Paragraph Buzz

A Paragraph on My Weekend: 100, 150, 200 Words

‘My Weekend Paragraph’ is an important topic for school and college students. Here we are sharing three different formats for this paragraph. I hope you will find this useful and these paragraphs can assist you in your studies.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Weekend: Short Paragraph (100 Words) for Class 2, 3, 4

The weekend is always something interesting to me. I enjoy that time a lot. Spending five busy days in school with lots of homework pressure is hard. That’s why I try my best to enjoy the two days at the weekend. When I go to bed on Friday night, I feel so much relief because I have not any alarm and I can sleep as much as I want.

And then usually I visit any of our relatives on Saturday and Sunday we entire family go to the church. Overall my weekend is full of family functions. I enjoy with all a lot.  

Paragraph on My Last Weekend (150 Words) for Class 5, 6, 7

My last weekend was so awesome and I am going to share my experience here. I always sleep a lot on a Friday night without any alarm. I know I have no school on Saturday and I don’t feel any pressure for that. I can sleep as much as I want. So last weekend I wake up at 9 a.m.

After waking up, I did all my homework. And then my mother said that we were going to our grandmother’s house. I was really happy about that. We go to meet our grandma most of the weekends, and I love that so much. My sister was also happy about that.

In the afternoon, my dad drives us there. My grandma was so happy to see us. There was one of my uncles and few cousins live with her. I had a really good time with my cousins and grandma . We came back on Sunday.  

My Weekend Paragraph (200 Words) for Class 8, 9, 10

My weekends are so much interesting to me. I want to spend most of the time on the weekend with fun activities. My parents also get time to spend with us at that time. My last weekend was awesome and interesting. I am going to share my experience with you all. I hope you will love this experience.

On Saturday morning, my father announced that we are going to visit a zoo. My sister was asking dad for taking us there. I was happy too. Because I was never been there. And I wanted to see the lion and the tiger face to face. We went to the zoo at noon.

And we spend around four hours there and went back to our home in the evening. Then we became fresh and went to a beautiful restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was near a beach. I have come there before and I love that place so much. We ate and went back home.

And on a Sunday morning, we visited our grandmother. And finally, we went to the church in the afternoon. Overall that was an amazing time with my grandma and in the church. So I have visited a zoo, church, and my grandma on a weekend. That’s why this weekend was so much interesting to me.

Tips : You can use these paragraphs for educational purposes. These are free to use for all class students. Whatever your class is, you can pick a good one from here.  

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fun weekend essay

Study Paragraphs

Short Essay And Paragraphs On My Weekend For Students

After a long week at school, nothing recharges my batteries like relaxing over the weekend. This past one in particular was extra special filled with friends, laughter, and new experiences. In this essay, I want to give you a glimpse into the highlights that made these past few days so magical. Join me as I share all the fun memories made!

Table of Contents

Short Paragraphs Essay About My Weekend Adventure – How I Spent?

Introduction paragraph.

Friday night kicked off with a sleepover at my best friend Sarah’s house. We stayed up late enjoying s’mores by the firepit, laughing at funny videos, and sharing silly secrets under string lights like stars. Come morning, pancakes topped with sprinkles and bananas made chef’s hats off our heads! Activity then led to exploring her neighborhood hunting for hidden geocaches together.

A (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Day at the Beach Beckons

Our group wasted no time heading straight to the shore after breakfast. Sandcastles, frisbee, and waves crashing provided endless smiles regardless of who ‘won.’ Inspired, we attempted boogie boarding for the first time facing challenges with giggles. As sunset neared, patrons arrived with musical instruments jamming merrily around crackling fire beside water reflections dancing to joy’s tune. Magic filled each moment.

Movie Night Memories

Back at my place, building pillow forts complete with string lights and snacks set the scene for a cozy movie marathon-wearing PJs. Our gang chose different films keeping company through various adventures together. Laughter and inside jokes sparked bonding that will carry within the heart’s library for lifetimes ahead like treasured bookmarks preserving stories between covers of life’s chapters. Fun freely given stays gold.

Lasting Impressions

As the weekend ended with hugs and waves, my heart swelled full from the getaway making memories too radiant ever fading. Friends who lift and support through fun remind true blessings dwell not in places or events alone but in people connecting hearts however near or far they roam. I feel grateful for times all share laughter and look ahead to when the next smiles may meet! The magic has only begun.

Conclusion: Treasured Times Renewed

In closing, weekends spent creating joyous moments with people who mean the most away from daily duties remind simple pleasures enhance life greatest of all. Laughter’s light will guide my way brightening any clouds ahead until the next fun getaway together under sunny skies and string lights like stars. Our days hold promise infinite!

Paragraph Writing

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Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter

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"Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter," StudyMoose , 23-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

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Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter essay

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Essay on Weekend

Students are often asked to write an essay on Weekend in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Weekend


Weekends are the most awaited days of the week. They offer a break from the routine of school and work, providing an opportunity to relax, explore hobbies, and spend quality time with family and friends.

Significance of Weekends

Weekends are significant as they help in rejuvenating our minds and bodies. After a hectic week of studies, the rest and relaxation provided by weekends help us to recharge and prepare for the coming week.

Activities during Weekends

During weekends, we can pursue our interests and hobbies. It could be playing a sport, reading a book, or even watching a movie. This free time aids in personal development.

In conclusion, weekends are essential for maintaining a balance between work and relaxation. They provide us with the opportunity to rest, pursue our passions, and prepare for the week ahead.

250 Words Essay on Weekend

The concept of weekend.

The concept of the weekend, typically comprising Saturday and Sunday, is a significant part of modern life. It’s a respite from the rigors of work or studies, providing an opportunity for relaxation, recreation, and personal growth.

Weekend as a Breathing Space

Weekends serve as a breathing space, a pause from the usual schedule, allowing individuals to recharge. This break is crucial for maintaining mental health, reducing stress, and enhancing productivity. It’s a time when one can step back, reflect on the past week, and plan for the upcoming one.

The Versatility of Weekends

Weekends are versatile, catering to different needs and preferences. Some people use this time for leisure activities like watching movies, reading, or pursuing hobbies. Others may utilize it for socializing, spending quality time with family, or catching up with friends.

Weekends and Personal Development

Weekends can also be instrumental in personal development. They provide a chance to learn new skills, engage in physical activities, or contribute to community service. The uninterrupted time can be used for self-improvement, which contributes to overall well-being and satisfaction.

Weekends and the Work-Life Balance

The weekend is a key component in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It helps delineate professional and personal life, ensuring that work doesn’t consume our entire existence. This balance is essential for overall happiness and productivity.

In conclusion, the weekend is much more than just a break from work or studies. It’s an opportunity for relaxation, personal growth, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It’s a vital part of our lives that contributes significantly to our mental and physical well-being.

