Telecommunications research projects

engineer hold circuit or silicon chip in his workplace

We conduct research projects across a broad range of telecommunications areas. These include:  

Wireless and network communications 

The major research themes in wireless communications are: 

  • Channel coding and iterative receiver techniques 
  • Space-time coding and MIMO techniques 
  • Cooperative and cognitive radio communications 
  • Wireless positioning and vehicular wireless ad hoc networks.   

Major research themes in the data networks include:  

  • Quantum coding for communications 
  • Wireless sensor networks 
  • Security and trust; Greening the internet 
  • Networking for multimedia communications. 

Recently, there has been significant cross-pollination between these traditionally distinct research areas. Some of our ongoing research projects include: 

Recent research shows that with multiple antennas placed at both the transmitter and receivers, referred to as multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) systems, wireless communication can increase the data rate significantly. This is a breakthrough in communications system design, since the multipath reflection in wireless channel, traditionally a pitfall of wireless communications, can be turned into a benefit, in increasing the wireless link capacity.

Research is being conducted into novel transmission and multiple access signalling techniques with the aim of dramatically improving the reliability, throughput, and power efficiency of wireless downlink packet data services. This work is called the multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) spatial division multiple access (SDMA) technique and it will enable a breakthrough in multi-user multimedia services in the ICT industry sector. Potential applications of the project outcomes are in future 4G cellular mobile networks.

This Group is working on developing novel transmission and receiving techniques with the aim of dramatically improving the reliability and throughput of wireless packet data services. By exploring the space resource of multiple users, we develop cooperative multi-user communication techniques where multiple users or multiple base stations cooperate with each other to transmit their information.

This can thoroughly exploit the space resource of multiple-users and user cooperation diversity in wireless networks to improve the reliability and spectrum and power efficiency. With users cooperating with each other, we can significantly reduce the transmission power, making the systems “greener.” Potential applications of the project outcomes are in future wireless systems, such as mobile broadband wireless access (MBWA 802.20 or WiMAX 802.16).

The Wireless & Data Communications Research Group aims to develop novel spectrum agile radio communication techniques. These can opportunistically exploit the spectral resource of licensed systems and utilise the amount of unused spectrum in an intelligent way. Our School’s current research outcomes in this area include robust cooperative spectrum sensing and whispering radio technique. The aim of the research is to dramatically improve the network’s spectrum efficiency, power efficiency and reliability, without interfering with other incumbent devices in the same frequency bands.

The ICT sector consumed 156 GigaWatts, or about 8% of the world’s total electrical power consumption in 2007, of which 14% is attributed to network equipment. The increasing amount of power consumed by Internet routers is becoming a serious concern for router manufacturers and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This is limiting the switching capacity router manufacturers can pack per unit space and bloating operational expense for ISPs due to higher electricity bills and cooling costs. In this research project our aim is to develop innovative methods for energy reduction in Internet routers. We are aiming to develop new router architectures that employ more optics, optimise the use of components such as packet storage memories and interface speeds, and integrate emerging standards such as Energy Efficient Ethernet.

Exposure to air pollution is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory mortality and exacerbate conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Current systems for air pollution monitoring have poor spatial resolution, and do not reflect actual exposures experienced by individuals. In this project, we are building a system based on participatory sensor networks, whereby users with mobile phones contribute pollution data that is then collected centrally in real-time and displayed as a map. We are also developing tools that allow accurate estimation of personal exposure to air pollutants. Our research will help gain an understanding of urban air pollution distribution, as well as benefit individuals in understanding their personal health risk index.

This research develops energy-efficient communication protocols for body-wearable wireless sensor devices to be used in pervasive medical monitoring. Today’s healthcare systems are struggling to cope with the needs of an ageing population exhibiting an earlier onset of chronic conditions that need long-term monitoring. Wearable wireless sensors can relieve this pressure by providing intelligent, non-intrusive, continuous monitoring at dramatically reduced cost, with round-the-clock diagnostic and intervention capability. Our work in this area is developing the highly energy-efficient, lightweight, flexible, and robust communication protocols that are an integral part of such a system.

Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), or Vehicular Communication (VC) systems, have potential to provide solutions to minimise traffic accidents and are likely to be ubiquitous in the not-too-distant future. In such systems, equipment exists on board the vehicles as well as in road-side infrastructure. DSRC is the method of communication for this network. DSRC is an alternative solution to a GPS-only-based solution, where the GPS in the vehicle may have access to an INS. By using DSRC, it can also use positioning information from other nearby cars and road-side infrastructure to enhance its own position accuracy and availability.

Quantum Communications is an emerging cross-disciplinary field of growing global significance. Research into advanced quantum protocols is being pursued that will dictate the key operations of emerging quantum networks. Specifically, we are investigating the optimal quantum repeater protocols for a range of network architectures in which quantum information transfer through a multihop environment occurs. We will also determine near-optimal versions of our protocols that will give engineers the ability to trade off quantum complexity with communication throughout. New applications of quantum communications are also being researched that will bring enhanced security and communications advantages not possible in classical networks. Our work will result in new applications and services that will have a major impact on the ongoing global efforts to develop the quantum internet.

The major themes in Photonics research are:  

  • Photonic fibre devices 
  • Fibre based sensors 
  • Planar photonic components and optical circuitry 
  • New photonic materials for sensing, display and difficult environments 

Some of our ongoing research projects include: 

This work develops highly multiplexed fibre sensor systems for structural health monitoring and risk assessment of critical transport infrastructures. This work is in collaboration with Sydney University and industry partner RTA.

Fibre laser-based sensor systems have immense potential for high sensitivity gas and chemical detection. We develop fibre ring laser-based sensor systems in collaboration with Tianjin University, China.

This research looks to address issues faced by solar induced photocatalysis. This is through integrating improved particle and optic systems to increase photon efficiencies and harness a greater portion of solar/visible light. In collaboration with researchers in Chemical Engineering and Industry Chemistry, we develop an optical fibre photoreactor system that would effectively allow for improved utilisation of photons by the semiconductor surface.

Polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are useful for strain sensor applications for large dynamic range. We develop polymer optical fibres with higher photosensitivity and fabricating POF gratings for various industrial applications.

This project works on the next generation of “extreme” gratings and chemical sensors, both passive and active, primarily for applications in sensing within the petroleum and gas industries (but applicable across the mining industry). This is an international collaboration project in partnership with University of Sydney, Institute of Photonic High Technology, Germany and the Federal University of Technology, Brazil.

Prof Ladouceur directed the research effort at UNSW that led to the first scalable all-diamond integrated circuits using a combination of photolithography, reactive ion etching (RIE) and focused ion beam (FIB) techniques with important application in Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum Computing. This important work has been highlighted in New Scientist: “Diamond 'wires' – quantum computing's best friend”.

Prof Ladouceur’s research effort is centred on the development of new photonics materials for display, biomedical and telecom applications. Of particular interest is the development of hydrogel-based electronics ink for conformal (flexible) displays, chiral (co)polymers for polarisation control and manipulation of polarisation in optical fibres, self-assembly of polymer for photoreceptors (pixels) definition in artificial retina and semiconducting polymers for artificial skin (tactile sensors).

Terahertz communication, imaging, sensing and localisation

The major themes in Terahertz communication research are:  

  • 3D printed couplers and waveguides for terahertz communication
  • Design of components and devices for terahertz communication, sensing and localisation
  • Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging 

Clink here for some of our ongoing research projects.  

Signal processing

The major research themes in signal processing are:  

  • Image and video compression 
  • Estimation and modeling of motion, depth and other multimedia features 
  • Efficient and flexible multimedia communication 
  • Paralinguistic speech processing to recover emotion, language and speaker information 
  • Cochlear speech processing 
  • Sound field acquisition, compression and synthesis 
  • Radar signal processing 
  • Signal processing for biological, biomedical and health monitoring applications. 

Our School has been conducting world-leading research in compression of digital media. One focus of this work is scalable compression technologies, which generated embedded bit-streams whose subsets can simultaneously target numerous resolutions, bitrates and regions of interest. Another focus is efficient representation and estimation of structural information, including motion, depth and geometric structure. Work in this area has contributed and is continuing to contribute to several major international image and video compression standards.

We have also been active in the development of efficient methods for image and video communication over networks. One focus of this work is the development of highly efficient and computationally tractable hybrid-ARQ protection strategies for scalable compressed multi-media over lossy packet networks. A second focus has been the development of algorithms and standards to facilitate efficient and flexible access to remotely located image and video. Major outputs from our work include the core paradigm that underlies the JPIP standard (IS15444-9), a family of hybrid-ARQ protection algorithms collectively known as LR-PET (Limited Retransmission Priority Encoding Transmission), and commercial deployment of some of these research outcomes through the Kakadu software toolkit.

Our collaboration with a team from the Institute for Digital Communications at the University of Edinburgh (UoE), under the Biologically Inspired Signal Processing (BIAS), aims to develop novel algorithms for the study of non-stationary signals in general and bat echolocation calls. Many of the engineering (and more specifically signal processing problems) we face have been addressed in nature, sometimes with astonishing degrees of specialisation and success. It is hoped that an improved understanding of natural systems would inspire novel technologies.

This project is a collaborative effort with a group from the department of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge and more recently with the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering. It has the goal of investigating novel approaches for the processing of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data to enhance the detection and study of biologically active compounds such as metabolites and heparin. This can lead to the unmasking of low concentration metabolites in a biological sample thereby contributing to the study of disease, toxicity, gene expression as well as drug development.

