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A Journey by Boat Essay, Composition & Paragraph

A Journey by Boat is a common topic for essay, composition and paragraph writing, especially for students in riverine countries. In fact, boat travel may be considered the best way to travel, as it allows you to enjoy the close proximity of nature. If you are going to write an essay or paragraph on a boat journey, you should keep in mind that an essay, composition or paragraph about A Journey by Boat is basically a narrative writing, it depends on your own travel experience. We have written a bunch of essays, compositions and paragraphs on A Journey by Boat as examples, you can write one of your own with the help of these.

A Journey by Boat Essay, Composition and Paragraph

A Journey by Boat Essay for Class 6-10

By: Haque , Words: 400; 01-03-’22

Introduction: A journey by boat is a very pleasant and interesting experience in this country. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So, it is not difficult to arrange a boat journey. Sometimes it is more convenient to have a journey by boat than by road.

Time for Boat Journey: The best time for a boat journey can be in the rainy season . During the rainy season, all the rivers of the country remain full to the brim and there can be no difficulty in rowing a boat. Most of the areas of the country can be reached by boat during that time. Even, during the rains, many of the parts of the country go underwater and become unsuitable for road communication.

Description of the Boat Journey: During the last rainy season I, along with three other friends, decided to have a boat journey to my sister ‘s house. My sister’s house is at Jaisthapura. Jaisthapura is on the river Karnafully and the easiest way to go there is by boat. On the appointed day we went to the Kalurghat river ghat at 7 AM. There we boarded on a passenger boat bound for Jaisthapura. There were five boatmen in the boat. It was an engine boat. There were about fifty passengers on the boat. At the appointed time the boatmen started the boat.

The boat started moving on. It was a big boat. The passengers were sitting on wooden stools on the boat. After the boat started, the passengers got engaged in different activities. Some of them were reading books, some were reading newspapers , some were chatting and some were eating fruits and nuts. We saw many boats, big and small, plying up and down the river. The views on both sides of the river were very beautiful from the boat. The wind was also refreshing. The boat touched some places on its way. People got down and boarded on the boat at those places. The journey lasted for about three hours. At 10:30 AM we reached our destination.

Destination: My sister’s house was a short distance from the place where we got down from the boat. It took us only five minutes to go there on foot. My sister was very glad to receive us.

Conclusion: We enjoyed the boat journey very much. It is one of the most pleasant experiences of my life.

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A Journey by Boat Composition for Class 7-8

By: Haque , Words: 400; 02-03-’22

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So it is very easy to enjoy a journey by boat in this country. It is full of charms and joys. It is also a part of education. It brings us close to the natural beauty.

I had recently got an occasion to go from Dhaka to Munshiganj. My elder brother who is a doctor of Munshiganj hospital invited me many a time to pay a visit to his residence. However, a fair chance came to me during the recent summer vacation. My best friend Sumon joined me.

On the appointed day we had our bath and took our breakfast earlier. We reached the river Ghat at 7.30 AM. We found our hired boat ready. The boat was a nice one with two boatmen. We got on the boat. There were hundreds of boats big and small on the Ghat.

On that day the weather was very fine. The river was calm. The sky was cloudless and clear. The sun was visible. As a result, the morning was sunny and fresh.

After a short while, the boatmen uttered the name of Allah and the boat began to move for our destination. It was about 8.15 AM.

When the boat left behind the din and bustle of the town, I enjoyed the varied beauty of nature and other familiar scenes of the countryside. There were endless fields of paddy and wheat, woods and trees . They looked like a green valley. Men, women, and little children were bathing in the river water. Fishermen were catching fish by their nets with boats. All these provided us great amusement. Several launches passed our boat.

We were hearing the Bhatiali song on the tone of our boatmen. When we enjoyed all the charms available on the ways the boat finally stopped at Munshiganj Ghat at about 8 PM. My brother paid off the boatmen’s dues including a tip. We got down off the boat and my brother received us cordially.

Thus our journey came to an end. The beautiful and amazing boat trip won our hearts. The beauty of nature which we often miss unfurled before us that day. I shall even remember the sweet memory of the pleasant boat journey for the rest of my life.

Have a look at: Traveling Essay & Tour Guide Paragraph

A Journey by Boat Paragraph for Class 5-6

By: Haque , Words: 150; 02-03-’22

We all make journeys. I like a journey by boat the most. So I do not miss the opportunity to travel by boat. Last monsoon, I took a boat trip with some of my friends. That was during the holidays, at the end of our first interim examination. We decided to go to Mulagul from Kanaighat. That’s why we rented a big boat. We started our journey at 7 AM. Two sailors were driving the boat. I was overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river. Farmers were planting paddy in the land, fishermen were fishing in the river and children were swimming . At 10 AM we reach the destination. On the way back, it was very enjoyable to see the spectrum of sunset in the river. I will never forget this journey. I think a journey by boat is the most enjoyable way to travel.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “A Journey by Boat Essay, Composition & Paragraph”

' src=

Very nice vai.a journey by boat,composition is very easy.

' src=

Yes, it’s really that easy. thank you very much.

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Essay on A Journey by Boat

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Journey by Boat in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Journey by Boat


A journey by boat is a unique experience. It’s a chance to connect with nature, feel the cool breeze, and enjoy the rhythmic movement of the water.

The Journey Begins

Experiencing nature.

On a boat journey, you can see birds flying, fish jumping, and sometimes, a beautiful sunset. It’s a great way to observe and appreciate nature’s beauty.

A boat journey is fun, exciting, and peaceful. It’s an experience that leaves lasting memories.

250 Words Essay on A Journey by Boat

The aesthetic appeal of a boat journey, unveiling the mystique of nature.

A boat journey unravels the mystique of nature in its raw, unadulterated form. The changing hues of the sky, the playful dance of sunlight on water, and the occasional sighting of aquatic life contribute to an immersive sensory experience that is both captivating and enlightening. At the same time, it allows us to reflect on the delicate equilibrium of our ecosystem and our responsibility towards preserving it.

Symbolic Significance

A boat journey also embodies symbolic significance. It serves as a metaphor for life’s journey, where the boat represents the individual, the water symbolizes life’s challenges, and the destination signifies our goals. It underscores the importance of resilience, adaptability, and perseverance in navigating through life’s tumultuous waves.

The Boat Journey: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Ultimately, a journey by boat is more than just a physical voyage; it is a catalyst for personal growth. It invites introspection, fosters appreciation for nature’s beauty, and inspires a deeper understanding of our place within the larger ecosystem. As such, it serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all life forms and the imperative for sustainable living.

In conclusion, a journey by boat is a profound experience that offers valuable insights into life and nature. It is a journey that not only enriches our senses but also our souls.

500 Words Essay on A Journey by Boat

Journeys have always been a profound metaphor for life, encapsulating the essence of exploration, discovery, and transformation. Among them, a journey by boat stands out as a tranquil experience that allows us to connect with nature, while also offering an opportunity to introspect.

The Essence of a Boat Journey

As the journey begins, one is greeted with an open expanse of water, stretching as far as the eye can see. The boat slices through the water, leaving a trail of ripples in its wake. The initial excitement slowly gives way to a sense of calm as the boat moves further from the shore. The distant hum of the city fades, replaced by the soothing sounds of water and wind.

Reflection and Introspection

A boat journey provides an excellent opportunity for reflection and introspection. As the boat glides over the water, one can’t help but contemplate the vastness of the universe and our tiny place within it. The monotonous rhythm of the journey encourages deep thought, allowing us to ponder over life’s complexities. It is a space where one can disconnect from the world and connect with oneself, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

Connecting with Nature

The journey by boat is an intimate interaction with nature. It makes us appreciate the beauty of the natural world – the shifting colors of the sky, the myriad reflections on the water surface, the dance of the waves. It is a reminder of the simple yet profound pleasures that nature offers, often overlooked in our fast-paced lives.

The Journey’s End

A journey by boat is a metaphor for life itself. It encapsulates the essence of exploration, introspection, and discovery. It is a journey that teaches us to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, to value the peace within ourselves, and to understand our place in the vast universe. As we disembark from the boat, we carry with us not just memories of a journey, but lessons for life.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay in journey by boat

Aspirants Essay

Paragraph on Journey by Boat in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)


Embarking on a boat journey unveils a realm of tranquility and exploration. As the vessel sets sail, the water becomes a canvas of adventure. With each ripple, a new chapter unfolds, weaving tales of nature’s beauty and the joy of discovery.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Journey by Boat in 100 Words

Traveling by boat is an adventure on the water. The gentle sway of the boat soothes the soul. Waves dance beneath, carrying us forward. Along the journey, sights unfold, from serene shores to bustling ports. Seagulls glide overhead, their calls echoing. The breeze whispers tales of distant lands. Sunlight kisses the surface, painting it gold. In this voyage, time slows, allowing moments of tranquility. Each ripple tells a story of the vast ocean. With each passing mile, anticipation grows. Every journey by boat is a voyage of discovery, a harmony between the human spirit and the boundless sea.

Paragraph on Journey by Boat

Traveling by boat is an adventure on the water. The journey begins with gentle ripples as the boat sets sail. The breeze whispers through the air, soothing the soul. Waves dance beneath, carrying the vessel forward. Along the banks, nature’s beauty unfolds—a symphony of trees, birds, and tranquility. The rhythmic sound of paddles against water accompanies the journey. Sometimes, dolphins playfully leap, adding joy to the voyage. The sun sets, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, a breathtaking sight from the deck. As the boat docks, memories of the serene journey linger, etched in the heart forever.

Embarking on a boat journey is like entering a world of wonder. The gentle swaying of the boat sets the rhythm for the voyage. The water reflects the colors of the sky, creating a mesmerizing sight. Along the banks, lush greenery and chirping birds greet the travelers. The breeze carries the scent of adventure, igniting excitement in the air. As the journey progresses, the horizon expands, revealing new landscapes. Occasionally, fish dart beneath the surface, adding to the enchantment. As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of twilight, the journey comes to an end, leaving behind memories to cherish.

Journey by Boat Paragraph

Journey by Boat Paragraph in 150 Words

The journey by boat encompasses several key aspects that contribute to its allure and significance. Firstly, the sense of connection with nature is profound. Traveling on water allows one to experience the environment in a unique way, surrounded by the soothing rhythm of waves and the panoramic views of coastlines or riverbanks. This communion with nature fosters a deep appreciation for the earth’s beauty and diversity, instilling a sense of stewardship for its preservation.

