• Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Freelance Graphic Designer Resumes:

  • Create and design visual concepts for various projects, such as logos, brochures, websites, and social media graphics
  • Collaborate with clients to understand their design needs and preferences
  • Develop and present design concepts and mockups to clients for approval
  • Revise and refine designs based on client feedback
  • Prepare final designs for production and delivery to clients
  • Manage multiple projects and deadlines simultaneously
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and design software
  • Network and market oneself to attract new clients and projects
  • Manage finances and invoicing for freelance work
  • Collaborate with other professionals, such as copywriters and web developers, to complete projects

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Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example:

  • Conceptualized and designed 30+ custom illustrations for a major healthcare company's website, maximizing brand consistency and aesthetic appeal.
  • Implemented color, typography, and layout features to optimize design elements for a series of digital corporate newsletters.
  • Developed interactive user interfaces and navigation structures for a major travel agency's website, increasing user conversion by 8%.
  • Created original art designs and logos for a major university, providing a unique look and feel to marketing collateral
  • Brainstormed and presented innovative ideas for a corporate app design, significantly increasing engagement metrics by 34%
  • Successfully adapted clients' designs to a variety of media and platforms, ensuring timely delivery of all artwork
  • Produced promotional graphics, including advertisements and newsletters, for new product launches at a Fortune 500 company.
  • Worked closely with clients to provide ideas, articulate designs, and ensure projects were completed to deadlines.
  • Optimized artwork files for efficient print production, leading to 99.9% accurate throughput of materials.
  • Expertise in Adobe Creative Suites (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)
  • Proficiency in graphic design principles
  • Proficient in typography and layout
  • Ability to develop creative design solutions
  • Ability to provide detailed artwork for print production
  • Proven track record for delivering projects on time
  • Expertise in UI/UX design
  • Familiarity with the latest graphic design trends
  • Comfort with designing for mobile platforms
  • Familiarity with HTML/CSS
  • Knowledge of CAD software
  • Excellent communication skills
  • High attention to detail
  • Ability to collaborate with a variety of stakeholders
  • Photography and videography skills
  • Illustration skills
  • Creative problem-solving capabilities
  • Ability to generate innovative ideas
  • Ability to bring ideas to life with words, images, and typography
  • Understanding of color science and color theory
  • Ability to create both web and print ready artwork
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration

Top Skills & Keywords for Freelance Graphic Designer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Typography and Layout Design
  • Branding and Identity Design
  • Print and Digital Production
  • Color Theory and Color Correction
  • Web Design and Development (HTML, CSS)
  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • User Interface (UI) Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Illustration and Iconography
  • Motion Graphics and Animation
  • Photography and Photo Editing

Soft Skills

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Customer Service and Client Management
  • Organization and Planning
  • Self-Motivation and Discipline
  • Technical Proficiency
  • Positive Attitude and Professionalism

Resume Action Verbs for Freelance Graphic Designers:

  • Conceptualized
  • Collaborated
  • Communicated
  • Illustrated
  • Streamlined
  • Brainstormed
  • Implemented

Build a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with AI

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Resume FAQs for Freelance Graphic Designers:

How long should i make my freelance graphic designer resume, what is the best way to format a freelance graphic designer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a freelance graphic designer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a freelance graphic designer, compare your freelance graphic designer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Freelance Graphic Designer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Freelance Graphic Designers:

Junior graphic designer, graphic design intern, senior graphic designer, fresher graphic designer, professional graphic designer, beginner graphic designer, freelance graphic designer, graphic designer.

The Freelance Graphic Design Resume Guide (Templates & Examples)

Get a list of everything you need to include in a freelance graphic designer resume. Find top graphic designer resume tips, templates, and examples to inspire you.

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Renee Fleck

Written by Renee Fleck

Published on Apr 19, 2022

Last updated Mar 11, 2024

If you’ve always wanted to start your own freelance graphic design business, now is a great time to branch out on your own. Business owners are more accepting of remote work, and many of them understand the benefits of using freelancers instead of hiring full-time designers.

If you’re ready to land your first client, here are some tips for putting together a freelance graphic designer resume that makes hiring managers sit up and take notice of your professionalism and skills.

What is a freelance graphic design resume?

A resume is a professional document that gives potential clients an overview of your education, skills, and employment history. It should include past graphic design jobs , a list of your hard skills and soft skills, and an overview of your educational credentials. If you’ve been a freelancer for a while, it’s also helpful to list some of the graphic design projects you’ve completed for clients.

Do you really need a freelance graphic designer resume?

Yes. When first starting out, many freelance graphic designers assume they don’t need a resume if they already have a visually appealing portfolio . Although some clients hire based on portfolio samples alone, others want to see a professional resume that includes your employment history and a graphic design cover letter to support it. Depending on the type of freelance work you want to do, hiring managers may also want to know that you have the ability to coordinate graphic design projects or lead a creative team.

“While some clients hire based on portfolio samples alone, others want to see a professional resume that includes your employment history.”

If you’re trying to land a freelance gig with a large company, you also need to understand how the hiring process works. The hiring manager may have the human resources department screen applications and narrow them down to the top two or three candidates. If the screener has no experience in graphic design, they may not include you in the final list of candidates unless you have a stellar resume to complement your design portfolio .

graphic designer resume example

What clients look for in your graphic design resume

For most freelance graphic designers, the visual elements of a resume are the most important. But you also need to make it easy for the hiring manager or HR representative to determine if you meet the requirements outlined in the job description. That means your resume should include the following information.

1. Employment history

Even if you’re applying for a freelance position, your resume should list your previous job titles and duties. If someone is skimming through the document to see if you might be a good fit for the role, listing your previous job titles makes it easier to determine if they should take an in-depth look at your application. Summarizing your past job duties also helps the hiring manager determine if your experience matches the company’s requirements.

You don’t need to list every job you’ve ever held, just the most recent ones. For example, if you’ve had two graphic design jobs over the past 7 years, it’s fine to list those and leave out the retail job you had in high school or the non-design internship you completed in college.

2. List of clients

If you have extensive freelance experience, make sure your resume includes a list of clients, especially if you’ve worked with major brands. A bulleted list works well in this section because it allows potential clients to quickly scan through the information. Instead of just adding each company’s name, include a sentence or two about the work you completed.

When adding a client list to your graphic designer resume, make sure you follow the terms of any nondisclosure agreements you signed. Some clients don’t want you to share their information with other people, so you would need to omit those companies from your list.

3. Professional certifications

Potential clients want to know that you have the skills needed to follow their design guidelines and use your creativity to help them market their products, services, and charitable causes. If you have any professional certifications, be sure to add them to your resume.

Adding certifications makes it easier to demonstrate that you have specific knowledge and skills.

If you don’t already have at least one certification, you may want to obtain one before you update your resume. While you’re working on the certification, you’ll have the opportunity to complete sample projects, which can help you build your portfolio if you’re new to the design field.

Although you have many options, the Adobe Certified Professional credential is one of the most well-recognized certifications in the industry. When potential clients see this certification on your resume, they know you’re skilled in using Adobe Creative Suite to complete design projects.

If you’re a graphic artist with an interest in managing complex projects, it can also be helpful to add relevant business certifications to your resume. For example, if you have a design degree and the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, you’ll have an easier time convincing a potential client that you have what it takes to manage a team of creative professionals and make sure every project is completed on time and according to the company’s specifications.

4. College degrees

Completing a degree is a big achievement, so make sure you include your educational credentials on your resume. Each entry should include the name of the institution, the dates you attended, and the full name of the degree you completed.

If you’re new to the graphic design field, it’s helpful to include a list of relevant courses, especially if your degree is in business, marketing, or a non-design discipline. Adding a list of courses can help you convince potential clients that you have the skills necessary to succeed in a design role. For example, you may want to include coursework in UX design , color theory, Adobe Photoshop, and other design topics.

5. Professional memberships

Membership in a professional association shows that you’re dedicated to the design industry and interested in building relationships with designers, copywriters, and other creative professionals. That’s why it’s important to add relevant professional memberships to your resume.

The American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Society of Illustrators, and the International Color Consortium are examples of organizations that offer memberships that can help you grow as a professional and wow potential clients with your commitment to career development.

6. Relevant volunteer work

Adding volunteer work to your resume serves several purposes. First, it shows potential clients that you have a track record of helping community members. If you’re trying to land a gig with a nonprofit organization, this can help your application stand out. It also shows that you’re capable of following through on your commitments.

If you’re new to the design field, adding relevant volunteer work to your resume can also help you transition into a new career. Your recent work experience may have nothing to do with design, but volunteering to create brochures, logos, email templates, and other items shows potential clients that you have the skills needed to succeed in a design role.

7. Professional skills

Employers frequently use software to determine if an applicant is a good fit for a job opening. Each software package typically searches a resume for specific keywords. If those keywords aren’t in your resume, there’s a good chance you’ll lose out on the opportunity to interview for the position. That’s why it’s so important to include a list of your graphic design skills .

A list of skills gives you more opportunities to add keywords to your resume, making it easier to make it through the initial screening and increasing the chances of having a human review your application. Include any skills you think might be helpful for landing freelance graphic design jobs , such as UX design, corporate branding, marketing collateral, web design, art direction, brand identity, personal branding, and illustration.

freelance designer resume

Your Freelance Design Resume Checklist

Now that you know what a good freelance graphic designer resume should include, here’s a checklist to follow as you go through the process of creating your own.

✔️ Contact information

Including a physical address isn’t as important as it used to be, but if a potential client wants to have in-person meetings, consider including your address to let them know you live close enough to visit their office on occasion. Otherwise, it’s okay to include just your email address and telephone number.

✔️ Professional summary

Some companies receive hundreds of applications when they post a freelance design job. Lighten the reader’s load by including a short summary of your professional experience and skills. You may also want to include one of your top achievements in this section.

✔️ Work experience

Unless you have limited work experience, add your work experience before your educational credentials. Reviewers typically want to see your previous jobs listed in reverse chronological order, or from most recent to least recent. If you’re looking for a career change, consider creating a functional resume, which organizes your previous jobs by the skills you used instead of the dates you were employed.

✔️ Education

If you have multiple degrees, list the most recent one first. Be sure to include the name of the school, the degree earned, and your graduation date.

✔️ Certification

Include the name of the certification, the sponsoring organization, the date you obtained the certification, and the date of expiration, if applicable.  

Consider grouping similar skills together and using bulleted lists to organize them. For example, you can have one heading for design skills and another for skills related to project management. Don’t forget to include soft skills, which are the characteristics that help you manage your own workload and collaborate with others.

✔️ Volunteer work

If you decide to include relevant volunteer work, list the most recent experience first. You may also want to include a short description of how your work benefited each organization.

creative graphic designer resume example

Tips for your first freelance design resume

If you’re new to the design industry and don’t have a lot of job search experience, here are a few tips to follow when you create your first resume.

📌 Tip #1: Pay attention to formatting

One way to improve your chances of landing a job is to make it as easy as possible for the person reviewing your resume to determine if you meet the minimum requirements. Include plenty of bold headings and bulleted lists to break up large chunks of text and make it easy to scan the document.

The format of your resume is just as important as the quality of the samples in your portfolio. If it looks like you just filled in a template without taking the time to add custom design elements, the reviewer may question your abilities or wonder if you’re really committed to a career in graphic design.

📌 Tip # 2: Leave plenty of white space

White space makes text and visual elements stand out from the page, making your resume more attractive and easier to scan. Use plenty of white space around headings, bulleted lists, and paragraphs to make the document visually appealing for reviewers across a wide range of industries.

📌 Tip #3: Show off your design skills

Even if you use a template, you should at least add a personal logo or a few other design elements to your resume to show that you understand the principles of graphic design. If you don’t have a logo, a simple monogram at the top of the first page is a good alternative. Choose a professional color scheme that doesn’t hide any of the text on the page or make your resume difficult to read.

📌 Tip #4: Proofread carefully

You’re applying for freelance design gigs, not writing jobs, but it’s still important to communicate professionally. That’s why you need to proofread your resume several times to make sure it doesn’t have any embarrassing typographical errors. If proofreading isn’t your strong suit, ask a friend, classmate, or trusted family member to do it for you.

Start with a resume template for designers

When it comes to creating a freelance graphic designer resume, you have a few options. The easiest is to download a resume template and customize it with design elements and text. Using templates saves time, which can be helpful if you want to create several versions of your resume to use when applying for different types of freelance jobs.

Another option is to design your own resume from scratch. This gives you more control over how the finished version looks, but it takes more time than using a template. Depending on how your portfolio is set up, you can also add your resume to your portfolio site to make it easier for potential clients to learn more about you.

Check out a few of our favorite freelance graphic designer resume templates to kickstart your resume design.

Modern & Creative Resume Template

For a modern and colorful resume that stands out against a sea of design applicants, use this resume template by Rosa Maglione. With customizable colors, fonts, and an extra photo filter included, the resume template allows you to show off your creativity and unique approach to design. The full template includes a 2-page resume, cover letter, and references.

  • Get the template

creative director resume template

Minimal Graphic Designer Template

For a quick and easy design solution that doesn’t compromise beauty, download this straight-shooting resume template by Rossy Fitrika. This graphic designer resume template gives you ample room to display your skills, references, areas of expertise, and anything else you want to showcase.

graphic designer resume template

Simple & Beautiful Template

Impress your target clients with a resume that truly reflects your design skills. Customize this stunning template by Rosa Maglione for an opportunity to wow prospective clients and show off your incredible design skills through a thoughtfully designed resume.

beautiful graphic designer resume template

Create a freelance design resume that lands work

A professional-looking resume with relevant keywords can help you make it past the initial screening, improving your chances of landing the perfect freelance design gig. Start with these tips and let your creativity guide you as you craft a freelance resume that helps you book exciting projects.

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Freelance Graphic Designer Resume: Sample & Guide [Entry Level + Senior Jobs]

Create a standout freelance graphic designer resume with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

This article provides an example of an effective resume for a freelance graphic designer. It highlights the key elements of a successful graphic designer resume and provides helpful tips for creating your own. With these tips, you will be able to craft a resume that stands out from the competition and helps you secure the freelance graphic design job you are looking for.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • Why you should use a resume template

What does a Freelance Graphic Designer do?

A freelance graphic designer is a professional who creates visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports. They may also design logos, websites, product packaging, and signs.

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  • Videographer Resume Sample
  • Designer Resume Sample
  • Graphic Artist Resume Sample
  • Ui Developer Resume Sample
  • Web Designer Resume Sample
  • Interior Design Assistant Resume Sample
  • Freelance Art Director Resume Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Freelance Graphic Designer?

  • Creating designs for logos, print materials, websites, and other digital media
  • Developing creative concepts and design solutions
  • Meeting with clients to discuss project objectives and requirements
  • Determining the most effective way to represent a concept visually
  • Editing images and other design elements
  • Adhering to project budgets and timelines
  • Maintaining design and technical standards
  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends
  • Collaborating with other professionals, such as copywriters, photographers, and marketing specialists

Sample Freelance Graphic Designer Resume for Inspiration

Personal Details:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Date of Birth: 15th April 1985
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +1 (123) 456-7890

Summary: John Doe is an experienced freelance graphic designer with 10+ years of experience. He has a strong portfolio of work, which includes creating logos, websites, brochures, and advertisements. He is knowledgeable in the use of Adobe Creative Suite and is proficient in HTML and CSS. John is highly creative and has a keen eye for detail.

Work Experience:

  • Freelance Graphic Designer, Self-employed, Anytown, USA (2010 - Present)
  • Graphic Designer, Anytown Advertising Agency, Anytown, USA (2008 - 2010)
  • Graphic Designer, Anytown Publishing House, Anytown, USA (2006 - 2008)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, Anytown University, Anytown, USA (2005 - 2006)
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.)
  • HTML & CSS
  • Logo Design
  • Print Design


  • Adobe Certified Professional, Adobe Creative Suite (2006)

Languages: English (native), HTML (fluent)

Resume tips for Freelance Graphic Designer

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Freelance Graphic Designer resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Freelance Graphic Designer - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your unique skills and abilities.
  • Include a portfolio of your work.
  • Include a summary of qualifications.
  • Include a link to your website or other online presence.
  • Be sure to include contact information, such as a phone number and email address.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Summary Examples

A freelance graphic designer resume summary or resume objective is important for highlighting a potential employer's key reasons for hiring you. It should include the unique skills and experience that make you an ideal candidate for the position. It is also a great way to showcase your enthusiasm for the job and to create an immediate connection with the employer. By including a resume summary or objective, you will be able to demonstrate your qualifications and make a good first impression. For Example:

  • Talented Freelance Graphic Designer with 10+ years of experience in developing creative design solutions for a variety of brands.
  • Experienced in creating visuals for digital campaigns, print ads, and websites. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite and other design software.
  • Demonstrates strong project management skills and the ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Highly organized.
  • Committed to delivering exceptional design that meets clients' needs. Able to interpret and understand briefs quickly.
  • Successfully delivered innovative projects to a range of clients in different industries. Proven track record of success.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

A strong experience section on a freelance graphic designer resume is important for a few reasons. Firstly, it helps to provide employers with a comprehensive overview of your skills and capabilities. Secondly, it can help to demonstrate your professional experience and highlight the projects you have completed in the past. Finally, by showcasing your past projects, you can give potential employers a better idea of your style and creativity. For Example:

  • Designed and developed logos, brochures, and web graphics for clients in multiple industries.
  • Created a variety of business cards, flyers, and other marketing materials.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and implement innovative graphic design solutions.
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with clients, ensuring satisfaction and delivering quality projects on time and within budget.
  • Created designs for various print, web and mobile products.
  • Developed digital assets for websites, social media campaigns, and other online platforms.
  • Utilized Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver) to develop and design projects.
  • Created graphics for video production, including titles, lower thirds, and backgrounds.
  • Developed and implemented branding materials such as logos, business cards, and letterhead.
  • Managed and coordinated projects from concept through completion.

Freelance Graphic Designer resume education example

A freelance graphic designer needs a strong foundation in design principles, such as understanding composition, color theory, typography, and image editing. They should also have a thorough understanding of graphic design software, such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Additionally, they should have knowledge of website design, web development, branding, and marketing. A freelance graphic designer should also have excellent communication, problem-solving, and time management skills in order to effectively collaborate with clients. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Freelance Graphic Designer resume:

  • B.Tech in Visual Arts, CSE College, 2018
  • Certificate Course in Graphic Design, ABC Institute, 2020
  • Diploma in Multimedia and Animation, XYZ University, 2021

Freelance Graphic Designer Skills for a Resume

It is important to add skills for a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume because it gives potential clients a better understanding of your qualifications and experience. Your list of skills should include any software programs, design techniques, and communication abilities that are relevant to the position you are seeking. Examples of skills could include proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, knowledge of HTML and CSS, understanding of typography principles, and the ability to communicate complex ideas through visuals. By including these skills on your resume, you are demonstrating to potential employers that you have the necessary skills to be a successful Freelance Graphic Designer. Soft Skills:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Design Sensitivity
  • Communication Skills
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Organizational Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Artistic Talent
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • InDesign Layout
  • Branding Design
  • Typography Design
  • Visual Storytelling

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Freelance Graphic Designer resume

  • Highlight your technical expertise and experience with relevant software.
  • Include a portfolio of your work samples.
  • List any awards or recognition you have received.
  • Include contact information for references.
  • Demonstrate your ability to think creatively.
  • Detail any freelance experience you have.
  • Describe any additional skills or services you offer.
  • Mention any specialties or niche areas of expertise.
  • Showcase your problem-solving and communication skills.

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5 Amazing freelance graphic designer Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions


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Freelance graphic designer: resume samples & writing guide, professional summary, employment history.

  • Produce drafts, proofs, and finished art for print and electronic media
  • Incorporate changes recommended by the clients into the final design
  • Present design concepts to clients for approval
  • Keep abreast of emerging technologies in new media, particularly design programs such as InDesign, QuarkXPress, FreeHand, Illustrator, Photoshop, 3ds Max, Acrobat, Director, Dreamweaver and Flash
  • Collaborate with other professionals such as printers, photographers, stylists, illustrators, other designers, web developers, marketing specialists, and copywriters
  • Maintain up-to-date knowledge of industry software and technologies
  • Monitor current trends and styles in graphic design

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

  • Develop material for web pages, brochures, and other forms of communication
  • Prepare sketches, storyboards, or other visual aids to communicate design ideas
  • Create original designs, concepts, and sample layouts based on knowledge of layout principles and esthetic design concepts
  • Develop graphics and layouts for product illustrations, company logos, and websites
  • Estimate costs of materials and time to complete graphic projects
  • Use digital illustration, photo editing software, and layout software to create designs
  • Review final layouts and suggest improvements as needed
  • Analyze project objectives, specifications, and deadlines to determine project requirements

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freelance graphic designer job description resume

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

freelance graphic designer Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an freelance graphic designer position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

freelance graphic designer

  • Combine business marketing goals into each design scheme.
  • Created logos, web design/content management, book covers, brochures, slide presentations, event posters, company ads and email blasts for various organizations.
  • Organized and executed successful fundraising events.
  • Created and maintained blog 
  • Create and prepare sketches and model drawings providing details from memory, live models, manufactured products, or reference materials.
  • Coordinate and design stage visuals for international clients.
  • Composite info-graphic style advertisements.
  • Self publish through social media.
  • Being able to work under independently and under pressure.
  • Able to work with software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign & Adobe Illustrator.
  • Layout Design.
  • Design and Visualization.
  • Branding and Advertising.
  • Pre-Press and Problem- Solving.
  • T-shirt design
  • Invitation/Cards for events like weddings and baby showers
  • Posters and Flyers 
  • Illustration(s) 
  • Maintained corporate website using WordPress and designed social media graphics.
  • Designed large format marketing materials for trade shows.
  • Worked with outside vendors to ensure projects were printed correctly and delivered by deadlines.
  • Assisted in coordinating corporate events

freelance graphic designer Job Skills

For an freelance graphic designer position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Illustrator
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Image Editing
  • Layout Design
  • Vector Graphics
  • Logo Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Digital Illustration
  • Color Theory
  • Concept Design
  • Motion Graphics
  • Video Editing
  • Photography
  • 3D Modeling

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Computer Literacy
  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Troubleshooting
  • Quality Assurance
  • Supervisory
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Documentation
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your freelance graphic designer Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

How to Optimize Your freelance graphic designer Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

  • Keeep abrest of emergin technoligies in new media, particualrly desgin progams such as InDesgin, QuarkXPres, FreeHand, Illistrator, Photshop, 3ds Max, Acrobate, Directer, Dreamweaver and Flash.
  • "Maintains up-to-date knowledges of industry softwares and technologys".
  • Incorperate changs recomended by the clients into the finals design.
  • Incorperte changs recomendeded by the clientss into the finall designe.
  • Devellop grapics and lay-outs for product illustraions, companny logos, and web-sites.
  • Prepear sketchs, storyboardes, or other visuall aidds too communicatte designe ideass.
  • Presents designs concept to clients for approvals.
  • Prepear sketches, storyboards, or other visual ayds to communicat design ideaz.
  • Creates origanal desgins, concept's, and sample lay-outs based on knowlege of lay-out principles and esthetic design concept's!

