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Terrorism Quotes

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quotes on terrorism for essay

Terrorism is usually fueled by poverty, and the fanatical faith of the terrorists who truly believe that the more people they kill who do not subscribe to their faith, the greater their reward in heaven.

The real lesson of 9/11 that I think we have still to learn is that this is a world of interdependence, in which all of the challenges of environment and climate change, of jobs, of disease, of war and terrorism, are cross-border problems that cannot be met one nation at a time.

Firmly believe that terrorism, in any shape or form, is against humanity. There should be zero tolerance towards terrorism.

Terrorism is a significant threat to peace and security, prosperity and people.

The truth is that the terrorists are motivated by an ideology. It has nothing to do with what we do. They will give you all the excused to justify their terrorism. They will blame the victim. But the truth is that they are doing all these killings because they are waging Jihad. They will continue killing us until we submit and surrender. What they want is establishment of Khalifat worldwide.

The terrorist is the one with the small bomb.

Terrorism is global and can come from even remote countries.

"The War on Consciousness" is really all physical manifestations and all those problems are ultimately just a war on your way of thinking. Especially now, when we're involved in the war on terror. Terror is a psychological term. Terrorism is a political term. Terrorist is a sociopolitical term. But terror is a psychological thing.

I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years.

As long as there is a war on terrorism going on, we're all going to have to work together.

Nobody's going to vote for terrorism. So our governments don't have that sort of political pressure to act in a responsible manner when it comes to stewardship of our rights.

We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America. We cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists.

The idea that you can separate jihadi terrorism from Islam is exactly what got us in the mess we are today, with 65 million refugees around the world and with ISIS controlling territory in multiple countries.

The U.S. directed the war against South Vietnam. There was a political settlement in 1954. But in the late '50's the United States organized an internal repression in South Vietnam, not using its troops, but using the local apparatus it was constructing. This was a very significant and very effective campaign of violence and terrorism against the Vietminh - which was the communist-led nationalist force that fought the French. And the Vietminh at that time was adhering to the Geneva Accords, hoping that the political settlement would work out in South Vietnam.

The continual linking of the notions of terrorist and terrorism with Muslims and the Middle East is, essentially, an act of propaganda that cannot help but promote "Islamophobia."

How we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn't lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology is a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.

It may be that there is so much ambiguity and ideology attached to the term 'terrorism' that it is best to avoid its use altogether, as it is likely to be twisted in public discourse to demonise the enemies of the established order, while exempting state violence from legal and moral scrutiny.

It would not be desirable to include 'terrorism' among international crimes subject to International Criminal Court jurisdiction if defined to apply only to anti-state acts of violence. The failure to include terrorism as a distinct crime was due to the inability to agree upon its proper definition.

These terrible terrorism acts occur because of political situations and injustice in various parts of the world. The Middle East is heavy with injustice. After September 11,George W.Bush announced that he had always had a vision of a Palestinian state. Why didn't he tell us that before September 11, when it would have been a bit more impressive?

Turkey has, of course, the right to protect itself against terrorism, against attacks, but I expect it to be done in a way which is in accordance with the rule of law, democratic values. And that is something I have expressed several times in meetings with the Turkish leaders.

You made these things up yourselves and now scare yourselves with them and even use them to plan your prospective policies. These policies have no prospects. The only possible future is in cooperation in all areas, including security issues. What is the major security problem today? Terrorism. There are bombings in Europe, in Paris, in Russia, in Belgium. There is a war in the Middle East. This is the main concern. But no, let us keep speculating on the threat from Russia.

It is important for us to understand that the way we are perceived in the world is going to make a difference, in terms of our capacity to get cooperation and root out terrorism. And one of the things that I intend to do as president is to restore America's standing in the world.

Barack Obama quote: No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.

No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.

The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?


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Terrorism quotes by:

  • George W. Bush 43rd U.S. President
  • Barack Obama 44th U.S. President
  • Noam Chomsky Linguist
  • Tony Blair Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • Gijs de Vries Dutch Politician
  • Malala Yousafzai Journalist
  • John McCain United States Senator
  • Dick Cheney Former Vice President of the United States
  • Jacques Chirac Former President of France
  • Jurgen Habermas Philosopher
  • Howard Zinn Historian
  • Tom Ridge Former Governor of Pennsylvania
  • Brent Scowcroft Former National Security Advisor
  • Paul Cellucci Former Governor of Massachusetts
  • Salman Rushdie Novelist
  • David Ben-Gurion Former Prime Minister of Israel
  • Golda Meir Former Prime Minister of Israel
  • Christopher Hitchens Author
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski Former National Security Advisor
  • Hugh Shelton Military Officer

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quotations about terrorism

We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them.

speech, December 18, 2005

Tags: George W. Bush

Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism.

Tags: Noam Chomsky

Terrorism [takes] us back to ages we thought were long gone if we allow it a free hand to corrupt democratic societies and destroy the basic rules of international life.

speech, September 24, 1986

Tags: Jacques Chirac

Fighting terrorism is like being a goalkeeper. You can make a hundred brilliant saves but the only shot that people remember is the one that gets past you.

London Daily Telegraph , September 1, 1992

Tags: Paul Wilkinson

The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?

Tags: George Orwell

Every leader, and every regime, and every movement, and every organization that steps across the line to terrorism must be banished from the discourse of civilized human life.

speech, April 21, 2002

Tags: Alan Keyes

Like slavery and piracy, terrorism has no place in the modern world.

Address to the United Nations General Assembly, September 23, 2008

Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint.

"Terrorism: Notes Toward a Definition"

Tags: Christopher Hitchens

The big threat to America is the way we react to terrorism by throwing away what everybody values about our country--a commitment to human rights. America is a great nation because we are a good nation. When we stop being a good nation, we stop being great.

O Magazine , February 2007

Tags: Bobby Kennedy

The war we fight today is more than a military conflict; it is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century. On one side are those who believe in the values of freedom and moderation -- the right of all people to speak, and worship, and live in liberty. And on the other side are those driven by the values of tyranny and extremism -- the right of a self-appointed few to impose their fanatical views on all the rest. As veterans, you have seen this kind of enemy before. They're successors to Fascists, to Nazis, to Communists, and other totalitarians of the 20th century. And history shows what the outcome will be: This war will be difficult; this war will be long; and this war will end in the defeat of the terrorists and totalitarians, and a victory for the cause of freedom and liberty.

speech at the American Legion National Convention in Salt Lake City, UT, August 31, 2006

Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face.

When I say that terrorism is war against civilization, I may be met by the objection that terrorists are often idealists pursuing worthy ultimate aims -- national or regional independence, and so forth. I do not accept this argument. I cannot agree that a terrorist can ever be an idealist, or that the objects sought can ever justify terrorism. The impact of terrorism, not merely on individual nations, but on humanity as a whole, is intrinsically evil, necessarily evil and wholly evil.

International Terrorism

Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu

We can invade everyone from Grenada to Afghanistan, but if anyone spills a drop of our blood, it's terrorism.

The Lucifer Gospel

Tags: Paul Christopher

We live in a time of terror, and contrary to what we see on television and allow ourselves to believe, the real goal of terror is not to kill people but to kill thought; to so demoralize a society that it implodes from within.

"Questions for John Lahr", The New Yorker , January 23, 2009

Tags: John Lahr

Terrorism is the price of empire. If you do not wish to pay the price, you must give up the empire.

Where the Right Went Wrong

Tags: Pat Buchanan

It's much, much harder to terrorise a population into submission than official and unofficial purveyors of mass violence always think it is. Normality isn't a fixed state but a spectrum with a remarkably wide range. Terrorists are contemptible for many reasons, but one of them is the stupidity of not knowing this. They try to magnify themselves with epic acts of cruelty. In the end they are diminished and defeated by the strange ability of human beings to step around the pools of blood, keep going and forget.

"Terrorism is becoming normal, and that will be its undoing", Irish Times , June 4, 2017

A "war against terrorism" is an impracticable conception if it means fighting terrorism with terrorism.

Where There's a Will...

Tags: John Mortimer

What distinguishes terrorism is the willful and calculated choice of innocents as targets.

Terrorism: How the West Can Win

If inciting people to do that [9/11] is terrorism, and if killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists.

interview, October 2001

Tags: Osama bin Laden

Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.

Achtung! Vorurteile

Tags: Peter Ustinov

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How to Write an Essay on Terrorism: Complete Guide

Terrorism became a global problem as soon as we decided to make it a global problem. Terrorist acts have always been a part of the history of conflicts between countries, nations, religions, and ideologies. It became global when we started sharing these horror stories and broadcasting them around the globe. This topic is current and complex: there is a good chance that you’ll have to write a terrorism essay at least once in your life.

We want you to be ready. We’ve prepared this guide to simplify the writing process as much as possible. Tips, terrorism research paper topics, reliable sources – everything is here.

How to Make Your Terrorism Essay Better: 10 Tips

We’re sure that you know how to write an essay on terrorism – the same way as any other essay. But we want to remind you of a few things that can simplify the writing process and entail a better result and a higher grade. So, be attentive:

1. Pick a narrow topic.

You won’t be able to develop a broad topic in your terrorism essay properly. You’ll only have two or three pages, so don’t try to bite more than you can chew. You can pick one of the topics that we’ve gathered for you in this guide below.

2. Conduct thorough research.

You don’t have to spend days at the library digging through ancient dusty scrolls to find necessary information. A few hours of surfing the internet is usually enough to find many sources and pick important quotes that might enforce your arguments.