Processing and recognition of the linguistic content of speech has been a major focus for speech processing research for some decades. However more recently attention is shifting towards non-linguistic speech information, such as speaker identity, emotion and cognitive load. Our research effort aims to characterise this information towards improving recognition accuracies in a range of applications. Collaborators include the Institute for Infocomms Research (Singapore), the Australian National University, and National ICT Australia.

This project concentrates on developing new period estimation techniques and significance measures for characterising structure within symbolic sequences such as DNA, in particular the nucleosome, whose function in evolutionary dynamics is a current area of major research interest in biology. Jointly with the John Curtin School of Medical Research at ANU, the new approaches are being evaluated on whole-genome data.

In this project, models and analysis methods are developed for automatically determining the type of terrain and gradient being traversed by a subject wearing a triaxial accelerometer. This information is critical to the accurate determination of the energy expenditure of the subject, which in turn has important applications in biomedical engineering and clinical medicine.

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Articles on Telecommunications

Displaying 1 - 20 of 96 articles.

research topics telecommunications engineering

Only 15 known underwater internet cables connect Australia to the world – and they’re under threat from fishing boats, spies and natural disasters

Cynthia Mehboob , Australian National University

research topics telecommunications engineering

Telstra says slashing almost a tenth of its workforce will help save $350 million. Why is the business under pressure?

Mark A Gregory , RMIT University

research topics telecommunications engineering

‘A major shakeup’: the Optus outage has been investigated. What’s going to change now?

research topics telecommunications engineering

The Optus chief was right to quit but real change is unlikely at the telco until bigger issues are fixed

Helen Bird , Swinburne University of Technology

research topics telecommunications engineering

The Optus outage shows us the perils of having vital networks in private hands

research topics telecommunications engineering

Optus blackout explained: what is a ‘deep network’ outage and what may have caused it?

Paul Haskell-Dowland , Edith Cowan University ; Mark A Gregory , RMIT University , and Mohiuddin Ahmed , Edith Cowan University

research topics telecommunications engineering

In a crisis, Optus appears to be ignoring Communications 101

Alison Stieven-Taylor , Monash University

research topics telecommunications engineering

For remote Aboriginal families, limited phone and internet services make life hard. Here’s what they told us

Jessa Rogers , Queensland University of Technology ; Amber Marshall , Queensland University of Technology ; Kim Osman , Queensland University of Technology , and Thu Dinh Xuan Pham , Queensland University of Technology

research topics telecommunications engineering

Cyclone Gabrielle broke vital communication links when people needed them most – what happened and how do we fix it?

Ulrich Speidel , University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau

research topics telecommunications engineering

When fishing boats go dark at sea, they’re often committing crimes – we mapped where it happens

Heather Welch , University of California, Santa Cruz

research topics telecommunications engineering

How to make 5G less expensive

Florian Kaltenberger , Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT)

research topics telecommunications engineering

Optus says it needed to keep identity data for six years. But did it really?

Brendan Walker-Munro , The University of Queensland

research topics telecommunications engineering

How not to tell customers their data is at risk: the Optus approach

Edwina Luck , Queensland University of Technology and Nicholas Grech , Queensland University of Technology

research topics telecommunications engineering

Solar storm to hit Earth’s magnetic field on July 21

Gonzalo José Carracedo Carballal , Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC) and David Montes , Universidad Complutense de Madrid

research topics telecommunications engineering

Solar storm knocks out farmers’ high-tech tractors – an electrical engineer explains how a larger storm could take down the power grid and the internet

David Wallace , Mississippi State University

research topics telecommunications engineering

Shortwave radio in Ukraine: why revisiting old-school technology makes sense in a war

Greig Paul , University of Strathclyde

research topics telecommunications engineering

How Tasmania’s major digital blackout was fixed, and how another could be avoided – an electrical engineer explains

Thas Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas , The University of Melbourne

research topics telecommunications engineering

How 5G puts airplanes at risk – an electrical engineer explains

Prasenjit Mitra , Penn State

research topics telecommunications engineering

Laws governing undersea cables have hardly changed since 1884 – Tonga is a reminder they need modernising

Karen Scott , University of Canterbury

research topics telecommunications engineering

What is 5G? An electrical engineer explains

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Top contributors

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor, Computer Networking and Telecommunications, University of Salford

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor of Strategy, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

research topics telecommunications engineering

Associate Professor, School of Engineering, RMIT University

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor and Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, UMass Amherst

research topics telecommunications engineering

Associate Professor in Telecommunications Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State

research topics telecommunications engineering

Industry Fellow, Corporate Governance & Senior Lecturer, Swinburne Law School, Swinburne University of Technology

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor of Public Policy and Economics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

research topics telecommunications engineering

Visiting Professor of Telecommunications, Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde

research topics telecommunications engineering

Research Fellow, Cranfield University

research topics telecommunications engineering

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) & Professor of Law, Deakin University

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor of Public Policy, King's College London

research topics telecommunications engineering

Assistant Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, New York University

research topics telecommunications engineering

Postdoctoral Research Associate, UCL

research topics telecommunications engineering

Professor in Photonics, Electrical, Electronic and Power Engineering, Aston University

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Top 10 Telecom Industry Trends in 2024 | StartUs Insights

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Discover the Top 10 Telecom Industry Trends in 2024

Curious about how telecom companies use modern technologies to boost connectivity? Explore our data-driven research on the top 10 telecom industry trends, analyzed from 3500+ companies. These trends include IoT, 5G, AI, and more, shaping the industry.

The telecom industry faces challenges like managing network demands, optimizing infrastructure, resolving customer issues, and strengthening security. Top trends in the industry are helping telecom companies address these issues and improve efficiency. With the growing global connectivity accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic , telecom companies have opportunities to expand their customer base and introduce innovative products and services.

Key trends include the need for reliable and cost-effective solutions in cloud computing and 5G technology, especially in smart ecosystems like factories, cities, homes, vehicles, and industrial workplaces, where more connected devices and people require advanced connectivity solutions.

This article was published in February 2021 and updated in January 2024.

Innovation Map outlines the Top 10 Telecom Industry Trends & 20 Promising Telecom Technology Companies

For this in-depth research on the Top Telecommunications Industry Trends & Startups, we analyzed a sample of 3519 global startups & scaleups. This data-driven research provides innovation intelligence that helps you improve strategic decision-making by giving you an overview of emerging technologies in the telecom industry. In the Telecom Innovation Map, you get a comprehensive overview of the innovation trends & startups that impact your company.

Top 10 Latest Trends in the Telecom Industry (2024)

Internet of things.

  • Connectivity Solutions
  • 5G & Network Infrastructure

Artificial Intelligence

  • High-Resolution Content
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud Computing
  • Communication Models
  • Software Defined Networks
  • Edge Computing


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These insights are derived by working with our Big Data & Artificial Intelligence-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform , covering 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally. As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to identify relevant technologies and industry trends quickly & exhaustively.

Tree Map reveals the Impact of the Top 10 Trends in Telecommunication (2024)

Based on the Telecom Innovation Map, the Tree Map below illustrates the impact of the Top 10 Telecom Industry Trends in 2024. The Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors, connectivity solutions including next-generation WiFi and Bluetooth, as well the promise of 5G networks and technology dominate the top 10 telecom trends. Artificial intelligence (AI) influences data analytics and offers various opportunities for automation in the telecom sector.

The penetration of smartphones and reliable internet further generates large volumes of high-resolution content. In addition to these emerging trends in the telecom industry, the industry also sees the development of cloud and edge technologies for enabling smart industrial processes as well as solutions to improve human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communications. Get in touch with us to find relevant startups that impact your specific business.


Global Startup Heat Map covers 3500+ Telecom Startups & Scaleups

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the global distribution of the 3519 exemplary startups & scaleups that we analyzed for this research. Created through the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform , the Heat Map reveals that the US is home to most of these companies while we also observe increased activity in Europe as well as Asia, particularly in India & Singapore.

Below, you get to meet 20 out of these 3519 promising startups & scaleups as well as the solutions they develop. These 20 startups were hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. Depending on your specific needs, your top picks might look entirely different.


Interested to explore all 3500+ telecom startups & scaleups?

10 Key Trends in Telecom Industry (2024)

1. internet of things.

IoT devices and sensors are significantly impacting various sectors of the technology economy, enhancing people’s quality of life, boosting businesses’ profitability, and improving overall management. Additionally, IoT offers cost-saving benefits for governments seeking to reduce their IT-related expenses. The interconnected nature of devices, sensors, infrastructure, and computing components is opening up innovative avenues for management.

For instance, through functionalities like decentralized operations, condition-based monitoring, and predictive maintenance, IoT facilitates seamless communication among diverse IoT devices. This level of automation streamlines production processes and allows the implementation of Industry 4.0 concepts in the telecom sector .

N3uron builds a Web-based SCADA Software

Spanish startup N3uron develops highly customizable Industrial IoT and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software solutions to empower organizations to efficiently collect data. One of the startup’s multiple integrated software modules, MQTT , uses special data-transfer protocols to connect thousands of field devices to any cloud or SCADA system.

N3uron software runs on multiple operating systems and hardware without affecting performance. Moreover, the software’s built-in networking security and data integrity checks follow industry standards of data formats. All of this allows companies to efficiently create and operate IIoT device networks.

Iothic develops a Decentralised IoT Standard

British startup Iothic creates a communication protocol for the Internet of Things. The main benefit of the startup’s solution is interoperability. The communication protocol enables companies to work on different devices and operating systems that are compatible with existing infrastructure.

Further, a high level of security, with support for real-time low-latency operations, suits next-gen IoT applications, together with resistance to quantum decoding. The IoT standard helps manufacturers and customers by helping them reduce production and operational expenses.

