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Resume Summary of Qualifications: Complete Guide for 2024

how to write a summary of qualifications for resume

When it comes to crafting a successful resume, the Summary of Qualifications (also known as a Career Summary, Professional Summary, or Executive Summary) is a crucial element. This section of the resume immediately follows the header and objective statement and serves as a snapshot of the job seeker’s most relevant skills and experience.

Defining the Purpose of a Summary of Qualifications

The purpose of a Summary of Qualifications is to provide a concise, high-level overview of the candidate’s most impressive selling points. Instead of diving deep into every minutiae of the job seeker’s work history, the summary provides an executive overview that enables the employer to quickly and easily determine if the candidate has the necessary qualifications for the position.

The summary section usually consists of a short list of bullet points or sentences that highlight the candidate’s most compelling achievements, skills, and experiences that relate explicitly to the job they’re seeking.

Benefits of Using a Summary of Qualifications

There are several benefits to using a Summary of Qualifications in a resume, including:

Capturing the employer’s attention: By providing a high-level view of the candidate’s most impressive qualifications, the summary section immediately catches the employer’s attention and makes them want to keep reading.

Highlighting the most relevant information: The summary section helps to filter out all the extraneous information that may be clogging up your full resume, allowing the employer to focus on the information that is most pertinent to the position.

how to write a summary of qualifications for resume

Tailored to each job application: Since the summary section is meant to capture the most relevant qualifications, candidates can tailor this section to fit each application they submit. It’s a great way to highlight specific skills and accomplishments that match the job description while removing anything that isn’t relevant.

Comparison with Other Types of Resume Summaries

While the Summary of Qualifications is the most common type of resume summary, there are other options, such as a Professional Summary or Objective Statement.

A Professional Summary is similar to a Summary of Qualifications, but it doesn’t focus as much on the candidate’s achievements. It instead provides a brief overview of the candidate’s skills and experience.

An Objective Statement is a brief statement at the top of the resume that outlines what the candidate is looking for in their next job. Objective statements aren’t as common today as they were 20 years ago, as most experts believe that they don’t provide enough value to a resume.

The Summary of Qualifications is the most effective type of resume summary. It enables candidates to showcase their most impressive qualifications, capture the employer’s attention, and highlight the most relevant information.

Writing an Effective Resume Summary of Qualifications

A well-crafted summary of qualifications can be the difference between getting an interview and being overlooked by hiring managers. To create an effective summary, it’s imperative to keep in mind the specific employer and job you’re applying for. By researching the company and job posting, you can tailor your summary to highlight the skills and qualities they’re looking for.

To capture the attention of the reader, start off with a powerful and attention-grabbing headline. This should be a concise statement that sums up your experience and qualifications. Instead of using generic phrases like “highly qualified” or “experienced professional,” be specific and consider incorporating relevant buzzwords from the job posting.

Once you’ve hooked the reader with your headline, it’s time to showcase your relevant experience and skills. This section should focus on your most impressive accomplishments and contributions. Be sure to use metrics and quantifiable results whenever possible. Numbers can help demonstrate the tangible impact you’ve made in previous roles.

While it’s important to highlight your achievements, remember to keep it concise and engaging. The summary of qualifications should ideally be limited to 3-4 bullet points or sentences. Avoid using lofty language or industry jargon that may not be easily understood by those outside of your field.

By following these guidelines, you can create a resume summary of qualifications that effectively communicates your value to potential employers.

Structure of a Resume Summary of Qualifications

When crafting a winning resume summary of qualifications, it is essential to pay attention to the following elements that make the content stand out:

Components of a good Summary of Qualifications:

  • Concise value proposition – use a strong statement to communicate your worth
  • Core competencies: Highlight your most relevant and impressive skills and abilities
  • Industry-specific keywords: Incorporate industry buzzwords, acronyms, and jargon to ensure the ATS picks up your resume

Ideal length and format

Your summary of qualifications should be no longer than four to six lines or 50-100 words. They should be easy to scan and read, so use bullet points, bold fonts for emphasis, and sufficient white space to increase the visual appeal of your document.

how to write a summary of qualifications for resume

Examples of effective Summary of Qualifications

Here are some examples of effective summary of qualifications that you can consider including in your resume:

Marketing Manager with over 7 years of experience in devising and executing well-strategized campaigns that convert leads to sales while building brands’ reputation. Skilled in digital marketing, SEO, PPC, and email marketing.

Results-driven IT professional with over 10 years of experience in programming, systems architecture, and network administration. Adept in project management and collaboration with cross-functional teams to design solutions that improve operations efficiency.

Accomplished Customer Service Representative with 5+ years of experience in handling customer queries and complaints with professionalism and empathy. Skilled in conflict resolution and communicating solutions to customers, effectively improving overall satisfaction scores.

Your summary of qualifications serves as the teaser that helps recruiters determine whether or not your application is worth reading further. Ensure that you include only the most relevant and compelling details about your work experience, skills, and achievements, so it stands out among the sea of others seeking employment.

Resume Summary of Qualifications: Complete Guide

Personalizing your summary of qualifications.

When creating your resume’s summary of qualifications, it is essential to personalize it to showcase your unique value proposition, strengths, and achievements. This section of your resume gives employers a quick snapshot of your most relevant skills and experience related to the job you are applying for. Here are some tips on how to make your summary of qualifications stand out:

Identifying your unique value proposition

Your unique value proposition is what sets you apart from other applicants. It highlights your specific skills, experience, and accomplishments that make you valuable to the employer. To identify your unique value proposition, ask yourself:

  • What are my top skills and strengths?
  • What sets me apart from other applicants?
  • What have I achieved that demonstrates my value?

Your answers to these questions will help you create a summary of qualifications that highlights your unique value proposition.

Focusing on your strengths and achievements

While it’s essential to include your work experience and education in your resume, the summary of qualifications is where you can show off your strengths and achievements. When describing your strengths, be specific and use concrete examples. Mention any awards or recognition you’ve received for your work.

When highlighting your achievements, focus on the impact you’ve made in your past roles. Talk about how your work resulted in cost savings, increased productivity, or improved customer satisfaction. Highlighting your achievements shows employers that you are a results-driven individual.

Using keywords and phrases relevant to the job

Employers often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes before a human ever sets eyes on them. These systems scan resumes for specific keywords and phrases related to the job. To make sure your resume makes it past the ATS and onto the desk of a human recruiter, use keywords and phrases relevant to the job.

Carefully read the job description and make a list of the keywords and phrases that are essential to the job. Then, make sure to include those keywords and phrases in your summary of qualifications.

Your summary of qualifications is your chance to make a memorable first impression on potential employers. By identifying your unique value proposition, focusing on your strengths and achievements, and using keywords and phrases relevant to the job, you can create a summary of qualifications that sets you apart and lands you an interview.

Mistakes to Avoid in a Resume Summary of Qualifications

When it comes to crafting a summary of qualifications for your resume, it’s important to strike the right balance between being descriptive and concise. However, there are several common pitfalls that you should avoid at all costs.

Common pitfalls to avoid

The following are some of the mistakes that job seekers commonly make in their resume summary of qualifications:

Overgeneralizing or using cliches:  Steer clear of vague statements that do not really reveal your skills, experiences or strengths. Avoid commonly used phrases like “detail-oriented,” “team player” or “strong communication skills” without providing any concrete examples or evidence to support them.

Being too vague or too specific:  Writing a summary of qualifications that is either too broad or too narrow will not serve the purpose of the summary. Try to avoid being too general by listing skills without specificity, or being too specific by including irrelevant or redundant information.

Writing in the wrong tone or style:  A summary of qualifications should be written in a professional tone that mirrors the job you are applying for. Avoid using informal language or humor, and be mindful of the language used in the job posting to ensure that your summary is appropriate for the position.

Tips for Making Your Summary of Qualifications Stand Out

A successful resume summary of qualifications can be a valuable asset in securing your dream job. While it is crucial to get your point across succinctly, it is equally important to make your summary stand out to catch the recruiter’s eye. To achieve this goal, we recommend following these tips:

Customizing your Summary of Qualifications for Each Job

One of the most important things you should do is customize your summary of qualifications for each job. Read the job description carefully, and take note of the necessary qualifications and skills the position requires. Then, tailor your summary to highlight your relevant achievements and experiences that align with those requirements. Doing this shows the recruiter that you have taken the time to consider their specific needs, which makes you a more compelling candidate.

Using Active Verbs and Varied Sentence Structures

Another way to make your summary of qualifications stand out is by incorporating active verbs and varied sentence structures. Using active verbs such as “created,” “analyzed,” and “managed” shows that you are a proactive person who takes initiative. Including varied sentence structures also helps keep your summary from becoming monotonous and tedious. Aim to include both short and long sentences and avoid using the same words repeatedly.

Making it Visually Appealing

Another way to make your summary of qualifications pop is by making it visually appealing. Create a clean, easy-to-read format with bullet points, bold text, and appropriate fonts that will attract the recruiter’s attention. By doing this, you will make sure that important points stand out and are easy to read.

Incorporating Calls to Action and Contact Information

Last but not least, don’t forget to incorporate calls to action and contact information in your summary of qualifications. Closing your summary with a call to action invites the recruiter to take action, whether that’s reaching out to you or scheduling an interview. Additionally, include your contact information, such as email and phone number, to make it easy for the recruiter to get in touch with you.

Customizing your summary of qualifications for each job, using active verbs, making it visually appealing, and including calls to action and contact information are crucial in making your summary stand out. Follow these tips, and your summary of qualifications is sure to capture the attention it deserves.

Examples of Great Resume Summary of Qualifications

When it comes to creating an effective resume summary of qualifications, one of the best ways to get started is to look at examples from various industries. Here are some examples that can serve as inspirations:

Sample 1: Marketing Professional

“Highly skilled marketing professional with over a decade of experience in creating and executing successful marketing campaigns. Proficient in developing and implementing marketing strategies that deliver results. Demonstrated ability to build and nurture relationships with key stakeholders and drive revenue growth through effective marketing efforts.”

