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AS and A-level History

  • Specification
  • Planning resources
  • Teaching resources
  • Assessment resources


  • Specification at a glance
  • 1A The Age of the Crusades, c1071–1204
  • 1B Spain in the Age of Discovery, 1469–1598 (A-level only)
  • 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603
  • 1D Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy, 1603–1702
  • 1E Russia in the Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment, 1682–1796 (A-level only)
  • 1F Industrialisation and the people: Britain, c1783–1885
  • 1G Challenge and transformation: Britain, c1851–1964
  • 1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964
  • 1J The British Empire, c1857–1967
  • 1K The making of a Superpower: USA, 1865–1975
  • 1L The quest for political stability: Germany, 1871–1991
  • 2A Royal Authority and the Angevin Kings, 1154–1216
  • 2B The Wars of the Roses, 1450–1499
  • 2C The Reformation in Europe, c1500–1564 (A-level only)
  • 2D Religious conflict and the Church in England, c1529–c1570
  • 2E The English Revolution, 1625–1660
  • 2F The Sun King: Louis XIV, France and Europe, 1643–1715 (A-level only)
  • 2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801
  • 2H France in Revolution, 1774–1815 (A-level only)
  • 2J America: A Nation Divided, c1845–1877
  • 2K International Relations and Global Conflict, c1890–1941 (A-level only)
  • 2L Italy and Fascism, c1900–1945
  • 2M Wars and Welfare: Britain in Transition, 1906–1957
  • 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953
  • 2O Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918–1945
  • 2P The Transformation of China, 1936–1997
  • 2Q The American Dream: reality and illusion, 1945–1980
  • 2R The Cold War, c1945–1991
  • 2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007
  • 2T The Crisis of Communism: The USSR and the Soviet Empire, 1953–2000 (A-level only)

Component 3: Historical investigation (non-exam assessment) (A-level only)

  • Scheme of assessment
  • Non-exam assessment administration
  • General administration

AS and A-level Component 3: Historical investigation (non-exam assessment) (A-level only)

Purpose of the Historical investigation

The purpose of the Historical Investigation is to enable students to develop the skills, knowledge and historical understanding acquired through the study of the examined components of the specification.

Through undertaking the Historical Investigation students will develop an enhanced understanding of the nature and purpose of history as a discipline and how historians work.

  • ask relevant and significant questions about the past and undertake research
  • develop as independent learners and critical and reflective thinkers
  • acquire an understanding of the nature of historical study
  • organise and communicate their knowledge and understanding in a piece of sustained writing

Students will be required to submit a Historical Investigation based on a development or issue which has been subject to different historical interpretations. The Historical Investigation must:

  • be independently researched and written by the student
  • be presented in the form of a piece of extended writing of between 3500 and 4500 words in length, with a limit of 4500 words
  • draw upon the student's investigation of sources (both primary and secondary) which relate to the development or issue chosen and the differing interpretations that have been placed on this
  • place the issue to be investigated within a context of approximately 100 years
  • be an issue which does not duplicate the content of Components 1 and 2.

The Historical Investigation must be supervised in accordance with the requirements of Section 5.1 of this specification.

The centre must complete a non-examined assessment (NEA) title approval form no later than 20 October in the year before the intended completion of the A-level course. The form must detail the title and date range of the proposed historical investigation for each student. The teacher must state which examined components will be studied. This form must be submitted to AQA for review. AQA will check that the proposed historical investigation title, when combined with the examined components, meets the following requirements:

  • the proposed title is set in the context of approximately 100 years
  • there is no overlap with the content of the options studied for the examined components
  • all three components together cover a chronological range of at least 200 years

AQA will inform the centre if any historical investigation title does not meet the requirements and the focus for the non-examined assessment will need to be changed.

Failure to comply with these requirements will invalidate the student’s entry and no A-level result will be issued.

It is therefore vital that the teacher ensures that all requirements are met. If a student changes their historical investigation title, a new form should be completed.

On completion of the NEA, each student must also complete a Candidate Record Form (CRF) detailing the options studied for the examined components. The student must sign this form. The teacher must counter sign the CRF and this declaration will confirm that the historical investigation complies with the NEA title approval form and has adhered to all requirements.

The CRF must be sent to the moderator at the same time as marks for the NEA are submitted. The moderator will check that all course requirements have been met.

