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Illinois Bar Exam | The Ultimate Guide (2024)

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The Illinois Bar Exam adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE® ) on June 8, 2018, and began administering it in July 2019. The UBE is broken into three sections—the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE®), the Multistate Performance Test (MPT®), and the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE®). The UBE has been adopted by 41 jurisdictions to date, enabling successful examinees to transfer scores more easily between jurisdictions. This article provides everything you need regarding IL Bar Exam results, dates, deadlines, fees, applications, and more.

Illinois Bar Exam Structure

The Illinois Bar Exam follows the same structure as all UBE administering jurisdictions .

  • Day 1 : Multistate Performance Test (MPT), Multistate Essay Exam (MEE)
  • Day 2 : Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)

The MEE is weighted at 30% of the UBE. Examinees will have 3 hours to answer six 30-minute essay questions on the afternoon of the first exam day.

The MPT is weighted at 20% of the UBE and administered on the exam's first day. Examinees have to complete two items in 90 minutes each using a file of legal materials.

The MBE is weighted at 50% of the UBE and consists of 200 multiple-choice questions administered in 2 three-hour sessions on the second exam day.

Illinois Bar Exam Dates, Requirements, and Scheduling

Preparing your application for the Illinois Bar Exam and submitting it before the first deadline will save you hundreds of dollars. See below for important deadlines, dates, and fees.

The first filing deadlines for applications for the Illinois State Bar Exam are September 15, 2023, and February 15, 2024, for the 2024 February and July exams, respectively. You may submit your application after the first deadline; however, you will incur additional fees for timely or late filing.

HAVE NOT previously registered for an IL Bar Exam
Filing Periods February 27-28, 2024 July 30-31, 2024 Fee
First Filing Deadline September 15, 2023 February 15, 2024 $950
Timely Filing September 16 -
November 1, 2023
February 16 -
April 1, 2024
Late Filing November 2, 2023 -
November 30, 2023
April 2 - April 30, 2024 $1,450
HAVE previously registered for an IL Bar Exam
Filing Periods February 27-28, 2024 July 30-31, 2024 Fee
First Filing Deadline November 1, 2023 April 30, 2024 $500
Timely Filing November 2, 2023 -
November 30, 2023
X $850

Applicants seeking to sit for the Illinois Bar Exam must have completed a minimum of 90 semester hours at a college or university approved by the Board of Admissions to the Bar or from a program commensurate with such standards. In addition, applicants must obtain a JD from an American Bar Association (ABA) approved law school.

Additionally, one must prove that they are of good moral character and fitness by filing a character and fitness application with the Board of Admissions.

To schedule your IL State Bar Exam, you must complete a two-part application consisting of (1) an online application and (2) paper documents that must be sent to the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar. These documents must include the following:

  • Your driving record for the previous 10 years for any jurisdiction you held a driver's license
  • Per your Character and Fitness questionnaire, any police reports/citations and court records/documents.
  • Testing accommodation forms (if necessary)

You can begin the application process at the Illinois Board of Admissions website .

Illinois Bar Exam Costs and Fees

Illinois Bar Exam application fees are broken down into three graduated tiers depending on filing periods. The later you file, the more you pay. All fees are tabulated below:

  • Timely Bar Exam Application Fee
  • First Time: $950
  • Re-application: $500
  • Admission to Motion: $1,250
  • UBE Score Transfer: $1,250
  • First Late: +$200
  • Second Late: +$500
  • Late (have previously registered): +$350
  • UBE Unofficial Score Transcript: $25
  • Laptop Registration Fee: $120

Payments must be made with a credit or debit card (Mastercard, Visa, or Discover) following completion of your application, or with a cashier’s check, certified check, or money order in US dollars. All filing fees are nonrefundable and cannot be transferred. If your payment is not received by the filing deadline, your application will be considered invalid.

Cost-Saving Options

With filing fees and exam preparation costs, gaining admission into any bar can be expensive. Thankfully, options such as scholarships and grants are available to mitigate your fees or avoid paying for them yourself.

For example, the Chicago Bar Foundation awards scholarships and fellowship programs to make it easier for committed attorneys to pursue their chosen line of work by easing the burden of the financial challenges they face with surging law school debt.

Other Illinois Bar Exam cost-savings resources include:

  • Southern Illinois School of Law (SIU) scholarships and awards offer bar exam support funds exclusively for current SIU School of Law students.
  • DePaul University maintains this handy list of external scholarships for students attending law school in and outside the Illinois jurisdiction.

As an Illinois Bar Exam applicant, we encourage you to explore these and other resources and apply to as many available scholarships for which you are eligible to help you with bar exam and/or bar prep costs.

Brad T, a UWorld student, recommends UWorld's MBE QBank for its unmatched explanations. Click here to start your free trial.

Illinois Bar Exam Subjects and Topics

The Illinois Bar Exam requires candidates to answer questions on the sections and subjects listed below.

Multistate Essay Exam (MEE)

The MEE consists of six 30-minute essay questions designed to assess your ability to:

  • analyze the facts of a hypothetical case,
  • distinguish between relevant and irrelevant materials to the case,
  • articulate in writing a rational analysis of the relevant legal issues presented in a well-reasoned essay, and
  • show an understanding of the legal principles pertinent to the resolution of the case based on the facts presented

Ultimately, these essays test your ability to think like a lawyer, using logical reasoning to arrive at evidence-based conclusions from the details and facts in a case.

Among the topics tested on the MEE are:

  • Business Associations
  • Civil Procedure
  • Conflicts of Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law & Procedure
  • Real Property
  • Secured Transactions
  • Trusts & Estates

MEE subjects are different on every exam version. For example, subjects may be paired or omitted altogether. Historically, some subjects (e.g., civil procedure) have appeared frequently, while others (e.g., criminal law) are rarely tested. Additional information on the list of subjects and subtopics can be found on our MEE Subject Matter Outline page.

Multistate Performance Test (MPT)

Illinois offers two 90-minute performance test questions that present a legal scenario and challenge you to identify the correct course of action an attorney should take in response to that scenario. The questions will provide detailed instructions on completing the case, documents containing relevant and irrelevant facts, and the relevant and irrelevant legal authorities required to complete the case.

Both MPT questions assess your legal analytics competencies and ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant facts, evaluate their reliability, and determine if the given facts are enough to reach a logical conclusion.

Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)

The MBE is a six-hour, 200-question multiple-choice examination administered in two sessions, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Each three-hour session consists of 100 questions. The MBE evaluates a bar applicant's ability to apply fundamental legal principles and legal reasoning to analyze given fact patterns. The following is a list of subjects tested on the MBE:

  • Criminal Law and Procedure

You may find a complete list of subjects and subtopics here: MBE Subject Matter Outline.

UWorld MBE Sample Questions

Quality speaks for itself. Try some of our free MBE sample questions below.

Select a Question sample.

  • Competitors

A husband and wife were married in State A and lived there for 10 years before separating. One month later, the wife permanently moved to State B and immediately filed for divorce in a federal court in State B. The wife claims that she is entitled to $300,000 in alimony. The husband appeared in the action and has filed a motion to dismiss for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction.

Should the court grant the motion?

  • No, because the court has diversity jurisdiction over the case.
  • No, because the husband waived a subject-matter jurisdiction challenge by appearing in the case.
  • Yes, because state courts have exclusive jurisdiction over this type of action.
  • Yes, because the wife did not establish a domicile in State B.


Federal courts cannot exercise diversity jurisdiction over cases involving:

A federal court must possess subject-matter jurisdiction to hear the merits of a case before it. Subject-matter jurisdiction can be established through either:

  • federal-question jurisdiction – when a claim arises under the U.S. Constitution, a treaty, or federal law (not seen here) or
  • diversity jurisdiction – when the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 and the opposing parties are citizens of different states.

Here, diversity jurisdiction is established since the wife claims that she is entitled to $300,000 and the parties are citizens of different states (States A and B). However, federal courts cannot exercise diversity jurisdiction over cases involving probate matters or domestic relations . Instead, state courts have exclusive jurisdiction over these types of actions (Choice A) .* Therefore, the husband's motion to dismiss should be granted.

(Choice B) A challenge to subject-matter jurisdiction is never waived . However, a challenge to personal jurisdiction is waived if the defendant has voluntarily appeared in the case, unless it was a special appearance for the express purpose of objecting to personal jurisdiction.

(Choice D) An individual is a citizen of the state where he/she is domiciled—ie, physically present with the intent to remain indefinitely. Since the wife permanently moved to State B, she has established her domicile there.

Educational objective: Federal courts cannot exercise diversity jurisdiction over cases involving probate matters or domestic relations. Instead, state courts have exclusive jurisdiction over these types of cases.

Bluebook Citations :

  • Ankenbrandt v. Richards, 504 U.S. 689, 703–04 (1992) (explaining the domestic-relations exception to diversity jurisdiction).

A congressional committee investigated the pharmaceutical industry and found that the high cost of prescription drugs purchased and sold in the United States negatively impacted the nation's economy and the health of its citizens. In response, Congress passed a statute that regulates "the retail prices of every purchase or sale of prescription drugs in the United States."

A group of pharmaceutical companies challenged the constitutionality of this statute in federal court.

What is the strongest argument in support of the constitutionality of this statute?

  • Congress may enact statutes for the general welfare.
  • Congress may regulate the prices of all domestic purchases and sales of goods.
  • The Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate the interstate transportation of prescription drugs.
  • The purchases and sales of prescription drugs in the United States substantially impact interstate commerce in the aggregate.

Commerce clause challenge

The commerce clause gives Congress broad power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce . This includes:

  • the channels of interstate and foreign commerce (eg, roadways)
  • the instrumentalities of interstate and foreign commerce (eg, vehicles)
  • persons and things moving in interstate or foreign commerce (eg, goods and services) and
  • in-state activities that, singly or in the aggregate, substantially impact interstate or foreign commerce.

Since Congress's commerce power is broad, federal statutes are constitutional if there is any rational basis for concluding that the regulated activity substantially affects interstate or foreign commerce. This can be shown through express congressional findings.

Here, the federal statute regulates the retail prices of prescription drugs in the United States. Congress has the authority to regulate such products' interstate transportation, but this statute also regulates in-state purchases and sales (Choice C) . Since the congressional committee found that the high cost of prescription drugs negatively impacted the nation's economy, it is rational to conclude that their aggregated in-state purchases and sales substantially impact interstate commerce. Therefore, this is the strongest argument to support this statute.

(Choice A) The taxing and spending clause empowers Congress to tax and spend for the general welfare. But regulating prices is not equivalent to taxing or spending.

(Choice B) Congress cannot regulate the prices of every domestic purchase and sale of goods since it cannot regulate purely in-state sales that do not substantially affect interstate commerce.

Educational objective: The commerce clause empowers Congress to regulate (1) channels and instrumentalities of, (2) persons and things moving in, and (3) in-state activities that—singly or in the aggregate—substantially affect interstate or foreign commerce.

  • Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 17 (2005) (explaining Congress's broad authority under the commerce clause).

The owner of a new office building contracted with a well-known landscaper to design and install landscaping around the building for $30,000. The agreement was memorialized in writing, was signed by both parties, and called for a budget of $5,000 for trees, shrubs, sod, and materials. The contract required the landscaper to complete the work within six months. Due to an unexpected increase in the price of trees and shrubs, the landscaper abandoned the project and never completed any of the work.

Three years after the landscaper's deadline, the building owner sued the landscaper for breach of contract. In the jurisdiction, the statute of limitations for breach of a services contract is two years after the breach, and the statute of limitations for breach of a sale-of-goods contract is four years.

Can the owner recover damages from the landscaper?

  • No, because the contract is divisible with respect to the services and goods, and the landscaper's breach is therefore subject to the two-year statute of limitations.
  • No, because the contract primarily calls for services, and the landscaper's breach is therefore subject to the two-year statute of limitations.
  • Yes, because the landscaper's breach was a result of an increase in the price of goods, and his breach is therefore subject to the four-year statute of limitations.
  • Yes, because the landscaper's breach was willful, and he is therefore estopped from denying that his breach is subject to the four-year statute of limitations.