3. Choose reliable sources.

And speaking of sources, you should be very picky at this point. The internet is full of garbage: fake news, unverified facts, and “expert” opinions of bloggers. Don’t fall in this trap! Use only trustworthy sources: online encyclopedias (not Wikipedia), scientific journals, non-fiction books, reputable newspapers, etc.

4. Make an outline.

This is an obvious tip, but a really helpful one. An outline will establish the structure of your essay about terrorism and help you organize your thoughts. We also recommend you to include keywords if you don’t want to forget about the essential details.

5. Compose your thesis statement.

The thesis statement is the starting point of your essay. It won’t let you get off your writing track. Imagine that you have to explain the main points of your essay in one sentence – this would be the perfect thesis statement.

6. Find an original point of view.

Don’t be afraid of expressing your personal opinion. Of course, the topic of terrorism is debatable and painful, but you have to be honest with yourself and your readers. Writing a terrorism essay can be quite challenging, but you have this guide and your logical thinking, so it’s not that bad.

7. Use strong arguments.

Let’s define a strong argument first. A strong argument is a piece of evidence that proves your point in such a way that your readers are persuaded to believe you. We suggest you to use real-life examples, quotations from reliable sources, statistical data, and verified facts as your arguments. Avoid logical fallacies, as attentive readers will notice them, and you’ll lose their trust.

8. Stick to an academic writing style.

No matter what type of essay you’ll choose, you have to use an academic writing style. No jargon, no contractions, and no exclamation marks! If you’re new to academic standards, you should read about the requirements in your college code.

9. Format your terrorism essay properly.

Using the proper formatting style is another peculiarity when it comes to writing essays. MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard are the most common formats. Your instructor will specify the required style in his or her task. Sticking to the proper formatting style influences your general grade.

10. Use online tools.

Online services make students’ lives much easier. These tools can check your writing and make it free of mistakes. If you don’t have much time to write your essay, you can always rely on one of these writing services – for example, EssayBulls.

Tips – DONE! You know how to write an essay on terrorism, and we’ve shown you how to make it better. Now, let’s focus on what topics you can analyze in your essay. We’ll start with the types of terrorism.

7 Types of Terrorism to Write About in Your Terrorism Essay

The types of terrorism differ in their causes, purposes, and methods. We hope that you’ll learn more about this global problem from the section below:

  • Religious terrorism

Also known to be non-political, religious terrorism is aimed at religious purposes and is motivated by the reasons of a predominantly religious character.

  • Dissent terrorism

Dissent terrorists want to overthrow the existing government or to change the state policy drastically using terrorist attacks as a political tool.

  • Political terrorism

This type of terrorism is used by political parties and organizations against other political factions. Civilians are the most frequent victims of such attacks.

  • State-sponsored terrorism

Such terrorist acts are initiated by the government, often secretly, to achieve a specific goal. This method is frequently used in conflicts with other countries.

  • Quasi-terrorism

A quasi-terrorist is a person who acts like a real terrorist and uses the same methods but doesn’t have the same motivation. They’re often criminals who take hostages and threaten their lives to achieve a particular goal.

  • Civil disorder

Civil disorders are a form of violent protests that frequently cause the destruction of private property and injury to civilians. As a rule, the participants want to demonstrate their resentment against the government.

As you see, terrorism is a complex and multifaceted concept. You can describe and analyze any type in your terrorism essays. If you don’t feel inspired enough, we also offer a list of terrorism research paper topics below.

30 Unique Terrorism Research Paper Topics for Your Writing

  • Compare and contrast a few acts of terrorism during the Civil War and in the 21st century.
  • How does terrorism influence US immigration laws?
  • Is there any connection between terrorist acts and immigration laws in Europe?
  • Is terrorism the most important problem in our society?
  • Why do people become suicide bombers?
  • Is terrorism a more significant problem for the USA or for the Middle East?
  • How do terrorists use technologies for their attacks?
  • Is religion the main cause of terrorism in the 21st century?
  • Is cyberterrorism the most dangerous form of terrorist attack?
  • How have the September 11 attacks changed the image of terrorism?
  • Are immoral methods justified when it comes to fighting terrorism?
  • Will the GWOT (Global War on Terrorism) ever end?
  • Can the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki be considered terrorist acts?
  • How can be the internet be used to further terrorists’ goals?
  • What is Al Qaeda? What are the main purposes of this organization?
  • Define the term “Jihad.” Why is its literal meaning not well known?
  • What factors shape public opinion toward terrorism?
  • Can terrorism be considered a political tool?
  • Is the death penalty an effective method to fight terrorism?
  • Compare and contrast dynamic and economic models of terrorism.
  • Why has the level of domestic terrorism increased recently?
  • Define the term “selective terrorism.”
  • Terrorists: criminals or combatants?
  • How does terrorism affect the global economy?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a soft-line approach to terrorism?
  • How does terrorism affect the perception of Arabs in society?
  • How has the stereotypical image of a terrorist changed over the last 50 years?
  • How can individuals fight terrorism?
  • Does Islam approve of terrorist acts?
  • What makes terrorism so frightening in comparison to other global problems?

Well, have you found something special? We hope so. You have the instruction, and you have the topic. Now, you need to pick a range of sources to use for your writing. We have some suggestions for you right here.

Helpful Resources for Your Terrorism Essay: Articles and Books

You don’t have to use these sources if they aren’t appropriate for your essay. Your instructor may have recommended you particular sources. But if you have any difficulties in gathering information, don’t hesitate to check these lists.

12 Articles to Quote in Your Essay on Terrorism

  • Annette Schaefer. Inside the Terrorist Mind. Scientific American Mind.
  • Katarina Jonev. Terrorist Influence on Children in Cyberspace. The Market for Ideas.
  • Jasper Jackson. Police Urge Public to Help Counter UK’s Complex Terror Threat. The Guardian.
  • Douglas Pratt. Terrorism and Religious Fundamentalism: Prospects for a Predictive Paradigm. Research Gate.
  • Max Abrahms. Why Terrorism Does Not Work. Quarterly Journal: International Security.
  • Scott Atran. Genesis of Suicide Terrorism. Science.
  • CNN Library. US Terrorist Attacks Fast Facts.
  • Steven E. Miller. After the 9/11 Disaster: Washington’s Struggle to Improve Homeland Security. Axess.
  • Peter Bergen. Why Do Terrorists Commit Terrorism? The New York Times.
  • Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada. The Economic Impact of Terrorism: A New Model and Its Application to Pakistan. Journal of Policy Modeling.
  • Zulaika, Joseba, and Imanol Murua. How Terrorism Ends – and Does Not End: The Basque Case. Critical Studies on Terrorism.
  • Parag Khanna. Terrorism As War. Hoover Institution.

20 Books to Quote in Your Essay on Terrorism

  • Jonathan R. White. “Terrorism and Homeland Security.”
  • Clifford E. Simonsen and Jeremy R. Spindlove. “Terrorism Today: The Past, the Players, the Future.”
  • Yael Danieli. “The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, an International Handbook.”
  • Jonathan Matusitz. “Terrorism and Communication: A Critical Introduction.”
  • Laura Scaife. “Social Networks As the New Frontier of Terrorism: #Terror.”
  • Louise Richardson. “What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat.”
  • Bruce Hoffman. “Inside Terrorism.”
  • Stephen Vertigans. “ The Sociology of Terrorism: People, Places and Processes.”
  • Anna Geifman. “Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894-1917.”
  • Dilip Hiro. “War Without End: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism and Global Response.”
  • Dawson, M., & Omar, M. “New Threats and Countermeasures in Digital Crime and Cyber Terrorism.”
  • Gabriel Weimann. “Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation.”
  • Igor Primoratz. “Terrorism: A Philosophical Investigation.”
  • Richard Jackson. “Writing the War on Terrorism.”
  • Walter Laqueur. “A History of Terrorism.”
  • John R. Liederbach et al. “Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism.”
  • Cynthia C. Combs. “Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century.”
  • Vincenzo Ruggiero. “Understanding Political Violence.”
  • Patrick Sookhdeo. “Understanding Islamist Terrorism: The Islamic Doctrine of War.”
  • Brigitte L. Nacos. “Mass-Mediated Terrorism: The Central Role of the Media in Terrorism and Counterterrorism.”

That’s enough for today. You’re tired, and we’re tired. Still, we believe that you have enough energy to write your terrorism essay. No? Maybe you have enough energy to fill in an ordering form? We promise that it won’t take more than five minutes. And you’ll get an excellent essay on terrorism provided by a professional writer at an affordable price. Imagine how good some rest can be… Pay for college essay and see for yourself!

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Essay on Terrorism in 500+ Words in English for School Students

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  • Mar 29, 2024

Essay on Terrorism

Essay on Terrorism: The horrific events of 9/11 at the World Trade Centre and the terrorist strikes on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai on June 26, 2011, come to mind when we discuss terrorism. Terrorism is an act of violence to achieve political or ideological gains. Terrorism is a threat to life. Killing innocent people in the name of religion or politics shows that it’s an act of a coward. The motive for terror activities is to create fear inside people. Terrorist activities include different types of violent activities, communal fighting, riots, kidnappings, rapes, robbery, assault, and the list is endless. Barrack Obama once said ‘No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for Terrorism and Violence.’

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Types of Terrorism
  • 2 Consequences of Terrorism
  • 3 How to Fight Terrorism?
  • 4 Top 10 Quotes On Terrorism

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Factors That Contribute to Terrorism

Terrorism is not born overnight. Several factors are responsible for giving birth to terrorism. Political grievances and religious extremism are the two main factors causing terrorism. 

