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53 2nd Grade Science Projects: Experiments, Model Building, And Explorations

December 14, 2023 //  by  Sean Kivi

Science can easily become your students’ favorite class with these exciting hands-on projects! These lessons are a surefire way to get your kids thinking like scientists as they grasp concepts related to the earth, chemistry, conservation, plant life, and more! Some of these experiments involve growing plants, while others have your pupils create tools to track weather patterns. The fun continues when you pull out the magnets, slime, and invisible ink! Get ready to shock your 2nd-grade learners as they test their hypotheses on this long list of 53 science projects. Let the experimentation begin! 

1. The Amazing Growing Gummy Bear 

This fun science project doesn’t take long to set up, but your students will be able to observe the process of osmosis over 48 hours as they watch their gummy bears expand! Start by asking them to formulate a hypothesis about how the gummy bears will change over time before placing them in water. Then, get them to record their findings as they remove them from the glasses and measure their size every 12 hours. 

Learn More: Love To Know

2. Make a Model Steam Engine

second grade science experiment ideas

Here’s a great earth science project that will help your students come to an understanding of how temperature works! All they’ll need to do is design a model steam engine using a few materials like bamboo sticks, plastic bottles, straws, and balloons. Their new engines can also serve to teach them about the water cycle once complete and operable.

Learn More: Steam Sci Proj

3. Dig Up Bones

Get your little archaeologists ready to do some excavating! You’ll need a sandbox and some toy bones to bury. After you’ve set up, provide your students with brushes and shovels so that they can carefully up the bones. Once found, ask them to compare and record the differences in the bones; playing out the process of a real archaeological dig!

Learn More: BrightHub

4. Learn How Leaves Get Water

second grade science experiment ideas

Take your little learners outside to teach them how plants absorb nutrients and water through their roots! Task them with finding any tree or bush where they can secure a Ziploc bag around its leaves. Next, they’ll check the humidity in the bag each day; noticing how much water collects over time. This is a great example of plant adaptations and the perfect opportunity to teach the life cycle of various greens.

Learn More: Learn Play Imagine

5. Jumping Goop

second grade science experiment ideas

This lesson in static electricity is sure to surprise your kids! They’ll begin making slimy goop by mixing ¼ cup of cornstarch and ¼ cup of vegetable oil. Then, they’ll blow up a balloon and bring a spoonful of the slime close to the balloon. As a result, the goop will start to move toward the balloon; displaying friction in action!  

Learn More: Frugal Fun For Boys

6. Kool-aid Rock Candy

Candy meets chemistry in this awesome project idea! Your students will follow the instructions to prepare a sugar solution mixed with Kool-Aid that’ll grow on bamboo sticks placed in a glass jar. After 2 weeks, they’ll be ready to try their home-grown treats! 

Learn More: Growing A Jeweled Rose

7. Magnetic Field Sensory Bottle

second grade science experiment ideas

Invite your kiddos to bring the magnetic field to life! To do so, your students will need a plastic bottle with a child-proof cap, some special MICR magnetic ink, and water. They’ll also need to build a magnetic wand with a large straw, colored duct tape, and a strong magnet. Once designed, they’ll have hours of fun exploring magnetic fields as they draw the shards of ink together with their wand! 

Learn More: Left Brain Craft Brain

8. Learn How Water Moves Through Leaves

second grade science experiment ideas

This simple project will help your kids visualize a plant’s food process in action and learn how nutrients are transported via their roots- through the xylem tubes to the leaves. By collecting leaves and placing them in water with red food coloring, they’ll be able to observe how the veins of the leaves begin turning red after a few days!  Don’t forget to have them record their daily discoveries in a science journal.

Learn More: Buggy and Buddy

9. Make a Water Rocket

If you haven’t tried water rockets, it’s sure to be a class favorite! Your students can build them using a plastic bottle, a nose cone, and some fins. Once designed, your kiddos will have the perfect model to see aerodynamics at play! How does it work you ask? – A reaction is forced out of the vessels because of pressurized gas; sending the rockets hurtling toward the sky! 

Learn More: Science Sparks

10. Rock Classification

We suggest this project be completed as a classroom demonstration as you’ll need to purchase a rock testing kit. In this geological lesson, your class will conduct different tests on rocks to classify which type of rock it is; igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. To do so, they’ll need to look at the properties of the rock by analyzing elements such as texture, color, or hardness. 

Learn More: Pile Buck

11. Sprout House

second grade science experiment ideas

This awesome project combines engineering with science by having your students create a miniature house from sponges and seed pods. First, task them with cutting sponges and attaching them in the form of a house using toothpicks. Then, they can mix chia and alfalfa seeds in some water before spreading the gummy substance along the roof, while wheat berries can be used to make the perfect lawn to spread along the bottom sponge. After a few days in the right temperature, with the proper amount of moisture- those babies will be sprouting new life!

Learn More: The STEM Laboratory

12. Build a Solar Oven

second grade science experiment ideas

Take advantage of the heat by helping your kiddos build a solar oven to cook some s’mores and explore the effects of temperature! Your students will construct their ovens by placing black construction paper on the bottom of personalized pizza boxes, aluminum foil on the lids to reflect the sun, and some plastic wrap over the bottom of the box to trap the air. Once constructed, they’ll load their oven with s’mores and place it in the direct sun to watch their treats melt! 

Learn More: Solar Desert Chica

13. Egg-based Chalk

second grade science experiment ideas

Your kids will lose their minds when they discover that they can make chalk out of eggshells! To do just that, get them to grind up 10 dried eggshells into a fine powder. Next, they can mix 2 teaspoons of flour, a food dye of their choice, and enough hot water to make a thick paste. Finally, get them to place the mixture in a paper towel and roll it into a cylinder-shaped mold before leaving it to dry for a few days and then putting it to the test. 

Learn More: Kidspot 

14. Hotdog Mummification

second grade science experiment ideas

Definitely not an edible science experiment, but one to incorporate into your Egyptian unit is this hotdog mummification experiment! Your students will be able to conceptualize the process of ancient Egyptian mummification by covering a raw hotdog in baking soda and placing it in a sealed box for over a week. Once the time has gone by, get them to record how it has changed, before placing the same hotdog in fresh baking soda and letting it sit for another 7 days. They’ll be shocked to see how their hotdogs have been mummified!

Learn More: Science Buddies

15. Weathering Rocks

Mechanical and Chemical Weathering | <span class='ent _Rock'>Rock</span> <span class='ent _science'>science</span> ...

Breaking down rocks is an ocean science activity that will aid your students in learning about weathering rocks. Using a piece of chalk as a “rock”- they’ll swirl it around in a glass for 2 minutes and notice what has happened. Then, they’ll compare it to the chalk that’s been sitting in a 2nd glass of still water. 

Learn More: Science 4 Us

16. Create an Ecosystem

second grade science experiment ideas

Show your kids how to build terrariums that don’t require any additional watering for their bean plants to grow! This can be done with just a water bottle, soil, bean seeds, and water. Depending on how long you let this experiment run, you can use self-sustaining ecosystem plant seeds to teach about the plant life cycle , too.

Learn More: Carly and Adam

17. Rainbow Jar

second grade science experiment ideas

Different liquids have different weights, and you can demonstrate this fact to your students with rainbow jars! Looking through your pantry, gather liquids like olive oil, honey, dish soap, and a few others. The variety of colors will help portray the way that different molecules have different densities as the colors layer and settle in their jars.

Learn More: Playdough Plato

18. Polar Bear Blubber

second grade science experiment ideas

Does blubber help arctic animals stay warm in cold weather? Your students will be able to answer this question for themselves with this experiment! Fill up a tub of ice water and let your kids test how cold the water feels to their bare hands. Then, give them a protective latex glove and have them stick their hand in a jar of shortening (the blubber). To avoid a mess, they wrap their hands in plastic. Lastly, encourage them to dip their hand into the ice bucket and notice how the temperature has changed! 

Learn More: I Can Teach My Child

19. Fireworks in a Jar

Create a firework spectacle for your class by filling a glass jar with water, some food coloring, and oil! As the color droplets dissolve, they’ll sink and resemble a tiny firework display;  the perfect project for exploring the idea of density with the use of liquid.

20. Magnetic Slime

second grade science experiment ideas

Who doesn’t love slime? Your students will need to add iron to this mix, but they’ll be sure to enjoy learning about magnetic properties through slimy play thereafter.

21. Lemon Volcano

second grade science experiment ideas

An alternate take on a traditional project, here’s a lemon volcano to teach your kids about chemical reactions! Mixing baking soda and dish soap with citric acid from a lemon will create a small, frothy eruption that your kids won’t be able to take their eyes off of! 

Learn More: Babble Dabble Do

22. Homemade Playdough

second grade science experiment ideas

Here’s our favorite, long-lasting playdough recipe that your kids will be able to play with for months to come! This non-toxic dough can be made in under 5 minutes with just a few simple ingredients; educating your students about mixtures while they have fun!

Learn More: Living Well Mom

23. Fingerprint Patterns

second grade science experiment ideas

Who doesn’t want to be a detective for a day? Introduce your students to their unique fingerprint patterns by having them press their fingers into ink and onto a piece of white recording paper. Next, have them investigate the whirls, loops, and arches that make each one uniquely theirs. 

24. The Egg Density Project

second grade science experiment ideas

Let’s make eggs float—or sink! Challenge your students to discover the science of density by floating eggs in salt water and plain water. Extend the activity by discussing concepts like buoyancy and concentration with your students. They’ll be amazed at how a little salt can defy gravity!

