global politics topics for extended essay

IB Extended Essay Topics: Global Politics

choosing global politics ee topics

Studying for the IB Diploma Programme (IB DP), and Global Politics in particular, offers a unique opportunity to dig deep into the complexities of our world. From my extensive experience as an IB writer, I’ve come to appreciate the critical role that the Global Politics extended essay has in this process. It’s a way to understand the intricate network of global relationships, conflicts, and cooperation. Today, I will give you some ideas for extended essay topics in Global Politics.

Understanding IB DP Global Politics Course

Reflecting on my extensive experience with the IB curriculum, it is clear that the Global Politics course is uniquely positioned to give students the analytical skills necessary to analyze pressing global issues. This subject challenges students to critically engage with the world around them, examining the underlying causes and potential solutions to international conflicts, human rights abuses, and environmental crises.

The extended essay in Global Politics is a component of the IB Diploma Programme. Here, students can look deeply into fascinating topics, using their research, analytical, and presentation skills to develop arguments on complex issues. It’s a deep look at real-world issues, allowing students to express their perspectives on issues affecting our collective future. In this academic project, students will investigate a variety of critical areas, including but not limited to:

  • International Relations . Researching the dynamics between countries and analyzing how alliances, conflicts, and treaties shape the global landscape.
  • Global Justice . Examining issues of equity and justice worldwide, including the distribution of resources and access to essential services.
  • Human Rights . Investigating the protection and violation of human rights, understanding the mechanisms to safeguard these rights, and critiquing their effectiveness.
  • Environmental Sustainability . Assessing global environmental challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, and evaluating the strategies employed by international actors to address these issues.
  • Economic Globalization . Analyzing the impact of globalization on economies around the world, including both the benefits and the challenges it presents to different populations.

These topics represent only a fraction of the vast array of topics students might investigate in their Global Politics Extended Essays. Each offers a rich field of inquiry that requires a nuanced understanding of the topic and thoughtful consideration of the various viewpoints and evidence available.

Global Politics Extended Essay Topics to Consider

extended essay topics global politics

Below are some topic ideas, each accompanied by a potential research question. They can inspire thoughtful and comprehensive essays.

  • The Influence of Social Media on Political Activism . How has social media transformed political activism in the 21st century?
  • Climate Change Policies and Global Cooperation . To what extent have international agreements been effective in mitigating climate change?
  • The Role of International Organizations in Conflict Resolution . How effective is the United Nations in resolving international conflicts?
  • Human Rights Violations in Conflict Zones . What are the impacts of international intervention on human rights violations in conflict zones?
  • The Politics of Pandemics: A Global Health Perspective . How have political decisions impacted the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Globalization and National Economies . How does globalization affect the economic sovereignty of developing countries?
  • The Rise of Populism and its Impact on Global Politics . What factors have contributed to the rise of populism, and how has it influenced global political dynamics?
  • Gender Equality and Global Governance . How effective are international organizations in promoting gender equality?
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Global Security . How effective are current international treaties in preventing nuclear proliferation?
  • The Impact of Foreign Aid on Developing Countries . What role does foreign aid play in developing countries’ political and economic stability?
  • Migration and Global Political Policies . How do global political policies affect migration patterns and the treatment of refugees?
  • Cybersecurity and International Relations . How do cyber attacks shape international relations and global security policies?
  • Environmental Justice and Indigenous Rights . How are indigenous rights protected in the context of global environmental justice?
  • Economic Sanctions as a Tool of Foreign Policy . How effective are economic sanctions in achieving foreign policy objectives?
  • The Role of Youth in Shaping Global Politics . What is the impact of youth activism on shaping global political agendas?
  • The Influence of Economic Power on Global Politics . How does a country’s economic power influence its global political standing?
  • Digital Democracy and Citizen Engagement . In what ways has digital technology transformed citizen engagement in democratic processes?
  • Terrorism and Global Security Measures . How have global security measures evolved in response to international terrorism?
  • Trade Wars and Their Impact on Global Economic Stability . How do trade wars between major economies affect global economic stability?
  • Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization . How has globalization challenged the concept of state sovereignty?
  • The Role of Women in Political Leadership Globally . What impact do women in political leadership positions have on global politics?
  • Renewable Energy Policies and Global Environmental Goals . How do national renewable energy policies contribute to achieving global environmental goals?
  • The Effect of Cultural Diplomacy on International Relations . How effective is cultural diplomacy in strengthening international relations?
  • Media Freedom and Global Politics . How does the level of media freedom within a country influence its international relationships?
  • Ethnic Conflicts and International Peacekeeping Efforts . How effective are international peacekeeping efforts in resolving ethnic conflicts?
  • Global Health Crises and International Cooperation . What role does international cooperation play in addressing global health crises?
  • The Impact of International Sporting Events on National Identity . How do international sporting events like the Olympics impact the national identity of host countries?
  • The Politics of Historical Memory in International Relations . How does the politics of historical memory affect international relations between countries with a contentious past?
  • Economic Inequality and Globalization . How has globalization contributed to economic inequality within and between countries?
  • Artificial Intelligence and Global Warfare . What are the implications of artificial intelligence advancements for global warfare strategies?
  • Global Water Scarcity and International Conflict . Could global water scarcity lead to increased international conflicts in the future?
  • The Influence of Non-State Actors on Global Politics . How do non-state actors like multinational corporations and NGOs influence global politics?
  • Blockchain Technology and Global Financial Systems . What potential does blockchain technology hold for transforming global financial systems?
  • Cultural Exchange Programs and Their Impact on Global Understanding . How effective are cultural exchange programs in promoting global understanding and peace?
  • The Political Impact of Climate Refugees . How do climate refugees affect the political landscapes of host countries?
  • Decolonization and Its Impact on Global Politics Today . What lasting impacts has the process of decolonization had on global politics?
  • Global Drug Policy and International Relations . How do differing national drug policies impact international relations?
  • The Politics of Artificial Islands and Territorial Expansion . What are the geopolitical implications of countries building artificial islands for territorial expansion?
  • The Role of Propaganda in Modern Warfare . How is propaganda used in modern warfare, and how does it impact international relations?
  • International Law and Cyber Warfare . What challenges does cyber warfare pose to international law and global security?
  • The Politics of Global Food Security . How do political decisions impact global food security?
  • The Influence of Celebrity Activism on Global Politics . To what extent does celebrity activism influence policy-making and public opinion on global issues?
  • Ethical Considerations in Global Genetic Research Policies . What are the ethical considerations in formulating global policies on genetic research?
  • Global Urbanization and Its Political Implications . How does rapid global urbanization impact political stability in developing countries?
  • The Future of NATO in Global Politics . What role will NATO play in the future landscape of global politics?
  • The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions as a Diplomatic Tool . How have economic sanctions succeeded or failed as tools of diplomacy in specific international conflicts?
  • The Political Impact of Renewable Energy Adoption . What are the political implications of major shifts towards renewable energy in leading global economies?
  • The Role of International Courts in Enforcing Human Rights . How effectively have international courts enforced human rights laws across different nations?
  • Political Consequences of the Global Population Shift . How are global politics influenced by the major demographic shifts occurring worldwide?
  • The Impact of Global Trade Agreements on Emerging Economies . What role have global trade agreements played in the development strategies of emerging economies?
  • Nationalism and Globalization: Conflicting or Complementary? How do nationalism and globalization intersect and impact each other in contemporary politics?
  • The Role of Women in Peacemaking Processes . How have women influenced peacemaking processes in global conflict zones?
  • The Influence of Diasporas on Homeland Politics . How do diaspora communities influence the political landscapes of their countries of origin?
  • Global Political Effects of the Internet of Things (IoT) . What are the implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) on global security and political sovereignty?
  • The Political Dynamics of Water Scarcity . How is water scarcity influencing political relations between nations in arid and semi-arid regions?

