what is a pest analysis essay

Guide on How to Write PESTLE Analysis

what is a pest analysis essay

Nowadays, almost every company can operate in any country, thanks to internationalization and globalization. However, there are certain conditions to consider before opening a branch in a new place. You may have heard few variations of analysis' name: PESTEL, PESTLE and PEST. PESTEL or PESTLE is the same, and this analysis concerns political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental aspects. A PEST analysis covers all the factors mentioned above, apart from legal and environmental aspects. This article from EssayPro contains an extensive guide on the PESTLE analysis, which is fundamental for understanding the possibilities for entrepreneurship in a country.

Whenever you carry out the PESTLE analysis for business, you automatically get acquainted with the chosen place's peculiarities. If top managers research beforehand, they might face severe consequences like low profits or even the inability to work under certain circumstances.


How to Write PESTLE Analysis

Everybody would probably agree that interest rates or health and safety laws affect business regardless of its field and other specific characteristics. Also, political instability can cancel out a country's positive aspects of high technological awareness. Moreover, inflation rates and buying trends determine the decisions of a business owner who does strategic planning.

All of the factors mentioned above are a drop in the business environment. To avoid chaos, scientists systematized the determinants of the climate where a business operates. Hence, every PESTLE analysis example becomes a detailed critical analysis of the company’s surroundings that affect its performance.

What Are the Components of the PEST

The more concise version of PESTLE (PESTEL) analysis is PEST. Although it covers fewer internal and external factors, it still gives factual information about the following determinants:

  • Political factors

Indeed, political factors are one of the first to consider when entering a new market. If a country can boast its political stability, it instantly becomes attractive to numerous investors worldwide. An entrepreneur wants to be sure that the current government is interested in creating a safe environment for foreigners.

  • Economic factors

The second influential segment includes economic factors. Everything from interest rates and exchange rates to the percentage of annual economic growth and trade tariffs has an impact. So, naturally, economic instability scares away potential investors.

  • Social factors

Next, a company’s management assesses social factors. Here, aspects like population growth rate, health consciousness, or age distribution determine the appeal of the business environment. The enterprise needs lots of skilled workers and potential buyers to operate successfully.

  • Technological factors

Why do technological factors matter for businesses? Let’s say that a company originates from a country where many new technologies, like artificial intelligence, are usual. Adjusting to the new environment could be complicated if the firm chooses a place with fewer technology incentives.

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What Is PESTLE Analysis Used For

PESTLE analysis helps calculate possible risks and profits. First, political factors determine whether the country is open to new ventures. Second, economic factors show how prosperous the place is. Third, the category of social factors reflects the demand for a product or service. Finally, the level of technology and legal factors demonstrate how climate change or global warming might affect your business decisions.

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PEST Analysis Examples

Are you looking for a sample paper on PESTLE factors? Here, you can find a suitable PESTLE analysis template highlighting a business's economic, social, technological, legal, and other factors. Generally, a high-quality PESTLE analysis example includes consumer protection laws, employment laws, or corporate social responsibility. In the current economy, strategic thinking is a good competitive advantage for every specific business. Indeed, all PESTLE components help better understand buying habits, trade restrictions, technological change, etc.

PESTLE Analysis of Apple

Strategic decision-making for a technological giant must include examining political, economic, social, and technological factors. Undeniably, the PESTLE analysis of Apple helps to build a proper business plan for operating in other countries like China.

Political stability is one of the essential components of the external environment. While Apple has zero issues with safety regulations or fiscal policies, it may suffer from international conflicts. The trade war between China and USA perfectly illustrates how governments affect companies’ performance. First, China's decreasing scale of cheap manufacturing leads to higher production costs. Also, both countries raise import taxes, that increase the product cost.

Since Apple products are on the pricey side, determinants like economic growth and purchasing power are important for successful ventures in foreign countries. Nowadays, Asian countries like China demonstrate stable growth of gross domestic product and increasing buying power of their citizens. Consequently, opening new branches in prosperous places might increase profits.

Another component of PESTLE analysis for business are social specifics of the target country. For instance, in places like China, population growth rates exceed expectations. Therefore the enterprise gets enough workers and consumers. Moreover, Apple’s marketing efforts make people perceive their products as luxury. So, the buyers’ desire to show high status can boost the demand among the Asian population. However, the US trade war with China may also negatively affect Apple sales.

The next segment of the PESTLE model covers technological advancements. For Apple, external factors like the level of technological development are critical. Companies like Samsung, Xiaomi, and Lenovo fight for bigger market shares by implementing innovations. At the same time, Apple barely comes up with anything revolutionary in their gadgets, so their target audience often chooses other brands.

  • Legal factors

The legal macro environment often includes safety laws or patent laws and other legislation regarding any business activity. Apple has a strong brand, so to maintain a good public image, this company avoids getting into law scandals. Still, this business takes risks by working with music and software that has copyright and patent protection. In case of a lawsuit, the loyalty of Apple customers may suffer drastically.

  • Environmental factors

The final segment of the PESTLE analysis studies environmental issues like climate change or environmental regulations. For instance, Apple can generally withstand global warming or other weather changes by placing its factories in safe areas. However, the strict environmental policy of countries like China makes Apple make environmentally friendly choices in its production processes, like ditching lithium batteries. This way, the brand can maintain an even better reputation in the target country.

Overall, the PESTLE analysis has shown the aspects of the macro environment that affect Apple’s performance abroad. In addition, the examination has demonstrated both drawbacks and advantages of the company’s policy. Although Apple has to adjust to the changing environment to stay relevant, it still has multiple strong sides.

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McDonalds PESTLE Analysis

Whenever prominent corporations want to operate in a wider business environment, they study the economic, technological, legal, and environmental state. In other words, a company wants to know what to expect in a new market. The information about  these determinants and even more is available in the Mcdonalds PESTLE analysis:

Since Mcdonald's is the largest and most famous fast food company, most of its concerns connect to food safety. Many countries have stricter safety standards than the US, Mcdonald's place of origin. For this reason, the corporation has to align with the local legislation or avoid opening branches where losses can exceed profits. More risky regions in terms of policy would be Middle Eastern or Asian countries.

If we talk about the economy as the next criterion of the external environment, the circumstances differ from country to country. As an illustration, the recently slowing economic growth in Eastern Europe is a drawback for the local Mcdonald's restaurants. On the contrary, the steady growth of the economy in Western Europe and developing countries is a good sign. Nonetheless, employees rarely use Mcdonald's to satisfy their career attitudes. Therefore, a high employee turnover rate causes losses for the company.

Mcdonald's views cultural preferences as a crucial social factor, so the chain adapts to people’s tastes in different regions. An example of such adaptation is the famous Japanese menu with lots of rice and fish. Likewise, the Indian Mcdonald's branch caters to the mostly vegetarian tastes of citizens, and so on. However, the trend for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss might threaten the company, so it needs to change its strategy.

In recent years, Mcdonald's has tried to keep up with worldwide technology trends. This strategy helps the fast food corporation to boost demand in all countries. One of the greatest high-tech implementations was the sensory screens for ordering food. This decision allowed to attract more customers who wanted more menu positions. In the pandemic period, contactless restaurant options became even more topical. Further automatization would be a winning strategy for Mcdonald's.

One of the biggest legal issues for Mcdonald's branches worldwide would be changing employment laws, especially the increase of minimum wages. In this case, changes are inevitable, so the management should think of redistributing the profits correctly. Next, it’s the company’s priority to follow the changes in laws of every country. Sometimes, governments ban certain ingredients or toys from Happy Meals.

Regarding the ecology, the management of Mcdonald's actively shows their awareness of environmental issues. Becoming more environmentally friendly is the company’s objective. For instance, Mcdonald's tries to switch to only recyclable packaging to decrease pollution. Also, the local restaurants in many regions prefer to use energy-efficient technologies. Yet, there is an even worse ecology issue, global warming. The changing weather conditions might lead to a shortage of food and disruption of supply chains.

The detailed PESTLE analysis for business helps its top managers make proper decisions on both new and usual markets. Foreseeing the dangers and opportunities is essential for a company’s success.

Coca Cola PESTLE Analysis

Managers interested in discovering new markets have to employ PESTLE analysis for business. As an illustration, Coca Cola PESTLE analysis examines political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental conditions. 

Like any other food or beverage company, Coca-Cola works under country legislation, specifically consumer protection laws, copyright laws, etc. Governments naturally aim to prevent any harmful products from entering the market. Luckily for Coca-Cola, most countries allow their drinks on the shelves of their shops. But, there are circumstances like sanctions, which make trade and investment impossible in certain regions. For Coca-Cola, such restricted areas are Cuba, North Korea, and Russia.

Indeed, the Coca-Cola brand is the first that comes to mind when you think of sweet beverages. This fact is hardly surprising since the company owns half the market share, leaving only fifty percent for all its competitors. Overall, the demand for this drink is steady in most countries, yet some trends can change the situation. As everybody knows, Coca-Cola drink is far from healthy. Consequently, people who shift to a more nutritious low-sugar diet might stop buying the beverage, causing lower profits.

Because Coca-Cola operates in so many countries, it has to adjust its marketing strategy to the socio-cultural aspects of every nation. But, by far, its attempts were successful and led to the popularization of the brand worldwide. One of the examples is the creation of unusual tastes in certain countries. Japanese consumers, for instance, highly appreciate the green tea taste and lemon Coke. Besides, Coca-Cola sold bottles with names, and people liked them. So, naturally, sales went up in all regions.

A beverage giant like Coca-Cola manages to draw people's attention from all age categories, but it mostly caters to the younger generation. So how does this brand attract more consumers in such a competitive market? Coca Cola uses modern technologies to its advantage. Besides working on the drink, the company heavily invests in social media marketing. The hashtags and online games aim to gain more buyers who want to be cool and trendy.

The Coca-Cola Company is famous for the secret formula of its drink. The brand has zero problems with patents or copyright, but the issues emerge from the other side. Coca-Cola is unfortunately notorious for mistreating its workers, who even protested against its unfair policy. What is more, there were even rumors about racial discrimination. So, the company has to work in this direction to clear its image.

As the biggest soft drinks producer in the world, Coca-Cola faces several accusations from eco-activists. Water shortage is the first problem that arises in places where the company places its factories. Statistically, Coca-Cola is the largest consumer of fresh water, so it drains its supplies everywhere. The issue is especially severe in countries that suffer from droughts, like India. Another problem to work on is plastic pollution due to piles of Coca-Cola bottles. Recyclable materials would be an awesome alternative.

PESTLE analysis for a business like Coca-Cola builds the most efficient strategy. Proper steps help to avoid pitfalls and secure market position.

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PESTLE Analysis for Amazon

Luckily for people who love to shop comfortably, services like Amazon exist to meet their needs. This global leader in e-commerce gains customers’ trust thanks to its smart tactical and strategic plans. The management uses PESTLE analysis for Amazon, which shows the company’s strong and weak sides:

Paving the way into multiple countries' markets means dealing with the local political environment. On the one hand, Amazon thrives in developed regions that can boast political stability. However, on the other hand, unpredictable environments like Eastern Europe or the Middle East threaten the company’s activity. Furthermore, rising foreign trade taxes may affect Amazon, like the cybersecurity failure.

Sometimes, high prices for the products, together with increasing shipping costs, scare away company clients. This issue is topical for Amazon, especially in developing countries. However, automatizing the processes can help this company save costs and set lower prices. A more influential factor for Amazon is competition with Aliexpress or Walmart. They have the potential to take over the market in Asian countries and the USA correspondingly.

Depending on the average income, Amazon sales might differ from country to country. More developed countries generally have a bigger percentage of citizens who use e-commerce. Furthermore, online shopping has become a large cultural phenomenon since the beginning of lockdowns. As a result, people got used to receiving their packages without going outside, which positively affected Amazon’s revenues. At the same time, too many company employees are losing their jobs because of automatization, which is a negative factor.

