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Life Is Full Of Surprises (Essay Sample)

Life is full of surprises.

In life, there are many surprises that can be good or bad, at times you can secretly wish for something good to happen that is out of the ordinary. The real surprise comes when your wish comes true. I have never imagined that something like this could one day happen to me, this surprise made me stop and reflect back on my life and what it meant to be alive. You cannot imagine that something simple as being lost in the forest for some minutes would have made me look at life from a different perspective.

If you do not think so, then this was the surprise of my life. Throughout my childhood, I loved playing outdoors, especially in the wild. My families were adventurous people we could go out for long walks in the nearby forest.  I never thought of what could happen if we did not find our way back. For me, walking in the forest was a great experience because I had the opportunity to breathe fresh air and see the green vegetation that made the forest the most beautiful place. As we grew up, my brother and I continued with the usual evening walks along the same path.

One day it happened that we decided to take a different path from the main trail, before we all knew the path disappeared and we could not tell where we were coming from, everything around me seemed different. The trees were taller as the birds chirped in a different tone. We all felt uncomfortable for a while, but luckily my brother always carried a map along with him on every trip. While my brother was worried, I felt at ease because the atmosphere was calm. I preferred spending more time in the forest than being in a hurry to go back to the busy life of the city. My brother kept calm and controlled, and took the map and started tracing the forest path. We walked through the thick woods to find the main road, but all was in vain.

As the night feel we became tired because we had walked for several miles looking for the main path.  When we were about to give up, we saw some dim light from a distance, to our surprise there was a small cabin in the middle of the forest. My brother and I had a mixed feeling about seeking for help, but we did not have a choice but to approach the house to avoid freezing out in the cold weather. As we approached the cabin, the dog started backing, and an old man came out of the house in time to save us from the backing dog that was not friendly to us.

He welcomed us into the house and allowed us to stay overnight before we could start our journey the next day, this experience made me think about my life; I kept on wondering what could have happened to us if we did not find the cabin. The old man made me realize that in life when you are about to give up something unexpected comes along. For a moment, I thought that we were all going to freeze to death in the forest. It is incredible how a simple evening walk can made me realize how life can change suddenly. By not able to find our way back to where we came from made me appreciate the little things in life. Looking back on the day, I realize that it was fate.  Surprises like makes me appreciate people.

essay about life is full of surprises

Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

Why Humans Need Surprise

During a recent out of town vacation, I was in a restaurant having dinner alone when I overheard two women at the next table having a conversation about their children going off to college. Though I’m normally shy with strangers, I decided to butt in—I too have a college-bound senior—which led to a great conversation and an unexpected surprise: one of the women had a child at my son’s high school…and our kids knew each other!

Delightful surprises like this can make your whole day. Of course, not all surprises are good ones—those two women could have just as easily chastised me for interrupting their conversation.

But in the new book Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected , Tania Luna and Leeann Renninger argue that surprise, whether good or bad, is important for bringing vitality to our lives. Their book explores the science and practice of engineering surprise—whether at work, at home, or in our relationships—and provides a pathway to living life with more engagement and wonder.

essay about life is full of surprises

Why is surprise important? It turns out that surprise works on the dopamine system in our brains, helping us to focus our attention and inspiring us to look at our situation in new ways. Luna and Renninger outline four stages of the surprise response:

  • Freeze—when we are stopped in our tracks because of the unexpected
  • Find—when we get hooked into trying to understand what’s going on/how this happened
  • Shift—when we begin to shift our perspectives, based on conflicting findings
  • Share—when we feel the pull to share our surprises with others

Each stage can be manipulated or “hacked” to encourage more surprise in our lives. For example, when we are in the “find” phase of surprise, it can help us to adopt a stance of curiosity, asking questions rather than looking for answers right away, which can lead to worldview shifts. So, let’s say you are a Democrat and feel that all Republicans are “crazy”—then you meet a Republican and fall into a very sane, thoughtful conversation. This experience may make you stop and, if you are willing, get curious. It might even make you think about political disagreements in new ways.

Funny, I don’t think of sharing as part of surprise; but apparently, it’s a common response. According to the authors, sharing surprises with others can help us savor them even more and relieve us of what they call the “cognitive burden” of surprise—all of that finding and shifting that goes through our heads. Perhaps that’s why when I got home from my trip, I was quick to share the story of my chance encounter with my husband. In fact, if I think about it, I probably always recount surprises to someone.

Of course, negative surprises are much more challenging than positive ones—receiving a devastating diagnosis, having a car accident, or losing your job will not be a welcome change of pace. But, as Luna and Renninger argue, that doesn’t mean we can avoid them—they are a natural part of life. It is better to find ways to cope with negative surprises than to resist them. Being open to uncertainty, learning how to reframe negative experiences in more positive ways, and nurturing stable relationships are all tools we can use to recover from negative surprises more easily.

For some people, the desire to avoid all surprise is paramount, often because they fear appearing foolish or ill-prepared. But this leads to stagnation, claim the authors. “So long as we fear vulnerability, we play it safe and stop ourselves from exploring,” they write.

This dynamic is perhaps never more obvious than in a work setting, where a micromanaging boss can kill innovation, or in long-term relationships, where predictability can take the spark out of romance. That’s why in experiments with married couples those who engage more in novel activities had more relationships satisfaction than those that didn’t. Likewise, workplaces where managers encourage experimentation and see the value of occasional failure tend to be highly prized by employees.

To invite more surprise into your life, while avoiding the pitfalls, the authors suggest several strategies:

  • Reframe vulnerability as openness and take deliberate steps to be more vulnerable—such as sharing personal or embarrassing information about yourself with someone else that you might not otherwise share. Experiments have shown that being vulnerable with others will endear you to them, especially if you seem like someone who is very competent or a know-it-all.
  • Practice engaging in activities where you don’t know how things will turn out, such as inviting a colleague out for a drink or asking for a raise. If that’s difficult to imagine, it can help if you play out different scenarios in your head beforehand and come up with strategies to handle all possible outcomes.
  • Make a “struggle sandwich.” In other words, try taking bigger risks sandwiched between taking smaller risks that are more likely to go well, so that you learn to associate risk-taking with positive outcomes.
  • Become more curious about your surroundings, by asking questions to people you don’t know or more penetrating questions to people you know well. Or, perhaps, reading a magazine or seeing a movie about a topic you know nothing about.
  • Mix things up in your routines, such as taking the bus instead of driving to work or suggesting an unusual activity to do with your spouse or trying a new restaurant. These kinds of unexpected changes can lead to new insights and increased appreciation.
  • Delight other people by giving them small, unexpected gifts, “under-promising and over-delivering” (e.g. promising to do the dishes and then cleaning out the fridge, too), or just doing something nice without explaining why, to create mystery and increase happiness. In one experiment, students in a library received a car containing a gold dollar with a message saying either “Have a nice day” alone or “Have a nice day” from the “Smile Society,” with a brief explanation of the society’s mission. When tested later, those who’d received the mysterious cards were in a better mood and had thought about the car much longer than those whose cards were explained.

