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Why are Veterans Important and Why They Should Never be Forgotten

why are veterans important

Why are veterans important? Military veterans are among the most important members of our society. They have committed years of their lives to serving and protecting our country, and they deserve our gratitude and respect. Veterans have sacrificed their time, health, and often even their own lives to preserve our freedom and safeguard our nation. It is crucial to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of our veterans and honor their service. In this blog post, we will discuss why veterans are so important and why they should never be forgotten.

Veterans Defend Our Freedom:

One significant reason our veterans are important is that they defend our freedom. Veterans served and they are the ones who willingly stand in the line of fire to ensure that we can live our lives without fear of oppression or tyranny. They protect us from external threats while ensuring that our way of life is preserved. They leave their homes, families, and livelihoods to defend our nation, and they do so without asking for anything in return except appreciation.

Veterans Sacrificed their Lives for our Safety:

Veterans’ contributions cannot be understated, especially those who have paid the ultimate price by sacrificing their own lives for our safety. They serve their country with selflessness and sacrifice and bear the heavy burden of their service on behalf of American citizens. We must honor their brave actions and never forget the price they paid for our freedom.

Veteran’s Protection of our Communities:

Veterans play a crucial role in their communities, too. They come home and serve as doctors, lawyers, and other vital professionals. They continue to keep us safe by protecting and serving our communities and bringing their discipline, experience, and leadership to civilian offices. They embody strength, discipline, and moral values, which are models that younger generations can emulate.

Veterans Provide Inspiration to Younger Generations:

Veterans’ contributions also provide inspiration and motivation to younger generations. They set an excellent example of self-discipline, perseverance, and honor for children and adults alike. As the younger generation learns to value the contributions of veterans, the importance of their roles will continue to be passed down and instilled in future generations.

Veterans Deserve Our Respect and Support:

Lastly, veterans deserve our continuous support and care. They experienced extreme hardships and trauma during their service years that often follow them into their civilian lives. It is our duty as Americans to honor and support their sacrifice by helping them navigate civilian life. Providing necessary resources, mental health care, and other support systems could immensely improve their quality of life.

Veterans and American Flag

How We Can Better Support Our Veterans After Their Service

Veterans deserve our respect and gratitude for serving our country. They risked their lives to protect us and our freedom, and in return, we should support them in any way we can. However, thousands of veterans face physical and mental challenges daily, and many of them struggle to fit in and adjust to normal life post-military. Below, we delve into how we can better support our veterans’ needs after their service.

1) Improve Access to Medical, Mental and Emotional Health Support:

Given that veterans’ physical or mental health has been compromised as a result of long deployment periods, it’s essential that we provide them with easy access to medical care. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a range of benefits, including healthcare , counseling programs, and disability compensation , among other benefits for veterans and their family members. Additionally, there are many non-profit community-based organizations and charities that offer mentorship, job training, financial aid , and transitional housing that can provide the necessary resources and support for veterans.

2) Advocate for Better Employment Opportunities:

It’s critical to secure adequate jobs that guarantee stability and growth to ensure financial independence for veterans after their service. Finding employment can be a challenge for veterans, particularly those who may have physical or mental health issues. Organizations such as Veterans Affairs can train veterans on valuable job skills and even offer hiring bonuses to companies that employ veterans. Proactive measures by businesses to support veterans looking for employment, including understanding their needs, can significantly improve the veteran’s chances of success.

3) Provide Housing Assistance:

Homelessness can be a major issue that veterans face when transitioning back to civilian life. Veterans may have physical, mental, and emotional problems that hinder them from making enough money to afford housing or pay their rent. Providing transitional housing assistance can help ease the transition from military forces to civilian life. Additionally, non-profit organizations such as Department of VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) can provide rental assistance and support for those at risk of homelessness or who have lost their homes.

4) Donate and Volunteer:

There are various non-profits, community support groups, and organizations directly focused on supporting veterans, that you can donate to. Donations can go a long way in providing essential resources for veterans facing a range of challenges. Volunteering can also help combat issues of loneliness and depression faced by many veterans. Community service involves working alongside veterans, helping engage meaningful activities that foster connection, and working with other volunteers to provide support.

5) Stay Engaged and Informed:

Ultimately, the best way to support veterans is to stay engaged and informed. Your support can go a long way in advocating policies or benefiting veterans as they transition to civilian life. Stay informed about veterans’ issues, policy changes, and the benefits that are available to them. You can follow veteran support organizations on social media, sign up for newsletters, or volunteer regularly. You can also participate in events, forums, or rallies organized by veteran’s advocacy groups to stay active and connected.

Supporting veterans’ needs after serving our nation should be a top priority for all of us. Veterans face significant challenges transitioning from military to civilian life and may need help in accessing healthcare, housing, employment, and other resources. It’s our responsibility to provide the necessary support for our heroic veterans and ensure that their sacrifices aren’t forgotten. Through various channels like community organizations, charities, donations, and volunteering, we can work together to ensure that veterans are empowered to lead productive and fulfilling lives post-service.

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The History and Importance of Veterans

Veterans have played an integral role in shaping our world as we know it today. The sacrifices they made during their time in the military should never be forgotten and we should always remember them. This long-standing tradition of service to the country dates back centuries, back to the settling of territories in the Americas. The role of veterans and military personnel has evolved a lot over time, but their contributions are always appreciated. Let’s delve into the history of veterans, their role in conflicts, their service to our nation, and their impact on American society.

Armed Forces

The history of veterans can be traced back to the American Revolution, in which the brave men and women fought for our nation’s independence from Great Britain. The foundation for a professional military was laid out during this period. This move gave structure to what came to be known as the armed forces. These early veterans set the tone for future generations of servicemen and women that followed them.

The Civil War is perhaps one of the most significant conflicts where veterans played a crucial role. In addition to the Union and Confederate armies, many African American soldiers, who were believed to be unfit for service, joined the Union forces. The civil war veterans set the foundation for caring for wounded and ill soldiers after the conflict, pioneering the introduction of veteran organizations like the Grand Army of the Republic.

In the 20th century, veterans played a crucial role in the Global two World Wars, World War I and II, among other conflicts. Armistice Day marked the end of World War I. During World War II, approximately 16 million Americans served in the military, and people were encouraged to support the war effort by purchasing war bonds and maintaining production levels of war goods.