Technology and innovations are sure something that Amazon implements where it is possible. Since delivery is the company’s main service, the management attempts to make the process more efficient. Everything here revolves around creativity. Customers from developed regions can even receive groceries through drones. Another improvement is the possibility to talk to customer service through live chats or e-mails. Overall, Amazon constantly invests in its R&D department.

Legal matters are one of the most complicated, as every country has different requirements for foreign business activity. Amazon strictly follows consumer and employment laws to avoid tarnishing its reputation and bearing losses. Still, there are controversial situations where this business has to change its strategy. First, the counterfeit accusations can obstruct Amazon’s activity. Selling fake goods is legally punishable in most countries. Also, governments might suspect that Amazon collects consumer data underhandedly.

The examination of Amazon’s ecological strategy proves that this business cares about its effect on the environment. Even though e-commerce produces fewer emissions than shopping in brick-and-mortar shops, the change is still necessary. To become more environmentally friendly, Amazon encourages its clients to choose longer delivery options since quick shipment is bad for the ecology. Such initiatives improve the brand image and strengthen customer loyalty.

Altogether Amazons PESTLE analysis digs out the needed information about the company's activity. The final objective is to assess the effect of the environment on this brand and to find the best solutions for arising issues.

How do PESTLE Factors Affect a Business

Indeed, the lack of market research usually backfires with the sudden obstacles in the company’s way. Our papers writing service recommends using PESTLE analysis for businesses to make efficient decisions. Originally, every PESTLE analysis template contained several factors influencing companies worldwide. Like so, political circumstances might encourage or prohibit a firm from working in a country by enforcing the law, which is another category.

Next, economic strength impacts the demand for products and prices for raw materials. On top of that, socio-cultural specifics determine whether the s and services can be popular. Another subject of analysis is the level of technology, which should be enough for an innovative enterprise. Finally, the state of local ecology affects foreign business too. The company must be responsible for any potential harm to nature.

SWOT and PESTLE: Difference

How to Write PESTLE Analysis

You could have heard of two equally popular abbreviations, SWOT and PESTLE. In a nutshell, both of them relate to business and marketing. At first, these frameworks might seem a bit similar, but they do differ. For instance, if you look at the PESTLE analysis definition, you can see that it covers only the macro environment where a business operates. At the same time, SWOT examines internal factors like strengths and weaknesses and external determinants like opportunities and threats.

How does our research paper writing services compare the two methods? The thing is, both of them are essential. It is worth mentioning that SWOT analysis suits new brands and products more, while PESTLE analysis works better for expanding businesses.

Why Is PEST Analysis Useful for Business

Granted that company owners think of expansion, they have to consider everything. In such situations, PESTLE analysis for business is an awesome way to study unknown markets. The framework covers every detail that can potentially boost or disrupt business activity. On the contrary, superficial analysis is ineffective as it often misses economic, cultural, or legal specifics. Moreover, changes can happen overnight, so PESTLE analysis should be recurring.

A key goal of the market examination is minimizing dangers for a company. Analyzing the current situation in a country, along with its previous experiences, gives a hint of future events. However, certain circumstances, like natural disasters or international conflicts, are impossible to predict. That is why management should have a backup plan just in case.

In conclusion, any PESTLE analysis template gives companies recommendations regarding their foreign strategy. Furthermore, the study is thorough, so you can find an essay to buy at our service that always finishes work on time. Finally, preparation gives a clear view of the best direction for a company in a world of endless possibilities.

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Expert Help for Your PESTLE Analysis Essay

PESTLE analysis can be intricate and time-consuming. Our professional writers are here to help, offering tailored essays that dissect and analyze each aspect of the PESTLE framework with precision.

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Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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What is PESTLE Analysis? Understanding the External Factors Impacting Your Business

Pestle Analysis

PESTLE Analysis (also known as PEST Analysis) is a popular tool used by companies to analyze the external factors that may impact their operations. It is a comprehensive framework that examines six key areas: P olitical, E conomic, S ocial, T echnological, L egal, and E nvironmental. By conducting a PESTLE Analysis, businesses can better understand their current and potential markets, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make more informed decisions.

Each of the six areas analyzed in a PESTLE Analysis represents a different aspect of the external environment in which the businesses operate. Political factors include government policies, regulations, and political stability, while economic aspects include inflation, exchange rates, and economic growth. Social factors examine demographic trends, cultural norms, and social attitudes, while technological aspects look at advancements in technology and infrastructure. Legal factors consider laws and regulations that may impact businesses, and environmental aspects examine the impact of environmental issues on companies.

It is important to note that PESTLE analysis is different from SWOT Analysis. However, it is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what SWOT Analysis is, we have an article about it .

In this article, we will take a look further at each of the six factors included in PESTLE Analysis in detail and provide examples of how they can impact an organization.

Political Factors in PESTLE Analysis

Political factors refer to the impact of government policies and regulations on businesses. These factors can include tax policies, trade regulations, political stability, and international relations. Political factors can significantly impact businesses, and it is important to consider them when conducting PESTLE Analysis.

For example, the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe has significantly impacted businesses that collect or process the personal data of European Union citizens. Companies that do not comply with these regulations can face hefty fines, which can significantly impact their operations.

Other examples of political factors that can impact businesses include changes in tax policies or government regulations related to environmental protection, labor laws, or intellectual property rights.

Some basic questions businesses can ask themselves about political factors:

  • What impact do government policies and regulations have on our operations? 
  • Are there any upcoming changes in policies that could impact our business? 
  • How do political conditions in the countries we operate in affect our business?

Economic Factors in PESTLE Analysis

Economic factors refer to the impact of economic conditions on businesses. These factors can include inflation rates, exchange rates, economic growth, and interest rates. Economic factors can impact businesses in several ways, such as changing consumer spending patterns, demand and supply, and prices.

For example, during an economic recession, consumer spending tends to decrease, which can negatively impact businesses that rely on consumer spending. On the other hand, economic growth can provide businesses with opportunities for growth and expansion.

Some basic questions businesses can ask themselves about economic factors:

  • What are the current economic conditions? 
  • Are we in a recession or growth period? 
  • How do these conditions affect our business? 
  • Are there any economic trends that could impact our operations?

Social Factors in PESTLE Analysis

Social factors refer to the impact of social trends, beliefs, and values on businesses. These factors can include demographics, lifestyle changes, and cultural attitudes toward different products or services. It is crucial for companies to understand social aspects, as they can influence consumer behavior.

For example, the increasing trend toward health and wellness has created a demand for healthier food options. Businesses that cater to this trend can benefit from increased sales and profits. On the other hand, companies that fail to adapt to changing social attitudes and trends risk losing customers and market share.

Some basic questions businesses can ask themselves about social factors:

  • What social trends and beliefs are affecting our industry? 
  • Are there any demographic changes that could impact our business? 
  • How do cultural attitudes towards our products or services affect our operations?

Technological Factors in PESTLE Analysis

Technological factors refer to the impact of technology on businesses. These factors include advancements in technology, the rate of technological change, and the adoption of new technologies. Technological factors can have a significant impact on businesses, and it is crucial for companies to keep up with the latest technological trends.

For example, the rise of e-commerce has disrupted traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores. Companies that do not have an online presence risk losing customers to competitors that offer online shopping. On the other hand, businesses that adopt new technologies can benefit from increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer experience.

Some basic questions businesses can ask themselves about technological factors:

  • What technological advancements are affecting our industry? 
  • Are we keeping up with the latest technological trends? 
  • How can we use technology to improve our operations and better serve our customers?

Legal Factors in PESTLE Analysis

Legal factors refer to the impact of laws and regulations on businesses. These factors can include employment laws, health and safety rules, and industry-specific regulations. It is essential for companies to comply with these regulations, as non-compliance can result in fines and legal action.

For example, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in the United States aims to ensure the safety of the food supply chain. Companies that do not comply with these regulations can face legal action and hefty fines. Other examples of legal factors that can impact businesses include intellectual property laws, data protection regulations, and labor laws.

Some basic questions businesses can ask themselves about legal factors:

  • What laws and regulations affect our business? 
  • Are we complying with all relevant laws and regulations? 
  • Are there any upcoming changes in laws that could impact our operations?

Environmental Factors in PESTLE Analysis

Environmental factors refer to the impact of the physical environment on businesses. These factors can include climate change, natural disasters, and environmental regulations. It is crucial for companies to consider environmental factors, as they can impact the long-term sustainability of their operations.

For example, businesses that rely on fossil fuels or that produce large amounts of greenhouse gases may face increased regulations or consumer pressure to adopt sustainable practices. On the other hand, businesses that adopt sustainable practices can benefit from increased consumer trust and loyalty.

Some basic questions businesses can ask themselves about environmental factors:

  • What environmental factors could impact our business? 
  • Are there any environmental regulations that we need to comply with? 
  • How can we make our operations more sustainable?

Conducting a PESTLE Analysis

Conducting a Pestle Analysis involves following a structured approach, gathering relevant data and information, and evaluating each factor’s potential impact on the business. To conduct a Pestle Analysis, companies should follow these steps:

  • Define the purpose and scope of the analysis: Before starting the analysis, businesses should identify the specific purpose and scope of the analysis. This will help them determine which factors to consider and gather the necessary resources and data;
  • Gather information and data: Businesses should gather as much information and data as possible on the six key factors – Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. This information can come from a variety of sources, such as industry reports, market research, and government publications;
  • Evaluate each factor: Businesses should evaluate each factor individually and consider its potential impact on their operations. They should also consider any potential risks and opportunities associated with each factor;
  • Identify potential opportunities and threats: By evaluating each factor, businesses can identify potential opportunities and threats. They should develop strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks;
  • Monitor and update the analysis: Businesses should regularly monitor changes in the external environment and update the study as new data and information become available. This will help them stay ahead of potential changes and adapt to any new challenges or opportunities.

By following these steps, businesses can conduct a practical Pestle Analysis and gain a comprehensive understanding of the external environment. This will help them make informed decisions, identify potential opportunities and threats, and stay ahead of the competition.

Also, combining other forms of analysis, such as a SWOT analysis, can also help identify some areas you may have overlooked in your PESTLE analysis.

In conclusion, PESTLE Analysis is a valuable tool for businesses to analyze the external macro-environmental factors that may impact their operations. By analyzing political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors, companies can create a comprehensive view of their external environment and identify potential opportunities and threats.

To effectively use PESTLE Analysis, businesses should regularly evaluate these six factors and create strategies to adapt to any changes. By understanding the external environment, companies can make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Overall, PESTLE Analysis provides businesses with a powerful tool for analyzing the external macro-environmental factors that may impact their operations. By regularly evaluating these six factors, companies can create strategies that will enable them to adapt to changes and stay ahead of the competition.

Daniel Pereira

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How to Write PESTLE Analysis: Step by Step Guide (2023-2024)

PESTLE Analysis


What is pestel analysis, the components of the pest.

  • 1)      Political Factors
  • 2)      Economic Factors
  • 3)      Social Factors
  • 4)      Technological Factors
  • 5)      Environmental Factors
  • 6)      Legal Factors

What Is PESTLE Analysis Used For?

Pest analysis examples.

  • 1.      Political Factors
  • 2.      Economic Factors
  • 3.      Social Factors
  • 4.      Technological Factors
  • 5.      Legal Factors
  • 6.      Environmental Factors
  • 5)      Legal Factors
  • 6)      Environmental Factors
  • 3)      Socio-Cultural Factors

SWOT and PESTLE: Understanding the Difference

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PESTLE Analysis was originally developed as PEST Analysis in the late 1960s by Harvard professor Francis Aguilar. The acronym was later expanded to PESTLE, incorporating two additional factors, Legal and Environmental, making it a comprehensive tool for analyzing the external macro-environmental factors affecting a business or organization’s operations. Today, PESTLE Analysis is widely used across various industries to assess the impact of political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors on business strategies and decision-making processes .

In today’s globalized world, businesses have the opportunity to expand their operations into new countries and regions. However, successful expansion requires a thorough understanding of the external factors that can impact a company’s success in a new market. One essential tool for conducting such analysis is the PESTLE analysis, also known as PESTEL analysis.

