Essay Papers Writing Online

My journey of writing – exploring my thoughts, discovering my voice, and reflecting on my experiences.

Writing experience essay

Throughout the vast tapestry of life, there exist moments of immense clarity, when the melody of purpose resounds within the chambers of one’s soul. For me, one such moment arrived like a gentle gust on a breezy autumn day – an epiphany that set ablaze the embers of my heart and ignited an unquenchable passion for the written word. In this introspective narrative, I invite you to join me as I traverse the labyrinthine corridors of my past, retracing the footsteps that led me to discover the extraordinary joy and fulfillment that comes with the art of writing.

In the memories of my childhood, ink-stained fingertips and dog-eared pages became the guardians of my imagination. At a tender age, I found solace between the lines of countless volumes, embarking on literary adventures that transported me to magical realms and introduced me to heroes and heroines whose triumphs and tragedies resonated deeply within my impressionable mind. Words became my labyrinth, and each sentence, a stepping stone leading to infinite possibilities. With each turn of the page, I discovered the transformative power of the written word – the ability to conjure worlds beyond reality and fashion intricate tapestries of emotion.

As I navigated the uncharted seas of adolescence, the written word evolved from a mere source of wonder to a vessel for self-expression. The allure of poetry, with its rhythmic cadence and lyrical form, beckoned me to illuminate the innermost recesses of my being. In the communion between pen and paper, I discovered a sacred space wherein my thoughts transcended the confines of language, flowing freely like a serene river on a moonlit night. The boundless potential of writing became my sanctuary, a realm where I could forge my identity and give voice to the untold stories that resided within my heart.

My Journey to Discovering My Passion for Writing

Throughout my life, I have embarked on a remarkable expedition towards finding my true calling as a writer. It has been a compelling odyssey filled with self-discovery, creative exploration, and an unwavering pursuit of storytelling.

From a young age, I found solace in the written word. I would often find myself lost in the pages of books, captivated by the vivid imagery and powerful emotions that words could evoke. As I delved deeper into literature, I began to recognize the profound impact that written stories had on people’s lives. They had the ability to transport us to different worlds, ignite our imaginations, and provoke thought. This realization sparked a flame within me, igniting my initial curiosity and setting me on a path of literary exploration.

As I continued my journey, I started to experiment with writing myself. At first, it was just a creative outlet, a way to express myself and capture my thoughts and experiences on paper. But as I honed my skills, I discovered the immense power of storytelling. Through my writing, I could connect with others on a deeper level, sharing my unique perspectives and sparking meaningful conversations. It was in these moments of connection that I truly felt alive, as if I had found my purpose.

Over time, writing became not just a hobby, but an integral part of my identity. It allowed me to explore different genres, styles, and voices, always pushing the boundaries of my creativity. Through the ups and downs, the moments of inspiration and the dreaded writer’s block, I persevered, driven by an insatiable passion to refine my craft and make a meaningful impact through my words.

My journey to discovering my passion for writing has been a winding road, full of twists and turns, surprises and revelations. It has taught me about the power of words and the importance of storytelling in shaping our world. It has shown me that writing is not just a means of communication, but a way to connect with others, to inspire, to challenge, and to leave a lasting legacy. And as I continue on this extraordinary journey, I am excited to see where it will take me and the stories I have yet to tell.

Uncovering my love for storytelling

Exploring the depths of my creativity led me on a quest to uncover my innate love for storytelling. In the depths of my soul, I discovered a burning desire to weave words together to create narratives that captivate and inspire. This newfound passion for storytelling has allowed me to express myself in a unique and profound way.

As I delved into the world of storytelling, I realized that it is so much more than just the act of writing. It is a form of art that combines imagination, emotion, and the power of words. Storytelling has the ability to transport readers to different worlds, evoke deep emotions, and provoke thought. It is a medium through which I can share my perspectives, experiences, and insights with others.

Through storytelling, I have discovered the art of crafting characters that come to life on the page. Each character has their own unique voice, experiences, and desires, allowing them to connect with readers on a personal level. It is through these characters that I can explore different perspectives, challenge societal norms, and delve into the human condition.

Storytelling also allows me to create worlds that exist only in my imagination. These worlds can be fantastical or grounded in reality, but they all serve as a canvas for my creative expression. Through vivid descriptions and rich imagery, I can transport readers to these worlds, allowing them to experience the magic and wonder that I have created.

Furthermore, storytelling has the power to inspire and motivate. By sharing personal experiences and lessons learned, I can offer guidance and support to readers who may be going through similar struggles. Through stories of triumph, resilience, and personal growth, I aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Overall, uncovering my love for storytelling has been a transformative journey. It has opened up a world of possibilities and allowed me to express my creativity in a way that is both fulfilling and meaningful. Through storytelling, I have found my voice, my passion, and my purpose. It is a constant source of inspiration and a medium through which I can touch the hearts and minds of others.

Exploring different forms of expression

Exploring different forms of expression

Embarking on the journey of discovering my creative outlet led me to a multitude of diverse forms of expression. Engaging in various modes of communication allowed me to explore different facets of my inner self and unearth hidden talents. Through experimenting with writing, painting, and music, I discovered the power of artistic expression to convey emotions, ideas, and experiences in unique and captivating ways.

Writing became my go-to means of expressing my thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences. The written word allowed me to dive deep into my emotions, crafting a narrative that intertwined my inner world with the outer reality. It offered an outlet for self-reflection, catharsis, and self-discovery. Whether it was penning poems, composing stories, or simply journaling, writing became a medium through which I could capture the essence of my being.

Painting provided me with a visual language to communicate my perceptions and insights. The act of mixing colors, applying brushstrokes, and creating shapes on a canvas allowed me to translate my emotions and thoughts into a tangible form. With every stroke of a brush, I could convey my admiration for nature, depict personal memories, or express my inner turmoil. Painting gave me the freedom to unleash my imagination and explore the limitless possibilities of visual expression.

Music offered a unique avenue for channeling my emotions and connecting with others on a profound level. Whether it was playing an instrument, composing melodies, or immersing myself in the melodies of others, music became a universal language through which I could share my deepest joys and sorrows. The harmonies and rhythms acted as conduits for emotional release and provided solace in times of turmoil. The sheer power of music allowed me to express complex feelings that words often failed to capture.

Exploring these different forms of expression not only enhanced my self-understanding but also awakened a fervent desire to continue seeking and experimenting with new ways of conveying my thoughts and emotions. Each brushstroke, word written, or note played has become an opportunity to delve into the core of my being and communicate with the world around me in meaningful and impactful ways.

Overcoming self-doubt and embracing my voice

As I embarked on my journey of writing, I encountered numerous challenges that tested my confidence and belief in my abilities. Self-doubt became a constant companion, whispering in my ear, questioning my talent and worth as a writer. However, through perseverance, reflection, and the support of others, I was able to overcome these doubts and fully embrace my unique voice.

At the beginning of my writing journey, I often found myself doubting my capabilities. The fear of failure and criticism weighed heavily on my mind, causing me to question whether my words and ideas were worthy of being shared. I constantly compared myself to other writers and wondered if I could ever measure up to their level of skill and success. These doubts threatened to extinguish my passion before it had a chance to flourish.

However, I soon realized that self-doubt is not a sign of weakness, but rather a challenge to be overcome. I began to confront my insecurities head-on, acknowledging that every writer has their own unique journey and that comparison is the thief of joy. I sought solace in the words of renowned authors who had experienced similar doubts and yet achieved greatness despite them. Their stories inspired me to keep pushing forward, to trust in my own voice and vision.

The turning point came when I started to share my work with others and received positive feedback and encouragement. The support of friends, family, and fellow writers became a lifeline, buoying my spirits and reinforcing my belief in myself. They saw value in my words and helped me recognize the strength of my voice. This newfound validation gave me the confidence to continue writing and honing my craft.

I also embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring different genres, styles, and themes. I allowed myself to experiment and make mistakes, realizing that growth and improvement come through trial and error. Each piece I wrote became a stepping stone towards finding my unique voice and artistic expression. I learned to embrace vulnerability and authenticity in my writing, understanding that it is through these qualities that connection and resonance are forged.

