Good Citizen Essay

Good Citizen Essay | Essay on Good Citizen for Students and Children in English

Good Citizen Essay: A citizen is not one who stays in a city. A citizen can even be one who stays in a village or in slums. One who is a member of the society — of whatever status, is a ‘citizen’.

Long Essay on A Good Citizen 400 Words in English

Short essay on a good citizen 150 words in english, 10 lines on good citizen.

  • What qualities make a good citizen?
  • What it means to be a good citizen?
  • Why is it important to be a good citizen?

Long and Short Essays on Good Citizen for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Good Citizen’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Good Citizen of 400-500 words. This long essay about Good Citizen is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Good Citizen of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Good Citizen Essay

Below we have given a long essay on A Good Citizen of 400 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

As a social being, every citizen has his responsibilities towards society. Every society wants its citizens to be good, and it is the goodness of the citizens which makes society good.

Essay on Good Citizen

History tells how during the reign of Chandra Gupta Maurya, people did not need to lock their doors. No thefts would be committed; no robberies ever did occur. Maybe that it was due to stem administration and strict policing but it does reflect the nature of the society. All men were law-abiding and law fearing. There were peace and comfort.

Today in same India, every morning the newspaper’s front-page news is there of dacoity, murder, kidnapping, and frauds. This picture of society reflects the character of the citizens. To what low level have they fallen.

Just as to be healthy, every part of the body has to be healthy and in good condition. Similarly for the society to be good, every citizen has to be well-mannered, honest in his dealings, hard-working in his pursuits.

What is meant by being a good citizen? The answer is not far to seek. A good citizen is one who is humble, polite to others, well-mannered, respectful to the feelings of others. ‘Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to you’ this is a mental dictate that governs a good citizen. What hurts you can hurt others too, therefore do not do anything to others which if done to you may hurt you. A society that works on these lines shall have citizens following this rule and that is good citizenship.

Below we have given a short essay on A Good Citizen is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Everyone wants to have his personal freedom. But personal freedom does not give one the license to do whatever one pleases. If you have the right to enjoy personal freedom others also have the right to enjoy similar freedom. The freedom of one has to be accommodated with the freedom of others. Mutual adjustments alone can bring about peace in the society.

Therefore, a good citizen has always to take care of the interests of others. Neighborly relations mean caring for one another; helping others in the time of their need and be helped by others in your time of need.

It is such a society that everyone wants to live in. But to make the society so liveable every citizen must contribute his ‘goodness’.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • A citizen is not one who lives in the cities. Everyone living in society is a ‘citizen’.
  • Every citizen has responsibilities towards society.
  • A good society would be that which has good citizens.
  • A healthy body is that in which every part of the body is healthy.
  • Who is a good citizen? One who cares for others does not harm others; is humble, and respects the sensibilities of others such a one who is a good citizen.
  • A good citizen is law-abiding and obeys the laws of the country.
  • A good citizen is honest in word and deed. He is always truthful.
  • He seeks his good in the good of all.
  • He or she never takes law in his or her hands.
  • A good citizen has the welfare of his country and his fellow citizens at heart.

Qualities of Good Citizen

FAQs on Good Citizen Essay?

1.  What qualities make a good citizen?

Qualities of a good citizen include Honesty, Integrity, Respectfulness, Responsibility, and others.

2. What it means to be a good citizen?

To be a good citizen anywhere you have to be a good person. That means showing respect, having a good attitude, or just helping out.

3. Why is it important to be a good citizen?

A good citizen is normally the type of person who works hard, helps others, and respects the law.

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How To Be A Good Citizen Essay | Qualities and Benefits of A Good Citizen Essay

October 18, 2021 by Prasanna

How To Be A Good Citizen Essay: What does it really mean to be a good citizen? This is a question that has been debated for many years, but the answer remains unclear. The definition of citizenship varies from person to person. It can be defined as an individual who participates in the running of their society, or someone who bears rights and duties within their society. Citizens are also people who are eligible for citizenship in the state they reside in.

On the other hand, citizenship is a legal concept usually defined as the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation. The word may apply both to natural persons and legal persons. The definition of citizenship used by governments or institutions differs based on their values and beliefs. For example, while some countries may define citizens as people born there while others may include those with parents born locally, some countries do not require you to have any connection at all to be considered eligible for citizenship. Regardless, citizens are an integral component of a functional society. In this essay, we shall explore what it means to be a good citizen, importance, benefits, characteristics and more.

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Who is a Good Citizen?

In today’s world, it is very easy to fall into the trap of being a “bad citizen”. The key to being a good citizen is being an active participant in society and contributing to the greater good. A person can be a good citizen through various ways such as: volunteering, philanthropy, charity work, etc.

So how do we bring this idea of a good citizen into our day-to-day life? First and foremost, we have to be an active participant in society and not just sit on the sidelines. We have to get involved with what is going on around us and talk about these issues with others. In order for change to happen in society there has to be a conscious effort from all of us. A good citizen is also someone who contributes to their society, does not take more than they need, and helps others. It is important for people to be good citizens because it benefits the society as a whole.

What are the Qualities of a Good Citizen?

Qualities of a good citizen are qualities that people should have in order to make the world a better place. Qualities of a good citizen are as follows:

  • Good Citizens always obey the law – In order to be a good citizen, one must obey the law. There are many reasons as to why one should abide by the law. One reason being that if one breaks the law, they will have to pay a penalty for their actions. If an individual does not follow the law, they may be causing inconvenience to others, putting others or themselves at risk for physical, financial or emotional damages.
  • Good Citizens pay taxes – A good citizen always pays taxes. People who do not pay their taxes are considered tax evaders. Tax evasion is illegal in most countries and can result in fines, jail time, or both. Moreover, tax helps to maintain public infrastructure, which is essential for a healthy society.
  • Good Citizens serve on a jury – Jury duty is a privilege, not a punishment. It is a common misconception that jury duty is a punishment. In fact, jury duty is a privilege because it allows citizens to participate in the democratic process. Everyone has the right to be judged by their peers-the jurors in their community.
  • Good Citizens always vote – Voting is one of the most important rights and duties of any citizen in any democracy. Moreover, it is a fundamental right that is necessary for the existence of democracy in any country.
  • Good Citizens do not litter – One of the most important issues in our global society is littering. It’s not hard to see it everywhere, whether it be near your house or on the side of the highway. Littering is not only an eyesore, but it can also be detrimental to the environment.
  • Good Citizens respect the rights of others – The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you,” is a good guideline for good citizenship around the world. It’s a universal and timeless principle that respects the rights of all people, and encourages cooperation and understanding among cultures.
  • Good Citizens are Loyal – Good citizens are people who are loyal to their country. They obey the law, they help others, and they are honest.
  • Good citizens are Responsible – Responsible citizens are good citizens. They are the ones who volunteer every day for their community. A responsible citizen takes care of their home, car, and friends. They are honest, dependable, and trustworthy.

Importance of Being a Good Citizen

In recent years, citizenship has been a much debated topic in political and social circles. The term “good citizen” is usually defined as being civic minded and knowing the rights and obligations of citizenship. Citizenship lessons are typically taken by children when they are in grade school. But recent research has shown that adults should also receive the lessons. Adults who take these lessons are more likely to be civically engaged in their community. In a nutshell, being a good citizen is more than just following the law. It is about being a good person, which includes having empathy for other people and setting a good example for others to follow.

How to be More Involved in Your Community

Volunteering is a great way to share your skills and help others. It is also a good opportunity to learn new things and meet new people. Volunteering can be done in many different ways, such as:

  • Helping out at a soup kitchen
  • Teaching underprivileged children
  • Helping elderly
  • Participating in trail cleanups
  • Become a foster parent
  • Teach a life skills class
  • Volunteer at a homeless shelter
  • Volunteer at a community center
  • Volunteer at an animal shelter

How To Be A Good Citizen

Benefits of Being a Good Citizen

There are many benefits to being a good citizen. Good citizenship can help you get a good reputation, it can be an example for others, and it can help you feel better about yourself.