Learn More: Gift of Curiosity

25. The DIY Lava Lamp Project

second grade science experiment ideas

Unveil the magic of chemistry and art with these mesmerizing lava lamps! Watch your students’ eyes sparkle as they learn about density and chemical reactions when they mix oil, water, food coloring, and Alka-Seltzer tablets in a jar! 

Learn More: Inspiration Laboratories

26. The Shadow Tracking Adventure

second grade science experiment ideas

Step outside with this real-time Earth science lesson about shadows! Using building blocks or other structures that can produce a unique shadow on a white background- your kids will study how the shadow changes throughout the day based on the sun’s movement. 

Learn More: Hands On As We Grow

27. A Race Against Heat

second grade science experiment ideas

Which substance makes ice melt the fastest? When other substances are mixed with water, it can affect an ice cube’s freezing and melting points. Your students will enjoy discovering this principle as they experiment with adding sand, salt, and sugar into different bowls of ice cubes. 

28. Nature’s Weather Forecasting Tool

Engage your students in predicting the weather with a natural forecaster! By hanging a pinecone outside with yarn, they can look at its physical properties to conclude how the weather will be that day. If the pinecone is open, it’s generally a telltale sign of a fair-weather day. On the other hand, if it’s going to rain- that pine cone will appear more closed! 

Learn More: YouTube

29. A Static Electricity Experiment

second grade science experiment ideas

Your class will be captivated by the marriage of science and art in this electrifying experiment. They’ll first create a tissue paper butterfly with the center of its body glued to cardboard. Then, they’ll hover a blown-up balloon over its loose wings and watch as static electricity takes effect!  

Learn More: I Heart Crafty Things

30. Timekeeping with the Sun

second grade science experiment ideas

Here’s a lesson in the ancient methods of timekeeping that’s sure to help you solidify an understanding of Earth’s rotation in your learners. Guide them in crafting their own sundials by puncturing a straight stick or straw into a white circle cutout that’s pasted to cardboard. Each time they go outside they’ll see how the shadow line moves around like a clock and changes position depending on the time of day!  

Learn More: PBS

31. Exploring Aerodynamics

second grade science experiment ideas

Ready, set, fly! Unleash your students’ creativity by having them design and race paper airplanes. Along with the fun, this simple paper project will help them dive into the intriguing physics of aerodynamics. 

Learn More: Science Friday

32. Exploring Buoyancy

Your kids will surely love this hands-on water play project that’ll help them explore the concept of buoyancy! Ask them to predict and test which objects will sink or float; allowing them to bring in some items from their homes to test their hypothesis!  

33. Invisible Ink Experiment

second grade science experiment ideas

Ready for some spy action? Have your students write secret messages using lemon juice on paper before letting it dry completely. Then, they’ll reveal the secrets when they apply the heat of a blow dryer to their sheets. 

Learn More: Seven Oaks

34. Surface Tension in Action

second grade science experiment ideas

Time to break some barriers—surface tension, to be exact! In this fascinating experiment, your students will test what happens to pepper in a bowl of water when a variety of other liquids are introduced into the same bowl. If there’s surface tension when they dip a toothpick with oil or dishwashing soap into the bowl- the water molecules will clump together because of the bonds in their hydrogen atoms. They’ll write their observations after testing 5 different liquids in fresh bowls of water and pepper; exploring the magical world of fluid dynamics.

Learn More: Scientific American

35. Finding Direction

We’ve chosen this DIY compass project to help your students grasp the magic of the Earth’s magnetic poles. This activity requires some water in a shallow bowl, a sewing needle attached to a piece of paper labeled with North and South, and a magnet! To experiment, they’ll rub a magnet onto the needle 20 times before placing it in the water and allowing it to align with the North and South poles. Have them check its accuracy with an actual compass!   

36. The Homemade Rain Gauge Project

second grade science experiment ideas

Your students can learn how to track rainfall with a DIY rain gauge. They’ll need to apply their knowledge of measurement to accurately write inches along the side of their upcycled plastic bottles. Once designed, they can be placed outside and your littles can report the amount of rainfall each day! 

Learn More: Steam Powered Family

37. Chromatography Butterflies

second grade science experiment ideas

Chromatography is the separation of chemicals from a mixture. Teach your 2nd graders how this works with this fun butterfly art project! They’ll begin by using dark, felt-tip pens to draw lines and dots at the base of cut-open coffee filters. Then, they’ll dip those into a shallow glass of water and watch as the color moves up the filter. Finally, they’ll use craft sticks, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners to form their colorful butterflies! 

Learn More: Small Science Club

38. Dancing Raisins Experiment

second grade science experiment ideas

Here’s another lesson on buoyancy, but this time your kids will delight as raisins dance in a carbonated drink! With this experiment, your students will learn that different liquids can have a changing effect on solids! 

Learn More: Simple Living Creative Learning

39. Visualizing Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation

second grade science experiment ideas

This self-contained ecosystem offers your students a microcosmic view of the Earth’s water cycle. Your kids will simply observe a miniature water cycle by collecting water in a plastic bag; gaining a hands-on understanding of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. 

Learn More: Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.

40. DIY Water Filter Project

second grade science experiment ideas

We love this fantastic project that’ll foster conversations about water conservation and environmental responsibility in your classrooms. In this DIY water filter project, your students will purify water through the top half of a plastic bottle that’s layered with coffee filters, sand, and 2 types of gravel. They’ll pour dirty water into the opening and let the clean water drip through to the 2nd bottle, or the base; providing a practical lesson on the process of filtration.  

Learn More: A Mom’s Tale

41. Food as Battery: Powering a Clock with a Lemon

second grade science experiment ideas

Tick-tock goes the lemon clock! Here, your students will power up a clock using 2 citrus fruits, copper wires, copper pennies, and nails. Guide them to follow the instructions and watch as they are amazed when their clock powers up!  

Learn More: Scout Life

42. Homemade Glue Project

second grade science experiment ideas

This project invites your students to make their own glue to delve into the chemistry of adhesion and cohesion. Simply mix corn syrup, vinegar, cornstarch, and water and your 2nd graders get ready to apply it to their next project! 

Learn More: One Little Project

43. Mold Exploration: Watching Fungi at Work

second grade science experiment ideas

This moldy experiment offers a biology lesson that your students can watch unfold day by day. Your students will simply observe bread mold over time; learning about the fascinating process of decay and fungi. 

44. Winter Wonders: Snowflake Catching and Study

second grade science experiment ideas

Let’s catch a frozen masterpiece! Weather permitting; your students will collect and study snowflakes to reveal the magical symmetry of ice crystals. Begin by letting dark pieces of construction paper sit in the freezer for 2 hours. When the snow begins to fall, have your kiddos catch a few snowflakes on their papers. Next, take them inside and get them to observe the shapes under a magnifying glass! 

Learn More: Lemon Lime Adventures

45. Solar Power in Action: Magnifying Glass Experiments

Your class will need adult supervision and a lesson on safety before playing with fire! Invite them to explore solar energy by using magnifying glasses to burn various objects, like candy and pickles. Your class can then choose which objects to burn and predict if it will actually do so under the sun’s rays! 

46. Smell Science: Olfactory Recognition with Scented Jars

Stimulate your students’ senses and observational skills with the use of their little noses! First,  cover a few glass jars so that your kids can’t see the contents inside. Then, place different items in each- like onions, bananas, oranges, and flowers. Finally, blindfold your kiddos and have them sniff each jar; guessing what’s inside each one as they move along from one to the next! 

Learn More: Things To Share And Remember

47. Bug Observation: Exploring Insect Life

second grade science experiment ideas

Bug lovers will enjoy this fun science project! Ask your students to build small environments for insects by making holes in a sealed container, and replicating the outside world. Once they’ve put sticks, leaves, and cotton balls soaked with water inside- they’ll be ready to start the bug hunt! Let them capture bugs with a net and place them in their new environments; studying their features and classifying them before releasing them back into the wild!  

Learn More: Home Science Tools Resource Center

48. Soap Clouds: Heating Up to Expand

second grade science experiment ideas

This experiment is sure to bubble up discussions on molecular motion and states of matter. Begin by placing a bar of Ivory soap in the microwave for 90 seconds. Your students can watch as the soap heats up and expands into a cloud-like formation. Let your little scientists then record the changes while it cools before digging their hands in!

Learn More: A Dab of Glue Will Do

49. Churning History: Making Butter in Class

second grade science experiment ideas

For this project, your pioneers will learn how to make butter! Begin by pouring some heavy cream into a container and tightly sealing it shut. Then, pass the container around your class and ask each of your students to shake, shake, shake! Finally, open it up and show your class the solid formation they’ve created. You can even spread the butter on crackers for your students to enjoy! 

Learn More: Play to Learn Preschool

50. Feather Study: Soaring into Bird Learning

second grade science experiment ideas

We chose this tactile venture because it plays with aerodynamics in a fun way! Provide your students with a variety of feathers and lengths of straws. They should then be tasked with sticking the quill into the straw and blowing until they take flight!

Learn More: Life Ov er C’s

51. Exploring Sound Waves with a Homemade Kazoo

second grade science experiment ideas

Let the classroom resound with homemade kazoos! Your students will build their own musical instruments by covering one side of an empty paper towel roll with wax paper and a rubber band. Then, they’ll poke a hole in the roll and get ready to explore sound waves by blowing into the open end of their kazoo! 