Secondly, boat journeys often serve as cultural and historical conduits, particularly in regions where waterways have played pivotal roles in trade, exploration, or migration. Along these routes, travelers encounter relics of ancient civilizations, picturesque villages, and bustling ports, each imbued with stories of human endeavor and ingenuity. Such encounters offer invaluable insights into the rich tapestry of human history and heritage.

Lastly, the journey by boat fosters a spirit of adventure and exploration. Whether navigating vast oceans, serene lakes, or winding rivers, each voyage is an odyssey into the unknown, ripe with possibilities and discoveries. From encountering diverse marine life to stumbling upon hidden coves or remote islands, the journey by boat epitomizes the thrill of venturing beyond the familiar and embracing the wonders of the world.

Paragraph Writing on Journey by Boat in 200 Words

I remember vividly the first time I embarked on a boat journey. It was a sunny afternoon during a family vacation to a picturesque lake nestled amidst rolling hills. We rented a small motorboat and set out to explore the tranquil waters. As the boat gently glided across the surface, I felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration.

The scenery around us was breathtaking. Lush greenery surrounded the lake, and the water sparkled in the sunlight. Birds soared overhead, adding to the serenity of the moment. It was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and I relished the opportunity to immerse myself in nature’s beauty.

One of the most memorable aspects of the journey was the feeling of being disconnected from the outside world. Without the distractions of phones or computers, I was able to fully appreciate the present moment and bond with my family. We laughed, shared stories, and marveled at the wonders around us.

As we ventured further into the lake, we encountered hidden coves and secluded beaches. We stopped to explore, wading in the shallow waters and collecting shells along the shore. Each discovery felt like a treasure, adding to the magic of the experience.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow across the water, we reluctantly turned the boat back towards the dock. Though our journey was coming to an end, the memories we had made would last a lifetime. It was a reminder of the simple joys that can be found in exploring the great outdoors and spending quality time with loved ones.           

Writing Paragraph on Journey by Boat in 250 Words

I remember vividly the serene journey I took on the backwaters of Kerala, India, one misty morning. It was during a visit to the beautiful state of Kerala, famed for its picturesque landscapes and tranquil waterways. Boarding a traditional houseboat called a ‘kettuvallam’, I embarked on a voyage through the intricate network of canals and lagoons that make up the Kerala backwaters. The journey began in Alleppey, also known as Alappuzha, often called the “Venice of the East” for its intricate waterways.

As the boat gently glided through the still waters, surrounded by lush greenery and coconut palms, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The water mirrored the vibrant hues of the sky, creating a breathtaking panorama. Along the banks, local life unfolded—women washing clothes, children playing, and fishermen casting their nets. The sights and sounds of everyday life in the backwaters painted a vivid picture of Kerala’s vibrant culture.

Navigating through narrow canals and expansive lakes, the journey was a blend of tranquility and adventure. Occasionally, we passed by quaint villages such as Kumarakom and Kuttanad, each offering a glimpse into the rustic charm of rural Kerala. The fragrance of spices filled the air as we passed by spice plantations, a testament to Kerala’s rich agricultural heritage.

One of the highlights of the journey was witnessing a mesmerizing sunset over the water. The sky turned into a canvas of vibrant colors—shades of orange, pink, and purple merging seamlessly with the tranquil waters below. It was a moment of pure magic, etched forever in my memory.

As night fell, the houseboat docked at a serene spot, offering a perfect view of the starlit sky. I savored a delicious meal of traditional Kerala cuisine prepared by the onboard chef, while the gentle lapping of water provided the perfect soundtrack to the night.

The next morning, as we bid farewell to the tranquil backwaters of Kerala, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the unforgettable journey. It was an experience that truly captured the essence of Kerala’s natural beauty and left me longing to return someday.

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A Journey by boat Essay

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A Journey by boat Essay

Journey By Boat Essay 

Journey is always a pleasurable experience for all and I am also not an exception. I never miss the chance to go no a journey, especially if it means going on a boat ride. Since Bangladesh is a riverine country, a boat ride gives one the clearest picture of the scenic beauty of Bangladesh. 

A few days ago, I made a journey by boat from Mongla to Paikgacha during my Autumn vacation. We were 6 in number and I was entrusted to hire an engine fitted boat. The boatmen were nice people. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started off at 7:00 am. The sky was clear and the weather was sunny. The river was calm but full to the brim. The boat began to move smoothly; there were small waves on the river. We enjoyed the scenes on both sides of the river. There were green fields, paddy fields and jute fields, rows of trees which were full of flowers. These things charmed our eyes and soothed our souls. We saw many boys and girls farting and swimming in the  river. Fishermen were catching fish and the women were seen fetching water in colorful pitchers. We reached a village market at around 12 pm. The boatmen cast anchor and we got down. We bought rice, eggs and big hilsha fish and curds. The boatman kindly accented to cook the dinner. We took our meal and it was delicious. We took rest for a while and started off on our journey. 

The boatman tried to reach the destination before the sunset as it was late afternoon. The sun was setting with all its glory. The setting sun reflected on the gleaming water and created an ethereal felling among us. The boat moved slowly and we reached our destination. It was dark all round. 

A journey by boat is really very pleasant if the weather is favorable. This journey gave me much pleasure. It gives a golden chance to enjoy the beauty of nature. I can never forget this happy journey in the company of my best friends in life. 

A journey gives us pleasure. We can see and learn many things if we undertake a journey. A journey is thus an exciting experience to all. it is all the more attractive for a student because it provides him with a reliet from the daily routine of books and classroom. One day I had an opportunity for making a journey by boat. 

It was a winter evening. it was a holiday. I, along with some of my friends, started our journey from Bhuapur, Tangall through the river Jamuna. The sky was clear. We had brought cooking materials with us. We had utensils too. The journey started at 1:00 pm. Our boat began to move in favour of the wind and current. One man was rowing. Another boatman was guiding us. Slowly the boat was moving. We made arrangements for cooking. My friend Mamun is very expert in cooking. We got a fish from the fishermen who were fishing in the river. Hasan and Harun helped Mamun in processing fish. I boiled rice in an earthen pot. The fish was cooked. Eggs were boiled and the boiled eggs were fried with mix of curry and spices. Then we finished our lunch with two boatmen. 

We began to gossip. Hasan began to play on his guitar. The natural scenery on both the banks charmed us. The ray of the sun started to fade. The green fields and the standing crops on both sides looked very attractive. The thatched houses of the villagers were peeping through the trees. 

Many children were playing on the bank of the river. Some women of the villages were busy with carrying water. My friend Harun, a good singer started singing patriotic song, "Gram Chara Oi Ranga Matir Path." Mamun started to play on his flute. The boatman also sang, "Mon Majhi tor Boitha Nere, Ami ar baitey Parlam na." 

The sun was setting down. The purpling colour of the setting sun made everything reddish in colour.

After the immediate setting of the sun, we reached our destination. Our boat reached at the ghat of Sirajganj. We got down from the boat. Our journey ended, It was really enjoyable and memorable.

Word-meaning : Pleasure (n.)- আনন্দ; undertake (v.)- গ্রহন করা; exciting (adj.)- উত্তেজনাকর; experience (n.)- অভিজ্ঞতা; utensils (n.)- হাঁড়িপাতিল; current (n.)- স্রোত; spices (n.)- মসলা; fade (v.)- ম্লান হওয়া; thatched (adj.)- নড়বড়ে; peep (v.)- উঁকি দেয়া; reddish (adj)-ঈষৎ লাল; destination (n)-গন্তব্য, enjoyable (adj)-উপভোগ্য; memorable (adj)-স্মরণীয়I

A Journey by Boat

Journey is always pleasant to all. But a journey by boat is very pleasant to me. In the last autumn vacation I was invited to a marriage function of my cousin at Austragram. It was the change of my journey. On the fixed day we were ready for the journey. We reached the Dighirpar Launch Ghat at 9 am. We hired a fine boat. Father, mother and brother accompanied me. We started our journey at 10 am. From Dighirpar Launch Ghat. The boat run with the help of machine. The boat man handled the boat slowly. There was no wave in the river and the sky was clear. We saw the cowboys bathing the cattle in the river. The fisherman were catching fishes with net in the river. Many boys were swimming in the river. We saw many big and small boats playing up and down. We also saw some steamers and launches playing through the river. Women were going home with jars filled with water. There green fields on both sides of the river. Sometimes the boatman was singing. It was a ‘Bhatiali’ song. It filled us with joy.

At about 2 pm. we reached the destination. My cousin was very happy to see us and received us cordially.

Though the lasting time of our journey was 4 hours, it was very much pleasant and enjoyable. I will never forget the journey of my life time. It will remain ever fresh in my heart.