Today, self-doubt still occasionally creeps in, but I have learned to face it head-on with a renewed sense of confidence and self-belief. I have come to understand that writing is a journey of self-discovery, constantly evolving and unfolding. By overcoming self-doubt and embracing my voice, I have opened up a world of creativity and fulfillment, allowing my passion for writing to truly soar.

Finding solace and therapy through writing

Writing has provided me a sanctuary, a form of escape, and a way to process my thoughts and emotions. In the world of words, I have found solace and therapy, allowing me to express myself in ways that no other medium can.

During times of turmoil and uncertainty, when life seems overwhelming, I turn to writing as a means of catharsis. Through the act of putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, I am able to release pent-up feelings and emotions. It is a therapeutic process that allows me to confront and address my innermost thoughts and fears.

Not only does writing offer emotional relief, but it also provides me with a sense of clarity. Often, when I am mired in confusion or facing a difficult decision, the act of writing helps to organize my thoughts and bring order to chaos. Through the exploration of words and ideas, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

Reasons why writing serves as therapy for me:
1. Emotional release
2. Clarity and organization of thoughts
3. Exploration of self and the world
4. Sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

Moreover, writing offers me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. When I am able to capture a moment, express an idea, or craft a compelling narrative, I experience a sense of pride and satisfaction. It is a form of self-expression that allows me to share my stories and perspectives with others.

In conclusion, writing has become my solace, my therapy, and my means of artistic expression. Through this medium, I am able to find emotional release, gain clarity, and experience a sense of accomplishment. Writing has truly become a vital part of my life, offering me a sense of comfort and fulfillment that I have not found in any other pursuit.

The power of words: how writing can impact others

Writing has the remarkable ability to shape our thoughts, inspire our emotions, and influence our actions. Words hold the power to connect people from different cultures, beliefs, and experiences. They have the potential to break barriers, challenge norms, and create a lasting impact on individuals. Writing allows us to express ourselves, share our stories, and create a sense of understanding and empathy among readers.

Through the art of writing, we can convey our deepest emotions, dreams, and fears. We can paint vivid pictures with words, transporting readers to far-off lands, or capturing a moment of pure joy. It is through the careful arrangement of words that we can convey the depth of human experience, tapping into universal truths that resonate with readers on a profound level.

Writing has the power to spark change, whether it be on a personal or societal level. Activists use written words to shed light on social injustices, giving a voice to those who are marginalized. Personal stories of triumph and resilience can inspire and motivate others to overcome their own obstacles. Writing, in all its forms, has the ability to challenge our perspectives, provoke thoughtful discussions, and ignite a passion for positive change.

Furthermore, writing allows us to preserve our history and culture. Through the written word, we can document our traditions, beliefs, and values for future generations to discover and appreciate. Stories and narratives passed down through generations can communicate the essence of who we are and where we come from, providing a sense of identity and belonging.

In conclusion, the power of words should not be underestimated. Writing has the potential to touch hearts, open minds, and transform lives. It bridges the gap between individuals, cultures, and experiences, creating connections that can last a lifetime. So let us embrace the power of our words and use them to inspire, inform, and ignite change in the world.

Fueling my creativity and personal growth through writing

Embarking on a journey of self-expression and exploration, I discovered that writing has become a powerful catalyst for my creativity and personal growth. As I delve into the realm of words, I find myself constantly captivated by the endless possibilities and the unique power each sentence holds to ignite my imagination.

Writing serves as a channel for my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to delve deep within myself and dive into the realm of self-reflection. In the process, it opens doors to new perspectives and insights, revealing the intricacies of my own identity and enhancing my understanding of the world around me.

Through writing, I have discovered that my thoughts are not confined to the limitations of my own mind. The act of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) allows me to transcend the boundaries of my own thinking and explore new horizons. Whether through storytelling, poetry, or personal narratives, I can communicate my ideas and experiences in a way that resonates with others and sparks meaningful connections.

Moreover, writing has become a means of personal growth, as it encourages me to continually challenge myself and seek improvement. Each sentence I write is an opportunity to refine my craft, to experiment with different styles and techniques, and to push the boundaries of my own creativity. In this process of constant learning and growth, writing becomes not only a source of self-expression but also a vehicle for self-discovery.

As I continue to explore the possibilities of writing, I am constantly amazed by its transformative power. It fuels my creativity, allowing me to express myself in unique and profound ways. It nurtures my personal growth, pushing me to challenge my own limitations and evolve into a better version of myself. Through writing, I have found a passion that not only enriches my life but also connects me to others in a profound and meaningful way.

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Essay on My Passion

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Passion in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Passion


My passion is painting. It’s a unique form of self-expression that allows me to create my own world on canvas.

Why Painting?

I love painting because it provides a platform for my imagination. With every stroke of my brush, I can bring my thoughts to life.

Impact on Me

Painting is therapeutic for me. It helps me to relax, reduces my stress, and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I finish a piece.

In conclusion, painting is my passion. It’s more than a hobby, it’s a part of who I am.

250 Words Essay on My Passion

The genesis of my passion.

Growing up in the digital era, I was always fascinated by the endless possibilities technology offered. This fascination soon turned into a passion when I wrote my first line of code. The sense of accomplishment I felt was unparalleled, sparking a desire to delve deeper into the realm of technology.

The Impact of My Passion

My passion for technology has shaped my life and career choices. It led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science, where I have been able to explore different facets of technology, from coding to artificial intelligence. This passion has also allowed me to contribute to society by developing solutions for real-world problems.

The Future of My Passion

Looking ahead, I see my passion for technology continuing to grow and evolve. I aim to use it as a tool to drive innovation and positive change, leveraging its potential to solve complex global issues. My passion is more than just a personal interest; it is a commitment to using technology to create a better future.

In conclusion, passion is a powerful motivator that can lead us to achieve great things. For me, technology is not just a field of study or a career, but a passion that fuels my curiosity, creativity, and desire to make a difference. It is a journey of continuous learning, growth, and innovation, and I am excited to see where it will take me next.

500 Words Essay on My Passion

Introduction: the awakening of passion.

Passion, a profound, intense emotion, is the invisible force that drives us to commit ourselves to particular activities, ideas, or fields. It is the spark that ignites the flame of our deepest interests. My passion, which I discovered during my early teenage years, is for technology and computer science.

Unveiling the World of Technology

The journey of learning.

I embarked on a journey to learn more about the intricacies of computer science. I started with basic programming languages and gradually moved to complex ones. With each line of code I wrote, I felt a sense of accomplishment and a growing desire to learn more. The more I learned, the more I realized that computer science is not just about coding; it’s a way of thinking and problem-solving. It’s about developing algorithms to make life easier and more efficient.

Challenges: The Fuel to My Passion

The journey was not always smooth. There were times when I felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the problems I was trying to solve. However, these challenges only fueled my passion. Each obstacle was an opportunity to learn something new, to push my boundaries, and to come up with innovative solutions. These challenges taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of a growth mindset.

Impact and Future Aspirations

Conclusion: the power of passion.

Passion is more than just a strong interest or hobby; it’s a commitment to pursue something with all your heart and mind. It is the driving force that pushes you to go beyond your comfort zone and explore new horizons. My passion for technology has shaped my life in countless ways, and it continues to inspire me to learn, innovate, and create. It is a reminder that when we pursue what we love, we not only find joy and fulfillment, but we also have the potential to make a significant impact.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Finding My Passion And Finally Learning How to Live

finding my passion

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

I grew up wanting to become a writer but was discouraged from choosing that career path because according to those around me it wasn’t worth my time nor could I earn a living writing.  I guess nobody believed in me.  I listened to them, went on to become an accountant, a marketing executive, a business owner, and still, I was always thinking about going back to my first passion.

It took me twenty years before I even thought of going back to writing seriously.  I grew accustomed to working in other areas and even though I enjoyed the life they afforded me my first love was writing.  I enjoy telling stories and believe me I have lots to tell.

I was afraid because I felt to do what I love I had to give up what I had grown accustomed to.  Being comfortable in a position that is not right can be very dangerous.  Even though I was miserable, I had gotten accustomed to a miserable existence.

