May 2, 2011

It's a Solid... It's a Liquid... It's Oobleck!

Bring Science Home: Activity 1

By Katherine Harmon

oobleck science experiment

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Key concepts Liquids and solids Viscosity Pressure From National Science Education Standards : Properties of objects and materials

Introduction Why is it so hard to get out of quicksand? Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? Can it be both? In this activity, you will make a substance that is similar to quicksand—but much more fun. Play around with it and find out how it acts differently from a normal liquid and a normal solid. Other, more familiar substances change states (from solids to liquids to gases) when we change the temperature, such as freezing water into ice or boiling it away into steam. But this simple mixture shows how changes in pressure, instead of temperature, can change the properties of some materials. Background Applying pressure to the mixture increases its viscosity (thickness). A quick tap on the surface of Oobleck will make it feel hard, because it forces the cornstarch particles together. But dip your hand slowly into the mix, and see what happens—your fingers slide in as easily as through water. Moving slowly gives the cornstarch particles time to move out of the way. Oobleck and other pressure-dependent substances (such as Silly Putty and quicksand) are not liquids such as water or oil. They are known as non-Newtonian fluids. This substance's funny name comes from a Dr. Seuss book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck .

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Materials •    1 cup of water •    1 to 2 cups of cornstarch •    Mixing bowl •    Food coloring (optional) Preparation •    Pour one cup of cornstarch into the mixing bowl, and dip your hands into it. Can you feel how smooth the powder is? It's made up of super-fine particles. •    Now pour the water in, mixing slowly as you go. Keep adding more water until the mixture becomes thick (and hardens when you tap on it). Add more cornstarch if it gets too runny, and more water if it becomes too thick. •    Add a few drops of food coloring if desired. (If you want to turn your Oobleck another hue, it’s easier to add the coloring to the water before you mix it with the cornstarch.) •    Oobleck is non-toxic, but please use caution when doing any science activity. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, and wash your hands after handling the Oobleck. Procedure •    Roll up your sleeves and prepare to get messy! Drop your hands quickly into the Oobleck, then slowly lower your hands into it. Notice the difference! •    Hold a handful in your open palm— what happens? •    Try squeezing it in your fist or rolling it between your hands— how does it behave differently? •    Move your fingers through the mixture slowly, then try moving them faster. •    What else can you do to test the mixture's properties? •    Extra: If you have a large plastic bin or tub, you can make a big batch of Oobleck. Multiply the quantity of each ingredient by 10 or more and mix it up. Take off your shoes and socks and try standing in the Oobleck! Can you walk across it without sinking in? Let you feet sink down and then try wiggling your toes. What happens?

Read on for observations, results and more resources.

Observations and results What is happening when you squeeze the Oobleck? What is happening when you release the pressure? Does the Oobleck remind you of anything else? The Oobleck mixture isn't your typical liquid—or solid. The cornstarch-and-water mixture creates a fluid that acts more like quicksand than water: applying force (squeezing or tapping it) causes it to become thicker. If you were trapped in a tub of Oobleck, what would be the best way to escape? Share your Oobleck observations and results! Leave a comment below or share your photos and feedback on Scientific American 's Facebook page . Cleanup Wash hands with water. Add plenty of extra water to the mixture before pouring it down the drain. Wipe up any dried cornstarch with a dry cloth before cleaning up any remaining residue with a damp sponge. More to explore " What is Jell-O? " from Scientific American " Ask the Experts: What Is Quicksand? " from Scientific American " States of Matter " overview from Idaho Public Television's Dialogue for Kids Slime and Goo activities from the American Chemical Society's Science for Kids Oobleck, Slime & Dancing Spaghetti: Twenty terrific at-home science experiments inspired by favorite children's books by Jennifer Williams, ages 4–8 The Everything Kids' Easy Science Experiments Book: Explore the world of science through quick and easy experiments! By J. Elizabeth Mills, ages 9–12 Up next… The Magic of Gravity What you'll need •    Coin •    Bottle, jar or canister with a small top opening (larger—but not too much bigger—than the coin) •    3- by-5-inch note card or other sturdy piece of paper •    Scissors •    Tape •    Pen or pencil •    Water (optional)

Oobleck: the Dr. Seuss Science Experiment


Introduction: Oobleck: the Dr. Seuss Science Experiment

Oobleck: the Dr. Seuss Science Experiment

Step 1: Materials


Step 2: Mix It Up!

Mix It Up!

Step 3: Add Food Coloring

Add Food Coloring

Step 4: Play With It!

Play With It!

Step 5: Oobleck Videos

Still not convinced you want to make it? Play this video to see it in action.


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Oobleck – the cornstarch and water experiment.

This may just be the easiest, messiest, and most fun science activity I know. It is a classic, and I have gotten several requests recently to post directions. You should know that if you try this activity and  you are not smiling and messy with corn starch goo at the end, then you are definitely doing something wrong. Also keep in mind that this is not just about fun, there is some pretty amazing science going on here.

You will need:

  • Cornstarch (a 16 oz. box is good for every 2-3 participants – but more is always better)
  • Food coloring (we always say it’s optional, but it does make it more fun – don’t use too much or you could end up with colored hands…and clothes…and curtains)
  • A large bowl
  • A camera – you’re probably going to want to take pictures.

Everyone should roll up their sleeves and prepare for some gooey fun.

oobleck science experiment

  • This is easy. Pour the cornstarch into the bowl. Don’t rush to add water – take time to feel the cornstarch. Cornstarch does not feel like any other powder. It has a texture that can be compared to that of whipped cream. The grains of cornstarch are so small that they will fill into grooves of your fingerprints and make the prints stand out.
  • After you’ve taken-in the feel of the powder, it is time to add water. (You should add the food coloring to your water before adding it to the powder.) There are no exact formulas regarding how much water to add, but it will end up being about 1/2 cup (120 ml) of water per cup (235 ml) of cornstarch. The secret is to add the water slowly and mix as you add it. Don’t be shy here – dig in with your hands and really mix it up. This is usually when you notice that this is not your average liquid. Add enough water so that the mixture slowly flows on its own when mixed. The best test is to reach in and grab a handful of the mixture and see if you can roll it into a ball between your hands – if you stop rolling it and it “melts” between your fingers – success!

We’ll get the the science soon, for now just dig in and explore. Notice that the goo does not splash (or even move) if you hit it quickly. Squeeze it hard and see what happens. How long can you get the strands of goo to drip? What happens if you let the goo sit on the table for a minute and then try to pick it up? How does it feel? Hows does it move? Try bouncing a ball on the surface of the cornstarch. You get the idea – explore!

30 minutes later…

So now goo is everywhere and you’re thinking you should probably start cleaning. Actual clean up of the goo is a snap. A bucket of warm water will quickly get it off your hands. It will brush off of clothes when it dries, and it is easily cleaned off surfaces with a wet rag.

Important : Make sure you do not dump the goo down the drain – it can get caught in the drain trap and take the joy out of your day of science. Dump it in the trash, or even mix it into soil in the garden.

oobleck science experiment

Now for the science… Our cornstarch goo (sometimes referred to as “oobleck” from the Dr. Suess book) is what scientists call a “Non-Newtonian” liquid. Basically, Sir Issac Newton stated individual liquids flow at consistent, predictable rates. As you likely discovered, cornstarch goo does NOT follow those rules – it can act almost like a solid, and them flow like a liquid. Technically speaking, the goo is a SUSPENSION, meaning that the grains of starch are not dissolved, they are just suspended and spread out in the water. If you let the goo sit for an while, the cornstarch would settle to the bottom of the bowl.

So why does this concoction act the way it does? Most of it has to do with pressure. The size, shape, and makeup of the cornstarch grains causes the cornstarch to “lock-up” and hold its shape when pressure is applied to it. People have filled small pools with oobleck and they are able to walk across the surface of it (as long as they move quickly.) As soon as they stop walking, they begin to sink.

I hope you get to try this out. Let us know how your day with non-newtonian liquids went.  Have fun exploring!


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Outrageous Oobleck

  • Corn Starch
  • Flat bottom container or tray
  • Optional – Bath coloring tablets


  • Optional – Put a bath coloring tablet in the water. Avoid food coloring as it stains hands and is hard to remove. 
  • Use your hands to mix about two cups of cornstarch with one cup of water in the tray.
  • Enjoy your super easy to make Outrageous Oobleck. 


oobleck science experiment

How it Works:

The corn starch and water mixture we call Outrageous Oobleck is a non-Newtonian as it can act as a liquid or solid. Allowing Outrageous Oobleck to flow through your fingers will act as a liquid but a quick force on oobleck will cause it to behave as a solid. 

