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64 Great Colleges That Don't Require Essays to Apply

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College Info , College Essays


If the thought of writing a college essay fills you with terror, you might be wondering: are there any colleges that don't require essays?

The answer is yes, there are! This guide will give you an overview of colleges that don't require admissions essays, how to find these schools, and whether you should apply to one or not. We'll wrap up with a list of 64 colleges with no essay requirement that you can apply to.

Why Do Some Colleges Not Require an Essay?

In general, college essays help schools get a sense of you as a person—beyond your academic record, GPA, and test scores. They give you a chance to clearly articulate your goals and also give admissions officers a better idea of how you'll fit within the school's community. Finally, essays are helpful because they provide schools with concrete evidence of your writing ability.

However, there are many colleges that don't require essays for admissions. What are some reasons why? Let's take a look at the three biggest ones:

#1: Limited Resources

It takes a lot of admissions officers' time and energy to read and evaluate college essays.

At smaller schools with fewer resources, and even at larger schools that enroll tens of thousands of students, the resource costs associated with reading each essay for every single student might outweigh the benefits of getting additional information on applicants beyond GPAs, test scores, and transcripts.

Schools sometimes balance these concerns by requiring essays only for the most competitive programs (usually things such as engineering and nursing) or for scholarships, for which the additional information might be more instrumental in making decisions.


They need to use those limited resources for coffee.

#2: Specific Admissions Cutoffs/Criteria

Many colleges, particularly public schools, admit students based on a type of selection index, which tabulates some combination of GPA, test scores, and/or class rank.

If students meet the minimum index score cutoff, they will be admitted. In this case, the school might simply feel that additional information from an essay isn't necessary for making a decision regarding whether a student will be successful or not.

Selection indices are also often different for in-state and out-of-state students, with the latter being subject to more stringent academic criteria.

In addition, the selection index is sometimes used for scholarships, with students with higher index scores being awarded more money.

Schools with selection indices do often require or recommend college essays for borderline candidates so that students can provide additional information on why they'd be a good fit at the school in spite of not meeting the stated academic criteria.

#3: Make Admissions Process Easy and Appealing

Some colleges hope that by making the admissions process easy and requiring only a transcript, test scores, and basic demographic information, they'll attract a wider variety of applicants.

By presenting their application process as a simple alternative to more intensive processes that require letters of recommendation, essays, and so on, they can attract students who are on the fence about applying to college at all .

They could even potentially motivate highly qualified applicants to use them as one of their safety or match schools because the students won't need to write additional essays or do extra work to apply.


Some applications seem like you just have to click to apply!

How to Find Colleges That Don't Require Essays

There are over 4,000 postsecondary educational institutions in the US, and over 80 of these schools don't require essays for admission.

If you want to know whether a particular school requires an essay for admission, Google "[School Name] freshman admission requirements" or "[School Name] admissions essay." This should pull up pages from the school's official website, with links to guidelines on admission essays.

If, however, you're looking more generally for schools that don't require essays, you can check out our  list of 64 schools below or try one of the following starting places:

Public Universities in Your State

A significant number of public universities don't require essays for admissions.

Even if the major public schools in your state (such as the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign or UCLA) require essays for admission, you might find that the smaller campuses and smaller or more specialized state schools  might not require essays. So be sure to check those out!

You can actually get a pretty robust list of schools in your state by simply Googling "[State Name] colleges." Do this and a list of colleges will appear across the top of your screen. Thanks, Google!

Schools With Automatic Admissions Criteria

A school that has criteria for automatic admission (e.g., if you live in-state and have a particular class rank, GPA, and/or test score profile) might not require applicants who meet the automatic criteria to submit essays with their applications.

However, don't assume that just because you meet automatic admissions criteria that you won't need to write an essay.

At UT Austin, for example, all students must submit an essay , regardless of whether they meet the automatic admissions criteria. Although you could probably write just a straightforward paragraph in the essay section and still get admitted (since you meet the criteria), you'd likely be hurting your scholarship potential, not to mention jeopardizing your chances of being let into your desired major.

Small Private Liberal Arts Institutions

Another group of schools that might not require essays are smaller, private liberal arts institutions. These types of schools often serve a fairly niche market and might simply not get a high enough application volume to need essays to differentiate applicants.

Community Colleges

Local community colleges do not require essays for enrollment, since most allow anyone to enroll. Some even have automatic transfer agreements with local four-year universities. However, if you want to transfer to a particular four-year university after you finish at a community college, you might very well have to write an essay—so you could just be putting off the inevitable!


You can find a lot of no-essay colleges for your basket!

Complete List: 64 Colleges That Don't Require Essays

The following chart contains 64 colleges with no essay requirement, organized by state.  

Note that these are far from the only no-essay college applications —just some of the most notable. Follow our guidelines above for finding additional essay-free colleges.

None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA and test scores
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA and test scores
Optional for "Comprehensive Review" admission Assured admission for in-state applicants who meet criteria; comprehensive review process for all other applicants
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
None Primarily determined by GPA and test scores
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
None Primarily by eligibility index; some majors/campuses have more stringent requirements
None (though UC Boulder require an essay) Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Only required for dental hygiene students; otherwise, encouraged but not required. Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Strongly encouraged but not required Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None "Each applicant is considered individually, taking into account grades, rigor of curriculum and standardized test scores"
Optional Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA, transcripts, test scores, class rank
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Optional personal statement Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Meet GPA and test score cutoffs
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Writing samples are encouraged but not required Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
None Primarily through the Regent Admission Index
None Different requirements for different schools in the university
None Students must meet GPA/test requirements and complete Precollege Curriculum
Short answers only for those who don't meet Assured Admission criteria Meet Assured Admission criteria through GPA/test score requirements
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA and test scores
None Guaranteed admission for in-state applicants who meet criteria; primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Optional Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Encouraged but not required Primarily determined by test scores and transcripts
None Admissions index based on test scores and GPA
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
None Assured admission for students who have completed prerequisite coursework and meet a combination of GPA/class rank/test score criteria
None Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
Essays required only if you don't meet the selection index criteria Meet selection index criteria and have completed prerequisite coursework
None Meet primary requirements and have completed prerequisite coursework
Required only for scholarship consideration Assured admission if you meet performance requirements and have completed prerequisite coursework
None Meet GPA or test score requirement and have completed prerequisite coursework
Recommended but not required Primarily determined by test scores, transcripts, and any supplementary documentation submitted
None Primarily determined by test scores and transcripts
Optional writing sample Primarily determined by transcripts; test scores are optional for most programs, as is the essay
Recommended but not required Primarily determined by test scores, transcripts, and any supplementary documentation submitted
Optional Primarily determined by test scores, transcripts, and any supplementary documentation submitted
Recommended but not required Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
None Meet GPA and test score requirements and have completed prerequisite coursework
Optional Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts, class rank
Essay required only if you need comprehensive application review Assured admission by combination of GPA/class rank/test scores; otherwise comprehensive application review
Optional writing sample Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts; students who feel they might not meet academic requirements can submit supporting documentation
Required only for students who don't meet minimum academic requirements Admission primarily via GPA (3.0+) and recommendation; test optional except for students applying for scholarships and honors, or for those who don't meet minimum academic requirements
Required only for petitioning students Automatic admission for students who meet basic coursework/test requirements and have a GPA of 2.75
Optional Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
Only required for Honors College application Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Meet GPA, test score, or class rank cutoff and have completed prerequisite coursework
None Meet GPA/test score cutoffs and have completed prerequisite coursework
Only required for Honors College application Primarily determined by GPA, test scores, transcripts
None Meet GPA/test score cutoffs and have completed prerequisite coursework
None Meet College Academic Distribution Requirements; assured admission for top 10% of class or 3.5+ GPA
None Meet GPA/test score cutoffs and have completed prerequisite coursework
None Meet GPA/test score cutoffs and have completed prerequisite coursework
Essay only required for some programs and scholarships Primarily determined by test scores and transcripts


Should You Apply to a College That Doesn't Require an Essay?

If you're reading this article, you're clearly worried about writing application essays for one reason or another. Maybe you're concerned about having enough time to finish everything. Or maybe you think your writing is terrible.

Here are some reasons to write college essays in spite of your misgivings:

#1: You Want to Apply to the Most Selective Schools

If you're hoping to apply to the most selective schools , you'll almost certainly have to write at least one essay. The most highly ranked no-essay school that I could find was the University of Pittsburgh—a great school. But if you're going for UChicago , MIT , Stanford , or an Ivy League-level school , you'll have to write an essay.

#2: You Want a Scholarship

Even if you do apply to a school that doesn't require an essay, you might still have to write an essay if you want to apply for the most competitive scholarships .

#3: You Have Special Circumstances to Explain

If you have any kind of special circumstance to explain—say, a dip in your grades one year due to a family illness—you definitely want to write about it in an essay. This will help you compensate for any perceived deficits in your academic record and also prevent you from being penalized in the admissions process for the vagaries of life.


There's value in telling your story to the admissions committee.

#4: You're a Good Writer

I'm thinking that most strong writers are going to actively want to write college essays, but just in case: if writing is one of your strengths, definitely write an essay. You want to show off your best qualities to admissions officers, after all! If your primary concern is time, use something like the Common Application so you don't have to write a new essay for every school.

#5: The Essay Prompt Is Short

Some college essays are barely essays at all. Some required essays have just a 250-word limit, and 500 words is pretty standard. For reference, the first section of this article—"Why Do Some Colleges Not Require Essays?"—is about 450 words, including sub-headings. That's not so bad!

#6: You Can Get Help

Although it's important that your college essays are your own work, you're allowed to get help with them! Colleges expect you to put your best foot forward, so if that means discussing ideas with parents and teachers, and having someone else look over your rough drafts and offer suggestions, that's completely fine. You don't have to go at it completely alone.

#7: You Can Reuse an Essay for All Your Schools

For schools that use the Common App , Coalition App , or Universal College App , you can generally use one essay for all your colleges. Some schools might require additional supplemental essays, though, so be sure to look that up in advance to avoid being blindsided later.

So Should I Write an Essay?

If it happens that all the schools you want to apply to don't require essays, then great! But overall, I'd say don't let the fact that a school has one (or even two) essays stop you from applying if you're genuinely interested in going there.

If you find writing essays stressful or if you're time-limited, there's nothing wrong with using some strategies to limit the number of polished essays you need to produce (such as using the Common App) and applying to a mix of essay and no-essay schools.

Key Takeaways: Colleges That Don't Require Essays

There are actually tons of colleges that don't require essays. Here are some common reasons why a college might not require an essay:

  • Limited resources—it takes a lot of time and effort to read an essay by each applicant
  • They might have certain GPA and/or test score admissions criteria and feel as though the information provided by an essay isn't necessary
  • To make it more appealing to students by having an easier application process

So how can you find college applications without essays? Here are some places to start:

  • Public schools in your state, especially smaller ones in case the bigger ones do require essays
  • Schools with automatic admissions criteria—if you qualify for admission, you might not need to write an essay
  • Smaller liberal arts institutions
  • Community colleges

When it comes down to it, though, should you apply to colleges with no essay requirement? Here are some reasons you might want to write a college essay, even if you're apprehensive:

  • The most selective colleges usually do require essays
  • Scholarship applications for particular schools often require essays
  • If you have special circumstances to explain, plan on writing an essay
  • Strong writers should write essays to put their best foot forward
  • Word limits are often very short—think 250-500 words (that's just a few paragraphs!)
  • You're allowed (and encouraged) to get help with brainstorming ideas and revising drafts
  • If you use an application system that can send applications to multiple schools, such as the Common App, Coalition App, or Universal College App, you might be able to write just one essay for all the schools you're applying to


No essay, no tears!

What's Next?

Need more help looking for colleges? See our step-by-step guide to college research . Also, check out how to decide where to go to college and the difference between a college and a university !

Decided to write an essay after all and need some help? Check out our comprehensive guide to writing a college essay and our guide to writing the "why this college" essay . Be sure to avoid these 10 college essay mistakes , too.

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Ellen has extensive education mentorship experience and is deeply committed to helping students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA from Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University.

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73 Best Colleges Without Supplemental Essays – 2024

May 27, 2024

When college application season arrives, it’s easy for students to become overwhelmed about the essays. There’s the personal statement , which many students have a general idea about, and then there are the supplemental essays. Supplemental essays can cover a range of college-specific prompts that help the colleges better understand why you’d be a great fit . Due to how personal and varied the supplemental essays can be, students often end up spending weeks, if not months, writing them.

However, across the country, there are colleges that do not require supplemental essays at all. For some students, applying to colleges without supplemental essays can make the overall application process much smoother. Benefits include experiencing less stress in their application preparation and diversifying prospective colleges while focusing more on their priority schools. Sometimes, though, these schools do ask for program-specific essays or optional essays, depending on the applicant.

Best Colleges without Supplemental Essays

1) albion college.

At Albion College, the application essay is not required, but it is recommended. Students are encouraged to provide any more details that they believe the admissions team should consider.

2) Allegheny College

As noted on their website, Allegheny College has not required the supplemental essay since their 2013-2014 application cycle. Students will find more essay questions in the Member Questions section of the Common Application.

3) Augusta University

Augusta University joins the list of colleges without supplemental essays as they do not require a personal essay at all. They do still require SAT or ACT scores and GPA.

4) Bates College

Since 1984, Bates College has not required SAT Subject Tests or ACT scores in their applications. There is an optional arts supplement for students who are applying to study art, creative writing, dance, film, music, and theater.

5) Case Western Reserve University

At Case Western Reserve University, the Common Application personal essay is required. However, if you’re applying to the Pre-Professional Scholars Program, then you’ll have to write supplemental essays.

Best Colleges Without Supplemental Essays (Continued)

6) clemson university.

Clemson University does not require students to complete a personal essay with the Common or Coalition Application. There is also a test-optional policy that may appeal to some students.

7) Coe College

At Coe College, the personal essay is optional for students who meet the college’s minimum academic standards. Coe College joins the list of colleges without supplemental essays that also have a test-optional policy.

8) Colby College

Colby College accepts the Common Application, Coalition Application, and QuestBridge Application, and they do not have any additional writing supplements. Test scores are optional for applicants at Colby College, and there is no application fee.