When I finally decided to take a chance, I was scared half to death but knew it was now or never.  The thoughts in my mind were filled with dread.  I began second guessing myself.  I was afraid to fail.  I was afraid others would never want to hear what I had to say.

I started writing daily, a paragraph at a time, and even though I felt it was terrible, I kept going.  The voices in my head were the worse.  I would not allow myself critique to discourage me.  The constant barrage of self-doubt was often too difficult to bear.

I  do not consider myself a writer, at least not yet, but, I believe if I continue to work at it I will become better.  I refuse to continue to ignore my dream while working to make everyone’s dream a reality.

Like me, there are so many people out there living dreams that are not their own.  They have spent their lives building other people’s dreams while their dream is being ignored.

Take the time to renew your passion. The passion that will make you fight for your dream when everything else says quit.  That desire will make you sacrifice everything to make your dream a reality.

Unfortunately, not all of us find our passion in life.  Some of us just go through life frustrated and unhappy working at dead-end jobs. I am here to tell you that to truly live your life to the fullest you need to find what it is you are passionate about and do it.

Here are a seven practices I found useful in finding my passion:

1. Find something that you love to do.

If you haven’t tried to find what it is you are passionate about it might take you some time.  Take whatever time is necessary to find what you enjoy doing and that you could do for the rest of your life even if you weren’t being paid.  That thing that makes you happy when you think about it.  “My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”  Maya Angelou

2. Do your research

Once you think you have found what it is you are passionate about, take some time to do some research on how to excel at it.  Find material that might be updated or even change to make going after your passion easier and more likely to be successful.

3. Get advice

Before investing all your energies into your dream get advice from people you respect and love or people who are in the field.  Getting some sound advice will save you lots of frustration, long hours, and pitfalls.

4. Never give up

No matter what or how difficult things get make a promise to yourself that you will not give up on your dreams.  There will be times when things are not going well, work hard until you realize your dream.  Practice makes improvement.  The more you work at it, the better you become.  There will be setbacks, but that is when you need to dig in deeper and work harder.

5. Be patient

Even though you are now doing something you love, and you are very passionate about it, it will take the time to bear fruit.  You must be patient and allow your dream to grow and mature.  You can never achieve your passion if you are impatient.

6. Never settle

Once you have found, your passion never settle for second best again. Your dream will become your life-long career.  You will have to work at it until it becomes fruitful, and you can support yourself doing it.

7. Keep practicing

It doesn’t matter how much you love what you are doing you will need to improve on your skills.  Keep practicing until you have mastered all aspect of it and when you are through, start again.  When you truly love what you do, you will want to be the best at it.  You will never stop until you are at the highest point of the game.

We all have dreams and aspirations, but only a few take the time to find their passion and go after it.  Make this the day when all that will change for you.  Go after your dream.  The time will never be right to do it so start doing it today.

If you fail, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all again.  You must never have a quitter attitude when going after your passion.  People who are passionate about their dreams never give up until they have realized their dreams and then they work on making sure they keep what they have fought for so long and now have achieved.  You too can be that person living your dream if you make the commitment to go after your passion today.

Photo by Laura Crowhurst

About The Author

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Rose Costas

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25 thoughts on “Finding My Passion And Finally Learning How to Live”

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I am a huge advocate for following passions and changing pour lives to become more happy and fulfilled. It is a shame that so little people do that, because of that paralysing fear of failure. So I wanted to acknowledge you for doing it on your own and wish you all the best !

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Great article Rose. So true in what you stated in the essay. I consider myself still searching for what I have a true passion for. Until you find it, you can’t have total happiness in what you do in life. I have made great strides in achieving this, Your article is informative and inspirational. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks Bcollins. Keep searching until you find your passion. When you do you will know it and be happy you did take the time to find out more about you.

Thank you so much Lady Rhinoa. It took many years and lots of sacrifice. I had to get to a place where I had to look myself in the eye and ask myself those very serious questions. The choice I then made was to go after my passion with everything I had. it wasn’t easy but I am glad I did it. Thanks again

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A very detail account of the journey back to do what you like to do – write. You must be scared. it must take courage to make each step. Just like anything in life, we must never settle for too little We must concentrate to push a step forward and keep on practice.This way we can regain our true love. Thanks for sharing -Stella

Thanks Stella. It was the hardest thing I had to do. Most of the time when people truly find their passion they have to make sacrifices and it will be difficult. You mind will play games and most of your friends and family won’t support you. They will be asking the great questions that needs answering but you must be convicted. I had to sacrifice a lot but I am glad I did.

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Rose, Your courage and heart shines through your writing. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouragement. I am moved by your experience of starting to write, one paragraph at a time. I think small steps help us build expressive musculature that creates momentum and fuels the creative fires.

Thank you so very much Jackie. It is people like you who make it easier for me. Having people like yourself encouraging and sharing helps to motivate me and those are the things that keep me going through the difficult times. It is never easy but not as hard when there are people around to remind me why I made the sacrifice in the first place. Thanks again..

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Hi Rose – go for it, really impressed. I’ve gone back to my passion late in life and am inspired by your story.

Thank you Mark. It is people like you who motivate and encourage me. I encourage you to continue to work at your passion and enjoy every moment of it. It won’t be easy all the time but when it becomes difficult remind yourself you would be working hard to make someone else’s dream come true why not yours.

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You put this together so eloquently and precisely. Thank you. “Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark.” ~Henri-Frédéric Amiel, Journal, 17 December 1856.

Thank you very much Chas. I truly encouraged. When I read the encouraging words I am motivated to work harder. I have always been very shy and insecure but with such encouraging words and motivation I am finding that my confidence and self belief is increasing daily. I love the quote as well. Great choice.

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Very inspiring! I’ve also been spending my life on lucrative, but ultimately unfulfilling jobs. I’ve recently jumped in an decided to give writing a go, even though it’s so hard to start from scratch! It’s definitely a challenge, but your experience is encouraging, and like you I find that I’m happier already. Keep doing what you love!

Heather thank you so much for your encouraging and kind words. I offer them back to you too. Please do not give up no matter how difficult it might seem. It will become easier if you do not quick. I have been there and have fought through all the negativity in my head and around me and I am glad I didn’t succumb. Be encouraged.

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Great article. Definitely something I’ll refer to weekly to really go for the goals that I’ve set. It’s definitely eye-opening, how might someone approach this entire process in terms of being objective with some tough choices?

Kevin thanks for writing. It will never be easy but the way I looked at it when I had to make equally difficult decision was if I didn’t do it for myself I would still have to do it for someone else. I chose myself instead. It will never be easy but you can do it. Take a chance on you. you have done it for others. Now it’s your turn.

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Your article is so inspiring & so true . While reading I felt like I am reading my own life story. I have been struggling to find my passion & follow it for the longest time. Now I have quit my job & decided to give it a try. Your experience is surely going to help me pursue my dream. All the best !!

Thanks Vandana for your encouraging words. It is never easy but you have to make the sacrifice for yourself. When I had to make that decision for myself I had to choose to do it for someone else or for me. I chose me. I am also glad you chose you. Now is your time go out and make the best life for yourself. All the best.

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Hi, Rose! Love your post! I agree that most people will never discover their passion, which is unfortunate as it denies the world of human potential. Like you, writing is my passion. Unlike you though, who knew from a young age that writing is what you want to do, it took me forty-something years to discover it, which proves it’s never too late. Thank you, Rose, for reminding us to never give up on finding our passion!

Thank you Pat. It goes to show that it is never to late to find yourself. I was too young to truly understand what passion was and so were you. I knew writing was my passion because I was shy and prefer to write than to speak. our environment and personality will sometimes dictate how and when we find our passion. the good news is that we both have and now can focus on what we were put here to do. All the best.

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Hats off to you Rosa for taking the courage to follow your heart’s desire and follow it with passion! Not everyone can do that and I feel you because I used to have doubts as well before I realized that I can never be truly happy when I’m too focused on pleasing other people. I finally found my passion and every single day I pursue that passion and give it my all.

