BJT Common Base Characteristics            

Bjt common base - input characteristics.

  • Initially set rheostat R h1 = 1 Ω and rheostat R h2 = 1 Ω
  • Set the Collector-Base Voltage(V CB ) to 1 V by adjusting the rheostat R h2
  • Base Emitter Voltage(V BE ) is varied by adjusting the rheostat R h1 .
  • Note the reading of emitter current(I E )in m Ampere.
  • Click on 'Plot' to plot the I-V characteristics of Common-Base configuration. A graph is drawn with VBE along X-axis and IE along Y-axis.
  • Click on 'Clear' button to take another sets of readings
  • Now set the Collector-Emitter Voltage(V CB ) to 2 V, 3 V, 4 V

bjt common base characteristics experiment pdf

BJT Common Base - Output Characteristics

  • Set the Emitter current(I E )1 mA by adjusting the rheostat R h1
  • Vary the Collector-Base Voltage(V CB )is varied by adjusting the rheostat R h2 .
  • Note the reading of Collector current(I C ).
  • Click on 'Plot' to plot the I-V characteristics of Common-Base configuration. A graph is drawn with V CBalong X-axis and I C along Y-axis.
  • Now set the Emitter Current(I E ) to 2 mA


Input and output characteristics of common base configuration

Since transistor is a three terminal device, therefore, it can be connected in a circuit in three different ways:

  • Common-base configuration
  • Common-emitter configuration
  • Common-collector configuration

Definition – In common base configuration , base terminal of transistor is common between the input and output circuits.

The graphs showing the relationship between different currents and voltages of a transistor are known as the characteristics of the transistor . The characteristics of a transistor are of two types:

  • Input Characteristics.
  • Output Characteristics.
  • 1.1.1 Early effect or base width modulation
  • 1.2.1 Active region
  • 1.2.2 Saturation region
  • 1.2.3 Cut off region
  • 1.3 What is the output characteristics of common base configuration?
  • 1.4 What is common base characteristics?
  • 1.5 What is a common base configuration?

The graph between voltages and currents when the base terminal of a transistor is common to input and output circuit are known as common base transistor characteristics of a transistor .

The circuit diagram to study the input and output characteristics of common base configuration of a transistor is shown in the figure.

Input and output characteristics of common base configuration

Characteristics of a transistor in common base configuration are of two types:

  • input characteristics common base configuration. 
  • output characteristics common base configuration .

Input Characteristics of common base configuration

The graph showing the variation of emitter current ( ‎I E ) with the variation of emitter-base voltage ( ‎V EB ) when a collector-base voltage ( ‎V CB )  is kept constant is known as input characteristics of a transistor.

It can be written as  ‎ V EB = f ( V CB  , ‎I E ) ‎

A set of input characteristics are shown in the figure.

Input and output characteristics of common base configuration

A transistor in fact consists of two diodes in series i.e. a PN junction diode in contact with another and np junction diode. So when the emitter-base junction is forward biased, the variation of  ‎I E with  V EB is similar to the forward characteristics of a PN junction diode .

From the input characteristics, it is clear that there is a cut in or off set of threshold voltage below which there is no emitter current or the emitter current is very small. The value of threshold voltage = 0.1 V for Ge transistor and threshold voltage = 0.5 V for Si transistor.

Early effect or base width modulation

When a transistor is not biased, the width of the base region is W as shown in the figure. When the emitter-base junction is forward biased and the collector-base junction is Reverse Biased, emitter current ‎I E  increases with an increase in V EB at a fixed V CB .

However, when V CB increasing, the width of the depletion layer at the collector-base junction increases. As a result of this, the effective width of the base region decreases.. if the width of the depletion layer at the collector junction penetrating the base region is W’, then the effective width of the base region is equal to W – W’.

This change of the effective width of the base region by the reverse Bias Voltage of collector junction is known as early effect or base width modulation. Due to this effect, the gradient of the holes concentration in the base region increases with the increase in a reverse bias V CB for a given value of V EB . 

Thus, Emitter current I E increases with the increase in V CB . 

The Dynamic input resistance = Δ V CB / Δ I E .

Since a small change in V EB causes a large change in I E  so the Dynamic input resistance of junction Je is very small. At a certain reverse bias of collector junction, the depletion layer at the collector junction covers the whole base region so the effective width of the base reduced to zero. 

As a result of this, the potential barrier at the emitter junction decreases and hence large emitter current flows. This phenomenon is known as punch through . The value of the collector voltage at which punch through takes place is called punch-through voltage. 

Output Characteristics of common base configuration  

The variation of collector current I C with the collector-base voltage (V CB ) at constant emitter current ( I E ) is called output characteristics of the transistor in the common base configuration. It can be written as I c = F (V CB , I c ).