One of the most important things in life is to be able to take pride in oneself. A good citizen does this by contributing to the welfare of the society. We must be honest, truthful, and brave in order to make our nation great again. It is not always easy to be a good citizen in today’s society. But in the long run, it will pay off and make life easier for you and others.

Being a good citizen can enhance one’s personal sense of well-being. Residents who take care of communities, participate in the political process, and volunteer for civic activities feel a greater sense of community and affiliation.

A good citizen improves society and makes a positive difference in the world. Building a society that values the needs of every single citizen is an important step in moving our world forward. When we cultivate a sense of belonging and support, we create a society that can thrive.

Moreover, being a good citizen is one of the most important things you can do for the environment. It’s possible to save our environment and reduce our carbon footprints by recycling, using less energy, conserving water, and planting trees.

Being a good citizen is not just a superficial label that a person can be proud of. It is about having a sense of responsibility towards the society that we live in and for the world we will leave behind. Being a good citizen is more than just voting every year. It’s about being an active citizen. Being an active citizen means being involved in your community and taking action to make it a better place. Here are some great ways to become more civic minded:

Get involved with a local charity, or start your own. Another excellent option is to volunteer your time at the orphanage, old-age home, soup kitchens, animal rescue shelters etc. Alternatively, teaching languages math, science or other subjects for underprivileged children or even adults who are willing to learn something new. Regardless, being a good citizen is one of the best things you can do for your community. By being a good citizen, you are helping to enrich the lives of others as well as yourself.

FAQ’s on How To Be A Good Citizen Essay

Question 1. Who is a Good Citizen?

Answer: A good citizen is someone who fulfills their duties to their community, state, or nation. They are generally law abiding and are not seeking to cause any harm.

Question 2. Why should you be a good citizen?

Answer: People often believe that being a good citizen is just a matter of following the law. But, in reality, it’s more complicated than that. Being a good citizen means doing your part in society and supporting the things you care about. It means engaging with your community and giving back to those around you.

Question 3. What are the qualities of a good citizen?

Answer: A good citizen has the following qualities:

  • Abides the law
  • Always vote
  • Do not litter
  • Always respect the rights of others
  • Are loyal and responsible
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Essay on Duties of a Good Citizen

Students are often asked to write an essay on Duties of a Good Citizen in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Duties of a Good Citizen

Understanding citizenship.

Being a good citizen means to contribute to society and the community. Good citizenship is about following rules, respecting others, and actively participating in the community.

Respecting Laws

A good citizen respects the law. This means following rules and regulations, and not engaging in illegal activities.

Participation in Community

Active participation in the community is another duty. This can be through voting, volunteering, or helping neighbors.

Respecting Others

Good citizens respect others. They treat everyone equally, regardless of their race, religion, or gender.

250 Words Essay on Duties of a Good Citizen


A good citizen is a cornerstone of a healthy society, contributing to its development, prosperity, and stability. Their responsibilities extend beyond mere law-abiding behavior, encompassing a broad spectrum of duties and obligations.

Moral and Legal Obligations

Primarily, a good citizen abides by the law, respecting the rights and freedoms of others. They uphold moral values, demonstrating honesty, integrity, and respect in their daily interactions. Their commitment to justice ensures they act as a moral compass, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.

Political Participation

Active participation in political processes is another vital duty. Good citizens stay informed about national and global issues, exercising their right to vote responsibly. They engage in constructive criticism, voicing their opinions and advocating for change when necessary.

Social Responsibility

Good citizens also shoulder social responsibilities, contributing to societal welfare. They volunteer, assist the less fortunate, and strive for environmental sustainability. Their actions reflect a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of society and the environment.

In essence, the duties of a good citizen are multifaceted, intertwining legal, moral, political, and social dimensions. By fulfilling these duties, citizens not only enhance their personal growth but also contribute to societal progress. The collective efforts of good citizens are the bedrock upon which thriving societies are built.

500 Words Essay on Duties of a Good Citizen

Upholding the law.

The first duty of a good citizen is to respect and adhere to the laws of the country. Laws are designed to maintain order and protect the rights and freedoms of all citizens. Disregarding these laws not only disrupts societal harmony but also infringes upon the rights of others. A good citizen understands the importance of these laws and follows them diligently.

Active Participation in Democratic Processes

In democratic societies, citizens have the right to vote and voice their opinion. It is the duty of every citizen to participate in these democratic processes. Voting is not merely a right, but a responsibility. A good citizen understands the power of their vote and utilizes it to elect leaders who they believe will best represent their interests and the interests of the society at large.

Respect for Diversity

Environmental responsibility.

A good citizen recognizes the importance of protecting the environment. They understand that their actions have an impact on the environment and strive to minimize their environmental footprint. This includes practicing sustainable living, recycling, and advocating for environmental policies.

Social responsibility is another crucial duty of a citizen. This involves contributing to the welfare of the society in whatever capacity one can. It could be through volunteering, donating to charities, or simply helping a neighbor in need. A good citizen understands that they are part of a larger community and that their actions can have a significant impact on the well-being of this community.

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Essay on Responsibilities of a Good Citizen for Students [500+ Words]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Responsibilities of a Good Citizen: Responsibility of a good citizen is to sacrifice everything for the motherland. Respecting the culture & heritage of their own country is one of the duties of a citizen. He or She must always keep in mind to raise the future of his country. Unity & prosperity must be the priorities of a good citizen.

Essay on Good Citizen 500 Words in English

Below we have provided the responsibilities of a good citizen essay, written in easy and simple words for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

We are born and raised in a single country, sometimes different countries., regardless of location, we incorporate the values of our respective cultures in the way we act and treat other people. Being a citizen of a country, however, is much more than some words and a stamp on endless paperwork. Along with it, one bears an ideology that connects them to other citizens of that country, regardless of their race, religion, or gender. Being a citizen gives a person all the rights to which the constitution says they are entitled.

This is why the process of citizenship of any country is a long and complicated one since it means that the person will legally have a voice in matters of the country. It also means that they will have to abide by the laws of that country, out of respect for the nation as a whole, as well as to uphold law and order. To be a responsible citizen, the person must educate themselves about their country and culture. This begins by conversing with people and understanding their way of life. It also involves an awareness of the country’s history and heritage.

This would mean reading about important figures in the country’s history, crucial events that led the country to where it currently stands, and other aspects such as the history of art and literature. It is also crucial that people who want to be responsible citizens know the diversity of different socioeconomic groups in the country. They must learn about the situation in the country in regard to equality in terms of race, religion, gender, and several other factors. One must learn about how minority groups are treated in the country, and if they are discriminated against, then the person must be an advocate to protect their rights.

A responsible citizen must always stay updated with the news. This does not mean simply reading the headlines on the front page of a newspaper- it means reading the articles thoroughly to understand the state of the nation. In an age where fake news is rampant, one must also not limit themselves to a single news source. They should try understanding an issue by learning about it from different news channels and articles by different newspapers. They will always provide different perspectives on the same issue, and this knowledge will allow the person to gain a better understanding of what their stance ought to be.

One must also learn about their own purchases- in an age of globalization, the products we use can be made in one country with materials from another. As a responsible citizen, one must not completely boycott products from other countries but should try to use local goods and services as much as possible. By doing so, the person is helping the economy of the country as well as financing local households. Volunteering and contributing to community development efforts is an important step in helping the country progress. One does not have to have widespread connections with major NGOs to volunteer- simply helping a disabled neighbour with their groceries also counts.

One can volunteer in local homeless shelters, orphanages, animal shelters, retirement homes, as well as other educational institutions like struggling schools and nurseries. If one does not have the time in their schedule to volunteer physically, they can instead choose to donate to charity. However, one must always donate wisely, because some charities are dishonest and lack transparency in terms of what actually happens with the funds from the donation. Therefore, always research the charity before donating to it.