Thank you very much Tony. I wrote this post because I wanted others like myself to realize that it is never too late to go after their dream. Sometimes we get distracted by life but no matter how far off course we get there is always that opportunity to go after what you want and achieve it. Continue to work hard and no matter what never quit. Do take the time also to enjoy the process.

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Rose this is inspiring! I especially agree with this: “…there are so many people out there living dreams that are not their own. They have spent their lives building other people’s dreams while their dream is being ignored.” One thing I have come to realize, though, is that the people who are content working day to day for someone else, if they are really content, then that’s all that matters. We don’t need to try to make them do something else because we’re each on our own path, and if that’s theirs, then that’s okay! However, as we free ourselves and follow our own passions, they just might be inspired to do the same. Great writing! I’d say you’re a writer. Keep it up!

I agree with you Laura but unfortunately many of us aren’t even aware that our dreams are waiting for us while we toil to make others dream come through. It would be wonderful if there is a balance. Thanks for your comment.

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I’m confident many people can relate to your experience when you say, “I had gotten accustomed to a miserable existence.” Your message and example of incorporating your passion into your daily life is very encouraging and much needed! As a life and career coach, I see that finding something you love to is often the biggest hurdle in making a change. Breaking this step into smaller pieces (like making a list of things you enjoyed doing when you were younger, and then setting aside one hour a week dedicated to doing one of those things on your list) helps make this task more practical.

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Example Application Essay on ‘My Passion in Life’

finding my passion essay

by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement prompts.

Some university programs require you to write an essay about your passion in life. The admissions committee looks for what motivates and drives you through this essay. Here is an example of a successful essay written by an applicant who talks about her passion and how it developed. As a result, the applicant was admitted to top graduate programs in business and management.

Sample Admissions Essay on My Passion in Life

One day, when my male cousin asked me to go to a secluded room, I didn’t resist. By the time he walked away, I was overwhelmed with confusion. Over time, I learned to bury the memory deep under a wall of silence. Years later, my secret came out in waves of teary confessions. What I heard next was my worst nightmare; my younger sister had been hurt too. That was a defining moment for me, where I learned the power of speaking up.

I am passionate about using my voice to advocate for the equality of status for women in and out of the workspace. I am also passionate about helping other women discover their voices so they can take their rightful place in the conversation at the workplace. This quest directly relates to my identity as a progressive woman and my need to cultivate a safe, nurturing space for women.

Furthermore, I want women to understand their inherent power in the workplace as equal contributors to profitability and productivity. My experience with the Women’s Club chapter at Coca-Cola, where I witnessed the impact and influence of mentoring and training, has fueled my passion for utilizing my voice to ensure that women are provided with the avenues of growth they deserve at the workplace.

My consulting practice that will develop learning and organizational development solutions resonates with my passion for helping women achieve their true potential in a diverse, accepting and empathetic work environment.


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9 ways to find your passion at any age, according to experts.

Sarah Regan

The things we're passionate about bring us joy and light us up from within—but if you're not sure what your passion is, it might leave you feeling a bit empty or, at least, uninspired. The good news is, even if you haven't found it just yet, it is possible to uncover your true passion at any time in your life, with a little attention and introspection . Here's how, according to therapists.

What actually is a passion?

Passion is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "an intense desire or enthusiasm for something." Or, as one 2012 study in the journal Psychology of Well-Being describes it, a passion is a "strong inclination toward a self-defining activity that people like (or even love), find important and in which they invest time and energy on a regular basis."

According to this research and other scholarly articles 1 , the two types of passion are harmonious and obsessive. The primary difference between the two is that harmonious passion arises autonomously, or willfully. Obsessive passion, meanwhile, is more of a compulsion, characterized by internalization that "comes to control the person."

In this article, we're focusing on harmonious passion—which, by the way, research has found to be associated with psychological well-being, as well as preventing psychological conflict.

As relationship therapist Ken Page, LCSW , tells mbg, your passion is "where you feel the beating heart of your humanity, where you feel most deeply the things that matter, and you live out of them with ever-increasing skill."

And according to licensed psychotherapist Babita Spinelli, L.P. , developing or uncovering your passion isn't necessarily easy. It takes time, effort, work, and action, she explains, adding that it might start off as an interest or curiosity. "Discovering one's passion is discovering the deeper parts of yourself, who you are, and what your gifts are. It can truly be a powerful place when you connect to your passion or passions," she says.

Does everyone have a passion?

Before we dive into how to actually find your passion, you might be wondering if everyone has a passion to begin with. The answer, according to Page and Spinelli, isn't exactly black and white.

For one thing, Spinelli says there are cases where people feel a passion is unnecessary to pursue. "They may be content with their current lifestyle and not have the desire to connect their daily life to finding a deeper purpose they're passionate about," she explains. But of course, there are those in the camp who feel life is empty without that sense of deeper purpose, motivation , or passion.

And according to Page, it's not uncommon for us to put our passions on the back burner, almost to the point of being completely alienated from them, due to conditioning, life circumstances, obligations, and so on.

"I would say everybody has passions but to varying degrees. We numb ourselves against the heat and the intensity of our passions—and life helps us do that because we need a career, we have obligations—and so passions can seem like a luxury," Page explains.

But to that end, he says, we can wind up in a painful, empty, and difficult place if we find ourselves ignoring or lacking things we're passionate about. So, if this sounds all too familiar, here's how to discover (or reconnect) with what you're passionate about.

9 ways to find your passion:

Cultivate more self-awareness..

When you know yourself , you know your passions. "Self-awareness is an important step to figuring out your passion," Spinelli says. She suggests asking yourself the following questions in order to figure out patterns or themes that could lead you to your passion.

Grab your journal and dive in:

  • What kinds of things bring me joy?
  • How do I feel when I do those activities?
  • What are things I love to do?
  • What are my values and beliefs?
  • What might be my limiting beliefs that could stop me from figuring out my passion?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What gives me energy and excitement?
  • What are the activities I find myself being committed to and the ones I procrastinate on?
  • What can I talk about or do for hours that lights me up?

Make a vision board.

Making a vision board anytime you're looking to change or shift something in your life is a powerful way to paint a picture of what you want, and finding your passion is no exception. Even if you can't quite pinpoint the passions you'd want to put on the board, Spinelli says you can create a "personal vision statement" for the board (i.e., "I live out my passions" or "My life is full of what I'm passionate about"), which will help guide you to find your passion "because it points us in the direction of what we want."

Here's our full guide to vision boarding to help you get started.

Get out of your comfort zone.

As Albert Einstein once said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So, if you're operating the same way every day and finding you're not able to discover your passion, something clearly needs to change! In this case, Spinelli says you'll want to explore areas that may be outside of your comfort zone and include those in your routines—you may just find some new inspiration.

Notice what inspires you.

Speaking of inspiration, Page and Spinelli both advise paying attention to anything and everything in your life that sparks something in you. "A good place to start is to look at your life right now and see what glimmers of passion you already have, and then acknowledge yourself for creating that."

He recommends spending two whole days writing down all the big and small things that inspire you, and after those two days, you can start to notice common themes and patterns. "These are indicators of what your true passion is," Page explains.

Reflect on the most meaningful times of your life.

Another way to identify your passion is to reflect on times in your life that you caught a taste of what passion feels like. Page suggests writing down the four most meaningful experiences you've ever had, including what about them made them so impactful.

"What are the shared themes here that are connected to your passions? When you connect the dots, a picture begins to emerge," he explains.

You can also do this exercise while particularly focusing on your education and career, thinking about the things you've learned or done professionally that felt meaningful to you, Page adds.

Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness involves the process of slowing down and noticing things (particularly your own thoughts and behavior) with more conscious awareness. And according to Spinelli, practicing mindfulness can help us figure out what we're passionate about.

"A mindfulness practice helps us to be more attuned to our inner, true feelings," she explains, adding that we often already know what we're passionate about and just need to get in contact with our inner selves to bring it to the forefront.

Work with a professional.

Any sort of personal growth or inner work can be well served by having some outside help. As such, Spinelli and Page both recommend working with a counselor, therapist, coach, or any other person who can help you deepen your self-awareness and find your passion.

Find kindred spirits.