These topics provide a wide range of research opportunities for IB Global Politics Extended Essays, encouraging students to examine current and relevant issues in depth.

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How to Choose a Topic for Your Global Politics EE?

In my extensive experience, I’ve learned that a well-chosen topic significantly affects the depth and quality of your essay. Here’s a comprehensive guide to choosing a suitable theme and getting the most out of your research phase.

Understand Your Interests and Strengths

Firstly, reflect on your interests and strengths. Global Politics covers many subjects, from international relations and human rights to environmental policies and digital governance. Pick a topic that sparks your curiosity and aligns with your strengths. For example, themes related to climate change policies might be a good fit if you’re passionate about environmental issues. This initial alignment ensures you remain motivated throughout the research and writing process.

Conduct Preliminary Research

Before settling on a topic, conduct preliminary research to gauge the availability of sources and data. A topic with scarce resources can become a significant hurdle. Likewise, an overly broad topic can be challenging to manage within the word limit of an Extended Essay. This phase helps narrow your options to a topic that is both researchable and manageable.

Assess the Global Significance

Given the subject area, consider the global significance of your potential topics. The best essays often address international issues or showcase localized events’ global implications. It doesn’t mean you can’t focus on a specific country or region, but your analysis should connect back to broader global trends or issues.

Relevance to Current Affairs

Engaging with current affairs can add a layer of relevance and urgency to your Extended Essay. Topics rooted in recent events or ongoing global debates often provide rich material for analysis. However, ensure that there is enough historical distance for a critical perspective and that you have access to a range of sources for a balanced view.

In short, the extended essay in Global Politics is like a rite of passage for IB students. It challenges you to think critically, argue effectively, and contribute to critical global discussions. I hope my ideas help you choose the perfect topic for your Global Politics extended essay. Also, remember that you can always contact our IB experts if you need help with Extended Essay writing.

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IB Global Politics EE examples

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Global Politics Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions


Table of contents

  • Writing Metier

Are you gearing up to write your IB Extended Essay on Global Politics but hitting a bit of a brainstorming wall? No worries, I’ve been there, and I’m here to help you out. In this article, I am not just listing out some Global politics extended essay topics; I’m opening doors to a world where your extended essay can genuinely resonate with what’s happening around us. 

What a promise, you might say, but you better check the topic ideas and then come back to judge me. Hah! We at Writing Metrier always give what we promise 😉

From the digital twists in democracy to the environmental challenges shaking up our planet, we’ve got a mix of hot, relevant, and thought-provoking topics lined up for you. 

And isn’t it why you chose global politics for your IB EE? We are here to make changes, even through extended essay research and writing.

So, grab your thinking caps, and let’s get ready to turn your Global Politics EE into a conversation starter for years 2023 and 2024! 

Global Politics IB EE Ideas

extended essay topics on global politics

In this block, I’ll be sharing good topic ideas with you. These aren’t just some good Global politics IB EE topics; they’re your ticket to exploring the complexities of our interconnected world. 

I have made a list of various potential categories for your ease. Also, at the end, I will share a list of super fresh topic ideas with possible research questions for your extended essay.

Let’s begin!

International relations and diplomacy

Ready to dive into the intricate world of International Relations and Diplomacy? This is where the big players of global politics make their moves. I’m talking about organizations and strategies that shape our world. 

From the health crises tackled by the WHO to the financial stability managed by the IMF, and the peacekeeping efforts of the UN, it’s a realm where every decision can ripple across nations. 

And let’s not forget the subtle art of diplomacy – it’s all about the finesse in handling hotspots like North Korea and Iran. Let’s unpack these dynamics and see what makes them tick.

  • International Organizations
  • The effectiveness of the World Health Organization in managing global health emergencies.
  • The role of the International Monetary Fund in stabilizing global financial crises.
  • The impact of the United Nations’ peacekeeping missions in conflict zones.
  • Diplomatic Strategies
  • The evolution of diplomatic relations between North Korea and South Korea.
  • The impact of “soft power” in China’s foreign policy.
  • The role of diplomacy in the Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations.

Now, let’s shift gears to a more intense arena: Global Conflicts and Security. This is where the abstract parts of diplomacy meet the hard realities of conflict and cyber warfare. 

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global politics topics for extended essay

Global conflicts and security

It’s a digital battlefield out there, with cyber attacks reshaping the face of modern warfare and espionage. And when it comes to terrorism, the world has been evolving its strategies ever since the fateful day of 9/11. 

Let’s explore how these shadowy battles are fought and what it means for our global security.

  • Cyber Warfare
  • The use of cyber attacks in modern geopolitical conflicts.
  • The role of cybersecurity in national defense strategies.
  • The impact of cyber espionage on international relations.
  • The evolution of counter-terrorism strategies post 9/11.
  • The role of international cooperation in combating ISIS.
  • The impact of domestic terrorism on national security policies.

Next up, we’re stepping into the noble fight for Human Rights and Global Justice. 

Human rights and global justice

This is where we confront some of the most pressing moral questions of our time. How effective are our international courts in upholding human rights? What’s the real impact of global campaigns on the rights of marginalized communities? And in the world of work, how are rights being protected (or not) in the face of globalization? 

These are questions that challenge us to think about the kind of world we want to live in.