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

freelance graphic designer Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an freelance graphic designer position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

To the Hiring Team at Adobe

As a Freelance Graphic Designer with a proven track record of success in Art & Creative & Design, I am excited to apply for the Lead Freelance Graphic Designer position at Adobe. I believe that my skills and expertise would make a valuable contribution to your team.

As someone who has faced challenges in various areas of my life and has overcome them, I am confident in my ability to adapt and thrive in any environment. I have developed a reputation for being a collaborative team player and an effective problem solver, which has been instrumental in my career's success. With my experience and passion for Art & Creative & Design, I am excited to apply my skills to this role and contribute to your organization's growth and success.

Thank you for considering my application for the Lead Freelance Graphic Designer position. With my skills and the amazing team at this organization, I am assured that I can contribute to your organization's success and make a meaningful impact. Looking forward to a future where we can work together.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






Looking to explore other career options within the Art & Creative & Design field?

Check out our other resume of resume examples.

  • Video Editor Resume
  • Sound Designer Resume
  • Photographer Assistant Resume
  • Photographer Resume
  • Musician Resume
  • Interior Designer Resume
  • Illustrator Resume
  • Big Data Architect Resume
  • Graphic Design Intern Resume
  • Freelance Graphic Designer Resume
  • Design Engineer Resume
  • Videographer Resume
  • Ux Designer Resume
  • Archivist Resume
  • Graphic Designer Resume
  • Graphic Design Resume
  • Motion Graphics Resume
  • Film Production Resume
  • Concept Art Resume
  • Animator Resume
  • Publishing Resume
  • Actor Resume



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freelance graphic designer job description resume

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freelance graphic designer job description resume

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22 Graphic Designer Resume Examples That Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Graphic Designer Resume

  • Graphic Designer Resumes by Experience
  • Graphic Designer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Graphic Designer Resume

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

Beginner graphic designer resume example with social media management experience

You can whip up a new logo in a flash, your friends turn to you when they need help with Photoshop, and you’re always doodling on your notes. You’re a great graphic designer, and it shows.

But when it comes to making a resume to prove your skills (not to mention writing cover letters ), employers want more than just your portfolio pieces. Plus, discussing your design skills and experience on your resume can take a lot of effort.

Our graphic designer resume examples have  helped graphic designers land highly coveted jobs at companies like Stripe and Apple,  so they’re an excellent place to get inspired to create your great resume.

or download as PDF

Graphic designer resume example with 5 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • This can be tricky for some graphic design roles, so it’s okay if your work isn’t the sole reason for improvement. Simply highlight your overall impact as part of the graphic design, marketing, or sales team.
  • Portfolios are more or less a requirement for graphic design roles, so make sure to include a link to your own.
  • If you choose to add a  resume objective  to your graphic designer resume, you need to customize it for each job to which you apply. One way to do this is to include keywords from the job description. Don’t forget to mention the company by name! 

Beginner Graphic Designer Resume

Beginner graphic designer resume example with content curation experience

  • One thing that you can count on is a career objective that’s both inspiring and clear on what you intend to do once you’re hired.

Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Junior graphic designer resume example with internship experience

  • If you’re light on relevant work experience, include any relevant projects or internships. Just make sure to include metrics when you can, as any recruiter will treat an internship like a job and will thus expect a demonstration of your impact.
  • You don’t have to be an expert, but generally speaking, only include skills you can talk about in an interview.

Senior Graphic Designer Resume

Senior graphic designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Demonstrating your impact proves you’re a designer who thinks about your work within a broader context and does their best to help a company grow.
  • If you’re wondering what to include, start with metrics relating to time or people. How many hours did you help your team save? How many new customers did you gain? How many people viewed your designs?
  • The activities section isn’t always a good choice, but it can be a useful addition in some cases. If your  resume’s section of hobbies and interests  demonstrates leadership, persistence, or other useful skills, you can include this section to give you a boost over the competition. 

Graphic Design Student Resume

Graphic design student resume example with internship experience

  • Showcase projects where you’ve used Affinity Designer, Adobe Fresco, or Canva to create compelling visuals or your use of resources like Pixabay and Coolors for inspiration and project enhancement.
  • School work totally counts, too, so highlight available metrics from completed projects like grades or peer reviews.
  • This approach underscores your hands-on experience with design tools and ability to complete projects successfully, irrespective of traditional employment.

Self Taught Graphic Designer Resume

Self taught graphic designer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • In addition, line up one or two projects, which if adopted into real-world scenarios, would help transform marketing trends and outcomes for all-size businesses.

Freelance Graphic/UI Designer Resume

Freelance graphic/UI designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • In other words, don’t stop at making a list of job-specific tools like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, and Coolors in your freelance graphic/UI designer resume. Take them on a journey through your past gigs, painting a picture of those moments your designs stole the show or the times your creativity drew gasps and nods of approval.

Graphic Designer/Production Specialist Resume

Graphic designer/production specialist resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Essentially, sprinkle those gems throughout your graphic designer/production specialist resume like confetti, a hack Michael executed well at the start of each bullet point. You want every line on that resume to shout from the rooftops that you’re the hands-on visionary who doesn’t just do the job but redefine it.

Graphic Designer Illustrator Resume

Graphic designer illustrator resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Capitalize on your graphic designer illustrator resume’s side columns to parade graphic design and illustration tools you’re well-versed in. Brandon, for instance, curates a list of tools (cue GIMP, Vectr, Prezi and more), and then weaves in evidence of him wielding these tools in the work history section.

Creative Designer Resume

Creative designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • If you can back your creative designer resume with a fine arts degree in graphic design, you’ll be able to show your enthusiasm for the work and be on the hiring list for any employer.

Visual Designer Resume

Visual designer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Mention tools like Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, Figma, and InVision that speak volumes about your artwork. Adding such skills will convey that you’re well-versed with the latest design tools and can create modern designs with ease!

Logo Designer Resume

Logo graphic designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Borrow a script from how Ben weaves competencies in Blender, Figma, CorelDRAW, and so on to get things done and increase user engagement.

Motion Graphic Design Resume

Motion graphic design resume example with 10 years of experience

  • An experience at a junior level accompanied by what you learned and your input can be an effective anchor you can use to boost the chances of your motion graphic designer resume making it beyond the shortlisting stage.

Social Media Graphic Designer Resume

Social media graphic designer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Put everything in its place and let the hiring teams find it easy to follow your career path. Most importantly, ensure there’s no clutter because that is a big turn-off.

Web and Graphic Designer Resume

Web and graphic designer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Following the same tactic, achieving 97% customer satisfaction for several projects is a true testimony to your work ethic and client-focused approach.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Freelance graphic designer resume example with 7+ years of experience

  • Highlight how you’ve leveraged Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or CorelDRAW to deliver creative solutions to client projects, citing specific examples.
  • Discuss using project management tools like Asana to meet deadlines and coordinate with clients—all while delivering high-quality work.

Graphic Design Specialist Resume

Graphic design specialist resume example with 5 years of experience

  • For example, you mention how your work generated more traffic on social media or how you helped the marketing team create a campaign.
  • Including numbers that highlight your impact will drastically increase your chances of landing an interview. Companies often receive hundreds of applications for a single role, so as you  craft your resume , keep in mind how you can stand out.
  • Graphic designers are expected to be proficient with many different tools, especially the industry standard, Adobe Creative Suite. So make sure to let employers know if you’re skilled at Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Creative Graphic Designer Resume

Creative graphic designer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Some of the most popular mediums we’ve seen are print media, video, website design, and logo design.
  • Make sure to add any experience you have with heading a project or leading a team.
  • Showing an increase in responsibility throughout your career is another great way to show your initiative.
  • For example, mentoring other graphic designers demonstrates positive growth as a leader.

Production Artist & Graphic Designer Resume

Production artist & graphic designer resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • You can improve your format by choosing two tastefully contrasting fonts, utilizing white space throughout your resume, and using bold (but not garish) colors in your header and titles.
  • Don’t get so caught up in formatting that you neglect your content—use a  resume template  to help speed up the formatting process.
  • Focus on picking relevant projects that have some link to the job description.

Marketing/Graphic Design Coordinator Resume

Marketing/graphic design coordinator resume example with 10+ years of experience

  •  If you choose to include a summary, you’ll need to ensure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. Otherwise, skip adding it and focus on your work experience instead.
  • Specialize your summary by mentioning the specific job title you’re seeking, the company’s name, and any examples of work you’ve done throughout your career that’s highly relevant for the job. Just be sure to keep it under three sentences. 

Senior Apparel & Graphic Designer Resume

Senior apparel & graphic designer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Giving a two-to-three sentence rundown of your career can be a challenge, so break it down into three components: who you are, your biggest success, and what assets you bring to the company.
  • Think back on your career and list your biggest accomplishments that you can quantify/explain in a single sentence. Did you increase site engagement by 72 percent by incorporating a more modern, user-friendly layout and graphics? Did you design the company’s newsletter which was sent out to 2,000 customers? 
  • Adobe offers certification courses for many of their Creative Cloud products, and there are many courses offered through universities to give you a leg-up over the competition. 

Graphic Designer/Administrative Assistant Resume

Graphic designer/administrative assistant resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Since you’re in a creative field, you can include more kinds of projects than a technical role would allow, but try to limit your choices to activities/projects that require(d) taking initiative, additional research, or learning a completely new skill. 
  • If you choose to include one, you’ll need to ensure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. 
  • Though including a  resume objective  is optional, it gives you a chance to address the employer by name and establish what they will gain by hiring you. 

Related resume guides

  • Interior Design
  • Social Media Manager

Job seeker reviews qualifications and accomplishments to build job application for next role

Graphic design is one of the most profitable professions in the freelance industry, and the position is growing more popular. Graphic designers serve as visual communicators who craft concepts using a stroke of their pen or a click of their specialized graphic design software.

Their main aim is to convey ideas to inform, inspire, or capture customers through physical and virtual art forms like words, images, and abstract elements like colors and shapes. However, graphic designers aren’t just glued to their drawing tables—they spend a lot of their time communicating with clients, customers, and other creators to ensure that their designs replicate the intended message and hit the intended audiences.

Standing out in the graphic design field isn’t easy. There are about 266,000 graphic designers already in the competitive market, and the number continues to rise. Even if you’re working on your letter of resignation email and giving your job application your best shot, you don’t want to end up in the “reject pile” because of your resume.

The best way to increase your chances of getting hired is with an AI resume builder . You can showcase your skills, explain your experience, and quantify your impact in a way your portfolio can’t.

When it comes to your graphic designer resume,  we’ve got four critical tips for taking your resume from the trash bin to the top choice . When you understand the role of your skills section, resume formatting, metrics, and customization, you’ll be well on your way to landing your next job. 

Put the spotlight on your graphic design skills

Most recruiters don’t have time to go through the nitty-gritty details in your graphic designer resume. They have only seconds to spare, which they’ll likely use to examine your  resume’s list of skills  and determine whether or not they’re relevant to their needs.

Recruiters aren’t the only ones you have to impress; when recruiters have a stack of resumes to weed through, they depend on an applicant tracking system (ATS) to filter out resumes lacking keywords—skills relevant to the specific job. 

That’s why the skills section of your graphic designer resume is vital. Because graphic design jobs can differ greatly in duties and requirements, your skills section should reflect your knowledge and abilities in relation to the company or organization. If you properly showcase your various skills, you can easily beat the ATS.

Here’s how you can spotlight your skills in your graphic designer resume:

  • Write specific skill keywords in a bulleted list in your resume’s skills section
  • Use numbers and examples to quantify and demonstrate your skills in the work experience section
  • Emphasize your most relevant skills in the resume objective or summary

We don’t recommend adding more than 10 skill keywords to your skills section, but there’s still plenty of room to catch an employer’s eye. Here are some of the top hard (technical) and soft (general) skills you could include in your graphic designer resume: 

  • Adobe Illustrator 
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Gravit Designer 
  • Sketch 
  • Activating negative space
  • Color theory
  • Typography 
  • Visual hierarchy 
  • JavaScript 
  • Communication
  • Organization

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Formatting your graphic designer resume

Your resume is more than just your relevant experience, employment history, education, and skills; it also serves as a marketing tool. Recruiters only spend seconds looking at a given resume and tend to pass over the boring or generic ones. They want to see your unique accomplishments and the value you can provide to their company.

This is a direct ticket to an interview. That’s why you should ensure your resume reveals the best  you  possible. As such, you’ll want to choose the right  resume format  for your graphic designer resume. While many job seekers choose skills-based or hybrid-based formats, it’s almost always best to choose a reverse-chronological format. Employers can hone in on your most recent and relevant experience, letting your most relevant accomplishments and achievements shine. 

Consider these vital points when crafting your graphic designer resume:

1. Fixing up your resume’s appearance:

  • Consistency in layout, punctuation, font, and font size
  • Work experience is in bullet points for readability
  • Minimal color (headers and titles only)
  • Left-aligned text (your contact header is the exception)
  • Headers to distinguish sections

2. Meeting organization and technical requirements:

  • Only a page long
  • A recognized file format (such as PDF)
  • An objective/summary when necessary

Graphic designer resume objective

Speaking of an objective/summary, perhaps you’re wondering whether you need one in your graphic designer resume. First, let’s explain the difference between the two.

A  summary  is a two-to-three-sentence statement that summarizes your skills, work experience, and any specializations. It’s best used when someone has been in graphic design for 10+ years. 

On the other hand, an  objective  is a two-to-three sentence statement that introduces your interests, qualifications, and how you’ll add value to the role you’re seeking. A  resume objective  is best used for career changers or entry-level job candidates. 

The two are very similar, so it’s less important to understand the difference between them and more important that you pay attention to what you write for them. Vague statements and generalizations waste your and the recruiter’s time, so if you’re in doubt or are struggling to get it right, exclude it altogether. 

If you’re a graphic designer looking for an entry-level position, an objective can specifically emphasize personal qualities and skills. To get the recruiter’s attention, mention the company by name and share how you intend to contribute to your desired company: 

graphic designer career objective

How to measure your impact as a graphic designer

Clients and customers appreciate your designs, but it can be tricky to link graphic design to business growth. Don’t gloss over metrics, though; they’re worth the extra effort. 

Design can become a key contributor to success, but only if you demonstrate how design is related to growth. There are various ways you can measure your impact on your graphic designer resume:

  • Online success: if you’re dealing with digital design projects like a website or email marketing, it’s easy to trace metrics like engagement and conversions. A/B tests may also help you compare particular design details to determine which projects perform best.
  • Improved sales: your design project(s) may facilitate an increase in the number of customers or number of purchased goods, pointing to successful work on your end.
  • Increased customer retention: if your graphic design work piques a customer’s interest, they’re more likely to stick around and purchase something. Or, they can share your work and increase your company’s reach.
  • Customer reviews and comments: keep track of good client reviews to show companies that your work is loved and impactful. 

You may be thinking, “that’s great, but how do you translate that into a resume?” Our samples can provide some worthwhile inspiration, as seen here: 

Graphic designer work experience bullet points

Build a custom graphic designer resume

For every graphic design job you apply for, you need to tailor your resume accordingly. Customizing your graphic designer resume not only demonstrates competency but also care and attention towards the employer and the specific position. Trust us: there aren’t many job seekers taking the extra time to tailor their resumes accordingly, so make yours unique by tailoring your skills, work experience, and objective/summary sections for every job.

We also have customization tips for different  graphic designer job descriptions  and  graphic designer cover letters .

Graphic designer or graphic design specialist resume

  • As a graphic designer or graphic design specialist, you likely have solid experience under your belt already, so this might be the time to include a summary statement highlighting your best skills and achievements. 
  • Again, pay close attention to the skill keywords listed in the job description.

Creative graphic designer resume

  • For example, if you design ads for social media, reflect this in your skills and work experience. 
  • Leverage your job description bullet points to showcase your leadership and teamwork abilities. Include any work on various projects with co-workers or cross-functional teams. 

Senior graphic designer resume

  • Lead a team 
  • Communicate with cross-functional teams and internal management
  • Manage (and finish) projects
  • Additionally, with this level of experience, you may choose to include a career summary. Don’t forget to tailor it to the new role you’re seeking! 

Junior graphic designer resume

  • Nabbing that first real job can feel daunting when most employers want at least a year of experience, but all is not lost.
  • Include any internship experience, if you have it. If you don’t, consider getting an internship to gain useful skills and a new addition to your resume.
  • Projects can also be priceless. Have you designed a custom website for a friend? Did you create a logo for your aunt’s small business? These sorts of one-time projects may not pay well (or at all), but they can prove you have what it takes to do the job. 

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Key points for your graphic designer resume

By taking your graphic designer resume seriously, you’ll be far ahead of the average applicant and much closer to accepting a job offer. 

Now it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and actually write your resume. Upload an old resume or start from scratch with our  free resume maker . You can choose from our  best resume templates  for an attractive and ATS-friendly layout that’s sure to snag the attention of recruiters.

Your dream job is just around the corner, so get your resume in tip-top shape and land the job you’ve been waiting for!

Create my free resume now

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples

Writing a great freelance graphic designer resume is important because it is one of the first things a potential employer will see when they are considering you for a position. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job.

Create your resume Select from 7 professional resume templates

If you're looking for inspiration when it comes to drafting your own freelance graphic designer resume, look no further than the samples below. These resumes will help you highlight your experience and qualifications in the most effective way possible, giving you the best chance of landing the freelance graphic designer job you're after.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

or download as PDF

Essential Components of a Freelance Graphic Designer's Resume

For freelance graphic designers, crafting a compelling resume is crucial to attract potential clients and showcase their design prowess. An effective resume not only highlights your design skills but also demonstrates your technical abilities and experience in the field. Let's delve into the key sections of a resume, their significance, and how to optimize them to create an impactful freelance graphic designer resume.

1. Contact Information

Begin your resume with clear contact information to ensure clients can easily reach you.

How to List Contact Information for a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Include the following:

  • Full Name: Prominently display your name at the top of your resume.
  • Phone Number: Provide a reliable contact number.
  • Email Address: Use a professional email address for correspondence.
  • Location: Mention your city and country for time zone reference.
  • Professional Website or Portfolio Link: An online portfolio is essential for showcasing your work.
  • LinkedIn Profile: Include your LinkedIn profile for additional professional details.
  • Video Call IDs: Offer your Skype ID or other video conferencing IDs for virtual meetings.

Avoid sharing personal details not relevant to your professional capabilities.

Clear contact information establishes your professionalism and accessibility as a freelance graphic designer.

2. Professional Summary or Objective

The professional summary or objective serves as your introduction, highlighting your key skills, experiences, and achievements relevant to the role you're targeting.

Customize this section to reflect your unique value proposition as a freelance graphic designer, succinctly stating your expertise in areas such as logo design, branding, or digital illustration.

A compelling summary or objective should touch on:

  • Years of experience in the industry
  • Notable clients or projects
  • Proficiency in design software like Adobe Creative Suite
  • Soft skills like creativity and communication

Keep it concise to entice the reader to learn more about you.

Related: Top Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Objective Examples

3. Skills and Competencies

This section showcases your technical and creative skills, aligning with the requirements of the job posting.

  • Technical Skills: Detail your proficiency with design software and tools.
  • Creativity: Highlight your ability to generate innovative concepts.
  • Typography: Emphasize your knowledge of typography in various design contexts.
  • Color Theory: Demonstrate your understanding of color and its impact on design.
  • Communication Skills: Mention your ability to effectively communicate with clients.
  • Time Management: Showcase your capability to handle multiple projects efficiently.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Describe your approach to overcoming design challenges.
  • Business Acumen: Include knowledge of marketing strategies and business operations.

Illustrate how you've successfully applied these skills in previous roles or projects.

Related: Freelance Graphic Designer Skills: Definition and Examples

4. Work Experience/Portfolio

Your experience and portfolio are the heart of your resume, demonstrating your career trajectory and skill application.

  • Comprehensive Work History: List relevant positions in reverse chronological order, including job titles, companies, dates, and locations.
  • Portfolio: Provide links to an online portfolio that showcases your best work, tailored to the job you're applying for.
  • Project Summaries: Offer concise descriptions of key projects, your role, tools used, and any measurable outcomes.
  • Client Testimonials: Include positive feedback from clients to validate your expertise.
  • Diverse Design Work: Display a range of design work to show versatility.

This section should narrate your professional journey as a graphic designer and the unique skills you bring to the table.

5. Education and Certifications

Highlight your formal education and any certifications that enhance your qualifications as a graphic designer.

  • Education: List your educational background, emphasizing degrees and relevant coursework in graphic design or related fields.
  • Certifications: Include certifications from recognized institutions that attest to your specialized skills.
  • Additional Training: Mention any workshops or seminars that contribute to your continuous professional development.
  • Skills Acquired: Note the key skills gained from each educational or training experience.

Present this information in reverse chronological order, showcasing how your education supports your freelance graphic design work.

Related: Freelance Graphic Designer Certifications

6. Awards and Achievements

This section highlights awards and recognitions that attest to your skill and dedication to graphic design.

  • Include awards from design competitions or industry organizations.
  • Detail successful projects that had a significant impact on clients.
  • List milestones such as managing large-scale projects or working with notable clients.

Organize your achievements in reverse chronological order and provide context for each accolade.

Featuring awards and achievements enhances your credibility and showcases your commitment to excellence in the field.

7. References

References can bolster your resume by affirming your skills and experience.

Choose references who can vouch for your graphic design expertise and professionalism, such as past clients or colleagues.

It's common for freelancers to indicate "References available upon request" to tailor references for each job application.

While references are valuable, remember that your portfolio is the most critical element in demonstrating your abilities as a graphic designer.

Related Resume Examples

  • Graphic Web Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Freelance Designer
  • Graphics Designer
  • Motion Graphics Designer
  • Senior Graphic Designer
  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Templates
  • Resume Formats
  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Formats
  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Career Advice
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Skills
  • Resume Objectives
  • Job Description
  • Job Responsibilities
  • FAQ’s

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples

Being a successful freelancer in the creative industry is no easy feat. As a freelance graphic designer, you will need to have a well-written resume that not only showcases your skills and experience but also stands out from the competition. To help you create the perfect resume, this guide provides an overview of what to include, as well as tips and examples for writing a resume as a freelance graphic designer. With this guide, you can create a resume that will help you land the job of your dreams.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Freelance Graphic Designer

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

Highly creative and multi- talented Freelance Graphic Designer with extensive knowledge in digital design, motion graphics, print- based design, and branding. Proven success in creating memorable visuals that have helped to effectively promote multiple businesses in various industries. Adept at utilizing the latest design software and technology to bring creative ideas to life. Excellent communicator with the ability to collaborate with clients, vendors, and team members.

