east african essay writing competition 2021

Arise Africa Writing Contest

Joseph Anwana

Joseph Anwana

Arise Africa

In search of the African voice

The inaugural Arise Africa Writing Contest is open for entries.

The theme of the competition is “the Africa of my dreams”.

Feel free to flex your creative muscles around the theme in the following categories:

· Personal Essays

For fiction, the stories must be well-crafted with a discernible plot and a solid story arc. Give us strong characters, compelling conflict/tension, and a satisfying resolution.

The personal essays must explore a positive experience that emphasizes the theme of the competition.

Submission Deadline

The closing date for entries is January 31, 2021.

Entry Fee: Free

The category winners will be announced on or before 31 May 2021 and awarded $100 each .

The top twenty entries in each category will be published in Arise Africa publication from June 2021.

Entering the competition permits Arise Africa to publish your entry.

Please note that only shortlisted entries will hear from us. Shortlisted writers would be required to have a Medium ID before they can be published.

You might want to stay in touch for updates by following Arise Africa and subscribing to our newsletter, The Town Crier.

Submission Guidelines


  • Entrants must be of African descent, have visited Africa, or have worked or lived anywhere in Africa.
  • Entries must be the original and unpublished work of the author. Stories entered for the competition must not have been previously published (including online) or broadcast in any other medium.
  • Multiple entries are not permitted. But you can submit one entry in each category if you so desire.

Entry Instructions

Stories MUST :

  • be written in English.
  • be between 1000 and 1500 words (Fiction and Essays).
  • poems must not exceed 40 lines in length.
  • be submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF documents with the author’s name (surname, first name) and story title in the file name e.g. Achebe, Chinua — Things fall apart.
  • use Arial, 12pt, black-colored font, and double-line spacing.
  • have page numbers at the bottom right-hand side of each page.
  • have the title of the story and word count at the top of the first page.
  • be emailed to [email protected]

Stories MUST NOT:

  • include the name of the entrant, contact details, or any personally identifiable information anywhere in the document.
  • include photos or illustrations.

Let’s get creative. Good luck!

Joseph Anwana

Written by Joseph Anwana

As I think, so I am

Text to speech

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The East African Community is pleased to announce the EAC Sstudents’ Essay Writing Competition; 2021.

The competition is open to students in secondary schools (Form One to Four) in the East African Community Partner States i.e. Kenya Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and United Republic of Tanzania.

Participants in the essay competition will be required to write essays of between 1000-1500 words either in Kiswahili, French or English on the following topic:

  • English Discuss the challenges that the COVID-19 Pandemic has posed to the education sector of the EAC Partner States. Provide recommendations on how these challenges can be addressed.
  • Kiswahili Jadili changamoto ambazo ugonjwa wa virusi vya KORONA (Uviko-19) umesababisha kwa sekta ya elimu katika Nchi Wanachama wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki. Toa mapendekezo ya jinsi ya kukabili changamoto hizo.
  • French Discutez des defirs qu’a pose la pandemie de COVID-10 au systemes educatifs des Pays Partnaires de la Communaute Est Africaine. Formuler les recommendations sur la maniere de les reliever.

The Essay Writing Competition will commence on the 1 st of July 2021 and end on the 15 th August 2021. Prizes will be given to winners in the following categories.

  • Awards to schools

The school form which the best essay originates is awarded school equipment worth US $ 1,500

The school from which the first runner up will originate is awarded school equipment woth US$ 750.

  • Award to the winning students

The five best Essay writers will be awarded certificates of merit and are offered an all expense tour in East Africa.