  • International Human Rights Law
  • The effectiveness of the International Criminal Court in enforcing human rights.
  • The role of human rights in shaping international refugee policies.
  • The impact of global human rights campaigns on LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Workers’ Rights
  • The effect of international trade agreements on workers’ rights.
  • The role of global unions in protecting workers in multinational corporations.
  • The impact of globalization on child labor laws.

Moving on, let’s talk about something that affects each one of us directly – Global Health and Environmental Policy. 

Global health and environmental policy

From battling global pandemics to fighting the existential threat of climate change, these issues demand international cooperation like never before. How are global entities responding to these challenges? Are our efforts enough to safeguard our health and our planet?

Let’s delve into these critical topics.

  • Global Health
  • The role of global partnerships in combating HIV/AIDS.
  • The impact of international travel on the spread of infectious diseases.
  • The effectiveness of global vaccination programs.
  • Climate Change
  • The role of international agreements in mitigating climate change.
  • The impact of climate change on small island developing states.
  • The effectiveness of global green energy initiatives.

As we pivot to Economic Globalization and Development, I’m looking at the engine that drives much of the world’s interactions – the global economy.

Economic globalization and development

 Here, we’ll explore how emerging economies are navigating the choppy waters of globalization, and the role of foreign aid in shaping the futures of developing nations. It’s a complex mix of opportunity, challenge, and innovation, and it’s reshaping our world in real-time.

  • Emerging Economies
  • The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in Africa.
  • The role of technology in economic development in Southeast Asia.
  • The effects of global trade policies on Latin American economies.
  • Foreign Aid
  • The effectiveness of microfinance in poverty alleviation.
  • The role of international aid in post-conflict reconstruction.
  • The impact of conditional aid on government policies in developing countries.

Now, let’s take a turn into the vibrant and often contentious world of Culture and Identity in Global Politics. 

Culture and identity in global politics

In this era of social media and mass migration, identities are being formed and reformed in fascinating ways. How are these forces influencing politics, both in authoritarian regimes and democratic societies? How is the global movement of people reshaping national identities and policies? 

It’s a melting pot of ideas and challenges, and we’re here to stir it up.

  • Social Media and Politics
  • The influence of social media on political activism in authoritarian regimes.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • The impact of digital misinformation on democratic processes.
  • The effects of migration on national identity in multicultural societies.
  • The role of diaspora communities in shaping foreign policy.
  • The impact of refugee influxes on European Union policies.

Finally, we arrive at the Global Political Economy – a domain where money, power, and policy intersect.

Global political economy

 Here, we’ll examine the influence of multinational corporations and the high-stakes game of trade wars. From corporate lobbying to the impact of Brexit, these are the forces shaping our economic realities. It’s a world where economic decisions can start a chain reaction felt around the globe.

  • Multinational Corporations
  • The influence of corporate lobbying on international trade agreements.
  • The role of multinational corporations in shaping global labor standards.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives on global branding.
  • The effects of the US-China trade war on the global economy.
  • The role of tariffs in modern international trade conflicts.
  • The impact of Brexit on European trade dynamics.

And there you have it – a whirlwind tour through the dynamic and diverse world of Global Politics. Each of these categories offers a unique lens to view and understand the forces shaping our world. Ready to explore further? Let’s go!

Modern Days GP Extended essay topics

Alright, let’s fast-forward to today’s world, a place where politics isn’t just about governments and policies, but also about how technology and societal changes are reshaping our global landscape. 

I am talking about the cutting-edge stuff here – from the potential of digital democracy and the complexities of online voting systems to the rise of populism shaking the foundations of Europe. 

We’re also seeing how cryptocurrencies are playing with financial stability and how the space race is no longer just about reaching the stars, but also about geopolitical muscle-flexing. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

  • Research Question:  How do online voting systems impact democratic participation in developed countries?
  • Research Question:  What factors have contributed to the rise of populist movements in Europe in the 21st century?
  • Research Question:  How could the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies impact global financial stability?
  • Research Question:  What are the geopolitical implications of the new space race for global powers?
  • Research Question:  How is climate change influencing global migration patterns?
  • Research Question:  How does the spread of fake news affect international relations and diplomacy?
  • Research Question:  What has been the impact of women’s involvement in peacebuilding processes in conflict zones?
  • Research Question:  How could virtual reality technology transform global education systems?
  • Research Question:  What are the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in military operations?
  • Research Question:  How can advancements in agricultural technology address global food security challenges?
  • Research Question:  How have recent pandemics like COVID-19 reshaped global governance structures?
  • Research Question:  What role does youth activism play in driving political change on a global scale?
  • Research Question:  How will automation and AI influence the future of work and economic structures globally?
  • Research Question:  How do authoritarian regimes use social media for control and propaganda?
  • Research Question:  How can sustainable urban development strategies address global housing crises?

Each of these topics is a window into how our world is evolving in real-time, offering a rich ground for exploration in your Extended Essay.

Choose your topic wisely

And there we have it! We’ve explored a spectrum of topics in Global Politics, each offering a unique perspective on our world. From the corridors of international diplomacy to the digital frontiers reshaping our societies, these topics are more than just research ideas; they’re invitations to understand and engage with the complexities of our global community. 

Whether you’re dissecting the impact of AI in warfare, exploring the role of social media in authoritarian regimes, or unraveling the challenges of sustainable urban development, your Extended Essay is an opportunity to add your voice to these crucial conversations. 

So, pick a topic that resonates with you, and follow the criteria and IB EE rubric when writing the EE. Do not forget about extended essay word count and, of course, the deadlines, and let’s start making sense of this ever-changing world together. 

If you need assistance in writing your extended essay on global politics, Writing Metier is the place to go. Need topic suggestions? We can also provide you with a list for your consideration, simply use our contact form and leave an inquiry. 

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We will give you several options for free! If you need more research or editing and writing help, these options are paid but surely worth it!