Core Skills

  • Digital Design
  • Motion Graphics
  • Storyboarding
  • Print- Based Design
  • Illustrator
  • After Effects
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • MS Office Suite
  • Client Relations

Professional Experience

  • Freelance Graphic Designer, 2017- Present
  • Work with clients to discuss and develop design concepts
  • Design graphics for various print and digital products such as websites, brochures, flyers, and business cards
  • Create motion graphics for video projects
  • Create visuals for branding and marketing initiatives
  • Assist with photography, video, and other visual projects as needed
  • Bachelor of Arts – Visual Communication Design, 2017
  • University of XXXXXX
  • GPA: 3.5/4.0

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Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with No Experience

Highly motivated and creative freelance graphic designer with no formal experience in the field. Possesses exceptional graphic and web design skills, along with strong problem solving and communication abilities. Experienced in the use of Adobe Creative Suite and other graphic design software programs.

  • Expertise in Adobe Creative Suite and other graphic design software
  • Strong communication and problem- solving abilities
  • Well- versed in colour theory, typography, and composition
  • Proficient in a variety of design techniques
  • Ability to follow instructions and to produce quality designs

Responsibilities :

  • Creating high- quality visuals, including logos, designs, and illustrations
  • Collaborating with clients, editors, and other stakeholders to ensure the final product meets their expectations
  • Ensuring designs are visually appealing and meet the project guidelines
  • Adjusting existing designs or creating new designs to meet the client’s specifications
  • Reviewing clients’ requests and responding to their comments in a timely and efficient manner

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Creative, motivated, and experienced freelance graphic designer with 2 years of professional experience designing logos, brochures, and websites. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. Possesses the artistic skill to create eye- catching designs and the technical knowledge to ensure they are technically sound and print ready.

Core Skills :

  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Publication Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Developed original graphic designs and logos for a variety of clients
  • Created publications such as brochures, flyers, and other promotional materials
  • Designed website layouts and user interfaces for client projects
  • Worked with clients to create logos, branding, and promotional materials
  • Managed production of print materials, ensuring quality control and adherence to deadlines
  • Edited digital photos for use on websites, brochures, and other printed materials
  • Utilized Adobe Creative Suite for all design projects

Experience 2+ Years

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with 5 Years of Experience

A highly organized and detail- oriented freelance graphic designer with 5+ years of experience in the design industry. Experienced in multiple design software applications, with a strong focus on creating, enhancing and promoting original designs and ideas. Possesses excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a team. A highly creative and resourceful graphic designer with 5+ years of experience in the design industry. Proven experience in creating, modifying and improving designs for a variety of projects. Possesses a library of original designs and concepts. Possesses the ability to convey ideas and concepts effectively and efficiently in both written and verbal communication. Possesses the ability to plan, prioritize, and manage multiple projects at once while meeting tight deadlines.

  • Excellent knowledge of design software applications, including Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver and Corel Draw
  • Proficient in creating original designs and concepts
  • Skilled in designing logos, website layouts, illustrations, infographics, and other graphics
  • Excellent problem- solving and creative thinking capabilities
  • Expertise in photo editing and retouching
  • Proficiency in web design, HTML, and CSS
  • Exceptional ability to manage multiple projects and tight deadlines
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Collaborate with clients to create design concepts and layouts for projects
  • Creating logos, illustrations, and other graphics for print and digital projects
  • Developing web designs and coding for websites
  • Editing images for use in various projects
  • Creating infographics and other visual content
  • Developing marketing campaigns and promotional materials
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with clients
  • Keeping up with industry trends and staying up to date on the latest design software

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with 7 Years of Experience

I am a highly experienced freelance graphic designer with 7 years of experience delivering top quality design solutions for clients across a range of industries. I have a proven track record for developing and delivering successful projects in an efficient and timely manner. My experience ranges from corporate branding and logo design to website design, animation, and video editing. I have a strong technical background, with experience in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, and HTML/CSS. I am highly organized, creative, and have excellent communication skills and I am confident in my ability to provide outstanding design work to help drive success for my clients.

  • Corporate branding
  • Logo design
  • Video editing
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Designing corporate branding packages and logos
  • Designing and developing web sites
  • Creating animations, graphics, and video effects
  • Working with clients to develop creative concepts
  • Creating mockups and prototypes of design concepts
  • Editing video and audio files
  • Preparing artwork for print or web publishing
  • Participating in brainstorming and creative sessions
  • Maintaining client relationships and delivering projects on time and budget

Experience 7+ Years

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with 10 Years of Experience

Highly motivated and creative freelance graphic designer with 10 years of experience in the industry. Strong understanding of marketing principles and a keen eye for detail. Skilled in both digital and print design, with a deep understanding of the creative process from concept to execution. Enjoys working with clients and colleagues to create harmonious and effective visual solutions.

  • Expert in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
  • Proficient in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Designing logos, brochures, flyers, websites, and other digital and print materials
  • Digital imaging, retouching and manipulation
  • Ability to work quickly and efficiently
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Understanding of marketing and branding principles
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Creating designs as requested by clients
  • Developing digital and print materials in a timely manner
  • Working with clients to ensure satisfaction with final product
  • Assisting in the development of marketing strategies and concepts
  • Collaborating with other members of the creative team
  • Staying up to date on new trends and best practices in design
  • Developing concepts and storyboards for campaigns
  • Meeting tight deadlines and managing multiple projects at once.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume with 15 Years of Experience

An experienced Freelance Graphic Designer with fifteen years of successful experience in the field of graphic design. Skilled in developing design projects that meet customer needs and effectively communicate brand messages. Adept in project management and delivering on time and on budget. Proven track record of creating engaging, high- quality graphics to help businesses increase their visibility and reach.

  • Project Management
  • Branding & Identity
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Print & Digital Design
  • Color Theory & Typography
  • Developing graphic designs for a range of projects, including web design, print media, and advertising campaigns
  • Creating visual concepts and designs to capture the attention of potential clients and promote the brand
  • Creating layouts for websites, brochures, and other marketing materials
  • Translating design briefs into creative concepts and designs
  • Developing mock- ups and prototypes for a range of materials
  • Managing design projects from concept to completion, ensuring on- time delivery
  • Updating existing graphics to ensure brand consistency
  • Collaborating with other professionals to ensure projects are completed on time and on budget
  • Analyzing customer needs and developing solutions that meet those needs

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Freelance Graphic Designer resume?

A Freelance Graphic Designer resume should include the most relevant and up to date information on your experience and skills. This should include:-

  • Personal information: Include your full name, contact information such as email and phone number, and any relevant links such as your portfolio, blog, or social media profiles.
  • Education: List any degrees earned and any relevant courses you have completed.
  • Work Experience: List any freelance or design-related jobs you have held, as well as any freelance projects you have completed.
  • Skills: List any design-related skills you possess, such as experience with Adobe Creative Suite, knowledge of HTML/CSS, or any other coding languages.
  • Portfolio: Include a link to your portfolio or website.
  • Certifications: List any certifications you have earned.
  • References: Provide two or three professional references.

By including all of the above information, you will quickly and effectively demonstrate your qualifications and experience as a freelancer graphic designer. Showcase your design skills and create a resume that stands out from the competition.

What is a good summary for a Freelance Graphic Designer resume?

A freelance graphic designer resume should demonstrate the skills and experience that make the candidate uniquely qualified for the graphic design job they are seeking. The resume summary should provide a brief overview of the candidate’s professional profile, including the number of years of experience, the type of projects they have completed, and any special skills or qualifications that make them an ideal candidate for the position. It is also helpful to include a brief statement about the candidate’s goals and objectives for the position, as well as any personal strengths or attributes that may set them apart from other applicants. The summary should provide the reader with a snapshot of the candidate’s qualifications and experience, creating a clear and concise picture of the individual and their ability to be successful in the role they are applying for.

What is a good objective for a Freelance Graphic Designer resume?

A freelance graphic designer is a creative professional who is hired to design visual elements for print and digital media, such as logos, websites, advertisements, and other printed materials. When applying for freelance graphic design jobs, it is important to have a well-written resume that outlines your qualifications and showcases your experience.

A good objective for a freelance graphic design resume should communicate to potential employers that you are a skilled, motivated, and experienced designer who is able to handle a variety of projects and tasks. Here are some examples of objectives that could be included in a freelance graphic designer resume:

  • An ambitious and creative freelancer with 5+ years of experience in designing logos, websites, banners, and other graphics for a wide variety of clients
  • To secure a freelance graphic designer role where I can apply my strong design skills and creativity to produce visually appealing graphics that meet clients’ needs and expectations
  • Experienced freelance graphic designer looking to leverage my expertise in Adobe Creative Suite and current design trends to create stunning visuals for businesses of all sizes
  • Seeking a freelance graphic design position that allows me to utilize my knowledge of web design, typography, and illustration to provide clients with impressive visuals that meet their objectives

By including a strong, focused objective in your resume, you can demonstrate your commitment to the field and make a great impression on potential employers.

How do you list Freelance Graphic Designer skills on a resume?

As a freelance graphic designer, you need a resume that highlights both your design experience and your professional accomplishments. Your resume should include your professional experience, skills, and abilities that demonstrate your ability to use design to create marketing materials and artwork.

When listing your freelance graphic designer skills on your resume, make sure to include both soft and hard skills. Soft skills are related to interpersonal skills such as communication and collaboration, while hard skills are related to technical and design competencies.

Here are some of the most important freelance graphic designer skills to include on your resume:

  • Adobe Creative Suite: Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and other software in the Adobe Creative Suite
  • Graphic Design: Ability to translate client needs into visually appealing designs for print and digital media
  • Typography: Knowledge of typefaces, font sizes, and hierarchy of visual elements
  • Color Theory: Understanding of how to use color palettes in design projects
  • Branding: Experience creating brand assets, logos, and other elements to help clients establish their brand identity
  • Layout Design: Ability to create layouts that are visually appealing and optimized for different media
  • Creative Problem-Solving: Ability to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to design challenges
  • Animation/Video Editing: Proficiency in creating motion graphics and video editing for digital media
  • Marketing: Understanding of how to develop strategies for promoting clients’ products and services

By including these freelance graphic designer skills on your resume, you can demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and experience to complete complex design projects and create beautiful graphics.

What skills should I put on my resume for Freelance Graphic Designer?

A well crafted resume is essential for any freelance graphic designer looking for work. Your resume should showcase your best work and give potential employers a snapshot of the skills you bring to the table. Here are some of the key skills to consider including on your resume as a freelance graphic designer:

  • Graphic Design Expertise: Highlight your expertise in graphic design software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. If you have experience with other design tools, list those as well.
  • Creative Problem Solving: Showcase your ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to design challenges.
  • Attention to Detail: Graphic design requires precision and attention to detail. Highlight your commitment to creating flawless designs.
  • Brand Understanding: Demonstrate your understanding of a brand’s identity and how design can help reinforce it.
  • Time Management: Many freelance graphic design projects have tight deadlines. Show that you can manage your time and complete projects on time.
  • Communication Skills: Graphic design projects often require collaborating with clients, so emphasize your communication skills.

By highlighting the right skills on your resume, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you are the right person for the job. With the right skills and a well crafted resume, you can land the freelance graphic design job of your dreams.

Key takeaways for an Freelance Graphic Designer resume

As a freelance graphic designer, having an up-to-date and effective resume is essential for attracting potential clients. Your resume should include the necessary components to show potential employers that you’re the ideal candidate for the job. Here are a few key takeaways to consider when crafting your freelance graphic designer resume:

  • Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Experience – When creating your resume, it’s important to showcase your skills and experience related to graphic design. Make sure to include your design software expertise, design theory knowledge, and any other skills that make you stand out from other applicants.
  • Showcase Your Portfolio – A portfolio of your graphic design work can be a great way to demonstrate your skills and capabilities to potential employers. Include links to your online portfolio, or samples of your work within your resume.
  • Make Your Resume Easy to Read – Make sure your resume is well-organized and easy to read. Use bullet points to concisely explain your experience and accomplishments, and try to keep your resume to one page if possible.
  • Showcase Testimonials and Accolades – Testimonials and glowing reviews from past clients can be a great way to impress potential employers. Try to include a few positive comments from past clients in your resume.
  • Customize Your Resume for Each Job – Don’t send out the same generic resume for every job. Take some time to customize your resume to fit the specific requirements of each job posting. This will show potential employers that you’re genuinely interested in the position.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create an effective resume that will help you stand out from the competition and land the freelance graphic design job you’ve been dreaming of.

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How to create a freelance graphic designer resume that lands you gigs + samples

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Six seconds . That’s how long the average hiring manager spends looking at each resume. If your freelance graphic designer resume doesn’t catch their attention in those few moments, you won’t get the job.

To improve your chances of having your resume make the right pile, keep reading. You’ll find an in-depth look at how to create a freelance graphic designer resume, as well as plenty of tips and graphic design examples to help you stand out from the competition.

What is a freelance graphic designer resume?

Most of us are familiar with what a resume is—a professional application document designed to showcase your skills, education, and experience to let the hiring manager see why you’d be a great fit.

This means if you’re trying to land some freelance work as a graphic designer, don’t dedicate a ton of space to your accomplishments outside of this field. You want everything to be relevant, so the hiring manager can clearly see how you’re qualified.

No matter the industry, most resumes are short, typically a single page, although some candidates with 10+ years of experience can use two or more pages . With such a small amount of space to share your accomplishments, you may need to cull some of the details and really focus on the highlights of your past.

But if you’re just starting as a freelance graphic designer , filling a single page can be challenging. If that’s where you are, don’t worry. Later in the article, you’ll find plenty of ideas for getting your one-page resume ready for sharing.

What’s the difference between a resume and a CV?

When you’re applying for jobs, some companies ask for a CV instead of a resume. And while these are both types of professional job documents that serve the same purpose, there are some crucial differences.

CV stands for Curriculum Vitae —Latin for “course of life,” and it’s meant to show a chronological overview of what you’ve completed and your accomplishments along the way. Unlike a resume, CVs tend to be longer, often two or three pages.

While it’s common for a freelance graphic designer resume to be chronological, it can also be skills-based. This functional graphic designer resume spotlights your skills, qualifications, expertise, and experience first and foremost, and uses a smaller section to list the companies you’ve worked with. Formatting your freelance graphic designer resume this way deemphasizes your work history while accentuating your transferable skills.

Do you need to create a resume as a graphic designer?

Asking for a resume is still the standard operating procedure in many companies. And if you apply for a design opportunity with one, human resources or hiring managers will likely request a resume for review.

But when you’re applying for work as a freelance graphic designer, you may not need one. Many people believe the resume is dying and won’t be used in the future.

So, do you need to create a designer resume?

It depends on which companies you decide to work with. It’s possible that you can land work without ever creating one. Instead, you’d use your graphic design portfolio and other evidence of your work, such as an optimized LinkedIn profile. These can show your skills in a different way.

Still, some companies request your resume in addition to your graphic designer portfolio. If you want to get a job with those firms, you’ll need to take the time to make one.

The bottom line?

Creating a resume for yourself as a freelance graphic designer can open up additional opportunities for you. It’s a step that can only help your job search.

What do clients look for in a freelance graphic designer resume?

You want a designer resume that stands out from your competition and increases your chances of landing the gig. To help you succeed, keep the job posting close at hand while you work. It provides clues about what the client is looking for.

As an example, here’s a snippet of a freelance UI/UX product designer position on We Work Remotely :

freelance graphic designer job description resume

If you were to apply to the first job, you’d want to emphasize your prior experience with product design.

Then, you’d also want to highlight the skills that are important to this company. For instance, if you have previous experience with “mobile-first web design using grid systems,” put that on your resume. This could go in the employment section or get listed along with your other skills.

Here’s a freelance graphic designer posting on Indeed :

freelance graphic designer job description resume

This listing is a gold mine of keywords and experiences you can cite on your freelance graphic designer resume to match its requirements—everything from specific software and hardware knowledge to soft skills like interpersonal communication to prior experiences with front-end web design.

Each company listing is rich with details on exactly what skills and experience it wants to see in a graphic designer. Your job is to read through the entire post and weave some of this wording into your application materials.

Don’t worry if you don’t meet every single requirement specified. If you know how to do at least 50% to 75% of what the company asks for, go ahead and apply. The rest may be just bonus requirements the company is looking for responsibilities or duties that aren’t integral to the job they have for you.

Customize your design resume for each client

Every company is going to want slightly different things. A one-size-fits-all resume cannot make you stand out with each hiring manager. Instead, your generic document is more likely to get tossed into the “no” pile.

To avoid this, refresh your resume for each job. This shows hiring managers that you did some research before applying for this position.

While this sounds tedious, it doesn’t have to be. The secret is to keep a “kitchen sink” resume.

As you tailor your graphic designer resume for different job postings, you’ll create new bullets based on the skills and requirements the company is looking for. Save all your bullets in your kitchen sink resume after you’ve proofread them. The next time you come across a listing, you can simply copy and paste relevant bullets from your kitchen sink resume to quickly build one tailored to the company you’re applying for.

Once you’ve updated your freelance graphic designer resume to reflect what the prospect wants to see, you’re ready to submit it along with your other application documents.

What should you include in your graphic design resume?

Below are six elements that most freelance graphic designers should include in their resumes. Remember, your resume is a quick way for potential clients to learn more about you. As you create a resume, always keep that purpose in mind.

1. Your contact information

Make it simple for your interested clients to connect with you. Always include your first and last name and multiple ways to reach you on your freelance graphic designer resume.

Good options include a professional email address, website, and portfolio. Feel free to have your LinkedIn profile or social media handles if they showcase your skills. However, if those are unprofessional or aren’t optimized for you as a graphic designer, leave your social media links off of your resume.

Due to safety and privacy concerns, never include your social security number or complete address on your resume; only the city, state, and zip if you choose to.

Also leave off your marital status, age, or date of birth. Not only can scammers use it to steal your identity, but it can also open yourself up to discrimination. It’s illegal for employers to use this information against you, but chances are, you’ll never know if they did if you have it on there.

For that same reason, don’t include a photograph on your freelance graphic designer resume—unless you’re looking for overseas clients where photos on CVs are the norm. In that situation, hiring managers may expect you to also include your age and marital status.

Another item to omit on your resume is your cell number. While it’s not a bad idea to include a way to reach you by phone, you don’t necessarily want your cell number circulating on the internet. A great workaround is to get a number that forwards to your cell but can easily be changed if ever needed. Google Voice offers this service for free.

2. Position and summary of qualifications

You’ll want the position you’re applying for to be prominently listed on your resume. A company may be looking for contractors or employees in various fields, in addition to the freelance graphic designer role you’re applying for. Your resume could easily get separated from your application, such as when printed, so always write the position’s name on the resume.

In days past, you’d have on your resume an objective statement, a summary explaining who you are, and why you want the job. Typically, this was a one- or two-sentence statement at the top. It may have looked something like this:

Seeking a part-time web design position where I can utilize my color theory, UX, and design knowledge to create beautiful websites for customers.

Innovative freelance graphic designer with 7+ years of experience in marketing and print design looking for a freelance position with a digital media company.

But today, that’s exactly what you don’t want to do on your freelance graphic designer resume.

Why? Simply put, the job isn’t about what you want out of it, but rather how you fit what the hiring manager needs and wants.

It’s still essential to have a part at the top showcasing your relevant experience, abilities, and core competencies. You’ll use three to five sentences to highlight your experience, soft and hard skills, and other specifics that are relevant or interesting. You can title it, “Summary of Qualifications,” or simply “Summary.” Other possibilities are “Professional Summary” or no title at all.

We can work with the example objective statement above to write a powerful paragraph that catches your prospect’s attention. Bolding text as we go along makes it quicker for busy hiring managers to digest essential information.

Innovative freelance graphic designer with 7+ years of experience in marketing and print design using graphic design principles and best practices. Highly skilled in all areas of the design process , from ideation to delivery. Demonstrated ability to collaborate well with all departments , including senior management, copywriters, and digital marketers, to deliver a finished product. Bilingual in English and Spanish.

3. Your hard skills

You’ll further highlight your most important hard and soft skills as a freelance graphic designer by listing them in the same or different section. Further below we dive into soft skills, so here we’ll focus on some of the top hard skills to use as graphic designer resume examples.

  • Visual design & storytelling
  • Bilingual (Lang. 1/Lang. 2)
  • Dynamic visual design
  • Corporate design
  • UI/UX design
  • Graphic design strategy
  • Business branding
  • Sales page design
  • Pinterest/Flat designs
  • Social media images
  • Photo enhancement
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • DreamWeaver
  • Print design
  • HTML expert
  • CSS knowledge
  • Photography
  • Infographics design
  • Production design packaging

As you consider which skills to add to your freelance graphic designer resume, there’s one important principle to keep in mind. Always be honest. If you don’t actually have great skills with something, it’s better to leave it off.

4. Your soft skills

While hard skills demonstrate that you have what it takes to do the job you’re applying for, soft skills are equally important. They show that you’re an employee who interacts well with others and can grow within the company.

Here are a few graphic designer resume examples of soft skill bullet points:

  • Conceptual thinking
  • Excellent communication
  • Detail-oriented
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-starter
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Creative thinking
  • Flexibility
  • On-time delivery

And while there are loads more skills to pick and choose from, you don’t just want to include a massive list of skills on your resume. Aim for 6 to 15 hard and soft skills combined. You can present these as bullets, or you could have a scale showing your skill level.

For instance, if you’re using circles to visualize your top-notch communication skills, you could fill in all five dots to show you’re a proficient communicator. And if you’re competent at Adobe Photoshop but not quite an expert, you could fill in four dots.

Here’s what this could look like:

freelance graphic designer job description resume

No matter how you decide to present your communication skills or other abilities, your goal is to show the hiring managers that you have what it takes to get the job done.

5. Your work history

How has your past work prepared you for this new opportunity? Use this space to focus on work at previous employers or clients that could be relevant to the graphic design position you’re applying for. Even if the job or contract wasn’t in the graphic design industry, were there any design projects you worked on? Or did you use software that you’ll be using for the new gig?

Start by listing the company name, city and state (if it was an in-person job, or write “Remote” if it wasn’t), your position, and the dates you worked with the company.

Follow up with bullets that highlight:

  • Elements that are similar to the work you’ll be doing.
  • Your design work’s return on investment, such as concrete figures for increased conversion rates or sales bumps.
  • A specific pain point you solved for the company.
  • How your services saved the company time or money.

You’re looking to woo prospects by not only showing your value, but that your services bring the results they crave or pay for themselves. Don’t be afraid of writing chunkier bullets here to fully capture your graphic design work’s impact if that’s what you need.

Creating enticing bullets is easy if you follow this formula:

[What you did] to [impact/results].

Some graphic designer resume examples of bullet points include:

  • Revamped website graphic design to boost conversion rates from 3% to 10% in three months.
  • Created infographic design for 100 blog posts to improve website traffic by 12% and strengthen Pinterest presence by tripling Pinterest clicks .
  • Designed the company’s visual identity to promote brand consistency, build trust and loyalty with consumers, and further brand awareness and differentiation.