Luna and Renninger suggest that we all need to stop protecting ourselves from the uncertainty or fear of surprise and get out there to engineer more of it. Not only will surprise bring more vitality to our lives, it will also lead to improvements in society.

“By embracing and engineering surprise you can make our whole world richer,” they write. “You can inspire wonder, connection, vulnerability, growth, and creativity.”

About the Author

Headshot of Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie, Psy.D. , is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good .

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essay about life is full of surprises

Experiments dating back to the 1960s show people have less of a reaction to viewing an unpleasant image or experiencing an electric shock when they know it’s coming than when they’re not expecting it. That’s because uncertainty, a long-known cause of anxiety , makes it difficult to prepare for events or to control them .

People vary in their desire to minimise uncertainty. Those who react by worrying focus on potential threats and risks such as “what if I don’t get the promotion?” or “what if I get sick?”. Worry can be useful when it leads to adaptive behaviours that reduce threat, but chronic worry may cause harmful levels of stress that can affect heart health and the functioning of the immune system, among other things.

Our bodies may display subtle reactions to uncertainty, which we may not notice. One experiment showed people who dislike uncertainty had increased blood pressure when anticipating threat. When our bodily reaction is a strong one, we tend to recognise and label it as anxiety, but when it’s more subtle, we often fail to see it despite its effect.

These internal reactions to uncertainty are normal, but they can lead us to act in impulsive ways that undermine our self-confidence, so it’s important to become aware of them.

Not all bad

Dislike of uncertainty is associated with a number of mental health issues including eating disorders, social anxiety, anxiety disorders and depression . And people who say they dislike it immensely report more of these disorders occurring at the same time.

But not everything about uncertainty is bad news; while it can make negative events worse, uncertainty also makes positive events more exciting.

In an experiment about the contribution of uncertainty to romantic attraction, a group of female university students were told that attractive males had seen their profile and may or may not have liked them. Meanwhile, a second group was told the attractive males had definitely liked them. The women who were not certain about whether they were liked were more attracted to the men than those certain about being liked.

essay about life is full of surprises

Difficulties arise when our responses to uncertainty are inflexible and rely on attempts to control it. The more we try to avoid the distress uncertainty brings, the less we’re able to develop the ability to effectively handle uncertain situations. And if we choose to focus on avoiding distress , we may not stretch ourselves by trying out new activities, for instance, or speaking to new people. This reaction can prevent us from having positive experiences that build our self-confidence.

Indeed, rigidity, which is the opposite of flexibility, underlies unhealthy responses to many psychological problems. We know this from psychological research in thinking styles and perfectionism. As life is never perfect, we need to be at ease with making mistakes, learning from them and lowering or changing our goals when they are thwarted. People who are flexible tend to be more willing to reflect on disappointments, access appropriate emotional support and be less self-critical.

Managing uncertainty

Many of us struggle with uncertainty, so here are a few things you can do to help manage it.

1) Decide whether an issue is important. Most people feel vulnerable when faced with a threat to their health, for instance, or a big event such as the sale of their house. But, sometimes a bodily reaction to uncertainty will be triggered in less obvious circumstances. Work, finances, competition, parenting and friendships all have potential to spark discomfort, tension and other negative feelings.

2) Take action when your uncertainty reaction has been triggered and recognise its effect on your body. If it’s causing anxiety, do a short meditation . This may not only be of immediate help but will also assist by making you mindful of how your body reacts to uncertainty. Ultimately, it might help you tolerate feelings of uncertainty rather than spend time on fruitless worry.

3) Recognise thought errors that try to pull you into worry. “ Catastrophising ”, for instance, is the tendency our minds have to exaggerate all the things that could go wrong. Once we recognise this human tendency, we can learn to challenge or even ignore our worries.

4) Don’t get taken for a ride by an uncertain situation or your reaction to it. Allow yourself to have negative feelings; they are normal after all. If you need to, talk to someone about your concerns and come back to your own ability to withstand disappointment.

essay about life is full of surprises

Sitting with uncertainty requires patience. In order to build patience, you may need to set a realistic time frame on when the current situation will be resolved and postpone thoughts about it until that time has elapsed. In the meantime, absorb yourself in an activity that you enjoy or that has the power to distract you.

5) If the uncertainty resolves and you do experience a major disappointment, open up to trusted others. Allow yourself to reflect on what this means to you. The more we open up and talk with others, the more emotions disperse (slowly but surely). The process of reflection and allowing feelings is different to indulging worries about uncertainty.

Being open to this process allows us to adjust our expectations and move our energy and goals to areas where our expectations can be met. If a promotion at work does not come through, for instance, you may choose to put time into a sport or music, which you may not previously had time to prioritise.

Uncertainty is a part of life and it can’t be avoided. The best way to deal with it is to learn techniques that help you live with it, without the accompanying worry.

If you would like to learn about whether reactions to uncertainty can be altered in school programs , or in one-session internet-delivered programs for adults, click here , or email [email protected]

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Life is full of surprises, and you’re one of them

Life is full of surprises, and you are one of them. I’ll begin by offering two reasons YOU are so surprising. The first deals with your relationship with the universe. Although the size of the universe can be measured, its vastness is unfathomable. Nevertheless, I’ll try to paint a picture of its size. Imagine gathering all the beaches on earth and placing them in one pile. The pile represents the universe and a single grain of sand, the sun. What about our planet, earth? To represent it, you would have to use a speck that is 1/300,000th the mass of a single grain of sand. Can you see why finding a needle in a haystack is infinitely easier than finding planet earth in the universe? But wait a minute, if our planet is 1/300,000th the mass of a grain of sand, what size would you be? The answer is: so small and insignificant that, as far as the universe is concerned, YOU DON’T EXIST! Yet, you do! That’s what’s so surprising.

Ready to move on to surprise number two? What are the odds of you being born? Before answering that, let me paint another picture. Pretend that somewhere in Canada, The U.S., Mexico, Central America, or South America there is the perfect mate for you. And pretend that every single member of the same sex as you, in all the above regions, regardless of their age, are striving to marry the same person you want as a mate! Since the total population for the above areas is about 765,873,947 and about half are the same sex as you, you would have to compete with roughly 382,936,973 people for the same mate! Imagine how incredibly lucky you would have to be to marry the person of your dreams. Getting back to the question I posed earlier, what are the odds of you being born? Well, very similar to my illustration of millions of people competing for the same mate. You see, before YOU were conceived, there were between 300 and 400 MILLION sperm (spermatozoa) competing to fertilize one egg (ovum)! Depending on which sperm fertilized the egg, a completely different person would have been created. So, the odds of YOU being born are one in three or four hundred million! Considering the odds, I find our existence quite surprising.