500 Words Essay on Weekend

The essence of the weekend, the historical evolution.

Historically, the idea of the weekend has evolved significantly. The notion of a two-day weekend is largely a 20th-century phenomenon, brought about by labor movements advocating for improved working conditions. In the past, workers were often expected to labor for six or even seven days a week. The fight for a shorter workweek was a significant step in the evolution of labor rights, and the weekend became a symbol of these hard-won victories.

The Social Value of Weekends

The weekend is not just a break from work; it is a social institution that plays a vital role in our lives. It is a time for socializing, for family, and for community activities. It is also a time for rest and rejuvenation, allowing individuals to recharge and prepare for the week ahead. The weekend provides a balance to the workweek, preventing burnout and contributing to overall well-being.

Weekends and Personal Growth

The economic impact of weekends.

From an economic perspective, the weekend plays a significant role. Many industries, such as retail, entertainment, and hospitality, thrive during the weekend. These sectors cater to the increased leisure time people have, creating jobs and contributing to economic growth. Conversely, some industries face challenges due to the weekend, as they must adapt to a non-standard workweek.

The Future of the Weekend

As our society continues to evolve, so too does the concept of the weekend. With the rise of flexible working arrangements and remote work, the traditional five-day workweek is being challenged. Some argue for a four-day workweek, suggesting it could increase productivity and improve work-life balance. This ongoing evolution reflects the dynamic nature of our society and the importance of the weekend in our lives.

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fun weekend essay

My Ideas of a Fun Weekend and why it is Important

How it works

I believe that stressing out is a waste of time. Ever since I started sixth grade one year ago I have had to deal with a lot of stress. When I go to bed at night, I worry about things that are going to happen far into the future and things that have already happened that I wish I could change. In sixth grade, I didn’t get stressed out that often, but now that I’m in seventh-grade things have changed and there is a lot more stress I have to deal with.

There is always so many assignments and papers that I have to do, and tests that I have to study for. I feel like It’s never-ending. It’s like as soon as I hand in a paper or take a test I’m so happy and relieved that It’s over, but a few days later there is another paper due and another test coming up. At the moment I’m worrying about the Chinese book that is due on December 21st, this essay, and the test on Math Algebraic word problems after the winter break. I have been stressing out about these things so much that I haven’t even thought about what I’m going to do over the weekend. In fact, I’m likely going to be stressing out about all this stuff over the weekend too!

There are too many times to count that I have spent so much stressing out about things that I haven’t enjoyed doing fun things with my family. There was one-time last year in sixth grade that I stressed out so much that I was feeling miserable, and a bit depressed. That was when I had to jump off the diving board for the diving unit in the gym. I had never jumped off a diving board before, and I’m scared of heights. I was stressing out for two whole weeks. I was so miserable I didn’t even enjoy the weekend!

But I understand that rest is not just a passive state and lack of movement, rest is also an activity that can be beneficial. What is the difference between rest and work or study? It may differ in everything or in nothing, much depends on how a person personally perceives these processes. After all, there is a concept called active rest, which implies the presence of physical activity. During rest, it is not necessary to sleep, which, by the way, is also useful, but you should not endlessly engage in such a process, you can walk, listen to music, read, dance, etc. During this time whenever I remembered something funny that was going to do with my family I said to myself “I’m really looking forward to that!” and then I would remember. So everything is in my hands and I myself can have fun on the weekend.

I remember that day I decided to have rest, I really liked the horses. On Sundays, there are many people in the park, everyone walks with whole families. We also often take our grandparents with us for a walk. They are very active with me and they like to spend time with us, walk a lot and travel everywhere. During the fun weekend, we walked and ate ice cream, collected beautiful leaves for the herbarium. I also want to try another pastime like playing football or golf. Another dream is to spend a fun weekend in the mountains. I am sure that this dream will definitely come true.


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My Ideas Of A Fun Weekend And Why It Is Important. (2021, Jun 29). Retrieved from

"My Ideas Of A Fun Weekend And Why It Is Important." , 29 Jun 2021, (2021). My Ideas Of A Fun Weekend And Why It Is Important . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1 Jul. 2024]

"My Ideas Of A Fun Weekend And Why It Is Important.", Jun 29, 2021. Accessed July 1, 2024.

"My Ideas Of A Fun Weekend And Why It Is Important," , 29-Jun-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024] (2021). My Ideas Of A Fun Weekend And Why It Is Important . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

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Things to do in Philly this weekend – Phillies vs. Marlins, Chris Brown, Chinese Lantern Festival and more

By Jessica MacAulay , CBS News Philadelphia Staff

June 28, 2024 / 3:21 PM EDT / CBS Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- It's another summer weekend in the city of Philadelphia and the streets are about to be bumping with music lovers, festival goers and sports fans.

The Phils are taking on the Marlins this weekend at Citizens Bank Park, but this won't be the only action in South Philly. Chris Brown is in town this weekend bringing The 11:11 Tour to the City of Brotherly Love. The energy continues to spread across the city to Franklin Square for the Chinese Lantern Festival, the Philly Indie Book Fair in West Philly, the Philly Mimosa Fest in Old City and a sugary sweet, nostalgic festival down in Wilmington, Delaware, you won't want to miss.

Check out our list of events and festivities going on this weekend around the Delaware Valley below.

Phillies vs. Marlins

The Phillies are going head-to-head against the Marlins from Thursday to Sunday. First pitch Friday is at 6:20 p.m., and Saturday's game starts at 4:05 p.m. The Phils' series closer Sunday starts a little earlier at 1:35 p.m. Tickets  to Friday's game start at $43. 

Goose at The Mann

Get ready to get loose this Friday because Goose  is taking over The Mann Center in West Philadelphia. This jam band is having a moment and you can experience it all this Friday night. Doors open to the show at 6 p.m., while the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Get ready to groove Goose-style.  Tickets start at $43. 

Chris Brown at Wells Fargo Center

C. Breezy performed in South Philly Thursday and will "run it!" back again on Saturday at Wells Fargo Center. Get ready to vibe out because The 11:11 Tour is sure to have you on your feet dancing and also features opening act, Maeta.

Saturday's show starts at 7:30 p.m. and tickets will cost you more than a bit to see this star-studded show. Tickets to see Brown's 11:11 Tour  on Saturday start at $198. 

Chinese Lantern Festival

The Philadelphia Chinese Lantern Festival  is back to celebrate the Year of the Dragon in Franklin Square for one of the largest celebrations of Chinese New Year.

The Chinese Lantern Festival is one of the largest celebrations of Chinese New Year. The tradition started around 2,000 years ago in China and involves lighting decorated lanterns on the 15th day of the first lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Now, millions celebrate the festival worldwide including hundreds of thousands in the Philadelphia area.


In addition to the lanterns on display, the festival will also feature fountain shows, food, live performances and more. The performances include  face-changing , hula-hooping and chair hand-standing.

