Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Understanding assignment branch condition.

Recently, I integrated Rubocop into my work flow and it’s been very humbling. I feel I’m a great coder with all the specs passing and doing a good job of refactoring, Rubocop always finds something wrong with my code.

I usually go back and make fixes based on Rubocop’s suggestions, but I keep running into the same few issues and solving them isn’t as easy as using: rubocop -a (which auto-corrects all the easy ones!)

The toughest offense for me so far: Assignment Branch Condition

This offense is harder to fix really make me think about my coding style in general. I want to learn more about this offense to help me understand. By understanding, my goals is to not make this offense so often and/or make it easier for me to fix in the future.

What is: ABC?

Rubocop message:

The default is 15 and the first pass of my code is always way past this, probably on average twice this value. So cleaning up my code to meet the default value really takes a lot of work.

From the documentation :

Really Understanding: ABC

Let’s understand what ABC is by checking out the definition of ABC :

Broken down:

  • assignments (anything with = )
  • branches (anything that jumps out of the current method)
  • conditionals (anything that tests logic if , case , unary ? )

SO, to reduce the ABC value, reduce assignments (use less intermediate variables), fewer branches (calling other methods), and conditionals (if/else statements).

Computing ABC

The ABC value is not just a counting of them, but a square root of the sum of their squares. If any one of them getting too high will spike the ABC count.

The Rubocop default for ABC metric is 15. What does 15 really mean?

Well, doing the math, to get an ABC score of 15, a method would have:

  • 8 assignments
  • 8 conditionals

(Just working backwards from 15*15 => 225; 225/3 => 75; Math.sqrt(75) ~=> 8.66)

Now that I lay it out that way, an ABC value of 15 is very reasonable. Having eight of each for a method is just enough to do a lot of work in a method, but a value of 15 keeps the method from spiraling out of control in assignments, branches, or conditionals.

Whenever I encountered Rubocop’s ‘ABC is too high’ message, I was annoyed with ABC metric because I didn’t understand how it was computed and I couldn’t refactor efficiently to lower the ABC value quickly.

Now that I spent some effort into researching what Assignment Branch Condition really means, I feel better about creating or refactoring code that has a better ABC score.

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Posted on Jun 26, 2020 • Updated on Aug 3, 2020 • Originally published at

11 Most Asked Questions About RuboCop

RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer and code formatter which helps to track errors easily and fix minor code issues during the development process saving your time. It has many advantages and you can learn more about RuboCop on .

Today, we will be talking about the most asked questions about RuboCop.

1. How to check if record exists from controller in Rails

How to test if at least one record exists?

Option 1: Using .exists?

Option 2: Using .present? (or .blank? , the opposite of .present? )

Option 3: Variable assignment in the if statement

This option can be considered a code smell by some linters (RuboCop for example).

Option 3b: Variable assignment

You can also use .find_by_user_id( instead of .where(...).first

Best option:

  • If you don’t use the Business object(s): Option 1
  • If you need to use the Business object(s): Option 3

Alternative Answer:

In this case, you can use the exists? method provided by ActiveRecord:

2. How to ignore lines with comments?

There is a way to ignore cops on a per-line basis.

There is also a way to do it via the configuration file.

Run rubocop --auto-gen-config and it will generate a file that you can use to disable the offenses.

The command also gives a hint on what to do to load those options.

On a line per line basis, you can enable and disable the cops as well.

You can also do more than one rule at a time in your code.

By using an inline directive, the directive becomes valid only for that line, and it would look like this:

It’s possible to define regex patterns to automatically ignore certain lines in rubocop.yml , so you could choose to ignore all lines starting with a # character:

This could be improved so that “indented” comment lines (i.e. whitespace followed by a # character) is also ignored if that’s what you want.

Note that this doesn’t account for lines of code that end with a comment, though:

3. How to split Ruby regex over multiple lines?

You need to use the /x modifier, which enables free-spacing mode.

Like in this case:

Using %r with the x option is the preferred way to do this.

See this example from the GitHub ruby style guide

4. RuboCop: Line is too long ← How to Ignore?

You can disable a bunch of lines like this:

Or add this to your .rubocop.yml file to increase the max length:

Creating a .rubocop.yml file (keep an eye on the initial . in the filename) in the root of your project, you’ll have a bunch of options:

5. What is meant by ‘Assignment Branch Condition Size too high’ and how to fix it?

Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of A ssignments, B ranches, and C onditional statements.