52. DIY Wind Vane for Weather Prediction

This functional craft turns your students into meteorologists; forecasting the weather like pros! First, provide them with the required materials and allow them to craft these awesome cardboard wind vanes! Once complete, gather your class outside and let them discover the concept of wind direction using their new tools. 

53. Static Electricity and Salt & Pepper Separation

second grade science experiment ideas

Shock your kids with this static electricity lesson! To start, they can simply combine 2 tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon of pepper on a dry plate. Then, they’ll take a comb and run it through their hair a few times before running it over the plate; watching what effect static electricity has on the spices!

Learn More: Cool Science Experiments HQ

All Science Fair Projects

1000 science fair projects with complete instructions.

67 Second Grade Science Experiments

67 Second Grade Science Experiments

We believe in the importance of early exposure to science. A hands-on activity or science experiment is the best way to introduce kids to science! We've handpicked a variety of second grade science experiments that will teach kids science and ignite their curiosity to the world around them.

Changing the Color of Flowers

2nd Grade Science Project FAQ

What are some easy 2nd grade science fair projects.

Each of these second grade science experiments are easy to do with household items. They make a lasting impression on kids, from the classic baking soda volcano to making Oobleck from the Dr. Seuss' book. An easy second grade science experiment is a great way to teach kids about chemical reactions and nature!

Changing the Color of Flowers

Rocket Film Canisters

Popping Popcorn

Make Your Own Fossil

Magic Milk Painting

Sparkling Rainbow Crystal

Making Oobleck: Liquid or Solid?

Baking Soda Volcano

Explosive Elephant Toothpaste

Growing Mold

Science fair project details right above the FAQ!

What is the best 2nd grade science project ever?

We love the Changing the Color of Flowers science fair project for 2nd graders! It's a fun project for 2nd graders to explore transpiration, the way water moves from a plant's stem to its flowers and leaves. Plus, you'll get to make any colored flower you choose!

If you're looking for more 2nd grade science experiments, check out the 2nd grade science fair projects at the top of this page! 

Check out more Best Science Fair Projects →

What are some cool 2nd grade science fair projects?

Get ready to be amazed by these super cool science projects for 2nd graders! With just a few simple things, you can be fascinated by science and have tons of fun with these cool 2nd grade science projects!

What are 5 testable questions for 2nd grade?

A testable question is a question that we can answer through a science experiment. To do this, we do a control science experiment, then we change one thing in the experiment to see how it affects what happens. This is how we can discover the answer to our question!

What makes a cloud form?

Can drink and food taste different just by changing its color?

Does the color of light affect photosynthesis?

Does temperature affect seed sprouting?

What makes popcorn pop?

Here are more testable questions along with their science projects →

What are the top 10 science projects for 2nd grade?

These are our top 10 science projects for 2nd grade, with projects from Biology, Chemistry and Earth Science. These projects can be used as science fair project ideas or as a fun experiment to explore different areas of science!

Watering Plants: Does it Make a Difference?

Powering Up with Potatoes

Sprout Success: Soil Temperature Experiment

Does Milk Help Plants Grow?

The Greenhouse Effect in a Jar

How Much Water is in an Orange?

Science project details right above the FAQ!

Can I do a 2nd grade science fair project in a day?

Yes! Quick experiments can be a great option for a science fair project! If you want to explore quick reactions, we have science project ideas on various topics to get you started.

Acid-base reactions: Mixing acids with bases quickly makes carbon dioxide gas!

Make a rocket fly sky high with just baking soda and vinegar! Rocket Film Canisters

Chromatography reactions: Separate out colors!

Did you know that some Skittles have a secret rainbow hiding inside them? Colors of Skittles Experiment

Heat reactions: Heat speeds things up!

Do you want to find out which color candle burns the fastest? Which Candle Burns the Fastest?

What are some hands-on ways to find inspiration for my science fair project?

second grade science experiment ideas

There may be free admission days or free passes to a science museum near you! Check your local library for free museum passes, nearby science museums for free entrance days and your credit card for offers.

Find a science museum near you and prepare to be awed by all that you can learn there! I always learn something new and am inspired whenever I go to a science museum!

How do I start a science fair project?

second grade science experiment ideas

What should I do after I have a science fair project idea?

second grade science experiment ideas

How do I make a science fair board?

second grade science experiment ideas

What is the scientific method?

second grade science experiment ideas

What is the engineering design process?

second grade science experiment ideas

Where can I find a science fair competition?

second grade science experiment ideas

The www Virtual Library: Science Fairs website also has a collection of science fairs from all over the world, as well as national, state, regional, local, and virtual competitions!

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second grade science experiment ideas

Are you looking for science activities to do with your 2nd graders? No sweat. We have you covered. Check out our list of 18 science projects and experiments that you can try with your 2 nd graders this month.

  • Hand-Eye Coordination and Age | All-Science-Fair-Projects.com – Grades 2-5, Use a stopwatch and ping-pong ball to find out how hand-eye coordination changes as children get older.
  • What Do Yeast Eat…and How Can You Tell? | Education.com – Grades 2-5, The objective of this project is to examine which foods yeast cells eat.
  • Can plants be nourished with juice, soda, or milk instead of water? | Education.com -Grades K-3, Learn whether plants can live and grow when ‘watered’ with juice, soda, or milk.
  • How Does Color Affect Eyesight? | Education.com – Grades 1-5, Find out which colors are easier and more challenging to read at a distance. This super simple project requires volunteers and color charts you can print from the web.
  • A Battery That Makes Cents | Sciencebuddies.org – Grades 1-2, Can you make a battery from 24 cents? Make a battery from a pile of coins and find out how different amounts of coins affect the amount of energy produced.
  • Sandwich Test: Wrap it Up | Easy-Science-Fair-Projects.net -Grades 1-2, Play with your food by testing how well different kinds of sandwich wraps keep bread fresh. Is the most expensive one the best? Or does the cheapest work just as well?
  • How Many Letters? | ScienceBuddies.org – Grades 1-4, How much memory does a computer use to “remember” a series of letters? Find out how much memory a computer uses to remember 1000 letters.
  • Jumping For Geodes: Can You Tell the Inside from the Outside? | ScienceBuddies.org Grades 1-4, Can you tell what’s inside a geode from looking at the outside? Learn more out these unique rocks and crack some open to discover the surprises inside.
  • How Water Beats Rock | Education.com – Grades 1-5, Discover how water is more potent than rocks.  Experiment with ways that water can break the stone.
  • Soil Type and Liquefaction | All-Science-Fair-Projects.com – Grades 1-5, Experiment with sand, clay, and loam and find out which type of soil dissolves most easily.
  • Effects of Temperature and Humidity on Static Charges | Education.com – Grades 1-5, Use balloons, a rubber ball, and a scarf to investigate why those socks stick together when you take them out of the dryer and how conditions in the air affect static electricity.
  • Ready, Set, Search! Race to the Right Answer | ScienceBuddies.org – Grades 2-5, Find out how Internet search engines work and how you can get different results depending on the type of information you request.
  • Paper Airplane Science | Easy-Science-Fair-Projects.net – Grades 2-5, Put your paper airplane making and flying skills to the test. Design and fly a variety of different planes and determine which design flies the farthest.
  • Mag-nificent Breakfast Cereal – Grades 2-5, Use a blender and a magnet to find out how much iron is in different kinds of breakfast cereal.
  • The Big Dig | Sciencebuddies.org – Grades 2-5, Find out which materials are biodegradable, and which ones are not. How can you use this information to help the environment?
  • Weather-Related Science Projects | Hubpages.com – Grades 2-5, Learn more about the weather and other aspects of meteorology by using instruments you build. Make a barometer, hygrometer, anemometer… even lightning!
  • Hero’s Engine and Newton’s Third Law | Education.com – Grades 2-5, Build an aeolipile(Hero’s Engine) to explore Isaac Newton’s Third Law – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Can you predict the movement of the Hero’s Engine?
  • Rocky Secrets: Where Does Oil Hide? | ScienceBuddies.org -Grades 2-5, Can you get petroleum oil from a stone? Find out which kinds of rocks can soak up and store the most fat. Learn how petroleum geologists and engineers use this information to find the best places to get oil from the earth.

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs explained.

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Matthew Lynch

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second grade science experiment ideas

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Second Grade Science Fair Projects

These experiments focus on natural phenomena

  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

Second-graders tend to be very curious. Applying that natural inquisitiveness to a science fair project can yield great results. Look for a natural phenomenon that interests the student and have him or her ask questions about it. Expect to help a second-grade student plan the project, and offer guidance with a report or poster. While it's always nice to apply the scientific method , it's usually OK for second-graders to make models or perform demonstrations that illustrate scientific concepts.

Key Takeaways

  • Second grade science projects are all about getting children to ask questions about the world around them.
  • Choose projects that use safe materials. Science projects involving food or nature work great.
  • Expect to guide second graders rather than have them come up with their own ideas.

Here are some ideas appropriate for second-graders:

These are experiments with things we eat:

  • What factors affect the rate at which foods spoil? You can test heat, light, and humidity.
  • Identify the characteristics that distinguish a fruit from a vegetable. Next, use these characteristics to group different produce items.
  • Test eggs for freshness using the float test . Does it always work?
  • Do all types of bread grow the same types of mold? How many different kinds of mold can you identify? Use a magnifying glass to examine moldy bread close-up, if available.
  • What is the best liquid for dissolving a gummy bear? Try water, vinegar, oil, and other common ingredients. Can you explain the results?
  • Do raw eggs and hard-boiled eggs spin the same length of time and number of times?
  • A mint makes your mouth feel cool . Use a thermometer to see if it actually changes the temperature. Similarly, spicy foods make your mouth feel hot. Do they change the temperature of your mouth?