If the requirements have not been met, then the entry will be invalid and no result issued.

Copies of all the documentation, including the NEA proposal form and guidance on submission procedures are available from the AQA website at

Further guidance is available from the History subject team: [email protected]

Choice of issue and question to be studied

Students will be required to identify an issue or topic they wish to study and develop a question from this issue or topic as the focus of the Historical Investigation. The issue or topic to be studied and the question which stems from it must place the issue or topic in the context of approximately 100 years of history. The question could be based on British history or non-British history or could be a multi-country issue. However, it must not duplicate content studied in Components 1 and 2.

The Historical Investigation could identify an issue and a related question which traces a development over approximately 100 years. Alternatively, it could focus on a narrower issue, but place it the context of approximately 100 years.

  • A broad issue and related question which analyses its development over approximately 100 years, for example: assessing how Puritanism changed during the Seventeenth Century; or assessing the extent to which the condition of the Russian peasant improved over the period 1850–1950
  • A more specific issue in the context of approximately 100 years, for example: assessing the extent to which the Glorious Revolution successfully settled relations between Crown and Parliament in the context of the Stuart period; or assessing the extent to which Tsar Nicholas I changed the nature of Tsarist rule set against the period of Catherine the Great, Alexander and Nicholas I.

Issues which relate to international, national or local developments are appropriate, as are investigations which adopt specific historical perspectives such as cultural, social or technological.

However, in choosing the issue, students need to take the following into account:

  • Is there a range of primary sources and primary material available to support individual investigation?
  • Is the issue and related question one which has promoted debate and differences of interpretation amongst historians?

When framing the question to be answered, students must ensure that it enables them to demonstrate skills of historical analysis, evaluation and judgement, to appraise the views of historians and to evaluate primary sources.

Students are advised to use the type of question formulations seen in examinations such as the use of questions which begin ‘To what extent’ or a quotation in the form of a judgement followed by ‘Assess the validity of this view’.

The A-level subject content for history requires that students carry out a Historical Investigation that is independently researched. It is acceptable that students within a centre base their Historical Investigations around the same topic. However, the essential pre-requisite of non-exam assessment and the principal purpose of the Historical Investigation both require that the Historical Investigation is the work of individual students each developing a question to investigate and each evaluating individually, primary sources and historical interpretations. Where students in a centre are studying a similar topic or topics, there may be only a limited number of primary sources and, more so, a limited number of historical interpretations. However, the centre must ensure that students assess and evaluate sources individually, even where sources used are similar. It is not permitted for centres to direct students to the same sources as this fundamentally undermines the need for the Historical Investigation to be the work of an individual student.

Further guidance and exemplar material are available via the AQA website.

The skills and qualities to be demonstrated and assessed

The skills and qualities of all three Assessment Objectives must be demonstrated in the Historical Investigation. These are:

AO1: demonstrate, organise and communicate knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate the key features related to the periods studied, making substantiated judgements and exploring concepts, as relevant, of cause, consequence, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance.

AO2: analyse and evaluate appropriate source material, primary and/or contemporary to the period, within the historical context.

AO3: analyse and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in which aspects of the past have been interpreted.

The task required of students in responding to AO3 will be different from that in the examined components in that students will be expected to:

  • show an understanding of the limitations placed on historians
  • show an understanding of the significance of the time and/or context in which an historian writes
  • compare and evaluate differing historical interpretations.

Students must base their analysis and evaluation of historical interpretations on the work of academic historians. It is not acceptable that the analysis and evaluation is based on textbook historians or course books.

Students are expected to use short quotations, paraphrase and/or footnotes to show the source of their interpretations. Lengthy extracts are not required.

In developing their response to a chosen issue to investigate, students are expected to consult a range of resources, which may include textbooks, course books and work of academic historians. Within the Historical Investigation, however, there must be explicit analysis and evaluation of two differing interpretations by academic historians where students analyse and evaluate the differences between the interpretations, show an awareness of the time and/or context of the interpretations and demonstrate an understanding of the limitations placed on historians.

The Historical Investigation must be written with the qualities of all three objectives integrated within the body of the work. For example, students will analyse, evaluate and reach judgements about the question chosen (AO1) and within this analysis and evaluation, appraise the views of historians (AO3) and analyse and evaluate primary source material and the extent to which it is useful in supporting arguments or conclusions (AO2).