Factors for determining contract's predominant purpose

Contracts for the sale of goods are governed by Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) , while contracts for services are governed by common law . However, some contracts involve the sale of goods and the rendering of services. To determine which law applies to a "mixed" or "hybrid" contract, courts ask whether its predominant purpose was the sale of goods or the rendering of services. The following factors are relevant to this determination:

  • The contract's language
  • The nature of the supplier's business (ie, whether it typically provides goods or services)
  • The relative value of the goods and services
  • The nature of the final product (ie, whether it can be described as a good or service)

Here, the building owner contracted to buy goods (eg, trees, shrubs, sod) and services (ie, designing and installing the landscaping). The owner likely hired the well-known landscaper due to his skill in performing landscaping services, and the $5,000 budget for goods was just one-sixth of the $30,000 contract price. Therefore, the contract primarily calls for services and is subject to the jurisdiction's two-year statute of limitations. And since the owner sued three years after the breach, the owner cannot recover damages from the landscaper.

(Choice A) The predominant-purpose test is unnecessary when a contract is divisible—ie, when the payment for goods can easily be separated from the payment for services. But here, the contract is likely indivisible since it combined the sale of the trees, shrubs, and sod with their installation.

(Choices C & D) The predominant-purpose test focuses on the parties' reason for entering the contract—not for breaching it. Therefore, it is irrelevant that the landscaper's breach was (1) a result of an increase in the price of goods or (2) willful.

Educational objective : Sale-of-goods contracts are governed by the UCC, while services contracts are governed by common law. When a contract calls for the sale of goods AND the rendering of services, the contract's primary purpose determines whether the UCC or common law applies.

  • Bonebrake v. Cox, 499 F.2d 951, 960 (8th Cir. 1974) (applying the predominant-purpose test to determine which statute of limitations applies to a mixed contract for goods and services).
  • Princess Cruises, Inc. v. Gen. Elec. Co., 143 F.3d 828, 833 (4th Cir. 1998) (listing factors that courts consider when applying the predominant-purpose test).

A man and a woman dated for several weeks. During that time, the man repeatedly asked the woman to have sex. Each time, the woman responded that she would not have sex with the man unless they were married. One evening, the man promised the woman that they would elope the following weekend if she would agree to have sex. The woman agreed and the couple had sex. The following weekend, the man told the woman that he had no intention of eloping and only made that promise to get the woman's consent. The woman reported the man to the police, who later arrested and charged the man with rape.

Is the man guilty of rape?

  • No, because fraud in factum did not negate the woman's consent.
  • No, because fraud in the inducement did not negate the woman's consent.
  • Yes, because the woman's consent was obtained by fraud in factum.
  • Yes, because the woman's consent was obtained by fraud in the inducement.
of act—eg, doctor convinces patient that sexual act is part of medical exam that he/she is consenting to sexual intercourse Negates victim's consent
is an act of sexual intercourse—eg, defendant promises marriage in exchange for sex that he/she is consenting to sexual intercourse Does not negate victim's consent

In most modern jurisdictions, rape is defined as sexual intercourse with another without that person's consent.* This means that rape did not occur if the victim consented to sexual intercourse. However, a victim's consent may be ineffective if it was obtained by fraud . There are two types of fraud:

  • Fraud in factum – when consent is obtained by fraud regarding the nature of the act itself, leaving the victim unaware that he/she consented to sexual intercourse and negating the victim's consent
  • Fraud in the inducement – when consent is obtained by fraud regarding what the victim knows is an act of sexual intercourse, which does not negate the victim's consent

As a result, consent obtained by fraud in factum is not a valid defense to rape, but consent obtained by fraud in the inducement is a valid defense.

Here, the man falsely promised the woman that they would elope if she agreed to have sex with him. Since the woman knew that the act to which she consented was sexual intercourse, her consent was obtained by fraud in the inducement (Choices A & C) . This type of fraud did not negate the woman's consent, so the man is not guilty of rape (Choice D) .

Educational objective: Fraud in factum occurs when the fraud pertains to the nature of the act itself and negates a rape victim's consent. In contrast, fraud in the inducement occurs when fraud is used to gain consent to what the victim knows is an act of sexual intercourse and does not negate the victim's consent.

A plaintiff sued a defendant for negligence to recover damages that the plaintiff suffered as a result of a crash between the two parties. At trial, the plaintiff's attorney called the plaintiff's wife to testify as to what she witnessed on the day of the crash. On cross-examination of the wife, the defendant's lawyer elicited several responses that tended to show that the plaintiff's actions constituted contributory negligence. The plaintiff's attorney seeks to ask the wife several questions on redirect examination, but the defendant's attorney objected.

What is the strongest argument that the court must allow redirect examination of the wife?

  • The plaintiff's attorney failed to provide all significant information on direct examination.
  • The plaintiff's attorney seeks to reiterate the necessary elements of the claim.
  • The plaintiff's attorney seeks to reply to all matters raised on cross-examination.
  • The plaintiff's attorney seeks to reply to significant new matters raised on cross-examination.

Sequence and scope of witness examination

Federal Rule of Evidence 611 gives trial courts the authority to exercise reasonable control over the mode and order of examining witnesses at trial. This includes the discretion to determine whether—and to what extent—redirect examination of witnesses should be permitted. But when a party raises a significant new matter while cross-examining a witness, the court must allow the opposing party to address that matter through redirect examination .

Therefore, the strongest argument for allowing redirect examination of the plaintiff's wife is that the plaintiff's attorney seeks to reply to significant new matters that were raised on cross-examination.

(Choice A) A party is expected to elicit all significant information during direct examination of a witness. Therefore, a court need not permit redirect examination to allow the party to provide information inadvertently omitted on direct examination.

(Choices B & C) Redirect examination is generally limited to significant new matters raised on cross-examination. Therefore, a party is not entitled to redirect examination to (1) reiterate information like the necessary elements of the claim or (2) reply to all matters addressed in cross-examination.

Educational objective: When a party raises a significant new matter on cross-examination of a witness, the court must allow redirect examination by the opposing party to address that matter.

  • Fed. R. Evid. 611 (explaining the mode and order of examining witnesses).

Twenty years ago, a man who owned a 20-acre ranch agreed to sell all of his mineral rights to his neighbor. The man executed a warranty deed conveying the mineral estate to the neighbor, who failed to record the deed.

The following year, a woman moved her mobile home onto an undeveloped five-acre portion of the man's ranch. After the woman had lived on the property for 10 years, a local drilling company began operations on a nearby tract to drill a natural gas well. Believing that the woman owned the property, the drilling company approached the woman about leasing the mineral rights on her property and requested that the woman sign a lease of her mineral rights. The woman signed the lease as requested, and it was promptly and properly recorded. The drilling operations were successful, and the drilling company prepared to distribute profits from royalties. However, a dispute arose between the neighbor and the woman, as both parties claim ownership of the minerals.

The period of time to acquire title by adverse possession in the jurisdiction is 10 years.

In an action to determine title, is the court likely to award title to the mineral estate to the woman?

  • No, because the woman actually possessed only the surface estate that had previously been severed from the mineral estate.
  • No, because the woman did not actually possess the mineral estate until she signed the lease of the mineral rights.
  • Yes, because the neighbor failed to record the warranty deed conveying the mineral estate.
  • Yes, because the woman adversely possessed both the surface estate and the mineral estate for the statutory period.

Adverse possession of a mineral state

An adverse possessor can acquire title to land owned by another if his/her possession of the land is:

  • O pen and notorious – apparent or visible to a reasonable owner
  • C ontinuous – uninterrupted for the statutory period
  • E xclusive – not shared with the owner
  • A ctual – physical presence on the land and
  • N onpermissive – hostile and adverse to the owner.

If the surface and mineral estates are owned by the same party , then the adverse possessor will acquire title to both estates —even if only one estate is actually possessed. But if the mineral estate has been severed from the surface estate (ie, the surface and mineral estates are owned by different parties ), then the adverse possessor will only acquire title to the estate that is actually possessed . The mineral estate is actually possessed when the adverse possessor mines or drills wells on the land.

Here, the neighbor purchased the mineral estate from the man, thereby severing the mineral estate from the surface estate. And since the woman merely lived on the property for the 10-year statutory period—she did not attempt to mine or drill a well on the mineral estate—she actually possessed only the surface estate during that time (Choice D) . This means that the woman did not adversely possess the mineral estate, and the court is not likely to award her title to that estate.

(Choice B) Adverse possession of a mineral estate requires the commencement of drilling or mining operations. Merely signing a lease of the mineral rights is not enough.

(Choice C) A deed need not be recorded to be valid, so the neighbor's failure to record has no impact on whether the woman adversely possessed the mineral estate.

Educational objective: If a mineral estate has previously been severed from the surface estate (ie, surface and minerals owned by different persons), then an adverse possessor can only acquire title to the mineral estate by actually possessing the minerals (eg, by mining or drilling wells).

A teenager was riding a bicycle when she saw a classmate walking toward her. The teenager rode quickly toward the classmate, knowing that he would think she would run into him on her current trajectory. The teenager was not purposefully trying to harm or touch him. The classmate saw the teenager riding toward him and yelled at her to stop. The teenager swerved at the last moment and avoided hitting him. The classmate had a panic attack because he thought that the teenager would hit him.

Is the classmate likely to succeed if he sues the teenager for assault?

  • No, because the teenager did not make contact with the classmate.
  • No, because the teenager did not purposefully try to harm or touch the classmate.
  • Yes, because the teenager acted with the requisite intent.
  • Yes, because the teenager's conduct was extreme and outrageous.

Two types of intent

Assault occurs when (1) a defendant  intends  to cause the plaintiff to  anticipate an imminent, and harmful or offensive, contact  with the plaintiff's person and (2) the defendant's affirmative conduct causes the plaintiff to anticipate such contact. The intent requirement is met when the defendant acts with either:

  • purpose  – the  desire  to cause anticipation of an imminent harmful or offensive contact  or
  • knowledge  – the  substantial certainty  that the plaintiff will suffer such anticipation.

Here, the teenager rode her bicycle directly at her classmate, causing him to think that she would hit him (anticipation of imminent contact). And since the teenager knew with  substantial certainty  that the classmate would think she would run into him, she acted with the requisite intent. As a result, the classmate is likely to succeed in a suit against the teenager for assault.

(Choice A) Assault merely requires that the plaintiff be placed in  anticipation  of imminent contact. Actual bodily contact is not required. Therefore, the fact that the teenager did not make contact with the classmate is irrelevant.

(Choice B) The intent to make contact with the plaintiff is a requirement for  battery , but assault merely requires the intent to cause the plaintiff to  anticipate  imminent contact. Therefore, the fact that the teenager did not purposefully try to harm or touch the classmate does not absolve her of liability for assault.

(Choice D) Extreme and outrageous conduct (i.e., conduct that is unacceptable in civilized society) is an element of intentional infliction of emotional distress —not assault, which only requires intentional conduct.

Educational objective: For assault, intent exists when a defendant acts with the purpose (desire) or knowledge (substantial certainty) that his/her conduct will cause the plaintiff to anticipate an imminent, and harmful or offensive, contact.

  • Restatement (Third) of Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons § 105 (Am. L. Inst., Tentative Draft No. 1, 2015) (providing the elements for assault).

Take a look at a typical competitor sample question below. Their practice questions might parody the exam, but ours consistently meet or exceed exam-level difficulty. Their limited explanations address the right answer choice but do not go the extra mile to explain the wrong choices – so you don’t make the same mistakes on exam day.

A mother gave her land to her two kids, a son, and a daughter, as joint tenants. The son built two adjoining homes on the land. He lived in one house and rented the other. The daughter lived out of the country and never visited the land. The daughter needed money, so she sold her interest in the land to her ex-boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend immediately hired a developer to build a third home on the land. Soon after the daughter had sold her interest in the land, she was killed in a motorcycle accident. The ex-boyfriend is now asking the court for a judicial partition of the land. The son contends that upon his sister's death, he was now the sole owner of the land.

How should the court rule?

  • For the ex-boyfriend, because he plans to live on the land.
  • For the ex-boyfriend, because he paid for the son’s interest in the land.
  • For the son, because he has the right of survivorship.
  • For the son, because he has the sole position of the land.

Correct answer: B

Illinois MPRE Requirements

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE®) is a 2-hour, 60-multiple-choice question exam that assesses an examinee's knowledge of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Bar candidates with MPRE scores from 1999 or later must have their scores transferred from the NCBE . MPRE scores from 1998 or earlier must be obtained from the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar. Transferring your MPRE score from Illinois to another jurisdiction, or to yourself, requires you to submit an MPRE Score Transfer or Advisory Request form with a $25 fee.

