU Wichita Kansas
Widener University Chester Pennsylvania
Wofford College Spartanburg South Carolina
Yeshiva University New York New York
Youngstown State University Youngstown Ohio

What Are Your Chances of Acceptance?

No matter what major you’re considering, the first step is ensuring you’re academically comparable to students who were previously accepted to the college or university. Most selective schools use the Academic Index to filter out applicants who aren’t up to their standards.

You’ll also want to demonstrate your fit with the school and specific major with the qualitative components of your application, like your extracurriculars and essays. For a prospective creative writing major, the essay is particularly important because this is a way to demonstrate your writing prowess. Activities might include editing your school’s newspaper or literary journal, publishing your work, and participating in pre-college writing workshops.

Want to know your chances of being accepted to top creative writing schools? Try our Chancing Engine (it’s free). Unlike other calculators, it takes your individual profile into account, including academic stats and qualitative components like your activities. Give it a try and get a jumpstart on your journey as a creative writing major!

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Study Creative Writing, why & how to study

A degree in creative writing will develop your imagination and storytelling skills to help you find your voice..

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What’s Creative Writing?

What creative writing degrees can you study, what do you need to get onto a creative writing degree, what topics does a creative writing degree cover, how will you be assessed, why study creative writing, are scholarships and bursaries available to students studying a creative writing degree, what are the postgraduate opportunities, similar subjects to creative writing, have any questions, looking for clearing advice.

The Clearing concierge has the answers

Creative Writing degrees cover all aspects of writing from fiction to non-fiction and poetry to scriptwriting. You’ll develop a portfolio of work and explore the many career options available to you.  

Take a look at the university league table for Creative Writing.

Undergraduate degrees in Creative Writing can be studied as a single subject or combined with other areas like literature, film and drama. Some examples include:

Creative Writing BA

Develop your creative and critical writing skills and expand your range and capabilities as a writer. Topics typically cover approaches to literature and cultural history, critical thinking and literary theory among others.

Search for Creative Writing courses. 

American Literature with Creative Writing BA

If you are a lover of American literature, indulge your passion by developing your creative practice, knowledge of American literature, and your industry links. This option often includes a year studying abroad.

Explore  American Literature with Creative Writing Courses.

English with Creative Writing BA

A programme that allows students to focus on creating their own texts, alongside studying the work of other writers.

Look for English with Creative Writing courses. 

Journalism and Creative Writing BA

A Journalism with Creative Writing BA will teach you core journalistic techniques and help you develop writing skills to deliver effective content across multiple platforms, while also encouraging your creative side.

Discover Journalism and Creative Writing courses. 

Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance BA

Develop keen critical analysis skills alongside your practical work in acting, directing and playwriting, and explore a broad range of plays and productions covering theatre’s many pasts and presents.

Find  Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance courses.

Other options  

Options may include an integrated foundation year or placement in the UK or abroad.  

  • Find a Creative Writing undergraduate course
  • Types of undergraduate degrees

Must have 

Entry requirements for a Creative Writing degree at a university range from 80–160 UCAS points. This could include: 

  • A Levels: AAA–CCE 
  • BTECs: DDD–MMP (may also require an English Literature A Level) 
  • Scottish Highers: AAAAB–BBBB (Advanced Highers: AAB–ABB)
  • International Baccalaureate: 38–26
  • Universities usually ask for English or English literature at A Level (or equivalent) and a sample of your own writing  

Good to have  

  • If you’re doing a combined degree, an A Level of equivalent in the additional subject  
  • Evidence of extensive reading and your influences
  • Evidence of your love of writing e.g., involvement with writing group, entering writing competition, going to author talks and literary festivals 
  • Relevant work experience or volunteering e.g., supporting communications for a charity, office work at a publisher, shadowing a copywriter
  • Portfolio of work, e.g., your own blog or contributing articles to magazines
  • Entry requirements
  • About UCAS points
  • Alternatives to A Levels

Typical modules for courses in this subject include:

  • Adventures in literature and the history of ideas
  • Composition and creative writing
  • Creative writing drama
  • Epic into novel
  • Future directions
  • Imagine this: prompts for creative writing
  • Writing for publication
  • Writing for short form media
  • Writing poetry and fiction

Assessments are mainly coursework based, and may include the following methods:

  • Presentation
  • Reflective writing
  • A dissertation is usually a final year option

Career-specific skills

  • Skills in creative writing to the standards required by the industry – whether publishing, film and TV, or for web content online 
  • Editing, redrafting and proofreading 

Transferable skills

  • Communication 
  • Creative thinking and analysis 
  • Digital skills
  • Negotiation
  • Prioritising and time management
  • Problem solving
  • Research and analysis
  • Self-discipline 

Professional accreditation  

While there are no general professional accreditations for creative writing degrees, there may be some associated with it, for example, the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ).  

Professional organisations  

There are many different professional organisations relating to the different genres of creative writing, here are some places to start:  

  • Publishers Association  
  • National Centre for Writing 
  • Society of Authors 
  • The Writer’s Guild of Great Britain  
The course appealed to me because of the course structure and syllabus. It is one of the only ones offering creative writing, English literature, and a dedicated publishing module. On a personal level, the lecturers have constantly pushed me to take more risks with my writing, to experiment and have fun with language and structure. Daniel, London Met
  • Read more about Daniel's story
  • Reasons to study Creative Writing

Are scholarships and bursaries available to students studying a Creative Writing degree?  

Some universities offer students an arts scholarship, bursary or grant. It’s worth seeing if you are eligible, how to apply and what it covers e.g., materials, tuition fees or living costs. 

What do Creative Writing graduates earn?

Entry-level salaries start from around £16,700–£22,000 with many areas to go into. For example, an editorial assistant could earn between £18,000–£23,000, increasing to an average of £37,000 for a managing editor and make anything between £45,000–£65,000 as an editorial director.

  • See what students do and earn after graduation

What jobs can you get as a Creative Writing graduate?

There are lots of possible career paths, some obvious, some less so including:

  • Brand consultant
  • Digital marketing executive
  • Editorial assistant
  • English teacher
  • Games writer
  • Press officer
  • Scriptwriter
  • Social media manager
  • Social worker
  • Travel writer
  • Web content manager
  • Writer in residence in prisons

Examples of postgraduate courses include:

  • Creative Writing PG/Dip/MA/MSt/MSc/MLitt/PhD
  • Crime and Thriller Writing MSt
  • Comedy Studies PhD
  • English Literary Studies with Creative Writing MA
  • Playwriting & Screenwriting MFA/MLitt
  • Find postgraduate courses for Creative Writing
  • Types of postgraduate degrees

If you enjoy a good story, you might also consider:

  • Drama, Dance & Cinematics

Search undergraduate Creative Writing courses now!

Ask our experts! You can email [email protected] with your question about studying Creative Writing – we’ll be happy to hear from you.

  • University rankings for Creative Writing
  • All subject guides

The shortcut to your uni shortlist

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Earning A Master’s In Creative Writing: What To Know

Sheryl Grey

Updated: Nov 1, 2023, 1:51pm

Earning A Master’s In Creative Writing: What To Know

Do you want to create written work that ignites a reader’s imagination and even changes their worldview? With a master’s in creative writing, you can develop strong storytelling and character development skills, equipping you to achieve your writing goals.

If you’re ready to strengthen your writing chops and you enjoy writing original works to inspire others, tell interesting stories and share valuable information, earning a master’s in creative writing may be the next step on your career journey.

The skills learned in a creative writing master’s program qualify you to write your own literary works, teach others creative writing principles or pursue various other careers.

This article explores master’s degrees in creative writing, including common courses and concentrations, admission requirements and careers that use creative writing skills. Read on to learn more about earning a master’s degree in creative writing.

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What Is a Master’s in Creative Writing?

A master’s in creative writing is an advanced degree that helps you develop the skills to write your own novel, poetry, screenplay or nonfiction book. This degree can also prepare you for a career in business, publishing, education, marketing or communications.

In a creative writing master’s degree program, you can expect to analyze literature, explore historical contexts of literary works, master techniques for revising and editing, engage in class workshops and peer critiques, and write your own original work.

Creative writing master’s programs usually require a thesis project, which should be well-written, polished and ready to publish. Typical examples of thesis projects include poetry collections, memoirs, essay collections, short story collections and novels.

A master’s in creative writing typically requires about 36 credits and takes two years to complete. Credit requirements and timelines vary by program, so you may be able to finish your degree quicker.

Specializations for a Master’s in Creative Writing

Below are a few common concentrations for creative writing master’s programs. These vary by school, so your program’s offerings may look different.

This concentration helps you develop fiction writing skills, such as plot development, character creation and world-building. A fiction concentration is a good option if you plan to write short stories, novels or other types of fiction.

A nonfiction concentration focuses on the mechanics of writing nonfiction narratives. If you plan to write memoirs, travel pieces, magazine articles, technical documents or nonfiction books, this concentration may suit you.

Explore the imagery, tone, rhythm and structure of poetry with a poetry concentration. With this concentration, you can expect to develop your poetry writing skills and learn to curate poetry for journals and magazines.


Screenwriting is an excellent concentration to explore if you enjoy creating characters and telling stories to make them come alive for television or film. This specialization covers how to write shorts, episodic serials, documentaries and feature-length film scripts.