However, supporting the community isn’t limited merely to volunteering with organizations or donating- it also involves supporting art, music, and cultural activities. One should support local artists by promoting their work and also stay on the lookout for shows, exhibitions, and other cultural events. By attending and promoting them, the person will not only develop a healthy sense of what truly constitutes entertainment but also allow the culture of the country to flourish in all areas truly. Being a good citizen involves being cooperative, friendly, considerate, and dedicated to fostering a positive environment in the community.

English Summary

Qualities of a Good Citizen Essay

A citizen belongs to the state. Citizenship does not indicate a mere residence in a particular state. As a member of the state, he or she has certain rights and duties. Only good citizens can make a state great. He enjoys rights and privileges and he or she is expected to contribute his or her bit in making the society as well as the country progress on healthy lines.

In the near future, they may also get the right to information and right to work. But all these rights may prove useless or even harmful if these are not exercised judiciously. After all, liberty cannot be converted into license .

The prime duty of a citizen is to become a good, conscious, dutiful and responsible citizen. A person must have certain qualities in order to good citizen. Only good citizens can ensure a bright future for their country.

A good citizen is honest in word and deed. He is always truthful and hence, never avoids paying taxes. He is selfless and does not live for himself or his family but also for others. He seeks his good in the good of all. he helps those who need help. encourages those who need encouragement and Protects those who need protection.

A good citizen is never a fanatic and narrow-minded. He or she never allows himself or herself to be dominated by emotion and petty consider tion . Religious tolerance and communal harmony are the articles of faith to an ideal citizen.

A good citizen is every inch a patriot. Being loyal to the country, he or is prepared to sacrifice anything and everything for the motherland. Being broad-minded, such a citizen loves not only his own country but also other countries.

A good citizen is law-abiding and obeys the laws of the country sincerely. He or she never takes law in his or her hands. Rather people of kind extend their full co-operation to the government in maintaining law and order in the country. They are ever ready to put down crime and help the police in arresting criminals.

Above all, a good citizen has the welfare of his country and his fellow citizens at heart. He or she does his best to further their interests. Such people render voluntary service to the city or the country in various capacities.

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What Does it Mean to Be a Good Citizen?

In this section.

"We don't agree on everything—but we do agree on enough that we can work together to start to heal our civic culture and our country." CPL's James Piltch asked people all over the US what it means to be a good citizen .

Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Good citizen needed to make a global citizen, global citizenship needed to make a good citizen, works cited.

The 21st Century has witnessed integration and increased cultural interaction among people on a previously unprecedented scale. This frequent interaction between people from varied countries and cultures has risen mostly as a result of the advances that have been made in transport and communication technologies.

As a result of this interaction, there has been the major integration of economies and cultures in a process known as globalization. As a result of globalization, governments are increasingly being required to link together different levels of their activities: national and global. This has resulted in the building of a global citizenry which sees the world as their “country”.

However, the global citizen continues to be heavily influenced by the traditional notion of citizen, a term that is “wrapped up in rights and obligations and in owing allegiance to a sovereign state” (Lagos 1). This paper shall argue that it is hugely necessary for one to be a good citizen so as to become a global citizen. To reinforce this claim, this paper shall analyze the extent to which it is necessary to be a “good citizen” in order to be a “global citizen”, and vice versa.

The world is full of social injustices mostly perpetrated by the stronger members of the society against the weaker ones. A defining characteristic of a good national citizen in such an environment is his/her concern about the injustices that occur within their boundaries.

This concern normally manifests itself in protests and public demonstrations calling for action by the government in place to counter the perceived injustices. A report by the World Bank demonstrates that the global citizen shows the same concern for the welfare of the globe and is moved to free their fellow men from dehumanizing conditions (1). As such, it takes a good citizen to make the global citizen who will be keen to decry social injustices against other human beings.

Core to the agendas of the good citizen is the preservation of peace in his country. A good citizen will strive to preserve peace especially within the boundaries of his/her country. This is mostly because the citizen recognizes the destruction and loss that war culminates in. For this reason, the good citizen seeks to mobilize against all wars through peaceful demonstrations and advocacy against wars.

The United Nations declares that peace is a precondition of global citizenship. The global citizen views war and strife as being contrary to his/her agenda. A good citizen who is committed to preserving peace is therefore needed to make a global citizen.

One of the attribute that a good citizen in any democratic society should possess is an understanding of public policies in his/her country. An understanding of this policies will result in enlightenment on one’s country position on issues such as energy, free trade, agriculture and the environment to name but a few.

It is only by understanding the public policies adopted by one’s country that a person can act so as to shape certain conditions such as protection of natural habitat. A global citizen is also concerned with the protection of the environment and establishment of free trade. It would therefore take a good citizen who is well versed with public policies to make a global citizen.

A good citizen is concerned about the impact that his individual actions and daily personal choices have on the country. This is an ideal that is also desirable in the global citizen since as a global citizen should make his/her decisions bases on an awareness of the impact that the decisions will have on the planet. A good citizen who is aware and conscious of the impact that his actions have on a larger scale is therefore needed to make a global citizen.

The international community is characterized by a rich diversity of cultures among its people. The global citizen is therefore prepared to operate amicably in this intercultural environment. The global citizen realizes that there should be unity in diversity and nobody has the right to impose their ideology on anybody or any group of persons.

An ideal citizen should also demonstrate this values and pay respect to people from different cultures and strives to live harmoniously with them. The good citizen should recognize that differences may exist within members of the country and this should not be a cause of strive. By acting as a global citizen who operates in a multicultural sphere, a person can be a good citizen and exist harmoniously with other citizens of varied backgrounds.

Lagos documents that while globalization is acclaimed for having opened up the world and led to the emergence of a “global village”, the same force has paradoxically resulted in localization and local communities have taken greater and greater importance (9). In such an environment, it is the global citizen who holds the separate entities together and seeks to iron out the differences that the various local communities seek to advance.

For a citizen to pass for a good citizen in such an environment (the environment where local communities have taken great importance), he must have the global perspective of the global citizen. It is only by taking the global perspective that a citizen can give fair consideration to ideas with which they disagree.

Global citizenship is increasingly working towards making the planet sustainable for all people. The efforts directed to this end are mostly in the form of advocacy for conservation of the environment, reduction of pollution and the reliance on renewable sources of power. A good citizen is supposed to work towards the preservation of the country’s resources for future resources. As such, the good citizen has to be a global citizen who is concerned with making the planet sustainable.

As a global citizen, one is expected to be non judgmental and overlook the religious differences that divide humanity. The UN states that the global citizen should have values such as “rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion”. A good citizen should also have these values enshrined in them. A good citizen should avoid engaging in religious discrimination since this threatens unity among the citizens of the nation.

This paper has demonstrated that being a global citizen is intrinsically connected to being a good citizen. As such, being a global citizenship implies a responsibility to be a good citizen. However, there are instances where being a global citizen may cause one to be a “bad citizen”.

For example, a global citizen is not expected to advocate for war or side with any party during war. Good citizenship calls for one to back their country when it is involved in a war. Acting as a global citizen in such instances can therefore prevent one from being an ideal citizen.

Lagos indicates that a citizen obtains a certain amount of protection from his/her country in return for abiding to some restrictions that the government may impose on him/her (3). A good citizen is therefore required to abide by some laws and allow some bureaucratic control from his/her nation.

A global citizen on the other hand does not have any kind of protection and has some amount of degree from bureaucratic control. Lagos states that the hallmark of global citizen is the lack of allegiance to any body of laws to control the individual. In this light, being a global citizen goes contrary to what being a good citizen entails.

This paper set out to argue that to a large extent, it is necessary to be a “good citizen” in order to be a “global citizen” and vice versa. The paper performed a detailed analysis of how a person may be obligated to be a good citizen so as to qualify as a global citizen and vise versa.

This paper has shown that global citizens borrow most of their rights and obligations from the traditional “citizen” who is defined by a civic engagement to a nation existing in a particular geography. In particular, the paper demonstrates that values such as tolerance, civic education are innate in both the good citizen and the global citizen. However, the paper has also shown that global citizen differs significantly from the citizen and in some instances, being a global citizen may cause one not to fulfill his role as a good citizen.