9) Colgate University

Colgate University is one of the colleges without supplemental essays required, but there is the option to write them. As stated on their website, “These prompts are not meant to feel like essays; they are simply an added perspective.

10) College of the Holy Cross

College of the Holy Cross does not require supplemental essays, but the following are optional: personal interview, SAT or ACT scores, and supplementary materials.

11) Denison University

Denison University joins this list of colleges without supplemental essays. Their website states that they wish to provide “equal access” to a Denison education, and they are also test-optional.

12) DePaul University

For first-year student applicants at DePaul University, personal essays are not required but optional. They have also been a test-optional university since 2012.

13) Dillard University

Dillard University is the oldest HBCU in Louisiana and is one of the colleges with no supplemental essay requirements. However, if students do not meet the minimum GPA and standardized test score requirements, then they must submit two letters of recommendation and a personal statement.

14) Drew University

At Drew University, a personal statement is required, along with a counselor evaluation, teacher evaluation, and high school transcript.

15) Drexel University

Drexel University joins the list of colleges without supplemental essays. They do require all students to complete the 250 to 650 essay on the Common or Coalition Application. However, the short answer question is optional.

16) Fairleigh Dickinson University

At Fairleigh Dickinson University, all essays, résumés, and recommendations are optional.

17) Florida Gulf Coast University

The only essay required by Florida Gulf Coast University is a two-page personal essay that discusses academic performance, special talents, and what the student can contribute to the campus.

18) Florida State University

Although Florida State University is one of the colleges without supplemental essays, students should invest time into the Common Application personal statement.

19) Fordham University

At Fordham University, the Common Application essay is required, but there are also optional writing sections. If students choose not to write in these sections, they will not be penalized.

20) Franklin and Marshall College

Franklin and Marshall College joins this list of colleges without supplemental essays. They do require the personal essay in the Common Application, as well as standardized test scores, recommendations and other materials.

21) Furman University

At Furman University, first-year applicants do not need to submit a personal essay, and they are also test-optional.

22) Gannon University

Gannon University does not require students to submit a personal statement. It is optional but recommended for students to submit a statement. However, it is required for LECOM 4+4 Medical Program applicants.

23) Gettysburg College

Although Gettysburg College joins the list of colleges without supplemental essays, it does require a personal statement on the Common Application.

24) Grinnell College

Grinnell College does not require supplemental essays and it also does not have an application fee. Standardized test scores are also optional.

25) Hamilton College

Although Hamilton College joins this list of colleges without supplemental essays, the optional essays are still encouraged.

26) Hampshire College

Hampshire College only requires supplemental essays from international students applying as first-year or transfer students.

27) Hanover College

Hanover College states on their website that the essay or personal statement is optional, alongside test scores, letters of recommendation and résumé.

28) Hollins University

At Hollins University, for first-year students no personal statement is required and standardized test scores are optional.

29) Howard University

Howard University requires students to complete the Common Application essay and there is one optional supplemental essay.

30) Indiana University – Bloomington

Students applying to Indiana University – Bloomington must write the one essay in the Common Application or through Apply IU.

31) Kent State University

At Kent State University, first-year students are not required to submit a personal essay or a letter of recommendation. Test scores are also optional.

32) Kenyon College

Kenyon College joins this list as it is one of the colleges without supplemental essays. For first-year and transfer students, test scores are optional and flexible.

33) Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University does require the Common Application personal statement, but as of its most recent admissions cycle, no supplemental essay is required.

34) Mercer University

At Mercer University, applicants who wish to be test-optional must complete the supplemental essays. They must also have a 3.5 GPA and letter of recommendation.

35) Miami University

Miami University, not to be confused with the University of Miami, requires the Common App personal statement but not the supplemental essays.

36) Michigan State University

Michigan State University requires students to write only one essay on the MSU application, Common Application or Coalition Application.

37) Middlebury College

Middlebury College is one of the best colleges without supplemental essays. They do still require the personal statement on the Common Application.

38) Muhlenberg College

Muhlenberg College requires students to submit the personal essay but no other supplemental essays.

39) New College of Florida

New College of Florida is one of the many colleges with no supplemental essays. However, they do still require a personal statement.

40) New Jersey Institute of Technology

New Jersey Institute of Technology only requires a personal statement included in the Common Application. There is no supplemental essay requirement.

41) New York Institute of Technology

Students applying to the New York Institute of Technology are required to write a 300 to 350 word essay as their only essay. They may require test-optional applicants to submit a graded essay.

42) Northeastern University

Northeastern is one of the best colleges without a supplemental essay requirement. They do require a personal statement, alongside other materials.

43) Nova Southeastern University

At Nova Southeastern University, the essay is entirely optional, and students can self-report their test scores.

44) Oberlin College

Oberlin requires a personal statement, but does not require any supplemental essays.

45) Ohio State University

Ohio State University only requires a personal statement. However, they also offer a COVID-19 impact statement on the Common Application for interested students.

46) Ripon College

At Ripon College, the personal statement itself is optional for applicants, along with other materials.

47) Rhodes College

Rhodes College does not require a supplemental essay, but they have the option for students to record an optional “ Elevator Pitch .”

48) Rowan University

Rowan University requires a personal statement in the Common Application, but joins this list as a college without supplemental essays.

49) St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University has no supplemental essay requirement, but it still requires the personal statement essay. They are also test-optional, depending on the applicant.

50) St. Mary’s University (San Antonio)

For students applying to St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, the personal statement is only required if they choose not to submit test scores.

51) Seton Hall University

At Seton Hall University, the personal statement is required, but there are no other supplemental essays.

52) Siena College

Siena College has made the personal statement (open topic) optional for students applying.

53) Skidmore College

While Skidmore College does not require supplemental essays, students do often send in supplemental materials to further support their application.

54) Stony Brook University

At Stony Brook University, only a personal statement is required. However, students applying to the Honors, WISE, University Scholars, Scholars for Medicine, and Scholars for Dental Medicine must write supplemental essays.

55) Sewanee: The University of the South

Sewanee does not require supplemental essays and SAT/ACT scores are also optional.

56) Susquehanna University

Susquehanna University only requires supplemental essay materials for students applying to the creative writing, graphic design, studio art, and music programs.

57) Temple University

Temple University offers an optional essay as part of the Common Application for students to tell more about themselves beyond grades or test scores.

58) Union College

Union College does offer an optional supplemental essay question as part of their application.

59) University of Alabama

At the University of Alabama, essay submissions and letters of recommendation are not required but they are optional.

60) University of Albany

University of Albany joins the list as one of the colleges without supplemental essays. However, it does require a personal essay of at least 250 words on the Common Application of SUNY Application.

61) University of Arkansas

At the University of Arkansas, first-year students are not required to submit a personal essay. They accept self-reported test scores and letters of recommendation are also not required.

62) University of Arizona

Although the University of Arizona does not require an application essay, they strongly encourage students to submit the 500-word personal statement.

63) University of Cincinnati

Students applying to the University of Cincinnati are required to write the Cincinnati personal statement and the Common Application personal statement. However, there are no other required essays.

64) University of Colorado-Denver

University of Colorado-Denver requires the personal statement on the Common Application, but not other supplemental essays.

65) University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut joins this list as one of the best colleges without supplemental essays. The university does require a personal essay on the Common Application or the Coalition Application.

66) University of Dayton

The University of Dayton does not require any supplemental essays, although it does require a personal statement. The university is also test-optional.

67) University of Denver

The University of Denver only requires the personal statement on the Common Application.

68) University of Houston

Students who apply to the University of Houston without a test score must submit a short admissions essay and extracurricular activities.

69) University of Iowa

The University of Iowa does require a personal statement as part of their application, but there is no supplemental essay requirement.

70) University of Kansas

The University of Kansas is a college without supplemental essay requirements for first-year students. However, students applying to the Honors Program or the Engineering SELF Program must submit their responses.

71) University of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky requires students to write one personal statement from seven of their given writing prompts.

72) University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

For first-year students applying to the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, the personal essay is not required, although it is encouraged.

73) University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln does not require a personal statement for first-year students. However, those applying to the Honors Program must write a 300-600 word essay.

Whether for the personal statement or any supplemental essay, writing college application essays can prove to be a challenging task. But if students plan ahead about how they want to approach the essays, it helps tremendously. Those who are about to apply to a college without supplemental essays can focus any extra time on other schools that do require them. It’s also great for students who wish to be considered primarily for their grades, test scores, personal statement and other reasons.

Best Colleges Without Supplemental Essays – Additional Resources 

  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples 
  • How to Write a Body Paragraph for a College Essay
  • UC Essay Examples
  • Good Safety Schools
  • College Search/Knowledge

Joanna Hong

With a BA from Pitzer College and an MA from University College London, Joanna has worked in London, Berlin, and Los Angeles covering many cultural and political issues with organizations such as Byline Media, NK News, and Free Turkey Media. A freelancer for The New York Times, her work has also appeared in Newsweek, Dazed and Confused Magazine, and The Guardian, among others. In addition, Joanna was the recipient of the 2021 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellowship in Fiction and is currently completing her first novel.

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33 Colleges Without Supplemental Essays

At many top schools, essays form a critical part of the college admissions process. Overwhelmingly, students find writing essays to be the most stressful part of the application process. So, when applying to multiple schools, many applicants look for colleges without supplemental essays. Colleges that don’t require essays allow students to focus on other aspects of their application like extracurriculars, test scores, or recommendation letters. 

However, finding colleges that don’t require supplemental essays can be tedious. That’s why we’ve created a list of 33 colleges without supplemental essays to make the search easier.

Contrary to what you may have heard, you can find college application requirements without supplemental essays. Moreover, a lack of supplemental essay requirements doesn’t mean a university isn’t good.  

This guide will help you find colleges without supplemental essays that meet your needs. In addition to discussing colleges that don’t require essays, we’ll also talk about other college application requirements. By the end of this article, you’ll be better prepared for the college application process. 

What is a supplemental essay?

Before you start searching for colleges that don’t require supplemental essays, it’s important to understand what they actually are. Supplemental essays are extra essays that each school requires; some schools require only one, while others require several. They cover a range of prompts from the “why school” essay to the cultural diversity essay and more. Usually, supplemental essays are rather short, hovering in the 50-250-word limit range. They serve as an opportunity to showcase an applicant’s strengths, moments of personal growth, and personality. 

It’s important to note that supplemental essays are different from the personal statement on the Common Application . The Common App essay prompts allow you to submit one personal statement to every college where you apply. In other words, you’ll almost certainly write this personal statement plus supplemental essays for each college on your list . You can also look up each school’s supplemental writing requirements on the Common App site. 

There aren’t many colleges that don’t require essays at all. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any colleges that don’t require supplemental essays. With that said, most American universities have some essay requirements, even if they don’t ask for writing supplements.

Supplemental essays vs. Personal Statement

Often, top colleges without supplemental essays will require students to write a personal statement . Recall that supplemental essays vary in length and number of essays to complete depending on the school. In contrast, the personal statement is one essay that most schools have as a part of their college application requirements. However, both supplemental essays and the personal statement are important when it comes to creating an authentic application narrative . 

The personal statement is a part of the Common Application. There are seven prompts to choose from, one of which is open, meaning you can write anything you’d like. The personal statement is longer than most supplemental essays at 650 words. While you’ll just write on one of these prompts, the others touch on common college essay topics. Don’t hesitate to brainstorm for a few of the Common App prompts, not just one.

Supplemental essays are usually shorter than the personal statement. School requirements will vary. While there are colleges without supplemental essays at all, others may have as many as six!

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How many supplemental essays do college require?

While there are competitive colleges without supplemental essays, the majority of universities require at least one supplemental essay. However, the number of required supplemental essays will vary greatly. 

For example, Northeastern University doesn’t have a writing supplement requirement on the Northeastern application. However, that doesn’t necessarily make the Northeastern application easier than other universities. Since it’s a top school, applicants will still need to do everything possible to make their Northeastern application stand out. 

Unlike the Northeastern application, the University of Chicago has one required “why school” essay and various supplemental essay prompts to choose from. In total, students applying to UChicago will write two supplemental essays. 

When it comes to the number of supplemental essays a school requires, there is no single answer. All schools will be different, so be sure to check each school’s individual application requirements on their admissions sites. 

What kind of colleges require essays?

Generally, it is rare to find colleges that don’t require essays at all. While there are some colleges without supplemental essays, most still require students to submit the personal statement. Therefore, most colleges in the U.S. require essays in some form. Even if you’re applying through a different platform like UC Apply or the Coalition Application , you’ll have to write.

A better question might be: why do colleges require essays? The majority of universities’ admissions teams use a holistic evaluation process. That means that each of the college application requirements receives equal consideration. Your supplemental essay is an opportunity to share more about yourself with admissions. Successful college essay ideas will center on stories that show personal growth and self-reflection. 

What are college application requirements?

If you’re looking for colleges without supplemental essays, then you’ll need to sift through each school’s requirements. Simply put, college application requirements are all the materials that applicants need for a complete application. 

Here are some of the most common application requirements: 

  • Basic biographical and demographic information
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Personal statement
  • Application fee
  • Transcripts
  • Counselor and/or Teacher letter(s) of recommendation

In the application, students will be able to add their essays. Keep in mind that each school’s college application requirements vary, so you should confirm specifics on their websites. 

Do all colleges require supplemental essays?

Luckily for those who dread essay writing, there are colleges without supplemental essays. Soon, we’re going to provide you with a comprehensive list of well-known colleges that don’t require supplemental essays. 

However, keep in mind that most schools do require students to complete the personal statement. So, for those who are hoping to find colleges that don’t require essays of any kind, it will be challenging. Nevertheless, students who have an extreme aversion to essay writing will find some top colleges without supplemental essays. 

Why apply to colleges that don’t require essays?

There are a few reasons that students want to apply to colleges without supplemental essays. Some students may feel like the essays are too stressful. And while there are ways to manage that stress and write compelling essays, some students may just prefer not to. 

