Nurse Fern

Six-Figure Remote Nursing Jobs: Do They Exist?

nursing jobs making 100k

What comes to mind when you think of 100k?

  • Economic security?
  • The American dream?
  • Financial freedom?

While 100k today doesn’t go as far as it used to—100k in the year 2003 would be equal to nearly 170k now—it still represents the ultimate career goal for many. 

Here’s what to keep in mind if you have your sights set on a six-figure remote nursing job. 

Myths About 100k Remote Nursing Jobs

To better understand the landscape of high-paying careers, let’s debunk some myths to shed light on the realities of six-figure remote nursing jobs.

They Aren’t Real

Especially if you’re new to the remote nursing job hunt, it might feel like high-paying jobs are hard to come by. As more nurses are eager to leave bedside, employers can get away with paying less. It’s not uncommon to see remote nursing job listings for $25-35 per hour ($52,000 to $72,000 per year), but that doesn’t mean higher-paying jobs aren’t out there. 

You Will Be Rich 

The current median household income is around $65,000 per year . So 100k would have you earning more than most Americans, but it might not make you feel rich. With a steadily increasing cost of living, 100k is no longer the status symbol it used to be. Especially for individuals in single-income families, those who have children, or care for any sick or elderly family members, there are instances where 100k might not feel like enough.

You Need An Advanced Nursing Degree

Depending on your degree, higher education in the nursing field could open more doors to non-traditional higher-paying nursing jobs. But many 100k remote nursing jobs don’t require any advanced degree. 

The Job Will Always Be Flexible

If the 100k remote nursing job is paid on a salary basis rather than an hourly basis, you’ll likely have more flexibility with the hours you work. However, that could mean you feel like you take your work “home” with you more often, and you have weeks you work unpaid overtime. Some higher-paying jobs are demanding and expect more of you because of the higher compensation. 

How to Land a Six-Figure Remote Nursing Job

Wouldn’t it be nice if recruiters for 100k remote nursing jobs were spamming your email and blowing up your phone like travel recruiters for some ICU in Omaha, Nebraska? Six-figure remote nursing jobs do exist, but it takes some ingenuity and creativity to get one amidst hundreds of hungry applicants. 

Here are some strategies to take when approaching this unique job hunt. 

1. Take a Non-Traditional Approach

Did you set your sights on a specific type of remote nursing job, and then notice that the salary is not lining up with your expectations? When this happens, it’s time to start thinking outside the box. Insurance companies and hospitals aren’t the only ones that need remote nurses. FAANG companies (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) are worth billions of dollars and guess what? They need case managers , employee health specialists, and wellness coordinators, too. So do lots of smaller companies outside of healthcare. The job postings are less plentiful, but that’s the name of the game with six-figure remote nursing jobs. 

2. Work a Side Hustle

If you found a remote nursing job you love that pays you $85,000 per year, you might not be interested in taking a risk to switch jobs. In that case, it could be worth it to start a side hustle. That $15,000 you lack would require you to make an additional $1,250 per month to reach a 100k annual salary.

You could try: 

  • Healthcare consulting
  • Health coaching
  • Freelance writing
  • Legal nurse consulting
  • Affiliate/influencer marketing
  • HEDIS nursing
  • Other entrepreneurial ventures, like creating a health, wellness, or lifestyle product

With a side hustle, you have the benefit of being your own boss, creating something you love, and not having the pressure of where your next paycheck is coming from. Not to mention it can help you far surpass the six-figure mark once you establish yourself.

3. Live in a High Cost of Living Area

Ok, so maybe you don’t want to move to California just for the six-figure paycheck, but the reality is that many companies do factor in your geographic location when creating your job offer. If you’re open to moving, or live a nomadic lifestyle, check a cost of living calculator to see how much you’d need to make to maintain your lifestyle. If it benefits you, don’t forget to mention your cost of living in the hiring process as well. If you live in New York, ask the recruiter if they plan to compensate with your cost of living in mind. If it’s not in their favor, they may not bring it up if you don’t ask. 

4. Gain a High-Value Skill

Get in the mind of an employer and start thinking about what companies value, and what they’re willing to spend money on. Unfortunately, it’s not always the tasks that relate directly to nursing. For example, a company might give a hefty commission to a medical sales rep because they’re directly benefitting the company by scouting for new clients. In contrast, a phone triage nurse is doing important work, but they aren’t bringing in thousands of dollars for the company. 

Skills that employers consider high value often involve:

  • Marketing and sales
  • Social media
  • Data and informatics
  • Management and leadership
  • Quality improvement and assurance

If one of these skills interests you, consider taking an online course or certification program, getting a mentor, or even returning to school.  

5. Use Negotiation Tactics

Always negotiate. But, there are certain times when negotiation will be more worthwhile. 

If a hiring manager offers you a case management position and is paying everyone $30 an hour, but you want $55 and have the same qualifications as everyone else, you likely won’t get too much closer to that six-figure mark. If the job is already close to six-figures, you might be able to negotiate another 5-10% above what they offered you. 

