Essay Competition

 “the ideas of economists… both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood… indeed the world is ruled by little else” ,     j. m. keynes (general theory, 1936), essay competition 2024.

The Marshall Society Essay Competition for 2024 has officially opened!

We are proud to announce that the 2024 Marshall Society Essay Competition is being sponsored by Cambridge Global Connect ( .

Cambridge Global Connect are a subsidiary of Oxbridge Global Connect, an award-winning education technology platform and research think tank founded at the University of Cambridge that offers premier tutoring services.

essay competition cambridge

Marshall Society Essay Competition 2024

The competition.

The Marshall Society, the economics society of the University of Cambridge, is excited to launch its 2024 essay competition! This is an opportunity for all students who have not begun their university studies to demonstrate their ability to write a convincing and well-structured essay. Emphasis should be placed on sound explanation of economic theory and well-reasoned, original arguments, drawing on relevant real-world evidence.

Participants are invited to submit an essay response to one of the following questions:

  • In the face of disinflation, policymakers are hesitant to reduce interest rates. Is this in line with economic theory?
  • What are the causes and consequences of low fertility rates in advanced economies? How can we combat them?
  • Is the attention economy necessarily harmful? 
  • To what extent is a merger between two big firms beneficial to consumers?
  • “In an efficient market, at any point in time, the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic va lue.” – Eugene Fama. To wh at extent does this apply today?
  • Why did Britain choose to return to the $4.86 gold standard rate in 1925? Was this the right decision?
  • Has the field of Economics become too mathematical? Is this a problem?

Writing the essay

Your essay should be written in English with good grammar and structure . We will evaluate your essay based on the logic and persuasiveness of the arguments presented, the quality of the evidence used to support your points, and the originality of your ideas.

Your essay should be properly referenced , citing all sources along the way. It is recommended to use the APA (Author, Year) style of citation in the text. (For example, “The persistence of high unemployment rates is mainly associated with rigidities in the labour markets (Bertola and Rogerson, 1997).”)

Please also provide a bibliography , where you list all your sources at the end of the essay. Don’t worry too much about sticking to one citation format for this; spend your time writing your essay instead (although look to the APA format as a guide for this). Just make sure all the information needed to verify your sources is in here.

Before submitting your essay, do a word count. Words in your bibliography and in any data tables don’t count towards the limit, but everything else does, including footnotes. The limit is 1,250 words (we will check!). We put a word limit so you can focus on what the really important aspects of the question are. Because of the limit, you shouldn’t worry about providing a complete overview of the topic; rather, focus on getting a really good insight into the key aspects, with facts to back it up. You may assume that the judging panel have a basic understanding of the question topic, i.e., there is no need for lengthy definitions or background information.

Finally, some notes on style:

  • Include page numbers on every page
  • Format your essay in Times New Roman, size 12, with line spacing 1.5
  • On the first page, include the question, question number, your name and your school .

Use of Generative AI

The use of Generative AI programmes, such as ChatGPT, is not prohibited in producing your essay, and you will not be penalised for fair usage. However, any use of AI must be declared on the form used to submit your essay. All essays will be passed through software which detects plagiarism and the use of AI, including where passages have been produced by AI and manually rewritten. Any essays found to have used AI without proper declaration will be disqualified.

Use the submission form below to submit your essay. Do not email your essay to us: we will not read it if you do!

If you encounter any issues while submitting your essay via the Google Form below, please email [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the deadline.

We have extended the deadline for submissions to Sunday 18 th August 2024, 11:59pm BST . Late submissions will not be considered.

Before submitting, please convert your file to a PDF and change the file name to “[your name] Q[question number].pdf” . (For example, “Adam Smith Q4.pdf”). Make sure this is no larger than 10 MB in size.

Competition results will be published on the Marshall Society website by late-August 2024. Prizes are as follows:

First place: £100 Finalists: £50 Commendation: No monetary prize, awarded to excellent submissions shortlisted for finalist.

Selected winning essays will be featured in the Marshall Society’s annual publication, The Dismal Scientist .

Terms and Conditions of Entry Please also observe that by entering you agree to the terms and conditions listed below:

  • Your submitted essay must be your work alone and any assistance given to you must be declared in the form used to submit your essay. This includes the use of Generative AI software such as ChatGPT.
  • You cannot make any revisions to your essay once it has been submitted.
  • Only students who have not started an undergraduate degree can enter. Please note that you do not have to be studying in the UK to enter.
  • Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely for the purpose of this competition and will not be disclosed to any third parties for any purpose without prior consent.
  • The essay that is entered may not be entered into any other competition.
  • The winner, runners up and those with shortlisted essays will be contacted via the email used to submit the essay. Unfortunately, any other feedback will not be possible to any of the entrants.
  • The Marshall Society reserves the final right, where necessary, to make amendments to the above terms and conditions and to select the winners of the competition.

We look forward to reading your submissions!

Jing, Research Director 2024/25 Chiara, Magazine Editor 2024/25

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  • Email Email: [email protected]

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A Comprehensive Guide to the Cambridge College Essay Competitions