Now you know what I mean when I say that life is full of surprises and you are one of them. Someone who agreed with this assertion was the English biologist, Lewis Thomas (1913 – 1993), who wrote, “Statistically, the probability of any of us being here is so small that you’d think the mere fact of existing would keep us all in contented dazzlement of surprise.” Apparently, George Burns’ great love, Gracie Allen (1906 – 1964), also agreed, for she said, “When I was born I was so surprised that I didn’t talk for a year and a half.”

The world we live in consists of order and disorder. The laws of nature are evidence of order. The many laws are so dependable that we often forget about the chaos in our midst. Yet, uncertainty, unpredictability, randomness, the unanticipated and the unexpected are equally enmeshed in our lives. Unfortunately, the words we use to describe chaos evoke negative images such as insecurity and instability. However, if we refer to chaos as SURPRISE, we are more likely to discover its beauty. After all, we love surprises, such as the surprise endings of stories and jokes. Why, at my last birthday, close friends surprised me by the absence of a party. Wow, what a surprise that was!

A hike in the woods is the perfect place to experience life’s dance of order and disorder. Maple leaves turn crimson and fall from trees as ordained by the laws of nature. But what shade of crimson? And in which direction will they fall? Like the forest, our life will have its share of order and chaos. Chaos is to order what energy is to matter, they are just different expressions of a single principle. When we understand life, we expect the unexpected.

You’re resting under a tree when suddenly, plop, a caterpillar drops on your hand. What do you do? Brush it aside? A child would never do so. Instead he or she would take a close look, trying to decipher the wonder and mystery of life. We need to regain that spirit of adventure. When disaster strikes, why do we moan about our pain instead of grabbing hold of life. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.”

No, it is not misfortune, insecurity, and the unexpected that need to be confronted, but SURPRISE that needs to be embraced, for it is a doorway that leads to a better you. Here’s how Robert D. Ballard expressed the same idea, “Everyone is an explorer. How could you possibly live your life looking at a door and not open it?”

SURPRISE is life tickling us. It is a source of joy and delight. A life without surprise, is a life of boredom. We don’t have to wait for surprise to appear. We can add excitement and pleasure to life by creating our own surprises. Opportunities abound. Interested in another position, but afraid that if you applied you would be turned down? Apply anyway. For if you do, you will experience surprise. What kind of surprise? They may hire you! Wow, that would be a nice surprise. If they don’t, you will be surprised by the courage you displayed and delighted by your newfound strength. Look for areas in which you can improve and surprise yourself by creating a better you.

Share the pleasure of surprise with others. Surprise your spouse, family members and friends. Surprise your boss by showing up on time! What exotic dishes haven’t you tried? Surprise yourself and friends by trying new types of food. Mmmm, delicious! Do you have some favorite hangouts? A pub, bar, coffee shop, or restaurant? Why not explore a new neighborhood? Surprise yourself with a different mood, crowd, and atmosphere. What about your tastes in music and the arts? Isn’t it true that if you tried something different you may be delightfully surprised? The same is true with books, as we venture into new fields, surprising new worlds open. So, let’s welcome the uncertainty of life by using surprise to uncover new opportunities, recover the wonder of our youth, and discover the joy of life.

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Life is full of surprises

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Clichés should not be ignored just because they are clichés. 

essay about life is full of surprises

The closest disciples did not understand that Jesus really meant what he said, beyond metaphor.  Even in the afterglow of the Transfiguration, three of the apostles seem to have dismissed his prediction of death and resurrection as a pious cliché.  There was even a subtle humor in the way the Lord surprised them: the way the Magdalen at first thought the distant figure was a gardener, and the way young John dropped for a moment his self-effacing humility by mentioning that he outran Peter to the tomb, and Jesus' conversation with the two men on the Emmaus road almost like an elegant tease at first, and the food he ate in the Upper Room to prove he was not a ghost, and his commanding serenity when he showed Thomas the wounds.

The element of surprise affirms the integrity of an event.  The Risen Lord said to Cleopas and his companion: "How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!" (Luke 24:25).  That is the one instance when he called anyone a fool.  At first it would seem to contradict his command not to insult people by calling them " raqa " which means empty-headed.  But here, in the glory of the Resurrection, there is no malice attached to what he says.  There is only what some have called a gracious mirth.

If life is so full of surprises that we are no longer surprised by them, the solution is to recall that for forty days after the Lord rose from the dead, "Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book.  But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name" (John 20:30-31).

Additional Info

  • Author: Father George W. Rutler


Reprinted with permission of Father George W. Rutler. 

  • Publisher: Father George W. Rutler

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essay about life is full of surprises

Life's surprises can be the some of the greatest things that happen to us

I’ve never been a “cat person.”

Our family didn’t have cats when I was growing up, so I never gave cats much thought. But about five years ago, my wife and I were sitting in our backyard when we noticed a cat sleeping on a child’s playscape we have in the yard. The cat started showing up every day, we noticed, and eventually crept over to us. We petted her and thought little of it.

But then we fed her. Then she got hurt and needed to be nursed back to health. Then she started coming into the house. And, then, to make a long story short, she became part of the family. We named her “Marty” and learned from the neighbors that she was a feral cat who used to belong to some people who moved and chose not to take Marty with them.

For five years now, though, Marty has been a beloved member of our household. She sleeps at the foot of our bed, rests in my lap as I read the paper every morning, and nestles on the couch with my wife to watch TV at night. Last month, when I got a bad cough and had to move to another bedroom so as not to keep my wife awake, Marty moved with me — to give me company and comfort in my time of need.

The other night when the three of us were in our assigned places watching television, I asked my wife, “Who would have ever thought that we would have a cat?” “Not me,” she said. “Me either,” I replied. Marty is an unexpected, unplanned part of our lives — and we would miss her terribly should she ever leave us.

She has made me think, though, of how many other unexpected, unplanned serendipities I have experienced in my life. My life is filled with people I never thought would become my friends, books I never expected would change my life, experiences I never thought would be so enriching, and beliefs I never thought would capture my allegiance.

Garth Brooks once had a country song with the line, “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.” I have come to believe that Brooks might be on to something there. We think we know what we need and exactly how our lives are going to unfold, but typically that doesn’t happen.

Life inevitably throws us some unexpected curve balls — some good and some bad. But we wake up one morning and realize our plan A is not happening, that we are setting sail on some uncharted plan B.

We have good reason to grieve when that Plan B is one of those bad curve balls. Life is often unfair, and, like Job in the Old Testament, we wonder why God would allow such curve balls to be thrown at us. But let’s at least acknowledge the presence of those good curve balls, too. Some of the best things that have happened to us have been those delightful serendipities that we never would have chosen or expected.

The Christian novelist and apologist C. S. Lewis titled his autobiography, "Surprised by Joy." That’s what happens to many of us. We not only get surprised by joy; we get surprised by the serendipities that bring us that joy.

Cats. People. Experiences. Songs. Books. They all sneak up on us — and bless our lives in ways we never saw coming.