However, probably the number one reason that students are intrigued by colleges without supplemental essays is time. Thinking of college essay ideas and writing essays is time-consuming. When you consider that some students apply to as many as 15 schools, it can feel overwhelming. Even adding just a few colleges that don’t require essays to your college list will lighten the burden. 

Additionally, there are many competitive colleges without supplemental essays. Just remember: if you apply to colleges without supplemental essays, make the rest of your application as competitive as possible. It certainly isn’t an excuse to slack on your application narrative. In fact, with colleges that don’t require essays, you must pay extra attention to your demonstration of academic achievements and extracurricular involvement. 

As stated above, colleges without supplemental essays usually still require a personal statement. However, this essay can be used for multiple schools. That is to say, once it’s written, you’re set for all of your applications to colleges without supplemental essays. 

33 Best Colleges without Supplemental Essays

Finally, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. Let’s check out some colleges without supplemental essays. 

Top 33 Colleges without Essays

1. colby college.

This small liberal arts school in Waterville, Maine, is the first to make our list. As the 12 th oldest liberal arts school in the US, Colby College has ample experience providing students with an intimate learning environment. If you’re interested in a liberal arts education from a small Northeastern University, then check out Colby’s application requirements .  

2. Grinnell College

Students who attend Grinnell are encouraged to “pursue passions with purpose.” While it may seem surprising that such a school numbers among colleges that don’t require essays, take advantage of it and apply ! Grinnell College is consistently a high-ranking liberal arts school. Here, students are encouraged to create a course of study that best supports their intellectual freedom.

3. Middlebury College

Another of the many liberal arts colleges without supplemental essays on our list is Middlebury College. Located in Vermont’s Champlain Valley, the natural beauty will inspire your learning as a natural laboratory is just outside. Its acceptance rate is 13%, so you’ll need an impeccable application in the absence of supplemental essays. 

4. Colgate University

Located in New York state, Colgate University provides its students with a high quality liberal arts education. Like all others on our list, the Colgate application doesn’t include supplemental essays. There are 56 majors for students to choose from. Colgate values a curious mind, so be sure to show your curiosity in your Colgate application. Check out what you need to complete your Colgate application. 

5. Temple University

This is the first public research university on our list of colleges without supplemental essays. Temple University has 17 schools and colleges in which to study, but an emphasis is placed on experiential learning. Given Temple’s location in the heart of North Philadelphia, students will have all the opportunities that the city provides. 

6. Oberlin College

The one-of-a-kind education provided by Oberlin College allows students to explore both academics and the arts. Indeed, the Oberlin College ranking across metrics speaks for itself: the Oberlin College ranking in national liberal arts colleges is #39 . And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the Oberlin College ranking in Most Innovative Schools is #16 . Of course, the Oberlin College ranking isn’t everything. But, the Oberlin College ranking does speak to the school’s quality, unique liberal arts education. For Oberlin College (not the conservatory) no supplemental essay is needed. 

7. Case Western Reserve University

There are hundreds of programs at Case Western Reserve for students to pursue. However, overall, the student population is committed to making a difference, with education a stepping stone to an impactful career. In addition to being one of our colleges without supplemental essays, Case Western Reserve is also test-optional through fall 2024. 

8. Bates College

The Bates way is all about “aligning who you are with what you do.” Students will be a part of a community with values such as social responsibility and diversity and inclusion. Check out the requirements for what it takes to be a part of this unique campus. Keep in mind that the Bates College acceptance rate is quite competitive. In fact, the Bates College acceptance rate is considered most selective at 17% . So, although Bates is among the colleges that don’t require essays, the Bates College acceptance rate means intense competition for admittance. 

9. Northeastern University

This well-known university in Boston , Massachusetts, is among the most competitive colleges without supplemental essays with an 18% acceptance rate. Experiential learning and research are among the core parts of a Northeastern University education. If you’re interested in innovation and impact, then see what you need to apply .

10. Hampshire College

It may be unsurprising that Hampshire College, the self-proclaimed “original disruptors of higher education,” is among the colleges that don’t require essays. Hampshire believes that their radical education experience leads to greater impact. This is a community that values experimentation, discovery, and investigation in a non-traditional manner. If that sounds up your alley, take a look at their application requirements. 

11. DePaul University

This large private university in Chicago, Illinois, is next on our list of colleges without supplemental essays. Faculty provide high-quality teaching in order to give their students the best educational experience. DePaul aims to provide an experience that combines “mind, place, people, and heart.”

12. Drexel University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Drexel University is arguably one of the best colleges without supplemental essays. It’s nationally recognized for its co-op experience. This learning model allows all students to have ample hands-on experience in their field of interest before even graduating. Drexel admissions may not seem super competitive with an acceptance rate of 83% . However, that doesn’t mean you should slack on the application. Impressing Drexel admissions could lead to scholarships, which are also an extremely important part of the college application process. 

13. Kenyon College

This college may not be a household name, but they’ve played a huge part in the model of faculty advising nationwide. In fact, according to Kenyon College , they invented it. So you can imagine the quality attention the learning experience that students will receive here. 

14. Dillard University

Louisiana’s first private liberal arts HBCU makes our list of colleges without supplemental essays. The undergraduate population is around 1,200, making it a small school. At Dillard, students can expect personalized attention and a tight-knit campus community. After applying and being accepted, students will have 22 majors to choose from. 

15. Skidmore College

Creative thinking is at the heart of Skidmore’s education model. Located in Saratoga Springs, New York, this private university offers students an excellent education in a bucolic college town . At Skidmore College , students are encouraged to explore a variety of educational interests as all majors are interdisciplinary.

16. Ohio State University

Located in Columbus, Ohio—the fastest-growing metropolitan in the Midwest — Ohio State University places an emphasis on improving local and global communities. In fact, they have contribution efforts in every county in Ohio. And, with six campuses throughout the state, students can choose which location will best serve them. 

17. Louisiana State University

As a leading research university in Baton Rouge, LSU is among the best colleges without supplemental essays. No matter their major, every student is able to participate in research opportunities. LSU ’s emphasis on research is a crux of the community as it comes from a drive to improve the world. 

18. University of Alabama

With over 100 areas of study in 8 schools and colleges, the University of Alabama provides students with ample options. At the University of Alabama, research is highly valued, but students are ultimately encouraged to pursue their passions. Check out the freshman requirements to learn more about applying. 

19. University of Cincinnati

Another large public research university makes our list of colleges without supplemental essays. UC has excellent co-op and internship programs from which students can gain practical professional experience while studying. University of Cincinnati students will gain an excellent education and hands-on experience.

20. Clemson University

Clemson admissions prides itself on the university’s tireless work ethic. Through this, they encourage their students to “change lives, change perceptions, and…to change the world.” Students willing to work hard to achieve their future goals should check out the application requirements . Clemson admissions falls in the middle when it comes to selectivity. The Clemson admissions rate is 49% . Logically, we can see from the Clemson admissions rate that nearly half the students that apply will gain admittance. 

21. University of Pittsburgh

Located in the heart of the city, the University of Pittsburgh is among the top colleges without supplemental essays. This large public university focuses on innovation as a path to positive change. With a prime location, students are encouraged to take advantage of all that the university and city have to offer.  

22. Wesleyan University

Forming students to be “intellectually agile” is a huge part of the Wesleyan curriculum. With 45 majors to choose from, students are encouraged to take advantage of the large range of available courses. Additionally, there are over 5,000 internships opportunities available starting from your first year on campus. 

23. Miami University

You may have seen this school ranking in the top 50 public universities in the US. There’s certainly no doubt that Miami University in Ohio is one of the best colleges without supplemental essays. With many dynamic undergraduate programs available, students will be able to pursue a wealth of careers in their chosen fields. An active student body helps in forming a strong campus community in a location brimming with natural beauty. 

24. University of Connecticut

As a large university with a rural location, the UConn campus community is like a small town of its own. Students can enjoy a wide range of study options, ample student organizations and clubs, and renowned leaders as faculty members. Learn more about the application requirements. 

25. University of Delaware

The beautiful campus and experienced faculty of the University of Delaware provide for about 18,000 students. Through research, internships, and study abroad opportunities, students are encouraged to find their authentic way of changing the world. 

26. Florida State University

FSU is one of the best value colleges without supplemental essays. Students here are intellectually curious, academically driven, and socially conscious. The FSU experience is centered around providing students with the tools to achieve their goals. 

27. University of Georgia

Even though this is a large university, students are seen as “the individual they are.” The University of Georgia is committed to accessibility and inclusion. Additionally, 92% of the university’s graduates are employed or continuing their studies within six months of graduation. 

28. University of Houston

As the third largest university in Texas , the University of Houston is one of our top colleges without supplemental essays. As a diverse campus community, the university aims to change lives and communities for the better. It emphasizes discovery and conversation as a foundation for students’ development.

29. Indiana University – Bloomington

The possibilities are endless when you study at Indiana University Bloomington . Students will gain hands-on experience in their field either in the lab or on the ground. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to learn from faculty who are renowned in their discipline. 

30. University of Kansas

There is certainly no lack of options when studying at the University of Kansas . There are over 400 degree and certificate programs to choose from spread out over 14 schools. Innovation, research, and the pursuit of knowledge are pillars of the UK educational experience. 

31. University of Kentucky

Another UK makes our list of colleges that don’t require supplemental essays. The University of Kentucky offers over 200 degree programs in 16 schools. One of the university’s main values is finding ways to advance Kentucky—from education, to health, economy, and culture— to ensure its progress. 

32. University of Massachusetts Amherst

Located in an ideal college town, UMass Amherst is the largest public research university in New England. The school offers over 110 majors on campus. In addition, students are encouraged to be curious explorers through study abroad opportunities. 

33. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

This large university with a city campus encourages students to discover the unknown. Whether it’s through internships or research opportunities, students are challenged to pursue their interests and push their academic limits. Learn more about the application requirements to get started.

As you review this list, please note that college essay requirements are subject to change. With this in mind, make sure to visit each school’s admissions website to confirm all supplemental essay requirements.

It may seem alluring to apply only to these colleges that don’t require essays. However, keep in mind that these institutions place more importance on GPA and extracurriculars. So, when considering applying to schools without supplemental essays, think about these factors. Will your application narrative be impactful to admissions teams without additional essays? Will your personality and values shine through? 

What is the best school that doesn’t require supplemental essays?

Looking at the acceptance rates of the colleges that don’t require essays, we can determine which schools are the most selective. In this case, Colby College ( 9% ), Grinnell College ( 11% ), and Middlebury College ( 13% ) have some of the most selective acceptance rates. However, the Bates College acceptance rate also makes it quite selective. In fact, the Bates College acceptance rate is similar to that of Northeastern University. 

The best colleges without supplemental essays will vary depending on what you’re looking for. So, how can you determine your top colleges without supplemental essays? Well, when making your college list you should consider factors such as majors, location, size, and campus culture. This will help you focus your college search on a few key criteria.

Firstly, make a list of what you want in your university. For example, do you want to go to school in a large city? Are internship or co-op programs important to you? Is your major available, and are you intrigued by its curriculum? Ideally, you want to be excited imagining yourself on a college’s campus. As you think about your college list priorities, you’ll be better able to identify which university is best for you. In fact, you may have already started by determining you want to look at colleges that don’t require essays!

College Application Requirements: Beyond Essays

Coming up with college essay ideas might be one of the biggest stressors in the college application process. And yet, there is certainly much more to completing an application than just essays. Colleges that don’t require essays still have other requirements that applicants will need to send by the school’s application deadlines . 

For example, let’s look at Colby admissions, which features on our list of colleges that don’t require essays. The Colby admissions site states the application requirements are the completed application, academic records, and financial aid application. Non-native English speakers may also be required to submit a language proficiency certification.

Additionally, there are optional materials you can add to enhance your application, which vary from school to school. Colby accepts standardized test scores , additional recommendation letters, an arts supplement, and an “elevator pitch” video.

Of course, these are just application requirements outlined by Colby admissions. Drexel admissions, Clemson admissions, and any other college admissions office will have other—often similar—application requirements. When comparing colleges to add to your college list, these requirements will likely be an important factor. 

Students can usually count on the following materials being required during the application process: 

  • Completed application
  • Academic records
  • Teacher/counselor letters of recommendation
  • Language proficiency exam (where applicable)

Many schools are continuing test-optional policies first instated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some do require standardized testing scores as well. Always check the admissions site for the application requirements and deadlines. For example, Colby and Drexel admissions have slight differences in their requirements, even though they’re both colleges that don’t require essays. Always confirm requirements on admissions websites!

How to make your college application stand out!

Even when applying to colleges that don’t require essays, you still need to carefully craft a compelling application narrative. Creating a cohesive application narrative or personal brand during the college application process can be tricky. Ideally, your application should tell the story of who you are and what drives you, both academically and personally. You’ll show this through your grades, courses, achievements, and extracurricular activities . 

Regardless of other college essay ideas you need, you will need to write the Common App personal statement. This is the only significant writing the admissions teams will see from applicants at colleges that don’t require essays. In light of that, it needs to be an excellent example of your writing skills while also demonstrating your personality. 

The Common App provides students with a few college essay topics to choose from. In order to generate the best college essay ideas, choose to write on college essay topics that genuinely excite you. While brainstorming , make a list of college essay ideas from the given college essay topics. Think about anecdotes, meaningful experiences, and personal growth that pertain to the college essay topics. Successful college essay ideas lead to authentic essays, which is the key in standing out to admissions. 

Essay Guides and Essay Resources

As we’ve mentioned, even when applying to colleges that don’t require essays, most applicants must complete the personal statement. Don’t stress about coming up with college essay ideas on your own! provides ample free resources for students at every step of the college application process—including the essays. 

Unfortunately for those aiming to apply to colleges that don’t require essays of any kind, most require the personal statement. The best way to generate college essay ideas is by reading successful essay examples. Check out some of these Common App essay examples to understand what works. And, before even worrying about college essay ideas, learn more about the Common App essay in this article . We’ll outline the most important factors when writing this essay. 

If you’re reading this, you probably want to apply to colleges that don’t require essays. However, don’t let that limit you in the college application process. If you love a school, but they require supplemental essays, keep it on your list. Don’t let a disdain for essays keep you from attending your dream school .