These experiments focus on processes in the world around us:

  • Put a pair of old socks over your shoes and go for a walk in a field or a park. Remove the seeds that attach to the socks and try to figure out how they attach to animals and what the plants they come from might have in common.
  • Why doesn't the ocean freeze? Compare the effects of motion, temperature, and wind on freshwater compared with salt water.
  • Collect insects. What types of insects live in your environment? Can you identify them ?
  • Do cut flowers last longer if you put them in warm water or cold water? You can test how effectively flowers are drinking water by adding food coloring to it and using white flowers, such as carnations. Do flowers drink warm water faster, slower, or at the same rate as cold water?
  • Can you tell from today's clouds what tomorrow's weather will be? What are some other weather indicators? Are they as reliable as the weather forecast?
  • Collect a few ants. What foods most attract ants? Least attract them? You can see whether flowers, herbs, and kitchen spices attract or repel ants, too.

These experiments are about how things work around the house:

  • Do clothes take the same length of time to dry if you add a dryer sheet or fabric softener to the load?
  • Do frozen candles burn at the same rate as candles that were stored at room temperature ?
  • Are waterproof mascaras really waterproof? Put some mascara on a sheet of paper and rinse it with water. What happens? Do eight-hour lipsticks really keep their color that long?
  • What type of liquid will rust a nail the quickest? You could try water, orange juice, milk, vinegar, peroxide, and other common household liquids.
  • What cleans coins the best? Compare water, juice, vinegar, or even a cooking ingredient like salsa. Does simply rubbing a dirty coin with a clean cloth work as well as the products you tried?


Here are experiments in various categories:

  • Do all students take the same size steps (have the same stride)? Measure feet and strides and see if there seems to be a connection.
  • Do most students have the same favorite color?
  • Take a group of objects and classify them . Explain how the categories were selected.
  • Do all students in the class have the same size hands and feet as each other? Trace outlines of hands and feet and compare them. Do taller students have larger hands and feet or does height not seem to matter?
  • Grade School Science Fair Project Ideas
  • Middle School Science Experiments
  • Kitchen Science Experiments for Kids
  • Science Projects Photo Gallery
  • Easy Science Projects
  • 4th Grade Science Quiz
  • 7th Grade Science Quiz
  • 5th Grade Science Quiz
  • Baking Soda Science Projects
  • Science Experiments and Activities for Preschoolers
  • Safe Science Experiments
  • Dancing Ghost Halloween Science Magic Trick
  • 3rd Grade Science Quiz
  • 8th Grade Science Quiz
  • Magic Colored Milk Science Project
  • 6th Grade Science Quiz
  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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25 Second Grade STEM Challenges To Help Kids Think Creatively

So much fun, they won’t realize they’re learning!

Examples of Second Grade STEM Challenges as an example of first day of school activities

We’re a big fan of STEM challenges for kids and the way they give students a chance to grow through hands-on learning. This collection of second grade STEM challenges encourages young learners to problem-solve as they explore more about how the world works.

Plus, these activities are so easy to set up! Post one of these second grade STEM challenges on your whiteboard or projector screen and give kids the simple supplies. Then step back and watch them go!

Want this entire set of STEM challenges in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint or Google Slides bundle of these second grade STEM challenges by submitting your email here, so you’ll always have the challenges available.

Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!

25 Second Grade STEM Challenges

Use plastic straws, masking tape, and construction paper to make a raft with a sail..

  • TOMNK 500 Multicolored Plastic Drinking Straws

Build the tallest tower you can with uncooked spaghetti and mini marshmallows.

Stack 5 paper plates and 10 toilet paper tubes to make a structure that can support the most books..

  • Stock Your Home 9″ Paper Plates, 500 Count

Use newspapers and masking tape to build a table that can hold a cup full of water.

  • Lichamp 10-Pack of Masking Tape 55 Yard Rolls

Design a domino chain reaction that climbs up a pile of books.

  • Lewo 1000 Pcs Wood Dominoes Set

Build the tallest possible tower using one roll of aluminum foil.

Make a marble track using aluminum foil, plastic straws, and duct tape., find a new use for a cardboard box. you can use scissors, masking tape, and crayons too., stack 50 plastic cups into the tallest tower you can..

  • Clear Disposable Plastic Cups, 500 Pack

Construct a basket from one paper plate, one sheet of copy paper, and masking tape. It must have a handle and be able to hold 20 jelly beans.

Design and build a bird feeder out of lego bricks., build a bridge between two desks using only plastic forks..

  • 400 Light-Weight White Disposable Plastic Forks

Use a roll of twine to construct a spiderweb between two chair legs.

  • 15-Pack Multicolored Jute Twine

Find three ways to pop a balloon without poking it with something sharp.

Use pipe cleaners to design a new kind of cup holder..

  • Zees 1000 Pipe Cleaners in Assorted Colors

Construct the tallest tower you can using clothespins and wood craft sticks.

  • Whitmore 100 Natural Wood Clothespins
  • Pepperell 1000 Natural Wood Craft Sticks

Build a model of an animal using toothpicks and marshmallows.

  • 1000 Count Natural Bamboo Toothpicks

Use newspaper and masking tape to make a shirt you can put on and take off again.

Make a new toy from cardboard tubes. you can use other supplies like crayons, glue, scissors, etc., design a kite that really flies using a plastic grocery bag, drinking straws, string, and scotch tape., build 12 different shapes using pipe cleaners., assemble a stack of 10 plastic cups. then find three different ways to knock the stack down without touching it with any part of your body., use one sheet of copy paper to make a container that holds the most popcorn. you can use scissors and tape, too., build a pyramid of 10 plastic cups without touching the cups with your hands. you can use 3 rubber bands and 5 one-foot pieces of string., work in a group to put together a simple puzzle. all members of your group except one will be blindfolded and not allowed to talk. the person who isn’t blindfolded may speak, but cannot touch the pieces..

Like these second grade STEM challenges? Try these 20 Simple and Fun Second Grade Science Experiments and Activities .

Plus, 50 Easy Science Experiments Kids Can Do With Stuff You Already Have .

Yes! I Want the Second Grade STEM Challenges

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100+ Science Fair Project Ideas for Grades 2nd-8th

Even though science is meant to be exploratory and exciting, there is something about being judged at a science fair that strikes fear into the heart of students and parents alike.

Suddenly, what you do in science is *graded,* which means you can fail science?

Of course there is no such thing as a failed science experiment, but if your students or children are participating in a science fair this year, you’ll find this list of creative and easy science fair project ideas will help eliminate much of the stress surrounding science fair planning.

Over 100 science fair projects ideas for elementary through middle school! Kids in 2nd-8th grade will love these easy science fair projects.

Easy and Fun Science Fair Project Ideas that Kids will Adore!

You don’t have to stress about attending the school science fair! These science fair project ideas will be adored by kids from age 7 through age 14.

Keep reading to learn more about science projects and how to ensure students are maximizing their science project potential.

What is a Science Fair Project?

A science fair is a longstanding tradition that many elementary, middle, and high schools have where students conduct scientific research and share their presentations before judging.

A science fair project should include all of the following elements before entering a science fair:

  • Background research
  • Bibliography and source list
  • A question to answer and a hypothesis to test
  • Experiment variables
  • Data recording and analysis of the experiment
  • Conclusion report
  • Visual presentation

If your science fair project includes all of these elements, you are well on your way toward a winning science fair project idea!

What Do Kids Learn Doing Science Fairs?

Kids who do science projects report greater confidence and understanding of all scientific concepts, both in what they explored and the scientific process in general.

Learning to analyze and explore data helps children approach other tasks in a logical, straightforward process which helps improve study skills and communication skills.

One of the greatest values that science fair projects bring is the ability to identify problems and work toward a solution. That is an invaluable skill that kids can use throughout life.

Of course, kids learn the basics of whatever scientific concept they are learning, plus the scientific method, which involved:

  • Analyzing and Recording Data

But more than that, kids also learn other valuable skills like:

  • Presenting an idea
  • Creating a presentation
  • Organizing data
  • Analyzing data
  • Patience and orderliness
  • Working with others
  • Precision and care
  • Adapting to changes
  • Communication skills

These skills are important far beyond the classroom!

What You Need for a Science Fair

You’ll want to have these supplies on hand before doing your science fair project. Shop the included Amazon storefronts to make things easier and don’t forget to download the free science fair planning checklist before getting started!

science fair display board example

Science Fair Project Planning

When you’re planning your project, you want to keep everything organized. Click the image below to get my free science fair project checklist so you can start organizing your project from the start.

You may also want to check out this list of science fair project research supplies.

Supplies for a Science Fair Project

There are so many supplies for science fair projects that are individual to each project, but if you want a general list of possible supplies and inspiration for your project, check out my selection of science fair experiment supplies on Amazon.

Supplies for a Science Fair Presentation

Your science fair presentation is important! It should look presentable and eye-catching. Check out this list of my favorite science fair presentation supplies.

Print a lot of papers? Get $10 your HP Instant Ink order when you use this link.

The Ultimate List of Easy Science Fair Project Ideas

These science fair project ideas are easy for kids of all ages and will provide a lot of value and interest at the school science fair.

We have science fair projects included by topic and by grade level so you can pick the right sort of projects for your class or child.

Science Fair Topics

Sometimes kids want to start with a topic and choose a science fair project from there! Here is a collection of fun science projects that include a variety of topics from colors to mold.