There will also be drinks available in the Lotus Cocktail Garden operated by Cescaphe. Food vendors will have plenty of traditional Chinese options including Dandan noodles and other fare like enormous fresh soft pretzels and much more.

The park closes at 5 p.m. each night and then will reopen for the ticketed portion of the festival, which will run from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. nightly from now to Aug. 18.  Tickets are available on the Philly Chinese Lantern Festival website.

Philly Indie Book Fair

Bookworms unite! The Philly Indie Book Festival presented by Literacy Moments Magazine and Just For Us Girls Foundation is a reader's paradise. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, guests can network with authors, attend book signings, business and writing workshops and a makers marketplace. Pick up a new read and unite with other book lovers in Philly at the free event this weekend. The Philly Indie Book Festival will be held at 1301 Belmont Avenue in West Philadelphia. 

Philly Mimosa Fest at JJ Bootleggers 

Celebrate the start of summer by sipping on something sweet at the  Philadelphia Mimosa Fest . The festivities begin Saturday afternoon at noon for VIP ticketholders and 1 p.m. for general admission ticketholders at JJ Bootleggers . You'll want to hop to JJ's before 3 p.m. so you can enjoy tasty brunch bites, good tunes, photo ops and of course lots of mimosas! Once 3 p.m. hits, the party will start moving and grooving to nearby spots like Old City Beer Garden, Las Bugambilias, Lilly's Ferry, National Mechanics Bar and Restaurant and more!

Both VIP and GA ticketholders have access to exclusive brunch cocktail specials, yummy eats, a professional photographer and of course, a good vibe. Tickets range between $24.99 to $64.99. Let's get fizzy, Philly!

Black AF Juneteenth Cookout + Paint & Sip

It's like painting with a twist but better! The second annual Black AF Juneteenth Cookout + Paint & Sip is a painting with a twist event at FDR Park with fun games like spades, Uno, giant Jenga and more. 

This paint and sip invites the community to make your painting truly your own. According to the event's site, painters will have the option to choose from "a selection of various themed melanin Black AF canvas portraits," celebrating individuality and culture. 

Tickets  vary in price but will include access to games, photo installations and vendors. Paint and sip tickets additionally include a complimentary glass of wine along with painting supplies and canvas. General admission ticket holders cannot access the paint and sip ticketholder perks. 

The Black AF Juneteenth Cookout + Paint & Sip kicks off at 10 a.m. and runs until 5 p.m. 

Old Fashioned Ice Cream Festival in Wilmington, Delaware

I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream! There's nothing that will make you feel more nostalgic than a sweet, cold ice cream cone to cool you off on a hot summer day this weekend at the Old Fashioned Ice Festival in Wilmington, Delaware . This year's festival will feature local ice cream favorites, food trucks, carnival games for families and kids, live music from local talent, fireworks and more!

Celebrate your weekend in Delaware this Saturday with something sweet at the Old Fashioned Ice Cream Festival. The festivities run from 1- 9 p.m. at the Rockwood Park & Museum. The venue will offer museum tours and an additional parking shuttle at Rockwood Office Park! Tickets are just $5 and kids under 12 years old can enter for free! 

  • Philadelphia Phillies
  • Food & Drink
  • Weekend Guide
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Jessica MacAulay is a digital producer for Jessica started out her career in broadcast journalism originally as an intern for CBS Philadelphia. She covers breaking news, local community and crime stories.

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Leisure , Lifestyle

53 fun things you can do this weekend.

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Are you worn-out and jaded from the same old routine? Why not try and plan some fun weekend activities?

It is common for people to start being a little stereotypical or monotonous over a period. However, one must identify when such time comes and take steps to bring back the same gusto in their life.

If you have fallen victim to such dull life, then contemplate fun things to do this weekend.

You can plan something with your family or friends and get out of your regular boring comfort zone. Or you may also check the local adverts and plan for fun things going this weekend in your city. It would surely require some effort on your part.

After all, no one will pick you up from your couch in front of the TV. That part is only to be done by none other than – YOU!

However, if you have run out of ideas or options, we have some great ideas about fun things to do over the weekend. Peruse the coming sections to check out cheap, entertaining, fun, and amazing ideas that we have jotted down.

Here are some fun things to do on weekends:

1. go for a walk:.

One of the simplest and most fun things on weekends is going out for a walk. It’s healthy and doesn’t cost a penny.

2. Go For a Run:

Once again, running will not require spending any money, only your energies. You can keep your body healthy and at the same time admire nature’s beauty.

3. Learn to Juggle:

Juggling is fun and improves concentration. You can learn more about juggling through this guide that can help you learn the basics.

4. Go Swimming:

Swimming is good for your health and keeps you fit. If you fall in love with it, you might make it a regular fun thing to do on a Sunday.

Drumming with or without equipment can help you remain occupied in a fun way. You can work out a groove and enjoy it at the same time.

Resolve to have extreme fun this weekend with dancing. You can use a radio, speaker, or TV and start dancing to your favorite tune. Who knows, it might become one of your top fun things to do on a Saturday.

7. Community Sports:

If you are looking for fun stuff to do this weekend, why not check out the community sports in your vicinity. It gives you the opportunity to play your favorite sport and know you community in a better way.

Check Out Your Local Community

8. watch wildlife:.

If you want something to do this weekend, then head out to the nearest local park and watch nature in action.

9. Head to the Playground:

There is no age discrimination at a playground. If you want to enjoy this weekend, why not spend it within the bounds of your community garden and have fun on the joy rides?

10. Do Some Gardening:

Gardening is one of the best fun activities this weekend if you are not committed elsewhere. It also helps you gain a lot of positivity.

11. Car Boot Sales:

Plan a car boot sale yourself or visit your neighbor who organized it. Interact with your community and keep yourself occupied with this fun activity.

12. Check your Community Calendar:

There is always something exciting going on in the community, and you can check your council’s website for further details on any upcoming events.

13. Join a Film or Book Club:

You can plan to join a book club or film club to keep you occupied in a fun way over the weekend. It also opens up the possibility of meeting some exciting people.

14. Visit Friends:

Meeting friends and old colleagues help you get out of the rut and have fun. Plan an outing with them or invite them over for lunch or dinner.

15. Volunteer Work:

You can consider doing volunteer work to contribute to society and feel good. Nothing gives more satisfaction than giving back to the community.

16. Visit Free Museums:

On visiting your local council’s website, you can procure details about the free museums in your vicinity and make plans to spend time there on weekends.

17. Visit a Zoo or Wildlife Reserve:

As you plan for fun things this weekend, consider visiting a zoo or wildlife reserve if you have kids in your family.

18. Become a Dog Walker:

Why not be a good neighbor and help them become a dog walker. Besides having a good time, you can expect to make some money too!

