Essay on Newspaper Reading for Students and Children

500+ words essay on newspaper reading.

Newspapers are one of the most important documents. They can be said to be the powerhouse of information. Moreover, they offer us other benefits as well which helps us in our lives. You become better informed through newspaper reading and it also broadens your perspective. However, newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit. As the world is moving towards digitalization , no one really reads the newspaper. At least not the present generation. The readership is maintained mostly because of the older generations only.

essay on newspaper reading

Benefits of Newspaper Reading

Newspaper reading is one of the most beneficial habits. It helps us get acquainted with the current affairs of the world. We get to know about the latest happenings through a reliable source. Similarly, we also get an insight into the different domains including politics , cinema, business , sports and many more.

Furthermore, newspaper reading also results in opening doors to new employment opportunities. Reliable companies post their ads in the newspaper for business and employment opportunities so we see how it is a good place to seek jobs.

Furthermore, we can easily promote our brands and products with the help of newspapers. The consumers learn about the latest deals and launch which connects them to businesses.

Most importantly, it also improves the vocabulary and grammar of a person. You can learn new words and rectify your grammar through newspaper reading.

In addition, a person who reads a newspaper can speak fluently on various topics. They can socialize better as they are well aware of the most common topics. Similarly, it also saves us from getting bored. You won’t need any company if you have a newspaper in hand.

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The Dying Habit

Unfortunately, despite having so many benefits, newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit. As people are getting instant updates on their mobile phones and computer systems, they barely read the newspaper. Moreover, electronic gadgets are more convenient for them so they don’t bother to pick up the newspaper.

Moreover, we see that everything has become very convenient and instant now. You can learn about what is happening in the other part of the world as it is taking place. People do not wait for newspapers anymore, as they feel it only states what they have already been informed about. In addition, they do not wait for the next day to read the newspaper about current affairs , as they get it instantly thanks to the internet.

Most importantly, people are themselves running out of the habit of reading itself. Everything has become so visual now that no one bothers to read newspapers, books, novels or more. The internet has made it worse as now there is a video for everything. People won’t mind watching a five-minute video, but will however not prefer to read a five-minute-long article.

It just shows how we’re becoming so inactive and lazy. Everyone just needs things to be served on a platter. Therefore, we must not let this become a dying habit as newspapers are very reliable sources of news. In the absence of these, there will be hardly anyone left to verify the data and information we’re being fed.

Q.1 How does newspaper reading benefit us?

A.1 Newspaper reading has numerous benefits. It makes us aware of the current affairs and also makes us well-versed. It also kills boredom and enhances our vocabulary and grammar. You can also seek jobs and promotions through newspapers.

Q.2 Why is newspaper reading becoming a dying habit?

A.2 Newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit as the world is moving towards digitalization. You can now get everything on your phones and computers so people are not into newspaper reading as they were before.

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Importance Of Newspapers Essay

Importance Of Newspapers Essay | Essay on Importance Of Newspapers for Students and Children in English

Importance Of Newspapers Essay: Every morning a man comes on a bicycle and drops a newspaper at our doors the one out of so many that we have chosen to subscribe. It is not he who remains in a hurry to reach the newspaper to us, we also in the family eagerly await the newspaper.

Long Essay on Importance Of Newspapers 500 Words in English

Short essay on importance of newspapers 300 words in english, 10 lines on importance of newspapers.

  • What is NewsPaper and its uses?
  • What is the importance of reading newspapers?
  • How is a Newspaper helpful to students?

Long and Short Essays on Importance Of Newspapers Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Importance Of Newspapers’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of 400-500 words. This long essay about Importance Of Newspapers is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

A newspaper brings so many different things for so many people and that is their importance. To the young man or young woman in search of a job, it is the ‘situation vacant’ columns which provide him the needed information, where is what that he or she can try for. There are no other means from which he or she can get so much information. There are even special editions that newspapers bring out giving details of employment information. ‘Ascent’ of the Times of India is one such special weekly supplement.

To those interested in the news about the political scene, there is all that is going on the political front national as well as international. How very important were the newspapers bringing news in detail about the last war with Pakistan the Kargil War or the American attack on Afghanistan in search of Osama bin Laden?

There have recently been assembly elections and the Lok-Sabha bye-elections and how anxiously have people on every street comer could be seen trying to get hold of a newspaper to know the latest result.

Then there is international political news which keeps people interested in what goes on in the world.

There are people who would first reach the Sports page of the newspaper as their first interest in sports.

The middle pages — that contain the Editorial and the leading article are of interest to the elderly ones of the family who have spare time to go through them people rushing for their offices only skip over the important news on the first page or those interested in business matters turn over the Business pages but after they have left for their offices or place of work, the elder ones who remain at home take up the newspaper after their breakfast and leisurely go through every page of it this is a past-time for them as also the full use of the newspaper.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

Below we have given a short essay on the Importance Of Newspapers is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Newspapers are such a cheap and handy means of communication of news and people can easily afford it. What makes them low-priced for the volume of reading material that they supply are the advertisements that they publish. Such large scale advertisements cannot have any better and largely circulated means as the newspapers and are a real help to the business and the trading class. Advertisements of all sorts, of goods of all variety, are all condensed in the space of the ten, twelve, or fifteen pages of a newspaper and one can know what is available where.

Points to remember in Newspaper Essay

Marriages have been made possible through the matrimonial columns of newspapers. What a great service to society.

Newspapers have also a great part to play in forming public opinions. There are newspapers that are owned by political parties and it is this medium through which they reach their political opinions and views to such a large section of the reading public. Every political party tries to own a newspaper.

But should newspapers give a political coloured news? That is what they should not. Newspapers are the best means of conveying news and it is expected of them to give news in an unbiased manner. People should be rightly educated they should receive news in the form in which it is. Even the editorials should be having an impartial viewpoint what is right should be called right, what is wrong should stand condemned. But this is what does not always happen.

However, whatever it is, newspapers shall ever have their importance; they serve a great social purpose and now with people becoming more and more socially and politically conscious the number of newspaper readers is also multiplying. No other means, not even the T.V. can carry all that what a newspaper carries and conveys.

  • The morning starts with the newspaper.
  • A newspaper gives news and information about what is happening around the world.
  • Newspapers have different sections for different topics like politics, economy, sports, national, etc.
  • Newspapers spread awareness on issues of national interest or health concern.
  • They include comic series, crossword puzzles, daily horoscopes, and weather forecasts for recreation.
  • A newspaper has its own interest to so many in so many different ways the youth for employment, the businessmen for business, the politician for politics, the sports lover for sports.
  • The details of the news which a newspaper carries cannot be carried by any other means and method.
  • Newspapers are the cheapest means of information containing such a lot of reading material.
  • Great public service is performed by newspapers their matrimonial columns arrange marriages; advertisements help in conducting business.
  • Newspapers have a great part to play in educating the public in forming opinions and they should play their part impartially and without any coloring.

Importance of Newspapers and its uses

FAQs on Importance of Newspapers Essay

1.  What is NewsPaper and its uses?

A newspaper is a powerhouse of information. It usually makes people aware of what is happening in and around the world.

2. What is the importance of reading newspapers?

Reading a Newspaper on a regular basis can provide you a great sense of educational value. You can find information regarding politics, economy, entertainment, sports, business, industry, trade, and commerce.

3. How is a Newspaper helpful to students?

Newspaper reading can help students improve their vocabulary as they learn different words from there.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Newspaper in English [100, 200, 300, 500 Words]

Essay on Newspaper 100, 200, 300, 500 Words

Essay on Newspaper in English : The newspaper is called the voice of the people. It tells us about what is going around us. It makes us aware of our society and surroundings. In this article, you are going to read a couple of essays on newspaper ( 100, 200, 200, and 500 words). These essays will be helpful for the students of all classes (class 1 to class 12). So let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Newspaper Essay in English: 100 Words

One of the most important organs of public opinion today is definitely the newspaper. This is, in fact, as essential to modern life as the breakfast to a man. A newspaper gives daily news. It enables a reader to know easily the events of the world. So we come to know all that happens around us.

But this is not all. The newspaper does many other useful functions. It comments on the news. It deals with social, religious, political, and economic questions. The newspaper also reviews books and periodicals. It gives valuable information about market prices and conditions. Railways and airways time-tables, weather conditions, and other daily matters are published in it. It is truly a vital limb of modern life.

Essay on Newspaper 100, 200, 300, 500 Words

Also Read: Paragraph on Newspaper

Essay on Newspaper: 200 Words

The primary object of a newspaper is to supply news. Man is basically curious by nature and wants to know what is happening around him. The newspaper is the best medium to meet this curiosity. That is why it plays such an important role in modern life. The newspaper has a great educative value.

Modern newspapers deal with a wide range of subjects – political and economical news, literary and scientific matters, games and sports, the stage and the cinema, the stock market. Thus it caters for the interests of all classes of men. The editorials and letters to the editor help the growth of public opinion and keep the government informed of it.

Newspapers keep us abreast of the current events all over the world and widen our mental horizon. It educates the people in all matters of public interest and helps mobilizing public opinions on the burning issues of the day.

By putting advertisements, businessmen bring their products and goods to the notice of a wide circle of people very quickly and cheaply. Thus newspapers serve all sections of people this way or the other.

Newspaper Essay in English: 250-300 Words

A newspaper is a paper which we read for news. So the primary object of a newspaper is to gather news about the world and reach them to us. As a window is to a house, so is a newspaper to a nation. A window lets in air. A newspaper gives out news on different subjects, about political and economical matters, sports and games, cinema and theatre and also the stock markets.

In the editorial, the editor writes what is good or bad in society or in the government. A newspaper also publishes the works on education. By reading a newspaper in a regular way we may enrich our knowledge about various things a world. When we feel tired and lonely, we read it for recreation. A newspaper has a great influence over its readers.

A newspaper is a good means of advertisement. Traders bring their goods to the notice of the buyers through advertisements in newspapers. A newspaper has a lot of good things for people. But most newspapers support party men and admire them blindly. So people cannot know correctly about them. Its influence over people is so great that it can divert people’s attention from an issue. Generally, people believe what a newspaper says. It is the craze that keeps the newspaper running. So we read it even in the days of telecommunication.

newspaper essay in english

Importance of Newspaper Essay: 500 Words


Newspaper is an important media. Its role in the making of the nation or the state cannot be denied. Newspaper lays emphasis on democracy by way of representing public opinions quite objectively. Its approach is certainly impersonal. Objective criticisms of state affairs lead the public to choose the right ways and to uphold the right ideas.


Social, political, economical, and other changes take place due to the awareness of the people of a state or a country. And newspaper enables people to be aware of all phenomena which are happening in the country and abroad. Besides, newspaper presents the past and the present days, thereby helping us draw a contrast between the past and the present world. By this way, newspaper helps people predict the future.

Thus, reading of a newspaper strengthens one’s consciousness of the world. If one negates the newspaper, there is little doubt that he or she must retard gradually. The utility of newspaper is not only informative but also constructive because it presents diverse, contradictory views to form a general and well-accepted opinion.

Newspaper is also a common medium of advertisement. Popular brands use to promote their product through newspaper advertisements.


But unfortunately, most of the newspapers have now become commercial. Advertisements have been quite oddly covering most of the pages of a newspaper. Political issues and news have been disproportionately highlighted. The news of scientific discovery and the narrations of the lives of the scientists have not been emphasized in the newspaper.

Consequently, reading of newspaper nowadays seems to be rather dull and boring. Even the reporting often misleads the public. What is most ignominious is that some of the leading newspapers are now politically biased. It causes bad effects to the mind of people. People, therefore, begin to lose faith in newspapers. A certain kind of chaos is now being created because of the subjective reporting and unjustifiable information.


The most hideous consequence of this commercial attitude is that readers of newspapers are now divided. Certain newspapers uphold certain political views in order to draw the attention of certain people. None can begin to read a newspaper with the strictest sense of objectivity. But without the presence of proper media, no nation can progress well. Therefore, the editors of newspapers must be aware of the fact that they are not only doing business but also doing noble jobs in the making of the nation.

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Importance of Newspaper Essay

The importance of newspapers is an underestimated factor. Understand its significance by reading the importance of newspaper essay, available at BYJU’S. Newspapers are a staple of society. They cover the headlines and events globally, including local news and articles. When it comes to learning more about the different happenings worldwide, newspapers have been an essential means of communication in many cultures for centuries.

Newspapers have long been an essential source of information and news, ever since the first newspaper was published in 1605. Newspapers are a way to stay up to date with the world through written words and entertain people by offering insight into things they might not hear about elsewhere.

essay on newspaper for class 7

News is also essential for society because it often helps people understand their world better, helps them prepare for what might happen and offers solutions when something goes wrong. The importance of reading newspaper essay is a great way to keep kids engaged and learn the significance of newspapers in this digital age.

Newspapers are not just a part of our lives; they are important in our culture. People might read newspapers to keep up with the latest news and current happenings, but they also cover many specific topics. Practising writing an essay on the importance of newspaper in our daily life plays a vital role in the kids learning phase.

Significance of Newspaper

The importance of newspaper essay describes the significance of reading news every day. Newspapers cover all aspects of society, from sports to business and science and technology to history. There is also a lot more than just news in the newspaper. It has articles about other informative pieces that make readers aware of the things they didn’t know before.