Here are some fun science projects for kids at home that would make a good addition to any science fair.

Of course every kid should try some of these classic science fair projects .

Now some schools are having STEM fairs in addition to or instead of science fairs, so these slime STEM fair projects would be perfect.

These slime science projects will capture the attention of any slime lover.

Try these science fair projects with LEGOs with kids who can’t get enough of LEGO.

Fun and tasty candy science fair projects will help even science haters enjoy the science fair.

Want more color in your science fair? Try these science experiments with food coloring !

Learn about the heart with these heart science projects .

Some kids can’t sit still, and these science fair projects for active kids are for them!

What kid wouldn’t have tons of fun doing marshmallow science fair projects ?

Children will love the variety of choices in this list of crystal science fair projects .

More Science Fair Experiment Ideas

You will love these other science experiment ideas!

100 Science Experiments for Kids that Use Materials You Already Own!

20 Fun Science Experiments with LEGOs

25 Rainbow Science Experiments with Bright and Beautiful Colors

Science Fair Projects by Grade

Age-appropriate activities are a must for keeping children interested in science fairs. Take a look at the resources I’ve collected below that show science fair projects that are suitable for elementary kids and middle school kids!

Take a look at the resources I've collected below that show science fair projects that are suitable for every grade from preschool through 8th grade!

If you are part of an elementary science fair, these elementary science fair project ideas will blow away the competition!

If you want to get seasonal, check out these Easter science projects for middle school.

Share this project with a friend!

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29 Great 2nd-Grade Science Projects Ideas

By Beth Roberts | Last Updated May 4, 2022

This blog post will find over a dozen 2nd-grade science project ideas for children. The best part is that you don’t need any special equipment to complete these projects! If you’re looking for fun and educational science or arts and crafts activities for your kid, why don’t you try out one of these excellent 2nd-grade science project ideas today?

Great 2nd-Grade Science Projects Ideas

So without further ado, here are 29 great 2nd-grade science project ideas to inspire kids’ creative thinking.

1. Brew Up Tie-Dye Slime 

Brew up tie-dye slime is a simple science activity for kids to explore colors and color mixing. This slime is easy to make, it’s a fun activity for kids to do at home or in school, and it’s a great way to involve them in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning.

2. Make A Bouquet Of Chromatography Flowers 

If your kid loves flowers, this bouquet of chromatography flowers is the perfect project. It’s a fun and easy science activity with kids at home or school. You’ll just need some household items to do this project. This bouquet is a great way to introduce kids to plants, and they will love it!

3. Concoct A Foaming Rainbow 

Concoct a foaming rainbow is a fun science activity that you can do with kids at home or in school. This is an easy DIY project, and kids will have loads of fun creating it. This science experiment on the concept of foaming and mixing colors to make different colors. You can use this concept to teach kids how colors mix to create different colors.

4. Sculpt Pipe Cleaner Constellations 

Sculpt pipe cleaner constellations are a fun science activity for kids to explore the night sky. You can complete this project at home or in school with very few materials. It’s a fun way to get kids interested in astronomy, and it’s also a great way to introduce kids to scientific tools like the telescope, compass, protractor, and leveler.

5. Tell Time With A Sundial 

Tell time with a sundial is a simple science activity to teach kids how to read the time. It’s a fun way to get your kids interested in clocks, and it teaches them how to tell time correctly. You can make this sundial at home or in the classroom with materials you probably already have. This project will also introduce some of the scientific tools that scientists use, such as the compass, protractor, and leveler.

6. Power Up A Lemon Battery 

Power up a lemon battery is an instructive science project that provides a fun way to introduce kids to the world of batteries. It’s also a fantastic approach to engaging kids in science and engineering. This project requires some household items you probably already have around your house. It’s easy to set up, and kids will enjoy doing it!

7. Race Clothespin Cars 

Race clothespin cars is an exciting science project that involves kids in the process of understanding how to manage energy and force. It’s an excellent project for kids interested in science, technology, or engineering. You can complete this project at home or school with limited materials. This is also a great way to teach kids how to use gravity to move things.

8. Learn How Leaves Get Water 

Learning how leaves get water is a simple science project that’s fun to do with kids at home. It’s a great way to teach kids how trees get the water they need to survive. You’ll need some household items such as a paper cup, a pencil, a straw, and some toothpicks to complete this project. This is also an excellent project for showing kids the importance of sharing and caring for nature.

9. Build A Body From Play-Doh 

Build a body from Play-Doh is a fun science activity that you can do at home. It’s an excellent way to expose your children to the fascinating world of biology, and it’s easy enough for them to complete on their own. To achieve this project, you’ll need Play-Doh and some household materials and supplies like glue, toothpicks, markers, and paintbrushes.

10. Grow A Sprout House 

Grow a sprout house is a fun science project to do at home. It’s a fantastic method to get kids involved in food production. This is also an excellent project for teaching kids about caring for the environment, and it allows them to learn about biology, nutrition, and agriculture. To complete this project, you’ll need household materials such as coffee filters, water, paper towels, paintbrushes, and seedlings.

11. Re-Create The Water Cycle In A Bag 

Re-create the water cycle in a bag is another fun and engaging science project. It’s also a fun method to teach youngsters about rainfall and hydrology, the water cycle, and how to draw a water cycle diagram. You’ll need a plastic bag, plastic wrap, toy animals, and food coloring to complete this project.

12. Turn Pom-Poms Into Crystal Balls 

Turning pom-poms into crystal balls is a fun and creative idea for your child to do in the summer. It’s also an excellent technique for teaching children chemistry, electromagnetism, and crystallography. To complete this project, you’ll need water and salt.

13. Conduct A Cookie Dunk Experiment 

Conducting a cookie dunk experiment is an exciting science project that you can do with kids at home. It’s also a fun method for kids to learn about chemistry while spending time with their families. To complete this project, you’ll need some cookie dough, cookie cutters, frosting, and aluminum foil.

14. Test Sunscreen For Effectiveness 

Test sunscreen for energy is a fun and engaging science project with kids. It’s also a fun approach to teaching youngsters about the sun’s dangers while also allowing them to learn about biology. This 2nd-grade science project involves testing different sunscreen brands to see which one is the most effective. 

15. Create An Earth Model From Play-Doh 

This is a fun science project that you can do with your kids at home . It’s easy, doesn’t cost much, and most importantly, you’ll have fun creating your artwork! For this project, all you need is to roll the Play-Doh into small balls and then press it flat, so it looks like the earth. You can use food coloring to color different parts of the earth model to add details.

16. Design And Build An Index Card Tower 

When making an index card tower , it’s important to remember that the design should be simple. This way, your kids will be able to easily understand and build upon it as they progress. For example, use colors to illustrate the index card tower’s height, width, and length. ITake a look at these 50 humorous and educational ways to display your cards if you’re unsure how to do it.

17. Use Bread To Learn About Hand-Washing 

Using bread to learn about hand-washing is a hands-on activity that helps kids understand the importance of hand-washing. It can be in preschool and kindergarten classes as a science project for young kids. Because it is slightly more involved than the other projects listed here, This 2nd-grade science activity should be in the presence of an adult.

18. Explore Erosion With Sugar Cubes 

Corrosion is one of the most exciting and fascinating topics involving the earth, and it can use sugar cubes. This fun science project involves sprinkling sugar cubes on different surfaces such as sand, gravel, and dirt. Then, observe what happens over time.

19. Find Out Which Liquid Is Best For Growing Seeds

Finding out which drink is best for increasing sources has several benefits. First, it’s a fun science experiment for kids. Second, it helps to raise vocabulary. Third, it’s an educational activity that helps kids understand more about plants and the biology of seeds. One of the methods used is to measure the amount of water inside different containers.

ttps:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMJlx19DUzU

20. Repel Glitter With Dish Soap 

Repel glitter with dish soap is an interesting 2nd-grade science project. You’ll need a plastic bottle, dish soap, and glitter to do this. First, fill the bottle with dish soap and then gently put in glitter. Next, let the mixture settle for about 30 minutes. Then, using clear glass, examine the different glitter particles on top of the bottle and those at the bottom. You’ll notice fewer particles of glitter on top because they are from the dish soap.

21. Build A Folded Mountain 

Build a folded mountain is a tremendous 2nd-grade science experiment where kids learn how to fold paper. You need to take a flat sheet of paper, cut out a hill and fold it in half. Then have kids glue it back together again.

22. Drink Root Beer Floats To Learn About States Of Matter 

Root beer floats are a classic party game to play with kids. However, not everyone is aware of the science that underpins the game. You can teach a child about the different states of matter: Take a root beer float and put it on a plate. Put the container in a bowl filled with water. Another root beer float when you take it out of the water!

23. Learn About Osmosis With Gummy Bears 

Learning about osmosis with gummy bears is a great art and crafts activity for kids. It’s also a great science lesson about osmosis and how some things are dissolved in water while others can’t.

24. Build Magnet-And-Paper Clip Trees 

Building magnet-and-paper clip trees is a great science project for kids to teach them about magnetism. It’s a fun and easy project that kids will love. It is a decorative piece in a classroom or a child’s room.

25. Jumping Goop 

Jumping Goop is a fun science experiment for kids. It’s a fun project that kids can do to learn about the chemistry of baking soda and vinegar and how it reacts to Carbon Dioxide. Kids will love playing with this goop. It’s also a great science activity for the classroom.

26. Freeze And Observe The Liquid Expansion 

Freezing and watching fluid expansion is a great science project for kids. It’s a fun experiment that will help them learn about the states of matter, namely solid, liquid and gas. You need to place an ice cube in a glass with water and see how it melts over time.