VA System (VA)

The Veterans Affairs (VA) system was established in the early 1900s to care for veterans’ needs in return for their service to the country. After World War II, the number of veterans leaped, necessitating a more robust VA system to take care of their needs post-military service. The VA operates hospitals and other health care facilities throughout the United States and provides various services, including disability compensation and pension benefits, education and training benefits, home loan benefits, and more.

The history of veterans stretches back centuries, and their sacrifices and service are to be respected and admired. Veterans have made incredible contributions to the country, and their impact can be seen in virtually all aspects of American life. It is essential to honor veterans always, not just during military holidays like Veterans Day or Memorial Day. We must acknowledge their contributions and continue to show gratitude by funding programs that support them, not just the VA, but creating job opportunities, scholarships, and other services to make their transition to civilian life easier. Let us always ensure veterans, national guard, army, navy, coast guard etc.. receive the respect, appreciation, and recognition they deserve for their unwavering service to our nation by standing for the national anthem.


Veterans fought for us, and have played, and continue to play, a significant role in shaping our nation’s history and future. We must never forget their sacrifices, dedication, and commitment to our country’s well-being. As a nation, it is our collective responsibility to show support and appreciation to these brave individuals who have served us with courage, honor, and sacrifice, and the ones in active duty.

Not just on the national holiday of veteran’s day, but every day. Their contributions are priceless, and it is our duty to never forget their sacrifices and remind the younger generation of their legacy. We must continue to honor our veterans, providing them with the support they need upon their return home while recognizing their contributions to society. They are a part of our history, our present, and our future.

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Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Picture of Osman Sirin

  • March 31, 2023


The Importance of Veterans


Veterans have played a critical role in the history of the United States, serving their country in times of war and peace. Despite their sacrifices, many veterans face significant challenges, including physical and mental health issues, homelessness, and unemployment. This essay aims to explore the importance of veterans, analyzing the ways in which they contribute to society and the challenges they face upon returning home.

Body Paragraphs

Firstly, veterans are essential to the security and defense of the United States. They have fought in conflicts throughout the country's history, from the Revolutionary War to the current War on Terror. Their bravery and sacrifice have ensured the freedom and safety of the country and its citizens. Furthermore, veterans possess unique skills and training that can be beneficial to society, such as leadership, discipline, and teamwork. These qualities can be utilized in a variety of settings, including the workplace and community organizations.

However, many veterans face significant challenges upon returning home. One of the most pressing issues is mental health, with veterans experiencing higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and suicide than the general population. These issues can stem from the trauma of combat and the difficulty of transitioning back to civilian life. Additionally, many veterans struggle with physical injuries and disabilities that can limit their ability to work and participate in everyday activities.

Another issue facing veterans is homelessness. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, veterans represent around 7% of the total homeless population in the United States. This can be due to a variety of factors, including mental health issues, substance abuse, and lack of access to affordable housing. Homelessness can exacerbate existing physical and mental health issues, making it difficult for veterans to get the help they need.

Despite these challenges, veterans continue to make important contributions to society. For example, many veterans become entrepreneurs and small business owners, creating jobs and driving economic growth. Others volunteer their time and skills to community organizations, such as veterans' groups and youth programs. These contributions highlight the important role that veterans can play in society, both during and after their service.

Consequently, veterans are essential to the history and security of the United States. They have fought to defend the country's freedom and safety, and possess unique skills and training that can be beneficial to society. However, many veterans face significant challenges upon returning home, including mental health issues, homelessness, and unemployment. It is important for society to recognize the sacrifices that veterans have made and to provide them with the support they need to succeed in civilian life. By doing so, we can ensure that veterans continue to make important contributions to our society and our communities.

Picture of Osman Sirin

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Why Are Veterans Important to Our Nation?

October 5, 2023

Why are veterans important WWII

Veterans are individuals who have served their country by joining a military service. These men and women swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Some have been sent into harm’s way during the nation’s conflicts, sacrificing in different ways to advance national or international interests. They are normally involved in historically significant events and their participation in these events and their contributions to history cannot be overstated. Ask yourself, what would the world look like today if not for the American veterans who fought in World War II?  

From the earliest days of our country's history, through the wars that have defined our role in the world today, veterans have played an essential role in shaping our country and ensuring our freedom by serving as a deterrent to those who do not value a democratic republic.

Why are veterans important? This blog post will answer that question and explore why veterans are important to our nation, delving into some of the key reasons that these dedicated individuals deserve our utmost respect and admiration.

Why are veterans important: Sacrifice

First and foremost, veterans are important to our nation because of the sacrifices they have made on behalf of their country. They have put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms and liberties, and they have done so at great personal cost.

Whether it's serving in combat zones, enduring long deployments away from their families, or facing physical and mental challenges as a result of their service, veterans have made significant sacrifices to ensure that we can enjoy the benefits of living in a free and democratic society.

Why are veterans important Korean War

Why are veterans important: Skills

Beyond their sacrifices, veterans also bring a wealth of skills and experiences to the table that are invaluable to our nation. Many veterans have received specialized training and education through their military service, making them highly skilled and qualified to contribute to a wide range of industries and professions.

For example, veterans make up a significant portion of our country's law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency responders, bringing honed skills and knowledge to these critical roles. Additionally, many veterans have leadership experience from their time in the military , which can be instrumental in shaping our country's policies and decision-making processes.

After saving the world in World War II , American veterans went to work and helped rebuild the United States. Industry flourished as did the economy and it was mostly because of the skilled labor provided by veterans.

Why are veterans important: Flexibility

Veterans are known for their flexibility, which often surprises many people. There is a common misconception that the military is a rigid, uncreative environment. That couldn’t be further from the truth. While military service has standards, regulations and a climate of good order and discipline, it is also an environment that requires flexibility.

Anyone who has ever served knows that most operations do not go as planned, therefore, veterans have learned to be creative and flexible in solving problems and creating solutions. In some cases, like in the war in Iraq, soldiers were getting killed or wounded because they were deploying with soft canvassed doors on their HUMVEEs which made them vulnerable to explosive blasts and even small arms fire.

Given the lack of protection, soldiers scavenged iron and other metals wherever they could find it and welded it onto the HUMVEEs for protection. They adapted and improvised. This led to the Defense Department "uparmoring" HUMVEEs. Veterans are masterful at doing more, with less.