Lagos, Taso. Global Citizenship- Towards a Definition . 2002. Web.

The World Bank. “Global Citizenship- Ethical Challenges Ahead”. Conference on Leadership and Core Values . 2002. Web.

UN. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 2010. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship.

"Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship." IvyPanda , 20 Feb. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship'. 20 February.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship." February 20, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship." February 20, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship." February 20, 2019.

School Essay

Essay On A Good Citizen

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 11 mins read

Set 1: Essay On A Good Citizen

A citizen may be a city, town, village or a slum dweller. He is a citizen of an independent country. A citizen is the person who has certain duties and responsibilities to fulfil towards his country. He also enjoys certain rights and freedoms permitted by the law. He takes pride to be born in his country.

A good citizen is a blessing to society. He knows that he is responsible towards the country, just as the country has certain responsibilities towards him. He honours and respects the tradition, culture and heritage of his country. He maintains social harmony with fellow citizens. He never hurts the feelings of other people and spoils peace in society. He takes care of the weak, poor and needy people. A good citizen can never see them in trouble. He is loyal and obedient to society.

His main duty is his loyalty to the country where he is born. Loyalty towards the country is close to his heart. He is always ready to loss everything for the sake of his country. He obeys law and order and respects the Constitution of his country.

A good citizen sees his country above everything. He is always ready to protect his motherland. He is prepared to risk his life for the sake of his country. A good citizen has strong belief in different laws of his country. He never does anything that is not allowed by the law. He has no kindness for those who break the law. He helps the law protectors against those who try to disturb the smooth functioning of society.

A good citizen is a person of good habits and clean thinking. He leads a simple life. He respects beliefs of others. He is helpful, friendly, unselfish and humble individual.

A good citizen is always alert against the enemies of the country. He never does anything that may help them. Thus, he is aware of his social duties. He takes interest in politics and casts his vote to a good and hardworking candidate. In this way, he may use his vote for the good of the country.

He is confident and brave. He never ill-treats, harms or cheats anyone. He always remains ready to help others. He is a person who is clean in actions, words and deeds. If he is a soldier, he fights bravely. If he is a worker, he puts his heart and soul in his work. If he is a teacher, he is deeply interested in the progress of his students. If he is a doctor, he does his best to cure his patient and save his life. Thus, a good citizen has all the qualities worthy for highest honour.

Set 2: Essay On A Good Citizen

A citizen is not one who stays in a city. A citizen can even be one who stays in a village or in slums. One who is a member of the society – of whatever status, is a ‘citizen’. –

As a social being every citizen has his responsibilities towards the society. Every society wants its citizens to be good, and it is the goodness of the citizens which makes the society good.

History tells how during the reign of Chandra Gupta Maurya, people did not need to lock their doors. No thefts would be committed; no robberies ever did occur. May be that it was due to the stern administration and strict policing but it does reflect the nature of the society. All men were law-abiding and law fearing. There was peace and comfort.

Today in the same India, every morning the newspaper’s front page news are there of dacoity, murder, kidnapping, and frauds. This picture of the society reflects the character of the citizens. To what low level have they fallen.

Just as to be healthy, every part of the body has to be healthy and in good condition. Similarly for the society to be good, every citizen has to be well-mannered, honest in his dealings, hard working in his pursuits.

What is meant by being a good citizen? The answer is not far to seek. A good citizen is one who is humble, polite to others, well-mannered, respectful to the feelings of others. ‘Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to you’ this is a mental dictate that governs a good citizen. What hurts you can hurt others too, therefore do not do anything to others which if done to you may hurt you. A society which works on these lines shall have citizens following this rule and that is good citizenship.

Everyone wants to have his personal freedom. But personal freedom does not give one the licence to do whatever one pleases. If you have the right to enjoy personal freedom others also have the right to enjoy the similar freedom. The freedom of one has to be accommodated with the freedom of others. Mutual adjustments alone can bring about peace in the society.

Therefore, a good citizen has always to take care of the interests of others. Neighbourly relations means caring for one another; helping others in the time of their need and be helped by others in your time of need.

It is such a society that everyone wants to live in. But to make the society so liveable every citizen must contribute his ‘goodness’.

Set 3: Essay On A Good Citizen

A citizen may be a city, town, village, or slum dweller. He is a citizen of an independent country. A citizen is a person who has certain duties and responsibilities to fulfill towards his country. He also enjoys certain rights and freedoms permitted by the law. He takes pride to be born in his country.

A good citizen is a blessing to society. He knows that he is responsible for the country, just as the country has certain responsibilities towards him. He honors and respects the tradition, culture, and heritage of his country. He maintains social harmony with fellow citizens. He never hurts the feelings of other people and spoils peace in society. He takes care of the weak, poor, and needy people. A good citizen can never see them in trouble. He is loyal and obedient to society.

His main duty is his loyalty to the country where he is born. Loyalty towards the country is close to his heart. He is always ready to lose everything for the sake of his country. He obeys law and order and respects the Constitution of his country.

A good citizen sees his country above everything. He is always ready to protect his motherland. He is prepared to risk his life for the sake of his country. A good citizen has a strong belief in the different laws of his country. He never does anything that is not allowed by the law. He has no kindness for those who break the law. He helps the law protectors against those who try to disturb the smooth functioning of society.

A good citizen is a person with good habits and clean thinking. He leads a simple life. He respects the beliefs of others. He is a helpful, friendly, unselfish and humble individual.

A good citizen is always alert against the enemies of the country. He never does anything that may help them. Thus, he is aware of his social duties. He takes interest in politics and casts his vote for a good and hardworking candidate. In this way, he may use his vote for the good of the country.

He is confident and brave. He never ill-treats, harms, or cheats anyone. He always remains ready to help others. He is a person who is clean in actions, words, and deeds. If he is a soldier, he fights bravely. If he is a worker, he puts his heart and soul into his work. If he is a teacher, he is deeply interested in the progress of his students. If he is a doctor, he does his best to cure his patient and save his life. Thus, a good citizen has all the qualities worthy of the highest honor.

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Good Citizen Paragraph & Composition

A Good Citizen Paragraph

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Duties of a Citizen Essay 300 Words

By: Haque , Words: 300, For class 9-10/SSC

Write an essay/composition about the duties of a citizen. Use the following hints: “meaning of citizen”, “rules and laws”, “lacking in a civic sense”, “your expectation”.

Citizen primary means one who lives in a city. But the term is usually used to mean belonging to a state in a broad sense.

There are certain rules of conduct for the members of every society so that there is peace and harmony among them. Some of these rules are written laws, and anyone who breaks them is punished by the court. But there are many unwritten rules which are no less binding on every member of society. The peace and happiness of the society depend a good deal upon the proper observance of these rules too. A good citizen follows these unwritten rules of conduct in the way he obeys written laws.

It is a pity that many in our country are indifferent to these unwritten rules of humane and social behavior. We often throw banana peels on the road, which can cause serious injuries to anyone who slips. We spit and throw garbage whenever we want. This makes the roads and the environment dirty. We waste filtered water by leaving the taps open. We have also a bitter experience of the use made of loudspeakers without any thought of the sufferings of people nearby.

All these common experiences show that we are lacking in a civic sense. A good citizen not only avoids breaking the rules himself but also tries to make sure that the rules are not broken by others. We wish to see our society peaceful. But we do not fulfill our responsibility to build a peaceful society. Society cannot do much unless we allow it. So, it is our duty to try to correct people whenever we see them doing something wrong. We will encourage everyone to be polite, courteous and to follow social and state norms.

Qualities of a Good Citizen Essay

Words: 330 | for Class 9-10/SSC

A good citizen is someone who actively participates in the community and works to make it a better place. They are responsible, respectful, and engaged members of society who take an active role in the civic life of their community.