Judson Edwards is the author of twelve books and lives in Cedar Park.


Essay on Best Day of My Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Best Day of My Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Best Day of My Life

The best day of my life.

Life is full of surprises and great moments. For me, the best day of my life was when I won the city level spelling bee competition.


I spent weeks practicing, learning new words every day. I was determined to win and made sure to prepare well.

The Competition Day

On the day of the competition, I was nervous but excited. As I spelled word after word correctly, my confidence grew.

The Winning Moment

Finally, when I was declared the winner, I was overjoyed. It was truly the best day of my life.

250 Words Essay on Best Day of My Life


Life is a beautiful journey filled with highs and lows, joys and sorrows. Among these myriad experiences, some moments leave an indelible mark, becoming the best days of our lives. For me, the best day of my life was the day I discovered my passion for astrophysics, a day that altered my life’s trajectory forever.

The Revelation

It was a regular day at college until I attended a guest lecture by a renowned astrophysicist. His words about the cosmos, its mysteries, and the pursuit of understanding it, struck a chord deep within me. I felt an inexplicable connection, a sudden clarity that I had never experienced before. This was not just an interest; it was a passion, a calling.

The Aftermath

The rest of the day was a blur, as my mind was consumed by thoughts of galaxies, stars, and black holes. I spent hours in the library, pouring over astrophysics books. The more I read, the more I was drawn into this fascinating world. I felt a sense of purpose, a burning desire to contribute to this field.

That day was transformative, not because of an external event, but due to an internal shift. It was the day I found my passion, my direction. It was the best day of my life because it gave me a purpose that transcended beyond the mundane. It was the day I found my place in the universe, not as an insignificant speck, but as an explorer seeking to unravel its secrets.

500 Words Essay on Best Day of My Life

Every individual has a unique perspective on what they consider to be the best day of their life. This personal narrative revolves around a day that was transformative and enlightening for me, a day that marked a significant milestone in my journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

The Dawn of the Day

It was the day when I was to present my research at an international conference. The significance of this day was not merely the event itself, but the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and resilience. The early morning hours were filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, the kind that makes your heart race and your palms sweat.

The Moment of Truth

As I stepped onto the stage, I felt an adrenaline rush. The audience was a sea of intellectuals, scholars, and industry professionals. The moment had arrived. I began my presentation, articulating the complexities of my research, the significance of my findings, and the implications for the wider academic community. As I spoke, I felt a sense of calm and confidence. My words resonated with the audience, their nods of approval and thoughtful questions affirming my competence and the value of my research.

The applause that followed my presentation was overwhelming. I had not only successfully presented my research but had also sparked insightful discussions among the audience. The sense of achievement and validation was unparalleled. It was a moment of triumph, not just for me, but for everyone who had supported and believed in me throughout my journey.

The best day of my life was not about the applause or the accolades. It was about the realization of my potential, the acknowledgement of my hard work, and the affirmation of my contribution to the academic community. It was about overcoming self-doubt, embracing challenges, and pushing the boundaries of my capabilities.

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essay about life is full of surprises

The Best Things In Life Are Unexpected

Life seems incomplete without a plan. From day one, we are placed on a path that we are supposed to follow. Our parents and teachers give us the expectations they have for us and we set out to discover what this treasure map has in store for us.

Yet, we become so obsessed with these expectations that we feel everything in our lives must go according to plan. Whether it’s going to a raucous party or the age by which you want to be married, we have a strict perception of how our future should work.

Stop leaving yourself disappointed with unfulfilled expectations and stop trying to create a plan for every goal you have. The most exciting things in life are unexpected.

Think back to a fun night you had with some friends. Did it unfold exactly how you had anticipated it? Probably not. The future never unfolds exactly the way we expect it. Random factors come into play and force deviations from the perceived conclusion. Could you imagine how boring life would be if you knew how everything would turn out before you even experienced it?

Change makes our day-to-day operations more interesting, fun and strangely magical. Resisting change will slow down your progress in your pursuit of happiness.

Sometimes an unexpected turn of events will leave you smiling, and when that happens, be appreciative and observant of the wonder that has been bestowed upon you. It is how you react when things don't go your way that shapes your outlook on life and builds the strength within yourself to conquer the journey to success and happiness.

The world works in mysterious ways. Sometimes things will turn out in your favor. But when they don’t, you just have to roll with it. Your life will not turn out as perfectly as you imagined. This doesn't, however, mean you can’t live a life full of joy and satisfaction.

You just need to stay open-minded and be easygoing when things change. How you approach the path to your most important goals is dictated by your interpretation of the constant curve balls the world throws you. If you react with a positive attitude, odds are you’ll be in for a positive outcome.

Turn your focus to living in the here and now. More often than not, we find ourselves looking too far ahead into our future. While it is good to have an idea of how we want our future shaped, we shouldn’t overanalyze every detail that might affect this plan.

We have to accept the fact that changes will be made and we should only react with optimism. But until then, focus on the present and make the most of it.

One thing many people put stress on is relationships. We are infatuated with who we should be dating or when we should be dating. Release your relationship expectations and let things unfold on their own.

More often than not, the person you’ve been looking for will come into your life when you least expect it. When that happens, you must come to peace with how the relationship came to be and what it has taught you about getting what you want.

Take advantage of the opportunities you are given and do not be afraid of risk. If a friend asks if you want to tag along somewhere, say yes. Who knows, you could have a great experience or even meet someone special. Don’t turn down an offer because you are afraid of how it will turn out.  An unknown outcome heightens the thrill of the ride.

Expectations cause the stress of a situation to rise. If you are an optimist, you expect everything to go perfectly. This will make you worry about the endless ways something could go wrong.

If you are more of a realist, you’ll expect everything to be worse than it actually will be. This will discourage you from even wanting to go through with the situation you’re so eagerly anticipating. In order to worry less, stop the expectation of any outcome, good or bad.

It is imperative that you make the most of right now. The quicker you understand how valuable time is, the quicker you’ll stop wasting it. You’re wasting your time by trying to predict the future. Instead, focus on being the best person you can be right now.

Become less attached to the likelihood of any expectation and you'll find the stress will lift from your shoulders. There is only one moment you should live, one moment that you should put all of your energy, thought and faith in: right now.

James Simkins | Elite.

essay about life is full of surprises

Upcoming Sims competitor inZOI is getting full mod support on launch and a surprise character creation demo much sooner

CurseForge is lending a hand with mods.

Inzoi - two characters pose for a selfie together in front of a blue convertible car

It's 2024 and we're still shockingly short on games one could consider a direct competitor to The Sims. After Life by You's unfortunate demise, Krafton's inZOI is now the next hopeful to unmonopolize the life sim scene, and I'm becoming increasingly sold on it by the day—especially now the developer has confirmed it'll have official mod support thanks to a partnership with Overwolf.