Completion of the Historical investigation

The Investigation should be completed in approximately 3500-4500 words, excluding bibliography, footnotes, and appendices, with a limit of 4500 words. Work that exceeds this word limit will incur a five mark penalty. This penalty will be applied by AQA, and should not be applied by the teacher. A word count must be included on the Candidate Record Form.

The Investigation must contain an evaluation of three primary sources. At least two different types of primary source should be evaluated. These may be different types of written primary sources, for example: official publications; reports; diaries; speeches; letters; chronicles; observations of elite or ‘ordinary’ people (from the inside or from the outside). Other appropriate sources may include artefacts, archaeological or visual sources.

The Investigation must also demonstrate an understanding of differing interpretations presented by two academic historians about the issue.

Students are advised to avoid extensive, verbatim copying from sources and to ensure that the Investigation is written in their own words. Extensive verbatim copying can lead to malpractice.

The use of footnotes is strongly advised in order to demonstrate the range of evidence consulted and validate the bibliography. Additionally, footnotes alleviate concerns about plagiarism, as the source of comments, views, detail or others' judgements is acknowledged. Skill in the use of footnotes is also highly valued by Higher Education. A bibliography should be provided, listing the sources that have been consulted.

The role of the teacher

Teachers have a number of significant roles:

  • to explain the requirements of the Historical Investigation to students
  • to ensure that students do not duplicate content already covered in Components 1 and 2 and to ensure that the NEA title which forms the focus of the Historical Investigation is placed in the context of approximately 100 years
  • to provide appropriate supervision of students, offering general guidance about the issue and question chosen for investigation
  • to monitor the progress of the Investigation
  • to submit to AQA, by 20 October in the year before intended A-level certification, an NEA title approval form. This form will require that options from Components 1 and 2 are identified, along with the title of Component 3 and its chronological range for each student
  • to sign a declaration that the Investigation is the work of the individual working independently
  • to inform AQA where there are concerns about malpractice, such as plagiarism or the submission of work that is not that of the student

Assessment and moderation

The Historical Investigation will be marked by centres and moderated by AQA. It is most important that centres establish rigorous internal standardisation to ensure that the rank order of the students is fair, accurate and appropriate. This is particularly important in larger centres where more than one teacher has prepared and assessed students.

The work of students is to be assessed by a levels of response mark scheme which addresses each of the following assessment objectives, with the weighting as indicated:

Assessment Objective Max Mark
AO1: Demonstrate, organise and communicate knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate the key features related to the periods studied, making substantiated judgements and exploring concepts, as relevant, of cause, consequence, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance 20
AO2: Analyse and evaluate appropriate source material, primary and/or contemporary to the period, within the historical context. 10
AO3: Analyse and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in which aspects of the past have been interpreted. 10

Mark Scheme to be used when assessing the Historical investigation

AO1: 20 marks

Demonstrate, organise and communicate knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate the key features related to the periods studied, making substantiated judgements and exploring concepts, as relevant, of cause, consequence, change, continuity, similarity and significance.

NOTE: An Historical investigation which fails to show an understanding of change and continuity within the context of approximately 100 years cannot be placed above Level 2 in AO1 (maximum 8 marks)

Level 5: 17–20 The response demonstrates a very good understanding of change and continuity within the context of approximately 100 years and meets the full demands of the chosen question. It is very well organised and effectively delivered. The supporting information is well-selected, specific and precise. It shows a very good understanding of key features, issues and concepts. The answer is fully analytical with a balanced argument and well-substantiated judgement.

Level 4: 13–16 The response demonstrates a good understanding of change and continuity within the context of approximately 100 years and meets the demands of the chosen question. It is well-organised and effectively communicated. There is a range of clear and specific supporting information, showing a good understanding of key features and issues, together with some conceptual awareness. The response is predominantly analytical in style with a range of direct comment relating to the question. The response is well-balanced with some judgement, which may, however, be only partially substantiated.