Not every prospect has the time to read your freelance graphic designer resume in full, so it’s essential to make your bullets scannable by highlighting the most impressive points.

The more tangible and detailed your impact or results, the more effective they are. To get these figures, follow up with clients a few months after delivering your designs to see their effects. If you can’t include concrete numbers, still be as specific as you can.

Aim to include only the most relevant jobs. But if omitting certain positions leaves large gaps on your resume, it may be better to keep them. Prospects may see gaps as red flags, so you want your employment history to be as complete as possible.

6. Your certifications and education

Whether you hold a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a high-school diploma, you should have a spot on your freelance graphic designer resume dedicated to your educational background. You’ll want to put in your actual or expected graduation dates and the type of degree you received, such as “B.A. in Graphic Design.”

If your GPA is above a 3.0, go ahead and list it. Otherwise, you can leave it off. You can also include any awards you received and extracurricular activities related to design.

What if you don’t have any experience to list on your freelance graphic designer resume?

Everyone starts somewhere. Your initial resume may seem slim if you’re freshly graduated or making a career shift into graphic design.

The good news? You can still make a professional freelance graphic designer resume without a lot of experience. Then, as your career continues to grow, you can update your resume.

As you create your first freelance graphic designer resume, focus on relevant experiences from your life. To help you brainstorm, here are a few types of experiences you can list:

  • Volunteer work
  • School projects
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Self-studies
  • Academic honors

However, you don’t want to randomly include everything you’ve ever done. Instead, really think about how the experience you’re listing prepared to do freelance graphic design. You want to focus on transferable skills . These are skills that you learned and practiced in one setting that you can apply to another.

Soft skills are a great example. For instance, if you’re a great communicator and are comfortable working on a team, you can use those abilities in a different position and still do well.

And if you’re just out of design school, be sure to list any internships you participated in as part of your work history. You can also create a section for related coursework that shows you’ve learned the skills needed for the job. These can be many of the hard skills required that your clients are looking for.

Some graphic designer resume examples of coursework are:

  • Graphic design principles and best practices
  • Visual identity and logos
  • 2D and 3D design
  • Package design
  • Prototyping
  • Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
  • Book design
  • Web graphics

By including these skills on your resume, you can position yourself as a competent candidate, even without any direct experience as a graphic designer.

Career shifters and graduates should also consider rearranging their resumes so that their certifications and education section and the related coursework section show before their work history. This draws attention to your stronger areas first while deemphasizing your professional experience.

You can also skip the traditional chronological resume where the focus is what you did at each job. Opt for a functional resume that displays your skills and related experiences as the central part of the resume, and simply lists the companies you worked for toward the bottom.

How do you create a freelance graphic design resume?

Many different tools help you put a resume together. To help you make the best decision for your situation, here are the four most common resume preparation methods graphic designers can use:

  • Employ a premade template.
  • Design it yourself.
  • Try a resume builder.
  • Hire someone to create a resume for you.

Let’s look at each one a bit more closely to help you decide which one is right for you at this time.

1. Employ a premade template

With a quick Google search, you can find loads of premade resume templates. Some free ones you can check out are:

  • Microsoft Word

You can also pay a fee and access premium graphic designer resume templates on many sites.

When you use a template, you’ll be able to update your resume quickly. Often, it’s just a matter of replacing the template information with your details. Since there’s a limited amount of space for each section, using a template can help you condense your experience and focus on the highlights.

However, a resume template isn’t for everyone. Some templates are pretty generic-looking. You could wind up with other candidates having a resume that’s nearly identical in design. That’s not necessarily a problem, but it won’t help you stand out.

Also, you won’t have as much control over the elements in a template. This means you might not be able to update bullet points, lines, and other stylistic items. If you’re trying to make a change and can’t, you might get frustrated and feel like starting over from scratch.

2. Design your own graphic designer resume

As a freelance graphic designer, you have a massive advantage over other industries when making your own resume; you know how to create eye-catching designs. By viewing your resume as a graphic design project, you can create something that’s completely unique.

There are a few benefits to designing your own resume:

  • It’ll stand out. You won’t have to worry about any other candidate having the same resume design.
  • It’ll save you money. Instead of paying for a resume design service or builder, you can keep the cash.
  • You’ll own the file. so you can update it whenever you’d like. This makes it easier to customize for each client, since you won’t have to ask anyone else to do it for you.

But there are a couple of downsides too. First, you may feel like you’re reinventing the wheel. Since so much of a resume is standardized, it can be hard to move beyond that, and you may worry that you’re doing it wrong.

Additionally, it takes time to make your resume. When you’re busy searching for a job, that can be a challenge. Also, not everyone is confident picking out what abilities to include on a resume. If you’re struggling with this, paying a resume expert can help you cut through all of the non-relevant parts of your background.

For inspiration, you can look at other premade templates or search “ creative graphic design resumes ” on Google, and look at the search results and images section.

3. Use a resume builder

Resume builders are another alternative. As you enter your information into these interactive templates, you can see on the screen how it’s going to look. Often, you can change templates to see what would look better.

Using a resume builder is a fast way to build a resume. It also gives you a good amount of control over what the final product looks like. Some programs even allow you to drag and drop different elements to really make it your own.

Here’s a screenshot from inside of JobHero’s resume builder . This company has pre-written bullet points for jobs that you can edit to make them both professional and personalized.

freelance graphic designer job description resume

But, resume builders aren’t always free. With most options, you can create a single free resume. Then, to make changes or start over, you’d need to pay a fee. You may also need to create an account to save your design.

If you want to try a resume builder, here are a few popular options to try. Make sure you understand their pricing structure before you begin, so you aren’t caught by surprise.

Cake Resume

Resume Genius

Once you’ve finished creating your freelance graphic designer resume, you can usually download it as a PDF file and save it to your computer.

4. Hire an expert to create a freelance design resume for you

If you have some money to spend on job hunting, you can try hiring a professional resume writing service. While this process takes the actual creation out of your hands, you’re very involved in the process. Typically, the company asks you to fill out extensive paperwork or complete an interview to make sure it captures the important details.

If you aren’t sure how to showcase your abilities compellingly, your resume writer can help. This person can look over your background to pick out the most relevant elements. Moreover, if you don’t have confidence in your resume writing abilities, hiring someone else to do it can relieve a lot of stress.

Before you hire a company to write your resume, keep in mind that there are two significant downsides. First, it costs money. Expect to spend between $100 to $400 for a high-quality resume.

Of course, this is a business expense you can write it off if you’re a freelancer. Just make sure to save your receipt for tax season.

The second downside is that while resume writers can help you with content, you may be stuck with visually boring resumes that work best for traditional corporate environments but not necessarily the creative field you’re in.

Before signing on with a resume expert, look for a company that has worked with graphic designers before. Also, check their portfolio or ask them for samples with more creative design choices. Graphic design is a unique industry, and you want a resume writer with experience in this career.

7 resume tips for a freelance graphic designer

Before you start working on your resume, here are seven more resume tips to help you get hired as a graphic designer.

  • Make it colorful (usually). Most resumes are black and white. But, with your color theory knowledge, you can create a stunning one that stands out. Just make sure you don’t go over the top here. A little bit of color, nicely done, goes a long way.

The exception is if you’re sending your resume to a business with a traditional corporate environment and think a creative design might actually hurt your chances. In that case, send a standard resume.

  • Include a link to your portfolio. Your portfolio shows people what you can do instead of just telling them. Use a link shortener to create an easy-to-type link to your graphic design portfolio.
  • Pay attention to the typography. You want your resume to be easy to read, so be selective in the fonts you use. Stick to one or two fonts instead of going wild with them.
  • Use bullet points and boldface. Since art directors are only going to spend a few seconds going over your resume, make it scannable. This way, they can get as much information as possible in a short amount of time.
  • Make readability a priority. You want to make your resume easy to read. Don’t shrink down your font size and margins in an attempt to squeeze more onto one page. Instead, cut information or decide to go with a two-page option. This way no one has to squint to see what yours says.
  • Show someone else first. After working so hard on your resume, you might be too close to it to see any problems. Before you submit it, always ask someone else to review it for you. Spelling and grammatical errors aren’t cool when it comes to resumes.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. No rule says you have to keep using the same resume format once you begin. Feel free to keep experimenting until you find a style and design that you like. Your resume is never truly done, so keep making changes to see what works.

With these tips, you’ll have a resume you can be proud of as a graphic designer. It’ll clearly showcase why you’re the best candidate for the job.

3 graphic designer resume examples

To give you inspiration for your own resume as a graphic designer, here are some great graphic designer resume examples for you to check out, all done using Canva templates .

Freelance graphic designer resume example #1:

freelance graphic designer job description resume

This graphic design candidate selected a Canva template with ample spaces to help separate the different sections. It isn’t cluttered, and is easy to read.

Freelance graphic designer resume example #2

freelance graphic designer job description resume

This freelance graphic designer finishing up his undergrad chose a Canva template with a nice pop of color and graphics to help his resume stand out from the competition. Everything is easy to read and scan, so the hiring manager can quickly take everything in.

Freelance graphic designer resume example #3

freelance graphic designer job description resume

This Canva template keeps a simple design but uses a few visual elements to call attention. The freelancer’s resume is easily scannable and draws the eyes toward key information.

How to get your graphic designer resume to potential clients

When a client requests your resume, what’s the best way to submit it? Most people opt to send a digital file. If you do this, make sure you’re sending PDF files. This way, you have more control over how the finished product looks.

If you don’t use a PDF, your resume could change slightly if opened in an older or newer version of a program. You also risk sending it in a program the hiring company doesn’t have access to. If the manager can’t open your resume, you aren’t going to get the job.

Another option is to send a hard copy of your resume. If you go this route, it’s worth paying a little extra for high-quality paper to keep it looking professional. While some may scoff at the idea, consider that while everyone else is sending a digital resume, you’ll be one of the few (if at all) who send it via snail mail.

Given that people receive much less postal mail nowadays, your resume has a high likelihood of being seen and read. This tactic works exceptionally well if you send it directly to the person in charge of making the hiring decision, such as the creative director. As a backup, you can also apply online.

Grow your graphic design business with a resume

A solid graphic designer resume can help you land new clients. It takes some time to prepare yours, but the tips and tricks above can help you create a resume that will help you grow.

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freelance graphic designer job description resume

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14 Graphic Designer Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Graphic designers are more in demand than ever, which makes now the perfect time to apply for that graphic design role. this guide will teach you the most important steps for writing an effective graphic designer resume, including templates for you to use and industry-specific tips..

Hiring Manager for Graphic Designer Roles

Graphic designers create customer-focused designs, frequently working on projects like websites, games, product packaging, and advertising campaigns. Most graphic design work is based around marketing and visual branding, but employment opportunities can include everything from creating logos for multinational corporations to working with local governments and schools. As a graphic designer, you’ll work account managers and creative directors to create a brief, develop concepts, and finalize a design that meets the client’s objectives. You’ll need excellent time management, the ability to collaborate well and work under pressure, and of course a hefty dose of creativity. Traditionally, graphic designer jobs ask for an undergraduate graphic design degree, but recent trends have seen the industry move away from requiring formal qualifications and toward online short courses. Either way, you’ll need hard skills with a variety of design software including Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and InDesign, along with an impressive portfolio to showcase your skills.

Graphic Designer Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Graphic Designer
  • Junior Graphic Designer
  • Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design
  • Graphic Design Manager
  • Freelance Graphic Designer
  • Creative Graphic Designer
  • Minimalist Graphic Designer
  • Motion Graphic Designer

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Graphic Designer Resumes

Graphic Designer Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Graphic Designer Resumes
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Related Design Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 14: Graphic Designer Resume Example

A graphic designer communicates ideas through visual concepts. Their role is to conceptualize and develop a layout that communicates what stakeholders need to show. Graphic design can be used for many purposes, including captivating, informing, or inspiring consumers. That’s why their work is often used in advertising, social media channels, or reports. To become a graphic designer you should ideally have a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design or a related field. However, it’ll depend on your potential employer’s requirements. There are many high-talented graphic designers out there with non-traditional training. Yet, you should consider one thing; highlight your technical and creative skills on your resume.

A graphic designer resume template highlighting creative skills.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   mention your user experience skills..

User experience (UX) is the way users interact with a particular product or design. This design should be accessible, usable, and appealing. This is particularly important when you’re working or trying to get a job in tech: recruiters want to know whether you can apply your offline skills to the online world. Even though both developers and graphic designers are not related, they can work together on integrating a design into web/software development.

Mention your user experience skills. - Graphic Designer  Resume

   Emphasize projects where you crafted a brand or identity.

Branding and identity play a huge role in graphic design. It’s a combination of visual elements that represent a company’s identity. It is the way they want to portray themselves to the consumers.

Emphasize projects where you crafted a brand or identity. - Graphic Designer  Resume

Skills you can include on your Graphic Designer resume

Template 2 of 14: graphic designer resume example.

As a graphic designer, you’ll be working closely with clients to develop their brands and ensure the success of their advertising and marketing campaigns. Put your best foot forward with a resume that emphasizes your hard skills, proficiency with graphic design software, and experience contributing to the success of client projects.

Graphic designer resume template example featuring strong action verbs and hard skills

   Bullet points feature strong action verbs highlighting graphic design skills

Structuring your bullet points to lead with strong action verbs like “conceptualized,” “designed,” and “developed” emphasizes your role in the projects you’ve worked on. By focusing on accomplishments rather than simply listing job duties, you’re telling potential employers what they want to know and highlighting the skills you’ll need on the job.

Bullet points feature strong action verbs highlighting graphic design skills - Graphic Designer Resume

   Good use of skills section to highlight graphic design skills

You don’t need a long list of skills to impress a recruiter — in fact, the more concise you can be, the better. Keep your list of skills down to the ones most relevant for a graphic designer role, like design software, advertising, social media, and branding.

Good use of skills section to highlight graphic design skills - Graphic Designer Resume

Template 3 of 14: Junior Graphic Designer Resume Example

The role of a junior graphic designer is to assist senior colleagues in crafting designs based on their specifications. They should also report to the senior graphic designer. In this role, you should demonstrate initiative and creativity, so it’s essential to demonstrate that in your resume. You can talk about previous projects in which you came up with innovative ideas. This way, your resume will not go unnoticed.

A junior graphic designer resume template focused on relevant work experience.

Tips to help you write your Junior Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   include relevant art-related experience..

It’s ok if you don’t have extensive experience in graphic design. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t showcase your expertise. You can also include other art-related experiences, such as photography or art assistance. This is an opportunity to showcase your transferable skills.

Include relevant art-related experience. - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

   Highlight your collaborative skills.

As a junior graphic designer, you will be constantly working with team members. This is a role that requires excellent collaborative skills. That’s why it is important to highlight them in your resume. You can mention previous experiences in which you coordinated with a varied team.

Highlight your collaborative skills. - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Graphic Designer resume

Template 4 of 14: junior graphic designer resume example.

Landing a role as a junior graphic designer isn’t as hard as you might think. Most employers are looking for graphic design ability — as evidenced by your portfolio and qualifications — over extensive experience, which means emphasizing your hard skills and any relevant educational background. If you’re a recent graduate, don’t forget about university projects and internships, which can go a long way toward making up for minimal work experience.

Junior graphic designer resume template example featuring relevant internships and university projects

   Strong Education section highlighting graphic design interest

As a recent graduate — or even if you’re a few years out and still applying for junior roles — your education section is a lot more important than it is for someone with more experience. You can use your education section to your advantage by listing any awards you’ve won, professional memberships, or specific qualifications that stress hard graphic design skills.

Strong Education section highlighting graphic design interest - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

   Internships and university projects relevant to graphic design

If you’re applying for an entry-level graphic design role, don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of experience. You can list any internships in the same way as you would regular work experience, using action verbs to emphasize what you accomplished. If you’ve completed any relevant university projects, make sure you highlight those, too.

Internships and university projects relevant to graphic design - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Template 5 of 14: Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume Example

A Senior Graphic Designer or Director of Graphic Design is no small gig. You're responsible for shaping the visual aspects of a brand and ensuring it remains consistent across all platforms. Lately, many companies require not just proficiency in design software, but also a solid understanding of digital and interactive design. When writing your resume, remember that while showcasing your design prowess is fundamental, so is demonstrating leadership skills and strategic thinking as they're crucial in steering the design team and efforts. In today's job market, employers are looking for Senior Designers who can balance the art and science of design. That means being able to back up your design choices with data and understanding how your work fits into the bigger marketing strategy. So, as you craft your resume, think about how your design work has directly contributed to business results.

Screenshot of a Senior Graphic Designer's resume showcasing leadership experience and data-driven design results.

Tips to help you write your Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design resume in 2024

   highlight leadership experience.

Mention instances where you've led a team or a project. This could involve coordinating with other departments, managing timelines, or mentoring junior designers. A Senior Graphic Designer or Director role often involves more responsibility and managerial tasks, so showing that you've got experience in leadership is key.

Highlight Leadership Experience - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

   Showcase Data-Driven Design Results

If you were instrumental in a design that led to improved website traffic or conversion rates, include this on your resume. Quantify your results where possible. This adds credibility to your work and shows you understand the link between design and business outcomes.

Showcase Data-Driven Design Results - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design resume

Template 6 of 14: senior graphic designer / director of graphic design resume example.

As a senior graphic designer or graphic design director, you’ll be taking on high-level responsibilities and overseeing an entire department. Your resume needs to show significant experience as a graphic designer, as well as the capacity to lead a team to success. Make sure you’re emphasizing past leadership roles you’ve held as well as a commitment to ensuring the overall success of a company.

Senior graphic designer/graphic design director resume template example highlighting career growth through promotions

   Shows growth in promotions

If you want to land a senior role, you’ll need to show a steady pattern of career growth. If you’ve landed a promotion that represents a significant increase in responsibilities, you can list the positions separately under the same company heading. If the job title alone doesn’t make it clear that this was a promotion, your bullet points will.

Shows growth in promotions - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

   Lists the exact graphic design job title

It’s always a good idea to use the exact title of the job you’re applying for on your resume. If you’ve held a position with the same responsibilities but under a different name, or if the titles are often used interchangeably, you can list both job titles at the start of your resume.

Lists the exact graphic design job title - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

Template 7 of 14: Graphic Design Manager Resume Example

As a Graphic Design Manager, you're a bridge between the creative and strategic sides of a company, bringing visual concepts to life while ensuring they align with the company's goals. In recent years, companies seek individuals who have a strong understanding of digital marketing and UI/UX design, as these components are crucial in the current market. When crafting your resume, it's important to strike a balance between showcasing your artistic capabilities and your managerial skills. Highlight your understanding of branding and digital trends, but also emphasize how well you manage team dynamics and project deadlines.

Screenshot of a Graphic Design Manager's resume showcasing digital skills and leadership experience.

Tips to help you write your Graphic Design Manager resume in 2024

   highlight digital design skills.

The industry is increasingly going digital, so make sure your resume reflects your skills in digital design, UX/UI, and even coding. This would be a game-changer for many hiring managers as it showcases your ability to adapt to the digital focus of modern graphic design.

Highlight digital design skills - Graphic Design Manager Resume

   Emphasize team management and leadership

As a manager, you should include instances where you led a team to success, handled challenging projects, or improved team performance. These could be under 'achievements' or 'responsibilities' in your work history section. Show hiring managers that you are not just a good designer, but also a great leader.

Emphasize team management and leadership - Graphic Design Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Graphic Design Manager resume

Template 8 of 14: graphic design manager resume example.

Graphic design managers have to juggle a lot of different roles. As well as the usual design skills, you’ll need an ability to manage a team, develop strategies, work collaboratively with other departments, and evaluate the performance of other employees. To land the role, make sure your resume reflects soft skills like leadership and conflict management on top of your graphic design experience.

Graphic design manager resume template example using metrics and accomplishments to highlight transferable skills

   Uses hard numbers and metrics relevant to graphic design achievements

When it comes to listing your achievement in bullet points, the more specific you can be, the better. If you’ve led a team, mention how many people were on it. Explain exactly how many projects you’ve created, what type of graphic design work you’ve done, and the concrete impact that had on your company’s success.

Uses hard numbers and metrics relevant to graphic design achievements - Graphic Design Manager Resume

   Emphasis on transferable communication and management skills

To lead a team, you’ll need a lot of soft skills as well as hard skills. The best way to emphasize these is through your accomplishments. Mentioning the size of the teams you’ve worked with shows your leadership and teamwork skills, while creating social media strategies, marketing content, or publications is a great way to highlight communication skills.

Emphasis on transferable communication and management skills - Graphic Design Manager Resume

Template 9 of 14: Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

A Freelance Graphic Designer's job is a blend of creativity and technical skills, with a dash of entrepreneurial business savvy. You're not only illustrating, designing logos, and manipulating images; you're also managing your business, building client relationships, and working remotely. It's essential to keep your finger on the pulse of the industry, as design trends ebb and flow rapidly. For example, minimalist design is currently all the rage, which means your portfolio should showcase your proficiency in this field. When writing your resume, ensure it reflects the breadth of your skills and experience, as well as your ability to manage your own business.

A well-structured resume showcasing graphic design skills and entrepreneurial experience.

Tips to help you write your Freelance Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   highlight relevant software proficiency.

As a Freelance Graphic Designer, your familiarity with software tools is crucial. Therefore, don’t just list them, but give context on how you’ve utilized tools like Adobe Creative Suite and Sketch to create standout designs for various clients.

Highlight relevant software proficiency - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

   Showcase business skills

You’re not just a designer, but a business owner, too. Highlight any experience you have managing client relationships, scheduling, invoicing, and marketing your services. Any evidence of your entrepreneurial spirit can make you stand out from other designers.

Showcase business skills - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Skills you can include on your Freelance Graphic Designer resume

Template 10 of 14: freelance graphic designer resume example.

Freelance graphic designers work on the same kinds of projects as any other graphic designer, but as self-employed contractors. If you’re looking to pick up more freelance work, or to transition from freelance to regular employment, you’ll need a resume that emphasizes your ability to take initiative, work to a deadline, and understand your clients’ needs.

Freelance graphic designer resume template example with work experience listed by specific project

   Freelance graphic design projects

If you’ve been freelancing for a while, it might make sense to structure your work experience section according to different projects rather than clients. This lets you highlight your most impressive accomplishments in a way that is easy to follow and is clear about your specific role and achievements.

Freelance graphic design projects - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

   Specific use of metrics

Not all employers fully understand the nature of freelance work, so the more specific you can be about your accomplishments, the better. Listing the number of projects, designs, and proposals you completed makes it clear how you were spending your time and helps emphasize soft skills like time management and work ethic.

Specific use of metrics - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Template 11 of 14: Creative Graphic Designer Resume Example

A creative graphic designer has a strong background in art and visual design. They create visual concepts to communicate a brand’s message to its consumers. They usually work in advertising agencies, marketing companies, or independently as freelance designers. If you want to reflect your expertise in your resume, it’s a good idea to showcase some certifications. These provide a better idea of your abilities and experience in the graphic design industry.