It happens quite often when a certain group or individuals feel marginalized, oppressed, or disenfranchised by their government or ruling authority. In situations like these, they try to resort to terrorism as a means of expressing their grievances and seeking change. Corrupt government, authoritarianism, lack of political representation, human rights abuses, and discrimination, are the major factors causing political grievances.

Religious extremists are also responsible for terrorism. These people brainwash younger people against other communities and wage religious war against them. Extremist ideologies distort religious teachings to promote hatred, intolerance, and the justification of violence against perceived enemies.

Apart from these two factors, socioeconomic situations and geopolitical rivalries can also provoke people against others; resulting in terrorist activities. Poors and the unemployed are the most vulnerable as terrorist or extremist organisations try to offer them financial incentives or a sense of purpose. 

Types of Terrorism

Terrorism is not just about holding an assault rifle and shooting at innocent people. Terrorism is of two types: Political Terrorism and Criminal Terrorism . Both these harm the credible image of a country or a region and affect in a nation’s daily political and economic activities.

Consequences of Terrorism

The consequences of terrorism are worse than a 7.7 magnitude earthquake or any other natural disaster. This man-made disaster not only kills innocent but creates fear, which is everlasting. 

Terrorist activities hamper the economic and political development of a country. In a state where terrorism exists, people are always in fear of death or any mishap. Thanks to terrorism countries like Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. are not able to develop.

The consequences of terrorism are loss of life, physical injuries, psychological trauma, economic damage and social disruption. It can also lead to increased security measures, erosion of civil liberties, and heightened ethnic or religious tensions.

How to Fight Terrorism?

Anti-terrorism is a fight between justice and evil, civilisation and savagery. To fight terrorism, we need international cooperation and a multi-faceted approach. Addressing the root cause of terrorism can be the first step in fighting terrorism. When we understand the cause of a problem, we can come up with better and more comprehensive solutions.

Strengthening law enforcement capabilities can help in the prevention and investigation of terrorist activities. It can also improve intelligence gathering and analysis to disrupt terrorist networks. 

India, for a long, has been accusing some countries of state-sponsored terrorism. But, it was only after 9/11 that India received global cooperation. Today, global powers are determined to eradicate terrorism from its root. 

Building trust and cooperation between communities is very important. It can help law enforcement agencies to prevent radicalization and promote early intervention.

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Top 10 Quotes On Terrorism

Here are 10 quotes on terrorism. 

‘Terrorism has no nationality or religion.’ – Vladimir Putin

‘Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint.’ – Christopher Hitchens

‘The only way to deal with terrorism is to understand why it happens.’ – Arundhati Roy

‘Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.’ – Peter Ustinov

‘Terrorism is the price of empire. If you do not wish to pay the price, you must give up the empire.’ – Pat Buchanan

‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’ – Gerald Seymour

‘Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behaviour by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.’ – Patrick J. Kennedy

‘The greatest threat to our way of life isn’t terrorism, it’s the response to terrorism.’ – Simon Jenkins

‘The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power.’ – George Orwell

‘Terrorism is the war of today, and war is the terrorism of yesterday.’ – Howard Zinn

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Ans: Terrorism is an act of violence to achieve political or ideological gains. Terrorism is a threat to life. Killing innocent people in the name of religion or politics shows that it’s an act of a coward, a monster. The motive for terror activities is to create fear inside people. Terrorist activities include different types of violent activities, communal fighting, riots, kidnappings, rapes, robbery, assault, and the list is endless.

Ans: Political Grievances, religious extremism, ethnic or nationalist conflicts, socioeconomic factors and geopolitical relations are the primary causes of terrorism.

Ans: ‘No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for Terrorism and Violence.’ – Barrack Obama (Former US President)

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Top 30 Quotes About Terrorism to Understand and Fight It

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Terrorism Quotes to Better Understand and Fight It

The last two decades have seen an increase in incidents of terrorism. Despite the efforts that have been put towards fighting these barbaric acts, they seem to get worse by the day. While there might be no end in sight, it is important that we keep up the good fight and not give in to the enemy.  

It's a battle for information...

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It is everyone's problem.

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We must all unite against terror.

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One of the greatest quotes about terrorism and the importance of uniting gainst it.

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Terrorists' demands are impossible.

quotes on terrorism for essay

We need to speak up.

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Democracy will defeat terrorism.

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It is a battle of the mind.

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It is not affiliated to a religion.

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Let's not blame religion.

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We have to pay the price.

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The real definition of terrorism.

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We should take the war to them.

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Let us focus on hope other than fear.

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It has no face and is not  preserve of certain countries.

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We must kick it out.

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We must keep on fighting.

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Terror is an attack on liberty.

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We should not change our way of life beacuse of terrorism.

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We will prevail...

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Making peace is not an option.

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Stop participating in terrorism.

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Killing one innocent person is an affront to humanity.

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Being Muslim does not make one a terrorist.

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Even war is terrorism.

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Interference in other people's way of life breeds terrorism.

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Education can help erase terror.

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Terror is feuled by ignorance. To eliminate it, we need to educate the masses.

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The fear iduced by acts of terror is the actual terrorism, not the act itself.

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One of the wisest quotes about terror - we can't fight terror with terror.

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International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


International terrorism as a global challenge, discussion and conclusion.

The damaging effect of terrorism on modern society was brought to the world’s attention following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in September 2001. This acts by the Al-Qaeda terror network demonstrated that international terrorism has the power to disrupt social life even in the world’s super power.

Since then, a wide-ranging debate has developed about the level of threat that international terrorism poses to the global community. While some people regard international terrorism as a marginal threat, others see it as an existential threat to society.

This paper will argue that international terrorism is the main challenge facing the world in the context of international security and therefore, measures should be taken to address this issue and safeguard global security.

International terrorism has become the greatest danger to world security, overtaking the threats of military confrontations from rival great powers. Stewart (2006) observes that the international security threat posed by military confrontations between rival great powers has reduced dramatically since the Second World War.

Most Western nations have formed alliances such as NATO, which makes it almost impossible for them to engage in aggressive military confrontation against each other. The possession of nuclear weapons by the major powers such as Russia and China acts as a deterrence from any major confrontation (Lutz & Brenda 2004).

Nations are therefore more likely to resort to diplomacy instead of risk military confrontation with each other. However, international terrorists attack nations without fear of retaliation since they do not have a well established base or economic resources that they hope to protect.

The activities of international terrorist organization have made the world unsafe. Terror activities have not been limited to US targets and the rest of the world has suffered from the actions of terrorists. The international terror organization, Al Qaeda did not limit its attacks to US targets and on March 11, 2004, it carried out the Madrid train bombings.

London also experienced terrorist attacks in July 2005 when the London Underground was bombed by Islamist extremists (UK Defence and Security Report 2010). Indonesia experienced terrorist attacks in 2002 that killed 202 people while a hotel in Jakarta was bombed in 2003 killing 12 people.

Thieux (2004) asserts that these attacks prove that international terrorism is a serious and potential threat not only for the United States but also for EU member states and the rest of the world.

International terrorism presents the most significant risk to global nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Presently, all functioning Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) including nuclear weapons are in the hands of legitimate governments.

However, intelligence reports indicate that terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda have made efforts to obtain WMDs especially from weak states such as Pakistan. Bowen and Cottee (2012) state that if international terrorists obtain WMDs, they will be able to inflict major damages to targets all over the world.

International terrorism has increased the vulnerability of nations to attacks from their own citizens. Thieux (2004) documents that in addition to the Islamic radicals who joined the Al Qaeda network in the past, this terror organization now attracts members who are well integrated in the society.

International terrorist organizations are able to radicalize citizens of a country leading to the development of home-grown terrorists. For example, individuals can access jihadi websites and obtain information on suicide bombing (The UK Defence & Security Report 2010). Tackling this threat has proved to be a major challenge for most nations.

Thieux (2004) notes that international terrorism has led to a blurring between foreign and domestic affairs as nations have to deal with issues such as home-grown terrorists and sleeper cells. The difficulty of identifying terrorists increases the risk that these elements pose to the global community.

International terrorists are spread all over the world and it is difficult for law enforcement agencies to correctly identify all potential suspects. Stewart (2006) notes that unlike in a conventional war where the enemy combatants are easy to identify, the diverse pool of individuals involved in international terrorism makes the threat hard to identify.

International terrorism presents a major challenge since these actors do not follow any international laws of combat. There are well-established rules that can be used by nations when dealing with traditional security threats. These laws include rules of engagement that forbid soldiers from attacking unarmed civilians.

Diplomacy can also be used to resolve the differences between nations without resorting to armed confrontation. With international terrorism, there are no rules of engagement and terror organizations target civilians in order to spread fear (Engene 2004). The traditional tools of military deterrence and diplomacy are not effective in dealing with the threat of international terrorism.

International terrorism has led to the development of poor relationships between Western countries and the Arab world. Since most international terrorist organizations are operated by radical Islamists, the policies adopted by countries such as the US to counter them focus on these radical elements. The fight against terrorism has therefore focused on tackling the issue of Islamic extremism (Victoroff 2005).

This has proved to be problematic since terrorism organizations are not disparate and therefore cannot be handled using a uniform policy response. Hammond (2008) asserts that the overemphasis on Islamic extremism has led to the strengthening of the misperception especially in the Middle East that “the anti-terror campaign is actually a war on Islam” (p.220).

This situation has threatened to divide the world on religious basis. Hammond (2008) suggests that the division based on religious differences fostered by international terrorism is proving to be the greatest threat to international unity since the cold war.

International terrorism has contributed to the unpopularity of the US in many countries all over the world and the subsequent inclination of terrorists to attack US targets. Meyer (2009) states that terrorism threatens global security by disrupting the “peace of mind” of citizens and prompting aggressive retaliation by individual states.