Analysis:  This summary effectively showcases the candidate’s extensive marketing experience and skills. The use of specific quantitative data like “over a decade of experience” and “drive revenue growth” helps to establish credibility and authority.

How to adapt it:  If you’re a marketing professional, you can take inspiration from this summary by highlighting your specific skills and accomplishments in your own summary. For instance, you can mention your expertise in developing effective marketing campaigns or your proven track record of driving revenue growth.

Sample 2: Software Engineer

“Experienced software engineer with a strong background in developing scalable, high-performance software applications. Proficient in a variety of programming languages and frameworks. Expert in software design, testing, and deployment.”

Analysis:  This summary is short and to the point, but effectively showcases the candidate’s technical expertise and experience. The use of specific technical terms like “scalable, high-performance software applications” and “software design, testing, and deployment” demonstrates the candidate’s depth of knowledge.

How to adapt it:  If you’re a software engineer, you can take inspiration from this summary by highlighting your technical skills and experience. For instance, you can mention your proficiency in programming languages and frameworks, your experience in software design and testing, or any notable projects you’ve worked on.

Sample 3: Sales Representative

“Results-driven sales representative with a proven track record of exceeding sales targets. Skilled in building and maintaining strong relationships with clients and identifying opportunities for growth. Excellent communication and negotiation skills.”

Analysis:  This summary effectively highlights the candidate’s sales expertise and accomplishments. The use of specific quantitative data like “proven track record of exceeding sales targets” and “identifying opportunities for growth” helps to establish credibility and authority.

How to adapt it:  If you’re a sales representative, you can take inspiration from this summary by highlighting your sales accomplishments and customer relationship management skills. For instance, you can mention your experience in exceeding sales targets or developing strategies to identify new sales opportunities.

These examples demonstrate the power of a well-crafted resume summary of qualifications to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. By analyzing what makes these summaries effective and adapting them to your own resume, you can create a summary that effectively highlights your unique strengths and qualifications.

Summary of Qualifications for Different Career Stages

When writing a summary of qualifications for your resume, it’s important to tailor it to your career stage. Here are some recommendations for entry-level, mid-career, and executive positions.


If you’re just starting out in your career, focus on showcasing your relevant skills and education. Include any internships or volunteer experiences that demonstrate your work ethic and passion for the field. Don’t be afraid to mention any clubs or organizations you’ve been a part of that are related to your field of interest.

Here’s an example:

For those who have some years of experience under their belt, highlight your accomplishments and demonstrate your ability to take on leadership roles. Focus on your quantifiable achievements, such as increased revenue or improved processes.

For those in executive positions, it’s important to focus on your strategic vision and ability to lead teams to success. Highlight any industry awards or recognitions you have received.

Career Changers/Employment Gaps

For those who are changing careers or who have gaps in their employment, focus on highlighting transferable skills and any relevant experiences. Consider including any volunteer or freelance work that you’ve done.

Tailoring your resume summary of qualifications to your career stage is crucial to making your application stand out. Focus on showcasing your relevant skills and experiences and don’t be afraid to highlight your achievements. For career changers or those with employment gaps, concentrate on your transferable skills and relevant experiences.

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to write a qualifications summary on a resume

The achievements that make you stand out

RC Team

As an introduction to your resume, the  qualifications summary is a an excellent option to make sure your application stands out  and grabs the attention of a potential employer.

Hiring managers or human resource staff spend hours looking through resumes when they have a vacancy, this can become very tedious when all of the applications they receive have similar work experience or skill sets. That is why learning  how to write a winning qualifications summary for your resume  could be the key to earning you a chance at an interview for your dream job.

Having an attractive,  optimized resume introduction  like a  qualification summary , also known as a  professional profile  or  summary of qualifications , which showcases your strengths in a short, clear section right at the beginning of your resume is a surefire way to capture the reader’s interest.

Read on for a  simple guide on what to include in a qualifications summary on your resume , tips on how to write it and practical qualification summary examples to help you create one of your own.

The qualifications summary tends to be used more often in  functional or combined resume structures  as opposed to the classic  chronological format  but this is not always the case and can be a great addition to any resume.

What is the Qualifications Summary?

Knowing  how to write a qualifications summary for a resume  can mean the difference between an average application and one that stands out from other candidates.

A  qualifications summary is one of three options for a resume introduction  that begins by  showcasing the most relevant and influential aspects of the candidate’s experience,  such as their major achievements, skills and qualifications.

Contrary to the  resume objective  or  summary statement , a qualifications summary is written in  bullet point format , highlighting the most impressive elements of your professional profile ensuring to  focus on the position  being applied to.

There are  different ways to start a resume  and the qualifications summary is an optional section which can be added or replaced depending on each candidate’s needs. The  resume format  you choose to employ and your level of experience, whether you are writing a student, entry-level or  professional resume , will influence your decision to use the qualifications summary or another of the possible resume introductions.

The  qualifications summary on a resume  is a useful tool for candidates whose resumes will likely be reviewed by Applicant Tracking Systems. The reason for this is that ATS software is designed to read through resumes in order to discard any that do not include the keywords that have been programmed for that particular position. This is a subtle reminder for jobseekers to ensure they  use keywords taken from the job description  etc. to detail their abilities and knowledge.

To  write a qualifications summary  which presents the most inviting information about your professional profile, you must ensure that this section  concentrates on the benefits that you can bring to the company or position  in question. That means that it will include your most outstanding achievements and skills which are  relevant to the sector  and role to which you are applying.

A qualification summary on a resume often attracts attention from potential employers  because it makes their life easier. Hiring managers save time and energy usually spent reading through the entire resume by reading the  highlighted qualifications in the summary  and are able to get a basic understanding of what that candidate can offer the business.

Key qualifications to include on your resume

Whether you use a resume template or not, it is worthwhile to have an idea of some of the  key qualifications to include in your resume  to use as a guide.

The following is a  step-by-step guide to help you get a better understanding of how to write a qualification summary for your resume  using these 6 different points:

1. Start with your expertise : Begin by introducing your  years of experience  in the field or in similar positions for  professional resumes . You can indicate a general overview of your responsibilities in these jobs. Mention here any  special courses or training  you have undertaken. For  students or entry-level candidates , you will  include your highest degree  and can emphasize majoring or minoring in a subject, any projects, or your final thesis, as long as it is relevant to the vacancy.

2. Show off your creative side : Explain an instance in which you have  introduced, implemented or created a program or practice  or found a new solution which has been beneficial to the company or association in some way.

3. Prove your efficiency : Include an  example of when you have increased productivity or revenue for the company  by any means such as using resources well, personal effort, saving time or energy, updating, renewing or improving practices.

4. Acknowledgements : Mention any  awards or honors  you have received for your work or collaboration. If you have been commended in any  publications  or been praised for your actions in any way  related to the position or industry  you are applying to, state the source and the reasons for the recognition.

5. Management : Describe any  positions of leadership  you have held, including the number of people under your supervision, any specific management styles you pertain to, or ways in which you have  managed a project or assignment  and seen it through to the end.

6. Interpersonal skills in practice : Finally, also  include an explanation of your interpersonal skills  and communication. This can allude to relationships with coworkers, junior or senior staff, customers, clients or suppliers. Or you could demonstrate your skills in terms of public speaking or giving presentations.

As well as these 6 points which should be addressed as fully and clearly as possible, you can also introduce any other aspects that are  relevant to the position  and you feel would  benefit your application  or would be advantageous to offer the company.

Although it is highly recommended to  focus your attention on quantifiable examples  and the basic information from these points, you can also  include other soft or hard skills or certificates which may be unique to your application , whilst still tailoring your information the position in order to stand out in the process. Learn more about how to include  professional certificates on your resume .

Following these rules and remembering to  tailor your qualification summary to the position  on offer will help you to create a resume that will get noticed for the right reasons.

Remember, if you need a little extra guidance, you can also use an  online resume builder  to help you  construct an effective resume for your ideal job  with an outstanding qualification summary to boot.

Tips for writing a good qualifications summary

Whether you’re just learning  how to write a qualifications summary for your resume  or you just need to give it a new spin, these top tips will help you make the most of this all-important resume tool.

The  qualifications summary on a resume is a very effective tool  for candidates who have an extensive work history either as a professional in that sector or as a  career changer who has transferable skills .

Examples of Qualifications Summaries

To be able to  create an effective qualification summary introduction , check out some of these examples to grasp the structure and style of qualification summaries.

Key Account Manager Qualifications Summary Example

  • Sociable – Organized – Goal-oriented
  • 5 years experience in customer and client relationship building.
  • Exceeded sales targets by more than 60% two years running.
  • Landed and managed several individual client accounts worth $100,000+.
  • Effectively trained and led team of 8 Sales Executives.
  • Received Top Sales Award from company 3 consecutive years.
  • Spearheaded new marketing plans with research and media strategies which have improved profits by $2.6 million gross per annum.

Executive Chef Qualifications Summary Example

  • Creative – Team player – Excellent time management
  • 12 years experience in Michelin star restaurants in NYC and Paris.
  • Expertise in French haute cuisine.
  • Prepared between 700-1000 covers daily.
  • Reinvented menu to improve attendance by 110% and profits.
  • Specialist knowledge of FDA requirements.
  • Catered for a wide range of 3 and 5-course fine dining galas, fundraising events and festivals.

Entry-Level IT Associate Qualifications Summary Example

  • Analytical – Resourceful – Flexible
  • Two years experience in Library Helpdesk Technical Assistance.
  • Graduate of BSc in Computer and Information Technology with 3.50 GPA.
  • Proficient in several programming languages, software applications, operating systems and database management.
  • Exceptional troubleshooting skills resulting in an improvement of 30% in issue-resolution.
  • Accustomed to fast turn-around times for maintenance and technical tasks.

