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How do you respond when students submit the wrong assignment, but you only notice after the deadline has passed?

I occasionally get students who submit their assignments, but I only notice that they've submitted the wrong assignment when I begin grading. I can think of three possibilities to explain this:

  • They made an honest mistake
  • They are trying to buy some time to submit their assignment by making it seem like an honest mistake
  • They didn't do the assignment at all and are trying to get some kind of credit

Sometimes I allow students a few hours or 24 hours to resubmit the correct assignment (is 24 hours too long?). If they don't, then I usually assume they haven't actually completed it. Other times, I'm just tempted to give them a zero.

The student in question submitted an assignment that was submitted previously in the semester.

Is there a better way that you know of to confirm whether they're being honest or not?

By the way, I'm looking for a general answer that can apply across multiple situations. In this specific situation, due to many different factors, I decided to allow the student to resubmit. She resubmitted right away, which seems to demonstrate it was an honest mistake.

Buffy's user avatar

  • Are the students submitting future assignments on the wrong date, but still showing that they have put in some work (i.e. they did the wrong assignment)? Or are they re-submitting old work, or completely unrelated work from another class (i.e. they submitted the wrong document)? I'd be more forgiving about the former if the student has clearly done some work (but the wrong work), rather than the latter scenario which might be a low-effort way to buy more time. –  Nuclear Hoagie Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 18:49
  • 3 Does it happen often? Is it often the same student? –  user111388 Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 19:23
  • If this is in person, there's not a good reason to be submitting the wrong assignment. If this is online, does the tech you're using allow students to check their submission? Mine does and my syllabus says it's on the student to check they submitted the correct thing. –  Kathy Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 21:23
  • –  Anonymous Physicist Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 23:17
  • 1 When I was teaching we were required to use the Learning Management System even for face to face classes. My syllabus said, "Be careful what you upload. 'I uploaded the wrong thing' will not be accepted as an excuse." –  Bob Brown Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 0:10

4 Answers 4

The fact that you're left guessing at unknowable motivations suggests a deeper problem to me. I always found guessing games like this very frustrating when assignments are due; giving students the benefit of the doubt sounds harmless... unless you're a student who scrambled to meet the deadline, while your peers took advantage of the professor's good will. This is especially true if the class is curved.

The policy I use now leaves my opinions completely out of it:

  • Give clear due dates and turn-in proceedures
  • Give students a "budget" for late assignments. I like to give three 12-hour tokens they can use at their discretion, no questions asked. If they turn something in late, I automatically use whatever tokens they have left to cover the time.
  • Anything beyond that requires an issue serious enough that we're probably involving academic affairs as well. Things like serious illnesses and hospitalizations, for example.
  • Anything turned not turned in on time, or within the scope of one of their "late tokens", gets a daily penalty added onto the score.

That way you're never faced with trying to ascribe motivations to what students are doing, and the rules are laid out clearly for them, which I find students like.

Jeff's user avatar

  • 2 This is a very clever idea (+1). I like the 12-hour tokens --- I think I might steal that idea. –  Ben Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 22:03
  • 1 Great answer. I actually use a similar token system, which I call the Life Happens Card (I got the idea from my favourite professor while at school). In this case, the student had already submitted the assignment on time; it was only after that I realized the assignment was wrong. –  Genoah77 Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 0:00
  • 1 @Ben I tried "late days" for a few years, using 24-hour tokens. As with Jeff, I gave the students a budget. Mine was more generous; I think it was five late days. However, I required students to notify me if they intended to use late days. That totally didn't work. –  Bob Brown Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 0:08
  • 3 My Life Happens Cards work quite well. I allow a 48 hour extension. If students decide not to use theirs, at the end of the semester I cancel their lowest quiz mark. With this double incentive, students are quite happy; it has solved a lot of problems and conflict for me. –  Genoah77 Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 1:32
  • 1 I like calling them "Life Happens" cards! I might use that instead of "tokens". Also I should note that my "three 12 hour tokens" are for masters students on a short quarter system, so obviously you should tweak the values. I could see undergrads on a full semester system having a bigger "budet". –  Jeff Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 15:09

I announce a policy at the beginning of the semester that the course staff will only grade the work that is actually submitted, before the deadline, for each assigned homework problem. So if a student submits a solution to the wrong problem, for any reason or no reason, they can expect a grade of zero , exactly as if they submitted nothing at all.