Jobs that pay salaries rather than hourly wages are also often easier to negotiate. The job role is often more fluid and subjective than an hourly employee’s, leaving some wiggle room for compensation. Negotiating for non-traditional roles and with non-healthcare companies will also likely be more successful. 

Your Bottom Line

A 100k remote nursing job doesn’t define you, but it might give you more financial freedom and peace of mind. If you’ve felt undervalued at your bedside nursing job, the pay may also help boost your self-confidence. Regardless of what remote nursing job you end up with, the lifestyle change and stress reduction could be well worth it.  Want to learn more about what remote nursing job is right for you? Check out the remote nursing job quiz with Nurse Fern .

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13 Ways Nurses Can Make Six Figures a Year

There are numerous paths to making six figures as a registered nurse.

However, the amount of money a nurse makes in a typical year varies depending on several factors.

For instance, a nurse’s career path, salary negotiations, location, and side work or hustle dramatically influence earnings.

There’s lots of money to be made in healthcare for nurses willing to put in the effort.

Nevertheless, it requires the right strategy, creativity, and attitude.

Even registered nurses in general nursing fields can make a very healthy salary under the right circumstances.

From full-time blogging to working in a rewarding career, here are thirteen ways nurses can make six figures a year.

How to Make Six Figures as a Nurse:

  • Become a professional blogger
  • Become a social media influencer
  • Work in a field that pays six figures
  • Open a nurse practitioner’s office
  • Start a side hustle
  • Sell products
  • Work in a high-paying state
  • Become a CRNA
  • Open a medical spa
  • Become a travel nurse
  • Accumulate overtime, double time
  • Take advantage of differential pay
  • Get a second job

The following section explores each strategy in detail to determine the most effective way to earn $100,000 annually.

1. Become A Professional Blogger

Blogging provides many opportunities for nurses to earn extra income or even replace their full-time job.

It’s beneficial for those taking their blog seriously and developing a successful content strategy to help others succeed.

Accordingly, numerous bloggers make a six-figure income educating students and professionals on essential topics.

How to Make Six Figures as a Nurse Blogger

  • Teach nurses to improve their professional life
  • Guide specific nurse/career topics
  • Offer individual care advancement advice
  • Provide nursing students/professionals with essential products and services
  • Offer education on the college course curriculum.

As your blog gains traffic, you can monetize the website with products and services that match the audience’s needs.

Nurse bloggers can also offer advertisement space through ad networks such as Adsense, Mediavine,, and Adthrive.

For blogs with a large audience, you can do endorsement/sponsorship deals with companies interested in marketing to your audience.

Some nurses have used their money as registered nurses to cover their lifestyle expenses.

At the same time, they pursue other interests online and eventually pivot into running a professional blog.

You can earn a six-figure income if you’re dedicated and willing to learn how to build a profitable business.

It would be best to treat your blog as a business, not a hobby.

Therefore, you must focus on making money and gaining customers.

2. Become A Social Media Influencer

Social media influencers make a living by building a brand and selling products and services that match their audience’s needs.

For example, fitness influencers can show followers the best exercises, meal plans, and products to achieve their personal goals.

As a result, the influencer can earn a commission on the products/services they sell while helping others.

Alternatively, food influencers can recommend recipes and cookware to help their audience make the best recipes.

As a nurse influencer, you can help college students study better to pass their exams.

You can also encourage nurses to purchase the right gear for nursing school or work.

Lastly, nurses who love style can teach their audience how to look fashionable while maintaining a professional appearance.

Social media influencers make money by doing brand endorsements and deals to get paid to market and promote products.

Addionitlaly, influences can earn money through affiliate sales, where they make a commission off of purchased products/services.

Social media influencers operate on YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, and Pinterest.

These platforms have very dedicated audiences that enjoy following their favorite influencers.

The biggest platforms can bring influencers tens or hundreds of thousands of followers daily.

As a result, nurses cultivating the best audience can make lots of money promoting the right products/services.

Platforms Influencers Use to Earn Six Figures a Year

Some of the most successful online influences combine social media with their successful blog to make money.

It allows influencers to cultivate, educate, and grow their audience and earn a lucrative six-figure income!

In addition, some influencers make millions of dollars yearly on social media platforms and sell at their highest levels.

That said, it’s sporadic for influencers to earn a seven-figure income yearly.

It requires lots of work, luck, and the proper connections to earn a seven-figure salary.

For many nurses, the best thing about being a nurse blogger is working from home or virtually anywhere.

That alone is a great selling point for lots of healthcare professionals.

3. Work in a Six-Figure Nursing Specialty (100K – 200K+)

One of the most direct ways for nurses to earn 100K+ yearly is to work in a high-paying career.

The nursing field offers over 100 different career paths and specialties that nurses can pursue.

As a result, some fields offer generous six-figure incomes for nurses with the proper skill set and talent.

It provides flexibility and diversity for those who enjoy nursing but wants something different from general healthcare.

For example, a certified registered nurse anesthetist makes six figures yearly (100k – 200k+).

A certified registered nurse anesthetist provides anesthesia to patients undergoing surgery or when anesthesia is necessary to ensure proper care.

Legal nurses work alongside law enforcement, lawyers, and healthcare providers outside hospitals and doctors’ offices to provide consulting work.