Cash prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • 1 st Prize – US$ 300
  • 2 nd Prize – US$ 250
  • 3 rd Prize – US$ 200
  • 4 th Prize – US$ 120
  • 5 th Prinze – US$ 100

Five other winners will be awarded the prize of US$ 75 in the following categories:

  • Rural/urban
  • Disability(Persons with special needs)
  • Language variations (Kiswahili, French and English)
  • Hard to reach areas.
  • Regional East African Community Level

Regional prizes will be awarded during the Summit of EAC Heads of State as follows:

  • Best Essay Writer will be awarded a certificate and a cash prize of US$ 750.
  • The first runners-up will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of US$650.
  • The second runners-up will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of US$600.

There will also be a tour to Tanzania after the Head of State Summit writing guidelines to students

  • Do not type your work. It should be in your own original handwriting.
  • Write legibly and neatly.
  • Use fools paper and leave the correct margin on the left and right-hand side of the paper.
  • Number at the top of each page.
  • Do thorough research and let it be evident in your work.
  • You may provide the source of your research material through proper referencing/bibliography.




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Rwandan student among winners of E.African essay competition

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EAC Sectoral Council on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Sports (SCESTCS) adopts roadmap for implementation of Kiswahili and French as Official Languages of the Community

Written on 26 April 2022 . Posted in Education, Science & Technology News

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 26 th April, 2022: The 17 th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Sports (SCESTCS) has just been concluded in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

The Sectoral Council considered matters of Education and Training; Culture and Sports; East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC); the Inter- University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) and the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO).

In her opening remarks, the Chairperson of the meeting, Dr. Sarah Ruto, the Chief Administrative Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Kenya, commended the Secretariat for the achievements so far made in the Sector.

Dr. Ruto said that Education, Science and Technology were key to the region’s development, adding that there was still much more to be done especially in skilling the youths with the required skills and competencies.

Among the several matters considered, by the Sectoral Council were the Roadmaps for Implementation of Kiswahili and French as Official Languages of the Community. This was part of implementation of the directive of the 21st Summit of EAC Heads of State that adopted Kiswahili and French as Official Languages of the EAC.

The Sectoral Council urged the Secretariat to expeditiously implement these roadmaps and undertake necessary capacity building and other requirements to facilitate the use of these languages in official business of the Community. The Sectoral Council further adopted the UNESCO declaration of 7 th July as World Kiswahili Language Day and directed the EAC Secretariat to include it in the calendar of activities as an annual EAC event. The Sectoral Council approved the inaugural EAC World Kiswahili Language Day to be celebrated in Zanzibar on 7th July 2022 under the coordination of the East African Kiswahili Commission.

The Sectoral Council approved the winners of the 2021 EAC Essay Writing Competition and further approved their presentation for awards by the Summit. It emphasized on the urgency to finalize Annex VII of the Common Market Protocol on Mutual Recognition of Academic and Professional Qualifications (MRAs) to fast-track mobility of professionals and services in the Community. Also approved by the Sectoral Council was the EAC Regional Bio-Economy Strategy that was presented by EASTECO.

The Sectoral further noted the progress being made in the harmonization of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) through the Secretariat and IUCEA under the World Bank supported EASTRIP Project. The Sectoral Council noted the achievements of the EAC Regional Centres of Excellence (ACE II Project) and achievements made within the EAC-KFW Scholarships program that has led to more young East Africans benefiting from the scholarship and has enhanced mobility of students within the Community. The Ministers welcomed the proposed East African Students mobility scheme and directed the Secretariat to develop the modalities for sustainability of the EAC Scholarship Programs.

They emphasized the urgency to finalize the TVET Harmonization and finalization of the Regional Qualifications Frameworks and Occupational Standards for TVET. The Ministers approved that the East African Art and Culture Festivals, popularly known as JAMAFEST be held in Bujumbura, Burundi from 4th -12th September 2022 while the 2nd Edition of the EAC Games would be held in Kigali, Rwanda between August and November 2023.

In his remarks, the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of the Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, said that the Community cannot attain her desired goals without deliberate investments and focus on these key areas.

Hon. Bazivamo informed the delegates of the admission of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the EAC and the opportunities presented by this development.