2. Connectivity Technologies

Connectivity technologies are in a continuous state of evolution, encompassing both wired and wireless communication methods. In the contemporary IT landscape, the advancement of communication technology holds paramount importance, given the rising data volumes, proliferation of IoT devices, and growing internet user base.

Furthermore, users are increasingly engaged in sharing high-quality digital content like videos, photos, and music. All these factors, along with the expanding utilization of satellite communications , play a pivotal role in shaping the prominent trends within the telecom industry, driving innovation in connectivity technologies.

FiSens manufactures Fiber Optic Sensor Systems

German startup FiSens manufactures Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) sensors for measuring strain, temperature, and pressure. The startup leverages the FBG effect, which allows the creation of chains without breaking fiber optics for data transmission.

FiSens embeds sensors in the fiber optics, allowing up to 30 sensors in a single fiber. The startup produces FBGs for almost all possible spectral configurations. Additionally, these sensors are immune to electromagnetic interference and are safe in environments that involve radiation or explosions.

Sateliot connects IoT Devices using Satellites

Sateliot is a Spanish satellite telecom operator for global continuous IoT connectivity, merging satellite and terrestrial networks under 5G protocols. Their hardware does not require any customization on the device side since satellite constellations act as cell towers for IoT devices.

Moreover, satellites handle messages in a secure and transparent way, ensuring customers’ data is safe. Sateliot’s connectivity solutions find applications in a wide range of industries, including utilities, maritime, oil & gas, and agriculture.

3. 5G Network & Technology

5G technology represents the upcoming major advancement in telecommunication networks and devices. It offers significantly higher speeds compared to previous cellular broadband standards and, crucially, boasts remarkably lower latency. Low latency is especially critical for applications like cloud gaming and VR content streaming.

Within the telecom industry, 5G introduces the capability for massive machine-type communications (mMTC), facilitating the establishment of dense IoT networks, spanning from Industrial IoT (IIoT) to smart homes. The broad array of applications stemming from this development positions 5G as one of the most prominent trends in the telecommunications sector .

The market for 5G technology is expected to see substantial growth, with operators projected to generate USD 400 billion in service revenue from 5G networks in 2024 . This represents an annual growth rate of 32% from 2023, highlighting 5G’s significant impact on the telecommunications sector

Aarna Networks creates a Multi-Cluster Orchestration Platform

US-based 5G telecom company Aarna Networks provides a multi-cluster orchestration platform – AMCOP .  AMCOP  automatically manages cloud infrastructure and connected networks, such as Edge networks. AMCOP supports 5G radio access networks (RAN), and 5G Core (5GC) orchestration, as well as network slicing, data analytics, and self-organizing networks (SON). Also, AMCOP is built on vendor-agnostic open-source software, helping businesses optimize their expenditures on network infrastructure and increase security.

Simnovus provides a Cost-Effective User Equipment (UE) Simulator

Simnovus is an Indian startup, building efficient UE simulators for 5G networks. Based on software-defined radio (SDR) technology, the startup allows transforming traditional x86 hardware into a UE simulator. This agile and cost-effective solution is suitable for testing telecommunication equipment and developers of such equipment.

The UE simulator provides testing with realistic patterns of traffic for different network technologies, extensive logging, and elaborate statistics. Further, the simulator’s licensing supports up to 1000 devices.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) stand out as significant trends in the telecom industry, exerting a profound impact. The process of digital transformation necessitates the extraction of valuable insights from the vast data generated by IoT sensors and devices.

Simultaneously, the expansion and increasing complexity of the internet have raised the demand for high-speed connections with minimal latency. In response to these challenges, startups are developing AI-driven solutions that effectively address various issues related to network performance and management.

Netop develops Autonomous solutions for Critical Networks

NetOp is a startup from Israel, creating a critical network health utility tool using proprietary machine learning algorithms. The solution automatically analyzes the network, searching for any vulnerabilities. Using AI-powered advanced automation, NetOp proactively predicts and remediates network issues as they arise. These are beneficial for businesses wanting to improve their security and reduce operating costs.

IoT/AI creates an Advanced Sensor Platform

The US-based startup IoT/AI offers an IoT platform that combines network connectivity, cybersecurity, and analytics operating in Edge networks. The platform analyzes the data from the mesh network locally using ML algorithms. In addition to military-grade cybersecurity, IoT/AI’s sensor platform is suitable for the industrial, healthcare, defense, and energy industries.

5. High-Resolution Content

The widespread use of smartphones and the availability of reliable internet connections have resulted in increased consumption of high-quality content, often characterized by large file sizes. This surge in high-resolution content has, in turn, driven enhancements in the quality of traditional media like videos, images, and music.

In response to this evolving landscape, innovative telecommunications technologies are assisting businesses in adapting to emerging forms of media, such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) experiences, as well as cloud-based gaming. These new content formats demand not only high-speed data transmission but also low latency, prompting startups to focus on developing robust and high-capacity telecommunication networks.

Subspace builds Networks for Online Gamers

Subspace is a US-based startup building networks specifically for online multiplayer games. To reduce lag and create a seamless experience for gamers, the startup uses a combination of hardware and software solutions. These include custom network routing hardware built for accelerating games and software to protect the integrity of the game. Together, these measures lead to higher player retention, matchmaking pools, and revenue for studios as well as publishers.

Echo3D creates Tools for Building & Scaling 3D Apps

US-based startup Echo3D creates tools to facilitate 3D application development, improve its deployment, and manage related procedures. The tools focus on cross-platform AR/VR program development. While most AR/VR applications today support single-user, single-device static experiences, the startup’s flexible cloud infrastructure makes content management & delivery simple. By making possible AR/VR products, deployable everywhere, the solution benefits brands and enterprises seeking to improve their consumers’ experiences.


6. Telecom Cybersecurity

The rising frequency of cyberattacks, coupled with the proliferation of low-security IoT devices and the emergence of new CPU hardware vulnerabilities, presents a formidable challenge in addressing security risks. As our reliance on computing infrastructure continues to grow, safeguarding against these threats becomes increasingly complex.

In industrial networks, there is a constant effort to manage systems to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. However, these security measures can sometimes clash with the fundamental requirements of network reliability and availability. Startups are at the forefront of innovation in industrial networks, introducing dynamic solutions that enable systems to adapt in the face of attacks or vulnerabilities.

Cybersenshi rectifies Network Weaknesses

Cybersenshi is a startup from Saudi Arabia developing a cybersecurity tool that discovers and fixes customers’ websites & network security weaknesses. The database covers over 130.000 cybersecurity weaknesses of websites, networks, systems & databases. It is suitable for both small businesses, without deep knowledge of cybersecurity as well as for medium and big businesses.

Quantum Xchange creates Quantum-Safe Cybersecurity solutions

US-based startup Quantum Xchange develops Phio TX and Phio Quantum Key (QK) . Phio TX  works on current network infrastructure, improving communications security and making existing key infrastructure quantum-safe. For a higher security level, quantum keys are used in combination with Phio TX over any type of data transmission. Further, Phio TX requires low infrastructure, which is beneficial for companies looking to bolster security.

7. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly growing trend in the telecom industry, primarily driven by the widespread use of IoT devices and the deployment of advanced ML algorithms, both of which generate a substantial demand for computing power. The migration of data, applications, and essential business components to cloud computing environments offers numerous advantages.

In this landscape, cloud startups play a crucial role by providing enhanced connectivity and integration solutions across equipment, platforms, infrastructure, and various company functions. From equipment, platforms, infrastructure, and company functions, cloud startups offer greater connectivity and integration solutions for businesses. These startups are instrumental in advancing cloud integration technologies, ensuring seamless connections across a wide array of environments, from cities and factories to homes and vehicles.

Cloud Backend provides a Cloud Management Platform

Swedish startup Cloud Backend provides a platform for subscription, data policies, and resource budget allocation using a web-based dashboard. The dashboard’s architecture scales to multiple edge nodes, providing automatic synchronization and caching to secure network operations in case of failure. Cloud Backend’s architecture is also suitable for enterprises expanding or optimizing their networks and systems.

Purestake develops Cloud-Based Tools for Blockchain Networks

Purestake is a US-based startup developing an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform that delivers consistent uptime and availability. The startup combines the best practices in network architecture and security operations.

The platform disperses nodes globally and, based on an automated multi-pop and multi-cloud approach, the service spans Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google environments. Further, the security of blockchain networks allows companies to build resilient, auto-managed networks for their needs.

8. Communication Models

The proliferation of smart and IoT devices is giving rise to a multitude of communication channels, including machine-to-machine (M2M), vehicle-to-everything (V2X), device-to-device (D2D), and human-to-machine interactions. These communication models vary in their use of connectivity technologies, encompassing both hardware and software components.

These communication models are being integrated to incorporate next-generation WiFi and Bluetooth technologies , forming the foundation for innovative products and technologies across a diverse spectrum of companies. These companies range from major banks and automobile manufacturers to technology startups and scaleups.

M2Cloud builds Device Cloud solutions

Indian startup M2Cloud creates device-to-cloud (D2C) solutions. They produce both simple and advanced vehicle tracking devices, aimed at creating an intelligent transport system to optimize existing public transport infrastructure. Additionally, M2Cloud produces wall-mounted sensors, both ultrasonic and infrared, for measuring body temperature.

It is especially useful for establishments to check their customers and workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. M2Cloud tracking devices also use eSIMs to easily connect to the cloud.