They help layers and judges obtain information to make informed legal decisions.

There’s also work for nurses who prefer the administrative side of healthcare.

These careers provide a hands-off approach to patient care, and some administrative nurses earn $150k plus per year.

How to Make Six-figure as a Nurse in High-income Careers

  • Administrative Nurse
  • Certified Nurse Midwife
  • CRNA – Certified Registered Nurse anesthetist
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • General Nurse Practitioner
  • Legal Nurse
  • NICU – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse

Even nurses who don’t fit into specific categories can make a six-figure income.

For example, nurses with a side hustle, overtime, and receiving differential/holiday pay can make a high income.

Moreover, non-specialized registered nurses can make a six-figure income if they work in the right location and has enough experience.

Regarding starting pay, and salary caps, location is one of the most significant factors for nurses to earn more.

Here’s a nurse salary chart by that provides information on how much-registered nurses make in various states.

Depending on where a nurse works , the salary can jump by tens of thousands of dollars based on the state/city.

Therefore, if you’re looking to make a six-figure salary, the location may be something you’ll want to consider.

With that said, even with a high salary, nurses in states/cities with a high cost of living can earn less.

A high cost of living can eat away at additional income.

After all, taxes, rent/mortgages, insurance, and products/services can cost significantly more depending on the state.

Therefore, the “extra money” earned in that location may not be worth the additional cost.

In this case, it’s best to consider the salary and the cost of living in that location.

Ultimately, it helps you determine where you can make the most money after taxes and the cost of living expenses.

4. Open A Nurse Practitioner’s Office

There are several avenues to earn a six-figure income for registered nurses who earn an advanced registered nurse practitioner degree.

One option is to work for a hospital or doctor’s office that pays a six-figure salary.

Another option becoming increasingly popular is for nurse practitioners to open their practice.

Nurse practitioners can legally, “ depending on the state ,” open and run their clinics.

You can assess, diagnose, and treat your patients as a nurse practitioner with limited restrictions.

You can also prescribe medication as a nurse practitioner and perform many other professional duties.

And because nurse practitioners can open their clinics, they have much more control over how much money they make.

They also control who they hire and what type of clinical practice they want to focus on throughout their career.

That said, the extent to which a nurse practitioner can work without oversight depends on the state/city they operate in and their employer’s policies.

For instance, some states afford nurse practitioners to operate their offices fully without oversight.

In contrast, other states require practitioners to follow restrictions, such as hiring a physician to oversee certain legal/medical matters.

This article from Refinery29 interviews a nurse practitioner who earns nearly $140,000 plus bonuses and stipends working as a licensed nurse practitioner.

5. Start A Side Hustle

There are many side hustles for nurses with an entrepreneurial spirit that generates a six-figure income.

The right side hustle can be an effective and lucrative strategy for making more money.

This work is excellent for nurses who enjoy work variety and learning new skills.

It’s also great for full-time nurses who want to avoid burnout from working overtime.

Lastly, side hustles are great for nurses who don’t have an advanced degree or want more flexibility in their work.

Taking on a side hustle provides nurses with a refreshing environment where they can continue to work on their terms and in the manner that best suits their interests/lifestyle.

For example, a nurse can work as a tutor, freelance healthcare writer, telehealth nurse, or part-time office worker.

It allows them to work on their schedule and set hours when they have free time.

In some instances, nurses have even turned their side hustle into their primary career.

Eventually, they could transition from their original job into a new career path with enough effort.

These side hustles include becoming a full-time blogger, working as a professional healthcare writer, doing transcription work, working as an independent nurse, and tutoring full-time, among other side hustles.

How to Make Six Figures as a Nurse with Side Hustles

  • Blogger/social media influencer
  • Freelance nurse writer
  • Proofreader
  • Healthcare transcriptionist
  • Telehealth nurse
  • Part-time office worker is a perfect example of a nurse who turned their side project into a lucrative seven-figure business.

In addition, check out TheNerdyNurse and AllNurses if you want examples of other successful sites.

These websites show great examples of nurses who’ve turned their blogs/forums into successful businesses. easily earns seven figures annually, according to various estimates.

These are just a few professional nurse bloggers that have turned their side hustles into full-time careers.

Hopefully, these examples give you an idea of how a side hustle can become a financially fruitful full-time business.

If you have the hustling spirit, you can turn your passion/interest into a six-figure income!

6. Sell Your Products

You can create a business focused on selling products and eBooks online.

Selling your products can also go hand and hand with having a blog or working a side hustle.

However, many entrepreneurs make a full-time living without owning a website or working for someone else.

Selling products on Etsy and Amazon allow nurses to quickly, easily and efficiently sell their products online.

In contrast, Shopify services allow you to sell your products directly to your customers from your website.

If you’re a nurse who loves to create products and crafts, Etsy is an excellent platform for starting your own business.

They can help you get discovered, selling personalized products you love while earning money.

Alternatively, eBooks are a great way to educate students, share stories, and provide unique content for nurses who prefer writing.

In this case, Amazon is one of the world’s largest eBook sellers online and an excellent platform for selling books.

Digital eBooks are an excellent way for nurses to self-publish and earn money.