19. Volunteer at a Race Track:

Every race track needs marshals for their regular events, and you can volunteer to help them over weekends.

Stay Indoors

20. make some bread:.

Making your own bread can be a great mood booster over weekends. It is a simple and cost-effective habit that keeps you occupied. You can learn how to bake a loaf here.

21. Make Healthy Snacks:

Take a break and make some snacks. This cooking errand will surely help to lift your mood. Here are some healthy snacks recipes .

22. Organize a Budget Food Contest:

Make your weekends fun by organizing food content. Make it competitive by keeping small rewards. It will make things more exciting and fun.

23. Netflix:

If you do not wish you move out of the comfort of your home since you are tired, you can plan to watch Netflix. There are numerous movies and TV shows that can keep you occupied. Choose the video based on your choice and spend your weekend leisurely.

24. Free Films on YouTube:

If you don’t want to spend on OTT platforms such as Netflix, simply start YouTube and type “full movie” in the search bar. It will display numerous movies that you can enjoy over the weekend.

25. Go On a YouTube Marathon:

YouTube is amazing when it comes to finding interesting videos. You can go on a YouTube marathon and search for “most funniest” or “most scariest” videos and turn your weekend into a fun day.

26. BBC iPlayer (Europe Only):

If you reside in Europe, you can avail yourself of the advantage of BBC iPlayer. Numerous programs can keep you occupied over the weekend and offer valuable insight.

27. Play Free Online Games:

If you are a computer geek, use the online gaming arena and play free games. It will keep you relaxed over the weekend. If you want some inspiration, then check Lifehack’s Relaxing Games guide.

28. Search Wikipedia:

Wikipedia is a source of immense knowledge. There are so many things that we still do not know. Use your weekends productively by searching for credible information from this knowledge source.

29. Craigslist/Freecycle:

Craigslist and Freecycle have become pretty useful in finding information about the interesting events nearby. You can use the local version of these websites and scout for anything that interests you.

If you want to share your knowledge with the world, why not start your blog using WordPress ? You get the opportunity to present your views and pass the information to the readers. Make the best use of your weekends by writing blogs and connecting with people worldwide.

31. Have a Board Game Day:

Not interested in using your mobile or laptop? Try the traditional board games. Call your friends or family members to join you in classic chess games or snakes or ladder. You can choose the game of your choice to make it a fun weekend.

32. Make a Homemade Pizza:

There will be nothing more exciting for you if you are a foodie than making a pizza at home. Use this guide to make the perfect homemade pizza.

Get Creative

33. make a paper fortune teller:.

You can try this fun activity for the weekend as it’s good for all ages. It is a simple activity that amuses every participant. Here is a free guide to trying paper fortune tellers.

34. Play Pen and Pencil Games:

Many games can be tried with the help of a simple pen or paper. Tick-tac-toe, battleship, or hangman are a few such examples.

35. Play the Sentence Game:

It is a fun game where the participants take turns to write a sentence on a piece of paper and pass it on to others. The resultant story sometimes becomes pretty hilarious. It’s a fun activity that can become very exciting for everyone.

36. Make a Kite:

Kites are amazing, and making them yourself becomes fun too! You can use this simple guide to making a homemade kite , and when you are done, you can fly them anywhere you want.

37. Have a Go at Origami:

Use this traditional Japanese art to have fun over the weekend. It requires paper and a certain skill. You can master this game from websites like Origami Instructions .

Let your imagination take over your weekend. Take a paper and start drawing whatever your mind tells you to. Experiment a little with colors, too, and have fun.

39. Write a Letter:

People don’t write letters anymore. Why not use your free weekends to bring back the forgotten art. It is bound to impress and even awe your friends or relatives when they receive it.

40. Raid Pinterest for DIY Ideas:

Social media has opened wild doors, and you can open any of these doors to keep you occupied over weekends. Pinterest is one such portal that presents awesome design ideas. You can even get creative DIY ideas from here that you can try over weekends at home.

41. Volunteer at Your Local Theater:

Check with the local theatre in your neighborhood if they need any volunteers, from being an usher to giving out tickets. It might also be a great experience for you.

42. Audition for a Play:

Why not become an artist in a local play. Give auditions over the weekend and check if you would be fit to play any part that you find exciting.

43. Creative Writing:

Write whatever comes to your mind. Use your thoughts and imagination and bring them to life on paper. You may even use a computer to type away and use your creativity.

Have fun with kids

44. play hide and seek:.

Kids can keep you occupied for hours. Hide and seek is often the most favored game by small kids. It also gives great fun to adults. So use your weekends to plan fun hide-and-seek activities with your kids.

45. Hopscotch:

While you might already know how to play hopscotch, your kids might have never heard about this game. Teach them and in the process, have fun playing it too. Here is a basic guide to hopscotch.

46. Build a Fort:

You can literally build a fort anywhere in your home. You just need a few places to fix up a blanket or a set of cardboard boxes. Be creative and make an awesome mini-for for your little ones. Have fun over the weekends by becoming a child yourself. Check out this video on how to make one:

47. Have a Kip:

You cannot imagine what short naps can do. It works wonders in restoring your energy. Even a short kip can make you feel fresh and rejuvenated.

48. DIY or Cleaning:

Look around and see if you have any pending home errands like washing clothes, cleaning shelves, or fixing the sink. Use your weekends productively by working on such tasks. Involve your kids so that they learn and have fun with it.

49. Make Bubbles:

Kids love bubbles, and you can try to make them in different ways. Use this quick guide to learn how to make bubbles with household products .

Learn Something New

50. listen to the radio or podcasts:.

Get yourself a good radio or start listening to podcasts. They provide ample information and are a very good source of entertainment.

There is hardly any better way to enjoy your quiet time at home over the weekend. Pick up a novel you forgot to read since you were so busy. Here is a list of books for inspiration .

52. Learn a Foreign Language:

It’s really fun learning a new language. Take up courses that teach French, Italian, or any other language that excites you. You can even check out Babbel or Verbalplanet , which offers various language courses.

53. Take an Online Course:

Websites like Coursera and Teachable offer innumerable options for learning across various domains. You can browse through and choose the skills you find interesting and then register to use your weekends to learn them.

Final Words

Many of us feel relaxed on weekends, but others have no idea how to make weekends fun. It is for them that we have prepared this list. Peruse the detailed options and choose the ones that tickle your minds.

You can even create your fun activity besides the ones mentioned above. After all, it’s about what makes you feel good on your fun day!

What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend: A Short Guide to Making the Most of Your Days Off

A short read, but full of good ideas for making the most of your weekend.

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How making fun weekend plans can actually ruin your weekend

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Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Ohio State University

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Have you ever found yourself dreading a leisurely activity you had eagerly scheduled days or weeks in advance?