(Behind the scenes, I tell my graders that they are welcome to swap obviously misplaced assignments if it's easy, if they have time, and if they want to, but they are absolutely not required to.)

On the other hand, I also drop the lowest 25% of homework scores before computing final course grades. For example, in a class with 32 homework problems, only the highest 24 scores for each student would count toward their homework grade. (A majority of the grades in my classes are based on exams.) I also announce this policy at the beginning of the semester.

So in practice, if a student submits the wrong homework, they've burned one of their free drops, and they don't get feedback from the graders, but it has no significant impact on their overall course grade.

For similar reasons, I never give homework extensions. The deadline is the deadline is the deadline.

JeffE's user avatar

  • It's really nice when someone is strict up front but lenient and understanding behind our backs! –  Aaron John Sabu Commented Jun 26, 2021 at 15:15

Personally I always just tell them to make sure it doesn't happen again and let it go at that unless I see a pattern.

I think to get to the right answer here (which I believe mine is) you have to ask yourself what the purpose of grading homework even is in the first place and why does it matter if they turn it in on time. I mean, unlike exams, homework isn't really a good measure of student ability and even if it was it's not like anyone is spending all the time between assignment and submission working on it.

In an ideal world (and in some grad school courses) student grades would purely be based on mastery as shown in exams or projects. Unfortunately, at the UG and lower level we need to assign and grade homework as an incentive to keep students from just leaving everything to the last minute and never learning the material. In other words I'd argue that graded homework is a necessary evil done to keep students from hurting themselves (and why I usually allow students course grade to be just their exam grade if it's better).

As such if a student goes to that kind of length to get more time on hw I figure they are mostly just hurting themselves (but I also give extensions liberally as long as it doesn't become a problem for keeping up).

Besides, from a fairness POV there is really not much harm if some students get some extra time. I mean that's just noise compared to the unfairness inherently present in time to work on homework between students who need to take jobs and who don't and besides that extra time comes out of the time needed for the next assignment.

Peter Gerdes's user avatar

  • In a business English course like mine, exams are of very limited value. Students can't really learn how to write proper sentences on a timed exam, so assignments (not "homework") is essential. They are writing letters, emails, etc., so they need to practice and take the time to edit/revise their grammar, which exams do not afford. I much prefer many short quizzes to anxiety-inducing English exams. I do, however, agree that projects are helpful. Giving extra time might not be a big deal, but it can become a problem if other students find out, because it can be perceived as favouritism. –  Genoah77 Commented Dec 3, 2020 at 4:49
  • Even in this case it's not the ability of students to respond in a certain number of days that one is trying to measure (can't since how much time students have in those days varies wildly anyway). So the size of the unfair advantage a student who fake submits gets is already less than the unfairness you are already willing to inflict by making assignments due knowing the huge variation in student time and outside commitments. The goal isn't uniformity for its own sake but minimal distance from the ideal grade assignment. –  Peter Gerdes Commented Dec 3, 2020 at 5:01
  • Every student signs up for a course with advance knowledge of their outside commitments, so uniformity with due dates is fair. Uniformity establishes a clear standard for students, which minimizes conflict between students, as well as conflict with the instructor. In other words, uniformity's purpose is to prevent needless conflict. –  Genoah77 Commented Dec 4, 2020 at 0:10

I don't think anything but #1 is a reasonable assumption. They submit something and presumably that took time and effort to prepare.

Is there any reason not to be generous here? Especially since you say it is occasional.

The time you give them would depend on the assignment, of course. But I doubt that a day is too long.

It might be different if the same student does this repeatedly. Then you should explore more deeply into why it is happening. It is even possible in such a case they have something like dyslexia that makes it hard for a person to manage things accurately.

  • "It might be different if the same student does this repeatedly..." You cannot treat students differently, not even based on past behavior. That's a ticket to an unpleasant meeting with the dean. –  Bob Brown Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 0:13
  • I realized my previous comment was incomplete. Set rules that give you some maneuvering room, put the rules in the syllabus, and apply those rules consistently to all students. –  Bob Brown Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 0:19
  • 2 @BobBrown: In all places I know, telling the dean "this student has done it once, so I won't allow it a second time" would be acceptable (and with an online system, you can even prove this). Many places even don't have so explicit rules in a syllabus (or even a syllabus). So your statement is not universally true. –  user111388 Commented Dec 3, 2020 at 19:41

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i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

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How do I submit a student's assignment on their behalf?