Why are veterans important Purple Heart vets

Why are veterans important: Role Models

Another key reason that veterans are important to our nation is that they serve as role models and inspiration for future generations. When young people see the dedication and sacrifice that veterans have made for their country, it can instill a sense of patriotism and pride in their own country. Additionally, veterans can provide mentorship and guidance to young people who may be considering a career in the military or other public service professions. By sharing their experiences and insights, veterans can help inspire the next generation of leaders and public servants.

Why are veterans important: Service

Perhaps one of the most significant contributions that veterans make to our nation is their ongoing commitment to service and community. Even after their military service is complete, many veterans continue to serve their communities through volunteer work, advocacy, and other forms of public service. This commitment is a testament to the values that veterans hold dear, including duty, honor, and selfless service. By continuing to contribute to their communities, veterans demonstrate that these values are not just limited to their time in the military, but rather are a lifelong commitment to making a difference in the world.

In addition to these broader contributions, veterans are also important to our nation on a personal level. For many individuals who have served in the military, their time in the armed forces represents a formative period of their lives, one that shapes their identity and influences their outlook on the world.

As such, it is essential that we recognize the sacrifices and contributions of our veterans, not just for their benefit but for our own as well. By acknowledging the bravery and dedication of our veterans, we can foster a stronger sense of national identity and pride in our country.

Why are veterans important WWII vet and soldier

Why are veterans important: Conclusion

In conclusion, veterans are an indelible and essential part of our nation’s character and identity. From their sacrifices on the battlefield to their ongoing commitment to service and community, veterans embody the best of what it means to be an American.

As such, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to recognize and honor their contributions, not just today but every day. By doing so, we can ensure that the legacy of our veterans lives on, inspiring future generations to carry on their legacy of selfless service and dedication to our nation.

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Key findings about America’s military veterans

Key findings about America’s military veterans

This Veterans Day, Americans across the country will honor the service and sacrifice of U.S. military veterans. A recent Pew Research Center survey of veterans found that, for many who served in combat, their experiences strengthened them personally but also made the transition to civilian life difficult.

Here are key facts about veterans, drawn from that survey:

The experiences of post-9/11 veterans differ from those who served in previous eras. About one-in-five veterans today served on active duty after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. These post-9/11 veterans are more likely to have been deployed and to have served in combat, giving them a distinct set of experiences compared with those who served in previous eras.

Post-9/11 veterans more likely to have been deployed, seen combat, experienced emotional trauma

Post-9/11 veterans are also more likely than their predecessors to bear some of the physical and psychological scars of combat. Roughly half (47%) of post-9/11 veterans say they had emotionally traumatic or distressing experiences related to their military service, compared with one-quarter of pre-9/11 veterans. About a third (35%) of post-9/11 veterans say they sought professional help to deal with those experiences, and a similar share say that – regardless of whether they have sought help – they think they have suffered from post-traumatic stress (PTS).

A majority of veterans say they have felt proud of their service since leaving the military. Roughly two-thirds of all veterans (68%) say, in the first few years after leaving the military, they frequently felt proud of their military service. An additional 22% say they sometimes felt proud, and 9% say they seldom or never felt this way. Pre-9/11 veterans are more likely to say they frequently felt proud of their service than are post-9/11 veterans (70% vs. 58%).

Most veterans say they would endorse the military as a career choice. Roughly eight-in-ten (79%) say they would advise a young person close to them to join the military. This includes large majorities of post-9/11 veterans, combat veterans and those who say they had emotionally traumatic experiences in the military.

More veterans say the military did a good job preparing them for life in the service than it did in readying them for the transition to civilian life.

About half of veterans say the military prepared them well for their transition to civilian life

Veterans across eras offer similarly positive evaluations of the job the military did preparing them for military life, but less so when it comes to the return to civilian life. Roughly nine-in-ten veterans (91%) say the training they received when they first entered the military prepared them very or somewhat well for military life. By contrast, about half (52%) say the military prepared them very or somewhat well for the transition to civilian life.

About half of post-9/11 veterans say readjusting to civilian life was difficult. While about three-quarters of all veterans (73%) say readjusting to civilian life was very or somewhat easy, roughly one-in-four (26%) say it was at least somewhat difficult.

Post-9/11 veterans more likely than pre-9/11 veterans to say readjusting to civilian life was difficult

There is a significant gap between pre- and post-9/11 veterans in this regard. About half of post-9/11 veterans (47%) say it was very or somewhat difficult for them to readjust to civilian life after their military service. By comparison, only about one-in-five veterans whose service ended before 9/11 (21%) say their transition was very or somewhat difficult. A large majority of pre-9/11 veterans (78%) say it was easy for them to make the transition.

For many veterans, the imprints of war are felt beyond their tour of duty. The challenges some veterans face during the transition to civilian life can be financial, emotional and professional.

About a third of veterans say they had trouble paying bills after leaving the military

About a third of veterans (35%) say they had trouble paying their bills in their first few years after leaving the military, and roughly three-in-ten (28%) say they received unemployment compensation. One-in-five say they struggled with alcohol or substance abuse.

Veterans who say they have suffered from PTS are much more likely to report experiencing these things than those who did not. Roughly six-in-ten (61%) say they had trouble paying their bills, about four-in-ten (42%) say they had trouble getting medical care for themselves or their families, and a similar share (41%) say they struggled with alcohol or substance abuse.

When it comes to employment, a majority of veterans say their military service was useful in giving them the skills and training they needed for a civilian job. About one-in-three veterans (29%) say it was very useful, and another 29% say it was fairly useful. There are significant differences by rank: While 78% of veterans who served as commissioned officers say their military service was useful, smaller shares of those who were noncommissioned officers (59%) or enlisted (54%) say the same.

Most post-9/11 veterans say having served in the military was an advantage when it came to finding their first post-military job – 35% say this helped a lot and 26% say it helped a little. Only about one-in-ten (9%) say having served in the military hurt their ability to get a job. Among veterans who looked for a job after leaving the military, 57% say they found one in less than six months, and an additional 21% say they had a job in less than a year.

Veterans give the VA mixed reviews.

About four-in-ten post-9/11 veterans say the government hasn't given them enough help

Most veterans (73%) say they have received benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. When asked to assess the job the VA is doing in meeting the needs of veterans, fewer than half (46%) of all veterans say the VA is doing an excellent or good job in this regard.

More broadly, 64% of veterans say the government has given them about as much help as it should have. Three-in-ten say the government has given them too little help. Post-9/11 veterans are more likely than those from previous eras to say the government has given them less help than it should have (43% vs. 27%).