The qualifications summary on a resume differs from the summary statement simply by the manner of formatting the information included. As seen in these  qualification summary examples , the general layout is what makes the  difference between the summary statement and the qualification summary  as opposed to the content or focus.

If you prefer to offer a paragraph format for your summary or to get extra  resume help with your summary statement,  you can take a look at our guide to writing one to ensure you create the best possible introduction to your resume for your job search.

If you need help putting together your qualifications summary,  ResumeCoach  also offers an  online resume maker  which gives you professional advice and clear, practical examples to follow, to ensure you get the most out of your resume.

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How to Add a Summary of Qualifications to a Resume [+Examples]

  • January 17, 2024
  • In Resumes & Cover Letters

How To Add A Summary Of Qualifications To A Resume

The summary of qualifications, or highlight of qualifications, is one of the most critical sections, and you will want to ensure that you get it right. Potential employers need to look at your resume and see all the information required to form a judgment about you without the unnecessary waffle.

When it comes to adding a summary of qualifications to a resume , knowing exactly how to present the list and what order to put things in will help ensure that your resume provides the best possible first impression of you and your skills .

What Does a Summary of Qualifications Mean on a Resume?

In most cases, a summary of qualifications is a section placed at the top of your resume. It would help if you used this section to list all of your most important achievements, qualifications, certifications, and experience. You will often need to adjust your summary of qualifications to the job you are applying for to be as relevant as possible for each role.

What Should You Include in a Summary of Qualifications?

A summary of qualifications is a section on a resume that highlights important work achievements, skills, and experience. It provides a concise overview of your qualifications and serves as a snapshot of your abilities for potential employers. 

  • Key Skills: List the skills that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. These can include technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific skills.
  • Work Experience: Highlight your most significant work experiences and accomplishments. Focus on achievements that demonstrate your skills and qualifications for the job.
  • Education: Include your educational background, such as degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework.
  • Industry Knowledge: Mention any specific industry knowledge or expertise that you possess.
  • Achievements: Highlight any notable achievements or awards that are relevant to the job.
  • Keywords: Use keywords and phrases that are commonly used in the industry or job description to optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems (ATS)
  • Quantifiable Results: Whenever possible, include specific numbers, percentages, or metrics to quantify your achievements and demonstrate the impact of your work.
  • Relevance: Tailor your summary of qualifications to the specific job you are applying for. Focus on the qualifications and skills that are most relevant to the position.

How to Write a Summary of Qualifications?

When writing a summary of qualifications, you should include the following:

Your summary of qualifications is supposed to be an overview of the key points held within your resume, so it makes sense to write it once the rest of your resume is complete.

The idea of your summary of qualifications is to highlight the skills and abilities which make you the best person for the job. Take some time to write down the things you are good at and the skills you have learned in previous positions. This could be the targets you have achieved, the technology you have mastered, or your featured publications.

When speaking about your achievements, you should include information such as the number of years you worked within a role, the number of people in a team, and the budgets you worked with.

When applying for a new job, you should always make sure to thoroughly read the job description and check the company’s website. The information you can gather from these places offers insight into keywords commonly used terms and the skills that are often desired. Using keywords can help your resume stand out and catch recruiters’ interest.

Although you should avoid statements like “I” and “we,” your summary of qualifications should be unique to you. Take the time to consider the things which emphasize your role.

Try to avoid unnecessary words and keep your statements as short as possible.

Summary of Qualifications Examples

Here are some examples of resume summary statements for different types of experience and qualifications:

Summary of Qualifications for Students

  • Completed a 2-year course in (relevant qualification) with honors
  • Voted student ambassador for senior year
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and similar systems
  • Three years of voluntary experience with a local soup kitchen

Examples of Qualifications Summary for Entry-Level Roles

  • Four years experience working as a volunteer for a church youth group, assigning roles and completing tasks.
  • Worked as part of a team of 8 volunteers to successfully run an easter holiday camp for 60 children aged 5-12.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and similar systems, able to work with both Excel and Word
  • Completed (name of degree) at (name of college) in (year)
  • Studied for first aid certification and completed required assessments

Examples of Qualifications Summary for Accountants

  • Completed Bachelors Degree in Accounting at (relevant college)
  • Experienced and familiar with a variety of data entry systems and accounting software
  • Five years of experience working within a large accounting firm, achieving deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • Promoted to team leader within my department after six months
  • Five years of experience working with a variety of accountancy software
  • Experienced in taxation and regulatory compliance

Summary of Qualifications for Administrative Assistants

  • 15 years working with a team of administrative assistants
  • Experience with a variety of different record-keeping and data-entry systems
  • Introduced a new method of data entry which helped to reduce clerical errors by 25% and streamlined processes
  • Collaborated with a team of 5 others to liaise between different departments and clients

Examples of Qualifications Summary for  Project Managers

  • Experience leading a team of 12
  • Seven years of working with the same team of staff members
  • Grew profits from 5% to 12% annually within my department
  • Met deadlines for every project within the last five years

Summary of Qualifications for Teacher

  • Ten years of experience working with special needs children
  • Five years experience as the lead teacher in the English department
  • Successful completion of special needs training, ASL, and disability handling courses
  • Five years working as head of the English department in a high school setting  

Examples of Qualifications Summary for Medical Assistants

  • Seven years of experience working within a medical environment
  • Two years working in an Emergency Department
  • Experienced in organizing and handling patient charts and documentation
  • Trained in techniques required to collect patient vitals and the best ways to document this
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to liaise between patients and doctors where required
  • Experience working within a fast-paced and highly demanding working environment which required fast reactions and attention to detail

Examples of Qualifications Summary for Financial Analysts

  • Completed Master’s Degree in Accounting from (relevant college)
  • Registered and licensed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
  • Three years experience working as a trainee financial analyst

Summary of Qualifications Customer Service Roles

  • Six years of experience working in retail
  • Completed relevant training to become a designated first aider
  • Promoted to Duty Manager after 12 months
  • Awarded employee of the month on five separate occasions
  • Trained in cash handling and balancing

Examples of Qualifications Summary for Management Positions

  • Successfully led a team of 25 to increase growth and revenue by 30% over ten years.
  • Reduced staff turnover by 59% by implementing a range of staff satisfaction measures
  • Increased department profits by 7% in the first 12 months
  • Implemented growth and sustainability measures which were adopted company-wide

In Conclusion

Your resume will often be the first impression a potential employer has of you, so it is crucial to get it right. Making sure you include a summary of qualifications tailored to the role you are applying for can help you stand out from the crowd, promoting your strengths and the skills that make you the best candidate for the job.

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Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

13 min read · Updated on January 17, 2024

Ken Chase

Make an impact with a knock-out profile

When it comes to job search success, nothing is more important than ensuring that your resume captures an employer's attention. After all, even the best resumes are useless if no one reads them. Of course, that raises an important question: is there anything you can do to make your resume get the attention it deserves?

In this post, we'll explain how a great resume profile can help you to solve that challenge. We'll explain how a resume profile works, when you should use it in your resume, and how to create a profile that immediately commands interest. Finally, we'll provide several resume profile examples that you can customize and use in your own resume.

What is a resume profile?

If you're already familiar with the resume objective statement or resume summary, then the concept of a resume profile should be easy to understand. Put simply, the resume profile is an introductory paragraph that quickly summarizes your skills and experiences in a way that motivates hiring managers to continue reading your resume.

As you'll discover in our resume profile examples later in the post, a great profile focuses attention on your best skills, experience, and achievements. You can think of it as an elevator pitch for your resume - a quick snapshot that provides just enough information to make the reader want to learn more about you.

Related: Make the Perfect First Impression With Your Resume

What types of resume profiles can you use?

To better understand the resume profile, it may help to look at some of the different types of resume profiles that job seekers can use. There are three different types of common profiles, including the objective statement, summary, and summary of qualifications.

Objective statement

The resume objective statement is often considered obsolete, since it tends to focus more on your career goals than the employer's needs. It's often used by entry level workers with little experience or career-changers who need to explain why their skill set makes them a good candidate for the job. To use it effectively, job candidates need to ensure that they include some language that explains how they can benefit the employer if they're hired. For example:

“Creative social media professional with 3 years of experience and proven results. Skilled in cross-platform engagement enhancement and brand development. Looking for an opportunity to work with a company that prioritizes customer experience and brand loyalty. Experience includes increasing customer engagement by 130% over a six-month period.”

Related : Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

Summary paragraph

The resume summary has replaced the objective statement in most modern resumes - and for good reason. This brief paragraph may also mention one or two key skills, but its primary focus is on detailing your important work experience and measurable achievements. As a result, the summary is a preferred option for job seekers with significant experience, since it's designed to demonstrate your value as an employee. Below, is an example of this type of profile statement:

“Accomplished Project Manager with more than ten years of successful team building and project execution expertise. Skilled in process development, workflow management, and collaboration with stakeholders. Received Agile Leader award in 2018. While at ABC Corporation, developed personnel resource allocation program that increased project efficiency by 48% in the first year of use.”

Summary of qualifications

The third option is the summary of qualifications. The main difference between this type of summary and the summary paragraph involves the format choice. Instead of being one block of text, it combines a brief paragraph with several bullet point examples of notable achievements. For example:

Dynamic Team Leader with 7 years of experience in customer management, problem-solving, and team building. Proven to increase team productivity, enhance the customer service experience, and provide real value to an employer.

  • Led 30-person team of technical professionals, with 95% customer satisfaction
  • Reorganized project workflow for ABC Corporation, increasing efficiency by 45%
  • Developed training program that reduced employee onboarding costs by 17%

What elements should you include in your resume profile?

Before you create a resume profile, it's important to think about the types of information you want to include for your reader. What types of qualification is the employer evaluating as part of its hiring decision? Does the job description focus primarily on core skills ? Do you have achievements that are likely to make a positive impression on the hiring manager?