Illinois MPRE Minimum Passing Score

Before you can practice law in Illinois, you must also pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE®). Illinois requires a minimum MPRE passing score of 80 or more.

Illinois Bar Exam Scoring/Grading

To be admitted to the Ohio Bar, applicants must pass the UBE with a minimum scaled score of 266 out of 400. Exam weightage is divided between the three sections as follows:

The MEE and MPT are combined for 50% of the bar exam and are graded as such. Therefore, the writing section (MEE/MPT) and the multiple-choice section (MBE) each comprise 50%, or 200 points, of your total scaled score. If you do poorly on one section of the exam, you can make up for it on the other, as long as these scores combine to a sum of 266 or more.

Note that getting 133 of 200 questions correct on the writing section does not necessarily mean you've earned 133 scaled points. Scaled scoring is employed to ensure fairness across exam versions. This scoring model is true for all three sections of the bar exam.

For example, July's exam may be more difficult than February's. It would be unfair to allow someone to pass or fail based on the relative difficulty of their exam version. Therefore, examinees' raw scores are transformed into scaled scores through a statistical method called equating. Unfortunately, the NCBE does not release data on the calculations it uses to determine scaled scores.

Illinois Bar Exam Results

Illinois Bar Exam results are typically released approximately six weeks following the February exam and 8-10 weeks following the July exam. For example, the February 2023 exam results were released on April 3, 2023 while the Illinois July 2022 exam results were released on September 30, 2022. Results are posted on the examinee's private user accounts.

Illinois Bar Exam Pass Rates

As is typical with bar exams across the country, the Illinois Bar Exam's repeater pass rate is markedly lower than the first-timer pass rate. This phenomenon is likely because many students who failed the first time haven't changed their study habits significantly.

Exam Overall Pass Rate First-Timer Pass Rate Repeater Pass Rate Results Release Date
Feb. 2023 43% 62% 35% April 3, 2023
July 2022 68% 77% 20% September 30, 2022
Exam First Timers Repeaters Overall
Year No Of Candidates Pass Rate No Of Candidates Pass Rate No Of Candidates Pass Rate
2022 1,955 74% 740 29% 2,695 62%
2021 1,856 76% 802 25% 2,658 61%
2020 2,058 80% 835 32% 2,893 66%
2019 1,857 79% 781 37% 2,638 66%
2018 2,003 76% 679 36% 2,682 66%
2017 1,989 79% 751 42% 2,720 69%
2016 2,220 77% 671 42% 2,891 69%

Illinois Bar Exam Reciprocity

Illinois's Admission on Motion Procedure is no longer based on bar reciprocity. Instead, attorneys meeting the following requirements may apply for admission:

  • Preliminary Education and Undergraduate Degree : Have completed four years of high school education, or have met other requirements to enroll in a college or university with similar admission requirements to the University of Illinois. Attorneys must have completed at least 90 semester hours of college coursework.
  • Law Degree : Have earned a professional Juris Doctorate from an ABA-approved law school .
  • Character and Fitness : Have met all appropriate character and fitness standards.
  • Good Standing and Prior Bar Exam : Have not failed the Illinois Bar Exam within the past five years.
  • The Practice of Law : Have been practicing law actively and continuously over five of the past seven years, and are currently on active status in at least one jurisdiction.

Attorneys from the following states may be admitted on motion to the Illinois Bar: AK, CO, CT, DC, GA, GU, IN, IA, KY, MA, MI, MN, MO, NE, NH, NMI, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, USVI, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY.

What Makes the Illinois Bar Exam Unique?

The Illinois Bar Exam adheres to the uniform bar exam structure adopted by 41 other jurisdictions. However, the state of Illinois requires that successful bar applicants take 30 hours of post-admission mandatory continuing legal education every 2 years. Members of the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) can earn credit hours by completing on-demand courses provided by the ISBA .

Illinois Bar Exam for Foreigners

According to the Illinois Board of Admissions, lawyers who completed their legal education in a foreign country (outside the US) must meet the following three requirements in order to sit for the Illinois bar examination. To gain eligibility to attempt the Illinois Bar Exam as a foreign lawyer, you must:

  • Must have maintained a license to practice law in the country where you received your law degree and/or the highest court of law in any US state, territory, or the District of Columbia for a minimum of 5 years;
  • Must be currently in good standing as an attorney or equivalent in that country, and/or any US jurisdiction you are admitted to practice;
  • Must have verifiably devoted a minimum of 1,000 hours annually to practicing law in the country where you are licensed, and/or in any US jurisdiction(s) where you've been licensed for 5 of the 7 years immediately before applying in Illinois.

Note : You can only become eligible to apply for permission to sit for the bar examination under Rule 715 If you meet ALL three of the above threshold requirements.

Contact Details of Illinois State Bar

The Board of Admissions answers calls Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm CST, except for state and federal holidays.

Illinois Board of Bar Examiners Contact Information
Medium Info
Phone Number 217-522-5917
Fax Number 217-522-3728
Address Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar
625 S College Street
Springfield IL 62704-2521

Illinois Bar Exam FAQs

When is the illinois bar exam held.

The Illinois Bar Exam is administered twice a year, on the last Tuesday and Wednesday in February and July.

How long is the bar exam in Illinois?

The Illinois Bar Exam lasts two days, with the MEE and MPT lasting 3 hours each, and the MBE lasting 6 hours (Two 3-hour sessions).

Can anyone take the Bar Exam in Illinois?

To take the Bar Exam in Illinois, applicants must have obtained a JD from an ABA-approved law school.

What are Illinois Bar Exam application deadlines and fees?

The first filing deadlines for the Illinois Bar Exam application are September 15, 2023, and February 15, 2024, for the 2024 February and July exams, respectively. Applications require a $950 fee, which increases to $1,150 or $1,450, depending on when you file.

How many times can you take the Illinois bar exam?

Illinois does not have a set limit on the number of times you can take the IL State Bar Exam; so, if you fail the bar exam on your first attempt, you can come up with a new game plan and perform better the next time.

How hard is the bar exam in Illinois?

Judging by the pass rates from the past three administrations, the Illinois Bar Exam is as challenging as those administered in other UBE jurisdictions.

How long does it take to study for the Illinois Bar Exam?

It takes 400 hours to study for the Illinois State Bar Exam. Study time will vary depending on your educational background and study habits. Many examinees begin studying 8-10 weeks out. However, starting 4-6 months out will decrease burnout and increase retention.

How is the Illinois Bar Exam scored?

Illinois UBE Bar Exam is scored on a 400-point scale, with a minimum passing score of 266 or greater. Weightages are as follows: MPT 20%, MEE 30%, and MBE 50%.

What is the pass rate for the Illinois bar?

The most recent February 2023 pass rates were 43% for all test-takers, 62% for first-time test-takers, and 35% for repeat test-takers.

Can I transfer my MBE scores from another jurisdiction?

Illinois does not accept concurrent testing with other jurisdictions. UBE applicants from other jurisdictions must take the MEE, MPT, and MBE in Illinois. For any jurisdiction, UBE applicants must take all three portions of the examination (MPT, MEE, and MBE) in the same UBE jurisdiction and in the same exam administration to earn a portable UBE score.

What states have reciprocity with the Illinois bar?

How do i become a licensed attorney in illinois.

To become a licensed attorney in Illinois, you must graduate with a JD from an ABA-approved law school, score over 80 on the MPRE and over 266 on the UBE, and be deemed to be of good moral character and fitness.

Can you practice law without a law degree in Illinois?

No, you cannot practice law without a law degree in Illinois.

How to request special accommodations for Illinois Bar Exam?

To request special accommodations for the Illinois Bar Exam, you must request “nonstandard testing accommodations” (NTA) through the Applicant Request for NTA form before the final filing deadline of your respective exam.

Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar – Information For Bar Exam Applicants

Bar Exam Results by Jurisdiction – NCBE

Illinois Bar Reciprocity – BarReciprocity.com

Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar – Rule 715 Qualifying Graduates of Foreign Law Schools General Information

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Overview of illinois bar exam.

Starting in 2019, the Illinois began administering the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE).  The UBE consists of three testing components: the Multistate Performance Exam (MPT), the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE), and the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE).

In order to pass the Illinois bar exam, you need to score a minimum of 266 out of 400 total points.

To become a licensed attorney in Illinois, in addition to passing the bar exam, you also need to pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) and receive clearance on your Character and Fitness application.

The bar exam is administered twice each year on the last Tuesday and Wednesday in February and July.

Note: The UBE scores are portable to other UBE jurisdictions.  If your score meets the minimum required score in another state , you may be eligible to admissions to that state, provided you meet all the other requirements.

Bar Exam Format Heading link Copy link

Tuesday morning, multistate performance test.

The Multistate Performance Test (MPT) consists of two 90-minute items. The MPT is designed to test an examinee’s ability to use fundamental lawyering skills in a realistic situation and complete a task that a beginning lawyer should be able to accomplish. The MPT is not a test of substantive knowledge. Rather, it is designed to evaluate certain fundamental skills lawyers are expected to demonstrate regardless of the area of law in which the skills are applied.

Tuesday Afternoon

Multistate essay examination.

The Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) consists of six 30-minute questions. The purpose of the MEE is to test the examinee’s ability to (1) identify legal issues raised by a hypothetical factual situation; (2) separate material which is relevant from that which is not; (3) present a reasoned analysis of the relevant issues in a clear, concise, and well-organized composition; and (4) demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental legal principles relevant to the probable solution of the issues raised by the factual situation. The primary distinction between the MEE and the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is that the MEE requires the examinee to demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in writing.

Multistate Essay Examination Subjects

  • Business Associations (Agency, Partnership & Corporations)
  • Civil Procedure
  • Conflicts of Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law & Procedure
  • Real Property
  • Secured Transactions
  • Trusts & Estates

A complete subject matter outline , including specific topics within each subject, is available online.

Wednesday Morning & Afternoon

Multistate bar examination.

The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is a six-hour, 200-question multiple-choice examination.  There will be twenty-five questions of each subject and 25 questions that are experimental and do not count.  Each three-hour sessions consists of 100 questions.  The purpose of the MBE is to assess the extent to which an examinee can apply fundamental legal principles and legal reasoning to analyze given fact patterns.

Multistate Bar Examination Subjects

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What Is The Illinois Essay Exam?

The Illinois Bar Exam has adopted most of the Uniform Bar Exam, but it still has a component it develops itself. So what, exactly, is the Illinois Essay Exam?

1. What is the Illinois Essay Exam?

Currently, Illinois uses most parts of the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE), without having adopted it wholesale. Like UBE jurisdictions, the Illinois Bar Exam has both the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT). These components are developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE), and are on every UBE jurisdiction’s bar exam. Illinois uses these, along with the multiple choice Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) section, to structure most of its exam.

However, Illinois also chooses, like some other UBE jurisdictions, to include 3 essays developed by its own Board of Law Examiners. In most UBE jurisdictions, 2 MPTS appear on the exam. In Illinois, only one does. Instead of a second MPT, the Illinois Board of Law Examiners includes 3 Illinois specific essays. These comprise the Illinois Essay Exam (IEE).

2. How Is the Illinois Essay Exam different than the MEE?

The Illinois Essay Exam is a state-specific component of the Illinois bar exam. Unlike the MEE, the IEE questions test Illinois law. On your exam day, you will have 90 minutes to complete 3 Illinois law essays, and 180 minutes to cover 6 MEE essays. The structure and components of both types of essays are similar, but they cover different aspects of law.

3. What subjects can be covered by the Illinois Essay Exam?

Like the MEEs, the Illinois Essay Exam can cover any of the traditional MEE subjects. However, the IEE can also cover additional areas that do not appear on the MEE. These include:

  • administrative law
  • commercial paper
  • equity jurisprudence
  • state constitutional law
  • federal taxation
  • Illinois procedure
  • personal property, including sales and bailments

Thus, the IEE cannot be taken lightly. It can cover subjects that are not part of traditional UBE preparation, so students need to prepare for them separately.

4. What is the Illinois Essay Exam worth?

The Illinois Essay Exam is worth 20% of your score.

The IEE when combined with the MEE and MPT, accounts for 50% over your overall score. The MBE accounts for the other 50%. Since the MPT is worthy 10% of your overall score, the IEE and MEE are worth 40% of your score. Illinois weights the IEE and MEE equally, so make sure you do not completely blow off studying for the Illinois specific essays, as they are worth about 20% of your overall score!