I first caught myself doing this a few years ago when I was traveling home to Turkey. I had excitedly made plans to meet up with some old friends. But to my surprise, as the date approached, I started to feel reluctant and unenthusiastic about these long-awaited reunions.

“I have to go get lunch with my friend,” I’d grouse to others, making it sound like a chore.

Was I an anomaly? Or do other people feel this way too? We increasingly rely on scheduling to organize our lives : phone calls, appointments, dates – and, yes, fun social activities. But can planning leisure activities also start to feel like work, too? Why might they become a source of dread?

As someone who studies consumer behavior and decision-making, I decided to explore this phenomenon with Gabbie Tonietto, a Ph.D. candidate in marketing. With Tonietto leading the investigation (the results would eventually become a part of her dissertation), we conducted a series of studies to see if filling out our calendars – even with fun activities – can have unexpected side effects.

All work, no play?

Across 13 studies , we found that the simple act of scheduling makes otherwise fun tasks feel more like work. It also decreases how much we enjoy them.

For example, in one , we asked participants to imagine grabbing a coffee with a friend. Half of the participants imagined that they planned this gathering a few days in advance and put it on their calendar, while the other half were told that they decided to grab a coffee on the fly. We found that this simple, relaxing activity was associated more with work-like qualities (“obligation,” “effortful,” “work”) when it was scheduled, compared with when it was impromptu.

In several follow-up studies, we found that simply scheduling something fun – like a movie or social outing – felt like work even if it was something you regularly did, was something new or special or when you had nothing else planned for that day.

In another study , we set up a pop-up café on a university campus during finals that served free coffee and cookies. We flagged down students studying for their finals and gave them one of two tickets. The first asked participants to choose and schedule a time for them to take a study break and enjoy the free treats. The second simply told them that the café would be open during a two-hour window.

After participants showed up and had their coffee and cookie, we gave them a short questionnaire that asked them how much they enjoyed their study break. As expected, we found that those who had scheduled the study break didn’t enjoy it as much.

The constraints of a schedule

So why can making set plans be such a drag?

We think that it has to do with how scheduling structures time. Scheduling, at its core, is about allocating time to activities. There are set beginning and end points. Such strict scheduling, however, is at odds with how people think about leisure and relaxation, which are associated with unconstrained freedom. As the saying goes: Time flies when you’re having fun.

On the flip side, structured time is associated with work activities: Meetings start and end at specific times, deadlines loom and the specter of the clock is omnipresent.

So when your weekend is structured and planned – even if the activities are fun – they start to take on some of the qualities we tend to associate with work.

In another one of the studies , we asked participants to imagine that they’d just decided to spend their afternoon at a forest preserve doing a variety of activities, like canoeing and guided hikes. We told half the participants that they’d simply do two activates with a picnic in between. The other half were told they had signed up for activities at specific times (say, 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.), with time reserved in between for a picnic. Basically all the participants were making a spontaneous trips to the park and all were going to participate in similar activities. The only difference was that some of the participants had strict schedules, while others didn’t.

We found that structuring not only made the activity feel more like work, but also decreased participants’ desire to engage in them. In other words, even an impromptu leisure event starts to feel like work once it’s structured.

A rough solution

But this doesn’t mean that scheduling will take the fun out of everything. After all, you can’t do everything on the fly. For those who do need to make plans days or weeks in advance, something called “rough scheduling” can work wonders.

Because scheduling can make weekend activities feel like work, we reasoned that relaxing the structure might alleviate some of these negative consequences. To test this idea , we asked students to either schedule a get-together at a set time or by referring to a gap in their day (“between classes”). We found that eliminating specific boundaries not only increased excitement, but also worked as well as doing something spur of the moment.

So next time you want to make plans, make them flexible. You’ll feel less constrained – and more likely to have fun, too.

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A New Roller Rink and Other Fun Places for the Weekend

From a souvlaki spot to a picnic spread at a Syrian Korean grocery

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All summer long, we’ll be recommending where to eat and drink to take advantage of a New York summer weekend, including great patios, one-time pop-ups, and easy day trips, updated every Friday. Have a pick for us to include? Let us know at [email protected].

Gyros, chicken, pita, and fries on a tray.

Let’s Go Ya Souvlakia : While most Greek restaurants in town specialize in seafood, this three-week-old spot right on Flatbush Avenue in Prospect Heights goes in the opposite direction, highlighting flame-grilled meats. These are superbly done, and available as pita sandwiches, platters, skewers, or in appetizer-size portions. Three kinds of gyro are offered — pork, chicken, and lamb-beef — all crammed into the Ya platter, bedded on a giant tray of french fries with salad, pita triangles, and tzatziki. The bulbous loukaniko sausage flavored with leeks and dribbled with garlic sauce is fantastic, and so is the skirt steak skewer — both available as single kebabs. These are meal-size salads, too, with or without meat. But the biggest draw of all may be the umbrellaed rear garden, which catches cool breezes in hot weather. 295 Flatbush Avenue, near Prospect Place, Prospect Heights

A space-age-looking concession stand at a roller rink.

Xanadu Roller Arts : The world is scary and it can be hard to find joy. Not so at Xanadu, a massive roller rink and nightclub that opened this week in Bushwick, where your body will be showered in wholesome fun. The concessions stand is better than it needs to be — with hot dogs that come topped with Indian relish, mushroom chile crisp, and pierogies. Save room for the Ambrosia salad with Oreos. 262 Starr Street, near Wyckoff Avenue

Hummus, labne, kimchi, and other pickled items made in-house at Dukan Syko.

Dukan Syko: All the fixins you need for a picnic spread can be found at Dukan Syko, the new Syrian Korean grocery that opened in Windsor Terrace, from the family behind a takeout counter with the same premise. Pick-up kimchi, Middle Eastern handpies, and canned bubble tea, and walk it down the street to Prospect Park. 214A Prospect Park West, near 16th Street, Windsor Terrace

A Hundred Year-Old Former Pickle Shop Has Shuttered

Best dishes eater editors ate this week: july 1, din tai fung announces opening date for first new york location.

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Looking for summer fun? 'Perfect Day Kentucky' outlines the best of the best in the Bluegrass

When it comes to piecing together a summer of fun while traveling the state of Kentucky, author Kathryn Witt has the inside track.

A native of the Bluegrass State, Witt, a Kentucky travel expert, writes the official Kentucky Vistors Guide and has compiled her favorite insider tips in "Perfect Day Kentucky" (Reedy Press). The 170 pages of Witt's new book are filled with day trips, weekend getaways, and other escapes. From the largest known cave system in the world at Mammoth Cave to the world's longest underground suspension bridge at Horse Cave and the most natural arches in the country east of the Mississippi River — "Perfect Day Kentucky" outlines the best of Kentucky with additional suggestions to inspire further exploration in each area described in the book.