Majorities of veterans say the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting. Additional findings from the same survey show that about two-thirds of veterans (64%) say they think the war in Iraq was not worth fighting considering the costs versus the benefits to the United States, while 33% say it was. Similarly, a majority of veterans (58%) say the war in Afghanistan was not worth fighting. About four-in-ten (38%) say it was worth fighting.

Views differ significantly by party. Republican and Republican-leaning veterans are much more likely than veterans who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party to say the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were worth fighting: 45% of Republican veterans vs. 15% of Democratic veterans say the war in Iraq was worth fighting, while 46% of Republican veterans and 26% of Democratic veterans say the same about Afghanistan.

Views on U.S. military engagement in Syria are also more negative than positive. Among veterans, 42% say the campaign in Syria has been worth it, while 55% say it has not. (The survey was conducted entirely before President Donald Trump’s decision to remove U.S. troops from parts of Syria.)

A majority of Americans and veterans associate discipline and patriotism with veterans. Majorities among veterans (61%) and the general public (64%) say most Americans look up to people who have served in the military. And veterans see themselves as more disciplined (84%) and patriotic (71%) than those who have not served in the military. Most Americans agree with this: 67% of all adults say being disciplined better describes veterans than non-veterans, and 59% say the same about being patriotic.

About a third or more among veterans and the public say veterans are more hard-working than those who haven’t served. Still, when it comes to things like being tolerant and open to all groups, the public is less likely to see this as a trait associated with military service than veterans are themselves.

Veterans and the public associate being disciplined and patriotic with those who have served in the military

Note: See  full topline results  and  methodology .

  • Military & Veterans

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Ruth Igielnik is a former senior researcher at Pew Research Center .

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Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Veterans Are Important in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Why veterans are important.

Veterans are important because they have served our country and protected our freedom. They have put their lives on the line to keep us safe, and we owe them a great deal of respect and gratitude.

Honoring Veterans

One way we can honor veterans is to thank them for their service. We can also support them by donating to veterans’ organizations or volunteering our time to help them. We can also learn about their experiences and share their stories with others.

Lest We Forget

Veterans are a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country. Their service is a reminder that freedom is not free, and that we must always be prepared to defend it.

Veterans are important members of our community. They have served our country with honor and deserve our respect and gratitude. We should never forget their sacrifices, and we should always be grateful for the freedom that they have helped to protect.

250 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Service and sacrifice.

Veterans are important because they have served our country and made sacrifices to protect our freedom. They have put their lives on the line to defend our values and way of life. We owe them our deepest gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

Experience and Knowledge

Veterans bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our communities. They have learned valuable skills and gained leadership experience during their time in the military. These skills and experiences can be used to make a positive contribution to our society.

Role Models

Veterans are role models for our youth. They have shown courage, dedication, and selflessness. They are an inspiration to us all, and their stories can help teach our children the importance of these values.

Veterans are important members of our society. They have served our country, made sacrifices, and brought valuable experience and knowledge to our communities. They are role models for our youth, and we owe them our deepest gratitude. We should always honor and support our veterans.

500 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Veterans: the unsung guardians of freedom.

Veterans are men and women who have served in the military to protect our country. They have faced danger and hardship to keep us safe, and they deserve our respect and gratitude.

Their sacrifices are invaluable

Many veterans have made great sacrifices for our country. Some have been injured or wounded in combat. Others have lost friends or family members. And still, others have come home with invisible wounds, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These sacrifices are invaluable, and we owe veterans our deepest gratitude.

They are an inspiration to us all

Their presence is a reminder of the sacrifices made.

Veterans are a living reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country. They are a symbol of our nation’s strength and resilience. And they are a reminder that freedom is not something to be taken for granted.

Veterans are important because they have served our country, made great sacrifices, and are an inspiration to us all. They are a living reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country, and they deserve our respect and gratitude.

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why is the veteran important essay pdf

Why Are Veterans Important – 26 Fascinating Questions Answered

Why Are Veterans Important

Why Are Veterans Important? The veteran population is an integral part of America’s history. They have served their country in times both celebrated and controversial, which makes them worth remembering.

It takes a special kind of person to put their life on the line for our country, and that’s what veterans do. They fight in times both war-torn or peaceful so we can live free from fear; they show incredible courage while protecting us all at home – even if it means facing danger head-on against an enemy with no mercy!

This article celebrates those brave souls who served this great nation by sharing some amazing facts about them: how many died serving as soldiers, which states honored heroes last year through naming days etc. in their honor (like Missouri, which named March 29th “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”), and more.

Why Are Veterans Important?

Veterans are an integral part of our nation’s history, having served their country in celebrated and controversial times. They show incredible courage and dedication in protecting our freedoms at home and abroad, and they truly deserve to be remembered for their service.

Many amazing facts about veterans highlight their critical role in our society. For example, over 7,500 veterans have died while serving as soldiers, and many states have honored heroes through naming days or other special events in their honor. In addition, veterans often come from all walks of life, with various skills and experiences to offer.

Veterans are an essential part of our society, and we should celebrate and honor them for all that they do. They deserve our deepest gratitude and respect for their sacrifices to protect our freedom and way of life. Today, let’s take a moment to thank these brave individuals for their service!

Why Are Veterans Important

Here are four reasons why veterans are essential to the fabric of our nation.

Veterans Have Defended America’s Freedoms.

The most apparent reason veterans are essential is because they have defended America’s freedoms. They have fought in wars and served during times of peace to protect our way of life. Their sacrifices have kept us safe and allowed us to enjoy the freedoms we cherish.

Veterans Have Served During Times Of Great Need.

Veterans have also served during times of great need, such as natural disasters or other emergencies. They had provided essential services and assistance when our nation needed it most.

Veterans Come From All Walks Of Life.

Veterans come from all walks of life and have various skills, experiences, and perspectives. They include people from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders, bringing a diverse set of talents to the table.

Veterans Deserve Our Respect And Gratitude.

Ultimately, veterans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude for all they have done. They bravely put their lives on the line to protect us, and we owe them an outstanding debt of gratitude for their service. Today, let’s take a moment to thank these courageous individuals for their dedication and bravery!

Veterans Day, which honors those who lost their lives while serving, is one of two U.S. national holidays that commemorate the dedication of military personnel and their families. It is a day to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served or are currently serving in all branches of the U.S. military and those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. This year, Veterans Day falls on Sunday, November 11th – a time when we can show our appreciation by acknowledging the role these courageous individuals play in our society.