That's the owner of Curseforge, arguably one of the biggest repositories for add-ons and mods. It's been the go-to app for games like Minecraft and World of Warcraft for a hot minute, as well as housing over 50,000 mods for The Sims 4. Krafton says it'll be working with Overwolf to scout out modders and enlist them to create goodies in the run up to the game's release some time this year.

In a press release, Hyungjun Kim, the game's producer and director, said: "inZOI is committed to encouraging easier mod creation and artistic expression from players. By partnering with CurseForge, we are providing a dedicated platform for inZOI mods, ensuring that our community has the best tools and resources to bring their creative visions to life."

It seems that Krafton is hoping to cultivate a community similar to that of The Sims, which I'd argue has long been propped up by the effort of its players and modders. Taking steps to try and ensure a similar environment for inZOI feels like a smart decision: It's an easy way to broaden the game's catalogue of content (I mean, what Sims player doesn't have 100GB+ dedicated to pretty clothes and furniture?) without having to have a whole lot of direct involvement, and can do wonders for general longevity. 

Partnering with someone well-versed in hosting mods seems like the easiest way to encourage folk to share their work, and I do have high hopes for inZOI to take off with a great community of creatives behind it.

That's not the only bit of inZOI news the developer had locked and loaded, either. I have admittedly been on the fence about the game's art style, but Krafton is releasing a little something that will give me a chance to look at things first-hand and hopefully change my mind. There'll be a character creation demo releasing on August 21, offering over 250 customisation options which I am very excited about. It's not sticking around for long, though, as it's only available until August 25 at 9 PM PT and August 26 at 12 AM ET / 5 AM BST. 

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Mollie spent her early childhood deeply invested in games like Killer Instinct, Toontown and Audition Online, which continue to form the pillars of her personality today. She joined PC Gamer in 2020 as a news writer and now lends her expertise to write a wealth of features, guides and reviews with a dash of chaos. She can often be found causing mischief in Final Fantasy 14, using those experiences to write neat things about her favourite MMO. When she's not staring at her bunny girl she can be found sweating out rhythm games, pretending to be good at fighting games or spending far too much money at her local arcade.  

Unbelievably beautiful life sim Inzoi is doing a limited time demo of its character creator next week

With Life By You canceled and Paralives not out until 2025, this lo-fi life sim is the best game like The Sims to play right now

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essay about life is full of surprises




Frane Selak Motivational Story

Life is the biggest reward for humanity and everything revolves around it.

Expect the unexpected, Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable because Life is full of unexpected things just to surprise you.

After reading this real life story of Frane Selak “world’s unluckiest man” you would really realize, LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES , and every day every moment it is something new which we have never expected.

We sleep thinking about tomorrow that after wake we have to do this and that, but nobody knows how tomorrow will be?

The start of life will end in which way? is completely secret of life and nobody could dwell on it.

But in between this surprising event of birth and death what happens is completely an example that LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES .

This life is immensely beautiful and hide immense beautiful surprises for each and everyone because the Almighty always have something unique and beautiful for everyone.

Today I am going to share the story of one such person whose, LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES everyday and if you try to keep yourself in that situation you will realize life is really like this and open a new chapter for us every morning every new moment.

What happening with us at present is just one event because of a series of several other events that occurred in our past and it is not completely correct to classify it under the category of good or bad because what seems bad can be good next   moment and what seems good now because of that can happen something bad next moment.

Imagine suddenly someone robbed your house and in the next moment you get a chance to play Kaun Banega Crorepati(KBC) and when everyone was losing you win crores of rupees in KBC, really LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES.

Well today I am going to share one amazing real story of Such a person, for so many, it can be learning that LIFE IS REALLY FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES and for some other it can be a REAL MOTIVATIONAL STORY that, h ow bad things can be, there is always something surprising waiting for us, just we have to keep faith in that ALMIGHTY which really controls everything.


“Frane   Selak” known as the worlds unluckiest man but in my view, he is the world’s luckiest man that his life was completely decided by god’s will and after several difficulties and problem in life he was rewarded in the last.

Well, I leave it up to you to decide whether “Frane Selak” would be Titled as Worlds luckiest man or words unluckiest man   that completely depends on your outlook whether your glass is half empty or half full and don’t forget to mention it in the comment box.

“Frane Selak” a Croatian citizen survived all type of crash in his life whether is it Plane crash or train crash or car crash he survived everything and letter what happened is more interesting which make his LIFE FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES .

“Frane Selak” born in 1929, and in 1962 when he was going on a train what happened was an accident for so many of us, but what happened after the accident we can’t say it was an accident.

The train was passing through green areas   and the train went inside one tunnel after passing through tunnel Train was flipped from its track and fall into  a river where approximately 17 people died but somehow “FRANE SELAK” survived, however, this ended up some problem in his body but he survived this accident but not accidentally.

Frene Slevak survived Train accident

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What do you think, it was an accident?

Well now FRANE SELAK also started to realize that really LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES and now he decided that he would not travel anymore by train or plane, and it was 1966, a few years later he survived a plane accident he was going on a bus and suddenly the bus skidded off the road and fell into a river where several other passengers died but FRANE SELAK survived again this accident but remember not accidentally. Rather this is the result of that surprise of life which is full of SURPRISES AND MIRACLES.

essay about life is full of surprises

Several years passed and now FRANE SELAK decided that he would not travel in TRAIN, PLANE, or BUS so he decided to buy a car. And now FRANE SELAK for whom accident don’t happen accidentally was travelling in his CAR and in 1970 his car caught fire and he escaped from his car before his fuel tank blew up and survived this accident but remember again, not accidentally.

And again in 1996, he was driving his car in a valley and one truck was coming in front of him which was without direction, and what happens next was unimaginable.

Imagine what can happen in a normal scenario?

But FRANE SELAK was ejected out of his car as he was not wearing a seat belt and managed to hold onto a tree and watched his car plummet down 90 metres.

Well, he tried all modes of transport now he was just waiting for his wings so that he could fly.

Well after several years again some accident happened in his car and he survived again.

After several series of the accident which were not happening accidentally they were happening because LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES , now life is having something best hidden for him.

His life was going on, things were happening, friends start to go away from him because they considered FRANE SELAK is the result of bad karma( You can read here how to do NISHKAM KARMA ), everyone starts to keep their distance from him  and it was 2003 few days after his birthday when FRANE SELAK win the lottery of US$1,110,000  and now everything changed.

Money changes several things.

After winning this lottery FRANE SELAK realizes LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES and now all his pain, all his sorrow and all his grief all his misery was going to end.

With this money, he bought the house for him which later he sold and continue with his simple life.


What we wish if it happens its good but what we think if it does not happen then it's very good.

Because what doesn’t happen according to us, it is happening because of God's wish and what happens with his wish it can’t be bad.

Just need to wait for Correct time, Correct Place and Correct Value.

LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES every moment and we have to welcome every moment with a smile in our face and thanks to God for everything for every moment.