CollegeAdvisor has many school-specific essay guides covering everything from college essay ideas to revising that final draft. Check out our USC , Yale , UChicago , and many more college-specific supplemental essay guides. If you’re stuck on thinking up college essay ideas, then these guides are a good place to begin.

Colleges Without Supplemental Essays – Final Thoughts

Without a doubt, supplemental essays are one of the most stressful parts of the college application process for many students. From choosing college essay topics to generating college essay ideas and actually writing essays, there’s a lot of effort involved.

However, as you can see from this article, there are many colleges that don’t require essays. So, if you’re crunched for time or feel overwhelmed by needing various impactful college essay ideas, you have options. It’s never a bad idea to add some schools that don’t require essays to your college list. 

Keep in mind, though, that you’ll most likely still need to write the personal statement essay. But one essay is better than six. And, remember that CollegeAdvisor can provide personalized attention for anything from brainstorming college essay ideas to applying for financial aid. Reach out if you’d like some guidance in your college application process. Otherwise, take advantage of our large library of free resources!

This article was written by Sarah Kaminski. Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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26 August 2021

Common App Schools That Don't Require Extra Essays (2021-22)

Posted in Your College List , Class of 2026


The list includes schools that simply require the base essay (e.g. personal statement). Keep in mind that many of these schools may have "optional" prompts which you might want to complete anyway to strengthen your application.  

If you're a student or parent with a College Kickstart Plus or Premium subscription, this information is already available to you as part of our key application requirements view.

Click on Continue Reading for the list.

Common App Schools with No Extra Essays (Class of 2026 Edition)

College kickstart llc.

Abilene Christian University
Adelphi University
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alma College
American University
Anderson University - IN
Appalachian State University
Arcadia University
Arizona State University
Ashland University
Assumption University
Auburn University
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University - SD
Ave Maria University
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University
Bard College
Barry University
Bates College
Baylor University
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Bentley University
Berry College
Bowling Green State University
Bradley University
Bridgewater College
Bridgewater State University
Bryant University
Calvin University
Canisius College
Capital University
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve University
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central Michigan University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Champlain College
Chatham University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Clark Atlanta University
Clark University
Clarkson University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coe College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Idaho
College of Saint Benedict
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University - Ft. Collins
Concordia University - Irvine
Connecticut College
Cooper Union
Cornell College
Curry College
D’Youville University
Daemen University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dillard University
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University
Drexel University
Drury University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Washington University
Eckerd College
Elmira College
Emmanuel College - MA
Emory & Henry College
Evergreen State College
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Florham
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan
Ferrum College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College
Florida A&M University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Southern College
Florida State University
Fordham University
Franklin & Marshall College
Frostburg State University
Furman University
Gannon University
George Fox University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Grand Valley State University
Grinnell College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hamilton College
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Hartwick College
Hawaii Pacific University
Hendrix College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Hollins University
Houston Christian University
Howard University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Immaculata University
Indiana State University
Indiana University
Indiana University - Indianapolis
Iona University
Iowa State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University
James Madison University - College of Business
James Madison University - College of Education
James Madison University - College of Health & Behavioral Studies
James Madison University - College of Integrated Science & Engineering
James Madison University - College of Science & Mathematics
James Madison University - College of Visual & Performing Arts
James Madison University - University Studies
John Carroll University
Juniata College
Kalamazoo College
Kansas State University
Kean University
Keene State College
Kennesaw State University
Kent State University
Kenyon College
King’s College - PA
Knox College
La Salle University
Lake Forest College
Le Moyne College
Lincoln University - PA
Lindenwood University
Longwood University
Louisiana State University
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynn University
Macalester College
Manhattan College
Manhattanville College
Marietta College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Marymount Manhattan College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
McDaniel College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Meredith College
Merrimack College
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University - Oxford
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Middlebury College
Millersville University
Millsaps College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mississippi State University
Missouri State University
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Monmouth University
Montclair State University
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University
Mount Holyoke College
Mount St. Mary’s University
Muhlenberg College
Nazareth University
Neumann University
New College of Florida
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New York University
Niagara University
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Nova Southeastern University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University - Columbus
Ohio University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University
Otis College of Art and Design
Otterbein University
Pace University
Pacific Lutheran University
Pennsylvania State University - Abington
Pennsylvania State University - Abington (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Abington (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Berks
Pennsylvania State University - Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University - Brandywine (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Brandywine (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Erie
Pennsylvania State University - Erie (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Erie (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University - University Park
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Resident)
Plymouth State University
Point Park University
Portland State University
Presbyterian College
Queen’s University of Charlotte
Quinnipiac University
Radford University
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Randolph-Macon College
Regis University
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rider University
Ripon College
Roanoke College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Engineering Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Health Sciences and Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Liberal Arts
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Science
Rochester Institute of Technology - Golsiano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology - Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Rochester Institute of Technology - Saunders College of Business
Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Art and Design
Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Film and Animation
Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Rockhurst University
Roger Williams University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rowan University
Rutgers University - Camden
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Rutgers University - Newark
Sacred Heart University
Saint John’s University - MN
Saint Joseph’s University
Saint Louis University
Saint Martin’s University
Saint Mary’s College of California
Saint Michael’s College
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art and Design
Seattle University
Seton Hall University
Sewanee: The University of the South
Shenandoah University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Simmons University
Skidmore College
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Southern Methodist University
Southern University at New Orleans
Southwestern University
Spring Hill College
St Catherine University
St. Bonaventure University
St. John Fisher University
St. John’s University - NY
St. Lawrence University
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
St. Norbert College
State University of New York - Albany
State University of New York - Binghamton
State University of New York - Brockport
State University of New York - Buffalo
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Colleges Without Supplemental Essays

Colleges with no essays

  • By Annie Burdick

Published March 19, 2020 | Last Updated September 9th, 2023 at 03:25 pm

You’re ready to apply for colleges, and perhaps you’ve already begun the process of selecting your preferred schools and filling in their long applications.

No matter where you apply, it’s likely that you’ll come across similar application processes with countless questions about how to contact you, what you did in high school (facts and figures at the forefront), and what you want to do in college.

But the component that some schools will also demand–one or more supplemental application essays –is something you can avoid by doing some research and applying only to particular schools that don’t have these requirements.

That means if writing essays is a major issue or red flag for you, it is possible to tailor your list of school options and applications to schools that won’t demand extra time for essay-writing when you already have enough on your plate. 

Why Are There Colleges Without Supplemental Essays?

While certain types of colleges base many of their acceptance decisions on the dreaded application essays, others don’t require them at all.

This may seem counterintuitive at first, and it may seem to imply that the schools without supplemental essays are of a lower caliber.

This isn’t necessarily the case. There are a few key reasons why a university may opt not to ask for essays:

  • Resources and Time: Reading thousands of individual essays is a lot to put on the plate of admissions officers and often means some essays would go unread. While this is a waste of students’ hard work and the admission offers’ time, it’s something they avoid.

Instead, small schools without enough staff or time to read essays often don’t require them. And similarly, very large schools that get many thousands of applications each year often choose to forego essays as well, and focus instead on scores and numbers and availability in particular programs.

For instance, a liberal arts college and an engineering college at the same large university will also have different application components, different admission requirements (scores and GPA, for instance), and different numbers of accepted students each year.  

  • Straightforward Set of Admissions Criteria: Other schools choose just to make things easier on themselves and use a very paired-down set of criteria: GPA, test scores, and class rank, most commonly–that instantly determine if someone is in or out.

In these cases, some applicants do become what’s known as “borderline” and are right on the edge of some or all of the criteria (or perhaps they exceed some and fall short in others).

In these cases, to strengthen their chances, students may be given the option to add a supplemental essay to their application, making them a stronger candidate and demonstrating their interest.

  • Focusing on Diversity: Some colleges want to attract a more diverse and large group of applicants.

As essays can be a deterrent for many, including students with learning or other disabilities or less spare time due to work or circumstances, these schools opt out of requiring them altogether and thus make their application process much more accessible to any student who is interested. They’re of the mindset that anyone, regardless of background, might be a great student for their university.

How Can You Find Colleges That Don’t Require Essays?

You could go about this in two different ways. The first is to start by using other criteria to find a list of schools that are of interest to you.

The presence or lack of an application essay is likely not your number one quality in a college. So explore your options first, and compile a list.

What factors are most important to you? Location? Degree program or learning opportunities? Tuition and other costs? Size? There are so many things to consider. 

Once you’ve come up with a solid list, if you want to narrow down your top applications to the schools with no supplemental essays, take a look at their application pages.

If you look on their sites or even start an application, it should be quite clearly stated what is involved in the application (the fee, the requirements, any essays).

If they don’t require one, congrats!

Do keep in mind, though, that if they provide the option for an essay and you’re on their borderline for scores and grades, adding an essay will make you stand out.

The other option is to go about it in the reverse order.

If the lack of an essay is a huge deal for you, there are many places that list major schools with no supplemental essay requirements.

This article is among those places, as we’ve included a list of many schools below.

You can narrow down those lists further by your other criteria like the ones mentioned above. Come up with a small list of applications to prioritize and work from that!

Once you’ve done some essay-less applications, if you have the motivation or time you could always do one or two extra applications that do have essays but are schools at the top of your list. 

What Colleges Don’t Require Essays?

There are many, so this list is by no means all of the schools that don’t require one.

And, because there are many, it’s also broken down by type/size of school. 

Notably missing from any list of universities without application essays are Ivy League schools and most private colleges.

As you can probably guess, these schools have much more involved applications and, in the case of Ivy League schools, likely multiple essays among other application components. 

Lar ge Universities

Among these are many Big 10 schools, major state universities, and highly desirable universities from around the country (though you’ll notice a trend toward Southern, Midwestern, and Western states and none in New England).

  • University of Alabama 
  • University of Alaska 
  • Arizona State 
  • University of Colorado-Denver 
  • DePaul University
  • University of South Florida 
  • University of Hawaii-Manoa 
  • Iowa State University 
  • University of Iowa 
  • Kansas State 
  • Kent State University
  • Louisiana State University -Baton Rouge 
  • Eastern Michigan University 
  • University of Minnesota 
  • University of Mississippi
  • University of Missouri 
  • University of Nevada – Reno 
  • University of New Mexico 
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Utah State University
  • West Virginia University

Smaller Universities

These smaller schools are some of the many in that category that don’t mandate application essays (and some of the more popular among those). These schools have a smaller student body size, which is appealing to some students, based on their individual preferences. 

  • Alabama State University
  • Arkansas State University
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University
  • University of Idaho
  • Indiana Wesleyan University
  • University of Southern Indiana
  • Kentucky State University
  • University of Southern Mississippi
  • St. John’s University (NY & MN)
  • University of Montana
  • University of South Dakota
  • University of Wyoming 

For the record, approximately one-third of Common App members don’t require “supplements”   or college-specific essays. 

Choosing where you’ll spend the next years of your life is no simple matter, and we know there is a ton of thought that goes into it.

But, no matter the long list of other factors going into your top colleges list, if avoiding hours of essays is important to you, there are certainly schools to stick to that will help you in achieving that goal–great ones, at that. 

Use  R2C Insights  to help find merit aid and schools that fit the criteria most important to your student. You’ll not only save precious time, but your student will avoid the heartache of applying to schools they aren’t likely to get into or can’t afford to attend.  

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colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

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colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Colleges Without Supplemental Essays 2021-2022

We recommend that most students apply to 8-12 colleges —typically at least two safeties, four targets, and two reaches. This strategy boosts a student’s odds of getting into multiple schools, increases their options, and even offers leverage to negotiate for more financial aid. 

Unfortunately, applying to this many schools is time-intensive, especially considering that many schools require supplemental essays as part of their application. Applying to 10 colleges could mean that you need to write 10-20 extra essays! Luckily, there are many schools that don’t have any extra essays beyond the Common App essay or personal statement, if you’re looking for schools to balance out your list without the additional writing.

Below is a list of 45 liberal arts colleges and universities without essay supplements. The list isn’t comprehensive, but it covers a spectrum of schools of varied selectivity. The list does not include any schools with optional essays, which are something we always encourage applicants to complete. 

Top Liberal Arts Colleges Without a Supplemental Essay Requirement

Waterville, ME


Middlebury, VT


Middletown, CT


Granville, OH


Saratoga Springs, NY


Gambier, OH


Worcester, MA


Oberlin, OH


New London, CT


Carlisle, PA


Memphis, TN


Saint Petersburg, FL


Ripon, WI


Update: We removed Grinnell College and Colgate University from this list because they’ve historically sent optional supplements to students after they applied.

Top Research Universities Without a Supplemental Essay Requirement

Boston, MA


San Diego, CA


Tallahassee, FL


New Orleans, LA


Hoboken, NJ


Atlanta, GA


Storrs, CT


Columbus, OH


Denver, CO


Greencastle, IN


Houston, TX


Chicago, IL


Orangeburg, SC


Ada, OH


East Lansing, MI


Newark, DE


Dayton, OH


Lowell, MA


South Orange, NJ


Philadelphia, PA


Seattle, WA


Boston, MA


Hartford, CT


Fayetteville, AR


Moscow, ID


Oxford, OH


Iowa City, IO


Durham, NH


Memphis, TN


Tempe, AZ


Richmond, VA


Should You Only Apply to Schools With No Supplement?

Applying only to schools with no supplement would limit your options severely, so we don’t recommend it. That said, supplements can serve as a litmus test for how much you care about a particular college. If you’re really excited to attend a particular college, you’re more likely not to mind extra application work (after all, it’s a chance to show a college why they should accept you). Conversely, if you’re turned off by writing a supplemental essay, it could indicate that you’re not as excited about a school as you thought you were.

Some essay prompts also give you insight into the personality of a college. For example, the University of Chicago is known for its quirky essay prompts—the 2021-2022 supplement has applicants explore ideas like What if the moon were made of cheese? and What’s so easy about pie? If UChicago’s unorthodox essay prompts make you cringe, it’s a possible sign that the school’s culture isn’t right for you. If they excite and inspire you, you could be a perfect fit.