Cambridge college essay competitions, thinking of applying to oxbridge but need new ways to get ahead of the game with your application what plenty of students aren’t aware of is the fact that many of the cambridge colleges hold essay prizes for students in year 12 focusing on various subjects, allowing prospective applicants to get a taste of what uni-level essay writing might be like, as well as giving you something great to put on your cv. below is a comprehensive list of the essay competitions help by the various cambridge colleges, listed by subject. if any of them take your fancy, be sure to head over to the college website to get more details about how to enter and when the deadlines are we’ve also included past and present questions to give you a bit of an idea about what each competition is likely to entail., multi-disciplinary/humanities robinson college essay prize the robinson college essay prize is open to all students in year 12 (lower sixth, or equivalent) at a uk school during the 2020-21 academic year. it is designed to give students the opportunity to develop and showcase their independent study and writing skills. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions given, which should be no longer than 2,000 words (including footnotes and captions). the questions may be discussed with reference to any academic discipline or area of interest. up to three entries may be submitted per school, so please discuss your application with your school prior to entry. 2021 questions: 1. "a person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury." (js mill). do you agree 2. 'creativity should be the highest goal of education.' discuss. 3. "in policy making, there is no such thing as 'the data', and therefore no such thing as 'acting on the data'." do you agree 4. "the translated text must add up to the original... [translation] is like a problem in math—using different numbers, the answer must be the same, different numbers must add up to the same answer." (lydia davis). discuss. 5. watch this video featuring the poet kamau braithwaite and discuss the significance of 'archives of freedom'. girton college humanities writing competition this annual competition is an opportunity for year 12 students to research and write beyond the curriculum, using one or more of the lawrence room museum objects, as their focus. essays or creative responses (such as dramatic monologues or short stories) are equally welcome. the judges are looking for the ability to connect different areas of knowledge, to think about details and to communicate clearly. archaeology fitzwilliam college archaeology essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. what can responses to climate in the past teach us today 2. in what ways does the study of archaeology remain political 3. how is construction and building in the past symptomatic of imminent social collapse architecture fitzwilliam college architecture design competition 2022 brief: you are challenged to design a new building somewhere on the fitzwilliam college site. this building will serve as a hub for interaction between teaching staff and students, where they can share and explore ideas. during the design process, you will need to think about what programmes or activities need to be accommodated in the new building. for instance, you can consider including spaces for social interaction such as a new cafe, as well as spaces to have quieter conversations in groups of different sizes. you must also consider possible locations for the new building within the college site, taking into consideration the other college buildings in your design, as well as the landscaped areas preserving mature trees as much as possible. this should be seen as an opportunity to create an interesting relationship between the interior and exterior spaces. you are required to submit: - project title that best describes your design intention and final design solution - design narrative of 500 words that concisely explains your design inspiration, design objective, and final design strategy developed to meet your design objective - drawings that show the following: 1) floor plan(s) of your building at 1:200 scale 2) one elevation and one section of the building that best describes main features of the design solution 3) one site plan that indicates the location of the building in relation to existing buildings in the college site. a detailed site plan showing the ground floor plans of the individual buildings is available on the essay competition website for reference, but you should produce a new drawing for the competition submission. 4) one perspective drawing of your building that highlights your design intention and shows the placement of a new building in relation to existing college buildings nearby. classics fitzwilliam college ancient world and classics essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. do ancient audiences / readers / listeners matter to our interpretations of ancient texts discuss with reference to any text or texts of your choice. 2. why do we need new translations of ancient texts discuss with reference to any text or texts of your choice. 3. “the ancient world was more concerned with controlling nature than conserving it.” discuss with reference to any area or period of your choice. 4. when does childhood end in the ancient world discuss with reference to any area or period of your choice. 5. why does aristotle say that people are ‘political animals’ was he right 6. how important was trade with the near east and / or egypt in any period of your choice english trinity college gould prize for essays in english literature trinity college launched the gould prize for essays in english literature in 2013. this is an annual competition for year 12 or lower 6th students. the prize has been established from a bequest made by dr dennis gould in 2004 for the furtherance of education in english literature. candidates are invited each year to submit an essay of between 1,500 and 2,500 words on a topic to be chosen from the list of questions. newnham college the woolf essay prize n 1928, virginia woolf addressed the newnham arts society on the subject of ‘women and fiction’, and from this talk emerged her seminal text, a room of one’s own. a room of one’s own raises a number of questions surrounding the place of women in society and culture, and the competition allows students to contemplate these themes and ideas while developing the independent research and writing skills essential to university-level study. 2021-22 questions: 1. ‘only the fellows and scholars are allowed here; the gravel is the place for me.’ how have female writers been inspired by limitations placed on their educational experiences you may discuss historical or modern-day examples. 2. ‘a woman might write letters while she was sitting by her father’s sick-bed. she might write them by the fire whilst the men talked without disturbing them’. how might letters add to our understanding of female writers and their work you may discuss the letters of any female author, poet or playwright. 3. ‘anonymity runs in their blood. […] they are not even now as concerned about the health of their fame as men are, and speaking generally, will pass a tombstone or a signpost without feeling an irresistible desire to cut their names into it’. should the women of the past be commemorated in a different manner to their male counterparts explain. queen’s college the estelle prize for english queens' college invites submissions for the english prize 2021, which will be awarded to the best essay submitted by a year 12 (lower sixth form) student. essays must be less that 2500 words., fitzwilliam college history essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 brief: fitzwilliam college traces its origins to 1869, when the university of cambridge launched an initiative to facilitate access to higher education for the many students who could not afford the costs of college membership. the initiative was part of the broader transformation of education in britain, as the changes wrought by industrialisation and urbanisation created a need to cater for a growing, increasingly diverse and literate population. earlier decades had already witnessed the establishment of king’s college london, durham university, and the university of london, for instance, and colleges for women were beginning to open in cambridge and oxford. these radical social and economic changes were themselves connected to the intensification of globalisation in the second half of the nineteenth century, which placed britain at the heart of an ever-tighter web of economic relations between the world’s continents. but the same year also witnessed the birth of mohandas – later mahatma – gandhi, who would come to challenge britain’s colonial rule and lead india on the path to independence; the death of alphonse de lamartine, the poet and politician who had proudly proclaimed france’s second republic in 1848, but whose final years were lived under the more authoritarian second empire; the marriage of emperor meiji, which consolidated japan’s monarchy as the country began a new process of industrialisation; and the establishment by susan b. anthony and elizabeth cady stanton of the national woman suffrage association in a united states still recovering from the civil war. in 1869, as throughout history, old and new worlds collided. we invite applicants to examine, in their essays, a topic of their choice, connected to the changes taking place in or around the year 1869. essays may focus on a particular event, a person, a political movement, or even a process of social, economic or cultural change, but they should consider the interaction of ‘old’ and ‘new’ forces which the chosen topic illuminates. fitzwilliam college rosemary horrox medieval world essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. how can the study of dead languages help us understand medieval cultures 2. what qualities made heroes heroic and villains villainous in medieval literature 3. how far do medieval texts give us any cause for optimism in their presentation of gender 4. did the european middle ages witness the “invention of race” 5. were war and/or rebellion the defining features of medieval society 6. “medieval europe cannot be studied in isolation from the rest of the world”. do you agree trinity college robson history prize the robson history prize is an annual competition for year 12 or lower 6th students. the prize was established in 2007 in memory of the historian robert robson, who was for many years a fellow and tutor at trinity. the aims of the robson prize are twofold: firstly, to encourage ambitious and talented year 12 or lower sixth students considering applying to university to read history or a related discipline; and secondly, to recognize the achievements both of high-calibre students and of those who teach them. 2022 questions: the robson history prize for 2022 had 94 questions in the categories of british history, european history, world history, and historiography, so head to the website for the full list. newnham college history essay prize the newnham history essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at uk state school. essays should be between 1500 and 2500 words. 2021-22 questions: 1. ‘historians shouldn’t be political pundits’. discuss 2. can the history of clothing tell us about anything other than changes in fashion 3. is historical change driven by great individuals, land economy fitzwilliam college land economy essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. do you believe that environmentalist civil society organisations, such as extinction rebellion and greenpeace, can be effective at pushing governments to adopt environmental policies aimed at addressing the climate and ecological crises 2. ‘territorial inequality between different parts of the uk is extremely high. this undermines the principle of equality of opportunities, because individuals’ life chances crucially depend on where one happens to be born and raised.’ discuss, possibly drawing on examples from your own area of residence. 3. some argue that the covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the fate of inner cities and, in the future, expensive, commuter-driven urban cores will decline in favour of less compact/dense areas such as towns and the countryside. do you agree, law trinity college robert walker prize for essays in law the prize is named after an honorary fellow of the college, lord walker of gestingthorpe, a retired justice of the supreme court and former law student at trinity. essays can be of any length up to 2,000 words (including footnotes). 2022 question: ‘what responsibilities in connection with the environment and sustainability, if any, should the law assign to owners and to occupiers of land’, linguistics trinity college linguistics essay prize this annual essay competition aims to raise awareness of the systematic study of language as an interesting and multifaceted subject in and of itself. the competition is open to all students with an interest in how language works regardless of the specific subjects they are currently studying at a-level (or similar qualification). for example, it may be of interest to students taking a-levels in modern languages, english language or classics, but also to students taking psychology or mathematics. 2022 topic: ‘people who speak two or more languages or dialects sometimes switch between them within the same conversation, and even within the same sentence. what reasons make people switch languages (or dialects) why is this interesting for linguists should linguists prescribe if switching is good or bad’, philosophy trinity college philosophy essay prize the philosophy essay prize is open to year 12 or lower 6th students. the aim of the prize is to encourage able sixth formers to pursue their interest in philosophy, with the hope that they will be encouraged to read this or related subjects at university. 2022 questions: - which philosophical insight that you have come across in your life so far has been the most important one for you - what is the difference between knowledge and understanding - is truth a human invention newnham college philosophy essay prize the newnham philosophy essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. it is designed to give students the opportunity to think and write about philosophy and philosophical matters in the broadest sense, while developing their independent study and writing skills. through exposure to the type of work they might be expected to do at cambridge, newnham hope to encourage philosophy applicants to the university – and hopefully to newnham, where women’s history and educational excellence are, of course, central. 2021-22 question: ‘sentences such as “a good oak tree has deep roots” can be true, and true irrespective of anybody’s opinion. in other words, such sentences can be objectively true. now, the word “good” doesn’t change its meaning just because it’s being applied to members of one species rather than another. so, sentences such as “a good human being is kind” can be objectively true as well.’ should we be convinced by this kind of argument for the objectivity of ethical judgements, politics trinity college r.a. butler politics prize the objectives of the r.a. butler prize are twofold. firstly, it aims to encourage students with an interest in modern politics and world affairs to think about undertaking university studies in politics, international studies or a related discipline; it is not limited to those already studying these subjects or indeed other social sciences. secondly, its intention is to recognise the achievements both of high-calibre students and of those who teach them. essays can be up to 3,000 words, including all footnotes and references but excluding the bibliography. 2022 questions: - whom do elected representatives, in practice, represent - are the police institutionally discriminatory -  is it ever legitimate for one country to invade another - should countries be punished for the actions of their leaders - do international regional organisations offer the best prospects for cooperation between states in the contemporary world - are international organisations biased towards the interests of wealthy countries - what should the uk be doing to help refugees - should every family own its own home - what statues should come down, and which (if any) should stay up - what policies should the uk government be implementing to ensure it meets its commitments made at the un climate change conferences, maths newnham college philippa fawcett mathematics essay prize the philippa fawcett mathematics prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying mathematics, statistics or further mathematics but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions below. submissions should comply with the following: • 4-6 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography • 12 point font minimum • 2 cm margins minimum • 2500 words max. 2021-22 questions: 1. how does mathematics protect your privacy online 2. what are the most fascinating aspects behind the mathematics of music discuss how mathematics is related to the theory of musical structures and/or instruments. 3. mathematics and climate change: what role do you think mathematics can play in guiding policy makers and in helping public understanding, medicine newnham college medicine prize the newnham college medicine prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a maintained sector uk school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying biology and chemistry, but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions below. submissions should comply with the following: • 6 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography • 12 point font minimum • 2 cm margins minimum • 1500-2500 words total (including footnotes and figure captions, but excluding bibliography) 2021-22 questions: 1. how realistic is it to develop a small molecule therapy for covid-19 could such a therapy be rolled out in a timeframe that it could have an impact on the current pandemic 2. sleep deprivation in clinical health settings. does it matter 3. looking to the future. will stem cell therapies be outpaced by machine-brain interfaces for the treatment of retinal disease, music newnham college music essay prize the newnham music essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a maintained sector uk school. it is designed to give students the opportunity to think and write about music in its broadest context, while developing their independent study and writing skills. 2021-22 questions: 1) how have improvements in transport and communications infrastructure affected the history of music – and in what ways might they do so in future 2) evaluate the challenges and opportunities presented to musical culture in a time of global pandemic. 3) in some ways music can be thought of as the ultimate interdisciplinary subject, but it is also highly specialised in other respects. examine this paradox in the context of the debate about music’s role in primary and secondary education., sciences newnham college engineering essay prize the newnham engineering prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying physics, mathematics, further mathematics, chemistry, biology, design and technology or economics, but they welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. 2021-22 questions: 1. what can engineers do to mitigate climate change - atmospheric levels of co2 are increasing and the world is waking up to the problem of climate change brought about by human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. as engineers, we have the skills and expertise to make a difference, providing technological solutions to reduce global carbon emissions. all engineering disciplines have a role to play and some areas are suggested below. (a) electric power generation and consumption. what are ‘renewable sources’ of electric power generation how do they work and what are their strengths and limitations are there any new sources being researched and developed that might provide solutions for the future could the uk generate all its electricity from renewable sources - how can we reduce our demand for electric power so that we don’t need to generate so much - there may be opportunities in both domestic and commercial/industrial consumption, e.g. energy efficient homes, energy-efficient manufacturing, low power consumer electronics. (b) transport. modern lifestyles involve a lot of transport, of people as well as goods. how energy-efficient are different modes of transport, and what is the potential for reducing their carbon footprint (c) construction. this sector is one of the biggest emitters of carbon globally. the carbon emissions arise from many sources, especially the huge amount of concrete used in construction projects but also including the energy to power machines. do we have any alternatives for materials or technology strategies to reduce these emissions (d) other engineering areas. technological solutions can be found in all engineering disciplines. you are encouraged to choose for the topic of your essay an example that interests you. 2. data and information engineering data and information engineering is being used everywhere around us. our life increasingly relies on data analysis, from the recent developments in the automotive sector to social media, from machine assisted surgery to law forensics. the data deluge provided by recent technological advances has made automation in data analysis necessary to identify hidden patterns of information within the considered datasets. it is also true that a fully automated world could bring new risks and dangers that did not exist even just a few years ago (e.g., the ethical dilemmas of self driving cars). write an essay on the major aspects of social awareness in ai development, and how this could impact: a) the health sector. b) government, democracy and policing. c) sustainable development. d) another major topic of your interest. you are encouraged to think about the engineering considerations related to some of these topics as well as the ethical considerations. what makes an algorithm particularly helpful or harmful newnham college biological sciences essay prize the newnham college biological sciences prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying biology, chemistry, physics, or mathematics, but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the titles overleaf. submissions should comply with the following: - 5 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography - 12 point font minimum - 2 cm margins minimum - 2500 words max. 2021-22 questions: 1. is biology in a reproducibility crisis 2. assess the contribution of artificial intelligence (ai) to recent scientific advances. 3. past and present: how has infection shaped the human genome newnham college computer science essay prize the computer science essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a maintained sector uk school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying computer science, mathematics, physics, or chemistry, but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions overleaf. submissions should comply with the following: - 4-6 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography - 12 point font minimum - 2 cm margins minimum - 2500 words maximum 2021-22 questions: 1. is there a fundamental difference between self-driving cars and a "slaughter army" of killer drones 2. mobile phone apps are generally written by commercial entities for private gain. if you had the same resources to design one mobile phone app that would make the world better, what would it be and how would it work, get in touch.