The Sectoral Council that was held in a hybrid format was attended by the respective Ministers from the Partner States. In addition to Dr. Sarah Ruto representing Kenya, the Republic of Burundi was represented by Prof. Francois Havyarimana, Minister for National Education and Scientific Research; the United Republic of Tanzania had Prof. Adolf Mkenda, Minister for Education, Science and Technology; Hon. Innocent Bashugwa-Ministry of President Office, Regional Administration and Local Government; Hon. Pauline Gekul, Minister for Culture, Arts and Sports and Hon. Tabia Mwita Maulid, Minister for Information, Youth,Culture and Sports, Zanzibar.

The Republic of Rwanda was represented by Dr. Valentine Uwamariya, Minister for Education while the Republic of Uganda was represented by Hon.Gidudu Dominic Mafabi, Minister of State for Gender, Labour and Social Development.

The Republic of South Sudan was represented Hon. Albino Bol Dhieu, Minister for Youth and Sports. The Sectoral Council commended the Secretariat for the efforts that had been made in the implementation of the outstanding decisions and directives of the Council and Summit and urged the Secretariat to fast-track the implementation of the few outstanding ones.

The Ministers took a moment of silence in honour of President Mwai Kibaki, former president of Kenya who had just passed on. They acknowledged the role that President Kibaki played in the development of the EAC as vibrant regional economic community.

For more information, please contact:

Simon Peter Owaka Senior Public Relations Officer Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department EAC Secretariat Arusha, Tanzania Tel: +255 768 552087 Email: sowaka [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of six Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

East African Community EAC Close Afrika Mashariki Road P.O. Box 1096 Arusha United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100 Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190 Email: [email protected]

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The 18th ICRC essay competition for East African universities

The 18th ICRC essay competition for East African universities

"In recent years, States have had to confront a threat emanating from individuals and non-State armed groups that resort to acts of terrorism. In response, States and international organizations have developed increasingly robust counterterrorism measures... The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemns acts of terrorism regardless of their perpetrators, whether or not they are committed in the context of armed conflict. At the same time, the ICRC is concerned about the humanitarian consequences of counterterrorism operations...

The ICRC is worried by the frequently held misperception that International Humanitarian Law (IHL) does not apply or applies in a modified manner to groups or persons designated as terrorists, and to their families. [At the same time, the ICRC is concerned about] penal laws criminalizing any form of support to individuals or groups designated as 'terrorists'.... [which] have impeded – or even prevented – impartial humanitarian action, to the detriment of those in need." Extract from the ICRC 2019 Report on International Humanitarian Law and the Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflicts.

Critically analyze and discuss challenges posed to IHL by counterterrorism measures.


  • The competition is open to all undergraduate students from Eastern Africa universities.
  • Essays must be typed, properly referenced and structured, and a bibliography provided.
  • Essays must not exceed 4,000 words (including the footnotes but excluding the bibliography)
  • The essay and a copy of student's identification card must be received at the ICRC regional office in Nairobi by 14 August 2020 by email ( [email protected] ). Late entries will not be accepted.
  • The winner of the competition will receive sponsorship to attend an International Humanitarian Law Course and a cash prize. There will also be awards for the first and second runners-up, as well as for the best essay from each country.

Assessment Guide

Participants will be assessed on their logical arguments, the depth to which they develop their answers, structure and demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter. Each of the criterion will be awarded points as below:

Knowledge of the subject matterCritical thinking and AnalysisStructure, referencing and evidence of research

For further information please contact:

The International Committee of the Red Cross, Communication Department, Nairobi Regional Delegation, Hillary Kiboro +254 706 110 126

Royal Commonwealth Society.png


In 2021 we were thrilled to announce that a record-breaking 25,648 children entered The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2021 from every Commonwealth region. The 2021 winners and runners-up are:

Kayla Bosire, aged 16 from Nairobi, Kenya.png

Senior Winner: Kayla Bosire aged 16 from Nairobi, Kenya

Kayla Bosire is an 11th grade student at Maxwell Adventist Academy in Kenya, and she loves writing, a passion she has pursued for a good portion of her 16 years of life. Her love for words was developed while she was a student at Cavina School a prep school in Nairobi Kenya, where she developed a love for creative writing, Shakespeare and theatre. Kayla’s love for the arts is nurtured at her current high school; where she plays three instruments (piano, violin and flute) and enjoys performing in her schools’ orchestra and as a member of the Wind Ensemble.