In global politics, your insights could one day be part of the solutions we’re all searching for. So, choose your topic wisely 😉

Free topic suggestions

Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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World Studies Extended Essay: Global Themes

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Global Themes
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World Studies Global Themes

Globe - Britannica ImageQuest

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Conflict, peace, and security

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Politics and the arts Post-apartheid South Africa Theatre, global politics
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Culture, language, and identity

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Health and development

HIV/AIDS and equitable access to education Specific examples for particular countries Economics, geography, biology, global politics
Climate change, global health and malaria Specific examples for particular countries Environmental systems and society, biology, geography
Population density and levels of cell-tower radiation Specific examples for particular countries Physics, geography
Impact of socio-economic factors on the prevalence of particular infections Specific example of an infection in a particular country or comparison between two countries Biology, geography, economics
Rise of obesity in affluent countries Specific focus on a group in a particular country or comparison between two countries or regions within a country Biology, psychology, global politics, economics
Link between educating females and increased basic health improvements within the family Specific country focus or comparison between two countries or regions within a country Social and cultural anthropology, biology, global politics, psychology

Science, technology and society

Nuclear power and public perception Nuclear power station in Munro, Michigan Physics, psychology, politics
Language development and new technology Schools in Lyon using Google translate™ translation service Information technology in a global society (ITGS), language acquisition, geography
Internet consumption and education Youth education issues in New Delhi, India ITGS, economics, psychology
Role of social media in civil protests Specific example of where social media has been used in protests and demonstrations within a specific country ITGS, global politics
The use of technology in predicting natural disasters The use of new technologies in predicting earthquakes, floods, etc. within a specific region ITGS, physics, economics, geography, ESS, design technology
The use of new technologies in the learning of languages The effectiveness of new technologies in the mastery of second languages among school children within a specific country ITGS, language, economics

WSEE Documents

WSEE Subject Guide and worksheets

  • IB EE Subject Guide - World Studies, 2018
  • Making Meaningful Connections Use this worksheet to help you think about your research plans: the concepts or methods your will be using, the global topic you're focusing on, and the academic disciplines you will be using.

RRS (Researcher's Reflection Space)

  • Sample Prompts for the WSEE RRS What should you write in your RRS? Use these questions and prompts to help you think through the various stages of the research for your WSEE: your initial ideas, your thoughts and reflections during the process, and your conclusions.
  • RRS Example B - World Studies

RPPF (Researcher's Planning and Progress Form) examples:

  • RPPF Example 5 - World Studies
  • RPPF Example 7 - World Studies

IB Extended Essay Guide & Timeline

Check the Extended Essay guide for specific guidance on completing the various steps in the research and writing process of the EE, and  these documents:

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Tips for Global Politics EE

Priyasha Chakravarti

I am biased, but I would say that choosing to write your 4000-word extended essay in Global Politics is the best decision ever!! Not only do you have so much freedom and flexibility, but you can also really hone in on relevant topical issues going on in our world. I wrote a Global Politics EE and am incredibly excited to share some tips on how to be successful and execute a great essay!

Before I break down the tips, let me give a little bit of context on my Global Politics EE. As a May 2021 grad, I finished my essay during the second half of my senior year. I knew I wanted to write about a topic related to politics in India (my home country) since I wanted to familiarise myself more with that and have a personal connection. I wrote my essay about the revocation of the special status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) back in August 5, 2019. As India’s only Muslim-majority state, J&K was granted special status under the Indian Constitution, which it could not lose unless the residents were consulted.

Using concepts such as religious identity, security, human rights, and economic development, I studied whether this revocation positively or negatively impacted the promised autonomy of J&K. This included analyzing the draconian measures pursued by the ruling government of India (the Bharatiya Janata Party) such as lengthy lockdowns and cutting off internet connection.

Prior to starting the writing process, I spent a lot of time reviewing relevant documents (certain chapters of India’s constitution and the Bharatiya Janata Party’s manifesto) and discussing my research with my advisor. Afterward, we focused on coming up with a structure with claims and counterclaims. I spent about 2 months fully absorbed in research before starting to write. 

This was my research question: To what extent has the autonomy of Jammu and Kashmir been eroded by the revocation of Article 370 of India’s Constitution and Trifurcation of the State?

Here are some tips to keep in mind and I will delve into each of them separately:

1. Pick an interesting topic that has implications and relevance in the present day

Now, this part is quite personal, but I would highly recommend investigating a global political issue that you find interesting. (possibly one that has personal relevance to you). Perhaps you debated solutions to ending the civil war in Yemen during a MUN conference. And you are eager to explore its long-term political and religious implications. Or maybe you were intrigued by watching Climate Strike protests that were led by Greta Thunberg . And you want to compare the effectiveness of youth-led protests? Whatever it is, try to jot down a few reasons why you want to research it.

Of course, the topic should have significant relevance to the present day (this is not a history EE). I chose to delve into politics in India to learn more about social, religious, and political climate of India. Take your time with this first step because it is the most important!

2. Make a comprehensive and thorough research and sources document

After picking a topic and consulting with your advisor, now: find, compile, organize, and work through your sources. A good starting point is to have 10 sources from a variety of websites, books, and more. For my Global Politics EE, I referred to the New York Times, Economic Times, original copies of India’s constitution, and new sources based in India among others. 

3. Plan an appropriate outline 

It is important to formulate an appropriate outline for your Global Politics EE. This ensures that you hit on all the important points: the history/context, as well as the different core concepts and levels of analysis that make up your claims and counterclaims. 


In this section, you can explain the context behind the global political issue you are highlighting. Remember, this is not a history essay, but be sure to touch on some relevant past events. Explain why this issue is worthy of investigating and you can end by stating your research question. 


You can use this section to evaluate some of the main sources you will be using. Also provide a roadmap for your essay. (I.e talk about the concepts or sub-headings you will use to structure your essay). I would recommend keeping this part as concise as possible. Discuss how your sources will provide different perspectives towards the same issue. 

The main body can be split into multiple sub-sections based on the different aspects you want to hit on. To avoid lengthy paragraphs, it is important to use subheadings. They also help the examiner to follow the timeline of the event, and the developments of your argument. Do include claims and counterclaims from the perspective of different stakeholders. For me, these were the Kashmiri citizens, the Indian government, international stakeholders, etc…

I split my EE using these subheadings::

  • Relevant Articles from the Constitution of India
  • The Revocation of Article  370
  • Religious Identity
  • National Security
  • Economic Development 

Pull together all your research and come to a synthesis. If you have not talked about the international and global implications of your issue (especially if it’s a national issue), be sure to do so here. You can also add some weaknesses or limitations you experienced during your research and writing process and talk about what you would have done differently next time. 


Follow the correct MLA format for all your websites, books, and other resources you use. Make sure you alphabetize this list!


This is optional if you want to include additional analysis or information that you could not fit into your EE and you feel is crucial.

4. Incorporate appropriate Global Politics concepts and theories

The core of IB Global Politics is the concepts covered. This can include sovereignty, equality, development, liberalism, realism, etc. Be sure to incorporate these into your essay and concepts such as liberalism vs realism can serve as your claim and counterclaim. You can even have one overarching core concept tie your entire essay together. For me, that concept was autonomy. However, while exploring whether or not the revocation of Article 370 hinders J&K’s promised autonomy, I still used other core concepts as well. Additionally, include levels of analysis (community, local, national, international, global) to add more nuance to your essay. 