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Woolf Essay Prize 2024

The Woolf Essay Prize 2024 has now closed. Check back here in January 2025 for the 2025 competition!

A student's desk in Old Hall accommodation

In 1928, Virginia Woolf addressed the Newnham Arts Society on the Subject of ‘Women and Fiction’, and from this talk emerged her seminal text,  A Room of One’s Own . Newnham is very proud of its place in the history of women’s education, and we are delighted in the continuation of the Woolf Essay Prize.  A Room of One’s Own  raises a number of questions surrounding the place of women in society, culture, and education, and the competition allows students to contemplate these themes and ideas while developing the independent research and writing skills essential to university-level study.

This year, the Woolf Essay Prize is open to all Women in Year 12 (or equivalent), regardless of school or country. For more information, including the question list, word limit, and submission details, please consult the Information and Questions document. The deadline for submission is 09:00am BST on Monday 8th July 2024. For any queries not answered here, please contact [email protected].

The Woolf Essay Prize will run separately to our Essay Writing Masterclass Programme , which encompasses a variety of subject interests.

This prize may be of particular interest to those studying English Literature, History, Politics, Philosophy or Sociology, but we absolutely welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects.

Find out more about  studying English Literature  at University of Cambridge

Meet  Shakespeare scholar Dr Bonnie Lander-Johnson

Please note information submitted as part of this competition will be used by the College for the purposes of assessing your essay as part of the Woolf Essay Prize. Certain personal details (questions 24-33 in the submission form) may also inform research which includes evaluation of the effectiveness of this programme for different types of participant, and equalities monitoring. All essay submissions are retained by the College permanently in the College Archive, with winning entries additionally published on the Newnham College website. If you have any questions about the use of your data, please contact [email protected] in the first instance.

Information about how your personal information will be used by us in connection with the administration of this event/activity, and for related purposes, is available here .

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CCIR Academy Admissions Portal

Start your application here.

essay competition cambridge

Important Dates & Deadlines    

Competition Opens:  Jan 15, 2024

Essay Submission Deadline:  10th May, 2024

Result Announcement:  20th June, 2024  

Award Ceremony and Dinner* at the University of Cambridge:   30th July, 2024

*Only shortlisted students (awarded Honourable Mention or above) and their companies are invited to the ceremony and dinner.

Read the 2024 Essay Prompts

This year, the essays are contributed by distinguished professors from Harvard, Brown, UC Berkeley, Cambridge, Oxford, and MIT.

The judging panel of the competition comprises leading researchers and professors from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, and Oxford, engaging in a strictly double blind review process.   

Awards and Award Ceremony

Award winners will be invited to attend the Award Ceremony and Dinner hosted at the King’s College, University of Cambridge on 30th July, 2024. The Dinner is free of charge for select award recipients.

essay competition cambridge

Cambridge Re:think Essay Competition 2024 Submission Portal

Jan 15 2024 12:00 am (gmt), may 10 2024 11:59 pm (gmt).

Cambridge Essay Competitions

Essay competitions are brilliant for a number of reasons!

You can use them to:

The essay competitions usually become open for submissions after the winter holidays. Be sure to check any eligibility criteria, requirements and deadlines. This page will be updated when new competitions are announced, and when deadlines are passed, so check back regularly! All essay competitions and events at Cambridge (both online and in-person) can be found here 🔗 🌟.

Magdalene College Arts and Humanities Essay Competition 2024 🔗 🌟 Any student in their penultimate year at a state school can enter this competition, which will open in early 2024. Last year, there were 12 questions covering a variety of topics within the arms and humanities - you can read the winning entries here 🔗. To register your interest in this competition for 2024, fill in this form 🔗.

Fitzwilliam College Essay Competitions: various subjects 🔗 🌟 Fitzwilliam College runs a variety of competitions in Ancient World and Classics, Archaeology, History, Land Economy, Medieval World, Architecture, and Economics (this last one is for state-school UK students only). All competitions are open to Year 12 students and are designed to encourage students to pursue their interests in subjects they might not be able to study in depth at school. Last year, the deadline for all competition entries was the 1st of March, so make sure to check back in early 2024 for updates.

Newnham College Woolf Essay Prize 🔗 🌟 The Woolf Essay Competition is focussed on women in literature, history, society and culture. There are also competitions for other subjects - more information these will be coming soon. Webinars to help support your entry can be found here 🔗 . The deadline for the Woolf Prize last year was the 14th of July.

Girton College Humanities Writing Competition 🔗 An opportunity for students interested in pursuing any humanities subject to write creatively! Year 12 students may enter with an essay or piece of creative writing using an object from Girton College’s small antiquities museum, the Lawrence Room, as their prompt.

Robinson College Essay Prize: various subjects 🔗 Year 12 students may submit an essay of up to 2,000 words in response to one of the set questions, which cover a wide variety of academic subjects. The prize did not run in 2023, but may in 2024.

Trinity College Essay Prizes 🔗 These competitions give entrants the opportunity to write an essay of up to 2,000 words in response to the set question/(s). Last year there were competitions for English Literature, Launguages, Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics, Law, and History.

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Arts and Humanities Essay Competition 2023 Winners

The competition invited Year 12 students from UK state-maintained schools to submit a response to one of twelve essay questions, which encompassed a variety of Arts and Humanities subjects available to study at undergraduate level at the University of Cambridge. In its first year, the competition attracted over 110 excellent entries.

First Prize was awarded to Edward Morgan from King James’s School in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire. Edward’s fantastic essay addressed the question ‘Can artificial intelligence create art, and what issues does this raise?’.

Two entries were deemed deserving of Second Prize, which was awarded jointly to Ansruta Ayyalasomayajula from Rugby High School in Warwickshire, and Evie Neppl from Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School in Essex. Ansruta’s essay discussed the merits of English as an ‘international language’, whilst Evie’s reflected on the concept of evil and its implications for studies of philosophy and religion.

Third Prize was awarded to Isaac Sallé from Aylesbury Grammar School for his essay on reading literature for escapism.

Honourable Mentions were also awarded to Ayman Hussain (Archbishop Blanch School, Liverpool), Erin O’Hare (Upton Hall FCJ, Wirral), and Lucy Smith (Beverley Joint Sixth Form, East Yorkshire).

All winners and their guests have been invited to a prize-giving celebration at Magdalene College.

The judging panel, composed of Magdalene Fellows from across the Arts and Humanities, provided the following feedback to entrants:

The judges were extremely impressed with the overall quality of the essays that they read, and in particular with the range of responses given to the different set questions. These showed ingenuity, independence of mind, critical thinking, and creativity, as well as a great deal of research and effort. The essays were characterful, interesting, and enjoyable to read, and it was very difficult to pick winners. We recognise that many excellent essays have unfortunately gone unrewarded, but congratulate everyone on their efforts.