She holds positions of leadership and responsibility as a tutors assistant math grader, Class Secretary and as a member of the school magazine team (The Maxwell Mirror). Her dream is to pursue a career that allows her to advance justice and fairness in the world for both humans and animals. She is yet to decide whether she is a cat or dog person. Kayla chose to write about it being 30 years since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and what the world looks like….through the eyes of the COVID-19 virus.

Aditi Nair.png

Senior Runner-Up:

Aditi Nair Aged 15 from New Delhi, India

Aditi S Nair is an 11th grade student of Sanskriti School in New Delhi. She has always had a passion for writing, and ever since she was young, has enjoyed writing stories and poems. 

Apart from writing, her hobbies include reading, dancing and gardening. A few of her favourite authors are Khaled Hosseini, Celeste Ng, Ruskin Bond and Madeline Miller.   

Ethan Charles Mufuma.png

Junior Winner: Ethan Charles Mufuma  Aged 13 from Mukono, Uganda

Ethan is 13 years old and is the third borne in a family of four children. He is proud to say that he is 'still the only boy child in this family'. His father is Mr. Wilson Mufuma and his mother is Mrs. Sarah Beatrice Wamakoto. His ancestral village is Bumayoka found in Bududa District in Eastern Uganda.  

He started his early education (nursery) at three years at Joy Nursery and Primary School, located near Makerere University. In 2014 when he was six years old, he joined Namilyango Junior Boys School for his primary education. He was there for the entire primary education until 2020 when he did his Primary Leaving Exams (P. L. E) and scored aggregate (5). 

Ethan started creative writing at the age of ten through the school writing club. Here all learners compete to publish in the school publications. (a termly newspaper and an annual magazine. Ethan mainly writes poetry where as he feel it's easier to have both the message and art flow better. His teacher tells them to choose what one feels free with (prose or poetry). 

Ethan first participated in The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Writing Competition in 2020. He was greatly inspired by one writing club member (Michael Victor Mugerwa) who had won a Silver Award in 2019. This was the first Award for their school and he really felt proud. 

In 2021, Ethan is the the happiest to add this record (winner) of the Junior category to his biography.

Raisa Gulati.png

Junior Runner-Up: Raisa Gulati Aged 14 from Amritsar, India

Raisa is an all rounder, performing well both academically and in her co-curricular activities. She is very passionate about sports. From a very young age she has played at the National level for chess and equestrian. In 2019 she was declared Junior State Champion of Lawn Tennis in Rajasthan and she was also awarded with the award for being the most promising Equestrian rider in her school. However, the pandemic brought a halt to all her outdoor activities.

She is also adept in playing tabla and drums. During her free time she likes to sketch and she is also a recipient of the Piccaso award for her sketch besides winning various drawing competitions.

Life for her is full of things to learn and she enjoys navigating the uncharted terrain.

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After School Africa

international essay competition

Enter forinternational essay competitions for young africans.

Popular International Essay Competitions

  • International Gio Peace/UNESCO Essay Contest for Young People

The competition is a free competition open for young writers under the age of 25. Everyone all over the world is free to enter for the contest.

  • The Fountain Essay Contests

Entries are accepted from all and sundry for submission to the Fountain Essay Competition. Interested essayists should ensure uniqueness and richness of the content for chances to win the prize.

  • Pensters Writing Contest

Entries are accepted for the Pensters Writing Contest open to all student writers. This is to encourage them and give them a great leg-up in their studies.