Common Base Transistor Characteristics

It is clear that the output characteristics of a transistor in the common base configuration are divided into three regions :


Active region

In this region, the emitter-base junction J E is forward biased and collector-base junction J C is reversed biased. If I E = 0, then the transistor behaves as a PN junction diode formed by base and collector part of the transistor. In this case, the collector current I C is equal to the reverse saturation current I CO . The magnitude of I CO is constant and independent of V CB.

Now let us suppose, small emitter current I E flows. Since only a few holes entering the base region from the emitter Recombine with the electrons in the base region, so most of the emitter current reaches the collector. Then the collector current, I C = I CO – α I E

Where α Is the fraction of total emitter current which represents the holes that have traveled from the emitter to the collector through the base.

The collector current I C depends only on the value of I E and independent of V CB.

Saturation region

In this region, both the junction i.e emitter-base junction ( J C ) and collected base junction ( J e ) is forward biased. Thus, for pnp transistor, the saturation region of the output characteristics lies to the left of V CB = 0 and above  I E =0 .

In fact, V CB Is slightly positive. As the collector junction is forward biased, so the collector current I C increases exponentially with V CB just like in PN junction diode. That is why I C increases with a small increase in V CB in this region. The holes from the Collector (P region) cross the junction to enter the base region under the condition of forwarding bias.

Thus, hole current flows from the collector region to the base region. This hole current flows just opposite to the hole current flows from the collector region to the base region. Hence, the net hole current fin the transistor decreases. If the forward bias is high, then the hole current from the collector  I C  becomes positive.

Cut off region

In this region, both the emitter-base junction and collector-base junction are reverse biased. This region lies I E =0 and to the right side of V CB =0 .

What is the output characteristics of common base configuration?

bjt common base characteristics experiment pdf

What is common base characteristics?

What is a common base configuration.

In common base configuration , base terminal of transistor is common between the input and output circuits.

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Common Base configuration, input and output characteristics

 common base configuration:.

Common Base configuration

Two terminals are needed for input and two terminals are needed for output, so one terminal is taken as common for both input and output.  Based on the terminal which is taken as common there are three types of configurations. They are

  • Common base configuration
  • Common emitter configuration
  • Common collector configuration

In common base configuration base terminal taken as common for both input and output. Input is applied between emitter and base terminal and output is taken between collector and base terminal.

Common emitter configuration and Common collector configuration are widely used and common base configuration is the least used. 

Circuit diagram of Common Base NPN and PNP transistor:

In the Common base circuit for NPN and PNP the input is given between emitter and base terminals and output is taken from collector and base terminals. The input voltage is denoted as V BE and the output voltage is denoted as V CE . In all the configuration the base emitter junction is always forward biased and the collector base junction is reverse biased.

Common Base configuration of PNP transistor

Common Base configuration of NPN transistor

In the common base configuration of NPN circuit emitter is N type base is of P type and collector is of N type. The emitter base terminals are forward biased so the majority charge carriers in the emitter that is the electrons gets repelled by the negative applied voltage and in the same way the majority charge carriers in the base that is the holes gets repelled by the positive applied voltage. 

When free electrons from emitter move to the base the free electrons and the free holes combine with each other but since the base is very thin only some free electrons gets combined with the holes and the majority of the electrons are attracted towards the collector because of the positive terminal voltage connected to the collector. Thus the current flow through the output terminal.

Thus the emitter current is the sum of the base current and the collector current.

I E = I B +I C

In common base configuration, the input impedance is low and the output impedance is high and the overall power gain is low when compared with other configuration.

Input characteristics:

Input characteristics of Common Base configuration


Input characteristics are the relationship between the input current and input voltage with constant output voltage. In common base configuration input current is emitter current I E and the input voltage is base emitter voltage VBE. The curve is plotted between I E and V BE keeping V CB as constant.

The V BE is increased keeping V CB constant, initially at zero and the input current I E is noted, similarly the V CB value is increased and kept constant and V BE is increased and the input current I E is noted.

Input side is forward biased so the input resistance is small so for a small increase in V BE there is rapid increase in the emitter current I E . As the output voltage V CB is increased the width of the depletion layer between emitter base decreases and the cut in voltage is reduced so the curve drifts to the left side.

Output characteristics:

Output characteristics of common base configuration

Output characteristics are the relationship between output current I C and output voltage V CB keeping input current I E constant. When the input current I E is zero it is in cut off region. In saturation region both emitter base junction and collector base junction are forward biased. 

In active region I E is gradually increased and kept constant and output voltage V CB is increased further and the output current I C almost remains constant. So in active region curve is almost flat. Output voltage causes only a very little change in output current.

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