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Department of Computer Science

Doctoral thesis.

Formal aspects to consider before you start to write your doctoral thesis, go to the student portal.  

Former doctoral theses can be found in the ETH Research Collection .

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Institute of Science, Technology and Policy

Doctoral theses, navigating circular economy transitions and extended producer responsibility: insights from plastic packaging, battery, and coffee supply chains.

Jakob Prüss

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, March 2024 . Department of Environmental Systems Science ( D-USYS ) Main Advisor: Prof. Rachael Garrett Corresponding ISTP Project:  Global Supply Chains at  SWISSCHAINS – Swiss Sustainable Supply Chain Lab

Application of Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Hardware for Large-Scale Agent-Based Mobility Simulations

Aleksandr Saprykin

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, November 2022 . Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering ( D-MAVT ) Main Advisor:  Reza Abhari Corresponding ISTP Project: Mobility Simulation at the Swiss Mobility Lab

Catchment Scale Distributed Modelling Framework to Assess the Transport and Transformation of Contaminants

Chunming Sui

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, November 2022 . Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering ( D-BAUG ) Main Advisor:  Paolo Burlando Corresponding ISTP Project: Swiss Minerals Observatory

Effective Monitoring Strategies For Mining-Related Water Pollution

Désirée Ruppen

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, April 2022 . Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-​USYS) Corresponding ISTP Project: Swiss Minerals Observatory

Towards Responsible Gold Supply Chains: A Case Study from Burkina Faso to Switzerland

Antoinette van der Merwe

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, April 2022 . Corresponding ISTP Project: Urban Mining, Swiss Minerals Observatory

Energy Transition - Risk and Uncertainty Quantification of Electric Infrastructure and Spot Market Prices

Patrick Plagowski

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, April 2022 . Corresponding ISTP Project:  Electric Mobility , Swiss Mobility lab

Metropolitan-​scale Agent-​based Modelling of Street Robbery using Reinforcement Learning: Quantitative Assessment of Infrastructure Intervention

Christiaan Johannes Joubert

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, January 2022 . Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-​MAVT) Main Advisor:  Prof. Dr.  Reza Abhari Corresponding ISTP Project: Agent-based Modelling of Robbery , Urban Research Incubator

Creating transparency in global value chains and their environmental impacts to support sustainability policies

Livia Cabernard

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, October 2021 Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-​BAUG) Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hellweg Corresponding ISTP Project: Supply Chain Analysis , Swiss Minerals Observatory

See in the ETH Research Collection.

Infrastructures of Freedom. Public Light and Everynight Life in 'Informal Settlements'

Stephanie Briers

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, September 2021. Department of Architecture (D-​ARCH) Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid Corresponding ISTP Project: Performing Light: The Impact of Public Lighting in Informal Settlements in Cape Town , Urban Research Incubator

Electric Vehicle Adoption and Acceptance

Gracia Brückmann

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, May 2021. Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-​GESS) Main Advisor:  Prof. Dr. Thomas Bernauer Corresponding ISTP Project: Fostering the transition towards fuel-efficient cars , Swiss Mobility Lab

See in the ETH Research Collection .

In Between Walls and Fences. How Gated Communities in Bogotá Shape Exclusive and Insecure Public Spaces Outside the Gates.

David Kostenwein

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, April 2021. Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-​GESS) Main Advisor:  Prof. Dr. Andreas Wenger Corresponding ISTP Project: In Between Walls and Fences , Urban Research Incubator

Digital Urban Imaginaries: Digital models transforming citizen-centred design processes

Michael Walczak

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, March 2021. Department of Architecture (D-ARCH) Main Advisor: Prof. Hubert Klumpner Corresponding ISTP Project: Visualisation Framework , Urban Research Incubator

Night in the Informal City: How Limited Public Infrastructure Shapes Life After Dark in Informal Settlements.

Yael Borofsky

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, January 2021. Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-​GESS) Main Advisor:  Prof. Dr. Isabel Günther Corresponding ISTP Project: Performing Light , Urban Research Incubator

Incremental light space: Reducing socio-technical night-time public space inequality in Bogotá through lighting technology and design for informal settlements.

David Kretzer

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, January 2021. Department of Architecture (D-ARCH) Main Advisor: Prof. Hubert Klumpner Corresponding ISTP Project: The Impact of Lighting Technology and Design on Public Lighting Policies for Informal Settlements , Urban Research Incubator See in the ETH Research Collection

Vulnerability of mountain destinations towards socio-demographic and climatic changes.