A creative graphic designer resume template using strong metrics to illustrate accomplishments.

Tips to help you write your Creative Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   mention the illustration software you use for graphic design..

Creative graphic designers use multiple tools like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, etc. It is a good idea to mention those programs you use for developing your projects in your skills section, or intertwined into your work experiences (e.g. Designed prototypes using Figma...). It’ll give recruiters a practical view of what your tool stack looks like and if it aligns with that of their product/graphic design teams.

Mention the illustration software you use for graphic design. - Creative Graphic Designer  Resume

   Talk about products or experiences you've prototyped.

Prototyping is an experimental process in which graphic designers propose a design idea to evaluate how end users would react to the final result. It is essentially a 'testing' phase, which helps reduce a company's risk of spending several weeks developing something that isn't usable or doesn't achieve the company's goals. Creative graphic designers should put experimentation at the heart of their work, and it's often useful to emphasize it in your resume. You could use the action verb, "Prototyped", in an example like "Prototyped 25+ designs by rapidly iterating with the client over 8 weeks...".

Talk about products or experiences you've prototyped. - Creative Graphic Designer  Resume

Skills you can include on your Creative Graphic Designer resume

Template 12 of 14: creative graphic designer resume example.

The role of a creative designer can be broader than just graphic design. Creative designers need an excellent understanding of branding, marketing, and social media as well as proficiency with graphic design software. To land a role as a creative graphic designer, make sure your resume highlights your understanding of brand awareness and experience guiding products through the entire creative process.

Creative graphic designer resume template example tailored to the specific job through a resume title, summary, and keywords

   Tailored to the creative design job

Tailoring your resume to the exact job you’re applying for doesn’t have to take a lot of time or effort. Including job-specific keywords in your resume title and skills section are two of the easiest ways to target your resume. Make sure you’re including keywords like product design, social media marketing, and specific graphic design programs that ATS are likely to scan for.

Tailored to the creative design job - Creative Graphic Designer Resume

   Strong resume summary to tell hiring managers about graphic design focus

Including a resume summary is a great way of tailoring your resume and providing additional information about your background and accomplishments. They’re especially useful for career changers or people without a lot of experience in graphic design, but can be used to great effect to highlight your particular strengths and contextualize the achievements in your bullet points.

Strong resume summary to tell hiring managers about graphic design focus - Creative Graphic Designer Resume

Template 13 of 14: Minimalist Graphic Designer Resume Example

As the name suggests, minimalist design uses only the most basic elements. These designers use limited color palettes and basic shapes to create stunning designs. Recruiters will be looking to see a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or other equally rigorous qualifications. Beyond that, previous experience and your skill set will be of great importance. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A minimalist graphic designer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s experience and successes.

Tips to help you write your Minimalist Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   have a minimalist portfolio..

For any graphic designer, you need to attach your portfolio to your resume when applying for a job. Recruiters need to see your designs. For this position compile your most successful and impactful minimalist designs into a portfolio.

Have a minimalist portfolio. - Minimalist Graphic Designer Resume

   Create a minimalist-looking resume.

Let recruiters see your style and abilities by the look of your resume before they even read it. Show your minimalist skills by designing a resume with a minimalist aesthetic.

Skills you can include on your Minimalist Graphic Designer resume

Template 14 of 14: motion graphic designer resume example.

From animations to credit sequences, moving logos, and websites, motion graphic designers create designs that can move. These designers work largely in industries like film, TV, advertising, and many other industries. Your qualifications and your tools lists will be of great importance for this position. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A motion graphic designer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s wide range of experience.

Tips to help you write your Motion Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   show the types of motion graphic design you have experience doing..

Recruiters need to know what you can do so they can gauge if you are the right person for them. So mention the different kinds of graphic design that you are experienced with. This applicant has mentioned that they have done animated logos, title sequences, and video edits, among others. If you know the kind of graphic design they want you to do, make sure to emphasize that experience.

Show the types of motion graphic design you have experience doing. - Motion Graphic Designer Resume

   List the types of motion graphic design you are skilled in.

Use your skills section to list the types of motion graphic design you are skilled in. This applicant has lister 3-D modeling, stretch and squash, and staging as some of their skills.

List the types of motion graphic design you are skilled in. - Motion Graphic Designer Resume

Skills you can include on your Motion Graphic Designer resume

As a hiring manager, I've reviewed countless graphic designer resumes. I've seen applications from candidates vying for roles at top companies like Apple, Google, and Adobe. While the specific skills and experience required may vary depending on the company and role, there are certain elements that consistently make a graphic designer resume stand out. In this article, I'll share some tips to help you craft a compelling resume that showcases your strengths as a graphic designer.

   Showcase your versatility as a designer

Employers want to see that you have a diverse skill set and can handle various aspects of graphic design. Highlight your proficiency in different areas, such as:

  • Branding and logo design
  • Web and mobile app design
  • Print design (brochures, posters, packaging)
  • Illustrations and infographics

By demonstrating your versatility, you show that you can adapt to different projects and contribute to the company in multiple ways. Remember to provide specific examples of your work in each area to give the employer a clear picture of your capabilities.

Bullet Point Samples for Graphic Designer

   Emphasize your software proficiency

As a graphic designer, your software skills are crucial. Employers want to know that you're proficient in industry-standard tools. Instead of simply listing the software you know, provide context to showcase your expertise:

  • Adobe Creative Suite

A more effective way to highlight your skills:

  • Advanced proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, with 5+ years of experience creating print and digital designs
  • Skilled in using Sketch and InVision to create and prototype mobile app interfaces, collaborating closely with development teams

By providing specific examples and context, you demonstrate the depth of your knowledge and how you apply these skills in your work.

   Quantify your impact and achievements

When describing your work experience, use metrics to quantify your impact and achievements. This helps employers understand the scale and significance of your contributions. For example:

  • Designed logos for various clients
  • Created social media graphics

Instead, try:

  • Designed logos for 20+ clients across industries, resulting in an average 30% increase in brand recognition
  • Created engaging social media graphics that contributed to a 25% increase in follower count and 40% higher engagement rates

By using numbers and percentages, you provide concrete evidence of your success and make your resume more impactful.

   Include non-traditional design experience

Don't limit your resume to just your professional experience. Include relevant projects, even if they weren't part of a paid role. This could be:

  • Freelance work
  • Personal projects or side hustles
  • Pro bono work for non-profits or community organizations
  • Design competitions or hackathons

These experiences demonstrate your passion, initiative, and ability to apply your skills in different contexts. They can also help fill gaps in your work history and showcase your continuous learning and growth as a designer.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

One common mistake graphic designers make is sending a generic resume to every job application. Instead, take the time to tailor your resume to each specific role and company. Here's how:

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the key skills and requirements
  • Highlight the experiences and projects that are most relevant to the role
  • Use similar language and terminology as the job description to show your fit
  • Research the company and incorporate your knowledge into your resume summary or objective

By customizing your resume, you demonstrate your genuine interest in the role and make it easier for the employer to see how you can contribute to their team.

   Showcase your unique design style

As a graphic designer, your unique style and creative approach are what set you apart. While it's important to demonstrate your versatility, don't be afraid to showcase your signature style in your resume. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Include a link to your online portfolio or website that showcases your best work
  • Incorporate design elements or branding that reflect your personal style (while still keeping the overall resume design clean and professional)
  • In your resume summary or objective, mention your unique design philosophy or approach
Passionate graphic designer with a bold, minimalist style and a focus on creating impactful, user-centric designs.

By infusing your resume with your unique design perspective, you give employers a taste of what makes you stand out as a creative professional.

Writing Your Graphic Designer Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. decide on the best name format.

Your name is the most important element in your resume header. It should be the largest text on the page and easy to read at a glance. Decide on the best format for your name, such as:

  • First Middle Initial Last
  • First M. Last

Avoid nicknames or abbreviations that could be confusing. Use your full name as it appears on your professional documents and online profiles for consistency.

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, include your key contact details so hiring managers can easily get in touch with you. Essential details to include are:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (City, State)
  • LinkedIn profile URL

Keep your email address professional, ideally [email protected] . Avoid outdated email providers like Hotmail or AOL. You can omit your full mailing address, but including your city and state lets employers know your general location.

John Doe, Graphic Designer [email protected]
John Doe Graphic Designer [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY | linkedin.com/in/johndoe

3. Showcase your specialty as a graphic designer

As a graphic designer, you likely have a specialty or niche you focus on. Highlighting this in your resume header can help you stand out to employers looking for those specific skills. For example:

  • John Doe Product Packaging Graphic Designer
  • Jane Smith Graphic Designer specializing in Branding & Logo Design
  • Bob Johnson UI/UX Graphic Designer

Keep your specialty concise and targeted. Avoid listing multiple unrelated specialties, which can come across as unfocused. By clearly conveying your niche in the header, you'll position yourself as the go-to candidate for those specific needs.


A resume summary is an optional section that highlights your most relevant experiences and skills in a few sentences. It's best used by graphic designers with several years of experience, are changing careers, or have a diverse background that needs context. Keep it concise and avoid repeating information already in your resume.

In contrast, resume objectives are outdated and should not be used, as they focus on your goals rather than how you can benefit the company. Instead, tailor your summary to the specific graphic designer position you're applying for, and consider including your target job title and relevant keywords to help your resume perform better in applicant tracking systems (ATS).

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Graphic Designer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Graphic Designer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Graphic Designer Resume Summary Examples , or Graphic Designer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your graphic design expertise

When writing your summary, emphasize your core graphic design skills and expertise that align with the job description. Mention your proficiency in industry-standard software, such as Adobe Creative Suite, and showcase your ability to create visually compelling designs across various media.

Avoid generic statements that could apply to any graphic designer, like:

  • Proficient in graphic design software
  • Creative and detail-oriented designer

Instead, provide specific examples of your skills and the impact of your work:

  • Expert in Adobe Creative Suite, with a focus on creating engaging web and mobile interfaces
  • Skilled in developing brand identity systems that drive increased brand recognition and customer loyalty

Ensure your resume showcases your proficiency in the latest graphic design tools and trends. Our Score My Resume tool can provide instant feedback on your resume's content, helping you optimize it for the graphic designer role you're targeting.

2. Demonstrate your impact and achievements

Use your summary to highlight your most impressive achievements and the impact your work has had on your previous employers or clients. Quantify your results whenever possible to give the hiring manager a clear understanding of your value.

Graphic designer with 5+ years of experience creating digital and print designs. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite and collaborating with cross-functional teams.

While this summary touches on the candidate's experience and skills, it doesn't provide any context on their achievements or the impact of their work. A more effective summary would be:

Results-driven graphic designer with 5+ years of experience creating digital and print designs that engage users and drive business growth. Skilled in leveraging Adobe Creative Suite to develop innovative brand campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in brand recognition and a 20% boost in sales for key clients.

When tailoring your resume summary to a specific graphic designer role, consider using Targeted Resume to ensure you're including the most relevant keywords and skills from the job description.


The work experience section is the heart of your graphic designer resume. It's where you showcase your relevant skills, accomplishments, and impact through previous roles. Hiring managers and recruiters look to this section to understand your career trajectory and assess if you're a good fit for the role.

Let's break down the key elements you should focus on when writing an effective work experience section:

1. Highlight your design skills and tools

Throughout your work experience, emphasize the specific design skills and tools you've used to succeed in your roles. Graphic design jobs require proficiency in industry-standard tools, so showcase your expertise.

Less effective work experience statements:

  • Designed marketing collateral for product launches
  • Created social media graphics and email designs

More effective, tools-focused statements:

  • Designed marketing collateral for 5+ product launches using Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator)
  • Created engaging social media graphics and email designs in Canva and Adobe Spark, contributing to a 20% increase in click-through rates

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

When describing your achievements in each role, use hard numbers and metrics to quantify your impact whenever possible. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and results of your work.

Weak, unquantified bullets:

  • Collaborated with marketing team to design digital ads
  • Developed visual brand guidelines for company

Strong, quantified bullets:

  • Partnered with marketing team to design 10+ high-performing digital ad campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in conversions
  • Developed comprehensive visual brand guidelines and logo redesign, which were implemented company-wide across 50+ employees

If you don't have access to precise metrics, you can still provide numerical context for your work. For example, mention the size of the team you collaborated with, number of assets designed per month, or number of stakeholders managed.

3. Showcase promotions and career growth

If you've been promoted or taken on increasing responsibilities throughout your career, make sure to highlight that progression in your work experience section. This demonstrates your ability to succeed and grow within an organization.

Junior Graphic Designer, ABC Agency, June 2018 - Dec 2019 • Designed social media graphics and infographics for 5 clients • Assisted senior designers in brainstorming and concept development Senior Graphic Designer, ABC Agency, Jan 2020 - Present • Lead designer for 8 key client accounts, overseeing all visual branding • Mentored and trained 2 junior designers on design best practices and agency processes

By showing the progression from Junior to Senior Graphic Designer, with increasing ownership and leadership, this resume paints a clear picture of the candidate's career growth and impact.

4. Trim details from older or irrelevant roles

As a graphic designer gains experience, their older roles may not need as much detail on the resume. The work experience section should focus primarily on the most recent and relevant positions.

For example, if a senior designer had a past role as a Marketing Intern early in their career, they don't need to provide as much detail:

  • Marketing Intern, XYZ Startup, Summer 2015
  • Assisted in designing marketing materials for new product launch

The focus remains on the candidate's more recent roles as a Graphic Designer, where they can elaborate on their relevant skills, specialties, and achievements.

To get expert feedback on every section of your graphic design resume, try our free Score My Resume tool. It checks your resume on 30+ key criteria recruiters and hiring managers look for, so you can ensure your work experience section and overall resume are well-optimized.


The education section on your graphic designer resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. You want to show the hiring manager that you have the necessary educational background and training to excel in the role. Here are some tips to help you write an effective education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Graphic Designer Roles

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree and work backwards. If you have a bachelor's degree or higher, you can leave out your high school information. For each degree, include:

  • Name of the institution
  • Location of the institution
  • Degree earned
  • Graduation date (month and year)
  • Major and minor (if applicable)
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Graduated: May 2020

2. Include relevant coursework and projects

If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can highlight relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities in your education section. This shows the hiring manager that you have hands-on experience and skills related to graphic design.

However, avoid listing every course you've taken. Instead, focus on:

  • Advanced or specialized courses in graphic design software, web design, or typography
  • Capstone projects or thesis work
  • Relevant electives or workshops

3. Showcase your design education and training

Graphic design is a field that values both creativity and technical skills. Use your education section to showcase your training in design principles, software, and tools.

If you attended a prestigious design school or program, make sure to highlight that. You can also mention any specialized training or certifications you've completed, such as:

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • UX/UI design
  • Web design and development
  • Print production and pre-press

4. Keep it brief if you are a senior-level designer

If you have several years of experience as a graphic designer, your education section should be short and sweet. Hiring managers are more interested in your professional accomplishments and portfolio than your degrees from many years ago.

Here's an example of what not to include:

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Rhode Island School of Design Providence, RI Graduated: May 1995 Relevant Coursework: Typography I, II, and III, Web Design, Printmaking, Photography, Art History Survey

Instead, keep it concise:

BFA, Graphic Design, Rhode Island School of Design

Action Verbs For Graphic Designer Resumes

Graphic designers need to be able to conceptualize visuals, create compelling and on-brand designs, and present their ideas to clients. Use action verbs in your resume to highlight those skills — for example, using Illustrated or Fashioned shows your ability to create and finalize a design, while Revitalized and Customized demonstrate an awareness of branding and client needs. Always structure your work experience bullet points with the action verb first. This puts the emphasis on what you actually accomplished, rather than simply listing job duties. For even more ideas to kickstart your graphic designer resume, check out our full list of resume action verbs .

Action Verbs for Graphic Designer

  • Conceptualized
  • Illustrated
  • Streamlined
  • Revitalized
  • Established

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Graphic Designer Resumes

How to write a graphic designer resume – step by step.

Writing a resume to apply for a graphic designer role is easy if you keep a few things in mind. Let's dive in — these steps are relevant across a range of design role, including graphic design, creative leadership and web design roles.

Getting the Basics right for writing a Graphic Designer resume

1.1: structure your resume to list the most recent sections first (reverse chronological order).

When creating or editing any resume, putting your most recent experiences first makes it easier for recruiters to see your current skill level. They can skim the list and see which one is your most recent role (i.e. the one they are most interested in). This is often called the reverse chronological order.

Structure your resume to list the most recent sections first (reverse chronological order)

1.2: Include any Portfolio links in the Resume Header

As a graphic designer, you need to have a portfolio of your samples from different past work and projects. Including a portfolio link — whether that's on Behance, Dribbble, or even just LinkedIn — will make it easier for recruiters to see what you can do in a semi-professional environment and strengthens your overall resume. If you don't have a portfolio, don't feel the need to include a link at all — it's an optional part of your resume header.

Include any Portfolio links in the Resume Header

1.3: Highlight your growth in the industry

To land a mid- to senior-level roles like a Senior Graphic Designer or Creative Head, you need to show leadership and initiative. Pointing out promotions at past jobs shows that you are a leader as well as an exemplary employee who is committed to their professional growth. If you have held promotions in the design field, mention them. Bold your job titles so your promotion is more prominent.

Highlight your growth in the industry

Expressing your Design Experience

2.1: highlight your creativity and design-related knowledge in your bullet points.

Keeping your work experience section organised in bullet points is always the right option. Recruiters can skim your resume and find the information they need quickly. Here's an example bullet point for design experience: Collaborated with Lead Engineer to develop a cohesive style guide to standardize 50+ design components for Android and web app

Highlight your creativity and design-related knowledge in your bullet points

2.2: Stick to the [Action Verb] + [Task] + [Impact of Work] structure

Your bullet points need to be structured by using an action verb. Using an action verb related to graphic design helps emphasize your practical experience and keeps it relevant to the job. Common action verbs graphic designers use are Designed, Conceptualized, Illustrated and Revised. Mentioning the impact of the work is beneficial to showing your success. This can be hard data (e.g. 'created reusable components that saved 25+ hours a week of designer time') or the general outcome such as "improved efficiency".

Stick to the [Action Verb] + [Task] + [Impact of Work] structure

2.3: Keep your skills section concise and relevant to the job; emphasize the job's skills, whether that's app design, web design or physical designs.

Limit the skill list to only relevant ones for the type of design job you want. Definitely don't include more than 12 hard skills in your skills section. In saying that, only include those specific to the graphic designer role you want and the kind of job you're applying for. For example, if you're applying to a graphic design role that has a focus on website development, you might want to include, "Web design", "Figma" or "CSS" on your resume's skills section. If you're applying to a role that focuses on branding and physical designs, you might want to include, "Illustrator", "Branding" or "Canva" on your resume.

Keep your skills section concise and relevant to the job; emphasize the job's skills, whether that's app design, web design or physical designs.

2.4: Include the graphic design software through your use of bullet points

Always remember to list the software you're experienced using for your graphic design processes, especially ones you currently use. The Adobe Creative Cloud suite, Sketch, Figma and general web development languages like CSS are big ones that recruiters often look for.

Include the graphic design software through your use of bullet points

Getting past the resume screeners and Applicant Tracking Systems

3.1: ensure the resume scanning software can read your resume template.

Applicant tracking system software scan your resume to identify if you'd be a good fit, essentially by checking if you have the essential skills the job needs. If the software can't read your resume, it might just think you don't have the right skills and immediately reject you by default. Word of warning: Don't create your resume in design software like Photoshop or Canva! These tools will convert your resume into an image which will make it impossible to be read by these ATS tools. Instead, just use Google Docs or Word.

Ensure the resume scanning software can read your resume template

3.2: Don’t include skills you’re not comfortable with in a professional setting

Please don't claim knowledge of a tool or design framework on your resume, but not be able to answer questions about it in an interview. It's much better to have deep expertise in one or two design methodologies or software, than to say you know everything (which also shows a lack of focus, something you shouldn't anyway do if you're tailoring your resume).

Don’t include skills you’re not comfortable with in a professional setting

3.3: Submit the resume as a PDF

Using word processing software to write a resume is a must. However, if it's opened in different software, the layout, formatting, and font might change. Saving the resume as a PDF once you're happy with it ensures there's no chance of it being altered to work with other software.

Submit the resume as a PDF

Putting the final touches on your Graphic Designer resume

4.1: add a resume summary if you're changing careers.

A resume summary is optional and not essential but is helpful if you're changing careers into the creative field. It needs to highlight your previous achievements not included in the rest of the resume. Use this to highlight achievements and mention transferable skills that are relevant to across industries, whether that's communicating with stakeholders or leading a design project.

Add a resume summary if you're changing careers

4.2: The Education section doesn't need to be long

If you're a mid or senior level job seeker, the education section isn't the most important thing on the resume to a recruiter. Just include the degree name, the school, graduation date (if under ten years ago) and any accomplishments relating to the job.

The Education section doesn't need to be long

Skills For Graphic Designer Resumes

Unsurprisingly, the most important hard skills for graphic designers are design software skills. Developing proficiency with a few key design programs — whether that’s self-taught or through formal qualifications — is essential to landing a role as a graphic designer. Make sure to list these skills somewhere in your resume, either in your bullet points or a separate skills section, to bypass any Applicant Tracking Systems and impress recruiters. The exact skills you need may depend on the exact job you’re applying for, so always read the job description thoroughly to find out which skills are the most important and tailor your resume accordingly. Our Targeted Resume tool will point out any important skills or keywords you’re missing and give you personalized advice on how to improve your resume.

  • Logo Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Page Layout
  • Video Editing
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Illustration
  • Art Direction
  • Visual Communication
  • After Effects
  • Photography
  • Digital Photography

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Graphic Designer Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Graphic Designer Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Graphic Designer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Graphic Designer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Graphic Designer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from graphic designer resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Graphic Designer resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Conducted 25+ user-testing focus groups leading to 3 new product features in 6 months

Redesigned company's homepage and lead generation forms using only existing site components; reduced bounce rates by 40% and increased leads by 15%

Analyzed impact and effectiveness of in-app UI changes on customer retention; identified features of customer behavior and recommended additional menu modifications [R, MySQL, Chart JS]

Led application design sessions with client teams on 20+ projects to develop functional and technical requirements

Decreased uninstallation rate by 40% by introducing an interactive tutorial at app launch

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Frequently Asked Questions on Graphic Designer Resumes

What should a graphic designer put on a resume.

  • A link to your portfolio in the header section: Alongside your name and address in the header, it is a good idea to include a link to a portfolio that demonstrates samples of your design work. The portfolio should contain three to five examples that display your skillset. Including a job title such as 'Graphic Designer’ or ‘User Interface Graphic Designer’ will help tailor your resume to a specific role. You can also include a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Professional experience: Graphic design hiring managers prefer that you use bullet points for this section as they are easy to skim. In your bullet points, highlight specific experience with common graphic design tasks like creating logos, developing mockups, and creating infographics.
  • Education: Where did you learn your craft? List your degree, online courses, or graphic design certifications here. For recent graduates, you can include design projects you did at university. Experienced designers should just list the certification name, school, and graduation date.
  • A Skills section

What skills should you put on a graphic designer resume?