I hope that those of you considering an EE in Global Politics found these tips helpful. I can definitely say that the EE was one of the most extensive pieces of work I produced in the IB, and also the one that I enjoyed the most. This is because I was genuinely interested in my topic, as it was personal to me and also relevant to what I want to pursue in the future. One of my final tips for the Global Politics EE would be to always stay up to date with the news to track any updates regarding the topic/issue you have chosen. Best of luck to everyone!

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  • Yasmin’s Subject Overview for Global Politics .
  • Victor’s Overview for Global Politics HL Presentations .

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Global Politics Extended Essay Topics

Choosing a research question for a global politics extended essay can be challenging, as it is important to ensure that the question is both relevant and feasible to research within the given time frame. 

Here are some tips to help you choose a research question:

  • Start with a broad topic: Begin by thinking about a broad topic within global politics that interests you, such as international relations, human rights, or environmental politics.
  • Narrow down your focus: Once you have a broad topic, start narrowing down your focus to a specific issue or problem within that area. For example, if you’re interested in international relations, you might want to focus on a specific conflict or region.
  • Identify a gap in the literature: Look for a gap in the current research on your topic and try to find a question that has not been extensively covered in the literature or that offers a unique perspective on a well-established issue.
  • Make it specific: Your research question should be specific and focused rather than too broad or general. It should clearly state the problem or issue you plan to address.
  • Be original: Try to come up with a research question that is original, and that will contribute to the existing knowledge in your field.
  • Keep it feasible: Make sure that your research question is feasible to research within the time frame and resources available to you. Consider factors such as the availability of data, access to experts or primary sources, and the scope of the topic.
  • Consult with your supervisor: Once you have a few potential research questions, consult with your supervisor or teacher to get feedback on their feasibility and potential for a successful essay.

Remember that the research question should guide your research, so it’s important to choose a question that is both relevant and feasible to research within the given time frame.

global politics topics for extended essay

Need help with your Global Politics extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for Global Politics studies.

With the right research question , you’ll be well on your way to writing a successful extended essay on global politics.

Global Politics Extended Essay Topics | 20 Ideas

  • The Impact of Climate Change on International Security
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Promoting Human Rights
  • The Effects of Globalization on National Sovereignty
  • The Impact of Social Media on International Relations
  • The Role of International Institutions in Conflict Resolution
  • The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool
  • The Impact of Migration on International Relations
  • The Role of International Law in Regulating Cyber Warfare
  • The Influence of Great Powers on International Relations
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Global Politics
  • The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Developing Countries
  • The Role of Women in International Peacekeeping
  • The Impact of Globalization on Income Inequality
  • The Effectiveness of Multilateralism in Global Governance
  • The Role of Regional Organizations in International Relations
  • The Impact of Immigration Policies on International Relations
  • The Effectiveness of International Human Rights Law
  • The Role of Energy Security in International Relations
  • The Impact of the International Financial System on Developing Countries
  • The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Policy

Please note that these topics are meant to serve as an inspiration and a starting point for your research. It’s important to choose a topic that is both relevant and feasible to research within the given time frame and one that is interesting and engaging for you. Always check with your supervisor or teacher for guidance and to get feedback on your topic before starting your research.

How can students use these topics in their essays ?

These are only examples of how students can use these topics as a starting point and expand on them by adding more specific research questions and by using different methodologies and sources to support their arguments.

  • The Impact of Climate Change on International Security: A student can research how climate change can lead to security challenges such as resource scarcity, forced migration, and political instability and how it can impact international relations.
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Promoting Human Rights: A student can investigate the role that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play in promoting human rights globally and analyze their effectiveness in terms of strategies and impact.
  • The Effects of Globalization on National Sovereignty: A student can research how globalization has affected the concept of national sovereignty and how it has changed the way nations interact with each other on the global stage.
  • The Impact of Social Media on International Relations: A student can research how social media platforms have changed the way information is shared and how it has affected the way nations communicate with each other, and how it has an impact on diplomacy, public opinion, and propaganda.
  • The Role of International Institutions in Conflict Resolution: A student can investigate the role that international institutions such as the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization play in resolving conflicts and promoting peace.
  • The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool: A student can research the effectiveness of economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool and analyze their impact on the targeted country’s economy and society.
  • The Impact of Migration on International Relations: A student can research how migration has affected international relations, including issues such as border security, economic integration, and cultural exchange.
  • The Role of International Law in Regulating Cyber Warfare: A student can investigate the role of international law in regulating cyber warfare and analyze the effectiveness of existing international laws and regulations in protecting cyber-security.
  • The Influence of Great Powers on International Relations: A student can research the role of great powers, such as the United States, China, and Russia, in shaping international relations and how their actions affect the global political landscape.
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Global Politics: A student can research how artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting global politics, including its impact on national security, international relations, and global governance.

In conclusion, global politics is a vast and complex field with many different areas of study. 

The above-mentioned topics are only a few examples of the many possible themes that students can explore in their extended essays on global politics. It’s important for students to choose a topic that is both relevant and feasible to research within the given time frame and one that is interesting and engaging for them.

It is important to note that writing an extended essay can be a challenging task, and it requires a lot of time, research, and writing skills. Students can face many difficulties, with a 4000 words IB EE . Such as lack of time, lack of research resources, or difficulty in organizing their thoughts and ideas . Therefore, students can seek help from professional writing services that can guide them through the process and help them produce high-quality essays. 

Writing services can provide students with research resources, help with organizing their thoughts and ideas, and help with editing and proofreading their essays. This will help students to submit a well-written and well-researched essay that can earn them good grades.

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Luke MacQuoid

Luke MacQuoid has extensive experience teaching English as a foreign language in Japan, having worked with students of all ages for over 12 years. Currently, he is teaching at the tertiary level. Luke holds a BA from the University of Sussex and an MA in TESOL from Lancaster University, both located in England. As well to his work as an IB Examiner and Master Tutor, Luke also enjoys sharing his experiences and insights with others through writing articles for various websites, including blog

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Global Politics Extended Essay: Structure and Writing Tips

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by  Antony W

September 3, 2022


Global Politics Extended Essay focuses on a political issue that revolves around the distribution of power and operation within social organizations.

Further, the essay examines how people think about and engage in matters that directly and indirectly affect their lives.

To write a comprehensive Global Politics Extended Essay, you need to choose an EE topic in Global Politics within your lifetime, structure the assignment accordingly, and plan your writing process.

In this post, we’ll look at the structure of the Global Politics Extended Essay and some tips that can help you write a good EE in the subject.

Get Global Politics Extended Essa Writing Help

It takes time to research a topic, develop a research issue, and write a comprehensive Extended Essay in Global Politics.