This comprehensive framework, brought to you by GradeSmiths, examines the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors that can influence a business environment. By conducting a PESTLE analysis, entrepreneurs and top managers gain valuable insights into the specific characteristics and challenges of the target market, helping them make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks.

In this article, GradeSmiths delves into a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a PESTLE analysis, providing you with the necessary knowledge to assess the opportunities and risks for entrepreneurship in any country or region. Whether you are an established company planning to expand or a budding entrepreneur seeking new possibilities , understanding the PESTLE analysis is a crucial step towards sustainable growth and success in a dynamic global market.

PESTEL analysis, also known as PESTLE analysis, is a powerful tool used by businesses to systematically assess and understand the external factors that can impact their operations and performance. It provides a comprehensive framework for examining the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal aspects of a business environment.

what is a pest analysis essay

PEST analysis is a simplified version of PESTLE (PESTEL) analysis, focusing on four key components that influence a business’s environment. Despite covering fewer factors, PEST analysis provides valuable information about the following determinants:

1)      Political Factors

Political factors encompass the influence of government policies, regulations, and political stability on businesses. This includes factors such as taxation policies , trade restrictions, labor laws, and government stability. Understanding the political landscape is crucial for businesses to navigate potential risks and opportunities in a particular market.

2)      Economic Factors

Economic factors refer to the economic conditions and trends that can affect businesses. This includes factors such as economic growth, inflation rates , exchange rates, and consumer spending patterns. Analyzing the economic environment helps businesses make informed decisions and adapt their strategies accordingly.

3)      Social Factors

Social factors examine the social and cultural aspects that can influence businesses. This includes factors such as demographics, lifestyle preferences, attitudes, and cultural norms. Understanding social trends helps businesses tailor their products and services to meet the needs and preferences of their target market.

4)      Technological Factors

Technological factors focus on the impact of technology on businesses. This includes factors such as advancements in technology, digitalization, and innovation. Embracing technological changes can give businesses a competitive edge and open up new opportunities for growth.

5)      Environmental Factors

Environmental factors consider the influence of environmental issues on businesses. This includes factors such as climate change, environmental regulations, and sustainability practices. Being environmentally responsible is not only essential for corporate social responsibility but also for meeting consumer demands.

6)      Legal Factors

Legal factors encompass the legal and regulatory aspects that can affect businesses. This includes factors such as labor laws, intellectual property rights, and consumer protection laws. Complying with legal requirements is vital for businesses to avoid legal issues and maintain a positive reputation.

Conducting a PESTEL analysis enables businesses to gain valuable insights into the external factors that shape their operating environment. It helps them make strategic decisions, identify potential risks, and capitalize on opportunities to achieve long-term success and sustainability. By systematically evaluating these factors, businesses can adapt and thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing business landscape.

PESTLE analysis is a powerful tool used by businesses to assess the external factors that can impact their operations and d ecision-making process . It serves various purposes, including:

  • Risk Assessment: PESTLE analysis helps businesses identify potential risks and challenges in the external environment. By analyzing political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors, companies can anticipate potential obstacles and plan effective risk management strategies.
  • Market Entry and Expansion: Before entering a new market or expanding their operations to a different country, businesses conduct PESTLE analysis to understand the market’s overall climate. It allows them to evaluate whether the political and economic conditions are favorable for growth and expansion.
  • Strategic Planning: PESTLE analysis plays a crucial role in strategic planning. By examining the external factors, businesses can align their strategies with the prevailing market conditions. It helps them make informed decisions about product development, pricing, marketing, and distribution.
  • Identifying Opportunities: Apart from assessing risks, PESTLE analysis also helps companies identify potential opportunities in the market. Understanding social trends, technological advancements, and legal changes can give businesses a competitive edge by capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Legal and environmental factors in PESTLE analysis help businesses ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Understanding the legal landscape helps companies avoid legal disputes and penalties while operating in a new market.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: The environmental aspect of PESTLE analysis allows companies to evaluate the potential impact of their business activities on the environment. It encourages businesses to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

So, PESTLE analysis provides businesses with valuable insights into the external factors that can influence their success. By understanding the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental conditions, companies can make informed decisions, minimize risks, and capitalize on opportunities for growth and prosperity.

PESTLE Analysis

If you’re in search of PESTLE analysis examples, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we provide a comprehensive PESTLE analysis template that highlights the various factors affecting a business, including economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental aspects. A well-crafted PESTLE analysis example will delve into critical areas such as consumer protection laws, employment regulations, and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

In today’s dynamic economy, strategic thinking has become a crucial competitive advantage for businesses in every industry. A thorough PESTLE analysis can provide valuable insights into understanding consumer buying habits, trade restrictions, technological advancements, and other crucial factors that can impact a company’s success.

For instance, the economic component of a PESTLE analysis can shed light on the economic conditions of a particular market, such as inflation rates, unemployment rates, and consumer spending patterns. The social aspect can explore demographic trends, cultural norms, and societal attitudes that influence consumer preferences and behaviors. The technological component can analyze the level of technological advancements and innovations that may affect a company’s operations and product development.

Moreover, a comprehensive PESTLE analysis should consider the legal factors, including laws and regulations related to the industry, intellectual property rights , and labor laws. Additionally, the environmental aspect should assess the impact of ecological trends, sustainability practices, and climate change on the business.

By conducting a PESTLE analysis, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of the external environment, anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, and make well-informed decisions to stay competitive in the market. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a startup, a PESTLE analysis is an invaluable tool to navigate the complexities of the business landscape and ensure long-term success.

PESTLE Analysis of Apple

When it comes to strategic decision-making, even technological giants like Apple must carefully assess the external factors that can significantly impact their business. Conducting a PESTLE analysis for Apple is an indispensable tool for devising a robust business plan, especially when expanding operations into countries like China.

1.      Political Factors

Political stability is a vital aspect of the external environment. While Apple generally adheres to safety regulations and fiscal policies, it is not immune to the effects of international conflicts. The ongoing trade war between China and the USA exemplifies how government decisions can influence companies. The imposition of higher import taxes and the shifting landscape of cheap manufacturing in China can lead to increased production costs for Apple.

2.      Economic Factors

As a producer of premium-priced products, Apple closely monitors economic growth and purchasing power in foreign markets. Fortunately, Asian countries like China are experiencing stable GDP growth and rising consumer purchasing power, making them attractive prospects for Apple’s expansion plans. Venturing into these thriving regions presents an opportunity for increased profits.

3.      Social Factors

Understanding the social dynamics of a target country is crucial for successful business ventures. In China, where population growth rates exceed expectations, Apple can find an abundant pool of both workers and consumers. Moreover, Apple’s astute marketing efforts position their products as luxury items, appealing to the Asian population’s desire to showcase high status. However, the trade war between the US and China could also have adverse effects on Apple’s sales in the region.

4.      Technological Factors

For Apple, staying at the forefront of technological advancements is paramount. However, competitors like Samsung, Xiaomi, and Lenovo continuously challenge Apple’s market share with innovative offerings. Apple’s target audience may seek out these rival brands if Apple fails to introduce revolutionary features in their gadgets.

5.      Legal Factors

Legal considerations play a significant role in Apple’s operations, encompassing safety laws, copyright protection, and patent legislation. Apple strives to maintain a positive public image by avoiding legal controversies. However, the company does take calculated risks when dealing with copyrighted music and software, potentially risking its loyal customer base in the event of a lawsuit.

6.      Environmental Factors

Environmental issues, including climate change and environmental regulations, cannot be overlooked in the PESTLE analysis. While Apple can mitigate weather-related risks by strategically locating its factories, countries like China’s strict environmental policies push Apple to make eco-friendly choices in its production processes. For instance, Apple’s decision to abandon lithium batteries aligns with the country’s environmental concerns and bolsters the brand’s reputation.

Thus, the PESTLE analysis highlights the crucial macro-environmental factors that significantly impact Apple’s performance in foreign markets. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of Apple’s policies, this analysis emphasizes the importance of adapting to the ever-changing business landscape while capitalizing on the company’s numerous strengths. Despite facing challenges, Apple’s strategic approach and strong market position, positions it for continued success.

McDonald’s PESTLE Analysis

When a prominent corporation like McDonald’s expands its operations into new markets, a comprehensive understanding of the external business environment becomes paramount. Conducting a PESTLE analysis for McDonald’s provides valuable insights into the economic, technological, legal, and environmental factors that can significantly impact its performance in different regions.

As the largest and most renowned fast-food company, McDonald’s must address food safety concerns in various countries. Compliance with local legislation or risk assessment becomes crucial, as some regions have stricter safety standards than the company’s country of origin, the US. Opening branches in riskier regions with uncertain policies, such as Middle Eastern or Asian countries, requires careful consideration.

McDonald’s faces varying economic circumstances in different countries. Slowing economic growth in Eastern Europe poses challenges for local McDonald’s restaurants. On the other hand, the steady growth of economies in Western Europe and developing countries presents opportunities. However, the high employee turnover rate within the company affects its profitability, necessitating efforts to improve employee retention strategies.

Cultural preferences play a significant role in McDonald’s adaptation strategy. Customizing menus to cater to local tastes is exemplified by the Japanese menu, featuring rice and fish, and the Indian menu, tailored to the largely vegetarian preferences . However, the growing trend for healthier lifestyles and weight loss poses a threat to the company’s traditional offerings, necessitating a shift in its strategy.

Embracing global technology trends, McDonald’s has implemented sensory screens for ordering food, attracting customers seeking a broader menu selection. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of contactless restaurant options, making further automation an advantageous strategy for McDonald’s to pursue.

5)      Legal Factors

Shifting employment laws, particularly increases in minimum wages, present significant legal challenges for McDonald’s branches worldwide. The management must adapt its profit distribution strategies accordingly. Additionally, staying compliant with each country’s changing laws, including ingredient bans or restrictions, is essential to ensure uninterrupted operations.

6)      Environmental Factors

McDonald’s has shown a strong commitment to environmental issues, aiming to become more environmentally friendly. Initiatives include switching to recyclable packaging to reduce pollution and adopting energy-efficient technologies in local restaurants. However, global warming poses severe environmental challenges, potentially leading to food shortages and supply chain disruptions.

So, the comprehensive PESTLE analysis allows McDonald’s top managers to make well-informed decisions in both familiar and new markets. By proactively identifying potential risks and opportunities, the company can ensure sustainable success and navigate the ever-changing business landscape effectively.

PESTLE Analysis for Netflix

PESTLE Analysis

Netflix, the global streaming giant, has revolutionized the entertainment industry with its on-demand content delivery platform. Employing PESTLE analysis for Netflix uncovers key factors that influence the company’s performance and strategic decisions.

Operating in various countries means Netflix must navigate different political landscapes and regulations. Content censorship and licensing agreements can impact the availability of certain shows or movies in specific regions. Additionally, government policies related to media content and distribution may affect Netflix’s expansion plans.

Economic conditions in different markets influence consumer spending on entertainment services. Subscription prices and local competition can impact Netflix’s market penetration and revenue generation. Fluctuations in exchange rates can also affect the cost of content acquisition and licensing agreements.

Changing consumer preferences and viewing habits influence Netflix’s content strategy. The platform must cater to diverse audiences and cultural preferences to remain relevant globally. Social trends like cord-cutting and binge-watching shape the company’s content release and distribution strategies.

Netflix heavily relies on technology for content delivery and user experience. Continuous investment in streaming technology and platform optimization is critical for maintaining customer satisfaction. Technological advancements, such as 4K streaming and virtual reality, provide opportunities for enhancing user engagement.

Legal challenges related to copyright infringement and intellectual property rights are significant concerns for Netflix. The company must navigate complex licensing agreements and negotiate content distribution deals with production studios and content creators. Compliance with data protection and privacy laws is also crucial to maintain consumer trust.