You can read the prize-winning essays below.

Magdalene College Arts and Humanities Essay Competition 2023

First Prize

Joint Second Prize

Third Prize

Honourable Mention

Essay Competitions Deadline

Each year, Fitzwilliam College runs essay competitions in a variety of subjects, allowing talented pupils to explore their interests beyond the school curriculum.

The University of Cambridge seeks out students with a passion for their subject and who have investigated it outside the classroom. Our essay competitions provide students with an opportunity to engage with their interests in this way, allowing them to demonstrate their enthusiasm for their subject.

2024 Competitions

This year we will be running essay competitions in Ancient World and Classics, Archaeology, Economics, History, Land Economy, Medieval World and Slavonic Studies. We will additionally be running an Architecture design competition. Further particulars and this year's questions can be found at the links below. Please read the competition rules and submission guidelines carefully before entering a competition.

Ancient World and Classics


Economics (for state-school UK students only - please see link for details on eligibility)

Land Economy

Medieval World

Slavonic Studies

Architecture – students wishing to enter the Architecture Design Competition may find this plan of Fitzwilliam College and information on the history of Fitzwilliam’s buildings useful

The deadline for all competitions is  6pm on  Friday 1st March 2024 .

Competition rules

These essay competitions are exclusively for students in their penultimate year of education (Year 12 in England and Wales, S5 in Scotland, Year 13 in Northern Ireland). They are open to students in any country but submissions must be written in English.

Submissions should strictly adhere to the word limit set out in the subject brief (2500 words for Archaeology, Classics & Ancient World, History, Land Economy, Slavonic Studies and Medieval World; 1500 words for Economics; 500 words for the Architecture narrative), and contain a bibliography at the end. The word count should exclude the bibliography, but include any footnotes. Each page should be numbered and contain the applicant's full name.

We understand that not all students will have previous experience of writing a bibliography, and may not have equal access to advice on doing so. We therefore include this link to guidance on how to correctly use the Harvard referencing system. Anyone who wishes to use a different referencing system is free to do so.

Students are only permitted to enter one competition and may only submit one entry to that competition. There is a strict limit of five submissions per school for each competition. If more than five students from the same school enter the same competition, a teacher from that school will be contacted and asked to select the five entries; failure to do so will result in all submissions from the school to that competition being disqualified. Please note that this limit does not apply to Sixth Form Colleges where year groups are over 1000 students in size. When submitting an essay, the student will be asked to provide the name and email address of a teacher who may be contacted in order to verify the submission.

The submission must be entirely the individual student's work and must not be submitted or have been submitted to an exam board as part of any coursework or extended essay, either in part or in full.

Submission guidelines

Anyone who wishes to enter an essay competition must complete the online form .

Submissions can be uploaded to the online form in a PDF format. If the file size is too big to upload to the form, please email your submission to [email protected] . We can also accept entries by post. Please address postal submissions to: Schools Liaison Officer, Fitzwilliam College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DG.

You should receive an email confirmation after submitting the form. If you do not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us at the email address below. Any technical difficulties will be dealt with on the next day, and students affected may be allowed to submit late in some circumstances.

Writing Webinars

Students preparing submissions who would like advice on essay writing may wish to seek advice from our two essay writing webinars:

  •   Webinar 1 - Initial Preparation - 12th January 2024  at 6pm

**Please note, due to an issue with recording, this is last years webinar. All the information is the same bar these two changes**:

  • The deadline for the competition is Friday 1 st of March 2024 at 6pm
  • We are running a Slavonic studies competition this year, in addition to the competitions listed in this webinar
  • Webinar 2 - Finalising your Essay - 16th February 2024 at 2pm

The webinars are delivered by the Schools Liaison Officer - the first webinar focuses on initial planning, research, and structuring of an academic essay, while the second provides advice on how to finalise arguments, edit, and reference your essays. Please email [email protected] with any questions about this event. 

If you have any questions relating to the competitions please contact us on  [email protected]

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Essay Competition: Win a 100% Scholarship With Immerse Education

Participate in the Immerse Education Essay Competition for a chance to win a full or partial scholarship to our university and career preparation programs. Since 2020 the competition has offered ambitious students the opportunity to win a full or partial scholarship on our award-winning programmes.

  • Submission Deadline:
 12th September 2024
  • Free for 13-18 year old students worldwide
  • Including 10 full and up to 75% partial Immerse Education scholarships to any location
  • £1000 (residential), £500 (online 1:1), £250 (online group) voucher for every entry

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Participants would recommend Immerse

What is the Essay Competition?

The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides the opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a question of their choice relating to a subject of interest. Immerse annually updates its questions to inspire students to delve deeper into their favourite subjects. There are over twenty questions to choose from which can be found in our full Essay Competition Guide. 10 winners will receive a 100% scholarship to study with us at a world-leading university of their choosing. Outstanding runners-up also receive partial scholarships.

Submission timeline

Feb 23, 2024.

Competition opens

Sept 12, 2024

Competition closes

Oct 17, 2024

Results announced

January, July & August 2025

Programme dates

Any student who submits a full-length essay , but doesn’t receive a scholarship, will be eligible for the option of a £1000 voucher for our residential programmes, a £500 voucher for our Online Research Programmes, or a £250  voucher for our Group Online Research Programme.

And Many Other Benefits...

Enhance your academic profile for university applications. Partial winners receive completion certificates – and those who write outstanding essays also receive comments from our remarkable guest judges.

University interviewers want you to discuss the subject you’re applying for with genuine enthusiasm. They look for depth of understanding and the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly. Writing an essay deepens your knowledge and improves your ability to present complex ideas.

Our essays are assessed against a mark scheme designed by academic experts. Completing an essay allows you to experience academic writing, promoting related skills like research, critical thinking and editing. Immerse provides support every step of the way.

Competition Details

You’re not on your own. To help your essay shine, Immerse Eduction provides guides, tips and support.

Open to 13-18 year old students

Students can submit an essay if they will be 13-18 years old when the programmes for which the scholarships are valid begin.

500-word academic essay

Register interest to access the Essay Competition Guide with all the questions, tips and guidance on plagiarism, AI & referencing. You can also attend one of our regular essay writing webinars to level-up your writing.

Graded by experts and guest judges

Expert judges assess the essays based on their content, quality of research and critical analysis. Elements like word choice and structure, evidence and inference, as well as vocabulary spelling, grammar and punctuation are also assessed. Student age groups are also taken into consideration.

A chance to win a scholarship for any programme you like

If you win a scholarship, you can use it toward one of our renowned online programmes or one of our award-winning residential courses in any of our locations including Oxford Cambridge, London, Sydney and New York to name a few.

Programmes Our Scholarship Can Be Redeemed Against

Participants will learn to explore the world around them with an architect’s eye, analysing their environment and identifying how each building, structure, and feature influenced by Britain’s long history with urban design.

Choose from a range of subjects to study in the historic city of Oxford. Embrace each college’s unique atmosphere and stunning surroundings, enjoy the vibrant cultural offerings, and feel your subject mastery blossom. Whilst the sun’s out, explore the city’s winding river on a punt.

Choose from a number of industries to explore in this densely packed capital. Experience the pulse of sectors like finance, fashion, and media, immersing yourself in key London hubs, from Canary Wharf’s financial centre to the West End’s theatre scene. Learn directly from industry professionals and get a sense of your future career.

Study in the vibrant city of Sydney, where modern skyscrapers meet iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House. Dive into one of many  subjects, explore the bustling markets, and relax on the world-renowned beaches whilst supercharging your subject mastery.

In New York, the city that never sleeps, engage with an industry-led programme —embracing iconic industry hotspots, from Wall Street finance to Broadway entertainment. Gain hands-on experience and network with professionals in the Big Apple, all while taking in the unmatched skyline and culture.

Study in the cosmopolitan city of Toronto, offering a rich tapestry of cultures, explore one of our career-led programmes. Experience the buzz of city life, skyscrapers, and historic districts. In your downtime, escape to nearby natural wonders like Niagara Falls whilst you accelerate your subject expertise.

In San Francisco, delve into the world of tech and innovation to explore one of our industry-focused programmes. Work alongside startups in Silicon Valley, or explore the sustainable practices of the city’s green businesses. The city offers a window into cutting-edge industries, all set against a backdrop of scenic natural beauty.

Singapore is a great summer programme destination for its vibrant multicultural atmosphere, cutting-edge educational institutions, and its status as a global hub for innovation and technology. With its blend of academic excellence, cultural richness, and modern amenities.

Tokyo offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity, providing students with a rich cultural experience and endless opportunities for learning and exploration, making it a great summer school destination. A summer programme in Tokyo means diving into the heart of Japanese culture and innovation.

Boston is an ideal summer programme destination due to its rich historical significance, vibrant cultural scene. Home to top-ranked universities, and offering an array of activities ranging from exploring Freedom Trail to enjoying performances at renowned theatres.

This online programme sees students work in a 1-1 or a group session with tutors from renowned institutions like Cambridge, Oxford, and Ivy League schools. Each student undertakes advanced research in a topic of their interest, culminating in a full-length academic research paper.

Our Guest Judges

Our guest judges and markers are chosen for their exceptional subject matter knowledge and the prominence of their organisation in industries aligned with our essay topics. Many of them come from a teaching or academic background with advanced degrees in political science, English, business, physics, medicine, creative writing and more. This diverse expertise ensures that our judging process is both rigorous and insightful. 