We asked Witt for a few summer trip ideas for July and August and she immediately suggested exploring Kentucky's vast cave systems.

"That's because summer in Kentucky is so sticky and hot but when you are underground in a cave, the temperature is between 52 and 58 degrees and that is such a nice respite from our weather," Witt told the Courier Journal. " Hidden River Cave now has the world's longest underground swinging bridge. So you walk along with the subterranean river rushing below you and at the end is the big beautiful Sunset Dome."

Named for its unusual lighting effects, Sunset Dome is one of the largest free-standing cave domes in the United States. Visitors will find Hidden River Cave at 119 East Main St., Horse Cave, Kentucky.

Additionally, the author provides travelers with nearby alternatives to each of the attractions she writes about in her book. In the case of Hidden River Cave, she spotlights nearby Mammoth Cave, Farmwald's Restaurant and Bakery , Horse Cave KOA Holiday Campground's treehouse and Conestoga wagon overnight accommodations, and Kentucky Down Under Adventure Zoo .

A summer day trip Witt recommends (that is a good tip any time of the year,) is T he Hatfields & McCoys Historic Feud Sites Driving Tour . Starting at the Pikeville-Pike County Visitors Center , visitors pick up an audio CD or USB for a full-on feud immersion complete with narration, music, and jaunty ballads about the long-running grudge between the two families.

"It is one of the most entertaining things I have done in Kentucky," the author said. "It is quite a theatrical production that you listen to as you approach a variety of different sites including graves, the pawpaw trees where a grisly triple murder took place, and a restaurant that is the former home of one of the McCoys. Once you are done eating, you can go up to the second floor where the family bedrooms were located. There was so much drama. I loved it."

Another insider tip, 10 Kentucky State Parks have sandy beaches, and one of the most beautiful, in Witt's opinion, is Lake Barkley . She also recommends Lake Malone State Park in Muhlenberg County, at 31 State Route 8001 in Dunmor, Kentucky.

"It also has a sandy beach and the 'Big Twigs,' a family of 14-foot giants that now inhabit the park," said Witt. "There are six of these giant fairytale creatures, they are a lot of fun."

"Perfect Day Kentucky" takes you across the state on a Bluegrass adventure where you can feed carrots to a Kentucky Derby champion at a Kentucky horse farm, zipline at up to 60 miles per hour atop Black Mountain , or visit Cumberland Falls , the second-largest waterfall by volume in the eastern United States.

For those looking for expert assistance planning their summer adventure, Witt's book ($27) is available at Carmichael's Bookstore , Amazon, Kentucky State Park gift shops, and Reedy Press .

Reach features reporter Kirby Adams at [email protected].

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Last-minute July 4th getaways in Arizona: Fireworks and lots of free fun

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This year the Fourth of July falls on a Thursday. For a fortunate few that means a four-day weekend. And anyone in metro Phoenix who is blessed with a string of summer days off immediately starts planning where they can spend them.

This is the perfect chance for a memorable road trip. 

Don’t squander such a golden opportunity to get out and explore Arizona. Independence Day celebrations are taking place in towns all over the state. Start there and then imagine all the other things you can do once you’re in Prescott, Flagstaff, Mogollon Rim Country or the White Mountains. 

No matter what your direction, keep our forests safe. Please obey all fire restrictions. Let’s get through the holiday generating nothing but great memories.

Boom! Ultimate guide to every Fourth of July fireworks show in metro Phoenix

In Flag, they tend to do Independence Day a little differently. It starts with hundreds of people running through the early morning streets of downtown, many of them in costume. And that’s before the actual parade gets going.

The Downtown Mile is like a parade set to fast forward. Starting at 6:30 a.m. July 4, runners start off in waves, sprinting or jogging through the streets much to the delight of spectators. Some are serious competitors and some are festively adorned. But everyone is there for a good time.   

At 9 a.m., the traditional parade follows the same route through the historic downtown. Perhaps any stragglers from the Downtown Mile will be given a recorder and inducted into the ranks of a marching band. 

Also on July 4, the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra performs a family-friendly patriotic pops concert at the Pepsi Amphitheater in Forth Tuthill County Park. The event begins at 3 p.m. and is free. Bring lawn chairs and blankets.

The Downtown Street Faire takes place in Heritage Square July 4-5. It features live music, a photo booth, face painters and more. Hours are 1:30-8 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday. 

Everything turns arty in Flag on July 5. First Friday Art Walk goes from 5-9 p.m. It’s a monthly street party when galleries and businesses stay open with special exhibitions, performances and live music.

Of course, the centerpiece attraction of the weekend is the always popular Art in the Park. The juried arts and crafts festival features more than 70 artists from across the Southwest.

The event takes place on the big shady lawn of Wheeler Park downtown July 5-7. Bands perform through each day, food vendors are on hand and an expansive beer garden serves local and regional brews. Hours are 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday-Saturday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday.

Details: .  

Show Low Fourth of July events

Cool off in the White Mountains where the Show Low celebration goes on all day July 4.

The parade begins at 9 a.m. as it rolls along the Deuce of Clubs main drag. As soon as the parade wraps up, SplashZone in Frontier Park gets going. Sprinklers and fire hoses soak down a couple of soccer fields and they break out the slip-and-slides and other water toys.

You’ll just have time to dry off for FreedomFest, which starts at 3 p.m. at Show Low High School. There will be food trucks, live music, games and bounce houses. New this year is the Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show, highlighting logging skills in a thrilling spectacle.

Fireworks are scheduled at 9 p.m. All events are free, except the Fun Zone where unlimited ride wristbands costs $5.

Details:  928-532-4000, .

Taylor 4th of July rodeo and anvil firing

The festivities continue all weekend in the White Mountains with Taylor dishing up a little Old West charm. It all happens Friday and Saturday, July 5-6, at Taylor Rodeo Park, including the unique tradition of anvil launching, a night rodeo and fireworks. An arts and crafts show complete with food vendors takes place both days.

On Friday, calf roping starts at noon and cowboy poetry and country music kick off at 7 p.m. But plan on getting an early start because the firing of the anvil kicks things off with a thunderclap at 5 a.m. They pack an anvil with black powder, light the fuse, and watch it fly. That’s followed by a pancake breakfast and barrel racing events.

The 70th annual Taylor Night Rodeo starts at 7 p.m. Friday, fireworks are at 9 p.m. and the evening ends with a dance at the pavilion at 9:30. All events are free, except the night rodeo — those tickets are $10.

Details:  928-536-4331, .

Payson Fourth of July 2024

Fireworks exploding above Green Valley Lake in Payson will make a gorgeous holiday memory.

On Thursday, July 4, families start gathering at Green Valley Park for a full slate of lawn and water games that begin at 1 p.m. There will be tug of war, cornhole, Connect 4, slip-and-slides and other water games.  A new splash pad was added to the playground in June.