Why Are Veterans Important

26 Fascinating Questions Answered About Memorial Day

1. how to celebrate memorial day.

There are many ways to celebrate Veterans Day. Here are a few suggestions:

Visit a local veterans’ hospital or nursing home and spend time talking with the residents. Many of these individuals would love to have someone to talk to, and it would be a great way to show your support.

Attend a local parade or ceremony in honor of Veterans Day. This is a great way to show your appreciation for the sacrifices of our servicemen and women and pay tribute to those who have died in service.

Volunteer at a local veterans’ organization or community center. Whether it’s helping out with fundraising efforts or simply providing companionship, there are many ways you can support our veterans and active service members.

  • Donate to a veterans’ charity or organization. Many groups are dedicated to helping veterans and their families, so consider donating time or money to one of these worthy causes.

Whatever you do, remember that Veterans Day is a time to come together and honor the brave men and women who have selflessly served our country. Let’s take a moment today to show our appreciation for their service and sacrifice!

2.What Exactly Is Veteran’s Day?

Veteran’s Day is a national holiday in the United States that commemorates all men and women who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military. This critical Day falls on November 11th each year, marking the anniversary of the armistice signing that ended World War I in 1918. It is a time to remember the brave sacrifices of our servicemen and women and show our support for those who are currently serving.

3.When Did Veterans Day Become A Holiday?

Veteran’s Day was initially known as Armistice Day, and it was established as a national holiday in the United States in 1926. The date of November 11th was chosen to mark the signing of the armistice in 1918, which ended World War I and temporarily halted hostilities between Germany and the Allied nations. It wasn’t until after World War II that the Government changed the holiday’s name from Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day.

4.Who Started It?

President Woodrow Wilson created Veterans Day to honor the servicemen and women who had participated in World War I. However, various other groups have played a role in establishing and shaping this vital holiday, including veterans’ organizations such as The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

5.Why Is It So Important?

Veteran’s Day is important because it is a time to come together and honor the brave men and women who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military. It is an opportunity to remember the sacrifices they have made for our country and show our support for those who continue to operate.

6.What Are Three 3 Ways We Can Honor Veterans?

There are many ways to honor veterans, but here are three suggestions:

7.What Is One Way You Can Show Support For Veterans?

There are many ways to show support for veterans, but one way you can do it is by volunteering at a local veterans’ organization or community center. Whether it’s helping out with fundraising efforts or simply providing companionship, there are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of those who have served our country.

8.What Are 5 Facts About Veterans Day?

Here are 5 facts about Veterans Day:

  • Veteran’s Day is a national holiday in the United States that commemorates all men and women who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military.
  • This critical Day falls on November 11th each year, marking the anniversary of the armistice signing that ended World War I in 1918.
  • Veteran’s Day was initially known as Armistice Day, and it was established as a national holiday in the United States in 1926.
  • Veteran’s Day is important because it is a time to come together and honor the brave sacrifices of our servicemen and women and show our support for those who are currently serving.
  • There are many ways to show support for veterans, but one way you can do it is by volunteering at a local veterans’ organization or community center.

9.How Can I Get More Involved With Supporting Veterans?

There are many ways to get more involved with supporting veterans. One way is to volunteer at a local veterans’ organization or community center. Whether it’s helping out with fundraising efforts or simply providing companionship, there are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of those who have served our country.

Additionally, you can attend local events and ceremonies to show your support for veterans or consider donating to a veteran’s charity or non-profit organization. Finally, you can share information about Veterans Day on social media or speak with your friends and family about the importance of this holiday and why we should honor those who have served in the military. By taking these actions, you can help to promote awareness and support for our veterans and active service members.

10.Why Are Veterans Important In The Community?

Veterans are essential in the community because they have made sacrifices for our country and its citizens. They have put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. Many veterans return home from service with physical or mental injuries that require ongoing care and support. By being involved in the veteran’s community, we can help to ensure that these individuals receive the care and support they need and deserve.

11. What’s The Difference Between Veteran’s Day And Memorial Day?

There is a distinction between Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day. Veterans Day is a national holiday in the United States that commemorates all men and women who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military. It falls on November 11th each year, marking the anniversary of the armistice signing that ended World War I in 1918. On the other hand, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died while serving in the military. It was observed on the last Monday in May. Consequently, Veterans Day celebrates all veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Why Are Veterans Important

12.Why Should We Thank Veterans?

There are many reasons why we should thank veterans. First and foremost, they have made tremendous sacrifices to protect our country and its citizens. They put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms, and many of them return home from service with injuries or illnesses that require ongoing care and support.

By thanking veterans for their service, we can acknowledge their sacrifices and show our support for them and their families. Additionally, expressing our gratitude to veterans can help promote awareness and understanding of the issues they face and encourage others to get involved in supporting them. Finally, thanking veterans is simply the right thing to do – they have earned our respect and appreciation, and we owe them our thanks.

13.What can we learn from veterans?

There are many things we can learn from veterans. First and foremost, they have sacrificed a great deal for our country and its citizens. They have put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. Many veterans return home from service with physical or mental injuries that require ongoing care and support. By being involved in the veteran’s community, we can help to ensure that these individuals receive the care and support they need and deserve. Finally, veterans can teach us about resilience, courage, and strength in the face of adversity. They inspire us all, and we can learn a great deal from their example.

14.What Values Or Ideas Can We Learn From Veterans Day?

There are many values and ideas that we can learn from Veterans Day. First and foremost, it is a day to honor the service and sacrifice of all men and women who have served in the U.S. military. It reflects our country’s commitment to supporting those who have put their lives on the line for us, both past and present. Additionally, Veterans Day is a time for us to come together as a nation and remember the importance of working together for the common good. Finally, it is a day to show our appreciation for all our veterans have done for us and our country. We owe them our thanks, and we must never forget their sacrifices.

15.What Is Daily Life Like In The Military?

Daily life in the military can be challenging and demanding at times. Service members are often required to work long hours, deal with stressful situations, and put their lives on the line for their country. They must remain focused, disciplined, and committed at all times. Additionally, they must constantly adapt to changing conditions and environments and maintain a high level of physical fitness.

However, military life can also be rewarding and fulfilling despite the challenges. Service members have the opportunity to serve their country and make a positive difference in the world. They form strong bonds with their fellow service members and learn new skills that they can use for the rest of their lives. Ultimately, military life is an incredible experience that changes people forever.