One of the most important qualities of a good citizen is responsibility. This means taking ownership of one’s actions and being accountable for their impact on the community. A responsible citizen pays their taxes, follows the laws, and participates in the democratic process by voting in elections. They also take care of the environment and actively work to improve it.

Respect is another crucial quality of a good citizen. This means treating others with kindness and courtesy, and valuing their opinions and perspectives. A respectful citizen listens to and considers the views of others, and actively works to promote understanding and unity in the community.

Engagement is also an important quality of a good citizen. This means actively participating in the community and working to make it a better place. Engaged citizens volunteer in their community, participate in local government, and work to address issues that affect their community. They also stay informed about local and national issues and use their voices to advocate for positive change.

To be a good citizen, one must also possess a sense of civic duty. This means recognizing the importance of contributing to the well-being of the community and working to make it a better place. A good citizen actively participates in the civic life of their community and takes an active role in making it a better place for all.

In conclusion, a good citizen is someone who is responsible, respectful, engaged, and possesses a sense of civic duty. These qualities are essential for promoting the well-being of the community and working towards a better future for all. By actively participating in the community, being responsible and respectful to others, and staying informed and engaged, anyone can strive to be a good citizen.

A Paragraph about a Good Citizen

In 200 words, for class 8 to 12

A good citizen is a person who abides by the rules of his society and country, and fulfills his responsibilities as a citizen. A good citizen is first and foremost a good person. He wants peace for all and never harms others. He doesn’t quarrel with others, but always tries to resolve the conflicts of others. A good citizen wishes good for his country and loves it. If he is eligible to pay taxes, he pays it regularly, and works as hard as he can for the development of the country. He himself doesn’t waste state resources and doesn’t allow others to do so. A good citizen never thinks of earning in a dishonest way. He makes his living honestly . He tries his best to remove bribery and corruption from the society. To build a better society, he tries to help law enforcement agencies prevent drug addiction. After all, a good citizen is a patriot, he never does anything that degrades the dignity of his country. Thus a good citizen is the main asset of a country. Good citizens are very important in building a developed and peaceful society. Therefore, we should all strive to be good citizens.

A Paragraph on a Good Citizen

In 150 words, for class 5 to 10

Write a paragraph about your idea of A Good Citizen. Think of a particular citizen you have known. Describe some of rights and duties to the state.

A citizen is a member of state in which he lives and enjoys some rights. I have known a citizen who is my neighbor . His name is Mr. N. Islam. He lives in the country. He is loyal to the country. He never does anything as against the interest of the country. He obeys the law of the country. He exercises his vote in election honestly. Above all, he is patriotic. He loves his country and his countrymen from the core of his heart. His love is not narrow-minded and selfish. He pays his taxes regularly. He also does some other duties. During the natural calamities, he stands by the people. He has set up a night school to teach the illiterate people. He lives in peace and good understanding with others in the society. He is physically healthy. In fact, he is an asset of our country.

A Good Citizen Paragraph

In 130 words, for class 5 to 8

The prerequisite for building a peaceful country is to create good citizens. The identity of a good citizen is that he is a good man. He is honest and kind. He abides by the rules of religion and the laws of the state. He is an educator because he knows that through education people become aware of their responsibilities and rights. A good citizen wants peace and order in the society. That is why when he sees injustice or irregularity somewhere, he tries to resist and protest. He did his best to promote education, health and justice in his area and protect the environment . As a good citizen, he is always vigilant against corruption and waste of government resources. Indeed, a good citizen is the most valuable asset of a society and country.

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A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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Going There: Civics 101 - What Does It Mean To Be A Good Citizen?

Victoria Whitley-Berry

Kitty Eisele

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Michel Martin

Credit: NPR

In many countries, citizenship means you are required to do something. In America, a fundamental right for many is the freedom from government.

But the 2016 election saw voter turnout at a 20-year low. Some polls show a public either turned off by politics and government, or unwilling to engage with people with different views. Other polls show many Americans are uninformed when it comes to basic facts about their country.

Some are reflecting on whether the United States is at a crisis point with regard to civic engagement. In an era of seemingly toxic partisanship and withdrawal from the public sphere, is freedom from government enough to ensure a healthy democracy?

Tonight at 7 p.m. EST, NPR's Going There with Michel Martin and WVIA present a provocative discussion around the question of what is means to be a good citizen in 2017. Join the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #NPRGoodNeighbor .

Social Media Guests

Sarah Hofius Hall , @HofiusHallTT , education reporter for The Times-Tribune ( @timestribune )

Colbert King , @king_i , columnist for The Washington Post ( @washingtonpost )

Heather McGhee , @hmcghee , president of Demos ( @Demos_Org )

Gia Wilson , @socialcap , outreach coordinator at Social Capital, Inc.

Featured Guests

Amilcar Arroyo , president and editor of El Mensajero newspaper, Hazleton, PA

Eric Liu , @ericpliu , founder and CEO of Citizen University ( @CitizenUniv )

Andrea Mulrine , former president, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania

Linda Cliatt-Wayman , @LCliattWayman , former principal of Strawberry Mansion High School in Philadelphia

Salena Zito , @SalenaZito , CNN contributor and New York Post columnist

With a special video message from former vice president Joe Biden

Featured Performers

Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble , @BTE

Bethel AME Worship Team and Youth Choir

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What Is a “Good Citizen”? a Systematic Literature Review

  • Open Access
  • First Online: 01 September 2021

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  • Cristóbal Villalobos 23 ,
  • María Jesús Morel 23 &
  • Ernesto Treviño 24  

Part of the book series: IEA Research for Education ((IEAR,volume 12))

11k Accesses

4 Citations

The concept of “good citizenship” has long been part of discussions in various academic fields. Good citizenship involves multiple components, including values, norms, ethical ideals, behaviors, and expectations of participation. This chapter seeks to discuss the idea of good citizenship by surveying the academic literature on the subject. To map the scientific discussion on the notion of good citizenship, a systematic review of 120 academic articles published between 1950 and 2019 is carried out. The review of the literature shows that good citizenship is broadly defined, incorporating notions from multiple fields, although these are mainly produced in Western countries with comparatively higher income levels. Additionally, although there is no single definition of good citizenship, the academic literature focuses on three components: the normative, active, and personal dimensions. This systematic review informs the estimation of citizenship profiles of Chap. 3 using the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2016.

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Reflections on the Good Citizen

  • Citizenship norms
  • Good citizenship
  • Systematic review
  • International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS)

1 Introduction

The concept of “good citizenship” is part of a long-standing discussion in various academic fields, such as political science, education, sociology, anthropology, evolution, and history, among others. In addition, good citizenship involves various components, including values, norms, ethical ideals, behaviors, and expectations of participation. Finally, the idea of good citizenship is related to diverse contemporary issues, such as patterns of political participation, the meaning of democracy and human rights, the notion of civic culture, equal rights, and the role of technology in the digital era (Bolzendahl and Coffé 2009 ; Dalton 2008 ; Hung 2012 ; Noula 2019 ).

In this regard, the notion of good citizenship can be considered as a concept with three basic characteristics: multidisciplinary, multidimensional, and polysemic. Therefore, the definition of good citizenship is a topic of constant debate and academic discussion. This chapter seeks to discuss the idea of good citizenship, with the aim of contributing to the understanding of this phenomenon and its social, political, and educational implications. In this way, this chapter aims to map the academic discussion and literature regarding the notion of good citizenship, presenting the key debates about the limits and possibilities of this concept in the framework of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2016.

In order to organize this complex debate, we start from the premise that any notion of good citizenship is composed of the interaction of two definitions. On the one hand, it involves a certain notion of membership, that is, of belonging to a community. As Stokke ( 2017 ) shows, the definition of who is (and who is not) a citizen is, in itself, a subject of debate, since the definition of citizenship implies political, social, cultural, and legal components. On the other hand, the definition of good citizenship always implies a conceptual position regarding how citizens are expected to act and what they are expected to believe (the “public good” component). In this sense, the debate focuses on the types of behaviors that should be promoted and their ethical-political basis, which is highly dynamic depending on the cultural and historical context (Park and Shin 2006 ). Finally, in order to answer the question about the meaning of good citizenship, it is necessary to first decide who qualifies as a citizen, and how they are expected to behave.