Food trucks and vendors will also be on hand. They start dishing up free watermelon (while supplies last) at 4 p.m., just as the band takes the stage. But don’t get too full because the pie-eating contest is open to hungry adults and kids alike. It starts at 6 p.m.

Fireworks go off at 9, high above the water. Since parking is limited, a shuttle service runs from Payson High School to Green Valley Park starting at noon.

Details:  928-472-5110, .

Prescott 4th of July 2024

The World’s Oldest Rodeo in Prescott gets a jump on the holiday, with Prescott Frontier Days starting July 1 and running through July 7 at Prescott Rodeo Grounds. This is Mardi Gras for the bowlegged. For a complete schedule of events, check the website. 

The World’s Oldest Rodeo Parade streams through downtown past Courthouse Plaza beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, July 6. 

Courthouse Plaza will be bustling all weekend with the Prescott Rodeo Days Art & Crafts Show. The juried art show spreads out beneath the shady elms and features paintings, pottery, jewelry, metal works, home décor and plenty more. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. .

There’s a big party at Watson Lake Park on July 4, and that’s where the fireworks will go off. It’s a full day of revelry from 1-10 p.m. with food vendors, live music, water slides and a beer garden. Fireworks light up the sky above the lake at 9.

General admission is free. The activity zone with water slides, inflatables, face painting and a photo booth is $30. Early entry and VIP experiences are available for a fee. Free parking and shuttle at Pioneer Park.

Details:  For information and to purchase tickets in advance, visit .

Prescott Valley Fourth of July fireworks

Enjoy a great day of family fun at Prescott Valley Civic Center when they unleash their Red, White, and Boom extravaganza.

The festivities start at 3 p.m. July 4 and include carnival rides, water bounce houses, food trucks, live music and a big boom-boom-boom at the end with the fireworks. Best part: It’s all free, except the food, of course. Better get there early for a good spot.

Details:  928-759-3090, .

Find the reporter at .  Or follow him on Facebook at  or Twitter @AZRogerNaylor.

165 Fun Essay Topics

Essay writing is a common way for instructors to assess students’ critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of a particular topic.

While writing an essay may not always be the most entertaining way to learn, it does help students become active learners who can construct well-supported arguments.

Many students often face various challenges when it comes to essay writing, but the truth is that essay writing can be a lot easier when choosing a fun essay topic to write about.

By choosing a fun essay topic that interests the students, writing assignments become more productive and less daunting.

Check out the four types of essays students can be assigned, along with a list of 165 fun essay topics to write about. By combining these helpful writing tips with the list of fun essay topics, students can easily create well-crafted essays.

The Four Types of Essay

Regardless of the assignment, essay formats can be categorized into four major types. Each type has its own unique purpose and structure. By understanding the structure, guidelines, and formatting of each essay type, students can be sure to ace each writing assignment.

Narrative Essay

The narrative essay is the most common type of essay students will encounter in their academic careers. A narrative essay tells a story and is often used to reflect on personal experiences.

The structure of a narrative essay typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction introduces the reader to the story while the body develops the story with necessary details. Finally, the ending wraps up the story and provides a final thought.

To write a solid narrative essay, students should start by introducing the characters and setting of the story. They should also include essential plot points that help develop the story. By providing readers with a clear understanding of the story, students can create an engaging experience for their readers.

Argumentative Essay

The argumentative essay is a typical assignment in many college courses, especially in fields such as history. An argumentative essay presents a claim and defends this claim from a variety of angles. Often, an argumentative essay will be supported by evidence or research that has been collected in advance.

The introductory paragraph of an argumentative essay should introduce the claim and provide a brief background to establish why this claim is necessary. The body of the argumentative essay includes evidence for both sides of the argument while allowing students to present their final argument that should be defended in the concluding paragraph.

The three types of arguments that can be included in an argumentative essay are affirmative, negative, and alternative. An affirmative argument supports the claim, while an opposing argument denies the claim. Finally, an alternative argument suggests a different solution to the problem.

To create a strong argumentative essay, students should use evidence from credible sources, develop their arguments logically, and use clear writing.

Expository Essay

An expository essay is often assigned for courses such as science and mathematics. Expository essays allow students to explore a particular topic in-depth through the use of facts, data, research, and examples.

To write an effective expository essay, students can organize their thoughts by first creating an outline with specific topics from which they will be able to gather information for each paragraph.

Students should include a thesis statement in the first paragraph that introduces the topic of the essay. The following paragraphs should explore the information researched, while the conclusion should summarize the main points.

To ensure accuracy and avoid plagiarism, students should use credible sources when gathering information for their expository essays.

Descriptive Essay

One of the most popular types of essays, the descriptive essay, allows students to describe a person, place, or thing in great detail. A descriptive essay paints a picture for the reader by using sensory details.

The structure of a descriptive essay typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should consist of a brief description of the subject, while the body should provide detailed information about the topic. The conclusion should summarize the essay and solidify the main points.

To write an engaging descriptive essay, students should use sensory details, active verbs, and explicit language to create vivid images for their readers. By using these techniques, students will be able to turn their essays into striking and enjoyable writing pieces.

Overcoming the Challenges of Essay Writing

The challenges students face with any form of essay writing often cause trouble starting or finishing the essay. One way to overcome these challenges is to break the essay writing process down into smaller steps.

First, students should brainstorm ideas for their essay. Once they have a list of ideas, they can then decide on a topic.

Next, students should gather evidence and research to support their arguments. After that, students can outline their essay and write body paragraphs.

Finally, they can write the introduction and conclusion.

By breaking the essay writing process down into smaller steps, students can better focus on one task at a time and make the process less daunting. Additionally, this approach will help them to produce a high-quality essay that is well-organized and properly researched.

Any of these topics will provide students with a fun writing prompt that will keep them engaged with the assignment and allow the reader to understand the topic fully.