Make This A Science Project:

What happen when you increase the water to corn starch ratio? What happens if you use a different liquid than water? What happens if you introduce another ingredient such as dish soap or baking soda? 


oobleck science experiment


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How to Make Oobleck

How to Make Oobleck

Do you know how to make oobleck or even what, exactly, it is? Oobleck is the name of a non-Newtonian fluid made by mixing corn starch and water. It has the name “oobleck” because it resembles the green stuff called oobleck in the Dr. Seuss book, “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.”

In the story, the King wants a replacement for rain and snow. The Royal Magicians produce oobleck, a green gelatinous substance that entraps objects and people. Bartholomew saves the day by getting the King to take back his wish, returning the weather to normal.

The oobleck you make is not exactly magical, but it does display interesting properties. Here is how to make it and a look at how it works.

Non-Newtonian Fluids

A non-Newtonian fluid is one that experiences viscosity changes, depending on mechanical conditions. In other words, sometimes it flows like a liquid and other times it does not flow, like a solid . In contrast, a Newtonian fluid maintains pretty much the same viscosity, no matter what you do to it.

There are different types of non-Newtonian fluids. For example, slime is a non-Newtonian fluid that flows under low stress, but breaks under pressure. Ketchup is a non-Newtonian fluid that is a shear-thinning fluid. It does not easily flow, but if you tap or shake a ketchup bottle, its contents suddenly change to a lower viscosity and pour out.

Oobleck is a type of non-Newtonian fluid called a dilatant. A dilatant is a shear-thickening fluid (the opposite of ketchup). Applying shear stress by punching or squeezing instantly thickens oobleck, so it acts like a solid. Releasing stress lets oobleck flow, like a liquid. For example, oobleck supports your weight if you run across a layer of it. But, you sink into it if you walk slowly.

Oobleck is simple to make, inexpensive, non-toxic, and uses familiar ingredients:

  • 1 ½ -2 cups corn starch
  • 1 cup water
  • food coloring (optional)
  • Make any amount of oobleck using 1.5 to 2 parts corn starch to 1 part water. For example, mix together 2 cups of corn starch and 1 cup of water.
  • Add food coloring, if desired. The color of oobleck in the Dr. Seuss story is green.

Unlike slime, oobleck is not sticky. All you need for clean-up is water, unless you use food coloring. Re-use the oobleck as much as you like. When it dries out, just add a bit more water. If it’s too wet, add more corn starch.

Fun Oobleck Activities

Explore the interesting properties of oobleck:

  • Play with a bowl of oobleck. Watch it ooze through your fingers. Squeeze it and feel how it changes consistency.
  • Draw shapes in the oobleck. How long do they last? Does it matter how quickly you draw?
  • Pour a large batch in a metal or plastic bin. Walk through it. See how long it holds you up if you stomp on it.
  • Seal oobleck in a zip-top plastic bag. Compare what happens when you slowly squeeze it to its behavior when you shake it or drop it.
  • Place a dish of oobleck on top of a subwoofer. Play low frequency sounds at high volume and see the forms the oobleck takes.

How Oobleck Works

Oobleck acts the way it does because of the way corn starch and water mix together. They form a colloidal mixture , with large starch grains surrounded by water. At rest, the high surface tension of water forms lubricating droplets around the granules of corn starch. The cushion of water permits flow. Compressing the mixture forces the starch together and locks them in position. So, under shear stress, oobleck behaves more like a crystal.

  • Chhabra, R.P. (2006). Bubbles, Drops, and Particles in Non-Newtonian Fluids (2nd ed.). Hoboken: Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-1420015386.
  • Dr. Seuss (1949). Bartholomew and the Oobleck . Random House Books for Young Readers. ISBN: 978-0394900759.
  • Rupp, Rebecca (1998). “Magic Mud and Other Great Experiments”. The Complete Home Learning Source Book . ISBN 9780609801093.
  • Tropea, Cameron; Yarin, Alexander L.; Foss, John F. (2007). Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics . Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-25141-5.

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Making Oobleck, a non-Newtonian Fluid: Easy STEM Experiment

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This one was so interesting, how can something be solid when it movement but liquid at rest? I don’t even really understand it, but it was really neat to play with! (Maybe that’s why he’s the one doing the experiments with the kids 😉 )


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I first heard about non-Newtonian fluids on an old episode of MythBusters. Anyone remember that show? I used to love it, they always built the coolest contraptions and tested really interesting things. In the episode in question they mixed a bunch of cornstarch into a large tub of water and came up with a “liquid” that you could run across. Ever since then I wanted to try making it myself.

Non-Newtonian fluids are fluids that don’t follow Newton’s law of viscosity . I’ll let you read about that yourself 🙂 The cornstarch and water mixture is probably the easiest non-Newtonian fluid to make and it’s non-toxic and safe for kids to play with. This mixture is commonly referred to as “oobleck”. A name which comes from “Bartholomew and the Oobleck” by Dr. Seuss.

Oobleck by Dr. Seuss

  • Dish or bowl (we used a pie plate)
  • Spoon or craft stick

The amount of corn starch and water, and the size of the dish will depend on how much oobleck you want to make. The ratio of cornstarch to water is 2:1, so approximately 2 cups of corn starch for 1 cup of water. You may want to experiment a bit with your mixture until you get the right consistency.

Oobleck as a solid


  • Pour water into bowl/dish
  • Add cornstarch
  • Stir the cornstarch into the water with the spoon/craft stick

As you stir and the cornstarch begins to mix with the water the mixture should become hard to stir. You should begin to notice that the slower you stir, the easier it will be. If you try to stir quickly it will become more difficult.

Runny sticky oobleck

Once the mixture is combined have your kids stick their hands in the bowl and play with it. Try things like tapping on the mixture and then slowly putting their hand in and see if they notice the difference. When tapping on or slapping the top of the mixture it should feel hard. When they put their hand in slowly it should be soft and gooey. You can also try rolling the mix in your hands to create a ball. As long as you keep rolling it the mix will stay together and feel hard. Once you stop it will start to separate and drip from your hands.

This stuff is a lot of fun to play with!

What’s Happening?

Most fluids don’t change consistency no matter what you do with them. Their viscosity (how sticky or smooth they are) stay the same whether you pour them, stir them or push them. Non-Newtonian fluids act differently. Yogurt, for example, is generally fairly think and if you try to pour it will come out quite slowly. If you shake a tub of yogurt first it will become less “sticky” and will pour out more quickly. This is an example of a common non-Newtonian fluid.

Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that acts in the opposite way. When cornstarch and water are mixed the starch grains are suspended in the liquid. If you apply pressure to the liquid the cornstarch compresses together and traps the water molecules in between making it behave more like a solid. As soon as the pressure is removed it returns back to its liquid state.

Give this experiment a try with your kids and tell me how it goes!

oobleck science experiment

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How to Make Oobleck

a green slime splat.

Want to have fun with physics and even "walk on water"? Try making a mixture of cornstarch and water called oobleck. It makes a great science project or is just fun to play with.

Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid; it has properties of both liquids and solids. You can slowly dip your hand into it like a liquid, but if you squeeze the oobleck or punch it, it will feel solid. The name oobleck comes from the Dr. Seuss book, “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.” In the story, oobleck, a gooey green substance, fell from the sky and wreaked havoc in the kingdom.

Making oobleck is easy. Here's a recipe:

Oobleck ingredients

  • 1 part water
  • 1.5 to 2 parts cornstarch
  • Small amount of food coloring (optional)

Mix ingredients

  • Start with the water in a bowl (or wading pool!) and add the cornstarch a bit at a time.
  • Keep stirring until it has a gooey consistency. You may want to use your hands.
  • When the oobleck is just right, slowly add food coloring, if you want. This can be a challenge to get it mixed properly.
  • Play with it.

Things to do with oobleck

  • Grab a handful and squeeze it. Let it ooze through your fingers.
  • Make a puddle and quickly drag your fingers through it.
  • Put it into a plastic container and shake it or quickly bump it against a table.
  • Jab at the oobleck and then slowly let your finger sink in.
  • Roll some oobleck into a ball. It becomes solid, but when you stop moving it, it will melt back into your hand.

Some science projects use oobleck. Experiments you can try include:

Put some oobleck on an old speaker and watch it dance:

Or, put it in a cookie sheet on top of a speaker:

Put a lot of it in a kiddie pool and walk across it:

  • Store in an air-tight container. Mix occasionally.
  • If you put in food coloring, you may notice a little bit of color left on your hands after washing. Don't worry. It should go away in a day or two.
  • Anything put into the slime can be washed with soap and water.
  • To dispose of the oobleck, mix it with a lot of hot water to make a very loose slurry. Pour a small amount into the drain while the hot water is running.
  • Oobleck when dried can be easily vacuumed.
  • Don't drop oobleck on a couch, deck, or sidewalk. It's hard to get off.
  • Oobleck isn't poisonous, but it tastes awful. Wash your hands after playing. Make sure children are supervised.
  • Wear old clothes, as oobleck tends to get messy.
  • Don't worry too much if it gets on something; it will come out with a little water.
  • Lay a couple newspapers on the floor so it doesn't get all over the floor or table.
  • Oobleck may solidify if it's not kept wet. If it hardens, just throw it away.
  • If oobleck is left out too long, it will dry out and turn back to cornstarch.