You will learn how you can submit/upload a file attachment for an Assignment in your course in Canvas on behalf of a student.

The Assignment submission type must be for a file upload.

For example, if a student missed a deadline or submitted the wrong paper or you are allowing the student to re-edit the paper, you can submit the assignment on their behalf without having to go through the steps of changing any deadllines or allowed attempts.

1. Navigate to the Gradebook for your course.

Grades navigation item

2. Locate the student with the missing submission.

Tip: You can also re-submit an Assignment for a student. For example, if a student submitted an incomplete assignment or submitted the wrong file, you can upload the correct file for that student even if it is past the due date and the until date for a particular Assignment.

You can use the Search tool or simply scroll down the list of students.

student located

3. Click on the desired cell.

Cell selected

4. Click on the Arrow.

Arrow selected

5. Click on Submit for Student.

Submit for Student selected

6. Drag and drop the file.

Upload File area selected

7. Click on Submit.

Submit button

8. Click on SpeedGrader.

Note that the cell now shows that the Assignment needs grading.

SpeedGrader link selected

9. In the SpeedGrader, you can see when the submission was made and by whom.

You can see the date and time and by whom the Assignment was submitted (1). You can apply all of your regular grading, rubric, comments, etc. that you would do a for a student-submitted Assignment.


Article Summary

You have now learned how to submit an Assignment on behalf of a student.

  • Prev: How do I give extra credit in a course?
  • Next: How do I hide student grades while I am grading that Assignment?

Last Updated

Nov 01, 2023

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Submitted Wrong Assignment on Canvas, Blackboard or Turnitin

i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

After Submitting Wrong Assignment

The tendency to submit the wrong assignment is prevalent among many students. Some submit the wrong assignment due to carelessness or failure to read the set instructions. For some, it is simply an honest mistake.

They had the intention to submit the right assignment, but unfortunately, they submitted the wrong one without their knowledge. However, there is no reason to be upset or sink into frustration when you submit the wrong assignment. 

i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

What to Do When You Submit the Wrong Assignment

I made a mistake

Once you realize you submitted the wrong assignment, you must take the necessary measures to rectify the mistake. You can undertake different approaches to ensure you submit the right assignment.

Remember, failure to solve the issue leads to unprecedented consequences. For instance, you can end up with a lower grade. Do the following to keep such an occurrence at bay:

1. Upload the Correct One

The teacher or course examiner expects you to submit the right assignment for grading. That is a rule every student should abide by. However, not every student lives up to that expectation. Some end up uploading the wrong assignments.

If you commit such a mistake, make haste to do the right thing. Simply find the correct assignment file and submit it.

Before you submit the correct file, there are factors to consider. Do you have time on your side? If the deadline for the assignment is already due , you must ask for more time. The teacher can be lenient with you, allowing you to upload the correct assignment file. But you have to notify the teacher in advance.

2. Delete the File if Possible

You must ensure that you upload the correct assignment file always. If you submit the wrong one, ensure you delete it immediately. Leaving it there can bring dire consequences.

The teacher can decide to grade the wrong assignment, which will negatively affect your performance. As such, get rid of it as soon as possible to avoid confusing the course examiner on which assignment to grade.

But there is a catch. You can only delete the uploaded wrong assignment file if there is a provision for such an act. That is why you must be careful when uploading your assignment. Ensure you have the correct file.

Scrutinize it to be sure before selecting the upload option. If the application does not allow you to delete the wrong assignment, ensure you contact your teacher immediately.

3. Email the Teacher

You must inform your teacher that you uploaded the wrong assignment. You can request more time to submit the correct file. However, you have to prove it was an honest mistake to the teacher. The teacher can give you a second chance to upload the correct assignment file.

email your teacher

It is not always guaranteed the teacher will be lenient with you after submitting the wrong assignment.

That is why you have to write a convincing email. In the email, you can submit the correct and wrong assignments to prove that you made a mistake.

Also, ensure you send the assignment early enough. Wasting time can make the situation even worse since the teacher can grade the wrong assignment before you upload the right one. 