Vocabulary:(শব্দভান্ডার)ঃ pleasant(প্লিসেন্ট)- আনন্দদায়ক।   last autumn(লাস্ট এটম)- গত শরৎ।   vacation(ভ্যাকেশন)- ছুটি।   marriage function(ম্যারিজ ফাংশন)- বিয়ের অনুষ্ঠান।   chance(চান্স)- সুযোগ।   accompanied(একমপ্যানিড)- সঙ্গী হল।   handled(হ্যানডল্ড)- চালানো হয়েছিল।   destination(ডিসটিনেশন)- গন্তব্যস্থান।   cordially(কর্ডিয়েলি)- সাদরে গ্রহন করা। ever fresh(ইভার ফ্রেস)- চির সজিব।   heart(হার্ট)- মন/হৃদয়।

বঙ্গানুবাদঃ ভ্রমণ সবসময় সকলের কাছে আনন্দদায়ক। কিন্তু আমার কাছে নৌকা ভ্রমণ অত্যন্ত আনন্দদায়ক। গত শরতের ছুটিতে আমি আমার চাচাত ভাইয়ের বিয়েতে অষ্টগ্রামে আমন্ত্রিত হয়েছিলাম। ইহা ছিল আমার ভ্রমণের সুযোগ।

নির্দিষ্ট দিনে আমরা ভ্রমণের জন্য প্রস্তুত হলাম। আমরা সকাল ৯টায় দিঘিরপাড় লঞ্চঘাট থেকে যাত্রা শুরু করেছিলাম। নৌকাটি যন্ত্রের সাহায্য চলছিল। মাঝে নৌকাটিকে ধীরে ধীরে চালিয়েছিল। নদীতে কোন ঢেউ ছিল না এবং আকাশ ছিল পরিস্কার। আমরা সাতার দেখলাম, রাখালেরা গবাদি পশুকে নদীতে স্নাস করাচ্ছে। জেলেরা নদীতে জাল দিয়ে মাছ ধরতেছিল। অনেক বালকেরা নদীতে সাতার কাটছিল। আমরা দেখলাম, অনেকগুলো ছোট বড় নৌকা এদিক ওদিক চলে যাচ্ছে। আমরা আরো দেখলাম, কিছু স্টীমার এবং লঞ্চ নদীতে চলতেছিল। মহিলারা জল ভরা কলস নিয়ে বাড়ীতে যাচ্ছিল। নদীর উভয় পাশে সবুজ মাঠ ছিল। মাঝে মাঝে মাঝি গান গাইতেছিল। এটি ছিল একটি ভাটিয়ালি গান। এটি আমাদেরকে আনন্দে ভরে দিল।

আমরা প্রায়ই বেলা দুইটায় গন্তব্যস্থলে পৌছালাম। আমার চাচাত ভাই আমাদেরকে দেখে খুব খুশি হল এবং সাদরে গ্রহন করল। যদিও আমাদের ভ্রমণের স্থায়ীত্বকাল চার ঘন্টার ছিল, ইহা খুবই আনন্দদায়ক এবং উপভোগ্য ছিল। আমি সারা জীবনে কখনোও সে ভ্রমণের কথা ভুলব না। এটি আমরা মনে চির সজীব হয়ে থাকবে।

A Journey by Boat Essay

A journey is a source of pleasure to me. A journey by boat is more interesting to me than any other journey. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So, it is easy to enjoy a journey by boat here. 

During the last autumn, our school was closed. So, I decided to make a journey by boat., proposed some of my friends to join with me to make the journey more interesting. Two of my friends accepted my proposal and accompanied me. 

It was a ten-kilometre journey. We had hired a boat. We started at 4 pm. Two boatmen steered the boat smoothly. They were very expert. The weather was calm and quiet. Gentle breeze was blowing down. So, the journey was very nice. It took two hours to reach our destination. During the journey we had a lot of enjoyment. The boat was dancing on the small waves and it thrilled me much. We also enjoyed a 'Bhatiali' song sung by the boatmen. We were delighted at the sight on both the banks of the river. Some fishermen were catching fish. Many children were bathing and swimming in the river. saw some young girls and women taking water from the river. When the sun was setting in the western horizon, the scene gave us a nice view and it increased our joy. We enjoyed much. 

It was really a nice journey and I will ever remember this journey. I always cherish the swee memories of the journey.

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My Journey by Boat: Personal Experience Essay

1. introduction.

The essay "My Journey by Boat" is a reflection on a personal experience that holds significant meaning and impact. The introduction sets the stage by providing background and context for the upcoming narrative. It details the circumstances that led to the boat journey, offering insight into the motivations and emotions that fueled the experience. This section aims to establish a connection with the reader, drawing them into the narrative by laying the foundation for the journey that unfolds in the subsequent pages. Through the background and context, the reader gains an understanding of the circumstances and the significance of the boat journey in the author's life. This sets the tone for the rest of the essay, preparing the reader for the personal and poignant narrative that is to come. The introduction serves as a gateway into the author's world, inviting the reader to join them on an emotional and transformative journey.

1.1. Background and Context

As we delve into the personal experiences recounted in "My Journey by Boat," it is essential to grasp the background and context that have shaped these narratives. The individuals embarking on these boat journeys hail from diverse cultural, socioeconomic, and political landscapes, each with their own unique motivations for undertaking such a perilous voyage. The historical and contemporary factors driving migration by boat, be it for seeking asylum, better economic opportunities, or reuniting with loved ones, will be explored to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities at play. Moreover, the legal and ethical considerations surrounding boat migration, as well as the associated risks and challenges, are crucial components of the backdrop against which these personal accounts unfold. By delving into this background and context, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted nature of these boat journeys and the individuals who undertake them.

2. Setting Sail

As the journey by boat begins, thorough preparation is essential to ensure a safe and successful voyage. This involves checking the weather forecast, securing all necessary supplies, and conducting a thorough inspection of the vessel to ensure it is in proper working condition. Proper preparation also includes mapping out the intended route, taking into account potential hazards such as rough waters or navigational obstacles. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that all safety equipment is onboard and in good working order, including life jackets, navigation lights, and communication devices. By diligently preparing for the voyage ahead, the crew can set sail with confidence, knowing that they are well-equipped to handle whatever challenges may come their way. This sense of preparedness lays the foundation for a smooth and enjoyable journey by boat.

2.1. Preparation

In preparation for my journey by boat, meticulous planning and thorough organization were critical. I began by researching the route, weather conditions, and potential hazards to ensure a safe and smooth voyage. This involved consulting nautical charts, weather forecasts, and maritime navigation guides to familiarize myself with the waters I would navigate. Additionally, I made sure to acquire all necessary safety equipment, such as life jackets, flares, and a first-aid kit, and ensured that they were in good working condition. Furthermore, I meticulously inspected the boat, checking the engine, hull, and other essential components to prevent any mechanical issues during the journey. I also stocked up on provisions, including food, water, and fuel, to sustain myself for the duration of the trip. Finally, I created a detailed itinerary and shared it with trusted individuals, including my chosen emergency contacts, to maintain a sense of accountability and safety. Through careful preparation, I aimed to mitigate potential risks and ensure a successful and enriching journey by boat.

3. Life on the Water

Life on the water brings about a unique daily routine that revolves around the ebb and flow of the tides, the changing weather, and the tasks required to maintain a safe and comfortable living environment. Each day begins with the sunrise, as the crew prepares for the day ahead. This involves checking the various systems on board, such as the navigation equipment, the engine, and the safety gear, to ensure that everything is in working order. Once the essentials are taken care of, attention turns to the daily chores, such as cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the boat. This is followed by time for relaxation and enjoyment, perhaps spent fishing, swimming, or simply taking in the sights and sounds of the surrounding waters. The daily routine on the water is not without its challenges, however. Inclement weather, rough seas, and mechanical issues can disrupt the best-laid plans, often requiring quick thinking and adaptability to ensure the safety and well-being of all on board. Yet, despite these challenges, life on the water also offers a sense of freedom and connection to nature that is unparalleled. Whether it's enjoying a meal under the stars, witnessing breathtaking sunsets, or navigating through pristine waters, each day on the boat brings new experiences and a deep appreciation for the beauty and serenity of the open sea.

3.1. Daily Routine

In the daily routine of life on the water, each day begins with the rising sun and the sound of waves lapping against the boat. Mornings are spent preparing breakfast and checking the weather forecast for the day's journey. As the day progresses, chores such as cleaning the deck, maintaining the engine, and checking navigation equipment are carried out to ensure the smooth operation of the boat. Meals are prepared and enjoyed with the crew, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity. In the afternoon, there is time for rest and relaxation, whether it's reading a book on deck or simply taking in the breathtaking views of the open water. As the sun begins to set, the focus turns to planning for the next day's route, taking into account the weather conditions and any potential hazards. Evenings are often spent reflecting on the day's experiences and sharing stories with fellow travelers, creating lasting memories amidst the tranquil expanse of the sea. Throughout this routine, the importance of teamwork and adaptability becomes evident, as every crew member plays a vital role in the smooth running of the boat and the safety of all on board. This daily rhythm of life on the water fosters a deep connection to the natural world and a profound appreciation for the simplicity and beauty of a life lived at sea.

4. Challenges and Rewards

Undoubtedly, embarking on a journey by boat presents various challenges that require determination and perseverance to overcome. Navigating through unpredictable weather conditions, rough waters, and navigational obstacles can be physically and mentally taxing. However, the rewards that come with successfully overcoming these challenges are immeasurable. The sense of accomplishment and empowerment gained from conquering these obstacles fosters personal growth and resilience. In the face of adversity, it is essential to develop problem-solving skills and remain adaptable to the ever-changing circumstances. Adhering to safety protocols and staying vigilant while at sea is crucial in ensuring a successful journey. The ability to navigate through challenging waters, both literally and metaphorically, is a test of one's endurance and fortitude. Ultimately, the sense of freedom and independence attained from conquering these challenges makes the voyage by boat a truly gratifying and rewarding experience.

4.1. Overcoming Obstacles

From unpredictable weather conditions to mechanical issues, there were many obstacles that tested my perseverance and determination. I will discuss the strategies I used to overcome these challenges, such as staying calm under pressure, problem-solving, and seeking help when necessary. Additionally, I will touch upon the personal growth and development that resulted from overcoming these obstacles, highlighting the rewarding aspects of pushing through adversity. This section will provide a comprehensive insight into the resilience and resourcefulness required to navigate through the obstacles encountered during my boat journey, ultimately contributing to the overall theme of perseverance and triumph.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, my journey by boat has been a profound and transformative experience. From the initial excitement of embarking on this adventure to the challenges faced along the way, the journey has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the beauty of nature. Navigating the open waters has allowed me to connect with the elements, to appreciate the vastness of the sea, and to witness its ever-changing moods. Throughout this essay, I have shared personal anecdotes and reflections on the significance of this journey, as well as its impact on my perspective and understanding of the world. The moments of tranquility and awe, as well as the moments of adversity and uncertainty, have all contributed to shaping my character and enriching my inner world. The journey has deepened my appreciation for the simple yet profound pleasures of life and has broadened my horizons in ways that words cannot fully capture. As I reflect on my journey by boat, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the experiences and insights gained along the way. This adventure has been a testament to the power of human spirit and the resilience of the human heart. It has provided me with enduring memories and a profound appreciation for the beauty of our planet. In closing, my journey by boat has been a remarkable chapter in my life, one that will continue to inspire and inform my future endeavors.