Level 3: 9–12 The response demonstrates an understanding of change and continuity within the context of approximately 100 years and shows an understanding of the chosen question. It provides a range of largely accurate information which shows an awareness of some of the key issues. This information may, however, be unspecific or lack precision of detail in parts. The response is effectively organised and shows adequate communication skills. There is a good deal of comment in relation to the chosen question, although some of this may be generalised. The response demonstrates some analytical qualities and balance of argument.

Level 2: 5–8 The response demonstrates some understanding of change and continuity but may have limitations in its coverage of a context of approximately 100 years. The response may be either descriptive or partial, showing some awareness of the chosen question but a failure to grasp its full demands. There is some attempt to convey material in an organised way although communication skills may be limited. The response contains some appropriate information and shows an understanding of some aspects of the investigation, but there may be some inaccuracy and irrelevance. There is some comment in relation to the question but comments may be unsupported and generalised.

Level 1: 1–4 The response demonstrates limited understanding of change and continuity and makes little reference to a context of approximately 100 years. The chosen question has been imperfectly understood and the response shows limited organisational and communication skills. The information conveyed is extremely limited in scope and parts may be irrelevant. There may be some unsupported, vague or generalised comment.

AO2: 10 marks

Analyse and evaluate appropriate source material, primary and/or contemporary to the period, within the historical context.

Level 5: 9–10 Provides a range of relevant and well-supported comments on the value of three sources of two or more different types used in the investigation to provide a balanced and convincing judgement on their merits in relation to the topic under investigation.

Level 4: 7–8 Provides relevant and well-supported comments on the value of three sources of two or more different types used in the investigation, to produce a balanced assessment on their merits in relation to the topic under investigation. Judgements may, however, be partial or limited in substantiation.

Level 3: 5–6 Provides some relevant comment on the value of three sources of at least two different types used in the Investigation. Some of the commentary is, however, of limited scope, not fully convincing or has only limited direction to the topic under investigation.

Level 2: 3–4 Either: provides some comment on the value of more than one source used in the investigation but may not address three sources in equal measure or refers to sources of the same 'type'. Or: provides some comment on the value of three sources of at least two types used in the investigation but the comment is excessively generalised and not well directed to the topic of the investigation.

Level 1: 1–2 Provides some comment on the value of at least one source used in the Investigation but the response is very limited and may be partially inaccurate. Comments are likely to be unsupported, vague or generalised.

In commenting and making judgements on the value of the sources, students will be expected to apply their own contextual knowledge and perspectives of time and place in order to assess the value and limitations of their sources as evidence. They will be expected to comment on, as appropriate to the investigation and chosen sources:

  • the differing perspectives of the sources chosen
  • the social, political, intellectual, religious and/or economic contexts in which the sources were written
  • the credibility, authority, authenticity, consistency and comprehensiveness of the sources
  • the bias, distortion or propagandist elements found in the sources

AO3: 10 marks

Analyse and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in which aspects of the past have been interpreted.

Level 5: 9–10 Shows a very good understanding of the differing historical interpretations raised by the question. There is a strong, well-substantiated and convincing evaluation of two interpretations with reference to the time, context and/or limitations placed on the historians.

Level 4: 7–8 Shows a good understanding of the differing historical interpretations raised by the question. There is some good evaluation of the two interpretations with reference to the time, context and/or limitations placed on historians, although not all comments are substantiated or convincing.

Level 3: 5–6 Shows an understanding of differing historical interpretations raised by the question. There is some supported comment on two interpretations with reference to the time, context and/or limitations placed on historians, but the comments are limited in depth and/or substantiation.

Level 2: 3–4 Shows some understanding of the differing historical interpretations raised by the question. They may refer to the time, context and/or limitations placed on the historians in an unconvincing way.

Level 1: 1–2 Shows limited understanding of the differing historical interpretations raised by the question. Comment on historical interpretations is generalised and vague.

In showing an understanding of historical interpretations and evaluating historical interpretations, students will be expected to apply their own contextual knowledge.

They will be expected, as appropriate to the investigation:

  • to show an understanding of the limitations placed on historians
  • to show an understanding of the significance of the time and/or context in which an historian writes
  • to compare and evaluate differing historical interpretations.

NOTE: The Investigation has a limit of 4500 words. Work that exceeds this word limit will incur a 5 mark penalty. This deduction will be applied by AQA, and should not be applied by the teacher.