Fabian Willibald

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, December 2020. Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG) Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey Corresponding ISTP Project: Decarbonisation & Landscape , Swiss Mobility Lab See in the ETH Research Collection

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) – for whose benefit? Consumer valuation of bundling in the mobility market 

Sergio Guidon

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, May 2020. Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG) Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kay Axhausen Corresponding ISTP Project: Swiss Mobility Lab

See in the ETH Research Collection

Ambitious Mobility Policies and Public Opinion: Doomed to Fail?

Michael Wicki

Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, December 2019. Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS) Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bernauer Corresponding ISTP Project: Swiss Mobility Lab

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Department of Health Sciences and Technology

Doctoral thesis.

Detailed information about writing the thesis - including information on copyright and cumulative theses - is available on the student portal . Information about the registration for the doctoral examination is available on the same pages.

The doctoral thesis must be written in a consistent style. A succession of already-published articles in the various layouts of the respective publishers is not permitted.

Each thesis chapter must include a standard statement of permission to reproduce and a clear statement of author(s) individual contributions.

Handing in the Thesis

The examiner and all co-examiners evaluate the thesis and hand in a report about the thesis at least 5 working days before the examination. They each need to receive a copy of the thesis. An electronic version is normally sufficient, a printed version is to be provided on request only. The thesis must be submitted to the examination committee no later than 15 working days (not counting Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) before the date of the doctoral examination.  

An electronic copy of the thesis has to be sent to the chair of the examination for information, 2-3 days before the examination at the latest. A printed version is to be provided on request only.

Information and formal requirements about the registration for the doctoral examination is available on the student portal .

After the Doctoral Examination

After the doctoral examination, the doctoral thesis has to be approved by the Department Conference. The date of this conference is mentioned on the invitation to the examination.

If the examination committee decided at the doctoral examination that corrections to the thesis are required, these changes have to be completed one week before the Department Conference at the latest.

Once the thesis has been approved by the Department Conference, the title and content may no longer be changed .

After the Department Conference

After approval of the thesis by the Department Conference, Academic Services will issue and send a provisional confirmation of the graduation to the candidate who will be exmatriculated on the date of the confirmation letter.

After receiving this confirmation, the deposit copies of the thesis can be handed in. The deadline for submission of the deposit copies to Academic Services is 3 months after the Department Conference.

See also After the Doctoral Examination (Final Steps)

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Computer Vision Lab

Thesis template.

For all theses at CVL, please use the following thesis template: Download Overview (PDF, 114 KB) vertical_align_bottom

external page https://www.overleaf.com/read/mxckjfbfmtfw call_made

These files provide the structure for your thesis and some guidelines for its content. An introductory guideline can also be found external page here. call_made

Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

CADMO - Center for Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics and Optimization

  • Honors and Awards
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  • Current Lectures and Seminars
  • Guidelines for Theses
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  • Thesis Template
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  • BSc in Computer Science
  • BSc in Mathematics
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  • MSc in Mathematics
  • PhD program
  • Syllabi of our Courses
  • Lecture Guidelines
  • Graduate School

Computer Science students who want to write their Master thesis with us: please consult also the general regulations for master theses of the Department of Computer Science (in German only).

In any case, please make sure you have read and understood the ETH regulations on plagiarism .

The CADMO groups offer a wide range of possible topics for a Bachelor, Diploma, or Master Thesis. There is a list of topics on the web, but these are not exclusive. If you have other ideas or interests, you are welcome to contact a advisor of your choice and talk about possibilities for a tailor-made topic. This makes sense, for example, if you have attended an advanced course, and there was a topic that you really liked and want to study in more detail.

Subject to availability (usually, this is no problem), we can offer you an office space in the CAB building (equipped with desk and computer) to work on your thesis. You don't have to accept this offer, but if you do, this has the advantage that you are close to your advisor, other members of CADMO, and other students that are writing their thesis. Obviously, discussing things, asking questions, and getting answers to them quickly is much easier then.

You can expect a weekly meeting with your advisor, of one up to two hours, depending on the state of your work. Usually, short meetings in between are always possible, and if you work in CAB, they can usually be arranged spontaneously.