While Netflix’s primary operations are digital, the company’s environmental impact includes energy consumption for data centers and content delivery networks. Adopting sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources for data centers, contributes to the company’s environmental responsibility.

Overall, the PESTLE analysis for Netflix reveals the complexities and challenges the company faces in the dynamic entertainment industry. Understanding these factors enables Netflix to make informed decisions, adapt to changing market conditions, and continue its global growth and success in the ever-evolving streaming landscape.

Coca Cola PESTLE Analysis

In the pursuit of discovering new markets, astute managers rely on the comprehensive PESTLE analysis for business. For Coca Cola, this analysis delves into the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental conditions, providing valuable insights into its global operations.

As a major food and beverage company, Coca-Cola operates under the purview of country-specific legislation, including consumer protection and copyright laws. While most countries readily permit the sale of Coca-Cola products, some regions face trade and investment restrictions due to sanctions. Countries such as Cuba, North Korea, and Russia represent areas where Coca-Cola’s operations may be limited.

Coca-Cola enjoys unparalleled brand recognition, owning a significant portion of the market share for sweet beverages worldwide. However, despite steady demand in most countries, shifting consumer trends towards healthier diets may impact sales. The company may face challenges if health-conscious individuals reduce their consumption of sugary beverages, potentially leading to lower profits.

Operating in diverse countries, Coca-Cola successfully tailors its marketing strategies to match the socio-cultural aspects of each nation. Customizing tastes and introducing unique bottle designs, such as bottles with names, has garnered widespread popularity and increased sales in various regions, including Japan.

Catering predominantly to the younger generation, Coca-Cola leverages modern technologies to capture consumer attention and maintain a competitive edge. Extensive investments in social media marketing, hashtags, and online games appeal to trendy and tech-savvy consumers, contributing to the brand’s popularity.

While Coca-Cola has navigated patent and copyright matters successfully, the company has faced challenges concerning employee treatment, including protests against unfair policies and allegations of racial discrimination. Addressing these issues and fostering a positive work environment is crucial for improving the company’s public image.

As the world’s largest soft drinks producer, Coca-Cola grapples with environmental concerns raised by eco-activists. Water shortage, particularly in regions where factories are located, poses a significant challenge, given the company’s substantial water consumption. Efforts to promote recyclable materials and reduce plastic pollution are essential steps towards enhancing environmental sustainability.

PESTLE analysis provides Coca-Cola with a robust strategy, guiding the company to navigate potential pitfalls and secure a strong market position. By understanding the impact of various external factors, Coca-Cola can make informed decisions to thrive in an ever-changing global business landscape.

PESTLE Analysis for Amazon

As the leading global e-commerce giant, Amazon caters to the needs of millions of satisfied customers with its smart tactical and strategic plans . Employing PESTLE analysis for Amazon reveals the company’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling effective decision-making and strategic planning.

Operating in multiple countries necessitates navigating complex political environments. While Amazon thrives in politically stable regions, unpredictable markets in Eastern Europe and the Middle East pose challenges. Additionally, rising foreign trade taxes and cybersecurity failures may impact the company’s operations.

Amazon faces challenges in some markets due to high product prices and increasing shipping costs, particularly in developing countries. Nevertheless, the company can leverage automation to optimize processes and offer competitive prices. Competitors like Aliexpress and Walmart also influence market dynamics in Asian countries and the USA.

The income levels of different countries influence Amazon’s sales, with more developed nations witnessing higher e-commerce adoption rates. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the cultural shift towards online shopping, benefiting Amazon’s revenues . However, automation has led to job losses, raising concerns about social implications.

Technology and innovation are at the core of Amazon’s business model. The company continually invests in research and development to enhance its delivery processes and customer experience. Innovations like drone deliveries and efficient customer service through live chats or emails solidify Amazon’s technological edge.

Navigating various legal requirements in different countries is a complex challenge for Amazon. Adhering to consumer and employment laws is essential to protect the company’s reputation and mitigate potential losses. However, counterfeit accusations and data privacy concerns may require strategic adjustments.

Amazon demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability by encouraging longer delivery options to reduce emissions. Despite e-commerce’s lower environmental impact compared to brick-and-mortar shopping, the company strives to become even more eco-friendly. These initiatives improve the brand image and foster customer loyalty.

Therefore, the PESTLE analysis provides invaluable insights into Amazon’s business environment, enabling the company to assess its impact on the market and devise effective strategies to address emerging challenges. By leveraging this analysis, Amazon can stay ahead in the dynamic and ever-changing e-commerce landscape.

How do PESTLE Factors Affect a Business

PESTLE Analysis

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, companies must navigate a myriad of external factors that influence their operations and success. PESTLE analysis provides a comprehensive framework to assess the macro-environmental factors that impact a business. This one-page analysis delves into the significance of PESTLE factors and their effects on businesses worldwide.

Political factors play a crucial role in shaping a business’s operating environment. Government policies, regulations, and stability can either facilitate or hinder business operations. For instance, political stability encourages investments and expansion, while political instability may create uncertainty and deter foreign investors. Additionally, changes in taxation policies, trade agreements, and labor laws can impact a company’s profitability and strategic decisions.

Economic conditions significantly influence business performance. Factors such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and exchange rates affect consumer spending and purchasing power. In a thriving economy, consumers are more likely to spend on goods and services, boosting businesses’ revenues. Conversely, an economic downturn may lead to reduced consumer spending and demand for products and services. Furthermore, fluctuations in commodity prices and raw material costs directly impact a company’s production costs and profitability.

3)      Socio-Cultural Factors

Societal norms, cultural preferences, and consumer behavior have a profound effect on businesses. Companies must adapt their products, marketing strategies, and business practices to cater to the unique needs and expectations of different demographics and cultures . For example, consumer preferences for eco-friendly products have prompted businesses to adopt sustainable practices and eco-conscious initiatives. Understanding socio-cultural trends is essential for businesses to connect with their target audiences and remain relevant in the market.

The rapid pace of technological advancements shapes the business landscape in significant ways. Embracing technology is crucial for companies to stay competitive and meet consumer demands. Innovations in automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and enable personalized customer experiences. Failure to adopt technology can leave businesses lagging behind and vulnerable to disruptors in the industry.

Legal factors encompass various regulations and laws that businesses must comply with to operate ethically and lawfully. Intellectual property rights, labor laws, consumer protection laws, and data privacy regulations are just a few legal considerations that impact businesses. Non-compliance with legal requirements can lead to hefty fines, reputational damage, and even business shutdowns. Staying informed about legal changes and proactively adapting to them is crucial for long-term sustainability.

Environmental factors have become increasingly significant for businesses as sustainability and corporate social responsibility gain prominence. Concerns about climate change, environmental impact, and resource depletion have urged businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce their carbon footprint. Embracing sustainable initiatives not only benefits the environment but also enhances a company’s reputation and attracts environmentally-conscious consumers.

In the realm of business and marketing, strategic analysis frameworks play a pivotal role in understanding the internal and external factors that impact a company’s performance and decision-making. Two widely used frameworks are SWOT and PESTLE analysis . While they share the common goal of aiding businesses in their strategic planning, they differ in their focus and scope. This article aims to delve into the disparities between SWOT and PESTLE analysis, emphasizing their distinct applications and significance in the business world.

SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is an internal and external assessment tool used to evaluate a company’s current position and potential for growth.

  • Strengths : SWOT analysis identifies a company’s internal strengths, such as core competencies, unique selling points, and resources that give it a competitive advantage in the market.
  • Weaknesses: This aspect highlights the internal limitations, vulnerabilities, and areas in which a company may be falling short compared to its competitors.
  • Opportunities: SWOT analysis explores external factors, such as market trends, emerging opportunities, or changing customer preferences, that a company can leverage to expand its business.
  • Threats : The analysis also examines external factors that pose potential risks or challenges to the company’s growth and profitability.

SWOT analysis is particularly useful for startups and new products, providing a comprehensive overview of their competitive position and potential pathways for development.

PESTLE analysis, on the other hand, stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental analysis. It is a macro-environmental framewor k that assesses the external factors that influence a company’s operations.

  • Political: This factor examines how government policies, regulations, and political stability impact the business environment.
  • Economic: PESTLE analysis considers economic factors like GDP growth, inflation rates, exchange rates, and consumer spending, which can significantly affect a company’s performance.
  • Social: The analysis delves into societal factors, including demographics, cultural trends, and consumer preferences, which influence market demand and customer behavior.
  • Technological: This aspect explores technological advancements and innovations that can create new opportunities or disrupt industries.
  • Legal: Legal factors encompass the impact of laws, regulations, and compliance requirements on business operations.
  • Environmental: PESTLE analysis also considers the impact of environmental factors, such as climate change, sustainability initiatives, and eco-friendly practices, on businesses.

PESTLE analysis provides businesses with valuable insights into the broader market environment, helping them identify potential risks and opportunities in their expansion endeavors.

Both SWOT and PESTLE analyses are essential strategic tools that complement each other in the decision-making process.

SWOT analysis focuses on a company’s internal factors and immediate competitive landscape, providing a snapshot of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

PESTLE analysis, on the other hand, assesses the external macro-environment, considering broader factors that may influence the company’s market entry, expansion, and sustainability .

Thus, SWOT and PESTLE analysis are two distinct yet complementary frameworks that offer valuable insights into a company’s strategic planning process. SWOT analysis helps businesses identify their internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, while PESTLE analysis provides a broader perspective on the macro-environmental factors that may impact business operations. By leveraging both frameworks, businesses can make informed decisions, capitalize on opportunities, mitigate risks, and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the business world.

Why Is PESTLE Analysis Essential for Business Expansion

When it comes to expanding a business into new markets, comprehensive research and strategic planning are paramount. PESTLE analysis emerges as a powerful tool to explore uncharted territories. This framework delves into every critical detail that can either propel or hinder business activity in a foreign market. Unlike superficial analyses, PESTLE analysis dives deep into economic, cultural, and legal specifics, ensuring a holistic understanding of the external environment. Moreover, given the ever-changing dynamics of the global landscape, PESTLE analysis should be an ongoing process.

The ultimate goal of conducting a PESTLE analysis is to minimize risks and uncertainties for a company operating in unfamiliar territories. By thoroughly examining the current situation in a country and analyzing its historical experiences, businesses can gain valuable insights into potential future events. However, certain factors, such as natural disasters or international conflicts, remain unpredictable. In such cases, having a well-thought-out contingency plan becomes crucial to navigate unforeseen challenges successfully.

A well-executed PESTLE analysis serves as a compass, providing companies with valuable recommendations for their foreign market strategy. The thorough examination of political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors equips businesses with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions and seize opportunities. Armed with such insights, companies can align their operations with the unique characteristics of each market and tailor their approach accordingly.

At times, businesses face tight deadlines and require prompt and reliable solutions. Our essay writing service stands ready to offer timely assistance, providing you with a comprehensive PESTLE analysis that meets your specific requirements. With a team of skilled professionals, we ensure that your analysis is delivered on time without compromising on quality.

In conclusion, embracing the power of a PESTLE analysis equips companies with a clear vision and a well-structured approach to navigate the complexities of international markets. A thorough assessment of the external environment provides the groundwork for making informed decisions, mitigating risks , and seizing opportunities. As businesses venture into a world of endless possibilities, proper preparation through PESTLE analysis becomes a catalyst for success, enabling them to thrive in diverse and dynamic global landscapes.

In a world where expansion is a constant aspiration, PESTLE analysis remains an indispensable ally for businesses seeking to chart their course towards growth, sustainability, and global success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about PESTLE Analysis

PESTLE Analysis

  • What is PESTLE analysis, and how does it differ from SWOT analysis?

PESTLE analysis is a strategic tool that examines the macro-environmental factors influencing a business, including political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental aspects. On the other hand, SWOT analysis evaluates both internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) that impact a company. While PESTLE focuses on the external environment, SWOT delves into both internal and external aspects of a business.

  • When should businesses use PESTLE analysis?