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A journey by Boat | Essay | Composition | Paragraph

Essay: A Journey by Boat

Traveling by boat offers a unique perspective on the world, allowing one to traverse vast bodies of water while experiencing the tranquility and beauty of nature. Whether it’s a leisurely cruise along a river, a thrilling voyage across the open sea, or a serene exploration of a peaceful lake, a journey by boat is an adventure unlike any other.

One of the most captivating aspects of a journey by boat is the opportunity to witness stunning landscapes from a completely different vantage point. As the boat glides smoothly through the water, passengers are treated to panoramic views of lush greenery, towering cliffs, and shimmering shores. Whether it’s the rugged coastline of a remote island or the serene banks of a meandering river, the scenery unfolds in all its splendor, offering a feast for the eyes and a sense of awe-inspiring beauty.

Moreover, a journey by boat provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Far removed from the noise and chaos of the modern world, passengers can relax and unwind as they soak in the peaceful ambiance of the water. The gentle rocking motion of the boat, the soothing sound of waves lapping against the hull, and the fresh sea breeze all contribute to a sense of calm and serenity that is unparalleled.

Additionally, a journey by boat offers the chance to connect with nature in a profound and meaningful way. Whether it’s spotting dolphins frolicking in the waves, marveling at the graceful flight of seabirds overhead, or simply feeling the sun on your face and the water beneath your feet, there’s something inherently rejuvenating about being out on the open water. It’s a reminder of the raw beauty and power of the natural world, and a humbling experience that fosters a sense of appreciation and respect for our planet.

In conclusion, a journey by boat is an experience that is both exhilarating and enriching. From the stunning scenery to the sense of peace and tranquility it provides, there’s no doubt that traveling by boat offers a unique and unforgettable adventure. Whether you’re embarking on a grand ocean voyage or simply enjoying a leisurely cruise along a scenic river, a journey by boat is sure to leave a lasting impression and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

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Composition: A Journey by Boat

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil waters, I embarked on a journey by boat that would forever etch itself into my memory. With eager anticipation and a sense of adventure coursing through my veins, I boarded the vessel, ready to explore the vast expanse of the open sea.

The boat gently rocked as it set sail, leaving the safety of the harbor behind and venturing out into the great unknown. As we ventured further from the shore, the sounds of the city faded into the distance, replaced by the rhythmic lapping of waves against the hull and the cry of seabirds soaring overhead.

As we sailed along the coastline, I was captivated by the sheer beauty of the landscape unfolding before me. Towering cliffs rose majestically from the water, their rugged contours carved by centuries of wind and wave. Secluded coves beckoned invitingly, their sandy shores bathed in the soft light of the setting sun.

As night fell, the sky was ablaze with stars, their twinkling lights mirrored in the dark waters below. The only sound was the gentle whisper of the wind and the occasional splash of a fish breaking the surface. It was a moment of perfect serenity, a chance to lose myself in the timeless beauty of the natural world.

As dawn broke, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, we continued our journey, venturing further into the unknown. With each passing mile, I felt a sense of exhilaration and wonder, as if each wave carried with it the promise of adventure and discovery.

And so, as the journey drew to a close and we returned to the safety of the harbor, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving this magical world behind. But as I stepped ashore, I knew that the memories of this journey would stay with me forever, a testament to the enduring power of the sea and the timeless allure of a journey by boat.

Paragraph: A Journey by Boat

Embarking on a journey by boat is like stepping into a different world, where time seems to slow and the cares of everyday life fade into the background. As the boat glides smoothly through the water, passengers are treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, from towering mountains to picturesque coastal villages. The gentle rocking motion of the boat and the soothing sound of waves create a sense of tranquility that is unmatched by any other mode of transportation. Whether it’s a leisurely cruise along a river or an adventurous voyage across the open sea, a journey by boat is an experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression and create memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Essay on “A Journey by Boat” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 9, 10 and 12 students.

A Journey by Boat

A journey by boat is always very pleasurable and enjoyable because it has an attraction of its own. Rowing a boat provides a lot of fun. Last summer I had an opportunity to go to New Zealand with my family for about a week. We stayed in a hotel, v, filch was within walking distance from the sea.

During our stay, we visited many beautiful places in different cities of New Zealand. On the third day, my father hired a boat for a few hours. Although the boat was quite roomy, it was not very big. With great excitement, my parents, uncle, sister, younger brother and myself, got into the boat. It was late evening. The sun had just gone below the horizon.

The scenery was very beautiful. The sky looked amazing. There were not many boats in the sea. I wanted to row the boat but my father did not allow me. The boatman supported me and came to my help. He assured that he would take care that I did not cause any harm to the boat or to myself. In the end, my father agreed.

I sat in the place of the boatman and had a delightful experience of rowing for almost twenty minutes. Imagine my thrill and pride when I was able to row the boat and keep it on its path. Of course, its speed was reduced.

Soon the sky was sparkling bright with the moon light. The dark outline of tall coconut trees on the shore seen against the dark background made everything more beautiful. The lights of the nearby huts and of the bridge threw beams of silver reflection in the sea. The sky was studded with twinkling stars. The view was remarkably stunning.

Time flew very fast and our journey was about to come to an ended. The boatman brought us back to the shore. We enjoyed every single minute of the boat ride. It was wonderful. My parents were pleased to see all of us smiling and happy. I am grateful to God for letting me such wonderful opportunity. Even after so many days, its memory makes me feel happy.

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Essay on Journey By Boat

essay in journey by boat

A journey boat is always very pleasant. It has a charm of its own. Rowing a boat provides a lot of fun.

Once this summer I had opportunity to go to Mauritius for about a week. We stayed in a hotel which was within a walking distance from the sea. On the full moon day, my father hired a boat for two hours. The boat was quit spacious though not a very big one. All of us-myself, my father, mother, sister and younger brother clambered in the boat.

It was dusk. The sun had just set. The scenery was very beautiful. There were not many boats on the river. I wanted to row but my father was afraid to let me do that. The boatman came to my help. He said that he would take care that I did not cause any harm to the boat or to myself. In the end, my father agreed. Sat in the place of the boatman and had the joy of rowing for almost ten minutes. Imagine my joy of rowing for almost ten minutes. Imagine my joy and pride when I was able to row the boat and keep it on course. Of course, its speed was reduced. My brother envied me.

Soon the moon was shining brightly. The tall trees silhouetted against the sky made a beautiful seens. The lights of the nearby houses and of the bridge threw beams of silver in the river. The sky was studded with stars. The scenery was breath-takingly beautiful.

Time flew, very soon the two hours were over. The boatman brought us Jump to the bank. We enjoyed every single minute we spent. It was really wonderful. The memory still haunts me.

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Essay On A Journey By Boat

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Set 1: Essay On A Journey By Boat

A journey by boat is always very pleasurable and enjoyable because it has an attraction of its own. Rowing a boat provides a lot of fun. Last summer I had an opportunity to go to New Zealand with my family for about a week. We stayed in a hotel, which was within walking distance from the sea.

During our stay, we visited many beautiful places in different cities of New Zealand. On the third day, my father hired a boat for a few hours. Although the boat was quite roomy, it was not very big. With great excitement, my parents, uncle, sister, younger brother and myself, got into the boat. It was late evening. The sun had just gone below the horizon.

The scenery was very beautiful. The sky looked amazing. There were not many boats in the sea. I wanted to row the boat but my father did not allow me. The boatman supported me and came to my help. He assured that he would take care that I did not cause any harm to the boat or to myself. In the end, my father agreed.

I sat in the place of the boatman and had a delightful experience of rowing for almost twenty minutes. Imagine my thrill and pride when I was able to row the boat and keep it on its path. Of course, its speed was reduced.

Soon the sky was sparkling bright with the moon light. The dark outline of tall coconut trees on the shore seen against the dark background made everything more beautiful. The lights of the nearby huts and of the bridge threw beams of silver reflection in the sea. The sky was studded with twinkling stars. The view was remarkably stunning.

Time flew very fast and our journey was about to come to an ended. The boatman brought us back to the shore. We enjoyed every single minute of the boat ride. It was wonderful. My parents were pleased to see all of us smiling and happy. I am grateful to God for letting me such wonderful opportunity. Even after so many days, its memory makes me feel happy.

Set 2: Essay On A Journey By Boat

A journey by boat is always very pleasant. It has a charm of its own. Rowing a boat provides a lot of fun.

Last summer I had the opportunity to go to Mauritius for about a week. We stayed in a hotel, which was within walking distance from the sea. On the full moon day, my father hired a boat for two hours. The boat was quite spacious though not very big. All of us—my father, mother, sister, younger brother and myself, got into the boat.

It was dusk. The sun had just set. The scenery was very beautiful. There were not many boats in the sea. I wanted to row but my father was afraid to let me do that. The boatman came to my help. He said that he would take care that I did not cause any harm to the boat or to myself. In the end, my father agreed.

I sat in the place of the boatman and had the joy of rowing for almost ten minutes. Imagine my thrill and pride when I was able to row the boat and keep it on course. Of course, its speed was reduced. My brother envied me.

Soon the moon was shining brightly. The tall coconut trees silhouetted against the sky made a beautiful scene. The lights of the nearby houses and of the bridge threw beams of silver in the sea. The sky was studded with stars. The view was breathtakingly beautiful.

Time flew and very soon the two hours were over. The boatman brought us back to the shore. We enjoyed every single minute of the boat ride. It was really wonderful. The memory still mesmerises me.

Set 3: Essay On A Journey By Boat

Journey by boat is a pleasant thing. In my opinion, it is the most pleasant journey. When my friends expressed a desire to pass some hours near the Ganges, I became very excited. I invited them to a boating trip on the Ganges. They were very glad at my invitation.

When they came, I called my servant Madan and asked him to go to Chunni, a boatman. Madan came with Chunni very soon. I hired Chunni’s boat for a day. My friend Harish had a camera. His brother Suresh came with his stove and a packet of tea. Rohan came with some milk, sweets and biscuits.

Chunni made necessary preparations and we sat quite comfortably in the boat which was well decorated. We were six in all. When the boat began to sail towards the east, we were very glad to see the natural scenery. The sun was shining in the sky, The water of the Ganges was crystal clear. The air was cool. The birds were flying in the sky. The rays of the morning sun were falling on the tops of the temples. The golden tops of the temples were shining.