There are many different profile elements that you can include, so you'll need to prioritize based on the employers' needs. The fact is that you won't have room in your profile to cover all these different types of information, so choose wisely:

Skills that are relevant to the position you're seeking

Your length of experience

Notable achievements, preferably ones that you can quantify with real numbers

Core personal characteristics that make you a good fit for the role

Your career aspirations - preferably noted in a way that shows how they align with the company's vision

Related : Top 15 Professional Goals and How to Achieve Them

Again, make sure that you focus attention on the job posting, taking note of every key skill and experience that the employer cites as required qualifications. You'll want to tailor your profile - and the rest of your resume - to align with those stated employer needs.

Pro tip: Make special note of those job requirements, since you will want to use the same language in your resume. Those keywords are essential for ensuring that your resume can satisfy any applicant tracking system screening the employer might be using.

You should also do some research to learn more about the company's culture. That will enable you to further tailor your resume profile to include personal traits that highlight how well you'll fit into that environment. Sometimes, those little details can make the difference between you and another similarly qualified candidate.

How to write your own resume profile: tips

When you're ready to create your resume profile, it's important to know how to do it the right way. Since it's the first thing employers will see after they're done reading your contact details, you need to make sure that it's as compelling as possible. The following tips can help.

Write this part of your resume last

Even though your profile section will be near the top of your resume, you should still create this important section last. Why? Well, it's simple: since the resume profile serves as a summary of your qualifications, it's helpful to get the rest of the resume done before you start on that summary.

Make it brief

Be as concise as you can. Again, think of this profile section as a salesperson's elevator pitch. It doesn't need to tell your entire employment story, but should instead serve as a brief highlight of your greatest hits. As a rule, try to restrict this paragraph to no more than four sentences. If you use a summary of qualifications, include just one or two brief sentences and three or four bullet points.

Choose the best profile type for your job search needs

Which type of profile should you create? If you're an entry-level employee, you may want to focus on a modified objective statement - one that focuses on your career goals, while highlighting the ways in which your skills can benefit the employer. If you have more experience, you may want to rely on the summary paragraph. Just be sure to include at least one measurable achievement to highlight your value.

If you're switching careers and need to focus attention on transferable skills, you may even want to rely on a summary of qualifications. Those bullet points can be a great way to emphasize specific skills and highlight the value that you've provided for previous employers.

Tailor the profile to your desired position

Make sure that your profile aligns with the job you're seeking. You can do this by including some core keywords from the job posting, detailing your qualifications. However, make sure that your profile ultimately aligns with who you are as an employee. If you take the tailoring to extremes, you may end up with a profile that fails to accurately represent your personality and character.

Don't be afraid to add personality

Speaking of personality, this is the place to add that personal touch. Your skills, work experience, and education sections are not appropriate for adding personality, but a few well-chosen words in your profile can help the employer to better understand you as a person.

Of course, make sure that your personal flourishes fit with the type of job you're seeking. For example, a few words about your fun work style will be appreciated if you're applying for a customer service or similar position. That same language may not be as useful if you're seeking a role in a law firm. Use your best judgment as you determine how much personality to put into any profile.

Use measurable achievements

We've already mentioned measurable achievements several times, but it's important to highlight them once again. Your resume profile should include at least one quantifiable accomplishment, backed by real numbers that demonstrate the value you've provided. For example:

  • Implemented new networking system that reduced downtime by 33%, improving both efficiency and productivity and providing 12% cost savings for the company
  • Led sales team effort that increased new customer acquisition by 13% while generating $12 million in new revenues in the first six months of the fiscal year
  • Created an online customer engagement program that increased website visits by 45%, enhanced new sales activities by 13%, and boosted revenues by 10% within one quarter of implementation

Resume profile examples you can use

As you might expect, your approach to creating a resume profile can also differ based on the type of job you're seeking. That's because different job roles require different skill sets, experiences, and personal qualities.

To get you started, we've compiled resume profile examples covering a wide variety of professions. You can use these professional profile examples as templates for your profile, or simply refer to them for guidance as you create your own unique resume opening.

Resume profile examples for students

Recent Information Technology graduate focused on operating and security software management. Seeking employment with a dynamic software firm in need of advanced networking and troubleshooting expertise. Experience includes a one-year internship with DynacorpX, providing testing and problem-resolution that helped increase company productivity by 14%.

Resume profile example for entry-level applicants

Friendly, detail-oriented, and organized customer service professional looking to be part of an energetic, mission-focused team.

  • Skilled at developing organizational processes, managing records, and engaging customers
  • Successfully resolved customer complaints, with 90% satisfaction rate while volunteering with FreshStart
  • Broad computer systems expertise, including database and presentation platforms

Resume profile example for career-changers

Personnel-focused Sales Team Leader with 10+ years of experience in team building, training, and sales program development. Looking to transition to a project management role to better use organizational and project implementation skills. While at ABC Corporation, successfully created and executed a sales process reorganization that cut waste by 45%, saving the company more than $40,000 per year.

Related : 21 Project Management Skills Every Project Manager Needs to Succeed

Resume profile example for a Graphic Designer

Dynamic and innovative Graphic Designer with 4 years of experience in the gaming and entertainment industry. Skilled in developing storyboards, character animation, typography, and general layouts. Creative successes include development work on more than 200 unique graphic design projects that helped to generate more than $300 million in revenue.

Resume profile example for a Marketing Manager

Creative Marketing Manager focused on data-driven solutions. More than 8 years of experience in building collaborative teams capable of overcoming any challenge. While at XYZ Inc., led a 10-person team responsible for broadening target audience by 200%, increasing company revenues by 120% over a three-year period. Expertise includes digital marketing campaigns focused on driving new customer acquisition and target audience engagement.

Resume profile example for an Accountant

Detail-oriented finance professional with 7 years of accounting expertise. Proficient in accounting best practices, including creation and management of financial reports, regulatory compliance, tax issues, and budget management and forecasting. Reorganized DEF Corporation's accounting department, reducing inefficiencies by 28%, cutting costs by 19%, and improving productivity by 33%.

Resume profile example for an Administrative Assistant

Reliable Administrative Assistant with 8 years of experience in office management and personal assistance. Comprehensive expertise in presentation development, scheduling management, reporting, and confidentiality. Reorganized filing and reporting systems at Beagle Law, improving client response times by 40%, reducing redundancies, and cutting labor costs by 12%.

Resume profile example for a Data Scientist

Fact-driven Data Scientist with 8 years of experience in data analysis, predictive modeling, and data mining. Proficient with SQL, Python, Tableau, and other common data visualization systems. While at DataCore, took the lead on development of new processes that increased decision-making efficiency by improving the company's ability to use data to gain useful insights. Project resulted in an 18% increase in overall departmental productivity.

Resume profile example for an HR Manager

Personnel-focused HR Manager with 7 years of experience managing human resources functions. Expertise in recruitment, onboarding processes, employee training and relations, and performance reviews. Designed AmAm's new HR policies to align with new firm policies, emphasizing progressive discipline and promotion of a positive work environment. Effort resulted in a 33% reduction in turnover and 43% increase in employee satisfaction.

Resume profile example for a Teacher

Results-oriented educator with 6 years of experience as a middle school Teacher. Expertise in crafting challenging but engaging lesson plans designed to encourage critical thinking and classroom participation in an inclusive way. Dedicated to professional development to stay abreast of current educational best practices and focused on enhancing each student's ability to achieve success. Specific competencies include English, US History, and Basic Civics.

Resume profile example for a Construction Manager

Task-oriented construction professional with more than 10 years of experience in both commercial and residential project management. Led teams responsible for completing more than 60 construction projects valued at more than $40 million dollars, with a 99% on-time and under-budget record of success. Bilingual (English and Spanish) manager with expertise in budget allocation, resource management, project estimates and implementation.

Craft the best possible intro for your resume!

No matter what type of resume profile you decide to use to introduce yourself to prospective employers, your goal should always be the same: to create a powerful and compelling message that inspires employers to read the rest of your resume. The tips and resume profile examples we've provided should ensure that you have everything you need to craft your own profile narrative.

Still not sure if your resume profile has what it takes to capture your reader's interest? Get a free resume review from our team of top experts today!

Recommended reading:

47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

The Best Resume Format to Get Hired

How to Advance Your Career (plus 10 Insightful Tips)

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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How to Write a Modern Resume: Expert Tips & Best Practices

How to Write a Modern Resume: Expert Tips & Best Practices

Madison Norton

Writing a modern resume can be tough. Many people have trouble picking the right format, showing their best skills, and making sure computers can read their resume. These challenges can make the process stressful. But don’t worry! We will show you everything you need to know to make a great modern resume. This guide will help you choose the right template, organize each section, and make your resume easy to read and professional.

Knowing how to write a modern resume is crucial in today’s job market. A modern resume not only highlights your skills and experiences but also makes sure your application stands out. We will guide you through each step, from choosing the right design to tailoring your resume for specific jobs. By the end, you’ll have a resume that is both eye-catching and effective.

  • What is a Modern Resume?

A modern resume is a professional document that effectively showcases a job seeker's skills, experience, and achievements in a concise and visually appealing format. It typically includes a summary, work experience, education, and skills, using clean designs and bullet points for readability. Modern resumes also incorporate optimized keywords to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Beyond the basic structure, a modern resume embraces technology and digital tools. Applicants often create digital versions that can be shared online, include links to professional profiles like LinkedIn, or even incorporate QR codes for easy access to portfolios or work samples. This approach reflects the candidate's familiarity with current trends and makes it easier for employers to evaluate their credentials quickly.

In an era where first impressions are increasingly made online, a modern resume serves as a crucial tool in presenting oneself professionally and effectively to potential employers.

Now that we understand what a modern resume is, let's explore how to write one effectively.