Looking to Pass the Bar Exam?

Free Resources:

  • 🌟 Bar Exam Free Resource Center : Access our most popular free guides, webinars, and resources to set you on the path to success.
  • Free Bar Exam Guides : Expert advice on the MBE, the MEE, passing strategies, and overcoming failure.
  • Free Webinars : Get insight from top bar exam experts to ace your preparation.

Paid Resources:

  • 🏆 One-Sheets : Our most popular product! Master the Bar Exam with these five-star rated essentials.
  • Bar Exam Outlines : Our comprehensive and condensed bar exam outlines present key information in an organized, easy-to-digest layout.
  • Exclusive Mastery Classes : Dive deep into highly tested areas of the MBE, MEE, MPT, and CA bar exams in these live, one-time events.
  • Specialized Private Tutoring : With years of experience under our belt, our experts provide personalized guidance to ensure you excel.
  • Bar Exam Courses : On Demand and Premium options tailored to your needs.
  • Bar Exam Crash Course + Mini Outlines : A great review of the topics you need to know!

🔥 NEW! Check out our Repeat Taker Bar Exam Course and our new premier Guarantee Pass Program !

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Ultimate Guide to Illinois State Bar Exam

Your complete guide to Illinois bar exam prep.

Pass Rates · Bar Review Courses · Format · Essay Topics · Schedule · Dates · Locations · Application Fees & Deadlines · What to Bring · Scores & Grading · Results · Reciprocity · Law Schools · Groups · Other Resources · Other Jurisdictions

*Updated January 2024

Illinois State Bar Exam | Basic Information

The Illinois State Bar Association was created in 1877. The voluntary organization has about 28,000 members. There are about 65,000 lawyers living in Illinois. About 38% of lawyers in Illinois are female.

Illinois is one of 40+ jurisdictions that have adopted the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) for their state bar review. Illinois first administered the UBE in July 2019.

Illinois Bar Exam Pass Rates

July 2023 (1998 takers).

View detailed statistics

February 2023 (753 takers)

February 2022 (unknown takers), july 2021 (unknown takers), illinois bar review courses.

Compare top Illinois bar exam prep courses from Crushendo , Barbri , Themis , Kaplan , AmeriBar , and BarMax .

Crushendo Barbri Themis Kaplan AmeriBar BarMax
1,750+ 100+ 1,350+ 1,200+ 1,400+ 1,700+
Lifetime 8-10 weeks 4 months 4 months Up to 3 years Lifetime
3 payments $250 registration
2017 1974 2008 1938 1999 2010
(385) 482-1776 (888) 322-7274 (888) 843-6476 (626) 390-7170 (877) 942-2763 (800) 529-2651

Last updated: 1/7/23

*Cost ignores promotions and live tutoring.

Crushendo’s written and audio outlines utilize 250+ proprietary mnemonics to help you memorize everything you need to know to pass the bar exam on your first try.

Crushendo’s complete bar prep course, the UBE Suite , costs $970 and includes 1,750+ official practice questions from the NCBE.

Crushendo offers lifetime access for all of its bar exam prep products .

Adam Balinski founded Crushendo Bar Review in 2017 ( read the founding story here ).

The Harcourt publishing company founded Barbri in 1974 when it acquired two bar review programs. Since its founding, Barbri has been owned by large firms including Thomson Reuters and Leeds Equity Partners.

Barbri products have been used by more than a million law school students . In the last 20 years Barbri has settled multiple antitrust lawsuits .

Barbri’s traditional bar prep programs cost $1,999-4,199 and some include 100+ official NCBE questions from past bar exams.

Barbri offers access to its traditional, full-time bar prep course for 8-10 weeks , but early access can be purchased.

Themis Bar Review is based in Chicago and was founded in 2008 .

Themis’s bar prep program costs $2,695 and includes 1,350+ NCBE questions.

Themis offers access to its online products for four months .

Stanley Kaplan founded Kaplan, Inc. in 1938 .

Kaplan jumped into the bar review space in 2006 when it acquired PMBR , a company that provides test prep for the MBE. In 2008 Kaplan expanded its bar review offerings.

Kaplan’s bar prep programs cost $2,199-3,999 and include 1,200+  NCBE questions.

Kaplan offers access to its online products for four months .

Alexander Nakis founded AmeriBar in 1999 . It’s headquartered in Tallahassee, Florida.

AmeriBar’s bar exam prep programs cost $1,299-2,599  and include 1,400+ NCBE questions.

AmeriBar offers access to its online products for up to three years .

Michael Ghaffary and Mehran Ebadolahi founded BarMax in 2010 .

BarMax’s bar prep course costs $1,895 and includes  1,700+  NCBE questions.

BarMax offers lifetime access to its online products.

Illinois State Bar Exam Format

What’s the format of the ube.

The UBE is administered twice each year in Illinois (in February, and July). The examination is administered over two days, in four, three-hour sessions. The UBE has three parts: the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE), and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT).

The MBE is a six hour test and consists of 200 multiple choice questions that test your understanding across seven subjects. Your MBE score comprises 50% of your overall UBE score.

Crushendo offers affordable, comprehensive written and audio outlines for MBE subjects (in addition to MEE and MPRE subjects).

Civil Procedure

Constitutional Law

Criminal Law & Procedure

Watch Crushendo’s free MBE tips video .

The MEE consists of six 30-minute legal essays. The MEE makes up 30% of your score. Essay topics may include the following: Business Associations, Civil Procedure, Conflict of Laws, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Family Law, Property, Secured Transactions, Torts, Trusts, Unincorporated Business Entities, Wills and Estates, etc.

Crushendo offers the most recent MEE questions and includes the point sheets that the graders used. Watch Crushendo’s free MEE tips video .

The MPT consists of two 90-minute tasks where you analyze and apply laws to specific scenarios. The MPT makes up 20% of your score. Crushendo offers the most recent MPT questions and includes the point sheets that the graders used. Watch Crushendo’s free MPT tips video .

What’s the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination?

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) tests your understanding of established standards of conduct for lawyers. The MPRE is administered three times each year (in March, August, and November). The test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and is two hours long. Check out this MPRE Tips video !

Upcoming Bar Exam Schedule, Dates, Location

Morning Afternoon
Day 1 MPT (3 hours) MEE (3 hours)
Day 2 MBE (3 hours) MBE (3 hours)
  • July 30–31, 2024
  • February 25–26, 2025

Isadore and Sadie Dorin Forum 725 W Roosevelt Rd Chicago, IL 60608

Credit Union 1 Arena 525 S Racine Ave Chicago, IL 60607

Illinois Bar Exam Application

Are you interested in taking the Illinois bar exam? Here’s some basic information on applying to take the Illinois bar exam.

Other Requirements

Illinois’ application fee for first-time bar exam takers is $500, $700, or $1,000 , depending on when the application is filed. The application fee for repeat takers is $500 or $850 , depending on when the application is filed.

The application cost for admission on motion and UBE score transfer applicants is $1,250 .

Applying for Character and Fitness certification/recertification costs $450 .

*See Rule 706 for more details about fees.

To take the bar exam in February , you must submit your bar exam application by December 15th . To take the July bar exam, you must submit your application by May 15th . If you are a first-time taker you can save up to $500 by applying early. If you are a repeat taker you can save $350 by applying on time.

February Registration Deadlines

  • Early: September 15th
  • On Time: November 1st
  • Late: December 15th

July Registration Deadlines

  • Early: February 15th
  • On Time: April 1st
  • Late: May 15th

*There’s no limit on how many times you can take the bar exam in Illinois.

In addition to passing the Illinois bar exam with a score of at least 266, there are several requirements that must be met in order to be admitted as an attorney in Illinois, including:

  • Have the equivalent of a high school diploma .
  • Have completed 90 semester hours from an approved college.
  • Have a law degree from a law school approved by the American Bar Association.
  • Score 80  or higher on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) within the accepted time frame.
  • Committee on Character & Fitness certification .

*Refer to the Illinois Supreme Court rules for more information.

  • Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar

Physical address:

Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar 625 South College Street Springfield, Illinois 62704

Phone number: (217) 522-5917

Mailing address:

Illinois Bar Exam: What to Bring

What to bring

  • Photo ID (a valid driver’s license, passport, or state identification card).
  • Permitted personal items.

Important notes

  • After checking in with your photo ID you will be given a photo ID badge. The badge will indicate your seating assignment and will act as your admission ticket for each of the four testing sessions. Your ID badge must be worn on your chest at all times on the test site.
  • In order to enter the testing room, you will pass through a checkpoint. At the checkpoint you are required to wear your badge, and display your permitted items in a clear, plastic bag.
  • At check-in you will be provided one clear plastic bag with which to store your permitted personal items.
  • Laptop testers may bring a 2-1/2 gallon clear plastic bag in which to carry their laptop supplies in the testing room.

Prohibited items

  • Anything not listed as a permitted item.
  • Coats, jackets, gloves, hats, umbrellas, and scarves.

Permitted items

Only these ten items may be allowed into the test room:

  • Your photo ID badge.
  • Your personal photo ID.
  • Laptop equipment (first day only).
  • Credit card and money.
  • Transportation card.
  • Feminine hygiene products.
  • Eyeglasses (no cases permitted).
  • Earplugs (no attached wires permitted).
  • Previously-approved medical items.

Illinois Bar Exam Scores and Grading

A passing score for the UBE in Illinois is 266/400 . Scores of the three tests comprising the UBE are weighted as follows:

  • MBE = 50% of your total UBE score

*A passing score for the MPRE in Illinois is 80/150 .

Illinois Bar Review Course

Crushendo’s comprehensive UBE Suite comes with everything you need to crush the Illinois bar exam.

  • MBE, MEE, and MPT Prep
  • 250+ Proprietary Mnemonics
  • 1,750+ Licensed NCBE Questions
  • Audio Attack Outlines
  • Audio Flashcards
  • Lifetime Access

Frequently Asked Questions

When are my Illinois bar exam results released?

February bar exam results are usually posted toward the beginning of April. July bar exam results are usually posted toward the beginning of October.

Can I see my Illinois bar exam score?

You will receive an e-mail with information about your exam results. There will also be information available to you when you log in to your account on the Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar website .

Can I appeal to have my Illinois bar exam re-graded?

How many times can I take the bar exam in Illinois?

There’s no limit to how many times you can take the UBE in Illinois.

Illinois Bar Exam Reciprocity

Applicants seeking admission as an attorney in Illinois without taking the bar exam, must comply with Rule 705 of the Illinois Supreme Court.

Reciprocity Requirements Overview

The first thing you need to do is take a preliminary questionnaire for admission on motion. Once your questionnaire is approved, you may proceed with the following steps.

In order to be eligible for admission on motion in Illinois, you must:

  • Have paid the admission on motion fee ($1,250).
  • Have a law degree from an approved list of law schools.
  • Have certification from the Committee on Character and Fitness (costs $450).
  • Have passed the MPRE (unless you have practiced law for 15+ years).
  • Have an active status as an attorney in at least one jurisdiction.
  • Be a member in good standing in all of your admitted jurisdictions.
  • Have practiced law in the United States or a U.S. territory for at least three years prior to your application.
  • Provide evidence that you have practiced law for at least three of the five years prior to your application . During the 3+ years you need to have worked a minimum of 80 hours/month .
  • Have not failed the Illinois bar exam in the last five years .

Reciprocal Jurisdictions: All U.S. states and territories.

*Click here for more information on admission on motion in Illinois .

Law Schools in Illinois

Here’s a list of ABA accredited law schools in Illinois.