Newspapers play a critical role in our society. It is one of the essential factors for shaping public opinion and disseminating information. Without newspapers, it would be nearly impossible to know what is going on in the world.

Newspapers have been around for over 400 years, and they have changed the world. If it weren’t for newspapers, people wouldn’t know what was happening in other parts of the world. Furthermore, they provide an outlet for people to let their voices be heard and read about many different topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to read newspapers.

It is important to read newspapers because it covers all aspects of society, such as sports, business and science and technology, history, etc. The articles in newspapers also help people learn things they didn’t know before.

How do newspapers play an important role?

Newspapers play an important role by helping us to learn about the happenings worldwide. They have been an essential means of communication in many cultures for centuries.

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Newspaper Essay

Newspaper is a set of large sheets containing printed news, stories, information, articles, advertisements, etc. It plays a great role in keeping us up-to-date on events nearby as well as from across the borders. Newspaper is a collection of news from all over the world which keeps us up-to-date about everything significant going outside our houses. We should practice news reading on daily basis. It is a good habit as it improves your general knowledge and makes you aware of your country’s economical, social and political issues.

You can encourage your kids and children for reading newspaper and enhance their knowledge. It will also make them familiar with the politics, social structure, and geography of their country. Newspaper reading is some of those hobbies which could be performed almost anywhere and has no side effects at all.

Long and Short Essay on Newspaper in English

We have provided some simple and easy, long and short essay on newspaper in English, for the students.

These English Essay on Newspaper will let you admire the usefulness of newspapers and their significance in keeping people informed, safe and united.

You can use these newspaper essay in your school assignments or essay writing, debate, competitions.

Newspaper Essay 1 (100 words)

Now-a-days, it is difficult to imagine the life without newspaper. It is the first and foremost thing everyone looks for every morning. It helps us a lot by keeping us up-to-date about every news of all over the world. It let us know what is going on in the society, country and world. Newspaper brings us each and every news and views to us from every corner of the world. Newspaper brings information about businessmen, politician, social issues, unemployed people, sports, games, international news, kids, science, education, medicine, celebrities, fairs, festivals, technologies, etc. It helps us in widening our knowledge, skill, and technical awareness.


Newspaper Essay 2 (150 words)

In the modern era, the revolution of newspapers has been spread to the whole country. Now-a-days, everyone has become much conscious about their knowledge. It is a good habit to read newspaper on daily basis. We all should practice to read newspaper in our daily lives. It let us know about the latest trends and traditions. It helps us by telling about the schools, colleges, courts, politics, offices, hotels, restaurants and other things new in the markets.

Newspaper is a most important thing used by everyone (rich or poor) of any religion, caste or creed. It helps us a lot in preparing our school projects and home works. It let us know about new researches, new technologies, all the high and low of the market and so many things. There are many types of newspaper and magazines according to their brand and subscription.

Newspaper Essay 3 (200 words)

Now-a-days the newspaper has been a necessity of the life. It is available in the market in almost all languages. A newspaper is a publication of the news which gets printed on the paper and distributed to everyone at their home. Different countries have their own news publication agencies. Newspaper gives us all about what is happening in our own country as well as whole world. We let us know exact information related to the topic of sports, politics, religion, society, economy, film industries, movies, food, employment etc.

Earlier, newspapers were published with only news details however, currently it contains news and views about various subject almost everything. Various newspaper in market costs differently according to their news details and popularity in the area. The newspapers having current daily affairs are printed daily however of them gets printed twice a week, once a week or once a month.

Newspapers serve more than one purposes according to the need and requirement of the people. Newspapers are very effective and powerful give all information at one place from all over the world. In comparison to the information it gives, it costs very less. It keeps us well informed about all the happenings in our surrounding.

Newspaper Essay 4 (250 words)

The newspaper is very important thing in these days. It is first and foremost thing of everyone to start the day. It is better to start our day by filling our mind with fresh news and information. It makes us confident and helps in improving our personality. First of all in the morning it greets every member of the family with bulk of information. As a citizen of the country, we are fully responsible to know all the pros and cons going in the country or other countries. It informs us about the current affairs of the politics, sports, business, industries, etc. It also informs us about the personal affairs of the Bollywood and business personalities.

Newspaper let us know about cultures, traditions, arts, classical dance, etc. In such a modern time when everyone does not have time to know about things other than their job, it let us know about days and dates of the fairs, festival, occasions, cultural events, etc. It is a collection of news as well as interesting things about the society, education, future, motivational messages and topics, etc so, it never bore us. It always stimulates and excites us to about everything in the world through its interesting topics.

In the modern time, when everyone is so busy in his/her daily life, it is hardly possible for them to get any idea or knowledge about the outer world so newspaper is the best option to remove such weakness. It gives us a vast knowledge in just 15 mins or half an hour. It is beneficial for persons of all fields as it contains knowledge for everyone like students, businessmen, politicians, sportsperson, teachers, industrialists, etc.

Newspaper Essay 5 (300 words)

Newspaper comes to us every morning and I feel better having newspaper with a hot cup of tea in my balcony. Day by day, the newspaper is getting popularity in every area whether backward or forward because of the increasing importance of it. People in the society are getting more conscious about their knowledge level and current affairs of the country especially politics and Bollywood. Newspaper reading is best activity for the students as it gives general knowledge about everything. It helps them to beat any technical and competitive exams for the government job or non-government jobs.

Reading news paper is very interesting job. If one becomes used to of this, he/she never drop reading newspaper. It is good for the students as it inspires us to speak English fluently with correct accent. Newspapers are becoming popular in the backwards areas of the country. People speaking any language can read newspaper as it is available in languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, etc according to the regions. Newspaper is of great importance to all of us because it brings tons of news to us from all across the world.

News is first and foremost interest and charm for us. Without newspaper and news, we are nothing and just like a fish without water. India is a democratic country where public rules its own country so it is must for them to know about each and every activities in the politics.

In the modern technological world where everything depends on the high technology, news is also available on the computer and internet. Using internet, we can get all the information about world. Newspaper is the best way to enhance awareness about any social issues among common public. It is the best way of communication between government of the country and its public.

Newspaper Essay 6 (400 words)

Newspaper is a powerful tool which enhances confidence and personality of the person. It is a best means of communication between the outer world and people. It is most important medium of knowledge. It is a good source of getting more knowledge and information as well as enhancing skill level. It is available in all the regions at very low cost. We can have an easy access to any newspaper. We just need to contact any newspaper and subscribe it. It is published in various languages of the country. In the early morning everyone waits for the newspaper with full courage.

Newspaper has affected positively the people in society. Everyone has become interested in knowing the current affairs of the country. Newspaper is a best link of the knowledge between government and people. It gives people every big and small detail about the whole world. It makes people well aware about their rules, regulations and rights in the country. Newspapers are of great importance for the students especially as it gives them lots of general knowledge and current affairs of national and international level. It gives us information about all the happenings, developments, new technology, research, astrology, seasonal changes, natural calamities, etc.

Newspaper also contains fine articles on social issues, humanity, cultures, traditions, arts of living, meditation, yoga, etc. It contains information about common public views and helps in solving various social and economical issues. Using this can know about politicians, reviews about them, certain governmental policies including other political parties. It helps job seekers in search new jobs, students to get admitted to best school, businessmen to know about current and important business activities, current trends of the market, new strategies, etc.

Newspapers help us a lot if we make the habit of reading it on daily basis. It develops reading habits, improve our accent and let us know everything about outside. Some people are highly used to of reading this newspaper in the morning. They become very restless in the absence of newspaper and feel whole day that something has missed. Students preparing to appear in the competitive exams regularly read newspapers to keep their mind up-to-date about current affairs. Newspaper contains bulk of information under attractive headings according to everyone’s choice so no one can be bored. We should continue reading variety of newspapers and motivate other family members and friends also to read newspaper.

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Essay on Newspaper in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

A newspaper is a strong way to share important information with people. Information is crucial because we need to stay informed about what’s going on around us. Being aware of local events helps us make better plans and decisions. Newspapers also publish government and official announcements.

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Target Exam ---

Newspaper is a set of large sheets containing printed news, stories, information, articles, advertisements, etc. It plays a great role in keeping us up-to-date on events nearby as well as from across the borders. Newspaper is a collection of news from all over the world which keeps us up-to-date about everything significant going outside our houses. We should practice news reading on daily basis. It is a good habit as it improves your general knowledge and makes you aware of your country’s economical, social and political issues.

You can encourage your kids and children for reading newspaper and enhance their knowledge. It will also make them familiar with the politics, social structure, and geography of their country. Newspaper reading is some of those hobbies which could be performed almost anywhere and has no side effects at all.

Long and Short Essay on Newspaper in English

  • We have provided some simple and easy, long and short essay on newspaper in English, for the students.
  • These English Essay on Newspaper will let you admire the usefulness of newspapers and their significance in keeping people informed, safe and united.
  • You can use these newspaper essay in your school assignments or essay writing , debate, competitions.

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Newspaper Essay 100 words

Now-a-days, it is difficult to imagine the life without newspaper. It is the first and foremost thing everyone looks for every morning. newspaper also helps us a lot by keeping us up-to-date about every news of all over the world. It let us know what is going on in the society, country and world. Newspaper brings us each and every news and views to us from every corner of the world. Newspaper brings information about businessmen, politician, social issues, unemployed people, sports, games, international news, kids, science, education, medicine, celebrities, fairs, festivals, technologies, etc. It helps us in widening our knowledge, skill, and technical awareness.

Newspaper Essay 150 words

In the modern era, the revolution of newspapers has been spread to the whole country. Now-a-days, everyone has become much conscious about their knowledge. It is a good habit to read newspaper on daily basis. We all should practice to read newspaper in our daily lives. It let us know about the latest trends and traditions. It helps us by telling about the schools, colleges, courts, politics, offices, hotels, restaurants and other things new in the markets.

Newspaper is a most important thing used by everyone (rich or poor) of any religion, caste or creed. It helps us a lot in preparing our school projects and home works. It let us know about new researches, new technologies, all the high and low of the market and so many things. There are many types of newspaper and magazines according to their brand and subscription.

Newspaper Essay 200 words

Now-a-days the newspaper has been a necessity of the life. It is available in the market in almost all languages. A newspaper is a publication of the news which gets printed on the paper and distributed to everyone at their home. Different countries have their own news publication agencies. Newspaper gives us all about what is happening in our own country as well as whole world. We let us know exact information related to the topic of sports, politics, religion, society, economy, film industries, movies, food, employment etc.

Earlier, newspapers were published with only news details however, currently it contains news and views about various subject almost everything. Various newspaper in market costs differently according to their news details and popularity in the area. The newspapers having current daily affairs are printed daily however of them gets printed twice a week, once a week or once a month.

Newspapers serve more than one purposes according to the need and requirement of the people. Newspapers are very effective and powerful give all information at one place from all over the world. In comparison to the information it gives, it costs very less. It keeps us well informed about all the happenings in our surrounding.

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Newspaper Essay 250 words

The newspaper is very important thing in these days. It is first and foremost thing of everyone to start the day. It is better to start our day by filling our mind with fresh news and information. Newspaper makes us confident and helps in improving our personality. First of all in the morning it greets every member of the family with bulk of information. As a citizen of the country, we are fully responsible to know all the pros and cons going in the country or other countries. It informs us about the current affairs of the politics, sports, business, industries, etc. It also informs us about the personal affairs of the Bollywood and business personalities.

Newspaper let us know about cultures, traditions, arts, classical dance, etc. In such a modern time when everyone does not have time to know about things other than their job, it let us know about days and dates of the fairs, festival, occasions, cultural events, etc. It is a collection of news as well as interesting things about the society, education, future, motivational messages and topics, etc so, it never bore us. It always stimulates and excites us to about everything in the world through its interesting topics.

In the modern time, when everyone is so busy in his/her daily life, it is hardly possible for them to get any idea or knowledge about the outer world so newspaper is the best option to remove such weakness. It gives us a vast knowledge in just 15 mins or half an hour. It is beneficial for persons of all fields as it contains knowledge for everyone like students, businessmen, politicians, sportsperson, teachers, industrialists, etc.

Newspaper Essay 300 words

Newspaper comes to us every morning and I feel better having newspaper with a hot cup of tea in my balcony. Day by day, the newspaper is getting popularity in every area whether backward or forward because of the increasing importance of it. People in the society are getting more conscious about their knowledge level and current affairs of the country especially politics and Bollywood. Newspaper reading is best activity for the students as it gives general knowledge about everything. It helps them to beat any technical and competitive exams for the government job or non-government jobs.

Reading news paper is very interesting job. If one becomes used to of this, he/she never drop reading newspaper. It is good for the students as it inspires us to speak English fluently with correct accent. Newspapers are becoming popular in the backwards areas of the country. People speaking any language can read newspaper as it is available in languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, etc according to the regions. Newspaper is of great importance to all of us because it brings tons of news to us from all across the world.

News is first and foremost interest and charm for us. Without newspaper and news, we are nothing and just like a fish without water. India is a democratic country where public rules its own country so it is must for them to know about each and every activities in the politics.

In the modern technological world where everything depends on the high technology, news is also available on the computer and internet. Using internet, we can get all the information about world. Newspaper is the best way to enhance awareness about any social issues among common public. It is the best way of communication between government of the country and its public.

Newspaper Essay 400 words

Newspaper is a powerful tool which enhances confidence and personality of the person. It is a best means of communication between the outer world and people. Most important medium of knowledge. It is a good source of getting more knowledge and information as well as enhancing skill level. It is available in all the regions at very low cost. We can have an easy access to any newspaper. We just need to contact any newspaper and subscribe it. It is published in various languages of the country. In the early morning everyone waits for the newspaper with full courage.

Newspaper has affected positively the people in society. Everyone has become interested in knowing the current affairs of the country. Newspaper is a best link of the knowledge between government and people. It gives people every big and small detail about the whole world. It makes people well aware about their rules, regulations and rights in the country. Newspapers are of great importance for the students especially as it gives them lots of general knowledge and current affairs of national and international level. It gives us information about all the happenings, developments, new technology, research, astrology, seasonal changes, natural calamities, etc.

Newspaper also contains fine articles on social issues, humanity, cultures, traditions, arts of living, meditation, yoga, etc. It contains information about common public views and helps in solving various social and economical issues. Using this can know about politicians, reviews about them, certain governmental policies including other political parties. It helps job seekers in search new jobs, students to get admitted to best school, businessmen to know about current and important business activities, current trends of the market, new strategies, etc.

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Newspapers help us a lot if we make the habit of reading it on daily basis. It develops reading habits, improve our accent and let us know everything about outside. Some people are highly used to of reading this newspaper in the morning. They become very restless in the absence of newspaper and feel whole day that something has missed. Students preparing to appear in the competitive exams regularly read newspapers to keep their mind up-to-date about current affairs. Newspaper contains bulk of information under attractive headings according to everyone’s choice so no one can be bored. We should continue reading variety of newspapers and motivate other family members and friends also to read newspaper.

Essay on Newspaper FAQs

What are the main points of newspaper.

The main points of a newspaper include news articles, headlines, local events, sports, and editorials.

What is the importance of newspapers?

Newspapers are important for staying informed about current events, local news, and gaining knowledge on a variety of topics.

What is a few lines about newspaper?

A newspaper is a source of written information that provides news, stories, and updates about various subjects.

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Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7 Format, Examples, Exercises


Newspaper report writing involves presenting factual information about events, incidents, or issues in a structured format. It is a fundamental aspect of journalism, aiming to inform readers about current happenings. Developing proficiency in newspaper report writing not only enhances communication skills but also nurtures critical thinking and research abilities.

Understanding Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

Definition of Newspaper Report Writing

Newspaper report writing can be defined as the process of summarizing news events or stories and presenting them in a clear and concise manner. It requires gathering information, organizing it logically, and conveying it effectively to readers. The primary goal is to provide accurate and unbiased information while maintaining reader engagement.

Importance of Newspaper Report Writing

Newspaper report writing holds immense significance in the field of journalism. It serves as a medium through which reporters convey news to the masses. Well-crafted reports help readers understand complex events, raise awareness, and facilitate informed discussions. Additionally, mastering this skill empowers students to articulate their thoughts and observations with precision.

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Format Of Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To ensure consistency and readability, newspaper reports follow a specific format. Familiarizing oneself with this format is essential for students to create effective reports. The key elements of a newspaper report include:

Headline The headline captures the essence of the news event or story. It should be catchy, concise, and provide a glimpse of the main topic.

Byline The byline identifies the author or reporter who wrote the report. It adds credibility to the information presented.

Date and Place Including the date and place of the event provides context and helps readers understand the timeline and location of the incident.


The introduction, also known as the lead, sets the tone for the report. It should provide a brief overview of the event, answering the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Body The body of the report presents the main details of the event or incident. It expands on the information provided in the introduction, presenting relevant facts, quotes, and statistics.

Conclusion The conclusion summarizes the key points and brings the report to a logical close. It may include additional insights or future implications related to the event.

Examples Of Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To illustrate the practical application of newspaper report writing, let’s consider two examples:

Example 1: Sports Event Coverage

Headline: Thrilling Soccer Match Ends in a Draw

Byline: By John Smith

Date & position May 23, 2023- City Stadium

preface history, the largely awaited soccer match between Team A and Team B took place at City Stadium. suckers from both brigades went to see the thrilling match.

Body The battle began with both brigades displaying skill and determination. Team A gained an early lead with a thing in the 15th nanosecond, but Team B incontinently responded, equating in the 30th.

The tension increased in the second half as both sides fought tooth and nail to grab a lead. Despite multiple close calls and outstanding saves by both keepers, neither team was able to break the tie. The match concluded with a final score of 1-1, leaving the spectators on the edge of their seats.

Quotations from the platoon captains showcased their studies on the match. Captain A expressed,” It was a tough game, but we gave our stylish. We will come back stronger coming time.” Captain B remarked,” We fought hard and merited the draw. It’s a positive result for us.”

Conclusion: The thrilling soccer match between Team A and Team B ended in a well-fought draw. Both teams displayed commendable skills, leaving fans eager to witness their future encounters.

Example 2: Local Community News

Headline: Community Garden Inaugurated, Promoting Sustainable Living

Byline: By Emily Davis

Date and Place: May 22, 2023 – Green Acres Community Center

Introduction: Green Acres Community Center celebrated the inauguration of its new community garden yesterday. The initiative aims to promote sustainable living and provide residents with fresh produce.

Body: The inauguration ceremony commenced with a speech by the community center director, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices. Local residents and representatives from environmental organizations attended the event, symbolizing their support for a greener community.

The community garden spans an area of 1,000 square feet and is equipped with raised beds for vegetable cultivation. Local volunteers and gardening enthusiasts have pledged to maintain the garden and organize workshops on organic farming.

Residents expressed their excitement about the new initiative. Jane Thompson, a local resident, stated, “It’s wonderful to see our community come together for a greener future. The garden will not only provide fresh produce but also foster a sense of unity.”

Conclusion: The inauguration of the community garden at Green Acres Community Center marks a significant step towards sustainable living. The initiative promises to provide residents with fresh, organic produce while promoting environmental consciousness and community involvement.

Exercises For Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To enhance the newspaper report writing skills of Class 7 students, the following exercises are recommended:

Exercise 1: Writing a Headline

Create an attention-grabbing caption for a report on an academy wisdom show.

Exercise 2: Preface casting

Write an interesting beginning to a report about a recent field trip to a historical landmark.

Exercise 3: Body Development

Expand on the information provided in the introduction and develop the body of a report on a charity event organized by the school.

Exercise 4: Concluding the Report

Summarize the key points and conclude a report on an inter-school debate competition.

Exercise 5: Adding Quotes and Facts

Include relevant quotes and interesting facts in a report on a cultural festival celebrated in your city.

Tips For Effective Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To excel in newspaper report writing, consider the following tips:

  • Use a Clear and Concise Writing Style: Write in a manner that is easily understandable to a wide range of readers. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complicated language.
  • Stick to the Inverted Pyramid Structure: Place the most important information at the beginning of the report, followed by supporting details. This structure ensures that readers grasp the main points even if they only read the initial paragraphs.
  • Include Relevant Details and Quotes: Provide specific details that add depth to your report. Incorporate quotes from relevant individuals to enhance credibility and provide different perspectives.
  • Edit and Proofread Your Report: Ensure your report is free from grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and inconsistencies. Edit for clarity and coherence, and proofread multiple times before finalizing.

Conclusion On Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

Newspaper report writing is an essential skill for Class 7 students. By following the prescribed format, examining examples, and engaging in exercises, students can hone their abilities to present information accurately and effectively. Mastering this skill opens doors to effective communication and nurtures critical thinking abilities.

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200-250 Words Essay on Importance of Newspaper

( Essay on Newspaper in our daily life, Importance of newspaper in our daily life, also 10 points, Role, In India, in English, CBSE )

Newspapers are one of the best means of propagation. They touch all aspects of human life and give us the latest information about the development taking place in different parts of the world. They deal with the social – political , scientific , and cultural activities of the people. They are a means of business advertisement.

There is a special reserved for editorial comments and public criticism. As such, there devolves a great responsibility on newspapers . They should represent all public affairs in their true light. Newspapers are printed in almost all the regional languages. They are the mirror of the world.

Through newspapers , we can get information about the matches being played in other countries. Through newspapers, we can get knowledge about space technology. Newspapers tell us though their different articles how we can improve our health.

Through different ads in them, we can apply for jobs. The newspapers are helped in arranging messages through matrimonial. They also give us information about the tenders, issued by the Gov. and others by industries.

Hence, nowadays, newspapers are an important part of our daily life. Newspapers are cheap and the best way for getting information all over the world.

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Essay on Importance of Newspaper

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Essay On Newspaper

Newspapers form an essential aspect of almost everyone’s life today. They are a form of printed media and one of the oldest means of communication. They are a potent source of disseminating information to a large number of people at once. Reading the newspaper along with a cup of tea is an everyday practice for many people. Here are some sample essays on “Newspaper”.

Essay On Newspaper

100 Words Essay On Newspaper

Newspapers play an important role in spreading news worldwide. This means of mass communication started around the 17th century. It is a very powerful and informative medium. They can be considered more accurate than news channels as the news is published after the events. They cannot be politically influenced. Newspapers are available in different languages and are easily available.

Newspapers also played a vital role in disseminating information in the pre-independence period. They have given the common person a platform to express their thoughts. Newspapers contain information regarding almost everything, be it politics, sports, entertainment, weather forecasts, and climatic changes. They also include advertisements.

200 Words Essay On Newspaper

Newspapers are believed to cover information about all facets of life and have held great value since ancient to modern-day times. Nowadays, newspapers give equal importance to all topics. These may include social, political, economical, climatic, regional and national news. They cost differently depending on their language and popularity. Lokmanya Tilak started the Marathi newspapers “Kesari” and “Mahratta ” to spread awareness among the common man regarding independence.

People Form Opinions | Most people form their opinions based on what they read in the papers. Newspapers are also a platform for the common man to voice their opinions or showcase their creativity.

All Kinds Of Information | The government also uses this medium to announce various schemes, data and various activities. Newspapers act as a pillar in democratic and developing countries. They are also a medium for the layman to get access to the views of experts and thinkers who are often guest columnists for newspapers. It helps us to know about various cultures, traditions, arts and exhibitions taking place.

Quick Information | Amidst our busy schedules, newspapers are a quick way to grab an insight into whatever is happening around us, since skimming the headlines can be done in as less as 10 minutes. Information found in newspapers is also helpful to people preparing for competitive exams, especially government exams.

Even though there are more advanced and other options available in a dynamic world, the importance of newspapers has remained consistent.

500 Words Essay On Newspaper

For a large number of people, reading the newspaper along with a cup of tea is a daily morning ritual. Newspapers are powerful weapons that influence people’s opinions. Some newspapers are also published on a weekly and monthly basis. Some newspapers provide a special edition on a particular weekday.

History Of Newspapers

Newspapers are believed to have been started around the 17th century. By the 19th century, the common person became familiar with them. It is thought that Acta Diurna was the first newspaper published in Rome, around 59 BC. However, any proof or evidence has not been found.

Gazette Bengal, 1970 | In India, a British Englishman named James Augustus Hicky started a newspaper in Bengal. The year was 1780 and the paper was called Gazette Bengal. It was followed by the printing of many other newspapers such as the Madras Gazette, Calcutta Gazette and Bombay Herald.

Pre- Independence | During the pre-independence period, many newspapers were published secretly. They played a prominent role in sharing the news and activities of Indian leaders. Various articles and poems were published which ignited the spark of independence in the minds of the common man.

Importance And Uses

Newspapers play an important role, especially in developing and democratic countries like ours. Along with news, various government schemes are also shared through newspapers. Regularly reading the newspaper improves our vocabulary and speaking skills, and improves reading speed and accuracy.

I was not an avid reader of the newspaper. We used to get the Times of India daily., but I couldn't find the motivation to pick it up and read the news. However, when the Taj Hotel in Mumbai was attacked by foreign insurgents, reading the newspaper became almost as important as reading any religious text. For a few weeks straight I would run to greet the delivery man and collect the paper by hand. I was amended on staying updated with the news to track the events which transpired and all that was happening in the aftermath. Before I knew it, reading the news became an important part of my daily routine.


With technology penetrating every aspect of our lives, newspapers have also got their online versions. These are called E-newspapers . Some of the merits of E-newspapers are:-

Eco-Friendly | We know that some of our resources are non-renewable and that we are already facing climatic challenges. Online newspapers save a huge amount of paper and thus, they are more eco-friendly.

Cost-Effective | E-newspapers cost almost nothing. Free PDFs can be created and are easy to download. We can also share them easily with anyone we are willing to. We can also get offers on subscriptions.

Easy To Update | If there is any update regarding the specific news it can be updated easily. It can be edited from anywhere in the world. Any changes can be quickly made.

Accessibility | Anyone can access E-newspapers from any part of the world. These are available at any time. We can read while travelling or while doing any other activity.

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11 Grade 7 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers

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Explore challenging yet engaging Grade 7 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers, designed to enhance students’ critical thinking and analytical skills. These passages cater specifically to Class 7 students, providing thought-provoking questions and comprehensive answers to foster effective learning and comprehension. Elevate reading skills with diverse content that encourages in-depth exploration and understanding at the 7th-grade level.

Grade 7 Reading Comprehension Passage 1:

1. read the following passage and answer the questions..

1. Hampi is a village situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra river in Bellari district of Karnataka. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986, it served as the imperial capital of Vijayanagara, arguably the largest, wealthiest and most powerful kingdom in south India and the greatest Hindu empire in the medieval period. 

2. Hampi was known by various names at different points of time: Hosapattana (New City), Vijayanagara (City of Victory), Vidyanagara (City of Learning) or Hampe, Pampa-kshetra and Pampa-pura-after the local goddess Pampa, who was worshipped even before the seventh century C.E. 

3. Before it became part of Vijayanagara, the area around Hampi was ruled by several Hindu dynasties: the Kadambas, the Chalukyas of Badami, the Rashtrakutas, the Chalukyas of Kalyani, the Hoyasalas, the Yadavas and the Kampili chiefs. Most such Hindu kingdoms in the Deccan, constantly fighting amongst themselves, were overrun by the Delhi Sultanate in the early 14th century. 

4. The weakening hold of the Sultanate in the region together with the resistance offered by the local chieftains led to the emergence of two kingdoms around the mid 14th century: the Vijayanagara Empire (1336) based around Hampi and the Bahmani Sultanate (1347) centred around Gulbarga and Bidar. Both these kingdoms were continuously at war with one another.

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

1. What river flows alongside the village of Hampi?

A) Krishna River

B) Godavari River

C) Tungabhadra River

D) Cauvery River

2. When was Hampi declared a UNESCO World Heritage site?

3. Which Hindu dynasty ruled the area around Hampi before it became part of Vijayanagara?

A) Chalukyas of Kalyani

B) Rashtrakutas

C) Kadambas

D) Hoyasalas

4. What were the names associated with Hampi at different points in time?

A) New City, City of Learning, City of Victory

B) Hampavati, Pampapura, Pampa-kshetra

C) Vidyanagara, Hampe, Vijayanagara

D) All of the above

5. Which two kingdoms emerged in the mid-14th century, leading to continuous warfare?

A) Vijayanagara Empire and Maurya Empire

B) Chola Kingdom and Bahmani Sultanate

C) Vijayanagara Empire and Bahmani Sultanate

D) Rashtrakuta Empire and Chalukya Kingdom

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Reading Comprehension Worksheet

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Hampi served as the imperial capital of ____________, arguably the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful kingdom in South India during the medieval period.

2. Before it became part of Vijayanagara, the area around Hampi was ruled by several Hindu dynasties, including the Kadambas, the Chalukyas of Badami, and the __________.

3. Hampi was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in the year __________.

4. The local goddess worshipped in the region around Hampi, even before the 7th century C.E., was named __________.

5. The weakening hold of the Delhi Sultanate in the region led to the emergence of two kingdoms around the mid-14th century: the Vijayanagara Empire and the __________.

C. Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Name two kingdoms that emerged in the mid-14th century, leading to continuous warfare.

2. What were the various names associated with Hampi at different points in time?

3. Which river flows alongside the village of Hampi?

D. Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Discuss the historical significance of Hampi and its role as the imperial capital of Vijayanagara.

2. Explain the circumstances that led to the emergence of the Vijayanagara Empire and the Bahmani Sultanate in the mid-14th century.

Grade 7 Reading Comprehension Passage 2:

2. read the following passage and answer the given questions :.

To make a family happy, each member of it has to think of the comfort and convenience of the others. If everybody behaves selfishly, the family would get separated. Similarly society, which is only a larger family, would be destroyed if each member of it is selfish. It is not wrong to think of oneself or to work for oneself. People must work for themselves and their family. But in order to prosper they do not have to be selfish. A man is called selfish not just because he seeks his own good, but because he neglects the well-being of his neighbours. You have every right to be happy and prosperous, but no right at all to make others suffer for your own good.

1. What is the consequence if every member of a family behaves selfishly?

A) Family becomes stronger

B) Family prospers

C) Family gets separated

D) Family becomes more united

2. According to the passage, society is compared to what?

A) Corporation

B) Organization

C) Larger family

D) Business entity

3. Why is a person labeled as selfish in the context of the passage?

A) Seeking personal happiness

B) Working for oneself

C) Neglecting the well-being of neighbors

D) Pursuing prosperity

4. What is the primary message conveyed regarding working for oneself and one’s family?

A) People should not work for themselves

B) Prosperity requires selfish behavior

C) It is wrong to think of oneself

D) Working for oneself and family is acceptable, but not at the cost of others

5. What is the right of an individual mentioned in the passage?

A) Right to be selfish

B) Right to make others suffer

C) Right to be happy and prosperous

D) Right to neglect family

1. To make a family happy, each member has to think of the comfort and convenience of the __________.

2. Similarly, society, which is only a larger family, would be destroyed if each member is __________.

3. People must work for themselves and their family, but in order to prosper, they do not have to be __________.

4. A man is labeled as selfish not just because he seeks his own good, but because he neglects the well-being of his __________.

5. Individuals have every right to be happy and prosperous but no right at all to make others __________ for their own good.

1. According to the passage, why might a family get separated?

2. What is the comparison made between society and a family in the passage?

3. What distinguishes a person as selfish in the context of the passage?

1. Explain the balance suggested in the passage between working for oneself and considering the well-being of others.

2. Discuss the consequences highlighted in the passage if each member of society acts selfishly.

3. Read the passage and answer the following questions :

Long long ago there was a slave in a country. His name was Androcles. He committed an offence. So he was punished. Out of fear he ran away and took shelter in a cave. In that cave lived a big lion. A thorn was stuck into his left foot. So he felt great pain and could not walk properly. He came limping towards Androcles. Androcles saw the thorn and boldly drew it out. The lion got rid of pain and felt relieved. Later on Androcles was caught and brought to Rome. There he was asked to fight against a hungry lion. It was the same lion from whose paw, Androcles had drawn out the thorn. The lion at once recognized him and instead of attacking him quietly lay down at his feet.

1. Why did Androcles run away and take shelter in a cave?

A) Seeking adventure

B) Escaping punishment

C) Exploring the wilderness

D) Looking for a new home

2. What was the issue the lion in the cave faced that led it to approach Androcles?

C) Injury with a thorn

D) Loneliness

3. How did Androcles help the lion in the cave?

A) Fed it with food

B) Provided water

C) Drew out a thorn from its paw

D) Built a shelter for it

4. Why was Androcles brought to Rome?

A) For a reward

B) To be honored

C) As a punishment

D) To meet the emperor

5. What was Androcles asked to do in Rome as part of his punishment?

A) Perform in a play

B) Fight against a hungry lion

C) Work in the fields

D) Solve a puzzle

1. Out of fear, Androcles ran away and took shelter in a __________.

2. In the cave, Androcles encountered a lion with a thorn stuck in its __________.

3. Androcles drew out the thorn from the lion’s paw, relieving it from great __________.

4. Later on, Androcles was caught and brought to __________.

5. The lion in Rome, which Androcles was asked to fight, recognized him and instead of attacking, quietly lay down at his __________.

1. Why did Androcles run away and seek shelter in a cave?

2. what was the condition of the lion in the cave, and how did androcles help it, 3. why did the lion in rome recognize androcles and not attack him, 1. discuss the theme of kindness and reciprocity in the story of androcles and the lion., 2. explain the turn of events when androcles faces the lion in rome as part of his punishment., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 4:.

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Two persons were once travelling in the same train. One was an Englishman and the other a Bengali gentleman. The Englishman was very proud of himself because he was an Englishman. He looked down upon the Bengali gentleman who however, took no notice of it and went to sleep in peace. As soon as the Bengali gentleman was asleep, the Englishman picked up the Bengali gentleman’s shoes and threw them outside the window. 

Then he, too, fell asleep. After a while the Bengali gentleman woke up. He looked for his shoes but could not find them. He understood everything. Then he took the Englishman’s coat from the wall, and threw it outside the window and went to sleep again. Next morning, the Englishman, finding his coat missing, shouted, “Where’s my coat gone? “Your coat has gone to fetch my shoes,” said the gentleman bravely. The Bengali gentleman was Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, “The Tiger of Bengal”.

1. Why was the Englishman proud of himself?

A) Due to his wealth

B) Because he was an Englishman

C) For his intelligence

D) Because of his achievements

2. What did the Englishman do when the Bengali gentleman was asleep?

A) Stole his money

B) Threw his shoes out of the window

C) Wrote on his face

D) Took his belongings

3. Who retaliated against the Englishman’s action and how?

A) The conductor, by reporting him

B) Another passenger, by confronting him

C) The Bengali gentleman, by throwing the Englishman’s coat out

D) The train driver, by stopping the train

4. What was the Bengali gentleman’s response when the Englishman asked about his missing coat?

A) He blamed another passenger

B) He remained silent

C) He said it went to fetch his shoes

D) He apologized and returned the coat

5. Who was the Bengali gentleman revealed to be?

A) Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee

B) Sir Winston Churchill

C) Lord Mountbatten

D) Rabindranath Tagore

1. The Englishman, being an Englishman, looked down upon the __________ gentleman.

2. The Bengali gentleman retaliated by throwing the __________ coat out of the window.

3. The missing shoes and coat incident involved a retaliatory exchange between an Englishman and Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, also known as “The __________ of Bengal.”

4. The Englishman’s arrogance was evident when he threw the Bengali gentleman’s shoes __________ of the window.

5. T he Bengali gentleman’s calm and witty response revealed him to be __________ Mukherjee.

1. What did the Englishman do when the Bengali gentleman was asleep, and why?

2. how did the bengali gentleman retaliate against the englishman’s action, 3. who was the bengali gentleman revealed to be, and what was his title, 1. discuss the significance of sir ashutosh mukherjee’s response to the englishman’s actions in reflecting his character., 2. examine the portrayal of cultural pride and wit in the story, emphasizing the actions of both the englishman and sir ashutosh mukherjee., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 5:.

Babar, the founder of the Mughal Empire, faced both triumphs and tribulations. After securing victory at the Battle of Panipat in 1526, he laid the foundation for a dynasty that would shape India’s history. His son, Humayun, inherited the throne after Babar’s death in 1530. Despite facing internal and external challenges, Humayun continued his father’s legacy.

One notable incident reflects their bond. Humayun fell seriously ill, and physicians were unable to cure him. In his despair, Babar fervently prayed for Humayun’s recovery. Legend has it that Babar vowed to distribute gold coins among the poor if Humayun regained his health. Miraculously, Humayun recovered, and true to his promise, Babar distributed gold coins, earning the admiration of the people.

Despite Babar’s early death in 1530, Humayun faced adversity, including exile and loss of territories. His determination eventually led to the re-establishment of the Mughal Empire. The story of Babar and Humayun exemplifies not only the challenges of empire-building but also the strength of familial bonds.

1. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire?

D) Jahangir

2. What significant battle marked the beginning of Babar’s rule in India?

A) Battle of Haldighati

B) Battle of Plassey

C) Battle of Panipat

D) Battle of Talikota

3. Who succeeded Babar after his death in 1530?

B) Jahangir

D) Shah Jahan

4. What health challenge did Humayun face that prompted Babar’s fervent prayers?

A) Blindness

B) Deafness

C) Serious illness

D) Broken leg

5. What did Babar promise to do if Humayun recovered from his illness?

A) Distribute gold coins to the poor

B) Build a grand palace

C) Conquer new territories

D) Abdicate the throne

1. After Babar’s victory at the Battle of Panipat in 1526, he laid the foundation for the __________ Empire.

2. Despite facing challenges, Humayun continued his father’s __________.

3. Babar fervently prayed for Humayun’s recovery when he fell seriously __________.

4. Humayun’s recovery led Babar to distribute gold coins among the __________.

5. Babar’s death in 1530 marked the succession of __________ to the Mughal throne.

1. What challenges did Humayun face during his reign as the Mughal Emperor?

2. describe the significance of the battle of panipat in the context of babar’s rule., 3. how did babar’s prayers reflect the strong bond between him and humayun, 1. discuss the challenges faced by humayun during his reign and how he contributed to the re-establishment of the mughal empire., 2. examine the impact of familial bonds on the history of the mughal empire, focusing on the relationship between babar and humayun., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 6:.

Malgudi Days, a collection of short stories by R.K. Narayan, transports readers to the fictional town of Malgudi in South India. The narrative unfolds through various characters and incidents, capturing the essence of Indian life with humor and insight.

The central character, Swami, a young boy, navigates the challenges of adolescence in Malgudi, creating a tapestry of delightful and poignant tales. The stories explore universal themes such as friendship, family, and the complexities of human relationships. Swami’s misadventures, his encounters with eccentric characters, and the charm of everyday life in Malgudi make the stories endearing and relatable.

The narratives are characterized by Narayan’s simple yet evocative prose, immersing readers in the vivid tapestry of Malgudi. Each story provides a glimpse into the cultural nuances and intricacies of Indian society, offering a timeless portrayal of the human experience.

1. Who is the central character in R.K. Narayan’s Malgudi Days?

2. what is the setting of malgudi days.

A) North India

B) South India

C) Maldives

3. What themes are explored in Malgudi Days?

A) Fantasy and magic

B) Friendship, family, and human relationships

C) Science fiction

D) Political intrigue

4. Who is the author of Malgudi Days?

A) R.K. Laxman

B) R.K. Narayan

C) R.K. Singh

D) R.K. Sharma

5. What is the narrative style of Malgudi Days?

A) Complex and abstract

B) Simple yet evocative

C) Rhyming poetry

D) Experimental and avant-garde

1. Malgudi Days is a collection of short stories by the renowned Indian author, R.K. __________.

2. The central character in Malgudi Days is a young boy named __________.

3. The stories in Malgudi Days capture the essence of Indian life with humor and __________.

4. The narratives are characterized by Narayan’s simple yet __________ prose.

5. Each story in Malgudi Days provides a glimpse into the cultural nuances and intricacies of __________ society.

C. True False Type Questions:

1. Malgudi Days is set in a fictional town called Maldives.

2. The central character in Malgudi Days is an old man named Raju.

D. Short Answer Type Questions:

1. who is the target audience for malgudi days, and what makes the stories relat, 2. describe the narrative style of r.k. narayan in malgudi days and its impact on the stories., 3. highlight the significance of swami as the central character in malgudi days and how his experiences contribute to the overall narrative., e. long answer type questions:, 1. discuss the cultural portrayal in malgudi days and how it contributes to the richness of the narratives., 2. examine the impact of r.k. narayan’s storytelling in malgudi days on the literary landscape and its enduring appeal., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 7:.

Gulliver’s Travels, penned by Jonathan Swift, narrates the extraordinary journeys of Lemuel Gulliver across fantastical lands. One of the remarkable voyages takes Gulliver to the land of Lilliput, inhabited by miniature people. As Gulliver towers over the Lilliputians, their political intrigues and conflicts take center stage. The Lilliputians, though diminutive in size, exhibit immense ambition and cunning.

In this passage, Gulliver finds himself entangled in a diplomatic crisis between two Lilliputian factions vying for power. The intricacies of their political maneuvers, despite their small stature, mirror the complexities of human governance. Swift, through satire, offers a sharp commentary on the follies of power struggles and the absurdity of political machinations.

As Gulliver attempts to navigate through the Lilliputian political landscape, the reader is drawn into a world where the stakes are high, and alliances are forged with comical precision. The passage exemplifies Swift’s wit and keen observation, using the miniature world of Lilliput as a lens to satirize the political follies of the larger world.

1. Who is the protagonist in Gulliver’s Travels?

A) Lilliput

B) Jonathan Swift

C) Lemuel Gulliver

D) Lilliputians

2. Which land is mentioned in the passage?

A) Brobdingnag

C) Lilliput

D) Houyhnhnms

3. What is the main theme of the passage?

B) Adventure

C) Political intrigues and conflicts

D) Mythology

4. How does Gulliver feel about the Lilliputians’ political maneuvers?

B) Impressed

C) Disinterested

5. What is Swift’s primary purpose in using satire in Gulliver’s Travels?

A) Entertainment

B) Critique of society and politics

C) Romantic storytelling

D) Mythological exploration

1. Gulliver’s Travels narrates the extraordinary journeys of Lemuel Gulliver across fantastical _________.

2. In Lilliput, despite their small stature, the Lilliputians exhibit immense ambition and _________.

3. The political intrigues and conflicts in Lilliput mirror the complexities of human _________.

4. Swift, through satire, offers a sharp commentary on the follies of power struggles and the absurdity of political _________.

5. The passage exemplifies Swift’s wit and keen observation, using the miniature world of Lilliput as a lens to satirize the political _________ of the larger world.

1.  Gulliver’s Travels is a romance novel.

2. The Lilliputians are indifferent to political power.

1. What land does Gulliver visit in the passage, and what distinguishes its inhabitants?

2. how does swift use satire in gulliver’s travels to convey his critique of politics, 3. describe gulliver’s reaction to the political maneuvers of the lilliputians in the passage., 1. examine the role of political satire in gulliver’s travels and how swift uses the lilliputian episode to convey broader societal critiques., 2. discuss the significance of using fantastical lands and creatures in gulliver’s travels as a means of social and political critique., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 8:.

In the enchanting realm of fairy tales, “The Selfish Giant” unfolds as a poignant narrative penned by Oscar Wilde. The story unravels within the walls of a once-beautiful garden belonging to a giant who values solitude over companionship. The giant’s selfishness manifests in his refusal to share the garden with the neighborhood children, banishing them from its splendor.

One winter, a magical transformation takes place as the garden succumbs to perpetual frost. Nature rebels against the giant’s selfishness, leaving the garden trapped in an eternal winter. The giant, isolated and remorseful, realizes the error of his ways. The turning point arrives when a lone child, unafraid of the giant, steps into the garden. The child’s innocence and warmth melt the frosty curse, ushering in spring and reviving the garden’s beauty.

This tale of redemption and the transformative power of love resonates across generations, teaching a timeless lesson about the consequences of selfishness and the healing power of compassion.

1. What is the primary theme of “The Selfish Giant”?

A) Adventure

B) Compassion and Redemption

2. What does the giant initially value over companionship?

B) Solitude

C) Adventure

D) Knowledge

3. What season is perpetually trapped in the garden due to the giant’s actions?

4. what leads to the magical transformation in the garden.

A) The giant’s repentance

C) The children’s laughter

D) A thunderstorm

5. Who is the catalyst for the garden’s revival and the giant’s transformation?

A) A wizard

B) An old friend

C) A lone child

D) A magical creature

1. In the fairy tale “The Selfish Giant” by Oscar Wilde, the giant values _________ over companionship.

2. The garden remains trapped in perpetual _________ due to the giant’s selfishness.

3. The magical transformation in the garden is triggered by the _________ of the neighborhood children.

4. The giant’s redemption begins when a _________ child enters the garden.

5. The story teaches a timeless lesson about the consequences of selfishness and the healing power of _________.

1. The giant in “The Selfish Giant” initially enjoys the company of neighborhood children in his garden.

2. The magical transformation in the garden is triggered by a thunderstorm.

1. What is the catalyst for the giant’s transformation in “The Selfish Giant”?

2. describe the condition of the garden in “the selfish giant” after it is banished from the children., 3. how does the arrival of the children and their laughter impact the giant and the garden, 1. discuss the symbolism of the perpetual winter in the garden in “the selfish giant” and its connection to the giant’s character., 2. examine the role of the lone child in “the selfish giant” and how the child’s innocence contributes to the story’s themes., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 9:.

In the picturesque hills of Dehradun, where the air is crisp and the mountains stand tall, lived Rusty, an adventurous boy with an insatiable curiosity. One sunny morning, Rusty decided to explore the dense forest beyond his home, a place he had always been told to avoid. His heart raced with excitement as he ventured into the unknown.

1. What is the setting of the story?

2. what is rusty’s primary characteristic in the story.

A) Laziness

B) Curiosity

C) Fearfulness

D) Disinterest

3. Where did Rusty decide to explore?

B) Dense forest

4. What was Rusty always told about the forest?

A) It’s magical

B) It’s dangerous and to be avoided

C) It’s a shortcut to the city

D) It’s a playground

5. What was Rusty’s feeling as he entered the forest?

B) Excitement

1. In the hills of Dehradun, Rusty, an adventurous _________, lived.

2. Rusty’s heart raced with _________ as he ventured into the unknown forest.

3. The forest was dense, a place he had always been told to _________.

4. The air in the hills was _________ and the mountains stood tall.

5. Rusty decided to explore the forest one _________ morning.

1. Rusty lived in a city.

2. Rusty was warned about the forest being magical and inviting.

1 Describe Rusty’s emotions as he entered the dense forest.

2. what was the advice given to rusty about the forest, and how did he respond to it, 3. what is the setting of the story, and how does it contribute to rusty’s decision to explore, 1. discuss the significance of rusty’s curiosity in the story and how it drives the plot., 2. explore the role of the setting, specifically the hills of dehradun, in creating the atmosphere of the story., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 10:.

In the small town of Chuckleville, where laughter echoed through the streets, a costume party was organized at the local community center. The invitations specified that attendees should dress up as their favorite animals. As the excitement built, the townsfolk prepared their outfits, eager to showcase their creativity.

1. Where did the costume party take place?

A) Chuckleville bakery

B) Chuckleville community center

C) Chuckleville school

D) Chuckleville park

2. What was the theme of the costume party?

A) Superheroes

C) Historical figures

D) Movie characters

3. What did the invitations specify about the dress code?

A) Wear anything

B) Dress as a favorite historical figure

C) Dress as a favorite animal

D) Wear only black and white

4. What echoed through the streets of Chuckleville?

B) Laughter

D) Shouting

5. Where were the townsfolk eager to showcase their creativity?

1. In Chuckleville, a costume party was organized at the local community _________.

2. The invitations specified that attendees should dress up as their favorite _________.

3. The excitement built as the townsfolk prepared their _________, eager to showcase their creativity.

4. Chuckleville was a town where _________ echoed through the streets.

5. The townsfolk were excited to showcase their creativity at the local community _________.

1. The theme of the costume party was superheroes.

2. Chuckleville was a town where silence echoed through the streets.

1. Describe the theme of the costume party and how it added to the excitement in Chuckleville.

2. what was specified in the invitations regarding the dress code, and how did it contribute to the townsfolk’s preparations, 3. how did the laughter echoing through the streets contribute to the atmosphere of chuckleville, 1. explore the role of the community center as the venue for the costume party and its impact on fostering a sense of togetherness in chuckleville., 2. discuss the significance of the animal-themed costume party and how it encouraged creativity and anticipation among the townsfolk in chuckleville., grade 7 reading comprehension passage 11:.

In the quaint town of Laughterburg, where joy was the currency and laughter echoed through every corner, lived the lovable Bhola Grandpa. One sunny day, a vibrant carnival set up shop in the heart of the town, promising a day filled with amusement and merriment.

1. Where did Bhola Grandpa live?

A) Joyville

B) Laughterburg

C) Happinessville

D) Chuckleville

2. What event promised amusement and merriment in the town?

B) Carnival

3. What was the atmosphere like in Laughterburg?

4. what was the setting of the story.

A) Hospital

C) Carnival

5. Which town was known for its currency of joy?

1. In the town of Laughterburg, Bhola Grandpa was known for his _________ nature.

2. The carnival promised a day filled with amusement and _________.

3. Laughter echoed through every _________ of Laughterburg.

4. The vibrant _________ set up shop in the heart of the town.

5. Bhola Grandpa lived in the quaint town of _________.

1. The carnival promised a day filled with sadness.

2. Bhola Grandpa’s nature was described as serious in the story.

1. Describe the atmosphere in Laughterburg and how it influenced the town’s events.

2. what was the main attraction at the carnival, and how did bhola grandpa participate, 3. how did the currency of joy contribute to the uniqueness of laughterburg, 1. explore the role of bhola grandpa as a lovable character in laughterburg and how his nature contributes to the town’s atmosphere., 2. discuss the significance of the carnival in laughterburg and how it reflects the town’s values of joy and amusement., grade 7 reading comprehension answers 1:.

1. Answer: C) Tungabhadra River

2. Answer: B) 1986

3. Answer: C) Kadambas

4. Answer: D) All of the above

5. Answer: C) Vijayanagara Empire and Bahmani Sultanate

1. Answer: Vijayanagara

2. Answer: Rashtrakutas

3. Answer: 1986

4. Answer: Pampa

5. Answer: Bahmani Sultanate

1. Answer: Vijayanagara Empire and Bahmani Sultanate

2. Answer: Hampi was known by various names, including Hosapattana (New City), Vijayanagara (City of Victory), Vidyanagara (City of Learning), or Hampe, Pampa-kshetra, and Pampa-pura, after the local goddess Pampa.

3. Answer: Tungabhadra River

1. Answer: Hampi, situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra River, served as the imperial capital of Vijayanagara, one of the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful kingdoms in South India during the medieval period. Its historical significance lies in being a center of power, culture, and learning. The city’s UNESCO World Heritage site status since 1986 underscores its architectural and cultural importance. Vijayanagara’s rule marked a crucial period in South Indian history, influencing the region’s political and religious landscape.

2. Answer: The weakening hold of the Delhi Sultanate in the Deccan region, combined with local chieftains’ resistance, paved the way for the emergence of the Vijayanagara Empire and the Bahmani Sultanate around the mid-14th century. Constant conflicts among Hindu kingdoms in the Deccan and the Delhi Sultanate’s conquests led to political instability. The resistance offered by local chieftains created a power vacuum, giving rise to these two prominent kingdoms. Vijayanagara, centered around Hampi, and the Bahmani Sultanate, centered around Gulbarga and Bidar, engaged in continuous warfare, shaping the region’s political dynamics during that period.

1. Answer: C) Family gets separated

2.Answer: C) Larger family

3. Answer: C) Neglecting the well-being of neighbors

4. Answer: D) Working for oneself and family is acceptable, but not at the cost of others

5. Answer: C) Right to be happy and prosperous

1. Answer: others

2. Answer: selfish

3. Answer: selfish

4. Answer: neighbors

5. Answer: suffer

1. Answer: A family might get separated if each member behaves selfishly, neglecting the comfort and convenience of others.

2. Answer: Society is likened to a larger family, emphasizing the importance of considering the well-being of all its members.

3. Answer: A person is labeled as selfish not merely for seeking personal good but for neglecting the well-being of neighbors.

1. Answer: The passage suggests that individuals have the right to work for themselves and their families. However, prosperity does not necessitate selfish behavior. The balance lies in pursuing personal happiness and prosperity without causing suffering to others. The message is to prioritize personal well-being while simultaneously considering the comfort and convenience of others, be it in a family or a larger societal context.

2. Answer: The passage emphasizes that if each member of society acts selfishly, similar to a family, it would lead to the destruction of the larger social structure. This implies that neglecting the well-being of others for personal gain can have severe consequences, potentially resulting in the fragmentation or collapse of the societal framework. It underscores the importance of individuals recognizing their right to happiness and prosperity while also acknowledging their responsibility to avoid causing harm or suffering to others.

Grade 7 Reading Comprehension Passage 3:

1. Answer: B) Escaping punishment

2. Answer: C) Injury with a thorn

3. Answer: C) Drew out a thorn from its paw

4. Answer: C) As a punishment

5. Answer: B) Fight against a hungry lion

1. Answer: cave

2. Answer: left foot

3. Answer: pain

4. Answer: Rome

5. Answer: feet

1. Answer: Androcles ran away to escape punishment for an offense he had committed. He took shelter in a cave out of fear.

2. Answer: The lion in the cave had a thorn stuck in its left foot, causing great pain and difficulty in walking. Androcles bravely drew out the thorn, providing relief to the lion.

3. Answer: The lion in Rome recognized Androcles because he had previously helped it by removing a thorn from its paw. Instead of attacking, the lion peacefully lay down at Androcles’ feet.

1. Answer: The story highlights the theme of kindness and reciprocity, where Androcles helps the lion in the cave by removing a thorn from its paw, relieving its pain. Later, in Rome, the same lion recognizes Androcles and refrains from attacking him during a fight. This illustrates the notion that acts of kindness can lead to reciprocal gestures, even from unexpected sources. The bond formed through compassion transcends species and portrays the positive impact of empathy.

2. Answer: In Rome, Androcles is asked to fight a hungry lion as part of his punishment. Surprisingly, the lion turns out to be the same one Androcles had helped in the cave. Instead of attacking him, the lion recognizes Androcles and peacefully lies down at his feet, showcasing a remarkable turn of events. This twist in the story emphasizes the power of compassion and how a selfless act of kindness can create a lasting bond, even between a man and a wild animal.

1. Answer: B) Because he was an Englishman

2. Answer: B) Threw his shoes out of the window

3. Answer: C) The Bengali gentleman, by throwing the Englishman’s coat out

4. Answer: C) He said it went to fetch his shoes

5. Answer: A) Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee

1. Answer: Bengali

2. Answer: Englishman’s

3. Answer: Tiger

4. Answer: out

5. Answer: Sir Ashutosh

1. Answer: The Englishman threw the Bengali gentleman’s shoes out of the window to display his arrogance and superiority.

2. Answer: The Bengali gentleman retaliated by taking the Englishman’s coat and throwing it out of the window.

3. Answer: The Bengali gentleman was revealed to be Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, known as “The Tiger of Bengal.”

1. Answer: Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee’s calm and witty response, claiming that the Englishman’s coat went to fetch his shoes, reflects his composure and cleverness. This response not only showcases his resilience in the face of arrogance but also highlights his ability to turn a seemingly negative situation into a humorous and intelligent comeback.

2. Answer: The story depicts the Englishman’s pride in his nationality, leading him to look down upon the Bengali gentleman. However, Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee’s calm and witty retaliation not only serves as a response to arrogance but also reflects cultural pride. His ability to respond cleverly and maintain composure showcases the strength of character and intelligence, transcending cultural stereotypes.

1. Answer: C) Babar

2. Answer: C) Battle of Panipat

3. Answer: C) Humayun

4. Answer: C) Serious illness

5. Answer: A) Distribute gold coins to the poor

1. Answer: Mughal

2. Answer: Legacy

3. Answer: Ill

4. Answer: Poor

5. Answer: Humayun

1. Answer: Humayun faced challenges such as internal strife, external invasions, and the loss of territories, leading to his temporary exile.

2. Answer: The Battle of Panipat in 1526 marked the beginning of Babar’s rule in India, securing a decisive victory and establishing the Mughal Empire.

3. Answer: Babar’s fervent prayers for Humayun’s recovery during a serious illness exemplified the strong familial bond between father and son.

1. Answer: Humayun faced challenges such as internal conflicts, external invasions, and the loss of territories. His determination and resilience, however, led to the re-establishment of the Mughal Empire. Despite periods of exile, Humayun strategically reclaimed territories, setting the stage for the empire’s future glory.

2. Answer: The familial bond between Babar and Humayun played a crucial role in the history of the Mughal Empire. Babar’s prayers for Humayun’s recovery, accompanied by the vow to distribute gold coins among the poor, highlight the emotional connection between them. This bond, transcending challenges and triumphs, contributed to the stability and continuity of the Mughal Empire.

1. Answer: B) Swami

2. Answer: B) South India

3. Answer: B) Friendship, family, and human relationships

4. Answer: B) R.K. Narayan

5. Answer: B) Simple yet evocative

1. Answer: Narayan

2. Answer: Swami

3. Answer: Insight

4. Answer: Evocative

5. Answer: Indian

1. Answer: False

2. Answer: False

1. Answer: The target audience for Malgudi Days is diverse, as the stories appeal to readers of all ages. The relatability of the tales lies in the universal themes of friendship, family, and human relationships, coupled with the charm of everyday life in Malgudi.

2. Answer: R.K. Narayan’s narrative style in Malgudi Days is simple yet evocative. This style allows readers to connect with the characters and the town of Malgudi on a deeper level. The impact is a vivid portrayal of the human experience and the cultural nuances of Indian society.

3. Answer: Swami, as the central character, provides a lens through which readers experience the challenges of adolescence and the complexities of life in Malgudi. His misadventures and encounters with eccentric characters contribute to the charm and relatability of the stories.

1. Answer: Malgudi Days captures the cultural nuances of Indian society, offering readers a glimpse into the diverse facets of life. The stories explore traditions, customs, and everyday rituals, contributing to the richness of the narratives. This cultural portrayal enhances the authenticity of the tales and provides a deeper understanding of Indian life.

2. Answer: R.K. Narayan’s storytelling in Malgudi Days has left a lasting impact on the literary landscape. The simplicity and universality of the themes explored, combined with Narayan’s evocative prose, have made the collection timeless. Its enduring appeal lies in the relatable characters, humor, and insights into the human experience, making Malgudi Days a classic in Indian literature.

1. Answer: C) Lemuel Gulliver

2. Answer: C) Lilliput

3. Answer: C) Political intrigues and conflicts

4. Answer: D) Amused

5. Answer: B) Critique of society and politics

1. Answer: Lands

2. Answer: Cunning

3. Answer: Governance

4. Answer: Machinations

5. Answer: Follies

1.  Answer: False

1. Answer: Gulliver visits Lilliput, inhabited by miniature people known as Lilliputians. Their small stature, coupled with immense ambition and cunning, distinguishes them.

2. Answer: Swift employs satire to sharply critique the follies of power struggles and the absurdity of political machinations. Through the lens of Lilliput, Swift satirizes the political complexities of the larger world.

3.Answer: Gulliver is amused by the political maneuvers of the Lilliputians. Despite their small size, their ambitious political scheming elicits a sense of humor in Gulliver.

1. Answer: Swift employs political satire in Gulliver’s Travels to critique the political follies of society. The Lilliputian episode serves as a microcosm reflecting larger political issues. Swift’s satire highlights the absurdity of power struggles and political machinations, offering a humorous yet critical commentary on human governance.

2.Answer: The use of fantastical lands and creatures in Gulliver’s Travels serves as a metaphorical tool for Swift’s social and political critique. By creating fictional worlds like Lilliput, Swift can explore and satirize real-world political dynamics without direct confrontation. This approach allows for a deeper, more nuanced commentary on societal issues, making Gulliver’s Travels a timeless work of satire.

1. Answer: B) Compassion and Redemption

2. Answer: B) Solitude

3. Answer: B) Winter

4. Answer: C) The children’s laughter

5. Answer: C) A lone child

1. Answer: Solitude

2. Answer: Winter

3. Answer: Laughter

4. Answer: Lone

5. Answer: Compassion

1. Answer: The catalyst for the giant’s transformation is the arrival of a lone child into the garden.

2. Answer: After the giant banishes the children, the garden is trapped in perpetual winter, covered in frost and devoid of life.

3. Answer: The children’s arrival and laughter thaw the frosty curse, bringing spring to the garden and initiating the giant’s transformation from selfishness to compassion.

1. Answer: The perpetual winter in the garden symbolizes the emotional coldness and isolation resulting from the giant’s selfishness. It reflects the consequences of prioritizing solitude over companionship. The frost represents the giant’s hardened heart, and the arrival of spring signifies his emotional thawing and redemption. The seasonal transformation mirrors the giant’s journey from selfishness to compassion.

2. Answer: The lone child in “The Selfish Giant” serves as a symbol of innocence and purity. The child’s fearlessness in entering the garden despite the giant’s past actions demonstrates an unconditional capacity for forgiveness and love. The child’s innocence becomes the catalyst for the giant’s redemption, highlighting the transformative power of compassion and the ability of purity to break the cycle of selfishness.

1. Answer: B) Hills

2. Answer: B) Curiosity

3. Answer: B) Dense forest

4. Answer: B) It’s dangerous and to be avoided

5. Answer: B) Excitement

1. Answer: Boy

2. Answer: Excitement

3. Answer: Avoid

4. Answer: Crisp

5. Answer: Sunny

1. Answer: Rusty felt a mix of excitement and curiosity as he entered the dense forest, eager to explore the unknown.

2. Answer: Rusty was always told to avoid the forest because it was considered dangerous. Despite the warning, his curiosity and adventurous spirit led him to venture into the forest.

3. Answer: The story is set in the picturesque hills of Dehradun. The natural beauty and the allure of the hills contribute to Rusty’s adventurous spirit, prompting him to explore the dense forest despite being warned about its dangers.

1. Answer: Rusty’s curiosity serves as a driving force in the story, propelling him to explore the forbidden forest. It symbolizes the spirit of exploration and the desire to uncover the unknown. Rusty’s curiosity not only shapes his character but also sets the stage for unexpected adventures and discoveries. It highlights the theme of embracing curiosity even in the face of warnings.

2. Answer: The setting of the hills of Dehradun plays a crucial role in creating the atmospheric backdrop for Rusty’s adventure. The crisp air and towering mountains contribute to the sense of natural beauty and mystery. The hills provide an idyllic yet adventurous environment, enticing Rusty to explore. The setting enhances the overall atmosphere, making the story come alive with the sounds, sights, and feelings associated with the hills.

Passage 10:

1. Answer: B) Chuckleville community center

2. Answer: B) Animals

3. Answer: C) Dress as a favorite animal

4. Answer: B) Laughter

5. Answer: B) Chuckleville community center

1. Answer: Center

2. Answer: Animals

3. Answer: Outfits

4. Answer: Laughter

5. Answer: Center

1. Answer: The theme of the costume party was for attendees to dress up as their favorite animals. This theme added to the excitement in Chuckleville as townsfolk eagerly prepared creative animal-themed outfits, anticipating a fun and lively event.

2. Answer: The invitations specified that attendees should dress up as their favorite animals. This contributed to the townsfolk’s preparations as they embraced the challenge, allowing for a diverse array of imaginative and entertaining costumes at the party.

3. Answer: The laughter echoing through the streets contributed to the lively and joyous atmosphere of Chuckleville. It created a sense of community and celebration, setting the tone for the upcoming costume party and reflecting the town’s vibrant spirit.

1. Answer: The community center served as the perfect venue for the costume party in Chuckleville, bringing people together in a central and communal space. It fostered a sense of togetherness as townsfolk gathered to share laughter, creativity, and excitement. The community center played a crucial role in creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere for the event, contributing to the town’s unity and camaraderie.

2. Answer: The animal-themed costume party in Chuckleville had a significant impact as it encouraged townsfolk to express their creativity through imaginative animal outfits. This theme added an element of fun and anticipation, allowing individuals to showcase their unique ideas and contribute to the overall festive atmosphere. The anticipation of seeing diverse animal costumes heightened the excitement, making the event memorable for everyone involved.

Passage 11:

1. Answer: B) Laughterburg

2. Answer: B) Carnival

3. Answer: B) Joyful

4. Answer: C) Carnival

5. Answer: B) Laughterburg

1. Answer: Lovable

2. Answer: Merriment

3. Answer: Corner

4. Answer: Carnival

5. Answer: Laughterburg

1. Answer: Laughterburg had a joyful atmosphere, with laughter echoing through every corner. This influenced events like the carnival, creating a positive and lively environment where the townsfolk could enjoy themselves.

2. Answer: The main attraction at the carnival was not specified. However, Bhola Grandpa enthusiastically participated in various carnival activities, bringing his lovable and lively spirit to the festivities.

3. Answer: The currency of joy made Laughterburg unique by emphasizing the importance of happiness and laughter in the town. It created a positive and vibrant community where joy was valued, influencing the town’s events and interactions among the townsfolk.

1. Answer: Bhola Grandpa’s lovable nature is a key element in Laughterburg’s atmosphere. His cheerful demeanor and positive outlook contribute to the joyful ambiance of the town, making him a beloved figure among the townsfolk. Bhola Grandpa’s interactions and participation in events like the carnival elevate the spirits of everyone around, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in Laughterburg.

2. Answer: The carnival holds significance in Laughterburg as a celebration of joy and amusement. It reflects the town’s values by providing an opportunity for the townsfolk to come together, share laughter, and enjoy various entertaining activities. The carnival becomes a symbol of the town’s commitment to fostering a positive and lively community, where residents can relish the simple pleasures of life.

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  • Newspaper Reading Essay


Introductions to Newspapers

Newspapers are called the mirrors of the world. They are the natural way of bringing India to the world and the world to India. Newspapers always arouse excitement. It is this art of generating curiosity that compels people to read on. Newspapers play an important role in a democracy and are the most important and effective medium of mass communication. They fully enjoy the freedom of speech by being unbiased. They furnish only the authentic details. Newspapers have played an important role in forming and moulding public opinion. 

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Newspaper's History

Hicky's Bengal Gazette was the first newspaper printed under British administration in 1780. The publication reported about British control in a variety of sectors. It quickly became the national leaders' spokesperson, both regionally and nationally.

Newspapers were crucial in educating, persuading, and mobilising people to propagate nationalistic and patriotic beliefs. They instilled in the people a great desire to free India from British tyranny. The Tribune, Kesari, Maratha, The Hindu, and Swadeshi were among the most influential and strong periodicals in spreading the nationalist agenda against the British. People would read the newspaper together and debate their strategy. The Indians were truly led to freedom by newspapers.

Even after independence, media have frequently brought to the forefront topics that were divisive but required public debate to resolve. Newspapers aided in spreading public awareness of social ills like as dowry, child marriage, untouchability, and the sati rite, among others.

What is the Benefit of Reading Newspapers?

Newspapers connect you to the rest of the world, which is why they are referred to as the globe's mirror. In a democracy, a free press serves as a watchdog. It keeps a close eye on government operations, exposing omissions and commissions. As a result, As a result, the right to information becomes a reality for the average person. The purpose of news reporting is to keep democracy alive. Its powerful voice of dissent is essential to the functioning and flourishing of a true democracy.

You should read the newspaper to be informed about current events in your country and throughout the world. The newspaper covers everything from the stock market to various political events, strikes, and so on. Not only that, but one also learns about other employment alternatives, such as job openings, admission notifications from various universities, scholarships in the country and even abroad, walk-in interviews for jobs, and so on. In the newspaper, there is also a matrimonial column where you can discover a perfect match for yourself.

Reading newspapers is an excellent habit to develop in children, and it should be instilled in them from an early age. It aids in the development of personality by boosting general knowledge, strengthening language comprehension, writing and reading skills, and vocabulary. One can stay up with the fast-paced world and the changes that occur on a regular basis.

In the morning assembly, schools should urge pupils to read the news. Regular quizzes or general knowledge competitions centred on current events, sports, politics, and the economy must be organised by schools. This is one way for kids to get into the habit of reading newspapers.

Reading newspapers is an important habit in today's society since it provides us with minute data about our surrounds - everything linked to the present, significant influence of previous events, and also aids us in predicting or dreaming about the future. Reading newspapers serves to improve a person's intellectual faculties, hence it should be done with enthusiasm, fervour, and fervour.

Newspaper Reading vs Electronic Media

The rise of electronic media is reducing the number of people who read newspapers, particularly among the youth. The more easily accessible visual media appears to be driving the younger generation insane. Because of the fast-paced lifestyle that is afflicting society as a whole, they are more addicted to instant news. Everything has become more visual, and the media has made it so appealing to users that they have forgotten the spirit of our traditional newspapers. They are abandoning the practise of reading newspapers.

Newspapers are a valuable resource for information. The "information superhighway" is how they're referred to. They also supply us with a variety of benefits that help us in our everyday lives. Reading the newspaper boosts your education while also widening your perspectives, yet it is becoming a dying habit these days. One scarcely reads the newspaper any longer as the world moves toward digitalization. At least not in this generation. The older generations are responsible for maintaining the readership.

One of the most helpful pastimes is reading the newspaper. It enables us to keep up with current events all across the world. We obtain information about recent events from a trustworthy source. We also build expertise in a variety of fields, including politics, film, business, sports, and many more.

Newspaper reading can also lead to the identification of new job chances. We can see how it is a fantastic place to hunt for job because reputable businesses advertise business and employment opportunities in the newspaper.

Newspapers also make it easier to promote our businesses and products. Consumers are kept up to date on the latest promotions and product launches, allowing them to interact with businesses.

The most crucial benefit is that it improves a person's vocabulary and grammar. Reading the newspaper may aid in the acquisition of new vocabulary and the improvement of your grammar.

A newspaper reader may be able to converse fluently on a number of topics. Because they are familiar with the most common themes, they can socialise more effectively. We don't get bored as a result of it. If you don't think you'll need it, If You won't need any company if you have a newspaper in your hands.

The Dying Habit

Sadly, despite its countless benefits, reading the newspaper is becoming a dying habit. People nowadays rarely read newspapers because they can get real-time information on their mobile phones and computers. They also avoid picking up the newspaper because technological devices are more convenient for them.

Furthermore, in recent years, everything has become extremely convenient and quick. You can stay up to date on what's happening in different regions of the world as it occurs. People no longer read newspapers because they believe they are simply being reminded of what they already know. Furthermore, they do not have to wait until the next day to read the newspaper about current events because, thanks to the internet, they can obtain it right away.

It merely goes to show how passive and sedentary we've become. The only requirement is that everything be served on a platter. As a result, we must not allow this to become a dying habit, as newspapers are incredibly reliable sources of information. Without these, there will be very few people left to verify the facts and information we're given.

Even though social media and other electronic media are far more easily accessible, let us not forget the importance of reading the newspaper and inculcate this habit of reading in our children so that they continue with the legacy. 


FAQs on Newspaper Reading Essay

1. What was the first newspaper and when was it published?

Hicky’s Bengal Gazette was the first newspaper printed in the year 1780, under British rule. The newspaper delivered the news of British rule in many areas. 

2. What Role Did Newspapers Play During The Freedom Struggle?

At both the regional and national levels, newspapers became the mouthpiece of national leaders. It played a stellar role in educating, convincing, and mobilising people in order to spread nationalist and patriotic ideas. It aroused strong determination among the people to liberate India from British rule. The Tribune, Kesari, Maratha, The Hindu, and Swadeshi were among the most influential and strong periodicals in spreading the nationalist agenda against the British.

3. How do Newspapers benefit us?

Newspapers keep us informed about current events in the United States and around the world. Newspapers provide comprehensive coverage of the stock market, various political events, strikes, and bandhs. Not only that, but one also learns about numerous career alternatives, employment, openings, admission announcements in various institutions, scholarships available in the country and even abroad, and various walk-in interviews for jobs and future education. In the newspaper, there is also a matrimonial feature where people might locate a suitable marriage.

4. Why should the habit of reading newspapers be inculcated in children?

Reading newspapers is a vital habit in today's society since it provides us with every detail about our surroundings – everything linked to the present, past, and future. It also helps in increasing the general knowledge, improving language skills, writing and reading skills, vocabulary, and also helps in developing personality. One can stay up to the fast-paced world and the changes that occur on a regular basis. As a result, reading the newspaper is a very good habit that should be instilled in children from an early age.

5. Is essay writing difficult?

Essay writing needs a lot of practice and patience. Students who want to learn English and write good compositions should indulge in essay writing at least for an hour per day. With the help of our information on essay writing, students will be able to write composition passages in proper grammar, clarity, preciseness and accuracy. You need to practise essay writing daily to attain good writing skills.

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Johnson & Johnson reaches $700 million settlement in talc baby powder case

By Khristopher J. Brooks

Edited By Anne Marie Lee

Updated on: June 11, 2024 / 6:53 PM EDT / CBS News

Johnson & Johnson has agreed to pay $700 million in a nationwide settlement resolving allegations that it misled customers about the safety of its talcum-based powder products in its marketing. 

"Consumers rely on accurate information when making decisions about which products to purchase for their families," Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, one of 43 attorneys general involved in the lawsuit,  said  in a statement Tuesday. "Any company — no matter how large — must be held accountable when laws protecting consumers are broken and their trust is violated."

As part of the  settlement , which is still pending judicial approval, the health products giant will permanently stop the manufacturing, promotion and sale of all of its baby powder and other body and cosmetic products that contain talcum powder. That includes Johnson's Baby Powder and Johnson & Johnson's Shower to Shower. The company decided to  pull talc-based powders off the market  in North America  in 2020 . 

J&J will make four settlement payments, starting at the end of July, to 42 states and Washington, D.C., according to the settlement. 

In a statement, J&J's worldwide vice president of litigation, Erik Hass, said the company "continues to pursue several paths to achieve a comprehensive and final resolution of the talc litigation. That progress includes the finalization of a previously announced agreement that the Company reached with a consortium of 43 State Attorneys Generals to resolve their talc claims. We will continue to address the claims of those who do not want to participate in our contemplated consensual bankruptcy resolution through litigation or settlement."

The $700 million settlement is the latest development in decade-long legal battles and investigations into links between cancer and the talc used in one of its best-known products. More than 50,000 claims have been filed against the company, mostly on behalf of women who developed ovarian cancer. 

Earlier this month, a jury in Oregon  awarded $260 million  to a local woman who claimed that the company's baby powder products were "directly responsible" for her  cancer diagnosis in 2003. In April, a jury awarded $45 million to the family of an Illinois woman who died in 2020 from mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos in J&J powder. 

Last month, J&J offered to pay $6.5 billion  to settle the talc-powder lawsuits. 

  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Class-Action Lawsuit

Khristopher J. Brooks is a reporter for CBS MoneyWatch. He previously worked as a reporter for the Omaha World-Herald, Newsday and the Florida Times-Union. His reporting primarily focuses on the U.S. housing market, the business of sports and bankruptcy.

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Michigan football lands QB recruit Brady Hart, a top-100 prospect in 2026

essay on newspaper for class 7

Around the Michigan football program, it's never too soon to lock in someone who could be the potential quarterback of the future.

Brady Hart is the latest to join the Wolverines' QB room, announcing his commitment Tuesday for Michigan's recruiting class of 2026.

There is still a pending quarterback competition to determine the starter in 2024 , not to mention the Wolverines have a four-star true freshman entering the fold (Jadyn Davis) and a four-star rising high school senior committed (Carter Smith). Yet U-M coaches received welcomed news when Hart's decision became official.

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🏠 #GoBlue 〽️ @Hayesfawcett3 @Cocoa_Schneider — Brady Hart (@BradyHartQB) June 18, 2024

Hart, who stands 6 feet 4 and 180 pounds as a four-star prospect, is rated the No. 7 quarterback in his class and No. 92 overall player in the nation according to 247Sports composite rankings and committed to the Wolverines on Monday afternoon.

Hart, of Cocoa, Florida, pledged to U-M offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach Kirk Campbell over a host of other elite schools including Clemson, Ohio State, Oregon, Penn State, and all three major home-state schools in Florida, Florida State and Miami.

According to his recruiting profile, Hart led Cocoa High School to a 14-1 record and a Florida 2S state championship in his first year as a starter as a sophomore. He completed 288 of 437 passes (65.9%) for 3,759 yards to go with 41 touchdowns and 11 interceptions.

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Hart marks the first Wolverines' commit in the rising high school junior class, while U-M currently has just eight players committed in the class of 2025. New head coach Sherrone Moore and his staff have picked up steam lately, landing three commits since June 10: four-star DL Jaylen Williams (Palatine, Illinois), four-star S Kainoa Winston (Washington D.C.) and most recently, three-star RB Jasper Parker (Marrero, Louisiana.)

As for Hart, he comes from an athletic family: His father, Alex, was a former pitcher at Florida (1999-2002) who was taken in the fifth round of the 2002 MLB draft by the Pittsburgh Pirates.

[ MUST LISTEN: Make "Hail Yes!" your go-to Michigan Wolverines podcast, available anywhere you listen to podcasts ( Apple , Spotify ) ] 

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Class 7 Essay Topics for Students | List of 7th Grade Essay Writing Ideas

May 2, 2023 by Veerendra

Essay Writings is the best option to express your ideas about the raised topics. If you feel difficult to communicate with others & write down your thoughts while writing essays, then this article will surely help you out. Here, you will find  Class 7 Essay Topics & Ideas List  belonging to various categories. Both short and long subject-specific, class-specific essays for grade 7 are arranged here in a simplistic manner. Access the 7th Class Essay Writing Topics all at one place via the direct links available over here and remember how to address distinct essays in English.

List of 7th Standard Essay Topics & Ideas for Kids in English

Class 7 Essay Topics relating to different categories exist here. Students of 7th grade are advised to Read and Practice all covered  English Essay Topics for 7th Std  for enhancing your analytical & writing skills. For aiding in your practice sessions of essay writings, we have curated a list of English Essays for Grade 7 students from diverse categories. Simply tap on the links open for different essay topics of 7th Class and intensify your vocabulary and compose essays on your own.

  • Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations
  • Essay on Festivals
  • Essay on Persons We Come Across
  • Essay on About Myself
  • Essay on Relationships
  • Essay on Visits
  • Essay on Scenes, Sights, and Journeys
  • Essay on Health and Fitness
  • Essay on Personalities/People
  • Essay on Events
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  • Essay on Vacation/Holidays
  • Nature Essay
  • Essay on Sports
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  • Essay on Life
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  • General Essays
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For Rogue Smoke Shops in New York, the ‘Party’s Over’

The city is flexing its new enforcement powers to close hundreds of unlicensed cannabis stores. Critics have likened some of the authorities’ tactics to those used during the war on drugs.

Police officers inspecting products as they close down an unlicensed smoke shop.

By Ashley Southall

Gold balloons announcing the “GRAND OPENING” of Zaza City Convenience in southeast Queens were still floating in the shop last month when the authorities cleared its shelves of cannabis and tobacco products that were illegal to sell in New York. After the police officers had bagged and weighed the contraband and sent it off in an evidence van, a sheriff’s sergeant sealed the entrances to the store with padlocks.

Similar scenes have played out across New York City as a task force led by the Sheriff’s Office has flexed its new emergency powers to lock down unlicensed cannabis shops, which officials recently estimated outnumbered licensed retailers in the city by about 2,900 to 62. From May 7 to June 3, inspection teams closed 311 stores, seized $10.4 million worth of products and issued $23.4 million in fines, according to the mayor’s office. An additional 325 shops were put on notice.

Previously, shuttered stores could reopen within hours of inspections while officials sought court orders to shut them down permanently. But changes enacted in this year’s state budget and the city code have given the Sheriff’s Office the power to declare the shops an imminent threat to the public and close them immediately for up to a year.

Sheriff Anthony Miranda, in an interview at his office in Queens, said that the padlocks cut off income that the shops relied on to absorb the cost of violations. While some stores continue to evade enforcement by warning each other when inspectors are nearby or shifting to delivery services — even reviving weed trucks — others have stopped selling cannabis or shut down completely, he said.

“It’s not just the cost of doing business anymore,” he said. “They’re going to feel this.”

Following the state’s legalization of cannabis for recreational use in 2021, rogue smoke shops multiplied like an invasive species. Convenience store owners seized an opportunity to shore up their bottom lines, as did landlords whose spaces were emptied by the long decline in traditional businesses like salons and restaurants.

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2024 NBA Draft prospect rankings: Final Big Board, underrated and overrated players

Our experts have come up with their consensus rankings of the top 75 prospects.

NCAA Basketball: Kentucky at Tennessee

With the NBA Draft just over one week away and the predraft process all but officially wrapped, the CBS Sports and 247Sports college basketball experts used their expertise for the final Big Board of the 2024 cycle as a guide to next week's spectacle in Brooklyn. This marks the third year CBS Sports and 247Sports have done a consensus rankings where we take each of our analyst's own Big Boards and combine them to form our aggregate rankings. The goal in so doing is to give a complete picture of how our team views the class and to minimize outliers.

This exercise is also instructive in sussing out which analyst is higher -- or lower -- on certain prospects. So while the collective rankings flattened out any spicy rankings, there were a few worth mentioning in the space below. I gave each writer the platform to discuss their rationale for their view in detail. 

Here are the top 10 NBA Draft prospects and you can see the full top 75 NBA Draft prospect rankings here followed by each expert's analysis of a prospect they had a different opinion on than the rest of the group.

Final consensus Top 10 NBA Draft prospect rankings

1 France-C7-0
2 France-SF6-9
3 FrPG6-2
4 SophC7-2
5 FrSG6-6
6 SrSG6-5
7 FrPG6-1
8 Serbia-PG6-6
9 G League Ignite-SF6-9
10 G League Ignite-SF6-7

Why Kevin McCullar is underrated

One of the mistakes NBA Draft evaluators often make is discounting older-than-normal prospects as if they're already finished products and/or on the verge of retirement instead of looking at them as plug-and-play options capable of helping good teams immediately. They did it with Jaime Jaquez last year. They're doing it again with McCullar this year. Yes, McCullar is already 23 years old and will turn 24 during his rookie season. 

No, that's not ideal. But what should be intriguing for any franchise in win-now mode is the likelihood that McCullar will be equipped to contribute for a contender on Opening Night because of his physical maturity and defensive versatility. Will he be a star in the NBA like he was a star in the Big 12? Probably not. But the Kansas alum should be a useful player quickly while a whole bunch of younger players picked ahead of him spend the winter struggling to find playing time. --  Parrish

Kyshawn George worthy of lottery consideration

Miami's one-and-done star finished No. 29 on the CBS Sports Big Board but ranked No. 14 in my own grading system. George had a steady freshman season with the Hurricanes and flashed both shot-making (40.8% from 3-point range) and playmaking (2.2 APG) from the wing spot that has NBA teams intrigued with his long-term potential. The Swiss star has an intriguing background as a basketball player having grown up playing point guard before growing late and filling out into a wing. 

He has immense feel for the game and a shooting profile that should allow him to integrate himself into the NBA as a catch-and-shoot weapon with room to grow into more as he continues to learn the game and discover new things about himself. I think we'll see him go in Round 1 on draft night but I'm almost certain he'll end up being selected at a discount based on where I rank him. -- Boone

The case for Nikola Topic falling outside the lottery

When I compiled my first big board of the draft cycle earlier this calendar year, I had Topic ranked No. 5. In my final big board, I have Topic ranked No. 17 — nine spots lower than his consensus ranking of No. 8. There are two main factors on why he dropped so far for me, and the obvious one is his health. There's a chance Topic could miss time because of his ACL injury, and that's concerning. 

The other and more reasonable point is other point guards in this class are better. I have Rob Dillingham ranked No. 1 overall on my personal board. Other point guards I ranked ahead of Topic are Stephon Castle (5), Isaiah Collier (10), Jared McCain (11) and Devin Carter (12). Although Topic plays the position in control, his lack of explosiveness and length are more reasons why he's lower on my radar. -- Cameron Salerno

Isaiah Collier is a polarizing evaluation

There are three main concerns for Collier - the consistency of his jump shot, his high turnover rate, and his lack of defensive competitiveness at USC. That's a really risky overlap of liabilities. While I expect the defense to improve at the next level, because he has the physical capabilities, I was candidly expecting it to be better than it was this year at USC as well. 

Similarly, the turnovers were also something I thought would improve at a more competitive level, when he wasn't able to be as casual with some of his decisions, and yet they did not. The shooting has been a consistent concern since high school. Collier shot 33.8% from the 3-point line and 67.3% from the free-throw line. Those numbers aren't good, but more than that, it's the inconsistencies in his mechanics, and more specifically his release that are most concerning. --  Finkelstein

Jaylon Tyson plays himself into the first round

In a draft without a whole lot of sure things, Tyson is a high-floor prospect that looks like a prototype straight off the "two-way wing" assembly line. While Tyson may be lacking the high-end athleticism required to project as an All-Star, he's got the all-around game to stick in the league for years to come. He's a three-level scorer who posted efficient college splits, and he's also a versatile and efficient defender. Tyson measured taller than players like McCullar, Dalton Knecht and Harrison Ingram at the combine, which only solidifies the idea that he should be a first-round selection. -- Cobb

Pacome Dadiet emerges as a top-20 talent

There are far more proven commodities in the 2024 NBA Draft, but Dadiet is tantalizing. The 6-8 wing is still just 18, but the shooting stroke is gorgeous. He projects more as an off-ball wing, but his ability to attack long closeouts and make jumpers off the bounce is ideal. He's one of the top off-the-dribble, shot-makers in this class. Plus, there's real playmaking in his tape, and he's an excellent cutter from the slot who cuts hard whether he gets it or not. All of that stuff translates. The Frenchman has a shot to be a real gem. --Trotter

Donovan Clingan comes with questions

I like what Clingan can bring to the floor with his size, IQ and how he can impact the game defensively as well as the idea of what he could theoretically become on offense. However, I still have questions with his limitations as a scorer but the biggest questions to me are with his durability and his mobility to play significant minutes in an up-tempo, spaced-out and athletic NBA as a guy who played 21.8 minutes a game in Big East play this season. Talking around the industry between NBA scouts and coaches that have competed against him, I've learned I am not the only one with those same concerns regarding a potential top 5-10 prospect. -- Branham

Why Cam Christie should be a first-rounder

When it comes to this year's draft, there is a lot of guesswork involved and looking at it, I feel like there's a very strong chance that I end up wishing I would have put Cam Christie even higher than No. 25 overall. Maybe this is partially me looking to right a wrong after we underrated Christie coming out of high school but I see a ton of long-term value with him. Christie has good size at 6-5. For a shooting guard he has real feel as a passer which makes him a danger to overzealous closeouts. However, what makes him a potential steal in this draft is that he has a very projectable role as a jump shooter. 

Per Synergy, he ranked in the 84th percentile of all college players on points per jump shot and I think he's just scratching the surface of what he can do off the dribble. Admittedly his awful numbers finishing at the rim are a concern that will have to be addressed but Christie looks like a sniper from deep in training and we are talking about a kid that won't turn 19 until almost one month after draft night. Despite his youth he's mature beyond his years and seems to have a lot going in his favor. In a draft full of questions and guesses, I'm willing to bet on Christie.

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A Chinese military buff inadvertently bought 4 books of military secrets for under $1

FILE - Military delegates chat before the closing session of the National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Monday, March 11, 2024. Chinese state media said Thursday, June 13, 2024, that a military history buff found a collection of confidential documents related to the country's military in a pile of old papers he bought for under $1. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

FILE - Military delegates chat before the closing session of the National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Monday, March 11, 2024. Chinese state media said Thursday, June 13, 2024, that a military history buff found a collection of confidential documents related to the country’s military in a pile of old papers he bought for under $1. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

A man past by a mural calling for Military Civilian Unity in Beijing, Thursday, June 13, 2024. Chinese state media say that a military history buff found a collection of confidential documents related to the country’s military in a pile of old papers he bought for under $1. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

A municipal worker collects scrap cardboard near a mural calling for Military and Civilian Unity in Beijing, Thursday, June 13, 2024. Chinese state media say that a military history buff found a collection of confidential documents related to the country’s military in a pile of old papers he bought for under $1. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

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BEIJING (AP) — A military history buff in China appears to have made an alarming discovery after picking up four discarded books for less than $1 at a neighborhood recycling station: They were confidential military documents.

The country’s Ministry of State Security told the story in a social media post on Thursday, praising the retired man for calling a hotline to report the incident. It identified him only by his family name, Zhang, and did not say what the documents were about.

“Mr. Zhang thought to himself that he had ‘bought’ the country’s military secrets and brought them home,” the post reads, “but if someone with ulterior motives were to buy them, the consequences would be unimaginable!”

The post, which was reposted on at least two popular Chinese news websites, was the latest in a series by the powerful state security agency that appears to be trying to draw in new audiences with dramatic stories. Some have been told in comic-book style.

The campaign seems designed to raise awareness of the importance of national security at a time when confrontation with the U.S. is rising and both countries are increasingly worried about the possible theft or transfer of confidential and secret information.

FILE - In this file photo dated May 7, 2009 the company's logo is pictured on shopping bags in the Adidas outlet store in Herzogenaurach, southern Germany. Adidas has launched an investigation into allegations of “compliance violations” in China after receiving an anonymous letter earlier this month accusing local executives of embezzling millions of euros, according to news media reports. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader, File)

The post describes Zhang as a former employee of a state-owned company who likes to collect military newspapers and periodicals. It says he found two bags of new books at the recycling station and paid 6 yuan (about 85 cents) for four of them.

State security agents rushed to the station after Zhang reported what had happened, the post says. After an investigation, they found that two military employees charged with shredding more than 200 books instead got rid of them by selling them to a recycling center as paper waste — 30 kilograms (65 pounds) in all — for about 20 yuan ($2.75).

The agents seized the books and the military has closed loopholes in the handling of such material, the post says.

China’s opaque state security bodies and legal system often make it difficult to tell what is considered a state secret.

Chinese and foreign consultancies operating within the country have been placed under investigation for possessing or sharing information about the economy in an apparent broadening of the definition of a state secret in recent years.

Associated Press video producer Penny Wang in Bangkok and researcher Wanqing Chen in Beijing contributed.

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  27. For Rogue Smoke Shops in New York, the 'Party's Over'

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  28. 2024 NBA Draft prospect rankings: Final Big Board, underrated and

    Miami's one-and-done star finished No. 29 on the CBS Sports Big Board but ranked No. 14 in my own grading system. George had a steady freshman season with the Hurricanes and flashed both shot ...

  29. A Chinese military buff inadvertently bought 4 books of military

    State security agents rushed to the station after Zhang reported what had happened, the post says. After an investigation, they found that two military employees charged with shredding more than 200 books instead got rid of them by selling them to a recycling center as paper waste — 30 kilograms (65 pounds) in all — for about 20 yuan ($2.75).

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