Nurses can set their prices and receive more money per sale because they are book publishers.

How to Make Six Figures as a Nurse Selling Products

  • T-shirts | Scrub caps
  • Stethoscope covers | Stethoscope cases
  • Jewelry | Stethoscope charms
  • Coffee mugs | Custom tumblers
  • Badge reels | Stethoscope I.D. tags | Key-chains
  • Non-medical grade face masks
  • Tote bags | Lunch bags
  • Flashcards | Medical Guides
  • Perfume | Candles | Scents

Although this list is short, you can sell tons of products online to make a six-figure income.

If you search Etsy, you can see popular items created and sold to nurses.

Creating and selling products isn’t for everyone.

However, it can be lucrative for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.

7. Work in a High Paying State

Relocating to a state that offers increased pay, benefits, and overtime is an excellent way to make more money as a nurse .

Numerous states pay full-time registered nurses six figures under the right circumstances.

It includes California, Hawaii, Oregon, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Massachusetts, Washington, and New York.

Even in lower-paying states, nurses earn six figures by working overtime and taking on special assignments.

That said, it’s essential to understand the state’s cost of living before relocating for higher earning potential.

Some locations have much higher living costs, nullifying any financial advantages you’d gain from moving.

As a result, it’s essential to understand your expenses and deduct them from what you’d earn.

You have a more realistic understanding of what you can save after living costs and personal expenses.

Locations like Hawaii offer excellent pay for registered nurses .

It’s also a beautiful place to live, with lots of water, fun activities, and amazing sights.

However, Hawaii is one of the most expensive places in the United States.

It may not be worth it for nurses who want to save most of their money and stay in a low-cost environment.

Contrarily, Texas offers nurses exceptional salaries while keeping state taxes and living costs low.

It’s a fantastic place to live for those who want to own a beautiful home and save for retirement.

That is, as long as you don’t mind the heat!

The Popular High-Paying States for Nurses

  • District of Columbia
  • Massachusetts

8. Become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Nurse anesthetists play a vital role in patient care by ensuring they receive the appropriate medication dosage.

Nurse anesthetists provide anesthesia during and after surgical procedures or cases where anesthesia is necessary for patient well-being.

Being a nurse anesthetist is extremely difficult.

For instance, CRNAs must understand patients’ medical histories and conditions to determine how their bodies react to various medications.

They must also understand how to utilize various equipment and administer anesthesia appropriately.

Too much medication and the patient can have adverse medical consequences.

Too little medication and the patient may suffer.

As a result, nurse anesthetists must be exceptionally well-trained, disciplined, and highly focused.

Any mistakes they make can have severe consequences for the patients they serve.

Certified registered nurse anesthetists earn reasonably high incomes for their expertise and specialization.

Some nurse anesthetists earn over 200k annually, administering anesthesia and assisting physicians/surgeons. 

This discipline requires years of schooling, and nurses must obtain post-graduate education to earn their MSN or DNP.

Nevertheless, becoming a nurse anesthetist is an exceptional opportunity to work in one of the highest-paying professions in the United States.

9. Open a Medical Spa

Opening a medical spa is a great way to earn a six-figure income by improving people’s appearance and mood.

Some spa owners make multiple six figures or even seven figures providing various services to their clients.

As a medical spa owner, you provide nonsurgical aesthetic treatments to people who want to look younger and healthier.

It includes utilizing botox and injectable dermal fillers to enhance specific physical characteristics.

You can also offer nonsurgical fat reduction, laser skin resurfacing, and microdermabrasion procedures.

Finally, laser hair and tattoo removal are excellent for people who want to remove hair and tattoos permanently.

Besides offering these services, you provide healthcare advice, including the best products for particular skincare routines.

Because opening a medical spa requires adequate knowledge and expertise, most nurses must pursue advanced education.

In addition, many states require an MSN or DNP degree and proper certifications to work in this domain.

For nurses with an advanced post-graduate education, it’s a fantastic opportunity to serve a unique market.

You don’t have to worry about bedside care or working in a traditional medical office.

Instead, you can operate your clinic and provide services to improve people’s appearance.

Each state has specific guidelines, rules, and state practice laws that determine a nurse’s scope of practice .

Some states allow nurses to operate solely as primary care providers, while others have reduced or restricted practice laws.

As a result, you need to decide in what state you want to run a medical spa if you’re interested in this profession.

10. Become a Travel Nurse

The travel nursing industry is relatively broad, allowing nurses to work where they want and pick their jobs.

This career also offers excellent pay and benefits for those who accept particular assignments and work the necessary hours.

Travel nurses earn six-figure salaries by being flexible with their chosen jobs and making intelligent financial decisions.

For instance, experienced nurses understand how to negotiate contracts for the best financial results.

They also know how to manage expenses properly to avoid poor money management while traveling.

Knowing your transportation, housing, and meal costs is essential, especially if the travel agency offers reimbursement.

Accepting a travel stipend with travel, housing, and meal costs is more beneficial.

Accordingly, you don’t need to track reimbursement costs and may make money if you find less expensive housing.

Travel nurses work with multiple agencies to receive the best assignments matching their financial goals.