In general, we offer a lively and research-oriented environment. The two major platforms for communicating the research performed by members or guests of our workgroups are the Mittagsseminar and the SOS , which usually take place once or twice a week, all year round. You are welcome to join: to listen, or even to give a talk about the work of your thesis (this is mandatory for obtaining a grade of 5.75 or 6 for a Master thesis).


The role of your advisor is to guide you through your thesis: give possible directions, suggest ways out of dead ends etc. But the actual work has to be done by you. This should be self- evident, but let us make the point clear explicitly: we expect you to work independently in the sense that you tackle upcoming questions and problems yourself, before contacting your advisor about them. This is not because we're too lazy, but because the process of doing independent work is an indispensible part of any thesis. Also, you are expected to do independent literature search and reading. If all the papers you read in the course of the thesis work and all the references in your thesis were pointed out by your advisor, this is a bad sign. (On-line search is a great tool, but note: There is also a library which offers many older articles and in particular books that are not available on- line.)

You may get stuck, of course, after exhausting your possibilities, and then you are welcome to solicit help.

You are not required to find new theoretical results during your thesis, although this is always a goal that one should strive for. It is even possible to obtain the best grade without having new results, but in that case, other aspects of the thesis must be excellent (for example, the style of presentation, or software that you produced during the thesis).

There are research-oriented topics with the clear goal of finding new results, and there are topics that are more about implementing or summarizing known methods in a novel way. By choosing the topic, you can determine the research level of your thesis yourself.

Although it may seem picky to talk about page numbers (after all, some great research in history only took very few pages to write down), we still have to do it. If you produce a great new result, we're in fact satisfied with whatever number of pages it takes you to write it down properly. But in other cases, we also want to convince ourselves that you are a good craftsperson. And this means to carefully and understandably write down the problem covered by the thesis, the history, and your contribution. In our experience, this requires a certain minimum number of pages; here the following table can serve as a guideline.

Master thesis D-INFK
6 months
30 credit points
50 pages
Master thesis D-MATH
5 months
30 credit points
50 pages
Bachelor thesis D-INFK
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months
10 credit points
30 pages
Bachelor thesis D-MATH
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months
8 credit points
30 pages
Research in Computer Science I/II D-INFK
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months
3/5 credit points
20/30 pages
Semester paper D-MATH
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months 8 credit points
30 pages

Let us also emphasize that writing a lot per se is not a virtue either. So unless you have good reasons, to be discussed with your advisor, do not exceed the lower page limit by more than 50%, i.e., be selective in what you include in your thesis. After all, not everything that can be written down is worth being read. To quote Blaise Pascal: "Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte" ("I have made this letter so long only because I did not have the leisure to make it shorter", also attributed to Mark Twain and others).

Please also note: it is not your advisor's job to repeatedly proofread your thesis. As a rule of thumb, you should expect that he or she will read each chapter of your thesis only twice: once to give feedback, and once after you submitted the final version. You should therefore make sure that the parts you ask your advisor to read are not rough first drafts, but in as good a shape as you can manage on your own. Also, it is usually a good idea to produce solid write-ups of your findings as you go along; dont postpone "writing things down" to the end of your thesis. In this way you can also incorporate feedback on how to improve your write-up that you got from your advisor for one chapter already in preparing the next chapter.


There are not many: you should supply the final result of your work (the thesis) in electronic form (PDF). Every thesis or semester paper must include with it a completed and signed declaration of originality . This declaration is a component of the written work and must be included in every copy of it. In order to obtain a grade of 5.75 or 6 for a Master thesis, you have to present your work in the Mittagsseminar or the SOS ; your advisor will arrange this. Note: if you present your thesis in the Mittagsseminar, your talk should last 30 minutes (like almost everybody else's), not 45 minutes (which is the time for regular student talks).

ETH E-Collection is a publication platform provided by ETH-Bibliothek outside traditional publishing. Master theses can be published there if they are considered worthy of publication. To fulfill this condition, a grade of 6.0 is usually necessary but not sufficient.

The grade of your thesis is based on the written document you hand in at the end and the performance you demonstrate throughout the thesis work. The grading scheme for all accepted theses is as follows:

  • 6.0 : work and results are truly excellent (in case of Master theses the rule of thumb is that the quality of the thesis should be equivalent to work publishable at international workshops/conferences)
  • 5.5 : thesis quality significantly exceeds expectations
  • 5.0 : thesis meets expectations
  • 4.5 : thesis partially meets expectations, minor deficits
  • 4.0 : thesis meets minimal quality requirements; it has major deficits and it is significantly below expectations

Quarter grades (5.25 etc.) are also possible; the above rules extend in the natural way.