  • World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition

World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition is open for all African youths. This is to give them an opportunity to address some of the challenges faced by Africans, while stating the solutions to such challenges.

  • IAEA Essay Competition for Early Career Professionals

Students and young professionals interested in writing about nuclear power are invited to apply for the IAEA Essay Competition on Nuclear Security for students and early career professionals. Any nuclear related topic is acceptable for the competition.

  • BrainReference Student Essay Scholarship

BrainReference is offering student essay scholarship to help in changing lives through education. The aim of the competition is to inspire students to work towards a future in which brain-related problems can be controlled.

The award of the scholarship is a $15,000 fund for study. Also, three additional winning students will be given $500 each.

  • The Bellhops $10,000 “Moving Forward” Scholarship Contest

The contest is available to all college students all over the world who are enrolled or planning to enroll in any college or university.

The award of the contest is $10,000 given to the first winner.

  • St Gallen Symposium Global Essay

Entries are accepted for the St Gallen Symposium Global Essay Competition.  Entrants stand a chance to participate as a Leader of Tomorrow in the world’s premier opportunity for intergenerational debates.

See the most recent International Essay Competitions for Young Africans below

KAS/Atomic Reporters Essay Contest 2021: A Neglected Story The Legacy of Splitting the Atom

east african essay writing competition 2021

Multilateral Dialogue KAS and Atomic Reporters: A Neglected Story The Legacy of Splitting the Atom Essay call for applications. Application Deadline: 31st August 2021 About The Legacy of Splitting the Atom Essay Contest: Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Multilateral Dialogue Vienna and Atomic Reporters are cordially inviting you to apply to join our first study programme 2021-2022 “A Neglected … Read more

Enter for Commonwealth Youth Council “My Disability Does Not Define Me” Competition 2017

east african essay writing competition 2021

To commemorate World Braille Day, the Commonwealth Youth Council launches “Unseen & Unspoken.” This is a segment of creative expression of the #iamABLE campaign through the art of poetry. Application Deadline: 31st May 2017 at 1700 GMT. Eligible Countries: All To be taken at (country): Online About the Award:  The theme of the competition is “My disability does … Read more

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Most recent, tiger brands learnership programme 2024 for south africans.

east african essay writing competition 2021

EcoBank Fintech Challenge 2024 for Programmers and Developers in Africa

Third us-africa frontiers of science, engineering & medicine symposium 2025 – in rwanda, deltas africa sub-saharan african consortium for advanced biostatistics (ssacab) scholarships 2025 for african students.

east african essay writing competition 2021

NOW OPEN: UN Secretary-General’s Global Call for nominees to serve as his Special Representatives or Deputy Special Representatives

Study in Canada: Concordia University Scholarships for International Students 2024/2025

Study in Canada: Concordia University Scholarships for International Students 2024/2025


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We interviewed Multi-Scholarship Award winners and put everything we learned into this book.

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Young african writing contest 2021 essay collection.

Young African Writing Contest 2021 Essay Collection

The #YAWC2021 participants, through their essay entries, demonstrated nothing short of brilliance and academic excellence. One impressive quality that we took notice of was the ability of the participants to take an imaginative journey into the future of our dear continent, and pen down developmental desires in a manner that provokes a vivid imagery of the Africa they want. This therefore underscores the importance of promoting an understanding of Agenda 2063 among all members and across all levels of our society. From the entries it could be gauged how ECOSOCC has reached some very remote villages on the continent even though internet connectivity is a challenge in the mentioned places but ultimately the perseverance of the African youth overcame challenges on the way.

east african essay writing competition 2021

All contents © 2024 African Union All rights reserved



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  2. The 21st International Committee of the Red Cross Essay Competition for

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  7. Arise Africa Writing Contest

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  8. Ministry of Education'S Advert for Secondary Schools 2021 Essay Writing

    The East African Community is pleased to announce the EAC Sstudents' Essay Writing Competition; 2021. The competition is open to students in secondary schools (Form One to Four) in the East African Community Partner States i.e. Kenya Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and United Republic of Tanzania.