We can hope for the best and prepare for the worst because 


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Life Is Full Of Surprises Quotes

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essay about life is full of surprises

Life is full of surprises, but the biggest one of all is learning what it takes to handle them.

Sometimes when you lose your way in the fog, you end up in a beautiful place! Don't be afraid of getting lost!

A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise... Because this is how life is full of surprises.

essay about life is full of surprises

We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.

Life is full of surprises, some good, some not so good.

Life is full of surprises.

It is amazing where God will take you when you are willing to follow. Life is full of surprises when we choose mystery over security.

Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects.

My life is so full of surprises, nothing surprises me any more.

Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

When we dare to doubt what we are told and take a fresh look at what's going on, we are in for lots of pleasant and fascinating and useful surprises. A new and more satisfying way of life begins to open up, just by noticing what we see.

If you train your mind to search for the positive things about other people, you will be surprised at how many good things you can observe in them and comment upon.

The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.

Life is slippery. Here, take my hand.

Life is full of surprises. Why is that always surprising?

Life does not play with marked cards.Winning or losing is part of it.

Life will find a way.

We made a film about the need for silence and withdrawal... and here we are at the epicentre of noise and excitement. Life is full of surprises.

Life is made up of marble and mud.


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‘Lord of the Rings’ star surprises diners and servers at Michigan restaurant

  • Updated: Aug. 12, 2024, 12:47 p.m.
  • | Published: Aug. 12, 2024, 12:05 p.m.

actor elijah wood

Elijah Wood at Motor City Comic Con in October 2021. Photo by Edward Pevos | MLive

DETROIT - An unexpected celebrity encounter recently occurred at a Michigan restaurant involving one of the stars of the “Lord of the Rings” franchise.

Actor Elijah Wood dined last week at Dime Store, located in downtown Detroit. The restaurant also has a second location in Rochester Hills.

The restaurant posted photos of the actor taking pics with some of its employees on its Facebook page.

“OMG, OMG, OMG. We were in full geek out mode today in Detroit when our homeboy from The Shire, Frodo Baggins, dined with us at Dime Store,” the Facebook post wrote.

“Actor and producer, Elijah Wood, brought out smiles and excitement from staff and guests alike because really, who doesn’t love Frodo?”

We don’t know why he was in Michigan last week and have reached out to his publicist, but have not yet heard back.

“By all accounts, he’s a super nice guy and even took some time to take pictures with our staff,” Dime Store’s Facebook post continued. “Thanks for being such a good sport, Elijah. We’re huge fans; it was truly an honor to have you as our guest.”

Wood also recently came to Michigan as one of the featured celebrity guests at Motor City Comic Con in October 2021.

The 43-year old Iowa native, who made his acting debut in “Back to the Future 2,” is also known for starring in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” “Wilfred,” “Flipper” and the “Happy Feet” franchise.

Edward Pevos

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Motivational And Inspirational Quotes

70 Life Is Full Of Surprises Quotes To Amaze You

Ananya Bhatt

  • April 27, 2024
  • Inspirational Quotes

Looking for inspirational quotes about life is full of surprises. We have rounded up the best collection of life is full of surprises quotes, sayings, proverbs, captions for Instagram, and status messages, (with images and pictures) to inspire you to live each day as it comes and enjoy.

Life is the greatest reward for humanity and everything moves around it. Each day is a new day and we face new challenges. Unexpected situations arise in an unbelievable way because life is filled with unexpected things just to surprise us.

Also Check: Unexpected Surprise Quotes

Life is an unpredictable journey to a destination unknown. It is a journey filled with unimaginable and unforeseen incidents and obstacles. It is not necessary that we will have a smooth life filled with happiness.

There are hard times that life puts us into. But life is beautiful and we should focus on overcoming the obstacles that come our way and live life positively.

As humans, we try to plan our life in the best possible way but life takes its own course and offers us different challenges. We should expect the unexpected because life is full of surprises, some are pleasant whereas some are not. But we should believe that we are meant to live a life full of magic, and miracles.

We should live a life filled with faith every day till the very end comes. Always believe that good things are going to happen because life is a series of thousand miracles, so live it in a way that makes it interesting and worthwhile.

For more uplifting quotes, check our collection of life is unpredictable quotes and you only live once quotes to motivate you to live your life to the fullest and enjoy it.

Famous Life Is Full Of Surprises Quotes

  • “Life is full of surprises.” — John Major
  • “Life will find a way.” — Michael Crichton
  • “Life is full of surprises and miracles.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?” — Charlton Heston
  • “Expect little and your life will be full of surprises.” — Unknown

life full of surprises quotes

  • “Life is made up of marble and mud.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • “Life is slippery. Here, take my hand.” — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • “Life is full of surprises, some good, some not so good.” — Pablo Escobar
  • “The world is full of surprises. You just need to know where to look.” — Unknown

life is full of surprises quotes

  • “Life is full of surprises. Why is that always surprising?” —  Cathleen Schine
  • “My life is so full of surprises, nothing surprises me any more.” —  Kim Wilde
  • “I’m not making any plans. I’m just going to let the universe surprise me.” — John Cusack

life is full of surprises quotes images

  • “Life is full of little surprises. Time travel is full of big ones.” — David Gerrold
  • “Life does not play with marked cards.Winning or losing is part of it.” — Paulo Coelho
  • “Life is full of pleasant surprises and miracles, and sometimes it feels like a dream.” — Unknown

quotes about surprises in life

  • “Sometimes the most shocking surprises are also the most beautiful surprises in life.” — Lori Wilhite
  • “They say life is full of surprises. That our dreams can come true. Then again, so can our nightmares.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of romance, passion, and surprises, but it would mean nothing without you by my side.” — Unknown

quotes on surprises of life

  • “Life is full of surprises. Not all these surprises are pleasant, so you need to be ready for what life brings you.” — Unknown

Best Life Is Full Of Miracles Quotes

Life is full of surprises, miracles, and changes. It is meant to live only for once, so we should live life to the fullest .

As quoted by Ben Okri, “Miracles happen only where there has been suffering. So taste your grief to the fullest. Don’t try and press it down. Don’t hide it; don’t escape. It is life too. It is true. But it will pass and time will put a strange honey in the bitterness. That’s the way life goes.”