PESTLE analysis is particularly useful for companies looking to expand into new markets. It helps them thoroughly research and understand the various factors that could impact their business operations in unfamiliar territories . This analysis provides essential insights to strategize and make informed decisions when entering new markets.

  • What are the components of a PESTLE analysis?

The components of PESTLE analysis include Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors. By analyzing these factors, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of the external environment and its potential effects on their operations.

  • How often should a PESTLE analysis be conducted?

PESTLE analysis should be a recurring process, especially for companies operating in dynamic and ever-changing global markets. External factors can shift rapidly, making regular assessments vital to adapt and respond to new challenges and opportunities.

  • How does PESTLE analysis help minimize risks for businesses?

PESTLE analysis enables businesses to identify potential risks and uncertainties in foreign markets. By examining political stability, economic conditions, social trends, technological advancements, legal regulations, and environmental issues , companies can develop contingency plans and mitigate risks associated with operating in unfamiliar territories.

  • How does PESTLE analysis assist in strategic decision-making?

A thorough PESTLE analysis provides crucial insights into the external environment, allowing businesses to make informed strategic decisions. Understanding the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors helps companies tailor their market entry strategies and adapt their products or services to meet the specific needs and demands of each market.

  • Can PESTLE analysis be applied to specific companies?

Yes, PESTLE analysis can be tailored to evaluate the impact of external factors on specific companies. For example, the blog includes PESTLE analysis examples for well-known companies like Apple, McDonald’s, Amazon, and Coca-Cola. By conducting a company-specific PESTLE analysis, businesses gain valuable insights into the unique challenges and opportunities they might encounter .

  • How can businesses prepare for potential environmental challenges?

PESTLE analysis addresses environmental factors, which include ecological issues like climate change and environmental regulations. Businesses can prepare for potential environmental challenges by adopting eco-friendly practices, minimizing their environmental footprint, and aligning their operations with sustainable and environmentally responsible initiatives.

  • Where can businesses seek professional help with PESTLE analysis?

Businesses can seek professional assistance with PESTLE analysis from expert research paper writing services, like GradeSmiths. These services offer comprehensive and in-depth analyses tailored to specific business needs and deadlines, providing businesses with valuable insights to drive their expansion and decision-making processes.

  • How does PESTLE analysis contribute to long-term success in the global market?

PESTLE analysis equips businesses with a holistic understanding of the external environment, enabling them to make strategic decisions that align with market dynamics. By minimizing risks, seizing opportunities, and adapting to changes in the global market, PESTLE analysis becomes a catalyst for long-term success and sustainability in an increasingly interconnected and competitive world.

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What Is PEST Analysis?

  • How It Works
  • Applications

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What Is PEST Analysis? Its Applications and Uses in Business

what is a pest analysis essay

Investopedia / Ellen Lindner

PEST analysis (political, economic, social, and technological) is a management method whereby an organization can assess major external factors that influence its operation in order to become more competitive in the market. As described by the acronym, those four areas are central to this model.

A popular variation on the PEST analysis format, especially in the U.K., is the PESTLE strategic planning approach, which includes the additional aspects of legal and environmental.

Key Takeaways

  • PEST analysis stands for political, economic, social, and technological.
  • This type of analysis is used to gauge external factors that could impact the profitability of a company.
  • Generally, it is more effective with larger organizations that are more likely to experience the effects of macro events.
  • PEST analysis is commonly used in conjunction with SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Understanding PEST Analysis

It is believed that PEST analysis was first introduced under the name ETPS by Harvard professor Francis J. Aguilar. In the 1967 publication "Scanning the Business Environment," Aguilar presented the economic, technical, political, and social factors as being major influences on the business environment. Subsequently, the letters were rearranged to create a convenient and quirky acronym used today.

The core of PEST analysis is the belief that a comprehensive assessment of the major areas of influence that affect the sector in which an organization is positioned, as well as the organization itself, can facilitate more effective strategic planning.

This planning can be undertaken to maximize the organization’s ability to capitalize on conditions as they exist and to be forewarned of and better prepared for imminent changes, allowing the organization to stay ahead of competitors.

Components of PEST Analysis

Political: The political aspect of PEST analysis focuses on the areas in which government policy and/or changes in legislation affect the economy, the specific industry, and the organization in question. Areas of policy that may particularly affect an organization include tax and employment laws. The general political climate of a nation or region, as well as international relations , can also greatly influence the organization.

Economic: The economic portion of the analysis targets the key factors of interest and exchange rates , economic growth, supply and demand , inflation , and recession.

Social: The social factors that may be included in a PEST analysis are demographics and age distribution, cultural attitudes, and workplace and lifestyle trends.

Technological: The technological component considers the specific role and development of technologies within the sector and organization, as well as the wider uses, trends, and changes in technology. Government spending on technological research may also be a point of interest in this area.

Applications of PEST Analysis

PEST analysis can assist an organization in recognizing and thereby capitalizing on opportunities offered by existing conditions in the business environment. It can also be used for identifying current or possible future challenges, allowing for effective planning of how to best manage these challenges.

PEST analysis can also be applied in assessing the in-house structure of an organization in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in its internal politics, economic outlook , social climate, and technology base. The results of this analysis can facilitate changes or improvements in areas identified as subpar.

PEST analysis can be used in conjunction with other forms of strategic business analysis, such as the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) model, for an even more comprehensive result. Conducting a comparison between these completed analyses can provide a very solid basis for informed decision-making.

What Is PEST vs. PESTLE Analysis?

PEST analysis stands for "political, economic, social, and technological" whereas PESTLE stands for the same but adds "legal" and "environmental" factors to the analysis. These areas are considered when assessing the impact of external factors on a company's profitability.

How Do You Do a PEST Analysis?

To do a PEST analysis, you must consider the different factors under each category (political, economic, social, and technological), and how these factors affect your business. For the political component, you would assess laws, regulations, government policies, and tariffs, for example. For the economic component, some of the topics you would assess would include access to financing, cost of living, interest rates, inflation, and labor costs. For the social component, you would consider consumer trends and behaviors, education, division of wealth, population growth rates, and health. For the technological component, you would assess areas such as artificial intelligence growth, innovation, research and development, social networking, and cybersecurity.

How Often Should a PEST Analysis Be Done?

A PEST analysis can be done as often as a business would like. It is good to perform a PEST analysis when there have been significant changes that may impact a business, such as a change in interest rates, new government policies, or the introduction of new technology. It should be done often so as not to become outdated.

By analyzing the political, economic, societal, and technological factors that impact its business, a company can plan, reorganize, and adjust to these external factors in order to become a more successful operation. A business's success is not only predicated on how well it internally manages its operations but also on how it functions in the larger world. PEST analysis helps it to succeed in that aspect.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. “ PESTLE Analysis .”

Rastogi, Nitank and Trivedi, M.K. “ PESTLE Technique—A Tool to Identify External Risks in Construction Projects .” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology , vol. 3, no 1, 2016, pp. 385-386.

PESTLE Analysis. “ What Is PESTLE Analysis? An Important Business Analysis Tool .”

PESTLE Analysis. “ What Is a SWOT Analysis? 2 Examples of What It’s Used For .”

what is a pest analysis essay

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PESTLE analysis

Discover what PESTLE means, and use our PESTLE analysis template and example to explore the external influences on your organisation

A PESTLE analysis studies the key external factors (Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental) that influence an organisation. It can be used in a range of different scenarios, and can guide people professionals and senior managers in strategic decision making.

On this page

  • What is a PESTLE analysis?
  • How to do a PESTLE analysis
  • PESTLE analysis tips
  • What is a PESTLE analysis used for?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a PESTLE analysis
  • Useful contacts and further reading

It is a broad fact-finding activity around the external factors that could affect an organisation’s decisions, helping it to maximise opportunities and minimise threats. It audits six external influences on an organisation: 

  • Political: Tax policy; environmental regulations; trade restrictions and reform, tariffs, political stability.
  • Economic: Economic growth/decline; interest, exchange, inflation and wage rates; minimum wage; working hours; unemployment (local and national); credit availability, cost of living.
  • Sociological: Cultural norms and expectations; health consciousness; population growth rates; age distribution; career attitudes; health and safety.
  • Technological:  New technologies are continually emerging (for example, in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence), and the rate of change itself is increasing. How will this affect the organisation’s products or services?
  • Legal: Changes to legislation impacting employment, access to materials, quotas, resources, imports/exports, and taxation.
  • Environmental:  Global warming and the increased need to switch to sustainable resources; ethical sourcing (both locally and nationally), including supply chain intelligence.  Pandemics and other emergencies.

By analysing these factors, organisations can assess any risks specific to their industry and organisation, and make informed decisions.  It can also highlight the potential for additional costs, and prompt further research to be built into future plans. 

PESTLE analysis is part of the  core knowledge on enabling change  and the  core behaviour commercial drive  in the CIPD Profession Map.

What is a PESTLE analysis and how does it work?


A PESTLE analysis is a management framework and diagnostic tool.  The outcome of the analysis will help you to understand factors external to your organisation which can impact upon strategy and influence business decisions.

The PESTLE tool: PESTLE is an acronym for:

P = Political E = Economic S = Social T = Technology L = Legal E = Environmental Let’s look at each of these factors more closely,

POLITICAL: When looking at Political factors you will need to take into account your countries government policies and political stability.  Other factors will include tax implications, industry regulations and global trade agreements and restrictions.

ECONOMIC: Economic factors will include exchange rates, economic growth or decline, globalisation, inflation, interest rates and the cost of living, labour costs and consumer spending.

SOCIAL: Social factors look at trends such as lifestyle factors, cultural norms and expectations such as career attitudes and work-life balance.  It also concerns itself with consumer tastes and buying habits as well as population demographics.

TECHNOLOGY: Technology has grown exponentially. How is your business responding to technological innovation in your products and services?  Other technological advancements will impact on data storage, disruptive technologies such as smartphones, social networking, automation robotics and the increasing shift towards AI artificial intelligence?

LEGAL: Shifts in the Legal landscape are constantly changing especially here in the UK. Employment labour law and employment tribunal decisions impact upon working practices continuously. It is also important to keep up to date with all changes in legislation and of course Health and safety regulations.

ENVIRONMENTAL: Does your business have a direct impact on the environment? Political sanctions now govern carbon emissions and a move towards sustainable resources such as wind turbines and recycling. This area also covers CSR corporate social responsibility and ethical sourcing of goods and services which in turn has a direct impact on procurement and your businesses supply chain management.

Next steps: Once you are clear on the main overarching factors included in a PESTLE analysis the next challenge is to relate this in real terms into the industry sector you work in.

Good luck. 

Follow these steps:

  • Identify the scope of the research. It should cover present and possible future scenarios, and apply to the industry and areas of the world in which the business operates. 
  • Decide how the information will be collected and by whom. Identify more than one person to gather data to bring diverse evidence and perspectives.
  • Identify appropriate sources of information. You may find some areas of PESTLE are a bigger focus to your industry than others but exploring information for all of them will give you a wider view of the external environment.
  • Gather the information – you can use the template below. 
  • Analyse the findings. 
  • Mark each item in terms of importance in relation to potential risk to the organisation. 
  • Identify the business options to address the issues.
  • Write a discussion document for all stakeholders. 
  • Disseminate and discuss the findings with stakeholders and decision makers. 
  • Decide what actions need to be taken, and trends to be monitored. 

To be effective, a PESTLE analysis needs to be done regularly. Doing so can help organisations to spot trends early, and provide a competitive advantage.

You can download a PESTLE analysis template below. We’ve also created an example based on a fictitious retail sector organisation which shows how PESTLE factors have been analysed and interpreted.

Some useful tips for carrying out a PESTLE analysis:

  • Collaborate - multiple perspectives can identify more risk.
  • Use expertise and resources within the organisation.
  • Use PESTLE analysis alongside other techniques, such as  SWOT analysis ,  Porter's Five Forces , competitor analysis, or scenario planning. 
  • Incorporate a PESTLE analysis into an ongoing process for monitoring changes in the business environment.
  • Avoid collecting vast amounts of detailed information without analysing and understanding your findings appropriately.
  • Don’t jump to conclusions about the future based on the past or present.