What to do When Submitting the Wrong Assignment in:

If the instructor allows students to submit several assignments, you can easily resubmit the correct assignment. The instructor will grade the correct assignment and ensure you have a grade you worked for.

However, if there is no option for resubmission, you must notify the instructor you submitted the wrong assignment. The resubmission option will be made available for you to correct your mistake. 

If you submit the wrong assignment, find it in the course, open it, and click Unsubmit. You can then submit the correct assignment file. This should be done as soon as possible before the instructor gets a hold of it . Besides, you can also edit your assignment on Canvas after submitting it. Navigate to the Assignments tab, and select the assignment you intend to edit. 

Turnitin or SafeAssign

uploading on Turnitin

Turnitin and SafeAssign allow students and teachers to check for plagiarism in an assignment. However, you must ensure you submit the correct assignment to determine its authenticity.

If you notice you made the wrong submission, simply delete the file and upload the correct one. 

Reasons Why You Can Submit the Wrong Assignment

1. disorganization.

Disorganization can create an assignment mix-up. As a result, you might pick the wrong assignment for submission. Therefore, you have to find a formula to organize your assignments to avoid confusion. You can categorize them in their respective subjects to submit the right one according to the subject you are currently dealing with.

2. Last-Minute Rush

You might submit the wrong assignment in your quest to meet the set deadline. That is why prior planning is crucial. Set aside enough time to do your assignment and have it ready for submission in good time. Wasting time on unnecessary activities instead of finishing your assignment will create a last-minute rush. You might panic and submit the wrong assignment out of frustration.

3. Failure to Crosscheck Your Assignment

You have to crosscheck your assignment file to ensure it is the right one. Failure to do so can lead to the submission of the wrong assignment. Take your time; check your work before you submit it.

Unfortunately, many students are too lazy to even go through their assignments before submitting them. Consequently, they are always bound to submit the wrong assignment.

Tips on How to Prevent Uploading the Wrong Assignment

Organize your assignments.

Ensure you categorize your assignments. You can assign them to their respective subjects or when they will be due. That way, you can easily choose the right assignment for submission.

Furthermore, before selecting the upload option, ensure you check the assignment once again. It helps in ensuring you are indeed uploading the correct assignment file.

Time Management

Respect deadlines by ensuring you complete your assignments early enough. You can then have time to upload them without any hurry. It saves you from the frustrations of trying to beat deadlines which can lead to uploading the wrong assignment.

Read the Instructions

follow instructions

Ensure you learn by heart the instructions that govern the uploading of assignments. Such guidelines will help you prevent mistakes such as uploading the wrong assignments. You can seek clarity from your tutor where you do not understand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do if you submitted wrong assignment on turnitin.

You can resubmit the correct assignment upon realizing your mistake. However, if there is no chance for resubmission, simply contact the instructor to raise the issue. The instructor can avail of the option for resubmission .

Why I Submitted the Wrong Dissertation

I submitted the wrong dissertation due to the limited time allocated to complete the assignment. I was in a hurry to beat the deadline and hence ended up submitting the wrong dissertation file, only to realize later on my mistake.

What to Do If I Accidentally Submitted My Friends Assignment

Email the course instructor citing the reasons why you submitted your friend’s assignment. Ensure you have your assignment with you ready to submit if given another chance. The assignment should be authentic so that the instructor does not accuse you of copying.

There is always a way out after submitting the wrong assignment. You can still resubmit the correct one. However, you must inform your instructor about the mistake.

It does help prevent any unnecessary suspicions such as cheating or copying. But as a student, you have to learn to avoid instances of submitting the wrong assignment. This is possible through proper planning and time management. 

James Lotta

James Lotta

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i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  • Assignment Submission Guidance

Find out how to submit assignments and access feedback.

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Identifying the assignment type (Canvas or Turnitin)

This page features guidance and troubleshooting support for two different types of assignment submissions: Canvas assignments and Turnitun assignments. It's important you know the submission type for the assignment you are handing in.

Depending on the assignment type used, you may see either  Canvas Assignment  (left image) or  Turnitin Assignment (right image), as shown below:

A screenshot of a Canvas assignment

How to submit an assignment

There is Canvas guidance available on  submitting a Canvas Assignment .