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A Level History Coursework AQA – A Guide

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  • Post date January 8, 2024
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This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History Coursework for AQA using ideas, resources, examples and structure. This coursework is weighted in the following format. Assessment Objective One (AO1) 10% (20 marks), Assessment Objective Two (AO2) 5% (10 marks) and Assessment Objective Three (AO3) 5% (10 marks). For AQA coursework this gives a total of 20% (40 marks) divided as shown above across all three of the A Level History Assessment Objectives.

A Level History Coursework AQA – Ideas, Examples and Resources

Choosing an Issue and Question – You are required to identify an issue or topic that you wish to study and develop a question from this. This gives a broad scope for potential questions. There are however two specific requirements of the question.

  • The question must not duplicate any of the content that you are studying for examination assessment in components 1 and 2.
  • The question must place the issue or topic in the context of approximately 100 years of history.

Question Ideas, Example and Selection

There are two potential ways to ensure that you cover the 100 year requirement for this coursework. You could identify an issue and related question which traces development over approximately 100 years. Alternatively, you could focus on a narrower issue but place it in the context of a 100 year period. Lets look at a couple of examples below to make this clear.

  • Q1. Q. ‘Despite a period of unprecedented economic and social change, British women remained marginalised and downtrodden’. During the period 1760-1867, assess the validity of this view. – This is the perfect example of a broad issue and question from which you could analyse development over the time period.
  • Q2. In the context of the period 1905 to 2003, to what extent was the Cuban missile crisis the biggest turning point in the relationship between Russia and the USA? – This question highlights a more specific issue (the Cuban missile crisis) and places it in context of the relationship between the two countries over the c100 year period.

There are some key points to consider when selecting a question for your coursework.

  • Question formulation – Students are advised to use the type of question formulations seen in AQA examinations and shown in the examples above.
  • Historiographical debate – There needs to be a scholarly debate around the question or issue. This means differing views on the question from different historians. This makes it easier to select appropriate works to analyse and compare.
  • Primary sources – Is there a range of primary sources and primary material available to support the coursework? These primary resources need to be accessible to the student.

Coursework Resources

  • Library – school, local, college, university – you should be able to borrow appropriate works.
  • Teacher – your teacher should be able to provide you with copies of appropriate resources to use.
  • JSTOR – – contains a large collection of journal articles from historical publications covering numerous topics. These will often engage in the historical debate by replying to opposing views.
  • Purchase Books – many second-hand books are available to purchase at very cheap prices through Amazon or similar sites.

A Level History Coursework AQA – Structure and Planning

First section – introduction to the question (c. 350 words).

Introduction to the overall topic. You need to put the question into context by providing relevant information regarding what was happening at the time. You then need to define any key terms in the question. For the British women example question above you would need to define ‘remained marginalised and downtrodden’ .

This we could do by defining;

  • remained as showing continuity rather than change
  • marginalised as a group treated as insignificant and peripheral. 
  • downtrodden as a group oppressed or treated badly by those in power.

You would then need to set-out valid criteria by which the question can be judged in order to provide an accurate answer. These criteria will go on to become your factors as you can see in the plan below.

For the British women example question, we could potentially use the following criteria to judge whether they remained marginalised and downtrodden. Did women’s lives change for the better, during the period, in the following different areas?

  • Socially and Culturally
  • Legally and Politically
  • Education and Work

Second Section – Historians Viewpoints (c. 800 words – 400 each)

In this section we look at the viewpoints of two different academic historians. In order to achieve the highest marks, Level 5 (9-10 Marks) we need to do the following:

  • Show a very good understanding of the differing historical interpretations raised in the question.
  • Convincingly evaluate the interpretations with reference to time, context and/or limitations placed on the historians.

Using the example Cold War question shown above, you could analyse the views of a US historian writing after the Cold War has ended, with a Soviet historian writing during the period. This would enable you to contrast the content of both works and evaluate the interpretations given. This would also show how the time period affected the works, how limitations affected the works, how purpose affected the works, amongst many other issues that help to explain the authors differing viewpoints.

Third Section – Factor 1 and Source 1 (c. 650 words Factor 1 and 350 words Source 1)

In this section you cover the first factor that you have identified from your criteria in the introduction, as well as one of your primary sources that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question this section would concentrate on the Socially and Culturally factor that we are using as criteria to answer the question. Crucially you have to cover the time period and show your understanding of change and continuity as illustrated by the mark scheme detailed below.