How to improve graphic design resume.

Designed logos for 40 companies in the first six months (against a target of 25) thus growing the division’s revenue by 30%.

Other Design Resumes

Game design.

A visually appealing resume for a 3D Game Artist highlighting software proficiency and a link to their online portfolio.

Instructional Design

An e-Learning designer resume focusing exclusively on experience and achievements.

Interior Design

A resume screenshot for an entry-level interior designer role.

  • UX Designer Resume Guide
  • UX Researcher Resume Guide
  • Architecture Resume Guide

Graphic Designer Resume Guide

  • 3D Artist Resume Guide
  • Game Design Resume Guide
  • Interior Design Resume Guide
  • Production Assistant Resume Guide
  • Instructional Design Resume Guide
  • Art Director Resume Guide
  • Design Director Resume Guide
  • Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Junior Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume Example
  • Graphic Design Manager Resume Example
  • Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Creative Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Minimalist Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Motion Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Tips for Graphic Designer Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Graphic Designer CV Examples
  • Graphic Designer Cover Letter
  • Graphic Designer Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Freelance Graphic Designer Job Description

Freelance graphic designer duties & responsibilities.

To write an effective freelance graphic designer job description, begin by listing detailed duties, responsibilities and expectations. We have included freelance graphic designer job description templates that you can modify and use.

Sample responsibilities for this position include:

Freelance Graphic Designer Qualifications

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience.

Education for Freelance Graphic Designer

Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the freelance graphic designer job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Bachelor's and Collage Degree in Graphic Design, Design, Fine Arts, Graphic Arts, Marketing, Technical, Communications, Education, Art, Multimedia

Skills for Freelance Graphic Designer

Desired skills for freelance graphic designer include:

Desired experience for freelance graphic designer includes:

Freelance Graphic Designer Examples

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG
  • Execute final boards for review and distribution to merchants, licensors, designers and vendors
  • Create final artwork for all graphic packaging and labeling
  • Mock up all graphic ideas
  • Timely execution of all final layouts, and preparation of notes and instructions for vendors or presentations
  • Manage printers and vendors to complete the final project
  • Maintain database to track timely completion of all graphic projects
  • Maintain graphic artwork library
  • Request, send, and track all artwork and samples for designers, licensors, agents, factories and merchants
  • Production design to include making edits and changes within deadlines
  • Assist Advertising staff with production of inserts, sales flyers, direct mail, in-store visuals, emails, website content
  • 2+ years experience in retail, design studio, agency or freelance ideal (Creative Agency, Retail experience a plus)
  • Production and print experience
  • BFA/BA in Graphic Design or equivalent
  • Artistic Sensibility- strong eye for type and design (color and composition)
  • Prepare layouts and final documents for press
  • Work with photography staff for product imagery
  • Keep up to date on industry trends and maintain a high level of conceptual design and layout
  • Assist with the creation of social media assets
  • Adhere to project calendars and willingness to coordinate with interdepartmental team members
  • Conceptualize and execute design and branding elements (email blasts, site launches, landing pages, banner ads and all other website creative assets) often with short turnaround time
  • Interpret internal briefs for print/packaging projects and efficiently provide suggestions for the most effective way to reach the intended goal within the suggested budget and also provide options to justify a stretch beyond the suggested budget
  • Quickly design visual mock-ups of design directions to help present internally and externally
  • Develop fresh, creative and original solutions in response to project briefs
  • Assist in maintenance of the Coach
  • Execution of all portal advertising needs (banners, content modules)
  • Work closely with design team client’s marketing groups to collaborate on creative direction
  • Experience in working with marketing and advertising design and have a portfolio that reflects your experience
  • Must be available from August through November for steady work then occasionally throughout the year
  • Motion (animation) graphics
  • Ability to collaborate effectively and work in a team individually
  • Bachelor’s degree required in Graphic Design, Visual Design, Fine Arts, or related field
  • MUST be available to start work on November 1st, 2016
  • Identify weaknesses in current banner ads and suggest new strategies to improve performance
  • Create logos, chart work, line art
  • Coordinate efforts with other members of the Graphic Services Department, the Art department and Traffic department, on communicating and updating information as necessary to ensure successful completion of assignments and resolution of concerns
  • Conceptualizes designs and prepares art for presentation and production with significant focus on both meeting client/customer needs effective use of resources and budget
  • Produces creative concepts for team consideration against the set strategic brief
  • Owns and is accountable for assigned projects while understanding timelines and budgets and maintaining quality of output
  • Appreciation for working in a collaborative team environment
  • Communicating verbally visually, presents design rationale during internal presentations/critiques
  • Create content for game website, social media and other multimedia venues
  • Conceptualize, design, and create solutions for mobile acquisition advertising (interstitials, banners, video) and social media campaigns
  • Excellent communications skills and the ability to work within a collaborative team environment
  • Ability to delegate, multi-task and manage large scale projects
  • Ability to recognize and respond to current design, fashion and cultural trends
  • Working knowledge of MAC based design software, specifically adobe creative suite
  • An aesthetic eye interest in eCommerce and fashion would make you a great candidate
  • Exude outstanding interpersonal and communication skills and an ability to liaise at all levels
  • Incorporate creative performance data to derive new creative concepts and recommendations for improvements on existing creative variations
  • Ensure brand guidelines and strict quality standards are consistent throughout all marketing artwork
  • Stay abreast of industry trends and best practices as it pertains to marketing and user acquisition art in the mobile gaming space
  • Assist as needed with other mobile marketing art projects
  • Work closely with the account servicing teams to develop designs
  • Execute design projects from ideation to final project delivery
  • Follows best practices in file management proofing and correction using PDF proofing, markup, and correction transfer to InDesign files
  • Create design solutions that drive the look for in-store point-of-purchase needs
  • Ability to translate ideas into creative visual presentation and design solutions
  • Translate the brand experience we've developed in our beautiful physical spaces into a digital representation that helps potential customers understand our offering and promotes click-through
  • An excellent understanding of the technical side of graphics
  • Web design/coding or photography experience is a plus
  • Full-time availability for the duration of the assignment (Approximately Aug
  • Must live within 45 minutes of Epic's campus in Verona, WI
  • Knowledge of Maya, Cinema 4D, Vizrt, and other industry technology a plus
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule that may include weekends or overnights
  • Making edits / lay things out
  • Working on templates
  • Re-branding work, as needed
  • Working closely with the Associate Creative Manager – concept, design and produce exciting, on-brand projects including dynamic print and digital marketing campaigns
  • Collaborate creatively with team members to ensure materials promote and develop the client’s brand and meet sales objectives
  • Work with and evolve client’s brand standards and guidelines
  • Work with pagination and product mix to develop dynamic and effective page layouts and final page production
  • Drive the creative process and champion great ideas
  • Work samples required
  • Make updates to designs of print advertisements, and direct pieces such as updating copy or legal changes, or design revisions based upon internal or client feedback
  • Experience with Infographics is a plus
  • A design diploma / degree or equivalent tertiary qualification
  • Digital design experience (can demonstrate a portfolio of work)
  • Advanced proficiency in Adobe CC package
  • Knowledge of the latest UX / UI and design techniques, tools and principles
  • Provide specs and guidelines for printing, or digital sizing

Related Job Descriptions

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I am an Employer

I am a candidate.

  • • Spearheaded the design process for a new line of performance wear, increasing the company's market share in the athleisure segment by 20%.
  • • Guided a team of junior designers and technical staff, enhancing the overall creativity and productivity of the department.
  • • Implemented new fabric technologies that improved garment performance and customer satisfaction ratings by 15%.
  • • Collaborated closely with production vendors to streamline the supply chain, reducing material costs by 10% without sacrificing quality.
  • • Organized and conducted fit sessions resulting in major improvements in sizing accuracy and reducing return rates by 8%.
  • • Pioneered a sustainable fabric initiative that became standard across multiple product lines, influencing industry practices towards eco-friendliness.
  • • Led the design of a new curve-hugging jean line, which contributed to a 25% increase in women's jeans category sales.
  • • Managed raw material selection, ensuring premium quality while negotiating costs that reduced expenses by 12%.
  • • Directed design strategy across different jean categories, adapting to emerging trends and customer feedback.
  • • Coordinated with marketing teams on product launches, crafting compelling narratives for seasonal lines.
  • • Revitalized the plus-size jeans collection, growing its revenue share by 18% within the first year.
  • • Introduced a versatile line of casual wear bottoms that increased department sales by 15% within the first season.
  • • Managed the full cycle of design from concept to in-store delivery, ensuring a timely launch for the spring collection.
  • • Sourced eco-friendly materials that contributed to a 5% reduction in environmental impact for the product line.
  • • Worked closely with cross-functional teams to align design objectives with brand identity and market trends.

10 Freelance Designer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

A Freelance Designer creates visual concepts and designs to communicate ideas that captivate clients and customers. When crafting your resume, focus on your design experience, notable projects you've completed, and any relevant certifications or education. Highlight abilities such as proficiency in design software, strong communication skills, and a keen eye for detail. Don’t forget to mention successful client collaborations and measurable outcomes from your projects to demonstrate the impact of your work.

All resume examples in this guide

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Single Column

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Freelance Designer resume example

One resume challenge you might face as a freelance designer is effectively showcasing a diverse portfolio while still keeping your resume concise and relevant. Our guide provides you with the tools to strategically curate your projects, ensuring your resume strikes that perfect balance between variety and precision, helping you stand out to potential clients or employers.

  • Utilize real-life examples to refine your freelance designer resume;
  • Effectively write the experience section of your freelance designer resume, even if you have minimal or no professional experience;
  • Incorporate the industry's top 10 essential skills throughout your resume;
  • Include your education and certifications to highlight your specific expertise.

If the freelance designer resume isn't the right one for you, take a look at other related guides we have:

  • Freelance Programmer Resume Example
  • Freelance Editor Resume Example
  • Freelance Interpreter Resume Example
  • Freelance Tutor Resume Example
  • Freelance Video Editor Resume Example
  • Freelance Copy Editor Resume Example
  • Freelance Producer Resume Example
  • Freelance Photographer Resume Example
  • Freelance Content Writer Resume Example
  • Freelance Project Manager Resume Example

Enhancing your freelance designer resume: format and layout tips

Four popular formatting rules (and an additional tip) are here to optimize your freelance designer resume:

  • Listing experience in reverse chronological order - start with your most recent job experiences. This layout helps recruiters see your career progression and emphasizes your most relevant roles.
  • Including contact details in the header - make sure your contact information is easily accessible at the top of your resume. In the header, you might also include a professional photo.
  • Aligning your expertise with the job requirements - this involves adding essential sections such as experience, skills, and education that match the job you're applying for.
  • Curating your expertise on a single page - if your experience spans over a decade, a two-page resume is also acceptable.

Bonus tip: Ensure your freelance designer resume is in PDF format when submitting. This format maintains the integrity of images, icons, and layout, making your resume easier to share.

Finally, concerning your resume format and the Applicant Tracker System (ATS):

  • Use simple yet modern fonts like Rubik, Lato, Montserrat, etc.
  • All serif and sans-serif fonts are friendly to ATS systems. Avoid script fonts that look like handwriting, however.
  • Fonts such as Ariel and Times New Roman are suitable, though commonly used.
  • Both single and double-column resumes can perform well with the ATS.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

The key to your freelance designer job-winning resume - present your expertise with these sections:

  • A header to make your resume more scannable
  • Snapshot of who you are as a professional with your resume soft skills, achievements, and summary or objective
  • Job advert keywords in the skills section of your resume
  • Resume experience quantifying your past job successes with metrics
  • A relevant education, certification, and technical sills section to provide background to your technological/software capabilities

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrated design skills with a strong portfolio showcasing a range of projects and design aesthetics
  • Proficiency in design software (e.g., Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, Figma)
  • Experience with a variety of design disciplines such as web design, mobile app design, branding, and graphic design
  • Ability to communicate design concepts and work with clients or team members effectively
  • History of meeting deadlines and managing multiple projects simultaneously

Quick guide to your freelance designer resume experience section

After deciding on the format of your resume, it's time to organize your experience within the dedicated section.

It's common for freelance designer professionals to be confused in this part of the process, as they may have too much or little expertise.

Follow the general rules of thumb to be successful when writing this part of your resume:

  • The perfect number of bullets you should have under each experience item is no more than six;
  • Select not merely your responsibilities, but the most noteworthy achievements for each role that match the job requirements;
  • List any certificates or technical expertise you've gained on the job and how they've helped you progress as a professional;
  • Carefully select the power verbs to go along with each bullet to avoid generic ones like "managed" and instead substitute those with the actuality of your particular responsibility;
  • Integrate valuable keywords from the job advert in the form of achievements under each role you list.

If you're on the search for further advice on how to write your freelance designer experience section, get some ideas from real-world professional resumes:

  • Designed user-friendly interface prototypes for 10+ mobile applications, enhancing customer satisfaction and user experience.
  • Directed visual branding strategy for start-up companies, contributing to a 40% increase in their market presence.
  • Streamlined clients’ website designs, improving navigation and increasing traffic by 65% within six months after implementation.
  • Created over 200 custom logos, helping businesses establish a distinctive brand identity across various industries.
  • Led the graphic design for an award-winning marketing campaign, which garnered the Silver ADDY Award for excellence in advertising.
  • Managed clients' design projects from concept to production, ensuring deadlines were met and expectations exceeded.
  • Revitalized online presence for 15+ companies by designing interactive websites with responsive layouts leading to a measurable increase in user engagement.
  • Collaborated with writers and marketers to create cohesive design language for multimedia advertising campaigns.
  • Implemented A/B testing for web page designs, which enhanced CTA conversions by 30% for several clients.
  • Developed 50+ e-commerce websites using platforms like Shopify, boosting clients’ sales revenues by an average of 58% within the first year.
  • Conducted usability testing for various online platforms, ensuring optimal performance across different devices and browsers.
  • Partnered with digital marketers to integrate SEO principles in designs, effectively doubling organic traffic for majority of clients.
  • Orchestrated the full rebrand of a mid-sized retail chain, resulting in a 32% increase in brand recognition after the launch.
  • Innovated digital illustration methods for children's books that resulted in a 20% faster production time per publication.
  • Sourced and managed printing vendors for various projects, reducing material costs by 25% through effective negotiation.
  • Executed engaging online ad campaigns for tech startups which saw user acquisition soar by over 200% in their first quarter post-launch.
  • Utilized cutting-edge design software to create high-fidelity mockups and dynamic animations for client presentations.
  • Educated clients on the importance of strong visual identities, leading to a portfolio of over 30 long-term contracts.
  • Facilitated the transition of a national magazine to a fully digital format, tripling their online subscriber base within two years.
  • Implemented an innovative design pipeline using Figma and InVision which decreased project turnaround time by 40%.
  • Crafted comprehensive brand guidelines for emerging companies to ensure consistency across all marketing materials.
  • Spearheaded UI/UX redesign project for a major financial services app, which improved customer ratings from 3.2 to 4.7 stars on the app stores.
  • Developed interactive prototypes for VR applications, paving the way for new educational tools used in classrooms nationwide.
  • Optimized asset workflows for game design projects, cutting down production time by up to 25% and allowing faster go-to-market.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of design projects completed to demonstrate experience and productivity.
  • Specify the percentage of client satisfaction rate to highlight reliable quality of work.
  • Mention the average turnaround time for design projects to showcase efficiency.
  • List any increases in client engagement metrics resulting from your design work to show effectiveness.
  • Quantify the size of the audiences reached by your designs to reveal the extent of your impact.
  • State any cost reductions achieved through your design solutions to exhibit economic value.
  • Detail the number of design awards won or nominations received to convey recognition by the industry.
  • Report the number of successful brand launches or rebrands you have contributed to, indicating market impact.

Action verbs for your freelance designer resume

Target Illustration

What to do if you don't have any experience

It's quite often that candidates without relevant work experience apply for a more entry-level role - and they end up getting hired.

Candidate resumes without experience have these four elements in common:

  • Instead of listing their experience in reverse-chronological format (starting with the latest), they've selected a functional-skill-based format. In that way, freelance designer resumes become more focused on strengths and skills
  • Transferrable skills - or ones obtained thanks to work and life experience - have become the core of the resume
  • Within the objective, you'd find career achievements, the reason behind the application, and the unique value the candidate brings about to the specific role
  • Candidate skills are selected to cover basic requirements, but also show any niche expertise.

Recommended reads:

  • How to List Continuing Education on Your Resume
  • How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

The more trusted the organization you've attained your certificate (or degree) from, the more credible your skill set would be.

Key hard skills and soft skills for your freelance designer resume

At the top of any recruiter freelance designer checklist, you'd discover a list of technical competencies, balanced with personal skills.

Hard or technical skills are your opportunity to show how you meet the essential responsibilities of the role. The ability to use a particular job-crucial technology or software would also hint to recruiters whether you'd need a prolonged period of on-the-job training - or you'd fit right in the job.

But to land your dream role, you'd also need to demonstrate a variety of soft or people resume skills . Employers care about soft skills as they show how each candidate would fit into the team and company culture.

Both types of skills are specific and to best curate them on your resume, you'd need to:

  • Create a skill section within which you showcase your hard and soft skills and present how they help you succeed.
  • List specific examples of projects, tasks, or competitions, within which your skill set has assisted your results.
  • Soft skills are harder to measure, so think about situations in which they've helped you thrive. Describe those situations concisely, focusing on how the outcome has helped you grow as a professional.
  • Metrics of success - like positive ROI or optimized workplace processes - are the best way to prove your technical and people skills.

Take a look at some of freelance designer industry leaders' favorite hard skills and soft skills, as listed on their resumes.

Top skills for your Freelance Designer resume:

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Time Management


Problem Solving


Attention to Detail


Client Management

Critical Thinking


Highlight any significant extracurricular activities that demonstrate valuable skills or leadership.

Education section and most popular freelance designer certifications for your resume

Your resume education section is crucial. It can indicate a range of skills and experiences pertinent to the position.

  • Mention only post-secondary qualifications, noting the institution and duration.
  • If you're still studying, highlight your anticipated graduation date.
  • Omit qualifications not pertinent to the role or sector.
  • If it provides a chance to emphasize your accomplishments, describe your educational background, especially in a research-intensive setting.

Recruiters value freelance designer candidates who have invested their personal time into their professional growth. That's why you should include both your relevant education and certification . Not only will this help you stand out amongst candidates, but showcase your dedication to the field. On your freelance designer resume, ensure you've:

  • Curated degrees and certificates that are relevant to the role
  • Shown the institution you've obtained them from - for credibility
  • Include the start and end dates (or if your education/certification is pending) to potentially fill in your experience gaps
  • If applicable, include a couple of job advert keywords (skills or technologies) as part of the certification or degree description

If you decide to list miscellaneous certificates (that are irrelevant to the role), do so closer to the bottom of your resume. In that way, they'd come across as part of your personal interests, instead of experience. The team at Enhancv has created for you a list of the most popular freelance designer certificates - to help you update your resume quicker:

The top 5 certifications for your freelance designer resume:

  • Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) - Adobe
  • Certified Graphic Designer (CGD) - Graphic Designers of Canada
  • User Experience (UX) Design Certificate - Nielsen Norman Group
  • Graphic Design Certification - The American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
  • Interaction Design Foundation (IDF) Certification - Interaction Design Foundation

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

  • How to List GPA on Your Resume
  • When You Should (And Not) Add Dean's List On Your Resume

Writing the freelance designer resume summary or objective: achievements, keywords, dreams, and more

Deciding on whether to include a resume summary or resume objective should entirely depend on your career situation.

If you have:

  • Plenty of relevant achievements you'd like to bring recruiters' focus to, make use of the resume summary. Ensure each of your achievements is quantified with concrete proof (e.g. % of cases solved).
  • Less applicable experience, utilize the resume objective. Within the objective include a few noteworthy, past successes, followed up by your professional dreams.

As a bonus, you could define in either your freelance designer resume summary or objective what makes you the perfect candidate for the role.

Think about your unique hard and soft skills that would make your expertise even more important to the job.

These freelance designer professionals have completely covered the formula for the ideal resume introduction:

Resume summaries for a freelance designer job

  • With a decade of proven expertise in graphic design at a top New York advertising firm, I bring a deep understanding of visual branding and communication. I possess mastery in Adobe Creative Suite, coupled with a portfolio showcasing multiple award-winning campaigns for international clients.
  • Dedicated UI/UX designer with over 5 years of experience creating intuitive interfaces for tech startups in Silicon Valley. Skilled in Sketch, Figma, and prototyping tools, my work has directly contributed to a 30% increase in user engagement for a flagship product.
  • Transitioning from a successful photography business, my keen eye for aesthetics and storytelling is now channeled into creating impactful designs. With an extensive background in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, I am stepping into the graphic design industry to bring fresh visual perspectives to digital content.
  • As a former marketing manager with 7 years in the field, my unique insights into consumer psychology and brand positioning are invaluable assets in my newfound career as a freelance designer. Fluency in Illustrator and InDesign has enabled me to craft compelling visuals that resonate with target audiences.
  • Eager to embark upon a new journey in the design landscape, my enthusiasm for art and technology drives me to develop innovative visual solutions. With a strong foundation in creative software and a dedication to continuous learning, I aim to contribute fresh ideas and grow as a professional designer.
  • Coming from a background in architecture, my aim is to leverage strong spatial design principles and attention to detail in the realm of graphic design. While I have no professional design experience, my proficiency in AutoCAD and 3D rendering software primes me for a smooth transition and a swift learning curve.

Recruiters' favorite additional freelance designer resume sections

When writing your freelance designer resume, you may be thinking to yourself, " Is there anything more I can add on to stand out? ".

Include any of the below four sections you deem relevant, to ensure your freelance designer resume further builds up your professional and personal profile:

  • Books - your favorite books can showcase that you have an excellent level of reading comprehension, creativity, and outside the box thinking;
  • Languages - make sure you've included your proficiency level alongside a relevant certificate or a form of self-assessment;
  • Website link - ensure you've curated your most relevant and recent projects in your professional portfolio (and that the link is a part of your resume header) to support your application;
  • Passions - showing recruiters how you spend your time outside of work and what activities or causes you're invested in.

Key takeaways

At the end of our guide, we'd like to remind you to:

  • Invest in a simple, modern resume design that is ATS friendly and keeps your experience organized and legible;
  • Avoid just listing your responsibilities in your experience section, but rather focus on quantifiable achievements;
  • Always select resume sections that are relevant to the role and can answer job requirements. Sometimes your volunteering experience could bring more value than irrelevant work experience;
  • Balance your technical background with your personality traits across various sections of your resume to hint at how much time employers would have to invest in training you and if your profile would be a good cultural fit to the organization;
  • Include your academic background (in the form of your relevant higher education degrees and certifications) to show recruiters that you have the technical basics of the industry covered.

freelance designer resume example

Looking to build your own Freelance Designer resume?