Related: Oobleck's Weird Properties Demystified

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Tim Sharp was Live Science’s reference editor from 2012 to 2018. Tim received a degree in Journalism from the University of Kansas. He  worked for a number of other publications, including The New York Times, Des Moines Register and Tampa Bay Times, and as an editor for the Hazelden Foundation, among others.

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oobleck science experiment

Go Science Girls

How to Make Oobleck (A Perfect Non Newtonian Fluid)

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Oobleck is the favorite stuff for both adults and children. Creating Oobleck and playing with it is a great sensory activity for kids.

The positive part of ‘Oobleck Science Activity’ is: it requires very less time to prepare using just 2-3 ingredients. Hence, it is fascinating to learn some simple Oobleck science any time while children’s play.

Make Your Own Oobleck Science Activities

Oobleck is a gooey substance i.e. first introduced through the book of Dr Seuss , Bartholomew and the Oobleck.

Oobleck is a wonderful substance and have very unique properties. There are different ways to make Oobleck.

In this post, I have introduced a simple and easy way to create oobleck, which makes the best oobleck recipe.

Believe me, you and your children are going to have a great fun while making this fascinating Oobleck.

Oobleck Recipe: A Great Science Fair Project

Here are the Oobleck ingredients:

Things we Need For Oobleck Science

1) Corn Starch

3) Food Coloring (a few drops of food coloring in different colors of your choice. We chose pink, yellow (dark and light), blue, and green colors)

4) Four small Bowls and a big bowl

What are the simple science concepts we come across while performing this activity?

Oobleck recipe sounds simple but it has a lot of scientific properties in it. For example:

1) Viscosity

2) Pressure (How pressure changes the properties of a few materials)

Simple Step-by-step instructions to prepare Oobleck Recipe

Pour Water To Glass Bowl Oobleck Science

Take a small glass bowl and pour little amount of water in it.

Add Corn Starch To Glass Bowl Oobleck Science

Then, add corn starch to it in little amounts. Here, you can use a spoon to mix corn starch with water. If you want, you can use your own fingers to mix up the oobleck mixture.

Mix Corn Starch And Water Oobleck Science Experiment

As a second step, when you are about to see the consistency, remember to add the rest of the required amount of corn starch very slowly. At this stage, you must put your fingers into it in order to bring the right consistency.

Mix Food Color Corn Starch And Water

You may be thinking what the right consistency of oobleck recipe is! Well, let me tell you.

The state of mixture where you can see and feel it as a liquid and solid at the same time is the right consistency of an oobleck recipe.

So, until you get the right consistency you need to add corn starch to the water slowly and mix up the mixture with your hands.

Corn Starch Mixture For Oobleck Science Experiment

Adjust the consistency to its right state of mixture. If the mixture requires more corn starch for right consistency, add it.

If you went wrong in getting right mixture by adding more amount of corn starch, then add water again in little amounts. Such that you can adjust the consistency. Children can have a lot of fun while adding these ingredients to get the right consistency.

Colorful Oobleck Science Experiment

Follow the same instructions mentioned in steps 1-3 to all the rest of the bowls and prepare five oobleck recipes in total.

Colorful Oobleck Science Experiment For Kids

Now, it is time to bring the food coloring into picture. We used light and dark yellow colors, green color, pink color, and blue color food colors.

It is the most fun step during the experiment. Stirring food color is the hands-on sensory experience for children.

That’s it, you are done with preparing amazing oobleck in your bowl.

Here are some fun ideas to handle and play with oobleck:

  • Make enough Oobleck
  • Put your fingers into the Oobleck and grab it and observe how it slips out of your fingers

oobleck science experiment

  • Grab a little amount of oobleck and store it in a container. Then, throw it over any flat surface

Color Mixing Oobleck Science Experiment For Kids

Have fun and try to come up with your own ideas to play with oobleck.

Dancing Oobleck Science Experiment For Kids

How to Make Dancing Oobleck

To add more fun to this experiment, we tried dancing Oobleck. If you have a large speaker or woofer – you can put a plastic wrapper on top of it. Place the Oobleck substance you prepared in the plastic wrapper.

And then play your favorite beat song – you could see the Oobleck dancing for the beats coming out from the speaker.

The vibrations would cause the substance to shake and it will look as if the Oobleck is dancing for the beats.

How To Make Dancing Oobleck

Key Questions to discuss during the Activity

Check out the questions that come in use to discuss with your children while preparing oobleck.

1) In which state of matter oobleck exists?

2) Does it show both solid and liquid properties?

3) Is it similar to quicksand?

4) Does oobleck sticky to your hands? If so, why?

5) Is it a substance or solution?

6) Why does it slips away from your hand?

7) Does it make a variety of shapes?

8) What happens when you give pressure by squeezing oobleck in your hands?

9) What is the result when you release the pressure?

10) Is there any other substance that resembles oobleck?

How To Make Non Newtonian Fluid

Clear Up the Mess Work

Once your children done with playing Oobleck, wash off the experiment table using water. It will go off easily if you use more water.

If you want to throw off the Oobleck mixture into the sink, just add more water to the mixture and make it watery. Such that it will easily go into the sink without any blockages.

If there are any tough stains of corn starch, soak them with plain water for a while and again rub off using a sponge or cleaning cloth.  

Oobleck Science

Oobleck is such a magical stuff that exhibits both solid and liquid properties. It is a great science ingredient that explains about states of matter i.e. the relationship between liquids and solids.

Also, it shows how force and pressure impacts the state of a matter apart from temperature.

We can even discuss about various Newton’s concepts plus Issac Newton’s findings.  

According to Issac Newton’s discoveries, liquids flow at consistent and predicate rates. But oobleck does not show such properties as liquid shows.

Because it shows both liquid and solid properties. It act as a solid when you apply pressure and flows like a liquid when left untouched.

Technically, researchers stated that oobleck is a ‘Suspension’, which means the starch molecules does not dissolve in the water.

They just stay suspended in the water because the starch molecules trap the water molecules and thus making the mixture stable.

Questions Related to Oobleck Recipe

A: Oobleck is an awesome lightweight mixture that exhibits both liquid and solid properties. Hence, oit is known as a non-Newtonian fluid. When you dip your fingers into the mixture, you feel it as a liquid and when you apply pressure by squeezing it, you feel it as a solid. Slime is a soggy and oozy gelatinous substance. Kids love to play with slime will also love playing with oobleck. But they both show different properties by nature.

A: Absolutely Yes! You can make fascinating oobleck using baby powder as well. It looks exactly like the one made out of corn starch. Because it shows the consistent oobleck properties as of regular corn starch recipe.

A: Yes, Oobleck is edible when it is made under clean and hygienic environment using corn starch. But you will not find it tasty.

A: Corn starch is a thickening agent when used in liquid solutions like sauces, gravies, soups, etc. In order to witness a paste like consistency, you need to mix corn starch to the liquids at very low temperatures.

A: One cup of water to two cups of corn starch is the right ratio to make a good and perfect Oobleck. Even if you want to prepare Oobleck in larger batches, follow the same ratio of ingredients. And then stir the mixture using spoon until you feel the smooth texture.


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How to make oobleck

May 4, 2018 By Emma Vanstone 18 Comments

Making oobleck , also known as cornflour gloop or slime, was one of the first science activities I wrote about on Science Sparks. It’s a brilliant indoor or outdoor science activity that only needs two ingredients, so it is super easy as well! I’ve given this very old post about how to make oobleck a bit of an update and refresh, so I hope you like it!

What is oobleck?

Gloop or oobleck is just cornflour and water. It’s very easy to make and creates a lovely gooey slime that feels solid when you scrunch it up and liquid if you let it flow through your fingers.

two children playing with bowls of oobleck

Oobleck Recipe

  • Food colouring – optional
  • Ice cube trays – optional
  • Mixing bowl
  • Colander, funnel and beakers – optional, but great for messy fun!

Two girls playing with pink coloured oobleck

Instructions for making cornflour gloop

  • Fill a cup with cornflour and pour it into a bowl
  • Add water slowly, mixing with your hands, until you get a sticky, slimy gloop.
  • If you want to make it coloured, add some food colouring ( be careful this can stain skin and clothes).
  • Play with the slime and see how it behaves. Can you make it into a ball? What happens if you throw it onto the floor?

The Science of Oobleck

Did you notice that if you make a ball with oobleck or gloop, it feels solid, but if you drop the oobleck on the floor, it turns liquid again? The cornflour and water mixture is a Non-Newtonian fluid as it doesn’t flow like liquids normally do.