The essay competition assessment criteria look at academic writing qualities like research and evidence, word choice and critical analysis, in addition to spelling, grammar & punctuation. Student age groups and are also considered in this assessment.

Man in nature

Business & Economics Judge

Guest judge photo

Pamela O’Brien

essay competition cambridge

Humanities Judge

Essay Competition Guest Judge Head Shot

Christina Bunce

Professional Writing Academy logo in a graphic style.

Medicine Judge

Image of Arnold Longboy in an educational context.

Arnold Longboy

essay competition cambridge

Business Management Judge

Image of Tom Ireland in an educational context.

Tom Ireland

essay competition cambridge

Biology Judge, Editor of The Biologist

Hear from our previous winners, register interest for these essay-writing resources, how to enter, essay questions, writing tips, referencing guide, submission guidelines, judging criteria, winning essays.

The Immerse Education Essay Competition is open to entries from young people aged 13-18 interested in all subjects, from Architecture to Medicine, Creative Writing to Film Studies. However, students aged 18 should only submit an essay if they will still be 18 when the programmes the scholarships are valid for begin.

Any scholarships or vouchers awarded during the current round of the essay competition will only be valid for 2025 Immerse Education Programmes

Immerse provides a full essay-writing guide which is sent to your email address once you register your interest in the competition. This guide includes a full list of essay questions, our essay specification, top tips for writing an academic essay, referencing guidance, our terms and conditions and guidance on plagiarism! Registering interest also ensures that you’re on track to submitting your essay on time, through a series of helpful reminder prompts. To support further you can register for our  webinars , which offer top tips and guidance with essay writing from our experts. You are also welcome to explore our  creative writing resources .

Funded scholarship to study abroad:  Our essay competition offers students like you the chance to win a full or partial scholarship to one of our Online Programmes or residential programmes in locations such as Oxford, Cambridge, Sydney, London and more.

Ongoing support from Immerse while you write:  Full support from our team as you write your essay, with free guides and top tips to help you along the way. Sign up to receive our full Essay competition Guide and free tips and tricks as you write. You can also follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok to get more useful essay writing tips.

Demonstrate what you know:  The competition is a chance for you to demonstrate your content knowledge by answering advanced university-style questions.

Build your skills and knowledge:  The opportunity to apply and advance your essay writing skills. You will likely learn something new in the process!

Develop your self-discipline:  A chance to strengthen your self-discipline as you commit to a challenging project and complete it from start to finish.

Essays are graded by expert markers and guest judges who assess the essays across the following criteria:

  • – Content
  • – Research & Critical analysis
  • – Word choice & structure
  • – Evidence and inference
  • – Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation

Scholarship offers depend on the grades that students achieve. The higher the grade a student receives, the higher the likelihood of achieving a 100% or high partial scholarship. 

The essay competition receives thousands of entries each year, and with the vast number of high-standard entries, we acknowledge the efforts of all participants who have dedicated their time to completing an essay. As such, beyond our full and high-partial scholarships we provide further offers to entrants to facilitate access to our transformative programmes.

If you win a scholarship via the Essay Competition 2024/2025 you can use it toward any residential course in any of our locations. Use your scholarship to enrol on one of our renowned online programmes* or enriching in-person/residential summer school programmes in cultural melting pots such as Cambridge, Oxford, London, New York, Toronto, Sydney and more.

* Essay competition schorlaships cannot be redeemed against online Intensive programmes.

No, there is no entry fee and you do not need to have already enrolled onto any of our programmes to take part in the essay competition.

The deadline for the Immerse Essay Competition falls in early September and early January each year. The deadline for the next round is on Thursday 12th September .

Register to receive free Essay Competition guidance

The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides the opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a pre-set question relating to their chosen subject. Register interest to receive your guide with the comprehensive list of questions including:

  • A list of all topics and questions
  • Essay Specifications
  • Top Tips for Writing an Academic Essay
  • Referencing Guide
  • Name * First Name Last Name
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GEORGE BRIDGETOWER  essay competition hosted by the Alexander Crummell Fund.

George Bridgetower essay competition for students 

Departments, Faculties and Colleges are asked to pass this information to their students. 

Current Cambridge undergraduate and postgraduate students are invited to enter the George Bridgetower Essay Prize Competition. This annual competition was previously hosted in partnership with the Legacies of Enslavement Inquiry and the Alexander Crummell Fund, and is currently coordinated by the Black Advisory Hub .

With a prize of £1,000, essays must be a maximum of 2500 words, and creative interpretation of the traditional supervision essay is welcome.  The due date is 1 September 2024, with further information about this year's essay question, the submission process, student eligibility and the judging criteria all available here .  

Read the 2023 winning essay here

‘From 1849 to 1853, the abolitionist and pan-Africanist Alexander Crummell studied at Queens’ College, Cambridge. His graduation ceremony was an historic occasion for Cambridge, as Crummell is the first recorded Black graduate of the University*. At the ceremony, an individual from the gallery reportedly called out, “Three groans for the Queens’ n*****” … A pale slim undergraduate … shouted in a voice which re-echoed through the building, “Shame, shame! Three groans for you, Sir!” and immediately afterwards, “Three cheers for Crummell!” This was taken up in all directions … and the original offender had to stoop down to hide himself from the storm of groans and hisses that broke out all around him.’

C. Benson, Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, The Life of Edward White Benson, vol. 1 (1899), p. 109.

*Recent research concludes that Alexander Crummell was the first Black individual to fully matriculate, study with residence and graduate from Cambridge. However, the records do show that George Bridgetower (or sometimes Bridgtower) received a BMus in 1811 and can indeed be considered a graduate by the definitions of the time. The requirements for a Bachelor of Music were quite unlike those for other Bachelor’s degrees, as follows:

He must enter his name in some College. His exercise is a solemn piece of Music of his own composing (to be examined by the Professor before the performance) to be performed at the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor before the University. It is usually performed at St Mary's Church on the Commencement Sunday. 

The Trinity Hall alumnus has a room in the College named after him and you can read more about him on the  Trinity Hall website . 

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The R.A. Butler Prize for essays in Politics and International Studies is a competition that can be entered by students in Year 12 or the Lower 6th. Candidates are invited to submit an essay on a topic to be chosen from a list of general questions announced in March each year, and to be submitted in August.

The Prize is jointly organised by Trinity College Cambridge and Cambridge University’s Department of Politics and International Studies. The Prize was established in memory of the former Master of Trinity College, Lord Butler, who most famously served as Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer, and who was responsible for the introduction of free secondary education for all students in the UK.

The objectives of the R.A. Butler Prize are twofold. Firstly, it aims to encourage students with an interest in modern politics and world affairs to think about undertaking university studies in Politics, International Studies or a related discipline; it is not limited to those already studying these subjects or indeed other social sciences. Secondly, its intention is to recognise the achievements both of high-calibre students and of those who teach them.

The 2024 competition has closed.

Format:  Essays can be up to 3,000 words, including all footnotes and references but excluding the bibliography.  It’s worth considering the use of examples in your essays: the best essays often use a diverse selection of contemporary, historical or literary examples.  We encourage you to provide references to your sources of information, and to include a bibliography at the end of the essay.  There is no recommended referencing or bibliographic style – use whatever format you think works best.  Please include your name on the document and save the file as “Surname, First name”.

Eligibility:  The Prize is for students in Year 12 or Lower 6th at the time the questions are released in March.  Students based abroad are most welcome to participate. To be eligible, you must be in your penultimate year of school. That is, to be eligible for the 2024 competition, you should be expecting to receive your final school results in the year from September 2024 to August 2025. This condition is held to strictly and, to be fair to the participants, no exceptions are made.  Each entrant to the competition is allowed to submit only one essay.

Submissions:  Essays must be submitted by 12 noon (UK time) on Thursday 1 August 2024.  Please submit essays using the form below.

Prize: The competition carries a First Prize of £600, to be split equally between the candidate and his or her school or college (the school or college’s portion of the prize to be issued in the form of book tokens), and a Second Prize of £400, which again is to be shared equally between the candidate and his or her school or college.  We award on average 8 special commendations each year and 40 additional commendations. Winners and recipients of special commendations will be announced in September, and will be invited to visit the College to meet some of the teaching staff.

Contact:  Any queries from students who may be interested in submitting work for the prize, or their teachers, should be directed to Dr Glen Rangwala by email to:  [email protected] .

Sorry. This form is no longer available.