Along with seeking the guidance of a professional, you can also seek guidance and inspiration from kindred spirits you value, respect, or admire. Spinelli suggests reaching out to people with similar interests, personalities, and/or anyone you find inspiring. "Take time to speak with them and ask them how they figured out their passion," she suggests.

Look to your community.

Lastly, the people closest to you in your life might have a good sense of what you're passionate about, simply by knowing you and hearing the way you speak about things. As such, Spinelli recommends asking those you trust (whether a mentor, a family member, a friend) for some insight. Consider asking them things like, "If you were to hire me to do something, what would that be?" or "What do you feel are my skills and talents?" she says.

What to do once you've figured out your passion.

When you start to get inklings about which things light you up the most, you might be wondering where to go from there, and according to Page, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

For one thing, he says, your passion is for you. The world may not appreciate or value whatever it is you're passionate about—or, on the other hand, the world may take advantage of it. But in either case, the process of discovering and flexing your passions is about allowing yourself the space to "parent your passions," and "help them grow up and find their legs in the world," Page says.

And while passions can seem like a luxury in a world where everything seemingly needs to be monetized, productive, or a side hustle, Page explains passions shouldn't involve pressure. "Learn to honor, appreciate, and enjoy your passions. The more you delight in your passions , the more automatically, they will begin to fill your life more and more," he says.

There's also tremendous benefit to partaking in your passions with others who are also into the same things, and Page says if you're struggling to get into a groove with your newfound passion, it would be a good idea to join some sort of group (even if it's an online page), find a local club, or go to events where you'll be able to find people who are passionate about the same things you are.

And lastly, going back to the idea of putting pressure on your passions, don't feel like you have to suddenly dedicate all your time to this thing. According to Page, it's about finding structure within your life that supports you in playing with this passion, even if it's just carving out 15 minutes to enjoy it.

The takeaway.

The bottom line is, passions ought to be fun, inspiring, and enlivening. Allow your mind and heart to open to the inspiration around you, and trust that the things you're passionate about will make themselves clear. In the meantime, cultivating self-awareness , mindfulness, and noticing the things that light you up will help you get that much closer to figuring it out.


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6 Steps That’ll Help You Find Your Passion

person smiling with arms raised in front of partly cloudy blue sky

“Just follow your passion!” You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again from well-meaning family members, guidance counselors, Disney movies, and online motivational speakers with volume control issues. And yeah, sure, you’d love to follow this advice—if only you knew what your passion was.

If you’re feeling stuck, here are six steps to discover what you really want to do with your life. Take time to work through the process and know that, no matter what, you’ll be getting closer to where you want to be.

1. Start with the right perspective.

If you went into a restaurant thinking, “I’m not hungry. There’ll be nothing here I want to eat. I don’t want to be here,” the menu isn’t going to look appealing. You won’t give it your time or attention, and you’re unlikely to find food you’ll enjoy.

The same principle applies to passion-seeking. If you’re convinced that finding your passion is hard, or that it’s not going to happen for you, you’ll remain closed to possibilities. You’ll block the little nudges, pulls, and signals that guide us. After all, how can you expect to find fulfilling work if you don’t believe it exists?

Instead, choose to adopt the perspective that you can do what you love with your life and you will find your passion. One of the best ways to strengthen this point of view is to surround yourself with and talk to people who are living examples.

If you have friends and family who are following their passions, have a conversation with them about how they found what they loved and began to work toward making it their career or a significant part of their lives. It might also be a good time to expand your circle; associate with—and be inspired by—people who love their work. You can start on LinkedIn or with alumni groups—reach out to the people who seem to be following their passion and set up a few informational interviews .

2. Think about what you’ve already enjoyed doing.

Once you’ve decided that your passion is findable, it’s time to look for evidence of what you already love to do. If you scan the landscape of your life, you’ll notice certain experiences peak up above the horizon. It’s so valuable to delve into these “peak moments” and extract the key ingredients.

Consider yourself a beach-trawler, discerning between the gold and the cheap metal. For example, one of my favorite summer jobs involved teaching English to teenagers. I might assume the key ingredient was the English language, or young people. But when I paid attention to my metaphorical metal detector, it became clear that the bleep went off when I was being a leader within a community and teaching that community something of great value to them. That’s exactly what I do now in my work—but without the teenagers, present-perfect tense, or vocabulary tests!

So think of all the experiences you’ve had that you’ve loved most—without limiting yourself just to work experiences—and investigate what made them so fulfilling. If there was a job you loved, what were your tasks? What kind of work environment was it? What was the company working toward? Who did you get to interact with? What was most exciting and/or satisfying? Or maybe you still reminisce about the trip you took to Europe after college. Did you love it because you saw new things and learned about new cultures? Or because of the people you were with? Or maybe it was the problem-solving you had to do to make it from one country to the other on the small number of Euros you had budgeted?

Look for themes that come up a lot or that you feel strongly about. These are your key ingredients.

3. Explore ways to tie the things you like together.

When you look at all the ingredients that matter to you, they might at first seem entirely disconnected. Let’s say you love speaking French, playing with words, analyzing and categorizing, and being a leader within a community. How could you construct a career from these? It’d be like peering into your Chopped basket and seeing cocoa powder, tofu, and carrots and wondering: How could I possibly make something delicious that includes all of these?

This is the time to look beyond the ingredients and choose a meal; something that all of these ingredients can come together to make. For example, my colleague Abby—whose diverse passions are described above—helps business owners to find the right words to fit their brand. She analyzes and categorizes copy into what she calls “ voice values .” She draws wisdom from previously running a funky French lifestyle boutique, and French words pepper her own copy, giving her brand that special je ne sais quoi . 

What kind of career would allow you to incorporate as many of your ingredients as you can? Take into account not just job duties, but work environments, company goals and missions, and even how this career would fit into the life you want outside of work .

4. Discern between a hobby and a profitable passion.

It might be that, through this exploration, you fall head over heels in love with an activity that engrosses you—something that lights you up and makes your heart sing. But now you have to ask yourself the next question: Who would benefit from (and pay for) this?

Well, if you want to contribute your passion to society and make an income from it, you need to get realistic about whether this could actually turn into a career —and what you would need to do to make that happen.

For example, my client Lisa loves to draw. She makes art for the sheer joy of it. When she attempted to turn this profitable business, she realized that the market that was hungriest for her talents were business owners who needed illustrations for their blogs, websites, and products. This felt like play to Lisa, but in order to make her services marketable, she also needed to add tech skills to her toolkit, so that her design work could be usable online by her ideal clients.

So do your research. This is another step where networking and informational interviews are your friend. Talk to people who are following the same passion and find out if they’re making a living off of it, how, and what other skills and work go into making your passion profitable. There are also plenty of free online resources that can point you toward a plausible career that builds on particular interests. For example, if your passions involve writing and reading, you can check out our list of jobs for people who love words .

You should also think about whether you would enjoy doing these things for a living; for some people a passion is just fun, and turning it into work changes it from a “love to do” to a “have to do” they’re no longer excited about.

5. Break down your fears—so you can overcome them.

When you seek your passion, there’ll be parts of you that go into rebellion. I’d guess that this article itself might be provoking some of those resistant parts! We all have a huge number of fears—around failure, success, visibility, and vulnerability—that speak in sensible voices, instructing us that we mustn’t do what we love.

If you let these voices win, your passion will remain out of your grasp. Instead, look for the fear beneath each supposedly reasonable voice. Uncover the years of conditioning—from parents, school, partners, and colleagues—and reassure the mutinying parts that your ship is sailing in the right direction. In other words, figure out why you might be resisting following your passion and what you need to do to assuage your fears.

For example, if you’re afraid of not having enough money to get by, you might consider saving up before you make any big moves, or starting to pursue your passion on the side while working a full-time job. If you’re convinced you’re not good enough to succeed doing what you’re passionate about, break down why you think that and if these fears are ultimately unfounded or if they’re stemming from wanting to hone certain skills or learn more.

6. Find your right next step.

On my own journey, I’ve mostly lived by the motto: “Leap and the net will appear.” I’ve noticed I couldn’t find the new until I’d said farewell to the old. With each step into the unknown—for example, giving my notice at my part-time salaried job to go fully self-employed—my announcement to the universe has been: “I’m available. I’m serious about this.” But that doesn’t need to be your method.