Cornflour gloop ( oobleck )  is made up of molecules arranged in long chains. When the chains are stretched, the liquid will flow, but when you force them together, they stick together to form a solid.

Child pouring cornflour gloop through a colander with superhero figures

Cornflour Slime Play Ideas

Try squeezing the cornflour gloop into a ball. It should feel solid. Open your hand and watch as the cornflour slime runs through your fingers.

Can you freeze the gloop? Our  frozen Kool Aid oobleck  smelled wonderful.

Try pouring the slime through a colander. What happens? Can you use the slime to trap a small figure or pretend spider?

The always amazing Babble Dabble Do has even more fun activity ideas for you, so don’t forget to check out her blog.

Housing a Forest makes  oobleck dance !

Try adding more and less water to find out if it changes how the oobleck flows.

Oobleck Challenge

Fill a tray of oobleck and try to walk on it!

child standing in a giant black tray of oobleck

I also have a printable instruction sheet available for this. Go to the experiment instructions page to find it.

If you liked this activity, you might like our other messy play ideas , too!

Once you’re finished with the oobleck, leave it somewhere warm to dry out. Then, you can either save it to use again or throw it away.

This activity is also part of my playful science series , which is full of play-based science activities for kids.

Image shows oobleck passing through a sieve as part of a superhero sensory activity for kids

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

August 15, 2011 at 7:15 am

I always loved this activity. A favourite was rolling a ball in the hands then handing it to a child and watching it collapse. I would then ask what they thought had happened. Their responses could be very creative.

' src=

August 15, 2011 at 9:11 am

Ooo, going to have a go at this one !

' src=

August 21, 2011 at 4:31 pm

Yup I think it is The Sunday Showcase you are looking for! Link up 😉

' src=

August 21, 2011 at 8:50 pm

you learn something every day – something to pay around with when mu daughter is older. Please keep your blog going so I can refer back to it.

August 21, 2011 at 8:51 pm

you learn something every day – something to pay around with when my daughter is older. Please keep your blog going so I can refer back to it.

' src=

August 22, 2011 at 12:00 am

great for a homeschool science activity – please follow back at

' src=

August 25, 2011 at 7:24 pm

This is a big hit with my two girls (Emily 4 & Phoebe 2) and features in our Little Explorer classes for toddlers/preschoolers too and it is an activity that is always approached with curiosity, awe and amazement! Loving the picture too, this is a good activity around Halloween time especially if using green colouring. To avoid staining, particularly for younger children, we use waterbased paint to colour the ‘goo’. Thanks Lisa

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August 25, 2011 at 8:50 pm

Water based paints are a brilliant idea. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. x

August 26, 2011 at 4:28 am

My kids love to make this stuff! Great post- Thank you for linking up to The Sunday Showcase. Glad you could make it.

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Teach Beside Me

How to Make Oobleck: Science with Dr. Seuss!

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oobleck science experiment

Have you ever heard of Oobleck? It is a must try classic science experiment. The Dr. Seuss book Bartholomew and the Oobleck gave us the name to this fun science experiment. It’s a silly one that inspired the name of the cornstarch and water slime that everyone loves to make.

It is a perfect and simple sensory play activity for young children, but it is also a great lesson in science. If you want to know how to make Oobleck you have come to the right place! Read on to get the oobleck recipe you have been looking for. Plus I have a Printable Oobleck Recipe for you to download at the bottom of this post.

oobleck science experiment

What is Oobleck?

Not only is oobleck fun to play with, it is also a simple science experiment. Your kids will love it if you add this oobleck experiment to their science lessons.

Oobleck is a is a non-newtonian fluid made with a mixture of cornstarch and water. A non-Newtonian fluid is one that doesn’t follow Newton’s law of viscosity. Oobleck is not really a solid or a liquid.  Fluids have a property called viscosity that explains how it flows.  Syrup is more viscous than juice for instance. The viscosity of oobleck is not constant. It changes depending on the amount of pressure applied to it.  When you apply pressure to oobleck  it will stop moving, get firm and behave like a solid, but when you release the pressure it is gooey and behaves like a liquid.

What happens is the larger solid cornstarch particles or molecules form long chains. The smaller water molecules flow between the cornstarch molecules causing the chains to slide and flow around each other. This is why oobleck is in a liquid state when it is not under pressure.

It is a liquid and a solid at once and it is seriously a ton of fun to play with! If you just let your hands sit in the mixture, they will sink in like quicksand. And just like quicksand, the more you move, the harder the mixture gets making you even more stuck!

This stuff is perfect for when you are teaching about different states of matter or properties of matter (solids, liquids and gasses). It is a really fun sensory activity for kids of all ages, too!

Oobleck has a few different names~ goop, oobleck slime or cornstarch slime.  The texture of oobleck is hard to fully describe. You just need to experience it for yourself!

cornstarch slime

Watch How We Played with Oobleck:

This video will show some of the fun ways we played with our Oobleck mixture! You will see how much fun it really is! Children of all ages enjoy playing with this stuff.

Easy Oobleck Recipe

Have you ever wondered how to make homemade Oobleck?  I have a simple oobleck recipe for you. This is so much easier to make than traditional slime! The recipe is super simple to make. You need just two ingredients: Corn starch and Water.

Download the Printable Oobleck Recipe now!

printable oobleck recipe

Note: If you do not have cornstarch, you can try making oobleck with another starchy flour- potato starch supposedly works well, arrowroot flour or corn flour.

How to make oobleck science

The ratio to get oobleck to the right consistency is two parts cornstarch (also called corn flour) to 1 part water. We made ours with 9 cups of cornstarch and 4 1/2 cups of water. You can also add food coloring if you want, but this is totally optional. With all of the cornstarch, it doesn’t tend to get very bright unless you add many many drops of food coloring!

Mix it in a large bowl or plastic bin, or other plastic container.  Use a big a spoon and find a place where messy play is OK. Let the kids have a turn to stir, too. We took ours outside so the kids could get as messy as they wanted and clean up would be easier. (They could be hosed down after!)

After a bunch of play, we divided it out into 4 different bowls and mixed in some coloring. I used liquid watercolors for ours, but food coloring would work just as well! Try swirling colors to make rainbow oobleck! What different ways can you think to experiment with it?  Maybe you could see what happens when you freeze it!

oobleck recipe

I have done this a lot of times with my kids, but it always seems to amaze and excite them. It never gets old. It;’s a fun way to entertain kids on a Summer day!  The bigger kids remember it well, but my younger kids needed a chance to dig in and get messy. Its always fun to re-make an old classic & great science experiment.

making oobleck with cornstarch and water

If you make a big enough batch of it, you can even walk on it!! Your little scientists will love this!  (Full disclosure, that plastic bowl broke during this adventure!)

walking on oobleck

Just a heads up : you do not want to pour this down the drain. It will clog it up. You can also save it for a few days in an airtight container.

Subscribe now to download the printable recipe!

colored oobleck recipe

Bartholomew and the Oobleck

If you have never read the Dr. Seuss book Bartholomew and the Oobleck , it is worth the read. We always love a good, silly Dr. Seuss book. This one is a Caldecott award winner, so you know it is good!

It is about a king who is bored with regular weather and asks his magicians to make something new. Instead of regular rain, oobleck falls from the sky. It rains sticky, gooey oobleck and it makes a huge mess! Bartholomew, a wise page boy, helps solve the problem with just a few simple words.

Bartholomew and the Oobleck

Want even more Hands-on Learning and Messy Play ideas for Kids?

Check out some of these ideas:

See More Sensory Play Materials and Ideas

See More Book Activities for Kids

See More STEM Projects for Kids

Try some more messy play with our Floam Recipe or our Favorite Slime Recipe !

Former school teacher turned homeschool mom of 4 kids. Loves creating awesome hands-on creative learning ideas to make learning engaging and memorable for all kids!

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Oozing oobleck

Most substances behave in unsurprising ways that depend on whether they are solids, liquids or gases. This activity shows how to create a substance called oobleck, which can behave like both a solid and a liquid, depending on how hard you hit it.

Printable downloads

 follow these steps….

You will need: water, cornflour, a tablespoon and a bowl or tray.

Oobleck can make a great deal of mess, although once it has dried it can easily be swept or vacuumed up. You may want to wear an apron. If cornflour does get onto your clothes, it will wash out with no problems.

oobleck science experiment

Think and talk about…

  • What do you think is happening?
  • Does oobleck behave like a solid, liquid or both?
  • Why do you think oobleck acts like this?
  • Can you think of anything else that behaves like oobleck?
  • If you had a pool full of oobleck, do you think you could run across it?


  • What happens if you let your fingers gently run through the oobleck?
  • Apply a force to the oobleck, such as tapping or slapping it. What effect does it have?
  • If you let your hand sink into the oobleck, can you pull it out quickly?
  • How hard is it to remove objects from the bottom of the bowl?