27. Discover Density With Saltwater Solutions 

Discover density with saltwater solutions is a great science project for kids to learn about density. It’s a fun experiment where they could also make some homemade slime. It also helps teach kids to be careful when mixing concoctions.

28. Egg-Based Chalk Paint

Egg-based Chalk Paint is a fun experiment where kids can learn about drawing with chalk using egg whites. It’s also a terrific way to repurpose those overripe eggs in the fridge that you’d otherwise discard.

29. Magnetic Field Sensory Bottle 

A magnetic field sensory bottle is a fun DIY project for kids to teach them about magnetism. It’s also a great science experiment for the classroom. It allows children to learn about the appeal, the separation of forces, and how to create a mathematical model of the occurrence.

50 Fun and Easy 2nd Grade Science Experiments & Activities

second grade science experiment ideas

Kids love science, especially when it involves hands-on experiments. These 2nd grade science projects, experiments, and activities are guaranteed to bring excitement and enthusiastic vibes into your classroom. Your students will learn basic concepts about physics, chemistry, biology, and more while having a blast!

To make it even easier to find the best 2nd grade science projects, we’ve given each a rating based on difficulty and the materials you’ll need.


  • Easy: Low or no-prep experiments you can do pretty much anytime
  • Medium: These take a little more setup or a longer time to complete
  • Advanced: Experiments like these take a fairly big commitment of time and/or effort
  • Basic: Simple items you probably already have around the house
  • Medium: Items that you might not already have but are easy to get your hands on
  • Advanced: These require specialized or more expensive supplies to complete

Nature and Earth Science 2nd Grade Science Projects

Explore animals, ecosystems, geology, plate tectonics, and more with these interesting and interactive 2nd grade science activities.

Pollinate like a bee

Pipe cleaner twisted into bee shape on a child's finger, sitting on a paper flower

Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Basic

Use pipe cleaner bees to discover how these pollinators pick up and move cheese powder “pollen” from one juice box flower to the next. Simple, fun, and adorable!

Learn more: Cheese Powder Pollination Activity at Around the Kampfire

Simulate a landslide

This NASA video shows you how to create an indoor landslide in a milk carton, showing students the power of weather, erosion, and nature in action.

Grow a sprout house

Model house made of colorful sponges with bean sprouts growing from it

Difficulty: Medium / Materials: Medium

This two-part science project first challenges kids to use their engineering skills to construct a miniature house made of sponges . Then, they plant chia, alfalfa, or other quick-sprouting seeds and keep the sponges moist until they start to grow.

Learn more: Sponge Garden at The STEM Laboratory

Re-create the water cycle in a bag

Plastic bag with clouds and sun drawn on it, with a small amount of blue liquid at the bottom

This simple but effective experiment explores the water cycle. Fill a plastic bag partway with water and set it on a sunny windowsill to see how the water evaporates up and eventually “rains” down.

Learn more: Water Cycle Bags at Grade School Giggles

Create an earth model from play dough

Layered model of the Earth built from playdough

Play-Doh has so many uses in the classroom! Use it to teach 2nd grade science students about the layers of the earth by building a fun and colorful model.

Learn more: Layers of the Earth at The Crafty Classroom

Explore erosion with sugar cubes

Plastic cup holding sugar cubes and smaller candies

Simulate the effects of erosion by shaking sugar cubes in a cup with some pebbles to see what happens. Get more ideas for 2nd grade science activities about erosion and weathering at the link.

Learn more: Weathering and Erosion at The First Grade Roundup

Find out which liquid is best for growing seeds

Four cups of soil, each labeled with a different type of liquid including tap water, bottled water, and soda

Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Medium

As you learn about the life cycle of plants , explore how water supports their growth. Plant seeds and water them with a variety of liquids to see which sprout first and grow best.

Learn more: Watering Experiment at Lessons for Little Ones

Build a folded mountain

Pile of different colored towels pushed together to create folds like mountains

This clever demonstration helps kids understand how some types of mountains are formed. Use layers of towels to represent rock layers and boxes for continents. Then pu-u-u-sh and see what happens!

Learn more: Towel Mountain at The Chaos and the Clutter

Explode a balloon seed pod

Children exploding a balloon with seeds flying out

After you learn about pollination, take the next step and explore how plants disperse their seeds far and wide. One way is with exploding seed pods. Use a balloon to see how it works.

Learn more: Seed Dispersal Activity at Around the Kampfire

Watch a leaf “breathe”

Leaf submerged in water with air bubbles

Plants “breathe” through transpiration, and you can see the process in action simply by submerging a leaf in water.

Learn more: Leaf Transpiration at KC Edventures With Kids

Grow a self-sustaining ecosystem

Small plants growing inside a plastic bottle filled with soil

Plant seeds inside a sealed plastic bottle and observe both the water cycle and the plant life cycle in one simple 2nd grade science experiment.

Learn more: Plastic Bottle Planter at Carly and Adam

Compare and contrast animal habitats

Pine branches and woodland animal figurines on a tray labeled woodland

Build a variety of habitats (woodland, arctic, savanna, etc.). Then have kids compare to see how they are similar (all have water) and how they are different (trees, temperatures, etc.).

Learn more: Animal Habitats at KC Edventures With Kids

Discover plate tectonics with graham crackers

Two graham crackers overlapping on a bed of whipped cream

Use graham crackers as the Earth’s crust floating on a bed of whipped topping “mantle” to learn about how tectonic plates interact.

Learn more: Graham Cracker Plate Tectonics at Playdough to Plato

Collect and classify rocks

Child peering at a pile of rocks through a magnifying glass

Take a nature walk to pick up rocks of all kinds. Bring them back and have kids examine them closely and sort them into groups by properties (color, size, shape, texture, and so on). This is a fantastic lead-in to learning about the types of rocks.

Learn more: Classifying Rocks at Rhythms of Play

Make edible dirt cups

Second grade science experiments can demonstrate layers of soil, as seen in this picture of a cup layered with chocolate pudding, Oreo cookie crumbs, and graham crackers.

Help your students remember the four types of soil with this tasty 2nd grade science experiment. Layer pudding, graham crackers, and Oreos for a mouthwatering, memorable lesson.

Learn more: Edible Soil Cups at The Kitchen Is My Playground

Food Science Activities and Projects for 2nd Graders

Raid the pantry and try these kitchen science experiments with your second graders! They all use common food items to explore all sorts of fascinating science concepts.

Power up a lemon battery

Lemon with a nail and a coil of wire stuck into it

Here’s another classic science experiment every kid should try. They’ll be amazed to learn a citrus fruit can generate an electric current!

Learn more: Lemon Battery at Education.com

Conduct a cookie dunk experiment

The Great Cookie Dunk printable worksheet with a blue pen

Introduce or review the scientific method with a fun and easy experiment to determine which cookies float or sink when dunked in milk. Then you can eat the results! ( Find more great edible science experiments here. )

Learn more: Milk and Cookies Scientific Method Experiment at Around the Kampfire

Use bread to learn about handwashing

Slices of bread in plastic bags showing various amounts of mold

There’s never been a better time for an experiment involving the importance of washing your hands! All you need for this one is bread, plastic bags, and some dirty hands.

Learn more: Moldy Bread Experiment at Parenting Isn’t Easy

Drink root beer floats to learn about states of matter

A root beer float in a clear plastic cup

What’s easy to make, delicious to eat, and demonstrates all three states of matter at once? Root beer floats! This will easily be your students’ favorite science lesson of the year.

Learn more: Root Beer Float Science at Learning Lab Resources

Mix flavors in a lollipop lab

Plastic cups filled with water and different flavors of DumDum lollipops

Candy science experiments are always a hit with kids! In this one, they’ll dissolve sugary lollipops in water, then mix flavors to make something new.

Learn more: Lollipop Lab at Fantastic Fun and Learning

Learn about osmosis with gummy bears

Two regular-sized gummy bears next to two large bears that have been soaked in water (2nd Grade Science)

This is one of those classic experiments your 2nd grade science students will love to see in action. Soak the gummies in water to watch them grow through the power of osmosis.

Learn more: Osmosis Gummy Bears at Nurture Store UK

Freeze and observe liquid expansion

Clear bottles on a freezer shelf labeled milk, juice, salt water, water, and sugar water

As you explore the states of matter, experiment to see if some types of liquid expand more than others when frozen.

Learn more: Freezing Liquids Experiment at Education.com

Use crackers to learn about properties of matter

Child's hand holding magnifying glass over a cracker, with worksheet labeled Cracker Lab in the background

Practice sorting, comparing, and classifying using properties of matter in this tasty experiment. All you need is a variety of snack crackers and inquiring minds! (These magnifying glasses would be fun too.)

Learn more: Properties of Matter Cracker Lab at Around the Kampfire

Demonstrate heat energy with chocolate kisses

Picture of a child holding a Hershey kiss candy in the palm of her hand, as an example of second grade science experiments.

Give each student two chocolate kiss candies to hold onto for five minutes. Students should keep one palm open, while closing their other around the kiss. See what happens simply from our body heat.

Learn more: Chocolate Kiss Experiment at Sandy Fiorini/TPT

Explode a watermelon

Watermelon with 50 rubber bands wrapped around it to demonstrate second grade science experiments for the classroom.

How many rubber bands does it take to make a watermelon explode? Find out while observing the concepts of potential and kinetic energy with your students.