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Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Online portfolio with work samples that reflect experience and qualifications required
  • Knowledge of digital design, branding, customer experience, user interface, information architecture, typography
  • Technically proficient in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Build trend boards, design mock-ups, internal merchandising presentations, tradeshow materials, e-blasts, and other deliverables for online promotion and advertising
  • Create and edit PDF, TIF, EPS, JPG, PNG, and GIF files
  • Knowledge and expressed interest in fashion and market trends
  • Understanding of how to develop print-ready files
  • Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office
  • Capacity to maintain best practices for file management
  • Translate a customer’s brand into a variety of materials, including website banners, posters, postcards, and miscellaneous digital assets
  • Related graphic design experience in a luxury e-commerce environment
  • Work closely with design team as well as client’s marketing groups to collaborate on creative direction
  • Create custom graphic design for POPSUGAR’s Snap & IGS channels – collaborate with producers to design and create custom copy and graphics for daily programming needs
  • Experience using Photoshop and Illustrator for broadcast design and proficiency using programs on both Windows and Mac platforms
  • Fulfill a high volume of daily graphic requests while conforming to established network-wide and show-specific design standards
  • Open to receiving assignments and feedback from team members at all levels while staying cool under pressure
  • Knowledge of AfterEffects strongly recommended
  • Conceptualizes designs and prepares art for presentation and production with significant focus on both meeting client/customer needs as well as effective use of resources and budget
  • Consulting with clients to understand their goals and explaining research results and working with clients/customers to effectively interpret creative/production needs, whether graphic support for a course of a new UX/UI for a new LMS feature
  • Creating product prototypes, wireframes, storyboards, sitemaps and screen flows
  • Analyzing user feedback and activity, and iterating to enhance the user experience, conducting usability testing
  • Produces webpages, client websites and other digital assets using the Moodle LMS or other HTML compliant production tools
  • Addresses technical/file trouble-shooting and design issues or considerations

Professional Skills

  • Strong user experience / user interface layout and design skills are required
  • Extremely detail and solution oriented with strong listening and communication skills
  • Strong communication and organizational skills; team oriented
  • Advanced-level formatting and layout skills including using templates, applying master pages and styles, creating tables, and incorporating charts/photos
  • Attention to detail with good multitasking / organising skills
  • Adapts to the changing needs of the department, develops new skills, and assists with projects outside of normal job responsibilities as needed
  • Experience in print design, retail marketing, production or other related field, with a demonstrated portfolio

How to write Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Freelance Graphic Designer role is responsible for design, digital, software, layout, creative, adobe, retail, mac, reporting, research. To write great resume for freelance graphic designer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

The section contact information is important in your freelance graphic designer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your freelance graphic designer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous freelance graphic designer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular freelance graphic designer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Freelance Graphic Designer resume experience can include:

  • Experience managing and communicating with print vendors and distributors
  • Experience in creating and producing complex documents from electronic files and hardcopy originals in a networked environment
  • Deal tactfully and diplomatically with others while handling multiple priorities, sometimes simultaneously, under deadline pressure
  • Solid knowledge of design principles (typography, information hierarchy, color, etc.)
  • Understanding of standard editing and proofreader’s mark
  • Work with printers, providing print specifications, getting quotes, and checking proofs

Education on a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your freelance graphic designer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your freelance graphic designer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

When listing skills on your freelance graphic designer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical freelance graphic designer skills:

  • Strong organizational skills and demonstrated attention to detail in quality and accuracy in performance of work
  • Digital experience prepping files/assets for website and apps (no dev skills
  • Possesses good design knowledge and technical skills
  • Experience in graphic design; significant relevant experience in category
  • Proficient skills in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is required
  • Advanced skills in Adobe Creative suite (InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator) is required

List of Typical Experience For a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Experience for in-house freelance graphic designer resume.

  • Recommends, researches and develops the latest trends/experiences to support creative strategy and execution
  • Expert in Adobe products (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) and Mac computers; Ample experience with Keynote and Microsoft Power Point
  • Experience in Graphic Design
  • Stays current on latest industry technologies, trends and strategies
  • Understand and enjoy typographic, photography, and illustration principals & foundations
  • Take conceptual direction from the Art Director and create original graphics for client projects
  • Take ownership of projects from concept through production

Experience For Freelance Baby Graphic Designer Resume

  • Package and preflight files for release to vendors or printers
  • Works well within a team and likes to collaborate
  • Switch gears from project to projects, as deadlines shift
  • Concept, design, and execute creative solutions for Convention 2018 Signage and Digital that communicate the R+F brand voice and message
  • Produce a wide range of graphics: social media assets, digital flyers, animated GIFs, print materials, data visualizations, web banners, email graphics, digital signage, & printed environmentalsignage

Experience For On-site Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

  • Research and select images from photoshoot or stock images
  • Able to think and design holistically across all media
  • Provide consultation on potential and recommended approaches for design projects (e.g., optimal format, style, etc.)
  • Ensure that design standards are upheld on all internal communications, also able to explore new interpretations of the brand
  • Create unique designs for online articles, emails, presentations, signage, event posters and invitations, as needed

Experience For Freelance Childrens Graphic Designer Resume

  • Creativity, technical capability and sensibility for graphics, typography and layout
  • Researches emerging trends to formulate strategies for projected lines: Provides innovative graphic designs and concepts to strengthen brand images and maintain competitive edge
  • Maintains neat organization of files, workspace and designated storage space
  • Attends sample review meetings and make detailed comments against showroom samples to be communicated to vendors
  • Support the Senior Art Director in producing digital marketing material for Vera Bradley and its third-party partners, in order to attract new shoppers and retain loyal consumers
  • Produce a wide range of marketing material for Vera Bradley’s digital properties, including e-commerce website, email marketing, third-party advertising networks, catalogs, brochures, postcards, presentations, newsletters, social media and blog

Experience For ATV Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

  • Prioritize work to meet deadlines and the ability to respond to critical business shifts in the digital world
  • Proactively benchmark other ecommerce and content-rich brand websites, both inside and outside of Vera Bradley’s competitive set, to stay abreast of current trends and best practices
  • Maintain a defined set of graphic standards to protect the Vera Bradley brand image, integrity and consistency internally, publicly and electronically
  • Under the direction of Supervisor and or Sr. Designers, create and produce page layouts that promote the client's brand and sales objectives
  • Work with pagination and product mix to develop page layouts and final page production based on established guidelines
  • Review all job instructions, both written and verbal, and ask any questions necessary to successfully complete the project
  • Proficiency in all industry standard software programs including but not limited to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Acrobat in a Mac environment

Experience For Graphic / Motion Designer Freelance Resume

  • Knowledge of the Windows platform
  • Quickly adapt to new software tools and changes in project direction
  • MS Office knowledge (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Flexible and solution-oriented
  • Able to support late shift
  • This is a freelance opportunity for a 3 to 6 month long project

List of Typical Skills For a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Skills for in-house freelance graphic designer resume.

  • Design experience, developing and creating for digital / social strategies + campaigns
  • Experience in an agency setting or in a high-volume organization working in graphic design and production
  • Experience working with cross-functional teams, creative project managers and meeting tight deadlines
  • Professional experience in branding and packaging design
  • Experience in the Digital Design / Marketing field
  • Experience / understanding of best practices in Digital Ads for direct response and acquisition
  • Solid understanding of image formats (EPS, TIF, GIF, JPEG, PDF) is required
  • Experience working with LMSes, particularly Moodle, required

Skills For Freelance Baby Graphic Designer Resume

  • Obsessive about good typography
  • Design experience in a highly paced environment
  • Qualify and prioritize workloads
  • Self-disciplined and motivated in a fast-paced environment with strong attention to detail
  • Understanding of desktop publishing, html and motion graphic
  • Willing to share knowledge, perspective, and ideas with team members
  • Assist with setting up and training freelancers
  • Takes a leadership role in establishing and maintaining a global visual identity for Convention 2018

Skills For On-site Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

  • Extensive knowledge of traditional and web-based graphic production techniques, including color separations, camera-ready art, heat transfers, etc
  • Design publications such as flyers, point of purchase material, conference materials, online pdfs according to our brand standards
  • Re-design existing materials created by agency of record then work with printers to provide print ready art and print specifications
  • Contribute new ideas and suggestions for enhancing brand image and design strategy
  • Tracks progress toward milestones, anticipates issues, and communicates with supervisor on status of projects and staffing needs
  • Advanced proficiency with MS Office Suite (PowerPoint, Word, Outlook). Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2010
  • Familiarity with developing graphics for social media sites and the web
  • Design, and execute creative solutions for Campaign Marketing that communicate the R+F brand voice and

Skills For Freelance Childrens Graphic Designer Resume

  • Manage and execute a wide range design and production the Creative Marketing Team
  • Partner with the ACD and CD to design and produce from creative briefs with attention to marketing communication goals
  • Maintain and follow best practices for version control, naming conventions, and organization of graphic files
  • Design, and execute creative solutions for Field Marketing and Global that communicate the R+F brand voice and
  • Support the execution of new creative ideas (i.e marketing campaigns, event collateral, etc.)
  • Excels in a fast-paced environment and is proactive and self-managing

Skills For ATV Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

  • Partner with the ACD and CD to ideate and design from creative briefs with attention to marketing communication goals
  • Work with teams to make sure the highest-quality work is being produced, and consistently hits deadlines
  • Work closely with a team of designers and writers, to develop and manage timelines for distribution/posting of internal communications collateral
  • Works closely with designers to develop appropriate graphics for all categories, including trim graphics and embroidery/ print/ applique graphics
  • Collaborate with internal teams on packaging design, which includes labels and hangtags
  • Oversees certain graphics to ensure coherence of brand image and positioning
  • Provides graphics to licensing and other internal departments
  • Work efficiently and accurately through high volumes of work, meeting deadlines in a very time-sensitive environment
  • Assists staff, vendors or other customers by answering questions related to design production processes, procedures and services

Skills For Graphic / Motion Designer Freelance Resume

  • This is a freelance role.
  • Expertise in Creative Suite (especially InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat), Microsoft Office, Keynote and high level of technological literacy on Mac platform
  • Expert in Adobe Creative Suite products and Microsoft Excel, Word and Power Point
  • Deliver design solutions within production-scheduled timeframes and within budget constraints
  • Apply brand look and feel throughout work
  • Deliver high-quality work on schedule
  • Has a sense of urgency and takes pride in all work produced
  • Work efficiently under pressure with careful attention to detail

Skills For Freelance Digital Graphic Designer Resume

  • Work in a highly collaborative environment, as well as independently
  • Accuracy, attention to detail, flexibility, and ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment is essential
  • Proficient in widely use software such as Adobe CC Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver and After Effects
  • Able to understand brief and generate design concepts
  • Create and revise PowerPoint presentations for various meetings and conferences
  • Follow the brand design tool kit and ensure consistency of brand image across multiple platforms
  • Fluent in Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft PPT
  • Enthusiastic, dedicated, detail-oriented, and a team player

Skills For Freelance Digital / UX Graphic Designer Resume

  • Consults with staff/clients to plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems in a fast-turnaround environment
  • Develops effective means of getting messages across in print and electronic media using color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various other print and layout technologies
  • Lays out and revises simple-to-complex documents and presentations according to the Mathematica Visual Identity Guide, technical requirements, and/or client-specific instructions, using a variety of software applications
  • Follows best practices in file management as well as proofing and correction using PDF proofing, markup, and correction transfer to InDesign files
  • Creates and manipulates technical and Illustrative art using Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoShop, and PowerPoint
  • Uses Adobe InDesign to collaborate with staff in creating custom publication or client-specific designs for development of Word production templates
  • Follows best practices to create Section 508 compliant PDFs from a variety of programs

Skills For Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

  • Intermediate to advanced skills in Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat Pro) and experience working with the software in a networked PC environment
  • Excellent listening, written, and verbal communication skills; understanding of visual identify concepts, and ability to translate client concepts into effective visual communications
  • Familiarity with electronic publishing (PDFs)
  • Follow instructions and think creatively in a fast-paced environment
  • Willingness to travel to other locations as necessary
  • Research and identify graphics trend directions in collaboration with Design Director; manage development of themes and concepts with Graphic Artist(s); create presentation boards for meetings and mock-ups
  • Monitor new trends, techniques, treatments and resources in graphic design and production
  • Independently manage workload, deadlines, quality of work produced, and follow defined procedures, policies, and processes
  • Produce a wide range of graphics: social media assets, digital flyers, animated GIFs, print materials, data visualizations, web banners, email graphics, digital signage, & printed
  • Possess up-to-date knowledge of latest graphic design trends and techniques
  • Able to think and design holistically across media and activate brand campaigns globally
  • Work with a large group of cross-functional teams to turn business goals into design solution
  • Work closely with Creative Project Managers to ensure project deadlines are met and feedback is implemented
  • Translate business briefs successfully into creative solutions globally for the Creative Team

Related to Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Samples

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Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Samples

Freelance graphic designers are self-employed contractors who are hired to develop original high-quality creative visual concepts using various software applications. The job description of these independent graphic designers include the following major tasks? seeking project, identifying the client needs, advising clients on strategies, determining the message appropriately, creating images to convey the message, presenting exquisite solutions, developing graphics for logos, websites and product illustrations, presenting ideas to clients and ensuring timely completion of work.

Candidates aspiring to demonstrate their originality in this line should be able to highlight on the Freelance Graphic Designer Resume skills such as? specialized software proficiency, creativity, the ability to deliver an original solution, deadline orientation, analytical skills, a thorough knowledge of the latest industry-based applications and artistic abilities. A college degree in the field of graphics or digital graphics is commonplace among most of the freelance graphic designers, though high preference is given to additional qualifications and work experience.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Freelance Graphic Designer

Freelance Graphic Designer II Resume

Summary : Freelance Graphic Designer with 9 years of industry experience seeking a new opportunity. Extensive experience designing magazines, calendars, direct mail, advertising, digital media, marketing material, newsletters, etc.

Skills : Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe DreamWeaver, Adobe Illustrator, Project Management, Customer Service, Corporate Identity Design, and Print Media Design.

Freelance Graphic Designer II Resume Model

Description :

  • Designed and supervised all internal and external communications for all seven divisions.
  • Lead the design division within the sales & marketing department nationwide.
  • Daily responsibilities included but were not limited to; designing and developing all printed and web marketing materials, internal and external newsletters, corporate magazines, sales and marketing presentation materials, brochures, annual calendars, trade shows, etc.
  • Managed relationships and operated as the liaison and chief point of contact between the web developing company, print vendors, modeling agencies, and all other marketing vendors.
  • Traveled 60% per year to photograph pictures for annual calendar development.
  • Maintained and organized the corporate photography library for use in all company initiatives.
  • Assisted sales & marketing staff with the design and development of powerpoint presentations if needed.
  • Formatted text and graphics files in preparation for uploading to Dunbar's internal and external websites.
  • Rendered all photos and graphics for all departments of the company nationwide.
  • Redesigned and managed the reconstruction and design of the Dunbar armored industry museum.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Summary : 20+ years of vast experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer includes a wide array of design, project management, and customer service. The Adobe Suite is my passion. InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and DreamWeaver are my forte.

Skills : Graphic Design, Adobe Creative Cloud, Brand Development, UI/UX, Photography, Print Technology, Team Leadership, Creative Direction, Branding, And Identity.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Format

  • Completion of 2 complaint proposals with Bechtel international flow/layout text and created graphics for the above proposals, charts, tables, graphs, info-graphics, call-outs, and photo treatments.
  • Participating in multiple book checks for quality assurance and compliance effectively communicated with c-level personnel throughout proposal preparation staged book collating and fabrication create website design via Dreamweaver, WordPress cms, flash templates.
  • Developing e-commerce websites with HTML, flash, and WordPress using Paypal.
  • Designing and printing business cards, brochures, presentation folder, letterhead, flyers/posters.
  • Freelance designer for 'prince george's suite magazine' a local lifestyle magazine.
  • Freelance designer for the 'Peabody Institute of music' a John Hopkin's University academic magazine.
  • Creating an identity, direct mail promotions and print communications for area businesses.
  • Designing theme and graphics for marketing and sales presentations and corporate websites.
  • Unpaid created multiple logos and poster designs for various school clubs.
  • Teaching customer how to use final cut express and helped with ideas.

Freelance Graphic Designer I Resume

Objective : 3+ years of experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer is looking to acquire a position with a company that offers growth opportunities and long-range stability.

Skills : Adobe, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Word, Powerpoint, Graphic Design, Web Design, and Print Design.

Freelance Graphic Designer I Resume Format

  • Working in a variety of fields, including medical, industrial, financial, food services, and entertainment.
  • Creating a wide range of projects, often using skills outside of the graphic design realm.
  • Responsible for keeping up with the latest design trends and software needed to complete the task. This includes, but is not limited to, color schemes, fonts and typography, shape and form, and layout.
  • Outside of typical design skills, I also have been asked to utilize copywriting, copy editing, photography, social media, sales, and marketing skills.
  • Designing marketing flyers and ads that significantly increased exposure both online and at promotional events.
  • Designing creative materials resulting in partnerships with major athletic facilities including 24-hour fitness, crunch, and Mercedes club.
  • Effectively drive brand awareness, traffic, and engagement to social media pages including Facebook and Twitter.
  • Print design awards and client's satisfaction with product led to repeated referral business.
  • Flexible with the ability to take direction, work independently and set creative priorities.
  • Executing design decisions, sell concepts, and ensure client expectations are met.

Headline : Highly creative and multitalented Freelance Graphic designer with 7 years of experience in multimedia marketing and print design. Dynamic team player with well-developed written and verbal communication abilities. Passionate and inventive creator. Accustomed to performing in deadline-driven environments.

Skills : Graphic Design, MAC Interface, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Bridge, Wacom Tablet, Autodesk Maya, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Google Docs, Adobe Soundbooth, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Encore, and Autodesk Autocad.

Freelance Graphic Designer II Resume Sample

  • Complete any and all graphics requests while keeping up with the fast-paced, deadline-filled world that is the Hollywood entertainment industry.
  • Frequently juggle several rush jobs at once while simultaneously completing other personal freelancing projects.
  • Accomplishments: created a design for Justin Bieber's #givebackphillipines campaign.
  • Designed t-shirt graphics for Darren Criss' (fox's hit show Glee) theatre company, Starkid, and are currently in purchase negotiations.
  • Have created several waves of social media marketing designs for up-and-coming Hollywood performers.
  • Work under one of the entertainment industry's most influential and powerful professional figures, Scooter Braun.
  • Single-handedly solidifying my non-paid internship with the buried life and then maintaining and growing that relationship into a working freelance position as their graphic artist solely via the internet.
  • Helped on a small scale film for campus movie festival helped in various groups on campus with media and photography.
  • Prepared product images for client e-commerce website using adobe photoshop.
  • Responsibilities worked 10 to 20 hours per week for a local graphic design firm.

Freelance Graphic Designer & Web Developer Resume

Summary : 11 years of experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer is now seeking to utilize my creative soul with the ability to think outside the box to obtain full-time employment and help a company's clients with excellent graphical solutions. Willing to relocate.

Skills : Microsoft Office 2010; Adobe CS6; Alpha And Numeric Filing, 55wpm Typing, And Business Communications, Office Equipment Operation: Printer/copiers, Laminators, Binding Machines, Pitney Bowes Postal Meters, and Folding Machines.

Freelance Graphic Designer & Web Developer Resume Format

  • Service a variety of businesses with various graphic designs from business cards to menus
  • Design company logos utilizing Adobe Photoshop and Apple Aperture software while collaborating with clients to determine their visual needs
  • Utilize Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop and illustrator on Apple Macintosh hardware to deliver high-quality work on tight schedules
  • Sourcing, compositing, and retouching images for print and web
  • Troubleshoot various Macintosh, iOS, peripherals, and A/V devices
  • Prepared files for pre-press including flight-checking, producing color proofs and creating press-ready pdf.
  • Responsible for designing collateral, ads, posters, brochures, catalogs, emails blasts, and banner ads.
  • Accomplishments performed various services including design, corporate branding.
  • Design, develop and produce marketing materials on multiple media platforms including print design, web design, and digital informational graphics for an innovative online intermediary between insurers and fitness enthusiasts.
  • Pioneer hi-bred international - designed and produced three annual premiums catalogs.

Marketing Consultant & Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Summary : 16 years of extensive experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer. Expertise in handling aggressive deadlines and juggling multiple projects. I have extensive experience in Printed Media, Editorial and Educational Publishing.

Skills : Adobe Creative Suite CC: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat Pro, Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.

Marketing Consultant & Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Sample

  • As a consultant, provided creative direction, graphic design, and production of multiple marketing materials, full-line catalogs, packaging, direct mail, branding, photography, and illustrations.
  • Supported a $200m durable medical equipment (DME) staff driving double-digit growth through cost control.
  • Reduced turn-around time which factored in the DME division winning " division of the year" an unprecedented 7 times.
  • Teamed up to increase sales of over $5m of new bath safety product sales in one quarterly campaign.
  • Helped secure more than $20m in Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart retail business by producing sales collateral, point of purchase devices, private brands packaging and other marketing materials.
  • Achieved, with DME team, over $22m in incremental revenue during a challenging year of competitive bidding legislation by redesigning catalogs, sell sheets, and other marketing tools.
  • Collected, transferred and archived files to the database for all types of projects with foreign and domestic vendors following corporate procedures.
  • Effectively manage time in order to meet deadlines while staying within budget constraints.
  • Work with other professionals in the industry such as copywriters, photographers, marketing specialists, web developers, and printers.
  • Demonstrate excellent proofreading skills while also showing high attention to quality and detail.

Summary : 8+ years of experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer. It is my passion to have a career designing materials for a company or industry I can truly stand behind and give my heart. Generally, I wish to gain valuable hands-on experience and apply my talent in a fast-paced professional environment.

Skills : Ideation, Graphic Design, Information Architecture, Typography, Visual Hierarchy, UX/UI Design, Marketing, Advertising, and Promotions.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

  • Flown to at&t headquarters in Dallas to give a presentation of IMC and design to executive board and marketing executives.
  • Brand development, sales promotion, public relations campaign, generating " it can wait for " campaign awareness, web traffic growth, and social media management.
  • Generating new marketing materials for existing discounts and customer referral programs.
  • Guerrilla marketing, creative strategy, production of an original design, and copywriting.
  • Research, focus group development, event planning, developing a campaign strategy and statistical measurement systems.
  • Strategic consulting, including business plan & sales strategy development.
  • Integrated marketing communications within 18-24 demographic on campus.
  • Time management, the ability to perform under pressure while successfully meeting deadlines.
  • Designing websites from concept to complete operation, website editing (HTML, flash, CSS, word press, social network).
  • Providing a professional work ethic and timeline to create the demand for clients designs needs.