Did you know?

The name ‘oobleck’ comes from a Dr Seuss book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck .

What’s the science?

oobleck science experiment

Cornflour consists of billions of tiny irregularly shaped particles of starch. When water is added, the liquid flows around each starch grain and acts like a lubricant, making the mixture runny as the particles slip over each other. When a sudden large force is applied, the starch particles tangle, and the mixture hardens. However, these effects are only temporary. As soon as the force is removed, the water surrounds each of the particles again and the mixture becomes runny once more.

Science in your world

oobleck science experiment

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How to Make Oobleck

Find out how to make oobleck! This oobleck recipe makes a fun science activity for kids! Just grab 2 ingredients, use the correct ratios and you will be ready for lots of fun sensory play!

Find out how to make oobleck! This fun science and sensory activity is sure to be a hit with the kids!

Making oobleck is a great way to teach your kids about non-Newtonian fluids. Under force oobleck can change to become more liquid or more solid (explanation below). Here’s how to make your own oobleck at home:

Supplies needed:

  • 2 cups of cornstarch
  • 1 cup of water
  • A mixing bowl
  • Food coloring (optional)

Oobleck Supplies

1. Measure out the amounts of water and cornstarch you would like to use. Typically you will want to use a 2 to 1 ratio for the oobleck mix. We used 2 cups of cornstarch mixed with 1 cup of water.

2. If you would like to use some food coloring, mix a few drops into the water and stir it in.

Stir in the food coloring into the water.

3. Pour the cornstarch into the container or tray your kids will use to play with the oobleck in.

Pour cornstarch into container.

4. Pour the water slowly on top of the cornstarch.

Pour water onto cornstarch.

5. Stir the mixture with a spoon for as long as you can. It will become hard to stir and you will probably need to finish mixing with your hands. You will know it is ready when it forms into a thick, gooey substance that feels solid when you press it with your fingers, but flows like a liquid when you release the pressure. It will take about 5 minutes to mix.

Tip : If the oobleck is too runny, you can add more cornstarch to thicken it. If it is too thick, you can add more water to thin it out. Don’t add too much at once, just add a little bit at a time.

Oobleck is solid.

Once your oobleck is the right consistency, you can start exploring its unique properties. Try slowly dipping your fingers into the oobleck and feel how it behaves like a liquid. Then, quickly move your fingers through the oobleck and feel how it becomes solid. You can also try dropping a small object, such as a toy, into the oobleck. Does it sit on top or sink to the bottom?

Drop toy into Oobleck.

The kids had a blast playing with oobleck! It is a great way to introduce them to the concept of non-Newtonian fluids and allow them to explore and experiment with this fascinating material.

To dispose of the oobleck, make sure you throw it away as it can clog your drains! You can also store the oobleck in an airtight container or plastic bag if you would like to reuse it. You might need to pour a little water in it again when you do.

Learn how to make oobleck with this fun sensory idea for kids.

How does Oobleck Work?

Oobleck is made up of cornstarch and water. Cornstarch is a fine powder made from corn, and when mixed with water, it forms a thick, gooey substance. This substance is called a colloid, which is a mixture of two substances that are evenly distributed throughout each other, but don’t dissolve into each other.

The key to oobleck’s unique properties is the way the cornstarch particles are arranged. When you apply pressure to oobleck, the cornstarch particles are pushed closely together, forming a solid-like structure. When you release the pressure, the cornstarch particles are able to move freely again, allowing the oobleck to flow like a liquid.

This behavior is different from most other liquids, which follow the laws of fluid dynamics, which state that a liquid will always flow at a constant rate, regardless of the amount of pressure applied to it. But oobleck doesn’t follow these rules, which is why it’s called a non-Newtonian fluid.

Making Oobleck into a ball.

You can also try adding more water or cornstarch to your oobleck to see how it changes the consistency of the mixture. If you add more water, the oobleck will become more liquid-like and will be easier to pour. If you add more cornstarch, the oobleck will become thicker and more solid.

Oobleck is a fun and fascinating substance that can teach us a lot about the properties of matter and how different substances can behave in different ways.

Oobleck Fun.

Extend the Fun

  • Try making oobleck in different colors.
  • Test the consistency with different amounts of water and cornstarch.
  • Use different toys to play in the oobleck.
  • Try using different utensils to mix and experiment with.

This science activity would be a great addition to your simple science lessons and is a fun way for kids to learn about non-Newtonian fluids.

I hope you and the kids enjoy making oobleck!

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How to Make Oobleck

Last Updated: February 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,752,017 times. Learn more...

Oobleck (also called magic mud ) is an easy-to-make substance that has some interesting physical properties. Oobleck is an example of a non-Newtonian fluid. Many common liquids like water and alcohol have a constant viscosity. But Oobleck can be liquid when held loosely in your hand, and can also act like a solid if it's hit more violently. The name comes from Dr. Seuss's 1949 children's book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, which is about a king who is so bored with the weather in his kingdom that he wants something completely new to fall from the sky.

Making Oobleck

Step 1 Place 1 cup...

  • Use as many drops as you want for a richer color.
  • If you can't form a ball (too watery), add more cornstarch in one tablespoon at a time. Mix it and test each time.
  • If it isn't runny like a liquid when picked up, it is too thick. Add more water one tablespoon at a time.

Using Your Oobleck

  • Mix and match with other colors to make designs.
  • Strain and drop the oobleck through strainers, strawberry crates, etc. to watch how it flows differently than water.
  • Make a ball out of the Oobleck by rolling it around quickly in your palms. Then, stop applying pressure to the mixture and it will flow out of your hands.
  • Fill a pie plate with a thick layer of Oobleck and slap the surface with your open hand. You'll be surprised by how all of the liquid stays on the plate because of the force you applied.
  • Supersize the pie plate experiment by filling a large bucket or plastic bin with Oobleck and jumping up and down in it.
  • Take the Oobleck in the freezer, and try it. Try it in the heat too. Is there a difference?
  • If you let it dry out, it turns into a powder that is easily swept, vacuumed, or wiped up.

Step 4 Store the Oobleck.

  • You'll likely need to re-add water to your oobleck to play with it a second time.

Community Q&A

wikiHow Staff Editor

  • If you don’t have cornstarch you can use shampoo, body wash, or even laundry detergent. Thanks Helpful 45 Not Helpful 16
  • Oobleck when dried can be easily vacuumed. Thanks Helpful 33 Not Helpful 15
  • If you put in food coloring: after washing your hands, you may notice a little bit of color left on your hands. Don't worry. It should go away in a day or two. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 12

oobleck science experiment

  • Do not pour the Oobleck down the drain or else the drain may become clogged. Thanks Helpful 32 Not Helpful 8
  • Oobleck isn't poisonous, but it tastes awful. Wash your hands after playing. Make sure children are supervised. Thanks Helpful 33 Not Helpful 9
  • Be aware that if Oobleck is left out too long, it will dry out and turn back to cornstarch. Just throw it away when you're done with it. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 9
  • Lay a couple newspapers on the floor so it doesn't get all over the floor or table. Thanks Helpful 26 Not Helpful 9
  • When you add the cornstarch, be sure to spread it out evenly. Thanks Helpful 26 Not Helpful 10
  • Don't use plastic spoons to mix the ingredients. It might break if there is too much pressure. Thanks Helpful 28 Not Helpful 12
  • Don't worry too much if it gets on something; it will come out with a little water. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 13
  • Make sure the container has no air in it so that it won't dry out. Thanks Helpful 23 Not Helpful 11
  • Wear old clothes, as Oobleck tends to get messy. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 15
  • Don't drop on the couch, deck, or sidewalk. It's hard to get off of certain surfaces. Thanks Helpful 21 Not Helpful 12
  • Don't let it just sit there for a while. Thanks Helpful 20 Not Helpful 13

Things You'll Need

  • Cornstarch (sometimes called 'cornflour')
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Air-tight container (for storage)
  • Glitter (optional)

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oobleck science experiment

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About This Article

wikiHow Staff

To make Oobleck, mix 2 parts cornstarch and 1 part water in a bowl. Add in a few drops of food coloring if you want. Continue to mix the Oobleck until you are able to form a ball by rolling the mixture quickly in your hands. If the Oobleck is too runny to form a ball, add in more cornstarch a little at a time. If the mixture is too dry to stick together, add in a little more water. Once you get the right consistency, knead, roll, and stretch the Oobleck to see how it reacts. If you want to learn more about how to store your Oobleck to play with it later, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How To Make Oobleck

Are you wondering how to make oobleck? Oobleck is a classic science experiment that perfectly demonstrates a non-Newtonian fluid! Is it a liquid or a solid?

oobleck science experiment

How to Make Oobleck: Easy Oobleck Recipe

Oobleck recipe video:, oobleck ingredients:.