University of Chicago Law School

  • Founded: 1902
  • Located: Chicago, IL
  • Enrollment: About 630 students (2010)
  • Tuition Cost: ~$66,650
  • Bar Passage Rate: 98.58% (2017 first-time takers)
  • Website: law.uchicago.edu

Chicago-Kent College of Law (Illinois Institute of Technology)

  • Founded: 1888
  • Enrollment: About 940 students (2011)
  • Tuition Cost: ~$48,140-$51,460
  • Bar Passage Rate: 73.53% (2018)
  • Website: kentlaw.iit.edu

DePaul University College of Law

  • Founded: 1912
  • Enrollment: 710 (2018)
  • Tuition Cost: ~$48,670
  • Bar Passage Rate: 70.33% (2017 first-time takers)
  • Website: law.depaul.edu

University of Illinois College of Law

  • Founded: 1897
  • Located: Champaign, IL
  • Enrollment: About 640 students (2010)
  • Tuition Cost: ~$45,000
  • Bar Passage Rate: 91.12% (2018)
  • Website: law.illinois.edu

John Marshall Law School

  • Founded: 1899
  • Enrollment: About 1,900 students
  • Tuition Cost: ~$1,500/credit hour
  • Bar Passage Rate: 62% (July 2018 first-time takers)
  • Website: jmls.uic.edu

Loyola University Chicago School of Law

  • Founded: 1908
  • Enrollment: About 850 students (2010)
  • Tuition Cost: ~ $48,570
  • Bar Passage Rate: 78.5% (2017 first-time takers)
  • Website: luc.edu/law

Northern Illinois University College of Law

  • Founded: 1975
  • Located: DeKalb, IL
  • Enrollment: About 335 students (2012)
  • Tuition Cost: ~$44,340
  • Bar Passage Rate: 84% (July 2017 first-time takers)
  • Website: niu.edu/law

Pritzker School of Law (Northwestern University)

  • Founded: 1859
  • Enrollment: 817 (2010)
  • Tuition Cost: ~$66,500
  • Bar Passage Rate: 92% (2017)
  • Website: law.northwestern.edu

Southern Illinois University School of Law

  • Founded: 1972
  • Located: Carbondale, IL
  • Enrollment: About 270 students
  • Tuition Cost: ~$52,512
  • Bar Passage Rate: 67% (2017)
  • Website: law.siu.edu

Helpful Groups

Here are some Facebook groups you may find helpful before, and after passing the bar exam:

  • ECIWAA – East Central Illinois Women Attorneys Association (95 members)
  • GIRL ATTORNEY® – IL (75 members)
  • The University of Chicago Law School Class of 2022 (422 members)
  • The University of Chicago Law School Class of 2021 (377 members)
  • The University of Chicago Law School Class of 2020 (264 members)
  • The University of Chicago Law School Class of 2019 (202 members)
  • LLM Class 2020 – University of Chicago Law School (177 members)
  • Law Women’s Caucus (University of Chicago Law School) (125 members)
  • Official Group for the Chicago-Kent 2019 Entering Class (265 members)
  • Chicago-Kent College Of Law – SBA (208 members)
  • Phi Alpha Delta – Blackstone Chapter – Chicago Kent College of Law (91 members)
  • Chicago-Kent LL.M. Class of 2020 (64 members)
  • DePaul Student Bar Association (380 members)
  • DePaul Law: Fall 2018 Entering Students (298 members)
  • DePaul Latino Law Student Association (204 members)
  • Pro Bono & Community Service Initiative (DePaul) (167 members)
  • DePaul Law: Fall 2019 Entering Students (147 members)
  • DePaul Law APALSA (131 members)
  • University of Illinois College of Law Class of 2019 (272 members)
  • Illinois Law Class of 2022 Admitted Students (161 members)
  • University of Illinois College of Law Black Law Student Association Alumni (101 members)
  • JMLS Fall 2019 Admitted Students (283 members)
  • JMLS Class 2019 (116 members)
  • The John Marshall Law School Professional Law Students’ Association (88 members)
  • SALSA John Marshall Law School (54 members)
  • Loyola University Chicago Law SBA (1,256 members)
  • LLSA Loyola University Chicago School of Law (247 members)
  • Loyola University Chicago School of Law Class of 2022 (242 members)
  • Loyola University Chicago School of Law Class of 2021 (236 members)
  • Loyola University Chicago School of Law Class of 2020 (211 members)
  • Loyola University Chicago School of Law’s Class of 2019 (121 members)
  • Northern Illinois University College of Law (1,004 members)
  • NIU College of Law Class of 2022 (192 members)
  • NIU College of Law – Class of 2019 (182 members)
  • NIU College of Law – Class of 2021 (173 members)
  • NIU College of Law – Class of 2018 (163 members)
  • NIU College of Law – Class of 2020 (157 members)
  • NIU College of Law Trial Ad Society (150 members)
  • NIU Pre-Law Society (127 members)
  • NIU College of Law – Class of 2017 (112 members)
  • NIU Criminal Law Society (106 members)

Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

  • Official Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Class of 2021 (238 members)
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Other Resources

More helpful resources and study materials to help you pass the Illinois State Bar Exam:

  • Illinois Jurisdiction Information
  • Illinois Supreme Court
  • National Conference of Bar Examiners
  • American Bar Association
  • Bar Prep Tips & Tricks YouTube Videos
  • Awesome Law School “Lectures”
  • Best Law School Audio Outlines
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illinois bar essay questions

The Smart Guide to the Illinois Bar Exam

A guide to mastering the illinois bar exam, illinois bar exam format.

Illinois Bar Exam Sections - MBE 200 Multiple Choice, MPT 2 Writing Assignments, MEE 6 Essays

Illinois is a Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) jurisdiction. All UBE jurisdictions use the same 3 sections:

Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)

Multistate essay exam (mee), multistate performance test (mpt).

2 writing assignments

Illinois Bar Exam Dates

 July 2024 exam: July 30-31, 2024  Feb. 2025 exam: Feb. 25-26, 2025

*The Illinois Bar Exam takes place on the last Tuesday & Wednesday of February and July.

How to Prepare for the Illinois Bar Exam

(FREE Study Guides)

Part 1: Smart Guide to MBE

Part 2: Smart Guide to MEE

Part 3: Smart Guide to MPT

Click the links above for FREE study guides covering each section of the bar exam.

Contact Info

Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar 625 S. College St. Springfield, IL 62704-2521

Website:        https://www.ilbaradmissions.org/home Phone:         (217) 522-5917 Fax:              (217) 522-3728

Frequency Charts

(FREE Charts & Statistics)

MBE Frequency Analysis

MEE Frequency Analysis

MPT Frequency Analysis

Click the links above for FREE Frequency Charts covering each section of the bar exam.

Subjects Tested on Illinois Bar Exam

Mee essay subjects.

  • Business Associations (Agency, Partnerships, Corporations, LLC’s)
  • Civil Procedure
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law & Procedure
  • Real Property
  • Secured Transactions
  • Trusts & Future Interests
  • Wills & Estates

MBE Subjects

  • Criminal Law & Procedure
  • Real property

Minimum Passing Score

For Illinois, the UBE minimum passing score is 266.

Jurisdiction-Specific Component

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illinois bar essay questions

Last updated: May 23, 2024

Passing the  Illinois bar exam  is an essential part of being admitted into the state’s bar and beginning a successful career practicing law.

In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to get started, including:

  • The bar exam’s eligibility criteria, content, and structure
  • The steps you can take in order to give yourself the best chance of passing on your first attempt
  • The additional requirements you’ll need to satisfy in order to become admitted into the state’s bar

We’ll also briefly cover the process of getting admitted through an admission on motion for those who don’t possess an Illinois law degree.

Recommended:  Interested in getting started? We recommend Kaplan’s bar exam preparation materials, which come with a free retake guarantee, interactive and flexible learning, and lawyer-led tutoring.

4.7 out of 5 stars

Illinois Bar Exam Overview

Administered by the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar (the Board), the Illinois bar exam has been regulating the state’s legal profession since 1897. The Board, which consists of seven members appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court, oversees both the bar exam and the character and fitness evaluation processes.

If you plan to take the Illinois bar exam, you should know it’s offered twice a year on the last Tuesday and Wednesday of February and July. The exam is held at various locations in Chicago, with applicants receiving notification of their specific venue and seat assignment approximately two weeks before the exam.

Here’s what you need to know regarding this exam’s registration deadlines and fees:

For the February exam, candidates who haven’t previously registered for an Illinois bar exam have a tiered fee structure. This ranges from $950 to $1,450, depending on when you register. 

  • Those who previously registered and paid for an Illinois bar exam must pay a reduced fee, ranging from $500 to $850 based on when they register.

The July exam has an identical pay structure with only one key difference: candidates who previously registered for the exam must pay a fixed price of $500.

Keep in mind that in order to be eligible for the Illinois bar exam, you’ll need to satisfy the following criteria according to Rule 703 of the Illinois Supreme Court:

  • High School Education:  Eligibility for the Illinois bar exam begins with graduating from a four-year high school or an equivalent institution. These schools must prepare students for college or university admission with standards comparable to those of the University of Illinois.
  • Undergraduate College Work:  Candidates also must complete at least 90 semester hours of college coursework. This education must be from colleges or universities recognized by the Board. Verification of this phase usually requires diplomas or university certificates, but can also be through an American Bar Association (ABA)-accredited law school that confirms the completion of the required college coursework.
  • Legal Education:  After satisfying the high school and undergraduate requirements, applicants must pursue a legal education that culminates in a law degree (e.g., a Juris Doctor degree) from an ABA-accredited law school. 

Note:  Applicants with health-related issues can request special accommodations during the exam by visiting the  Nonstandard Testing Accommodation  section of the official Illinois Bar Exam website.

Illinois Exam Structure

In 2019, the state of Illinois adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). It adheres to the following structure:

  • Multistate Performance Test (MPT): Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test Questions (20%)
  • Multistate Essay Examination (MEE): Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions (30%)

Day 2: 

  • Multistate Bar Examination (MBE): 200-question multiple-choice exam (50%)

The UBE exam has a total of 400 possible points. A candidate must earn 266 of them to receive a passing mark.

Keep in mind that candidates will additionally be required to pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) in order to be eligible for the Illinois bar.

Below, we’ve broken down the content and structure of each exam-related requirement in more detail.

Multistate Performance Test (MPT)

The MPT is made up of two 90-minute parts, and the materials for each part contain a “File” and a “Library.”

The File consists of source documents that contain all of the facts of a specific case.

As the examinee, the assignment that you will need to complete will be described in a memorandum from a supervising attorney.

The File can also include things like transcripts of interviews, depositions, pleadings, trials, client documents, newspaper articles, police reports, and any other similar documents.

Keep in mind that irrelevant information is generally included, and facts are sometimes incomplete, ambiguous, or even conflicting.

This is meant to mirror legal practice, in which a client’s or supervising attorney’s version of events may be unreliable or entirely incomplete. In such a scenario, you will be expected to recognize when facts are inconsistent or missing in the exam and identify sources of additional facts.

The Library part contains things like cases, statutes, and regulations, some of which may also not be relevant to the task that you will be assigned. You will need to be able to extract the legal principles required to analyze the legal problem you’ll be presented with and perform the requested task.

For more information, you can have a look at the National Conference of Bar Examiners’  Instructions for Taking the MPT  document.

Free summaries of MPTs from recent examinations are also offered (e.g.,  MPT Summaries of 2023 ).

Multistate Essay Examination (MEE)

The MEE consists of six 30-minute sections that can cover a variety of legal areas, including:

  • Civil Procedure
  • Business Associations (e.g., Agency and Partnership, LLCs, Corporations, etc.)
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Constitutional Law
  • Contract Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Trust and Estates

Keep in mind that questions can often include issues in more than one area of law. This means that it’ll be important to ensure that you have a “wide” range of understanding rather than a deep focus on one or two subjects.

Note:  For more information, have a look at the National Conference of Bar Examiners’ (NCBE’s) official  Instructions for Taking the MEE  document or check out a few official  MEE questions .

Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)

The MBE is made up of 200 multiple-choice questions, which are broken down into 175 scored questions and 25 unscored questions.

The exam is broken down into two three-hour sections, with one administered in the morning and one in the afternoon, both of which contain 100 questions each.

Keep in mind that there are no scheduled breaks during either one of the sections.

All 175 scored questions on the exam are distributed evenly, with 25 questions being attributed to each of the following seven topics:

  • Real Property
  • Criminal Law and Procedure

Each question on the MBE exam will have four potential answers. You should choose what you believe is the best answer — keep in mind that scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly, and points are  not subtracted  for answering incorrectly.

If you want to have a look at the exact format, you can have a look at the NCBE’s official  MBE Sample Test Questions  document.

Recommended Course

Interested in getting started? We recommend Kaplan’s bar exam preparation materials, which come with a free retake guarantee, interactive and flexible learning, and lawyer-led tutoring.

Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE)

Administered via Pearson VUE on behalf of the state, the MPRE includes 60 multiple-choice questions (50 scored questions and 10 unscored questions).

Like the MBE, each question offers four possible answers — one of which is correct. 

The exam’s content is based on law that relates to the conduct and discipline of attorneys and judges. It includes the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the Model Code of Judicial Conduct as well as important constitutional common law and generally accepted principles.