If you’re currently stuck in the research stage, or you have other assignments to focus on,  use our EE writing assistance   to get the task completed.

Our IB writers have the experience in exploring and writing on different areas of Global Politics, making us the right service to hire if you need help.

IB Global Politics Extended Essay Outline

The following is a description of the parts of the Global Politics EE outline in the order in which they should appear:

Include the following information in the title page:

  • A clear, focused statement of your research (EE title)
  • Research question
  • The subject, which is Global Politics in this case

The title page isn’t part of the word count for all the Extended Essay assignment , including the Global Politics.

Table of Contents

Although the table of contents is important, IB doesn’t include it in the overall word count. Include al the pages in your Global Politics Extended Essay with numbers for each page.


The introduction of your Extended Essay should be at most 350 words.

Here, you tell your reader what your research is about and how intend to conduct it. In addition to writing about your target audience, demonstrate how interesting and valuable your research is to them.

Mention your research question and explain why it’s an important question to investigate within the content of the Global Politics subject.


An Extended Essay in Global Politics is not a research paper. So the methodology part should be short and precise. Don’t exceed 450 words.

To write the methodology more effectively, consider diving this section into sources and tools.

Method Section 1: Sources

You should include the sources for your primary and secondary research in this section. State why the sources are important to your research and mention their limitation.

Method Section 2: Tools

Mention and explain the areas of Global Politics used in your Extended Essay. If required, conduct an analysis of discourse and comparative studies, media reviews, and quantitative analysis as additional research techniques.

In addition to explaining the techniques relevant to your research, mention the limitations of the tools you used in your investigation.

Body Section (About 2,800 Words)

You’ll build up your Global Politics Extended Essay in the body section of the outline. It’s here that you share your research, data analysis, evaluation, and discussion.

Remember, the best way to write an Extended Essay is to start early, and it’s not an exception for Global Politics. Starting early gives you enough time to explore arguments related to your research question.

Your Global Politics Extended Essay must be analytical in nature, not descriptive in form. As you write, link back to your research question in each paragraph to demonstrate that your writing answers the research question.

The conclusion part of your Global Politic Extended Essay ties your discussion in the body part in about 400 words.

Reiterate the best insights made in the body section, and make sure you don’t include new ideas in this part of the Extended Essay.


The bibliography should be at least 3 pages of the sources you’ve used to write your Extended Essay. Note that examiners don’t include the number of words in this section to the overall word count.

While the appendices section isn’t part of the word count, it’s necessary that you include it in your Global Politics Extended Essay.

You should aim for 3 to 4 pages max.

Tips for Writing a Good Global Politics EE

1. formatting.

We’ve given you a comprehensive outline for the Global Politics EE already.

Something to add to that structure is the right paper formatting. Use the Times New Roman font, with 12 points for readability.

Also, each page must have a number and your work should be double-spaced.

2. Research Question

Choose a research question that you can easily explore and comfortably document in the essay.

You have many options here, but at least make sure the question you pick isn’t too narrow or too broad. As with every other EE, such as World Study or Economics , your topic and therefore research question should be on an issue you can explore within the respective word count.

3. Reflection

You need to take your reflections seriously.

These are about 18% of the total EE marks, which play a part in improving your overall EE grades.

We have a guide on how to write Extended Essay reflection .

Go check that out and implement exactly what we’ve suggested in that guide.

If you follow that to a tee, we’re confident that you will score the full marks for the reflections.

4. Citing Sources

Your IB teacher wants to be sure that you did your research before writing the Global Politics Extended Essay, and the best way to demonstrate that is by citing all your sources.

An average page should have at least 5 sources.

You can cite your sources in MLA, but feel free to use other citation formatting – especially what your teacher specifies.

5. Word Count

The Extended Essay, regardless of the subject or topic you wish to cover should not be more than 4,000 words. A Global Politics is not an exception.

IB teacher generally don’t assess anything beyond the initial word count, so be careful with this.

Another important thing to keep in mind as far as the length is concerned is that charts, images, and tables aren’t included in the word count.

6. Abstract 

It’s important NOT to include an Abstract in your EE , or any other Extended Essay assignment for that matter.

The new IB EE Guide clearly states that students should not include an abstract in their Extended Essays. So take note of that as you structure the essay.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.


OGC Extended Essay: Global Politics

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 Global Politics: Overview 

An extended essay (EE) in global politics gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth analysis of a significant, contemporary global political issue.

Students should choose a topic that will allow them to demonstrate their: • knowledge • research skills • critical thinking skills.

The outcome should be a substantial, coherent and structured essay that utilizes relevant key concepts, theoretical foundations and approaches to global politics to effectively answer a specific research question.

Global politics is an interdisciplinary subject, reflecting the complex nature of many contemporary political issues. Nonetheless, it has its own theoretical and conceptual frames, terminology, methods and literature. It is essential for students undertaking an EE in global politics to have knowledge and understanding of these.

Requirements for a Global Politics EE

The Subject-Specific Guidance page  for your chosen subject is THE KEY to ensuring your paper meets the requirements. Print, highlight, and annotate this page and pin it above your desk!

  • Subject-Specific Guidance

The Command Terms  are the key terms and phrases used in examination questions . Use these in your essay to indicate a strong background in your subject

The Subject Reports  give an overview of what EXAMINERS have said  about makes a successful paper in the subject. It's smart to read these over to know what the examiners are  looking  for.

  • Subject Report, 2018
  • Subject Report, 2021

global politics topics for extended essay

Sample Research Questions

Review the questions below

  • Which ones will be most successful?
  • What ideas do the questions spark for you?

Sample Questions in Global Politics

Broad Topic: How media portrayals can differ from government information

  • How did the  Hong Kong  protests of late 2014 portrayed in the official media in Singapore contrast with the reporting undertaken by NGOs X, Y and Z active in Singapore? (Example from the GP Guide).

Broad Topic: How the success of a political party in one country can influence outcomes in another country.

  • What was the influence of the election success of Syriza in  Greece  on the campaign and outcomes of the 2015 parliamentary election in  Spain?  (Example from the GP Guide).

Broad Topic: How particular groups or individuals have struggled for political power.

  • To what extent did Mexican  migrants help achieve a political voice in county X in  Arizona?  (Example from the GP Guide).

Broad TopicL Political trends in a particular country.

  • To what extent should we be worried about the use of “big data” in election campaigns? The case of the  Obama  2012 campaign. (Example from the GP Guide).

Broad Topic: A comparison of global political trends have had different effects in two countries.

  • To what extent are the ideological and practical forces that drive urbanization global instead of nation-specific? A comparison of the political rhetoric, government policies and impact of global forces in driving migration from rural areas into cities in  Australia  and  Indonesia . (Example from the GP Guide).