  • 2 cups cornstarch or corn flour
  • 1 cup water
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • Small Plastic Figurines or Items (optional)
  • Baking Dish, Spoon


STEP 1: Add the cornstarch to your bowl or baking dish. Mix two parts cornstarch with one part water.

Note: Mixing the oobleck in a bowl and then transferring it to a baking dish or tray may be easier.

STEP 2:  Add the water to the cornstarch. If you want to give your oobleck a color such as green, add food coloring to your water first. If you want to add swirls of food coloring after you mix the oobleck, you can also do that.

NOTE: Remember that you have a lot of white cornstarch, so you will need a good amount of food coloring if you want a more vibrant color.

adding green water to cornstarch

STEP 3:  MIx! You can stir your oobleck with a spoon, but I guarantee you will need to get your hands in there at some point during the mixing process.

STORING OOBLECK: You can store your oobleck in an airtight container, but I would not use it for longer than a day or two and check for mold before using it. If it has dried out some, add a very tiny amount of water to rehydrate it, but just a very tiny bit. A little goes a long way!

DISPOSING OF OOBLECK : When you’re done enjoying your oobleck, the best option is to scrape most of the mixture into the trash. The thick substance may be too much for your sink drain to handle!

Using a spoon to mix cornstarch and water

Is Oobleck a Solid or a Liquid?

Oobleck is a fantastic, fun, simple, and quick science lesson for kids of all ages. Even your youngest scientist will be amazed by it. What state of matter is oobleck? Here we combine a liquid and a solid, but the mixture doesn’t become one or the other.

A solid has its shape, whereas a liquid will take the shape of the container. Oobleck is a bit of both! Learn more about states of matter here.

A non-Newtonian fluid , like oobleck, behaves neither like a liquid nor a solid but shares both properties. Its viscosity, or thickness, changes when force is applied or removed. You can pick up a clump of the substance like a solid, but it will ooze back into the bowl like a liquid. It feels firm and solid to the touch, but applying more pressure causes your fingers to sink into it like a liquid.

Also, check out our Electroactive Oobleck … It’s electric!

Is Oobleck a solid?

A solid does not need a container to keep its shape like a rock.

Oobleck being shown as a solid

Or is Oobleck a liquid?

A liquid takes the shape of any container or flows freely if not put in a container.

Oobleck being shown as a liquid

Oobleck Recipe Variations

Grab this free jr. scientist challenge calendar with clickable links.

For complete instructions to 100+ science experiments for kids, click [here] .

oobleck science experiment

More Ways To Experiment With Oobleck

This oobleck experiment helps kids develop scientific inquiry skills and understand the basic principles of materials and their properties by introducing variables and encouraging them to make comparisons and predictions.

Start by making a standard batch of oobleck using a specific ratio of cornstarch to water. This will be the “control” oobleck for the experiment.

Variable 1: Changing Ratios

Prepare additional batches of oobleck with different ratios of cornstarch to water. For example, make one with more cornstarch and less water and another with more and less.

Encourage kids to observe and compare the properties of each batch. Does changing the ratio affect the oobleck’s behavior? Is it more liquid-like or solid-like?

Variable 2: Adding Objects

Place different objects in the oobleck (e.g., small toys, plastic shapes, coins). Observe how the oobleck interacts with these objects.

Ask kids to predict whether certain objects will sink or float in the oobleck. Record their predictions and compare them to the actual outcomes.

Variable 3: Temperature Experiment

Prepare two batches of oobleck, one using cold water and another using warm water. Discuss the impact of temperature on the oobleck’s properties.

Observe if there are differences in how the oobleck behaves at different temperatures. Does it change its consistency or flow differently?

💡 EXTRA: Try freezing oobleck!

Variable 4: Time Experiment

Set up a timed experiment to observe changes in the oobleck over time. After applying pressure, measure how long it takes for the oobleck to revert from a solid to a liquid state.

Discuss the viscosity concept and how it relates to the time it takes for the oobleck to return to a liquid state.

Record Observations: Have kids record their observations, predictions, and conclusions in a simple scientific journal. Please encourage them to use drawings, words, and measurements.

Discussion: Conclude the experiment by discussing the results. Ask questions about what they observed and if their predictions were accurate. Discuss the scientific concepts behind the changes in Oobleck’s properties.

Simple Science Experiments For Kids

If your preschooler through middle schooler is looking for simpler science activities like oobleck, this home science experiment list is a great place to start!

oobleck science experiment

Printable Science Projects For Kids

If you’re looking to grab all of our printable science projects in one convenient place plus exclusive worksheets and bonuses like a STEAM Project pack, our Science Project Pack is what you need! Over 300+ Pages!

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  • Best science practices posters  and our original science method process folders for extra alternatives!
  • Be a Collector activities pack  introduces kids to the world of making collections through the eyes of a scientist. What will they collect first?
  • Know the Words Science vocabulary pack  includes flashcards, crosswords, and word searches that illuminate keywords in the experiments!
  • My science journal writing prompts  explore what it means to be a scientist!!
  • Bonus STEAM Project Pack:  Art meets science with doable projects!
  • Bonus Quick Grab Packs for Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics

oobleck science experiment

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Love this amazing oobleck recipe. Look so delicious and yummy. Thank you for sharing it.

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Babble Dabble Do

How to Make Oobleck and 10 Cool Things To Do With It!

February 17, 2022 by Ana Dziengel 13 Comments

Today I’m going to show you how to make oobleck and 10 awesome ways to play with it!

Say the word OOBLECK   (or goop) in my house and my daughter will come running! Oobleck was actually the very first science experiment I tried when I was the science parent at our co-op preschool years ago. I chose it because it’s no fail and always a hit; I mean really, who can resist a slippery, gooey substance that forms a ball when you squish it together but quickly melts into a liquid when you let go?

Oobleck: The best sensory play recipe!

Oobleck is by far my students’ favorite sensory activity. I have seen kids play with it for long periods of time, fascinated with its texture and consistency. It’s wonderful to engage kids in making the oobleck; it gives them a chance to touch and feel the cornstarch before it’s mixed with the water and then to observe how it changes as water is introduced. I highly recommend making a HUGE batch of oobleck with kids in a large shallow bin. Once it is mixed, introduce kitchen objects like spoons, colanders, and sieves for them to play with.

For kids who don’t like to get messy I recommend having large spoons, aprons, and possibly gloves nearby so that they can participate in the fun at their own pace. I’ve had students shake their heads when asked to dip their hands into this weird substance, but poking and prodding at it with a spoon sometimes gives them the confidence they need to finally dip in a finger into the oobleck.

To get a taste of the fun you can have with oobleck check out this video:

What is Oobleck?

Before we start let’s talk about just what oobleck is. Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid , a fancy term for a liquid whose viscosity changes depending on pressure. Viscosity is the measure of friction in a liquid and determines how fast or slow a liquid flows. Most liquids have what we call consistent viscosity, for instance honey and water will always flow the same no matter how you pour or press them. Oobleck on the other hand does not have consistent viscosity. If you apply pressure to it, it forms a solid, loosen the pressure and it melt back into a liquid. Because the viscosity changes, it is classified as a non-Newtonian fluid.

In chemistry oobleck is what is known as a colloid , a substance in which small particles of one substance are suspended throughout another substance but not chemically bonded. If fun hands-on chemistry projects sound enticing hop over here to see 50 more…

Is oobleck a solid or a liquid?

It’s actually both! Oobleck behaves like a solid or a liquid depending on the pressure exerted on it.  Press it together and it feels solid, let is sit in your hand and it drips like a liquid.

Is oobleck slime?

When most people talk about slime they are referring to glue based slimes made by mixing white or clear glue with sodium tetraborate (found in Borax, liquid starch, and saline solution). You can read all about the science of slime here. That version of slime is also a non-Newtonian fluid with similar properties to oobleck. The difference is that oobleck tends to be more liquid like and doesn’t last long (it will mold) and glue slime tends to be more solid and can last indefinitely in an air tight plastic containers. I consider oobleck and slime to be cousins!

Now enough of the details, let’s get to the making!

How to Make Oobleck

Oobleck always requires some fine-tuning. I start with the basic ratio and then add more water or cornstarch deepening on the consistency that I’m getting.

Basic ratio

2 parts cornstarch to 1 Part water


  • 2 Cups Cornstarch (AKA Cornflour)
  • 1 Cup Water
  • Food coloring (optional)


Time needed:  10 minutes.

Learn how to make everyone’s favorite sensory play recipe: oobleck!

Pour 2 cups of cornstarch into a bowl

Add 1 cup of water into the bowl. Stir to combine.

Add drops of food coloring to your oobleck. Stir or mix with hands to combine.

What is the right consistency?

If you’ve never made oobleck before one of the hardest things to figure out is just what you are looking for in terms of texture and consistency. I use this as my guideline: When mixed you should be able to press a handful of oobleck into a ball in your hand; when you release the pressure the ball should “melt” back into a liquid.