  • Level 5 (17-20) marks – Very good understanding of change and continuity within the context of approximately 100 years.

You then add to this section your evaluation of your first primary source that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question you would have a primary source that related to the Socially and Culturally factor being covered here.

Fourth Section – Factor 2 and Source 2 (c. 650 words Factor 2 and 350 words Source 2 )

In this section you cover the second factor that you have identified from your criteria in the introduction, as well as one of your primary sources that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question this section would concentrate on the Legally and Politically factor that we are using as criteria to answer the question. Crucially you have to cover the time period and show your understanding of change and continuity as illustrated by the mark scheme detailed below.

You then add to this section your evaluation of your first primary source that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question you would have a primary source that related to the Legally and Politically factor being covered here.

Fifth Section – Factor 3 and Source 3 (c. 650 words Factor 3 and 350 words Source 3 )

In this section you cover the second factor that you have identified from your criteria in the introduction, as well as one of your primary sources that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question this section would concentrate on the Education and Work factor that we are using as criteria to answer the question. Crucially you have to cover the time period and show your understanding of change and continuity as illustrated by the mark scheme detailed below.

You then add to this section your evaluation of your first primary source that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question you would have a primary source that related to the Education and Work factor being covered here.

Sixth Section – Overall Conclusion (c. 350 words)

In the final section you need to produce an overall conclusion that fully answers the coursework question. So for the British women question you would be answering ‘did they remain marginalised and downtrodden during this period?’. This will take into account everything you have considered throughout the piece of work including your criteria, the viewpoints of the academic historians, the primary sources and the factors that you have covered from your criteria. In reaching a final judgement and conclusion, you need to take into account the entire period considering continuity and change across it, as you should have done throughout the rest of the coursework.

A Level History Coursework AQA – Primary Source Analysis

A Level History Coursework AQA

Looking at the primary source mark scheme table from the AQA website can help you to understand the requirements. Firstly, you must ensure that three sources are used and that there are a minimum of two different types (can be two different types of written source). To achieve the highest marks you must then ensure that a range of relevant and well supported comments are made on the value of the sources. Finally, you must provide a balanced and convincing judgement on the merits of each source in relation to our question.

Assessing Your Primary Sources

  • Provenance – The five W’s of Who, Why, What, When, Where; can help you to identify the provenance of a primary source and assess its value or limitations.
  • Tone and Emphasis – How does the tone and emphasis impact the value of the source. Is it impartial, critical, formal, aggressive, empathetic, mocking, candid etc?
  • Content – What is the actual content of the source saying? How true is this in terms of your contextual knowledge? Is there value in the inaccuracies of the content?
  • Value/Limitations and Judgement – The above three points ( Provenance, Tone and Emphasis and Content ) can be used to assess how much we can learn from the source, by weighing up value and limitations, as well as giving judgement on the merit of the source.

How To Improve Further at A Level History

Pass A Level History – is our sister site, which shows you step by step, how to most effectively answer any A Level History extract, source or essay question. Please click the following link to visit the site and get access to your free preview lesson.

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2021 AQA GCSE History Past Papers

2021 AQA GCSE History Past Papers including question papers, inserts and mark schemes. Download 2021 AQA GCSE History question papers and answers. Revise for your exams or test your knowledge with AQA GCSE History Past Papers.

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AQA GCSE 9-1 History Past Papers

A complete collection of aqa gcse 9-1 history past papers. perfect for preparation for upcoming exams. can be used at home for individual learning or within a classroom environment., gcse examination booklets.

Download our comprehensive practice exam booklets covering every GCSE topic and examination board (2020 & 2021 Syllabus), produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the respective boards mark scheme.

It’s time to start preparing for your exams and it’s never been easier with School History. We’ve got hundreds of past papers that are easy to use, come with mark schemes, and are specifically tailored to each specific examination board, so you can get the most from your revision time and enter your examination feeling confident and fully prepared.

Why use past exam papers?

The answer is simple: preparedness. As a GCSE-level student, exams become an important part of your assessment criteria and preparation for A-levels. The use and importance of past papers, therefore, cannot be over-emphasised.