Finally, consider earning certifications and developing expertise in high-demand specific specialties.

It allows you to become more valuable as a travel nurse to negotiate more effectively and ask for bigger bonuses.

Finally, here’s a quick summary of how to make six figures as a nurse.

11. Overtime, Double Time, and Special Assignments

Working overtime is one of the most common ways to make six figures as a nurse.

Nurses who work overtime earn 1.5 times their hourly wage, making it very lucrative.

Numerous facilities also offer weekender assignments/positions to hard-working registered nurses.

These assignments require nurses to work Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays weekly.

However, nurses who work weekender shifts earn incredibly higher wages than those who work alternative shifts.

Not every nurse wants to work every weekend, but those willing to commit can earn exceptional incomes.

Finally, some states require healthcare facilities to pay nurses double the time if they work over twelve hours daily.

It allows nurses to quickly make extra income when they volunteer or are required to stay past their scheduled shifts. 

12. Take Advantage of Differential Pay

Nurses have numerous opportunities to earn differential pay for obtaining higher-level education.

For instance, some facilities offer nurses with a BSN degree more money than nurses with an ADN.

They also pay nurses with an MSN degree more than nurses with a BSN.

Another differential night shift nurses utilize the night shift pay differential, which many healthcare institutions offer.

Those who accept night shift assignments typically earn a percentage boost on their hourly wages.

Each differential is added to a nurse’s base pay rate to increase their earnings and make more money.

As a result, nurses who want to make the most money will want to take advantage of the healthcare facility’s differentials.

It’s also beneficial to obtain additional certifications to work in other areas when needed.

13. Get a Second Job

Working a second job isn’t for everyone, and most people wouldn’t say it’s a glamorous lifestyle.

However, numerous nurses take advantage of their three-day workweek by accepting a second job in a different trade.

It’s an excellent way to earn additional income without overtime in bedside care.

It also allows nurses to decompress in a detached occupation that brings them joy.

Working as a registered nurse is extremely rewarding and has many benefits.

However, it can become overwhelming and emotional, leading to physical and mental burnout.

Finding less stressful work on non-nursing days provides an outstanding balance of income and personal satisfaction.

You can work lots of overtime, nights, and weekends to make six figures as a nurse.

However, overtime isn’t worth it in the long run if you become dissatisfied with being a nurse.

Nursing is a fulfilling career, but too much of anything can be destructive and lead to resentment and frustration.

Instead, balance work and mental health optimally to be happy, make good money, and remain passionate about nursing.

If you are content with staying in healthcare, there are plenty of non-bedside careers and work-from-home jobs for nurses.

These careers allow you to utilize your nursing expertise without overloading yourself daily with bedside care.

How to Make 6 Figures a Year as a Nurse

  • Open a nurse practitioner’s office.
  • Sell your products|eBooks
  • Become a nurse anesthetist
  • Overtime and special assignments

These aren’t the only ways for nurses to make six figures a year.

However, the above list comprises several strategies registered nurses can use to make an excellent living.

Give it a chance if you enjoy making crafts or are interested in creating and selling your products.

Jobs That Pay Over 100k for Nurses

  • Nursing Jobs
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Nursing in general pays well, although the work is often emotionally and physically stressful. The average RN makes $64,690 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To earn over $100,000 per year as a nurse, you need to either specialize in an area that pays better than average or live in an area where nursing salaries are highest.

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, also known as CRNAs, are among the highest-paid nurses in the United States, earning an average yearly salary of $160,000 in 2005, according to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Nurse anesthetists must have a minimum of a bachelor of science in nursing, or BSN, and at least one year of critical care nursing experience before starting the nurse anesthetist program; the program takes 24 to 36 months of post-graduate work. In more than two-thirds of all rural hospitals in the United States, CRNAs are the sole anesthesia providers.


Nurse-practitioners are registered nurses who have undergone an additional two year's training in an accredited nurse-practitioner program. Nurse-practitioners can prescribe medications, diagnose and treat patients and can work in private practice, although many practice in partnership with medical doctors. Although the annual average salary for nurse-practitioners in 2011 was $90,583, according to "Advance for NPs and PAs," some specialty areas, such as the emergency room, upped the ante to over $100,000.

Certified Nurse-Midwives

Certified nurse-midwives are RNs, usually with a minimum of a BSN, who undertake additional training to become certified. CNMs works in hospitals, birthing centers or in private practices. Salaries can vary considerably depending on where you work and how busy you are if you have your own practice, but can exceed $100,000. The American College of Nurse-Midwives 2007 Compensation Survey found that 15.1 percent of CNMs made more than $100,000 per year. 


Health administrators or directors of nursing at hospitals, nursing homes and other acute or chronic care centers or physician practices can often take home more than $100,000 per year. Nurses who go back to school for a master's degree or doctorate and are hired into health administration made an average of $91,440 per year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in May 2010. But administrators in doctor's offices employing between seven and 25 doctors made an average of $115,000.

RNs in Well-Paid Locales

If you live in certain geographical areas, you can make over $100,000 as a regular RN. RNs in San Jose and Oakland, California make over $100,000 per year, according to US News and World Report.