Angoka provides Hardware for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Security

Angoka is a UK-based startup providing hardware solutions for managing cybersecurity risks inherent in M2M communication networks. The startup aims to improve security for connected and autonomous vehicles, smart city services, electrical grids, and banking networks.

The solution provides hardware authentication using a decentralized cryptographic protocol. Angoka’s solution also enables silicon devices’ fingerprinting based on their physical properties, which then allows for generating cryptographic keys and secure device identity.

9. Software-Defined Networks (SDNs)

In today’s increasingly digital environment, business applications require high-performing and extensive networking operations. This is particularly crucial in the context of cloud computing, where businesses must efficiently deploy, manage, and support connectivity across various environments. Typically, complex tools are needed to build and oversee modern software-defined networking technology.

Some vendors restrict their solutions to their own equipment, which limits the range of communication capabilities. However, startups are driving the development of SDN to improve network performance , monitor its efficiency, and enable centralized control.

EdgeNEXUS develops Load Balancing solutions for SDNs

UK-based startup EdgeNEXUS develops network load-balancing solutions for SDNs. edgeNEXUS optimizes routing changes based on a number of factors including load volume and application performance, thus adding a layer of intelligence between applications, networks, and SDN controllers.

The startup’s  Global Server Load Balancer (GSLB) provides tools for multi-datacenter, multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud load balancing and failover. GLSB is suitable for enterprises looking to control their application delivery service depending on the user or region.

Ethica provides SD-WAN for Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Ethica is a Canadian startup providing CloudAccess , an easy-to-deploy and inexpensive Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SDWAN) solution focusing on SMEs. The solution reduces the downtime of the network by aggregating multiple internet connections and using them when they are available.

Also, CloudAccess provides Quality of Service (QoS) by prioritizing more important types of traffic which is useful, for example, in distributed teams using video calls. Further, all the solution’s features are manageable through a cloud-hosted orchestration utility.

10. Edge Computing

Edge computing in the telecom sector involves moving data computation and storage closer to the data source, as opposed to relying on a centralized remote cloud. This approach reduces latency, enhances bandwidth, streamlines maintenance, and enables companies to expand their computing capacity more affordably by integrating devices with edge data centers.

The demand for lower latencies and high-speed connections is paramount in today’s applications, such as cloud gaming and VR. Edge computing significantly enhances the end-user experience quality and reduces data exchange demands.

Edgegap enables Edge Network Game Hosting

Belgian startup Edgegap provides Edge network-based game hosting services. By locating online game-hosting servers in close proximity to the actual players, the startup ensures low latencies. Edgegap currently has 220 hosting locations available. Moreover, the services are easily scalable and reliable. Edgegap provides equal latencies for all players connected to a single game, ensuring fairness, which is very important in competitive gaming.

Axellio builds an Edge-Computing Hardware Platform

US-based startup Axellio builds FabricXpress – a high-performance, high-density computing, and storage platform for heavy applications. This solution is suitable for Edge networks that have a high density, high bandwidth, and low latency requirement. In addition to improving network performance, the startup achieves this with a small energy footprint and low costs.

Discover all Technologies, Startups, & Latest Trends in Telecom Industry

The insights on new telecom trends and startup developments provided in this report offer a preliminary glimpse into the wealth of findings derived from our exhaustive research efforts. Notably, within this expansive landscape, transformative elements such as AI, 5G, and pioneering connectivity innovations are poised to redefine the industry’s current paradigm.

Recognizing these emergent opportunities and cutting-edge technologies for early integration into your business strategy confers a substantial competitive advantage. Get in touch to easily and exhaustively scout relevant technologies & startups that matter to you.

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Telecommunications Engineering Research Papers/Topics

5g mobile communication applications: a survey and comparison of use cases.

Abstract: The mobile demands and future business context are anticipated to be resolved by the fifth-generation (5G) of mobile communication systems. It is expected to provide an utterly mobile device, connected society, and support the demanding services of various use cases (UCs). This is intended to meet the demand requirement by providing services at tens of Gbps in terms of data rates, higher mobility range, lower latencies, and massive connectivity density devices per square kilometer....

Multiband reconfigurable antennas for 5G wireless and CubeSat applications: a review

Abstract: The rapid development of wireless technology has sparked interest in multi-band reconfigurable antennas as devices and satellites are innovating toward miniaturization. With limited space, reliable and efficient high bandwidth antenna systems are needed for current and next-generation wireless technology as well as for the revolutionary small satellites. The fifth generation of mobile communication technology promises high data rates, low latency and good spectrum efficiency. O...

Spectrum handoff in cognitive radio based smart grid network

Abstract: The Smart Grid (SG) as an intelligent power network, depends on a reliable and efficient communication network to provide two-way communication, which is a prime feature of the smart grid. Many researchers have proposed cognitive radio (CR) as a viable wireless communication technology that can be adapted for smart grid communication in order to improve spectrum utilisation and address communication challenges being faced by conventional wireless communication technologies. A major...

Improvement of cell edge user admission using a user centric approach

Abstract: The increase in the number of linked technological devices, coupled with devices with new multimedia based services has resulted in the growing demand for high data rate communication and a spectrum crisis. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising candidate for better utilisation of spectrum and to address the high data demands in current and future communication systems. This work addresses the utilization of NOMA under power minimization and user admission strategies....

Vertical cavity surface emiting laser for optical communication systems

Abstract: The minimal cost, high efficiency and low power consumption of the Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) gives it an additional advantage when used in applications like fibre optical communication systems to meet the growth of data communication traffic. However, development of VCSELs working at longer wave lengths (1.3- 1.55 µm) has been limited by the inherent material problem making VCSELs longitudinal single-modes emitters. These problems among commonly used fibre opt...

Design and implementation of a reconfigurable metasurface antenna

Abstract: The use of the millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum and further exploration of sub mmWave has led to a new era in wireless communication, as the need for higher data rates grows. High frequencies, on one hand, incur a higher path loss, requiring an increase in antenna gain requirements. Metasurfaces, which emerge as a promis ing technology for mitigating path loss effects by utilizing 2D arrays of engineered meta-atoms resembling metamaterials that control the surface’s electromagne...

Terrestrial free space optical communication systems availability based on meteorological visibility data for South Africa

Abstract: In spite of the numerous advantages of employing free space optical (FSO) communication systems as viable complementary platforms for next-generation networks, the presence of atmospheric disturbances such as fog and scintillations are major sources of signal impairment which degrade system performance. Consequently, it becomes imperative to investigate and contextualize the unique climatic conditions in those locations where FSO links are to be deployed. Statistical evaluation of ...

LoRa network planning and deployment: a terrestrial navigation application

Abstract: Long Range (LoRa) is a popular low power wide area network (LPWAN) technology which operates in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency band transmitting information over ranges in excess of 20 km and 5 km in rural and urban landscapes respectively. This is of significance in applications where LoRa may be used as a terrestrial navigation system, or in any wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. A key system performance parameter for network planning and covera...

Assessing repeatable accuracy potential of LoRa: a navigation approach

Abstract: Two main classes of radio navigation systems are satellite and ground-based systems. Examples of such systems are eLoran deployed as a terrestrial system, and BeiDou, Galileo, GPS and Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) deployed as satellite Navigation Systems. These systems have been investigated in different navigation use-cases using a hybrid receiver capable of receiving any navigation signal. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate LoRa’s capability as a signal of opportun...

Improving energy detection in cognitive radio systems using machine learning

Abstract: Research has shown that a huge portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is underutilized. Over the years, cognitive radio has been demonstrated as an efficient dynamic spectrum management technique. Energy detection is one of the widely used spectrum sensing techniques. However, its performance is limited by factors such as multipath fading and shadowing, which makes it prone to errors, particularly in low signal-to-noise ratio conditions. Yet, it still has a low computational cost,...

Systematic literature survey: applications of LoRa communications

Abstract: LoRa is a communication scheme that is part of the low power wide area network (LPWAN) technology using ISM bands. It has seen extensive documentation and use in research and industry due to its long coverage ranges of up-to 20 km or more with less than 14 dB transmit power. Moreover, some applications report theoretical battery lives of up to 10 years for field deployed modules utilising the scheme in wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. Additionally, the scheme is very r...

Network capacity enhancement in HetNets using incentivized offloading mechanism

Abstract: This paper investigates distributed algorithms for joint power allocation and user association in heterogeneous networks. We propose auction-based algorithms for offloading macrocell users (MUs) from the macrocell base station to privately owned small-cell access points (SCAs). We first propose a simultaneous multiple-round ascending auction (SMRA) for allocating MUs to SCAs. Taking into account the overheads incurred by SCAs during valuation in the SMRA, further improvements are p...

Design and Implementation of Android Base Automatic Phase Selector and Overload Protector Using Gsm

ABSTRACT The project is designed to automatically supply continuous power to a load through one of the three sources of supply that are: solar, mains and generator or to combine the sources to supply the load all together at the same time. The three socket outlets represent the three sources. The sockets outlets are connected to three step down transformers which reduce the input 230V or 240V to 12Vac. These 12Vac are rectified and regulated to 5Vdc which act as an input to the microcontrolle...

Design & Implementation of Spy Robot System (Case Study: Army Barracks)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................iiDEDICATION................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................

Design & Implementation of an Automatic School Dormitory Safety Monitoring and Evacuating System Using Atmega328p.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................................................................................................iDEDICATION.......................................................................................................................................iiACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................................................iiiAPPROVAL................................................