16.What Is The True Meaning Of Veterans Day?

The true meaning of Veterans Day is to honor the service and sacrifice of all men and women who have served in the U.S. military. It reflects our country’s commitment to supporting those who have put their lives on the line for us, both past and present. Additionally, Veterans Day is a time for us to come together as a nation and remember the importance of working together for the common good. Finally, it is a day to show our appreciation for all our veterans have done for us and our country. We owe them our thanks, and we must never forget their sacrifices.

17.What Happens At 11 Am Every Veterans Day?

At 11 am on Veterans Day, many communities and organizations across the country hold special events to honor veterans and show their appreciation for all that these individuals have done for our country. These events may include parades, speeches, military commemorations, tributes, and other activities that help us reflect on the meaning of service and sacrifice. They are a great way to come together as a nation and show our support for those who have served and continue to serve our country.

18.How Do We Show Respect To Our Veterans?

There are many ways to show respect and gratitude to our veterans. One crucial way is by recognizing the sacrifices they have made and the challenges they face. We can thank them for their service, listen to their stories, and learn from their experiences. We can also support organizations and programs that help veterans in need, such as veteran’s hospitals, clinics, and shelters. Additionally, we can vote to support policies and candidates that prioritize veteran issues and participate in activities and events that honor veterans on Veterans Day and throughout the year. We can show our veterans that we truly appreciate all they have done for us and our country by doing these things.

19.What Do You Say To Veterans?

You can say many things to veterans to show your appreciation for their service. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your courage, and thank you for your dedication to our country are just a few. You can also express your gratitude by sharing a personal story or memory or simply listening to their stories. Whatever you do, make sure that your actions back up your words and take the time to show your support for our veterans truly. They deserve nothing less.

20.What Color Should You Wear On Veterans Day?

While there is no specific color typically associated with Veterans Day, many people choose to wear red, white, and blue to show their patriotism. Others may wear uniforms or clothing that pays tribute to the military branch they served in. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they would like to wear on Veterans Day. However, no matter what you choose to wear, be sure to show your support and appreciation for our veterans in whatever way you can.

21.What Should You Not Say To A Veteran?

There are a few things you should avoid saying to veterans, as they can be offensive or insensitive. One thing to avoid is telling veterans that you “don’t know how they do it.” While you may not be able to understand everything they have gone through, this statement dismisses the challenges and sacrifices they have faced. Avoid asking personal questions about their service, such as “did you kill anyone?” or “were you scared?”

These questions may be intrusive and make veterans feel uncomfortable. Finally, avoid comparing their experiences to civilian life; while the two can seem similar in some ways, they are also very different. Overall, it is essential to show respect and sensitivity when talking to veterans and to be mindful of the words you choose. By doing so, you can help ensure that all veterans feel heard, valued, and appreciated.

22.Is It Ok To Say Happy Veterans Day?

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to say “Happy Veterans Day” to veterans on this special day. Expressing your gratitude and appreciation for their service can be essential to show your support and respect. However, it is also important to remember that Veterans Day should not just be a one-day celebration.

Instead, it is an opportunity to honor and support our veterans throughout the year by recognizing their contributions, listening to their stories, and supporting organizations and initiatives that serve them. So whether you choose to say “Happy Veterans Day” or take some time to reflect on the sacrifices of our veterans, be sure to show your gratitude in a meaningful way.

23.What Is Purple Heart In The Military?

The Purple Heart is a military decoration awarded to service members who have been wounded or killed in combat. The Purple Heart is one of the oldest military decorations, dating back to the 18th century. It is also one of the most prestigious, as it is reserved for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Today, the Purple Heart can be awarded to any service member who is wounded in action and to the next of kin of those who are killed in combat. Recipients must meet strict eligibility criteria and are recognized for their bravery, courage, and sacrifice. Overall, the Purple Heart is a powerful symbol of dedication and heroism held in high regard by the military community.

24.What Makes Someone A Veteran?

There is no single, definitive answer to this question, as the term “veteran” can mean different things to different people. Typically, a veteran has served in the military and may have completed one or more tours of duty. Some veterans may also have been wounded or injured during their service, while others may have held leadership roles or been recognized for their bravery and contributions.

Additionally, veterans may have served in different military branches, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or National Guard. What defines a veteran is ultimately up to the person. However, regardless of their background or experience, they are often held in high regard for their dedication, sacrifice, and contributions to their country.

25.How Many Years Do You Have To Serve To Be A Veteran?

There is no specific length of time required to be considered a veteran. In general, veterans are typically individuals who have served in the military during their lives. This can include those who were enlisted or drafted and officers and senior leaders.

Some veterans may also have been wounded or injured while serving, while others may have held specific roles or achieved certain milestones during their time in the military. In some cases, a person may be considered a veteran even if they served only for a brief period, while other veterans may have done so for many years or decades. Ultimately, determining whether someone is considered a veteran depends on their personal experiences and individual circumstances.

26.How Many Veterans Are In The United States?

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates approximately 21 million veterans in the United States as of 2016. This includes both living veterans and those who have passed away. The VA also reports that 11% of the veteran population comprises female veterans, and 7% are veterans who identify as belonging to a racial or ethnic minority group.

Additionally, the VA estimates that 1 in 10 American adults is a veteran, representing a significant portion of the overall population. While many different factors can influence these statistics, including changes in military participation over time and variations in reporting methods and definitions, the VA’s estimates provide a general snapshot of the veteran population in the United States.

Wrapping Up

Despite veterans’ significant role in our society, there is still a great deal of misinformation and confusion around what defines a veteran, how they are recognized, and who is eligible to receive benefits. By gaining a better understanding of these topics, we can help to cultivate greater appreciation and support for our military service members, both during and after their time in the armed forces.

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How to Write an Essay Paper on Why We Honor Our Veterans

Kristine tucker.

Close-up of veteran medals on pocket.

Americans honor military veterans for their service, sacrifice and commitment. When you write an expository essay on why Americans honor veterans, focus on the important role soldiers and military leaders play in society. Without veterans' willingness to serve and their devotion to ideals, such as equality, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Americans wouldn't be able to celebrate many of the religious, economic and social freedoms they currently enjoy. Even if you don't support all of the wars the United States has participated in, you can list reasons why military personnel and veterans deserve to be recognized.