  • American Association of Nurse-Anesthetists: Questions and Answers -- Career Possibilities in Nurse Anesthesia
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives:  ACNM Compensation and Benefits Survey 2007                  
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics: Medical and Health Services Manager
  • US News and World Report: Registered Nurse: Salary
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurses

A registered nurse with more than 25 years of experience in oncology, labor/delivery, neonatal intensive care, infertility and ophthalmology, Sharon Perkins has also coauthored and edited numerous health books for the Wiley "Dummies" series. Perkins also has extensive experience working in home health with medically fragile pediatric patients.

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18 Tips to Make Six Figures ($100K+) as a Nurse

nursing jobs making 100k

We all are aware nursing is a great profession to get into. The question is how to make the most out of the time and energy you put in. How to make 6 figures as a nurse? Many nurses have a great income that can support their families, but here are 18 tips to make six figures as a nurse.

Can Nurses Make Six Figures?

What types of nurses typically make six figures, how to make six figures as a nurse, 1. become a certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna), 2. become a nurse practitioner (np), 3. become a nurse midwife, 4. advance in nurse leadership, 5. begin travel nursing assignment, 6. change nursing specialties, 7. relocate to a higher paying state, 8. make sacrifices, 9. add a nurse-related side hustle, 10. work in medically underserved communities, 11. create passive income, 12. network with others and talk to a recruiter, 13. add on certifications, 14. working overtime, 15. picking up shifts when there are financial incentives., 16. start a business, 17. ask for a higher starting pay, 18. work as a per-diem or on-call employee., my final thoughts.

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Nurse Practitioner Jobs in Tomsk Oblast

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nursing jobs making 100k

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Highest paying msn jobs for nurses.

Chaunie Brusie

Life isn’t a comparison game, but if you’re into comparing numbers when it comes to salary, here are some facts: MSN jobs usually pay higher than jobs for nurses without master's degrees.

You can expect to see a pretty significant increase in salary after earning your Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree, especially if you go on to pass an advanced practice registered nurse certifying exam. Intrigued? Read on to learn about the highest-paying MSN jobs for nurses!

Popular Online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs

Grand Canyon University

GCU's College of Nursing and Health Care Professions has a nearly 35-year tradition of preparing students to fill evolving healthcare roles as highly qualified professionals. GCU offers a full spectrum of nursing degrees, from a pre-licensure BSN degree to a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.

Enrollment: Nationwide

  • MSN - Family NP
  • MSN - Adult Gerontology Acute Care NP
  • MSN - Nursing Education
  • MSN - Health Informatics
  • MSN - Public Health Nursing
  • MSN - Health Care Quality & Patient Safety
  • MBA & MSN - Nursing Leadership in Health Care Systems
  • See more GCU nursing programs

Western Governors University

WGU's award-winning online programs are created to help you succeed while graduating faster and with less debt. WGU is a CCNE accredited, nonprofit university offering nursing bachelor's and master's degrees.

  • BSN-to-MSN - Family NP
  • BSN-to-MSN - Psychiatric Mental Health NP
  • BSN-to-MSN - Nursing Education
  • RN-to-MSN - Nursing Education
  • RN-to-MSN - Nursing Leadership & Management

Grand Canyon University

  • BSN-to-MSN - Nurse Admin
  • BSN-to-MSN - Nurse Educator
  • BSN-to-MSN - Nursing Informatics
  • BSN-to-MSN - Community Health
  • BSN-to-MSN - Health Policy

Grand Canyon University

As a working RN, you need a flexible, transfer-friendly program to help you save time and money as you take the next step in your nursing career. In our CCNE-accredited4 RN to BSN program, you can transfer in up to 134 credits—which is nearly 75% of program requirements. Your transfer credits can be reviewed in one business day (on average).

Enrollment: FL

  • MSN - Pediatric NP - Primary Care
  • MSN - Adult-Gerontology NP - Primary Care
  • MSN - Psychiatric-Mental Health NP
  • MSN - Nursing Leadership & Admin
  • MSN - Healthcare Tech, Simulation & Informatics
  • See more Rasmussen nursing programs

Grand Canyon University

What is the Highest-Paying Nursing Master's Degree? 

No matter what specialty track you pursue, with an MSN, you will receive the same foundation of advanced nursing education that will include community and public health , ethics , research, clinical skills, and leadership. 

However, despite the fact that all MSN programs will include the same basic foundation of knowledge, the specialty track you choose for your degree will dictate the specifics that you will learn in your program.

Choosing an administrative degree will lead to a curriculum centered more on leading a team, while a specialty track will focus more on the clinical skills you will need in your role. 

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) $212,650
Nurse Practitioner (NP) $126,260
Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) $129,650
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) $94,545
Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) $89,949
Nurse Administrator $134,440
Informatics Nurse $98,409
Nurse Educator $80,780

1. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) - Salary:  $212,650

Nurse anesthetists earn the HIGHEST salaries of any nurses, earning a whopping $212,650   median CRNA salary in 2023, according to the BLS . These high-earning nurses administer anesthesia and manage pain management for patients during procedures.

Starting in 2025, CRNAs will be required to have a minimum of a doctorate degree, meaning this will no longer be an option for nurses whose highest level of education is a master's degree.