Summary : 17+ years of extensive experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer is now seeking to obtain an interesting and challenging position as a graphic designer and apply my imagination and artistic ability in the area of graphic design. Available for a part-time or contract job in Boulder-Broomfield area.

Skills : Knowledgeable And Proficient In The Use Of Adobe Creative SuiteHTML, CSS & Some PHP, Microsoft Office And Familiar With The Functions Of The Newest Versions Of Internet Browsers.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Template

  • Responsibilities collaborated with small business owners to develop and distribute marketing materials to enhance and effectively communicate the ideas of the company in an effort to generate business.
  • Photo editing, photo montage (photoshop cs6), event flyers for web & print (Indesign cs6) t-shirt design.
  • Accomplishments I've had the opportunity to work within a variety of industries broadening my experience from fashion to corporate level real estate.
  • Having the advantage of working with business's at startup allowed me to understand the individual basic needs of the company, incorporating those details into the design scheme.
  • Able to interpret creative direction and translate the idea into a completed product.
  • Meeting with network consultant and Macintosh technician to troubleshoot hardware and software issues.
  • Updating project manager, account managers, business development manager and the president about project status at weekly status meetings.
  • Handling all aspects of production responsibilities including government printing office (GPO) vendor selection.
  • Designing publications, annual reports, abstract books, reports to Congress, tradeshow exhibits and other print collateral items for hg's government services administration (GSA) clients.
  • Responsible for the design, layout and formatting of printed materials integrating typography, photographs, illustrations, charts, maps, and other visual elements.

Summary : 10+ years of experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer. Detail oriented, driven and the creative individual seeking a position that will cultivate/challenge my skills and experiences; offering diverse tasks and opportunity for professional growth/advancements.

Skills : Graphic Design - Logos, Ads, Banners, Posters, Brochures, Newsletters, Magazines, Proficient In InDesign, Photoshop, And Illustrator, and Some Experience With Photography.

Freelance Graphic Designer II Resume Model

  • Meeting with clients to discuss their business objectives and requirements of the job/task(s).
  • Interpreting the client's business needs and developing a concept to suit their purpose.
  • Estimating the time required to complete the work and providing quotes for clients.
  • Developing design briefs by gathering information and data through research; thinking creatively to produce new ideas and concepts.
  • Using innovation to redefine a design brief within the constraints of cost and time; presenting finalized ideas and concepts to clients.
  • Working with a wide range of media, including photography and computer-aided design (CAD).
  • Providing custom graphic design services to a number of small businesses and individuals.
  • Working on a large number of creative projects in conjunction with budding culture, a marketing & advertising agency located in laguna beach, ca.
  • Producing creative solutions for a wide range of projects including logos, web pages, brochures, posters, business cards, print ads, web ads, promotional items, portrait photography, product photography, trade show graphics, infographics, style guides, digital illustrations vector artwork, etc.
  • Creating the cookbook from front to back, including designing a cover page and overall theme for the content pages.

Headline : 5+ years of experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer. Worked within multiple brand standards ensuring that each brands identity is met for each project. Experience with editing, customizing and prepping collateral for well-known brands of the hospitality industry.

Skills : Adobe Creative Cloud, Photography, Layout, Photo Manipulation, Familiar With Web Design, Print Design, Prepress, Illustration, Logo Design, Branding, and Social Media.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Template

  • Promoting events and festival to Memphis community work with artists in the creation of brand collateral design and implement new brand voice across the Memphis community control social media (twitter, facebook, Instagram) marketing and press outbid - 2016.
  • Creating artwork/concept for the auction including social media art and program guide metamorphosis project - 2016 the metamorphosis project fundraiser is an opportunity to support the Memphis Tennessee gay & lesbian community center's LGBT youth housing initiative.
  • Creating marketing materials for local business related to flyer designs as well as social media content.
  • Collaborating with the creative team while researching and creating designs for a new product launch.
  • Designing marketing materials for color wow, such as; signage, postcards, posters, and billboards.
  • Successfully translated subject matter into concrete design for newsletters, promotional materials, and sales collateral.
  • Successfully manage and coordinate graphic design projects from concept through completion.
  • Assisting clients with establishing priorities and balancing desires against costs.
  • Tech-savvy with a strong understanding of adobe illustrator, photoshop, and InDesign.
  • Coordinating with various marketing teams to problem solve and achieve goals by required deadlines.

Table of Contents

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How to Write a Graphic Designer Resume That Goes Beyond Looks (Example Included!)

person sitting on floor at coffee table with laptop

At the risk of stating the (very) obvious, graphic design is a visual medium. A skilled designer blends art, technology, and information to create a compelling image that can convey concepts, reflect ideas, or inspire audiences. And while a designer’s creations can more or less speak for themselves, a great resume is still needed to give context to their work and provide additional details about their skills and experience. Because beautiful designs don’t just appear out of nowhere.

“When we hire a graphic designer, we look at four key things: quality of work, consistency of work, tool competencies, and—if they’ve freelanced—positive testimonials,” says Jérémy Chevallier, who regularly hires freelance graphic designers as Director of Marketing at Crash.co and also works as a career coach for creative professionals. Your resume is meant to convey the things that go on behind the scenes—the skills and proficiencies and experiences that enable you to create your designs.

Try thinking of your resume as a snapshot of your experience and capabilities—a sneak peek at what you can do. Here are a few rules to follow when writing your graphic design resume.

1. Resist the Temptation to Get Too Creative

I know, I know. Creativity is an essential skill for a graphic designer. And it can be tempting to show off a little on your resume. But if you plan on applying to online job postings, you’re probably going to have to contend with an applicant tracking system (ATS). These systems tend to have trouble reading files with design elements like unusual fonts, images, or text boxes.

“A graphic designer’s resume needs to make it through the applicant tracking systems first, and those programs use keyword matching, not aesthetics, to determine who makes it through to the next step in a recruiting process,” says Terry McDougall, CEO of Terry B. McDougall Coaching and a former marketing executive. In fact, an ATS will strip out many design elements and deliver a plain text version to the recruiter or hiring manager on the other side. So it’s best to stick with a simple template (check out the example below to see this in action) anytime you apply online.

But this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a design-heavy version, too. If you’re able to bypass the ATS for some applications by sending your resume directly to a recruiter or hiring manager (say through a referral or introduction), you’re welcome (and encouraged!) to use a more creative version of your resume. “Create a [second] resume that reflects your style of work. Just be sure that your design choices don’t distract from the content of the resume,” Chevallier says.

2. Include Links to Examples of Your Work

While it’s best to keep your resume simple, there are still ways to showcase your creativity. Enter: the portfolio or personal website . “Graphic designers should always include a link to a website or portfolio [on their resumes],” McDougall says. And you’ll want to be sure that these external links are not only included on your resume, but also easy to spot. You might create a designated portfolio section on your resume where you can include links to your work, or you can intersperse links throughout (see the example below).

You can also include links to past projects within the experience section of your resume. For example, if you created a company logo for a startup, you could write a bullet point that says:

  • Collaborated with BeeHive & Co. founders on the design of the new “Bee Free” logo, from research and conceptualization through draft, production, feedback, and finalization (link)

Note that some ATS will only read the url of a hyperlink, so avoid using anchor text that is vital to your resume.

3. Tailor Your Resume for Every Opportunity

While the content of your resume probably won’t change too dramatically from one application to the next, you should always plan to set aside time to tailor your resume for every job posting you respond to. I know this might sound cumbersome, but it’s easier than it sounds. When in doubt, remember this: If a skill, proficiency, or technology is listed in a job description, then it should be on your resume (so long as you have actual experience with that given skill, proficiency, or technology). Even better? You can cut whatever won’t be relevant to a particular role. That will help keep your resume to a single page.

You’ll also want to be thoughtful about the design work you choose to feature via external links, as design goals and aesthetics will vary from one company or industry to the next. You should pick the samples that best prove you can do the kind of work you’d be doing in the actual role.

“Seek to understand the goals of the company you’re interviewing with,” McDougall says. “Some companies want to use creativity to shock or gain attention. If you’re working as a graphic designer for a snowboard company, you will likely have much more leeway in your design than if you’re working for a more conventional company like a hardware store or hospital.” This is your opportunity to show prospective employers that not only are you a talented designer, but that your aesthetics and abilities are a strong match for their needs.

4. Use the Right Keywords

Applicant tracking systems are programmed to scan resumes for specific keywords in order to determine whether an applicant is a good fit for the role. So resume keywords matter. Especially when you’re applying online. You don’t need to stuff your resume with every graphic design term under the sun. But as a best practice, it’s worth checking to make sure you’ve included as many relevant keywords as organically as possible.

Not sure where to start? Try reading through a few of the job postings you’re most excited about and taking note of the terms or phrases that keep popping up. Chances are, words like logo design or brand identity will be safe bets, but you can think outside the box, too. A demonstrated knowledge of sales, marketing, design theory, color theory, typography, or user experience can also be valuable, depending on the role. “Demonstrating that you understand the larger purpose that design serves can be really important,” Chevalier says.

While the “right” terms will vary from one job posting to the next, here’s a list of popular graphic designer keywords to get you started.

  • Advertising
  • After Effects
  • Brand Consistency
  • Color Theory
  • Composition
  • Dreamweaver
  • Illustrator
  • Product Design

5. Put Your Work in Context

Because graphic design is a visual medium, it might be tempting to assume your designs alone will get you hired. But the strongest resumes go beyond linking to work and listing companies you’ve worked for to put your abilities in context, using specific examples, outcomes, and even numbers, where applicable. “Resumes that include examples that speak to collaboration, creativity, time management, deadline orientation, knowledge of how the medium in which their designs will be used—such as print production, video, or web—will always stand out,” McDougall says.

Quantifying your experience and accomplishments will help recruiters and hiring managers better understand what you do. So rather than saying you “created promotional materials,” you can put that project in context by including additional details and saying you “designed BeeHive & Co.’s new product marketing materials, including signage, banners, and flyers across print and digital, contributing to achievement of 120% of target revenue in Q1 2020.”

Most resume bullet points can be quantified using this simple formula:

  • Compelling verb + description of work + outcome (if applicable)

If you’ve worked for an organization for a longer period of time, it might be more efficient to create a key achievements subsection where you can go into more detail about specific projects that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. No matter which structure you use, be sure you’re keeping the bigger picture in mind. “A graphic designer who can demonstrate that they understand how their work impacts a company’s bottom line is ten times more interesting and valuable than a candidate who only focuses on design,” Chevallier says.

6. Highlight Your Relevant Technical Skills

Most graphic designers will be skilled users of programs like Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator, so prospective employers will expect to see them on your resume. But don’t stop there. If you have additional skills that are relevant to a particular role, consider adding them. “Go beyond pure design tools like Adobe and show that you also know marketing tools like Mailchimp or TweetDeck. These are complementary skills that will increase your value as a designer,” Chevallier says. McDougall agrees: “If you have ‘crossover’ skills such as video editing, copywriting, or illustration, you should list them in the skills section of your resume, too.”

For the sake of organization and scannability, you might consider categorizing your technical skills into buckets like design, coding languages, and marketing tools (see the sample below) or indicating your level of expertise (e.g. expert InDesign user or proficient with MailChimp). You can also weave your technical skills throughout the experience sections of your resume to put them in context.

7. Master the Fundamentals of Resume Writing

When it comes to resumes, there are a few simple rules that transcend roles and industries. You’ll want to keep these basic guidelines in mind as you draft your own.

Keep your resume to a single page . Your resume should be a snapshot of your experience—not an exhaustive list of everything you’ve ever done. Tailoring your resume for every job you apply to (and cutting content that just isn’t relevant) will help you to keep the length under control. And as a general rule of thumb, you can typically delete work experience that’s more than 10 to 15 years old. Hiring managers are going to be most excited about the things you’ve accomplished recently. That said, there are exceptions to every rule. If you’re a seasoned design professional with a lengthy, relevant career trajectory or a freelancer with an impressive list of former clients, a two-page resume might make sense for you.

Use a clean, scannable layout. Recruiters prefer a chronological layout because it’s straightforward and easy to scan, but for career changers or people reentering the workforce, a combination or functional resume layout could be a better fit (just be aware of the pros and cons of each format before you commit). Whatever layout you go with, be sure that you create clearly defined section headers to make your resume scannable.

Consider including a summary. Resume summaries can be a great way to put your past experience and future goals in context—especially if you’re making any kind of career pivot. They don’t need to be terribly long—just two or three sentences detailing who you are, what you do, what your best trait or skill is, and what you’re looking to do next. When executed well, they can help to paint a fuller picture of what you bring to the table. Check out the sample resume below for an example.

Double check your work. Attention to detail is an especially important trait for graphic designers, so you want to make sure your resume is flawless before you send it out into the world. When in doubt, ask a trusted friend or colleague to read it through.

And Now, an Example!

No two resumes will be exactly alike (nor should they be!), but the below example will give you a general sense of the type of layout and content you’ll want to use for your own. As you read it over, notice the formatting (simple text, clear headings, plenty of white space), ample use of relevant keywords, and quantified achievements.

freelance graphic designer job description resume

Download example graphic design resume

Remember, your resume isn’t meant to showcase your work (that’s what a portfolio is for), but rather to highlight the skills and experiences you bring to the table. It’s an overview of what you’ve accomplished and what you’re capable of doing next. When done right, your resume should serve to provide additional context to your body of work and—most importantly!—help you land a great new graphic design job.

freelance graphic designer job description resume

7 Freelance Journalist Resume Examples for 2024

Freelance journalist resumes require a focus on writing experience, published work, and areas of expertise. This article includes proven resume examples and advice on presenting your skills and achievements. Learn how to highlight relevant experience, showcase your portfolio, and structure your resume for success.

Portrait of Grace Abrams

  • 03 Sep 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Position your educational background', added
  • 03 Sep 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Freelance Journalist (Transferable Skills), added
  • 01 Sep 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 11 Sep 2024

Here's what we see in the best freelance journalist resumes.

Show Impact With Numbers : The best resumes use numbers to show results. Include metrics common to this job, such as article view counts , social shares , publication reach , and engagement rates . Numbers make your impact clear.

Include Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are SEO , AP Style , WordPress , Google Analytics , and Adobe Creative Suite . Choose skills you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Trend Towards Multimedia Storytelling : More journalists are using multimedia elements. Highlight skills like video production or podcasting to stand out.

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Freelance Journalist Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get your resume scored

Want to know if your freelance journalism resume stands out? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of where you excel and where you can improve. It checks for key elements that editors and publications look for when hiring writers.

Upload your resume now for an unbiased assessment. You'll get instant feedback on how to make your writing experience and skills shine, helping you land more freelance opportunities.

Position your educational background

As a hiring manager, I recommend you to position your education effectively on a resume. If you are new in the field of freelance journalism or have recently finished a journalism degree or related course, place your education section before your work experience. This will show employers that your recent academic training is the most current and relevant aspect of your professional development.

For those with substantial freelance journalism experience, your work history should take precedence. Your education can then follow to provide context and background, especially if it is in a field that enhances your reporting and writing skills, such as political science or economics. Always ensure your most relevant qualifications are easy to find and at the forefront of your resume.

Breaking into journalism

Start by building a strong portfolio. Include links to published articles and personal blogs in your resume. This shows your writing style and proficiency.

Networking is essential. Attend industry conferences and join journalism groups on social media platforms. Mention any industry memberships in your resume. This demonstrates your engagement and commitment to the field.

Entry-Level Freelance Journalist Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

Keep your resume concise, aiming for one page, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience. As a freelance journalist, this means including your strongest and most recent work. Prioritize showcasing your most impactful articles, the range of your reporting skills, and diverse publication platforms. Highlight collaborations and key interviews that align with the role you are seeking.

If you have ample experience stretching beyond a decade, consider extending to two pages. Here, focus on depth, including significant investigative pieces or series, high-profile assignments, and leadership in journalistic projects. Always remember to maintain enough white space for readability and to use a layout that naturally guides the reader through your career timeline and accomplishments.

Senior Freelance Journalist Resume Sample

Gaining credibility.

Consider adding a section for quotes or testimonials from editors or readers. This can provide external validation of your work and reliability.

Highlight any niche areas you specialize in, like technology or politics. This helps employers match your skills to their needs and shows you have depth in specific topics.

Freelance Journalist with a Specialization in Technology Resume Sample

Aspiring freelance journalist (transferable skills) resume sample.

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Freelance journalist, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, resume sample #3, entry-level freelance journalist, resume sample #4, senior freelance journalist, resume sample #5, freelance journalist with a specialization in technology, resume sample #6, aspiring freelance journalist (transferable skills), resume sample #7, additional resources, questions get in touch.


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  1. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples for 2024

    Graphic Design er. Created a library of design elements resulting in a reduction of project turnaround time by 40%. Enhanced user interface of company app, increasing daily active users by 30%. Designed promotional materials for 5 key campaigns, contributing to a 20% boost in conversions.

  2. 3 Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples for 2024

    Here are some examples of what we mean: Used Sketch to create mockups for Urban Outfitters' mobile app update, which saw a 0.5-star increase in user ratings. Conducted photo editing for product images using Adobe Photoshop, increasing sales by 12%.

  3. Freelance Graphic Designer Job Description, Key Duties and

    Freelance Graphic Designer Job Description for Resume. If you are making a new resume or CV as someone who has worked before as a freelance graphic designer or are presently working in that role, you can make an effective Professional Experience section for the resume by applying the above freelance graphic designer job description sample.

  4. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

    Common Responsibilities Listed on Freelance Graphic Designer Resumes: Create and design visual concepts for various projects, such as logos, brochures, websites, and social media graphics. Collaborate with clients to understand their design needs and preferences. Develop and present design concepts and mockups to clients for approval.

  5. Writing a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume (With Example)

    Follow these steps to write your own freelance graphic designer resume: 1. Review the job posting. Review the job posting to ensure you have the skills required to complete the task. Note any skills or qualifications the posting requests that you also have so you can highlight them on your resume.

  6. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples

    Why this example passes: Numbers and statistics add detail and quantify the results this freelance graphic designer delivers: 4% improvement and a class size of 20-25. Good use of strong words and active language. References specialized value cahier provides with "individualized lesson plans.".

  7. The Freelance Graphic Design Resume Guide (Templates & Examples)

    The American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Society of Illustrators, and the International Color Consortium are examples of organizations that offer memberships that can help you grow as a professional and wow potential clients with your commitment to career development. 6. Relevant volunteer work.

  8. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Some of the work activities common for a Freelance Graphic Designer are networking, seeking projects, negotiating fees, discussing requirements, developing new ideas, presenting solutions to clients, and ensuring projects are completed in time. The most successful example resumes for this role emphasize creativity, self motivation, specialized ...

  9. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume: Sample & Guide [Entry Level + Senior

    Name: John Doe. Date of Birth: 15th April 1985. Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA. Email: [email protected]. Phone Number: +1 (123) 456-7890. Summary: John Doe is an experienced freelance graphic designer with 10+ years of experience. He has a strong portfolio of work, which includes creating logos, websites, brochures, and advertisements.

  10. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Sample & Tips

    freelance graphic designer Job Descriptions; Explained. If you're applying for an freelance graphic designer position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview ...

  11. 22 Graphic Designer Resume Examples That Work in 2024

    Graphic designer resume objective. Speaking of an objective/summary, perhaps you're wondering whether you need one in your graphic designer resume. First, let's explain the difference between the two. A summary is a two-to-three-sentence statement that summarizes your skills, work experience, and any specializations. It's best used when ...

  12. Freelance Designer Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    A typical resume sample for Freelance Designers describes duties such as networking, seeking work, discussing requirements with clients, creating designs, using specialized computer software and making sure projects are completed in time. Based on the most successful example resumes, essential qualifications for this role are creativity, self ...

  13. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples and Templates

    Keep it concise to entice the reader to learn more about you. Related: Top Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Objective Examples. 3. Skills and Competencies. This section showcases your technical and creative skills, aligning with the requirements of the job posting. Technical Skills: Detail your proficiency with design software and tools.

  14. 7 Best Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples for 2024

    The best Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Examples with Headline, Objective statement, Description and Skills. Download Sample Resume Templates in PDF, Word. ... In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates, resume formats, cover letter examples, job description, and career advice pages for more helpful tips and advice.

  15. How to create a freelance graphic designer resume that lands you gigs

    Freelance graphic designer resume example #2. This freelance graphic designer finishing up his undergrad chose a Canva template with a nice pop of color and graphics to help his resume stand out from the competition. Everything is easy to read and scan, so the hiring manager can quickly take everything in.

  16. 14 Graphic Designer Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 1 of 14: Graphic Designer Resume Example. A graphic designer communicates ideas through visual concepts. Their role is to conceptualize and develop a layout that communicates what stakeholders need to show. Graphic design can be used for many purposes, including captivating, informing, or inspiring consumers.

  17. Freelance Graphic Designer Job Description

    Responsibilities for freelance graphic designer. Execute final boards for review and distribution to merchants, licensors, designers and vendors. Create final artwork for all graphic packaging and labeling. Mock up all graphic ideas. Timely execution of all final layouts, and preparation of notes and instructions for vendors or presentations.

  18. 10 Freelance Designer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Write a perfect Freelance Designer resume with our examples and expert advice. Freelance Designer resume template included. ... Ever curious about how to tailor your freelance designer resume for your ideal job? Our detailed guide is here to assist you. ... Freelance Graphic Designer. Canva Pty Ltd. 06/2012-12/2015. Created over 200 custom ...

  19. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Sample

    Experience in print design, retail marketing, production or other related field, with a demonstrated portfolio. Create a Freelance Graphic Designer Resume. Find and customize career-winning Freelance Graphic Designer resume samples and accelerate your job search. All freelance graphic designer resume samples have been written by expert recruiters.

  20. Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Samples

    Freelance Graphic Designer Resume. Summary : 17+ years of extensive experience as a Freelance Graphic Designer is now seeking to obtain an interesting and challenging position as a graphic designer and apply my imagination and artistic ability in the area of graphic design. Available for a part-time or contract job in Boulder-Broomfield area.

  21. Professional Freelance Designer Resume Examples

    GRAPHIC DESIGNER (CONTRACT) 8/1/2010 - 5/1/2012. Company Name. City, State. Coordinated with 15-member team to develop engaging and innovative graphic designs for logos, flyers, posters, and page layouts, and provided guidance and direction to junior graphic designers on complex and large-scale projects. Designed new, on-brand visual elements ...

  22. How to Write a Standout Graphic Designer Resume

    Try thinking of your resume as a snapshot of your experience and capabilities—a sneak peek at what you can do. Here are a few rules to follow when writing your graphic design resume. 1. Resist the Temptation to Get Too Creative. I know, I know. Creativity is an essential skill for a graphic designer.

  23. 7 Freelance Journalist Resume Examples for 2024

    Freelance journalist resumes require a focus on writing experience, published work, and areas of expertise. This article includes proven resume examples and advice on presenting your skills and achievements. Learn how to highlight relevant experience, showcase your portfolio, and structure your resume for success.