Fun Essay Topics for Narrative Essays

  • The best time I ever had
  • A party that went too far
  • The best day of my life
  • My favorite holiday
  • Memories of my childhood
  • My scariest experience
  • When I got in trouble at school
  • Why home is the best place to be
  • My favorite tradition
  • Ways to overcome a fear
  • The importance of respect towards others
  • My most embarrassing moment
  • The most embarrassing thing my parents ever did in public
  • A silly thing I did for attention
  • How I learned Santa Claus wasn’t real
  • My most embarrassing fashion moment
  • Something I have secretly always wanted
  • How I dance when nobody’s looking
  • How I broke a bone
  • When my parents embarrassed me as a teenager
  • My best first kiss
  • The worst thing that happened on Halloween
  • A day that changed my life
  • What I wished for on New Year’s Eve and what actually happened
  • The most fun I’ve ever had with my friends
  • Ways to escape from boredom

Fun Essay Topics for Argumentative Essays

  • Why movie remakes are a bad idea
  • The pros and cons of being bilingual
  • How to make learning more fun
  • The best way to break up with someone
  • What is the best animal on the planet
  • Why strawberry is the best ice cream flavor
  • Why the customer is always right
  • Is it ever okay to steal
  • Can insults be a good thing for a personas self-esteem
  • How to make the world a better place with active visualization
  • How to feel good about yourself no matter what
  • How teaching students with disabilities is more rewarding than teaching regular students
  • The benefits of drug use for everyone
  • How to make friends as an adult
  • Why having a pet is better than having kids
  • Why travel is the best way to learn
  • Why life is better without school
  • The benefits of a digital detox
  • How to deal with difficult people
  • The benefits of procrastination
  • Why being lazy isn’t such a bad thing

Fun Essay Topics for Expository Essays

  • How to make a perfect pizza
  • How to make the perfect scrambled eggs
  • How to make the perfect cup of coffee
  • Why being yourself is the best thing you can do
  • How to be happy every day
  • The benefits of a positive attitude
  • The importance of being organized
  • What happiness really means
  • Why giving back is important
  • The benefits of getting enough sleep
  • Why breaking the rules isn’t always a bad thing
  • The importance of being punctual
  • What I would change about the world
  • How to be creative every day
  • How to make life easier with planning ahead
  • Ways to deal with everyday stress
  • The problems with social media
  • How to be a good listener
  • How to make learning easier for everyone
  • The importance of playing games
  • Why every day should be game day
  • Ways to relax your brain and body on a regular basis

Fun Essay Topics for Descriptive Essays

  • My favorite place to go on a date
  • A perfect day at the beach
  • What it’s like to be a celebrity for a day
  • The best party I ever went to
  • What it’s like to sleep in my childhood bed again
  • The most amazing concert I ever attended
  • How it feels to stand in front of a cheering crowd
  • The best family vacation I ever went to
  • What it’s like to wake up in Paris
  • My favorite season after summer
  • What it’s like to see the Northern Lights
  • My first kiss
  • How it feels to hug someone you love for the first time
  • How it felt when my pet died
  • Why every pet should have a forever home
  • The best day of my life so far
  • What it’s like to have a dog for the first time
  • How much I love being from [insert city here]
  • Why every alcoholic drink should be on a pub crawl
  • What it’s like to die in your dreams
  • Where I go when I’m feeling sad
  • The best prank I ever played on someone
  • What it’s like to see your favorite band live in concert

Fun Essay Topics About Being a Teenager

  • Why every teenager should get their own car
  • Why popular girls aren’t always the best friends
  • How to deal with bullies at school
  • The pros and cons of being a freshman in high school
  • How it feels to date someone older than you
  • What I wish my life was like in high school
  • How it feels to be home-schooled
  • What I would do if I knew no one at school
  • The best movies to watch on a Friday night with your friends
  • Why you should never get in the car with someone who’s been drinking
  • My worst teenage dating experience ever
  • My worst breakup story
  • Why every teenager should have a summer job
  • What I love most about being a teenager
  • The best and worst things about being a teenager
  • How to survive your teenage years

Fun Essay Topics About Life

  • What living your dream means to you
  • If I could go back to any age, it would be…
  • How to stay happy and positive every day
  • What being successful really means to me
  • The most important lesson I’ve learned in life
  • Why I’m grateful for my struggles
  • The best way to spend a weekend afternoon
  • My favorite thing about life so far
  • What I would do with an extra hour each day
  • My favorite quote about life
  • The best way to relax after a long day
  • What I love most about my family
  • What I love most about my friends
  • My happiest memory from childhood
  • How I’ve changed over the years
  • What I hope to accomplish in the next ten years
  • The meaning of life from my dog’s perspective

Fun Essay Topics About Science

  • The best and worst things about science
  • How to make a volcano in your kitchen
  • The dangers of space travel
  • What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning
  • The future of genetic editing
  • What it’s like to be a scientist
  • The most exciting thing I learned in science class this year
  • Why every kid should go to space camp
  • What it’s like to live on Mars
  • How life would be without gravity
  • The best way to celebrate Earth Day every day of the year
  • What it feels like in a tornado
  • How to make your own solar system
  • The best and worst things about space travel
  • Ten amazing facts about the universe
  • The most interesting thing I learned about biology this year
  • Why science is important for everyone
  • The future of the world, according to science

Fun Essay Topics About History

  • Why every American should visit Europe
  • Why traveling to another country is the best way to learn history
  • My favorite historical figure ever
  • How I would spend my time in Colonial America
  • What I love most about Aztec history
  • The most important lesson I’ve learned from World War II
  • The pros and cons of living during the Renaissance
  • How Alexander Graham Bell changed the world
  • Why we should always question authority
  • The meaning of life, according to history teachers
  • What it’s like to live in Ancient Greece every day
  • The best and worst parts about living in Ancient China
  • The best story from Greek mythology I know by heart
  • Why we should always respect our teachers
  • The best way to celebrate Thanksgiving every day of the year
  • The timeline of history from the perspective of my pet pigeon
  • What it’s like to be a time traveler for 30 days

Fun Essay Topics About Pop Culture

  • Why I won’t be watching the Oscars this year
  • What’s the best movie on Netflix right now?
  • The top 5 movies of all time
  • My favorite scary movies ever made
  • Why every millennial should watch old black and white movies

Enjoy writing your next essay with any of these 165 fun essay topics that are sure to get your creative juices flowing!

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fun weekend essay

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.


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  3. Short Paragraph on My Weekend (370 Words)

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    Find an answer to your question essay on my idea of a fun weekend in (200-250) words ... Well according to me, the idea of a fun weekend would be something like spending some quality time with family and friends, and enjoy all that I could do. Since we would be having two days off, I have plenty of time to enjoy around and have fun.I would love ...

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  24. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  25. Write a paragraph about your idea of fun weekend using ...

    The idea of a fun weekend could differ from person to person. Well according to me, the idea of a fun weekend would be something like spending some quality time with family and friends, and enjoy all that I could do. Since we would be having two days off, I have plenty of time to enjoy around and have fun. I would love to play outdoor games ...

  26. Narrative of a fun weekend essay Free Essays

    An interesting weekend. I spend most of my weekends either with my family members watching television the entire day and play football in the evening or go for a sleepover at my friend‚ Karim's‚ house. In fact‚ as long as my memory stretches‚ I have been spending my weekend in this rather unexciting manner until last weekend .

  27. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow ...

    Check prices in Elektrostal for next weekend, Jun 21 - Jun 23. Next weekend. Jun 21 - Jun 23. Popular places to visit. Electrostal History and Art Museum. You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  28. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Art MuseumsHistory Museums. Write a review. All photos (22) Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more. The area. Nikolaeva ul., d. 30A, Elektrostal 144003 Russia. Reach out directly.