The scene of the bathing ghats was no less impressive. Some people were bathing on the ghats, while some were bathing in the middle of the river. Some were reading the holy books. Some were worshipping the sun-god. Small children were very happy and were splashing water on one another.

Our boat was sailing towards the Asi Ghat. We were talking and cracking jokes. Everyone of us was in a good mood. When we were near the Harish Chandra Ghat, my brother Manoj began to sing a song. We all liked his song very much. Everyone, one after another, started performing their talents. It was 12 o’ clock and we decided to rest. So we asked Chunni not to go further. We reached the bank and began to prepare tea. I requested my friends to have some refreshments. Then we rested for sometime in the garden.

It was evening and we decided to return. The Ganges water was clear. The rays of the setting sun were making it golden. It was a beautiful sight.

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The act of traveling from one place to another place at a distance is known as journey.  It is done either by bus or boat or by train. Bangladesh is a land of river. So, journey by boat is very common and easy here. One can enjoy the air and natural beauty by boat journey. I got such a chance luckily to make a journey by boat on the last autumn vacation. It has become an unforgettable experience in my life.

The beginning of the journey:

It was an autumn vacation. I along with my parent made a journey by boat to pay a visit to my grandmother’s house. The journey was from Chandpur to Dhaka. On the appointed day I with my father and mother went to Chandpur ghat with our necessary luggage and food. We hired a big boat. The boat started at 10 am. There were two oarsmen in the boat. They were strong and experienced. It was a bright sunny day. The atmosphere was calm and cool.


The boat was moving speedily.  The wave of the river was favourable. A gentle breeze was blowing. The small waves were beating against the boat. The wave of the river made a sweet murmuring sound. While the boat passing through the village and fields, we enjoyed the beautiful sights on both the side of the river. The open fields, green crops, the open sky etc. created an eye-dazzling sight. We saw the village people were bathing in the river and carrying water. The fishermen were fishing. The birds were hovering over our hands. Everything was fantastic to enjoy. I remembered quote of Robert Louis.

“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake.” 

After three hours our boat reached near a small bazer. We got down from the boat and took a little refreshment and move here and there. We bought some food from the nearby hotel for our lunch. After thirty minutes, we started our journey again.   At 2 pm. We took our lunch. After lunch, we also took a rest for a while. In the evening the nature came with all of its beauties and glories. The last rays of the setting sun added to the beauty of the green fields. We enjoyed the natural beauty very much. After eight hours journey, our boat reached Sadar Ghat of Dhaka at 6 pm.  It was a crowded place. Some of our relatives with my uncle were waiting for us at the ghat. They received us heartily and took away at their residence by hiring a taxi cab.


The journey gave me much pleasure. It left a permanent impression in my mind. It will remain ever fresh in my memory. The journey was really one of my memorable days in my life.

Journey by boat essay Journey by boat essay

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Essay on “Describe a Journey by Boat” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Describe a Journey by Boat

We get a quite a large number of chances of travelling by railway train or motor bus and enjoy our journey. Some of us must have enjoyed horse-ride, camel ride or donkey ride. Some of us have a great desire to have a flight by an aero plane, but very few of us will have thought of journey by boat. There is a difference between crossing a river  by gator and journey by boat. By journey aye a boat, I mean going along the river a few miles at least.

Last year during the summer vacation it so happened that our family went to Hardwar instead of going to any other hillstation as Hardwar was put forth by my mother who has a religious bent of her because we were not unaware of the joy of the tips in the holy and enjoyed ourselves a lot. We did not miss the opportunity of visiting other places of pilgrimage like Rishikesh and Laksman Jhoola. When we were nearing the end of our satay we paid a visit to Gurukul, an institution of education in Sanskrit, situated at Kankhal.

As we were coming back we stopped at the place from where the Ganges canal emerges from the main river. When we were standing at the confluence, we saw a boat loaded with timber standing ready to go down. MY father had a short talk with the head boatman and it was decided that we should undertake a journey up to bola by means of then shame boat. The idea of journeying by boat sent a thrill of joy through our mind. We brought our luggage and stowed it in the boat. The fare was settled. It was not higher than the railway fare.

Soon we left by boat, as we passed through the shadows of the evening, our hearts were full of curiosity for we hoped to have an adventurous journey. I had a lurking desire in my heart to row the boat myself. We went forth a few miles without a incident worth mentioning. By this time the sun was setting in the western horizon. The scene created by the purple rays of the sun fallen g on the surface of the water was worth seeing After some time the darkness fell. The water was running and producing a star ante sound. The shadow of the trees standing on the bank was falling across the bosom of the flowing water.

The Water was deep and frightening. The face of the bright moon appeared in a very beautiful manner from the east. Twinkling stars produced a glimmer in the waves that overlapped one another.

The beauty of the dense forest added its own color to the variety of the scene. In the distance could be seen flickering candles. The barking of dogs and the howling of jackals was heard sometimes. We passed by a village which was situated just on the bank of the canal. We passed through desolate scene and we passed by high mounds and deep pits.

In the silent hours of the night, a sailor began singing a song. The boat went forward and the distance went backward. It was a fine folk song. The sailors related to us stories of the boating adventures : how they had seen wolves, tigers and elephants standing wayside on the bank or drinking water. The boat was rowed throughout the night. We moved at a speed of nearly eight miles an hour and reached our destination in the morning.

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Local News | Ship that struck Baltimore bridge reaches Virginia port after 23-hour journey

The container ship Dali is escorted through the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse site on its way to Norfolk, Virginia, on Monday. (Jerry Jackson/Staff)

Three months after it crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge and sent the span tumbling into the Patapsco River, the 984-foot Dali container ship began slowly sailing under its own power — assisted by four tugboats — just before 8:30 a.m. Monday to Norfolk, Virginia. After a 23-hour trip without any issues, the ship tied up at roughly 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to Darrell Wilson, spokesperson for Synergy Marine Group, the Dali’s operator. In Norfolk, the vessel will unload all of its containers and receive more extensive repairs.

With crushed containers still resting on the bow and a tarp covering a hole in the hull, the ship left the Port of Baltimore’s Seagirt Marine Terminal and then turned right to follow the federal shipping channel Monday morning. Marine tracking data indicated the ship traveled at roughly 9 knots (10 mph) for the bulk of its transit Monday.

Traffic on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis was halted for roughly 20 minutes at 11 a.m., as the ship approached the bridge. To avoid distracting drivers, the Maryland Transportation Authority sometimes stops traffic on the bridge when vessels of high public interest sail underneath.

About 100 people gathered at Sandy Point State Park, in the shadow of the Bay Bridge, to spectate as the damaged Dali — still carrying fragments of Key Bridge — safely sailed beneath the span that links Central Maryland to the Eastern Shore. The crowd, some of whom peered through binoculars, fell so silent as the ship approached that birds could be heard chirping. As the Dali safely transited the bridge, observers called out: “Threading the needle” and “Through the goal posts.”

“Did you notice how quiet everyone was?” said Paula Schnabel, of St. Margaret’s. “It was almost solemn.”

The Dali had been in Baltimore since it lost power in the early hours of March 26, colliding with a Key Bridge pier and collapsing the structure, killing six construction workers. Debris from the disaster blocked Baltimore’s shipping channel for more than two months, and the bridge’s demise eliminated one of only three harbor crossings, slowing car and truck traffic in the area.

The container ship Dali is escorted through the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse site on its way to Norfolk on Monday. (Jerry Jackson/Staff)

The National Transportation Safety Board and the FBI are both investigating the calamity. As the Dali sailed Monday, the NTSB released a rare update to its investigation, noting that it is focusing on a small electrical component of a circuit that connects two wires, known as a “terminal block.” The NTSB took the component to a lab for further testing, it said in a statement, also noting it had completed interviews with the 21 crew members aboard the ship at the time of the incident.

Prompted by the collapse, the Coast Guard has also initiated a board of inquiry to evaluate potential risks to other bridges in the U.S.

Last month, crews used explosives to cut up a piece of the Key Bridge that sat atop the Dali, then refloated the vessel. Five tugboats moved the ship to the Seagirt Marine Terminal, where some of the wreckage on its crumpled bow was removed. Some of that debris remained on the vessel as it transited Monday, however, and several workers could be seen standing on the bow as the vessel began its voyage. The ship will undergo further cleanup and repairs in Norfolk.

Containers remained on the Dali in Baltimore to weigh the ship down so it fit under the Bay Bridge, which has about 185 feet of vertical clearance.

The Coast Guard enforced a 500-yard safety zone around the Dali during its voyage, and there is also a 100-yard safety zone while the ship is moored near Norfolk to protect from “potential hazards created by the heavily damaged M/V Dali while it offloads cargo,” according to a Coast Guard memo.

The Dali leaves Baltimore for first time since Key Bridge collapse | PHOTOS

A few people gathered at Fort Armistead Park earlier in the day to watch the ship’s departure from the Port of Baltimore, including George M. Treas III, who lives nearby. He likened the bridge collapse to “losing somebody” and said visiting the area is “like going to a graveyard.”

As Treas watched the ship slowly depart, he said: “It feels good. I feel safer now. They caused enough havoc here.”

Bob and Karen Merrey had to tend to some business on the other side of the Bay Bridge from their home on Kent Island, and they left early Monday to avoid the span’s closure.

They had been scheduled to take Royal Caribbean’s Vision of the Seas cruise out of Baltimore on April 4, but with the port closed at the time, they themselves had to travel to Norfolk to board. Retirees from the Towson area with a son who lives near the Key Bridge, the couple had driven across that span the day before the catastrophe.

They quietly watched Monday from Sandy Point State Park as the Dali passed before them and beneath the Bay Bridge.

“I still,” Bob said, “get goosebumps.”

Baltimore Sun reporter Alex Mann contributed to this article.

Watch live: Dali ship departs from Baltimore

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‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ Review: Alien Invasion Prequel Arrives Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

Instead of providing answers or much in the way of suspense, director Michael Sarnoski’s contribution stars Lupita Nyong'o as a terminally ill cat owner tiptoeing through a mostly off-screen apocalypse.