>> Show Me CRNA Programs

2. Nurse Practitioner (NP)  - Salary: $126,260

Nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses who specialize in a specific patient population, like acute care, emergency care, pediatrics, and much more. 

The exact specialty you choose will determine how much money you make, but in general, the highest-paid specialties are in psychiatric health, pediatrics, gerontology, neonatal, and orthopedics. The median annual NP salary is $126,260, per BLS reports.

3.  Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)   - Salary: $129,650

A certified nurse-midwife (CNM) is a nurse who provides overall health and wellness care to women, including helping to deliver babies, family planning, gynecological and prenatal care.

The median annual nurse midwife salary is listed as $129,650 by the BLS.

>> Show Me Online Nurse Midwifery Programs

4.  Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)   - Salary:  $94,545

As the title of this job indicates, clinical nurse specialists have high levels of expert knowledge in their field, thus commanding a higher earning power. Like nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists also specialize in specific patient populations; however, unlike NPs, they focus more on educating nurses and improving patient outcomes.

The median salary for Clinical Nurse Specialists is $94,545   as of April 2024, according to   ZipRecruiter .  

5.  Clinical Nurse Leader   - Salary: $89,949

Clinical nurse leaders are masters-prepared nurses who don't hold APRN licenses. CNLs take a wider scope, collaborating with all of a patient's caregivers and looking at broader trends in the patient's care.

A nurse in this position will most likely advance quickly and be able to earn more. For instance, ZipRecruiter found that clinical nurse leaders earn an average annual salary of $89,949.

6.  Nurse Administrator   - Salary: $134,440

Nurse administrators , also called nurse managers , oversee the nursing staff at a medical facility. These nursing leaders are licensed registered nurses who have years of bedside experience under their belt. They typically need a master's degree, but some bachelor's prepared nurses are nurse administrators.

While the BLS does not keep data on nurse administrators specifically, it does list the median average salary for medical and health service managers—which would definitely include nurse administrators—at $134,440.

>> Show Me Online Nurse Admin Programs

7. Informatics Nurse   - Salary:  $98,409

This degree focuses on the intersection of computers and clinical care, so it’s a good fit for nurses who enjoy working with technology. 

According to ZipRecruiter, the average informatics nurse salary is $98,409 per year.

>> Show Me Nursing Informatics Programs

8. Nurse Educator   - Salary: $ 86,530

A nurse educator may work in an academic setting, instructing nursing students pursuing their own degrees, or in a clinical setting, such as a hospital, leading staff on educational updates. To become one, you'll need to complete an MSN nurse educator program .

The BLS notes that the median annual salary for nurse educators in post-secondary universities is $86,530. 

>> Show Me Online Nurse Educator Programs

Factors That Affect MSN Nurse Salary

As we previously mentioned, there are plenty of factors that can impact the actual salary you will earn with an MSN degree. Websites, such as the BLS, report the average salary. Like with any average, you have to keep in mind that there are always high and low salaries within that range as well. 

Some of the factors that can affect what you will actually earn with an MSN degree include:

  • Specialty - the specialty you choose will greatly impact your pay
  • Hours - if you work full or part-time
  • Setting - what setting you choose to work in, i.e., a doctor’s office, hospital, your own practice, surgical center, or an academic institution
  • Shift - Choosing to work days, nights, or swing shifts
  • Geographic location —MSN nurses in rural areas may make less than a highly-populated city, for example. Forbes lists the highest-paying states for NPs as California, Alaska, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Minnesota, Connecticut, Washington, and Wyoming. 

Is an MSN Degree Worth It? 

There are a lot of different factors that can influence the exact number you will bring home on your paycheck with an MSN degree, but one thing is for sure: no matter what specialty you choose or area you work in, MSN nurses typically make at least $40k more than registered nurses with a BSN. So, if you do choose to pursue more education with an MSN degree, you will be making a smart investment in your financial security—as well as a difference in your patients’ lives. 

What jobs can I get with an MSN in nursing? 

  • An MSN in nursing can open up career paths such as a nurse educator, nurse administrator, or nursing professor, and some programs will prepare them for advanced practice registered nurse certifications, such as a CRNA, CNM, or NP. 

How much do nurses make with MSN?

  • It depends on the job they take with an MSN. Nurses who remain at the bedside with an MSN may not make much more, but nurses who take on roles such as nurse educator, clinical nurse specialist, nursing professor, nurse manager, or who take on APRN roles can make significantly more.

Can you work as an RN with an MSN?

  • You can continue to work as a bedside RN with an MSN. 

How much can you make with an MSN degree? 

  • It depends on your role. A bedside RN with an MSN may not earn much more with a degree, but a nurse who earns an MSN and goes on to become an advanced practice registered nurse, such as an NP, can earn over $100K. 

How can a nurse make 100K? 

  • Nursing specialties that pay more than $100K include advanced practice registered nurses, such as CRNA or NP, nurse educators, nurse informatics specialists, and some nurse administrator roles. 

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Tomsk State University 2024-25: Admission, Course, Fees, Ranking etc.