Find your own version of brave. Discover what risks work for you. Maybe you don’t have the option to leave your job without a guaranteed income, but maybe you can enroll in a class connected to your passion or look for a new job that helps you gain a skill you’ll need to reach your goal. The path of passion is where you do things that scare you enough , without leaving you in a constant state of fear. Expand your comfort zone, rather than leaving it.

Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

finding my passion essay

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A club poster.

You hear it often during the college application process: Be passionate.

But what does "passionate" mean?

Passion has to do with much more than applying to college or logging your volunteer hours on the Common App — it requires some tough self-exploration and discovery. While it may feel like you should already be certain of your passions, the truth is that most of your peers are still figuring them out. And that’s okay! You’re not expected to have your whole life figured out before you graduate high school. 

Here are some tips for honing your interests in high school and beyond! 

1. Take your interests to the next level.

Growing up, I was known as the avid cat-lover. I would dress up as a cat every Halloween and (to my parents' chagrin) adopted every stray cat that I found on the street. Sooner than later, my adoration for cats evolved into a care for animals. I convinced my mother to buy me a book on animal emergency room stories at a fair, and that is when I firmly decided that I would be a veterinarian one day. I ended up volunteering at my local animal hospital. It wasn’t a big job or anything: I was just a ten-year-old filing away pet information into folders and feeding the diaper-clad office cat. If I never became obsessed with cats and shadowed a surgery at the animal hospital, I never would have eventually discovered my passion for practicing medicine on humans. So, pursue that interest you have in whatever manner you like. You don’t know where it’ll take you!

Two little girls smiling with a kitten.

My cat Duchess.

The day my sister and I found Duchess, one of my cats! Nalda Pizarro

2. Don’t neglect your “dislikes.”

If you can’t find something you’re interested in pursuing, try focusing on something you don’t like. People tend to know more easily what they don’t like than what they do. For me, that is math. (Especially Calculus.) As a STEM concentrator, I found that you (sadly) can’t avoid math entirely. So I applied to a summer camp where I had to take Calculus and Physics classes the summer before my senior year of high school, and that was the best decision of my life! I ended up meeting the best people in the world, and now I’m taking a class where I use math to understand Biology, my favorite subject. 

Don’t like Physics? Talk to someone who does. Or, try reading Calculating the Cosmos by Ian Stewart. Still don't like it? That’s fine — I don’t consider myself a math junkie either, but I learned to appreciate what math can do. I urge you to look more deeply into the things you don’t like, and try to find treasure in them. 

A card and book.

This is the book my math teacher at the summer camp gifted me!

3. Ignore the haters.

There are going to be people that will aim to dampen your passions. They may think that the path to an acceptance letter is formulaic: a numbered list filled with a set amount of certain activities.

But you are not a resume, you are a human being.

I know firsthand how intimidating it can be to enter a field dominated by people who don’t look like you. And when certain people aggravate those differences instead of celebrating them, you can certainly feel like your passion is unattainable. What helps me in situations like these is to think of how small I am. (Weird, right?) I think of our galaxy, the billions of years that our universe has existed, and how our lives are so infinitesimally small in the grand scope of things. If our lives are so small and unique to us, why not use the time to do what you want? Your passion is yours alone — don’t forget that!

In conclusion...

Let me end on this: You’re not going to solve the mystery of your passion in just four years of high school, or even four years of college. What you can do is never stop trying to find it. You do that by joining that club you’ve been itching to be in, trying out that sport that you’ve never played, or baking that mug cake you saw on TikTok — anything that satisfies your curiosity and makes you happy. Go and be passionate!

Two girls hiking along a path.

My sister and I hiking. It was so hot that day! Nalda Pizarro

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Screw Finding Your Passion

R emember back when you were a kid? You would just do things. You never thought to yourself, “What are the relative merits of learning baseball versus football?” You just ran around the playground and played baseball and football. You built sand castles and played tag and asked silly questions and looked for bugs and dug up grass and pretended you were a sewer monster.

Nobody told you to do it, you just did it. You were led merely by your curiosity 1 and excitement. 2

And the beautiful thing was, if you hated baseball, you just stopped playing it. There was no guilt involved. There was no arguing or debate. You either liked it or you didn’t.

And if you loved looking for bugs, you just did that. There was no second-level analysis of, “Well, is looking for bugs really what I should be doing with my time as a child? Nobody else wants to look for bugs, does that mean there’s something wrong with me ? How will looking for bugs affect my future prospects?” 3

There was no bullshit. If you liked something, you just did it.

“How Do I Find My Passion?”

Today, I received approximately the 11,504th email this year from a person telling me that they don’t know what to do with their life . And like all of the others, this person asked me if I had any ideas of what they could do, where they could start , where to “find their passion.”

And of course, I didn’t respond. Why? Because I have no fucking clue. If you don’t have any idea what to do with yourself, what makes you think some jackass with a website would? I’m a writer, not a fortune teller. 4

But more importantly, what I want to say to these people is this: that’s the whole point—”not knowing” is the whole fucking point. Life is all about not knowing , and then doing something anyway. All of life is like this. All of it. And it’s not going to get any easier just because you found out you love your job cleaning septic tanks, or you scored a dream gig writing indie movies.

The common complaint among a lot of these people is that they need to “find their passion.”

I call bullshit. You already found your passion, you’re just ignoring it. Seriously, you’re awake 16 hours a day, what the fuck do you do with your time? You’re doing something, obviously. You’re talking about something. There’s some topic or activity or idea that dominates a significant amount of your free time, your conversations, your web browsing, and it dominates them without you consciously pursuing it or looking for it.

It’s right there in front of you, you’re just avoiding it. For whatever reason, you’re avoiding it. You’re telling yourself, “Oh well, yeah, I love comic books but that doesn’t count. You can’t make money with comic books.”

Fuck you, have you even tried? 5

The problem is not a lack of passion for something. The problem is productivity . The problem is perception . The problem is acceptance .

The problem is the, “Oh, well that’s just not a realistic option,” or “Mom and Dad would kill me if I tried to do that, they say I should be a doctor,” or “That’s crazy, you can’t buy a BMW with the money you make doing that.”

The problem isn’t passion. It’s never passion.

It’s priorities.

And even then, who says you need to make money doing what you love ? Since when does everyone feel entitled to love every fucking second of their job? Really, what is so wrong with working an okay, normal job with some cool people you like and then pursuing your passion in your free time on the side? Has the world turned upside-down or is this suddenly a novel idea to people?

Look, here’s another slap in the face for you: every job sucks sometimes. There’s no such thing as some passionate activity that you will never get tired of, never get stressed over, never complain about. It doesn’t exist. I am living my dream job (which happened by accident, by the way. I never in a million years planned on this happening; like a kid on a playground I just went and tried it), and I still hate about 30% of it. Some days more. 6

Again, that’s just life.

Man sitting down with his passion, the saxophone

The issue here is, once again, expectations . If you think you’re supposed to be working 70-hour work weeks and sleeping in your office like Steve Jobs and loving every second of it, you’ve been watching too many shitty movies. If you think you’re supposed to wake up every single day dancing out of your pajamas because you get to go to work, then you’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid. Life doesn’t work like that. It’s just unrealistic . There’s a thing most of us need called balance .

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finding my passion essay

Your Passion Is Right in Front of You

I have a friend who, for the last three years, has been trying to build an online business selling whatever. It hasn’t been working. And by not working, I mean he’s not even launching anything. Despite years of “work” and saying he’s going to do this or that, nothing actually ever gets done.

What does get done is when one of his former co-workers comes to him with a design job to create a logo or design some promotional material for an event. Holy shit, he’s all over that like flies on fresh cow shit.

And he does a great job! He stays up to 4:00 AM losing himself working on it and loving every second of it.

But then two days later it’s back to, “Man, I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

I meet so many people like him. He doesn’t need to find his passion. His passion already found him. He’s just ignoring it. He just refuses to believe it’s viable. He is just afraid of giving it an honest-to-god try .

It’s like a nerdy kid walking onto a playground and saying, “Well, bugs are really cool, but NFL players make more money, so I should force myself to play football every day,” and then coming home and complaining that he doesn’t like recess.