By Peter Debruge

Peter Debruge

Chief Film Critic

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A Quiet Place: Day One

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As it happens, director John Krasinski’s excellent 2020 sequel flashed back to Day One, revealing the pandemonium the aliens’ arrival caused for unsuspecting humans, before jumping forward more than a year in the “Quiet Place” chronology. In theory, what “Day One” promises — but doesn’t actually deliver — is a more expansive look at the mayhem. Most of the action occurs off-screen, and no one (not even the authorities) so much as attempts to fight back.

What about cats? Is Frodo ever really at risk? For the curious, Sarnoski includes a tough-to-decipher scene where a trio of aliens feed on what looks like a feathered version of the ovomorphs from “Alien.” Perhaps this explains why the Death Angels are so aggro: They didn’t pack enough snacks for their intergalactic mission, and Earth doesn’t have what they need. But what do they want?

Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, “Day One” is served up as a disaster movie, à la Roland Emmerich’s “Independence Day,” with money shots of the Brooklyn Bridge collapsing into the East River and deserted streets that suggest “I Am Legend” by way of 9/11. Where did everybody go? “Day One” makes it look like just a few hundred people call Manhattan home. Surely New York would be crawling with residents, pouring out of the skyscrapers and into the streets, or else retreating into their apartments. It’s Day One of the invasion, and the city is a ghost town.

It’s kind of a fluke that Samira agreed to come along for a field trip to a Manhattan marionette theater, led by a nurse (Alex Wolff) who should have worn quieter clothes. When the aliens land, they immediately start picking off the noisiest humans. Scream, and you’re toast. Call out for your missing partner or child, and a Death Angel is guaranteed to spring from off-screen and rip you in half. While the characters try their best to keep silent, the film’s sound designers do the opposite, using low tones to make the whole theater rumble (Imax and 4DX viewers can literally feel the attack unfolding off-screen).

In the two previous films, the thrill came from watching how characters reacted to these sinewy, double-jointed monsters, whose rattling, Venom-looking heads fold open in a series of flaps as they stop to listen. The terrifying creatures can’t see, but their sense of hearing is hyper-acute, which is why our world went quiet . For some reason, all that stuff it took humans 474 days to learn in the other movies is already known by the characters in this one (like using running water to confound the aliens).

As Samira hides out in the marionette theater with a crowd of strangers (including Djimon Hounsou, the film’s lone connection to the previous installment), military choppers fly overhead, broadcasting instructions: Keep silent. Stay off the bridges. Carefully make your way to the South Street Seaport, where ships are standing by to evacuate people. As an inexplicably small crowd of survivors move south, Samira and Frodo walk in the opposite direction. She wants that pizza.

Through it all, she remains more committed to protecting her cat — which is ironic, since the animal seems all but guaranteed to attract the wrong kind of attention. It is Frodo who finds Eric and leads him to Samira. Their instant bond feels contrived, though a more charitable viewer might be moved by this nothing-to-lose connection between two lonely souls — what writer-director Lorene Scafaria called “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.”

To his credit, Sarnoski orchestrates a few high-tension set-pieces. But there aren’t nearly enough of these for a movie set in the “Quiet Place” world, as Sarnoski (who put Nicolas Cage through all kinds of nonsensical behavior in “Pig”) winds up putting sentimentality ahead of suspense.

Just compare these movies to the century’s best zombie franchise: “A Quiet Place” ranks up there with “28 Days Later” in its immersive, world-turned-upside-down intrigue. “Part II” was bigger and scarier, à la “28 Weeks Later.” “Day One” ought to have been the mind-blowing origin story, and instead it’s a Hallmark movie, where everyone seems to have nine lives — not just that darn cat.

Reviewed at AMC The Grove, Los Angeles, June 26, 2024. MPA Rating: PG-13. Running time:

  • Production: A Paramount Pictures release and presentation, in association with Michael Bay, of a Platinum Dunes, Sunday Night production. Producers: Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller, John Krasinski. Executive producers: Allyson Seeger, Vicki Dee Rock.
  • Crew: Director: Michael Sarnoski. Screenplay: Michael Sarnoski; story: John Krasinski, Michael Sarnoski, based on characters created by Bryan Woods & Scott Beck. Camera: Pat Scola. Editors: Andrew Mondshein, Gregory Plotkin. Music: Alexis Grapsas.
  • With: Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, Djimon Hounsou.

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500 Words Essay on Journey by Boat

An Essay on Journey by Boat for classes 3, 4, 5th & 6th provides an interesting story in about 400 words. I have described my essay by using the following keywords. This will make it easy for students to comprehend the main points.

Essay on Journey by Boat

  • Introduction (Time & place)

The scene at the Ghats

  • How did I enjoy the trip?


Last year I went to Varanasi (a beautiful city in Uttar Pradesh) with my friends. We all enjoy the day by taking a pleasure trip in a boat. So we enjoyed two hours roaming in the boat. Our boat was new and was painted brightly.


There were three rowers. They began to sing. We looked towards the Ghats. We saw many people bathing and praying the sun was shining brightly.

The water of the Ganges was clear. At the top, the temples were shining like gold. The whole atmosphere was bright and gay. Within an hour we reached the opposite bank of the river.

How did we enjoy it?

Then we took a rest for some time, my friend Raju had a camera with him. We capture various beautiful scenes.

My friend Ramesh has a large collection of old songs; we sat there and listened to songs. We all were hungry and decided to have some refreshments, so we took tea, biscuits, and samosas with us.

We continued our journey ; the boat was moving sometimes this way or the other. Some women were filling their pots with the holy water of the Ganges.

They were singing their folk songs. Some Sadhus were worshipping at the Ghats, some were reading the Ramayana. Some were standing in the water.

We were very happy. My friends like the program very much. The day passed in joy. We paid 300 rupees to the boat owner. Then we returned home with sweet memories.

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J. Harshit specializes in content writing and storytelling. Writing compelling essays, Letters, & more that engage, inform, and inspire is something he enjoys.

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Santa Cruz Sentinel

Latest Headlines | Photo | Paddlers make way for squid boat on…

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Subscriber only, latest headlines | photo | paddlers make way for squid boat on monterey bay.

A paddler and a passenger work their way this week past the Pacific Journey, a squid boat registered out of Monterey. When illuminated at night the lights along the boat’s tower attract the squid so they can be captured in the vessel's " purse seine" nets. The common or California market squid, Doryteuthis opalescens, is one of California’s biggest commercial fisheries and according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and can be worth as much as $70 million per year. Chinese immigrants established the first market squid fishery on the West Coast in Monterey in 1863, but according to Steve Palumbi in his book "The Death and Life of Monterey Bay," they were pushed out of the more profitable fishing grounds by the local non-Chinese families. (Shmuel Thaler - Santa Cruz Sentinel)

A paddler and a passenger work their way this week past the Pacific Journey, a squid boat registered out of Monterey. When illuminated at night the lights along the boat’s tower attract the squid so they can be captured in the vessel’s ” purse seine” nets. The common or California market squid, Doryteuthis opalescens, is one of California’s biggest commercial fisheries and according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and can be worth as much as $70 million per year. Chinese immigrants established the first market squid fishery on the West Coast in Monterey in 1863, but according to Steve Palumbi in his book “The Death and Life of Monterey Bay,” they were pushed out of the more profitable fishing grounds by the local non-Chinese families. (Shmuel Thaler – Santa Cruz Sentinel)

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512 Words Essay on a journey by boat

essay in journey by boat

It was Durga Pooja vacation. I had come to my native village with my cousins. As we had no work there, we found the village life very dull. Suddenly an idea struck in my mind and soon we decided to go on a journey by boat. A day was fixed for the journey. The river was not too far.

On the fixed day we took our bags and some things to eat and started for the river bank on foot. As we had already hired a boat, we found it ready. The boat was small but it was beautifully decorated. There were two boat-men who instructed us to set properly on both the sides of the boat.

It was morning and the sky was clear. A fine cool breeze was blowing. As soon as we took our seats in the boat, it began to move on water. They were really thrilling movements in our life. We all were in high spirit.

The’ boat was moving gently. The river water was shining in the rays of the sun and was presenting a beautiful scene. It looked white like silver. There were many more boats of different shapes and sizes sailing in the river. There were men, women and children in those boats. The children were very excited and were shouting with joy.


All of a sudden the cool breeze stopped blowing and we felt a bit hot. One of my cousins suggested enjoying cold drink which we had brought in our bag. Soon it was midday and we decided to take our lunch. Up to this time we were on the other side of the river. The boatmen tied the boat to the bank and guided us to a restaurant. We took our meals. We enjoyed tea too. Then we started our return journey.

The return journey was little bit difficult because the boat was going against the current. Naturally the boatmen had to work hard at the oars. As the currents of the river were not in favour, the speed of the boat was not fast as it was in the beginning of the journey so it took much time and soon we saw that the sun was about to set. It was really a glorious sun set we had ever seen. The sun’s rays made everything red.

The weather was quite clear when we started and we were very happy that our return journey was also safe. But soon we were horrified to hear the cry, “storm” We were in the middle of the river. The water rose high and it dashed against the boat.

The boatmen worked harder and harder. It seemed that life is slipped from our hands. We started praying to God. Soon the boatmen cried, the bank!’ the bank!” We took a sigh of relief. We reached the bank safely. We thanked god and thanked the boatmen.

Ten years have passed since then but the memory of that boat journey is still fresh in mind. Sometime I remember its sweet moments and sometimes its horrible moments.

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Scientific breakthroughs: 2024 emerging trends to watch

essay in journey by boat

December 28, 2023


Across disciplines and industries, scientific discoveries happen every day, so how can you stay ahead of emerging trends in a thriving landscape? At CAS, we have a unique view of recent scientific breakthroughs, the historical discoveries they were built upon, and the expertise to navigate the opportunities ahead. In 2023, we identified the top scientific breakthroughs , and 2024 has even more to offer. New trends to watch include the accelerated expansion of green chemistry, the clinical validation of CRISPR, the rise of biomaterials, and the renewed progress in treating the undruggable, from cancer to neurodegenerative diseases. To hear what the experts from Lawrence Liverpool National Lab and Oak Ridge National Lab are saying on this topic, join us for a free webinar on January 25 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. EDT for a panel discussion on the trends to watch in 2024.