Tomsk State University Russia

Nestled in the heart of Siberia, Tomsk State University stands as the venerable titan of higher education in Russian Asia, tracing its roots back to 1878 when it established itself in Tomsk, Russia.TSU holds the distinction of being the inaugural Siberian Imperial University, marking the ninth university in the Russian academic landscape and pioneering higher education in Siberia. The blueprint for Tomsk State University drew inspiration from the intellectual framework crafted by the renowned German philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt.

Abroad University MBBS Application Form 2024
Manipal Pokhara College of Medical Science, Pokhara, Nepal
Kursk State Medical University, Russia
Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia

Tomsk State University , renowned for its pioneering research in physics, mathematics, and materials science, has attracted Nobel laureates like Ivan Pavlov, Dmitry Mendeleev, and Lev Landau, enhancing its global reputation. Collaborating closely with esteemed international institutions such as the University of Cambridge, Harvard University , and the Max Planck Society, TSU remains a vibrant hub of academic excellence, blending tradition with innovation.

[Page Index]

College summary.

Before we complete the college Summary, let us look at the essential details of Tomsk State University.

Wants to Study MBBS Abroad from a top Country with low tution Fees? Subscribe Now!

TSU Russia
Tomsk Oblast, Russia
Dr. Eduard V. Galazhinsky
English & Russian
Not Required
Ministry of Education and Science Russia
(Source: Edurank )
Yes (Male & Female)
Bogashevo Airport

Affiliation and Recognition

Tomsk State University has been affiliated with and recognized by various medical council bodies.

  • National Medical Commission of India (NMC).
  • World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

This section will provide you with information about the faculties at TSU Russia

  • Department of General Medicine
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Department of Biomedicine
  • Department of Distance Learning
  • Institute of integrative health care

Courses Offered

Tomsk State University Courses offer quality programs under highly qualified faculty and state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Study MBBS Abroad

MBBS6 Years (English Medium)
7 Years (Russian Medium)

Why Study at Tomsk State University?

  • It is one of the top choices of Indian students for MBBS in the whole of Russia due to affordable fees & English medium courses.
  • The University has been training foreign students (Including Indians) in English medium for more than 5 years now.
  • The faculty of TSU Russia is well-trained and disciplined, and the degrees provided are global recognition.
  • Seven major cities in Siberia reasonably requested the honour of founding a university. Tomsk won.

Admission Procedure

If you want to take Tomsk State University admission, you must qualify for the National Eligibility Entrance Exam (NEET) for Indian students.

Eligibility Criteria

Russia has been one of the top preferred destinations for international students to pursue their Medical Degree Courses. If you want to study MBBS at Tomsk State University, check the Tomsk State University eligibility below.

Your age should be at least 17 years old on or before 31st December of the admission year.
*No Upper Age Limit.
Class 12th in Science, with PCB and English subjects from a board recognized by the authorities in India.
50% in 10+2 (UR)
45% (SC/OBC/ST)
(For Indian Students)

Graphical Representation of Eligibility Criteria

MBBS in Russia Eligibility Criteria

Documents Required

Before taking admission to Tomsk State University, please carry all these related documents.

  • Passport (Minimum 18 months validity).
  • 10th Certificate & Mark sheet.
  • 12th Certificate & Mark sheet.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • 10 passport-size Photographs
  • Official Invitation letter from the Medical University of Russia.
  • Authorization of all documents from the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.
  • Legalization of all documents from the Russian Embassy.
  • Bank receipt of 1st Year of Tomsk State University Tuition fees (required for some Universities).
  • HIV test documents.

Fee Structure 2024-25

The Tomsk State University fees & Tomsk State University tuition fees for international students are mentioned in this section.

MBBSINR 2,86,665

Other Expenses

INR 40,951
INR 2,389

NOTE: The mentioned fee may be subject to change*.

Ranking 2024-25

According to Edurank, The Tomsk State University ranking in Russia and all over the world:

Tomsk State University Country Ranking7
Tomsk State University World Ranking977

Advantages of MBBS in Russia

Advantage of MBBS in Russia

About Moscow City

  • The  city  stands on the Moskva River in Central  Russi a.
  • The population of Moscow is 1.19 crores; Moscow is among the world’s largest cities, being the most populous city entirely in Europe.
  • Moscow has a humid continental climate (Köppen classification Dfb) with warm, sometimes hot, somewhat humid summers and long, cold winters.
  • Today Moscow is not only the political centre of Russia but also the country’s most populous city and industrial, cultural, scientific, and educational capital. 



Contact Details

Tomsk State University Address: Lenin Ave, 36, Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast, Russia, 634050 Website:

Tomsk State University Corridoor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where is tsu russia located.

Lenin Ave, 36, Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast, Russia, 634050.

Does TSU Russia accept transferees?

TSU Russia accepts transferees on a case-to-case basis.

  • Admission Updates,
  • Top Collages

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Hello, I'm Harsh Begwani, with a year of expertise in MBBS and Ayush courses. I have detailed knowledge of various colleges' fee structures, cutoffs, and intake procedures. If you're looking for insights or assistance in pursuing MBBS or BAMS courses, feel free to comment below—I'm here to help!

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