  • If your oobleck is too watery, add a couple tablespoons of cornstarch and mix.
  • If you’re oobleck is too flaky or solid, add a couple tablespoons of water and mix.
  • If you want to make several colors of oobleck make them in separate batches and then dribble the colored oobleck together.
  • I do not recommend dropping different colors of food coloring directly on the oobleck as it will quickly mix into a purple mess.
  • Oobleck tends to dry out quickly with a lot of play. If that happens simply refresh it by adding a little more water.
  • To store oobleck let it dry out in a bin open to the air, then refresh it with water when ready to use again. I tried storing it in an airtight container and after few days it spoiled.

Clean-Up & Disposal

  • How to clean up Oobleck: LET IT DRY! Once oobleck dries it returns to a cornstarch powder that can be easily swept or vacuumed up.
  • Oobleck can be wiped off hands and clothes easily with a damp cloth.
  • DO NOT WASH IT DOWN THE SINK! Oobleck can clog drains so do not our it down the drain. Wasing off dusty hands is okay but if kids have a lot of oobleck on their hands have them rinse it off with those outside.
  • Dried oobleck can be placed in the trash or compost bin.

10 Awesome Oobleck Activities for Kids

1. add baskets & sieves.

Try using strawberry baskets and sieves! Place a handful of oobleck in a strawberry basket, collinear, or sieve and watch it drip through the bottom!

2. Paint with Oobleck

Make batches of oobleck in different colors then drizzle the colors together onto a large shallow tray. My daughter even made a heart with her oobleck.

3. Make an Oobleck Fountain

This was a hit at a recent event! This is the coolest impromptu activity for a group. Make a TON of oobleck, add in some baskets, colanders, buckets, splatter guards and sieves and build!

4. Mix Oobleck with Your Feet

This was a hit at Camp STEAM!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ana from Babble Dabble Do (@babbledabbledo)

5. Make Oobleck Glow

A fantastic sensory play experience that glows! See three different ways to make oobleck glow here :

6. M ake Oobleck Dance

You read that right, make oobleck dance using sound waves!

7. Freeze it!

A fun sensory activity on a hot day.

8. Color Explorations with Oobleck

Turn oobleck into lesson on color mixing like this and this .

9. Walk on Oobleck

Perfect for events or parties!

10. Make It Erupt!

Add a little baking soda and turn it into a fizzing experiment!

If you enjoyed this be sure to check out Wizards’ Brew , another favorite in our house!

Spread Creativity like wildfire: PIN THIS!

February 19, 2016 at 7:31 am

Does the food dye ever stain hands and also where did you get that awesome kids Frida shirt?

Ana Dziengel says

August 16, 2016 at 4:46 am

It washes off for sure and the Frida shirt os from Mexico, a present from Grandpa!

Nicole says

February 23, 2016 at 11:48 pm

This is also called goop and has been around for years in early childhood settings.

August 16, 2016 at 4:41 am

It’s a classic!

April 3, 2016 at 5:53 am

We love oobleck in our house too. But for some reason, I don’t think we’ve ever done it with different colors at the same time. They look so pretty in yours – with the blue and pink mixed together like that.

April 8, 2016 at 4:59 am

Thanks Aimee!

June 6, 2016 at 8:26 am

Awesome pics! In our house we call it slime, but the result it the same – the kids come running! lol!

June 6, 2016 at 9:48 am

Wow, I’m gonna try this with my kids. I didn’t know it was so easy

August 15, 2016 at 8:31 am

it’s a great go-to activity just for that reason!

M Ollivierre says

September 20, 2016 at 5:58 pm

My preschool. classroom children really enjoy this activity. Thank you. Lots of fun.

September 23, 2016 at 5:22 am

woot woot! Always a blast!!!

August 15, 2016 at 8:04 am

Looks like you had an amazing party!

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A Year Of Oobleck Recipes, Science Experiments and Activities

We love Oobleck around here. It is non-toxic, super easy to make with items in your pantry, fantastic for all ages, and teaches some fascinating scientific principles. In fact we have created so many Oobleck projects we had people asking for me to put them all together into one big, year long, classroom resource. I’m excited to say it is finally here!

12 Months of Oobleck Projects

What you will discover in this article!

Oobleck Sensory Science

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What is Oobleck?

Oobleck, is also known as magic mud, goop, goo, oobleck slime, slime and, of course, for our science minded folks, a non-Newtonian Fluid. It is non-toxic, crazy fun, easy to make, messy and a fantastic sensory experience for kids of all ages.

So what makes it so fascinating? It’s the way it moves! Yes I said moves!

Think for a moment about how water or syrup flow, whether you pour them out of a cup or squish them in your hands, they have a predictable, consistent pattern of movement.

Oobleck is completely baffling and doesn’t behave like a proper liquid at all. Instead of flowing predictably, It becomes solid under pressure. Punch it and it becomes solid, you can even walk on it! Move it around in your hands and it takes on play dough like consistency. Some of our recipes get so hard under pressure I have broken finger nails playing with them!

But here is the extra crazy fun part, open your hands and release that pressure or stop squishing the Oobleck, and it flows like regular liquid between your fingers. Or stop walking/running across it and you will sink.

Are you seeing all the amazing sensory science opportunities here? It is no wonder kids love playing with Oobleck so much! And since it is non-toxic and taste safe (using items in your kitchen right now), you can use it for your preschoolers to teenagers for some messy, fun sensory science.

How Does Oobleck Work?

So how exactly does this crazy substance work? Let’s dig into a little science!

Sir Isaac Newton had a number of theories around fluid dynamics. These laws and rules explained how we could readily predict how liquids behave and their properties. Then we have our rule breaker! With Oobleck we have a non-Newtonian Fluid because it doesn’t follow Newton’s Law of Viscosity. Fluid should not become solid under pressure!

BREAKING NEWS! Learn more about some of the latest scientific studies, investigations and models of Oobleck non-Newtonian Fluids here.

Oobleck recipes and activities

IS Oobleck a Solid or a liquid?

If you have ever played with Oobleck you know it doesn’t behave the way you would expect at all. When you apply force it becomes a solid. You can actually walk on it, or mold it like play dough, as long as you keep the force up.

Remove that pressure and force though, and it will flow through your fingers.

This phenomenon is called “shear thickening” and it occurs in materials made up of microscopic solid particles suspended in a fluid. Oobleck therefore is a suspension. The solid molecules are not dissolving in the liquid, they are simply suspended. When you make Oobleck you will see it quickly separates. The suspended molecules settle to the bottom and the liquid rises to the top of the container.

Also as the name, non-Newtonian Fluid, implies, Oobleck is a fluid. Just a very strangely behaving one!

Want to know more about the science behind Oobleck? We dig into the science in our new printable resource!

oobleck science experiment

How Did Oobleck Get It’s Name?

Although this non-Newtonian Fluid goes by many names, including magic mud, goo, goop, or the most common name is Oobleck. But where did the term “Oobleck” come from? In fact it was created by none other than Dr. Seuss.

Back in 1949 Dr. Seuss wrote a book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck . It is a story about a king who was bored with the weather and asked his team of magicians to create something new to entertain him. The result was this gloopy, sloppy, sticky substance that rained down from the sky on the unsuspecting villagers. A substance that had a lot of properties in common with our beloved non-Newtonian Fluid. It may not have been intentional, but it is a fantastic story of how this magical substance got its name.

How to Make Oobleck

There are many different ways to make Oobleck, the most common uses Corn Starch, but there are many other recipes which makes Oobleck the perfect project for a year long study!

That’s where our new printable resource comes in.

Oobleck Sensory Science provides a detailed background on Oobleck and how it works. Including lots of extra science for your curious scientists!

In addition, we have included a full year of recipes, science experiments, and activities for your home or classroom. Every month you can explore something new about Oobleck.

Here is just a sample of what’s included: 5 Proven Recipes Science Fair Project Oobleck Recipes and Projects to Celebrate Holidays & Seasons Science Experiments using Oobleck Fun Sensory Games and More!

Interested in learning more and incorporating Oobleck into your lessons this year? Check out our Oobleck Sensory Science book now! It is available on Teachers Paying Teachers or in our Store as a immediate delivery, printable PDF.

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Oobleck is a suspension of cornstarch and water that can behave like a solid or a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply. Try to grab some in your hand, and it will form a solid ball in your palm until you release the pressure. Then, it will flow out between your fingers. Materials that behave this way are classified as non-Newtonian fluid because their flow properties are not described by a constant viscosity. The name Oobleck comes from the 1949 children’s book,  Bartholomew and the Oobleck , by Dr. Seuss. In the story, a sticky liquid falls from the sky as a result of the king becoming bored with normal weather.