Overall, a college’s essay requirements should not be a major deciding factor as to whether or not you apply to a school (unless you’re truly short on time). What’s most important is whether or not you will fit with the school academically and socially . Consider things like:

  • Do you match the stats for admitted students? 
  • Does the school offer strong programs in your areas of interest? 
  • Are there resources to support your unique values and pursuits outside of the classroom? 
  • Is the school located somewhere desirable for you? 

What Are Your Chances of Acceptance at these Schools?

If you’re trying to round out your school list, it’s important to know whether a particular school is a reach, target, or safety. CollegeVine can help! Our free chancing engine considers factors such as your grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities to estimate your odds at hundreds of colleges across the country, along with providing tips to strengthen your profile.

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Over 40 colleges without supplemental essays 2022-23.

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As high school seniors begin the college application process, they quickly realize that applying to colleges can take a lot of work! Putting together the personal statement—a 650-word essay that helps demonstrate to colleges what type of person you are—activity list and supplemental essays are a time-consuming process that many students spend months preparing.

Seniors applying to college this year can easily apply to these schools with no supplemental essays. ... [+]

On average, the number of applications submitted to Common App, one of the biggest college application platforms, has increased yearly, with 14.4% more applications submitted in 2020- 21 than in 2019-20. As students apply to more schools, some of the top universities have gotten even more competitive, with Columbia University and Harvard University accepting less than 4% of their applicants for the class of 2026.

Because of the increased competition, many students are trying to beat the odds and will apply to ten or more universities. It’s not uncommon for some students to apply to more programs, especially if they are applying to highly selective schools or programs like direct medical programs. According to Nicole Gress , a counselor at Moon Prep, her direct medical students will typically apply to a mixture of BS/MD, Ivy League, and other traditional colleges for a total of 25-30 schools.

However, it is essential first to build a balanced college list rather than applying to only the most competitive schools. Having a list with colleges categorized as safeties, matches, and targets ensures that students will get into a number of schools, giving them options on May 1 when making their college decision.

How To Build A Balanced College List

As students build their college list, they should consider various things: career/major goals, financial aid needs, school size, location, and more. To start, students should get organized and begin tracking this data in Google Sheets and later use it as a reference. Research the acceptance rate, standardized testing policies, average scores, and early admissions options.

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Once this information has been gathered, students can start categorizing their school list into safety schools, match schools and reach schools. A mixture of these three types of schools can help them create a balanced college list.

  • Safety schools. Accepted students will have average GPAs and standardized test scores lower than yours. The acceptance rate will be at least 40%.
  • Match schools. Accepted students will have similar GPA and standardized test scores as you. The acceptance rate will be 25% or above.
  • Reach schools. Accepted students will have higher GPAs and standardized test scores than you. The acceptance rate is typically lower than 25%. However, schools with an acceptance rate of 10% or less are a reach for everyone, even for valedictorians with perfect standardized test scores.

Students should aim to have at least 2-3 schools in each category to ensure that they have a well-balanced college list.

Applying To Schools With No Supplemental Essays

Here is a list of schools that don’t require supplemental essays to apply to their undergraduate program. Check the school website to make sure the information is accurate. Also, note that you might have to write essays for these schools if you are interested in their honors programs, scholarships, or a specific program within the school. By adding some schools that don’t require a supplemental essay to your college list, students can pad their numbers, apply to more schools, and have more options.

  • Albion College
  • Case Western University
  • Clemson University
  • Colby College
  • Connecticut College
  • Dillard University
  • DePaul University
  • DePauw University
  • Drexel University
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University
  • Fordham University
  • Grinnell College
  • Kenyon College
  • Middlebury College
  • Muhlenberg College
  • New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Northeastern University
  • Ohio State University
  • Seton Hall University
  • Siena College
  • Skidmore College
  • Spelman College
  • Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Stony Brook University
  • SUNY Binghamton University
  • SUNY Buffalo
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of Colorado-Denver
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Dayton
  • University of Delaware
  • University of Denver
  • University of Iowa
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of the Pacific
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of St. Thomas
  • University of Vermont
  • Wesleyan University

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3 Great Reasons to Apply to Colleges With No Supplemental Essays

Supplemental essays are time-consuming. Maximize your admission chances by applying to colleges that don't require them—including the 85+ listed here.

by Lindsey Conger College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024

Originally Posted: Nov 20, 2023

The college application process is daunting and time-consuming. Most students will apply to anywhere from five to 15 colleges, with some applying to more than 20 schools if their colleges of interest are high-ranking or competitive like direct admit medical programs and Ivy League schools. While applications like the Common App or Scoir aim to streamline the process by allowing students to write one universal personal statement that gets sent to all the schools they’re applying to, many schools also require applicants to write school-specific supplemental essays. These essay topics range from "Why do you want to attend our school?" to "Tell us about a challenge you’ve overcome." Most students commit months of effort to complete all their supplemental essays. But luckily, not all schools require them, which could help you bulk up your submitted applications without adding much more effort. Here are a few benefits of applying to schools with no supplemental essays.

1. Less stress

Applying to colleges that don't require supplemental essays means you’ll have less pressure on you to complete and keep track of as many materials. Instead of spending hours each week on multiple essays, you can focus on a few of your top schools that do require supplemental essays and really put your all into them. And with less to do during the application process, you can also concentrate on keeping your grades up instead.

2. A broader range of options

Despite not requiring supplemental essays, many of these colleges and universities are high-ranking institutions with a lot to offer. By not having to write additional essays, you can apply to a wider range of schools , giving you a higher chance of acceptance and likely more options to choose from come decision day. The more options you have, the easier it will be to find what type of school fits your career goals and learning abilities best—whether it’s a public research institution, a private liberal arts school, or something else.

3. It helps even out the admission field

Students who don't think their talents are in writing but have solid grades and test scores can benefit greatly from applying to more schools that don't require supplemental essays. Without these essays, you’ll primarily be judged based on your personal statement, GPA, extracurricular activities, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation. Students who don't have the resources or guidance to craft compelling supplemental essays should take advantage of those universities.

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85+ schools with no supplemental essays

The schools on the following list don't require supplemental essays to apply for the 2023–2024 academic year. However, they might have additional essay requirements if you apply for a specific program. Some of these schools will also have optional essays if you want to write one . For example, Drexel University offers the following optional prompt:

“Drexel is committed to preparing each new generation of students to become productive, professional, and civic-minded members of the community while continuing to focus on how we can contribute to solving some of society’s greatest challenges. What do you view as a challenge facing society that you would like to contribute to solving? How would a Drexel education aid you in taking the first step toward a solution? (250 words or less).”

Optional prompts may give students a competitive edge because they can help demonstrate interest in the school, but they are not required to apply to the following colleges and universities:

  • Albion College
  • Allegheny College   Connect me with Allegheny!
  • Augusta University
  • Bates College
  • Case Western Reserve University Connect me with CWRU!
  • Clemson University
  • Coe College Connect me with Coe!
  • Colby College
  • Colgate University
  • College of the Holy Cross Connect me with Holy Cross!
  • Denison University
  • DePaul University
  • Dillard University
  • Drew University Connect me with Drew!
  • Drexel University
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University
  • Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Florida State University
  • Fordham University Connect me with Fordham!
  • Franklin & Marshall College
  • Furman University
  • Gannon University Connect me with Gannon!
  • Gettysburg College Connect me with Gettysburg!
  • Grinnell College
  • Hamilton College
  • Hampshire College
  • Hanover College
  • Hollins University Connect me with Hollins!
  • Howard University
  • Indiana University Bloomington
  • Kent State University
  • Kenyon College
  • Louisiana State University
  • Mercer University
  • Miami University—Oxford Connect me with Miami!
  • Michigan State University Connect me with MSU!
  • Middlebury College
  • Muhlenberg College
  • New College of Florida
  • New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • New York Institute of Technology Connect me with NYIT!
  • Northeastern University
  • Nova Southeastern University
  • Oberlin College
  • The Ohio State University Connect me with Ohio State!
  • Ripon College
  • Rhodes College
  • Rowan University Connect me with Rowan!
  • St. Lawrence University
  • St. Mary’s University
  • Seton Hall University Connect me with Seton Hall!
  • Siena College
  • Skidmore College
  • Stony Brook University
  • Susquehanna University
  • Temple University
  • Union Adventist University
  • Union College (Schenectady, NY)
  • Union College (Barbourville, KY)
  • University at Albany Connect me with Albany!
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of Arizona
  • University of Cincinnati Connect me with Cincinnati!
  • University of Colorado Denver Connect me with CU Denver!
  • University of Connecticut Connect me with UConn!
  • University of Dayton
  • University of Delaware Connect me with UD!
  • University of Denver Connect me with DU!
  • University of Houston
  • University of Iowa Connect me with Iowa!
  • University of Kansas
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • University of Minnesota–Twin Cities
  • University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • University of New Hampshire Connect me with UNH!
  • University of the Pacific
  • University of Pittsburgh Connect me with Pitt!
  • University of the South
  • University of South Alabama
  • University of South Florida
  • University of Toledo
  • University of Vermont Connect me with UVM!
  • Wesleyan University
  • Whitman College Connect me with Whitman!
  • Williams College

Related: A Look at College Admission From a Top Official

When adding these schools to your list, be sure to review all the requirements for each one before you apply. And be extra cautious to keep your materials organized so you aren’t sending the wrong things to the wrong school. Good luck! You’ve got this.

Since many of these schools utilize the platform, simplify your college application process with An Easy Guide to Filling Out the Common Application !

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Messiah University

Grantham, PA

Cabarrus College of Health Sciences

Concord, NC

University of Montana

Missoula, MT

Nelson University

Waxahachie, TX

Moody Bible Institute

Chicago, IL

The College of Idaho

Caldwell, ID

University of Colorado Boulder

Boulder, CO

Gonzaga University

Spokane, WA

Southern Connecticut State University

New Haven, CT

University of Louisville

Louisville, KY

The Catholic University of America

Washington, DC

University of Mount Union

Alliance, OH

Washington State University

Pullman, WA

Felician University

Kettering University

Miami University

Toccoa Falls College

Toccoa Falls, GA

Kean University

Drew University

Madison, NJ

Waynesburg University

Waynesburg, PA

University of Akron

Delaware Valley University

Doylestown, PA

Millikin University

Decatur, IL

Randolph College

Lynchburg, VA

Rider University

Lawrenceville, NJ

That's it for now!

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  •   Unique Extracurricular Activities for a Better College Application
  •   How to Leverage Specialized Extracurriculars in Emerging Fields for College
  •   Unlocking Ivy League Gates: 5 Important Keys to Elite College Admission
  •   Rejected From Your Favorite Colleges? Here's What You Can Do

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colleges in indiana that don't require an essay


Colleges That Don’t Require Any Supplemental Essays

Ivy Divider

  • Adelphi University
  • Alaska Pacific University
  • Albion College
  • Alma College
  • Baldwin Wallace University
  • Barry University
  • Bates College
  • Bay Path University
  • Beloit College
  • Bryant University
  • Butler University
  • Caldwell University
  • Capital University
  • Centenary College of Louisiana
  • Christopher Newport University
  • Clarkson University
  • Colby College
  • College of Saint Benedict
  • Concordia University Wisconsin
  • Cornell College
  • Cottey College
  • DePaul University
  • Elmira College
  • Gettysburg College
  • Grinnell College
  • Hanover College
  • Hellenic College
  • Hollins University
  • Hope College
  • Iona University
  • Juniata College
  • Kenyon College
  • Lyon College
  • McKendree University
  • Menlo College
  • Middlebury College
  • Northeastern University
  • Northern Vermont University Johnson
  • Northern Vermont University Lyndon
  • Ohio State University
  • Ripon College
  • Pace University
  • Pacific Lutheran University
  • Sacred Heart University
  • Salisbury University
  • Seton Hall University
  • Stevens Institute of Technology
  • SUNY Binghamton University
  • Susquehanna University
  • Temple University
  • Trinity University
  • Union College
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • University of Colorado Denver
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Idaho
  • University of Missouri – St. Louis
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of Rhode Island
  • Wesleyan University
  • Whitman College
  • Wilkes University
  • Woodbury University

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Tags: Admissions , admissions help , advice , application , applying to college , college application , college applications , college essay advisors , college list , colleges , list


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College applications require a lot of hard work and dedication. At times, it can feel difficult to stay organized during the application process. Especially if you have a sizable college list. Between writing a successful college essay and chronicling your various extracurricular activities , there are a lot of application sections to focus on. And that doesn’t even take supplemental essays into account! 

Knowing how to find the right college for you often requires a lot of research. That said, referring to a list of colleges without supplemental essays can be a great way to add to your college list. Especially if you don’t have time to write more essays. Ultimately, this is why having a list of colleges with no supplemental essays can be such a helpful tool. 

In this article, we review over 40 colleges that don’t require supplemental essays. Again, these colleges can serve as great last-minute additions to your college list!

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Northeast: colleges without supplemental essays

Let’s take a look at some of the best colleges without supplemental essays. As you go through this list, research the universities without supplemental essays that most stand out to you. And remember, there are lots of top colleges without supplemental essays!

Colby College

Waterville, ME




Connecticut College

New London, CT




Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA




Fairleigh Dickinson University

Teaneck, NJ




Fordham University

New York, NY




Middlebury College

Middlebury, VT




Muhlenberg College

Allentown, PA




New Jersey Institute of Technology

Newark, NJ




Northeastern University

Boston, MA




SUNY Binghamton University

Binghamton, NY


$10,390 (in-state)

$28,230 (out-of-state)


SUNY Buffalo

Buffalo, NY


$10,856 (in-state)

$28,776 (out-of-state)


Seton Hall University

South Orange, NJ




Siena College

Loudonville, NY




Skidmore College

Saratoga Springs, NY




Stevens Institute of Technology

Hoboken, NJ




Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, NY


$10,556 (in-state)

$28,476 (out-of-state)


University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT


$19,434 (in-state)

$42,102 (out-of-state)


University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH


$19,024 (in-state)

$37,934 (out-of-state)


University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA


$19,760 (in-state)

$36,000 (out-of-state)


University of Vermont

Burlington, VT


$18,890 (in-state)

$43,890 (out-of-state)


Wesleyan University

Middletown, CT




Midwest: colleges without supplemental essays

Alternatively, if you’re interested in attending college in the midwest and are still wondering what colleges don’t require supplemental essays? consider some of these competitive colleges without supplemental essays.