To reduce the ABC score, you could move some of those assignments into before_action calls:

6. How to tell RuboCop to ignore a specific directory or file?

You can add the following to .rubocop.yml:

where the path is relative to .rubocop.yml

From rubocop/default.yml :

7. How to integrate RuboCop with Rake?

The simple answer is just adding this to your Rakefile:

As of version 0.10.0 RuboCop contains a custom rake task that you can use. Just put the following in your Rakefile

Make sure to use upper-case ‘R’ and ‘C’ or you will get a NameError.

8. How to silence RuboCop warning on Assignment Branch Condition?

This is the message for the Metrics/AbcSize cop.

# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize

On your RuboCop config

9. How to disable frozen string literal comment checking?

Add the following to your .rubocop.yml :

10. How to pass &:key as an argument to map instead of a block with Ruby?

Pass &:key as an argument to map instead of a block.

11. How to fix "SublimeLinter-RuboCop not running even when enabled and RuboCop in the path"?

First, specify the right path for you ruby env in Packages/User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings as this:

After that close sublime completely and reopen it.

In Conclusion

These are the most asked questions about the RuboCop. If you have any suggestions or any confusion, please comment below. If you need any help, we will be glad to help you.

We, at Truemark , provide services like web and mobile app development, digital marketing, and website development. So, if you need any help and want to work with us, please feel free to contact us.

Hope this article helped you.

Original Source: DevPostbyTruemark

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Setting the default display name for my model

I have a method in my Ruby code that sets the default name for my model. Rubocop complains that Assignment Branch Condition Size is too high, 21.24/15. How can I improve this?

  • ruby-on-rails

200_success's user avatar

4 Answers 4

  • Conditionals are expressions in Ruby, you can (and, idiomatically, should) move the assignment outside.
  • active_record_relation.count == 0 is ok, but active_record_relation.empty? is more declarative.

tokland's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ I only set count as for the the first expression because it is being use in the else condition. \$\endgroup\$ –  Antarr Byrd Apr 9, 2015 at 15:45
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Maybe when should be indented? \$\endgroup\$ –  Caridorc Apr 9, 2015 at 15:46
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Usually people does not indent it. The ruby-style-guide says no indentation: \$\endgroup\$ –  tokland Apr 9, 2015 at 15:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, it still complains but this is an improvement. 18.36/15. Rubocop does complain that when should be indented as deep as case. \$\endgroup\$ –  Antarr Byrd Apr 9, 2015 at 15:50
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Yep, your original code has a bug then. Anyway, updated here. \$\endgroup\$ –  tokland Apr 9, 2015 at 19:21

The method is doing three things:

  • Determining whether or not to set display_name .
  • Determining the default display name.
  • Setting display_name to the default value.

Each of those adds to the Abc metric. The biggest contributor to the Abc metric is determining the default display name. To me, that also seems like the most logically separate. We can lower the Abc metric by extracting that responsibility to its own method.

Extracting default_display_name makes it slightly simpler to test the default display name logic. You could also use that logic elsewhere, e.g., a UI could show the current display name and ask if they want to reset it to the default display name.

At this point, I'd question whether set_default_display_name is necessary or if it could be inlined.

Another option, is to keep your code as is and modify your .rubocop.yml file to increase the threshold of the Abc metric, or disable it entirely. The Abc metric is all about code size, not complexity. Theoretically, bugs increase with code size. You'd have to determine if this low of a threshold makes it easier to mask bugs. (Based on an earlier thread, the answer is probably, "yes", since your original code seems to have a bug. I retained the functionality of your original code in this example.)

--- Addendum ---

@ramonrails makes a good point in the comments. I'm usually fine with return guard clauses at the top of ruby methods. However, I agree that having a return in the middle of this method is not ideal.

This answer was only addressing the ABC question. If this were my code, I'd extract the credentials logic completely from this "view" code.

Something like:

We're far afield from the question at that point though.

Jay Mitchell's user avatar

  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ This solution should be the accepted answer as is way more readable and really follows the spirit of clean code. \$\endgroup\$ –  BooVeMan Nov 11, 2015 at 12:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ Abc metric provided the "ah ha!" moment for me. excellent answer \$\endgroup\$ –  Brandt Solovij Apr 8, 2016 at 2:34
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Two return points in a 3-line code does not seem to be a good ruby practice. \$\endgroup\$ –  Ram on Rails Sep 7, 2016 at 20:32

Unless I'm mistaken, you can flip just the conditional: display_name will be set to name is either of the counts is zero. So that's an OR clause on the counts being zero, rather than an AND clause on the counts being non-zero.

So that plus ||= and a begin..end will let you do:

I'm assuming here, that blank? is checking for nil specifically, so you can use ||= . However, if display_name can be an empty string that won't work. In that case, I'd personally keep the early return you have now.