Helpful documents

  • We recommend that you write your thesis with LaTeX. There is an introduction to latex and typesetting on a separate page. We also have a thesis template that you can/should use.
  • We have compiled a few simple but important rules for writing scientific texts in English. They are mandatory reading if you want to write a thesis with us.
  • There is also a helpful guide on scientific writing by Don Knuth (the author of TeX), Tracy Larrabee and Paul Roberts. It is quite extensive and not everything in it is relevant to our purposes, but you should read at least the first 13 pages (§1 - §5). The full text can be downloaded in plainTeX-Format from Knuth's homepage ; here s a precompiled version for your convenience.
  • Also, there is a handy guide on writing mathematical papers in English by Jerzy Trzeciak, providing countless examples and sample phrases you can use in your work. It is available from the EMS for the modest amount of 8 Euro. Your advisor also might have a copy that he/she is willing to lend you.
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Master in Comparative and International Studies (MACIS)

Master's thesis guidelines.

You may write your MA thesis in either during the spring or fall semester. The registration deadline is March and September respectively. The exact dates will be released a few weeks prior to the registration deadline (MA Thesis Guidelines).

MA Thesis Colloquium

You must attend the MA thesis colloquium, present your initial proposal and (later in the semester) the full research design, and actively participate in the discussions. Typically, there are around 5 meetings. You will need to register for the colloquium in myStudies. 

MA Thesis Workshop

You must attend the MA thesis workshop and present the results of your MA thesis research in front of all MACIS students. This workshop usually takes place March and July respectively.

Download MA Thesis Guidelines Fall 2024 (PDF, 619 KB) vertical_align_bottom Download MA Thesis Guidelines Spring 2024 (PDF, 624 KB) vertical_align_bottom

Outstanding Master’s theses are honoured with the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich and a financial sum. Please find the directives here Since the number of medals awarded is capped, the D-GESS is typically allocated with one medal over the three MA programs (MA CIS, MA GPW and MSc STP) each year. The directors of study will nominate the candidates and take a joint decision. The ETH Medal will be awarded at the Master's degree graduation ceremony.

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Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering

Congratulations to our 2023 graduates.

On 24 May, some 30 Biotechnology and 50 CBB (Computational Biology and Bioinformatics) students celebrated their graduation together with families and friends, in total some 130 guests. Special congrats go to this year’s awardees of the ETH Medals for outstanding master’s thesis and the Willi Studer Prize!

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group photo of graduates

Learn about the D-BSSE Master programmes in Biotechnology and in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics .

Find more photos on the alumni website ( link follows ).

Stay connected and join our Biotech Alumni network .