And that’s bullshit. Everybody likes recess. The problem is that he’s arbitrarily choosing to limit himself based on some bullshitty ideas he got into his head about success and what he’s supposed to do.

Another email I get all the time is from people wanting advice on how to become a writer.

And my answer is the same: I have no fucking idea.

As a kid, I would write short stories in my room for fun. As a teenager, I would write music reviews and essays about bands I loved and then show them to nobody. Once the internet came around, I spent hours upon hours on forums writing multi-page posts about inane topics—everything from guitar pickups to the causes of the Iraq War.

I never considered writing as a potential career. I never even considered it a hobby or passion. To me, the things I wrote about were my passion: music, politics, philosophy . Writing was just something I did because I felt like it.

And when I had to go looking for a career I could fall in love with, I didn’t have to look far. In fact, I didn’t have to look at all. It chose me, in a way. It was already there. Already something I was doing every day, since I was a kid, without even thinking about it.

Because here’s another point that might make a few people salty: If you have to look for what you’re passionate about, then you’re probably not passionate about it at all.

If you’re passionate about something, it will already feel like such an ingrained part of your life that you will have to be reminded by people that it’s not normal, that other people aren’t like that.

It didn’t occur to me that writing 2,000-word posts on forums was something nobody else considered fun. It never occurred to my friend that designing a logo is something that most people don’t find easy or fun. To him, it’s so natural that he can’t even imagine it being otherwise. And that’s why it’s probably what he really should be doing.

A child does not walk onto a playground and say to herself, “How do I find fun?” She just goes and has fun. 7

If you have to look for what you enjoy in life , then you’re not going to enjoy anything.

And the real truth is that you already enjoy something. You already enjoy many things. You’re just choosing to ignore them.

If you’d like some help to uncover the passion already existing in your life, I’ve got several exercises in my Finding Purpose Course in the Mark Manson Premium Subscription that can point you to what really matters and help you formulate a plan to make it happen. The Mark Manson Premium Subscription also comes with access to eight other courses and 40+ premium articles that will help you give fewer fucks in life. You’re welcome.

  • Wentworth, N., & Witryol, S. L. (2003). Curiosity, exploration, and novelty-seeking. In Well-being: Positive development across the life course (pp. 281–294). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. ↵
  • A study has found that college students are more motivated to learn if their teacher manages to excite them through his/her enthusiasm. See: Patrick, B. C., Hisley, J., & Kempler, T. (2000). “What’s Everybody so Excited about?”: The Effects of Teacher Enthusiasm on Student Intrinsic Motivation and Vitality. The Journal of Experimental Education , 68 (3), 217–236. ↵
  • If you happen to be a lover of bugs, this is what the internet says you can do as a career. ↵
  • Not that a fortune teller would either. Hopefully you already know this, but if not, go ahead and read this former fortune teller’s account of how it all really works . ↵
  • A few ideas just off the top of my head: invest in them, become a comic book artist and leverage the power of sites like Patreon and Behance . ↵
  • And I’m the rule, not the exception. See: Kenyon, G. (2016, November 25). It’s not unusual to get your dream job—And then hate it. BBC . ↵
  • And child’s play is no joke. It’s a serious topic studied by many psychologists. See: a book extolling its virtues and an article approaching the topic through the study of animals. ↵

finding my passion essay

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Essay Samples on Passion

Fueling the fire within: what i am passionate about.

Passion is a force that ignites the soul, propelling us towards pursuits that fill us with purpose, drive, and uncontainable enthusiasm. It's a flame that burns brightly, guiding us through the labyrinth of life's choices and challenges. In this essay, I delve into the depths...

Teaching Philosophy as a Passionate Job for Passionate Teachers

Teaching is my passion and I always try to do my best as a teacher. I consider myself a very passionate person for the things I do, but especially for teaching which has always been my way of helping others reach knowledge. Since I was...

  • Teaching Philosophy

Important Info To Know About Hobbies And Interests

The realm of interests includes some thing for anyone. There is no fascination or expertise so imprecise that we now have no other people to discuss it with. So, think about something that you love to learn about or would love to discover how to...

  • Personal Growth and Development

Passionate Pursuit: Being Passionate About Art

Different pieces of artwork inspire people all around the world. Artists use a wide variety of techniques to make their work unique. While creating new pieces of art, it is common to look at other artists' work for inspiration. While evaluating their artwork you can...

My Passion And Searching What You Are Passionate About

What does being passionate even mean well being passionate means showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief. In that case, the music is what I’m passionate about. I’ve loved listening to music for as long as I can remember. Personally I feel...

  • Personal Identity

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The Consequences of Losing Your Own Passion

Think about your passion, something you love to do, the thing that you look forward to. It could be anything from playing the piano to swimming or running/ Now imagine that thing being taken away from you. At the age of 6 I began little...

  • Physical Exercise

How Passion and Pragmatism Shape Individual's Life

Passion refers to something which drives you, something that completes you, something that satisfies you. Passion is what you have always dreamt of being, that which you work hard to achieve. Passion plays a very significant role when it comes to pursuing and choosing a...

The Character of a Younger Brother in E.L. Doctorow's Novel "Ragtime"

In the novel Ragtime, written by E.L. Doctorow, the character, Mother, has a younger brother who is referred to as “Mother’s Younger Brother.” Another character in this story is Harry Houdini. These characters, although very different people, have the same goal, i. e. to find...

How My Passion Towards Sport Incredibly Changed My Life

Throughout my life, I have been engaged with a lot of sports activities. I have played football every now and then for years and have participated in other sports such as rugby, volleyball, athletics, etc. My dream throughout my youth was to become a professional...

  • Favorite Sport

The Art and Discipline of Figure Skating: A Passionate Journey

As a young girl, I discovered the captivating world of figure skating through a televised competition, and I instantly knew that this would become the passion of my life. Over the years, I have dedicated countless hours to perfecting my technique, honing my skills, and...

  • Ice Skating
  • Recreation and Sports

Antoine de Saint-Exupery and His Passion for Flying

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was a pilot, author and poet. He was an adventurer who traveled the world via airplane and used his talent for writing to tell the stories of all the places he had been. In his memoir, Wind, Sand, and Stars, Saint-Exupery shares...

  • The Little Prince

Vincent Van Gogh: Passions and Interests of an Artist

Vincent Van Gogh, a son of a Dutch minister, was born on March 30th 1953. He grew up in a small village in the south of the Netherlands. He always had an interest in reading and drawing, but never foresaw himself becoming an artist until...

  • Vincent Van Gogh

Journaling and Barrett's Power Theory

Journaling is not my strongest passion, although I love to read them. Throughout my high school and college years I found myself loving to read historical journals. Reading journal entries that were written by people of the past shows me how precious our lives are,...

Defining Myself and My Dream Through Passion

Passion for me is that sense of enjoyment and satisfaction after meeting my objectives and defying all the odds against me. Every single sportsman—or woman—will say the same thing: I have to use my body and mind in harmony to reach my passions. I thrive...

Passion as a Key for Success in Working Environment

Passion is best described as a strong commitment to work and work-related activities. Participants are willing to spend considerable time and energy at work. Passion is manifest in performance, creativity, imagination, and ingenuity. Individuals who are passionate about work like to fully focus on their...

Richard St. John and Working for the Passion

Robert St. John was a success expert, researcher, marketing guru, and CEO speechwriter. He was a self- described average guy who followed his passion and found success after doing research for a decade. He became successful in the corporate business world as a member of...

My Love For The Art Of Baking

I grab the key ingredient, flour, from the cabinet. I hear the large swoosh of the fan as the white powder swirls around. I tie my hair back and pour the dusty powder in a cup. 2 ½ cups. 3 cups. 1 ⅓ tablespoon. I...

Overview Of My Most Pronounced Personality Traits

Human beings have different personality traits and most likely they are influenced by their peers as well as their background. I think to myself that you can be able to define a person’s character according to their actions and preferably how they relate with people...