Popular Papers/Topics

Fading issues in wireless communication systems: a case study of airtel tanzania limited, the design of an electronic voting machine with a gsm module, performance analysis of mitigation techniques for electromagnetic interference between fm band broadcasting services and aeronautical communication systems, radar targets detection under complex environment, investigating the impact of ftm and idm-immobility models on the performance of voice codecs in vanet, handover algorithm for machine type communication in lte network, gsm based transformer protection monitoring and control, design of an fm bugger circiut, performance evaluation of coding techniques in power-line communication channel, quality of service measurement and evaluation in telecommunications: a case study of africom (private) limited, the effects of security mechanisms on voip communication quality of service, design and construction of an automatic bird and animal repellant scarecrow, automated fish feeder using internet of things (iot), micro-controller based access control lock using fingerprint biometrics and passcode authentication, web based home automation system using arduino.

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Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering

Program description.

The Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering program prepares students to take on leadership roles in a wide variety of industries and to tackle challenges in research, development and design that require complex and innovative problem-solving. Designed by world-class faculty, the Telecommunications Engineering curriculum teaches students advanced concepts related to software and hardware telecommunications, network theory and established and emerging technologies.

The program offers courses and research are offered in a variety of telecommunications engineering subfields, including:

  • Fault-tolerant computing
  • Digital signal processing and digital communications
  • Modulation and coding
  • Electromagnetic-wave propagation
  • Fiber and integrated optics and lasers
  • Wireless communications, mobile IP and wireless multimedia
  • DWDM networks
  • QoS assurance protocols
  • Network design and optimization
  • Telecommunications software
  • Systems performance
  • Ad-hoc and PCS wireless networks
  • Network security and high-speed protocols
  • World-Class Faculty : The program is led by faculty of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science who are widely cited experts in their respective fields, many of whom also have professional industry experience.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum : Courses in the Telecommunications Engineering master’s program will introduce students to new ideas, technologies, and competencies while also teaching them the skills they’ll need to thrive in competitive, ever-changing industries.
  • Specialized Subfields : Students have the opportunity to study numerous subfields based on their particular interests and career aspirations.
  • Facilities and Infrastructure : UT Dallas maintains a large network of computer facilities, including faculty laboratories and specialized computers for research within the Telecommunications Engineering program.
  • Convenience : With both daytime and evening classes, the program provides flexible coursework options for everyone, including students employed on a full-time basis.
  • Location : Situated in the greater Dallas region—recently rated by Forbes magazine as the #1 “Best City for Jobs”—UT Dallas provides students with easy access to employers and internship opportunities, not to mention a large and supportive alumni population.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Telecommunications Engineering master’s program have gone on to pursue careers with local, national and international employers. Some of the most popular professional positions include:

  • Telecommunications software engineering
  • Software test engineering
  • Telecommunications network engineering

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Deadlines and Requirements

Please take note of all application deadlines and visit the Apply Now webpage to begin the application process. See the Telecommunications Engineering degree program webpage for additional information.

Applicants to the Telecommunications Engineering master’s degree program should have:

  • An undergraduate preparation equivalent to a baccalaureate in telecommunications or electrical engineering from an accredited engineering program. Students from other engineering disciplines or from other science and math areas may be considered for admission to the program on a case-by-case basis; however, some additional coursework may be necessary before starting the master’s program.
  • A grade point average (GPA) in upper-division quantitative coursework of 3.0 or better on a 4.0-point scale.
  • GRE Test Scores: GRE revised scores of 154 (verbal), 156 (quantitative), and 4 (analytical writing components) are advisable based on the program’s student success outcomes.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must submit three letters of recommendation from individuals able to judge the candidate’s potential for success in the master’s degree program.
  • Admissions Essay: Applicants must submit an essay outlining the candidate’s background, education, and professional goals.
  • International applicants must submit a TOEFL score of at least 80 on the internet-based test. Scores must be less than two years old. See the Graduate Catalog for additional information regarding English proficiency requirements for international applicants.

Contact Information

Dr. Kamran Kiasaleh ECE Graduate Program Head Email: [email protected] Phone: 972-883-2990 Office: ECSN 2.716B

Graduate Program Information Email: [email protected] Phone: 972-883-2139 Office: ECSN 2.7 Suite


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Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Electronics and telecommunication engineering phd project help, explore the prominent research areas for phd in electronics and telecommunication engineering with us.

Discover the fascinating world of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering research. Dive into the design and regulation of telecommunication equipment installations, exploring areas such as digital electronics, electronic circuits, and computer communication networks. Join our esteemed researchers in pushing the boundaries of connectivity, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to shape the future of this dynamic field. Explore innovative ideas and contribute to advancements in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering PhD Project Help

Popular Research Domains in EXTC PhD Research

opular Research Domains in EXTC PhD Research| Multi-user MIMO Communication

Multi-user MIMO Communication

Wireless communication system achieved an impactful breakthrough with the evolution of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems. Various wireless standards like 802.11n and 802.16e are being integrated with MIMO systems and have resulted in a huge leap with their reasonable rates. Multi-user MIMO has recently achieved more interest among research as it can address various communication requirements.


Improving Energy Efficiency of Internet Routers

Telecommunication deals with transmission of any information which could be a signal, data, document, etc. through any communication medium. Telecommunications has improved over a period and has become a major developing field in communication. However, the energy consumption of telecommunication networks are, and hence researches are being done over the past decade for both, sustainability and cost reasons.


Body-Area Networks for Healthcare Monitoring

Recently, for real-time information gathering in medical fields, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are utilized, which operates based on various sensor information. WBAN based healthcare applications are in its early stage but have valuable contributions to medical diagnosis with regular monitoring. The scope of research in healthcare monitoring using WBAN has raised widely over the years.


Reliable communication in vehicular Ad Hoc networks

Explore captivating PhD research topics in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering focused on the Internet of Vehicles (IoVs). Dive into the realm of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) connected within the IoVs, aiming to enhance transport safety, reduce congestion, and mitigate environmental impact. Investigate topics such as real-time data exchange, accident prediction, and proactive measures for disaster prevention. Contribute to the development of cutting-edge solutions that revolutionize transportation, making roads safer and more efficient.

Looking out for an unsurpassed aid with your research works?

The scope of extc.

  • Delve into the vast scope of telecommunication focusing on efficient monitoring applications, reconfigurable communication media, and integration of various technologies with our latest PhD research topics in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • Telecommunication is the core of any long distance application and advancement, which is a broad open scope in this field.
  • The field of telecommunication is an integration of various technologies like networking, signal processing, etc., dealing with a lot of applications.
  • Reconfigurable communication media remains in the early stage where the scope of research is high.
  • Efficient monitoring application for various fields is part of telecommunication which remains to be a significant invention, providing a considerable scope of research.

Either you have a technical research paper or a review paper written in the field of EXTC, our team will help you publish it and reach it to scholars around the world.

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To support long-distance communication , telecommunication technology was designed and practically applied through electromagnetic waves / electric signals . At the beginning of telecommunication technologies, it utilizes signal flags, smoke signals, visual signals, semaphore telegraphs, etc. In particular, it utilizes microwaves, radio waves, the internet, telephone medium, a communication satellite, fiber optics, etc. for electromagnetic and electrical telecommunication technologies . 

This page is exactly intended to give you up-to-the-minute telecommunication thesis topics along with interesting research areas!!!

Important Components of Telecommunication

In general, the fundamental telecommunication model is made up of the following three significant components . In addition to these components, other entities may include improving the efficiency of the system which majorly depends on project needs. 

  • Transmitter  – It collects the data and transforms it into analog / digital signals based on the requirement
  • Transmission medium  – It transmits the data/signal to the physical channel or wireless channel
  • Receiver  – It is the reversible process of the transmitter. It collects the signal from the transmission medium and transforms it back to the original data

If the telecommunication system uses a single dedicated channel among transmitter and receiver for data transmission then it is called point-to-point communication . Similarly, if the telecommunication system establishes communication channels among one transmitter and more low-powered receivers for radio communication, then it is called broadcast communication . 

Further, if the telecommunications system uses a physical channel for more number transmitters and receivers for data sharing then it is called a multiplex system . Here, the multiplex signals are moved at nodes for the appropriate receiver (destination). Moreover, it has the main advantage of high-cost reduction for deployment . Below, we have given you the primary layers incorporated in telecommunication systems.

Layers for Telecommunication

  • For instance: User premises equipment, transmit devices, switches, etc.
  • For instance: Circuit-switched network
  • For instance: 0800 services, voice, fax, etc.

To the continuation of layers, now we can see the primary techniques involved in developing telecommunication models . These techniques are globally popular in telecommunication systems. Further, we also support you to develop your techniques (algorithm / pseudo-code for telecommunication thesis topics) to untie the complex knots in code development .

Major Techniques for Telecommunication

  • Phase Shift Keying
  • Frequency Shift Keying
  • Amplitude Shift Keying
  • Frequency Modulation
  • Phase Modulation
  • Amplitude Modulation

In recent days, the revolution of the telecom industry is incredible ranges from plain voice messaging to sophisticated multimedia service regardless of complexity. Nowadays, nearly 5+ billion people are using smartphones. In order to meet the expectation of high storage, high bandwidth, low cost of processing powe r, etc. it enforces to create advanced technologies. Below, we have given you some latest research trends in telecommunication . 