Hammond (2008) reveals that following the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration engaged in controversial security policies and effectively declared that America was at war with international terrorists. Due to the Bush policies, the US carried out military activities against terrorists and their affiliates and used economic means to influence the behaviours or interests of nations that harbour terrorists.

Terrorism threatens to disrupt international relations among traditional allies. Due to globalization, the movement of people from country to country has increased. Many international companies have established themselves in foreign countries and global trade is at a high level. International terrorists target Western citizens in foreign countries leading to immense political and psychological impact.

Tan (2007) documents that in 2002, the Al Qaeda affiliated network in South East Asia, Jemmah Islamiah, planned to carry out a terror attack against American targets in Singapore. If this attack had succeeded, it would have deteriorated the good relationship between the US and Singapore and greatly contributed to the growth of insecurity in the region.

The relationship between Pakistan and the UK has suffered due to international terrorism. The UK has accused Pakistan of not doing enough to prevent terrorism. In 2009, the UK arrested 12 Pakistani students in UK on suspicion of involvement in terrorism (UK Defence and Security Report 2010).

International terrorism undermines the good relationships between nations, and without this amicable relationship, global peace and security cannot be achieved.

The global community considers terrorism to be a significant threat to international peace. Following the events of 9/11, most nations, led by the US, have made a public declaration of war against international terrorism. The potential damages that international terrorists can cause, especially if they acquire WMD has led to arguments that terrorism is an “existential threat” for modern society (Meyer 2009).

With this realization, Western nations have tried to come up with a common and coordinated way of dealing with the threat of international terrorism. However, Thieux (2004) notes that the efforts have not been adequate and terrorism is still a major international threat.

This paper set out to demonstrate that international terrorism is the greatest threat to international security that the global community faces today. It begun by nothing that the global security threat posed by conventional military confrontations between nations is very low. However, the threat presented by international terrorism to global security is on the rise.

This threat has led to the deterioration of relationships especially between the West and Arab countries. The influence of terrorists has spread into many countries all over the world and various attacks have been carried out. For this reason, many countries view international terrorism as a threat to their security. Fighting global terrorism should therefore be a key priority for all nations.

Bowen, W & Cottee, M 2012, ‘Multilateral cooperation and the prevention of nuclear terrorism: pragmatism over idealism’, International Affairs , vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 349–368.

Engene, O 2004, Terrorism in Western Europe: Explaining The Trends Since 1950, Edward Elgar Publishing, NY.

Hammond, A 2008, ‘Two countries divided by a common threat? International perceptions of US and UK counter-terrorism and homeland security responses to the post-September 2001 threat environment’, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy , vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 218–239.

Lutz, J & Brenda, J 2004, Global Terrorism , Routledge, NY. Print.

Meyer, C 2009, ‘International terrorism as a force of homogenization? A constructivist approach to understanding cross-national threat perceptions and responses’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs , vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 647-666.

Stewart, P 2006, ‘Weak States and Global Threats: Fact or Fiction?’, Washington Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 27-53.

Tan, A 2007, ‘Singapore’s Cooperation with the Trilateral Security Dialogue Partners in the War Against Global Terrorism’, Defence Studies , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 193-207.

Thieux, L 2004, ‘European Security and Global Terrorism: the Strategic Aftermath of the Madrid Bombing’, Central European Review of International Affairs , vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 59-74.

UK Defence and Security Report 2010, Domestic Security Overview , Business Monitor International Ltd, London.

Victoroff, J 2005, ‘The Mind of the Terrorist: A Review and Critique of Psychological Approaches’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution vol. 49, no.1, pp. 3-42.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 3). International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/

"International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." IvyPanda , 3 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security'. 3 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.

1. IvyPanda . "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.


IvyPanda . "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.

English Aspirants

Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

Terrorism Essay in English: Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence for political ends. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on Terrorism. Here we’ve provided 4 short and long essays (100, 150, 200-250, and 300 words). These essays will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Terrorism Essay: 100 Words

Terrorism is the result of widespread discontentment that has gone deeper into the minds of the poor and exploited class of people. Being instigated by some power-hungry politicians, these people take up arms against the establishment to voice their protest. When the language of protest violence and cause takes the shape of immense damages to mankind, it becomes terrorism.

Poor, ordinary people remain helpless at the hands of terrorists who want to exercise their authority against the government. Explosions and other terrorist attacks make the country unsafe and take away the peace of common people. The government has taken many steps to curb terrorist attacks, yet the menace of terrorism is still rocking the foundation of a stable country like India.

Terrorism Essay in English

Essay on Terrorism: 150 Words

Terrorism is the use of violence to attain one’s political ends. Every day there are reports of sensational and shocking terrorist activities. A worldwide phenomenon, today it has struck terror in the hearts of the people. Terrorism includes kidnapping of eminent personalities, bombing of civilian territories, blowing of buses, trains, aeroplanes and killing innocent people all with a view to spreading fear among the masses. It is a kind of proxy war against the existing elected government.

The evils of terrorism are obvious and the world has become very familiar with its acts. It is a crime against humanity Terrorism must be curbed with a heavy hand. A group of senseless people cannot be allowed to hold the country to ransom. Law and order enforcement agencies should be made more effective to combat the terror campaign and prevent the creation of fear. The root causes should be analyzed to eradicate terrorism. If that is done people all over the world can live in peace and prosperity.

Essay on Terrorism

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Terrorism Essay in English: 200-250 Words

Terrorism becomes now a days a great problem all over the world. It is also a great threat to mankind. It is the use of terror or violence. A certain group of people adopt it as tactics for a purpose. This group is said to be the terrorists. The purpose is a gain, Most gains are political. Sometimes there may be a personal gain. The criminals operate violence to fulfill their wishes or demands. They have various modes of operation.

Sometimes it is in the form of kidnapping or hijacking. Sometimes it is a kind of blasting bombs in a crowded train or bus. In some cases, they release their hostage on a big ransom. At times their terms and conditions are hard to accept and impossible to fulfil. On most occasions, a dateline is fixed. If they are refused or dishonoured, they turn hostile. The criminals kill their captives. It is a matter of great regret that some countries harbour the militants.

Terrorism creates social unrest. It intends to damage the national progress. Even a government falls victim to their wishes. Such a group hijacked an Indian Boeing from Nepal on the 24th December, 1999. They released it when India freed their leader Masood Azhar from the jail. The militants skyjacked American planes and crashed them into World Trade Centre. It was destroyed completely. The massacres in our Parliament and the American Embassy are the glaring examples in the recent times. We can combat and perish it from the face of the earth. But we must keep it in mind: United we stand, divided we fall.

Terrorism in India Essay

Also Read: Essay on Independence Day

Terrorism in India Essay: 300 Words

Communal disharmony is one of the causes of terrorism in India. People here are belonging to the different ethnic groups. Prejudiced, some of them show their commitment to their own minority. And this kind of conservative attitude is the genesis of terrorism in India.

Since 1947 India and Pakistan are regarded as two different free countries, although they were undivided India during the reign of the British colonialists. The British left India by conferring freedom on both India and Pakistan, but the relationship remained unfriendly. Although it is not right to say that Pakistan directly gave shelter to the terrorists, there is little doubt that the terrorists have to some extent nourished by Pakistan.

The terrorists threatened the peace in Jammu and Kashmir. Even the terrorists often attacked India between these two countries by way of causing explosions in large cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad. Some Tamil terrorists have also been constantly threatening the peace of India. The most crucial problem that India has now been facing is the activities of the Maoists in West Bengal.

Indians are now uneasy because of the price hike, corruptions in a large scale, and the problem of unemployment. At this time terrorist activities are obligatory to the progress of the nation. All of the political leaders and the Government should be aware of the fact that communal disharmony causes this terrorism. Thus, the liberalism of Indians and proper development of the country, and above all, good administration are very necessary to stop this evil of terrorism.

If it continues, the nation will soon lose its integrity and become the most disgraceful country in the world. Unfortunately, political leaders do politics for the sake of politics only, not for the sake of the making of their country. Every Indian should be conscious of the curse of terrorism and should do well in order to restore the peace of India.

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Top 20 Quotations for Terrorism Essay for Class 12

quotes on terrorism for essay

  • January 24, 2024

Kainat Shakeel

Terrorism, an imminence that has agonized societies throughout history, stands as a redoubtable challenge to global peace and security.  Terrorism, by definition, is the methodical use of violence to inseminate fear and force societies or governments for ideological, political, or religious purposes. Understanding its roots requires exploring its historical environment, from early acts of political violence to the ultramodern-day- day challenges posed by revolutionist testaments. 

Types of Terrorism

  • Domestic Terrorism: Terrorism is not confined to international borders. Acts of terror committed within a country pose unique challenges, demanding an acclimatized approach to fight radicalization and violence. 
  • International Terrorism: international terrorism, frequently orchestrated in well-organized global networks, necessitates cooperative efforts among nations to baffle pitfalls and share intelligence effectively. 