Admission Requirements for a Master’s in Creative Writing

Below are some typical admission requirements for master’s in creative writing degree programs. These requirements vary, so check with your program to ensure you’ve met the appropriate requirements.

  • Application for admission
  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Transcripts from previous education
  • Writing samples
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement or essay

Common Courses in a Master’s in Creative Writing

Story and concept.

This course focuses on conceptualizing, planning and developing stories on a structural level. Learners study how to generate ideas, develop interesting plots, create outlines, draft plot arcs, engage in world-building and create well-rounded characters who move their stories forward.

Graduate Studies in English Literature

Understanding literature is essential to building a career in creative writing. This course prepares you to teach, study literature or write professionally. Expect to discuss topics such as phonology, semantics, dialects, syntax and the history of the English language.

Workshop in Creative Nonfiction

You’ll study classic and contemporary creative nonfiction in this course. Workshops in creative nonfiction explore how different genres have emerged throughout history and how previous works influence new works. In some programs, this course focuses on a specific theme.

Foundations in Fiction

In this course, you’ll explore how the novel has developed throughout literary history and how the short story emerged as an art form. Coursework includes reading classic and contemporary works, writing response essays and crafting critical analyses.

MA in Creative Writing vs. MFA in Creative Writing: What’s the Difference?

While the degrees are similar, a master of arts in creative writing is different from a master of fine arts in creative writing. An MA in creative writing teaches creative writing competencies, building analytical skills through studying literature, literary theory and related topics. This lets you explore storytelling along with a more profound knowledge of literature and literary theory.

If you want your education to take a more academic perspective so you can build a career in one of many fields related to writing, an MA in creative writing may be right for you.

An MFA prepares you to work as a professional writer or novelist. MFA students graduate with a completed manuscript that is ready for publishing. Coursework highlights subjects related to the business of writing, such as digital publishing, the importance of building a platform on social media , marketing, freelancing and teaching. An MA in creative writing also takes less time and requires fewer credits than an MFA.

If you want to understand the business of writing and work as a professional author or novelist, earning an MFA in creative writing might be your best option.

What Can You Do With a Master’s in Creative Writing?

Below are several careers you can pursue with a master’s in creative writing. We sourced salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Postsecondary Creative Writing Teacher

Median Annual Salary: $74,280 Minimum Required Education: Ph.D. or another doctoral degree; master’s degree may be accepted at some schools and community colleges Job Overview: Postsecondary teachers, also known as professors or faculty, teach students at the college level. They plan lessons, advise students, serve on committees, conduct research, publish original research, supervise graduate teaching assistants, apply for grants for their research and teach subjects in their areas of expertise.

Median Annual Salary: $73,080 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in English or a related field Job Overview: Editors plan, revise and edit written materials for publication. They work for newspapers, magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies, media networks, and motion picture and video production companies. Editors work closely with writers to ensure their written work is accurate, grammatically correct and written in the appropriate style for the medium.

Median Annual Salary: $55,960 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in journalism or a related field Job Overview: Journalists research and write stories about local, regional, national and global current events and other newsworthy subjects. Journalists need strong interviewing, editing, analytical and writing skills. Some journalists specialize in a subject, such as sports or politics, and some are generalists. They work for news organizations, magazines and online publications, and some work as freelancers.

Writer or Author

Median Annual Salary: $73,150 Minimum Required Education: None; bachelor’s degree in creative writing or a related field sometimes preferred Job Overview: Writers and authors write fiction or nonfiction content for magazines, plays, blogs, books, television scripts and other forms of media. Novelists, biographers, copywriters, screenwriters and playwrights all fall into this job classification. Writers may work for advertising agencies, news platforms, book publishers and other organizations; some work as freelancers.

Technical Writer

Median Annual Salary: $79,960 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Technical writers craft technical documents, such as training manuals and how-to guides. They are adept at simplifying technical information so lay people can easily understand it. Technical writers may work with technical staff, graphic designers, computer support specialists and software developers to create user-friendly finished pieces.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About a Master's in Creative Writing

Is a master’s in creative writing useful.

If your goal is to launch a career as a writer, then yes, a master’s in creative writing is useful. An MA in creative writing is a versatile degree that prepares you for various jobs requiring excellent writing skills.

Is an MFA better than an MA for creative writing?

One is not better than the other; you should choose the one that best equips you for the career you want. An MFA prepares you to build a career as a professional writer or novelist. An MA prepares you for various jobs demanding high-level writing skills.

What kind of jobs can you get with a creative writing degree?

A creative writing degree prepares you for many types of writing jobs. It helps you build your skills and gain expertise to work as an editor, writer, author, technical writer or journalist. This degree is also essential if you plan to teach writing classes at the college level.

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Sheryl Grey is a freelance writer who specializes in creating content related to education, aging and senior living, and real estate. She is also a copywriter who helps businesses grow through expert website copywriting, branding and content creation. Sheryl holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from Indiana University South Bend, and she received her teacher certification training through Bethel University’s Transition to Teaching program.

FALL COURSE REGISTRATION  is open through August 29. Explore courses today.

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Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Degree Program

Unlock your creative potential and hone your unique voice.

Online Courses

11 out of 12 total courses

On-Campus Experience

One 1- or 3-week residency in summer

$3,340 per course

Next Start Term: Fall 2024

Registration open through August 29

Program Overview

Through the master’s degree in creative writing and literature, you’ll hone your skills as a storyteller — crafting original scripts, novels, stories, and works of creative nonfiction.

In small, workshop-style classes, you’ll master key elements of narrative craft, including characterization, story and plot structure, point of view, dialogue, and description. Rigorous literature courses, many of them taught by Harvard College faculty members, will deepen your skills as a writer and scholar.

Program Benefits

Instructors who are established screenwriters, novelists, and nonfiction writers

A community of writers who support your growth in live online classes

Writer's residency with agent & editor networking opportunities

Personalized academic and career advising

Thesis or capstone options that lead to publishable creative work

Harvard Alumni Association membership upon graduation

Customizable Course Curriculum

As you work through the program’s courses, you’ll enhance your creative writing skills and knowledge of literary concepts and strategies.

You’ll hone your voice as a writer in courses like Writing the Novel and Advanced Memoir. You’ll explore the possibilities of the screen in courses such as Advanced Screenwriting and Comedy Sketch Writing.

Within the creative writing and literature program, you will choose between a thesis or capstone track. You’ll also experience the convenience of online learning and the immersive benefits of learning in person.

11 Online Courses

  • Primarily synchronous
  • Fall, spring, January, and summer options

Writers’ Residency

A 1- or 3-week summer master class taught by a notable instructor, followed by an agents-and-editors weekend

Thesis or Capstone Track

  • Thesis: features a 9-month independent creative project with a faculty advisor
  • Capstone: includes crafting a fiction or nonfiction manuscript in a classroom community

The path to your degree begins before you apply to the program.

First, you’ll register for and complete 2 required courses, earning at least a B in each. These foundational courses are investments in your studies and count toward your degree, helping ensure success in the program.

Enroll for your first admission course this fall. Course registration is open July 22–August 29.

To get started, explore degree requirements, confirm your initial eligibility, and learn more about our unique “earn your way in” admissions process.

A Faculty of Creative Writing Experts

Studying at Harvard Extension School means learning from the world’s best. Our instructors are established and award-winning writers and scholars. They bring a genuine passion for teaching, with students giving our faculty an average rating of 4.7 out of 5.

Bryan Delaney

Playwright and Screenwriter

Talaya Adrienne Delaney

Lecturer in Extension, Harvard University

Elisabeth Sharp McKetta

Our community at a glance.

Most of our creative writing and literature students are enrolled in our master’s degree program for either personal enrichment or to make a career change. Over half are employed full time while pursuing their degree and work across a variety of industries.

Download: Creative Writing & Literature Master's Degree Fact Sheet

Average Age

Courses Taken Each Semester

Work Full Time

Would Recommend the Program

Professional Experience in the Field

Pursued for Personal Enrichment

Career Opportunities & Alumni Outcomes

Graduates of our Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Program have writing, research, and communication jobs in the fields of publishing, advertising/marketing, fundraising, secondary and higher education, and more.

Some alumni continue their educational journeys and pursue further studies in other nationally ranked degree programs, including those at Boston University, Brandeis University, University of Pennsylvania, and Cambridge University.

Our alumni hold titles as:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Director of Publishing
  • Senior Research Writer

Our alumni work at a variety of leading organizations, including:

  • Little, Brown & Company
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Bentley Publishers

Career Advising and Mentorship

Whatever your career goals, we’re here to support you. Harvard’s Mignone Center for Career Success offers career advising, employment opportunities, Harvard alumni mentor connections, and career fairs like the annual on-campus Harvard Humanities, Media, Marketing, and Creative Careers Expo.

Your Harvard University Degree

Upon successful completion of the required curriculum, you will earn the Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) in Extension Studies, Field: Creative Writing and Literature.

Expand Your Connections: the Harvard Alumni Network

As a graduate, you’ll become a member of the worldwide Harvard Alumni Association (400,000+ members) and Harvard Extension Alumni Association (29,000+ members).

Harvard is closer than one might think. You can be anywhere and still be part of this world.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Affordability is core to our mission. When compared to our continuing education peers, it’s a fraction of the cost.

Our Tuition (2024–25 rate) $3,340 per course
Average Tuition of Peer Institutions $4,330 per course
Average Total Cost $40,080

After admission, you may qualify for financial aid . Typically, eligible students receive grant funds to cover a portion of tuition costs each term, in addition to federal financial aid options.