Broad Topic: How a single crisis has affected political relations between two countries.

  • To what extent is the evolution in the  Russia–China  relationship during and after the 2014– 15 Ukraine crisis evidence that a realist view on international politics still has applicability?  (Example from the GP Guide).

Past Papers: Why Read Them?

  • See  common structures, methodologies, use of command terms  and other subject-specific vocabulary
  • Notice the difference  between successful papers AND papers that were less successful
  • Read the  examiner comments  on scored papers and their reflections to note what worked and what didn't
  • Three papers, scored with reflections via the IBO

Global Issues Magazines in Sora

Click to open - log into Sora with OIS email

Pick at least one to read on a regular basis

  • Australian Quarterly
  • Beijing Review
  • The European Business Review
  • Forbes, Africa edition
  • The Guardian Weekly
  • India Today
  • National Geographic
  • New York Magazine
  • The New Yorker
  • Newsweek, international edition
  • Reader's Digest (UK, Australia, India editions available)
  • Time, international edition

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US - Extended Essay Guide: Examples of Extended Essays

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ZIS Sample Essays 2018

  • Sample ZIS Extended Essays 2018 These ZIS student essays from 2018 scored either an A or B. Access is only given to anyone with the link at Zurich International School. Use them to analyse style and formatting as well to brainstorm ideas for topics. However, be aware that these are not research questions to be reused.

Extended Essay & RPPF Exemplars

  • (Language B) Studies in language and literature: Punk music in the UK How did the punk movement influence certain aspects of the British culture did in the 20th century?
  • (Language B) Language acquisition: Linguistic Strategies in the United States Presidential Election Debates 2016 How did the language used by Clinton and Trump in the first, the second and the third presidential debate influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election in the United States?
  • (Business management) To what extent is it a good idea for Escan ltd to end a strategic alliance with Qupid? To what extent is it a good idea for Escan ltd to end a strategic alliance with Qupid?
  • (Information technology in a global society) The growing digital divide in financial markets To what extent has algorithmic trading led to an increased digital divide in financial markets?
  • (Philosophy) Accidents in driverless cars What is the most appropriate ethical framework for the programming of driverless cars?
  • (Social and cultural anthropology) An investigation of secondary education having an impact on divorce rates: a comparison between Caribbean-born women and African-American women Does secondary education have an impact on divorce rates: a comparison between Caribbean-born women and African-American women.
  • (World religions) Christian and Islamic eschatology What do Islamic and Christian followers believe about the endtimes and how does each belief influence the religion?
  • (Design Technology) Plants in modern architecture. The future of sustainability. To what extent could the implementation of plants in modern building design be a feasible method for future construction, to fight pollution and improve well-being in and around the building environment?
  • (Literature and performance) The Perks of Being a Wallflower: A moving novel and a stigmatized film Why might Charlie's mental illness be portrayed differently in the movie adaptation of the Perks of Being a Wallflower than it is in the book?
  • (Economics) The impact of demonetization on agriculture and farmers in Sultanganj To what extent has India's 2016 demonetization act impacted farmers, Kharif sale and Rabi sowing in Sultanganj?
  • (Environmental systems and societies) Developing a model to evaluate the sustainability of marine turtle conservation organisations What are the criteria that may be used to evaluate the sustainability of marine turtle conservation projects and why?
  • (Geography) The effects of transnational corporations on urban areas To what extent has the influx of technological and financial transnational corporations in the Grand Canal Dock area given rise to disparities between this and the Irishtown-Ringsend area?
  • (Global politics) Violation of human rights: incompatibility of harmful traditional practices and human rights What are the major hindrances in Tanzania and Pakistan to the achievement of human rights and how can they be tackled?
  • (History) Battle of Stalingrad To what extent did German tactical mistakes affect the outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad?
  • (Philosophy) Artificial General Intelligence: a modern pursuit of the Platonic “good life” No stated research question
  • (Psychology) The copycat effect: An analysis of suicides emulated from non-fictional and fictional media To what extent does the “copycat effect” explain similar suicide occurrences subsequent to mass media coverage on non-fictional and fictional suicides?
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  • (Chemistry) An investigation into the synthesis of Aspirin in accordance with the principles of green chemistry To what extent can the industrial method of synthesis of aspirin be altered to best comply with the principles of green chemistry?
  • (Computer science) An evaluation of malware How does the ILOVEYOU virus compare to the Koobface worm in terms of damage infliction and methods of duplication?
  • (Physics) Aerodynamics What is the relationship between frequency and surface area against lift of the propeller of a toy helicopter?
  • (Sports, exercise and health science) What can influence a better reaction time in martial artists? Does the warm-up of martial artists influence their reaction time in contrast to not warming up?
  • (Mathematics) The use of hyperbolic cosine function in catenary bridge structure The analysis of the relationship between force and other variables in different bridge supporting scenarios.
  • (Dance) Ballet Dance: The influence of choreographer George Balanchine on the style worldwide How has George Balanchine's creativity influenced the style of ballet dance worldwide?
  • (Film) In depth study of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Outsiders (1983) and Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971) Sympathy in film: To what extent does the portrayal of graphic violence in film impart the ability to sympathize with real world situations?
  • (Music) Sibelius' Seventh To what extent did Sibelius write his Seventh Symphony as a one movement compression of traditional symphonic form?
  • (Theatre) Character Development Within Jason Robert Brown's The Last Five Years How do motifs, patterns and tones in Jason Robert Brown's The Last Five Years contribute to the character development and subtext throughout the musical?
  • (Visual arts) Parallels in fashion To what extent did Japanese aesthetics and fashion have an influence on contemporary Danish fashion?
  • (World Studies) Analyse the effects and impacts of the 2003 invasion of Iraq How and to what extent did the Iraq invasion and occupation between the years 2003 and 2005 impact the rise of radical Islamic terrorism?
  • (Language and literature) Criticism towards expectations of masculinity and the idea of patriotism used in the Great War How does All Quiet on the Western Front reveal the expectations of masculinity and patriotism during the early 20th century?
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  • Last Updated: Oct 30, 2023 11:30 AM
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  1. Global Politics Extended Essay: Structure and Writing Tips

    global politics topics for extended essay

  2. The Global Politics Extended Essay Structure

    global politics topics for extended essay

  3. Global Politics

    global politics topics for extended essay

  4. Global Politics Essay

    global politics topics for extended essay

  5. Global Politics Extended Essay Topics: 20+ Ideas to Get Started

    global politics topics for extended essay

  6. Extended Essay

    global politics topics for extended essay


  1. How to ACE your DP Global Politics Paper 2

  2. Political Science Best Strategy 🔥🔥 How to Score Full Marks in Political Science Board Exams Class 12

  3. Global Politics and International Relations CSS 2022 English Essay

  4. The Past, Present, and Future of Global Economic Governance

  5. Foundations of Global Political Economy

  6. Britain's Foreign Policy in a Fast-Changing World


  1. IB Extended Essay Topics: Global Politics

    The extended essay in Global Politics is a component of the IB Diploma Programme. Here, students can look deeply into fascinating topics, using their research, analytical, and presentation skills to develop arguments on complex issues. It's a deep look at real-world issues, allowing students to express their perspectives on issues affecting ...