In relation to questions of professional responsibility in the context of evidentiary issues (e.g., litigation sanctions, attorney-client evidentiary privilege, etc.), the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence will apply  unless otherwise stated .

Note:  You’ll have two hours to complete the MPRE exam in its entirety.

For more information, check out the NCBE’s  sample test questions  and holistic  subject matter outline .

How to Pass the Illinois Bar Exam

In order to give yourself the best chance of passing the Illinois UBE on your first attempt, it’s important to take enough time to make sure you are adequately prepared.

Illinois Bar Exam Tips

Despite the infamous difficulty of the Illinois bar exam, passing it on your first attempt is definitely possible with the right tools and preparation techniques.

Here are a few key tips to help you in your licensing journey:

  • Start strong in your first year.  This is important given the fundamental areas of law practice generally covered during the first year of law school, such as contract law, tort law, and constitutional law
  • Leverage academic support.  If your law school offers additional support services aimed at improving your preparation, use these as much as possible. These services can include one-on-one tutoring, academic counseling, and mock exam programs
  • Obtain practical legal experience.  If possible, gain as much practical experience as you can during law school (e.g., through summer internships, mock trials, etc.). This can go a long way in cementing your legal knowledge
  • Adopt a broad study approach.  When studying for the bar exam, you should aim for a wide-ranging understanding of various subjects rather than an in-depth study of a few. This is important given the huge amount of content you’ll need to learn for this test.

Most importantly, make sure you maintain a consistent study schedule so you don’t have to resort to last-minute cramming.

Research shows students can retain a higher degree of information — and more easily — when revisiting old content vs. learning it for the first time. This is known as Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve.

Other Illinois Bar Requirements

Apart from qualifying for and passing the Illinois bar exam, there are a couple of other requirements you will need to meet in order to operate legitimately as a licensed attorney in the state, including:

  • The Character and Fitness Evaluation (Rules 706 and 708)
  • The Newly Admitted Attorney Requirement (Rule 793)

1. Character and Fitness Evaluation (Rules 706 and 708)

To become a licensed attorney in Illinois, you must pass a thorough character and fitness evaluation conducted by the Board.

This evaluation typically includes inquiries into your background with educational institutions, employers, and other relevant entities deemed necessary by the committee.

Note:  The committee considers letters of character and recommendation at their discretion, but they aren’t obligated to take these into account.

2. Newly Admitted Attorney Requirements (Rule 793)

As a newly admitted attorney in Illinois, you will need to complete a mandatory basic skills course. This focuses on essential areas, such as professional conduct rules, client communication, and trust account management.

In addition to this requirement, you will need to complete nine hours of Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credits.

You must fulfill both of these requirements by the last day of the month that marks one year from your date of admission to the Illinois bar.

For detailed information on the post-qualifying requirements for attorneys in Illinois, please refer to  Supreme Court Rule 793  on the Illinois Courts’ official website.

Note:  In lieu of the Basic Skills Course requirement, you’ll have the option of participating in a mentoring program approved by the  Illinois Commission on Professionalism .

Admission on Motion (Reciprocity)

In Illinois, experienced attorneys licensed in other jurisdictions have the opportunity to be admitted to the Illinois Bar through a process called admission on motion, as authorized by the Supreme Court Rule 705.

This process allows for admission without the need to retake the bar exam — as long as the candidate meets certain criteria that demonstrates their competency and dedication to the legal profession.

The Board requires candidates to meet the following criteria in order to receive admission on motion:

  • Attorneys must have been licensed and actively practicing law in the highest court of any US state, territory, or the District of Columbia for at least three out of the last five years
  • Attorneys must fulfill the educational requirements as per Rule 703, which includes completing a high school education, at least 90 semester hours of college or university coursework, and earning a law degree from an ABA-approved law school
  • Applicants must meet Illinois’s character and fitness standards as verified by the Committee on Character and Fitness
  • Attorneys who’ve practiced law for fewer than 15 years will need to pass the MPRE in Illinois or any other jurisdiction
  • Applicants must be in good disciplinary standing and maintain active status in at least one jurisdiction in which they’re licensed

Note : Individuals who’ve failed the bar exam in Illinois within the past five years aren’t eligible for admission on motion.

To apply for admission on motion in Illinois, you must take the following steps:

  • Complete a preliminary questionnaire.  Candidates seeking an admission on motion must first complete a preliminary questionnaire and receive approval — a free process
  • Submit a formal application.  Upon approval of the preliminary questionnaire, attorneys may proceed with the formal application process and pay the associated fee of $1,500

Note:  For more information on the admission on motion process, please refer to the Board’s  official website .

Illinois Bar Exam FAQ

Can you take the bar exam without going to law school in illinois.

For practicing attorneys from other jurisdictions, the Illinois State Bar Association offers an admission on motion pathway. This alternative route — primarily used by those actively practicing law — involves fulfilling specific criteria, including a character and fitness questionnaire. Interested in learning more? Check out our  What is the Bar Exam  article.

How long is the Illinois bar exam?

The  Illinois bar exam , which lasts two days, includes the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) and the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) on day one followed by the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) on day two. This structure follows the guidelines set by the American Bar Association. Each day’s sessions amount to approximately six hours of examination time.

How hard is it to pass the Illinois State bar examination?

The difficulty of the Illinois bar exam, aligned with the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) standard, is significant, yet manageable with dedicated study. Understanding the Illinois bar exam structure is essential, and reviewing past Illinois bar exam results can provide valuable insights into its difficulty and inform effective study strategies for success.

How much does the Illinois bar exam cost?

The cost of the Illinois bar exam varies based on tiered registration fees for applicants. First-time registrants will face fees of $950 to $1,450, depending on the timing of their Illinois bar exam application submission. Those who’ve previously registered have to pay a reduced fee.

Illinois Bar Exam Information

Learn about the Illinois Bar Exam format, subjects tested, dates, and requirements.

  • Connecticut
  • District Columbia
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  • Based on past exams
  • Exam-like questions
  • MBE Exam Simulator

Dates, Cost & Location

Exam Type: 2-day UBE Exam
Dates:July 30-31, 2024
Exam Application Fee:$500 / $950
Late Fee: $700 / $1,150
Final Late Fee: $1,100 / $1,450

The Illinois Bar Exam is a 2 day exam. Day 1 consists of three Illinois drafted essay questions (30 minutes each), one 90-minute Multistate Performance Test (MPT) question, and six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) questions. Day 2 is the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam.

What subjects will you be tested on?

Administrative Law, Agency, Commercial Paper, Conflict of Laws, Corporations, Equity, Family Law, Federal Jurisdiction & Procedure, Federal Taxation, IL Civil Procedure, Partnerships, Personal Property, Sales, Secured Transactions, Suretyship, Trusts & Future Interests, Wills (Decedents’ Estates), Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts.

What’s the minimum score for MPRE?

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE administered after the applicant has completed the equivalent of two full years of law school is required for admission.

Need to sign up for MPRE? Learn about registration, testing policies, and more on our MPRE Registration Guide .

How is the exam scored?

The MBE is weighted 50%, essays (IEE/MEE) are weighted 40%, and the MPT is worth 10%. A total scaled score of 266 is required to pass the bar.

When are the results released?

Results are released 6 weeks after the February exam and 8-10 weeks after the July exam.

Can I transfer my MBE scores from another jurisdiction?

Applicants can transfer previous MBE score of at least 140 from another jurisdiction if within 13 months from preceding exam and applicant passed the bar exam in that jurisdiction.

What about reciprocity across states?

In order to be eligible for admission without taking the Illinois Bar Exam, the applicant must be a member of a reciprocating state bar and have engaged in the active practice of law for 5 of the 7 years immediately preceding the application. The applicant must also meet education requirements. The applicant must be a graduate of an ABA accredited law school and prove intent to practice a minimum of 500 hours annually, physically in Illinois.

What are the application deadlines and fees?

Please visit the Board of Admissions to the Bar website for details on application deadlines and fees, as well as for more information on other topics.

Contact information

Web: www.ilbaradmissions.org/home Tel: (217) 522-5917


Bar Exam Basics

  • Illinois Bar
  • Bar Exam Preparation Courses
  • Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)
  • Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam

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The Bar Exam

illinois bar essay questions

For information on various exams and links to most state bar authorities, visit the web site of the National Conference of Bar Examiners .

Also, see the American Bar Association's (ABA) guide to Bar Admission requirements .

Books: Online and In Print

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The Illinois state bar will administer the UBE on July 30-31, 2024.

Applications are due February 15, 2024. Late applications, with an additional fee, will be accepted until April 30, 2024. 

For details on the application process and fees, please visit the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar .

Illinois Bar Exam Details

Illinois utilizes the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE).

The UBE is composed of the Multistate Performance Test (MPT), Multistate Essay Examination (MEE), and the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) which are prepared by, given, and graded in accordance with the standards established by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Additional information regarding the content of the UBE is available at  http://www.ncbex.org/exams/ube .

The UBE will be given in Illinois twice a year on the last consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday of February and July. 

A scaled score of 266 on the UBE is required for admission in Illinois. 

UBE Schedule:

Tuesday AM: MEE (6 essays, 3 hours) 

Tuesday PM: MPT (2 items, 3 hours)

Wednesday AM: MBE (100 questions, 3 hours) 

Wednesday PM: MBE (100 questions, 3 hours)

Study Resources for the Illinois Bar Exam

There are multiple resources that provide sample questions and answers for the UBE:

  • Recent MEE questions and model answers .
  • Recent MPT questions, model answers, and point sheets . 
  • Sample MBE questions . ( These are also found in the Law Library's Main Reading Room in the Bar Success Collection.)
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AmeriBar's Illinois Bar Exam Essay Master Course Information

The Essay Master Course provides the best tools available to help students PASS the essay portion of the Illinois Bar Exam.  The course is patterned after AmeriBar's incredibly successful and highly acclaimed tutoring program.  The audio lectures and outlines provide a thorough substantive law review of all non-MBE subjects testable on the essay exam.  Additionally, the online audio strategy workshops cover essay-writing and the study process.  The strategy workshops provide a workable framework for how to make the most of study time, as well as how to prepare essays that maximize points.  You will never feel more prepared for the essay portion of the exam.



■   Essay Subject Outline Book

Administrative Law Equity Secured Transactions
Agency & Partnership Family Law Taxation
Commercial Paper Fed. & IL Civil Procedure Trusts
Conflict of Laws Illinois Constitutional Law Wills
Corporations Personal Property MBE Distinctions (Illinois)

Listen to samples of lectures and view pages from outlines .

■ Multistate Essay Exam Released Questions

■ Illinois Practice Essay Questions

■  Strategy Workshop Lectures

The strategy workshop is designed to teach students the strategies and techniques required to pass the exam.    The workshop covers both study strategies and essay writing techniques.  Learn how to use effective legal writing strategies to your advantage.  The lectures help students utilize legal writing techniques to maximize points when drafting essay answers.  The workshop cover s everything from how to set up your study schedule, to what to do each day to prepare.  It also contains strategies on how to prepare for and write a bar exam essay answer.   The workshop has been prepared with the retaker in mind, but is incredibly useful for all examinees.

■ MPT Course Access

■ Completely Updated to include Coverage of Recent Test Changes

The scope of the essay exam has recently changed.  Don't worry, AmeriBar has it covered.  Our materials are updated constantly and contain coverage of all testable subjects.

AmeriBar constantly monitors past bar exams questions and testing trends.  Our materials are focused on testable points of law.  Therefore, you will not waste hours of your study time learning extraneous information.  Utilize your time efficiently.


The Essay Master Course is available for students who already have materials for the Multistate Bar Examination ("MBE"). The MBE subjects may also be tested on the essay exam.  The Essay Master Course contains MBE subject distinction supplements as well as practice essay questions and answers.   However, it does not contain complete outlines of general legal principles for the subjects tested on the MBE .     Ensure that you have adequate materials to help you prepare for the MBE subjects. If you do not have complete outlines for the MBE subjects, you should enroll in AmeriBar's Complete Home Study Course , which covers all of the subjects on the exam.

AmeriBar constantly monitors past bar exams questions and testing trends.  Our materials are focused on testable points of law.  Therefore, you will not waste hours of your study time learning extraneous information.  Utilize your time efficiently .