  • Modern Resume Example

modern resume example

  • How to Write a Modern Resume

Writing a modern resume involves several key steps to ensure it is both effective and visually appealing. Here’s how to craft each section:

  • Choose the Right Template : Start with a clean, professional template that is easy to read. Avoid overly complex designs; instead, opt for a layout that highlights your information clearly.
  • Create a Strong Summary : Write a concise summary at the top of your resume. This should be 2-3 sentences long and focus on your most impressive qualifications and career goals.
  • Detail Your Work Experience : List your work experience in reverse chronological order. For each job, include your title, the company name, dates of employment, and bullet points highlighting your key responsibilities and achievements. Use action verbs and quantify your accomplishments when possible.
  • Highlight Education : Include your educational background, starting with the most recent degree. Mention the institution, degree obtained, and graduation date. If you have relevant coursework or honors, list them.
  • Showcase Skills : Create a skills section that highlights your relevant hard and soft skills. Be specific and tailor this section to match the job description, using keywords that are likely to be picked up by ATS.
  • Include Additional Sections : Depending on your background, you might include sections for certifications, volunteer work, or professional memberships. These can provide a fuller picture of your qualifications.
  • Optimize for ATS : Use keywords from the job description throughout your resume. Avoid using images or graphics that ATS might not be able to read. Stick to standard fonts and clear, straightforward formatting.
  • Use the Right Colors : Choose a professional color scheme. Typically, one or two subtle colors can make your resume stand out without being distracting.
  • Proofread Carefully : Ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. A clean, error-free resume demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.

How to Use AI to Write a Modern Resume

Using AI to write a modern resume can streamline your job application process and ensure a polished, professional result. AI tools analyze job descriptions and industry standards to suggest relevant keywords, optimal phrasing, and effective formatting. Simply input your work history, education, skills, and achievements, and the AI will generate a tailored resume draft. This approach saves time and increases your chances of standing out to potential employers.

By following these steps, you can create a modern resume that effectively highlights your qualifications and makes a strong impression on potential employers.

Next, let’s delve into the differences between modern and traditional resumes, and how to choose the best format for your job search.

  • Modern vs Traditional Resume

Understanding the differences between a modern and traditional resume can help you choose the best format for your job search.

  • Content Presentation : Traditional resumes focus on detailed job descriptions and list work experience in chronological order. Modern resumes emphasize skills and achievements, using bullet points and concise statements to highlight key information.
  • Objective vs. Summary : Traditional resumes often start with a career objective. Modern resumes usually begin with a professional summary or personal branding statement that succinctly outlines the candidate's qualifications and career goals.
  • Technology Integration : Traditional resumes are primarily paper-based and not optimized for digital use. Modern resumes include hyperlinks to online profiles or portfolios, QR codes, and are formatted to be compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • Skills and Keywords : Traditional resumes list skills in a general manner without much emphasis on relevance to specific job descriptions. Modern resumes integrate keywords from job postings to enhance ATS compatibility and relevance.
  • Personal Branding : Traditional resumes have a limited focus on personal branding. Modern resumes highlight personal branding through tailored summaries, design elements, and the inclusion of personal or professional websites.
  • Length and Detail : Traditional resumes tend to be longer, with more detailed descriptions of each role. Modern resumes are concise, focusing on key achievements and relevant experiences to keep the document brief and impactful.

Choosing the right resume style depends on the industry, job role, and personal preferences. A modern resume can be more effective in tech-savvy and creative fields, while a traditional resume might be preferred in more conservative industries.

Next, let's focus on ensuring your contact information is clear and professional, which is essential for a modern resume.

  • Contact Information for a Modern Resume

Ensuring your contact information is clear and professional is essential for a modern resume.

  • Full Name : Use your full name at the top of the resume, making it prominent and easy to read.
  • Phone Number : Include a reliable phone number where you can be reached. Make sure your voicemail message is professional.
  • Email Address : Provide a professional email address, ideally your first and last name. Avoid using outdated or inappropriate email addresses.
  • LinkedIn Profile : Add a link to your LinkedIn profile. Ensure your profile is up-to-date and aligns with the information on your resume.
  • Personal Website or Portfolio : If applicable, include a link to your personal website or online portfolio to showcase your work.
  • Address : It's optional to include your full address. Many modern resumes now only list the city and state to maintain privacy and relevance.
  • Social Media Links : Only include social media links if they are professional and relevant to the job you are applying for.

Best Practices for Presenting Contact Information on a Modern Resume

1. formatting your contact information.

Place your contact details at the top, either centered or aligned to the left. Use a clean, readable font, and bold your name. Separate information with bullet points or vertical bars for clarity.

2. Ensuring Consistency Across Platforms

Make sure your resume matches your LinkedIn profile, personal website, and other professional platforms. Consistent information reinforces your professional image and helps employers verify your credentials.

3. Privacy Considerations

Avoid including sensitive personal information like your full address or birthdate. Listing just your city and state is usually enough. Ensure your contact details maintain your privacy and professionalism.

4. Using Professional Voicemail and Email

Ensure your voicemail message is professional, clear, and concise. Use a professional email address, and if needed, create a new account specifically for job applications.

5. International Job Applications

Include the appropriate country code with your phone number. Be mindful of time zones and mention your availability. Adapt your resume formatting to the preferences of the country you’re applying to.

6. QR Codes and Digital Contact Information

Incorporate QR codes for quick access to your LinkedIn profile or portfolio. Ensure the QR code works and directs to an updated, professional online presence.

7. Optimizing Contact Information for Modern Resumes

To optimize contact information for modern resumes, focus on clarity, professionalism, and digital integration. Present your contact details prominently and ensure they are consistent across all platforms. Use modern tools like QR codes for easy access to additional information, and maintain privacy by avoiding unnecessary personal details. This approach enhances your professional image and makes it easier for employers to reach you.

Let’s now see how to write individual sections of a modern resume, starting with crafting a compelling professional summary.

  • Crafting a Professional Summary for a Modern Resume
  • Keep it concise : Aim for 3-5 sentences summarizing your most relevant skills and experiences.
  • Highlight your strengths : Focus on your top skills and achievements that align with the job you're applying for.
  • Tailor it to the job : Customize your summary to match the job description and emphasize your suitability for the role.
  • Use strong action verbs : Start your sentences with powerful verbs to make your summary more dynamic.
  • Include quantifiable achievements : Whenever possible, mention specific accomplishments and metrics to demonstrate your impact.
  • Show your career progression : Indicate your career growth and how your past roles have prepared you for the current opportunity.
  • Maintain a professional tone : Keep your language formal and avoid casual phrases or jargon.

Good Example of a Professional Summary for a Modern Resume

Dynamic and results-driven marketing professional with over five years of experience in digital marketing, content creation, and social media strategy. Proven track record of increasing online engagement by 40% and boosting conversion rates by 25% through targeted campaigns. Adept at leveraging data analytics to inform decision-making and drive marketing success. Seeking to apply my expertise to the Marketing Manager role at JTwenty Inc., to further enhance brand presence and drive revenue growth.

Bad Example of a Professional Summary for a Modern Resume

Hi! I'm a marketing person with a few years of experience. I’ve done social media stuff and made some cool posts that got a lot of likes. I know how to use Facebook and Instagram and want to work at JTwenty Inc., to help with their marketing.

Next, let's focus on effectively highlighting key skills in your resume to make a strong impression on potential employers.

  • Highlighting Key Skills in a Modern Resume
  • Identify relevant skills : Focus on skills that are directly related to the job you're applying for.
  • Use a mix of hard and soft skills : Combine technical abilities with interpersonal skills to showcase a well-rounded profile.
  • Be specific : Avoid vague terms and clearly define each skill.
  • Organize logically : Group similar skills together and use bullet points for easy readability.
  • Include keywords : Incorporate terms from the job description to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • Provide context when possible : Mention where and how you applied the skills in your previous roles.
  • Keep it concise : Limit the list to the most critical skills, typically around 6-10 items.

Good Example of How to Write Your Modern Resume’s Skill Section

  • Project Management : Successfully led multiple projects from inception to completion, delivering on time and within budget.
  • Data Analysis : Proficient in using Excel and SQL to analyze data trends and provide actionable insights.
  • Communication : Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with experience presenting to stakeholders and clients.
  • Team Leadership : Demonstrated ability to manage and motivate teams, fostering a collaborative work environment.
  • Customer Service : Strong background in resolving customer issues and improving customer satisfaction rates.
  • Technical Proficiency : Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Cloud, and CRM software.

Bad Example of How to Write Your Modern Resume’s Skill Section

  • Good at projects
  • Talking to people
  • Leading teams
  • Customer stuff
  • Microsoft Office

Next, let's see how to structure your work experience to highlight your career progress and achievements effectively.

  • Structuring Work Experience in a Modern Resume
  • Start with your most recent job : List your work experiences in reverse chronological order.
  • Include essential details : For each job, mention the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.
  • Use bullet points for responsibilities and achievements : Clearly outline your key duties and accomplishments in each role.
  • Focus on achievements : Highlight your successes and contributions, using quantifiable metrics where possible.
  • Tailor to the job description : Emphasize experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Use action verbs : Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb to create a dynamic narrative.
  • Keep it concise : Aim for 3-5 bullet points per job to maintain readability and impact.

Good Example of Structuring Work Experience on a Modern Resume

Marketing Manager JTwenty Inc., New York, NY January 2018 – Present

  • Led a team of 10 in developing and executing digital marketing strategies, resulting in a 30% increase in online sales.
  • Managed a $500K annual marketing budget, optimizing spend to achieve a 20% reduction in costs while improving campaign effectiveness.
  • Implemented a data-driven approach to content creation, increasing website traffic by 45% and social media engagement by 50%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to launch new product lines, contributing to a 15% growth in market share.
  • Spearheaded a customer retention program that boosted repeat purchase rates by 25%.

Bad Example of Structuring Work Experience on a Modern Resume

Marketing JTwenty Inc., New York, NY 2018 – Now

  • Did digital marketing stuff and managed a team.
  • Handled the marketing budget.
  • Made content and worked with other teams.
  • Launched products.
  • Worked on customer retention.