Learn more: Exploding Watermelon Science at 123 Homeschool 4 Me

Turn an egg into a bouncy ball

Photo of a child's hand shown above an egg that has been through a chemical change and is now rubberized and can bounce on top of a dish without breaking.

Simply soak an egg in vinegar for 48 hours for this amazing chemical reaction. This is guaranteed to blow your students’ minds!

Learn more: Bouncy Egg Experiment at Cool Science Experiments Headquarters

Build a solar oven to make s’mores

Solar ovens made out of pizza boxes and foil with smores inside are showing a second grade science experiment relating to solar energy.

Observe the power of solar energy while baking a delicious, gooey dessert in the process. Yum!

Learn more: Solar Oven Project at Desert Chica

Conduct an egg drop

Picture of an egg placed in a contraption constructed of straws to protect it in an egg drop experiment.

In this STEM project, your students will create a protective egg holder from simple materials. They will love seeing if their contraption keeps their egg in one piece during the competition.

Learn more: Egg Drop at Buggy and Buddy

Drop a Mento in soda and watch it erupt

Here is another 2nd grade science experiment that will make your students explode with excitement. Drop a Mento candy in different types of soda, and see which one causes the tallest geyser.

Build marshmallow-and-pretzel structures

Photo of a second grade science STEM project of structures built by combining marshmallows and pretzels.

Get creative while practicing engineering skills by building structures with marshmallows and pretzels. Sweeten the deal by eating them afterwards!

Learn more: Pretzel Marshmallow STEM Challenge at The STEM Laboratory

More 2nd Grade Science Experiments and Activities

Kids will love these 2nd grade science ideas, from making their own slime to projecting stars on their ceiling, and everything in between!

Brew up tie-dye slime

Student playing with neon colored slime

Slime is more than just an ever-popular toy. It’s also got a lot of great science behind it. Mix up some eye-popping tie-dye slime and take the opportunity to learn about polymers and non-Newtonian fluids.

Learn more: Tie-Dye Slime at I Heart Arts and Crafts

Dissect a seed

Child dissecting a large seed, with parts like plant embryo, seed coat, and leaf labaled

Soak a large seed (beans are ideal) in water, then carefully take it apart to see what’s inside. Draw a diagram to label parts like the seed coat and plant embryo.

Learn more: Seed Dissection at The Applicious Teacher

Use cereal to learn about states of matter

ATOMS Matter worksheet with cereal arranged to represent atoms in solids, liquids, and gases

Learn how atom arrangements affect the states of matter with this easy 2nd grade science activity that doubles as a snack!

Learn more: Cereal States of Matter at The First Grade Roundup

Make a bouquet of chromatography flowers

Colorful tissue paper flowers with pipe cleaner stems

Use chromatography to split secondary paint colors into their original hues. The results are both pretty and fascinating!

Learn more: Chromatography Flowers at 123 Homeschool 4 Me

Concoct a foaming rainbow

Small paper cups filled with colorful foam with a box of baking soda

Every kid loves the classic baking soda and vinegar chemical reaction experiment. This version makes a foamy rainbow, thanks to some added food coloring.

Learn more: Foamy Rainbow at Messy Little Monster

Sculpt pipe cleaner constellations

Pipe cleaners and beads bent to form constellations

Help kids find the constellations in the night sky by making these models from pipe cleaners . The little star beads are such a clever touch!

Learn more: Pipe Cleaner Constellations at 123 Homeschool 4 Me

Tell time with a sundial

DIY sundial made from a paper plate and a pencil

How did people tell time before clocks and watches? Help 2nd grade science students find out by making their own sundials from paper plates.

Learn more: DIY Sundial at Paging Supermom

Race clothespin cars

Simple cars made from clothespins and drinking straws

Explore simple machines by building race cars from basic supplies like clothespins and drinking straws . It’s a really fun way to learn about wheels and axles.

Learn more: Clothespin Cars at The Primary Brain

Build a body from play dough

Bones made out of playdough sitting on a mat showing the human body

Play-Doh activities are always fun to do! Visit the link below for free printable mats to use as you have your 2nd grade science students sculpt the bones, organs, and muscles of the body.

Learn more: Play-Doh Body at 123 Homeschool 4 Me

Turn pom-poms into crystal balls

Child's hand holding crystal-covered pom pom balls (2nd Grade Science)

Every kid loves making crystals! They’ll learn about supersaturated solutions as they make these cute little crystal pom-pom balls.

Learn more: Crystal Pom-Poms at A Dab of Glue Will Do

Test sunscreen for effectiveness

Black construction paper with gingerbread man outlines covered in sunscreen, showing paper has faded except where protected by sunscreen

Kids might wonder why they need to wear sunscreen when they’re at the park or playing soccer. This experiment shows them the power of the sun’s rays and the protection sunscreen provides.

Learn more: Sunscreen Experiment at JDaniel4’s Mom

Design and build an index card tower

Tower built from index cards in stacks and columns

Challenge your 2nd grade science students to a little early engineering. Given only index cards , how tall and/or strong of a structure can they build?

Learn more: Index Card STEM Challenge at Education to the Core

Repel glitter with dish soap

Every teacher knows that glitter is just like germs … it gets everywhere and is so hard to get rid of! Use that to your advantage, and show students how soap fights glitter and germs.

Bend objects to test flexibility

Child's hands bending a blue plastic ruler

Explore one of the properties of matter with this easy experiment. Kids plan how to test flexibility, then try it out with a variety of basic objects.

Learn more: Flexibility Experiment at Around the Kampfire

Discover density with saltwater solutions

Glasses of liquid labeled baking soda water, sugar water, control plain water, and salt water

This simple experiment covers a lot of 2nd grade science concepts. Learn about solutions, density, and even ocean science as you compare and contrast how objects float in different water mixtures.

Learn more: Water Density at The Science Kiddo

Blast off drinking-straw rockets

Student blowing on a drinking straw to launch a tiny rocket

Engineer rockets from drinking straws and have a blast when you send them flying! Kids can tweak the design to see whose can fly the highest.

Learn more: Straw Rockets at Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Create a solar system out of play dough

Second grade science project modeling the planets in the solar system using play dough.

This is a perfect culminating project for your space unit. Your students can display their models at home when the project is complete.

Learn more: Play Dough Solar System at Good to Know

Count how many water drops will fit on a penny

Photo of 5 pennies and a water dropper to demonstrate the second grade science experiment relating to water tension. One penny has 4 water drops on it.

How many water drops fit on a penny? Find out with this fun and easy experiment that focuses on surface tension. Your students will be amazed by the results!

Learn more: Penny Surface Tension at Little Bins for Little Hands

Project stars on the ceiling

DIY star projector for a second grade science experiment, constructed of an upside-down paper cup with seven holes punched on the bottom of it, a blue circle the size of a quarter, and a bigger white circle surrounded by dashes.

Everyone loves visiting a planetarium. Turn your very own 2nd grade science classroom into one with this simple DIY star projector.

Learn more: Star Projector at Mystery Science

Write secret messages with invisible ink

In this second grade science experiment, students write a letter with invisible ink, as shown in the photo. The secret message is visible when a flashlight is shined onto it.

Make your own invisible ink from just baking soda and water, then have your students write messages to one another. Reveal the secret messages with a flashlight once the ink is dry.

Learn more: Invisible Ink at ThoughtCo

Looking for more? Try these 25 Second Grade STEM Challenges To Help Kids Think Creatively .

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Last updated by Linda Kamp on December 10, 2022 • 13 Comments

Hands-on Habitats Activities for Second Grade Scientists

When I first started teaching, habitats was a first grade focus. Now, as our science standards are shifting, habitats and the interdependence of ecosystems is a second grade unit and one my students enjoy. Read on for high-engagement teaching ideas and habitats activities for second grade. Not only are they hands-on and fun, but they are already planned for you!

Habitats activities for second grade

Hands-On Habitats Activities for Second Grade

In second grade, students build on their understanding that plants and animals get what they need to survive from their habitats. They identify where plants and animals live on land and in water, and explore ecosystems within these habitats. Students compare the diversity of a variety of habitats, and focus on the interdependence of living things.

Here are a few of my favorite lessons, labs, and projects for teaching about habitats and ecosystems in second grade science.

Discover Micro-Habitats Around Your School

Scientists learn by observing and collecting data. You would probably be surprised by the number of micro-habitats that exist in your schoolyard. Micro-habitats are smaller environment like the ones found near a bush, in a grassy area, a school garden, or under a pile of rocks.

habitats activities for 2nd grade ecosystems

Source: Habitats 2nd Grade Science Activities

Take your class outside to discover the micro-habitats in their schoolyard. While outside, collect samples to observe. Students can collect data by counting and recording the number of living things they observe in the micro-habitats they find.

Habitats activities for second grade PowerPoint lesson

Design a Habitat on a Plate Diorama

In this variation on a diorama, students design a land or water habitat on a plate and include specific plants and animals that live there. Ask students to make a drawing for the back and show the diversity of the habitat by including more or fewer plants and animals in their scene.

Add a writing element by having students explain the type of habitat, its location and climate, and the reasons for its diversity or lack of.

habitats activities for 2nd grade science comparing habitat diversity

Make Your Lessons Come Alive with Videos

There are some wonderful videos about all of Earth’s habitats on You Tube. These are some I like to use to give students a closer look at what they are learning. These videos also help students understand what an ecosystem is and show an example of a micro-habitat.

second grade science experiment ideas

Life Under a Log   (8:42)

This short video is a good one for giving students a closer look at a micro-habitat.

second grade science experiment ideas

Exploring for Tide Pool Creatures   (1:32)

Exploring for Tide Pool Creatures features a small ecosystem that is part of an ocean.