Quotes on Terrorism

  • ” The purpose of terrorism lies not just in the violent act itself. It’s in producing terror. It sets out to inflame, to divide, to produce consequences which they also use to justify further terror.”- Tony Blair 
  • ” Terrorism is a cerebral warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, query, and division in society.”- Patrick. Kennedy 
  • ” Terrorism is a tactic and a strategy. It’s the use of designedly magpie violence as a means to produce fear and terror among adversaries.”- Noam Chomsky 
  • ” Terrorism knows no boundaries, and its trouble can affect anyone, anywhere.”- William J. Clinton 
  • ” The fight against terrorism isn’t only a military battle but also a battle of ideas, a battle for hearts and minds.”- Antonio Guterres 
  • ” Terrorism is born out of despair, and it thrives in an environment of forlornness.”- Kofi Annan 
  • ” To combat terrorism, we must first understand its root causes and work towards addressing them.”- GeorgeW. Bush 
  • ” Terrorism is the adversary of freedom and has no place in a cultivated society.”- Benazir Bhutto 
  • ” We must stand together against terrorism and reject the false narrative that seeks to divide us.”- Theresa May 
  • ” Terrorism is a cancer that requires a comprehensive and global approach to annihilate.”- John. Kerry 
  • ” The true strength of a society lies in its capability to repel the challenges posed by terrorism without compromising its values.”- Barack Obama 
  • ” Terrorism is a constant trouble that requires constant alert and cooperation among nations.”- Angela Merkel 
  • ” Terrorism thrives in a terrain of dogmatism and ignorance. Education is an important tool against unreasonableness.”- Malala Yousafzai 
  • ” Terrorism seeks to produce a climate of fear. We must respond with courage, adaptability, and concinnity.”- Narendra Modi 
  • ” To master terrorism, we mustn’t only target the perpetrators but also address the conditions that allow it to flourish.”- David Cameron 
  • ” Terrorism is a treason of the abecedarian values of humanity, and we must stand united in our rejection of it.”- Justin Trudeau 
  • ” The fight against terrorism is a participated responsibility that requires cooperation and collaboration among nations.”- Rex Tillerson 
  • ” Terrorism is a global challenge that requires a global response, embedded in justice and the rule of law.”- Antonio Guterres 
  • ” Terrorism preys on the vulnerable and exploits grievances. Addressing root causes is essential for long-term peace.”- Hillary Clinton 
  • ” Terrorism seeks to undermine our way of life. We must respond with adaptability and a commitment to our participated values.”- Gordon Brown 
  • ” Terrorism is a tactic used by the weak against the strong, but it eventually weakens the fabric of society.”- GeorgeH.W. Bush 
  • ” The fight against terrorism is a battle for the soul of humanity. We mustn’t let fear and abomination prevail.”- Kofi Annan

In conclusion, understanding terrorism and its global impact is pivotal for formulating effective counter-terrorism strategies. By addressing root causes, fostering international cooperation, and  exercising comprehensive approaches, the world can work towards a safer and  further secure future

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile SEO-Content Writer and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

University of Notre Dame

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How Terrorism Is Wrong: Morality and Political Violence

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Virginia Held, How Terrorism Is Wrong: Morality and Political Violence , Oxford University Press, 2008, 205pp., $45.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780195329599.

Reviewed by Igor Primoratz, University of Melbourne

This is a book on terrorism and political violence more generally, written by a philosopher and accordingly focusing on conceptual and moral, rather than empirical or historical, questions. The book is meant for fellow philosophers and political theorists, but it is written clearly and without philosophical jargon, and will be accessible, and of much interest, to the general reader too.

While political violence is a traditional topic in political and moral philosophy, terrorism -- the type of political violence generally considered most difficult to defend -- was not much discussed before the attacks in the US on 11 September 2001. Virginia Held is one of the few philosophers who gave it sustained attention before it became a fashionable topic. The present book is a collection of seven essays she has published over the last twenty-odd years and one previously unpublished paper. Some essays discuss terrorism or political violence generally, while others look into such related issues as the ways the media deals with political violence, or collective responsibility for ethnic hatred and violence. There is also an essay on the methods of moral inquiry.

In her approach to moral questions, Held combines consequentialism, deontological ethics and the ethics of care. The relevance of the last approach to discussing issues of political violence is rather limited, and Held's position on terrorism and political violence is grounded in consequentialist and deontological considerations of a more traditional type. So is just war theory, but Held's views are not a version of that theory. Indeed, she doubts that just war theory can be of much help in understanding and judging contemporary armed conflicts.

The title of the book might be thought somewhat misleading, as Held does not so much seek to show how terrorism is wrong as how it can be right. To be sure, a title highlighting the latter prospect probably would not have been a good idea in the current atmosphere of the "war on terror." This "war" is both driven and defended by a "moral clarity" claimed by leaders of some major powers and by many analysts and commentators. Held rightly challenges this facile "moral clarity," according to which all terrorism is morally the same, clearly distinct from war, and a monopoly of insurgents, who are both amoral and utterly irrational and fanatical, and therefore never to be engaged with in dialogue or negotiation. She goes on to argue that we should not adopt a sweeping moral rejection of all terrorism, whatever the cause it serves, the circumstances in which it does so, and the consequences of refraining from it; that terrorism is not "uniquely atrocious"; and that it is not necessarily morally worse than war.

The scope and import of any moral assessment of terrorism depends on just what is meant by "terrorism". Accordingly, Held discusses at some length the question of how the term should be defined. The usage over the two centuries or so since the term entered political and moral discourse in the West has been notoriously confusing, fraught with moral emotions and political passions, and plagued by relativism and double standards. It is in such cases that philosophy can demonstrate its relevance to public debates by clarifying central concepts and main positions, spotting missteps in argument, exposing prejudice and double standards, and thus facilitating more rational and discerning moral deliberation and choice. Most definitions of terrorism crafted by philosophers acknowledge the two traits that make up the core concept underlining all shifts in descriptive and evaluative meaning: terrorism is violence aiming at intimidation (fear, terror). Beyond this, philosophers tend to disagree, most importantly on whether terrorism is violence against civilians (non-combatants, innocent people), or can also target members of the military and security services and highly placed government officials. This is the question of a narrow vs. wide definition. A wide definition is in line with common use over two centuries, whereas a narrow definition is revisionary. Yet a narrow definition may be more appropriate in the context of moral assessment of violence and terrorism. Surely there is a considerable moral difference between planting a bomb in an office of (what is considered) an extremely oppressive government and killing a number of its officials, and planting a bomb in a coffee shop and killing a number of common citizens.

Held prefers a wide definition, for reasons I do not find convincing. One is common use. Held points out that the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, or much Palestinian violence directed at Israeli soldiers, would not count as terrorism on a narrow definition, while the bombing of Dresden or Hiroshima would, and finds these implications unacceptable. To me, they seem just right. She quotes Walter Laqueur's remark that "most terrorist groups in the contemporary world have been attacking the military, the police, and the civilian population" (p. 55) as showing the inadequacy of a narrow definition. But surely the fact that a group has engaged in terrorism to an extent sufficient to consider it a terrorist group does not turn every act of political violence committed by the group into an act of terrorism. Finally, Held rejects narrow definitions on the ground that "it is not at all clear who the 'innocent' are as distinct from the 'legitimate' targets. We can perhaps agree that small children are innocent, but beyond this, there is little moral clarity" (pp. 19-20). Yet even if only "small children" were morally protected against violence that would be a weighty consideration, as indiscriminate political violence against civilians or common citizens is bound to kill and maim children too. Moreover, there are other classes of civilians that are just as clearly innocent in the relevant sense, i.e. innocent of the (alleged) injustice or oppression: opponents of the government, those too old or infirm to take part in political life, or those inculpably ignorant of the immorality of their government's policies.

The book offers two somewhat different definitions of terrorism: as "political violence that usually spreads fear beyond those attacked" and "perhaps more than anything else … resembles small-scale war" (p. 21), and as political violence employed with "the intention either to spread fear or to harm non-combatants" (p. 76). Both definitions run together war and terrorism, and imply that an act of war proper, i.e. one aimed at a legitimate military target, counts as terrorism. For, as Trotsky pointed out in his defense of the "red terror", "war … is founded upon intimidation… . [It] destroys only an insignificant part of the conquered army, intimidating the remainder and breaking their will" ( Terrorism and Communism , Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1961, p. 58). Held accepts this implication of her position; I find it problematic.

Philosophers working with a wide definition of terrorism usually distinguish terrorism that targets the military and high government officials and terrorism that attacks common citizens, and argue that the former type of terrorism can be morally justified in certain circumstances, while the latter type is never, or almost never, justified. Held does not take this line. Her book offers two different justifications of terrorist violence, and both apply to the latter as well as the former kind of terrorism.

The first is in terms of the responsibility of citizens in a democracy for what their government does on their behalf. This justification is only suggested at several points in the book and is never developed and defended from likely objections. Held does not make it clear whether she sees common citizens as proper objects of terrorist violence because, as voters, they authorize the government's actions and policies (p. 20), or on account of various types and degrees of support they give the government (pp. 56, 78). Both these lines of argument are open to serious queries.

Held's second justification of terrorism, presented in chapter 4 )“Terrorism, Rights, and Political Goals”) is carefully spelled out. It focuses on the issue of human rights. When human rights of a person or group are not respected, what may we do in order to ensure that they are? On one view, known as consequentialism of rights, if the only way to ensure respect of a certain right of A and B is to infringe on the same right of C, we will be justified in doing so. Held does not accept such trade-offs in rights with the aim of maximizing their respect. But she points out that rights sometimes come into conflict, whether directly or indirectly. When that happens, we cannot avoid comparing the rights involved in terms of their stringency and making certain choices. That applies to the case of terrorism too. Terrorism violates some human rights of its victims. But its advocates claim that in certain circumstances a limited use of terrorism is the only way of bringing about a society in which the human rights of all will be respected.