Now, let's focus on how to present your educational background clearly and concisely.

  • Educational Background in a Modern Resume
  • List in reverse chronological order : Start with your most recent or highest degree first.
  • Include essential details : Mention the degree obtained, the institution name, location, and dates of attendance or graduation.
  • Highlight relevant coursework or projects : If applicable, list courses or projects that are directly related to the job you're applying for.
  • Include honors or awards : Note any academic honors, scholarships, or special recognitions.
  • Keep it concise : Provide enough detail to inform but keep it brief and focused on relevance.
  • Mention GPA (optional) : If your GPA is strong (typically above 3.5), you may choose to include it.

Good Example of How to Write Your Education Section in a Modern Resume

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Harvard Business School, Boston, MA Graduated: May 2020

  • Relevant Coursework: Strategic Management, Marketing Analytics, Financial Accounting
  • Honors: Dean’s List, Recipient of the Leadership Scholarship
  • GPA: 3.8/4.0

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of California, Berkeley, CA Graduated: May 2016

  • Relevant Coursework: Algorithms, Data Structures, Machine Learning, Database Systems
  • Projects: Developed a machine learning algorithm to predict stock market trends as part of the senior capstone project
  • Honors: Cum Laude, Member of the Computer Science Honor Society

Bad Example of How to Write Your Education Section in a Modern Resume

MBA Harvard 2020

  • Took management and marketing classes
  • Got a scholarship

Bachelor's Degree UC Berkeley 2016

  • Studied computer science stuff
  • Did a project on machine learning

Now, let's explore additional sections you can include in your modern resume to provide a comprehensive view of your qualifications.

  • Additional Sections in a Modern Resume
  • Certifications : List relevant certifications, including the issuing organization and the date obtained.
  • Volunteer Experience : Highlight volunteer work that demonstrates relevant skills and a commitment to the community.
  • Professional Affiliations : Include memberships in professional organizations that are pertinent to your field.
  • Languages : Indicate languages spoken and proficiency levels.
  • Technical Skills : Detail specific technical competencies, such as software, tools, and technologies.
  • Publications : Mention any relevant articles, books, or papers you have authored or co-authored.
  • Projects : Describe significant projects that showcase your skills and achievements, including context and outcomes.
  • Awards and Honors : List any awards or recognitions received, providing context for their significance.
  • Hobbies and Interests : Include if they are relevant to the job or demonstrate desirable qualities.
  • Professional Development : Detail any additional training, workshops, or seminars attended that are relevant to your career.

Now, let's discuss some tips for formatting and designing a modern resume to make it both visually appealing and effective.

  • Modern Resume Formatting and Design Tips
  • Keep it clean and simple : Use a minimalist design with plenty of white space.
  • Use professional fonts : Stick to standard, easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Maintain consistent formatting : Ensure uniformity in font sizes, bullet points, and heading styles.
  • Limit the length : Aim for a one-page resume if you have less than 10 years of experience; otherwise, two pages are acceptable.
  • Prioritize readability : Use clear section headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.
  • Include contact information at the top : Ensure your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn profile are easily accessible.
  • Use bold and italics sparingly : Highlight key points without overusing these features.
  • Optimize for ATS : Avoid images, charts, and tables that can confuse Applicant Tracking Systems.
  • Use consistent margins : Set uniform margins on all sides of the document.
  • Proofread carefully : Check for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies.

Next, let's weigh the benefits and drawbacks of using a modern resume format to understand its impact on your job application process.

  • Pros and Cons of Using a Modern Resume

Pros of Using a Modern Resume

Utilizing a modern resume format provides numerous advantages that can significantly improve your job application process:

  • Enhances readability : A clear and concise format ensures that recruiters can quickly and easily scan your resume for relevant information.
  • Highlights key skills : Modern resumes effectively showcase your most pertinent skills and abilities, making them stand out to potential employers.
  • Professional appearance : A clean and polished design creates a strong and positive first impression, demonstrating your attention to detail.
  • ATS-friendly : Optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems, modern resumes improve your chances of passing the initial electronic screening process.
  • Tailored content : The format allows for easy customization to align your resume with specific job descriptions and requirements.
  • Demonstrates modernity : Shows that you are current with job market trends and understand the expectations of today's employers.
  • Emphasizes achievements : Focuses on quantifiable results and successes, providing concrete evidence of your capabilities.
  • Improves organization : A structured layout helps present your information logically and coherently, making it easier for recruiters to follow.
  • Boosts engagement : Engages recruiters with dynamic and relevant content that holds their attention.
  • Supports branding : A consistent and professional format reinforces your personal brand, helping you stand out in a competitive job market.

Cons of Using a Modern Resume

While a modern resume format offers many benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • May require frequent updates : To stay relevant with changing trends and job market demands, a modern resume often needs regular updates and revisions.
  • Risk of over-formatting : Excessive design elements or creativity can sometimes detract from the content, making it harder for recruiters to find important information.
  • Potential ATS issues : Despite being optimized, certain design features might still confuse Applicant Tracking Systems, potentially leading to your resume being overlooked.
  • Time-consuming to create : Crafting a well-designed, modern resume can take more time and effort compared to a traditional resume format.
  • Needs customization for each job : To be most effective, a modern resume should be tailored to each specific job application, which can be labor-intensive.
  • Possible lack of substance : Focusing too much on style over substance might result in a visually appealing resume that lacks sufficient detail about your skills and experience.
  • Can be perceived as less serious : Some employers or industries might view a highly modern resume as unprofessional or less serious.
  • Requires design skills : Creating an aesthetically pleasing modern resume might require some design skills or familiarity with resume-building tools.
  • May not suit all industries : Certain traditional or conservative fields might prefer classic resume formats over modern ones.
  • Risk of distraction : Eye-catching elements and creative layouts could potentially distract recruiters from the actual content of your resume.
  • How to Select the Right Modern Resume Template

Choosing the right modern resume template is crucial for making a strong impression and effectively showcasing your qualifications:

  • Align with industry standards : Ensure the template fits the norms and expectations of your specific industry or field.
  • Prioritize readability : Select a template that presents information clearly, with a clean layout and plenty of white space.
  • Check ATS compatibility : Verify that the template is optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems, avoiding complex formatting that could cause issues.
  • Consider your experience level : Choose a template that accommodates the amount of experience you have, providing sufficient space for details without overcrowding.
  • Match your personal brand : The design should reflect your personal style and professional brand, enhancing your overall presentation.
  • Focus on functionality : Ensure that the template effectively organizes your information, making it easy for recruiters to find key details.
  • Adaptability : Look for a template that can be easily customized to tailor your resume to different job applications.
  • Professional appearance : Opt for a design that looks polished and professional, avoiding overly flashy or distracting elements.
  • Include sections for key information : Ensure the template has dedicated sections for essential details such as contact information, professional summary, work experience, education, and skills.
  • Test print and digital formats : Verify that the template looks good both in print and on screen, maintaining its readability and professional appearance in all formats.

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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Best Resume Format for 2024: Tips + Examples

Sudarshan Somanathan

Head of Content

July 25, 2024

You’ve been eyeing a company for months, and they’ve just posted the job opening you’ve been waiting for. 

But as you start the application process, you notice that over 500 people have already applied! How can you make your application stand out and secure that interview?

The key lies in crafting a powerful resume that grabs attention, passes through applicant tracking systems [ATS], and effectively showcases your professional experience and skills. 

Choosing a good resume format is crucial for presenting your strengths. Whether you want to highlight your career progression with a reverse chronological resume format , emphasize your skills with a functional resume , or take a balanced approach with a combination resume , the proper format can make all the difference.

If you’re unsure how to format your resume, don’t worry. This guide on the best resume formats will help bring you closer to your dream job. 💼 🚀 

Chronological resume format

Skill-based or functional resume format  , combination or hybrid resume format, factors to consider when choosing a career format , key elements to include in your resume, 1. professional resume template example by resume builder, 2. combination resume template example by myperfectresume, 3. creative resume template example by indeed, 4. modern resume template example by enhancv, 5. freelancer researcher resume template example by, streamlined resume drafting, targeted resume optimization, organized resume management, efficient resume collaboration, simplified job search, tips to improve your resume format, craft effective resumes for various industries with clickup .

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Understanding Different Resume Formats for Job Seekers

The average time a recruiter spends screening a resume is 7.4 seconds . With such limited time to grab their attention, you must have a visually appealing resume. 

But every job seeker is unique, and your personal preferences, background, and circumstances play a role in your final resume format. So there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to drafting a resume.

For instance, a reverse chronological format might not be the best choice if you’ve had a long career break between jobs. On the other hand, if your skills, technical or otherwise, are your strongest asset, a functional resume could be more effective. The key is to highlight your strengths and minimize any gaps.

Let’s explore different resume formats and resume format examples to help you pick the one that suits you best.

The most common format for writing resumes is chronological. This format primarily focuses on your work experience , listing the positions you’ve held in reverse chronological order , with the most recent ones at the top.

It’s a conventional choice for most job seekers, as it provides a clear and detailed account of your career progression, making it a safe bet when choosing a resume format.

Pros and cons of chronological resume formats
Easy to follow and showcases growth in a clear, linear career progressionShowcases visual gaps in employment history
Preferred by employers and ATS softwareLimits the focus on your skills and specific accomplishments
Highlights stability and shows the most recent information firstIt does not showcase relevant experience from different fields

When to choose the chronological resume format: This format might be ideal if you’ve had a steady career trajectory within a specific industry, such as ten years in marketing, where you’ve progressed from a marketing executive to a marketing manager.

Recruiters are accustomed to and prefer this format, so this is the best choice if you have a standard, traditional career path.

Resume example:

Chronological resume format example

Rather than focusing on your professional experience, this format highlights your skill set . It begins with a comprehensive skills section positioned upfront, preceding the details of your work experience.