Considering these objectives, the chapter is structured into five sections, including this introduction. The second section describes the systematic review methodology used to select the literature and analyze the discussion regarding the concept of good citizenship. The third and fourth sections describe the results of the analysis, mapping the main trends and characteristics of the academic discussion on good citizenship and exploring its different meanings. Finally, the fifth section presents the conclusions, focusing on the conceptual challenges and methodological limitations to be considered in future research.

2 Methodology

2.1 the systematic review.

We conducted a systematic review to map the academic discussion on good citizenship. This review seeks to identify, evaluate, and analyze the publications in relevant fields of study, in order to determine what has already been written on this topic, what works and what does not, and where new studies are needed (Petticrew and Roberts 2006 ). Through the definition of eligibility criteria, the systematic review is an explicit and reproducible methodology that allows for both an evaluation of the validity of the results of the selected studies (Higgins and Green 2011 ) and the objective valuation of evidence by summarizing and systematically describing the characteristics and results of scientific research (Egger 1997 ). In this regard, the systematic review, unlike other forms of literature review, allows for recognizing “gray” spaces in the literature, describing trends in academic research, and analyzing conceptual and methodological aspects of studies.

2.2 Procedure

The systematic review was conducted using five academic databases, including the main journals in the fields of education, social science, and the humanities. These databases are: (i) Journal Storage, JSTOR ( ); (ii) Educational Resource Information Center, ERIC ( ); (iii) Springerlink ( ); (iv) WorldWideScience ( ); and (v) Taylor & Francis Group ( ). For each search engine, the keywords used were: “good citizen” and “good citizenship.” Additionally, each search engine was tested with other related concepts, such as “citizenship norms,” “citizenship identities,” or “citizen norms.” The results showed that articles containing these latter concepts represented no more than 10% of new articles. For this reason, we decided to concentrate on the two keywords described above.

Considering the importance of these key concepts, the search was limited to those articles that contain these terms in the title, abstract, and/or full text. Of the five search engines, only two had the full-text option in the advanced search and only one allowed searching by keywords, then all results were filtered manually. The search was conducted from May to July 2019, obtaining 693 academic articles.

The search was restricted to those academic articles written in English and published between 1950 and 2019, as a way to study contemporary conceptualizations of good citizenship. We discarded letters to the editor, responses to articles, and book reviews. As a result, we obtained 693 articles to which, based on a full-text review, we applied an additional criterion, excluding those articles about other subjects or from other disciplines. Included in the first search exclusively for having the word “citizenship” in the abstract, there is a wide range of articles including studies on biology, entomology, and film studies. Similarly, with this search strategy we retrieved articles on a related topic but not specifically about citizenship (e.g., leadership, public participation, social values, and immigration), articles on the concept of corporate or organizational citizenship, and articles on social studies in the school curriculum and its contribution to the education of citizens.

After applying the abovementioned selection criteria, we analyzed the abstracts of the articles to verify that they were related to the general objective of the study. As a result, all articles were selected that sought (directly or indirectly) to answer the question, “what is a good citizen?” Specifically, this involved incorporating studies that: (i) study or analyze citizen norms in conceptual, historical, political, educational, or social terms; (ii) generate models or analytic frameworks that define variables or dimensions that should make up the concept of a good citizen; (iii) explore factors on how good citizenship occurs, studying the educational, institutional, and cultural factors that would explain this phenomenon; (iv) relate the expectations (or definitions) of a good citizen with other dimensions or aspects of the political or social behavior of the subjects. The research team, which was comprised of two reviewers, held a weekly discussion (six sessions in total) during which the selection criteria were discussed and refined. This analysis resulted in the selection of a total of 120 articles (see list in Appendix A ).

2.3 Analytical Strategy

The data collected in a systematic review may allow for a wide variety of studies, but the analysis depends on the purpose and nature of the data. Given that the review included quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as both theoretical and demonstrative essays, such heterogeneous literature does not allow for statistical analysis. As a result, the recommended methodology is to carry out a narrative synthesis and an analysis that focuses on relationships between different characteristics and the identification of gaps (Grant and Booth 2009 ; Petticrew and Roberts 2006 ).

The narrative synthesis is a process that allows for extracting and grouping the characteristics and results of each article included in the review (Popay et al. 2006 ), and can be divided into three steps: (i) categorization of articles; (ii) analysis of the findings within each category; and (iii) synthesis of the findings in the selected studies (Petticrew and Roberts 2006 ). The first step towards the narrative synthesis consisted of reading, coding, and tabulating the selected documents in order to describe their main characteristics. A set of categories was designed to classify documents according to four dimensions: general characteristics, purpose, methodology, and results.

To analyze these categories, we transformed data into a common numeric rubric and organized it for thematic analysis, using the techniques proposed by Popay et al. ( 2006 ). The first category was used to summarize the quantity and characteristics of the published studies, while the thematic analysis focused on systematically identifying the main, recurrent, and/or most important concepts of good citizenship.

3 The Concept of Good Citizenship in Academia

Despite being a topic of interest for several decades, academic production on good citizenship tends to be concentrated in the second decade of the 21st century. Since 2009, there has been an explosive increase in the number of scientific papers published on this topic (Fig.  1 ). Although an important part of this growth may be due to the global pressures of academic capitalism to publish in academic journals (Slaughter and Rhoades 2009 ), it could also be the case that academic communities have cultivated a growing interest in studying this issue.

figure 1

Academic papers by year of publication

Although few in number, the earliest articles published represent a landmark for the discussion. Thus, for example, the text of Almond and Verba ( 1963 ), which analyzes through interviews the perceptions of individuals in communities in five countries (United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and Mexico) and highlights their different participation profiles, has been repeatedly cited in the discussion with 263 references (as of August 2019), according to Google Scholar. Another classic text is Ichilov and Nave ( 1981 ), which aims at understanding the different dimensions of citizenship by surveying young Israelis. To this end, it generates the following five criteria, which have been widely used in academic discussions: (i) citizenship orientation (affective, cognitive, or evaluative); (ii) nature of citizenship (passive or active); (iii) object of citizenship (political or non-political); (iv) source of demand (mandatory or voluntary); and (v) type of guidance (support principles or behavior).

The selected articles are geographically concentrated in two aspects: by institutional affiliation and by the location of their studies. Considering the institutional affiliation of the authors, 32.77% of the articles were produced in the United States, a figure that rises to more than 60% when the countries of Western Europe and Australia are included. This bias is maintained, although to a lesser extent, when analyzing the countries where the studies were carried out. Moreover, more than 50% of the studies were carried out in the United States, England, and the democracies of Western Europe. Africa (4.24%) and Latin America (2.54%) were the regions least represented in the studies. These characteristics, which tend to be representative of global academic production in the social sciences (Connell 2007 ), may encourage certain notions of good citizenship that are anchored in Anglo-Saxon traditions, such as the liberal conception of citizenship studied by Peled ( 1992 ), or more recently, the conception of active citizenship (Ke and Starkey 2014 ), both of which have had an important influence on academic discussion about good citizenship.

Finally, the third characteristic of academic production is related to the multiple research fields and diverse purposes of the studies that deal with the concept of good citizenship. Research on good citizenship is published in multiple disciplines. Of the articles included in the review, 82.29% are concentrated in three disciplines: education, political science, and sociology. However, there are also articles associated with journals of history, philosophy, anthropology, and law. Additionally, we identified six main objectives from the articles reviewed (Table  1 ). The most common objectives are related to bottom-up research, which seeks to gather information on how diverse populations understand good citizenship, and top-down research, which seeks to conceptualize and/or define the idea of good citizens based on conceptual, historical, or political analysis. In addition, there are a wide variety of studies that seek to explain good citizenship, as well as studies that use the idea of a good citizen to explain other behaviors, skills, or knowledge. In other words, in addition to being multidisciplinary, research on good citizenship has multiple purposes.