Even when that is so, it is not enough to make resort to terrorism justified. But it will be justified if an additional condition is met: that of distributive justice. If there is a society where the human rights of a part of the population are respected, while the same rights of another part of the population are being violated, and if the only way of putting an end to that and bringing about a society in which human rights of all are respected is a limited use of terrorism, and finally, if terrorism is directed against members of the first group, which until now has been privileged as far as respect of human rights is concerned -- then terrorism will be morally justified. This is an argument of distributive justice, brought to bear on the problem of violations of human rights. It is more just to equalize the violations of human rights in a stage of transition to a society where the rights of all are respected, than to allow the group which has already suffered large-scale violations of human rights to suffer more such violations (assuming that in both cases we are dealing with violations of the same, or equally stringent, human rights). Human rights of many are going to be violated in any case. "If we must have rights violations, a more equitable distribution of such violations is better than a less equitable one" (p. 88).

This is an original, deontological cum consequentialist justification of terrorism. Neither the indispensable contribution of terrorism to bringing about equal respect of human rights of all nor the justice in the distribution of violations of such rights in the transition stage is, in itself, enough to justify its use. Each is necessary, and jointly the two are sufficient for its justification. Obviously, a critique that reduces Held's position to either of its prongs falls short of the mark. So does the objection that terrorism is as a matter of fact highly unlikely ever to help usher in a better, more just society. If so, that tells against terrorism, rather than against Held's (or any other) stringent moral requirements for a morally defensible recourse to it.

Another objection is that in allowing for sacrificing such basic human rights as the right to life and to bodily security of individual victims of terrorism for the sake of a more just distribution of violations of the same rights within a group in the course of transition to a stage where these rights will be respected throughout that group, Held adopts a collectivistic position that offends against the principles of separateness of persons and respect for persons. In response, Held argues that

to fail to achieve a more just distribution of violations of rights (through the use of terrorism if that is the only means available) is to fail to recognize that those whose rights are already not fairly respected are individuals in their own right, not merely members of a group … whose rights can be ignored. … Arguments for achieving a just distribution of rights violations need not be arguments … that are more than incidentally about groups. They can be arguments about individuals' rights to basic fairness. (pp. 89-90)

Still, a common citizen belonging to the relatively privileged section of the population has done nothing to forfeit her right to life. If she is killed by a terrorist seeking to make the distribution of right to life violations in the entire population more just, her right to life is violated for reasons to do with the group: for the sake of more justice within the group. This has nothing to do with her sins of commission or omission, and in this sense Held's is a collectivistic argument -- and an argument that I, for one, do not find convincing. Held argues that, if we fail to resort to terrorism in the circumstances described in her argument, we thereby fail to recognize that individuals belonging to the disadvantaged section of the population "are individuals in their own right," rather than merely members of a group whose human rights can be ignored. This argument is predicated on moral equivalence of acts and omissions, and on ascription of negative responsibility. This, too, I find problematic. We do not fail to respect the right to life of disadvantaged individuals when we fail to kill or maim other individuals, personally innocent of the plight of the former. The disadvantaged individuals do not have a right that we should engage in terrorism in their behalf, and we do not have a duty to do that. Indeed, I believe we have a duty not to do that.

Whether Held's two-prong justification of terrorism can be successfully defended against this and other possible objections or not, it remains an original, complex, and highly important position on the morality of terrorism. The essay presenting it is the centerpiece of Held's book and her most valuable contribution to the discussion of terrorism as far as fellow philosophers are concerned. The general reader will find much of interest in all the essays in this book. In the wider context of public debate about terrorism and the "war" against it, Held provides a strong antidote to the simplistic deliverances of "moral clarity" many of our political leaders and "public intellectuals" claim to possess.

Essay on Terrorism with Outlines and Quotes

Essay on terrorism with outline and quotations for students of class 12, 2nd year, b.a and bsc.

Hereunder is the Essay on Terrorism with Outline and Quotations for the students of different classes. This Terrorism Essay with Quotes is very important with the point of view of Exams. Students can write the same essay under the title Terrorism Essay, Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan and Essay on How to Combat Terrorism . This essay is taken from local educational notes. You can visit English Essays Category for more English Essays.

Terrorism Essay with Quotes and Outline

  • Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous forms of crime.
  • The main causes of terrorism.
  • Islam is the most misunderstood religion in the west.
  • The Muslim concept of Islamic Fundamentalism.
  • Terrorism is different from political or liberation movement.
  • It must be fought against at all levels.

Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous forms of international crime. Terrorism means the threat or uses of force against civilians or armed forces for political or personal interest. Terrorists attack the civilian population to create terror or general harassment in society. They resort to bombing, killing, hijacking and large scale of destruction of property. A large number of innocent civilians have been killed in these savage attacks. A wave of terror and insecurity has traveled around the globe. People are wonder-struck and terrified at the cruel activities of terrorists in spite of great measures of security and defense.

Narrow-mindedness, fanaticism, fundamentalism, intolerance and religious extremism are considered the main cause of terrorism. Political and religious extremists do not tolerate their opponents and try to eliminate them. Some culprits do it for temptations of money. They are blind agents of other forces. It is also a fact that some intelligence agencies cause terrorism in enemy countries to destabilize them.

“Fanaticism obliterates the feelings of humanity. “

Recent of the hijacking of American passenger airlines and crashing them against the towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington is probably the worst incident of terrorism in the world. Americal wants to punish some individuals and countries whom they blame for terrorist activities in various parts of the world. Usama bin Ladin and some Muslim countries are their specific targets.

Islam is the most misunderstood and misinterpreted religion in the West. A religion that stands for peace and justice has been misrepresented as a religion of war and fanaticism. The Muslims are depicted by the western media as extremists, fanatics, terrorists, backward and devoid of disciplines, On religious issues, They are emotional and intolerance. Fundamentalists believe that they are the right people and all the rest are heretics.

“It is better to understand a little

Than to misunderstand a lot.”

On the other hand, there is no organized Muslim media anywhere in the Muslim World that can refute this western disinformation and give an accurate picture of what is really going on. The west, in fact, is under the psychological pressure of the glorious past of the Muslims. Soon after the demise of communism in the Soviet Union, Islam was perceived as the ideological force to overcome the whole world.

The Muslim concept of Islamic fundamentalism is strict adherence to the age of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is an effort to implement the Islamic principles of the Golden age of the world of today for the revival of Islam. Jihad is a totally different act from terrorism. Jihad means the exertion, striving and endeavor for the cause of God. Its object is to bring an end to oppression and aggression against Islam. Its object is not to propagate Islam by use of the sword. It is not anti-wast bigotry and the revival of the ancient Islamic concept of expansionism.

The Quran has emphasized Jihad for a noble cause: “Fight against those who treat helpless men, women and children cruelly”. Jihad stands for noble deeds for elevating the moral character and for seeking refinement to attain nearness to Allah.

“Religion is nothing else but love to God and man.”

Terrorism is also different from political or liberation movement. The Kashmir liberation movement against India, the Palestine movement against Israel and Chechen liberation movement against Russia cannot be regarded as the terrorist movement. They are engaged in an armed struggle to get freedom from cruel rules. They are fighting against aggression.

“If we like them, they’re freedom fighters,

If we don’t like them, they’re terrorists” (Carl Sagan)

Terrorism is evil. It must be fought against at all levels. Governments and nations must join hands to crush this evil and its agents. At the same time, the United Nations must take steps to remove the germs of dissatisfaction, deprivation, and injustice from various religions of the world.

“Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method

Which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation?

The foundation of such a method is love.” (Martin Luther King)

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  • Terrorism Essay


Essay on Terrorism

Terrorism is a blunder committed by the terrible individuals around us. To demonstrate their strength, a group of people attempts to govern a specific arena. Terrorism has a negative impact on both society and personal life. As a result of their acts, a large number of families are destroyed. Regrettably, the number of crimes in India is increasing on a daily basis. Ancient India was ruled by a monarchy, and the ruling was a source of pride for the king. However, India later accepted democracy, and everyone is treated equally under the Indian constitution. Even so, some cowards try to keep their power over the impoverished and weak.

Terrorism represents the foolish act done by the cruel people around us. The bunch of groups tries to rule the certain arena to show their power. Terrorism had a adverse effect on the society as well as a personal life. Their number of families gets destroyed due to their actions. In India, it's sad to say, but the number of crimes is increasing day by day. Ancient India was in Monarchy where ruling was a pride to the king, but later on India accepted democracy and everyone is treated the same under the Indian constituent. Still some cowards try to maintain their dominance over poor and helpless people.

Who could forget the date 26th November, better known as 26/11! Where 10 terrorists entered the country and attacked the economic city in India. Bringing grenades, pistols, automated rifles and other destructive weapons they almost destroyed the city and shocked the Indians in the midnight. The people are helpless, weaponless and in their own world of enjoyment at the railway station, hotels and in the drives on the roads, and suddenly a danger happens in their lives, which they did not expect. 

Osama Bin Laden was the greatest terrorist in the world! People are still afraid of hearing his name. He had destroyed a building named ‘world-trade center’ with the help of an airplane. It has also been stated in the reports that frequently Osama had been amorphous with him. Even the police themselves got confused and captured the wrong one. After his death there was lots of time still required to recognize the originality of him.

Lying in court is an offense. Frequently the needy and poor people lie in court for the sake of a certain amount of money. But, this money would be a help to criminals outside the world. Even, we purchased CDs and DVDs at an economic rate. To save a certain amount of money, we help piracy. These pirates invest this money in the armonony and indirectly we are sponsoring a bullet in every war which would be used against us only. 