Albion College

Albion, MI



Case Western University

Cleveland, OH




DePaul University

Chicago, IL



DePauw University

Greencastle, IN



Grinnell College

Grinnell, IA



Kent State

Kent, OH


$12,464 (in-state)

$21,570 (out-of-state)


Kenyon College

Gambier, OH




Ohio State University

Columbus, OH


$11,936 (in-state)

$35,019 (out-of-state)

University of Colorado-Denver

Denver, CO


$11,800 (in-state)

$33,460 (out-of-state)

University of Dayton

Dayton, OH



University of Denver

Denver, CO




University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN


$15,859 (in-state)

$35,099 (out-of-state)

University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA


$9,942 (in-state)

$31,904 (out-of-state)

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lincoln, NE


$9,854 (in-state)

$26,984 (out-of-state)

University of St. Thomas

St. Paul, MN




South: colleges without supplemental essays

Still wondering what colleges don’t have supplemental essays? Take a look at some of these good colleges without supplemental essays located in the south. 

Clemson University

Clemson, SC


$15,558 (in-state)

$39,502 (out-of-state)


Dillard University

New Orleans, LA




New College of Florida

Sarasota, FL


$6,916 (in-state)

$29,944 (out-of-state)


Spelman College

Atlanta, GA




Sewanee: The University of the South

Sewanee, TN




University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL


$23,920 (in-state)

$43,370 (out-of-state)

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR


$9,656 (in-state)

$27,410 (out-of-state)


University of Delaware

Newark, DE


$15,410 (in-state)

$37,930 (out-of-state)


Deciding on your list of colleges

As you assemble your college list, you’ll likely want to research the differences between colleges and universities . You’ll also want to consider questions such as: Do you prefer urban or rural settings? Smaller or larger classes? etc. During your initial college research, you might also want to consider some of the ​​ top public universities in the West , as well as liberal arts colleges in the East . 

Ultimately, you’ll come up with a list of preferences, as well as other criteria, that will help you decide which colleges you want to apply to. It’s important to use these same standards when deciding which colleges without supplements you should add to your college list. In other words, although it may be easier to apply to schools that don’t require supplemental essays, you should always research each college thoroughly before choosing to apply. 

Key takeaways and moving forward

Colleges without supplemental requirements can make excellent additions to your college list. In fact, purposefully selecting several colleges without supplemental essays can help you save time and stay organized during the college application process . After all, it takes a lot of work to put together a strong college application. Writing your personal statement, asking for letters of recommendation , preparing scholarship essays , and continuing to engage in your extracurricular activities are all incredibly time-consuming. That said, if you feel like you could benefit from professional guidance while you work on your college applications, reach out to learn more about our services .

  • January 13, 2023

40+ Colleges That Don’t Require Supplemental Essays

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

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colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Colleges that Don't Require Essays for Admission

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Why Some Colleges Don’t Require Essays

Whether you’re a student who dreads writing essays or you’re just someone who wants to cast a wider net for the college admission process, you’ve come to the right place. There are a variety of colleges that don’t require essays for undergraduate admission. Although some individuals tend to discount the quality of these schools and feel that they aren’t “up to par,” that is certainly not true. A lot of universities tend to not have essay policies for prospective applicants, primarily due to the fact that they want to increase their applicant pool, want to accept applicants based on a more quantitative-focused selection index, or they just want to save time for those on the admissions committee. If you’re a student who has a stellar quantitative focus (great grades and standardized test scores), there is a high chance that you would be a great candidate for universities that don’t look at essays for admission evaluation.

What Kind Of Students Benefit From a No-Essay Policy?

Some universities won’t make you fill out a separate application. Instead you will either get the option to apply when you submit your application for the university, and you will be considered for the honors college as well. At other times, on your acceptance letter, you will see that you’ve been admitted to the honors college. If you see the latter, you can typically accept or deny the acceptance in your application portal when you go to either accept or deny your spot at the university.

Applying to schools that require an essay? Our team will help.

Community Colleges and Small Liberal Arts Colleges (LAC)

If you’re someone who’s looking to pursue a trade, go to community college for two years and transfer to a four-year, or if you’re wanting to go to a school that has its own niche, you’re bound to find some schools that align with your goals. Most community colleges don’t have any essays for an application. Many students feel that this option is more viable as big community colleges have agreements with state universities (like Wake Tech - UNC Chapel Hill) that “almost” guarantee a transfer after two years. Students who want to save money or students who believe performed below par in high school use it as a chance to improve and go down the transfer pathway; however, please note that some careers like investment banking, big tech, or high finance require recruitment preparation and networking from day one of college. If any of these careers are in your purview, it may be better to evaluate other options. Lastly, many LACs don’t have essay requirements since they’re extremely niche and want to bring in a greater range of high quality applicants. If any of these pathways interests you, definitely look into no-essay options to save both time and money.

Other Notable Colleges that Don’t Require Essays for Admission

Other colleges that are known for not having essays yet good placements in different industries include, but are not limited to, the following: ‍

-Arizona State University

-California State University

-University of South Florida

-Georgia State University

-University of Minnesota

Arizona State is known for a top tier engineering program as well as a steady pickup in finance recruitment, placing students at top firms like Apple, Microsoft, and Moelis. The University of Minnesota is also known for a beautiful campus, strong connections to engineering and finance firms in downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul, and a rigorous curriculum that many employers strive for in candidates. Lastly, Georgia State University is known nationwide for an excellent teaching program, with placement rates above 90% for those who pursue teaching as their career. By understanding each school and what their main focus is regarding curriculum, career placements, and industry connections, it may be a good option to evaluate such options as long as the external factors all add up (cost, location, closeness to family, etc). In conclusion, depending on your needs, pathways, and finances, applying to colleges that have no-essays may save you a lot of time, effort, and money.

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colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Common App Schools That Don't Require Extra Essays (2022-23)

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

There are many colleges and universities that use the Common Application but do not require any additional essays or writing supplements as part of their application process. This can make the application process more straightforward and less time-consuming for students. Some of these schools include American University, University of Delaware, Georgia State University, Howard University, and University of Vermont, among others. However, it's important to note that even if a school doesn't require additional essays, they may still require other application materials such as transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation.

Here is a list of Common App Schools that do not require supplemental essays for the 2022-23 application cycle:

1. American University

2. Amherst College

3. Babson College

4. Baldwin Wallace University

5. Barnard College

6. Baylor University

7. Binghamton University

8. Boston College

9. Boston University

10. Bowdoin College

11. Brigham Young University

12. Brown University

13. Bucknell University

14. California Institute of Technology

15. Carnegie Mellon University

16. Case Western Reserve University

17. Claremont McKenna College

18. Colgate University

19. College of Charleston

20. College of the Holy Cross

21. College of William and Mary

22. Colorado College

23. Columbia University

24. Cornell College

25. Cornell University

26. Dartmouth College

27. Davidson College

28. Denison University

29. DePauw University

30. Dickinson College

31. Drew University

32. Drexel University

33. Duke University

34. Elon University

35. Emory University

36. Fordham University

37. Franklin & Marshall College

38. Furman University

39. George Mason University

40. George Washington University

41. Georgetown University

42. Georgia Institute of Technology

43. Gettysburg College

44. Gonzaga University

45. Grinnell College

46. Hamilton College

47. Hampshire College

48. Harvey Mudd College

49. Haverford College

50. High Point University

51. Hobart and William Smith Colleges

52. Hofstra University

53. Howard University

54. Illinois Wesleyan University

55. Indiana University Bloomington

56. Iona College

57. Iowa State University

58. Ithaca College

59. James Madison University

60. Johns Hopkins University

61. Juniata College

62. Kalamazoo College

63. Kenyon College

64. Lafayette College

65. Lake Forest College

66. Lehigh University

67. Lewis & Clark College

68. Louisiana State University

69. Loyola Marymount University

70. Loyola University Chicago

71. Loyola University Maryland

72. Macalester College

73. Marquette University

74. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

75. Miami University - Oxford

76. Michigan State University

77. Middlebury College

78. Mills College

79. Muhlenberg College

80. New College of Florida

81. New York University

82. Northeastern University

83. Northwestern University

84. Oberlin College

85. Occidental College

86. Ohio State University

87. Ohio University

88. Ohio Wesleyan University

89. Oregon State University

90. Pace University

91. Pennsylvania State University

92. Pepperdine University

93. Pitzer College

94. Pomona College

95. Princeton University

96. Providence College

97. Purdue University

98. Quinnipiac University

99. Reed College

100. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

101. Rhodes College

102. Rice University

103. Richmond, The American International University in London

104. Rochester Institute of Technology

105. Rollins College

106. Rutgers University-New Brunswick

107. Saint Louis University

108. Saint Mary's College of California

109. San Diego State University

110. Santa Clara University

111. Sarah Lawrence College

112. Scripps College

113. Sewanee: The University of the South

114. Siena College

115. Skidmore College

116. Smith College

117. Southern Methodist University

118. Southwestern University

In conclusion, applying to colleges can be a time-consuming and overwhelming process, but knowing which schools don't require extra essays can save you a lot of time and effort. The Common App is widely used by colleges and universities, and this list of schools that don't require extra essays for the 2022-23 application cycle can be helpful for students who want to streamline their application process. However, it's important to keep in mind that even if a school doesn't require extra essays, it's still important to put in effort into your application and showcase your strengths and unique qualities.

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The Best Colleges That Don’t Require Supplemental Essays

  • Sasha Chada
  • October 21, 2022

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Table of Contents

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Supplemental essays can add a lot of time, stress, and effort to the college application process. Some schools require four or five additional essays, and over a thousand words in addition to the personal statement. We’ve written before about the best ways to answer these essays , but today we’re taking a different approach.

There are some colleges which don’t require supplemental essays at all. Not all of these schools are great, but some are well ranked and regarded, and offer excellent academic opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore these schools, and explain how these schools can add value to your college list. Let’s get started!

How to Use These Schools in Your College List

When building your college list , one thing you need to think about is how much effort each additional school will require of you. While we explain how to limit your overall workload in our supplemental essays article , each school which requires essays is additional effort.

These schools are a good way to fill out your college list. We do recommend only applying to colleges which you actually want to attend, but if any of these schools appeal to you, then you can submit applications to them with minimal additional effort. 

How you should handle this depends on whether a given school is a reach, target, or safety for you . Here is how we recommend approaching the various levels: 

  • Reach: if you are interested in these schools as reaches, and they are a realistic reach for you, we recommend applying to as many as you want. A shotgun approach is valid here. We still recommend only applying to schools you want to attend.
  • Target: These schools are good for rounding out a list of target schools. You should not add all of them, but two or three added to your target list can give you additional options down the line. 
  • Safety: These schools can work as safety schools, and we recommend doing this if you think you can get a good merit aid offer from one of them. Note that merit aid, especially from honors colleges, may require separate essays to apply for.

Overall, these schools are a nice thing to know about, especially if you are stressed about writing your college essays. Now, we’ll give you a brief introduction to each school, and discuss how difficult each is to gain acceptance to.

Best Colleges that Don’t Require Supplemental Essays

This list is not comprehensive, and will be updated in the future, as schools are consistently reevaluating their admissions practices and policies. These are schools we have found which offer essay free admissions, and which are also consistently well ranked.

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Case Western Reserve University

We have a fact sheet on Case Western if you are interested in a more in-depth look at what they offer. Their current acceptance rate is 27%, though their acceptance rate is 36% for students who apply early. 

Located in Cleveland Ohio, Case Western has a focus on STEM subjects, though they still offer a full liberal arts curriculum for students who want it. The school is an R1 research university, and has a full complement of graduate schools. They are known for computer engineering, and had one of the first computer engineering programs in the country.

Grinnell College

Located in Grinnell, Iowa, Grinnell is a private liberal arts college. They are entirely need blind in admissions, and guarantee meeting the full need of all admitted students. Their acceptance rate this past admissions cycle was 11%. Grinell is a traditional liberal arts college, and their course offerings reflect this, with a focus on undergraduate education, and no graduate courses offered. Grinnell is considered on of the “Little Ivies” due to its high academic performance.

Kenyon College

Located in Gambier, Ohio, Kenyon is a private liberal arts institution, focused on undergraduate education. Their acceptance rate this past year was 37%. They are Ohio’s oldest private college, and require students to take courses in the humanities, social sciences, arts, and natural sciences. They do not offer courses for graduate students. 

Middlebury College

Located in Middlebury, Vermont, Middlebury College is a private liberal arts college. Their acceptance rate last year was 15%, and was the same for applicants who applied early. They offer a liberal arts curriculum for undergrads, though they don’t offer courses for graduate students. While it does not have its own engineering program, students interested in engineering may take part in a joint program the school offers with Columbia and Dartmouth. 

Northeastern University

If you are interested in a more in-depth look at Northeastern, check out our fact sheet on them . Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Northeastern is a research university, offering a full range of undergraduate and graduate coursework. The school is well ranked, though often overshadowed by other universities in the Boston area. It is especially well known for its internship programs, and has remarkable success connecting students with opportunities which lead to careers in the future.

Oberlin College

Located in Oberlin, Ohio, Oberlin is the oldest coeducational private liberal arts college in the country, and continues to offer students a range of academic opportunities. Oberlin is also a conservatory, which handles admissions separately from the undergraduate college as a whole, and which is more competitive. Last year, Oberlin’s acceptance rate was 34%, though the conservatories acceptance rate was only 8.6%. Oberlin is a traditional liberal arts college, and does not offer courses for graduate students. 