In sum, although the academic discussion on good citizenship has been mainly developed during the last two decades in the most industrialized Western countries, the academic research is a field of ongoing and open debate.

4 Understanding the Meaning of “Good Citizenship”

As an academic field with a lively ongoing discussion, the notion of good citizenship is associated with different sets of ideas or concepts. Some keywords were repeated at least three times in the articles reviewed (Table  2 ). Only those articles that used a keyword format were included. The most frequent concepts are related to education, norms, social studies, political participation, and democracy.

This indicates that, first, studies tend to associate good citizenship with civic norms and citizen learning, highlighting the formative nature of the concept. Second, studies that associate good citizenship with other dimensions of citizenship (such as knowledge or civic attitudes) or contemporary global problems (such as migration) are comparatively scarcer.

Another way to approach the concept of good citizenship is by analyzing the definitions proposed by the authors in the articles studied. Most of the articles propose characteristics or aspects of good citizenship (in 43.8% of the cases) that, instead of creating new definitions, are often based on existing political, non-political, liberal, or philosophical concepts. In this regard, many papers define good citizenship based on specific behaviors. In contrast, other authors (18.6%) refer to citizenship rules when it comes to voting or participating in politics, thereby seeking to relate the concept of the good citizen with a specific civic attitude—participation in elections. Finally, a large group of studies define good citizenship in terms of the values, virtues, or qualities of a good citizen (22.6%). Within the group of studies that propose new definitions, it is possible to identify two main categories: studies that propose types of citizenship, such as Dalton ( 2008 ), distinguishing between “duty” and “engaged” citizenship, and works, such as Westheimer and Kahne ( 2004 ), which differentiate between “personal responsible citizenship,” “justice-oriented citizenship,” and “participatory citizenship.”

Finally, the meaning of good citizenship can be analyzed by studying the variables used in the studies. Among the quantitative studies included in the review, only 28.3% use international surveys such as ICCS, the Center for Democracy and Civil Society (CDACS), the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), the United Citizenship, Involvement, Democracy (CID) Survey, and the European Social Survey (ESS). Each of these surveys contained a slightly different definition of good citizenship and the variables used to measure the concept (Table  3 ).

In general, the indicators used to measure citizenship in the different surveys share certain similarities. Variables associated with rules (such as obeying the law or paying taxes) are present in all surveys. Additionally, variables related to participation also have an important presence, especially (although not only) related to voting in national elections. To a lesser extent, surveys include variables related to solidarity (supporting people who are worse off than yourself) as well as attitudes related to critical thinking and civic culture (knowing the history of the country, thinking critically).

5 Discussion and Conclusions

The concept of good citizenship can be considered an umbrella term, which includes ethical, political, sociological, and educational aspects and discussions about who qualifies as a citizen and how they should act. The systematic review has shown that good citizenship is broadly defined, although these notions are mainly valued in Western countries with comparatively higher income levels.

For this reason, the definition of good citizenship used is, in large part, highly dependent on the research objective of the academic endeavor. In our case, the analysis is based on ICCS 2016, which defines good citizenship in relation to notions such as conventional citizenship, social movement citizenship, and personal responsibility citizenship (Köhler et al. 2018 ). The variables included in ICCS 2016 are related to the three main dimensions of good citizenship: normative, active, and personal. These three components of good citizenship have been essential in the academic discussion in the last seven decades, constituting the central corpus of the concept, although this definition does not incorporate current discussions on good citizenship, which focus, for example, on the notion of global citizenship (Altikulaç 2016 ) or the idea of digital citizenship (Bennett et al. 2009 ). These latter concepts are part of the ongoing debate on good citizenship, although it seems that more work is needed to better understand how these notions of citizenship are related to the ways in which individuals or groups in society relate to power and exercise it to shape the public sphere.

This systematic review has mapped the academic discussion to date on good citizenship. However, despite its usefulness, this review has a number of limitations. Firstly, it summarizes and analyzes the academic discussion, ignoring the gap between the scientific debate on good citizenship and the social discussion related to this subject. Secondly, it focuses on English-language literature, which may result in a bias towards publications produced in Western countries. In spite of these limitations, the review allows us to study the process of defining the concept of good citizenship, and to identify the main debates related to this notion, which is the central focus of this book.

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Centro de Estudios de Políticas y Prácticas en Educación (CEPPE-UC), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Cristóbal Villalobos & María Jesús Morel

Center UC for Educational Transformation, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Ernesto Treviño

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Correspondence to Cristóbal Villalobos .

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Center for Educational Justice, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Centro de Medición MIDE UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Diego Carrasco

Centre for Political Research, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Ellen Claes

University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

Kerry J. Kennedy

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Villalobos, C., Morel, M.J., Treviño, E. (2021). What Is a “Good Citizen”? a Systematic Literature Review. In: Treviño, E., Carrasco, D., Claes, E., Kennedy, K.J. (eds) Good Citizenship for the Next Generation . IEA Research for Education, vol 12. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 01 September 2021

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Essay on “A Good Citizen” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Good Citizen

Essay No. 01

Citizen is one of the most commonly used word in a democracy. It is used at all levels of politics. A citizen is a person who enjoys rights and performs her/his duties in a state. Every Indian living in India is not citizen. To live in India does not make a person citizen. A citizen is one who is a member of the State and took part in the process of making government. A person who is ruled by laws but has no political rights, is not a citizen.

The term citizen was linked with the rise of democracy. Where one has political rights, the right to vote and the right to participate in decision- making on important questions, that one is citizen. In 1789 the word ‘citizen’ became popular after the French Revolution. It was said, “All citizens are equal. They have equal rights.”

A good citizen is one who is conscious of both rights and duties. For instance, the right to vote is one of our most important rights and it is our duty also to exercise the right to vote. If a person does not vote she  or he cannot be considered a good citizen, though otherwise she or he may be a good person. Good citizen  should not only be conscious of their own right alone, but also give the government what is its due. They should obey laws that are made by the legislature and pay taxes. These are their duties towards the government. But they must also perform their duties to other citizens. And the most important duty of every citizen is to respect the rights of others. Our constitution gives everyone the right to practice one’s religion. Every citizen , should practise religion in her / his own way; but in doing so one must respect the right of other citizens to practise their  religion in the way they like. The qualities of good citizens must therefore, include a consciousness of their own rights, tolerance for others and respect for laws.

A democratic state particularly depends on the quality of its citizens. If citizens do not take interest in politics, a democratic state might also gradually become undemocratic. Conversely , democracy can be strengthened if the  rights of others; it means that they know the demand what they can claim from the government. They also know what the government can claim from them. The quality of democracy improves if the citizens from all walks of life take part in its activates with interest.

A good citizen is always loyal. He is loyal to the president, because  he stands for all that is best in the laws of his country. A good citizen is also devoted to his country. He thinks that as his parents gave him natural life, so he owes his civic life to  his country. He , therefore, calls his country his motherland, and is ever ready to lay down even his life for her sake.  

A good citizen always respects the laws of his country. He obeys all the laws of the land. He goes even further, he does not keep the law himself, but is the enemy of all those who break the law. He has no sympathy for thieves  , criminals and cheats. He will assist the police. He is, therefore, always ready to public. He is therefore, always ready to put down crime and help the guardians of law in arresting criminals.

A good citizen always takes an interest in the welfare of his country. He has  a vote, and he uses it not to further his own  interests or those of the party he belongs to, but to help his country as a whole. He is always ready to help forward good causes. He is most active when illiteracy is to be removed, or when the sanitation of the town is to be improved, or when a dishonest person is to be punished. If a school is to be opened, a dispute is to be ended, a disease is to be checked, a road is to be built, or any other work of public utility is to be taken up, he is most energetic and helpful.

In this way a good citizen believes in co-operation with  other citizen for the common good. he feels that the members of community are like the different limbs of a body. The head thinks for the hand, the hand works for the belly and the belly supplies nourishment to all. Similarly, all the members of a community work for the common  good.