The origin of terrorism starts with a little things. The first pen stolen from a friend could even lead to mortal works. Everything has a start and if left unmanaged, they can leave the astray and lose the right path. In the school, if the adverse effects of being bad are explained properly with illustrations to some real life examples, the students may get aware about all the facts and take an initiative to stop the spread of crime. Instead of making criminals with heroic roles in the television serials, the more heroic movie super cops are to be made. Instead of writing biographies of terrorism supporters, write articles about terrorism demonization. The start of this cleaning starts from home, if you have a child, teach them the ways to be a great person in good habits rather than supporting him when he starts stealing something. Terrorism has an end, if we are united the terrorism can be thrown is out of the windows! 

Various Forms Of Terrorism

Political terrorism, which raises mass concern, and criminal terrorism, which involves abduction for ransom money, are the two sorts of terrorism. Political terrorism is significantly more essential than criminal terrorism since it is carried out by well-trained personnel. As a result, apprehending them in a timely way becomes increasingly challenging for law enforcement agencies.

Terrorism has spread across the country and around the world. Regional terrorism is the most dangerous type of terrorism. Terrorists feel that dying as a terrorist is a priceless and sacred experience, and they will go to any extent to attain it. Each of these terrorist groups was founded for a different motive.

Who can forget November 26th, often known as "26/11"? Ten terrorists infiltrated the country and assaulted India's economic centre. They nearly devastated the city and astonished the Indians by bringing explosives, pistols, automatic rifles, and other lethal weapons. People are defenceless, without weapons, and engrossed in their own realms of pleasure at the railway station, motels, and on the highways when an unanticipated menace enters their life.

The Origins of Terrorism

The invention or manufacture of vast quantities of machine guns, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles, and other weapons fuels terrorism. Rapid population expansion, political, social, and economic issues, public dissatisfaction with the country's system, a lack of education, corruption, racism, economic disparities, and language disparities are all key factors in the development of terrorism. Terrorism is sometimes used to establish and maintain one's stance. Despite the contrast between caste and terrorism, the most well-known riots have taken place between Hindus and Muslims.

Consequences of Terrorism

Individuals are filled with fear as a result of terrorism, and people of the country feel vulnerable as a result. Millions of goods have been destroyed, thousands of people have died, and animals have been slaughtered as a result of terrorist assaults. People lose trust in humanity after seeing a terrorist attack, which fosters more terrorists. Terrorism comes in many forms and manifests itself in different parts of the country and outside.

Terrorism is becoming a problem not just in India, but also in our neighbouring countries, and governments throughout the world are battling it. The World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, is considered the world's worst terrorist strike. Osama bin Laden launched an attack on the world's tallest tower, resulting in millions of injuries and thousands of deaths.


FAQs on Terrorism Essay

1. Who was Osama bin Laden?

Osama Bin Laden was the world's greatest terrorist! Hearing his name still makes people fearful. With the help of an aeroplane, he had destroyed the 'world-trade centre.' According to the rumours, Osama had been amorphous with him on several occasions. Even the cops got mixed up and arrested the wrong person. There was still a lot of time required after his death to acknowledge his uniqueness.

2. Identify the countries that are the most impacted by terrorism.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria were the countries most hit in 2014, with the highest number of terrorist incidents. This year has been dubbed "Terrorism Year." Furthermore, it has been reported that these five countries were the primary targets of 78 per cent of all attacks last year. Apart from them, there are 39 countries that endured the most attacks, and their index rating is based on the severity and frequency of attacks they experienced.

3. What is the true cause of terrorism?

Terrorism is defined as the use of violence for a specific purpose. This motivation could stem from a sense of social and political injustice, or just a belief that violence can bring about change. The main cause of terrorism is usually perceived unfairness or rage against specific societal conditions. Many people join terrorist groups out of desperation or to exact personal vengeance on powerful authorities. Terrorism is also a result of strong feelings of injustice. Millions of young people aspire to make a difference by utilising violence as a tool for social upheaval. As a result, in order to combat these extremists, we must provide them with alternatives to violence that can be useful to them.

4. What is the best way to combat terrorism?

The reduction of terrorism threats and the safeguarding of the state, its interests, and citizens against all types of terrorist activity are two of the State Security Service's top priorities in the battle against terrorism. It is critical to detect and suppress operations carried out by international terrorist groups and anyone linked to them. It is necessary to conduct an active search for persons linked to terrorist organisations. Enhancing the capacity of readiness and reaction to terrorist threats should receive special focus.

5. Give an overview of the history of terrorism.

The term "terrorist" was coined by François-Nol Babeuf, a French philosopher, in 1794. As a result of his denunciation of Robespierre's regime as a dictatorship, the Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris with military punishment and complete devastation. This threat, however, only fueled the Revolution's determination to overthrow the monarchy. Tyranny, according to ancient philosophers, was the greatest political threat to Greco-Roman civilization prior to the French Revolution. Philosophers in the Middle Ages were also preoccupied with the concept of tyranny.

6. Explain the historical background of terrorism.

The word "terrorist" was first used in 1794 by François-Noël Babeuf who was a French philosopher. He denounced Robespierre's regime as a dictatorship therefore Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris that the city would be subjected to military punishment and total destruction. But this threat only increased the Revolution's will to abolish the monarchy.

Prior to the French Revolution, ancient philosophers wrote tyranny as the greatest political threat to Greco-Roman civilization. Medieval philosophers were similarly occupied with the concept of tyranny.

7. How to fight against terrorism?

One of the main priorities of the State Security Service in fighting against terrorism is the reduction of the risks of terrorism and the protection of the state, its interests and citizens against all forms of terrorist activities. The detection and suppression of activities carried out by international terrorist organizations and persons related to them is important. Active search of individuals connected with terrorist organizations needs to be conducted. Considerable attention should be paid in enhancing the capabilities of readiness and responses to terrorist threats.

8. What is the real reason behind terrorism?

Terrorism is the use of violence for a certain cause. This cause may be due to the perceived social and political injustice or simply a belief that violence can lead  to change.

Usually perceived injustice or anger against a certain social conditions is the main cause  that foster terrorism. Many people join terrorist groups because of poverty or to take their personal revenge from the powerful authority. Strong feelings of injustice also results in terrorism. There are millions of young people who want to create change by using fight as the tools for social upheaval. So, in order to counter these extremists we need to give them alternatives to violence which can prove beneficial for them.

9. Name the countries which are most affected by terrorism.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria are the most affected countries which suffered the largest number of terrorist attacks in 2014. This year is called the year of terrorism.

Also it has been recorded that these five countries were the major victims of 78% of all attacks that happened last year. Apart from these countries there are 39 countries which saw the greatest number of attacks, and their index ranking is calculated against severity and frequency of attacks they experienced.

Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. It is a global phenomenon that affects people from all walks of life, regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnicity . 

What is Terrorism?

quotes on terrorism for essay

  • In legal terms, although the international community has yet to adopt a comprehensive definition of terrorism, it is commonly understood to refer to acts of violence that target civilians in the pursuit of political or ideological aims.
  • The Global Terrorism Index defines terrorism as ‘the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion or intimidation’.
  • The nature of terrorism today is shifting from traditional international terrorism of the late 20th century into a new form of transnational non-state warfare , backed modern warfare & digital technologies .

Recent Context-

  • India is ranked 13th on The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2023, indicating its position among the countries significantly impacted by terrorism.
  • The report highlights that Afghanistan remains the most affected country by terrorism, maintaining this status for the fourth consecutive year.

Types of Terrorism

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Factors Leading to Spread of Terrorism

  • g: Chechen terrorists in Russia.
  • g: Religious persecution of people from Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan.
  • g: Terrorism in Somalia, which is one of the poorest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • g: Taliban was formed in the early 1990s by Afghan mujahideen who had resisted the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (1979–89) with the covert backing of the CIA and its Pakistani counterpart, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI).
  • g: Mass gun shooting incidents in USA.

quotes on terrorism for essay

Challenges in controlling Terrorism

India specific

  • Hostile neighbourhood which is breeding ground for terrorism
  • Lack of citizen participation and private sector participation in beefing up the security apparatus
  • absence of “bottom up” security architecture.
  • Weak coordination between various security agencies.
  • Presence of antinational element and insurgent group.

Global level

  • Narrow Global War on Terrorism (GWOT):  The first challenge is that the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), as it was conceived by a post 9/11 United States, is over with the withdrawal of the USA from Afghanistan, as the United States negotiated with the Taliban, and then withdrew from Afghanistan.
  • Divided UN security council: In a polarized world divided opinion in the security council regarding the fight against terrorism.
  • Toothless FATF: The decision of FATF is mostly affected by geopolitical trends around the world. This affects counterterrorism efforts negatively at global level.
  • Linkages with organized crime: We are going study detail about this topic under separate heading

Terrorism & Technology

Use of Technology in propagating Terrorism/Extremism

  • Multimedia communications providing ideological or practical instruction, explanations, justifications or promotion of terrorist activities.
  • Modes - virtual messages, presentations, magazines, treatises, audio and video files and video games developed by terrorist organizations or sympathizers.
  • Internet provides access to global pool of potential recruits , with ‘precise targeting’ of the poor & marginalized, disillusioned youth, minors, gender specific targeting etc.
  • Lone wolf attacks by self-radicalised individuals using sources on the widely unregulated internet. For eg. In New Zealand, Paris, Bangladesh, Australia, UK etc.
  • Modes - Internet chat groups, Encrypted messages of Whatsapp, etc.
  • Use of digital transactions to raise finances for terror and to launder money.
  • Direct solicitation , e-commerce , Exploitation of online payment tools , Charitable organizations
  • On how to join terrorist organizations, construct explosives, firearms or other weapons, and plan and execute terrorist attacks.
  • Modes – detailed online manuals, audio and video clips, information and advice.
  • For eg. Inspire is an online magazine allegedly published by Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula with the stated objective of enabling Muslims to train for jihad at home.
  • Use of sophisticated Encrypted communication , UAVs, GPS Technology to plan and coordinate cross border terror attacks.
  • During Uri and Pathankot attacks, GPS was used to infiltrate from blind spots of Border security agencies.
  • Use of IED in Maoist areas with attacks remotely coordinated using mobile and satellite phones.
  • 26/11 attack and use of satellite phones.
  • Weaponized drones used by ISIS in Iraq.
  • 3D printers – In 2019, the attacker of a German synagogue used 3D-printed components of the home-made weapons.
  • Cyber-attack/Terrorism is an emerging threat that can potentially target critical infrastructure like power transmission, banking, nuclear installations etc. India has witnessed 3 rd highest number of cyber-attacks in the world.