Research Trends in Telecommunication

  • Telco Mobility (For instance: smart apps, smart phones, etc.)
  • Convergence (For instance: Triple Play, VoIP, Quad Play, etc.)
  • Terminal-User Mobility (For instance: location-based services)
  • Social Networking (For instance: social media websites, etc.)
  • Free Space Optics and Signals (For instance: fading channels)
  • 5G enabled Cloud Services (For instances: KaaS, PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, etc.)
  • Machine-to-Machine communications (For instance: manufacturing, vehicular sectors, smart logistics, healthcare, etc.)
  • Trustable Drone Communication (For instance: disaster monitoring, goods delivery, etc.)
  • Enterprise Mobility (For instance: smart logistics, field based sales enforcement, etc.)
  • Li-Fi and Wi-Fi
  • Terahertz (THz) Communication
  • 5G beyond and 6G
  • Intelligent Small Antennas Design
  • Optical and Cognitive Radio Communication
  • Millimeter Wave (mmWave) technology
  • Enhanced Signal Detection and Modulation schemes

How to Choose Telecommunication Thesis Topics? 

So far, we have discussed the telecommunication basics, components, layers, techniques, and recent trends . Now, we can see how effectively we can select the thesis topics. Generally, master’s programs are next-level undergraduate programs. The main of the master’s program is to make your expertise and gain more skills in your interested area like telecommunication. Consequently, it teaches you more than your undergraduate subject knowledge.

In undergraduate project work, you can gain knowledge on basics and provide you different range of job opportunities. In master’s program, it makes you specialize in a particular field of study. So, it increases the job opportunities in your interested field. Also, it makes you create your own contribution to social development in the form of research . As are a result, it will create the add-on status of your professional profile. 

Similar to thesis selection, thesis submission is also very important in master’s programs. Since it helps to present your efforts and time on achieving a master’s degree. The telecommunication thesis topics you are choosing for your project will have significant importance in creating the best impression of your thesis in front of your job interviewer. Therefore, keep the following points in mind while selecting a good thesis topic on telecommunication for your master’s program .

Select a topic that is easy to complete fast

  • The master thesis is the test for your competency in your interested subject area
  • So, make sure that your handpicked topic is handpicked from your interested area
  • Also, validate the selected topic for freshness and uniqueness
  • Check the future scope of the topic for further study

Confirm the concept for topic

  • Analyze the recent issues and challenges in your interested area
  • Perform a detailed survey on the previous study related to the topic
  • Narrow down the topic after an in-depth examination
  • Finalize the concept for your topic (i.e., what you trying to focus on in research)

Develop the project with passion

  • Select appropriate research solution and development tool 
  • Fill with excitement to practically implement handpicked topic
  • Analyze the experimental results through different parameters
  • Prepare the master thesis in a structured format 

Hope now you are familiar with thesis topic selection till the thesis submission. Our resource team will help you in all these phases to complete your research on time. We have individual teams for research, development, and thesis . So, it will be more useful for you to avail yourself of the research services in one place like us to formulate telecommunication topics . Further, we have also included a few 5G enabling technologies for the best telecommunication thesis topics for your benefit.

  • Massive MIMO
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Mobile Cloud Computing
  • Green IoT-Communications
  • Network Ultra-Densification
  • Millimetre Wave (mmWave) 
  • Scalable Internet Of Things (IoT)
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • New Radio (NR) Access Techniques
  • Wireless Software-Defined Network (SDN)
  • Device-To-Device Communication with High Mobility

Research Telecommunication Projects

Due to the vast scientific advancements, wireless communication has become more popular among individual and business sectors. In specific, Cognitive Radio , UWB and 5G NS3 have gained more attention among the research community. Additionally, it also includes some technical challenges to developing or deploying real-world applications . And, some of the research-oriented problems are highlighted as follows,

  • Modeling of ZIF receivers at the high spectrum
  • Multiple Radio Frequency bands Co-existence
  • External of internal interference in communication
  • Inaccessibility of network components or data
  • Modeling of radio transmitter and receivers in extensive bands

Our research team has collected numerous research ideas for solving the above-specified issues . Further, we also like to share other forward-thinking technologies that currently we are working for our handhold research scholars. Beyond the below list of technologies, we have also gathered other innovative communication research ideas and telecommunication thesis topics . These ideas surely present you with the new dimension of telecommunication. 

What are the interesting topics in Telecommunication?

  • Enhanced Multiuser MIMO (M-MIMO) Communication Techniques
  • Adaptive Wireless Networking and Channel Coding
  • Efficient Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN)
  • Designing Energy-Aware Internet Routers for Efficient Transmission
  • Improved Network Modeling for Controlling Environmental Pollution
  • Remote Patient Health Monitoring in Wireless Body-Area Networks
  • Wireless Heterogeneous Communication in 5G-IoT Networks
  • Design of Aerial base station and Mission-aware path in UAV Systems
  • Accurate Visible light Positioning System
  • Employment of Machine Learning Algorithms in VLC-based Applications

Performance Metrics in Telecommunication

Now, we can see the evaluation of developed models for analyzing network performance and the quality of services . On the one hand, network performance is measured through different standardized networking/simulation parameters . For instance: broadcast latency, jitter (delay variation), bit error rate, computing time, etc. On the other hand, quality of service is nothing but excellence of service that user receives at destination point and also it checks whether the received quality is same with original produced quality. 

What is QoS in telecommunication?

As mentioned earlier, QOS plays a major role in measuring the whole service performance which the network users specifically receive. For instance: cloud-oriented services, network services, telephony, etc. 

At present, several technologies are widely along with telecommunications such as deep learning, artificial intelligence, machine learning, 6G networks, full-duplex communication, spectrum utilization, free-space optical communication , etc. All these technologies are essential to meet the required QoS. And, some of the performance metrics that have high possibilities to influence the QoS are given as follows, 

  • Network lifespan
  • Bit Error Rate
  • Energy Utilization
  • Energy-spectral efficiency
  • Fault Tolerance

On the whole, we provide you best research, code development, and thesis writing services for any sort of telecommunication thesis topics . Further, if you are interested to know more exciting research perspectives of telecommunication, we are ready to support you in all means of the latest research advancements. 


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The master’s degree under Option A requires a thesis. Option A is most appropriate for students who are preparing for careers in research and scholarly work or additional academic pursuits beyond the master’s degree. Under this option, a student must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours, consisting of 20 to 24 credit hours of regular course work, plus a thesis equivalent to 6 to 10 credit hours. At least one-half of the credit hours required for the degree, including thesis, must be in the major (at least 18 credit hours for the Master of Education degree). The remaining work may be in supporting courses and may comprise a minor consisting of at least 9 credit hours selected from and approved by the minor department. At least 8 credit hours, excluding thesis, must be earned in courses open exclusively to graduate students (900 level or 800 level without 400 or lower counterparts).

Option A is not available for the Master of Professional Accountancy degree.

Thesis Requirements . The subject of the thesis shall be chosen from the student’s field of major interest and must be approved by the departmental Graduate Committee. The thesis should reveal a capacity to carry on independent study or research and should demonstrate the student’s ability to use the techniques employed in their field of investigation. Research activities involving human subjects or live vertebrate animals may not be conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln unless the research activities have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate board or committee. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews projects involving human subject research and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews the use of animals in research. These reviews are in accordance with Federal regulations, state laws and institutional policies. Submission of protocols to conduct human subject or animal research is coordinated by the  Research Responsibility  offices. Approval must be secured prior to the initiation of the research.

The thesis must conform to the required style and format described in  Steps to Degree Completion . A copy of the thesis and abstract must be approved by the student’s major advisor and submitted for preliminary review to the Master’s Programs Coordinator in the Office of Graduate Studies at least two weeks (one week in the summer sessions) before the date of the candidate’s final oral examination. A candidate is not eligible for the oral examination until the thesis is completed and approved. After passing the final oral examination, the thesis must be electronically submitted to the Master’s Programs Coordinator for a final review prior to being uploaded to Digital Commons.

  • More master's information

The master’s degree under Option B does not require a thesis. Option B is most appropriate for students pursuing practice-based or professional careers in which the master’s degree provides suitable training. Under Option B, a student must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours. At least one-half of the credit hours required for the degree must be in the major. The remaining work may be in supporting courses and may comprise a minor consisting of at least 9 credit hours selected from and approved by the minor department. At least 15 credit hours must be earned in courses open exclusively to graduate students (900 level or 800 level without 400 or lower counterparts).

The Master of Professional Accountancy plan of study may not include a minor.

The Master of Education plan of study may not include a minor, but must include at least 6 credit hours of education courses outside the major.

Accelerated Master's Programs allow University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduate students to pursue this degree in an abbreviated timeline.

  • More Accelerated Master's information

Dual Degree programs allow students to be admitted to two degree programs simultaneously with approval of each Graduate Program Committee and the Dean(s) for Graduate Studies.

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The College of Engineering offers a Master of Science in telecommunications engineering.


This graduate program provides advanced education and research to develop a breadth of knowledge and depth of expertise in the engineering of telecommunication networks and systems.

This University of Nebraska-Lincoln program is housed in Omaha, Nebraska at the Peter Kiewit Institute of Information Science, Technology, and Engineering (PKI) which is approximately 50 minutes from the Lincoln campus. Students, however, may take some of the courses through the electrical engineering and computer science departments on the Lincoln campus.

The partnership with PKI provides graduate students with unique opportunities for both academic and career exploration. Specialized state-of-the-art laboratories and computer facilities are available including optical, wireless, and telecommunications laboratories; IBM supercomputer facilities; and high-speed connections to Internet2 and AccessGrid.

For admission to this program, a student must have a bachelor of science in computer engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, or a closely related field. Applicants with undergraduate degrees in other areas may be admitted to the master's degree program with the requirement of additional course work to eliminate the deficiencies.

Applying for Admission

Standard requirements for all graduate programs.

  • Application for Admission with $50 non-refundable application fee .

If International: Uploads must include all college- or university-level transcripts or mark sheets (records of courses and marks earned), with certificates, diplomas, and degrees plus certified English translations.