  • “Life is full of surprises!! Because today is present!” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises, capitalize on the good ones.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises. Just say ‘never’ and you’ll see.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises. Enjoy it and be thankful for it.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises. It’s best to just go with the flow.” —  Unknown
  • “Life is full of changes. And surprises. And the inexplicable(s).” — Hlovate
  • “My life is so full of surprises, nothing surprise me anymore.” — Kim Wilde
  • “Life is full of surprises, you never know who will surprise you.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises so you have to be prepared for whatever.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises, but you have to open them hoping for the very best.” —  Unknown
  • “This is your moment in the sun! Life is full of surprises, both good and bad.” — Unknown
  • “What I like is a life that is full of surprises and [that has] no routine.” — Carly Rae Jepsen
  • “Life was full of surprises, with too many bruises and not enough Band-Aids.” — Nikki Sixx
  • “Going through life is a wonderful journey full of excitement and surprises.” — Mahinder Watsa
  • “Life is full of surprises, a wise man said, and would not be worth having if it were not.” —  Richard Ford
  • “When you fill others lives with love and happiness, your life will be full with pleasant surprises.” — Debasish Mridha
  • “Life is full of surprises, but after opening every package I realize that its another one of life lessons learned.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of happenings and surprises, that is why you should prioritize the things that you think most needed.” — Unknown
  • “We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.” —  H. G. Wells
  • “Learning to live with ambiguity is learning to live with how life really is, full of complexities and strange surprises…” — James Hollis
  • “Humor is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes. It’s unbridled, it’s unplanned, it’s full of surprises.” —  Erma Bombeck
  • “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.” — Henry Ford
  • “Life in the movie business is like the beginning of a new love affair: it’s full of surprises, and you’re constantly getting fucked.” —  David Mamet
  • “It is amazing where God will take you when you are willing to follow. Life is full of surprises when we choose mystery over security.” —  Erwin McManus
  • “Life is varied, colorful, and full of surprises. It is always good to remember that your existence matters, so better get moving and move forward with your life.” —  Kcat Yarza

Quotes About Unexpected Surprises

  • “Life is full of challenges and surprises.” — Jil Sander
  • “Life’s full of surprises, and they ain’t all bad.” — Barbara Rogan
  • “Life is full of surprises, so you may as well get used to it.” —  Susan Meddaugh
  • “Be open to unexpected turns in the road because life is full of surprises.” — Unknown
  • “Life is so full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises.” —  Mark Oliver Everett
  • “Sometimes, what you’re looking for comes when you’re not looking at all.” — Unknown
  • “I sometimes forget that life’s not just full of surprises. It’s also full of gifts.” — Unknown
  • “Life is full of surprises” she said softly.”It’s hardly ever black and white.” —  Brenda Joyce
  • “Life is full of surprises. Make the most out of it and always expect the unexpected.” — Unknown
  • “Expect the unexpected. Life is full of wonderful things just waiting to surprise you.” — Unknown
  • “No matter what, expect the unexpected. And whenever possible BE the unexpected.” — Lynda Barry

Quotes about surprises unexpected

  • “Life is full of surprises. Expect the unexpected because not every thing in life is expected.” — Unknown
  • “Life is about change. Sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s beautiful. But most of the time, it’s both.” —  Lana Lang
  • “Life is a book. Every day a new page. Every month is a new chapter and every year is a new series.” — Unknown

If we have missed some quotes, share them with us in the comment section below and we shall be happy to add them to the list.

If you like these amazing life is full of surprises quotes, do check out our post on be present quotes and live in the present moment quotes to appreciate life and enjoy it fully.

Feel free to share with friends and family on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Tumblr, and more to spread some wise words of wisdom and encourage them to have a great life and enjoy each day to the fullest.

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"Life can be full of many obstacle and surprises" - Admission essay

EF_Team5 - / 1585   Oct 9, 2008   #2 Good evening. Your answer is a very good response to the prompt. You use a good, detailed example contained in strong, organized paragraphs with good transitions that flow nicely. Your introduction is interesting, and your conclusion wraps things up nicely. Good work. Regards, Gloria Moderator, EssayForum.com

OP Sammy 4 / 9   Oct 10, 2008   #3 Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your help. Is there anyway I can improve it all and did you find any mistakes? Once again thanks for your time. for copyright purposes: ESSAY WAS WRITTEN BY AN EXCELLENT STUDENT :)

EF_Team5 - / 1585   Oct 10, 2008   #4 Good morning. You're welcome; grammatically and mechanically I did not find anything that I would change. Regards, Gloria Moderator, EssayForum.com

OP Sammy 4 / 9   Oct 10, 2008   #5 Ok, thanks a lot for your help! I appreciate your time and effort.

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essay about life is full of surprises

Can This Woman Save the United States?

(The storied ocean liner, that is.)

Susan Gibbs’s grandfather designed one of the fastest and most luxurious cruise liners ever. She has just weeks to find it a new home, or it could be scrapped or sunk. Credit... Shuran Huang for The New York Times

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Jesse Pesta

By Jesse Pesta

Jesse Pesta crossed the Atlantic aboard the United States as a 2-year-old and has written about the ship extensively.

  • Published Aug. 9, 2024 Updated Aug. 10, 2024

Susan Gibbs needs to find a new parking spot, fast. And not just any parking spot will do.

It needs to be big enough for an ocean liner.

It’s for a ship bigger than the Titanic, one that is nearly as long as the Chrysler Building is tall. A ship so luxurious that it was the first choice of presidents and royalty. A ship so trusted that it once carried the Mona Lisa. A vessel so fast that its mammoth propellers, churning the sea beneath its grand promenades and shipboard orchestras, were a Cold War state secret.

A ship named the United States that Ms. Gibbs has come to adore. In fact, she has dedicated her life to saving it.

Ms. Gibbs’s grandfather William Francis Gibbs was a famous ship designer, and the United States was his masterwork. But remarkably, she knew almost nothing about that until she was well into adulthood.

“This, I would not have predicted,” she said recently about being responsible for a rusty steamship.

Ms. Gibbs, 62, works in Washington at a private foundation where her primary focus is eradicating genital cutting of women. Between that and her advocacy for the ship, she noted, “People must be so confused by my social media presence.”

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  1. Essay on Life Is Full Of Surprises

    essay about life is full of surprises

  2. Life Is Full Of Surprises Essay

    essay about life is full of surprises

  3. Life is full of surprises essay. Surpises: Life is full of them, What are the things that give

    essay about life is full of surprises

  4. Life Is Full Of Surprises Essay

    essay about life is full of surprises

  5. school life essay in 200 words

    essay about life is full of surprises

  6. Life Is Full Of Surprises Essay

    essay about life is full of surprises


  1. Essay on Life Is Full Of Surprises

    250 Words Essay on Life Is Full Of Surprises Unexpected Turns. Life is like a long road trip with no map. Just when you think you know where you are going, you might find a new path you never knew about. This is because life is full of surprises. Some are big, like suddenly finding out you're going to be an older brother or sister.

  2. Life Is Full Of Surprises, Essay Sample

    Life is full of surprises. In life, there are many surprises that can be good or bad, at times you can secretly wish for something good to happen that is out of the ordinary. The real surprise comes when your wish comes true. I have never imagined that something like this could one day happen to me, this surprise made me stop and reflect back ...

  3. Life Is Full Of Unexpected Surprises

    Open Document. Life is full of unexpected surprises. Sometimes you can't help the people you meet. You can have pleasant experiences, and other times they can be devastating. I had an experience that dramatically affected all aspects of my life. I can't say that I know why things happen but what I have come to understand is that each ...