Since the central focus is on your skills, each skill is typically introduced as a heading, supported by bullet points showcasing its relevance and demonstrating your proficiency in that area.

Pros and cons of functional resume format
Showcases your most relevant skills and unique talentsHiring managers might find it challenging to understand the skill relevance
Highlights transferable skills to the new industry in case of an industry changeMay raise questions about employment gaps or career path
Allows candidates to emphasize their strengths and accomplishmentsMay be less compatible with ATS software

When to choose a functional resume format : This format is ideal if you have gaps in your employment history or are transitioning to a new career . 

It allows you to effectively highlight your relevant skills and abilities, making it a strategic choice for those navigating career changes or periods of employment gaps.

Functional resume example:

Functional resume format example

Are you a seasoned professional with solid skills and career progression to showcase? 

Opting for a combination or hybrid resume might be your best approach. 

This format begins with a substantial skills section highlighting your key competencies upfront, followed by a comprehensive work experience section detailing your career trajectory and achievements.

This resume format is particularly favored by professionals with extensive experience and a diverse skill set, as it allows them to present their skills and work history cohesively.

Pros and cons of hybrid resume format
Combines the best of chronological and functional resume formatsCan be challenging to create and structure effectively
Suitable for a wide range of job types and industriesCan be lengthy if not carefully edited and potentially overwhelming to hiring managers
Allows for detailed presentation of skills with a clear employment timelineFaces issues with ATS software if not formatted correctly

When to choose a hybrid resume format: This format is ideal for seasoned professionals with over seven years of experience. It is tailored to highlight a combination of skills and relevant experience. 

It’s particularly beneficial for professionals starting a new job in a different industry where their existing skills and expertise are valuable.

Hybrid resume example:

Hybrid resume example

How to Choose the Best Resume Format

Choosing the proper resume format based on your career level, industry, and experience is half the battle won. Let’s break down the key factors to help you make this decision.

There are two factors you must take into account: your career level and the type of industry.

Career level     

Applicants at different career levels must choose different resume formats. 

  • Entry-level applicants: Chronological or functional

Reason: A chronological format highlights your education, internship experiences, and part-time work in a structured timeline. A functional format emphasizes your skills since you have limited professional work experience. 

  • Mid-level applicants: Chronological or combination 

Reason: A chronological resume showcases steady career progression and relevant job experiences, while a combination format allows you to highlight work habits and skills and provide a detailed work history for career advancement.

  • Senior-level applicants: Chronological or combination

Reason: A chronological resume demonstrates extensive experience in a clear timeline, while a combination format accommodates significant accomplishments and a robust work history. These factors make them ideal for showcasing the expertise of seasoned professionals.

Industry type

The type of industry you presently work in or aim to work in also determines your resume format choice. Let’s look at ideal resume formats for different industries: 

  • Corporate (finance, consulting, management) : Chronological

Reason: A chronological format resume emphasizes steady, consistent career progression, showcasing stability and growth, which is highly valued in these industries.

  • Technology (IT, software development) : Chronological or combination

Reason: The chronological format is ideal for professionals with stable career growth and solid industry experience who wish to showcase their skills in a structured timeline. 

On the other hand, the combination format is great for listing technical skills and significant projects while providing a clear and detailed career history.

  • Healthcare (medicine, nursing, research) : Chronological

Reason: Demonstrates a clear progression of roles and responsibilities, crucial in the healthcare industry where experience and tenure are critical.

  • Creative (design, marketing, media): Functional or combination

Reason : A functional format emphasizes skills and abilities essential to the creative industry, particularly for freelancers or individuals working on multiple projects. A combination format allows you to highlight creative skills while maintaining an easy-to-read structure.

Certain elements must be present regardless of your resume format to ensure its effectiveness. Here’s a checklist you can rely on: 

  • Personal information: Include details such as name, phone number, and email address. Add a (clickable) link to your LinkedIn profile and professional website or portfolio to add to your credibility
  • Professional summary: Highlight your career goals, key skills, and what you bring to the role within a couple of lines. Tailor this summary to the role you’re applying for by emphasizing relevant skills and experience
  • Key skills: Write pointers on your most relevant hard and soft skills for the job. Soft skills may include problem-solving, leadership, etc., whereas examples of hard skills (or technical skills) include web development, data analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), etc
  • Education: Mention your degrees, the name of the college or university, location, and graduation year. You should also mention relevant diplomas, associate degrees, apprenticeships, and other coursework to highlight your formal education
  • Certifications and licenses: Emphasize your expertise and stand out by showcasing verified skills and professional credibility by adding details of relevant licenses and certificates

💡 Pro tip: Leverage a career map template to identify the skills required for future roles. Compare these with your current skills to spot gaps and plan your development.

5 Resume Examples and Templates

Feeling overwhelmed about where to begin or how to format your resume? 

Here are five resume templates to inspire and help you build your resume quickly.

Resume format example from Resume Builder

Designed with technical professionals in mind, this resume template perfectly presents your skills and experience. 

It allows you to seamlessly input personal information, education qualifications, and work experience. A standout feature is its unique presentation of skills, designed to capture the recruiter’s attention immediately.

These technical resume template examples show a high level of professionalism and organization. They feature a personal objective statement, a dedicated section for educational qualifications, and professional fonts for a polished look.

Resume format examples from Myperfectresume

This combination resume template divides the resume into two vertical sections, enhancing readability and visual appeal for potential hiring managers and employers. It provides a balanced approach, allowing you to highlight your skills and work history concisely and comprehensively.

A well-planned color scheme visually separates these sections and adds to the aesthetic appeal. 

Plus, the chosen font style and size ensure clarity and professionalism throughout the document, making it particularly suitable for technical fields where detail and precision are crucial.

Resume format examples from Indeed

This modern resume template features a minimalist style. It’s perfect for professionals looking to showcase their individuality, creativity, and succinctness. 

It follows a chronological format, prioritizing work experience initially and briefly listing skills towards the end.

Key section titles stand out in blue, enhancing visual appeal and navigation ease. This blend of minimalism and practical functionality makes the template an excellent choice for job seekers who want to present their relevant qualifications effectively.

Resume format examples by Enhancv

The template is designed for those who want to inject creative design into their resume. It lets you briefly define yourself in a single line beneath your name, emphasizing your unique qualifications and suitability for the job.

One standout feature is the donut chart, which visually depicts how you manage and allocate your time through a diagram. 

This resume format template also includes dedicated columns for languages, passions, and achievements and a focused section for relevant technical skills crucial to the role.

With the basic resume layout divided into two clear sections, this template ensures you can provide comprehensive information about yourself without overwhelming the page.

💡Pro tip: Customize project management resume templates (like the one above) to focus on your achievements rather than just listing responsibilities. Quantify your impact where possible, such as increases in product adoption rates, revenue growth, or successful product launches.

Freelancer researcher resume template example by Template.Net

You might need to extend your resume to two pages if you’re a freelancer or a seasoned professional with over ten years of experience. 

This visually striking resume template features a background color theme that immediately draws attention. It begins with a focused skills section followed by your job experience, following the functional resume format.

The resume is structured in clear sections. It utilizes a three-color scheme to distinguish and organize different aspects of your background. This approach enhances visual appeal and ensures clarity and emphasis on crucial details.

How to Create and Format a Resume

Drafting just one resume won’t cut it. What opens doors is tailoring your resume to fit specific job descriptions and roles.

And for that level of customization, you need more than just a basic resume template.

That’s where ClickUp steps up.

ClickUp is a powerful productivity platform that can be leveraged to create and manage the entire resume-building process.

Below are the key benefits of using ClickUp to craft the perfect resume:

ClickUp Docs with ClickUp Brain can be used to write and refine your resume.

ClickUp Brain

ClickUp Brain, the platform’s AI feature, provides intelligent suggestions and prompts to help you craft compelling resume content highlighting your skills and experiences. This allows you to create a living document that is easy to edit and update as your background changes.

ClickUp Docs

ClickUp’s AI-driven insights can analyze your resume and provide personalized recommendations to optimize it for specific job postings. 

This helps ensure your resume is tailored to the requirements of each role, increasing your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.

ClickUp’s robust project management capabilities allow you to stay on top of your job search. 

The Docs Hub allows you to store resume versions and manage all your job-related documents and assets in one centralized location.

ClickUp’s Docs Hub

ClickUp makes it easy to collaborate with others on your resume. 

Within the platform, you can invite colleagues, mentors, or certified professional resume writers to review and provide feedback on your resume drafts.

ClickUp Docs

ClickUp offers many pre-built templates that streamline your professional life, including job search management. These templates help you start quickly and provide a structured framework to organize your work.

The ClickUp Job Search Template offers a range of customizable views to help you stay organized and on top of your job search efforts

The ClickUp Job Search Template enables you to track job openings, application status, company ratings, and more, all within the ClickUp platform. 

With this template, you can:

  • Create tasks for each job opportunity you’re interested in, complete with details like the job title, company, and application deadline
  • Update the status of your job applications as you progress through the hiring process, from initial submission to final decision
  • Assign ratings to companies based on factors like culture, benefits, and growth potential to help guide your decision-making 

💡Pro tip: Use skills management software to create a comprehensive inventory of your skills, including technical, soft, and industry-specific competencies.

Looking to take your resume to the next level? These tips to improve your resume format will help you differentiate yourself from the competition and highlight your skills and unique value add.

  • Formatting: Keep a 0.5 to 1-inch margin on all sides for neat resume formatting. Use easy-to-read and professional fonts with sizes between 10 and 12. Use a professional, well-structured format
  • Bullet points: Divide your resume into sections and use bullet points to add details about your job experience, skills, and certifications to make it easy to read for the recruiter 
  • Length: Keep the resume length restricted to one page unless you have over ten years of experience or need to list your publishing history. Try not to exceed the length of a two-page resume in any case
  • File type: Ensure your resume is in a PDF format to preserve its structure and layout. Name your resume file as ‘Name_Resume’ for easy identification
  • Objective statement: Begin your resume with a concise personal statement or career summary outlining your professional goals and strengths
  • Keywords: Customize your resume for each job application by incorporating relevant keywords from the job description. This strategy improves your resume’s chances of passing through applicant tracking systems

Crafting a well-structured resume in a suitable format is essential for standing out in a competitive job market and advancing to the next stage of the hiring process.