After admission: Official documents are required from all students who are admitted and enroll. Photocopies of certified records are not acceptable. International students enrolled in other U.S. institutions may have certified copies of all foreign records sent directly to the Office of Graduate Studies by their current school’s registrar office.

When sending TOEFL scores, our institution code is 6877 and a department code is not needed.

  • If applicant is not a US citizen and expects an F or J visa: financial information .
  • Applicants must also fulfill any additional requirements the department specifies at the time of application.

Program-Specific Admission Requirements

Additional requirements specific to this program.

  • GRE (optional)
  • Minimum English proficiency: Paper TOEFL 550, Internet TOEFL 79, IELTS 6.5
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal Statement: In 1-2 pages, this statement should describe why you chose this program, your research interests and/or previous research, your qualifications, and your career goals. If you've identified a faculty member with whom you would like to work, name them, describe how your interests align with their work, and indicate whether you've been in contact with them.

Admission Application Deadlines

For full financial consideration, students must apply by January 15 for Fall and  September 15 for Spring.

Telecommunications Engineering

Campus Address

Peter Kiewit Institute 1110 S 67th St Omaha NE 68182-0572

Graduate Chair

Hamid Sharif-Kashani

Support Staff

Teresa Ryans

The University of Nebraska does not discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment.

UNL Graduate Chairs and staff please complete the program update form to provide edits. Updates to graduate program pages are made on an annual basis in conjunction with the Graduate Application for Admission.


PhD Research Topics in Telecommunication Engineering

Telecommunication engineering is denoted as the discipline that originated through the exchange of data over channels using wired and wireless means . It provides electrical engineering components such as system engineering, and computer engineering for the designing and developing the telecommunication systems. We have assisted numerous research scholars in designing phd research topics in telecommunication engineering.

Introduction to Telecommunication Engineering

Telecommunication’s main objective is surrounding remote communication and the telecom technique is deployed for the transmission of a message from one location to another location. The additional features of telecommunication are bidirectional and include some primary processes in the network based on telecommunication and they are enlisted in the following.

  • It depicts the process of message regulation
  • It is functioning during the data transmission process and it includes both audio and data in the telephone network
  • It is used to regulate the functions and activities in the network
  • It is deployed to offer the required control process during the conversion process
  • It is used to send and receive data and it includes some cables and wireless radio frequencies
  • It is also called the terminals and it offers the starting and ending point of the communication. In addition, computers and peripheral devices and computers are included in the computer network

Uses of Telecommunication Engineering

  • Electromagnetic systems (technology)
  • Optical media
  • Radio electricity
  • Sounds (conversation) through wire
  • Whether written
  • Reception of signals
  • Types of transmission

Our experts are equipped with sufficient sound knowledge to guide every step of your research study . Further, if you need the best PhD research topics in telecommunication engineering and the complete PhD research work and then contact our research and development team. Now it’s time to discuss the important research areas in telecommunication engineering.

Recent PhD Research Topics in Telecommunication Engineering

Research Areas in Telecommunication Engineering

  • Next-generation networks
  • Remote sensing, measurement, and control
  • Optical networking
  • Voice and data networks
  • Fiber communications
  • Mobile communications
  • Computer communications and networking
  • Cutting-edge internet of things
  • Cloud-hosted VoIP
  • Telecommunication security
  • Satellite telecommunications
  • Telephony such as voice over internet protocol (VoIP)
  • Cable distribution

Communication Research Areas

  • Millimeter Wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) communications
  • ultra-reliable low latency communications (uRLLC)
  • For inter-vehicle comms and related applications
  • Machine learning for wireless communications
  • Spectrum agile communications
  • Space-timeme processing
  • Massive MIMO
  • Use network coding rather than routing
  • Regarded as the latest revolutionary technique for tough channels (RF and underwater)
  • Fundamental limits
  • Error control coding

The following is about the research algorithms which are essential to implement the research projects based on telecommunication engineering along with its notable specifications.

Algorithms in Telecommunication Engineering

  • It is used as the signals for the manipulation process with the receiver and transmitter from the antenna arrays and it is enhanced through the base stations in the applications
  • It is about the reversal process of distortion which is gained through the signal transmission using the channels. The equalizers are deployed with the render frequency
  • Orthogonal time frequency space is abbreviated as OTFS and it provides several benefits in the high-frequency dispersion it includes the larger Doppler spreads, telecommunications, higher phase noise, and mm-wave systems
  • Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is abbreviated as OFDM and it includes various digital transmission processes for multiple carrier frequencies while data encoding

For your reference, our research experts in telecommunication engineering have enlisted the recent research trends that are used to select the PhD research topics in telecommunication engineering.

Current Trends in Telecommunication Engineering

  • Massive M2M communication
  • Ultra-reliable low latency communication
  • Underwater and unmanned area communication
  • Low exposure network planning
  • Small cells and movable base stations
  • Novel communication architectures
  • Massive 5 G-based Hetnets
  • 5G and mmWave communication for vehicular network
  • Licensed assisted access for hybrid spectrum access
  • Resource management for cellular communication
  • Wireless multicasting and broadcasting
  • Smart grid and power line
  • SDN/NFV-based 5G architecture
  • Wireless and mobile IP-based communication
  • Cognitive and green radio communication
  • NFV for future communication

For your information, in the following, we have listed some important research applications that are based on real-time processes. In this statement, there are lots of functions of the applications highlighted and each one is specialized in some aspects and has its unique features.

Application Telecommunication Engineering

  • Develop better products
  • Recognize leads
  • Examine customer data
  • Mobile payments
  • Video streaming
  • High-speeded internet

In general, the research topics in a telecommunication system is programmed and configured through the utilization of wireless channels and it includes various types of communication process such as.

  • It includes the existing parameters in the network and the wireless node
  • It is deployed to detect the channels that are based on the radio frequency spectrum

Hereby, we have delivered the innovative PhD research topics in telecommunication engineering for your reference. In addition, we provide complete research assistance for the research scholars in their research area.

  • Mm-Waveve communication
  • Space air-ground integrated networks
  • Machine learning with wireless communication
  • NFV and SDN-based research (network slicing)
  • Wireless communication
  • Machine-to-machine communication
  • Optical networks and systems
  • Internet of things
  • Green communication systems
  • Cognitive radio and network symposium
  • Ad hoc and sensor networks symposium

In addition, our research developers have given some important data about the research techniques used in the research implementation with the list of characteristics in telecommunication engineering . The types of telecommunication engineering have a notable phase in the process of research methodologies in the research. Thus, we have enlisted the types in following.

Types of Telecommunication

  • Bluetooth technology
  • Terrestrial microwave communication
  • Satellite microwave communication
  • Broadcast radio
  • Satellite communication

Below, our research professionals have highlighted the contemporary research projects list based on telecommunication engineering .

Research Projects in Telecommunication

  • Reliable communication in vehicular ad hoc networks
  • Improving the energy efficiency of internet routers
  • Body area network for healthcare monitoring
  • Multi-user MIMO communication

For your reference, our research professionals have listed some innovative research tools in the following that are based on the implementation process of telecommunication engineering.

Simulation Tools in Telecommunication

  • CORE Simulator
  • LTE System Toolbox also in Matlab
  • OMNeT++ (SimuLTE, OMNeT++ v*, INET Framework v*)
  • OPNET (OPNET Modeler)
  • NS3 (LENA-LTE-EPC Network Simulator)

Our technical experts are ready with massive resources and all the practical descriptions that you needed to understand the standards, tools, techniques, and algorithms based on telecommunication engineering . In the following, we have enlisted the questions that are repeatedly asked by the research scholars along with the appropriate answer.

People Asked Questions

What are the basic telecommunications networks.

  • It is functional through the transport control protocol and packet network routing
  • It is the collection of resource transformation offered through the network nodes
  • It is used to transmit and receive the electromagnetic waves
  • It is based on the telecommunication network that is used to connect the telephones

How to simulate optical communication using NS3?

  • It is based on NS3 and YANS WiFi model
  • Simulation of 802.11 is functioning through RoF systems
  • It is used as the distributed antenna systems RoF modeling, optical module computing delays and attenuations through the radio signal transmission
  • PWNS is used for the integration of optical network component models
  • It is the protocol-independent model and is used in the WiFi transmission process
  • It is used to enhance the simulation model of XG-PON and is also called 10G-PON
  • Control plane
  • Core network devices
  • Edge network devices
  • Physical interfaces

What are the recent interesting topics in telecommunication systems?

  • 3G 4G and 5G
  • Internet of things systems
  • It is a supporting technology for 6G systems
  • Fiber optic communication

What are the topics in telecommunications engineering?

  • Intelligent reflecting surfaces based communications
  • Software defined radio based communications
  • Quantum communications
  • Reliable communications for vehicular networks
  • Body area networks for healthcare monitoring
  • Networks for environmental pollution monitoring
  • Cognitive radio networks
  • Cooperative wireless communications and network coding
  • Multiuser MIMO communications

How to implement MIMO using Matlab?

The MIMO techniques are used to send and receive the data signals in massive quantities and at the same time, similar radio channels are exploited with the multipath propagation along with the potential gains of the channel over various antennas, transmitters, and receivers in the communication system. It includes the process such as

  • LTE advanced

In addition, the toolboxes that are used in the communications system are highlighted in the following.

  • Spherical decoding
  • Orthogonal space-time block coding technique (OSTBC)
  • MIMO fading channels

The research scholars can find enormous resources from all the working systems based on telecommunication engineering through this article. Our research experts are well knowledgeable in guiding the research scholars to develop the research project. You can choose any of the PhD research topics in telecommunication engineering to develop several innovations and you can step forward with your research ideas in telecommunication engineering and we provide complete guidance for the research work.