The Ohio State University

Located in Columbus, Ohio, OSU is a major research university, and is also well known for its football program. It is an R1 research university, and offers courses at undergraduate and graduate levels across an array of disciplines. Last year, it’s acceptance rate was 54%, with an early acceptance rate of 67%. While admissions to the college as a whole does not require a supplemental essay, students interested in applying to the honors program will have to answer a supplemental essay prompt. OSU is by far the largest school on this list by undergraduate population, with 47,100 students attending.

Temple University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Temple is a public research university, and is one of the largest professional schools in the country. Its acceptance rate last year was 72%. As an R1 research university, Temple offers coursework in all fields and disciplines. While general admissions does not require an essay, an audition is required for the music and dance programs. 

University of Pittsburgh

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Pitt is an R1 public research university. While it is a major research institution, they have a liberal arts style curriculum and experience for those students who want it. Their admissions rate last year was 67%. While general admissions does not require an essay, the honors college does. 

Wesleyan University

Located in Middletown, Connecticut, Wesleyan is a Liberal Arts college, and is considered one of the “Little Ivies.” The school is often associated with Brown, though they are not officially linked, and offers a liberal arts curriculum. Last year, their acceptance rate was 16.3%. While they do not have an engineering program themselves, they have partnered with Caltech and Columbia to provide engineering opportunities for their students. While they focus primarily on undergraduates, there are a limited number of graduate students at Wesleyan. 

Final Thoughts

Writing college essays is often the most stressful part of college applications, and is the thing we spend the most time on with our students. Not all students enjoy writing however, and for some the stress of having to craft a perfect essay overwhelms all other concerns. We hope that this list of schools gives you more options when you are applying to college. 

If you want help writing your college essays, or want to hear how else we can help you on the road to college, schedule a free consultation today. We have a depth of experience in helping students express themselves fully, and are eager to help you tell your story to the college of your dreams.

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International Student

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  • Admission Essays

Colleges and Universities that Don't Require an Admission Essay to Apply

Writing and submitting an admission essay is possibly the most notorious step of the college application process. Students applying to schools spend months deciding what to write about, drafting, proofreading, and editing their admission essays. For international students, particularly those who speak English as a second language, writing an admission essay can be particularly daunting. Thankfully, there are a number of colleges and universities that don’t require an admission essay!

What is an Admission Essay?

Most US colleges and universities require applicants to write a short essay about themselves or a specific topic as part of the application process. These essays might be in response to a specific prompt, such as: “Who has been the most influential person in your life?” or “What event has most shaped the person you are today?” but most applications offer open-ended prompts that allow applicants to choose the topic they would like to write about.

Admission essays provide insight into your writing skills, but they also help admission boards get a sense of who you are as a person- something that test scores and GPA scores don’t allow. The essay gives you an opportunity to talk clearly about your goals, and can give admissions officers a better idea of how well you might fit in with the school.

However, these essays can be particularly difficult and stressful for international students, particularly students who speak English as a second language. The ability to write clearly and concisely about yourself in a foreign language is not an easy skill to achieve, and some international students may prefer to avoid the admission essay altogether. Luckily, there are a number of colleges and universities that don’t require an admission essay. This could be for a variety of reasons:

Why do some colleges not require an admission essay?

It takes an admissions officer a lot of time to read and evaluate college application essays. For small schools with less resources and large schools that receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications, the resources required to read every essay from every applicant may outweigh the benefits of the extra information gained from the admission essay.

Many colleges choose to only require essays for the most competitive programs, such as honors programs, engineering, and nursing, or for scholarships, where additional information may be more instrumental in making decisions.

Some schools, particularly public schools, admit students based on a specific selection index, which is based on a combination of GPA, test scores, and/or class rank. If applicants meet the minimum index score cutoff, they are automatically admitted.

However, if you are a “borderline” candidate, meaning you don’t quite meet the minimum criteria, these schools often require or recommend that you write an admission essay. This will allow you the opportunity to provide additional information on why you feel you would be a good fit for the school in spite of not quite meeting the academic criteria.

Some schools hope that by eliminating the application essay they can make the application process easier and attract a wider variety of applicants. They hope that by presenting their application process as an easier alternative to more intensive applications, more students will apply to their institution.

How to Make Your Application Stand Out Without an Essay

Because so much of your interests and personality come through in your essay, if you’re not submitting an essay you need to make sure the rest of your application really pops. There are a few different ways that you can do that:

Obviously, you want to do well in all of your classes, but literature courses in particular will be seen as placeholders for your essay-writing skills. When schools don’t require an application essay, they will likely look more closely at your grades in classes that are more writing-intensive, to make sure that your writing skills are up to par.

Make sure that your recommendations are coming from the best possible people for you. You’ll want to ask people who know you well and can speak about who you really are, as well as your accomplishments. Without an application essay, you may not have the space in your application to talk about your extracurricular activities, so you’ll want to find references who can discuss this aspect of your life.

Many schools offer the option for students to submit a resume along with their applications. This is another chance for you to promote your extracurricular activities. Before you put together your resume, do some research and find a solid template. Make sure your resume is well balanced with academic and extracurricular accomplishments, is not longer than one page, and is free of typos and spelling errors

Colleges and Universities in the United States that Don’t Require an Admission Essay

If you want to know if a particular school requires an essay to apply, search “[name of school] international student admissions requirements” on Google. This should result in a list of guidelines for applying to that school. If you’re looking more generally for schools that don’t require essays, below is a list of a few US colleges and universities that don’t require an admission essay to apply:

  • University of Alabama
  • Alabama State University
  • University of Alaska
  • Arizona State
  • Arkansas State University
  • California State University
  • University of Colorado - Denver
  • University of South Florida
  • Full Sail University
  • University of Hawaii - Manoa
  • University of Idaho
  • Indiana Wesleyan University
  • University of Southern Indiana
  • Iowa State University
  • University of Iowa
  • Kansas State
  • University of Kansas
  • Kentucky State University
  • Louisiana State University -Baton Rouge
  • University of Louisiana - Lafayette
  • Eastern Michigan University
  • Western Michigan University
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Mississippi
  • Mississippi State University
  • University of Southern Mississippi
  • University of Missouri
  • University of Montana
  • University of Nevada - Reno
  • Daniel Webster College
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of South Dakota
  • Tennessee State University
  • Utah State University
  • West Virginia University
  • University of Wyoming

If you’re interested in applying to colleges or universities that do require admission essays, check out our Essay Writing Center for tips and advice you can use to improve your essay writing skills.

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Apply for standard admission to Kelley

Students who enroll in IU Bloomington by Spring 2025 or earlier apply for standard admission to the Kelley School based on the following criteria.

For an application to be eligible for review, students must complete:

  • Application for admission to Kelley in the second semester (defined as fall/spring) of enrollment on the IU Bloomington campus, applications submitted after 2 semesters will not be considered*. 
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of college coursework by the time the application is reviewed. Credits may include any college-level coursework on the transcript, such as SLST coursework, AP credit, IB credit, test credit, dual enrollment coursework, and ACP coursework. 
  • Full-time enrollment at IUB (minimum of 12 credit hours) in the application semester. 
  • Integrated Core prerequisite courses (14.5 hours in total, may include coursework transferred in – utilize Credit Transfer Service and IU Intercampus Transfer to learn more on how your coursework may transfer in.): 
  • BUS-A100 Basic Accounting (1 credit)  
  • BUS-C104/106 Business Presentations (3 credits) 
  • BUS-K201/204 The Computer in Business (3 credits)  
  • BUS-T175 Compass 1 (1.5 credits) 
  • ENG-W131** English Composition (3 credits)  
  • ECON-B251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3 credits)

*Students who officially declared a major outside business, took courses in pursuit of that major for a full semester or more and later determined they plan to apply to Kelley may be considered for an application beyond their second semester on the IU Bloomington campus

Is math required for admission to Kelley?

No, completion of a math course is not required to be eligible for Kelley standard admission.

While math is not required as part of the standard admission process, it is required for completion of a Kelley degree.

  • Students who entered IU Summer/Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 must complete both MATH-M 118 and MATH-M 119 (or approved equivalents) for the degree.
  • Students who entered IU Summer/Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 must complete one   of the following: MATH-B 110: Mathematics of Business and Public Affairs (new course) or MATH-M 118 or MATH-M 119 for the degree.

If a student chooses to complete their required math course during the first year, the course(s) will be considered as a part of the admissions review.

If a student chooses to complete MATH-M 118 and/or MATH-M 119 at another college or university, they should use the  IU Credit Transfer Service  to find a transferable course(s) and view  transfer credit policies  and processes. The course(s) will not be a part of the admissions review.

Students should follow the  ALEKS math placement  guidelines, in consultation with their academic advisor, and take the course(s) as directed by the placement exam. Additionally, in this conversation students can determine when to complete the course knowing it will need to be successfully completed no later than the first semester of the second year, as math modeling is a prerequisite to ECON-E 370/STAT-S 301, which must be successfully completed prior to I-Core.

Approved equivalent courses for both  MATH-M 118 AND MATH-M 119 are acceptable for satisfying degree requirements

  • Approved MATH equivalents for students who started during this timeframe can be found on the I-Core prereqs page of the 2023-24 Kelley academic bulletin .
  • Approved MATH equivalents for students who started during this timeframe can be found on the I-Core prereqs page of the 2024-25 Kelley academic bulletin .

First Semester Academic Record Review:

Students who have either of the following on their academic record at the end of their first semester at IU Bloomington will be ineligible to pursue standard admission to the Kelley School of Business and will be dropped from all Kelley School of Business admissions courses before the start of the next semester. * Students should work with their AMES advisor to select new courses in their alternative major.

Three (3) or more of the following:

  • Any letter grade below a B (B-, C+, C, C-)
  • Withdrawal (W)
  • Incomplete (I)
  • X grade (X)
  • Any grade of D+, D, D-, or F

*Students will be dropped from BUS-A 100, BUS-C 104/106, BUS-K 201/204, BUS-T 175, and ECON-B 251. Students will not be dropped from ENG-W 131 or equivalent course.

How are pre-Business students admitted to Kelley?

Automatic admission.

Students whose records indicate grades of Bs or better in every IU Bloomington course on the first attempt will be automatically admitted.

Comprehensive Review

Students whose records indicate any of the following will have their applications comprehensively reviewed by the Kelley Undergraduate Admissions committee. The admissions committee reviews grades in  all IU Bloomington courses, not just business courses. A student with any of the following risk factors is in jeopardy of their standard admission application being denied.

  • One or more grades below a B (B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D-, or F) in an IU Bloomington course.
  • Withdrawals (W’s), X’s ( X grade replacement policy), or unresolved incompletes (I’s) 

Students whose applications will undergo a comprehensive review should meet with their AMES academic advisor to ensure they are creating a plan and enrolling in courses for their alternative major in case they are not admitted to Kelley.

Students whose records indicate two unsuccessful attempts to complete a single I-Core prerequisite, including grades below a C, withdrawals (W’s), incompletes (I’s), and X grades, will  have their applications automatically denied.

Social media

  • Facebook for the Kelley School of Business Full-Time MBA Program
  • Twitter for the Kelley School of Business
  • Linkedin for the Kelley School of Business Full-Time MBA Program
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  • Pinterest for the Kelley School of Business Full-Time MBA Program

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WNBA 2024 rookie tracker: Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, more

Caitlin Clark was confused by her technical foul, which came out of frustration with herself, but notes she and the Fever played better after the tech. (0:49)

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The WNBA is back after a monthlong break for the Olympics. All eyes are on the playoff push with five weeks remaining in the regular season.

But the most anticipated draft class in league history also continues to draw attention. Caitlin Clark , the No. 1 pick in April, hopes to lead the Indiana Fever back to the postseason for the first time since 2016. And Angel Reese and Kamilla Cardoso hope to lead their Chicago Sky to the playoffs as well.

Clark and Reese have already etched their names into the record books this season. Clark set the WNBA single-game record with 19 assists , and she is the first rookie in league history to tally a triple-double . Reese set a WNBA record for consecutive double-doubles (15).

We'll continue to track the top rookie performances every game day throughout the season.

Last updated: Aug. 18

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Caitlin Clark was confused by her technical foul, which came out of frustration with herself, but notes she and the Fever played better after the tech.

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Caitlin Clark , Indiana Fever

Guard | 6-foot | Game log | Stats | Watch: First-half recap

Last time out: Clark had 9 assists Sunday to reach 232 this season, breaking the 26-year-old WNBA rookie season record of 224 set by Ticha Penicheiro in 1998. Clark also had 23 points, 5 rebounds and 2 blocks as the Fever beat the Seattle Storm 92-75 in Indianapolis.

Clark and fellow guards Kelsey Mitchell and Lexie Hull combined for 72 of the Fever's points, as Indiana made 15 of 31 3-point attempts.

Clark complimented her teammates' ability to play well with her out of the pick-and-roll and in transition. Clark is leading the WNBA with 8.3 assists per game and has 12 regular-season games left. If she keeps this pace, she could top the overall season assist record of 316, set last year by the Connecticut Sun 's Alyssa Thomas .

What we learned: Clark in just 28 career WNBA games has set both the rookie season assist record and the single-game assist record (19). The Fever (13-15) also have matched their victory total from last season.

If there is one negative Clark will have to keep in mind, it's technical fouls. She picked up her fifth of the season Sunday for punching the basketball stanchion in frustration after missing a 3-point shot. Getting seven technical fouls in a season results in a one-game suspension, so Clark now will receive a letter from the league warning her she's getting close.

"I got a technical for basically being mad at myself," Clark said. "[The ref] told me it was disrespectful to the game of basketball. I'm a competitor, and I felt like I should have been making more shots."

Then Clark added with a grin, "I think he fired me up to continue to play a lot harder. I thought we got a lot better after he did that, so I want to thank him for that."

Fever coach Christie Sides said she doesn't want Clark to lose her competitive intensity, but that she will talk to her about the necessity of avoiding any more technicals.

"We're going to have a conversation; I don't need Caitlin to have to sit out a game," Sides said. "She's just a fiery competitor. I don't want to take that away from her." -- Michael Voepel

Up next: at Minnesota Lynx on Saturday (8 p.m. ET, NBA TV)

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Angel Reese , Chicago Sky

Forward | 6-foot-3 | Game log | Stats

Last time out: It was a career night for Reese, who finished with a season-high 20 rebounds (including 10 offensive boards) and 19 points (8-for-16 shooting) in the Sky's 86-68 loss to the Phoenix Mercury on Sunday. It wasn't enough to overcome Phoenix's sizable lead, but Reese found a groove offensively in the fourth quarter, where she scored nine of her points and converted 4 of 5 attempts from the field.