  9. Rwandan student among winners of E.African essay competition

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  10. EAC Sectoral Council on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and

    The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of eight (8) Partner States, ... The Sectoral Council approved the winners of the 2021 EAC Essay Writing Competition and further approved their presentation for awards by the Summit. It emphasized on the urgency to finalize Annex VII of the Common Market Protocol on ...

  11. ICRC essay competition for East African universities

    Instructions. The competition is open to all undergraduate students from Eastern Africa universities. Essays must be typed, properly referenced and structured, and a bibliography provided. The essay and a copy of student's identification card must be received at the ICRC regional office in Nairobi by 14 August 2020 by email ( [email protected] ).

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    The Cambridge Language Collective is delighted to be opening its third annual Schools' Essay Competition. Following the spirit of the publication's own personal objective, to 'broaden horizons beyond the Anglophone world', the essay competition encourages students from years 10 to 13 to write about the art & culture, or politics & society, of a non-Anglophone country.

  17. 101+ International Essay Writing Competitions 2024

    April 19, 2024. Spread the love. Spread the loveQueens Commonwealth Essay Competition 2024 With the Queens Commonwealth Essay Competition, young writers like you have an amazing opportunity to share their thoughts, discuss important global concerns, and maybe win a trip to London for a week of cultural and educational events.

  18. Schools' Essay Competition 2022 Winners

    French Creative Writing Competition. Schools' Essay Competition 2021 Winners Columns ... Schools' Essay Competition 2021 Winners Columns Current Affairs ... Asia Europe America Middle East, Africa & Central Asia Schools' Essay Competition 2022 Winning Submissions L'Eixample Barcelona.

  19. Jobs at The African Union

    Why Join the African Union. Work isn't simply about earning a paycheck. It's the way you pursue interesting professional challenges, seek new rewards, and help change the world. If you want to work for a company that offers job mobility, a strong growth outlook, and opportunities to make a difference in the world, join us at THe African Union.

  20. Africa@2050 Climate Fiction Writing Competition 2021 for African

    Africa@2050 Climate Fiction Writing Competition 2021 for African Writers. ( £1000 in cash prize) by OFA May 12, 2021. by OFA May 12, 2021 1 comment. ... FACTS Moving Frontiers Program 2019 for Agro-businesses in East Africa January 25, 2019. UNESCO World Heritage Volunteers Initiative 2020 Program : Call for... December 12, 2019.

  21. international essay competition

    The competition is a free competition open for young writers under the age of 25. Everyone all over the world is free to enter for the contest. The Fountain Essay Contests. Entries are accepted from all and sundry for submission to the Fountain Essay Competition. Interested essayists should ensure uniqueness and richness of the content for ...

  22. PDF Call for Essays

    first-ever student essay writing competition. The competition is open to all East African university undergraduate students studying law. The obligation to uphold the rule of law is an integral part of the overall commitment to governance and democracy by East African Heads of State and Government, as expressed in the Treaty for The ...

  23. ELSA/KAS National Essay Writing Competition 2024 for young Ethiopian

    Application Deadline: 20 April 2024. Ethiopian Law Schools Association (ELSA) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Office Ethiopia/African Union are pleased to announce a National Essay Writing Competition on the theme "The Role of Academia in Upholding the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Ethiopia." This competition aims to foster critical thinking and scholarly discourse on the vital role ...

  24. Young African Writing Contest 2021 Essay Collection

    The #YAWC2021 participants, through their essay entries, demonstrated nothing short of brilliance and academic excellence. One impressive quality that we took notice of was the ability of the participants to take an imaginative journey into the future of our dear continent, and pen down developmental desires in a manner that provokes a vivid imagery of the Africa they want.