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Microelectromechanical MEMS sensors and resonators

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Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are a technology that combines mechanical and electrical components at the microscale, typically ranging from 1 to 100 micrometers. MEMS sensors and resonators have emerged as indispensable components across various applications, ranging from telecommunication to sensing systems and beyond. Their miniature size, low power consumption, and high sensitivity make them ideal candidates for a wide array of applications, revolutionizing industries and enabling novel technological solutions. The future of MEMS technology holds promise with ongoing research in areas like advanced manufacturing technologies, functional materials, and integration with emerging fields such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and biomedical devices. As MEMS technology continues to evolve, it will enable even more innovative applications and further miniaturization in the field of sensing and telecommunication. In this Research Topic, we seek to explore the diverse landscape of MEMS sensors and resonators, covering topics such as design methodologies, fabrication techniques, characterization methods, integration strategies, and real-world applications. We invite contributions that encompass both theoretical advancements and practical implementations, with a particular emphasis on addressing current challenges and charting the future directions of MEMS technology. We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Research Topic of the journal “Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering” focusing on the latest advancements in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) sensors and resonators. This Research Topic aims to provide a comprehensive platform for researchers, engineers and practitioners to disseminate their innovative findings and insights in this rapidly evolving field. We cordially welcome members of the international scientific community to contribute their original research, review articles, and perspectives to this article collection. We encourage submissions that present cutting-edge research findings, innovative methodologies, interdisciplinary collaborations, and insightful perspectives on the advancements and challenges in MEM sensors and resonators. Guest editors are committed for ensuring the highest standards of quality and rigor in the review process. All submissions will undergo thorough peer review by experts in the field, ensuring that only the most significant and impactful contributions are selected for publication. The scope of this Research Topic includes but is not limited to: -Piezoelectric sensors and resonators -3D printed MEMS -Functional materials for MEMS devices (Piezoelectric, dielectric, polymers …..) -New sensing concepts, mechanisms and detection principles -Novel methods and designs for high quality, low loss and high frequency MEMS resonators -Microfabrication technologies for sensors and resonators -Theoretical and numerical analysis for MEMS sensors and resonators -Wave propagation and phenomena at micrometric scale -Biosensors and bioelectronics -Photonic and phononic devices -MEMS for Microfluidics

Keywords : Microelectromechanical systems technology, Acoustic sensors and resonators, optoelectronic devices, Acoustic filters, photonic and phononic devices, microfluidics, Piezoelectric materials, 3D printed MEMS, Sensors for harsh environment

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Diagnostic evaluation of the contribution of complementary training subjects in the self-perception of competencies in ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability in engineering students.

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2. theoretical framework, 3. review of related research, 4. materials and methods, 4.1. study population, 4.2. instrument, 4.3. data analysis technique, 5.1. descriptive statistics, 5.2. analysis of competencies in ers vs. courses taken, 5.3. relationship of ers competencies with sociodemographic variables, 6. discussion, 7. conclusions, 8. future work, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Sociodemographic VariablesFirst SemesterLast SemestersTotal
Age15–25 years20983.98650.929570.6
26–35 years3313.36437.99723.2
36 years and above72.81911.3266.2
Experts Total
Higher education levelMaster’s degree1361.9
Doctor’s degree838.1
Age26–35 years14.8
36–45 years628.6
46–55 years838.1
56 years and above628.6
Experience in education1–5 years14.8
5–10 years314.3
Over 10 years1781.0
Experience in the productive sector Yes1466.7
Years in the productive sector1–5 years14.8
5–10 years14.8
Over 10 years1257.1
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s AlphaCronbach’s Alpha Based on Standardized ItemsN of Elements
[ ]
AwarenessI am aware that I am in the world to contribute responsibly to its transformationR1
I understand that being part of this world entails a responsibility towards the members of a group or organization for the benefit of societyR2
CommitmentI am familiar with and care about local issues and their connection to national and global factorsR3
CitizenshipAs a student, I feel that I have the skills to contribute to social, political, and economic changes in my communityR4
As a student, I would like to contribute to public policies that improve the quality of life for (ethnic, racial, sexual) minority groups and other vulnerable groups (children, women…)R5
Social justiceI believe that my educational process provides me with the necessary tools to follow up on public or private programs and initiatives aimed at social transformationR6
I believe that, through my profession, I can contribute to reducing poverty and inequality in my countryR7
[ ]
ResponsibilityIn my daily actions, it is important to fulfill my commitments on timeE1
In my daily actions, I am willing to take responsibility for any mistakesE2
Act with moral principles and professional valuesI am willing to spend time updating my knowledge about my careerE3
There are ethical decisions that are so important in my career that I cannot leave them to the sole discretion of othersE4
In my daily actions, maintaining confidentiality is crucialE5
Doing the right things in my daily life brings me inner peaceE6
I communicate my values through my daily actionsE7
Professional and personal ethicsTo avoid mistakes in my profession, I must be aware of the limits of my knowledge and skillsE8
Working with passion is part of my personal fulfillmentE9
Ethical aspects are crucial to my career and future professionE10
I must assess the consequences before making important decisionsE11
It is good to aspire but not have excessive ambitionE12
To perform well in my career, developing technical skills alone is not enoughE13
HonestyTo be a good professional, I cannot ignore the problems of the society I live inE14
I take the risk of making mistakes to improve my career performanceE15
[ ] (S1, S6, S7, S8)
[ ] (S2 to S5)
SystemicI analyze individually or in groups situations related to sustainability and their impact on society, the environment, and the economy, both locally and globallyS1
Discipline and regulationsI am aware of the importance of sustainability in society. I learn and then I impact my communityS6
AnticipatoryI use resources sustainably in the prevention of negative impacts on the environment and social and economic systemsS7
I anticipate and understand the impact of environmental changes on social and economic systemsS3
StrategicI am aware of the potential of the human and natural resources in my environment for sustainable developmentS8
I actively participate in groups or communities committed to sustainabilityS2
Action competence for interventionsI am coherent in my actions, respecting and appreciating (biological, social, cultural) diversity and committing myself to improving sustainabilityS4
I create and provide critical and creative solutions to technology and engineering issues, always considering sustainabilityS5
CompetenciesSocial ResponsibilityEthicsSustainability
Social responsibility1
Ethics0.566 **1
Sustainability0.719 **0.484 **1
ModeFirst semester212
Last semesters212
GroupSocial ResponsibilityEthicsSustainability
First semester4.028 (0.656)4.496 (0.453)3.798 (0.689)
Last semester4.101 (0.589)4.577 (0.447)3.921 (0.646)
Levene Testt-Test for Equality of Means
Standard Error Differences95% Difference
Confidence Interval
Social responsibility0.9190.338−1.1674160.244−0.073320.06281−0.196790.05014
Statistical TestsSocial ResponsibilityEthicsSustainability
Mann–Whitney U test20,073.50018,501.00019,304.500
Wilcoxon W test51,198.50049,626.00050,429.500
Z test−0.800−2.101−1.435
Bilateral asymptotic sig.0.4240.0360.151
Social responsibility0.4380.64611.0520.0001.7050.165
Social Responsibility
15–25 years2953.9603
26–35 years974.2180
36 years and above264.53574.5357
Sig. 0.0910.221
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Share and Cite

Yepes, S.M.; Montes, W.F.; Herrera, A. Diagnostic Evaluation of the Contribution of Complementary Training Subjects in the Self-Perception of Competencies in Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Engineering Students. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167069

Yepes SM, Montes WF, Herrera A. Diagnostic Evaluation of the Contribution of Complementary Training Subjects in the Self-Perception of Competencies in Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Engineering Students. Sustainability . 2024; 16(16):7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167069

Yepes, Sara María, Willer Ferney Montes, and Andres Herrera. 2024. "Diagnostic Evaluation of the Contribution of Complementary Training Subjects in the Self-Perception of Competencies in Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Engineering Students" Sustainability 16, no. 16: 7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167069

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NSF invites public participation in identifying evolving topics in STEM workforce development

NSF EDU invites your input regarding important research questions that explore frontier topics in education and workforce development for the industries of tomorrow, including the use of emerging technologies in the workplace. Participants will be encouraged to share insights from the field, new approaches to evolving questions, and to connect with others exploring similar topics. The conversations are not intended as a basis for recommendations to NSF, but to think aloud with NSF about the changing nature of STEM workforce development research.

The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program supports projects that explore ways for graduate students in research-based master’s and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers. The program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas, through a comprehensive traineeship model that is innovative, evidence-based, and aligned with changing workforce and research needs.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate education is poised to undergo major transformations. There are multiple drivers for such change including: (i) recent major national reports on the state of STEM graduate education; (ii) the accelerating pace of science and engineering discoveries and technological innovations, (iii) national STEM workforce and demographic trends; (iv) the growing globalization of science and engineering; and (v) the potential to align graduate education practices and models with an increasing understanding of how people learn. In addition, there is increasing recognition that addressing the grand challenges in science and engineering requires interdisciplinary and convergent approaches, as well as broader professional training that is not characteristic of most graduate programs.

These realities and the increasing calls for new approaches to STEM graduate education represent an extraordinary opportunity. Accordingly, the NRT program encourages researchers to test, develop, and implement innovative and effective STEM graduate education models, promote interdisciplinary and broad professional training of graduate students, broaden participation in the STEM workforce , and foster fundamental research advances in support of national priorities.

Learn more about registering for this event.


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