Past Prize-winners

1st Prize: John Paul Cheng (Winchester College, Winchester) 2nd Prize: Fela Callahan (Harris Westminster Sixth Form, London)

1st Prize: Eunju Seo (North London Collegiate School Jeju, Republic of Korea) 2nd Prize: Luke Grierson (High Storrs School, Sheffield)

1st Prize: Saumya Nair (Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Gloucestershire) 2nd Prize (joint): Liyana Eliza Glenn (Home-schooled, UK) 2nd Prize (joint):  Amr Hamid (St Paul’s School, London)

1st Prize: Lydia Allenby (Gosforth Academy, Newcastle upon Tyne) 2nd Prize: Louis Danker (City of London School, London)

1st Prize: Matthew Gursky (Hall Cross, Academy, Doncaster) 2nd Prize: Evie Morgan (Ipswich School, Ipswich)

1st Prize: Gergely Bérces (Milestone Institute, Budapest, Hungary) 2nd Prize (joint): Tatyana Goodwin (Varndean College, Brighton) 2nd Prize (joint): Eloise George (Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge)

1st Prize: Folu Ogunyeye (Aylesbury High School) 2nd Prize: Eve McMullen (Minster School, Southwell)

1st Prize: Silas Edwards (St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Bristol) 2nd Prize: Eliza Harry (Greene’s Tutorial College, Oxford)

1st Prize: Stephen Horvath (Westminster School, London) 2nd Prize: Grace Elshafei (Sevenoaks School, Kent)

1st Prize: Oscar Alexander-Jones (St Paul’s School, London) 2nd Prize: Sam Maybee (King Edward VI Five Ways School, Birmingham)

1st Prize: Eleanor Shearer (Westminster School) 2nd Prize (joint): Stephanie Clarke (Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School) 2nd Prize (joint): Will Barnes (Manchester Grammar School)

1st Prize: Kiah Ashford-Stow (King Edward VI School, Southampton) 2nd Prize: Jamie Sproul (Stamford School)

1st Prize: Aman Rizvi (Winchester College) 2nd Prize: Frans Robyns (Kings College School, Wimbledon)

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Fourth circuit announces winners of 2024 essay contest.

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Has the decision in Brown , viewed through the lens of 2024, achieved its purpose of ensuring equal opportunity in public education?

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit is pleased to announce the winners of its 2024 Essay Contest. The contest, which ran from February 20, 2024, to May 31, 2024, was open to current students in grades 9-12 in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

High School

First Place--$2,000 Award:  Kennedy Grams, a rising senior, Pikesville High School, Baltimore, Maryland.  Read the First Place Essay

Second Place--$1,500 Award: Elaine Deng, a rising senior, HCS Scholars Academy, Conway, South Carolina. Read the Second Place Essay

Third Place--$1,000 Award: Asher Ermentrout, a rising sophomore, Grimsley High School, Greensboro, North Carolina. Read the Third Place Essay

Middle School

First Place--$500 Award:  Makayla Macklin, a rising freshman, Union Day School, Weddington, North Carolina Read the First Place Essay

Second Place--$350 Award: Isabelle Yam, a rising 7th grader, The Langley School, McLean, Virginia. Read the Second Place Essay

Third Place--$200 Award: Aydin Soner, a rising 7th grader, homeschooled, Columbia, South Carolina.  Read the Third Place Essay

Students were invited to consider and share their thoughts on the question: " Has the decision in  Brown , viewed through the lens of 2024, achieved its purpose of ensuring equal opportunity in public education? " The court received excellent essays from students in all five states.

Awards will be presented at the Constitution Day program scheduled for  September 26, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. at the Lewis F. Powell, Jr. U.S. Courthouse in Richmond, Virginia.

The court extends its appreciation to its distinguished panels of judges for their work in reviewing the essays and selecting the top three submissions:

  • Janice Baker, Legal Writing Instructor; Director, Konduros Leadership Development Program, University of South Carolina School of  Law, Columbia, South Carolina.
  • Richard B. Katskee, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, Director, Appellate Litigation Clinic, Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina.
  • Amy Cyphert , Lecturer in Law, Director, ASPIRE, West Virginia University College of Law, Morgantown, West Virginia.
  • Karen M. Hinkley, Partner, Litigation and Appeals, Davis Hartman Wright LLP, New Bern, North Carolina.
  • Steven J. Alagna , Lecturer in Law, Interim Director of the Appellate Clinic, Washington University School of Law, St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Mary Claire Davis, Associate Professor, West Virginia University College of Law, Morgantown, West Virginia.
  • Wesley Hedgepeth, Teacher, Richmond, Virginia.
  • Ganelle Sutton, Teacher, Author, Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

For more information about the contest, visit Courts4Civics .

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MBA summer soiree.

Leadership, lea…

Leadership, learning and development – your MBA year beyond academics

The article at a glance.

From treks and competitions to Special Interest Groups, we look at the many opportunities offering leadership roles and experience, along with global travel and cultural immersion, that are available alongside your MBA year.

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Special Interest Groups  

Formed and run by MBA and MFin students, special interest groups – or SIGs – are an integral part of the Cambridge Judge experience. They offer a chance to network and share ideas around a particular area. Current examples range from Finance and Entrepreneurship to Sustainability and Social Impact. Many SIGs arrange their own conferences and talks and offer opportunities to take on key leadership roles. 

Students who engage with, or lead and organise a special interest group during their time at Cambridge, often experience numerous benefits. These experiences allow them to further develop and apply their leadership and communication skills, which are essential components of the Cambridge MBA programme. 

In November, at the start of the MBA year, the Energy and Environment SIG hosted an inaugural series of talks with external speakers from Roland Berger’s market report team.  

“Initiating the academic year’s agenda, SIG members engaged in discussions and a democratic selection process to determine the primary learning focus, culminating in the choice of Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS) as the inaugural topic,” explains SIG leader and current student Kenji Niwa. 

Kenji continues, “The event comprised not only a wealth of industry insights through a comprehensive presentation but also an interactive segment that encouraged active participation and robust discussions.” 

In 2023 the newly formed AI special interest group was established, reflecting the future of business intelligence.

Romit Kapoor, became the Chair – “AI was just starting to take off when my MBA year began. Across Cambridge and the wider eco-system, the MBA cohort has had a lot of interaction with founders, with investors and with thought leaders in very exciting spaces like AI. There are so many interesting people across the entire value chain to speak to in Cambridge. Alongside the founders and investors, you also have the technical skill in Cambridge, from researchers to engineers.” 

He continues,  “Becoming the Chair of the AI SIG, really helped me to connect with this wider eco-system.” 

Kenji Niwa.

The AI SIG organised a series of events across the industry, which was really helpful for me to understand what the market wants, what I can do to get those skills, and how the Business School can help me to get those skills.” 

For Deeksha Wadhwa (MBA 2022), leading the Fintech SIG was an opportunity to,  “Explore and understand the expectations and backgrounds of the SIG members. I was amazed at the diversity of experiences within the MBA and MFin cohort at the Business School.”  

“Our sessions across my MBA year offered SIG members a glimpse into the everyday of the fintech industry, as well as the opportunity to network with fintech alumni, which resulted in a strong connection going forward.” 

For current student Orobosa Isokpan, from Nigeria, being part of the recent Cambridge Africa Business Network annual conference was ‘an incredibly fulfilling experience’.  

“As part of my MBA year I wanted to be part of this conference. The Africa Network at Cambridge Judge is already a SIG but there used to be an annual conference held each year at the Business School. This hadn’t taken place in person and on site since 2019 and I felt that it was important to bring it back, as a way to support the African students on the MBA.

“The 2024 Africa Conference provided a link between those students from African descent and outside businesses and business leaders in the financial space, those in the entrepreneurial space, as well as other spaces like music and entertainment, across Africa.  

“Overall being part of the organising committee was incredibly challenging,” Orobosa explains, “I know that in my career I’ll be able to wear many hats.  I helped set up many aspects of the event and the overall strategy. So having those skills that I was able to hone during the conference will definitely help me in my future career after my MBA.” 

Deksha Wadhwa.

MBA Competitions  

Doing an MBA offers unique opportunities to join in and take part in global competitions run by businesses, often only for MBA teams from top business schools. From venture competitions to win funding for business ideas to private equity and investment showcases, competitions offer more opportunities to network with fellow MBA students and industry experts in a given sector and in many cases overseas.  

Ting Zhang (MBA 2021) entered the 21st Wharton Buyout Competition with an MBA team. He explains,  “I had private equity experience in real estate but wanted to expand to look at deals in other sectors. The best way to gain this experience was through participating in competitions during my MBA.”

He continues, “It was a good way to gain valuable feedback on our investment logic and see how teams from other schools approached deals.”  

Part of the same MBA team, Michelle Goh said,  “We are happy to be one of the finalist teams in the competition. We got to apply our MBA learnings to a case study, get feedback from the professional judges, and gain insights into how teams in other schools approach the case. The learnings can be readily applied to future competitions and in our future careers.”   

The collaborative nature of the Cambridge MBA provides students with many opportunities to work together in teams. Students interested in specific sectors and with complimentary skills, can easily apply this to competitions that offer opportunities to test out their MBA skills on a global stage. 

Competitions are also a great way to get some practical experience and more in-depth exposure to a sector of interest you wish to pursue in your career.  

“During the first term I did a couple of competitions, and the experience was invaluable. So, I decided to leverage these opportunities throughout the year to broaden networks and explore different fields. The experience contributed to my career exploration,” explains Mayuko Yamaguchi (MBA 2021). 

Ting Zhang.

Student treks  

From day visits to businesses to short trips beyond the UK, treks are firmly back on the menu for our Cambridge MBA students.  

Run by the student body themselves, previous treks have been from Dubai to Japan, from Dublin to Berlin.  

“As has become a Cambridge MBA tradition, this year some of the students from Japan organised a business trek in which they would host a few students to spend a week travelling around their home country.

“The goals of the trek were to learn more about the culture, as well as visit some businesses to see how Japanese business is done,” explains current student and Cambridge Japan Business Club leader, Kenichiro Kaneko (MBA 2023).  