Fill in the blanks

Using past papers are an effective way to establish your strengths and weaknesses so you know where to focus your revision time. Don’t spend hours on a topic you’re familiar with while neglecting an area that needs more time and effort to familiarise yourself with.

Learn effective time management

Proper time management can quite literally mean the difference between passing and failing an exam, even if you know everything that’s required to pass. Your revision time and using past papers is an excellent way to start practicing how to properly manage the time in the exam setting. You’ll be given different styles of questions with different mark allocations, so it’s important to know what’s expected of you and how much time to dedicate to each question, whether its a multiple-choice question, short answer or an essay.

Walk into your exam with confidence

With proper preparation, it’s possible to walk into and out of your exam feeling confident. Confidence is key to performing well as doubt and anxiety can cloud your judgment and affect your ability to think clearly and make the proper decisions. Past papers are the most effective way to familiarise yourself with important terminology, vocabulary, and styles of questions so that you have a solid understanding of what is expected of you to excel in each and every style of question.

Get to know your questions

Remember, some questions will be assessing your knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of a period studied, others will require you to explain and analyse historic events, others will require you to compare and contrast source material and contextualise it in the historic environment, while thematic studies will require you to demonstrate knowledge clearly over centuries while following a particular theme. All of these questions require you to substantiate your answers using facts.

All these questions will be awarded marks in levels, i.e. basic, simple, developed and complex, and short answers and essay questions will also have marks awarded for spelling and grammar. By practicing with past papers you’ll have access to mark schemes, which examiners use to evaluate your responses and you’ll quickly learn how to achieve the most marks while striking the right balance with time management.

Where do I find past papers? Right here, of course! School History has hundreds of examination-style questions to help you practice for your history exams. By signing up, you’ll not only have access to past papers but thousands of resources related to what you’re studying, including notes, activities, quiz questions and more. Let’s dive in! Take a look below at the major examination boards we cover. Give yourself every advantage to excel in your exams and sign up today!

Board Exam Paper Download
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War, 1894–1918
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918–1939
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945–1972
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990–2009
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2023 Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England - the reign of Edward I, 1272–1307
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2023 Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685 Q,MS,Int
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War, 1894–1918
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918–1939
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945–1972
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990–2009
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England - the reign of Edward I, 1272–1307
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2022 Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England - the reign of Edward I, 1272–1307
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War, 1894–1918
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918–1939
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945–1972
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2021 Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England - the reign of Edward I, 1272–1307
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War, 1894–1918
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918–1939
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945–1972
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990–2009
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) Nov 2020 Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War, 1894–1918
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918–1939
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945–1972
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990–2009
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England - the reign of Edward I, 1272–1307
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2019 Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War 1894-1918.
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918-1939.
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945-1972.
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia,1950–1975
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990-2009
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people:c1000 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people:c1170 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England: the reign of Edward I,1272–1307
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
AQA AQA History GCSE (9-1) (8145) June 2018 Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685
AQA AQA History A: GCSE Past Papers 2016 Unit 1 (91401A) Option A: Medicine through Time
AQA AQA History A: GCSE Past Papers 2016 Unit 1 (91401B) Option B: Media through Time
AQA AQA History A: GCSE Past Papers 2016 Unit 2 (91402A) Option A: The American West 1840- 1895
AQA AQA History A: GCSE Past Papers 2016 Unit 2 (91402B) Option B: Britain 1815-1851
AQA AQA History A: GCSE Past Papers 2016 Unit 2 (91402C) Option C: Elizabethan England 1558 – 1603
AQA AQA History A: GCSE Past Papers 2016 Unit 2 (91402D) Option D: Germany 1919 – 1945
AQA AQA History B: GCSE Papers 2016 Unit 1 (91451): International Relations: Conflict and Peace in the Twentieth Century
AQA AQA History B: GCSE Papers 2016 Unit 2 (91452): Twentieth Century Depth Studies

AQA GCSE History: Past Papers

Browse our range of AQA GCSE History Past Papers and Mark Schemes below. Testing yourself with GCSE History past papers is a great way to identify which topics need more revision, so you can ensure that you are revising as effectively as possible to help you get ready for your GCSE History exam.

Visit all of our AQA GCSE Past Papers here .