I don't know what Rubocop will think of either of these solutions, though.

Flambino's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ .display_name can be an empty string so the early return would likely be best \$\endgroup\$ –  Antarr Byrd Apr 9, 2015 at 19:50

Read the comments in the code for an explanation. This is the code of the selected answer, more optimized/DRY.

update 1 (2016-09-08): Reference code removed from comments. Now the comments explain only the optimizations to the selected answer.

Ram on Rails's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ You have presented an alternative solution, but haven't reviewed the code. Please explain your reasoning (how your solution works and how it improves upon the original) so that the author can learn from your thought process. \$\endgroup\$ –  Mast ♦ Sep 7, 2016 at 9:04
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Mast The comments seem to be embedded in the code here. It's not ideal though. In a way this could be a comment (or multiple) to the existing answer, but right now this is an answer (it's not a very good answer, but it is an answer) \$\endgroup\$ –  Simon Forsberg Sep 7, 2016 at 10:39
  • \$\begingroup\$ I'd recommend reducing the number of commented lines in this answer. It has potential, but for now I am definitely downvoting. \$\endgroup\$ –  Simon Forsberg Sep 7, 2016 at 10:40
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Mast This is not an alternate solution, just more optimized code for the selected answer. That is why the code from the selected answer is also put in comments as a reference. \$\endgroup\$ –  Ram on Rails Sep 7, 2016 at 20:09
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ I removed my downvote but I would recommend not putting your explanation of changes within the code block. Answers are better that way. \$\endgroup\$ –  Simon Forsberg Sep 7, 2016 at 20:19

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rubocop assignment branch condition size for is too high

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Fix "Rubocop/Metrics/AbcSize" issue in app/models/conversation.rb #62


pranavrajs commented Oct 2, 2019

Assignment Branch Condition size for notify_status_change is too high. [19.92/15]


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rubocop assignment branch condition size for is too high

RuboCopでこんなエラーが出た。Assignment Branch Condition size for search is too high.

コミットをする前にこんなエラーが出た。 調べてみると、なげーよ、幅取りすぎだろみたいなエラーらしい。









.rubocop.yml RuboCopの設定を変更した。 エラー文を見てみると、、、、

[<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20] この部分が、点数を表しているっぽい。これでみると、これだと『MAXスコアが20なのにお前のは23.79だよ』ってことらしく、これをどうにかするしかないと思った。



このMaxの部分を 25に設定を変更した。そしてコミットすると、RubCopからの指摘を受けずにすんだ。


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How does "Assignment Branch Condition size for index is too high" work?

Rubocop is always report the error:

app/controllers/account_controller.rb:5:3: C: Assignment Branch Condition size for index is too high. [30.95/24]

How to fix it? Anyone has good idea?

  • code-metrics

Remi Guan's user avatar

The ABC size [1] [2] is

computed by counting the number of assignments, branches and conditions for a section of code. The counting rules in the original C++ Report article were specifically for the C, C++ and Java languages.

The previous links details what counts for A, B, and C. ABC size is a scalar magnitude, reminiscent of a triangulated relationship:

Actually, a quick google on the error shows that the first indexed page is the Rubocop docs for the method that renders that message .

Your repo or analysis tool will define a threshold amount when the warning is triggered.

Calculating, if you like self-inflicting....

Your code calcs as

That's a 'blind' calculation with values I've made up ( 1 s). However, you can see that the error states numbers that probably now make sense as your ABC and the threshold:

So cop threshold is 24 and your ABC size is 30.95 . This tells us that the rubocop engine assign different numbers for A, B, and C. As well, different kinds or Assignments (or B or C) could have different values, too. E.G. a 'normal' assignment x = y is perhaps scored lower than a chained assignment x = y = z = r .

tl;dr answer

At this point, you probably have a fairly clear idea of how to reduce your ABC size. If not:

  • a simple way it to take the conditional used for your elsif and place it in a helper method.
  • since you are assigning an @ variable, and largely calling from one as well, your code uses no encapsulation of memory. Thus, you can move both if and elsif block actions into each their own load_search_users_by_role and load_search_users_by_order methods.