It is not easy to be good citizen because a good citizen has to conquer his selfishness. A good citizen cares more for his duties that is what he can do for the country.

Essay No. 02

Duties of a Good Citizen

A citizen is a person who lives in a particular country for a long time. He may be born in the country or not but, by virtue of his long stay in the country he earns the right to the citizenship of the country and starts being so called. The basic difference in the acquired citizenship after stay and that of being a citizen by birth is that, when a person acquires it, it is to be by an application for the same. When a person is born in a place, he is automatically a citizen of it, and does not have to apply for it. Now, as we all know that man, no matter where he stays in the family, in the society, in the office or in the country, he has some obligations towards them. These obligations of an individual are called duties.

Thus, in all his activities, man has some duties, and so as a citizen also man has some obligations to the country of his citizenship. In this Essay we will discuss the duties of a man as a citizen of a country. When a person belongs to a particular country whether the country of his birth or the country that he has adopted due to a long stay, it is to be remembered that, the country has nurtured him. He has grown there, avails of all facilities and advantages that accrue to the people of the country and has been granted all kinds of rights of the citizens of that country. This is because it is all necessary for the healthy growth of the individual. If he was not to be given all that, he may not have been able to grow to his full bloom. This much is fine, but, this is only one side of the coin of citizenship. When on the one hand an individual is given so much, the other side of the coin would obviously be to given to an individual clarify and express his duties. For, let us never forget that all rights have their corresponding duties. Every right that a human being enjoys in any sphere of life, there are his corresponding duties that go hand in hand with these rights. Thus, on the one hand are the rights of the citizen and the other side are his duties.

 A good citizen has to fulfil several duties in order to honestly enjoy all his rights. The first duty of a good citizen is to understand his rights and enjoy them but, with wisdom and an analytical mind. He must be loyal to the country that gives him all that it has, to enjoy and grow. He must consider the country of his living, as his own mother, for, just like the mother helps a child to grow, so does the country provide for him all that he needs to grow in every way, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Then when a country gives so much, is it not its right to demand loyalty from the individual? How can the country ever expect or accept disloyalty from a man it helps live and grow. How can disloyalty to a mother be accepted? Such breach of faith and loyalty, to my mind should be considered as a grave offence. Besides, can we ever disown a mother? Thus a good citizen is one who is always found to be proud of belonging to his country – whether of birth or after living.

The second quality of a good citizen is that he should always follow all the laws of the land meticulously with the greatest of caution. He should never be found breaking or Flouting  any law.

He must love and respect all his fellow citizens who are to him like good citizen lives, must feel his presence as a good person, a reliable person and as a loving and helpful person. He himself must be a good brother/sister to the others living  in that country his brothers and sisters. The society in which the Besides being good, a duty of a good citizen also extends to his helping in the development of the country of his residence, because of the simple reason that, it is his, it belongs to him. Respect for all that belongs to that country is also one great quality expected from a good citizen.

Thus, a good citizen is one who adjusts with his environment, lives up to the expectations of his fellowmen, according to all norms and rules of the country. He does not act in any way that brings any sort of dishonor to the country. With all these essential qualities, any individual belonging to any country can be called a good citizen fulfilling these norms will be termed as a good citizen in any country.

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Good Citizenship Essay: How To Be A Good Citizen

Everyone is a part of some community, society, city, and country . Most people live for themselves. They consider their desires and goals the major issue. So, such people take care about their happiness and fortune. Citizenship means the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country . Don’t you think that such a status requires from a person to follow some rules? Many people ignore this notion. However, it does not mean that they do right. Indeed, people have to obey particular rules that have been set in a country that they live. If he/she wants to be a useful member of a city, he/she has to perform qualities of a good citizen essay well as much as the best essay writing service does its job.

Good citizenship definition . We will talk about them in Essay On Citizenship. It is a huge field of spheres where a person can be useful . In the Bible it is said that people have to pray for rulers. Actually, it is a bright act of good citizenship. A person must be interested in what is going on in his country. If he does not agree with the acts of a ruler or if a ruler is very cruel or unfaithful, he has to pray for him. So, if the Scripture calls us to be active members of society, we have to be them. Read essay on Christianity on this page:

Definition of good citizenship not only means to follow rules. It means to perform duties and regulations. Most of them are based on a simple system of what is right and wrong. It is a policy of our conscience. To what extent we can sacrifice our time and ourselves in the name of social benefit. It was not a mistake that in a previous paragraph we have mentioned that most people take care about their lives. They do not think about a neighbor which is the main condition of a good citizenship .

It is also mentioned in the Bible that a person has to love the one who is near as much as he loves himself. Is there anything wrong with it? These words are just wonderful. While doing this, people may improve their living. They could live in a perfect world. Ironically but truly is a notion – read the Bible and be happy. By the way, check our excellent Essay On Religion .

Good citizenship is a wide spectrum of interesting and useful things which will make your life in a society better and a country where you live in prosperous.

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Citizenship E ssay And How To Be A Good Citizen

We have already told you that it concerns many questions and deeds. For this reason, the list would be rather big.

1. Be a good student . To be useful for society you have to gain an excellent education. Learn smart at school. It will give you a proper basement for choosing another step which is a college or university. Learning is vital. You have to make proper decisions in future. Education will help you to be informed and to be armed with necessary knowledge. It will give you the understanding of everything which is going on around. If you need an article on high school or college life, we can make it quickly and very professionally. If you say this, “I want pay someone to do my essay for fee”, our writers will do it.

2. Always be a hard worker . Education is only the beginning of the further process which is called working. While working hard, you contribute to the well-being of society . It does not matter whether you are a lawyer or a teacher, a baker or a bus driver. All this is a part of everyday life of your country. Your duty is to perform your function well. Check essay on hard work here:

3. Stay informed . Watch news, check news channels on YouTube. Read newspapers and magazines which reflect the life of people that surround you. Usually such issues inform people about significant changes, movements, and events. It is important to know what people in your country think , how they react, what makes them angry or happy.

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4. Help community, if you have spare time. It is extremely good idea to spend it on helping others. Nowadays one can do it in many ways. Do you have homeless people whom you see every day? They do not have money, home, or even clothes. Help them. Come and share your food with them. Buy a warm coat, if it is winter. Prepare hot tea and sandwiches or buy presents for them. There are many organizations which need money or other materials. You can donate books to a local library, for instance. Our company also serves as a good example. We help students who always need written papers. Often we here such words as, “ Do my assignment for me in an extra hurry .”

5. Make a gift of your blood . Blood transfusion is a vital process. A huge amount of people need this help. It is a real charity, more real than money donating. You can literally save the life of someone if give your blood. By the way, it is very good for your health.

6. Be trained . It means that you may help people in case of emergency. There are some basic trainings which a good citizen must know . Nobody expects to face danger but it is better to be aware of necessary emergency trainings.

7. Give a job . You can do it, if hire someone to clean your house. Do it at least once in a month. You will help people. It is a huge contribution to economy of a country. There are shelters where people seek job. Call them and find someone who will trim your lawn. You can easily give additional job to one of our writers, if say, “ Take my online class for me online .”

8. Take care of yourself . You must be healthy, if you want stay a good citizen. It is impossible to perform all the duties without staying healthy. Check the doctor, consume good food and necessary supplements . Have a good sleep and enough rest. Find out what is traditional American food in Popular American Foods Paper .

9. Take part in voting . It is an integral part of being a good citizen. This is a must thing to do. While staying neutral, you remain useless . Your voice is necessary. Let it be heard.

10. Do cleaning . We are talking about cleaning which you can do outdoors. If you see litter, you can pick it up and throw in a proper place. Use gloves to protect yourself. It is a nice example and contribution.

11. Save water . Water scarcity is one of the main problems nowadays. Conserve it and do not overuse water like most people do. It is a vital resource.

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12. Be polite . It is a very simple duty and highly necessary. People often get depressed and a light which you can reflect may improve their mood and productivity. Smile and laugh, be open and sincere.

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