Navigating DeFi in 2024 | Matt & Aryan 0xResearch

In this special analyst round table episode, Aryan and Matt of CMT Digital dive deep into DeFi in 2024. Topics discussed include the emergence of restaking protocols, the challenges of toxic order flow, and the shifting dynamics of crypto valuations and incentives. The conversation also explores the potential of intent-based execution, the economic security of EigenLayer, and the challenges of balancing low float with high FDV. Thanks for tuning in! As always remember this podcast is for informational purposes only, and any views expressed by anyone on the show are solely our opinions, not financial advice. - - Wormhole is a decentralized interoperability platform powering multi-chain applications and bridges. It provides developers with access to liquidity and users on over 30 leading blockchain networks, enabling use cases in DeFi, data queries, and governance. The platform is trusted by teams like Uniswap and Circle and, to date, the platform has facilitated the transfer of over 35 billion dollars through over 850 million cross-chain messages. Claim your unique Wormhole NFT at https://forms.clickup.com/45049775/f/1aytxf-16571/7XLRRC4YQAMEFKRLDX - - Pear is an innovative pair-trading exchange built on top of SYMMIO. Users can trade trending narratives with one click, from bluechip narratives such as long BTC, short ETH, right through to WIF vs BONK. SYMMIO’s intent-centric architecture enables deep liquidity, sourced off-chain and brought on-chain, and combined with Pear, have democratized access to complex trading strategies typically reserved for institutional traders. Start trading today at: https://www.pear.garden/ - - Avalanche is a smart contracts platform that scales infinitely and regularly finalizes transactions in less than one second. Its novel consensus protocol, Subnet infrastructure, and HyperSDK toolkit enable Web3 developers to easily launch powerful, custom blockchain solutions. Build anything you want, any way you want, on the eco-friendly blockchain designed for Web3 devs. Start building today at https://www.avax.network/ - - Follow Aryan: https://x.com/Aryonchain Follow Matt: https://x.com/mcasto_ Follow Boccaccio: https://twitter.com/tripleboccaccio Follow Dan: https://x.com/smyyguy Follow Blockworks Research: https://twitter.com/blockworksres Subscribe on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3foDS38 Subscribe on Apple: https://apple.co/3SNhUEt Subscribe on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3NlP1hA Get top market insights and the latest in crypto news. Subscribe to Blockworks Daily Newsletter: https://blockworks.co/newsletter/ - - Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction of CMT Digital (5:04) App Landscape Retrospect (10:11) Future of Cashflow Projects (15:53) Tokenized Equities (20:35) Intent Market Structure (24:08) Wormhole Ad (24:46) Pear Ad (25:11) Avalanche Ad (25:53) Restaking & Economic Security (36:37) NEAR Thesis (43:12) Arweave & AO Thesis - - Check out Blockworks Research today! Research, data, governance, tokenomics, and models – now, all in one place Blockworks Research: https://www.blockworksresearch.com/ Free Daily Newsletter: https://blockworks.co/newsletter - - Disclaimer: Nothing said on 0xResearch is a recommendation to buy or sell securities or tokens. This podcast is for informational purposes only, and any views expressed by anyone on the show are solely our opinions, not financial advice. Boccaccio, Ryan and our guests may hold positions in the companies, funds, or projects discussed.

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Elon Musk's $56 billion pay package will likely see overwhelming approval, putting a big overhang for the stock behind it, Wedbush Securities' Dan Ives says

  • Elon Musk's $56 billion pay package is probably getting approved by shareholders, Wedbush said.
  • The issue has been an "overhang" on Tesla's stock price , Wedbush's Dan Ives said.
  • Wedbush reiterated its "outperform" rating and $275 price target on Tesla stock.

Insider Today

Elon Musk's controversial $56 billion pay package will mostly likely get the green light from investors, Wedbush Securities' Dan Ives said, and it'll eliminate what's been a big "overhang" for the stock in 2024.

The tech analyst pointed to Tesla's upcoming shareholder vote on Musk's staggering compensation package. The vote comes after the pay deal was struck down by a Delaware judge earlier this year.

Shareholders will most likely reapprove the package, Ives said, given that they approved it in 2018.

"We would expect the 2018 package will be overwhelmingly reapproved, and the Delaware court ruling would be moot in essence as Tesla will now be moving to incorporate in Texas," Ives said in a note on Thursday. "This issue has been an overhang on Tesla's stock and this will be important to move this distraction in the rearview mirror."

Tesla stock is down 28% this year, partly due to anemic demand for its vehicles and the drama surrounding Musk's compensation. Shortly after the Delaware ruling, Musk made moves to shift Tesla's state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas , and has floated moving AI projects away from Tesla unless he is given 25% ownership of the company .

Still, Wedbush analysts reiterated their "outperform" rating on the stock and their $275 price target, adding that there could be another 55% upside to shares .

That outlook assumes Musk could "recommit" to Tesla over the next three to five years as its CEO, Ives said, referring to criticism that Musk has neglected Tesla in favor of his other companies and projects .

Musk's leadership will be particularly important as Tesla makes headway on some of its biggest initiatives, such as its plans to release a low-cost vehicle and develop its full self-driving technology , Ives added.

"Clearly Tesla is going through a challenging period of delivery growth and this story will not turnaround overnight so patience is required. However, it now feels that Musk is taking tighter control of the reigns of Tesla," Ives said.

"Execution of the lower cost vehicle and driving incremental demand in the key China market must be flawless," he added. "Otherwise this could derail the bull thesis in the next 6 to 12 months as the pressure builds on Musk to navigate Tesla through this dark demand storm with next week removing one overhang."

Some of Tesla's largest investors have spoken out against Musk's proposed pay package. The California Public Employees' Retirement System, which is among Tesla's top 30 shareholders, said it didn't believe the package was " commensurate with the performance of the company ."

Tesla, meanwhile, seems to be trying to secure votes ahead of its annual meeting. The company has offered investors a chance to tour its Texas Gigafactory if they vote in favor of Musk's pay package .

Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.

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  1. Doctoral theses, reports

    Searching and use. Doctoral theses of ETH Zurich can be searched for on ETH Library @ swisscovery call_made. There you will find a link to the electronic version. You can also use the ETH Zurich Research Collection document server to search for doctoral theses of ETH Zurich. This platform offers the following functions:

  2. Dissertationen Online an der ETH-Bibliothek Zürich

    00060 - Abt. ETH-Bibliothek / ETH-Bibliothek. More. Show all metadata

  3. Projects and Master's Thesis

    The projects and the thesis are supervised by a professor of the Department (including adjunct professors) or by a Download professor associated (PDF, 97 KB) vertical_align_bottom with the Department. Most projects are carried out under the guidance of, and in close contact with, a PhD student of the supervising professor.

  4. Doctoral thesis

    Doctoral thesis. Formal as­pects to con­sider be­fore you start to write your doc­toral thesis, go to the stu­dent portal. Former doc­toral theses can be found in the ETH Re­search Col­lec­tion.

  5. Doctoral Theses

    Vulnerability of mountain destinations towards socio-demographic and climatic changes. Fabian Willibald. Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, December 2020. Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG) Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey. Corresponding ISTP Project: Decarbonisation & Landscape, Swiss Mobility Lab.

  6. Doctoral thesis

    The doc­toral thesis must be writ­ten in a con­sist­ent style. A suc­ces­sion of already- published art­icles in the vari­ous lay­outs of the re­spect­ive pub­lish­ers is not per­mit­ted. Each thesis chapter must in­clude a stand­ard state­ment of per­mis­sion to re­pro­duce and a clear state­ment of au­thor (s) in­di ...

  7. Download

    These files provide the structure for your thesis and some guidelines for its content. An introductory guideline can also be found external page here. call_made Footer

  8. CADMO, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Department of ...

    ETH E-Collection is a publication platform provided by ETH-Bibliothek outside traditional publishing. Master theses can be published there if they are considered worthy of publication. To fulfill this condition, a grade of 6.0 is usually necessary but not sufficient. ... 4.0: thesis meets minimal quality requirements; it has major deficits and ...

  9. Doctoral thesis

    The Download doctoral thesis title page (PDF, ... Upon delivery of the electronic version of the doctoral thesis, ETH Zurich receives the right to make it publicly accessible and to take archiving measures. In contracts with third parties, such as research contracts, or in the case of interests of the parties involved that are worthy of ...

  10. Master's Thesis Guidelines

    Download MA Thesis Guidelines Fall 2024 (PDF, 619 KB) vertical_align_bottom Download MA Thesis Guidelines Spring 2024 (PDF, 624 KB) vertical_align_bottom. ETH Medal. Outstanding Master's theses are honoured with the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich and a financial sum. Please find the directives here

  11. Guidelines For Implementing The Doctoral Thesis Outside The ETH Domain

    external_dissertation_en - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides guidelines for completing a doctoral thesis outside of ETH Zurich. It states that the thesis must generally be completed at ETH Zurich, but may be completed outside if approved by the department. The external institution cannot impose restrictions that would hinder ...

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  15. Congratulations to our 2023 graduates!

    The ETH Medal 2024 for outstanding Master's thesis was awarded to Marcos Manero-Carranza, MSc Biotechnology graduate, for his study entitled "Designer organelles for targeted RNA recording in mammalian cells". Odysseas Vavourakis, MSc Computational Biology and Bioinformatics graduate and recipient of the Willi Studer Prize 2024.

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  18. Navigating DeFi in 2024

    Investing. In this special analyst round table episode, Aryan and Matt of CMT Digital dive deep into DeFi in 2024. Topics discussed include the emergence of restaking protocols, the challenges of toxic order flow, and the shifting dynamics of crypto valuations and incentives. The conversation also explores the potential of intent-based ...

  19. Master Thesis Eth Math

    Master Thesis Eth Math - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a Master's thesis in Eth Math and provides options for getting assistance. It states that writing a thesis is a difficult process that requires extensive research, analysis, and effective communication skills.

  20. Elon Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package to See ...

    Jun 7, 2024, 6:11 AM PDT. Elon Musk. Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images. Elon Musk's $56 billion pay package is probably getting approved by shareholders, Wedbush said. The issue has been an "overhang" on ...