Uses of the internet for countering terrorist activity

  • Gathering of intelligence- []  proactively prevent, detect and deter terrorist activity.
  • Gathering of evidence for the prosecution of Terrorist acts
  • Counter-narratives & Awareness creation
  • Cross border Anti-terrorism Cooperation & coordination

Global measures to break terrorism - technology nexus

  • Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) – Set up in 2017 by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube , dedicated to disrupting terrorist abuse of members’ digital platforms.
  • Global Counterterrorism Forum – International forum to reduce the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism.
  • Tech Against Terrorism - launched and supported by the United Nations Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate . Aims at supporting the tech industry tackle terrorist exploitation of the internet, whilst respecting human rights.
  • The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact

Counter Terrorism: Institutional & Legal provisions

  • Counter Terrorism and Counter Radicalization (CTCR) Division – set up within MHA. It deals with matters relating to policy and operational issues on terrorism.
  • National Investigation Agency (NIA) as a Central Counter Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency.
  • Multi Agency Centre (MAC) - created as a multi-agency intelligence coordination mechanism for counter terrorism.
  • National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) - A framework that leverages Information Technology to enhance the country’s counter terrorism capability.
  • Combating Financing of Terrorism Cell - in the MHA deals with the policy matters on Combating Terrorist Financing (CFT) and Fake Indian Currency notes (FICN).
  • National Security Guard
  • Recent amendments: The Parliament recently passed
  • Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2019 allowing the Centre and States to designate individuals as terrorists and seize their property.
  • National Investigation Agency (Amendment) Act, 2019 - to allow NIA to probe terrorist acts against Indians and Indian interests abroad. It also seeks to allow NIA to investigate cases of human trafficking, counterfeit currency or bank notes, manufacture or sale of prohibited arms, cyber-terrorism etc.

Way Forward 

  • Enhance intelligence sharing.
  • Address root causes: socio-economic factors, political grievances, and ideological indoctrination.
  • Strengthen international cooperation.
  • Improve border security.
  • Counter online radicalization.
  • Strengthen legal frameworks.
  • Build community resilience.
  • Invest in capacity building and training.
  • Enhance international humanitarian efforts.


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Essay on Terrorism in India for Students and Children

500 words essay on terrorism in india.

Terrorism in India has a long history. It is a cowardly act by the terrorist groups who wish to disturb the peace of the country. It aims to create a state of panic amongst the people. They want to keep the people in a constant state of fear to stop the country from prospering.

Essay on Terrorism in India

Time to time, they carry out terrorist acts to remind people of the fear they want them to live in. Consequently, there are roughly 100 terrorist cells that are operating in India. They have to an extent successfully created an atmosphere of tension amongst the citizens. Terrorism impacts the country gravely and has dangerous repercussions.

Impact of Terrorism in India

As discussed earlier, terrorism has a major impact on any country. When we look at a developing country like India, it is all the more harmful. Firstly, it creates a state of panic amongst the citizens. The bomb blasts or firing impacts the mental health of people. This causes the untimely death of various citizens or leaves them handicapped. The anxiety and fear one has to live in restrict their way of living to a great extent.

Moreover, terrorism has a major impact on the tourism industry. As tourists avoid visiting places that are vulnerable to terrorist attacks, the tourism industry faces a blow. India is a country that earns a lot of its revenue from tourism. When these attacks happen, they cause fear amongst the tourists as well. The ones planning to visit cancel their trips. Similarly, the ones staying presently shorten their trip and leave.

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Furthermore, terrorist attacks create a sense of doubt in the foreign investors of India. After all, who would want to invest in a country prone to terrorism? They avoid the risk and instead opt for safer alternatives. This causes a huge blow to the business of India depending on them.

Thus, it damages the economy. As terrorist attacks cause loss of life and property, the replenishment takes up a lot of capital. It also results in people leaving the country to settle abroad for a safer environment. This makes India lose a lot of potential doctors, engineers, artists and more.

Major Terror Attacks in India

India has faced a number of terror attacks over time. The worst of them is definitely the 26/11 terror attack which took place in Mumbai. The terrorists captured renowned places like Nariman House, Hotel Oberoi Trident and Hotel Taj. They killed almost 170 people and injured around 300 people. All these victims were police officers, security personnel, or tourists.

The Mumbai Train Blasts were also very deadly. They took place in the local trains of Mumbai and happened at seven railway stations. It claimed 210 lives and injured 715 people.

The Indian Parliament Attack was also very surprising. As the parliament is one of the safest buildings. The terrorist managed to kill three parliament staff members and six police officers. It remains shocking as one wonders how such a safe place could come under attack. In short, terrorism in India needs to be eradicated to safeguard the country and help it prosper.

FAQs on Terrorism in India

Q.1 How does terrorism impact India?

A.1 Terrorism in India has a deep impact on the people and economy of the country. It causes panic amongst people and affects the tourism industry. Furthermore, it also has adverse effects on the economy of the country and its foreign investments.

Q.2 Name some of the most deadly terrorist attacks in India.

A.2 India has had some of the most dangerous terrorist attacks. The major ones include the one on Hotel Taj known as the 26/11 attack. The Mumbai serial bomb blasts were also very deadly where more than 1,000 people were injured. Moreover, the Indian Parliament attack was also quite dangerous.

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    One of the greatest quotes about terrorism and the importance of uniting gainst it. 5. Terrorists' demands are impossible. 6. We need to speak up. 7. Democracy will defeat terrorism. 8. It is a battle of the mind. 9. It is not affiliated to a religion. 10. Let's not blame religion. 11.

  13. International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security Essay

    International Terrorism as a Global Challenge. International terrorism has become the greatest danger to world security, overtaking the threats of military confrontations from rival great powers. Stewart (2006) observes that the international security threat posed by military confrontations between rival great powers has reduced dramatically ...

  14. Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

    Terrorism Essay: 100 Words. Terrorism is the result of widespread discontentment that has gone deeper into the minds of the poor and exploited class of people. Being instigated by some power-hungry politicians, these people take up arms against the establishment to voice their protest. When the language of protest violence and cause takes the ...

  15. Top 20 Quotations for Terrorism Essay for Class 12

    Barack Obama. " Terrorism is a constant trouble that requires constant alert and cooperation among nations."-. Angela Merkel. " Terrorism thrives in a terrain of dogmatism and ignorance. Education is an important tool against unreasonableness."-. Malala Yousafzai. " Terrorism seeks to produce a climate of fear.

  16. How Terrorism Is Wrong: Morality and Political Violence

    Some essays discuss terrorism or political violence generally, while others look into such related issues as the ways the media deals with political violence, or collective responsibility for ethnic hatred and violence. ... She quotes Walter Laqueur's remark that "most terrorist groups in the contemporary world have been attacking the military ...

  17. Essay on Terrorism with Outlines and Quotes

    Essay on Terrorism with Outline and Quotations for students of Class 12, 2nd Year, B.A and BSc. Hereunder is the Essay on Terrorism with Outline and Quotations for the students of different classes. This Terrorism Essay with Quotes is very important with the point of view of Exams.

  18. Essay on Global Terrorism for Students and Children

    Terrorism Essay for Students and Teacher. Customize your course in 30 seconds Which class are you in? 5 th. 6 th. 7 th. 8 th. 9 th. 10 th. 11 th. 12 th. get started Get ready for all-new Live Classes! Now learn Live with India's best teachers. Join courses with the best schedule and enjoy fun and interactive classes.

  19. Terrorism Essay: Essay on Terrorism For Students in 500+ Words

    Terrorism Essay in English: Short Essay on Terrorism in 500+ Words. Terrorism Essay: Terrorism is a cheap act of threatening people and promoting violence. It destroys communal harmony and evokes fear in the public. Terrorism can include violent acts that aim to spread unrest and fear among the local populations.

  20. Terrorism essay Quotations

    Welcome to our channel! If you are interested to learn quotations, you are at right place. This video is for the viewers who search quotations for their essa...

  21. Terrorism Essay for Students in English

    Terrorism is a blunder committed by the terrible individuals around us. To demonstrate their strength, a group of people attempts to govern a specific arena. Terrorism has a negative impact on both society and personal life. As a result of their acts, a large number of families are destroyed. Regrettably, the number of crimes in India is ...

  22. Terrorism Notes for UPSC Exam

    Terrorism. Mains Marks Booster 3rd August 2023. Download PDF (English) Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. It is a global phenomenon that affects people from all walks of life, regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnicity .

  23. Essay on Terrorism in India for Students and Children

    A.1 Terrorism in India has a deep impact on the people and economy of the country. It causes panic amongst people and affects the tourism industry. Furthermore, it also has adverse effects on the economy of the country and its foreign investments. Q.2 Name some of the most deadly terrorist attacks in India.