There is also a  Canvas Assignment submission troubleshooting guide  that includes guidance on how to identify;

  • The number of attempts allowed – once the permitted number of submissions is reached no further submissions can be made.
  • Permitted file types – are only certain files being accepted e.g. word documents.
  • Availability dates of the assignment – submissions cannot be made once the assignment is no longer available.
  • Browsers compatible with Canvas – check that the browser being used is up compatible and up to date.
  • How to clear cache and cookies – Canvas suggest this may resolve submission issues.

If you have a different query regarding Canvas Assignments, all Canvas guidance relating to assignments is available on the  Student Canvas guidance webpages .

Also, don’t forget that  Canvas 24/7 support  is always available for support with Canvas queries.

If you are submitting a file from your device there is Turnitin guidance available on  submitting a Turnitin Assignment by file upload .

If you are submitting a file from the Cloud (e.g. from OneDrive) there is guidance on  submitting a Turnitin Assignment by cloud submission . Please note that the option for submitting via Google Drive and Drop Box are not enabled at Newcastle. Please submit your assignment via the Upload Submission option, or OneDrive.

Module teams may set restrictions on the accepted file types, for example restrict to word docs or PDF only.

To identify any accepted file type restrictions for a  Canvas Assignment  see the relevant section of the  Canvas assignment submission trouble shooting guidance

A  Turnitin Assignment  will normally only allow submission of file types that are compatible with the Turnitin similarity checker. See the  Turnitin guidance on accepted file types .

NOTE:  Canvas Assignments  which are subject to a Turnitin similarity check will require a Turnitin compatible file type to be submitted.

There is a file size limit of 100mb for a Turnitin Assignment submission and 5gb for a Canvas Assignment submission. There are some actions that could reduce the size of a file regardless of the assignment type;

  • Reduce the size of images – see the Microsoft guide to  reducing image sizes in Microsoft Office.
  • For Mac users see the guidance for  reducing file sizes in Pages .
  • For PowerPoint submissions, Windows users can  compress media files .
  • Saving or converting to PDF may reduce the file size. There are guides for  Microsoft Office  and  Apple Pages .

How to check if a submission has been successful

See the Canvas guidance on confirming if a  Canvas Assignment has been submitted . The submitted file can also be opened from here.

From the Turnitin submission screen you can access the digital receipt for a submission. Receipts are not emailed to students. There is Turnitin guidance on how to  locate a Turnitin digital receipt .

Follow the steps for checking that a submission has been successful to identify whether the correct file has been submitted.

Check that the appropriate guidance for the assignment type has been followed.

Check that the file type is correct and under the maximum allowable size by following the guidance on this page.

If the  wrong file has been submitted for an assignment  check whether there are any attempts remaining i.e. does the assignment allow resubmissions. If there are remaining attempts, submit again. The marker will be able to view and mark the most recent submission. If there are no remaining submission attempts, then the correct file should be emailed to the module team and relevant school contacts. They will contact IT Service desk for assistance if required.

If  a file has been submitted to the wrong assignment  contact the module team and relevant school contacts to inform them. They will advise if any further action is needed and contact IT Service desk for assistance if required.

Student Guides

For more information about accessing and using your assignments feedback, head over to our  Accessing your Assignment Feedback via Canvas page.

  • Student guide to completing evaluations
  • Student guide to accessing results

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Canvas @ Yale

  • Submitting a File to a Canvas Assignment on a Student's Behalf

Updated on Jun 12, 2023

Instructors can submit a file to a Canvas Assignment set to accept file uploads on behalf of a student in their course's Gradebook. Their submission to the assignment will include the timestamp as well as who submitted the file to the assignment. The instructor can also submit multiple files at a time for a single student, and submit beyond the availability date of a Canvas Assignment.

Currently on users with the role of Instructor or Guest Instructor in a course have the ability to upload a file on a student's behalf for a Canvas Assignment. All other course and system admin roles cannot submit a file on behalf of students.

Note: Submitting a file on behalf of a student to a Canvas Assignment that is also using Turnitin circumnavigates a student's requirement of accepting that they are submitting their work to Turnitin.