AQA GCSE History Past Papers

AQA (9-1) GCSE History past exam papers (8145).  You can download the papers and marking schemes by clicking on the links below. Scroll down for papers from previous years.

AQA History GCSE Past Papers June 2023 (8145)

Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section A/C: Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and communism Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section A/D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/A: Conflict and tension: the First World War 1894-1918. Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918-1939. Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945-1972. Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia,1950–1975 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan,1990 - 2009 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section A/A: Britain: Health and the people:c1000 to the present day Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people:c1170 to the present day Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section A/C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section B/A: Norman England, c1066–c1100 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England: the reign of Edward I,1272–1307 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section B/C: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

AQA History GCSE (9-1) Past Papers June 2022 (8145)

AQA History GCSE (9-1) Past Papers November 2021 (Labelled as June 2021) (8145)

AQA History GCSE (9-1) Past Papers November 2020 (Labelled as June 2020) (8145)

Paper 1: Section B/E: Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990-2009 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

AQA History GCSE (9-1) Past Papers 2019 (8145)

AQA History GCSE (9-1) Past Papers 2018 (8145)

Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/B: Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918-1939. Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/C: Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945-1972. Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 1: Section B/D: Conflict and tension in Asia,1950–1975 Download Insert    -    Download Paper     –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section A/B: Britain: Power and the people:c1170 to the present day Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section B/B: Medieval England: the reign of Edward I,1272–1307 Download Insert    -    Download Paper   –  Download Mark Scheme

Paper 2: Section B/D: Restoration England, 1660–1685 Download Insert    -    Download Paper    –  Download Mark Scheme

For more GCSE History past papers from other exam boards click here .  

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  1. Deadlines for non-exam assessment (NEA) - AQA

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  2. Exams admin | Dates and timetables - AQA

    Find out when exams are, when results are out, and when to submit non-exam assessment and coursework along with other key dates. Key dates. Download an annual calendar or use our key dates search to look up all exams and results dates, plus deadlines for entries, access arrangements and post-results.

  3. AQA | History | Subject content | Component 3: Historical ...

    The Historical Investigation must be supervised in accordance with the requirements of Section 5.1 of this specification. The centre must complete a non-examined assessment (NEA) title approval form no later than 20 October in the year before the intended completion of the A-level course.

  4. AQA A-Level History Past Papers - Revision World

    This section includes recent A-Level History past papers from AQA. You can download each of the AQA A-Level History past papers and marking schemes by clicking the links below. Scroll down to find papers from previous years.

  5. A Level History Coursework AQA – A Guide - Pass History Exams

    This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History Coursework for AQA using ideas, resources, examples and structure. This coursework is weighted in the following format. Assessment Objective One (AO1) 10% (20 marks), Assessment Objective Two (AO2) 5% (10 marks) and Assessment Objective Three (AO3) 5% (10 marks).

  6. 2021 AQA GCSE History Past Papers - Learnyay

    2021 AQA GCSE History Past Papers including question papers, inserts and mark schemes. Download 2021 AQA GCSE History question papers and answers. Revise for your exams or test your knowledge with AQA GCSE History Past Papers.

  7. AQA GCSE 9-1 History Past Papers

    Past papers are the most effective way to familiarise yourself with important terminology, vocabulary, and styles of questions so that you have a solid understanding of what is expected of you to excel in each and every style of question. Get to know your questions.

  8. AQA GCSE History Past Papers - Save My Exams

    Browse our range of AQA GCSE History Past Papers and Mark Schemes below. Testing yourself with GCSE History past papers is a great way to identify which topics need more revision, so you can ensure that you are revising as effectively as possible to help you get ready for your GCSE History exam.

  9. Question paper (A-level) : Component 1A The Age of the ... - AQA

    Question paper (A-level) : Component 1A The Age of the Crusades, c1071-1204 - November 2021. A-level . HISTORY. Component 1A The Age of the Crusades, c1071–1204 . Time allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes. Materials. For this paper you must have: • an AQA 16-page answer book. Instructions. Use black ink or black ball-point pen.

  10. AQA GCSE History Past Papers - Revision World

    AQA History GCSE (9-1) Past Papers November 2021 (Labelled as June 2021) (8145) Paper 1: Section A/A: America, 1840–1895: Expansion and consolidation. Download Insert - Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. Paper 1: Section A/B: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship.