How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

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After weeks of heavy job searching, you’re almost there!

You’ve perfected your resume.

You’ve short-listed the coolest jobs you want to apply for.

You’ve even had a friend train you for every single interview question out there.

But then, before you can send in your application and call it a day, you remember that you need to write a cover letter too.

So now, you’re stuck staring at a blank page, wondering where to start...

Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. Writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might think. 

In this guide, we’re going to teach you how to write a cover letter that gets you the job you deserve.

We're going to cover:

What Is a Cover Letter?

  • How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter, Step by Step
  • 15+ Job-Winning Cover Letter Examples

Let’s get started.

A cover letter is a document that you submit as part of your job application, alongside your resume or CV.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. On average, it should be around 250 to 400 words long .

A good cover letter is supposed to impress the hiring manager and convince them you’re worth interviewing as a candidate.

So, how can your cover letter achieve this?

First of all, it should complement your resume, not copy it. Your cover letter is your chance to elaborate on important achievements, skills, or anything else that your resume doesn’t give you the space to cover. 

For example, if you have an employment gap on your resume, the cover letter is a great place to explain why it happened and how it helped you grow as a person. 

If this is your first time writing a cover letter, writing about yourself might seem complicated. But don’t worry—you don’t need to be super creative or even a good writer .

All you have to do is follow this tried and tested cover letter structure:

structure of a cover letter

  • Header. Add all the necessary contact information at the top of your cover letter.
  • Formal greeting. Choose an appropriate way to greet your target audience.
  • Introduction. Introduce yourself in the opening paragraph and explain your interest in the role.
  • Body. Elaborate on why you’re the best candidate for the job and a good match for the company. Focus on “selling” your skills, achievements, and relevant professional experiences.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your key points and wrap it up professionally.

Now, let’s take a look at an example of a cover letter that follows our structure perfectly:

How to Write a Cover Letter

New to cover letter writing? Give our cover letter video a watch before diving into the article!

When Should You Write a Cover Letter?

You should always include a cover letter in your job application, even if the hiring manager never reads it. Submitting a cover letter is as important as submitting a resume if you want to look like a serious candidate.

If the employer requests a cover letter as part of the screening process, not sending one is a huge red flag and will probably get your application tossed into the “no” pile immediately.

On the other hand, if the job advertisement doesn’t require a cover letter from the candidates, adding one shows you went the extra mile.

Putting in the effort to write a cover letter can set you apart from other candidates with similar professional experience and skills, and it could even sway the hiring manager to call you for an interview if you do it right.

Need to write a letter to help get you into a good school or volunteer program? Check out our guide to learn how to write a motivation letter !

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

Now that you know what a cover letter is, it’s time to learn how to write one!

We’ll go through the process in detail, step by step.

#1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template

A good cover letter is all about leaving the right first impression.

So, what’s a better way to leave a good impression than a well-formatted, stylish template?

cover letter templates for 2024

Just choose one of our hand-picked cover letter templates , and you’ll be all set in no time!

As a bonus, our intuitive AI will even give you suggestions on how to improve your cover letter as you write it. You’ll have the perfect cover letter done in minutes!

cover letter templates

#2. Put Contact Information in the Header

As with a resume, it’s important to start your cover letter with your contact details at the top. These should be in your cover letter’s header, separated neatly from the bulk of your text.

Contact Information on Cover Letter

Here, you want to include all the essential contact information , including:

  • Full Name. Your first and last name should stand out at the top.
  • Job Title. Match the professional title underneath your name to the exact job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers often hire for several roles at once, so giving them this cue about what role you’re after helps things go smoother.
  • Email Address. Always use a professional and easy-to-spell email address. Ideally, it should combine your first and last names.
  • Phone Number. Add a number where the hiring manager can easily reach you.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country, no need for more details.
  • Relevant Links (optional). You can add links to websites or social media profiles that are relevant to your field. Examples include a LinkedIn profile , Github, or an online portfolio.

Then it’s time to add the recipient’s contact details, such as:

  • Hiring Manager's Name. If you can find the name of the hiring manager, add it.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. While there’s no harm in writing “hiring manager,” if they’re the head of the department, we recommend you use that title accordingly.
  • Company Name. Make sure to write the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Location. The city and state/country are usually enough information here, too.
  • Date of Writing (Optional). You can include the date you wrote your cover letter for an extra professional touch.

matching resume and cover letter

#3. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve properly listed all the contact information, it’s time to start writing the content of the cover letter.

The first thing you need to do here is to address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager.

In fact, you want to address the hiring manager personally .

Forget the old “Dear Sir or Madam” or the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.” You want to give your future boss a good impression and show them that you did your research before sending in your application.

No one wants to hire a job seeker who just spams 20+ companies and hopes something sticks with their generic approach

So, how do you find out who’s the hiring manager?

First, check the job ad. The hiring manager’s name might be listed somewhere in it.

If that doesn’t work, check the company’s LinkedIn page. You just need to look up the head of the relevant department you’re applying to, and you’re all set.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of Communication Specialist at Novorésumé. The hiring manager is probably the Head of Communications or the Chief Communications Officer.

Here’s what you should look for on LinkedIn:

linkedin search cco

And there you go! You have your hiring manager.

But let’s say you’re applying for a position as a server . In that case, you’d be looking for the “restaurant manager” or “food and beverage manager.”

If the results don’t come up with anything, try checking out the “Team” page on the company website; there’s a good chance you’ll at least find the right person there.

Make sure to address them as Mr. or Ms., followed by their last name. If you’re not sure about their gender or marital status, you can just stick to their full name, like so:

  • Dear Mr. Kurtuy,
  • Dear Andrei Kurtuy,

But what if you still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, no matter where you look?

No worries. You can direct your cover letter to the company, department, or team as a whole, or just skip the hiring manager’s name.

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department] Team
  • Dear [Company Name]

Are you applying for a research position? Learn how to write an academic personal statement .

#4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to your job search.

Hiring managers get hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of applications. Chances are, they’re not going to be reading every single cover letter end-to-end.

So, it’s essential to catch their attention from the very first paragraph.

The biggest problem with most opening paragraphs is that they’re usually extremely generic. Here’s an example:

  • My name is Jonathan, and I’d like to work as a Sales Manager at XYZ Inc. I’ve worked as a Sales Manager at MadeUpCompany Inc. for 5+ years, so I believe that I’d be a good fit for the position.

See the issue here? This opening paragraph doesn’t say anything except the fact that you’ve worked the job before.

And do you know who else has similar work experience? All the other applicants you’re competing with.

Instead, you want to start with some of your top achievements to grab the reader’s attention. And to get the point across, the achievements should be as relevant as possible to the position.

Your opening paragraph should also show the hiring manager a bit about why you want this specific job. For example, mention how the job relates to your plans for the future or how it can help you grow professionally. This will show the hiring manager that you’re not just applying left and right—you’re actually enthusiastic about getting this particular role.

Now, let’s make our previous example shine:

Dear Mr. Smith,

My name’s Michael, and I’d like to help XYZ Inc. hit and exceed its sales goals as a Sales Manager. I’ve worked as a Sales Representative with Company X, another fin-tech company , for 3+ years, where I generated an average of $30,000+ in sales per month and beat the KPIs by around 40%. I believe that my previous industry experience, passion for finance , and excellence in sales make me the right candidate for the job.

The second candidate starts with what they can do for the company in the future and immediately lists an impressive and relevant achievement. Since they’re experienced in the same industry and interested in finance, the hiring manager can see they’re not just a random applicant.

From this introduction, it’s safe to say that the hiring manager would read the rest of this candidate’s cover letter.

#5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details

The next part of your cover letter is where you can go into detail about what sets you apart as a qualified candidate for the job.

The main thing you need to remember here is that you shouldn’t make it all about yourself . Your cover letter is supposed to show the hiring manager how you relate to the job and the company you’re applying to.

No matter how cool you make yourself sound in your cover letter, if you don’t tailor it to match what the hiring manager is looking for, you’re not getting an interview.

To get this right, use the job ad as a reference when writing your cover letter. Make sure to highlight skills and achievements that match the job requirements, and you’re good to go.

Since this part of your cover letter is by far the longest, you should split it into at least two paragraphs.

Here’s what each paragraph should cover:

Explain Why You’re the Perfect Candidate for the Role

Before you can show the hiring manager that you’re exactly what they’ve been looking for, you need to know what it is they’re looking for.

Start by doing a bit of research. Learn what the most important skills and responsibilities of the role are according to the job ad, and focus on any relevant experience you have that matches them.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of a Facebook Advertiser. The top requirements on the job ad are:

  • Experience managing a Facebook ad budget of $10,000+ / month
  • Some skills in advertising on other platforms (Google Search + Twitter)
  • Excellent copywriting skills

So, in the body of your cover letter, you need to show how you meet these requirements. Here’s an example of what that can look like:

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $40,000+ . As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation and management process end-to-end. I created the ad copy and images, picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other than Facebook advertising, I’ve also delved into other online PPC channels, including:

  • Google Search

Our example addresses all the necessary requirements and shows off the candidate’s relevant skills.

Are you a student applying for your first internship? Learn how to write an internship cover letter with our dedicated guide.

Explain Why You’re a Good Fit for the Company

As skilled and experienced as you may be, that’s not all the hiring manager is looking for.

They also want someone who’s a good fit for their company and who actually wants to work there.

Employees who don’t fit in with the company culture are likely to quit sooner or later. This ends up costing the company a ton of money, up to 50% of the employee’s annual salary , so hiring managers vet candidates very carefully to avoid this scenario.

So, you have to convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about working with them.

Start by doing some research about the company. You want to know things like:

  • What’s the company’s business model?
  • What’s the company’s product or service? Have you used it?
  • What’s the company’s culture like?

Chances are, you’ll find all the information you need either on the company website or on job-search websites like Jobscan or Glassdoor.

Then, pick your favorite thing about the company and talk about it in your cover letter.

But don’t just describe the company in its own words just to flatter them. Be super specific—the hiring manager can see through any fluff.

For example, if you’re passionate about their product and you like the company’s culture of innovation and independent work model, you can write something like:

I’ve personally used the XYZ Smartphone, and I believe that it’s the most innovative tech I’ve used in years. The features, such as Made-Up-Feature #1 and Made-Up-Feature #2, were real game changers for the device.

I really admire how Company XYZ strives for excellence in all its product lines, creating market-leading tech. As someone who thrives in a self-driven environment, I truly believe that I’ll be a great match for your Product Design team.

So, make sure to do your fair share of research and come up with good reasons why you're applying to that specific company.

Is the company you want to work for not hiring at the moment? Check out our guide to writing a letter of interest .

#6. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Finally, it’s time to conclude your cover letter.

In the final paragraph, you want to:

  • Wrap up any points you couldn't make in the previous paragraphs. Do you have anything left to say? If there’s any other information that could help the hiring manager make their decision, mention it here. If not, just recap your key selling points so far, such as key skills and expertise.
  • Express gratitude. Politely thanking the hiring manager for their time is always a good idea.
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action. The very last sentence in your cover letter should be a call to action. This means you should ask the hiring manager to do something, like call you and discuss your application or arrange an interview.
  • Remember to sign your cover letter. Just add a formal closing line and sign your name at the bottom.

Here’s an example of how to end your cover letter :

I hope to help Company X make the most of their Facebook marketing initiatives. I'd love to further discuss how my previous success at XYZ Inc. can help you achieve your Facebook marketing goals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the provided email address or phone number so that we may arrange an interview.

Thank you for your consideration,

Alice Richards

Feel free to use one of these other popular closing lines for your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

Cover Letter Writing Checklist

Once you’re done with your cover letter, it’s time to check if it meets all industry requirements. 

Give our handy cover letter writing checklist a look to make sure:

Does your cover letter heading include all essential information?

  • Professional Email
  • Phone Number
  • Relevant Links

Do you address the right person? 

  • The hiring manager in the company
  • Your future direct supervisor
  • The company/department in general

Does your introductory paragraph grab the reader's attention?

  • Did you mention some of your top achievements?
  • Did you use numbers and facts to back up your experience?
  • Did you convey enthusiasm for the specific role?

Do you show that you’re the right candidate for the job?

  • Did you identify the core requirements for the role?
  • Did you show how your experiences helped you fit the requirements perfectly?

Do you convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about the company you’re applying to?

  • Did you identify the top 3 things that you like about the company?
  • Did you avoid generic reasons for explaining your interest in the company?

Did you conclude your cover letter properly?

  • Did you recap your key selling points in the conclusion?
  • Did you end your cover letter with a call to action?
  • Did you use the right formal closing line and sign your name?

15 Cover Letter Tips

Now you’re all set to write your cover letter! 

Before you start typing, here are some cover letter tips to help take your cover letter to the next level:

  • Customize Your Cover Letter for Each Job. Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the job you're applying for. This shows you're not just sending generic applications left and right, and it tells the hiring manager you’re the right person for the job.
  • Showcase Your Skills. Talk about how your skills meet the company’s needs. And while your hard skills should be front and center, you shouldn’t underestimate your soft skills in your cover letter either.
  • Avoid Fluff. Don’t make any generic statements you can’t back up. The hiring manager can tell when you’re just throwing words around, and it doesn’t make your cover letter look good.
  • Use Specific Examples. Instead of saying you're great at something, give an actual example to back up your claim. Any data you can provide makes you sound more credible, so quantify your achievements. For example, give numbers such as percentages related to your performance and the timeframe it took to accomplish certain achievements.
  • Research the Company. Always take time to learn about the company you're applying to. Make sure to mention something about them in your cover letter to show the hiring manager that you're interested.
  • Follow the Application Instructions. If the job posting asks for something specific in your cover letter or requires a certain format, make sure you include it. Not following instructions can come off as unattentive or signal to the hiring manager that you’re not taking the job seriously.
  • Use the Right Template and Format. Choose the right cover letter format and adapt your cover letter’s look to the industry you’re applying for. For example, if you’re aiming for a job in Law or Finance, you should go for a cleaner, more professional look. But if you’re applying for a field that values innovation, like IT or Design, you have more room for creativity.
  • Express Your Enthusiasm. Let the hiring manager know why you're excited about the job. Your passion for the specific role or the field in general can be a big selling point, and show them that you’re genuinely interested, not just applying left and right.
  • Address Any Gaps. If there are any employment gaps in your resume , your cover letter is a great place to mention why. Your resume doesn’t give you enough space to elaborate on an employment gap, so addressing it here can set hiring managers at ease—life happens, and employers understand.
  • Avoid Quirky Emails. Your email address should be presentable. It’s hard for a hiring manager to take you seriously if your email address is “[email protected].” Just use a [email protected] format.
  • Check Your Contact Information. Typos in your email address or phone number can mean a missed opportunity. Double-check these before sending your application.
  • Mention if You Want to Relocate. If you’re looking for a job that lets you move somewhere else, specify this in your cover letter.
  • Keep It Brief. You want to keep your cover letter short and sweet. Hiring managers don’t have time to read a novel, so if you go over one page, they simply won’t read it at all.
  • Use a Professional Tone. Even though a conversational tone isn’t a bad thing, remember that it's still a formal document. Show professionalism in your cover letter by keeping slang, jargon, and emojis out of it.
  • Proofread Carefully. Typos and grammar mistakes are a huge deal-breaker. Use a tool like Grammarly or QuillBot to double-check your spelling and grammar, or even get a friend to check it for you.

15+ Cover Letter Examples

Need some inspiration? Check out some perfect cover letter examples for different experience levels and various professions.

5+ Cover Letter Examples by Experience

#1. college student cover letter example.

college or student cover letter example

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#2. Middle Management Cover Letter Example

Middle Management Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a project manager cover letter here.

#3. Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#4. Career Change Cover Letter Example

Career Change Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to a career change resume and cover letter here.

#5. Management Cover Letter Example

Management Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a management cover letter here.

#6. Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an executive resume here.

9+ Cover Letter Examples by Profession

#1. it cover letter example.

IT Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

#2. Consultant Cover Letter Example

Consultant Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#3. Human Resources Cover Letter

Human Resources Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a human resources cover letter here.

#4. Business Cover Letter Example

Business Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business cover letter here.

#5. Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales cover letter here.

#6. Social Worker Cover Letter

Social Worker Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a social worker cover letter here.

#7. Lawyer Cover Letter

Lawyer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a lawyer cover letter here.

#8. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an administrative assistant cover letter here.

#9. Engineering Cover Letter Example

Engineering Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineer cover letter here.

#10. Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist cover letter here.

Need more inspiration? Check out these cover letter examples to learn what makes them stand out.

Plug & Play Cover Letter Template

Not sure how to start your cover letter? Don’t worry!

Just copy and paste our free cover letter template into the cover letter builder, and swap out the blanks for your details.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Profession]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Location]

[Your LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)]

[Your Personal Website URL (optional)]

[Recipient's Name, e.g., Jane Doe],

[Recipient's Position, e.g., Hiring Manager]

[Company Name, e.g., ABC Corporation]

[Company Address]

[City, State/Country]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

As a seasoned [Your Profession] with [Number of Years of Experience] years of industry experience, I am eager to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With my experience in [Your Industry/Sector] and the successes I've achieved throughout my education and career, I believe I can bring unique value and creativity to your team.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I've taken the lead on more than [Number of Projects/Assignments] projects, some valued up to $[Highest Project Value]. I pride myself on consistently exceeding client expectations and have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement] in just a [Amount of Time] through [Skill] and [Skill].

I've collaborated with various professionals, such as [List Roles], ensuring that all [projects/tasks] meet [relevant standards or objectives]. This hands-on experience, coupled with my dedication to understanding each [client's/customer's] vision, has equipped me to navigate and deliver on complex projects.

My key strengths include:

  • Improving [Achievement] by [%] over [Amount of Time] which resulted in [Quantified Result].
  • Optimizing [Work Process/Responsibility] which saved [Previous Employer] [Amount of Time/Budget/Other Metric] over [Weeks/Months/Years]
  • Spearheading team of [Number of People] to [Task] and achieving [Quantified Result].

Alongside this letter, I've attached my resume. My educational background, a [Your Degree] with a concentration in [Your Specialization], complements the practical skills that I'm particularly eager to share with [Company Name].

I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [Something Notable About the Company or Its Mission]. I'd be grateful for the chance to delve deeper into how my expertise aligns with your needs.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Heart of Your Job Search - Creating a Killer Resume

Your cover letter is only as good as your resume. If either one is weak, your entire application falls through.

After all, your cover letter is meant to complement your resume. Imagine going through all this effort to leave an amazing first impression in your cover letter, only for the hiring manager to never read it because your resume was mediocre.

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered here, too.

Check out our dedicated guide on how to make a resume and learn everything you need to know to land your dream job!

Just pick one of our resume templates and start writing your own job-winning resume.

resume examples for cover letters

Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve walked you through all the steps of writing a cover letter, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned:

  • A cover letter is a 250 - 400 word document that’s meant to convince the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for the job.
  • Your job application should always include a cover letter alongside your resume.
  • To grab the hiring manager’s attention, write a strong opening paragraph. Mention who you are, why you’re applying, and a standout achievement to pique their interest.
  • Your cover letter should focus on why you’re the perfect candidate for the job and why you’re passionate about working in this specific company.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to provide details on your skills, achievements, and qualifications, as well as make sure to convey your enthusiasm throughout your whole cover letter.
  • Recap your key selling points towards the end of your cover letter, and end it with a formal closing line and your full name signed underneath.

At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve every step of the way! 

Follow our career blog for more valuable advice, or check out some of our top guides, such as:

  • How to Make a Resume in 2024 | Beginner's Guide
  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]
  • 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers [Full List]

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500+ Best Cover Letter Examples to Pair w/ Your Resume

500+ Best Cover Letter Examples to Pair w/ Your Resume

  • Engineering
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Food Service
  • Health Care
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Logistics & Maintenance
  • Office Support & Administration
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Security & Legal

To write a cover letter or not? That is the question!

Most hiring managers expect a cover letter in your job application—regardless of whether they specifically request one. Truth is, most aren’t taking the time to write a good cover letter (if they ever write one at all).

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by missing this golden opportunity: Write a cover letter customized to the exact job you’re applying for—and you’ll stand out among candidates every time.

Knowing what to include in a cover letter is more than half of the battle! Our cover letter examples show you how to:

  • share your best work successes,
  • demonstrate your alignment with the company,
  • explain gaps in your work history,

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3 Artist Cover Letter Examples Created to Work in 2024 

3 Artist Cover Letter Examples Created to Work in 2024 

You strive to see beauty, transformation, and other impactful concepts in the world, translating them into visual works of art […]

5 Journalism Cover Letter Examples Written for 2024

5 Journalism Cover Letter Examples Written for 2024

You’re passionate about stories and providing accurate reports on the latest news. Publications will highly benefit from your research-driven and […]

5 Copywriter Cover Letter Examples Standing Out in 2024

5 Copywriter Cover Letter Examples Standing Out in 2024

As a copywriter, you’re more than just a wordsmith—you’re a creative strategist with a knack for data analysis. Every piece […]

5 Designer Cover Letter Examples Snagging Jobs in 2024

5 Designer Cover Letter Examples Snagging Jobs in 2024

You come up with the creative concepts and designs behind the finished items, fashion lines, or other end-products that people […]

5 Acting Cover Letter Examples to Edit Free in 2024

5 Acting Cover Letter Examples to Edit Free in 2024

You play a variety of different roles, portraying each character as unique and memorable. You perform on stage, on film, […]

5 Editor Cover Letter Examples Landing Gigs in 2024 

5 Editor Cover Letter Examples Landing Gigs in 2024 

Every content production team needs a great editor to ensure that written works achieve the tone, flow, and structure that […]

Education Cover Letter Templates

Education cover letter examples to help you land that interview.

As an educator, you have to manage approximately 1,248 priorities simultaneously. How can you put that in a cover letter? These education cover letter examples try to help you answer that question.

3 Principal Cover Letter Examples for the Role in 2024

3 Principal Cover Letter Examples for the Role in 2024

Every school needs someone organized to oversee operations. That’s where your excellent skill set comes in, helping counsel students, coordinate […]

3 Elementary Teacher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

3 Elementary Teacher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

You’re always ready with some thoughtful lesson plans and a helping hand! You develop curriculum-related activities to fit your class […]

5 Teacher Cover Letter Examples & Templates for 2024

5 Teacher Cover Letter Examples & Templates for 2024

Teachers’ duties extend far beyond the 8 to 4 school day, encompassing lesson planning, grading, parent communication, faculty meetings, and […]

5 Career Change Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Career Change Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Switching careers can be equal parts exciting and daunting. You’re stepping into a whole new path, facing unknown challenges, and […]

3 Teacher Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

3 Teacher Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

As a teacher assistant, you’re ready to help prepare and implement lesson and activity plans, support teachers in their methods, […]

3 Academic Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024 

3 Academic Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024 

Whether you work as a teacher or an academic advisor, your students know they can count on you to answer […]

3 Substitute Teacher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

3 Substitute Teacher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

When schools need a teacher to fill in, they know they can count on you to keep the classroom running […]

5 Tutor Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024  

5 Tutor Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024  

As a tutor, you explain complex concepts in a way that just makes it “click.” Thanks to your in-depth knowledge […]

5 Preschool Teacher Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Preschool Teacher Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

No one understands the value of early education like you do, and it shows when you carefully prepare each assignment, […]

5 Librarian Cover Letter Examples to Book the Job

5 Librarian Cover Letter Examples to Book the Job

Many bookworms dream of working in a library, and this is where you thrive. Thanks to your excellent attention to […]

Engineering Cover Letter Templates

Engineering cover letter examples

As an engineer, you are compensated for being logical. Nothing feels logical about trying to guess what you’re supposed to have in your cover letter. That’s where these engineering cover letter examples can help.

3 Research Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024

3 Research Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024

You’re a pro at researching, analyzing your findings, and drawing useful conclusions that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. Your analytical […]

5 Mechanical Engineer Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

5 Mechanical Engineer Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

In the world of mechanical engineering, your influence extends far and wide. You design complex machinery and troubleshoot robust systems, […]

3 Engineering Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

3 Engineering Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

As an engineer, your role holds immense significance in shaping the world around us. You’re the problem solver, the innovator, […]

5 Electrical Engineer Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Electrical Engineer Cover Letter Examples for 2024

You know all about complex electrical systems, photometric calculations, and juggling difficult projects in record time. To many people, what […]

5 Civil Engineer Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

5 Civil Engineer Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

As a civil engineer, you play a pivotal role in shaping the world around us. Your skills extend from designing […]

Finance & Accounting Cover Letter Templates

Our finance cover letter samples can help job seekers boost chances of getting an interview.

A finance professional knows that you’re only as valuable as you can demonstrate. What metrics should you include? How should you talk about your performance? These finance cover letter samples will show you.

3 Investment Banking Cover Letter Examples Made in 2024 

3 Investment Banking Cover Letter Examples Made in 2024 

Identifying investment opportunities is where you shine. Risk and return profiles are identified, valuations are completed, and acquisitions are performed […]

5 Accountant Cover Letter Examples & Guide for 2024

5 Accountant Cover Letter Examples & Guide for 2024

Accountants can make or break a company’s finances. And since companies hire accountants with care to keep their finances in […]

5 Business Cover Letter Examples for Success in 2024

5 Business Cover Letter Examples for Success in 2024

You’re passionate about optimizing processes and achieving company goals. Businesses know they can count on you to manage expense reports […]

5 Consulting Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024

5 Consulting Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024

Strategic analysis is your strong suit, shining brightly as you guide businesses to enhance their operations and spending. When they […]

5 Financial Analyst Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Financial Analyst Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

When companies need to optimize their financial processes, they know they can turn to pros like you to get the […]

5 Bank Teller Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024

5 Bank Teller Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024

As a bank teller, your daily routine involves managing cash transactions, assisting customers with their financial needs, and ensuring the […]

5 Bookkeeper Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

5 Bookkeeper Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

Being a bookkeeper means you play a vital role in the financial health of your workplace. You’re the financial wizard […]

5 Banking Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

5 Banking Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

The banking industry requires a detail-oriented mindset with compliance as a top concern. You shine in that role by overseeing […]

Food Service Cover Letter Templates

Finance cover letter samples to win that job.

A finance professional knows you’re only as valuable as you can demonstrate. What metrics should you include? How should you talk about your performance? These finance cover letter samples will show you.

5 Hostess Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Hostess Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

You greet guests as they arrive, leading them to their tables or cheerfully directing them to the right rooms. You […]

3 Barista Cover Letter Examples to Get Started in 2024 

3 Barista Cover Letter Examples to Get Started in 2024 

What’s that gorgeous aroma? It must be the latte you’re whipping up for the next customer in line! Or is […]

5 Bartender Cover Letter Examples Made for You in 2024

5 Bartender Cover Letter Examples Made for You in 2024

You’re a mixology pro who knows how to create an excellent experience when customers want to unwind and enjoy their […]

3 Server Cover Letter Examples That Got the Job in 2024

3 Server Cover Letter Examples That Got the Job in 2024

From guest seating to payment acceptance, you’re ready to handle any customer-facing tasks to create an excellent dining experience. Customers […]

5 Waitress Cover Letter Examples to Win the Job in 2024 

5 Waitress Cover Letter Examples to Win the Job in 2024 

Each diner matters, and you make sure they know it by taking orders, serving food and drinks, and cheerfully communicating […]

3 Restaurant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

3 Restaurant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

High-level food service is your priority. Whether you’re applying to work on the wait staff or be in a supervisory […]

3 Chef Cover Letter Examples to Win the Job in 2024

3 Chef Cover Letter Examples to Win the Job in 2024

Do you love everything culinary and strive to make each dish a work of art while staying true to the […]

5 Hospitality Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Hospitality Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

Optimizing customer experiences is where you shine. Whether answering questions, applying food safety protocols, or planning events, you ensure companies […]

5 Line Cook Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Line Cook Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

Every great dining experience requires the right cooks to make it a reality. That’s why pros like you are needed […]

Health Care Cover Letter Templates

Our health care cover letter samples are a great starting point.

As a healthcare professional you take care of people for a living. We want to try to help you take care of your cover letter. These health care cover letter samples are a great starting point.

3 Case Manager Cover Letter Examples That Work in 2024 

3 Case Manager Cover Letter Examples That Work in 2024 

When clients need guidance, you’re there to help them each step of the way. Records are reviewed, treatment needs are […]

3 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Cover Letter Samples

3 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Cover Letter Samples

As a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), you provide entry-level support to other medical staff, answer phone calls, and schedule appointments […]

25 Nursing Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide for 2024

25 Nursing Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide for 2024

Nurses tackle difficult situations for their patients, providing care under stressful circumstances. Nurses are there when patients need help with […]

5 Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

As a medical assistant, your work has an impact on the lives of many. You help out patients and colleagues […]

3 Nursing Student Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

3 Nursing Student Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

You’re here to learn as much as you can each day on the job, administering basic patient care and assistance […]

3 Pharmacist Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

3 Pharmacist Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

Administered prescribed medications? Answering customers’ questions about their scripts or co-pays? Switching between managing stock, answering phone calls, and assisting […]

3 Social Work Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

3 Social Work Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

When life gets tough, you’re there. You identify individuals, families, and community groups in need of help and then work […]

5 Dental Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Dental Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

From scheduling appointments and preparing dental tools to assisting mid-procedure and providing patient education afterward, you’re there to help make […]

5 Dentist Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024  

5 Dentist Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024  

How’s that smile looking these days? Thanks to your excellent knowledge of oral health and tooth decay prevention, probably pretty […]

5 Caregiver Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

5 Caregiver Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

You’re the most compassionate and kind person in your social circle, but those aren’t the only qualities that make you […]

5 Pharmacy Technician Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Pharmacy Technician Cover Letter Examples for 2024

As a pharmacy technician, you leave a positive mark on patients and the healthcare team. Your daily tasks require a […]

5 Phlebotomist Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024  

5 Phlebotomist Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024  

You’ve probably already worked on your phlebotomist resume, sharing details about educating and comforting patients, obtaining and transporting samples, and […]

5 Physical Therapist Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Physical Therapist Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Whether your patients survived an injury, underwent surgery, or dealt with chronic pain for any other reasons, you’re there to […]

5 Dental Hygienist Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Dental Hygienist Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

You provide patients with routine cleanings, keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of irritation or the need for […]

5 EMT Cover Letter Examples Landing Interviews in 2024 

5 EMT Cover Letter Examples Landing Interviews in 2024 

As an EMT, you provide crucial medical care when dangerous moments strike. You rush to the scene of an accident […]

3 Personal Trainer Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

3 Personal Trainer Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

Helping others achieve their health and fitness goals is your passion. Workout programs are designed, training sessions are conducted, and […]

5 Therapist Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

5 Therapist Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

You know what questions to ask and which therapeutic treatments to provide your clients with to ensure their path to […]

5 Healthcare Cover Letter Examples for the Role in 2024

5 Healthcare Cover Letter Examples for the Role in 2024

Healthcare covers many different niches, from direct patient care provision to billing and coding. You might also help facilities organize […]

5 Physician Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

5 Physician Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

As a physician assistant (PA), you help doctors and other workers in the medical ecosystem ensure that each patient gets […]

Information Technology (IT) Cover Letter Templates

IT cover letter samples designed for 2024.

Technology makes the modern world go round. It can be difficult for tech professionals to channel their logical brains into the oftentimes chaotic cover letter design process. These IT cover letter samples are a great starting point.

5 Web Developer Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024

5 Web Developer Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024

As a web developer, your role is pivotal in the digital landscape. You shape the online world, creating websites and […]

5 Software Engineer Cover Letter Samples & Tips in 2024

5 Software Engineer Cover Letter Samples & Tips in 2024

As a software engineer, you analyze users’ needs and develop and test software to meet those needs. With communication and […]

Business Analyst (BA) Cover Letter: 5 Examples for 2024

Business Analyst (BA) Cover Letter: 5 Examples for 2024

A business analyst (BA) plays an essential role, often acting as an intermediary between end-users and project managers. You have […]

Data Analyst Cover Letter: 5 Sample Templates for 2024

Data Analyst Cover Letter: 5 Sample Templates for 2024

As a data analyst, you turn numbers into insights. You collaborate with other data professionals (data scientists, business analysts, database […]

25 Product Manager Cover Letter Samples & Guide for 2024

25 Product Manager Cover Letter Samples & Guide for 2024

Product managers wear many hats, handling what arises during a product’s life cycle. Primarily, you ensure a company’s products align […]

5 Data Scientist Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Data Scientist Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Data scientists like yourself don’t spend their days simply gathering and analyzing data—this job is much more nuanced.  Leveraging industry […]

5 Program Manager Cover Letter Examples + Tips in 2024

5 Program Manager Cover Letter Examples + Tips in 2024

As a program manager, company projects, strategies, policies, values, and goals are your territory! You plan, organize, and oversee projects […]

5 Project Manager Cover Letter Examples Created in 2024

5 Project Manager Cover Letter Examples Created in 2024

Project managers are integral in achieving company objectives, communicating, budgeting, and delegating to lead teams to complete projects on time […]

5 Scrum Master Cover Letter Examples + Guide for 2024

5 Scrum Master Cover Letter Examples + Guide for 2024

Scrum masters like you know how to guide teams through sprints and how to improve and adapt to obstacles that […]

5 Data Engineer Cover Letter Examples & Guide for 2024

5 Data Engineer Cover Letter Examples & Guide for 2024

You prepare data for analytical or business uses to ensure it’s easily accessible and optimized for the organization’s big data […]

5 Computer Science Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

5 Computer Science Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

You’re no stranger to complex algorithms and lengthy lines of code. From programming languages to system architectures and networks, you […]

3 IT Cover Letter Examples to Get the Job in 2024

3 IT Cover Letter Examples to Get the Job in 2024

You’re the go-to computer guru with a passion and knowledge that make you a successful IT professional. Apart from an […]

3 Project Coordinator Cover Letter Examples for 2024

3 Project Coordinator Cover Letter Examples for 2024

You play a vital role in keeping projects on track and ensuring their success. You’re the driving force behind project […]

5 UX Designer Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 UX Designer Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

As a UX designer, you’re the mastermind behind successful user journeys and impressive website overhauls. From the initial stages of […]

5 Programmer Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

5 Programmer Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

From coding intricate algorithms to troubleshooting complex software bugs, you’ve got a skill set that’s high in demand. You create, […]

5 Front-End Developer Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

5 Front-End Developer Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

As a front-end developer, you’re the one who can turn a mere idea or a sketch into a fully functional […]

Logistics & Maintenance Cover Letter Templates

Our maintenance cover letter samples will provide that support for your cover letter.

Logistics and maintenance professionals are the backbone of most businesses. You provide support so the businesses can function as expected. These maintenance cover letter samples will provide that support for your cover letter.

23 Paraprofessional Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

23 Paraprofessional Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

You shine when helping students with their needs and coordinating academic processes. Records are evaluated, questions get answered, and extracurricular […]

5 Construction Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024 

5 Construction Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024 

Working in construction, your role is pivotal in bringing structures to life. From laying foundations to framing and finishing, your […]

3 Welder Cover Letter Examples Constructed for 2024 

3 Welder Cover Letter Examples Constructed for 2024 

Responsible and effective assembly is a crucial component in building high-quality products. Whether you’re repairing damage, following blueprints, or using […]

5 Property Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Property Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Your role as a property manager has a significant impact on both tenants and property owners. Your daily tasks are […]

3 Real Estate Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

3 Real Estate Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

Buying or selling a home always marks a significant turning point in someone’s life. You help clients make the right […]

5 Electrician Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Electrician Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

Safe electrical assembly and repair are where you shine. Wiring is installed, circuit breakers are maintained, and troubleshooting is accurately […]

5 Housekeeping Cover Letter Examples That Work in 2024

5 Housekeeping Cover Letter Examples That Work in 2024

You keep things clean and tidy, handling everything from routine rounds of dusting and vacuuming to spotting safety hazards or […]

5 Flight Attendant Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

5 Flight Attendant Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

Excelling in creating safe and enjoyable flights is where you shine. You meticulously conduct safety checks, politely answer passenger inquiries, […]

5 Pilot Cover Letter Examples Taking Flight in 2024

5 Pilot Cover Letter Examples Taking Flight in 2024

Your role as a pilot is all about taking to the skies and ensuring a safe and efficient flight. You’re […]

5 Truck Driver Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

5 Truck Driver Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

Efficient truck drivers are always needed to keep companies running smoothly and get products into customer’s hands faster. You ensure […]

5 Custodian Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

5 Custodian Cover Letter Examples Landing Jobs in 2024

As a custodian, you have an incomparable eye for detail, and juggling multiple tasks simultaneously is second nature. You’re not […]

5 Director Cover Letter Examples Making the Cut in 2024

5 Director Cover Letter Examples Making the Cut in 2024

Directors are the backbone of any organization, whether in the creative realm, sports arena, corporate setting, or financial landscape. Your […]

5 Public Health Cover Letter Examples Working for 2024

5 Public Health Cover Letter Examples Working for 2024

You see the big picture when it comes to healthcare. You help patients develop care plans that mitigate their chances […]

5 Mechanic Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

5 Mechanic Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

Whether you’re providing commercial or consumer repairs, everyone wants the best service to safely get back on the road or […]

5 Warehouse Cover Letter Examples to Land Jobs in 2024 

5 Warehouse Cover Letter Examples to Land Jobs in 2024 

Effective warehouse workers are essential in today’s fast-paced business environment, where online orders and quick shipping are standard processes.  Are […]

5 Maintenance Technician Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

5 Maintenance Technician Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

As a maintenance technician, you leverage your vast knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems, keeping things running smoothly. Thanks to […]

5 Construction Project Manager Cover Letter Examples 

5 Construction Project Manager Cover Letter Examples 

You’re an expert in your field, capable of decyphering complex blueprints, juggling resources, and following all the required safety protocols. […]

Office Support & Administration Cover Letter Templates

Office support cover letter examples  to help you build a great cover letter.

You make sure the lights stay on, appointments are kept, and things are operating efficiently. Think of these samples as the office support for your cover letter. We’ll provide the assistance so you can build a great cover letter.

25 Operations Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

25 Operations Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

As an operations manager, you analyze how a business’ day-to-day activities impact its overall efficiency and profitability—and you’re looking for […]

5 Assistant Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Assistant Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

You’re a determined leader and ready to take your career to the next level. Whether it’s managing employees or monitoring […]

3 Office Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

3 Office Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

As an office assistant, you do everything from answering customers’ phone calls to taking down notes and ensuring their safe […]

5 Front Desk Receptionist Cover Letter Examples in 2024

5 Front Desk Receptionist Cover Letter Examples in 2024

One of the best ways for businesses to optimize the customer experience is to ensure a friendly and helpful atmosphere […]

3 Office Manager Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

3 Office Manager Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

Every office needs someone who can keep operations running smoothly. You thrive in that role, preparing payroll, overseeing clerical duties, […]

5 Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples for 2024

As an HR professional, you know how to make employees and the corporation productive, especially when you bring in new […]

5 Customer Service Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Customer Service Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Customer service roles encompass much more than answering queries; they blend sales, technical support, administration, and problem-solving, serving as a […]

5 Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Writing Tips in 2024

5 Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Writing Tips in 2024

It might seem ironic for you to have to write a cover letter since recruiters usually read everyone else’s! But […]

5 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Samples in 2024

5 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Samples in 2024

You’re an organized professional, capable of making quick decisions on the fly. Paperwork gets organized, meetings are scheduled, and calls […]

5 Executive Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Executive Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024

You’re a seasoned pro at streamlining daily business operations, enabling executives to navigate their schedules effortlessly. You craft detailed calendars, […]

5 Data Entry Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024

5 Data Entry Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024

Simply put, you transform paper to pixels—you enter clerical information into databases to make important data cleaner, safer, and more […]

5 Accounts Payable Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

5 Accounts Payable Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

Business expenses add up and must be managed appropriately. That’s why companies need pros like you who can set up […]

5 Secretary Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024 

5 Secretary Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024 

Secretaries are pivotal in keeping the wheels of an organization running smoothly. You’re the backbone of daily operations, performing diverse […]

3 Receptionist Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024 

3 Receptionist Cover Letter Examples Created for 2024 

You greet customers in person and over the phone, making them feel welcome and giving them the directions they need. […]

3 Personal Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made in 2024

3 Personal Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made in 2024

As a personal assistant, or executive assistant, you take care of the daily tasks that would otherwise cut into upper […]

3 Executive Cover Letter Examples Making Waves in 2024

3 Executive Cover Letter Examples Making Waves in 2024

You’re a well-versed leader who can set company goals and strategies in the right direction. Financial statements are analyzed, processes […]

5 Office Administrator Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Office Administrator Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Every office environment needs to operate efficiently to achieve company goals. With your top-notch abilities to organize schedules and improve […]

5 Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

You take care of all the little things that become big when the moment strikes, like phone calls, office supply […]

Retail Cover Letter Templates

Our retail cover letter examples will help you craft your application.

All day you assist customers. The good ones, the bad ones, and the really, really bad ones. Our retail cover letter examples are meant to turn the table and provide you support on crafting your application.

5 Retail Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Retail Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

You thrive when it comes to providing an extraordinary in-store shopping experience. Displays are created, inventories are managed, and employee […]

5 Retail Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Retail Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples for 2024

You’re passionate about creating a great shopping experience. Whether it’s helping customers find the right product for their needs or […]

5 Retail Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024

5 Retail Cover Letter Examples Designed for 2024

In-store customers always want to walk away, having had a great experience where all their needs were met. You help […]

3 Cashier Cover Letter Examples to Earn the Job in 2024

3 Cashier Cover Letter Examples to Earn the Job in 2024

You’re a customer service whiz with a knack for sales. Whether you’re working the register or out on the store […]

Sales & Marketing Cover Letter Templates

Sell yourself with our sales and marketing cover letter examples.

You can sell water to a fish. Now help to sell yourself with our sales and marketing cover letter examples.

5 Account Executive Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Account Executive Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

Managing important client accounts is key to company success. You ensure effective advertising strategies are created, client accounts stay updated, […]

3 Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

3 Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

You’re a customer-focused sales pro. Displays are organized, customer questions are answered, and product demos are performed effectively with you […]

5 Account Manager Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

5 Account Manager Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

Creating an outstanding client experience that drives sales is where you thrive. Contracts are negotiated, strategies are developed, and customer […]

5 Marketing Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

5 Marketing Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

You’re a promotional wiz. Target markets are identified, sales campaigns are created, and conversion rates are increased successfully with you […]

3 Manager Cover Letter Examples to Get the Job in 2024

3 Manager Cover Letter Examples to Get the Job in 2024

You’re an expert leader who knows how to get the job done right. Employee training is provided, schedules are created, […]

5 Digital Marketing Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Digital Marketing Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Generating brand awareness in the digital space is a top concern for many companies. You help make company goals a […]

7 Sales Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

7 Sales Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Sales are the lifeblood of business. Whether selling products or services, you take care of customers as they invest in […]

5 Sales Representative Cover Letter Examples for 2024

5 Sales Representative Cover Letter Examples for 2024

When customers are trying to make a decision, you help move the needle to get them to choose your company […]

5 Sales Manager Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

5 Sales Manager Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

You thrive when leading a company’s promotional teams. Sales strategies are developed, quotas are met, and markets are effectively analyzed […]

5 Supervisor Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Supervisor Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

Your exemplary leadership is crucial in guiding companies to achieve top results. With your direction, process improvement strategies are seamlessly […]

5 Marketing Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

5 Marketing Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

You’re an expert at generating demand and interest in a company’s products or services. New markets are identified, profitability analysis […]

5 Brand Ambassador Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

5 Brand Ambassador Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Creating a compelling brand image is essential to success. Whether creating top-notch social media content or developing new brand awareness […]

Security & Legal Cover Letter Templates

Our security cover letter examples have what it takes to get an interview.

How can you make sure your security cover letter has what it takes to get an interview? Our security and legal cover letter samples were built to give you a guide for how to answer that question.

3 Firefighter Cover Letter Examples to Work in 2024 

3 Firefighter Cover Letter Examples to Work in 2024 

Whether it’s putting out fires or responding to medical emergencies, you’re there to help others in need. You ensure quick […]

5 Attorney Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide in 2024

5 Attorney Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide in 2024

As an attorney with unparalleled writing skills, legal acumen, and a knack for winning justice, your first challenge is to […]

5 Paralegal Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Paralegal Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

When attorneys need help with trial prep and research, they know they can count on you to get the job […]

3 Police Officer Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

3 Police Officer Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024

You’re vigilant and care deeply about the communities you serve. Any police department that brings you on board will be […]

5 Security Guard Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

5 Security Guard Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

Your detailed surveillance abilities stand out. You conduct patrols, implement risk management protocols, and execute emergency procedures with high levels […]

3 Legal Assistant Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024 

3 Legal Assistant Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024 

You create and update case documents, handing them off to attorneys as needed, updating them with any client concerns, and […]

5 Real Cyber Security Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

5 Real Cyber Security Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

As an expert in cyber security, you hold a vital role in safeguarding digital landscapes. You excel in staying ahead […]

Student Cover Letter Templates

Craft a compelling cover letter with our student cover letter samples.

How can you craft a compelling cover letter without much work experience? We’ll help you answer that question with our student cover letter samples.

3 High School Student Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

3 High School Student Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

As a high school student, you’re nearing your first steps into the professional world. You’ve got passion, energy, and a […]

5 Entry-Level Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

5 Entry-Level Cover Letter Examples for the Job in 2024

You’re detail-oriented, knowledgeable, and dedicated to providing high service levels. Any company would benefit from having you on their staff.  […]

5 College Student Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

5 College Student Cover Letter Examples Working in 2024

Your education has equipped you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in any role you set your sights on. […]

3 Internship Cover Letter Examples to Edit Now in 2024

3 Internship Cover Letter Examples to Edit Now in 2024

An internship cover letter complementing your internship resume could be your ticket to the next step in your career! Depending […]

A cover letter is a short and sweet way to give hiring managers a glimpse into who you are as an employee and what you can bring to their company. It’s your chance to make a lasting and positive impression.

It’s probably also worth detailing what a cover letter is not .

A cover letter is not your life story, not pages of work history, and not a place to vent about coworkers or managers. For sure, some job seekers make the mistake of including these things in their cover letters, but we can assure you their applications won’t make it far.

The best cover letter is one that gives a genuine snapshot of the how and why behind your top work accomplishments (and how those accomplishments are relevant to the place you’re applying) and will leave hiring managers feeling confident in contacting you for a chance to connect.

Start by checking out cover letter samples that aren’t just generic fluff. Look for a cover letter example that does the following:

• addresses a specific company and its needs • shares the candidate’s work achievements and how they were accomplished, and • expresses genuine excitement for the role and a chance for an interview or future conversation.

A sample cover letter like that will be a guiding light for you to imitate.

Because you’ll be leaving an overly generalized and boring letter behind that no one wants to read. Instead, you’ll have a professional cover letter that excites recruiters and hiring managers because they’ll be able to see how your skills and past success on the job have impacted other companies; they’ll want to talk more about how you can do the same for them.

Before you figure out how to start a cover letter, format your cover letter properly and include the correct contact information for yourself and the recipient.

Moving on from there, you’ll need three to five short paragraphs:

• Paragraph 1: Make a connection with the company and demonstrate your qualifications for the job. • Paragraphs 2-4: Highlight specific work accomplishments in the past, explaining the how and why, that are relevant to the needs and requirements of the company where you’re applying • Paragraph 5: Sum up with a qualifying thought, demonstrate a confident interest in further conversation, and express gratitude for the hiring manager’s time.

Finally, sign off with a professional and kind close, such as “Sincerely,” “Kind regards,” “Thank you,” etc., and your name.

FOMO (fear of missing out for those of you still catching up to today’s lingo) is a real thing, and while we’re not advocating that you let fear be your backseat driver, do you want to potentially miss out on your dream job just because you didn’t take the time to write a cover letter?

The thing is, most job seekers are blindly throwing their resumes out into the world with the hopes they’ll get a bite. It’s honestly a lot like that magnetic fishing game you always see kids doing at carnivals. There’s a whole bunch of ‘em overcrowded around a kiddie pool. Only one lucky kid’s going home with the rinky-dink prize; all the rest leave with shoulders slumped and feet shuffling to the next game.

But instead of sending your resume off to the masses and just hearing crickets, what if you added a cover letter and sent your matching duo off to, say, 5 companies a day? And what if you adjusted each cover letter to specifically address the needs of the company where you’re applying?

A good cover letter will take you places that your resume, on its own, just can’t. And a cover letter tailored to the company where you want to work is going to be hard for a hiring manager to pass up. All of a sudden, you’re the kid who wised up about the magnetic fishing game and went straight for the dunking booth—because you know you’ve got good aim.

Gone are the days of two to three-page cover letters—or at least those days should be gone!

Great cover letters will never be longer than a page. If it takes someone three pages to explain how fantastic they are at what they do, doesn’t that make you a little wary? This is the time to be confident in your skills and abilities, and it should only take a short cover letter to do it.

Short cover letters respect the time of recruiters and hiring managers while clearly and quickly showing them what you can bring to the table.

Yup. We’ve got over 500 example cover letters across all industries to guide you in creating a cover letter for the job you want. Our sample cover letters and tips will build your confidence, as you’ll know exactly what to include in yours.

Not only are our cover letter examples free, but our cover letter generator is free for you to use, too. Pair your resume with the job description, and we’ll generate a cover letter for you tailored to the role. Complete the package with a free cover letter template that matches your BeamJobs resume .

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Cover Letter Examples

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examples of cover letters for a resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Free Professional Cover Letter Example and Writing Tips

Margaret Buj

A cover letter that’s well-written and tailored for the position you want to get is an essential part of any job application.

A properly prepared resume is key for making a good first impression on potential employers. Additionally, it’s worth noting that at least 10% of all recruiters also expect candidates to submit a cover letter along with their resume.

Make sure yours stands out perfectly for the role you’re seeking by using our professional examples below along with our cover letter builder.

Choose Your Cover Letter Sample

Discover our sample cover letters for job applications and find out the best tips and advice.

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Engineering
  • Receptionist
  • Dental Assistant
  • Executive Assistant
  • Flight Attendant
  • Business Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Customer Service
  • Sales Associate
  • Data Entry Clerk
  • Property Manager
  • Esthetician
  • Office Manager
  • Software Developer
  • Event Coordinator
  • Office Assistant
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Operations Manager
  • Medical Receptionist
  • Bank Teller
  • Personal Assistant
  • Phlebotomist
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Pharmacy Technician

Examples of Cover Letters

There’s more than one way to format and prepare a letter . Depending on the type of job you’re targeting and your level of experience , you have several options to choose from.

Check out our article on how to write a cover letter for more useful tips and advice to help you write yours from scratch.

Get Started With a Simple Cover Letter

Little-to-no professional experience? Don’t worry! You can still create a cover letter that’s simple but effective. Use your letter to highlight your most employable features and get started on your career journey.

Dear Adrian,

I am writing to apply for the Customs Broker position at Geoplex Inc. as posted on I am a qualified and fully licensed broker, with over 4 years of experience and an exemplary history of managing drilling machinery imports.

I was particularly interested in the position with Geoplex, as I share in the company values of growth and innovation. Working with Benson LLC, my current organization, I’ve overseen a 12% cut in costs, as well as ensuring the standards of compliance expected by the US CBP.

Furthermore, I’ve developed a reputation for coming up with exceptional solutions to problems. This has been an especially vital skill in my current role, especially when resolving any factors arising from clearance and deliveries.

I am eager to continue my upward trajectory in a new position and would relish the opportunity to make that happen with Geoplex Inc. Please find enclosed my resume, which provides additional detail on my skills and experience as well as my complete contact information.

Please feel free to reach out to me at your leisure via my personal number or email address. I look forward to speaking to you further regarding the position.

Connie Barnes

What Makes This a Strong Simple Cover Letter?

A simple cover letter allows you to convey a lot of information fast with little excess detail. Done well, this type of cover letter gives you an edge over the competition, in a concise and focused manner.

Show why you’re suitable

In this example, the applicant uses a polite greeting and gives all their contact details. Importantly, they use the first paragraph to quickly outline interest in the job and explain why they’d be suitable .

This allows you as the candidate to show that you have a  genuine enthusiasm for applying . You can then dedicate the rest of the initial opening to offering some tidbits of information that will further motivate the recruiter to keep reading.

Learn the basics about  writing addresses on cover letters  so you can plan what information to include.

Showcase your achievements

In the next part of the document, our writer has added some key examples of how they made a difference in their last job. They’ve demonstrated a little about the essential tasks they did and focused on the results they achieved in doing so.

Get them to read your resume

To finish things off, they have reiterated their enthusiasm for the role and have gradually started to draw the conversation towards the possibility of an interview.

It also creates some interest in the resume (which will be a more detailed explanation of your professional experience).

As you can see, each part of the document takes the reader on a short journey from the reason for applying, to why you’d be the best candidate for the job, to finally angling towards the next steps of the process.

By doing this while focusing on the job description this will provide the recruiter with exactly what they’ll need to pick you for an interview.

Craft a Persuasive Professional Cover Letter

In our example of a professional cover letter, you’ll see how to start writing and organizing a document that can help take you to the next level of your career .

If you’ve already got a few years of experience under your belt, learn how to use it to your advantage.

Dear Patricia,

I wanted to make contact with you to register my interest in the Key Account Manager position with Rhino Insurance that is advertised on LinkedIn. During my 8 years of working in insurance, Rhino is a company I’ve always admired and I think I could offer you the skills you’re looking for.

My goal is and always has been to get the maximum from my staff and create excellent relationships with high-profile clients. That’s why over the last 4 years of working with Yannick Mutual I’ve overseen a 93% retention rate and helped to raise revenue by as much as 14%.

Great customer management is a skill that I know Rhino values highly and it is something I pride myself on also. Your 4.8-star customer satisfaction rating stands as a testament to your ability to respond properly to your client’s needs and I would love to bring my experience to help you achieve even better results.

I would be more than happy to talk in more depth about how I can help Rhino continue its success. Please contact me at 207-440-4475 if you would be interested in meeting for an interview.

Thank you for considering my application and I hope we can discuss the opportunity in more depth soon.

Raquel Galaz

What Makes This an Effective Professional Cover Letter?

Professional cover letters will need to be more detailed than some other types like  entry-level  or  simple cover letters .  However, conciseness is still key .

Start out strong

As you can see in this example of a good cover letter, the writer has started as usual by formally greeting the recruiter .

They then go on to introduce themselves and start making a strong case for why they would be the right choice.

Give specific examples

In the next section, they move on to explain a little about the way they manage in their current job. They also add specific instances  illustrating where they brought results .

As an experienced professional, you’ll be expected to provide plenty of examples of how you made a difference in previous jobs and what you achieved.

Encourage next steps

To finish things off, the candidate added important elements of a good conclusion:

  • Stating a desire to meet
  • Contact information
  • Thank you for the employer’s consideration

This detailed document covers a lot in just a few paragraphs, however, it strikes the right  balance between essential information and brevity . It also functions well as it is specifically tailored to the type of profile that the recruiter is looking for.

Elevate Your Entry-Level Cover Letter

When you’re starting in your career, or you’ve made a  major change of industry  you’re going to need an effective entry-level cover letter. Use our example to get your professional journey off on the right foot.

I am writing to express my interest in the Structural Engineer position with Rode Engineering advertised on Having recently completed my B.S. in Engineering from MIT in May 20XX, I would love to start my career with Rode and feel I would be a perfect fit for the role being offered.

You stated in your notice that you are looking for a candidate with superb communication skills, excellent focus, and who is a good team player. This is precisely what I would be able to bring to the position. During my time at MIT, I was an active member of the volleyball team, where interdependency, strategy, and quick decision-making were invaluable skills for success.

Additionally, over 2 summers, I interned with Humbert Energy for 6 months, working with their infrastructure team. This gave me a working knowledge of everyday engineering tasks as well as many more abilities such as spotting worn parts, serious flaws in a design, and necessary structural repairs.

As you can see, my hands-on experience, my extracurricular activities, and my Engineering B.S. make me a great fit for the Structural Engineer role at Rode. I would be excited to discuss the position more in person.

Thank you very much for considering my application. Please feel free to contact me either on my phone number 412-721-6679 or my personal email to talk about the position at length. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dan Gillard

What Makes This a Convincing Entry-Level Cover Letter?

Like all good cover letters, this example starts by making a  soft introduction  and giving a little detail as to why the candidate could be a good fit for the role.

Explain you’re newly qualified

The entry-level cover letter immediately addresses the elephant in the room — the lack of professional experience.

The candidate makes it clear that they’re newly qualified while emphasizing their enthusiasm for the role.

Highlight your qualifications

By mentioning their qualification right away , the recruiter can see they’re fully trained for the job, despite the lack of experience.

Your qualifications are going to be your biggest selling point in this type of letter. If you don’t have any, instead focus on relevant examples of hands-on work experience.

Show how you meet the requirements

In the main body of this example letter, we can see that the applicant has focused entirely on addressing the job requirements point-by-point. They’ve brought specific examples of where their  college education and time studying were put to good use  and how this could apply to the sort of profile the recruiter is looking for.

This involves a mix of  hard skills and soft skills , but it helps to make up for any lack of real-world professional experience. To make their case even stronger, they have been able to include details of an internship, which could help make a difference against the competition.

End on a positive note

To finish everything off, the writer has given a short prompt to  reiterate why they would fit the desired profile well , in a quick conclusion. All that then needs to be added is a short paragraph giving the recruiter a call to action and hopefully instigating the next steps in the process.

Create a Career Change Cover Letter

Here’s an example of a cover letter tailored for an individual making a career transition . This letter showcases how to effectively pivot skills and experience to a new industry:

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Specialist position at Innovatech Solutions, as advertised on LinkedIn. With a robust background in financial analysis, I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and experiences in a new and challenging context within the marketing industry.

In my previous role as a Financial Analyst at Global Finance Inc., I honed my skills in data analysis and strategic planning, which I believe are directly transferable to the Marketing Specialist role. For instance, I led a project where I analyzed market trends and financial data to develop strategies that increased our department’s efficiency by 25%. This experience has equipped me with a unique perspective and an array of skills that I am eager to bring to your team.

Moreover, my passion for creative problem-solving and digital marketing has driven me to pursue this career change. I have taken proactive steps to prepare myself for this transition, including completing a comprehensive digital marketing certification course and actively managing a small business’s social media accounts. My dedication to continuous learning and adaptation makes me well-suited for the dynamic environment at Innovatech Solutions.

I am particularly drawn to Innovatech Solutions because of your commitment to innovation and excellence in technology marketing. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to such a forward-thinking and innovative team, and I am confident that my background and drive for excellence will make me a valuable addition to your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and enthusiasm for change make me an ideal candidate for this position. I am available at your convenience for an interview and can be reached at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected].

What Makes This a Powerful Cover Letter?

This cover letter effectively addresses the challenges and opportunities of a career change. It demonstrates the candidate’s ability to transfer valuable skills from one industry to another, highlighting adaptability and a keen understanding of how past experiences can benefit the new role.

The specific mention of proactive steps taken to prepare for the industry switch , such as courses or certifications, showcases the candidate’s commitment and initiative, which are highly valued traits in any industry.

Focus on transferable skills and achievements. Demonstrate how your experiences in previous roles or industries can bring unique value and fresh perspectives to the new position.

Personalize your cover letter

Additionally, the cover letter is personalized to the target company, showing that the candidate has done their research and is genuinely interested in the company’s culture and values.

This level of personalization and the clear articulation of why the candidate is drawn to the company set this cover letter apart.

Show your enthusiasm for the new role

The candidate’s enthusiasm for the new field and the positive tone throughout the letter convey confidence and readiness for the transition, making a strong case for why they should be considered despite the career change.

This approach ensures that the focus is on the candidate’s potential and future contributions, rather than solely on their experiences in a different industry.

Return to Workforce Cover Letter

Returning to the workforce after a career gap is easier with the right cover letter. Show you’re ready to restart your career with these tips.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I am excited to apply for the Project Coordinator position at TechPros Solutions, as posted on LinkedIn. After a dedicated pause in my career to focus on pursuing further education, I am eager to re-enter the workforce with a renewed passion and commitment.

During my career hiatus, I have actively honed my skills in project management and digital marketing through online courses and freelance projects. These experiences have not only kept me professionally engaged but have also reinforced my dedication to personal growth and learning.

My previous professional background includes Marketing Specialist roles at XYZ Marketing Agency, where I excelled in developing and implementing digital marketing campaigns that increased client revenue by 30%. Although I temporarily stepped away from the corporate world, I have remained committed to organizational skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability, which I believe are vital for success in the Project Coordinator role.

I am drawn to TechPros Solutions for its innovative approach to project management in the tech industry, and I am confident that my unique blend of experiences and skills will complement your team’s dynamic and innovative environment.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my background and determination align with the goals of TechPros Solutions. Please find my resume attached, and I look forward to the possibility of an interview to further explore how my return to the workforce can be a valuable asset to your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I can be reached at (555) 987-6543 or [email protected], and I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Emily Turner

What Makes This an Effective Return-to-the-Workforce Cover Letter?

This cover letter for re-entering the workforce effectively addresses the unique challenges and strengths of individuals returning after a career break. Here’s why it stands out :

Candid explanation

The candidate openly acknowledges their career hiatus and the reason behind it. This transparency demonstrates honesty and relatability, instantly connecting with hiring managers who appreciate straightforwardness.

Active skill enhancement

The cover letter highlights the candidate’s proactive approach during the career break, emphasizing continuous skill development through online courses and volunteer work. This showcases the candidate’s commitment to staying relevant in the industry.

Relevant transferable skills

The candidate strategically links their past professional experience, such as marketing roles, to the skills needed for the target position, in this case, project coordination.

By highlighting transferable skills like organization, problem-solving, and adaptability, the cover letter demonstrates readiness for the new role.

Alignment with company values

The candidate expresses genuine interest in the company by mentioning specific aspects of TechPros Solutions that attract them. This personalization shows that the candidate has done their homework and is genuinely excited about the organization.

Highlight the skills, experiences, and personal growth gained during the career break. Show potential employers how these factors make you a stronger and more well-rounded candidate.

This cover letter effectively bridges the career gap and positions the candidate as a valuable asset, ready to bring a fresh perspective and dedication to their new role.

It exemplifies how re-entering the workforce can be a positive and mutually beneficial experience for both the candidate and the company.

Ace Your Internship Application Cover Letter

Below is a sample cover letter tailored for internship applications, showing how to effectively showcase your academic background and enthusiasm for a specific role.

Dear Mr. Anderson,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Marketing Internship position at InnovateTech Solutions, as advertised on As a sophomore pursuing a degree in Marketing at Valleyview University, I am eager to apply my coursework and passion for digital marketing to a real-world professional setting.

Through my academic coursework and extracurricular involvement, I have developed a solid foundation in digital marketing strategies, including social media management, SEO optimization, and email marketing, which I believe aligns perfectly with the requirements of the Marketing Internship. For instance, my coursework in Digital Marketing Trends has equipped me with a strong understanding of current market dynamics, and my involvement in the Marketing Club has allowed me to apply these skills in a practical context by organizing successful promotional campaigns for local businesses.

I am particularly drawn to InnovateTech Solutions for its reputation for innovation and commitment to cutting-edge technology solutions. I am eager to contribute to the company’s marketing initiatives and gain valuable hands-on experience in digital marketing under the guidance of your talented team.

My drive for excellence, adaptability, and strong work ethic make me a dedicated learner and a valuable addition to your organization. I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and enthusiasm align with the goals of InnovateTech Solutions.

Thank you for considering my application. Please find my resume attached, and I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at (555) 789-1234 or [email protected].

Hannah Williams

What Makes This a Strong Cover Letter for Internship Applications?

Firstly, this cover letter opens with a concise and clear introduction , leaving no room for ambiguity about the candidate’s interest in the specific internship role. This immediate expression of enthusiasm sets a positive tone for the reader.

Secondly, the cover letter effectively aligns the candidate’s academic and extracurricular experiences with the internship’s requirements .

Instead of merely listing qualifications, it provides context by highlighting relevant coursework and extracurricular activities. This approach allows the reader to see how the candidate’s background directly relates to the position.

Showcase your relevant coursework and extracurricular activities, and how they connect to the internship role to demonstrate your enthusiasm and eagerness.

Additionally, the cover letter has a high level of personalization. It’s evident that the candidate has invested time in researching the company, resulting in a letter that resonates with the organization’s mission and values . By expressing a genuine interest in the company, the candidate demonstrates their commitment to being a cultural fit.

In summary, this cover letter’s strength lies in its clarity, alignment of qualifications, and personalization, making it a well-rounded and compelling introduction to the candidate’s potential as an intern.

Creative Cover Letter

Creative cover letters stray a little from the normal rules of job applications. Find out how to effectively  create a document for a more artistic job that gets results  and demonstrates your creativity.

Dear David,

Fudge Digital is hiring and I am just the person you need. My name is Susan Taylor and I’m a seasoned and successful Digital Marketing Manager with more than 5 years of online marketing experience. Fudge is a business with a reputation for bringing together creativity and progress. Together, I think we’d make the perfect team.

I live and breathe life as a digital creative and in the last 5 years, it’s been my honor to be able to call myself a professional in this field. I make it my mission to create attractive and effective marketing assets that look great and sell better. In the last quarter, the digital assets my team and I brought to life have smashed their targets by over 30%.

My biggest guiding forces are communication and cooperation and I know that Fudge also appreciates these skills. I’ve been following your blog for a couple of years now and have always been impressed by the values of teamwork and inspiration that are woven into everything you do.

I was also totally blown away by your Award-winning video campaign. Hopefully, we’ll be able to work together to see that you retain the title next year.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my application. I am contactable by email every day or by landline Monday to Friday from 6 pm onwards. I hope we can meet soon to discuss how we can help Fudge reach even greater heights.

Yours truly,

Susan Taylor

What Makes This a Creative Cover Letter?

In most cases, creative cover letters involve  even more individuality than most  and rely on standing out. Nevertheless, they still follow normal letter-writing conventions.

As you can see in our professional example, the writer still uses  standard formality and letter structure . However, once they launch into their opening salvo they do so with a much more imaginative approach.

The letter opening still introduces the candidate and sells them a little as the perfect fit for the job. As you would normally expect, it also gives some detail about the  motivations of the applicant .

Don’t get too experimental with your cover letter. It is still a formal part of your job application and whilst you can take some risks it still has to focus on the task at hand.

The middle sections of this letter focus on building a complete picture of the candidate. It goes into detail whilst also  adding more creative embellishments  than you wouldn’t normally see in a  simple  or  professional cover letter .

Our candidate chooses to use specific examples  that illustrate the success their work has brought in. In this case, exceeding commercial targets by double-digit percentages.

This writer also goes a step further and gives a lot more information about  how the company itself got their attention  and how both parties’ goals align. Again, they cite a specific example to strengthen their hand and to show they have done their research on the business.

The author of the letter then finishes off with a quick thank you for consideration and gives the recruiter some details on how to make contact. This leaves the reader with a  positive final impression  as well as the precise sort of information they need to move the process forward.

As we can see, creative documents are worded very differently from more conventional ones. However, even in these cases, it’s still essential to  give as much evidence as possible  on your working record, using numerical data where possible.

How to Write a Short Cover Letter

It isn’t always necessary to write a cover letter that fills an entire page. If you can manage to explain why you’re the best candidate for the position, your  cover letter’s length   does not need to be that long .

Use the top 1 to 2 reasons you should be hired , and keep what you write relevant to the vacancy.

Dear Mr. James,

I’ve loved teaching and working with children and adolescents since I was a summer camp counselor in my junior year of high school.

I have over eight years of teaching experience at the middle school level, working with children that cover a wide range of learning skills. The state test scores of my students have collectively finished in the 95th percentile of all test takers in each of the past four years. Considering all of these factors, I believe I am the ideal candidate for the 7th and 8th-grade math teacher position at Woodlawn Middle School.

Please feel free to contact me at any time, I can be reached at 555-732-4198 or by email at [email protected]

Frederik Gorman

You might not think less is more when you are applying for a job vacancy. However, in this case, a short cover letter can be just as convincing as a long one . There are cover letters that last an entire page and list  irrelevant information .

The purpose of a short cover letter is to get straight to the point . As we can see in the above short cover letter example, the applicant makes it clear right away that they are excited about the chance to fill the position.

Don’t worry so much about trying to flatter the employer. Get into what makes you the perfect candidate right at the beginning, and mention you would like a response soon.

The body of the letter and the ending of the letter achieve several things :

  • Addresses a specific accomplishment
  • Makes the candidate’s skills and experience clear
  • Enthusiasm for the job and an interview

Normal cover letters will go into further detail regarding the experience and skills the candidate possesses, however, this type of letter briefly yet effectively communicates the same information.

What Should I Include in My Cover Letter?

An effective cover letter will need the following 4 key elements shown below

1. A formal greeting

Your first contact with the employer should be formal. You should address them as Mr/Mrs/Ms . for this initial interaction and state their name. If possible, avoid generic openers like “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern”.

2. A persuasive introduction

Use the first paragraph to introduce yourself as a candidate and to make a great first impression . Use this space to give quick reasons why you applied and would be the right choice for the precise job on offer.

3. Compelling paragraphs

This next part of the letter can be used to build a convincing argument as to why you’d be the right pick for the company . Use numerical evidence to support your case and make your achievements eye-grabbing.

4. Strong Final Impression

Finally, start moving the conversation toward the next stage of the job selection process. Encourage the recruiter to read your resume for further details and explain that you’re keen to meet in person as well as how you can be contacted.

[Hiring Manager’s name]

[Company name]

[Company address]

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms. [Hiring Manager Name]

I am contacting you to communicate my interest in the Administrative Assistant role being advertised by [company]. This role caught my attention as I have a strong educational background and extensive experience in the office administration of medium-sized businesses. I think this knowledge and expertise could be highly valuable to [company].

During my 6-year career, I have assisted with a wide range of office administrative tasks using Microsoft Office and LibreOffice software. I have been responsible for maintaining and managing sensitive data at every step of the meeting organization from planning to the recording of minutes, as well as drafting critical communications.

In my current position, I was also tasked with optimizing the efficiency of our office supply buying, the results of which saved the company over $1,800 per quarter. I also enhanced my written skills greatly by assisting with the drafting and proofing of important executive correspondences.

I have enclosed my resume with this letter to provide further information about my career history so far. I hope that my credentials represent a good match for this role.

I am very keen to learn more about the position and would be eager to organize a meeting to discuss it in more detail. In the meantime, I’d like to thank you for your consideration and invite you to contact me at any time regarding the opportunity.

I can be reached every evening from 4 pm to 8.30 pm via home phone or at any time with my email address listed below.

Address Phone number Email address

Essential Points to Highlight In Your Cover Letter

What exactly should your cover letter include? Here’s a quick summary of the essentials:

  • Write for the employer : Keep the needs of the employer in mind when you start writing your letter. Discard any details that don’t serve the specific job description.
  • Highlight your strengths : Convey your achievements and results that best suit the job. Show that you could fit into the business easily and deliver success from the go.
  • Detail skills and qualifications : Briefly demonstrate to the employer you’ve got the right training for the role and show your dedication to personal and professional development.
  • Add a little something extra : Don’t shy away from adding relevant personal details that may enhance your profile. Highlight any hobbies or interests that could make you a good match for the role

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Cover Letter

Crafting the perfect cover letter is an art. While we’ve provided you with some stellar examples to guide you, it’s equally important to know what pitfalls to avoid . 

Here are some common mistakes that could be the difference between your application landing in the ‘yes’ pile or the recycling bin:

  • Overgeneralization : Tailoring your cover letter to each job application is crucial. Avoid using a one-size-fits-all approach. Recruiters can easily spot a generic cover letter, and it often suggests a lack of genuine interest in the role.
  • Rehashing your resume : Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Use this opportunity to tell a story or provide context to your experiences that your resume cannot convey.
  • Lengthy narratives : Brevity is the soul of wit, especially in cover letters. Keep it concise. Aim for a few short paragraphs, ensuring each sentence adds value and advances your case.
  • Neglecting the company’s culture : Each company has its unique culture and values. Show that you’ve done your homework by aligning your cover letter’s tone and content with the company’s ethos.
  • Typos and grammatical errors : Nothing undermines your professionalism more than spelling and grammar mistakes. Proofread meticulously, and consider having someone else review your cover letter.
  • Overconfidence or underconfidence : Striking the right balance is key. Avoid coming off as arrogant, but also don’t sell yourself short. Be confident in your abilities and experiences without overstepping.
  • Skipping the call to action : Conclude with a clear call to action. Express your enthusiasm for a potential interview and provide your contact details, encouraging the recruiter to engage further.
  • Ignoring instructions : If the job posting has specific instructions for your cover letter, follow them. Failing to do so can be seen as a lack of attention to detail or inability to follow directions.
  • Using clichés : Phrases like “I’m a team player” or “I think outside the box” are overused. Instead, provide specific examples that demonstrate these qualities.
  • Forgetting to personalize : Address the letter to a specific person whenever possible. “Dear Hiring Manager” is a last resort. Personalization shows you’ve put effort into understanding who is hiring.

Make your cover letter count by avoiding these common mistakes and you’ll be one step closer to landing the job you want.

Advantages of Using Cover Letter Examples to Write Your Own

As well as offering guidance and some inspiration , cover letter examples can be useful tools in helping you learn how to  highlight the most important information  that employers will need to know about.

When  creating your cover letter , ResumeCoach’s examples can help with the following points:

Learn the length you should use and the sections that you will need to include.

2. Keywords

Personalize your cover letter and find the keywords that work for your sector.

3. Choice of language

Get the level of formality right and make the text accessible for any recruiter.

4. Adaptability and speed

Complete and adapt your cover letter and resume for any job with our editor.

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  • Cover Letters

10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

Whether you’re looking to land your first job, changing careers, or simply exploring new job opportunities, writing a great cover letter might seem daunting at first. However, once you read this comprehensive guide and check out our superb cover letter examples, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert cover letter crafter.

Cover Letter Examples (By Career Situation and Seniority)

Our resume cover letter examples are just what you need if you’re going to learn how to write one for yourself. Keep in mind that all cover letters have a similar structure that you should follow:

  • Contact Info –  Add your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Greeting – Always start with a professional greeting that addresses the hiring manager by name.
  • Introduction – Grab your reader’s attention with a first paragraph in which you introduce yourself and state your intention to apply for the open role.
  • Body paragraphs – Write one or two paragraphs that highlight your professional experience, achievements, skills, and education.
  • Closing paragraph – Insert your call to action and ask the hiring manager to invite you for an interview. Don’t forget to sign your name at the end.

With this information in mind, let’s check out some of the best cover letter examples!

Cover Letter Example 1: Returning to Work after a Job Gap/Relocation

Dear Mr. Hennessy,  My name is John Young, and I’m applying for a software engineering position at your company. I’m excited about your organization’s mission to change the world, and I’m passionate about your tech stack that includes Scala, Java, React, and Python, all languages I’ve used in the past. 

Recently, I took a year-long hiatus to aid my friend who launched a startup accelerator. During that time, I learned quite a bit about business strategy and going from zero to one hundred while working on a very limited budget. I’m confident that I can turn those skills into new products for your company. 

I’m prepared to get back into the game and restart my career as a software engineer in your beautiful city. I’m positive that I’m the perfect person to lead your middle-out engineering team. I would love to schedule a meeting and discuss this further. 

Our Take: The candidate starts by expressing his excitement about the company’s goals and then seamlessly proceeds to highlight the programming languages that he excels in. This way, he showcased that he is the right person for the job. He then explains that the job gap that appears in his resume was due to working on a personal project that has taught him some valuable new skills.

Cover Letter Example 2: Changing Careers

Dear Ms. Garcia,

Blending a formal background in marketing with proven success in retail sales and customer service roles, I am looking to transition into public relations and believe I would make a great fit for the advertised position of Public Relations Specialist at your company.

Having both used and sold your products, I am already well versed in your brand and both present and past years’ offerings. I have followed with excitement as you launched in European and Asian markets and incorporated an international feel into your product line. I would bring both passion and expertise to championing your company with the press and public.

I am already trained in creating buzz and awareness through social media channels including Twitter and Facebook. When my sales team decided to participate in Walk for a Cure three years ago, we used social media to heighten our sponsorship support and raised more than $20K for the event.

Confident my transferable skills make me a solid candidate for this opening, I respectfully submit my resume for your review and request a meeting to discuss the opportunity further. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call to arrange a time. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Our Take: This candidate leads off with a strong statement about her career change goal and her fit for the specific position at hand. She uses the rest of the letter to discuss her interest in the company and some of her key transferable skills/experience.

Cover Letter Example 3: New Graduate/Entry Level

Dear Ms. Morris:

I am writing in response to your listing in the Memphis Gazette for a nurse’s aide. Please accept my enclosed resume for consideration.

As a CPR-certified lifeguard and an LPN student at Memphis Community College, I have the formal training necessary for this position. Additionally, with two years of experience in retail sales, I have excellent customer service skills that can translate well to patient relations.

After you have reviewed my resume, I hope to meet with you to discuss how I can be beneficial to your team. I look forward to hearing from you to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Our Take: Nice concise approach for an entry-level candidate. She doesn’t have years of nursing experience to point to, so she highlights her training and how her non-nursing work experience has also helped to prepare her.

Cover Letter Example 4: Professional

Dear Mr. Carter,

As an Accounts Payable & Receivable Specialist , I offer a proven ability to accurately process invoices, payments, reimbursements, and tax reports. I quickly learn and adapt to software changes and updates and help team members resolve issues and problems they are having with data input and processing.

Examples of my accomplishments include:

  • Handled biweekly accounts payable processing of checks and ACH payments; reconciled payments made to accounts payable software and addressed any discrepancies that arose.
  • Created a spreadsheet that listed bank and routing numbers to expedite the processing of expense reports.
  • Uploaded and reconciled monthly phone bills for approximately 200 branches and 4 operational centers; total billing amounts were coded for various departments and branches as required.
  • Confident I will prove valuable to your company, I respectfully submit my resume for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your upcoming goals and how I can help you achieve them. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: For an experienced candidate, a bit more detail is expected. This candidate customized the bullet points to specifically communicate his experience with the position responsibilities listed in the job description.

Cover Letter Example 5: Manager

Dear Ms. Nguyen,

As a Human Resources Manager with a strong customer service background, I offer expertise in employee relations, benefits administration, and generalist duties. I have made significant contributions to succession planning and workforce engagement as well as ensuring compliance with employment and labor requirements.

I am also known for my ability to help identify and implement key technology and process improvements. I am well-versed in Six Sigma methods and have led projects which produced significant and sustainable savings. Other examples of my work include:

  • Creates positive employee engagement for 2,000+ personnel at Company XYZ via proactive communications, prompt issue resolution, and fair/equitable treatment.
  • Led Six Sigma project related to FMLA administration and online orientation programs for Lean Belt training.
  • Proved instrumental in the deployment of an E-recruitment system that serviced a Fortune 200 company; defined policies, procedures, and communication planning for the project.

Confident I will make a positive impact on your organization, I respectfully submit my résumé for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your goals for this position and my potential contributions. I will be available at your convenience and look forward to your call to arrange a time. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: This cover letter highlights the applicant’s relevant accomplishments as a leader and manager. It goes beyond stating familiarity with the required job duties and emphasizes results in key projects. Remember that you don’t want to copy and paste your whole resume into the cover letter. Think about the key selling points that you want to feature prominently. The goal is to make them excited to learn more about you.

Cover Letter Example 6: Senior-Level Executive

Dear Mr. Jones,

As a Senior-Level Finance & Operations Executive , I offer proven success in maximizing productivity and improving profit margins. My work spans companies and business units at various stages of growth, including start-up, established, and turnaround settings.

Believing profitability requires strong revenue generation and cost controls, I monitor budgets and sales performance closely to identify areas for improvement. I am known for enhancing overall performance through technology upgrades, advanced employee training, and implementation of best practices.

Examples of my work include:

  • Drove successful launch of start-up company by hiring a talent team, defining product development plans, and leading go-to-market strategies to achieve $35M+ revenue and 50% margins within two years.
  • Managed daily operations of a $150M subsidiary that provided a complete suite of manufacturing solutions in the US and Canada; improved profit margins on overall product line by 10%.
  • Proved vital to reorganization leadership that cumulated in a 10% productivity improvement in the sales and service organization and a 20% improvement in support organizations.

As CPA and MBA, I am confident I will prove valuable to your company and respectfully submit my resume for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your upcoming goals and how I can help you achieve them. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: This cover letter nicely distills years of experience into a concise overview that really “sells” achievements most relevant to the specific advertised role. Each bullet presents a compelling high-level overview of a specific position, complete with impressive data points. It’s hard to be this concise when talking about a long career! However, a concise letter is always more effective — make the most exciting information jump out of the letter and grab the recruiter’s attention.

Cover Letter Examples (By Industry)

Teacher cover letter example.

Dear Principal Townson,

With five years of experience in teaching high school and a master’s degree in Chemistry, I believe I am an ideal candidate to fill the science teaching position you have open with the retirement of Stacy Jones. My teaching experience was at John Smith High School in Smallville where I taught all levels of Chemistry and helped host the science fair each year.

I keep up with all developments in teaching and chemistry by reading literature and attending conferences hosted by the American Association of High School Science Instructors. I have also volunteered my time at the community center, tutoring all levels of students in general sciences.

I look forward to working in this community and teaching at Rosewood High School. Please review my attached resume. I will be contacting you next week to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: We love how this cover letter emphasizes the applicant’s relevant qualifications in the first line. This puts emphasis on her ability to do the job. Later, she briefly explains how she has kept current with industry developments and shows passion for her career by mentioning her volunteer work.

Nursing Cover Letter Example

Dear Dr. Manning,

Five years ago, I worked my first shift as an emergency room nurse and have never before left the workplace more fatigued and fulfilled. Today, I am proud to declare that I am still an ER nurse. I love this work partly because I flourish in a fast-paced environment. I also take great pleasure in the opportunity to care for patients every day and be there for their loved ones. This is not easy work, but I can’t see myself doing anything else which is why I am applying for the position of Emergency Room Nursing Lead. I believe that I can be a great asset to your team and that I have a proven track record when it comes to patient care as further shown in my attached resume. 

I have reviewed the qualifications required for this position. I am confident to say that I possess all the skills and experience needed. I have a BSN in nursing and have held a nursing license in good standing for over five years. I have experience working in emergency rooms at several large hospitals, and I fully understand all of the regulations that are in place. I also have the kind of team leadership that you need to ensure that even the busiest nights in the emergency room go as smoothly as possible. 

I would love to sit down with you and discuss my qualifications along with your needs when you are free. Meanwhile, please review the rest of my application package. There you will find all the information you need. 

Our Take: The candidate starts by stating her experience and expresses how difficult a nursing job can be. However, she then turns it around by stating that the rewards are worth the effort. We like her storytelling approach and how she highlights her passion for working with patients and transitions into why her abilities qualify her for the job.

Business Analyst Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Sousa,

I am applying for the advertised business analyst job at your company that was posted on your website. I am a data-driven critical thinker with excellent interpersonal skills who holds teamwork in high esteem but can also function independently. I am always searching for fresh ideas and solutions that I can bring to the table to increase the company’s efficiency. 

During my time at XYZ Group, Ltd., my previous employer, I developed and implemented a new program designed to drop needless business expenses. In just one year, the costs were reduced by 15%. Apart from project management, I spearheaded the collection and analytics of business processes and data toward creating more efficient business models. Thanks to my achievements, I was ranked as one of the best employees in the company and received recognition from top stakeholders.

I would be delighted to join your team because I believe that the experience, skills, and vast knowledge that I bring to the table could improve the company’s operational performance. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to speaking to you soon. 

Our Take: Adopting a confident tone in your cover letter is a good way of showing the hiring manager that you have the necessary skills and experience to shine at the job you’re applying to. It’s also great when candidates state their accomplishments and showcase the contributions they can make to a company if hired.

Cover Letters: Basic Rules to Follow

What is a cover letter and how do you write one? It can feel like a chore but it’s actually one of the surefire ways to get an actual job interview.

There are five simple rules to follow if you want to write cover letters that make hiring managers giddy with excitement before meeting you:

1. Your cover letter should be grammatically correct and error-free

Avoid making grammar and formatting mistakes to give your cover letter a professional appearance (regardless of the job you’re applying for). If you’re not a particularly good writer, use a tool such as Grammarly to clean up your text, or kindly ask someone to read and edit your document.

Hiring managers get turned off when noticing mistakes in your cover letter. It sends them the wrong message about your professionalism and attention to detail.

2. The maximum length of your printed cover letter should be one page

If an employer asks for a physical cover letter, make sure it’s only one page long. You’ll want to add essential information highlighting your professional experience and best personality traits. The letter should also be printed on high-quality paper just like your resume.

If you send your cover letter digitally, cut and paste it into the email and attach your resume. Make sure that the letter is easy to read with minimal scrolling. Get to the point and be succinct. 

3. The letter should include examples of your qualifications

You can write a cover letter in paragraph or bulleted formats, but either way, you should include examples of your achievements and credentials. While you want to be brief, you also want to encourage the reader to review your resume for greater detail. The best way to do that is to call out two or three things you have done professionally to catch their attention and make them want to know more about you.

4. Your letter should address a specific person

Whenever possible, do some research and learn a few things about the person who will be reading your cover letter. This is a minor detail and some hiring managers won’t care, but it can distinguish you from your competition all the same. More importantly, don’t send an obviously-generic letter that has not been customized for the company/position.

5. Your letter should end with a call to action

When you close your letter, be sure to ask for a meeting. It is obvious that you want an interview when you submit a cover letter and resume, but job hunting is usually helped along with a proactive approach. Therefore, at every point in the application process, you should seek to move along to the next stage of consideration.

Don’t miss the opportunity to encourage a meeting with the hiring manager when ending your letter. Also, be sure to thank them for their time and consideration.

Do You Need a Cover Letter?

Second chances to make good first impressions in the job search are scarce. Adding a great cover letter at the beginning of your resume gives you the opportunity to “wow” the hiring manager. It also helps you influence their opinion prior to meeting you. Remember that your resume cover letter will be reviewed by a real live person who will be deciding whether or not you are worth their time to interview. It makes the difference between your resume going to the “yes” pile rather than the “file for future opening” (or the real or digital garbage can).

Even though there are times when a recruiter or hiring manager will skip right over your cover letter and focus on the resume, other screeners won’t even look at your resume if the cover letter doesn’t get their attention. Why take a chance? Write a strong cover letter and you’ll know that you’re doing everything possible to get past the gatekeepers and score an interview.

There are plenty of resources on the internet that you can learn from. A simple Google search might take you a long way when looking for a job. But once you find one you really want, you start thinking that you’re not ready to go get it.

A strong cover letter can give you confidence in your application. Send one along with your resume and you’ll know that you might have already stirred a potential employer’s curiosity.

If you’re struggling with writing your cover letter, the samples that you’ve seen so far will supplement Big Interview ’s Resume Curriculum. Everything you need to know about writing persuasive resumes and cover letters can be found there including structure formatting, writing great summary statements, and meaningful ‘Thank You’ notes.

It’s really easy to use. Just log in to your Big Interview account, select ‘My Resume’, and press the ‘Watch Lessons’ button under Resume Curriculum.

Cover Letter Examples - This is a photo showing you how to access Big Interview's Resume Curriculum.

You’ll then be taken to the lessons page where you’ll have access to some great advice like how to add high-value details to your letter, how to follow a job application’s requirements, and how to turn them into advantages.

Cover Letter Examples - This is a photo of Big Interview's Resume Curriculum video lessons list. The selected lesson is 'Writing Persuasive Cover Letters'.

Three Situations When a Good Resume Cover Letter is Critical

1. when you need to include information that should not go into the resume.

A resume is a formal business document with strict rules that must be followed. These rules include not writing in the first person or including personal information like your desire to relocate.

However, there are times when you need to communicate this type of information in order to make the case for your fit for the position.

​​ Example: Your cover letter can be used to communicate your intention to make a transition in your career or move to another city/state. Recruiters receive thousands of unqualified resumes for every position. They will look at your resume and cover letter and immediately trash them if they don’t see a fit — assuming that you are another one of those annoying applicants who applies for every job posted. This is always a challenge for career changers and individuals looking to relocate and a good cover letter can make a big difference.

Example: Your cover letter can also explain away other aspects of your particular career situation that might not be appropriate to include on your resume. For example, if you took some time away from the workforce, but have kept your skills and knowledge up-to-date.

In some job ads, the company will ask for specific information to be included in your cover letter. This technique is used to make screening easier – if someone can’t follow simple application directions, why waste time on an interview? Pay careful attention to the information they request and be sure to address it.

One problematic area is if they ask for salary requirements to be included in your cover letter. Companies make this request to help them rule out individuals with higher salary requirements than they have budgeted for the position, but it can also lock you into a lower pay range than they might offer you otherwise.

However, ignoring the request could disqualify you as well. Ergo, I suggest you research the average salary for the position you are applying to in the state of the opening and include a range slightly above and below that number .

2. When you want to reference a network connection

There is no right way to include in your resume, “Our mutual associate John Smith referred me to this role and says he thinks I will make a great fit for the job opening.” That is a reference line reserved solely for the opening paragraph of a cover letter. There are multiple ways you can mention a network connection or mutual friend in a cover letter, but such a statement has no place in a resume whatsoever.

Note: In professional resume writing, it has become passé to include a list of references on your resume or even the line “references available upon request.” Such information takes up valuable real estate on your resume (which should be 1-2 pages max) and it is best to focus on your achievements and qualifications instead. Besides, the hiring managers know you will give them references when they request them.

Rather than waste space on your resume, prepare a reference sheet with the same header as your resume and give it to the interviewer at the end of your meeting.

This sheet should include the first and last names of your references, their titles and company names, city and state, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses if possible.

You can even be proactive and have letters of recommendation ready to hand to the hiring manager at the end of your meeting, but don’t send them prior to that initial interview.

3. When you want to emphasize why you’re interested in the company

One way to distinguish yourself as a job candidate is to research the company you are interviewing with and talk about things you like or ask questions about the work they have coming up. This demonstrates your interest in their particular organization as opposed to them being just another job ad you responded to in your desperate attempt to find employment.

You can use your cover letter to show that you’ve done your homework and see a strong fit with the organization. Within the second or closing paragraphs of your cover letter, you can mention being interested in the specific work the company does, recent grants they have been awarded, a product they recently released, etc.

Again, this is not appropriate for inclusion on your resume, but adding it to your cover letter can help you stand out from the stack of applications the hiring manager is sorting through on the day your resume passes by him/her.

Cover Letter Format Examples

When choosing a cover letter format, consider what stage your job search is in and how you want hiring managers to perceive you. Cover letters are used for many different reasons and the proper format for each one varies.

The three main types of cover letters are the application cover letter, the prospecting cover letter, and the networking cover letter. You may also send cover letter emails which are an effective and increasingly common way to introduce your resume.

Let’s take an in-depth look at each type of cover letter and see exactly what sets them apart.

Application Cover Letter

This is the most common cover letter used alongside a resume during a job application. It’s geared toward a specific job, and it is designed to highlight the skills and specifications listed in the job posting.

The application cover letter is a vital instrument that gives you the ability to sell yourself as a job candidate. It rounds off your resume and expands on relevant parts of your work history and qualifications.

Application Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Osbourne,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in the graphic designer opening as advertised on your website. 

If hired, I believe I can begin making valuable contributions to the design team of your company from day one. I possess a wide range of abilities that combine fresh art and design principles. Furthermore, my knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, and CSS will allow me to play a pivotal role in the implementation of your design initiatives. 

During my previous job, I led a team of six designers to develop and implement the graphic, layout, and production of communication materials while helping clients cut their costs by an average of 17%. I also oversaw the efficient use of production budgets running from $3,000 – $20,000 and developed a myriad of marketing programs including advertisements, presentations, infographics, newsletters, brochures, and logos that have improved client transactions by an average of 35%.

I look forward to discussing face to face how my skills and strengths can best serve your company. In the meantime, please review the enclosed resume and portfolio. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Our Take: In the first paragraph , the candidate is quick to mention all the tools they employ to bring value to the company. They use the second paragraph as a canvas on which to paint all of their accomplishments and relevant experiences.

Prospecting Cover Letter

Prospecting cover letters are also known as letters of inquiry or cold call letters. They are useful if you’re looking to apply to a company that isn’t actively hiring or isn’t widely advertising. A prospecting cover letter shows your interest in learning about available positions while at the same time demonstrating eagerness and initiative.

If the company decides to expand its talent pool, sending a prospecting cover letter could put you at the top of the list of desirable candidates.

Prospecting Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Patel,

Your company recently came to my attention while reading a very interesting LinkedIn article about how you’re becoming innovators in the industry. I’d very much like to embark on this journey with you. I haven’t seen any open positions on your website, but I’d like to be considered for open positions in the future. I’m interested in pursuing a career in software engineering. The hybrid work model that your company employs couples well with my extensive remote experience. 

I have a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, and in the following months, I will obtain a certification from the Institute of Certification of Computing Professionals. In addition to my two years as a freelance software engineer, I also have four years of software engineering experience at a publicly traded corporation. 

Please review the resume I’ve attached which contains additional information on my skills and experience relevant to your company. I’d love to discuss any openings you may have coming in the near future. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  

Our Take: This candidate took the bull by the horns and went straight to knocking on the company’s door. Even if there is no open position, their chances will grow when a job becomes available.

Networking Cover Letter

Networking is a highly effective method of finding a job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking. It can help you discover job opportunities that might not be advertised yet or it can provide you with a job opportunity that was previously non-existent.

Sending a networking cover letter during your job search is a good idea if you need help from a contact in your industry or career field to introduce you to a potential employer.

Networking Cover Letter Example

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m reaching out about possibly meeting to get some information from you as a top professional in our field. 

As you might remember from our time as co-workers at our previous company, I have always thrived when working in client-facing positions. I’m looking for a new career opportunity in that direction and I wanted to ask for your advice. 

As I’m aware of your experience and your vast area of expertise in working with job seekers on a more personal level, I feel confident that you are the right person to discuss this matter with. 

I know that it’s a busy period for you right now, but I’d appreciate it if you’d let me buy you a drink and pick your brain. I’d also value your thoughts on the matter via reply if we can’t meet. 

Our Take: This candidate knows that a networking cover letter has a casual tone. He uses an informal greeting but still sounds professional throughout. He makes sure to emphasize his former co-worker’s skills and success before asking for a casual meeting and some friendly advice.

Email Cover Letter

This simple, short, and professional cover letter is sent over email when a formal cover letter is not requested in a job posting. It does not follow a specific format but usually includes a greeting and a simple body of text explaining your experience and interest in the company. You should also include a closing with references to any attachments such as your resume, portfolio, samples, or any other necessary documents.

An email cover letter should be a maximum of two paragraphs long and the writing style should be casual but still professional. Remember to create a subject line that includes the position you’re applying for.

Email Cover Letter Example

Subject line: Following Up on Your Content Writer Job Posting on LinkedIn

Dear Mr. McClane, 

This letter is being submitted as an introduction. I am applying for the position of Content Writer with your company. I believe my verbal skills and writing style would be of great value to your team and I can guarantee that if hired I would offer original content with a quick turnaround time. 

I’ve been writing content for over six years and have contributed to several notable blogs in the IT, Finance, and Cryptocurrency industries which I’ve mentioned in my resume. I would like to continue my passionate journey toward advancing my writing career within your company. I am adept at writing SEO (search engine optimization) articles that convert efficiently which would suit your article marketing business model well. I also write highly engaging copy for social media campaigns as seen in my portfolio. 

I read in your job posting that you’d like a candidate who possesses in-depth knowledge of working with keyword research tools. I’m happy to say that I’ve been using Semrush successfully for the last four years. 

Please review my attached resume and portfolio. I’m looking forward to meeting you and discussing my writing skills and history in more detail. 

Our Take: The candidate keeps it short and sweet. They shed light on their relevant skills and then guide the hiring manager towards the resume and portfolio.

Cover Letter Examples – Bottom Line

Adding a cover letter to your resume is the best way to connect with a potential employer from the get-go. Hiring managers get a glimpse of your accomplishments and experience as soon as they open your email or letter.

By analyzing good resume cover letter examples, and understanding their purpose, it will become simpler for you to write one yourself.

Make sure to stick to the structure and include only the best things about your career. Also, remember that your cover letter should only include valuable information that does not repeat itself in your resume.

Stay fresh, always.


Need a hand? There are 2 ways we can help you:

1. Learn how to turn more job interviews into job offers here . (Rated with 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users) 2. Learn how to successfully negotiate a better salary. (Take a sneak peek of one lesson for free here )

examples of cover letters for a resume

Pamela Skillings

Turn interviews into offers

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How to sign a cover letter: a guide to professional correspondence

Charlotte Grainger

Email cover letter 

Attached cover letter, physical cover letter .

You’ve polished your cover letter and you’re good to go. There’s only one thing left to do: Sign on the dotted line. But how can you get this right? Do you need a handwritten signature or can you type out your name? In this guide, we’ll go over how to sign a cover letter like a pro.

What is a cover letter?

First things first, let’s cover the basics. A cover letter is correspondence to the hiring manager. It details why you are applying for this specific role. It also allows you to make a solid case about your suitability for the vacancy. It’s the chance to clearly state why you’re the perfect candidate. 

Every cover letter includes the same elements, as follows: 

  • Contact details
  • Introduction
  • Body (2-3 paragraphs)

In this guide, we will be looking at the last point on the list. The sign-off of a cover letter needs to make the right impression on the hiring manager. Looking for some additional inspiration? Read more about writing a cover letter in our full guide.

Should you sign a cover letter?

Times are changing. You no longer need a handwritten signature on a cover letter. Since we live in an ever-more digitalised world, modern-day recruiters don’t always expect to see this. Most of the time, it’s perfectly acceptable to simply type your name at the bottom of the letter instead.

However, in some cases, adding a full-on signature on a cover letter could help you to stand out from the crowd. It’s important to know when this is appropriate before you get started with your application. That way, you can make sure that the cover letter you submit is suitable. 

How to decide whether to use a cover letter signature

Let’s kick things off by making this decision simple. If you’re unsure whether to handwrite your signature on a cover letter, let the format decide for you. Take a quick look at our breakdown below when you are figuring out which type of cover letter signature works for you: 

Email cover letter  Cover letter attachment  Physical cover letter
Typed-out name

Typed name/ 

electronic signature 

Typed name/handwritten signature 

Looking to create a cover letter attachment? Look no further. We have a wide selection of expertly formatted cover letter templates that you can use at just the click of a button. 

How to sign a cover letter based on its format

Effective cover letters are interesting and engaging. Chances are, you’ve spent a long time making sure that the body of your letter hits the mark. However, when you come to the end of the document, you don’t want to lose momentum. Getting the signature right is a must. 

Recruiters spend just seven seconds looking at each new application. In that blink of an eye, they decide whether you have what it takes to make it to the interview. If your cover letter doesn’t keep them reading at every point, it could ruin your chances of success. 

Let’s break down how you should sign your cover letter based on the format you are using. 

Email cover letters are quickly becoming the norm. Since you’re likely to apply for a job by sending your CV to the hiring manager, you may choose to write your cover letter in the body of your email. There’s nothing wrong with this approach and it’s certainly speedy. There are two options that you can choose from when using this approach: 

  • Type your full name out . If you decide to do this, you should use a standard sign-off, such as “Kind regards” or “Sincerely” followed by your name.
  • Use your email signature . Do you already have an email signature? If so, you can use it. Make sure it is suitable for the hiring manager to see before pressing “send”.

As a bonus, you may choose to include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Make sure that it is up to date before you do so. Take a look at our adaptable example below:

Kind regards, 

Mary Smith 

+ 44 74795724

Whether you’re filling out an online application or sending your CV to the hiring manager, you might send your cover letter as an attachment. In this case, you should save your cover letter as a PDF document (unless otherwise specified by the job description). Use our cover letter builder to create an interview-winning letter and then download it as a PDF at the click of a button.

You can add a signature by typing your name in the builder. However, if you want an electronic signature, leave it off completely. Once you’ve downloaded the PDF, you can use a program such as DocuSign or SignRequest to add an electronic signature to the document. 

Sign your cover letter with Preview!

Do you have a Mac? If so, it’s even easier. Open your PDF in Preview and then go to Tools, then Annotate, and then Signature. You can quickly create an e-signature for your cover letter.

Sending a physical cover letter? While less popular than online methods, some employers ask that you send them your application in the post. If you are sending your cover letter as an actual letter, you have two options again. Let’s take a look at them: 

  • Typed signature . Chances are, you will create your cover letter on a computer and print it off. If that is the case, there’s nothing wrong with typing your name as the cover letter signature. As before, you should include “Kind regards” or “Sincerely” first.
  • Handwritten signature . Since you are printing out your cover letter anyway, you can sign your cover letter by hand. Write “Kind regards” or “Sincerely” and leave a gap. When the document is printed, get a good black pen and sign the document.

It doesn’t matter which you choose. However, some employers may be impressed by the extra attention to detail if you hand sign your cover letter. The choice is yours. 

Key takeaways 

Making sure that you sign your cover letter is a must. In this guide, we’ve covered the main options depending on the format that you use. While signing a cover letter may seem like a small detail, it can make a world of difference. Use our cover letter builder tool to get started now.

What is a cover letter?

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Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter Example

A Tool and Die Maker fabricates, assembles, and repairs tools dies, and molds, ensuring they meet precise specifications. The role involves working with various materials, operating machining equipment, and conducting quality inspections. Hiring employers pick tool and die makers possessing strong technical skills, proficiency with machining tools, and equipment, and having a commitment to quality and precision.

Writing a professional Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter is a way a hiring manager gets his/her first impression of you. To stand out among others and present your relevant work history and skills, you have to come out with a powerful Cover Letter. Whether you are seeking an entry-level position or have several years of experience in the field, exposing the relevant achievements in the cover letter allows you to stand out and get that job interview. Unable to write one, use our free Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter sample and expert writing tips. Need something super quick? Utilize our simple Cover Letter builder to do the work for you.

Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Manufacturing

A Tool and Die Maker crafts precision tools, dies, and molds used in manufacturing processes. Roles and responsibilities associated with the role include interpreting technical drawings, setting up and operating machine tools, and inspecting finished products for accuracy and quality. They use various equipment, such as lathes, milling machines, and grinders to create and repair tools and dies. The tool and die makers also perform maintenance on tools, troubleshoot issues, and make adjustments to ensure optimal performance. Attention to detail, technical skills, and a strong understanding of machining processes are essential for this role.

What to Include in a Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Fabricating and assembling precision tools, dies, and molds.
  • Operating machining equipment such as lathes, milling machines, and grinders.
  • Reading and interpreting technical drawings, blueprints, and specifications.
  • Conducting quality inspections of finished products.
  • Repairing and maintaining tools, dies, and molds.
  • Measuring and testing completed tools and dies for accuracy.
  • Selecting appropriate materials for tool and die production .
  • Troubleshooting and resolving issues with tools and dies.

Education & Skills

Tool and die maker skills:.

  • Good manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
  • Knowledge of safety protocols and guidelines.
  • Proficiency in CAD software and other technical tools.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Commitment to quality and accuracy.
  • Proficiency with machining equipment and tools.
  • Strong technical and machining skills.
  • Attention to detail and precision.
  • Ability to read and interpret technical drawings and blueprints.

Tool And Die Maker Education Requirements:

  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • Apprenticeship or technical training in tool and die making.
  • Previous experience as a Tool and Die Maker or in a related role.
  • Certification in tool and die-making or machining is a plus.

Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.

Being a successful tool and die maker requires the ability to use appropriate tools, and demonstrate precision. As an experienced and self-motivated individual with experience in tools and die making, along with an unparalleled technical background and a commitment to precision, I am well-prepared to deliver my strengths to make a remarkable effect on (Company name) in the given role.

I have nine years of experience working in a similar capacity, and I am familiar with the various tools used in the profession. I have great hand-eye coordination and can learn any job quickly.

Some of my experiences and accomplishments are stated below for your reference –

  • Successfully improved the efficiency and accuracy of the tooling process, which resulted in a (%) increase in production output and a significant reduction in defects.
  • The ability to interpret technical drawings, and specifications to develop precise tools and die.
  • Proficiency in employing CNC machines, lathes, grinders, and other equipment.
  • Skillful in performing routine maintenance and repairs on tools and dies.
  • Well-versed in conducting quality inspections, with the ability to ensure all products meet stringent tolerances and specifications.
  • Expertise in troubleshooting and resolving issues that arise during the manufacturing process.

My attention to detail and commitment to quality have unswervingly resulted in the success of the manufacturing operations at my previous workplaces. Moreover, my proficiency in interpreting technical drawings and specifications has developed accurate components. I also assure to bring along my expertise in quality assurance and ensure all products meet strict tolerances and specifications at (Company Name).

I am excited about the prospect of bringing my expertise, and skills to your organization. Thank you for reviewing my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in detail.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

As seen in the above cover letter sample, every cover letter should be short and precise. The cover letter should barely contain three to four paragraphs and should include these –

  • Once you have addressed the employer, your next statement should include your reason for writing this letter, the exact position, and the source from where you got to know of this opening. It should also draw the attention of the reader to read the letter with interest.
  • The middle paragraph should be used to mention the job description and connect your skills and experience with the job listings. Highlight your key accomplishments but don’t mention everything as given in the resume
  • In your final paragraph, summarize your skills, and knowledge and repeat how those traits will suit this position. Before signing off, show your gratitude by thanking the employer for taking the time to view your application, and requesting them to set up a time for an interview.

This is what an effective and interesting cover letter should look like. We have a resume database that will enable you to construct a riveting Tool And Die Maker Resume Sample !


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6 Director of Payroll Resume Examples and Templates for Your Successful 2024’s Job Search

Our Resumes are featured in

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  • • Managed the payroll processing for over 200 multi-state clients, ensuring 98% accuracy and on-time delivery.
  • • Led a team of 5 payroll processors, providing training and support to improve team efficiency and effectiveness.
  • • Implemented new payroll software features, resulting in a 20% reduction in processing time and 15% increase in accuracy.
  • • Collaborated with the HR department to streamline employee benefits enrollment, improving overall employee satisfaction by 10%.
  • • Resolved payroll discrepancies and client inquiries promptly, significantly enhancing client retention by 12%.
  • • Conducted regular audits and compliance checks to ensure adherence to federal and state payroll regulations.
  • • Processed payroll for a diverse client base, managing multi-state and large batch payrolls efficiently.
  • • Developed and maintained client-specific payroll calendars, ensuring timely and accurate payroll processing.
  • • Trained new clients on payroll software utilization, enhancing their ability to manage payroll independently.
  • • Assisted the tax team with payroll tax processing, ensuring compliance with state and federal tax regulations.
  • • Maintained thorough client documentation and generated recap emails to provide clarity on payroll processes.
  • • Supported the payroll team in processing payroll for over 100 clients, ensuring timely and accurate payments.
  • • Assisted in the preparation and distribution of payroll reports, increasing report accuracy by 5%.
  • • Participated in team meetings, contributing to process improvement discussions and payroll strategies.
  • • Provided customer service support, resolving basic payroll inquiries and escalating complex issues to senior staff.

A Director of Payroll isn't just keeping track of numbers; they are the guardians of employee satisfaction and operational efficiency. Your team's morale hinges on accurate and timely compensation, making this role indispensable. With their eyes on both compliance and detail, Directors of Payroll secure the company's financial integrity.

Skills include exceptional analytical abilities and a deep knowledge of payroll systems that spotlight any discrepancies. Their activities range from managing payroll software to ensuring adherence to tax regulations, making them invaluable in any organization. Therefore, your Director of Payroll resume should highlight these skills prominently to stand out in the competitive job market.

Executive Director of Payroll and Benefits Resume Example

Executive Director of Payroll and Benefits Resume Example Resume Example

The Executive Director of Payroll and Benefits holds the key responsibility for overseeing a company's payroll system and administering employee benefits. On your resume, include tasks such as budgeting, regulatory compliance, and team leadership. Highlight hard skills like proficiency in payroll software (e.g., ADP, Paycom) and knowledge of tax laws. Also, emphasize your ability to communicate well, lead teams, and problem-solve efficiently. Remember, focus on quantifiable achievements—numbers speak louder than vague statements.

Director of Payroll and Tax Compliance Resume Example

Director of Payroll and Tax Compliance Resume Example Resume Example

A Director of Payroll and Tax Compliance takes care of making sure the company's payroll processes run smoothly and comply with tax laws. On a resume, you need to highlight previous roles where you managed payroll systems, ensured tax compliance, and spearheaded financial audits. You'll want to showcase hard skills like proficiency in payroll software such as ADP, QuickBooks, or SAP, and a solid grounding in tax regulations. Soft skills are equally important, so make sure to mention leadership, excellent communication, and the ability to handle sensitive information discreetly. Keep in mind that your resume should show not just what you did, but how it benefited the company by improving efficiencies or cutting costs.

Assistant Director of Payroll Operations Resume Example

Assistant Director of Payroll Operations Resume Example Resume Example

An Assistant Director of Payroll Operations handles the efficient processing of payroll for the entire company, ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time. When writing your resume for this role, include your experience with payroll management software, compliance with payroll regulations, and team leadership skills. Highlight your hard skills, such as proficiency in ADP, Excel, and familiarity with tax laws. Soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork are just as critical to mention. Never forget that your resume should clearly demonstrate your ability to manage complex payroll systems and processes while leading a team effectively.

Senior Director of Payroll Services Resume Example

Senior Director of Payroll Services Resume Example Resume Example

A Senior Director of Payroll Services oversees the entirety of payroll operations, ensuring accurate and timely compensation for all employees. Your resume should highlight a proven track record of managing complex payroll systems, leading payroll teams, and ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. When discussing hard skills, focus on your proficiency with payroll software like ADP and SAP, as well as your expertise in data analysis and troubleshooting. Strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving abilities are crucial soft skills that show your ability to work well with others and handle high-pressure situations. Remember, your resume should clearly demonstrate your impact on previous organizations and showcase quantifiable results.

Director of Global Payroll Management Resume Example

Director of Global Payroll Management Resume Example Resume Example

A Director of Global Payroll Management oversees all payroll operations for a company, ensuring compliance with international regulations and timely payment of employees. When updating your resume, highlight responsibilities such as managing payroll budgets, developing payroll strategies, and leading a team of payroll analysts. It's vital to emphasize technical skills and knowledge of software like ADP, SAP, and Excel. Soft skills should include strong leadership, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication. Remember, your resume should present a clear track record of managing extensive payroll operations across different countries.

Looking for more specific tips? Check all related jobs’ resume guides here:

  • Senior Director of Payroll Services resume
  • Assistant Director of Payroll Operations resume
  • Director of Global Payroll Management resume
  • Executive Director of Payroll and Benefits resume
  • Director of Payroll and Tax Compliance resume

The most important tips for Director of Payroll resumes:

Crafting an effective Director of Payroll resume demands focus on specific areas that recruiters find indispensable.

  • emphasis on leadership: Highlight instances where you've demonstrated leadership capabilities. Describe how you successfully managed payroll teams, implemented new systems, or restructured processes to increase efficiency. Showcasing leadership can set you apart from other candidates.
  • focus on achievements: Recruiters want to see your accomplishments. Use bullet points to detail specific achievements, like reducing payroll processing times or saving costs. Quantify these achievements with numbers, such as percentages or dollar amounts.
  • advanced technical skills: Make sure your resume includes your proficiency in payroll software and technologies. Mention any certifications in systems like ADP, SAP, or other relevant tools. Highlight your expertise in integrating new software seamlessly into existing processes.
  • strategic planning experience: Emphasize your ability to formulate and execute strategic payroll plans. Include examples of how you aligned payroll strategies with the company’s overall business goals. Show how your planning contributed to the organization's long-term success.
  • compliance knowledge: Detail your understanding of payroll-related laws and regulations. Explain your role in ensuring the organization’s payroll practices complied with federal, state, and local regulations. Provide examples of audits you've conducted or policy changes you've recommended.
  • clear and structured format: Organize your resume in a way that's easy to read. Use sections like professional summary, experience, skills, and education for clarity. Keep the length concise, ideally one to two pages, to maintain the recruiter’s engagement.

Must-Have Sections on a Director of Payroll Resume:

Creating a compelling resume for a Director of Payroll requires specific sections that highlight your skills, experience, and achievements.

  • Contact information: begin your resume with your full name, phone number, and email address at the top. This section makes it easy for potential employers to contact you for interviews or further questions. Including your LinkedIn profile is also a good idea, as it provides another channel for professional connections.
  • Professional summary: write a brief overview of your career achievements and skills. This section should highlight your strengths in payroll management, team leadership, and financial acumen. It helps employers quickly understand your qualifications and career goals.
  • Experience: list your previous job titles, companies, locations, and employment dates. Include bullet points for each position detailing your responsibilities and key achievements. Employers look for relevant experience that demonstrates your ability to manage payroll processes effectively.
  • Education: mention your academic qualifications, including degrees earned and institutions attended. This section shows employers your foundational knowledge and any specialized training in payroll or finance. Including relevant certifications can further validate your expertise.
  • Skills: create a list of key skills relevant to the role of Director of Payroll. Highlight technical skills like payroll software proficiency and soft skills like leadership and communication. This helps employers see how you fit the technical and interpersonal aspects of the job.

In addition to the primary sections, consider adding supplementary sections to enhance your resume.

  • Certifications: list any payroll-specific certifications, such as the Certified Payroll Professional (CPP). This demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and industry standards. Certifications can also attest to your expertise and can give you an edge over other candidates.
  • Professional affiliations: mention any memberships in payroll or financial organizations, like the American Payroll Association (APA). Affiliations show your active participation in industry communities and staying updated with best practices. They reflect your dedication to continuous learning and professional development.
  • Volunteer work: if you have relevant volunteer experience, include it here. Volunteering can demonstrate leadership, project management, and community involvement skills. This can be a significant bonus as it shows your well-rounded character and commitment beyond paid roles.

How to Write Your Director of Payroll Resume Experience Section

Creating a Director of Payroll resume that stands out involves highlighting your experience and showcasing your capability in managing payroll processes efficiently. In this role, you must demonstrate your expertise in handling various payroll-related aspects, ensuring accuracy and compliance with relevant regulations. Your resume should reflect your leadership skills, as well as your ability to streamline payroll operations. To help you craft an exceptional work experience section, here are some practical tips.

  • Showcase your leadership by detailing any teams you've managed. Mention the size of the team and any specific achievements. This helps HR see your capability in managing people.
  • Include metrics that demonstrate your impact, such as error reduction percentages or improved processing times. Quantifiable results are powerful. They provide concrete evidence of your skills.
  • Describe any payroll systems you have implemented or improved. Name the software and its impact on the workflow. This shows your technical know-how.
  • Mention your experience with compliance and regulatory requirements. Specify the regulations you had to follow. This highlights your attention to legal details.
  • Provide examples of cost savings or efficiency improvements. Detail any processes you streamlined. This demonstrates your proactive approach.
  • Highlight collaboration with other departments. Explain how you worked with HR or finance teams. Collaboration is key for a Director of Payroll.
  • Focus on problem-solving skills by including specific incidents. Explain the problem and your solution. This shows you can handle challenges.
  • Emphasize your ability to handle confidential information. Mention any policies you developed to maintain confidentiality. Trustworthiness is critical in payroll roles.
  • Discuss your role in audits or inspections. Detail your responsibilities and the outcomes. This assures HR of your thoroughness and accountability.
  • Include your experience with payroll forecasting and budgeting. Explain any budget planning you did. It shows your ability to manage financial aspects.

Next, we will show examples of quantifying your experience, common responsibilities that HR managers look for, and how to tailor your resume to the job description. If you’re aiming for an entry-level or internship position, this section will also guide you on strategies to mitigate a lack of experience.

Examples of How To Quantify Your Experience

  • Implemented a new payroll software system that reduced processing time by 40%, increasing overall efficiency and accuracy in payroll operations.
  • Managed payroll operations for a company of over 10,000 employees, ensuring on-time and accurate payments with a 99.9% success rate.
  • Led a team of 15 payroll specialists, delivering training programs that improved compliance with federal and state regulations, reducing errors by 35%.
  • Developed and executed a strategic payroll audit plan that identified and resolved 98% of discrepancies within the first year of implementation.
  • Streamlined payroll procedures, resulting in a 20% reduction in processing costs and saving the company $150,000 annually.
  • Increased employee satisfaction by 25% through the introduction of a user-friendly self-service portal for accessing payroll information and updating details.
  • Coordinated with the finance department to ensure accurate financial reporting and reconciliations, leading to a 30% improvement in month-end closing times.
  • Successfully managed the transition to bi-weekly payroll processing, decreasing administrative workload and reducing overtime costs by 15%.
  • Implemented a robust payroll compliance framework that resulted in zero compliance-related fines or penalties over a three-year period.
  • Reduced payroll processing errors by 50% through the introduction of automated validation checks and real-time error detection mechanisms.
  • Conducted comprehensive payroll audits that uncovered $200,000 in recoverable overpayments, significantly boosting company savings.
  • Enhanced reporting capabilities by developing customized payroll reports, providing key insights for management and improving decision-making processes.
  • Negotiated and onboarded a new payroll outsourcing partner, achieving a 15% reduction in third-party service costs while maintaining service quality.
  • Led the digital transformation of the payroll department, integrating cloud-based technologies and reducing paper use by 80%, promoting sustainability.
  • Established a continuous improvement program that led to the identification and implementation of 12 key payroll process enhancements, boosting overall departmental productivity by 25%.

Job Description Bullet Points on Director of Payroll Resumes:

  • Oversee the processing of payroll for all company employees, ensuring accuracy and compliance with relevant regulations and internal policies.
  • Develop and implement payroll systems and procedures to improve efficiency and streamline operations within the payroll department.
  • Ensure timely and accurate delivery of payroll, including the regular pay cycle, bonus payouts, and other compensation-related payments.
  • Manage payroll team members, providing guidance, training, and support to ensure their ongoing development and performance.
  • Coordinate with the HR department to ensure payroll data is accurate and up-to-date, including employee benefits, deductions, and leave balances.
  • Maintain and update payroll processing systems to ensure system integrity and compliance with federal, state, and local payroll regulations.
  • Prepare and distribute payroll reports as needed, providing insights and analysis to senior management and other stakeholders.
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable labor laws, tax regulations, and company policies in the processing of payroll.
  • Manage relationships with external vendors and service providers, including payroll software providers and tax authorities.
  • Coordinate and oversee internal and external audits related to payroll processing and compliance.
  • Develop and maintain documentation for payroll processes, policies, and procedures to ensure consistency and transparency.
  • Evaluate and recommend improvements to payroll processing workflows, systems, and technologies to enhance accuracy and efficiency.
  • Lead initiatives to automate payroll processes and implement new payroll technologies and tools.
  • Resolve payroll discrepancies and employee concerns promptly while maintaining a high level of customer service.
  • Monitor and analyze payroll metrics, key performance indicators, and other data to identify trends and areas for improvement.

How to Tailor Your Director of Payroll Resume To the Job Description:

  • Read the job description thoroughly first. Highlight the skills and experiences they want, and focus on matching them precisely. Make sure to include keywords they use.
  • Describe your role in implementing payroll software in a way that aligns with their technology needs. If they mention specific software, note it in your description. Focus on how you managed the system for efficiency and accuracy.
  • Show how you improved payroll processes to meet the company’s specific requirements. Mention any cost-saving measures you introduced. Include data or metrics if possible to demonstrate success.
  • Explain how you managed a team effectively, especially if the job description emphasizes leadership skills. Highlight any training or development programs you initiated. Mention the size of your team if it’s relevant.
  • Tailor your compliance and regulatory experience to their industry standards. Detail your expertise in handling audits and adhering to legal requirements. Specific examples of how you ensured compliance can be very impactful.
  • Show how you communicated with executives or other departments. If the job mentions cross-functional collaboration, highlight your experience in that area. Use specific examples to illustrate your effectiveness in communication.

How to Write Your Resume Summary/Objective Section

The summary section in your resume provides a concise overview of your career, skills, and achievements. For a Director of Payroll, this summary should highlight your leadership capabilities, industry expertise, and relevant accomplishments. It's an opportunity to communicate your value effectively and capture the employer's attention quickly. Crafting an impactful summary can set you apart from other candidates competing for the same role.

What's the difference between a resume summary and a resume objective? A summary reflects your professional experience and capabilities, showcasing why you're the best fit. An objective focuses on your career goals and what you aim to achieve in the role you're applying for. A Director of Payroll should opt for a resume summary, emphasizing their extensive experience and proven track record in payroll management and team leadership.

  • Highlight your extensive experience in payroll management, mentioning specific roles and responsibilities you've handled. This provides the employer with confidence in your ability to manage large payroll systems.
  • Underline your leadership and managerial skills, detailing the size of the teams you've led and any improvements you've made. This showcases your ability to oversee a payroll department effectively and implement successful strategies.
  • Mention any specialized software or systems you've worked with, particularly those that are relevant to payroll. This can highlight your technological adeptness and efficiency in handling payroll processes.
  • Include any professional certifications or advanced degrees relevant to payroll management. Certifications can add credibility to your profile and indicate a high level of expertise in your field.
  • Provide measurable achievements that reflect your impact in previous positions. Metrics such as cost savings, error reductions, or process efficiencies can demonstrate your value in quantifiable terms.
  • Communicate your ability to stay compliant with all state and federal payroll regulations. This assures potential employers of your knowledge and adherence to legal standards, reducing their risk of compliance issues.

Next, we'll show you actual examples of resume summaries tailored for a Director of Payroll to give you a clearer picture of how to craft your own.

Resume’s personal statement examples:

  • Seasoned Director of Payroll with over 15 years of experience in managing payroll operations for large organizations. Demonstrated expertise in compliance, process optimization, and employee relations.
  • Proactive and detail-oriented Payroll Director skilled in overseeing multi-state payrolls, enhancing system efficiencies, and ensuring accuracy. Proven ability to lead high-performing teams and foster cross-departmental collaboration.
  • Driven Director of Payroll with a strong background in financial management and reporting. Adept at streamlining payroll systems, minimizing errors, and ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Results-oriented Payroll Specialist with a focus on data integrity and process improvements. Hands-on experience in implementing payroll software solutions and achieving seamless payroll runs.
  • Seasoned professional excelling in payroll governance, auditing, and compliance. Track record of reducing payroll discrepancies, enhancing employee satisfaction, and ensuring timely payroll delivery.
  • Innovative Payroll Leader with a strategic mindset for developing and enforcing payroll policies. Committed to fostering a compliant, efficient, and employee-centric payroll environment.

Top Resume Skills for Director of Payroll

The top skills for a Director of Payroll include precision, as they must manage intricate financial details without errors. Experience in payroll software is non-negotiable for this role due to the technical nature of their task. Competencies such as leadership are also imperative, given that they will often oversee teams. Effective communication is necessary, as they interact with various departments and explain complex payroll issues.

  • Highlight your experience with payroll software systems for the skills section as it illustrates your technical proficiency. Feel free to mention specific software names to catch the eye of the hiring manager. This is crucial if the job listing references certain systems.
  • Include your expertise in tax regulations and benefits administration because these areas are highly relevant. Detailing your experience here demonstrates your preparedness to handle payroll compliance. This is a desirable skill for ensuring the company aligns with legal requirements.
  • Don't overlook soft skills such as leadership and team management. Mention any experience where you've successfully led a team or managed a project. Highlighting these skills shows you can handle the responsibilities of the upper management role.
  • Insert attention to detail in your skills section since precision is key to avoiding payroll errors. Explain situations where your attention to detail made a significant impact. This helps you stand out as a careful and reliable candidate.
  • Showcase your communication skills by describing your ability to explain complex payroll issues in simple terms. Whether dealing with employees' questions or executive briefs, effective communication makes processes smoother. This can help emphasize your expertise in managerial roles.
  • Problem-solving skills should be a part of your resume’s skills section. Discuss instances where you’ve successfully resolved payroll discrepancies or other related issues. This helps convey your capacity to handle challenges effectively.

Let's continue with a comprehensive list of skills relevant for a Director of Payroll:

Top Hard Skills for Director of Payroll Resumes

  • Payroll Processing
  • Tax Compliance
  • Financial Reporting
  • Audit Management
  • General Ledger
  • Benefits Administration
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Data Analysis
  • Employee Compensation
  • Payroll Systems
  • Timekeeping

Top Soft Skills for Director of Payroll Resumes

  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Problem-Solving
  • Time Management
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Adaptability
  • Team Collaboration
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Customer Service
  • Strategic Planning
  • Stress Management
  • Training & Development

Include a Director of Payroll Cover Letter for a Stand-Out Application

Include a Director of Payroll Cover Letter for a Stand-Out Application Resume Example

Cover Letter Writing Tips for Director of Payroll Applicants

When applying for a Director of Payroll position, your cover letter can make or break your chances. This document introduces you and signals your suitability for the role. It serves as a bridge between your resume and your potential employer. Crafting a compelling cover letter is key to making a memorable first impression.

  • Showcase relevant experience by mentioning specific job titles and responsibilities you've held in payroll management roles. Discuss accomplishments such as process improvements or cost savings achieved under your leadership. Highlight any certifications or training related to payroll.
  • Emphasize your leadership skills by providing examples of how you've successfully led teams. Mention any mentorship or development programs you've implemented. Describe your approach to managing and supporting your team to achieve their best.
  • Discuss your technical proficiencies, especially with payroll software, accounting systems, and related tools. Mention specific software you've used and any integration projects you've led. Highlight your ability to quickly adapt to new technologies.
  • Describe how you ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Share examples of audits or compliance checks you've successfully managed. Highlight your understanding of relevant legal requirements and any training you’ve conducted.
  • Mention your experience in stakeholder management and communication. Discuss how you handle communication with different departments and external partners. Provide examples of collaborative efforts to streamline payroll processes.
  • Include details about your problem-solving skills, especially in high-pressure situations. Describe specific challenges you've faced and how you overcame them. Highlight your ability to stay composed and find effective solutions.
  • Outline your strategic planning capabilities by discussing long-term projects you've spearheaded. Mention goals you set and achievements that resulted from your strategies. Highlight your ability to align payroll operations with organizational objectives.
  • Address your attention to detail by providing examples of how you've ensured accuracy in payroll processing. Mention any initiatives to improve data integrity and consistency. Highlight your commitment to quality and accuracy in all aspects.
  • Discuss any training or knowledge you have regarding payroll-related legislation and taxation. Provide examples of how you’ve kept abreast of legal changes and adjusted practices accordingly. Mention any workshops or courses you’ve taken to deepen your expertise.
  • Convey your passion and genuine interest in the role by mentioning why you are drawn to the company. Discuss the alignment of your values with the company’s mission. Express enthusiasm for the potential contributions you can make to their team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should my director of payroll resume be one page or longer.

Given the extensive experience and qualifications typically associated with a Director of Payroll role, your resume should ideally be longer than one page. This provides adequate space to detail your career achievements, complex responsibilities, and the significant impact you've made in previous positions. An extended resume allows for a thorough presentation of your expertise in managing large-scale payroll systems, optimizing processes, and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What is the best format for a Director of Payroll resume?

The reverse-chronological format is generally the best choice for a Director of Payroll resume. This format allows you to showcase your most recent and relevant experiences at the forefront. Given the importance of your recent roles in demonstrating your capability to lead a payroll department, it helps recruiters quickly see your career progression and the breadth of your expertise.

What should I highlight on my Director of Payroll resume to stand out?

On your Director of Payroll resume, highlight key areas such as your leadership skills, expertise in payroll software, and your track record in improving payroll processes. Make sure to emphasize any achievements that have had a significant impact on the company's efficiency or bottom line, such as implementing new systems, reducing errors, or ensuring compliance with complex regulatory requirements. Also, showcase your ability to manage teams and work collaboratively with other departments.

What are some action verbs I should use on my Director of Payroll resume?

To powerfully convey your experience and achievements, incorporate action verbs such as 'spearheaded,' 'implemented,' 'managed,' and 'optimized.' These words directly showcase your leadership and initiative, providing a clear picture of your active role in leading and improving payroll operations. Using dynamic verbs helps not only articulate your responsibilities but also highlight your proactive contributions to your previous employers.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Counselor resume example

Your everyday lives wouldn't be the same without the empathetic presence of counselors. They listen to people's stories, providing guidance and helping them navigate their emotions. Counselors serve as the cornerstone of emotional well-being, fostering healthier communities one conversation at a time. To excel as a counselor, you’ll need excellent communication skills and an intuitive understanding of human behavior. Your abilities in conflict resolution and active listening will make you stand out when applying for positions. When crafting your Counselor resume, ensure it highlights these critical skills and your hands-on experience in the field.

Cosmetology Instructor resume example

Cosmetology Instructor

When creating a resume for a cosmetology instructor position in 2024, it's important to pay attention to length, design, and format. To make your resume stand out and showcase your skills and qualifications, consider the following: Length: Keep your resume concise and to the point. Ideally, it should be one to two pages long. Design: Opt for a clean and professional design that highlights your relevant information. Avoid using fancy fonts or excessive colors. Format: Use a reverse-chronological format, listing your most recent experience first. This helps employers quickly see your relevant work history. When it comes to formatting a cosmetology instructor resume, there are several popular sections to include: Contact Information: Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Objective Statement (Optional): If you choose to include an objective statement, make sure it is tailored to the specific role you're applying for. Education: List your educational background, including your cosmetology license and any relevant certifications or degrees. Work Experience: Highlight your experience as a cosmetology instructor, including previous teaching roles and any relevant industry experience. Skills: Showcase your specific skills in areas such as classroom management, curriculum development, and technical expertise. Professional Development (Optional): If you've attended workshops, conferences, or continuing education programs, include this section to demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning. The Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework is an effective way to showcase your experience and accomplishments in a cosmetology instructor resume. Here are a few examples of bullet points using the CAR framework: Context: Developed and implemented a comprehensive cosmetology curriculum for a class of 20 students. Action: Created engaging lesson plans, hands-on activities, and assessments to enhance student learning and achievement. Result: Improved student pass rates by 15% and received positive feedback from both students and their employers. Context: Facilitated in-salon training sessions to enhance students' technical skills and prepare them for real-world salon experiences. Action: Demonstrated and guided students on advanced hairstyling techniques, highlighting proper techniques and safety procedures. Result: Graduates demonstrated a significant improvement in their salon performance and were hired by top salons in the area. As you create your cosmetology instructor resume, remember these key takeaways: Keep your resume concise, clean, and professional. Include popular sections such as contact information, education, work experience, and skills. Use the CAR framework to highlight your experience and accomplishments. Ensure your resume is tailored to the specific role you're applying for. Proofread your resume for any errors or inconsistencies before submitting it. By following these guidelines and showcasing your relevant experience and skills, you'll increase your chances of landing that cosmetology instructor position in 2024.

Casino Manager resume example

Casino Manager

When creating your resume for a casino manager position in 2024, there are a few key formatting considerations to keep in mind. Length: Aim for a concise and focused one-page resume. Casino managers are busy individuals, so it's important to grab their attention quickly with relevant information. Design: Stick to a clean and professional design that is easy to read and navigate. Avoid using excessive graphics or colors that may distract from the content. Format: Use a traditional reverse-chronological format, starting with your most recent experience and working backwards. This allows employers to see your career progression at a glance. When crafting your casino manager resume, be sure to include the following essential sections: Contact Information: Include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL at the top of the resume for easy contact. Professional Summary: Write a brief overview of your skills and experience as a casino manager, highlighting your key qualifications. Work Experience: Use the Context-Action-Result framework to effectively showcase your past responsibilities and achievements. For example: Context: Managed a team of 30 employees in a high-volume casino. Action: Developed and implemented training programs to improve customer service and increase revenue. Result: Resulted in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings and a 15% boost in casino profits. Education: Include any relevant degrees, certifications, or training that demonstrate your qualifications for the position. Skills: Highlight your relevant technical and soft skills, such as knowledge of casino operations, leadership abilities, and customer service expertise. As you create your casino manager resume, keep these key takeaways in mind: Keep it concise: Stick to a one-page resume that quickly highlights your qualifications. Showcase your achievements: Utilize the Context-Action-Result framework to effectively communicate your past successes as a casino manager. Highlight relevant skills: Tailor your skills section to include those most important for the casino manager role. Keep up with industry trends: Stay informed about the latest advancements and technologies in the casino industry to demonstrate your commitment to staying current. Proofread and edit: Ensure your resume is free of errors and typos by thoroughly reviewing it before submitting. By following these guidelines, you can create an attention-grabbing resume that highlights your qualifications as a casino manager and increases your chances of landing an interview.


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  1. 60+ Cover Letter Examples in 2024 [For All Professions]

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  2. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  3. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

    A cover letter should include the following parts: Header. Salutation. Introduction. Body paragraph. Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. The following cover letter samples and examples will show you how to write a cover letter for many employment circumstances. Browse cover letters by job title for inspiration.

  4. The 11 Best Cover Letter Examples of 2024

    1. The professional cover letter. In this great cover letter example, the applicant landed an IT project management job by proving they had the required project management skills and experience while providing highlights from their career: Include hard numbers in your cover letter to impress the employer.

  5. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Employer name. Company Name. Street address. City, State. Salutation. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], Opening Paragraph (Introduction) Your cover letter opening should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, where your expertise lies, where you found the job posting, and why you want to apply for the job.

  6. 300+ Free Cover Letters Examples by Job [Full Guides] ·

    300+ Best Cover Letter Examples 2024 Free job-winning Cover Letter Samples + Expert Guides Write Professional Cover Letters in only 5 Minutes! ... With over 10 million resumes and cover letters created, is the leading online career builder that land you interviews. Select Template. 4.5 out of 5. based on 51,398 reviews on Trustpilot.

  7. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter #1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template #2. Put Contact Information in the Header #3. Address the Hiring Manager #4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction #5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details #6. Wrap It Up and Sign It Cover Letter Writing Checklist 15 Cover Letter Tips 15+ Cover Letter Examples 5 ...

  8. Cover Letter Templates

    The "Windsor" cover letter template uses a unique header to design to grab the attention of employers. Chicago. Featuring bold, dark lines the "Chicago" cover letter template projects confidence. Taj Mahal. Featuring a bold gray header block for your name and contact information, the "Taj Mahal" template projects confidence. Elegant.

  9. Cover Letter Template (With Tips and Examples)

    Cover letter example. Examples statements in the first paragraph of your cover letter that will showcase the value you bring to a company, and express your excitement. Here is an example cover letter following the above template. Please keep in mind that your cover letter will vary depending on the employers and jobs you're applying for.

  10. 500+ Best Cover Letter Examples to Pair w/ Your Resume

    Not only are our cover letter examples free, but our cover letter generator is free for you to use, too. Pair your resume with the job description, and we'll generate a cover letter for you tailored to the role. Complete the package with a free cover letter template that matches your BeamJobs resume. Create My Resume Now.

  11. Cover Letter Examples

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  12. Free Cover Letter Examples & Samples for 2024

    Cover Letter Examples. & Samples for 2024. Use our cover letter examples for your resume and write yours in a matter of minutes. Learn how to highlight your strengths and boost your chances of landing your dream job. Create your cover letter. Example of a cover letter created in our builder:

  13. How to Write a Cover Letter: Examples + Guide for 2024

    Avoid addressing the recipient with "Dear Sir or Madam," which is outdated and impersonal. It's always best to address them by their title and name. For example: Good cover letter greeting examples: "Dear hiring manager,". "Dear [XYZ Company] team,". "Dear Customer Acquisition Hiring Manager,". Weak cover letter greeting examples:

  14. Cover Letter Examples for Your Job Application [2024]

    All our cover letter examples follow this format, so let's see what it should look like. #1. Your Contact Details. Your contact details should go in the header of your cover letter. You should add your name and job title, along with your phone number and professional email address. Optionally, you can include your location, a link to your ...

  15. 10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

    By analyzing good resume cover letter examples, and understanding their purpose, it will become simpler for you to write one yourself. Make sure to stick to the structure and include only the best things about your career. Also, remember that your cover letter should only include valuable information that does not repeat itself in your resume.

  16. How To Write the Perfect Cover Letter (With Template and Example)

    Include the name of the person to whom you are writing as well as the company name and address just above the salutation. In the salutation, greet the hiring manager by name. If you don't know the name of the person, consider greeting the hiring department or the department with which you would be working if hired. 3.

  17. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  18. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    If you're ready to jump in, follow these seven simple steps to make a cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on employers: 2. List your contact details. Underneath your name in your cover letter header, list the following contact information: Email address. Phone number. Mailing address (optional)

  19. How to sign a cover letter: a guide to professional ...

    Let's break down how you should sign your cover letter based on the format you are using. Email cover letter Email cover letters are quickly becoming the norm. Since you're likely to apply for a job by sending your CV to the hiring manager, you may choose to write your cover letter in the body of your email. There's nothing wrong with ...

  20. Sample resumes and cover letters

    Use our sample resumes and cover letters to give your job application a better chance! How to write a resume. Follow our easy guide to making your resume the best that it can be. Sample resumes. Our sample resumes will guide you through the resume-writing process.

  21. Master K-12 Job Search: Resume, Cover Letter & Interview Tips

    A well-written cover letter can help you do just that. A cover letter serves as your introduction to the hiring manager, and it's your opportunity to make a good first impression. A strong new teacher cover letter can generate greater interest in your application, as it reveals more about your personality and character than your resume alone can.

  22. Tool And Die Maker Cover Letter Example

    Dear Mr./Ms. Being a successful tool and die maker requires the ability to use appropriate tools, and demonstrate precision. As an experienced and self-motivated individual with experience in tools and die making, along with an unparalleled technical background and a commitment to precision, I am well-prepared to deliver my strengths to make a remarkable effect on (Company name) in the given role.

  23. Free Cover Letter Templates

    3. Make it an extension of your resume. Your cover letter should elaborate on your resume rather than repeating it. Choose two or three of your top qualifications and most impressive accomplishments to highlight. Expand upon them in more detail and explain why your experiences would bring value to the company.

  24. 6 Successful Director of Payroll Resume Examples And Writing Tips for 2024

    Cover Letter Writing Tips for Director of Payroll Applicants. When applying for a Director of Payroll position, your cover letter can make or break your chances. This document introduces you and signals your suitability for the role. It serves as a bridge between your resume and your potential employer.

  25. 5 Short Cover Letter Examples (And How to Write Your Own)

    Short cover letter example #5 (text version) This example demonstrates that you don't need work experience to write an effective short cover letter. In fact, short cover letters are perfect if you're writing an entry-level cover letter. The shorter format lets you get right to the point and allows you to focus on your top 1-2 achievements ...

  26. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Outline and Examples)

    Read more: How To Name Resume and Cover Letter Files Cover letter example Here is an example of a cover letter to help you create your own: Anne Galindo 123-456-7890 [email protected] January 23, 2021 Dear Hiring Manager, I'm excited to be applying for the web developer position at [Company Name]. I've been programming websites and using ...

  27. 6 Great Grill Cook Resume Examples

    And you don't even have to spend too much time writing a cover letter when you use our Cover Letter Builder! The process is completely automated, and all you have to do is copy and paste the personalized content suggestions written by our professional resume writers. Wrap everything up in a visually attractive design that conveys ...