  • In your Canvas course, navigate to your course Gradebook section.
  • You may only upload a file to a Canvas Assignment that has been configured to accept " File Uploads " in the settings.
  • Select the Gradebook cell for the student and click the Grade Detail Tray icon .

i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  • From the Grade Detail Tray that opens on the right-hand side for that student, click the " Submit for Student " button.

i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  • In the " Upload File " picker box that opens, drag and drop or search your computer for the student's file that you want to submit on their behalf.
  • Click the Trash Can icon to the right of the file name to remove it from being submitted.
  • When all files have been selected in the picker box, click the " Submit " button to add the files to the Canvas Assignment on behalf of your student.

i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  • When viewing the documents submitted in the SpeedGrader, the timestamp will specify who submitted the files .

i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

For more information please email [email protected] .

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How do I know when my assignment has been submitted in a course using Assignment Enhancements?

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Anyone familiar with canvas? Why does it say “not submitted” at the top but it’s graded and all this was Feb 10th too. Thanks it’s an online class


  1. Submit an Assignment in Canvas

    i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  2. Can A Teacher Remove A Student Submission In Canvas? Exploring The Options

    i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  3. If students say “In Canvas, I don’t see where I can submit my

    i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  4. Submitting Assignments in Canvas

    i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  5. 2022 08 29 How to Submit assignment on Canvas

    i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas

  6. How to Resubmit an Assignment on Canvas

    i submitted the wrong assignment on canvas




  3. WRONG ASSIGNMENT ( meco again)

  4. Submit your Assignment on Canvas

  5. Canvas

  6. Canvas YouTube Assignment


  1. Solved: I have accidentally submitted the wrong assignment

    I hope you'll be able to connect with your instructor soon! 08-20-2023 12:28 AM. Once you have submitted an assignment, you cannot delete it. Your best course if action is to contact your instructor, explain what happened, and ask your instructor to reopen the assignment for you.

  2. How do you unsubmit an assignment?

    You can set an assignment to allow unlimited submissions so students don't need to unsubmit. They can just resubmit the assignment and you will see both submissions and the timestamp in SpeedGrader. 10-10-2018 03:25 AM. It's not possible for a student to remove a file they've submitted to an assignment.

  3. How do I reset/clear a submitted a assignment?

    I had this same problem after importing an assignment and discovered an easy solution. Go to to Gradebook and click on the 3 dots next to the assignment name. Then click on Set Default Grade. Leave the grade value box empty & check-mark "Overwrite already-entered grades." Click on Set Default Grade.

  4. If a student accidentally submits the wrong file, do you give an

    As such, I give a 0 with a message that the file can be resubmitted within 24 hours for a grade. Yes, that policy is too harsh. Accidents happen. 239 votes, 138 comments. I have a policy on my syllabus that states that if a student uploads a wrong, corrupt, or blank file for an assignment, then….

  5. Students turning in the wrong assignment on Canvas? : r/Professors

    Since a good proportion of students will wait unti the last 2 minutes to submit, even though they've had 2-3 weeks for an assignment, I suggest that they simply submit drafts early so that *something* is there even if something goes wrong. They can submit as many times as they want, using Canvas as a backup system, and I will only look at the ...

  6. Canvas : Editing, Duplicating, or Deleting an Assignment

    How to edit, duplicate, or delete a Canvas Assignment. EDITING AN ASSIGNMENT. 1. In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link. 2. Click the Assignment name and choose the Edit button. 3. Make changes to the assignment and click the Save & Publish button or Save button depending on your preference. DUPLICATING AN ASSIGNMENT.

  7. How do you respond when students submit the wrong assignment, but you

    Are the students submitting future assignments on the wrong date, but still showing that they have put in some work (i.e. they did the wrong assignment)? Or are they re-submitting old work, or completely unrelated work from another class (i.e. they submitted the wrong document)? I'd be more forgiving about the former if the student has clearly ...

  8. I submitted the wrong file for a final exam. I got a 0, emailed my

    I have never submitted the wrong file for a major test, but I have done that a couple times with regular assignments and the professor/TA were all understanding and gave an opportunity to correct it. ... I only really failed people if they are missing huge chuncks of the assignments or if the quality of the work clearly shows a full lack of ...

  9. Submit a student's assignment on their behalf

    1. Navigate to the Gradebook for your course. 2. Locate the student with the missing submission. Tip: You can also re-submit an Assignment for a student. For example, if a student submitted an incomplete assignment or submitted the wrong file, you can upload the correct file for that student even if it is past the due date and the until date ...