Highlights include some of the meals taken together and experiencing local cuisines and cultures together as a group. Overall, the experience was one that ‘none of them would forget’. 

Kenichiro concludes, “The hospitality shown by not only the businesses we visited, but from the locals, made us feel truly at home and we were excited to explore everything the country had to offer.” 

Mayuko Yamaguchi.

The wider Cambridge eco-system  

Beyond the Business School community there is also a massive network of clubs and societies and events held across the University of Cambridge community.  

There are more than 400 societies across the wider University of Cambridge eco-system. They range from sports clubs and arts groups to consulting networks and entrepreneurial societies, providing a chance to network with ambitious, likeminded people from across Cambridge. 

Current student, Joanne Tan, from Singapore explains,  “I wanted to broaden my perspectives and learn not just from the business curriculum and network at Cambridge Judge, but also from the wider Cambridge community made of many bright minds. 

“Where else would you get all the world’s leading minds easily gathered in one place for you to gain new perspectives, and where the only likely hurdle here is the distance from your home to the lecture theatre?” 

Joanne Tan.

The MBA student experience

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alumni Cambridge MBA competition Extra-curricular MBA alumni societies Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Treks

This secretive Cambridge lab is tackling the world’s daunting challenges. Just don’t ask about the four-legged robot.

Applied Invention cofounder Danny Hillis, at the Texas site where the "Clock of the Long Now" is being built.

On a backstreet near Central Square is one of the most secretive research and development labs in New England. The front door is behind a chain link fence. No name or logo is on it. Just a bell.

But if you’ve ever used an iPhone, you’ve likely encountered the work of Applied Invention , born in 2014. One cofounder, Danny Hillis, ran one of the highest-profile supercomputing companies of the late 1980s, Thinking Machines, before joining Disney and working on projects such as the Animal Kingdom theme park.

These days, Hillis and his team are working on mind-boggling initiatives, such as a mechanical clock designed to last 10,000 years, or small, torpedo-like underwater drones to gather data from beneath the surface of the ocean. In the center of the room is an elephant — well, an elephant-sized, four-legged robot — that they do not want to talk about.


No one I knew had ever been inside Applied Invention. When I met a senior executive for lunch five years ago, the disappointing denouement to our meal was that it was unlikely anyone would talk to me on the record, let alone invite me for a visit. But I kept at it, because it seemed worth noting that Hillis — whose name is on more than 300 patents — was back in Cambridge after effectively vanishing in the mid-1990s.

In terms of public profile, Applied Invention is the opposite of Hillis’s high-flying Thinking Machines, which he cofounded in 1983 while earning a doctorate in math and computer science from MIT. That company built some of the world’s most powerful computers — used by American Express and the Pentagon and referenced in Tom Clancy novels and the first “Jurassic Park” film.

The renowned physicist Richard Feynman worked for the company, and its management dramas were covered regularly by this newspaper. Its computer, the Connection Machine, was displayed at the Museum of Modern Art. Thinking Machines aimed to advance the then-new field of artificial intelligence. Its motto: “Building a machine that will be proud of us.”

Thinking Machines grew to more than 500 employees and became an anchor company in what was briefly called “AI Alley” in Kendall Square. But it faced tough competition from bigger rivals and depended too much on government contracts. The company filed for bankruptcy in 1994.

Hillis went to Los Angeles to work for Disney’s famed Imagineering research division, where he was part of a team of technologists charged with keeping Disney ahead of other theme parks. “It was a world of artists and storytellers — a second education for me,” Hillis said.

After departing Disney in 2000, Hillis formed a consultancy called Applied Minds with Bran Ferren, a colleague in the Imagineering division. Many of the consulting firm’s clients were defense contractors such as Northrop Grumman and government agencies such as NASA. After a decade, Hillis said, he decided he wanted to work with mainstream companies as clients, and develop some of his ideas into startups.

Hillis spun off Applied Invention with a goal to “reengage with the intellectual community of Cambridge,” planting the company between MIT and Harvard. The company, which employs about 50, also has an office in Burbank, Calif.

The unmarked front door at Applied Invention's office in Cambridge.

Applied Invention has taken at least three different approaches to developing new technologies: working with clients who have a specific problem to solve; starting a company and then bringing in executives to lead it; and investing in products that were initially built by someone else.

Some examples of those approaches: Applied Invention is using artificial intelligence to help Sensei Farms, a California company cofounded by Oracle chief technology officer Larry Ellison, grow and distribute food. Applied Invention helped form Apeiron Labs, which is using underwater drones to lower the cost of gathering data from the ocean and make weather forecasting more accurate.

And if you’ve ever looked at the weather app on an iPhone, much of the forecasts and precipitation maps for your location were developed by a startup called Dark Sky. Applied Invention invested in Dark Sky and then helped its founders to improve the app. Apple acquired the app in 2020.

Another project, ZPR , which stands for “zero-trust packet routing,” wants to reshape the internet to provide more control over data security and identity. Imagine if each fragment of data carried a digital passport that proved who sent it. A ZPR network, Hillis explained , could prevent digital impersonation and discourage disinformation and deep fakes that depend on anonymity.

Applied Invention is collaborating with Oracle to promote ZPR as an open standard that other technology companies can adopt.

Perhaps the oddest — and most inspiring — Applied Invention project is called The Clock of the Long Now . Hillis first proposed the idea of a mechanical clock that could last for 10,000 years in a 1995 essay . The author and entrepreneur Stewart Brand helped create a nonprofit, The Long Now Foundation, to advance the idea, and the musician Brian Eno designed a way for 10 bells inside the clock to ring in a different combination every day for those 10 millennia. The project’s goal is to help people think about humanity’s impact over a longer timeline.

The clock is being built inside a mountain in west Texas, on land owned by Jeff Bezos. Applied Invention is doing much of the work on the design and components of the clock, which, according to Brand, could start ticking by the end of the decade.

The clock “is quintessential Danny,” said Lew Tucker, a colleague from the Thinking Machines era who has continued to collaborate with Hillis. “He has always been an inventor, a tinkerer, and a builder, and this was a really big thing that he was going to build.”

If it works, it could become one of those enduring artifacts that humanity creates, such as Stonehenge or the Egyptian pyramids — both only about 5,000 years old.

After I visited Applied Invention earlier this month, Hillis called to say that he and his cofounder, Daniel Abruytyn, were worried I would say too much about the company. They also decided they didn’t want the Cambridge employees to be photographed in the office. So Applied Invention, as it enters its second decade, retains at least some of its mystery.

essay competition cambridge

Scott Kirsner can be reached at [email protected] . Follow him @ScottKirsner .

Essays on Jews and Christians in late antiquity in honour of Oded Irshai

Andrew s. jacobs , harvard divinity school. [email protected].

[Authors and titles are listed at the end of this review.]

“The world of late antiquity” as a field of study since the 1970s is, perhaps, too often associated with a few specific Anglophone sites of elaboration and primarily with the intersections of early Christian studies (or, in another register, “patristics”) and post-Roman history (or, in another register, “classics”). The present volume, a Festschrift for Hebrew University professor Oded Irshai, is a salutary reminder that creative and generative thinking about late antiquity emerges from other, polyglot sites and can just as easily center Jews and Judaism alongside their Christian and “pagan” neighbors. Every contributor to the present volume (apart from co-editor and introduction author Martin Goodman) is a student, recent student, or faculty member in Israel and their offerings here traverse the same complicated grounds as the many works of Irshai himself: the social histories of religious contact, conflict, competition, and conquest in late antiquity, particularly among Jews and Christians, most notably in the fraught spaces of the “holy land.”

In an “ode to Oded” that opens the volume, Paula Fredriksen (who has co-written and co-taught with Irshai) explores Irshai’s “intellectual versatility,” engendered, in part, by a “late antiquicizing” postdoctorate year at Cambridge where he studied with, among others, Arnaldo Momigliano. Fredrisken then surveys three primary areas of Irshai’s vast publications (sacred violence, eschatology, and local real estate and power politics) before dwelling with real warmth on Irshai’s “intellectual generosity” (which I, too, have experienced during my career).

Following a brief introduction by Martin Goodman, who co-edited the volume with one of Irshai’s current doctoral students, the compact and uniformly smart set of essays unfolds in four uneven sections.

Three essays comprise the first section on “Religion and the Visual.” Yonatan Moss proposes a new solution to the riddle of the Helios mosaic found in Hammat Tiberias and other late ancient synagogues. Moss argues that the era of this mosaic’s construction was also one in which imperial imagery was uncoupled from its “pagan” associations with Sol Invictus and instead was seen as a secular echo of imperial imagery. On the one hand (a “minimalist” argument), this desacralization of the sun image made astrological representation more readily available to anti-idolatry mosaicists and synagogue heads. On the other hand (a “maximalist” argument) the de-divinized association between Constantinian emperors and sun imagery (as on coins) provided Jewish communities an opportunity to signal their affiliation with the imperial household, an opportunity that would become less available in the increasingly anti-Jewish fifth and sixth centuries.

Next, Noa Yuval-Hacham explores the brief emergence of a “hand of God” motif in Jewish art (a motif that would remain much more plentiful in Christian imagery of Late Antiquity). Beginning with the fulsome use of God’s hand in the paintings of the Dura Europos synagogue, Yuval-Hacham posits a Syrian origin for the motif, adopted by Jewish artists as it allowed them to find a representational “middle path between the hidden, formless God, and the God who is represented in human scale.” Yuval-Hacham then follows the path of the dual hands of God in the Dura scene of the parting of the Red Sea down various imagistic and interpretive byways of the fifth and sixth century.