Here’s what you need

Let’s get to the fun stuff. In order to make a Oobleck you will need the following items:

Pitcher of Water

Aluminum pie pans

Measuring cups

Mixing spoon

Newspaper for covering tables

Food coloring or tempera paint (for fun)

Place one and a half cups of cornstarch in a pie pan

Add one cup of water, and stir well.

Add more water or cornstarch until you get a mixture that ‘tears’ when you quickly scrape your finger through it and then ‘melts’ back together again.

Squeeze it…Squish it…Scoop it…Pinch it…What happens?

If you want to color your Oobleck, add some tempera paint. You can use food coloring if that’s all you have on hand. Food coloring tends to stain more than the paint, especially if you have a spill while preparing your Oobleck. One thing to keep in mind is that Oobleck is a suspension, not a solution. The cornstarch does not dissolve in the water like salt or sugar would. Instead, the tiny starch particles are suspended in the liquid. If you let it sit long enough in a glass, the cornstarch will settle to the bottom leaving a layer of clear water on the top. This is why it is very important not to pour Oobleck down the drain. Should the suspension separate in your drain pipes, you will be left with a hard clump of cornstarch that will block the drain. The best way to get rid of your Oobleck is to simply put it in your trash can.

What does non-Newtonian mean?

All fluids have a property known as viscosity that describes how the fluid flows – commonly thought of as how thick or thin a fluid is. For instance, honey is much more viscous than water. When a fluid’s viscosity is constant, it is referred to as a Newtonian fluid. Oobleck is an example of a fluid whose viscosity is not constant; it’s viscosity changes depending on the stress or forces applied to it. If you poke it with your finger and apply a large force, it becomes very viscous and stays in place. If you gently pour it, applying little force, it will flow like water. This kind of fluid is called a dilatant material or a shear thickening fluid. It becomes more viscous when agitated or compressed.

Another non-Newtonian liquid is ketchup. Ketchup behaves in the opposite way from Oobleck. You could even call it the “anti-Oobleck.” It becomes less viscous when agitated. Liquids like this are called shear thinning liquids. If you leave a bottle of Ketchup on a shelf, it becomes thicker or more viscous. Nearly everyone has experienced this while trying to pour the liquid from a new bottle – it refuses to move. If you shake the bottle or stir it up, it becomes less viscous and pours easily.

Why does Oobleck behave the way it does?

The most generally accepted explanation for the behavior of Oobleck is offered by Cary Sneider in “Oobleck: What do Scientists Say?”. When sitting still, the granules of starch are surrounded by water. The surface tension of the water keeps it from completely flowing out of the spaces between the granules. The cushion of water provides quite a bit of lubrication and allows the granules to move freely. But, if the movement is abrupt, the water is squeezed out from between the granules and the friction between them increases rather dramatically.

Experiments to try

The first thing you have to do is simply place your hands into the Oobleck and start squeezing it. Have some fun! Try to make a ball by moving it around quickly in your palms. Once you stop applying pressure to the mixture, it will flow out of your hands like a liquid. Try filling a pie plate with a think layer of Oobleck and then slapping the surface with your open hand. Because of the dilatant properties, becoming more viscous when a force is applied, the liquid will all stay in the plate. Try the same experiment with water and compare the results! If you have a lot of cornstarch and a small pool (or a large one like in the video), you can supersize this experiment. Since the liquid becomes more viscous when pressure is applied, you can actually walk or run on the surface without sinking. Of course, once you stop moving, you will begin slowly sinking into the liquid.


  1. Oobleck: the Dr. Seuss Science Experiment

    oobleck science experiment

  2. Science-U @ Home / Oobleck Experiment

    oobleck science experiment

  3. How to Make Oobleck

    oobleck science experiment

  4. How to Make Oobleck

    oobleck science experiment

  5. How to Make Oobleck and 10 Cool Things To Do With It!

    oobleck science experiment

  6. Learn how to make Oobleck using cornstarch and water! It is a fun

    oobleck science experiment


  1. It's a Solid... It's a Liquid... It's Oobleck!

    Discover the amazing properties of oobleck, a substance that can act like a solid or a liquid depending on how you squeeze it. Learn how to make your own oobleck at home with this fun and easy ...

  2. Oobleck: the Dr. Seuss Science Experiment

    Oobleck is a classic science experiment that's perfect for entertaining both kids and adults. If you haven't seen it in action it's very fascinating stuff and before too long you'll have your hands covered with it, happily making a mess that can be washed away with water.

  3. Oobleck Science Fair Project

    Learn how to make oobleck, a non-Newtonian fluid, with a simple recipe and a science fair investigation. Explore the properties of this fascinating substance and have fun with oobleck!

  4. Oobleck: A Recipe for a Mesmerizing Mixture

    In this activity, you will get to create Oobleck, a mixture that is made using cornstarch and water, and then explore these properties first-hand! This activity is not recommended for use as a science fair project. Good science fair projects have a stronger focus on controlling variables, taking accurate measurements, and analyzing data.

  5. Oobleck

    Oobleck - The Cornstarch And Water Experiment This may just be the easiest, messiest, and most fun science activity I know. It is a classic, and I have gotten several requests recently to post directions.

  6. Outrageous Oobleck

    Learn how to make Outrageous Oobleck, a non-Newtonian substance that can act as a liquid or solid. Explore the science behind this fun and easy experiment with corn starch, water and optional coloring tablets.

  7. How to Make Oobleck

    Learn how to make oobleck with this simple recipe! Mix water and cornstarch for a fun and easy science experiment and STEM activity for kids.

  8. How to Make Oobleck

    Learn how to make oobleck and explore the science of how it works as a non-Newtonian fluid that acts like a liquid and a solid.

  9. Oobleck Recipe and Experiments With a Non-Newtonian Fluid

    Oobleck is fun and interesting to explore. It changes from a liquid to a solid when a force is applied and turns back into a liquid when the force is removed.

  10. Making Oobleck, a non-Newtonian Fluid: Easy STEM Experiment

    The amount of corn starch and water, and the size of the dish will depend on how much oobleck you want to make. The ratio of cornstarch to water is 2:1, so approximately 2 cups of corn starch for 1 cup of water. You may want to experiment a bit with your mixture until you get the right consistency.

  11. How to Make Oobleck

    Here's a recipe: Oobleck ingredients. 1 part water. 1.5 to 2 parts cornstarch. Small amount of food coloring (optional) Mix ingredients. Start with the water in a bowl (or wading pool!) and add ...

  12. How to Make Oobleck (A Perfect Non Newtonian Fluid)

    Learn how to make oobleck, a gooey substance that shows both liquid and solid properties, using corn starch and water. Find out how to play with oobleck, make dancing oobleck, and explore the science concepts behind it.

  13. How to make oobleck

    Find our how to make oobleck with these fun and easy oobleck or cornflour gloop activity ideas. Squeeze it, drop it, squish it and more fun.

  14. How to Make Oobleck: Cornstarch and Water Science Experiment

    Making oobleck is a fun sensory activity and science project for kids. With only cornstarch and water, you can make this non-Newtonian fluid that acts like a solid and a liquid at the same time.

  15. How to Make Oobleck: Science with Dr. Seuss!

    Want to know how to make oobleck? This oobleck recipe is made from cornstarch and water. It is a perfect tie in for the Dr. Seuss book, too!

  16. Oozing oobleck activity

    Learn how to make oobleck, a non-Newtonian fluid that can act like both a solid and a liquid. Explore the properties of oobleck with different forces and find out how it is used in body armour.

  17. How to Make Oobleck

    Find out how to make oobleck! This oobleck recipe makes a fun science activity for kids! Just grab 2 ingredients, use the correct ratios and you will be ready for lots of fun sensory play!

  18. How to Make Oobleck: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

    Oobleck (also called magic mud) is an easy-to-make substance that has some interesting physical properties. Oobleck is an example of a non-Newtonian fluid. Many common liquids like water and alcohol have a constant viscosity. But Oobleck...

  19. How To Make Oobleck

    Learn how to make oobleck with a two-ingredient cornstarch and water oobleck recipe. Explore non-newtonian fluids with kids.

  20. How to Make Oobleck and 10 Cool Things To Do With It!

    Today I'm going to show you how to make oobleck, a fantastic sensory play recipe, and 10 awesome ways to play with it!

  21. How to Make Oobleck

    Making oobleck is a great science and sensory project combined into one fun activity!

  22. A Year Of Oobleck Recipes, Science Experiments and Activities

    A whole year of learning with Oobleck. Check out our recipes, science experiments, STEM projects, sensory science and so much more.

  23. Oobleck

    Oobleck is a suspension of cornstarch and water that can behave like a solid or a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply. Try to grab some in your hand, and it will form a solid ball in your palm until you release the pressure. Then, it will flow out between your fingers. Materials that behave this way are classified as non-Newtonian ...