Ensure your resume format and structure are tailored to match the job role, your career level, and your target industry. Try out the resume format examples listed above and see what works for you.

Use ClickUp Docs and ClickUp Brain to help you draft an impactful resume tailored to different job titles and roles, incorporating the necessary keywords and ideal format type.

Sign up for ClickUp and take the first step towards securing your dream job with a polished and effective resume.

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How to list awards and qualifications on your resume.

how to write a summary of qualifications for resume

Senior Associate, JPMorgan Chase

how to write a summary of qualifications for resume

From making it on the dean’s list to being Salesperson of the Year, highlighting notable distinctions on your resume is a great way to stand out . After all, hiring managers are looking for the best possible candidates and are eager to hire high-achieving individuals that go above and beyond .

But what awards should you include on your resume? And how do you explain the awards in a way that will stand out to hiring managers? Here are some tips when it comes to including your achievements and awards on your resume.

What are the types of awards to include on a resume

Many different kinds of awards stand out to hiring managers. Even those you received in high school or college can make an impact when it comes to getting a job. Here are some of the more popular types of awards to consider listing on your resume:

Academic awards

  • Academic achievements: AP Scholar Award, the National Merit ® Scholarship Program, dean’s list
  • Scholarships
  • Research or project grants
  • Honor societies
  • Departmental awards
  • University-based awards

Professional awards

  • Performance-based awards
  • Employee awards
  • Leadership and mentorship awards
  • Peer awards

Miscellaneous awards

  • Professional association awards
  • Arts and culture awards
  • Community service awards

What information should I include about awards on a resume

Deciding what information to include about your awards on your resume depends on the specific award. For example, most people have some idea about the qualifying criteria for more prominent academic awards like the dean’s list and the Rhodes Scholarship. However, they may not know what qualifies you for Employee of the Month or Salesperson of the Year at a particular job. This is why it’s important to include some basic information when you have awards on your resume.

Some basic information to include:

  • Date awarded
  • Who presented you with the award: Company, university, organization, etc.
  • Purpose of award: Explain why the award is given out and what it recognizes
  • How competitive is the award? Share the pool of participants you were chosen from
  • Your qualifications for the award: Why they gave it to you, what goals you met, etc.

How to explain the importance of your award on a resume

Explaining the importance of an award succinctly on a resume isn’t easy. Like listing accomplishments from a job on a resume, utilize action words and get specific about your achievements that led to you receiving the award. For example, if you got Salesperson of the Year for beating sales goals by 20% at your last job, that’s worth including.

Know where to include your awards on your resume

There’re a few different areas to include awards on your resume potentially.

Under experience or education

You can put the awards in your education and experience sections under the company, organization, or college or university that awarded it. Putting your awards here can help tie your work responsibilities or educational achievements together all in one place.

Here’s an example of what an award might look like under the education section:

Bachelor of Arts in Communication | University of South Carolina

Graduation: Spring 2020

Dean’s List, Spring 2018–Fall 2019

Dedicated award section

If you’d prefer to put all your awards in one place, you can create an “Awards” section on your resume. Under this section, list all the awards that you want to highlight. Below is an example of what an awards section might look like on your resume.

Outstanding Employee Achievement Award, Cali Company, Los Angeles, CA

  • Awarded to one employee each quarter out of 250+ company employees
  • Recognized for my role as head of employee recognition programs and community service development in the Los Angeles office
  • Developed operational procedures saving the company $250k annually in operating expenses, launched partnership opportunities, and assisted with office redesign

Final thoughts

Including awards on your resume is an excellent way to stand out from the thousands of applicants you may be up against. Whether academic or professional, showcasing your ability to make an impact and create change can put you ahead of resumes without those achievements.

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  1. How To Write a Summary of Qualifications (With Examples)

    Image description. A man holds a pencil and smiles next to a list with the title "How To Write a Summary of Qualifications" and these steps: 1. Use quantifiable information2. Write your summary in the active voice3. Avoid using "I" or "my" or pronouns4. Let keywords guide your writing5. Start with an action verb6.

  2. Summary of Qualifications for a Resume (With Examples)

    On your resume. If you want to include your pronouns on your resume, you can simply add these under your name in the header. Include it before you list your contact information. If you'd prefer to not add more information to your resume, you can always clarify this in your cover letter, beneath your signature.

  3. Summary of Qualifications: Examples & Writing Guide

    Here are some examples of details to highlight: Years of experience. Key hard and soft skills. Successful projects. Awards and recognitions. Leadership positions. Make sure that each bullet point in your qualifications summary showcases new, relevant, measurable achievements from different parts of your career.

  4. Summary of Qualifications on a Resume: Examples & How To

    Let's jump right in—. Here's a good example of a summary of qualifications for a resume: Example of Summary of Qualifications—Customer Service. Friendly customer service representative with 4+ years of experience and skills in telesales and leadership. Seeking to boost upsell rate at Purple Dolphin Components.

  5. Summary of Qualifications for a Resume: 20+ Examples

    Summary of Qualifications Example. Customer Service Representative with 8+ years experience in high-volume call centers. Maintained 99% positive customer survey rank at On Point Electronics. Scored 38% higher-than-average customer retention for all call-ins. Chosen as a target example for other reps during trainings.

  6. How To Write an Effective Resume Summary (With Examples)

    Look for keywords and consistent themes. Rank the themes in accordance to your strengths and the requirements of the job. Then draft your summary and revise until it resonates with you. Strive to create a feeling of pride when read your summary, and ask others who know you for confirmation. — Carolynn Bruce, SHRM-SCP.

  7. Resume Summary of Qualifications: Complete Guide for 2024

    Writing an Effective Resume Summary of Qualifications. A well-crafted summary of qualifications can be the difference between getting an interview and being overlooked by hiring managers. To create an effective summary, it's imperative to keep in mind the specific employer and job you're applying for.

  8. How to Write a Summary of Qualifications for Your Resume

    Keep your qualification summary brief and on the spot. Every bullet point should be one line long in order to keep your resume neat and intelligible. Use active voice to convey a more impactful message. Avoid using words such as 'I,' 'me,' or 'my;' start your clauses with action verbs instead.

  9. How to write a qualifications summary on a resume

    A qualifications summary is one of three options for a resume introduction that begins by showcasing the most relevant and influential aspects of the candidate's experience, such as their major achievements, skills and qualifications. Contrary to the resume objective or summary statement, a qualifications summary is written in bullet point ...

  10. How To Write a Summary of Qualifications

    Highlight your experience. Since you want to show that you are a qualified candidate, your summary should emphasize your relevant professional or academic experience. Remember, always tailor your summary to the job you're applying to. Think about what experiences would seem impressive to a hiring manager. Make it clear that you have relevant ...

  11. How To Write a Summary of Qualifications for Your Resume

    Here are the steps for creating a summary of qualifications, including examples for each: 1. Describe your expertise. Experience relates to how well you know your field or industry and how much time you have spent learning your role. A summary of this qualification demonstrates how your knowledge will benefit the employer.

  12. Summary of Qualifications (With Examples)

    A summary of qualifications is a short highlight of notable work history, skills, and achievements. The summary acts as a quick preview of the top reasons an employer may consider going through your entire resume. The need for a summary of qualifications depends on the job you are applying for or your perception of its necessity.

  13. Summary of Qualifications

    How to write a qualifications summary. In your qualifications summary, you can include sentences/bullets for: How many years you've worked professionally in your area of expertise, and relate your main job description and/or professional achievement related to the job that you are applying for. What kind of degree (s) you've earned, and any ...

  14. How to Add a Summary of Qualifications to a Resume [+Examples]

    Examples of Qualifications Summary for Management Positions. Successfully led a team of 25 to increase growth and revenue by 30% over ten years. Reduced staff turnover by 59% by implementing a range of staff satisfaction measures. Increased department profits by 7% in the first 12 months.

  15. Crafting a Powerful Summary of Qualifications for Your Resume: Tips and

    If you're writing a summary of qualifications for fresh graduates, ensure you include the internship and relevant hard skills. This way, you can demonstrate your capabilities and work experience even though you haven't worked full-time. Fast learner with a can-do attitude. Able to motivate other members within a team.

  16. How To Write a Summary of Qualifications (2024 Examples)

    Below is a summary of qualifications for a teacher resume: 20 years experience working as a secondary level school teacher. Designed a curriculum that provided students with extensive knowledge and practical application skills. Achieved teacher of the year for three years in a row. Contributed to the high rate of secondary school students going ...

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    The resume summary has replaced the objective statement in most modern resumes - and for good reason. ... How to write your own resume profile: tips ... If you use a summary of qualifications, include just one or two brief sentences and three or four bullet points. Choose the best profile type for your job search needs.

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    Create a Strong Summary: Write a concise summary at the top of your resume. This should be 2-3 sentences long and focus on your most impressive qualifications and career goals. Detail Your Work Experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order. For each job, include your title, the company name, dates of employment, and ...

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    Professional summary: Highlight your career goals, key skills, and what you bring to the role within a couple of lines. Tailor this summary to the role you're applying for by emphasizing relevant skills and experience ... and practical functionality makes the template an excellent choice for job seekers who want to present their relevant ...

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    How to write resume qualifications statements. There are several important strategies to keep in mind when writing each of the qualifications for your summary. Use the following tips to craft impressive and eye-catching bullet points for this section of your resume: 1. Use quantifiable data.

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    How to explain the importance of your award on a resume. Explaining the importance of an award succinctly on a resume isn't easy. Like listing accomplishments from a job on a resume, utilize action words and get specific about your achievements that led to you receiving the award.

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