Reese leads the WNBA in double-figure rebounding games this season with 22, and she recorded her league-best 20th double-double of the 2024 campaign. She is three away from setting a WNBA single-season record.

What we learned: While the Sky still hold the eighth spot in the WNBA standings following two losses in four days to the Mercury, the Atlanta Dream are threatening to knock them off that perch thanks to their impressive start to the second half with wins over the Seattle Storm and Connecticut Sun . With the surging Dream now just 1½ games back, a playoff spot for Chicago is far from guaranteed. -- Alexa Philippou

Up next: at Connecticut Sun on Friday (7:30 p.m. ET)

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Rickea Jackson , Los Angeles Sparks

Forward | 6-foot-2 | Game log | Stats

Last time out: Jackson finished with a team-high 15 points, one of three Sparks to score in double figures in their 87-71 road loss to the Las Vegas Aces on Sunday. The game marked one of Jackson's most efficient games of the season (7-for-11 shooting from the field) and her fifth consecutive double-digit scoring game, the longest stretch of her pro career. The rookie added 5 rebounds, 2 steals, 1 assist and 1 block, though she committed four of L.A.'s 21 turnovers.

What we learned: In their two wins over Las Vegas earlier this season, the Sparks scored at least 90 points. But after a disappointing loss to New York on Saturday, the Aces came out Sunday more locked in defensively, holding L.A. to just 71 points. Even with a solid outing from Jackson, it was the fewest points the Sparks -- who shot 40.3% -- have put up against the defending champs in the season series (and was one of their lowest-scoring games of the summer).

A bright spot: Los Angeles' ability to win the fast-break battle (17-5), with Jackson playing a part with her ability to get in transition. -- Philippou

Up next: at Connecticut Sun on Tuesday in Boston (7 p.m. ET)

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Kamilla Cardoso , Chicago Sky

Center | 6-foot-7 | Game log | Stats

Last time out: Cardoso joined Reese in double figures with 12 points, while also having 4 rebounds and 2 assists (both to Reese). But Cardoso also dealt with foul trouble and played only 16 minutes.

What we learned: Cardoso looks increasingly comfortable offensively, especially in the first quarter when she scored 8 points in less than eight minutes. It was her third consecutive game scoring in double figures, her longest such stretch since mid-June. And it marked the ninth game this season, and third straight, in which both Cardoso and Reese managed 10-plus points.

But strong nights from both -- plus 12 points from Isabelle Harrison off the bench -- weren't enough to overcome a quiet night from the backcourt. What was most stark: The Sky went 0-for-14 on 3-pointers, the worst mark by any team in the league since 2019. Before their next game on Friday, the Sky have some time to get back on the practice court and work on ways to jump-start their offense following the Marina Mabrey trade. -- Philippou

colleges in indiana that don't require an essay

Jacy Sheldon , Dallas Wings

Guard | 5-foot-10 | Game log | Stats

Last time out: Sheldon had a career-high 17 points as the Wings won just their second game since May, beating Atlanta 85-82 Friday. She made 5 of 8 shots from behind the arc and was 6 of 12 from the field overall.

Sheldon added 2 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals as she played 35 minutes. It was a big night for Sheldon, who had been held to 2 points in the Wings' two previous games this week.

What we learned: The Wings ended an 11-game losing streak with a victory over Minnesota on June 27, but then lost their next three before Friday. The Wings rallied to win after trailing to start the fourth quarter; Dallas was 0-13 in that situation previously this season.

Is this the start of a turnaround for Dallas? We'll see, but it could be tough. The Wings have four games left before the All-Star/Olympic break, with the next two on the road in Las Vegas and Phoenix. -- Voepel

Up next: at Las Vegas Aces on Sunday (3:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, are there any colleges without an essay requirement.

I know this might sound a bit lazy, but I'm super busy with all my commitments and am looking into colleges without an essay requirement. Are there any decent schools out there that don't require essays or have minimal essay requirements? Thanks in advance!

Absolutely! There are several reputable colleges and universities that don't require essays for admission. The Cal State system, for example, do not require essays as part of their application process. Instead, they primarily focus on your academic record, including GPA, course rigor, and extracurricular activities. Some other schools that do not require essays are community colleges and certain technical or trade schools.

However, keep in mind that while it's possible to find colleges without an essay requirement, submitting a well-written essay can actually be beneficial to your application, showcasing your personality and unique experiences beyond grades and test scores. Additionally, many colleges give you the option to write additional essays or supplement essays that are less common, which can help your application stand out.

If you're pressed for time, consider using the Common Application or the Coalition Application, which allow you to apply to multiple schools with a single application and one main essay. While some schools may require additional supplemental essays, many will only request the main essay, saving you time and effort in the long run.

Ultimately, it's important to balance your application workload while still applying to schools that align with your academic and career goals. Although it is possible to find colleges without essay requirements, keep an open mind about applying to some that do, as they might be better suited to your needs and aspirations.

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

  • Faculty Issues
  • Academic Freedom

Indiana Argues Professors Lack First Amendment Rights in Public Classrooms

Defending a new law requiring “intellectual diversity” from professors, the Indiana attorney general echoes Florida and asserts that “curriculum of a public university is government speech.”

By  Ryan Quinn

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A photo illustration showing documents from a lawsuit, with a highlighted quote saying “curriculum used in state universities and instruction offered by state employees” is “state speech.”

Indiana’s attorney general is arguing that public university professors’ classroom speech is government speech.

Photo illustration by Justin Morrison/Inside Higher Ed | U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana

In February, Republican lawmakers in Indiana passed a law saying public colleges and universities must deny tenure to professors who are “unlikely to foster … intellectual diversity.” The legislators left it to university trustees, many of whom are appointed by the governor, to determine what intellectual diversity actually means for faculty members and whether they have provided it.

Professors who earned tenure before the law’s passage aren’t spared from its implications. The statute says that whether they fostered intellectual diversity, and whether they “introduced students to scholarly works from a variety of political or ideological frameworks,” will now be considered in post-tenure reviews required every five years. A bad review could mean losing both tenure and employment.

In May, four faculty members from Indiana and Purdue university campuses sued to invalidate those parts of the law. The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, representing them, wrote in the lawsuit that these provisions impinge upon their First Amendment right to “academic freedom to determine the content of and deliver their instruction, free from interference by the State.”

But Indiana’s attorney general, Republican Todd Rokita, argues that the professors have no such First Amendment right. In an echo of Florida’s ongoing defense of its own legislative attempts to regulate public university classrooms , Rokita’s office wrote in a brief to the federal court that “the classroom curriculum of a public university is government speech set in accordance with State law.”

“The curriculum used in state universities and instruction offered by state employees” is “state speech,” the attorney general’s office wrote, and “plaintiffs”— the professors—”have no right to control how the State speaks.”

The state says the professors are “claiming a brand new, state-university specific ‘First Amendment right to academic freedom.’”

That last line is one of the “gratuitous stupidities” in the attorney general’s brief, wrote Steve Sanders—an Indiana University at Bloomington law professor who’s not involved in the case—in an essay on Medium Friday. The U.S. Supreme Court recognized decades ago that the First Amendment protects public university professors’ academic freedom; in 1967, the majority found that academic freedom is “a special concern of the First Amendment, which does not tolerate laws that cast a pall of orthodoxy over the classroom.”

But Sanders’s post focused on his own employer’s seeming complicity, along with Purdue’s, in the argument that public university professors lack academic freedom in the classroom. Sanders pointed out that lawyers for Indiana and Purdue universities, the defendants in the ongoing case, had written in a one-paragraph filing that “in the interests of judicial economy … the university defendants embrace, incorporate by reference and join in” two documents that the attorney general filed. One was the brief arguing public university professors’ speech is government speech.

On Monday, however, the universities filed a note of clarification with the court saying they were not joining with the attorney general on that argument. IU spokespeople didn’t answer Inside Higher Ed’s follow-up questions about whether the lawyers filed this clarification due to Sanders’s post. A Purdue spokesman said “posts by Steve Sanders are in error on many fronts and misrepresent Purdue’s position in this litigation,” but didn’t specify what the errors were. Sanders, for his part, told Inside Higher Ed the universities’ clarification is “a good development that I’m sort of happy to take credit for.”

While the universities are distancing themselves from the attorney general’s arguments, attorneys in and outside of the Indiana case say court precedent cuts against the argument Rokita is making.

In 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling that curtailed public employees’ free speech. In a case called Garcetti v. Ceballos, the majority ruled that “when public employees make statements pursuant to their official duties, the employees are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate their communications from employer discipline.”

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While the case didn’t deal with an educator, but with a Los Angeles deputy district attorney who alleged he was retaliated against for his speech, it raised a question about what seemed to be a settled legal matter: Do professors have First Amendment rights in public classrooms? It was a question the Supreme Court majority in Garcetti didn’t get into.

Justice David Souter, in a dissent joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and John Paul Stevens, wrote that “I have to hope that today’s majority does not mean to imperil First Amendment protection of academic freedom in public colleges and universities.” Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the court’s majority, responded to that dissent, saying it wasn’t deciding in the Garcetti ruling “whether the analysis we conduct today would apply in the same manner to a case involving speech related to scholarship or teaching.”

(Nonetheless, Rokita’s office wrote in its brief that “any speech pursuant to the teacher’s ‘official duties’ and ‘professional responsibilities’ is subject to state direction,” and it cited Garcetti to back this up.)

Souter’s hope seems to have stayed alive, at least so far. Greg Harold Greubel, a senior attorney for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, a free-speech advocacy group, said that since the Garcetti case, every federal circuit court that has taken up the question of whether the First Amendment protects speech in public universities related to teaching or scholarship has found the same: Yes, it does. That includes judges in the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth circuits, Greubel said.

Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law, wrote in an email that “the law is uncertain here.” he Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit “expressly rejected the argument made by the Indiana and Florida attorney generals” a decade ago, he said. Still, Chemerinsky said, it’s “unknown what the Supreme Court will do. But there are Supreme Court cases expressly protecting academic freedom under the First Amendment and this would be inconsistent with that.”

But, with state legislatures pushing bills “intruding upon how professors teach certain things,” Greubel said he thinks lawyers will continue to make the argument—as attorneys representing both the states of Florida and Indiana have done—that public university professors’ speech is government speech. “I do feel that it will continue until it’s either taken up by the Supreme Court and they settle this, or every circuit court decides it,” he said.

In the 11th Circuit, Greubel himself is representing some of the plaintiffs in the Florida lawsuit that’s trying to permanently stop the Stop WOKE Act. That 2022 law—passed by Florida Republican lawmakers and signed by governor Ron DeSantis—limits the way public university faculty members can teach about race and gender. Florida students and faculty members have so far won and maintained a preliminary injunction that’s blocking the act from impacting the state’s universities.

Oral arguments in June made clear the act’s possible impact if they lose. An appeals court judge asked an attorney representing Florida, “Could a legislature prohibit professors from saying anything negative about a current gubernatorial administration?” The lawyer replied, “I think, your honor, yes, because in the classroom the professor’s speech is the government’s speech and the government can restrict professors.”

If such arguments prevail, Greubel said, “it would magically turn [professors] from experts in their own fields to mouthpieces of the state.” He said “there’s no place that it would ever stop, really.”

Stevie Pactor, a staff attorney for the ACLU of Indiana, said that if professors’ speech really is considered government speech, there “just is no such thing as academic freedom.” Turning a professor into a “parrot” of the state, she said, “subverts the entire role” of a university.

Attorney General Rokita didn’t provide an interview for this article, but his office sent a statement. “The manufactured fears put forth in yet another illegit lawsuit by the ACLU don’t lack imagination, but the professors do lack standing to even bring this action. Our office will continue to defend in court this new law, which enables students to engage in free inquiry and ensures state universities foster diversity of thought.”

Sanders, the law professor, wrote in his Medium piece that “no Supreme Court decision has endorsed the government-spokesperson view of professors in the classroom, and numerous lower courts have rejected it.” He said the argument, “taken to its logical conclusion,” would reduce professors to “ventriloquist dummies for whatever political faction happens to wield power on a university board of trustees or in the Statehouse.”

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    Western Oregon University. Required only for students who don't meet minimum academic requirements. Admission primarily via GPA (3.0+) and recommendation; test optional except for students applying for scholarships and honors, or for those who don't meet minimum academic requirements. Eastern Oregon University.

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    13) Dillard University. Dillard University is the oldest HBCU in Louisiana and is one of the colleges with no supplemental essay requirements. However, if students do not meet the minimum GPA and standardized test score requirements, then they must submit two letters of recommendation and a personal statement.

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  8. Colleges That Don't Require Supplemental Essays

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    By adding some schools that don't require a supplemental essay to your college list, students can pad their numbers, apply to more schools, and have more options. Albion College. Case Western ...

  11. Colleges That Don't Require Supplemental Essays

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  12. Do Some Colleges Not Require Essays for Admission?

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  13. Any colleges with no required essays?

    Absolutely! While many colleges do require essays, there are a good number of schools that don't ask for any supplemental essays or personal statements as part of their application process. Keep in mind that some of these colleges might still recommend submitting an essay, or they might have an optional essay or writing prompt that you can choose to complete.

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    A lot of the NESCAC LACs do not. It is like they want you to shotgun them, and maybe they do! Grinnell I believe has no fee and no supplement, and offers merit. Hard to beat that! A bunch of popular public universities for certain sorts of OOS applicants. Pitt, Ohio State, Miami of Ohio, Indiana, UConn, UMass, and many more. Upitt. Googling ...

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    If a student chooses to complete MATH-M 118 and/or MATH-M 119 at another college or university, they should use the IU Credit Transfer Service to find a transferable course(s) and view transfer credit policies and processes. The course(s) will not be a part of the admissions review.

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