Learn more about the cost of attendance .

What can you do with a master’s degree in creative writing and literature?

A master’s degree in creative writing and literature prepares you for a variety of career paths in writing, literature, and communication — it’s up to you to decide where your interests will take you.

You could become a professional writer, editor, literary agent, marketing copywriter, or communications specialist.

You could also go the academic route and bring your knowledge to the classroom to teach creative writing or literature courses.

Is a degree in creative writing and literature worth it?

The value you find in our Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Degree Program will depend on your unique goals, interests, and circumstances.

The curriculum provides a range of courses that allow you to graduate with knowledge and skills transferable to various industries and careers.

How long does completing the creative writing and literature graduate program take?

Program length is ordinarily anywhere between 2 and 5 years. It depends on your preferred pace and the number of courses you want to take each semester.

For an accelerated journey, we offer year round study, where you can take courses in fall, January, spring, and summer.

While we don’t require you to register for a certain number of courses each semester, you cannot take longer than 5 years to complete the degree.

What skills do you need prior to applying for the creative writing and literature degree program?

Harvard Extension School does not require any specific skills prior to applying, but in general, it’s helpful to have solid reading, writing, communication, and critical thinking skills if you are considering a creative writing and literature master’s degree.

Initial eligibility requirements can be found on our creative writing and literature master’s degree requirements page .

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at Harvard University is dedicated to bringing rigorous academics and innovative teaching capabilities to those seeking to improve their lives through education. We make Harvard education accessible to lifelong learners from high school to retirement.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education Logo

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Are you a budding author? Knowing how to write well will make the difference between a publishing deal and a manuscript that ends up on the ‘rejected’ pile. And it’s not just aspiring writers who could benefit from studying creative writing; understanding how to express yourself in a thoughtful and engaging way is essential for a wide variety of professions in which communication is key, such as marketing, public relations, journalism , teaching, and more!

In this course, you’ll learn exactly what elements go into brilliant creative writing, exploring different types of texts and genres such as autobiographies, prose fiction, travel writing, and short stories. You’ll delve into narrative voice and perspective, and examine excerpts from classic texts such as ‘Cider with Rosie’ by Laurie Lee and ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ by Maya Angelou.

You’ll complete assignments which, with your tutor’s feedback, will hone and perfect your writing style, and round off the course by unleashing your creativity by composing your own extended piece of writing in a genre of your choice, which your tutor will extensively assess and critique. Want to get your book ready for the publishers? Your journey starts here!

Unit 1 - Basics of Creative Writing

In this unit, you’ll cover the definition of relevant words you’ll encounter throughout the course, as well as the main things you must consider before beginning any piece of creative writing. You’ll also examine the process of editing, proofreading, and how to avoid plagiarism.

Unit 2 - Reading for Writing

In the second unit, you’ll discover how to use a reading log to record your responses to various texts, and a notebook for writing down anything that might inspire you.

Unit 3 - Prose Non-fiction: Biography and Autobiography

Next, you’ll study the difference between biography and autobiography writing, and study a variety of text excerpts whilst asking key questions about each.

Unit 4 - Prose Non-fiction: Review

In unit four, you’ll cover the ‘review’ as a form of prose non-fiction. You’ll learn about the purpose of a review, and examine an example from The Guardian newspaper, studying the writer’s use of metaphors, abstract nouns, and other aspects of language choice. As a learning activity, you’ll find your own review, and compare it in content and style to The Guardian’s example.

Unit 5 - Prose Non-fiction: Travel Writing

Moving on, you’ll study travel writing, examining excerpts from two texts: ‘Notes from a Small Island’ by Bill Bryson, and ‘Full Circle’ by Michael Palin. As you do, you’ll make notes in your reading log, to prepare for this unit’s assignment – producing an extended piece of travel writing.

Unit 6 - Prose Fiction: Introduction

In the sixth unit, you’ll move on to fiction, examining narrative voice and structure, perspective, and plot. You’ll also study the ways in which settings, characters, and dialogue can be constructed effectively to tell a story, and consider sub-genres in prose fiction.

Unit 7 - Prose Fiction: The Short Story

Next, you’ll examine extracts from the classics ‘Stone Trees’ by Jane Gardam, and ‘The Train to Walthamstow’ by Patrick Wilmot, and consider ways in which you can generate ideas for your own short story before getting to work on a 750-1000 word piece

Unit 8 - Prose Fiction: The Novel

In unit eight, you’ll start to think of some of the most effective ways to begin a novel, before gaining some inspiration by reading excerpts from novels by authors Ian McEwan, Marina Lewycka, and Italo Calvino. In your assignment, you’ll construct the opening to your own novel, providing a clear structure and rationale for your content.

Unit 9 - Writing a Dramatic Script

This unit will provide an introduction to script-writing, and the basics you’ll need to create your own dramatic masterpiece. You’ll also examine an extract from Tennesse Williams’ ‘The Glass Menagerie’, to explore how the characters interact with one another, how the scene is set, and how the stage directions add to the narrative. For your assignment, you’ll create a script for a drama lasting at least two minutes.

Unit 10 - Extended Writing

Final Assignment: writing an extended piece.

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Course Outcome

At the end of this Creative Writing course, successful learners will be awarded a formal certificate of achievement and a Customised Qualification from NCFE.  You can read more about NCFE .

How is this course assessed or examined?

Each unit is followed by a written Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA), which is submitted and then marked by your tutor. You will not be required to take an external exam.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course; however, it is recommended that you have an intermediate ability to read and write English.

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From journalism and copywriting (both within a company setting or in a freelance capacity) to fiction and screenwriting, making a living as a writer is an attainable goal.

To reach a position where you’re paid to write, it’s helpful to have a diverse portfolio to showcase your ability. This could take the form of a personal blog that covers various topics in a range of structures.

Maybe you have a knack for getting to the juicy details of a news story, or perhaps there’s a screenplay in you that the world needs to know about. Either way, the more bows you can add to your quiver, the more employable you’ll look, which is where our online writing and journalism courses come in.

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Creative writing  is made out to be an effortless thing to do if you’ve got the talent, but there’s certainly a lot of practice that goes into writing a quality story that sells.

And once you’ve managed to complete a draft, the ability to  proofread  it yourself will save you a decent amount of money and ensure you keep full creative control.

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Whether you dream of being a hard-hitting news reporter or want to write features for glossy magazines, studying journalism will help you make this a reality.

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10 Types of Creative Writing (with Examples You’ll Love)

About the author.

Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.

About Savannah Cordova

Savannah is a senior editor with Reedsy and a published writer whose work has appeared on Slate, Kirkus, and BookTrib. Her short fiction has appeared in the Owl Canyon Press anthology, "No Bars and a Dead Battery". 

About Rebecca van Laer

Rebecca van Laer is a writer, editor, and the author of two books, including the novella How to Adjust to the Dark. Her work has been featured in literary magazines such as AGNI, Breadcrumbs, and TriQuarterly.

A lot falls under the term ‘creative writing’: poetry, short fiction, plays, novels, personal essays, and songs, to name just a few. By virtue of the creativity that characterizes it, creative writing is an extremely versatile art. So instead of defining what creative writing is , it may be easier to understand what it does by looking at examples that demonstrate the sheer range of styles and genres under its vast umbrella.

To that end, we’ve collected a non-exhaustive list of works across multiple formats that have inspired the writers here at Reedsy. With 20 different works to explore, we hope they will inspire you, too. 

People have been writing creatively for almost as long as we have been able to hold pens. Just think of long-form epic poems like The Odyssey or, later, the Cantar de Mio Cid — some of the earliest recorded writings of their kind. 

Poetry is also a great place to start if you want to dip your own pen into the inkwell of creative writing. It can be as short or long as you want (you don’t have to write an epic of Homeric proportions), encourages you to build your observation skills, and often speaks from a single point of view . 

Here are a few examples:

“Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

The ruins of pillars and walls with the broken statue of a man in the center set against a bright blue sky.

This classic poem by Romantic poet Percy Shelley (also known as Mary Shelley’s husband) is all about legacy. What do we leave behind? How will we be remembered? The great king Ozymandias built himself a massive statue, proclaiming his might, but the irony is that his statue doesn’t survive the ravages of time. By framing this poem as told to him by a “traveller from an antique land,” Shelley effectively turns this into a story. Along with the careful use of juxtaposition to create irony, this poem accomplishes a lot in just a few lines. 

“Trying to Raise the Dead” by Dorianne Laux

 A direction. An object. My love, it needs a place to rest. Say anything. I’m listening. I’m ready to believe. Even lies, I don’t care.

Poetry is cherished for its ability to evoke strong emotions from the reader using very few words which is exactly what Dorianne Laux does in “ Trying to Raise the Dead .” With vivid imagery that underscores the painful yearning of the narrator, she transports us to a private nighttime scene as the narrator sneaks away from a party to pray to someone they’ve lost. We ache for their loss and how badly they want their lost loved one to acknowledge them in some way. It’s truly a masterclass on how writing can be used to portray emotions. 

If you find yourself inspired to try out some poetry — and maybe even get it published — check out these poetry layouts that can elevate your verse!

Song Lyrics

Poetry’s closely related cousin, song lyrics are another great way to flex your creative writing muscles. You not only have to find the perfect rhyme scheme but also match it to the rhythm of the music. This can be a great challenge for an experienced poet or the musically inclined. 

To see how music can add something extra to your poetry, check out these two examples:

“Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen

 You say I took the name in vain I don't even know the name But if I did, well, really, what's it to ya? There's a blaze of light in every word It doesn't matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah 

Metaphors are commonplace in almost every kind of creative writing, but will often take center stage in shorter works like poetry and songs. At the slightest mention, they invite the listener to bring their emotional or cultural experience to the piece, allowing the writer to express more with fewer words while also giving it a deeper meaning. If a whole song is couched in metaphor, you might even be able to find multiple meanings to it, like in Leonard Cohen’s “ Hallelujah .” While Cohen’s Biblical references create a song that, on the surface, seems like it’s about a struggle with religion, the ambiguity of the lyrics has allowed it to be seen as a song about a complicated romantic relationship. 

“I Will Follow You into the Dark” by Death Cab for Cutie

 ​​If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark

A red neon

You can think of song lyrics as poetry set to music. They manage to do many of the same things their literary counterparts do — including tugging on your heartstrings. Death Cab for Cutie’s incredibly popular indie rock ballad is about the singer’s deep devotion to his lover. While some might find the song a bit too dark and macabre, its melancholy tune and poignant lyrics remind us that love can endure beyond death.

Plays and Screenplays

From the short form of poetry, we move into the world of drama — also known as the play. This form is as old as the poem, stretching back to the works of ancient Greek playwrights like Sophocles, who adapted the myths of their day into dramatic form. The stage play (and the more modern screenplay) gives the words on the page a literal human voice, bringing life to a story and its characters entirely through dialogue. 

Interested to see what that looks like? Take a look at these examples:

All My Sons by Arthur Miller

“I know you're no worse than most men but I thought you were better. I never saw you as a man. I saw you as my father.” 

Creative Writing Examples | Photo of the Old Vic production of All My Sons by Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller acts as a bridge between the classic and the new, creating 20th century tragedies that take place in living rooms and backyard instead of royal courts, so we had to include his breakout hit on this list. Set in the backyard of an all-American family in the summer of 1946, this tragedy manages to communicate family tensions in an unimaginable scale, building up to an intense climax reminiscent of classical drama. 

💡 Read more about Arthur Miller and classical influences in our breakdown of Freytag’s pyramid . 

“Everything is Fine” by Michael Schur ( The Good Place )

“Well, then this system sucks. What...one in a million gets to live in paradise and everyone else is tortured for eternity? Come on! I mean, I wasn't freaking Gandhi, but I was okay. I was a medium person. I should get to spend eternity in a medium place! Like Cincinnati. Everyone who wasn't perfect but wasn't terrible should get to spend eternity in Cincinnati.” 

A screenplay, especially a TV pilot, is like a mini-play, but with the extra job of convincing an audience that they want to watch a hundred more episodes of the show. Blending moral philosophy with comedy, The Good Place is a fun hang-out show set in the afterlife that asks some big questions about what it means to be good. 

It follows Eleanor Shellstrop, an incredibly imperfect woman from Arizona who wakes up in ‘The Good Place’ and realizes that there’s been a cosmic mixup. Determined not to lose her place in paradise, she recruits her “soulmate,” a former ethics professor, to teach her philosophy with the hope that she can learn to be a good person and keep up her charade of being an upstanding citizen. The pilot does a superb job of setting up the stakes, the story, and the characters, while smuggling in deep philosophical ideas.

Personal essays

Our first foray into nonfiction on this list is the personal essay. As its name suggests, these stories are in some way autobiographical — concerned with the author’s life and experiences. But don’t be fooled by the realistic component. These essays can take any shape or form, from comics to diary entries to recipes and anything else you can imagine. Typically zeroing in on a single issue, they allow you to explore your life and prove that the personal can be universal.

Here are a couple of fantastic examples:

“On Selling Your First Novel After 11 Years” by Min Jin Lee (Literary Hub)

There was so much to learn and practice, but I began to see the prose in verse and the verse in prose. Patterns surfaced in poems, stories, and plays. There was music in sentences and paragraphs. I could hear the silences in a sentence. All this schooling was like getting x-ray vision and animal-like hearing. 

Stacks of multicolored hardcover books.

This deeply honest personal essay by Pachinko author Min Jin Lee is an account of her eleven-year struggle to publish her first novel . Like all good writing, it is intensely focused on personal emotional details. While grounded in the specifics of the author's personal journey, it embodies an experience that is absolutely universal: that of difficulty and adversity met by eventual success. 

“A Cyclist on the English Landscape” by Roff Smith (New York Times)

These images, though, aren’t meant to be about me. They’re meant to represent a cyclist on the landscape, anybody — you, perhaps. 

Roff Smith’s gorgeous photo essay for the NYT is a testament to the power of creatively combining visuals with text. Here, photographs of Smith atop a bike are far from simply ornamental. They’re integral to the ruminative mood of the essay, as essential as the writing. Though Smith places his work at the crosscurrents of various aesthetic influences (such as the painter Edward Hopper), what stands out the most in this taciturn, thoughtful piece of writing is his use of the second person to address the reader directly. Suddenly, the writer steps out of the body of the essay and makes eye contact with the reader. The reader is now part of the story as a second character, finally entering the picture.

Short Fiction

The short story is the happy medium of fiction writing. These bite-sized narratives can be devoured in a single sitting and still leave you reeling. Sometimes viewed as a stepping stone to novel writing, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Short story writing is an art all its own. The limited length means every word counts and there’s no better way to see that than with these two examples:

“An MFA Story” by Paul Dalla Rosa (Electric Literature)

At Starbucks, I remembered a reading Zhen had given, a reading organized by the program’s faculty. I had not wanted to go but did. In the bar, he read, "I wrote this in a Starbucks in Shanghai. On the bank of the Huangpu." It wasn’t an aside or introduction. It was two lines of the poem. I was in a Starbucks and I wasn’t writing any poems. I wasn’t writing anything. 

Creative Writing Examples | Photograph of New York City street.

This short story is a delightfully metafictional tale about the struggles of being a writer in New York. From paying the bills to facing criticism in a writing workshop and envying more productive writers, Paul Dalla Rosa’s story is a clever satire of the tribulations involved in the writing profession, and all the contradictions embodied by systemic creativity (as famously laid out in Mark McGurl’s The Program Era ). What’s more, this story is an excellent example of something that often happens in creative writing: a writer casting light on the private thoughts or moments of doubt we don’t admit to or openly talk about. 

“Flowering Walrus” by Scott Skinner (Reedsy)

I tell him they’d been there a month at least, and he looks concerned. He has my tongue on a tissue paper and is gripping its sides with his pointer and thumb. My tongue has never spent much time outside of my mouth, and I imagine it as a walrus basking in the rays of the dental light. My walrus is not well. 

A winner of Reedsy’s weekly Prompts writing contest, ‘ Flowering Walrus ’ is a story that balances the trivial and the serious well. In the pauses between its excellent, natural dialogue , the story manages to scatter the fear and sadness of bad medical news, as the protagonist hides his worries from his wife and daughter. Rich in subtext, these silences grow and resonate with the readers.

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From pacing to character development, master the elements of short fiction.

Perhaps the thing that first comes to mind when talking about creative writing, novels are a form of fiction that many people know and love but writers sometimes find intimidating. The good news is that novels are nothing but one word put after another, like any other piece of writing, but expanded and put into a flowing narrative. Piece of cake, right?

To get an idea of the format’s breadth of scope, take a look at these two (very different) satirical novels: 

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

I wished I was back in the convenience store where I was valued as a working member of staff and things weren’t as complicated as this. Once we donned our uniforms, we were all equals regardless of gender, age, or nationality — all simply store workers. 

Creative Writing Examples | Book cover of Convenience Store Woman

Keiko, a thirty-six-year-old convenience store employee, finds comfort and happiness in the strict, uneventful routine of the shop’s daily operations. A funny, satirical, but simultaneously unnerving examination of the social structures we take for granted, Sayaka Murata’s Convenience Store Woman is deeply original and lingers with the reader long after they’ve put it down.

Erasure by Percival Everett

The hard, gritty truth of the matter is that I hardly ever think about race. Those times when I did think about it a lot I did so because of my guilt for not thinking about it.  

Erasure is a truly accomplished satire of the publishing industry’s tendency to essentialize African American authors and their writing. Everett’s protagonist is a writer whose work doesn’t fit with what publishers expect from him — work that describes the “African American experience” — so he writes a parody novel about life in the ghetto. The publishers go crazy for it and, to the protagonist’s horror, it becomes the next big thing. This sophisticated novel is both ironic and tender, leaving its readers with much food for thought.

Creative Nonfiction

Creative nonfiction is pretty broad: it applies to anything that does not claim to be fictional (although the rise of autofiction has definitely blurred the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction). It encompasses everything from personal essays and memoirs to humor writing, and they range in length from blog posts to full-length books. The defining characteristic of this massive genre is that it takes the world or the author’s experience and turns it into a narrative that a reader can follow along with.

Here, we want to focus on novel-length works that dig deep into their respective topics. While very different, these two examples truly show the breadth and depth of possibility of creative nonfiction:

Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward

Men’s bodies litter my family history. The pain of the women they left behind pulls them from the beyond, makes them appear as ghosts. In death, they transcend the circumstances of this place that I love and hate all at once and become supernatural. 

Writer Jesmyn Ward recounts the deaths of five men from her rural Mississippi community in as many years. In her award-winning memoir , she delves into the lives of the friends and family she lost and tries to find some sense among the tragedy. Working backwards across five years, she questions why this had to happen over and over again, and slowly unveils the long history of racism and poverty that rules rural Black communities. Moving and emotionally raw, Men We Reaped is an indictment of a cruel system and the story of a woman's grief and rage as she tries to navigate it.

Cork Dork by Bianca Bosker

He believed that wine could reshape someone’s life. That’s why he preferred buying bottles to splurging on sweaters. Sweaters were things. Bottles of wine, said Morgan, “are ways that my humanity will be changed.” 

In this work of immersive journalism , Bianca Bosker leaves behind her life as a tech journalist to explore the world of wine. Becoming a “cork dork” takes her everywhere from New York’s most refined restaurants to science labs while she learns what it takes to be a sommelier and a true wine obsessive. This funny and entertaining trip through the past and present of wine-making and tasting is sure to leave you better informed and wishing you, too, could leave your life behind for one devoted to wine. 

Illustrated Narratives (Comics, graphic novels)

Once relegated to the “funny pages”, the past forty years of comics history have proven it to be a serious medium. Comics have transformed from the early days of Jack Kirby’s superheroes into a medium where almost every genre is represented. Humorous one-shots in the Sunday papers stand alongside illustrated memoirs, horror, fantasy, and just about anything else you can imagine. This type of visual storytelling lets the writer and artist get creative with perspective, tone, and so much more. For two very different, though equally entertaining, examples, check these out:

Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson

"Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine and valleys of frustration and failure." 

A Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. A little blond boy Calvin makes multiple silly faces in school photos. In the last panel, his father says, "That's our son. *Sigh*" His mother then says, "The pictures will remind of more than we want to remember."

This beloved comic strip follows Calvin, a rambunctious six-year-old boy, and his stuffed tiger/imaginary friend, Hobbes. They get into all kinds of hijinks at school and at home, and muse on the world in the way only a six-year-old and an anthropomorphic tiger can. As laugh-out-loud funny as it is, Calvin & Hobbes ’ popularity persists as much for its whimsy as its use of humor to comment on life, childhood, adulthood, and everything in between. 

From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell 

"I shall tell you where we are. We're in the most extreme and utter region of the human mind. A dim, subconscious underworld. A radiant abyss where men meet themselves. Hell, Netley. We're in Hell." 

Comics aren't just the realm of superheroes and one-joke strips, as Alan Moore proves in this serialized graphic novel released between 1989 and 1998. A meticulously researched alternative history of Victorian London’s Ripper killings, this macabre story pulls no punches. Fact and fiction blend into a world where the Royal Family is involved in a dark conspiracy and Freemasons lurk on the sidelines. It’s a surreal mad-cap adventure that’s unsettling in the best way possible. 

Video Games and RPGs

Probably the least expected entry on this list, we thought that video games and RPGs also deserved a mention — and some well-earned recognition for the intricate storytelling that goes into creating them. 

Essentially gamified adventure stories, without attention to plot, characters, and a narrative arc, these games would lose a lot of their charm, so let’s look at two examples where the creative writing really shines through: 

80 Days by inkle studios

"It was a triumph of invention over nature, and will almost certainly disappear into the dust once more in the next fifty years." 

A video game screenshot of 80 days. In the center is a city with mechanical legs. It's titled "The Moving City." In the lower right hand corner is a profile of man with a speech balloon that says, "A starched collar, very good indeed."

Named Time Magazine ’s game of the year in 2014, this narrative adventure is based on Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. The player is cast as the novel’s narrator, Passpartout, and tasked with circumnavigating the globe in service of their employer, Phileas Fogg. Set in an alternate steampunk Victorian era, the game uses its globe-trotting to comment on the colonialist fantasies inherent in the original novel and its time period. On a storytelling level, the choose-your-own-adventure style means no two players’ journeys will be the same. This innovative approach to a classic novel shows the potential of video games as a storytelling medium, truly making the player part of the story. 

What Remains of Edith Finch by Giant Sparrow

"If we lived forever, maybe we'd have time to understand things. But as it is, I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes, and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is." 

This video game casts the player as 17-year-old Edith Finch. Returning to her family’s home on an island in the Pacific northwest, Edith explores the vast house and tries to figure out why she’s the only one of her family left alive. The story of each family member is revealed as you make your way through the house, slowly unpacking the tragic fate of the Finches. Eerie and immersive, this first-person exploration game uses the medium to tell a series of truly unique tales. 

Fun and breezy on the surface, humor is often recognized as one of the trickiest forms of creative writing. After all, while you can see the artistic value in a piece of prose that you don’t necessarily enjoy, if a joke isn’t funny, you could say that it’s objectively failed.

With that said, it’s far from an impossible task, and many have succeeded in bringing smiles to their readers’ faces through their writing. Here are two examples:

‘How You Hope Your Extended Family Will React When You Explain Your Job to Them’ by Mike Lacher (McSweeney’s Internet Tendency)

“Is it true you don’t have desks?” your grandmother will ask. You will nod again and crack open a can of Country Time Lemonade. “My stars,” she will say, “it must be so wonderful to not have a traditional office and instead share a bistro-esque coworking space.” 

An open plan office seen from a bird's eye view. There are multiple strands of Edison lights hanging from the ceiling. At long light wooden tables multiple people sit working at computers, many of them wearing headphones.

Satire and parody make up a whole subgenre of creative writing, and websites like McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and The Onion consistently hit the mark with their parodies of magazine publishing and news media. This particular example finds humor in the divide between traditional family expectations and contemporary, ‘trendy’ work cultures. Playing on the inherent silliness of today’s tech-forward middle-class jobs, this witty piece imagines a scenario where the writer’s family fully understands what they do — and are enthralled to hear more. “‘Now is it true,’ your uncle will whisper, ‘that you’ve got a potential investment from one of the founders of I Can Haz Cheezburger?’”

‘Not a Foodie’ by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell (Electric Literature)

I’m not a foodie, I never have been, and I know, in my heart, I never will be. 

Highlighting what she sees as an unbearable social obsession with food , in this comic Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell takes a hilarious stand against the importance of food. From the writer’s courageous thesis (“I think there are more exciting things to talk about, and focus on in life, than what’s for dinner”) to the amusing appearance of family members and the narrator’s partner, ‘Not a Foodie’ demonstrates that even a seemingly mundane pet peeve can be approached creatively — and even reveal something profound about life.

We hope this list inspires you with your own writing. If there’s one thing you take away from this post, let it be that there is no limit to what you can write about or how you can write about it. 

In the next part of this guide, we'll drill down into the fascinating world of creative nonfiction.

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is there an a level in creative writing

Creative writing

This module takes a student-centred approach to creative writing, offering a range of strategies to help you develop as a writer. The emphasis is highly practical, with exercises and activities designed to ignite and sustain the writing impulse. The five-part module starts by showing ways to use your memory and experience in your writing and build a daily discipline for your work. This is followed by the demonstration and practice of the three most popular forms of writing – fiction, poetry and life writing (which includes autobiography, biography and travel writing). The concluding part aims to demystify the world of agents and publishers, teaching you how to revise and present your work to a professional standard.

Modules count towards OU qualifications

OU qualifications are modular in structure; the credits from this undergraduate module could count towards a certificate of higher education, diploma of higher education, foundation degree or honours degree.

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  • Credits measure the student workload required for the successful completion of a module or qualification.
  • One credit represents about 10 hours of study over the duration of the course.
  • You are awarded credits after you have successfully completed a module.
  • For example, if you study a 60-credit module and successfully pass it, you will be awarded 60 credits.

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Fully enjoyed every moment. It has given me a better understanding of the creative process - structuring, editing, and how... Read more
This is a great module, with some excellent tutors. There is plenty of good material in the coursebook to help... Read more

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This module is suitable for new writers, as well as for those with some experience who would like to develop their skills. It will help you to identify your strengths and interests as a writer by giving you the opportunity to write in a range of genres: fiction, poetry, and life writing. The emphasis is on finding your own direction and style through experiment, practice and constructive feedback. The module is designed not only for aspiring writers but for anyone with a strong interest in reading and writing who would like to deepen their understanding of the creative process.

The module is structured as follows: The introductory part, The Creative Process , focuses on developing a habit of writing. It examines a range of strategies to help you get started, including clustering, morning pages, and keeping a writer’s notebook, as well as discussions by writers about their own approaches and practices.

Part 2, Writing Fiction , explores the main aspects of narrative, including story structure and time; showing and telling; character and setting; point of view; and editing.

Part 3, Writing Poetry , introduces you to the basics of contemporary poetry, covering a variety of techniques for beginning poets. Topics include image and figurative language; the line in free verse; voice and diction; structure; rhyme and metre; the sonnet; and revising poems.

Part 4, Life Writing , looks at autobiography (or memoir), biography and travel writing. Some of the central issues raised by life writing are discussed, including the nature of memory and forgetting, the performance of the self, and the representation of others. Finding and researching subject matter and suitable forms are also explored.

The final part, Going Public , outlines the professional presentation of manuscripts and submissions to agents and editors, as well as finding outlets for publication.

At the core of the module is the module book Creative Writing: A Workbook with Readings: 2nd edition , which takes you week-by-week through the five parts. The emphasis is on practice through guided activities, supported by literary examples by a diverse range of authors, including prose extracts, stories, and poems illustrating particular methods or strategies. The online study material contains audios, videos, animations and other interactive exercises to enhance your learning, such as interviews with writers discussing their inspirations and techniques and discussions with publishing industry professionals. Online tutorials offer additional opportunities to receive guidance and support from tutors.

Teaching and assessment

Support from your tutor.

You'll have a tutor to help you with the study material and to mark and comment on your written work. You can ask your tutor for advice and guidance both in online forums and by email or phone. Your tutor also offers general support as you progress through the module book, which is the principal guide to your learning.

Your tutor will use a blend of methods that will include moderated online discussion forums and a number of real-time online tutorials that you are encouraged, but not obliged, to attend. Recordings of these tutorials will be available if you can't attend.

Contact us  if you want to know more about study with The Open University before you register.

The assessment details for this module can be found in the facts box.

Future availability

Creative writing starts once a year – in October. This page describes the module that will start in October 2024. We expect it to start for the last time in October 2033.


Course work includes:.

No prior experience of creative writing study is necessary. This is an OU level 2 module and builds on the OU level 1 modules  Discovering the arts and humanities (A111)  and Cultures (A112) or The arts past and present (AA100) and Voices, texts and material culture (A105) (the latter two now discontinued). These OU level 1 introductory modules develop skills such as logical thinking, clear expression, essay writing and the ability to select and interpret relevant materials.

If you have not studied at university level before, you are strongly advised to study at OU level 1 before progressing to OU level 2 study.

If you're unsure about your English language skills and would like some additional support, you might like to try our Developing Academic English tutorials before registering on this module.

If you have any doubt about the suitability of the module, please speak to an  adviser .

Start End England fee Register
05 Oct 2024 Jun 2025 £3636.00

Registration closes 05/09/24 (places subject to availability)

This module is expected to start for the last time in October 2033.

Additional Costs

Study costs.

There may be extra costs on top of the tuition fee, such as set books, a computer and internet access.

If your income is not more than £25,000 or you receive a qualifying benefit, you might be eligible for help with some of these costs after your module has started.

Ways to pay for this module

Open university student budget account.

The Open University Student Budget Accounts Ltd (OUSBA) offers a convenient 'pay as you go' option to pay your OU fees, which is a secure, quick and easy way to pay. Please note that The Open University works exclusively with OUSBA and is not able to offer you credit facilities from any other provider. All credit is subject to status and proof that you can afford the repayments.

You pay the OU through OUSBA in one of the following ways:

  • Register now, pay later – OUSBA pays your module fee direct to the OU. You then repay OUSBA interest-free and in full just before your module starts. 0% APR representative. This option could give you the extra time you may need to secure the funding to repay OUSBA.
  • Pay by instalments – OUSBA calculates your monthly fee and number of instalments based on the cost of the module you are studying. APR 5.1% representative.

Joint loan applications

If you feel you would be unable to obtain an OUSBA loan on your own due to credit history or affordability issues, OUSBA offers the option to apply for a joint loan application with a third party. For example, your husband, wife, partner, parent, sibling or friend. In such cases, OUSBA will be required to carry out additional affordability checks separately and/or collectively for both joint applicants who will be jointly and severally liable for loan repayments.

As additional affordability checks are required when processing joint loan applications, unfortunately, an instant decision cannot be given. On average the processing time for a joint loan application is five working days from receipt of the required documentation.

Read more about  Open University Student Budget Accounts (OUSBA) .

Studying with The Open University can boost your employability. OU courses are recognised and respected by employers for their excellence and the commitment they take to complete. They also value the skills that students learn and can apply in the workplace.

More than one in ten OU students are sponsored by their employer, and over 30,000 employers have used the OU to develop staff so far. If the module you’ve chosen is geared towards your job or developing your career, you could approach your employer to see if they will sponsor you by paying some or all of the fees. 

  • Your employer just needs to complete a simple form to confirm how much they will be paying and we will invoice them.
  • You won’t need to get your employer to complete the form until after you’ve chosen your module.  

Credit/debit card

You can pay part or all of your tuition fees upfront with a debit or credit card when you register for each module. 

We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa and Visa Electron. 

We know that sometimes you may want to combine payment options. For example, you may wish to pay part of your tuition fee with a debit card and pay the remainder in instalments through an Open University Student Budget Account (OUSBA) .

For more information about combining payment options, speak to an  adviser  or book a  call back at a time convenient to you.

Can you study an Access module for free?

Depending on eligibility and availability of places, you could apply to study your Access module for free.

To qualify, you must:

  • be resident in England
  • have a household income of not more than £25,000 (or be in receipt of a qualifying benefit)
  • have not completed one year or more on any full-time undergraduate programme at FHEQ level 4 or above or successfully completed 30 credits or more of OU study within the last 10 years

How to apply to study an Access module for free

Once you've started the registration process , either online or over the phone, we'll contact you about your payment options. This will include instructions on how you can apply to study for free if you are eligible and funded places are still available.

If you're unsure if you meet the criteria to study for free, you can check with one of our friendly advisers on +44 (0)300 303 0069 , or you can request a call back .

Not eligible to study for free?

Don't worry! We offer a choice of flexible ways to help spread the cost of your Access module. The most popular options include:

  • monthly payments through OUSBA
  • part-time tuition fee loan (you'll need to be registered on a qualification for this option)

To explore all the options available to you, visit Fees and Funding .

What's included

You’ll have access to a module website, which includes:

  • a week-by-week study planner
  • module materials, including the Introduction to the Module guide
  • audio, video and interactive content
  • assignment details and submission section
  • online forums and tutorial access
  • online exercises and activities
  • electronic versions of the module book in various formats
  • further links to online resources.

You’ll also be provided with a printed copy of the module book Creative Writing: A Workbook with Readings: 2nd edition , which is the principal guide to your learning.

Computing requirements

You’ll need broadband internet access and a desktop or laptop computer with an up-to-date version of Windows (10 or 11) or macOS Ventura or higher.

Any additional software will be provided or is generally freely available.

To join in spoken conversations in tutorials, we recommend a wired headset (headphones/earphones with a built-in microphone).

Our module websites comply with web standards, and any modern browser is suitable for most activities.

Our OU Study mobile app will operate on all current, supported versions of Android and iOS. It’s not available on Kindle.

It’s also possible to access some module materials on a mobile phone, tablet device or Chromebook. However, as you may be asked to install additional software or use certain applications, you’ll also require a desktop or laptop, as described above.

If you have a disability

The OU strives to make all aspects of study accessible to everyone and this  Accessibility Statement  outlines what studying A215 involves. You should use this information to inform your study preparations and any discussions with us about how we can meet your needs.

To find out more about what kind of support and adjustments might be available, contact us or visit our disability support pages .

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Think Student

20+ A-Level English Language Original Writing NEA Ideas

In A-Level by Think Student Editor May 11, 2024 Leave a Comment

The NEA or non-exam assessment for A-Level English Language is one of the most varied parts, especially when it comes to what you actually do based on your exam board. However, even within the same exam board, the level of independence means that what each person does can be incredibly different compared to what others, even people in the same class are doing.

This is what I personally loved about doing the NEA for A-Level English Language, particularly for the original writing or creative writing section that some exam boards do. However, while the extent of creative freedom was enjoyable, it could also be overwhelming trying to narrow down the many, many different things you could do within the guidelines into the 1 (or 2 depending on the exam board) final idea that was needed.

In this article, we’ll be getting you started in the right direction with some ideas that you can use for the A-Level English Language original writing NEA. This article will explain what the requirements are for this NEA and help you understand what makes a good idea.

Table of Contents

What is the A-Level English Language original writing NEA?

For A-Level English Language, the structure of the course, can vary greatly based on the exam board. This can be particularly clear when it comes to the NEA in comparison to exams.

For the original writing NEA, which may also be known as the creative writing NEA, the only exam boards that do this for A-Level English Language are AQA and Pearson Edexcel. The other exams boards instead do the language investigation NEA and the AQA exam board does both of these NEAs. If you would like to learn more about this NEA and to get some ideas for this instead, have a look at this Think Student article.

While only these 2 exam boards do the original/creative writing NEA, how they offer this form of coursework is still fairly different. This is especially as it is only half of the coursework requirements for the AQA exam board, but it is the whole of the coursework requirements for Pearson Edexcel.

Have a look at the following sections to see what the specific requirements are for this NEA for each exam board.

What is the A-Level English Language original writing NEA for AQA?

The AQA A-Level English Language original writing NEA is as previously mentioned, only half of the coursework that students need to do as a part of the course. In total, the coursework makes up 20% of the whole A-Level. However, this means that the original writing NEA only makes up 10% of the whole A-Level.

For the original writing NEA for AQA, student need to complete a piece of original writing based of a style model and then produce a commentary. This commentary will need to reflect on their choices in writing, the similarities and differences compared to the style model and how their writing fits into the genre and in the category of writing.

For the AQA exam board’s original writing NEA, by the category of writing, I’m referring to the 3 categories that AQA sets out for students to pick the original writing pieces within. There are 3 categories; these are the power of persuasion, the power of storytelling and the power of information.

The piece of original writing and the commentary are worth 25 marks each and should be around 750 words each with a maximum of 1,500 words together.

What is the A-Level English Language original writing NEA for Pearson Edexcel?

For the Pearson Edexcel A-Level English Language course, the creative writing is the only form of coursework that students will have to do. Due to this, for this creative writing NEA there is a bit more required than for the AQA one as it is worth the whole 20% of A-Level English Language coursework requirements.

Students will need to research a genre, complete 2 pieces of original writing and produce a commentary on these. The 2 pieces need to be in the same genre but need to differ due to the audience and/or the purpose of the piece. The commentary will need to delve into comparing these and the student’s choices as well as commenting on the research that the student did and how this applies to what they produced.

Altogether, the 2 pieces of writing need to be between 1,500 and 2,000 words long and the commentary needs to be 1,000 words on its own . All in all, this should come to 50 marks in total, with the original writing having 30 marks together and the commentary having 20 marks.

What makes a good A-Level English Language original writing NEA idea?

There are so many different ideas that you could choose for the A-Level English Language original writing NEA, that I couldn’t possibly go through all of them in this article. Due to this, it’s important to know what a good idea is and how to come up with one for yourself.

The main thing to consider when coming up with your original writing NEA idea is to make sure that it allows you to meet the requirements. These are of word count, having and being able to annotate your style guide and use it as a basis and being able to research into the genre to make sure your piece is assuredly a form of that kind of writing . Plus, for AQA, you will need to produce a form of writing that is in one of the categories: persuasion, storytelling or information.

Making sure that your idea is doable is the most thing for a good idea as regardless of the idea, you can elevate your writing using advanced technique and “sophisticated” vocabulary and writing devices.

A-Level English Language original writing NEA ideas

The following subsections will give you some ideas of the genres and writing types that you can do for your original writing NEA. These sections will explain how you can differentiate them, whether that’s from your style model to show off your own intentions in writing or between your 2 pieces for the Pearson Edexcel exam board.

1.Travel brochure

While a travel brochure may seem like a restrictive genre with little variation, there are a wide range of smaller ideas. You could diversify the purpose by picking either persuasion or information . Also, you could diversify the audience due to the place or type of travel you pick.

For example, you might want to write a brochure for a cruise holiday, which is more likely to appeal to a specific audience that will generally have savings and are normally older, or you could write a brochure for a known party destination, such as Ibiza or even Cancun to appeal to a specific audience that will generally be younger. I personally did this idea and went for a mythical destination, so the choice really is all yours.

2. Website page

A website page is a great option for your NEA as they already come with a limited number of words while still being made for specific purposes and aimed to appeal to specific audiences . The design isn’t actually as difficult as it seems, as you could use Word or PowerPoint to make your page look like an actual website.

You could write a donation page for a charity or you could even write the about page for an author or even the information page for a specific product. These all have very specific target audiences and very different purposes, so it would be fairly easy to diversify, even within these kinds of subcategory.

3. Sales email

This style of writing is very niche but if done well it could be an incredibly unique and creative idea. Sales emails are everywhere, and you could probably even find your style model by going through your own emails.

They have some very specific features, so it’s definitely possible to create a piece that looks exactly like a sales email, even if you decide to differ your piece from the style model . You may wish to write one for a restaurant or even some kind of subscription service.

4. Newsletter/ email newsletter

Something quite similar to the sales email is the email newsletter or a hard copy version. Newsletters are once again very common instead of being from businesses, they tend to be from bloggers and website, although the purpose will generally be to persuade you to buy something, it may also simply be to connect and to increase brand awareness.

Once again, they have some pretty distinctive features that you can replicate in your own piece(s) to make sure that the link to your style model/ the genre is clear. You may want to do a newsletter from an author’s personal website or even from a kind of blog, such as productivity or even food.

Speeches are great, particularly for the persuasion category, although they can also be a good option for the information category too. As you would have had to do a speech for GCSE English Language, you could even pick the same topic, although you would have to rewrite the speech to better fit the purpose and audience that you’ve chosen.

The great thing about speeches is that they’re easy to find to use one a style model, especially as there are many from political leaders and at many different events. You could even use the Queen’s/ King’s speeches as style models if you wish.

These can be done in a wide variety of topics, especially ones to do with social issues, such as climate change, racism, sexism and homophobia, but on you could do anything, even on food, sharks or your favourite film or TV show.

6. Persuasive letter

Letters are something of a lost art in this day and age, however, there are certain times where they are still quite commonly used. If you’re writing to your local council, an MP or someone else in a position of authority, about an issue that is important to you, a persuasive letter could be the way to go.

The difficulty with this one is that it could be a bit more difficult to find a style model, so you might want to find some kind of activist movement that writes to the council or MPs as they may publish these letters and the responses. Other than that, if your sixth form or college has written to the council, you may be able to ask them if you could use a copy of that letter, if it’s appropriate to do so.

7. Short story

When it comes to storytelling, often the first thing to think of is a book of some kind. For the NEA’s word count, doing a short story is probably the easiest way to do this. While a genre of their own, short stories come in their ow genres from horror to romance and many in between. You could write a short story about a haunted house or even one about the friendship between an elderly woman and a child that lives next door.

8. Extract from biography

While biographies are factual, they are often some of the most interesting stories to read. Many famous people and historical figures have biographies, so there are a range of texts you can use for your style model.

You could write an autobiography, a biography about someone you know, or even write a biography about a fictional character. If you need to write 2, you could write biographies with different purposes, such as to simply inform about the person, so you would want to focus solely on facts and description, and to entertain, so you might want to use humour and other techniques.

9. Extract from a novel

Once again, novels are a staple of storytelling. Obviously, the word count means that you can’t do the entirety of one, although you can write a chapter or maybe even just part of a chapter. Some ideas for this might be the opening or closing of the novel as they are often most engaging and need the least context, you might want to use this to introduce characters or maybe even portray a character’s death.

10. Blog post

There are such a vast range of blogs that you have a vast range of style models to choose from. Plus, it means you get to write about whatever you wish as there are blogs post on virtually everything. This can make it even easier to diversify, if needed from a blog post on social issues to spread awareness to a blog post about food trends to share your personal rating.

11. Extract from film script

If you’re interested in films and film writing, creating your own short film script or writing just a scene of a wider film could be a great idea. Films obviously come in many different genres and are made for many different audiences, from different ages groups to people from different countries and even to different interests. For example, you could write a film script for period drama, introducing the main characters but you could also write a short film script about a modern family on an emotional journey as they move away.

12. Dramatic monologue

If you have a flare for drama, this could be a great idea. You could change the genre and the function of this piece quite easily. You may want to make the monologue to introduce a new character through the eyes of another character or may instead want to portray the distress of a character in the midst of making a life-changing decision and there are so many other options for what you could do.

13. Feature article

Feature articles are longer and more in-depth than general news articles, plus they tend to appear in more than just newspaper, such as in magazines or on websites, allowing you to diversify the audience and function more easily. These kinds of articles allow you to talk about a vast range of different topics, such as a “how to” guide, a piece on fashion trends or even an in-depth piece about to do with technology, such as the features of a new phone or a certain kind of camera.

14. Travel writing

Travel writing can come in many different forms and can have its own subgenre, from writing an account to giving advice about travelling and even recommending or reviewing places or styles of travel. Y ou could aim this at different audiences by writing in these different ways, such as reviewing a tourist attraction compared to giving travelling advice, and/or writing about kinds of travel, such as a family holiday in comparison to a backpacking adventure.

There are many different kinds of poetry so this genre can provide you with lots of freedom and can make it easier when deciding on the purpose and audience of your poems. There are also loads of great examples that you can use for your style model.

Some forms of poetry that you might want to do are ballads, limericks, free verse poems and even nonsense poems. These can all easily be made for different age groups or even people from different countries, based on cultural references, if you need to differ these.

16. Children’s book

While a children’s book seems like a narrow and restrictive genre, there’s still plenty of ways of differentiating this. You can choose different age groups to aim the book at or even different purposes, such as informing or entertaining children through storytelling. Someone in my class did this option and they even went as far to design it as a children’s book would be with lots of illustrations and pictures, so it can be a great idea if you’re feeling creative.

17. Leaflet for a museum

Museums provide lots of information, even after people are already there. Creating an information leaflet about a museum and different artefacts there could be a great way to write in the category of information. Although if you’re doing the leaflet as a brochure, you could instead do it with the purpose of persuasion.

Brochures and leaflets can also be done in different formats, so they may only be focusing on certain exhibitions, which may even be focused on different age groups or people with different interests. For example, you might want to create a brochure for children about the fossils exhibition or you could instead write a leaflet focusing on an exhibition about historical fashion.

18. Scripted presentation

While a presentation can seem like a speech, these will often be more information based and would often use props and even things like a PowerPoint document. Due to this, you could either write it as a script or write it directly onto a PowerPoint document, making sure that you print this off in the correct format and may need to still transcribe it.

If you wanted, you could even do a presentation script for something like a YouTube video, or alternatively you could do one for something like a Ted Talk. Due to the nature of presentations, they will tend to have a specific audience and purpose, so these can easily be differentiated.

19. Interview

Interviews are a rather unique form of writing in that they are often found written out, despite literally being a conversation. There are lots of interviews to be found and you could choose to either transcribe one yourself to use as a style model or simply find one already in the right format.