  2. Global Politics Extended Essay Topics: 20+ Ideas to Get Started

    10+ Global Politics Extended Essay Topics. The following are some examples of Global Politics EE topics: The importance of the International Criminal Court to a global human rights framework, and how well it performs its duties. The 'burkini' and lacité in modern France: an exploration of their connection.

  3. Global Politics EE Topic Ideas + Examples

    Below you can find a set of different extended essay topics and examples. Global Politics EE ideas Sexual minorities in Israel: Israel is renowned as an LGBTQ-friendly destination, highlighted by the vibrant Pride celebration in Tel Aviv, yet the country's LGBTQ rights remain below average compared to OECD nations.

  4. IB Global Politics EE examples

    To what extent was the United Nations Organization successful in bringing peace to the US-Iraq War? High scoring IB Global Politics Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your Global Politics EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!

  5. The IB Extended Essay in Global Politics: A Student Guide

    From my experience, the best essays start with a compelling research question. In the context of global politics, your question should strive to address current issues in a novel and thought-provoking way. The IB extended essay subject guide can offer excellent insights into formulating this. There are a myriad of approaches you can adopt.

  6. The Global Politics Extended Essay Structure

    Tim helps students with IB Global Politics, Business Management, Economics, History, English IOs, Biology IAs and College Admissions essays. Here is a step-by-step structure you can follow if you're doing your Extended Essay in Global Politics. This post is up-to-date (and it includes a lot of helpful links).

  7. Extended Essay on Global Politics Topic Ideas UPD in [2024 ]

    These aren't just some good Global politics IB EE topics; they're your ticket to exploring the complexities of our interconnected world. I have made a list of various potential categories for your ease. Also, at the end, I will share a list of super fresh topic ideas with possible research questions for your extended essay. Let's begin!

  8. PDF Global Politics EE Subject Guide 2018

    An extended essay (EE) in global politics gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth analysis of a significant, contemporary global political issue. critical thinking skills. The outcome should be a substantial, coherent and structured essay that utilizes relevant key concepts, theoretical foundations and approaches to global ...

  9. World Studies Extended Essay: Global Themes

    World Studies Global Themes. The WSEE is organized across six global themes. You choose one of these under which to register your essay. The themes are: Conflict, peace, and security. Culture, language, and identity. Environmental and/or economic sustainability. Equality and inequality. Health and development.

  10. PDF IB Global Politics

    IB Global Politics Extended essay guidelines. Nature of the extended essay The extended essay is an in-depth study of a focused topic chosen from the list of approved Diploma Programme subjects—normally one of the student's six chosen subjects for the IB diploma. It is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills,

  11. Tips for Global Politics EE

    4. Incorporate appropriate Global Politics concepts and theories. The core of IB Global Politics is the concepts covered. This can include sovereignty, equality, development, liberalism, realism, etc. Be sure to incorporate these into your essay and concepts such as liberalism vs realism can serve as your claim and counterclaim.

  12. Global Politics Extended Essay Topics

    Global Politics Extended Essay Topics. Luke MacQuoid. January 19, 2023. Choosing a research question for a global politics extended essay can be challenging, as it is important to ensure that the question is both relevant and feasible to research within the given time frame. Here are some tips to help you choose a research question:

  13. Global Politics Extended Essay: Structure and Writing Tips

    Global Politics Extended Essay: Structure and Writing Tips. by Antony W. September 3, 2022. Global Politics Extended Essay focuses on a political issue that revolves around the distribution of power and operation within social organizations. Further, the essay examines how people think about and engage in matters that directly and indirectly ...

  14. The Global Politics HL Extension Task (Oral Presentation) Structure

    HL Global Politics students are required to do two oral presentations are (in total) worth 20% of your final mark in the course. (10% for ET1 and 10% for ET2) That's a lot. And, as you may have noticed, there are quite a lot of boxes you're trying to tick in this time. This article will help you go step-by-step as you prepare your extension ...

  15. LibGuides: US

    An extended essay (EE) in global politics gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth analysis of a significant, contemporary global political issue. Students should choose a topic that will allow them to demonstrate their: knowledge. research skills.

  16. PDF Global politics guide

    The extended essay, including the world studies extended essay, offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a4,000-word piece of independent research. The area of research undertaken is chosen from one of the students' six Diploma Programme subjects, or in the

  17. World Studies Extended Essay

    A world studies extended essay must focus on a topic of global significance. This encourages the student to reflect on the world today in relation to issues such as the global food crisis, climate change, terrorism, energy security, migration, global health, technology and cultural exchange. The student should then explore how their chosen ...

  18. Global Politics

    An extended essay (EE) in global politics gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth analysis of a significant, contemporary global political issue. ... EEs in global politics may focus on topics that invite a local to global level of analysis, or on any level in between. Sometimes, it may be interesting to investigate how the same ...

  19. Choosing a Global Politics Extended Essay Research Question

    Here are some RQ examples. Students can explore quite a big variety of types of questions for their Global Politics EE. Here are some explanations of what topics you would explore, with example questions for each: How media portrayals can differ from government information. For example: "A comparison of how the Hong Kong protests of late 2014 ...

  20. Extended essay

    Extended essay - International Baccalaureate® ... Extended essay

  21. Global Politics

    Global Politics: Overview . An extended essay (EE) in global politics gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth analysis of a significant, contemporary global political issue. Students should choose a topic that will allow them to demonstrate their: • knowledge • research skills • critical thinking skills.

  22. DP extended essay updates

    The new extended essay (EE) will be launched in February 2025. First assessment will take place in May 2027. Below you will find an overview of the course updates. For a technical breakdown of the DP curriculum and assessment methods for this course, read the extended essay subject brief. You also can view information on the current extended ...

  23. US

    Extended Essay & RPPF Exemplars. (Language B) Studies in language and literature: Punk music in the UK. How did the punk movement influence certain aspects of the British culture did in the 20th century? (Language B) Language acquisition: Linguistic Strategies in the United States Presidential Election Debates 2016.