  10. Submitted Wrong Assignment on Canvas, Blackboard or Turnitin

    Canvas. If you submit the wrong assignment, find it in the course, open it, and click Unsubmit. You can then submit the correct assignment file. This should be done as soon as possible before the instructor gets a hold of it. Besides, you can also edit your assignment on Canvas after submitting it. Navigate to the Assignments tab, and select ...

  11. Assignment submitted to wrong assignment

    Solved: Hi, I have a student that submitted an assignment into the wrong assignment. How do I remove it? Best, Tonya - 208789. Skip to main content. Products. Canvas. Canvas LMS; Canvas Mobile; Canvas Studio; Canvas Catalog; ... If you feel that this Feature Idea aligns with something you would like to see implemented in Canvas, I would ...

  12. Assignment Submission Guidance

    There is Canvas guidance available on submitting a Canvas Assignment. ... If the wrong file has been submitted for an assignment check whether there are any attempts remaining i.e. does the assignment allow resubmissions. If there are remaining attempts, submit again. The marker will be able to view and mark the most recent submission.

  13. PDF How to Submit an Assignment in Canvas

    4. From there, when you go to submit your assignment, make sure you click on File Upload, then Click here to find a file you've already uploaded. Then pick your respective folder, and you will find a list of your files 5. Select your file and it will become highlighted. Then click on Submit Assignment and it will automatically submit

  14. How to fix this error when using assignments on Canvas?

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  15. solution submitted to wrong assignment

    When assignment 6 comes along, she just submits over what is already there. Canvas allows multiple submissions on assignments for now and you'll see the latest one when you go to grade assignment 6. There is development going on within Canvas and one of those areas is with assignments. One item in development is to limit the number of attempts ...

  16. Only 1 submission attempt and submitted the wrong assignment ...

    Only 1 submission attempt and submitted the wrong assignment before the due date : (. I recently had 2 assignments from the same class due on the same day as one of the due dates were extended to the same date. I ended up submitting the same assignment (the names were like Assign 2 and Assign 3) for both accidentally since the window was so small.

  17. Submitted the wrong assignment. HELP!!

    10 years ago. Submitted the wrong assignment. HELP!! A. Nelch. I accidentally submitted the wrong assignment via electronic submission without realising and now I'm faced with getting a zero on 3% of my degree. i didn't realise I'd done it until a week after the deadline when my lecturer emailed me about it, I have proof in the form of my ...

  18. Can a student resubmit Canvas assignments?

    Availability dates can restrict the dates that an assignment can be submitted. All assignment submissions can be viewed in SpeedGrader. Students will not be able to view their previous submissions after resubmitting unless you reupload the assignments to Canvas. Note: The option to resubmit an assignment may not be available for external tool ...

  19. Assignments show as Missing on Canvas, though they have already been

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  20. I accidentally submitted the wrong file, not only once but ...

    Yes, it was for the assignment at hand, but both versions were not up-to-date editing wise and were not what I intended to turn in. Luckily, by the time I realized my mistake, I still had an hour left on the deadline to turn in the essay, so I submitted the correct one, and apologized profusely via both the submission box and an additional ...

  21. Submitting a File to a Canvas Assignment on a Student's Behalf

    In your Canvas course, navigate to your course Gradebook section.; Locate the Canvas Assignment column you need to upload a file on behalf of a student for and the row with the student's name.. You may only upload a file to a Canvas Assignment that has been configured to accept "File Uploads" in the settings.Select the Gradebook cell for the student and click the Grade Detail Tray icon.

  22. How do I know when my assignment has been submitted in a course using

    The Progress Tracker displays the assignment submission status. A successfully submitted assignment displays a Submitted status [1]. Additionally, you can view your most recent submission [2]. If you choose, you may resubmit another version of your assignment using the New Attempt button [3]. If you've submitted multiple assignment submissions ...

  23. Anyone familiar with canvas? Why does it say "not submitted ...

    Because it was done through an external tool, canvas doesn't recognize that anything was submitted (since it wasn't submitted on canvas, it was done through the external tool) but still brings the grade over. If the grade shows up and you completed the assignment on the external tool, you're good.