In the final essay of this section, Zeev Weiss takes readers on a tour of late ancient Sepphoris, particularly its religious buildings (“a temple, two churches, and several synagogues”), with particular attention to how the Jews of Sepphoris might have lived in a typically multicultural urban space. While Moss’s essay in this section lacks any Helios images, Yuval-Hacham’s and Weiss’s essay each have several black-and-white images and reconstructions to help readers.

The longest section, on “Christian Perspectives,” comprises six essays. Yonatan Livneh revisits Cyril of Jerusalem’s promotion of his city’s interests; contra Jan Willem Drijvers’ argument that Cyril leveraged both the sacred sites of the city and its episcopal tradition stretching back to James, Livneh finds distinct reticence on the latter count, owing perhaps to rising anti-Judaism in the fourth century: “Jerusalem’s early history… remained a minefield.” Jacob Ashkenazi triangulates the efforts to establish a Christian capital between Juvenal, bishop of Jerusalem, and the empresses Eudocia and Pulcheria in the fifth century. Eudocia’s and Juvenal’s rival efforts in Jerusalem are placed in tension with Pulcheria’s efforts in Constantinople.

We move from episcopal politics to reinterpretations of sacred history. Osnat Rance (co-editor of the volume) gives a concise and persuasive summary of her argument to reassign the authorship and origins of an Encomium for the Martyrs found with other texts of Eusebius of Caesarea in a fifth-century Syriac manuscript. Per Rance, the particular sweep of martyrial history, from Old Testament martyrs to the third century CE, puts the text somewhere around Antioch after Eusebius’s death. In one of the more ambitious short offerings, Aryeh Kofsky and Serge Ruzer survey texts in Greek, Latin, and Syriac from Acts of the Apostles to the Cave of Treasures to trace diverse ideas about “Eschatological Ingathering of Israel in Early Christianity.” Oscillating between literal anticipation and spiritualized hesitation, this variety of texts from church orders to apocalypses to hagiographies index attitudes to Jews and Judaism among Christian thinkers.

Ora Limor brings her considerable expertise on relics and pilgrimage to the question of Jesus’s footprints at the Church of the Ascension, which began appearing in texts in Late Antiquity before being viewed by pilgrims, etched in stone, in the Middle Ages. Limor follows this trail from “text to texture”; what began as a marvel—footprints imprinted in sand that could never be wiped away—reported secondhand in literary texts in Rome and Gaul materialized as a stone monument centuries later witnessed by the pilgrims themselves. At issue, Limor suggests in her conclusion, may be internal Christian anxieties about divine embodiment as well as external competition, especially with Muslims, for proof of God’s ongoing presence in the holy land.

This section concludes with the most precise and focused of the essays: Daniel Schwartz’s correction of much modern interpretation of the verb ἐπηγάγετο in the Testimonium Flavianum as a pejorative reference to Jesus that might bolster the authenticity of the passage in question. Schwartz tracks this modern misinterpretation to a misreading of a parenthetical note in the nineteenth-century version of a sixteenth-century Greek lexicon. Nonetheless, Schwartz does not find in this correction an argument against the Testimonium ’s authenticity.

We turn to two essays from “Jewish Perspectives,” both of which assess Jewish (in both cases, rabbinic) views of Rome. Joshua Levinson plumbs the complexities of imperialized identity—through mimicry, magic, and diaspora refraction—in narratives of Palestinian rabbis sojourning in the Eternal City: “The journey to the heart of the other culture reveals that the very distinctions that enable identity are more unstable and porous than they may wish to acknowledge. Each side wears the other’s mask.” Levinson attempts a complex, even postcolonial read of rabbis considering Rome; Eyal Ben-Eliyahu’s aim is more concrete: to identify the two huts mentioned in rabbinic literature built by Romulus at the founding of the city in the actual landscape of late ancient Rome. Triangulating rabbinic and non-rabbinic evidence, Ben-Eliyahu lands on the “Casa Romuli” on the Palatine and Capitoline Hills.

The collection concludes with two essays on “Influence and Competition.” Hillel Newman brings us into the world of late ancient Jewish apocalypticism by placing the Sefer Eliyahu in literal dialogue (through juxtaposition of pertinent passages) with the Latin poet Commodian, particularly his apocalyptic Carmen de duo populis (which scholars date anywhere from the third through fifth centuries). Newman’s larger goal is to show that certain references to the apocalyptic “king from the East” may draw on common apocalyptic motifs dating long before the sixth century (he also adduces Lactantius to a lesser extent) and should not be taken as instances of vaticinia ex eventu that place the Sefer Eliyahu in a seventh-century context (Newman prefers the sixth century). The final essay, on “rest” in competitive Christian and Jewish contexts by Israel Jacob Yuval, comprises a vast sweep, both philosophical (“How did the idea of rest evolve?”) and historical, from Enūma Eliš to the Middle Ages, from Christian attempts to wrest rest from Saturday to Sunday to the deep—and perhaps very subtly anti-Christian—meditations of the Havdala liturgy.

Most of the essays are tightly focused on individual texts or images (or even on a single Greek word, in the case of Schwartz’s essay); only a few essays (by Kofsky and Ruzer, Limor, and Yuval) take a longer view of their subjects. They are all carefully argued and written (mistakes are few: a bishop’s death off by a decade, a passage ascribed to Genesis instead of Exodus) and they are refreshingly accessible, if not necessarily of immediate relevance, to all manner of students of late antiquity, no matter our particular specialization.

Readers will find that the essays cover a tremendous amount of ground, from divine imagery to ecclesiastical competition to pilgrimage to Jewish responses to empire. Should such a vast array of offerings seem too broad to those readers, it should be noted that these are topics all covered by Irshai himself, as the footnotes amply attest: as good Festschrifters , the authors here build on their honoree’s intellectual versatility and generosity.

Authors and Titles


MARTIN GOODMAN — Introduction

Religion and the Visual

YONATAN MOSS — The Emperor’s New Clothes: the ‘Jewish Helios’ Enigma in its Christian Imperial Context

NOA YUVAL-HACHAM — Between Heaven and Earth: The Hand of God in Ancient Jewish Visuality

ZEEV WEISS — Shaping Religious Space: Pagans, Jews and Christians in Ancient Sepphoris

Christian Perspectives

YONATAN LIVNEH — Cyril’s New Jerusalem and His Omission of Local Church History

JACOB ASHKENAZI — Eudocia, Pulcheria, and Juvenal: Competition in the Field of Religion and the Built Environment of Jerusalem in the Fifth Century CE

OSNAT RANCE — ‘Although Their Names Escaped Me’: Local Patriotism and Saints Commemoration in Late Antique Syria

ARYEH KOFSKY and SERGE RUZER — Rethinking the Eschatological Ingathering of Israel in Early Christianity

ORA LIMOR —  Divina Vestigia : Tracking the Early History of Jesus’ Footprints at the Mount of Olives

DANIEL R. SCHWARTZ — Reinach and Stephanus, Philo and Josephus: A Note on the  Testimonium Flavianum

Jewish Perspectives


EYAL BEN-ELIYAHU — Where were the Two Huts of Remus and Romulus in Rome?

Influence and Competition

HILLEL NEWMAN — The Hebrew  Book of Elijah  and Commodian’s  Carmen de duobus populis

ISRAEL JACOB YUVAL — And the Rest is History: Sabbath versus Sunday

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essay competition cambridge

Fitzwilliam College is delighted to announce its 2023 Essay competitions. This year there will be essay competitions in Ancient World and Classics , Archaeology , History , Land Economy , and Medieval World . We will additionally be running an Architecture design competition, and a new essay competition in Economics for state-schooled UK students only.

Further particulars and this year's questions can be found at the links below. Please read the competition rules and submission guidelines carefully before entering a competition. We also recommend you visit the Fitzwilliam College website, to check details about each competition before submitting your entry.

  • Ancient World and Classics
  • Archaeology
  • Economics  (for state-school UK students only - please see link for details on eligibility)
  • Land Economy
  • Medieval World
  • Architecture  – students wishing to enter the Architecture Design Competition may find this  plan of Fitzwilliam College  and information on the  history of Fitzwilliam’s buildings  useful

The deadline for all competitions is  6pm  on  Wednesday, 1 March .

Competition rules - full rules on Fitzwilliam College Website

These essay competitions are exclusively for students in their penultimate year of education (Year 12 in England and Wales, S5 in Scotland, Year 13 in Northern Ireland). They are open to students in any country but submissions must be written in English.

Submissions should strictly adhere to the word limit set out in the subject brief (2500 words for Archaeology, Classics & Ancient World, History, Land Economy and Medieval World; 1500 words for Economics; 500 words for the Architecture narrative), and contain a bibliography at the end. The word count should exclude the bibliography, but include any footnotes. Each page should be numbered and contain the applicant's full name.

Submission guidelines

Anyone who wishes to enter an essay competition must complete the online form   here .

Submissions can be uploaded to the online form in a PDF format. If the file size is too big to upload to the form, please email your submission to  [email protected] . We can also accept entries by post. Please address postal submissions to: Schools Liaison Officer, Fitzwilliam College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DG.

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  27. Fitzwilliam College Essay Competitions

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