New Alexandria's user avatar

  • Thanks for you explanation –  pangpang Jan 9, 2016 at 4:45
  • @pangpang You should use a 'bang' ( ! ) at the end of the method name, like I wrote, as this is the ruby convention for when a method mutates data / state as a result of executing. Also, thank you & glad –  New Alexandria Jan 9, 2016 at 5:03
  • 3 No, that is not the convention. The convention is that if and only if there are two methods which do the same thing, then the one which is more surprising is named with a bang. This has nothing to do with mutation (see e.g. save vs. save! in ActiveRecord or exit vs. exit! in Ruby) and it only applies when there are two methods (see e.g. about a dozen methods in Array or String or Hash which modify the receiver, yet don't have a bang.) There should only ever be a bang method if there is also a non-bang method with the same name. –  Jörg W Mittag Jan 9, 2016 at 6:32
  • @jorgwmittag I see you post lots of good things. I will take you at your word. –  New Alexandria Jan 9, 2016 at 13:23
  • 1 link is broken -- here's another good description:… –  RubyTuesdayDONO Oct 13, 2016 at 19:10

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rubocop assignment branch condition size for is too high


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  1. What is meant by 'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' and how to

    Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of Assignments, Branches, and Conditional statements. (more detail..) To reduce ABC score, you could move some of those assignments into before_action calls:

  2. Rubocop error: Assignment Branch Condition size for a function is too

    The Assignment, Branch, and Condition Metric (ABC) counts Assignments, Branches, and Conditions, as the name implies. If you have too many Assignments, Branches, and Conditions, then the way to fix that is to reduce the amount of at least one of. Assignments, Branches, or; Conditions. Just as an example: Here:

  3. Understanding Assignment Branch Condition · Red Green Repeat

    Understanding Assignment Branch Condition 20 Jan 2017. Recently, ... Assignment Branch Condition size for [method] is too high The default is 15 and the first pass of my code is always way past this, probably on average twice this value. ... Whenever I encountered Rubocop's 'ABC is too high' message, I was annoyed with ABC metric because ...

  4. 11 Most Asked Questions About RuboCop

    5. What is meant by 'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' and how to fix it? Answer: Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of Assignments, Branches, and Conditional statements.

  5. How to disable AbcSize cop for specific lines matching with a regex

    And rubocop detects Metrics/AbcSize offense for this code: Metrics/AbcSize: Assignment Branch Condition size for show is too high. [16.31/15] The question is, how can I disable Metrics/AbcSize cops for breadcrumbs? I Googled a bit and found IgnoredPatterns: ['\A'] setting and applied like this in my rubocop config:

  6. Being Your Own Rubocop

    Displaying the board. Two kinds of Rubocop violations arise when running my configuration file: Method has too many lines. Assignment Branch Condition size is too high.

  7. Assignment Branch Condition size for hashes #1974

    jonas054 commented on Jun 17, 2015. "Branch" in the ABC metric doesn't mean conditional route through the code, it means a function call. So it's all the calls to the method b that generate the high number. I'm guessing this is a made-up example, not your real code, so it's difficult to come up with good advice how to decrease the ABC size.

  8. Class: RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize

    The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. ... 18..30 unsatisfactory > 30 dangerous. You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch". For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; ... ' Assignment Branch Condition size for %<method>s is too high. ' \ ' [%<abc_vector>s ...

  9. ruby

    15. I have a method in my Ruby code that sets the default name for my model. Rubocop complains that Assignment Branch Condition Size is too high, 21.24/15. How can I improve this? return unless display_name.blank? count = user.credentials.where(type: type).count. if count == 0. self.display_name = name. elsif user.credentials.where(display_name ...

  10. Class: RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

  11. Fix "Rubocop/Metrics/AbcSize" issue in app/models/conversation.rb

    Assignment Branch Condition size for notify_status_change is too high. [19.92/15] ...

  12. Class: RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize

    Interpreting ABC size: "<= 17" satisfactory. '18..30` unsatisfactory. '>` 30 dangerous. You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch". For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; no attempt is meant to distinguish actual 'attr_reader` from other methods. This cop also takes into account ...

  13. Class: RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalAssignment

    Check for if and case statements where each branch is used for assignment to the same variable when using the return of the condition can be used instead. Examples: EnforcedStyle: assign_to_condition (default)

  14. rubocop

    rubocop; or ask your own question. ... What is meant by 'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' and how to fix it? 10. How does "Assignment Branch Condition size for index is too high" work? 3. ABC size too high, even when there are no branches, assignments, or conditionals. 2.

  15. RuboCopでこんなエラーが出た。Assignment Branch Condition size for search is too high

    なにこのエラーAssignment Branch Condition size for search is too high. [<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20] コミットをする前にこん…

  16. ruby

    The ABC size [1][2] is. computed by counting the number of assignments, branches and conditions for a section of code. The counting rules in the original C++ Report article were specifically for the C, C++ and Java languages. The previous links details what counts for A, B, and C. ABC size is a scalar magnitude, reminiscent of a triangulated ...