By auditing the external environment, a PESTLE analysis can detect and understand broad, long-term trends. This can support a range of business planning situations, such as:

Strategic business planning

It provides contextual information about the business direction, its brand positioning, growth targets, and risks (such as another pandemic) to productivity. It can help determine the validity of existing products and services and define new product development.

Workforce planning

It helps to identify disruptive changes to business models that may profoundly affect the future employment landscape. It can identify skills gaps, new job roles, job reductions or displacements.

Marketing planning

It provides the ‘climate’ element in the situation analysis phase of the marketing planning process. It can help prioritise business activities to accomplish specific marketing objectives within a set timeframe.

Product development

By monitoring external activity, it can help inform whether to enter or leave a route to market, determine if a product or service still fulfils a need in the marketplace, or when to launch a new product.

Organisational change

It helps recognise the context for  change , and is most effective when used in association with a  SWOT analysis  to understand opportunities and threats around labour changes, such as skills shortages or current workforce capabilities. 

People strategies, reports and projects

It can be used as a framework to look outside the organisation to hypothesise what may happen in future and what should be further explored. It can ensure that some basic factors are not overlooked or ignored when  aligning people strategies to the broader organisation strategy .


  • It’s a simple framework.
  • It facilitates an understanding of the wider business environment. 
  • It encourages the development of external and strategic thinking. 
  • It can enable an organisation to anticipate future business threats and take action to avoid or minimise their impact.
  • It can enable an organisation to spot business opportunities and exploit them fully.


  • Some PESTLE analysis users oversimplify the amount of data used for decisions – it’s easy to use insufficient data.
  • The risk of capturing too much data may lead to ‘paralysis by analysis’. 
  • The data used may be based on assumptions that later prove to be unfounded. 
  • The pace of change makes it increasingly difficult to anticipate developments that may affect an organisation in the future.
  • To be effective, the process needs to be repeated on a regular basis.

Books and reports

Morrison, M. (2013)  Strategic business diagnostic tools: theory and practice . CreateSpace Independent Publishing. (Chapter 3: PESTLE).

Turner, S. (2002)  Tools for success: a manager’s guide . London: McGraw Hill.

Journal articles

Dobbs, M.E. (2014) Guidelines for applying Porter's five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates. Competitiveness Review . Vol 24, No 1, pp32-45.

CIPD members can use our  online journals  to find articles from over 300 journal titles relevant to HR.

Members and  People Management  subscribers can see articles on the  People Management  website.

Blank PESTLE template PDF

Completed pestle example pdf.

This factsheet was last updated by Michelle Battista: Learning Community and Content Curator, CIPD

Michelle oversees the CIPD learning communities and the curation and presentation of learning to support professional development. 

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What is PEST Analysis?

The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit. Sometimes it's expanded to include legal and environmental factors and called a PESTLE analysis.

PEST Analysis

A PEST analysis guides us to identify effective strategies for setting priority, allocating resources, planning for time and development roadmap and formulating control mechanisms. With this analysis, you can identify potential opportunities and threats associated with your strategy and figure out ways to take advantage of them and avoid them.

Political Factors

These are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy. This can include - government policy, political stability or instability in overseas markets, foreign trade policy, tax policy, labour law, environmental law, trade restrictions and so on.

It is clear from the list above that political factors often have an impact on organisations and how they do business. Organisations need to be able to respond to the current and anticipated future legislation, and adjust their marketing policy accordingly.

Economic Factors

Economic factors have a significant impact on how an organisation does business and also how profitable they are. Factors include - economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, disposable income of consumers and businesses and so on.

These factors can be further broken down into macro-economical and micro-economical factors. Macro-economic factors deal with the management of demand in any given economy. Governments use interest rate control, taxation policy and government expenditure as their main mechanisms for managing macro-economic factors.

Micro-economic factors are all about the way people spend their incomes. This has a large impact on B2C organisations in particular.

Social Factors

Also known as socio-cultural factors, social factors are the areas that involve the shared belief and attitudes of the population. These factors include - population growth, age distribution, health consciousness, career attitudes and so on. These factors are of particular interest as they have a direct effect on how marketers understand customers and what drives them.

Technological Factors

We all know how fast the technological landscape changes and how this impacts the way we market our products. Technological factors affect marketing and the management thereof in three distinct ways:

  • New ways of producing goods and services
  • New ways of distributing goods and services
  • New ways of communicating with target markets

Analyzing these factors will help you and your team gain a comprehensive understanding of the external (macro environmental) factors that may positively or negatively affect your company's strategic planning process. With access to such knowledge, you can quickly come up with strategies that would put the company on the fast track to achieving its goals.

Benefits of PEST Analysis

A company may have all the information it requires about the quality of its infrastructure, the extent of funds, and the employee talent available to it, but it may not be fully aware of the external environment in which it is to operate or launch a new project. It can even predict future prospects of a project or product by studying the PEST factors. Let's list out the some benefits that we can gain from the findings of a PEST Analysis:

  • Provides an understanding of the wider business environment.
  • Encourages the development of strategic thinking.
  • Straightforward and only costs time to do.
  • May raise awareness of threats to a project.
  • Can help an organisation to anticipate future difficulties and take action to avoid or minimise their effect.
  • Can help an organisation to identify and exploit opportunities.

An Example - Impact of Technology Factor

Let's take a moment to consider the impact that technology has had on our country's economy. Most people will agree that technology has made our lives much easier. The Internet, for example, has changed the way we bank, pay our bills, search for goods and services, book holidays, undertake study, and shop.

However, technology has caused serious damage to some businesses. In terms of casualties, the good old fashioned local CD & DVD rental store has taken a monumental hit. Why? Well, let's face it, there's now little need to visit a CD & DVD rental store. Today, most households have access to YouTube, Apple TV and Google Movies on Play Store and etc.

Conducting PEST Analysis

If a PEST analysis involves analyzing forces we have little or no control over, why bother considering them at all? To answer this question, a PEST analysis encourages management to carefully study what is happening in the environments that encapsulate their business.

As business managers we must understand that, although these external forces are largely outside of our control, we still need to carefully consider them. The underlying function of the analysis is not just to review what has already happened, but also predict what is likely to happen in the near future. This ensures we are aware of them and highly perceptive to their possible affects on our business.

The external influences on business vary from country to country. It is very important that those factors are considered. To conducting a PEST Analysis, we can come up a set of brainstorming questions with answers and actions of them related to each of the four factors:

The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses, and the spending power of consumers and other businesses. You must consider issues such as:

  • How stable is the political environment?
  • Will government policy influence laws that regulate or tax your business?
  • What is the government's position on marketing ethics?
  • What is the government's policy on the economy?
  • Does the government have a view on culture and religion?
  • Is the government involved in trading agreements such as EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, or others?

The economic environment is a direct influence on all businesses. Obviously if you are studying marketing there is a huge element of economics within the topic itself, and you should be no stranger to the principles of economics. You need to look at:

  • Interest rates
  • The level of inflation Employment level per capita
  • Long-term prospects for the economy Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, and so on

The social and cultural influences on business vary from country to country. It is very important that such factors are considered. Factors to be considered include:

  • What is the dominant religion?
  • What are attitudes to foreign products and services?
  • Does language impact upon the diffusion of products onto markets?
  • How much time do consumers have for leisure?
  • What are the roles of men and women within society?
  • How long are the population living? Are the older generations wealthy?
  • Do the population have a strong/weak opinion on green issues?

Technology is vital for competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization. Consider the following points:

  • Does technology allow for products and services to be made more cheaply and to a better standard of quality?
  • Do the technologies offer consumers and businesses more innovative products and services such as Internet banking, new generation mobile telephones, and etc.?
  • How is distribution changed by new technologies e.g. books via the Internet, flight tickets, auctions and etc.?
  • Does technology offer companies a new way to communicate with consumers e.g. banners, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and etc.?

Where you have identified significant opportunities, build the actions you'll take to exploit them into your Business Plan. Where you've identified significant risks, take appropriate action to manage or eliminate them.

PEST Analysis Template

The table below shows a PEST Analysis Template that consists of some typical kinds of factors people would consider in developing a PEST Analysis model.

Political Economic Social Technological

PEST Analysis Variants

Traditionally, PEST analysis focuses on political, economic, sociological and technological factors, but increasing awareness of the importance of legal, environmental and cultural factors has led to the evolution of a growing number of variants.

PEST Analysis macro forces

For example:

  • PESTLE - Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental
  • SPECTACLES - Social, Political, Economic, Cultural, Technological, Aesthetic, Customers, Legal, Environmental, Sectoral
  • PESTLIED - Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Technological, Legal, International, Environmental, Demographic.
  • PEST-C , where the C stands for cultural
  • SLEEPT-C - Sociological, Legal, Economical, Environmental, Political, Technological and Cultural.
  • LONGPESTLE : Local, National, and Global versions of PESTLE. (These are best used for understanding change in multinational organizations.)

Choose the version that best suits your situation.

PEST Analysis Example

The figure below shows a PEST Analysis example of the new energy vehicles industry.

PEST Analysis Example New Energy Vehicle Industry

PESTLE Analysis Example

The figure below shows a PESTLE Analysis example of a pharmaceutical company. PESTLE is a varied form of PEST. It has two additional columns L and E for listing the Legal and Environmental factors.

PESTLE Analysis Example- Pharmaceutical Company

PEST vs SWOT Analysis

PEST is useful before SWOT Analysis - not generally vice-versa - PEST definitely helps to identify SWOT factors. PEST Analysis is often linked with SWOT Analysis, however, the two tools have different areas of focus. There is overlap between PEST and SWOT, in that similar factors would appear in each. That said, PEST and SWOT are certainly two different perspectives:

  • PEST Analysis looks at "big picture" factors that might influence a decision, a market, or a potential new business.
  • PEST assesses a market, including competitors, from the standpoint of a particular proposition or a business.
  • SWOT is an assessment of a business or a proposition, whether your own or a competitor's. at a business, product-line level.

Related Links

  • Try PEST Analysis now
  • PEST, PESTLE and other strategic analysis tools

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PESTLE Analysis

14 Critical Questions to Ask in PEST Analysis

PESTLEanalysis Team

By asking these questions, you can conduct a detailed PEST analysis for your company. Be sure to answer each question, but don’t forget to create your own.

How do outside factors affect your business? This is the one question every business owner needs to answer. Otherwise, they may face unexpected consequences.

We tend to get wrapped up in internal affairs such as operations and invoicing because we have direct responsibility and influence over them.

Outside factors can’t be as easily influenced. They exist because of people, nature, and laws — some of which were established decades ago. If we don’t adhere to what people ( in this case, our customers ) have to say, or abide by legislative rules, the success of the business is at risk.

There’s no room for surprise in business. That’s why we use PEST analysis to identify critical factors that directly affect significant departments in your company, from manufacturing to marketing.

What is PEST analysis?

PEST analysis is a method of strategic planning that outlines four essential external influences affecting all business types. These forces are:

  • Social (or socio-cultural)
  • Technological

Each of these factors significantly affects market growth, business decision-making, and potential expansions. It’s not recommended to skip any of the above factors.

The point of PEST analysis is to identify specific factors and devise a plan of action. Your response determines how much you’ll be affected, especially regarding market changes or economic downfalls. If you’re unaware of how these factors influence your business, you might end up stuck.

And “stuck” is never a well-liked word in business.

As for doing your own PEST analysis, we understand it’s not an easy task. There are many political factors to consider, for example. From laws and regulations to the impact of specific political parties in your state. Feeling overwhelmed can cause paralysis and lead to an ineffective analysis.

That’s why we’ve identified over ten critical questions you can answer at each stage of the analysis.

Getting started with your PEST analysis

A PEST analysis helps you identify vital external influences that contribute to the success or downfall of your company. But first, you must decide the reasoning. For example, are you trying to see how overseas political factors affect your business or just stateside policies?