Are you are a retaker who enrolled in a traditional bar review course the last time you sat for the exam, but were unsuccessful? It is likely that you spent too much time reviewing your knowledge of the law, and not enough time learning how to write essay answers or adequately prepare for the MBE.  It is likely that you studied inefficiently. Instead of spending dozens or even hundreds of hours listening to mind-numbing lectures of the law, learn how to spend your time efficiently learning the law you need to know in order to pass.  In fact, one of our recent students who had previously taken a traditional review course (and failed his exam) let us know that the best part of AmeriBar's program was that he actually studied less and passed! Focus on the law you need to know, and spend the rest of your time learning how to apply your knowledge to the questions presented by the bar examiners.


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Bar Exam Resources: MEE

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MEE (Multistate Essay Exam)

The MEE consists of six essay questions and is normally administered by participating jurisdictions in February and July of each year.

From the NCBE:

  • MEE Subject Matter Outline [PDF]
  • February 2024 exam [PDF]
  • Older exams (2014-2018) (Scroll down to bottom of page for links to PDFs.)
  • Instructions for taking the MEE [PDF]

Need more help? Contact us!

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  • Schedule an online appointment with a Reference Librarian (Limited to College of Law students, faculty and staff)
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  • Last Updated: Jun 17, 2024 1:21 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.niu.edu/bar-exam-resources

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Illinois Bar Exam (UBE) details

A typical illinois bar exam is a 2-day uniform bar exam (ube).

Illinois Bar Exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with the Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar .

Please also reference the  NCBE Covid-19 updates page  for NCBE updates and individual jurisdiction announcements.

Bar exam details

  • Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test questions (MPT in the AM)
  • Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the PM)
  • Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100 questions in the PM)

Subjects tested

  • Constitutional Law
  • Contracts/Sales
  • Criminal Law/Procedure
  • Federal Civil Procedure
  • Real Property
  • Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; Corporations; and Limited Liability Companies)
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Trusts and Estates (Decedents' Estates; Trusts and Future Interests)
  • Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial Code
  • Plus all MBE subjects
  • “Closed universe” practical questions using instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other reference material supplied by examiners.
  • A scaled score of 80 is required for admission to the bar. The MPRE can be taken at any time but admission to the bar is contingent on passing the MPRE.

Click here to learn more about the MPRE .

The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE.

  • MBE weighted 50%
  • MEE weighted 30%
  • MPT weighted 20%

A total scaled score of 266 is required to pass the Illinois Bar Exam.


Acceptance of mbe score.

Illinois does not accept an MBE score from an exam taken in another jurisdiction.

Admission on Motion

A member in good standing of another U.S. state or territory may be admitted on motion in Illinois if the applicant has engaged in the active practice of law for three of the five years preceding application. Additional requirements apply. 

Admission by UBE Score Transfer

Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another jurisdiction within the preceding four years may apply for admission based on that score. Additional requirements apply.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest

We compile all of the information that you need to know about the dates, format, subjects tested, deadlines, fees and more - for each U.S. state - in the free BARBRI Bar Exam Digest.

Download the Digest ›

Find the BARBRI bar prep course that’s built for you

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Illinois Uniform Bar Exam

The Illinois Uniform Bar Examination is administered by the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar as part of the process of identifying and recommending to the Supreme Court qualified candidates for admission to the Illinois Bar. The Examination spans two days— the last consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday in February and July—with the performance test and essays on Tuesday and the multiple-choice Multistate Bar Exam on Wednesday.

Beginning on the July 2019 Bar Exam, Illinois will incorporate the Uniform Bar Examination (“UBE”). Illinois is the 30th state to incorporate the UBE. An additional Multistate Performance Test will replace the 3 Illinois essay questions in the morning of Day 1 on the Bar examination. In addition, Bar examiners will now receive a portable UBE score that can be transferred to other UBE jurisdictions.

About the Exam

The Illinois Uniform Bar Exam essays can include agency and partnership, contracts and sales, criminal law, torts, evidence, constitutional law, real property, corporations, conflict of laws, criminal procedure, family law, civil procedure, secured transactions, trusts and future interests, and wills.

The Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) is a six-hour, 200 question multiple-choice examination covering civil procedure, contracts, criminal law and procedure, torts, evidence, constitutional law, and real property. The test is divided into two periods of three hours each, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with 100 questions in each period.

The forms and instructions are available on the bar examiner’s website.

Uniform Bar Examination Schedule

Day One (Tuesday) Morning

  • Two Multistate Performance Tests (90 minutes each)

Day One (Tuesday) Afternoon

  • Six Multistate Essay Exam Questions (3 hours)

Day Two (Wednesday) Morning

  • 100 Multiple-choice Questions from Multistate Bar Examination (3 hours)

Day Two (Wednesday) Afternoon


Illinois Bar Exam Course


Impressively affordable. Incredibly successful.

Illinois course from $1999 $1299 or $118/month.

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  • Call us at (312) 216-0002

Illinois Bar Review Course Books

Start Studying in Minutes - Get On The Path to Passing Today

Ube bar review course student, sarah raised mbe score from 134 to 159, what makes ameribar, ameribar, the illinois bar exam experts.

AmeriBar has been helping students pass the Illinois Bar Exam for over 20 years. We are the Illinois bar review course experts that law schools turn to when they need students to pass.

  • 20 Years of Illinois Bar Review Course Success
  • Illinois Bar Review Course Outlines for Every Tested Subject
  • Illinois Bar Exam Live Small Group Meetings
  • Personal Support
  • Testing Focus Based on Experience for 40+ Exams

Real Prior Illinois Bar Exam Questions

  • Real Prior MBE Questions with Answers and Explanations
  • Every MPT Question and Point Sheet Since 1997
  • Every MEE Question and Model Analysis Since 1997
  • Thousands of Students Who Failed with Other Courses
  • Strategy Workshops Designed for At-Risk Takers
  • Pass Guarantee

Bar Exam Score Increase

It's All About the Team


Illinois Bar Exam Small-Group Workshops

You will have access to over 100 hours of live and archived small-group workshops.

Andre Discusses Florida Multiple Choice

Studying for the Illinois bar exam doesn't have to be a lonely experience.

Bar Exam Course Trial

Illinois Bar Exam Course Free Trial

No fuss, no card, no commitments

Florida Bar Review Course App

Illinois Bar Review Course App

Our free app includes complete Illinois bar review course access including digital outlines, lectures, and question banks. Take the course wherever you take your mobile device. Listen to lectures in the car, on the train, at the beach, or in the gym. Download the course for offline access.

Illinois Bar Exam Community

Work through your illinois bar review course with the support of our dedicated staff and community..

  • Attorney Support
  • Discussion Boards
  • Online Social Hours
  • Course students Receive Two-Month "Live Class Pass"*

*Limited Time Only

Florida bar exam course live group

Other courses hold back real prior bar exam questions to avoid paying hefty licensing fees. AmeriBar absorbs the costs because these real questions will help you pass the bar exam.

  • 1400+ Prior MBE Questions with Answers and Explanations
  • 200+ Prior Illinois Bar Exam Essay Questions with Sample Answers

Bar Review Course Online Access

Illinois Essay Critique Program

Write Illinois Bar Exam essay answers that get points! Submit up to 12 answers to prior Illinois bar exam essay questions. We will provide a detailed individual expert review that will tell you exactly how to improve your score.

Study Anywhere

The illinois bar review course that follows you anywhere., sample calendars, illinois bar review course calendars that maximize learning and retention., class 'til you pass, your illinois bar exam family is behind you until you pass the bar exam..

Life can get in the way of the bar exam. If you postpone the bar exam for any reason, receive access to the course for the next exam by paying a $249 course extension fee. 

Illinois Bar Review Course Books

The testable subject-matter on the illinois bar exam is immense. physical books allow you to markup, highlight, and take notes. plus, the books are yours to keep.

UBE Bar Review Course Outlines

Strategy and Substantive Lectures

Over 80 hours of lectures covering the subject matter tested on the illinois bar exam..

Listening to Lectures

An attorney is available if you have questions about Illinois bar exam preparation.

Contact an attorney, risk-free inspection, our illinois bar review course comes with an amazing risk-free inspection period..

Our amazing Illinois bar review course comes with an amazing risk-free inspection. You may inspect the online course for 7 days from the date you enroll. If you do not wish to continue enrollment for any reason, you may return the books and withdraw for a full refund minus 20% and the cost of shipping.​ 

We guarantee that you'll pass the Illinois bar exam.

If you don’t pass the Illinois bar exam, you will get a free retake of the course for the next exam. Provide us with a copy of the results within 30 days of notification from the Illinois examiners, and you will have continued access for free. The guarantee applies to all consecutive retakes for up to two years from your enrollment.

Sign up today

Take the first step towards passing the bar exam.

Free Trial >

Bar Review Course

Everything You Need to Pass the Illinois Bar Exam

Illinois bar exam outlines.

Our Illinois Bar Review course includes outlines for all subjects tested on the Illinois Bar Exam. The outlines are keyed to the scope of testing set forth by the NCBE for the MBE and written exam. The outlines focus on bar exam testability and are based on our 20+ years of experience. The Illinois bar review course outlines are easy to read and contain an intuitive starring system, which highlights important exam topics for efficient study. As a result, you will be more efficient with your study time. You can outline less and learn more. Free up time to work on practice essays and MBE questions.

Illinois Bar Exam Lectures

Over 80 hours of strategy and substantive lectures, mbe question bank.

Over 4000 released and simulated MBE questions.

MBE Question Bank

Learning Questions

The Illinois bar review course includes 1500+ learning question. These questions reinforce reinforce key concepts.

  • MPT Question Bank

Practice Questions For Every Test Component

Every MPT question and point sheet/analysis since 1997.

Every MEE essay question and analysis since 1997.

  • 3000+ simulated MBE questions and explanations.
  • Option to add 1400+ released prior MBE questions and explanations.

Schedule a Free Illinois Bar Exam Strategy Session

Schedule coaching session, dayton law school.

“[T]he materials are put together in a superior way. They read much more smoothly… They are far easier to comprehend, and learning it in a linear sequential way, the way AmeriBar has them set out, really helped me pass.”

Thomas Cooley Law School

Heidi, who failed twice with BarBri, describes how AmeriBar was instrumental in raising her score from 121 to 144.

Illinois Bar Review Course Options


  • Digital Course Books
  • 3000+ Simulated MBE Questions
  • 80+ Hours Online Lectures
  • 1500+ Learning Questions
  • Access on iPhone or Android App
  • Essay Question Bank
  • Attorney Telephone Support
  • Study Calendar Templates
  • Pass-Update Guarantee
  • Physical Course Books (+$200)
  • 1400+ Real MBE Questions (+$100)
  • Essay Critique Program (+$400)
  • Small Group Live Workshops
  • Small Group Workshop Archives
  • Tutoring Sessions (+$175 each)
  • Physical Course Books
  • 1400+ Real MBE Questions
  • Essay Critique Program
  • 7 Tutoring Sessions

Bar Review Course Students


MEE Questions

Mee outlines, mbe questions.

  • MBE Outlines
  • MPT Questions


Illinois Bar Review Course Optional Extras

Illinois bar exam tutor.

Add individual Illinois bar exam tutoring sessions to your course.

Illinois Bar Exam Tutoring

For an added fee, an AmeriBar Illinois Bar Exam tutor will work with you on any portion of the bar exam: MBE, Essay, and/or MPT (if applicable). AmeriBar has been tutoring repeat takers for almost 20 years. The program is specifically tailored to your individual needs. Learn critical strategy and test-taking skills that can be used to improve your exam scores.

Michigan bar exam tutor

Illinois Personal Bar Review Course

For intensive tutoring, the personal bar review course option is your best solution

The Illinois Personal Bar Review Course option comes with all Illinois bar review course materials, access to the essay critique program, and ten tutoring sessions. The Personal Bar Review course option is ideal for repeat bar exam takers who need complete course materials. It is also a great solution for foreign attorneys or LLM graduates.

Bar Exam Tutors

AmeriBar Students

Illinois bar review course, study anywhere.

Study for the Illinois bar exam anywhere you can take your connected mobile device. Watch lectures, answer learning and MBE questions, and much more on the go.

  • 80+ Hours Lectures
  • Digital Outlines
  • 3000+ MBE Practice Questions
  • Study on the Go


With AmeriBar, you have the option of receiving 7 real Illinois Bar Review books.