Explore this article

  • A Candid Thesis
  • Expository Examples
  • Sincere Appreciation
  • A Well-Structured Argument

1 A Candid Thesis

Create a thesis that clearly explains why Americans honor veterans. The thesis must be concise and focused, so readers know what to expect from your paper. For example, your thesis might say, "Americans pay tribute to veterans because they sacrificed their time and personal lives to make America safe for democracy," or "Veterans deserve admiration, respect and recognition for their bravery, devotion and leadership during military endeavors." The goal is to choose a thesis that allows you to investigate and explore reasons why veterans deserve praise and acknowledgement, such as their loyalty, devotion and sacrifice.

2 Expository Examples

An essay on why Americans honor veterans is expository in nature, meaning it doesn't require a huge amount of statistical data or factual evidence. There's no exact answer as to why Americans recognize veterans, so some of your essay might include personal opinions or observances. However, your paper will seem more credible if you include factual information, such as why Veterans Day was established, why military personnel receive special funeral rituals or why veterans qualify for no-down-payment home mortgages. These types of benefits help prove that veterans are treated with respect and dignity even after they retire or no longer serve on active duty.

3 Sincere Appreciation

Include some creativity and heart-felt gratitude in your essay, so readers empathize with the sacrifices veterans have made. For example, you might discuss the hardships military families face, such as having to relocate frequently or not being able to see loved ones for extended periods or time. Or, you might talk about how some veterans are forced to cope with war injuries, amputated limbs, disabilities or post-traumatic stress disorder after they return home. Veterans put their lives at risk for others who never had to witness or experience the mental, emotional and physical stress of war themselves.

4 A Well-Structured Argument

The purpose of your essay is to present logical, believable reasons as to why honoring veterans is a reasonable practice. You might think of your expository essay as if it were a debate -- does your argument clearly offer evidence as to why this societal observance is an important part of American culture? For example, you might discuss the importance of heroism and patriotism. Or, you might discuss why this type of social service serves the common good. Conclude your essay with information that inspires readers to honor veterans themselves or leaves a lasting impression, such as a famous quote from a military leader, veteran or U.S. president.

  • 1 Colorado State: Salute Veterans National Honor Society
  • 2 The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: Writing in the Social Studies Classroom; Peter Pitard
  • 3 The Register-Herald: Why Veterans Are Important to Us
  • 4 Purdue Online Writing Lab: Expository Essays
  • 5 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: History of Veterans Day

About the Author

As curriculum developer and educator, Kristine Tucker has enjoyed the plethora of English assignments she's read (and graded!) over the years. Her experiences as vice-president of an energy consulting firm have given her the opportunity to explore business writing and HR. Tucker has a BA and holds Ohio teaching credentials.

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Starchild: Why Malaysian children are proud to celebrate Merdeka

Friday, 30 Aug 2024

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Jayden Tan Li Sheng, 11

Malaysia will celebrate its 67th National Day tomorrow and this is an important day that marks our country’s independence.

This year’s theme, “Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka,” is all about bringing together people from various cultures and backgrounds to live in harmony.

“Malaysia Madani” means a peaceful society where everyone, irrespective of race and religion, is treated with respect. “Jiwa Merdeka” refers to the free spirit in the hearts of all Malaysians, reminding us of the independence we cherish.

Bethany Wang Qi Syuen, 9

During the National Day, or Merdeka celebrations, there will be parades, cultural performances, and other fun activities that show off the rich traditions of Malaysia’s many communities.

It is a time when everyone, young and old, come together to celebrate our country. Seeing people from different backgrounds united under the Malaysian flag reminds us of the importance of living in harmony.

As we celebrate, let’s remember that “Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka” is not just a theme for this year. It’s a message that should guide us as we grow, reminding us to always respect one another and work together to build a fair and just nation.

Christabel Chew, 9

Recently Starchild asked readers to send in letters on the topic, Merdeka. Here’s what they had to say.

“Merdeka is celebrated on Aug 31. It is the day that Tunku Abdul Rahman declared independence from the British. Merdeka is celebrated by all citizens of Malaysia and on this day, some people will attend parades performed by the army, police and firemen of the country,” writes Lim Sheng Hao , 11.

Chuah Seng Koon, 8

“Merdeka Day is Malaysia’s Independence Day which falls on Aug 31 every year. It is also declared a public holiday as it is an important event. Tunku Abdul Rahman is our first prime minister. He was also known as Bapa Kemerdekaan or Father of Independence,” says eight-year-old Chuah Seng Koon .

Christabel Chew , nine, is proud that Malaysia has gained independence for 67 years.

“Every year on 31st August, Malaysians come together to celebrate this significant day. Many shops offer special discounts for customers, and the national parade is broadcast on television for everyone to enjoy. Streets are lined with Malaysia flags, proudly displaying our respect and love for the nation.”

Wong Cheng Yang, 10

“Merdeka is celebrated on Aug 31 every year. There will be a long parade with people representing different communities and respectable uniformed bodies. Some people watch the parade at home or at the celebration place. Malaysia is popular with food and its history. The Jalur Gemilang has different meanings in its colours. It represents resolute spirit, fortune and unity for all. I wish Malaysia can be a better country in the future,” says Wong Cheng Yang , 10.

Wong Jie Ern, 8

Younger sibling Wong Jie Ern , eight, loves Malaysia for its multi-racial community, culture and harmony. “There are many races in Malaysia like Chinese, Malay, Indian, Kadazan, Iban and Eurasians. I also love Malaysian food because it is tasty. Penang is the best place for yummy food.”

“Merdeka Day falls on Aug 31, and this year marks the 67th celebration. In Malaysia, people celebrate by singing patriotic songs. It is a public holiday, and many take the opportunity to watch the Independence Day parade, and pay their respects at Tugu Negara in Kuala Lumpur,” says Chng Yan Bei , nine.

Jayden Tan Li Sheng , 11, writes: “I love Malaysia because it is my homeland with a multitude of rich cultures, languages and traditions. I have friends from different races. To show our patriotism, we decorated our classroom with Jalur Gemilang and posters of Hari Kemerdekaan. I want to wish all Malaysians Happy Merdeka and continue to live in harmony.”

Lim Sheng Hao, 11

Bethany Wang Qi Syuen , nine, says Malaysia is unique like no other country. “We have many different races living in harmony, resulting in our rich culture and many delicious cuisines. Happy 67th Birthday, Malaysia!”