  4. Life is Full of Surprises

    Life is full of surprises. If you don't think so, you probably haven't lived long enough yet to realise it. So often in life our plans are changed and our hopes confounded. Sometimes we're ...

  5. Why You Should Stop Struggling And Let Life Surprise You

    Life Is Full Of Surprises "Life is full of challenges and surprises." — Jil Sander. The struggle with life results from trying to control conditions beyond your capacity.

  6. Why Humans Need Surprise

    Why is surprise important? It turns out that surprise works on the dopamine system in our brains, helping us to focus our attention and inspiring us to look at our situation in new ways. Luna and Renninger outline four stages of the surprise response: Freeze—when we are stopped in our tracks because of the unexpected.

  7. Life is full of uncertainty, we've just got to learn to live with it

    5) If the uncertainty resolves and you do experience a major disappointment, open up to trusted others. Allow yourself to reflect on what this means to you. The more we open up and talk with ...

  8. Life's Surprises Essay Examples

    Life's Surprises Essays. ... Some chocolates are bitter, nutty, sweet, and chock-full of surprising surprises. Similar to life, you only know what to expect when you taste different boxes. The variety of ... Read More. Pages: 4 Words: 1043 . View Sample. Essay writing services ...

  9. Life is full of surprises, and you're one of them

    By Chuck Gallozzi. Life is full of surprises, and you are one of them. I'll begin by offering two reasons YOU are so surprising. The first deals with your relationship with the universe. Although the size of the universe can be measured, its vastness is unfathomable. Nevertheless, I'll try to paint a picture of its size.

  10. Life is full of surprises

    If life is so full of surprises that we are no longer surprised by them, the solution is to recall that for forty days after the Lord rose from the dead, "Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and ...

  11. Life's surprises can be the some of the greatest things that happen to us

    Life is often unfair, and, like Job in the Old Testament, we wonder why God would allow such curve balls to be thrown at us. But let's at least acknowledge the presence of those good curve balls ...

  12. Essay on Unforgettable Day in My Life

    Conclusion. This unforgettable day was a milestone in my life. It was a testament to the power of dreams, hard work, and resilience. It reminded me that life is full of surprises, and sometimes, they come when we least expect them. This day was a turning point, a day that propelled me towards a path of growth and self-discovery.

  13. Essay on Best Day of My Life

    The Best Day of My Life. Life is full of surprises and great moments. For me, the best day of my life was when I won the city level spelling bee competition. Preparation. I spent weeks practicing, learning new words every day. I was determined to win and made sure to prepare well. ... 250 Words Essay on Best Day of My Life Introduction.

  14. The Endless Quest to Max Out on Happiness

    Ms. Grose is a Times Opinion writer and the author of a Times newsletter on culture, social change and the American family. Aug. 8, 2024 Three times a day my phone pings with a notification ...

  15. The Best Things In Life Are Unexpected

    The Best Things In Life Are Unexpected. Life seems incomplete without a plan. From day one, we are placed on a path that we are supposed to follow. Our parents and teachers give us the ...

  16. Life is Full of Surprises

    Life is Full of Surprises. Life has many surprises, some of them are good and others are bad.You can have many different types of surprises. You can have them from your friends, your parents, a stranger, people from home, and even nature. This is about some surprises Huckleberry Finn had in the book written by Mark Twain.

  17. Surpises: Life is full of them, What are the things that give joy and

    Essay by madelineandrada , September 2014. Surprises: Your Life is Full of Them. Life is full of unexpected things. Things that are pleasant and positive which make us feel amazed. Things that are unpleasant and negative which may provoke or can lead us to an abrupt decision in life. Yes, it's true!

  18. Upcoming Sims competitor inZOI is getting full mod support on launch

    After Life by You's unfortunate demise, Krafton's inZOI is now the next hopeful to unmonopolize the life sim scene, and I'm becoming increasingly sold on it by the day—especially now the ...

  19. Life Is Full of Surprises and Miracles

    Life is the biggest reward for humanity and everything revolves around it. Expect the unexpected, Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable because Life is full of unexpected things just to surprise you.. After reading this real life story of Frane Selak "world's unluckiest man" you would really realize, LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES AND MIRACLES, and every day every moment it is ...


    Life is full of surprises when we choose mystery over security. Erwin McManus. Mystery, Life Is, Surprise. 83 Copy quote. Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects. Alexis Sanchez. Inspirational, Life, Change.

  21. 19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris's Pick for Vice President

    4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before ...

  22. Free Essay: Life is Full of Surprises

    Life is Full of Surprises. Life has many surprises, some of them are good and others are bad.You can have many different types of surprises. You can have them from your friends, your parents, a stranger, people from home, and even nature. This is about some surprises Huckleberry Finn had in the book written by Mark Twain.

  23. 'Lord of the Rings' star surprises diners and servers at ...

    Here is what some of the restaurant staff had to say about their unexpected celebrity encounter.

  24. 70 Life Is Full Of Surprises Quotes To Amaze You

    life is full of surprises quotes images. "Life is full of little surprises. Time travel is full of big ones.". — David Gerrold. "Life does not play with marked cards.Winning or losing is part of it.". — Paulo Coelho. "Life is full of pleasant surprises and miracles, and sometimes it feels like a dream.". — Unknown.

  25. Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

    During his 2022 re-election campaign, he denounced his Republican opponent for saying that accepting immigrants without enough resources threatened "Minnesota's fabric of life." Mr. Walz ...

  26. "Life can be full of many obstacle and surprises"

    Journey full of obstacles and surprises; TRANSFER-Cornell,U Miami,NYU&American U. [5] ~ 2013 - Undergraduate "Life is always full of T-junctions" - A scholarship essay: personal statement [4] ~ 2009 - Scholarship "My life full of wonderful events" - UF Admissions Essay [9] ~ 2009 - Undergraduate

  27. Life Is Full Of Surprises Essays

    Although this movie is quite long, it is full of surprises and will surely keep you interested with its compelling plot. The cinematography in this film at points is very good, however at points the scenes look poor and appear absolutely fake. Unlike most movies, this movie is shot in remarkable 65mm. Continue Reading.

  28. Raygun: Australian breaker earns mixed reviews, praised for 'courage

    Australian breaker Raygun earns mixed reviews, praised for 'courage' and 'character' after viral performances at Paris Games

  29. Life is full of unexpected surprises.docx

    Life is full of unexpected surprises. There are many opportunities when one can secretly wish for something exciting to happen - something out of the ordinary. The real surprise is when the wish unexpectedly comes true. I never believed that something like this could ever happen to me; such a thing that would make me stop and look back at the events in awe.

  30. Can the S.S. United States Be Saved?

    After World War II was won, he turned his focus to his life's ambition: to build the world's fastest ocean liner. Image New York City welcoming the Big U in 1952.