  • MEE Outines
  • MEE Essays Questions and Analyses
  • MBE Released Questions and Answers

With AmeriBar, you are never just a number. You become a part of a family. We are committed to helping you pass the Illinois bar exam.

  • Sample Study Calendars
  • Risk-Free Inspection Period

James Laura

  office (518) 453-5990 fax (518) 452-5729 TTY: Call 711 (nyrelay.com) Phone Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm Eastern Time

  • BOLE Account
  • Admission Information
  • Application by Transferred UBE Score
  • Bar Exam Eligibility
  • Bar Exam Information
  • Bar Exam Statistics
  • Change of Address
  • Dates of Exams and Deadlines
  • Exam Day References & Security Policy
  • Foreign Legal Education
  • Mandatory 50-Hour Pro Bono Rule
  • Misconduct Policy
  • NYLC / NYLE Course Access & Materials
  • Other Links & Contact Information
  • Past Bar Exam Questions & Answers
  • Past Bar Exam Results
  • Press Releases and Reports
  • Pro Bono Scholars Program
  • Proctor Information
  • Reciprocity / Motion Information
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Skills Competency Requirement for Bar Admission
  • Study Guides for UBE and MPRE
  • Test Accommodations

Past Exam Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers

Document Description  
February 2024 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2023 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2023 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2022 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2022 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2021 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2021 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
October 2020 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2020 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2019 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2019 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2018 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2018 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2017 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
February 2017 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers
July 2016 Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers

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"I love your course. I've recommended it to several other students, and I will continue to recommend it."

"The lectures were concise and focused on the important points, which allowed me to learn the new areas of law with the least effort, and efficiently refresh my memory on the other areas."

"[The course is] more condensed and focused on the basics of the black letter law, and on helping students develop a test writing strategy."

"I really liked it when the instructor did more than teach the subject as it would be taught in law school. I liked when they gave tips about the way questions on previous tests were handled and advice for choosing the right answer if the question was confusing."

"I was glad to find this review to help me prepare for the exam and refresh my memory . . . at a price that did not break the bank."







(MBE) subjects testable on the essay portion of the Illinois Bar Exam.  This book, along with the MBE course, contain the law you need to know in order to pass the Illinois Bar Exam.  The focus of the outlines is on testability.  The outline book contains an intuitive starring system, which highlights important exam topics for efficient study.  As a result, you will be more efficient with your study time.  Free up some time to perfect your approach to essay writing. 


Administrative Law Equity Secured Transactions
Agency & Partnership Family Law Taxation
Commercial Paper Fed. & IL Civil Procedure Trusts
Conflict of Laws Illinois Constitutional Law Wills
Corporations Personal Property MBE Distinctions (Illinois)

Listen to samples of lectures and view pages from outlines .

■ Multistate Essay Exam Released Questions

illinois bar essay questions

■ Illinois Practice Essay Questions

■  Strategy Workshop Lectures

illinois bar essay questions

The strategy workshop is designed to teach students the strategies and techniques required to pass the exam.    The workshop covers both study strategies and essay writing techniques.  Learn how to use effective legal writing strategies to your advantage.  The lectures help students utilize legal writing techniques to maximize points when drafting essay answers.  The workshop cover s everything from how to set up your study schedule, to what to do each day to prepare.  It also contains strategies on how to prepare for and write a bar exam essay answer.   The workshop has been prepared with the retaker in mind, but is incredibly useful for all examinees.

illinois bar essay questions

■ MPT Course Access

illinois bar essay questions

■ Completely Updated to include Coverage of Recent Test Changes

The scope of the essay exam has recently changed.  Don't worry, AmeriBar has it covered.  Our materials are updated constantly and contain coverage of all testable subjects.


AmeriBar constantly monitors past bar exams questions and testing trends.  Our materials are focused on testable points of law.  Therefore, you will not waste hours of your study time learning extraneous information.  Utilize your time efficiently.


The Essay Master Course is available for students who already have materials for the Multistate Bar Examination ("MBE"). The MBE subjects may also be tested on the essay exam.  The Essay Master Course contains MBE subject distinction supplements as well as practice essay questions and answers.   However, it does not contain complete outlines of general legal principles for the subjects tested on the MBE .     Ensure that you have adequate materials to help you prepare for the MBE subjects. If you do not have complete outlines for the MBE subjects, you should enroll in AmeriBar's Complete Home Study Course , which covers all of the subjects on the exam.

AmeriBar constantly monitors past bar exams questions and testing trends.  Our materials are focused on testable points of law.  Therefore, you will not waste hours of your study time learning extraneous information.  Utilize your time efficiently .


Are you are a retaker who enrolled in a traditional bar review course the last time you sat for the exam, but were unsuccessful? It is likely that you spent too much time reviewing your knowledge of the law, and not enough time learning how to write essay answers or adequately prepare for the MBE.  It is likely that you studied inefficiently. Instead of spending dozens or even hundreds of hours listening to mind-numbing lectures of the law, learn how to spend your time efficiently learning the law you need to know in order to pass.  In fact, one of our recent students who had previously taken a traditional review course (and failed his exam) let us know that the best part of AmeriBar's program was that he actually studied less and passed! Focus on the law you need to know, and spend the rest of your time learning how to apply your knowledge to the questions presented by the bar examiners.

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  2. Example of bar chart essay in 2021

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  5. Bar Exam Essay Attack Sheets + Bar Exam Essay Prewrites

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    illinois bar essay questions


  1. Delta Fitness

  2. One Timers Essay Review

  3. CA Essay Workshop Mastering Contracts Essays

  4. IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar chart (3)

  5. Bar Exam Drills Podcast

  6. Bar Server Interview Questions


  1. Illinois Bar Exam 2024

    Illinois Bar ExamThe Ultimate Guide (2024) Illinois Bar Exam. Get ready for the 2024 Illinois Bar Exam. Learn exam dates, costs, scores, pass rates, results, requirements, subjects, and practice with sample questions. The Illinois Bar Exam adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE® ) on June 8, 2018, and began administering it in July 2019.

  2. Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar

    The Illinois bar examination prior to the UBE consisted of three Illinois essay questions, one MPT task, and six MEE questions on Tuesday, and the MBE on Wednesday. The Illinois section was worth 13.3%, the MPT 10%, the MEE 26.7%, and the MBE 50%. An additional MPT task will replace the three Illinois essay questions.

  3. Overview of Illinois Bar Exam

    Starting in 2019, the Illinois began administering the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). The UBE consists of three testing components: the Multistate Performance Exam (MPT), the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE), and the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE). In order to pass the Illinois bar exam, you need to score a minimum of 266 out of 400 total points.

  4. What is The Illinois Essay Exam?

    The Illinois Essay Exam is a state-specific component of the Illinois bar exam. Unlike the MEE, the IEE questions test Illinois law. On your exam day, you will have 90 minutes to complete 3 Illinois law essays, and 180 minutes to cover 6 MEE essays.

  5. Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar

    The UBE (Uniform Bar Examination) includes all components: Multistate Performance Test ( MPT) - two 90-min items), Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) - six essays, 3 hours, and the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) - 200 multiple-choice, 6 hours. The UBE results in a portable score. Please read the FAQ regarding the UBE here. FAQ:UBE

  6. Illinois Bar

    There are four components to the Illinois two-day bar exam: The Illinois Essay Examination (IEE): 3 questions, 90 minutes. The Multistate Performance Test (MPT): 1 question, 90 minutes.; The Multistate Essay Exam (MEE): 6 questions, 3 hours.; The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE): 200 questions, 6 hours.; Sources: National Conference of Bar Examiners, and Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar

  7. Ultimate Guide to Illinois Bar Exam, Bar Prep

    Physical address: Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar. 625 South College Street. Springfield, Illinois 62704. Phone number: (217) 522-5917. Mailing address: Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar. 625 South College Street. Springfield, Illinois 62704.

  8. The Smart Guide to the Illinois Bar Exam

    Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) 6 essays ^ ... Feb. 2025 exam: Feb. 25-26, 2025 *The Illinois Bar Exam takes place on the last Tuesday & Wednesday of February and July. How to Prepare for the Illinois Bar Exam (FREE Study Guides) ... MBE Practice Questions; Free Guides & Charts. Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) California Bar Exam (CA)

  9. Illinois Bar Exam

    Explore key aspects of the Illinois bar exam, including eligibility, exam structure, fees, and additional requirements for legal practice in Illinois. ... Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions (30%) Day 2: Multistate Bar Examination (MBE): 200-question multiple-choice exam (50%) The UBE exam has a total of 400 possible points. A ...

  10. Illinois Bar Exam Information 2024: Dates, Cost, Results

    The Illinois Bar Exam is a 2 day exam. Day 1 consists of three Illinois drafted essay questions (30 minutes each), one 90-minute Multistate Performance Test (MPT) question, and six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) questions. Day 2 is the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam.

  11. Bar Exam Basics

    Multistate Bar Exam, 5e by Blond; Tania N. Shah. Call Number: KF388 .B57 2010. ISBN: 9780735577954. Publication Date: 2009-11-16. The fifth edition of Blond's Multistate Bar Exam features updated questions that follow the format used on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE). Perfect for students who want to test their knowledge against original questions.

  12. Illinois Bar Exam

    The UBE will be given in Illinois twice a year on the last consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday of February and July. A scaled score of 266 on the UBE is required for admission in Illinois. UBE Schedule: Tuesday AM: MEE (6 essays, 3 hours) Tuesday PM: MPT (2 items, 3 hours) Wednesday AM: MBE (100 questions, 3 hours)

  13. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the Illinois Bar Examination

    Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) questions each. The four sessions on July 28, will each consist of 50 Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) questions each. Applicants with accommodations requiring a different schedule should refer to their determination letter(s) and any follow-up information for their amended schedule.

  14. Illinois Essay Master Course

    Illinois Practice Essay Questions . In addition to the MEE, the Illinois Bar Exam also generally consists of a set of three essay questions drafted by the Illinois Examiners. AmeriBar's Illinois outline book also contains best the resource for preparing for these Illinois essays - actual past essay questions.

  15. Bar Exam Resources: MEE

    The MEE consists of six essay questions and is normally administered by participating jurisdictions in February and July of each year. From the NCBE: MEE Subject Matter Outline [PDF] MEE Sample Questions - others available for purchase. February 2024 exam [PDF] Older exams (2014-2018) (Scroll down to bottom of page for links to PDFs.)

  16. illinoisbarreview.com

    The Illinois Bar Exam is a two-day exam -- Tuesday and Wednesday -- with the performance test and essays on Tuesday and the multiple-choice Multistate Bar Exam on Wednesday. First Day (Tuesday): One Multistate Performance Test (MPT) For details on the MPT, click here. Three Illinois Essays. Six Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) questions.

  17. Illinois Bar Exam Information and Details

    Illinois Bar Exam information is subject to change without notice. ... Day 1. Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test questions (MPT in the AM) Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the PM) Day 2. Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100 questions in the PM) Subjects tested ...

  18. Illinois Uniform Bar Exam

    Beginning on the July 2019 Bar Exam, Illinois will incorporate the Uniform Bar Examination ("UBE"). Illinois is the 30th state to incorporate the UBE. An additional Multistate Performance Test will replace the 3 Illinois essay questions in the morning of Day 1 on the Bar examination. In addition, Bar examiners will now receive a portable ...

  19. Illinois Bar Exam Course 2024: Bar Review Program

    The outlines are keyed to the scope of testing set forth by the NCBE for the MBE and written exam. The outlines focus on bar exam testability and are based on our 20+ years of experience. The Illinois bar review course outlines are easy to read and contain an intuitive starring system, which highlights important exam topics for efficient study.

  20. Past Exam Essay Questions with Sample Candidate Answers

    office (518) 453-5990 fax (518) 452-5729 TTY: Call 711 (nyrelay.com) Phone Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Eastern Time

  21. Struggling to Pass IL Bar Exam : r/barexam

    This past exam is was 116.1 MBE and 111.7 written essays. I tend to get a lot of 1s and 2s on the essays and my MBE score has hovered in this range that I posted above for the most part. The first 2 times I took the exam I used Kaplan Bar Prep. I watched the videos and did practice essays and MBEs.

  22. Illinois Essay Master Course

    Illinois Practice Essay Questions . In addition to the MEE, the Illinois Bar Exam also generally consists of a set of three essay questions drafted by the Illinois Examiners. AmeriBar's Illinois outline book also contains best the resource for preparing for these Illinois essays - actual past essay questions.