ITEM : If you could talk to an animal, which one would you choose? Maybe you’d like to chat with a wise old owl to learn its secrets about the night. Or perhaps you’d pick a playful dolphin to hear stories about life in the ocean. You could even talk to a cat to discover what it’s thinking when it purrs or explores the neighbourhood. Each animal has its own world and adventures to share. So, who would you choose, and what questions would you ask to uncover the mysteries of their lives?

Email your contributions to [email protected] by Sept 13. Please put “STARCHILD: The Animal Whisperer” in the subject line of your email.

Scanned drawings should be in jpeg format, with a resolution of 200dpi. Your contributions must carry your full name, age (open to children aged 12 and below only), gender, phone contact, and address. Instead of handwritten letters, please type out your letters.

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  1. Why are Veterans Important and Why They Should Never be Forgotten

    Why are veterans important? Military veterans are among the most important members of our society. They have committed years of their lives to serving and protecting our country, and they deserve our gratitude and respect. Veterans have sacrificed their time, health, and often even their own lives to preserve our freedom and safeguard our nation.

  2. Persuasive Essay On Why Veterans Are Important

    Veterans are important to our freedom because while serving their time, you have to remember that they are fighting for your right to be free in the United States. Without them, there wouldn't be any freedom in this world. They fight for what they believe in and what is right for the country. You have to remember, these war vets are putting ...

  3. Why Veterans Are Important

    Introduction Veterans have played a critical role in the history of the United States, serving their country in times of war and peace. Despite their sacrifices, many veterans face significant challenges, including physical and mental health issues, homelessness, and unemployment. This essay aims to explore the importance of veterans, analyzing the ways in which they contribute to society and ...

  4. Why Is Veterans Day Important: [Essay Example], 609 words

    Conclusion. Veterans Day holds immense importance in our society as a day of gratitude, historical remembrance, national unity, and ongoing commitment. It is a day to honor the sacrifices and service of veterans, acknowledging their profound impact on our nation's history and future. As we reflect on the significance of Veterans Day, let us not ...

  5. Why Veterans Day Is Important: [Essay Example], 674 words

    Veterans Day is a momentous occasion that holds great significance in our society. It is a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to the men and women who have served in the armed forces, defending our nation and upholding the principles of freedom and democracy. This essay aims to delve into the reasons why Veterans Day is ...

  6. Why are Veterans Important? Essay

    Veterans are individuals who served in the military, either by getting drafted or by their… For full essay go to Edubirdie.com.

  7. PDF Microsoft Word

    Without our veterans' and servicemembers' sacrifices, the United States would be devoid of freedom and nothing like it is today. This shows why Veterans Day is such an impactful holiday; it allows American citizens to show thanks to our veterans for all their sacrifice and courage. Veterans are the epitome of patriotism and loyalty to America.

  8. Why Are Veterans Important to Our Nation?

    Discover why veterans play an integral role in American culture, from their service and courage to the important contributions they make to society.

  9. Key findings about America's military veterans

    This Veterans Day, Americans across the country will honor the service and sacrifice of U.S. military veterans. A recent Pew Research Center survey of veterans found that, for many who served in combat, their experiences strengthened them personally but also made the transition to civilian life difficult.

  10. The Importance of The Duty of Honoring Veterans

    The Importance of Honoring Veterans Honoring veterans is a crucial duty that society must uphold to show gratitude and respect for the sacrifices made by these brave men and women. This essay will explore the importance of honoring veterans, tracing its history and debates, discussing its development, and ultimately arriving at a resolution.

  11. Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

    High-quality essay on the topic of "Why Veterans Are Important" for students in schools and colleges.

  12. Why Are Veterans Important To Me

    The three reasons why veterans means more to me on Veterans Day are my Grandpa, family history, and birthday. My Grandpa because of all that he has been through. Family history because of how one war changed most of my family members' lives. My birthday because it reminds me of how lucky I am to have my . Read More.

  13. Why Are Veterans Important

    Why Are Veterans Important? The veteran population is an integral part of America's history. They have served their country in times both celebrated and controversial, which makes them worth remembering.

  14. How to Write an Essay Paper on Why We Honor Our Veterans

    Americans honor military veterans for their service, sacrifice and commitment. When you write an expository essay on why Americans honor veterans, focus on the important role soldiers and military leaders play in society. Without veterans' willingness to serve and their devotion to ideals, such as equality, ...

  15. PDF The Origins of Veterans Day

    Armistice Day Changed To Honor All Veterans. The first celebration using the term Veterans Day occurred in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1947. Raymond Weeks, a World War II veteran, organized "National Veterans Day," which included a parade and other festivities, to honor all veterans. The event was held on November 11, then designated Armistice Day.

  16. Why veterans are important to our nation's history and future

    Throughout history our veterans have put their lives on hold and at risk to protect our country. When a war starts, many are afraid. Wollman. Our veterans were afraid as well, but they answered ...

  17. The Importance of Honoring Veterans: [Essay Example], 522 words

    Introduction Veterans Day, observed on November 11th in the United States, is a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to the nation's veterans for their service and sacrifice. This essay explores the importance of honoring veterans and the significance of Veterans Day in fostering patriotism and national unity. Say no to plagiarism.

  18. Understanding the Dynamics of Homelessness among Veterans Receiving

    Homelessness among military veterans in the United States has been present since the middle to late nineteenth century but became much more visible following the Vietnam War, leading to intervention by the federal government generally and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) specifically ( Tsai 2019 ). The growth in veteran homelessness in the 1980s coincided with the increase in ...

  19. Military Culture: Working With Veterans

    To better serve this population, it is imperative that clinicians understand military culture. The present article pro-vides clinicians with useful information to consider when treating active-duty service members and veterans.

  20. PDF Vietnam Veterans: War Atrocities, Social Connections and Assimilation

    essay written by Robert D. Hienel perhaps summarizes them best. This source does not contribute to the aspect of assimilation, however it does answer the important question of

  21. My Pledge to Our Veterans: Honoring Sacrifice and Commitment

    This essay outlines the ideas that form my pledge to our veterans, emphasizing the importance of honoring their service, supporting their transition to civilian life, and advocating for policies that prioritize their well-being and recognition.

  22. Starchild: Why Malaysian children are proud to celebrate Merdeka

    Malaysia will celebrate its 67th National Day tomorrow and this is an important day that marks our country's independence. This year's theme, "Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka," is all about ...