  • Personality

Best topics on Passion

1. Fueling the Fire Within: What I Am Passionate About

2. Teaching Philosophy as a Passionate Job for Passionate Teachers

3. Important Info To Know About Hobbies And Interests

4. Passionate Pursuit: Being Passionate About Art

5. My Passion And Searching What You Are Passionate About

6. The Consequences of Losing Your Own Passion

7. How Passion and Pragmatism Shape Individual’s Life

8. The Character of a Younger Brother in E.L. Doctorow’s Novel “Ragtime”

9. How My Passion Towards Sport Incredibly Changed My Life

10. The Art and Discipline of Figure Skating: A Passionate Journey

11. Antoine de Saint-Exupery and His Passion for Flying

12. Vincent Van Gogh: Passions and Interests of an Artist

13. Journaling and Barrett’s Power Theory

14. Defining Myself and My Dream Through Passion

15. Passion as a Key for Success in Working Environment

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My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot’s remark that “Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things”, is significant and deserves primary attention as a close look at history reveals that all the great people were obsessed with some passion or the other. The ambition and the passions of an individual are closely linked as one is most likely to go after his most dominant passion to cherish his ambition in life.

It is the innate passion of the individual that motivates him and leads him to undertake any amount of challenges for the accomplishment of his dreams and ambitions. Each individual has his/her own unique passions and my greatest passion in life is for the poor and needy humans.

Hailed from a very poor region in Russia and having lost my dad at the age of 15, I always had a passion to make this world a better place for the poor and the homeless children whom I came across from my early childhood onwards. Thus, my passion for the suffering humanity has drastically changed my life and this instilled in me a strong desire to dedicate my life for their cause. Within no time I realized that I needed to pursue the career of a social worker to fulfil my passion for the poor and downtrodden section of the society.

My desire to become a committed social worker transformed my way of life too. I became more and more interested in social issues, and each time I saw injustice and maltreatment done to the helpless, I was tormented with sympathetic and empathetic feelings towards them. I still remember how I dreamt of building a huge house in my locality so that I can provide solace and shelter to the homeless and the needy. I even cherished the fantasy of building a shelter for the strayed animals and birds that did not have a resting place to sleep. I wanted to learn more about social problems and my passion for the society and the people around me prompted me to pursue my higher studies either in psychology or sociology.

My passion for the suffering humanity was so strong that I always enjoyed travelling, discovering new cultures, and meeting new places and people. Knowing more about various cultures and human beings provided me immense satisfaction and I used to spend sleepless nights learning about human behaviour and human psychology. After my school studies I decided to pursue my higher studies at the California University where I want to study either Health and Social Care Management or Sociology.

My family members realized how determined I was in the pursuit of my ambitions and I am grateful to my mother and relatives for providing me constant support, encouragement and confidence. One of the reasons I wanted to study in California was that I really fell in love with Los Angels the very first time I visited the city. Besides, I am fascinated by the American culture and I believe that Los Angels is the right place to equip myself with the necessary knowledge and skills to cherish my passion in life-that of helping the humanity and making the lives of the people around me happier.

Thus, my passion for the cause of the poor, the helpless and the needy has contributed both to my personal and professional growth. The years I worked hard to accomplish my innate passion also saw me through the development of my personality. Within no time I established myself as a person with a lot of social contacts and I could see that my communication skills and leadership abilities have also been improved considerably. To conclude, it was my social commitment and my passion for the poor and the needy that resulted in my personal and professional growth.

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  • Study on Urge to Provide Assistance to the Needy
  • Madison Square Gardens: Personal Experience
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  • Knowledge Through the Pain of Trial-and-Error
  • Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience.
  • Roman Catholic Church: Congregational Worship Experiences
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2021, September 28). My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth.

"My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." IvyPanda , 28 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth'. 28 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." September 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." September 28, 2021.


IvyPanda . "My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." September 28, 2021.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how to show passion through writing.

I'm working on my college essays and I want to convey my passion for my chosen field effectively. Can anyone suggest some passionate tone words and writing techniques that would help me express my enthusiasm and dedication more convincingly? Thank you!

When it comes to writing a college essay that showcases your passion, it's important to focus on using descriptive language, providing concrete examples, and conveying genuine enthusiasm. Here are a few tips and techniques to help you effectively express your passion through writing:

1. Be specific and use vivid language: Rather than making generic statements about your passion, focus on specific details or experiences that demonstrate your enthusiasm and drive. Use descriptive language with strong adjectives and active verbs to bring your passion to life. For instance, instead of saying "I love helping people," you could say "I discovered the immense gratification of volunteering at the local soup kitchen, listening to the stories of the people I served, and witnessing the impact of my actions on their lives."

2. Share personal anecdotes and stories: Sharing personal experiences related to your passion can make your essay more engaging and relatable. When explaining why you're passionate about a particular field or activity, recount a specific moment or experience that sparked your interest or deepened your involvement. These stories should highlight the emotional connection you have with your passion.

3. Show growth and development: Demonstrating how your passion has evolved over time can be an effective way to convey dedication and progress. Discuss any challenges you faced along your journey, how you overcame them, and how these experiences enriched your relationship with your passion.

4. Use passionate tone words: To communicate enthusiasm, use tone words that evoke excitement, commitment, and drive. Some examples include: captivated, inspired, invigorated, zealous, ardent, fervent, and devoted.

5. Describe the impact and connection to others: Show how your passion impacts not only you but also the people around you or the broader community. Explain how your dedication to your chosen field influences your relationships, inspires others, or contributes to something greater than yourself.

6. Reflect on the future: Share your aspirations and goals related to your passion, and discuss how you envision further developing your skills and interests in college and beyond. This demonstrates a continued commitment to your passion and a desire to grow as an individual.

By incorporating these techniques and focusing on your own unique experiences, your passion will shine through in your essay, effectively showcasing your enthusiasm and dedication to your chosen field.

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Passion Essay Examples

Tell me about yourself: my passion, character and personal growth.

Hello, my name is John and I'm excited to write a "Tell me about yourself" essay that was given for students as a homework task. To begin, I was born and raised in a small town in the Midwest, but I've since moved around quite...

Why I Like Swimming: Exploring My Passion for the Sport

Swimming is not only a way to stay in shape, but it is also an activity that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages. As I grew older, my love for swimming only increased. It became a way for me to clear my mind...

The Importance of Following Your Passion

Have you ever felt that your life was shaped by someone’s dream? But what if living somebody’s dream is not that bad after all? That even though you’re ok and glad about whatever decisions were taken those decisions were not yours. Well, I have experienced...

My Passion Towards the Study in the Field of Developmental Psychology

I have always felt a strong desire to understand how individuals are affected by certain disorders and experiences - in particular, how developmental disorders such as autism can affect behaviour, communication and social functioning. Having a brother diagnosed with autism at the age of five,...

My Passion for Painting and Its Role in My Life

Growing up, I was a very basic child. You could learn a lot about me from a quick glance in my closet. You’ll find no clothes, but shelves filled with motorized Lego kits, fantasy books, model rockets and remote control cars. I had the simple...

Analysis of My Level of Grit, Perseverance, and Passion

A basic definition of grit would be “having passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” Passion means to have the ability to have stamina, and sticking with your future day in and day out for years and working really hard in order to turn your future...

Analysis of Maternity Mandates Passing to Gauge the Reaction of the Labor Market

This article written by Jonathan Gruber on American Economic Review determines the incidence of mandated maternity benefits. This paper is interdisciplinary of public, labor and health economics. Until 1970s insurers treated maternity with previous conditions and inabilities. Maternity Mandates were enacted by few states and...

Jane Eyre: the Importance of Balance Between Logic and Emotions

In a few months, my life will be changing completely. I will no longer be surrounded by the same people I’ve grown up with and I will no longer have the same support by my side to give me the push that I need from...

Defining the Relationship Between Passion and Reason

When it comes to life there are things people do because it is their passion, they fall in love with that thing, embrace it and seek to help it grow. There are strong feelings for that thing. On the other hand there is reason. Things...

The Power of Passion and Perseverance

This book was recommended to me by a Fund Manager of a VC fund that I had done due-diligence for, called Grit Lab VC. One of the 2 Fund managers had been working in the VC field for more than 25 years and has worked...

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