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Green chemistry is a rapidly evolving field that is constantly seeking innovative ways to minimize the environmental impact of chemical processes. Here are several emerging trends that are seeing significant breakthroughs:

  • Improving green chemistry predictions/outcomes : One of the biggest challenges in green chemistry is predicting the environmental impact of new chemicals and processes. Researchers are developing new computational tools and models that can help predict these impacts with greater accuracy. This will allow chemists to design safer and more environmentally friendly chemicals.
  • Reducing plastics: More than 350 million tons of plastic waste is generated every year. Across the landscape of manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers, reducing the use of single-use plastics and microplastics is critical. New value-driven approaches by innovators like MiTerro that reuse industrial by-products and biomass waste for eco-friendly and cheaper plastic replacements will soon be industry expectations. Lowering costs and plastic footprints will be important throughout the entire supply chain.    
  • Alternative battery chemistry: In the battery and energy storage space, finding alternatives to scarce " endangered elements" like lithium and cobalt will be critical. While essential components of many batteries, they are becoming scarce and expensive. New investments in lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries that do not use nickel and cobalt have expanded , with 45% of the EV market share being projected for LFP in 2029. Continued research is projected for more development in alternative materials like sodium, iron, and magnesium, which are more abundant, less expensive, and more sustainable.
  • More sustainable catalysts : Catalysts speed up a chemical reaction or decrease the energy required without getting consumed. Noble metals are excellent catalysts; however, they are expensive and their mining causes environmental damage. Even non-noble metal catalysts can also be toxic due to contamination and challenges with their disposal. Sustainable catalysts are made of earth-abundant elements that are also non-toxic in nature. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on developing sustainable catalysts that are more environmentally friendly and less reliant on precious metals. New developments with catalysts, their roles, and environmental impact will drive meaningful progress in reducing carbon footprints.  
  • Recycling lithium-ion batteries: Lithium-ion recycling has seen increased investments with more than 800 patents already published in 2023. The use of solid electrolytes or liquid nonflammable electrolytes may improve the safety and durability of LIBs and reduce their material use. Finally, a method to manufacture electrodes without solvent s could reduce the use of deprecated solvents such as N-methylpyrrolidinone, which require recycling and careful handling to prevent emissions.

Rise of biomaterials


New materials for biomedical applications could revolutionize many healthcare segments in 2024. One example is bioelectronic materials, which form interfaces between electronic devices and the human body, such as the brain-computer interface system being developed by Neuralink. This system, which uses a network of biocompatible electrodes implanted directly in the brain, was given FDA approval to begin human trials in 2023.

  • Bioelectronic materials: are often hybrids or composites, incorporating nanoscale materials, highly engineered conductive polymers, and bioresorbable substances. Recently developed devices can be implanted, used temporarily, and then safely reabsorbed by the body without the need for removal. This has been demonstrated by a fully bioresorbable, combined sensor-wireless power receiver made from zinc and the biodegradable polymer, poly(lactic acid).
  • Natural biomaterials: that are biocompatible and naturally derived (such as chitosan, cellulose nanomaterials, and silk) are used to make advanced multifunctional biomaterials in 2023. For example, they designed an injectable hydrogel brain implant for treating Parkinson’s disease, which is based on reversible crosslinks formed between chitosan, tannic acid, and gold nanoparticles.
  • Bioinks : are used for 3D printing of organs and transplant development which could revolutionize patient care. Currently, these models are used for studying organ architecture like 3D-printed heart models for cardiac disorders and 3D-printed lung models to test the efficacy of drugs. Specialized bioinks enhance the quality, efficacy, and versatility of 3D-printed organs, structures, and outcomes. Finally, new approaches like volumetric additive manufacturing (VAM) of pristine silk- based bioinks are unlocking new frontiers of innovation for 3D printing.

To the moon and beyond


The global Artemis program is a NASA-led international space exploration program that aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon by 2025 as part of the long-term goal of establishing a sustainable human presence on the Moon. Additionally, the NASA mission called Europa Clipper, scheduled for a 2024 launch, will orbit around Jupiter and fly by Europa , one of Jupiter’s moons, to study the presence of water and its habitability. China’s mission, Chang’e 6 , plans to bring samples from the moon back to Earth for further studies. The Martian Moons Exploration (MMX) mission by Japan’s JAXA plans to bring back samples from Phobos, one of the Mars moons. Boeing is also expected to do a test flight of its reusable space capsule Starliner , which can take people to low-earth orbit.

The R&D impact of Artemis extends to more fields than just aerospace engineering, though:

  • Robotics: Robots will play a critical role in the Artemis program, performing many tasks, such as collecting samples, building infrastructure, and conducting scientific research. This will drive the development of new robotic technologies, including autonomous systems and dexterous manipulators.
  • Space medicine: The Artemis program will require the development of new technologies to protect astronauts from the hazards of space travel, such as radiation exposure and microgravity. This will include scientific discoveries in medical diagnostics, therapeutics, and countermeasures.
  • Earth science: The Artemis program will provide a unique opportunity to study the Moon and its environment. This will lead to new insights into the Earth's history, geology, and climate.
  • Materials science: The extreme space environment will require new materials that are lightweight, durable, and radiation resistant. This will have applications in many industries, including aerospace, construction, and energy.
  • Information technology: The Artemis program will generate a massive amount of data, which will need to be processed, analyzed, and shared in real time. This will drive the development of new IT technologies, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

The CRISPR pay-off


After years of research, setbacks, and minimal progress, the first formal evidence of CRISPR as a therapeutic platform technology in the clinic was realized. Intellia Therapeutics received FDA clearance to initiate a pivotal phase 3 trial of a new drug for the treatment of hATTR, and using the same Cas9 mRNA, got a new medicine treating a different disease, angioedema. This was achieved by only changing 20 nucleotides of the guide RNA, suggesting that CRISPR can be used as a therapeutic platform technology in the clinic.

The second great moment for CRISPR drug development technology came when Vertex and CRISPR Therapeutics announced the authorization of the first CRISPR/Cas9 gene-edited therapy, CASGEVY™, by the United Kingdom MHRA, for the treatment of sickle cell disease and transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia. This was the first approval of a CRISPR-based therapy for human use and is a landmark moment in realizing the potential of CRISPR to improve human health.

In addition to its remarkable genome editing capability, the CRISPR-Cas system has proven to be effective in many applications, including early cancer diagnosis . CRISPR-based genome and transcriptome engineering and CRISPR-Cas12a and CRISPR-Cas13a appear to have the necessary characteristics to be robust detection tools for cancer therapy and diagnostics. CRISPR-Cas-based biosensing system gives rise to a new era for precise diagnoses of early-stage cancers.

MIT engineers have also designed a new nanoparticle DNA-encoded nanosensor for urinary biomarkers that could enable early cancer diagnoses with a simple urine test. The sensors, which can detect cancerous proteins, could also distinguish the type of tumor or how it responds to treatment.

Ending cancer


The immuno-oncology field has seen tremendous growth in the last few years. Approved products such as cytokines, vaccines, tumor-directed monoclonal antibodies, and immune checkpoint blockers continue to grow in market size. Novel therapies like TAC01-HER2 are currently undergoing clinical trials. This unique therapy uses autologous T cells, which have been genetically engineered to incorporate T cell Antigen Coupler (TAC) receptors that recognize human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) presence on tumor cells to remove them. This could be a promising therapy for metastatic, HER2-positive solid tumors.

Another promising strategy aims to use the CAR-T cells against solid tumors in conjunction with a vaccine that boosts immune response. Immune boosting helps the body create more host T cells that can target other tumor antigens that CAR-T cells cannot kill.

Another notable trend is the development of improved and effective personalized therapies. For instance, a recently developed personalized RNA neoantigen vaccine, based on uridine mRNA–lipoplex nanoparticles, was found effective against pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Major challenges in immuno-oncology are therapy resistance, lack of predictable biomarkers, and tumor heterogenicity. As a result, devising novel treatment strategies could be a future research focus.

Decarbonizing energy


Multiple well-funded efforts are underway to decarbonize energy production by replacing fossil fuel-based energy sources with sources that generate no (or much less) CO2 in 2024.

One of these efforts is to incorporate large-scale energy storage devices into the existing power grid. These are an important part of enabling the use of renewable sources since they provide additional supply and demand for electricity to complement renewable sources. Several types of grid-scale storage that vary in the amount of energy they can store and how quickly they can discharge it into the grid are under development. Some are physical (flywheels, pumped hydro, and compressed air) and some are chemical (traditional batteries, flow batteries , supercapacitors, and hydrogen ), but all are the subject of active chemistry and materials development research. The U.S. government is encouraging development in this area through tax credits as part of the Inflation Reduction Act and a $7 billion program to establish regional hydrogen hubs.

Meanwhile, nuclear power will continue to be an active R&D area in 2024. In nuclear fission, multiple companies are developing small modular reactors (SMRs) for use in electricity production and chemical manufacturing, including hydrogen. The development of nuclear fusion reactors involves fundamental research in physics and materials science. One major challenge is finding a material that can be used for the wall of the reactor facing the fusion plasma; so far, candidate materials have included high-entropy alloys and even molten metals .

Neurodegenerative diseases


Neurodegenerative diseases are a major public health concern, being a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. While there is currently no cure for any neurodegenerative disease, new scientific discoveries and understandings of these pathways may be the key to helping patient outcomes.

  • Alzheimer’s disease: Two immunotherapeutics have received FDA approval to reduce both cognitive and functional decline in individuals living with early Alzheimer's disease. Aducannumab (Aduhelm®) received accelerated approval in 2021 and is the first new treatment approved for Alzheimer’s since 2003 and the first therapy targeting the disease pathophysiology, reducing beta-amyloid plaques in the brains of early Alzheimer’s disease patients. Lecanemab (Leqembi®) received traditional approval in 2023 and is the first drug targeting Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology to show clinical benefits, reducing the rate of disease progression and slowing cognitive and functional decline in adults with early stages of the disease.
  • Parkinson’s disease: New treatment modalities outside of pharmaceuticals and deep brain stimulation are being researched and approved by the FDA for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease symptoms. The non-invasive medical device, Exablate Neuro (approved by the FDA in 2021), uses focused ultrasound on one side of the brain to provide relief from severe symptoms such as tremors, limb rigidity, and dyskinesia. 2023 brought major news for Parkinson’s disease research with the validation of the biomarker alpha-synuclein. Researchers have developed a tool called the α-synuclein seeding amplification assay which detects the biomarker in the spinal fluid of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and individuals who have not shown clinical symptoms.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): Two pharmaceuticals have seen FDA approval in the past two years to slow disease progression in individuals with ALS. Relyvrio ® was approved in 2022 and acts by preventing or slowing more neuron cell death in patients with ALS. Tofersen (Qalsody®), an antisense oligonucleotide, was approved in 2023 under the accelerated approval pathway. Tofersen targets RNA produced from mutated superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) genes to eliminate toxic SOD1 protein production. Recently published genetic research on how mutations contribute to ALS is ongoing with researchers recently discovering how NEK1 gene mutations lead to ALS. This discovery suggests a possible rational therapeutic approach to stabilizing microtubules in ALS patients.