This is the time to decide the specific reason for your PEST analysis. Then you go into the questions.

Political questions

When considering political factors, be sure to think about policies , environmental issues, and laws or regulations. Specifically, consider:

  • What trading policies impact business?
  • What regulations must you follow, and have they changed in the last 5, 10, 20 years?
  • What environmental issues, if any, should be addressed (i.e eco-friendly resources/products, natural disasters, etc)

Economic questions

For economic factors, consider the impact of globalization, taxes, and the current state of the economically . Specifically, answer:

  • How much does globalization affect your market share?
  • What taxes must you follow, and how does it affect your service offerings (if at all)?
  • Is the economy stable, unstable, or growing for your industry?

Social questions

Social factors are determined by the people. You’ll be considering how your customers, target market, and buying habits affect profits and purchases. Ask these questions:

  • Who is your target market?
  • How are consumer opinions changing regarding your product or service?
  • Is the population demographic growing or slowing down and if so, how is it affecting your business?
  • Have you documented changes in how and when your customers purchase your products?

Technological questions

Technological questions focus on technology related to your business, such as the tech you use daily, and how advancements provide a competitive edge. Ask the following questions:

  • What technology is critical for your day-to-day operations?
  • What new technology is available that could streamline decision-making and product development?
  • Do you depend on 3rd parties for any tech support or solutions?
  • Are you using technology to stay ahead of the competition and if so, how?

In conclusion…

By asking these questions, you can conduct a detailed PEST analysis for your company. Be sure to answer each question, but don’t forget to create your own. That’s how you can tailor the report to your specific needs and issues.

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118 PEST Analysis Examples & Template

🔝 top-10 examples of pest analysis, 🔤 what is pest analysis in marketing, 🤔 what is the purpose of a pest analysis, 📋 pest analysis examples, 📝 pest analysis research paper examples, 💡 essay ideas on pest analysis, 👍 good pest analysis essay examples to write about, 🎓 simple research paper examples with pest analysis.

PEST analysis is a powerful strategic tool that explores the business environment in which an organization operates. It studies the political, economic, sociological, and technological factors and how they influence a business.

It can be used in various scenarios, for instance, if you want to start your own firm, help a small business to succeed, or research an industry giant. Continue reading to find some excellent PEST analysis examples!

  • Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Characteristics
  • Laptop Industry’s Characteristics and Analysis
  • The Best UAE Airline – Analysis of the Aviation Industry in UAE
  • Strategic Change Management Aspects
  • Strategic Marketing in UAE Business Environment
  • Auto Parking Business Project
  • DP World Company Project Management
  • Emirates Airlines’ Organizational Structure & Development Plan
  • British Airways Company's Operating Environment
  • ABZ Cleaning Services Marketing Plan Proposal

PEST analysis is helpful when companies try to decide if a strategy is beneficial for their business. This analysis considers the critical external factors that can impact a firm, both positively and negatively. Organizations better understand what contributes to their success and failure by evaluating the external environment.

PEST analysis is a universal marketing tool used in the food industry, hotel and restaurant sphere, the airline industry, and many other sectors. With the help of PEST, any business can create a successful marketing strategy to achieve goals and gain a competitive advantage.

What Information Does a PEST Analysis Identify?

PEST refers to political, economic, social, and technological factors. However, it is important to mention another popular variation of this analysis, called PESTLE. It includes two additional aspects: legal and environmental.

Let’s study each factor of PEST analysis in detail:

  • Political. Political factors concern the government and legal regulations influencing the industry in which a business operates.
  • Economic. Economic factors include inflation, exchange rates, taxation policy, unemployment rate , and other things that may impact a company’s profit.
  • Social. Social factors reflect information about customers, lifestyle trends, religious beliefs, ethnic background, location, and education.
  • Technological. These factors focus on technological changes and innovations that may positively or negatively affect a business.

PEST analysis can be helpful in various ways. However, most often, companies use it for the following purposes:

  • To understand current external factors that influence the industry.
  • To identify which external factors have the most significant impact on a firm and forecast what factors may become more or less critical in the future.
  • To take advantage of the opportunities and avoid risks to remain competitive.
  • To develop a long-term strategy for business development and make an action plan with specific steps.
  • To analyze the target audience for a new product or service before launching the marketing campaign.

We’ve developed PEST analysis examples for 5 well-known companies for your inspiration. Have a look!

CompanyPolitical factorsEconomic factorsSocial factorsTechnological factors
Positive governmental encouragement of the retailer.High taxes in Asian countries. due to replacing employees with technologies.A need for more effective ways of delivering packages.
An with the US Federal Bureau of Investigations.High dependence on currency exchange rate.A large number of loyal customers.A need for more innovative technologies that competitors can’t repeat.
Strict laws in the countries where Starbucks buys its raw materials.A large number of cheaper alternatives on the market.Customers’ concern about Starbucks’ ecological footprint.A need for new agriculture technologies.
Well-arranged international tax agreements.Market collapse as the most significant threat for Nike. of Nike’s manufacturing processes.Good use of Nike’s social media accounts for promotion.
Struggles with meeting health and hygiene regulations.High turnover rates.Criticism from health-conscious people.A need for effective communication technology among the restaurant staff.
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  • Abercrombie & Fitch Company's Retail Strategy Business essay sample: The main products which are being sold by the Abercrombie & Fitch company in the world market include men’s cloth, women’s wear and kids’ wear.
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  • Samsung Electronics: Company Analysis Business essay sample: Modern business organizations are well defined with their structure and strategy to achieve their vision statement with skill of the management and workforce.
  • Trends in Consumer Preference Business essay sample: According to Barrow, the prevailing trends in the market may be looked at from the perspective of consumer preference and from the perspective of product development.
  • Strategic Analysis of Häagen-Dazs Business essay sample: For Häagen-Dazs, the main strategies of this organization is to provide high quality with all natural ingredients to its’ potential target markets.
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  • Florist Boutique + Café: Business Plan Business essay sample: The business plan is going to be prepared on a combined flower shop and coffee house known as “Florist Boutique + Café”.
  • Apple Company: Strategy Analysis Business essay sample: Apple has always played to its strength as a company, but the fact that its strengths were not always cognizant with the prevalent market structure is another point altogether.
  • UAE Business Environment Analysis: British Business Group Business essay sample: Analysis of business environment is one of the most important aspects for implementing the business strategy, which is required for the successful performance in every particular business sphere.
  • IKEA: Essentials of Strategic Management Business essay sample: One of the issues with which IKEA is dealing is diversity, as the company expands and develops itself, the management of the company is trying to keep its core values alive.
  • Wal-Mart Retail Enterprise: History and Growth Business essay sample: Wal-Mart is the largest retail enterprise in the world. Wal-Mart functions across the world and is known for its cheap products.
  • Organizational Strategy and Planning for Bradford & Bingley Plc Business essay sample: The report of Bradford & Bingley Plc begins with a strategic analysis of the company with an exhaustive SWOT and PEST analysis of the organization based on its current position.
  • Strategic Analysis of Coach Inc Business essay sample: The report of Coach Inc begins with a strategic analysis of the company with a detailed SWOT analysis of the organization based on its current position.
  • Marketing Analysis of Frito Lays Dips Business essay sample: Frito Lay is a company that manufactures and distributes snack foods and this company was incorporated in 1932 in the US with its headquarters in San Antonio Texas.
  • Garuda Indonesia Airlines: International Marketing Business essay sample: Garuda Indonesia Airlines has, over the years, positioned itself as one of the most competitive companies in the air transport industry in Asia.
  • Subway Franchise's Positioning Strategy Business essay sample: The changing social environment and the lack of proper marketing campaign strategies that support Subway's repositioning are limiting rapid success in terms of market penetration.
  • California Pizza Kitchen's Strategic Analysis Business essay sample: California Pizza Kitchen’s external analysis scans the external environment for factors that might open up new opportunities or present threats to survival.
  • Hilton Adelaide: External, Industry Environment Analysis Business essay sample: Political, economic, technological and social factors are the main external factors affecting Hilton Adelaide's business performance.
  • Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola Companies' Marketing Business essay sample: The two companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, depend on experienced employees, finance, and brand names as their strengths in competing for market share.
  • Company Analysis of Easyjet Business essay sample: The report is prepared for depicting the company analysis of Easyjet, Europe’s largest airline in terms of passengers.
  • Marketing Strategy of Subway Fast Food Products Business essay sample: This essay will determine marketing strategy of Subway fast food products but also health marketing and grass root awareness.
  • Pizza Restaurant: Analysis, Establishment, Teamwork Business essay sample: Pizza’s primary goal should be to provide values to its esteemed customers. The management should focus on the friendly services that will surpass customers’ expectation.
  • Non-Profit National Kidney Foundation's Strategy Proposal Business essay sample: The paper gives an analytical strategic analysis of the Non-Profit National Kidney Foundation and provides a proposal of a new strategy for development.
  • Hewlett-Packard: The First IT Company Founded in the Silicon Valley Business essay sample: The present proposal provided a brief outline of the main issue for HP, following their efforts in the smartphone market. The issue identified was the lack of brand loyalty.
  • Business Plan For the Mobile Vegetarian Restaurant Business essay sample: This mobile restaurant business plan illustrates how the vegetarian restaurant will provide its services competitively to its target market.
  • Aalsmeer Flower Auction's Information Management System Business essay sample: This paper seeks to assist the Aalsmeer Flower Auction firm to adopt a new information management system in its operations.
  • Corporate Strategic Audit of Turkcell Company Business essay sample: The company is the largest in Turkey in the field of mobile and optical infrastructure. It is listed on both the Turkey Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.
  • International HR Management Case Study Business essay sample: The international human resource management is a key to the international expansion of a company and involves preparing staff members to work discharge their duties in various operations
  • Managing People, Finance and Marketing Business essay sample: In managerial grid approach, there are five types of leadership practiced by different manager in different organisational arrangement.
  • Recession Impact on Car Manufacturing Industry: Toyota Company Business essay sample: The entire paper has considered the strategic issues, competitive advantages and some drawback of Toyota Company in present recessionary period.
  • External Analysis in the US Retail Industry Business essay sample: The US retail market is full of political influence since it includes the people and the people are the building blocks of all politics.
  • Theory and Practice of Business ASOS Business essay sample: ASOS.com is selected for proper analytical measurements in practical and theoretical applications for different methods and tools in the business applications.
  • Apple Inc.: Strategic Management Case Business essay sample: Strategic management involves a continuous process that includes setting targets, implementing them, evaluating them and making changes where necessary.
  • Management Solution in Practice: Cisco Case Study Business essay sample: Value chains, the Cisco, the network and technical support providers, are one of the most important players in the value chain.
  • Adidas Shoes: Situation Analysis, Future Strategies Business essay sample: Adidas is the second world largest sports apparel producer. The business enjoys many strengths including a strong brand name and control over its distribution channels.
  • Adidas: New Service Development Business essay sample: This paper proposes introducing a new Adidas product personalized selection and delivery service based on a specific type of activity of a customer within a mobile application.
  • Microsoft Marketing Case Analysis Business essay sample: Microsoft’s evolution over the years shows that the company knows how to deal with unsuccessful products and communicate with consumers to introduce new offers.
  • Strategic Management Plan for BACHI Barcelona Business essay sample: BACHI Barcelona is an up-and-coming business that has great opportunities for succeeding in case if an appropriate strategy is put in place. This article provides such a strategy.
  • AT&T Corporation's Competitive Strategy Business essay sample: This paper seeks to establish the most effective ways of employing strategies within organizations by conducting an environmental scan on AT&T Corporation.
  • Internal and External Environment of PepsiCo: Company Analysis Business essay sample: PepsiCo is a large multinational company which operates across the globe, mostly in the US and other developed nations. Its main products are soda drinks.
  • Netflix Inc.'s Business Strategy and Strategic Analysis Business essay sample: The competitive pricing of Netflix services allows the company's subscribers to watch unlimited content for an affordable price.
  • The Growing Pains of Harvey (Engineers) Ltd Business essay sample: This paper will show the company’s strengths and weaknesses and how the structure of the company is an important factor for a successful business.
  • Netflix Company's Performance and Strategic Audit Business essay sample: Netflix is an example of excellent strategic management. The company's executives recognized the peak of demand for one service and introduced an alternative to retain customers.
  • The BMW Company's Marketing Excellence Business essay sample: An overview and analysis of the BMW Company's marketing strategy illustrates the reasons for its success and identifies its organizational challenges.
  • Advanced Micro Devices Company's Strategic Analysis Business essay sample: In this paper, the researcher was interested in conducting a strategic analysis of the AMD company to understand the growth that it has achieved in the market over the years.
  • Establishment of an Aviation Company Business essay sample: Adam Aircraft is a startup company with no previous market experience it does not have a good reputable name. It has no name at all.
  • Business Plan Bob’s Fish & Chips Business essay sample: This report makes a market analysis of the fast-food industry in the UK using the PEST model. The internal environment of Bob’s Fish & Chips is analyzed using a SWOT analysis.
  • Business Plan E & D Hamburger Restaurant Business essay sample: This business plan presents a marketing, financial and operational analysis of the E & D Hamburger Restaurant.
  • Financial and Non-financial Analysis PATCO Business essay sample: PATCO is a synonym Company that stands for Port Arthur Timber Company started its life in 1830 as a small timber firm (PATCO, 2010).
  • Business Strategy for the Apple Inc. Business essay sample: Apple Inc. is among organizations that have used strategic planning to maintain good positions in their industries, this paper describes its mission statement, internal audit, etc.
  • Marketing: The Marketing Mix in Waterstones Business essay sample: This paper analyzes the marketing mix in Waterstones – environmental factors, market segmentation and segmentation methods, buyer decision making, problems facing Waterstones.
  • Arabic Coffee or Arabic Restaurant in United State Business essay sample: This is a strategic marketing plan which will provide a general overview of the Arabic coffee or Restaurant in the USA.
  • Strategic Management Case Study Analysis TiVo Business essay sample: The paper describes factors affecting TiVo Company, such as economic, social, political, and technological factors.
  • Coca-Cola’s Management in Its International Operations Business essay sample: The paper examines some of the challenges impacting Coca-Cola's management in the company's international operations.
  • Internal and External Factors of Tesla Business essay sample: The paper presents a PEST and SWOT analysis of Tesla Inc; it incorporates an analysis of its market pricing and distribution approaches.
  • General Motors' Challenges and Their Implications Business essay sample: General Motors (GM) deals with the manufacture and assembly of motor vehicle major components like the engine and the body.
  • Strategic Management Analysis Nike Business essay sample: The paper gathered analyses and evaluates relevant information on both the Nike company and the industry it occupies.
  • Market Entry Strategy for Sjöö Sandström Business essay sample: Keeping in mind that Sjöö Sandström has the significant product, and resources, it seems reasonable to state that the internationalization approach is one the company should undertake
  • Parker Pen Company: Case Study Business essay sample: In order to sell its products abroad, Parker Pen Company could adopt its products to local needs and cultural principles.
  • The UK Oral Hygiene Market Business essay sample: The UK oral hygiene market is a mature market which produces these products and distributes them to other countries.
  • Product Designing and Development Business essay sample: The paper aims to analyze the competitive environment to develop a competitive edge for the new digital camera designed by the firm.
  • Kodak's and Apple Inc.'s Organizational Changes Business essay sample: The case studies analyzed above show that the failure of a firm to embrace change may have disastrous consequences.
  • Coffee Delivery Services for Starbucks During the COVID-19 Pandemic Business essay sample: Starbucks requires consumers to visit their premises for services and products offered. With lockdowns and quarantines, this business model lacks continuity during a crisis.
  • Subway Company Strategy Analysis Business essay sample: This report analyzes the fast-food restaurant industry in the USA with the assessment of Subway’s strategic positioning among its competitors.
  • Kono Company's Strategic Analysis in 2021 Business essay sample: The report's purpose is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Kono company's strategic issues. The total volume sales are growing by 1% annually with a stable upward trend.
  • Netflix Company's Digital and Social Media Marketing Business essay sample: This paper analyzes the strategic environment in which Netflix operates and develops a blue ocean idea to help it increase its market share.
  • BlackBerry Limited: The PEST Analysis Business essay sample: The PEST analysis provides deep insight into the operational issues that BlackBerry Limited encounters in today's macro environment.
  • Lincoln Electric Company in China Business essay sample: In China, Lincoln Electric encountered the challenge of working in a government-created free trade zone, making it difficult for the company to establish distribution channels.