You could differentiate this type of writing by simply choosing different people to interview, as different celebrities have different target audiences and you may even wish to do someone else, such as someone you know or even a fictional character in the same style. You might find it a bit tricky to differentiate the purpose, but this could be done by thinking of the actual contents of the interview and what’s being focused on.

20. News article

Unlike a feature article, a news article is simply about the facts, not the story behind it. You could think about a form of local news, even some from your sixth form or college or even something you’re willing to share about yourself for the topic of this article.

Alternatively, you could just make something up and put it into the style of a news article. While the purpose will generally be to inform, you could try to aim at different age groups or different kinds of readers. For example, you might want to do a tabloid piece and a broadsheet piece.

21. Investigative journalism

An investigative journalism article is a kind of feature article, however, it tends to be even more in-depth and is primarily based on providing information, although there is some storytelling involved. Investigative journalism articles once again have some very distinctive features.

Even if you do a topic that isn’t typically within the investigative journalism genre, you should be quite easily able to still write in this style, as long as you research properly and use the style model. If you have to do more than one piece, you can differentiate by audience, aiming at different age groups, or simply based on different interests.

*The information in this article is based off my own experience as a former A-Level English Language student as well as resources from the AQA and Pearson Edexcel exam boards. These are the specifications for the AQA, linked here , and the Pearson Edexcel, linked here , courses as well as the AQA NEA guidance document, linked here , and the Pearson Edexcel ‘Getting Started’ document, linked here .


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What are online creative writing university courses?

Online creative writing courses provide a programme of study comparable to what you might experience at an in-person college or university. This includes the support of dedicated experts in the field of creative writing to mentor you throughout your course as well as the benefit of a group of online peers to share the experience with.

If you’re interested in becoming a professional writer or simply looking to pursue your passion for creative writing while continuing to work or manage your caring or parental responsibilities – distance learning creative writing courses provide the flexibility you need.

Study at one of the UK’s few specialist online arts colleges

OCA’s creative offer students the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s or foundation degree at their own pace – leaving with a wide range of new skills as well as a recognised qualification from one of the best creative arts colleges offering distance learning.

Whether you choose to specialise in creative writing or want to study the craft of writing alongside other creative pursuits, you can find out more about our creative writing courses below to get started with creative writing!

Sheets of creative writing examples

BA (Hons) Creative Writing

If you feel you were born to write, or are committed to becoming a writer, the BA (Hons) Creative Writing degree programme is the place to start.

An example of creative arts typeface

BA (Hons) Creative Arts

The BA (Hons) Creative Arts degree will allow you to combine your writing with another creative practice, maybe illustration or photography, and create something unique.

A sheet of creative writing examples

Foundations in Creative Writing

If you’re not sure about embarking straight onto a degree, why not take a look at our Foundations in Creative Writing.

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  1. ️ Creative writing a level. Great Writing: Creative writing a level

    is there an a level in creative writing

  2. Ocr Creative Writing A Level

    is there an a level in creative writing

  3. A-level Creative Writing / a-level-creative-writing.pdf / PDF4PRO

    is there an a level in creative writing

  4. How to Write the Best Creative Essay

    is there an a level in creative writing

  5. Creative Writing Examples by Josh Counsell at Coroflot.com

    is there an a level in creative writing

  6. A Complete Creative Writing Guide

    is there an a level in creative writing


  1. A Level Requirements for Creative Writing

    Creative Writing is an essential skill you must learn to thrive in the hyper-information age we live in today. Is There an A-Level for Creative Writing? There isn't an official A-Level for Creative Writing as there is for Maths or Chemistry. But there is an A-Level for: English; English Language; English Language and Literature; English ...

  2. Creative Writing: Everything You Need to Know

    2. Poetry. A rhythmic and metaphorical form of writing, poetry allows writers to express feelings, thoughts, and stories in a condensed and poignant manner. 3. Drama. Written to be performed, drama includes scripts for movies, plays, and television shows. 4. Creative Non-Fiction.

  3. Analyze My Writing

    An Online Writing Sample Content and Readability Analyzer: analyze your writing and get statistics on words you use most frequently, word and sentence length, readability, punctuation usage, and more. Analyze My Writing ... The Region the Red Dot Falls in is the Grade Level for the Entire Text Sentences per 100 Words:

  4. 12 Jobs You Can Do With a Degree in Creative Writing

    There are many skills that you can learn through a creative writing degree program and others that you could work on to advance your career, such as: Storytelling abilities. Time management. Networking. Editing and proofreading skills. Creative thinking. Technology. Organization. Independent working.

  5. Online Courses: Creative Writing

    Stanford Continuing Studies' online creative writing courses make it easy to take courses taught by instructors from Stanford's writing community. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime—a plus for students who lead busy lives or for whom regular travel to the Stanford campus is not possible.

  6. What to Know About Creative Writing Degrees

    Creative writing program professors and alumni say creative writing programs cultivate a variety of in-demand skills, including the ability to communicate effectively. "While yes, many creative ...

  7. Creative Writing A-Level :: National Association of Writers in

    The last examinations for AS and A-level Creative Writing will be in summer 2018. The DfE's guidance and Ofqual's principles required reformed A-levels to avoid overlap with other subjects, have clearly defined and rigorous content, and be right for progression to Higher Education. It was concluded to be problematic that there are ...

  8. Creative Writing Courses

    Creative Writing courses. Whether you're looking to develop your own writing skills and editorial practice for your profession or for purely personal interest, our creative writing courses have much to offer you. Choose below from our range of qualifications. Creative Writing Degrees. Stage 1 120 credits. Stage 2 120 credits. Stage 3 120 credits.

  9. Creative Writing Tips To Become A Better Writer

    Whether it's attending workshops, reading books on writing, or taking online courses, there are many ways to improve your craft. So if you want to be a good writer, start by committing to lifelong learning. ... then check out the a-level requirements for creative writing at top UK universities. By following our creative writing tips and ...

  10. 308 Creative Writing Prompts To Help You

    Creative writing has, and always will be, a popular university course. Knowing exactly what the a-level requirements for creative writing are helps ensure you have the best chance of getting into a top university of your choice. Unfortunate Events Write a story wherein a character experiences 3 unfortunate events in quick succession within 24 ...

  11. PDF Creative Writing in A level English Literature

    ithin the new A levels in EL. creative writing is to be anything more than lip service, and if students are to be. genuinely enthused and extended through creative writing experiences and through. their creative responses to literature, this kind of attitude needs to be challenged, and.

  12. List of All U.S. Colleges with a Creative Writing Major

    It's also often a prerequisite for teaching creative writing at the college level. ... While many schools that have creative writing majors offer fiction and poetry courses and tracks, there are some niche genres that could be more difficult to find. If you're interested in playwriting, for example, you won't find that at every school. ...

  13. Creative Writing degrees

    Entry requirements for a Creative Writing degree at a university range from 80-160 UCAS points. This could include: A Levels: AAA-CCE. BTECs: DDD-MMP (may also require an English Literature A Level) Scottish Highers: AAAAB-BBBB (Advanced Highers: AAB-ABB) International Baccalaureate: 38-26.

  14. Earning A Master's In Creative Writing: What To Know

    A master's in creative writing is an advanced degree that helps you develop the skills to write your own novel, poetry, screenplay or nonfiction book. This degree can also prepare you for a ...

  15. Creative Writing and Literature Master's Degree Program

    Through the master's degree in creative writing and literature, you'll hone your skills as a storyteller — crafting original scripts, novels, stories, and works of creative nonfiction. In small, workshop-style classes, you'll master key elements of narrative craft, including characterization, story and plot structure, point of view ...

  16. Creative Writing

    Unit 1 - Basics of Creative Writing. In this unit, you'll cover the definition of relevant words you'll encounter throughout the course, as well as the main things you must consider before beginning any piece of creative writing. You'll also examine the process of editing, proofreading, and how to avoid plagiarism.

  17. 10 Types of Creative Writing (with Examples You'll Love)

    A lot falls under the term 'creative writing': poetry, short fiction, plays, novels, personal essays, and songs, to name just a few. By virtue of the creativity that characterizes it, creative writing is an extremely versatile art. So instead of defining what creative writing is, it may be easier to understand what it does by looking at ...

  18. A215

    No prior experience of creative writing study is necessary. This is an OU level 2 module and builds on the OU level 1 modules Discovering the arts and humanities (A111) and Cultures (A112) or The arts past and present (AA100) and Voices, texts and material culture (A105) (the latter two now discontinued). These OU level 1 introductory modules ...

  19. creative writing A-level

    It's worth as much credit as any other A-level. It is beginning to become recognized by some universities, especially if you plan to apply for Creative Writing degree. By default, because it is new, it's not necessarily considered as a soft subject, however it is not considered a facilitating subject like Maths, Chemistry, English Literature ...

  20. 20+ A-Level English Language Original Writing NEA Ideas

    Due to this, for this creative writing NEA there is a bit more required than for the AQA one as it is worth the whole 20% of A-Level English Language coursework requirements. Students will need to research a genre, complete 2 pieces of original writing and produce a commentary on these. The 2 pieces need to be in the same genre but need to ...

  21. Creative Writing Courses

    The BA (Hons) Creative Arts degree will allow you to combine your writing with another creative practice, maybe illustration or photography, and create something unique. If you're not sure about embarking straight onto a degree, why not take a look at our Foundations in Creative Writing. Online creative writing courses offer you exactly the ...