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The Blame Game: Why Shifting Responsibility Won't Lead to Success

14 Pages Posted:

Surjit Singha

Kristu Jayanti College

Ranjit Singha

CHRIST (Deemed to be University)

Date Written: June 27, 2024

It is anecdotally said that on the journey to success, there are always a variety of trials which can test one's will and spirit for battle. Yet, instead of looking for answers to failure, there is a black hole where theories do not exist. We fall into the habit of blaming external causes such as the system-or bad luck that affects 'other people'. To uproot this kind of metaphysical tendency is the first point of this article. It articulates blamelessness as a sure path to peace and achievement that cannot be otherwise achieved. It urges readers to bite the bullet and act proactively and responsibly in their own lives so they can indeed succeed. Consumers have claimed more rights than ever in history by cultivating true success in addition to their goals and determination by fostering personal accountability, perseverance and overcoming obstacles.

Keywords: Blame game, personal responsibility, determination, resilience, achievement

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HOME PAGE: http://ranjit.school.blog/

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The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: his Teaching Journey

This essay about Elie Wiesel’s academic legacy focuses on his impactful teaching career. It highlights his roles at the City University of New York and Boston University, where he taught Judaic Studies, literature, philosophy, and ethics. Wiesel’s teaching style was conversational and reflective, encouraging deep engagement with difficult questions about suffering, faith, and responsibility. His courses were transformative experiences for students, connecting historical events with contemporary issues. The essay also mentions Wiesel’s visiting professorships at institutions like Yale University and his role in establishing the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies at Boston University. Through his teaching, writing, and advocacy, Wiesel left an enduring legacy in education and human rights.

How it works

Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor, was not only a prolific author but also an esteemed educator. His experiences and insights made him a revered figure in academic circles, where he left an indelible mark through his teaching. Wiesel’s journey as a teacher spanned several decades and institutions, where he shared his profound knowledge and perspectives on history, literature, and human rights.

Wiesel’s teaching career began in the 1970s when he accepted a position at the City University of New York (CUNY).

Here, he served as a Distinguished Professor of Judaic Studies, imparting his wisdom to students eager to learn about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His presence at CUNY marked the start of a long and impactful career in academia. Wiesel’s courses were known for their depth and emotional intensity, reflecting his personal experiences and scholarly expertise.

In 1976, Elie Wiesel joined the faculty at Boston University, where he was appointed as the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities. This role allowed him to influence a broader audience, teaching not only Judaic Studies but also a range of subjects including literature, philosophy, and ethics. Wiesel’s interdisciplinary approach enriched the academic environment at Boston University. His seminars often attracted a diverse group of students, drawn by his reputation and the unique insights he offered into human nature and morality.

At Boston University, Wiesel’s classes were more than just lectures; they were transformative experiences. He encouraged his students to engage deeply with difficult questions about suffering, faith, and responsibility. His teaching style was conversational and reflective, often prompting students to think critically about their own beliefs and values. Wiesel’s ability to connect historical events with contemporary issues made his courses relevant and compelling.

In addition to his roles at CUNY and Boston University, Wiesel also held visiting professorships at several other institutions, including Yale University. At Yale, he served as a Distinguished Fellow in the Humanities and lectured on topics related to his expertise. His time at Yale further solidified his reputation as a leading academic figure. Wiesel’s lectures were always well-attended, reflecting the high regard in which he was held by both students and faculty.

Elie Wiesel’s contributions to academia extended beyond the classroom. He was a prolific writer and public speaker, often addressing topics related to his teaching. His books, such as “Night,” “Dawn,” and “Day,” are considered essential reading in many academic courses. These works, deeply rooted in his personal experiences, provided valuable resources for his students and scholars worldwide. Wiesel’s ability to articulate complex and painful experiences in a way that was accessible and poignant added significant value to his teaching.

Moreover, Wiesel’s influence was not limited to Jewish Studies. His teachings on human rights and ethical responsibility resonated across various disciplines. He often spoke at conferences and seminars, sharing his insights with a wider audience. Wiesel’s involvement in these events helped to shape public discourse on important issues such as genocide, racism, and injustice.

One of Wiesel’s most significant contributions was his role in establishing the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies at Boston University. This center became a hub for scholarly research and dialogue, fostering a deeper understanding of Jewish culture and history. Wiesel’s vision for the center was to create a space where students and scholars could explore the complexities of Jewish identity and experience. The center continues to honor his legacy, promoting academic excellence and cross-cultural understanding.

Throughout his teaching career, Elie Wiesel remained committed to the idea that education is a powerful tool for change. He believed that by educating young minds, he could help prevent future atrocities and promote a more just and compassionate world. His dedication to this mission was evident in everything he did, from his lectures and writings to his advocacy and public speaking.

Elie Wiesel’s teaching journey is a testament to the profound impact one individual can have on the academic community and beyond. His contributions to education, literature, and human rights have left an enduring legacy that continues to inspire and enlighten. Wiesel’s ability to bridge the gap between past and present, theory and practice, made him a truly exceptional educator. Through his teachings, he has touched the lives of countless students, instilling in them the values of empathy, courage, and moral responsibility.


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The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: His Teaching Journey. (2024, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-academic-legacy-of-elie-wiesel-his-teaching-journey/

"The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: His Teaching Journey." PapersOwl.com , 28 Jun 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/the-academic-legacy-of-elie-wiesel-his-teaching-journey/

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"The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: His Teaching Journey." PapersOwl.com, Jun 28, 2024. Accessed July 1, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-academic-legacy-of-elie-wiesel-his-teaching-journey/

"The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: His Teaching Journey," PapersOwl.com , 28-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-academic-legacy-of-elie-wiesel-his-teaching-journey/. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: His Teaching Journey . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-academic-legacy-of-elie-wiesel-his-teaching-journey/ [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

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Essay on A Journey by Boat


[ Hints: Introduction, Planning, Arrangement, the beginning of the journey, Description of the journey, Reaching the destination, Experience of the journey, Conclusion]

Introduction: Bangladesh is a revering country. So, traveling by boat here is a common picture. In this fast-moving modern age, a journey by boat offers a different taste in communication. It brings us closer to the beauty of Nature.

Planning: During the last autumn I as well as two of my friends planned for a boat journey. We three decided to go to my village home by boat at Barisal.

Arrangement: For the journey, we hired a boat from the river ghat. We took the necessary clothes and snacks with us. We also took sufficient pure drinking watt r before we stepped into the boat.

Beginning of the journey: It was the 15th of July, 2000. Our journey began on Monday at 8 a.m. in the morning.

Description of the journey: The boat was moving on slowly. The small waves of the river water were beating against it producing murmuring sound. After some time the boatman set sail. The boat began to move very fast. When the boat was in mid-stream, the river banks on both sides looked brilliant. Many fishing boats were moving up and down with the sails of different colors. They seemed to be part of a vast painting in watercolor. At midday, the sun was very hot and we took shelter under the curved shed of the boat. Our eyes were dazzled with the spanking water of the river.

We took our -lunch at 1 p.m. and rested for a short while. The natural scenery on both Sides of the river charmed us. Trees, bushes, green fields appeared mysterious. Men and women, boys and girls were seen bathing and swimming at the river Ghats. Some village women were seen going home with jars filled with river water.

Reaching the destination: When the launch reached the Barisal launch terminal it was quite dark around. We got down from it and went to our destination by rickshaw.

Experience of the journey: The journey brought us closer to the beauties of Nature. We could learn about the lifestyle of the people living on either bank of the river.

The negative side of the journey: The launch was carrying passengers and goods far beyond its capacity. So, there Was a fear of untoward happening. The launch was about to sink. I got afraid and prayed to Allah for a safe journey.

Conclusion: Though the journey was made amidst rush and bustle, it left some pleasant memories with me.

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    The global Artemis program is a NASA-led international space exploration program that aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon by 2025 as part of the long-term goal of establishing a sustainable human presence on the Moon. Additionally, the NASA mission called Europa Clipper, scheduled for a 2024 launch, will orbit around Jupiter and fly by Europa, one of Jupiter ...

  26. Paragraph on A Journey by Boat

    A few women were filling their jars. Birds were flying. My friend, Rahaman was a good singer. He was singing a song. We had some refreshments on the boat. It gave us new energy. At around 11 a.m., we reached our destination. We enjoyed the journey heartily. The journey was so pleasant that I will never forget it.

  27. The Blame Game: Why Shifting Responsibility Won't Lead to Success

    It is anecdotally said that on the journey to success, there are always a variety of trials which can test one's will and spirit for battle. Yet, instead of looking for answers to failure, there is a black hole where theories do not exist. We fall into the habit of blaming external causes such as the system-or bad luck that affects 'other people'.

  28. A boat journey paragraph/Essay || A journey by boat

    A boat journey paragraph/Essay || A journey by boat || A Beautiful Boat journey#ajourneybyboat#aboatjourneyIf the video has helped in any way :-Please = Lik...

  29. The Academic Legacy of Elie Wiesel: his Teaching Journey

    The essay also mentions Wiesel's visiting professorships at institutions like Yale University and his role in establishing the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies at Boston University. Through his teaching, writing, and advocacy, Wiesel left an enduring legacy in education and human rights.

  30. Essay on A Journey by Boat

    Beginning of the journey: It was the 15th of July, 2000. Our journey began on Monday at 8 a.m. in the morning. Description of the journey: The boat was moving on slowly. The small waves of the river water were beating against it producing murmuring sound. After some time the boatman set sail.