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BusinessEssay . "118 PEST Analysis Examples & Template." March 20, 2023. https://business-essay.com/analyses/pest-analysis-research-paper-examples/.

  • Core Competencies Analysis
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Home — Essay Samples — Business — Uber — PESTLE analysis


Uber in China: Pestle Analysis

  • Categories: Business Analysis Uber

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Words: 1666 |

Published: Mar 1, 2019

Words: 1666 | Page: 1 | 9 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, works cited.

  • Why did Uber fail in China?
  • Why is it hard for western companies to establish their business in the world’s most populous country?
  • What are the factors that affected Uber’s presence in China?

Political Factors

Economic factors, social factors, technological factors, legal factors, environmental factors.

  • Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures Law
  • (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.gov.cn/banshi/2005-05/24/content_442430.htm
  • China Ministry of Environmental Protection
  • (n.d.). Retrieved from http://english.mep.gov.cn/
  • Confucianism and Chinese Culture
  • (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/culture/confucianism.htm
  • Davis, E. P. (2018). The Internationalization of Small Firms: A Strategic Entrepreneurship Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. (2015). Measures for the Administration of Outbound Investment by Enterprises. Retrieved from http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/article/policyrelease/domesticpolicy/201503/20150300815346.shtml
  • Sing, R. (2020). Economic Policies in China: A Review. Journal of Asian Economics, 71, 101200.
  • The Labour Law of the People's Republic of China
  • (1995). Retrieved from http://www.npc.gov.cn/npc/c238/202102/0780912c3b0b4f079dcf743e68c107b9.shtml
  • Uber. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.uber.com/
  • WTO. (2007). China Environment Report. Retrieved from https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/aid4tradestory5_e.pdf
  • Yu, M., & Wong, J. (2018). The Impact of Environmental Regulations on Manufacturing: Evidence from China's Pollution Levy Reform. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 88, 1-19.

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  1. PEST Analysis: Examples and Meaning in Business

    PEST analysis is the foolproof plan for business expansion! Both new business owners and veterans should include PEST analysis in their business plan. By breaking down the critical influences in the P.E.S.T. categories, businesses get a better understanding of whether their next business move is strategic or doesn't make sense.

  2. How to Write PESTLE Analysis?

    What Is PESTLE Analysis Used For. PESTLE analysis helps calculate possible risks and profits. First, political factors determine whether the country is open to new ventures. Second, economic factors show how prosperous the place is. Third, the category of social factors reflects the demand for a product or service.

  3. PEST Analysis: the Key Factors: [Essay Example], 1386 words

    Pest Analysis: The Key Factors. This essay will focus on the key PEST factors and what responses should be made by according to the PESTEL findings. Many companies use PEST analysis as their strategic analysis tool for their brands to determine strategies for the future as well as to track the environment the company is operating in.

  4. PESTLE Analysis Examples to Better Explain the Framework

    Here are four PESTLE Analysis examples of countries that you can find on our blog. We purposefully picked three completely different countries to give you an idea of how the results differ: PEST analysis of Germany. PEST analysis of China. PEST analysis of Canada. PESTLE Analysis of Japan.

  5. What is PESTLE Analysis? Understanding the External Factors Impacting

    PESTLE Analysis (also known as PEST Analysis) is a popular tool used by companies to analyze the external factors that may impact their operations. It is a comprehensive framework that examines six key areas: P olitical, E conomic, S ocial, T echnological, L egal, and E nvironmental. By conducting a PESTLE Analysis, businesses can better ...

  6. How to Write PESTLE Analysis: Step by Step Guide (2023-2024)

    PESTLE Analysis was originally developed as PEST Analysis in the late 1960s by Harvard professor Francis Aguilar. The acronym was later expanded to PESTLE, incorporating two additional factors, Legal and Environmental, making it a comprehensive tool for analyzing the external macro-environmental factors affecting a business or organization's operations.

  7. The Concept and Features of Pest Analysis

    Conclusion. In conclusion, Pest Analysis is a valuable tool for businesses to navigate the complex external environment. It helps organizations anticipate and respond to political, economic, social, and technological forces that can shape their future. By examining these factors, companies can make informed decisions, develop robust strategies ...

  8. What Is PEST Analysis? Its Applications and Uses in Business

    PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) is a method whereby an organization can assess major external factors that influence its operation in order to become more ...

  9. PESTLE analysis

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  10. What is PEST Analysis?

    The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit. Sometimes it's expanded to include legal and ...

  11. PESTEL Analysis Guide

    The PEST analysis headings are a framework for reviewing a situation, be used to review a strategy or position, direction of a company, a marketing proposition, or idea. Completing a PEST analysis is very simple. PEST analysis also works well in brainstorming meetings. As PEST factors are essentially external, A PEST analysis measures a market.

  12. (PDF) Pestle Analysis Introduction

    The PEST analysis looks at four types of external environmental elements: P -Political factors in an economy include various forms of government intervention and political lobbying, such as ...

  13. 14 Critical Questions to Ask in PEST Analysis

    PEST analysis is a method of strategic planning that outlines four essential external influences affecting all business types. These forces are: Political. Economic. Social (or socio-cultural) Technological. Each of these factors significantly affects market growth, business decision-making, and potential expansions.

  14. Critical examination of the PESTEL Analysis Model

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  15. PEST Analysis Essay examples

    A PEST analysis is a business measurement tool. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit. Political. The political area has a huge influence upon the regulation of a business and the spending power of consumers and other businesses.

  16. 118 PEST Analysis Examples & Template

    PEST analysis is a powerful strategic tool that explores the business environment in which an organization operates. It studies the political, economic, sociological, and technological factors and how they influence a business.. It can be used in various scenarios, for instance, if you want to start your own firm, help a small business to succeed, or research an industry giant.

  17. Pest Analysis Of Ford Company: [Essay Example], 757 words

    This essay will conduct a PEST analysis of Ford Motor Company, highlighting the critical external factors that shape its business landscape and influence its strategic direction. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on 'Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned'?

  18. Pest Analysis Essay

    Being a form of strategic analysis, PEST analysis is of paramount importance for an industry. It is used as a 'business measurement tool' by companies so as to better understand the market growth or decline. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological. These four key areas covered. 976 Words.

  19. Analysis Essay Template

    PEST Analysis Essay examples. PEST Analysis The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. A PEST analysis is a business measurement tool. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the ...

  20. What is a PEST Analysis?

    A PEST analysis looks at the external environment of an organization. PEST stands for: political, economic, social and technological factors. This analysis is really important for an organization because here an organization looks at factors that they have no control over but still trying to achieve their goals.

  21. Pest Analysis Example

    PEST is an acronym used for companies with in the political, economic, social and technological views. PEST allows companies to view and observe certain areas that might have been overlooked. The company I will be discussing the PEST analysis is Target. Target is a large scale company and is constantly changing in the industry.

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    Economic Factors. When Uber entered China it had major competitors in the Chinese market, among which one was DiDi, which had almost 80% of the market share in the cab booking business. Uber had to invest a lot of money to compete with DiDi, but it was of no major use as the CEO of Uber reported that Uber was losing 1 billion dollars every year ...

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    Report of Direct Service Provision in Harrow Bough. Abstract: This report analyzes the borough of Harrow, its health services, and a proposed service/product to better address a key identified health priority. The report includes PEST analysis, competition analysis, health data analysis, and a marketing plan for the proposed service or product.

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