Get a FREE Clickable Video Guide with 30 classroom videos for teaching about habitats and ecosystems.

Make Models of  Water Plants & Adaptations

Just as animals adapt to their habitats, plants adapt as well. Gather materials for students to make simple plant models. Easy to find supplies like foam craft sheets, pipe cleaners, and yarn can be used to show how plants have adapted to live in water.

habitats activities for 2nd grade science plant adaptations

To do this, students start by drawing a diagram of their model and labeling the adaptations they wish to show.

habitats activities for 2nd grade science experiments

For example, students can make models with extra long roots anchored beneath the water, long stems that extend above the waterline, and floating leaves as examples of water plant adaptations.

Habitats activities for second grade

Once they are finished, students can test their models to see if they work as intended by placing them in a sink or bin of water. Students then compare their models with a classmate and identify common features. (NGSS SEP.2)

Water plant adaptation model & habitats activities for second grade

Demonstrate Animal Adaptations

As a fun demonstration, try making blubber while students learning about arctic habitats and the adaptations needed to survive. Steve Spangler has a fun blubber glove science experiment to demonstrate how animals stay warm in freezing arctic temperatures.

habitats activities for 2nd grade blubber science experiment kids

Make Student Science Journals

Keeping a journal give students a place to respond and write about what they are learning in science. Journals can be used for responding to lessons, collecting key vocabulary, drawing designs and diagrams, and planning investigations. They are a must have for all of your habitats activities.

Habitats activities for second grade

Practice Reading Skills Using Science Content

During your reading block, give students comprehension and close reading practice while reinforcing science content. These leveled for 2nd grade science readers include close reading passages in both article and book format. The comprehension question pages target 8 key informational reading standards.

habitats activities for 2nd grade science close reading passages

Source: Habitats Close Reading Passages & Leveled Readers Print + Digital 

Ideal for small groups, whole group close reading lessons, and classrooms short on science time.

Habitats activities & science unit for second grade

CLICK HERE for the habitats activities, experiments, and PowerPoint lessons featured in this post. Click HERE for the digital version. Save on the Print + Digital Bundle . 

Habitats & Ecosystems Science Unit for 2nd Grade Science

Click here for more second grade science units.

I hope you’ll try some of these habitats activities for second grade scientists. Be sure to bookmark or pin this post so you have it when you plan!

Habitat activities for second grade

Find more science activities & teaching ideas in these posts:

Properties of Matter Activities for 2nd Grade  

Properties of matter activities and experiments for 2nd grade. Learn creative teaching ideas and fun, hands-on science activities for kids learning about solids, liquids, and gas in second grade.

Scientists, Tools & Safety Rules for Back to School

Teaching ideas and beginning of the year science activities for 2nd and 3rd grade.

Plant Life Cycle Activities & Science Experiments

Plant life cycle activities for kids-Hands on science activities perfect for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students to learn about plant needs, adaptations, photosynthesis, pollination and more.

Butterfly Life Cycle Activities & Free Printables

Butterfly life cycle activities and science experiments for kids with free printables your students will love!

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Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

Back to School

Free Grammar Review Activities!

Start the year in grammar off right! Grab a full week of lesson plans, teaching slides, and printables to review and practice parts of speech!

Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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Reader Interactions


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April 14 at 3:02 am

You are awesome! Thank you for sharing your materials and ideas with us “old” teachers.

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August 18 at 4:14 am

When will your new units come out! Lol I’m Impatiently waiting ???

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August 25 at 10:01 am

Oh boy! Like everyone else, I had to take a great big detour for distance learning. I’m hoping to have the next one out in October. Fingers crossed! Thanks so much for asking!

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May 31 at 3:48 am

It is the end of the year but I can wait to teach my second graders these exciting activities!!!!!!

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April 21 at 6:54 am

Love these Activities!

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I’m Linda Kamp, a 20 year primary grade teacher with a passion for creating educational materials that excite students and make learning fun! I'm so glad you're here!

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second grade science experiment ideas

15 Simple and Fun 2nd Grade Science Experiments and Activities

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Science experiments and activities are a great way to engage and inspire 2nd grade students in the fascinating world of science. Here are 15 simple and fun experiments that you can try with your 2nd graders:

1. Sink or Float: Fill a tub with water and gather various objects like a rock, a feather, a coin, etc. Have the students predict whether each object will sink or float, and then test their predictions.

2. Rainbow Walking Water: Fill three glasses with water and add different food coloring to each glass. Place a paper towel strip from one glass to another, creating a bridge. Watch as the colored water travels up the paper towel, creating a rainbow effect.

3. Balloon Magic: Blow up a balloon and rub it against a woolen cloth. Then, hold it near a wall or your hair. Observe how the balloon sticks to these surfaces due to static electricity.

4. Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano: Create a volcano by molding a cone shape out of clay or playdough. Add baking soda to the volcano’s crater and pour vinegar on top to create a volcanic eruption.

5. Magic Milk: Pour whole milk into a shallow dish and add drops of different food coloring. Dip a cotton swab into dish soap, then touch it lightly to the milk. Watch as the colors swirl and mix together.

6. Walking Water: Fill three clear glasses with water and add different colors of food coloring to each one. Place an empty glass between them. Fold paper towels and connect the glasses, making sure the towels touch the water. Observe how the colored water travels and “walks” through the paper towels to fill the empty glass.

7. Floating Egg: Fill a glass with water and gently place an egg in it. Note how the egg sinks. Then, add salt to the water and stir until it dissolves. Watch as the egg starts to float due to the increased density of the water.

8. Oobleck: Mix cornstarch and water in a bowl until you have a gooey mixture. Let the students experiment with it, observing how it behaves as a solid when pressure is applied and as a liquid when left alone.

9. Magnetic Objects: Provide various objects made of different materials, such as plastic, wood, and metal. Give the students a magnet and let them explore which objects are attracted to it, noting that only certain materials are magnetic.

10. Solar Oven: Have the students build a simple solar oven using a cardboard box, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and tape. Place a snack like a s’more inside and leave it in the sun. Observe how the sun’s heat melts the chocolate and marshmallows.

11. Color Changing Flowers: Cut the stems of white flowers, such as carnations or daisies, and place each stem in a different cup of colored water made with food coloring. Over time, observe how the flowers change color as they absorb the colored water.

12. Invisible Ink: Have the students write secret messages on a white piece of paper using lemon juice as ink. Let the messages dry and then hold the paper near a light bulb or heat source to reveal the hidden messages.

13. Popcorn Science : Conduct an experiment to determine which conditions (microwaving, air-popping, stove-popping) result in the most popcorn kernels popping. Let the students make predictions and record their observations.

14. Exploring Shadows: Provide various objects and a flashlight. Have the students shine the light on the objects to create shadows. Ask them to experiment with changing the distance between the object and the light source to observe how it affects the size and shape of the shadow.

15. Germination Maze: Give each student a small pot, a seed, and a maze-shaped paper with a clear path. Instruct the students to plant the seed and observe how it grows while following the maze’s route. Measure the growth over time.

These 15 science experiments and activities are sure to engage and excite your 2nd grade students while teaching them valuable scientific concepts. Have fun exploring the wonders of science!


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The Stem Laboratory

If you’re looking for fun and engaging second grade STEM activities (science, technology, engineering, and math), you’ve come to the right spot!

STEM is our “thing” and I’m excited to pass along these fun ideas for the classroom so that you and your students grow a love for it, too.

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    by Matthew Lynch - May 7, 2024. Science experiments and activities are a great way to engage and inspire 2nd grade students in the fascinating world of science. Here are 15 simple and fun experiments that you can try with your 2nd graders: 1. Sink or Float: Fill a tub with water and gather various objects like a rock, a feather, a coin, etc.

  19. Second Grade Science Projects

    Second Grade Science Projects. (61 results) Science Buddies' second grade science projects are the perfect way for second grade students to have fun exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Our second grade projects are written and tested by scientists and are specifically created for use by students in the second grade.

  20. Second Grade STEM Activities

    Second Grade STEM Activities - The Stem Laboratory. If you're looking for fun and engaging second grade STEM activities (science, technology, engineering, and math), you've come to the right spot! STEM is our "thing" and I'm excited to pass along these fun ideas for the classroom so that you and your students grow a love for it, too.

  21. 2nd Grade Science Activities for Kids

    Activity. In this activity, your child will be asked to create a boat that can successfully float while holding 25 pennies. Design Challenge: Glowing Bouncy Egg. Activity. In this activity, your child will transform an egg into a glowing, bouncy "ball" that they can play with. Design Challenge: Creating a Cup Tower.

  22. Second Grade, Chemistry Science Experiments

    Second Grade, Chemistry Science Experiments. (165 results) Fun science experiments to explore everything from kitchen chemistry to DIY mini drones. Easy to set up and perfect for home or school. Browse the collection and see what you want to try first! An experienced chemistry professor used to say that it took about one explosion per week to ...

  23. Second Grade Lesson Plans

    Our second grade projects are written and tested by scientists and are specifically created for use by students in the second grade. Students can choose to follow the science experiment as written or put their own spin on the project. For a personalized list of science projects, second graders can use the Science Buddies Topic Selection Wizard ...

  24. Tenth Grade Science Projects

    Our tenth grade projects are written and tested by scientists and are specifically created for use by students in the tenth grade. Students can choose to follow the science experiment as written or put their own spin on the project. For a personalized list of science projects, tenth graders can use the Science Buddies Topic Selection Wizard ...